Environmental targets of TUI AG
Environmental targets of TUI AG
10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 1 Managing sustainably at World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 2 Title picture The ISO 14001 certified Robinson Club Select Maris at Marmaris, in Turkey, lies within the nature reserve of the Datça peninsula. Because of its in-depth competence and commitment to nature conservation and environmental sustainable protection, Turkish investors selected TUI Hotels & Resorts and Robinson GmbH to take over the unused derelict building and convert it to tourism use in harmony with nature conservation. 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 3 Executive Statement Transparency and environmental responsibility Executive Statement “With our Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004, we wish to increase the internal and external diversity and transparency of our business activities and highlight our corporate environmental responsibility.” Dr Peter Engelen Member of the Executive Board of TUI AG 2003 again saw the Group Corporate Environmental Management provide continuous support through operative and strategic measures to push Group development in the Corporate Centre and promote the environmental activities of TUI Group companies. The systematic environmental monitoring of each TUI company in line with reporting standards, criteria and performance indicators was further optimised alongside strengthening the network of responsible staff acting as environmental co-ordinators. Our 2003/2004 report is therefore expressly and primarily aimed at those staff in TUI and TUI companies responsible for monitoring and upholding environmental activities with the aim of further strengthening our shared environmental performance, all in pursuit of our goal of continuous improvement. This also highlights our committed approach to our environmental responsibility, and the harmonisation of environmental compatibility, corporate growth and business profitability. Dr Peter Engelen Member of the Executive Board of TUI AG 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 4 Contents Statement – Transparency and corporate environmental responsibility Statement by the Executive Board Statement by the Corporate Environmental Management Director Corporate responsibility: environmental sustainability TUI AG’s voluntary self-commitment as a member of econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German Industry TUI’s sustainability declaration as a member of the Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development Corporate environmental policy – Commitment to environmental sustainability in all business activities Corporate environmental management system – Environmental organisation, environmental goals and environmental programme Corporate environmental monitoring – Internal environmental reporting, environmental performance indicators and reporting limits Corporate environmental communications – External reporting and dialogue with the financial community Main focus of environmental activities in 2003 Certified environmental management systems Benchmarking – Model projects for the Group-wide use of environmental data Resource conservation, renewable energies and climate protection Strategic partnerships, co-operation and stakeholder dialogue Nature and species conservation: TUI’s biodiversity strategy _ Conservation through controlled use _ Marine conservation _ 50 Examples of nature protection co-operation in practice World of TUI tour operator brochures: Environmental quality standards Consumer protection: information and quality assurance Raising customer awareness – Development of products for sustainable consumption Raising the awareness of staff 4 3 5 7 8 9 12 14 15 19 22 24 30 32 39 40 43 45 Environmental targets 2004 – 2006 TUI AG and Group companies 47 Summary 57 Outlook 61 Index of all Group companies named in the report 62 Let’s keep in touch: www.tui-environment.com Multi-Stakeholder-dialogue via Internet 66 Imprint 67 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 16:23 Uhr Seite 5 Continuous development of environmental reporting – flexible and dialogue-oriented Statement by the Director of Group Corporate Environmental Management First Environmental Report by TUI Environmental Management for the 1994/1995 financial year The nature and scope of environmental communications can only be understood as a continuous process of development when considered in the light of the dynamic and intensive global multi-stakeholder dialogue on the “what” and “how” of sustainable development in general, and environmental sustainability in particular – not to mention the almost explosive change in requirements for corporate transparency and corporate accountability. In March 1996, TUI presented the first (written) TUI Environmental Report to the then German Minister of the Environment Dr Angela Merkel and the President of the German Federal Environmental Agency UBA at ITB Berlin – the largest international tourism fair in the world. In the years preceding this event, TUI had already presented detailed accounts of its environmental targets and their implementation and results, in a broad public specialist forum at ITB Berlin which attracted up to 1000 participants under the heading “TUI put to test!”. To highlight this important aspect of corporate policy, environmental reporting has been an integral part of the annual report since 1995. Environmental reporting therefore goes back over nine years and is available for reference on our website in the “Corporate environmental management system – environmental reporting” section. We have actively monitored the debate surrounding and the requirements for environmental reporting for many years, both from the point of view of shareholder and stakeholder value (e.g. banks, financial analysts and rating agencies) and in close co-operation with international experts and leading German companies. In an interview with the trade magazine “Unternehmen und Umwelt” (Companies and Environment) for environmentally-oriented corporate policy – published by future e. V. – we emphasised our opinion at the end of 2003 that internet-based environmental communication is miles ahead of the print media in terms of up-to-dateness, accessibility, transparency, dialogue capability and reduction in distribution losses. For us, the internet is the “motor” of environmental communications – the number one medium. In this way we are also structurally in line with the massive expansion of the Group’s online presence, and are deliberately positioning environmental communications closer to TUI’s other communications structures Dr Wolf Michael Iwand, Director of TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management and specific information provided for online distribution (e.g. www.world-of-tui.com/en/ “Protecting and developing sustainability”). We can also achieve our goals much more efficiently online (internet and intranet) as an interface for all TUI staff worldwide. This development is reflected throughout in the Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 which is based on the annual environmental reporting of TUI AG Group companies. In doing so we are just as fully aware of the many challenges of this medium such as accessibility, user guidance and hyper-mediability, as the other strategic, technical, organisational and human resource aspects. And last but not least, the benefits and successes of internet-based environmental reporting ultimately depend on acceptance by the target groups. One of the most difficult variables at the present is precise tuning to each target group and individualised reporting components. For our environmental reporting to achieve the quality and credibility we desire, at the same time as directly controlling improvements in management and product quality, risk management and staff motivation, and ultimately also improving our competitive edge, we need to continuously further develop the process of environmental reporting in a flexible and dialogueoriented way. Let’s keep in touch! Dr Wolf Michael Iwand Director of TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 5 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 6 Corporate responsibility: environmental sustainability Voluntary commitment of TUI AG as a member of econsense 7 Sustainability declaration of TUI as a member of the Tour Operators’ Initiative 8 Corporate environmental policy 9 Corporate environmental management system 12 Corporate environmental monitoring 14 Corporate environmental communications 15 6 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 7 Voluntary commitment of TUI AG as a member of econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German Industry www.econsense.de We commit ourselves to treat our resources in conformity with the sustained-yield principle and orient our actions on recognised national and international guidelines and agreements. We are prepared to apply our competences in the interest of sustainable management. By working out concrete and innovative solution strategies, we want to co-design the political decision-making process with regards to questions of sustainable development actively and in good time. Transparency and open dialogue are part of our comprehension of sustainable development. That is why we are nationally and internationally present as qualified and engaged contact persons for politics, the sciences, lobbies and the economy. We support the economy’s initiative and innovative power for a sustainable development. We want to expand our competences in the area of sustainable development and assist and accompany private households and public authorities as active partners on the way to increasing sustainability. Personal member of the econsense board of trustees: Dr Michael Frenzel Member of the econsense steering committee: Dr Wolf Michael Iwand World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 7 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 8 Sustainability declaration of TUI as a member of the Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development www.toinitiative.org www.unep.org www.unesco.org www.world-tourism.org http://whc.unesco.org We are Tour Operators concerned about the impact of our tours and activities. We recognize our responsibility to develop and operate in a manner that makes a positive contribution to the natural, social and cultural environment. We also recognize and accept our responsibility to operate in ways that reduce environmental impacts, benefit host communities, safeguard the future livelihood of local people, and ensure the protection of destinations for future generations. To fulfil this responsibility, we have joined together to work in close partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the World Tourism Organisation (WTO/OMT). In doing so, we commit in this Initiative to: protect the natural environment and cultural heritage; co-operate with local communities and people, ensure they benefit from the visits of our customers and encourage our customers to respect the local way of life; conserve plants and animals, protected areas and landscapes; respect the integrity of local cultures and their social institutions; comply with local, national and international laws and regulations; oppose and actively discourage illegal, abusive or exploitative forms of tourism; work closely with business partners, local authorities, regional and national governments and other organisations to achieve sustainable development of tourism; provide information on our activities to develop and encourage the sustainable development and management of tourism; communicate our progress in implementing this commitment. We also acknowledge that we cannot achieve our goal of sustainable tourism development without the help of all stakeholders, including our customers, and we hope that, together, we can create a better tourism experience for all. Representative of the World of TUI companies in the Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Development: Dr Wolf Michael Iwand 8 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 mber of ble 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 16:35 Uhr Seite 9 Corporate environmental policy – Commitment to environmental sustainability in all business activities Eugenio Yunis, Chief of Sustainable Development of Tourism, World Tourism Organization (WTO), and Michael Iwand, TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management Director, are both fully committed to the joint TOI Sustainability Declaration. In a period of progressive globalisation, the interaction of economic, environmental and social goals is vital for the corporate success of globally active companies. Therefore, as a founding member of econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German Industry, TUI AG has adopted the mission statement of this initiative to guide its own sustainability agenda (statement on p. 5). In this way, the associated corporate guidelines and principles of each subsidiary are integrated within an overarching Group-wide framework. To strengthen and promote the principles of sustainable tourism development, TUI launched the Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development (TOI) in March 2000 together with other tour operators and with the support of UNEP, UNESCO and WTO. All members of this global initiative have committed themselves to the sustainable, environmental, economic and social development of tourism (statement on p. 6). In 2003, the separate memberships of Thomson Travel Group, TUI Group, and Hapag-Lloyd Cruises in the Tour Operators’ Initiative were bundled within a joint representation by TUI AG. Robinson environmental and responsible business principles In addition, the larger companies within TUI AG have also formulated their own environmental and sustainability principles. A few examples: The environmental principles are an integral part of the ISO 14001 certification recently acquired by TUI Deutschland. More information is available at www.tuideutschland.de/de/ umwelt . TUI Deutschland “We are committed to protecting the environment. Making sure that nature stays intact and protecting the environment is very important for us. It safeguards our natural resources and the future of our company. All of our business areas bear environmental responsibility. Every member of staff has a role to play, to make their ideas heard, because environmental protection starts with each and everyone of us. The environmental compatibility of our products is an integral part of our quality standards. We have a good reputation at home and abroad for protecting nature and the environment. Upholding the credibility of our environmental orientation is a permanent obligation.” World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 9 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 10 TUI UK sustainability declaration TUI UK The complete version of the TUI UK sustainability declaration is used for internal and external communication. A synopsis is available at the TUI UK website: www.tui-uk.co.uk . www.thetravelfoundation.org.uk FTO - Federation of Tour Operators www.fto.co.uk “TUI UK recognises that in conducting its business it has a responsibility for the environment and the communities in which we operate. The very nature of our business means that we must ensure our activities have the least possible negative impact on the environment, now and in the long term. The Board believes that the most effective way of implementing this sustainable tourism policy is to integrate its main points into all relevant mainstream business activities. Accordingly, each operating business will, on a continuing basis, endeavour to comply with the main points of this policy and with the associated codes of best practice. Being a Responsible Business identify, quantify and monitor the major potential environmental impacts of its activities develop and maintain appropriate emergency response plans for major incidents in order to minimise their environmental impact conduct its operations in a way which maximises positive and minimises negative impact on the environment and on local communities consider environmental implications as part of any purchase decision or commercial decision-making provide information, training and support to all employees so that they are aware of their environmental and ethical responsibilities within the framework of their normal operating procedures implement energy and water management programmes in offices, premises and assets. Minimise waste occurring and ensure it is recycled or disposed of responsibly support the work of ECPAT in relevant destinations (End Sexual Exploitation, Child Prostitution and Trafficking and Child Pornography). Being a Good Neighbour encourage and recognise initiatives which involve working with local communities and which demonstrate social responsibility, at home and overseas inform employees and holidaymakers about the customs and cultures of the countries they are visiting and encourage them to respect the local environment and host community 10 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 ensure all aircraft and cruise ships continue to comply with statutory regulations in terms of noise, emissions to atmosphere, fuel efficiency and waste minimise noise pollution by using latest technology aircraft and operating at maximum occupancy levels minimise unnecessary waste from in flight catering and on board cruise ships and ensure all such waste is disposed of according to legislation and best industry practice reduce pollution both at home and abroad by ensuring company cars, cars hired by holidaymakers and other forms of ground transport use lead-free or alternative environmentally-acceptable fuel. Protecting Holiday Destinations understand and seek to comply with relevant environmental legislation and regulations. Seek to influence current and future legislation, both at home and overseas consider environmental and social factors when planning and operating excursion programmes to help ensure minimal impact on the area visited respect and inform employees and guests about natural habitats and wildlife where appropriate, offer excursions which stimulate the local economy in a balanced, sustainable way and without placing undue demands on local resources encourage and recognise initiatives which support conservation and education programmes benefiting the environment and local communities, particularly in the holiday destinations to which we operate inform guests of ways to save energy and fresh water and reduce/dispose of waste responsibly communicate the company’s environmental policy to all business partners and work with them to encourage the implementation of best practice. Responsibility for ensuring that each operating business complies with the Group’s policy on sustainable tourism is with the Director of each business. The contents of this policy apply not only to the current companies and activities that make up TUI UK but also to any future companies or activities that the Group may acquire or engage in.” 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:42 Uhr Seite 11 TUI Nordic sustainability declaration Hapag-Lloyd Container Line quality and environmental principles The TUI Nordic sustainability declaration is published in the internet at corporate.fritidsresor.se The Hapag-Lloyd Container Line quality and environmental principles are also available at www.hlcl.com . TUI Nordic Hapag-Lloyd Container Line The travel and tourist industry is one of the world’s fastest growing industries. It constitutes an important income source for many people and has a positive effect on economic development. The industry can also constitute a threat to the environment and to the local society. TUI Nordic has a responsibility for the local environments where we carry out our operations. We have to ensure that our activities have the least possible negative effect on the environment, both from a short-term and long-term perspective. We believe that cooperation is one of the most effective ways to achieve good and lasting results. Hapag-Lloyd's Quality and Environmental Principles 1. The Management provides a model of quality and ecological thinking and action to encourage staff to emulate this. 2. The basis for our activities in the Quality and Environmental Management is the adherence and commitment to all relevant legislation and regulation. 3. The Management uses clearly defined means for monitoring the implementation and maintenance of our quality and environmental target groups and targets, which are appropriate to the company’s activities. They are documented, communicated to all employees and regularly reviewed in respect of quality and environmental compatibility. 4. Customers are our partners. We claim to meet their expectations with competence and reliability at any time. We achieve this by thinking and acting with our attention directed towards the future. Where requested, we counsel our clients with the objective of jointly increasing quality and minimising any effects on the environment. 5. We are a quality enterprise. Excellently trained and competent employees as well as the best equipment are the hallmarks of our efficiency. 6. Our goal is to achieve the highest quality and to maintain a high standard of environmental protection by continual improvement, for the benefit of our customers, employees, and shareholders. 7. An important quality objective is “zero mistakes”. Avoiding mistakes takes precedence over correcting them. 8. Avoidance of any possible pollution of the environment and avoidance of accidents enjoy high priority. 