Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics


Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Control predicates in Alemannic:
Syntax and Semantics
Oliver Schallert
Philipps-Universität Marburg,
Institut für Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft
Workshop European Dialect Syntax VII
University of Konschtanz, June 14, 2013
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Motto. . .
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Motto. . .
All languages are equal,
but some dialects are more equal than others.
(based loosely on George Orwell: Animal Farm)
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
A short note on the empirical base
Syntactic properties of control predicates
Complementation types
The status of zum
Semantic properties of control predicates
Predicate classes
Event coherence
Constituent structure, unification of θ-grids
How to handle control?
Bonus track: Microtypology
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
What is this talk about?
The phenomenon and the empirical base:
Control predicates, in particular those lacking the infinitival
marker zu ‚to‘, cf. (1).
Alemannic dialects in Vorarlberg (westernmost province of
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
What is this talk about?
The phenomenon and the empirical base:
Control predicates, in particular those lacking the infinitival
marker zu ‚to‘, cf. (1).
Alemannic dialects in Vorarlberg (westernmost province of
Häat s’ [. . . ] g’seit, am Bau’r häi
Has she
said a farmer has-3.SBJV promised
ihra a’ Kapella ∅ baua.
her a chapel
„She said a farmer had promised her to build a chapel“
(XI/295, 2: Bildstein)
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
What is this talk about?
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
What is this talk about?
What are the syntactic and semantic properties of control
constructions? Integration in terms of „(in)coherence“,
predicate classes involved, etc.
What is the proper syntactic and semantic analysis?
Microtypological aspect: How do control constructions work in
other German dialects? What are the „minimal units of
syntactic variation“ (Kayne 1996: xiii)?
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
A short note on the empirical base
Vorarlberg and the surrounding areas:
Vorarlberg is the westernmost province of Austria; only part
where Alemannic dialects are spoken (as opposed to the rest of
Austria with Southern or Central Bavarian varieties)
More speakers (≈ inhabitants) than Icelandic: 368.000 as
opposed to 320.00
Very interesting region for studying (spatial) variation:
Transitional zone between High Alemannic (Switzerland) and
other Alemannic varieties (e.g. „Lake Alemannic“, Swabian) as
well as (Austrian) Bavarian.
Dialect use in Vorarlberg (cf. Jochum 1999: 40–50): medial
diglossia in a somewhat weakened form.
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Figure 1: Vorarlberg and the surrounding regions
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Figure 1: Vorarlberg and the surrounding regions
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
A short note on the empirical base
As main data sources, I used parts of the materials that were
collected and/or analyzed in the project Syntax der Vorarlberger
und Liechtensteiner Mundarten (SVLM) and my PhD-thesis on
substitute infinitive constructions (Schallert 2010, 2012):
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
A short note on the empirical base
As main data sources, I used parts of the materials that were
collected and/or analyzed in the project Syntax der Vorarlberger
und Liechtensteiner Mundarten (SVLM) and my PhD-thesis on
substitute infinitive constructions (Schallert 2010, 2012):
Two questionnaire studies (2 series), following the
methodological standards of the SADS (Syntaktischer Atlas der
deutschen Schweiz), cf. Bucheli and Glaser (2002);
Bucheli Berger (2008); Glaser (2006).
Questionnaires of the Wenker survey that were sent out all
over Austria in the 1920s and 1930s.
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
A short note on the empirical base
Transcribed sound recordings of the Tonarchivs der
Mundarten Vorarlbergs („sound archive of the Vorarlberg
dialects“), which were started in the context of the Deutsches
Spracharchiv (DSAv), but were mostly conducted to
supplement the Linguistic Atlas of Vorarlberg (VALTS), cf.
Ruoff (2004); Ruoff and Gabriel (1998).
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Complementation types The status of zum
Syntactic properties of control predicates
Control predicates occur with quite different topological
structures: Either fully extraposed (2) or with the so-called third
construction (cf. Wöllstein-Leisten 2001), see (3). In both cases,
marking with zu ‚to‘ is optional.
