erundschreiben24_2007_05.txt - Editor


erundschreiben24_2007_05.txt - Editor
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
mit diesem Rundschreiben Nr. 24 (17. Mai 2007) moechten wir Sie wieder ueber Neuigkeiten um
die Fachgruppe "Epidemiologie und Dokumentation" in der DVG informieren. In der nachfolgenden
Nachricht erhalten Sie Informationen ueber
(1) Stellenausschreibungen
(2) VetEpi-Veranstaltungskalender
Mit herzlichen Gruessen
Lothar Kreienbrock & Marcus Doherr
********** (1) Stellenausschreibungen **********
---------- Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (in)/(s) fuer veterinaermedizinische Biometrie und
Epidemiologie --------Am Institut fuer Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informationsverarbeitung der Stiftung Tieraerztliche
Hochschule Hannover ist ab sofort die Stelle eine(r)/(s) Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (in)/(s) fuer
veterinaermedizinische Biometrie und Epidemiologie zu besetzen. Die Aufgaben der
Stelleninhaberin / des Stelleninhabers sind die selbstaendige Bearbeitung von Forschungs- und
Beratungsaufgaben innerhalb der veterinaermedizinischen Biometrie und Epidemiologie. Hierzu
zaehlen insbesondere Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet der KLINISCHEN
veterinaermedizinischen Epidemiologie und der Infektionsepidemiologie sowie der
biometrisch-epidemiologischen Methodenlehre. Die Stelleninhaberin / der Stellen-inhaber soll
zudem die Methoden und praktischen Verfahren der GUTEN KLINISCHEN PRAXIS, der
evidenzbasierten Medizin und der Meta-Analyse in der tieraerztlichen Anwendung
weiterentwickeln und etablieren.
Voraussetzung fuer die Taetigkeit ist ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium in Statistik,
Mathematik oder analoger Abschluesse und der Nachweis biometrischer und epidemiologischer
Vertiefung sowie Kenntnisse im klinischen Datenmanagement. Fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in der
einschlaegigen statistischen und epidemiologischen Auswertungssoftware (SAS, Epicure, Egret, R
etc.) werden erwartet.
Das Arbeitsverhaeltnis, das aus Mitteln Dritter finanziert wird, ist nach den Bestimmungen der
Hochschulgesetzgebung befristet. Die Verguetung erfolgt gemaess der in Niedersachsen derzeit
ueblichen Tarife der Verguetung im oeffentlichen Dienst. Die Gelegenheit zu entsprechender
Weiterqualifikation ist gegeben. Bei gleichwertiger Qualifikation sollen Frauen bevorzugt
beruecksichtigt werden (§47, Abs. 3 NHG). Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung
vorrangig beruecksichtigt.
Ihre schriftliche Bewerbung mit den ueblichen Unterlagen richten Sie bitte unter dem Kennwort
"Wissenschaftler (in) Biometrie" moeglichst umgehend an: Herrn Prof. Dr. L. Kreienbrock, Institut
fuer Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informationsverarbeitung, Stiftung Tieraerztliche Hochschule
Hannover, Buenteweg 2, 30559 Hannover. Es wird gebeten, Bewerbungsunterlagen
ausschliesslich auf dem Postweg zu uebersenden. Elektronisch uebermittelte Bewerbungen
werden nicht weiter bearbeitet.
---------- Senior Clinical Training Scholarship (Residency) in Veterinary Public Health/Epidemiology
Seite 1
---------The successful applicant will receive training in all aspects of veterinary epidemiology, including
theoretical and practical aspects of epidemiological and statistical methods and their application to
the study of animal disease. You will be able to undertake the well established MSc in Veterinary
Epidemiology provided jointly by The Royal Veterinary College, the London School of Hygiene &
Tropical Medicine, Defra and the Veterinary Laboratories Agency. On completion of the Residency
you will have the opportunity to sit the exam for the Diploma of the European College of Veterinary
Public Health.
This Residency is jointly conducted at The Royal Veterinary College and Defra in London, and the
VLA in Surrey. It will be necessary to spend time at each organisation for conducting collaborative
research, particularly in the field of surveillance or avian influenza, as well as being involved in
small group teaching, seminars, research and epidemiological support.
Stipends for Senior Scholarships start at £14,902, increasing by annual increments to £16,222
(exempt of tax). For informal enquiries please email me at <>, telephone +44 1707 666025. Alternatively please download application form
and further details from <> Closing date
for applications is Friday 18th May - interviews to be held on Thursday 7th June 2007 at The Royal
Veterinary College.
