Richtlinien für Linkbuilder November 2014 Sehr geehrte
Richtlinien für Linkbuilder November 2014 Sehr geehrte
Richtlinien für Linkbuilder November 2014 Sehr geehrte Linkbuilder im folgenden unsere Richtlinien für den Linkaufbau für unsere Sites und Kundenprojekte. Dieses Dokument ist vertraulich und darf nicht weitergeleitet, geshared, oder öffentlich gemacht werden. Die grundsätzliche und erste Regel beim Linkaufbau ist: jeder Link sollte möglichst NATÜRLICH aussehen, d.h. selbst wenn ein hypothetischer menschlicher Reviewer von Google diesen anschaut, sollte er nicht feststellen können, dass dieser im Rahmen einer Linkaufbau-Kampagne erstellt wurde. Ferner sollte die Link Velocity (Linkaufbau-Geschwindigkeit) natürlich sein – dieses wird dadurch gewährleistet, dass Sie die Tasks von unserem Dripfeed-Tool jeweils möglichst zeitnah abarbeiten. Diese Richtlinien werden systematisch aktualisiert. Fragen Sie alle paar Monate nach der aktuellen Version bei uns. Einleitung Verteilung der Linkaufbau-Tasks erfolgt mittels unserem Dripfeed-Tool. Die Logindaten werden Ihnen mittels Skype mitgeteilt. Die Links werden anhand der LIVE Links gezählt (d.h. Solchen nach Approval der Moderation, Freischaltung von Verzeichniseinträgen, oder nach einigen Tagen auf Foren). WICHTIGE DON'T's: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. DO NOT use any automated linkbuilding tools DO NOT make links on pages with 100+ links EVEN IF THEY HAVE ONPAGE PR DO NOT make forum profile backlinks (so-called "Angela & Paul") DO NOT COPY PASTE CONTENT from our clients' sites without asking us first DO NOT comment on high-profile SEO forums and blogs DO NOT SPIN ARTICLES DO NOT DUPLICATE-POST ARTICLES DO NOT REUSE THE SAME DESCRIPTION for social bookmarking and directory profiles DO NOT DO "20 SOCIAL BOOKMARKING LINKS ONLY" ON 1 DAY DO NOT COPY GERMAN TEXT FROM OUR CLIENT SITES AND USE IT ON ENGLISH SITES DO NOT make first-post ads with links in .ch forums DO NOT abuse blog comment links (maximum 10% of all links you make) Detaillierte Richtlinien 1. Natürliche Links aufbauen Jeder Link sollte bei einer externen Betrachtung wie einer aussehen, der von einer unbeteiligten Drittperson als echte Empfehlung erstellt wurde. Offensichtliche Selbstwerbung, Keyword Stuffing usw sind auf jeden Fall zu vermeiden. 2. Vor allem deutschsprachige .ch und .de Sites nutzen Fast alle unsere Kunden sind Schweizer Unternehmen und so sollte das Linkprofil zu mindestens 50-60% aus .ch Seiten bestehen. Deutsche .de Seiten sind auch akzeptabel, aber nur zu ca. 20-30%. .com oder .net sollten nur in Ausnahmefällen genutzt werden. 3. Anchortexte Anchortexte sollten möglichst breit variiert werden und die Verteilung möglichst natürlich: Anchor text Distribution in % Exact Phrase Brand URL Other 18% 17% 32% 17% 16% Unser Dripfeed-Tool erzeugt für Anchortexte automatisch Vorschläge, die diesem Pattern entsprechen. Sie müssen dieses nicht 100% genau nachbilden, aber es ist eine gute Richtlinie. 4. Fokussieren Sie sich vor allem auf die schlechter rankenden Keywords, sofern nicht anders vorgegeben In dem Dripfeed-Tool können Sie die Rankings einer Kundekampagne mit dem Klick auf die Kunde-URL sehen. Der Fokus sollte dabei vor allem auf den nicht in den Top 10-20 liegenden Keywords sein. 5. Links möglichst contextual Links sollten normalerweise nicht “naked” sein (nur der Link ohne Text drumherum). Das ist unnatürich und erregt Verdacht bei Google ab einer gewissen Anzahl. Empfohlen sind mindestens 100 Wörter Unique Text rund um den eigentlichen Link. 6. 1 High-Quality Link (z.B. Themenrelevanter Blog Guest Post) ist besser, als 5+ low-quality Links Wir ziehen vor allem diese Linktypen vor: - Backlinks von Seiten, die auch zu topgerankten Wettbewerbern linken Blog Guest Posts auf thematisch relevanten Blogs 4-way link exchanges (partner links to our client site A from his site B, we link to his site C from our site D) 7. OnPAGE PageRank zählt, not Domain PageRank Onpage Pagerank /PA ist besonders wertvoll. Domain Pagerank/DA ist weniger relevant. 8. Competitor-based Linkbuilding Das funktioniert folgendermassen: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Pick some keyword from the client campaign Go to and type this keyword Pick top-placed competitor Go to Majestic SEO (ask us for login data) and look at the link profile of this competitor Analyze Referring Domains for a chance to add a link to our client site 9. Broken linkbuilding Broken linkbuilding ist explizit empfohlen. Hier der ausführliche Tutorial: 10. Link Velocity möglichst konstant halten Bitte nicht 20 Links in einer Stunde machen, und danach eine Woche nichts. Wenn Sie die Dripfeed-Tasks jeden Tag abarbeiten, gibt es hier kein Problem. Wenn diese zu lange offen bleiben, erhalten wir Warnungen und bei vielen und langen Pausen werden wir Konsequenzen ziehen. 