January 13, 2006 - The School District of Palm Beach County
January 13, 2006 - The School District of Palm Beach County
The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida Internal Funds Accounts Audit June 30, 2010 MISSION STATEMENT The School Board of Palm Beach County is committed to excellence in education and preparation of all our students with the knowledge, skills, and ethics required for responsible citizenship and productive employment. William F. Malone Superintendent of Schools School Board Members Audit Committee Members Frank Barbieri, Jr., Esq., Chair* Debra Robinson, M.D., Vice Chair Marcia Andrews Monroe Benaim, M.D. Karen Brill Jennifer Prior Brown, Esq. Chuck Shaw Cindy Adair, CPA, Chair Richard Roberts, CPA, Vice Chair Gregory S. Daniel Max Davis Carrie Hill Noah Silver, CPA David H. Talley Susan Atherley* Kathryn Gundlach* Bruce Harris, Esq.* *Representatives TABLE OF CONTENTS Report to the School Board Letter to the School Board.................................................................................................................1 Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balance – Cash Basis ......................................................3 Notes to the Financial Statement .......................................................................................................5 Report on Compliance and on Internal Control.................................................................................9 Management Letter .........................................................................................................................11 Detailed Findings ............................................................................................................................13 School Reports North Area Elementary Schools Summary of Findings ....................................................................................................................27 Allamanda Elementary ....................................................................................................................29 Beacon Cove Intermediate ..............................................................................................................31 Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary ..........................................................................................34 Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary .................................................................................................38 Egret Lake Elementary ....................................................................................................................40 Grove Park Elementary ...................................................................................................................42 Hope-Centennial Elementary ..........................................................................................................46 Jerry Thomas Elementary ................................................................................................................48 Jupiter Elementary...........................................................................................................................50 Jupiter Farms Elementary ................................................................................................................53 Lake Park Elementary .....................................................................................................................58 Lighthouse Elementary....................................................................................................................61 Limestone Creek Elementary ..........................................................................................................65 Lincoln Elementary .........................................................................................................................67 Marsh Pointe Elementary ................................................................................................................71 North Palm Beach Elementary ........................................................................................................75 Northboro Elementary .....................................................................................................................77 Northmore Elementary ....................................................................................................................79 Palm Beach Gardens Elementary ....................................................................................................83 Pleasant City Elementary ................................................................................................................86 Roosevelt Elementary......................................................................................................................88 Seminole Trails Elementary ............................................................................................................93 Timber Trace Elementary ................................................................................................................96 U.B. Kinsey / Palmview Elementary ...............................................................................................98 Washington Elementary ................................................................................................................101 West Riviera Elementary...............................................................................................................105 Westward Elementary ...................................................................................................................111 Middle Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................115 Bak Middle School of the Arts ......................................................................................................117 Bear Lakes Middle ........................................................................................................................120 Howell L. Watkins Middle ............................................................................................................122 Independence Middle ....................................................................................................................124 John F. Kennedy Middle ...............................................................................................................126 i Jupiter Middle ...............................................................................................................................128 Roosevelt Middle ..........................................................................................................................130 Watson B. Duncan Middle ............................................................................................................133 High Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................135 Jupiter High ...................................................................................................................................137 Palm Beach Gardens High ............................................................................................................141 Palm Beach Lakes High ................................................................................................................144 Suncoast High ...............................................................................................................................152 William T. Dwyer High School.....................................................................................................157 Other Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................161 Adult Education Center .................................................................................................................163 Indian Ridge School ......................................................................................................................166 Central Area Elementary Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................173 Barton Elementary.........................................................................................................................175 Belvedere Elementary ...................................................................................................................181 Berkshire Elementary ....................................................................................................................183 Clifford O. Taylor / Kirklane Elementary .....................................................................................185 Coral Reef Elementary ..................................................................................................................189 Crystal Lakes Elementary .............................................................................................................191 Diamond View Elementary ...........................................................................................................193 Discovery Key Elementary ...........................................................................................................197 Forest Hill Elementary ..................................................................................................................199 Freedom Shores Elementary .........................................................................................................202 Greenacres Elementary..................................................................................................................205 Heritage Elementary ......................................................................................................................208 Hidden Oaks Elementary...............................................................................................................211 Highland Elementary.....................................................................................................................215 Indian Pines Elementary ................................................................................................................219 Lantana Elementary.......................................................................................................................222 Liberty Park Elementary ...............................................................................................................228 Manatee Elementary ......................................................................................................................232 Meadow Park Elementary .............................................................................................................235 North Grade Elementary ...............................................................................................................237 Palm Beach Public ........................................................................................................................239 Palm Springs Elementary ..............................................................................................................242 Palmetto Elementary .....................................................................................................................244 South Grade Elementary ...............................................................................................................248 South Olive Elementary ................................................................................................................250 Starlight Cove Elementary ............................................................................................................252 Middle Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................255 Christa McAuliffe Middle .............................................................................................................257 ii Conniston Middle ..........................................................................................................................259 Lake Worth Middle .......................................................................................................................261 Lantana Middle .............................................................................................................................264 L.C. Swain Middle ........................................................................................................................267 Palm Springs Middle .....................................................................................................................270 Tradewinds Middle .......................................................................................................................272 Woodlands Middle ........................................................................................................................274 High Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................277 Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. School of Arts ...................................................................................279 Forest Hill High .............................................................................................................................282 John I. Leonard High .....................................................................................................................287 Lake Worth High ...........................................................................................................................292 Park Vista High .............................................................................................................................294 Santaluces High .............................................................................................................................299 Other Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................301 Royal Palm School ........................................................................................................................303 South Area Elementary School Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................307 Addison Mizner Elementary .........................................................................................................309 Banyan Creek Elementary .............................................................................................................312 Boca Raton Elementary .................................................................................................................317 Calusa Elementary.........................................................................................................................321 Citrus Cove Elementary ................................................................................................................324 Coral Sunset Elementary ...............................................................................................................326 Crosspointe Elementary ................................................................................................................329 Del Prado Elementary ...................................................................................................................331 Forest Park Elementary .................................................................................................................334 Galaxy Elementary ........................................................................................................................337 Hagen Road Elementary................................................................................................................342 Hammock Pointe Elementary ........................................................................................................344 J.C. Mitchell Elementary ...............................................................................................................346 Morikami Park Elementary ...........................................................................................................348 Orchard View Elementary .............................................................................................................351 Pine Grove Elementary .................................................................................................................356 Plumosa School of the Arts ...........................................................................................................360 Poinciana Elementary ....................................................................................................................366 Rolling Green Elementary .............................................................................................................369 S.D. Spady Elementary .................................................................................................................375 Sandpiper Shores Elementary .......................................................................................................378 Sunrise Park Elementary ...............................................................................................................380 Sunset Palms Elementary ..............................................................................................................382 Verde Elementary ..........................................................................................................................384 Village Academy ...........................................................................................................................386 Waters Edge Elementary ...............................................................................................................390 Whispering Pines Elementary .......................................................................................................392 iii Middle Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................395 Boca Raton Middle........................................................................................................................397 Carver Middle ...............................................................................................................................400 Congress Middle ...........................................................................................................................403 Don Estridge High Tech Middle ...................................................................................................408 Eagles Landing Middle .................................................................................................................412 Loggers’ Run Middle ....................................................................................................................414 Odyssey Middle.............................................................................................................................417 Omni Middle .................................................................................................................................421 High Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................423 Atlantic High School .....................................................................................................................425 Boca Raton High ...........................................................................................................................428 Boynton Beach High .....................................................................................................................430 Olympic Heights High...................................................................................................................436 Spanish River High .......................................................................................................................440 West Boca Raton High ..................................................................................................................443 Other Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................445 Delray Full Service Center ............................................................................................................447 West Area Elementary Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................453 Acreage Pines Elementary.............................................................................................................455 Belle Glade Elementary.................................................................................................................457 Benoist Farms Elementary ............................................................................................................460 Binks Forest Elementary ...............................................................................................................466 Cholee Lake Elementary ...............................................................................................................470 Cypress Trails Elementary ............................................................................................................472 Elbridge Gale Elementary .............................................................................................................474 Equestrian Trails Elementary ........................................................................................................476 Frontier Elementary.......................................................................................................................479 Glade View Elementary ................................................................................................................482 Golden Grove Elementary .............................................................................................................486 Gove Elementary ...........................................................................................................................488 Grassy Waters Elementary ............................................................................................................490 H.L. Johnson Elementary ..............................................................................................................493 K.E. Cunningham / Canal Point Elementary .................................................................................496 Loxahatchee Groves Elementary...................................................................................................499 Melaleuca Elementary ...................................................................................................................501 New Horizons Elementary ............................................................................................................504 Pahokee Elementary ......................................................................................................................507 Panther Run Elementary ................................................................................................................511 Pierce Hammock Elementary ........................................................................................................513 Pine Jog Elementary ......................................................................................................................517 iv Pioneer Park Elementary ...............................................................................................................519 Rosenwald Elementary ..................................................................................................................523 Royal Palm Beach Elementary ......................................................................................................527 Wellington Elementary..................................................................................................................529 West Gate Elementary ...................................................................................................................532 Wynnebrook Elementary...............................................................................................................536 Middle Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................539 Crestwood Middle .........................................................................................................................541 Emerald Cove Middle ...................................................................................................................543 Jeaga Middle .................................................................................................................................547 Lake Shore Middle ........................................................................................................................552 Okeeheelee Middle ........................................................................................................................554 Osceola Creek Middle ...................................................................................................................558 Polo Park Middle...........................................................................................................................561 Wellington Landings Middle.........................................................................................................565 Western Pines Middle ...................................................................................................................568 High Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................573 Glades Central High ......................................................................................................................575 Pahokee Middle / Senior High ......................................................................................................580 Palm Beach Central High ..............................................................................................................585 Royal Palm Beach High ................................................................................................................589 Seminole Ridge High School ........................................................................................................592 Wellington High ............................................................................................................................596 Alternative Schools Summary of Audit Findings .......................................................................................................601 Crossroads Academy .....................................................................................................................603 Gold Coast Community School .....................................................................................................607 Intensive Transition South.............................................................................................................611 Roosevelt Full Service Center .......................................................................................................615 Turning Points Academy ...............................................................................................................619 Palm Beach Virtual School ...........................................................................................................622 v This page intentionally left blank. vi THE SCHOOL DISTRICT PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA LUNG CHIU, CPA DISTRICT AUDITOR WILLIAM F. MALONE SUPERINTENDENT OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT AUDITOR 3318 FOREST HILL BLVD., C-306 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 (561) 434-7335 FAX: (561) 434-8652 June 9, 2011 Members of the School Board Members of the School Board Audit Committee William F. Malone, Superintendent of Schools Ladies and Gentlemen: We have audited the Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balance-Cash Basis for the Year Ended June 30, 2010, of the Internal Fund Accounts of the Schools (as listed in Note 4) of The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida, pursuant to the Florida State Board of Education, Administrative Rules 6A-1.087(2). This financial statement is the collective responsibility of each school’s principal. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on this combined financial statement based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the Government Auditing Standards, promulgated by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statement is free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. As described in Note 1, this financial statement was prepared on the cash basis of accounting, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles. In addition, this financial statement presents only the Internal Fund Accounts and is not intended to present the changes in fund balance of The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida on the basis of accounting discussed in Note 1. In our opinion, the financial statement referred to in the first paragraph presents fairly, in all material respects, the changes in fund balance of the Internal Fund Accounts of the Schools of The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida, for Year Ended June 30, 2010, on the basis of accounting described in Note 1. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated June 9, 2011, on our consideration of The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida’s internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, School Board Policies and School District Directives. 1 An Equal Opportunity Employer Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the above-mentioned financial statement taken as a whole. The supplemental information listed in the table of contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balance-Cash Basis of the Internal Funds of the Schools of The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statement and in our opinion, is fairly presented in all material respects, in relation to the financial statement taken as a whole. Sincerely, Lung Chiu, CPA District Auditor Office of the District Auditor 2 The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balance – Cash Basis Internal Fund Accounts Year Ended June 30, 2010 Beginning Balance Receipts Expenditures Transfers In Transfers Out Ending Balance $ 1,033,595.54 $ 4,756,684.45 $ 4,832,141.88 $ 2,057,159.65 $ 1,938,906.09 $ 1,076,391.67 2 - MUSIC 637,362.38 3,576,493.70 3,694,085.29 1,230,179.25 1,168,112.29 581,837.75 3 - CLASSES 794,179.59 4,664,154.62 4,570,345.39 954,291.40 1,030,182.27 812,097.95 4 - CLUBS 1,060,794.16 3,795,120.81 3,613,980.47 1,259,111.74 1,387,849.36 1,113,196.88 5 - DEPARTMENTS 2,999,662.35 6,934,287.97 7,016,519.35 1,961,069.78 1,967,413.91 2,911,086.84 6 - TRUSTS 8,051,563.00 45,145,915.42 45,444,642.53 2,926,220.46 3,276,144.60 7,402,911.75 7 - GENERAL ACTIVITIES 1,318,520.40 2,566,847.90 3,032,685.00 1,527,633.07 1,147,056.83 1,233,259.54 $ 15,895,677.42 $ 71,439,504.87 $ 72,204,399.91 $ 11,915,665.35 $ 11,915,665.35 $ 15,130,782.38 FY 2010 ALL SCHOOLS 1 - ATHLETICS 3 TOTALS This page intentionally left blank. 4 Notes to the Financial Statement June 30, 2010 (1) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Reporting Entity As defined by Chapter 6A-1.085 Florida State Board of Education Rules, internal funds are monies collected and expended within a school that are used for financing the normal program of school activities not otherwise financed, for providing necessary and proper services and materials for school activities, and for other purposes consistent with the school program as established and approved by The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida (the “District”). This report consists of the 174 schools listed in Note 4. The District retains no equity interest in these funds and they are included in the District’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as an agency fund. The District and its governing board are organized and operated under Section 4, Article IX, of the constitution of Florida and Chapter 1001 of Florida Statutes. The District’s boundaries are coterminous with those of Palm Beach County. Management of the schools is independent of county and city governments. Basis of Accounting The financial statement is prepared on the cash basis of accounting; consequently, revenues are recognized when received rather than when earned, and disbursements are recognized when cash is disbursed rather than when the obligation is incurred. (2) CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash and investments include petty cash, demand deposits, savings and time deposits and are held in qualified public depositories pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 280, “Florida Security for Public Deposits Act.” Under the Act, every qualified public depository shall deposit with the State Chief Financial Officer eligible collateral of the depository to be held subject to his or her order. The State Chief Financial Officer, by rule, shall establish minimum required collateral pledging levels. The pledging level may range from 25% to 125% of the average monthly balance of public deposits depending upon the depository’s financial condition and establishment period. All collateral must be deposited with an approved financial institution. Any losses to public depositors are covered by applicable deposit insurance, sale of securities pledged as collateral and, if necessary, assessments against other qualified public depositories of the same type as the depository in default. 5 (3) ACTIVITIES ACCOUNTS The student activity accounts used in this report are as follows: Athletics All revenue and expenditures involving athletic business transacted at the school level is recorded in this account classification. Music Proceeds from activities of musical organizations; donations to these groups; and their expenses for supplies and trips are recorded in this account classification. Classes and Clubs Class and club accounts are those which support a group of students within a community of interest with a roster of members, officers, and a sponsor. Approval for the existence of all club and class activities is the responsibility of the principal. Class and club monies must be spent for the benefit of the class or club or for purposes designated by the class or club that participated in generating the revenue. Departments Departments are structured in a manner similar to classes and conduct their financial activities subject to those guidelines. Trusts Funds collected for specific, restricted purpose are accounted for in trust funds. Trust funds can be spent only for the purpose for which collected. General This category encompasses all other accounts for funds which are to be utilized for the general welfare of the student today. (4) SCHOOLS IN THE DISTRICT This report consists of the 174 schools listed below: North Area Hope-Centennial Elementary (new) Howell L. Watkins Middle Independence Middle Indian Ridge School Jerry Thomas Elementary John F. Kennedy Middle Jupiter Elementary Jupiter Farms Elementary Jupiter High Adult Education Center Allamanda Elementary Bak Middle School of the Arts Beacon Cove Intermediate Bear Lakes Middle Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary Egret Lake Elementary Grove Park Elementary 6 Indian Pines Elementary John I. Leonard High L.C. Swain Middle Lake Worth High Lake Worth Middle Lantana Elementary Lantana Middle Liberty Park Elementary Manatee Elementary Meadow Park Elementary North Grade Elementary Palm Beach Public Elementary Palm Springs Elementary Palm Springs Middle Palmetto Elementary Park Vista High Royal Palm School Santaluces High South Grade Elementary South Olive Elementary Starlight Cove Elementary Tradewinds Middle Woodlands Middle Jupiter Middle Lake Park Elementary Lighthouse Elementary Limestone Creek Elementary Lincoln Elementary Marsh Pointe Elementary North Palm Beach Elementary Northboro Elementary Northmore Elementary Palm Beach Gardens Elementary Palm Beach Gardens High Palm Beach Lakes High Pleasant City Elementary Roosevelt Elementary Roosevelt Middle Seminole Trails Elementary Suncoast High Timber Trace Elementary U.B. Kinsey/Palmview Elementary Washington Elementary Watson B. Duncan Middle West Riviera Elementary Westward Elementary William T. Dwyer High South Area Central Area Addison Mizner Elementary Atlantic High Banyan Creek Elementary Boca Raton Elementary Boca Raton High Boca Raton Middle Boynton Beach High Calusa Elementary Carver Middle Citrus Cove Elementary Congress Middle Coral Sunset Elementary Crosspointe Elementary Del Prado Elementary Delray Full Service Center Don Estridge High Tech Middle Eagles Landing Middle Forest Park Elementary Galaxy Elementary Hagen Road Elementary Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. School of the Arts Barton Elementary Belvedere Elementary Berkshire Elementary Christa McAuliffe Middle Clifford O. Taylor/Kirklane Elementary Conniston Middle Coral Reef Elementary Crystal Lakes Elementary Diamond View Elementary Discovery Key Elementary Forest Hill Elementary Forest Hill High Freedom Shores Elementary Greenacres Elementary Heritage Elementary Hidden Oaks Elementary Highland Elementary 7 Golden Grove Elementary Gove Elementary Grassy Waters Elementary H.L. Johnson Elementary Jeaga Middle School K.E. Cunningham/Canal Point Elementary Lake Shore Middle Loxahatchee Groves Elementary Melaleuca Elementary New Horizon Elementary Okeeheelee Middle Osceola Creek Middle Pahokee Elementary Pahokee Middle/Senior High Palm Beach Central High Panther Run Elementary Pierce Hammock Elementary Pine Jog Elementary Pioneer Park Elementary Polo Park Middle Rosenwald Elementary Royal Palm Beach Elementary Royal Palm Beach High Seminole Ridge High Wellington Elementary Wellington High Wellington Landings Middle West Gate Elementary Western Pines Middle Wynnebrook Elementary Hammock Pointe Elementary J.C. Mitchell Elementary Loggers Run Middle Morikami Park Elementary Odyssey Middle Olympic Heights High Omni Middle Orchard View Elementary Pine Grove Elementary Plumosa School of the Arts Poinciana Elementary Rolling Green Elementary S.D. Spady Elementary Sandpiper Shores Elementary Spanish River High Sunrise Park Elementary Sunset Palms Elementary Verde Elementary Village Academy Waters Edge Elementary West Boca Raton High Whispering Pines Elementary West Area Acreage Pine Elementary Belle Glade Elementary Benoist Farms Elementary Binks Forest Elementary Cholee Lake Elementary Crestwood Middle Cypress Trails Elementary Elbridge Gale Elementary Emerald Cove Middle Equestrian Trails Elementary Frontier Elementary Glade View Elementary Glades Central High Alternative Schools Crossroads Academy Gold Coast School Roosevelt Full Service Center South Intensive Transition School Turning Points Academy Palm Beach Virtual School (new) 8 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA LUNG CHIU, CPA DISTRICT AUDITOR WILLIAM F. MALONE SUPERINTENDENT OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT AUDITOR 3318 FOREST HILL BLVD., C-306 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 (561) 434-7335 FAX: (561) 434-8652 June 9, 2011 REPORT ON COMPLIANCE AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS Members of the School Board Members of the School Board Audit Committee William F. Malone, Superintendent of Schools Ladies and Gentlemen: We have audited the Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balance-Cash Basis of the Internal Fund Accounts of the Schools of The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2010, and have issued our report thereon dated June 9, 2011. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the applicable standards contained in Government Auditing Standards, promulgated by the Comptroller General of the United States. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida’s financial statement for Internal Funds is free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, School Board Policies and Directives, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do no express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. This report is intended for providing the information of the School District to the Audit Committee, the School Board, and other interested parties. Sincerely, Lung Chiu, CPA District Auditor Office of the District Auditor 9 This page intentionally left blank. 10 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA LUNG CHIU, CPA DISTRICT AUDITOR WILLIAM F. MALONE SUPERINTENDENT OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT AUDITOR 3318 FOREST HILL BLVD., C-306 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 (561) 434-7335 FAX: (561) 434-8652 June 9, 2011 MANAGEMENT LETTER Members of the School Board Members of the School Board Audit Committee William F. Malone, Superintendent of Schools Ladies and Gentlemen: We have audited the Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balance-Cash Basis of the Internal Fund Accounts of The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2010, and have issued our report thereon dated June 9, 2011. In planning and performing our audit of the Combined Statement of Changes in Fund BalanceCash Basis of the Internal Funds of The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida, for the year ended June 30, 2010, we considered its internal control structure in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balance-Cash Basis of the Internal Funds, and not to provide assurance on the internal control structure. As part of the audit, we conducted a limited scope review of compliance with School Board Policies and District guidelines based on judgmental samples in each area. Audit review based on judgmental samples is widely used by the U.S. Government Accountability Office and other auditing practitioners to assess the effectiveness of management controls and the extent of compliance with laws, rules, and regulations. However, it should be noted that a judgmental sample is not statistically based and the results should not be extrapolated over the population. If significant irregularities were identified during the audit, we would expand the scope to review all relevant transactions; and the audit conclusions would be referred to School Police and Personnel for further investigation, if warranted. The results of these expanded scope audits were not included in this report, and would be released in separate reports. As a result of this examination, we would like to present a number of findings, recommendations for consideration by management, and management responses. These suggestions are based primarily on the work done during our audit engagement, and the findings are not necessarily covering every possible weakness. Nevertheless, we do think they deserve careful evaluation. 11 We have categorized the 2010 findings into five areas: Disbursements, Money Collections, School Age Child Care Program, Community Use of School Facilities, and Community School Program. These five categories have collectively accounted for 12 major findings. We recognize that implementing the recommendations outlined below will require staff commitments. However, we believe that the benefits derived will far exceed the cost of implementing these recommendations. MAJOR FINDINGS I. Disbursements 1. Disbursement Not Properly Documented and Approved 2. Noncompliance in P-Card Transactions II. Money Collections 3. Cash Collection and Deposit Procedures 4. Monies Not Deposited Timely 5. Monies Collected Not Adequately Documented 6. Inadequate Fundraising Documentation III. School Age Child Care (SACC) Program 7. Program Deficit in 12 Schools IV. Leasing of School Facilities 8. Lease Agreement Not Properly Completed 9. Late Payments and Undercharged Rentals 10. Leasing Fees Incorrectly Allocated and Recorded 11. Inadequate Proof of Insurance V. Community School Program 12. Program Deficit in Three Schools 12 DETAILED FINDINGS Schools With No Audit Findings We wish to recognize the 19 schools in which no significant findings were identified during the Fiscal Year 2010 Audits. While not every error or control weakness is necessarily identified during our audit engagement, no significant noncompliance or weaknesses were found in the samples examined at these schools. Bear Lakes Middle Belvedere Elementary Crosspointe Elementary Cypress Trails Elementary Discovery Key Elementary Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary Eagles Landing Middle Elbridge Gale Elementary Gove Elementary Howell L. Watkins Middle Jupiter Middle Loxahatchee Groves Elementary Meadow Park Elementary Omni Middle Panther Run Elementary Pine Jog Elementary Royal Palm Beach Elementary Sandpiper Shores Elementary Timber Trace Elementary I. DISBURSEMENTS During Fiscal Year 2010, all 174 schools in the School District disbursed a total of $72.2 million in payments for purchase of goods, services, and other expenditures through the Internal Funds. 1. Disbursement Not Properly Documented and Approved Noncompliance. The 2010 Audit revealed that some disbursements did not have adequate supporting documentation in 71 (41%) of the schools. In 10 schools, we found 30 disbursements totaling $8,912.79 that had no supporting documentation. Other causes of inadequate documentation included (1) the required Purchase Order not issued for disbursements exceeding $1,000 in 39 schools; (2) payments made based on statements or packing lists without an invoice or receipt in 21 schools; and (3) improperly prepared or missing consultant contracts in 19 schools. Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. All disbursements should be adequately documented with Check Requisitions approved by the school principal and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. Approval of Contracts. Moreover, some of the disbursements were not properly approved by the school principal in 28 (16%) of the schools. We noted that contracts and agreements for purchase of goods and services in 20 (11%) of the schools were signed by an employee other than the school principal. School Board Policy 6.14 gives authority to the school principal to 13 enter into contracts up to $2,500 and to approve purchases of commodities from Internal Funds. Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, contractual agreements should be signed by the school principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligates the school for payment.” To ensure proper fiscal accountability, disbursements should be approved by the school principal, with adequate support and documentation. Management’s Response Management concurs. During FY10 the district’s 174 schools issued over 118,000 checks totaling $73.2 million in payments. All bookkeepers and principals are aware that documentation is required when issuing a check – a vendor invoice, a paid receipt, or some other form of documentation from an independent source. The audit findings were attributable to a variety of errors, including: • 10 schools (6%) issued checks with inadequate supporting documentation. • 39 schools (22%) did not issue written purchase orders for orders in excess of $1,000. • 21 schools (12%) paid from statements or packing lists. • 19 schools (11%) had contracts that were incomplete or signed by someone other than the principal. The Accounting Department is working with principals to develop checklists for activity sponsors, principals, and bookkeepers that outline the fundamentals of district purchasing policies and further reinforce the purchasing requirements for internal accounts. The checklist will be distributed to all principals at the beginning of each school year. Staff members involved in the cash disbursements process will be required to certify that they read the checklist to ensure better compliance with district policies and procedures. 2. Noncompliance in P-Card Transactions Beginning in 2003, the School District authorized the use of Purchasing Cards (P-Cards) in order to expedite small dollar purchases in materials, supplies, and other items needed for daily operations. Corrective Actions. Because of repeated and widespread noncompliance in P-Card transactions, management took the following corrective actions in 2010: • Offering supplemented live P-Card training, requiring annual training for all P-Card users, P-Card site administrators as well as school principals and department heads. This training was developed as an online tool in TrainU and includes a test to ensure that the training has been successful in delivering the key components required. 14 • Implementing a process in FY2010 to scan monthly reconciliation documents to a centralized location. This will assist in monitoring to ensure that schools and departments are performing the monthly reconciliations and will allow more easily random review of receipt documentation. Examples of Noncompliance. Among all P-Card related findings, missing transaction records and documentation were the most critical ones because without supporting documentation for purchases, there is no assurance that disbursements were appropriate. Other findings related to P-Cards included lack of reconciliation of P-Card activities by the cardholders, and P-Card activities not reviewed and approved by the school principals. These noncompliances could result in potential misuse, abuse, and fraudulent use of school resources. While documentation and school principal review and approval continue to be the major challenge, the number of schools with occurrences of P-Card noncompliance went down in Fiscal Year 2010. The following exhibit shows the P-Card findings during 2009 and 2010. Findings Transaction records missing Documentation missing for some purchases Insufficient documentation for some purchases End-of-cycle checklist not completed Monthly reconciliation not done Monthly bank statement not reviewed and signed by principal Purchases inappropriately funded Split purchases to avoid the $1,000 single purchase limit Number of Schools 2009 2010 3 4 42 24 26 27 8 3 9 1 19 15 1 1 12 4 Control Procedures. Pursuant to Purchasing Manual, Chapter 24, Purchasing Card Procedures, P-Card holder is required to sign the Cardholder Acceptance Guidelines and Contract (PBSD 2077) to acknowledge the responsibility for all purchases through P-Card and any liability from abuse or violation of the terms of the agreement. When noncompliance occurs, • Purchasing Department will notify the cardholder and the school principal / department head, through e-mail with the “Cardholder Notification of Possible P-Card NonCompliance” form, of the violation and the necessary documentation required, and • Purchasing Department will require the cardholder to submit the response to the District P-Card Administrator within five business days. If the cardholder does not provide the requested documentation within five business days, the P-Card will be suspended. • The related Area Superintendent will be notified if second non-compliance occurs. • When the third non-compliance occurs, the Chief Academic Officer or Chief Operating Officer will be notified and the P-Card in question will be suspended for the remaining 15 fiscal year or terminated indefinitely. • Appropriate personnel actions will also be taken based upon the severity of noncompliance. To ensure fiscal accountability and responsibility, Purchasing Department should ensure proper compliance and enforcement of Purchasing Manual procedures. Management’s Response: Management concurs. During FY10, there were approximately 970 cardholders, 75,000 VISA transactions, and more than $13.3 million in P-Card purchases across the district. In an effort to strengthen controls, Management has taken the following steps beginning in FY10: • • Enhanced p-card training by instituting annual training for all P-Card users, p-card site administrators as well as Principals and Department heads and requiring each participant to take a test at the completion and sign a Cardholder Acceptance Guidelines and Contract agreeing to follow the School District’s policies and practices while using the P-Card and/or managing the P-Card program. Mandated the scanning and archiving of the P-Card documentation to a centralized location. Scanning has assisted staff in monitoring that schools and departments are performing monthly reconciliations and has assisted in random tests of receipt documentation. As a result of the actions implemented, the trend in P-Card compliance is moving in a positive direction. It should also be noted that some of the inadequate supporting documentation is due to the normal way business is transacted and not necessarily a weakness in controls. II. MONEY COLLECTIONS During 2010, all 174 schools in the School District collected a total of $71.4 million in Internal Funds, mostly from (1) fundraising, (2) special trust accounts, and (3) program fees. 3. Cash Collection and Deposit Procedures To help strengthen the controls and ensure the integrity of revenue collections, the Accounting Department has developed and implemented control procedures for cash handling. These procedures set forth the use of Monies Collected Reports and Drop-Safe Logs. Monies Collected Reports. Monies collected by staff are to be recorded on Monies Collected Reports (MCRs); then the monies accompanied by the MCRs are to be dropped off into the drop-safe daily while staff should retain the yellow copy of the MCRs as a temporary receipt. 16 Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in • Ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, • Tracking the account balance periodically for ongoing monitoring, and • Providing documentation and proof for revenue collections if record keeping errors should occur. Drop-Safe Logs. Before dropping off the monies and MCRs into the safe, staff is to enter onto the Drop-Safe Log the record of dollar amount being deposited. The Drop-Safe Log provides a record for independent confirmation of money deposited into the drop-safe. While these procedures have been implemented since 2008, they have not been codified through District Bulletin or incorporated into the Internal Accounts Manual. Also, management agreed that schools should retain sponsors’ MCR copies for a period of two years. In August 2010, at the Fiscal Year 2011 Internal Accounts Kickoff Meeting, the Accounting Department introduced a new Drop-Safe Log and procedures for its completion which track the distribution of receipts back to the sponsors. Enforcement of New Requirements. The new requirement for retention of MCR copies and the new Drop-Safe Log procedures were not communicated directly to the school principals charged with monitoring compliance of District policies and guidelines at the school. Noncompliance. During the 2010 Audit, we noted instances of noncompliance with MCR related procedures and maintenance of Drop-Safe Logs. MCR. The 2010 Audit revealed similar noncompliance in 2009. Activity account sponsors did not always retain copies of the Monies Collected Reports in 28 (16%) of the schools. Sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the MCRs before placing the monies into the drop-safe for deposit. Drop-Safe Logs. Staff did not always record information for the deposits on the DropSafe Log in 68 (39%) of the schools. In some instances, staff did not record the deposit information or entered incomplete information (e.g. no dollar amount) on the Drop-Safe Log. Moreover, the Drop-Safe Log was missing in whole or part at four schools. Accounting Department should develop and implement procedures to ensure that controls in use of Monies Collected Reports and Drop-Safe Logs are enforced. Management’s Response: In FY10 more than 224,000 receipts totaling over $71.4 million were issued in the District’s 174 schools. The Accounting Department initiated several enhancements to strengthen existing procedures in place that include the following: 17 • • • The Drop Safe Log has been redesigned to track funds that are submitted for deposit by the activity sponsors and further document that those funds were recorded in the accounting system by the bookkeeper. In FY12, the log will be printed as a pre-numbered form stocked in the Warehouse. The form usage will be verified on a monthly basis to ascertain that all originals are properly accounted for and used consecutively in accordance with District guidelines similar to the process for check stock. Management revised the Drop Safe Log in FY11 to include a second review by an impartial third party. After receipts are issued, they are given to an impartial third party and compared against the Drop Safe Log by entering the receipt number that corresponds with each entry the sponsors made on the log. Any omissions or discrepancies are noted and reported to administration right away for resolution, and even if the yellow MCRs are not retained by the sponsors, there will be another method to trace deposits from the sponsor, into the safe, and into the school’s accounting records. The Accounting Department is working with principals to develop checklists for activity sponsors, principals, and bookkeepers that outline the fundamentals of money collections and further reinforce the procedures for cash receipts. The checklist will be distributed to all principals at the beginning of each school year. Staff members involved in the cash disbursements process will be required to certify that they read the checklist to ensure better compliance with district policies and procedures. 4. Monies Not Deposited Timely Monies collected by staff were not turned in timely to the bookkeeper for deposit in 68 (39%) of the schools. Delay in turning in monies for deposit could result in potential irregularity and increase exposure for staff. Schools should ensure proper compliance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) that all monies collected be turned in to the bookkeeper daily and the monies be deposited within five working days after collection. Management’s Response: Management concurs, and will specifically enumerate the timelines for depositing funds on the checklist that is being developed in cooperation with the principals. The long-term solution is to expand the use of the District’s Cashless Schools initiative for student fees and parent collections. 5. Monies Collected Not Adequately Documented The audit of monies collection records revealed that some monies collections at 18 (10%) of the schools did not always document the sources and purposes of the collections with enough detailed information on the Monies Collected Reports (MCRs). In accordance with DOE Rules, relevant information for monies collected should be adequately documented on MCRs including the date, purpose, and composition of the 18 collections (i.e. check numbers or cash) with appropriate account numbers. The bookkeeper should sign and enter the required information onto the MCRs after the collections have been verified and recorded into the general ledger. Changes on the MCRs should be acknowledged by the sponsors to ensure proper accountability. Management’s Response: Management concurs, and will specify that the Monies Collected Reports must be completed in full by all activity sponsors as part of the checklist that is being developed in cooperation with the principals. 6. Inadequate Fundraising Documentation Fundraising activities were not always documented or completed in 47 (27%) of the schools. Some fundraisers were not approved by the school principals; some inventory count and ticket selling records were not maintained; and revenue and inventory discrepancies were not always investigated, documented, and disposed of properly. Without accurate information on the Fundraiser Application/Recap Forms, Sales Item Inventory Report, and Ticket Sellers Reports, there is no assurance that school revenues are properly accounted for. Management’s Response: Management concurs. All fundraisers should be fully documented in accordance with District guidelines. Bookkeepers receive training annually in Fundraising. In addition, fundraising and school event income will be included as one of the items on the checklist that is being developed in cooperation with the principals. The checklist will include key fundraising activities including approving fundraisers in advance, inventorying items held for resale and using tickets to control admissions to school events. III. SCHOOL AGE CHILD CARE (SACC) PROGRAM School Age Child Care (SACC) is a fee-based self-supporting program that provides after school care and educational activities for students. During 2010, SACC programs were offered in 97 elementary schools and collected a total of $22.7 million in fee revenues. 7. Program Deficit In 12 Schools Although SACC program is a fee-based self-supporting program, 12 (12%) of the 97 elementary schools with afterschool programming incurred a deficit in 2010, totaling $239,402. Deficits ranged from $2,190 to $72,976 in those 12 schools. The primary cause of the deficits was due to high staffing level when personnel expenses accounted for 91% of SACC expenses. To ensure fiscal accountability, schools with a program deficit should 19 monitor their revenues and expenditures closely. Staffing level and program expenditures should be adjusted and be consistent with student enrollment and revenues collected. Management’s Response: Management has been working with these twelve schools regularly, and during FY11 eight of the schools have been converted to positive financial results, and there are currently only four schools with deficits. The principals at those four schools are working closely with district staff in Afterschool Programs and Budget Services to eliminate all of the SACC operating deficits. IV. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES The School District recognizes the mutual benefits of use of school facilities by the community, civic organizations, other government entities, and taxpayers. To meet the needs of the community while protecting the best interests of the schools, certain leasing guidelines were developed by the District and implemented by the schools. New Software Program (CAFM) To Enforce Controls. Beginning in Fiscal Year 2011, the District began implementation of a new software program Tririga (CAFM) to manage facility leasing. While the concerns related to rate and documentation will be addressed with the new software, staff still needs to exercise diligence regarding fee collection. 8. Lease Agreement Not Properly Completed Incomplete or missing information was noted on some leases for 70 (40%) of the schools. Weaknesses included (1) missing signature of lessee and school principal, (2) location and time for use of facilities missing, (3) repeated lease agreement numbering, and (4) missing lease documents. Without proper signatures, there is no assurance that lease agreements can be legally enforced. Moreover, without the information on the lease agreement for how long the facilities are to be used, there is no reliable basis for determining the accurate amount of rental charges. Management’s Response: In FY11 the district implemented the Space Rentals module of the CAFM online lease system. This module provides schools with the ability to generate lease documents online and scan supporting documents (such as liability insurance certificates, tax exempt certificates, etc.) as part of the permanent leasing file. While there has been a learning curve with the new automated system during the implementation period, management expects the system to eliminate most of the audit findings associated with facility leasing. 20 9. Late Payments and Undercharged Rentals The District’s leasing procedures require that all rental charges be collected prior to the use of facilities. However, some leases for 50 (28%) of the schools did not comply with this requirement. Noncompliance has increased from 32 (19%) in 2009. Moreover, 21 (12%) of the schools had undercharged some lessees. Most undercharges were caused by (1) using the lower non-profit rate for commercial lessees, and (2) charging less hours for use of facilities. To ensure that the School District is not subsidizing lessees, schools should ensure proper rental charges are collected. All rental charges should be collected prior to lessee’s using of the school facility. Management’s Response: Management concurs. Most of these issues arose because schools selected the wrong leasing rate (profit vs. non-profit), calculated the time of use incorrectly, or used the wrong rate schedule when calculating the rental fees. The new CAFM online lease system will greatly reduce these types of errors because the lease rates are embedded in the system and the rental calculations are no longer prepared manually, eliminating arithmetic errors that often occurred on the manual forms. 10. Leasing Fees Incorrectly Allocated and Recorded At 25 (14%) of the schools, leasing revenues were not correctly allocated and recorded into the appropriate accounts, often resulting in under or over transmitting of utility fees to the District. Moreover, collected insurance premiums and sales taxes were often not forwarded to the central office. Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule. These revenues should be recorded in their respective leasing accounts, including Rental Income (#6-3800), Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500), Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500), Extra Services-Other (#6-1600), Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850), and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800). Management’s Response: The new Space Rentals module of the CAFM online lease system gives schools the ability to view the breakdown of the leasing fees online so the funds can be deposited into the correct internal account. The CAFM Tech team has been asked to look into designing a report that shows the allocation of the leasing fees. 11. Inadequate Proof of Insurance The audit revealed a marked improvement from 2009 for this finding. Nonetheless, 27 (16%) of the schools did not receive proof of adequate insurance from some of their lessees. To 21 protect the School District from potential unwarranted liabilities, all lessees should provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the required insurance coverage through the District’s insurance pool prior to use of school facilities. Management’s Response: All schools have been trained in the importance of providing adequate proof of insurance from all lessees prior to any lessee using a school facility. Risk Management has provided all schools with a copy of the District’s rates, all school leasing coordinators have been trained as to how the lessee can purchase the requires insurance through the District’s computerized program, if necessary. The new CAFM on-line lease system requires certificates be scanned and attached prior to the approval of the lease. V. COMMUNITY SCHOOL PROGRAM The Community School Program is a fee-based self-supporting function that offers classes for the general public in (1) general interest, and (2) workforce development designed to train persons to meet the needs of the local community. During 2010, twenty (20) schools in the School District offered Community School Program, and collected a total of $939,771 in fee revenues. 12. Program Deficit In Three Schools At the end of School Year 2010, the District reported that three schools had a deficit balance in their community school program: $17,944 for Lake Worth High, $13,735 for Boynton Beach High, and $9,651 for Palm Beach Lakes High. To ensure self-sufficiency, financial conditions of the program should be monitored closely. Timely adjustment to staffing and expenditures should be made based on the actual student enrollment. In addition, the District should establish guidelines to ensure that classes offered to the public have sufficient students and generate enough revenues to fund the program. Management’s Response: The funds for community education, fee supported classes, originate from class registrations at the community school and are collected, processed and monitored by each individual community school. The Principal and Assistant Principal are responsible for the expenditures of this Internal Account. Community education fee-supported funds must follow the District’s budgetary and accounting guidelines. The Community Education Policy D-8.11 created an agreed upon definition and process for handling staffing and expenditure averaging to effectively implement a community education program. Also, Policy D-8.11 does establish guidelines to ensure that classes offered generate enough fee revenues to fund the program. Proper implementation of the community education policy (D-8.11) should continue to reduce instances of program deficit. 22 The community school programs at two of the schools cited in the report are now operating at a slight surplus. The remaining school is operating under a Fiscal Accountability Plan that includes a freeze on non-salary expenditures and close monitoring of the salary expenditures by the Department of Adult and Community Education in an effort to eliminate the program deficit. This report is intended for providing the information of the School District to the Audit Committee, the School Board, and other interested parties. Sincerely, Lung Chiu, CPA District Auditor Office of the District Auditor 23 This page intentionally left blank 24 North Area This page intentionally left blank. 27 Total (27 Schools) Palm Beach Gardens √ West Riviera Westward 0 2 0 7 8 9 10 Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune √ Washington √ 2 √ Seminole Trails √ √ √ 4 0 √ √ 2 1 0 1 Student Released To Unauthorized Person Student FTE Reports Not Properly Maintained Fee Waiver Not Properly Documented 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 16 Roosevelt 0 17 1 18 Beacon Cove Intermediate √ Grove Park Marsh Pointe √ √ U.B. Kinsey/Palmview 0 Allamanda Jupiter Jupiter Farms √ Lake Park √ Lighthouse √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 7 5 √ Egret Lake √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Lincoln √ 0 6 √ Hope-Centennial √ Limestone Creek North Palm Beach √ √ √ √ √ Pleasant City √ √ √ √ 0 12 27 28 29 30 31 √ D.D. Eisenhower 0 √ √ √ 5 √ 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0 3 √ √ 1 0 9 Lease Prequalification Not Available Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Inadequate Proof of Insurance 32 32a Undercharged Rental 26 Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded 25 Monies Collected Not Properly Documented √ √ √ √ Jerry Thomas √ √ Northboro √ √ Northmore √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 9 5 4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0 5 0 37 38 39 Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Leases √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0 0 10 √ √ 3 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 36 Bank Signature Card Not Updated 35 Adjustments To Records Not Properly Approved/Documented 34 Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely 33 Staff Performing Incompatible Duties Receipts Fees Collected After Use 24 Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor 23a Monies Not Deposited Timely Disbursements Receipts Recorded in Wrong Account 23 Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely 22 Access to Drop Safe 21 Purchases From School Employee 20 Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account 19a P-Card Related Findings 19 Disbursement Not Properly Approved Inadequate Support for Disbursement Student Records Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard Employee Incurred Work Hours While On Leave/Holiday Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds 13 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 12 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor 11 Time Input Mannually into Time Clock 6 Student Released Without Parent Signout Fiscal Management Missing Timecard 5 Attendance and Parent Sign-out Records Missing / Not Properly Maintained Hurricane Hours Not Repaid 4 Accounting Records Incomplete/Incorrect 3 Registration Form Not Properly Maintained 2 Registration / Fees Not Collected North Area Schools 1 Fees Not Timely Transmitted To District North Area North Area Elementary Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits School Age Child Care (SACC) Payroll Others 40 2 41 0 42 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Timber Trace √ 0 Number of Findings 8 10 1 7 1 1 √ 2 7 √ 3 √ 6 2 5 4 2 2 6 5 1 9 3 0 5 12 4 112 5 This page intentionally left blank. Allamanda Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 10300 Allamanda Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marilu Garcia Marilu Garcia Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Millie Graff Millie Graff SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Frances Grenon Frances Grenon Cash and Investments $ 52,099.58 Checking Investments $ 52,099.58 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 883.91 0.00 145.66 5,184.56 25,833.58 319.31 $ 32,367.02 Receipts $0.00 881.00 19,486.51 0.00 15,820.86 315,684.29 1,587.70 $ 353,460.36 Disbursements $0.00 1,076.08 19,248.69 16.22 14,895.75 296,131.21 2,359.85 $ 333,727.80 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 755.94 0.00 0.00 4,085.06 1,350.41 $ 6,191.41 Transfers Out $0.00 82.00 993.76 0.00 0.00 4,911.45 204.20 $ 6,191.41 Ending Balances $0.00 606.83 0.00 129.44 6,109.67 44,560.27 693.37 $ 52,099.58 29 Allamanda Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that five P-Card purchases totaling $1,527.48 (transactions occurred during August 2009, and May 2010) did not have adequate documentation. These purchases were supported by order confirmations or packing lists that did not have the dollar amounts of the purchases. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, all disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. Management’s Response Concur. Treasurer will make sure to obtain an invoice from the vendor for each purchase. 30 North Area Beacon Cove Intermediate School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 150 School House Road Jupiter, FL 33458 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Una Hukill Una Hukill Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Paige Wilson Paige Wilson SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jane Winters Jane Winters Cash and Investments $ 80,931.52 Checking Investments $ 80,931.52 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 3,795.94 906.93 763.09 6,815.10 70,706.57 5,912.14 $ 88,899.77 Receipts $0.00 19,734.04 34,245.18 2,190.00 48,823.89 559,578.15 50,607.37 $ 715,178.63 Disbursements $0.00 19,375.30 32,634.00 1,654.96 47,303.95 574,456.44 47,722.23 $ 723,146.88 Transfers In $0.00 7,449.85 462.00 0.00 13,833.87 28,119.86 6,730.50 $ 56,596.08 Transfers Out $0.00 7,800.12 2,980.11 492.13 11,430.45 24,422.72 9,470.55 $ 56,596.08 Ending Balances $0.00 3,804.41 0.00 806.00 10,738.46 59,525.42 6,057.23 $ 80,931.52 31 Beacon Cove Intermediate School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the Yearbook/Ads Sales (Account #5-0450) did not have any fundraiser documentation, including Principal’s approved Fundraiser Application/Recap Form and Sales Item Inventory Report. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. DOCUMENTATION FOR FIELD TRIPS Finding The review of field trip records revealed that the Field Trip Request Forms for in-county field trips were approved by the assistant principal instead of the Principal. Recommendation All field trips should be approved by the Principal in accordance with School Board Policy #2.40. Management’s Response Concur. 32 North Area Beacon Cove Intermediate School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that Disbursement #10787 (for $5,825) for payment of professional services for the 5th Grade Party, did not have the required School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD 1420). Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, the School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be completed and executed for procurement of professional service. Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF FACILITIES Finding The review of leasing records found that Lease Agreement #1001-2 did not indicate the facilities for use by the lessee, although the related information was listed on the Rental Prequalification Request Form. In addition, the prequalification form indicated that classroom was requested by the lessee; however, the Lease Agreement indicated an hourly rate of $50, instead of the $35 per classroom on the District’s approved Rate Schedule. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the location for use by the lessee. • Rental charges should be collected in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. North Area 33 Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1501 Avenue "U" Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Glenda Sheffield Edwina Mooney Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patrice Culler Everett Mary Kozlowski SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Corlyss Grant Corlyss Grant Cash and Investments $ 37,554.04 Checking Investments $ 37,554.04 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 34 Beginning Balances $0.00 5,257.61 1,753.67 0.00 6,332.98 24,631.92 766.43 $ 38,742.61 Receipts $0.00 0.00 22,974.50 640.00 4,491.78 143,765.24 3,619.60 $ 175,491.12 Disbursements $0.00 920.14 24,566.81 627.00 4,314.91 143,491.41 2,759.42 $ 176,679.69 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 2,407.13 0.00 1,156.61 1,847.63 4,915.09 $ 10,326.46 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 1,413.94 0.00 976.07 4,887.91 3,048.54 $ 10,326.46 Ending Balances $0.00 4,337.47 1,154.55 13.00 6,690.39 21,865.47 3,493.16 $ 37,554.04 North Area Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Collections were not always deposited timely. $1,162.83 collected through eight MCRs was not deposited timely. The monies were either retained by the sponsors or not processed by the bookkeeper timely, with delays ranging from one to 10 working days after collection. • After the collections had been verified and entered into the general ledger, the bookkeeper did not always (1) sign the MCRs, and (2) enter the Official Receipt numbers and dates on the MCRs. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, the bookkeeper should sign and enter the required information onto the MCRs after the collections had been verified and recorded into the general ledger. Management’s Response Concur. Principal will work closely with school treasurer to ensure that procedures are followed and to avoid future occurrences. Procedures have also been reiterated at several faculty meetings. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that three fundraisers did not have any of the required documents, including the Fundraising Application/Recap Form and Sales Item Inventory Report: North Area 35 Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Community Service MDA Fundraiser (Account #6-0901), Second Grade Field Trip Fundraiser (Account #6-4411), and Safety Patrol Candy Sale (Account #6-4000). Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. Moreover, all significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Fundraising procedures were discussed at faculty meetings and all faculty members were provided a copy of the procedures with examples and non-examples attached. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursement #3711 was for reimbursing $4,700.17 to a staff member for expenses incurred during the Tennessee Spring Break Fieldtrip. However, the supporting documentation for this disbursement totaled $4,008.90. Moreover, the school also paid $300 (Check #3701) to the vendor for this fieldtrip. Consequently, the school over-reimbursed the staff by $991.27 ($4,700.17 + $300 - $4,008.90). • A $1,166.42 P-Card payment to a hotel did not have supporting documentation. • Invoices and receipts paid were not always defaced after payment. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District 36 North Area Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, the legitimacy of these disbursements becomes questionable. • The school should recoup the $991.27 overpayment from the staff for Reimbursement #3711. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced after payment. Management’s Response The amount of the expenses was estimated prior to the trip (3/29/2010). We found that the error was not an overpayment to the employee, but rather the employee did not return the remaining monies until 4/14/2010 (approximately two weeks after the trip). Additional Comments: The supporting documentation for the P-Card payment of $1,166.42 for the hotel has been added to the file. The Principal will continue to reinforce procedures for monies collected, fundraisers, and travel expenses to all faculty members with the assistance of the school treasurer. The current principal met with the former principal regarding these findings on Friday, March 4, 2011. North Area 37 Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 2926 Lone Pine Road Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: James Pegg James Pegg Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sarah Weiss Sarah Weiss SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Alicia DeCavalcanti Alicia DeCavalcanti Cash and Investments $ 34,450.88 Checking Investments $ 34,450.88 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 38 Beginning Balances $0.00 466.83 614.18 111.23 3,206.95 16,399.57 3,191.56 $ 23,990.32 Receipts $0.00 1,133.75 8,728.01 306.00 13,333.60 242,675.62 7,961.93 $ 274,138.91 Disbursements $0.00 934.53 7,555.84 137.81 12,502.95 233,986.83 8,560.39 $ 263,678.35 Transfers In $0.00 491.09 1,489.40 247.02 5,447.41 13,479.16 2,540.69 $ 23,694.77 Transfers Out $0.00 506.08 1,744.38 347.05 5,432.42 13,585.31 2,079.53 $ 23,694.77 Ending Balances $0.00 651.06 1,531.37 179.39 4,052.59 24,982.21 3,054.26 $ 34,450.88 North Area Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit revealed no material instances of noncompliance. North Area 39 Egret Lakes Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5115 47th Place North West Palm Beach, FL 33417 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Rebecca Subin Adrian Ocampo Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cheryl Ullom Cheryl Ullom SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cybil Buie Cybil Buie Cash and Investments $ 41,750.93 Checking Investments $ 41,750.93 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 40 Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 929.71 1,769.59 6,886.86 30,264.41 1,922.75 $ 41,773.32 Receipts $0.00 262.50 3,087.08 51.00 20,923.04 143,223.13 5,435.54 $ 172,982.29 Disbursements $0.00 234.78 3,400.06 93.90 16,453.19 147,275.52 5,547.23 $ 173,004.68 Transfers In $0.00 197.89 1,048.25 51.00 5,592.40 11,533.14 3,390.74 $ 21,813.42 Transfers Out $0.00 60.93 1,664.98 1,277.69 4,896.34 11,429.87 2,483.61 $ 21,813.42 Ending Balances $0.00 164.68 0.00 500.00 12,052.77 26,315.29 2,718.19 $ 41,750.93 North Area Egret Lake Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of money collection process at the school found that some sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. Moreover, some Official Receipts and the related MCRs’ yellow copies were kept by the bookkeeper. Apparently, these Official Receipts generated by the Accounting System were not provided to the sponsors. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Management’s Response Concur. The official receipts will be provided to the sponsor. Sponsors will be trained to retain their copies. North Area 41 Grove Park Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 8330 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Leslie Bolte Eric Gross Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kanishia Mortin Kanishia Mortin SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patricia Almaguer Patricia Almaguer Cash and Investments $ 25,936.33 Checking Investments $ 25,936.33 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 42 Beginning Balances $0.00 267.83 1,257.08 1,743.31 2,568.15 18,853.99 77.80 $ 24,768.16 Receipts $0.00 0.00 7,137.02 5,202.39 4,485.26 176,389.06 5,211.80 $ 198,425.53 Disbursements $0.00 89.05 7,622.34 4,391.13 4,191.68 176,338.64 4,624.52 $ 197,257.36 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 1,365.92 919.32 204.26 2,530.48 1,685.90 $ 6,705.88 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 1,365.92 2,487.64 204.26 1,291.13 1,356.93 $ 6,705.88 Ending Balances $0.00 178.78 771.76 986.25 2,861.73 20,143.76 994.05 $ 25,936.33 North Area Grove Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Disbursement #6604 (for $354) payable to Seminole Ridge High School Drama did not have any supporting documentation. • Disbursement #6750 (for $1,193.53) for payment of end-of-year faculty luncheon was supported by a faxed price list that did not have the vendor name and date of the event. Moreover, this purchase exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Some Check Requisitions were not completed with all the required information. For example, Check Requisition #6643 did not have the payee’s name, and #6742 did not have the account sponsor’s signature. • Supporting documents for nine sample disbursements were not defaced after payments in order to prevent potential duplicate payments. • Two P-Card purchases during August 2009, totaling $45.62 did not have any supporting documentation. Two other P-Card purchases totaling $128.25 occurred during April 2010, were supporting by a credit card receipt and an online payment confirmation that did not indicate the prices and items purchased. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. • Check Requisitions should be completed with the needed information and signed by the sponsors in order to confirm that goods and services have been received. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. Management’s Response Concur. Treasurer will not accept check requests that are not complete and do not have an invoice North Area 43 Grove Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 attached. If a P-Card receipt is not obtained or lost, the P-Card holder will complete a missing receipt report and turn in with their end-of-month checklist. Treasurer will make sure that all documentation for payment is stamped “paid” and double check during month end reconciliation. A purchase order will be completed for all purchases over $1,000. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some staff members did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • Money was not always deposited timely. For example, $2,385 collected through MCR #50 for the Safety Patrol Orlando fieldtrip was not deposited timely. The monies were collected between September 3, and October 1, 2009; however, the collections were not recorded in the General Ledger and deposited into the bank until after the fieldtrip request was approved by the Principal and Area Superintendent on October 5, 2009. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in depositing the monies into the bank could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. At the beginning of the year, the Treasurer informed teachers/staff of the importance of completing the drop safe log. If ever a deposit is not logged the treasurer will wait for the sponsors to complete the log before removing funds from the safe and depositing. In training, treasurers are informed that monies should not be collected without an approved trip or event. Funds were held in the safe due to the collection of funds before approval. Administration and the trip sponsor were notified about the holding of the funds until the trip was approved. In the future the treasurer will deposit the funds until approval is received. 