9. The standards, which we apply to ourselves also apply to our sub-contractors. It is not they, but we who vouch for the services provided with the company’s good name. Being a responsible company Means that we identify the most important environmental aspects and their effects and that we also formulate a plan for how we can reduce them. When we choose goods and sub-contractors, the environmental factor is always taken into consideration. Training of our personnel and information to customers increases awareness. Monitoring systems for energy, water and recycling shall be implemented at offices and hotels. Being a good neighbour Means that we encourage and support initiatives that promote cooperation with the local society and that shows a social responsibility, both at home and abroad. We inform customers and our employees about local traditions in order to encourage respect for the environment and our native hosts. Protecting the travel destination Means that we support initiatives that promote preservation and education – particularly at destinations where we carry out operations. We want to increase the respect for local societies and nature by informing customers and personnel, by taking into consideration environmental and social factors when we plan and make excursions, and by communicating the company's policy for sustainable tourism and also cooperating with them in order to encourage good examples. World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 11 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 12 Corporate environmental management system – Environmental organisation, environmental goals and environmental programme Within the context of a sustainable business policy, TUI AG gives a particularly high strategic priority to the integration of environmental quality standards – and their active implementation in all of the Group’s activities. With the overall objective of continually improving its environmental performance, TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management co-operates with the environmental officers in each Group company. It has also been actively involved for many years in promoting indepth stakeholder dialogue through the TUI Environmental Network (TEN!). TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management’s economic and environmental goals therefore go hand-in-hand to make an important contribution to the development of shareholder and stakeholder value. The main thrust of its work reflects the strategic and financial-market oriented positioning of the TUI AG holding. TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management is the co-ordination platform for environmental protection activities within the Group, and therefore plays a key role in TUI’s sustainable development. It advises and assists TUI’s strategically organised Corporate Centre and the environmental co-ordinators within the Group companies on the operating side of the business. The Group companies in the logistics division have their TUI Environmental Network (TEN!) 12 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 own independent environmental departments which co-ordinate their technical activities with the Corporate Centre. In the core tourism business in particular, the network links up actively involved TUI staff at all levels of the tourism value chain. Environmental protection is expressly integrated in areas ranging from brochure production, travel agencies, product development, outward and return travel, holiday hotels, World of TUI destination management and in its own office procedures. In addition, TUI Environmental Management has undertaken continuous monitoring of the environmental situation in tourism destinations since 1990, and co-ordinated the environmental monitoring of contracted hotels (since 1992). The knowledge gained from this continuous global environmental monitoring of hotels and destinations is passed on to tourism managers and providers in local, regional and national seminars, workshops and conferences etc. The findings are also taken into consideration in the operative side of the business in activities such as bed buying. The results are also passed on to regional and national governments in the form of recommendations. All of this activity is part of TUI’s endeavours to jointly find solutions with all of its network partners to reduce environmental impact and simultaneously enhance the quality of its tourism products. 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 13 Corporate environmental management system – Internal and external environmental organisation networking within the TUI Group TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management Executive Director: Dr Peter Engelen Director Dr Wolf Michael Iwand Core team: Mike Brauner Mila Dahle Thomas Himstedt Katja Hoer Annkathrin Reiner Kerstin Sobania Ramona Thies and Andreas Koch Inga Schnapauff (TUI D Environmental Management) Environmental sustainability – internal and external environmental organisation networking within TUI AG Corporate Centre and the Group companies TUI AG executive board/executive committee Economics Investor Relations Corporate Finance Group Development TUI Hotels & Resorts TUI Airline Management Group Marketing Group Legal Affairs Group Controlling Group Audit Services Central Procurement Group Contracting Distribution Leisure Business Travel Group Environment Group Corporate Environmental Management TUI Environmental Network (TEN!) Environmental co-ordinators of TUI Group companies Destination Database/IT Development Source markets Destination Management Airlines Tour operators Social aspects Corporate Communications International Relations Group Human Resources and Staff Development Training Workers’ representatives/Europaforum Preussag Foundation Hotels & Resorts Destinations Stakeholders TUI Environmental Network (TEN!) of TUI Group companies along the value chain Distribution Leisure TUI Interactive (D) Matthias Gutsche TUI Leisure Travel (D) Tim Mithöfer TUI ReiseCenter Austria (A) Dr Josef Peterleithner Business Travel TQ3 Travel Solutions (D) Simone Scheiba Logistics, Industry, Corporate Real Estate Hapag-Lloyd Container Line Klaus Gorsler, Erika Sagert Hapag-Lloyd Cruises Bärbel Krämer Wolf Georg Strasser VTG Lehnkering Dr Wolfgang Lohre TUI Corporate Real Estate Hans-Jürgen Kothe Tour Operators Jetair (B) Freddy Dobbelaere Gulet Touropa Touristik (A) Peter Christ Nouvelles Frontières (F) Samy Bailly Finnmatkat (FIN) Peik Martin TUI Austria (A) Dr Josef Peterleithner TUI Deutschland (D) Jomique de Vries, Andreas Koch, Inga Schnapauff TUI Nederland (NL) Elise Allart, Jaap de Carpentier Wolf TUI Nordic (DK, FIN, N, S) Lottie Knutson Fritidsresor (S) Lottie Knutson TUI Suisse Holding (CH) Roland Schmid TUI UK (GB) Pauline Wilson Wolters Reisen (D) Marion Jäger Airlines TUI Airline Management (D) Holger Stürtz Britannia Airways (GB) Pat Gibson, Danielle Chapman Britannia Nordic (S) Eva Olivecrona Corsair (F) Mourad Ait-Ouyahia Hapag-Lloyd Flug (D) Lars Witte Hapag-Lloyd Express (D) (Herbert Euler) Thomsonfly (GB) (Alex Hunter) Destination Management Aeolos Travel (CY) Marios Ioannides African Travel Concept (ZA) Patti Brockmann ARP Group (KE,TZ) Robert McDowell Danubius Travel (RO) Michael Tudor Mex-Atlántica Tours (MEX) Frank Woeller, Martin Borboa Schwerin Plus Touristik (D) Ulrich Krüger Tantur Turizm Seyahatat (TR) Ahmet Varimli TUI Bulgaria (BG) Valentin Josifov TUI España (E) Alejandro Hidalgo TUI Hellas (GR) Marcos Damanakis Tunisie Voyages (TN) Mohamed Ali Chograni Ultramar Dominicana (DOM) Pedro Tomasio World of TUI Cars (E) Daniel Meurer TUI Service (CH) Christiane Harling Hotels & Resorts TUI Hotels & Resorts (D) Gisela Hippler Atlantica Hotels & Resorts (CY) Neil Evans Gran Resort Hotels (E) Neil Evans Grecotel (GR) Maria Valerga Grupotel (E) Jaume Rosselló Iberotel (D) Anne Hecking Dorfhotel (D) Anne Hecking Magic Life (A) Alex Künzli Nordotel (E) José Manuel Sebastián Paladien Hotels (F) Pascal Werner RIU Hotels (E) Dr Pep Rullán Robinson Club (D) Thomas Hagspiel World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 13 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 14 Corporate environmental monitoring – Internal environmental reporting, environmental performance indicators and reporting limits The number of surveyed Group companies has increased from 52 in 2002 to 65 in 2003. Returns rose from 52 % to 80 %. The aim is to achieve 100 % environmental reporting coverage by 2006. Systematic environmental monitoring. Group Environmental reporting of TUI AG Group companies takes place regularly at the end of each financial year on the basis of standard Group-wide criteria. The results are published in various places including the TUI AG Annual Report and in the internet at www.tui-environment.com. They also provide the material for this Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004. In addition, all the surveyed Group companies, and the TUI AG executive committee, receive detailed feedback on environmental reporting quality and all the implemented measures. Criteria for the 2003 environmental reporting of TUI AG Group companies: 1. Environmental policy 2. Environmental management 3. Environmental risks: identification and description 4. Resource conservation, technical innovation; reduction of emissions and protection of the atmosphere 5. Biodiversity and preservation of species 6. Cooperation, community involvement, sponsoring 7. Membership of environmental protection and nature conservation organisations 8. Environmental communication and dialogue 9. Environmental performance indicators Mileage of company cars/business travel Paper consumption Water consumption Energy consumption, energy mix, specific CO2 emissions Amount of waste, waste disposal, waste recycling Financial expenditure on environmental protection measures Operating expenditure, fixed asset investments for environmental protection measures. The criteria for the internal reporting of TUI Group companies was further optimised in 2003. This was accompanied by an extension of the reach of internal reporting and the analysis of environmental performance indicators. Therefore various references including the GRI and OECD guidelines, the requirements of financial markets (non-financial aspects) and sustainability experts within the scientific community and consulting companies has been considered. Standardised Group-wide reporting of these environmental performance indicators is planned for 2006. 14 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Current framework for Group-wide reporting of environmental performance indicators. Systematic and standardised data gathering is difficult to implement in a globally operating company, particularly within our main tourism business. The main challenges are as follows: Challenge 1: The many different business models of TUI AG Group companies (logistics, shipping, retail, tour operators, airlines, hotels, destination management) require their own specific environmental performance indicators which complicates their comparability. Challenge 2: Numerous small and very small premises are not actually owned by TUI AG but rented (e.g. travel agencies of TUI Leisure Travel, offices of TUI Service and agencies in the destinations). Reporting here is only possible with the help of the renting company and often proves to be very difficult. Challenge 3: Many premises (e.g. TUI hotel companies) are in Mediterranean countries and long-haul destinations – in some cases, in the Third World. In these countries it is common for the responsible local authorities and suppliers and disposal companies to make lump sum charges instead of keeping specific individualised records. It is naturally impossible in these cases to keep track of precise volumes of waste. Challenge 4: A range of services is provided by external contractors (e.g. catering, cleaning, disposal of waste from TUI aircraft). Many of these companies have not previously been in a position to record the environmental performance indicators now required by TUI AG. Transition periods are required here. Challenge 5: Economic and workforce constraints – the current price war in all sectors forces TUI companies to work extremely efficiently in terms of time and cost. It is therefore a challenge to convince those responsible of the need for the time-consuming recording of environmental performance indicators. 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 15 Corporate environmental communications – External reporting and dialogue with the financial community “To describe the full scope of the website (www.tui-environment.com) would fill a book. It probably represents the most comprehensive set of information provided by a tourism company on this topic”. Optimised environmental communications. The demands of sustainability ratings and the information required by independent index providers, research organisations and specialised investment funds were taken into consideration in the further development of external reporting. In this way, the completely reworked www.tui-environment.com website has included comprehensive up-to-date information on environmental activities throughout the Group since 11/2003. The website acts as a strategic platform reflecting TUI AG environmental reporting and particularly the requirements of international financial markets. The external environmental reporting within the annual report is documented in the internet. Environmental dialogue with the financial community. International rating agencies and sustainability analysts confirm that 2003 was another successful year in which TUI made a positive contribution to sustainability. Input derived from dialogue with analysts and investors had a significant impact on the company. In response to an invitation from WestLB Panmure, TUI Investor Relations and Environmental Management made a presentation on sustainability management to specialised fund managers and other institutional investors in London in February 2003 at the “SRI Tourism and Travel Conference”. TUI AG has been registered at the independent internet platform www.sustainable-investment.org since December 2003. This website was developed under the auspices of UNEP to improve transparency for sustainable investment in Europe. future e.V.: ”Schöne Ferien im Internet”, from: „Unternehmen und Umwelt“, 4/2003, p. 19 London. TUI AG was incorporated in the international ethics index FTSE4Good (with effect from March 2004) following the six-monthly review by EIRIS/imug in winter 2003. Paris. TUI AG has been included in the ASPI Eurozone sustainability index of the French rating agency Vigeo since 2001. “Compared to the rest of the sector, TUI stands out because of its leading environmental strategy which provides customers and the general public with information on the environmental impact of tourism, and has strict goals aimed at minimising this effect on the environment. These high standards have not yet been matched by its social reporting, where there are still no systematic social management system or uniform social standards for suppliers.” Ingeborg Schumacher-Hummel, Director Socially Responsible Investments UBS Global Asset Management www.ubs.com “Successfully implementing environmental management within the complex heterogeneous universe of World of TUI, and reporting on this activity on the basis of environmental performance indicators, is a time consuming and challenging task. The will and the commitment to do so can be felt wherever one looks.” Stefan Dahle, Head of CSR and Sustainability Management Imug Beratungsgesellschaft mbH www.imug.de World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 15 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 16 Corporate environmental communications Questions put by the financial community to TUI AG Answers by TUI Environmental Management 1. How important for your company is the principle of sustainable development in the sense of Agenda 21? Long-term planning projections for a fair, open, partnership-based and responsible configuration and harmonisation process for tourism development in the sense of economic yield, environmental compatibility and social cohesion Tangible integration in corporate processes by active membership of – “econsense-Forum for Sustainable Development of German Industry”, BDI committee “Environmental policy/sustainability development” – Agenda 21 process of the World Travel & Tourism Council (since 1993) – Public Private Partnership with UNEP/UNESCO/WTO in TOI – As a participation process within tourism-centred local authorities (Local Agenda 21) via local authority networks abroad and at TUI headquarters Cf. publication “Going beyond. Development – sustainably!”. A journey from Rio to Johannesburg and beyond” (2002) Cf. Annual Report 2003, chapter “Social responsibility for staff and society. Central Environmental Management. Partnerships and co-operation.” Participation in EU Commission consultation process on the development of European Agenda 21/Sustainability of European tourism. 2. Does the Corporate Governance Code of your company make allowance for sustainable management? How? 16 Declaration of compliance by TUI executive board and supervisory board on the regulations incorporated within the German Corporate Governance Code, including company organisation, its socio-political principles, and its internal and external regulatory-control mechanisms. “Good and responsible management” is documented e.g. in the executive board responsibility for risk management and risk controlling, for environmental management, transparency for shareholders and consumers, and stakeholder dialogue. Step-wise continuous certification of premises and sites, e.g. TUI Deutschland, Robinson Club, HapagLloyd Container Line Environmental reporting of hotels, airlines, destinations, shareholdings. Sustainable consumption with the associated demands and willingness to pay for sustainable products/services. 3. Which future productivity improvements can your company benefit from as a result of pursuing sustainable economics? Which areas have the biggest potential? Continuous improvement in the eco-efficiency of the consumption of natural resources (energy, water, soil, biodiversity). Replacement or partial substitution of old economies by resourceconserving tourism/service industry, particularly in regions and developing countries with weak infrastructures. Exploiting economies of scale throughout environmental management, and implementation of other sustainability indicators Sustainable use for the invalorisation of countryside not benefiting from other forms of protection and monitoring, particularly in developing countries with high levels of biodiversity 5. Where are your company’s strengths when it comes to sustainably tackling social and environmental challenges? Competence centres (for environmental problems) Environmental management at every step of the value chain with a continuous improvement process (environmental and quality management systems increasingly certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and/or 14001; 28 % of all TUI AG turnover generated by ISO 14001-certified Group companies) Exemplary consumer information on environmental aspects, development of environmental product declaration schemes (EPDS) Worldwide TUI Environmental Network for monitoring holiday destinations, hotels and local cooperation (community projects) Environmental management as part of TUI brand value. World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 4. What risks does your company face with respect to social and environmental demands? Conflicts of interest with competing economic sectors (agriculture and forestry, fisheries, commodities industry) Over-regulation by laws and legislation covering environmental aspects Natural disasters, loss of image in holiday countries (safety, crime, …) Restrictions in mobility Cultural conflicts (religion, fundamentalism, life styles) Terrorism, political unrest. 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB to TUI AG ent 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 17 Corporate environmental communications Questions put by the financial community to TUI AG Answers by TUI Environmental Management 6. Which of your company’s weaknesses do you see as the biggest challenges to pursuing sustainable economics? Which concrete steps are you undertaking to counteract these shortcomings? The dependence on the lack of innovation and ability to invest of governments in holiday countries (at all steps of the value chain), adminisrations, public sector Complexity of the sustainability issue and the associated complexity costs Remedies: “Learning organisation” in Public Private Partnerships (burden sharing); continuous improvement process Complexity in the Group structure; striving to identify and bundle all measures. 7. Which organisational measures do you put in place to ensure that the social and environmental demands of sustainable economics are included in investment planning and investment decision making? Incorporation of the special environmental know-how of Environmental Management, networking with Corporate Centre Legal Affairs & HR and other departments (Finance, Contracting, Procurement) Integration of specific environmental indicators in the investment planning of TUI Hotels & Resorts and TUI Airlines (environmental consulting for hotel companies; fuel reduction by strict conversion of aircraft, equipping Boeing fleet with winglets) Environmental aspects in legal compliance audits and judicial due diligence procedures Regular environmental reporting by Group companies and the destinations for early risk identification. 8. Which tangible and temporal targets have you set yourself with respect to sustainable economics and what is the current status? Economic sustainability within the framework of long-term value enhancement (shareholder value), controlling and yield management Environmental sustainability in the framework of annual targets for central Environmental Management With respect to “internal environmental management” decentralised company-specific targets concerning office management, hotel companies and transport Social sustainability: see “Social report” and the sponsorship programme of the Preussag Foundation Status: measured qualitative and quantitative continuous improvement (particularly with respect to products, e. g. TUI Hotels, TUI Airlines, TUI Destinations), clear improvements in 10-year comparison (1992 – 2002) measurable in lower number of complaints, improved customer satisfaction and satisfactory image scores. 