Erythema induratum Erythema nodosum Granuloma annulare
Erythema induratum Erythema nodosum Granuloma annulare
What is the diagnosis? Erythema induratum Erythema nodosum Granuloma annulare Necrobiosis lipoidica Pretibial myxedema Necrobiosis lipoidica is a chronic granulomatous dermatitis of unknown cause that is most often associated with diabetes mellitus. However, in about 25% of patients with this condition, lesions develop before the onset of diabetes. The lesions appear as yellow-brown, telangiectatic plaques with central atrophy and raised violaceous borders. They occur most frequently on the shins or the dorsa of the feet. Ulcers, which exist in about 30% of lesions, are often induced by trauma. Noduläre Vaskulitis Erythema induratum Erythema nodosum Pretibial myxedema Granuloma annulare granulomatösen Hauterkrankungen Necrobiosis lipoidica Darmkrebs ist in Deutschland bei Männern und Frauen die zweithäufigste Krebserkrankung, an der mehr als sechs Prozent aller Deutschen im Laufe ihres Lebens erkranken. Kolorektale Karzinome verursachen zunächst sehr selten Symptome, sie entstehen fast immer aus anfangs gutartigen Darmpolypen. Die Heilungschancen durch Operation und Chemotherapie mit 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate von 40 bis 60 % im Mittel hängen entscheidend vom Krankheitsstadium ab, in dem der Darmkrebs entdeckt wird. Seit 2002 übernehmen die Krankenkassen in Deutschland für alle Versicherten ab dem 55. Lebensjahr im Abstand von jeweils mindestens zehn Jahren die Kosten einer Darmspiegelung („VorsorgeKoloskopie“), um durch Entfernung etwaiger Polypen dem kolorektalen Karzinom vorzubeugen. Die einzelnen Darmabschnitte sind ungleich häufig betroffen, 60 % der Tumoren befinden sich im linken Anteil des Dickdarms (jenseits der linken Colonflexur) und 25 % im Caecum und dem übrigen rechten Dickdarm. Von den linksseitigen bösartigen Dickdarmtumoren sind etwa 55 % in der Sigmaschlinge (Colon sigmoideum) und im Rectum lokalisiert. Die wichtigsten Risikofaktoren sind hohes Alter und das Vorkommen von Darmpolypen. Diese entarten häufig. Flexible sigmoidoscopy enables the physician to look at the inside of the large intestine from the rectum through the last part of the colon, called the sigmoid or descending colon. Physicians may use the procedure to find the cause of diarrhea, abdominal pain, or constipation. They also use it to look for early signs of cancer in the descending colon and rectum. With flexible sigmoidoscopy, the physician can see bleeding, inflammation, abnormal growths, and ulcers in the descending colon and rectum. Flexible sigmoidoscopy is not sufficient to detect polyps or cancer in the ascending or transverse colon (two-thirds of the colon). Colorectal-Cancer Incidence and Mortality with Screening Flexible Sigmoidoscopy The benefits of endoscopic testing for colorectal-cancer screening are uncertain. We evaluated the effect of screening with flexible sigmoidoscopy on colorectal-cancer incidence and mortality. From 1993 through 2001, we randomly assigned 154,900 men and women 55 to 74 years of age either to screening with flexible sigmoidoscopy, with a repeat screening at 3 or 5 years, or to usual care. Cases of colorectal cancer and deaths from the disease were ascertained. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Colorectal-cancer mortality and incidence are reduced with screening by means of fecal occultblood testing. Endoscopic screening with flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy is more sensitive than fecal testing for the detection of adenomatous polyps, the precursor lesions of colorectal cancer. Three European randomized trials of flexible sigmoidoscopy have been performed. In the United Kingdom, one-time screening with flexible sigmoidoscopy significantly reduced the incidence of colorectal cancer (by 23%) and associated mortality (by 31%). In Italy, an 18% reduction in incidence and a nonsignificant 22% reduction in mortality were observed, whereas in Norway, no benefit was observed after 7 years of follow-up There were 3 bowel perforations, 2 by the same operator, in 107,236 flexible sigmoidoscopic examinations (2.8 per 100,000). Among participants with a positive flexible sigmoidoscopic examination and no cancer detected on follow-up, there were 19 perforations during 17,672 subsequent diagnostic or therapeutic colonoscopic examinations (107.5 per 100,000). False positive results of sigmoidoscopy, with no neoplasia identified at