July 2014
July 2014
News July 2014 Industry News inside MADA Launches ‘‘Face of the Franchise” Campaign Streamlined ShopLien R DEALER CHISED NEW CA FACE OF THE FRANThank You ank Younitieus Th our hometown comm rt! for all of your suppo Chrysler, Together, with Ford, Dodge and raised over Tom Clusiau’s of making 100 vehicle during the e goal 100” toward their For each deal, they will contributas Forest Lake Elementary 2012. such local charities last 100 days of the the proceeds to , churches, and a percentage of scouting programs s will have a vote the food shelf, Fund. The customer over $4,000 School Jackson United s are selected. Last year these charities in howunitie comm groups. was given to our hometown rt!to the local Chevrolet Mazda donated Polar Bear Lake for all of your suppo Employees at off to the White Bear from a chili cook Mascot Pauly proceedsler, Chrys cy Food Shelf. food shelf tary director. School Area Emergen to Ann Searles, Elemen Together, with Ford, the check Forest Lake ods Habitat for Dodge and presented The Northwo raised over presented with Humanity was Tundra through Tom Clusiau’s Toyota 00 $19,0 area schools for our $19,000ols tary School a new for Good” Toyota’s “100 CarsNorthwoods “Build The individuals who campaign. America In honor of those Beltrami and America, Keep Chapter serves America, Move Protect America,“ The 1978 Clearwater counties. that the Running and Equipment hosted an n van Ford conversio Nuss Truck and drivers, heavy been using was to honor truck organization has and technicians ary” School appreciation day tary diesel “road-we , etasElemen described ds $4,000 Cohass equipment operators ed. Northwoo personnel. Over on s greatly appreciat and U.S. military initial applicant were collected School new vehicle was 3,000 the the High of for donations nd one was the donations Northla to the Scienceinandmonetary n Army and toy ta Habitat for Humanity The nonprofit that received Truck donated Chemistry classes finalists. behalf of the Salvatio sponsored by the Minneso Environmental and one of 500 awarded the Toyota. program was Toys day & chosen a Trucks on. most votes on Trucking Associati completed in Jackson has Plaza to Kemna-Asa Auto n which they call “Countdown ck-Akeley School Walker-Hackensa their annual promotio Cohasset Elemen for our area scho ck-Akeley School Walker-Hackensa nd High School Northla to the Science and Send classes Truck donated ntal Chemistry good news YOUREnvironme to Sandy at brom@mada.org u Younities Thank comm Grand Rapids High School Band own to our hometyour support! bors for all of the Madelia s Are Good Neigh fundraiser to benefit person who Dealerwith ler, Brooklyn Madelia Ford held aAssociatio Chrys n. For each cka.org oftball ary School her, Night,” Madelia ackensa sponsored the www.mad TogetLuther Lake Element with Ford with Baseball/S Walker-H Brookdale partnershipForest Ford, the “Go Further andChevrolet , a second year Dodge has proven attended $10 to the Association. Akeley School hosted Center Soccer Leaguein athletic programs overmodify kids’ Ford donated Ford (NBF) u’s raisedpositively the city. Participating Wolves! Tom Clusia You nk u Tourkha Yo an ities Th etowsn commun homunitie totown comm ort! our home Grand Rapids High School Band Go 00 $19,0 area schools to 6th, New Brighton at its dealership for effective way 17 October juvenile incidents. On to be a very winter2013.indd a new its third DriveOne4URSchoolIrondale High School set activities and decrease to sponsor behaviors with . NBF and Girls e is also helping into Irondale High Schoolfor 14 school activity groups: Luther Automotiv an underutilized softball field $6,000 Girls Swim, Wrestling, a goal to raise project to transform fields in this same area. Hockey, Fastpitch, soccer Drama, Baseball, Hockey, Boys four permanent Country Running, the Burnsville Boys Soccer Dance, Cross raised $4,040 for Girls Basketball, Dodge contributed Volleyball, Boys/Girls Track, Dodge of Burnsville which drew nearly soccer program. drove This large event Since High