CITY OF GLENDALE COMMUNITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANNING HEARING OFFICER STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE # PCUP 2010-025 PARKING REDUCTION PERMIT CASE # PPR 2010·005 MEETiNG DATE: November 3, 2010 TO: Planning Hearing Officer PREPARED BY: Milca L. Toledo, Planner ADDRESS: 2060-2066 Verdugo Blvd., Unit Nos. A, B & C 3734 Park Place BUSINESS NAME: Fratelli's Pizza and Deli APPLICANT: Maurizio Iacono 2064 Verdugo Blvd. Montrose, CA 91020 OWNER: Page M. Whyte 2103 Montrose Avenue Suite C Montrose, CA 91020 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portions of Lots 5 and 6, Tract 1701 (APN 5613-002-025) PROJECT PROPOSAL: A. Applicant Proposes: To expand the existing full-service restaurant into an adjacent vacant tenant space (formally an ice cream parlor) offering the on-site sales, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages and not providing the required number of parking spaces located in an existing commercial shopping center. B. CEQA Status: Exempt C. Previous Permits for the Use: Conditional Use Permit Case No. 10036-CU was granted with conditions on January 20, 2000 and expired on January 31, 2005. A new CUP application was never filed. On February 3, 1993, a Standards Variance Case No. 9186-S was granted with conditions to allow the establishment of a fast-food restaurant at the existing shopping center without providing the required number of parking spaces. D. Related Concurrent Permit Applications: None E. Active/Pending Building Permits: None G. Recommendation: Approve with conditions SITE CONTEXT GENERAL PLAN: Commercial/Community/Services and Industrial ZONE: C3-1 (Commercial Service Zone; Height District I) and IND (Industrial Zone). DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING PROPERTY AND USES: The building is located in a mUlti-tenant commercial shopping center on the south side of Verdugo Blvd between Verdugo Road to the west and 1 2060-2064 Verdugo Blvd. the 2 FWY to the east. The site area is 22,570 square feet. The total area for all uses on the site is 10,222 square feet (including the subject vacant tenant space). Existing uses on the site include: a fastfood restaurant with drive through (Burger King), four retail stores and the subject full-service restaurant. The subject 1,070 square-foot vacant tenant space facing Verdugo Blvd., was previously an ice cream parlor. Presently, Fratelli's Pizza and Deli is one tenant space with a combined total area of 1,940 square feet (units B and C). The proposal involves expanding the dining area into the adjacent 1,070 square-foot vacant tenant space located at the north end of the shopping center. Currently, there are 65 on-site parking spaces in the shopping center, which serves all uses on-site. The parking lot is accessed from Verdugo Blvd. The surrounding uses include retail to the north and west, industrial (offices and storage) to the south (rear) and multi-family residential east of the site, on the southwest corner of Verdugo Blvd. and Valihi Way. NEIGHBORING ZONES AND USES: Zoning North South East West Project Site C2-1 IND R-2250 C3-1 C3-1 Existing Uses Commercial uses Offices/storage Multi-family residential Commercial uses Commercial shopping center with on-site parking COMMENTS FROM OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS: No city department, including the Police Department and Neighborhood Services, has indicated any concerns or suggested any conditions for this permit application. REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Pursuant to Section 30.42.030 of the Glendale Municipal Code, a conditional use permit may be granted only if the following findings of fact can be made: A. That the proposed use will be consistent with the various elements and objectives of the general plan. B. That the use and its associated structures and facilities will not be detrimental to the public health or safety, the general welfare, or the environment. C. That the use and facilities will not adversely affect or conflict with adjacent uses or impede the normal development of surrounding property. D. That adequate public and private facilities such as utilities, landscaping, parking spaces and traffic circulation measures are or will be provided for the proposed use. Further, this request requires that additional findings of fact be made, as follows: For applications involving the sale, serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages, the following criteria shall be considered in making the findings in subsection a. through d. above: 1. That where an existing or proposed on-site use is located in a census tract with more than the recommended maximum concentration of on-site uses or that where an existing or proposed offsite use is located in a census tract with more than the recommended maximum concentration of off-site uses, both as recommended by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, such use does not or will not tend to intensify or otherwise contribute to the adverse impacts on the. surrounding area caused by such over concentration; 2 2060-2064 Verdugo Blvd. 2. That where the existing or proposed use is located in a crime reporting district with a crime rate which exceeds twenty (20) percent of the city average for Part I crimes, as reported by the Glendale Police Department, such use does not or will not tend to encourage or intensify crime within the district; 3. That the existing or proposed use does not or will not adversely impact any church, public or private school or college, day care facility, public park, library, hospital or residential use within the surrounding area; 4. That adequate parking and loading facilities are or will be provided for the existing or proposed use, or other reasonable alternatives satisfy the transportation and parking needs of the existing or proposed use; and S. That, notwithstanding consideration of the criteria in subsections 1 through 4 above, the existing or proposed use does or will serve a public necessity or public convenience purpose for the area. ANALYSIS OF CUP REQUEST The applicant is proposing to expand the existing full-service restaurant into the adjacent 1,070 squarefoot vacant tenant space. The existing restaurant has a total area of 1,940 square feet. The operation of a full-service restaurant will remain the same except that the business will expand its floor area into the adjacent vacant space (Unit A) which was formally an ice cream parlor. Fratelli's restaurant has been operating for the past thirteen years. The applicant has indicated that they have a current Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) license. However, there is no record on file of an active Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for this business. The previous CUP, Case No. 10036-CU, was granted with conditions on January 20, 