Sport 2007 The Professionals` Secret - PM


Sport 2007 The Professionals` Secret - PM
Sport 2007
The Professionals’ Secret
“FitLine is the future of
optimized nutrition“
have even been partly patent-protected.
Cooperation with internationally renowned manufacturers producing according to the highest standards of
quality (GMP) is logically the condition of the products’
highest quality and safety.
Rolf Sorg
Dr. Gerhard Schmitt
CEO of
PM-International AG
Chairman of the Scientific
Advisory Board of
PM-International AG
The products in the FitLine optimized nutrition line are
the core competency of PM-International AG, our innovative company which has shown considerable growth
since its foundation in 1993.
“Nutrition is not everything, but without optimal nutrition, everything is nothing!” What we eat and drink
every day - good or bad – has a decisive influence on
not just our health but also on our performance levels,
our appearance, our thinking, our feelings, our life
span: in brief, on our well-being and our quality of life.
With high-quality optimized nutrition, we can optimize
our daily diets.
These facts were the basis for developing the FitLine
products. Our goal was to develop effective and safe
products. Our Vision and Motivation was and
remains to help many people worldwide to more fitness, well-being, performance levels, zest and
quality of life and also to financial independence.
PM-International reacts quickly to the results of nutritional science, as products are constantly tested, further
developed with the help of international top scientists, so ensuring that we keep our finger on the “pulse”
of the market.
Numerous top athletes and top German teams use the
FitLine nutritional optimization line and PMInternational is the official supplier of numerous
sports associations, e.g. of the DEB (German Ice
Hockey Association), the BDR (German Cycling
Association), the DTB (German Tennis Association)
and the DNV (German Nordic Walking
Association) as well as of numerous national teams in
Germany and abroad.
But you do not need to be a professional athlete to feel
the “effect”. Give yourself a chance, take on responsibility for your fitness, use our basic program on a daily
basis and then decide for yourself. We are so convinced of our product’s effectiveness that you can
return products to the company PM-International
within 30 days if you are not satisfied with their
effect for whatever reasons. You then have a choice
between replacement or free exchange, a voucher to
purchase other products or the return of the full purchase
"Through the unique Nutrient Transport Concept, the
FitLine products bring the nutrients exactly to the
place in our bodies where they take effect, to our
cells, and that significantly more quickly and with up
to 10 times higher bioavailabilty and therefore
results. The philosophy behind it is:
when our cells are fit and full of energy, we are fit
and full of energy.”
Developing new standards such as the unique FitLine
Nutrient Transport Concept (NTC) in an international
team is our requirement for effective products, which
Rolf Sorg
Dr. Gerhard Schmitt
CEO of
PM-International AG
Nutritional and Sports Scientist
Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board
of PM-International AG
The Significance of Individually Optimized Nutrition in Sports
Scientific Study FitLine Activize Oxyplus
Scientific Study FitLine Basics Plus
Successes in Sports and Business
Testimonials of Top Athletes
Alpine Ski
Athletics (Track and Field)
Combat Sports
Figure Skating
Fitness Decathlon
Ice Hockey
Martial Arts
Motor Sports
Nordic Ski
Nordic Walking
Speed Skating
Speed Skating
Speed Surfing
Sport Bowling
Table Tennis
Ultra Marathon
Medal Tables Winter Games Turin 2006
Medal Tables Summer Games Athens 2004
Study determining the Bioavailability of Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E
Recommendations for Product Use
Brief Explanation of the FitLine Products named in the Catalog
Doping Safety
Caffeine = Doping => NO!
4– 7
8 – 11
12 – 15
16 – 17
18 – 59
48 – 49
33 – 35
28 – 30
38 – 39
42 – 43
36 – 37
46 – 47
24 – 25
52 – 53
56 – 57
62 – 63
64 – 66
67 – 69
From 2002–2006, five times in succession, PM-International was one of just two companies in its industry to be
chosen by an independent body of scientists and renowned economic experts chaired by Prof. Dr. h.c. Lothar
Späth and Prof. Dr. H.-J. Warnecke (President of the Fraunhofer Association) as one of the 100 most innovative
companies among all medium-sized German companies. With the related award, “Member of TOP 100,” the
great pleasure in innovation and the self-imposed obligation to quality which allows no compromise is impressively honored.
The significance of individually
optimized nutrition in Sports
Optimal Nutrition
– The Key to Top Performance
and Fitness
Increased nutrient requirements
– Professional and Leisure
“Correct nutrition fundamentally influences fit-
Scientific studies indicate frequent nutrient deficien-
ness, state of training and mental state.” This is an
cies among athletes. This has two reasons in par-
excerpt from the resolution of an international nutrition
ticular. Firstly, athletes are often insufficiently sup-
conference of sport nutrition experts in Hot Springs,
plied e.g. with vitamins and minerals from their
USA. Unfortunately, the significance of an individually
basic diet (few fruits, vegetables, salads, cereal prod-
optimized diet in the area of fitness and sport is still
ucts); secondly, they have an increased demand-
strongly underestimated today, even by top athletes
compared with the general population. The increased
and top trainers. In the search for ever new sub-
demand results in particular from the higher perfor-
stances to enhance performance, the optimization
mance, from increased excretion (e.g. through perspi-
of an individual’s diet is usually neglected.
ration), from a lower utilization and a lesser intake of
nutrients and ingredients in the intestines.
But an optimal diet does not just contribute to a maximization of the – individually possible – perfor-
Leisure athletes are often more subject to nutrient
mance, but also supports accelerated regeneration
deficiency than professional athletes as their organism is
after competitions and fast recovery after injuries.
less well adapted to the high performance levels (e.g.
through loss of perspiration).
The “deficiency vitamins” among athletes are in particular the antioxidative “Protective Vitamins” (Vitamin
C, Vitamin E, Provitamin A) and also the “Energy and
nerve vitamins” (B-Vitamins). Drops in performance
levels in the area of sport and fitness are also caused
by an increased loss in electrolytes and, especially by
increased loss of fluids.
Karol Kucera (2nd left), Dominik Hrbaty (2nd right)
and Miroslav Mecir (center). World class players and
enthusiastic FitLine product users
Possible consequences of a deficiency in nutrients
and fluids can be rapid fatigue, an increased risk of
injury, lower performance and energy levels, slower
regeneration after competition, a weak immune
system and long-term, serious damage.
How does optimal nutrition look?
Particularly where sport and fitness are concerned, an
stances (i.e. fibers, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals,
optimal diet must be individual, i.e.. adapted to the par-
bioactive substances, water) via a balanced basic diet
ticular requirements of an individual. This is due to the
(= securing basic provision).
fact that the requirement for energy and vital substances
(e.g. vitamins and mineral) does not just depend on age
Unfortunately, athletes do not always manage to eat a
and gender but also on the duration, type (of sport) and
balanced diet. On the one hand, many athletes are
the intensity of the physical strain.
prevented by circumstances such as lack of time,
laziness, training plans, food available at compe-
An individually optimized diet for highest performance
titions, travelling or simply by lack of knowledge
and fitness should therefore always consist of a bal-
from eating a balanced diet and securing an optimal
anced basic diet and a targeted nutritional opti-
supply of nutrients and vital substances.
On the other hand, an optimal supply of all essential
The highest goal of an individually optimized diet is
nutrients and vital substances is also prevented by an
primarily the intake of essential nutrients and vital sub
increased demand caused by smoking, drinking alcohol, medication, environmental pollution, stress at
training and competition. In addition, professional
A balanced
basic diet
Targeted optimized
nutrition FitLine Sport
Nutrition Modules
athletes belong to a group of people with
increased demand. In this group, nutrient deficiency is discovered especially often during scientific
Individually optimized Nutrition
What criteria are essential for high-quality
nutritional optimization for athletes?
A high-quality nutritional optimization ought to be able,
on the one hand, to close gaps in the basic diet individually and in a targeted way and, on the other
hand, high-quality nutritional optimization must most of
all be effective.
To close gaps which are of a different size for each
athlete in the basic diet in a targeted way, a high-quality nutritional optimization must be made up of different
modules (products). These modules should contain cer-
letes. Using the versatile “product modules” from the
tain nutrients and vital substances in ingredient groups
FitLine product line (Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-
which have been optimally matched up to one
Drink, Restorate, Phyto-Drink, Antioxy (Zellschutz), Q10
Plus, target-group specific sport bars etc.), which are
easy to dose as powder stirred into liquids, every ath-
Firstly, these can be ingredient groups with a particular
lete can consider their different requirements flexi-
focus, e.g. complete intestinal cleansing, all round
bly and individually and compile an “individual
protection for the cells with a high antioxidative
magic potion” of their own.
potential or a beneficial influence on energy and
nerve metabolism. Secondly, these can also be ingre-
A Multivitamin tablet, which provides vital substances
dient groups which have been optimally compiled to
according to a “watering can” principle, or a capsule
suit the needs of particular target groups, such as ath-
with just one ingredient can only fulfill this requirement of
an individual optimized nutrition in part for sports or not
Which requirements must a high-quality
nutritional optimization
do it justice at all. Popular isotonic drinks on the other
hand do not provide an athlete with sufficient amounts
of the necessary ingredients.
• Gaps in a basic diet are individually closed in a targeted way ( = basic supply secured)
• An increased requirement of members of a target
group is covered individually
(= protective supply secured)
• Noticeable effectiveness
One more essential or even the most important
demand on a high-quality nutritional optimization
is its effectiveness. It is not crucial which ingredients are
written on the packaging, but more particularly, what the
• Safety is given
nutritional optimization
is your insurance
body absorbs and what reaches the place they take
effect, namely the cells.
In developing effective products for nutritional optimiza-
tion), natural and doping safe. Only by using opti-
tion, the aspects of nutrient transport must be consid-
mized nutrition products which correspond to the require-
ments mentioned can gaps in athletes’ basic diets be
This demand is unfortunately not, or only partially,
effectively and safely closed in a targeted way and the
done justice by most products, especially in the area
body be supported to form the foundation for optimal
of sport.
For an optimal transport of nutrients, the method of
Using the FitLine products, which can be combined
taking them is one of the things which is especially impor-
and individually dosed and which were developed
tant. Vital substances are usually absorbed better,
according to the FitLine Nutrition Transport
quicker, in higher quantities and more gently in flu-
Concept, a
ids than in capsules or pressed tablets and they additionally provide an athlete with fluids. Capsules or tablets
often do not release their ingredients into the body until
the place where they attain the highest absorption level
Individually effective
N utritional Optimization
(moving from the intestines into the blood), the duode-
is already available for leisure and professional
num, has been passed. The method of combining and
athletes and the fitness-conscious, which meets the
bonding ingredients, their solubility, pH value and
above-mentioned demands.
many other aspects also influence nutrient transport and thereby the effectiveness of such products.
Digestibility is also improved.
In addition to these mentioned aspects, high-quality nutritional optimization should also provide an athlete with
ingredients which are very pure (e.g. with regard to
heavy metals, pesticides, herbacides or microbe infesta-
"Through the unique Nutrient Transport Concept,
the FitLine products bring the nutrients exactly to
the place in our bodies where they take effect, to
our cells, and that significantly more quickly and
with up to 10 times higher bioavailability and
therefore results. The philosophy behind it is:
when our cells are fit and full of energy, we are fit
and full of energy," says the Chairman of our
Scientific Advisory Board , Dr. Gerhard Schmitt.
The goal of developing and distributing natural
nutritional supplements utilizing pioneering technologies has been fully incorporated into the
FitLine Nutrient Transport Concept, NTC. The
careful choice and exactly matched up amounts
of ingredients, their presentation as a tasty drink,
the special micellization of the vitamins, all these
factors not only ensure faster and better absorption/effect, but also for a particularly gentle
intake of all the nutrients.
All FitLine products are manufactured according
to the strict international GMP guidelines.
Results of the first scientific study on FitLine Activize Oxyplus
Oxygen: the basis for life, performance and sports
The human body can survive three weeks without food,
These can materialize as poor concentration or fatigue,
three days without liquids, but only three minutes with-
or also as digestive trouble, tense and “sour” muscles,
out oxygen. An adequate supply of oxygen is actually
accelerated aging, or a weak immune system.
the basis for life.
In short, oxygen is one of the most important elements
for blood circulation and it boosts the metabolism of
each body cell. Our heart, lungs, brain, intestines, skin
and every muscle and fiber require oxygen to fulfill
their tasks in the best possible way and to keep us
healthy, able and fit.
Nutrients like carbohydrates and fats are transported
with oxygen into the mitochondria, the power stations
of our body, and are converted to energy there. In principle, this is comparable to a fireplace, in which wood
is burned in order to produce heat. If there is not
enough oxygen for the burning, residue will collect on
the walls of the fireplace – it does not work as well as
it could, produces less energy, and gets sooty. And like
a fire, our body also needs enough oxygen to optimally generate energy. Depending on the constitution, an
inadequate supply of oxygen can have a variety of
consequences in the long-term.
Mitochondria are the “thermal power stations“ producing energy for muscles and body cells. They
“burn“ oxygen and thus release energy.
Results of the first scientific study on FitLine Activize Oxyplus
FitLine Activize Oxyplus: more oxygen = more performance
With FitLine Activize, both leisure and performance athletes have been able to use a tried and tested product
that contains all energy-relevant nutrients.
naturally developed acc. to NTC
and produced acc. to GMP
The further development of the Activize product line,
conducted under the overall supervision of Dr. Gerhard
Schmitt, Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of
PM-International, therefore aimed to create a new
product with special substances that optimize the
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body’s supply with oxygen in addition to its energy
metabolism, thereby enhancing performance even further.
As the first users report, PM-International has reached
On thermographic photographs the improved circula-
this goal with FitLine Activize Oxyplus. With Activize
tion and thermogenesis can clearly be seen. Vitamin C
Oxyplus even the finest capillaries of the blood vessels
and the B-vitamins guarantee an optimal gain of ener-
are opened so that nutrients and oxygen reach their
gy in the body. Dextrose delivers useable energy quick-
place of effect extremely quickly and enhance the pro-
ly. Guarana and specific brown algae extracts
duction of energy there.
enhance the fat burning ability of the body; in higher
doses even a positive effect on weight reduction is
noticeable. With these special ingredients in their special combination, FitLine Activize Oxyplus gives athletes as well as all other fitness- and health-conscious
people the ability to perform at a higher level.
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Results of the first scientific study on FitLine Activize Oxyplus
FitLine Activize Oxyplus gives greater performance,
now scientifically tested and proven!
knew which group took which drink on which days.
The outstanding effectiveness of the new FitLine
This information was only accessible to the scientists,
Activize Oxyplus has now been proven in a scientific
who later analyzed and evaluated the results of the
study in which 20 leisure and top athletes participated.
study. The participants were anonymous: the scientists
The research was conducted as a randomized
did not know which results belonged to which athlete.
and placebo-controlled cross-over double-blind
Any possibility of influencing the results of the study
study. This means the 20 athletes were split up ran-
was in effect eliminated.
domly into two groups.
For seven days the first group received one teaspoon
Thus the study conformed to the strictest scientific
each of FitLine Activize Oxyplus three times a day
(morning, noon, and evening). Then, after a three day
The ability of each leisure and professional athlete to
break, this group received a placebo (a drink without
perform was then tested for 25 minutes under strain on
any active ingredients) for the following seven days.
the treadmill by the means of spiroergometry, and mea-
The second group took the placebo three times daily
suring blood pressure, cardiac control, lactate test, and
for the first week. After a three day break, they then
an analysis of the respiratory gases. This test was con-
took FitLine Activize Oxyplus for seven days. Neither
ducted on the first, the seventh, and the fourteenth day.
the participants nor the persons in contact with them
Particular attention was paid to the respiratory quotient
(RQ) and the VO2max values as these values paint a
meaningful picture of the actual ability to perform physically. These values show if oxygen (O2) is indeed at
the disposal of the body cells.