---------- FACULTY POSITION IN VETERINARY CLIENT-PATIENT COMMUNICATIONS ---------The Department of Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, is
seeking applicants for a tenure-track faculty position in Veterinary Communications at the Assistant
or Associate Professor level. Applicants should have a DVM degree and training to the PhD or
DVSc level in veterinary communications, epidemiology or a related field. Students expecting to
complete their PhD within one year may apply. Experience in teaching veterinary communications
as a principal instructor or as a teaching assistant will be required. Private veterinary practice
experience and/or the completion of a course in the pedagogy of veterinary communications will be
an asset, as will expertise in research on veterinary communications. Effective communication
skills and a collegial attitude that will support active involvement in teaching and research are
required. The position will include approximately 35% research, 55% teaching and 10% service.
The successful candidate will have a strong grounding in veterinary communications, epidemiology
or a related field. A primary responsibility will be to develop a research program on
veterinary-client communication and acquire research funds to support graduate student training to
the MSc and PhD level. He or she will also actively participate in the integration of the
communication courses in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine curriculum into the primary care
hospital. The successful candidate will teach communications courses in all four phases of the
professional veterinary program and to graduate students.
The Department of Population Medicine is home to a diverse team of faculty members working in
veterinary epidemiology, farm animal and equine health management, food safety, public health,
applied animal behaviour, theriogenology, and ecosystem health. The communications program is
supported by a professional manager, faculty members from three departments, volunteer private
veterinary practitioners and trained simulated clients.
The Ontario Veterinary College ( is a founding college of the University of
Guelph, which is Canada’s leading comprehensive university. The city of Guelph
( is a pleasant community of 100,000 people located in southern Ontario
approximately one hour west of central Toronto.
Seite 2
Salary and rank are negotiable and commensurate with experience and qualifications. The
deadline for applications is April 15, 2007 or until the position is filled. Please send a complete
curriculum vitae and three references to: Dr. Cate Dewey, Chair, Department of Population
Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1.
Fax (519) 763-8621. Email:
The University of Guelph is committed to an Employment Equity Program that includes special
measures to achieve diversity among its faculty and staff. We, therefore, particularly encourage
applications from qualified aboriginal Canadians, persons with disabilities, members of visible
minorities and women. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority.
---------- FACULTY POSITION - SWINE EPIDEMIOLOGIST ---------The Department of Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, in
collaboration with an initiative supported by the Ontario Pork Producers Marketing Board, is
seeking applicants for a tenure-track faculty position for a Swine Epidemiologist at the Assistant
Professor level. Applicants will have a DVM degree or equivalent and training to the PhD or DVSc
level in epidemiology. Candidates should be eligible for licensure to practice veterinary medicine
in Ontario. Salary is negotiable and commensurate with qualifications.
The major focus of the position will be to develop a field oriented swine research and teaching
program at the veterinary college. This program will be developed collaboratively with industry and
University personnel, will be scientifically rigorous and focus primarily on swine health
management problems of importance to the Ontario swine industry. Effective communication skills
and a collegial attitude that will support active involvement in teaching, research and consultative
service programs, are required. The successful candidate will teach swine health management to
undergraduate students through lectures, seminars and swine field service. The candidate will be
available for consultation with private swine practitioners and producers and will disseminate
research results to producer audiences. The position will include approximately 45% research,
40% teaching and 15% service.
The successful candidate will have experience conducting observational studies and field research
focused on the swine industry and a strong grounding in general and analytic epidemiology. A
primary responsibility will be to develop a research program focused on the needs of the Ontario
swine industry and acquire general research funds to support graduate student training to the MSc
and PhD level. The successful candidate will be expected to assume a research role within the
University of Guelph-Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs research program.
The Ontario Veterinary College ( is a founding college of the University of
Guelph, which is Canada’s leading comprehensive university. The city of Guelph
( is a pleasant community of 100,000 people located in southern Ontario
approximately one hour west of central Toronto. The Department of Population Medicine is home
to a diverse team of faculty members working in veterinary epidemiology, farm animal and equine
health management, food safety, public health, applied animal behaviour, theriogenology, and
ecosystem health. The University has a very good infrastructure for swine research including a
diagnostic lab, isolation facilities, abattoir, research herds and access to a large vibrant industry.
Salary and rank are negotiable and commensurate with experience and qualifications. The
deadline for applications is May 31, 2007 or until the position is filled. Please send a complete
curriculum vitae and three references to: Dr. Cate Dewey, Chair, Department of Population
Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1.
Fax (519) 763-8621. Email:
Seite 3
The University of Guelph is committed to an Employment Equity Program that includes special
measures to achieve diversity among its faculty and staff. We, therefore, particularly encourage
applications from qualified aboriginal Canadians, persons with disabilities, members of visible
minorities and women. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority.