11. Deep linken, wo auch immer möglich Bitte bei Möglichkeit immer deeplinken zu der am besten passenden Kundenseite. Generell sollten Deeplinks mindestens 30-40% der Links sein. Unser Dripfeed-Tool gibt hier Vorgaben. 12. Für contextual Linktexte Bitte nie denselben oder auch nur einen ähnlichen Text mehrmals verwenden. Jeder Text sollte unique, relevant, und gut ausformuliert sein. 15. Wie man Guest Blog Posts findet Als erstes nach Blogs suchen, die schon mal Guest Posts hatten, oder solche anbieten. Dann ca. In etwa mittels folgender Mail fragen: *********************************************************************************************** Hi [blogger first name if you know it], my name is Elena Ionescu, a freelance blogger and author. I found your blog interesting and refreshing and I wanted to ask if you might be interested in a unique, quality guest post on any topic you like with a length of 800 words. Some prior guest post topics I've done include: 10 Most Unusual Ways to Spend Your Day Off Why 49.72% of Japanese Youth Have no Girl/Boyfriend What Women Aged 20 to 30 Like Most in Men - A Case Study You can just tell me what topic you'd like and I'll do my best to write a catchy and interesting article on it. I am a Journalism Major and like to think I can write fairly good quality articles. It will take me a few days to do the research and writing, but I'd try to get back to you with the completed article as soon as possible. If you don't mind me including a single link somewhere in the author bio data - that would be most awesome :) If you might be interested in an indirect link exchange, that would be great too. Just drop me a line if you're curious about it. Best regards, Elena (of course, you should write about the same in German if you are asking a German blogger). *********************************************************************************************** Here are more guidelines how to follow up a guest post request: How not to do How to get more positive More details on getting guest posts a guest responses to post request guest post requests 16. Nach indirektem Linkausch fragen Guten Tag [Bloggername] ich heisse Elena Ionescu, eine Freelance-Mitarbeiterin bei einer SEO-Agentur. Ich fand Ihren Blog interessant und wollte Sie fragen, ob Sie an einem indirekten Linktausch oder einem Guest Post interessiert wären. Ein Linktausch würde dabei wie folgt aussehen: Sie würden zu unserer Kundenseite (alles respektable Schweizer Unternehmen) von einem Blogpost oder kontextuellen Snippet linken, und wir würden im Gegenzug von einer oder mehreren Seiten Ihrer Wahl aus unserem Portfolio zu Ihnen linken (wir haben über 100 .ch Sites in vielen Themenbereichen mit PageRank von 3 bis 7). Lassen Sie mich wissen, falls Sie Interesse haben. Freundliche Grüsse Elena Ionescu 17. Google Befehle für Blogsuche Type this in Google: inurl:blog “kommentar posten -”comments closed” -”Sie müssen eingeloggt sein” “YOUR KEYWORD”. 18. Bitte ca. 20-30% nofollow links Nach Google Penguin 4, bitte rel=”nofollow” bei ca. 20-30% der Links verwenden. Kann auch mehr sein, jedoch nicht über 50%. 19. Dead Links bitte ersetzen Unser Dripfeed-Tool verifiziert einmal erzeugte Links automatisch täglich, und markiert Dead Links (die nicht mehr auffindbar sind) rot. Bitte solche mit anderen Links ersetzen und die URL statt der alten speichern. 20. Links heterogen halten Links sollten möglichst heterogen, d.h. Unterschiedlich sein. Es ist zu vermeiden, in einer Session 10 Foren-Links zu einem einzigen Kunden zu machen. Unser Dripfeed-Tool assistiert dabei. 21. Weitere Kommentarrichtlinien 1) es ist meistens sinnlos zu versuchen, auf Blogs zu kommentieren, wo noch gar keine Kommentare da sind, wie Dort ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch, dass auch ein sehr guter Kommentar einfach nur ignoriert oder gelöscht wird (vielleicht automatisch). 