a list of emotions
a list of emotions
www.emotional.economics.uni‐mainz.de www.waelde.com Languages Deutsch Abscheu Schmerz Bewunderung English abhorrence ache, pain admiration Zuneigung Aggressivität Agonie, Todesqual affection, fondness aggressiveness agony Altruismus Verblüffung Wut Seelenqual Ängstlichkeit Befürchtung Besorgnis Erstaunen Ehrfurcht Langeweile Verdruss Fröhlichkeit Mitgefühl Zwang Verachtung Zufriedenheit Schwermütigkeit Verlangen Verzweiflung Hingabe Enttäuschung Missbilligung Ekel Bestürztheit Geringschätzung Verstörtheit Leidwesen Misstrauen Zweifel Furcht Begeisterung Peinlichkeit, Verlegenheit Empathie Genuss, Vergnügen Bezauberung altruism amazement anger, fury anguish anxiety apprehension apprehension astonishment awe boredom chagrin cheerfulness compassion compulsion contempt contentment dejection, gloom desire despair devotion disappointment disapproval disgust dismay disregard distraction distress distrust doubt dread elation embarrassment empathy enjoyment enthrallment Classifications Izard (1994) cited in Sell (2008) Elster (1998) Primary Emotion Primary Emotion Social Emotion Compound Emotion ‐ Beziehungsemotion Compound Emotion ‐ Zielemotion Primary Emotion Social Emotion Borderline Case Compound Emotion ‐ Empathie‐Emotion Primary Emotion Borderline Case Counterfactual Emotion Primary Emotion Borderline Case Primary Emotion Compound Emotion ‐ Beziehungsemotion Primary Emotion Counterfactual Emotion Borderline Case www.emotional.economics.uni‐mainz.de www.waelde.com Neid Erbitterung Aufregung Ekstase Angst Bösartigkeit Frustration Trübsinn Gier envy exasperation excitement extasy fear ferocity frustration gloom greed Compound Emotion ‐ Empathie‐Emotion Emotion about Borderline Case Compound Emotion ‐ Zielemotion Kummer Schuldgefühl grief guilt Hass Hoffnung Entsetzen Feindseligkeit Demütigung, Erniedrigung hatred Hope horror hostility Gelassenheit imperturbability, aplomb Gleichgültigkeit Compound Emotion ‐ indifference; collousness Empathie‐Emotion Empörung Unsicherheit Beleidigung Interesse Verärgerung Primary Emotion Primary Emotion Compound Emotion ‐ Beziehungsemotion Emotion as reaction to events Social Emotion Social Emotion Emotion about Primary Emotion humiliation indignation insecurity insult interest irritation Eifersucht jealousy Freude joy, delight Verschwendung Gefallen, Neigung Verliebtsein Abscheu Einsamkeit lavishness liking limerence loathing loneliness Sehnsucht, Verlangen longing Häme Melancholie Elend malice melancholy misery Bescheidenheit Emotion about others' possessions modesty Emotion about others' possessions Primary Emotion Borderline Case Compound Emotion ‐ Empathie‐Emotion Emotion about others' possessions Emotion as reaction to events Primary Emotion Compound Emotion ‐ Zielemotion Social Emotion Borderline Case Emotion about others' possessions Compound Emotion ‐ Zielemotion www.emotional.economics.uni‐mainz.de www.waelde.com Missachtung, Gleichgültigkeit Gönnen Panik neglect not to begrudge so. to sth.; to grant so. sth. panic Geiz Leidenschaft parsimony passion Mitleid Vergnügen Stolz, Hochmut Rage Entzücken Bedauern Frohlocken Erleichterung, Befreiung Reue Unmut Ekel romantische Liebe Traurigkeit Befriedigung Sicherheit pity pleasure, joy pride rage rapture regret rejoicing relief repentance, remorse resentment revulsion romantic love Sadness satisfaction security Egoismus sexuelles Begehren Scham selfishness sexual desire shame Unterwerfung Leiden Überraschung Sympathie Anspannung Schreck submission suffering surprise sympathy tension terror Toleranz Qual, Peinigung tolerance torment Vertrauen Wachsamkeit Machttrieb Leid Sorge Anbetung Zorn Lust Lebensfreude trust vigilance will to power woe worry worship wrath zest zest for life, vitality Compound Emotion ‐ Empathie‐Emotion Compound Emotion ‐ Zielemotion Compound Emotion ‐ Empathie‐Emotion Primary Emotion Social Emotion Counterfactual Emotion Counterfactual Emotion Primary Emotion Borderline Case Compound Emotion ‐ Zielemotion Primary Emotion Compound Emotion ‐ Zielemotion Primary Emotion Borderline Case Social Emotion Borderline Case Primary Emotion Compound Emotion ‐ Empathie‐Emotion Compound Emotion ‐ Beziehungsemotion Compound Emotion ‐ Zielemotion Borderline Case Primary Emotion