In comparison with the values of the initial tests (INI-1),
after taking FitLine Activize Oxyplus for only seven
days, the VO2max values (the maximum possible
intake capacity for oxygen) showed a clear
increase in performance in the first group (V-1). This
At the initial tests, the VO2max value was on average at
53.0 ml O2 per minute per kg body weight. After 7 days
intake it already reached 55.1 and after additional 7 days
55.8 – although FitLine Activize Oxyplus was taken only in
the first week, there was still an additional increase to be
found in the second week!
responder group was still present when another series
of tests was conducted after fourteen days. Due to a
kind of “Afterburner-Effect”, the VO2max values
Results of the first scientific study on FitLine Activize Oxyplus
actually increased further to 55.8 ml O2 per minute
during this second week, even though no further doses
had been administered. The increasing volume clearly
shows a higher absorption and a better transportation
of oxygen into the muscles.
Not only maximum oxygen absorption but also running
speeds were improved through the intake of FitLine
Scientifically proven: The
efficacy of FitLine Activize
More Oxygen
The VO2max- levels (the maximum possible oxygen
retention) increase by an average of 10% – the
body has more oxygen available down to the last
capillaries and cells.
ratio of oxygen absorption to carbon-dioxide expulsion) standardized to a value of 1, the running speeds
of all participants increased by an average of 28%
and even by 32% in group 1! The speed on the tread-
Better Performance
Using a respiratory quotient (the ratio of oxygen
absorption to carbon-dioxide expulsion) standardized to a value of 1, the running speed increased by
a mean of 28% (for all participants) and 32%
respectively (for participant s from group 1).
mill was raised from 9.9 km/h (6.15 mph) to 13.0
km/h (8.08 mph) – and in the respond group it was
even raised to 14.9 km/h (9.26 mph)!
More Energy
Through the innovative combination of active substances in FitLine Activize Oxyplus, the body not
only receives more oxygen, but also all other important nutrients required for energy production.
Better Results
The result is undisputable: FitLine Activize Oxyplus
increases bodily fitness regardless of age or preexisting levels of fitness – more impressively, it does
this after only a few days. Even greater results can
be expected after prolonged intake.
The S
Using a respiratory quotient, which, under load, after taking FitLine Activize Oxyplus was standardized to the value
of 1 , the running speed increased from an average of 9.9
km/h (6.15 mph) at the preliminary test (INI-1) to a noticeably faster 13.0 km/h (8.08 mph) – on average!
Source: Dr. Gerhard Schmitt Nuwelis Institut and Dr. Horst Schwietz Fa. Nutrichem
Activize Oxyplus. Using a respiratory quotient (the
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Results of the first scientific FitLine Basics Plus Study
Professional athletes and those involved in leisure sports simply need more
It is clear that professional athletes require more nutri-
Many sports enthusiasts are in a state of latent defi-
ents than the general population: on the one hand their
ciency and slip into the deficit area as far as getting suf-
consumption is higher due to the intensive physical
ficient liquids or consuming vital substances and anti-
strain they are subjected to during training and in com-
oxidants are concerned – at least if they do not play
petitions and to the psychological stress; on the other
sports regularly and suddenly train too intensively
hand, they often do not have a regular supply of all the
according to the adage, “the harder the better,” then
important nutrients – due to irregular eating habits with
their body is often less well adapted to these strains. In
insufficient vegetables, fruit and wholewheat products,
their perspiration, hobby athletes lose a disproportion-
to insufficient recovery periods, travel to competition
ate amount of minerals and water-soluble vital sub-
events far off or strange food in ever changing hotels.
stances such as the B-vitamins without which the nervous system cannot perform.
The consequence is that they are nervous, lack concentration, drained – which also quickly has consequences in other areas of life. All of this makes a higher intake of nutrients necessary.
To be able to realize their full potential professional
The consequence can be an insufficient supply of vital
and leisure athletes need the following for their mental
substances and disrupted intestinal flora, which reduces
and physical performance:
the ability to perform, damages the immune system and
often enough increases oxidative stress in the cells.
• sufficient supply with nutrients,
Whoever, however, thinks that a higher nutrient demand
• a digestive system that works well and absorbs
is principally a concern for professional athletes is mistaken. Top athletes, who work on their success professionally usually know this problem and discuss optimized
nutrients in the best possible way,
• a strong immune system and
• safe protection for our body cells
nutrition just as intensely as their training plans and highlights of the season.
Keeping the intestines in good order and an optimal
nutrient supply are the key to more performance and
It is usually those involved in leisure sports who have
energy, less time lost, quicker regeneration and a better
the most problems with nutrient supply.
mental state; this is true for all athletes!
Results of the first scientific FitLine Basics Plus Study
New FitLine Basics Plus, naturally better health.
FitLine Basics Plus, tried-and-tested for years, effectively
One factor for a healthy life is found in the effects of
provided the intestines and the immune system with the
certain Ayurvedic herbs and spices. These are tradi-
following important substances:
• different vegetable enzymes
tionally used in Indian Ayurveda herbal medicine in a
wide range of medicinal areas.
• soluble and insoluble fibers
New FitLine Basics Plus includes, along with other
• pre- and probiotic lactic acid bacteria
ingredients, a natural vegetable extract called BET
• diverse secondary vegetable matter made up of
(Bioavailability Enhancing Thermonutrient), that
fruit, vegetable and cereal extracts
• the cell-protection vitamin team, vitamin C,
beta-carotene, vitamin E plus the trace element
enhances fitness and the absorption of nutrients in an
even better way and produces surprising effects as has
now been proven by two scientific studies.
• BET (Bioavailability Enhancing Thermonutrient)
• valuable fructooligosacharides (FOS)
In this newly developed, worldwide unique FitLine
BasicsPlus, PM-International’s Scientific Advisory Board,
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chaired by Dr. Gerhard Schmitt, has combined modern scientific findings with innovative technologies using
knowledge from the “Mother of the Art of Living”,
Ayurveda which is thousands of years old. In India this
naturally developed acc. to
NTC and manufactured GMP guidelines
holistic health teaching has stood for life (ayus) and the
extensive knowledge about it (veda) for more than
3 000 years. A long and healthy life and the prevention of disease is the focal point of Ayurvedic medicine.
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New FitLine Basics Plus
• revitalizes the intestines
• increases absorption of nutrients
• strengthens the immune system
and is the ideal basic product for all healthconscious and physically active people.
Results of the first scientific FitLine Basics Plus Study
FitLine Basics Plus now scientifically tested
Laboratory study: high bio-availability
Study in Practice: Better values, improved well-
The bioavailability, i.e. the body’s potential absorption
rate is under 10% for many nutrients. In a study on BET,
Blood and stool samples of 50 people chosen at ran-
the absorption of different nutrients was compared
dom were tested. Then, the test persons took one glass
more precisely –using one group with and a control
of water with 2 measuring spoons of FitLine Basics Plus
group without BET.
each morning for three months.
The results were extremely impressive: BET significantly
Analysis of the questionnaires indicates a general
increased the absorption of the individual nutrients.
improvement in participants’ subjective feeling of well-
Selenium (used for comparison) was present at a rate
being. 64% of participants judged their private per-
of 58.2 mcg/ml (with BET) as opposed to 40 mcg/ml
formance levels as good to very good; 70% judged
(without BET). Vitamin B6 content was 670 mcg/ml
their professional achievements in the same way and
(with BET) and 255 mcg/ml (without BET). The increas-
84% described their digestion and overall well-being
es for Q10, beta-carotene and Vitamin C were equally
as good to very good.
staggering. Overall, the absorption of all nutrients
improved at a rate of between 30% and 250%.
Scientifically more significant, however, were the laboratory analyses. These clearly demonstrate that FitLine
This shows that the ingredient BET in FitLine Basics Plus
Basics Plus has a beneficial effect on health at the cel-
enhances the absorption of all nutrients, which are
lular level.
taken in conjunction with it. After testing the individual ingredients, the subsequent goal was to test the
overall effects.
Prof. performance
Private performance
Clearly recognizable. Absorption of vitamin B6 is
improved by far with the active ingredient BET.
The questionnaire asked about subjective experiences
with FitLine Basics Plus. Judging on a scale of 1 (poor) to
10 (very good) 70% of participants stated their professional achievement levels as being good to very good.
Results of the first scientific FitLine Basics Plus Study
Proven by scientists:
The effectiveness of
FitLine Basics Plus
Better absorption of nutrients
It can be proven that the lactic acid bacteria in FitLine Basics Plus
have settled in the intestines – in the responder group (right)
even particularly clearly.
The number of health-promoting lactobacilli and bifidobacteria have clearly increased. Lipid peroxide concentration, an indicator of cellular protection against
Free Radicals, had significantly decreased. In the middle band the elevated 115.8 umol/L was lowered to
101.5 umol/L. The IgA concentrations, which indicate
Safer provision of nutrients
Alpha-1-antitrypsine levels as an indirect leading
indicator for nutrient absorption have been significantly improved by taking FitLine Basics Plus.
Revitalization of intestinal flora
It has also been proven that the bifido bacilli and
lactobacilli included in FitLine Basics Plus settle in
the intestines and help to keep the intestinal flora
Strengthened immune system
affected in a similar way – elevated levels at the begin-
Reduced s-IgA concentrations were shown in 31%
of all participants, showing a clear strengthening of
the immune system.
ning of the study were clearly reduced in 31% of par-
Protection of the body’s cells
the immune status of the mucous membrane, were
The daily requirement for vital substances – according
to the test results – is also better covered for people
actively involved in sports and for professional athletes.
Proven by the blood samples – the active ingredient BET
raised the absorption of beta carotene along with other
nutrients particularly when taken for several days.
Buzz word, “oxidative stress.” Lowering the lipid
peroxide concentration in the blood clearly confirmed the effective cell protection against so-called
“Free Radicals.”
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Source: Dr. Gerhard Schmitt, Nuwelis Institut, and Dr. Horst Schwietz, Co. Nutrichem
Beta carotene + 60%
+ 30%
Coenzyme Q10 + 30%
Vitamin C
+ 39%
Vitamin B6
+ 250%
Result: improved utilization of nutrients
Testimonials of Top Athletes
Magdalena Neuner
World Champion sprint, pursuit and 4x6 relay
World Champion 10km pursuit and 3x6km relay
World Champion runner-up 7.5 km sprint (Juniors)
European Championship bronze medal 4x6km relay
World Champion 7.5 km sprint (Juniors), World Vice Champion
10 km pursuit (Juniors) and 3x6 km relay (Juniors)
World Champion 7.5 km sprint (Juniors) and 3x6 km relay
(Juniors), World Champion runner-up 10 km pursuit (Juniors)
Use of FitLine Since:
September 2004
FitLine Products Used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Restorate Additive, Fitness-Drink, Antioxy/Zellschutz,
All-in-1000 Plus, Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“I have been using the FitLine products since September 2004 and I am very pleased with them. In my sport, the
demands on endurance, concentration and strength are very high. FitLine Activize Oxyplus helps me to concentrate
optimally at the shooting stand. I can also recover better with Restorate and I have the feeling that my legs aren’t
quite as ‘blue’ the next day. In addition, I eat All-in-1000 Plus. This product helps me to improve my overall wellbeing.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Martina Pöttinger / Susi Trepte
Christoph Knie
European Cup 7th place relay
2005/06 German Vice Champion Rollerski pursuit
2004/05 World Champion Relay
World Cup 4th place sprint and 7th pursuit (juniors)
2003/04 World Champion 4x7,5 km Relay (juniors)
European Cup bronze medal mountain roller ski
German Cup winner relay sprint and 2nd place individual
2002/03 World Champion Pursuit (youth)
World Vice Champion Relay (youth)
World Cup bronze medal sprint (youth)
2001/02 World Champion single (youth), World Champion relay (youth)
German Vice Champion sprint and pursuit (youth)
Use of FitLine Since:
November 2003
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“The peculiarity of biathlon is the high endurance performance coupled with phases of extreme concentration during shooting, during which the pulse must be lowered a lot in a very short time. The FitLine products help me a lot
in this. Especially Fitness-Drink is the best I know – especially in comparison to other products. Since I have been
using Activize Oxyplus I can breathe more easily and get more air.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Andreas Holzer / Ralph Scheurer
Beat Hefti
Winter Games Turin bronze medal two and four-man bobsleigh
European Champion four-man bobsleigh
European Cup bronze medal two-man bobsleigh
2005/06 World Cup 3rd place overall four-man bobsleigh
World Cup bronze medal two-man bobsleigh
European Cup bronze medal two-man bobsleigh
2004/05 World Cup overall winner two-man bobsleigh, four-man bobsleigh
2nd place
European Vice Champion two-man and four-man bobsleigh
(personal best 100m in 10,56 Sek.)
Winter Games Salt Lake City bronze medal two-man bobsleigh
and four-man bobsleigh 4th place
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
Summer 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink,
Restorate, Q10 Plus, Protein-Ultra
“The FitLine products support me and my team in an optimal way every day. Especially the quick regeneration and
the increased readiness to perform that comes with it is important for us power athletes and in bobsleigh. Better
well-being in general, sustained top performance in training and in competition. Optimal support on our way to our
goal of, Vancouver 2010.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Claudia Heer
Anja Schneiderheinze-Stöckel
Two-man Bobsleigh
Winter Games Turin Gold Medal
World Cup overall winner
World Champion, European Vice Champion
World Cup overall winner
World Vice Champion
World Cup overall winner
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
August 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink,
Restorate, Restorate Additive, Antioxy/Zellschutz,
Protein-Ultra, Quicky
“In our sport, quickness and strength are necessary, which I have to be able to
call up in a few seconds in a competition to move the bob from its starting position as quickly as possible. Through the FitLine products, I have been able to
strengthen my immune system and simultaneously noticed quicker regeneration.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Rainer Oehrlein / Iduna Reinhardt / Marian Thoms
Andreas Wilhelm
Managing Director and Head of Training, DNV
Use of FitLine since:
Summer 2004
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate ,
Fitness-Drink, Omega 3+E, Q10 Plus,
Antioxy/Zellschutz, Gourmet Shakes, Protein-Ultra,
Gourmet Crunch, Quicky
“My name is Andreas Wilhelm, I am 39 years old and a trained PE teacher. Since
2001, I have had to do with nordic walking full time. I am head of training at the
DNV (German Nordic Walking Association) and responsible for the quality of the
technique and the further development of methods. After I and many trainers and
instructors with the DNV were able to convince ourselves about the quality and
effectiveness of the FitLine products over a 2 year period, we are pleased with this
partnership. With it we, the World’s biggest nordic walking association, are again
setting signs in the direction of quality in the areas of exercise and nutrition. This
partnership makes it possible for many nordic walking instructors to dare to take
the step into self-employment with excercise and nutrition.
Since the summer 2004, I have regenerated better after sports, sleep better and
deeper, am better able to perform and feel like I am becoming ever fitter.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Kurt Metzler / Carsten Ledulé
Hermann Berie
Extreme Mountaineering
All high north faces in the Alps: (Eiger, Matterhorn, Jorasse, Ortner etc.),
5- and 6 000 meters high in South America and Asia: (Aconcagua, Denali,
Baruntse etc.).