I hon vrgässa a Karta (z) koofa (VA)
I have forgotten a ticket to buy
I hon a Karta vrgässa (z) koofa
I have a ticket forgotten to buy
„I have forgotten to buy a ticket.“
j The third construction and, crucially, even the fully extraposed
variant shows clear signs of coherence (see in particular Reis
2007 w. r. t. drohen ‚threaten‘ and versprechen ‚promise‘).
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Complementation types The status of zum
Syntactic properties of control predicates
Argument for mono-clausality of the third construction (among
many others, see e. g. Wöllstein-Leisten 2001): long passive
die wichtige Brief vergesse wore sind [ti lese]
because the important letters forget were are
„because they forgot to read the important letters“ (passive)
(Brandner 2006: 332, ex. (90a.))
j The DP die wichtige Brief ‚the important letters‘ agrees in
number with the matrix verb (which is a clear sign of case
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Complementation types The status of zum
Syntactic properties of control predicates
Conversely, there is also a construction type with the
complementizer zum, which at least projects a CP and thus must be
taken as evidence for the incoherent construction:
I han vrgeässo zum a Karto koufo.
I have forgotten COMP a ticket buy
„I have forgotten to buy a ticket“ (ID 77, 69/m: Lustenau)
dass sie mir
verbota häat zum däs Buch leasa,
that she me-DAT forbidden has COMP that book read
ischt scho allerhand.
quite something
„It’s quite something that she has forbidden me to read this
book“ (ID 38, 77/m: Hohenems)
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Complementation types The status of zum
Syntactic properties of control predicates
The categorial status of zum
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Complementation types The status of zum
Syntactic properties of control predicates
The categorial status of zum
The complementizer zum (consisting of the preposition zu and a
contracted form of a dative determiner dem) usually occurs with
purposive clauses like (7) and thus behaves like a typical Co -element
In this context, it functions more or less like SG um . . . zu.
a. I bruuch s Auto, zum d Lea ufa Bahnhof tua
b. Ich brauche das Auto, um Lea zum Bahnhof zu bringen
„I need the car to drive Lea to the railway station“
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Complementation types The status of zum
Syntactic properties of control predicates
The categorial status of zum
The complementizer zum (consisting of the preposition zu and a
contracted form of a dative determiner dem) usually occurs with
purposive clauses like (7) and thus behaves like a typical Co -element
In this context, it functions more or less like SG um . . . zu.
a. I bruuch s Auto, zum d Lea ufa Bahnhof tua
b. Ich brauche das Auto, um Lea zum Bahnhof zu bringen
„I need the car to drive Lea to the railway station“
The use of zum as a complementizer must not be confused with the
allomorphic variant of ’z used especially by younger speakers:
a. aa-zum-fanga
b. ab-zum-schniida
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
(lit. on-to-catch„begin“)
(lit. off-to-cut „cut off“)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Complementation types The status of zum
Semantic properties of control predicates
Predicate classes:
Semantic classification of control predicates in VA, mainly after
Wurmbrand (2001) and Stiebels (2010).
aafanga ‚begin‘, uufhöra ‚stop‘,
khoo ‚come‘
vrgässa „forget“, si traua ‚dare,
have the guts to‘
zwinga „force“, vrbiata ‚forbid‘
probiera ‚try‘, im Sinn hoo ‚intend‘, verschschpreha ‚promise‘
influence p.
of zum a
17, 9
n = 95 (Questionnaire 1), n = 87 (Questionnaire 2).
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Predicate classes Event coherence
Semantic properties of control predicates
VA does not allow infinitival complements (irrespective of whether
zum ist present or not) under factive and propositional verbs
(a finite clause is fine, though):
a. *Är bereut, (zum) des Buach überhaupt gläsa hoo.
„He regretted having read this book.“
b. *Sie isch stolz (druuf), (zum) ian kenna.
„She is proud to know him.“
c. *Är hot behauptat, (zum) se kenna.
„He claimed knowing her.“
See Brandner (2006: 211–213) for similar observations on „Lake
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Predicate classes Event coherence
Semantic properties of control predicates
Event coherence (Stiebels 2010: 414):
„integration of two subevents to a coherent event“
Easy test is to check for independent local or temporal
modification in the SOA.
