Newsletter #1 - IES
Newsletter #1 - IES
Internet-Enabled Services for the Cities across Europe At a glance Project 2 Project 4 Rovereto 7 Past 10 Future 11 Newsletter #1 December 2013 © gruppo fotoamatori Rovereto Internet-Enabled Services for the Cities across Europe i Project overview At a glance Title: Internet-Enabled Services for the CITIES across Europe Instrument: Pilot Type B - CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 Total Cost: 4,200,002 € EC Contribution: 2,100,000 € Duration: 3 years Start Date: 1 March 2013 Consortium: 13 partners from 5 countries Project Coordinator: Mr Jorge Pérez Velasco Key Words: Smart cities, open-platform, super prosumer, user-centred services, open appication marketplace 2/14 IES Cities: A novel and practical way of building the digital identity of a City Why internet-enabled services in “Smart” cities now and not before? Cities need to be sustainable, offering the best possible services to the citizen in a resource-efficient manner and leveraging the cities’ current sensor and data infrastructures and citizens’ devices (smartphones); thus improving the overall quality of life of their citizens and the environment. So far, the Cities’ business model was based on the income obtained from taxes and councils’ land sale. However, this model is not valid any longer. Cities must make a better use of their deployed infrastructure whilst leveraging from the increasing IT savvy citizens who consider ICT technology as a facility to enhance their daily activities within the city. The IES Cities project was born as a means to address the above challenges. It adapts and integrates technical components and tools in the areas of Linked Data management, service prosuming and social data mining obtained in earlier projects. IES Cities aims to validate Internet-enabled services consumed by citizens in the form of mobile urban apps that are based on an open platform Newsletter #1 where the information is obtained from Open Government Data and enriched through citizens’ contributions. By enabling a city-wide ecosystem of urban apps that exploit the city knowledge made public by the councils and enriched by their citizenships an open innovation system is established where companies, citizens and councils interact and collaborate towards achieving a Smarter City, i.e. a city that actually addresses and meets the needs of the actual citizens. IES Cities provides the tools to facilitate the use of an open technological platform in dif- ferent cities across Europe, allowing the citizens to produce and consume internet-based services based on their own and external data related to the cities. By using this platform, citizens are no longer mere consumers of information - they are ‘prosumers’ - that is providers, producers and consumers of information from their smartphone’s apps. IES Cities is unique as no project has dedicated so much to considering the impact that users can have on improving the open data on which services are usually based. PROJECT PARTNERS 1. Fundación Tecnalia Research and Innovation (ES) 8. Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza (ES) 2. University of Deusto. Deustotech (ES) 9. Ayuntamiento de Majadahonda (ES) 3. Bristol City Council (UK) 10. Geko Navsat S.L. (ES) 4. Knowle West Media Centre (UK) 11. EUROHELP Consulting S.L (ES) 5. Toshiba Europe Research Labs (UK) 12. Amis d.o.o. (SI) 6. Comune di Rovereto (IT) 13. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (DE) 7. Fondazione Bruno Kessler (IT) Table 1. Project partners IES Cities EU Project 3/14 Internet-Enabled Services for the Cities across Europe i Project status, Technical point of view IES CITIES will give place to a fully validated urban apps enabling platform. Such platform, assembling and integrating results obtained by consortium partners at earlier projects in the domains of Linked Data, Social Data Mining and Service Prosuming through mobile devices, will be available for any council willing to promote their citizens’ and companies’ open innovation, so that they can give place to a urban apps ecosystem that exploits both city’s provided data, through open data repositories and wireless sensor networks, and user-generated data provided by the citizens themselves by interacting with their city by 4/14 means of IES CITIES apps. Proofs of concept of diverse nature IES CITIES apps are planned to be trialled in 4 different European cities, namely Zaragoza, Bristol, Rovereto and Majadahonda. Across four small / medium sized cities in three European countries, the aim is to assess across 4 different European cities, medium and small size ones in three different countries, the economic and social impact of enabling Smarter Cities through user-driven urban apps. The main challenges for the first year of the project are, on the one hand, to establish the Newsletter #1 BRISTOL MAJADAHONDA ROVERETO ZARAGOZA IES Cities App Store (IES Cities Player) MyBristol Democratree Majadahonda Healty City Majadahonda Sports Network Assisted Living & Majadahonda Smart Office Monte del Pilar Community Dashboard Majadahonda Leisure & Events Esplora Rovereto Viaggia Rovereto Complaints & Suggestions Collaborative Maps (DIY Maps) Real-time