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
Africa: Mount Meru (4 556 m, 14 950 feet) 1999, 7 x Mount Kilimanjaro
(5 895 m, 19 340 feet), Mount Kenia (4 985 m, 16 350 feet)
2003 Skiing tour Djebel Toubkal (4 167 m, 13 670 feet)
Asia and Himalayas: Mountaineering on skis Turkey Hasan Dagi (3 268 m,
10 720 feet), Mount Erciyes (3 916 m, 12 850 feet), Mount Embler
(3 723 m, 12 210 feet), Mount Ararat (5 165 m, 16 950 feet),
Attempt Satopanth (7 075 m, 23 210 feet), on the Garhwal Himal, Pik Lenin
(7 134 m, 23 410 feet), Mera Peak (6 461 m, 21 200 feet), Island Peak
(6 189 m, 20 310 feet), Lobuche Peak (6 119 m, 20 310 feet), Chulu Far East
(5 180 m, 16 990 feet), Baruntse (7 220 m, 23 690 feet), Mount EverestNorth Ridge (8 850 m, 29040 feet), Attempt Mount Cho Oyu (8 201 m,
29 040 feet)
December 2004
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Omega 3+E,
Q10 Plus, Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“The FitLine products are the ideal complement to a diet which is often meagre on long tours. Specifically, Activize
Oxyplus is also an important part of my daily intake on high mountains, as the oxygen freed and the stimulation of
circulation in the capillaries mean headaches can be avoided. Activize is the alternative to the acetylsalicylic acid
mountaineers usually use. My favorite product Restorate is of huge importance for regeneration. On high mountains, the body is always over-acidic and with Restorate and Restorate Additive, it is possible to specifically counter
that, bring it back into the alkaline area. Recognizable symptoms such as storage of water in tissues have clearly
FitLine Team: Liguma AG Daniel Hayoz
Dr. Andreas Gröger
Team Physician of the German Ice Hockey Association
Clinic for Orthopedics and Sport Orthopedics, Technical University Munich
Use of FitLine since:
September 1998
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink, Restorate,
Antioxy/Zellschutz, Deoral, Q10 Plus, Shakes,
Quicky, Protein-Ultra, Fitness-Crisp
“As the physician of the German National Ice Hockey Team I keep tabs on the
nourishment of the athletes along with their medical care. In the last few years,
ice hockey has become faster, harder, technically more demanding and more
spectacular. To meet these requirements, the composition of the nutrition increasingly relies on ergogenic substances in order to maintain the performance level
and to accelerate the ability to regenerate. The use of the FitLine products has
proven its worth in these areas. The body gets all the nutrients that are highly
important to stay healthy. Furthermore in FitLine we have a partner who guarantees not only the quality of the products but also that they are free of any doping
DEB National Team
Back row left to right: Physiotherapist Carsten Fiedler, Team Physician Dr. Andreas Gröger, Petr Fical, Aleksander
Polaczek, Felix Petermann, Toni Bader, Kai Hospelt, René Röthke, Michael Hackert, Alexander Barta, Frank
Hördler, Equipment Manager Dieter Maier.
Center row left to right:: National Trainer Uwe Krupp, Team Manager Carlos Vogel, Erich Goldmann, Lasse
Kopitz, Martin Ancicka, Christoph Ullmann, Stefan Schauer, Michael Bakos, Alexander Sulzer, Philip Gogulla,
John Tripp, Ass. Trainer Klaus Merk, PR Manager Alexandra Heinze, Physiotherapist Martin Abraham.
Front row left to right:: Alexander Jung, Christoph Gawlik, Eduard Lewandowski, Sven Felski, Andreas Renz,
Daniel Kreutzer, Yannic Seidenberg, Michael Wolf, Dimitri Kotschnew, Equipment Manager Markus Schreiber.
Daniela Anschütz-Thoms
Speed Skating
Winter Games Turin gold medal team, 5th place 5 000 m
and 6th place 3 000 m, World Cup 6th all round
2004/05 World Champion Team
World Cup 4th place against clock and 3 000 m
5th place 1 500 m and 5 000 m
European Vice Champion against clock, 500 m and 1 500 m
2003/04 World Cup 8th place against clock
German Vice-Champion against clock
2002/03 World Cup bronze medal against clock
European Cup 4th place against clock
World Cup overall 4th place
Use of FitLine since:
November 2005
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate
Additive, Gourmet-Crunch, Protein-Ultra
“My sport is characterized by a high level of perseverance. Since I started taking the FitLine products, not only
have my lactate values improved, but I have also been able to observe that my performance level during competitions has stabilized. The FitLine products have also had beneficial effects on my ability to concentrate and on my
respiratory quotients. My ability to regenerate after training and competitions has significantly improved.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Reiner Oehrlein / Iduna Reinhardt
Lukas Gehring
World Vice Champion 24 hour MTB team of 4
European Vice Champion short distance
European Vice Champion
World Vice Champion short distance
World Cup Powermann 16th place long distance
Swiss Championship Lausanne 19th place
MTB-Duathlon Aeschi 1st place, MTB-Duathlon Teufen 2nd place
MTB-Duathlon Engehalbinsel 5th place, Duathlon Kölliken 10th place
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
July 2003
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Quicky
“I have now been using these products for a long time and have noticed accelerated recovery after intensive competitions as well as an increased desire to perform. I am especially
thrilled about Fitness-Drink, particularly during long cycling tours, as it tastes so refreshing. Through Basics, I brought my intestinal flora back into order and so I am able to
complete long cycling tours unhindered.”
FitLine Team: Tobias Hollenstein
Fabienne Bosshardt
Figure Skating
2005/06 Swiss Championship12th place
Zurich Regional Championships 4th place
Internat. Glacier Cup 5th place, Kolin-Trophy winner (SEV-Juniors)
Swiss Championship 13th place (youth), Lugano Cup 3rd
Place (youth), Montalin Cup Cur 5th place (SEV Juniors)
2004/05 International Monfort Cup 2nd place
2003/04 Swiss Championship 6th place (SEV youth)
Züri-Leu Cup winner, pirouettes contest winner
2002/03 Winterthur pirouettes contest winner, Zuri-Leu-Cup 4th place
Swiss Championship 5th place (SEV youth)
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
October 1999
Activize Oxy, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink,
Antioxy/Zellschutz, Protein-Ultra, Q10 Plus
“I usually go straight from school to training and do my homework once I get home in the evening. I do still manage to find a bit of time for my friends. I use the FitLine Fitness-Drink for mobility, which is very important in ice
skating. Every day, I eat a Protein-Ultra bar (tastes really great), which has had real benefits for my muscles. My
body has to cope with many shocks on landing after double jumps. As ice skating is my passion, the pressure of
time is no bother for me and taking the FitLine products is a sure support for my perseverance.”
FitLine Team: Myriam Bosshardt
Melanie Egelhofer
Figure Skating
Swiss Vice Champion
Int. Alps Cup 3rd place, Eulach Cup 3rd place
Zuri Leu Cup winner
Int. Monfort-Cup Feldkirch winner
Eulach-Cup Winterthur winner, Montalin Cup Cur winner
Swiss Champion (youth), winner Int. Helmut-SeibtMemorial Vienna, AIG Talent Team Art on Ice
Member of SEV youth squad
Winner Montfort-Cup Feldkirch
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
July 2004
Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink,
Restorate, Activize Power Drink, Omega 3,
Antioxy light /Zellschutz light, Basics Junior, Protein-Ultra, Quicky
“I tried the FitLine products for the first time at the summer training camp in Flims. I immediately felt the effect they
have on me: I could breathe more easily at once and was fitter than ever right down to the last minute of training.
Since then, I have been taking FitLine regularly. I feel much more concentrated and considerably more resistant.
FitLine helps me to train intensely even after a strenuous school day and to give my all mentally and physically. My body
now recuperates more quickly and is again quickly ready to perform and compete, as jumps on ice cost a lot of power
for speed and jumps. I feel fresh in the morning and rested and full of energy.”
FitLine Team: Hans Seitz
Dr. Bernhard Drummer
2001–04 Team Physician of club “1. FC Nürnberg” (Germany’s 1st league)
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate ,
Fitness-Drink, Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“ I have studied sports injuries since university and tried virtually all nutritional
supplements during my active phase and during the time after that. No product
has been so able to convince me like the FitLine products. Especially
Activize Oxyplus and Restorate with iron. The improvement in performance could
be immediately proven for the athletes themselves by measuring the pulse at
endurance level.
Since 2002 I have been taking Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus and Restorate with
iron on a daily basis and the benefits are huge. Willingness to perform and levels of concentration are even present after a 12 hour day.
Soccer is a team game and success is dependent on many factors – in the first
instance, though, from the fitness and health of each player. In spite of healthy
diet, substitution of vital substances and trace elements is advisable for professional athletes. The composition of FitLine products and the availability of ingredients at the right place, namely at cell level, convinced me as a physician and
many players.
What is also very important is the doping safety for those responsible and for
players. The first product which has convinced me 100% – and I can but recommend it to professional and hobby athletes.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Joachim Heberlein / Norbert Egelseer
Marek Nikl
since 1998 Team, “1. FC Nürnberg” (Germany’s 1st , previously 2nd league)
Use of FitLine since:
October 2003
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“I can concentrate much better since I have been taking the FitLine products regularly, which is especially noticeable during the last minutes of a game. Even after
tough training sessions, I am able to sleep very well since I’ve been taking
Restorate with iron and feel really good the next day. I am convinced about
FitLine 100% and can only recommend it to everyone.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Joachim Heberlein / Norbert Egelseer
Máris Verpakovskis
Participated in the European Cup
Best soccer player in Latvia
European Cup qualification scored the 5 decisive goals against
Sweden, Hungary and Turkey
Soccer Champion Latvia
Latvia’s best striker
Soccer Champion Latvia
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
January 2002
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Antioxy/Zellschutz,
Deoral, Omega 3+E, Shakes
“My morning starts with a glass of Basics Plus and Activize Oxyplus before morning training. During training I always feel full of energy, I concentrate much better and I do not get so tired. After training, I drink a Fitness-Drink and feel great.
At night, before going to sleep I drink Restorate and feel refreshed and rested in
the morning. Since starting to use FitLine, I feel better and more full of energy.”
FitLine Team: Kaspara Kivrins & TEAM
Sean Dundee
since 2006
“Kickers Offenbach” (in Germany’s 2nd league)
Vice Champion Austrian league with “Austria Wien” (Vienna)
Vice Champion German League, with “VfB Stuttgart”
Premier League 7th Place with “FC Liverpool”
Vice Champion, Germany’s cup “DFB Pokal” with “Karlsruher SC”
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
August 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Q10 Plus, Antioxy/Zellschutz, All-in-1000 Plus,
Protein-Ultra, Gourmet Shake Vanilla, Quicky
“Since I ‘ve been taking the FitLine products, I again feel really well. Now I can
train better and feel more rested in the morning. On the pitch and during a
game, I feel fit. I have reached my ideal weight and got rid of my stomach troubles. All the goals set with my FitLine team have been reached. Thank you!”
FitLine Team: TEAM Dieter Schäfer / Jens Kaiser
Ewa Wisnierska
European Vice Champion, International German Champion
Polish Champion
World Vice Champion ladies and team
World Cup winner overall, German Champion
International German Champion
European Vice Champion, German Champion
International German Champion, Swiss Champion
Use of FitLine since:
July 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink,
Restorate, Restorate Additive, Protein-Ultra, Quicky
“I tested the products for the first time and observed very positive reactions in my
body. Fatigue and that feeling of ‘total exhaustion’ didn’t turn up during the test
month. I used to try to keep myself awake with coffee, which only had a very shortterm effect. Since I have been taking the products, I notice no craving for coffee at all and drink my first one in the
morning by habit and because of the taste. I now very rarely drink my usual ‘second cup’ in the afternoon. I feel
awake and fit. I also notice a great difference in my muscles. I used to have tensed muscles after EVERY flight and
problems with my knees, which were caused by the high, unequal strain on the leg muscles.
During the European Cup at which I tested the products, at times I relinquished treatment by our physiotherapist
and even after the longest flights, I had far less tension than usual.
I used to only sporadically take mineral or vitamin tablets after extreme strain. By taking vital substances in the
FitLine products daily ,I have noticeable results. In addition, it also motivated me to do without unhealthy ‘enjoyable’ foods which increases the effects all the more.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Joachim Urnau / Jan Schmeißer / Andreas Garack / Michael Riek
Eric Kirchner
Golf (Handicap -2,3)
German Cup, best team player,” K-zwo/Rössner Cup” winner
2nd Guiness record: 6 golf courses in 6 countries in 24 hours
Saar Champion
Saar Vice Champion
1st Guiness record: 4 golf courses in 4 countries
Saar Youth and Junior Champion several times over
participation in several international championships
Use of FitLine since:
October 2003
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate, Fitness-Drink
“I have been using the products Activize, Basics Plus Restorate and Fitness-Drink
for around 10 months now. For our World Record in golf, the FitLine products
were a great help for concentration and regeneration. In the future, I will also
take the products and recommend them on. My favorite golfing mixture during
the breaks on 18 hole courses is Activize/Fitness-Drink in the proportion 1:2,
because I can then concentrate for a noticeably longer period.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Patrick Klein / Lutz Lorenz
Christian Schwarzer
World Champion
Summer Games Athens silver medal, European Champion
World Vice Champion
European Vice Champion Sweden, German cup winner (“DHBPokal”) with team “TBV Lemgo“
Handballer of the Year (Supercup winner)
Summer Games Sydney 5th place,
Champions Cup winner, Spanish Champion, cup winner
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
October 1998
Basics Plus, Fitness-Drink, Restorate,
Activize Oxy, Deoral, Antioxy/Zellschutz
“I have been using the FitLine products for many years now and have the impression that they have improved my physical performance and my immune system
noticeably. I use the products Basics Plus Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink, Antioxy,
Restorate and the Fitness-Crisp bars daily and before big tournaments.
Meanwhile I can, with the help of the FitLine products, look back on a successful
career. I have won all titles at club level and with the national team this year also
the European Championship and the silver medal in Athens.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Peter Schneider / Klaus Christiani
Markus Baur
World Champion
Summer Games Athens silver medal, European Champion
World Vice Champion
European Vice Champion Sweden, German cup winner (“DHBPokal”) with team “TBV Lemgo“
Supercup winner, Runner-up German cup with “HSG D/M Wetzlar”
Handballer of the Year, Summer Games Sydney 5th place
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
August 1999
Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink,
Restorate, Antioxy/Zellschutz
“I am much more concentrated and noticeably more resistent. My body regenerates faster, that means after high physical strain I am ready to perform again
much faster. Moreover, I have not had any muscle issues since taking the products”
FitLine Team: TEAM Peter Schneider / Klaus Christiani
Tim Wieskötter
World Champion K2 200 m and 500 m
European Champion K2 200 m (World best time) and 500 m
World Champion K2 200 m and 500 m
European Champion K2 500 m, European Vice Champion K2 200 m
Summer Games Athens gold medal K2 500 m
World Champion K2 500 m, World Cup bronze medal K2 200 m
World Champion K2 500 m, World Cup bronze medal K2 200 m
World Champion K2 500 m, World Vice Champion K2 200 m
Summer Games Sydney bronze medal K2 500 m
Use of FitLine since:
January 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Q10 Plus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Gourmet Crunch, Protein-Ultra
“The effects are astonishing. During preparations for contests, in training camps
in Spain and America, I often battled stomach trouble. Through the effect of Basics, this has completely disappeared. Taking Restorate leads to a shorter regeneration phase after strain. Activize has lead to noticeably better
concentration during competition phases. The FitLine products help me to take my performance from training into
competitions. During breaks in training I drink a Fitness-Drink and after power sessions, I especially enjoy a ProteinUltra bar.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Clemens Ressel / Ralf Derra
Ronald ”Ronnie“ Rauhe
World Champion K1 200 m, K2 200 m and 500 m
European Champion K1 200 m, K2 200 m (World best time) + 500 m
World Champion K2 200 m and 500 m
European Champion K2 500 m, European Vice Champion K2 200 m
Summer Games Athens gold medal K2 500 m
World Champion K2 500 m and K1 200 m
World Cup bronze medal K2 200 m
World Champion K2 500 m and K1 200 m, World Cup bronze
medal K2 200 m, World record K2 500 m
World Champion K2 500 m and K1 200 m,
World Vice Champion K2 200 m
Summer Games Sydney bronze medal K2 500 m
Use of FitLine since:
January 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Restorate Additive, Fitness-Drink, Gourmet Crunch,
“As a short distance race, I make sure that full performance is available right from the start. I have mastered the
challenges of the many training camps and contests more easily since starting to take the FitLine products in January
2006. For me the Fitness-Drink is a highlight in effect in training. Not just, that I am now drinking more water than
I used to, my immune system has become really fit. During preparations, I often battled stomach trouble. Through
the effect of Basics, this has completely disappeared. Taking the FitLine products has also clearly improved my concentration.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Clemens Ressel / Ralf Derra
Katrin Wagner-Augustin
World Vice Champion K1 1000 m, K2 200 m and K4 500 m
European Vice Champion K1 1000 m, K2 200 m and 500 m
World Champion K1 1000 m, K4 500 m and K4 200 m
European Champion K1 1000 m, K4 500 m, K4 200 m
Summer Games Athens gold medal K4 500 m, 4th place K1 500 m
World Vice Champion K1 1000 m
World Vice Champion K4 500 m, K2 500 m and
K1 1000 m, World Cup bronze medal K4 200 m
World Vice Champion K1 1000 m and K4 500 m
World Cup 4th place K1 500 m, 5th place K1 200 m
Summer Games Sydney gold medal K2 500 m and K4 500 m
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
January 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink,
Restorate, Restorate Additive, Gourmet Crunch, Protein-Ultra
“I have been using the FitLine products since January 2006 and am thrilled about their effects. The higher tension
in many training camps and contests made me very susceptible to illness and I missed a lot of training. Through
Restorate and Basics this has completely disappeared. My recovery phases are much more intensive and also shorter than they used to be. The additional effect: I am drinking much more water than I used to, which, together with
Fitness-Drink of course, has a great effect.
Activize did amaze me. I simply feel good with the Fitline products, and my regeneration phases after training and
contests have become noticeably shorter.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Clemens Ressel / Ralf Derra
Robert Nuck
World Champion C4 1000 m, World Vice Champion C2 500 m
European Champion C2 1000 m and European Vice Champion C3
500 m
World Cup bronze medal C4 1000 m, 4th C4 500 m and C4 200 m
European Champion C4 1000 m, Bronze medal C4 500 m and C4
200 m
World Champion C4 1000 m (youth), World Vice Champion C4
500 m and C1 500 m (youth)
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
July 2005
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Restorate Additive, Fitness-Drink,
Gourmet Crunch, Protein-Ultra
“I achieved the leap into professional class in 2005 and for my first year, I have to show: one European
Championship title, two third places and a third place at the World Championships and two fourth places. I
achieved this success with the support of the FitLine products, as I was able to pick up my old form again quickly
thanks to FitLine after a two month break due to injury and even strongly improved my general condition above
and beyond that. My training load has increased from 15 to19 hours on average. In a nutshell: I see optimal
requirements for preparation for the Summer Games 2008 in Beijing with FitLine.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Jan Schmeißer
Michal Martikán
Canoeing / White Water
World Vice Champion, European Vice Champion
World Cup bronze medal
Summer Games Athens silver medal
World Champion
World Champion single
Summer Games Sydney silver medal
Summer Games Atlanta gold medal
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
April 1999
Basics Plus, Antioxy/Zellschutz, Restorate,
Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink,
Deoral, Q10 Plus, Shakes, Quicky
“Faster regeneration after training or competitions, better condition, more staying
power. My performance level has clearly stabilized during contests and muscle
fatigue, muscle tension, or muscle acidification have considerably reduced.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Bea and Lazi Kollar
Marco Spielau
Accepted into national team A, and reserve team for World Cup
World Champion double two-man(U23)
German Vice Champion, single
World Cup bronze medal, double, four-man (U23)
World Cup 8th place, double two-man (U23)
World Champion double, four-man (Juniors)
Use of FitLine since:
August 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Restorate Additive, All-in-1000 Plus
“Following an operation which made a longer break necessary, the FitLine products were recommended to me when I started training again to improve nutrient
supply and so increase performance in training. As I had already taken nutrient
supplements before, I was excited and skeptical at once. However, after just a few
days, I noticed how I was waking up every morning recovered and refreshed and that fatigue had fled. I can finish exactly those two training units every day which I had found very hard before better now as motivation and concentration are clearly better here. In general, I have more energy, drive, feel fitter and my recovery phase is considerably shorter. The strong improvement to digestion surprised me just as much as I am thankful for it!
I no longer want to do without these excellent products and can only recommend them to everyone who wants to
do something for themselves and their fitness.”
FitLine Team: David Seffer
Annett Böhm
Judo (under 70 kg)
German Vice Champion under 70 kg (154 pounds)
World Cup 4th place
Summer Games Athens bronze medal
German Champion, team
World Cup bronze medal
International German Cup bronze medal
European Cup 5th place, German Champion
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
June 2004
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Q10 Plus,
Antioxy/Zellschutz, Gourmet Shake, Quicky
“I train 2-3 times a day in my sport, judo. This demands complex training, on my
training program are power, quickness and endurance and also sport specific
training and coordination exercises. With the FitLine products I can achieve a higher qualitative level. I can concentrate better, endure long periods of high strain better and regenerate overnight better with FitLine Restorate.
Twice a day I take Q10 Plus, Antioxy/Zellschutz, Basics Plus and Activize Oxyplus and in training or during a contest, Fitness-Drink. I simply feel more healthy with the FitLine products and have also become more resistant. As there
are weight categories in judo and I consequently always keep an eye on my weight, I often often have to diet before
contests. In doing so, the Gourmet Shakes and Quickies provide me with optimal conditions to continue training at
a qualitatively high level despite losing weight. I have found the optimal nutritional supplements for me, to realize
my sporting goals.“
FitLine Team: Jan Schmeißer
Harald Schröder
Fitness Decathlon
World Vice Champion, German Vice Champion
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
October 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Protein-Ultra, Quicky
“For fitness decathlon, versatility and balance at a high level are crucial if you
want to keep up with the leaders. Through the versatility and high quality of the
FitLine products, I have a support which is immediately noticeable for all physiological basic requirements such as power, endurance strength, perseverance,
mobility and coordination. I take Activize Oxyplus and Restorate regularly and
feel more concentrated and recover more quickly.
After 45 years of training I know that up to 50% of sporting success is dependent
on a correct diet. Where there is an increased requirement, this must be covered
by correspondingly high quality additional nutrition. The FitLine products have
confirmed this. I can easily keep up with athletes who are 15 years younger.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Peter Wegener / Annette Schröder
Jürgen Lochner
World Cup bronze medal
European Champion 250 kg (551.2lb)
German Champion 260 kg (573.2 lb) – European Record
European Champion 255 kg (562.2lb)
German Champion 250 kg (551.2 lb)
Entered national squad
German Champion 230 kg (507.1 lb)
Use of FitLine since:
January 2005
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Restorate Additive, Omega 3+E, Q10 Plus
Fitness-Crisp, Fitness-Drink, Protein-Ultra
“Due to the high strain involved in bodybuilding training, not only is a good and
healthy diet important, but a source of targeted nutritional supplementation is
also necessary – without one, we couldn’t manage. As I have already tested a lot in that area, I was pleased to be
introduced to the FitLine products. Within a really short period of time, my regeneration period in training was cut
in half, I felt much fitter, better and more focused in general and had much more power than before. The feeling of
being exhausted and drained after training became a thing of the past. At night, I sleep more deeply and get up
immediately at 100%. I can also recommend to everyone building up a business with PM-International and FitLine
as it is a great feeling not just to be able to offer athletes a good product for their performance but also to be able
to make it possible for the average person to achieve better well-being.”
FitLine Team: TEAM MWM GmbH Martin Majhenic / Thomas Abröll
Heinz Ollesch
Germany’s Strongest Man
Germany’s Strongest Man
Won many international contests or under top 3
Participated in World’s Strongest Man
Participated in World’s Strongest Man
European Champion, team
European Vice Champion
European Vice Champion
Use of FitLine since:
Spring 2004
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Quicky,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Q10 Plus, Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“I have been using the FitLine products since spring 2004 and must say this was
my best season in the last 5 years. I was motivated to train and very concentrated in contests. My reaction times
and my ability to regenerate increased considerably, so I was able, for example, to take part in competitions in five
consecuative weeks without falling into a hole. I lost no time all season which I really attribute to the FitLine products. I sleep more deeply and peacefully, the next morning I feel refreshed and recovered, even after training units.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Karl Gattinger / Dieter Adrian
Dr. Marek Prorok
Chief Medical
Consultant of PZLA
PZLA Test program
with FitLine products
..I was able to convince myself that the FitLine products are manufactured and checked according to the strict
GMP and ISO guidelines. In my long experience as head physician responsible for the Polish Track and Field
Association, I can assure you that this method of procedure is absolutely atypical for the nutritional supplement branch.
- many top athletes improved their personal best times
- new national and European records were set
- Poland secured third place in the medal table in the European track athlete championships for the
first time in the history of the PZLA (best placement before now was 10th place in the medal table).
The athletes, the medical advisors and I clearly attribute these results to using the FitLine product line....
The FitLine products completely fulfill the requirements set forth.
I look forward to working with you and the FitLine Team in the future
Aneta Lemiesz
Anna Pacholak
Grazyna Prokopek
Anna Zagorska
Justyna Karolkiewicz
Lukasz Chyla
Malgorzata Pskit
Marcin Jedrusinski
Athletics (track and field)
National Polish Team,
Marcin Krzywanski
Marcin Nowak
Marcin Urbas
Ryszard Pilarczyk
Zofia Malachowska
Zuzanna Radecka
Piotr Balcerzak
FitLine Team: TEAM Fam. Jankowski / MWM Int. GmbH Martin Majhenic
Stefan Eberhardt
Middle Distance (1500 m)
German Indoor Champion, German Vice Champion
European Vice Champion U23, German Indoor Vice Champion
Use of FitLine since:
March 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Protein-Ultra, Quicky
“I have been testing the products for about 6 months and am very pleased with their
effects. The most important thing is the resistance. By endurance has also hugely
improved, because my body can regenerate more quickly. “
FitLine Team: TEAM Jan Schmeißer / Andreas Garack
André Pollmächer
Long Distance
German Cup bronze medal 10.000 m in 28:37,95 min
(Qualification for European Cup)
European Vice Champion 10.000 m (U23)
German Champion 5.000 m and 10.000 m (juniors)
German Vice Champion 10.000 m
German Champion 5.000 m (juniors)
European Cup 6th place 5.000 m (juniors)
German Champion 5.000 m (juniors)
Use of FitLine since:
February 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Gourmet Crunch, Protein-Ultra
"What has the greatest effect on me, and is also the most important, is Basics. My
body’s absorption ability is considerably higher. I notice this in several areas, e.g.
in my eating habits. I am making better use of the nutrients I take in, am less hungry and think that I can notice how
other nutritional supplements and also proteins and amino acids are taking greater effect.
The reaction of my pulse is amazing, as (although I am now in the phase of contests and under considerable exertion), my pulse is remaining stable (low) and my endurance is more stable overall, which also has to do with my
long term training build up, but FitLine has certainly made a good contribution to that.
What is very obvious is that my ability to recover after heavy strain, and after competitions, has been really cut
down After the 10 000 meters in Antalya, I took a higher amount of both Restorate and Activize for several days
and I did not even fall into a very big hole. And it was amazing for my trainer that I was able to go back onto the
track again just 3 weeks later and could call up my ability to perform. That is not to be taken for granted with 2 x
10 000 meters in 3 weeks.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Jan Schmeißer / Andreas Garack
Konstantin Gens
Triple Jump
German Cup bronze medal
European Cup 4th place (U20), German Champion,
Winner junior gala (over 16 m)
German Champion
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
March 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Protein-Ultra, Quicky
“SInce I started taking the FitLine products, I have notices a clear improvement in
my general well-being and my performance. Restorate helps me to quick regeneration after training. I start my day with a powerdrink, Basics and Activize, these
give me concentration and endurance. A Fitness-Drink during training is an important addition to this. I am very pleased with the products all round and can only
recommend to every leisure or professional athlete to test the FitLine products for
themselves for at least 90 days.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Peter Wegener / Anne Schröder
Andreas Garack
Long Distance
European Cup bronze medal mountain race, team 5th place
Mountain race, singles and 5 000 m (seniors)
German Indoor Champion 3 000 m
German Champion 5 000 m and
German Vice Champion mountain race
World Cup bronze medal 3 000 m (seniors)
German Indoor Champion 3 000 m
European Vice Champion 1 500 m and 3 000 m (seniors)
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
February 2005
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Quicky,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Q10 Plus, Isoflavon, All-in-1000 Plus, Protein-Ultra
“I feel the whole concept, starting with intestinal cleansing via regulation of fluid
intake down to the cell energy concept is extremely effective. I have noticed this clearly in different areas. I especially noticed the cleansing, and the weight loss that goes with it (58 kg at a height of 1,74 m, around 128 pounds
at 5’ 9” ), this is 3 kg less than usual, at the German Cup in the mountain race. I had sufficient power and therefore did not lose substance. Despite the often tough training, I even feel more rested the next morning and after taking my morning power drink (Basics + Activize) I am generally more able to perform the whole morning. On very
tough days (9 hours teaching and training) I take a second drink before lunch. That also helps me to master the
second half of the day.
Since I started taking the FitLine products I have not missed a day, which is astonishing for me. My immune system
is clearly more stable. Beyond that, I was spared injuries in connective tissues, stroma and in the muscles. “
FitLine Team: TEAM Jan Schmeißer / Joachim Urnau
Toni Gardemeister
Monte Carlo 3rd place, Greece 4th place,
Germany 4th place, Cyprus 5th place,
World Championship Table 9th place overall
Monte Carlo 2nd place, Greece 2nd place, France 2nd place,
Sweden 3rd place, Argentina 4th place, Italy 5th place,
Cyprus 5th place, World Championship Table 4th place overall
Germany 7th place, Finland 8th place,
World Championship Table 21st place overall
New Zealand 5th, Cyprus 2nd place, Argentina 7th place,
Sweden 8th place, World Championship Table 12th place overall
Use of FitLine since:
June 2001
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Quicky, Shakes
”There are WRC Rallies when we sit in the car for several hours a day and several days at a time at maximum performance level in more than 70° C (approx. 170° F). Every second counts! And if we then have to go through special checks at a low average speed, no ‘airflow’ (draft) develops in the car. At these temperatures, the loss of fluids is extremely high. With Basics Plus, Fitness-Drink, and Restorate, Paavo and I are able to replenish our vital substance and mineral tanks very effectively. Thus it is guaranteed, that our regeneration is noticeably accelerated and
that my muscle cramps are a thing of the past. Activize Oxyplus works for Paavo and me like a turbo for our concentration.“
FitLine Team: Markus Punnala
Harri Rovanperä
Australia 2nd place, Sweden 4th place, England 4th place,
Mexico 5th place, Argentina 5th place, Japan 5th place,
Greece 6th place, Monte Carlo 7th place, Cyprus 7th place,
Finland 7th place, World Championship Table 7th place overall
Australia 2nd place, Acropolis 3rd place, New Zealand 5th place,
Argentina 5th place, Cyprus 5th place, Japan 6th place,
Wales 6th place, World Championship Table 8th place overall
Italy Champion, Cyprus 2nd place, Argentina 4th place,
Greece 6th place, World Championship Table 11th place
Use of FitLine since:
July 2001
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate
”Due to the continuous flights from one country to the next and from continent to
continent (between time zones), it is quite difficult to nourish oneself in an optimal way. Since I have been taking
Basics Plus, my stomach and intestines are working much better and my susceptibility to infections and colds has
clearly diminished. If you want to win, you have to always operate at the limit without making any mistakes. With
Activize Oxyplus I feel I can drive my rally car much longer at full concentration while driving at the limit.“
FitLine Team: Markus Punnala
Michael Ranseder
Motor Bike Sport 125 ccm
World Championship Assen 12th place
International German Championships 2nd place
International German Championships1st place
ADAC Junior Cup 2nd place
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
Summer 2003
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Q10 Plus, Quicky
“The sport of motor cycle racing demands clear and quick decisions,
a high level of concentration and , in the last round, great stamina.