2000 and expired on January 31, 200S. A new CUP was never filed. The applicant's intent is to address this issue, and therefore, he filed a new CUP. The owner intends to continue operating, expand the full-service restaurant and provide the ancillary service of alcoholic beverages. A full-service restaurant is a permitted use in the C3 and Industrial zones and the service of alcoholic beverages is conditionally permitted with approval of a CUP. The onsite consumption of alcoholic beverages does not appear to be detrimental to the safety and public welfare of the neighborhood in general. No public facilities are located nearby. The closest public recreation facilities are Montrose Community Park, 0.6 miles, and Sparr Heights Senior Center, 1.0 miles from the site. The nearest public school is John C. Fremont Elementary, 1.3 miles and the nearest hospital is Verdugo Hills Hospital, O.S miles. In addition, the nearest church is located 0.9 miles from the site. While there are residential developments located to the east of the subject site, less than significant impacts are anticipated. The existing full-service restaurant has been operating for the past 13 years. It is not anticipated that this request will require any new city services, harm public safety and welfare, or be in conflict with existing or anticipated surrounding land uses. According to the Police Department, the property is located in a census tract which allows for six on-sale establishments. Currently there are five on-sale establishments in this tract. Based on Part 1 crime statistics for this census tract, in 2009 there were 81 crimes, four percent below the city wide average of 84. Within the last calendar year there was one call for police service regarding a male who was refusing to. leave the bar (no report was taken). The comments from the Police Department indicate this proposal is not anticipated to create any major concerns for law enforcement. City records indicate the most recent Zoning Use Certificate for the adjacent vacant unit was classified as a delicatessen with less than eights seats for the ice cream parlor. Based on the previous use, a delicatessen required four parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area and the new full-service restaurant use requires 10 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area. As a result, the project will have a parking shortfall of seven spaces. It is not anticipated that the sale of alcoholic beverage service, nor the expansion of the restaurant, will intensify the parking demand to any significant degree as indicated in the parking discussed further in this report. 3 2060-2064 Verdugo Blvd. The use and facilities will not adversely affect or conflict with adjacent uses or impede the normal development of surrounding property provided that imposed conditions of approval are followed. Section 30.64.020, Glendale Municipal Code provides for continuing jurisdiction over the use so that any adverse effects will not be continued. The serving of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a full-service restaurant is not anticipated to cause any conflicts with surrounding development. Adequate public and private facilities such as utilities, landscaping, parking spaces and traffic circulation measures are provided for the use and are existing. The applicant's request offering alcoholic beverages does not require any new city services, will not harm public safety and welfare, or is not in conflict with existing or anticipated surrounding land uses. The full-service restaurant and ancillary onsite service of alcoholic beverages is not anticipated to intensify parking demand to any significant degree. REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR A PARKING REDUCTION PERMIT Pursuant to Chapter 30.50.040 of the Glendale Municipal Code, for any request for parking reduction, the Director may require a parking demand study conducted by a licensed traffic engineer or other transportation professional satisfactory to the Director of Community Planning. A request for parking . reduction permit may be granted only if the reviewing authority makes the following findings of fact: NOTE: The applicant's case is based on findings for sub-section D. A. For mixed used projects, a request for parking reduction may be granted where the review authority determines that a reduction is justified based on characteristics of the uses, an hourly parking demand studies published by the Urban Land Use Institute, or other appropriate source as determined by the Director. B. For the proposed intensification of use within an existing building that is determined by the review authority to be located within a reasonable distance of an off-street City parking facility, a request for parking reduction may be granted by the review authority, based on the type of use and its associated parking characteristics, including: 1. Peak hours of use and turnover rate; 2. The ability of the use to meet parking requirements through other means; 3. The availability of spaces in the nearby City parking facility; 4. The distance to the use from the parking facility; and 5. Measures proposed by the applicant to ensure employee and patron use of the City parking facility. C. For a commercial or residential use proposed adjacent to local or regional mass transit lines or routes. A request for parking reduction 'may be granted when the review authority determines that the reduction is justified based on documented mass transportation use characteristics of the patrons and employees of the use. D. For any other circumstance where the applicant wishes to request a parking reduction, such reduction may be granted where the review authority finds that: 1. The parking need for the land use is not as great as for similar land uses or the parking requirement for the land use established in the Zoning code is greater than what will be needed by the land use; and 2. The intent of the parking regulations, in compliance with all other applicable provision of this chapter, is met; and 3. Sufficient parking would be provided to serve the use intended and potential future uses of the subject parcel. 