2) Es ist meistens eine schlechte Idee, aus dem Kommentar direkt mit dem Keyword im Anchortext zu linken, und wir empfehlen das explizit NICHT. Beispiel: “Mädchen, nehmt Euch die Zeit diesen Hochzeitsfotografen anzusehen. Ich wollte unbedingt ausgefallene Fotos haben! Er hat wirklich gute Ideen. Ich konnte mich gar nicht entscheiden! Und es ist ihm wirklich gelungen uns sehr gut in Szene zu setzen. Ich bin Perfektionist und habe sehr hohe Ansprüche, aber er hat ein Auge fürs Detail. Ich würde sagen ich bin gar nicht fotogen, aber seine Bilder liebe ich einfach!” => Das wird mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit als Spam angesehen und gelöscht, weil: 1. Keyword = Anchortext => sehr unnatürlich 2. Zuviele Ausrufezeichen und superlative => unnatürlich 3. Es wird in einem weiblichen Stil geschrieben und man gibt sich als Kundin aus (=> schon schlecht, da verdächtig), schreibt jedoch zudem noch “Perfektionist” (nicht PerfektionistIN) WEITERE RICHTLINIEN (ALLGEMEIN), auch für EN Bereich: 1. Respect the tasks as specified by SEOSwissKnife In the SEOSwissKnife tool, your tasks are generated automatically each day (also includes Saturdays and Sundays). Please adjust your linkbuilding around these tasks. The tool automatically varies anchor texts and keywords to achieve a natural anchortext pattern, but in some cases you can also deviate from its recommendations if you believe it is a better fit. 2. Primarily use .ch and .de German language sites Almost all our clients are Swiss companies and the backlink profile should be at least 60% .ch sites. German .de sites are also acceptable, but only in a ratio of about 1:5 compared to .ch sites. Other .com, .net, etc sites should only be used occasionally. If you are a French-language linkbuilder, use also .ch (French-language) or .fr sites most of the time. Avoid using German keywords in English text, etc. 3. Anchor texts Anchor texts should be varied as much as possible. You should not use the same anchor text more than once or twice per week. For example, for keyword "Paragliding" also use anchor text "Paragliders", "para gliding", "hanggliding", "Para-gliding", "interesting paragliding site", "", "good paragliding in Central Switzerland", "awesome paragliding", "excellent paragliding company" etc. Exception is NON-KEYWORD anchor text like - you can use these even 20 times a week. ANCHOR TEXT DISTRIBUTION SHOULD ROUGHLY FOLLOW THIS NATURAL PATTERN: Anchor text Distribution in % Exact Phrase Brand URL Other 18% 17% 32% 17% 16% What this means is: for every 100 links you make, you should make: 18 Exact links: using one of the optimized keywords for the client. Example: paragliding, gleitschirm 17 Phrase links: a phrase including one of the optimized keywords for the client. Example: A neat place for paragliding in Central Switzerland 31 Brand links: some brand name of the client's products. Example: Volante paragliders 18 URL links: client page uRL. Example:, 17 random links: some other anchor text. Example: website, link, go to, Gleitschirmflieger seite The numbers do not have to be 100% exact, but they should be APPROXIMATELY LIKE THIS. 4. Focus mainly on poorly-ranking keywords (not in top 10) unless otherwise requested The SEOSK tool usually does that by itself, but we also encourage you to check out rankings yourself and focus on poorly-ranking keywords (however, without doing excessively many Exact Match links! - it is fine to deeplink to the respective Landing Page for the poorly ranking keyword, but not 3 times in a row with the keyword as EM anchortext!) 5. Make links possibly contextual Links should usually not be „naked“ (just the bare link without any text to the left and right). This is unnatural and usually viewed with suspicion by Google. Contextual links have at least 1 sentence (8-10 words) of meaningful text on each side of the link. Example: "This is a great post. viagra" === BAD!!!! "That chicken coop idea sounds brilliant. I wonder if my chicken coop site should get a separate page devoted just to your awesome chicken coop design." === GOOD!!! Making contextual links is not always possible (many directories or social bookmarking sites do not offer this possibility), but it is much preferred. Contextual links should account at least 50% of your total links. 6. 1 high-quality link (example: blog guest post or comment with onpage PR, low OBL, Wikipedia link, etc) is better than 10 low-quality links of the same type (example: Pligg type social bookmarks) We much prefer the following link types: - Backlinks from sites which also link to top-placed competitors - Blog guest posts or quality comments/forum posts on thematically relevant blogs - 4-way link exchanges (partner links to our client site A from his site B, we link to his site C from our site D) 7. Mainly OnPAGE PageRank counts, not Domain PageRank Onpage Pagerank links are especially valuable. Domain Pagerank is almost irrelevant if the deep page in question where the link is located has PR 0. 