9. How important is the market for sustainability-oriented investments? How important is it for your company to be included in a sustainability fund or index? Continuous monitoring of growth, volume and quality by Investor Relations Orientation to criteria in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (particularly EURO STOXX), FTSE4Good Index, Ethibel Sustainability Index ESI, Advanced Sustainable Perfor- mance Index ASPI Eurozone, cooperation with relevant rating agencies (imug, EIRIS, Scoris, SAM, oekom research) Internal environmental reporting reflects GRI guidelines and OECD guidelines for multinational companies Issue management also from a CSR point of view. 10. Which specific frameworks should the government create to support corporate efforts aimed at sustainable development? How do you rate the WSSD results? Which specific consequences arise here for your company? Further deregulation and cutbacks in bureaucracy, particularly to give a high priority to economic sustainability Systems for political motivation, and awarding of privileged status for sustainable business practices in tourism development to simplify structural change and development co-operation Considerable reduction and avoidance of environmental over-regulation to remove location disadvantages in an international competitive environment Orientation to the 2002 “Johannesburg Plan of Implementation” of the United Nations involving: fighting poverty by tourism development; energy supplies and renewable energies; resource management (water and biodiversity); and corporate social responsibility. World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 17 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 18 Main focus of environmental activities in 2003 Certified environmental management systems 19 Benchmarking 22 Resource conservation, renewable energies and climate protection 24 Strategic partnerships, co-operation and stakeholder dialogue 30 Nature and species conservation: TUI’s biodiversity strategy 32 50 Examples of nature protection co-operation in practice 36 World of TUI tour operator brochures: Environmental quality standards” 39 Consumer protection 40 Raising customer awareness 43 Raising the awareness of staff 45 18 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 19 Certified environmental management systems TUI Deutschland certified in 2003 Hapag-Lloyd Container Line certified in 2003 TUI has set itself the task of efficiently achieving continuous improvements in environmental performance. This involves systematically optimising the environmental management systems of specific Corporate Centre departments and Group companies preparing for certification in accordance with international environmental standards. The globally recognised ISO 14001 environmental standard of the International Standardisation Organisation in particular was established in many segments in 2003. Per 31.12.2003, 28 % of all turnover was generated by certified companies (2002: 2 %). Other Group companies are preparing their environmental management systems for certification. To counteract any possible criticism before it arises: TUI companies are free to chose whether they are certified in accordance with ISO standards or in accordance with EMAS – the environmental audit of the European Union. However, as a globally active company, TUI gives preference to the ISO 14001 stan- dard because this is the globally valid, globally recognised and established standard – and therefore also guarantees direct international comparability. Results in the tourism segment. The tour operator TUI Deutschland had its internal environmental management system certified in accordance with ISO 14001 for the first time in 2003. The ISO 14001 certification of the Iberotel Sarigerme Park (Iberotel hotel company) originally certified back in 2000 was upheld and renewed in 2003. Hotel company Robinson continued the strategy begun in 2001 of certifying its facilities in accordance with ISO 14001. Following certification of all of its clubs in Turkey and Germany, all of the Spanish hotels and resorts were successfully certified in accordance with ISO 14001 in 2003 (Cala Serena, Jandia Playa, Esquinzo Playa). At the same time, the specifications and validity of the internal environmental standards for the whole hotel chain were also expan- ded. Robinson Club Ampflwang was awarded the “Austrian Environmental Label for Tourism Facilities”. As the first incoming agency in World of TUI to be ISO 14001 certified, Aeolos Travel, Cyprus, had its Transport Department certified in the 2003 financial year. Results in logistics and industry. The environmental management system of Hapag-Lloyd Container Line was ISO 14001 certified in the 2003 financial year. As one of the first transport companies to achieve this, Hapag-Lloyd Container Line thus covers the whole global transport chain. The environmental protection activities of VTG Lehnkering focused on the expansion of its ISO 14001 certified integrated management system in the Chemicals Service, Road Cargo and Special Logistics/Hazardous Goods Distribution segments. Algeco, the French specialist for portable buildings, had its SGF St Amour factory certified in accordance with ISO 14001. TUI AG Group companies with ISO 14001 certified environmental management systems Company All Robinson Clubs in Spain certified in 2003 Aeolos Travel (Transport Department) Algeco Hapag-Lloyd Container Line Iberotel Robinson TUI Deutschland VTG Lehnkering Site(s) Validity Limassol, Cyprus SGF St. Amour factory, France All premises worldwide Iberotel Sarigerme Park, Turkey RC Fleesensee, Germany RC Cala Serena, Spain RC Esquinzo Playa, Spain RC Jandia Playa, Spain RC Camyuva, Turkey RC Maris, Turkey RC Nobilis, Turkey RC Pamfilya, Turkey Hanover headquarters All premises worldwide 10/2003 – 10/2006 11/2003 – 10/2006 06/2003 – 06/2006 11/2003 – 11/2006 04/2001 – 04/2004 07/2003 – 07/2006 11/2003 – 07/2006 11/2003 – 07/2006 05/2001 – 05/2004 05/2001 – 05/2004 05/2002 – 05/2005 05/2001 – 05/2004 06/2003 – 06/2006 04/1998 – 04/2004 (Road Cargo; Chemicals Service, Special Logistics/Hazardous Goods Distribution) World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 19 new new new new new new new new 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 20 Other aspects planned for implementation in 2004/2005 “As a global company we recognise our social and environmental responsibility. We follow the principles of sustainability and include that into our decision making and our day-to-day work.” Simone Scheiba Sustainability Manager TQ3 Travel Solutions “Protecting nature and minimising environmental impact has the highest priority in our environmental policy.” fication is planned for 2004.* The Spanish hotel company Grupotel recorded substantial progress in installing environmental management systems which began the previous year. The first certification schemes according to ISO 14001 are planned in 2004 beginning with the Grupotel Valparaíso Palace. The Greek hotel company Grecotel introduced environmental management standards in all of its hotels in the 2003 financial year and will adapt these this year to comply with ISO 14001. An environmental audit and a pre-audit have already been successfully concluded at Grecotel Pella Beach. The experience gained in this process is now being systematically transferred to all other hotels within the group. * TUI AG Group companies planning to achieve certification in 2004/2005 Company Site(s) Certification TUI AG HQ TQ3 Germany All sites in Germany Fleesensee, Germany Greece Valparaíso Palace, Spain Gran Vista, Spain Los Principes, Spain Parc Natural, Spain Orient, Spain Sharm El Sheikh Imperial Spain ISO 14001 ISO 14001 2005 2004 ISO 14001 2004* ISO 14001 ISO 14001 ISO 14001 ISO 14001 ISO 14001 ISO 14001 ISO 14001 EMAS-2 from 2005 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004** 2005 Dorfhotel Grecotel Grupotel Thomas Hörning, Environmental Officer Dorfhotel Fleesensee Magic Life Nordotel * Successfully achieved on 30.03. 2004 ** Successfully achieved on 22.06.2004 20 The Nordotel hotel company continued the introduction of environmental management systems according to the European Union EMAS standard. The first certifications are planned for 2005. Magic Life appointed an environmental officer in 2003, and integrated environmental standards within its quality management system. Work began at the incoming agency TUI España in the financial year just ended to establish an integrated environmental management system. The environmental officer appointed as part of this procedure is working together with the environmental coordinators in all TUI España regions to strengthen regional and community co-operation activities on sustainable development. The business travel company TQ3 has been co-operating since 2003 with the chair of Sustainability Management of the University of Bremen with the goal of introducing an integrated globally operating sustainability management system. To meet the increasing demands of key business travel accounts, environmental management standards will first be implemented in all German and Dutch locations. Certification according to ISO 14001 of all German sites is planned for 2004. Environmental management systems will also be put into place at several hotel premises managed by TUI Hotels & Resorts: an ISO 14001 environmental management system has been introduced at Dorfhotel Fleesensee which successfully passed the pre-audit. Certi- World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Planned in 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 21 TUI AG headquarters progressing towards certification “ÖKOPROFIT Hannover” award for TUI AG for successful environmental audit (September 2003) As part of its involvement in the ÖKOPROFIT project, TUI AG headquarters introduced an in-house environmental management system. The internal environmental management system was audited and passed for the first time in September 2003 by an independent expert panel. All of the ISO 14001 specifications will be fulfilled in 2004 with the aim of achieving certification in 2005. ÖKOPROFIT pilot project. In-house environmental management systems were introduced at TUI AG and TUI Deutschland headquarters as part of a local Agenda 21 project of the city of Hanover – ÖKOPROFIT (www.agenda21.de). TUI Deutschland joined ÖKOPROFIT back in 2000 and was therefore one of the pioneers in Hanover. Since the beginning of the project, 104 tons of waste and 3.3 million litres of water have been saved, cutting disposal costs by around Euro 77 500. TUI AG headquarters joined ÖKOPROFIT in 2002. With the introduction of an optimised waste management system in 2003 and 2004, TUI AG set up special recyclables collection points in tea kitchens with containers for the separate collection of organic waste, glass, plastic and residual waste. Waste paper collection in offices was extended to include paper, “green point” recyclables and residual waste. The project is backed up by comprehensive staff education programmes to raise their awareness of the problems of waste disposal. Staff at TUI AG headquarters are also continuously informed about various environmental issues. A disposal chart is pinned up at every recyclables collection point in tea kitchens and corridors. The chart was also sent to each member of staff with an accompanying letter. In addition, the need to conserve resources is also emphasised at various places within TUI AG headquarters: e.g. next to photocopiers, with instructions to use recycling paper and make double-sided photocopies. An information sheet is pinned up in offices and rest areas pointing out the need to save on heating. Systematic disposal management for the information and instruction of local staff (TUI AG and TUI Deutschland) World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 21 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 16:22 Uhr Seite 22 Benchmarking – model projects for the Group-wide use of environmental data Participants at the TUI D and TUI AG Benchmarking Workshop (from left): V. Schmidt, H.-J. Blume, R. Hipp, Dr V. Spanke, M. Blume, H. Kuckuck, P. Meinhart, V. Siemann, C. Romme, A. Reiner, T. Himstedt and A. Koch. Not in the photo: Dr W. M. Iwand, G. Weinfurtner and J. Tönnies 2000 2001 2002 2003 1999 2000 2001 2002 TUI D headquarters TUI AG headquarters 2003 1999 2000 2001 51 90 2002 2003 77 73 2003 82 71 2002 TUI AG headquarters 79 2001 kWh 100 80 60 40 20 0 TUI D headquarters Collected recyclables (% of total waste) 68 2000 TUI D headquarters TUI AG headquarters 73 1999 20 27 17 28 15 15 18 Relative district heating consumption (kWh per m2 heated area) 46 107 Liter 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 kWh 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 82 79 81 98 96 80 % 100 80 60 40 20 0 107 22 Relative water consumption (litres per employee & working day) 46 1999 TUI D headquarters TUI AG headquarters 51 Relative power consumption (kWh per employee & working day) be achieved, and formulated environmental targets for 2004-2006. Environmental performance indicators of this kind are to be used throughout the Group by 2006 to achieve a large degree of data harmonisation. An environmental performance indicator survey requirement was already integrated within the environmental reporting of TUI AG Group companies back in 2003 (p. 12). In addition, a management tool for the recording and analysis of environmental performance indicators was formulated and is described on the next page. 59 Benchmarking to boost efficiency. A comparison of the harmonised environmental performance indicators collected on TUI AG and TUI Deutschland headquarters since 2002 provides an objective comparison of the environmental performance of both premises. At a joint Benchmarking Workshop, members of the environmental teams of TUI Deutschland and TUI AG compared the environmental performance indicators collected as part of the ÖKOPROFIT project (p. 18) and used this information to define areas where potential savings can World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:47 Uhr Seite 23 TUI management tool for in-house environmental protection TUI Deutschland headquarters The environmental teams of TUI Deutschland and TUI AG headquarters elaborated joint environmental targets during a joint Benchmarking Workshop. Performance indicators Consumption 2002 Heating energy Per m2 heated area) Electricity kWh per employee/day Water Litres per employee/day Paper Sheets per employee/day Percentage of collected recyclables Residual waste volumes Kg per employee/year 81 2003 TUI AG headquarters +/– (03 to 02) Target 2004 2002 2003 +/– (03 to 02) Target 2004 82 +1 % –6 % 98 79 – 20 % –3 % 17 20 +21 % 28 27 –4 % 46 51 +12 % –5 % (to end 06) +/–0 % 107 90 –16 % –5 % (to end 06) –5 % 55 49 –11 % –2.5 % 60 53 – 12 % 82% 77% –5 % 80 % 71% 73% +2 % – 2.5 % (to end 06) 80 % 33 40 +21 % +/– 0 % 74 57 – 23 % –10 % The experience gained from the internal environmental management introduced by TUI AG and TUI Deutschland will be used in future throughout the Group. TUI AG Environmental Management has synthesised all of the expertise within a database system that has been available to all interested subsidiaries since 2003. The system assists the environmental officers within each company in areas such as the collection of environ- mental performance indicators. It simplifies the realisation of water and energy saving measures and the optimisation of waste management. Pilot runs at TUI España on Tenerife (Spain) and in Dorfhotel Fleesensee (Germany) have already been successfully completed. Other Group companies are currently reviewing their introduction. Detailed information on these environmental performance indicators is available in the internet at: www.tui-environment.com World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 23 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 24 Resource conservation, renewable energies and climate protection “Improved aerodynamics […] can reduce fuel consumption and reduce the associated CO2 and NOx emissions. The aerodynamics of aircraft can currently be optimised by attaching winglets for instance […].” Öko-Institut (2004): “Emission trading in international civilian air transport”, p. 146 “As in the past, air transport is still in the public eye particularly with regard to its environmental impact. HapagLloyd Flug is therefore very committed to meeting current and future environmental demands.” At the first worldwide climate conference of the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) held in Djerba/Tunisia, TUI AG made a presentation on its integrated climate protection measures to leading international climate experts and tourism specialists. TUI AG also participated in setting the climate policy targets expressed in the WTO “Djerba Declaration”. This concentrates on adaptation to the climatic conditions in the destinations and reducing CO2 emissions by cutting energy consumption amongst all providers. Climate protection examples within World of TUI Lars Witte, Flight OPS Hapag-Lloyd Flug 24 Participation in “Djerba Declaration on Tourism and Climate Change” (2003) of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) Boosting the energy efficiency of transport, hotels and offices by implementing environmental management systems and process optimisation Fuel conservation programme of Hapag-Lloyd Flug and Britannia Airways: systematic efficiency increases since 2001 (cf. text). NaturEnergie supplies 700 TUI Leisure Travel travel agencies with “renewable” power from hydroelectric power plants Use of solar energy in TUI hotel chains: RIU (1 hotel), Iberotel (1 hotel), Nordotel (3 hotels + 2 in prep.), Grecotel (10 hotels) and Robinson (12 clubs) Research project by Iberotel and the Institute of Solar Research at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) for the use of innovative solar technologies in hotels Research project by Iberotel, University of Stuttgart and the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on bio-gas extraction and exploitation combined with sewage treatment World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Technical innovations in container shipping. Hapag-Lloyd Container Linie is cooperating in the research sector with major European engineering companies and universities with the aim of further reducing emissions in global shipping operations. From 2005, container ships with capacities of 8000 TEU (standard container with a size of twenty-feet equivalent unit) will come into operation powered by innovative diesel engines with electronic fuel injection and valve control (“electronically controlled engines”). The fuel consumption of this new engine generation is about 2 percent lower than that of conventional ship engines; emissions are also correspondingly lower. At the same time the combustion process is more efficient and the exhaust created noticeably cleaner. In particular the emission of nitrogen oxide (Nox) drops from 15.7 to 12.3 g/kWh. The Hapag-Lloyd Container Linie will be the first shipping company in the world to operate an engine of this size applying this advanced technology. Energy production from engine exhaust. The “Hercules“ project is investigating how research results can be put into practice to use engine exhaust for producing electricity. A total of some 7000 kW of extra power could be recovered by using engine exhaust to run a system of gas turbines, which in turn operate as generators. The electricity obtained could be fed back into the main engines, which would enable the fuel consumption of a container ship to be reduced by up to eight percent. 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 25 Resource conservation, renewable energies and climate protection Measures to reduce consumption by the airlines. TUI Airline Management introduced systematic environmental monitoring for all TUI AG airlines in 2003. To reduce aviation fuel consumption, Britannia Airways and Britannia Nordic continued their measures to optimise flight planning and operations. The airline Hapag-Lloyd Flug continued its efficiency enhancement programme in flight operations and aircraft maintenance. These measures include new flight procedures, reduction in the use of the on-board gas turbine auxiliary power unit (APU) and special cleaning methods for aircraft engines. Back in 2001, Hapag-Lloyd Flug was the world’s first airline to equip its Boeing 737-800s with the new winglets (2003: 29 aircraft). Winglets are 2.4 m high tips rising up from the end of the wings which are capable of reducing aviation fuel consumption by up to 5 % with associated reductions in emissions. Winglets also reduce noise during take-off and landing. Savings are therefore possible for the whole Hapag-Lloyd Flug Boeing fleet of up to 17 400 tons aviation fuel (corresponding to 55 100 tons CO2). The airline Hapag-Lloyd Flug initiated several projects in 2003 to cut back paper consumption in its offices and flight operations. These measures include using electronic editing systems for technical documentation, web-based document access, and reducing the amount of paper in cockpits. Britannia Airways had its waste management audited in co-operation with the Green Business Network. In the Britannia computing centre, all halon gas extinguishing systems were replaced by environmentally-compatible solutions. Paper, aluminium, glass and residual waste have been separately collected in Britannia Nordic aircraft since 2003. The pilot phase of this project was accompanied by wide-ranging staff educational measures. “We are proud to be the first airline within TUI Airlines that sort the waste on board. The efforts from our cabin crews are clearly noticed and appreciated by our passengers.” Eva Olivecrona, Environmental Manager Britannia Nordic Synopsis of TUI Airlines environmental performance indicators in 2003 Airline Britannia Airways (GB) Britannia Nordic (S) Corsair (F) Hapag-Lloyd Flug (D) Hapag-Lloyd Express (D) Environmental officer Number of aircraft Pat Gibson Total: 33 20 Boeing 757-200 4 Boeing 767-200 9 Boeing 767-300 Total: 6 6 Boeing 737-800 Total: 11 2 Airbus 330-200 1 Airbus 330-300 2 Boeing 737-400 3 Boeing 747-300 3 Boeing 747-400 Total: 34 29 Boeing 737-800 5 Airbus 310-200 Total: 12 8 Boeing 737-700 3 Boeing 737-500 1 Boeing 737-400 Eva Olivecrona Mourad Ait-Ouyahia Lars Witte (Herbert Euler) Average age of fleet 9.6 12.7 5.2 2.5 4 – 13 20 – 3.7 15.3 6 17 15 Seat kilometres 2003 Occupancy 2003 20.8 billion 91 % 4.0 billion 14.4 billion 92 % 84 % 17.8 billion 86 % 2.4 billion 62 % World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 25 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 26 Interview: Can flying be sustainable? Estimating the impact of holiday mobility Interview: Can flying be sustainable? SZ: So you can now knuckle down and put it into practice, Mr. Iwand? (Süddeutsche Zeitung, 22 April 2003, interviewer: Jan-Frederik Valentin) Discussion with Stefan Gössling, climate researcher at Lund University in Sweden and Wolf Michael Iwand, TUI AG Environmental Management Director Iwand: That is precisely what we have been doing since 1990. It is not as though tour operators have only just become aware of the problem. We welcome contact with scientists. It is in our own interests to do so. Gössling: There is absolutely no doubt that TUI is a pioneer when it comes to environmental management. Nevertheless, there is one main aspect where you really need to take action: you need alternatives to energy-intensive long-haul flights. 