Las Vegas Southwest Rotary Newsletter


Las Vegas Southwest Rotary Newsletter
September 13,
Future Speakers
September 20 th,
September 27 th,
Las Vegas Southwest Rotary
Did you know that you can make-up for a missed meeting by attending an EClub Rotary meeting? Just click here to see how
The Club meets at Lawry’s Prime Rib restaurant, 4043 Howard Hughes
Parkway at 12:15 p.m. every Monday. Please check the Club’s website,, for days that we are dark.
Welcome to our Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Rotarians – Ann White, computer software, visiting from Australia
Virginia Haliwell, commercial fixtures, visiting from Reno Sunrise
Edward Haliwell, student, visiting from Las Vegas Rotaract
Guests - Eric Elam guest of Rebecca Collett
Angela Abshier guest of Pepe Charles
Mike McCandless, former member and guest of John McCandless
Gio Mauro, guest of Josh Satterlee
Rotary’s 4-Way test - Of the things we think, say or do
Rotarians –
September 25 th,
Back to School
At JC Penney’s
store at 4485 S.
Grand Canyon
8 a.m.
September 29 th,
Feeding the
Christ Episcopal
Church, St. Louis
& Maryland Pkwy
5 pm to 7 pm
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Feeding the Homeless – Tom Martin asked that members please mark their
calendars for September 29 th, the next Feeding the Homeless Community Service
project. For this project we are looking to provide blankets; if you have any that
are no longer needed, please bring them to either Tom or a Club meeting.
Greenspokes Meeting – Bruce Pope announced that the next meeting to
orientate our newest members will be on September 16 th at his house, 6600
Vicuna. Aric Graham will be in charge of the program for that night.
Back to School Shopping – Josh Satterlee announced that the Club’s annual
shopping trip for less fortunate elementary students will be held September 25 th
from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the JC Penney store at 4485 S. Grand Canyon Dr.
If you helped last year, please consider signing up again; if you haven’t
participated before please get involved in these “hands-on” projects. Contact
Josh at 579-9876 or email
President’s Credit Board:
Clinton Pope bought tires from Tom Martin and received a credit on the board.
Las Vegas Southwest Rotary Newsletter
Tom Martin used Beth Pope’s professional services and received a credit.
Officers and
Rebecca Collett bought tires from Ted Wien’s Firestone and received a credit.
Melissa Copeland
President Elect
Aric Graham
Donnie Garritano
Josh Satterlee
Adrienne Cox
Keith Thomas
Eric Colvin
Fred Fukumoto
Tom Martin
Immediate Past
Doug Beckley
Bruce Pope
Joanne Blystone
Avenue of Service
Community Service
Josh Satterlee
Vocational Service
Ken Walker
Mitchell Horst
Club Service–
Troy Lochhead
Karen Strawn
Pepe Charles
Public Relations
Charlie Dorsey
Donnie Garritano
Ted Henderson
Donnie Garritano got a loan from Meadows Bank (Eric Colvin) and received a
What did you do for your birthday? – Prez Melissa asked Mitchell Horst; his
birthday was September 2 nd and his girl took him out to dinner where they had 8
glasses of wine – birthdays are $50 recognition.
Ted Wiens has a coupon – Prez Melissa asked Tom Martin; yes a $50 coupon
which resulted in a $50 recognition for Tom.
Who is this Rotarian?
Prez Melissa asked Aric Graham to name the following Rotarian:
1. First car – Ford Ranger
2. Historical figure I most identify with – Babe Ruth
3. Sound I love – Silence after the kids go to bed.
4. Sound I hate – Kids crying.
5. Profession I would like to attempt – Professional Agent.
Aric correctly guessed Eric Colvin so there was no fine.
Prez Melissa asked Ron Reynolds:
1. Historical figure I most identify with – Davy Crockett
2. Sound I love – Concert “A” especially by a tenor
3. Favorite vacation spot – Any golf course
4. Historical era I would like to have lived in – Ancient Greece
5. Sound I hate – Whining, especially while complaining
Ron failed to identify Rich Bowler and took a $50 fine.