4 2060-2064 Verdugo Blvd. ANALYSIS FOR PARKING REDUCTION PERMIT The site is located in a commercial shopping center. Presently, there are six uses on the site including the subject full-service restaurant. The existing restaurant is 1,940 square feet. The proposed area of expansion is 1,070 square feet. The total combined area (existing and new) will be 3,010 square feet. Presently, there are 65 on-site parking spaces. The previous use, delilice cream parlor, required four spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area. The change of use to a full-service restaurant will require 10 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area. Based on the above parking requirements, the proposed fullservice restaurant will require seven parking spaces as per section 30.32.030 B 5, GMC. Therefore, a parking reduction is required for seven spaces. As required, the applicant has provided a parking study, which has been reviewed by the Traffic and Transportation Section. The parking-occupancy survey was conducted by the project applicant over a week-long period, i.e., Monday, August 23, 2010 through Sunday, August 29, 2010. The number of occupied on-site parking spaces within the commercial center's 65-space parking lot was recorded every 30 minutes between 10:30 AM and 10:30 PM .. Upon review of the application and the survey, the Traffic and Transportation staff concluded the following: On a weekday, the greatest parking demand was for 36 spaces. As a result, there were at least 29 vacant parking spaces at all times. On a weekend, the greatest demand was for 26 spaces. As a result, there were at least 39 vacant parking spaces at all times. The parking-occupancy survey demonstrated a parking surplus of at least 29 spaces at all times throughout the entire week. Hence, the restaurant expansion'S demand for seven parking spaces could be accommodated within the existing on-site supply of 65 parking spaces. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff believes that all of the findings for the Conditional Use Permit and Parking Reduction Permit can be made in a positive manner, and therefore, recommends approval of these entitlements. Staff suggests that the Planning Hearing Officer consider the attached draft findings and conditions of approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Reduced Plans 3. Departmental Comments 4. Parking Survey submitted by the applicant dated August 23, 2010 through August 29, 2010. 5. Draft findings and conditions 5 ~\\ I I / I I , ~~m ~E ~tf\ ~~ "I OQ~ -t1 <.. 'i-b~ ~ OfL[ ~ i ;u ~ '0 0 I ~ ~ N ~ ~ 0' # "m " .(1) "01 ?J' IG<i.J / VARlES §1 8 )RI3: ;;j 0;", mO 'I N -u 0 ;u <II '"~ § N I :;; (D -/ '" l> 0 --j Z .0 <D -.j I :;; "' i.i ~ ... ~''"" 0 ~ ;.; N n t 106.47 7 M, B, 8 '" 36/5 6 8 3623 8 <3629 6 391 ill ~ 01 3633 67 B N 3639 3 2 72 '" 21·,22 ill lotU:~9 '" - ~::: C)~ /(i li: 6 WAY JR, PQRTON OF LOT 22 SUBDIVISIONS C£ RANCHO LA MR 4 ..... 351 y PCR 96.84 LOT 9121J!. ---------------------'N- --------- ~ ~----==------ CANADA \It-~OUbO I? \..-\l (/. / ---- -------~:--~ bV\<.,&-l:":R. a \J t.- KING- ...). t"G", )...- ~ 1cc:4::. ~ o-Je l'- 'to <1-1 .l--:}) Mf.Ir~1S y, rhl-l,;J ~ s-roRJ'. t.\/>'s">'j ,CUi" ,i-e! lib 01 e , -(3 .,., , \ \ 31 \ '!,f" ." - 'i (~!-~( ---t- ~~, 28 G -~~ .,.. \ ?lr: ~l'rJN;;~ 141 0 , I 'Wro;" 'j>\. ['.2.TI'-I0::0 >"I;.'..L t!ee~f";:'Tclty>-!..-. TSUMMARY 22,570 Square Feel 10,222 Square Feel 45.3% eED I Code: Title 3~/Chapter 124/Section120/Sub-section b20 ,ra than forty (40) percent of the floor area: One (1) parking :J-hundred (200) square feet offioor area: S REQUIRED: 51 Stalls ING REQUIRED: 3 Stalls (2 Automobiles Stalls and 1 Van Stall) UNIT DESCRIPTIONS . f(J)il€.116(rJfWOI/JIJI.uC.) UnIt A: Unit B: ~~Iii g Fra\ellJ's P,zzeri4.t. ~6\i~:~~t~:~t . Un;! E: Mlt515, e,~~1ltIt. Unit F: Unit G: Classy Cul . DiSCOunt Vitamin ~tore Bu~ TOTAL BUILDING AREA: 1,070 SF fA~'~1-" .!- 1,220 SF. "'- v , 720 SF 600 SF 1,420 SF 977 SF 1,165SF 3,050 SF 10,222 SF • • Information pro\llded by the owner. _S ALLOWED: 10 Compacts Stalls (20% of required parking stalls) _S PROVIDED: PROVIDED: 17 Compact Stalls (6 additional compact stalls are additional stalls and are not part cf the Il*luired parking) 65 Stalls (47 Standard Stalls, 17 Compact Stalls, 2 Disabled Automobile Stalls, and 1 Disablad Van Stall) f ~A-tE uU'S ~ ? I Z:z..A- 4' 1) ~LI 20(;'4 VE(Z,OvCro &lvD ~.N MAPLE DELL + McCLELLAND ARCHITECTS, LLF ~------~~------------~--~--------------- .. ---~~'" FROM: -=~M=il-=-c=-a---=T-=o:...:..le:...:d=-:o====~,-=C-=a-=-se~P..:.:la:.:.n~n.:..:e:.:...-r____ Tel. # 818/937 -8181 !eBg~J~:f'fAQQB~gsS::' 2064 Verdugo Blvd. (Fratelli's Restaurant) Mauizio Iacono Applicant: Property Owner: x A. CITY ATTORNEY G.INFORMATION SERVICES (Wireless Telecom) B. COMMUNITY PLANNING: H. PUBLIC WORKS (ADMINISTRATION): X .. (1) Building & Safety x .. (1) Engineering X .. (2) Neighborhood Services x " (2) Environmental Management .. (3) Planning/ElF/Historic .. (3) Facilities (city projects only) .. (4) ElF/Historic District x .. (4) Integrated Waste x .. (5) Maintenance Services/Urban Forester x " (6) Traffic & Transportation x X X C. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT: e (1) GRA Q (2) Housing X J. GLENDALE POLICE D. COMMUNITY SERVICES/PARKS: e Wireless Telecom K. OTHER: .. (1) STATE-Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) e (2) CO Health dept. .. City Clerk's Office ENGINEERING (PSC) x x x F. GLENDALE WATER & POWER: .. (1) Water e (2) Electric 1.··ENTIJLEMEf\JT(§)REQUESTEO.· . Variance Case No.: CUP Case No.: ORB Case No.: Revised 30Jun201 O-EMF Tentative Tract/Parcel Map No.: PCUP 2010-025 Zone Change/GPA: Other-Parking Reduction Permit PPR 2010-005 Environment Info Form (ElF) No.: INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMENTS (PLEASE SEND OUT THIS FORM ONLY WHEN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMENTS ARE NEEDED.) Location: 2064 Verdugo Blvd. ElF No.: ---------------------- POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(S): PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURE(S): The following mitigation measures are required to reduce adverse environmental effects to less than significant. (Please do not include code requirements listed in comment below): Name: Title: D. Nickles Date: 09.28.2010 FPC Dept. & Tel. ---------------------------- Revised 30Jun2010-EMF 2 Fire 818-548-3207 ,,, .••.. •.••.. .•.••.•.••.•.•. . .•• )...., •. . . • . •.• .• • {······.}\/·i? .•.·< • •• • ·• • ··i}·.T·.·)(t'l.B~§g~gl:>tnltyqlJfr~~p6rSE(pYa~Cly~ .• QATE) • ·T():H.airapeti~hi.Sarkis;·.Delis,Suzaqclj.·NiC~leS,[)qug;Taki~in;RaJa;A&r~H,HellrY;Gol~miaprRQubik;Amar, Jake;N unez,Mario; HardgrbVei[)~hiel; Mitchell,ThomasE. .. . . . . .... .... . . .... .. .. . . Jaleh Kiazand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'--_ __ Case Planner FROM: "PFlOJECTA[jriREss:>i Applicant: Tel. # 818-937-8184 2064 Verdugo Boulevard (fratelli restaurant) Maurizio Iacono Property Owner: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The request is for a conditional use permit (CUP) for the sales of beer and wine in the expanded area of an existing restaurant. There is an existing CUP for sales of beer & wine in the restaurant. Additionally, a parking reduction permit is required for the expanded area of the restaurant. . .~ •. i·. .· · ........ ~~ ..• ··~···.<~· . .·.t~;.:~<:· . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . ;·;.,·£i· ../<:j).•••.. .••••.. . . . .•. . I - C;:.".:. __": .. .---. ".:-. :_.<:::> . :,:::::;.::':-::..".- ... /······.·.