90 per cent of all the impact of longhaul holidays on the climate are attributable to the CO2 emissions from aircraft. Iwand: But the CO2 from aircraft only accounts for around two and half per cent of total global CO2 production … Gössling: … which makes a particularly durable impact on the climate because CO2 entering the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere is two to three times as damaging as CO2 produced at ground level. Iwand: Air travel is not solely a tourism problem. It is not right to label holidaymakers as the main culprits behind global warming. If we as a tour operator stop offering long-haul holidays in future, we would need to reach agreement with the destination countries. This will be the only acceptable solution in the sense of global justice. The World Tourism Organization (WTO), national government representatives and a number of tour operators agreed a framework on 11 April in Djerba with the aim of reducing the contribution of tourism to global climate change. It calls on transport companies, hoteliers, tour operators and others to take a critical look at their tourism activities and to cut back the energy consumption of their business activities. TUI Environmental Management Director, Wolf Michael Iwand is optimistic that the tourism industry is well on the way to being a source of sustainable development. Climate researchers such as Stefan Gössling of the University of Lund in Sweden criticise that long-haul travellers in particular drag along an irresponsibly large ”environmental rucksack”. SZ: Mr. Gössling, what do you think of the Djerba Declaration? Gössling: It is a good start. It is the first time that all parties involved in the tourism business have openly admitted that the travel industry makes a contribution to global climate change. 26 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 SZ: Are there no others? Iwand: Yes, we are working on some scenarios: long-haul travellers could be transported by air ships or by hydrogen-powered aircraft starting in 2020. We are also continuously reducing the aviation fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of our current aircraft. And, naturally, the hotels in the destinations boast a much better eco-balance then they did only five years ago. Gössling: Zeppelins would be too slow to satisfy today’s holidaymakers, and hydrogen-powered aircraft only further strengthen the greenhouse effect in the stratosphere. SZ: So holidaymakers should basically not fly any more? Gössling: That is something people have to decide for themselves. From a scientific point of view, it is however clear that even medium-haul flights are not sustainable. It would kill the Earth if everyone of its inhabitants participated in global longhaul tourism. I want to illustrate this with the concept of the environmental rucksack: according to this model, each inhabitant on the Earth has an area of 2 hectares per year at their disposal to live on. We have calculated that a single holiday to the Seychelles already generates an environmental rucksack of 1.8 hectares. This encompasses the area covered by the hotel, energy consumption during the flight, meals, excursions and other activities. If 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 27 Interview: Can flying be sustainable? Estimating the impact of holiday mobility holidaymakers have to go on longhaul trips, they should at least stay for a long time because the flight is the main problem – the environmental rucksack becomes relatively smaller the longer one stays at the destination. Iwand: It is, however, neither in the interests of most holidaymakers nor the tourism industry in the destination countries for people in industrial countries to only fly a long distance once a year. Although there is no doubt that long-haul travel has a negative impact on the environment, it does also export environmental awareness around the world. SZ: To put it mildly, not all of the hoteliers on Djerba gave the impression that they were very familiar with the climatic consequences of tourism. Iwand: That is correct, but what you is fed with wastewater. Gössling: Nevertheless, excessive water consumption will give rise to serious problems in the long term in many holiday countries. Golf courses on Djerba for instance are extremely problematic from an environmental point of view – 90 per cent of the fresh water used on the island has to be pumped over from the mainland. And WWF has calculated that holidaymakers in Spain use 880 litres SZ: Where golf will nevertheless con-tinue to be played and consume of water per day on average if they stay in a hotel with a golf course and millions of litres of water in the a swimming pool – this is twice as process? much as other tourists. On Zanzibar, there is one hotel where each guest Iwand: Naturally, with wastewater which has undergone first-class even accounts for 2000 litres of water. treatment. Golf tourism is a boom Iwand: That is a one-off. I am also sector and we do a great deal to surprised by such a high level of ensure that golf courses are built water consumption: it must be comaccording to acceptable environpletely uneconomic. We are more and mental standards. For instance, at more successful as a tour operator in the beginning of July, an 18-hole golf ensuring that profligacy of this kind is course on Crete will be opened which coming to an end. need to look at are the continuous advances that we have made. For instance, TUI succeeded for the first time last year not only in certifying individual hotels with the ISO 14001 environmental standard, but even a whole town – Adeje on Tenerife. We plan to create a whole network of towns of this kind around the Mediterranean. Question matrix of TUI for the impact assessment of ”holiday mobility“ Long-haul tourism Sustainable development Mobility Globalisation as a structural factor Pressures Responses Prognoses Satisfying Needs Government regulation Ecological balance Resource consumption Corporate management economic balance Toxic emissions and climate impact Technology Sociocultural balance Individual behaviour and alternatives Intergenerative balance Growth International global balance Source: TUI Corporate Environmental Management World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 27 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 16:54 Uhr Seite 28 Renewable energy in practice Solar research project of the DLR Institute for Solar Research in co-operation with TUI Group hotel Iberotel Sarigerme Park, Dalaman, Turkey www.eurosolar.org A solar research project was begun by the Institute for Solar Research of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) at the Iberotel Sarigerme Park, Turkey. The Sarigerme Renewable Energy Group of Turkey, in which the TUI hotel is a founding member, was awarded the 2003 European Solar Award by the EUROSOLAR Foundation and the KfW development bank in recognition of its commitment to date in the field of climate protection and the use of renewable energies. The proportion of Robinson Clubs with solar collectors rose to 46 % in 2003. Solar energy is also used in the reopened Cala Serena club on Majorca. Nordotel installed a modern photovoltaic system for power generation, and additional solar collectors for hot water production at its “Tres Vidas” hotel on Gran Canaria as a pilot project for the integrated use of renewable energies. Systematic expansion of the total area of solar collectors is planned for 2004. Solar buggy in the Robinson Club, Cala Serena, Majorca Photovoltaic plant at the Nordotel “Tres Vidas”, Gran Canaria NaturEnergie hydroelectric power station at Rheinfelden, Baden-Württemberg 28 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 NaturEnergie AG (www.naturenergie.de) was contracted to supply electricity to selected premises of TUI Leisure Travel travel agencies from December 2003. So far, 700 travel agencies run by TUI and its franchise partners have contractually converted to “clean” power. Contracted supplies agreed so far total ten million kWh per year, which corresponds to the annual power consumption of 3 000 households. According to NaturEnergie, this amount of power generated hydroelectrically corresponds to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of almost 6 000 tons. 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 29 Pro-environment building engineering The biotopes in the centre of TUI AG headquarters provide a habitat for waterfowl such as herons and mallards, and create a near natural experience with a high degree of employee identification. “Avoidance, reduction, recycling, improvement, education, understanding. Robinson environmental commitment spelled out in six words...” Thomas Hagspiel, Purchasing Department Manager/ Environmental Project Manager Robinson Club GmbH February 2003, TUI Bulgaria constructed a new office building in Varna which incorporates environmental aspects and uses resource-saving and environmentallyfriendly technologies. The building is a passive house with an air-conditioning system and thermal glass, and also features movement detectors to switch lights on and off. World of TUI Cars equipped its new office building in Palma de Majorca with thermal windows, and improved its refuse separation. A new car wash with a wastewater recycling system was also installed. Robinson Club expanded the computer-controlled building management system in some of its resorts in 2003. The system has the goal of optimising the function of all equipment to achieve maximum energy and water savings at the same time as complying with functional and hygiene parameters. The energy consumption of all equipment was controlled regularly by energy audits. RIU Hotels, INESE (Instituto de Estudios Ecologicos) and the government of Majorca carried out a joint research project aimed at precise analysis of the type and volume of waste generated by the hotels, specification of the level of potential savings that can be made, and optimisation of local authority waste disposal management. Dorfhotel Fleesensee initiated the establishment of a reference house in 2003 to collect data on potential savings in power, water and heating energy. Hapag-Lloyd Container Line optimised environmental protection measures at several locations with the goal of continuously reducing water and energy consumption and the associated emissions. The measures were based on forward space planning and preventative planning for the construction and maintenance measures for built-in components and conversions. Environmentally-friendly varnishes and paints were used, as well as wood and natural fibres. Thermal glazing was installed in several buildings. “Building management system for resource conservation in the Robinson Club Lyttos Beach, Crete.” Parts of a technical presentation by Kostas Alektoridis, Chief Engineer of Robinson Hellas World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 29 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 30 Strategic partnerships, co-operation and stakeholder dialogue TUI AG’s activities supporting sustainable development and nature and environmental protection focus on social dialogue and co-operation. They play an important role in promoting the sustainability message thanks to our personal contacts with representatives from business, politics, science and non-governmental organisations – particularly on issues involving the integration of tourism and nature conservation. At the same time, they generate valuable feedback and a joint means of finding solutions, not to mention competent support, in the planning and implementation of nature protection projects complying with the principles of sustainable development. In 2003, TUI was actively involved in numerous committees promoting national and international dialogue on the important topic of sustainability. With strategic partnerships in the European source markets and World of TUI destinations, we helped push forward specific issues: climate protection by the use of renewable energies and improved energy efficiency (hotels, transport companies, offices), specific nature protection projects such as on the Seychelles, Majorca, Tenerife and Greece, and pan-institution destination co-operation in countries such as Spain (Canary Islands and Andalusia), Turkey (Side, Antalya), Greece (Crete) and Germany (the island of Rügen). TUI AG’s proactive involvement in econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German Industry was systematically continued. The sustainability activities of Thomson Travel Group, TUI Group and Hapag-Lloyd Cruises within the Tour Operators’ Initiative (TOI) were bundled within TUI AG. TUI UK continued its active membership of the British Sustainable Tourism Initiative (STI). STI was founded at the initiative of the UK government to bundle individual measures aimed at promoting sustainable tourism and to develop long-term solutions for environmental and social compatibility in holiday destinations. The Travel Foundation was founded by the members of STI in 2003 with the specific aim of implementing these goals (www.thetravelfoundation.org.uk). Within its Industry Unit, TUI UK plays an active role in implementing the Integrated Responsible Tourism Programme. 30 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 As an example, TUI UK in co-operation with the Thomson Services Malta agency, set up the World of TUI – Malta Heritage & Environment Fund in 2003 for the third time. This funds projects to protect the cultural and natural heritage of the island of Malta. TUI Nordic continued its co-operation with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre. In France, Nouvelles Frontières continued its dialogue with UNESCO, UNEP and UNICEF. In addition, the tour operator has also initiated a partnership with the Tétraktys organisation to promote sustainable development in African countries. The Group hotel companies Robinson, Grecotel, Iberotel, Dorfhotel, Grupotel and Riu have been involved in numerous local initiatives to protect local nature and environment in co-operation with touristic local authorities. In addition to animal protection activities, this involved in particular implementation and support for beach clean-ups, tree planting campaigns and raising the environmental awareness of customers, local inhabitants and staff. TUI España, TUI Hellas, Aeolos Travel (Cyprus), Travco (Egypt), Mex-Atlántica Tours (Mexico) and Ultramar Express Dominicana (Dominican Republic) actively co-operate in projects in their destinations and are involved in numerous local activities to protect nature and the environment. Thanks to their contacts with providers and decision makers in the destinations, they play a constructive part in the further development of the environmental situations in World of TUI destinations. In several expert conferences, TUI España played an active role in developing the future strategy of the Canary Islands’ government to protect local biodiversity. In Greece, TUI Hellas continued its lengthy co-operation with the nature protection organisation Archelon and the Zakynthos National Marine Park focussing on species protection and coastal zone management. The ARP Group (Alpha Travel, Ranger Safaris, Pollman’s Tours & Safaris and Baobab Beach Resort) supports sustainable development in Africa via its own “Conservation Principles”. 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 16:00 Uhr Seite 31 Strategic partnerships, co-operation and stakeholder dialogue Hapag-Lloyd Container Line continued its membership in the 2003 financial year of the “Clean Cargo Group” promoting environmentally-compatible maritime transport. Hapag-Lloyd Cruises continued its commitment to protect Antarctic eco-systems within the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO), and its close co-operation with the Alfred-Wegener Institute for Marine and Polar Research, Bremerhaven, the Institute of Ecology of the University of Jena, and the WWF Arctic Programme. As a founding member of the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO) founded in 2003, Hapag-Lloyd Cruises strengthened its commitment to the protection of Arctic ecosystems. Selection of TUI AG and Group company activities for the environment and sustainability (cf. p. 30 ff) TUI AG TUI Deutschland (D) TUI Nederland (NL) TUI Nordic (DK, FIN, N, S) TUI Suisse (CH) TUI UK (GB) Jetair (B) TQ3 (D) Nouvelles Frontières (F) Grecotel (GR) Iberotel (D) RIU (E) Robinson (D) ARP Group (KE, TZ) Britannia Airways UK (GB) Hapag-Lloyd Cruises (D) Hapag-Lloyd Container Line (D) econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German Industry Environmental Policy Committee of the BDI (Federation of German Industries) Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development World Travel & Tourism Council Business Council of the World Tourism Organization German Transport Forum (air transport and sustainability) Sustainability Leadership Forum of B.A.U.M. e.V. and CSM University of Lüneburg Local Agenda 21, Hanover “Environment and Culture” Committee, German Travel Agency and Tour Operator Association (DRV) ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) “Initiatiefgroep Duurzaam Uitgaand Toerisme” (IDUT, initiative for sustainable tourism) “Sustainable Tourism” Working Group, “Algemeen Nederlands Verbond van Reisondernemingen” (ANVR) ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) “Code of Conduct for Sustainable Tourism”, WWF ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) “Tourism and Development Working Group” (akte) “Environment and Social” Expert Group, Swiss Travel Agency Association ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) “Sustainable Tourism Initiative” of the British government, “Travel Foundation / Industry Unit” ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) “Environmental Code of Conduct” Working Group, Association of Belgian Tour Operators (ABTO) University of Bremen, Chair of Sustainable Business Practices TQ3 Cares (Transport of physical donations to East Rumania) Tétraktys (Association for the Local Development of Areas of Nature for Tourism) Promoting species protection and local culture in the Doron Society Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature Earthwatch, Green Globe, Green Hotelier, Eurosolar, Sarigerme Renewable Energy Group of Turkey “Fundación Campaner” Foundation to combat Noma illness in Nigerian children Greenpeace, NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.), TEMA (Turkish Nature Protection Foundation) East African Wildlife Society Environmental Group of the British Air Transport Association (BATA) Green Business Network IAATO (International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators) AECO (Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators) Clean Cargo Group, BSR organisation section (Business for Social Responsibility) World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 31 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 32 Nature and species conservation: TUI’s biodiversity strategy Background. The main assets of tourism are unspoiled nature and countryside. The major international conventions and treaties such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), and the Flora-Fauna-Habitat directive of the EU (FFH), are therefore given the highest priority by TUI AG Environmental Management, and inform the environmental-policy framework for the activities of the whole Group. Environmental Management has been involved in numerous activities to transfer the details of these treaties to the special issues affecting tourism development: involvement in the detail of the 1997 Berlin Declaration on Biological Diversity and Sustainable Tourism; technical conference organised together with the German Environment Ministry during the COP-4 summit of CBD in Bratislava in 1998; and involvement in the keynote paper on biological diversity as part of a CBD expert panel in the Dominican Republic in 2001 in the run-up to the COP-6 summit. Our strategic objective is therefore not the shortterm marketing of protected areas, but the long-term sustainable invalorisation of biological diversity as the natural assets of holiday regions – to conserve the natural foundations of the tourism industry. The number of protected areas per holiday destination is therefore one of TUI’s most important “environmental performance indicators” for holiday regions. TUI criteria for the sustainable tourism use of protected areas Strict zoning according to IUCN utilisation categories Strict determination and compliance with the carrying capacity Strict scientific, independent “tourism impact assessment” (analogous to TA Technical Assessment) Strict visitor management Strict controls on complying with protected area standards and ensuring no violations. 32 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Painting by the Hanover artist Rainer Osswald presented in November 2003 at the 20th anniversary celebrations of Archelon, the Greek nature conservation organisation TUI shifts the priority from the increasing and economically-driven requests from managers of protected areas for more tourism exploitation, to the demand from the tourism industry to considerably expand the amount of qualitative and quantitative nature conservation: greater scaling back of the uncontrolled development and paving over of the countryside – the “swallowing up of the countryside” (Jost Krippendorf, 1973) – more controls and monitoring of regional policy and land utilisation, and more professional management in protected areas. In close co-operation with local non-governmental organisations (NGOs), protected areas are used under “strict” conditions by the tourism industry to ensure that biodiversity is protected. In addition, TUI’s proactive environmental policy work influences decision making in the destinations. And our model projects, co-operation activities and our own dedication and commitment, demonstrate that sustainable tourism development can make a valuable contribution to the conservation of biodiversity. 