School boys for each participant who test and Nordic Skiing. able to raise nearly $4,000. to drives was ary School $20 to the program nearly $10,000 200 test Element t Ford has donated School. Dodge. Cohasse new a New Brighton similar fundraiser 2011, of Irondale High Center hosted a the Booster Clubs Ormsby Hibbing Chrysler -Keewatin High School. e Service and the with Ambulanc James presented for the Nashwauk and St. were The nt y program 4 UR Communit for the Rotary Fire and Rescue Departme from Mel Carlson equipment The Ford Drive Auto helped raise funding emergency rescue the Minnesota Zumbrota Ford . Zumbrota Ford also donated Inc., Truman and and Foundation. 17 Grand Rapids High School Band AM 1/16/13 11:02 Thank You! hr12039654 Grand Rapids High School Band hr12039654 all ofrt!your supp forsuppo for all of your ler, sler, tary School with Chrys Chry School Together,Toge Lake Elemen ther, withForest Elementary Forest Lake Dodge and Ford, and Ford, over raise Doddge Tom Clusiau’s ed over to for our iau’s rais 00ols 9,0Clus $1Tom $19,000 n Charitable Club of Zumbrota Island Academics, Arts,4 UR Chevrolet, Pine Dealers Associatio Ford’s Drive $3,220 to the of Commerce and party wn Area Chamber The Hermanto Buick GMC hosted a holiday d High School dealership. School Northlan Kolar Chevrolet the new Kolar at and Zumbrota-Mazeppa the Science to fundraiser for Tots and $5880 for the Truck donated Chemistry classesfor the Toys given to EnvironmentalToys were collected Foundation. donations were program. Cash Northern Lakes Food shelves Second Harvest School School raised n through k-Akeley Foundatio ackensac Athletics Drive One 4UR Education Walker-H program. The the Annandale Skomoroh of to Ed and Jean Chev is not pictured. presents the check Francis of Country Joel Diers, center, Food Shelf. Pat Area Community for our area scho ools for our area sch tary School Cohasset Elemen Bank to be distributed to the food in the area. rs in December, Thanks to our custome $5,150 to the Country Chev donated Shelf Community Food Annandale Area and others listed below Thanks to everyone a generous donation! make St. Bonifacius Jerry Johnson, for helping us Vergin, Rockford l ntary Schoo Steven Jupter, Fla. Frank Blomquist, Rockford Electric, Wright Hennepin Fargo, N.D. Matthew Nygard, Jack Trovall, Becker New Germany Charles Schuft, Maple Lake Bradley Stegeman, Maple Lake Michael Jude, Buffalo of Buffalo, Inc., Miller Trucking Silver Lake Rita Everhart, St. Cloud Kenneth Mueller, Annandale Joseph Schumacher, Milaca Richard Swanson, Janet Klein, Clearwater Department, Montrose Fire Montrose Jim Potthoff, Monitcello Kimball Jordan Feyma, Cold Spring Deanna Scheeler, Howard Lake Innocast Corp., Annandale Skuza, James Ramsey Richard House, Annandale Kyle Stommes, Lori Groen, Monticello St. Louis Park Amanda Lieser, Stephen St. Nicole Gallus, Cohasset Eleme k- Walker-Hackensac Akeley School Go Wolves! Grand Rapids High School Band y School Band ck-Akele ackensa School Walker-H Grand Rapids High 16 winter2013.indd School NorthlandtoHigh the Science and Truck donated Chemistry classes Environmental www.mada.org AM 1/16/13 11:02 hr12039654 nsack-Akeley Walker-Hacke 16 School the vehicle during of making 100 2012. such local charities last 100 days of the the proceeds to churches, and a percentage of scouting programs, will have a vote Grand Rapids the food shelf, School Band ckFund. The customers year over $4,000 Grand Rapids High Lastackensa Jackson United Walker-H High School are selected. in how these charities groups. Akeley School Band local was given to the donated Mazda Go Wolves! Polar Chevrolet Bear Lake Employees at to the White Bear a chili cook off Mascot Pauly proceeds from y Food Shelf. Area Emergenc to Ann Searles, food shelf director. check presented the Habitat for ds Northwoo The presented with Humanity was Tundra through a new Toyota for Good” Toyota’s “100 CarsNorthwoods “Build The individuals who campaign. America In honor of those Beltrami and ada.org America, Keep Chapter serves 1.2400 | www.m