CClick >>here for a detailed programme of Festival-Bazaar
CClick >>here for a detailed programme of Festival-Bazaar
THE UNITED NATIONS WOMEN’S GUILD OF VIENNA INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL - BAZAAR 2012 Samstag 1. Dezember 10:00 – 17:00 Austria Center Vienna EINTRITT FREI FREE ADMISSION g, a t s er b m e z e .D 1 Sam Zugunsten bedürftiger Kinder in aller Welt All proceeds go to children’s charities worldwide Welcome Dear Visitors, It is with great satisfaction that the United Nations Women's Guild of Vienna welcomes you to its 44th International Festival-Bazaar, where people from various cultures come together in a feast of colours, tastes, joy and emotion to raise funds aiming for ‘A Better Future for all Children’. Every year the UNWG-Vienna supports charity organizations worldwide that care for and look after the life development of children and youth. Enjoy the UNWG International Festival-Bazaar 2012 and thank you for your valuable support! Sehr geehrte Besucher, Es ist mit großem Vergnügen, dass die Frauengilde der Vereinten Nationen, Sie auf ihrem 44. Internationalen Festival-Basar begrüßt, wo Menschen aus verschiedenen Kulturen, mit dem Ziel ‘einer besseren Zukunft für alle Kinder zu schaffen‘, auf einem Fest voller Farben, Geschmäcke, Freude und Emotionen, zusammenkommen, um Geld zu sammeln . Jedes Jahr finanziert die UNWG-Wien Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen weltweit, die Kinder und Jugendliche pflegen und betreuen. Genießen Sie den UNWG International Festival-Basar 2012! Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre wertvolle Unterstützung! Jackeline Carvalho UNWG President 2012 Vivianna Prochazka UNWG Festival–Bazaar Chairwoman 2012 Congratulations It is for me a great honour to take part as a guest at the 44th Festival Bazaar organized by the United Nations Women's Guild. This wonderful yearly event in the cultural life of Vienna is an inspiration for everybody and an opportunity to do something good for our planet. I am happy that this year's theme is ‘A Better Future for All Children’. I am directly involved with this issue through "Sinfonia por el Peru", the non-profit foundation I founded more than a year ago. Sinfonia por el Peru's aim is to transform society through music. Orchestral and choral practices give children and youth important values, which make them better citizens. They become better students and are preserved from the dangers of crime and drugs. Children pass on these values to their families and their communities. I wish the United Nations Women's Guild a very successful 44th Festival Bazaar. Let us join hands to make this world a better one for children. Es ist eine große Ehre für mich, als Gast am 44. von der Frauengilde der Vereinten Nationen organisierten Festival-Basar teilnehmen zu dürfen. Dieses großartige, alljährlich in Wien stattfindende kulturelle Ereignis, wirkt auf jeden inspirierend und stellt eine Gelegenheit dar, etwas Gutes für unseren Planeten zu tun. Ich bin sehr froh darüber, daß das diesjährige Basar Thema, "Eine bessere Zukunft für alle Kinder" ist. Ich selbst widme mich ebenfalls dieser guten Sache und zwar mit Hilfe der „Sinfonia por el Peru“, einer gemeinnützigen Stiftung welche ich vor etwas mehr als einem Jahr gegründet habe. Das erklärte Ziel von Sinfonia por el Peru ist es, die Gesellschaft mit Hilfe von Musik zu verändern. Chor- und Orchesterproben vermitteln Kindern und Jugendlichen wichtige Werte, die sie zu besseren Staatsbürgern machen. Sie werden auf diese Weise zu besseren Schülern und vor den Gefahren von Kriminalität und Drogen bewahrt. Die Kinder wiederum geben diese Werte an ihre Familien und Gemeinden weiter. Ich wünsche der Frauengilde der Vereinten Nationen einen sehr erfolgreichen 44. Festival-Basar. Reichen wir einander doch die Hände und arbeiten wir gemeinsam an einer besseren Welt für Kinder. Juan Diego Flórez UNODC Statement Many of us have children; indeed, we were all once children. Children represent a shared past, but also our future hope. This is why I am so pleased that the United Nations Women’s Guild of Vienna has decided to make the motto of this year’s Festival-Bazaar, ‘A Better Future for All Children.’ The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime understands this sentiment. UNODC has always placed children at the centre of its work. We have established a youth initiative that recognizes the vulnerability of young people who spend time with peers drifting into drugs or who live in deprived areas where drugs are sold. UNODC’s work in the field of human trafficking is also helping to prevent children from being forced into modern slavery. More than 1 million children are currently deprived of their liberty across the globe. UNODC is helping to make these hidden children visible by working with nations to create fair, efficient juvenile justice systems in compliance with international standards. I therefore wish the UNWG every success with this year’s FestivalBazaar, and I hope that by working together, we can offer children the lives that they truly deserve. Viele von uns haben Kinder, alle waren einmal Kinder. Die Kindheit ist demnach unsere gemeinsame Vergangenheit, und es sind gerade die Kinder, auf die wir unsere zukünftigen Hoffnungen setzen. Es freut mich aus diesem Grunde ganz besonders, daß die Frauengilde der Vereinten Nationen in Wien den diesjährigen Festival-Basar unter das Motto, ‚Eine bessere Zukunft für alle Kinder‘ gestellt hat. Das Büro der Vereinten Nationen für Drogen- und Verbrechensbekämpfung teilt Ihre Haltung. Für UNODC waren es stets die Kinder, die im Mittelpunkt unserer Arbeit gestanden sind. In diesem Sinne hat UNODC eine Jugendinitiative gegründet, die der großen Verletzlichkeit gerade derjenigen Jugendlichen Rechnung trägt, die mit Gleichaltrigen verkehren, welche ins Drogenmilieu abgeglitten sind, oder, die in unterprivilegierten Gegenden leben, wo mit Drogen gehandelt wird. Weiters helfen die weltweiten Bemühungen von UNODC im Kampf gegen den Menschenhandel zu verhindern, daß Kinder Opfer einer modernen Form der Sklaverei werden. Es ist eine Tatsache, daß derzeit mehr als eine Million Kinder weltweit ihrer Freiheit beraubt worden sind. UNODC trägt dazu bei, diesen unsichtbaren Kindern Sichtbarkeit zu verleihen indem UNODC mit den jeweiligen Ländern gemeinsam an der Schaffung einer gerechten und effizienten Jugendgerichtsbarkeit arbeitet, welche auch den internationalen Standards entspricht. Ich wünsche deshalb der UNWG viel Erfolg beim heurigen Festival-Basar und hoffe, daß wir durch unsere gemeinsamen Anstrengungen allen Kindern das Leben, das sie wirklich verdienen, ermöglichen können. Yury Fedotov Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna and Executive Director United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Opening Ceremony Friday, 30 November 2012, 17:00 – 20:30 Honoured guests, donors, members of the Diplomatic Corps, volunteers and colleagues of all VIC based organizations are invited to take part in the Opening Ceremony of the UNWG International Festival–Bazaar 2012. Mr Juan Diego Flórez, opera singer and founder of Sinfonía por el Peru, will officiate the Opening Ceremony. Mr Yury Fedotov, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna and Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, will deliver his welcoming message. Stalls open during Opening Night: National Goods Stalls UNWG Stalls Tombola Kiosk Coins and Stamps Quilts Donations Guest participant: United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Entertainment