Live Wire - Introductory Issue


Live Wire - Introductory Issue
LiveW re
In This Issue
A message from
Cummings Park
residents benefits from
the Network Rehabilitation
Merging our Call Centres
GPL’s Modernization Plan
Frequency Conversion
GPL’s rejuvenated Website
Easter Celebrations
Mashramani Celebrations
Social Activities Committee
Our Employees
Prepaid Meter
Tariff Recovery
CEO Guyana Power and Light Inc.
We are fortunate to be witnessing the greatest
expansion in the history of the GPL on this our
fourteenth (14) anniversary, an expansion that would,
in many ways, define the future of the Company. Over
US$147M is being spent on generation, transmission,
substation, distribution and automation of critical
assets expected to go into operation in 2013.
GEC/GPL has consistently struggled with inadequate
resources resulting in struggles on every front.
This trend will be reversed by the end of 2013 West
Demerara will be linked to the Demerara transmission
system via a submarine cable across the Demerara
river, new substations will be operational at Vreed-enHoop and Edingburg (West Coast), a new 26MW
Wartsila power plant would be in commercial
operation at Vreed-en-Hoop, new substations would
be in operation at Golden Grove (East Bank),
Georgetown, Sophia, Good Hope (East Coast),
Columbia (Upper East Coast) and a new Central
Control Center at Sophia equipped with a
sophisticated SCADA system will be operational.
Fighting losses through the
Mr. Bharat Dindyal
For us, technology inspires our vision:
to deliver superior, sustainable
solutions for Guyana.
Loss Reduction
High losses remain the single greatest threat to GPL
and sustainable loss reduction is our goal. In the past,
we used a combination of technology and labour
intensive methods to confront losses but while the
initial results were good, losses have stagnated around
The latest in metering technology would now be
introduced to tackle this problem, supported by
innovative network designs to form a coordinated
approach. Technology will therefore lead the loss
reduction fight of the future reducing the dependence
on old policing methods and exposing our staff to
Customer Service
Some progress has been made in improving Customer
Service but much more was expected. Our new
Customer Information System (CIS) has been in use
over two years now but we are still only using the basic
features of the application.
We have now devised a plan, to be implemented
incrementally over the next five years, to transform
Customer Service much faster to the high standards
all our Consumers expect.The use of ICT to improve
all our processes, leveraging more features of CIS,
widespread use of SMART metering, online billing and
vastly reducing the hassles of bill payment and
querying are some of the elements of this new plan.
Our Performance
While service delivery has improved over the past
years consumers still complain of power outages.With
the generation and overloaded network problems
being addressed, adequate maintenance of our
networks remains a challenge. We expect that this
problem would be addressed comprehensively in the
coming months and years. Our distribution system has
expanded dramatically over the last eight years placing
a heavy burden on our maintenance capacity.
To address this problem the Company would increase
its investment in articulated vehicles and specialized
power tools.This investment would be supplemented
by specialized training to undertake live–line
GPL would continue to engage contract resources to
assist in network maintenance and emergency
Our Staff
Change is always accompanied by doubt and concerns
about job security. In these times of exciting change,
new opportunities would present themselves. In some
cases completely new skill sets are required while in
others it’s a matter of updating our training for the
new technologies we would be employing.
Management would engage staff and make appropriate
training available as it would always be our intention to
make the opportunities available to them first. See
change as pregnant with opportunities rather than a
death sentence
LiveW re
Cummings Park
residents are the
first beneficiaries
of the GPL/IDB
The US$5M Network Rehabilitation
loan funded by the Inter-American
Development Bank (IDB) and the
Government of Guyana proved great
success in the Cummings Park
This project is premised under fundamental principles which will
help to improve the overall efficiency of the system by:
(1) achieving a lower level of electricity losses;
(2) improving operation and maintenance of the distribution
(3) improving understanding of the main technical, financial,
social, environmental and operational issues;
(4) reducing the incidence of theft of electricity; and
(5) gaining commitment to the sustainability of the power
In an effort to ensure that the project objectives are met
sufficiently, the project is being executed through three (3)
components over the 4 year plan. These components are (1)
Capacity Building and Energy Conservation (2) – Rehabilitation
of the Low Voltage (LV) Distribution Network and (3)
Commercial Loss Reduction (LR) Actions.