America, Move Protect America,“ The 1978 2.9029 | 651.29 Clearwater counties. that the Running and Equipment hosted an MN | 800.65 mada.org conversion Paul, van FordSt. Nuss Truck and using was drivers, heavy Ave | West Backhaus | amber@ n has |been to honor truck Amberand organizatio a.org appreciation day 200 Lothenbachlambert@mad diesel technicians “road-weary” described as $4,000 equipment operators, Northwoods Lambert | Scott personnel. Over appreciated. on greatly was and U.S. military collected initial applicants for the the new vehicle donations were was one of 3,000 the in monetary Army and toy donations a Habitat for Humanity The nonprofit that received behalf of the Salvation sponsored by the Minnesot the Toyota. of 500 finalists. one and awarded program was a chosen day Trucks & Toys n. 1 most votes on Associatio Final.indd TruckingBenefits_ has completed Franchise Plaza in Jackson wn to Kemna-Asa Auto which they call “Countdo their annual promotion goal 100” toward their For each deal, they will contribute as Albany Craig Bardson, Maple Grove Joseph Shoults, Inver Grove Heights Michael Francis, St. Paul Kay Francis, South Woodbury Gary Heinrich, Coon Rapids Douglas Stalboerger,Maple Lake Michael Elsenpeter, Annandale Thomas Klingelhutz, Waverly Patrick Salonek, Stephen Arnette Borowicz, Hayley Pitzl, Annandale Cloud K. Lemke, St. Annandale Mid MN Hotmix, Molly Diers, Roseville Annandale Paul Bredeson, Chaska Todd Groskreutz, Cohasset Geraldine Cleland, Inc., Annandale RM Johnson Co. Annandale Thomas Mackie, Clearwater Stephen Lafond, Oakdale Laura Diedrich, Inc., Monticello Wood Products, Leon Schmidt Annandale C.S. Arvola Inc., Monticello James Hartfiel, Sprinklers, Annandale Carefree Lawn Maple Lake Wayne Luetgers, Chad Wiles, Annandale St. Cloud Jennifer Warner, School NorthlandtoHigh the Science and Truck donated Chemistry classes Environmental ® 320-274-3064 840 E. Elm St., Annandale, MN • 800-947-1250 ® ychev.com 55302 • www.countr In an effort to bring legislators up to speed on how the franchise system encourages economic competitiveness, provides customer convenience, and keeps dollars and jobs in local communities, MADA has launched the “Face of the Franchise” campaign. Over the summer and the fall, MADA staff will be meeting with lawmakers and legislative candidates to share the benefits of the franchise system and explain the negative consequences of dismantling it. If you are interested in hosting one of these meetings at your dealership, please let Scott Lambert or Amber Backhaus know, and we will work with you to set something up. MINNESOTA AUTOMOBILE nsack- Grand Rapids School Walker-Hacke ASSOCIATION High DEALERS Band Akeley School Go Wolves! TMQDA Nominations Due upcoming events aug Union Organizing Minneapolis sep Certified Title Minneapolis sep Title Basics Brainerd 6 hr12039654 ckWalker-Hackensa Akeley School Go Wolves! Over the past two sessions, MADA attempted passage of legislation to shore up Minnesota’s long-standing franchise law and ensure vehicle manufacturers can not sell direct-to-consumer. Unfortunately, our efforts were met with resistance from legislators who were not only swept up in “Tesla-mania” but also have a lack of understanding about why the motor vehicle dealer franchise law exists in the first place. Grand Rapids High School Band PM 6/6/14 3:38 hr12039654 to MADA Dues Increase 9 Send YOUR good news to Sandy at brom@mada.org 17 www.mada.org winter2013.indd AM 1/16/13 11:02 17 MADA’s new initiative provides a local angle to NADA’s “Get the Facts” campaign, which includes advertising, briefings, and studies to combat the misinformation being perpetuated by national media outlets in their coverage of Tesla’s attempts to gain marketshare. More information on the NADA campaign can be found at http:// www.nada.org/getthefacts. 