Through the different FitLIne products, I can react to my desired
needs in a targeted way. It is also comforting to know that the
products are doping free. “
FitLine Team: Brigitte Rudelsdorfer
Andy Bürgler / Martin Betschart
Motorcross / Side Car
World Cup 6th place overall, German Cup 4th place overall
World Cup 20th place, Swiss Champion
World Cup 14th place, Swiss Champion
Swiss Champion
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
April 2004
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, CC-Cel Capsules, Antioxy/Zellschutz
“In the morning, I mix Basics Plus, Activize and Antioxy/Zellschutz into one drink,
to start the day in the best possible way. During contests and at training, I use
Activize and Fitness-Drink pure, or together as one drink. I close my day with
Restorate. I find it easier to cope with both sport and work using the FitLine products, as I regenerate better and feel fitter in general. With the CC-Cel capsules, I
have been able to noticeably improve my muscles and transform surplus fat. I
would no longer want to do without the FitLine products.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Ruth Buergler-Kündig / Sandra Betschart
Laura Perrone
Martial Arts
Grand Champion of Forms “International Blue Dragon Cup“ (Italy),
Winner, int. Championship “Open Taijidag“ in Taijiquan
Grand Champion of Forms „International Blue Dragon Cup“ (Italy),
World Champion Northern Style (Shaolin) of Kung Fu (Italy),
Best sportswomen of the year in Kung Fu (Italy),
Winner, international Championship “Open Taijidag“,
Winner, international Championship Taijiquan (Spain)
Kung Fu Championship winner US-AAU (USA)
Italian national Champion in Kickboxing Cisco (Fabrica di Roma)
Kung Fu Championship winner (USA)
Winner Choy Lee Fut World Championship in Taijiquan (Poland)
Use of FitLine since:
March 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Protein-Ultra, Quicky
“I think the quality of the products speaks for itself. What characterizes the FitLine products is the speciality of each
individual product. They influence simply and in a natural way, the vital functions, improve them and I can feel the
effect during my daily training.
And that’s not all. I love Kung Fu and constantly train techniques which require correct breathing to free and use
your own energy in the best possible way. I clearly notice that these products are a valuable and important support for energy flow. When I’m tired, vital energy is stimulated and strength release for the whole day.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Joachim Urnau / Silke Brückl / Ayca Abay
Yasemin Lazzarini
Martial Arts
International Championship “Open Taijidag“ 4 gold medals in
Taijiquan (Holland)
International Championship 5 gold medals in Taijiquan (Spain)
Italian Champion Taijiquan and Tao Lu (Italy)
Grand Champion of Forms “International Blue Dragon Cup“ (Italy)
Use of FitLine since:
March 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Protein-Ultra, Quicky
“It is astonishing in what way the FitLine products help me in Kung Fu. I clearly
notice more strength and concentration. I am seeing the results step by step. With
the FitLine products, I feel increased well-being and noticeable strength.
Regardless of how long and hard I train, as with FitLine I am always FIT!“
FitLine Team: TEAM Joachim Urnau / Silke Brückl / Ayca Abay
Corrado Lazzarini
Martial Arts
Kung Fu Master (acknowledged A.S.I., US-acli, C.S.E.N., A.E.D.O., F.I.W.S.)
since Sept. 2003
since July 2001
since July 2000
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
Vice President F.I.W.S.
Trainer of the Italian national Kung Fu team
of the Federation F.I.W.S.
International Judge for
all Kung Fu Styles
March 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Protein-Ultra, Quicky
After several years, I have now rediscovered the FitLine products. And I am not
only using them myself. I have also implemented them for the Italian national
team. I am pleased to discern an improvement in the athletes at physical and
technical level. Th hard training is supported in the best possible way through
the natural ingredients and excellent effects of the FitLine products.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Joachim Urnau / Silke Brückl / Ayca Abay
Konstantin Schneider
Wrestling (Greco-Roman, 74 kg)
World Cup 5th place 74 kg (163 pounds)
German Cup 5th place 74 kg (163 pounds)
Summer Games Athens 7th place
German Champion
World Cup 7th place
European Cup 6th place
German Champion
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
February 2003
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Quicky, Protein-Ultra
“I our sport, strength, endurance strength, quick strength, condition and concentration are the crucial criteria for success. With the FitLine products, I gain the
right support: my muscles withstand heavy strain better, during contests I can
maintain my performance level better and regeneration is then quicker. One thing
is certain: the FitLine products taste better, work better and more quickly than the
products which I knew before.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Jürgen Stein / Peter Schneider
Carol Flury
Thai Boxing
World Champion WKA under 55,5 kg (122 pounds)
World Champion WFC under 54 kg (119 pounds)
South-Thailand Champion
European Champion WFC under 54 kg (119 pounds)
European Champion WFC under 54 kg (119 pounds)
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
February 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate
“ I was introduced to the FitLine products in February 2006 and am experiencing far better results than with all other products I have taken to date. In particular, I am using FitLine Activize Oxyplus before every fight. It is a feeling as if
100 000 ants are racing through my body and taking me from 0 to 100 in seconds. That means I am 100% ready before I step into the ring.“
FitLine Team: Rohy Batliwala
Marco Ross
Thai- / Kickboxing
since2004 National Trainer Full Contact, Kickboxing and Thaiboxing
Defended Title as Professional World Champion in Thaiboxing
under 79 kg (174 pounds)
Professional World Champion in Thaiboxing under 79 kg
(174 pounds)
Professional Intercontinental Champion in Thaiboxing
under 82 kg (164 pounds)
Bronze medal at World Championship in Thaiboxing under
86 kg (181 pounds)
Silver medal at at World Championship in Kickboxing
under 86 kg (181 pounds)
Amateur World Champion in Kickboxing under
86 kg (181 pounds)
Amateur World Champion in Kickboxing
under 91 kg (200 pounds)
Use of FitLine since: August 2004
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Restorate, Restorate Additive, Antioxy/Zellschutz
“Along with speed and reactions, endurance strength, hitting power and condition are very important in full contact martial arts. Through Activize Oxyplus, I am top fit , wide awake and fully able to perform. It works in minutes.
During daily training, Restorate is at the top of my list. Regardless how hard and long I train day by day, through
Restorate I wake up recovered, fully rested and without muscle problems. Since I started taking Restorate, I have
never woken up with a body that was exhausted from training. One very important point for me is the doping safety of the FitLine products. “
FitLine Team: Klaus Fischer
Eva Friedel
World Cup Milan 6th place sporting rifle 3x20
European Champion team
European Champion free rifle 3x20
European Vice Champion free rifle, lying
German Cup bronze medal free rifle, lying
World Champion KK 3x20 team
World Cup 6th place sporting rifle 3x20
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
March 2004
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“Mental strength is characteristic of those in our sport and it is therefore very
important to be able to concentrate down to the minute. With Activize Oxyplus,
I have this type of concentration even after a contest. In addition, I am also physically very balanced, which I
attribute to the improved digestion and here, Basics Plus is a huge support. As far as regeneration after contests
and intensive training units is concerned, I can really recommend Restorate. My performance level has therefore
strongly stabilized.
Conclusion: improved concentration, better intestines, extremely good regeneration, no muscle problems, more
power during a contest, a reduction of heart rate under strain.”
FitLine Team: Peter Benig
Jeff Henckels
Summer Games Athens, participated
2002/03 World Cup Nimes 11th place Indoor
World Cup New York 14th place Outdoor
Vice Champion Cup Clès Italy (juniors)
European Record and equalled World Record
Grand Prix Porec 11th place, Croatia (seniors)
equalled European Record 671 Points and
National Record 337 Points, University World Champion
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
January 2002
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Antioxy/Zellschutz
“I can concentrate much better and can perform again more quickly after strain.
And since I’ve been taking the FitLine products, I have had no further muscle
FitLine Team: TEAM Tom Henckels / Claude Simon
Jochen Dornbusch
German National Trainer, Women’s Group
Use of FitLine since:
November 1997
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink,
Restorate, Antioxy/Zellschutz, Deoral, Q10 Plus,
Shakes, Quicky
“We trainers of the German Association of Cyclists have discovered, by using the
FitLine product line for a number of years for the national teams and top athletes,
that their general health and training condition as well as their recovery periods
fundamentally improve by
using the FitLine products. We
have been able to both stabilize and increase the level of
performance under strain.”
German National Team women’s group with
national trainer Jochen Dornbusch
Bruno Risi
Cycling, Track
European Champion and Swiss Champion Madison
Summer Games Athens Silver Medal Madison
World Vice Champion Americaine
World Champion Americaine with Franco Marvulli
European Championship Americaine bronze medal
3 time winner of Six-Day-Race (Berlin, Dortmund, Munich)
5 time World Champion Points Race (91/92/94/99/01)
9 time winner World Cup, 20 times Swiss Champion
World record 37 victories with partner Kurt Betschardt
in over 114 Six-Day-Races
Use of FitLine since:
April 1999
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxy, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Antioxy/Zellschutz, Shakes
“Healthy and balanced nutrition is also getting more and more important for performance athletes. When I took
the FitLine products for the first time, I immediately noticed that these were drinks that are very suitable to optimally cover my high demand for vitamins. Since I have been taking the FitLine products on a regular basis, I do not
only have shorter regeneration periods, but also the power that I need to win the races. As a convinced FitLine user,
I think that the use of the products will find general approval among leisure athletes and health-conscious consumers.“
FitLine Team: Petra Bonifazi
Roland Ruepp
Handbike / Nordic Ski with Handicap
World Cup 6th place street, 10th place against the clock
Italian Champion street and against the clock
European Cup 5th place against the clock and 6th place street
Italian Champion street and against the clock
Parolympics Athens 8th place street and 10th place
against the clock, World Vice Champion street
Nordic Ski with Handicap:
World Cup 7th place 5 km and 8th Place 10 km
Parolympics Salt Lake City gold medal 5 km
and 10 km, bronze medal Biathlon
World Vice Champion 10 km and bronze medal 15 km
Parolympics Nagano silver medal 10 km, 4th place 5 km and 15 km
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
August 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Quicky,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Q10 Plus, Antioxy/Zellschutz
“Since the FitLine products became my daily companions, my well-being has improved on the whole and my performance has improved. I have noticed an optimal regeneration after competitions and training sessions. My ability to concentrate has improved and my immune system is stronger. That means even more reserves of strength are
there. Especially important for every athlete is doping safety, which FitLine products give us. I fully trust FitLine and
can only warmly recommend it to all my colleagues.”
FitLine Team: TEAM ITALY Markus Siller & Gerry Raffeiner
Johannes Mayrhofer
Handbike / Nordic Ski with Handicap
Handbike Marathon Heidelberg (1:11:45)
Parolympics gold medal street
Silver Medal against the clock Handbiking
European Cup Champion
European Championship road and individual races against the clock
World Champion road and individual races against the clock
European Cup Champion
World Record Handbike Marathon (1:08:11)
Nordic Ski with Handicap:
Parolympics 3 x Top 10 Placements (5 km/10 km/15 km)
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
November 2002
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Antioxy/Zellschutz, Q10 Plus
“Since I started taking the FitLine products, I have felt really good overall, since that time my deep sleep phases are
good and my periods of regeneration have been accelerated, making me better able to perform. My heart rate
values have also improved considerably, that's to say are lower. It can be proven that my physical condition has
improved, I have never had such good values in heath and performance tests. That is great and really builds me
up–simply super.”
FitLine Team: Ulla Ringer-Blau
Isabella Laböck
World Cup Sölden 4th place PGS
World Vice Champion PGS (Juniors)
World Cup 6th place PGS (Juniors)
World Vice Champion PGS (Juniors)
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
End of 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Quicky, Protein-Ultra
“By taking the FitLine products, I notice my body’s general well-being is far better
overall. This is noticeable in my digestion as well as before, during and after phases of training. Early morning, I start with a mixture of Basics Plus and Activize
Oxyplus to kick start my internal engine. During training, I use Fitness-Drink and
Quickies and I notice how I can concentrate anew every time I take the lift for
another start. Of course, for optimal regeneration, I am using FitLine Restorate.“
FitLine Team: TEAM MWM Int. GmbH Martin Majhenic / Christian Veit
Fränzi Kohli
World Cup Sölden winner
Swiss Champion
World Cup 4th place overall
World Cup 4th place overall
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
May 2002
Basics Plus, Activize Oxy, Fitness-Drink,
Restorate, Q10 Plus
“Because I use my body and subject it to strain through intense sport, I would like
to supply it with a product that works. I am convinced about the FitLine products
because they have been matched up to one another, the vitamins are gained naturally and they are doping safe. Since I’ve been using Activize Oxy, I am much
less tired, can concentrate better and am top fit at once on a morning.“
FitLine Team: Susanne Bleuer-Tschanz
Sylke Otto
Winter Games Turin gold medal, World Cup overall 2nd place,
European Cup 6th place, German Champion
World Champion, World Cup overall 3rd place (as of Dec. 05)
World Cup bronze medal, European Cup bronze medal team
World Cup Champion overall, World Cup Calgary winner
World Cup Champion overall
Winter Games Salt Lake gold medal
World Champion and World Vice Champion, team
World Cup Vice Champion overall
LUK-Challenge-Cup winner
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
October 1999
Basics Plus, Activize Oxy, Fitness-Drink,
Restorate, Antioxy/Zellschutz
“I have now used the FitLine products for years. In that time, my greatest successes
in sports have materialized. I am simply able to perform better, and, more particularly, my nerves are much stronger. I use Basics Plus, Antioxy (Zellschutz),
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, and Activize daily and would not want to do without
them. My favorite drink is Antioxy: it tastes great and the best thing is, I no longer
burn in the sun.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Heike Brand / André Lagois
Gerhard Pilz
Natural-Track Luge
European Cup 16th place
World Cup 5th place
World Cup 6th place overall
European Champion
World Cup 4th place overall
World Vice Champion, World Cup 2nd place overall
World Cup winner overall, European Champion
5 times World Champion (96, 94, 92, 90, 86)
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
October 2000
Basics Plus, Activize Oxy, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Antioxy/Zellschutz, Deoral,
Q10 Plus, Quicky
“My heart rate under strain is clearly less and my susceptibility to infections has
also been reduced. I experience a substantial shortening of my regeneration
period and my deep sleep phase has become much more intensive. All in all, I
can say my ability to perform and my general well-being have improved noticeably.”
FitLine Team: Gerhard Pircher
Remo Fischer
Nordic Ski
Winter Games Turin 7th place relay and 21st place 50 km
mass start
Swiss Champion 50 km mass start and 3x10 km relay
bronze medal 20 km duathlon
2004/05 World Cup 16th place 15 km
Swiss Vice Champion 50 km, bronze medal relay
2003/04 World Cup 4th place team-sprint, 8th place pursuit (U23),
European Cup La Thomasette 5th place pursuit, 7th place 10 km,
Swiss Championship 8th place pursuit
Use of FitLine since:
Spring 2005
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Omega 3+E, Q10 Plus, Protein-Ultra
“My digestion has really improved, which is very important with the travelling and
many different foods. I always used to have digestive trouble which was, of course, very annoying. My regeneration has also really greatly improved. After really tough training, I recover within 24 hours.