···1 ···········1 -- G.INFORMATION SERVICES (Wireless Telecom) A. CITY ATTORNEY Q B L l C WORKS (ADMINISTRATION): B. COMMUNITY PLANNING: • (1) Building & Safety • (1) Engineering • (2) Neighborhood Services • (2) Environmental Management • (3) Planning/ElF/Historic • (3) Facilities (city projects only) • (4) ElF/Historic District • • (4) Integrated Waste (5) Maintenance Services/Urban C. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT: • (1) GRA • (2) Housing --",~;;.;:>ter x J. D. COMMUNITY SERVICES/PARKS: • Wireless Telecom K. OTHER: • (1) SrATE-Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) • • (2) CO Health dept. City Clerk's Office E. FIRE ENGINEERING (PSC) F. GLENDALE WATER & POWER: • • (1) Water (2) Electric Revised 30Jun201 O-EMF 1.§NnTL~~E"'rf(s)REQU~SJEQC·•• ··)1 Variance Case No.: Tentative Tract/Parcel Map No.: CUP Case No.: Zone Change/GPA: DRB Case No.: Other Environment Info Form (ElF) No.: INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMENTS (PLEASE SEND OUT THIS FORM ONLY WHEN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMENTS ARE NEEDED.) Location: 2064 Verdugo Boulevard ElF No.: --------------------- POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTCS): Based upon discussions with Community Planning, it is staff's understanding that the proposed project would be located within an existing shopping center containing a variety of retail and restaurant uses. As proposed, a six-space shortfall in Code-required parking would occur as a result of the project, i.e., the conversion of a 1,070-squarefoot retail use (requiring 4.0 spaces per thousand square feet) to a restaurant (requiring 10.0 spaces per thousand square feet). The applicant is requesting a Parking Reduction Permit in response to said six-space shortfall. In order to identify the potential impact of this shortfall, a parkingoccupancy survey of the existing shopping center's parking supply could be conducted; specifically, the number of unoccupied parking spaces could be counted every 15 minutes on both a Friday and a Saturday between the following periods: 11 :30 AM to 1:30 PM, and 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. (Note: These periods presumably are the periods of peak parking demand for the proposed project.) If at least six unoccupied parking spaces exist during each survey period, it could be concluded that the Code-based parking shortfall would not result in a significant and adverse impact upon parking. If fewer than six unoccupied parking spaces exist during the survey, the Code-based requirement would need to be satisfied via on-street parking .in the area (or via other off-street parking). Revised 30Jun201 O-EMF 2 PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURE(S): The following mitigation measures are required to reduce adverse environmental effects than significant. (Please do not include code requirements listed in comment below): to less 1 Name: T.E. Mitchell Title: Ass't. Traffic & Trans. Admin. Revised 30Jun201 O-EMF Date: August 13, 2010 Dept. & Tel. Public Works-Traffic x 3960 3 Z-7 CITY OF GLENDALE INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION DATE: TO: September 16, 2010 Milka Toledo, Community Planning Department FROM: ~Tom /f- Mitchell, Assistant Traffic & Transportation Administrator SUBJECT: Parking Demand Study of a Proposed Expansion of Fratelli's Pizza and Deli at 2064 Verdugo Boulevard, Montrose, CA Per the request of the Community Planning Department, the Traffic & Transportation Division "(staff") has reviewed the potential parking-related impacts of the proposed expansion of an existing restaurant in a commercial center located at 2064 Verdugo Boulevard in Montrose. Staffs review is summarized in the following comments: 1. Based upon information summarized on the commercial center's Site Plan, the commercial center contains 10,222 square feet of floor area and 65 on-site parking spaces. A variety of retail and restaurant tenants occupy the site. All of the commercial space currently is occupied with the exception of a tenant space containing 1,070 square feet of floor area. This vacant tenant space is located adjacent to Fratelli's Pizza and Deli and is the proposed location for the subject restaurant expansion. 2. According to Community Planning, insufficient Code-required parking is available within the commercial center to accommodate the subject restaurant expansion. As a result, the conduct of a parking-occupancy survey was recommended by Community Planning to determine (a) the existing commercial center's actual parking demand and (b) whether or not a parking surplus exists which could satisfy the additional parking demand created by the subject restaurant expansion. 3. The attached parking-occupancy survey was conducted by the project applicant over a week-long period, i.e., Monday, August 23 through Sunday, August 29, 2010. (Note: During this survey period, the aforementioned 1,070square-foot tenant space under consideration herein was vacant.) The number of occupied on-site parking spaces within the commercial center's 65space parking lot was recorded every 30 minutes between 10:30 AM and 10:30 PM. The pertinent results of the survey are as follows: a. On a weekday, the greatest parking demand was for 36 spaces. This occurred at 1:00 PM on Wednesday; at 1:30 PM on both Monday and Thursday; and at 6:30 PM on Friday. As a result, there were at least 29 vacant parking spaces at all times on weekdays. b. On a weekend, the greatest parking demand was for 26 spaces. This occurred at 8:00 PM on Sunday. As a result, there were at least 39 vacant parking spaces at all times on a weekend. c. Throughout the entire week, there were at least 29 vacant parking spaces at all times. Page 1 of 2 4. As noted above, the restaurant expansion would involve 1,070 square feet of floor area. Based upon existing Code, this square footage would require 10.7, i.e., ii, parking spaces based upon the Code-stipulated parking. index of 10.0 parking spaces per thousand square feet of restaurant floor area. Because the parking-occupancy survey of the commercial center demonstrated a parking surplus of at least 29 spaces at all times, the restaurant expansion's demand for 11 parking spaces could be accommodated within the existing on-site supply of 65 spaces. If you have any questions and/or comments regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. TEM:tc Attachment Page 2 of 2 \ \ . DATE: _9/14/10' TO:\:i..T.;S'.···J:)a~~y~:·· FROM:!.,--=C::..::a::s-=e--=P--=I=an:.:.:n..:.::e::.:..r____ Tel. # 818/937-8181 PROJECTAB6~~ss::. 2064 Verdugo Blvd. (Fratelli Restaurant) Applicant: Mauizio Iacono Property' Owner: "PROJECTDESCRipIION:'Thereques~.isf(>raCUflf()rthe'sa,h:~s,sentJce and c::qnsurnll'iiohpf .aI2()holicll~verageslnth~~xpandedarea()fari.e)(isting'resta~l'ant.