18 visit www.mada.org for details, registration and a complete list of Upcoming Events and Training Scott Lambert, Executive Vice President • 200 Lothenbach Ave. • West St. Paul, MN 55118 • (651) 291-2400 • 1-800-652-9029 • FAX (651) 291-2894 Legal News Do’s and Don’ts of Stop Sales The National Automobile Dealers Association has published several memos outlining dealers’ obligations with respect to recall notices. Each year, millions of vehicles become subject to safety recalls, according to NADA, but a relatively small percentage of these recalls involve “stop operation” or “stop sale” notices. Here are some steps for dealers to take based on the safety recall at issue and the vehicles involved: New vehicles in inventory or in transit Once any notice of an outstanding safety recall is received, federal law prohibits the delivery of impacted new vehicles until the recall is remedied. Used vehicles of a make the dealer is franchised to sell new Federal law neither imposes an obligation on dealerships to know the safety recall status of used vehicles, nor prohibits the resale of used vehicles with outstanding safety recalls. However, it is recommended that used vehicles of the same make a dealer sells new be checked for outstanding, unremedied recalls (safety or emissions) since the dealership is authorized to do service or repair work involved. Important: if and when a dealership receives a recall notice indicating that certain used vehicles should not be operated and/or resold, they should not be operated or resold until the recall is remedied. Used vehicles the dealer is not franchised to sell new Again, Federal law neither imposes an obligation on dealerships to know the safety recall status of used vehicles, nor prohibits the resale of used vehicles with outstanding safety recalls. However, state law may impose additional obligations. For example, state product liability laws, may impose liability in this situation if (1) a dealer chooses to sell a used vehicle containing the safety-related defect, and (2) that used vehicle is in an accident involving the defect. Dealers with questions should contact General Counsel Jim Schutjer at your MADA office. Industry News The Minnesota Automobile Dealers Association is a non-profit trade association dedicated to the progress of the retail auto industry in Minnesota. President Morrie Wagener, Morrie’s Automotive Group, Minnetonka President-Elect Greg House, House Chevrolet, Stewartville Treasurer Mike Saxon, Inver Grove Ford Lincoln, Inver Grove Heights Secretary Rick Jensen, Jensen Motors, Inc., New Ulm Executive Vice President Scott Lambert, MADA 200 Lothenbach Avenue • West St. Paul, MN 55118 Metro: 651-291-2400 • Toll Free: 800-652-9029 FAX: 651-291-2894 • Web site: http://www.mada.org July 2014 / Page 2 MNLARS Appears on the Horizon The Minnesota Licensing and Registration System (MNLARS) is a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) project to replace its current information systems with a modern 21st Century model. The first release of MNLARS enables deputy registrars and DVS staff to issue vehicle permits electronically. Over 2,000 vehicle permits have been issued through MNLARS since it was launched earlier this spring. The rollout of MNLARS to all deputy registrars will continue throughout the summer. Future installments of MNLARS include dealer licensing, driver’s licensing and vehicle title and registration. Legislative News Shop Lien Foreclosure Sales Streamlined MADA-sponsored legislation that simplifies the notice and sale provisions of the shop lien statute is effective August 1. Standard shop lien scenario Customer drops off a vehicle or has it towed in for service or repair. You fix it or perhaps just diagnose the problem. In either case, you have charges against the vehicle and are accruing storage. You try to reach the customer to pick up the vehicle, but the customer either refuses to come in or perhaps just ignores you. They may not have the money to pay the bill. Perhaps the vehicle isn’t drivable. Maybe it’s worth less than the amount of your bill. In any case, after holding the vehicle for at least 90 days and providing notice to lienholders shown on the title, Minnesota law allows you to sell the vehicle and use the proceeds to