Prez Melissa asked John McCandless:
1. My first job – Circus Circus Arcade
2. Best job – Fraternity recruiter after college
3. Worst job – Busboy, Easter Sunday Brunch at the MGM
4. Favorite book – Tuesdays with Morey
5. Most memorable travel experience – 10-day Bicycle Tour of Coast of
John identified Andy Katz with help from Hank so both received a $50 fine.
Prez Melissa asked Hank Falstad:
1. First car – 1983 Poop Brown Full size Blazer
2. Profession I’d like to attempt – Senator or Professional Woodworker.
3. Most people may not know that I went to college on a cheerleading
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Las Vegas Southwest Rotary Newsletter
Rotarians at work for
the Club
Invocation & Pledge
Who is this Rotarian? (continued)
4. Super-human power I’d like to possess – Be fully refreshed after 1
hour sleep
5. Historical era I’d like to have lived in – 50’s – No “mouthy” women
in the workplace.
Hank identified Josh Satterlee and avoided a fine.
Ron Reynolds
Introduction of
Visiting Rotarians
and Guests
Melissa Copeland
Prez Melissa asked Karen Strawn:
1. First job – Gas jockey @ Paul Woods Richfield Service Station
2. People might not expect that I’m a fan of WWII Model Aircraft.
3. Favorite vacation spot – Carmel Valley, CA.
4. Biggest influence in my career – Bill Jaeger, California Cement Co.
5. Historical era I would have liked to live in – Civil War Era.
Karen, with help from Eric, guessed Ted Henderson but the two received $50
fines for not playing fairly.
Mr. Mic
Troy Lochhead
Elaine Vinson
Prez Melissa asked Josh Satterlee:
1. My first car was a 1930 4-Door Buick
2. Historical figure I most identify with – Ronald Reagan
3. Favorite vacation spot – Hawaii
4. Funniest thing that happened to me – Raising 5 kids
5. Super-human power – Figure out women.
Josh, without help, identified Hank Falstad and avoided a fine. Seems Hank and
Josh know each other well.
Bruce Pope
Gifts for the President – sadly there were no gifts for the President today.
Drawing Winner
Pepe Charles
Program – Hank introduced the speaker - Garret Nichols – Directional Drilling
Engineer -who spoke of what he has learned in his years of drilling. Hank
passed mic around for questions.
Weekly Words of Wisdom: Marry well – It should be for a long time.
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Las Vegas Southwest Rotary Newsletter
Prez Melissa receives banner from
Albert Park Rotary Club
Ron Reynolds gives our Invocation and
Pledge Allegiance
Our lovely Troy handles to mic today
Rotarian Ann White visiting from
Happy to see former member Mike
McCandless as guest of John
Pepe’s guest Angela Abshier with Jack
Mark with Gia Mauro guest of Josh
Tom making notes about “feeding the
homeless” on Sept 29th
Karen couldn’t recognized Ted
Henderson from Melissa’s clues
Aric correctly identified Eric from the
Prez’s clues so no fine
Rebecca introduces her guest Eric Elam
Josh making sure the Club knows about
“back to school shopping” on the 25 th
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Las Vegas Southwest Rotary Newsletter
Ron, I thought you knew everyone so
how did you miss Richard Bowler?
Everyone knows Andy worked at Circus
Circus, but John missed
Past Pres Doug greeting Karen and Ed
Always smiling Karen meets always
smiling Doug M
Welcome back Mark
Donnie wants credit for borrowing money
from Eric’s bank, Meadows
Bryan keeps us up-to-date on the
political scene
Two of our newest members, Sean and
Our speaker Garrett Nichols
Mitchell, what kind of wine do you get
when 8 glasses cost $50
Our Board of Directors
Hank did well identifying Josh
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