---------- FACULTY POSITION - POULTRY EPIDEMIOLOGIST ---------The Department of Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, in
collaboration with an initiative supported by the Poultry Industry Council, is seeking applicants for a
tenure-track faculty position for a Poultry Epidemiologist at the Assistant, Associate or Full
Professor level. Applicants will have a DVM degree or equivalent and training to the PhD or DVSc
level in epidemiology. Candidates should be eligible for licensure to practice veterinary medicine in
Ontario. It is expected that the successful candidate will collaborate with others on the Poultry
Program Team on campus and it is essential that the candidate communicate effectively with the
poultry industries. Salary is negotiable and commensurate with qualifications.
The major focus of the position will be to develop a field oriented poultry research and teaching
program at the veterinary college. This program will be developed collaboratively with industry and
University personnel, will be scientifically rigorous and focus primarily on current health and
management issues of importance to the Ontario poultry industries. The successful candidate will
conduct on-farm research projects and include farm visits in their teaching program. The position
will include approximately 55% research, 35% teaching and 10% service.
The successful candidate will contribute to teaching poultry health management and epidemiology
at the undergraduate and graduate student levels. A primary responsibility will be to develop a
research program and acquire research funds to support graduate student training to the MSc and
PhD level.
The Ontario Veterinary College ( is a founding college of the University of
Guelph, which is Canada’s leading comprehensive university. The city of Guelph
( is a pleasant community of 100,000 people located in southern Ontario
approximately one hour west of central Toronto. The Department of Population Medicine is home
to a diverse team of faculty members working in veterinary epidemiology, farm animal and equine
health management, food safety, public health, applied animal behaviour, theriogenology, and
ecosystem health.
Salary and rank are negotiable and commensurate with experience and qualifications. The
deadline for applications is May 31, 2007 or until the position is filled. Please send complete
curriculum vitae and three references to: Dr. Cate Dewey, Chair, Department of Population
Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1.
Fax (519) 763-8621. Email:
The University of Guelph is committed to an Employment Equity Program that includes special
measures to achieve diversity among its faculty and staff. We, therefore, particularly encourage
applications from qualified aboriginal Canadians, persons with disabilities, members of visible
minorities and women. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority.
---------- Aquatic epidemiologist needed in the Cape ---------Veterinarian required for aquatic animal health laboratory based in Hermanus, near Cape Town in
South Africa. Duties to include diagnostics, herd health/epidemiology and biosecurity. Large
Seite 4
component of histology. Previous aquaculture experience not necessary.
Training will be provided.
Registration with South African Veterinary Council is essential. Salary negotiable.
Enquiries and applications to:
Dr Anna Mouton.
E-mail: ;
Telephone +2728 341 0391.;
Fax +2728 341 0392.
Closing date: 31 May 2007.
********** (2) VetEpi-Veranstaltungskalender **********
Ohne Anspruch auf Vollstaendigkeit wollen wir an dieser Stelle einen kleinen
Veranstaltungskalender aufnehmen, der einige interessante Termine fuer "VetEpis"
Workshop on "Disease Outbreak Management", 21.-25.5.2007, Kopenhagen, Denmark
(Teaching program and application form is available at (use only lower
case letters); Deadline for application: 16. April 2007, Price: 1070 EUR (8000 DKK)
Nordic course in "Veterinary epidemiology": The course will be taught by professor Ian
Dohoo and professor Wayne Martin. They have both visited the Nordic countries many times and
taught their skills in epidemiology to Nordic and Baltic veterinarians with great success.
4.-13.6.2007,Denmark (General information, application form and program is found at, Application deadline: 12 March 2007)
First Nordic-Baltic Biometric Conference, 6.-8.6.2007, Denmark
For more information about the programme, and how to submit abstract please consult the
conference homepage at
“Summer School on Modern Methods in Epidemiology and Biostatistics”; Harvard
School of Public Health and Karolinska Institutet, 11.-23.6.2007, Trevisio, Italy
"Epi on the Island summer course” on Multilevel Modeling and Introduction to Bayesian
Analysis, 15.-24.8.2007, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
mathematical models of global and emerging infections Short Course for Public Health
Professionals, 3.-14.9.2007, Imperial College London
Tagung der Fachgruppe "Epidemiologie und Dokumentation" der DVG, 5.-7. September
2007, Muenchen (
2. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Epidemiologie DGEpi, 17.-21.
September 2007, Augsburg (
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Veranstaltungen haben, so wuerden wir uns ueber einen entsprechenen Hinweis freuen.
Seite 5
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Fachgruppe Epidemiologie und Dokumentation der DVG
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