Acids are being quickly reduced in the body. With Activize Oxyplus I get off to an optimal and especially very good
start to the day, which I used to need two coffees to do. Before a competition I do without Activize for two days
and then take a far larger serving immediately beforehand, which has a highly stimulating and promotive effect. I
will also additionally use Omega 3 and Q10.“
FitLine Team: Petra Bonifazi
Sebastian Scharf
Nordic Ski (Youth)
German Vice-Champion 3x3,3 km relay and
6th place 10 km KT cross country (J17)
German Cup 4th place (J17)
German Champion 3x2,5 km relay and
Team-Sprint (J16)
Use of FitLine since:
August 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Quicky,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Deoral, All-in-1000 Plus, Protein-Ultra
“I have been taking FitLine since last summer and can breathe much better since
I started using Activize Oxyplus and Deoral. I also have improved oxygen supply and can concentrate more intensely. I find the yogurt particularly tasty and
am pleased that I can consume it in spite my lactose intolerance. By taking
Restorate, my regeneration phase has improved. What I find especially good is
manufacturing according to GMP and the constant voluntary controls on the
products, because doping safety is very important and must really be ensured.“
FitLine Team: TEAM Rainer Oehrlein, Iduna Reinhardt, Cornelia Gehr
Steffi Wernicke
Nordic Ski (Youth)
German Championship 4th place 5 km KT cross country (J17)
German Cup 3rd place mass start 5 km (J17)
German Champion pursuit 5x5 km (J16)
German Cup 1st place sprint KT and
2nd place mass start (J16)
German Cup 1st place individual KT (J16)
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
September 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Quicky, Protein-Ultra
“In my type of sport, the demands on endurance, speed and strength are very high.
To get an optimal start to the day, I begin with the Powercocktail of Basics Plus and
Activize Oxyplus. During the day, I drink Fitness-Drink and after training and in the
evening the mineral drink Restorate and Restorate Additive mixed. Since then, my digestion has improved, my
immune system is good and my regeneration is better. I am also drinking more due to the liquid form and my general wellbeing is very good.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Rainer Oehrlein / Iduna Reinhardt / Cornelia Gehr
Oliver Anthofer
Nordic Ski with Handicap
Parolympics Turin 5th place 5 km and 10 km cross country,
8th place 15 km cross country, 9th place 7,5 km biathlon
World Vice Champion 12,5 km biathlon,
bronze medal 5 km cross country, short distance
World Champion in 7,5 km biathlon, 10 km and 15 km nordic
Parolympics Salt Lake silver medal 5 km nordic and 5 km biathlon,
bronze medal 15 km nordic
European Champion 5 km, 10 km, 15 km nordic and 7,5 km
biathlon, European Cup overall winner, World Cup overall winner
World Champion in 5 km, 10 km, 15 km nordic,
World Vice Champion 7,5 km biathlon, World Cup overall winner
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
December 2002
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink,
Restorate, Antioxy light/Zellschutz light, Q10 Plus
“FitLine has a highly beneficial effect on my entire wellbeing. I feel fitter and have more energy, my endurance
strength has improved and I additionally notice quicker regeneration. FitLine be is a part of my daily complete supply.”
FitLine Team: Ulla Ringer-Blau
Hilde Gerg
Alpine Skiing
Ended career as sprinter in November
World Champion Bormio team, World Cup 8th place downhill
World Cup 7th place overall (best German)
World Cup 2nd place overall downhill and 4th place super G
World Cup St. Moritz 14th place downhill, 20th place super G
World Cup 4th place overall
World Cup bronze medal super G
Winter Games Nagano gold medal slalom,
bronze medal combination
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used
June 2001
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate,
Antioxy/Zellschutz, Q10 Plus, Quicky
“Particularly when training condition, a good recovery phase for the next day is
especially important. In this, my experience with FitLine Basics Plus, Antioxy/
Zellschutz and Restorate has been particularly good. My ability to concentrate
has noticeably improved and I had a good feeling overall at the training course
at a high altitude in Chile.”
FitLine Team: Martina Schmauß
Silvan Zurbriggen
Alpine Skiing
Winter Games Turin15th place SL, World Cup 6 times in Top 10
2005/06 World Cup Val d’ Isere 6th place combination,
9th place downhill (as of Dec. 2005)
2004/05 World Cup 5th place combination, 7th place slalom,
World Cup Sestriere 2nd place slalom, Bormio 5th place downhill
Winner of Sport Award 2005
2003/04 Swiss Championship 4th place slalom,
World Cup Kitzbühel 5th place and Wengen 9th place slalom
World Vice Champion St. Moritz slalom and
5th place combination
2002/03 World Cup twice Top 10 and twice 13th place slalom,
Swiss Vice Champion combination, Snow Sportsman of the Year
Use of FitLine since:
June 2004
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Restorate, Fitness-Drink,
Activize Oxyplus, Q10 Plus, Omega 3+E,
Soya Shake, CC-Cel Capsules, Protein-Ultra
“I have been using the FitLine products since Summer 2004 and was thrilled right from the start. Especially Activize
Oxyplus amazed me! I also take the other FitLine products regularly and through them, the consistency of my performance ability has greatly improved. In addition, I am now also drinking more than I used to due to the way of
taking the products.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Bruno Baume / Daniel Hayoz
Silvia Widmer-Kuratli
Alpine Skiing with a Handicap
Swiss Champion GS
Swiss Vice Champion SL
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
April 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Q10 Plus,
All-In-1000 Plus, Antioxy/Zellschutz, Protein-Ultra
“I feel better than ever in training on the glacier with the monoski bobsleigh.
Thanks to Activize Oxyplus, which increases the oxygen supply, I gain a better
training effect at a height of 3 500 m.a.s.l. (around 11 500 feet above sea
level). I feel good, despite tough training and my body can now also cope better with the cold. Restorate, which I take in the evening, helps me to sleep peacefully and so my body has recovered by morning. I have also noticed that I no
longer have as much tension or muscle pain as I used to. Antioxy/Zellschutz,
which I prepare with Activize Oxyplus as one drink has a great side effect. On the glacier, the drink protects me
(together with sun cream) against the sun’s intense rays.
What has essentially improved my quality of life is Basics Plus. Due to my disability, it is part of my day to day life
that my intestines do not work effectively (this is the case for more or less all people with paralysis). Since I started
taking Basics, I can, without exaggeration, go to the toilet every day. I also no longer have air in my stomach and no
longer feel ill at ease. My experience means, I recommend especially to those people who have problems with their
intestines that they try FitLine.“
FitLine Team: Marianne Heidenreich
Sabine Gasteiger
Alpine Skiing with a Handicap
Parolympics Turin gold medal super-G,
silver medal downhill and slalom, bronze medal giant slalom
World Cup winner overall
Athlete of the Year – disabled sport
2004/05 World Cup and European Cup 2nd place overall
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
February 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Gourmet Shake Soya
“My husband/guide and I have been taking the FitLine products since February
2006 and noticed the first effects a month later at the Parolympics. We went
straight to Sestiere after a week of World Cup final and downhill training and
racing continued. During this strenuous period, we felt fit, especially in comparison to the season 2004/2005 by the end of which we ended the season very tired. My latest product by
FitLine is the Gourmet Shake Soya. I am lactose intolerant and it is sometimes difficult to eat correctly when we
are travelling. With the Shakes, I have a means of taking a balanced diet, which also supports me well as far as
performance ability and fitness are concerned.”
FitLine Team: Martina Heinzel
Torsten Reiser
Sport Bowling
World Cup 11th place pair
World Champion single, sprint
World Vice Champion single classic and team
World Cup bronze, team
World Champion team and individual (juniors)
World Vice Champion pairs and combination (juniors)
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
January 2005
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“As sport bowling depends on a high level of concentration and good condition
I am pleased that I can regenerate more quickly after contest and training with
the FitLine products. Even after a long working day, it is still possible to complete
concentrated training. Thanks to the FitLine products, I can concentrate much better, am more balances and significantly more resilient.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Dr. Petra Skroch / Michael Fenske
Manfred Zabel
World Cup participation
European Cup silver medal team; German Champion, team
German Vice Champion, team
World Cup bronze medal, team
German Vice Champion, team
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
May 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
All-In-1000 Plus, Quicky, Protein-Ultra
“Since I’ve been taking the FitLine products, my general well-being has improved
with regard to body and spirit. All around, my ability to perform is considerablybetter and I feel better able to cope with the day-to-day matters of life. Through
the Optimal-Set in conjunction with the All-In-1000 Plus yogurt; I have brought my
intestinal flora back into balance, have clearly improved my regeneration time
and I am more resistant. My ability to concentrate during contests has increased
enormously. All told, I would not like to be without the FitLine products and will
not do without them.“
FitLine Team: Michael Glaser
Torsten Mallon
German Vice-Champion
German Vice-Champion
German Champion speed surfing
Winner of international Speedweek, DK- Hvide Sande
German Vice-Champion speed surfing
German Vice-Champion speed surfing
On the year’s ranking list
Winner of several Speedsurfing regattas
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
July 2003
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Restorate, Protein-Ultra
“The effect is convincing; during preparatory training, I took FitLine Protein-Ultra
bars and Restorate more often for endurance training and cross-country running.
Within a short period of time I noticed that strength and energy were returning, the recovery period also became
shorter. During competitions, I ate a Protein-Ultra bar during the breaks and, in addition, took Activize to enable
me to concentrate optimally. After taking them I always felt full of energy, and experienced no loss in performance
whatsoever during the course of a competition day, but my performance levels remained consistently high, as the
results show. Conclusion: By supplementing my nutrition with FitLine, my preparation period was excellent with
clear increases in performance during training. During competition, my performance level remained consistently
high during the whole competition period, as the first places in all the races shows. The FitLine products have helped
me to successfully apply my training achievements to competition.“
FitLine Team: Henri Diederich
Kai Menze
Speed Skating (Inline)
Against the clock Jever 1st place (team),
Marathon Hanover 2nd (against the clock), Hüfingen 1st place
Marathon Jever 1st place (against the clock), Jever 1st place (team),
Ranked 10th in Germany
European Cup participation
German Champion Half Marathon
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
November 2003
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“Inline speed skating is characterized by quick changes in strain, high demands on
the cardio-vascular system and on breathing. The FitLine products help me to get a
better grip on my breathing and have a beneficial effect on my ability to concentrate. Regeneration after training or competitions has also improved and my muscles do not get as tired as quickly. Muscle cramps and aches and pains are a thing
of the past. With the FitLine products, I feel more balanced on the whole. One more
great advantage is that the products, even with regard to taste alone are miles
ahead of many competitors.“
FitLine Team: Kurt Metzler
Dominik Hrbatý
ATP 1 final, 3 semi-finals, 1 quarter-final,
1 semi-final doubles, prize money ca. $ 735.000
ATP 1 win, 3 semi-finals, 4 quarter-finals, 1 final doubles,
4 semi-finals doubles, prize money ca. $ 835.000
ATP 3 wins, 2 finals, 2 semi-finals, 4 quarter-finals,
2 wins doubles, 1 final doubles, prize money ca. $ 800.000
ATP Tournaments, 1 final, 2 semi-finals, 1 quarter-final,
1 final doubles, 5 semi-finals doubles,
Price money ca. $ 380.000
World Champion Team Düsseldorf
Use of FitLine since:
February 2000
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Antioxy/Zellschutz,
Q10 Plus, Shakes
”Since I have been taking the FitLine products, my physical constitution has enhanced demonstrably. The lactate values are a good example for this. I never had such good values in performance tests, and I have much more
endurance for training or games. I think the effectiveness of the products results from their
liquid form with the pleasant side effect that my body is well supplied with liquids. FitLine gives me the energy I need
to keep among those at the top.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Bea and Lazi Kollar
Manon Bollegraf
Manager FED-Cup Team Netherlands
Trainer FED-Cup Team Netherlands
World Champion doubles
US Open and Australian Open winner doubles
Wimbledon Final doubles
Summer Games Atlanta 4th place doubles
World Champion doubles
US Open Final mixed
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
October 2006
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate
“Unfortunately, I did not know FitLine during my sporting career. I am a single
mother and work full time. Before, I used FitLine I often felt tired and exhausted.
With the FitLine products I noticed after just a few days that I had much more energy and more concentration, which I also urgently need as the mother of a fouryear old daughter. After taking them for just a short time I feel strengthened and
ready to face the World. Others have already commented on my altered complexion.”
FitLine Team: Manfred Rössmann
Reimund Schneider
Tennis, Head of Projects DTB e.V.
“Along with talent, the right attitude to training and optimal athletic, psychological and medical care, diet is a decisive factor for success in top sports. Only an
athlete who can tap in to his full energy and performance resources is in a position to stand up to the high strain in competitive sports, to activate his mental and
physical potential in decisive situations in matches. Hobby athletes, too, often
underestimate the results of a lack of nutrients, which come from poor quality
food and dietary attitudes which are less than ideal. That is why most people in
Germany are insufficiently provided with vital substances. The results for professional and hobby athletes are the same: quick physical and mental fatigue and
achievement levels which are below the optimal level.
FitLine’s broad-based product range, which was developed according to the highest standards of quality and in cooperation with nutritional scientists working
world-wide and can be compiled specifically according to the individual requirements of the athlete concerned, is excellently suited to sports. The doping safety
FitLine guarantees is a MUST and cooperation with top athletes from vastly different areas creates great credibility in addition to this.
The DTB (German Tennis Association) will use the products in a targeted way
among up and coming athletes and in professional sports, so additionally promoting its athletes.”
FitLine Team: Claude Simon
Gilles Müller
ATP / Challenger Tournaments: 1 final, 2 semi-finals,
5 quarter-final, 1semi-final doubles,
Prize money ca. $ 250.000
ATP 1 final, 4 quarter-final, 2 finals doubles,
1 semi-final doubles, prize money ca. $ 310.000
ATP / Challenger Tournaments: 2 wins, 3 finals, 1 semi-final,
5 quarter-finals, 1 win doubles, 1 semi-final doubles,
ATP Ranking highest position: No. 68 (25th Oct. 2004),
Prize money ca. $ 170.000
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
January 2004
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Antioxy/Zellschutz,
Q10 Plus, Deoral, Shakes, Quickies
“It is amazing in what ways the FitLine products are helping me in my sport.
Because my nutrition is certainly not optimal, my digestion and my immune system
are hugely improved. I clearly notice how I can concentrate down to the last
exchange of balls and I have experienced no muscle problems since the start. I
no longer want to do without FitLine.”
FitLine Team: Claude Simon
Elke Wosik
Table Tennis
German Champion, team
Summer Games Athens, participated
Pro Tour Korea Open 2nd place, doubles
Table Tennis Player of the Year, Top 12 Europe 5th place
Top 12 Europe 5th place
European Vice Champion, team; German Champion, mixed
Joola European League winner; German Champion, mixed
Summer Games Sydney, participated
European Vice Champion team
European Cup bronze medal doubles
Use of FitLine since:
January 2004
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate
Fitness-Drink, Fitness-Crisp, Protein Ultra
“In my sport of table tennis, the main characteristics of strain are speed, reactions, concentration and coordination
of movements. In January 2004 I started taking the FitLine products and quickly noticed how more energy was
available to me. My ability to concentrate improved. Regeneration time between training units and during competitions shortened dramatically. Pain under strain (such as muscles aches or cramps) were minimized. My sleep
became more restful. All round, I feel fitter and my immune system also became much better, so I am more
At the World Cup in Qatar in Spring, the products really proved their worth, as despite the unacustomed high temperatures and two competitions a day, I can say, that I played a tournament ‘without depression or drop.’
Readjustment on returning home was also possible without a cold or tiredness. I am completely convinced about
the effectiveness of the FitLine products and would therefore no longer want to be without them.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Siegrid and Thomas Vogel
Martina Smistikova
Table Tennis
German Champion, team
Pro Tour Tournament Dubai winner (youth)
World Cup bronze medal, team (youth)
European Champion, team (youth)
European Vice Champion (youth)
European Champion doubles (youth)
Use of FitLine since:
February 2004
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“Since starting to use the FitLine products at the beginning of 2004, I have been
able to hold my level of concentration not just at a higher level but also over a
longer period than I used to. By taking Restorate, I was immediately able to sleep
better. Regeneration in competitions and training has significantly improved. The good taste of the FitLine products
and the fact that I can take the vitamins and minerals in a liquid form so easily and can even feel a quick effect
beyond that thrilled me from the start.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Siegrid and Thomas Vogel
Axel Fien
World Champion 640 kg (1 411 pounds)
World Games bronze medal
World Vice Champion 640 kg (1 411 pounds)
European Champion 640 kg (1 411 pounds)
World Cup 640 kg (1 411 pounds) 4th place
March/April 2005
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate Additive, Q10 PLUS,
Antioxy/Zellschutz, Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
“I have been taking the FitLine products Basics, Activize, Restorate, Restorate
Additive and Antioxy/Zellschutz since the end of March,and have been more
resistant since then. Through the Fitness-Drink, my performance level no longer
drops off during training and in competitions. At the World Games 2005 in
Duisburg, we gained the bronze medal, even though we had tugs lasting over 10
minutes. Even then, I felt fresh and had reserves of strength despite the great
strain. Me and the team will not do without the FitLine products in future, especially also because of the doping safety.”