subsequent diagnostic testing, were observed among 20% of men and 13% of women. Screening with flexible sigmoidoscopy was associated with a significant decrease in colorectal-cancer incidence (in both the distal and proximal colon) and mortality (distal colon only). Sling Procedure for Stress Incontinence You are considering or are scheduled for a surgical procedure called a vaginal or midurethral sling. The purpose of this procedure is to create a hammock of support and to prevent the urethra from opening when you cough, laugh, or sneeze. The procedure involves placing a piece of synthetic mesh (polypropylene mesh) under the urethra. Depending on your particular symptoms and preference, the procedure can be performed in one of two ways: just above the vagina on the lower abdomen (retropubic) or into the groin creases (transobturator technique). Through a vaginal incision, a strip of mesh is positioned under the urethra to create a supportive sling and to reduce or even eliminate urinary incontinence. A Midurethral Sling to Reduce Incontinence after Vaginal Prolapse Repair Women without stress urinary incontinence undergoing vaginal surgery for pelvic-organ prolapse are at risk for postoperative urinary incontinence. A midurethral sling may be placed at the time of prolapse repair to reduce this risk. We performed a multicenter trial involving women without symptoms of stress incontinence and with anterior prolapse (of stage 2 or higher on a Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification system examination) who were planning to undergo vaginal prolapse surgery. Women were randomly assigned to receive either a midurethral sling or sham incisions during surgery. One primary end point was urinary incontinence or treatment for this condition at 3 months. The second primary end point was the presence of incontinence at 12 months, allowing for subsequent treatment for incontinence. Adding a midurethral sling at the time of vaginal-prolapse surgery in women without preoperative symptoms of stress urinary incontinence reduces the likelihood of urinary incontinence at 3 and 12 months after surgery but increases the likelihood of adverse events. Counseling of women who are planning to undergo vaginal-prolapse surgery should include attention to both the benefits and the risks of sling placement. Der Begriff Hochaktive antiretrovirale Therapie, abgekürzt HAART, englisch Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy, bezeichnet eine 1996 eingeführte Kombinationstherapie aus mindestens drei verschiedenen antiretroviralen Medikamenten (ARV) zur Behandlung der HIV-Infektion, die unbehandelt fast immer zum Ausbruch von AIDS führt. Neuerdings wird anstatt HAART der neutralere und damit korrektere Begriff cART (combined Anti-Retroviral Therapy) verwendet, in Deutschland wird sie meistens nur Kombinations-Therapie oder kurz Kombi-Therapie genannt. Zidovudin (auch Azidothymidin, kurz AZT) ist ein chemisches Derivat des Nukleosids Thymidin. Pharmakologisch gehört es zu den nukleosidischen Reverse-Transkriptase-Inhibitoren (NRTI), einer Gruppe antiretroviraler Substanzen. Zidovudin dient zur Behandlung HIV-1-infizierter Patienten im Rahmen einer antiretroviralen Kombinationstherapie. Ritonavir ist ein Arzneistoff aus der Gruppe der Proteaseinhibitoren und wird zur Therapie von HIV-Infektionen und AIDS eingesetzt. Im Zuge einer sogenannten „highly active antiretroviral therapy“ (HAART) wird es mit anderen Wirkstoffen (NRTI, NNRTI) kombiniert, um deren Wirkstärke zu erhöhen. Nevirapin bindet nicht-kompetitiv an die Reverse Transkriptase von HIV-I, nahe der Substratbindungsstelle für Nukleoside. Dadurch wird die katalytisch aktive Bindungsstelle blockiert. Es können nun weniger Nukleoside binden und die Polymerisation wird deutlich verlangsamt. Der HIV-Protease-Inhibitor Lopinavir hemmt die Weiterverarbeitung der durch das HI-Virus neu gebildeten viralen Vorläuferproteine zu funktionstüchtigen Strukturproteinen und Enzymen und somit die Vermehrung des Virus. Nelfinavir (Handelsname: Viracept®, Hersteller: Hoffmann-La Roche), ist ein Arzneistoff aus der Gruppe der HIV-Proteaseinhibitoren und wird zur Therapie von HIV-1-infizierten Patienten eingesetzt. HIV-Proteaseinhibitoren werden im Zuge einer sogenannten „highly active antiretroviral therapy“ (HAART) mit anderen antiviralen Wirkstoffen (NRTI, NNRTI) kombiniert. Three Postpartum Antiretroviral Regimens to Prevent Intrapartum HIV Infection The safety and efficacy of