Viability ZGZ Apps Rovereto Cycling Map ZGZ Rutas Table 2. List of identified apps that will be deployed in the mentioned cities. foundations of the project mainly working on the design and definition of the IES Cities platform, including its architecture and the services to be validated in each pilot city. During the second half of the first year, we will focus on the adaptation and implementation of the main components of the IES Cities platform as well as the preparation and launching of the engagement campaigns in order to gather the critical mass of users for the pilots. So far, since the beginning of the project, 1st March 2013, progress has been achieved, adjusted to project planning, mainly in WP1 – Definition of the scenarios and platform design and WP6 – Dissemination, IPR and exploitation of the results. The following set of the deliverables have already been completed and submitted to the European Commission: • D1.1 User Requirements • D1.2 Scenarios and Services • D1.3 IES Cities Platform Architecture v1 • D6.1.1 Dissemination Plan v1 • D6.2 Factsheet, Logo and Presentation v1 • D6.5 IES Cities Website IES Cities EU Project • D6.6 Social Network Profiles • D7.1.1 Consortium Operating Procedures v1 From a technical point of view, the deliverables completed have allowed us to: • Understand better the needs of the different user collectives that will make use of the IES CITIES platform, namely citizens, councils and developers, and the apps developed on top of it. • Define a list of IES CITIES apps (services) on which the different city trials will be based. • Specify the software architecture of the IES CITIES solution, both its client and server-side, integrating contributions achieved through the participation of consortium partners in earlier projects, in the domains of Linked Data, Social Data Mining, and Service Prosuming through mobile devices. • Give place to the dissemination plan and generate the first dissemination artefacts, e.g. Factsheet, Logo and Presentation, website and creation and population of social network site profiles. 5/14 Internet-Enabled Services for the Cities across Europe i First IES Cities apps for Majadahonda and Zaragoza 1. Zaragoza complaints and suggestions. The service will allow Zaragoza´s citizens to send complaints and suggestions about public services, as well as report problems detected in the public space. This will be done via the mobile phone and it will be possible to include the geographical coordinates of the incident and a photograph. The city council, in return, will inform the citizens about the status of the incident (fixed, on going or pending). 6/14 2. Majadahonda leisure and events. The service allows users to obtain information of the leisure and cultural offer of the city, both private and public, filtered by their preferences. The user gets all the information of the selected event (date, time, price, geolocation, availability, type of target user, etc.). In addition, the service sends alerts to registered users which fit their profile. Newsletter #1 © gruppo fotoamatori Rovereto Rovereto Pilot Our first focus is on the Pilot Site of Rovereto. The main objective of this pilot is to deploy at a full-scale the “smart city” concept (through the development, adoption, integration, deployment and validation of advanced ICT solutions), focusing in giving an added value to the mobility and transport systems in Rovereto and its surrounding area. The partners involved in this Pilot are the Municipality of Rovereto and Fondazione Bruno Kessler. The Municipality of Rovereto is the public authority that represents the town community of a medium-small city, of about 39.000 inhabitants, situated in the north-east of Italy, in the Region Trentino-Alto Adige, specifically in the Lagarina Valley. To provide the services and satisfy the needs for a community of this size, The Municipality employs almost 500 people, structured in various Offices and Departments IES Cities EU Project that cover most of the cultural, social, technical and administrative requirements of the community. Given the peculiarity of this area then, both in the geographical and political aspects (geographically, Trentino-Alto Adige consists prevalently in mountains and small valleys, and politically is one of the five Italian regions with a special, more independent administration, 7/14 Internet-Enabled Services for the Cities across Europe i and the only one with autonomous provinces) Rovereto, as the second most important centre in the province of Trento, is particularly sensible to policies aimed at promoting a smart territory investing in research and innovation. Special needs Rovereto is gaining attention national-wise as a green city, due to its sensibility to policies aimed at exploiting the opportunities provided by the green economy with particular relevance to the valorisation of the ICT-technologies. In this framework the Municipality is very active in the implementation of integrated innovative measures focused on the fight against climate change. A first institutional step has been the signature of the Covenant of Mayors and the adhesion to the “Technological District on Energy and Environment”, a