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Some descriptions are only available in German, some only in English
Pole Tricks & Transitions
This class is focused on signature tricks, creative transitions and unique combos on the pole. Different types of the
spins from graceful and elegance till powerful and innovative. Acrobatic stunts from Chinese pole techniques and of
course strength tricks. Detailed explanation of the technical aspects of their execution and the practice time with
Drops, Slides & Acrobatics
This workshop is focused on the technique and execution of the different kinds of drops, slides and somersaults.
We will learn step by step how to reach tricks which could look impossible for you.
Power Pole
This workshop was specifically designed to help students of all levels discover exercises, which can help them,
increase their strength, in turn allowing them to be able to execute difficult pole tricks with ease, beauty, and safety.
In addition, you will have an explanation of the technique of such strength tricks as "Shark", Iron X, Blanches,
Skylines, Dead Lifts and more.
Pole Choreography
This lesson based on the Contemporary dance style. A small warm-up, stretching and subsequent total immersion in
the dance, in the mix of tricks and choreography. Here we will focus on pole "dancing". You will learn a combination
on, off and around the pole. Purpose: To develop dance skills, a sense of music and plasticity. The presence of dance
experience welcome.
Floor Work & Transitions
In this workshops we will focus our attention on the different transitions on the floor. Will learn original and
interesting ways how to get on the pole from the ground and opposite."
Crazy Russian Pole
This class is focused on the original and extremal transitions, flips and flights on the pole. We will learn a signature
drops and trick combos. Specific details of the execution of the dynamic elements, and the way how you can improve
the technique, such as speed, wideness and staginess.
Spinning pole
This class is about beautiful tricks, spins and transitions on spinning pole, some of them are possible only on spinning,
some of them just looks nicer during a spin.. We will learn how to use the dynamic and rotation, how to run the
speed, how to climb beautifully and make a nice combos.
Flexy pole
This class is about using a flexibility on pole. We will learn some interesting splits and backbends, and try a different
ways of in and out. I will explain how make you lines look better, how to open a splits more on pole, how to hide you
weak sides and even how to cheat somewhere. The theory of flexi movements is not less important then your
flexibility, the same as for powerful tricks is not everything depends on your strength but on technique.
Static pole transitions
In this class we are going to learn a variations of tricks and transitions on pole. And how to create your own and
unique combos. We will learn how to spin on static pole during the transitions, how to do it wide, soft and fluid, or in
opposite - sharp, quick and accented. Just play and dance in vertical space.
Exotic pole
On this workshop we will dance my signature choreography on heels. This is a mixture of fluidity, hand work, facial
expression and floor work. The line up of the musical and emotional accents. And the most important is a searching of
a women inside of ourselves.
The name is scary, but it is primarily a technical work and relaxation. Doris offers exercises that are both effective
and healthy for the body, always in fun and respecting everyone´s goals.
Signature moves
Diese Workshops wurde entwickelt, um dir den „Doris' style“ und ihre Kreationen bei Tricks, Spins und Combos
beizubringen. Doris unterrichtet so, dass auch dir alle Figuren genauso gelingen werden, wir ihr selbst!
This workshops was designed to teach you the Doris ́ style through tricks, spins and combos of her own creation.
Come challenge, Doris will guide you to succeed all the figures a well as her!
Pole like a stripper
Einer der Bestseller von Doris Arnold! Dieser Choreographie-Workshop an der Pole ist ganz den sexy Moves und der
Sinnlichkeit gewidmet. Ein Workshops für Tanzliebhaber - alles ohne Akrobatik! Rein in ein sexy Outfit und die High
Heels! Ihr werdet es lieben!
One of Doris ́ best sellers! This choreography workshop at the pole is completely dedicated to sexy moves and
sensuality. For the dance lovers, all performed without acrobatics. Take your high heels and a sexy outfit ... You will
love it!
Tricks ́n ́Dance
Tricks'n'Dance ist ein Workshops für alle Tanzliebhaber, die nicht einfach eine Abfolge technischer Tricks, sondern
auch Rhythmus, Spaß und eine Dosis Gnade umsetzen möchten. Doris zeigt dir eine Auswahl an Tricks, Spins und
Tricks ́n ́Dance is done for all the dance lovers, which can not simply realize a sequence of technical tricks but also
want rhythm, fun and a dose of grace. Doris will teach you how to dance with a selection of tricks, spins and
Sexy fit and flexibility
Dieser Workshop ist eine Kombination aus Bodenarbeit, Lap-Dance und Fitness. Wenn du dich entspannen, stärken
und deinen Körper formen möchtest, während du sinnliche Bewegungen in einer sexy Atmosphäre lernst, ist dieser
Kurs für dich das richtige! Es ist wohl der unterhaltsamste und lustigste Sport aller Zeiten ;-)
This workshop mixes wixely floor work, lap dance and fitness. If you want to relax, strengthen and sculpt your body
while learning very sensual movements in a sexy atmosphere, this course is for you. This is the most entertaining and
funniest sport ever created.