With e. g. commissive or directive predicates like versprechen
„promise“ or bitten „ask“, this property is lifted:
Sie hat mir
gestern versprochen, heute das neue
She has me-DAT yesterday promised
today the new
Betriebssystem zu installieren.
operating system to install
„Yesterday, she promised me to install the new OS today.“
(Stiebels 2010: 423, ex. (70))
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Predicate classes Event coherence
Semantic properties of control predicates
Most predicates that allow embedding of an infinitive in VA
need to fulfill this restriction (there are exceptions, however:
e. g. verschschpreha ‚promise‘)
Event coherence can be used as a conceptual argument against
a functionally enriched structure of control complements (e. g.
in terms of a TP).
Also note that zu ‚to‘ (as already discussed by Bech 1955: 15)
is a inflectional element and does not function like a To -head.
The same applies to its Alemannic counterpart z.
a. Er versuchte gleichzeitig [ zu essen und *(zu) trinken]
b. He tried to [ eat and drink at the same time]
c. anzufangen; angefangen
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Unification Control
Control predicates either project a CP/VP-structure
(zum-variant), as is independently assumed for German (e. g.
Haider 2010, Wöllstein 2008) or they are bare VP-complements
(see in particular Brandner 2006 on Lake Alemannic).
Semantically, the coherent variant can best be analyzed in
terms of unification of θ-grids.
[CP I hon [VP vrgässa [CP zum [VP a Karta koofa]]]]
[CP I hon [VP vrgässa [VP a Karta koofa]]]
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Unification Control
Unification of θ-grids
Quite different implementations on the market, e. g. in
Categorial Grammar (Jacobs 1992, Williams 2003), HPSG
(Kiss 1995, Müller 2002) or representational variants of
GB/Minimalism (Haider 1994, 2001, Sternefeld 2009: ch. 9).
Often too restrictive (which is not a bad thing): Certain
assumptions have to be modified: e. g. the role of zu or the
strict adjacency requirement (e. g. Haider 1993: 267).
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Unification Control
What is necessary for unification, what isn’t?
The presence of z’ ‚zu‘ is not necessary for unification,
although it can appear optionally. This can be taken as
evidence for its status as a redundant element (Brandner 2008)
or – with regard to SG – the existence of different types of zu
(Wöllstein and Rapp 2009: 173).
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Unification Control
What is necessary for unification, what isn’t?
The presence of z’ ‚zu‘ is not necessary for unification,
although it can appear optionally. This can be taken as
evidence for its status as a redundant element (Brandner 2008)
or – with regard to SG – the existence of different types of zu
(Wöllstein and Rapp 2009: 173).
Neither is strict adjacency (clustering) necessary for unification;
however, there are clear directionality effects, see below.
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Unification Control
What is necessary for unification, what isn’t?
The presence of z’ ‚zu‘ is not necessary for unification,
although it can appear optionally. This can be taken as
evidence for its status as a redundant element (Brandner 2008)
or – with regard to SG – the existence of different types of zu
(Wöllstein and Rapp 2009: 173).
Neither is strict adjacency (clustering) necessary for unification;
however, there are clear directionality effects, see below.
Unified theta grids need to correspond to the ones of a simple
verb (Kiss 1995: 215 or Wöllstein-Leisten 2001: 198): yes,
although there are some problems with Standard German
(Müller 2002: 64–67).
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Unification Control
Directionality matters:
The control predicate helfen ‚help‘ allows for both left- and
right-branching serializations.
Crucially, only with the right-branching pattern, nonverbal
interveners are allowed, cf. (14)–(15). This asymmetry is
well-known for uncontroversial cluster constructions (see e. g.
Wurmbrand 2004, Sapp 2011: 124–128).
Er hot gholfa dr Mama abwäscha.
He has helped the mother wash up
Er hot dr Mama abwäscha (*dr Mama) gholfa
He has the mother wash up the mother helped
„He helped his mother doing the washing up.“
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Unification Control
How to handle control?