FitLine Team: Klaus Fischer
Andreas Reibel
World Champion 640 kg (1 411 pounds)
World Games bronze medal
World Vice Champion 640 kg (1 411 pounds)
European Champion 640 kg (1 411 pounds)
World Cup 640 kg (1 411 pounds) 4th place
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
March/April 2005
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate Additive, Q10 Plus,
Antioxy/Zellschutz, Fitness-Crisp, Protein-Ultra
“Since April I have been taking the FitLine products Basics, Activize, Restorate
and Antioxy (Zellschutz) regularly. In addition, before and during a competition,
Fitness-Drink and Q10 Plus. In that period, my digestion and wellbeing have
strongly improved. It is no longer the case, that I often have downtime during a
competition season. After the, often very tough, training, my body has been able
to recover very well with the FitLine products. During competitions, the regeneration period between tugs was clearly shorter. Despite the length of competition
of several hours at the World Games in Duisburg , my performance level did not
drop off, but I remained consistently fresh and fit. I can only warmly recommend
the FitLine products to every athlete.”
FitLine Team: Klaus Fischer
Ute Mückel
Ironman Arizona 8th place
QCR Roth 3rd place, Ironman Wisconsin winner
Ironman Arizona 3rd place
QCR Roth 3rd place, Panama City winner
Ironman Florida 3rd place, Ironman Zurich 3rd place
Use of FitLine since:
August 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Omega 3+E, Fitness-Drink, Restorate,
Restorate Additive, Shakes, Q10 Plus,
Gourmet Crunch, Protein-Ultra
“For years I had digestive trouble (especially due to travelling so much). As long
as I’ve been taking the FitLine products on a daily basis, I have no more trouble.
I really look forward to the powerdrink every morning: a mix of Basics (which
removed my intestinal trouble) and Activize .... and also Omega 3 + E and Q10 Plus. Above all, it gives me a feeling of being sufficiently supplied every day and it also tastes good. Restorate in the evening... permits me to sleep
peacefully and in a relaxed way! ... The most important thing for me is that I do not have to take different pills,
drinks and other things at different times, but with one drink morning and night am provided totally and sufficiently with all necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
I feel better able to perform , have lost weight, my metabolism is working better, so I feel better all round, which
NATURALLY has a beneficial effect on my ability to perform. Positive!!!!“
FitLine Team: TEAM Sabine Simon / Andreas Holzer
Martin Falch
Triathlon / Alpine Skiing with Handicap
World Champion AWAD
2005+06 Austrian Champion several times in Triathlon
Bavarian Triathlon Champion
Alpine Skiing with Handicap:
World Champion slalom, several times Tyrol’s overall Champion
Europe Cup winner overall
Parolympics Salt Lake bronze medal
Use of FitLine since:
June 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate,
Fitness-Drink, Antioxy/Zellschutz, Q10 Plus
“I was able to improve my personal best time over a classic games distance by 9
minutes by taking FitLine products. Thanks to quick regeneration, I have been
able to increase my training load. Since I’ve been using FitLIne in a targeted way,
my immune system is in order and I am much more resistant.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Wolfgang Bodner / Susanne Raber
Karin Thürig
Triathlon / Cycling
Cycling races:
World Vice Champion against the clock and 4th place track
Swiss Champion against the clock
World Champion against the clock, bronze medal track
Sportswoman of the Year (Switzerland); World Champion, street
Summer Games Athens bronze medal individual against the clock,
5th place street
Dual World Champion (track Aigle/Stuttgart 3000 m)
World Cup 4th place against the clock Hamilton
World Cup 4th place short distance Affoltern a. A.
World Champion long distance Weyer Austria
European Cup Zeitz 4th place, Swiss Champion
Ironman Lanzarote winner, Half Ironman Monaco winner
Ironman Switzerland winner, Hawaii 12th place
Ironman Hawaii 6th place
Ironman France winner, Hawaii 8th place
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
Summer 2001
Basics Plus, Activize Oxy, Fitness-Drink, Restorate , Quicky, Q10 Plus
“During the last few years I often caught a slight cold several times during the long season. Since I have been using
the FitLine products, these symptoms have completely disappeared. I feel well all round and no longer want to do
without the FitLine products.”
FitLine Team: Marcel Felder
Dagmar Großheim
Extreme Triathlon
World Champion 10 times Ironman
(in 11 days, 22 hours, 20 min., 54 sec.)
European Champion double Ironman
European Vice Champion double Ironman
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
February 2005
Basics Plus, Restorate, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Antioxy/Zellschutz,
Gourmet Crunch, Protein-Ultra
“In the training camp in February 2006, I tested the FitLine products for the first
time, at the World Championship in France I did the ‘hard test’ over 12 days and
am fully convinced about the products. For training, Restorate is especially a
great help as regeneration is clearly better making qualitatively better training
The FitLine product series covers everything and it is therefore not necessary to mix
different suppliers. The products have been matched up to one another in the best
possible way and they are regularly checked for forbidden substances.”
FitLine Team: Ingo Bächle
Thoralf Berg
World Vice Champion and European Vice Champion
mid distance
German Champion sprint
World Vice Champion and European Vice Champion
mid distance
World Champion long distance, World Vice Champion and
European Champion mid distance, World Cup winner overall
World Vice Champion sprint and mid distance
World Cup winner overall, German Champion sprint and
mid distance
Use of FitLine since:
March 2006
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Restorate Additive,
Quicky, Protein-Ultra
“Through taking the FitLine products, my ability to regenerate has noticeably improved. On weekends with several
starts in succession, I notice this the most clearly. Muscular problems after competitions have reduced. Beyond that,
I can cope better with the overall strain of job, family and sport.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Jan Schmeißer / Andreas Garack
Frank Bachmann
since 2006
SCC Berlin
European League 4th place,
German Cup 6th place, Final Four DVV-Pokal
German Vice Champion
Changed to Maoam Mendig (top German league)
German Cup 4th place
European Cup, participated; German Vice Champion
Nominated for the German national team
Use of FitLine since:
September 2004
FitLine Products used: Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink, Restorate,
Restorate Additive, Antioxy/Zellschutz,
Gourmet Shake, Fitness-Crisp,Protein-Ultra
“As a professional athlete, you are dependent on a healthy and balanced diet. Due to travel and training it is very
often not possible to achieve this. In the products by FitLine I have found the optimal nutritional supplement. Since
then I feel better able to perform and my concentration has improved. One very important point for me is, however, that FitLine can guarantee absolute safety as far as doping is concerned. And I can also say that the products
taste very good.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Detlev Schönberg / Tobias Kühne
Achim Heukemes
World Cup 10 times Ironman 5th place (first German under 10 days)
Crossed Australia Perth-Sydney 4 568 km (2838 miles) –
as first person in 43 days (World best performance)
Winner 6-day race breaking German record
24-hour run Mühlhausen (F) 2nd place
300 Miles Yukon Arctic Ultra Race (CDN) 3rd place
Second quickest runner in the World over 1 000 Miles
(1 609 km) road in 11 days;18 hours; 30 min, DUV honorary award
German Champion 24 hour run
Crossing Germany 1 154 km (717 miles) in
6 days; 21 hours; 15 min (World best)
DUV Sportsman of the Year
5 times German record holder in 48-hour run street and track
and 6 day run 1 000 km and 1 000 Miles
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
February 2001
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate, Omega 3+E, Fitness-Drink,
Antioxy/Zellschutz, Q10 Plus
“FitLine –an important building block for me in maintaining my position among the World’s top ultra runners. In the
morning before training, FitLine Basics Plus is a ‘must’ for me. The body’s detoxification is therefore better than it
used to be. After tough training units, I take Restorate before going to sleep at night. That means I recover more
quickly and am fit again in the morning. Activize is simply for power. So it is an important building block for my athletic success. My motto in life is English: ‚Never give up and push the limit, be first’.“
FitLine Team: Hildegard Bayerlein
Simone Kayser
Winner Marathon des Sables
Winner Marathon des Sables
Winner Grand Raid Ile de la Réunion
Winner Marathon des Sables, winner Trail du Verdon
Le Grand Raid Ile de la Réunion 2nd place
Use of FitLine since:
FitLine Products used:
December 2001
Basics Plus, Activize Oxyplus,
Fitness-Drink, Restorate, Antioxy/Zellschutz,
Q10 Plus, Protein-Ultra
“I can concentrate much better and am much more resistant My body regenerates more quickly, i.e. after great physical strain I am prepared to perform again
more quickly. As long as I’ve been taking the products, I have had no more
injuries to muscles.”
FitLine Team: TEAM Claude Simon / Erw Barthel
Medals at the Winter Games in Turin 2006
and we were there successfully with FitLine
Daniela Anschütz-Thoms
Speed Skating /Team
Sabine Gasteiger
Alpine Skiing with Handicap / Super G
Sylke Otto
Luge/ Single
Anja Schneiderheinze-Stöckel
Bobsleigh / Two-Man
Sabine Gasteiger
Alpine Skiing with Handicap / Downhill
Sabine Gasteiger
Alpine Skiing with Handicap / Slalom
Sabine Gasteiger
Alpine Skiing with Handicap / Grand Slalom
Beat Hefti
Bobsleigh / Two-Man
Beat Hefti
Bobsleigh / Four-Man
And we were also in Turin
Oliver Anthofer, Alexander Bartha (DEB), Timo Boos (DEB), Florian Busch (DEB), Christian Ehrhoff (DEB), Martin Falch, Sven Felski (DEB),
Peter Fical (DEB), Remo Fischer, Marcel Goc (DEB), Sascha Goc (DEB), Thomas Greis (DEB), Klaus Kathan (DEB), Olaf Klözig (DEB), Lasse
Kopitz (DEB), Daniel Kreutzer (DEB), Robert Leask (DEB), Eduard Lewandowski (DEB), Tomas Martinec (DEB), Robert Müller (DEB), Andreas
Renz (DEB), Stefan Schauer (DEB), Christoph Schubert (DEB), Dennis Seidenberg (DEB), Alexander Sulzer (DEB), Stefan Ustorf (DEB),
Raffaela Wolf (DEB), Silvan Zurbriggen
FitLine is an official suppolier of the DEB (Germany Ice Hockey Association). The whole FitLine team
congratulates all the athletes and wishes them much more success and many more victories.
Medals at the Summer Games in Athens 2004
and we were there successfully with FitLine
Jens Fiedler (BDR)
Cycling / Team Sprint, Track
Christian Gille
Canoeing / C2 1 000 m
Johann Mayrhofer
Handbike / Street
Stefan Nimke (BDR)
Cycling / Team Sprint, Track
Roland Rauhe
Canoeing / K2 500 m
Katrin Wagner-Augustin
Canoeing / K4 500 m
Tim Wieskötter
Canoeing / K2 500 m
René Wolff (BDR)
Cycling / Team Sprint, Track
Judith Arndt (BDR)
Cycling / Street
Markus Baur
Michal Martikan
Kayak / Slalom
Johann Mayrhofer
Handbike / Against the Clock
Bruno Risi
Cycling / Madison Points Track
Christian Schwarzer
Annett Böhm
Judo / under 70 kg ( 140 pounds)
Guido Fulst (BDR)
Cycling / on Points, Track
Stefan Nimke (BDR)
Cycling / 1 000 m, Track
Sabine Spitz (BDR)
Cycling / MTB Cross Country
Karin Thürig
Cycling / Individual, Street
René Wolff (BDR)
Cycling / Sprint Track
And we were also in Athens
Robert Bartko (BDR), Robert Bengsch (BDR), Carsten Bergmann (BDR), Carsten Bresser (BDR), Angela Brodtka (BDR), Andreas Erm, Lado
Fumic (BDR), Manuel Fumic (BDR), Jeff Henkels, Andres Klöden (BDR), Jurij Kohl, Ivonne Kraft (BDR), Karol Kucera, Christian Lademann
(BDR), Leif Lampater (BDR), Katrin Meinke (BDR), Henrietta Nagyova, Michael Rich (BDR), Roldand Ruepp, Konstantin Schneider,
Krisztina Toth, Trixi Worrack (BDR), Elke Wosik, Erik Zabel (BDR), Jernej Zupancic Regent
FitLine is an official suppolier of the BDR (German Cycling Association). The whole FitLine team
congratulates all the athletes and wishes them much more success and many more victories.
Clinical Study on Determining
the Bioavailability of
Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E
Within the framework of the study, the bioavailability
In total, a representative group to enable examination
of a micellized coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E – formu-
of the question.
lation (NanoSolve) - was tested against the raw product (powder form in a capsule) on a defined collective.
The test preparations (100 mg coenzyme Q10 and
120 mg vitamin E) were taken as a single dose with
The goal of the study is the characterization of
water after overnight fast. The blood samples were
bioavailability in plasma. After the test preparations
taken through an in-dwelling catheter. The subjects
were taken for a period of 14 hours at defined points
were under medical supervision for the duration of the
of time, blood samples were taken to determine the vit-
clinical examination. Standardized meals minimize
amin E and coenzyme Q10.
influencing external factors.
The selected cross-over design enables a direct com-
The pharmacokinetic parameters Cmax, Tmax and AUC
parison between the formulations; that means: each
were determined after a single dose from the analyzed
subject took both the raw product (vitamin E; coenzyme Q10) and the micellized form (NanoSolve tech-
concentrations of vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 in the
blood (HPLC technology).
The bioavailability is a value for how quickly and to
Test persons
n = 12
2 Weeks
phase II
which extent a substance is resorbed and is available
n = 12
the blood caused through liquid, the values were also
to the body. (To take the concentration fluctuations in
corrected to the plasma share.)
n = 12
Test persons
n = 12
The study design was approved by the Regional
Medical Board of Baden-Württemberg (Germany). 24
voluntary, healthy subjects, 12 women and 12 men,
Concentration time curve after
single dose of Vitamin E
Vitamin E Plasma
Concentration [µmol/L]
Screening phase
phase I
were enrolled in the study. Health was checked by tak-
Time (h)
ing an anamnesis, carrying out a physical examination
and the determination of routine blood parameters.
The Cmax value represents the maximum achieved
The following table briefly summarizes the included
increase in concentration of the parameter observed in
the plasma.
Permitted area /
reference area
Age [years]
26,7 ± 6,8
Body mass index [kg/m2] 22,2 ± 2,4
Cholesterol [mg/dL]
189 ± 29
Coenzyme Q10 [µmol/L] 0,62 ± 0,14
Vitamin E [µmol/L]
25,4 ± 4,1
Tmax describes the point of time at which the maximum
concentration of the parameter observed in the plasma
is reached.
AUC0-14h is a measure for the general bioavailability
as the area under the concentration-time-curve.
Results of the study (presentation by the distribution of the pharmacokinetic parameters)
Coenzym Q10
The distribution of the pharmacokinetic parameters is
concentration earlier.
shown. It can be clearly recognized that, through
The area under the concentration-time-curve is
NanoSolve technology, significantly higher concentra-
increased with the NanoSolve technology; that means
tions in the plasma are achieved and coenzyme Q10
that the body has 5 times more CoQ10 at its disposal
floods the blood more quickly and achieves maximum
on the average (median).