Ruzenka´s Signature
Hard to explain ;-) My signature tricks and transitions is what you can see on my videos :-) (jumps, poses, combos)
Poleography - Art of flow
What is art? What is flow? How to look lightly on the pole? I teach you to be flow on the floor, to be light on the pole
and how to feel the music in a simple bautiful choreography.
Spins and Transitions on static pole
My favorit and some signature spins on static pole, lifting transitions no usage of climb and dynamic transitions.
Sexy High Heels Choreo
Dancing choreography in high heels. Floorwork with pole and short transition on static pole.
Latin Sexy Dance – LSD
Take your latin shoes or socks only. Some nice skirt and lovely top ad be excited on two of latinamerican dances in
one class! :-) (Cha-Cha, Samba, Rumba, Jive)
Kombos with Kimmy
Come and learn some of my favorite tricks and combos.
Spin, Spin, Spin
Beautiful combinations on spinning pole.
Find a friend
Fun ways to stretch with a friend.
Super Splits
Stretching techniques for getting that perfect split .
Let's Dance
Fun modern commercial dance class featuring moves from Kimmy's latest routines, Britney, Beyoncé inspired. Bare
feet or trainers recommend.
Sexy Chair
Get down and dirty with a sexy chair choreography. Heels required and knee pads recommended.
Showgirl Style
Straight from the Moulin Rouge, Paris, bring your heels and learn how to be sexy like a Parisian showgirl.
Split it
Kaum ein Move verkörpert Athletik und Eleganz wie ein Split. Nach einem speziellen Warm-Up, das Dir hilft Deine
Flexibilität zu verbessern, lernst Du den Spagat in verschiedenen Positionen an der Pole auszuführen und fließend in
Deine Choreografie zu integrieren. Du musst keinen perfekten Spagat können, um an diesem Workshop
Dynamic Tricks & Spins
Wecke den Pole Akrobaten in Dir und mach Dich bereit für ein dynamisches Work out! Bei diesem Workshop liegt der
Fokus ganz speziell auf „getwisteten“ Pole Tricks an der Spinning Pole. Keine Panik, wir brechen die Combos so auf,
dass jeder ohne Gefahr die einzelnen Tricks üben und mit Spaß erleben kann.
Upside Down
Du möchtest an Deiner Balance und Kraft Kopf über arbeiten? Dann ist das Dein Kurs! In diesem Workshop arbeiten
wir daran uns im Kopf-, Hand- und Schulterstand an der Pole sicher zu fühlen. Dazu gehören natürlich auch der
saubere Weg rein und ein schöner Weg raus aus der Figur.
Play with Spins
Schön muss nicht schwierig sein. In diesem Workshop lernst Du einfache Spins zu variieren und fließend miteinander
zu kombinieren, um immer wieder neue kreative Kombinationen zu entwickeln.
Lyrical Pole
Bei diesem Choreografie-Workshop liegt der Fokus auf der tänzerischen Kombination verschiedener Pole Tricks. Es
geht also nicht um die technische Genauigkeit, sondern mehr um den Ausdruck, um harmonische und fließende
Bewegungen und darum, sich von der Musik treiben zu lassen.
Flex-Workshops (Welcome, Good morning, Sunset, etc.)
In den Stretching-Stunden widmen wir uns der Flexibilität unseres Körpers. Neben einem intensiven GanzkörperWarm-Up und den altbewährten Stretchingübungen wird besonders auf die Dehnbarkeit Wert gelegt, die wir an der
Pole brauchen. (Beine, Rücken, Schultern)
In our stretching classes we deal with the flexibility of our body. Besides an intensive whole-body warm-up and the
classical stretching exercises we put emphasis on the flexibility we need on the pole. (Legs, back, shoulders)
Fit Fight Dance
Fit Fight Dance besteht aus einer Kombination an abwechslungsreichen Kräftigungs- und Ausdauerübungen mit
Elementen aus Boxen und Tanz. Das perfekte und lustige Workout für unseren Körper von Kopf bis Fuß zu
motivierender Musik.
Fit Fight Dance contains a combination of various strengthening and stamina exercises with boxing and dance
elements. The perfect fun workout for our body from head to toe with motivational music.
Hip Hop Basic
In Hip Hop Basic geht es um leichte Basistechniken erlernt und anhand einer kleinen Choreographie geübt.
Our Hip Hop class is all about learning easy basic techniques and practising them in a small choreography.
Eine eigene Gymnastikmatte und event. Griphilfen sind selbst mitzubringen! Da hier die Teilnehmerinnen
erfahrungsgemäß lieber mit ihren eigenen Mitteln arbeiten, werden diese am Polecamp nicht zur Verfügung gestellt!
Wenn möglich bitte auch 2 Yogablöcke und eine (Yoga)Matte mitnehmen, da diese für Stretching benötigt wird!
Please bring exercise mat and grip aids on your own to Bibione! As we made the experience that our participants
prefer to use their own resources, they are not provided at the Polecamp! If possible we also recommend to bring 2
yoga blocks and a (yoga)mat on your own to Bibione, because it is required for stretching!
Änderungen jederzeit vorbehalten!
All Workshops subject to change!