adding antiretroviral drugs to standard zidovudine prophylaxis in infants of mothers with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection who did not receive antenatal antiretroviral therapy (ART) because of late identification are unclear. We evaluated three ART regimens in such infants. Within 48 hours after their birth, we randomly assigned formula-fed infants born to women with a peripartum diagnosis of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) infection to one of three regimens: zidovudine for 6 weeks (zidovudine-alone group), zidovudine for 6 weeks plus three doses of nevirapine during the first 8 days of life (two-drug group), or zidovudine for 6 weeks plus nelfinavir and lamivudine for 2 weeks (three-drug group). The primary outcome was HIV-1 infection at 3 months in infants uninfected at birth. Intrapartum: occurring during labor and delivery In neonates whose mothers did not receive ART during pregnancy, prophylaxis with a two- or three-drug ART regimen is superior to zidovudine alone for the prevention of intrapartum HIV transmission; the two-drug regimen has less toxicity than the three-drug regimen. In neonates whose mothers did not receive ART during pregnancy, prophylaxis with a two- or three-drug ART regimen is superior to zidovudine alone for the prevention of intrapartum HIV transmission; the two-drug regimen has less toxicity than the three-drug regimen. Nevirapine versus Ritonavir-Boosted Lopinavir for HIV-Infected Children Nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy is the predominant (and often the only) regimen available for children in resource-limited settings. Nevirapine resistance after exposure to the drug for prevention of maternal-to-child human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission is common, a problem that has led to the recommendation of ritonavir-boosted lopinavir in such settings. Regardless of whether there has been prior exposure to nevirapine, the performance of nevirapine versus ritonavir-boosted lopinavir in young children has not been rigorously established. In a randomized trial conducted in six African countries and India, we compared the initiation of HIV treatment with zidovudine, lamivudine, and either nevirapine or ritonavirboosted lopinavir in HIV-infected children 2 to 36 months of age who had no prior exposure to nevirapine. The primary end point was virologic failure or discontinuation of treatment by study week 24. For infants and young children, regardless of whether they were previously exposed to nevirapine, we now have evidence of the superiority of ritonavir-boosted lopinavir–based regimens over nevirapine-based regimens in terms of both efficacy and safety. Antithrombin III (AT III) ist ein endogenes Serpin und einer der wichtigsten natürlichen Hemmstoffe der Blutgerinnung. Es hemmt die Serinproteasen der plasmatischen Gerinnung, baut Thrombin (Faktor IIa) proteolytisch ab und aktiviert an den Endothelzellen die Synthese des t-PA (Plasminogenaktivator vom Gewebetyp). Antithrombin ist der Gegenspieler des Thrombin. Es wird durch Heparin in seiner Wirksamkeit verstärkt und beschleunigt (etwa 1000-fach). Ein Mangel an Antithrombin III kann also eine Unwirksamkeit des Heparins oder einen hohen Heparinbedarf zur Folge haben. Nach Operationen sinkt das AT III regelmäßig ab. Es ist daher nur eingeschränkt geeignet, eine Verbrauchskoagulopathie nachzuweisen. Zur Substitution wird AT III langsam intravenös verabreicht. AT III wird aus mittels Blutspende gewonnenem menschlichen Plasmaprotein durch Fraktionierung gewonnen (Antithrombin aus Humanplasma, hpAT) oder aus der Milch gentechnisch veränderter Säugetiere isoliert (rekombinates humanes Antithrombin, rhAT). Thrombosis from a Prothrombin Mutation Conveying Antithrombin Resistance We identified a novel mechanism of hereditary thrombosis associated with antithrombin resistance, with a substitution of arginine for leucine at position 596 (p.Arg596Leu) in the gene encoding prothrombin (called prothrombin Yukuhashi). The mutant prothrombin had moderately lower activity than wild-type prothrombin in clotting assays, but the formation of thrombin– antithrombin complex was substantially impaired. A thrombin-generation assay revealed that the peak activity of the mutant prothrombin was fairly low, but its inactivation was extremely slow in reconstituted plasma. The Leu596 substitution caused a gain-of-function mutation in the prothrombin gene, resulting in resistance