Public Reception being held at 6pm for the Senior of the Year
Public Reception being held at 6pm for the Senior of the Year
***Public Reception being held at 6pm for the Senior of the Year*** REGULAR MEETING MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SPENCERVILLE, ONTARIO MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2016 6:30PM 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest & the General Nature Thereof 4. Delegations & Presentations 5. Minutes of the Previous Council Meetings a) Regular Meeting – May 24, 2016 6. Business Arising from the Previous Council Meeting (if any) 7. Committee Minutes a) Public Library Board – April 26, 2016 b) Public Meeting: Building Schedule Fee Increase – June 6, 2016 c) Administration & Finance Committee of the Whole – June 6, 2016 d) Recreation Advisory Committee – June 9, 2016 e) Community Development Committee – June 13, 2016 f) Port Management Committee – June 15, 2016 g) Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities Committee of the Whole – June 20, 2016 8. Action and Information Items from Committees a) PSAB 2016 Budget Addendum b) Cemetery Take-Over – Mainsville Cemetery c) Canada 150 Grant Application – Riverside Memorial Park d) Canada 150 Grant Application – Johnstown Tennis Court Repurposing e) Canada Post – Potential Reduction of Business Hours f) Cormorant Control g) Cardinal Library Painting h) Meadowlands Draft Plan Approval of Subdivision Extension i) ATV Trail Request from UCLG 9. Correspondence 10. Approval of Disbursements a) Municipal Accounts b) Port Accounts 11. By-laws a) Debenture EMS Station By-law b) Appoint Members to the Mainsville Cemetery Board c) Building Schedule Fee d) Temporary By-law Enforcement Officer e) Appoint Member(s) of the Public Library Board f) Establish a Highway in Edwardsburgh Cardinal g) Stop Up and Close an Unopened Road Allowance – Edison Avenue h) SWLC – Marketing Licence Agreement 12. CAO’s Administrative Update 13. Councillor Inquiries or Notices of Motion 14. Mayor’s Report 15. Question Period 16. Closed Session 17. Confirmation By-law 18. Adjournment TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL June 27, 2016 Resolution Number: Moved By: _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Seconded By: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ COPY THAT Municipal Council approves the agenda as: 0 o Presented Carried o Defeated o Unanimous Mayor: _____________ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Councillor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councillor K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL YEA NAY MINUTES MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL SPENCERVILLE MUNICIPAL OFFICE TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016 6:30PM PRESENT: Pat Sayeau, Mayor Peggy Taylor, Deputy Mayor Michael Barrett, Councillor Gerry Morrell, Councillor Karie Smail, Councillor STAFF: Debra McKinstry, CAO/Cierk Melanie Stubbs, Treasurer Dave Grant, Director of Operations Rebecca Williams, Deputy Clerk 1. Call to Order Mayor Sayeau called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. 2. Approval of the Agenda R2016-187 Decision: Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: M. Barrett that Municipal Council approves the agenda as presented. Carried 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest & the General Nature Thereof- None 4. Delegations & Presentations a) John Walsh - Rideau St. Lawrence Retrofit Street Lighting Payment Mr. Walsh was present to inform Council that the retrofit incentive for LED streetlights produced a total program payment of $25,816.00. Mr. Walsh and Mr. Gibson presented Council with the cheque. 5. Minutes of the Previous Council Meetings a) Regular Meeting -April 25, 2016 Page 1 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 R2016-188 Decision: Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: K. Smail that Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of the Regular Meeting dated April 25, 2016. Carried 6. Business Arising from the Previous Council Meeting (if any)- None 7. Committee Minutes a) Public Library Board- March 29, 2016 R2016-189 Decision: Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that Municipal Council receives the minutes of the Public Library Board meeting dated March 29, 2016. Carried b) Administration & Finance - Committee of the Whole R2016-190 Decision: Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell that Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of Administration & Finance Committee of the Whole meeting dated May 2, 2016. Carried c) Community Development Committee- May 9, 2016 Members noted that the minutes should be amended to include reference to the improvement of Byers Rd regarding ED19 under item 8. Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by M. Barrett that Council amends the Community Development Committee meeting minutes to add the improvement of Byers Rd to note about ED19 under item 8. Carried R2016-191 Decision: Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of Community Development Committee meeting dated May 9, 2016 as amended. Carried d) Recreation Advisory Committee- May 12, 2016 R2016-192 Decision: Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: K. Smail that Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of Recreation Advisory Committee meeting dated May 12, 2016. Page 2 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 Carried e) Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities Committee of the Whole - May 16, 2016. R2016-193 Decision: Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell that Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities Committee of the Whole meeting as corrected dated May 16, 2016. Carried f) Port Management Committee- May 18, 2016 R2016-194 Decision: Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: M. Barrett that Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of Port Management Committee meeting dated May 18, 2016. Carried 8. Action and Information Items from Committees a) Municipal Drug Strategy Donation R2016-195 Decision: Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that Municipal Council supports the South Grenville Drug Strategy with a $2,500.00 contribution funded by a transfer from the policing cost reserve as recommended by Committee of the Whole - Administration & Finance. Carried b) Severance Application B-27 -16 (Collins) R2016-196 Decision: Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell that Municipal Council recommend in favour of the severance B-27 -16 (Collins) as recommended by Community Development Committee. Carried c) Spencerville Legion Beer Garden Request R2016-197 Decision: Moved by P. Taylor seconded by: K. Smail that Municipal Council supports the events of the Spencerville Legion including their request to host three outdoor beer gardens on the following dates in 2016: • July 1st- Cal')ada Day Pork Roast Page 3 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 • August 20 1h - Ball Banquet • September ih_gth Spencerville Fair Festivities As recommended by Committee of the Whole- Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities. Carried d) James St. Contract Authorization Members discussed deferring the work on Marjorie Street and Joseph Street in Cardinal and the underground repairs completed on Joseph Street. R2016-198 Decision: Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: M. Barrett that Municipal Council : 1. Accept the reduced scope of work and the agreed negotiated price of $864,383.90 for Cornwall Sand and Gravel to complete the work; and 2. Authorize staff to execute the required contract documents; and 3. Direct and authorize staff to engage JL Richards to perform contract administration for this project at the upset limit of $125,000; and 4. Approve up to a 10% contingency, if required, should any unforeseen items arise during the course of the project. with respect to the James Street Project. Councillor Smail requested a recorded vote. Councillor Barrett Yea Councillor Morrell Yea Councillor Smail Nay Yea Deputy Mayor Taylor MayorSayeau Yea Carried e) Approve Minutes of Settlement - Various Properties R2016-199 Decision: Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that Municipal Council approves the Minutes of Settlement for roll numbers 701-040-17200; 701-05000500 and 701-050-10602 for the 2016 taxation year. Carried f) Kemptville Service Ontario Members noted that the Ministry is closing several other Service Ontario locations, including the Morrisburg location. R2016-200 Page 4 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 Decision: Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell WHEREAS, the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services has announced it is closing the Service Ontario centre in the Town of Kemptville in February 2017;and WHEREAS, North Grenville is one of the fastest-growing municipalities in Eastern Ontario with hundreds of housing starts, millions of dollars in investment in recent years and a population forecasted to grow by 40% to more than 22,500 by 2024; and WHEREAS, the community has several businesses, including automobile dealerships, that face increased costs and inconvenience to their customers if they lose direct access to a local Service Ontario centre; and WHEREAS, closing Kemptville's Service Ontario centre would cause unnecessary hardship to young families and seniors who do not have Internet access or transportation to attend a Service Ontario location outside of the community; and WHEREAS, this closure will negatively impact residents of surrounding communities; and WHEREAS, the government has failed to provide a sufficient business case to support this sudden decision. THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal requests that the Minister of Government and Consumer Services reconsider the decision to close Kemptville's Service Ontario centre and ensure residents of this fast-growing community, and the surrounding area, can access government services where they live. And that a copy of this motion be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Government and Consumer Services, the Leader of the Official Opposition, the Leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party, MPP Steve Clark, the Warden of the United Counties of Leeds Grenville, and the Mayor and Council of North Grenville. Carried g) Proclamation: World Oceans Week- June 1st to 8th 2016 R2016-201 Decision: Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: K. Smail WHEREAS, in 2009 the United Nations proclaimed June 8 to be World Oceans Day each year around the world; and Page 5 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 WHEREAS, since 1992 Canada played a key role in the United Nations recognizing World Oceans Day; and WHEREAS, World Oceans Week Canada was founded to encourage all Canadians to honour, celebrate, protect and preserve our waterways and oceans as well as the habitat along and in our waterways and oceans where 80% of the oxygen we breathe is generated ; and WHEREAS , World Oceans Week Canada has designated June 1 to June 8 as World Oceans Week in Canada; and WHEREAS, World Oceans Week Canada urges all Canadians to take action to conserve water, preserve waterways and shorelines, reduce emissions, reduce their carbon footprint and protect the habitat along and in our waterways; and WHEREAS, World Oceans Week Canada urges all Canadians to help our marine life recover by avoiding sea foods on the endangered list; NOW THEREFORE Be It Resolved That, I, Mayor Pat Sayeau of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, do hereby proclaim June 1 to June 8 as "World Oceans Week" in our township and encourage the residents of Edwardsburgh Cardinal to actively conserve, preserve and protect our waterways, oceans and habitat. Carried h) Proclamation: Senior's Month- June 2016 R2016-202 Decision: Moved by G. Morrell seconded by: M. Barrett WHEREAS Senior's Month is an annual province-wide celebration ; WHEREAS seniors have contributed and continued to contribute immensely to the life and vibrancy of this community; WHEREAS seniors continue to serve as leaders, mentors, volunteers and important and active members of this community; WHEREAS their contributions past and present warrant appreciation and recognition and their stories deserve to be told; WHEREAS the health and well-being of seniors is in the interest of all and further adds to the health and well-being of the community; WHEREAS the knowledge and experience seniors pass on to us continues to benefit all; Page 6 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, I, Mayor Pat Sayeau of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, do hereby proclaim June 1-30, 2016 as Senior's Month in our Township and encourage all citizens to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our seniors. Carried 9. Correspondence R2016-203 Decision: Moved by K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that Municipal Council receives the correspondence listings for the following dates as previously circulated: • April 25, 2016 • May 2, 2016 • May 17, 2016 • May 20, 2016 Carried 10. Approval of Disbursements a) Municipal Accounts R2016-204 Decision: Moved by M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell that Municipal Council approves payment of municipal invoices circulated and dated as follows: • Report dated May 17, 2016 $326,477.35 • Report dated May 19, 2016 $134,903.41 TOTAL: $461 ,380. 76 Carried b) Port Accounts R2016-205 Decision: Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: K. Smail that Municipal Council approves payment of Port invoices circulated and numbered as follows: • Direct withdrawal payments $76,800.55 TOTAL: $76,800.55 • Batch 15 $302,338.65 • Batch 13 $989.77 TOTAL: $303,328.42 Carried 11. By-laws a) Proclamation Policy Page 7 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 R2016-206 Decision: Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: M. Barrett that the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to establish a proclamation policy and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof. Carried R2016-207 Decision: Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: M. Barrett that a by-law to establish a proclamation policy be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2016-33. Carried b) Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Fire Tiered Response Agreement R2016-208 Decision: Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a tiered response agreement with the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof. Carried R2016-209 Decision: Moved by K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a tiered response agreement with the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville be now read a third time and finally passed, signed , sealed and numbered 2016-34. Carried c) Fire Fighter Honourarium and Reimbursement Policy Members noted that the hour system may be problematic for the Township and who would determine the hour pay versus lump sum pay for training. Members discussed the need for a closed session with respect to legal advice. The Fire Fighter Honourarium and Reimbursement Policy will be further discussed at a Committee of the Whole meeting. R2016-210 Decision: Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell that the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to adopt a honourarium and reimbursement policy for the Edwardsburgh/Cardinal volunteer fire department and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof. Deputy Mayor Taylor requested a recorded vote. Councillor Barrett Yea Councillor Morrell Yea Councillor Smail Yea Deputy Mayor Taylor Nay Mayor Sayeau Nay Page 8 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 Carried d) Frederick Street Speed Reduction R2016-211 Decision: Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: K. Smail that the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to restrict the rate of speed for motor vehicles on the municipal roadway known as Frederick Street and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof. Carried R2016-212 Decision: Moved by P. Taylor seconded by: K. Smail that a by-law to restrict the rate of speed for motor vehicles on the municipal roadway known as Frederick Street be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2016-36. Carried e) Community Safety Zone Policy R2016-213 Decision: Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to establish a community safety zone policy and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof. Carried R2016-214 Decision: Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that a by-law to establish a community safety zone policy be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2016-37. Carried f) Alternate CEMC R2016-215 Decision: Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by M. Barrett that the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to appoint an Alternate CEMC and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof. Carried R2016-216 Decision: Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: M. Barrett that a by-law to appoint an Alternate CEMC be now read a third time and finally passed, signed , sealed and numbered 2016-38. Carried Page 9 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 g) Sherrer Development Agreement (Severance B-1 09-15/B-11 0-15) R2016-217 Decision: Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell that the mover by granted leave to introduce a by-law to authorize the mayor and clerk to execute a development agreement with Roy Burton Sherrer and Pamela Ann Sherrer and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof. Carried R2016-218 Decision: Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell that a by-law to authorize the mayor and clerk to execute a development agreement with Roy Burton Sherrer and Pamela Ann Sherrer be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2016-39. Carried h) Easement Agreement with CBSA R2016-219 Decision: Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to authorize the mayor and clerk to execute an easement agreement with her majesty the Queen in right of Canada (Canadian Border Services Agency) to construct a new access road and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof. Carried R2016-220 Decision: Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that a by-law to authorize the mayor and clerk to execute an easement agreement with her majesty the Queen in right of Canada (Canadian Border Services Agency) to construct a new access road be now read a third time and finally passed, signed , sealed and numbered 2016-40 . Carried i) Morris Chemicals Lease Assignment R2016-221 Decision: Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: M. Barrett that a by-law to authorize a lease assignment agreement for port property-Morris Chemicals Incorporated and 9618732 Canada Inc. and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof. Carried R2016-222 Decision: Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: M. Barrett that a by-law to authorize a lease assignment agreement for port property-Morris Chemicals Page 10 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 Incorporated and 9618732 Canada Inc. be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2016-41. Carried 12. GAO's Administrative Update Members reviewed the GAO's Administrative Update, noting that the first phase of the Class C EA is complete and waiting for a date in June to hold a public information session. Members noted that the Prescott WWTP meeting for May 26th has been cancelled at the request of the Prescott GAO/Treasurer and that the next meeting is scheduled for September 29th. Members asked staff how the newly appointed by-law enforcement officer was doing after her first week in the Township. Members noted that the application to the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund was successful and recruitment for a Recreation Programming Coordinator is underway. Members commented on the Dump to Donate and how it was a great initiative to assist the community. Members noted that lngredion has requested temporary storage space on the Township property north of the Cardinal Library for the co-gen facility. Members briefly discussed comments they have received from residents with respect to the lngredion Centre Arena walking/running track closure from May 30th to August 8th_ Staff mentioned that there will be a customer service training day, held at the Municipal Office, on June 6th and council is welcome to sit in on the training. R2016-223 Decision: Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: K. Smail that Municipal Council receives the GAO's Administrative Report as presented . Carried 13. Councillor Inquiries or Notices of Motion Councillor Smail noted that the Dump to Donate initiative had an overwhelming response and support from the community and helped to raise $1,647 to put towards a trip to Iceland for the Scouts. Deputy Mayor Taylor commented on the need for a Closed Session to discuss legal advice with respect to the Fire Fighter Honourarium and Reimbursement Policy By-law before they move forward . CAO suggested that the discussion should take place at the next Committee of the Whole - Administration & Finance with the Fire Chief present. 14. Mayor's Report Mayor Sayeau reported the following: Page 11 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • ED19: heard from residents, met and brought them up to date. Ongoing process with UCLG OFM Service awards on May 19th. Joint WMF postponed until September, working on a strategy to be discussed at Admin & Finance RE agreements for wastewater and water ROMA conference in January, Ron Holman is the president. Mid-term meeting is July 6th in Rideau Lakes Mayor's Breakfast May 1oth in Brockville, followed by a garden trail opening. County initiative to enhance tourism, bus tours are scheduled for the Garden trail, two of which are within EC. May 11th presentation at Power Squadron Correspondence from Canada Post regarding a potential reduction of hours Correspondence received May 20th MOECC letter RE documentation for Port of Johnstown requested, Port GM will be compiling information and submitting. Donations to Fort McMurray have not been discussed May 25th, Breakfast in South Dundas, Mayor will be attending 1000 Islands Work Force Development AGM June 8th GCFDC AGM date and location may be subject to change R2016-224 Decision: Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that Municipal Council receives the Mayor's Report as presented. Carried 15. Question Period Questions/comments were raised with respect to the following: • Recent amendment of the Drainage Superintendent appointment. 16. Closed Session - None 17. Confirmation By-law R2016-225 Decision: Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell that the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to adopt, confirm and ratify matters dealt with by resolution and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof. Carried R2016-226 Decision: Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell that a by-law to adopt, confirm and ratify matters dealt with by resolution be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2016-42. Carried Page 12 of 13 Regular Council May 24, 2016 18. Adjournment R2016-186 Decision: Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: M. Barrett that Municipal Council does now adjourn at 8:03 p.m. Carried These minutes were adopted by Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Mayor Deputy Clerk Page 13 of 13 a • Edwardsburgh Cardinal Public Library Board minutes Held in Spencerville April 26, 2016 R. Hoover called the meeting to order at 7:06pm . Regrets: J. McGuire Present: R. Hoover, H. Pettinger, J. Roy, E. Farrell, M.A. Gaylord, D. Robertson, G. Morrell Disclosure of Interest: none Additions to the agenda: Some items added to new business Minutes from the previous meeting: R. Hoover moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as presented, seconded D. Robf{ertson, carried . Business arising from the minutes: For the third month, no word back on the cracked foundation in Spencerville or the Library Facebook page. E. Farrell will try again . It was reported that Katie Allard is no longer working for the township, we will need to contact the person who is responsible for the township summer programs and hopefully co-ordinate advertising with them . Correspondence: We received a letter from Steve Clark, MPP congratulating us for being awarded a Trillium Grant for $60,000. The Board also congratulated Emily for her hard work in attaining this generous grant. Treasurer's report: We have the township invoice for salaries covering the first quarter. We will reimburse the township. -The budget will be deferred to new business. The Board accepted this report. CEO/ Supervisor report: -E. Farrell reported we have been awarded two new grants to be discussed during New Business. -JASI fine free glitches have been worked out. She is impressed by the technical support JASI has given us lately. -All staff have completed their workplace violence and harassment training for this year and Emily has completed risk assessments for each branch . Public libraries have been audited before and we are up to date should this happen to us. -In light of our policy review, it has been mentioned that in the past if an individual is banned from township property, the library has not been made aware. The board asked that Emily pursue the procedures with the township. -Computers- Joseph will upgrade all computers to Windows 10. Once this is complete, we will go to daily checks by Joe Computer. The maintenance fee is more economical than paying for repairs when problems occur. • J -Stats- We show 59 more people entering the library in the first quarter, this is usually a slower time of year. There were 793 more electronic visits and 14 fewer items circulated . Although SOLS keeps track of yearly totals, we know inter-library loans are up as well . -Community /outreach/activities -April 30 Ancestry workshop -April 27 Centennial'67 Kindergarten open house -Capacity Grant Expense Report submitted -May 11 and 12 Children's Water Festival Drummond Bldg. The Board accepted the report. Board development: none Policy review: HR-01 Human Resource Management and HR-02 Staff Selection & Assignment were both updated . J. Roy moved to accept the new policies as presented, seconded by R. Hoover, carried . New business: -A new budget was circulated and a discussion followed . We have had clarification of WSIB contributions and several other changes were accounted for. D. Robertson moved that the board accept the proposed budget, seconded by J. Roy, carried . The budget will be forwarded to the clerk treasurer immediately. -The Trillium Grant is a capacity grant awarded for a new layout in the Cardinal Library. We will improve accessibility, update the shelves and upgrade the circulation desk. The staff has had input on changes to the floorplan . We were informed that the library will most likely close for about a week hopefully in late July. E. Farrell is registered for a mandatory webinar training session to learn how the money can be used. -A question was raised regarding the painting of the Cardinal Library. It only makes sense to paint at the same time that the shelves are moved. This painting project was scheduled to be completed by the township in 2011. For some reason it wa s delayed and it was never completed. G. Morrell will follow up with the township. -We were also excited to hear that we were successful in receiving a Summer Experience Program grant. The person to be hired will be helping with summer programs, book bins and more outreach. -R. Hoover attended a Trillium Grant workshop. It appears that our best chance for success would be to apply for seed money to initiate a new library program. R. Hoover suggested that we might consider a lending library for musical instruments. Discussion followed and we are interested in the idea. We will bring it up again in the fall as the summer will be busy with the upcoming renovations in Cardinal. Closed session: none Date of next meeting: Tuesday, May 31 7pm at the Cardinal library. Adjournment: D. Robertson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:03pm . . . • Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal Public Library 2016 Budget Revenue Grant - Prov of Ontario Grant - SOLS connectivity (internet) Grant - Ministry Grant- Municipal Grant - Ontario Lib. Assoc . Fines Printing & copies Memberships Book sales Interest Donations Donation - Friends Carryover from previous year Expenditures Salaries & benefits Collection Cardinal Collection Spencerville Collection Audit fee Insurance Office supplies Computer supplies Maintenance & equipment • Phone Cardinal Phone Spencerville Internet Cardinal Internet Spencerville Meetings/ Milage/Conventions Memberships License fees (copyright & JASI) Programm ing Staff training Utilities & Cleaning (no longer included Expenses other than capital Capital JASI & photocopier Capital computer (1) Capital GL AJC# Budget 2016 4540 4290 4550 4560 $ 14,447 $ 2,635 $ 3,154 $ 92 ,500 $ 4 ,787 $ 300 $ 750 $ 60 $ 75 $ 100 $ 600 $ 1,000 $ 5,614 $ 126,022 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 91 ,000 22,000 4570 4575 4580 4590 4605 4610 4610 5700 5560 5560 5561 5322 5333 5640 5642 5680 5660 5661 5665 5666 5535 5545 5625 5684 5646 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,900 3,600 1,000 1,000 900 800 800 875 875 500 100 1,100 400 600 $ 127,450 Budget 2015 14,447 1,750 3,803 82 ,500 Actual 2014 $ $ 14,447 1,108 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 79 ,700 $ 1,560 $ 104,425 $ 98,243 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -$ 65,372 100 275 50 200 300 1,000 65,000 12,500 10,500 2 ,034 3,605 1,000 1,000 600 900 800 950 800 600 1,275 1,700 500 2 ,500 $ 106,264 14,447 895 1,368 77 ,784 $ 96,997 58 ,500 11 ,619 7,013 1,800 3 ,569 2 ,042 1,702 356 762 732 828 885 698 1,250 1,775 810 19 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 101 ,194 $ 96,500 $ $ $ 2 ,750 750 3 ,500 724 644 15 42 3 Excess of revenue/expenditure (expenditure /rev enue) $ 127,450 -$ $ 106,264 1,428 -$ $ 101 ,194 1,839 -$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,447 1,300 Actual 2013 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5950 Total all expenses Budget 2014 79,700 700 275 75 200 300 12,500 10,500 2 ,000 3 ,200 1,000 1,500 1,200 900 850 950 600 500 1,000 100 200 1,000 $ 100,000 2 ,951 -$ 3 ,003 Actual 2012 14,447 1,214 1,000 74,000 10 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 95,810 $ 92,667 $ $ $ $ 56,961 $ $ $ $ 55,779 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,105 765 64 826 694 1,179 479 623 400 $ $ $ $ 176 329 10,311 92,489 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 512 2,304 1,522 1,237 678 949 479 1,052 928 100 57 356 $ 83,260 1,065 241 10,374 8 ,203 726 298 95 227 408 252 8,623 8,684 $ $ 92,489 $ 83,260 $ 3,320 $ 9,407 • Increased to include JoeComputer remote managing for Cardinal public computers ($600/yr) ,I 1b) MINUTES PUBLIC MEETING FEE SCHEDULE FOR BUILDING PERMITS- AMENDMENT TO BY-LAW MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016 6:00PM SPENCERVILLE MUNICIPAL OFFICE Present: Mayor Pat Sayeau, Chair Deputy Mayor Peggy Taylor Councillor Michael Barrett Councillor Gerry Morrell Councillor Karie Smail Staff: Dave Grant, Director of Operations Melanie Stubbs, Treasurer Randy Hopkins, Chief Building Official Shelbi Deacon, Community Development Coordinator Rebecca Williams, Deputy Clerk Public: 15 Public Members Mayor Sayeau welcomed all in attendance at 6:03pm. He noted that the purpose of the meeting was to gather public feedback with respect to the proposed increases to the Fee Schedule for the Building Permits. Staff provided an overview of the current fees and outlined the proposed changes. Staff explained that each municipality has the right to set fees based on their requirements and needs, which are reviewed to assist with recovering the cost/time spent on issuing the permits and going to the inspections. Staff noted that there are no changes to new residential fees, only renovations in the residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, and agricultural class group which will be increased from $0.25/sq ft to $0.40/sq ft. Mayor Sayeau opened the discussion up to members in the gallery and the following comments and concerns were raised verbally at the meeting: • • • • • • Is the inspection fee a one-time fee or multiple? Is the permit and inspection fee combined to a total of $150 or will it be $150 each visit? What is that "value based" fee and what does it apply to? What takes up the bulk of the work for the Chief Building Official? Are the proposed increases due to a shortfall/deficit in the Building Department? What is the deficit percentage? Mayor Sayeau asked the public if there were any more questions. Hearing none, Mayor Sayeau asked the public if there was anyone in favour or against the proposed increased. Page 1 of 2 Public Meeting - Fee Schedule for Building Permits June 6, 2016 Mayor Sayeau thanked everyone for taking part in the public meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:18pm. Minutes taken by: Deputy Clerk Page 2 of 2 Public Meeting- Fee Schedule for Building Permits June 6, 2016 MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE- ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016 6:30PM SPENCERVILLE MUNICIPAL OFFICE Present: Mayor Pat Sayeau, Chair Deputy Mayor Peggy Taylor Councillor Michael Barrett Councillor Gerry Morrell Councillor Karie Smail Regrets: Jack Bradley, Non-voting Advisory Member Dave Robertson, Non-voting Advisory Member Staff: Dave Grant, Director of Operations Melanie Stubbs, Treasurer Shelbi Deacon, Community Development Coordinator (left at 7:40pm) Rebecca Williams, Deputy Clerk 1. Call to Order Mayor Sayeau called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. 2. Approval of Agenda Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: G. Morrell that the agenda be approved as amended with the addition of items 6d) Cardinal Library Painting and ?f) Proposed Minutes of Settlement- 3422933 Canada Inc., and the deletion of item ?d) Port of Johnstown Financial Statements. Carried 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest & General Nature Thereof- None 4. Business Arising from Previous Administration & Finance Committee Minutes (if any) Members enquired about the discrepancies that were identified under "Category B" water meters from the Cardinal Water and Sewer Update information item from the May 2nd meeting. Members asked staff if there was any update regarding the G52 presentation. Members followed up with respect to the Municipal Drug Strategy and if all the monies have been collected and deposited. 5. Delegations & Presentations a) Martin Van Andel - Habitat for Humanity Page 1 of 6 Administration & Finance June 6, 2016 Mr. Van Andel, Board Member with Habitat for Humanity, gave a presentation to Committee outlining the organization's services that they provide to the Leeds and Grenville community. Mr. Van Andel explained that Habitat for Humanity is designed to help eliminate poverty housing by providing stable and affordable housing to those that may not otherwise be able to receive a mortgage from a bank. Mr. Van Andel described the process to construct the home and how the selection committee determines which family is the best fit for the home. Mr. Van Andel noted that the organization receives many generous donations to assist with the construction of the home from national sponsors, as well as local support from smaller businesses, volunteers and their 3 Restore businesses. Mr. Van Andel noted that Habitat for Humanity is hoping to build within the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal and asked if the Township would have any surplus land that could be donated for the construction of a house, or a cash donation to help buy a piece of property. Members discussed the process to construct a Habitat for Humanity home and the various forms of donations they receive. Members asked Mr. Van Andel if building a house in the rural areas affect the pool of eligible families that are able to move out of the more urban areas. Members noted that the organization does issue tax receipts for donations of both property and monies. Committee thanked Mr. Van Andel for the presentation. b) Maureen Corrick & Judy Potter- Eastern Ontario Canada Post Union Ms. Corrick and Ms. Potter, members of the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association, provided the Committee with an overview of the potential reduction to business hours for the Cardinal and Spencerville Post Offices and how it will affect both employees and residents of Edwardsburgh Cardinal. Ms. Corrick and Ms. Potter highlighted Canada Post mandate is to provide equal service to all areas and must meet the needs of their rural customers. Ms. Corrick and Ms. Potter commented that Canada Post is pushing for residents to use their offices that are "conveniently" located in bigger box stores and their online services. They noted that they rural Post Offices are at the heart of the rural communities, helping to connect people with their own personal touch. Members briefly discussed the issue of the potential reduction of business hours and noted that both the Cardinal and Spencerville Offices provide great service, which the community has come to appreciate and expect. Committee thanked Ms. Corrick and Ms. Potter for the presentation. 6. Discussion Items Page 2 of 6 Administration & Finance June 6, 2016 a) Canada 150 Application(s) Members discussed the proposed projects for the Cardinal Legion Park and the Tennis Courts, noting that the resurfacing for Johnstown Court is a viable option, while the Cardinal tennis court is not used. Members noted that an idea was brought forward at the May 1ih Recreation Advisory Committee to convert the Johnstown Tennis Court into a multi-surface recreation pad and that details would be discussed and brought forward to the meeting being held on June gth. Members discussed the Cardinal Legion Park project, noting that it has the potential to include a walking path, war memorial, sitting area(s), lighting, and new dockage. Members directed staff to prepare the Canada 150 applications for the Cardinal Legion Park and the Johnstown Tennis Court. Staff noted the need for a formal resolution of Council to be included with the applications. b) Cormorant Control Mr. Courtney gave Committee a brief summary of the affected areas around the Township and noted that a number of the areas identified in his report are completely dead of vegetation as a result of the cormorants nesting. Members discussed the need to act on the cormorant issue and requested that the report be referred to Community Development Committee for review and recommendation. Members remarked on where the funds might be allocated from the budget. Members suggested that an action item be prepared for the Community Development Committee, which will include where in the budget the monies would be coming from. c) Spencerville and Cardinal Post Office Hours Members noted that the reduction of business hours would result in a lower level of quality service and no early morning hours which many residents rely on to complete their business at the Canada Post locations. Members agreed that a letter from the Mayor and a Council resolution is to be written opposing the reduction of business hours and sent to Canada Post. d) Cardinal Library Painting Members reviewed the information regarding the Cardinal Library Painting item, noting that the painting was never completed in 2011/2012 and the surplus monies were allocated to the Township reserve fund in 2013. Members noted that the Township is responsible for the building, including renovations and Page 3 of 6 Administration & Finance June 6, 2016 painting while the Library Board is responsible for the operations of the library. Members commented on the upcoming work to be completed at the Cardinal Library later this summer to update desks and shelving, making it an opportune time to complete the necessary painting. Members noted the need for the Facilities Manager to acquire updated quotes for the painting work to be completed and report back to Council. 7. Action/Information Items a) Updated 151 Quarter Treasury Report Members review the Updated 1st Quarter Treasury Report and commented on the formatting of the report to display the 2015 budget line in order to compare information easily. Members noted that the $3.2 million is displayed in the "cash and bank balances" as of March 31, 2016 and enquired as to where the money is transferred to in the 2016 Budget Variance Report. Staff explained that the $3.2 million is listed under the "Economic Development Revenue". b) PSAB Budget Addendum Members briefly reviewed the PSAB Budget Addendum noting a typographical error as the Port of Johnstown is listed as the Port of Prescott in the report. Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that Committee recommends that Council approve the 2016 Budget Addendum. Carried c) Mainsville Cemetery Take Over Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: P. Taylor that Committee recommends: 1. That Council accepts the ownership and responsibility of the Mainsville Cemetery. 2. That Council appoints the following members to the Mainsville Cemetery Board: Steve Deschamps, Robert Hamilton and Melanie Stubbs. 3. That the Mayor or Deputy Mayor together with the Treasurer or CAO be appointed signing officers on the Mainsville Cemetery Board bank account. Carried d) Port of Johnstown Financial Statements - Deferred e) HMCS Goose Bay Reception Members noted that the HMCS Goose Bay will be docked at the Port of Johnstown from July 81h to 101h where they will be giving tours of the vessel. Page 4 of 6 Administration & Finance June 6, 2016 Members discussed the need for a special occasion permit, and whether it was appropriate for the Township to be serving alcoholic beverages at the HMCS Goose Bay reception. Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: G. Morrell that Committee support the application for a Special Occasion Permit for the HMCS Goose Bay reception. Carried f) Proposed Minutes of Settlement- 3422933 Canada Inc. Members discussed the Proposed Minutes of Settlement for lngredion Inc., noting that the minutes have not yet been prepared but MPAC requested that the Township provide consent to this change without proper time to review to proposed adjustments/settlement. Members briefly discussed the need to request an adjournment at the ARB hearing and what would happen if the Township agreed with the change in assessment before the hearing. Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: M. Barrett that council direct staff to request an adjournment at the ARB hearing for roll #0701-702-005-58300-0000 in order to provide more time to review the proposed changes to assessment. Carried 8. Councillor Inquiries/Notices of Motion 9. Mayor's Report Mayor Sayeau reported/inquired with respect to the following items: • Grenville Park has had a number of enquiries from contractors requesting seasonal parking on their property; however Grenville Park doesn't have any available parking due to zoning restrictions. • There will be a public consultation and open house on June 16th from 68pm regarding the new turning lanes off of County Rd 2 and the environmental study for Giant Tiger Boulevard and the Newport Drive extension • The AGM for the Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation will be held on June 1yth at the new distillery on County Rd 2 just east of New Wexford • The Cardinal Community Garden hasn't been worked up yet, but Councillor Smail will be starting the process shortly. • Invited the Cadet Squadrons to tour the HMCS Goose Bay Naval Vessel which will be holding public tours on July 9th and 1oth 10. Question Period Page 5 of 6 Administration & Finance June 6, 2016 A question was raised with respect to the potential sale of ED19 and the impact of the sale if Tomlinson purchases the land. 11 . Closed Session - None 12. Adjournment Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: P. Taylor that Committee does now adjourn at 8:46pm. Carried These minutes were approved in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Chair Deputy Clerk Page 6 of 6 Administration & Finance June 6, 2016 MINUTES RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 6:30PM JOHNSTOWN COMMUNITY CENTRE Present: Deputy Mayor Taylor, Chair Councillor Morrell Clint Cameron Lucas Billet Sandra Gibbons Ray Heuvel Regrets: Mayor Sayeau (ex officio) Don Deline Kristina Kinos Pat Tierney Liz Wood Staff: Shelbi Deacon, Community Development Coordinator Rebecca Williams, Deputy Clerk 1. Call to Order Deputy Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:32pm. 2. Approval of Agenda Moved by: S. Gibbons seconded by: L. Billet that Committee approve the agenda as presented. Carried 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest- None 4. Business Arising from Previous Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes (if any) Members noted that the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport grant for a Recreation Coordinator was successful and interviews for the position start next week. Staff updated Committee with respect to the "Text to Donate" idea, noting that the Township is automatically considered a certified donee through the CRA. 5. Delegations & Presentations- None Page 1 of 4 Recreation Advisory Committee June 9, 2016 6. Discussion Items a) Multi-Surface pad - Lucas Billet Members discussed the Canada 150 Grant Applications and how the idea of the multi-surface pad could be included as part of the applications from the Township. Members discussed the proposed multi-surface pad idea which included keeping one tennis court and converting the other to a skateboard "funbox" area. Members noted the various costs associated with resurfacing the tennis court and building a skateboard "funbox", comparing skateboard structures made from steel, concrete and wood. Members discussed the idea of converting the Johnstown Tennis Courts to include a multi-surface area which could be used for multiple sports, such as basketball, badminton, ball hockey, pickle ball etc., which could expand the options available to the community. Members noted many multi-surface areas are designed with a special rubberize base to include the different boundary lines for the various sports. Moved by: S. Gibbons seconded by: L. Billet that Committee recommends that Council support the repurposing of the Johnstown Tennis Courts to include a multi-surface sports pad with various sports boundary lines and nets, and a portion of the new surface being dedicated to a skateboard "fun box" park. Carried b) Kayak Rental- Peggy Taylor Members noted that there is interest in kayak/canoe rentals at the Galop Canal; however the company is completely booked for the 2016 summer. Members noted that there could be interest for next summer. c) Facilities Review I. Cardinal Members noted that the lngredion Centre is closed from May 301h to August 81h and commented on various ways to increase the use of the facilities. Members remarked on the lack of available ice times in the Ottawa area and noted that the Township ought to advertise the available facilities. Members briefly discussed the use of the baseball diamonds in Cardinal. Members remarked on some recently received feedback in the community with respect to the care and maintenance of the Legion park and walking trail. Page 2 of 4 Recreation Advisory Committee June 9, 2016 Moved by: C. Cameron seconded by: S. Gibbons that Committee recommend that Council advertise the Township arena facilities in the Greater Ottawa area for available ice time rentals. Carried II. Johnstown Members noted that there will be a "Pool Party" hosted by SERA on June 25th at the Johnstown pool. Ill. Spencerville Members noted that the skateboard park and baseball diamond in Spencerville are being well used in the Community. Members remarked on the Spencerville Mill Park being well kept. IV. Galop Canal Members briefly discussed the cormorant control initiative and how the Galop Canal Park is frequently used on evenings and weekends. d) New Ideas Brainstorming Members suggested the idea to include benches and/or picnic tables along the Galop Canal Park for visitors to sit along the water and enjoy the scenery. Members commented on who would supply and build the benches and/or picnic tables. Members briefly discussed the beach at the Legion Park and if it was a viable option to add sand to the beach area. Members noted various avenues to help deter the geese along the Galop Park. e) Eyes in the Community Members noted that ideas and comments were discussed throughout the above discussion items. 7. Information Items a) Next Meeting Location -Spencerville July 14th Members confirmed that the next Recreation Advisory Committee is being held on July 14th, 2016 in Spencerville. 8. Inquiries/Notices of Motion from Committee Members- None 9. Question Period The multi-surface pad idea was supported by members of the gallery. Page 3 of 4 Recreation Advisory Committee June 9, 2016 It was noted that the "Pool Party" being held on June 25th will also have a baseball game scheduled. The Johnstown Community Centre will be hosting a "Paint Night Party" on September 18th with Galop Gallery. June 22nd is the P&G day of caring for the Johnstown area, which will include resetting bricks, painting the bleachers and installing new horse shoe pit boards and new sand. An issue was raised regarding the damage to the outdoor washrooms and need for repair/upkeep in Johnstown. A question was raised with respect to the signage on Galop Canal Road and if it was going to be replaced. The member of the gallery also brought forward the idea of setting up picnic tables off of County Road 2 overlooking the Galop Canal and Legion Park. Members requested that the picnic table discussion be brought forward to the Community Development Committee meeting. 10. Closed Session - None 11 . Adjournment Moved by: G. Morrell seconded by: R. Heuvel that Committee does now adjourn at 7:52pm. Carried These minutes were approved in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Chair Deputy Clerk Page 4 of 4 Recreation Advisory Committee June 9, 2016 MINUTES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2016 6:30PM SPENCERVILLE MUNICIPAL OFFICE COUNCIL CHAMBERS Present: Councillor Karie Smail, Chair Councillor Morrell (6:35 pm) Mayor Sayeau (ex officio) Heather Lawless Tory Deschamps Scott O'Brien Bev Keleman Tim Nason Staff: Shelbi Deacon, Community Development Coordinator Debra McKinstry, CAO/Cierk 1. Call to Order Councillor Smail called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 2. Approval of Agenda Moved by: S. O'Brien seconded by: T. Nason that the agenda be approved as presented. Carried 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest- None 4. Business Arising from Previous Community Development Committee Minutes (if any) In response to a question from the Mayor, the CAO/Cierk advised that a formal application for rezoning was expected from Mr. Lockwood in the next two weeks. 5. Delegations & Presentations - None 6. Discussion Items a) Township Sign Lighting Initiative- Scott O'Brien Members discussed the information provided by Mr. O'Brien with respect to lighting of Township signs at the 401 and 416 interchanges using a solar Page 1 of 4 Community Development Committee, June 13, 2016 powered system. The Committee generally supported the initiative and various financing options were discussed. It was agreed that the lighting initiative should be combined with the proposed sign replacement program planned for 2017 and that grant opportunities would be pursued, possibly through the EODP. b) Riverside Memorial Park - Scott O'Brien As had been briefly discussed at the May meeting, Mr. O'Brien presented a comprehensive plan for redevelopment and enhancement of the small park across from the Cardinal Legion. It was noted that Committee of the Whole had recently directed that funding for this project should be sought from the Canada 150 program and that staff were working on the application in time for submission by the deadline of June 24. Funding has also been requested from Farm Credit Canada's AgriSpirit program and a response is expected by August. It is unknown at this time if both sources can be used if both applications are successful. Committee was generally supportive of the plan for redevelopment and the applications for funding. c) Electric Car Charging Station- Bev Kelemen Ms. Kelemen provided some information on this item, suggesting it may be a good idea to be on the leading edge of this technology. She noted that neighbouring municipalities are considering installation and that the charging stations can be a source of revenue both through user fees and advertising. People who use the stations must wait a period of time for the charging to be completed and would potentially be making use of the area facilities and businesses while waiting. Ms. Kelemen noted that she did not have cost information but that a representative from one company would be available to attend CDC in September. Committee discussed potential locations in the village of Spencerville and the possible means to advise the travelling public that the charging station was available. Ms. Kelemen was asked to arrange the presentation in September. It was noted that the SBCC had recently discussed this idea and the Community Development Coordinator was asked to liaise with that group. 7. Action Items/Information Items a) Cormorants Page 2 of 4 Community Development Committee, June 13, 2016 Committee members discussed the report from licensed trapper John Courtney in detail. Mr. Courtney was present and answered questions from the committee with respect to his proposed control program. There were concerns expressed with respect to the program becoming an annual expense for the Township, the possibility that the program would have the effect of making the problem worse in other areas, and the apparent isolation of the locations from populated areas. There was discussion of reclamation of the roost areas which are affected by the acidity of the birds' droppings as well as their effect on fisheries. Committee members commented on other beautification efforts being made by the Township along the waterfront. It was felt that waiting for possible Provincial action would take too long. Moved by Scott O'Brien and seconded by Tory Deschamps that CDC recommends that Council proceed with the cormorant control program as outlined in Mr. Courtney's report and that the funds for the program be taken from the Economic Development Strategy Programs budget. Carried Heather Lawless was excused from the meeting at 7:25pm. b) Spencerville Beautification- Bridge Flower Planters Update Committee was apprised of a recent small bridge beautification project spearheaded by Bev Kelemen and supported by Township staff. Ms. Kelemen advised Committee that she would be bringing forward some other ideas for decoration of the bridge area. c) Canada 150 Grant The Community Development Coordinator informed members of a second application for funding being worked on by members of the Recreation Advisory Committee to repurpose the tennis courts in Johnstown. 8. Inquiries/Notices of Motion from Committee Members Councillor Morrell noted that South Dundas is working on a trails project with a view to accessing funding from the province and suggested that there may be an opportunity to combine their efforts with some waterfront trail work in EC. 9. Question Period Questions were raised with respect to the cormorant control project- its execution , any success in other areas, and any other options pursued. Page 3 of 4 Community Development Committee, June 13, 2016 .• A suggestion was received from the public that any lighting initiative should be cognizant of the potential for light pollution. The Spencerville-Johnstown area is well known as a "dark sky" region and draws a great deal of attention from astronomers. 10. Closed Session - None 11. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm These minutes were approved in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Chair CAO/Cierk Page 4 of 4 Community Development Committee, June 13, 2016 /~) MINUTES PORT OF JOHNSTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MUNICIPAL OFFICE- SPENCERVILLE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15,2016 6:30PM Present: Mayor Patrick Sayeau , Chair Deputy Mayor Peggy Taylor Councillor Michael Barrett Councillor Gerry Morrell Councillor Karie Smail Staff: Robert Dalley, General Manager Kevin Saunders, Operations Manager Debra McKinstry, CAO/Cierk 1. Call to Order Mayor Sayeau called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. 2. Approval of Agenda Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: P. Taylor that Committee approve the agenda as amended with the addition of an item under 11 Closed Session concerning the security of the property of the municipality or local boards, specifically sharing of a rail spur. Carried 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest & the General Nature Thereof- None 4. Business Arising from Previous PMC Minutes - None 5. Delegations- None 6. Discussion Items- None 7. Action/Information Items a) General Manager's Report The Port General Manager reviewed his report noting that May was a solid business month, particularly with respect to vessel shipping . Members commented on a successful Port Day and inquired as to any public comments received with respect to the new CBSA road access. There was a brief discussion with respect to the final payment expected for the New Marine Terminal Project. Page 1 of 4 Port Management Committee June 15, 2016 b) Operation Manager's Report The Operation Manager's Report was reviewed touching specifically on the interest shown by students and 4-H members in Port tours, both on Port Day and at other times. There was a brief discussion of the logistics being examined to permit handling of non-GMO crops. c) Year to Date Stats The Operations Manager reviewed the health and safety statistics with Committee. It was noted that salt shipments were being received earlier than usual this year, but the total quantity for 2016 was expected to be similar to that in past years. At the moment there is no over height project cargo booked that will require the CBSA road access. d) Capital Projects Update The Port GM reviewed the status of the 2016 capital projects. e) South Nation Conservation Authority Report A detailed report on the fisheries monitoring is not yet available, but tree planting is mostly complete. Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: G. Morrell that Committee receive and approve items 7a) 7b) 7c) 7d) and 7e). Carried f) Health and Safety Report The Port GM reviewed the health and safety report. Members discussed rescue readiness when using suspended access cages and stages in some detail, asking about training of staff and resources available from other agencies, such as the local fire departments. Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: G. Morrell that Committee receive and approve the Health and Safety Report. Carried 8. Councillor Inquiries/Notices of Motion Councillor Morrell asked for follow up information with respect to the clay soil at the Port being used for Township purposes and the CAO responded that the fill was currently being utilized at the Spencerville Sewage Lagoon for berm reinforcement and that it was expected the material would also be used at the Scott Road landfill site. Page 2 of 4 Port Management Committee June 15, 2016 9. Chair's Report Mayor Sayeau presented the following items: • HMCS Goose Bay reception plans, including a use of the Bridgeview Restaurant instead of the Port meeting room. He also detailed plans for presentation of plaques and the invitation list distribution. • An invitation has been forwarded to the Viking ship Draken Harald Harfagre to dock at the Port. • The Mayor is aware of a port business expansion through by the Marine Chamber of Commerce • Grenville CFDC AGM is planned for Friday morning June 17 at the Kings Lock Distillery. • There is a public information session on Thursday June 16 from 6-8 pm at the Johnstown Community Centre for road work required for the Giant Tiger project. 10. Question Period • A question was raised with respect to swing chair rescue and the length of time employees spent waiting. 11. Closed Session Moved by M. Barrett and seconded by G Morrell that Port of Johnstown Management Committee proceeds into closed session at 7:24 pm in order to discuss a matter pertaining to: • Security of the property of the municipality or local boards: Specifically sharing of a rail spur; • Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board purposes: Specifically minutes of February 17, 2016 closed session; • A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land for municipal or local board purposes: Specifically cottage leases, minutes of November 17,2015 closed session, and minutes of February 17,2016 closed session; • Labour relations or employee negotiations: Specifically Port of Johnstown disciplinary matter; • The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor/client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose: Specifically cottage leases. Carried Committee recessed for 10 minutes to clear the chamber. Moved by G. Morrell and seconded by M. Barrett that the closed meeting does now adjourn and the open meeting of Port Management Committee does now resume at 9:44 pm. Carried Page 3 of 4 Port Management Committee June 15, 2016 Moved by P. Taylor and seconded by K. Smail that Port Management Committee approves the minutes of the Closed Session of November 17, 2015 . Carried Moved by K. Smail and seconded by P. Taylor that Port Management Committee approves the minutes of the Closed Session of February 17, 2016 . Carried 12. Adjournment Moved by: M. Barrett seconded by: G. Morrell that the meeting adjourn at 9:46pm . Carried These minutes were approved by Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Chair CAO/Cierk Page 4 of 4 Port Management Committee June 15, 2016 MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLEPUBLIC WORKS, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES & FACILITIES MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016 6:30PM SPENCERVILLE MUNICIPAL OFFICE Present: Councillor Michael Barrett, Chair Mayor Pat Sayeau Deputy Mayor Peggy Taylor Councillor Karie Smail Councillor Gerry Morrell Hugh Cameron , Non-voting Advisory Member Mark Packwood, Non-voting Advisory Member Staff: Debra McKinstry, CAO/Cierk Dave Grant, Director of Operations Mike Spencer, Manager of Parks, Recreation & Facilities Rebecca Williams, Deputy Clerk 1. Call to Order Councillor Barrett called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Approval of Agenda Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that Committee approves the agenda as presented. Carried 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest & the General Nature Thereof- None 4. Business Arising from Previous Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities Committee Minutes (if any) Members enquired with respect to the FF Honourarium Policy. It was confirmed that the Firefighter Honourarium policy will be discussed at the July 181h Committee of the Whole when the Chief will have additional information for Council. Members confirmed that the Brouseville Road error has been corrected on the Five Year Roads Plan Report since the May meeting. It was noted that the reduction of the speed limit on Frederick Street has resulted in some negative feedback from residents. Page 1 of 5 Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities June 20, 2016 Members noted that the Commercial Waste at Transfer Station will return as an item in July with possible alternative recommendations. Members identified a typographical error on item 7k. Members briefly discussed the idea of rotating dumpsters in the Township so the service is provided in more areas next year. 5. Delegations & Presentations- None 6. Discussion Items- None 7. Action/Information Items a) Arena Use Strategy (Information Item) The Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities provided a summary of his report. Members briefly discussed use of the walking track noting that 10 to 12 people have requested that the closure of the walking track be re-examined. There was discussion with respect to the revenue and expenses from both the Cardinal and Spencerville arenas and how the Township could potentially generate more revenue to offset the expenses. Members noted that the Arena Use Strategy Report highlighted various ideas that may generate revenue, as well that the new Recreation Coordinator that may be able to provide additional ideas. Members requested that the report be provided to the July Recreation Advisory Committee. Members discussed the need to have a more aggressive approach to try and get more non-prime time ice used in the arenas. Members suggested various ideas to help increase facility use during non-prime, non-ice season rental hours, such as drone racing, boxing, lacrosse, soccer or hockey summer training conditioning camps. There was discussion with respect to the increase in unavoidable expenses such as hydro and insurance as well as the capital costs associated with the newly built Cardinal arena. It was agreed that the arena facilities provide a service to the community, similar to the swimming pools and parks, and that revenues already being generated contribute to the continued provision of services. Moved by: P. Sayeau seconded by: K. Smail that Committee receives the Arena Use Strategy Report and direct that staff continue to work on strategies to increase usage. Carried b) P&G Day of Caring (Information Item) Page 2 of 5 Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities June 20, 2016 Members briefly discussed the P&G Day of Caring, noting that it's now the 5 th year that this event has taken place. Members requested staff to make sure a thank you letter is sent to Proctor and Gamble showing the Township's appreciation for their help in Johnstown. c) Cardinal Library Painting Members briefly discussed the quoted price for the work to be completed and enquired if Township employees will be assisting with the shelving project. Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: G. Morrell that Committee recommends that Council approve the unbudgeted painting of the Cardinal Library at the quoted price of $3,200.00 plus applicable HST. Carried d) SWLC- Marketing License Agreement Member discussed the services available to different locations within the Township and the costs associated to signing up with the Service Line Warranties of Canada Inc. There was discussion with respect to clause 2 of the agreement as it would allow SLWC to use the Township logo in their mail out packages to the community. Members were concerned with granting use of the Township logo; however staff confirmed that the Township letterhead would not be used and that the Township will review materials before they are distributed to the commun ity. Members commented on the requirement of the Township to endorse SLWC in order for the company to offer the water and sewer line warranty service within the municipality. Members noted the 5% municipal royalty fee that is built into the program rates which could potentially be placed in the Township reserve funds. Members confirmed that the advertising of SLWC will only be a mail out to educate residents of their current risks and insurance services that are available through SLWC, and that no door-to-door sales will take place. Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: G. Morrell that Committee recommends that Council: 1. Endorse the Sewer and Water Line Warranty service offered by Service Line Warranties of Canada Inc. (SLWC), as endorsed by Local Authority Services (LAS); and Direct staff to prepare a by-law to enter into an agreement with 2. Service Line Warranties of Canada Inc. (SLWC) related to the marketing of the sewer and water line warranty service to municipal serviced residents. Carried Page 3 of 5 Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities June 20, 2016 e) Municipal Class EA Schedule C Phase 1 and 2 Update (Information Item) The CAO/Cierk provided a brief overview of the Phase 1 and 2 update, noting that there has been some correspondence with the CAO of the Town of Prescott and that the Town's engineering firm is currently reviewing the information and will be providing the Township details in the near future. f) Municipal Drinking Water License Renewal (Information Item) Members reviewed the Municipal Drinking Water License Renewal, commenting on the Township's compliance obligations and how they are standardized across the system. Members noted that Township staff are continuously updating and staying ahead of the requirements. Members briefly discussed the UV disinfection system and controls and how that system operates. g) Surplus Land Update- Edison Avenue Members confirmed with staff that an opinion of value for the parcels of land had been received earlier in the day, and that the Township would follow the Surplus Land Policy to properly advertise the parcels of land for sale. Moved by: K. Smail seconded by: P. Taylor that Committee recommends that Council: 1. Approve a By-law to establish a highway in the Township and repeal By-law 2008-57. 2. Approve a By-law to stop up and close an unopened road allowance located in Plan 55 Edison Avenue. 3. Direct the CAO/Cierk to follow the remaining steps outlined in the Sale of Surplus Land Policy, based on the opinion of value received from the realtor of record. Carried 8. Councillor Inquiries/Notices of Motion Councillor Smail made an inquiry with respect to the Township dump cards being made available in locations in Cardinal. Staff confirmed that they are looking into having them available at the Cardinal and Spencerville libraries. 9. Mayor's Report Mayor Sayeau reported on three fund raising golf tournaments taking place this summer: o Spencerville Mill Heritage Golf Tournament: June 25th being held at the Prescott Golf Club Page 4 of 5 Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities June 20, 2016 o o CPHC 1st Annual Mayor's Invitational Golf Tournament: July 16th being held at the Prescott Golf Club Golf Tournament on August 13th The Mayor also reported that he had received correspondence and telephone inquiries from residents who are requesting that the Walking Track at lngredion Centre be reopened to the public for the rest of the summer. After some discussion, a motion was developed to re-open the building. Moved by P. Taylor seconded by: P. Sayeau that Committee recommends that Council open the Walking Track for 3 days a week from 8:30-9:30am, starting July 4th with a minimum usage of 6 people. Members noted that Council had decided in May to close the Walking Track until August 8th partly due to the low attendance rate in the summer months. Other local options for walking areas and the operating costs associated with opening the Walking Track at lngredion Centre were briefly discussed. Members suggested that a discussion with respect to the Walking Track be brought forward to the Council meeting on June 2ih. The motion was withdrawn by P. Taylor with the consensus of committee. 10. Question Period - None 11. Closed Session - None 12. Adjournment Moved by: P. Taylor seconded by: K. Smail that Committee does now adjourn at 8:10pm. Carried These minutes were approved in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Chair Deputy Clerk Page 5 of 5 Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities June 20, 2016 TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL June 27, 2016 Resolution Number: Moved By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Seconded By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COPY THAT Municipal Council approves the 2016 Budget Addendum as recommended by Committee of the Whole -Administration & Finance. o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous Mayor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Councillor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councillor K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL YEA NAY TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL ~'b) June 27, 2016 Resolution Number: Moved By: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Seconded By: _ _ _ _ __ _ __ COPY THAT Municipal Council: 1. Accepts the ownership and responsibility of the Mainsville Cemetery. 2. That Council appoints the following members to the Mainsville Cemetery Board : Steve Deschamps, Robert Hamilton and Melanie Stubbs. 3. That the Mayor or Deputy Mayor together with the Treasurer or CAO be appointed signing officers on the Mainsville Cemetery Board bank account. As recommended by Committee of the Whole -Administration & Finance. o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous Mayor: ___________________ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Counci llor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councill or K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL YEA NAY TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL June 27, 2016 Resolution Number: Moved By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Seconded By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COPY THAT Municipal Council supports the Canada 150 Grant application for the Riverside Memorial Park project in Cardinal. o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous Mayor: _________________ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Councillor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councillor K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL YEA NAY TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL June 27, 2016 Resolution Number: Moved By: _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Seconded By: _ _ _ _ __ _ __ COPY THAT Municipal Council supports the Canada 150 Grant application for the Johnstown Tennis Court repurposing project. o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous Mayor: __________________ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Councillor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councillor K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL YEA NAY TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL June 27, 2016 Y-e_) Resolution Number: Moved By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Seconded By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COPY WHEREAS Canada Post has proposed a reduction to the business hours at the Cardinal and Spencerville Post Offices; and WHEREAS reducing the post office hours will negatively affect the quality of service provided to the residents of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal; and WHEREAS residents of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal rely on the earlier hours of service that are currently provided and if those hours are reduced then Canada Post is directly neglecting the needs of the community; and WHEREAS Canada Post has a mandate to provide a standard of service that meets the needs of the people of Canada and provide quality postal services to all Canadians, rural and urban, residents and businesses, in a secure and financially self-sustaining manner; and WHEREAS Canada Post offers a public service that needs to be protected; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal requests that Canada Post reconsiders the decision to potentially reduce the business hours at the Cardinal and Spencerville Post Offices as to ensure that residents in the community can easily access Canada Post services. And that a copy of th is resolution be forwarded to MP Gord Brown, and the CEO and President of Canada Post Deepak Chopra. o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous Mayor: ___________________ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Councillor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councillor K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL YEA NAY TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL June 27, 2016 ?t) Resolution Number: Moved By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Seconded By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ THAT Municipal Council proceeds with the Cormorant Control Program as outlined in Mr. Courtney's report and that the funds for the program be taken from the Economic Development Strategy Programs budget as recommended by Community Development Committee. o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous Mayor: ___________________ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Councillor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councillor K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL I YEA NAY TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL June 27, 2016 Resolution Number: Moved By: _ _ _ __ __ __ Seconded By: _ __ __ _ _ __ COPY THAT Municipal Council approves the unbudgeted painting of the Cardinal Library at the quoted price of $3,200 .00 plus applicable HST as recommended by Committee of the Whole- Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities. D Carried D Defeated D Unanimous Mayor: __________________ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Councillor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councillor K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL YEA NAY '?h) 1WP EC • ca TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL ACTION ITEM Committee: Council Date: June 27, 2016 Department: Planning Topic: Meadowlands Draft Plan Approval of Subdivision Extension Purpose: To consider a 3 year extension on the Draft Plan Approval of Subdivision for Meadowlands. Background: In August of 2010, Meadowlands Subdivision was granted draft plan approval. In 2013 a three year extension was granted, which is due to expire on August 26, 2016. As you are aware, Lockwood Brothers Construction has purchased the lands and a revised Plan of Subdivision will be submitted shortly. The draft approval extension application to August 26, 2019 anticipates final approval and registration of the plan within that time. Some changes are anticipated, but many of the draft conditions will continue. The owner's representative, Novatech, has requested an extension of the Draft Plan as per the attached letter. Policy Implications: As with severance applications, final approval for subdivisions rests with the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville. Financial Considerations: There are no Township fees associated with this type of request. Recommendation: That Council recommend in favor of a 3 year extension on the Draft Plan Approval of Subdivision for Meadowlands Subdivision. l~t•lf/jliHII Engineers, Planners & Landscape Architects 21 June 2016 Cherie Mills, Manager of Planning Services United Counties of Leeds and Grenville 25 Central Avenue West, Suite 100 Brockville, ON K6V 4N6 Dear Ms. Mills: Reference: Meadowlands Subdivision, Village of Cardinal, County File 09.-T-09001 Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Part of Lots 5, Concession 1 Our File No. 115178 In keeping with the requirements of Section 51 (33) of the Planning Act, please accept this letter as an application for an extension of draft approval for the Meadowlands Subdivision, located in the Village of Cardinal within the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal. The Meadowlands Subdivision was granted draft approval on 26 August 2010 (to 26 Aug 2013) with a 3 year extension granted to 26 August 2016. As you are aware, the subdivision lands have been purchased by 2057876 Ontario lnc.(c/o Lockwood Brothers Construction) and a revised Plan of Subdivision will be submitted shortly. This Draft Approval extension application (i.e. to extend for another 3 year period to 16 August 2019) anticipates final approval and registration of the revised subdivision plan within that time frame. Attached please find a copy of the Conditions of Draft Approval and the Draft Approved Subdivision Plan, as well as a cheque to cover the required application fee ($600.00). It is anticipated that the draft conditions will continue to be applicable notwithstanding the forthcoming revised Subdivision Plan. The revised Plan of Subdivision will include some minor lotting changes, as well as the introduction of some semi-detached lots. I trust this letter and enclosed fee of $600 meets the requirements of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville for an application to extend Draft Approval (DA) for the Meadowlands Subdivision for an additional three year period. We understand that a resolution by the Township of Edwardsburgh/ Cardinal will also be required and we will follow-up with the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal to confirm Council's consideration of the DA extension request. Should you require any additional information, please don't hesitate to contact ( , ext 284) or Steve Pentz (, ext 274). me Sincerely, ~~ Nina Maher, MCIP, RPP Planner ATIACH: Notice of Decision, Meadowlands Subdivision, Village of Cardinal cc. James Holland, South Nation Conservation -email only Debra McKinstry, Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal- email only Corey Lockwood - email only M ..2.'015:.t l51't8··Di\TA APPLlCATiONS"SUBDIVISION·DA EXTENSIO/\f?.0160620 LET [JA F.:XT CHERIE MILLS Suite 200, 240 :Michael Co~'Pl and l>OGx Dl'ive, Ottawa O N K2!\·1 1P6 Tel: 613.254.9643 Fa.x: 613.254.5867 W\ lWP EC • ca TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL ACTION ITEM Committee: Council Date: June 27, 2016 Department: Operations Topic: Johnstown A TV Club Request Purpose: To provide municipal comment back to UCLG on Johnstown ATV club request for use of portions of County Road 44. Background: The UCLG is seeking municipal comment on the request received from the Johnstown ATV Club on the use of two sections of County Road 44. The two sections are listed below and maps are attached: 1) County Rd 44 from Angelo's Truck Stop heading north to the first unmaintained road allowance (approximately a distance of 337 meters). 2) County Rd 44 from McNeilly Rd heading north to unmaintained road allowance (approximately a distance of 469 meters) Location 1 Municipal council supported an emergency one-time exemption, in May, for the A TV Club's Spring Fun Run after the club lost the use of a trail across private land. The club is looking to incorporate the County Rd 44 section on a more permanent basis. Location 2 The connection point north of McNeilly Rd is indicated as an unmaintained road allowance. However, it was discovered through review that the connection point is not an unmaintained road allowance but a trail through provincially owned land. Both requests appear reasonable in nature. Policy Implications: The Johnstown ATV Club is working on expanding their trail network to loop in with adjacent area trail systems. The ATV club is preparing a submission for municipal consideration on additional roads to be added to their existing network of trails. Financial Considerations: none at this time. Alternatives: Nil Page 1 of 2 Recommendation: That Council: 1) Direct staff to inform UCLG of no objections from municipality on granting use on the proposed sections of County Rd 44; and 2) Indicate to UCLG and Johnstown ATV Club that the connection point 469 meters north of McNeilly road is not an unmaintained road allowance but a trail through provincially owned land. Director of Operations Page 2 of 2 TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL June 27, 2016 Resolution Number: Moved By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Seconded By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COPY THAT Municipal Council receives the correspondence listings for the following dates as previously circulated: o • May 24, 2016 • June 1, 2016 • June6,2016 • June 13,2016 • June 20, 2016 Carried o Defeated o Unanimous Mayor: ___________________ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Councillor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councillor K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL YEA NAY RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE May 24,2016 FROM DATE SUBJECT OGRA May 19 Funding Allocation Formula Muscular Dystrophy Canada May20 Firefighter support letters MTCS " OSRCF Grant Approval OPP " OPP Marine Program Union Gas May22 Provincial Climate Change Plan Municipality of South Dundas May24 Closure of Service Ontario UCLG " Economic Development eNews Victim Issues Committee .... #StartBelievingLG RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE June 1, 2016 FROM DATE SUBJECT Tay Valley Township May20 Resolution RE No Wake SNC May21 Twinning Agreement with Quebec and France Township of Augusta May24 Resolution RE Lyme Disease Township of Ho.rnepayne " Resolution RE Lyme Disease AMO " Bill 181, Municipal Elections Modernization Prescott Russell May25 Resolution RE Fort McMurray " FEDev Ontario Canada 150 Grant AMO May26 Watchfile Calvin Township " Resolution RE RED Program MTO " OSRCF Grant Letter UCLG " Media Release North Grenville " Thank you email Town of Amherstburg May27 Resolution RE Highway 3 Widening Project MCSCS " EP Week Success MOECC " 2017-2017 Cardinal Water System Inspection Report OPP " Break and Enter Northern Bruce Peninsula May30 Resolution RE Human Trafficking SNC " Special Skills Agricultural Program AMO May31 Media Relations Training RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE June 6, 2016 FROM DATE SUBJECT Oshawa May30 Resolution RE Saving the Girl Next Door AMO May31 Federal Gas Tax Fund OPP June 1 Municipal Policing Bureau Initiatives Richmond Hill " Resolution RE Saving the Girl Next Door SNC " Low Water Level Union Gas " Climate Change Action Plan Update AMO June 2 Watchfile MPAC " MPAC News Town of Amherstburg " Various Resolutions Annalee Ladouceur " Thank You Card Chamber of Marine Commerce June 6 Daily News RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE June 13, 2016 FROM DATE SUBJECT SNC June 2 150 Trees Planted in Hammond Township of South-West Oxford " ROMA-OGRA Division Chamber of Marine Commerce June 6 Daily Clips Pelham " Resolution RE Lyme Disease City of Ottawa " Municipal Role in Siting of Wind Projects SNC " Mew Forested Land Acquisition Town of Amherstburg " Resolution RE Autism Cutbacks OPP June 7 Report on Billable Calls for Service UCLG " Economic Development eNews Town of Gananoque " Various Resolutions AMO June 8 Ontario's Climate Action Plan MPAC " Collective Bargaining TransCanada " Newsletter AMO June 9 Policy Update CN Rail " CN in your Community (full txt available upon request) AMO " Watchfile MPAC " MPAC News City,of Hamilton June 10 Resolution RE Autism Cutbacks SBEC June 11 Upcoming events in L&G Township of Minden Hills June 13 Resolution RE Saving the Girl Next Door Township of Tehkummah " " CUPW " Public Postal Service Review MPAC " Mail in Schedule Changes Spencerville Mill " Golf Tournament RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE June 20, 2016 FROM DATE SUBJECT ARCC June 13 Assault Response & Care Centre AMO II Policy Update SNC June 14 81h Annual Youth Fish Camp AMO June 15 Policy Update-Medical Responses-Fire Services OGRA II Annual Conference Date Change FCM II Canada Post Review Trans Canada II Eastern Mainline Project Connector Trans Canada II Energy East Project Update AMO June 16 Watch File AMO June 17 Conference Program at a Glance MAH II Smart Growth for Our Communities Act AMO II Watch File Report Date 6/21/2016 12:04 PM Vendor# Name Invoice# Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments As of 6/21/2016 Payments due on or before 6/27/2016 Reference Due Date \00 Page Invoice Amount 1 Payment Total Bank Code: AP · REVENUE FUND Computer Cheques: 1923699 ABE001 ACA001 AMCTO BAC002 BEA001 BEA001 BEL002 BEL005 BLA001 BRE001 BRI003 BR0004 BR0008 BUR001 BUR003 1923699 Ontario Inc. 16-020 Abell Pest Control Inc. 5685268 Acapulco Pools Limited J007717 AMCTO 111 15 customer service training Backflow Preventers & 2016-184 wwtp testing Beach Home Hardware PW - gloves 582993-1 Beach Home Hardware 559401 -1 masks 559452-1 562620-1 562755-1 screen for helmet 563025- 1 564517-1 565742-1 565639-1 Bell Mobility Inc 33783 05-16 Cell phone Bell Brockville 7882 Cellphone Black Dog Tire & Lubricants PW Gil Tire Repair 7907734 Brenntag Canada Inc. 40644000 wtp Chemicals Brioux , Luke 05302016 culvert refund Broniszeski, Rachel Apr 17,24 May 1 ,8 cleaning 5302016 Brown , Teri 31567 drainage supplies Burchell's Home Hardware 20226 20232 20251 20349 20382 431205655 20431 20434 20433 20482 20510 Burke , Wayne 5/31/2016 749 .19 749.19 5/26/2016 66 .50 66 .50 5/31/2016 52 ,396 .76 52 ,396 .76 6/13/2016 2 ,954.95 2,954.95 6/05/2016 214 .70 214 .70 6/24/2016 21.46 21.46 6/02/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 6/18/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 15.80 164.97 610 .09 26.44 156.99 5.07 68 .85 36.47 1,084 .68 6/09/2016 495.44 495.44 6/15/2016 172.75 172.75 6/10/2016 159.33 159.33 '· 6/12/2016 4 ,034.92 4 ,034 .92 6/12/2016 700 .00 700 .00 6/13/2016 60 .00 60 .00 6/13/2016 108.41 108.41 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 117.06 142.19 298 .11 46 .13 254.72 6.67 360.42 454.43 314 .81 132.41 1,524.48 3,651.43 ......., -~ I, ... Report Date 6/21/2016 12:04 PM Vendor# C&C001 CAD002 CLE004 COC001 COM008 COR001 COR001 CRA002 CST001 CUC001 CUT001 DAC001 DAL001 DAV002 DES004 DRU001 DUN002 Name Invoice# Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments As of 6/21/2016 Payments due on or before 6/27/2016 Reference refund credit balance 05182016 C & C Spencerville Automotive 11286 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 16-7307 16-7302 16-7303 16-7304 16-7306 Clean Water Works Inc. W45194 wtp Repairs Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada 13309712 Rec Canteen Compugen Inc. (Copies) 9143247 Apr 30- May 29 overages Cornwall Gravel Co. Ltd. 1864 wwtp joseph sewer lateral Cornwall Gravel Co. Ltd . 1740 cross culverts- froom rd 1785 cross culverts- Froom Crane Supply 14-531466 wtp coupling CST Canada Co. 27712 PW coloured diesel 27850 PW Clear Diesel PW coloured diesel 27849 Cucman, Vicki 05012016 tablecolths Cuthbert, Christopher & Tracey 06102016 1310-0010 Dacon Management Services 1606 Daltco Electric & Supply 918998 Dave's Reliable Signs Ltd . 20143 PW 911 signs Lisa Deschambault June 20 2016 Drummond's Gas 2031006 2030624 2030649 2030680 2030764 2030809 2030801 2030114 2030246 2030290 2030292 Dundee Marine Services Due Date Page Invoice Amount 2 Payment Total 6/12/2016 773.17 773.17 5/31/2016 80.23 80.23 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 68.76 973.52 64.14 96.21 2,387.26 3,589.89 6/19/2016 1,932.30 1,932.30 6/17/2016 293.11 293.1,1 6/27/2016 97.26 97.26 6/26/2016 223.05 223.05·, 6/13/2016 6/18/2016 675.95 1,613.52 2,289.47 6/20/2016 141.25 141 .25 6/12/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 441 .24 1,061 .54 762.76 2,265.54 6/13/2016 31 .64 31 .64 6/13/2016 187.27 187.27 6/13/2016 1,900.98 1,900.98 5/31/2016 105.23 105.23 'I 6/20/2016 580.54 580.54 6/20/2016 282.50 282.50 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 79.00 85.79 48.72 15.91 70.00 94.25 58.51 70.25 94.00 27.27 18.00 661 .70 Report Date 6/21/2016 12:04 PM Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments As of 6/21/2016 Payments due on or before 6/27/2016 Page 3 .. \ - Vendor# EC0001 ELE003 ETP001 EV0001 FAL001 FIR001 GEN003 GOL001 GRA001 GRA011 GRE017 HAN001 HAR007 HART01 HOP003 HOP004 HOU002 HUD001 Name Invoice# Reference E/S Underwater Inspections 2016-16 Ecodyne Limited wtp Chemicals 121534 Electro Sonic Group Inc. wwtp supplies KZ8867-02 ET Performance PW T#8 Maintenance 17355 17318 PW T#2 Maintenance 17319 PW T#3 Maintenance PW T3 Maintenance 17354 Evoqua Water Technologies Ltd 902621747 wtp supplies Falcon Security Co . 1000038119 1000038139 Fire Marshall's Public Fire IN144404 fd - ont. fire code Genrep Ltd. wtp semi-annual service 322 110887 870 110888 wwtp Semi Annual lnsp 1044110539 F/D - PW Semin Annual Maint Lagoon Annual Service Generate 519110889 312 110885 903 110886 Goldsmith Saw Ice Blade Sharpening 39735 Grand & Toy J702491 Admin stationery J706297 Admin stationery J710797 Admin stationery J724321 Stationery J745248 Admin stationery J745255 Admin stationery J780808 Grant's Carpet Cleaning Inc. 1211 FD rug cleaning Greer Galloway Consulting Eng 15469 Hansler Industries Ltd . 33S4168820 PW Door Maintenance Harmsma, Ashley 351 site maint and backups Hart, Enza June 10/169 Hopkins, Jeff 06062016 eye coverage reimbursement Hopkins , Randy Mar?-Jun6/16 Houle Chevrier Engineering 6246363-2 G. C. Hudson Supply Ltd . Due Date Invoice Amount Payment T ot~l 6/17/2016 3,277 .00 3,277.00 6/11/2016 5,912 .73 5,912 .73 6/13/2016 495 .10 495 .10 6/02/2016 6/06/2016 6/09/2016 6/11/2016 101 .69 66 .67 408 .11 812 .04 1,388.51 6/04/2016 215 .15 215 .15 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 194.93 339 .00 533.93 6/11/2016 178.50 178.50 6/09/2016 6/09/2016 6/09/2016 6/13/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 293 .80 293 .80 663 .96 699.19 293 .80 338 .95 2,583 .50 6/09/2016 43.51 43 .51 6/05/2016 5/05/2016 6/06/2016 6/11/2016 6/17/2016 6/17/2016 6/13/2016 154.08 12.2212.22 187.82 101 .68 38 .65 158.22 640.45 6/01/2016 169.50 169.50 5/31/2016 562 .21 562 .21 6/17/2016 65 .54 65.54 6/13/2016 113.00 113.00 5/31/2016 66.02 66.02 6/13/2016 304 .00 304 .00 5/31/2016 716 .57 716.57 5/31/2016 3,390.00 3,390 .00 t <I Report Date 6/21/2016 12:04 PM Vendor# HWS001 IDE001 IN0001 JAN001 JOE001 JOE001 JP2001 KEM002 KNT001 LAS003 LEV002 LIN001 LL0001 LOC001 MAC001 Name Invoice# Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments Asof 6/21/2016 Payments due on or before 6/27/2016 Reference 331106 HW Supplies 31810 nuts/bolts Ideal Pipe 245339 PW Culverts Massao Inoue 1598 refund receipt 1598 Eric Jansen 2529 lnd Park water meter Joe Computer 5304 Bylaw computer 5393 Admin IT Services 5407 fd desktop service 5425 f/d laptop service Joe Computer 3364 5292 5296 Jp2g Consultants Inc 22961 Waste Disp Pittston Rd Consult 22960 Waste Disp Scott Road Consult Kemira Water Solution Canada 9019119427 wtp Chemcials KNT Services 2062 2063 2064 2066 2067 2068 2065 Lassenba, Myles 06092016 2015 vacancy rebate Levac Supply Ltd . 1191463 pw- eye wash Linde Canada Limited T4070 54189295 Rec Propane 54221599 Rec Propane 54258435 Rec Propane 54287244 Rec Propane 54293080 Rec Propane Lloyd McMillan Equipment Ltd. 5904 wwtp & water repair Locke's Rentals & Welding 22244 PW- equipment rental Mac's Convenience Store Inc. 125811 125768 125803 125796 125795 Due Date Page Invoice Amount 4 Payment Total 5/26/2016 106.22 106.22 6/13/2016 0.84 0.84 6/09/2016 1,706.12 1,706.1g 5/31/2016 177.97 177.91 6/18/2016 113.00 113.00 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 1,131 .13 158.20 169.50 31 .08 1,489.91 5/31/2016 5/25/2016 5/26/2016 146.90 110.74 102.83 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 2,618.78 8,408.57 11 ,027.35 6/10/2016 1,757.72 1,757.72 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 370.64 140.12 477.99 176.28 271 .20 90.40 293.80 1,820.43 6/13/2016 352.85 352.85 6/10/2016 47.69 47.69 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 174.13 139.31 69.65 54.81 98 .65 536.55 6/03/2016 361 .60 361 .60 6/17/2016 175.15 175.15 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 68.00 57.00 72.60 60.02 25.00 360.47 ' ~ ;·7 .,. ·, J ': ' } Report Date 6/21/2016 12:04 PM Vendor# MCI003 MCK001 NE0001 NOR007 ORE001 PRE016 PR0001 PR0006 PUR001 PUR001 Name Invoice# Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments As of 6/21/2016 Payments due on or before 6/27/2016 Reference Rec Fuel 125797 125799 125812 PWFUEL Tl 125814 125813 125815 125816 125817 Rec Fuel 125820 PW Fuel 125821 125822 125823 125824 125825 125827 125829 125830 125831 125832 125834 125835 PW Fuel 125837 125839 125842 125846 125843 125848 WWTP FUEL 125850 125849 125857 125854 Mcintyre, Mary senior support Walker House 05312016 McKinstry, Debra 05012016 Admin Mileage/expenses Neopost Canada 2246984 postage meter 2012060055 Nortrax 535653 O'Reilly's Independent Grocer 016741 Predator Automotive 9368 Progressive Waste Solutions 652-0000058392 Pro-Tech Transportation & PW Staff Training 627 Purolator Courier Ltd. 431072610 Admin Courier Purolator Courier Ltd . 431205655 Due Date Page Invoice Amount .' 5 Payment Total 6/10/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/10/2016 5/31/2016 6/11/2016 5/31/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 5/31/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 5/31/2016 6/20/2016 6/13/2016 5/31/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 5/31/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 80.01 60.00 18.00 82.50 58.51 17.00 72.90 32.29 10.29 72.01 65.44 56.42 35.02 19.03 32.00 70.37 66.45 70.45 22.00 70.02 94.01 83.00 12.01 26.00 72.00 22.00 81 .00 57.01 25.00 84.01 35.02 1,884.39 6/11/2016 25.00 25.00 6/11/2016 413.49 413.49 6/19/2016 677.32 677.32 5/31/2016 1,550.91 1,550.91 5/31/2016 59.39 59.39 5/31/2016 71 .30 71.30 5/31/2016 30,547.60 30,547.60 6/09/2016 610.20 610.20 6/24/2016 74.18 74.18 5/31/2016 6.67 I Report Date 6/21/2016 12:04 PM Vendor# R&D001 REA001 RIC001 ROG001 R00002 RSL001 Name Invoice# Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments As of 6/21/2016 Payments due on or before 6/27/2016 Reference 431344372 R & D Dairies Ltd 002 .8118972 Rec Canteen 999.8152290 Rec Canteen Realtax Inc. Admin 005-13700 56107 56120 Admin 005-05900 56122 Admin 005 30700 56123 Admin 020 02500 56124 Admin 005 49201 56128 Admin 035 01409 56129 Admin 035 12810 Admin 015 16000 56130 56132 Admin 015 10400 56133 Admin 015 15600 56134 Admin 015 15601 56135 Admin 015 15602 56137 Admin 050 10204 J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd 71945-1 GT Road Cost 72350 GT road expansion Rogers Admin Long distance 40338590 Rooney Feeds Ltd. 12181 Rideau St Lawrence Dist. 15-078 4 qtr billing credit for 2nd & 3rd qtr bllin credit 2015 16-019 Cardinal water/sewer contract 16-016 Water Meter reading 16-014 fibre optic lease 05312016 P Pereira pymt Due Date Page Invoice Amount 6 Payment Total 5/31/2016 10.07 16.74 5/31/2016 5/26/2016 12.70 423.50 436.20 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 452.00 452.00 452 .00 452.00 452 .00 452.00 452.00 452.00 452.00 452.00 452.00 452.00 452.00 5,876.00 6/12/2016 6/13/2016 798.42 391 .55 1,189.9h 6/08/2016 30.18 30.1'8 5/31/2016 254.31 254.31 3/02/2016 3/02/2016 4/22/2016 4/22/2016 5/30/2016 6/24/2016 7,255.63 20,460.187,325.11 97.63 3,390.00 331 .84 0.00 Negative or zero payment. No payment record will be created. SAF003 SAF005 SCH003 SDR001 SEC002 SHA004 SPE001 SPE001 Safedesign Apparel Ltd. 247734 Safesidewalks Canada Inc. 526 trip hazard removal-spencervil Schneider Electric Systems Can 905183284 wwtp contract fees SDR Electric & Plumbing 10655 PW Electrical Pittston Garage Secureway 136816 Shaw, Gord 05012016 operational supplies Spencerville Home Hardware 55586 lagoon pick Spencerville Home Hardware 55325 E/S supplies returned 52865 paint 5/25/2016 686.16 686.16 6/13/2016 16,274.82 16,274.82 6/13/2016 30,154.05 30 ,154.05 6/27/2016 1,122.69 1,122.69 :._.':!' 5/31/2016 163.94 163.9:4 6/08/2016 9.99 9.99 6/24/2016 35.57 35.57 6/08/2016 6/13/2016 203.339.59 Report Date 6/21/2016 12:04 PM Vendor# SPR001 STE005 STE010 STL001 STL001 SUN001 SUP001 TAC002 TEN001 THI002 TH0001 TIM002 TUT001 TYR001 TYR002 UNI005 Name Invoice# Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments As of 6/21/2016 Payments due on or before 6/27/2016 Reference 54485 52948 53151 54619 54593 54561 55483 lagoon drain cover 55542 55549 55607 Sproule Powerline Canst. Ltd 34013 PW Streetlight repairs Steve's Quality Coffee Service 894653 Rec Canteen Steve Polite Sand & Gravel 10012 topsoil ticket 22148 22149 10024 topsoil 26509 St Lawrence Printing Co Ltd. 28014 Bldg Business Cards 78039 PW I Council Advertising St Lawrence Printing Co Ltd. 77907 Advertising Sun Media Corporation 1198694 Admin Advertising Superior Propane 11340813 727702 FD Heat 11423786 G. Tackaberry & Sons K-0321435 PW Gravel - Culverts K-0321568 Tenaquip Ltd . 10201786-00 WWTp supplies 10228428-00 Third High Farms Ltd 3242125 wwtp Bio-solid removal Thompson Tim-BR Mart G46495 G47903 Tim Allen's Aerial Services 16142 PW Tree Removal 16148 PW Tree Removal Dawn Tutecky-McDougall May 2016 by-law milage, Dawn Tyroute Communications Inc. 154884 PWcell phone Tyroute Communications Inc 155890 Universal Supply Group 3735 964-235302 shop & truck repairs 964-235304 shop supplies Due Date Page . 7 Invoice Amount Payment Total 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 6/08/2016 5/26/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 59.30 20.32 9.59 1.91 7.11 19.39 17.93 18.27 51 .95 6.43 18.46 6/08/2016 496.64 496.64 6/08/2016 122.00 122.00 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 94.92 47.46 142.38 6/25/2016 6/25/2016 93.96 604.10 698.06 6/13/2016 663.76 663.76 6/07/2016 276.85 276.85 5/26/2016 6/19/2016 6/03/2016 900.67 952.21 952.21 2,805.09 6/09/2016 5/31/2016 1,061 .11 1,742.68 2,803.79 6/12/2016 5/31/2016 106.45 182.65 289.10 6/12/2016 5,424.00 5,424.00 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 645.57 9.69 6/12/2016 6/12/2016 1,469.00 678.00 2,147.00 5/31/2016 238.10 238.10 6/12/2016 15.00 15.00 5/26/2016 56.50 56.50 6/11/2016 6/13/2016 89.68 124.29 .·: _.., 655.26 . .. - Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments As of 6/21/2016 Payments due on or before 6/27/2016 Report Date 6/21/2016 12:04 PM Vendor# WES0'02 WES010 XER001 XST001 Name Invoice# Page Due Date Reference 964-235528 shop supplies 964-235790 shop supplies Westburne Ontario 7646997 wwtp supplies Weston Bakeries Ltd. 92056739021 Xerox Canada Ltd . F49198184 Xstream Services Ltd . 341 0 copy costs Invoice Amount Cheques: EFT's: Total Proposed Payments: Payment Total ' 6/17/2016 6/20/2016 90.40 124.29- 180.08 6/19/2016 701 .86 701 .86 5/31/2016 72 .50 72.50 5/31/2016 14.25 14.25 6/24/2016 92 .10 92 .10 Total To Be Paid: Paid Items: Manual Cheques and Other: 233,071 .92 0.00 0.00 Grand Total for AP : 233,071 .92 SUMMARY Number 8 Amount 109 233,071 .92 0 0.00 109 233,071 .92 Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments As of 6/16/2016 Payments due on or before 6/30/2016 Report Date 6/16/2016 2:33PM Vendor# Name Invoice# Reference Page Due Date Invoice Amount 1 Payment Total Bank Code: AP - REVENUE FUND Computer Cheques: CAT001 CON001 CON002 CUPE OMERS SNC001 UNI002 UPP001 VAN009 WSIB Catholic District School Board 2016 2nd levy 2nd Qtr 2016 Tax Levy Conseil Scolaire Catholique de 2016 2nd levy 2nd qtr levy 2016 Conseil Des Ecoles Publique De 2016 2nd levy 2nd qtr levy 2016 Canadian Union Of Public April & May/16 Ontario Municipal Employees May 2016 May Omers contribution South Nation Conservation 2016 1st levy-0 1/31evy 2016 United Counties Of Leeds & 5307 PW Signs 14897 prop assess-greenfield ethanol Taxes due to County 2016 2nd levy Upper Canada District 2016 2nd levy 2016 2nd Qtr Levy VanN iejenhuis, Justin RE Aug 2015 Aug 2015 tax payment error Workplace Safety & Insurance May 2016 6/30/2016 93,600.00 93,600.00 6/30/2016 9,990.00 9,990.00 6/30/2016 2,253.00 2,253.00 6/13/2016 1,360.00 1,360.00 6/13/2016 26,059.14 26,059.14 6/24/2016 14,404.00 14,404.00 6/11/2016 6/13/2016 6/30/2016 77.16 774.90 702,400.00 703,252.06 6/30/2016 436,420.00 436,420.00 6/13/2016 910.00 910.00 6/13/2016 8,143.82 8,143.82 Total To Be Paid: Paid Items: Manual Cheques and Other: 1,296,392.02 0.00 Grand Total for AP : 1,296,392.02 SUMMARY Number Cheques: EFT's: Total Proposed Payments: T,.asur•r Initial Mayor lnit~l Amount 10 1,296,392.02 0 0.00 10 1,296,392.02 o.oci Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Accounts for Approval As of 6/24/2016 Batch : 2016-00058 Report Date 6/24/2016 3:16PM Payment# Date Vendor Name Invoice# Reference Page Invoice Amount 1 Payment Amount Bank Code: AP - REVENUE FUND Computer Cheques: 34895 34896 34897 34898 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 Burchell's Home Hardware 20226 20232 parks 20251 wwtp paint ingredion 20349 20382 canteel cleaning/maint 20431 PWSUPPLIES 20434 parks 20433 johnstown pool 20482 wwtp supplies 20510 ingredion centre 117.06 142.19 298.11 46.13 254.72 360.42 454.43 314.81 132.41 1,524.48 3,644.76 Minister Of Finance- OMFRA JUN2016 75 1201 Admin Tile Debenture 4,076.04 4,076.04 95,678.00 95,678.00 900.67 952 .21 1,852.88 Minister of Finance 17260516182 April OPP billing Superior Propane 11340813 11423786 propane fd stn1 heat Total for AP : ';i ! t 105,251 .68 Certified Correct This June 24, 2016 ... ' Status Reprint Previously Printed Batches Show Tax Details Show Adjustment Details Entry No.: 17 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 1 Description: SYSTEM GENERAlED PAYMENT BATCH Type: Status: System Open Source Application: Bank: System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment RBAS01 CHECK Document No. VI!~ [17] To [17] [5/24/2016) To [5/24/2016] [Entered, Imported, Generated, System, External] [Open, Ready To Post, Posted] [Yes] [Yes] [Yes] From Batch Number From Batch Date Type Batch No.: Batch Date: Last Edited: pre -A~~fC?u-eo{ _ Port of Johnstown 5/24/2016 2:17:21PM AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ) c9 Y /;l9_ Total Amount No. of Entries: No. of Checks Printed: 21,234.40 1 0 Payment Amt.: 21,234.40 Document No.: PY000005566 Payment Date: 5/24/2016 R.B. AGRI SYSTEMS INC. Payment Type: Check Sched. No. AP 01 Adj. No. Posting Date: Acx:ount Set Check No.: Adj. Reference 5/24/2016 TRADE 0 Page 1 Year- Period: 2016- 05 Be·.'"' r~p ~4nc..t"·r''-,.) £"( L-A'P . Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 21,234.40 0.00 0.00 21,234.40 1246 Total: -Batch Summary- Total for Batch 17: Invoice Adjustment Discount Payment Advance Credit Bank Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,234.40 0.00 21,234.40 1 entry printed 1 batch printed ;_- 0 ~ • * ......... # · - - . . - ----~-- ----···-·-·········· Port of Johnstown 6/2312016 1:42:28PM NP Batch Usling - Payment (APCBTCLZ) (18] To (18] [6/2312016] To [6123/2016] [Entered, Imported, Generated, System, Extemaij [Open, Ready To Post. Posted] [Yes] [Yes] [Yes] From Batch Number From Batch Date Type status Reprint Previously Printed Batches Show Tax Details Show Adjustment Details Batch No.: Batch Date: Last Edited: 18 6123/2016 6/23/2016 Description: Type: Status: SYSTEM GENERATED PAYMENT BATCH System Open Entry No.: 1 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment 1STI01 CHECK Total Amount: Source Application: Bank: AP 01 Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set: Check No.: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Adj. Description System Generated Payment Payment 41MP01 CHECK Adj. No. 6/23/2016 Check Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Discount Amount 0.00 2,846.79 0.00 0.00 2,846.79 Payment Amt.: 6123/2016 Year-Period:2016 - 06 TRADE P.en 5 0 Adj. Description 4630136 Total : Entry No.: 3 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment ACKL01 CHECK Document No. 9119214436 9121418520 9141828674 9142414771 Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 413.55 0.00 0.00 413.55 Payment Amt.: 612312016 TRADE 0 Adj. Description 413.55 - pr-orY\0 Document No.: PY000005569 Payment Date: 6/2312016 ACKLAND$- GRAINGER INC PaymentType: Check ~~ 0.00 Document No.: PY000005568 Payment Date: 41MPRINT Payment Type: Sched. No. Document No. 2,846.79 Adjustment Total: Entry No.: 2 Payment Amt.: (b;~eriod:·c;;; 2016 BBQ Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: No. of Checks Printed: 420,711.61 61 0 No. of Entries: Document No.: PY000005567 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 1ST IROQUOIS SCOUTING Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Document No. Page 1 3,680.88 Year- Period: 2016-06 Sc.-J'.ef-:J )c_.;._fp L~__s Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,227.20 9.37 1,472.40 971.91 - .. Port of Johnstown 6/23/2016 1:42:28PM NP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ) Page2 Total: EntryNo.: 4 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment AGRI03 CHECK Adj. No. 6/23/2016 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Check Adj. Reference Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment AUGU01 CHECK Adj. Description Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: System Generated Payment Payment BEAC01 CHECK Document No. 0 Adj. No. Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: System Generated Payment Payment BECK01 CHECK Document No. 0884 Discount 0.00 0.00 275.00 0.00 0.00 275.00 PaymentAmt: ~r -0.00 Adj. No. Adj. Reference TRADE 0 Adj. Description 477.80 Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.55 163.84 214.67 3.37 82.37 0.00 477.80 Payment Amt.: Document No.: PY000005573 6/23/2016 Amount iJr.e..,{J ~flP lr·-e>....S ro c_-.-5) - Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 275.00 Adjustment _A..:dj;...._Descri __..:..P_tlo_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - Adiustment -'-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Adj. Reference 6123/2016 Payment Date: BECK'S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LTO. Payment Type: Check Sched. No. 299.90 Year - Period: 2016-06 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Total: Entry No.: 7 0.00 Document No.: PY000005572 565893-1 566387-1 568713-1 568867-1 569770-1 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 299.90 0.00 ..:pC->1"\._<C;r s;,... ,- p TRADE Adj. Description Payment Date: 6/23/2016 BEACH HOME HARDWARE Payment Type: Check Scheel. No. Amount 0.00 Year - Period: 2016 - 06 Total : Entry No.: 6 Discount 0.00 Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 09 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Adjustment Document No.: PY000005571 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 AUGUSTA MOTORSPORT PARK Payment Type: Check 299.90 {b:- f- 0~ ffo\ · Total: System Generated Payment 3,680.88 Year- Period: 2016- 06 31681 Entry No.: 5 0.00 Document No.: PY000005570 Payment Date: AGRICOM Payment Type: Sched. No. Document No. 0.00 853.15 Year- ~nod: 2o16- o6 f4?F,· ·r ho!e TG.? <St~~~ cr- c~e>CK Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 853.15 Port of Johnstown 6/23/2016 1:42:28PM AJP Batch Listing - Payment (APCBTCLZ) Page3 Total: Entry No.: 8 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment BURC02 CHECK Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Year-Penod: 2016-06 Scrp l.~-e s TRADE 0 Adj. Description Total: System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment CANA08 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference 69560 69785 Entry No.: 10 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment CARD02 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. System Generated Payment Payment CARD03 CHECK Adj. No. Adj. Reference PORT DAY 2016 - - - - - --···-........... ..... System Generated Payment 0.00 66.65 s:ec ~· r f-;, 0 Adj. No. 329.06 ue.Jse. I · J- ? .r jbr + [)=.--:) Adj. Description ~----~------------- Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 205.66 123.40 Total: 0.00 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: ----------0.00 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 D _ . {CX" ..JCF TRADE 0 ~...ef Adj. Description Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: ( k -eYY'-p 66.67 { & <-r~c:' L~ Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 66.67 0.00 0.00 66.67 PaymentAmt: 6/23/2016 Year - Period: 2016 - 06 TRADE 0 (Jor+ Oe-~ Adjustment Adj. Description Adj. Reference ~~----------------- Document No.: PY000005578 329.06 Payment Aml: 6/23/2016 0.00 Total: Entry No.: 12 66.65 0.00 Document No.: PYOOOOOSsn Payment Date: 6/2312016 CARDINAL YOUTH CENTRE Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Document No. Amount 0.00 Payment Aml: Total : Entry No.: 11 Discount 0.00 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 6/23/2016 TRADE 2016038 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Adjustment Document No.: PY000005576 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 CARDINAL FLOWERS & GIFT GALLERY Payment Type: Check 66.65 42·rt- 00· ~ Document No.: PY000005575 Posting Date: Payment Date: 6/23/2016 CANADIAN CORPS OF COMMISSIONAIRES Account Set Check No.: Payment Type: Check 853.15 Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 20546 Entry No.: 9 0.00 Document No.: PY000005574 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 BURCHELL'S HOME HARDWARE Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Document No. 0.00 337.50 p,-f\_5 Discount ----------0.00 -------0.00 0.00 Payment Amt: Amount 337.50 337.50 310.75 Port of Johnstown 6/23/2016 1:42:28PM AJP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ) Payment CHES01 CHECK Transaction Type: Vendor. Payment Code: Payment Date: 6/23/2016 THE CHESTERVILLE RECORD Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. 150414 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Page4 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Year-Penod:2016-06 ]<-A-~ Adj. Description Adj. Reference ~------------------- Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 310.75 0.00 0.00 310.75 Total: Entry No.: 13 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor. Payment Code: Payment CLAR01 CHECK Document No.: PY000005579 Payment Date: M.E.CLARK Payment Type: Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. 6/23/2016 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Check Adj. Reference Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 ~k)O ~pi) /,--R ~ . Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 365.14 506.24 469.74 43.62 359.34 0.00 0.00 1,744.08 Total: Entry No.: 14 System Generated Payment Payment CLAR02 CHECK Document No. Sched. No. Payment Amt: Document No.: PY000005580 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 CLARKE CLEANING SERVICE Payment Type: Check Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 6/23/2016 TRADE C (-ec.-t/n 1 ~/c...<-) CA.'{.. '~ .P Le>~ ..5 0 f~_;eJke--ep~~ - Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 904.00 621 .50 0.00 0.00 1,525.50 Total: Entry No.: 15 System Generated Payment Payment COGE01 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Payment Aml: Document No.: PY000005581 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 COGECO CABLE CANADA LP Payment Type: Check Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Year - Period: C6sA Adj. Description 15056-3004607 Total: - - - -- _ _____ _ _ _ __ _______ ., 1,525.50 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 877 878 Transaction Type: Vendor. Payment Code: 1,744.08 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 0000088737 0000088780 0000088783 0000088792 0000088821 Transaction Type: Vendor. Payment Code: \J+o{ve:r j-,;_s r ~ - 20~ - 28,153.00 06 rzo~d.- Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 28,153.00 0.00 0.00 28,153.00 Port of Johnstown 6/23/2016 1:42:28PM AlP Batch Listing • Payment (APCBTCLZ) Entry No.: 16 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment CORN01 CHECK Document No.: PY000005582 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 CORNWALL GRAVEL CO. LTD. Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Document No. PageS Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Payment Aml: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 -r- Year- Period: 1{>16 - 06 ~cJ Adj . Description Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 2,260.00 0.00 0.00 2,260.00 Total: Entry No.: 17 System Generated Payment Payment CULL01 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Payment Amt.: Document No.: PY000005583 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Payment Date: 6/23/2016 CULLIGAN OF OTTAWA Payment Type: Check Adj. No. Adj. Reference 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 ~-€ ( · Adj. Description Total: Entry No.: 18 System Generated Payment Payment DALT01 CHECK Document No. Sche<l. No. Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 69.50 QOO QOO ~~ Document No.: PY000005584 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 DALTCO ELEC. & SUP. (1979) LTO Payment Type: Check Ad). No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 69.50 Year - Period: 2016 - 06 0925293 Transaction Type: Vendor. Payment Code: Q:__.._c.._r c:A-S Adjustment 132 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: v~""'-~-. LDh.~-:e \ 2,260.00 Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 5,961 .56 Year· Period: 2016- 06 4-"n-e-,c (Yo J'<--<-f'P L--<"'_s TRADE 0 1 (:; {,pc_+.,- t c t.-<.. ( Adj. Description 0919791 0920887 0921157 0922091 0922267 0922981 0923227 0924198 0924199 0924780 0925096 0926386 0920888 0920889 0925841 Total: .S'--pp [.-r 5 Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,221.94 235.45 356.49 290.88 438.95 272.97 316.30 2,857.31 213.51 71 .17 35.59 65.75 -80.23 -237.30 -97.22 0.00 0.00 5,961.56 - .. Port of Johnstown 6/2312016 1:42:28PM AlP Batch Usting- Payment (APCBTCLZ) Document No.: PY000005585 Entry No.: 19 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment DESJ01 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 DESJARDINS CARD SERVICES Posting Date: Account Set CHECK Payment Type: Check No.: Document No. Sched. No. Page6 Adj. No. Check Payment Amt.: 6/2312016 TRADE 0 S--.-pp I,~..e_j. 0 [:·(:', ce Adj. Description Adj. Reference Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 302.98 0.00 0.00 302.98 MAY/16 STATEMENT Total: Entry No.: 20 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment EXOV01 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Document No.: PY000005586 Payment Date: EXOVA Payment Type: Adj . No. 6/23/2016 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Check Adj. Reference Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 TRADE 0 ~kr Adj. Description Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment FARM01 CHECK Discount Amount 0.00 453.92 0.00 0.00 453.92 Document No.: PY000005587 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 FARMERS FORUM Check Payment Type: Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Adj. Reference Payment Aml : 6/23/2016 TRADE Aot.vert~ s~ ·~. 0 Adj. Description Adjustment Discount 0.00 0.00 356.97 0.00 0.00 356.97 Total: Entry No.: 22 System Generated Payment Payment FUTU02 CHECK Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Adj. Reference 6/23/2016 Year- Period: 2016- 06 Cop <ce r C TRADE 0 c:::.>Y\ Adj. Description System Generated Payment Payment GLEN01 CHECK Discount Amount 0.00 166.61 0.00 0.00 166.61 Payment Amt.: Document No.: PY000005589 6/2312016 Payment Date: GLENVIEW IRON AND METAL LTD. Payment Type: Check Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: +-r C.-< c + 0.00 Total : Entry No.: 23 166.61 Adjustment FOP133003 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Amount Payment Amt.: Document No.: PY000005588 6123/2016 Payment Date: FUTURE OFFICE PRODUCTS Payment Type: Check 356.97 Year- Period: 2016-06 63167 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 7-es 1-~~ 0.00 Total: System Generated Payment 453.92 Adjustment 1608621 Entry No.: 21 302.98 Year- Period: 2016-06 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 14,803.57 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 C~Y"\. w...p ~CJUC<. ~ f!::Fx=-r,d__ ~I K d f- D<.....<J r eu'"ec.... . .So c ~___5 Port of Johnstown 6123/2016 1:42:28PM AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ) Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference 310117 310120 310195 311649 312622 Page 7 Adj. Description ~----~------------- Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,448.87 4.412.54 3,180.05 1,103.56 2,658.55 0.00 0.00 14,803.57 Total : Entry No.: 24 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment GREA03 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Document No.: PY000005590 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 GREAT IDEA GRAPHICS Check Payment Type: Adj. No. Adj. Reference 17/05/16 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 TRADE L ueb 5 0 Adj. Description ~----~------------- Entry No.: 25 System Generated Payment Payment GREN04 CHECK Adj. No. Adj. Reference MAY-16 Entry No.: 26 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment GROU01 CHECK Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 152.55 0.00 0.00 152.55 Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 Year - Period: 2016 - 06 TRADE 0 ~c.r,Sc::f\.Sh I Adj. No. Adj. Reference Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 100.00 Total: 0.00 0.00 100.00 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Payment Aml: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Year- Period: 2016-06 :5 pf' {JC-<-r S Adj. Description C.... System Generated Payment Payment HANS01 CHECK Payment Date: 6/23/2016 HANSLER SMITH LIMITED Payment Type: Check I r Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 5,638.70 0.00 0.00 5,638.70 Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Year-Period:2016 - 06 SktJ - 5,638.70 f H--< rt:-:> ,S c/\ p (Cr. +-r-~ I . Document No.: PY000005593 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: n n t Total : Entry No.: 27 p, Adjustment C-9906 Transaction Type: Vendor. Payment Code: 100.00 Adj. Description ~----~------------- Document No.: PY000005592 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 GROUNDS MASTER Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Document No. m c...,nt . . ~.e Document No.: PY000005591 Payment Date: 6123/2016 Posting Date: GRENVILLE COUNTY PLOWMAN'S ASSOCIP Account Set Payment Type: Check Check No.: Sched. No. Document No. i Adjustment Total : Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 152.55 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 ~P t.--P_j - -- - --- - - -·-···---- -····· ········---·---······ ·· 556.18 Port of Johnstown 612312016 1:42:28PM AlP Batch Usting - Payment {APCBTCLZ) Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Page 8 _A...:dj:....._De_s_cn_·.:..p_tio_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Adiustment _.;.._ Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 392.79 80.00 83.39 0.00 556.18 -0.00 5472293 5473680 5473776 -0.00 Total: Entry No.: 28 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment HILT01 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Document No.: PY000005594 Payment Date: 6123/2016 HILTI (CANADA) CORPORATION Payment Type: Check Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Payment Arnl: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 ~Im Adj. Description Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment HOWA01 CHECK Discount Amount 0.00 293.71 0.00 0.00 293.71 Document No. Document No.: PY000005595 6123/2016 Payment Date: HOWARD CAMPBELL & SONS LTO. Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Payment Aml: 6/2312016 TRADE 0 {J::>c f 0==--<--_J -}-o ; {e\- (2-e/'..-f=-._ l o -frr.-er t2-e~ l J- C(e ~ ~~ Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 1,005.23 0.00 0.00 1,005.23 Total : Entry No.: 30 System Generated Payment Payment HUGH01 CHECK Document No. Sched. No. Payment Arnl: Document No.: PY000005596 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 HUGH WILLIAMSON ASSOCIATES INC. Payment Type: Check Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 {} (\n-e>? Adj. Description Total: Entry No.: 31 System Generated Payment Payment ICSI01 CHECK Document No. Document No.: PY000005597 Payment Date: ICS Payment Type: Sched. No. Adj. No. 612312016 Check Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: ProJe c +-- Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 9,421 .20 0.00 0.00 9,421 .20 Payment Arnt: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Adj. Description 9,421.20 Year- Period: 2016-06 16-5-728 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 1,005.23 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 MAY/JUNE/16 STATMENT Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: JC-.<fP I, -~ __s. 0.00 Total : System Generated Payment c._,,.., 1 . Adjustment 1684322705 Entry No.: 29 293.71 Year- Period: 2016- 06 192.100.00 3 G"){'C-<..' )"'\ (Jre-"5rc- s_s ~o--:1·od· 2016-06 Year - Pen . Adjustment Discount ------ ,"o./'J Amount Port of Johnstown 6/2312016 1:42:28PM AJP Batch Listing - Payment (APCBTCL.Z) Page 9 7991 Total: Entry No.: 32 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment JOEC01 CHECK System Generated Payment Payment JONE01 CHECK Adj. No. Check Adj. Reference Discount 0.00 77.97 0.00 0.00 77.97 Document No.: PY000005599 Adj. No. Adj. Reference Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: System Generated Payment Payment KILM01 CHECK ,zc. 1 ~ TRADE 0 VYLC/I+h\-:j Adj. Description Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference System Generated Payment Payment KNTS01 CHECK Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 169.50 4,633.00 169.50 122.72 0.00 5,094.72 G!'~r- Adj. Description 2060 - - - - - - - --·- -··---·---· Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference xt l Adj. Description 511 .35 ~d ,·~ /fc..-"jec+- . Adjustment Discount 0.00 0.00 511.35 0.00 0.00 511.35 Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 0 Document No. rt\C-f :}- m~ Adiustment • Document No.: PY000005601 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 KNT SERVICES INC. Payment Type: Check 5,094.72 Year- Period: 2016- 06 Total: Entry No.: 35 j!l\_o..vit -0.00 177174 Transaction Type: Vendor. Payment Code: OrpJe c--\ Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Amount t,ear - Period: 2016 - 06 Document No.: PY000005600 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 KILMARNOCK ENTERPRISE Payment Type: Check 77.97 0.00 Total: Entry No.: 34 192,100.00 Adjustment 2430 2452 2462 2463 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 0.00 .:Tr/1kr r-.e-\-- . Adj. Description 6/23/2016 Payment Date: JONES RAIL INDUSTRIES LTO. Payment Type: Check Scheel. No. Document No. 0.00 Year- Period: 2016- 06 Total: Entry No.: 33 192,100.00 Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 6/23/2016 23080 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 0.00 Document No.: PY000005598 Payment Date: JOE COMPUTER Payment Type: Sched. No. Document No. 0.00 JL Amount 1,386.85 Year- Period: 2016- 06 olu.vr-.q,ycA __5ooc.-dbe f e-; fV'.~c.....<ry."v~. 0"1 ue ;_5e I . fLt:Pc::..,r- Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 1,386.85 --·-·---··-···--····· Port of Johnstown 6/23/2016 1:42:28PM NP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ) Page 10 Total: Entry No.: 36 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor. Payment Code: Payment LEVA01 CHECK Adj. No. 1193696 1195103 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Entry No.: 37 System Generated Payment Payment UME01 CHECK 0 Sched. No. Document No. 1}->\st System Generated Payment Payment MACE01 CHECK Adj. Reference Adj. No. Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: System Generated Payment Payment MAST01 CHECK Document No. 51809270 Adj. Reference ..............,. _____.. 752.58 Adj. No. Check Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: ~------------------- ___________________ r~ou~ \ Disc ount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 339.00 339.00 339.00 339.00 0.00 0.00 1,356.00 Dte"__sel r:L-c I. Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 216.48 0.00 0.00 216.48 Payment Amt: 6/2312016 TRADE 0 Adj. Description 216.48 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 Adj. Description 6123/2016 1,356.00 Adjustment Document No.: PY000005605 Payment Date: MASTERFEEDS Payment Type: Sched. No. 0.00 -0.00 Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Total: Entry No.: 39 315.27 437.31 Document No.: PY000005604 1616205750 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Amount 0.00 0.00 ~~k ~C:v Y' J~re . 0 Adj. Description 6/23/2016 Payment Date: MacEwen Petroleum Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Document No. Discount 0.00 0.00 Year- Period: 2016-06 Total: Entry No.: 38 Adjustment Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 TRADE 2016-0838 2016-1011 2016-1017 2016-1028 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: ):VI Sp-Pc-i- t<:.....Y"\5> Document No.: PY000005603 Adj. No. 752.58 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 Adj. Description Adj. Reference ~------------------- Payment Date: 6/23/2016 Posting Date: LIMERICK ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTC Account Set Payment Type: Check Check No.: 1,386.85 Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 TRADE Total: Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 0.00 Document No.: PY000005602 6123/2016 Payment Date: LEVAC SUPPLY LIMITED Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Document No. 0.00 Year- Period: 2016 _ o6 fL.-vn ;0 J ,t c .'/1 1,08120 Pro~ c -t- Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 1,081 .20 _____ __ __ __ , ., .,,_._ ......... .. Port of Johnstown 6/23/2016 1:42:28PM AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ) Page 11 Total: Entry No.: 40 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment METR01 CHECK Adj. No. Adj. Reference 6/23/2016 TRADE Hd 0 System Generated Payment Payment MOTI01 CHECK Adj. Description 5 Schad. No. Document No. Adj. No. ON17-327647 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Entry No.: 42 System Generated Payment Payment OGFA01 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference 0.00 0.00 414.48 22.60 481.58 0.00 918.66 -0.00 Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment OMER01 CHECK mu.'"{"\+ . .5<-fpt.-.e s Adjustment Amount 0.00 390.57 Discount ----------0.00 --------0.00 0.00 Payment Amt: Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. 6/23/2016 Check Adj. Reference 215.00 C--c> l f:: J-. TRADE 0 Adj. Description Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 390.57 Year - Period: 2016-06 6/23/2016 Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 215.00 0.00 0.00 215.00 Document No.: PY000005609 Payment Date: OMERS Payment Type: 390.57 Year- Period: 2016-06 Total: System Generated Payment ; Amount 2016 GOLF Entry No.: 43 ...._. 0.00 0.00 0.00 Document No.: PY000005608 Posting Date: AccountSet Check No.: rex 1 918.66 .~ Discount -0.00 Adj. Description Adj. Reference ~------------------- Payment Date: 6/23/2016 ONTARIOAGRI BUSINESS ASSOC. Payment Type: Check j_ • Adiustment Total: Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: f2=-r Document No.: PY000005607 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 MOTION INDUSTRIES, INC. Payment Type: Check 1,08120 -Job · AD{ Total: Entry No.: 41 f) _xear-Period: 2016-06 OTC0106225 OTD0648697 OTD0650792 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 0.00 Payment Amt: Document No.: PY000005606 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 Posting Date: METROLAND PAYMENT PROCESSING CEN"" Account Set Check No.: Check Payment Type: Schad. No. Document No. 0.00 Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 Year- Period: 2016- 06 TRADE (k_ r~ ..s ( 23.437.26 01\- 0 Adj. Description JUNE/16 PENSION Total: Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 23,437.26 0.00 0.00 23,437.26 Port of Johnstown 6/23/2016 1:42:28PM Page 12 NP Batch Usting- Payment (APCBTCLZ) Entry No.: 44 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment PREC01 CHECK Payment Date: 6/23/2016 PRECISION CALIBRATION & EQUIPMENT Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Document No. Document No.: PY000005610 Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Payment Aml: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 ~ rs~-e Adj. Description Total: Entry No.: 45 System Generated Payment Payment PREV02 CHECK Document No. System Generated Payment Payment PSAC01 CHECK Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: System Generated Payment Payment PUR001 CHECK Document No. Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 6,991.88 0.00 0.00 6,991.88 Adj. No. Adj. Reference 1,429.02 ,[)C<e _5 Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 1,429.02 0.00 0.00 1,429.02 Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 50.07 Year- Period: 2016-06 5r"PP'~ Adj. Description Total: System Generated Payment Adjustment (__"-..V\ Ir~A_ Adj. Description Posting Date: Account Set: Check No.: 6,991 .88 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 431255552 431327942 431461180 Entry No.: 48 7,313.42 Document No.: PY000005613 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 PUROLATOR COURIER LTO. Payment Type: Check Sched. No. 0.00 Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Total: Entry No.: 47 0.00 Document No.: PY000005612 MAY14-JUN10/16 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 6,580.07 733.35 1-/e=-- I#, J-- Sc""- .,Ce~ Adj. Description 6/23/2016 Payment Date: PUBLIC SERV. ALLIANCE OF CAN. Payment Type: Check Scheel. No. Document No. Amount 0.00 0.00 Year- Period: 2016-06 Total: Entry No.: 46 Discount 0.00 0.00 Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 458 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Adjustment Document No.: PY000005611 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 Posting Date: PREVENTION AND REGULATORY SOLUTlOI Account Set Payment Type: Check Check No.: Sched. No. (hew ~'-'PP J, ~.p ....). CJr-c:._(J·~~ 4220 4269 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 7,313.42 Year - Period: 2016- 06 Seru,.c-r-...); Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.70 8.70 32.67 0.00 0.00 50.07 Document No.: PY000005614 Payment Aml: - -- 190.71 - - - -,-----·····--··............................ ··- ··-- ..... ......... Port of Johnstown 612312016 1:42:28PM NP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ) Payment RHON01 CHECK Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment Date: RHONDA CODE Payment Type: Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 6/23/2016 Check Adj. Reference Page 13 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Year- Period: 2016- 06 {!;, p, r ( Adj. Description \ Discount 0.00 0.00 190.71 0.00 0.00 190.71 Total: Entry No.: 49 System Generated Payment Payment SKSL01 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Document No.: PY000005615 Payment Date: 6123/2016 SKS Law LLP/SRL Payment Type: Check Adj. No. Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Adj. Reference System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment SNAP01 CHECK {___X~ r r c.-><--{ s, TRADE 0 Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Adj. Reference Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,009.66 1,103.73 3,474.75 960.50 0.00 6,548.64 -0.00 Year- Period: 2016- 06 f)ot ~--~-----------Total: Entry No.: 51 System Generated Payment Payment SOUT01 CHECK Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Ad~ Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: System Generated Payment Payment , Payment Date: Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 440.70 0.00 0.00 440.70 TRADE 0 Adj. Description ______....... ........... _ ________ Posting Date: 948.22 w~r:·r <?nu:r c.Yt1.P~I Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 948.22 0.00 0.00 948.22 Document No.: PY000005618 6/23/2016 /br+- ~ Payment Amt.: Total: Entry No.: 52 440.70 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 6/23/2016 IN13543 Transaction Type: 0 Document No.: PY000005617 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 SOUTH NATION CONSERVATION Payment Type: Check r~~ Payment Aml: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Adj. Description V-075-013253 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: ~ yc-' Document No.: PY000005616 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 SNAPD 1000 ISlANDS Payment Type: Check 6.548.64 Year- Period: 2016-06 Total: Entry No.: 50 Amount Payment Amt: 6/23/2016 Adj. Description ~~--~------------- 36526 36527 36528 36529 ("'--<.~ 1-... Adjustment JUN/16 REFILL Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Oe~ Payment Amt.: 6123/2016 370.64 Year - Period: 2016-06 · -- - - ----·---.. -----·.... ____ _ .... .................................. . Port of Johnstown 6/23/2016 1:42:28PM AJP Batch Usting- Payment (APCBTCLZ) STJ002 CHECK Vendor: Payment Code: Sched. No. Document No. Account Set Check No.: ST. JOHN AMBULANCE Payment Type: Check Adj. No. Adj. Reference Page 14 TRADE 0 /3c..+-f-.e.r f• .e' Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 370.64 0.00 0.00 370.64 1-SJBRK-001225 Total: Entry No.: 53 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment STLP01 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Document No.: PY000005619 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 ST. LAWRENCE PRINTING CO. LTD. Payment Type: Check Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Payment Aml: A::_:"od=z- 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Adj. Description System Generated Payment Payment STRI01 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 271 .20 400.02 0.00 671.22 -0.00 Payment Aml: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 m~''J (hc-c_/(l t Adj. Description System Generated Payment Payment SWIN01 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. 6/23/2016 Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Check Adj. Reference Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 915.30 915.30 0.00 0.00 1,830.60 Payment Aml: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 5r=- ~ lcA..· ~ . Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 1,299.50 0.00 0.00 1 ,299.50 Total : System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment TACK01 CHECK Payment Aml: Document No.: PY000005622 6/23/2016 Payment Date: G. TACKABERRY & SONS CONSTRUCT Payment Type: Check Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 6123/2016 TRADE 0 1,299.50 Year-Penod:2016-06 25821 Entry No.: 56 dJ~e . 0.00 0.00 Document No.: PY000005621 Payment Date: SWING N SCAFF Payment Type: m\1 Adjustment Total: Entry No.: 55 1,830.60 Year- Penod: 2016- 06 1694 1695 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: ~. Discount Document No.: PY000005620 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 STRIVETECH ELEVATOR SERVICES INC. Payment Type: Check Por+- -0.00 Total: Entry No.: 54 06 671.22 .Arfiustment ___ _ 78019 78177 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: A£D. s -{Jr Year - Period: 20,)9- 06 0.-Dr ~ f2__;, O-JP~- ICP>=< n:::A ~ t I( 13,525.19 Port of Johnstown 6/23/2016 1:42:28PM NP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ) Sched. No. Document No. Adj . No. Page 15 _A.;.;dj:..:..·..::.D..::.escn.:...:..:.·:.:;P..::.tio~n.;.__ _ _ _ __ Adj. Reference Adj ustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 13,525.19 0.00 0.00 13,525.19 2016-234 Total: System Generated Payment Entry No.: 57 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment UNIV01 Payment Date: 6123/2016 UNIVERSAL SUPPLY GROUP INC. Check Payment Type: CHECK Document No. 964-236172 Document No.: PY000005623 Sched. No. Adj. No. Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Payment Aml: 612312016 TRADE 0 Year- Period: 2016 - 06 S~p / fYlC1l; A 1- - Adj. Description Adj. Reference --"---------- Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.46 78.24 -32.51 -45.20 0.00 0.00 15.99 Total: Entry No.: 58 System Generated Payment Payment W1LL02 CHECK Document No. Document No.: PY000005624 6123/2016 Payment Date: WILLIS KERR CONTRACTING LTD. Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Payment Aml: c6-_Sfiod: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 Adj. Description 105241 Total: Entry No.: 59 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment WINC01 CHECK Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Total: Entry No.: 60 System Generated Payment Payment WUBS01 CHECK ·- - -- - -- --- Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 66,080.67 0.00 0.00 66,080.67 Ao\ fU" Adj. Description Payment Date: WUBS TRANSIT Payment Type: Check Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: 612312016 TRADE 0 146.90 fb-+ CP-~ Adjustment Discount 0.00 0.00 146.90 o.oo 0.00 146.90 Payment Amt.: Document No.: PY000005626 612312016 . Adjustment Year- Period: 2016-06 TRADE 0 66,080.67 P~C-<.cA (toJ~C ~ Payment Amt.: 6/23/2016 96880 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 20 Document No.: PY000005625 Payment Date: 6/2312016 WINCHESTER PRESS Payment Type: Check J~pp!,-rj. Adjustment 964-237188 964-233792 964-234412 Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: 15.99 8 ~:-Pe"Z0167Lr t Amount 536.75 ~ -·-··- - -- - ---···------····- -····--····· .. . ...... Port of Johnstown 6/23/2016 1:42:28PM NP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ) Sched. No. Document No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Page 16 Adj. Description Adjuslment Discount 0.00 0.00 536.75 0.00 0.00 536.75 8725 Total: Entry No.: 61 System Generated Payment Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code: Payment ZIGM01 CHECK Document No. Document No.: PY000005627 Payment Date: 6/23/2016 L. ZIGMAN & SONS LTD Payment Type: Check Sched. No. Adj. No. Posting Date: Account Set Check No.: Adj. Reference Payment Aml: 6/23/2016 TRADE 0 1,859.89 Year- Period: 2016-06 5/-ee [ Adj. Description .5<--<pp I.~~3 · Adjustment Discount Amount 0.00 0.00 1,859.89 0.00 0.00 1,859.89 114143 Total : - Amount Batch Summary- Total for Batch 18: Invoice -------0.00 Adjustment Discount Payment Advance Credit Bank Amount 0.00 0.00 420,711.61 0.00 420,711.61 61 entries printed 1 batch printed ·- -- ----- ·- ··-- ··--------------- ·······---·····--·--··· .. .. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL BY-LAW NUMBER 2016-43 A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING UPON AMORTIZING DEBENTURES IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $800,000.00 TOWARDS THE COST OF THE EMS- COUNTY AMBULANCE STATION AND WHEREAS subsection 401 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 , as amended (the "Act") provides that a municipality may incur a debt for municipal purposes, whether by borrowing money or in any other way, and may issue debentures and prescribed financial instruments and enter prescribed financial agreements for or in relation to the debt; AND WHEREAS subsection 408 (2.1) of the Act provides that a municipality may issue a debenture or other financial instrument for long-term borrowing only to provide financing for a capital work; AND WHEREAS the Counci l of The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal (the "Municipality") has passed the By-law or By-laws, as applicable, enumerated in column ( 1) of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of th is By-law authorizing the capital work described in column (2) of Schedule "A" (individually a "Capital Work" and collectively the "Capital Works", as the case may be), and authorizing the entering into of a Financing Agreement dated effective as of April 04, 2016 for the provision of temporary and long term borrowing from Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation ("OILC") in respect of the Capital Work(s) (the "Financing Agreement") and the Municipality desires to issue debentures for the Capital Work(s) in the amount or respective amounts, as applicable, specified in column (5) of Schedule "A"; AND WHEREAS before authorizing the Capital Work(s) and before authorizing any additional cost amount and any additional debenture authority in respect thereof the Council of the Municipality had its Treasu rer calculate an updated limit in respect of its most recent annual debt and financial obligation limit received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with the applicable regulation and, prior to the Council of the Municipality authorizing the Capital Work(s), each such additional cost amount and each such additional debenture authority, the Treasurer determined that the estimated annual amount payable in respect of the Capital Work(s), each such additional cost amount and each such additional debenture authority, would not cause the Municipality to exceed the updated limit and that the approval of the Capital Work(s), each such additional cost amount and each such additional debenture authority, by the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to such regulation was not required; AND WHEREAS the Municipality has submitted an application to OILC for long term borrowing through the issue of debentures to OILC in respect of the Capital Work(s) (the "Application") and the Application has been approved ; AND WHEREAS to provide long term financing for the Capital Work(s) and to repay certain temporary advances in respect of the Capital Work(s) made by OILC pursuant to the Financing Agreement, it is now deemed to be expedient to borrow money by the issue of amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $800,000.00 dated July 15, 2016 and maturing on July 15, 2036, and payable in semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest on the fifteenth day of January and on the fifteenth day of July in each of the years 2017 to 2036, both inclusive on the terms hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. For the Capital Work(s), the borrowing upon the credit of the Municipality at large of the principal amount of $800,000.00 and the issue of amortizing debentures therefor to be repaid in semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest as hereinafter set forth, are hereby authorized. 2. The Mayor and the Treasurer of the Municipality are hereby authorized to cause any number of amortizing debentures to be issued for such amounts of money as may be required for the Capital Work(s) in definitive form, not exceeding in total the said principal amount of $800,000.00 (the "Debentures"). The Debentures shall bear the Municipality's municipal seal and the signatures of Mayor and the Treasurer of the Municipality, all in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The municipal seal of the Municipality and the signatures referred to in this section may be printed, lithographed, engraved or otherwise mechanically reproduced . The Debentures are sufficiently signed if they bear the required signatures and each person signing has the authority to do so on the date he or she signs. 3. The Debentures shall be in fully registered form as one or more certificates in the principal amount of $800,000 .00, in the name of OILC, or as OILC may otherwise direct, substantially in the form attached as Schedule "B" hereto and forming part of this By-law with provision for payment of principal and interest (other than in respect of the final payment of principal and outstanding interest on maturity upon presentation and surrender) by pre-authorized debit in respect of such principal and interest to the credit of such registered holder on such terms as to which the registered holder and the Municipality may agree. 4. In accordance with the provisions of section 25 of the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011, as amended from time to time hereafter, as security for the payment by the Municipality of the indebtedness of the Municipality to OILC under the Debentures (the "Obligations"), the Municipality is hereby authorized to agree in writing with OILC that the Minister of Finance is entitled, without notice to the Municipality, to deduct from money appropriated by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for payment to the Municipality, amounts not exceeding the amounts that the Municipality fails to pay OILC on account of the Obligations and to pay such amounts to OILC from the Consolidated Revenue Fund . 5. The Debentures shall all be dated July 15, 2016, and as to both principal and interest shall be expressed and be payable in lawful money of Canada. The Debentures shall bear interest at the rate of 2.91% per annum and mature during a period of 20 years from the date thereof payable semi-annually in arrears as described in this section. The Debentures shall be paid in full by July 15, 2036 and be payable in equal semiannual instalments of combined principal and interest on the fifteenth day of January and on the fifteenth day of July in each of the years 2017 to 2036, both inclusive, save and except for the last instalment which may vary slightly from the preceding equal 2 of 30 instalments, as set forth in Schedule "C" attached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw ("Schedule "C"). 6. Payments in respect of principal of and interest on the Debentures shall be made only on a day on which banking institutions in Toronto, Ontario, are not authorized or obligated by law or executive order to be closed (a "Toronto Business Day") and if any date for payment is not a Toronto Business Day, payment shall be made on the next following Toronto Business Day. 7. Interest shall be payable to the date of maturity of the Debentures and on default shall be payable on any overdue amounts both before and after default and judgment at a rate per annum equal to the greater of the rate specified on the Schedule as attached to and forming part of the Debentures for such amounts plus 200 basis points or Prime Rate (as defined below) plus 200 basis points, calculated on a daily basis from the date such amounts become overdue for so long as such amounts remain overdue and the Municipality shall pay to the registered holders any and all costs incurred by the registered holders as a result of the overdue payment. Any amounts payable by the Municipality as interest on overdue principal or interest and all costs incurred by the registered holders as a result of the overdue payment in respect of the Debentures shall be paid out of current revenue. Whenever it is necessary to compute any amount of interest in respect of the Debentures for a period of less than one full year, other than with respect to regular semi-annual interest payments, such interest shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days in the period and a year of 365 days or 366 days as appropriate. "Prime Rate" means, on any day, the annual rate of interest which is the arithmetic mean of the prime rates announced from time to time by the following five major Canadian Schedule I banks, as of the issue date of this Debenture: Royal Bank of Canada; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; The Bank of Nova Scotia; Bank of Montreal; and The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the "Reference Banks") as their reference rates in effect on such day for Canadian dollar commercial loans made in Canada. If fewer than five of the Reference Banks quote a prime rate on such days, the "Prime Rate" shall be the arithmetic mean of the rates quoted by the remaining Reference Banks. 8. In each year in which a payment of equal semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest becomes due in respect of the Capital Work(s) including the last 'non-equal' instalment, there shall be raised as part of the Municipality's general levy the amounts of principal and interest payable by the Municipality in each year as set out in Schedule "C" to the extent that the amounts have not been provided for by any other available source including other taxes or fees or charges imposed on persons or property by a by-law of any municipality. 9. The Debentures may contain any provision for their registration thereof authorized by any statute relating to municipal debentures in force at the time of the issue thereof. 10. The Municipality shall maintain a registry in respect of the Debentures in which shall be recorded the names and the addresses of the registered holders and particulars of the Debentures held by them respectively and in which particulars of the cancellations, exchanges, substitutions and transfers of Debentures, may be recorded and the Municipality is authorized to use electronic, magnetic or other media for records of or related to the Debentures or for copies of them. 3 of 30 11. The Municipality shall not be bound to see to the execution of any trust affecting the ownership of any Debenture or be affected by notice of any equity that may be subsisting in respect thereof. The Municipality shall deem and treat registered holders of the Debentures as the absolute owners thereof for all purposes whatsoever notwithstanding any notice to the contrary and all payments to or to the order of registered holders shall be valid and effectual to discharge the liability of the Municipality on the Debentures to the extent of the amount or amounts so paid . Where a Debenture is registered in more than one name, the principal of and interest from time to time payable on such Debenture shall be paid to or to the order of all the joint registered holders thereof, failing written instructions to the contrary from all such joint registered holders, and such payment shall constitute a valid discharge to the Municipality. In the case of the death of one or more joint registered holders, despite the foregoing provisions of this section, the principal of and interest on any Debentures registered in their names may be paid to the survivor or survivors of such holders and such payment shall constitute a valid discharge to the Municipality. 12. The Debentures will be transferable or exchangeable at the office of the Treasurer of the Municipality upon presentation for such purpose accompanied by an instrument of transfer or exchange in a form approved by the Municipality and which form is in accordance with the prevailing Canadian transfer legislation and practices, executed by the registered holder thereof or such holder's duly authorized attorney or legal personal representative, whereupon and upon registration of such transfer or exchange and cancellation of the Debenture or Debentures presented, the Mayor and the Treasurer shall issue and deliver a new Debenture or Debentures of an equal aggregate principal amount in any authorized denomination or denominations as directed by the transferee, in the case of a transfer or as directed by the registered holder in the case of an exchange. 13. The Mayor and the Treasurer shall issue and deliver new Debentures in exchange or substitution for Debentures outstanding on the registry with the same maturity and of like form which have become mutilated, defaced, lost, subject to a mysterious or unexplainable disappearance, stolen or destroyed, provided that the applicant therefor shall have: (a) paid such costs as may have been incurred in connection therewith; (b) (in the case when a Debenture is mutilated, defaced, lost, mysteriously or unexplainably missing, stolen or destroyed) furnished the Municipality with such evidence (including evidence as to the certificate number of the Debenture in question) and an indemnity in respect thereof satisfactory to the Municipality in its discretion; and (c) surrendered to the Municipality any mutilated or defaced Debentures in respect of which new Debentures are to be issued in substitution. 14. The Debentures issued upon any registration of transfer or exchange or in substitution for any Debentures or part thereof shall carry all the rights to interest if any, accrued and unpaid which were carried by such Debentures or part thereof and shall be so dated and shall bear the same maturity date and, subject to the provisions of this Bylaw, shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as the Debentures in respect of which the transfer, exchange or substitution is effected. 15. The cost of all transfers and exchanges, including the printing of authorized denominations of the new Debentures, shall be borne by the Municipality. When any of the Debentures are surrendered for transfer or exchange the Treasurer of the Municipality shall: (a) in the case of an exchange, cancel and destroy the Debentures surrendered for exchange; (b) in the case of an exchange, certify the cancellation and 4 of 30 destruction in the registry; (c) enter in the registry particulars of the new Debenture or Debentures issued in exchange; and (d) in the case of a transfer, enter in the registry particulars of the registered holder as directed by the transferor. 16. Reasonable fees for the substitution of a new Debenture or new Debentures for any of the Debentures that are mutilated, defaced, lost, mysteriously or unexplainably missing, stolen or destroyed and for the replacement of any of the principal and interest cheques (if any) that are mutilated, defaced, lost, mysteriously or unexplainably missing, stolen or destroyed may be imposed by the Municipality. When new Debentures are issued in substitution in these circumstances the Municipality shall: (a) treat as cancelled and destroyed the Debentures in respect of which new Debentures will be issued in substitution; (b) certify the deemed cancellation and destruction in the registry; (c) enter in the registry particulars of the new Debentures issued in substitution; and (d) make a notation of any indemnities provided. 17. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any notice required to be given to a registered holder of one or more of the Debentures will be sufficiently given if a copy of such notice is mailed or otherwise delivered to the registered address of such registered holder. 18. The Mayor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to cause the Debentures to be issued, one or more of the Clerk and Treasurer are hereby authorized to generally do all things and to execute all other documents and other papers in the name of the Municipality in order to carry out the issue of the Debentures and the Treasurer is authorized to affix the Municipality's municipal seal to any of such documents and papers. 19. The money received by the Municipality from the sale of the Debentures to OILC, including any premium, and any earnings derived from the investment of that money, after providing for the expenses related to their issue, if any, shall be apportioned and applied to the Capital Work(s) and to no other purpose except as permitted by the Act. 20. Subject to the Municipality's investment policies and goals, the applicable legislation and the terms and conditions of the Debentures, the Municipality may, if not in default under the Debentures, at any time purchase any of the Debentures in the open market or by tender or by private contract at any price and on such terms and conditions (including, without limitation, the manner by which any tender offer may be communicated or accepted and the persons to whom it may be addressed) as the Municipality may in its discretion determine. 21 . This By-law takes effect on the day of passing. By-law read a first and second time this 27th day of June, 2016 5 of 30 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 27th day of June, 2016 Patrick Sayeau Mayor Debra McKinstry Clerk 6 of 30 The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Schedule "A" to By-law Number 2016-43 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) By-law Project Description Approved Amount to be Financed Through the Issue of Debentures Amount of Debentures Previously Issued Amount of Debentures to be Issued Term of Years of Debentures 2016-12 EMS- County Ambulance Station $800' 000 .00 $0.00 800,000.00 20 years 7 of 30 The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Schedule "B" to By-law Number 2016-43 No. 2016-43 $ I CANADA Province of Ontario The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal FULLY REGISTERED INTEREST RATE 2.91% AMORTIZING DEBENTURE The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal (the "Municipality"), for value received, hereby promises to pay to ONTARIO INFRASTRUCTURE AND LANDS CORPORATION ("OILC") or registered assigns, subject to the Cond itions attached hereto which form part hereof (the "Conditions"), upon presentation and surrender of this debenture (or as otherwise agreed to by the Municipality and OILC) by the maturity date of this debenture (July 15, 2036), the principal amount of EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ----------------------------------- ($800' 000.00) --------------------------------by equal semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest on the fifteenth day of January and on the fifteenth day of July in each of the years 2017 to 2036, both inclusive, save and except for the last instalment which may vary slightly from the preceding equal instalments, in the amounts set forth in the attached Amortizing Debenture Schedule (the "Amortization Schedule") and subject to late payment interest charges pursuant to the Conditions, in lawful money of Canada. Subject to the Conditions, interest shall be paid until the maturity date of this debenture, in like money in sem i-annual payments from the closing date, or from the last date on which interest has been paid on this debenture, whichever is later, at the rate of 2.91 % per annum, in arrears, on the specified dates, as set forth in the Amortization Schedule. Interest shall be paid on default at the applicable rate set out in the Amortization Schedule both before and after default and judgment. The payments of principal and interest and the outstanding amount of principal in each year are shown in the Amortization Schedule. The Municipality, pursuant to section 25 of the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011 (the "OILC Act, 2011 ") hereby irrevocably agrees that the Minister of Finance is entitled, without notice to the Municipality, to deduct from money appropriated by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for payment to the Municipality, amounts not exceeding any amounts that the Municipality fails to pay OILC on account of indebtedness evidenced by this debenture, and to pay such amounts to OILC from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Th is debenture is subject to the Conditions. 8 of 30 DATED at The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal §Sat the 15th day of July, 2016. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF and under the authority of By-law Number 2016-43 of the Municipality duly passed on the 27th day of June, 2016 Council Meeting Date (the "By-law"), this debenture is sealed with the municipal seal of the Municipality and signed by the Authority Title and by the Treasurer thereof. Date of Registration: July 15, 2016 (Seal)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Patrick Sayeau,Mayor Melanie Stubbs, Treasurer OILC hereby agrees that the Minister of Finance is entitled to exercise certain rights of deduction pursuant to section 25 of the OILC Act, 2011 as described in this debenture. Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Authorized Signing Officer by:___ _ _ _~~---------Authorized Signing Officer 9 of 30 LEGAL OPINION We have examined the By-law of the Municipality authorizing the issue of amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $800,000.00 dated July 15, 2016 and maturing on July 15, 2036 payable in equal semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest on the fifteenth day of January and on the fifteenth day of July in each of the years 2017 to 2036, both inclusive, save and except for the last instalment which may vary slightly from the preceding equal instalments as set out in Schedule "C" to the By-law. In our opinion, the By-law has been properly passed and is within the legal powers of the Municipality. The debenture issued under the By-law in the within form (the "Debenture'') is the direct, general, unsecured and unsubordinated obligation of the Municipality. The Debenture is enforceable against the Municipality subject to the special jurisdiction and powers of the Ontario Municipal Board over defaulting municipalities under the Municipal Affairs Act. This opinion is subject to and incorporates all the assumptions, qualifications and limitations set out in our opinion letter. July 15, 2016 Ault & Ault 10 of 30 CONDITIONS OF THE DEBENTURE Form, Denomination, and Ranking of the Debenture 1. The debentures issued pursuant to the By-law (collectively the "Debentures" and individually a "Debenture") are issuable as fully reg istered Debentures without coupons. 2. The Debentures are direct, general, unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Municipality. The Debentures rank concurrently and equally in respect of payment of principal and interest with all other debentures of the Municipality except for the availability of money in a sinking or retirement fund for a particular issue of debentures. 3. This Debenture is one fully registered Debenture registered in the name of OILC and held by OILC. Registration 4. The Municipality shall maintain at its designated office a registry in respect of the Debentures in which shall be recorded the names and the addresses of the registered holders and particulars of the Debentures held by them respectively and in which particulars of cancellations, exchanges, substitutions and transfers of Debentures, may be recorded and the Municipality is authorized to use electronic, magnetic or other media for records of or related to the Debentures or for copies of them. 5. The Municipality shall not be bound to see to the execution of any trust affecting the ownership of any Debenture or be affected by notice of any equity that may be subsisting in respect thereof. The Municipality shall deem and treat registered holders of Debentures, including this Debenture, as the absolute owners thereof for all purposes whatsoever notwithstanding any notice to the contrary and all payments to or to the order of registered holders shall be valid and effectual to discharge the liability of the Municipality on the Debentures to the extent of the amount or amounts so paid. Where a Debenture is registered in more than one name, the principal of and interest from time to time payable on such Debenture shall be paid to or to the order of all the joint registered holders thereof, failing written instructions to the contrary from all such joint registered holders, and such payment shall constitute a valid discharge to the Municipality. In the case of the death of one or more joint registered holders, despite the foregoing provisions of this section, the principal of and interest on any Debentures registered in their names may be paid to the survivor or survivors of such holders and such payment shall constitute a valid discharge to the Municipality. 11 of 30 Payments of Principal and Interest 6. The record date for purposes of payment of principal of and interest on the Debentures is as of 5:00p.m. on the sixteenth calendar day preceding any Payment Date including the maturity date. Principal of and interest on the Debentures are payable by the Municipality to the persons registered as holders in the registry on the relevant record date. The Municipality shall not be required to register any transfer, exchange or substitution of Debentures during the period from any record date to the corresponding Payment Date. 7. The Municipality shall make all payments in respect of equal semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest including the last 'non-equal' instalment on the Debentures on the Payment Dates commencing on January 15, 2017 and ending on July 15, 2036 as set out in Schedule "C" to the By-law, by pre-authorized debit in respect of such interest and principal to the credit of the registered holder on such terms as the Municipality and the registered holder may agree. 8. The Municipality shall pay to the registered holder interest on any overdue amount of principal or interest in respect of any Debenture, both before and after default and judgment, at a rate per annum equal to the greater of the rate specified on the Schedule as attached to and forming part of the Debenture for such amount plus 200 basis points or Prime Rate (as defined below) plus 200 basis points, calculated on a daily basis from the date such amount becomes overdue for so long as such amount remains overdue and the Municipality shall pay to the registered holder any and all costs incurred by the registered holder as a result of the overdue payment. 9. Whenever it is necessary to compute any amount of interest in respect of the Debentures for a period of less than one full year, other than with respect to regular semi-annual interest payments, such interest shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days in the period and a year of 365 days or 366 days as appropriate. 10. Payments in respect of principal of and interest on the Debentures shall be made only on a day on which banking institutions in Toronto, Ontario, are not authorized or obligated by law or executive order to be closed (a "Toronto Business Day"), and if any date for payment is not a Toronto Business Day, payment shall be made on the next following Toronto Business Day as noted on the Amortization Schedule. 11. The Debentures are transferable or exchangeable at the office of the Treasurer of the Municipality upon presentation for such purpose accompanied by an instrument of transfer or exchange in a form approved by the Municipality and which form is in accordance with the prevailing Canadian transfer legislation and practices, executed by the registered holder thereof or such holder's duly authorized attorney or legal personal representative, whereupon and upon registration of such transfer or exchange and cancellation of the Debenture or Debentures presented, a new Debenture or Debentures of an equal aggregate principal amount in any authorized denomination or denominations will be delivered as directed by the transferee, in the case of a transfer or as directed by the registered holder in the case of an exchange. 12. The Municipality shall issue and deliver Debentures in exchange for or in substitution for Debentures outstanding on the registry with the same maturity and of like form in the event of a mutilation, defacement, loss, mysterious or unexplainable disappearance, theft or destruction, provided that the applicant therefor shall have: (a) paid such costs 12 of 30 as may have been incurred in connection therewith; (b) (in the case of a mutilated, defaced, lost, mysteriously or unexplainably missing, stolen or destroyed Debenture) furnished the Municipality with such evidence (including evidence as to the certificate number of the Debenture in question) and an indemnity in respect thereof satisfactory to the Municipality in its discretion; and (c) surrendered to the Municipality any mutilated or defaced Debentures in respect of which new Debentures are to be issued in substitution. 13. The Debentures issued upon any registration of transfer or exchange or in substitution for any Debentures or part thereof shall carry all the rights to interest if any, accrued and unpaid which were carried by such Debentures or part thereof and shall be so dated and shall bear the same maturity date and, subject to the provisions of the By-law, shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as the Debentures in respect of which the transfer, exchange or substitution is effected. 14. The cost of all transfers and exchanges, including the printing of authorized denominations of the new Debentures, shall be borne by the Municipality. When any of the Debentures are surrendered for transfer or exchange the Treasurer of the Municipality shall : (a) in the case of an exchange, cancel and destroy the Debentures surrendered for exchange; (b) in the case of an exchange, certify the cancellation and destruction in the registry; (c) enter in the registry particulars of the new Debenture or Debentures issued in exchange; and (d) in the case of a transfer, enter in the registry particulars of the registered holder as directed by the transferor. 15. Reasonable fees for the substitution of a new Debenture or new Debentures for any of the Debentures that are mutilated, defaced, lost, mysteriously or unexplainably missing, stolen or destroyed and for the replacement of mutilated, defaced, lost, mysteriously or unexplainably missing, stolen or destroyed principal and interest cheques (if any) may be imposed by the Municipality. When new Debentures are issued in substitution in these circumstances the Municipality shall: (a) treat as cancelled and destroyed the Debentures in respect of which new Debentures will be issued in substitution; (b) certify the deemed cancellation and destruction in the registry; (c) enter in the registry particulars of the new Debentures issued in substitution; and (d) make a notation of any indemnities provided. 16. If OILC elects to terminate its obligations under the financing agreement entered into between the Municipality and OILC, pursuant to which the Debentures are issued, OILC, at its discretion, shall assess any losses that it may incur as a result of the termination as follows: if on the date of termination the outstanding principal balance on the Debentures is less than the net present value of the Debentures, the Municipality shall pay the difference between these two amounts to OILC. Notices 17. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any notice required to be given to a registered holder of one or more of the Debentures will be sufficiently given if a copy of such notice is mailed or otherwise delivered to the registered address of such registered holder. If the Municipality or any registered holder is required to give any notice in connection with the Debentures on or before any day and that day is not a Toronto Business Day (as defined in section 10 of these Conditions) then such notice may be given on the next following Toronto Business Day. 13 of 30 • 18. Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, any reference herein to a time shall be considered to be a reference to Toronto time. Governing Law 19. The Debentures are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable in Ontario. Definitions: (a) "Prime Rate" means, on any day, the annual rate of interest which is the arithmetic mean of the prime rates announced from time to time by the following five major Canadian Schedule I banks, as of the issue date of this Debenture : Royal Bank of Canada; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; The Bank of Nova Scotia; Bank of Montreal; and The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the "Reference Banks") as their reference rates in effect on such day for Canadian dollar commercial loans made in Canada. If fewer than five of the Reference Banks quote a prime rate on such days, the "Prime Rate" shall be the arithmetic mean of the rates quoted by the remaining Reference Banks. 14 of 30 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL Schedule "C" to By-law Number 2016-43 LOAN AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Loan ..... : Name ..... : Principal: Rate ..... : Term .... . : Paid ..... : Matures .. : 1528 The Corporation ofThe Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal 800,000.00 02.9100 240 Semi-annual Pay# Date 07/15/2036 Amount Due Principal Due Interest Due Rem. Principal ----- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------1 01/15/2017 2 07/15/2017 3 01/15/2018 4 07/15/2018 5 01/15/2019 6 07/15/2019 7 01/15/2020 8 07/15/2020 9 01/15/2021 10 07/15/2021 11 01/15/2022 12 07/15/2022 13 01/15/2023 14 07/15/2023 15 01/15/2024 16 07/15/2024 17 01/15/2025 18 07/15/2025 19 01/15/2026 20 07/15/2026 21 01/15/2027 22 07/15/2027 23 01/15/2028 24 07/15/2028 25 01/15/2029 26 07/15/2029 27 01/15/2030 28 07/15/2030 29 01/15/2031 30 07/15/2031 31 01/15/2032 32 07/15/2032 33 01/15/2033 34 07/15/2033 35 01/15/2034 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 14,882.53 15,099.07 15,318.76 15,541.65 15,767.78 15,997.20 16,229.96 16,466.11 16,705.69 16,948.76 17,195.36 17,445.55 17,699.39 17,956.91 18,218.19 18,483.26 18,752.19 19,025.04 19,301.85 19,582.69 19,867.62 20,156.69 20,449.97 20,747.52 21,049.40 21,355.67 21,666.39 21,981.64 22,301.47 22,625.96 22,955.16 23,289.16 23,628.02 23,971.81 24,320.60 11,640.00 11,423.46 11,203.77 10,980.88 10,754.75 10,525.33 10,292.57 10,056.42 9,816.84 9,573.77 9,327.17 9,076.98 8,823.14 8,565.62 8,304.34 8,039.27 7,770.34 7,497.49 7,220.68 6,939.84 6,654.91 6,365.84 6,072.56 5,775.01 5,473.13 5,166.86 4,856.14 4,540.89 4,221.06 3,896.57 3,567.37 3,233.37 2,894.51 2,550.72 2,201.93 785,117.47 770,018.40 754,699.64 739,157.99 723,390.21 707,393.01 691,163.05 674,696.94 657,991.25 641,042.49 623,847.13 606,401.58 588,702.19 570,745.28 552,527.09 534,043.83 515,291.64 496,266.60 476,964.75 457,382.06 437,514.44 417,357.75 396,907.78 376,160.26 355,110.86 333,755.19 312,088.80 290,107.16 267,805.69 245,179.73 222,224.57 198,935.41 175,307.39 151,335.58 127,014.98 15 of 30 36 07/15/2034 37 01/15/2035 38 07/15/2035 39 01/15/2036 40 07/15/2036 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.45 24,674.46 25,033.48 25,397.71 25,767.25 26,142.08 1,848.07 1,489.05 1,124.82 755.28 380.37 102,340.52 77,307.04 51,909 .33 26,142.08 0.00 -------------- -------------- -------------1,060,901.12 800,000.00 260,901.12 16 of 30 $ I No. 2016-43 CANADA Province of Ontario The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal FULLY REGISTERED INTEREST RATE 2.91% AMORTIZING DEBENTURE The Corporation of The Townsh ip of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal (the "Municipality"), for value received, hereby promises to pay to ONTARIO INFRASTRUCTURE AND LANDS CORPORATION ("OILC") or registered assigns, subject to the Conditions attached hereto which form part hereof (the "Conditions"), upon presentation and surrender of this debenture (or as otherwise agreed to by the Municipality and OILC) by the maturity date of this debenture (July 15, 2036}, the principal amount of EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ----------------------------------- ($800 ' 000.00) --------------------------------by equal semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest on the fifteenth day of January and on the fifteenth day of July in each of the years 2017 to 2036, both inclusive, save and except for the last instalment which may vary slightly from the preceding equal instalments, in the amounts set forth in the attached Amortizing Debenture Schedule (the "Amortization Schedule") and subject to late payment interest charges pursuant to the Conditions, in lawful money of Canada. Subject to the Conditions, interest shall be paid until the maturity date of this debenture, in like money in semi-annual payments from the closing date, or from the last date on which interest has been paid on this debenture, whichever is later, at the rate of 2.91 % per annum , in arrears, on the specified dates, as set forth in the Amortization Schedule. Interest shall be paid on default at the applicable rate set out in the Amortization Schedule both before and after default and judgment. The payments of principal and interest and the outstanding amount of principal in each year are shown in the Amortization Schedule. The Municipality, pursuant to section 25 of the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011 (the "OILC Act, 2011 ") hereby irrevocably agrees that the Minister of Finance is entitled, without notice to the Municipality, to deduct from money appropriated by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for payment to the Municipality, amounts not exceeding any amounts that the Municipality fails to pay OILC on account of indebtedness evidenced by this debenture, and to pay such amounts to OILC from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. This debenture is subject to the Conditions . DATED at the The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal as at the 15th day of July, 2016. 17 of 30 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF and under the authority of By-law Number 2016-43 of the Municipality duly passed on the 27th day of June, 2016 Council Meeting Date (the "By-law"), this debenture is sealed with the municipal seal of the Municipality and signed by the Authority Title and by the Treasurer thereof. Date of Registration: July 15, 2016 (Seal)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Patrick Sayeau,Mayor Melanie Stubbs,Treasurer OILC hereby agrees that the Minister of Finance is entitled to exercise certain rights of deduction pursuant to section 25 of the OILC Act, 2011 as described in this debenture. Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Authorized Signing Officer by:.~~~~~~~--------- Authorized Signing Officer 18 of 30 LEGAL OPINION We have examined the By-law of the Municipality authorizing the issue of amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $800,000.00 dated July 15, 2016 and maturing on July 15, 2036 payable in equal semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest on the fifteenth day of January and on the fifteenth day of July in each of the years 2017 to 2036, both inclusive, save and except for the last instalment which may vary slightly from the preceding equal instalments as set out in Schedule "C" to the By-law. In our opinion, the By-law has been properly passed and is within the legal powers of the Municipality. The debenture issued under the By-law in the within form (the "Debenture") is the direct, general, unsecured and unsubordinated obligation of the Municipality. The Debenture is enforceable against the Municipality subject to the special jurisdiction and powers of the Ontario Municipal Board over defaulting municipalities under the Municipal Affairs Act. This opinion is subject to and incorporates all the assumptions, qualifications and limitations set out in our opinion letter. July 15, 2016 Ault & Au lt 19 of 30 CONDITIONS OF THE DEBENTURE Form, Denomination, and Ranking of the Debenture 1. The debentures issued pursuant to the By-law (collectively the "Debentures" and individually a "Debenture") are issuable as fully registered Debentures without coupons. 2. The Debentures are direct, general, unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Municipality. The Debentures rank concurrently and equally in respect of payment of principal and interest with all other debentures of the Municipality except for the availability of money in a sinking or retirement fund for a particular issue of debentures. 3. This Debenture is one fully registered Debenture registered in the name of OILC and held by OILC. Registration 4. The Municipality shall maintain at its designated office a registry in respect of the Debentures in which shall be recorded the names and the addresses of the registered holders and particulars of the Debentures held by them respectively and in which particulars of cancellations, exchanges, substitutions and transfers of Debentures, may be recorded and the Municipality is authorized to use electronic, magnetic or other media for records of or related to the Debentures or for copies of them. 5. The Municipality shall not be bound to see to the execution of any trust affecting the ownership of any Debenture or be affected by notice of any equity that may be subsisting in respect thereof. The Municipality shall deem and treat registered holders of Debentures, including this Debenture, as the absolute owners thereof for all purposes whatsoever notwithstanding any notice to the contrary and all payments to or to the order of registered holders shall be valid and effectual to discharge the liability of the Municipality on the Debentures to the extent of the amount or amounts so paid. Where a Debenture is registered in more than one name, the principal of and interest from time to time payable on such Debenture shall be paid to or to the order of all the joint registered holders thereof, failing written instructions to the contrary from all such joint registered holders, and such payment shall constitute a valid discharge to the Municipality. In the case of the death of one or more joint registered holders, despite the foregoing provisions of this section, the principal of and interest on any Debentures registered in their names may be paid to the survivor or survivors of such holders and such payment shall constitute a valid discharge to the Municipality. 20 of 30 Payments of Principal and Interest 6. The record date for purposes of payment of principal of and interest on the Debentures is as of 5:00p.m. on the sixteenth calendar day preceding any Payment Date including the maturity date. Principal of and interest on the Debentures are payable by the Municipality to the persons registered as holders in the registry on the relevant record date. The Municipality shall not be required to register any transfer, exchange or substitution of Debentures during the period from any record date to the corresponding Payment Date. 7. The Municipality shall make all payments in respect of equal semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest including the last 'non-equal' instalment on the Debentures on the Payment Dates commencing on January 15, 2017 and ending on July 15, 2036 as set out in Schedule "C" to the By-law, by pre-authorized debit in respect of such interest and principal to the credit of the registered holder on such terms as the Municipality and the registered holder may agree. 8. The Municipality shall pay to the registered holder interest on any overdue amount of principal or interest in respect of any Debenture, both before and after default and judgment, at a rate per annum equal to the greater of the rate specified on the Schedule as attached to and forming part of the Debenture for such amount plus 200 basis points or Prime Rate (as defined below) plus 200 basis points, calculated on a daily basis from the date such amount becomes overdue for so long as such amount remains overdue and the Municipality shall pay to the registered holder any and all costs incurred by the registered holder as a result of the overdue payment. 9. Whenever it is necessary to compute any amount of interest in respect of the Debentures for a period of less than one full year, other than with respect to regular semi-annual interest payments, such interest shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days in the period and a year of 365 days or 366 days as appropriate. 10. Payments in respect of principal of and interest on the Debentures shall be made only on a day on which banking institutions in Toronto, Ontario, are not authorized or obligated by law or executive order to be closed (a "Toronto Business Day"), and if any date for payment is not a Toronto Business Day, payment shall be made on the next following Toronto Business Day as noted on the Amortization Schedule. 11. The Debentures are transferable or exchangeable at the office of the Treasurer of the Municipality upon presentation for such purpose accompanied by an instrument of transfer or exchange in a form approved by the Municipality and which form is in accordance with the prevailing Canadian transfer legislation and practices, executed by the registered holder thereof or such holder's duly authorized attorney or legal personal representative, whereupon and upon registration of such transfer or exchange and cancellation of the Debenture or Debentures presented, a new Debenture or Debentures of an equal aggregate principal amount in any authorized denomination or denominations will be delivered as directed by the transferee, in the case of a transfer or as directed by the registered holder in the case of an exchange. 12. The Municipality shall issue and deliver Debentures in exchange for or in substitution for Debentures outstanding on the registry with the same maturity and of like form in the event of a mutilation, defacement, loss, mysterious or unexplainable disappearance, theft or destruction, provided that the applicant therefor shall have: (a) paid such costs 21 of 30 as may have been incurred in connection therewith; (b) (in the case of a mutilated, defaced, lost, mysteriously or unexplainably missing, stolen or destroyed Debenture) furnished the Municipality with such evidence (including evidence as to the certificate number of the Debenture in question) and an indemnity in respect thereof satisfactory to the Municipality in its discretion; and (c) surrendered to the Municipality any mutilated or defaced Debentures in respect of which new Debentures are to be issued in substitution . 13. The Debentures issued upon any registration of transfer or exchange or in substitution for any Debentures or part thereof shall carry all the rights to interest if any, accrued and unpaid which were carried by such Debentures or part thereof and shall be so dated and shall bear the same maturity date and, subject to the provisions of the By-law, shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as the Debentures in respect of which the transfer, exchange or substitution is effected. 14. The cost of all transfers and exchanges, including the printing of authorized denominations of the new Debentures, shall be borne by the Municipality. When any of the Debentures are surrendered for transfer or exchange the Treasurer of the Municipality shall: (a) in the case of an exchange, cancel and destroy the Debentures surrendered for exchange; (b) in the case of an exchange, certify the cancellation and destruction in the registry; (c) enter in the registry particulars of the new Debenture or Debentures issued in exchange; and (d) in the case of a transfer, enter in the registry particulars of the registered holder as directed by the transferor. 15. Reasonable fees for the substitution of a new Debenture or new Debentures for any of the Debentures that are mutilated, defaced, lost, mysteriously or unexplainably missing, stolen or destroyed and for the replacement of mutilated, defaced, lost, mysteriously or unexplainably missing, stolen or destroyed principal and interest cheques (if any) may be imposed by the Municipality. When new Debentures are issued in substitution in these circumstances the Municipality shall: (a) treat as cancelled and destroyed the Debentures in respect of which new Debentures will be issued in substitution; (b) certify the deemed cancellation and destruction in the registry; (c) enter in the registry particulars of the new Debentures issued in substitution; and (d) make a notation of any indemnities provided. 16. If OILC elects to terminate its obligations under the financing agreement entered into between the Municipality and OILC, pursuant to which the Debentures are issued, OILC, at its discretion, shall assess any losses that it may incur as a result of the termination as follows: if on the date of termination the outstanding principal balance on the Debentures is less than the net present value of the Debentures, the Municipality shall pay the difference between these two amounts to OILC. Notices 17. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any notice required to be given to a registered holder of one or more of the Debentures will be sufficiently given if a copy of such notice is mailed or otherwise delivered to the registered address of such registered holder. If the Municipality or any registered holder is required to give any notice in connection with the Debentures on or before any day and that day is not a Toronto Business Day (as defined in section 10 of these Conditions) then such notice may be given on the next following Toronto Business Day. 22 of 30 18. Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, any reference herein to a time shall be considered to be a reference to Toronto time. Governing Law 19. The Debentures are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable in Ontario. Definitions: (a) "Prime Rate" means, on any day, the annual rate of interest which is the arithmetic mean of the prime rates announced from time to time by the following five major Canadian Schedule I banks, as of the issue date of this Debenture: Royal Bank of Canada; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; The Bank of Nova Scotia; Bank of Montreal; and The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the "Reference Banks") as their reference rates in effect on such day for Canadian dollar commercial loans made in Canada. If fewer than five of the Reference Banks quote a prime rate on such days, the "Prime Rate" shall be the arithmetic mean of the rates quoted by the remaining Reference Banks. 23 of 30 LOAN AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Loan ..... : Name .... .: Principal: Rate ..... : Term .. ... : Paid ... ..: Matures .. : 1528 The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal 800,000.00 02 .9100 240 Semi-an nual Pay# Date 07/15/2036 Amount Due Principal Due Interest Due Rem . Principa l ----- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------1 01/15/2017 2 07/15/2017 3 01/15/2018 4 07/15/2018 5 01/15/2019 6 07/15/2019 7 01/15/2020 8 07/15/2020 9 01/15/2021 10 07/15/2021 11 01/15/2022 12 07/15/2022 13 01/15/2023 14 07/15/2023 15 01/15/2024 16 07/15/2024 17 01/15/2025 18 07/15/2025 19 01/15/2026 20 07/15/2026 21 01/15/2027 22 07/15/2027 23 01/15/2028 24 07/15/2028 25 01/15/2029 26 07/15/2029 27 01/15/2030 28 07/15/2030 29 01/15/2031 30 07/15/2031 31 01/15/2032 32 07/15/2032 33 01/15/2033 34 07/15/2033 35 01/15/2034 36 07/15/2034 37 01/15/2035 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522 .53 26,522 .53 26,522.53 26,522 .53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522.53 26,522 .53 26,522.53 14,882 .53 15,099.07 15,318.76 15,541.65 15,767.78 15,997.20 16,229.96 16,466.11 16,705.69 16,948.76 17,195.36 17,445.55 17,699.39 17,956.91 18,218.19 18,483.26 18,752.19 19,025.04 19,301.85 19,582.69 19,867.62 20,156.69 20,449 .97 20,747.52 21,049 .40 21,355.67 21,666.39 21,981.64 22,301.47 22,625.96 22,955 .16 23,289.16 23,628.02 23,971.81 24,320.60 24,674.46 25,033 .48 11,640.00 11,423.46 11,203.77 10,980.88 10,754.75 10,525.33 10,292.57 10,056.42 9,816.84 9,573.77 9,327.17 9,076.98 8,823.14 8,565.62 8,304.34 8,039.27 7,770.34 7,497.49 7,220.68 6,939.84 6,654.91 6,365.84 6,072.56 5,775.01 5,473 .13 5,166.86 4,856.14 4,540.89 4,221.06 3,896.57 3,567 .37 3,233 .37 2,894.51 2,550.72 2,201.93 1,848.07 1,489.05 785,117.47 770,018.40 754,699 .64 739,157.99 723,390.21 707,393.01 691,163.05 674,696.94 657,991.25 641,042 .49 623,847.13 606,401.58 588,702.19 570,745.28 552,527.09 534,043 .83 515,291.64 496,266.60 476,964.75 457,382.06 437,514.44 417,357.75 396,907.78 376,160.26 355,110.86 333,755.19 312,088.80 290,107.16 267,805 .69 245,179.73 222,224.57 198,935.41 175,307.39 151,335.58 127,014.98 102,340.52 77,307.04 24 of 30 38 07/15/2035 39 01/15/2036 40 07/15/2036 26,522.53 26,522 .53 26,522.45 1,060,901.12 25,397.71 25,767.25 26,142.08 800,000.00 1,124.82 755.28 380.37 51,909.33 26,142.08 0.00 260,901.12 25 of 30 CERTIFICATE To: Ault & Ault And To: OILC IN THE MATTER OF an issue of a 20 year, 2.91 %amortizing debenture of The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal (the "Municipality") in the principal amount of $800,000.00 for the capital work(s) of the Municipality in Currency, authorized by Debenture By-law Number 2016-43 (the "Debenture By-law"); AND IN THE MATTER OF authorizing by-laws of the Municipality enumerated in Schedule "A" to the Debenture By-law. I, Debra McKinstry, Clerk of the Municipality, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: 1. The Debenture By-law was finally passed and enacted by the Council of the Municipality on the June 27, 2016 in full compliance with the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended (the "Act") at a duly called meeting at which a quorum was present. Forthwith after the passage of the Debenture By-law, the same was signed by the Mayor and the Clerk and sealed with the municipal seal of the Municipality. 2. The authorizing by-law referred to in Schedule "A" to the Debenture By-law (the "Authorizing By-law") have been enacted and passed by the Council of the Municipality in full compliance with the Act at a meeting at which a quorum was present. Forthwith after the passage of the Authorizing By-law the same was signed by the Mayor and by the Clerk and sealed with the municipal seal of the Municipality. 3. With respect to the undertaking of the capital works described in the Debenture By-law (individually a "Capital Work" and collectively the "Capital Works"), before the Council of the Municipality exercised any of its powers in respect of the Capital Work(s), and before authorizing any additional cost amount and any additional debenture authority in respect thereof, the Council of the Municipality had its Treasurer calculate the updated limit in respect of the relevant annual debt and financial obligation limit received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with the applicable debt and financial obligation limits regulation . In this connection, before the Council of the Municipality authorized the Capital Work(s), each such additional cost amount and each such additional debenture authority, the Treasurer determined that the estimated annual amount payable in respect of the Capital Work(s), each such additional cost amount and each such additional debenture authority, would not cause the Municipality to reach or exceed its updated limit. Accordingly, the Council of the Municipality authorized the Capital Work(s), each such additional cost amount and each such additional debenture authority, without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the applicable debt and financial obligation limits regulation . 