The residents of Cummings Park being the first beneficiaries of
the works associated with project has testified to the
improvement of the new system.
Divisional Director Kumar Sharma and Divisional Director
Renford Homer in discussions with residents of Cummings Park
who benefitted from the project.
Loss Reduction remains a critical component in the GPL’s
sustainability and our Company has strategized and invested
billions of dollars and implemented several initiatives to address
the problem. GPL has made modest gains in containing
electricity theft and reducing the percentage of electricity lost to
theft, while recognizing that persons continue to find newer and
more sophisticated ways to steal electricity, the Company has
intensified its efforts to deal with the problem.
This loan was inked on September 23, 2011 by President Luis
Alberto Moreno representing the IDB and Hon. Minister of
Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh representing GoG under loan
agreement Sustainable Operation of the Electricity Sector and
Improved Quality of Service: LO-2567/BL-GY.
Ms.Angela Young a resident of Cummings Park for over 15 years
remarked “the first thing I noticed was the fact that we are
not getting low voltage, … people are unable to thief the
electricity so paying customers are getting the right
This is an incremental step on the Company’s behalf as similar
rehabilitative work will be carried out in communities namely:
Region 3: Canal No. 2, La Grange,Windsor Forest, Region 4: East
La Penitence, North East La Penitence, Victoria, Enmore, Mon
Repos, Helena Mahaica and Region 6: Lochaber New
Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Cotton Tree, Canje, Now or Never,
Rosignol H/S, Springlands, Rose Hall and Miss Phoebe-Port
This operation will help to improve the quality of service
provided by the utility and strengthen its technical capabilities. It
will also promote the resourceful use of energy and the culture
of payment.
LiveW re
Fighting losses through Advanced
Metering Infrastructure
Through the introduction of various initiatives. GPL
remains resolute on combating technical and commercial
losses which can affect the operations of the Company and
ultimately the services we offer to our growing customer
One such initiative to be unveiled this year is the Advanced
Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project which is being
funded by the Inter American Development Bank (IADB) at
an investment cost of over US$30M for approximately
2000 customers within the business hub of Georgetown.
This project will allow the business community between
Vlissengen Road to Avenue of the Republic and North Road
to Croal Street to benefit from the AMI’s automated
architecture, two-way communication between a smart
utility meter with an IP address and our Company.
The goal of an AMI is to provide GPL with real-time data
about power consumption and it will also allow customers
to make informed choices about energy usage based on the
price at the time of use.
The introduction of AMI will strengthen our current loss
recovery programme as it will significantly reduce the need
for labour intensive strategies which creates an
environment for fraud and corruption from unscrupulous
Merging of
GPL Call Centres
On Saturday, June 29, 2013 without
any glitches the Guyana Power and
Light Inc (GPL) has taken another
crucial stride towards improving its
Customer Service satisfaction
through the merging of the Sophia
Emergency Call Centre and
Customer Services Call Centre.
This merger will vastly improve
communication and action
between the Company and our
valued customers. The agents are
trained to offer assistance with a
variety of tasks; including but not
limited to; Billing, Complaints,
Queries and the like.
In addition, your emergency calls
will also be greeted with improved
response as a result of this merger.
Our Customer Service Representatives catering to the needs of our valued customers.
The Call Centre numbers remains
the same and our agents can be
contacted on telephone numbers
226-2606, 226-4015 and 226-4016.
LiveW re
New Vreed-en-Hoop Substation
New Sophia Substation
The Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) in collaboration with the
Government of Guyana and the China Export –Import Bank
through a concessionary loan of US$38.963 million are forging
ahead with the development and expansion of GPL’s
Transmission and Distribution System.This loan is supplemented
by US$3.9 million from GPL’s revenue for preparatory works,
including route clearing, site preparation and backfilling to above
2005 flood levels.