The OFID Choir Jeroky Paraguay — Folk Dances from Paraguay Shaolin Cultural Center Austria — Kungfu demonstration by Master Yanliang and Master Yanpo Madelief Djelantik-Hobohm — Condong Dance from Bali, Indonesia Nathalie Peñas-Comas, soprano, Nicole Peñas-Comas, violoncello, Damien Lancette, guitar, Gonzalo Manrique, guitar The Jewel Tones A swinging trio of female vocalists: Darlene Schubert, Elizabeth Kennedy, Carrie Stamenov International Festival – Bazaar Saturday, 1 December 2012, Austria Center Vienna, 10:00 - 17:00 UNWG Stalls Members of the UNWG work throughout the year to create handicrafts, find attractive gift items, and gather and sort stamps and coins as well as books, clothing, housewares and jewellery donated by our supporters. Tombola: Hall Z Over €40,000 in attractive prizes with two round-trip tickets to any Turkish Airlines destination worldwide as the Grand Prize. 15:00 Tombola drawing in Hall Z Tombola Grand Prize: two round-trip tickets to any Turkish Airlines destination worldwide donated by Turkish Airlines Surprise Corner (A small donation brings great joy!) Hall Y UNWG Kiosk (souvenirs, gifts) Hall Z Coins & Stamps (vintage collections!) Hall Z Quilts (hand-made needlework) Hall Z Books (used books in many languages) Hall Y Plants (fresh cut and potted plants) Hall Y Drinks Hall Z, Y The Young Generation (games and activities for children) Hall Z, Y, XL Second Hand Shop/White Elephant Sale Hall XL Jewellery – Clothing – Collectables – Housewares Hall XL Guest participant: United Nation Information Service (UNIS) Hall Z –Foyer National Goods Stalls — Hall Z Special products will be for sale at the International Festival–Bazaar from: Algeria Luxembourg Armenia Malawi Azerbaijan Mongolia Belarus Morocco Burkina Faso Myanmar China Nepal Colombia Norway Egypt Palestine Ethiopia Philippines Hungary Poland India Qatar Indonesia Saudi Arabia Iran Serbia Iraq South Africa Italy Sri Lanka Japan Sudan Jordan Thailand Kazakhstan Tunisia Kenya Turkey Korea Ukraine Kuwait United Arab Emirates Kyrgyzstan United Kingdom Lebanon Yemen Libya Zambia International Festival – Baza Hall Z: UNWG Stalls and National Goods Stalls Entrance fro Hall X: Restaura Hall Y: Info point, Books, Plants, Restaurant Stalls and Surprise Corner The Austria Center Vienna has generously housed the UNWG’s annual Int and its partners all work very hard to accommodate our needs year after Y, Z and XL, covering over 12,000 m2. aar at Austria Center Vienna om Plaza Entrance from garage Hall XL: Main Stage, Craft Stalls, Second-Hand Shop ant Stalls, Charity Stalls ternational Festival-Bazaar for more than 20 years. The staff from the ACV r year. This is how we are able to present to you our programs in Halls X, Restaurant Stalls – Halls X and Y Members of the UNWG, with support from their compatriots, offer food and drinks special to their home country. Algeria Indonesia Palestine Argentina Iran Peru Australia Iraq Philippines Austria Italy Poland Azerbaijan Japan Qatar Brazil Jordan Russia Canada Kenya Saudi Arabia China Korea South Africa Colombia Kuwait Sri Lanka Costa Rica Libya Sudan Cuba Lebanon Thailand Cyprus Malaysia Tunisia Czech Republic Mexico Turkey Egypt Mongolia United Arab Emirates Eritrea Morocco United Kingdom France Nepal U. S. A. Germany The Netherlands Venezuela Hungary New Zealand Vietnam India Nigeria Yemen Oman International Entertainment Performing artists present a kaleidoscope of international entertainment throughout the day. Cultural Performance: Hall XL 10:30–13:00 Argentina Azerbaijan Bulgaria China India Indonesia Iran/Austria Japan Norway Paraguay Poland Russia Serbia Turkey UN Choir Costumes of the World: Hall XL 13:30–17:00 ‘The Pan’ music on Steel Drums from Trinidad and Tobago