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:55 Uhr Seite 33 Conservation through controlled use: “Use it or lose it.” Regulated by its own “Conser-vation Principles” the ARP Group (Alpha Travel, Ranger Safaris, Pollman’s Tours & Safaris, and Baobab Beach Resort) are committed to protecting biodiversity in Tanzania and Kenya. Letter from UNEP to the Managing Director of Britannia Airways (16.1.2004): “I write to express my appreciation of your generous support to the Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP) through the Born Free Foundation. We are most grateful for your continuing and steadfast support, which has been a source of enormous encouragement and inspiration to everyone working on the project. [...] ” Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director, UNEP www.unep.org The evaluation committee of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas were guests at TUI AG headquarters in Hanover in July 2003. As a member of this committee, Dr Wolf Michael Iwand, Director of TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management, co-operates actively with the internationally recognised Europarc nature conservation experts. The Europarc Federation for Nature and National Parks in Europe was already honoured back in 2001 with the World of TUI International Environment Award in recognition of its many years of commitment to the integration of controlled tourism access in major European protected areas combined with conservation of Europe’s wealth of biodiversity, landscapes and ecosystems. As a contribution to biodiversity protection, Britannia Airways worked together with the Born Free Foundation in 2003 as the largest corporate sponsor for a global initiative of the United Nations (United Nations Environment Programme) to protect great apes threatened with extinction. The Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP) works to bring together affected governments, scientists, local authorities and nature protection organisations to protect orang utans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and pygmy chimpanzees from extinction as a result of excessive de-forestation and hunting. GRASP supports the affected countries in Southeast Asia and Africa to enable them to conserve habitats and large enough populations of great apes to ensure their survival. The sustainable lifestyles of endemic peoples which live in and from ecosystems of this kind are also supported. The ARP Group (Alpha Travel, Ranger Safaris, Pollman’s Tours & Safaris and Baobab Beach Resort) formulated their own binding environmental policy for sustainable tourism development in Africa set out in their “Conservation Principles”. Regulated by these guidelines, the ARP Group has specially trained staff which work very closely with national park authorities and support smaller local nature protection projects to conserve biodiversity in Kenya and Tanzania. ARP Group Conservation Principles To us, there is no place like Africa. It conjures up the birthplace of life, the aura of legends, romance, ancient cultures, wild beasts and unspoilt wilderness. Today, many of the things we love most about Africa are threatened, by the encroaching tourism industry. As one of East Africa’s leading tour operators, we are acutely aware of the threats posed by tourism. Faced with this, we feel it is our responsibility to take control. In doing so, we have developed a formal in-house responsible tourism policy. This contributes towards a more efficient and sustainable tourism operation that works on a practical level. Our drivers and guides are highly trained in all areas of conservation law and tourism ethics. We work extremely closely with the countries’ national parks authorities and follow their guidelines. Our vehicles are modern, efficient and well-maintained. Lastly, we support many small-scale conservation projects at a grassroots level, whether this is through monetary donations, education or working partnerships. We feel it is vital to help preserve Africa’s unique environment for future generations. World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 33 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 34 Marine conservation Soft whale watching on Tenerife: product development by TUI España incorporating environmental criteria. Letter from ACCOBAMS to TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management (26.4.2004): “I would like to express all my appreciation and thankfulness for allowing ACCOBAMS to benefit from the support that TUI, sustaining WDCS, ACCOBAMS’ partner, ensured to the preparation of the “Conservation of the short beaked common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea Project”.” Marie-Christine von Klaveren, Executive Secretary ACCOBAMS www.accobams.mc 34 One of the main priorities in TUI AG’s biodiversity strategy is the protection of marine biodiversity in open seas, coasts and islands. Numerous co-operation projects were therefore carried out or continued in 2003 with nature protection organisations (cf. synopsis on pages 30 – 32). For example, TUI AG Environmental Management continued its co-operation with M.E.E.R e.V. and with WDCS (Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society). The joint project with WDCS to protect the common dolphins in the Mediterranean is incorporated within the international ACCOBAMS agreement (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area). The TUI España destination management company continued its whale watching excursions around Tenerife in the Canaries in compliance with stringent species protection principles. The environmental awareness of holidaymakers participating in these trips is raised by information material prepared by marine biologists and whale experts. Donations are collected during the excursions on behalf of the “Sociedad Española de Cetáceos”, the Spanish whale protection organisation. TUI Criteria for environmentally compatible responsible whale watching. We visit the whales in their natural habitat and should therefore think of ourselves as their guests! Whales have to be able to dictate the situation themselves at all times! Compliance with all statutory regulations Co-operation with local nature conservation organisations and scientists Information passed on by way of trained staff and information material Max. three boats within observing distance (300 m) of a group of whales Compliance with a defined and locally valid minimum distance (e. g. 60 m on the Canaries) except when the whales approach of their own accord Strict speed limits: sailing at low speed parallel to the swimming direction of the whales, no sudden changes in speed or direction No chases, no separation of groups of whales or cutting off their paths No swimming or diving directly adjacent to whales Feeding, stroking of throwing things at whales is forbidden Avoid making loud noises. World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Info flyer for participants of whale watching excursions around Tenerife and La Gomera produced in close cooperation with M.E.E.R. e.V. marine biologists 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 35 Marine conservation TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management has co-operated with the Aldabra Marine Programme of Cambridge University’s Coastal Research Unit since 2002. The goal is to carry out research on the impact of global climate change on the Aldabra Atoll coral reefs on the Seychelles, and regeneration after coral bleaching. Research results of the Aldabra Marine Programme available at www.aldabra.org 2003 was another year in which TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management supported the research work of the Aldabra Marine Programme which carries out research in co-operation with the Coastal Research Unit of Cambridge University on the impact of climate change on the Aldabra Atoll coral reefs in the Indian Ocean. Project goals are quantitative long-term investigations and development of a management plan to protect marine flora and fauna. This makes a major contribution to conserve this globally unique environment, which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The results of the underwater research will be added to an information base which compiles data on the correlations between global climate change and its effect on ecosystems. To protect the breeding grounds of the Caretta caretta sea turtles on Zakynthos (Greece) TUI AG and Grecotel continued their co-operation, which goes back over ten years, with the Greek nature protection organisation Archelon (former Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece, S.T.P.S.). Grecotel funds the provision of information to hotel guests informing them about the egg laying and hatching behaviour of this threatened species, and keeps collection boxes on display for donations to Archelon. In addition to TUI AG Environmental Management and Grecotel, TUI Nordic, TUI UK and TUI Hellas also support the work of this nature protection organisation whose exemplary commitment was already honoured back in 1994 with the TUI International Environment Award. TUI Nordic has supported WWF Spain for two years now in fighting oil pollution on the Canary Islands. ERGOS (Environmental Response Group to Oil Spills), is a WWF pilot project operated in co-operation with the Canary Island government and ESA (European Space Agency). ERGOS aims to identify traces of oil in the sea early on with the help of satellite surveillance. This enables the culprits to be found and oil spills to be removed before they affect the coasts. In the past two years, these measures identified 160 oil spills. In an effort to protect marine species diversity, Hapag-Lloyd Container Line continued to convert its fleet to TBTfree, more environmentally-compatible underwater paints – a project that began in 1997. 22 of its 25 container ships now have TBT-free underwater paint, and the whole fleet is scheduled for conversion by 2005. The cruise liners of Hapag-Lloyd Cruises have already been completely converted to TBT-free underwater paint. It is also systematically continuing its involvement in marine eco-system protection: 2003 saw the successful completion of a research project by the German Environment Foundation (DBU), WWF and HapagLloyd Cruises to test biocide-free anti-fouling products. “Bremen Express” is one of the most modern ships in the Hapag-Lloyd Container Line fleet. World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 35 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 36 50 Examples of nature protection co-operation in practice Measures involving TUI AG, its Group companies and co-operation partners to protect biodiversity in 2003 TUI AG Company Partners Project/target TUI AG Aldabra Marine Programme Coastal Research Unit of Cambridge University UNESCO World Heritage Center Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS) M.E.E.R. e.V. (Mammals, Encounters, Education, Research) Research on the Aldabra atoll coral reefs in the Indian Ocean (UNESCO World Heritage Site) Protection of common dolphins in the Mediterranean EUROPARC Federation of Nature and National Parks in Europe Grup Balear d’Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturaleza Zoological Society Frankfurt Responsible whale watching around Tenerife and La Gomera Management and expansion of the marine protection zone around La Gomera Controlled use of major national parks in Europe (European Charter f. Sustainable Tourism & Nature in Protected Areas) Maintenance of the La Trapa nature conservation area (Majorca) Company Partners Project/target TUI Deutschland Federal Agency for Nature Conservation Information in travel documentation on the illegal trade in protected flora and fauna (CITES) Code of conduct when snorkelling and diving, and waste avoidance and reduction in energy and water consumption on the Maldives – brochures Involvement in project group to develop quality criteria for nature tourism on Rügen Code of conduct against illegal trade in protected flora and fauna (CITES) Development of environmentally-compatible diving standards Designation and conservation of Spanish Natura-2000 protected areas in Andalusia Monitoring and protection of sea grass meadows around Majorca Satellite surveillance programme for early identification of oil spills around the Canary Islands Tour operators Protect the Maldives e.V. WWF Germany TUI Nederland WWF Netherlands Curaçao Dive Operator Association (CDOA) TUI Nordic WWF Spain/ADENA WWF Spain/ADENA WWF Spain/ADENA Government of the Canaries, ESA (European Space Agency) WWF Spain/ADENA WWF Thailand WWF Thailand WWF Thailand Archelon (Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece) 36 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Campaign for the protection of threatened bird species on the Chinijo Archipelago offshore Lanzarote (marine protection area) Educational campaign in Thailand combating illegal trade in threatened species (CITES) Support for the WWF gibbon sanctuary on Phuket Protection for the Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park in Thailand, arrangement of guided tours for TUI Nordic customers Protecting the breeding grounds of the threatened sea turtle Caretta caretta on Zakynthos, Greece 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 37 50 Examples of nature protection co-operation in practice Measures involving TUI AG, its Group companies and co-operation partners to protect biodiversity in 2003 Baobab Beach Resort, Kenya. 30 years (1974-2004) of sustainable tourism use and conservation of endangered coastal forest with high level of biodiversity. 75 % of the property is protected as a forest reserve, the remaining 25 % contains soft architecture. Tour operators Company Partners Project/target TUI UK Conservation International Coral Reef Alliance Archelon (Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece) Nouvelles Frontières Longitude 181 Nature Red Sea Diving Association Tétraktys (Organisation for Sustainable Tourism Development) ASMS (Organisation for the Protection of Marine Mammals) Joint elaboration of guidelines to protect marine flora and fauna from boat trips Protecting the breeding grounds of the threatened sea turtle Caretta caretta on Zakynthos, Greece Brochures for divers to protect marine flora and fauna Deep Sea Bio-Escapes: offering dolphin observation diving trips and elaboration of code of conduct for divers Joint development of eco-tourism products in Senegal (Morocco, Mali, Madagascar, from 2004) Information material for customers in the ASMS brochure “Responsible conduct around whales and dolphins” Company Partners Project/target Grecotel Archelon (Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece) WWF Hellas Hellenic Wildlife Hospital of Aigina Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature Iberotel HEPCA (Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association) TEMA (Turkish Nature Protection Foundation) European Union Müritz National Park Protecting the breeding grounds of the threatened sea turtle Caretta caretta on Crete and the West Peleponnes (Kyllini), Greece Collecting donations in hotels and resorts in Greece Protecting coastal ecosystems and sea grass meadows in particular by providing customers with education material in hotels and resorts in Greece Supporting the protection of threatened coral reefs in the Red Sea, Egypt, as a member of the environmental protection organisation Supporting the reforestation project “1000 oak trees” by Iberotel Sarigerme Park (Turkey) Operation of RC Fleesensee with the national park authority for environmental protection and educational measures Supporting reforestation measures by RC Pamfilya, Turkey Collecting donations in RC Kyllini Beach, Greece, to support a project to reintroduce “dancing bears” to the wild Spinout SportTours/ TUI Suisse TUI Hotels & Resorts Robinson TEMA (Turkish Nature Protection Foundation) Arkturos (Greek Nature Protection Organisation) World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 37 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 38 50 Examples of nature protection co-operation in practice Measures involving TUI AG, its Group companies and co-operation partners to protect biodiversity in 2003 TUI Destination Management Company Partners Project/target TUI España Loro Parque Foundation, Tenerife Sociedad Española de Cetáceos (SEC) Archelon (Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece) East African Wildlife Society (E.A.W.S) Friends of Tsavo Charitable Trust (F.O.T) Protection of threatened parrot species worldwide (in-situ and ex-situ) Participation as representative of the tourism industry in a new strategy to conserve biodiversity in the Canaries Protection of marine mammals around the Canaries Protection of the breeding grounds of threatened sea turtles Caretta caretta on Zakynthos and in the Peleponnes Protecting the forest in the Aberdare National Park and in the Mount Kenya region Reforestation of Tsavo-East and Tsavo-West national parks (Kenya) after forest fires and destruction by elephants Company Partners Project/target Britannia Airways Britannia Nordic Born Free Foundation Manitoba Conservation “Polar Bear Surrogacy Project” Donation campaign for a project of adoption of orphaned polar bear cubs in Canada “GRASP – Great Apes Survival Project”: Donation campaign to protect threatened great apes in south-east Asia and Africa “Orphan elephants in Sri Lanka”: Donation campaign for the nurturing and reintroduction to the wild of orphaned baby elephants “Big Cats in Mexico”: Donation campaign against the exploitation of big cats used for entertainment of holidaymakers Working group for species diversity in the Canaries TUI Hellas Pollman’s Tours & Safaris (ARP Group) Pollman’s Tours & Safaris (ARP Group) TUI Service TUI Airline Management Born Free Foundation UNEP Born Free Foundation Elephant Transit Home in Sri Lanka Born Free Foundation Mexican authorities Cruises/Logistics Company Partners Project/target Hapag-Lloyd Cruises Orca Research Trust Antarctic Killer Whale Identification Catalogue; Customer educational material and donation collections on board Save the Albatross Campaign; Customer educational material and donation collections on board Customer educational material and donation collections on board Conservation of Antarctic ecosystems and their sustainable tourism use Co-operation with scientists and environmental protectors to protect sustainable use of Arctic ecosystems Australian Antarctic Division Antarctic Heritage Trust International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) WWF Germany Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Institute of Ecology of the University of Jena WWF Germany German Federal Environment Foundation Hapag-Lloyd Container Line 38 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Joint research project to test biocide-free anti-fouling agents TBT-free, environmentally-compatible underwater paint TBT-free, environmentally-compatible underwater paint 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 39 World of TUI tour operator brochures: Environmental quality standards BlueVillage® Hotels bearing the Blue Village quality label in the TUI Nordic brochures commit themselves to comply with defined environmental and sustainability standards. Environmental quality standards in Blue Village hotels. 2003 saw TUI Nordic with its Fritidsresor, Finnmatkat and Star Tour brands continue its close co-operation with Blue Village hotels. All Blue Village hotels are obliged to comply with the criteria for environmental standards defined in the “WWF Code of Conduct for Responsible Tourism”. All Blue Village hotels have to introduce environmental management systems and appoint an environmental officer. Their environmental commitment is reflected in recycling and resource conservation, large-scale use of local products, and a written environmental plan. The ECPAT Code of Conduct for the End of Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes is also an essential part of customer information at TUI Nordic and Blue Village hotels. The hotels also inform their guests about the “10 UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Rules for Responsible Travel” by posters in reception areas and hotel rooms. The hotel staff are also trained to raise the awareness of hotel guests accordingly. Customer information on sustainability in the 2003 Ten UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Rules for Responsible Travel: Fritidsresor brochure http://whc.unesco.org 1. Show respect for natural and cultural heritages. 2. Respect local traditions. 3. Take your time. 4. Ask before you take someone's photo. 5. In good trade, both parties are satisfied. 6. Do not give money to begging children. 7. Buy locally produced products. 8. Support local environmental activities. 9. Reduce the use of natural resources. 10. Travel in low season. TUI Nederland reserves one page in its brochures for sustainable holiday products. In summer 2003, the Holland International and Arke TUI Nederland brands presented the Aletsch-Jungfrau-Bietschhorn World Heritage Site in Switzerland in co-operation with UNESCO. Hapag-Lloyd Cruises provides detailed information in its brochures on the sensitive Antarctic ecosystems and defines a code of conduct for holidaymakers. On board the cruise liners, the passengers are specifically informed about appropriate codes of conduct and nature protection in the Antarctic on the basis of brochures and presentations. The “10 principles of Arctic tourism” and “Guidelines for Arctic visitors” are fundamental elements of customer communications. Extract from the “Guidelines for Arctic visitors”: “Keep as far away as possible from animals when observing and photographing. Remember that you can only gain a real-life experience if you are not noticed by the animals. Avoid the temptation to creep up close to animals. Respect any signs of unrest amongst the animals.” World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 39 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 40 Consumer protection: Information and quality assurance Renate Künast, German Minister of Consumer Protection, and Michael Iwand, TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management Director, at the presentation of TUI consumer protection and sustainable consumption activities in the Reisepavillon – Market Place for Alternative Travel, Hanover 2003 TUI Hotel Environmental Checklist 2003 The central TUI Environmental Management department presented itself for the first time in February 2003 at the “Reisepavillon – Marktplatz für alternatives Reisen”, the world’s largest tourism exhibition for sustainable tourism which took place in Hanover. Environmental management staff from TUI AG, TUI Deutschland, TUI España and Robinson, as well as co-operation partners from various destinations, fielded questions from trade visitors and interested members of the public on the exhibition stand, and at the end of their presentations. Environmental criteria for quality assurance. All TUI contracted hotels were again surveyed in 2003 with the help of the TUI Environmental Check List to monitor implementation of environmentally-compatible hotel management. Filling out the annual check list to provide TUI with information on the measures and activities implemented by the hoteliers to protect the environment at the hotels is a contractual obligation. The environmental check lists help control the implementation of sustainable measures by individual hoteliers and hotel chains, as well as the whole hotel sector in holiday regions and countries. Hotels with outstanding environmental measures in the destinations are selected on the basis of the defined, annually reviewed and continuously expanded criteria. The TUI environmental monitoring data is incorporated in the Groupwide hotel database DDB (Destination Database) and is used to identify hotels worthy of highlighting in the TUI catalogues with the classification “Environmentally-compatible hotel management”. Hotels managed in a proenvironmental way have also been marked since 2003 in the index of holiday brochures (with a green triangle) to This hotel is managed in an environmentally-friendly way All of the hotels with this label fulfil the aforementioned criteria as a minimum and/or have ISO 14001/EMAS environmental standard certification. 40 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 make it easier for travel agency staff to provide environmentally-oriented customers with advice. The following minimum criteria for environmentallyfriendly hotel management are defined as a requirement for the pro-environment hotel management label. These are adapted to the situation in each country and published in all TUI brochures on the “Holidays and environmental compatibility” page (always page 3 in the prices supplement). TUI minimum criteria for environmentally-friendly hotel management Proper sewage treatment by a local authority or private sewage plant At least three water saving measures Waste avoidance by implementation of at least three measures Separation of recyclables from waste At least three energy-saving measures Regular measurement of consumption levels Pro-environment purchasing Bio-degradable cleaning products Environmental information for hotel guests, appointment of environmental officer TUI customer assessment of the environmental measures of the hotel with a score of “good” or better Of the thousands of TUI Deutschland hotels worldwide, 10 hotels with the highest customer evaluation scores receive the “TUI Environment Champion” award based on the results of the questionnaires filled out by hotel guests. These 10 hotels are highlighted in TUI brochures, the internet and travel agencies. The hoteliers and their environment teams are awarded a trophy and the TUI Environment Champion certificate at an awards ceremony. TUI Environment Champions 2003 1. Iberotel Sarigerme Park, Turkey 2. Hotel Jardim Atlantico, Portugal 3. Hotel Tigaiga, Spain 4. Hotel Fuerte Conil, Spain 5. Grecotel Pella Beach, Greece 6. Grecotel Malia Park, Greece 7. Robinson Club Lyttos Beach, Greece 8. Robinson Club Pamfilya, Turkey 9. Robinson Club Kyllini Beach, Greece 10. Parkhotel Beau Site and Villa Parkhotel, Switzerland 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 16:18 Uhr Seite 41 Consumer protection: Information and quality assurance In 2003, TUI Deutschland updated its “Holidays and environmental compatibility” brochure page and had it audited for content by an independent expert during ISO 14001 certification. Destination monitoring was carried out again in 2003 as in previous years. To check environmental quality in the holiday regions, nominated staff from TUI Service and incoming agencies questioned local authorities, environmental groups, etc., and reported back to TUI AG Environmental Management on the current state of the environment. “Holidays and environmental compatibility” page in TUI brochures The report is based on the following TUI environmental criteria for destinations: Bathing water and beach quality Water supply and water saving measures Wastewater disposal and utilisation Waste disposal and avoidance Energy supply and energy saving measures Traffic, air, noise and climate change Landscape and building development and open space planning Nature, species and animal protection Environmental information and products Environmental policy and activities In addition to providing the Group with information, systematic monitoring also raises the awareness of local inhabitants and decision makers of environmental and nature protection issues. The TUI Service or agency managers in each holiday region are responsible for upto-date reporting. Environmental reports are supplemented by numerous appendices reflecting TUI environmental criteria for destinations. These appendices include reports by public and private sector organisations, local press releases, environmental education brochures produced in the regions covering nature and environmental protection, samples of guest information material provided by TUI hotels, as well as photographs and maps. Environmental reports from TUI destinations worldwide are analysed by TUI AG Environmental Management and made available to TUI AG Corporate Centre departments with strategic functions as well as the environmental co-ordinators in the affiliated companies. These environmental reports are used as the basis for consumer information covering “Nature and environment” in all brochures produced by TUI Deutschland, TUI Suisse, TUI Austria and TUI Polska. “We want to incorporate the “We are committed to protect the environment” corporate principle even further in our quality assurance and product development, and align it with customer demands in the German market.” Jomique de Vries, Head of Quality and Environmental Management, TUI Deutschland World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 41 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 42 Brochure information on “Nature and environment” in TUI destinations Comprehensive environmental information on TUI destinations is published in the “Nature and environment” section in all TUI brochures and at www.tui.de. The information in the brochures includes a disclosure of environmental problems such as shortcomings in waste management or beach cleaning, as well as presenting exemplary environmental initiatives managed by local authorities and regions. The percentage of protected areas is also given. Nature and environment Majorca (2003) 37.6 % of the island, including Majorca’s unique national park, the island of Cabrera, have been designated protected areas since 1992. The “La Trapa” nature conservation area was acquired in 1980 by GOB, the most important nature conservation group in the Balearics. TUI financially supports GOB’s exemplary commitment and provides assistance in other ways for the various protection measures implemented in the La Trapa area. Beach and bathing water quality are regularly checked and have remained at the same high quality since 1993 with just a few exceptions. 35 beaches and 10 sports harbours were awarded the Blue Flag for bathing water and beach quality in 2003 (www.blueflag.org). 80 % of the rising drinking water demand on Majorca is covered by groundwater. The underground reserves fell to a critical 7 % level in 2000 and have now recovered to approx. 40 % after the recent rainy winters. A sewage network covers the whole island and the treated water is increasingly used for agricultural irrigation. There is an ongoing controversial discussion on expanding drinking water supplies by sea water desalination – a highly energy and cost intensive technology. Energy consumption on Majorca has increased by approx. 50 % since 1997. The existing power generation capacity has therefore now almost reached its limits. 42 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 The island therefore plans to link up to the power or natural gas grids on the Spanish mainland to cover its future requirements. A range of measures are planned to increase waste separation and recycling. The Environmental Technology Park opened in 2003 is the most exemplary project: this state-of-the-art waste recycling plant, which includes composting and biogas generation, can be explored by interested visitors from an overhead cable way. The Calvia local authority is particularly proenvironment: the local Agenda 21 process initiated in 1995 has already won several awards. Hotels on Majorca classified as environmentally soundly managed (2003) Hipotel Flamenco Cala Millor, Cala Millor Hotel Sumba, Cala Millor Hipotel Hipocampo Playa – Apartments, Cala Millor Grupotel Parc Natural, Bay of Alcudia Grupotel Los Principes – Hotel & Apartments, Bay of Alcudia Hotel Eden Playa, Bay of Alcudia Hotel Playa Esperanza, Bay of Alcudia Pollentia Club Resort, Bay of Pollensa 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 43 Raising customer awareness – Development of products for sustainable consumption Hapag-Lloyd Cruises, together with the WWF Arctic Programme and the Alfred-Wegener Institute for Marine and Polar Research, is committed to preserving Antarctic ecosystems. “Being close to nature is a major part of any cruise. Hapag-Lloyd Cruises is committed to conserving the highly-sensitive ecosystems for future generations and ensuring that they remain intact.” Bärbel Krämer, Operations & Environmental Affairs Hapag-Lloyd Cruises TUI Deutschland products in 2003 included close-to-nature excursions to various destinations complying with the TUI AG criteria for nature excursions. The goal is to harmonise the excitement aspect of these nature tours with raised awareness amongst the customers for the problems involved and specific protection goals. In order to be able to make a positive contribution to sustainable conservation area development, the excursions offered by tour operators and/or local agents must comply with social, ecological and cultural criteria: TUI criteria for close-to-nature excursions: Conceptional development in co-ordination with local nature conservation/environmental experts and authorities Support for local co-operation partners Selection of environmentallycompatible means of transport Increasing awareness of natural and cultural assets Active involvement of the excursion participants In 2003, Robinson Clubs extended the reach of its environmental standards and criteria for customer communications to include all of its operations. Grecotel opened the AGRECO farm in 2003 for all Grecotel guests in Rethymnon and totalled around 10 000 visitors. All of the guests took part in traditional activities such as producing wine, raki, bread, yoghurt and olive oil – all produced on the organic farm itself. Clean-up campaigns, as regularly carried out by Robinson, Grecotel, Iberotel and some Dorfhotel complexes, not only reduce litter in the vicinity of the hotels, they also effectively increase customer awareness. Members of the hotels and TUI Service, as well as contractual partners such as diving schools, and interested TUI customers, jointly clean up hotel grounds, and remove flotsam and jetsam from sections of beach and/or reefs. This raises their awareness of the environmental problems at holiday destinations. Aeolos Travel developed a new concept in 2003 for excursions and incentives: in addition to traditional tourist attractions, customers were also shown areas devastated by forest fires to give them an impression of the damage they can cause. Trees are then planted at the end of the excursion. Passengers and crews on board the Hapag-Lloyd Cruises fleet are educated via presentations and information material on appropriate codes of conduct and nature protection in the Arctic and Antarctic. Many beach clean-up campaigns were carried out at TUI Group hotels with the active support of guests and staff in 2003 (here Grecotel and Iberotel as examples). World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 43 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 44 Raising customer awareness Integrated regional development: tourism and local agriculture. The Grecotel complexes on Crete cover around 70 % of their requirements for fresh fruit, vegetables and salad with the organic produce from the Grecotel Agreco farm on Crete “For Grecotel, sustainability means the longterm quality operation of its hotels. This could not be achieved without the environment, the source of life, and the environmental protection – the work for a quality future.” Maria Valerga, Environmental Manager Grecotel Agreco model project. The Grecotel Agreco farm on Crete is a private farm of around 40 000 square metres for the organic production of food and vegetables. Around 70 % of the daily needs of Grecotel hotels on Crete for plant produce such as vegetables, salad, herbs, olives and wine, are provided by the Agreco farm. Kostas Bougiouris, lecturer and agricultural economist, tests various organic farming methods as Agreco project manager and informs others of the results during tours of the farm. Visitors can gain a direct insight into rural life in various ways: in a traditional cheese making dairy, guests find out how cheese or yoghurt is manufactured from sheep’s milk and goats’ milk. In the kitchens, visitors can actively help in the production of local jams and preserved food. This gives them an introduction into the traditional production of Greek products, environmentally-friendly farming methods, and an insight into Crete’s culture, history and nature. In addition, the Agreco farm also informs Greek farmers about modern farming methods and highlights new ways of developing agriculture according to organic principles which simultaneously respect local cultural traditions. More information available at www.tui-environment.com. TUI Nederland continued a project to raise customer awareness in Bonaire and Curaçao. Customers booking a holiday in one of these destinations receive a large amount of information on sustainable travel and environment-related issues. At the destination, holidaymakers are spelled out the criteria for pro-environment diving which is obligatory for TUI Nederland contractual partners. Before each diving trip, divers receive explicit briefings and codes of conduct on the protection of coral reefs. 44 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 To protect the reefs in the Red Sea, Iberotel Coraya Beach Resort in Marsa Alam (Egypt) has published an information brochure in four languages. This raises the awareness of hotel guests for environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources. The following code of conduct is recommended in particular: We need your help to protect the environment! Do not remove any marine animals Do not feed the fish Do not walk on the reef Do not break off pieces of coral as souvenirs Please shower before you go swimming because sun protection products can have a negative effect on sea creatures Only swim in the marked areas Do not throw waste into the sea If you find any waste when you are diving please bring it back with you and throw it into the appropriate waste bin Do not keep taps running when brushing your teeth or shaving Avoid excessive use of shower gels and shampoo Restrict showers to less than five minutes Please switch off the lights and air-conditioning when you leave the room Use your beach towel for two days if possible. Source: Iberotel Coraya Beach Resort, Egypt 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 45 Raising the awareness of staff Environmental information for over 60 000 staff in the TUI Intranet Portal (TIP) TUI AG Environmental Management has begun to set up its own “Environmental Management” section in the TUI Intranet TIP. The aim is to provide all staff worldwide with information on the company environmental and sustainability guidelines, environmental news and all relevant activities – from in-house environmental protection to nature and species conservation. All of the relevant documents are available for downloading in a document centre. In an area of the intranet only accessible to specialists “Experts corner” there are detailed instructions and Issue December 2003 practical examples from within the Group. These make it easier for TUI environmental co-ordinators to optimise environmental management within their own areas of responsibility. Training activities have been intensified together with TUI Deutschland. All trainees watch presentations on TUI Environmental Management. In addition, several trainees had longer assignments than usual within TUI AG or TUI Deutschland Environmental Management. Selected staff participated in an in-house programme for management development focussing on environmental aspects. New members of the works council in all Group companies have been informed since 2003 about the Group’s environmental activities in special introductory seminars. 2003 also saw the publication of environment-related articles in every issue of the “TUI times” staff newspaper. And several articles covering environmental issues of relevance to logistics were published in the “Hapag-Lloyd Aktuell” staff magazine. TUI Deutschland conceived a company-wide e-mail based Environment Newsletter to inform interested members of staff about important environmental issues three Inga Schnapauff and Andreas Koch presenting the TUI D Environment Newsletter times a year. TUI Service, the World of TUI tour guide organisation active in over 70 countries, collaborated with TUI Deutschland to develop a new training concept for tour guides (permanent staff training) focussing on environmental protection. These two companies jointly founded the “TUI environmental ambassador” project in the 2003 financial year. Active environmental protection in the destinations is boosted by supporting the hands-on environmental involvement of TUI staff. World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 45 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 46 Environmental targets 2004 – 2006 TUI AG 47 Tour Operators 49 Business Travel 50 Airlines 51 Destination Management 52 Hotels & Resorts 54 Logistics/Industry 55 46 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 47 Environmental targets of TUI AG Applied nature conservation. The ”Heerter See” protected area and European nature reserve owned by TUI is managed by the NABU nature protection society because of the area’s major environmental importance. The wetlands are home to breeding and migrating populations of 288 bird species, of which 112 are in the ”Red List” of endangered species, including cranes, ospreys, black storks and kingfishers. TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Expansion of ISO certification throughout the Group Sustainability Leadership Forum (SLF) 28 % of all turnover in 2003 was already generated by certified companies Project with CSM (Center for Sustainable Management) of the University of Lüneburg and B.A.U.M. 35 % of all TUI AG turnover should be generated by certified Group companies Integration of environmental sustainability within the sustainability management of TUI AG and World of TUI companies Continuous further development of environmental reporting to meet in-house and external requirements. Content and usability of www.tui-environment.com to be regularly checked and optimised as required. Ongoing involvement Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 for Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 for the publication in the internet to strengthen TUI Group published in May 2004. non-financial aspects in corporate reporting www.tui-environment.com website relaunched in November 2003 with a completely new version. Development of “Beacon” projects (e.g. on issues involving biodiversity, local authority co-operation and development) In-house environmental communications and continuous further integration of the TUI Environmental Network (TEN!) Environmental monitoring of TUI AG Group companies Project development with IUCN (World Conservation Union) as part of TUI AG’s biodiversity strategy Project development with ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) as part of TUI’s involvement in local Agenda 21 processes Continuing integration of TUI Environmental Network via various media channels 80 % returns in 2003 Environmental data integrated within Group-wide environmental reporting Benchmarking studies amongst Group companies “Experts corner” set up Setting up a special environmental “Experts corner” in the TUI Intranet Portal (TIP) Regular articles in the TUI times staff Articles on environmental issues in every edition newspaper in 2003 Implementing a Group conference on further professionalisation of co-operation and internal reporting Boosting returns to 100 % by 2006 Group-wide use of environmental data Environmental benchmarking of TUI AG companies Continuous further development of content and usability Ongoing continuous informing of staff and raising staff awareness World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 47 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 48 Environmental targets