The First Priority Works on the West Demerara were
completed and commissioned since early December 2012 and
are providing an improved quality of service to that region.These
Works are: (i) the expansion of the Kingston 69Kv Substation, (ii)
the installation of a 69Kv submarine cable across the Demerara
River from Kingston to Vreed-en-Hoop, (iii) construction of two
new substations at Vreed-en-Hoop and Edinburgh, and (iv)
construction of a 69Kv transmission line linking the two new
The Infrastructure Development project will see the
construction of seven (7) new 69/13.8Kv Sub Stations,
approximately 96Km of 69Kv overhead Transmission Lines, the
upgrade and expansion of three (3) existing Sub Stations and the
construction of a Fiber Optic Network Linking all substations
from Skeldon in the East, Edinburgh in the West and Garden of
Eden in the South to a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) System at a New Control Centre at Sophia.
The Transmission Lines and Substations will serve to integrate
major load centres along the coast, and will provide the capability
to move bulk power from large, efficient, heavy fuel oil fired
generating plants in Demerara and Berbice to those load centers.
Additionally, new 13.8Kv primary distribution feeder outlets at
the substations will allow existing long, overloaded feeders,
especially on the East and West Coast Demerara, to be
segmented into shorter, more lightly loaded sections.
These developments will result in improved quality
of supply, system stability, improved voltage
regulation, and reduction of technical losses.They
will also prepare the system to accept and
distribute power from the Amaila Falls
Hydroelectric Project.
GPL wishes to assure all that system improvements and
upgrades will contribute to improved services to our valued
customers. However, with the advent of GPL’s budget cut of
$5.2B the Company’s development plan will be adversely
The existing Sophia 69Kv substation is being expanded and
upgraded and linked to a new Sophia 69Kv substation.The works
in the existing Sophia 69Kv substation necessitated a number of
power outages to Consumers on the East Coast and parts of
South Georgetown and the East Bank. Now that new equipment
has been positioned in the Sophia substation its complete
shutdown is required to integrate this new equipment with
existing equipment.
GPL afforded the media an opportunity to view the completed
works at the existing Sophia Substation so that they can better
appreciate the scope of works being executed. In addition, our
company completed the final shutdown of the Substation on July
14, 2013 where the new equipment for the new Sophia
Substation were connected. This shutdown affected the power
supply of consumers from North Sophia to Bygeval (Mahaica)
and Georgetown.
LiveW re
Conversion of Frequencies
from 50Hz to 60Hz
Over the years, the Guyana Power and Light Inc.(GPL) has
always had the conversion of the distribution system of
Demerara and Berbice to a single frequency at the fore
front and in 2013, works commenced in Demerara and a
dream materialized.
Several communities were successfully converted to the
60Hz frequencies across Demerara, the communities are
namely: Sections of Bel Air Park, Campbellville, Kingston,
Thomas Land, Cummingsburg, Bourda, Albertown,
Queenstown, Robbstown, Werk-en-Rust, Charlestown,
Albouystown, La Penitence, Riverview, West Ruimveldt,
Ruimveldt Industrial Estate and Meadow Bank. Exhibition
Compound, Homestretch Avenue and
Shelter Belt
The purpose of the standardization of the distribution
system to a single frequency is to supply the electric power
demand in an efficient, reliable and cost-effective manner.
The exercise coincides with conversion of units at the
Wartsila Kingston 1 Plant from 50Hz to 60 Hz, and will lead
to a significant reduction in technical losses as there will be
no need to operate the rotary converters to convert from
one frequency to another.
The scope entails the replacement of 50Hz transformers,
upgrading primary distribution network, constructing new
network and dividing Georgetown into power supply
network zones.
Utilization of a single frequency will allow GPL greater
flexibility in providing alternative supply in the event of
network faults, and improve on the level of service
A technician working within the Cummingsburg area.
In addition, consumers’ equipment rated for dual
frequency (50hz/60hz) operation will function more
The objectives of the conversion are: to decommission
the converters, construct transmission lines and
associated substations with 13.8KV, 60Hz outlets, to
significantly reduce feeder lengths and the associated
losses, and adequately supply the combined 50Hz and
LiveW re
Excitement flew high on the eve of Easter Monday as
the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) once again
donated kites to the Joshua House Orphanage and
R u i m ve l d t C h i l d re n s ’ H o m e , g i v i n g l o c a l
underprivileged youngsters the chance to have a
delightful Easter.