Vitamin E
Analogously to the results of CoQ10, it can be recog-
The area under the concentration-time-curve is signifi-
nized that through the NanoSolve technology, a sig-
cantly increased with NanoSolve technology; that
nificantly higher concentration is achieved in the plas-
means that the body has 10 times more vitamin E at its
ma, that vitamin E floods the blood more quickly and
disposal on the average (median).
that the maximum concentration is achieved earlier.
1. The study design guarantees standardized conditions
higher CoQ10 and vitamin E concentration in the blood
with respect to exogenous factors of influence.
than the comparative formulation.
2. The volunteer collective represents in all tested char-
b. With the aid of the NanoSolve technology, CoQ10
acteristics to a representative group of young healthy
and vitamin E flood the blood significantly more quickly
than with the comparative formulation.
3. The micellized formulation (NanoSolve) shows the
c. The area under the concentration-time-curve is signifi-
following characteristics on the basis of the pharmaco-
cantly increased with the NanoSolve technology; that
kinetic parameters Tmax, Cmax and AUC0-14h towards
means that the body has more active ingredients at its
the comparative formulation (raw product in capsule):
disposal. The bioavailability of the ingredients is in aver-
a. The NanoSolve technology conveys a significantly
age (median) 5 to 10 times better.
Recommendations for the Use of FitLine
Products in Performance/Hobby Sports
Mornings (basic supply)
Basics Plus
2 heaped teaspoons (start in first week with only one teaspoon, then increase
Activize Oxyplus
1 teaspoon (or Activize Oxy, it has no flush effect)
Q10 Plus
2 pipettes full
all products: stir in 400 ml (13.53 fl.oz) cold, non-carbonated water or, according
to taste, in juice diluted with water.
before or with breakfast; should training units or contests with 80% or more maximum heart rate take place within 2 hours of breakfast, it might be better to take
only 1 teaspoon of Basics PLUS or to wait until after the phase of intensive physical strain (e.g. in the afternoon) especially when the product is first taken.
Basics Plus: during the first phase of use, a stronger activity of the intestines
and/or an increased bowel movement might occur.
Activize Oxyplus: contains niacin among other things that expands blood vessels and promotes circulation. After about 5 to 10 minutes, a reddening of skin
and a feeling of warmth can occur, which results from the expansion of the capillaries. This is completely harmless and abates after a short time.
The FitLine products were developed according to the concept that nutrients will
be absorbed optimally and quickly in the intestines.
Noon (basic supply)
Basics Plus
2 heaped teaspoons (start in first week with only one teaspoon, then increase
Activize Oxyplus
1 teaspoon (or Activize Oxy, without flush effect)
Q10 Plus
2 pipettes full
See Directions “Mornings”
These are recommendations that have been tried and proved excellent in practice by many elite
athletes. In general, you should try these recommendations for yourself in training and adapt them to
your personal requirements.
Evenings (protection and regeneration supply)
Restorate with Vit. D/
1 heaped tablespoon (start with 1 teaspoon in the beginning phase/in the first
no Iron
week, then increase)
stir in 200 to 400 ml (6.76 to 13.53 fl.oz) of non-carbonated water until fizzing
stops. Then drink immediately (important for maximum absorption). Depending on
taste and how it agrees with you, the proportion of water can be increased.
drink over a period of 10 minutes in short sips half an hour to an hour before going
to bed. People with very sensitive stomach/digestive systems should reduce the
serving of Restorate to one heaped teaspoon at the beginning and drink slowly in
short sips.
Restorate should not be taken immediately after strain, but at least 1 hour afterwards.
Please do not mix Restorate with Basics Plus, as fiber hinders the absorption of
Training and Competition before, during and after strain
(protection and regeneration supply)
2 to 4 teaspoons (depending on taste and digestibility)
stir in 750 ml (1 pint, 9.36 fl.oz) of non-carbonated water and fill into a drinking
drink 1 to 2 liters (2 pints 1.6 fl.oz to 4 pints 3.2 fl.oz) of Fitness-Drink in small portions (depending on type of sport and fluid requirements) prepared according to
above recommendations spread over the day, before and after training or contest.
cover the additional demand for liquid by juice diluted with water (e.g. 1 part
apple juice and 3 parts non-sparkling mineral water) or with fruit teas.
Restorate with Vit. D/
no Iron
for quick regeneration after particular strain. 1 teaspoon full to 1 tablespoon full
(during the initial period/first week start with one teaspoon and then increase as
Prepare Restorate as described above and drink around 1 hour after strain in
small sips over around 10 minutes for maximum regeneration and to buffer acid.
People with very sensitive stomachs/digestion should reduce their portion of
Restorate to one heaped teaspoon and drink slowly in small sips.
These are recommendations that have been tried and proved excellent in practice by many elite
athletes. In general, you should try these recommendations for yourself in training and adapt them to
your personal requirements.
Additional Products
Restorate Additive
was specially developed as an alkaline additive for FitLine Restorate to support the
body’s ratio of acids to alkalines with additional alkaline minerals and trace
elements during periods of particular strain.
mix one teaspoonful into every serving of Restorate (after training and/or in
the evening depending on the intensity of training)
1 to 2 teaspoons (depending on taste and requirements)
stir in 200 to 250 ml (6.76 to 8.54 fl.oz) of cool and non-sparkling water.
Antioxy can be added any time to the morning/noon/evening drink. It is also possible to add Antioxy to Fitness-Drink.
when taking Antioxy together with other FitLine products, increase the liquid volume accordingly.
take 1 to 2 capsules approx. 30 minutes before (endurance) strain with plenty of
liquids (about 200 to 300 ml (6.76 to 10.14 fl.oz) of Fitness-Drink or tea or juice
diluted with water).
Deoral has expanding effects on the bronchial system, gives “more breath.“
effective through essential polyunsaturated fatty acids to strengthen heart and cir-
Omega 3 + E
culation. For increased requirements (1.5 teaspoons (servings) a day diluted or
to build-up muscles for the recovery phase or reconvalensence and when addi-
tional protein is required, use 1-2 bars a day with sufficient liquids.
Gourmet Crunch
FitLine Gourmet Crunch is full-replacement for one or several meals.
Gourmet Shakes / Soya
depending on demand, Shakes can be taken either as a snack between meals or
as a proper meal at any time of day. Tastes best with milk (0.3% fat), however, it
also provides a delicious meal in combination with water.
These are recommendations that have been tried and proved excellent in practice by many elite
athletes. In general, you should try these recommendations for yourself in training and adapt them to
your personal requirements.
In case of further questions, please do not hesitate to ask your FitLine Partner or country’s subsidiary or contact
Torsten Weber, Head of Sports Marketing at e-mail or by Fax on +49(0) 6232 / 296 - 331.
We shall also be pleases to consider your suggestions.
Yours, the FitLine Professional - Sport - Team
Quick facts about the
most important FitLine Products
Active Ingredient
Use / effect
FitLine Basics Plus
• Bio-active nutrients
• BET (Bioavailability Enhancing
• Soluble and insoluble fibers
• Enzyme complex
• Probiotic cultures
• Prebiotics
• Antioxidants
• optimizes the body’s supply with
nutrients and vital substances
• revitalization of the digestive system
• detoxification
• against oxidative stress
• effective intestines are better able to
absorb nutrients
• strengthens the immune system (approx.
80% of the immune system is in the
FitLine Activize Oxyplus
FitLine Activize Oxy
• Complex of B-vitamins
• PTC (Phase Transfer
• Vitamin C
• Folic Acid
• Natural Guarana
• higher supply of oxygen and vital
substances at the cellular level
• promotes concentration and
performance ability
• Supports energy metabolism and burning of carbohydrates and fats
• important for the production of nerve
FitLine Restorate
with Vit. D, no Iron
• Complex of minerals and trace
elements with Vitamin D
• High bioavailability
• as an alkaline power, combats acidity
• fast regeneration after training or contest
• strengthens the immune system
FitLine Restorate
• See Restorate with vit. D,
• Additional Iron
FitLine Fitness-Drink
• Highly effective isotonic sports
drink with vitamin- + mineral
• enhances energy gain and
• delivers important minerals
• helps to ward off Free Radicals that
emerge due to physical activities (especially in performance sports)
• provides additional liquids so preventing a deficiency in liquids that impairs
FitLine Q10 Plus
• Nanosolve micromizellized
Q10 + Vitamin E
• High bioavailability through
liquid form with micellized
• supports the cells and cell membranes
during oxidative stress (large number of
Free Radicals)
• intensifies the cellular energy
• improves the provision of energy
in muscle cells
Use / Effect
FitLine Restorate Additive
• supports even faster regeneration during
and after sports
• best possible reduction in acidity as an
additive in conjunction with FitLine®
• particularly well absorbed and effective
through NTC
• beneficial for stable bones
• recommended for best possible
reduction in acidity where weight
problems or cellulite exist
FitLine Antioxy / Zellschutz • Antioxidants:
Vitamin C, E, selenium, beta
• Bioflavonoids
• strengthens immune system
• neutralizes Free Radicals in the body.
Free Radicals emerge, for example during,
- physical activity and strain
- environmental influences
- stress
- intense sun radiation
- in high altitudes, e.g. also during flights,
especially long-distance,
during glacier training
FitLine Antioxy light/
Zellschutz light
• Same as Antioxy, but with
FitLine Deoral
• Secondary vegetable
• Essential oils
• Vitamin E
• opens up the bronchial system,
optimizes oxygen supply
• wards off Free Radicals
FitLine Omega 3 + E
• Essential polyunsaturated micellized omega-3 fatty acids
• Micellized vitamin E
• High bioavailability as first
micellized omega-3 product
• Optimal proportion of DHA:EPA
FitLine All-In-1000 Plus
• contains an extract of Ayurvedic • fibers with prebiotic effects support
herbs which promotes absorpintestinal flora/digestion
tion and vitamin B3
• strengthens the immune system and so
• contains the most living cultures
also performance ability
(5 different ones) in comparison • the newest generation of health-promotto all other yogurts
ing yogurt!
FitLine Protein-Ultra
High-quality protein
Natural calcium
Rich in unsaturated fatty acids
10 vitamins
lowers high blood fat levels
for energy gain for high physical activity
makes heart and circulation fit
expands blood vessels
supports brain functions and
ideal during build-up and
• protein with its complete amino acid profile.
• prebiotic fibers support intestinal flora
and digestion
• wide-ranging spectrum of vitamins that
protect and build up.
FitLine Gourmet Crunch
• Balanced combination of
• Oligofructose
• Unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids
• 10 vitamins
• 5 minerals
• Fibers
• Complete vitamin- B complex
• a mobile Shake
• many essential nutrients and vital substances
• minimum calories
• high-quality soy protein and soy isoflavones
• with L-Carnitin: increases processing in the
• Low glycemic index
FitLine Quicky (bar)
• Short and long chains of
• Fibers
• Oligofructose
• ideal when out and about
• promotes intestinal flora and
• nips ravenous hunger in the bud
• satisfies with just 144 calories
FitLine Gourmet Shakes
• Essential amino acids
• Fatty acids
• Vitamins and minerals
• Fibers
Effective and safe weight reduction
• maintain performance ability
• regulate appetite, detoxify and
promote digestion
• conform to strict European legislation
• promote fat break-down without undesirable muscle loss
• as a daily ration or meal replacement
optimized weight control through low
glycemic Index
FitLine Gourmet
Shakes Soya
• High quality vegetable Soya
proteins with a very high biological value
• Essential fatty acids
• Vitamins and minerals
• Fibers
• with Isoflavones
Effective and safe weight reduction
• maintain performance ability
• regulate appetite, detoxify and promote
• conform to strict European legislation
• promote fat break-down without undesirable muscle loss
• as a daily ration or meal replacement
• optimized weight control through low
glycemic Index
FitLine Activize
Power Drink
• mobile answer to Activize (with flush)
• for optimal energy gain
• acts as a stimulant without over stimulating
FitLine SunDrink
• Vitamin C
• Carotinoide
• Bioflavonoids
Complete vitamin B complex
Vitamin C
Folic Acid
Natural Guarana
• careful tan and protection through antioxidants from the inside
• stimulates skin’s natural readiness to tan
Doping Safety ?
Regarding the product and doping safety of the FitLine
More information on this can be found on the selec-
products listed on the back of the product insert (to this
tive “Kölner-Liste“ (Cologne List). This is a list of
Catalog FitLine Sport 2007), we can assure you of the
those nutritional supplements with minimized dop-
ing risk. This is a service platform of the Olympia
Center in Cologne/Bonn/Leverkusen. More infor-
• The FitLine products, as listed on the product insert,
mation can be found on
are manufactured exclusively for us by companies
in Germany and in Switzerland, which take the
We assume that this information and the product results
GMP regulations (currently the most modern stan-
of the top athletes will strengthen your opinion that
dard of quality and purity) and the ISO 9001 crite-
product quality and doping safety are a matter of seri-
ria for granted. The FitLine product line is complete-
ous concern to us which we deal with responsibly.
ly in compliance with the German laws and with the
laws of the countries where these products are mar-
In case you have further questions, do not hesitate to
keted. Most of our products are sold in over 30
contact us.
• As our suppliers assure us, both the raw materials
(that means every single batch) and also the final
products are subjected to strictest micro-biological,
chemical, sensory, and physical controls in order to
guarantee the consumer the highest possible purity
and safety. Perishability tests and the retention of
samples are a matter of course. Product tracking is
ensured, according to the manufacturers, for at least
three months beyond the best-before date.
• You can gladly convince yourself of our suppliers’
quality management by a visit to the plant. The suppliers guarantee transparent quality assurance.
• In 2006 far more than 1 000 doping tests were carried out on elite athletes who use the FitLine®
products regularly. Not one of the athletes tested
• As a company we have voluntarily subjected ourselves to having the FitLine products tested regularly for doping relevant anabolic-androgenic steroids.
i.A. Torsten Weber
Dr. Gerhard Schmitt
Business School Graduate
Head of Sport Marketing
Nutritional and Sport Scientist
Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board
of PM-International
Caffeine = Doping ? => NO!
Through our many contacts in top performance sports,
we have noticed that ambiguity about the substance
caffeine and its doping relevance is widespread and
that there is a need for information in this area.
Why do the FitLine products Activize
Oxy, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness-Drink
and Activize Power Drink contain
WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) decided in a resolution of September 2003 that caffeine is no longer
For physiological reasons the named products contain
to be included on the list of forbidden substances start-
exclusively the caffeine which is naturally bound in
ing January 1st 2004. This decision of WADA has
guarana and easily digestible, because it stimulates fat
already been recognized as legally binding in 186
metabolism and maintains the glycogen stores crucial
to performance in the endurance phase.
Caffeine concentration per drink (for
your information):
The bound form reduces the maximum increase in caffeine concentration compared with free caffeine which
is used in coffee, tea and lemonade.
Red Bull A
Red Bull D
60–150 mg / cup
(0.002 - 0.005 oz / cup)
40–75 mg / cup
(0.001 - 0.002 oz / cup)
20–30 mg / 100 gr
(0.0007 - 0.001 oz /3.5 oz)
150 mg / Liter
(0.005 oz /33.81 fl. oz.)
532 mg / Liter
(0.019 oz /33.81 fl. oz.)
320 mg / Liter
(0.011 oz /33.81 fl. oz.)
Activize Oxy/
Activize Oxyplus
30 mg / daily serving
(0.001 oz/ daily serving)
150 mg / Liter
(0.006 oz /33.81 fl. oz.)
Activize Power Drink 250 mg / Liter
(0.009 oz /33.81 fl. oz.)
unbound (isolated caffeine)
bound caffeine
Art.-Nr. INT: 020102209 © 2007 PM-International AG, Luxembourg 71707 JH
More information about the FitLine products can be obtained from our
distribution partners. From them, you can also discover how you can
achieve your personal goals with PM-International
and the FitLine products:
PM-International AG
Postfach 15 53
D-67325 Speyer
Berlin • Dallas • London • Luxembourg • Milan • Moscow • Paris
Issue 02/2007
PM-International AG
17, rue des Gaulois
L-1618 Luxembourg