to antithrombin and susceptibility to thrombosis. Genetic studies of hereditary thrombophilia have revealed two types of genetic defects: loss-offunction mutations in the natural anticoagulants antithrombin, protein C, and protein S, along with gain-of-function mutations in procoagulant factors V (factor V Leiden) and II (prothrombin G20210A). Panel A shows the results of a thrombin-generation assay of normal plasma as well as reconstituted plasma samples, with recombinant prothrombins in prothrombin-deficient plasma and of human antithrombin (AT 50%) in antithrombin-depleted plasma. The heterozygous-mutant (mutanthetero) plasma contained 50% each of wild-type and mutant prothrombin. The table at the right shows the total amount of thrombin activity, which was assessed as the area under the curve for endogenous thrombin potential (ETP), the maximum concentration of thrombin (peak), and the total duration of thrombin-generation activity (start tail). Panel B shows the results of a thrombingeneration assay of the respective plasma samples after the addition of excess antithrombin. Human Babesiosis Human babesiosis is an infectious disease caused by intraerythrocytic protozoa of the genus babesia. The disease is named after Victor Babes, the Hungarian pathologist and microbiologist who identified intraerythrocytic microorganisms as the cause of febrile hemoglobinuria in cattle in 1888. Five years later, Theobald Smith and Frederick L. Kilborne identified a tick as the vector for transmission of Babesia bigemina in Texas cattle. This seminal observation established for the first time that an arthropod could transmit an infectious agent to a vertebrate host. Dark colors designate areas where human babesiosis is either endemic (solid pattern) or sporadic, as defined by more than three tickborne cases reported in a country or state (stippled pattern). Isolated cases of locally acquired babesiosis are depicted by circles. In the United States, babesiosis caused by Babesia microti is endemic in the Northeast and the upper Midwest (dark-red areas), where it is transmitted by Ixodes scapularis The patient was born at a gestational age of 29 weeks at another hospital by cesarean section for breech presentation, premature labor, and rupture of membranes of approximately 2 hours' duration. He weighed 1275 g and appeared vigorous, with spontaneous respirations; the 1minute and 5-minute Apgar scores were 7 and 9, respectively. Shortly thereafter, subcostal retractions developed. Analysis of umbilical arterial blood revealed a pH of 7.35, a partial pressure of oxygen of 47 mm Hg, and a partial pressure of carbon dioxide of 22 mm Hg. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) was administered, and he was transferred to the nursery. The temperature was 37.2°C under radiant heat, the blood pressure 58/44 mm Hg, the pulse 119 beats per minute, and the oxygen saturation 94 to 96% while the patient was breathing 50% oxygen with CPAP; the blood glucose level was 72 mg per deciliter (4.0 mmol per liter). On the patient's second day of life, the neonatal abstinence syndrome developed (characterized by tremors, agitation, poor sleeping, and frantic behavior); screening of the urine for illicit drugs was negative. Morphine was administered, resulting in improvement. Radiographs showed improvement in the pulmonary opacities. The trachea was extubated, and nasal CPAP was administered transiently. Results of testing conducted by the Massachusetts newborn screening program were normal. Culture of blood drawn on admission was sterile, and the administration of antibiotic agents was stopped. Panel C (hematoxylin and eosin) shows adrenal cortical infarcts (arrow), with viral inclusions in adjacent cells (inset). Immunohistochemical analysis of a specimen of the lung for HSV-1 and HSV-2 (Panel D and inset, immunoperoxidase stain for HSV-1 and HSV-2) shows staining of the cells that have inclusions. I reported the results of the postmortem examination to the mother and suggested that she be checked for HSV infection. She went to the clinic, asking to be checked for herpes. Serologic samples were drawn, but a physical examination was not performed, so we do not know whether she had a current lesion. She now seems to be doing well emotionally. Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral IV Placement Suicide mortality in India: a nationally representative survey WHO estimates that about 170 000 deaths by suicide occur in India every year, but few epidemiological studies of suicide have been done in the country. We aimed to quantify suicide mortality in India in 2010. The Registrar General of India implemented a nationally representative mortality survey to determine the cause of deaths occurring between 2001 and 2003 in 1·1 million homes in 6671 small areas chosen randomly from all parts of India. As part of this survey, fieldworkers obtained information about cause of death and risk factors for suicide from close associates or relatives of the deceased individual. Two of 140 trained physicians were randomly allocated (stratified only by their ability to read the local language in which each survey was done) to independently and anonymously assign a cause to each death on the basis of electronic field reports. We then applied the age-specific and sex-specific proportion of suicide deaths in this survey to the 2010 UN estimates of absolute numbers of deaths in India to estimate the number of suicide deaths in India in 2010. The underlying cause of each death was sought by an enhanced form of verbal autopsy, known as the routine, reliable, representative, re-sampled household investigation of mortality with medical evaluation (RHIME). The RHIME method is a structured investigation of events before the death, including a written report in the local language of the household. Poisoning, mostly from pesticides (mainly organophosphates) used in agriculture, was the leading method of suicide in both men and women, corresponding to about 92 000 deaths nationally in individuals 15 years or older (figure 3). More than half (679) of the 1276 poisonings in the 2001—03 survey were classifiable (ICD-10 codes X60—X68) and 579 were unclassifiable (X69). Of classifiable poisonings, the vast majority (535) were from pesticide poisoning (X68). Suicide death rates in India are among the highest in the world. A large proportion of adult suicide deaths occur between the ages of 15 years and 29 years, especially in women. Public health interventions such as restrictions in access to pesticides might prevent many suicide deaths in India. The benefits and harms of intravenous thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator within 6 h of acute ischaemic stroke (the third international stroke trial [IST-3]): a randomised controlled trial Thrombolysis is of net benefit in patients with acute ischaemic stroke, who are younger than 80 years of age and are treated within 4·5 h of onset. The third International Stroke Trial (IST-3) sought to determine whether a wider range of patients might benefit up to 6 h from stroke onset. In this international, multicentre, randomised, open-treatment trial, patients were allocated to 0·9 mg/kg intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) or to control. The primary analysis was of the proportion of patients alive and independent, as defined by an Oxford Handicap Score (OHS) of 0—2 at 6 months. they had symp-toms and signs of clinically definite acute stroke; the time of stroke onset was known; treatment could be started within 6 h of onset; and CT or MRI had reliably excluded both intracranial haemorrhage and structural brain lesions. Outcome at 6 months: Oxford Handicap Scale (OHS) by treatment group For the types of patient recruited in IST-3, despite the early hazards, thrombolysis within 6 h improved functional outcome. Benefit did not seem to be diminished in elderly patients. More deaths occurred within 7 days in the rt-PA group (163 [11%]) than in the control group (107 [7%]. Fatal or non-fatal symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage within 7 days occurred in 104 (7%) patients in the rt-PA group versus 16 (1%) in the control group. Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator for acute ischaemic stroke: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA, alteplase) improved functional outcome in patients treated soon after acute ischaemic stroke in randomised trials, but licensing is restrictive and use varies widely. The IST-3 trial adds substantial new data. We therefore assessed all the evidence from randomised trials for rt-PA in acute ischaemic stroke in an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. We searched for randomised trials of intravenous rt-PA versus control given within 6 h of onset of acute ischaemic stroke up to March 30, 2012. We estimated summary odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CI in the primary analysis for prespecified