of TUI AG TUI AG Headquarters Project/activity In-house environmental management system at TUI AG headquarters Continuous improvement in in-house environmental protection Setting up a database for the continuous monitoring of all material flows within TUI AG headquarters Introduction and use of recycling paper Energy saving measures in offices Install additional water meters Establish content about “In-house environmental protection” in the TUI Intranet Raising staff awareness Set up recyclables collection points and three-way waste separation at workplaces Pro-environment driver coaching Reduction in hazardous materials 48 Status ÖKOPROFIT project with local Agenda 21 office of the city of Hanover. Registration as an ÖKOPROFIT business achieved following environmental audit in 2003 Continuation of the initiated activities and adaptation to meet the requirements of ISO 14001 Publication of the annual in-house environmental status report in the internet (www.tui-environment.com) Database ready (TUI management tool – in-house environmental protection) Providing recycling paper for photocopiers /offices White paper only available upon request and extra charge Extension leads with separate switches Staff information: “Switch off the screen when leaving your workplace” “Turn off heating when opening the windows and over night” Water meters installed and in operation Ongoing Environmental Day in February 2004. Information on proper refuse separation in the form of the disposal guide Setting up recyclables collection bins in tea kitchens and corridors Expanding waste separation in offices to include DSD waste (green point), residual waste and paper In preparation: preliminary discussions with providers carried out Use of hazardous materials significantly reduced, storage optimised Hazardous materials inventory updated and audited World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Target 2004–2006 ISO 14001 certification of TUI AG headquarters in 2005 Heat energy / heated area -8 % Power consumption/employee -5 % Paper consumption/employee -2.5 % Share of waste separated for recycling 80 % Roll out the database and our experience in TUI Group companies Reduce paper consumption by at least 2.5 % and further reduction in use of “white” paper Replace all neon lights with high-efficiency models (currently being tested); activate energy saving option on PCs; continuous reduction in energy consumption Optimise meter reading and data collection; resulting in continuous improvement in resource savings Continuous provision of the latest information Ongoing Other environmental info days planned Target for the proportion of recyclable waste relative to total waste set at 80 % Control separation by employees and cleaning staff Offer staff opportunity of undertaking this training Additional training for company drivers and company car drivers; lowering fuel consumption of TUI company cars. Further reduction in hazardous materials. No increase 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 49 Environmental targets of TUI Tour Operators You’ve only really been somewhere if you‘ve been there on foot: TUI Deutschland and the Alpine School Innsbruck jointly arrange hiking holidays focussed on getting close to nature and culture – for instance, on Madeira. TUI Deutschland Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Certification of TUI Deutschland GmbH according to international ISO 14001 environmental standard Reorientation of environmental quality assurance for TUI Deutschland contractual hotels Development of close-to-nature excursion products and promotion of existing close-tonature excursion products in the TUI product range (in agreement with product management, agencies and retail) Continuous improvement in in-house environmental protection Certification completed Annual environmental audits by independent expert and re-auditing 2006 Pilot phase started in 2004 Implementation of the concept including environmental product labelling in distribution media Additional activity to develop close-to-nature excursion products Participation in ÖKOPROFIT local Agenda 21 project of city of Hanover Establish intranet and internet section on environmental management Establish a regular in-house Environment Newsletter Environmental training for TUI tour guides Environmental ambassador concept Annual environmental information days for all staff (Green Days) Start-up of the TUI “close-to-nature excursion holidays” internet pages Examples at www.tui-deutschland.de TUI criteria for close-to-nature excursions formulated. First close-to-nature excursions on the market Publication of the annual in-house environmental status report in the internet (www.tui-deutschland.de) Heating energy / heated area -6 % Power consumption/employee -5 % Paper consumption/employee -2.5 % Proportion of waste separated for recycling 80 % Registration as ÖKOPROFIT Hanover business 2000, Long-term involvement in local Agenda 21 2001 and 2002-3, participation in ÖKOPROFIT 2004 process New internet (www.tui-deutschland.de) and intranet Further development of intranet and internet sections launched pages Newsletter regularly dispatched in 2004 to persons on Broaden distribution of Environment Newsletter TUI in-house distribution list to include TUI-external distribution list Pilot phase with five selected destinations completed Integration of environmental training for all TUI tour guides Pilot phase: calling on all TUI staff in destinations to use Project recommendations from staff submitted their own initiative to recommend environmental projects in 2004 will be submitted in accordance with the worthy of support by TUI Environmental Management, “TUI environmental ambassador” concept and to play an active part in realisation of the activity as a kind of project mentor Planning for Green Days on 2.– 4.6. 2004 under way Annual implementation of Green Days World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 49 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 50 Environmental targets of TUI Tour Operators/Business Travel Hapag-Lloyd Cruises Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Transporting scientists to and from research stations in the Antarctic Co-ordinating the passage of 27 scientists in the 2002/2003 season Ongoing. 35 scientists already noted down for the 2003/2004 season Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Formulation of an environmental code within the Association of Belgian Tour Operators (ABTO) First working draft in September 2003 Ongoing development and formulation of the environmental code Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Waste management Introducing recyclables separation in Nouvelles Frontières headquarters in Paris Printing the “Hiking &Trekking” brochure for summer 2004 on 100 per cent recycling paper Elaboration of environmental monitoring questionnaire Ongoing optimisation Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Environmental activity award Presentation of the “TUI UK Gold Medal Award 2004” Integrated responsible tourism programme TUI UK presents the annual TUI UK Gold Medal Award which recognises the achievements of providers and organisations who fulfil defined environmental criteria to a particularly high degree Initial implementation start 2004 Commence environmental auditing of hotels Initial implementation start 2004 Jetair/TUI Belgium Nouvelles Frontières/TUI France Resource conservation Environmental monitoring Ongoing analysis to check whether all brochures can be printed on recycling paper in future Introducing environmental monitoring focussing on hotels at all destinations TUI UK Delivering code of practise to Initial implementation start 2004 overseas suppliers Develop overseas projects with the travel foun- Initial implementation start 2004 dation implementing animal welfare guidelines developed in conjunction with Born Free Implement the integrated Responsible tourism programme Complying with the FTO responsible tourism 'statement of commitment' Complying with the FTO responsible tourism 'statement of commitment' Complying with the FTO responsible tourism 'statement of commitment' TQ3 Travel Solutions Project/activity Status Introduction and certification of environmental Definition of the necessary structure and separate and sustainability management measures planned in 2004 Co-operation with the chair of “Sustainable Economics” of the University of Bremen 50 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Target 2004–2006 Certification of all premises in Germany according to ISO 14001 planned for 2005 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 51 Environmental targets of TUI Airlines Britannia Airways launched its Fuel Conservation Programme in 2002 to systematically reduce its aviation fuel consumption. This programme optimises flight planning and operation, and incorporates a new route planning system. TUI Airline Management Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Environmental monitoring of TUI Airlines Introduction of systematic environmental monitoring Continuous further development Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Environmental communications Formulating an environmental manual to publish the environmental policy, goals and measures Internet-based publication planned for autumn 2004 Status Target 2004–2006 Britannia Nordic Britannia Airways UK Project/activity Environmental report and environmental impact analysis Co-operation with the Born Free Foundation Realising a study project at headquarters in Luton in co-operation with the Green Business Network Numerous projects since 1995 incl. transport of wild animals, sponsoring Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP) Accredited environmental /responsible tourism Initial training undertaken training for environmental reps Establish environmental reporting page New site being developed on website Reduce paper consumption Cockpit: pilot laptops provided; Cabin: PDAs provided for cabin crew Publication of Britannia Airways Environmental Report in 2004 Participation in “Business in the Community Award” Course to be successfully completed by end 2005 Further development and updates undertaken Project implemented – ongoing, successful implementation Hapag-Lloyd Flug Project/activity Status Reducing paper consumption, printing consumables and transport costs – all with the aim of resource conservation Fuel conservation project Introducing electronic publication and editing systems Ongoing. Shift from paper-based documentation for technical documentation, internet-based document to electronic media access, reducing amount of paper in cockpits Efficiency enhancement measures implemented: winglets, Weight reduction by using lighter aircraft seats special aircraft engine cleaning methods, new flight proce- planned from 2005 (improved cabin) dures. Reducing the use of auxiliary power units (APU) Non-smoking on all Hapag-Lloyd flights from 01.11.2004 Introduction of non-smoking on all Hapag-Lloyd flights Target 2004–2006 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 51 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 16:04 Uhr Seite 52 Environmental targets of TUI Destination Management TUI expressly supports the application by the “Las Cañadas del Teide” National Park (Tenerife, Canary Islands) for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Site list. Aeolos, Cyprus Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Raising customer awareness Integration of “Forest fire risk” issue in the excursion programme by carrying out tree-planting campaigns Ongoing Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Reducing waste volumes generated during excursions Analysing the implementation of close-tonature excursions in the Cancún/Riviera Maya destination Avoiding one-way containers and initiating recycling Extending the activities including introduction of washable cutlery on selected excursions Ongoing project evaluation Mex-Atlántica Tours, Mexico Preliminary discussions with TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management carried out Pollman’s Tours & Safaris, Kenya Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Sponsoring of reforestation programme in the Tsavo West National Park First activities in the form of tree-planting campaigns Enlarging the reforestation areas by incorporating reforestation campaigns in excursions with Pollman’s customers Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Resource conservation Introducing energy-saving bulbs in offices, water-saving measures, use of recycling paper Introduction of waste separation in 2004 Ongoing Tantur, Turkey Waste management 52 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Ongoing 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 53 Environmental targets of TUI Destination Management “For my friends at TUI, for their commitment to environmental protection.” David Meca, Spanish long-distance swimmer and extreme sports athlete Tunisie Voyages, Tunisia Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Close-to-nature tours and excursions Development of new tours and excursions for nature lovers, such as hiking and trekking tours Communication of environmental criteria and TUI environmental guidelines to the staff Ongoing evaluation and further development in co-operation with special providers Ongoing Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Training concept focussing on environmental aspects for tour guides Development completed. Test phase Ongoing expansion of the monthly destination training courses focussing on the environment in all destinations in summer 2004 Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Creating a Spanish-wide environmental network for all TUI España regions Appointing TUI España environmental co-ordination team incorporating the various regions (Canaries, Balearics, Andalusia, Catalonia) Biodiversity Active involvement in the Protection of Species Diversity on the Canaries Working Group Environmental communications Conferences and meetings with business associations and regional governments Implementation in co-operation with the environment commission of the ASHOTEL hotel association (Asociación Hotelera y Extra-hotelera de Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera y El Hierro) Creating the basis and conditions for internal cooperation on environmental aspects, and using this as the basis for developing co-ordinated activities at a national and international level (e.g. certification) Active implementation of the measures developed by the working group and further continuation of the work Ongoing expansion of communications activities Environmental communications TUI Service, Switzerland TUI España Spain-wide use of CD-ROMs covering “Environmental management in hotels” (in Spanish) From 2004, use by TUI Group contractual partners on Tenerife. Step-wise throughout Spanish market. World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 53 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 54 Environmental targets of TUI Hotels & Resorts Iberotel Project/activity Status Installing a solar energy plant (parabolic collect- Installation completed ors) to air-condition the Iberotel Sarigerme Park Research project with the University of Stuttgart Preliminary study carried out. Co-operation initiated and German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on bio-gas extraction and exploitation in sewage works Target 2004–2006 Further development of the system so that the investment is largely paid for by energy savings Introduction of innovative technologies in TUI hotels for climate and water protection Dorfhotel Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Introduction of an ISO 14001 environmental management system at Dorfhotel Fleesensee Successful certification Certification according to ISO 14001 in March 2004 Status Target 2004–2006 Grecotel Project/activity Introduction of ISO 14001 environmental management systems Implementation of a health hygiene system (HACCP) Environmental management system according to ISO 14001 successfully introduced in Grecotel Pella Beach Successful implementation in almost all Grecotel complexes in 2003 and incorporation of HACCP specifications for purchasing policy in Grecotel operation standards Installing desalination plants for drinking water Use of desalination plant at Grecotel Mykonos Blu production Permanent implementation and expansion of Implementation of numerous energy saving measures energy saving measures and use of renewable in Grecotel complexes; reduction of oil consumption by energies 40–50 % in 2003 thanks to the installation of solarpanels Systematic introduction of EMS in all Grecotel complexes, certification according to ISO 14001 Implementation and certification of the system in all complexes Installation of similar desalination plants in Grecotel hotels in Soinio and Corfu Continuation of activities particularly with respect to use of pro-climate gas appliances for hot water production Nordotel Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Certified environmental management Use of renewable energies Implementing EMS according to EMAS in Nordotel hotels Ongoing Expansion of the programme to use renewable solar Ongoing power in hotels on Lanzarote Robinson Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Achievement of Austrian Environmental Label for Robinson Clubs in Austria Environmental communications Robinson Club Ampflwang awarded label in 2003 Receipt of Austrian Environmental Label planned for Kleinarl and Schlanitzen Alm clubs Ongoing continuation of activities Resource conservation and technical innovations 54 Communication of environmental activities via the internet, investor brochures, catalogue pages, customer information and staff training Co-operation with schools on environmental issues Installation of Building Management Systems (BMS) and numerous water and energy saving measures in Robinson Clubs World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 Ongoing, various measures planned, particularly for the new Kleinarl Robinson Club in Austria 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 55 Environmental targets of Logistics/Industry Hapag-Lloyd Container Line is in the Clean Cargo Working Group of the Business for Social Responsibility organisation (BSR). Environmental management at Hapag-Lloyd Container Line gained ISO 14001 environmental certification in 2003. Hapag-Lloyd Container Line Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Container ships successively moving over to TBT-free underwater paint Elaboration of first Hapag-Lloyd Container Line Environmental Report Internal communication of quality and environmental management, and environmental goals Reducing fuel consumption and associated NOx emissions by introducing technical innovations in container ships Almost complete implementation amongst container fleet In preparation All container ships will have pro-environment underwater paint by 2005 Publication in 2004 Setting up courses as part of the general training programme for new staff The first container ship with “electronically controlled engine” currently under construction Ongoing Project/activity Status Target 2004–2006 Certified environmental management Planning phase for OHRIS certification in 2003 (Occupational Health and Risk Management System) Quarterly staff information on status of achieving environmental goals All trainees take part in a special one week long seminar covering issues including environmental protection and environmental goals Successful certification in January 2004 Delivery of first container ship with “electronically controlled engine” scheduled for 15.5.2005 WOLF Air-conditioning and Heating Technology Environmental communications Ongoing World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 55 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 56 Summary Certified environmental management systems. Environmental improvement processes in TUI destinations 57 Certified municipal environmental management. Climate change and climate protection. Sustainable mobility – work in progress 58 “We need crash barriers.” 