44 North Area Grove Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Two Lease Agreements were not completed with all the required information: #1004 did not have the date for use of facilities although the date was listed on the Rental Prequalification Request; and #1008 was not dated by the Principal, the lessee, and the witness when the Agreement was executed. • Lease Agreement #1003 was for use of a total of 51 classroom-hours (two classrooms for a total of 17 times for 1.5 hours each). However, the Agreement only charges a total of 30 classroom-hours, resulting in a total undercharge of $735 in rentals and $47.78 in sales tax. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information. • Leasing charges should be computed in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule and collected prior to the use of facility. Management’s Response Concur. The lease contact will ensure that the agreements are properly completed with all necessary documentation. Lease Agreement #1003 was adjusted due to hours owed the company for overpayment of their previous lease. In the adjustment calculations, human error occurred. In the future all leases that need to be adjusted will be verified by another staff member/witness for accuracy. North Area 45 Hope-Centennial Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5350 Stacy Street West Palm Beach, FL 33417 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Julie Hopkins Julie Hopkins Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Dawn Hollandsworth Dawn Hollandsworth SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Erika Latson Erika Latson Cash and Investments $ 5,131.44 Checking Investments $ 5,131.44 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 46 Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 Receipts $0.00 2,448.22 7,108.02 0.00 3,625.08 102,386.52 8,295.82 $ 123,863.66 Disbursements $0.00 2,445.00 5,497.55 0.00 2,769.27 96,838.03 11,182.37 $ 118,732.22 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 1,315.53 0.00 806.28 2,160.46 4,901.88 $ 9,184.15 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 2,330.66 0.00 1,030.56 3,807.60 2,015.33 $ 9,184.15 Ending Balances $0.00 3.22 595.34 0.00 631.53 3,901.35 0.00 $ 5,131.44 North Area Hope-Centennial Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. All teachers were informed of the new procedures during the August 2010 meeting by the bookkeeper. Everyone is aware that they must record deposits prior to putting them in the Drop-safe. North Area 47 Jerry Thomas Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 800 Maplewood Drive Jupiter, FL 33458 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ann Wark Ann Wark Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Doralien Ciaramella Doralien Ciaramella SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lisa Borrie Lisa Borrie Cash and Investments $ 67,454.29 Checking Investments $ 67,454.29 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 48 Beginning Balances $0.00 83.78 1,306.45 4,509.07 9,452.18 37,080.25 1,264.71 $ 53,696.44 Receipts $0.00 1,130.00 39,421.69 5,986.81 8,316.10 475,596.98 14,891.71 $ 545,343.29 Disbursements $0.00 1,119.81 39,905.33 6,360.15 9,119.89 458,135.54 16,944.72 $ 531,585.44 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 2,199.59 2,589.57 0.00 8,880.97 2,921.40 $ 16,591.53 Transfers Out $0.00 35.11 2,056.32 2,004.57 0.00 10,909.19 1,586.34 $16,591.53 Ending Balances $0.00 58.86 966.08 4,720.73 8,648.39 52,513.47 546.76 $67,454.29 North Area Jerry Thomas Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that Lease #1001 was for use of facilities for a total of 230 hours (10 hours per day for 23 days). However, the leasing charges were incorrectly computed for 207 hours only, resulting in a total undercharge of $1,150 rentals. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, leasing charges should be collected in accordance with District’s approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. The new online Tririga Software Program implemented at the beginning of FY 2011will automatically calculates room fees per hours and total charges. We are currently using this. North Area 49 Jupiter Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 200 South Loxatatchee Drive Jupiter, FL 33458 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Daniel Smith Daniel Smith Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ramona Solozabal Ramona Solozabal SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Heather Geipel Heather Geipel Cash and Investments $ 68,389.77 Checking Investments $ 68,389.77 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 50 Beginning Balances $0.00 353.50 3,337.39 0.00 623.27 40,035.82 12,655.84 $ 57,005.82 Receipts $0.00 3,781.84 24,922.60 0.00 5,809.78 258,827.48 1,446.33 $ 294,788.03 Disbursements $0.00 3,708.85 23,763.41 0.00 682.44 241,392.74 13,856.64 $ 283,404.08 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 2,906.67 0.00 2,158.86 14,004.83 98.25 $ 19,168.61 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 2,906.67 0.00 0.00 16,261.94 0.00 $ 19,168.61 Ending Balances $0.00 426.49 4,496.58 0.00 7,909.47 55,213.45 343.78 $ 68,389.77 North Area Jupiter Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • A $471.94 P-Card purchase made on February 25, 2010, did not have supporting documentation. Moreover, the cardholder filled out the Purchasing Card Missing Receipts Reports documenting the items purchased. • Two P-Card purchases, totaling $477.65, occurred during October 2009 and January 2010, were not supported by itemized invoices or receipts; instead, these purchases were supported by packing lists that did not indicate the dollar amounts of the purchases. Recommendation All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. Management’s Response Directions were followed per Purchasing Manual Chapter 24-6, number 4-b for missing or lost receipts. A signed packing list is acceptable documentation per P-Card site administrator duties and responsibilities which state: receive receipts, invoices, and/or packing slips from cardholders as transactions occur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records revealed that Lease #1007 was for the use of facilities during January 10, through June 30, 2010. However, the lessee’s insurance documentation indicated that the coverage period was for May 12, 2010, through May 12, 2011. As a result, there was no liability insurance coverage during January 10, through May 11, 2010. Moreover, the insurance documentation did not indicate the School District as an additional insured party. Recommendation To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance with the School District as an additional insured party or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. Management’s Response Lease #1007 is an extension of prior lease from previous calendar year whose policy came to renewal North Area 51 Jupiter Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 May 2010. Current active insurance is filed correctly with original lease and the school district named as additional insured party. 52 North Area Jupiter Farms Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 17400 Haynie Lane Jupiter, FL 33478 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marilyn Weisgerber Bill Thompson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Carolyn Santos Carolyn Santos SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jenny Giambagno Jenny Giambagno Cash and Investments $ 59,852.51 Checking Investments $ 59,852.51 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 99.73 1,372.05 4,548.14 7,363.48 37,001.32 2,365.76 $ 52,750.48 Receipts $0.00 1,198.73 36,876.09 4,742.14 5,050.19 363,270.14 11,273.16 $ 422,410.45 Disbursements $0.00 1,262.56 32,475.73 2,931.46 3,308.49 362,665.41 12,664.77 $ 415,308.42 Transfers In $0.00 1,548.73 7,471.22 1,350.76 0.00 17,076.29 1,993.11 $ 29,440.11 Transfers Out $0.00 1,548.73 8,457.45 1,673.62 0.00 16,900.01 860.30 $ 29,440.11 Ending Balances $0.00 35.90 4,786.18 6,035.96 9,105.18 37,782.33 2,106.96 $ 59,852.51 53 Jupiter Farms Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Finding During the audit, we noted that incoming mails were sorted and distributed by someone other than the bookkeeper. However, mails addressed to the bookkeeper remained unopened when they were given to her for opening and processing. Recommendation Incoming mails addressed to the bookkeeper may contain payments to the school from various sources, such as school picture commission checks. To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, incoming mails should be received and opened by other staff members; and payments received in the mails should be recorded on a Monies Collected Report (MCR) by the staff who opens the mail prior to providing to the bookkeeper for deposit. Management’s Response Concur. Attendance clerk now opens all of the bookkeeper’s mail. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. All teachers/staff have been reminded that they are required to write on the drop-safe log. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records revealed that there was no Sales Item Inventory Report for Yearbook Sales (Account #7 0100.03). 54 North Area Jupiter Farms Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Although Yearbook Sales is not intended to raise money for the school, Sales Item Inventory Reports should be maintained for items purchased for resale so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. Moreover, all significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Yearbook coordinator will fill out the sales item inventory. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) for interactive science program (Disbursement #11983) had a contract amount of $3,870. However, the consultant was paid a total of $3,990 through 12 disbursements during the year. Moreover, this contract was approved only by the Principal although consultant contract with amount between $2,501 and $10,000 that should require signature of Area Superintendent, Chief Academic Office, and Superintendent. • The purchasing contracts for Disbursement #11770 ($3,340.27 for agendas) and Disbursement #12155 ($5,200 for Yearbooks) were signed by the Assistant Principal and the sponsor teacher instead of the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the best interests of the school, the School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be properly executed for procurement of professional service. Agreement with contract amount between $2,501 and $10,000 should be approved by the Area Superintendent, Chief Academic Office, and Superintendent. Moreover, payments to consultant should not exceed the maximum dollar amount authorized on the agreement. • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Management’s Response Concur. All consultant contracts are now required to be completed and sent to the area office for North Area 55 Jupiter Farms Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 approval. Principal will sign all agreements. SACC PROGRAM Finding As of June 30, 2010, the SACC Snack Account (#6-9550) and SACC Special Activities Account (#69600) had a year-end balance of $2,904.43 and $1,825.12 respectively. Recommendation As required by SACC Operational Manual, charges to the students should approximate the cost of the activities and no excessive profits should be accrued to these accounts. Moreover, the year-end balance should not exceed $1,500 in the SACC Snack Account and $750 in the SACC Special Activities Account. The school should monitor the revenues and expenditures of these accounts, and adjust the fees accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. SACC Director will expend all funds collected. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease Agreements #1016 and #1010 were not approved by the Principal until two and 11 days after the lessees had began using the facilities. • Leasing charges for Lease #1001 were not collected until eight days after the use of facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” 56 North Area Jupiter Farms Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Treasurer will ensure that all leases are signed and payment is collected prior to event. North Area 57 Lake Park Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 410 3rd Street Lake Park, FL 33403 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Valerie Reddick-Mason Valerie Reddick-Mason Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gloria Justine Gloria Justine SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Martha Christie-Patrick Martha Christie-Patrick Cash and Investments $ 22,480.88 Checking $ 22,480.88 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 58 Beginning Balances $0.00 9.07 1,654.77 236.87 3,532.61 29,688.41 32.51 $ 35,154.24 Receipts $0.00 655.50 540.75 4,535.66 2,733.12 117,802.05 2,430.59 $ 128,697.67 Disbursements $0.00 607.82 829.56 4,446.49 3,780.47 127,927.03 3,779.66 $ 141,371.03 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 246.08 2,160.41 159.00 0.00 1,987.71 $ 4,553.20 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 246.08 2,160.41 1,475.51 0.05 671.15 $ 4,553.20 Ending Balances $0.00 56.75 1,365.96 326.04 1,168.75 19,563.38 0.00 $ 22,480.88 North Area Lake Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser documentation found that the Fundraising Application/Recap Forms for five sample fundraisers were not prepared by the sponsors and approved by the Principal until after the fundraising activities were completed. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, to ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. Management’s Response Concur. In accordance with SBP 2.16 sponsors will submit a fundraiser application for approval to the principal before the fundraiser begins. Principal met with treasurer and sponsors to review policy guidelines. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card transaction records found that the Consultant Agreement for Disbursement #7744 (for $350) was approved by the SACC director instead of the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, Consultant Agreements should be approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. Principal reviewed Consultant Agreement guidelines with the SACC Director to ensure District guidelines are followed. SACC Director understands that all Consultant Agreements will be signed by the principal. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that leasing charges were not always collected timely. The leasing charges for three of the four sample leases were not collected until after the lessees had begun North Area 59 Lake Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 using the facilities. In particular, Lease #1007 was for use of facilities during January 11, and 27, 2010; however, the fees were not collected until February 8, 2010. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. To protect the best interests of the school and in accordance with leasing guidelines, leasing charges should be collected prior to the use of facilities. Management’s Response Concur. Principal and treasurer spike with lessees to emphasize the fact that charges must be collected before allowing use of facilities. Additional comments: I would like to see a grace period for leases incorporated. Not knowing the number of students and the number of classrooms, has delayed receiving fees timely. 60 North Area Lighthouse Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4750 Dakota Drive Jupiter, FL 33458 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Eric Gross Leslie Bolte Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Dawn Santiago Dawn Santiago SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Maria Delizia Maria Delizia Cash and Investments $ 62,726.29 Checking Investments $ 62,726.29 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 729.50 16,581.73 50,111.25 5,718.98 $ 73,141.46 Receipts $0.00 0.00 47,799.59 2,791.50 47,915.09 504,046.24 4,690.72 $ 607,243.14 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 46,467.51 2,250.66 48,597.28 514,207.70 6,135.16 $ 617,658.31 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 1,441.82 206.45 10,891.32 1,707.07 4,557.94 $ 18,804.60 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 2,773.90 206.45 10,892.99 1,748.01 3,183.25 $ 18,804.60 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 1,270.34 15,897.87 39,908.85 5,649.23 $ 62,726.29 61 Lighthouse Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Finding During the audit, we noted that incoming mails were sorted and distributed by someone other than the bookkeeper. However, mails addressed to the bookkeeper were given to her for opening and processing. Recommendation Incoming mails may contain payments from various sources, such as school picture commission checks. To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, receiving and opening of incoming mails should be assigned to other staff members, and payments received in the mails should be recorded on a Monies Collected Report (MCR) by the mail opener prior to turning in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Management’s Response Concur. Secretary has been opening all mail since audit. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraising records found that: • The Pelican Post Newsletter Ad Sales (Account #5-0325) did not have any fundraiser documentation, including the Principal’s approved Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • The Yearbook Sales (Account #5-0450) did not have the Sales Item Inventory Report. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Although Yearbook Sales is not intended to raise money for the school, Sales Item Inventory Reports should be maintained for items purchased for resale so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. Moreover, all significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. 62 North Area Lighthouse Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Will begin this in 2010-2011 dong SIIR. The past 10 years the procedure practiced was without SIIR or Fundraiser paperwork. This is the first time we have been made aware of the situation. DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P- Card purchase records found that: • The Purchase Order for Disbursement #5361 (for $1,535.05) was not approved by the Principal until 19 days after the items had been ordered from the vendor. • Disbursement #5681 (for $3,000) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase; and that all purchases are approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. Teacher (sponsor) ordered T-shirts and did not notify treasurer until 10 days later. At that point, the PO was immediately completed. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • The January 2010 rental for Lease #1002 was not collected until 24 days after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • The school used the incorrect rates in allocating the leasing charges resulting in under-allocating and under-reimbursing the Central Office by $554.54 in utility fee for Lease #1002. North Area 63 Lighthouse Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule, and the portion of utility fees and sales tax should be transmitted accordingly to the Central Office in accordance with Internal Funds guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. Transmitted $554.54 to the District on 2/5/2011 on check #6270. 64 North Area Limestone Creek Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6701 Church Street Jupiter, FL 33458 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Suzanne Gibbs Suzanne Gibbs Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kathy Canellis Kathy Canellis SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cindy Williams Cindy Williams Cash and Investments $ 64,741.73 Checking Investments $ 64,741.73 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 371.65 2,321.46 2,170.97 8,440.64 44,747.23 7,850.31 $ 65,902.26 Receipts $0.00 0.00 57,872.99 772.00 32,692.42 449,997.49 6,658.08 $ 547,992.98 Disbursements $0.00 370.85 57,912.71 1,005.79 29,800.28 450,902.71 9,161.17 $ 549,153.51 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 7,875.01 265.29 9,475.86 12,361.42 7,533.29 $ 37,510.87 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 7,596.87 765.29 8,954.82 16,562.50 3,631.39 $ 37,510.87 Ending Balances $0.00 0.80 2,559.88 1,437.18 11,853.82 39,640.93 9,249.12 $ 64,741.73 65 Limestone Creek Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. All deposit information, including the dollar amount shall be recorded on the Drop-safe Log before the teachers drop monies into the safe to ensure proper fiscal accountability for all. SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Finding We noted that incoming mails were sorted and distributed by someone other than the bookkeeper, and mails addressed to the bookkeeper were given to her for opening and processing. Recommendation Incoming mails addressed to the bookkeeper may contain payments to the school from various sources, such as school picture commission checks. To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, incoming mails should be received and opened by other staff members; and payments received in the mails should be recorded on a Monies Collected Report (MCR) by the staff who opens the mail prior to providing to the bookkeeper for deposit. Management’s Response Previously all mail addressed to the bookkeeper that appeared to be payments or checks had been given to the Head Secretary to open and write monies collected forms. We were not aware that all mail should be received and opened by another staff member. To ensure proper segregation of duties and the safeguarding of school assets, from the sudit forward all mail has been/will be opened by the Head Secretary. 66 North Area Lincoln Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1160 Avenue "N" Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jo Anne Rogers Jo Anne Rogers Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Pamela Bryant Pamela Bryant Cash and Investments $ 8,173.40 Checking Investments $ 8,173.40 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 14.52 749.82 0.00 538.30 791.13 1,728.38 $ 3,822.15 Receipts $0.00 0.00 515.00 0.00 2,547.53 18,067.46 25,014.61 $ 46,144.60 Disbursements $0.00 14.52 1,093.11 0.00 2,506.00 18,067.75 20,111.97 $ 41,793.35 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,791.90 $ 11,791.90 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,791.90 $ 11,791.90 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 171.71 0.00 579.83 790.84 6,631.02 $ 8,173.40 67 Lincoln Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some staff did not always record the deposits information in the Drop Safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • Monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $735.39 collected through six sample MCRs were not deposited into the bank until six and 13 working days after the collection. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in depositing the monies could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. A) Lincoln will act in compliance with all procedures; errors are with Treasurer’s verification; Met with treasurer reviewing routines and procedures pertaining to bank deposits within five days and verifying monies collected forms. (Conference notes available) B) Procedures are also included in teachers’ handbooks and were reviewed again, at the December and January Faculty Meetings (meeting Agendas Available) DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Three disbursements (#6454, #6606, and #6655, totaling $195.66) were supported by a photocopy of the receipts, instead of the originals. • Supporting documents for disbursements were not defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment in order to prevent duplicate payments. 68 North Area Lincoln Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, to avoid potential duplicate payments, all disbursement should be supported by the original receipts or invoices, and they should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. Management’s Response Concur. We are aware of one (1) disbursement receipt serving dual purpose, photo made; informed staff to only use separated receipts. School treasurer states she was unaware of procedures to stamp “paid” and is complying at this time; Met with treasurer regarding all procedures and routines for disbursement documentation and record keeping (agendas available); Receipts are stamped “paid.” LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The school entered into six Lease Agreements with one lessee during the year. The review of these leases found that: • Leasing charges were not always collected prior to the use of facilities. For example, Lease #1007 was for use of facilities during April 8, and May 13, 2010; however, the leasing charges were not collected until May 28, 2010. • The leasing charges for Leases #1006 and #1007 were mistakenly computed, resulting in a net undercharge of $165.31 in rentals. • Leasing charges, including sales tax, were allocated and recorded in the Rental Income (6-3800) and Utilities (#6-5500) Accounts. As a result, $577.86 in sales tax was not transmitted to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Leasing charges should be computed and collected in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. • Sales tax collected from Commercial Leases should be recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800), and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. North Area 69 Lincoln Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Lease agreement was initiated in advance. Time factor was result of amendments made to agreement in our efforts for accuracy. Treasurer worked with accounting who assisted with recommended changes made for the agreement. The taxes in question were paid, June 1, 2010. In error, taxes were placed in Rental, but not submitted 6/1/10. School treasurer attended training. 70 North Area Marsh Pointe Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 12649 Ibiza Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Maureen Werner Maureen Werner Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Heidi Riddle Heidi Riddle SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Irene Little Irene Little Cash and Investments $ 59,780.55 Checking Investments $ 59,780.55 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 628.93 8.00 209.42 5,684.03 26,998.71 1,319.85 $ 34,848.94 Receipts $0.00 5,448.85 28,616.15 10,268.65 34,988.95 365,694.16 2,365.57 $ 447,382.33 Disbursements $0.00 5,536.03 30,946.70 5,202.74 33,947.65 343,528.66 3,288.94 $ 422,450.72 Transfers In $0.00 3,879.00 9,285.55 2,203.90 10,596.96 38,180.79 1,688.98 $ 65,835.18 Transfers Out $0.00 3,879.00 6,963.00 5,840.45 9,744.02 38,599.05 809.66 $ 65,835.18 Ending Balances $0.00 541.75 0.00 1,638.78 7,578.27 48,745.95 1,275.80 $ 59,780.55 71 Marsh Pointe Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some staff members did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log when dropping off the monies into the safe. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information including the dollar amount of the collection should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. All teachers and staff members have been trained in the appropriate use of MCRs and the Drop-safe Log. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that: • The Dominos Pizza Card Sales (Account #6-3300.03) did not have the required fundraiser documents, such as the Principal’s approved Fundraising Application/Recap Form, and Sales Item Inventory Report. • The PE T-Shirt Sales (Account #5-1900.01) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Report. • The Daddy & Daughter Dance Fundraiser (Account #6-3300.07) did not have the required Ticket Sellers Report. Due to the lack of documentation and inventory counts, we were unable to ascertain if all sales revenues were properly accounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related 72 North Area Marsh Pointe Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed in order to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. Ticket Sellers Report should be prepared for reconciling revenues with the number of tickets sold. • All significant discrepancies between estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. All staff members and PTO Executive Board members have been trained to properly document fundraising events. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Disbursement #1786 (for $1,200) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Supporting documentation, including receipts and invoices, were not defaced after payments to prevent duplicate payments. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. North Area 73 Marsh Pointe Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. The SACC Director and Treasurer have been trained in the proper P.O. procedures and guidelines for future special activities. As a result of the auditor’s visit, the Treasurer is now aware of the proper placement of the “paid” stamp on the receipts. 74 North Area North Palm Beach Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 401 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Maria Bishop Teresa Stoupas Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sheryl Bartis Sheryl Bartis SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Josephine Pento Josephine Pento Cash and Investments $ 14,116.41 Checking Investments $ 14,116.41 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 216.25 0.00 0.00 431.19 6,317.21 2,443.72 $ 9,408.37 Receipts $0.00 1,391.50 1,941.00 0.00 851.00 177,038.28 6,730.18 $ 187,951.96 Disbursements $0.00 1,346.62 1,676.33 0.00 107.27 171,387.90 8,725.80 $ 183,243.92 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 228.63 0.00 0.00 5,321.85 1,453.16 $ 7,003.64 Transfers Out $0.00 72.00 493.30 0.00 0.00 5,566.18 872.16 $ 7,003.64 Ending Balances $0.00 189.13 0.00 0.00 1,174.92 11,723.26 1,029.10 $ 14,116.41 75 North Palm Beach Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • Some collections were not deposited timely. For example, $104 (MCRs #119-581 and #119-582) collected on April 28, 2010, was not retained by the sponsor for 12 working days before turning in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five business days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Will adjust practices as required. 76 North Area Northboro Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 400 40th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Moneek Scott-McTier Moneek Scott-McTier Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marie Desantis Marie Desantis SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kisha Jarrett Kisha Jarrett Cash and Investments $ 23,481.70 Checking Investments $ 23,481.70 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 136.58 5,786.81 0.00 644.57 16,338.89 2,155.87 $ 25,062.72 Receipts $0.00 870.00 62,512.11 0.00 5,712.86 323,041.12 16,848.53 $ 408,984.62 Disbursements $0.00 685.18 63,479.48 0.00 6,112.11 322,031.32 18,257.55 $ 410,565.64 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 5,453.32 0.00 1,602.56 29,898.80 7,158.43 $ 44,113.11 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 6,220.94 0.00 1,493.76 28,461.54 7,936.87 $ 44,113.11 Ending Balances $0.00 321.40 4,051.82 0.00 354.12 18,785.95 ( 31.59) $ 23,481.70 77 Northboro Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that the school purchased a live iguana for a SACC science project without a written permission from the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, as required by School Board Policy 7.24, “employees, students, and visitors may not bring reptiles or amphibians to district facilities/property unless they have received written permission from the principal/department head, because reptiles and amphibians are source for ticks, salmonella, and other disease vectors.” Management’s Response Concur. I concur with the finding of the iguana purchase. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that Lease Agreement #1003 was for use of facilities during January 15, through April 15, 2010; however, the agreement was not executed and signed by the lessee, witness, and the Principal until February 11, 2010. Moreover, the leasing charges were not collected until February 22, 2010. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the best interests of the school, Lease Agreement should be properly executed before the use of facilities. • In accordance with leasing guidelines, leasing charges should be collected prior to the use of facilities. Management’s Response Concur. 78 North Area Northmore Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4111 North Terrace Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Nancy Robinson Nancy Robinson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Belinda Colebrook Belinda Colebrook SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Leslie Gillins Leslie Gillins Cash and Investments $ 27,710.89 Checking Investments $ 27,710.89 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 45.23 1,818.34 94.82 1,493.72 14,540.01 5,746.13 $ 23,738.25 Receipts $0.00 0.00 7,837.50 0.00 2,246.90 171,359.26 19,086.38 $ 200,530.04 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 8,538.70 0.00 3,114.07 165,778.47 19,126.16 $ 196,557.40 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 1,502.99 0.00 497.29 4,198.41 8,110.47 $ 14,309.16 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 1,617.49 0.00 487.29 4,038.79 8,165.59 $ 14,309.16 Ending Balances $0.00 45.23 1,002.64 94.82 636.55 20,280.42 5,651.23 $ 27,710.89 79 Northmore Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Three Lease Agreements (#1007, #1008, and #1009) were not executed until after the lessees had begun using the facilities. Delays ranged from one to seven days. Moreover, Lease Agreement #1008 did not have the date of the Principal’s signature. • A total of $2,907.45 in leasing charges was collected from two lessees for use of facilities during December 2009, April 2010, and June 2010, without Lease Agreements. Moreover, the review of leasing records found that Leases were numbered between #1001 and #1013; however, Lease Agreements #1006, #1011, and #1012 were missing. • The school collected a total of $7,933 in leasing charges, which included rentals, insurance premium, labor charges, and sales tax. However, the leasing charges were allocated and recorded in the Rentals (#6-3800) and Utilities (#6-5500) Accounts. As a result, the school under-transmitted to the Central Office a net total of $360.89: (a) over-reimbursed $199.61 in utility fees, (b) under-transmitted $438.50 in sales tax, and (c) under-transmitted $122 in insurance premium. • Leasing charges for four leases (#1007, #1008, #1009, and #1013) were not collected until three to 31 days after the lessees had begun using the facilities. • Sales tax was not collected from Commercial Lease #1010. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures and dates prior to the use of facilities. • All school records, including leasing documentation, should be retained for a time-period consistent with the District’s Record Retention Schedule. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Leasing charges should be computed in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule and collected prior to the use of facility. Sales tax should be collected from Commercial Leases. • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule. These revenues should be recorded in the respectively leasing accounts, including Rental Income (#6-3800), Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500), Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500), Extra Services-Other (#6- 80 North Area Northmore Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 1600), Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850), and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800). • The portion of utility fees, event insurance, and sales tax should be transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with Internal Funds guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. Additional training from the Real Estate Department was provided on December 6, 2010, for the school leasing contact (confidential secretary) and treasurer. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Two Check Requisitions (#8209 for $1,739.61, and #8021 for $11.72) were not signed by the sponsors for confirmation of receipt of goods or services. • Disbursement #8187 (for $585) was for payment of charter bus for an out-of-county field trip to The Wanna Do City in Broward County. However, the Field Trip/Activity Planning Report and Approval Request was not approved by the Area Superintendent. • A $632 P-Card purchase was admission fees for the 3rd Grade Strike Zone Bowling Alley trip on May 17, 2010. However, the Field Trip/Activity Planning Report and Approval Request was not approved by the Principal until May 24, 2010, seven days after the field trip had taken place. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. • Check Requisitions should be signed by the sponsors for confirmation of receipt of goods and services. • Field trips should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.40. Specifically, (1) field trips should be pre-approved by the Principal with adequate documentation, (2) in-county field trips should be approved by the Principal, and (3) out-of-county field trips should be approved by the Principal and Area Superintendent. Management’s Response Concur. Field trip contact (treasurer) was made aware of policy. Principal will request all paperwork prior to the trip to ensure Area signatures are in place. This will be conducted at bi-weekly meetings. Treasurer will monitor signatures closer. North Area 81 Northmore Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of documentation for eight sample fundraisers found that fundraisers were not always preapproved by the Principal. Specifically, • The Cookie Dough Sales (Account #7-0100.05) began on September 3, 2009; however, the Fundraiser Application/Recap Form was not prepared by the sponsor until October 22, 2009, and was not approved by the Principal until June 9, 2010. • The Book Fair Fundraiser (Account #5-1700.02) began on April 19, 2010; however, the Fundraiser Application/Recap Form was not prepared by the sponsor until May 26, 2010, and was not approved by the Principal until June 9, 2010. • Although the Fundraising Application/Recap Forms for another six sample fundraisers were signed by the Principal, the Principal’s signatures were not dated and we were unable to determine whether these fundraisers were approved by the Principal before the events. The six sample fundraisers were: (1) School Shirts (Account #7-0100.02), (2) Freeze Pop Sales (Account #7-0100.01), (3) Popcorn Sales (Account #7-0100.04), (4) Mother’s Day Cakes (Account #7-0100.08), (5) Pie in the Face (Account #6-4875.00), and (6) Patrol Candy Sales (Account #6-4000.01). Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, to ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. Management’s Response Concur. Treasurer provided additional training at faculty meetings. Administration meets with treasurer twice a month to review documentation. Several forms were not dated. However, attachements illustrate approval from the principal. Closer attention to dates will be observed. 82 North Area Palm Beach Gardens Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 10060 Riverside Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marie Caracuzzo Marie Caracuzzo Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Linda Weaver Linda Weaver SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Julie Dutton Julie Dutton Cash and Investments $ 34,260.72 Checking Investments $ 34,260.72 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 532.74 0.00 4,190.81 3,705.04 15,578.31 4,162.75 $ 28,169.65 Receipts $0.00 255.00 28,371.89 15,856.38 13,613.92 322,934.62 2,973.32 $ 384,005.13 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 27,088.54 11,419.00 12,047.23 321,345.08 6,014.21 $ 377,914.06 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 2,219.85 5,248.55 1,500.46 14,614.94 4,370.63 $ 27,954.43 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 3,503.20 10,438.99 2,513.35 10,508.94 989.95 $ 27,954.43 Ending Balances $0.00 787.74 0.00 3,437.75 4,258.84 21,273.85 4,502.54 $ 34,260.72 83 Palm Beach Gardens Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SACC RECORDS Finding The review of the SACC records found that: • The second page of the Registration Forms for 19 students were missing. This page contains the student’s medical information and parent signatures. • Three students who were in the KidsCare Database but did not have the required Registration Forms. • Information for three students was not maintained in the KidsCare Database. Two of the students were in the program for two months (September and October 2009); and the other one registered and paid the registration fee but did not attend the program. • The school did not collect the additional fees from students for the five PDD days during the year, resulting in a total loss of $4,250 in fee revenues. • The school approved school-based fee waivers for two students (from the same family). However, the review of fee waiver records found that (1) proof of application for Family Central’s subsidy was not obtained for these students; (2) the waivers were for August 14, 2009, through June 3, 2010, but the Fee Waiver Application Forms were not approved by the Principal until December 11, 2009; and (3) there was no documentation indicating that fee waivers were reviewed periodically in accordance with SACC Operational Manual. Recommendation SACC and Summer Camp programs should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, • Registration Forms should be completed with the needed information and signed by the parents/guardians for all students. Student information should be maintained in KidsCare Database. • SACC is a self-support program funded by fees. To ensure fiscal accountability, SACC fees, including the additional fees for PDD days should be collected in accordance with SACC Operational Manual. • As required by District guidelines, fee waiver for SACC program should be based on parent’s financial ability, and the waiver should be approved by the Principal. The school should ensure that the SACC students’ families, who have financial hardships, apply for financial assistance from Family Central. SACC fee waivers should be adequately documented and periodically reviewed in accordance with SACC Operational Manual. Management’s Response Concur. The SACC director will check registrations and KidsCare Database on a consistent basis to 84 North Area Palm Beach Gardens Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 ensure up to date accurate records. The SACC Director has established a fee schedule for the PDDs. She will gather the appropriate documentation for the school-based fee waivers and document periodic reviews in January and June. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchase records found that the Yearbook printing contract (Disbursements #3970, #4071, and #4208, totaling $4,400.51) was not signed and approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the activity sponsor. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Management’s Response Concur. The bookkeeper will notify the yearbook sponsor and principal to sign the yearly contract. North Area 85 Pleasant City Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 2222 Spruce Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jaqueline Perkins Jaqueline Perkins Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Carie Richardson Sylvia Buckhalter Cash and Investments $ 13,707.56 Checking Investments $ 13,707.56 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 86 Beginning Balances $0.00 306.71 364.05 0.00 108.96 20,184.91 297.50 $ 21,262.13 Receipts $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,662.69 1,623.49 $ 13,286.18 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,627.86 2,212.89 $ 20,840.75 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 7,602.90 1,354.44 $ 8,957.61 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 176.86 0.00 108.96 8,129.04 542.75 $ 8,957.61 Ending Balances $0.00 306.71 187.46 0.00 0.00 12,693.60 519.79 $ 13,707.56 North Area Pleasant City Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the information for three sample collections (MCRs #10-0009, #100022, and #10-0045, totaling $427.50) were not recorded on the log. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. Met with School Treasurer to review procedures and notify sponsors to adhere to policy. Conference with all sponsors in advance of approving any fundraising activities. North Area 87 Roosevelt Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1220 15th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Glenda Garrett Glenda Garrett Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Mary Hubbard Margarita Rodriquez SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Dionysius Alexander Taneshia Johnson Cash and Investments $ 18,256.14 Checking Investments $ 18,256.14 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 88 Beginning Balances $0.00 65.42 2,588.66 545.82 305.63 25,806.31 727.63 $ 30,039.47 Receipts $0.00 147.50 637.00 0.00 1,460.77 104,341.62 2,179.93 $ 108,766.82 Disbursements $0.00 212.90 2,030.05 0.00 1,640.72 113,149.79 3,516.69 $ 120,550.15 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,292.80 2,062.07 $ 12,354.87 Transfers Out $0.00 0.02 858.92 545.82 63.68 10,091.43 795.00 $ 12,354.87 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 336.69 0.00 62.00 17,199.51 657.94 $ 18,256.14 North Area Roosevelt Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the deposit information for six sample collections (#83-5, #83-9, #93-3, #104-1, #116-3, and #124-5, totaling $1,823.34) were not recorded on the log. • The bookkeeper was performing incompatible duties. Specifically, she was receiving and opening incoming mails, which might contain payments from various sources, such as school picture commission checks. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of staff, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, employees should not perform incompatible duties. Receiving and opening incoming mails and collecting monies from lessees should be assigned to other staff members. Management’s Response Concur. North Area 89 Roosevelt Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card transaction records found that: • Disbursements #7837 and #7856 (totaling $1,115) were for payments of entertainment services during the Spring Carnival and end-of-year activity. However, these procurements did not have the required School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD 1420). • Three P-Card purchases (totaling $978.02) occurred during September 2009, did not any supporting documentation. Recommendation All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, the legitimacy of these disbursements becomes questionable. Management’s Response Concur. P-card receipts will be given to bookkeeper in a timely fashion. PTO sponsored school carnival. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraising activities found that: • The Safety Patrol Store (Account #6-4000.01) did not have the required Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • The Science Board Sales (Account #6-3300.00) and the Safety Patrol Store (Account #6-4000.01) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Reports. • The financial activities for the PTO Science Board Sales were recorded in the PTO’s primary account; and the financial activities for the Spring Carnival Sales were recorded in the PTO’s Account (#6-3300.00) and General Activities Account (7-0100). Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • 90 To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should North Area Roosevelt Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • To assist the school in evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser, a separate decimalized account should be established for each fundraiser. Each fundraiser account should contain only financial information that is related to the fundraiser. Management’s Response Concur. All club sponsors including PTO President/Vice-President received fundraiser training in the Fall of 2010. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease Agreements #1103 and #1108 did not indicate the times for the use of facilities, although the total number of hours for the use of facilities was included for computing the rentals. • Leasing charges for Leases #1097, #1103 and #1108 were not collected until 11 to 26 days after the lessees had begun using the facilities. • The school incorrectly used the non-profit rate for allocating utility fees for two Commercial Leases #1082 and #1089. As a result, the school over-transmitted a total of $115.6 in utility fees to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • The portion of utility fees should be allocated and transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. North Area 91 Roosevelt Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Our school leasing coordinator attended all recent training provided by the District. Additional comments: A new school bookkeeper has been hired and is being trained to adhere to all District policies and procedures. 92 North Area Seminole Trails Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4075 Willows Pond Road West Palm Beach, FL 33417 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Judith Garrard Judith Garrard Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Virginia Stamper Virginia Stamper SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Alice Barnes Alice Barnes Cash and Investments $ 39,055.91 Checking Investments $ 39,055.91 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 3,166.90 0.00 6,489.16 27,394.53 5,332.88 $ 42,383.47 Receipts $0.00 0.00 3,963.90 0.00 11,981.83 399,923.78 491.62 $ 416,361.13 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 4,190.66 0.00 9,821.11 403,998.23 1,678.69 $ 419,688.69 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 126.47 0.00 3,310.04 20,837.52 467.80 $ 24,741.83 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 212.57 0.00 3,310.04 21,120.44 98.78 $ 24,741.83 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 2,854.04 0.00 8,649.88 23,037.16 4,514.83 $ 39,055.91 93 Seminole Trails Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCR) and money collection process at the school found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the deposit information for three sample collections (totaling $262) was not recorded on the log. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. Procedures have been reviewed with staff and sponsors. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and purchasing card records found that: • The School District Consultant Agreement for Disbursement #7183 (for $450) did not have the dates for the Principal’s and consultant’s signatures. • The School District Consultant Agreement for Disbursement #7733 (for $200) did not have the Principal’s signature. Recommendation To protect the best interests of the school and ensure the School District Consultant Agreements are legally enforceable, the agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures with dates. Management’s Response Concur. Greater care will be taken to check for all required signatures and dates on all consultant agreements, using a check-and-balance system, before filing. 94 North Area Seminole Trails Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SACC RECORDS Finding The review of SACC records revealed that one student was not signed out by the parent/guardian for five days during May 2010, although the Attendance Sheet indicated that this student attended the program on these days. Recommendation SACC and Summer Camp programs should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, to protect the safety and welfare of students, students should be released only to authorized persons, and signature of the parent or authorized person must be obtained before the student is released. Management’s Response Concur. The Afterschool Program (formerly SACC) director will continue to review policies and procedures with the assistant director and staff responsible for releasing students and to monitor their compliance. North Area 95 Timber Trace Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5200 117th Court North Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kathy Pasquariello Kathy Pasquariello Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marjorie Swisher Marjorie Swisher SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Rhonda Heide Rhonda Heide Cash and Investments $ 76,149.61 Checking Investments $ 76,149.61 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 96 Beginning Balances $0.00 807.95 0.00 8,320.92 10,736.32 55,691.57 20,643.51 $ 96,200.27 Receipts $0.00 1,061.63 27,613.17 20,790.87 29,515.01 700,784.76 4,098.10 $ 783,863.54 Disbursements $0.00 1,078.03 27,157.24 19,891.54 28,177.45 711,767.97 15,841.97 $ 803,914.20 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 3,252.30 8,956.30 7,562.20 41,828.53 3,896.31 $ 65,495.64 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 3,708.23 11,098.60 8,535.03 41,434.46 719.32 $ 65,495.64 Ending Balances $0.00 791.55 0.00 7,077.95 11,101.05 45,102.43 12,076.63 $ 76,149.61 North Area Timber Trace Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit revealed no material instances of noncompliance. North Area 97 U.B. Kinsey/Palmview Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 800 11th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Adrienne Howard Adrienne Howard Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gloria Leary-Holmes Gloria Leary-Holmes SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cynthia Stubbs Cynthia Stubbs Cash and Investments $ 26,690.82 Checking Investments $ 26,690.82 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 98 Beginning Balances $0.00 3,699.05 54.45 7,753.07 1,301.64 10,791.54 5,301.07 $ 28,900.82 Receipts $0.00 32,649.68 5,188.48 4,973.77 2,868.85 196,960.93 10,191.31 $ 252,833.02 Disbursements $0.00 24,714.67 4,173.19 7,985.00 3,448.81 200,834.51 13,886.84 $ 255,043.02 Transfers In $0.00 5,799.31 2,448.72 3,342.30 1,201.83 10,296.89 4,698.80 $ 27,787.85 Transfers Out $0.00 8,183.81 1,766.05 3,342.30 1,188.83 10,296.89 3,009.97 $ 27,787.85 Ending Balances $0.00 9,249.56 1,752.41 4,741.84 734.68 6,917.96 3,294.37 $ 26,690.82 North Area U.B. Kinsey/Palmview Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that: • Based on the school’s purchasing records and Sales Item Inventory Report, the Patrol Candy Sale (#64000.01) had a total estimated revenue of $7,440; however, only $6,614 was deposited into the Internal Funds. Consequently, $826 in estimated revenue was unaccounted for. • The Sales Item Inventory Report for the School Shirts Sales (Account #6-3100.05) was not completed with all the required information: beginning inventory, purchases, items sold, items given away/missing, item cost, ending inventory value, sales price, and sales revenue were missing. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. The Sales Item Inventory for school shirts has been updated with all required information. For future fundraisers we will meet with staff to ensure that all items are accounted for. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Two disbursements (#3273 for $1,000 and #3536 for $200) were for payments to consultants but did not have the required School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD 1420). • The School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD 1420) for Disbursement #3275 (for $100) was neither signed nor approved by the Principal. • Three P-Card purchases, totaling $265.52, did not have any supporting documentation. North Area 99 U.B. Kinsey/Palmview Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the best interests of the school, the School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be properly executed with all the required signatures for procurement of professional service. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. Management’s Response Concur. $140 receipt was found bring total to $125.62. Copy of disbursement 3273 was given to auditor at exit interview. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that Lease Agreement #1001 did not indicate the times for the use of facility, although the dates for the use of facilities were indicated on the Agreement. Moreover, the entire amount of the rental was recorded in the Rental Income Account (#6-3800) without allocating the proper portion to the Facilities Rental Utilities Account (#6-5500) and without transmitting the utility fees to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. • Rentals should be allocated and recorded in the Rental Income (#6-3800) and Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500) Accounts in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule; and the portion of utility fees should be transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Allocations will be divided and transmitted accordingly. 100 North Area Washington Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1709 West 30th Street Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Olivia Butler Olivia Butler Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lorraine McLendon Lorraine McLendon SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Demetria White Demetria White Cash and Investments $ 18,032.27 Checking Investments $ 18,032.27 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 574.38 679.26 277.78 815.68 20,230.19 226.99 $ 22,804.28 Receipts $0.00 668.85 1,479.75 4,207.81 2,182.89 186,372.46 6,911.53 $ 201,823.29 Disbursements $0.00 285.54 966.69 3,963.61 2,500.35 191,756.58 7,122.53 $ 206,595.30 Transfers In $0.00 668.85 865.00 3,012.96 493.00 2,958.24 1,736.62 $ 9,734.67 Transfers Out $0.00 1,168.85 865.00 2,106.29 392.00 4,683.27 519.26 $ 9,734.67 Ending Balances $0.00 457.69 1,192.32 1,428.65 599.22 13,121.04 1,233.35 $ 18,032.27 101 Washington Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the deposit information for three sample MCRs (#87-9, #87-10, and #116-9) were not recorded on the log. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. The sponsors have been given in writing more than once the policy on the drop safe. If they have not recorded it on the log, we are giving the money back to the sponsor. DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that three disbursements (#10234, #10239, and #10245) were for payments of admission fees during three field trips. However, the required Principal’s approved Field Trip/Activity Planning Report and Approval Requests were not maintained for these three field trips. Recommendation Field trips should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.40. Specifically, (1) field trips should be pre-approved by the Principal with adequate documentation, (2) in-county field trips should be approved by the Principal, and (3) out-of-county field trips should be approved by the Principal and Area Superintendent. Management’s Response Concur. Field trip requests were handled by Assistant Principal who retired at the beginning of Juen 2010. All three of these trips were for summer camp. Camp Director was new and not aware of this procedure. Camp director will fill out forms in May of 2011 for summer camp. 102 North Area Washington Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that the school had one executed Lease Agreement during the year. This lease was for the use of facility beginning October 14, 2009, by a commercial lessee. However, • The Lease Agreement was not signed by the lessee and a witness until October 19, 2009. • Leasing charges were not collected until October 19, 2009. • Sales tax was not collected from the lessee. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the best interests of the school and ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, the agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Sales tax should be collected from Commercial Leases, recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800), and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. The Lease Agreements were handled by the Assistant Principal who has retired. She said she was told by the District office that sales tax did not have to be collected and that the dates were okay since the lessee did not show up on October 14, 2009 to sign the lease. Our new assistant principal will abide by the stated policy. SACC RECORDS Finding The review of sample SACC student records found that: • One Registration Form was not signed by the parent/guardian. • As of June 30, 2010, the school’s SACC program had a total of $3,774.99 in SACC fees receivable from 73 students. Of these 73 student accounts, some of the fees for 51 students, totaling $2,751.68 North Area 103 Washington Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 (or 78%), were overdue for more than 180 days. Recommendation SACC and Summer Camp programs should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, • Registration Forms should be completed with the needed information and signed by the parents/guardians for all students. • SACC is a self-support program funded by fees. To ensure fiscal accountability, SACC fees should be collected in accordance with SACC Operational Manual. Management’s Response Concur. Reviewed current forms to ensure signatures. Will clean out KidsCare system for outstanding accounts. Operational Manual states first three days; however, as stated during directors’ meeting arrangements must be made for parents to continue in the program. 104 North Area West Riviera Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1057 West 6th Street Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gayle Harper Gayle Harper Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Anita Porter Anita Porter SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Natalie Jakes Natalie Jakes Cash and Investments $ 35,535.74 Checking Investments $ 35,535.74 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 627.02 153.04 1,099.16 108,127.51 106.83 $ 110,113.56 Receipts $0.00 0.00 2,148.45 787.85 0.00 248,133.47 524.42 $ 251,594.19 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 2,007.03 482.64 497.41 322,617.68 567.25 $ 326,172.01 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 20.53 0.00 25,446.44 78.54 $ 25,545.51 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 260.00 79.07 0.00 25,196.44 10.00 $ 25,545.51 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 508.44 399.71 601.75 33,893.30 132.54 $ 35,535.74 105 West Riviera Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • One of the three P-Card holders at the school did not reconcile the September and October 2009 PCard activities. The P-Card Monthly Bank Statements and End of Cycle Checklists were missing for both September and October 2009. • 10 P-Card purchases, totaling $717.60, did not have any supporting documentation. • Disbursement # 7213 (for $216.52) was reimbursement to a staff for purchases ($140.50 and $76.02). However, instead of an itemized receipt, the $76.02 purchase was supported by a credit card receipt, which did not indicate the items purchased. • Disbursement #7085 (for $400) was for payment of a Character Education Show for the SACC program; it did not have the required School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD 1420). • Supporting documentation for 15 sample disbursements was not defaced after payment in order to prevent potential duplicate payments. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To prevent and detect potential frauds and irregularities, P-Card activities should be timely reconciled after the receipt of bank statements. Cardholders should complete the Purchasing Card End of Cycle Checklist monthly, and all monthly P-Card reconciliation records should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be completed and executed for procurement of professional service. Moreover, to protect the safety and welfare of students, the school should ensure that consultants who work on school campus have completed the required background and clearance check pursuant to Florida Statutes. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. 106 North Area West Riviera Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. 1) Bookkeeper required to retake bookkeeper training. Training was completed one on one on November 30, 2010. 2) Auditor shared the preliminary findings with Afterschool Director and discussed proper procedures for hiring vendors. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Staff did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. • Some staff members did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties, including collecting monies from lessees. For example, a $1,421.91in rental payment not supported by MCR was recorded on Drop-safe Log by the bookkeeper. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • To ensure fiscal accountability, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school in order to prevent conflict of interest. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties, such as collecting monies from students and lessees, and preparing collection records and leasing documentation. North Area 107 West Riviera Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. 1) Training was provided for faculty and staff during preschool meeting. 2) Procedures have been put in place to ensure proper documentation of deposits on Drop-safe Log. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser documentation revealed that the SECME Supplies and Snack Sales (Account #44500) did not have any fundraising documentation. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. 1) Training was provided for faculty and staff during preschool meeting. 2) Written communication outlining guidelines must be obtained from bookkeeper prior to completion of Fundraising Application/Recap Form. SACC STUDENT RECORDS Finding The review of sample SACC students’ registration, attendance, and parent sign-out records for a fourmonth period revealed that: • Three students were released once without obtaining the parents’ signatures, during the months of September 2009 and April 2010. • Two students were signed out for a total of six times by persons who were not on the authorized 108 North Area West Riviera Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 persons lists, during the months of September 2009 and January 2010. • The Registration Form for one student was missing. • The parent portion of SACC fees was not collected from students who received Family Central’s subsidy. Review of KidsCare database revealed that there was a total of $2,475.50 in SACC fees receivable as of June 30, 2010. Recommendation SACC and Summer Camp programs should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, • To protect the safety and welfare of students, students should be released only to authorized persons, and signature of the parent or authorized person must be obtained before the student is released. • All records, including student registration, attendance, parent sign-out, and Family Central’s Subsidy Reimbursement Reports, should be retained for a time period consistent with SACC Operational Manual and District Record Retention Schedule. • SACC is a self-sufficient program supported by fees. To ensure fiscal accountability, SACC fees should be collected in accordance with SACC Operational Manual. Management’s Response Concur. 1) Audit findings discussed with Afterschool Director upon her return from an extended medical leave. 2) Review of SACC Operational Manual was conducted with SACC Director and assistants by Principal. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of school facility leasing activities found that: • Lease Agreement #1001 was not executed with the all required signatures until eight weeks after the facilities had been used. Moreover, the Rental Prequalification Request was not approved by the Central Office until seven weeks after the use of facilities had begun. • The school used the incorrect rates for allocating and reimbursing utility fees to the Central Office. As a result, the school over-paid utility fees to the Central Office by $2,646.62 for Lease #1001 and $542 for Lease 1003. North Area 109 West Riviera Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • Utility fees should be allocated and transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. 1) Leasing training was provided for schools secretary in addition to bookkeeper as a check and balance of proper handling of facility leases. 2) Responsibility of executing leases has been given to school secretary. 110 North Area Westward Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1101 Golf Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Melvis Pender Melvis Pender Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gwen Hutley Gwen Hutley SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Katrina Long Katrina Long Cash and Investments $ 22,184.15 Checking Investments $ 22,184.15 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 85.62 0.00 589.71 13,998.10 4,898.39 $ 19,571.82 Receipts $0.00 0.00 6,944.80 0.00 394.69 162,174.73 15,731.52 $ 185,245.74 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 6,884.17 0.00 0.00 160,459.15 15,290.09 $ 182,633.41 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 3,090.83 0.00 0.00 11,665.51 5,899.37 $ 20,655.71 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 2,915.83 0.00 0.00 11,923.96 5,815.92 $ 20,655.71 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 321.25 0.00 984.40 15,455.23 5,423.27 $ 22,184.15 111 Westward Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of school facility leasing records found that: • The Certificate of Insurance for Lease #1014 did not include the District as an additional insured party. • Leasing charges for all sample leases (#1011, #1012, #1014, #1015, and #1017) were not collected until after the lessees had used the facilities, with delays ranging from nine days to more than three months. • Lease #1015 was for the use of two classrooms but rental for only one classroom was collected. As a result, the lessee was undercharged $590 in rentals. • Insurance and sales tax collected from lessees were neither recorded in the respective accounts nor transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with District guidelines. Instead, the collections were allocated and recorded in the Rental Income (#6-3800) and Utilities (6-5500) Accounts. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance with the School District as an additional insured party. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Unpaid rental charges should be collected from Lease #1015 in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. • The payments for event insurance and sales tax should be recorded in Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850) and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800); these amounts should be transmitted accordingly to the Central Office in accordance with Internal Funds guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. Administration will assure that staff member (Assistant Principal) responsible for leasing will complete the leasing staff development provided by the District. 112 North Area Westward Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SACC RECORDS Finding The review of SACC student records revealed the following exceptions: • The KidsCare database indicated that the program had a total of $10,866 in SACC fees receivable as of June 30, 2010. • The June 2010 SACC fees, totaling $1,036.05, were not posted to the students’ accounts. In addition, a total of $653.75 in SACC fees for three of the five sample students were not posted to the respective students’ accounts during December 2009, and February 2010. Recommendation SACC program should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, • SACC is a self-sufficient program supported by fees. To ensure fiscal accountability, SACC fees should be collected in accordance with SACC Operational Manual, which states “fees are payable in advance and are collected monthly on the first three school days of the month.” • To ensure the completeness and integrity of the financial records, all SACC fees assessed and collected should be timely posted to the students’ accounts maintained in the KidsCare database. Management’s Response Concur. Administration will arrange for SACC Director to receive training on collecting fees and posting accounts in KidsCare database. North Area 113 This page left intentionally blank Middle Schools North Area Total 1 Roosevelt Middle 0 5 1 0 14 15 0 0 0 Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 16 0 17 John F. Kennedy Middle 0 1 24 1 1 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Monies Not Deposited Timely Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor Monies Collected Not Properly Documented Lease Prequalification Not Available Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use √ √ √ √ Independence Middle √ √ Watson B. Duncan Middle 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 √ √ √ √ 2 1 1 32 32a 33 34 1 0 0 0 35 0 37 0 39 √ 0 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 38 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Leases Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely Adjustments To Records Not Properly Approved/Documented Receipts Staff Performing Incompatible Duties 23a Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded 23 Undercharged Rental 22 Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely Disbursements Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed 20 Access to Drop Safe Bak Middle School of the Arts 19a Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account NORTH AREA (8 schools) 19 Disbursement Not Properly Approved 18 P-Card Related Findings Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Inadequate Support for Disbursement Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 13 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 11 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor Missing Timecard Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing North Area North Area Middle Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 1 41 0 42 √ Jupiter Middle √ 0 Number of Findings Bear Lakes Middle 4 0 Howell L. Watkins Middle 0 1 1 5 0 13 2 115 This page intentionally left blank Bak Middle School of the Arts Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1725 Echo Lake Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Elizabeth Kennedy Elizabeth Kennedy Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lisa Rivera Lisa Rivera Cash and Investments $ 338,011.61 Checking Investments $ 338,011.61 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $ 4,461.60 93,194.25 6,212.39 15,689.66 234,786.57 49,819.16 41,477.79 $ 445,641.42 Receipts $ 30,719.75 341,349.51 22,824.20 43,046.19 375,231.99 183,928.32 57,640.69 $1,054,740.65 Disbursements $ 24,026.86 340,327.55 21,008.10 47,240.47 421,853.31 236,733.80 71,180.37 $1,162,370.46 Transfers In $ 18,130.19 171,236.84 4,172.52 12,889.55 93,484.48 60,922.99 38,794.93 $ 399,631.50 Transfers Out $ 17,930.94 179,712.08 3,574.52 13,546.21 132,485.83 6,880.84 45,501.08 $ 399,631.50 Ending Balances $ 11,353.74 85,740.97 8,626.49 10,838.72 149,163.90 51,055.83 21,231.96 $ 338,011.61 117 Bak Middle School of the Arts Management Letter Year Ended June 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process at the school found that: • Records for the Drop Safe Log were incomplete. For example, records for the entire months of March through June 2010 were missing. • The bookkeeper did not record the activities on the Drop-safe Log when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. • Monies collected were not deposited timely for 17 of the 20 sample MCRs, with delays ranging from six to 25 working days after collection. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • To ensure proper accountability, the bookkeeper should record the activities accordingly in the “To Be Completed by Bookkeeper” section of the Drop-safe Log, when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. All has been rectified since the implementation of the new Drop-safe Log procedures. Procedures were clarified with staff. School Treasurer has been keeping up with deposits this year and has been reminded of the importance of this. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: 118 North Area Bak Middle School of the Arts Management Letter Year Ended June 2010 • Disbursement #14357 (for $320.25) did not have any supporting document. • A $65 P-Card purchase made on December 14, 2009, did not have any supporting documentation. • An $873.60 P-Card purchase made on December 10, 2009, was supported by a staff’s handwritten note instead of a vendor’s invoice or receipt. Moreover, the handwritten note did not indicate details for the purchase. • A $541.65 P-Card purchase made on April 13, 2010, was supported by a credit card receipt that did not indicate details for the items purchased. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, all disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. Management’s Response Concur. Staff and treasurer have been reminded on proper procedures regarding purchases. P-Card documentation and receipts have been corrected, reviewed, and scanned to purchasing. School treasurer has received additional training. All records are now in compliance. Additional comments: Although the volume of work at Bak Middle School of the Arts is similar to a high school, we are assigned only one treasurer. School Cash has helped decrease the volume of funds collected. Through increased training for staff and more attention to detail, improvements have been seen over the last few years. North Area 119 Bear Lakes Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 3505 Shenandoah Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Anthony Lockhart Anthony Lockhart Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lauretta Handy-Willis Lauretta Handy-Willis Cash and Investments $ 50,325.97 Checking Investments $ 50,325.97 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 120 Beginning Balances $ 1,929.38 2,451.20 2,240.47 3,484.85 14,657.14 20,796.03 172.44 $ 45,731.51 Receipts $ 6,505.00 25,149.84 8,124.35 10,728.50 9,930.06 48,118.68 3,783.30 $ 112,339.73 Disbursements $ 5,537.42 26,908.72 7,781.52 12,958.14 16,166.93 34,705.26 3,687.28 $ 107,745.27 Transfers In $ 5,276.96 14,079.29 1,506.84 2,295.34 3,702.13 990.00 3,382.10 $ 31,232.66 Transfers Out $ 5,276.96 14,079.29 1,556.84 2,463.10 3,702.13 1,449.00 2,705.34 $ 31,232.66 Ending Balances $ 2,896.96 692.32 2,533.30 1,087.45 8,420.27 33,750.45 945.22 $ 50,325.97 North Area Bear Lakes Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 2010 The audit revealed no material instances of noncompliance. North Area 121 Howell L. Watkins Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 9480 MacArthur Boulevard Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gerald Riopelle Glenda Sheffield Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Luz Mery Morrissey Luz Mery Morrissey Cash and Investments $ 23,268.06 Checking Investments $ 23,268.06 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 122 Beginning Balances $ 625.38 0.00 1,476.14 3,410.86 10,793.08 5,149.09 757.51 $ 22,212.06 Receipts $ 9,112.46 2,837.90 19,685.48 0.00 16,766.49 22,931.44 17,499.07 $ 88,832.84 Disbursements $ 8,421.98 2,095.89 20,653.44 826.67 17,918.76 21,311.66 16,548.44 $ 87,776.84 Transfers In $ 6,192.50 77.50 1,688.35 0.00 7,355.60 612.50 4,845.07 $ 20,771.52 Transfers Out $ 6,205.00 77.50 1,575.35 0.00 6,236.53 415.50 6,261.64 $ 20,771.52 Ending Balances $ 1,303.36 742.01 621.18 2,584.19 10,759.88 6,965.87 291.57 $ 23,268.06 North Area Howell L. Watkins Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 2010 The audit revealed no material instances of noncompliance. North Area 123 Independence Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4001 Greenway Drive Jupiter, FL 33458 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lori Bonino Lori Bonino Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marlene Taylor Marlene Taylor Cash and Investments $ 140,385.55 Checking Investments $ 140,385.55 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 124 Beginning Balances $ 10,154.15 16,173.78 3,270.31 3,492.69 53,017.20 59,850.86 356.47 $ 146,315.46 Receipts $ 9,327.90 105,921.00 44,667.00 4,020.31 149,437.86 85,097.40 12,016.41 $ 410,487.88 Disbursements $ 7,282.44 101,029.11 43,673.02 4,359.79 155,668.71 90,351.56 14,053.16 $ 416,417.79 Transfers In $ 2,672.95 56,323.20 2,477.22 4.95 12,720.57 7,024.00 17,401.44 $ 98,624.33 Transfers Out $ 2,672.95 56,323.20 2,608.47 4.95 12,589.32 18,751.56 5,673.88 $ 98,624.33 Ending Balances $ 12,199.61 21,065.67 4,133.04 3,153.21 46,917.60 42,869.14 10,047.28 $ 140,385.55 North Area Independence Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before turning in the monies for deposit. For example, the deposits for three sample MCRs (#123-11, #128-26, and #140-17, totaling $591.65) were not recorded in the log. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. We have two safes. We have made one strictly for cafeteria and the other for teachers. Since all monies will go into a safe now, it will resolve this issue. North Area 125 John F. Kennedy Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1901 Avenue "S" Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Anthony Hamlet Anthony Hamlet Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Betty Rahming Betty Rahming Cash and Investments $ 23,481.17 Checking Investments $ 23,481.17 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 126 Beginning Balances $ 2,703.71 1,377.13 0.00 798.65 11,484.01 14,560.30 1,958.76 $ 32,882.56 Receipts $ 4,108.31 34,007.20 0.00 492.76 3,815.00 105,172.80 24,962.96 $ 172,559.03 Disbursements $ 6,342.35 31,365.42 0.00 509.76 4,871.62 108,364.77 30,506.50 $ 181,960.42 Transfers In $ 4,343.47 5,780.33 0.00 352.76 2,498.98 21,716.26 5,746.78 $ 40,438.58 Transfers Out $ 4,343.47 5,832.57 0.00 352.76 2,498.98 25,260.90 2,149.90 $ 40,438.58 Ending Balances $ 469.67 3,966.67 0.00 781.65 10,427.39 7,823.69 12.10 $ 23,481.17 North Area John F. Kennedy Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that Disbursement #17216 (for $400) was payment to a District employee for transporting the girls’ soccer team to eight athletic games. Payments of employee wages should have been processed through the District’s payroll system. Recommendation To ensure that Federal taxes withholding are done properly, employee compensation should be paid through the District’s payroll system. Management’s Response Concur. In the future, all employee compensations will be paid through the District’s payroll system. North Area 127 Jupiter Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 15245 North Military Trail Jupiter, FL 33458 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: David Culp David Culp Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patty Gomez Patty Gomez Cash and Investments $ 61,100.59 50,093.88 $ 111,194.47 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 128 Beginning Balances $ 13,882.19 9,671.35 9,950.38 6,552.33 46,876.43 26,914.80 2,811.56 $ 116,659.04 Receipts $ 19,470.88 197,634.32 41,433.00 22,880.69 71,623.14 46,860.38 10,835.40 $ 410,737.81 Disbursements $ 18,702.59 191,933.51 40,112.84 24,329.14 71,672.88 60,850.07 8,601.35 $ 416,202.38 Transfers In $ 5,856.70 61,111.73 4,049.48 8,603.37 8,360.16 6,972.13 544.00 $ 95,497.57 Transfers Out $ 5,756.70 61,171.73 4,275.48 8,569.37 7,890.16 3,203.13 4,631.00 $ 95,497.57 Ending Balances $ 14,750.48 15,312.16 11,044.54 5,137.88 47,296.69 16,694.11 958.61 $ 111,194.47 North Area Jupiter Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit revealed no material instances of noncompliance. North Area 129 Roosevelt Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1900 North Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: George Lockhart George Lockhart Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Dawnette Smith Dawnette Smith Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Alexandra Deveroux Alexandra Deveroux Cash and Investments $ 66,818.87 50,000.00 $ 116,818.87 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 130 Beginning Balances $ 2,477.97 6,477.89 1,853.51 5,833.50 35,685.52 23,161.01 10,122.51 $ 85,611.91 Receipts $ 21,277.62 30,792.84 42,805.00 24,782.42 60,566.81 134,644.95 23,346.46 $ 338,216.10 Disbursements $ 16,342.80 34,438.52 39,336.89 23,652.01 46,160.99 126,001.90 21,076.03 $ 307,009.14 Transfers In $ 6,781.73 5,357.33 637.58 10,204.92 28,220.00 6,503.54 16,073.28 $ 73,778.38 Transfers Out $ 6,871.73 5,107.33 3,214.99 10,867.01 28,728.00 5,810.54 13,178.78 $ 73,778.38 Ending Balances $ 7,322.79 3,082.21 2,744.21 6,301.82 49,583.34 32,497.06 15,287.44 $ 116,818.87 North Area Roosevelt Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SAFE SCHOOL DOCUMENTATION Finding The review of fee collection process for the Safe School Program revealed the following: • Registration Forms and Record of Payment Forms for some students were missing. Moreover, payment records were not always recorded on the Record of Payment Forms. • Based on the available attendance records, an estimated 183 students attended the Safe School Program during School Year 2010. Of the 183 students, 121 were eligible to attend the program free of charge. The other 62 students did not have the fee waiver records, and as such the school should have collected an estimated total fee between $15,376 and $30,752 from these students. However, only $3,815 was collected and deposited into the Internal Funds. Consequently, between $11,561 and $26,937 in estimated fee was unaccounted for. Due to the lack of complete and accurate records, we were unable to ascertain if all revenues were properly accounted for. Recommendation The money collection process for Safe School Program should be administered in accordance with Middle School After School Program Handbook and other District guidelines. Specifically, • Payment history should be recorded on the individual Record of Payment Form for each student. • Classroom Receipts should be issued when fees are collected from parents. • Fee waivers should be adequately documented and approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1077 was prequalified for use of facilities during October 2009, and February 2010. However, this lease was for use of facilities during March 2, and April 27, 2010; and the Lease Agreement was not executed and the leasing charges were not collected until June 3, 2010. • Lease #1063 did not have proof of liability insurance. Moreover, this lease was for use of facilities North Area 131 Roosevelt Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 during April 8 and 29, 2010; however, the Lease Agreement was not executed and leasing charges were not collected until April 15, 2010, one week after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • Lease #1032 was for use of facilities on October 31, 2010. However, the Lease Agreement was not approved and signed by the Principal until November 2, 2010. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. • To protect the best interests of the school and ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • In accordance with leasing guidelines, leasing charges should be collected prior to the use of facilities. Management’s Response Concur. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that Disbursement #11798 (for $1,150) was for payment of charter bus during the May 15, 2010, fieldtrip to Orlando. However, the Field Trip/Activity Planning Report and Approval Request Form was not approved by the Area Superintendent. Recommendation Field Trips should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.40. Specifically, out-ofcounty Field Trips should be approved by the Principal and the Area Superintendent. Management’s Response Concur. 132 North Area Watson B. Duncan Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5150 117th Court North Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jose Garcia Jose Garcia Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Janice Hardy Janice Hardy Cash and Investments $ 94,312.55 Checking Investments $ 94,312.55 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $ 1,687.64 5,515.75 10.56 8,902.00 56,919.65 11,439.56 8,617.92 $ 93,093.08 Receipts $ 21,969.25 44,734.47 100.00 29,372.84 118,168.55 58,395.10 10,610.48 $ 283,350.69 Disbursements $ 20,795.94 42,092.86 91.44 27,842.03 105,854.75 67,461.06 17,993.14 $ 282,131.22 Transfers In $ 4,532.94 11,434.08 0.00 13,094.96 52,809.09 17,192.67 8,350.87 $ 107,414.61 Transfers Out $ 1,147.75 11,319.08 0.00 13,602.19 56,830.37 15,652.74 8,862.48 $ 107,414.61 Ending Balances $ 6,246.14 8,272.36 19.12 9,925.58 65,212.17 3,913.53 723.65 $ 94,312.55 133 Watson B. Duncan Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • #1001 was repeatedly used for three different leases. • Lease Agreement #1005 did not have the dates and times for the use of facilities, although the leasing start and end dates were indicated on the agreement. • Commercial lease #1003 was charged with the non-profit rate, resulting in $150 undercharge in rental. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. • To protect the best interests of the school, leasing charges should be collected in accordance with the District’s approved Rate Schedule. Non-profit rates should be used only for non-profit leases; and proof of non-profit or tax-exempt status should be also provided by lessee and documented in file in order to qualify for the non-profit rates. Management’s Response Concur. 134 North Area High Schools Palm Beach Gardens High North Area Total 1 √ Palm Beach Lakes High 1 1 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 16 √ 0 17 1 Jupiter High √ Suncoast High 0 22 √ √ √ √ William T. Dwyer High 4 √ √ √ 4 0 1 Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account √ √ √ 1 √ √ √ √ 2 3 29 30 31 32 32a 33 34 35 √ √ √ 0 2 √ 0 1 √ √ √ √ 4 1 √ 1 √ 1 0 0 1 0 Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use Fee Waivers Not Documented / Undercharged Rental Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded Staff Performing Incompatible Duties Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely Leases 37 38 39 √ √ 0 0 4 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 36 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal 28 Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented 27 Bank Signature Card Not Updated 26 Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Receipts Adjustments to Records Not Properly Approved /Documented 25 Lease Prequalification Not Available 24 Monies Collected Not Properly Documented 23a Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account Disbursements Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor 23 Monies Not Deposited Timely 20 Access to Drop Safe 19a Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely 19 Disbursement Not Properly Approved 18 P-Card Related Findings Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Inadequate Support for Disbursement Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 11 Missing Timecard 5 Timecard Not Signed By Employee Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing North Area North Area High Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 √ √ √ √ 0 Number of Findings NORTH AREA (5 Schools) 5 14 3 8 33 3 135 This page left intentionally blank. Jupiter High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 500 North Military Trail Jupiter, FL 33458 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cheryl Alligood Cheryl Alligood Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Peggy Groh Peggy Groh Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Mark Mellone During Audit: Mark Mellone Cash and Investments $ 509,459.05 Checking Investments $ 509,459.05 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $ 26,021.46 4,607.97 59,249.09 41,869.20 108,087.23 235,790.04 46,377.91 $ 522,002.90 Receipts $ 220,991.75 38,095.08 166,768.89 253,165.40 356,092.56 669,976.13 40,055.02 $1,745,144.83 Disbursements $ 266,341.05 39,076.96 146,170.84 247,852.31 340,462.76 669,404.71 48,380.05 $1,757,688.68 Transfers In $ 88,565.59 8,766.75 50,026.93 94,740.22 39,202.76 108,321.63 5,906.82 $ 395,530.70 Transfers Out $ 41,173.09 8,766.75 55,668.93 79,186.10 58,232.40 145,888.41 6,615.02 $ 395,530.70 Ending Balances $ 28,064.66 3,626.09 74,205.14 62,736.41 104,687.39 198,794.68 37,344.68 $ 509,459.05 137 Jupiter High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursement #4611 (for $400) for payment to a consultant was supported by a School District Consultant Agreement. However, there was no documentation, such as an invoice, indicating that the school had received the service. • Two of the 20 sample P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were neither reviewed nor approved by the Principal. • Three checks (#45422, #45661, and #47452) were noted as voided or skipped in the Accounting System. However, our review of the voided check file found that these three checks were missing. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Payments to consultants should be adequately supported by invoices or statements indicating that the school has received the services. • In accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, all monthly P-Card reconciliation records including the End of Cycle Checklist and Monthly Bank Statement, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. • To prevent potential misuse of school checks and ensure all voided checks are properly accounted for, voided checks should be defaced and should be maintained for a time period consistent with District Record Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. The school has implemented procedures to ensure that there are invoices for all future contracts. All procedures, as outlined in the P-Card manual, were reviewed with staff with P-Cards. The school bookkeeper has revised the filing system so all vided checks will be filed together in a separate file in order to prevent a single voided check being filed in the wrong activity file. This will allow for better monitoring of voided checks. 138 North Area Jupiter High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $734.63 collected through two sample MCRs (#188-35 and #204-29) was retained by the sponsors for two to five working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation In accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could put staff at risk and result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. The school reminded teachers, coaches and volunteers that money must be turned in daily and that is may not be held for any reason. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that: • The Softball Concession (Account #5-5110.03) and Chorus Spring Variety Show (Account #21500.06) did not have the required Fundraising Application/Recap Forms. • The Fundraiser Application/Recap Form for the DECA Daisy Sales (Account #5-1520.04) was neither prepared by the sponsor nor approved by the Principal until seven and eight months after the event had completed. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. North Area 139 Jupiter High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. The school reviewed with teachers, coaches, and volunteers the importance of having all fundraisers approved in advance of the start date of the activity and the requirement to complete all paperwork after the fundraiser ends. The bookkeeper will monitor for completion of the Fundraiser Recap Form. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that Lease #1034 was for the use the school auditorium by the lessee for dance performance. The Lease Agreement indicated that student technicians were hired for providing 21 hours of theatre and stage rigging services during the leasehold period. This practice might subject the school to unwarranted liabilities and raised other concerns: • To ensure the safety for use of theatre and stage rigging equipment, the School District requires mandatory proper technical training for the operators. Thus, allowing students who did not have the required training to perform these services could jeopardize the safety of the students, staff, lessees, and other participants. • Also, hiring students to work for facility leasing could be subject to provision of the District’s Collective Bargaining Agreements. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, to ensure the safety of students, employees, and users of the school’s stage and theatre and compliance with Bulletins #P-13500-COO/RBM and #MPH 637CLO/COO, effective July 1, 2010, only employees who have completed the District’s mandatory Theatre and Stage Rigging Safety Training are allowed to operate the stage or theatre area. Management’s Response Concur. Students will no longer be paid for time spent assisting with productions in the school auditorium after school hours. Instead, they will receive community service hours. Students will only be permitted to assist with spot lights and will not be allowed to work with stage rigging. They will be supervised by a trained theatre technician. 140 North Area Palm Beach Gardens High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4245 Holly Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Larry Clawson Larry Clawson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Terri Matthews Terri Matthews Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Arthur Faulk During Audit: Arthur Faulk Cash and Investments $ 209,356.25 Checking Investments $ 209,356.25 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $ 38,186.41 20,622.67 18,827.63 40,619.04 29,217.18 15,053.58 665.86 $ 163,192.37 Receipts $ 231,246.86 141,590.02 84,109.13 192,499.68 162,048.23 333,392.41 3,824.44 $1,148,710.77 Disbursements $ 210,591.18 150,620.02 59,229.56 196,919.22 164,193.99 310,814.25 10,178.67 $1,102,546.89 Transfers In $ 90,404.71 40,095.45 27,140.44 63,831.65 28,576.01 19,952.99 8,938.84 $ 278,940.09 Transfers Out $ 89,124.71 38,620.45 44,216.28 69,731.98 26,891.47 8,713.19 1,642.01 $ 278,940.09 Ending Balances $ 60,122.09 13,067.67 26,631.36 30,299.17 28,755.96 48,871.54 1,608.46 $ 209,356.25 141 Palm Beach Gardens High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records, including purchasing documentation, Sales Items Inventory Reports, and inventory on hand, found that: • The Girls Track T-shirt Sale (Account #1-6010.01) had an estimated revenue of $2,540; however, only $1,338 was deposited into the Internal Funds, and the other $1,202 in estimate revenue was unaccounted for. According to staff, the discrepancy was due to some T-shirts being given away to students for dress code violations and they were not included in the Sales Item Inventory Report • The Sales Item Inventory Report for Boys Lacrosse T-shirt Sale (Account #1-4200.03) indicated that this fundraiser had a total sales revenue of $1,665; however, no collection was deposited into this account. According to staff, the T-shirt sales revenue, along with game receipts, was deposited into the Lacrosse primary account (#1-4200.00). Our review of the deposit documentation for this account, however, did not indicate any T-shirt sales revenue. Consequently, the $1,665 in T-shirt sales revenue was unaccounted for. • The school printed 500 booklets for the Football Game Program Booklet Sales (Account #1-2020.03). The booklet was priced at $7 each, with estimated total revenue of $3,500. However, only $280 in booklets sales revenue was deposited into the Internal Funds. Consequently, the other $3,220 in estimated revenue was unaccounted for. Moreover, the Sales Item Inventory Report for this fundraiser was not completed with all the needed information. Information missing from the report included beginning inventory, quantity purchased for resale, quantity sold, items given away or missing, ending inventory, selling price, and sales revenues. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • Ticket Sellers Report should be prepared for reconciling revenues with the number of tickets sold. • All significant discrepancies between estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. The bookkeeper is working diligently with the sponsors to ensure they are following school board policies. The coaches involved in these findings are new and have now been informed on proper fundraising procedures. 142 North Area Palm Beach Gardens High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that two disbursements (#42476 for $1,759.92 and #42492 for $1,700) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. Management’s Response Concur. These two purchases were not P-Card purchases. They were purchases made by parents for Project Graduation. In the future class sponsors will work closely with the parents to ensrue that all fundraising and purchasing follow the proper procedures. COMMUNITY SCHOOL PROGRAM Finding District procedures require that community school fees be transmitted to the Central Office within 42 days after the classes begin. The review of accounting records found that the school did not timely transmit the Spring 2010 and Winter 2010 fees to the Central Office, with delays ranging from 12 and 18 days respectively. Recommendation Community school fees should be transmitted to the Central Office within 42 days after the classes begin, in accordance with the District’s guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. In the future, reimbursements for cancelled classes will need to have a cutoff date to ensure that community school transmittals will be sent to the central office within the designated time. Additional comments: As my first year as the Principal at Palm Beach Gardens High School, being fiscally responsible has been a major priority. The bookkeeper and I have worked diligently to ensure that all School Board policies have been followed and we have balanced our internal accounts. North Area 143 Palm Beach Lakes High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 3505 Shiloh Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Nathan Collins Nathan Collins Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Melissa Terkovick Melissa Terkovick Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Gary Groover During Audit: Gary Groover Cash and Investments $ 68,838.52 Checking Investments $ 68,838.52 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 144 Beginning Balances $ 14,507.28 290.00 0.00 6,019.41 10,155.75 28,411.19 145.04 $ 59,528.67 Receipts $ 178,535.61 13,129.00 38,817.99 26,867.97 68,684.94 229,538.17 4,555.95 $ 560,129.63 Disbursements $ 185,252.44 7,681.62 32,020.58 25,248.66 71,250.34 227,879.32 1,486.82 $ 550,819.78 Transfers In $ 35,917.66 3,871.34 1,903.89 5,162.03 15,883.73 20,384.00 7,322.08 $ 90,444.73 Transfers Out $ 33,352.19 6,871.34 8,104.58 3,165.50 14,055.00 14,613.87 10,282.25 $ 90,444.73 Ending Balances $ 10,355.92 2,737.38 596.72 9,635.25 9,419.08 35,840.17 254.00 $ 68,838.52 North Area Palm Beach Lakes High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. • Records for the Drop-safe Log were incomplete. A total of $560,129.65 was deposited into the Internal Funds during Fiscal Year 2010. However, information for only $5,108.70 in deposits was recorded on the Drop-safe Log during July 21, through December 8, 2009. Moreover, the Drop-safe Log for December 8, 2009, through June 30, 2010, was missing. • Collections were not always deposited in a timely manner. For example, $1,385.25 collected through six MCRs (#1149-50, #1157, #1479, #1563, #2315, and #2084) was retained by the sponsors for one to 21 working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. • The May 5, 2010, bank deposit included eight checks totaling $5,892. Subsequently, the bank sent a Deposit Correction Advice to the school indicating that a $1,000 check was missing from the deposit. However, no follow-up was performed by the school in order to resolve the discrepancy. The related check was for payment received from a lessee. Upon our inquiry during the audit, the school’s leasing coordinator indicated that the lessee would be contacted for a replacement check since the original check had not been cashed by the school. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, the school should maintain a Drop-safe Log and (1) the sponsors should record the deposit information on the log and (2) the bookkeeper should record the activities accordingly in the “To Be Completed by Bookkeeper” section of the Drop-safe Log, when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in North Area 145 Palm Beach Lakes High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • All bank deposit adjustments should be investigated and disposed accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Staff and faculty have been spoken to in meetings and made aware of the importance of proper and timely deposits of monies, and of drop-safe procedures. Using the new drop-safe log system implemented by the School District, more accurate records will be kept. Sponsors and faculty have been spoken to in meetings on retaining their yellow copies of Monies Collected forms when they deposit funds. Sponsors and faculty have also been instructed to retain their yellow copies for the time period stated in the School Districts’ Record Retention Schedule. The school’s lease coordinator has contacted the lessee about the missing check, and has asked them for a replacement. SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Finding During the audit, we noted that the bookkeeper was performing incompatible duties. Specifically, • The bookkeeper was (1) collecting monies from students for outstanding obligations, (2) preparing MCRs for account sponsors to sign as remitters, and (3) preparing fundraising documentation such as Fundraiser Application/Recap Forms. • The document custodian for Classroom Receipt Books was the bookkeeper, who was also responsible for collecting monies and issuing receipts. • The document custodian for pre-numbered tickets was the athletic director, who also collected monies for ticket sales. Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and prevent conflict of interest, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. Specifically, • The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties, such as collecting monies from students, and preparing collection records and fundraising documentation. • The school should assign a document custodian for prenumbered documents, who has no involvement in the use of the documents. 146 North Area Palm Beach Lakes High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Prenumbered documents will be reassigned to non-related parties. Sponsors and faculty have been spoken to about the importance of finishing their own paperwork, such as Fundraising forms, so that this responsibility does not fall on to the bookkeeper. DEFICIT ACCOUNTS Finding The review of accounting records found that 11 Internal Funds Accounts had a total of $16,548.32 yearend deficits. In order to resolve the deficits, the school moved funds from other accounts to these 11 accounts. Number 5-0450.00 6-4220.00 Deficit Account Account Name Campus-yearbook Saturday Science Camp 5-1512.00 AVID Shirts 1,639.00 3-2010.09 Senior Week 727.39 6-1700.00 4-2232.00 Faculty Fund HOSA 673.61 603.66 5-7800.01 4-1960.00 6-1700.01 6-4401.00 5-0750.00 ESE Incentive Cart FCCLA Faculty End of Year Banquet CBI-Edgeworth Drama 598.15 543.81 232.04 152.30 67.20 Total Deficit Amount $8,987.99 2,323.17 Funding Source To Balance Deficits 7-0100 General Activities 4-0200 First Priority 4-2402 Gospel Choir 5-2106 Science Espinosa 5-2102 Science Seabrook 5-2113 Science Schuman 6-4417 Roy Brown Mem. 5-2108 Science Hale 5-2011 Grad Nite 2011 6-1050 Locks 6-4412 Donation/English 3-2011.03 Prom 2010 3-2009 Class of 2009 3-2011.03 Prom 2010 1-0019 Athletics Vending 4-2230 Future Med. 5-1585 Magnet Main 7-0100 General Activities 7-0100 General Activities 1-0019 Athletics Vending 7-0100 General Activities 4-0200 First Priority 5-0750. Drama Club $16,548.32 Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and self-sufficiency, the school should monitor the Internal Funds activity North Area 147 Palm Beach Lakes High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 accounts closely so that expenditures would not exceed revenues. Management’s Response Concur. Deficits in stated accounts were covered, per School District Policy, by General Activities, Rental, and Administrative Courtesy; by inter related accounts; and accounts that would not be used the following year, due to closure of particular clubs, and departure of faculty. Instructors and Club Sponsors have been made aware that deficits in their accounts will not be tolerated, and appropriate actions will be made. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Although the P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were signed by the cardholder and approved by the Principal, none of them had the dates of the Principal’s and cardholders’ signatures. • Four P-Card purchases (totaling $278.59) and Disbursement #91526 (for $75) did not have any supporting documentation. • Disbursement #91467 ($2,000) was for FCAT Money Machine Drawing. Subsequently, the FCAT Money Machine Drawing List indicated that a total of $1,193 was awarded to 18 students; and the remaining $646 in cash was re-deposited into the Internal Funds. However, there was no documentation for the remaining $161. • Disbursement #90881 for $5,619.94 exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Three disbursements (totaling $658.55) were inappropriately funded with the Rental Income Account (#6-3800): Disbursement #90858 (for $122) was for counselor appreciation breakfast, Disbursement #91285 (for $110.67) was for refreshments for bus drivers, and Disbursement #91612 (for $425.88) was for purchase of retirement gifts for staff. • The school inappropriately transferred a total of $1,530.65 (Transfer Vouchers #91 for $625 and #178 for $905.65) from the Rental Income Account (#6-3800.00) and Athletics Vending Account (#10019.00) to the Faculty Fund Account (#6-1700.00) and Faculty Fund End of Year Banquet Account (#6-1700.01). Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, 148 North Area Palm Beach Lakes High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • To comply with P-Card Procedures Manual, the cardholder’s signature and the Principal’s approval of P-Card Monthly Bank Statements should also be dated by the cardholder and the Principal. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase. All purchases should be preapproved by the Principal. • Pursuant to DOE Rules and the District’s Chart of Accounts for Internal Funds, only funds in the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200) and Faculty Fund Account (#6-1700) may be used to benefit adults. Funds in the Rental Income Account may be used for improvement of school plant facility or to directly benefit students; and all other accounts are to be dedicated to benefit student activities. • Adjustments to accounting records should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and other related guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. All disbursements will be adequately documented, with supporting paperwork, and dated signatures. Adjustments to accounting records will be made using the procedures listed in both the PCard Procedures Manual and the Internal Accounts Manual. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser documentation revealed that: • Sales Item Inventory Reports were not maintained for seven fundraisers: (1) Administrative Courtesy Coke (Account #6-0200.01), (2) Athletics Vending (Account #1-0019.00), (3) School Store Band Sales (Account #2-1006.00), (4) Class of 2010 Fast Food Card (Account #3-2010.05), (5) Yearbook Sales (Account #5-0450.00), (6) Cheerleaders Bead Sale (Account #4-0870.01), and (7) P.E Uniform, Uniform Rental and Lock Rental (Account # 5 1900.00). Moreover, the Sales Item Inventory Report for the Administrative Vending Account (Account #6-0200.10) did not include all the items purchased for resale. Due to the lack of documentation and accurate inventory counts, we were unable to ascertain if all sales revenues were properly accounted for. • Based on the school’s purchasing records, the Class of 2010 Fast Food Card (Account #3-2010.05) had a total estimated revenue of $1,000; however, only $375 in sales revenue was deposited into the Internal Funds. The remaining $625 in estimated revenue was unaccounted for. North Area 149 Palm Beach Lakes High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • The financial transactions for the Cheerleaders Bead Sale (Account #4-0870.01); and P.E.’s Uniform Sales, Uniform Rental and Locks Rental (Account #5-1900.00) were recorded in the primary accounts instead of an individual decimalized account for the fundraiser. Consequently, revenues and expenditures for each fundraiser were not readily available. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. Although Yearbook Sales is not intended to raise money for the school, Sales Item Inventory Reports should also be maintained in order to reconcile sales revenue. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. • To assist the school in evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser, a separate decimalized account should be established for each fundraiser. Each fundraiser account should contain only financial information that is related to the fundraiser. Management’s Response Concur. The importance of proper documentation and inventories has been addressed to staff and faculty. Sub accounts will be created, so that any fundraising income will not be recorded into the primary account. Sales item Inventory Reports, and Ticket Seller Reports, will be attached to all future fundraising forms, whether necessary or not for the particular fundraiser. LEASING OF FACILITIES Finding The review of school facility leasing records found that: • MCR #2531 was for $685 in rental income collected from a lessee for use of school facilities on June 4, 2010. However, this lease did not have any leasing documentation, including Rental Prequalification Request, Lease Agreement, and proof of liability insurance coverage. • Lease Agreements #1015 and ##1027 were not signed by the school’s authorized signer until 10 days and four months respectively after the lessees had used the school facilities. • Leasing charges for four leases (#1015, #1053, #1054, and #1057) were not collected until two to 38 days after the lessees had used the facilities. 150 North Area Palm Beach Lakes High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. A meeting will be held with our lease coordinator, to discuss the importance of proper documentation and the collection of lease payments in a timely manner, thus ensuring leases are current. Lessees will provide us with (or purchase) required insurances, to protect the School District from potential liabilities. COMMUNITY SCHOOL REORDS Finding The review of community school records found that the registration records were missing for three students: (1) two for the Fall 2009 Shaja Yoga Class, and (2) one for the Spring 2010 Digital Photography Class. Without accurate and complete records, there is no assurance that revenues collected from the feebased program were properly accounted for. Recommendation Community School records should be maintained for a time period consistent with District's Record Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. The Community School Coordinator and his staff have been spoken to in a meeting about the School Districts Record Retention Schedule, and will retain all Community School records for the prescribed period. North Area 151 Suncoast High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1717 Avenue "S" Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Linda Cartlidge Linda Cartlidge Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lynn Gold Lynn Gold Cash and Investments $ 168,773.41 47,892.84 $ 216,666.25 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 152 Beginning Balances $ 26,046.92 4,203.95 19,053.45 27,910.50 43,990.89 67,918.19 5,463.21 $ 194,587.11 Receipts $ 147,610.86 76,935.67 80,961.15 135,236.75 179,889.58 198,476.54 29,613.96 $ 848,724.51 Disbursements $ 152,275.85 63,914.21 66,832.10 137,605.83 177,909.57 189,696.05 38,411.76 $ 826,645.37 Transfers In $ 35,558.36 13,137.01 6,859.75 33,671.10 16,683.99 16,173.56 25,286.41 $ 147,370.18 Transfers Out $ 35,635.36 16,959.01 8,353.33 28,955.47 11,246.37 27,706.42 18,514.22 $ 147,370.18 Ending Balances $ 21,304.93 13,403.41 31,688.92 30,257.05 51,408.52 65,165.82 3,437.60 $ 216,666.25 North Area Suncoast High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe for deposit. • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. Collections were not always deposited in a timely manner. For example, $5,021.95 collected through six sample MCRs (#131-1, #131-2, #147-24, #155-20, #186-27, and #204-27) was not deposited into the bank until 10 working days after collection. Apparently, the collections were either retained by the sponsors or not processed timely by the bookkeeper. • Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Teachers/sponsors sometimes get in a hurry and forget to return yellow copy/drop-safe log. The bookkeeper does not intentionally hold on to the deposits, too much money comes in too fast to make some deposits timely. The bookkeeper will continue to work on improving in this area. North Area 153 Suncoast High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursement #37115 (for $10,695.12) for payment of homecoming dance event was supported by a hotel’s Banquet Event Order Form in lieu of an invoice/receipt. • Monthly Bank Statements for the secretary’s P-Card were neither reviewed nor approved by the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without supporting documentation, there was no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • To prevent and detect potential frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month; and the reconciliation records, including Monthly Bank Statement, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. The Banquet Event Order Form (contract) was used in lieu of invoice in past but we only accept invoices in the future.. Purchase card: We have already corrected. The principal is approving the secretary’s p-card purchases. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records revealed that: • The Fundraising Application/Recap Form for Wrestling Cookie Dough Sales (Account #1-7510.01) was not approved by the Principal until three days after the event was ended. • The Flag Football Lunch Sales (Account #1-2050.01) did not have the required Fundraiser Application/Recap Form and Sales Item Inventory Report. • The P.E Uniform/Rental Sales (Account #5-1900) and Flag Football Hooded Shirts Sales (Account 154 North Area Suncoast High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 #1-2050) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Reports. Moreover, financial activities for these two fundraisers were recorded in the programs’ primary accounts instead of a separate decimalized account for each fundraiser. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Inventory for flag football lunch sales are done daily through the CPS program. P.E. uniforms and hooded shirts were not fundraisers. The bookkeeper will provide inventory sheets for non-fund raisers in the future. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of school facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1001 was repeatedly used for the three different leases. • The lessee for Lease #1012 received a fee waiver for the entire rental and utility charges. However, this waiver had not been approved by the Central Office or documented on the Rental Prequalification Request Form. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • Fee waivers should be properly approved and documented in the Rental Prequalification Request. Moreover, fee waivers can only be applied to the rental portion. The utilities portion cannot be waived, and should be collected from lessees. North Area 155 Suncoast High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. The three leases in question were not new leases they were recurring leases on a month to month arrangement. In the future, once a number has been assigned to a lease, the same number will be assigned to the lease if it’s ongoing. Lease #1012 was a funeral repast for a slain family in Riviera Beach in October. Due to the nature of the request, we did not have time to obtain approval in writing for the waiver request. Instead the approval was granted verbally from the leasing office to waive the facility fee including the District’s portion. A community member paid for the custodian cost. 156 North Area William T. Dwyer High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 13601 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Joseph Lee Joseph Lee Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Constance Hodgdon Constance Hodgdon Cash and Investments $ 341,293.60 Checking Investments $ 341,293.60 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $ 35,847.17 4,561.49 54,538.33 58,193.39 66,057.85 135,211.37 8,656.95 $ 363,066.55 Receipts $ 310,349.21 65,085.63 107,993.67 106,382.02 219,321.73 201,012.64 15,220.94 $1,025,365.84 Disbursements $ 321,959.20 68,789.64 118,764.78 100,161.70 206,118.12 218,800.67 12,544.68 $1,047,138.79 Transfers In $ 88,666.65 12,254.58 34,250.08 29,262.86 41,161.48 36,449.35 7,102.13 $ 249,147.13 Transfers Out $ 63,948.31 12,332.58 39,997.78 25,185.10 38,351.49 55,698.58 13,633.29 $ 249,147.13 Ending Balances $ 48,955.52 779.48 38,019.52 68,491.47 82,071.45 98,174.11 4,802.05 $ 341,293.60 157 William T. Dwyer High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO DROP-SAFE (REPEATED) Finding During the audit, we noted that the bookkeeper had the full combination to access the drop-safe. Bulletin #P-9303-AS/BA states, “To enable personnel to gain access to the drop-safe without requiring the principal’s involvement, part of the combination should be provided to two employees. One of these employees should be the school’s internal accounts bookkeeper. As a backup, two other alternate employees can be provided part of the combination as well.” Recommendation To ensure assets are safeguarded properly, no one (except the Principal) should have full combination to access the drop-safe in accordance with Bulletin #P-9303-AS/BA. Management’s Response Concur. We will request a new combination and distribute it to the correct employees. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that 27 of the 28 P-Card Monthly Bank Statements for April, May, and June 2010 were not reviewed and signed off by the cardholders and the Principal. Specifically, • Seven statements were neither signed by the cardholders nor approved by the Principal. • One statement was not approved by the Principal. • One statement was not signed by the cardholder. • 18 statements were approved by the Principal without the date. Recommendation To prevent and detect potential frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month. As part of the reconciliation, cardholders are required to complete the P-Card End of Cycle Checklist; and all monthly P-Card reconciliation records including the End of Cycle Checklist and Monthly Bank Statement, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. 158 North Area William T. Dwyer High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Will make sure to follow P-Card procedures more accurately. North Area 159 This page left intentionally blank. Other Schools North Area Total 1 0 0 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 16 0 17 0 20 21 22 23 23a 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NORTH AREA Adult Education Center Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account Access to Drop Safe Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely Monies Not Deposited Timely Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor Monies Collected Not Properly Documented Lease Prequalification Not Available Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use √ √ 1 1 0 √ 0 1 √ 0 1 √ √ 2 √ 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 32 32a 0 0 33 √ 0 34 2 35 0 37 √ √ 0 39 1 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 38 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Leases Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely Adjustments to Records Not Properly Approved/Documented Receipts Staff Performing Incompatible Duties Disbursements Undercharged Rental Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded Missing Documentation 0 19a Inadequate Support for Disbursement Indian Ridge School 19 Purchases From School Employee 18 Disbursement Not Properly Approved Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 11 Missing Timecard 5 Timecard Not Signed By Employee Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing North Area North Area Other Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 √ 0 Number of Findings 8 3 11 161 This page left intentionally blank. Adult Education Center Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 2161 North Military Trail West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cynthia Smith Cynthia Smith Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gertrude Dunbar/Carolyn Jefferson Carolyn Jefferson Cash and Investments $ 25,450.49 20,000.00 $ 45,450.49 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General North Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 62.77 131.30 15,356.83 30,865.92 $ 46,416.82 Receipts $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.95 127,162.96 2,434.83 $ 129,606.74 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 127,276.63 3,236.44 $ 130,573.07 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,107.61 349.77 $ 7,457.38 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 0.00 62.77 0.00 5,432.55 1,962.06 $ 7,457.38 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.25 16,918.22 28,452.02 $ 45,450.49 163 Adult Education Center Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 MISSING RECORDS Finding Records for all the Internal Funds monies collections and disbursements for July 1, through October 7, 2009, were missing. According to staff, these transactions were handled and recorded by the former bookkeeper, who retired on November 2, 2009. Recommendation Missing records is a serious violation of District guidelines, and jeopardizes the integrity of fiscal control system. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that (1) revenues collected were properly accounted for and (2) disbursements and expenses were appropriate. All school records should be properly safeguarded and retained for a time-period consistent with the District’s Record Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. The bookkeeper during this period did in fact retire November 2, 2009. The records regarding the finding noted above cannot be located. The new bookkeeper maintains records for internal accounts monies collected and disbursed from December 2009 to present. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • Collections were not always deposited in a timely manner. For example, $671.22 collected through two MCRs (#97-8 and #135-8) was not deposited into the bank until six to nine working days after the collections. • During August 2009, and January 2010, the document custodian for Classroom Receipt Book (PBSD 0196) was also responsible for collecting monies and issuing receipts. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • 164 To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the North Area Adult Education Center Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper accountability through segregation of duties, the school should assign a document custodian for the Classroom Receipt Books who has no involvement in the use of the document. Management’s Response Concur. 1) Drop-safe log procedures are outlined in Adult Education Center’s Faculty/Staff Handbook. Further, procedures are periodically reviewed with staff by the bookkeeper. 2) Deposit #97-8 occurred during the absence of the former bookkeeper, and deposits were handled by District Accounting Services. Deposit #135-8 occurred as the result of the new bookkeeper conferring with Accounting Services regarding the correct internal account to deposit the funds. 3) During the new bookkeeper’s one-on-one training with a representative from Accounting Services during December 2009, this was discovered and corrected January 2010. Documentation of correction is available for review. North Area 165 Indian Ridge School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1955 Golden Lakes Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sherri Kelty Sherri Kelty Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Darlene Dixon Ana Moya Cash and Investments $ 51,218.88 122,625.07 $ 173,843.95 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 166 Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 4,100.76 1,381.80 2,096.65 144,794.77 30.29 $ 152,404.27 Receipts $0.00 0.00 2,315.70 6,374.65 17,492.22 36,962.75 10,938.62 $ 74,083.94 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 6,697.97 3,984.46 19,795.87 21,764.71 401.25 $ 52,644.26 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 11,163.59 5,489.68 4,754.64 16,817.00 336.62 $ 38,561.53 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 3,763.59 4,192.65 2,079.01 17,693.23 10,833.05 $ 38,561.53 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 7,118.49 5,069.02 2,468.63 159,116.58 71.23 $ 173,843.95 North Area Indian Ridge School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Finding During the audit, we noted that the bookkeeper was performing incompatible duties, including preparing (1) some Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) for account sponsors to sign as remitters, (2) some Check Requisitions for other staff members to sign as requestors, (3) Fundraising Application/Recap Form for other staff members to sign as sponsors, and (4) leasing documentation and collecting leasing fees from lessees. Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and prevent conflict of interest, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. Specifically, collecting monies from students and lessees; and preparing MCRs, Check Requisitions, Fundraiser Application/Recap Forms, and leasing documentation should be performed by the responsible activities sponsors and staff other than the bookkeeper. Management’s Response Concur. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies were not always deposited in a timely manner. For example, • $319.48 collected through MCR# 60-14 was retained by the sponsor for three working days before it was put into the drop-safe for deposit. • $812.50 collected through three MCRs (#63-2, #99-15, #99-1) was not deposited into the bank until six to nine working days after collection. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. North Area 167 Indian Ridge School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISER Finding The review of fundraisers records revealed that: • The Staff T-Shirt Sales (Account #6-1700) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Report. Due to lack of documentation and inventory counts, we were unable to ascertain if all sales revenues were properly accounted for. • The financial activities for four sample fundraisers were recorder in programs’ primary accounts instead of a separate decimalized account for each fundraiser. Consequently, revenues and expenditures for each fundraiser were not readily available. These fundraisers included: Ice Cream Sales (Account #4-4810) Daily Lunch and Breakfast Sales (Account #5-1200), Business Catalog Sales (Account #5-1300), and Staff T-Shirt Sales (Account #6-1700). Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. • To assist the school in evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser, a separate decimalized account should be established for each fundraiser. Each fundraiser account should contain only financial information that is related to the fundraiser. Management’s Response Concur. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursement and P-Card purchase records found that: • Disbursement #5430 (for $875) for payment of DJ service did not have the required School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420). • Disbursement #5353 (for $1,297) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. 168 North Area Indian Ridge School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • On February 18, 2010, the school made a $1,585.80 purchase for office supplies, which exceeded the $1,000 per vendor daily limit, without obtaining prior approval from the Purchasing Department. Instead, this purchase was split into two P-Card transactions ($708.60 and $877.20) in order to circumvent the $1,000 P-Card purchasing limit. • Four P-Card transactions, totaling $1,384.20, for three airline tickets and hotel charges did not have the Principal’s approved Leaves/Temporary Duty Elsewhere (TDE) Application Forms (PBSD 0032) and training/conference registration records. • Supporting documents for payments were not defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment was made. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be completed and executed for procurement of professional service. Moreover, to protect the safety and welfare of students, the school should ensure that consultants who work on school campus have completed the required background and clearance check pursuant to Florida Statutes. • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase; and that all purchases are approved by the Principal. • P-Card purchase in excess of $1,000 requires prior approval from the Purchasing Department. Pursuant to Purchasing Manual Chapter 24, Purchasing Card Procedures, “Splitting an invoice totaling more than $1,000 is considered Pyramiding and is not allowed. Payment for purchases shall not be split to stay within the single purchase limit.” The school should not circumvent the rule in splitting large purchase into multiple small purchases. • All travel expenses should be properly approved and documented in accordance with School Board Policy 6.02 and Bulletin P-13214-CAO/COO. Specifically, School Board Policy 6.02 requires “Out-of-County Travel--All travel for employees or other authorized persons must be approved by the Superintendent or designee prior to departure and incurrence of expenses.” and “registration receipt must be supported by a copy of the program or agenda of the convention or conference”; and Bulletin #P-13214-CAO/COO requires “all TDE involving out-of-state travel must be approved by the employee’s respective chief officer prior to incurring any cost. School based employees and personnel within Academic Division must submit their TDE for out-of-state travel to Chief Academic Officer.” • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. North Area 169 Indian Ridge School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease Agreement #1004 was neither signed by the lessee, a witness, nor approved by the Principal. Moreover, Lease Agreement #1009 was not executed with all the required signatures until 19 days after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • Rentals for Lease #1004 and #1009 were not collected until after the lessees had begun using the facilities for eight and 19 days respectively. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. 170 North Area Central Area This page left intentionally blank. Total (26 Schools) 0 0 0 7 8 9 10 Lantana 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Student Released To Unauthorized Person Student FTE Reports Not Properly Maintained Fee Waiver Not Properly Documented 0 0 Barton 0 0 17 18 19 19a 20 Inadequate Support for Disbursement P-Card Related Findings Disbursement Not Properly Approved √ √ √ C.O. Taylor/Kirklane Crystal Lakes Diamond View √ √ Forest Hill √ Freedom Shores Greenacres √ √ Heritage Hidden Oaks Highland √ Indian Pines √ Liberty Park Manatee √ √ √ Palm Beach Public Palmetto √ 0 0 4 √ 0 11 √ √ 8 8 √ √ √ √ √ √ 0 23 23a 24 Access to Drop Safe Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely Monies Not Deposited Timely 22 Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account 21 Purchases From School Employee 16 Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level √ 15 Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds 14 Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard √ √ √ √ √ √ North Grade √ South Olive 5 1 Berkshire √ Coral Reef √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8 11 31 Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Palm Springs √ 0 6 √ √ √ √ √ √ South Grade 3 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 √ √ √ √ √ 5 5 34 35 √ √ √ √ 2 √ √ √ √ √ 4 0 6 0 37 38 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Starlight Cove 0 0 10 39 √ 1 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents Leases Field Trips Not Approved By Principal 36 Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented 33 Bank Signature Card Not Updated 32a Adjustments To Records Not Properly Approved/Documented 32 Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely 30 Staff Performing Incompatible Duties 29 Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded 28 Undercharged Rental 27 Lease Prequalification Not Available Receipts Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed 26 Monies Collected Not Properly Documented √ 25 Receipts Recorded in Wrong Account Disbursements Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor Student Records Employee Incurred Work Hours While On Leave/Holiday 13 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 12 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor 11 Time Input Mannually into Time Clock 6 Student Released Without Parent Signout Fiscal Management Missing Timecard 5 Attendance and Parent Sign-out Records Missing / Not Properly Maintained Hurricane Hours Not Repaid 4 Accounting Records Incomplete/Incorrect 3 Registration Form Not Properly Maintained 2 Registration / Fees Not Collected Central Area Schools 1 Fees Not Timely Transmitted To District Cetnral Area Central Area Elementary Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits School Age Child Care (SACC) Payroll Others 40 1 41 0 42 Belvedere √ √ √ √ Discovery Key √ √ √ √ √ √ Meadow Park √ √ √ √ 0 Number of Findings 12 0 1 4 1 2 8 0 5 5 3 3 9 6 11 7 8 5 0 3 4 1 9 2 2 112 1 173 This page left intentionally blank. Barton Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1700 Barton Road Lake Worth, FL 33460 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Aurora Francois Aurora Francois Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Martin Barrow Karen Gedeon Cash and Investments $ 29,350.99 Checking Investments $ 29,350.99 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 61.00 7,188.96 32.50 973.03 23,130.13 193.76 $ 31,579.38 Receipts $0.00 0.00 19,658.26 0.00 1,194.95 68,928.20 2,223.84 $ 92,005.25 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 21,220.12 0.00 960.18 70,459.10 1,594.24 $ 94,233.64 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 5,446.23 0.00 266.76 3,949.88 146.00 $ 9,808.87 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 5,460.23 0.00 266.76 3,728.88 353.00 $ 9,808.87 Ending Balances $0.00 61.00 5,613.10 32.50 1,207.80 21,820.23 616.36 $ 29,350.99 175 Barton Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • During Fiscal Year 2010, the school had one P-Card issued to the bookkeeper, with 210 purchases totaling $18,540.95. The review of these 210 P-Card transactions revealed that 73 (or 35%) of them totaling $7,809.18 (or 42%) did not have any supporting documentation. Similar audit finding was also noted during the 2009 Audit. • The P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were missing for four months (December 2009, March 2010, May 2010, and June 2010). Moreover, none of the eight available Monthly Bank Statements were reviewed or approved by the Principal. • The required End-of-Cycle Checklists were not maintained for 11 months (only the February 2010 checklist was available). • Disbursement #2018 (for $200) did not have any supporting documentation. • Supporting documentation, including the cancelled check and Check Requisition, for Disbursement #2011 (for $50) were missing. • Two Check Requisitions (#1986 for $60.54 and #2011 for $50) did not have the Principal’s signature. • Supporting documentation was not always defaced after payment in order to prevent potential duplicate payments. • Disbursement #2063 (for $2,935) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Three voided checks (#1946, #1993, and #2017) were missing. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. • Missing records is a serious violation of District guidelines, and jeopardizes the integrity of fiscal control system. Without supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. All P-Card purchases should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. • To prevent and detect frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month; and the reconciliation records, including P-Card Monthly Bank Statements and End of 176 Central Area Barton Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Cycle Checklist, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. • All disbursements should be adequately documented with Principal’s approved Check Requisitions and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. • To ensure all voided checks are properly accounted for, voided checks should be defaced and should be maintained for a time period consistent with District Record Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,350 collected through three MCRs was retained by the sponsors for one to seven working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit; and another $2,395.31 of the sample collections was not deposited into bank until six to nine days after the money was collected. • MCR #228-1 was for collections of the 5th Grade’s Orlando Fieldtrip. However, the Field Trip/Activity Planning Report and Approval Request was not approved by the Area Superintendent. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • Field trips should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.40. Specifically, (1) field trips should be pre-approved by the Principal with adequate documentation, (2) in-county field trips should be approved by the Principal, and (3) out-of-county field trips should be approved by the Central Area 177 Barton Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Principal and Area Superintendent. Management’s Response Concur. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of sample fundraiser records revealed that: • The Fundraiser Application/Recap Form for the three Safety Patrol fundraisers (Car Wash, Candy Sales, and Movie Nights) was not approved by the Principal. Moreover, the form was not prepared and signed by the sponsor until after the fundraisers had begun for six weeks. • Three fundraisers (Smencils, Second Grade Field Day, and Fourth Grade Field Day) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Reports. • The financial activities for four Safety Patrol fundraisers (Candy Sales, Car Wash, Movie Nights, and Spaghetti) were recorded in the same Safety Patrol Account (Account #6-4000.02) instead of being recorded in the individual fundraiser accounts. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. Also, Ticket Sellers Report should be prepared in order for staff to reconcile revenues with the number of tickets sold. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. • To assist the school in evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser, a separate decimalized account should be established for each fundraiser. Each fundraiser account should contain only financial information that is related to the fundraiser. 178 Central Area Barton Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of the facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1001 was used for two different leases. • Lease Agreement #1001 was originally executed on June 15, 2009; and a replacement Lease Agreement was executed on January 19, 2010. However, the revised agreement was not approved by the Principal, and sales tax was not collected from this commercial lease. In addition, although a Rental Prequalification Request was prepared for this lease, the request form was not signed and approved by the Central Office. • The review of leasing revenues found that $9,055.60 in leasing charges collected from two lessees did not have any leasing documentation. Documentation missing included the District’s approved Rental Prequalification Request, Lease Agreements, and proof of liability insurance coverage. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable and executed, they should be completed with all the required information including signatures and dates. • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide the proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • Sales tax should be collected from Commercial Leases, recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800), and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Central Area 179 Barton Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 ACCESS TO DROP-SAFE Finding During the audit, we noted that the access code to the drop-safe had not been changed although the school had a new bookkeeper since August 24, 2010. Recommendation To ensure assets are safeguarded properly, the combination to access the safe should be changed if there is a change in personnel who knows the access code. Moreover, access to drop-safe should be restricted only to authorized personnel in accordance with Bulletin #P-9303-AS/BA which states that “To enable personnel to gain access to the drop-safe without requiring the principal’s involvement, part of the combination should be provided to two employees. One of these employees should be the school’s internal accounts bookkeeper. As a backup, two other alternate employees can be provided part of the combination as well.” Management’s Response Concur. Additional Comments These findings have been reviewed by the principal and the bookkeeper. Barton is in the process of implementing new guidelines in order to stay in compliance for the future. 180 Central Area Belvedere Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 3000 Parker Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Diane Mahar Diane Mahar Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Adis Garcia Adis Garcia SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Connie Abston Connie Abston Cash and Investments $ 31,453.38 Checking Investments $ 31,453.38 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,203.99 56,377.75 2,102.50 $ 60,684.24 Receipts $0.00 0.00 1,148.50 0.00 4,630.47 166,451.67 3,195.28 $ 175,425.92 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 1,021.50 0.00 6,515.80 191,891.94 5,227.54 $ 204,656.78 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 127.00 0.00 0.00 1,053.64 183.06 $ 1,363.70 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 127.00 0.00 0.00 1,074.04 162.66 $ 1,363.70 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 127.00 0.00 318.66 30,917.08 90.64 $ 31,453.38 181 Belvedere Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit found no material instances of noncompliance. 182 Central Area Berkshire Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1060 South Kirk Road West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Teresa Stoupas Maria Bishop Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Brizeida Lora Brizeida Lora SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jennifer Richer Jennifer Richer Cash and Investments $ 42,746.87 Checking Investments $ 42,746.87 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 2,715.94 0.00 3,101.70 37,880.15 1,383.71 $ 45,081.50 Receipts $0.00 0.00 8,140.08 1,163.00 17,884.12 489,092.39 19,601.39 $ 535,880.98 Disbursements $0.00 $0.00 8,094.06 299.76 16,801.21 492,589.22 20,431.36 $ 538,215.61 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 2,764.36 190.69 4,856.27 16,468.64 7,914.93 $ 32,194.89 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 5,526.32 1,053.93 4,856.27 14,274.71 6,483.66 $ 32,194.89 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,184.61 36,577.25 1,985.01 $ 42,746.87 183 Berkshire Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $2,610.58 collected through five MCRs (#100-6, #1405, #140-6, #140-12, and #143-3) was retained by the sponsors for one to 15 working business days before it was put into the safe for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, as required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Staff has been re-trained in deposit of monies procedures. Bookkeeper will monitor closely and notify principal of irregularities immediately. 184 Central Area C. O. Taylor/Kirklane Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4200 Purdy Lane Palm Springs, FL 33461 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Agartha Gragg Agartha Gragg Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Linda Hawkins Linda Hawkins SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Alexandria Chaple Alexandria Chaple Cash and Investments $ 1,676.92 Checking Investments $ 1,676.92 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 ( 2,198.06) 6.86 0.00 4,016.22 ( 9.52) $ 4,013.56 Receipts $0.00 286.00 52,806.40 2,300.35 15,753.17 338,197.32 30,611.87 $ 439,955.11 Disbursements $0.00 174.44 52,240.87 2,190.72 14,096.11 339,676.60 31,714.95 $ 440,093.69 Transfers In $0.00 233.48 25,181.70 780.55 3,032.47 14,660.16 14,813.70 $ 58,702.06 Transfers Out $0.00 345.04 23,545.79 896.54 4,556.39 15,799.47 13,558.83 $ 58,702.06 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 3.38 0.50 133.14 1,397.63 142.27 $ 1,676.92 185 Clifford O. Taylor/Kirklane Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $6,250.73 collected through four MCRs (#310-759, #319-832, #326-889, and #342-1024) was retained by the sponsors for one to three days before it was turned in for deposit. Another $132.63 collected through two MCRs (#282-598 and #354-1137) was not timely processed by the bookkeeper and it was not deposited into the bank until seven and eight days after collection. • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Teacher/staff reminded via monthly emails and on Faculty/Staff monthly agendas NOT TO “HOLD” any monies in classrooms. Coins will no longer be “held” for deposits. Teachers/Staff will be instructed 2 times yearly / reminded monthly as to how to complete the Drop-safe Log. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • 186 Nine P-Card purchases, totaling $933.67, did not have any supporting documentation during a threemonth period. Moreover, the cardholders completed the Missing Receipt Reports for three (totaling $91.06) of these nine purchases. Central Area Clifford O. Taylor/Kirklane Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Eight P-Card purchases, totaling $2,067.46, were not supported by vendors’ invoices or receipts. Instead, these purchases were supported by staff’s handwritten notes, Internal Accounts Purchase Orders, or packing lists that did not indicate the items and dollar amounts of the purchases. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, all disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. Management’s Response Concur. Eight of the nine P-Card purchases now have the supportive documentation (receipts/invoices) that were not attached in a timely manner. We will no longer use vendors packing slips as supportive documentation. CREDIT CARD Finding The school obtained a warehouse club’s credit card, with a total revolving credit of $5,000 for five authorized users (cardholders). The review of this credit card account found that the school incurred $62.99 in finance charge (Disbursement #14761) during October 2009, because the school did not pay-off the prior month’s purchases. In addition, staff also used this credit card to make purchases at another store, which was inconsistent with Bulletin #P-12690-CAO/COO/P. Recommendation District Bulletin P-12690-CAO/COO/P allows schools to obtain credit cards from certain warehouse clubs and requires that “It must be a business card paid in full each month by using your internal fund, and must follow all District purchasing procedures including P-Card procedures. The store card should be used for in-store purchases only. The school should comply with District Bulletin P-12690-CAO/COO/P (1) by paying all charges in full and (2) use the store card for in-store purchases only. Management’s Response Concur. We will ensure payment in full each month for SAMS Club purchases. Central Area 187 Clifford O. Taylor/Kirklane Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that the leasing charges for Leases #1001 and #1008 were not collected until after the lessees had begun using the facilities for seven months and three months respectively. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, as required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. All agencies requesting rental space will receive written notice that the space will not be available unless payment is made in a timely manner which is at least 24 hours prior to their start date. Additional comments: We applaud our bookkeeper for her positive tenacity in working with a large faculty/staff. She continues to demonstrate master organizational skills in record keeping and maintains a serious commitment to operate within the District’s policies and procedures. 188 Central Area Coral Reef Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6151 Hagen Ranch Road Lake Worth, FL 33467 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Bobbi Moretto Bobbi Moretto Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Donna Laska Donna Laska SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Pat Felice Pat Felice Cash and Investments $ 64,606.69 Checking Investments $ 64,606.69 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 1,883.45 5,681.91 4,251.22 3,053.46 72,287.94 683.49 $ 87,841.47 Receipts $0.00 926.00 22,966.60 1,965.75 659.05 775,437.46 16,149.58 $ 818,104.44 Disbursements $0.00 825.00 23,922.40 2,110.93 2,191.90 792,729.87 19,559.12 $ 841,339.22 Transfers In $0.00 101.00 3,036.09 741.26 191.00 36,369.42 4,812.16 $ 45,250.93 Transfers Out $0.00 101.00 3,037.99 741.26 181.57 40,090.96 1,098.15 $ 45,250.93 Ending Balances $0.00 1,984.45 4,724.21 4,106.04 1,530.04 51,273.99 987.96 $ 64,606.69 189 Coral Reef Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process at the school found that monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $3,706.21 collected through two MCRs (#10-115 and #101-29) was retained by the sponsors for two to five working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. An addendum was added to the faculty handbook stating the procedures on MCRs. Money collected will be placed in the drop safe on a daily basis and deposited the next business day. All staff has been informed of the memo dated 7/28/2010. The bookkeeper and/or the After the Bell director/assistant director will notate any reason a deposit is delayed due to unexpected circumstances, for auditing purposes. 190 Central Area Crystal Lakes Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6050 Gateway Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33437 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Diane Curcio-Greaves Diane Curcio-Greaves Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Penny Ritcher Penny Ritcher SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Michelle Soto Michelle Soto Cash and Investments $ 73,570.30 Checking Investments $ 73,570.30 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 7,265.34 4,910.79 105.54 14,119.34 27,016.81 6,936.96 $ 60,354.78 Receipts $0.00 733.00 12,841.85 1,180.00 13,843.15 356,953.42 2,323.26 $ 387,874.68 Disbursements $0.00 1,353.92 12,862.17 1,048.22 15,044.77 339,319.69 5,030.39 $ 374,659.16 Transfers In $0.00 67.35 2,652.57 0.00 1,398.47 4,773.08 993.32 $ 9,884.79 Transfers Out $0.00 67.35 2,910.39 0.00 1,200.33 4,971.22 735.50 $ 9,884.79 Ending Balances $0.00 6,644.42 4,632.65 237.32 13,115.86 44,452.40 4,487.65 $ 73,570.30 191 Crystal Lakes Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Two disbursements (#10644 for $1,065.98 and #10830 for $1,109.14) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • The P-Card Monthly Billing Statements were neither reviewed nor approved by the Principal. For example, our review of statements for three sample months (July 2009, May 2010 and June 2010) revealed that two of them were signed by the cardholders only, and four were signed by the cardholders and approved by the Principal’s secretary instead of the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase. All purchases should be preapproved by the Principal. • To prevent and detect potential frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month; and the reconciliation records, including P-Card Monthly Bank Statements and End of Cycle Checklist, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. Corrections have been made. All purchases will be pre-approved by the Principal. No purchases will exceed $1,000. I also have a new P-card manager who has a scheduled day each month where we sit and review purchases and I sign the monthly statements and checklist. 192 Central Area Diamond View Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5300 Haverhill Road Greenacres, FL 33463 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Carolyn Seal Carolyn Seal Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kim Griffin / Vacant Wendy Martin SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Josey Stamper Josey Stamper Cash and Investments $ 39,169.71 Checking Investments $ 39,169.71 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 173.57 161.88 1,592.43 3,931.50 24,540.48 2,821.98 $ 33,221.84 Receipts $0.00 300.00 29,205.12 590.99 14,671.69 405,022.78 8,741.08 $ 458,531.66 Disbursements $0.00 240.00 29,068.18 1,188.56 13,432.83 399,330.98 9,323.24 $ 452,583.79 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 5,774.34 0.00 4,344.32 7,937.91 1,114.78 $ 19,171.35 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 5,911.28 0.00 4,702.12 7,937.91 620.04 $ 19,171.35 Ending Balances $0.00 233.57 161.88 994.86 4,812.56 30,232.28 2,734.56 $ 39,169.71 193 Diamond View Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Two Disbursements (#3911for $650 and #3929 for $1,395) for payment of consultant services for the SACC program, did not have the required School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD 1420). • The Yearbook printing contract (Disbursement # 3897 for $4,800) was not signed and approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the activity sponsor. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be completed and executed for procurement of professional service. Moreover, to protect the safety and welfare of students, the school should ensure that consultants who work on school campus have completed the required background and clearance check pursuant to Florida Statutes. • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Management’s Response Concur. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process revealed that monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $756 collected through MCRs #94-1 and #99-13 was retained by the sponsors for one to 13 working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. 194 Central Area Diamond View Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. SACC PROGRAM Finding As of June 30, 2010, the school’s SACC and Summer Camp programs had a total fees receivable balance of $50,376.62. On July 8, 2010, the school wrote-off $42,397.56 of the fees receivable as bad debts, which had been delinquent for more than six months. Recommendation SACC is a self-sufficient program supported by fees. To ensure fiscal accountability, SACC fees should be collected in accordance with SACC Operational Manual, which states “fees are payable in advance and are collected monthly on the first three school days of the month.” Management’s Response Concur. Met with SACC Director to ensure proper monthly payments are collected. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1003 did not have the required District’s approved Rental Prequalification Request Form. • Lessees for Leases #1008 and #1012 were charged with the incorrect hourly rate, resulting in $720 undercharging in custodial fees. • Leasing charges for Leases #1003 and #1012 were not collected until after the lessees had begun using the facilities. • $122 in utility fee collected from Lease #1003 was not recorded in the Utilities Account (#6-5500) nor transmitted to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, Central Area 195 Diamond View Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. • Leasing charges, including custodial fees, should be computed in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • The portion of utility fees should be recorded in the Facilities Rental Utilities Account (#6-5500) and transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. 196 Central Area Discovery Key Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 3550 Lyons Road Lake Worth, FL 33467 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Donald Messing/Catherine Lewis Catherine Lewis Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Stacey Colella Stacey Colella SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Chris Schroder/Tammy Cella Tammy Cella Cash and Investments $ 68,093.27 Checking Investments $ 68,093.27 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 5,168.84 2,583.14 14,797.03 24,480.85 4,044.36 $ 51,074.22 Receipts $0.00 0.00 76,591.46 7,290.71 34,718.97 583,259.36 1,647.67 $ 703,508.17 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 78,502.66 6,107.54 38,535.64 561,000.87 2,342.41 $ 686,489.12 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 3,418.32 1,211.65 2,888.16 19,060.75 1,212.50 $ 27,791.38 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 3,792.60 1,218.70 2,906.31 19,410.35 463.42 $ 27,791.38 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 2,883.36 3,759.26 10,962.21 46,389.74 4,098.70 $ 68,093.27 197 Discovery Key Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit revealed no material instances of noncompliance. 198 Central Area Forest Hill Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5555 Purdy Lane West Palm Beach, FL 33415 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ana Arce-Gonzalez Ana Arce-Gonzalez Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sue Adrion Sue Adrion SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Anita Winkis Anita Winkis Cash and Investments $ 31,163.13 Checking Investments $ 31,163.13 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 372.13 3,196.46 168.57 2,933.61 19,415.96 2,224.61 $ 28,311.34 Receipts $0.00 3,604.00 8,722.90 27,416.16 5,368.17 259,485.91 4,214.20 $ 308,811.34 Disbursements $0.00 3,189.95 9,242.47 27,570.30 5,566.35 252,604.60 7,785.88 $ 305,959.55 Transfers In $0.00 1,934.08 1,818.17 7,306.44 324.78 21,610.42 1,779.70 $ 34,773.59 Transfers Out $0.00 1,934.08 1,803.74 7,320.87 324.78 22,975.13 414.99 $ 34,773.59 Ending Balances $0.00 786.18 2,691.32 0.00 2,735.43 24,932.56 17.64 $ 31,163.13 199 Forest Hill Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in completing MCRs for other office staff to sign as remitters. • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure fiscal accountability, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties, which can result in conflict of interest, such as collecting monies from students and lessees, and preparing collection records and leasing documentation. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Management’s Response Although this audit finding was found, we had the same audit finding brought to our attention in May 2010 for FY09. This same audit finding was addressed in our September 2010 audit for FY10. This current audit finding is still based on information prior to our May 2010 audit when it was brought to our attention. I feel that this is a double audit finding and implementation for correction was not allowed. DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • 200 The Equipment Rental contract (Disbursement #11117 for $433.12) was signed-off by the bookkeeper instead of the Principal. Central Area Forest Hill Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • A $535.43 P-Card purchase was supported by an e-mail confirmation. However, the confirmation did not have the dollar amount of the purchase; instead, the total dollar amount was handwritten on the email printout. • Supporting documents for disbursements were not defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment in order to prevent potential duplicate payments. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03 “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, the legitimacy of these disbursements becomes questionable. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. Management’s Response Concur. Central Area 201 Freedom Shores Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 3400 Hypoluxo Road Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Valarie Z. Haines Valarie Z. Haines Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Tracy Coleman Tracy Coleman SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kim Sheehan Kim Sheehan Cash and Investments $ 70,274.27 Checking Investments $ 70,274.27 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 202 Beginning Balances $ 2,912.59 123.55 5,317.78 2,036.41 1,506.36 56,559.37 7,557.54 $ 76,013.60 Receipts $ 782.50 245.65 51,846.68 7,426.00 26,692.42 647,849.24 11,144.94 $ 745,987.43 Disbursements $ 2,389.44 220.00 45,075.67 8,082.99 23,847.79 654,712.24 17,398.63 $ 751,726.76 Transfers In $ 74.30 25.65 7,945.62 1,322.25 5,471.21 17,333.92 4,303.89 $ 36,476.84 Transfers Out $ 74.30 25.65 8,777.41 1,460.25 5,552.21 17,521.32 3,065.70 $ 36,476.84 Ending Balances $ 1,305.65 149.20 11,257.00 1,241.42 4,269.99 49,508.97 2,542.04 $ 70,274.27 Central Area Freedom Shores Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases revealed that: • Disbursements #7812 and #7923 (totaling $450) did not have any supporting documentation. • Disbursements #7662, #8051, and #8091 (totaling $3,610.38) did not have the Principal’s approved Check Requisitions. • Disbursement #7533 (for $1,005) for payment to a SACC program consultant did not have the required School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420). Moreover, the School District Consultant Agreements for Disbursements #7485 (for $300) and #7795 (for $1,067.50) were not approved by the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements should be adequately documented with Check Requisitions, approved by the Principal, and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be completed and executed for procurement of professional service. Moreover, to protect the safety and welfare of students, the school should ensure that consultants who work on school campus have completed the required background and clearance check pursuant to Florida Statutes. Management’s Response Concur. P-Card purchases – all supporting documents were submitted for review. Effective immediately, no checks will be signed without required check requisition. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the Glow Necklaces Sales (Account #6-4000.05), Safety Patrol Candy Sales (Account #6-4000.01) and Chip Fundraiser (Account #6-4000.03) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Reports. Central Area 203 Freedom Shores Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Fundraiser sponsors will be required to complete Sales Item Inventory Reports. Individual trainings will occur as part of the Fundraiser Application approval. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Five Lease Agreements (#1002, #1003, #1004, #1006, #1007) did not indicate the times for the use of facilities, although the locations and dates were listed on the Agreement. • The school recorded the entire amounts of the rentals in the Rental Income Account (#6-3800) without allocating the proper portion to the Facilities Rental Utilities Account (#6-5500). Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. • Utility fees should be allocated and transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. The new system will prevent future errors. 204 Central Area Greenacres Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 405 Jackson Avenue Greenacres, FL 33463 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patricia Lucas Patricia Lucas Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Donna Shaw Donna Shaw SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Omi Torres Omi Torres Cash and Investments $ 44,643.08 Checking Investments $ 44,643.08 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 135.87 2,913.30 16.97 5,582.35 39,313.80 5,537.06 $ 53,499.35 Receipts $0.00 1,133.50 30,734.96 82.02 7,469.20 207,164.25 3,556.87 $ 250,140.80 Disbursements $0.00 1,673.57 23,762.61 0.00 8,516.28 218,241.24 6,803.37 $ 258,997.07 Transfers In $0.00 910.10 5,315.54 0.00 4,349.86 25,318.70 717.00 $ 36,611.20 Transfers Out $0.00 505.53 11,178.72 3.90 1,801.38 22,053.67 1,068.00 $ 36,611.20 Ending Balances $0.00 0.37 4,022.47 95.09 7,083.75 31,501.84 1,939.56 $ 44,643.08 205 Greenacres Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of the Sales Item Inventory Report and Fundraising Application/Recap Form for the P.E. Uniform Sale (Account #5-1900.01) indicated that this fundraiser had a total sales revenue of $1,683. However, only $1,148 in revenue was deposited into the General Ledger account; and $535 in sales revenue was unaccounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, Sales Item Inventory Reports should be accurately completed with all the needed information in order to maintain control in items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Procedures were reviewed with staff at the March 2, 2011 faculty meeting. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • A $100 P-Card purchase made on April 23, 2010, did not have any documentation. • Total rental cost for the 4th Grade camping trip to Pine Jog Environmental Education Center was $1,320. The school paid $100 (Disbursement #9683) in security deposit when making reservation with the vendor. However, after the field trip, the school paid the vendor $1,320 (Disbursement #9881), without deducting the $100 deposit paid previously. The school over-paid the vendor by $100. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • 206 The school should recoup the $100 over-payment from the vendor. Central Area Greenacres Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response The only documentation for a $100 expenditure in April 2010 was to FAU for a training. This documentation was given to the auditor. The bookkeeper will work with FAU to recoup the over-payment. SACC PROGRAM Finding On June 30, 2010, the SACC Special Activities Account (#6-9600) had a year-end balance of $2,341.58. Recommendation Pursuant to SACC Operational Manual, charges to the students should approximate the cost of the activities and no excessive profits should be accrued to these accounts, and the year-end balance for the SACC Special Activities Account should not exceed $750. The school should monitor the revenues and expenditures of this account, and adjust the fees accordingly. Management’s Response The SACC program has run a deficit over the past year and the school has worked to negate the negative balance. I believe the money in the account was pending a transfer to cover the balance. Central Area 207 Heritage Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5100 Melaleuca Lane Greenacres, FL 33463 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Seth Moldovan Seth Moldovan Mary Paradise Mary Paradise Laura Lowman Laura Lowman Cash and Investments $ 26,525.30 Checking Investments $ 26,525.30 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 208 Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 1,163.21 39.61 2,252.10 21,599.26 3,764.53 $ 28,818.71 Receipts $0.00 0.00 1,409.64 0.00 11,057.45 290,597.04 11,683.53 $ 314,747.66 Disbursements $0.00 41.09 2,208.06 ( 64.71) 9,131.60 293,868.21 11,856.82 $ 314,856.63 Transfers In $0.00 41.09 328.44 0.00 2,370.23 12,127.58 3,306.51 $ 18,173.85 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 144.76 0.00 2,370.23 12,879.68 2,779.18 $ 18,173.85 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 548.47 104.32 4,177.95 17,575.99 4,118.57 $ 26,525.30 Central Area Heritage Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that: • The School Store Sales (Account #6-4402.08) did not have the Principal’s approved Fundraiser/Application Recap Form and Sales Item Inventory Report. • Some information listed on the Sales Item Inventory Reports for two Safety Patrol Fundraisers were incorrect: (1) the quantity of ice-pop purchased for resale was incorrect for the Safety Patrol Ice Pop Sales (Account #6-4000.04), and (2) the selling price was incorrect for the Safety Patrol Coupon Book Sales (Account #6-4000.11). Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. A more detailed review of the fundraising application/recap form and sales item inventory report will occur in the future. SACC RECORDS Finding The review of the school’s SACC program revealed that: • Three generic receipts books were located in the SACC files and were used for collecting SACC fees during Fiscal Year 2010. • The program had $13,014 year-end deficit as of June 30, 2010. Central Area 209 Heritage Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation SACC program should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, only District’s standardized and approved receipts are to be used for receipting monies. • SACC is a self-sufficient program supported by fees. The school should monitor closely the program’s financial condition; adjustment to staffing and related expenditures should be implemented so that expenditures will not exceed revenues. Management’s Response Concur. The generic receipt books will no longer be used. We will continue to work on covering the deficit in the fall. 210 Central Area Hidden Oaks Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 7685 S. Military Trail Lake Worth, FL 33463 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sari Myers Sari Myers Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lisa Molbogot Lisa Molbogot SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ruben Soto Ruben Soto Cash and Investments $ 68,748.51 Checking Investments $ 68,748.51 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 4,808.13 882.60 10,952.30 53,580.18 8,186.90 $ 78,410.11 Receipts $0.00 684.00 60,920.68 4,484.07 13,168.28 539,148.65 27,489.65 $ 645,895.33 Disbursements $0.00 568.53 59,447.77 4,686.41 18,687.00 542,059.01 30,108.21 $ 655,556.93 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 21,120.42 2,923.23 3,078.00 32,004.97 9,020.90 $ 68,147.52 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 21,186.35 2,698.98 3,078.00 32,004.97 9,179.22 $ 68,147.52 Ending Balances $0.00 115.47 6,215.11 904.51 5,433.58 50,669.82 5,410.02 $ 68,748.51 211 Hidden Oaks Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Finding During the audit, we noted that the bookkeeper was performing incompatible duties. Specifically, • She was collecting leasing fees from lessees and preparing the related MCRs for other staff members to sign as remitters. • Although incoming mails were sorted and distributed by someone other than the bookkeeper, mails addressed to the bookkeeper remained unopened when they were given to her for opening and processing. Recommendation To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, employees should not perform incompatible duties. Specifically, • The bookkeeper should not collect monies from students and lessees, and preparing collection records. • Although some mails were addressed to the bookkeeper, incoming mails might contain payments from various sources, such as school picture commission checks. To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, receiving and opening the incoming mails at the school should be assigned to other staff members, and payments received in the mails should be recorded on a Monies Collected Report (MCR) by the mail opener prior to turning in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Management’s Response Concur. The confidential secretary will open all mail addressed to the bookkeeper. The bookkeeper will not complete Monies Collected Reports. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraising documentation revealed that the Fundraiser Application/Recap Forms for the Fifth Grade Luau Party (Account #3-3500.01) was not approved by the Principal until five weeks after the fundraising event had completed; and the School Store Sales (Account #7-0100.02) was not approved by the Principal until the end of the school year. Recommendation To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission and in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the 212 Central Area Hidden Oaks Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Fundraising Application/Recap Form. Management’s Response Concur. The principal will approve and sign all fundraising applications prior to the start of the event. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some staff members did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, $2,015.50 in lease payment collected through MCR #113-2 was not recorded on the Drop Safe Log. • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $2,060.01 collected through four MCRs (#78-12, #78-13, #78-18, and #90-2) was retained by the sponsors for two to three working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Staff is instructed verbally and in writing of the polices and procedures of collecting and depositing money. All deposited monies will be recorded on the Drop-safe Log complete with amount and date. All monies collected will be turned in daily. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review sample disbursements and P-Card records found that the Yearbook printing contract Central Area 213 Hidden Oaks Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 (Disbursement # 2386 for $5,700) was not signed and approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the activity sponsor. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Management’s Response Concur. Only the principal will sign contracts. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of school facility leasing activities found that: • Lease #1001 was charged with the incorrect number of hours for use of facilities, resulting in a $240 rental undercharge. Moreover, 11 out of the 12 payments were not received until after the lessee had used the facilities, with delays ranged from two to 18 days. • Lease #1010 was for the use of facilities on June 2, 2010; however, the leasing charges ($192.75) were not collected from the lessee as of June 30, 2010. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twentyfour (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response The majority of lease payments are received within the first 10 days of the month. We have been fortunate to have the church lease our facility for six years. They have never missed a payment. The proceeds made from this lease have provided the students of Hidden Oaks with materials, technology and capital improvements that we otherwise would not have. For Lease #1010 214 Central Area Highland Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 500 Highland Avenue Lake Worth, FL 33461 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Brian Killeen Brian Killeen Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Teresa Porter Teresa Porter SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Heather Emerson Heather Emerson Cash and Investments $ 45,686.91 Checking Investments $ 45,686.91 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 3,192.46 6,374.69 28.02 8,225.15 35,129.31 528.03 $ 53,477.66 Receipts $0.00 200.00 22,306.85 75.61 10,493.51 168,528.33 443.16 $ 202,047.46 Disbursements $0.00 650.09 21,936.95 103.63 8,802.89 177,421.67 922.98 $ 209,838.21 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 4,586.60 0.00 4,492.37 27,708.22 0.00 $ 36,787.19 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 4,438.59 0.00 4,253.85 28,057.73 37.02 $ 36,787.19 Ending Balances $0.00 2,742.37 6,892.60 0.00 10,154.29 25,886.46 11.19 $ 45,686.91 215 Highland Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and the money collection process at the school found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the deposit information for $2,360.06 collected through eight MCRs (#67-02, #81-07, #88-04, #93-08, #101-4, #111-10, #121-08, and #122-06) was not recorded on the log. • The bookkeeper did not always complete the “To be Completed by Bookkeeper” section of the Dropsafe Log when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in preparing leasing revenue MCRs for other staff members to sign as remitters. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, to ensure proper fiscal accountability and safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, • Deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Dropsafe Log. • The bookkeeper should complete the “To Be Completed by Bookkeeper” section of the Drop-safe Log when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. • To ensure fiscal accountability and prevent conflict of interest, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties, such as collecting monies from students and lessees, and preparing collection records and leasing documentation. Management’s Response Concur. Since last year’s audit, this was corrected. DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: 216 Central Area Highland Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Eleven P-Card purchases (totaling $1,372.33) during the months of September 2009, December 2009, and March 2010, were not supported by itemized invoices or receipts. Instead, these purchases were supported by credit card receipts or packing lists that did not indicate the items purchased. • Disbursement #7293, for payment of $500 in breakfast for returning faculty, was supported by a handwritten note in lieu of an invoice or receipt. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. Management’s Response Concur. Treasurer was told at a meeting that packing slips ere acceptable, she asks every time for an invoice. The handwritten note was all that was given by vendor. Credit card receipts were all received items, asking to itemize now. SACC RECORDS Finding The review of SACC revenue collection records found that the April and June 2010 Family Central’s Subsidy Reimbursement Reports were missing. Without these reimbursement reports, there is no assurance that all Family Central’s subsidy payments were received. Recommendation All records, including Family Central’s Subsidy Reimbursement Reports, should be retained for a time period consistent with SACC Operational Manual and District Record Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. April 2010 is attached. As per Family Central, they are reissuing both the June 2010 check and reimbursement report. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of sample leases found that: • #1001 was repeatedly used for two Lease Agreements. Central Area 217 Highland Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Leasing charges for Leases #1001, #1002, and #1005were not collected until one to 14 days after the lessees had begun using the facilities. • $359.51 in sales tax collected from three commercial leases (#1001 dated October 6, 2009; #1004, and #1005) was inadvertently recorded in the Custodial Service and Utilities Accounts instead of the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account. As a result, the school under-transmitted $359.51 in sales tax to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Sales tax collected from commercial leases should be recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800), and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Leases to be prepared well in advance before agreement goes into effect. Leases are done online, there should be no problems with numbers. Treasurer to be more conscience of depositing money into right bank account. 218 Central Area Indian Pines Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6000 Oak Royal Drive Lake Worth, FL 33463 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Laura Lougee Laura Lougee Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Monique Spann Monique Spann SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marie Charles Marie Charles Cash and Investments $ 10,253.61 Checking Investments $ 10,253.61 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 10.00 5,712.32 8.31 2,557.95 15,365.91 2,395.72 $ 26,050.21 Receipts $0.00 350.00 3,517.75 13,692.56 5,180.27 203,811.86 6,877.52 $ 233,429.96 Disbursements $0.00 275.70 3,425.89 17,944.33 4,974.15 214,180.43 8,426.06 $ 249,226.56 Transfers In $0.00 25.70 1,257.71 6,716.06 701.51 593.89 1,588.63 $ 10,883.50 Transfers Out $0.00 25.70 6,226.69 1,556.48 701.51 154.68 2,218.44 $ 10,883.50 Ending Balances $0.00 84.30 835.20 916.12 2,764.07 5,436.55 217.37 $ 10,253.61 219 Indian Pines Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, deposit information for three sample collections (MCRs #91-1, #117-2 and #120-5, totaling $470.67) was not recorded on the log. • $1,798.03 of the $3,261.19 collected through four sample MCRs (#103-6, #111-2, #107-6 and #83-1) was retained by the activity account sponsors for one to two working days before submitting it to the bookkeeper for deposit. Also, $1,212.21 of these collections was not deposited into the bank until six working days after collection. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Recommendations were emailed to Indian Pines Elementary staff. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that: • The Music Recorder Sales (Account #2-3500.01) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Report. • According to staff, the coupon books for the Safety Patrol Coupon Book Sales (Account #6-4300.02) were sold at three different prices at $10, $15, and $20 per book. However, the Sales Item Inventory Report did not indicate the selling prices, quantities sold, and the sales revenue for this fundraiser. 220 Central Area Indian Pines Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Based on the purchasing records, this fundraiser had a total estimated revenue between $1,000 and $2,000. Moreover, $1,245 in sales revenue was deposited into the Internal Funds. Due to the lack of documentation and selling information, we were unable to ascertain whether all revenue was accounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Recommendations were reviewed with appropriate staff. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that the lessees for four leases (#1002, #1006, #1008, and #1009) were not prequalified by the Central Office. Moreover, their Lease Agreements were not executed and the rentals were not collected until after the lessees had begun using the facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of school facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of school facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. Review procedures with Assistant Principal and bookkeeper. Central Area 221 Lantana Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 710 West Ocean Avenue Lantana, FL 33462 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Elaine Persek Elaine Persek Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Danielle McNeely Danielle McNeely SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Denise Sasiain Denise Sasiain Cash and Investments $ 32,343.38 Checking Investments $ 32,343.38 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 222 Beginning Balances $0.00 23.98 1,871.59 350.39 1,521.27 14,208.04 22,348.74 $ 40,324.01 Receipts $0.00 0.00 3,156.69 0.00 6,998.44 420,636.14 4,005.67 $ 434,796.94 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 3,493.11 0.00 7,795.77 418,275.62 13,213.07 $ 442,777.57 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 4,047.47 0.00 207.74 5,322.71 7,375.71 $ 16,953.63 Transfers Out $0.00 8.98 4,303.93 350.39 136.49 8,692.53 3,461.31 $ 16,953.63 Ending Balances $0.00 15.00 1,278.71 0.00 795.19 13,198.74 17,055.74 $ 32,343.38 Central Area Lantana Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in (1) preparing leasing documentation, (2) collecting leasing fees from lessees, and (3) preparing MCRs (for various collections) for other staff members to sign as remitters, and (4) keeping some of the Official Receipts generated by the Accounting System instead of providing the receipts to the sponsors for reconciliation. • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $263 collected through three sample MCRs (#10-0093, #10-0361, and #10-0407) was retained by the sponsors for three to five working days before it was turned in for deposit. • $700 collected from MCR #10-0445 was a donation to the school. The money was deposited into the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200.00) in absence of a letter from the donor indicating the intended purpose for the donation. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure fiscal accountability and to prevent conflict of interest, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties, such as collecting monies from students and lessees, and preparing collection records and leasing documentation. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • Donation received by the school should be deposited into the General Activities Account unless the donation is designated for specific purposes by the donor. Central Area 223 Lantana Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Accounting Guidelines only require this information on the Pre-Qualification form. The Accounting Guidelines should include this additional requirement if the information is required on the Leasing Application. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of sample fundraisers found that: • The Yearbook Sales (Account #7-0100.01) did not have the required Principal’s approved Fundraiser/Application Recap Form and Sales Item Inventory Report. Moreover, this fundraiser had a deficit of $800. According to staff, some of the yearbooks were given away free but records were not maintained for the quantities and persons who received the free yearbooks. • The Spring and Fall Book Fairs did not have the required Fundraising Application/Recap Form. The financial activities for these fundraisers were recorded in the Media Center Primary Account (#51700.00) instead of a separate decimalized account for each fundraiser. • Expenditures for the Student Shirt Fundraiser (Account #7-0100.01), the Safety Patrol Domino Pizza Card (Account # 6-4000.01) and the Yearbook Sales (Account #7-0100.01) were recorded in the related primary accounts instead of the fundraisers’ decimalized accounts. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • To assist the school in evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser, fundraiser account should contain relevant financial information that is related to the fundraiser. Management’s Response Concur. Fundraising paperwork for Yearbook and Book Fair are not included in the Accounting Guidelines. 224 Central Area Lantana Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursement #8667, for payment of $1,690 in summer camp insurance premium, did not have supporting document. • Three sample P-Card purchases, totaling $249.02, did not have supporting documentation. The cardholders filled out the Purchasing Card Missing Receipts Reports documenting the items purchased for two (totaling $91.54) of these transactions. • Disbursement #8730 (for $2,142.30) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • The fundraiser contract for Disbursement #8635 (for $520) was signed by the sponsor teacher instead of the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order, approved by the Principal, should be used for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Management’s Response Concur. SACC STUDENT RECORDS Finding During the year, the school approved fee waivers for nine SACC students. However, these fee waivers Central Area 225 Lantana Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 were neither documented on the Fee Waiver Application Forms nor approved by the Principal. Moreover, only four of the fee waivers had proof of application for Family Central’s subsidies. Recommendation As required by District guidelines, fee waiver for SACC program should be based on parent’s financial ability, and the waiver should be approved by the Principal. The school should ensure that the SACC students’ families, who have financial hardships, apply for financial assistance from Family Central. SACC fee waivers should be adequately documented and periodically reviewed in accordance with SACC Operational Manual. Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • A lessee (for Leases #1003, #1004, and #1005) began using the facilities on October 29, 2009; however, the school did not submit the Rental Prequalification Request Form to the Central Office for approval until November 13, 2009. • Three Lease Agreements (#1001, 1003, and #1005) were not properly executed with all the required signatures until after the lessees had begun using the facilities for one to three months. • Lease Agreement #1009 did not include the dates and times of use; and five Lease Agreements (#1001, #1003, #1004, 1005 and #1008) only contained the dates for use of facilities but did not indicate the times for use of facilities. • Leasing charges for four leases (#1001, 1003, 1005, and 1009) were not collected until after the lessee had begun using the facilities. In particular, Leases #1003 and #1005 (for the same lessee) were for use of facilities during October 29, and December 17, 2009, but the leasing charges were not collected until February 10, 2010. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, lessee should be prequalified by the Central Office prior to executing the Lease Agreement. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be completed with all 226 Central Area Lantana Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 the required information and properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. Central Area 227 Liberty Park Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6601 Constitution Way Greenacres, FL 33463 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Miriam Williams Miriam Williams Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Raysa Navarro Raysa Navarro SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kristie Marler-Weiner Kathryn Oxhorn Cash and Investments $ 12,454.53 Checking Investments $ 12,454.53 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 228 Beginning Balances $0.00 213.10 3,624.04 0.00 900.02 4,565.84 108.18 $ 9,411.18 Receipts $0.00 0.00 20,048.83 810.00 11,394.70 246,758.43 11,840.16 $ 290,852.12 Disbursements $0.00 58.92 20,392.60 0.00 11,039.06 245,760.44 10,557.75 $ 287,808.77 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 2,882.68 0.00 2,581.15 8,367.28 7,532.87 $ 21,363.98 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 6,040.80 0.00 2,711.15 7,381.28 5,230.75 $ 21,363.98 Ending Balances $0.00 154.18 122.15 810.00 1,125.66 6,549.83 3,692.71 $ 12,454.53 Central Area Liberty Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and the money collection process found that: • Monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $856.90 collected through six sample MCRs (#1-0210, #1-0211, #1-0212, #1-0027, #1-0656 and #1-0661) was retained by the sponsors for one to six working days; and these collections were not timely processed and deposited into the bank by the bookkeeper until six to ten working days after the monies were collected. • The sponsor used generic receipts instead of District prenumbered Classroom Receipts for the Washington D.C. field trip fees collection. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • Only District’s standardized and approved receipts, such as Classroom Receipts, are to be used for receipting monies. Management’s Response Concur. Corrections will be made in accordance with the recommendations of the auditors. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the Administrative Vending Sales (Account #6-0200.01) and Yearbook Sales (Account #7-0100.04) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Reports. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. Central Area 229 Liberty Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Corrections will be made in accordance with the recommendations of the auditors. DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Disbursement #15148 (for $198.59) was not supported by the original invoice; instead, it was supported by an account statement which did not indicate the items purchased. • The Yearbook printing contract (Disbursement #15303 for $3,070.40) was not signed and approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the activity sponsor. • $114.84 of the payments in Disbursement #15191 for certain vending machine items was inappropriately funded by the Facilities Rental Account (#6-3800). Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be supported by itemized invoices or receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” • Pursuant to DOE Rules and the Chart of Accounts for Internal Funds, funds in the Rental Income Account may be used for improvement of school plant facility or to directly benefit students. Costs for fundraising items should be funded by the respective fundraiser account. Management’s Response Concur. Corrections will be made in accordance with the recommendations of the auditors. 230 Central Area Liberty Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that: • #1001 was repeatedly used for two leases. • The Certificate of Insurance for the April 23, 2010, Lease #1001 did not include the School District as an additional insured party. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance with the School District as an additional insured party. Management’s Response Concur. Corrections will be made in accordance with the recommendations of the auditors. Central Area 231 Manatee Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 7001 Charleston Shores Boulevard Lake Worth, FL 33467 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Mary Churchill-Jones Mary Churchill-Jones Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Deborah Cox Lenita Phillips SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patricia Latona Patricia Latona Cash and Investments $ 120,984.03 Checking Investments $ 120,984.03 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 232 Beginning Balances $0.00 173.45 26,023.50 1,703.34 23,625.86 70,838.11 4,493.22 $ 126,857.48 Receipts $0.00 0.00 50,440.27 1,685.00 41,758.08 746,534.12 11,651.40 $ 852,068.87 Disbursements $0.00 173.60 52,611.22 1,615.93 41,780.69 751,614.21 10,146.67 $ 857,942.32 Transfers In $0.00 233.72 33,795.80 503.98 16,352.52 13,127.15 11,518.83 $ 75,532.00 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 27,702.35 503.98 16,237.54 15,320.59 15,767.54 $ 75,532.00 Ending Balances $0.00 233.57 29,946.00 1,772.41 23,718.23 63,564.58 1,749.24 $ 120,984.03 Central Area Manatee Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $4,075 collected through two MCRs (#0562 and #0800) was retained by the sponsors for one to three business days before it was turned in for deposit. • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, on January 22, 2010, five sponsors did not record the deposit information on the log when they dropped off five deposits (totaling $2,152.62) into the safe; instead, the deposit information was subsequently recorded on the log by the bookkeeper when she removed the deposits from the safe for processing. • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in completing some MCRs for account sponsors to sign as remitters. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • To ensure fiscal accountability and prevent conflict of interest, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties, such as collecting monies from students and preparing collection records. Management’s Response Concur. Teachers and staff have been reminded to make daily deposits and log all monies collected on the Drop-Safe Log. Central Area 233 Manatee Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that Disbursement #14556 (for $1,288.36) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, Principal’s approved Purchase Order should be used for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. Management’s Response Concur. All purchases exceeding $1,000 will have a purchase order and principal’s approval. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of school facility leasing records found that the Certificate of Insurance for Lease #1004 did not include the School District as an additional insured party. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, to protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance with the School District as an additional insured party. Management’s Response Concur. All leases will include the School District as an additional insured party. 234 Central Area Meadow Park Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 956 Florida Mango Road West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Pamela Arnette Pamela Arnette Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jann Wood Jann Wood SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Tammy Ditmars Tammy Ditmars Cash and Investments $ 33,130.19 10,000.00 $ 43,130.19 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 279.61 4,253.68 1,880.15 8,211.61 13,993.47 9,794.16 $ 38,412.68 Receipts $0.00 2,413.34 6,031.33 15,775.53 10,406.16 288,169.93 21,462.85 $ 344,259.14 Disbursements $0.00 1,670.92 7,451.02 1,603.80 12,382.00 299,117.78 17,316.11 $ 339,541.63 Transfers In $0.00 994.00 62.00 9,713.25 1,800.00 16,116.46 7,562.45 $ 36,248.16 Transfers Out $0.00 994.00 62.00 24,021.50 1,815.21 732.89 8,622.56 $ 36,248.16 Ending Balances $0.00 1,022.03 2,833.99 1,743.63 6,220.56 18,429.19 12,880.79 $ 43,130.19 235 Meadow Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit found no material instances of noncompliance. 236 Central Area North Grade Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 824 North "K" Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Debbie Battles Debbie Battles Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Doreen Moore Doreen Moore SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Loidy Jimenez Loidy Jimenez Cash and Investments $ 33,098.20 Checking Investments $ 33,098.20 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 1,787.48 277.27 458.79 0.000 37,302.23 2,407.61 $ 42,233.38 Receipts $0.00 1,132.00 52,777.53 2,313.00 7,560.40 339,253.85 10,560.36 $ 413,597.14 Disbursements $0.00 1,437.31 50,497.90 1,121.54 6,854.19 351,331.24 11,490.14 $ 422,732.32 Transfers In $0.00 902.88 15,770.24 201.25 566.22 27,581.86 387.59 $ 45,410.04 Transfers Out $0.00 201.25 17,257.95 939.80 566.22 27,052.70 ( 607.88) $ 45,410.04 Ending Balances $0.00 2,183.80 1,069.19 911.70 706.21 25,754.00 2,473.30 $ 33,098.20 237 North Grade Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the deposit information for MCR #82-9 was not recorded on the log, and the dollar amount for MCR #68-12 was missing. • The sponsors did not always retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. • Monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $939 collected through three MCRs (#54-1, #76-6, #68-12, and #93-3) was either retained by the sponsors or not timely processed by the bookkeeper, with delays ranged from two to 26 working days after collection. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, to ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, • Sponsors should record the deposit information, such as the dollar amount, onto the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies for deposit. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Procedures were again distributed to staff members regarding monies collected. Money zipper lock bags were purchased for each grade level to drop into the safe after an event is held. 238 Central Area Palm Beach Public School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 239 Coconut Road Palm Beach, FL 33480 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sharon Stevens Sharon Stevens Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Angie Brown Angie Brown SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Beth Ann Wampler Beth Ann Wampler Cash and Investments $ 37,313.04 2,500.00 $ 39,813.04 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 2,761.05 0.05 0.00 723.23 39,623.31 434.95 $ 43,542.59 Receipts $0.00 0.00 8,012.10 0.00 670.49 163,316.90 4,317.96 $ 176,317.45 Disbursements $0.00 2,686.98 7,574.84 0.00 231.66 165,055.07 4,498.45 $ 180,047.00 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 594.96 0.00 213.50 9,174.78 507.93 $ 10,491.17 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 1,032.27 0.00 172.25 9,225.78 60.87 $ 10,491.17 Ending Balances $0.00 74.07 0.00 0.00 1,203.31 37,834.14 701.52 $ 39,813.04 239 Palm Beach Public School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the required information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the sponsor names and the dollar amounts of monies for some deposits were missing. • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, to ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, • Deposit information, including the sponsor name and dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off monies into the safe. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Management’s Response Concur. Folders were distributed to all faculty at a staff meeting. Directions were given to place all yellow copies in folder and submit to bookkeeper at year end. Additionally, reminders were issued about deposit information. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card transaction records found that: • 240 Disbursements ##9332 for purchase of $1,217.98 in musical instruments and supplies exceed the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. Central Area Palm Beach Public School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Supporting documents for payments were not always defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment was made. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase; and that all purchases are approved by the Principal. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. Management’s Response Concur. Principal will approve all future PO’s over $1,000 to insure all documentation needed is in place. Supporting documentation will be attached. SACC PROGRAM Finding On June 30, 2010, the SACC Snack Account (#6-9550) and SACC Special Activities Account (#6-9600) had a year-end balance of $4,165.70 and $2,864.10 respectively. Recommendation Pursuant to SACC Operational Manual, charges to the students should approximate the cost of the activities and no excessive profits should be accrued to these accounts. Moreover, the year-end balance should not exceed $1,500 in the SACC Snack Account and $750 in the SACC Special Activities Account. The school should monitor the revenues and expenditures of these accounts, and adjust the fees accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Adjustments will be made to comply with appropriate guidelines. Central Area 241 Palm Springs Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 101 Davis Road Palm Springs, FL 33461 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Denise O'Connor Denise O'Connor Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Nancy Suarez Nancy Suarez SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patti Silva Patti Silva Cash and Investments $ 24,894.08 Checking Investments $ 24,894.08 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 242 Beginning Balances $0.00 916.70 411.64 3,057.39 3,947.78 13,125.81 2,978.61 $ 24,437.93 Receipts $0.00 686.50 7,808.20 13,430.26 12,163.78 159,795.37 25,128.41 $ 219,012.52 Disbursements $0.00 664.19 6,737.72 8,972.82 15,031.71 159,825.84 27,324.09 $ 218,556.37 Transfers In $0.00 1.20 3,515.47 7,977.73 2,281.68 7,173.68 10,375.95 $ 31,325.71 Transfers Out $0.00 1.20 3,803.81 7,880.73 2,599.33 7,351.28 9,689.36 $ 31,325.71 Ending Balances $0.00 939.01 1,193.78 7,611.83 762.20 12,917.74 1,469.52 $ 24,894.08 Central Area Palm Springs Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Management’s Response Concur. On January 10, 2011, the following communication was sent out to the faculty and staff via the weekly newsletter. Central Area 243 Palmetto Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5801 Parker Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Raul Iribarren Raul Iribarren Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Rhonda Diamond Rhonda Diamond SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Courtney Caramanna Courtney Caramanna Cash and Investments $ 28,130.67 Checking Investments $ 28,130.67 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 244 Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 437.06 2,561.33 1,513.99 19,368.46 2,499.85 $ 26,380.69 Receipts $0.00 0.00 3,975.25 51,732.96 6,210.20 137,016.71 1,912.24 $ 200,847.36 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 2,888.40 48,726.67 5,955.77 135,705.63 5,820.91 $ 199,097.38 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 657.00 2,617.95 1,042.26 55.00 2,076.70 $ 6,448.91 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 476.00 5,025.78 878.26 65.87 3.00 $ 6,448.91 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 1,704.91 3,159.79 1,932.42 20,668.67 664.88 $ 28,130.67 Central Area Palmetto Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Management’s Response Concur. We will make teachers more aware of the need to hold onto yellow receipt copies by adding these to our year-end sign out. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records revealed that: • The Art Brush Fundraiser (Account #4-0310.01) and Christmas Wreaths Sales (Account #4-300.01) did not have the Principal’s approved Fundraising Application/Recap Forms and Sales Item Inventory Reports. Moreover, the Palmetto Candy Sales (Account #7-0100.03) did not have the Principal’s approved Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • The information on the Sales Item Inventory Reports for the Palmetto Candy Sales (Account #70100.03) did not agree with the school’s purchasing records nor the sales revenues recorded in the Internal Funds. Based on purchasing records, this fundraiser had a total estimated revenue of $10,400; however, only $7,258 in sales revenue was deposited into the Internal Funds, resulting in a $3,142 shortage. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. Central Area 245 Palmetto Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Fundraisers will be followed up closely. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchase records found that: • Eight P-Card purchases, totaling $1,596.26, made during January and March 2010, did not have any supporting documentation. • Disbursement #10136 (for $1,709.86) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD1420) for Disbursement #10010 (for $250) was not approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the activity sponsor. • Disbursement #10116 (for $390.04) for purchase of food for staff during Teacher’s Appreciation Week was incorrectly funded with the Rental Income Account (#6-3800) instead of the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200). Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase; and that all purchases are approved by the Principal. • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be executed and approved by the Principal for procurement of professional service. 246 Central Area Palmetto Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Pursuant to DOE Rules and the District’s Chart of Accounts for Internal Funds, only funds in the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200) and Faculty Fund Account (#6-1700) may be used to benefit adults; and funds in the Rental Income Account may be used for improvement of school plant facility or to directly benefit students. Management’s Response Concur. Steps will be taken to correct. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records revealed that: • Leases #1002 and #1003 (for the same lessee) did not have proof of liability insurance coverage. • Lease #1002 was repeatedly used for two different Lease Agreements. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. Management’s Response Concur. While we are aware of this finding it seems a moot point as the lease program has changed. However, should the old lease system be revised we will see to it that this finding does not reoccur. Central Area 247 South Grade Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 716 South "K" Road Lake Worth, FL 33460 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Michael Riley Michael Riley Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Adeline Suarez Adeline Suarez SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jana Hernandez Jana Hernandez Cash and Investments $ 28,199.32 Checking Investments $ 28,199.32 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 248 Beginning Balances $0.00 248.39 449.64 1,202.96 596.65 90,026.85 ( 4.17) $ 92,520.32 Receipts $0.00 434.00 12,887.84 4,344.85 2,303.54 213,480.01 3,608.12 $ 237,058.36 Disbursements $0.00 418.00 6,418.99 7,536.52 2,419.23 281,164.23 3,422.39 $ 301,379.36 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 252.00 2,654.66 0.00 5,152.67 189.60 $ 8,248.93 Transfers Out $0.00 40.00 6,973.02 0.00 0.00 923.82 312.09 $ 8,248.93 Ending Balances $0.00 224.39 197.47 665.95 480.96 26,571.48 59.07 $ 28,199.32 Central Area South Grade Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that Lease #1012 had the following exceptions: • The lessee was prequalified for use of facilities during September 17, 2009, and February 26, 2010, although actual usage of the facilities was during March 2, and May 13, 2010. In addition, the Lease Agreement was not executed until May 24, 2010, or 12 weeks after the use of facilities. • The entire amount of the leasing fees was recorded in the Rental Income Account (#6-3800) and Utilities Account (#6-5500). Consequently, the amount collected for sales tax was not transmitted to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. Moreover, a new Prequalification Request Form should be prepared and approved by the Central Office if the leasing period or the purposes for the use facilities are different from the original prequalification. • To protect the best interests of the school and ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • Sales tax collected from commercial leases should be recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800) and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. New district procedures like “Triaiga” and other training already completed by our lease coordinator in FY11 will better support the pre-qualification process in the future. Sales tax owing has been paid, and future sales tax amounts will be transmitted. Central Area 249 South Olive Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 7101 South Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Hank Smith Hank Smith Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marilyn Woltjer Marilyn Woltjer SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jim Anstead Jim Anstead Cash and Investments $ 42,934.01 Checking Investments $ 42,934.01 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 250 Beginning Balances $0.00 2,680.67 4,632.46 15.97 6,545.26 45,309.17 670.82 $ 59,854.35 Receipts $0.00 75.00 8,376.06 200.00 23,660.99 263,507.31 1,200.50 $ 297,019.86 Disbursements $0.00 2,711.64 8,020.95 177.00 22,370.34 277,386.39 3,273.88 $ 313,940.20 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 1,062.21 0.00 3,292.80 22,931.59 2,507.08 $ 29,793.68 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 1,189.01 0.00 3,317.80 25,183.44 103.43 $ 29,793.68 Ending Balances $0.00 44.03 4,860.77 38.97 7,810.91 29,178.24 1,001.09 $ 42,934.01 Central Area South Olive Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. Ever deposit is now being recorded on the new updated Drop-safe Log. This process was started on 8/17/2010. SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Finding During the audit, we noted that incoming mails were sorted and distributed by someone other than the bookkeeper. However, mails addressed to the bookkeeper remained unopened when they were given to her for opening and processing. Recommendation Although some mails were addressed to the bookkeeper, incoming mails might contain payments from various sources, such as school picture commission checks. To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, receiving and opening the incoming mails at the school should be assigned to other staff members, and payments received in the mails should be recorded on a Monies Collected Report (MCR) by the mail opener prior to turning in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Management’s Response Concur. Treasurer’s mail is now being delivered and processed by the Principal’s Secretary. Any monies collected from the mail will be recorded on a Monies Collected Form and on the Drop-safe Log by the secretary. Central Area 251 Starlight Cove Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6300 Seminole Drive Lantana, FL 33462 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Susan Saint John Susan Saint John Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Melanie Benn Melanie Haney SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Christian Carrera Christian Carrera Cash and Investments $ 40,188.43 Checking Investments $ 40,188.43 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 252 Beginning Balances $0.00 260.81 0.00 0.00 1,863.43 37,664.47 1,401.72 $ 41,190.43 Receipts $0.00 0.00 4,911.80 0.00 6,112.71 352,111.03 8,670.69 $ 371,806.23 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 4,604.42 0.00 6,085.80 353,571.22 8,546.79 $ 372,808.23 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 1,061.25 0.00 1,718.64 8,754.49 1,789.29 $ 13,323.67 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 1,368.63 0.00 2,010.82 8,747.58 1,196.64 $ 13,323.67 Ending Balances $0.00 260.81 0.00 0.00 1,598.16 36,211.19 2,118.27 $ 40,188.43 Central Area Starlight Cove Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records and sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) revealed that: • To pay for certain hospitality expenses for the Faculty Fund Account, the school conducted the GrowUms Fundraiser (Account #6-1701) by selling seed packets to students, staff, and parents. This was contrary to School Board Policy 2.16, which states “all fund-raising projects and activities by school or groups within the school shall contribute to the educational and extracurricular experiences of the students…” • T-Shirt sales and Yearbook sales revenues were recorded in the General Activities’ primary account (#7-0100.00) instead of a separate decimalized account for each fundraiser. Consequently, revenues and expenditures for each fundraiser were not readily available for evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Fundraising activities should be consistent with the School Board Mission and School Board Policy 2.16. • To assist the school in evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser, a separate decimalized account should be established for each fundraiser. Each fundraiser account should contain only financial information that is related to the fundraiser. Management’s Response Concur. Rewards for students were purchased and given to them. With the change in bookkeepers, a transfer to general student activities was not completed in a timely manner as we were without a bookkeeper for several weeks. Accounting told us a fundraiser did not need to be done if we were rounding up to the next dollar amount. We did not make money on these and have the receipts to verify this and the original invoice from the vendors. These may not have been made available the day of the audit. Central Area 253 This page left intentionally blank. Middle Schools Central Area Total 1 0 5 0 0 14 15 0 0 0 Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 16 0 17 0 Lantana Middle 0 Christa McAuliffe Middle √ 1 1 0 0 27 28 29 30 31 32 32a 33 34 Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use Undercharged Rental Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded Staff Performing Incompatible Duties Lake Worth Middle √ Tradewinds Middle 0 4 1 0 √ √ L.C.Swain Middle √ √ √ √ √ Woodlands Middle 0 2 √ √ √ √ 2 3 √ 2 √ 0 1 1 0 0 35 0 37 √ Palm Springs Middle √ 0 38 39 1 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents Leases Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Receipts Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Disbursements Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely Adjustments To Records Not Properly Approved/Documented 26 Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account 25 Lease Prequalification Not Available 1 24 Monies Collected Not Properly Documented Conniston Middle 23a Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor CENTRAL AREA (8 schools) 23 Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account 22 Monies Not Deposited Timely 20 Access to Drop Safe 19a Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely 19 Disbursement Not Properly Approved 18 P-Card Related Findings Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Inadequate Support for Disbursement Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 13 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 11 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor Missing Timecard Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing Central Area Central Area Middle Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 √ √ 0 Number of Findings 2 6 3 2 2 1 19 2 255 This page left intentionally blank. Christa McAuliffe Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6500 Le Chalet Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33437 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Faith Ann Cheek Faith Ann Cheek Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Diane Davant Diane Davant Cash and Investments $ 70,728.64 Checking Investments $ 70,728.64 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $ 210.38 3,227.71 683.20 5,779.89 14,715.71 35,611.19 10,816.01 $ 71,044.09 Receipts $ 6,900.00 30,089.64 14,241.15 13,459.26 38,084.22 79,841.40 24,364.78 $ 206,980.45 Disbursements $ 6,728.53 30,634.68 15,288.46 12,607.45 35,527.19 73,481.59 33,028.00 $ 207,295.90 Transfers In $ 2,005.00 10,304.30 1,134.08 5,825.60 15,058.00 23.52 11,271.05 $ 45,621.55 Transfers Out $ 2,005.00 10,304.30 373.85 5,876.60 14,892.36 4,822.49 7,346.95 $ 45,621.55 Ending Balances $ 381.85 2,682.67 396.12 6,580.70 17,438.38 37,172.03 6,076.89 $ 70,728.64 257 Christa McAuliffe Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that two P-Card purchases ($225 and $32.92 totaling $257.92) occurred May 2010 did not have any supporting documentation. The cardholders filled out the Purchasing Card Missing Receipts Report documenting the items purchased for the $32.92 transaction. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, all disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. Management’s Response Concur. The $225 purchase was a Middle School After-care Pizza Party and the receipt was misplaced by the After-care Director. The Purchasing Card Missing Receipts Report should have been completed and/or a duplicate receipt provided. 258 Central Area Conniston Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 3630 Parker Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Mary Stratos Mary Stratos Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Adriana Valladares Adriana Valladares Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: John Provenzano During Audit: John Provenzano Cash and Investments $ 21,821.64 25,000.00 $ 46,821.64 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $ 1,053.06 2,253.38 0.00 3,165.22 9,123.72 52,574.60 4,974.84 $ 73,144.82 Receipts $ 9,167.23 6,771.00 10,094.55 7,500.65 19,194.33 44,583.70 15,063.85 $ 112,375.31 Disbursements $ 9,065.93 7,075.20 9,962.78 7,089.69 19,323.47 69,578.74 16,602.68 $ 138,698.49 Transfers In $ 7,640.85 607.00 131.77 3,574.99 3,414.10 3,076.13 5,140.23 $ 23,585.07 Transfers Out $ 7,640.85 607.00 263.54 2,791.39 4,197.70 3,126.13 4,958.46 $ 23,585.07 Ending Balances $ 1,154.36 1,949.18 0.00 4,359.78 8,210.98 27,529.56 3,617.78 $ 46,821.64 259 Conniston Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Moreover, some sponsors did not enter the dates and dollar amounts of the deposits on the log. • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $893 collected through three MCRs (#105, #100, and #108) was retained by the sponsors for one to nine working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Earlier, July 2010 audit identified similar situation. At start of school year, school administration included a detailed account of SDPBC accounting practices in Faculty Handbook. At notification of current audit findings, administration addressed identified personnel referenced in the above citations. Personnel received additional notification regarding appropriate accounting practices. Personnel have also been placed on formal notification regarding fiscal expectations in alignment with school district policies. Administration and bookkeeper are in continual communication regarding fiscal practices and procedures. 260 Central Area Lake Worth Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1300 Barnett Drive Lake Worth, FL 33461 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jesus Armas Jeffrey Eassa Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Silvia Torres Silvia Torres Cash and Investments $ 44,492.88 Checking Investments $ 44,492.88 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $ 2,697.49 884.88 2.54 1,256.93 3,768.81 36,856.16 2,034.12 $ 47,500.93 Receipts $ 4,916.77 947.00 1,709.80 4,095.05 14,246.79 49,967.28 25,772.29 $ 101,654.98 Disbursements $ 7,191.81 1,636.84 1,205.09 3,842.05 14,572.96 49,972.60 26,241.68 $ 104,663.03 Transfers In $ 3,905.34 248.60 718.83 2,225.13 3,960.71 5,704.60 21,315.49 $ 38,078.70 Transfers Out $ 3,941.90 248.60 718.83 2,575.13 3,360.26 12,032.87 15,201.11 $ 38,078.70 Ending Balances $ 385.89 195.04 507.25 1,159.93 4,043.09 30,522.57 7,679.11 $ 44,492.88 261 Lake Worth Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some staff members did not record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • The dollar amount of deposit listed on MCR #96-1 was altered from $255 to $243. However, the change on the MCRs was neither signed nor initialed by the sponsor to acknowledge the correction. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • To ensure proper accountability and safeguard of monies collected, changes on the MCRs should be acknowledged by the sponsors. Management’s Response Concur. Drop-safe Log will be used in compliance with District expectations. CONTROL OF CHANGE FUND Finding On April 12, 2010, the school issued $500 in Change Fund to a staff member; however, the sponsor did not complete the Change Fund Statement when issuing change fund as required Internal Accounts Manual. Recommendation To ensure proper accountability for handling change fund, the school should follow the procedures required by Section 9.10 Internal Accounts Manual. The sponsor should sign a written statement either on a memo or on the back of the Check Requisition, and be witnessed by the bookkeeper, “I have counted the change in the presence of the school bookkeeper and have found no discrepancies. I accept responsibility for maintaining and securing this change fund and agree to return it intact when the events(s) is (are) over.” 262 Central Area Lake Worth Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Change Fund will be used in compliance with Internal Accounts Manual. Central Area 263 Lantana Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1225 West Drew Street Lantana, FL 33462 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Edward Burke Edward Burke Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Leona Burgess-Acosta Leona Burgess-Acosta Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Richard Valentine During Audit: Richard Valentine Cash and Investments $ 45,840.03 Checking Investments $ 45,840.03 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 264 Beginning Balances $ 741.29 1,541.63 2,208.18 1,936.43 6,311.46 38,110.76 8,713.86 $ 59,563.61 Receipts $ 2,507.18 15,818.57 27,772.90 4,168.97 10,802.40 105,565.48 21,329.78 $ 187,965.28 Disbursements $ 3,107.80 16,485.86 27,266.90 4,374.65 11,603.75 111,118.06 27,731.84 $ 201,688.86 Transfers In $ 1,467.82 5,255.18 3,577.48 3,406.11 3,364.36 11,732.00 15,873.98 $ 44,676.93 Transfers Out $ 1,467.82 5,095.18 4,056.45 3,410.75 1,948.85 13,215.19 15,482.69 $ 44,676.93 Ending Balances $ 140.67 1,034.34 2,235.21 1,726.11 6,925.62 31,074.99 2,703.09 $ 45,840.03 Central Area Lantana Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, related information for $2,324.20 collected through three sample MCRs were not recorded on the log. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. Protocol was explained and emphasized to staff at a faculty meeting. Protocol guide was developed and distributed to staff at this meeting. Protocol compliance will continue to improve this year. DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursement #5974 (for $6,533) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Although the P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were signed by the cardholders and approved by the Principal, two of the 11 sample statements did not have the date of the Principal’s signature. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Purchase Order, approved by the Principal, should be used for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. • To comply with P-Card Procedures Manual, the Principal’s approval of P-Card Monthly Bank Statements should also be dated by the Principal. Central Area 265 Lantana Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Principal will increase effort to ensure all signatures are dated correctly. Bookkeeper will ensure that purchase order protocols are followed. LEASING OF SCHOOL FCILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Three sample Lease Agreements (#1040, #1041, and #1047) were not executed until six to 27 days after the lessees had begun using the facilities. Moreover, the leasing charges were not collected until six to 19 days after the use of facilities. • Leasing Agreement #1041 did not indicate the times for the use of facilities, although the dates were listed on the agreements. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be completed with all the required information and properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. Community School Administrator will ensure leasing procedures are followed for all transactions. 266 Central Area L.C. Swain Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5332 Lake Worth Road Greenacres, FL 33463 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Edward Harris Edward Harris Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Della Bostwick Della Bostwick Cash and Investments $ 94,848.72 Checking Investments $ 94,848.72 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $ 1,155.33 1,931.35 768.08 2,287.77 9,821.39 88,108.44 15,862.71 $ 119,935.07 Receipts $ 7,375.02 12,043.50 12,539.10 12,171.59 16,495.94 142,184.47 34,681.92 $ 237,491.54 Disbursements $ 5,978.90 14,929.31 12,527.69 10,717.20 13,398.48 168,450.64 36,575.67 $ 262,577.89 Transfers In $ 3,156.94 ( 1,102.20) 2,250.13 1,993.35 4,816.51 11,929.51 8,641.07 $ 29,630.57 Transfers Out $ 3,731.94 ( 2,260.57) 1,295.66 2,865.11 4,136.51 12,004.51 9,912.15 $ 30,213.94 Ending Balances $ 1,976.45 203.91 1,733.96 2,870.40 13,598.85 61,767.27 12,697.88 $ 94,848.72 267 L.C. Swain Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that the school had 26 Lease Agreements during the year. Review of these 26 leases found that: • Lease numbers 1001, 1002, and 1003 were each used twice for a total of six leases. • Fourteen leases did not have the required District’s approved Rental Prequalification Request Forms. • Lease Agreements were not properly executed prior to the use of facilities: - Lease Agreement #1030 was neither signed by the lessee nor approved by the Principal - Lease Agreement #1021 was neither approved by the Principal nor signed by a school’s authorized signer. - 18 Lease Agreements were not executed until after the lessees had begun using the facilities, with delays as many as nine months after lessee had used the facilities. • Seven leases did not have proof of liability insurance coverage. • Eleven lessees received a total of $36,803.45 in fee waivers that were neither pre-approved by the Central Office nor documented on the Rental Prequalification Request Form. • As of June 30, 2010, Lease #1015 had an uncollected rental of $600 while Lease #1016 had an uncollected rental of $2,049. • Utility fees for 23 leases were not allocated and transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with District’s leasing guidelines. As a result, the school under-allocated and under-transmitted a total of $4,697 in utility fees to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate liability insurance coverage or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • 268 Central Area L.C. Swain Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Fee waivers should be properly approved and documented in the Rental Prequalification Request. Fee waivers, if any, can only be applied to the rental portion; the utilities portion cannot be waived, and should be collected from lessees. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • The portion of utility fees should be transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. The Assistant Principal has been reassigned and we could not find any additional paperwork beyond that attached. The correction is to change the person handling leases at L.C. Swain Middle School. The new person has completed the required leasing training and is currently following District procedures. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding A $600 donation collected (with MCR #45-1) was deposited into the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200.00), in absence of a letter from the donor indicating the purpose of the donation. Recommendation Donation received by the school should be deposited into the General Activities Account unless the donation is designated for specific purposes by the donor. Management’s Response All future donations/contributions will have information noted on the check or a donation letter will be included with the check to support the contribution. Central Area 269 Palm Springs Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1560 Kirk Road Palm Springs, FL 33461 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sandra Jinks Sandra Jinks Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lori Cayea Lori Cayea Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Sean Ashworth During Audit: Sean Ashworth Cash and Investments $ 116,419.04 38,022.68 $ 154,441.72 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 270 Beginning Balances $ 2,737.12 11,658.97 5,770.38 7,976.47 32,516.04 34,980.12 ( 6.07) $ 95,633.03 Receipts $ 15,774.12 19,085.84 32,297.60 30,604.41 63,804.15 164,948.07 108,561.84 $ 435,076.03 Disbursements $ 14,502.98 19,336.64 24,520.81 29,325.44 65,584.35 121,316.17 101,680.95 $ 376,267.34 Transfers In $ 7,497.63 6,134.30 676.00 7,823.28 18,815.44 7,232.05 68,364.14 $ 116,542.84 Transfers Out $ 8,571.63 4,588.30 4,393.56 8,967.01 25,115.07 7,203.82 57,703.45 $ 116,542.84 Ending Balances $ 2,934.26 12,954.17 9,829.61 8,111.71 24,436.21 78,640.25 17,535.51 $ 154,441.72 Central Area Palm Springs Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the Student Council Candy Sales (Account #4-4810.02) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Report. Due to the lack of sales and inventory records, we were unable to ascertain whether all revenue was accounted for. Moreover, based on purchasing records, this fundraiser had a total estimated revenue of $8,064; however, only $6,879 in sales revenue was deposited into the Internal Funds. Consequently, an estimated $1,185 in sales revenue was unaccounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. The school will ensure proper procedures are followed during a fundraiser. Central Area 271 Tradewinds Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5090 South Haverhill Road Greenacres, FL 33463 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kirk Howell Rebecca Subin Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lorraine Baker Lorraine Baker Cash and Investments $ 56,844.90 Checking Investments $ 56,844.90 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 272 Beginning Balances $0.00 8,401.76 2,248.71 4,094.09 5,837.92 19,179.16 9,263.23 $ 49,024.87 Receipts $ 8,071.42 9,631.70 32,534.49 5,903.82 24,951.45 64,204.15 9,878.97 $ 155,176.00 Disbursements $ 7,916.16 12,509.68 30,091.17 6,667.34 21,482.83 59,117.27 9,571.52 $ 147,355.97 Transfers In $ 7,791.52 3,169.95 4,971.92 559.88 7,432.65 72.04 6,009.35 $ 30,007.31 Transfers Out $ 7,762.88 2,869.95 5,271.92 559.88 7,484.05 1,019.02 5,039.61 $ 30,007.31 Ending Balances $ 183.90 5,823.78 4,392.03 3,330.57 9,255.14 23,319.06 10,540.42 $ 56,844.90 Central Area Tradewinds Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies collected by staff were often submitted directly to the bookkeeper without recording the transfer of custody on the Drop-safe Log. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. Administration met with faculty and staff regarding this finding and district procedure. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that Lease #1015 had an expired Certificate of Insurance. The lease was for the use of facilities during April 2010; however, the insurance expired on December 31, 2009. Consequently, there was no liability insurance coverage during the entire leasehold period. Recommendation To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. Management’s Response Concur. Principal met with leasing contact and we will ensure that we have current Certificate of Insurance for all leases. Central Area 273 Woodlands Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5200 Lyons Road Lake Worth, FL 33467 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Tanya Daniel Tanya Daniel Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Vilma Fedor Vilma Fedor Cash and Investments $ 103,855.20 Checking Investments $ 103,855.20 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 274 Beginning Balances $ 6,871.09 3,530.03 2,690.97 6,990.06 44,814.06 32,436.33 944.54 $ 98,277.08 Receipts $ 12,172.97 66,814.30 31,644.60 4,313.20 62,146.93 56,530.75 3,243.41 $ 236,866.16 Disbursements $ 11,973.15 66,302.27 30,349.44 3,913.89 60,487.85 54,466.88 3,794.56 $ 231,288.04 Transfers In $ 5,424.05 17,639.20 1,878.30 186.42 14,179.40 2,864.58 586.76 $ 42,758.71 Transfers Out $ 5,394.05 17,409.20 2,208.12 186.42 14,179.40 3,091.05 290.47 $ 42,758.71 Ending Balances $ 7,100.91 4,272.06 3,656.31 7,389.37 46,473.14 34,273.73 689.68 $ 103,855.20 Central Area Woodlands Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SAFE SCHOOL PROGRAM Finding The review of fee collection process for the Safe School Program found that there was an estimated 90 students attending the program, with a total estimated fee revenue of $780 during the year. However, only $240 in fees was deposited into the Internal Funds and recorded in the students’ Record of Payment Forms, and documentation for fee waivers was not found. Apparently, fees might not have been collected from some students without documented fee waivers. Due to incomplete and accurate records kept by the school, there was no assurance that all the fees were collected and accounted for. Recommendation The money collection process for Safe School Program should be administered in accordance with Middle School After School Program Handbook and other District guidelines. Specifically, • Payment history should be recorded on the individual Record of Payment Form (PBSD 1652) for each student, and Classroom Receipts should be issued when fees are collected from parents. • Fee waivers should be documented and approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. We will monitor weekly payment status of student accounts. We will identify those students on free and reduced lunch to separate these students from those required to make payment. Parents will be contacted via phone and mail to request reasons for non-payment and will receive a deadline for payment. If a waiver is required, we will complete a fee waiver. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1021 did not have the required District’s approved Rental Prequalification Request. • Lease Agreements #1001 and #1021 did not have the dates and times for use of facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, Central Area 275 Woodlands Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, lessee should be prequalified by the Central Office prior to executing the Lease Agreement. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. Management’s Response Concur. We will closely monitor lease procedures to ensure correct processing and execution of leases. A newly implemented system promises to target all areas for which we were cited. The process will be reviewed with the assistant principal who works with leases. 276 Central Area High Schools Central Area Total 1 0 0 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 16 Lake Worth High 0 17 1 John I. Leonard High √ Park Vista High 0 19a 20 22 CENTRAL AREA (6 Schools) Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. School of the Arts Santaluces High √ √ √ √ 3 3 2 0 √ 0 √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 5 27 28 29 30 31 32 32a 33 34 35 √ 0 2 √ √ 0 Monies Collected Not Properly Documented Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use Fee Waivers Not Documented / Undercharged Rental Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded Staff Performing Incompatible Duties Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely √ √ 5 2 2 √ 1 √ 0 1 0 2 0 Leases 39 √ √ 0 0 3 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 38 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal √ √ √ √ √ 37 Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented √ 36 Bank Signature Card Not Updated Receipts Adjustments to Records Not Properly Approved /Documented Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed 26 Lease Prequalification Not Available 25 Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account Disbursements Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor 24 Monies Not Deposited Timely √ √ 23a Access to Drop Safe √ √ 23 Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely P-Card Related Findings Forest Hill High 19 Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account 18 Inadequate Support for Disbursement Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Disbursement Not Properly Approved Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 11 Missing Timecard 5 Timecard Not Signed By Employee Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing Central Area Central Area High Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 √ √ √ 0 Number of Findings 7 4 11 9 3 35 1 277 This page left intentionally blank. 278 Central Area Alexander W. Dreyfoos Jr. School of the Arts Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 501 South Sapodilla Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ellen VanArsdale Ellen VanArsdale Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sandra Bullock Sandra Bullock Cash and Investments $ 530,769.41 Checking Investments $ 530,769.41 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $ 2,887.92 87,485.55 19,517.52 32,991.37 166,917.39 185,443.95 130,592.81 $ 625,836.51 Receipts $ 10,427.03 127,153.55 93,797.64 27,494.28 393,382.47 174,458.27 42,521.41 $ 869,234.65 Disbursements $ 9,781.00 129,439.53 82,939.38 25,782.04 395,585.44 275,202.02 45,572.34 $ 964,301.75 Transfers In $ 7,409.00 78,538.04 18,707.78 11,640.12 157,407.35 4,573.83 52,505.33 $ 330,781.45 Transfers Out $ 7,409.00 75,927.64 32,760.33 12,955.12 164,919.38 2,750.86 34,059.12 $ 330,781.45 Ending Balances $ 3,533.95 87,809.97 16,323.23 33,388.61 157,202.39 86,523.17 145,988.09 $ 530,769.41 279 Alexander W. Dreyfoos Jr. School of the Arts Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $2,789.75 collected through six MCRs (#100-2, #100-4, #100-5, #114-11, #123-1, and #135-2) was retained by the sponsors for one to 15 working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. • The Drop-safe Log indicated that the sponsor for the Chorus Madrigal Dinner (Account #2-1500.11) dropped off $3,000+ into the safe on April 21, 2010; however, only $1,385 was deposited into the Internal Funds. According to the bookkeeper and the sponsor, the sponsor entered an estimated dollar amount on the log without counting the money. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Significant discrepancies between the log and the deposits in the safe should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. The behavior of the individuals involved has been addressed. I reemphasized that all money is to be turned in daily. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that: • Lease #1010 did not have the required Rental Prequalification Request. • Leases #1010 and #1021 did not have proof of insurance. Moreover, Lease #1018 was for use of facilities on May 1, 2010; however, the certificate of insurance expired on June 15, 2009. 280 Central Area Alexander W. Dreyfoos Jr. School of the Arts Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, lessee should be prequalified by the Central Office prior to executing Lease Agreement. • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. Management’s Response Concur. We have follow in this matter. We will make all necessary corrections. I have assigned the task to another assistant principal. Under the prior assistant principal, DSOA was never cited for any irregularities on Leasing of School Facilities. His replacement was unable to perform these tasks in a timely and correct manner. Central Area 281 Forest Hill High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6901 Parker Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Mayra Stafford Mayra Stafford Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Connie Pratt Connie Pratt Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: David Reily During Audit: David Reily Cash and Investments $ 110,983.57 20,000.00 $ 130,983.57 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 282 Beginning Balances $ 871.00 8,987.92 9,094.87 19,402.37 35,078.67 84,569.55 1,156.03 $ 159,160.41 Receipts $ 65,801.14 46,996.59 33,686.00 59,774.18 58,854.30 313,481.16 2,443.86 $ 581,037.23 Disbursements $ 56,951.21 53,971.75 39,922.67 65,994.83 70,554.50 318,546.49 3,272.62 $ 609,214.07 Transfers In $ 26,992.08 10,968.50 20,369.30 30,394.74 14,432.04 44,644.39 3,579.91 $ 151,380.96 Transfers Out $ 35,880.57 11,218.50 17,570.13 28,936.75 8,987.76 48,099.84 687.41 $ 151,380.96 Ending Balances $ 832.44 1,762.76 5,657.37 14,639.71 28,822.75 76,048.77 3,219.77 $ 130,983.57 Central Area Forest Hill High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEFICIT ACCOUNTS Finding The review of Internal Funds general ledger found that six accounts had a year-end deficit, totaling $9,488.01. School District’s Internal Funds procedure requires that all activity account deficits be resolved before the close of the fiscal year. The school transferred funds from other accounts to balance these deficits. Number 3-2011.00 4-0860.00 5-0450.00 6-0570.00 6-0595.00 4-0870.00 Deficit Account Name Class of 2011-Juniors Cheerleaders-JV Campus-yearbook(397) Booster-Boys Soccer Booster-Wrestling Cheerleaders-JV Total Amount $4,389.79 1,983.37 1,405.26 915.05 419.20 375.34 $9,488.01 Source of Fund For Balancing the Deficit 6-1500 Custodial Services 6-1500 Custodial Services 6-1500 Custodial Services 6-1500 Custodial Services 1-0020 Sports Medicine 6-1500 Custodial Services Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and self-sufficiency, the school should monitor each activity account closely so that total expenditures would not exceed total revenues. Management’s Response We were under the direction that all account must zero balance. We also did this in 2009. We could have changed for 2010. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • During Fiscal Year 2010, the school collected a total of $581,037.23 which was deposited into the Internal Funds. However, information for only $200,951.80 in collection was recorded in the Dropsafe Log. It appeared that staff did not record some of the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before turning in the monies for deposit. • $1,316 of the $1,719 collected through six MCRs (#159-11, #182-14, #190-4, #206-9, #208-13, and #226-14) was retained by the sponsors for one to seven business days before turning in to the bookkeeper for deposit. • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in completing MCRs for account sponsors to sign as Central Area 283 Forest Hill High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 remitters. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • Monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five business days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure fiscal accountability, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties, which can result in conflict of interest, such as collecting monies from students. Management’s Response Concur. New Drop-safe procedures have been examined and explained to teachers and staff. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • The school purchased 30 cassette players/recorders, totaling $2,562, on April 23, 2009. This purchase, however, was paid through three P-Card transactions of $854 each. • Disbursement #38253 (for $2,000) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the Principal’s approved Purchase Orders. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • 284 “Splitting an invoice totaling more than $1,000 is considered Pyramiding and is not allowed. Payment for purchases shall not be split to stay within the single purchase limit.” The school should not circumvent the rule in splitting large purchase into multiple small purchases. Central Area Forest Hill High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. Management’s Response Concur. P-Card holders have been instructed on proper procedures. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that Lease #1045 did not have proof of insurance. Recommendation To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or obtain the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. Management’s Response Insurance was bought and paid for year. We were told by leasing to make it once. We will in the future mark each lease according to recommendation. COMMUNITY SCHOOL PROGRAM Finding According to registration and related Adult Education and Community School Receipts, the school collected an estimated total of $10,004 in GED fees. However, only $9,672 was deposited into the Internal Funds. The remaining $332 was unaccounted for. Recommendation Adult Education and Community School Program should be administered in accordance with Adult and Community School Procedures Manual, DOE Rules, and Internal Accounts Manual. Specifically, • Fee waivers, if any, should be adequately documented and properly approved. • Adult and Community School records including student registration and payment records should be retained for a time period consistent with the District’s Records Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. I have contacted Adult Ed. There needs to be a line for Full Battery of GED Tests. Not have a Central Area 285 Forest Hill High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 space allows for misinformation on District form. Audit group needs to have up to date GED charges. 286 Central Area John I. Leonard High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4701 10th Avenue North Greenacres, FL 33463 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Terry Costa Terry Costa Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Maria Luna Maria Luna Cash and Investments $ 100,999.87 46,951.24 $ 147,951.11 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $ 9,815.56 2,683.95 1,804.50 16,499.67 53,460.70 37,084.65 11,539.21 $ 132,888.24 Receipts $ 117,192.67 95,036.80 42,121.61 43,029.04 70,916.89 174,232.30 6,672.38 $ 549,201.69 Disbursements $ 135,971.96 95,860.14 35,518.07 46,841.75 76,483.20 131,628.23 11,835.47 $ 534,138.82 Transfers In $ 61,209.19 42,832.28 6,551.53 21,005.64 29,470.72 25,289.33 2,050.03 $ 188,408.72 Transfers Out $ 46,197.88 42,832.28 9,074.51 21,338.07 30,560.94 33,402.92 5,002.12 $ 188,408.72 Ending Balances $ 6,047.58 1,860.61 5,885.06 12,354.53 46,804.17 71,575.13 3,424.03 $ 147,951.11 287 John I. Leonard High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and the money collection process found that: The activity account sponsors did not always retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Collections were not always deposited in a timely manner. For example, $2,315.15 collected through eight sample MCRs (#59-2, #66-11, #96-12, #96-13, #96-14, #149-3, #160-3, and #189-3) were not timely deposited into the bank, with delays ranging from one to 16 working days after collection. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. I have to inform all teachers that they need to keep their yellow copies when turning in their monies collection forms. The teachers have been notified that they need to drop their monies collection forms on a daily basis, and I have been doing deposits in a daily basis. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the Sales Item Inventory Reports for P.E. Uniform Sales (Account #5-1900.01), Spirit Cups Sales (Account #4-4810.04) and the Fashion Snack Sales (Account #5-1201.01) were not completed with all the required information; i.e. beginning inventory, purchases, items sold, items given away/missing, item cost, ending inventory value, sales price, and sales revenue. 288 Central Area John I. Leonard High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Due to lack of documentation, we were unable to ascertain whether all fundraiser revenues were accounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. I have to inform all teachers if they are doing fundraiser they need to fill out a Sales Item Inventory Report properly sign and date with or without inventory left. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • 16 P-Card purchases, totaling $2,296.34, were for items purchased by and delivered to a company owned by a P.E. teacher of the school. • Three P-Card purchases, totaling $590.72, were supported by credit card receipts that did not indicate the items purchased. • Disbursement #25651 (for $6,406.15) for purchase of football equipment during August and September 2009 exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • The catering service contract for the Prom event (Disbursement #26262 for $7,500) was signed and approved by the activity sponsor instead of the Principal. • A $475 P-Card transaction occurred on August 26, 2009, was for the purchase of cheerleader apparel from a company owned by two District employees who worked at two other schools. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Central Area 289 John I. Leonard High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Specifically, • To ensure proper accountability and safeguard of assets, school purchases should be made in the school’s name and the items should be delivered to the school. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase. All purchases should be preapproved by the Principal. • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Administrative Directive D6.01 states, “Purchases from any business owned totally or in part by an employee of the School Board or the employee’s immediate family may constitute a conflict of interest as defined by Florida Statutes, and are prohibited.” To avoid potential conflict of interest, the school should comply with Administrative Directive D6.01 for all school purchases. Management’s Response Concur. The purchase order was an oversight. It happened when the other bookkeeper was in this position. As a new bookkeeper I didn’t know that the principal needed to sign the contract. I will make sure the principal signs every contract. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease Agreements #1003 and #1010 were neither signed by the lessees nor approved by the Principal until after the lessees had begun using the facilities for six to eight days. • Lease #1001 was for use of facilities during July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010. However, the Rental Prequalification Request was neither prepared by the school nor approved by the Central Office until June 2010. • Lease Agreement # 1005 and the related Rental Prequalification Request were approved with the Principal’s signature stamp in lieu of a manual signature. • Lease Agreement #1004 did not indicate the dates and times for use of facilities. 290 Central Area John I. Leonard High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Leasing charges for Leases #1003 and #1010 were not collected until after the lessees had begun using the facilities for one to three weeks. • Leasing charges were not always correctly allocated to the proper accounts. For example, the entire amounts of the leasing charges for Leases #1004 and #1010 were recorded in the Rental Income Account (#6-3800). As a result, the school under-allocated and under-transmitted $544 in utility fees and $189.8 in Sales Tax to the Central Office for these leases. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, lessee should be prequalified by the Central Office prior to executing the Lease Agreement. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be completed with all the required information and properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the District’s Approved Rate Schedule. These revenues should be recorded in the respective leasing accounts, including Rental Income (#63800), Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500), Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500), Extra Services-Other (#6-1600), Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850), and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800). • The portion of utility fees, event insurance, and sales tax should be transmitted accordingly to the Central Office in accordance with Internal Funds guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. On behalf of the person over leasing, he said it would not happen again. The school switched to Tririga program. I didn’t know about using the other account but when I was informed of the mistake I made the changes that needed to be made. Central Area 291 Lake Worth High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1701 Lake Worth Avenue Lake Worth, FL 33460 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ian Saltzman Kirk Howell Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patre Brown Patre Brown Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Brett Packard During Audit: Brett Packard Cash and Investments $ 297,683.17 80,727.87 $ 378,411.04 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 292 Beginning Balances $ 28,385.41 12,665.86 8,293.11 28,705.40 101,335.42 312,392.85 5,678.12 $ 497,456.17 Receipts $ 96,063.96 42,919.97 40,700.10 43,792.88 89,923.20 488,417.70 18,259.98 $ 820,077.79 Disbursements $ 128,705.54 54,253.68 53,245.42 46,232.01 105,901.02 535,602.30 15,122.14 $ 939,062.11 Transfers In $ 96,820.13 19,739.49 36,152.93 27,607.23 68,564.26 186,775.24 5,379.18 $ 441,038.46 Transfers Out $ 76,493.23 18,423.69 28,870.67 25,469.73 83,779.65 203,396.29 4,605.20 $ 441,038.46 Ending Balances $ 16,070.73 2,647.95 3,030.05 28,403.77 70,142.21 248,587.20 9,529.13 $ 378,411.04 Central Area Lake Worth High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that $11,152.50 collected through four MCRs (#199-15, #240-21, #284-5, and #307-19) were retained by the sponsors for two to nine working days before being turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Chapter 7 of the Department of Education’s Financial and Program Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools will be reviewed with sponsors. All monies collected will be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put in the Drop-safe and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. We are committed to this recommendation and will follow all guidelines as instructed by the district. Central Area 293 Park Vista High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 7900 Jog Road Lake Worth, FL 33467 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Reginald Myers Reginald Myers Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cathy Varney Leigh Katusak Cash and Investments $ 201,758.06 Checking Investments $ 201,758.06 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 294 Beginning Balances $ 45,171.28 19,026.03 19,845.93 23,543.91 93,421.90 90,051.67 3,786.31 $ 294,847.03 Receipts $ 381,790.13 279,405.44 81,776.65 195,230.52 256,724.51 186,227.31 23,089.13 $1,404,243.69 Disbursements $ 404,879.00 303,283.53 79,349.28 166,299.47 248,181.75 202,787.49 92,552.14 $1,497,332.66 Transfers In $ 258,009.29 93,812.51 21,551.49 60,333.44 43,472.14 52,958.32 70,891.94 $ 601,029.13 Transfers Out $ 256,340.90 85,846.79 26,362.93 87,741.44 41,479.41 99,831.79 3,425.87 $ 601,029.13 Ending Balances $ 23,750.80 3,113.66 17,461.86 25,066.96 103,957.39 26,618.02 1,789.37 $ 201,758.06 Central Area Park Vista High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. • Some sponsors did not record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • The bookkeeper was performing incompatible duties in receiving and opening incoming mails, which could contain payments, such as school picture commission checks. • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,950 collected through three MCRs (#179009, #212-23, and #286-005) was retained by the sponsors for one to nine working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • To ensure fiscal accountability, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties such as receiving and opening incoming mails, which can result in conflict of interest. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Central Area 295 Park Vista High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Management will comply with the recommendations regarding findings for money deposits. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISER Finding The review of fundraiser documentation revealed that: • The Fundraising Application/Recap Form for the Newspaper Ads (Account #5-0350.02) was not approved by the Principal until one month after the fundraising sales had begun. • According to purchasing records, the Hamburger Sales (Account #5-0852.05) had a total estimated sales revenue of $792; however, only $600 in sales revenue was deposited into the Internal Funds. No documentation was maintained for the $192 discrepancy in estimated revenue. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. School will comply with recommendations. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card transaction records revealed that: • 296 Disbursement #19685 (for $10,900) was for payment of registration fees for summer training camp for the school’s football team. However, this disbursement was not supported by an invoice/receipt; instead, it was supported by the camp’s information sheet that did not include the calculation of the amount due. Moreover, this purchase exceeded the $1,000 threshold for Purchase Order but did not have the required Principal’s approved Purchase Order. Central Area Park Vista High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • The Yearbook printing contract (Disbursement #17353 for $24,665.88) was not approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the sponsor teacher. • Disbursement #19458 (for $10,862.15) was for payment of the Band Banquet Dinner. However, the related Purchase Order was not approved by the Principal until three days after the dinner event. • Disbursement #17587 (for $102) was for payment of JV soccer referee fee to a coach. According to the FHSAA Officials Guidebook, total referee fee and travel cost was $47. As a result, the school overpaid the coach by $55. • Five P-Card transactions, totaling $2,141.90, were for payments of conference registration fees and air tickets that did not have the required TDE forms. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03 “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” • Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. • The school should recoup the $55 payment from the coach for Disbursement #17587. • Staff travels for attending conferences or training programs should be supported by Principal’s approved TDEs. Management’s Response The TDE for the conference fees and registration were completed but misplaced. DEFICIT ACCOUNTS Finding The review of Internal Funds general ledger record found that five accounts had a year-end deficit, totaling $16,679.15, as follow: Central Area 297 Park Vista High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Account Name General Activities (#7-0100.00) Football/freshman camp (#1-2020.12) School store (#7-0100.01) Hosa (#5-1101.00) Newspaper-campus (#5-0350.00) Total Deficit Amount $6,194.29 5,069.25 2,433.84 1,677.05 1,304.72 $16,679.15 Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and self-sufficiency, the school should monitor the Internal Funds activity accounts closely so that the expenditures would not exceed the revenues. Management’s Response Concur. Management if closely monitoring the activity on all Internal Acounts. 298 Central Area Santaluces High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6880 Lawrence Road Lantana, FL 33462 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kathleen Orloff Kathleen Orloff Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Susan Diglio Susan Diglio Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: James Utterback During Audit: James Utterback Cash and Investments $ 189,240.35 104,070.44 $ 293,310.79 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $ 31,899.21 1,116.90 9,920.30 19,098.49 58,035.47 173,876.74 42,357.66 $ 336,304.77 Receipts $ 159,975.02 199,157.16 56,198.03 40,408.46 98,622.49 467,616.82 16,107.95 $1,038,085.93 Disbursements $ 162,137.21 235,056.56 56,063.01 35,278.18 119,569.38 448,788.74 24,186.83 $1,081,079.91 Transfers In $ 62,875.24 89,989.49 12,656.58 12,022.07 60,972.70 20,164.34 12,395.74 $ 271,076.16 Transfers Out $ 61,964.49 52,587.66 16,212.93 20,022.58 41,506.22 64,674.30 14,107.98 $ 271,076.16 Ending Balances $ 30,647.77 2,619.33 6,498.97 16,228.26 56,555.06 148,194.86 32,566.54 $ 293,310.79 299 Santaluces High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that: • The Chorus Uniforms (Account #2-1500.01) and DCT Beef Jerky Sales (Account #4-1500.02) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Reports. Due to lack of documentation and inventory counts, we were unable to ascertain if all revenues were accounted for. • According to the invoice, the school purchased 440 copies of discount coupon-book for the Booster Enjoy the City Books Sales (Account #6-0650.09); and 56 coupon-books were found in inventory during the audit. The 384 (440 – 56) coupon-books sold should generate a total revenue of $7,680; however, only $5,500 in sales revenue was deposited into the Internal Funds. The other $2,180 in estimated revenue was unaccounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • All significant discrepancies between estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Anyone doing a fundraiser will be given a copy of the Sales Item Inventory Report to complete upon finishing the fundraiser. The bookkeeper will notify the principal if this is not done immediately. Please note that the Chorus uniforms were NOT a fundraiser. Band Booster parents were notified prior to this that they would be monitored more closely. 300 Central Area Other Schools Central Area Total 1 0 Royal Palm School 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 0 Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Inadequate Proof of Insurance Access to Drop Safe 0 24 Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed 23a Lease Prequalification Not Available 23 Monies Collected Not Properly Documented 22 Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor 21 Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 34 0 35 0 37 0 39 0 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 38 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Leases Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely Adjustments to Records Not Properly Approved/Documented 33 Staff Performing Incompatible Duties 32a Undercharged Rental 1 32 Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded Receipts Fees Collected After Use Disbursements Monies Not Deposited Timely 20 Purchases From School Employee Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account 19a Disbursement Not Properly Approved 0 19 Missing Documentation 18 Inadequate Support for Disbursement Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds 15 Staff Incurred Excessive Hours √ 14 Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 0 13 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor CENTRAL AREA 11 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 5 Missing Timecard Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing Central Area Central Area Other Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 0 Number of Findings 1 301 This page left intentionally blank. 302 Central Area Royal Palm School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6650 Lawrence Road Lantana, FL 33462 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Revia Lee Bradley S.L. Henry Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kristen Casagni Kristen Casagni Cash and Investments $ 14,409.69 6,000.00 $ 20,409.69 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Central Area Beginning Balances $0.00 2,569.44 5.06 2,046.03 16,306.23 9,316.71 1,342.44 $ 31,585.91 Receipts $0.00 40.00 1,618.50 2,290.50 5,944.66 157,417.04 4,291.87 $ 171,602.57 Disbursements $0.00 1,601.70 1,495.72 2,068.74 6,788.05 160,701.82 10,122.76 $ 182,778.79 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 33.52 1,388.68 1,180.96 0.00 6,771.36 $ 9,374.52 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 127.84 1,423.16 5,997.08 52.94 1,773.50 $ 9,374.52 Ending Balances $0.00 1,007.74 33.52 2,233.31 10,646.72 5,978.99 509.41 $ 20,409.69 303 Royal Palm School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,144.76 collected through five MCRs (#65-9, #67-5, #126-7, #127-11, and #144-5) was retained by the sponsors for one to 10 working days before it was put into the safe for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Appropriate staff members were reminded of the procedures. 304 Central Area SOUTH AREA This page left intentionally blank. Total (27 Schools) 3 Galaxy Orchard View 0 2 0 Hurricane Hours Not Repaid 4 √ Morikami Park Plumosa 0 √ √ 3 8 9 10 2 0 0 0 0 Student FTE Reports Not Properly Maintained Fee Waiver Not Properly Documented 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 16 √ √ Pine Grove √ Rolling Green S.D. Spady 0 17 6 18 Addison Mizner Boca Raton Calusa √ √ √ √ √ Poinciana √ √ Village Academy Waters Edge 0 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 4 √ √ Forest Park 0 2 √ Coral Sunset √ √ √ Hagen Road Hammock Pointe √ √ √ √ J.C. Mitchell Sunrise Park Sunset Palms Verde √ √ √ Whispering Pines 1 13 26 27 28 29 30 31 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 √ √ Citrus Cove Del Prado √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 4 2 0 8 √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 10 Monies Collected Not Properly Documented Lease Prequalification Not Available Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use 32 32a Undercharged Rental 25 Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor √ √ √ √ 2 2 √ 0 3 0 37 38 39 Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Leases √ √ √ √ √ 0 0 6 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 36 Bank Signature Card Not Updated 35 Adjustments To Records Not Properly Approved/Documented 34 Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely 33 Staff Performing Incompatible Duties Receipts Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded 24 Monies Not Deposited Timely 23a Access to Drop Safe Disbursements Receipts Recorded in Wrong Account 23 Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely 22 Purchases From School Employee √ √ √ 21 Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account 20 P-Card Related Findings √ 19a Disbursement Not Properly Approved Banyan Creek 19 Inadequate Support for Disbursement Student Records Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard Employee Incurred Work Hours While On Leave/Holiday Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds 13 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 12 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor 11 Time Input Mannually into Time Clock 7 Student Released To Unauthorized Person Fiscal Management Missing Timecard 6 Student Released Without Parent Signout 5 Attendance and Parent Sign-out Records Missing / Not Properly Maintained Accounting Records Incomplete/Incorrect Registration Form Not Properly Maintained 2 Registration / Fees Not Collected South Area Schools 1 Fees Not Timely Transmitted To District South Area South Area Elementary Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits School Age Child Care (SACC) Payroll Others 40 √ 1 √ √ 1 1 41 0 42 √ √ √ √ √ Crosspointe √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Sandpiper Shores √ √ √ 0 Number of Findings 3 9 5 3 1 2 0 2 11 5 3 1 3 9 10 7 10 4 3 0 2 1 2 8 3 111 307 This page left intentionally blank. Addison Mizner Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 199 S.W. 12th Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33486 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Donna Binninger Donna Binninger Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Robin Stewart Robin Stewart SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Steve Robert Steve Robert Cash and Investments $ 86,125.50 Checking Investments $ 86,125.50 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $0.00 3,236.28 163.99 0.00 13,358.57 79,135.64 1,373.94 $ 97,268.42 Receipts $0.00 682.00 35,040.80 0.00 45,349.55 824,452.91 6,832.77 $ 912,358.03 Disbursements $0.00 557.65 33,379.12 0.00 39,815.98 839,693.74 10,054.46 $ 923,500.95 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 951.17 0.00 15,662.33 17,400.64 2,947.84 $ 36,961.98 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 2,010.22 0.00 15,662.33 19,163.44 125.99 $ 36,961.98 Ending Balances $0.00 3,360.63 766.62 0.00 18,892.14 62,132.01 974.10 $ 86,125.50 309 Addison Mizner Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some staff members did not record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. We continue to remind all teachers to the correct procedure. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Leasing charges were not always collected prior to the use of facilities. For example, leasing fee for Lease #1006 was not collected until 19 days after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • Lease #1006 was charged with non-profit rate; however, no proof of non-profit or tax-exempt status was maintained for this lessee. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Proof of non-profit or tax-exempt status should be provided by lessee and documented in file in order to qualify for the non-profit rates. Management’s Response Concur. The payment was received before the start of the lease on September 2nd. It was taken out of the safe on September 3rd and made ready for deposit pickup on September 8th (deposit #73), after the Labor 310 South Area Addison Mizner Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Day holiday. The bookkeeper thought she had the proper documentation, and corrected the situation as soon as she learned it was not. South Area 311 Banyan Creek Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4243 Sabal Lake Drive Delray Beach, FL 33445 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: William J. Fay, Jr. William J. Fay, Jr. Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Judy Castano Judy Castano SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lydia Carreiro Lydia Carreiro Cash and Investments $ 57,239.05 Checking Investments $ 57,239.05 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 312 Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 3,835.92 2,406.69 1,234.30 34,554.49 2,056.09 $ 44,087.49 Receipts $0.00 0.00 26,211.26 32,410.30 2,047.83 439,493.35 1,594.05 $ 501,756.79 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 26,296.85 28,439.57 2,633.83 427,969.85 3,265.13 $ 488,605.23 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 3,226.60 196.00 0.00 6,908.53 122.71 $ 10,453.84 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 2,685.90 175.15 0.00 7,592.79 0.00 $ 10,453.84 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 4,291.03 6,398.27 648.30 45,393.73 507.72 $ 57,239.05 South Area Banyan Creek Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Six P-Card purchases (totaling $769.16) occurred during December 2009 and March 2010, did not have supporting documentation. The cardholders filled out the Purchasing Card Missing Receipts Reports documenting the items purchased for these six transactions. • Disbursement #14091 (for $3,949.27) was not supported by invoices; instead, it was supported by an account statement that did not indicate the items purchased. • Three disbursements (#13593, #13861, and #13968, totaling $13,542.75) were for reimbursements of Drama Club expenses to a volunteer. However, these reimbursements had the following exceptions: - $1,078.44 ($195 in gift-cards, $99.41 in various gift items, and $784.03 in food) in expenses for volunteers was inappropriately funded by a student activity account (i.e., the Drama Club Account #4-1650). Moreover, there was no documentation indicating who were the recipients of the gift-cards and other gift items. - $886.03 in expenses was supported by credit card receipts in lieu of itemized receipts/invoices. • Disbursement #14085 was for purchase of a $100 gift-card as end-of-year gift to a Drum Line volunteer. However, it was inappropriately funded by a student activity account (i.e., the Drum Line Account #4-1651). • The Yearbook printing contract (Disbursements #13636, #13757, #14079, totaling $5,707.75) was neither signed nor approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the activity sponsor. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Pursuant to DOE Rules and the District’s Chart of Accounts for Internal Funds, only funds in the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200) and Faculty Fund Account (#6-1700) may be used to benefit adults. Funds in student activity accounts should be used to directly benefit the dedicated student activities. • Pursuant to Bulletin #P-12690-CAO/COO/P, “gift cards may be purchased for students only” and South Area 313 Banyan Creek Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 “schools must maintain documentation of all recipients of gift cards”. The school should comply with Bulletin #P-12690-CAO/COO/P for purchase of gift cards. • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Management’s Response Concur. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,408 collected through five MCRs (#134, #188, #208, #231 and #296) was retained by the sponsors for three to 10 working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraising records found that: • The Drum Line Car Wash Fundraiser (Account #4-1651) and Drama Club Dance Account (#4-1650) did not have the required Fundraising Application/Recap Forms. • The Yearbook Sales (Account #4-1652) and The Faculty Vending Account (6-1700.01) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Reports; and the Drama Club Dance Ticket Sales (Account #41650) did not have the required Ticket Sellers Report. • The financial activities for two fundraisers for the Drum Line (Account #4-1651) and four fundraisers for the Drama Club (Account #4-1650) were recorded in the respective clubs’ primary accounts 314 South Area Banyan Creek Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 instead of a separate decimalized account for each fundraiser. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • Ticket Sellers Report should be prepared in order to reconcile revenues with the number of tickets sold. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. • To assist the school in evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser, a separate decimalized account should be established for each fundraiser. Each fundraiser account should contain only financial information that is related to the fundraiser. Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • #1001 was repeatedly used for two Lease Agreements. • Three leases (#1002, #1004, and #1005) with the same lessee were charged with the incorrect rates, resulting in a total undercharge of $127.81 in rentals. Moreover, the leasing charges for Lease #1005 were not collected until six days after the lessee had begun using the facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. South Area 315 Banyan Creek Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Rental charges should be collected in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. 316 South Area Boca Raton Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 103 S.W. 1st Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33432 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Bradley Henry Gerald Riopelle Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Vera Klein Vera Klein SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patricia Jackson Patricia Jackson Cash and Investments $ 37,364.29 Checking Investments $ 37,364.29 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $0.00 176.72 3,526.16 597.44 2,212.02 29,474.08 506.07 $ 36,492.49 Receipts $0.00 644.40 4,275.50 442.00 6,882.50 141,922.00 2,515.04 $ 156,681.44 Disbursements $0.00 582.64 4,560.03 376.45 5,967.84 141,374.06 2,948.62 $ 155,809.64 Transfers In $0.00 44.58 1,207.53 0.00 1,978.35 3,361.22 705.73 $ 7,297.41 Transfers Out $0.00 44.58 1,207.53 24.72 1,978.35 3,361.37 680.86 $ 7,297.41 Ending Balances $0.00 238.48 3,241.63 638.27 3,126.68 30,021.87 97.36 $ 37,364.29 317 Boca Raton Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • The total dollar amounts for deposit listed on two MCRs (#66-1-0017 and #66-3) were changed after the bookkeeper counted the monies accompanied by the MCRs. However, the changes on the MCRs were not signed or initialed by the sponsors to acknowledge the corrections. • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in receiving and opening incoming mails, which could contain payments from various sources, such as school picture commission checks. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper accountability, changes on MCRs made by the bookkeeper should be acknowledged by the sponsors. • To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, employees should not perform incompatible duties. Receiving and opening incoming mails for the school and collecting monies from lessees should be assigned to staff members other than the bookkeeper. Management’s Response Concur. Meeting with bookkeeper: all future actions on changes must include initials from sponsors. Head secretary will open bookkeeper mail and if any monies are included it will be directed toward the appropriate personnel and/or bookkeeper for accurate accounting. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Eight P-Card purchases, totaling $1,200.27, did not have adequate documentation. Two (totaling $283.85) did not have any supporting documentation; and six (totaling $916.42) were supported by Packing Slips that did not indicate the dollar amounts of the purchases. • Disbursement #2302 (for $490) did not have the required Principal’s approved Check Requisition. 318 South Area Boca Raton Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Two disbursements (#2154 for $1,500 and #2212 for $2,188.48) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • All disbursements should be supported by Principal’s approved Check Requisitions. • Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. Management’s Response Concur. Meeting with bookkeeper: any and all items must have adequate documentation including proper invoices. Principal approval is required for processing all disbursements. Future orders over $1,000 will require principal approval along with proper filing for a purchase order. SACC Records Finding The review of SACC records found that the February 2010 Family Central’s Subsidy Reimbursement check of $1,034.63 was missing. The school was informed of this incident during the audit. Subsequently, the school contacted Family Central and received a replacement check that was deposited into the Internal Funds. Recommendation To ensure proper accountability and safeguard of assets, Family Central’s Subsidy Reimbursement Checks should be timely deposited into the bank upon receipt. To prevent and detect potential irregularities, the school should periodically reconcile SACC revenues with the deposit records. Management’s Response Concur. Meeting with SACC Director: as a safeguard the SACC Director will notify administration when incoming funds are not received and will document all actions taken to rectify discrepancy. SACC reconciled accounts will be reviewed by the principal. In relation to the SACC findings, SACC Director South Area 319 Boca Raton Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 contacted Family Central and it was confirmed by the agency that the check in question was not cashed or received by Boca Elementary. Therefore, providing agency put a stop payment on the original check and reissued another check to Boca Elementary. 320 South Area Calusa Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 2051 Clint Moore Road Boca Raton, FL 33496 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Catherine Lewis / Jamie Wyatt Jamie Wyatt Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lynda Kramer Lynda Kramer SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Laurie Ostrow Laurie Ostrow Cash and Investments $ 29,236.77 5,514.21 $ 34,750.98 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $0.00 33.18 4,406.96 1,729.78 7,535.24 13,955.30 ( 333.25) $ 27,327.21 Receipts $0.00 307.19 46,502.58 3,096.31 21,147.53 516,619.56 17,966.19 $ 605,639.36 Disbursements $0.00 324.13 46,745.58 1,735.66 21,296.81 508,797.23 19,316.18 $ 598,215.59 Transfers In $0.00 16.24 4,796.56 1,458.37 5,201.67 12,264.53 4,320.16 $ 28,057.53 Transfers Out $0.00 16.24 5,046.19 2,765.37 5,388.09 14,428.80 412.84 $ 28,057.53 Ending Balances $0.00 16.24 3,914.33 1,783.43 7,199.54 19,613.36 2,224.08 $ 34,750.98 321 Calusa Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchase records found that: • Disbursement #13279 (for $1,865) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Two P-Card purchases, totaling $168.50, occurred in December 2009, were supported by credit card receipts in lieu of itemized invoices/receipts. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Management’s Response Concur. The required purchase order shall be issued and approved by the principal for purchases exceeding $1,000. We will ensure that an itemized invoice or receipt included with all P-Card purchases. The principal will meet with the bookkeeper weekly to ensure that procedures are followed. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that leasing charges were not collected prior to the use of facilities. Specifically, leasing charges for Leases #1001, #1002, #1003, and #1005, were not collected until one to six days after the use of facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, to protect the best interests of the school and in accordance with leasing guidelines, leasing charges should be collected prior to the use of facilities. 322 South Area Calusa Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. All leasing charges will be collected before the use of the facilities. Administration will meet weekly with the bookkeeper to ensure procedures are followed. South Area 323 Citrus Cove Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 8400 Lawrence Road Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Judith Asbury Judith Asbury Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jean Dyer Jean Dyer SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sheila Ross Sheila Ross Cash and Investments $ 44,735.63 40,742.44 $ 85,478.07 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 324 Beginning Balances $0.00 3,948.84 4,828.18 4,903.78 16,986.56 44,928.97 10,984.29 $ 86,580.62 Receipts $0.00 7,112.30 36,398.15 1,064.00 31,422.95 545,485.13 3,887.87 $ 625,370.40 Disbursements $0.00 8,844.58 32,447.23 565.00 26,539.65 546,640.28 11,436.21 $ 626,472.95 Transfers In $0.00 535.25 3,969.85 499.00 6,334.53 6,999.43 18,452.48 $ 36,790.54 Transfers Out $0.00 535.25 3,889.85 499.00 20,181.92 11,492.52 192.00 $ 36,790.54 Ending Balances $0.00 2,216.56 8,859.10 5,402.78 8,022.47 39,280.73 21,696.43 $ 85,478.07 South Area Citrus Cove Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. For example, the yellow copies of two sample MCRs (#82-02 and #82-06, totaling $1,707) were also provided to the bookkeeper when the monies and MCRs were turned in for deposit. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of staff, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Management’s Response Concur. We have implemented the new procedure. All staff has been notified of the new process. South Area 325 Coral Sunset Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 22400 Hammock Street Boca Raton, FL 33428 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gary Hagermann Gary Hagermann Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Linda Westervelt Linda Westervelt SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Evelyn Garcia Evelyn Garcia Cash and Investments $ 27,492.14 Checking Investments $ 27,492.14 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 326 Beginning Balances $0.00 56.60 1,694.69 156.79 4,595.25 20,558.00 6,071.47 $ 33,132.80 Receipts $0.00 0.00 13,429.86 1,251.50 12,883.19 305,687.59 3,245.06 $ 336,497.20 Disbursements $0.00 28.85 12,472.46 855.09 14,182.10 310,983.37 3,615.99 $ 342,137.86 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 1,998.61 454.30 2,804.33 15,956.95 1,528.75 $ 22,742.94 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 2,707.22 470.11 2,810.06 16,520.30 235.25 $ 22,742.94 Ending Balances $0.00 27.75 1,943.48 537.39 3,290.61 14,698.87 6,994.04 $ 27,492.14 South Area Coral Sunset Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCR) and money collection process at the school found that: • $522 collected through five MCRs was retained by the sponsors for one to four working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. • All SACC deposits recorded in the Drop-safe Log during the year did not have the dollar amount of the collections. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. Teachers were notified to turn in promptly any monies collected. Dollar amounts are being listed on the Drop-safe Log. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that the school purchased a $229.99 digital camera on October 21, 2009, with the school’s P-Card; however, the school was unable to locate the item during the audit. Recommendation All school assets should be properly safeguarded at all time. Moreover, school’s property temporary removed from school campus should be documented on Off-Premises Property Transfer Forms (PBSD 1279) and approved by the Principal accordingly. South Area 327 Coral Sunset Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Aftercare will secure it replacement digital camera under lock and key; the camera will also be marked with indelible markers. The appropriate form will be completed if the camera leaves school property. 328 South Area Crosspointe Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 3015 South Congree Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cheryl A. McKeever Cheryl A. McKeever Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Mona Francois Mona Francois SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cindy Plazas Cindy Plazas Cash and Investments $ 38,338.90 Checking Investments $ 38,338.90 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $1.74 61.26 7,121.93 278.00 4,504.52 39,591.63 3,207.81 $ 54,766.89 Receipts $0.00 357.00 8,793.95 0.00 9,168.66 262,684.66 4,756.55 $ 285,760.82 Disbursements $0.00 418.26 9,570.59 218.00 7,602.44 277,066.22 7,313.30 $ 302,188.81 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 4,057.87 0.00 1,749.38 5,591.46 3,564.09 $ 14,962.80 Transfers Out $1.74 0.00 4,778.20 7.43 1,749.38 6,686.81 1,739.24 $ 14,962.80 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 5,624.96 52.57 6,070.74 24,114.72 2,475.91 $ 38,338.90 329 Crosspointe Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit revealed no material instances of noncompliance. 330 South Area Del Prado Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 7900 Del Prado Circle Boca Raton, FL 33433 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sandra Rhategan Dave Clark Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Karen Weiss / Jenny Okoee Jenny Okoee SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lori Goldfinger Lori Goldfinger Cash and Investments $ 69,592.99 Checking Investments $ 69,592.99 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 1,107.13 4,530.47 49,296.49 3,202.68 $ 58,136.77 Receipts $0.00 429.00 42,417.34 1,347.00 28,913.36 645,470.73 13,870.16 $ 732,447.59 Disbursements $0.00 429.00 41,229.49 885.02 28,738.14 634,317.05 15,392.67 $ 720,991.37 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 1,078.90 617.00 6,585.94 1,476.63 2,211.07 $ 11,969.54 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 1,614.11 967.00 6,592.31 2,534.41 261.71 $ 11,969.54 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 652.64 1,219.11 4,699.32 59,392.39 3,629.53 $ 69,592.99 331 Del Prado Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The former Principal signed two 2-Year Agreements (for 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 School Years) on April 16, 2010, with a uniform manufacturer, authorizing the vendor to manufacture and maintain inventories of uniforms for the school. The school received $2,338 in commission from this uniform vendor. The review of these two agreements found that: • The school authorizes the vendor to manufacture and maintain inventories for the school in accordance with the vendor’s "How We Work with Schools" document. However, the school was not able to locate the said document during the audit. • Certain terms and conditions were not clear in the agreements. Specifically, both agreements did not indicate the quantities of the various uniforms to be provided by the vendor. One of the agreements states that “In the event this Agreement expires or is not renewed, or items are discontinued or changed, DEL PRADO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL acknowledges financial responsibility for all remaining CUSTOM stock.” • The agreements had not been reviewed by the Legal Department for legal sufficiency. Due to the unclear terms and conditions and the lack of quantities and costs of inventories in the agreements, there is no basis to determine the extent of potential liabilities to the school. Recommendation To protect the best interests of the school, • Prior to executing legal contracts with outside vendors, the agreements should be reviewed and approved by Legal Department for legal sufficiency. • All contracts and addendum should be properly maintained and retained for a time-period consistent with District’s Record Retention Schedule and related guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. All contracts involving outside vendors from this pint forward will be sent to the legal department for review. All contracts will follow the district’s Record Retention Schedule from this point forward. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: 332 South Area Del Prado Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Lease #1005 was for the use of facilities between April 21 and May 12, 2010; however, the related Certificate of Insurance expired on May 4, 2010. Consequently, the lessee did not have insurance coverage for the entire leasehold period. • The leasing charges for Leases #1003 were not collected until after the lessee had begun using the facilities for seven days. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. Leasing manager will ensure that all fees will be paid a minimum of 24 hours in advance. South Area 333 Forest Park Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1201 SW 3rd Street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sharon Brannon / Suzanne Matuella Suzanne Matuella Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Joann Bazer Joann Bazer SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kim Stivers Kim Stivers Cash and Investments $ 27,392.91 Checking Investments $ 27,392.91 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 334 Beginning Balances $0.00 13.14 1,591.66 186.09 298.62 14,431.62 ( 34.32) $ 16,486.81 Receipts $0.00 0.00 2,844.68 0.00 1,062.85 235,715.44 3,374.59 $ 242,997.56 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 3,318.65 0.00 1,044.84 223,910.92 3,817.05 $ 232,091.46 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 1,265.50 0.00 0.01 7,134.19 647.00 $ 9,046.70 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 1,818.43 0.00 0.01 7,055.01 173.25 $ 9,046.70 Ending Balances $0.00 13.14 564.76 186.09 316.63 26,315.32 ( 3.03) $ 27,392.91 South Area Forest Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $2,557.25 collected through MCR#145/3 was retained by the sponsor for two to 19 working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. • Prior to April 2010, monies collected by staff were usually given directly to the bookkeeper without recording the transfer of custody on the Drop-safe Log. Moreover, sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of MCRs; instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper when turning in the monies and MCRs for deposit. • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in (1) preparing leasing documentation, (2) collecting leasing fees from lessees, and (3) preparing the related MCRs for other staff members to sign as remitters. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • To ensure fiscal accountability, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties, which can result in conflict of interest, such as collecting monies from students and lessees, and preparing collection records and leasing documentation. Management’s Response Concur. Deposits are made in a timely manner unless school cannot get into safe due to absence. Bookkeeper emails sponsors when not following protocol. Segregation of duties is currently being addressed. Elementary schools have limited personnel. South Area 335 Forest Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that the supporting documents for two disbursements (#6099 and #6146, totaling $3,878.15) were not defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment in order to prevent duplicate payments. Recommendation To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced after payment. Management’s Response Concur. Bookkeeper will stamp every receipt. 336 South Area Galaxy Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 301 Galaxy Way Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Joseph Schneider Joseph Schneider Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Anita Williams Anita Williams SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Katina Thomas Katina Thomas Cash and Investments $ 22,187.79 Checking Investments $ 22,187.79 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $0.00 920.23 1,489.84 1,083.17 1,686.61 34,710.01 109.39 $ 39,999.25 Receipts $0.00 319.60 5,690.24 300.00 1,716.74 190,342.67 5,213.17 $ 203,582.42 Disbursements $0.00 1,239.83 4,841.70 431.86 3,591.31 206,855.02 4,434.16 $ 221,393.88 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 2,794.39 0.00 1,940.63 6,218.54 2,305.21 $ 13,258.77 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 667.99 0.00 0.00 9,394.49 3,196.29 $ 13,258.77 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 4,464.78 951.31 1,752.67 15,021.71 ( 2.68) $ 22,187.79 337 Galaxy Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Finding The school’s June 30, 2010, financial records submitted to the Central Office indicated that the school had a total unpaid bills of $11,546 due to the Central Office and $1,924 due to an outside vendor. These liabilities represented 61% of the school’s bank balance of $22,188 as of June 30, 2010. Of the total $13,470 unpaid bills, $9,330 was for expenses incurred in School Year 2009, and the remaining $4,140 was incurred in School Year 2010. As of December 8, 2010, the unpaid bills had increased to $14,600. However, the school’s Internal Funds had a remaining fund balance of $13,633. Recommendation Pursuant to Chart of Accounts for Internal Funds, Internal Funds accounts should not carry deficit balances which penalize students, faculty, or school administration in future years. To ensure fiscal accountability and self-sufficiency, the school should monitor the Administrative Courtesy Account closely so that expenditures would not exceed revenues. Moreover, the school should (1) develop a plan to address the unpaid bill issue, and (2) timely process all invoices received in accordance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 218, Local Government Prompt Payment Act. Management’s Response Concur. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The examination of contents in the drop-safe, and review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • On December 16, 2010, we found that some collections dating back to November 9, 2010, were still in the drop-safe that had not been processed and deposited into the bank. • $2,656.27, collected from 15 MCRs (#41-15, #41-20, #45-2, #56-4, #57-4, #59-1, #59-8, #61-8, #6211, #62-13, #64-10, #65-30, #65-36, #65-42, and #65-70) were either retained by the sponsors or not timely processed by the bookkeeper. The monies were not deposited into the bank until two to 94 days after the monies were collected. • Some sponsors did not always retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. 338 South Area Galaxy Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information in the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • All seven sample P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were neither reviewed nor approved by the Principal. • Three disbursements (#10660 for $2,562.24, #10667 for $1,333.09, and #10777 for $1,487.25) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Orders. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, South Area 339 Galaxy Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • To prevent and detect potential frauds and irregularities in a timely manner, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month; and the reconciliation records, including P-Card Monthly Bank Statements, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase; and that all purchases are approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • #1001 was repeatedly used for all Lease Agreements. • Sales taxes collected from commercial leases were mistakenly deposited into the Rental Income Account (#6-3800.00) instead of the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800). As a result, the sales tax was not transmitted to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new lease number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • Sales tax collected from commercial leases should be recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800) and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. SACC RECORDS Finding The review of the school’s SACC program found that: 340 South Area Galaxy Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • The SACC program had a year-end deficit of $30,827 as of June 30, 2010. • Student attendance records for the period January through June 2010 were missing • The SACC Registration Forms for two sample students were missing. • The school did not collect the required $25 SACC registration fee. Recommendation SACC program should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, • SACC is a self-sufficient program supported by fees. The school should monitor closely the program’s financial condition; adjustment to staffing and related expenditures should be implemented so that expenditures will not exceed revenues. • All records, including student attendance and Registration Forms, should be retained for a time period consistent with SACC Operational Manual and District Record Retention Schedule. • SACC fees, including registration fee, should be collected in accordance with District’s approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. South Area 341 Hagen Road Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 10565 Hagen Ranch Road Boynton Beach, FL 33437 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Richard Hughes Richard Hughes Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ana Santana Ana Santana SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Nicole Lamb Nicole Lamb Cash and Investments $ 49,568.85 Checking Investments $ 49,568.85 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 342 Beginning Balances $0.00 75.00 5,196.07 0.00 1,857.13 28,026.25 14,806.80 $ 49,961.25 Receipts $0.00 0.00 16,977.09 0.00 6,756.83 558,689.82 5,414.29 $ 587,838.03 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 19,814.03 0.00 7,172.53 546,557.06 14,686.81 $ 588,230.43 Transfers In $0.00 50.00 4,935.72 0.00 2,733.63 32,764.07 5,567.40 $ 46,050.82 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 1,413.37 0.00 2,341.72 39,689.33 2,606.40 $ 46,050.82 Ending Balances $0.00 125.00 5,881.48 0.00 1,833.34 33,233.75 8,495.28 $ 49,568.85 South Area Hagen Road Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • Collections were not always deposited timely. For example, $3,730 of the $5,365 collected through two MCRs (#157-1046 and #162-1119) was retained by the sponsors for one to five working days before it was turned in for deposit. • The dollar amounts of collections on two MCRs (#102-404 and #86-278) were altered, but the changes were not signed or initialed by the sponsors to acknowledge the corrections. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper accountability and safeguard of monies collected, changes on the MCRs should be acknowledged by the sponsors. Management’s Response Concur. Measures have been taken to ensure all monies follow DOE rules. All personnel have been informed of the rules relating to DOE Rules and proper safeguards followed. It should also be noted that in regard to the specific incident the monies collected by Prekindergarten teacher was placed in a second safe on campus and that no time were the fees to the Prekindergarten program unsecure. Actions have been taken to follow the specifics detailed in the DOE Rules including entry into the drop safe log. South Area 343 Hammock Pointe Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 8400 SW 8th Street Boca Raton, FL 33433 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Carol Crilley Carol Crilley Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gisela Howe Elsa Esparza SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Bonnie Welch Bonnie Welch Cash and Investments $ 80,855.28 Checking Investments $ 80,855.28 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 344 Beginning Balances $0.00 6,705.10 1,895.09 1,407.98 8,404.41 39,925.56 17,117.21 $ 75,455.35 Receipts $0.00 12,671.97 10,375.59 1,056.91 13,469.57 403,842.12 25,311.86 $ 466,728.02 Disbursements $0.00 2,689.97 10,534.58 1,250.72 15,138.78 401,493.36 30,220.68 $ 461,328.09 Transfers In $0.00 2,477.46 213.34 39.24 3,928.84 11,851.28 7,960.21 $ 26,470.37 Transfers Out $0.00 2,477.46 217.71 106.18 3,115.76 13,252.76 7,300.50 $ 26,470.37 Ending Balances $0.00 16,687.10 1,731.73 1,147.23 7,548.28 40,872.84 12,868.10 $ 80,855.28 South Area Hammock Pointe Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some staff members did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. We will follow the recommendation of the auditor. South Area 345 J.C. Mitchell Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 2470 NW 5th Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Linda Nelson Linda Nelson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Laura Sattler Laura Sattler SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lisa Faustini Lisa Faustini Cash and Investments $ 37,978.54 Checking Investments $ 37,978.54 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 346 Beginning Balances $0.00 814.35 7,499.32 898.66 14,729.16 24,695.83 4,559.90 $ 53,197.22 Receipts $0.00 1,374.88 8,495.79 1,000.00 18,528.21 275,868.27 2,098.47 $ 307,365.62 Disbursements $0.00 599.20 12,044.39 1,057.40 24,980.65 278,715.77 5,186.89 $ 322,584.30 Transfers In $0.00 75.00 3,749.75 0.00 4,691.11 4,638.33 169.09 $ 13,323.28 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 771.78 0.00 2,542.88 9,871.12 137.50 $ 13,323.28 Ending Balances $0.00 1,665.03 6,928.69 841.26 10,424.95 16,615.54 1,503.07 $ 37,978.54 South Area J.C. Mitchell Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $2,972 of the $14,663.25 collected through three MCRs (#65-8, #92-8, and #92-9) was retained by the sponsors for two to six working days before it was put into the safe for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Aftercare Director has been directed to no longer use SACC safe as a backup. All monies are now deposited in the Drop-safe. Treasurer is checking to make sure this is done. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that Lease Agreement #1003 was not signed by the lessee and a witness, and the leasing charges were not collected until 19 days after the lessee had begun using the facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. Treasurer has been directed to collect funds according to School Board Policy 7.18 without exception. South Area 347 Morikami Park Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6201 Morikami Park Road Delray Beach, FL 33484 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Renee Elfe Renee Elfe Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Rovielle Elmond / Crystal Cattey / Debra Balmaceda Debra Balmaceda SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Teri Pavlus Teri Pavlus Cash and Investments $ 50,509.96 Checking Investments $ 50,509.96 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 348 Beginning Balances $0.00 99.57 0.00 1,527.91 3,418.98 50,384.26 16,146.94 $ 71,577.66 Receipts $0.00 1,730.00 51,457.22 2,137.40 29,072.14 613,274.99 65,449.90 $ 763,121.65 Disbursements $0.00 1,223.14 53,413.42 1,127.35 26,256.58 631,204.00 70,964.86 $ 784,189.35 Transfers In $0.00 782.75 4,862.52 80.95 8,038.30 27,818.00 20,202.09 $ 61,784.61 Transfers Out $0.00 1,389.18 2,906.32 1,506.07 7,628.95 31,636.87 16,717.22 $ 61,784.61 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 1,112.84 6,643.89 28,636.38 14,116.85 $ 50,509.96 South Area Morikami Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO DROP-SAFE Finding During the audit, we noted that the Assistant Principal and Secretary had the full combination to access the drop safe. Bulletin #P-9303-AS/BA states, “To enable personnel to gain access to the drop safe without requiring the principal’s involvement, part of the combination should be provided to two employees. One of these employees should be the school’s internal accounts bookkeeper. As a backup, two other alternate employees can be provided part of the combination as well.” Recommendation To ensure assets are safeguarded properly, full combination to access the drop-safe should be restricted in accordance with Bulletin #P-9303-AS/BA. Management’s Response Concur. A work order was placed to get a new combination to the Drop-safe. Two employees will be given part of the number and one will be the bookkeeper. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • $3,401.28 collected through two MCRs (#72-1 and #97-11) was kept by the sponsors for four to 14 working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. • $7,615 ($1,080 in cash and $6,535 in checks) in SACC fees collected during April and May 2009 was retained by the SACC director and was not turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit until July 2009. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. The SACC Director was informed of these procedures again and has agreed to comply. South Area 349 Morikami Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Disbursement #8818 (for $1,050) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Disbursement #8773 (for $3,000) was for payment of catering services for the SACC program. However, this disbursement did not have the required School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) and a Purchase Order. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be executed for procurement of professional service. Moreover, to protect the safety and welfare of students, the school should ensure that consultants who work on school campus have completed the required background and clearance check pursuant to Florida Statutes. Management’s Response Concur. The SACC Director was informed of these procedures again and has agreed to comply. SACC RECORDS Finding The review of sample SACC students’ registration, attendance, and parent sign-out records revealed that the Registration Forms for three students were not signed by the parent/guardian. Recommendation To protect the best interests of students and the school Registration Forms should be completed with the needed information, including parent’s signature, for all students. Management’s Response Concur. The SACC Director was informed of these procedures again and has agreed to comply. 350 South Area Orchard View Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4050 Old Germantown Road Delray Beach, FL 33445 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kathleen DePuma Kathleen DePuma Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Maureen McDaniel Jill Smithson SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Adrienne Jones Kathy Anderson Cash and Investments $ 47,931.92 Checking Investments $ 47,931.92 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $0.00 825.49 1,109.46 2,664.88 3,232.98 38,950.55 130.18 $ 46,913.54 Receipts $0.00 240.00 2,618.88 0.00 4,885.62 180,900.83 3,026.16 $ 191,671.49 Disbursements $0.00 299.00 2,429.75 40.60 4,953.31 178,879.09 4,051.36 $ 190,653.11 Transfers In $0.00 59.00 124.80 0.00 300.28 1,408.58 897.20 $ 2,789.86 Transfers Out $0.00 59.00 273.38 11.45 535.82 1,908.21 2.00 $ 2,789.86 Ending Balances $0.00 766.49 1,150.01 2,612.83 2,929.75 40,472.66 0.18 $ 47,931.92 351 Orchard View Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Five P-Card purchases (totaling $1,254.13) occurred during April and June 2010, did not have any supporting documentation. • A $4,371.62 P-Card purchase on June 8, 2010, exceeded the $1,000 per vendor daily limit and the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the prior approval from the Purchasing Department and the Principal’s approved Purchase Order. Instead, this purchase was supported by a price quotation signed by the bookkeeper. • Checks #6638 and # 6670 were noted as voided in the Accounting System. However, our review of the voided check file found that these two checks were missing. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. • P-Card purchase in excess of $1,000 requires prior approval from the Purchasing Department. • Purchase Order should be used for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. • To prevent potential misuse of school checks and ensure all voided checks are properly accounted for, voided checks should be defaced and should be maintained for a time period consistent with District Record Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. 1) All original documentation will be filed in the treasurer’s office and scanned to the P-Card system. 2) Prior approval will be secured through appropriate signature prior to purchases over the maximum of $1000 per vendor per month. 3) Any voided checks will be maintained in the treasurer’s office. 352 South Area Orchard View Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • During July 2009 and February 2010, the school did not have a Drop-safe Log for staff to record deposit details before the monies were dropped off for deposit. Although a log was maintained since March 2010, our review of sample deposits found that some staff members did not record the information on the log (for $1,778.48 collected on six sample MCRs). • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Management’s Response Concur. 1) Corrective action was taken and a Drop-safe log has been in place since March 2010. The new Drop-safe Log is currently being utilized which includes verification by the treasurer and a second staff member. 2) Staff will be reminded that it is policy to retain the yellow copy of the MCR via staff meetings, email and staff hand book. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of sample fundraiser records found that the Yearbook Sales (Account #7-0100.01) did not have the required Fundraiser Application/Recap Form and Sales Item Inventory Report; and the Book Fair (Account #5-1700.01) did not have the required Fundraiser Application/Recap Form. South Area 353 Orchard View Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. A written policy will be provided for all staff requesting permission to engage in fundraising activities. The policy will include procedures for fundraising producing both a profit and negative profit. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1001 was for use of facilities between October 6 and 28, 2009; however, the Lease Agreement was not signed by the Principal and the lessee until October 9, and October 15, 2009, respectively three and nine days after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • Leasing charges for Leases #1001 and #1011 were not collected until after the lessees had used the facilities. In particular, Lease #1011 was for the use of facilities beginning February 2, 2010, but the fees were not collected until March 5, 2010, or one month after the lessee had begun using the facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable and protect the best interests of the School District, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” 354 South Area Orchard View Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. All leasing agreements will be completed through Tririga in accordance with school board policy to meet the required timelines. SACC PROGRAM Finding Pursuant to SACC Operational Manual, “Monthly afterschool fees are due by the first 3 school days of each month. A courtesy extension may be permitted but should not be abused. Students should be terminated when payments are not received.” The review of KidsCare database revealed that the school had a total of $3,386.71 in SACC fees receivable and $7,028 in Summer Camp fees receivable as of June 30, 2010. Recommendation SACC and Summer Camp are self-sufficient programs supported by fees. To ensure fiscal accountability, SACC fees should be collected in accordance with SACC Operational Manual. Management’s Response Concur. A new SACC Director is now in place at Orchard View. A letter has gone to parents informing them about the SACC operational fee requirements. South Area 355 Pine Grove Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 400 SW 10th Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marline Campbell Marline Campbell Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Guinotte Leger Guinotte Leger SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Yueh-hsin Chang Yueh-hsin Chang Cash and Investments $ 16,762.68 Checking Investments $ 16,762.68 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 356 Beginning Balances $0.00 332.88 4,283.41 220.58 3,548.13 17,802.03 433.37 $ 26,620.40 Receipts $0.00 0.00 783.00 203.31 1,637.76 64,688.25 8,130.71 $ 75,443.03 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 1,039.29 228.79 3,291.86 73,958.66 6,782.15 $ 85,300.75 Transfers In $0.00 684.14 250.85 100.00 1,368.27 2,969.80 2,588.03 $ 7,961.09 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 913.43 12.28 43.52 4,076.51 2,915.35 $ 7,961.09 Ending Balances $0.00 1,017.02 3,364.54 282.82 3,218.78 7,424.91 1,454.61 $ 16,762.68 South Area Pine Grove Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and the money collection process at the school found that: • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $984.76 collected through two MCRs (#100911 and #0165) was either retained by the sponsors or not timely processed by the bookkeeper after the sponsors turned in the collections for deposit. As a result, the monies were not deposited into the bank until eight and 11 working days after collection. • $1,500 collected through MCR #029 was a donation to the school. The donor specified that the fund be used: “$500 towards family involvement, $500 towards safety patrol trip, and $500 as needed (central fund)”. However, the $500 for central fund was deposited into the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200) instead of the General Activities Account (#7-0100). Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • Donation received by the school should be deposited into the appropriate accounts and expended in accordance with the designated purposes. Management’s Response Concur. Bookkeeper will be depositing money within five days after the sponsor turned in the collection. All sponsors are informed that deposits are to be turned in the same day of collection. Donations collected will be distributed in designated accounts. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the Bookfair Sales Fundraiser (Account #5-1700) did not have the required Fundraising Application/Recap Form. In addition, the financial activities for this fundraiser were recorder in the Media Center Account (#5-1700.00) instead of a separate decimalized account for the fundraiser. South Area 357 Pine Grove Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • To assist the school in evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser, a separate decimalized account should be established for each fundraiser. Each fundraiser account should contain only financial information that is related to the fundraiser. Management’s Response Concur. Bookkeeper was not aware that this was a fundraiser; therefore, forms were not completed. However, in the future, all necessary fundraiser forms will be completed for Book Fair. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card transaction records found that: • The P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were not reviewed and approved by the Principal; instead, they were reviewed and signed by the P-Card site coordinator. • Disbursement #10121 (for $1,250.50) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. Moreover, the Purchase Order for Disbursement #9887 (for $1,222.67) was not approved by the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To prevent and detect frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month; and the reconciliation records, including P-Card Monthly Bank Statements and End of Cycle Checklist, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. • Purchase Order, approved by the Principal, should be used for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. 358 South Area Pine Grove Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response P-Card monthly statements were all reviewed by principal; however, they were not signed by principal. The principal will continue to review these and will start signing al lP-Card monthly bank statements. All purchase orders over $1,000 will now be approved by the principal. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The school had one executed Lease Agreement during the year. It was for use of three classrooms for one-and-half hours per week for 23 weeks. Total facility usage by the lessee should be 34.5 hours per classroom for a total of 103.5 classroom-hours. However, the school inadvertently charged the lessee for a total of 34.5 classroom-hours, resulting in a total rental undercharge of $1,380. Recommendation To protect the best interests of the school, leasing charges should be properly computed and collected in accordance with the District’s approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. Bookkeeper will ensure that leasing charges are computed properly. The undercharge amount was collected. The company sent us a check for $1,380. South Area 359 Plumosa Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 2501 Seacrest Boulevard Delray Beach, FL 33444 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Priscilla Bowers-Maloney Priscilla Bowers-Maloney Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ivey Colligan Ivey Colligan SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Keith Simpkins Keith Simpkins Cash and Investments $ 21,612.27 Checking Investments $ 21,612.27 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 360 Beginning Balances $0.00 19.27 3,498.04 230.00 230.54 6,930.89 3,607.49 $ 14,516.23 Receipts $0.00 52.50 4,852.50 548.00 1,968.43 102,292.54 13,317.56 $ 123,031.53 Disbursements $0.00 70.85 2,481.47 238.00 1,784.25 95,988.17 15,372.75 $ 115,935.49 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 65.86 0.00 334.93 7,011.95 5,091.63 $ 12,504.37 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 65.86 230.00 334.93 7,011.95 4,861.63 $ 12,504.37 Ending Balances $0.00 0.92 5,869.07 310.00 414.72 13,235.26 1,782.30 $ 21,612.27 South Area Plumosa Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that: • #1001 was repeatedly used for all Lease Agreements. • The October 12, 2009, Lease was for use of facilities beginning October 15, 2010; however, the Lease Agreement was not executed with all the required signatures until November 13, 2009. Moreover, the agreement did not indicate the dates for the use of facilities, and the leasing charges were not collected until after the use of facilities. • The March 4, 2010, Lease was for use of facilities beginning March 3, 2010; however, the Lease Agreement was not executed with all the required signatures until March 10, 2010. Moreover, the agreement did not indicate the dates and times for the use of facilities. • The January 5, 2010 Lease Agreement did not indicate the dates and times for the use of facilities. In addition, the school had not collected all the rentals from the lessee; a total of $1,398.50 in rentals had not been received from the lessee as of June 30, 2010. • The entire amounts of the leasing charges for two leases (dated October 12, 2009, and March 4, 2010), were recorded in the Rental Income Account. As a result, the school under-allocated and under-transmitted $756 in utility fees to the Central Office. • Although insurance premium collected from the lessees were recorded in the Event Insurance Account (#6-1850), the school did not transmitted the fees to the Central Office as required. • Sales tax collected from commercial leases was recorded in the Rental Income Account (#6-3800) instead of the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800). Consequently, the required sales tax portion was not transmitted to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be completed with all the required information and properly executed with all the required signatures prior to use of facilities. • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule. These revenues should be recorded in the respective leasing accounts, including Rental Income (#6-3800), Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500), Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500), Extra Services-Other (#6- South Area 361 Plumosa Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 1600), Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850), and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800). • The portion of utility fees, event insurance, and sales tax should be transmitted accordingly to the Central Office in accordance with Internal Funds guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. New system (Tririga) will ensure fidelity; timely signatures will occur, all other issues have been resolved by putting procedures in place (new principal). DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • $9,068.40 collected through nine MCRs were either kept by the sponsors for a time longer than they should or not timely processed by the bookkeeper. Specifically, collections for the SACC program were not deposited into the drop-safe daily. As a result, some of the monies were not deposited into the bank until 22 days after the collection. • The sponsors did not always record the dollar amount of the collections on the Drop-safe Log when dropping off monies into the safe. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. Spoke to appropriate personnel to ensure documentation is present and procedures are followed. Further professional development will be provided as needed. 362 South Area Plumosa Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding During Fiscal Year 2010, the school had 295 P-Card transactions, totaling $39,777.42. The review of sample disbursements and all P-Card purchases found that: • 21 P-Card purchases totaling $596.71 did not have any supporting documents; and another five purchases totaling $1,534.66 were supported by price quotes or account statements that did not indicate the items purchased. • Two of the 26 P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were not signed by the Principal. In addition, the mandatory End of Cycle Checklists were not prepared for three P-Cards’ monthly reconciliations. • Disbursement #6321 (for $2,682.50) was supported by an account statement which did not indicate the items purchased; and Disbursement #6292 (for $153.75) was supported by a price quote. Both disbursements were not supported by invoices or receipts. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To prevent and detect potential frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month. As part of the reconciliation, cardholders are required to complete the P-Card End of Cycle Checklist; and all monthly P-Card reconciliation records including the End of Cycle Checklist and Monthly Bank Statement, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. Management’s Response Concur. In some instances companies do not provide invoices, so we are beholding to the company. All bank statements were signed. We will have the principal sign twice Documentation was present but not in multiple locations Company does not produce invoices, but we have receipt. Will follow all procedures. SACC RECORDS Finding The review of sample SACC students’ registration, attendance, and parent sign-out records for a four South Area 363 Plumosa Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 month period revealed that: • The May and June 2010 attendance and parent sign-out records were missing. According to staff, some of the SACC records were misplaced during the office relocation. • The SACC Registration Form for one student was missing. The form for another student was not completed until after the student had been in the program for three months. Recommendation To protect the welfare of students and the best interests the school, all records, including student registration, attendance and parent sign-out records, should be retained for a time period consistent with SACC Operational Manual and District Record Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. In the move to the new school, boxes were lost which housed these documents. Registration forms will be completed in a timely fashion. PTA ACCOUNT Finding The school’s PTA maintained its financial accounts outside of the school’s Internal Funds. However, during the audit, the school had not yet received the PTA’s financial statements for School Year 2010. Recommendation Pursuant to Bulletin #P-12224-CAO/COO, “Legally chartered and affiliated parent-teacher associations or parent-teacher organizations having the name of the school as part of their titles may record all their receipts and transactions through the school's internal funds” and “if maintaining outside records, then the organization must submit to the principal by August 31st each year a summary of financial activities for the fiscal year ended the previous June 30th.” The school should require the PTA to submit its financial statements to the school in accordance with Bulletin #P-12224-CAO/COO. Management’s Response Concur. Without prior knowledge of notice of the audit, we were unable to get the documentation the day of the audit. However, we did produce documents when requested. Additional comments: Some documentation was not readily on hand due to the move and because no prior notice that the audit was occurring. In instances of the PTA and companies, we have very little control of supplied documentation. We will exercise due diligence to correct any missteps in procedures 364 South Area Plumosa Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 that we have control over. Thank you. South Area 365 Poinciana Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1203 North Seacreast Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ann Clark Ann Clark Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Deborah Montgomery Deborah Montgomery SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gloria Gibson Gloria Gibson Cash and Investments $ 39,431.56 Checking Investments $ 39,431.56 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 366 Beginning Balances $0.00 897.43 8,854.59 1,407.27 2,762.12 18,565.89 ( 2.23) $ 32,485.07 Receipts $0.00 3,497.50 50,779.25 27,510.28 16,250.28 283,271.54 17,338.12 $ 398,646.97 Disbursements $0.00 3,855.82 48,820.46 25,511.40 13,940.22 288,306.46 11,266.12 $ 391,700.48 Transfers In $0.00 745.25 8,548.84 6,719.63 1,372.70 15,325.00 2,672.14 $ 35,383.56 Transfers Out $0.00 956.50 8,348.84 6,397.28 1,079.50 16,613.02 1,988.42 $ 35,383.56 Ending Balances $0.00 327.86 11,013.38 3,728.50 5,365.38 12,242.95 6,753.49 $ 39,431.56 South Area Poinciana Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • 13 P-Card purchase, totaling $1,011.38, were not supported by itemized receipts or invoices. Instead, they were supported by credit card receipts that did not indicate the quantities and items purchased. • The Purchase Order for Disbursement #10684 (for $1,394) was not approved by the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order, approved by the Principal, should be used for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. Management’s Response Concur. 1) All 13 P-Card purchases were from the same vendor. We are no longer using that vendor. An itemized invoice and/or receipt will be requested and kept in the future. Aftercare director has been informed of the policy. 2) Purchase order noted above was done by previous principal. School will ensure that funds are available prior to making a purchase order. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • • • Lease Agreement #1001 was not signed by the lessee and not approved by the Principal until seven days after the use of facilities. Moreover, Lease Agreement #1014 was not approved by the Principal until one day after the use of facilities. Lease Agreements #1001, #1012, #1013, and #1014 did not indicate the times for use of facilities although the dates were listed on the agreements. Leasing charges for Lease #1001 were not collected until 10 days after the lessee had begun using the facilities. South Area 367 Poinciana Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Commercial Leases #1012 and #1013 used the nonprofit rate for allocating utility fees, resulting in over-reimbursing $36 in utility expenses to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities, and properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • The portion of utility fees should be transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. Leasing documents are online and the school administrator/contact responsible for leases has been trained on the correct procedure for filling out the forms. We are monitoring payments and will require payment of fees prior to the rental time period. We also have the new fee schedules. 368 South Area Rolling Green Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 550 Miner Road Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sandra Sanchez Sandra Sanchez Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Terri Rouse Terri Rouse SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Nadia Stewart Nadia Stewart Cash and Investments $ 40,641.69 Checking Investments $ 40,641.69 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $0.00 213.70 1,999.86 2,042.18 764.99 14,770.90 7,720.87 $ 27,512.50 Receipts $0.00 392.00 8,997.11 1,111.15 922.00 152,363.09 19,989.25 $ 183,774.60 Disbursements $0.00 509.35 8,534.14 983.79 1,099.34 138,406.71 21,112.08 $ 170,645.41 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 3,135.85 664.33 0.00 26,951.21 9,045.62 $ 39,797.01 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 3,122.85 664.33 0.00 27,914.93 8,094.90 $ 39,797.01 Ending Balances $0.00 96.35 2,475.83 2,169.54 587.65 27,763.56 7,548.76 $ 40,641.69 369 Rolling Green Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Finding During the audit, we noted that the bookkeeper was performing incompatible duties, including: • Receiving and opening incoming mails, which might contain payments from various sources, such as school picture commission checks. • Preparing leasing documentation and collecting payments from lessees. • Preparing some Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) for account sponsors to sign as remitters. • Selling tickets and collecting monies from parents and students for the October 22, 2010, Carnival event. Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and prevent conflict of interest, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties including (a) receiving and opening incoming mails, (b) collecting monies from parents, students, and lessees, and (c) preparing monies collection records and leasing document. Management’s Response Concur. I met with the bookkeeper prior to this incident and went over her duties. I met with her after the audit to remind her that she is not to do any of the above activities. I reassigned receiving of mail from CFF’s to school monitor and confirm the opening of mail by school secretary. Bookkeeper is to make sure that the school staff are filling out the MCRs themselves and leasing payments are not taken by her. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the information for three sample collections (MCRs #30-1, #36-5, and#129-5) were not recorded on the log. • Monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,943 collected through four sample MCRs (#12-17-09, #30-1, #129-5 and #123-10) was retained by the sponsors for one to two days, and the bookkeeper did not process the collections and deposit the monies into the bank until six to seven working days after the collection. 370 South Area Rolling Green Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Monies collection process should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules and other related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Reminded school staff at a faculty meeting of school procedure regarding monies collection. All monies and MCRs must be turned in daily – placed in the safe and sign the log. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that: • The school did not maintain the required Sales Item Inventory Reports for several fundraising events: the Special Snack Sales (Account# 7-0100.10), Yearbook Sales (Account #7-0100.08), Safety Patrol Candy Sales (Account #6-4000.03), Poinsettia Sales (Account #7-0100.07), and Uniform Shirts Sales (Account #7-0100.01). Moreover, there was no Ticket Sellers Report for the Carnival Fundraiser (Account #6-4400.05). • Based on purchasing records, the Safety Patrol Candy Sale (Account #6-4000.03) fundraiser had a total estimated revenue of $5,200; however, only $4,870.56 in revenue was deposited into the Internal Funds. Consequently, $329.44 in estimated revenue was unaccounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • Ticket Sellers Report should be prepared in order to reconcile revenues with the number of tickets sold. South Area 371 Rolling Green Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt for fundraising events should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Bookkeeper and administration were not aware that a sales item inventory report was needed. We gave a copy of the above documentation to activity sponsors for them to complete. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • The P-Card monthly reconciliation were not reviewed and approved timely by the Principal. For example the monthly End of Cycle Checklists for July 2009 through May 2010, were not reviewed and approved by the Principal until June 16, 2010. • Four P-Card Monthly Bank Statements (July and August 2009, and April and May 2010) and two End of Cycle Checklists (April and May 2010) for one P-Card holder were not reviewed and approved by the Principal. • Some P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were signed by the Principal and cardholders without the dates. • Disbursement #2847 (for $144) and a September 17, 2009, P-Card purchase (for $188.40) did not have any supporting documentation. • Disbursement #2716 (for $3,323.22) was supported by an Internal Funds Purchase Order instead of an invoice or receipt. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To prevent and detect potential frauds and irregularities in a timely manner, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month; and the reconciliation records, including P-Card Monthly Bank Statements and End of Cycle Checklist, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by 372 South Area Rolling Green Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. Management’s Response Concur. All monthly reconciliation and bank statements were reviewed by Principal but somehow I overlooked signing in the correct location. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that: • Lease #1001 was repeatedly used for three Lease Agreements. • The Certificate of Insurance for Lease #1001 (dated September 30, 2009) did not cover the entire leasehold period. This lease was for use of facilities between September 30, 2009, and May 9, 2010; however, the insurance policy did not become effective until October 4, 2009. • Lease Agreements did not always contain all the required information, such as the dates and time for use of facilities. • The April 5, 2010, Lease #1001 was for the use of facilities during January 25, 2010 through May 19, 2010). However, the Lease Agreement was not executed until April 13, 2010, three months after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • Leasing charges were not collected prior to the use of facilities for four sample leases. For example, leasing charges for the April 5, 2010, Lease #1001was for use of facilities beginning January 25, 2010, but the leasing charges were not collected until April 16, 2010. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities, and properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. South Area 373 Rolling Green Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. There was an error in the program that did not accept a new number for each lease. The leased Agreements will be completed in the proper manner (required info, dates) and will be properly executed prior to the use of facilities from now on. 374 South Area S.D. Spady Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 901 NW 3rd Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Martha O'Hare Martha O'Hare Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patre Brown / Christina Sosa Christina Sosa SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Maxwell Benn Maxwell Benn Cash and Investments $ 50,246.50 Checking Investments $ 50,246.50 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $0.00 1,214.41 17,024.18 1,536.37 5,109.17 35,145.08 ( 135.79) $ 59,893.42 Receipts $0.00 170.00 35,089.86 295.00 12,617.96 414,166.59 9,434.34 $ 471,773.75 Disbursements $0.00 672.10 37,908.93 431.86 12,179.40 420,556.27 9,672.11 $ 481,420.67 Transfers In $0.00 70.00 16,572.34 0.00 3,768.59 17,813.42 1,440.76 $ 39,665.11 Transfers Out $0.00 70.00 11,488.25 0.00 3,402.35 23,580.24 1,124.27 $ 39,665.11 Ending Balances $0.00 712.31 19,289.20 1,399.51 5,913.97 22,988.58 ( 57.07) $ 50,246.50 375 S.D. Spady Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • The Yearbook printing contract (Disbursement #11965 for $4,231.84) was not signed and approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the activity sponsor. • Three P-Card purchases ($2,223.52, $1,293, and $1,600, totaling $5,116.52) occurred during November and December 2009, exceeded the $1,000 per vendor daily limit without obtaining prior approval from the Purchasing Department. Moreover, a $1,600 purchase on December 7, 2009, was split into two $800 transactions to avoid the $1,000 per vendor daily limit threshold. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” • P-Card purchase in excess of $1,000 requires prior approval from the Purchasing Department. Pursuant to Purchasing Manual Chapter 24, Purchasing Card Procedures, “Splitting an invoice totaling more than $1,000 is considered Pyramiding and is not allowed. Payment for purchases shall not be split to stay within the single purchase limit.” The school should not circumvent the rule in splitting large purchase into multiple small purchases. Management’s Response I concur with the statement about the yearbook which has already been corrected for this year, However, the P-Card purchase of $1,293 was for registration and within the district guidelines. The charge for $1,600 was made in error and immediately removed resulting in no expenditure. The other charge was over the limit and the appropriate form completed. SACC PROGRAM DEFICIT Finding The review of financial records for SACC and Summer Camp programs revealed that as of June 30, 2010: • 376 The program had a deficit of $50,554. South Area S.D. Spady Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • The KidsCare database indicated that the school had a total of $21,820.73 in accounts receivable including $14,558.73 for the SACC program and $7,262 for the Summer Camp program. Recommendation SACC and Summer Camp programs should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. SACC is a self-sufficient program supported by fees. To ensure fiscal accountability, • The school should monitor closely the program’s financial condition; adjustment to staffing and related expenditures should be implemented so that expenditures will not exceed revenues. • SACC fees should be collected in accordance with SACC Operational Manual, which states that “fees are payable in advance and are collected monthly on the first three school days of the month”. Management’s Response Concur. The school has taken steps this year to closely monitor the financial condition of the SACC program. The program director meets monthly with the Principal, Assistant Principal, and District After Care Director to discuss the program’s financial status and plan for steps toward fiscal accountability. South Area 377 Sandpiper Shores Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 11201 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33498 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Pamela Popaca Pamela Popaca Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Eugenia Leonard Eugenia Leonard SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Carolina Desnoyers Carolina Desnoyers Cash and Investments $ 47,036.04 Checking Investments $ 47,036.04 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 378 Beginning Balances $0.00 2,779.85 6,081.18 329.34 6,418.90 29,477.28 8,448.88 $ 53,535.43 Receipts $0.00 1,064.00 14,373.94 1,444.96 13,903.67 377,292.04 10,689.16 $ 418,767.77 Disbursements $0.00 2,751.80 13,312.41 1,261.72 16,645.72 376,710.33 14,585.18 $ 425,267.16 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 2,234.94 0.00 2,647.97 4,164.75 1,900.22 $ 10,947.88 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 2,238.44 0.00 2,628.98 5,276.71 803.75 $ 10,947.88 Ending Balances $0.00 1,092.05 7,139.21 512.58 3,695.84 28,947.03 5,649.33 $ 47,036.04 South Area Sandpiper Shores Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit revealed no material instances of noncompliance. South Area 379 Sunrise Park Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 19400 Coral Ridge Road Boca Raton, FL 33498 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Laura Riopelle Laura Riopelle Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Mary Beth Johnson Mary Beth Johnson SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Rosanne Lasorsa Rosanne Lasorsa Cash and Investments $ 79,658.83 Checking Investments $ 79,658.83 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 380 Beginning Balances $0.00 20.75 7,804.54 0.00 19,409.58 24,018.51 13,737.22 $ 64,990.60 Receipts $0.00 1,630.00 33,528.11 0.00 42,344.46 524,050.13 26,097.42 $ 627,650.12 Disbursements $0.00 1,749.87 31,166.82 0.00 40,730.02 512,900.76 26,434.42 $ 612,981.89 Transfers In $0.00 100.00 2,676.27 0.00 24,365.64 1,155.00 17,093.30 $ 45,390.21 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 3,480.33 0.00 24,186.23 2,248.33 15,475.32 $ 45,390.21 Ending Balances $0.00 0.88 9,361.77 0.00 21,203.43 34,074.55 15,018.20 $ 79,658.83 South Area Sunrise Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the information for four sample collections (totaling $43,903.30) were not recorded on the log. Moreover, another two sample collections recorded on the log but did not indicate the dollar amounts of the deposits. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. The collections not recorded were checks that were deposited immediately. We have corrected this action. All deposits, including checks are recorded. Deposit amounts are also recorded. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the Fundraising Application/Recap Form for the Field Day Shirts Sales (Account #7-0100.03) was not approved by the Principal until two weeks after the fundraising event had begun. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, to ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. Management’s Response Concur. This has been corrected and fundraising forms are being done appropriately. South Area 381 Sunset Palms Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 8650 Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33437 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Karen Riddle Karen Riddle Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jenny Weinerman Jenny Weinerman SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sheri Baumgardner Sheri Baumgardner Cash and Investments $ 64,719.58 Checking Investments $ 64,719.58 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 382 Beginning Balances $0.00 122.67 4,800.93 3.00 6,502.89 41,782.69 4,811.70 $ 58,023.88 Receipts $0.00 1,638.00 44,948.05 8,440.00 28,173.05 701,683.34 26,574.42 $ 811,456.86 Disbursements $0.00 1,577.79 41,358.64 4,300.00 28,051.18 708,641.97 20,831.58 $ 804,761.16 Transfers In $0.00 22.80 8,714.82 4,140.00 9,445.96 15,744.35 14,056.50 $ 52,124.43 Transfers Out $0.00 22.80 8,867.55 8,280.00 8,654.30 13,325.64 12,974.14 $ 52,124.43 Ending Balances $0.00 182.88 8,237.61 3.00 7,416.42 37,242.77 11,636.90 $ 64,719.58 South Area Sunset Palms Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that collections were not always deposited timely. Specifically, $3,426 of the $11,226.04 collected through eight sample MCRs (#92-26, #127-8, #133-2, #140-7, #140-9, #145-4, #147-21, and #162-19) were retained by the sponsors for one to 17 working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Sponsors were reminded again to deposit money on a daily basis. We will closely monitor collections to make sure they are deposited timely. South Area 383 Verde Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6590 Verde Trail Boca Raton, FL 33433 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ira Margulies Ira Margulies Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marie Steffes Marie Steffes SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jacob Lucarelli Jacob Lucarelli Cash and Investments $ 40,039.45 Checking Investments $ 40,039.45 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 384 Beginning Balances $0.00 61.02 366.03 2,655.10 6,944.57 8,569.02 10,371.07 $ 28,966.81 Receipts $0.00 0.00 6,269.50 7,770.12 25,576.59 468,329.39 34,580.09 $ 542,525.69 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 6,354.83 8,943.88 23,712.06 454,081.10 38,361.18 $ 531,453.05 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 669.97 840.45 9,643.51 2,409.65 3,516.09 $ 17,079.67 Transfers Out $0.00 61.02 612.66 877.97 9,085.03 2,700.90 3,742.09 $ 17,079.67 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 338.01 1,443.82 9,367.58 22,526.06 6,363.98 $ 40,039.45 South Area Verde Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process at the school found that: • Some sponsors did not record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, $53,242.85 collected through eight sample MCRs were not recorded in the log. • Some sponsors did not indicate the dollar amounts of the deposits on the Drop-safe Log. For example, 30 SACC deposits totaling $60,987.04 being dropped off into the safe during August 18 through September 21, 2009, and May 6 through 13, 2010, were indicated as “not counted” on the log, although these 30 deposits were recorded in the log. • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $4,545 collected through two MCRs (#840408 and #110-0697) was retained by the sponsors for one to four working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. We have changed our procedure for School Age Child Care deposits. Deposits are now made daily. When we need to place an additional “to be counted” bag in the safe, the deposit will be completed the next day. We have followed this procedure for over a month, now, and it is working successfully. South Area 385 Village Academy on the Art & Sara Jo Kobacker Campus Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 400 SW 12th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jamie Wyatt Guarn Sims Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Dawn Girtman Dawn Girtman Cash and Investments $ 42,841.50 Checking Investments $ 42,841.50 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 386 Beginning Balances $0.00 223.79 2,335.03 0.00 5,326.07 ( 162.42) ( 0.50) $ 7,721.97 Receipts $ 20,214.16 0.00 7,477.69 2,942.45 5,521.17 183,470.83 19,607.43 $ 239,233.73 Disbursements $ 19,572.29 38.70 8,915.65 2,129.26 10,489.65 138,127.89 24,840.76 $ 204,114.20 Transfers In $ 20,919.23 0.00 948.51 1,614.86 1,066.69 18,923.83 6,269.76 $ 49,742.88 Transfers Out $ 12,112.80 0.00 914.44 1,114.86 714.97 34,690.74 195.07 $ 49,742.88 Ending Balances $ 9,448.30 185.09 931.14 1,313.19 709.31 29,413.61 840.86 $ 42,841.50 South Area Village Academy on the Art & Sara Jo Kobacker Campus Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Specifically, the deposit information for 12 sample collections (totaling $14,060.55) were not recorded on the log. • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. • $191 collected through two sample MCRs (#54-0097 and # 58-0123) was retained by the sponsors for one to 47 business days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. All staff members received refresher training regarding the collection and submission of school funds. Findings were also reviewed with school treasurer. South Area 387 Village Academy on the Art & Sara Jo Kobacker Campus Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card transaction records found that: • Eight P-Card transactions (totaling $146.69) for fuel and taxis during an out-of-county fieldtrip did not have any supporting documentation. • Three disbursements (#4067 for $2,424, #3848 for $1,669, and #3684 for $1,200) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • The Prom Dinner Contract (Disbursements #3954 and #4067) was signed by the activity sponsor instead of the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order, approved by the Principal, should be used for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Management’s Response Concur. All P-Card holders received the mandatory P-Card refresher training through Breeze presentation. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the P.E. Uniform Sales Fundraiser (Account #5-1900.01) and J.V. Football Afterschool Pizza/Soda Sale (Account # 1-2010.02) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Reports. 388 South Area Village Academy on the Art & Sara Jo Kobacker Campus Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. All staff received refresher training regarding completing fundraising reports. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that leasing charges for three Leases (#1003, #1006, and #1015) were not collected until four to six business days after the lessees had begun using the facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, leasing charges should be collected prior to the use of facilities in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18. Management’s Response Concur. Leases are now handled by the Principal’s secretary whose experience and knowledge in this area exceed that of the previous person. South Area 389 Waters Edge Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 21601 Shorewind Drive Boca Raton, FL 33428 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patricia Brehm / Peter Slack Peter Slack Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Eileen Cuffari Eileen Cuffari SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Bridget Erbe / Renford Williams Renford Williams Cash and Investments $ 89,420.63 Checking Investments $ 89,420.63 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 390 Beginning Balances $0.00 2,564.80 25,671.73 736.48 9,941.65 33,677.54 15,580.07 $ 88,172.27 Receipts $0.00 135.00 64,361.41 0.00 20,085.68 423,072.21 5,142.51 $ 512,796.81 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 65,587.50 0.00 17,180.86 422,120.47 6,659.62 $ 511,548.45 Transfers In $0.00 391.60 16,459.65 0.00 7,608.38 2,352.76 4,536.48 $ 31,348.87 Transfers Out $0.00 391.60 16,559.65 736.48 7,219.56 6,441.58 0.00 $ 31,348.87 Ending Balances $0.00 2,699.80 24,345.64 0.00 13,235.29 30,540.46 18,599.44 $ 89,420.63 South Area Waters Edge Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Three disbursements (#12323 for $1,106.73, #12562 for $2,370.75, and #12675 for $3,689.40) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • The school hired a consultant to provide eight 30-minute classes to students for a total contractual amount of $7,590 (disbursements #12410, #12538, and #12973). Pursuant to School Board Policy 6.14 and Purchasing Manual, Chapter 13, consultant contracts over $2,500 must be approved by the Principal and the Area Superintendent. However, the related School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) did not have the Area Superintendent’s signature. • Three disbursements (#13063, #13067, and #13068, totaling $5,355.87) were for payments of expenses for two in-county and one out-of-county field trips for the Summer Camp program. However, these field trips did not have the required Field Trip/Activity Planning Report and Approval/Request Forms (PBSD 1894). Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. • Consultant contracts should be properly approved in accordance with School Board Policy 6.14 and Purchasing Manual, Chapter 13. • Field trips should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.40. Specifically, (1) field trips should be pre-approved by the Principal with adequate documentation, (2) in-county field trips should be approved by the Principal, and (3) out-of-county field trips should be approved by the Principal and Area Superintendent. Management’s Response Concur. As of February 2010, upon becoming Principal of Waters Edge, all disbursements exceeding $1,000 have the required Purchase Order and all Consultant contracts have been properly approved in accordance with School Board Policy 6.14 and Purchasing Manual, chapter 13. In the future if Waters Edge sponsors a summer camp, field trips will be pre-approved by the Principal with adequate documentation, and out-of-county field trips will be approved by both the Principal and Area superintendent in accordance with School Board Policy 2.40. South Area 391 Whispering Pines Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 9090 Spanish River Boulevard Boca Raton, FL 33496 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Walter Cornell Walter Cornell Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Danyalle Torres Danyalle Torres SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jane Waters Jane Waters Cash and Investments $ 18,716.31 Checking Investments $ 18,716.31 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 392 Beginning Balances $0.00 203.07 498.80 337.29 4,117.00 12,085.15 1,061.24 $ 18,302.55 Receipts $0.00 0.00 7,126.75 1,682.50 9,892.68 254,745.00 12,380.24 $ 285,827.17 Disbursements $0.00 199.51 6,955.97 1,309.73 9,902.45 254,940.23 12,105.52 $ 285,413.41 Transfers In $0.00 3.25 126.55 196.27 2,754.52 5,290.79 1,740.68 $ 10,112.06 Transfers Out $0.00 3.25 643.82 293.68 2,617.14 5,321.80 1,232.37 $ 10,112.06 Ending Balances $0.00 3.56 152.31 612.65 4,244.61 11,858.91 1,844.27 $ 18,716.31 South Area Whispering Pines Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the deposit information for three sample collections (MCR #87-3, #98-3, and #174-1, totaling $740.39) was not recorded on the log. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. We will review the process with all people who use the Drop-safe. South Area 393 This page left intentionally blank. Middle Schools South Area Total 1 0 5 0 0 14 15 0 0 0 Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 16 0 17 0 Congress Middle Odyssey Middle 0 √ Don Estridge High Tech Middle 2 √ √ Loggers Run Middle √ 2 √ 2 1 27 28 29 30 31 Boca Raton Middle Carver Middle √ √ √ √ √ 0 √ √ √ Omni Middle 0 √ √ 4 4 √ Eagles Landing Middle 0 √ 0 0 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 3 √ √ 2 1 Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use 32a 33 34 √ √ 1 √ √ 3 0 1 35 0 37 0 39 1 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 38 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Leases Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely Adjustments To Records Not Properly Approved/Documented 32 Staff Performing Incompatible Duties 26 Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded 25 Lease Prequalification Not Available Receipts Undercharged Rental 24 Monies Collected Not Properly Documented Disbursements Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed 23a Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account 23 Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account 22 Monies Not Deposited Timely 20 Access to Drop Safe 19a Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely 19 Disbursement Not Properly Approved 18 P-Card Related Findings Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Inadequate Support for Disbursement Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 13 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 11 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor Missing Timecard Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing South Area South Area Middle Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 √ √ √ 0 Number of Findings SOUTH AREA (8 schools) 3 10 3 6 4 6 32 395 This page left intentionally blank. Boca Raton Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1251 N.W. 8th Street Boca Raton, FL 33486 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jack Thompson Jack Thompson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jeannine Balbier Jeannine Balbier Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Janice McCray During Audit: Janice McCray Cash and Investments $ 226,755.61 Checking Investments $ 226,755.61 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $ 5,446.43 8,328.09 6,832.28 3,245.38 41,667.89 139,732.92 20,223.33 $ 225,476.32 Receipts $ 3,174.47 120,335.65 32,766.00 9,012.71 90,511.42 203,798.11 8,732.68 $ 468,331.04 Disbursements $ 4,381.04 126,006.86 32,191.96 6,877.37 79,106.01 201,682.19 16,806.32 $ 467,051.75 Transfers In $ 1,762.42 29,918.45 892.00 2,856.82 19,982.49 23,338.22 2,962.41 $ 81,712.81 Transfers Out $ 1,659.38 29,537.89 2,334.31 2,898.84 19,116.55 23,288.65 2,877.19 $ 81,712.81 Ending Balances $ 4,342.90 3,037.44 5,964.01 5,338.70 53,939.24 141,898.41 12,234.91 $ 226,755.61 397 Boca Raton Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some staff members did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,159.99 collected through six MCRs (#95-20/24, #95-25, #160-10, #172-2, #172-3 and #196-23) was retained by the sponsors for one to 11 working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information and the dollar amount of the collection should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. All required actions have been taken in this matter. All staff will be in-serviced on this procedure at our next faculty meeting. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS (REPEATED FINDING) Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the PE Uniform Sales (Account #5-1900.20) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Report. The review of purchasing records since the 2008 Audit and the inventory information provided by staff, this fundraiser had a total estimated revenue of $18,625. However, only $17,033 in sales revenue was deposited into the Internal Funds. Consequently, $1,592 in estimated revenue was missing. 398 South Area Boca Raton Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. All required procedures have been reviewed with the teachers. South Area 399 Carver Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 101 Barwick Road Delray Beach, FL 33445 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lena Roundtree-Wallace Lena Roundtree-Wallace Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: JoAnne Hopkins JoAnne Hopkins Cash and Investments $ 47,299.97 Checking Investments $ 47,299.97 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 400 Beginning Balances $ 344.55 226.27 0.00 4,719.51 6,127.00 17,632.13 2,481.07 $ 31,530.53 Receipts $ 4,806.65 30,149.82 0.00 39,549.56 7,909.66 58,470.61 6,286.04 $ 147,172.34 Disbursements $ 5,354.11 32,344.65 0.00 37,582.61 5,994.26 47,068.09 3,059.18 $ 131,402.90 Transfers In $ 3,848.03 9,121.48 0.00 10,860.00 0.00 3,513.58 1,832.13 $ 29,175.22 Transfers Out $ 3,299.92 6,519.66 0.00 14,146.83 0.00 3,628.58 1,580.23 $ 29,175.22 Ending Balances $ 345.20 633.26 0.00 3,399.63 8,042.40 28,919.65 5,959.83 $ 47,299.97 South Area Carver Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $319.50 collected through three MCRs (#84-5, 103-1, and 113-9) was kept by the sponsors for three to 14 working days before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. • Four sample MCRs did not indicate the sources of the collections. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • Monies collected should be adequately supported by MCRs, with all the required information, including payer’s name and the dollar amount of payment. Management’s Response Concur. The School Treasurer and I met with all club sponsors and provided in-service on DOE Rule and reviewed the Monies Collected Form, procedures and rules. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1005 was supported by an expired Certificate of Insurance. This lease was for the use of facilities during October 14, 2009, and January 20, 2010; however, the lessee’s Certificate of Insurance expired on October 1, 2009. Consequently, there was no insurance coverage during the entire leasehold period. • The insurance documentation for Lease #1012 did not indicate the School District as an additional insured party. South Area 401 Carver Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance with the School District as an additional insured party or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • Rental charges should be collected in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. Additional training for Administrator in charge of leasing was provided. Two administrators will now review all leasing packets. 402 South Area Congress Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 101 South Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kathy Harris Kathy Harris Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Carlton Newton Carlton Newton Cash and Investments $ 26,658.86 Checking Investments $ 26,658.86 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $ 225.71 500.00 1,255.83 1,312.45 4,244.60 30,439.69 5,606.66 $ 43,584.94 Receipts $ 3,460.20 1,011.20 10,585.42 2,581.50 5,101.12 46,486.45 8,048.86 $ 77,274.75 Disbursements $ 3,262.20 2,643.65 11,671.46 3,735.60 8,449.34 53,646.80 10,791.78 $ 94,200.83 Transfers In $ 500.00 1,132.45 2,722.24 0.00 1,282.96 5,239.17 0.00 $ 10,876.82 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 2,722.24 0.00 310.00 6,826.83 1,017.75 $ 10,876.82 Ending Balances $ 923.71 0.00 169.79 158.35 1,869.34 21,691.68 1,845.99 $ 26,658.86 403 Congress Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 ONGOING INVESTIGATION The 2010 Audit identified certain irregularities in money collections and handling. On October 4, 2010, some audit conclusions were referred to the School Police Department for further investigation. Details of these audit findings will be presented in a separate report. DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Nine disbursements, totaling $1,479, did not have any supporting documentation. Another six disbursements, totaling $1,281.17, were supported by account statements or proposals in lieu of itemized invoices or receipts. • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in preparing 32 Check Requisitions, totaling $16,517.81. • Eight disbursements (totaling $2,983.18 for staff incentives and travels) were inappropriately funded by student activity accounts. • Two disbursements (#1431 for $1,467.80, and #1560 for $1,093.90) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Four of the 15 P-Card Monthly Bank Statements for two cardholders were not reviewed and approved by the Principal until two to five months after the statements had been received. • Two P-Card purchases, totaling $551.18, did not have any supporting documents. Another four PCard purchases, totaling $1,862.29, were not supported by itemized invoices or receipts; instead, they were supported by account statements or quotes. • The documentation for 188 disbursements (50% of total transactions), were not defaced (stamp “PAID”) after payments in order to prevent potential duplicate payments. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • 404 All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. South Area Congress Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. • To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, employees should not perform incompatible duties. The bookkeeper should not complete Check Requisitions to initiate payments. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced after payment. • To prevent and detect potential frauds and abuses, P-Card activities should be timely reconciled after the receipt of bank statements. Cardholders should complete the Purchasing Card End of Cycle Checklist monthly, and all monthly P-Card reconciliation records should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. The District will train the new bookkeeper. The principal will monitor job duties and procedures. Financial accounting procedures were reviewed with all teaching staff. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCR) and monies collection process found that: • The Drop-safe Log for the entire year of Fiscal Year 2010 was missing. • Monies collected were not deposited timely. For example, $2,765 collected through 13 MCRs (deposited on April 20, 2010) was not deposited until six to 106 working days after the monies were collected. Recommendation Money collection process should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), and other District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, a Drop-safe Log should be maintained by the school and completed by sponsors who drop off monies into the drop safe for deposit. All school records should be properly safeguarded and retained for a time-period consistent with the Internal Funds guidelines. • Monies collected should be deposited into the bank within five business days. Delay in depositing the monies could result in potential irregularity. South Area 405 Congress Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. The Drop-Safe Log was utilized last year. The 2009-2010 log disappeared after the 2008-2009 audit in June. A Drop-Safe Log has been utilized since the beginning of the school year 2010-2011. The new bookkeeper will be trained by the District and principal will monitor. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1001 was repeatedly used for all 32 available Lease Agreements. • Lease Agreements were not always executed properly: 23 Leases did not have a District approved Rental Prequalification Request Form; four Lease Agreements were not signed by the Principal; and none of the Lease Agreements described the locations to be used. • There was no evidence of liability insurance coverage for 12 Lease Agreements. Also, for one lessee, who entered into 11 Lease Agreements, purchased the liability insurance coverage through the District’s Insurance Pool. However, this lessee was under-charged with the incorrect premium. • The entire amount of leasing charges for all leases was recorded in Rental Income Account (#6-3800) instead of allocating the revenue between Rental Income and Facilities Rental Utilities Account (#65500). Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure that all Lease Agreements are enforceable, Lease Agreements should be completed with the all required information and properly executed with all the required signatures. • Lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool in accordance with the approved premium rates. • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with the School Board Mission, lessees should be prequalified by the Central Office as required by District guideline. • Utility fees should be allocated and transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. 406 South Area Congress Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. The confidential secretary and assistant principal attended CAFM training. All leases are prepared using the Tririga system. Additional comments: Many of the findings fall under the bookkeeper’s duties and responsibilities. Detail training and adherence to School Board Policy and related District guidelines will resolve these findings. South Area 407 Don Estridge High Tech Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1798 N.W. Spanish River Boulevard Boca Raton, FL 33431 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Karen Whetsell Karen Whetsell Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Pam Utrecht Pam Utrecht Cash and Investments $ 113,840.08 Checking Investments $ 113,840.08 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 408 Beginning Balances $ 6,665.91 3,919.43 0.00 3,823.78 21,376.19 40,689.98 17,970.02 $ 94,445.31 Receipts $ 27,313.59 59,366.27 0.00 6,322.03 55,290.05 101,475.43 57,089.48 $ 306,856.85 Disbursements $ 29,182.25 59,398.69 0.00 6,602.93 47,454.18 81,456.63 63,367.40 $ 287,462.08 Transfers In $ 15,886.28 24,048.60 0.00 1,993.75 13,432.10 29,552.15 13,608.16 $ 98,521.04 Transfers Out $ 15,019.27 25,270.02 0.00 2,842.36 19,855.99 20,919.57 14,613.83 $ 98,521.04 Ending Balances $ 5,664.26 2,665.59 0.00 2,694.27 22,788.17 69,341.36 10,686.43 $ 113,840.08 South Area Don Estridge High Tech Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the deposit information for six sample collections (totaling $783.59) was not recorded on the log. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response This was a FY09 finding that was corrected on the same day the auditor brought this to our school’s attention. Is it possible the 6 deposits in question were dated before the FY09 audit was complete and before we were able to make the correction? We are now using a new Drop-Safe Log report and procedure that will insure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard money collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of the sponsors and bookkeeper. DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • The Yearbook printing contract (Disbursement #4793 for $19,446.24) was not signed and approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the activity sponsor. • The lower portions of all P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were missing during the year. This section of the statement should contain the cardholder’s and Principal’s signatures. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” South Area 409 Don Estridge High Tech Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • To prevent and detect potential frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month; and the reconciliation records, including P-Card Monthly Bank Statements and End of Cycle Checklist, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. The yearbook printing contract was reviewed and approved by the principal. A Purchase Order was prepared and signed by the principal. The missed signature was an oversight. Effective immediately, the bookkeeper will verify that the principal’s signature is on all contracts. All P-Card reconciliations were completed by the 20th of each month including the reconciliation records. All End-of-Cycle checklists were approved by the principal. The P-Card coordinator will retain the lower portion of the PCard statement effective immediately. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILTIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Leases #1007 and #1005 (for the same lessee) were for use of facilities during March and June 2010, respectively. However, the Rental Prequalification Request was for use of facilities during December 2009. Consequently, this lessee was not prequalified for use of facilities during March and June 2010. • Lease #1001 was charged with the incorrect rate for use of the school’s gymnasium, resulting in an undercharge of $575 in rental. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. Moreover, another Prequalification Request Form should be prepared and approved by the Central Office if the leasing period or the purposes for the use facilities are different from the original prequalification. • Rental charges should be computed and collected in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response The FY 2010 Prequalification for this lessee was signed on December 18, 2009. The prequalification covered all leases from this lessee from December 18th to June 30, 2010. Lease #1005 began on June 9, 2010 and ended on June 30, 2010. Lease #1007 began on March 29, 2010 and ended on April 1, 2010. 410 South Area Don Estridge High Tech Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 This should not be an audit finding. Lease #1001 was undercharged by $575. The new Leasing Program will prevent any future miscalculations on future leases. SAFE SCHOOL DOCUMENTATION Finding The review of fee collection process for the Safe School Program revealed that Record of Payment Forms (PBSD 1652) was not used to account for fee collections; and receipts were not issued to parents for fee collections. Recommendation The fee collection for Safe School Program should be administered in accordance with Middle School After School Program Handbook and other District guidelines. Specifically, payment history should be recorded on the individual Record of Payment Form (PBSD 1652) for each student, and Classroom Receipts should be issued for fee collections. Management’s Response Record of Payments are used when collecting fees. A copy is given to the parent and a copy is attached to the Monies Collected Reports. Classroom Receipts do not need to be used if individual names are listed on the Monies Collected Reports. South Area 411 Eagles Landing Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 19500 Coral Ridge Drive Boca Raton, FL 33498 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: James Campbell James Campbell Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jennifer Seidenstucker Jennifer Seidenstucker Cash and Investments $ 49,195.58 Checking Investments $ 49,195.58 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 412 Beginning Balances $ 3,790.63 2,092.95 294.65 10,512.42 13,166.10 18,919.16 6,120.84 $ 54,896.75 Receipts $ 2,713.45 32,030.74 93,336.61 11,481.47 78,406.82 42,476.95 12,667.35 $ 273,113.39 Disbursements $ 4,590.28 30,002.32 91,871.40 17,377.26 71,938.14 45,274.87 17,760.29 $ 278,814.56 Transfers In $ 2,189.00 9,238.89 5,472.10 2,543.33 17,349.60 360.03 6,385.38 $ 43,538.33 Transfers Out $ 2,189.00 10,277.17 7,202.97 2,255.27 17,627.15 74.92 3,911.85 $ 43,538.33 Ending Balances $ 1,913.80 3,083.09 28.99 4,904.69 19,357.23 16,406.35 3,501.43 $ 49,195.58 South Area Eagles Landing Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit revealed no material instances of noncompliance. South Area 413 Loggers' Run Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 11584 West Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, FL 33428 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Francis Giblin Francis Giblin Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Pati Fizzano Pati Fizzano Cash and Investments $ 292,240.37 35,028.19 $ 327,268.56 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 414 Beginning Balances $ 16,104.77 2,233.41 539.07 5,959.09 34,585.43 171,265.26 72,563.33 $ 303,250.36 Receipts $ 13,292.65 45,298.05 0.00 12,268.38 31,587.42 118,571.19 46,945.73 $ 267,963.42 Disbursements $ 15,818.89 44,475.09 113.95 11,547.72 25,957.62 102,987.55 43,044.40 $ 243,945.22 Transfers In $ 6,454.37 20,013.03 0.00 3,031.53 40,084.49 46,453.84 23,039.17 $ 139,076.43 Transfers Out $ 6,454.37 19,978.03 0.00 2,279.25 38,132.76 53,508.60 18,723.42 $ 139,076.43 Ending Balances $ 13,578.53 3,091.37 425.12 7,432.03 42,166.96 179,794.14 80,780.41 $ 327,268.56 South Area Loggers’ Run Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchase records found that the Yearbook printing contract (Disbursement # 25305 for $5,972.35) was not signed and approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the activity sponsor. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Management’s Response Concur. All sponsors and advisors have been reminded that all contracts must be approved and signed by the principal. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1086 did not have the required Rental Prequalification Request form. • Lease Agreement #1036 was not signed by the Principal until two days after the use of facilities. • Leasing charges for all five sample leases were collected after the use of facilities, with delays ranging from one to two working days. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. South Area 415 Loggers’ Run Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. All rental prequalification requests will be done in Tririga prior to leasing at Loggers’ Run. In reference t the second and third findings we have a new leasing agent on the premises that will rectify these errors. SAFE SCHOOL DOCUMENTATION Finding The review of fee collection process for the Safe School Program revealed that Record of Payment Form (PBSD 1652) was not maintained for fees collection. Recommendation The fee collection for Safe School Program should be administered in accordance with Middle School After School Program Handbook and other District guidelines. Specifically, payment history should be recorded on the individual Record of Payment Form (PBSD 1652) for each student, and Classroom Receipts should be issued when fees are collected from parents. Management’s Response Concur. The After School Program at Loggers’ Run Middle School has a new director and new secretary. The secretary has begun using form PBSD 1652 for this school year. 416 South Area Odyssey Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6161 Woolbright Road Boynton Beach, FL 33437 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Bonnie Fox Bonnie Fox Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Tara Bryant-Lowe Tara Bryant-Lowe Cash and Investments $ 15,488.41 Checking Investments $ 15,488.41 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $ 309.40 2,265.79 61.00 2,209.58 2,012.40 14,433.49 2,035.33 $ 23,326.99 Receipts $ 8,780.50 0.00 15,139.00 0.00 21,869.87 93,161.60 18,283.74 $ 157,234.71 Disbursements $ 4,502.22 31.00 14,262.96 50.00 23,549.34 95,918.62 26,759.15 $ 165,073.29 Transfers In $ 4,215.03 0.00 312.00 0.00 14,362.04 3,981.45 13,744.13 $ 36,614.65 Transfers Out $ 8,490.53 2,234.79 312.00 0.00 12,634.67 6,785.29 6,157.37 $ 36,614.65 Ending Balances $ 312.18 0.00 937.04 2,159.58 2,060.30 8,872.63 1,146.68 $ 15,488.41 417 Odyssey Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Monies collected by staff were often given directly to the bookkeeper without recording the transfer of custody on the Drop-safe Log. • Money collections were not always deposited timely. For example, $337.58 collected through four sample MCRs (#44-6, #67-3, #80-3, and #83-5) was retained by the sponsors for one to three working days before turning in to the bookkeeper for deposit. • Some MCRs were not completed with all the required information, such as the source of collection, account name, and account number. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • Monies collected should be adequately supported by MCRs, with all the required information, including payer’s name and the dollar amount of payment. Management’s Response Concur. We are committed to continuing to try to implement all suggestions so we are 100% at all times. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card transaction records found that Disbursement #5552 (for $6,390) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold. However, the required Purchase Order was not prepared by the bookkeeper until six weeks after the items were purchased and it did not have the 418 South Area Odyssey Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Principal’s signature. Recommendation Disbursements should be processed in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, a Principal’s approved Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. Management’s Response Concur. We will continue to attempt to be 100% in compliance. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that: • #1001 was repeatedly used for all Lease Agreements. • Two Lease Agreements (both dated June 7, 2010, for the same lessee) did not have the Principal’s signature, and did not have the date for the lessee’s signature. • The entire amount of the leasing fees for the all commercial leases were allocated and recorded in the Rental Income Account (#6-3800) and Utilities Account (#6-5500). Consequently, sales tax and insurance premium collected from the lessees were not transmitted to the Central Office as required. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure all Lease Agreements are enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures and dates prior to the use of facilities. • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule. These revenues should be recorded in the respective leasing accounts, including Rental Income (#6-3800), Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500), Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500), Extra Services-Other (#61600), Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850), and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800). • The portion of utility fees, event insurance, and sales tax should be transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with Internal Funds guidelines. South Area 419 Odyssey Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. The assistant principal and secretary attended a personal training on Decemb 7, 2010, to get all issues clarified and to receive training. Additional Comments: Thank you for your professionalism and support. 420 South Area Omni Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5775 Jog Road Boca Raton, FL 33496 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Pierre J. D'Aoust Pierre J. D'Aoust Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Mirtha Valencia Mohammadzadeh Mirtha Valencia Mohammadzadeh Cash and Investments $ 69,854.98 21,545.13 $ 91,400.11 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $ 1,836.75 6,361.22 0.00 2,177.79 33,820.08 49,979.91 19,244.76 $ 113,420.51 Receipts $ 785.55 53,845.60 18,900.00 26,848.20 92,083.97 60,179.38 10,394.09 $ 263,036.79 Disbursements $ 2,444.20 54,247.13 18,546.69 24,974.06 88,636.27 78,737.63 17,471.21 $ 285,057.19 Transfers In $0.00 28,376.42 353.31 8,727.26 18,265.97 7,010.88 4,445.54 $ 67,179.38 Transfers Out $0.00 28,376.42 353.31 8,869.75 18,193.07 6,955.43 4,431.40 $ 67,179.38 Ending Balances $ 178.10 5,959.69 353.31 3,909.44 37,340.68 31,477.11 12,181.78 $ 91,400.11 421 Omni Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SAFE SCHOOL DOCUMENTATION Finding The review of fee collection process for the Safe School Program revealed that the school did not use the required Record of Payment Forms for recording fees collection. Recommendation The fee collection for Safe School Program should be administered in accordance with District guidelines. Specifically, payment history should be recorded on the individual Record of Payment Form (PBSD 1652) for each student, and Classroom Receipts should be issued for fee collections. Management’s Response Concur. Staff will be alerted to proper procedure going forward. 422 South Area High Schools Atlantic High Boynton Beach High Olympic Heights High Spanish River High South Area Total 1 4 5 0 0 14 15 0 0 0 Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 16 √ √ √ 0 17 1 √ West Boca Raton High 0 23 23a 24 Boca Raton High √ √ √ √ √ 4 1 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32a 33 34 35 Access to Drop Safe Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely Monies Not Deposited Timely Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor Monies Collected Not Properly Documented Lease Prequalification Not Available Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use Fee Waivers Not Documented / Undercharged Rental Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded Staff Performing Incompatible Duties Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely √ 0 0 0 3 0 Leases √ √ √ √ √ √ 0 0 0 3 √ √ 3 √ 1 √ 1 0 0 1 0 36 37 38 39 √ 0 0 2 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents Receipts Field Trips Not Approved By Principal 22 Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented 20 Bank Signature Card Not Updated 19a Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account Disbursements Adjustments to Records Not Properly Approved /Documented 19 Disbursement Not Properly Approved 18 P-Card Related Findings Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Inadequate Support for Disbursement Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 13 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 11 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor Missing Timecard Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing South Area South Area High Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 √ √ √ 0 Number of Findings SOUTH AREA (6 Schools) 4 10 3 3 3 24 1 423 This page intentionally left blank. 424 South Area Atlantic High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 2455 West Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33445 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kathleen Weigel Kathleen Weigel Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cynthia Kunjbehari Cynthia Kunjbehari Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Rick Swearingen During Audit: Rick Swearingen Cash and Investments $ 142,757.30 269,167.79 $ 411,925.09 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $ 2,624.74 35,680.53 18,532.14 56,668.82 35,864.54 238,260.97 35,878.05 $ 423,509.79 Receipts $ 127,446.09 83,715.28 36,920.00 112,794.05 134,302.89 295,347.93 17,365.10 $ 807,891.34 Disbursements $ 119,913.70 102,235.58 41,460.35 117,423.78 118,937.10 301,620.60 17,884.93 $ 819,476.04 Transfers In $ 54,592.38 27,504.12 15,091.29 71,518.64 32,808.55 17,537.13 98.93 $ 219,151.04 Transfers Out $ 58,941.38 27,517.68 14,891.29 72,896.78 27,298.74 15,435.79 2,169.38 $ 219,151.04 Ending Balances $ 5,808.13 17,146.67 14,191.79 50,660.95 56,740.14 234,089.64 33,287.77 $ 411,925.09 425 Atlantic High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and the money collection process found that $3,256.28 collected through 13 MCRs was not deposited timely into the bank account. The monies were kept by the sponsors for one to 112 days before turning in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation In accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five business days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could put staff at risk and result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Sponsors were trained on procedures and the consequences of not following the guidelines in future activities. Staff responsible for the “monies collection” violations was spoken to individually to provide emphasis on importance of this issue. Failure to follow procedures will result in a specific memorandum of incident. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that the Certificates of Insurance for Leases #1032 and 1035 did not include the School District as an additional insured party. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, to protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance with the School District as an additional insured party. Management’s Response Concur. New software will allow the district contact to review scanned documents for errors and eliminate this type of finding. COMMUNITY SCHOOL PROGRAM Finding District procedures require that community school fees be transmitted to the Central Office within 42 426 South Area Atlantic High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 days after classes begin. The review of accounting records found that the school did not timely transmit the fees to the Central Office, with delays ranging from seven to 37 days. Recommendation Community school tuition fees should be transmitted within six weeks (42 days) to the Central Office in order to fund Community School personnel and other related expenses, in accordance with District guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. The Adult and Community Education Assistant Principal will develop a calendar with a focus on the transmittal deadline. The AP will check with the bookkeeper a week before the deadline to insure the transmittal has been sent to the District. South Area 427 Boca Raton High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1501 N.W. 15th Court Boca Raton, FL 33486 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Geoffrey McKee Geoffrey McKee Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Judith Morales Judith Morales Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Cheryl Lombard During Audit: Cheryl Lombard Cash and Investments $ 320,623.60 263,188.90 $ 583,812.50 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 428 Beginning Balances $ 45,051.12 5,854.43 8,306.67 87,311.81 86,567.60 331,455.39 3,800.95 $ 568,347.97 Receipts $ 342,263.64 47,138.45 119,648.50 207,334.85 237,116.58 451,157.96 44,278.75 $1,448,938.73 Disbursements $ 308,908.68 48,369.40 117,657.85 189,517.50 244,538.73 446,260.71 78,221.33 $1,433,474.20 Transfers In $ 125,068.08 7,169.79 15,977.01 79,621.50 102,949.88 68,949.87 87,143.85 $ 486,879.98 Transfers Out $ 142,640.95 6,361.79 15,217.67 88,993.96 96,844.07 93,581.58 43,239.96 $ 486,879.98 Ending Balances $ 60,833.21 5,431.48 11,056.66 95,756.70 85,251.26 311,720.93 13,762.26 $ 583,812.50 South Area Boca Raton High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $2,890 of the $4,405 collected through five MCRs (#328-2070, #338-2177, #345-2208, #345-2212, and #356-2298) was retained by the sponsor for five to 16 working days before turning in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. This requirement was reviewed with all staff members at the start of every school year. This was reiterated with the sponsors involved in the delayed deposits referenced above. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that four P-Card Monthly Billing Statements for December 2009 and January 2010 were not approved by the Principal. Recommendation To prevent and detect potential frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month. As part of the reconciliation, cardholders are required to complete the P-Card End of Cycle Checklist; and all monthly P-Card reconciliation records including the End of Cycle Checklist and Monthly Bank Statement, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. The principal and all who access P-Cards are aware of this requirement. The four billing card statements that were not approved were oversights. The principal and the secretarial clerk involved in PCard approval review will be more careful. Additional comments: Thank you for assisting us in improving our financial accounting procedures. South Area 429 Boynton Beach High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4975 Park Ridge Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Keith Oswald Keith Oswald Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Deborah Hotchkiss Deborah Hotchkiss Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Jerry Fogarty During Audit: Jerry Fogarty Cash and Investments $ 101,583.73 Checking Investments $ 101,583.73 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 430 Beginning Balances $ 4,013.78 2,953.03 54.55 8,017.73 17,050.63 64,215.18 ( 95.64) $ 96,209.26 Receipts $ 149,740.29 30,263.90 27,962.40 18,735.92 90,262.42 292,201.62 17,707.55 $ 626,874.10 Disbursements $ 133,470.43 29,646.19 29,661.92 11,153.21 100,122.85 297,038.92 20,406.11 $ 621,499.63 Transfers In $ 80,740.72 19,068.71 3,329.60 8,984.62 41,367.45 40,455.57 6,261.40 $ 200,208.07 Transfers Out $ 92,008.75 18,351.35 1,562.63 11,574.83 31,196.14 42,449.82 3,064.55 $ 200,208.07 Ending Balances $ 9,015.61 4,288.10 122.00 13,010.23 17,361.51 57,383.63 402.65 $ 101,583.73 South Area Boynton Beach High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties. In particular, the bookkeeper was collecting cash from students and parents for various programs and issuing receipts that were pre-signed by another staff member. • $1,307.16 collected through five MCRs (#286-6, #190-3, #212-6, #257-12 and #169-10) was kept by the activity account sponsors for one to 16 business days before turning in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To safeguard school assets through proper fiscal accountability and segregation of duties, employees should not perform incompatible duties. Specifically, (1) the bookkeeper should not collect monies from students and parents and (2) staff should not pre-sign receipts for use by another staff member. • Monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five business days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. We are working with the sponsors on this. We do not concur with item #1. Our secretarial staff has dropped from 18 to 7 employees. During the summer we only had 3 employees so the bookkeeper collected obligations but someone else made the deposits. Now that school is going again we have someone delegated to collect obligations. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraising records found that: • Ticket Sellers Reports were not maintained for the Student Council Homecoming Dance (Account #44810.02) and Junior Prom (Account #3-2011.01) programs. Consequently, there was no assurance that revenues were properly accounted for. South Area 431 Boynton Beach High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • The Dance Uniform Sales Account (#5-1901-.02) had a deficit of $3,714.69 and Sales Item Inventory Report was not maintained. According to staff, some uniforms were sold below cost and some revenues from other fundraisers were used to balance this account. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Ticket Sellers Report should be prepared to reconcile revenues with the number of tickets sold. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be completed with the needed information in order to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • Significant discrepancies between estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Tickets were not used for Homecoming or Prom and students were given invitations. They had to sign-in when they arrived at the event. The dance instructor does fundraising specifically to pay for the deficits for uniforms. Selling of the uniforms is not a fundraiser; the items are sold at or below cost because the majority of our population are students of poverty. YEARBOOK ACCOUNT Finding The Yearbook Account (#5-0450) had a deficit ending balance during the past four years. These deficits were balanced at year-end with funds transferred from the General Activities Account (#7-0100) and Facilities Rental Account (6-3800). School Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 Deficit Amount $8,215.09 14,550.07 10,812.36 6,061.38 Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and self-sufficiency, the school should monitor closely the revenues and expenditures for the Yearbook Account. Specifically, the school should consider adjusting the selling prices for the yearbook and charges for advertisement. The school should also monitor the quantity of yearbooks to be printed so that this activity will not incur a deficit. 432 South Area Boynton Beach High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response The yearbook sponsor actively tried to sell more ads, ordered less books and reduced number of color pages but unfortunately the majority of our population are students of poverty. Raising the cost will accomplish nothing because even less students will be able to afford them. RECORDS MISSING FOR PRE-KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM Finding Parent sign-out records, Registration Forms, and Attendance Records were missing for the Little Tigers Pre-Kindergarten Program. In addition, the program had a deficit of $1,859.26. Due to missing records, we were unable to ascertain if all revenues were properly accounted for. Recommendation Missing records is a serious violation of District guidelines, and jeopardizes the integrity of the control system. Without adequate documentation, there is no assurance that all revenues were properly accounted for. Registration Forms, Attendance Records and Record of Payment Forms for the Pre-Kindergarten Program should be maintained for a time period consistent with Pre-Kindergarten Handbook and District Record Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. The Early Childhood instructor made these changes as soon as the auditors pointed them out. MINI-CHEER CAMP RECORDS MISSING Finding The school sponsored a Cheerleading Camp during May 3 through June 6, 2010. The review of records found that the school did not maintain student attendance, registration, and revenue collection records for this program. Due to missing records, we were unable to ascertain if all revenues were properly accounted for. Recommendation Missing records is a serious violation of District guidelines, and jeopardizes the integrity of the control system. Without adequate documentation, there is no assurance that all revenues were properly accounted for. To protect the best interests of the school and ensure fiscal accountability, student records and fee collection records for Cheerleading Camp should be maintained for a time period consistent with the District’s Record Retention Schedule. South Area 433 Boynton Beach High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Each deposit for this camp has receipts attached and student names are also listed on each Monies Collected Form. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Disbursement #5690 (for $8,624.06) for purchase of admission tickets to a theme park during a field trip was supported by a handwritten Order Form instead of the vendor’s receipt. • The School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD1420) for Disbursement #5323 was stamped with the consultant’s signature stamp in lieu of a manual signature. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • To protect the best interests of the school and ensure the School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) is legally enforceable, proper manual signature should be obtained. Management’s Response This was the order form for our Senior Class trip and Universal sent us the wrist bands in the mail. There was no other invoice. The consultant contract is a copy attached to the check requisition. Adult Ed has the original. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that: • Lease #1004 was repeatedly used for three leases. • Leasing charges were not collected prior to the use of facilities. In particular, leasing charges for five leases (#1004 dated September 4, 2009; #1004 dated September 16, 2009; #1012; #1028; and #1036) 434 South Area Boynton Beach High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 were not collected until after the lessees had begun using the facilities for one to five months. • Although documents for Lease #1012 indicated that liability insurance was covered under the District insurance pool, the insurance premium had not been received from the lessee as of June 30, 2010. • The September 16, 2009, Lease #1004 was undercharged by $106.50 in rental and sales tax. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • Leasing charges including rental, labor, insurance premium, and sales tax should be collected prior to the use of facilities in accordance with District’s approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. Liquid Office malfunctioned when issuing sequential numbers. Late payments are part of daily business practices. We try to collect every payment ahead of lease of facilities, sometimes we cannot due to timing issues. To keep good community relationships with our lessees, we sometimes collect fees that are late. We are encouraged by the fact the District is implementing new software program for leasing. COMMUNITY SCHOOL Finding District procedures require that community school fees be transmitted to the Central Office within 42 days after classes begin. The review of accounting records found that the school did not timely transmit the fees to the Central Office, with delays ranging from 20 to 42 days. Recommendation Community school fees should be transmitted to the Central Office within 42 days after the classes begin, in accordance with the District’s guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. We will follow District procedures to submit Community School fees. Before submitting we make sure that all student refunds have gone through and we are accurate in reporting to the District. We do not want to report inaccurate financial data to the District so we sometimes have delays that result in late transmittals. South Area 435 Olympic Heights High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 20101 Lyons Road Boca Raton, FL 33434 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Francisco Rodriguez Francisco Rodriguez Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Bertha Beltran Bertha Beltran Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Carolyn Stanley During Audit: Carolyn Stanley Cash and Investments $ 350,447.45 Checking Investments $ 350,447.45 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 436 Beginning Balances $ 46,675.66 4,668.65 16,450.26 41,252.80 82,877.35 208,265.75 5,617.73 $ 405,808.20 Receipts $ 133,458.36 34,303.60 57,193.50 96,686.08 140,047.79 631,020.77 26,294.55 $1,119,004.65 Disbursements $ 142,344.42 39,275.05 61,433.95 104,840.02 134,130.77 659,614.46 32,726.73 $1,174,365.40 Transfers In $ 60,581.48 16,913.97 19,208.88 31,554.17 54,480.93 168,352.05 27,093.46 $ 378,184.94 Transfers Out $ 65,099.08 13,933.38 22,026.38 36,541.33 60,820.47 162,530.47 17,233.83 $ 378,184.94 Ending Balances $ 33,272.00 2,677.79 9,392.31 28,111.70 82,454.83 185,493.64 9,045.18 $ 350,447.45 South Area Olympic Heights High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Disbursement #24880 (for $2,500) was for payment of DJ service that did not have the required School District Consultant Agreement, although a Principal’s approved Purchase Order was issued for this procurement. • Three P-Card transactions totaling $1,666.41 were for purchases prohibited by the Purchasing Card Procedures: one for purchase of computers, and two for payments of monthly maintenance fees for office equipment. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be executed for procurement of professional service. Moreover, to protect the safety and welfare of students, the school should ensure that consultants who work on school campus have completed the required background and clearance check pursuant to Florida Statutes. • P-Card should not be used for purchase of items disallowed by Purchasing Manual. Management’s Response Concur. We will follow recommendations provided. COMMUNITY SCHOOL TRANSMITTALS Finding The review of accounting records found that the school did not timely transmit the fees to the Central Office, with delays ranging from 12 to 36 days after the due dates. District procedures require that community school fees be transmitted to the Central Office within 42 days after the classes begin. Recommendation Community school fees should be transmitted to the Central Office within 42 days after the classes begin, in accordance with the District’s guidelines. South Area 437 Olympic Heights High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. The school had been counting school business days. We will follow all recommendations provided and count all days. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of sample leases for use of school facilities found that: • • Leases #1070, #1073, and #1110 were for community use of the school’s Performing Arts Center. In addition to the facility rentals and labor charges indicated on the Lease Agreements, the school also issued separate invoices to the lessees for services provided by students during the use of facilities. Subsequently, the students were paid by schools checks for services rendered. This practice might subject the school to unwarranted liabilities and raised other concerns: - To ensure the safety for use of theatre and stage rigging equipment, the School District requires mandatory proper technical training for the operators. Thus, allowing students who did not have the required training to work at the Performing Arts Center could jeopardize the safety of the students, staff, lessees, and other participants. - Labor costs for the students were billed separately, which was inconsistent with the Lease Agreement. - Federal Income Taxes were not withheld for compensation paid to the students with Internal Funds checks. - Hiring students to work for facility leasing could have impact on the District’s Collective Bargaining Agreements with employees. The Certificate of Insurance for Lease #1110 did not include the School District as an additional insured party. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure the safety of students, employees, and users of the school’s stage and theatre and compliance with Bulletins #P-13500-COO/RBM and #MPH 637-CLO/COO, effective July 1, 2010, only employees who have completed the District’s mandatory Theatre and Stage Rigging Safety Training are allowed to operate the stage or theatre area. • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate 438 South Area Olympic Heights High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 insurance with the School District as an additional insured party. Management’s Response Concur. We will follow the recommendation provided in regards to the second finding dealing with the certificate of insurance. In regards to the first finding, I would like to clarify that students do not operate the theater. They serve as ushers, runners, and assistants under a trained community school staff member. In addition all students had a w-9 form on file. Since this is a district-wide practice, I have been informed that the district will look into how best to handle this in the future. Thank you for your assistance and support. South Area 439 Spanish River High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5100 Jog Road Boca Raton, FL 33496 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Susan Atherley Susan Atherley Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Donna D’aria Donna D’aria Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Todd Bolar During Audit: Todd Bolar Cash and Investments $ 507,493.98 Checking Investments $ 507,493.98 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 440 Beginning Balances $ 123,009.72 33,634.39 18,783.62 53,853.78 119,504.67 172,238.33 43,434.49 $ 564,459.00 Receipts $ 446,785.47 190,766.30 100,514.80 215,284.65 159,033.22 448,367.65 86,682.81 $1,647,434.90 Disbursements $ 461,760.28 199,130.21 99,622.48 209,332.70 185,755.69 482,595.65 66,202.91 $1,704,399.92 Transfers In $ 129,329.90 20,878.56 23,500.69 72,024.08 20,622.56 34,450.42 69,701.32 $ 370,507.53 Transfers Out $ 127,384.90 21,516.50 30,459.12 75,680.32 12,788.82 39,145.75 63,532.12 $ 370,507.53 Ending Balances $ 109,979.91 24,632.54 12,717.51 56,149.49 100,615.94 133,315.00 70,083.59 $ 507,493.98 South Area Spanish River High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • The school hired two consultants to administer the school’s Little Shark Preschool Program. The School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD 1420) for the consultants had a maximum compensation of $2,500 and $7,125 respectively. However, during School Year 2010, the school paid a total of $16,372.58 and $13,781.25 to these consultants respectively. • Two disbursements (#25867 for $850; and #26474 for $500) were for payments to two vendors who provided coaching services for the Boys’ Volleyball Camp. Although the school had School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD 1420) for the vendors, both agreements did not have the unit price and the maximum contract amount. • Seven disbursements (#24668, #24733, #25074, #25921, #26162, #27103, and #27246, totaling $35,108.65) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Although the dollar amount on Check Requisition #27246 was $2,850, a $5,900 check was issued to the vendor, with related supporting documentation. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Pursuant to School Board Policy 6.14, “when the contract amount will exceed $10,000 for any one fiscal year utilizing budgeted funds, the consultant agreement must be approved by the School Board prior to services being provided”. • To protect the best interests of the school, the School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be properly executed for procurement of professional service. The agreement should contain all the required information, including the unit price and the maximum amount of the contract. Payments to consultant should not exceed the maximum dollar amount authorized on the agreement. • Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. Management’s Response Concur. South Area 441 Spanish River High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the Campus Yearbook Sales (Account #5-0450.00), Junior Class T-shirt Sales (Account #3-2011.01) and General Activities T-shirt Sales (Account #7-0100.05) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Reports. Moreover, the Mr. & Ms. Shark 2010 Event Ticket Sales (Account #3-2011.05) did not have the Ticket Sellers Reports. Due to the lack of documentation and inventory counts, we were unable to ascertain if all sales revenues were properly accounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, Sales Item Inventory Report should be prepared in order to account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory, and reconcile sales revenues. Also, Ticket Sellers Report should be prepared for reconciling revenues with the number of tickets sold. Significant discrepancies between estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. COMMUNITY SCHOOL PROGRAM Finding District procedures require that community school fees be transmitted to the Central Office within 42 days after classes begin. The review of accounting records found that the school did not timely transmit the fees to the Central Office, with delays ranging from 13 to 71 days. Recommendation Community school fees should be transmitted to the Central Office within 42 days after the classes begin, in accordance with the District’s guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. 442 South Area West Boca Raton High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 12811 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33498 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Mark Stenner Mark Stenner Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ruth Somers Ruth Somers Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Lyle Agnew During Audit: Lyle Agnew Cash and Investments $ 535,064.73 Checking Investments $ 535,064.73 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $ 235,509.81 10,367.33 4,133.15 26,861.56 74,041.73 148,176.92 4,656.74 $ 503,747.24 Receipts $ 221,217.17 53,267.55 115,475.17 151,800.86 296,030.69 473,223.23 44,807.10 $1,355,821.77 Disbursements $ 214,786.37 65,341.32 100,971.42 138,458.66 286,322.22 484,942.25 33,682.04 $1,324,504.28 Transfers In $ 88,852.57 8,586.45 29,851.80 31,492.21 121,276.78 94,936.65 40,309.32 $ 415,305.78 Transfers Out $ 105,607.61 5,213.30 27,702.11 45,135.23 108,869.09 83,865.16 38,913.28 $ 415,305.78 Ending Balances $ 225,185.57 1,666.71 20,786.59 26,560.74 96,157.89 147,529.39 17,177.84 $ 535,064.73 443 West Boca Raton High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Disbursements #12843 (for $1,490) and #13735 (for $3,039) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Disbursement #13032 (for $835) was for payment of consultant service but did not have the required School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD 1420). Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be executed for procurement of professional service. Management’s Response Concur. Disbursement #12843 was for an electronic data base that our current Media Specialist ordered using SAC funding. We should have used a PO. #13375 was a maintenance agreement for our driver ed. simulators, we should have used a PO. #13032 was for a DJ for the homecoming dance. The former SGA advisor debated with the treasurer the necessity of a consultant contract. Unfortunately, her persuasive powers won the debate and the rule was broken. A contract should have been written. The teacher is no longer the SGA Advisor and we will not have any similar issues in the future. In all cases funding was available for the purchase, procedure was not followed. Principal and Treasurer have discussed these issues. 444 South Area Other Schools South Area Total 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 23a 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor Monies Collected Not Properly Documented Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use 1 23 Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account √ 1 22 Monies Not Deposited Timely √ 21 Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely 20 Access to Drop Safe 19a Purchases From School Employee 19 Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 √ 1 √ 1 √ √ 1 1 32a 1 0 √ 0 34 1 35 0 37 √ 0 8 39 0 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 38 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Leases Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely Adjustments to Records Not Properly Approved/Documented 33 Staff Performing Incompatible Duties 32 Undercharged Rental Receipts Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Disbursements Lease Prequalification Not Available Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Disbursement Not Properly Approved Missing Documentation 17 Inadequate Support for Disbursement 16 Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds 15 Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 0 14 Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard Delray Full Service Center 13 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor SOUTH AREA 11 Missing Timecard 5 Timecard Not Signed By Employee Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing South Area South Area Other Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 0 Number Finding 8 445 This page left intentionally blank. Delray Full Service Center Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 301 S.W. 14th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Willie Jo Young Willie Jo Young Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Verdnell Walker Verdnell Walker Cash and Investments $ 18,692.55 Checking Investments $ 18,692.55 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General South Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 38.73 0.00 24,594.43 4,421.09 $ 29,054.25 Receipts $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,477.96 7,313.88 $ 17,791.84 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,680.59 10,472.95 $ 28,153.54 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,783.00 500.23 $ 2,283.23 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,864.20 419.03 $ 2,283.23 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 38.73 0.00 17,310.60 1,343.22 $ 18,692.55 447 Delray Full Service Center Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursement #3313 (for $1,783) for purchase of appreciation gifts for staff members was inappropriately funded by the Facilities Rental Income Account (#6-3800). Moreover, the amount approved by the Principal in the Purchase Order was $1,015.65; consequently, Disbursement #3313 exceeded the Principal’s approved amount by $767.35. • Two P-Card purchases, totaling $195.70, did not have any supporting documents. • Two P-Card purchases ($1,077.40 and $1,824.66 occurred in March and May 2010 respectively) exceeded the $1,000 per vendor daily limit without obtaining prior approval from the Purchasing Department. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Pursuant to the District’s Chart of Accounts for Internal Funds, Renal Income should be used for items or services that improve school plant facility or directly benefit students, not for staff’s appreciation gifts. Moreover, DOE Rules and the Chart of Accounts for Internal Funds allow only Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200) and Faculty Fund Account (#6-1700) to benefit adults. • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase; and that all purchases are approved by the Principal. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • P-Card purchase in excess of $1,000 requires prior approval from the Purchasing Department. Management’s Response Concur. All P-Card purchases and disbursements will be made in accordance with School District Policy and Procedures. 448 South Area Delray Full Service Center Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $507 collected through seven MCRs (#35-2, #36-1, #36-9, #56-2, #60-11, #62-4, and #62-6) was either retained by the sponsors or not processed by the bookkeeper until seven to 17 working days after collection. • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in receiving and opening incoming mails, which might contain payments from various sources, such as school picture commission checks. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, employees should not perform incompatible duties. Specifically, receiving and opening incoming mails and collecting monies from lessees should be assigned to other staff members. Management’s Response Concur. Monies collected will be turned in daily and deposited in the bank within five (5) working days. Segregation of duties for the bookkeeper will be in accordance with School District Policies and Procedures. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1009 did not have the required District’s approved Rental Prequalification Request. • Lease Agreement #1025 did not indicate the date and time for the use of facilities. • Sales tax was not collected from Commercial Lease #1006. This lease also charged with the incorrect rate, resulting in undercharging $30 in rental. South Area 449 Delray Full Service Center Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. • Leasing charges should be collected in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. • Sales tax should be collected from commercial leases, recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800), and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. All leases will have the District’s approved Rental Pre-qualification Request, date and time of lease, and correct charges to lease in accordance with School District Policies and Procedures concerning leases. 450 South Area WEST AREA This page left intentionally blank. 453 Total (28 Schools) 3 Benoist Farms 0 0 0 Hurricane Hours Not Repaid 4 √ Equestrian Trails Frontier H.L. Johnson Pierce Hammock 1 5 5 0 9 10 West Gate 0 0 0 1 Fee Waiver Not Properly Documented 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 16 Pahokee 0 17 1 18 Belle Glade √ Cholee Lake √ √ Grassy Water K.E. Cunningham/Canal Point √ √ Pioneer Park Rosenwald 0 √ √ √ √ Glade View Golden Grove Wynnebrook 11 Binks Forest √ √ √ Panther Run 0 √ √ √ √ 7 2 √ √ √ √ √ 0 5 Acreage Pine √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Melaleuca New Horizons √ √ Wellington √ √ √ 0 8 8 27 28 29 30 31 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1 7 √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 √ √ √ √ 8 3 9 Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use 32 32a Undercharged Rental 26 Lease Prequalification Not Available √ √ √ √ Royal Palm Beach 0 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1 7 √ 0 35 3 0 0 37 √ 0 38 3 39 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 36 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Leases Adjustments To Records Not Properly Approved/Documented Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Bank Signature Card Not Updated 34 Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely 33 Staff Performing Incompatible Duties Receipts Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded 25 Monies Collected Not Properly Documented 24 Receipts Recorded in Wrong Account 23a Monies Not Deposited Timely Disbursements Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor 23 Access to Drop Safe 22 Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely 21 Purchases From School Employee 20 Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account 19a P-Card Related Findings 19 Disbursement Not Properly Approved Inadequate Support for Disbursement Student Records Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard Employee Incurred Work Hours While On Leave/Holiday Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds 13 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 12 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor 11 Time Input Mannually into Time Clock 8 Missing Timecard 7 Student FTE Reports Not Properly Maintained 6 Student Released To Unauthorized Person Fiscal Management Student Released Without Parent Signout Accounting Records Incomplete/Incorrect Registration Form Not Properly Maintained Attendance and Parent Sign-out Records Missing / Not Properly 2 Registration / Fees Not Collected West Area Schools 1 Fees Not Timely Transmitted To District West Area West Area Elementary Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits School Age Child Care (SACC) Payroll Others 40 0 41 0 42 √ √ √ √ Cypress Trails Elbridge Gale √ √ Gove √ √ √ Loxahatchee Groves √ √ √ √ Pine Jog √ 0 Number of Findings 3 11 3 4 1 0 0 3 3 7 1 0 3 2 2 0 5 4 7 6 7 0 8 5 5 96 6 This page left intentionally blank. Acreage Pines Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 14200 Orange Boulevard Loxahatchee, FL 33470 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Colleen Iannitti Colleen Iannitti Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Barbara Schumacher Barbara Schumacher SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Karla Powell Karla Powell Cash and Investments $ 11,925.52 50,523.22 $ 62,448.74 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 224.69 1,989.75 750.23 7,408.57 40,351.86 17,006.46 $ 67,731.56 Receipts $0.00 13,313.70 31,348.16 829.04 12,180.55 212,003.65 12,750.49 $ 282,425.59 Disbursements $0.00 8,408.36 30,357.52 1,179.03 11,755.95 215,527.77 20,479.78 $ 287,708.41 Transfers In $0.00 4,975.19 2,724.37 0.00 3,650.98 4,356.59 5,441.21 $ 21,148.34 Transfers Out $0.00 4,975.19 1,992.38 0.00 4,660.38 5,465.50 4,054.89 $ 21,148.34 Ending Balances $0.00 5,130.03 3,712.38 400.24 6,823.77 35,718.83 10,663.49 $ 62,448.74 455 Acreage Pines Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,101.50 collected through six MCRs (#58-3, #58-4, #97-3, #97-4, #95-13 and #124-8) was retained by the sponsors for one to seven business days before it was turned in for deposit. • Some sponsor did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Moreover, some sponsors did not indicate the dollar amounts of the deposits on the Drop-safe Log. • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in (1) completing MCRs for account sponsors to sign as remitters, and (2) preparing leasing documentation and collecting leasing fees from lessees. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • To ensure fiscal accountability, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties, which can result in conflict of interest, such as collecting monies from students and lessees, and preparing collection records and leasing documentation. Management’s Response Concur. 456 West Area Belle Glade Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 500 N.W. Avenue "L" Belle Glade, FL 33430 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Roxanne Curtiss Roxanne Curtiss Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Krista Carter Krista Carter Cash and Investments $ 8,267.88 Checking Investments $ 8,267.88 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 218.03 682.29 872.94 8,892.14 ( 45.33) $ 10,620.07 Receipts $0.00 0.00 17,233.82 775.75 2,447.71 70,106.20 3,365.99 $ 93,929.47 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 19,707.31 1,048.88 2,219.47 69,256.08 4,049.92 $ 96,281.66 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 3,936.49 698.78 585.39 16,000.36 1,273.26 $ 22,494.28 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 741.50 0.00 585.39 20,754.64 412.75 $ 22,494.28 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 939.53 1,107.94 1,101.18 4,987.98 131.25 $ 8,267.88 457 Belle Glade Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that $550 collected through MCRs #48-0101 and #48-0106 was retained by the sponsor for nine working days before being turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation In accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five business days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could put staff at risk and result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Discussed at faculty meeting about the process of collecting monies and not keeping overnight; also spoke with individual sponsor about proper record keeping. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that: • The Yearbook Sales (Account #7-0100.01) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Report. • Tickets sales for the Fall Carnival (Account #6-0300.03) and Spring Carnival (Account #6-0300.07) did not have the required Ticket Sellers Reports. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be completed in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • Ticket Sellers Report should be prepared for reconciling revenues with the number of tickets sold. • All significant discrepancies between estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. 458 West Area Belle Glade Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Principal and Treasurer have had conversations with all club sponsors and parent liaison about tracking sales item inventory report and ticket seller report. (The importance of thee reports were stressed and all parties understood.) DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that Disbursement #5762 (for $1,330) was for payment of lunches and admission fees during a field trip to Lion Country Safari. However, the disbursement was supported by a reservation confirmation letter in lieu of a vendor invoice or receipt indicating the number of participants for the field trip. Recommendation Disbursements should be processed in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, disbursements should be adequately supported by itemized invoices or receipts. Cash and credit checks received from vendors for overpayments should be deposited into the Internal Funds. Management’s Response Concur. Bookkeeper will contact vendor for itemized invoice and/or receipt if P-Card is used. West Area 459 Benoist Farms Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1765 Benoist Farms Road West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ruthann Miller Ruthann Miller Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Robin McLaughlin Robin McLaughlin SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Angela Vinho / Calvin Lewis, Jr. Calvin Lewis, Jr. Cash and Investments $ 22,975.73 Checking Investments $ 22,975.73 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 460 Beginning Balances $0.00 453.98 26.90 161.27 1,299.57 4,517.67 0.00 $ 6,459.39 Receipts $0.00 983.00 317.00 6,226.12 3,856.27 172,055.90 637.21 $ 184,075.50 Disbursements $0.00 1,398.41 0.00 4,018.07 3,807.57 157,699.28 635.83 $ 167,559.16 Transfers In $0.00 450.00 0.00 962.69 222.48 12,246.58 706.05 $ 14,587.80 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 19.25 2,708.10 35.94 11,768.71 55.80 $ 14,587.80 Ending Balances $0.00 488.57 324.65 623.91 1,534.81 19,352.16 651.63 $ 22,975.73 West Area Benoist Farms Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursement #1094 (for $444) did not have any supporting documentation; and a $342.71 P-Card purchase was supported by a credit card receipt that did not indicate the items purchased. • Disbursement #1079 (for $1,486.73) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Disbursements #1064 and #2508, totaling $245, were for payment to a consultant for game shows for the SACC program. However, these procurements of professional services did not have the required School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD 1420). Supporting documents for payments were not defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment was made. • Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase; and that all purchases are approved by the Principal. • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be completed and executed for procurement of professional service. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. Management’s Response Concur. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: West Area 461 Benoist Farms Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Moreover, the bookkeeper did not always complete the Drop-safe Log when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $831.25 collected through three MCRs (#62, #8-68, and #9-73) was retained by the sponsors for one to 11 working days before it was turned in to bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Moreover, the bookkeeper should complete the “To Be Completed by Bookkeeper” section of the Drop-safe Log when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraising records found that: • Three Safety Patrol fundraisers (Lollipop Sale, Candy Sale, and Snack Cart) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Reports. • Based on purchasing records, the Safety Patrol Candy Sale (Account #4-4300.02) had a total estimated revenue of $5,184; however, only $3,843.27 in collections was deposited into the Internal Funds. Consequently, $1,340.73 in estimated revenue was unaccounted for. According to the Fundraising Application/Recap Form, no merchandise was returned by patrols. • Based on purchasing records, the Safety Patrol Lollipop Sale (Account #4-4300.01) should have a total estimated sales revenue of $600. However, only $401.15 was deposited into the Internal Funds. Consequently, $198.85 in estimated revenue was unaccounted for. 462 West Area Benoist Farms Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. SACC RECORDS Finding A review of the SACC student records found that: • The Family Central’s Subsidy Reimbursement Reports for March, April, and June 2010 were missing. Without these reimbursement reports, there is no assurance that all Family Central’s subsidy payments were received. • The May 2010, Family Central’s subsidy payment ($3,290.80) was not recorded in the KidsCare database, although the check was deposited into the Internal Funds on July 21, 2010. • The Registration Forms for two students were not signed by the parent/guardian. • Review of the KidsCare database indicated that the program had a total of $3,853.65 in SACC fee receivable as of June 30, 2010. Recommendation SACC and Summer Camp programs should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, • To ensure subsidy payments are properly accounted for, Family Central Reimbursement Reports should be retained for a time-period consistent with District’s Record Retention Schedule. • To ensure fiscal accountability, all SACC financial transactions, including Family Central’s subsidy payments, should be recorded in the KidsCard database. • To protect the best interests of students and the school, Registration Forms should be completed with the needed information and signed by the parents/guardians for all students. • SACC is a self-sufficient program supported by fees. To ensure fiscal accountability, SACC fees West Area 463 Benoist Farms Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 should be collected in accordance with SACC Operational Manual, which states that “fees are payable in advance and are collected monthly on the first three school days of the month”. Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1001 was repeatedly used for all Lease Agreements. • Leasing charges for four of the five sample leases were not collected until after the lessees had begun using the facilities, with delays ranged from eight days to one month. • In accordance with District approved Rate Schedule, utility fees for commercial and non-profit leases are 20% and 35% of the rentals, respectively. However, the school allocated 35% of the rentals for commercial leases to the utility account, resulting in over-reimbursing utility fees to the Central Office. • Sales tax collected from commercial leases was recorded in the Rental Income and Utilities Accounts instead of the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800). Consequently, sales tax collected was not transmitted to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule. These revenues should be recorded in the respective leasing accounts, including Rental Income (#6-3800), Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500), Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500), Extra Services-Other (#61600), Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850), and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800). • The portion of utility fees, event insurance, and sales tax should be transmitted accordingly to the Central Office in accordance with Internal Funds guidelines. 464 West Area Benoist Farms Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. West Area 465 Binks Forest Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 15101 Bent Creek Road Wellington, FL 33414 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Stacey Quinoñes Stacey Quinoñes Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Angela Gadaleta Angela Gadaleta SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Leila Truitt Leila Truitt Cash and Investments $ 86,936.32 Checking Investments $ 86,936.32 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 466 Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 10,022.50 16,188.02 48,237.63 8,828.65 $ 83,276.80 Receipts $0.00 300.00 77,640.25 73,354.60 40,119.49 621,436.59 49,884.87 $ 862,735.80 Disbursements $0.00 201.49 76,763.26 55,392.38 38,426.64 649,117.65 39,174.86 $ 859,076.28 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 8,178.95 18,335.07 11,946.88 21,857.44 53,105.31 $ 113,423.65 Transfers Out $0.00 98.51 9,055.94 37,463.07 22,450.76 8,840.47 35,514.90 $ 113,423.65 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 8,856.72 7,376.99 33,573.54 37,129.07 $ 86,936.32 West Area Binks Forest Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • $14,476.84 collected through nine MCRs was not turned in timely for deposit. The monies were retained by the sponsors for one to 21 working days before being turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. • Some staff members did not record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Moreover, some sponsors did not record all the required information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off monies into the safe; the dollar amounts of monies for some deposits were not indicated on the log. • The bookkeeper did not always update the Drop-safe Log when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five business days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • The bookkeeper should complete the “To Be Completed by Bookkeeper” section of the Drop-safe Log when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. Management’s Response Concur. Staff will be instructed to comply by the DOE Rules in ference to monies collected. In accordance with the newly revised Drop-safe Log, sponsors will be instructed to include dollar amount of the deposit. Also, the bookkeeper and designee shall complete sections 2 and 3 of the log. West Area 467 Binks Forest Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card transaction records found that: • Check Requisition #10307 (for $775) was not approved by the Principal; and two other Check Requisitions for check #9973 totaling $7,182.36 were not signed by the account sponsor confirming that the goods or services have been received. • Two voided checks (#10145 for $180.21 and #10107 for $1,199.60), both had been signed by the Principal, were not defaced in order to prevent potential fraudulent misuses. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements should be supported by Principal’s approved Check Requisitions and itemized invoices and receipts. • Check Requisitions should be signed by the sponsors to confirm that goods and services have been received. • To prevent potential fraud, all voided checks should be properly defaced, such as stamped or marked as “VOID”. Management’s Response Concur. All disbursements will be supported by principal’s approved check requisitions and itemized receipts. All check requisitions will be signed by the sponsor. All voided checks will be properly defaced. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of leasing records found that: • Leasing charges for Lease #1006 was not collected until two weeks after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • Sales tax was not collected from two Commercial Leases #1006 and #1009. 468 West Area Binks Forest Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • In accordance with District’s facilities leasing guidelines, leasing charges should be collected prior to the use of facilities. • Sales tax should be collected from commercial leases, recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800), and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Lease charges will be collected prior to the use of the school facilities. Sales tax shall be collected from commercial leases and recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (6-1800) and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. West Area 469 Cholee Lake Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6680 Dillman Road Greenacres, FL 33413 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Eugina Smith Feaman Eugina Smith Feaman Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: LaSonya Martin LaSonya Martin SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Joycelyn Cardona Joycelyn Cardona Cash and Investments $ 13,570.91 Checking Investments $ 13,570.91 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 470 Beginning Balances $0.00 270.03 2,594.00 265.26 2,269.20 3,365.67 54.65 $ 8,818.81 Receipts $0.00 552.00 13,863.63 1,036.27 6,238.12 243,195.07 3,765.15 $ 268,650.24 Disbursements $0.00 181.98 12,304.36 610.88 8,147.33 239,693.57 2,960.02 $ 263,898.14 Transfers In $0.00 552.00 5,028.23 647.00 1,536.75 9,545.95 1,911.01 $ 19,220.94 Transfers Out $0.00 552.00 5,088.26 647.00 1,682.18 10,283.34 968.16 $ 19,220.94 Ending Balances $0.00 640.05 4,093.24 690.65 214.56 6,129.78 1,802.63 $ 13,570.91 West Area Cholee Lake Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that two disbursements (#2774 for $260, and #2874 for $565) were for payments of admission fees during two field trips. However, these disbursements were supported by reservation confirmations in lieu of vendors’ receipts indicating the numbers of participants for the field trips. Recommendation Disbursements should be processed in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately supported by itemized invoices or receipts. Management’s Response Concur. Field trip sponsors have been reminded to receive invoice receipts indicating number of participants. West Area 471 Cypress Trails Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 133 Park Road North Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gale Fulford Tameka Moore-Robinson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kim LaCroix Kim LaCroix SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kelly Hughes-Hinde Kelly Hughes-Hinde Cash and Investments $ 104,005.32 Checking Investments $ 104,005.32 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 472 Beginning Balances $0.00 1,044.03 4,832.09 1,367.32 5,808.94 89,955.82 18,178.81 $ 121,187.01 Receipts $0.00 3,383.00 9,644.50 4,104.62 15,294.38 414,605.96 9,240.25 $ 456,272.71 Disbursements $0.00 1,333.06 9,360.80 4,375.88 16,137.93 423,837.10 18,409.63 $ 473,454.40 Transfers In $0.00 243.05 1,209.61 546.05 2,205.08 32,319.39 4,008.35 $ 40,531.53 Transfers Out $0.00 243.05 1,209.61 615.39 2,219.69 33,215.72 3,028.07 $ 40,531.53 Ending Balances $0.00 3,093.97 5,115.79 1,026.72 4,950.78 79,828.35 9,989.71 $ 104,005.32 West Area Cypress Trails Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit found no material instances of noncompliance. West Area 473 Elbridge Gale Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1915 Royal Fern Drive Wellington, FL 33414 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gail Pasterczyk Gail Pasterczyk Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ranka Connor Ranka Connor SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patricia Vico Montalvo Patricia Vico Montalvo Cash and Investments $ 47,063.00 Checking Investments $ 47,063.00 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 474 Beginning Balances $0.00 273.96 363.60 1,462.38 10,046.33 30,031.08 11,005.54 $ 53,182.89 Receipts $0.00 1,496.75 34,756.93 18,281.00 32,614.43 698,088.30 4,211.87 $ 789,449.28 Disbursements $0.00 1,129.87 32,587.89 14,149.87 27,736.13 702,623.77 17,341.64 $ 795,569.17 Transfers In $0.00 1,633.08 3,370.07 3,802.39 7,362.63 7,754.69 11,758.93 $ 35,681.79 Transfers Out $0.00 2,273.92 5,463.25 7,572.61 10,927.38 5,749.76 3,694.87 $ 35,681.79 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 439.46 1,823.29 11,359.88 27,500.54 5,939.83 $ 47,063.00 West Area Elbridge Gale Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit found no material instances of noncompliance. West Area 475 Equestrian Trails Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 9720 Stribling Way Wellington, FL 33414 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sandra Gero Sandra Gero Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lourdes Santos Lourdes Santos SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ken Haines Ken Haines Cash and Investments $ 47,983.82 Checking Investments $ 47,983.82 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 476 Beginning Balances $ 672.41 0.00 8,193.45 458.04 7,323.32 33,646.60 1,109.07 $ 51,402.89 Receipts $ 1,179.06 0.00 82,486.53 710.00 22,851.05 623,715.18 30,326.54 $ 761,268.36 Disbursements $ 1,473.89 0.00 84,412.11 1,063.82 19,482.49 627,348.83 30,906.29 $ 764,687.43 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 7,923.66 181.50 4,919.44 14,075.64 8,901.32 $ 36,001.56 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 8,315.17 0.00 6,966.76 16,225.64 4,493.99 $ 36,001.56 Ending Balances $ 377.58 0.00 5,876.36 285.72 8,644.56 27,862.95 4,936.65 $ 47,983.82 West Area Equestrian Trails Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that the Sales Item Inventory Reports for the Agendas Sales (Account #7-0100.01) and the Uniform Shirts Sales (Account #7-0100.02) did not have all the needed information, such as quantities sold, selling prices, and sales revenues were missing. Due to the lack of information, we were unable to ascertain whether all revenues were accounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Sales Item Inventory Report has already been utilized. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that Disbursement #5076 (for $900) was for payment to a consultant for an end of year concert, but did not have the required School District Consultant Agreement. Recommendation Disbursements should be processed in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, the School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be executed for procurement of professional service. Moreover, to protect the safety and welfare of students, the school should ensure that consultants who work on school campus have completed the required background and clearance check pursuant to Florida Statutes. Management’s Response Concur. PBSD 1420 will be utilized for all consultants. West Area 477 Equestrian Trails Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SACC RECORDS Finding The review of sample SACC students’ registration, attendance, and parent sign-out records found that the second page of one registration form was not completed with all the needed information nor was it signed by the parent/guardian. The information missing includes the medical information of the student. Recommendation To protect the welfare and best interest of the students and the school and in accordance with the SACC Operational Manual, Registration Forms should be completed with the needed information for all students. Management’s Response Concur. The Afterschool Program Director will check the registration forms to make sure all information is present. 478 West Area Frontier Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6701 180th Avenue North Loxahatchee, FL 33470 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Dwan Ross/Sharon Brannon Sharon Brannon Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Carey Fox/Iraida Areyzaga Cindy Dinkel SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jessica Kelson Jessica Kelson Cash and Investments $ 53,577.49 Checking Investments $ 53,577.49 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 12.58 6,533.86 1,619.53 7,472.39 42,152.29 7,145.88 $ 64,936.53 Receipts $0.00 844.00 50,464.38 20,423.04 15,512.26 397,235.26 17,085.17 $ 501,564.11 Disbursements $0.00 771.34 50,009.56 8,579.21 13,691.95 418,891.27 20,979.82 $ 512,923.15 Transfers In $0.00 27.00 9,491.77 5,346.23 4,406.38 42,949.16 2,948.79 $ 65,169.33 Transfers Out $0.00 27.00 9,047.77 17,130.68 3,822.18 31,659.71 3,481.99 $ 65,169.33 Ending Balances $0.00 85.24 7,432.68 1,678.91 9,876.90 31,785.73 2,718.03 $ 53,577.49 479 Frontier Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Three disbursements (#6332 for $1,467.15; #6364 for $1,369.63; and #6483 for $1,486.08) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Two P-Card purchases totaling $73.49 occurred during April 2010, did not have any supporting documentation. • A $1,314.50 P-Card purchase exceeded the $1,000 per vendor daily limit without obtaining prior approval from the Purchasing Department. Instead, this purchase was split into two P-Card transactions ($914.50 and $400) processed on June 4, and June 7, 2010, respectively in order to circumvent the $1,000 P-Card threshold. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. • P-Card purchases in excess of $1,000 should obtain prior approval from the Purchasing Department. Pursuant to Purchasing Manual Chapter 24, Purchasing Card Procedures, “Splitting an invoice totaling more than $1,000 is considered Pyramiding and is not allowed. Payment for purchases shall not be split to stay within the single purchase limit.” The school should not circumvent the rule in splitting large purchase into multiple small purchases. Management’s Response Concur. We will adhere to the above recommendations given. If there is a P-Card missing receipt, we will be sure to attach the appropriate OmniForm #2094 signed by the P-Card holder. SACC RECORDS Finding The review of SACC records revealed that one of the five sample Registration Forms did not have the second page of the form. The missing page contains student’s medical information and parent’s signature. 480 West Area Frontier Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation SACC and Summer Camp programs should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, Registration Forms should be completed with all the needed information for all students. Management’s Response Concur. We will follow the district recommendation and be sure that all pages are completed and attached to the Registration Forms. West Area 481 Glade View Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1100 SW Avenue "G" Belle Glade, FL 33430 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sheila Henry Linda Edgecomb Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Beatriz Rodriguez Brenda Dominique Cash and Investments $ 330.35 Checking Investments $ 330.35 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 482 Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.01 32.00 1,664.37 5,280.60 1,865.59 $ 8,842.57 Receipts $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,720.53 22,288.72 4,373.52 $ 29,382.77 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 0.00 32.00 4,384.90 27,632.32 5,845.77 $ 37,894.99 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 185.96 554.48 1,528.00 $ 2,268.44 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 185.96 465.48 1,617.00 $ 2,268.44 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 26.00 304.34 $ 330.35 West Area Glade View Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • During School Year 2009, the school had 192 P-Card transactions, totaling $82,390. Our review of the transactions revealed that: - 14 of the 20 P-Card Monthly Bank Statements for two cardholders were not reviewed and approved by the Principal. Two of the 20 monthly reconciliations did not include the required Endof-Cycle Checklist. In addition, only page one of the two-page End-of-Cycle Checklist was included with all the reconciliations. - Six transactions (or 3%), totaling $716.98 (or 1%), did not have any supporting documents. Ten transactions (or 5%), totaling $1,823.77 (or 2%) were supported by inadequate documentation, such as credit card voucher which did not include detail of the purchase, or a statement without the original invoice. - 28 transactions (or 15%), totaling $16,981.04 (or 21%), were for travel related expenditures without the approved TDE and related documentation. • The Check Requisition and supporting documentation for Disbursement #6409 (for $1,954.39) were missing. • The documentation for all sample disbursements were not defaced (stamp “PAID”) after payments were made. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To prevent and detect potential frauds and abuses, P-Card activities should be timely reconciled after the receipt of bank statements. Cardholders should complete the Purchasing Card End of Cycle Checklist monthly, and all monthly P-Card reconciliation records should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced after payment. West Area 483 Glade View Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Comply with all procedures and guidelines regarding P-Card to include End-of-Cycle Checklist, P-Card reconciliation records, sufficient documentation, itemized receipt/invoices as well as the defacing of documentation after payment. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties. Specifically, the bookkeeper collected funds for the Safety Patrol field trip to Atlanta and prepared the Monies Collected Report (MCR). • Two MCRs, totaling $1,000 in cash collections, did not have the collection details except the date and total dollar amount collected. • The sponsors did not always retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. • Some sponsors did not record the collections on the Drop-safe Log when dropping off monies for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper segregation of duties in safeguarding school assets, employees should not perform incompatible duties. Specifically, the bookkeeper should not collect monies from the parents, students, and lessees; and Monies Collected Reports should be completed and signed by the remitters while maintaining the accounting records. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • To ensure proper accountability and safeguard of monies collected, sponsors should record the deposit information onto the Drop-safe Log before turning in the monies for deposit. 484 West Area Glade View Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Comply with all aspects of DOE Rules and District Guidelines in regards to Monies Collected Reports, Retention of MCR document and follow through with required documentation onto Drop-safe Log. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Finding The review of the records maintained at the school found that the school had total unpaid bills of $6,052.63 as of June 30, 2010. These unpaid bills included $5,228.79 due to the Central Office and $823.84 due to three vendors. However, the school’s June 30, 2010, financial records submitted to the Central Office indicated that the school had total unpaid bills of $2,486.79 due to the Central Office while the Internal Funds had an ending balance of $330.35. As a result, the school had a deficit balance of $5,722.28, after the timing difference adjustment. Recommendation To ensure the Internal Funds is self-sufficient, the school should (1) develop a payment plan to resolve the unpaid bill issue, and (2) timely process all invoices received in accordance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 218, Local Government Prompt Payment Act. Management’s Response Concur. School will devise a plan to resolve unpaid bills and process invoices in compliance with DOE and District procedures. West Area 485 Golden Grove Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5959 140th Avenue North West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kathryn Koerner Kathryn Koerner Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Grace Wersching Grace Wersching SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Patricia Packard Patricia Packard Cash and Investments $ 82,705.83 Checking Investments $ 82,705.83 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 486 Beginning Balances $ 344.37 1,759.93 15,091.00 3,317.29 6,725.70 40,706.94 16,646.40 $ 84,591.63 Receipts $ 69.57 1,607.50 35,291.93 35.62 13,020.03 330,984.86 35,658.80 $ 416,668.31 Disbursements $0.00 1,842.29 37,409.84 524.99 13,792.75 331,832.50 33,151.74 $ 418,554.11 Transfers In $ 267.25 911.36 1,989.85 235.44 12,087.32 10,308.82 7,249.14 $ 33,049.18 Transfers Out $ 364.37 911.36 2,980.67 25.41 12,035.20 10,842.57 5,889.60 $ 33,049.18 Ending Balances $ 316.82 1,525.14 11,982.27 3,037.95 6,005.10 39,325.55 20,513.00 $ 82,705.83 West Area Golden Grove Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that 14 P-Card purchases, totaling $2,015.03 and occurred during June 2010, were for payment of staff’s training and travel expenses. However, these expenses were inappropriately funded with the operating funds budgeted for school’s supplies. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, in accordance with P-Card Procedures, Section 24.6.B, the school should confirm that all P-Card transactions are posted to the appropriate funding sources. Management’s Response Concur. Procedures have been implemented to avoid force posting of P-Card purchases to the default operating budget when treasurer is not on duty to make corrections. The amount of $2,015.03 was transmitted to the School District on PBSD 01450 on Golden Grove’s check number 12163. The funds utilized are from our internal account 6-4450.00 Staff Development of which funds are allocated specifically for conference training and travel. The funds were available and designated for the P-Card transactions that were encumbered in June. West Area 487 Gove Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 900 SE Avenue "G" Belle Glade, FL 33430 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Anne Turner Anne Turner Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Elsa Esparza Joann Rivers Cash and Investments $ 16,757.33 2,156.28 $ 18,913.61 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 488 Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 2,647.03 398.66 17,690.34 10,564.22 $ 31,300.25 Receipts $0.00 0.00 50,937.78 54,133.78 10,279.58 31,969.48 20,090.57 $ 167,411.19 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 47,066.16 54,824.14 8,686.86 41,732.51 27,488.16 $ 179,797.83 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 27,481.90 10,002.96 2,070.79 8,264.03 6,215.83 $ 54,035.51 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 29,150.41 9,702.96 2,144.45 5,459.43 7,578.26 $ 54,035.51 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 2,203.11 2,256.67 1,917.72 10,731.91 1,804.20 $ 18,913.61 West Area Gove Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit found no material instances of noncompliance. West Area 489 Grassy Waters Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 3550 North Jog Road West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Amy Wilkinson Amy Wilkinson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Theresa Ferry Theresa Ferry SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Phillip Preddy Carissa Pagliaro Cash and Investments $ 72,562.51 Checking Investments $ 72,562.51 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 490 Beginning Balances $0.00 2,213.69 5,908.21 38.23 11,739.64 38,397.70 2,004.59 $ 60,302.06 Receipts $0.00 2,000.00 28,273.40 1,622.18 15,095.71 499,208.91 5,964.97 $ 552,165.17 Disbursements $0.00 1,604.36 26,683.53 651.86 16,370.86 484,491.27 10,102.84 $ 539,904.72 Transfers In $0.00 395.64 71.95 2,947.22 2,771.18 5,945.82 6,238.66 $ 18,370.47 Transfers Out $0.00 2,509.33 776.53 106.22 4,590.55 11,079.59 ( 691.75) $ 18,370.47 Ending Balances $0.00 495.64 6,793.50 3,849.55 8,645.12 47,981.57 4,797.13 $ 72,562.51 West Area Grassy Waters Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that Disbursement #3920 was for $4,657.50 in payment of Yearbook printing costs. However, this disbursement was supported by a vendor’s invoice without a Yearbook printing contract or Purchase Order. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, all disbursements should be adequately supported. To protect the best interests of the school, a Principal’s approved Purchase Order should be issued or a Yearbook Production Agreement be executed for the Yearbook purchase. Management’s Response Concur. A contract agreement will be completed prior to purchasing future yearbooks. The yearbook sponsor will be notified of this procedure. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • The leasing charges for three sample leases (#1004, #1006, and #1008) were not collected until after the use of facilities, with delays ranging from six days to more than seven months. • Leases #1001 and #1006 were charged with the non-profit rates; however, no proof of non-profit or tax-exempt status was maintained for both leases. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Proof of non-profit or tax-exempt status should be provided by lessee and documented in file in order to qualify for the non-profit rates. West Area 491 Grassy Waters Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. 1) Leasing fees will be collected prior to facility usage and 2) tax-exempt documentation will be required (as appropriate) and kept on file. 492 West Area H.L. Johnson Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1000 Crestwood Boulevard North Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sharon Hench Sharon Hench Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Karen Loebig Karen Loebig SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kathy Anderson Kathy Anderson Cash and Investments $ 117,351.14 Checking Investments $ 117,351.14 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 1,722.23 12,269.34 38.51 10,532.70 63,573.00 22,904.91 $ 111,040.69 Receipts $0.00 2,000.00 16,419.11 70.00 29,156.02 390,864.84 13,016.23 $ 451,526.20 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 14,578.00 0.00 25,909.93 383,491.47 21,236.35 $ 445,215.75 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 3,234.60 0.00 4,332.20 776.89 6,358.90 $ 14,702.59 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 3,177.26 38.51 4,796.02 6,690.80 0.00 $ 14,702.59 Ending Balances $0.00 3,722.23 14,167.79 70.00 13,314.97 65,032.46 21,043.69 $ 117,351.14 493 H. L. Johnson Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,115 collected through MCR #118-14 was retained by the sponsors for seven business days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response This is a SACC audit issue and not reflective of the H.L. Johnson Elementary School Internal Funds audit. I am requesting it be noted as such. This has been addressed with the SACC Director. SACC RECORDS Finding The review of sample SACC student records found that the Registration Form for one student did not indicate on the check box whether there was a visitation or other court orders barring either parent from removing the student during the school day or coming into contact with the student. Recommendation To protect the safety and welfare of students, Registration Forms should be completed with all the required information for all students. Management’s Response Concur. The SACC Director and SACC Assistant Director will exercise due diligence in reviewing all forms for completion and compliance. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,115 collected through MCR #118-14 was retained by the sponsors for seven business days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. 494 West Area H. L. Johnson Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response This is a SACC audit issue and not reflective of the H.L. Johnson Elementary School Internal Funds audit. I am requesting it be noted as such. This has been addressed with the SACC Director. SACC RECORDS Finding The review of sample SACC student records found that the Registration Form for one student did not indicate on the check box whether there was a visitation or other court orders barring either parent from removing the student during the school day or coming into contact with the student. Recommendation To protect the safety and welfare of students, Registration Forms should be completed with all the required information for all students. Management’s Response Concur. The SACC Director and SACC Assistant Director will exercise due diligence in reviewing all forms for completion and compliance. West Area 495 K.E. Cunningham/Canal Point Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 37000 Main Street Canal Point, FL 33438 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lavoise Smith Donald Hoffman Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cynthia Cormack Cynthia Cormack Cash and Investments $ 9,955.58 Checking Investments $ 9,955.58 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 496 Beginning Balances $0.00 127.64 48.62 0.00 0.000 5,373.85 2,124.12 $ 7,674.23 Receipts $0.00 276.00 3,375.69 0.00 3,106.91 57,016.93 9,652.12 $ 73,427.65 Disbursements $0.00 176.87 3,279.00 0.00 3,006.91 53,021.56 11,661.96 $ 71,146.30 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,940.20 4,087.97 $ 9,028.17 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,834.20 4,193.97 $ 9,028.17 Ending Balances $0.00 226.77 145.31 0.00 100.00 9,475.22 8.28 $ 9,955.58 West Area K.E. Cunningham/Canal Point Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that five disbursements, totaling $3,049.54, did not have supporting documentation for the expenses: • Check #6089 (for $1,233.54) was payable to a teacher, but did not have any supporting documentation including a Check Requisition approved by the Principal. Another three disbursements (#6021, #6034, and #6061, totaling $1,450) were payments to the same teacher also did not have supporting documentation although the approved Check Requisitions were available for these three payments. • Disbursement #6037 (for $366) did not have supporting documentation for the expenses. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. All disbursements should be adequately documented with Check Requisitions approved by the Principal and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. Management’s Response Concur. Both principals met with the bookkeeper. Documentation should have been attached at the time the event occurred and no later than the time the reimbursements were made. She is aware of her responsibility and will comply accordingly. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that two leases did not have proof of liability insurance coverage. Lease #1002 did not have insurance documentation maintained by the school; and the name of the insured listed on the Certificate of Insurance for Lease #1003 was different from the lessee’s. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. Management’s Response Concur. The bookkeeper is aware of the School Board Policy and will follow it to the letter in completing West Area 497 K.E. Cunningham/Canal Point Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 future leases. 498 West Area Loxahatchee Groves Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 16020 Okeechobee Boulevard Loxahatchee, FL 33470 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Richard Myerson Richard Myerson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Renee Murray Iraida Areyzaga SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Judy Jones Judy Jones Cash and Investments $ 50,873.27 Checking Investments $ 50,873.27 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 8.72 1,123.98 60.00 5,158.34 33,020.97 6,082.69 $ 45,454.70 Receipts $0.00 2,985.72 9,662.76 240.00 16,489.00 274,077.22 9,826.83 $ 313,281.53 Disbursements $0.00 2,856.11 9,941.30 205.00 18,030.44 263,887.23 12,942.88 $ 307,862.96 Transfers In $0.00 0.01 2,376.91 21.00 2,118.23 10,965.04 4,010.61 $ 19,491.80 Transfers Out $0.00 0.01 1,927.60 116.00 2,169.22 11,912.25 3,366.72 $ 19,491.80 Ending Balances $0.00 138.33 1,294.75 0.00 3,565.91 42,263.75 3,610.53 $ 50,873.27 499 Loxahatchee Groves Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit revealed no material instances of noncompliance. 500 West Area Melaleuca Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5759 West Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, FL 33415 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Stephen Sills Stephen Sills Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lesia Mullett Lesia Mullett SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Doreen Ulyas Doreen Ulyas Cash and Investments $ 17,871.61 Checking Investments $ 17,871.61 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $ 514.00 15.72 713.00 1,054.11 555.75 3,349.52 433.49 $ 6,635.59 Receipts $0.00 696.05 0.00 17,100.44 15,382.70 205,483.04 2,512.59 $ 241,174.82 Disbursements $ 342.21 696.05 25.65 15,428.55 13,715.33 197,409.48 2,065.38 $ 229,682.65 Transfers In $ 110.00 0.00 0.00 8,232.89 1,448.25 1,574.09 165.27 $ 11,530.50 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 64.68 9,780.89 1,448.25 131.68 105.00 $ 11,530.50 Ending Balances $ 281.79 15.72 622.67 1,178.00 2,223.12 12,865.49 684.82 $ 17,871.61 501 Melaleuca Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and the money collection process at the school found that: • Some activity account sponsors did not always retain the yellow copies of the related MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $8,402.46 collected through seven MCRs (#55-1, #55-2, #69-7, #74, #94-3, #111-4 and #118-2) was retained by the sponsors for one to seven working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. • MCR #50-1was for money collected from Yearbook sales; however, there was no Sales Item Inventory Report for this event. • Supporting documentation for MCRs did not always include all the required information. For example, eight Classroom Receipts attached to MCR #115-2 and one Classroom Receipt for MCR #118-2 did not indicate the date of collection. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. • MCRs and supporting documentation should be completed with all the required information including the date of collection. 502 West Area Melaleuca Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Procedures are now in place to ensure monies collections are administered in accordance with DOE Rules and related District Guidelines. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of leasing records found that: • Two Lease Agreements (#1005 and #1007) were not executed until 10 to 20 days after the lessees had begun using the facilities. • All five Lease Agreements (#1002, #1003, #1004, #1005, and #1007) did not indicate the dates and times for use of facilities. • Leasing charges for Leases #1003, #1007and #1005 were not collected until after the lessee had begun using the facilities. Delays ranged from two to 20 days. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be executed prior to the use of facilities, and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. • In accordance with leasing guidelines, leasing charges should be collected prior to the use of facilities. Management’s Response Concur. Procedures are now in place to ensure that leasing of school facilities is administered with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District Guidelines. West Area 503 New Horizons Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 13900 Greenbriar Boulevard Wellington, FL 33414 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Elizabeth Cardozo Elizabeth Cardozo Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Tina Brewster Tina Brewster SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Debra Alba Debra Alba Cash and Investments $ 149,370.44 Checking Investments $ 149,370.44 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 504 Beginning Balances $0.00 1,532.36 16,705.18 17,152.08 11,993.63 95,943.36 11,525.35 $ 154,851.96 Receipts $0.00 3,152.67 22,276.30 46,565.73 9,282.86 260,847.64 9,664.90 $ 351,790.10 Disbursements $0.00 2,277.71 29,218.06 47,391.90 9,185.00 258,986.75 10,212.20 $ 357,271.62 Transfers In $0.00 214.14 6,861.60 3,839.08 8,085.09 5,480.40 10,936.23 $ 35,416.54 Transfers Out $0.00 146.00 7,125.03 3,963.09 8,585.03 6,525.05 9,072.34 $ 35,416.54 Ending Balances $0.00 2,475.46 9,499.99 16,201.90 11,591.55 96,759.60 12,841.94 $ 149,370.44 West Area New Horizons Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that non-profit Lease #1001 had the following exceptions: • The Lease Agreement did not indicate the dates and times for use of facilities, although the related information was listed on the Rental Prequalification Request Form. In addition, the location of the “outside space” to be used was not indicated on the Agreement. • This lease was for use of facilities for five days, including the cafeteria for two hours per day, some outside space for 1.5 hours per day, and five classrooms for seven hours per day. However, the lessee was charged a total of 60 classroom-hours for use of classroom, instead of 175 classroom-hours (5 classrooms x 7 hours x 5 days). Consequently, the lessee was undercharged by $2,300 in rental. • The entire amount of the leasing charges was recorded in the Utilities Account (#6-5500) without allocating the proper portion to the Rental Income Account (#6-3800) and Extra Services-Custodial Account (#6-1500). Consequently, the school over-transmitted $1,032.88 to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the locations, and the dates and times for use of facilities. • Rental charges should be collected based on the usage in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. • Utility fees should be allocated and transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. The Leasing Contact attended Tririga Training in August 2010. All recommendations will be implemented. School Board Policy and District Guidelines relating to leasing will be followed. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some collections were not recorded in the respective accounts in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual. West Area 505 New Horizons Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Specifically, • $5,565 collected through three MCRs (#10-298, #10-402, and #10-633) for the Safety Patrol’s fieldtrip were recorded in the Safety Patrol Club Account (#4-4300.00) instead of the Safety Patrol’s Washington Trip Account (#6-4000.00). • $1,264.65 in fundraisers’ sales revenues (MCRs #10-134, #10-138, #10-270, and #10-1177) were recorded in the primary accounts of the related fundraising activities instead of designated decimalized accounts for the fundraisers. Recommendation To ensure proper accounting of school funds, monies collected should be recorded in the appropriate accounts in accordance with Internal Funds Manuals. Moreover, to assist the school in evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser, a separate decimalized account should be established for each fundraiser. Each fundraiser account should contain only financial information that is related to the fundraiser. Management’s Response Concur. The Safety Patrol’s Washington Trip account was established and questions clarified by the auditor. A separate decimalized account will be established for each fundraiser. 506 West Area Pahokee Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 560 East Main Place Pahokee, FL 33476 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Vivian M. Green Vivian M. Green Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sandra Vazquez Sandra Vazquez Cash and Investments $ 14,892.24 Checking Investments $ 14,892.24 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 10,723.79 2,504.97 850.07 15,330.11 14.23 $ 29,423.17 Receipts $0.00 0.00 6,030.00 9,933.00 2,043.98 22,235.68 8,741.60 $ 48,984.26 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 16,167.79 10,683.31 2,587.13 24,487.17 9,589.79 $ 63,515.19 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 405.00 2,269.53 529.67 620.52 4,076.14 $ 7,900.86 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 891.00 2,269.53 0.00 1,499.58 3,240.75 $ 7,900.86 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 100.00 1,754.66 836.59 12,199.56 1.43 $ 14,892.24 507 Pahokee Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Management’s Response Concur. Recommendation has been implemented. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursement #5994 (for $3,074) for payment of expense for the St. Augustine Fieldtrip, was not supported by an invoice or receipt. Instead, it was supported by a vendor’s proposal that indicated the unit prices for student and adult participants, but did not have the number of participants and the total expense for the trip. • Three of the five sample P-Card Monthly Billing Statements for April and June 2010, were neither signed by the cardholders nor approved by the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • 508 To prevent and detect frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures West Area Pahokee Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month; and the reconciliation records, including P-Card Monthly Bank Statements and End of Cycle Checklist, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. Recommendations have been implemented and are being followed in accordance with P-Card procedures manual. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • The name of the insured listed on the Certificate of Insurance for Lease #1004 was different from the lessee listed on the Lease Agreement. • Lease #1001 was repeatedly used for three different leases. • The October 6, 2010, Lease Agreement #1001 was not signed by the lessee, although it was signed by a witness and the Principal. • Three leases (October 6, 2009, Lease #1001; October 8, 2009, Lease #1001; and Lease #1002) did not indicate the dates for the use of facilities, although the dates were listed on the Rental Prequalification Request Forms. • All leasing revenues were recorded in the Rental Income Account (#6-3800.00). As a result, $1,218 in utility expense was not recorded in the Utilities Account (#6-5500.00) and not transmitted to the Central Office as required. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be completed with all the required information and properly executed with all the required signatures and dates. • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule. These West Area 509 Pahokee Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 revenues should be recorded in the respective leasing accounts, including Rental Income (#6-3800), Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500), Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500), Extra Services-Other (#61600), Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850), and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800). • The portion of utility fees, event insurance, and sales tax should be transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with Internal Funds guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. Leasing of school facilities and completion of lease agreements will be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18. 510 West Area Panther Run Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 10775 Lake Worth Road Lake Worth, FL 33467 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Scott Blake Scott Blake Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kim Kahant Kim Kahant SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Matthew Childs Matthew Childs Cash and Investments $ 21,200.42 34,736.35 $ 55,936.77 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 339.18 1,056.53 663.47 2,427.66 43,355.76 15,742.23 $ 63,584.83 Receipts $0.00 1,733.78 30,895.06 916.03 28,453.38 434,171.37 33,885.08 $ 530,054.70 Disbursements $0.00 1,692.05 34,944.86 1,441.19 25,541.21 444,060.29 30,023.16 $ 537,702.76 Transfers In $0.00 145.15 12,301.15 725.38 12,625.19 22,491.91 9,729.59 $ 58,018.37 Transfers Out $0.00 145.15 6,136.52 725.38 12,837.63 28,988.73 9,184.96 $ 58,018.37 Ending Balances $0.00 380.91 3,171.36 138.31 5,127.39 26,970.02 20,148.78 $ 55,936.77 511 Panther Run Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit found no material instances of noncompliance. 512 West Area Pierce Hammock Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 14255 Hamlin Boulevard Loxahatchee, FL 33470 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jeffrey Eassa John Carvelli Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Michele Wells Michele Wells SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Vanessa Garcia Vanessa Garcia Cash and Investments $ 55,841.14 Checking Investments $ 55,841.14 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 1,007.92 0.22 12,168.05 57,547.28 2,811.38 $ 73,534.85 Receipts $0.00 1,362.52 58,939.35 170.00 18,108.99 481,579.55 23,173.80 $ 583,334.21 Disbursements $0.00 1,299.02 55,381.30 190.15 22,089.96 498,937.58 23,129.91 $ 601,027.92 Transfers In $0.00 108.10 13,590.53 41.72 4,025.27 7,990.68 4,200.04 $ 29,956.34 Transfers Out $0.00 108.20 14,388.97 0.22 4,363.99 7,626.62 3,468.34 $ 29,956.34 Ending Balances $0.00 63.40 3,767.53 21.57 7,848.36 40,553.31 3,586.97 $ 55,841.14 513 Pierce Hammock Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCR) and money collection process found that some staff members did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the information for four sample MCRs (#98-12, #119-4, #135-11, and #139-16, totaling $773.91) was not recorded on the log. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. All staff were notified in a faculty meeting about appropriate Drop-safe proceudures following this year’s audit. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that certain P-Card purchases at the school had the following exceptions: • Four of the 10 sample P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were not signed by the cardholder; and two of them were not approved by the Principal. • A $63.19 purchase in October 2009, was not supported by an itemized invoice; instead, it was supported by a Packing List that did not indicate the dollar amount of the purchase. • A $400 P-Card transaction occurred in December 2009, was payment of “DJ - Dance Party and Airbrush” services; however, the School District Consultant Agreement was not signed and approved by the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • 514 To prevent and detect frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of West Area Pierce Hammock Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 each month; and the reconciliation records, including P-Card Monthly Bank Statements and End of Cycle Checklist, should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. • The ensure the School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) is legally enforceable, the agreement should be properly executed with all the required signature. Management’s Response Concur. Principal and treasurer will work to complete reconciliation by 20th of month. New principal held a “P-Card” informational meeting at the beginning of school year 2010-11 on August 12, 2010 to review procedures. A district-provided handout was distributed at meeting. SACC RECORDS Finding The review of sample SACC students’ registration and fee collection records found that: • The Registration Form for one student was missing. • The February through May 2010 Family Central’s Subsidy Reimbursement Reports were missing. Without these reimbursement reports, there is no assurance that all Family Central’s subsidy payments were received. Recommendation SACC and Summer Camp programs should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, all records, including student registration and Family Central’s Subsidy Reimbursement Reports, should be retained for a time period consistent with SACC Operational Manual and District Record Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. SACC Director was on maternity leave to 1/3/2011. A meeting reviewing the findings and to ensure future compliance was held on 1/10/2011. West Area 515 Pierce Hammock Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that: • Lease Agreements #1019 and #1023 were not prequalified by the Central Office until 13 and 16 days after the lessees had begun using the facilities. • Lease Agreements #1021, #1025, and #1028 did not have the dates of the Principal’s or lessees’ signatures. Moreover, Lease Agreement #1021 was not signed by the Principal until 16 days after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • Leases #1021, #1019, #1023, #1016, and #1028 did not indicate the dates for use of facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, lessee should be prequalified by the Central Office prior to executing the Lease Agreement. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be completed with all the required information and properly executed with all the required signatures and dates. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. A meeting with the lease coordinator was held following the audit. All efforts to comply with School District procedures will be the standard of operation. 516 West Area Pine Jog Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6315 Summit Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33415 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Fred Barch Fred Barch Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Diana Hernandez Diana Hernandez Cash and Investments $ 25,407.35 Checking Investments $ 25,407.35 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 26.47 1,003.43 3,017.70 526.82 11,086.31 1,404.26 $ 17,064.99 Receipts $0.00 387.75 18,639.11 14,769.17 8,981.24 123,654.30 34,947.37 $ 201,378.94 Disbursements $0.00 385.45 13,926.99 7,657.51 4,884.65 130,480.28 35,701.70 $ 193,036.58 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 5,956.69 12,962.08 1,801.02 6,941.69 2,143.48 $ 29,804.96 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 5,915.44 16,339.00 1,801.02 2,914.42 2,835.08 $ 29,804.96 Ending Balances $0.00 28.77 5,756.80 6,752.44 4,623.41 8,287.60 ( 41.67) $ 25,407.35 517 Pine Jog Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit found no material instances of noncompliance. 518 West Area Pioneer Park Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 39500 Pioneer Park Road Belle Glade, FL 33430 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Suzanne Matuella Adam Miller Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Dianne Beavers Dianne Beavers Cash and Investments $ 19,311.98 Checking Investments $ 19,311.98 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 99.56 0.00 699.62 5,663.63 2,002.81 $ 8,465.62 Receipts $0.00 0.00 2,743.25 0.00 869.30 56,023.76 6,707.65 $ 66,343.96 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 2,081.54 0.00 1,213.30 45,116.48 7,086.28 $ 55,497.60 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.00 633.59 2,034.87 $ 2,668.98 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 761.79 0.00 1.82 611.03 1,294.34 $ 2,668.98 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 353.80 16,593.47 2,364.71 $ 19,311.98 519 Pioneer Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. For example, the yellow copies for MCRs #83 and #84 were attached to the original MCRs maintained by the bookkeeper. • $460 collected through MCR #74 was a donation from the school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The money was deposited into the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200.00) without a letter from the PTA indicating the intended purpose for administrative or staff use. • Ten sample MCRs (#83, #84, #95, #96, #99, #104-5, #104-9, #112, #113, and #114, totaling $2,927.10) were not completed with all the required information; the account numbers, account names, and the purpose of collections were missing. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • Donation received by the school should be deposited into the General Activities Account unless the donation is designated for specific purposes by the donor. • Monies collected should be adequately supported by MCRs, with all the required information, including the account numbers and purpose of the collections. Management’s Response Concur. MCRs addressed in faculty meeting. Bookkeeper sent two notifications on how to complete MCR appropriately. All documentation of deposits into Principal’s Administrative Courtesy will be duplicated, one copy with bookkeeper, one with principal. 520 West Area Pioneer Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • One disbursement (#3887 for $2,150) was not supported by the original invoices; instead, these disbursements were supported by account statements that did not indicate the items purchased. • Disbursement #3820 (for $382.27) was for payment of the Principal’s cell phone expenses. However, it was inappropriately funded with the Beacon Center Funds Account (#6-4401). Instead, this expense should be funded by the General Activities Account (#7-0100). In addition, the Check Requisition was not approved by the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Cellular phone expenses should be funded by the General Activities Account. Management’s Response Concur. Pulling all invoices and attached for documentation on all disbursements. All disbursements will be taken from appropriate account. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1001 was for use of facilities during August 19, 2009, and June 3, 2010; however, the Certificate of Insurance did not become effective until July 1, 2010. As a result, there was no liability insurance coverage during the leasehold period. • Lease #1003 was for use of facilities during November 3 and 19, 2009; however, the leasing charges were not collected until November 19, 2009. • Sales tax and labor charges collected from Leases #1003 and #1009 were recorded in the Rental (#6- West Area 521 Pioneer Park Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 3800) and Utilities (#6-5500) Accounts instead of the Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800) and Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500) Accounts respectively. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule. These revenues should be recorded in the respectively leasing accounts, including Rental Income (#6-3800), Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500), Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500), Extra Services-Other (#61600), Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850), and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800). • The portion of utility fees, event insurance, and sales tax should be transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with Internal Funds guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. Certificates of Insurance will be collected for all entities by 11/30/2010. Bookkeeper emails principal deposits on all leases monthly with list of organizations that have not paid. All sales tax and labor charges will be recorded in Florida Aales Tax Payable (6-1800.00) and Extra Services-Custodial (6-1600.00). Additionally, bookkeeper will provide written notes from bookkeeper’s meetings. Additional comments: Pioneer Park Elementary has implemented the following bookkeeping strategies: 1) Bookkeeper meets with principal for all transactions with appropriate paperwork. 2) Transactions will not be approved by principal without appropriate documentation. 3) Bookkeeper will bring all completed transactions for a documented meeting, for monitoring monthly. 4) Bookkeeper will also provide documentation for each transaction to Secretary for checking, then provide to principal for signature, then back to secretary to double check. 5) Itemized receipts with purpose of purchase will be collected for each reimbursement. 522 West Area Rosenwald Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1321 Martin L King Jr Boulevard South Bay, FL 33493 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Shundra Dowers Shundra Dowers Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Valerie Walker Valerie Walker Cash and Investments $ 10,680.45 Checking Investments $ 10,680.45 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 592.86 4,819.37 2,283.60 $ 7,695.83 Receipts $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,193.06 27,236.12 5,885.71 $ 34,314.89 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,193.05 23,494.53 6,642.69 $ 31,330.27 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 3,043.02 2,020.67 $ 5,063.70 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 2,972.93 2,090.76 $ 5,063.70 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 592.87 8,631.05 1,456.53 $ 10,680.45 523 Rosenwald Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • The sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. In addition, the bookkeeper did not provide the Official Receipts generated by the Internal Funds Accounting System to the sponsors confirming that the collections had been deposited into the Internal Funds. • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • Official Receipts generated by the Internal Funds Accounting System should be signed by the bookkeeper and provided to the remitters as acknowledgment of the receipts and recording of funds in the accounting system. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. Conference with written notes will be held with the principal, assistant principal, and bookkeeper regarding implementing recommendations listed. Also, an email to all staff regarding items retaining the yellow copy of the related MCR. 524 West Area Rosenwald Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that three Lease Agreements (#1001, #1001, and #1003) with the same lessee had the following exceptions: • Lease #1001 was repeatedly used for two different leases. • These three Lease Agreements were for use of facilities during November 2, 2009, and February 25, 2010. However, the Rental Prequalification Request was for the period of October 12, through December 3, 2009. Consequently, this lessee was not prequalified for use of facilities during December 4, 2009, through February 25, 2010. • All these three Lease Agreements were neither signed nor approved by the Principal until January 11, 2010, two months after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • Leasing charges were not collected until after the lessee had begun using the facilities, with delay in payment ranging from seven days to one month. • Sales tax collected for the November and December leases was recorded in the Rental Income and Utilities Accounts, instead of the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account. Consequently, the sales tax was not transmitted to the Central Office for payment. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission, all leases should be prequalified by the Central Office. Moreover, a new Prequalification Request Form should be prepared and approved by the Central Office if the leasing period or the purposes for the use facilities are different from the original prequalification. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Sales tax collected from commercial leases should be recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800) and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. West Area 525 Rosenwald Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Conference with notes will be held with the principal, assistant principal and bookkeeper regarding the implementation of the recommendations listed above. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursement #4203 (for $1,204.65) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Supporting documents for disbursements were not defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment in order to prevent duplicate payments. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Principal’s approved Purchase Order should be used for purchase in excess of $1,000. The school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase, and all purchases require Principal’s prior approval. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. Management’s Response Concur. Conference with notes will be held with the principal, assistant principal and bookkeeper regarding the implementation of the recommendations listed above. Conference notes will show that the principal is required to approve all orders prior to purchase and that the bookkeeper is responsible for stamping “paid” after payment of an order is placed to prevent duplicate payments. 526 West Area Royal Palm Beach Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 11911 Okeechobee Boulevard Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Suzanne Watson Suzanne Watson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Michele Bonfiglio Michele Bonfiglio SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Deborah Pagliaro Deborah Pagliaro Cash and Investments $ 99,308.46 Checking Investments $ 99,308.46 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $ 997.35 2,060.50 2,913.07 2,053.13 13,090.50 108,077.84 801.92 $ 129,994.31 Receipts $ 4,304.00 1,815.00 35,239.92 4,742.93 17,602.83 482,648.41 2,859.67 $ 549,212.76 Disbursements $ 987.17 1,572.16 34,596.38 3,221.77 22,580.41 510,869.35 6,071.37 $ 579,898.61 Transfers In $ 1,027.12 1,207.12 7,895.59 1,325.04 5,049.06 35,211.18 4,165.69 $ 55,880.80 Transfers Out $ 4,108.48 180.00 10,798.66 1,325.04 3,541.94 35,007.39 919.29 $ 55,880.80 Ending Balances $ 1,232.82 3,330.46 653.54 3,574.29 9,620.04 80,060.69 836.62 $ 99,308.46 527 Royal Palm Beach Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 The audit found no material instances of noncompliance. 528 West Area Wellington Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 13000 Paddock Drive Wellington, FL 33414 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Michael Borowski Michael Borowski Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Cheryl Conner Cheryl Conner SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jan Seagrave Jan Seagrave Cash and Investments $ 63,340.43 Checking Investments $ 63,340.43 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $0.00 1,595.38 0.00 610.94 12,656.46 24,340.80 7,623.73 $ 46,827.31 Receipts $0.00 660.00 11,650.65 1,160.00 25,725.32 412,521.01 14,629.35 $ 466,346.33 Disbursements $0.00 765.88 10,934.59 763.15 24,414.04 396,668.01 16,287.54 $ 449,833.21 Transfers In $0.00 79.11 1,469.36 0.00 6,700.78 9,081.18 3,785.47 $ 21,115.90 Transfers Out $0.00 84.94 2,185.42 0.00 6,910.73 9,297.91 2,636.90 $ 21,115.90 Ending Balances $0.00 1,483.67 0.00 1,007.79 13,757.79 39,977.07 7,114.11 $ 63,340.43 529 Wellington Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. • Monies collected were not always deposited timely. For example, $713.14 collected on September 14, 2009, through MCRs #68/10 and #68/11 was not deposited into the Internal Funds until October 8, 2009, or 18 working days after collection. • The bookkeeper performed incompatible duties in receiving and opening incoming mails, which might contain payments from various sources, such as school picture commission checks. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, employees should not perform incompatible duties. Specifically, receiving and opening incoming mails and collecting monies from lessees should be assigned to other staff members. Management’s Response All money collections will be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting of Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Teachers and staff will again be made aware of the policies and procedures for making deposits and monies collected forms. 530 West Area Wellington Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that: • Leasing charges for Leases #1001 were not collected until one month after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • The rental for Lease #1004 was recorded in the Rental Income Account instead of allocated between the Rental Income and Utilities Accounts. Consequently, the school under-transmitted $87.50 in utility fees to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule, and the portion of utility fees should be transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. All leases will be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7/18. Monies will be collected at least 24 hours prior to use of the facility. Also, leasing revenues will be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule. West Area 531 West Gate Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1545 Loxahatchee Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Thais Villanueva Thais Villanueva Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lissette Miranda Lissette Miranda SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Stephanie Iaria Billy Gira Cash and Investments $ 21,764.54 Checking Investments $ 21,764.54 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 532 Beginning Balances $0.00 404.54 344.52 609.22 876.18 18,483.12 4,528.39 $ 25,245.97 Receipts $0.00 0.00 3,950.17 4,195.10 2,847.65 148,570.23 9,780.50 $ 169,343.65 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 3,257.27 4,755.40 2,588.04 151,578.84 10,645.53 $ 172,825.08 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 1,977.42 1,550.88 460.01 2,453.28 3,839.38 $ 10,280.97 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 1,977.42 1,493.38 460.01 2,466.32 3,883.84 $ 10,280.97 Ending Balances $0.00 404.54 1,037.42 106.42 1,135.79 15,461.47 3,618.90 $ 21,764.54 West Area West Gate Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • Some sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. • Monies collected were not always deposited in a timely manner. For example, $192.50 collected through two MCRs (#0307 and #47-0030) was retained by the sponsors for one to four working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Sponsors have been directed to follow the monies collected procedures of turning in monies collected daily, filling out the drop-safe log completely and keeping the yellow copy of the MCR, attach to the official receipt and tracing the balance. West Area 533 West Gate Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SACC RECORDS Finding A review of the SACC records found: • The Family Central’s Subsidy Reimbursement Reports for December 2009 and April 2010 were missing. Our review of General Ledger and KidsCare database found that, as of June 30, 2010, the school had not received the December 2009 subsidy payment from Family Central. • One student received a total of $809.85 in fee waiver during January and June 2010. However, the fee-waiver was not supported by any documentation, including the Principal’s approved School-Based Partial Fee Waiver Application. • On June 30, 2010, the SACC Special Activities Account (#6-9600) had a year-end balance of $1,137.70. Recommendation SACC and Summer Camp programs should be administered in accordance with District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Specifically, • All records, including student attendance and Family Central’s Subsidy Reimbursement Reports, should be retained for a time period consistent with SACC Operational Manual and District Record Retention Schedule. The school should recoup the December 2009, subsidy reimbursement from Family Central. • As required by District guidelines, fee waiver for SACC program should be based on parent’s financial ability, and the waiver should be approved by the Principal. • Pursuant to SACC Operational Manual, charges to the students should approximate the cost of the activities and no excessive profits should be accrued to these accounts. Moreover, the year-end balance should not exceed $750 in the SACC Special Activities Account. The school should monitor the revenues and expenditures of these accounts, and adjust the fees accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. SACC and Summer Camp programs will be administered in accordance with the District’s guidelines and SACC Operational Manual. Every effort will be made to recoup the December 2009 Family Central subsidy. I will monitor SACC accounts and adjust fees as necessary. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that leasing charges for Leases #1005 and #1006 were not 534 West Area West Gate Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 collected until after 12 and 17 days after the lessees had begun using the facilities. Recommendation As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. Lease fees will be collected at least 24 hours prior to lessees using the facility. West Area 535 Wynnebrook Elementary School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1167 Drexel Road West Palm Beach, FL 33417 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Jeffrey Pegg Jeffrey Pegg Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Edna Legister Edna Legister SACC Director: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Maurice Berry Maurice Berry Cash and Investments $ 11,903.99 Checking Investments $ 11,903.99 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 536 Beginning Balances $0.00 224.00 331.98 684.58 509.02 9,747.63 8,969.70 $ 20,466.91 Receipts $0.00 0.00 1,934.00 2533.47 667.50 219,160.82 380.00 $ 224,675.79 Disbursements $0.00 223.60 1,245.50 2,342.87 673.62 220,482.03 8,291.09 $ 233,258.71 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 682.50 2,056.00 0.00 8,677.71 0.00 $ 11,416.21 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 682.50 2496.02 0.00 8,237.69 0.00 $ 11,416.21 Ending Balances $0.00 0.40 1,020.48 455.16 502.90 8,866.44 1,058.61 $ 11,903.99 West Area Wynnebrook Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the deposit information for seven sample collections (totaling $437.87) were not recorded on the log. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Management’s Response Concur. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Two disbursements #2932 and #2943 (totaling $479) for staff professional membership fees and professional journal subscription were funded by the General Activities Account instead of the Administrative Courtesy Account. • A $32.98 P-Card transaction for purchase of coffee for staff was inadvertently funded by the SACC Snack Account. • A voided check (#2951 for $194) was not defaced to prevent potential fraud. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Pursuant to DOE Rules and the District’s Chart of Accounts for Internal Funds, only funds in the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200) and Faculty Fund Account (#6-1700) may be used to benefit adults. Staff professional membership fees and journal, and food and beverages for staff should be funded by the Administrative Courtesy or Faculty Fund Accounts. • All voided checks should be properly defaced, such as stamped or marked as “VOID”, to prevent potential fraud. West Area 537 Wynnebrook Elementary School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that Lease Agreements #1002 and #1003 (for the same lessee) had the following exceptions: • The Lease Agreements were not executed until six and nine days after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • The leasing charges for both leases were not collected until two and five weeks after the lessee had begun using the facilities. • $191.10 in sales tax collected from these two leases was recorded in the Rental Income and Utilities Accounts, instead of the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Sales tax collected from commercial leases should be recorded in the Florida Sales Tax Payable Account (#6-1800) and transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. 538 West Area Middle Schools West Area Total 1 0 5 0 0 14 15 0 0 0 Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 16 0 17 0 Emerald Cove Middle Polo Park Middle 0 Okeeheelee Middle √ Wellington Landings Middle 2 √ √ Western Pines Middle 2 2 23 23a 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Crestwood Middle √ √ Jeaga Middle √ Lake Shore Middle √ Osceola Creek Middle √ 0 0 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 6 √ 0 1 √ 1 1 √ √ √ √ 4 √ √ 2 √ √ √ 4 Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely Monies Not Deposited Timely Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor Monies Collected Not Properly Documented Lease Prequalification Not Available Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use 32a 33 34 √ √ √ √ 3 √ 2 1 0 35 0 37 √ √ 1 39 3 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 38 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Leases Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely Adjustments To Records Not Properly Approved/Documented 32 Staff Performing Incompatible Duties 22 Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded 20 Access to Drop Safe Receipts Undercharged Rental 19a Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account Disbursements Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed 19 Disbursement Not Properly Approved 18 P-Card Related Findings Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Inadequate Support for Disbursement Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 13 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 11 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor Missing Timecard Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing West Area West Area Middle Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 √ √ √ √ 0 Number of Findings 1 4 6 2 7 5 4 4 6 39 539 This page left intentionally blank. 540 West Area Crestwood Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 64 Sparrow Drive Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Stephanie Nance Stephanie Nance Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Deborah Morris Deborah Morris Cash and Investments $ 5,656.46 77,000.00 $ 82,656.46 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $ 8,244.59 6,303.01 22,212.06 5,836.80 43,279.99 13,685.08 697.89 $ 100,259.42 Receipts $ 12,839.79 21,407.20 33,137.89 5,442.96 58,991.10 45,601.00 33,000.32 $ 210,420.26 Disbursements $ 17,293.82 20,614.10 39,044.90 6,714.82 72,429.99 49,702.78 22,222.81 $ 228,023.22 Transfers In $ 9,720.95 2,765.26 18,862.51 3,142.72 14,609.74 7,424.49 9,679.03 $ 66,204.70 Transfers Out $ 6,218.50 2,720.26 13,654.03 3,069.88 11,905.52 7,597.05 21,039.46 $ 66,204.70 Ending Balances $ 7,293.01 7,141.11 21,513.53 4,637.78 32,545.32 9,410.74 114.97 $ 82,656.46 541 Crestwood Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that a lessee used the school facilities during July 2009, and June 2010 but the Rental Prequalification Request was not approved by the Central Office until November 8, 2009. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, prior to executing Lease Agreement, lessee should be prequalified by the Central Office to ensure that the use of facilities is consistent with School Board Mission. Management’s Response Concur. Leasing procedures have been reviewed with the principal’s designee to ensure proper documentation is received by Central Office prior to executing the Lease Agreement. In addition, the principal’s designee will review leasing guidelines with all future lessees prior to executing the Lease Agreement. 542 West Area Emerald Cove Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 9950 Stribling Way Wellington, FL 33414 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Nancy Lucas Nancy Lucas Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Virginia Garceau Virginia Garceau Cash and Investments $ 49,632.03 Checking Investments $ 49,632.03 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $ 3,107.17 3,681.03 4,900.56 1,087.21 17,949.71 13,772.55 11,593.50 $ 56,091.73 Receipts $ 8,985.90 45,978.13 44,191.00 5,070.47 54,613.21 61,538.39 10,328.44 $ 230,705.54 Disbursements $ 9,278.73 42,839.15 43,449.61 3,070.42 52,837.28 63,879.18 21,810.87 $ 237,165.24 Transfers In $ 2,254.03 10,091.50 5,956.63 1,170.44 16,760.97 4,474.88 6,249.41 $ 46,957.86 Transfers Out $ 2,254.03 10,091.50 5,835.63 954.34 17,063.07 4,509.88 6,249.41 $ 46,957.86 Ending Balances $ 2,814.34 6,820.01 5,762.95 3,303.36 19,423.54 11,396.76 111.07 $ 49,632.03 543 Emerald Cove Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchase records found that: • The P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were approved by the Principal’s signature stamp in lieu of a manual signature. • The Purchase Order for Disbursement #2196 (for $8,020.00) was not prepared by staff and approved by the Principal until 12 days after the items were purchased. • Disbursement #2226 (for $175.00) was for payment to a consultant but did not have the required School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420). Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To prevent and detect improper purchases, P-Card activities should be timely reconciled after the receipt of bank statements. Cardholders should complete the Purchasing Card End of Cycle Checklist monthly, and all monthly P-Card reconciliation records should be reviewed and approved by the Principal. • All purchases require Principal’s prior approval; and Purchase Order should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) should be completed and executed for procurement of professional service. Management’s Response Concur. P-Card activities will be timely reconciled after the receipt of bank statements. Cardholders will complete the Purchasing Card End-of-Cycle Checklist monthly, and all monthly P-Card reconciliation records will be reviewed and approved by the Principal. All purchases will receive the Principal’s prior approval, and Purchase Order will be issued for purchase in excel of $1,000. The School district Consultant Agreement (PBSD 1420) will be completed and executed for procurement of professional service. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraising records found that: 544 West Area Emerald Cove Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • The P.E. Uniforms Sales (Account #5-1900.01) did not have the required Fundraiser Application/Recap Form and Sales Item Inventory Report. • The Bookfair (Account #5-1700.04) did not have the required Fundraise Application/Recap Form. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Fundraisers will be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. Sales item inventory Report will be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. All significant discrepancies between estimated revenue and actual receipt will be investigated and disposed of accordingly. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facilities leasing records found that: • Two Lease Agreements (for the same lessee) were not executed prior to the use of facilities. Lease Agreement #1001 was not signed by the lessee and approved by the Principal until after the lessee had used facilities for one week and two months respectively. Moreover, Lease Agreement #1007 was not signed by the lessee and approved by the Principal until after the lessee had used the facilities for two and four weeks respectively. • Leasing charges for Leases #1001 and #1007 were not collected until two and four weeks after the use of facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and West Area 545 Emerald Cove Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • In accordance with the approved Rate Schedule, leasing charges should be collected prior to the use of facilities. Management’s Response Concur. Lease Agreements will be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. In accordance with the approved Rate Schedule, leasing charges will be collected prior to the use of facilities. 546 West Area Jeaga Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 3777 North Jog Road West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kevin Gatlin Kevin Gatlin Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Joan Davis Joan Davis Cash and Investments $ 32,682.41 Checking Investments $ 32,682.41 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $ 190.00 600.70 1,050.98 511.24 12,499.58 17,158.81 1,784.42 $ 33,795.73 Receipts $ 32,848.99 4,831.45 23,560.10 1,921.25 28,659.64 66,220.68 3,158.15 $ 161,200.26 Disbursements $ 31,555.04 4,304.08 21,466.78 1,056.92 30,584.98 68,644.36 4,701.42 $ 162,313.58 Transfers In $ 20,025.86 1,475.24 7,558.70 0.00 8,679.23 13,450.72 9,383.50 $ 60,573.25 Transfers Out $ 18,194.42 1,475.24 8,759.19 100.00 7,375.50 15,839.25 8,829.65 $ 60,573.25 Ending Balances $ 3,315.39 1,128.07 1,943.81 1,275.57 11,877.97 12,346.60 795.00 $ 32,682.41 547 Jeaga Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process at the school found that: • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,507.16 collected through eight MCRs (#62-21-284, #74-8-426, #92-8-652, #108-11-880, #113-11-948, #53-8-0160, #61-6-253, and #109-38821) were not processed and deposited into the bank by the bookkeeper until four to 45 working days after the monies were collected and dropped off into the safe by the sponsors. • The bookkeeper did not enter into record on the Drop-safe Log for removing deposits from the safe for processing. • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. • The total dollar amount for deposit listed on MCR #113-11-948 was changed after the bookkeeper counted the monies accompanied by the MCR. However, the change on the MCR was not signed or initialed by the sponsor to acknowledge the correction. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in depositing the monies into the bank could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper accountability, the bookkeeper should complete the “To Be Completed by Bookkeeper” section of the Drop-safe Log when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. To ensure proper accountability, changes on the MCRs made by the bookkeeper should be acknowledged by the sponsors. • 548 West Area Jeaga Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Principal’s secretary is assisting with Drop-safe procedures. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of sample fundraisers revealed that: • Principal’s approved Fundraising Application/Recap Forms and/or Sales Item Inventory Reports were maintained for four sample fundraisers: Band Uniform Sales, Valentine’s Carnation Sales, P.E. Uniform Sales, and General Athletics Candy Sales. Moreover, the Ticket Sellers Reports for the Cheerleaders Talent Show did not agree with the revenues deposited into the Internal Funds. • Revenues and expenditures for four sample fundraisers were recorded in other unrelated accounts. However, other unrelated financial activities such as Band Uniform Sales, Valentine’s Carnation Sales, Cooperative Sales, and Cheerleaders Talent Show were recorded in these fundraisers’ accounts. • Based on purchasing record, the General Athletics Candy Sales (Account #1-0010.03) had a total estimated revenue of $8,750 (4,375 bars of chocolates @ $2 each). However, only $7,612.20 was deposited into the Internal Funds. As a result, $1,137.80 in estimated revenue was unaccounted for. Moreover, Sales Item Inventory Report was not maintained for this fundraiser. Due to the lack of documentation and inventory counts, we were unable to ascertain whether all revenue was properly accounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order for staff to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • Ticket Sellers Report should be prepared in order for staff to reconcile revenues with the number of tickets sold. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. • To assist the school in evaluating the performance of individual fundraiser, a separate decimalized account should be established for each fundraiser. Each fundraiser account should contain only West Area 549 Jeaga Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 financial information that is related to the fundraiser. Management’s Response Concur. Treasurer is taking action steps to communicate more frequently with sponsors about following Internal Accounts procedures. One of the action steps has been to provide faculty/staff with Treasurer’s handbook, which includes Internal Accounts Procedures. Treasurer will inventory all resale items before they are distributed to sponsor. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding Only one Lease Agreement was executed by the school during the year. Our review of this lease found that custodial labor fees, along with the rental, were allocated between the Rental Income Account (#63800) and Utilities Account (#6-5500). Consequently, the school over-reimbursed the Central Office by $3,672.80 in utility fees. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule. • The revenues should be recorded in the respective leasing accounts, including Rental Income (#63800), Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500), Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500), Extra Services-Other (#6-1600), Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850), and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800). • Utility fees, event insurance, and sales tax should be transmitted to the Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. There is no lease currently at Jeaga. In the past, lessee had own insurance, no entry could be made to 6-1850.00; church was non-profit, so no sales tax was collected for 6-1800.00. Custodian fees were placed in 6-1500.00. District Accounting Services is investigating the refund back to the school. PETTY CASH (REPEAT FINDING) Finding During the audit, the bookkeeper had $101.46 petty cash that was not recorded in the General Ledger. This finding was also noted in the 2009 Audit. In addition, our review of the petty cash activities since the 2009 Audit found that $79.42 was missing. 550 West Area Jeaga Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Petty cash fund should be recorded in the General Ledger and should be used only for small incidental purchases. Petty cash disbursements should be supported by itemized receipts. To ensure proper accountability and safeguard of assets, the school should consider discontinuing the use of petty cash fund. Reimbursements to staff should be processed through Principal’s approved Check Requisitions and recorded the expenditures in the related activity accounts accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Fund was established before treasurer came to Jeaga. The fund has been entered into the General Ledger #0-0600.00. West Area 551 Lake Shore Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 425 West Canal Street North Belle Glade, FL 33430 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Floyd Henry Floyd Henry Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Tequesta Walker Tequesta Walker Cash and Investments $ 7,217.33 Checking Investments $ 7,217.33 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 552 Beginning Balances $ 778.77 124.94 0.00 296.02 443.03 1,447.27 1,731.52 $ 4,821.55 Receipts $ 2,566.00 264.00 0.00 45.00 9,113.78 30,041.21 18,923.43 $ 60,953.42 Disbursements $ 3,287.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,320.53 29,176.43 18,773.26 $ 58,557.64 Transfers In $ 180.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 784.68 333.01 1,079.33 $ 2,377.02 Transfers Out $ 60.00 269.21 0.00 0.00 4.00 308.21 1,735.60 $ 2,377.02 Ending Balances $ 177.35 119.73 0.00 341.02 3,016.96 2,336.85 1,225.42 $ 7,217.33 West Area Lake Shore Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that $1,552.41 collected through three MCRs (#62, #82, and #97) was kept by the sponsors for three to 38 working days before it was turned in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Treasurer will establish a routine to follow up with sponsors on all open fundraisers to ensure compliance with deposits timeliness and MCRs are completed that reflect that the correct deposit dates and times. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that Commercial Leases #1006 and #1009 were charged with the non-profit rates, resulting in undercharged rentals of $1,294.28 and $2,280.30 respectively. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, leasing charges should be computed in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule and be collected prior to the use of facility. Management’s Response Concur. School Treasurer will develop process to review documents for approved leases for appropriate payment at the close/termination of all leases in addition to the review that occurs during the approval process. Vendor will also be contacted to recoup unpaid balance. West Area 553 Okeeheelee Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 2200 Pinehurst Drive Greenacres, FL 33463 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: David Samore David Samore Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Marilyn Dulin Marilyn Dulin Cash and Investments $ 91,060.31 Checking Investments $ 91,060.31 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 554 Beginning Balances $ 605.37 4,553.81 3,434.09 12,822.34 48,377.10 21,721.21 3.43 $ 91,517.35 Receipts $ 5,763.57 8,243.30 39,840.81 20,906.97 61,559.74 59,169.34 17,783.57 $ 213,267.30 Disbursements $ 7,436.89 10,662.76 37,991.41 21,728.36 64,688.98 55,638.17 15,577.77 $ 213,724.34 Transfers In $ 4,313.35 3,180.69 4,079.78 5,579.63 17,195.16 4,049.51 4,250.42 $ 42,648.54 Transfers Out $ 3,245.40 3,180.69 4,079.78 5,948.62 17,274.29 2,460.52 6,459.24 $ 42,648.54 Ending Balances $0.00 2,134.35 5,283.49 11,631.96 45,168.73 26,841.37 0.41 $ 91,060.31 West Area Okeeheelee Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 ADJUSTMENTS TO ACCOUNTING RECORDS (REPEATED FINDING) Finding The review of financial records found that the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200) had a year-end deficit of $2,119.09. The school balanced this deficit by inappropriately transferred (Transfer #158) the same amount of fund from the General Activities Account (#7-0100.00). Similar finding was also noted for the 2009 Audit, in which the school inappropriately transferred $2,035.54 from the Rental Income Account to balance the deficit in Administrative Courtesy Account. Recommendation Pursuant to the District’s Chart of Accounts for Internal Funds, the means for generating funds for the Administrative Courtesy Account are profits from school pictures, vending machines, and specific donations. The school should monitor closely the expenditure funded by the Administrative Courtesy Account so that it will not have a deficit balance. Management’s Response Concur. Completed. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $878.42 collected through four MCRs (#74-6, #97-5, #105-4, and #143-1) was retained by the sponsors for one to 11 working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Principal and bookkeeper will educate faculty again on proper procedure. West Area 555 Okeeheelee Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchase records found that the Yearbook printing contract (Disbursements #12670 and #13034, totaling $4,807.40) was not signed and approved by the Principal; instead, it was signed by the activity sponsor. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Management’s Response Concur. Bookkeeper will ensure that the principal is the only person who signs these agreements. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1001 was used for two different leases. • Lease #1001 of October 19, 2010, did not have the times for use of facilities although the dates were listed on the Lease Agreement. • Lease #1003 was for use of facilities on Saturdays and Sundays; however, labor charges were not collected from the lessee. In addition, the Certificate of Insurance did not include the School District as an additional insured party. • Lease #1005 was for use of facilities on Sundays; however, labor charges were not collected from the lessee. • Lease #1002 was for use of facility during July 2009; however, the leasing charges were not collected until November 2009, four months after the use of facilities. Moreover, the school incorrectly computed the total number of hours for use of facilities, resulting in a total under-charge of $630 in rentals. 556 West Area Okeeheelee Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance with the School District as an additional insured party. • Leasing charges, including rentals and labor, should be computed in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule. • Leasing charges should be collected prior to the use of facilities in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18. Management’s Response Concur. School must create a procedure which links secretary who manages leases with bookkeeper who receives the monies paid prior to the event. Additional comment: There remain unclear areas of interpretation in SDPBC financial policy; an example is the identification of a cell company for contract. West Area 557 Osceola Creek Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 6775 180th Avenue North Loxahatchee, FL 33470 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: David Alfonso David Alfonso Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Tina Malsbury Jill Tidmarsh Cash and Investments Checking Investments $ 44,616.51 $ 44,616.51 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 558 Beginning Balances $ 1,868.84 6,388.29 397.34 3,520.31 3,917.37 8,740.63 4,753.41 $ 29,586.19 Receipts $ 7,199.35 19,057.73 40,328.13 18,526.59 29,447.95 53,880.00 31,167.29 $ 199,607.04 Disbursements $ 5,154.00 17,502.46 40,241.71 14,713.57 24,117.21 47,843.21 35,004.56 $ 184,576.72 Transfers In $ 4,133.09 3,605.69 826.29 8,337.56 12,435.42 1,561.59 18,772.39 $ 49,672.03 Transfers Out $ 3,966.09 3,460.25 543.85 7,944.56 15,855.37 645.65 17,256.26 $ 49,672.03 Ending Balances $ 4,081.19 8,089.00 766.20 7,726.33 5,828.16 15,693.36 2,432.27 $ 44,616.51 West Area Osceola Creek Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the deposit information for four sample collections (MCRs #84-9, #89-8, #100-12 and #158-1, totaling $1,054.50) was not recorded on the log. • Collections were not always deposited timely. For example, $309.97 collected through three sample MCRs (#144-11, #144-12, and 158-1) were either retained by the sponsors or not processed by the bookkeeper until two to 24 working days after the collection. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. The sponsors were all notified that this was an audit finding. All sponsors were trained again on the proper procedures or they will no longer be sponsors. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that Lease #1011 had the following exceptions: • The insurance documentation did not include the School District as an additional insured party. • The Lease Agreement did not have the date and time for the use of facilities. • Labor charges were not collected although this lease was for use of facility on Sunday. West Area 559 Osceola Creek Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance with the School District as an additional insured party. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. • Leasing charges, including labor fees, should be collected in accordance with the District’s approved Rate Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. There are no leases at our school site this fiscal year, FY 2010-2011. We have a new lease coordinator who will make sure all procedures are followed if we do have a lease request. 560 West Area Polo Park Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 11901 Lake Worth Road Lake Worth, FL 33467 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: William Latson William Latson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Beth Bauer Beth Bauer Cash and Investments $ 46,752.78 Checking Investments $ 46,752.78 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $ 1,730.24 7,454.40 94.10 1,155.41 29,289.82 7,213.30 1,803.43 $ 48,740.70 Receipts $ 10,509.44 3,778.00 12,446.00 10,810.75 64,759.16 45,960.68 12,432.36 $ 160,696.39 Disbursements $ 10,739.58 4,739.69 12,368.08 11,927.82 64,143.97 45,031.90 13,733.27 $ 162,684.31 Transfers In $ 8,291.13 0.00 617.00 2,639.78 11,939.75 3,217.79 4,956.76 $ 31,662.21 Transfers Out $ 8,291.13 0.00 617.00 1,890.89 15,207.43 1,946.42 3,709.34 $ 31,662.21 Ending Balances $ 1,500.10 6,492.71 172.02 787.23 26,637.33 9,413.45 1,749.94 $ 46,752.78 561 Polo Park Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Finding The school’s June 30, 2009, financial records submitted to the Central Office indicated that the school had total unpaid bills of $26,881, which included $23,166 due to the Central Office and $3,715 due to six vendors. The $26,881 in unpaid bills were cumulative expenses from School Year 2007 ($963) and School Year 2008 ($25,918). As of June 30, 2010, the total balance for unpaid bills was $26,740, including $23,166 due to the Central Office and $3,573.81 due to six vendors. Recommendation The school should (1) develop a payment plan to address the unpaid bill issue, and (2) timely process all invoices received in accordance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 218, Local Government Prompt Payment Act. Management’s Response This is the response to the audit of the Internal Funds Account for Polo Park Middle School ending June30, 2010, in regards to the cumulative expenses from school years 2007 and 2008. In those years, the present principal and bookkeeper were not at the school when the overspending occurred. There was not overspending at any time under the current principal. The previous principal was not a part of the audit findings as stated in a memo in regards to the process when a principal is no longer at the school dated 2006, generated by the Chief Auditor. She is now a part of the district and I suggest she be asked as to how the situation is handled. The response will be commented that I cannot take corrective actions as I did not violate any of the statutes, policies or procedures set forth by the district/state nor did I overspend. I cannot correct something I did not have anything to do with. I am not an organization designed to generate funds so to expect me to produce approximately $30,000 is unrealistic. The corrective action needs to be taken by the District or Audit Departments. Why the overspending was just noted two years after the administration that overspent has left is incorrect. The overspending should have been stopped at the end of 2007 when first reflected in an audit. A system to immediately address schools when spending is excessive and to deal with the individuals responsible is necessary. It is very inappropriate and unfair to expect a principal placed at a school in good faith to come into a situation as Polo Park and be unable to provide fiscally for the students and staff because of the actions of the previous administration. It sends a negative message to employees when the staff members responsible are allowed to walk away without any responsibility or action taken. If you take a close look at the numbers, I have slightly decreased the total balances and what is due to vendors. It has not increased so there has been no overspending during my tenure at Polo Park Middle School and the audit should reflect that. Information has been provided to various District Departments starting in July 2008 about the financial 562 West Area Polo Park Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 issues. During the first year, I was questioned as well as my bookkeeper about the discrepancies that were procedurally incorrect and led my bookkeeper to feel as if she was being investigated. The previous principal and bookkeeper responsible to my knowledge have not been questioned to date about any of their actions as both are available as they work for the district. I do not agree that the present administration should develop a payment plan to address the unpaid bill issues as was suggested by the Chief Financial Officer. The two individuals responsible should be the ones to address the deficits. I have today 1100 students who were not in attendance at Polo Park during any of the overspending, misappropriation of funds, and voluntary misuse of funds. I ask the same question my parents would, why do the children who have no responsibility in this need to suffer of the actions of school-based employees and a lack of appropriate action by the governing body? I would like the audit to accurately reflect the financial situation I am responsible for – not that of others. It is a reflection on my ability to manage a school fiscally. If the report was placed in the hands of parents or teachers the assumption would not be that I am running a fiscally responsible school but that I have put the school in debt. I cannot accept the blemish to my reputation. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursement #9765 (for $550) did not have any supporting documentation. • Four P-Card purchases (totaling $136.98) occurred during November and December 2009, did not have any supporting documentation. • Three P-Card purchases (totaling $541.64) occurred during December 2009 and January 2010, did not have invoices or receipts for the purchases. Instead, two of them were supported by Internal Funds Purchase Orders, and one was supported by an Order Form. • Check #9956 (for $100) was noted as voided in the Accounting System. However, our review of the voided check file found that this check was missing. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • To ensure all voided checks are properly accounted for, voided checks should be defaced and should West Area 563 Polo Park Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 be maintained for a time period consistent with District Record Retention Schedule. Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Lease #1003 was repeatedly used for two different Lease Agreements. • The November 3, 2009, Lease Agreement #1003 did not indicate the dates for the use of facilities. Moreover, this lease was charged with the incorrect hourly rate and incorrect number of hours for the use of facilities. As a result, the lessee was undercharged by $350 in rentals. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. • Leasing charges should be computed in accordance with the approved Rate Schedule and collected prior to the use of facility. Management’s Response Concur. New leasing system will be monitored closely to make sure use error does not occur again. 564 West Area Wellington Landings Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1100 Aero Club Drive Wellington, FL 33414 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Eric Paul Eric Paul Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Theresa Traficante Theresa Traficante Cash and Investments $78,528.21 37,908.76 $116,436.97 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $4,489.59 15,807.92 9,459.15 7,875.83 33,878.29 29,949.06 681.81 $102,141.65 Receipts $16,212.20 111,865.93 42,772.00 25,402.17 59,015.33 111,266.98 9,547.60 $376,082.21 Disbursements $14,901.93 107,114.84 43,473.67 24,802.78 56,475.08 98,618.68 16,399.91 $361,786.89 Transfers In $2,176.74 34,313.97 454.51 3,770.01 7,586.66 62,508.22 9,045.85 $119,855.96 Transfers Out $2,176.74 35,813.97 1,954.51 3,429.73 5,812.33 69,980.07 688.61 $119,855.96 Ending Balances $5,799.86 $19,059.01 $7,257.48 $8,815.50 $38,192.87 $35,125.51 $2,186.74 $116,436.97 565 Wellington Landings Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some staff members did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $344 collected through three MCRs (#59-8, #132-2, and #149-9) was retained by the sponsors for one to three working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. We continue to stress this to our staff, and will put it on the next faculty meeting agenda again. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that although the P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were signed by the cardholders and approved by the Principal, five out of 12 sample statements did not have the date of the Principal’s signature, and two other did not have the date of the cardholders’ signature. Recommendation To prevent and detect frauds and irregularities timely, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, cardholder should complete the monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities by the 20th of each month; and the reconciliation records, including the P-Card Monthly Bank Statements, should be reviewed 566 West Area Wellington Landings Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 and approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of leasing records found that: • Leasing charges were not always collected prior to the use of facilities. For example, leasing charges for Lease # 1009 was not collected until one month after the use of facilities. • All leasing revenues were recorded in the Facilities Rental Income Account (#6-3800) instead of being allocated between the Rental Income, Utilities (#6-5500) and Extra Services (#6-1500) Accounts. Moreover, the school overpaid the utility portion to the Central Office because the school transmitted 35% of the total leasing fees collected during the year for utility expenses. Only 20% of rentals for commercial leases and 35% of rentals for non-profit leases should be sent to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Leasing revenues should be allocated in accordance with the Approved Rate Schedule. These revenues should be recorded in the respectively leasing accounts, including Rental Income (#6-3800), Facilities Rental Utilities (#6-5500), Extra Services-Custodial (#6-1500), Extra Services-Other (#61600), Rental Facilities Event Insurance (#6-1850), and Florida Sales Tax Payable (#6-1800). • The portion of utility fees, event insurance, and sales tax should be transmitted to the Central Office in accordance with Internal Funds guidelines. Management’s Response Concur. We have sent two staff members to the recent leasing training to ensure we are aware and are following the old and new requirements. West Area 567 Western Pines Middle School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 5949 140 Avenue North Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Robert Hatcher Robert Hatcher Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Tammi LeBlanc Tammi LeBlanc Cash and Investments $ 81,763.94 Checking Investments $ 81,763.94 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 568 Beginning Balances $ 3,676.28 3,986.38 5,482.76 3,434.32 37,306.39 24,137.51 12,822.00 $ 90,845.64 Receipts $ 12,913.27 6,647.70 37,248.24 5,493.38 51,843.73 57,880.59 20,253.77 $ 192,280.68 Disbursements $ 14,543.79 6,313.85 36,858.57 5,427.44 46,604.41 63,623.77 27,990.55 $ 201,362.38 Transfers In $ 13,431.03 4,799.27 3,933.94 5,480.76 30,128.05 12,010.39 9,643.13 $ 79,426.57 Transfers Out $ 13,431.03 4,799.27 5,466.39 6,115.61 31,147.39 11,497.83 6,969.05 $ 79,426.57 Ending Balances $ 2,045.76 4,320.23 4,339.98 2,865.41 41,526.37 18,906.89 7,759.30 $ 81,763.94 West Area Western Pines Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • Monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $204 collected through five MCRs (#56-9, #61-11, #82-2, #76-10, and #112-1) were retained by the sponsors for one to three working days before dropping off into the safe for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Recommendation will be implemented immediately. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records, including purchasing documentation, Sales Items Inventory Reports, and inventory on hand, found that: • The PE Uniform Sale (Account #5-1900.01) had an estimated revenue of $23,610; however, only $22,636 ($12,486 during Fiscal Year 2010 and $10,150 during July 1, and September 15, 2010) was deposited into the Internal Funds. The other $974 in estimated revenues was unaccounted for. • The Fundraising Application/Recap Form for Candy Sales (Account #5-1500.01) was not prepared by the sponsor until two weeks after the sales had begun. West Area 569 Western Pines Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Although the Fundraising Application/Recap Forms for all sample fundraisers were approved by the Principal, the Principal’s approval dates were not indicated on the forms. As a result, there was no assurance that the fundraising activities were pre-approved by the Principal. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. Management’s Response Concur. Recommendation will be implemented immediately. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Disbursement #10000 (for $4,838.38) was for payment of the yearbook costs. However, the yearbook printing contract was approved by the sponsor teacher instead of the Principal. • Although the P-Card Monthly Bank Statements were signed by the cardholders and approved by the Principal; however, nine of them did not have the dates of the Principal’s and cardholders’ signatures. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03 “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” • To prevent and detect frauds and irregularities, and in accordance with P-Card Procedures Manual, monthly reconciliation of P-Card activities should be by the 20th of each month. 570 West Area Western Pines Middle School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Recommendation will be implemented immediately. West Area 571 This page left intentionally blank. High Schools West Area Total 1 0 0 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 16 0 17 0 Glades Central High Pahokee Middle/Sr. High Palm Beach Central High Seminole Ridge High School Wellington High 0 23 23a 24 √ √ √ √ Royal Palm Beach High √ √ 5 √ 2 3 √ 1 √ 0 √ √ 3 3 √ √ 1 1 0 0 6 35 Staff Performing Incompatible Duties Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely √ √ √ √ 2 3 √ 1 0 0 1 0 Leases 37 38 39 √ √ √ 1 0 2 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 36 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal 34 Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented 33 Bank Signature Card Not Updated 32a Adjustments to Records Not Properly Approved /Documented 32 Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded √ √ √ √ √ √ 31 Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed 30 Fees Collected After Use 29 Fee Waivers Not Documented / Undercharged Rental Receipts Inadequate Proof of Insurance 28 Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed √ 27 Lease Prequalification Not Available √ 26 Monies Collected Not Properly Documented √ 25 Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account Disbursements Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor Monies Not Deposited Timely 22 Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely 20 Access to Drop Safe √ √ √ 19a Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account WEST AREA (6 Schools) 19 Disbursement Not Properly Approved 18 P-Card Related Findings Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Inadequate Support for Disbursement Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 11 Timecard Not Signed By Employee 5 Missing Timecard Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing West Area West Area High Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 √ √ 0 Number of Findings 5 9 7 3 5 35 6 573 This page left intentionally blank. Glades Central High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1001 SW Avenue "M" Belle Glade, FL 33430 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Anthony Anderson Anthony Anderson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Kim Woods Kim Woods Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Cheryl Smith-Brown During Audit: Cindy McDade Cash and Investments $ 54,470.52 Checking Investments $ 54,470.52 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $ 14,468.19 0.00 2,764.52 4,624.91 1,169.35 4,987.30 228.92 $ 28,243.19 Receipts $ 148,921.18 22,637.28 32,810.00 37,792.02 6,153.87 191,285.43 4,535.23 $ 444,135.01 Disbursements $ 209,237.28 30,471.99 39,750.52 44,213.30 6,278.14 42,951.96 45,004.49 $ 417,907.68 Transfers In $ 113,833.50 25,940.59 4,523.57 8,507.47 637.27 2,975.27 61,781.01 $ 218,198.68 Transfers Out $ 43,296.56 18,105.88 0.00 3,347.63 0.00 131,759.93 21,688.68 $ 218,198.68 Ending Balances $ 24,689.03 0.00 347.57 3,363.47 1,682.35 24,536.11 ( 148.01) $ 54,470.52 575 Glades Central High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 ONGOING INVESTIGATION The 2010 Audit identified certain irregularities in money collection process. On January 21, 2011, some audit conclusions were referred to the School Police Department for further investigation. Details of these audit findings will be presented in a separate report. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Finding As of June 30, 2010, the school had total unpaid bills of $65,521.29 (including $61,157.21 payable to the Central Office and $4,364.08 payable to eight vendors), and an Internal Funds balance of $54,470.52. As a result, the school had a net deficit of $11,050.77. Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and self-sufficiency, the school should monitor the Internal Funds activity accounts closely so that the expenditures would not exceed the revenues. Moreover, the school should (1) develop a plan to resolve the unpaid bill issue, and (2) timely process all invoices received to ensure compliance with Florida Prompt Payment Act. Management’s Response Concur. I should be noted that all of the FY2010 bills were paid and current. The amount of deficit was an outstanding balance left from years prior to the current administration. The present administration has made payment arrangements to resolve the unpaid bill issue, and will continue to the practice established by this current administration of complying with the Florida Prompt Payment Act. BANK SIGNATURE CARD Finding The review of the signature card for the school’s bank account revealed that the authorized account signers had not been updated since March 27, 2007, although the current Principal began the principalship since July 2009 and the school has a new secretary (who is the alternate signer for the bookkeeper) since July 2010. In addition, the Area Superintendent, who is the alternate signer for the Principal, was not listed on the signature card. Recommendation The bank’s signature card should be updated timely to include only the current authorized signatories for the school’s bank accounts. 576 West Area Glades Central High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. Signature card has been updated and will be accurately maintained in the future. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Documentation for $75,074.03 (or 17%) in collections were missing for Fiscal Year 2010. • Some account sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper. In addition, some sponsors provided copies of the MCRs to students as receipts in lieu of issuing Classroom Receipts for collecting monies from students. • The bookkeeper did not provide the Official Receipts generated by the Internal Funds Accounting System to the sponsors. As a result, there was no assurance that the collections had been deposited into the Internal Funds. • Although some sponsors indicated that they recorded the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe, the original Drop-safe Log completed by sponsors was missing. Instead, a separate Drop-safe Log recorded by the bookkeeper was found in the deposit records maintained by the bookkeeper. • The bookkeeper was performing incompatible duties in (1) receiving and opening incoming mails, which could contain payments, such as school picture commission checks, and (2) completing some MCRs for other staff members to sign as the remitters. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Missing records is a serious violation of District guidelines, and jeopardizes the integrity of fiscal control system. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the all revenues were properly accounted for. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log; and the bookkeeper should complete the “To Be Completed by Bookkeeper” section of the Drop-safe Log when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. Moreover, the original Drop-safe Log should be retained for a time-period consistent with the West Area 577 Glades Central High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 District’s guidelines. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. • Official Receipts generated by the Internal Funds Accounting System should be signed by the bookkeeper and provided to the remitters as acknowledgment of receipts and recording of funds in the accounting system. • Only District’s standardized and approved receipts, such as Classroom Receipts, are to be used for collecting monies from students, parents, and lessees. • To ensure proper segregation of duties and safeguard of school assets, employees should not perform incompatible duties. Specifically, receiving and opening incoming mails and collecting monies from lessees should be assigned to other staff members; and MCRs and Check Requisitions should be completed by the responsible sponsors and staff. Management’s Response Concur. All current staff have been trained in proper procedures and policies. New staff will be trained during pre-school orientation which will include a review for returning staff. Bookkeeper will attend monthly district trainings to stay current on proper policies and procedures. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card transaction records revealed that: • Seven Disbursements (totaling $626, #18127, #18128, #18144, #18147, #18154, #18259, and #18845) did not have any supporting documentation • Two disbursements (#18175 for $7,701.88, and #19024 for $4,762.80) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • The school used a specific vendor to purchase football helmets; however, the vendor was not on the District’s approved vendor list. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, 578 West Area Glades Central High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase; and that all purchases are approved by the Principal. • To protect the safety and welfare of students, football helmets should be purchased only from District’s approved vendors. Management’s Response Concur. Administration will continue to attend trainings on Accounting Procedures and Policies. All purchases will continue to be approved by the Principal. Only district approved vendors will be utilized for purchases on any kind. Specifically, the athletic director and coaches have been directed to be knowledgeable as to the proper list of vendors to utilize for any athletic equipment. West Area 579 Pahokee Middle / Senior High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 900 Larrimore Road Pahokee, FL 33476 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Ariel Alejo Ariel Alejo (High School) / Lavoise Smith (Middle School) Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Renae Harrington Renae Harrington Cash and Investments $ 46,438.99 Checking Investments $ 46,438.99 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 580 Beginning Balances $ 3,606.55 230.41 5,625.48 1,106.33 4,967.30 21,116.47 0.00 $ 36,652.54 Receipts $ 58,999.42 2,667.39 27,992.59 12,498.39 14,227.28 151,313.20 425.89 $ 268,124.16 Disbursements $ 61,088.36 10,491.53 28,020.98 16,397.25 13,697.77 126,918.65 1,723.17 $ 258,337.71 Transfers In $ 9,188.36 7,606.66 8,805.12 8,732.36 4,970.91 23,380.55 1,297.28 $ 63,981.24 Transfers Out $ 9,794.36 0.00 11,413.83 4,838.65 4,557.89 33,376.51 0.00 $ 63,981.24 Ending Balances $ 911.61 12.93 2,988.38 1,101.18 5,909.83 35,515.06 0.00 $ 46,438.99 West Area Pahokee Middle/Senior High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe for deposit. • Monies collected were not always deposited in a timely manner. For example, $964.95 collected through six MCRs (#0461, #0538, #0747, #0836, and #0837) was retained by the sponsors for one to three working days before it was turned in for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Professional development will be provided to all staff to insure compliance with DOE rules regarding the proper usage of MCRs also as required by DOE rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the drop-safe. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found that: • The Sales Item Inventory Report for the Athletic Football Jersey and T-Shirt Sales indicated that the school had 160 football jerseys remain in inventory as of June 30, 2010. Our examination of the inventory found 103 jerseys; however, there was no jersey sales revenue deposited into the Internal Funds since July 1, 2010. As a result, 57 (160 – 103) jerseys with an estimated sales revenues of $2,575 (or $25 x 57) were unaccounted for. West Area 581 Pahokee Middle/Senior High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • The PHS Athletic Car Decal Sales (Account #6-3001.01), Blue Devil Car Magnet Sales (Account #40870.03), Car Flag Sales (Account #4-087.04), and Spring Book Fair (Account #5-1700.01) did not have any fundraising documentation including the Principal’s approved Fundraiser Application/Recap Forms. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. Moreover, all significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. All inventory of the football jersey and T-shirts have been collected and included as part of our inventory. The employee responsible is no longer working at PHS. Furthermore, the employee responsible has received a written reprimand in accordance with progressive discipline. In FY2012, in pre-school a representative of the District will come and train our entire staff on proper procedures for fund raising. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Three P-Card purchases, totaling $618.89, did not have any supporting documentation. • Disbursement #21272 (for $2,971.40) and a $153.45 P-Card purchase were supported by account statements in lieu of itemized invoices. • Disbursement #21158 was a $575 cash advance to a staff for pre and post game meals for a football game. After the game, the staff submitted three receipts, totaling $518.24, for the expenses; however, the remaining $56.76 was not returned to the school. • Three disbursements (#20976 for $2,918.99, #21272 for $2,971.40, and #21477 for $1,440) exceeded the $1,000 Purchase Order threshold, but did not have the required Purchase Order. • Disbursement #21055 (for $3,175.17) has two Purchase Orders ($1,464.28 and 1,710.89); however, 582 West Area Pahokee Middle/Senior High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 the $1,710.89 Purchase Order was not approved by the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • The school should recoup the $56.76 cash advance balance from the staff. • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase; and that all purchases are approved by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. Procedures for internal accounts and P-Card purchases have been changed in compliance with Purchasing Manual, Chapter 24. Further all P-Card users this year received the District’s training online. YEARBOOK ACCOUNT DEFICIT Finding As of June 30, 2010, the Yearbook Account had a remaining balance of $401.77 year-end balance with an unpaid debt of $7,749.26 to the Yearbook printing company (documented by Disbursement #21518). As a result, the Yearbook Account had a yearend $7,347.49 deficit. Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and self-sufficiency, the school should monitor closely the revenues and expenditures for the Yearbook Account. Specifically, the school should consider adjusting the selling prices for the yearbook and charges for advertisement. The school should also monitor the quantity of yearbooks to be printed so that this activity will not incur a deficit. Management’s Response Concur. Effective FY 2012, all yearbooks will be pre-sold. Ad prices have been adjusted so that a deficit will not occur in the future. West Area 583 Pahokee Middle/Senior High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of leases found the following inconsistencies: • Leases #1003 and #1005 did not have proof of liability insurance. • Lease #1002 was for use of facilities during October 12, 2009, and February 5, 2010. However, the related Certificate of Insurance expired on January 31, 2010. Consequently, there was no liability insurance coverage during February 1, through 5, 2010. • Four sample Lease Agreements were not properly executed with all the required signatures: Leases #1002, #1003, and #1008 were neither signed by the lessees nor the Principal; and Lease #1001 was not signed by the Principal. • Leasing charges for Lease #1001 was not collected until five months after the lessee had used the facilities. Moreover, the $440 leasing charges for Lease #1002 had not been collected as of June 30, 2010, although this lease was for use of facility during October 2009, and February 2010. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” The school should recoup the $440 outstanding leasing charges for Lease #1002 from the lessee. Management’s Response Concur. With the District moving toward online leases, the new system should alleviate the problems that we have had in the past. Additional comments: The current bookkeeper at Pahokee Middle/Senior High School has been documented for not completing assignments on time and in compliance with directions given. The principal is working with District staff in accordance with progressive discipline to ensure compliance of all duties assigned to the bookkeeper. 584 West Area Palm Beach Central High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 8499 West Forest Hill Boulevard Wellington, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Matthew Shoemaker Matthew Shoemaker Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Norma Flores Norma Flores Cash and Investments $ 287,609.54 Checking Investments $ 287,609.54 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $ 40,591.27 622.90 18,328.53 19,071.44 34,953.47 202,714.69 8,558.15 $ 324,840.45 Receipts $ 165,747.66 31,295.90 80,954.66 200,516.81 114,220.27 449,065.46 41,263.44 $1,083,064.20 Disbursements $ 162,014.74 28,596.23 80,957.74 190,147.11 104,806.85 504,699.62 49,072.82 $1,120,295.11 Transfers In $ 76,295.28 9,188.41 14,878.96 72,224.08 27,827.90 75,127.44 70,165.42 $ 345,707.49 Transfers Out $ 88,809.24 9,280.09 20,055.34 84,106.37 34,751.40 47,135.59 61,569.46 $ 345,707.49 Ending Balances $ 31,810.23 3,230.89 13,149.07 17,558.85 37,443.39 175,072.38 9,344.73 $ 287,609.54 585 Palm Beach Central High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found that: • Seven P-Card purchases, totaling $719.30, did not have any supporting documentation. • 15 P-Card purchases, totaling $3,070.02, were supported by documentation that did not indicate the items purchased: eight purchases (totaling $2,495.74) were supported by packing lists or delivery confirmations; and seven purchases (totaling $574.28) were supported by credit card receipts. • Disbursemet#14173 (for $14,310) for purchase of theme park admission tickets was supported by a Ticket Order Form instead of a vendor’s receipt or invoice. • The Purchase Order for Disbursement #12986 (for $1,900) was not prepared by the sponsor for the Principal’s approval until 12 days after ordering the goods from the vendor. • The Golf Tournament Reservation Contract for Disbursement #14987 (for $2,298.68) was signed and approved by the activity sponsor instead of the Principal. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • Purchase Order approved by the Principal should be issued for purchase in excess of $1,000. This should help ensure that funds are and will be available for the purchase; and that all purchases are approved by the Principal. • Contractual agreements should be signed by the Principal in accordance with District Administrative Directive D-6.03, which states “the Principal of the school is the only person to whom authority has been granted to make any purchase that in any way obligate the school for payment.” Management’s Response Concur. Received vendor’s receipt for Disbursement #14173 (for $14,310) for purchase of theme park admission tickets. 586 West Area Palm Beach Central High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • Three lessee had issue in insurance coverage: • Lease #1108 did not have proof of insurance. • The lessee for Lease Agreement #1036 had entered into several Lease Agreements for use of the school’s facilities during July 2009 and June 2010. However, the Certificate of Insurance provided to the school was for the period of April 1, 2010, through April 2, 2011. Consequently, there was no proof of insurance coverage during July 2009 and March 2010. • The Certificate of Insurance for Lease #1014 did not include the School District as an additional insured party. • Five Lease Agreements (#1036, #1037, #1041, #1115, and #1118) were neither signed by the lessees nor approved by the Principal until after the lessees had begun using the facilities, with delays ranging from 10 days to six months. • Leasing charges for Leases #1115 and #1118 (for the same lessee) were not collected until 19 days after the lessee had begun use of facilities. • Lease #1018 received a fee waiver for the entire rental charge, totaling $5,760; however, this waiver was neither pre-approved by the Central Office nor documented on the Rental Prequalification Request Form. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the School District from potential liabilities, all lessees must provide proof of adequate insurance with the School District as an additional insured party, or purchase the insurance coverage through the District insurance pool. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Fee waivers should be properly approved and documented in the Rental Prequalification Request. Fee waivers, if any, can only be applied to the rental portion; the utilities portion cannot be waived, West Area 587 Palm Beach Central High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 and should be collected from lessees. Management’s Response Concur. Regarding referenced Lease #1018 fee waiver for rental charge, totaling $5,760, this was a district sponsored event held at PBCHS. There was no fee according to district guidelines. 588 West Area Royal Palm Beach High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 10600 Okeechobee Boulevard Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Guarn Sims Jesus Armas Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Suzanne Ford Suzanne Ford Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Deborah Nash-Utterback During Audit: Deborah Nash-Utterback Cash and Investments $ 168,012.49 Checking Investments $ 168,012.49 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General West Area Beginning Balances $ 9,527.49 4,132.24 2,771.00 51,559.74 44,675.57 121,548.00 1,032.27 $ 235,246.31 Receipts $ 104,106.62 29,737.24 55,096.78 163,699.73 73,253.46 357,359.80 17,757.00 $ 801,010.63 Disbursements $ 113,113.69 23,896.55 58,218.71 169,246.81 109,276.54 381,039.61 13,452.54 $ 868,244.45 Transfers In $ 30,748.35 9,330.46 19,257.04 56,463.45 42,437.27 38,207.07 7,517.62 $ 203,961.26 Transfers Out $ 21,960.23 9,505.46 13,852.20 54,291.29 19,257.13 72,244.89 12,850.06 $ 203,961.26 Ending Balances $ 9,308.54 9,797.93 5,053.91 48,184.82 31,832.63 63,830.37 4.29 $ 168,012.49 589 Royal Palm Beach High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEFICIT ACCOUNTS Finding The review of Internal Funds general ledger found that four accounts had a year-end deficit, totaling $30,794.11. School District’s Internal Funds procedure requires that all activity account deficits be resolved before the close of the fiscal year. The school transferred funds from other accounts to balance these deficits. Number 5-2300 1-2020 Deficit Account Name Speech/Debate Dept Football-Varsity 4-4810 Student Council 3-2010 Class of 2010 Total Amount $22,565.14 4,649.21 2,023.14 1,556.62 $30,794.11 Source of Fund For Balancing the Deficit #6-3800 Rental-facilities #7-0100 General Activities #6-0200 Administrative Courtesy #6-3800 Rental-facilities #6-0200 Administrative Courtesy #7-0100 General Activities Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and self-sufficiency, the school should monitor each activity account closely so that total expenditures would not exceed total revenues. Management’s Response Concur. Previous principal removed speech/debate sponsor from the responsibility. Account activity will be monitored on a weekly basis. All sponsors will be required to have a mid-year financial meeting with the principal. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • • Some sponsors did not record all the required information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off monies into the safe; the dollar amounts of monies for some deposits were missing. $3,720.50 collected through five MCRs was retained by the sponsors for one to four business days before turning in to the bookkeeper for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related 590 West Area Royal Palm Beach High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five business days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Principal will present policies/procedures with regard to financial operations to entire staff. West Area 591 Seminole Ridge High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4601 Seminole Pratt Whitney Road Loxahatchee, FL 33470 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lynne McGee Lynne McGee Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Sherry Permenter Sherry Permenter Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: David Carroll During Audit: David Carroll Cash and Investments $ 221,701.22 251,068.20 $ 472,769.42 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 592 Beginning Balances $ 48,792.23 39,416.12 28,169.70 28,033.52 90,698.66 192,066.55 12,860.75 $ 440,037.53 Receipts $ 198,792.98 213,858.97 67,152.15 116,146.91 225,574.08 307,364.51 38,939.40 $1,167,829.00 Disbursements $ 188,053.25 227,046.69 68,405.61 106,985.81 227,495.50 267,831.03 49,279.22 $1,135,097.11 Transfers In $ 100,494.86 65,852.00 26,380.04 49,376.86 44,852.18 37,388.90 27,586.14 $ 351,930.98 Transfers Out $ 92,959.03 59,600.68 30,773.74 49,774.93 42,774.42 47,269.18 28,779.00 $ 351,930.98 Ending Balances $ 67,067.79 32,479.72 22,522.54 36,796.55 90,855.00 221,719.75 1,328.07 $ 472,769.42 West Area Seminole Ridge High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that monies were not always deposited timely. For example, $1,259.74 collected through two sample MCRs (#230-4 and #268-2) was retained by the sponsors for two to 38 working days before it was put into the safe for deposit. Recommendation As required by DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7), monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. Management’s Response Concur. Faculty and staff were reminded again about the “time” policy for depositing funds collected. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISER Finding The review of fundraiser records found that: • The Fundraising Application/Recap Forms for the Chorus Bearly Thoughtful Bears (Account #21500.17) and Wrestling Push-Up-A-Thon (Account #1-7510.03) fundraisers were not approved by the Principal until four and 27 days after the sales had begun. • The Sales Item Inventory Reports for the Chorus Hot Dog Cart Sales (Account #2-1500.03), Band Concession Sales (Account #2-1000.07), and Band BBQ and Fun Day (Account #2-1000.09) were not completed with all the required information. Due to the lack of inventories and sales information, we were unable to ascertain if all sales revenues were properly accounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure that fundraising activities are consistent with the School Board Mission, fundraisers should be pre-approved by the Principal and documented in the Fundraising Application/Recap Form. • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information in order to reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. West Area 593 Seminole Ridge High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Moreover, all significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Items on the hot dog cart were donated so no money was paid from the account. All monies collected are profit. An umbrella insurance policy was purchased for the Band Bar-B-Q from Events Enterprises to cover the vendors for the event. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • The school executed a School District Consultant Agreements (PBSD1420) with a percussion consultant for a maximum sum of $999 during September 28, through November 15, 2009. However, the school paid a total of $5,425 through eight disbursements (#s 9078, 9119, 9671, 9723, 10115, 10580, 10977, and 11164) to this consultant for music arrangement and percussion instruction during August 4, 2009, through May 17, 2010. Consequently, (1) the total fees exceeded the Agreement by $4,426, and (2) $4,335 in services provided prior to September 28, 2009, and services provided after November 15, 2009, were not covered by the Agreement. • The School District Consultant Agreement (PBSD1420) for band’s instruction (Disbursement #9097 for $304) was not approved by the Principal until three weeks after the consultant had begun providing services to the school. • The facility leasing and catering service contract for the 2010 Prom event (Disbursement #10747 for $15,140) was signed by the sponsor teacher instead of the Principal. Recommendation Disbursements should be processed in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Purchase Order should be issued and pre-approved by the Principal for purchase in excess of $1,000. • All contracts should be signed by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. The invoice in question was for items purchased (i.e. music arrangement) as opposed to a consultant fee. The consultant and vendor happen to be the same person. Purchase orders will be preapproved by the principal for purchases of $1,000 or more. 594 West Area Seminole Ridge High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that six Lease Agreements (#1008, #1013, #1025, #1031, #1032, and #1039) were not executed with all the signatures until after the lessees had begun using the facilities, with delays ranging from three days to three months. Moreover, three Agreements (#1008, #1013, and #1039) did not have the date of the lessee’s signature. Recommendation To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures and dates prior to the use of facilities by the lessees. Management’s Response Concur. West Area 595 Wellington High School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 2101 Greenview Shores Boulevard Wellington, FL 33414 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Mario Crocetti Mario Crocetti Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Dorothy Billie Dorothy Billie Community School Director: Fiscal Year 2010: Clarence Fuller During Audit: Clarence Fuller Cash and Investments $ 447,009.90 85,000.00 $ 532,009.90 Checking Investments Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 596 Beginning Balances $ 81,832.72 6,752.67 2,138.59 70,774.68 99,842.22 194,401.53 84,498.04 $ 540,240.45 Receipts $ 347,471.79 42,639.17 8,499.75 289,012.90 190,778.03 442,921.99 31,601.88 $1,352,925.51 Disbursements $ 300,796.14 41,162.62 8,793.79 260,462.08 237,411.22 487,165.55 25,364.66 $1,361,156.06 Transfers In $ 118,428.67 5,893.28 2,021.22 69,054.75 47,966.17 60,194.80 25,457.24 $ 329,016.13 Transfers Out $ 136,822.37 5,982.41 1,751.22 74,416.51 36,153.21 46,058.33 27,832.08 $ 329,016.13 Ending Balances $ 110,114.67 8,140.09 2,114.55 93,963.74 65,021.99 164,294.44 88,360.42 $ 532,009.90 West Area Wellington High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. • One sponsor did not retain the yellow copies of the MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copy was also provided to the bookkeeper. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Management’s Response Concur. All staff members have been reminded of these requirements. Additionally, the requirement to keep the yellow copies was added to this year’s teacher handbook. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchases found the following: • The Purchase Order (PO) for Disbursement #51741 (for $9,630) was not prepared by the sponsor and approved by the Principal until two months after the items were purchased. Moreover, the POs for Disbursements #50359 (for $2,280.42) and #50904 (for $1,888) did not have the dates of the sponsor’s and Principal’s signatures. As a result, there was no assurance that the purchases had been pre-approved by the Principal. West Area 597 Wellington High School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • The supporting documentation for Disbursements #50216 (for $39,252.64) and #52058 (for $13,744) were not defaced after payments in order to prevent duplicate payments. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All purchases require Principal’s prior approval. Purchase Order should be issued and approved by the Principal for purchase in excess of $1,000; and the school should ensure that funds are or will be available for the purchase. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. Management’s Response Concur. All staff members have been reminded of these requirements. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that: • All sample Lease Agreements did not have the date of the Principal’s signature. • Lease #1083 was for use of facilities during May 16, and June 20, 2010. However, the leasing charges were not collected until June 15, 2010, one month after the lessee had begun using the facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be completed with all the required information and properly executed with all the required signatures and dates. • In accordance with leasing guidelines, leasing charges should be collected prior to the use of facilities. Concur. All staff members have been reminded of these requirements. 598 West Area Alternative Schools This page left intentionally blank. Other Schools Alternative School Totals 1 0 0 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 Timecard Not Signed-off By Supervisor Payroll Did Not Match With Employee Timecard 16 0 17 Gold Coast Community School 0 √ South Intensive Transition School 1 Crossroads Academy Roosevelt Full Service Center √ √ √ √ √ Palm Beach Virtual School 2 3 0 23 23a 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Monies Not Deposited Timely Receipts Recorded In Wrong Account Copy of MCR Not Maintained by Sponsor Monies Collected Not Properly Documented Lease Prequalification Not Available Lease Agreement Not Adequately Maintianed Inadequate Proof of Insurance Fees Collected After Use Turning Points Academy √ 0 √ 0 √ √ √ √ √ √ 1 5 √ √ √ √ 2 0 1 √ √ √ √ 4 √ √ √ √ 0 4 √ √ √ √ 0 4 32 32a √ 1 1 √ 0 34 3 35 0 37 √ √ √ 0 39 1 0 Out of County Trips Not Approved By Area Superintendent No Document Custodian Assigned for Prenumbered Documents Periodic Inventory Not Performed for Prenumbered Documents 38 Field Trips Not Approved By Principal Leases Fundraisers Not Adequately Documented Bank Reconciliation Not Completed Timely Adjustments to Records Not Properly Approved/Documented 33 Staff Performing Incompatible Duties Receipts Undercharged Rental 22 Drop Safe Log Not Used Completely Disbursements Leasing Fee Collections Incorrectly Distributed Monies and School Checks Not Adequately Safeguarded 21 Access to Drop Safe 20 Purchases From School Employee 19a Disbursement Not Properly Approved Community School / Summer Camp / Safe School Programs Disbursement Funded By Incorrect Account 19 Missing Documentation 18 Inadequate Support for Disbursement Program Deficit and/or High Staffing Level Wages/Stipdends Paid From Internal Funds Staff Incurred Excessive Hours 11 Missing Timecard 5 Timecard Not Signed By Employee Fees Not Timely Transmitted to Central Office Student Registration and Attendance Records Missing Alternative Schools Alternative Schools Summary of Audit Findings FY 2010 Internal Funds Audits Other 40 0 41 0 42 √ 0 Number of Findings ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS 10 5 7 4 7 33 3 601 This page left intentionally blank. Crossroads Academy Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 225 S.W. 12th Street Belle Glade, FL 33430 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Diane Howard Diane Howard Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Charszette Moorer Charszette Moorer Cash and Investments $ 6,325.78 Checking Investments $ 6,325.78 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Alternative Schools Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 18.71 0.00 5,308.96 19.75 $ 5,347.42 Receipts $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,573.70 2,811.99 $ 33,385.69 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,596.86 1,810.47 $ 32,407.33 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,334.61 735.55 $ 12,070.16 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,881.92 1,188.24 $ 12,070.16 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 18.71 0.00 5,738.49 568.58 $ 6,325.78 603 Crossroads Academy Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • The bookkeeper did not record the activities on the Drop-safe Log when removing the deposits from the safe for processing during April and May 2010. • A donation of $200 collected through MCR #32-058 was deposited into the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200.00), in absence of a letter from the donor indicating the intended purpose for the donation. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper accountability, the bookkeeper should record the activities accordingly in the “To Be Completed by Bookkeeper” section of the Drop-safe Log, when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. • Donation received by the school should be deposited into the General Activities Account unless the donation is designated for specific purposes by the donor. Management’s Response Concur. When deposits are removed from the safe by the bookkeeper for processing the bookkeeper will simultaneously sign for processing. Any donations for the Principal will be noted in a letter indicating such use. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursement and P-Card purchase records found that: • Disbursement #2091 (for $250) was for payment to a charter bus company for a fieldtrip to Miami. The vendor, however, was not on the List of Charter Bus Companies approved by the District. • Two P-Card purchases (totaling $69.83) made during August and November 2009, were supported by credit card receipts that did not indicate the items purchased. • The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that although the P-Card Monthly 604 Alternative Schools Crossroads Academy Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Bank Statements were signed by the cardholders and approved by the Principal, five out of the 11 sample statements did not have the date of the Principal’s signature Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To protect the safety and welfare of students, only District's approved charter bus should be used for transporting students during field trips. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. • To comply with P-Card Procedures Manual, the Principal’s approval of P-Card Monthly Bank Statements should also be dated by the Principal. Management’s Response Concur. Crossroads Academy students will be transported only by District awarded vendors. All credit card purchases will have itemized receipts. Principal will sign and date all monthly bank statements. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of leasing records found that: • Both Leases #1001 and #1002 were repeatedly used for two different leases. • Leasing charges for three leases (two Leases #1001; and the June 25, 2009, Lease #1002) were not collected until after the lessees had begun using the facilities, with delays ranging from 12 to 25 days. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Alternative Schools 605 Crossroads Academy Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Each individual lease will be identified with a new number. Before the date of a leased event the lessee will have paid all monies due. Additional comments: Our school understands and will comply with School Board Policy 7.18, but please note that our school was under a major construction during the dates indicated and the postmaster said they cannot deliver our school mail under those conditions. Therefore Crossroads was unable to get postal mail. 606 Alternative Schools Gold Coast Community School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 4260 Westgate Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Gwendolyn Johnson Gwendolyn Johnson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Blanca Figueroa Blanca Figueroa Cash and Investments $ 32,831.85 Checking Investments $ 32,831.85 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Beginning Balances $ 7.40 0.00 0.00 14.85 0.62 25,981.44 228.66 $ 26,232.97 Alternative Schools Receipts $ 3,458.80 0.00 0.00 290.55 598.70 48,010.20 6,397.47 $ 58,755.72 Disbursements $ 1,499.87 0.00 0.00 351.62 638.70 43,080.69 6,585.96 $ 52,156.84 Transfers In $ 2,121.80 0.00 162.10 49.25 273.00 2,414.28 584.63 $ 5,605.06 Transfers Out $ 3,728.83 0.00 162.10 0.00 182.00 897.91 634.22 $ 5,605.06 Ending Balances $ 359.30 0.00 0.00 3.03 51.62 32,427.32 ( 9.42) $ 32,831.85 607 Gold Coast Community School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. For example, the deposit information for 10 sample collections (totaling $8,565.76) was not recorded on the log. • Collections were not always deposited in a timely manner. For example, $468.10 collected through four MCRs (#96-0149, #68-0068, #54-0032, and #73-0094) was retained by the sponsors for one to 20 working days before it was turned in for deposit. • $2,600 in donations (MCRs #84-0126 and # 58-0041) was deposited into the Administrative Courtesy Account (#6-0200.00), in absence of a letter from the donor indicating the purpose of the donation. • The document custodian for Classroom Receipt Book (PBSD 0196) was also responsible for collecting monies and issuing receipts. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • Donation received by the school should be deposited into the General Activities Account unless the donation is designated for specific purposes by the donor. • To ensure proper accountability through segregation of duties, the school should assign a document custodian for the Classroom Receipt Books who has no involvement in the use of the document. Management’s Response Concur. All monies collected by sponsors will include proper deposit documentation and recorded on drop-safe log within 5 working days. Monies collected forms will be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or placed in drop-safe. All donations received by the school will be accompanied by a letter defining the purpose of donation. A document custodian will be assigned for Classroom Receipts Books. 608 Alternative Schools Gold Coast Community School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card purchase records revealed that: • Disbursement #9923 (for $430) did not have any supporting documentation for the expense. • Two disbursements (#9892 and #9902) and four P-Card transactions were for purchase of $422 in gifts for staff and $1,117.97 in gifts for student recognition; however, there was no documentation for the purpose and recipients of the gifts. • Three P-Card purchases (totaling $275.12) made in February and June 2010, were not supported by itemized invoices or receipts. Instead, they were supported by packing slips or credit card receipts that did not indicate the items or dollar amounts of the purchases. • Disbursement #9899 (for $100) was for payment to a staff who drove the school bus for transporting students to a basketball game, although employee compensation should have been processed through the District’s payroll system. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that the expenses were appropriate. • District Administrative Directive D-6.01 states that internal funds shall not be used for any purpose, which represents a favor to Board employees or students. Moreover, pursuant to Bulletin #P-12690CAO/COO/P, “gift cards may be purchased for students only” and “schools must maintain documentation of all recipients of gift cards”. All such purchases should be documented to sufficiently show the appropriateness of the purchase including the recipients’ names and the purpose of the purchase. • To ensure that Federal tax withholdings are done properly, employee compensation should be handled through the District’s payroll system. Management’s Response Concur. All disbursements and P-Card purchases will contain adequate supporting documentation. All purchases will be documented to show recipients name and purpose for purchase. All employee compensation requests will be forwarded and handled through the district. Alternative Schools 609 Gold Coast Community School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of school facility leasing records found that Leases #1001 and #1002 had the following exceptions: • Both Lease Agreements were not executed with all the required signatures until one month after the lessees had begun using the school facilities. Moreover, the Agreements did not indicate the dates and times for the use of facilities, although this information was listed on the Rental Prequalification Request Forms. • Leasing charges were not collected until 24 to 52 days after the lessees had used the school facilities. • The school used the incorrect rates for allocating utility fees for both leases, resulting in overreimbursing $1,434 in utility fees to the Central Office. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be (1) completed with all the required information including the dates and times for use of facilities, and (2) properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” • Utility fees should be allocated in accordance with the District’s approved Rate Schedule and transmitted to Central Office accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. School Board Policy 7.18 regarding Lease Agreements will be adhered to. 610 Alternative Schools Intensive Transition South School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1509 Barton Road Lake Worth, FL 33460 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Michael Chaberlain Michael Chaberlain Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Debbie Douglas Debbie Douglas Cash and Investments $ 13,847.58 Checking Investments $ 13,847.58 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Alternative Schools Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 4,993.80 3,805.31 $ 8,799.11 Receipts $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,611.47 7,813.47 $ 28,424.94 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,445.04 8,931.43 $ 23,376.47 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.20 3,346.28 $ 3,386.48 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.20 3,326.28 $ 3,386.48 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,140.23 2,707.35 $ 13,847.58 611 Intensive Transition South Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Finding During the audit, we noted that the bookkeeper was performing incompatible duties, including • • • • • Preparing leasing documentation. Collecting leasing fees from lessees. Preparing MCRs (for various collections) for other staff members to sign as remitters. Preparing Check Requisitions for other staff members to sign as requestors. Collecting cash from staff and students for Snack Sales. Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and prevent conflict of interest, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. As such, the bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties. Management’s Response Concur. Bookkeeper has discontinued filling out MCRs for staff members to sign. Bookkeeper does not collect cash for snack sales. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Some sponsors did not always record the deposit information on the Drop-safe Log before dropping off the monies into the safe. Specifically, the information for 20 sample MCRs (totaling $8,583.94 in collections) were not recorded on the log. • The bookkeeper did not sign and enter the Official Receipt numbers and dates on two sample MCRs (totaling $1,263 in collections) after the collections were recorded into the general ledger. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • 612 To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Alternative Schools Intensive Transition South Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, the bookkeeper should sign and enter the required information onto the MCRs after the collections had been verified and recorded into the general ledger. Management’s Response Concur. Sponsors are instructed to use Drop-safe and complete the Drop-safe Log. Bookkeeper will ensure that all MCRs have required information. DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of sample disbursements and P-Card records found that: • Disbursements #1083 and #1117 (totaling $672.50) were for purchases of bus passes for students. However, there was no record for who received the bus passes. • Disbursements #1116 and #1118 were for reimbursing field trip expenses to two employees. These two reimbursements included a total of $35 in fuel purchases, although the related travel expenses should be reimbursed based on the actual mileage incurred in accordance with District guideline. • A $213.97 P-Card transaction at a restaurant occurred in June 2010, was supported by a credit card receipt in lieu of an itemized invoice/receipt. Moreover, there was no record documenting the purpose of the purchase. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Employee travel expenses should be reimbursed in accordance with District guidelines. • All disbursements, including P-Card purchases, should be adequately documented and supported by itemized invoices and receipts. Without adequate supporting documentation, there is no assurance that expenses were appropriate. Records should be maintained to document the purposes and recipients for the purchase bus passes and restaurant expenses. Management’s Response Concur. Bus students are required to sign for Palm Tran passes. Field trip expenses will be recorded on appropriate travel reimbursement forms. P-Card purchases will be adequately documented (June purchase was for staff appreciation luncheon) and supported with itemized receipts. Alternative Schools 613 Intensive Transition South Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of facility leasing records found that all five sample leases (#1007, #1008, #1014, #1015, and #1019) had the following exceptions: • The Lease Agreements were not executed with all the required signatures until after the lessees had begun using the facilities. Delays ranged from one to eight days. • Leasing fees for these five leases were not collected until after the two days to one month after the lessees had begun using the facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, Lease Agreements should be properly executed with all the required signatures prior to the use of facilities. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. New online leasing system will assist in timely completion of leasing documentation. School will collect lease fees at least 24 hours in advance of lease dates. 614 Alternative Schools Roosevelt Full Service Center Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1601 Tamarind Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: John Carvelli Jeff Pollard Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Princess Pugh Princess Pugh Cash and Investments $ 18,923.61 Checking Investments $ 18,923.61 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 322.03 116.70 0.00 11,299.66 ( 23.37) $ 11,715.02 Alternative Schools Receipts $ 300.00 0.00 3,002.20 390.00 0.00 35,601.81 3,170.97 $ 42,464.98 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 3,109.42 0.00 0.00 29,308.52 2,838.45 $ 35,256.39 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 295.80 0.00 0.00 1,408.56 322.03 $ 2,026.39 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 500.61 0.00 0.00 1,525.78 0.00 $ 2,026.39 Ending Balances $ 300.00 0.00 10.00 506.70 0.00 17,475.73 631.18 $ 18,923.61 615 Roosevelt Full Service Center Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • Collections were not always deposited in a timely manner. For example, $3,180.75 collected through 14 sample MCRs was either retained by the sponsors over an extended period or not timely processed by the bookkeeper. In particular, $1,688.74 (MCR#70-3) in rental income collected on September 1, 2009, was not deposited into the bank until December 10, 2009. • The school did not always prepare MCRs for monies received in the mail. For example, a total of $2,914.73 deposited into the Internal Funds: (1) two donations checks totaling $1,831.59, (2) three vending commission checks totaling $421.64, and (3) one facility leasing revenue for $661.50. Moreover, the deposit information for these collections was not recorded on the Drop-safe Log. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • As required by DOE Rules, monies collected should be turned in daily to the bookkeeper or put into the drop-safe, and be deposited into the bank within five working days after the collection. Delay in turning in the monies for deposit could result in potential irregularities. • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, (1) monies collected should be supported by properly completed MCRs and relevant collection records, (2) the sponsors should record the deposit information onto the Drop-safe Log, and (3) the bookkeeper should record the activities accordingly in the “To Be Completed by Bookkeeper” section of the Drop-safe Log, when removing the deposits from the safe for processing. Management’s Response Concur. The findings and recommendations have been noted. During 2010 the Confidential Secretary was also assigned bookkeeping duties. Training and the implementation of your recommendations should eliminate the reoccurrence of these findings. LEASING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Finding The review of school facility leasing records found that: • 616 Lease #1001 was repeatedly used for two different leases. Alternative Schools Roosevelt Full Service Center Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • Two Lease Agreements (both were numbered 1001) did not indicate the dates and times for the use of school facilities. Three Lease Agreements (#1004, #1005 and #1006) did not indicate the dates for the use of facilities. • The July 1, 2009, Lease #1001 was charged with the incorrect rate, resulting in undercharging $1,176 in labor fees for lease coordinator. • The $5,984 leasing charges for the July 1, 2009, Lease Agreement #1001 was to be paid by two installments of $2,992 each in September and December 2009. However, as of January 13, 2011, the school had not received the second installment from the lessee. • Leasing charges for Lease #1004 was not collected until one month after the lessee had used the school facilities. Recommendation Leasing of school facilities should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 7.18 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • A new lease number in sequential order should be assigned to each new Lease Agreement. • To ensure Lease Agreements are legally enforceable, they should be properly executed and completed with all the required information, including the dates and times for use of facilities. • Leasing fees, including labor charges, should be computed and collected in accordance with the District’s approved Rate Schedule. • The school should recoup the $2,992 unpaid leasing charges from the lessee for the July 1, 2009, Lease #1001. • As required by School Board Policy 7.18, “fees are to be paid at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use of a facility.” Management’s Response Concur. The findings and recommendations have been noted. The future use of the TRIRIGA leasing program should eliminate the procedural errors. The unpaid leasing charges have been successfully recouped. DOCUMENTATION FOR FUNDRAISERS Finding The review of fundraiser records found the following: Alternative Schools 617 Roosevelt Full Service Center Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 • The Senior Coupon Book Sales (Account #3-2010.01) and Senior Concession Sales (Account #32010.02) did not have the required Sales Item Inventory Report. • The Senior Coupon Book Sales (Account #3-2010.01) had a total estimated revenue of $1,000; however, only $620 in sales revenue was deposited in the Internal Funds. Consequently, $380 in estimated sales revenue was unaccounted for. Recommendation Fundraisers should be administered in accordance with School Board Policy 2.16 and related District guidelines. Specifically, • Sales Item Inventory Report should be properly completed with the needed information so that staff can reconcile sales revenues and account for items purchased, given away, or remained in inventory. • All significant discrepancies between the estimated revenue and actual receipt should be investigated and disposed of accordingly. Management’s Response Concur. Fund raising sponsors are informed of their reporting record keeping responsibilities. Sponsor transferred, but he agreed to complete the paperwork to reconcile this finding. Additional Comments: All findings have been discussed with the personnel responsible. Corrective action has been completed or identified and the auditor’s recommendations have been implemented. The Confidential Secretary was required to also assume bookkeeping duties in 2010. I have proposed splitting by Secretary Clerk (260) day position into ½ Clerk and ½ Bookkeeper. The approval could lead to greater efficiency in accounting operations. 618 Alternative Schools Turning Points Academy Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1950 Benoist Farms Road West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Darren Edgecomb Darren Edgecomb Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Alberta Spann Alberta Spann Cash and Investments $ 823.38 Checking Investments $ 823.38 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General Alternative Schools Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,116.76 3,391.26 $ 4,508.02 Receipts $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,909.27 1,057.37 $ 6,966.64 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,283.78 4,367.50 $ 10,651.28 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 742.25 81.13 $ 823.38 619 Turning Points Academy Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The review of sample Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) and money collection process found that: • The school did not maintain a Drop-safe Log for staff to record the deposit information before the monies were dropped off into the safe. • Sponsors did not always retain the yellow copies of the related MCRs when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. For example, the yellow copies for eight sample MCRs were also provided to the bookkeeper when the monies and MCRs were turned in for deposit. Recommendation Money collections should be administered in accordance with DOE Rules (Department of Education’s Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools, Chapter 7) and related District guidelines. Specifically, • To ensure proper fiscal accountability, safeguard of monies collected by sponsors, and protect the best interests of sponsors, deposit information, including the dollar amount of the collection, should be recorded on the Drop-safe Log. • Activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Management’s Response Concur. Turning Points Academy started completing all Drop-safe Logs effective September 27, 2010. The new MCR forms are in use as of January 21, 2011. ACCESS TO DROP SAFE Finding During the audit, we noted that the bookkeeper had the full combination to access the drop safe. Bulletin #P-9303-AS/BA states, “To enable personnel to gain access to the drop safe without requiring the principal’s involvement, part of the combination should be provided to two employees. One of these employees should be the school’s internal accounts bookkeeper. As a backup, two other alternate employees can be provided part of the combination as well.” 620 Alternative Schools Turning Points Academy Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Recommendation To ensure assets are safeguarded properly, no one (except the Principal) should have full combination to access the drop-safe in accordance with Bulletin #P-9303-AS/BA. Management’s Response Concur. Turning Points Academy new combination to the Drop-safe was delivered on January 10, 2011. The bookkeeper no longer has the full combination to access the Drop-safe. SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Finding During the audit, we noted that the bookkeeper was performing incompatible duties in (1) preparing MCRs (for various collections) for other staff members to sign as remitters and (2) preparing Check Requisitions for other staff members to sign as the requestors. Recommendation To ensure fiscal accountability and prevent conflict of interest, segregation of duties should be enforced at the school. The bookkeeper should not perform incompatible duties, such as preparing MCRs and Check Requisitions. These documents should be prepared and signed by the respectively activity sponsors. Management’s Response Concur. Alternative Schools 621 Palm Beach Virtual School Internal Fund Accounts Combining Statement of Changes in Cash and Investments – Cash Basis Year Ended June 30, 2010 Address: 1310 North Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Principal: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Debra Johnson Debra Johnson Treasurer: Fiscal Year 2010: During Audit: Lorrie Fortney Lorrie Fortney Cash and Investments $ 590.77 Checking Investments $ 590.77 Athletics Music Classes Clubs Departments Trusts General 622 Beginning Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 Receipts $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180.85 716.00 $ 896.85 Disbursements $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.21 288.87 $ 306.08 Transfers In $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 Transfers Out $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 Ending Balances $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 163.64 427.13 $ 590.77 Alternative Schools Palm Beach Virtual School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 DOCUMENTATION FOR DISBURSEMENTS Finding The review of disbursements and P-Card records found that: • A $1,159.65 P-Card purchase made on January 4, 2010, exceeded the $1,000 per vendor daily limit without obtaining prior approval from the Purchasing Department. • Supporting documents for payments were not defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment was made. Recommendation Disbursement procedures should be administered in accordance with Internal Accounts Manual, Purchasing Card Procedures (Purchasing Manual Chapter 24), and related District guidelines. Specifically, • P-Card purchase in excess of $1,000 requires prior approval from the Purchasing Department. • To avoid potential duplicate payments, supporting documentation should be defaced (stamped “PAID”) after payment. Management’s Response Concur. All P-Card purchases in the future will comply with the limitation requirements. The PAID stamp practice is now in place. DEPOSIT OF MONIES Finding The sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of the Monies Collected Reports (MCRs) when turning in the monies and MCRs to the bookkeeper for deposit. Instead, the yellow copies were also provided to the bookkeeper when turning in the monies and MCRs for deposit. Recommendation To ensure proper fiscal accountability and protect the best interests of sponsors, activity account sponsors should retain the yellow copy of the related MCR before turning in the monies to the bookkeeper for deposit. Keeping a copy of the MCR will assist the sponsors in (1) ensuring that the dollar amount printed on the Official Receipt provided by the bookkeeper agrees with the monies collected and submitted for deposit, (2) tracking the account balance periodically, and (3) providing documentation for revenue collections should bookkeeping errors occur. Alternative Schools 623 Palm Beach Virtual School Management Letter Year Ended June 30, 2010 Management’s Response Concur. As a Cashless Schools site has now been set up for our school we do not anticipate collecting monies. However, if an occasion requiring the collection of monies occurs, this protocol will be followed. 624 Alternative Schools