technological district recognized by M.I.U.R. aiming at developing and researching new technologies for sustainable building on the territory. Relevant experience The city of Rovereto has started a transition from a manufacture industrial productivity system to knowledge-based one by exploiting the opportunities provided by the green economy with particular relevance to the valorisation of the ICT technologies. In this framework the Municipality is going to implement integrated innovative measures focused on the fight against climate change. In this framework an important initiative promoted by the Municipality is the “Notte Verde” - “Green Night” held in June. The initiative is organised during the Economy Festival of Trento and Rovereto attended by more than 100.000 people coming from many different cities in the country. The programme of the 8/14 Green Night is focused on the green economy and sustainability. The edition 2013 was an important opportunity to involve people and make awareness on the IES-CITIES project. According to the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Municipality is strongly committed to the energy-efficiency field (i.e. with the building of a new school complex with LEED silver certification); and the renewable energy sector thanks to the promotion of the F.I.R.E. Project, which is a consortium between public authorities and local entrepreneurs that aims at promoting the use of renewable energies to supply the Industrial Area of Rovereto with new installations of PV roofs. In addiction Rovereto is associated partner in the framework of an European project – EIE Integrated Initiatives Programme. One of the most important challenges in terms of CO2 reduction that the Municipality of Rovereto has to face is the car mobility. To this respect, the Municipality is going to implement the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and to promote a smart mobility using information and communication technologies. Fondazione Bruno Kessler is a private non-profit research centre working for the public interest established by the government of Autonomous Province of Trento in Italy. FBK conducts interdisciplinary research in Information Technologies as well as in other areas of sciences and technologies and of humanities. FBK employs 350 researchers, graduates, and post-doc students. FBK has generated 14 spin-offs, start-ups and joint-ventures, has developed a broad network of domestic and international alliances and strategic partnerships, hosted international congresses, conferences and symposia. Newsletter #1 FBK is part of Trento-RISE (www.trentorise. eu), association that connects the major actors in ICT research, education and business in the Trento region, and core partner of the EIT-ICT Labs KIC ( Through T-RISE, FBK is bringing into the project the capabilities of the whole innovation system of the Province of Trento. The most relevant contribution and expertise brought by FBK to the IES-Cities project is in the area of Service Oriented Applications (SOA) and eGovernment (EGOV). SOA (soa. has a recognized leading position in the fields of Service Oriented Computing and Internet of Services, both in terms of research and technology transfer activities. EGOV ( aims at transferring research results to PA and citizens and at developing a global strategy for Trento in the area of interoperability and eGovernment. SOA is also coordinating innovation projects SmartCampus (, IES Cities EU Project aiming at piloting solutions for participatory service delivery in the University campus, and eTerritory, aiming at experimenting with the delivery of flexible, adaptable mobility services to citizens. 9/14 Internet-Enabled Services for the Cities across Europe i April 10-11, 2013 The IES Cities Kick Off meeting was held at TECNALIA premises in Madrid. June 26, 2013 The First Quarter Meeting of the IES-Cities project was held in Berlin on 26th and 27th June 2013. The meeting will focused on tasks within WP1 and WP2, and devoted time to review the work done in tasks within WP6 and WP7. September 2-3, 2013 Digital Cities of the Future conference was held in Trento and offered an opportunity for sharing best practices and launching new collaborations in the area of digital cities, and in particular of Intelligent Services for the digital cities. It was co-organized by Trento RISE, by the Italian National Association of Municalities (ANCI), by the Association of Trento Municipalities (Consorzio dei Comuni Trentini) and by the Italian node of the EIT ICT Labs. The event saw the participation of representatives of municipalities, industries, and research from Trento, Italy and Europe. September 2-6, 2013 Summer School on Intelligent Services for the Digital Cities bringing students, researchers, industrial partners as well as municipalities together to explore and experiment on novel technologies for digital cities. The Summer School is promoted by Trento RISE, DFKI, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Luleå University of Technology, Aalto University, University of Bologna and Siemens, as part of the “Digital Cities of the Future” programme of the EIT ICT Labs. September 14, 2013 For a whole week, the city