59 56 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 16:06 Uhr Seite 57 Certified environmental management systems. Environmental improvement processes in TUI destinations TUI AG Annual Report 2003 „Without environmental quality, there is no holiday quality and no customer satisfaction.” Karl J. Pojer, Director TUI Hotels & Resorts Departmental restructuring in TUI AG means that Group Corporate Environmental Management has been part of Human Resources & Legal Affairs since 1 June 2003. This institutionalises the close connection to human resource activities (HR services and HR development) and legal affairs, as well as the needs of employee representatives – as reflected in the Group Committee on Health Safety and the Environment and the Group Working Group on Sustainable Tourism. In the TUI AG Annual Report 2003, the section on “Environmental protection. Partnership and co-operation. Certification for environmental management” makes a clear reference to the TUI AG environment internet pages www.tui-environment.com which provide up-to-date information about new projects and developments and comprehensively report on the Group’s environmental activities (p. 84). Our Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 is a significant move as part of our continuous improvement process of raising the profile of the environmental activities of our Group companies in various European and non-European countries throughout the tourism value chain: retail, tour operators, transport, destination management and hotels, as well as other segments. The results shows significant progress “on all fronts”. ISO 14001 certification in 2003 by various companies including Hapag-Lloyd Container Line, the Robinson España hotel company, and the tour operator TUI Deutschland pave the way and act as models in their market segments. These models again include – in a way unsurpassed by any other TUI hotel – the Iberotel Sarigerme Park in Dalaman, Turkey, which again tops the (world) rankings of TUI Environment Champions with its continuous best practice and ongoing environmental innovation. The experts at Hapag-Lloyd Container Line, Britannia Airways, Wolf Airconditioning and Heating Technology and TUI Deutschland have produced impressive professional reports. Of the hotel brands, Grecotel stands out alongside Nouvelles Frontières’ Paladien Hotels and Grupotel. A surprise were the groundbreaking reports by the incoming agencies Aeolos Cyprus (whose transport division was also ISO 14001 certified in 2003), TUI Bulgaria and Tunisie Voyages. The ambitious implementation programmes of TQ3 Travel Solutions in the business travel segment, TUI España in the broad range of products of its Spanish incoming agencies, and Dorfhotel at its Fleesensee complex in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, have all successfully realised their development phases in 2003. And even where there is no certification, the impressive scale of the improvement process is clearly demonstrated by the various brands of TUI Hotels & Resorts which have achieved remarkable improvements in their operating performance, as well as their environmental performance indicators and individual environmental management systems, not to mention the surveyed environmental satisfaction of their customers. In this context, we also focussed in 2003 on environmental improvement processes in TUI destinations and those implemented by TUI specific local authorities, in addition to environmental management in TUI hotels. As they say in the language of the TUI Group’s main destination country: “Hoteles sostenibles en destinos sostenibles”. A typical example of our local authority environmental activities in 2003 was the effective incorporation of our environmental criteria for destinations in four of our model regions (Crete, Side/Antalya, Tenerife, Rügen). World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 57 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:06 Uhr Seite 58 Certified municipal environmental management. Climate change and climate protection. Sustainable mobility – work in progress “Environmental protection issues give rise to highly productive opportunities to enhance the profile of the TUI brand in such areas as: sense of responsibility, future-orientation and forward-looking.” Market research study ErnestDichter-Institute carried out on behalf of TUI D, 2003 The environmental weaknesses/ strengths of the destinations, and the opportunities/risks, were reported to the decision makers and local stakeholders. Typical for this process is the Costa Adeje district on Tenerife, which is the most important local authority on the island for TUI tour operators. The particularly professional and direct co-operation between TUI Environmental Management and the local authority, not to mention the close transfer of knowledge between the two parties, enabled the Costa Adeje district to become the first tourism local authority in Spain to win UNE-EN ISO 14001 certificati- Community development with TUI España, TUI UK (Thomson Holidays) and TUI AG At an official ceremony in February 2003, TUI presented the mayor, and deputy mayor responsible for tourism and environmental development, an award for the successful ISO 14001 certification of the Adeje municipality on Tenerife. 58 on. The main focus of the project in other model regions was the use of renewable energies on Crete, localauthority waste and landfill management in Side/Antalya, and nature park development on Rügen/Germany. The question is often raised in this context about the extent to which holidaymakers (consumers) financially reward these environmental qualities (by higher levels of bookings or higher prices). Although we are very well aware that our “sustainable production model” has to be matched by the appropriate “sustainable” consumers – i.e., demand needs to be increased to also be economically sustainable – we still primarily put our faith in our process strategy: “Sustainable environmental quality-assurance first!” As far as our marketing activities are concerned (environmentally-friendly hotels, TUI Environment Champions, close-tonature excursion products, brochure information and our environmental product and process quality guarantees overall) the name of the game is: “Marketing follows control” and not the other way round! And, however promising the environmental processes and results achieved by the tour operators, hotels and destination management, the focus of our risk assessment is on transport: an area where we need to look more closely at “anthropogenic causes of climate change”. With respect to air package holidays in particular, and its own airlines and long-haul travel and low-cost carriers, TUI has been increasingly brought into the spotlight of the political, scientific and environmental debate. Pressure to take action is World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 growing, particularly where flights to and from holiday destinations become the central criteria for (tourism critical) sustainability assessments. Notwithstanding the erroneous and ineffective proposals for avoidance strategies, which ignore in particular the environmental as well as the social valueadded effects of air package holidays, we placed a high priority in 2003 on “mobility and climate change”. The CO2 reduction programmes implemented by the airlines (e.g. winglet technology, aviation fuel reduction programmes), energy efficiency in the air (aircraft) and on the ground (hotels), and the targeted use of renewable energies, are still our key instruments. As part of group-wide environmental monitoring throughout the value chain, our questions on specific CO2 emissions as one of the critical environmental parameters are raising the general level of awareness of this problem. Models of “climate-neutral flying” discussed previously, involving voluntary CO2 compensation payments, are not yet suitably developed in our opinion and their impact on destinations is problematic. We are therefore increasing in a problemoriented way the development of the “climate change and climate protection” issue on the basis of numerous stakeholder dialogues from the point of view of the financial community and the international frameworks of the Kyoto Protocol ( joint implementation, clean development mechanisms), as well as the results of the start of emission trading in Europe. 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:07 Uhr Seite 59 “We need crash barriers.” Interview with Wolf Michael Iwand, TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management Director, DER SPIEGEL No. 32, August 2003 SPIEGEL: Around 220 million holidaymakers are expected in the Mediterranean area this year. How many have booked with Europe’s largest tour operator? Iwand: Of our 20 million customers, probably around 10 million, of which five million from Germany. We have around 6 000 hotels and resorts under contract. The region accounts for around 50 per cent of our total turnover. It is extremely important for our business. SPIEGEL: How significant is the increasing environmental impact – sewage problems, mountains of rubbish, paving over of coastal strips? Iwand: Our customers may have justifiable aesthetic criticism here and there, but there is no disaster scenario. This is also confirmed by our continuous environmental monitoring as a tour operator. The progress since 1990 is very apparent. SPIEGEL: Isn’t tourism around the Mediterranean in particular in the process of destroying the very basis of its existence? Iwand: There is no doubt that we are both a victim as well as a culprit. We are actively doing all we can to improve the situation. In the last ten years, our environmental protection methods have also made a big change to the overall picture. And the environmental impact actually diminishes gradually as the level of exploitation increases. SPIEGEL: How is that possible? Iwand: Because tourism structurally replaces old industries such as coastal agriculture and commodities industries which either ignore or barely heed the needs of the environment. SPIEGEL: TUI forces out well-established production sectors and praises this as a boon for the environment? Iwand: Absolutely. The more hoteliers pay attention to environmental quality – also as a result of our pressure – the more obvious the level of pollution generated by other industries and local communities themselves. At the destinations, we try to raise people’s awareness, and particularly to influence the attitude of the mayor. This is crucial and only comes about by talking to them direct – and then things really do change. Good relations with local politicians are much more important than with tourism ministries. SPIEGEL: Do environmental projects get the money they require? Iwand: Rarely. Environmental goals are often closely connected with economic objectives in these cases. Only when money is invested in environmental protection is there an increase in net product, and only then can all of those involved benefit from tourism. SPIEGEL: But it is primarily tourists that waste water and produce unnecessary refuse. Iwand: The reverse is actually true: with tourists, we export environmental protection. On the basis of all my experience I can say that we need more tourism, not less tourism, because it is the economic sector of the future. We need agriculture and forestry, as well as fishing, but we need a model that goes arm-in-arm with tourism because otherwise there will not be enough net product in the Mediterranean. SPIEGEL: But who wants to spend their holidays with an ever increasing mass of tourists? Iwand: That is a matter of taste. However, such a model would have to be implemented jointly by all Mediterranean states. The Mediterranean needs crash barriers – although it is naturally very clear that Italy will no longer go back to the way it was when Goethe paid it a visit. World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 59 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:07 Uhr Seite 60 Outlook Creative intercultural learning and integration process. Sustainable increase in environmental value in partnership. Going beyond – Development sustainably. 60 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:07 Uhr Seite 61 Outlook The complexity of the still continuing Group repositioning and the multidimensionality of the vertical and horizontal integration of TUI Group companies within the European market leading tourism group TUI AG, explicitly demands as part of our international orientation a creative, intercultural searching, learning and integration process for our wide-ranging environmental sustainability goals. However, the economic and political environment after 9/11 only currently allows an unostentatious consolidation of the many environmental and nature protection activities within the TUI Group. We shall continue to rigorously pursue the continuous improvement process with which we have achieved visible and measurable step-by-step results over the years. Within the framework of our corporate goals and our voluntary obligations, we not only stand behind our corporate environmental responsibility towards our customers, staff, shareholders, stakeholders, financial markets and civil societies, we also see the non-financial aspects of our business activities as an integral part of our product and process strategies. We have set ourselves ambitious goals for 2004-2006 throughout the value chain and in each company segment (see pages 42 to 50). The following are representative of all of these goals and reflect the main focus of the activities for TUI companies: Continuing efforts to raise the awareness of staff and ongoing management coaching by intensifying training activities, by closer integration and active co-operation within the TUI Environmental Network (TEN!) and the online provision and exchange of relevant expertise. Quantitative and qualitative intensification of internal Group environmental reporting and development to control on the basis of environmental performance indicators. Further development of strategic goals and operative implementation to maintain biological diversity by the touristic invalorisation of national parks together with UN and non-governmental organisations. Establishment and extension of stakeholder cooperation and public-private partnerships within European source markets and worldwide destination countries. Special support for local, community and regional development programmes within the framework of Agenda 21 processes in TUI destinations and destination partnerships. Greater consideration of social aspects within the environmental enhancement process (value-added and identification effects; reduction in poverty) in TUI destinations and developing countries in particular. Integration of TUI environmental protection and nature conservation activities, and the environmental management systems of TUI companies in the sustainability management system of TUI AG. Strengthening the overall understanding of leadership and the pioneering role of TUI AG within the family of our companies and partners at home and abroad in the sense of corporate social responsibility. What we previously said on the way from Rio to Johannesburg at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg and the International Year of Sustainable Tourism (IYE) 2002, still stands in its entirety: When we talk about “value added” and “value enhancement” we always also talk about our “corporate value”: Going beyond – Development sustainably. Continuous roll out of environmental certification of Group companies and premises of TUI operations. Continuous monitoring of “climate change and mobility development” issues with a special focus on the establishment of practice-based technical expertise, also to adapt to climate consequences. World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 61 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:07 Uhr Seite 62 Index of all Group companies named in the report Group company Country (abbr.) Page TUI AG Germany (D) 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, ,23 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48, 52, 57, 58, 59, 61, 66, 67, 68 Distribution TUI Interactive TUI Leisure Travel TUI ReiseCenter Austria Germany (D) Germany (D) Austria (A) 13 13, 14, 24, 28 13 Business Travel TQ3 Travel Solutions Germany (D) 13, 20, 31, 50, 57 Tour Operators Jetair Gulet Touropa Touristik Nouvelles Frontières Spinout SportTours TUI Austria TUI Deutschland Belgium (B) Austria (A) France (F) Switzerland (CH) Austria (A) Germany (D) 13, 31, 50 13 13, 30, 31, 37, 50, 57 37 13, 41 9, 13, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 31, 36, 40, 41, 43, 45, 49, 57, 58, 67 13, 31, 36, 39, 44 TUI Nederland TUI Nordic/Fritidsresor/ Finnmatkat/Star Tour TUI Polska TUI Suisse TUI UK/Thomson Holidays Wolters Reisen 62 { Netherlands (NL) Denmark (DK) Finland (FIN) Norway (N) Sweden (S) Poland (PL) Switzerland (CH) Great Britain (GB) Germany (D) } World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 11, 13, 30, 31, 35, 36, 39 41 13, 31, 37, 41 10, 13, 30, 31, 35, 37, 50, 58 13 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:07 Uhr Seite 63 Index of all Group companies named in the report Group company Country (abbr.) Page Germany (D) 13, 17, 25, 38, 51, 66 13, 24, 25, 31, 33, 38, 51, 57 Corsair Hapag-Lloyd Flug Hapag-Lloyd Express Thomsonfly Great Britain (GB) Denmark (DK) Finland (FIN) Norway (N) Sweden (S) France (F) Germany (D) Germany (D) Great Britain (GB) Destination Management Aeolos Travel African Travel Concept Danubius Travel Mex-Atlántica Tours Pollman’s Tours & Safaris/ Ranger Safaris (ARP Group) Schwerin Plus Touristik Tantur Turizm Seyahatat Thomson Services Malta/TUI Malta Travco TUI Bulgaria TUI España Cyprus (CY) South Africa Romania (RO) Mexico (MEX) Kenya (KE) Tanzania (TZ) Germany (D) Turkey (TR) Great Britain (GB) Egypt (ET) Bulgaria (BG) Spain (E) 13, 19, 30, 43, 52, 57 13 13 13, 30, 52 TUI Hellas Tunisie Voyages Ultramar Express Dominicana/ TUI Dominicana World of TUI Cars TUI Service Greece (GR) Tunisia (TN) Dominican Republic (DOM) Spain (E) Switzerland (CH) Airlines TUI Airline Management/ TUI Airlines Britannia Airways Britannia Nordic { } } 13, 25, 38, 51 13, 25 13, 24, 25, 51 13, 25 13 13, 30, 31, 33, 38, 52 13 13, 52 30 30 13, 29, 57 13, 20, 23, 30, 34, 38, 40, 53, 57, 58, 67 13, 30, 35, 38 13, 53, 57 13, 30 13, 29 13, 14, 38, 41, 43, 45, 53 World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 63 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:07 Uhr Seite 64 Index of all Group companies named in the report Group company Country (abbr.) Page Hotels & Resorts TUI Hotels & Resorts Atlantica Hotels & Resorts Dorfhotel Gran Resort Hotels Grecotel Germany (D) Cyprus (CY) Germany (D) Spain (E) Greece (GR) Grupotel Iberotel Spain (E) Germany (D) Magic Life Nordotel Paladien Hotels RIU Hotels Robinson Austria (A) Spain (E) France (F) Spain (E) Germany (D) 2, 13, 17, 20, 37, 54, 57 13 13, 20, 23, 29, 30, 43, 54, 57 13 13, 20, 24, 30, 31, 35, 37, 40, 43, 44, 54, 57, 66 13, 20, 30, 42, 57 13, 19, 24, 28, 30, 31, 37, 40, 43, 44, 54, 57 13, 20 13, 20, 24, 28, 54 13, 57 13, 24, 29, 30, 31 2, 9, 13, 16, 19, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 37, 40, 43, 54, 57 Logistics/Industry/ Corporate Real Estate Algeco Corporate Real Estate/ Salzgitter Güterverwaltung Hapag-Lloyd Container Line France (F) Germany (D) 19 13, 47, 68 Germany (D) 11, 13, 16, 19, 24, 29, 31, 35, 38, 55, 57 9, 13, 30, 31, 35, 38, 39, 43, 50 13, 19 13, 55, 57 Hapag-Lloyd Cruises VTG Lehnkering WOLF Airconditioning and Heating Plants 64 Germany (D) Germany (D) Germany (D) World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:07 Uhr TUI AG Seite 65 Distribution Business Travel Tour Operators Airlines Destination Management Hotels & Resorts Logistik/Industry/Corporate Real Estate World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 65 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:07 Uhr Seite 66 Let’s keep in touch: www.tui-environment.com* Multi-Stakeholder-dialogue via Internet Group Environmental Management System TUI AG sustainable development policy Environmental policies of TUI affiliated companies Organisation of the TUI Environmental Network Cooperation – econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German business – Tour Operators’ Initiative – Agenda 21 – DRV Environment and Culture Committee – Sustainable Tourism Initiative Environmental monitoring Environmental commitment of TUI AG affiliated companies / Information in the internet Certified environmental management Internal environmental protection Environmental reporting of affiliated companies since 1994 – WDCS and ACCOBAMS – M.E.E.R. e.V. – TORTUGAS – Forest fires in the Mediterranean – Loro Parque Fundación Animal protection Concepts of sustainable development in destinations TUI International Environment Award – EUROPARC – Blue Flag/FEE – CIPRA – GOB Menorca – STPS (Archelon) – Baobab Trust Kenia – Die Freiwilligen von Bodrum Destination collaboration TUI Environmental criteria for destinations International biodiversity conservation projects – UNESCO World Heritage – EUROPARC Federation – GOB Majorca – Aldabra Marine Programme – National Marine Park Zakynthos Hotels and the Environment TUI Environmental criteria for destinations – Environmental monitoring of TUI hotels since 1992 Consumer protection by informing guests TUI Environment Champion Laureates since 1997 Environmental management and environmental commitment of TUI hotel companies – Sustainable development at Grecotel – Regenerative energy sources – Improvements in eco-efficiency – Animal protection Mobility and Climate Protection TUI Environmental Criteria for transportation – DRV carrier checklist Holiday mobility – Can flying be sustainable? Faraway tourism and climate change Environmental commitment of TUI airlines and container navigation – Technical innovations – Efficiency enhancement – Effizienzsteigerungen – Animal and species protection Climate protection – Djerba Declaration on Climate Change Climate Change – Managing the Economics of Climate Change – TUI policies, programmes and actions related to climate impacts TUI AG Environmental Management Team at a glance Environmental glossary – From “Alternative Energy” to “Zero Emission Vehicle” – Environmental vocabulary and abbreviations 66 Document Center – Reports on environmental protection activities – Basic documents and key issues – Downloads TUI Environmental monitoring – Brochures and documents of TUI Environmental Management World of TUI Group Environmental Reporting 2003/2004 * Release: 06/2004 Service & Documents 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB .com* 17.10.2004 15:07 Uhr Seite 67 “We are committed to protecting the environment and nature” TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management (from left): Mike Brauner, Kerstin Sobania, Mila Dahle, Alejandro Hidalgo (TUI E), Katja Hoer, Annkathrin Reiner, Dr Wolf Michael Iwand, Inga Schnapauff (TUI D), Thomas Himstedt. Not in the picture: Ramona Thies, Andreas Koch (TUI D) Imprint Editing Thomas Himstedt, biologist, e-mail: thomas.himstedt@tui.com Mila Dahle, economist, e-mail: mila.dahle@tui.com Editing support Mike Brauner, Annkathrin Reiner, Kerstin Sobania Organisational co-ordination Katja Hoer, Ramona Thies Responsible Dr Wolf Michael Iwand Printing: Benatzky Druck & Medien, Hannover, certified in accordance with ISO 14001 TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management Karl-Wiechert-Allee 4 D-30625 Hanover Printed on recycled paper RecySatin (80 % reclaimed fibres and 20% woodfree fibres, produced without chlorine bleaching) Telephone Fax E-mail Internet Art Direction and Production: Michael Kalde www.add-wise.de We look forward to a lively dialogue! Please send us your comments and ideas. +49 (0) 511 566-2201 +49 (0) 511 565-2222 tui-environment@tui.com (the TUI environment hotline) www.tui-environment.com 10 14 TUI UBE PDF_GB 17.10.2004 15:07 Uhr Seite 68 The forests in Lower Saxony administered by Corporate Real Estate (Salzgitter Güterverwaltung) are part of TUI AG’s real estate portfolio. They are sustainably managed and PEFC certified (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, former Pan-European Forest Certification). As landscape conservation zones, the forests are important local recreation areas and refuges for endangered flora and fauna. TUI AG Group Corporate Environmental Management Karl-Wiechert-Allee 4 D-30625 Hanover www.tui-environment.com