8. Do competitor-based linkbuilding occasionally This works essentially like this: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pick some keyword from the client campaign Go to and type this keyword Pick top-placed competitor Go to Majestic SEO (ask us for login details in Skype) and look at the link profile of this competitor Analyze Referring Domains for a chance to add a link to our client site If it’s possible, add the link domain to our link database There is also a more detailed video tutorial available, ask for it if you need it. 9. Vary keywords and link types each week. Use at least 3-4 different keywords and link types. It is not a good idea to create 50 links of the same type, with the same keyword, during 1 week, and switch to another keyword next week. This look highly unnatural and attracts Google attention. Please work with at least 3-4 different keywords, and many more anchor text variations, each week, and use a lot of different sites each week. 10. Keep a more or less constant link velocity Do not create 50 links within 1 hour, and then nothing for the next 10 days. This is also a highly unnatural pattern and easily noticed by Google. The link velocity (temporal distribution of links created) should be possibly constant and not very high. Ideally, 5-10 links each day. The SEOSK tool highly encourages this. Therefore, please do not leave SEOSK tasks open for more than 1-2 days – we get automatically notified about this and will have to remind you if this is repeated too often. 11. Deep link where it makes sense If the page that ranks best for a client site for a specific keyword is not the root domain, but a deep page, then in your linkbuilding for that keyword, link at least 50% of the time to that deep page. Example: Client site ranks on 15 for “videokameras” with the subpage Then you should link 50% of the time for this keyword to that deep page. 12. For contextual link texts Do not reuse exactly the same text on multiple sites. It can be similar, but should be at least somewhat different (not direct copypaste). Also, do not use Google Translate and do no write random garbage. Texts should make sense and be written in good German. 13. How to ask for guest blog posts Hi [blogger first name if you know it], my name is Elena Ionescu, a freelance blogger and author. I found your blog interesting and refreshing and I wanted to ask if you might be interested in a unique, quality guest post on any topic you like with a length of 800 words. Some prior guest post topics I've done include: 10 Most Unusual Ways to Spend Your Day Off Why 49.72% of Japanese Youth Have no Girl/Boyfriend What Women Aged 20 to 30 Like Most in Men - A Case Study You can just tell me what topic you'd like and I'll do my best to write a catchy and interesting article on it. I am a Journalism Major and like to think I can write fairly good quality articles. It will take me a few days to do the research and writing, but I'd try to get back to you with the completed article as soon as possible. If you don't mind me including a single link somewhere in the author bio data - that would be most awesome :) If you might be interested in a 3-way link exchange, that would be great too. Just drop me a line if you're curious about it. Best regards, Elena (of course, you should write about the same in German if you are asking a German blogger). *********************************************************************************************** Here are more guidelines how to follow up a guest post request: How not to How to get more More details on getting guest posts do positive a responses guest to post guest post request requests 14. How to ask for link exchanges Hi [blogger first name if you know it], my name is Elena Ionescu, a freelance employee of for an SEO agency. I found your blog interesting and refreshing and I wanted to ask if you might be interested in a link exchange or doing a paid post for a client of ours. A link exchange would work like this: you could link to our client site in a relevant way from within an article, and we would in turn link to your site (this one or another one, as you choose) from a different high-PR blog of ours. A paid post would include writing a post on a topic of your choosing with a contextually embedded link to one of our client sites. The Price would be negotiable. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks, Best regards Elena Ionescu 15. Google commands to find blogs Type this in Google: inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “YOUR KEYWORD”. travel "1 of 1" "1 of 1" "1 of 1" "1 of 1" inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “powered by expressionengine” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “powered by expressionengine” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “powered by expressionengine” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “powered by expressionengine” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” 16. Do at least 20-30% of nofollow links After Google Penguin 4, please use the rel=”nofollow” attribute in about 20-30% of your links. If you do a natural linkbuilding pattern, this typically happens nearautomatically. 17. Replace dead links (our background daemon automatically shows them) 18. Respect link types as shown by SEOSK SEOSK displays a preferred “link type” for every task. A “contextual_link” means that there should be sufficiently much (100 characters) plaintext context around the link. A “naked” link means that no context is fine too (but context is still good). A guest_post means just what it says. A generic “link” means that you are free to choose a link type. Contextual, relevant, quality onpage PR links from pages with low OBL and a strong link profile domain are, of course, preferred. 19. How to make good blog comments Especially when you post on well-known major .ch sites and forums, be CAREFUL with what you post. It MUST NOT be immediately recognizable as spam – making such links creates far more problems for us than it does good. For blog comments, this usually means that: 6) you must find blog posts which are directly relevant to the client site you are promoting 7) you must write a comment which directly relates to what the blog author was saying in the blog post 8) and embed the client site casually so that it looks and feels natural 9) it can be some helpful info the author did not mention 10) or it can be an understated (not too blatant) compliment, ones that work best (have the highest approval rate) are ones specific point in the author's blogpost: “that's pretty cool. Had no idea that the ZRX-12 had such an upgrade option to it too. I've got a YZF-R6 and man this is a long way to go, though in my <recent research> I did find some neat upgrades that would at least get me closer to that league.” or it can be a question that is directly relevant: “do you have an idea if I can get that dress in Zürich too, or something similar, at a comparable price? Been looking at some local boutiques like <this one> but they are soo expensive that it's discouraging..” An example of an excellent blog comment is one that is on a relevant site AND gets replied to positively by the blog author: that directly mention a 20. How to make good forum posts Even more so than with blog comments, especially when you post on well-known and major .ch forums, be EXTREMELY CAREFUL with what you post. It MUST NOT be immediately recognizable as spam – making such links creates far more problems for us than it does good. For forum posts, this means: 1) you must find forum threads which are directly relevant to the client site and/or keyword you are promoting 2) register a realistic-looking user with a typical, sympathetic avatar 3) DO NOT start forum threads unless you do it WITHOUT any link in them and it looks completely natural!!! 4) make 3-5-10 1-line forum posts without any links in them FIRST before posting one with a link 5) make the post relevant and natural. Mention the link only casually. Using some smilies and casual slang is a good idea. 6) some examples of good quality forum posts: Etc. Basically: keep it NATURAL, do not make it look like spam. Everything that you post – we should be able to show both the client and (potentially) a Google employee. 21. SEOSK tooltips SEOSK has detailed explanatory tooltips for most fields, visible when you hover the mouse over them: 22. SEOSK link monitoring SEOSK has a bot running in the background which automatically checks both Ordered and Completed tasks, and updates the status for both depending on whether a link on the URL you provided exists to the client site. NOTICE: right now, the daemon (much like Googlebot) can only recognize static text, not Javascript-loaded comments like Disqus and such. Therefore, please AVOID such comments in general, though they may still make sense if the site is a very high-profile one: 23. Questions, absence, not managing pace – ask in Skype! If you have any questions, are going to be absent for longer than 2-3 days, or have difficulties keeping up our agreed pace of live links per hour worked, please notify us in Skype and we can work out some solution.