Big smiles beamed across the faces of the children in
receipt of the kites, all out of yet another commendable
initiative undertaken by GPL Inc.
Our colleague Leisel Welcome distributing
a kite to a charming child.
The children of the Ruimveldt Childrens’ Home and our
staff members Leisel Welcome & Wadecia Donald
Joshau House Children in receipt of their kites
GPL secures 1st Place win!
This year’s, Mashramani was celebrated under the theme
“Reflecting Creativity, Embracing Diversity”,
brought much success to the Guyana Power and Light Inc.
(GPL) first entry into the Mashramani Building Designs
A design which embodied this years’ team was crafted in the
mind of a young brilliant artist, Mr. Neilson Nurse who
conceptualized and executed a brilliant master piece which
allowed GPL to easily secure first place in the competition.
GPL’s Middle St Annex
placed 1st in the 2013
Commercial Buildings
Umbrellas and fabrics draped our middle street annex
location in the colours of the national flag became an instant
eye catcher within that business hub as eyes passed and
gazed at the unique designs that set GPL apart from its
Mashramani being an Amerindian word which means
“celebration after hard work”, depicts the feelings of our
management, staff and designer who all worked together to
achieve this succession.
LiveW re
of theSocial Activities
The Social Activities Committee meeting convened and
those who answered the call to be active serving members
were present on January 31, 2013.
Mr. Moore, following his acceptance to serve in the capacity
of Chairman pledged his support towards the development
of the Company through his leadership.
The meeting commenced with Deputy Human Resources
Manager - Mr. Dale De’Roy positing the need for earnest
work and rebranding the output of the committee in a
manner that fosters its sustainability. He also charged those
gathered to work together in an effort to avoid having
dissolution of this new committee.
The committee hosted several successful hot dog sales in
Demerara, Berbice and Essequibo and a karaoke event in
Georgetown; these being two of many events slated to be
executed in the 2013 calendar of events.
An election was held with all those present and following
are the results of office bearers:
New Office Bearers:
Mr. Matthew Moore
Vice-Chairman Mr. Clyde Mc Almont
Ms.Wadecia Donald
Ms. Donnel Joseph
Coordinating Members :
Shirley Hazel
Leisel Welcome
Jamal Forde
Frank Gulliver
Warren Bradford
Phalyanjee Nadkumar
Richard Welch
Ravi Prashad
Gershom Skerrett
Floyd Cameron
Ramesh Persaud
Frank Stoby
Savitri Thomas
The committee remains resolute in generating revenue
from these events that will ultimately benefit all of the
Company’s employees throughout Guyana and to reduce
its dependency on the Company’s Management for
financial aid.
The arbitration panel recently
awarded a maximum of six per
cent in salary increases for
workers at GPL, ending a
protracted dispute between our
company and the union. The
grade one workers received an
increase of six percent, while the
other categories received an
increase of 5.5 percent
retroactive to January 2012.
LiveW re
our new
So, What’s New?
The rejuvenated and
re engineered website.
The day has finally arrived and we
are proud to introduce our brand
new website! The previous
website left much to be desired
for our vibrant and evolving
The site lacked the vibrancy in aesthetics yearned for by
the Board of Directors, Management and staff; in
recognition of this fact, the Company sought to improve
upon its existing website under the stewardship of Mr.
Aeshwar Deonarine - Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Good Visual Design
Mr. Renford Homer - Senior Divisional Director How important is that first impression in all that we
Commercial Services and Information Technology and do? Well, our website certainly leaves that modern
Mr. Devon Sampson - Web Content Administrator.
memorable impression. It’s easy and interactive
aesthetics fosters a lengthy stay on our website
learning about our Company - where we were, where
we are and certainly our bright future!