~'"Th~re·i~faneiistin~{CLJp;r ;··.forsctlesofpeE:i.ran,d·Wineintherestal.lrant;:AdditionallY,'a p~rk:i6gr~fll.I(;ti()np~"rnlfls'J .... reql.llred foriheej(pandec:farea·oftl'le'restaural1t.'·· -- x X X x X X ":,",:-"--'.}'; ::"""~~~':'" .," . "., ",,',,', A. CITY ATTORNEY G.INFORMATION SERVICES (Wireless Telecom) B. COMMUNITY PLANNING: H. PUBLIC WORKS (ADMINISTRATION): (1) Building & Safety x • (1) Engineering • (2) Neighborhood Services x • (2) Environmental Management • (3) Planning/ElF/Historic • (3) Facilities (city projects only) • (4) ElF/Historic District x • (4) Integrated Waste x • (5) Maintenance Services/Urban Forester • G C. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT: x. • (1) GRA • (2) Housing X\ (6) Traffic & Transportation J. GLENDALE POLICE D. COMMUNITY SERVICES/PARKS: • X -X x x Wireless Telecom K. OTHER: • (1) STATE-Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) • • (2) CO Health dept. City Clerk's Office E. FIRE ENGINEERING (PSC) F. GLENDALE WATER & POWER: • (1) Water • (2) Electric I ENTI"L.FM~Nr(S}R§g~ESl'E[)m' '1 Variance Case No.: CUP Case No.: ORB Case No.: Revised 30Jun2010-EMF Tentative Tract/Parcel Map No.: PCUP 2010-025 Zone Change/GPA: Other-Parking Reduction Permit PPR 2010-005 ,- Environment Info Form (ElF) No.: INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMENTS (PLEASE SEND OUT THIS FORM ONLY WHEN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMENTS ARE NEEDED.) Locati n: ElF No.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2064 Verdugo Blvd. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(S): PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURE(S): The following mitigation measures are required to reduce adverse environmental effects to less than significant. (Please do not include code requirements listed in comment below): Name: Title: ~'~d~ --t-i-Z.-7",:t;::c,-t-rt-~-;;r--I-f----- Revised 30Jun2010-EMF Date: 9 -' Dept. & Tel. 2 /Y'" )tJ .6z,CJ.:5" ?(Iff' 7'37 fj£37 City of Glendale Interdepartmental Communication September 27,2010 To: Lt. Davey From: CSO Z. Avila Re: Fratellis Risterante Italiano & Pizzeria 2064 Verdugo Blvd., Ste. B Montrose, CA 91020 Applicant Mauizio Iacono is in the process of obtaining a Conditional Use Permit for the . sales, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the expanded area of an existing restaurant. There is an existing CUP for sales of beer and wine in the restaurant. Additionally, a parking reduction permit is required for the expanded area of the restaurant. FratellisRistorante Italiano & Pizzeria is located in census tract 3008 which allows for 6 On-Sale establishments. There are currently 5 On-Sale establishments in this tract. Fratellis is one of the existing 5. Based on Part I crime statistics for census tract 3008 in 2009, there were 81 crimes-4% below the city wide average of 84. Within the last calendar year there was one call for police service. On 01/21/10, police were caned regarding a male who was refusing to leave the bar. No report was taken. Fratellis has an active Type 41 liquor license (On-Sale Beer and Wine - Eating Place), ABC license #359274. DATE: _7-29·10_ _ _·_···...;,..·>_··_ _ _ _ DUE DATE: 8·19-10 c ...• .. : >.' (PLEASE submit your response by above DATE) Hairapetian, Sarkis; Delis, Suzana; Nickles, Doug; Takidin, Raja; Abrari, Henry; Golanian, ROUbik; Amar, Jake; Nunez, Mario; Hardgrove, Daniel; Mitchell, Thomas E. TO: Jaleh Kiazand_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FROM: Tel. # Case Planner PROJECT ADDRESS: Applicant: 818-937-8184 2064 Verdugo Boulevard (fratelli restaurant) Maurizio Iacono Property Owner: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The request is for a conditional use permit (CUP) for the sales of beer and wine in the expanded area of an existing restaurant. There is an existing CUP for sales of beer & wine in the restaurant. Additionally, a parking reduction permit is required for the expanded area of the restaurant. I PLEASE CHECK: A. CITY ATTORNEY ~""-,,....,O~R~KC!:S~(ADM IN ISTRATION): B. COMMUNITY PLANNING: • (1) Building & Safety • (2) Neighborhood Services • (2) Environmental Management • (3) Planning/ElF/Historic • (3) Facilities (city projects only) • (4) ElF/Historic District • (4) Integrated Waste .. (5) Maintenance Services/Urban Forester • (6) Traffic & Transportation C. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT: • (1) GRA • (2) Housing J. GLENDALE POLICE D. COMMUNITY SERVICES/PARKS: • K. OTHER: Wireless Telecom • (1) STATE-Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) .. (2) CO Health dept. • City Clerk's Office E. FIRE ENGINEERING (PSC) F. GLENDALE WATER & POWER: • .. (1) Water (2) Electric Revised 30Jun2010-EMF 1 ENTITLEMENT{S) REQUESTED Variance Case No.: CUP Case No.: EC-UP 20\0-025 GasAt17CttW e-M-A-Il..) DRB Case No.: Environment Info Form (ElF) No.: Tentative Tract/Parcel Map No.: Zone Change/GPA: Other INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMENTS (PLEASE SEND OUT THIS FORM ONLY WHEN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMENTS ARE NEEDED.) Location: ---'-- -------------------------------- ElF No.: --------------------- The project would nothave adverse environmental effects on areas regulated by this Division/Section. _ _ The project would have potential environmental impacts on areas regulated by this Division/Section identified below. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(S): PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURE(S): The following mitigation measures are required to reduce adverse environmental effects to less than significant. (Please do not include code requirements listed in comment below): Date: Dept. & Tel. Revised 30Jun2010-EMF 2 ?\J\l·G10{l\~@\Z-U-Q{7 ;?<'13Q4-5" [g] Comments [J No Comments Conditions: [R] 1. That all necessary permits (Le., building, fire, engineering, etc.) shall be obtained from the Building and Safety Division and all construction shall be in compliance with the Glendale Building Code and all other applicable regulations. [R] 2. That the premises shall be made available and accessible to any authorized City personnel (Building, Fire, Police, Neighborhood Services, Planning, etc.), for inspection to ascertain that all conditions of approval of this conditional use permit are complied with. [R] 3. That State Accessibility Standards be met for all parking requirements and building entrance accessibility as required by the Building and Safety Division. [R] 4. That additional or other building code requirements or specific code requirements (Le. CA Green Building Code, etc.) may be required upon submittal of plans for building plans check and permit. Case-specific Code Requirements: (not standard code requirements) There are outside seating area tables and chairs, which are encroaching into the public right away/path of travel. No dimensions given. May require encroachment permit from Public Works Dep. Health department approval is required for the new kitchen and seating area. Suqgested conditions: (mayor may not be adopted by Hearing Officer) Name: Sarkis Hairapetian, P.E. Title: Building Code Spec. II Date: 8-11-10 Dept. Tel. (Ext.): 818548 3209 ~-C()MMIJNtt·Y(Pt.ANNI'NG':NElt~HBdRHoOtfSERVICES.bIVISlON·.