satisfy your bill. Old law Under the old law, dealers were required to go through antiquated sheriff’s sale procedures in order to sell the vehicle and obtain a title. Notices were required to be personally serviced on some customers or perhaps published in a legal newspaper. You were required to schedule the county sheriff to come out to your dealership and conduct a formal “Sheriff’s Sale” to dispose of the vehicle. In many cases, dealers paid their lawyers to handle the FAQ Q: We deal with a lot of high performance cars. There are some pretty cool tail light film smoking products which our customers want us to install. Is that OK? A: Afraid not. Minnesota Statute §169.64 prohibits both the installation of aftermarket tail light film and the operation of a vehicle with such tail light film. complexities of the notice and sale provisions. New law Effective Aug. 1, 2014, licensed new and used car dealers who are holding a vehicle for a shop bill can use a simplified alternative procedure. Instead of personally serving notices and/or publishing them in legal newspapers, notice to the customer three weeks in advance of the sale by certified mail is sufficient. Once the notice period runs, the dealership can sell the vehicle in the ordinary course of business to either a retail or a wholesale customer. Copies of your notice document and proof that you mailed the certified letter will be submitted to the deputy registrar along with a title application in the name of your retail or wholesale buyer. Note: If the dealer elects to use this new procedure instead of the regular sheriff’s sale, the dealer waives any claim for a deficiency against the customer over and above the proceeds of the sale. MADA is creating a “cookbook” with shop lien procedures and suggested forms. Watch for it at mada.org soon after Aug. 1. If you want to look at the new law, it’s here: http://bit.ly/1r9FiNq MADA News Dues Increase Approved The MADA Board of Directors approved a 20% dues increase during their recent summer Board meeting. The increase was requested by staff to help fund a ramped up communications effort to assist our legislative and public policy efforts. The increase will be effective for 2015. July 2014 / Page 3 Legislative News Minimum Wage Takes Effect Effective Dates Minimum Wage For MADA Member Dealers General Hourly Rates Rates for Ages 17 and Rates for Ages 19 and Under under during first 90 days of employment only Old Rates $7.25 (Fed) $7.25 (Fed) $4.90 August 1, 2014 $8.00 $7.25 (Fed) $6.50 August 1, 2015 $9.00 $7.25 $7.25 August 1, 2016 $9.50 $7.75 $7.75 January 1, 2018 Indexed to Inflation Indexed to Inflation Indexed to Inflation All dealers are “Large Employers” having total gross yearly sales greater than $500,000 and must pay according to this table. In certain cases, Federal requirements are more favorable to employees and take precedence over lower Minnesota amounts. Marked (Fed) above. MADA News NADA 2015 Convention MADA News TMQDA NADA has announced the details of the 2015 NADA Convention and Expo in San Francisco. The 2015 Convention has moved to a Thursdayto-Sunday schedule (January 22-25). Watch for registration materials coming to you from NADA. MADA is very happy to announce that our popular member brunch will be held on Sunday, Jan. 25 from 11 am – 2 pm atop Nob Hill at the Fairmont San Francisco’s Crown Room. This location boasts some of the most spectacular views of the city and the bay. Be sure to put this on your schedule of activities at the NADA Convention. Nomination forms have gone out to each dealership for 2015 Quality Dealer of the Year nominations. MADA’s Selection Committee will vote on the nominee to be submitted. The Selection Committee is comprised of the last four nominees. From left, they are Rick Jensen, Jensen Motors, Inc., 2011; Morrie Wagener, Morrie’s Automotive Group, 2012; Gary Papik, Papik Motors, Inc., 2013; and David Luther, Luther Automotive Group, 2014. Candidates must be a franchised new car dealer principal and a member of both NADA and MADA. TMQDA is sponsored