Definition of obligatory control (OC) (Stiebels 2007: 13)
OC applies to structures in which a predicate P1 selects an
SOA-argument and requires one of its (individual) arguments to
be (improperly) included in the set of referents of an argument of
the embedded predicate P2 heading the SOA-argument.
[Xi P1 (Yj ) [SOA Zk P2 . . . ]] with k ∩ {i, j} 6= ∅
Theory-neutral definition of control that abstracts away from the
question whether the control reading is obtained either structurally
or semantically/lexically.
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Unification Control
Derivational approaches to control like the Movement theory of
control (e. g. Boeckx and Hornstein 2004, Boeckx, Hornstein,
and Nunes 2010) don’t fare that well when it comes to dealing
with the Alemannic data; semantic or selectional theories of
control (e. g. Sag and Pollard 1991, Jackendoff and Culicover
2003) seem to work fine.
For the sake of illustration, I will mention just one empirical
argument against the MTC; a more thorough discussion can be
found in Kiss (2005).
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Unification Control
According to the MTC, passivation of an object control predicate
with a lexical dative argument should induce a control shift:
dr Klausj am
Hansi vrbota
hot [SOA
because the Klaus the=DAT Hans forbidden has
∅i/*j (zum) des Buach läsa]
COMP this book read
„because Klaus forbid Hans to read the book“
Hansi vom
Klausj vrbota
because the-DAT Hans from=the-DAT Klaus forbidden
wora isch, [SOA ∅i/*j (zum) des Buach läsa ]
was is
COMP this book read
„because Klaus was forbidden (by Hans) to read this book“
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Typological complexity of (potential) control predicates:
Orientierung ‚orientation‘ (cf. Bech 1955): Is control the only
Is a SOA-argument even possible? If yes, how closely is it
Morpho-syntactic factors: Auxiliary selection, marking of the
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Typological complexity of (potential) control predicates:
Orientierung ‚orientation‘ (cf. Bech 1955): Is control the only
Is a SOA-argument even possible? If yes, how closely is it
Morpho-syntactic factors: Auxiliary selection, marking of the
SOA-argument. I will concentrate on this question.
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Case study on phasals (e. g. anfangen ‚begin‘)
What is interesting about this verb class is that it can show
both raising (19) and control patterns (20).
What is more, there are diverging positions as to whether these
predicates allow the incoherent construction (e. g. Müller 2002,
Reis 2007, Reis and Sternefeld 2004).
fing an [SOA schlecht zu werden ]
Him-DAT began
to become
„He began to feel sick.“
Eri fing an, [SOA ∅i seine Unterlagen zu sortieren].
He began
his papers
to sort
„He began to sort his papers“
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Infinitive prominence (Mayerthaler et al. 1993; 1995: Does the
respective dialect even allow embedding of an infinitive?
Wenn es zu schneien anfängt, . . .
it to snow
Wann-s s Schnaim an fangd, . . .
the snowing starts
(Donhauser 1989: 90–91, Bsp. (8), (8a))
. . . daß d Milch bald zum kocha
that the milk soon to=the-DAT cook starts
(WB 43025: Holzgau, Tirol)
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Morphosyntactic variation w. r. t. the marking of the infinitival
Se fungen an un hauen op em daal
They started on to hit
on him down
„They began to beat him up“ (North Lower Saxon; Thies
2010: 67)
Er håt’s galåt fa/za studiern.
„He stopped studying.“
(South Bavarian [Laurein]; Mayerthaler et al. 1995: 66)
d’rnå håt m’r abber afanga d’ Schtrååß ∅ bua
then has one MP start-IPP the road
„then, one started building the road“
(Highest Alemannic [Vorarlberg]; I/425, 2–3: Warth)
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
A short view on the Wenker survey (thanks to Jürg Fleischer for
providing me with this map). . .
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Further complications arise through variation in auxiliary
Examples taken from the Zwirner corpus: PQ1908 + neighbors (North
Lower Saxon in the south of Oldenburg, Emsland
da sind wi anfungen den Heimatverein
to grünnen
there are we begun
the historical society to found
„Then we started founding the local historical society“
un bin dann anfangen to arbeiten
and am then started to work
„and then I started working“ (ZW0M2)
j A nice map from the Atlas der deutschen Alltagssprache. . .