•· · · . ·',i.$tiz)tNJ(f)iitls' [] Comments ffi )!i:;: ;".:" <'(r' . .' No Comments Conditions: Case-Specific Code Requirements: (not standard code requirements) Suggested Conditions: (mayor may not be adopted by Hearing Officer) Name: Suzana Delis Title: Administrative Analyst Date: 8-2-10 Dept. Tel. (Ext.):_3:::..:7~O=O_ _ _ _ __ FOR: Sam Engel, Neighborhood Services Administrator Revised 30Jun20101EMF 4 ~I~ 4!6~ 7-21 6" 1<11 Walk ~ In Coolor 616" , I '?AT\O ~.: I/ " ~ ~ !I I /'" "".- ...' .... /.~ .... I' II Fratelli's Pizza 2064 Verdugo Blvd Montrose \\~i \,' Oft 12ft ,,,,,,..-..~ __ ~,,,__ .,,_....,..,._~,..-,~,.~ ..,,,,"...,, ... 24ft ~"' .• ,...,,~"'_._~._ .......".... _.,_"~"_~"~M .. _" 36ft ........." ..".,.. _.... _.J fNru\ ~~,-~. - floor Q!jplanner ... Parking Analyzes Fratelli's Pizza and Deli 2064 Verdugo Blvd. Montrose CA 91020 Monday, August 23, 2010 Cars Empty Time . Parked Spaces 10:30 15 50 11:00 15 50 11:30 25 40 12:00 32 33 12:30 34 31 1:00 33 32 1:30 (-3~.) 29 ----27 2:00 38 2:30 28 37 3:00 27 38 3:30 22 43 4:00 18 47 4:30 15 50 5:00 22 43 5:30 26 39 6:00 23 42 6:30 24 41 7:00 29 36 7:30 32 33 8:00 25 40 8:30 21 44 9:00 15 50 9:30 15 50 10:00 10 55 10:30 8 57 23 42 Total Parking Spacing in Lot Percent of Empty Spaces 76.92% 76.92% 61.54% 50.77% 47.69% 49.23% 44.62% 58.46% 56.92% 58.46% 66.15% 72.31% 76.92% 66.15% 60.00% 64.62% 63.08% 55.38% 50.77% 61.54% 67.69% 76.92% 76.92% 84.62% 87.69% 64.49% 65 Tuesday, August 24, 2010 Cars Empty Time Parked Spaces 10:30 20 45 11:00 25 41 11:30 24 42 12:00 23 42 12:30 26 39 1:00 30 35 1:30 (~4.! 33 2:00 28 37 2:30 25 40 3:00 21 44 3:30 19 46 4:00 19 46 4:30 14 51 5:00 16 49 5:30 15 50 6:00 17 48 6:30 25 40 7:00 32 33 7:30 25 40 8:00 22 43 8:30 21 44 9:00 11 54 9:30 10 55 10:00 10 55 10:30 5 60 21 . 44 Total number of employee cars Percent of Empty Spaces 69.23% 63.08% 64.62% 64.62% 60.00% 53.85% 50.77% 56.92% 61.54% 67.69% 70.77% 70.77% 78.46% 75.38% 76.92% 73.85% 61.54% 50.77% 61.54% 66.15% 67.69% 83.08% 84.62% 84.62% 92.31% 68.43% VVednesdaY,August25,2010 Cars Empty Time Parked Spaces 10:30 22 43 11:00 22 43 11:30 20 45 12:00 29 36 12:30 32 33 ---, , 36; 1:00 29 '----' 1:30 25 40 2:00 18 47 2:30 15 50 3:00 16 49 3:30 11 54 4:00 10 55 4:30 12 53 5:00 13 52 5:30 15 50 6:00 20 45 6:30 25 40 7:00 27 38 7:30 20 45 8:00 15 50 8:30 13 52 9:00 10 55 9:30 10 55 10:00 10 55 10:30 6 59 18 47 Percent of Empty Spaces 66.15% 66.15% 69.23% 55.38% 50.77% 44.62% 61.54% 72.31% 76.92% 75.38% 83.08% 84.62% 81.54% 80.00% 76.92% 69.23% 61.54% 58.46% 69.23% 76.92% 80.00% 84.62% 84.62% 84.62% 90.77% 72.18% 10 ATTACHMENT P.1013 Parking Analyzes Fratelli's Pizza and Deli 2064 Verdugo Blvd. Montrose CA 91020 Thursday, August 26, 2010 Cars Empty Time Parked Spaces 10:30 8 57 11:00 15 50 11:30 22 43 12:00 27 38 12:30 30 35 1:00 34 31 1:30 36', 29 '20 2:00 45 2:30 24 41 3:00 20 45 3:30 15 50 4:00 12 53 4:30 12 53 5:00 15 50 5:30 17 48 6:00 22 43 6:30 29 36 7:00 27 38 7:30 24 41 8:00 11 54 8:30 13 52 9:00 8 57 9:30 6 59 10:00 6 59 10:30 6 59 18 47 Total Parking Spacing in Lot Friday, August 27, 2010 Percent of Empty Spaces 87.69% 76.92% 66.15% 58.46% 53.85% 47.69% 44.62% 69.23% 63.08% 69.23% 76.92% . 81.54% 81.54% 76.92% 73.85% 66.15% 6:00 Cars Parked 13 12 12 15 25 26 30 29 32 24 20 18 21 28 28 30 55.38% 6:30 .'. 36) ............ 58.46% 7:00 33 63.08% 83.08% 7:30 33 8:00 8:30 . 28 21 16 80.00% 87.69% 90.77% 90.77% 90.77% 71.75% 65 Time 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 -----=-- __ 9:00 9:30 12 10:00 10:30 6 6 . Empty Spaces 52 53 53 50 40 39 35 36 33 41 45 47 44 37 37 35 29 32 32 37 44 49 53 59 59 22 43 Total number of employee cars 67.69% 75.38% Saturday, August 28, 2010 Cars Empty Time Parked Spaces 10:30 6 59 11:00 7 58 11:30 6 59 12:00 10 55 12:30 12 53 1:00 12 53 1:30 14 51 2:00 10 55 2:30 11 54 3:00 15 50 3:30 14 51 14 4:00 51 12 4:30 53 5:00 10 55 5:30 17 48 6:00 16 49 6:30 16 49 7:00 18 47 7:30 43 8:00 16 49 8:30 15 50 9:00 10 55 81.54% 9:30 12 53 81.54% 90.77% 90.77% 65.91% 10:00 10:30 4 3 12 61 62 53 93.85% 95.38% 81.42% Percent of Empty Spaces 80.00% 81.54% 81.54% 76.92% 61.54% 60.00% 53.85% 55.38% 50.77% 63.08% 69.23% 72.31% 67.69% 56.92% 56.92% 53.85% 44.62% 49.23% 49.23% 56.92% @ Percent of Empty Spaces 90.77% 89.23% 90.77% 84.62% 81.54% 81.54% 78.46% 84.62% 83.08% 76.92% 78.46% 78.46% 81.54% 84.62% 73.85% 75.38% 75.38% 72.31% 66.15% 75.38% 76.92% 84.62% 10 ATTACHMENT P.2 of 3 ~ '" Parking Analyzes Fratelli's Pizza and Deli 2064 Verdugo Blvd. Montrose CA 91020 Sunday, August 29, 2010 Cars Empty Time Parked Spaces 10:30 8 57 11:00 9 56 11:30 11 54 12:00 13 52 12:30 13 52 1:00 16 49 1:30 18 47 2:00 20 45 2:30 20 45 3:00 2 63 3:30 12 53 4:00 10 55 4:30 13 52 5:00 18 47 5:30 16 49 6:00 16 49 6:30 17 48 7:00 18 47 7:30 24 41 :26 8:00 39 \~./ 8:30 24 41 9:00 17 48 9:30 15 50 10:00 10 55 10:30 7 58 15 50 Total Parking Spacing in Lot Sunday - Thursday Average Percent of Cars Empty Time Empty Spaces Parked Spaces 87.69% 10:30 15 50 86.15% 11:00 17 48 83.08% 11:30 20 45 80.00% 12:00 25 40 80.00% 12:30 27 38 75.38% 1:00 30 35 72.31% 1:30 29 36 69.23% 2:00 23 42 69.23% . 2:30 22 43 96.92% 3:00 17 48 81.54% 3:30 16 49 84.62% 4:00 14 51 80.00% 4:30 13 52 72.31% 5:00 17 48 75.38% 5:30 18 47 75.38% 6:00 20 45 73.85% 6:30 24 41 72.31% 7:00 27 38 63.08% 7:30 25 40 60.00% 8:00 20 45 63.08% 8:30 18 47 73.85% 9:00 12 53 76.92% 9:30 11 53 84.62% 10:00 9 56 89.23% 10:30 6 59 77.05% 19 46 65 Total number of employee cars Percent of Empty Spaces 77.54% 73.85% 68.92% 61.85% 58.46% 54.15% 54.77% 65.23% 65.54% 73.54% 75.69% 78.77% 79.69% 74.15% 72.62% 69.85% 63.08% 59.08% 61.54% 69.54% 71.69% 82.15% Friday - Saturday Average Cars Empty Time Parked Spaces 10:30 10 56 11:00 10 56 11:30 9 56 12:00 13 53 12:30 19 47 1:00 19 46 1:30 22 43 2:00 20 46 2:30 22 44 3:00 20 46 3:30 17 48 4:00 16 49 4:30 49 17 5:00 19 46 5:30 23 43 6:00 23 42 6:30 26 39 7:00 26 40 7:30 28 38 8:00 43 22 8:30 18 47 9:00 52 13 Percent of Empty Spaces 85.38% 85.38% 86.15% 80.77% 71.54% 70.77% 66.15% 70.00% 66.92% 70.00% 73.85% 75.38% 74.62% 70.77% 65.38% 64.62% 60.00% . 