Thoughtful User Interface
Complimenting a good design is our thoughtful user
interface. The user interface is the foundation of any
good functional web site and we have incorporated all
of our customers’ needs into this new design.We have
made this new site simplified so that our not so “techsavy” users may enjoy its features as much as a highly
computer literate user.The design again speaks to the
expertise of the developer Mr. Devon Sampson as he
created “an experience” for our valued customers and
Just in case you didn't see it, here is a screen shot of
the old website.
The navigation is spot on and consistent throughout
the entire website with secondary and primary
navigational tools guiding users to our content pages.
LiveW re
Part of having an easy to navigate web site is ensuring that the
primary means of navigation links to the key areas of your site
are kept above the fold.This trending trick coincides with today’s
large computer monitors and growing screen resolutions.
The site map offers an insight into the entire site from one page.
It guides users based on menu headings and it reveals the hidden
pages within them. By utilizing this feature each user can have an
overview of the entire site from one view/page.
The website boasts main sections/headers with the most
frequently accessed areas clearly placed and visible upon
entering the home page. Consistency remaining a fore player in
the design allowed for both primary and sub-navigational links in
the same spot throughout the various pages of your web site.
Complimenting those features are the Images and text links
which form the main navigational tools on the website making it
possible for people to find the content they are looking.
Sign Up/ Subscribe:
This feature will be launched as we continue to improve the
website. This feature will allow users to subscribe to our
newsletters, press releases and online bill (E-billing).
Kindly encourage your colleagues, family, relatives and friends to
visit the website and return a feedback in an effort to
continuously improve the features and services we offer to you
on our website and the Company.
Meaningful Content
An attractive website is good but content is even better! The
website remains a work in progress as each Department that
drives the Company are working in tandem with the Public
Relations Unit to build content for the website.
As our Company evolves so will our website as energies are
directed towards updating, monitoring and evaluating the
Search blogs
Diversity of needs is another great element upon which the
website was built as it embodies helpful search tools.These tools
minimize wading through hundreds of pages before finding
exactly what the user wants.
The website was introduced to the public who attended the
Building Expo 2013
LiveW re
Our Valued Employees
Mr. Bal Persaud
Mr. Keith John
Mr. Dukharan Jonathon
Has been appointed
Divisional Director-Human Resources
to serve within the Human Resources DivisionMiddle Street
effective July 02, 2013
has been appointed Legal Officer
to serve within the Executive Secretariat
effective March 20, 2013
has been appointed Administrative Manager
to serve within the Administrative Department
Middle Street
effective September 20, 2012
Mr. Persaud is an accomplished Human
Resources Management Professional with
over thirty (30) years of experience at the
senior management executive level in leading
national and regional organizations. He
possesses expert level skills in human
resources policy and manpower planning,
recruitment, contract and salar y
administration, union negotiations, grievance
procedures and maintenance of stable
industrial relations which will serve him
diligently under his new portfolio as GPL’s
Divisional Director of Human Resources.
Under his portfolio Mr. John has a tall order
but his vast experience and tactical skills will
no doubt enable him well ,to execute his
duties on behalf of the Company. Mr. John is
tasked with representing the Company in
both civil and criminal litigation, in initiating
legal proceedings and pursuing legal matters,
among other responsibilities.
Speaking on his appointment, Mr. Jonathon
remarked “under my portfolio, I aim to provide
an opportunity for advancement and growth
and where I can contribute my knowledge,
experience, skills and personal strength, I
will…’This passion will serve brilliantly as part
of his mandate which will be to implement
stronger and strategic administrative planning
systems throughout the company.
Under his new portfolio, Mr. Persaud is tasked
with but not limited to supervising all Heads of
the Personnel, Administrative, Training and
Development and Safety Health and
Environmental Unit, ensuring that Company
confirms to all Labour and other relevant Laws
with respect to Labour and Industrial
Relations, Occupational Safety Health and
Environment and the City Bylaws Rules and
His excellent executive and strategic
management skills, multitasking,
communication and negotiation skills, strong
results-driven philosophy for timely execution,
goal achievement and enhanced organizational
effectiveness will be an asset to our Company
as he executes his duties.
With the afore mentioned credentials, we are
without question reassured that his service at
GPL will be of premier standards.