by Time Magazine in association with NADA. The TMQDA program recognizes outstanding new car dealers for exceptional performance in their dealership and for distinguished community service. Deadline for submitting qualified nominations is July 25, 2014. July 2014 / Page 4 Minnesota Auto Outlook Covering the Minnesota automotive market Data thru May 2014 Released by: Minnesota Automobile Dealers Association Minnesota New Retail Car and Light Truck Registrations Industry Total Cars Light Trucks Most Recent Two Months 4/13 & 4/14 & 5/13 5/14* 35,992 38,038 15,830 15,866 20,162 22,172 % change 5.7% 0.2% 10.0% YTD thru May* 2013 81,791 34,439 47,352 2014* 82,773 32,038 50,735 % change 1.2% -7.0% 7.1% YTD Market Share (thru May)* Japanese Brands Toyota Honda Nissan Other 12,380 4,878 3,624 1,702 2,176 13,442 5,265 3,654 1,861 2,662 8.6% 7.9% 0.8% 9.3% 22.3% 26,692 10,292 7,277 4,015 5,108 28,632 10,482 7,517 4,461 6,172 Domestic Brands General Motors Ford Chrysler Other 18,452 7,489 6,886 4,049 28 19,413 7,939 6,881 4,547 46 5.2% 6.0% -0.1% 12.3% 64.3% 43,702 18,396 16,189 9,033 84 European Brands Volkswagen BMW Mercedes Other 2,633 1,224 747 382 280 2,534 1,197 655 403 279 -3.8% -2.2% -12.3% 5.5% -0.4% Korean Brands 2,527 2,649 4.8% 2013 2014* change 42.1 57.9 38.7 61.3 -3.4 3.4 7.3% 1.8% 3.3% 11.1% 20.8% 32.6 12.6 8.9 4.9 6.2 34.6 12.7 9.1 5.4 7.5 2.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.3 43,750 17,890 15,550 10,232 78 0.1% -2.8% -3.9% 13.3% -7.1% 53.4 22.5 19.8 11.0 0.1 52.9 21.6 18.8 12.4 0.1 -0.5 -0.9 -1.0 1.4 0.0 5,580 2,666 1,513 748 653 5,004 2,440 1,210 792 562 -10.3% -8.5% -20.0% 5.9% -13.9% 6.8 3.3 1.8 0.9 0.8 6.0 2.9 1.5 1.0 0.7 -0.8 -0.4 -0.3 0.1 -0.1 5,817 5,387 -7.4% 7.1 6.5 -0.6 Brands included above: Domestic Brands: GM (Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, and GMC), Ford (Ford and Lincoln), Chrysler (Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep). Japanese: Toyota (Toyota, Lexus, and Scion), Honda (Honda and Acura), Nissan (Nissan and Infiniti), Other (Mazda, Mitsubishi, Subaru, and Suzuki). European: VW (Audi, Bentley, and Volkswagen), BMW (BMW, Rolls Royce, and MINI), MB (Mercedes Benz), Other (Aston Martin, Ferrari, Fiat, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lotus, Maserati, and Volvo). Korean: Hyundai and Kia. *Figures for May 2014 were estimated by Auto Outlook. Data Source: Polk. Percent Change in Three Month Moving Average of New Retail Registrations versus Same Period Year Earlier % change vs. year earlier 40.0% Percent Change in State and U.S. New Retail Light Vehicle Markets YTD ‘14 thru May* vs. YTD ‘13 33.0% 30.0% 19.9% 23.7% 23.8% 23.1% -7.0% State 20.0% 7.1% 10.0% 1.8% 0.0% -10.0% -20.0% -1.0% -2.3% -6.8% -8.6% -9.2% Cars -4.8% 1.9% Trucks U.S. 10.7% Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14May-14* Last month in period -15.0% The graph above provides a clear picture of the trending direction of the state market. It shows the year-overyear percent change in the three month moving average of new retail light vehicle registrations. The three month moving average is less erratic than monthly registrations, which can fluctuate due to such factors as the timing of manufacturer incentive programs, weather and title processing delays by governmental agencies. *Figures for May 2014 were estimated by Auto Outlook. Data Source: Polk. -5.0% 5.0% 15.0% 25.0% The graph above compares the change in new retail car and light truck registrations in both the state and U.S. markets. *Figures for May 2014 were estimated by Auto Outlook. Data Source: Polk. Data Information All data represents new vehicle retail registrations in Minnesota and excludes fleet and wholesale transactions. Please keep in mind that monthly registration figures can occasionally be subject to fluctuations, resulting in over or under estimation of actual results. This usually occurs due to processing delays by governmental agencies. For this reason, the yearto-date figures will typically be more reflective of market results. Data Source: Polk. July 2014 / Page 5 Minnesota Auto Outlook Data thru May 2014 Minnesota New Retail Light Vehicle Registrations Registrations TOTAL Acura Audi BMW Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Dodge FIAT Ford GMC Honda Hyundai Infiniti Jaguar Jeep Kia Land Rover Lexus Lincoln Mazda Mercedes MINI Mitsubishi Nissan Other Porsche Ram Subaru Tesla Toyota Volkswagen Volvo YTD '13 YTD '14 thru May thru May* % change 81,791 82,773 1% 581 686 18% 587 692 18% 1,167 1,000 -14% 1,681 1,580 -6% 575 575 0% 13,124 12,627 -4% 1,694 1,289 -24% 2,978 2,830 -5% 136 126 -7% 15,744 15,086 -4% 3,016 3,107 3% 6,696 6,831 2% 2,790 2,564 -8% 346 355 3% 19 15 -21% 2,101 3,405 62% 3,027 2,822 -7% 157 154 -2% 815 868 7% 445 464 4% 1,600 1,666 4% 742 782 5% 346 209 -40% 337 774 130% 3,669 4,105 12% 155 134 -14% 91 93 2% 2,260 2,707 20% 3,090 3,698 20% 36 34 -6% 9,477 9,614 1% 1,988 1,654 -17% 321 227 -29% State Market Share for Top 15 Selling Brands YTD ‘14 thru May* vs. YTD ‘13 Market share YTD '13 YTD '14 thru May thru May* 0.7% 0.7% 1.4% 2.1% 0.7% 16.0% 2.1% 3.6% 0.2% 19.2% 3.7% 8.2% 3.4% 0.4% 0.0% 2.6% 3.7% 0.2% 1.0% 0.5% 2.0% 0.9% 0.4% 0.4% 4.5% 0.2% 0.1% 2.8% 3.8% 0.0% 11.6% 2.4% 0.4% 0.8% 0.8% 1.2% 1.9% 0.7% 15.3% 1.6% 3.4% 0.2% 18.2% 3.8% 8.3% 3.1% 0.4% 0.0% 4.1% 3.4% 0.2% 1.0% 0.6% 2.0% 0.9% 0.3% 0.9% 5.0% 0.2% 0.1% 3.3% 4.5% 0.0% 11.6% 2.0% 0.3% 18.2 19.2 Ford 15.3 16.0 Chevrolet 11.6 11.6 Toyota 8.3 8.2 Honda 5.0 4.5 Nissan 4.5 3.8 Subaru 4.1 Jeep 2.6 GMC 3.8 3.7 Kia 3.4 3.7 Dodge 3.4 3.6 Top ten ranked brands in each percent change category are shaded green. *Figures for May 2014 were estimated by Auto Outlook. 3.3 2.8 Ram Source: Polk YTD '14 thru May* 3.1 3.4 Hyundai YTD '13 thru May 2.0 2.4 Volkswagen This report is sponsored by the Minnesota Automobile Dealers Association and produced by Auto Outlook (800-206-0102). Auto Outlook, Inc. is not responsible for management decisions based on the content of Minnesota Auto Outlook. Copyright Auto Outlook, June 2014. Mazda 2.0 2.0 Reproduction, including photocopying of this publication in whole or in part, is prohibited without the express permission of Auto Outlook, Inc. Any material quoted must be attributed to Minnesota Auto Outlook, published by Auto Outlook, Inc. on behalf of the Minnesota Automobile Dealers Association and must also include the statement: “Data Source: Polk.” Buick 1.9 2.1 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 Market Share *Figures for May 2014 were estimated by Auto Outlook. Source: Polk. July 2014 / Page 6 20.0 Member News Morrie’s Automotive Group has opened a new store, Morrie’s Inver Grove Mazda. The last new car dealership in Minneapolis and St. Paul has moved to Golden Valley. Borton Volvo has closed the Lyndale Avenue store and moved the business into the Borton VolvoGolden Valley location, which will expand to a five-acre campus. Endorsed Service & Vendors Computerized Vehicle Registration CVR F&I Products Protective Twin Cities Automotive, owned by the Pohlad Companies, changed its name and will now do business under the name of Carousel Motor Group. None of the dozen dealerships operated by the Carousel Group will be changing names. Dealership Marketing Visible Customer Collision and Service Update Workers Compensation Ensure Agency Midwest Family Mutual Be Prepared for Union Organization Union organizing efforts are on the rise across Minnesota. To complicate matters, the rules surrounding organization efforts are changing. Very soon, a ‘Quickie Elections’ provision will go into effect that can cut in half the normal time required for a union to call for a vote in a dealer’s shop. Dealers have two issues to keep in mind as the landscape for union action changes. First, prevention is still the best course of action. Secondly, be sure to know the rules if an organizing petition is filed. GMADA’s longtime and well-respected labor attorney is planning a seminar to address both of these issues. Not only is Steve Burton an expert on the changing rules, but he is also well aware of issues that have recently brought