Austria Cuba Kazakhstan Philippines Bangladesh Ethiopia Namibia Senegal Bolivia India Nepal Syria Brazil Indonesia Nigeria Ukraine Colombia Japan Paraguay Venezuela Young talent: Hall XL 15:00–17:00 Superar Choir Jelena Davidovic Melissa Deinda Syahril Daniar Aggitasari Denise Acosta Anne Medhurst Keji’s Group One Liubov & Nadezda Kalmykova Olga Kudinova Sally Onuwa L’Academie de Danse Vienna Keji’s Group Two Nikolaos Permiakov Danica Petrovic Keji Aregbe Babara Ali Keji’s Group 3 & 4 Jo Marie Somera Halls X, Y and Z Throughout the day Argentinian Bands Brazilian Bands Klompenmakers Duo from the The Royal Scottish Country Netherlands Dance Society of Vienna Cuban Salsa workshop Cool and Juicy Band Jeroky Paraguay International Music Education Network (IMEN) Programme In addition to the above, many artists from different countries also perform on the various stages in Halls X, Y, and Z. Their names and programs are listed on the stage. Other Charities & Craft Stalls Other Charitable Organizations – Hall X5 In support of other non-profit organizations working to help children, we invite them to join us: Aids Hilfe Wien Asyl in Not Annemarie Imhof – Komitee des Wiener Hilfswerk Asyl in Not Austrian Burma Center Behindertenhilfe Klosterneuburg Kindersozialhilfe AFESIP Fair Fashion (AFF) – Cambodia Helping Hands Family - Uganda Jugend am Werk Kenia Kinder-Helping Hands Creatte – India Lebenswelt Schenkenfelden Children Planet Österreichische Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke Österreichische Hilfswerk für Taubblinde und hochgradig Hör- und Sehbehinderte (ÖHTB) Österreichische Rett Syndrom Gesellschaft United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Verein Wobes Verein "Selbsthilfegruppe Pflegefamilien" Wiener Sozialdienste WISO Rheumalis Shaolin Cultural Center, Austria VIC-CCA Arts & Crafts Stalls – Hall XL We invite Austrian and international craftsmen and women to present their products: BRUCKNER Phyllis FARRELL Mary GOLKOWSKY Rosemarie GONCALVES-PREINIGER, Magda HOLLAUS Franz HURBAN Karin IDDRISU Yakubu JELINEK Ingrid - Amba JILAH Griselda KAINZ, Nina KOENIG Sieglinde KOLLER Nitaya MIKSITS Harriet NABUDUWA, Fidelis PAULA Edith PETRAK, Maria REINISCH-OSMAN, Fardah VAN GEUZE Christin Partners & Donors Partners Major donors Aida APCOA Art-Hotel Rachmaninov St Petersburg Ballons & Ballons Bauhaus Baumax Baxter Boehringer-Ingelheim Bohmann Druck & Verlag Broeselkeks Bundy-Bundy Chopard Christin van Geuze Clarins and Nobil Cosmeticstudio3/Beauty Island D.R.Harris London, by Esbjerg DDSG Blue Danube Destille Donauturm Restaurant Dorotheum Douglas Elite Tours Verkehrsbetriebs Vienna’s English Theatre Estee Lauder Flamm Fashion Frey Wille Gerstner Gewista Werbegesllschaft GmbH Grand Hotel Europe St Petersbourg Grand Hotel Trenčín, Slovakia Griechenbeisl Haribo Harlan Swan - Beaktiv Hotel Ambassador Hotel Baronka Bratislava Hotel Hilton Imperial Riding School Renaissance Vienna Hotel Hotel Intercontinental Lindner Hotel am Belvedere Grand Hotel Mercure Biedermeier Hotel Park Inn by Radisson, Munich & Vienna Hotel Savannah, Znojmo Hotel Sofitel Vienna Stefansdom Hotel Sportalm in Kirchberg Ibis Hotel Irodion Greek Restaurant Kattus Sekt Kavir Carpets Kika Kunsthistorisches Museum Ladies’ Club of St Petersburg Lanz Trachten Le Meridien Wien Leiner Liska Fashion Lobmeyr Lusthaus Restaurant Manner Manuela Tuza - Beaktiv Markus Chloupek - Beaktiv Marion Hutatelier Martin Salzmann - Beaktiv Mautner Markhof Donors & Special Thanks Donors continued Meiness GmbH Mitraco Nägele and Strubell Nestle NH Hotels GmbH Novartis Oldtimer Österreichische Werkstätten Piccini Radisson SAS Hotel Vienna Rahimi & Rahimi Raiffeisen Bank Ramada Hotel & Suites Regina Hotel Salm Bräu Schönbrunner Tiergarten Schwäbische Jungfrau