of Rovereto promotes the European Mobility Week. The event, driven by the European Commission, intends to encourage the use of transport means alternative to the personal car. Transfers by foot, bike or public transport are in fact different modalities for a sustainable mobility that, besides reducing gas emissions, noise pollution and traffic congestions, might play a key role for the physical and mental well being of citizens. Past events 10/14 Newsletter #1 OSMIT 2013: the annual conference of the Italian Community of Open Street Map was in Rovereto (TN) this year. October 4, 2013 The Second Quarter Meeting of the IES Cities project held in Bristol (U.K). October 16-17, 2013 SMART City Exhibition is the new exhibition arising from the partnership between FORUM PA and Bologna Fiere. A three day exhibition, from 16th to 18th October 2013 at Fiera di Bologna, characterised by meetings, workshops and much more. This initiative was a must, particularly as politics for smart cities is a national and European priority. October 16-18, 2013 In its third edition, Smart City Expo World Congress will consolidate its role as world summit on smart cities. The important presence of cities from the five continents will be reinforced this year with meetings of various organisations that work on promoting and consolidating smart cities, such as the Red Española de Ciudades Inteligentes/Spanish Network of Smart Cities (Reci), which will hold its board meeting at the event organised by Fira de Barcelona. The meeting will be attended by the mayors of 25 Reci cities: Alicante, Barcelona, Burgos, Cáceres, Castellón de la Plana, Córdoba, A Coruña, Guadalajara, Huesca, Logroño, Lugo, Madrid, Malaga, Murcia, Palencia, Pamplona, Rivas Vaciamadrid, Sabadell, Salamanca, Santander, Segovia, Valencia, Valladolid, Vitoria, Zaragoza, as well as municipal executives who are participating in the five groups working on social innovation, energy, environment, urban mobility and economy and government. The Spanish Network of Smart Cities consists of 41 cities. Its aim is to exchange experiences and to work on the development of a model of city management that is sustainable and also improves citizens’ quality of life. In order to achieve this, November 19, 2013 Past events IES Cities EU Project 11/14 Internet-Enabled Services for the Cities across Europe i November 19, 2013 the association promotes the automatic and efficient management of urban infrastructures and services, the reduction in public spending and improved service quality. Maria Hornos 93 233 21 68 November 19, 2013 The Smart City Expo World Congress 2013 is to be held in Barcelona, 19-21 Nov 2013. More information is available at The IES Cities consortium have submitted the IES Cities Project into the Smart Cities Awards Open 2013 call: Dear Mr. Pérez Velasco, Your proposal titled IES Cities has been successfully submitted to the World Smart Cities Awards 2013 on the 02/10/2013 10:56:40. If you have any queries or suggestions, please contact smartcity. If you are interested in commercial opportunities to enhance your company’s profile at Smart City Expo World Congress, please contact If you wish to receive the Smart City Expo World Congress newsletter register here. For any further information on the Smart City Expo World Congress click here. Many thanks for your interest and participation. Our kindest regards from Barcelona, Smart City Expo World Congress Secretariat December 3, 2013 Past events 12/14 At a time when improving the efficiency of public services could not be more important, our National Future Cities Conference will provide an opportunity for delegates to come together to examine latest developments in establishing cities fit for the future and embrace the benefits that smart technology could provide for urban areas. Newsletter #1 The Smart Metering UK & Europe Summit 2014, now in its 5th sensational year, is Europe’s leading gathering for Smart Metering and Utilities professionals from around the world. Held in the luxurious surroundings of London’s ETC Venue St. Paul’s, this 2 day conference, exhibition and awards ceremony will play host to the key decision makers in the UK and Europe’s Utilities and Smart Metering sectors looking to network, discuss and engage on the key topics and developments affecting Europe’s Energy future. January 30, 2014 Smart Future to Cities 2014: over 80 international case studies from government, energy, healthcare, transport, retail and building control defined the working business models which are creating future Cities successes for citizens and enterprises alike; fully integrated, strategically-designed development programs with measurable results. April 29, 2014 Highlighting how embracing new developments in technology can save money and deliver genuine benefits to businesses, cities & communities on an on-going basis. Hear from business & public sector leaders on the opportunities for innovation & sustainable growth for future cities & business at the Smart Business Conference June 26, 2014 Future events IES Cities EU Project 13/14 Newsletter #1 Internet-Enabled Services for the Cities across Europe Contacts © gruppo fotoamatori Rovereto In partnership with