organizing petitions to the dealer’s doorstep. The Union Organizing Seminar will be held Wednesday, Aug. 6, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Register at www.mada.org or contact Denise at denise@mada.org. MADA News Full MADA Membership Renewal MADA is happy to report a 100% membership renewal of all new franchised car dealers in the state. We are proud to be an advocate for your business as we monitor legal regulations and legislative issues. Our communications team is proactively giving you the information you need to make informed decisions about your business. And, our MADA Services gives you the best products at the best price, delivered with superior service every day. Thank you for trusting us and making a commitment to MADA. Group Health Insurance Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN Delta Dental ReliaStar Life Dealer Bond Program Ensure Agency Collections Springer Collections Check Guarantee/Credit Card Processing FIS / Certegy Disability Income Insurance & Section 125 Cafeteria Plans American Fidelity Assurance OSHA, EPA & DOT Compliance/Training ComplyNet Corporation Fleet Fueling Program SuperAmerica Office Supplies S & T Office Products Uniforms and Linen Services AmeriPride Linen & Apparel Services Hole-In-One Insurance Hole-In-One-USA Pre-Paid Legal, Jim Gavin Identity Theft Shield & Pre-Paid Legal Services MADA Services sells a wide variety of products directly to the dealers including business forms, clothing and promotional items. For a full review of options, contact your sales representative at 651-291-2400 or go to www.mada.org July 2014 / Page 7 200 Lothenbach Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55118 ADVOCACY • EXPERTISE • EDUCATION • COMMUNICATION MADA NEWS • JULY 2014 “Candidates don’t have to deal with reality. They talk about the wonderful things they can accomplish as if advocating them is the same as achieving them. They live in a world of political make-believe in which everything from reconciling conflicting interests to paying for costly programs is easy.” --Fred Barnes MADA Annual Meeting Keynote Speaker Fred Barnes on Friday, December 5th. Mark your calendar now. Scott Lambert, Executive Vice President • 200 Lothenbach Ave. • West St. Paul, MN 55118 • (651) 291-2400 • 1-800-652-9029 • FAX (651) 291-2894 Education Fax Registration FAX REGISTRATION TO: 651-291-2894 Denise Anderson denise@mada.org Class Options Union Organizing Title Basics Union Organizing 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. $99/$49 two or more/ dealership August 6, 2014 Class Options Circle Preferred Date Title Basics – Minneapolis September 9, 2014 Title Basics –Brainerd September 18, 2014 Class Options Sales Tax Circle Preferred Date 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. $199 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. $199 The Certified Title & Registration Program Circle Preferred Date 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. $99 New to Fleet 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $99 September 9, 2014 September 9, 2014 Minnesota Titles and Transfers September 9, 2014 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. $99 Location Doubletree by Hilton Park Place 1500 Park Place Blvd Minneapolis, MN 55416 651-789-2950 Location Doubletree by Hilton Park Place 1500 Park Place Blvd Minneapolis, MN 55416 Grand View Lodge 23521 Nokomis Ave Nisswa, MN 56468 Location Doubletree by Hilton Park Place 1500 Park Place Blvd Minneapolis, MN 55416 Name__________________________________________ Title____________________________ Name__________________________________________ Title____________________________ Dealership______________________________________ Customer ID #____________________ Address________________________________________________________________________ Phone______________________________ E-mail______________________________________ For Information on these classes or to register online go to www.mada.org/training
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