Sichuan Restaurant Sir Anthony Menswear Spa-salon Aristocrate in St Petersburg Sport Eybl Staud’s UNFCU Uniqa Vienna Explorer Voeslauer Volksoper Wien Volkstheater Wien Holding XXXLUTZ Zikos Pelze Special thanks to All VIC Based International Organizations American International School Austria Center Vienna Calma, Dean Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Druck Aktiv Food Affairs at Austria Center Vienna Freiberger, Martin Hafner, Harald International Christian School of Vienna Japanese School of Vienna Kilgour, Owen Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage Magistratsabteilung 48 Wien Melansek, Andraz Mendoza, Eusebio Modul College Modul University Naturfreunde Österreichisches Bundesheer Plakativ Shahabi, Ali Sobolak International Expedition VIC Staff Council Vienna International School Weldert, Arno Webster University Wien Xtra WIWAG, Vienna International Center Zabaar, Imed International Festival–Bazaar Committee 2012 Chairwoman: National Stalls: Vivianna Prochazka (Peru/The Netherlands) Chantal Krantz (Canada) Bushra Al Eryani (Yemen) Restaurant Stalls: Julia Macrory (UK) Saki Hirano (Japan) Nadya Komendantova (Russia) Site Manager: Kalpana Dash (India) Donation: Gerda Hofer (Austria) Golnoush Hakimpour (Iran) Treasurer: Shreela Shreestha (Australia/Nepal) Kit Leung (Canada) Publicity, Media and Information: Chizuko Takahashi (Japan), Sigrid Umgeher (Austria), Gerda Hofer (Austria), Yvonne Le Heron (New Zealand), Elisabeth Uriu (Austria) Austrian Charity: Karin Sturm (Germany) Arts/Crafts Stalls: Silvia Szeless (Austria) Plants Stall: Agata Gutierrez Vargas (Bolivia) Beatriz Bauer (Bolivia) Quilts Stall: Kathy Weindl (Canada/Austria) Antique Coins: Farideh Shahabi (Iran) Vintage Stamps: Ingrid Zalneva (Slovakia) Entertainment: Zena Eggough (Trinidad and Tobago) Sally Si Ahmed (Algeria) Corry Boogaard (The Netherlands) Madelief Hobohm (Indonesia/ Germany) Tombola Sales: Nadia Jenane (Morocco) Sandya Perera (Sri Lanka) Kiosk Team: Viorica Cursaru (Romania) Sandra Carter (UK) Book Sales Team: Barbara Mayer (Austria), Elfriede Schreiber (Austria) Second Hand Shop: Rosario Jara de Vela (Ecuador) Garderobe: Francoise Norris (France) Volunteers Coordinator: Tess Molloy (UK) Hospitality: Maeve Berkhout (The Netherlands) About the UNWG The United Nations Women’s Guild Vienna was founded in 1967. All our members work without pay as volunteers. The purpose of the UNWG is to help children in need around the world and to serve as a mutual bond for women connected with the United Nations Organisations in Vienna. All project funding proposals are carefully reviewed and selected in a clearly defined process. Complete information on funding criteria and the application process is available at Up to this date, the UNWG has raised and donated more than €4.5 million to children’s charities worldwide. The International Festival–Bazaar is the UNWG’s main fundraising event of the year. Die United Nations Women‘s Guild besteht seit 1967. Alle Mitglieder arbeiten ausschließlich ehrenamtlich und ohne Bezahlung. Hauptziel der UNWG Charity-Arbeit ist es, hilfsbedürftigen Kindern auf der ganzen Welt mit mittelfristig angelegten Projekten zu helfen. Alle eingereichten Projekte werden einem umfangreichen Auswahlverfahren unterzogen und unterliegen einer strengen Kontrolle. Alle Informationen betreffend die Antragstellung und die Auswahlkriterien finden Sie unter Bisher konnte die UNWG mehr als €4,5 Mio. für Kinderhilfsprojekte weltweit aufbringen. Der jährlich stattfindende International Festival–Bazaar ist die Haupteinnahmequelle der UNWG. 12-43631 The United Nations Women’s Guild, Vienna Vienna International Centre, Room F-1036 P.O. Box 400, A-1400 Vienna Telephone: +43 2600 24276 or 26026 4284 Email: Homepage: Facebook: