This is Berkeley?
This is Berkeley?
BYJOSHSENS Thisls CLOCKIVISE FROM UPPER LEFT, shopping at Sari Palace; tbe Carnpanile, UC -Berkeley'sjoTfoottall Satber Tbwer; fromage sltoken at the Cbeeseboard Collectiae; paddling into the ntarina. 32 vrn I ann a recent summer evening, with the sun 9n hanging low over the Golden Gate Bridge, Anthony Sandbergstepped aboard a 36-footyacht and easedit into San Francisco Bay Salt spray licked the bow and a cool breeze puffed acrossthe water. Another day in Berkeleywascoming to a close.?&'I7ait. Drop anchor. i**h., Not Berkeley, Calif., aka Berserkeley, renowned epicenter for all things offbeat? \X/herewere the antiStpofoam activists?The eccentric a-rrists??&,Theyand the rest of Berkeley'sroo,ooo residents-were milling about onshore somewhere,just acrossthe bay from SanFrancisco,enjoying avibrant place that exists beyond the realm ofclunky stereotypes.f*' "Everyone seemsto have an image of Berkeley" saysSandberg, founder of the OCSC Sailing school. "They'll tell me, 'Hey whoa! There's yachting in Berkeley?I never would have thought that.'Sure, there's yachting, and awhole lot more." i'&, That much becomesclearwhen you take time to explore the city from its scenicmarina through erkeley? Beyondits premieruniversity, Berkeleybrims with colorful boutiques, hautecuisine, and a senseof humor. its vibrant commercial districts to the forested hills of Tilden RegionalPark. OnIy then doesBerkeleyemerge in its full dimension as a destination brimming with outdoor beauty and activities, cultural attractions, and some of the I7est's finest cuisine. l&. For visitors, the challengeof Berkeley isn't finding points of interest but deciding where to start. One solution is to think like a local and regardBerkeleyastwo entities: the university and everything else. i&'The wodd-renowned Universityof California invigoratesmuch of Berkeley's PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBERT HOLMES S E P T E M B E R + O C T O B E2RO O 8 3 3 Dinner at Eccolo can seasona stroll among tbe urban cbarms of Fourth Street. cultural life. Among the institutions rising from its campus are the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, each ofwhich servesas a vital center for the visual arts. Exhibits spotlight works by established masters (Gauguin and Pollock, for example) and by rising stars of the avant-garde;digital artist Jim Campbell sayshis recehtly displayed "use chilly techmural-size installations nology to capture feeting rRoments of human warmth." Screeningrooms showcasefilms by household names (Hitchcock, \Telles) and lesserknown personalitiessuch asvideo pioneerJoan Jonas.Tvo other UC-run venues,plush ZellerbachHall and the outdoor Greek Theatre, provide contrasting settings for some of the "biggest draws in the performing arts - the Alvin Ailey dance company, say,or the Berkeley-born band Counting Crows. Retail shopsalong the edge of campus appeal to student tastesand budgets:inexpensive ethnic eateries and trade-inyour-old-jeansclothing stores. Caf6sabound, as do community gardens and compelling bookstores; both Black Oak Books and Moe's stock a broad selection ofnew and usedtitles. "The independent bookstore isnlt exactly a fourishing business model thesedays,but it's still alive 34 vtn I nne in Berkeley," saysMoe's manager,Gene Barone. 'And having the university here doesrt'thurt." Just as the school has shapedthe ciry so has the city helped shapethe school. ThkeAugust Vollmeq Berkeley'soriginal police chief. Though he lacked a formal higher education, Vollmer established the nation'sfirst criminal justice program at UC-Berkeley in 1916. Another first: Berkeley is considered the birthplace of California cuisine. Credit goes largely to Alice Waters, whose Chez Panisseopened here in ry7r and remains a kind of culinary icon, known for its emphasison local and sea- U N I Y E R S J T J z <( sonalingredients. Other standouts,such asLalime'sand Rivoli. bolster the notion that Berkeleyhasone of the finest dining scenesin the \XZest. "In Berkeleyyou havepeople who are willing to put their moneywhere their mouth is," saysBruce Aidells, cookbook author and founder ofagourmet sausage "In other company bearing his name. places,people spend their disposable income on an RV or motorboat. Here, we don't think rwice about spending $4 on an heirloom tomato." Ground zero for this mind-set is the neighborhood surrounding Chez Panisse. It's known as the Gourmet Ghetto, an apt name for a district that blends the bohemian vrith the bourgeois. Here you'll find the CheeseboardCollective, a worker-owned cooperative that sells a staggeringvariety of cheesesand baked goodsat reasonableprices.It's alsowhere you'll come acrossEpicurious Garden,an upscaleculinary mall that features takeout sushi, chocolate trufnes, and champagnesorbetto. -W'hen shopping for ingredients to use in their own kitchens, locals often go straight to the source.Berkeley farmers' markets, held year-round in three different locations, teem with the Bay Area's natural bounty. Customers can track the change in seasonsthrough the markets' shifting wares, from the satsuma mandarins of early winter to the asparagusthat signalsspring. At any time of year, a couple of snarky nicknames for the city get tossedaround. The People's Republic of Berkeley. Cambridge of the \7est. The monikers have their roots in r96os campus activism. Berkeley, after all, was home to the historic Free Speech Movement, a precursor to student protests acfossthe country, and People'sPark, a counterculture landmark that has been the staging ground for countlessrallies. Today,though, the free market is alive and well in the People's Republic. Look towards Fourth Street. This chic shopping strip is lined with fine restaurants such as an Ca de st6 cu wi Ta th, fu pv Ba 9o to1 he Be an st€ aI( brr i^{ thr fla al! ta( I BI Pi an 54 r( B€ DA oa .be 42 W SI Bl bl 5t. Fo 18 Bo as Eccolo, serving spit-roastedchicken glistening with Indian gold. At Sari the east.The park's merry-go-round and and handmade ricotta ravioli in rustic Palace,the cloth wraps are availablein scaled-downsteam train make sweet Cal-Italian dishes,and O Cham6, where kaleidoscopic colors.Just off University diversions, as does Little Farm, where delicate saladsand soba noodle soups on SanPabloAvenue,IndusVillage cooks kids can pet calvesand feed celery and stand out on a menu of subtleJapanese up lively curries includingacbaar nzurgb, lettuce (organic or not) to goats.Anyone cuisine. These restaurants rub elbows a simmered chicken and spicypickle dish possessinga green thumb will enjoy the with specialty shops including Erica that nearly melts your teeth, though in a Regional Parks Botanic Garden, which Tanov (women's designer clothing) and pleasantway featuresthe most complete collection of the Gardener, purveyor of beautiful, UniversityAvenue dead-endsat the native California plants you're likely to functional home accessories.If an albino UC-Berkeley campus,which givesway find anyvhere. plthon is what you're after, try the East to Tilden Regional Park in the hills to Berkeley, for its part, features a fairBay Vivarium. Note: That ly complete collection of Californians, as evidenced 9o-pound Asian water monitor lizard, is named Taz, and by the annual "How Berkeley he'snot for sale. Can You Be?"celebration. west ofFourth Street, Participants have included Just Berkeley'sbreezy waterfront nudists, animal rights paroand elongated pier allow for dists, and Buddhist monks. stellarviews of SanFrancisco Though nudity has been and the Golden Gate Bridge. banned(the city doeshaveits University Avenue, the limits), the event retains avery broad thoroughfare stretchlocal spirit. How Berkeleycan ing up from the bay, refects you be? Good luck trying to the ciqy'svaried international count the ways.o favors, with Pakistani,Thai, and\7est African restaurants, GeneBarone of Moe's credits the diperse reading interests JosH sENShaswritten {or San taco stands,and jewelry stores of Berheley residentsfor tbe bookstore'sltoltularity. Franci scoandAm ericanrVay. Ifyou'regioing: .rr S*s{ffiKd3$$ Pick up the Northern Callfornla & Nevada TourBook and Oakland-Berkeleymap, For more information, contact the BerkeleyChamberof Commerce:(51O) 549-7OOO,berkeleychambercom. Area code is 5lO. sr* ffi* iil3d's&&3#sg BerkefeyArt Museum 2626 Bancroft Way, 642-0808, PerformancesTickets for dance, music,and theater at the university,calperfs OCSCSalllng1 SpinnakerWay,84342OO, ocsc.corn.Paclflc Fllm Archlve 2575 Bancroft Way, 6 42-1124,bam S?*'q)33RPKH{} BlaekOak Books 1491Shattuck Ave.,486-0698, Bay Vlvarlum 1827-CFifth St., 841-'l4OO, Etlca Tanov 1827 Fourth St., 849-3331, Gardener 1836 Fourth St., 548-4545, Moe's B,ooks2476 TeIeg raph Av e., 8 49 -2087, m oesb o o k s .com. Sarl Palace 1OOOUniversity Ave., 841-8214. ffidb.Trs CheeseboardCollective15O4Shattuck Ave.,5493183, Panlsse1517 Shattu c k Ave., 548- 55 25, c h ez pan /sse.corn.Eccolo 182OFourth St., 644-Q444, Epicurious Garden15O9,151'1, and 1513Shattuck Ave., Village 192OSan Pablo Ave.,649-7371. Lalime's1329Gilman St.,527-9838, Cham61B3OFourth St.,841-8783,fhe m en up ag m/oc h am e.h t m l. Rlvoli 1539 So Ia no Ave.,526-2542, rivoIirestauran Lcom. sg,$ffffitr# D o u b l e t r e eH o t e l F r o m $ 1 7 9 . 2 O OM a r i n aB l v d . , 5 4 8 792Q, Hotel Durant From $189.2600 Durant Ave., 845-8981, F.Xdb"pffRnlf K*{{ss How BerkeleyCan You Be? Sept.28. Paradeand festival. of Llfe FestlvalOct. 19.Gourmet food, cooking demos, Iive music. sp iceofI ifefestivaLcom. S E P T E M B E R + O C T O B E2RO O 8 3 5