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Coherence properties with phasals in Alemannic:a
Model sentence: Die Kinder hatten die Treppe mit Wachsmalstiften zu
beschmieren begonnen. „The children had started smearing the stairs with
Gogo hend scho agfango d’Steago mit Ölkriedo
∅ aschmearbo. (ID 21, 69/m: Schwarzenberg)
D’ Kind hon d’ Stäga mit Ölkridai agfanga [ ti ischmiera ]!
(ID 75, 60/w: Gaschurn)
D’ Kind hond scho agfanga ka, zum d’ Stäga mit Ölkrieda
aschmiera. (ID 62, 67/w: Gaißau)
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Phasals pattern with other control verbs (see this talk) in that
they allow the whole spectrum of infinitival complementation:
zu-less infinitives, third construction, incoherent
zum-introduced clauses
The zum-variant is clear evidence against Reis’ (2007: 48–49,
Fn. 28) that all phase predicates (including drohen „threaten“
and versprechen „promise“ construe obligatorily coherent!
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
In Alemannic (and other parts of Upper German), complements
of control predicates can occur without zu-marking; such
predicates show clear signs of coherence (in terms of syntactic
integration), although there is also an incoherent variant
available (zum-introduced ICs).
There are clear restrictions as to which predicates allow for an
embedded infinitive (no factive and propositional verbs); event
coherence also seems to play an important role.
It is not clear how derivational theories of control are able to
account for basic control facts in VA (e. g. passivation of object
control verbs like verbiate ‚forbid‘ or zwinga ‚force‘).
From a microtypological perspective, there are interesting areal
contrast to be observed (and tough nuts to crack) in the
(other) German dialects.
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
Thanks for your attention!
If you want the slides of my talk, you can download them from my website
(just google me):
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
References I
Bader, Markus and Tanja Schmid (2009). “Verb clusters in
colloquial German”. In: Journal of Comparative Germanic
Linguistics 12, 175–228.
Bech, Gunnar (1955). Studien über das deutsche verbum infinitum.
Vol. 1. Kopenhagen: Munksgaard.
Boeckx, Cedric and Norbert Hornstein (2004). “Movement under
control”. In: Linguistic Inquiry 35, 431–452.
Boeckx, Cedric, Norbert Hornstein, and Jairo Nunes (2010). Control
as Movement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brandner, Ellen (2006). “Bare Infinitives in Alemannic and the
Categorial Status of Infinitival Complements”. In: Linguistic
Variation Yearbook 6, 203–268.
– (2008). “Patterns of Doubling in Alemannic”. In: Microvariation
in Syntactic Doubling. Ed. by Sjef Barbiers et al. Bingley:
Emerald Publishing, 353–379.
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
References II
Bucheli, Claudia and Elvira Glaser (2002). “The Syntactic Atlas of
Swiss German Dialects: empirical and methodological problems”.
In: Syntactic Microvariation. Ed. by Sjef Barbiers and
Leonie Cornips. Online-Publikation, Meertens Instituut, 41–74.
Bucheli Berger, Claudia (2008). “Neue Technik, alte Probleme: Auf
dem Weg zum Syntaktischen Atlas der Deutschen Schweiz
(SADS)”. In: Sprachgeographie digital: Die neue Generation der
Sprachatlanten. Ed. by Stephan Elspaß und Werner König.
Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Olms, 29–44.
Donhauser, Karin (1989). “Zur Typologie des bairischen Infinitivs”.
In: Probleme regionaler Sprachen. Ed. by Hans-Werner Eroms.
(Bayreuther Beiträge zur Dialektologie; 4). Hamburg: Buske,
Oliver Schallert (Marburg)
Control predicates in Alemannic: Syntax and Semantics
Empirical base Syntax Semantics Analysis Microtypology
References III
Glaser, Elvira (2006). “Schweizerdeutsche Dialektsyntax. Zum
Syntaktischen Atlas der Deutschen Schweiz.” In: Raumstrukturen
im Alemannischen. 15. Arbeitstagung zur alemannischen
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