60.77% 57.69% 66.15% 72.31% 80.00% 81.85% 9:30 12 53 81.54% 85.85% 90.15% 70.78% 10 10:00 10:30 5 5 17 60 61 48 92.31% 93.08% 73.66% - ATTACHMENT P.3013 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRAFT FINDINGS Conditional Use Permit Case No. PCUP 2010-025 A. The proposed use would be consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan. The site is located in the "C3-1"- Commercial Service and "IND"-Industrial zones. A full-service restaurant use is a permitted use in these zones. The service of alcoholic beverages is allowed with approval of a conditional use permit, which is in agreement with the Community/Services Commercial and Industrial land use designations of the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The project involves expanding the existing restaurant into the adjacent, 1,070 square-foot vacant tenant space. The on-site sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages will be ancillary to the primary restaurant use. The objective of the various elements of the General Plan is to promote the best possible use of the property within the City. The operation and expansion of the restaurant provides a needed service to Glendale residents and the surrounding communities. B. The proposed use and its associated structures and facilities will not be detrimental to the public health or safety, the general welfare, or the environment. The facility is located on Verdugo Blvd., which contains a variety of retail, restaurants, offices, and other commercial-related uses. No evidence has been presented which would indicate that the expansion of the restaurant's dining area would adversely impact any church, public or private school or college, day care facility, public park, library, hospital or residential use within the surrounding area. The use has been in operation for thirteen years without apparent detrimental affect to the surrounding area. The service of alcoholic beverages will continue to complement the primary use. Similar uses, i.e., restaurants, exist in the area and within the community and have not proven to be detrimental to the general welfare of the neighborhood or the environment. C. The use and facilities would not adversely affect or conflict with the adjacent uses or impede the normal development of surrounding establishments and property if allowed to serve alcoholic beverages. The expansion of the existing use will provide a service to the community and provide alcoholic beverages with bona fide meal service. The conditions attached assure that the facility will be well regulated. Section 30.64.020, Glendale Municipal Code provides for continuing jurisdiction over the use so that any adverse effects will not be allowed. A full-service restaurant with on-site sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages will not adversely impact existing facilities, property values, or normal development within the surrounding area. In the past, the restaurant use did not cause conflicts with surrounding development. The expansion of the restaurant and incidental serving of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with the use is not anticipated to cause any conflicts with surrounding development in the future. D. Adequate public and private facilities, such as utilities, landscaping, parking spaces, and traffic circulation measures are provided for the proposed use. The site is fully developed and associated utilities are existing. While the proposal does not comply with zoning regulations as it relates to parking, the parking shortfall is not substantial. The parkingoccupancy survey that was submitted demonstrated a parking surplus of at least 29 spaces at all times throughout the entire week. Hence, the restaurant's expansion demand for seven parking spaces could be accommodated within the existing on-site supply of 65 parking spaces. As a result, the expansion is not anticipated to exacerbate the existing on-site parking conditions. E. Tilat all the criteria set forth in Section 30.42.030 (F) to be considered in making the findings in subsection a. through d. above have all been met and thoroughly considered: 1) Tilat such use does not or will not tend to intensify or otherwise contribute to the adverse impacts on the surrounding area caused by over concentration. 2) That such use does not or will not tend to encourage or intensify crime within the district. 3) That such use does not or will not adversely impact any other uses within the surrounding area (church, public or private schools or college, day care facility, public park, library, hospital or residential use). 4) That the proposed use satisfies its transportation or parking needs. 5) That the proposed use does or will serve a public necessity or public convenience purpose for the area. Conditions: 1. That the development shall be in substantial accord with the plans submitted with the application and presented at the hearing except for any modifications as may be required to meet specific Code standards or other conditions stipulated herein to the satisfaction of the Planning Hearing Officer. 2. That all necessary permits shall be obtained from the Building and Safety Division and all construction shall be in compliance with the Glendale Building Code and all other applicable regulations. 3. That all necessary licenses as required from Federal, State, County or City authorities .including the City Clerk shall be obtained and kept current at all times 4. That the premises shall be maintained in a clean and orderly condition, free of weeds, trash and graffiti. 5. That the facilities shall not be rented, leased or otherwise occupied for purposes not specified in this application or as permitted by Title 30, G.M.C. 6. That any expansion or modification of the facility or use which intensifies the existing Conditional Use Permit shall require a new Conditional Use Permit application. Expansion shall constitute adding floor area, increased hours of operation, changes to the use or operation, or any physical change as determined by the Planning Hearing Officer, with concurrence by the Director of Community Planning. 7. That all music, lighting, or other sound and odors shall be confined to the occupancy so as not to disturb occupants of other businesses or properties and patrons on the public right-of-way. The Director of Community Planning's opinion shall prevail to arbitrate any conflicts. 8. The applicant shall monitor the area under its control, in an effort to prevent the loitering of persons about the premises. 9. The applicant shall not permit any public nuisance at the premise or adjacent areas outside the premise, including the alley and parking areas. The applicant and management staff and employees are strictly responsible for security on site and for preventing criminal activity including but not limited to fights, disturbances, alcohol laws, assaults, public drunkenness, narcotic use and/or sales of narcotics, and drunk driving by patrons who are leaving the premise. 10. Live entertainment is allowed subject to approval by the City Clerk. 11. That the facility adheres to the City's Fresh Air (smoking) Ordinance. 12. That no speaker systems shall be installed in the parking area. 13. That the parking area shall be kept adequately illuminated for security purposes during all hours of darkness. Lighting fixtures shall be installed and maintained in the parking area in those areas where street lights do not effectively illuminate the premises. No lighting shall be installed or maintained which shines or reflects onto adjacent properties. 