Keith John has made a remarkable entry into
the records of the University of Guyana, as
being the first student to graduate with two
degrees at the same time in the Faculty of
Social Sciences. He is the holder of Bachelor
of Social Sciences (Management) and a
Bachelor of Law.
Following his studies at the University of
Guyana, he pursued further studies in Law at
the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad for
the Legal Education Certificate, and was
subsequently admitted to practice Law in
Guyana and the Caribbean.
His quest for learning knows no boundaries.
He continues to pursue tertiary education
and he is currently reading for a Master
Degree in Business Administration with the
Commonwealth of Learning and the
University of Guyana, to complement his
existing Master Degree in Law attained from
the University of London, England.
Mr. Jonathon has a wealth of experience dating
all the way back to 1985; where he served in
various administrative capacities in numerous
companies in Ontario Canada. His patriotism
has led to his return to Guyana to offer his
talents and services towards the development
of our Company and Guyana.
Mr. Jonathon is the holder of a Bachelor of Law
(LL.B) from the University of Guyana and the
University of the West Indies. He is also
professionally equipped with a Bachelor of
Arts (B.A.) from York University,Toronto, ON.
Complimenting these qualifications are his
certificates in Alternative Dispute Resolution,
Immigration Consultancy, Legal Assistant and
Paralegal Studies.
He will use his 28 years in the field of
administrative management to serve in his
appointment at GPL.
LiveW re
Our Valued Employees
May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your window pane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to
cheer you.
Irish Retirement Blessing
Winslow Grant
Robert Johnson
George Ting a Kee
Former Superintendent
T&D Anna Regina
Period of Service :
June 6,1972 - August 24, 2012
Former Senior Meter Reader
Period of Service:
August 1 ,1976 - February 3, 2012.
Former Administrative Manager
Period Of Service:
February 16, 1980 - August 14, 2012
Corinthians 5:6-8
So we are always of good courage.
We know that while we are at home in the body
we are away from the Lord, for we
walk by faith, not by sight.
Yes, we are of good courage, and we would
rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
Lennox Johannis
Lemuel Ogle
Former Project Officer | Projects Unit
Sunrise: July 21, 1948
Sunset: July 21, 2012
Former Technician | Garden Of Eden
Sunrise: December 24, 1990
Sunset: January 15, 2013
1. Switch computers off when it’s not in use. Even switching a
monitor off over tea and lunch break prevents excessive
heat build up in a room.
2. Don’t leave equipment on standby mode. They continue
to us up to 70% of normal power consumption.
1. Keep doors and windows closed while AC is on.
2. Turn off ACS at the end of your work day.
3. Report any factors which affect comfort levels such as
draughty windows and doors. A simple repair could save
energy and improve user comfort.
Switch off all lights at the end of your work day.
Please be informed that you can
contribute to the
LiveW re
We are accepting any articles from staff that
would help to improve this newsletter.
We welcome your :
You may contact
The Public Relations Unit
Tel: 592-225-1471 | Fax: 592-231-0105
Please Note: The PR Unit reserves the right
to deny any inappropriate contributions.
Explaining the $402
Recovery Charge
to GPL’s Residential
Pre-Paid Meter Users
For energy up to 75 kilowatt hours in any month
you pay a lower rate of $48.42
For energy in excess of 75 kilowatt hours in any month
you pay a higher rate of $53.78
Recovery charge represents difference $5.36
between these rates x 75 kwhs = $402
If you initially purchased prepaid tokens
at the lower rate and subsequently
used in excess of 75 kilowatts hours in any month,
you will have to pay the $402 Recovery charge
Post Paid Customers are charged similar rates
AND a monthly fixed charge
For Further assistance contact the GPL Call Centre 226-2606
Public Relations Unit
Executive Secretariat
91 Duke Street,
Tel: 592-225-1471 | Fax: 592-231-0105
Emergency Call Centre
Tel: 592-226-4015 | 592-226-4016
Interactive Voice Response IRV
Tel: 592-226-0783
Commercial Call Centre
Tel: 592-226-2600