outcomes within 7 days and at the final follow-up of all patients treated up to 6 h after stroke. The evidence indicates that intravenous rt-PA increased the proportion of patients who were alive with favourable outcome and alive and independent at final follow-up. The data strengthen previous evidence to treat patients as early as possible after acute ischaemic stroke, although some patients might benefit up to 6 h after stroke. Self-harm and suicide in adolescents Self-harm and suicide are major public health problems in adolescents, with rates of selfharm being high in the teenage years and suicide being the second most common cause of death in young people worldwide. Important contributors to self-harm and suicide include genetic vulnerability and psychiatric, psychological, familial, social, and cultural factors. The effects of media and contagion are also important, with the internet having an important contemporary role. Prevention of self-harm and suicide needs both universal measures aimed at young people in general and targeted initiatives focused on high-risk groups. There is little evidence of effectiveness of either psychosocial or pharmacological treatment, with particular controversy surrounding the usefulness of antidepressants. Restriction of access to means for suicide is important. Major challenges include the development of greater understanding of the factors that contribute to self-harm and suicide in young people, especially mechanisms underlying contagion and the effect of new media. The identification of successful prevention initiatives aimed at young people and those at especially high risk, and the establishment of effective treatments for those who self-harm, are paramount needs. Suicide in young men Suicide is second to only accidental death as the leading cause of mortality in young men across the world. Although suicide rates for young men have fallen in some high-income and middle-income countries since the 1990s, wider mortality measures indicate that rates remain high in specific regions, ethnic groups, and socioeconomic groups within those nations where rates have fallen, and that young men account for a substantial proportion of the economic cost of suicide. High-lethality methods of suicide are preferred by young men: hanging and firearms in high-income countries, pesticide poisoning in the Indian subcontinent, and charcoal-burning in east Asia. Risk factors for young men include psychiatric illness, substance misuse, lower socioeconomic status, rural residence, and single marital status. Population-level factors include unemployment, social deprivation, and media reporting of suicide. Few interventions to reduce suicides in young men have been assessed. Efforts to change help-seeking behaviour and to restrict access to frequently used methods hold the most promise. Population-level factors shown to affect rates of suicide in young men in specified parts of the world include unemployment, social deprivation, and the media's reporting of suicide. This review underlines the importance of the development of regionally and nationally tailored approaches to reducing suicide, and remaining abreast of key mortality indicators to identify the groups at highest risk of premature death. Means restriction for suicide prevention Limitation of access to lethal methods used for suicide—so-called means restriction—is an important population strategy for suicide prevention. Many empirical studies have shown that such means restriction is effective. Although some individuals might seek other methods, many do not; when they do, the means chosen are less lethal and are associated with fewer deaths than when more dangerous ones are available. We examine how the spread of information about suicide methods through formal and informal media potentially affects the choices that people make when attempting to kill themselves. We also discuss the challenges associated with implementation of means restriction and whether numbers of deaths by suicide are reduced. Hanging, jumping from heights (particularly from individuals’ own apartments or houses), and fatal shooting with firearms in countries with relatively non-restrictive gun laws such as the USA cannot be readily restricted. The Media: For example, the media introduced and quickly disseminated reports on the burning of charcoal in a confined space in Hong Kong and Taiwan, which then rapidly increased and spread to other Asian regions in the late 