14. That sale of alcoholic beverages at the restaurant shall be incidental to the service of food. 15. That adequate means shall be provided for the collection of solid waste generated at the site and that all recyclable items shall be collected and properly disposed of to the satisfaction of the Integrated Waste Administrator of the City of Glendale. No trash containers shall be stored in any parking, driveway, or landscaping area. 16. That the proprietor and his/her employees shall make an active and conscientious effort to keep customers and employees from trespassing on other nearby properties or otherwise making disturbances in the area. 17. That all signs displayed shall conform to the requirements of the Glendale Municipal Code. 18. That no exterior signs advertising the sales/service of alcoholic beverages be permitted. 19. That no outside storage shall be allowed on the site. 20. That the service of alcoholic beverages shall be in full accord with the regulations and conditions established by the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 21. That access to the premises shall be made available upon request to all City of Glendale authorized staff (i.e. Planning Division, Neighborhood Services Division, Building and Safety Division, Fire Department, Police Department, etc.) for the purpose of verifying compliance with all laws and the conditions of this approval. 22. That the authorization granted herein shall be valid for a period of five years, at which time, reapplication must be made. 23. That the applicant shall comply with all applicable conditions of Parking Reduction Case No. PPR 2010-005. 24. Evidence of a State-approved license issued by the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) shall be presented to the Permit Services Center upon application for a Zoning Use Certificate (ZUC). 25. That the restaurant's operating hours shall remain as existing, Sunday to Thursday 11 :00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Friday to Saturday 11 :00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and other holidays which do not fall on a Friday or Saturday. PARKING REDUCTION PERMIT DRAFT FINDINGS Parking Reduction Permit Case No. PPR 2010-005 1. The parking need for the land use is not as great as for similar land uses or the requirement for the land use established in the Zoning Code is greater than what will be needed by the land use. The existing full-service restaurant has been operating at this location for the past 13 years. The previous use, a delicatessen, required 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area. The change of use to a full-service restaurant will require 10 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area. Based on the above parking requirement, the project will result in a shortfall of seven spaces. A parking study was submitted by the applicant, which shows that there is available on-site parking during the restaurant's proposed hours of operation to serve its patrons and employees. Therefore, the expansion of the full-service restaurant is not anticipated to exacerbate the current parking situation. . 2. The intent of the parking regulations, in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this chapter, is met. It is the intent and purpose of the parking regulations to provide for the general welfare and convenience of persons utilizing the various uses within the city through the provisions of suitable off-street parking and loading facilities and to protect the public safety by reducing traffic congestion on the public streets. Though the restaurant will have a shortfall of seven spaces, this shortage will not have a significant impact on the surrounding uses, thus, will not impede their normal operations. As noted in the finding above, a parking study was submitted by the applicant, which shows that there is available on-site parking during the restaurant's hours of operation to serve its patrons and employees. The parking study was analyzed and reviewed by the Traffic and Transportation Section. The parking-occupancy survey demonstrated a parking surplus of at least 29 spaces at all times throughout the entire week. Hence, the restaurant expansion's demand for seven parking spaces could be accommodated within the on-site supply of 65 parking spaces. 3. A reasonable amount of parking spaces will be provided to serve the use intended and potential future uses of the subject parcel. The granting of the parking reduction of seven spaces would not be materially detrimental to adjacent uses. As described above in sections 1 and 2, the applicant has demonstrated with the parking survey that there is available on-site parking to serve restaurant patrons, employees, and the parking demand of the remaining uses on the site. Conditions: 1. That the development shall be in sUbstantial accord with the plans submitted with the application and presented at the hearing except for any modifications as may be required to meet specific Code standards or other conditions stipulated herein to the satisfaction of the Planning Hearing Officer. 2. That all necessary permits shall be obtained from the Building and Safety Division and all construction shall be in compliance with the Glendale Building Code and all other applicable regulations. 3. That the premises shall be maintained in a clean and orderly condition, free of weeds, trash and graffiti. 4. That the parking reduction is valid only insofar as the specific use for which it was granted or similar land use (as determined by the Planning Hearing Officer). The permit runs with this specific land use as long as there is no intensification of the use or that other uses proposed will not require more parking as provided herein as determined by the Planning Hearing Officer. 5. That all applicable conditions of approval in Conditional Use Permit Case No. PCUP 2010-025 shall remain valid and consistent with the restaurant use establishment. 6. That all necessary licenses as required from Federal, State, County or City authorities including the City Clerk shall be obtained and kept current at all times. 7. That the facilities shall not be rented, leased or otherwise occupied for purposes not specified in this application or as permitted by Title 30, G.M.C. 8. That any expansion or modification of the facility or use which intensifies the existing permit shall require a new Parking Reduction Permit approval application as determined by the Planning Hearing Officer. 9. An Acceptance Affidavit accepting the permit and all its conditions shall be signed, notarized recorded at the L.A. County Recorder, and submitted prior to the issuance of a Zoning Use Certificate.