1990s. The increased use of pesticides during the second half of the 20th century was associated with an increase in suicides in many agrarian societies. A 19-year-old woman from a rural village, with poor education and very limited income, presented to our dermatology clinic in Phnom Penh. She complained of persistent blue and brown patches on her skin, bleeding gums, lethargy, and malaise. The patient denied any physical trauma, insect bites, or general diseases. Medical history was unremarkable. Examination of the skin showed numerous ecchymotic patches with diameters between 1 cm and 5 cm; the colour range was dark blue, brown, green, and yellow. There were also many perifollicular purpuric petechiae Petechiae were also seen on the buccal mucosa, particularly on the frontal upper and lower gums; these lesions were friable and bled easily. No other abnormalities were found on general clinical examination, in particular no hyperkeratosis and no oedema. Further questioning of our patient revealed a diet consisting mainly of rice and dried fish with an almost complete absence of vegetables and fruits. Measurement of the ascorbic acid concentration is usually not helpful to ascertain a diagnosis of scurvy because values tend to reflect recent intake rather than actual tissue stores of vitamin C. Typical symptoms, along with a history of dietary deficiency of vitamin C, are usually sufficient to establish the diagnosis. Nevertheless, guidelines suggest that a fasting serum vitamin C concentration above 34·1 µmol/L rules out scurvy and those less than 11·4 µmol/L show deficiency. Die meisten Symptome des Skorbut gehen auf die fehlerhafte Biosynthese des Kollagens zurück. Vitamin C ist ein wichtiger Cofaktor bei der Modifizierung der Aminosäuren Prolin und Lysin zu Hydroxyprolin und Hydroxylysin (Hydroxylierung). Bei fehlender Hydroxylierung werden nur schadhafte Kollagenmoleküle gebildet, die ihrer Funktion als Strukturprotein nicht nachkommen können. Die bei schwerem Skorbut auftretende Depression hingegen könnte mit der gestörten Bildung von Noradrenalin, sekundär Adrenalin sowie Serotonin zusammenhängen, da deren Synthese durch die Dopamin-β-Hydroxylase (im Falle des (Nor-)Adrenalins) Vitamin-C-abhängig erfolgt. In Röntgenaufnahmen zeigen sich deutliche Abhebungen der Knochenhaut durch Blutungen (subperiostale Hämorrhagien), besonders an den Metaphysen. Bei Kindern und Jugendlichen sind die Wachstumsfugen verbreitert und unregelmäßig, oft mit einer zusätzlichen weißen Linie metaphysär (Frankl-Linie) und einer hypodensen „Trümmerfeld“-Zone darunter, die sog. „Skorbut-Linie“. Das Knochenalter ist meist ein oder zwei Jahre hinter dem biologischen Alter zurück Vitamin C ist ein Radikalfänger und hat eine antioxidative Wirkung (es wirkt also als Reduktionsmittel). Weiterhin stellt Vitamin C ein wichtiges Coenzym für die Prolyl-4-Hydroxylase dar. Dieses Enzym wird bei der Biosynthese des Proteins (Eiweißes) Kollagen benötigt. Es wandelt integrierte Prolinreste in 4-Hydroxyprolyl-Seitenketten unter Verbrauch von molekularem Sauerstoff um. Hydroxyprolin ist für den stabilen Kollagenaufbau unerlässlich. Ebenfalls innerhalb der Biosynthese von Kollagen, aber auch weiterer Proteine, findet mithilfe von Ascorbinsäure und des Enzyms Lysylhydroxylase die Hydroxylierung von L-Lysin zum Hydroxylysin statt. Im Kollagen erfüllt dieses eine Funktion in der kovalenten Quervernetzung benachbarter Moleküle. Darüber hinaus kann Hydroxylysin im Kollagen und weiteren Proteinen glykosyliert werden, was zur Bildung von Glykoproteinen führt. Mangel an Vitamin C führt zu einer verminderten Aktivität der Prolyl-Hydroxylierung und der LysylHydroxylierung und damit zur Instabilität von Kollagen (Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrom). Da Kollagen in praktisch allen Organen und Geweben des menschlichen und tierischen Organismus vorkommt, vor allem aber im Bindegewebe, wird bei Mangel von Vitamin C Skorbut ausgelöst. Auch bei der Hydroxylierung von Steroiden ist Vitamin C ein wichtiger Cofaktor. Darüber hinaus spielt es eine wichtige Rolle beim Aufbau von Aminosäuren wie beispielsweise dem L-Tyrosin. Auch bei der Umwandlung von Dopamin zu Noradrenalin, im Cholesterin-Stoffwechsel und bei der Carnitinbiosynthese wird Ascorbinsäure benötigt. Mit Niacin und Vitamin B6 steuert Vitamin C die Produktion von L-Carnitin, das für die Fettverbrennung in der Muskulatur benötigt wird. Weiterhin begünstigt es die Eisenresorption im Dünndarm.