4. No application has been made or action brought to quash, set aside or declare invalid the Debenture By-law or the Authorizing By-law nor have the same been in any way 26 of 30 repealed, altered or amended and the Debenture By-law and the Authorizing By-law are now in full force and effect. 5. All of the recitals contained in the Debenture By-law and the Authorizing By-law are true in substance and fact. 6. To the extent that the public notice provisions of the Act are applicable, the Authorizing By-law and the Debenture By-law have been enacted and passed by the Council of the Municipality in full compliance with the applicable public notice provisions of the Act. 7. None of the debentures authorized to be issued by the Authorizing By-law have been previously issued. 8. The respective principal amount of debentures which is to be issued pursuant to the Debenture By-law in respect of the Capital Work(s) does not exceed the respective net cost of such Capital Work(s) to the Municipality. 9. The debenture certificate issued pursuant to the Debenture By-law (the "OILC Debenture") has been signed by Mayor and by the Treasurer of the Municipality. The OILC Debenture is in all respects in accordance with the Debenture By-law and in issuing the OILC Debenture in the amount of $800,000 .00 which is now being issued to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation pursuant to the Debenture By-law, the Municipality is not exceeding its borrowing powers. 10. The Municipality is not subject to any restructuring order under part V of the Act or other statutory authority, accordingly, no approval of the Authorizing By-law and of the Debenture By-law and/or of the issue of the OILC Debentures is required by any transition board or commission appointed in respect of the restructuring of the municipality. 11. The Authorizing By-law and the Debenture By-law and the transactions contemplated thereby do not conflict with, or result in a breach or violation of any statutory provisions which apply to the Municipality or any agreement to which the Municipality is a party or under which the Municipality or any of its property is or may be bound, or, to the best of my knowledge, violate any order, award, judgment, determination, writ, injunction or decree applicable to the Municipality of any regulatory, administrative or other government or public body or authority, arbitrator or court. DATED at the The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal as at the 15th day of July, 2016. [AFFIX SEAL] Debra McKinstry, Clerk 27 of 30 CERTIFICATE OF SIGNATURE AND NO LITIGATION TO: Ault & Ault And To: OILC IN THE MATTER OF an issue of a 20 year, 2.91% amortizing debenture of The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal (the "Municipality") in the principal amount of $800,000.00, authorized by Debenture By-law Number 2016-43 (the "Debenture By-law") I, Melanie Stubbs, Treasurer of the Municipality, do hereby certify that on or before July 15, 2016, I as Treasurer, signed the fully registered amortizing debenture numbered 2016-43 in the principal amount of $800,000.00 dated July 15, 2016, registered in the name of Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation and authorized by the Debenture By-law (the "OILC Debenture"). I further certify that on or before July 15, 2016, the OILC Debenture was signed by Patrick Sayeau, Mayor of the Municipality at the date of the execution and issue of the OILC Debenture, that the OILC Debenture was sealed with the seal of the Municipality, and that the OILC Debenture is in all respects in accordance with the Debenture By-law. I further certify that the said Patrick Sayeau is the duly elected Mayor of the Municipality and that I am the duly appointed Treasurer of the Municipality and that we were severally authorized under the Debenture By-law to execute the OILC Debenture in the manner aforesaid and that the OILC ·Debenture is entitled to full faith and credence. I further certify that no litigation or proceedings of any nature are now pending or threatened, attacking or in any way attempting to restrain or enjoin the issue and delivery of the OILC Debenture or in any manner questioning the proceedings and the authority under which the same is issued, or affecting the validity thereof, or contesting the title or official capacity of the said Mayor or myself as Treasurer of the Municipality, and no authority or proceedings for the issuance of the OILC Debenture or any part of it has been repealed, revoked or rescinded in whole or in part. DATED at The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal as at the 15th day of July, 2016. Melanie Stubbs Treasurer I, Debra McKinstry, Clerk of the Municipality do hereby certify that the signature of Melanie Stubbs, Treasurer of the Municipality described above, is true and genuine. [AFFIX SEAL] Debra McKinstry Clerk 28 of 30 DEBENTURE TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE To: Ault & Ault And To: OILC IN THE MATTER OF an issue of a 20 year, 2.91% amortizing debenture of The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal (the "Municipality") in the principal amount of $800,000.00, authorized by Debenture By-law Number 2016-43 (the "Debenture By-law") AND IN THE MATTER OF authorizing by-laws of the Municipality enumerated in Schedule "A" to the Debenture By-law. I, Melanie Stubbs,Treasurer of the Municipality, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: 1. The Municipality has received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing its annual debt and financial obligation limit for the relevant years. 2. With respect to the undertaking of the capital works described in the Debenture By-law (individually a "Capital Work" and collectively the "Capital Works"), before the Council of the Municipality authorized the Capital Work(s), and before authorizing any additional cost amount and any additional debenture authority in respect thereof, the Treasurer calculated the updated relevant debt and financial obligation limit in accordance with the applicable debt and financial obligation limits regulation (the "Regulation"). The Treasurer thereafter determined that the estimated annual amount payable in respect of the Capital Work(s), each such additional cost amount and each such additional debenture authority, would not cause the Municipality to reach or to exceed the relevant updated debt and financial obligation limit as at the date of the Council's approval. Based on the Treasurer's determination, the Council of the Municipality authorized the Capital Work(s), each such additional cost amount and each such additional debenture authority, without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the Regulation. 3. As at the date hereof the Municipality has not reached or exceeded its updated annual debt and financial obligation limit for 2016. 4. In updating the relevant debt and financial obligation limit(s), the estimated annual amount payable described in Section 4(2) of the Regulation was determined based on current interest rates and amortization periods which do not, in any case, exceed the lifetime of any of the purposes of the Municipality described in such section, all in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for local governments as recommended, from time to time, by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. 5. The term within which the debentures to be issued for the Municipality in respect of the Capital Work(s) pursuant to the Debenture By-law are made payable does not exceed the lifetime of such Capital Work(s). 6. The principal amount now being financed through the issue of debentures pursuant to the Debenture By-law in respect of the Capital Work(s) does not exceed the net cost of each such Capital Work(s) to the Municipality. 29 of 30 • 7. The money received by the Municipality from the sale of the debentures issued pursuant to the Debenture By-law, including any premium, and any earnings derived from the investment of that money after providing for the expenses related to their issue, if any, shall be apportioned and applied to the Capital Work(s), and to no other purpose except as permitted by the Municipal Act, 2001. 8. The representations and warranties of the Municipality set out in paragraph 2 of the Financing Agreement (as defined in the Debenture By-law) were true and correct as of the date of the request to purchase the debentures in respect of the Capital Work(s) pursuant to the Debenture By-law and are true and correct as of the date hereof. DATED at the The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal as at the 15th day of July, 2016. [AFFIX SEAL] Melanie Stubbs,Treasurer 30 of 30 FORM OF OPINION [Letterhead of External Counsel] July 15, 2016 Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation 777 Bay Street, 9th Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2C8 Dear Sirs: Re: OILC file number 15Edw0700315096FA The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal July 15, 2016 OILC 2.91% Amortizing Debentures $800,000.00 We have acted as counsel to The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal (the "Municipality") in connection with the issue and sale today by the Municipality to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation ("OILC") of $800,000.00 aggregate principal amount of amortizing debentures (the "OILC Debentures") maturing on July 15, 2036 and payable in equal semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest on the fifteenth day of January and on the fifteenth day of July in each of the years 2017 to 2036, both inclusive as set out in Schedule "C" to By-law Number 2016-43 (the "Debenture By-law"). The OILC Debentures bear interest at the rate of 2.91% per annum in each year of their currency. The OILC Debentures issued today for the capital work(s) of The Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal on whose behalf the debentures are issued are represented by one fully registered definitive debenture certificate registered in the name of OILC. The OILC Debentures issued today are payable as to semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest as described above by pre-authorized debit. The OILC Debentures do not provide for redemption prior to their maturity date. We have considered such questions of law, examined such statutes and regulations, public records, certified copies or records of the Municipality, certificates and other documents and made such investigations as we have considered necessary or desirable to enable us to express the opinions given. We have also examined and relied upon the following: 0307 1. By-law Number 2016-43 of the Municipality (the "Debenture By-law"); 2. Certificate of the Clerk of the Municipality dated July 15, 2016; 1 of2 Closing Date 3. Certificate of Signature and No Litigation of the Municipality dated July 15, 2016 ; and 4. Certificate of the Treasurer of the Municipality dated July 15, 2016. In our examinations, we have assumed the genuineness of all signatures, the authenticity of all documents submitted to us as originals, and the conformity to authentic original documents of all documents submitted to us as copies. The opinions expressed below are limited to the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein. The opinions set out herein are given as at the date hereof and rel iance on such opinions after the date hereof must be on the assumption that there has been no change in the law or in the facts on which the opinions are based; we expressly disclaim any obligation to advise any person to whom this opinion is addressed of any matters (including without limitation any facts or circumstances or any subsequently enacted , published or reported laws, regulations or judicial decisions having retroactive effect) which may come to our attention after the date hereof and which may affect any of the opinions set out herein. Based upon and subject to the foregoing, we are of the opinion that: 1. The Debenture By-law has been properly passed and is within the legal powers of the Municipality. 2. The OILC Debentures are direct, general, unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Municipality and rank concurrently and equally in respect of payment of principal and interest thereon with all other debentures of the Municipality except as to the availability of money in a sinking or retirement fund for a particular issue of debentures. 3. The OILC Debentures are enforceable against the Municipality, subject to the special jurisd iction and powers of the Ontario Municipal Board over defaulting municipalities under the Municipal Affairs Act (Ontario). This opinion is for the sole use of OILC and in connection with the transaction described above, and may not be relied upon by any other person or for any other purpose, nor quoted from or referred to in any other document without our prior written consent. Yours truly, 0307 2 of2 lib) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL BY-LAW NO. 2016"TO AMEND BY-LAW 2015-01 TO APPOINT MEMBERS AND REPRESENTATIVES TO CERTAIN BOARDS AND COMMITTEES AS AMENDED" WHEREAS By-law 2015-01, being a by-law to appoint members and representatives to certain boards and committees was passed by Municipal Council at its regular meeting of January 12, 2015; AND WHEREAS By-law 2015-01 was amended by By-law 2015-31 and 2016-01; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to further amend said by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal enacts as follows: 1. That Section 6 is added as follows: That the following are appointed to the Mainsville Cemetery Board: Steve Deschamps Robert Hamilton Melanie Stubbs 2. That existing Sections 6-23 of By-law 2015-01 are renumbered 7-24. 3. That this by-law will come into force and effect upon passing. Read a first and second time in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Read a third and final time, passed, signed and sealed in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Mayor Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL BY-LAW NO. 2016"TO AMEND BY-LAW 2012-05 AS AMENDED BEING A BY-LAW RESPECTING PERMITS RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION, DEMOLITION, CHANGE OF USE, INSPECTIONS AND PRIVATELY OWNED SWIMMING POOLS" WHEREAS Section 391 (1) of the Municipal Act, SO 2001, c.25, as amended, authorizes a municipality to impose fees or charges; AND WHEREAS By-law 2012-05, enacted the 23rd day of January, 2012, establishes rules respecting building permits in the Township of Ewardsburgh/Cardinal; 1 AND WHEREAS By-law 2012-46, enacted the 25 h day of June, 2012, added Section 27.3 Fees Payable and Schedule "B"; AND WHEREAS Council deems it adviseable to amend the Fee Schedule; AND WHEREAS a public meeting with respect to building permit fees was held on June 6, 2016; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal enacts as follows: 1. That Section 27.3 is added to By-law 2012-05: SECTION 27- FEES PAYABLE 27.3 Schedule "B" attached hereto establishes the fee schedule for building permits issued in the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal. 2. That all other provisions of By-law 2012-05 as amended will remain in force and effect. 3. That By-law 2012-46 is hereby repealed. 4. That this amendment will take effect immediately upon passing. Read a first and second time in open Council this 27th day of June, 2016. Read a third and final time, passed, signed and sealed in open Council this 27th day of June, 2016. Mayor Deputy Clerk Schedule "8" to Bylaw 2016-_ Fee Schedule for building permits Class Minimum fee for issuing permit Minimum fee for permit with 1 inspe New Residential Living Space New Residential New Residential Non-living space (Garages, Sheds, Decks, Unfinished basements etc.) Renovation to Residentiai/Commerc Institutio na 1/ Industrial/Ag ricu ltu ra I New Commercial/Industrial/Institutional Agricultural Fee $95 $150 $1.25/ sq ft $0.40/ sq ft $0.40 sq ft $0.40/ sq ft Residential Pool $0.40/ sq ft (Max $1500) $95 Wood Stove Demolition Plumbing Temporary Use Transfer of Permit Renewal of Permit Revision of Permit Value based Miscellaneous Site Inspections $95 $95 $95 $95 $95 $95 $95 $9/ $1000 (Min $95) $95 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL BY-LAW NO. 2016"A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A TEMPORARY MUNICIPAL BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER" WHEREAS the Police Services Act, RSO 1990, Chapter P15, Section 15(1 ), authorizes the Council of any municipality to appoint municipal law enforcement officers to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal enacts as follows: 1. That Jonathan Wieler is hereby appointed as Temporary Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer. 2. That by-law 2016-31 is hereby repealed. 3. That this by-law will come into force and effect on June 27, 2016. Read a first and second time in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Read a third and final time, passed, signed and sealed in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Mayor Clerk \\-0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL BY-LAW NO. 2016"TO AMEND BY-LAW 2014-76 AS AMENDED TO APPOINT MEMBERS OF THE EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD" WHEREAS By-law 2014-76, being a by-law to appoint members of the Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Public Library Board was passed by Municipal Council at its regular meeting of December 15, 2014; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend said by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburg hi Cardinal enacts as follows: 1. That Section 1 of By-law 2014-76 is amended by adding the following appointment: Joan MacKinnon 2. That Section 1 of By-law 2014-76 is amended by deleting the following appointment: Judy Roy 3. That all other provisions of By-law 2014-76 as amended shall remain in force and effect. 4. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect immediately upon passing. Read a first and second time in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Read a third and final time, passed, signed and sealed in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Mayor Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL BY-LAW NO. 2016"A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A HIGHWAY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL." WHEREAS The Municipal Act, 2001, SO 2001, c. 25, Section 31 (1) states that a municipality may establish a highway by by-law; AND WHEREAS Section 47 of the Municipal Act, 2001, c. 25 provides that the Council of a municipality may name a local municipal highway; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal enacts as follows: 1. That the lands lying and being in the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Geographic Township of Edwardsburgh, County of Grenville, Province of Ontario and located in Lots 851 to 856, Plan 55 Port of Prescott; Part of Block 1 Plan 55 Port of Prescott; Pt Gore in front of Park Lt 2 and 3 first tier W of Town PI 6 Johnstown; Part Park Lt 4 first tier W of Town PI 6 Johnstown; Part of Lot 31 Con 1 Edwardsburgh; and Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Concession 1 Edwardsburgh, being Part 1 on 15R-1 0827; Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, are hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal. 2. That the said lands are hereby dedicated as part of the Township Road System of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal 3. That the road herein described is named Edison Avenue. 4. That by-law 2008-57 of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal is hereby repealed. 5. That this bylaw will take place immediately upon passing. Read a first and second time in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Read a third and final time, passed, signed and sealed in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Mayor Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL BY-LAW NO. 2016"A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AN UNOPENED ROAD ALLOWANCE LOCATED IN PART EDISON AVE PL 55 PORT OF PRESCOTT, BEING PART 2 ON 15R11770." (PLAN 55, PORT OF PRESCOTT PART 2 ON REFERENCE PLAN 15R11770) WHEREAS Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal deems it expedient and in the public interest that the road allowance in Part Edison Ave PI 55 Port of Prescott, being Part 2 on 15R11770; Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal; being all of PIN 68155-0712(LT) in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Leeds-Grenville be stopped up and closed; AND WHEREAS Section 27(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, empowers a municipality to pass by-laws in respect of a highway over which it has jurisdiction; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal enacts as follows: 1. That the unopened road allowance, as set out and described in Schedule "A" attached be closed. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute such documents as are neceassy to affect such closure. 3. That this by-law will come into force and effect upon passing. Read a first and second time in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Read a third and final time, passed, signed and sealed in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Mayor Clerk Schedule "A" to By-law 2016-_ A parcel of land, being an unopened road allowance, located Part Edison Ave PL 55 Port of Prescott, being Part 2 on 15R11770; Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal; being all of PIN 68155-0712(L T) in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Leeds-Grenville. I I~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL BY-LAW NO. 2016"A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO EXECUTE A MARKETING LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH SERVICE LINE WARRANTIES OF CANADA, INC." WHEREAS the Municipal Act 2001, SO 2001, Chapter 25, Section 9 gives the municipality the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this Act; WHEREAS the Municipal Act 2001, SO 2001, Chapter 25, Section 8(1) states that the powers of a municipality shall be interreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on municipalities to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; WHEREAS the Municipal Act 2001, SO 2001, Chapter 25, Section 8(2) states that in the event of ambiguity, the ambiguity shall be resolved so as to include, rather than exclude, municipal powers that existed before the Municipal Act, 2001 came into force; AND WHEREAS Municipal Council deems it desirable to enter into a marketing license agreement with Service Line Warranties of Canada Inc. for purposes of further educating reisdents of possible sewer and water line warranties; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal enacts as follows: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the marketing license agreement attached hereto as "Marketing License Agreement" 2. That the "Marketing License Agreement" and its Schedules attached thereto shall form part of this by-law. 3. This by-law will come into force and take effect on its passing. Read a first and second time in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Read a third and final time, passed, signed and sealed in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Mayor Clerk MARKETING LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWNSHIP OF EDW ARDSBURGH/CARDINAL, ONTARlO & SERVICE LINE WARRANTIES OF CANADA, INC. This MARKETING LICENSE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") entered into this __day of , 2016 ("Effective Date"), by and between Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Ontario, a municipal corporation in the Province of Ontario ("Municipality"), and Service Line Warranties ofCanada, Inc. ("SLWC"), a corporation organized under the laws of British Columbia, herein collectively referred to singularly as "Party and collectively as the "Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS, SLWC has entered into a Master Contract with Local Authority Services, a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of Canada and an affiliate of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, to provide services to participating Ontario municipalities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Municipal policy, sewer and water line laterals between the mainlines and the connection on residential private property are to be maintained by the individual residential property owner ("Residential Property Owner"); and WHEREAS, Municipality desires to offer Residential Property Owners the opportunity, but not the obligation, to purchase service lateral warranties and other warranty products or services ("Warranty Products"); and WHEREAS, SLWC has agreed to provide the Warranty Products to Residential Property Owners subject to the terms and conditions contained herein; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and with the intent to be legally bound hereby, the Parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Municipality hereby grants to SL WC the right to offer the Warranty Products to Residential Property Owners within the Municipality's boundaries subject to the terms and conditions herein. Municipality further agrees that it will provide to SLWC's Canadian print house (the "Print House") a list of names and addresses of Residential Property Owners, on the strict understanding that such list shall be only used for the limited purpose of mailing materials related to the program and approved by Municipality as contemplated by this Marketing License Agreement and that such list shall not be made available to SLWC. 2. Municipality hereby grants to SLWC a non-exclusive license ("License") to use Municipality's name and logo on letterhead, advertising, billing and marketing materials to be sent to Residential Property Owners from time to time, all at SLWC's sole cost and expense and subject to Municipality's prior review and approval, which will not be unreasonably conditioned, delayed, or withheld. 3. a) The term of this Agreement ("Term") shall be three (3) years from the Effective Date. The Agreement will automatically renew for additional one (1) year terms ("Renewal Term") unless one of the Parties gives the other written notice at least ninety (90) days prior to end of the Term or a Renewal Term that the Party does not intend to renew this Agreement. b) The Municipality may terminate this Agreement thirty (30) days after giving written notice to SL WC that SL WC is in material breach ofthis Agreement if said breach is not cured during said thirty (30) period. During the Term, SL WC shall conduct marketing campaigns at the times and prices indicated on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 4. As consideration for such License, SLWC will pay to Municipality five percent (5%) of revenue for Warranty Products collected from Residential Property Owners ("License Fee") during the year. The first payment shall be due by January 30th of the year after the first year Term. Succeeding License Fee payments shall be made on an annual basis throughout the Term and any Renewal Term, due and payable on January 30th of the succeeding year. SL WC shall include with the License Fee payment to Municipality a statement signed by an SL WC corporate officer certifying the amount of revenue from Warranty Products. Municipality will have the right, at its sole expense, to conduct an annual audit, upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours, of SLWC's books and records pertaining to revenue generated by this Agreement while this Agreement is in effect and for one (I) year after any termination of this Agreement. 5. SLWC hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, and hold the Municipality, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents (collectively or individually, "Indemnitee"), harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, expenses, suits, actions, decrees, judgments, awards, attorneys' fees and court costs (individually or collectively, "Claim"), which an Indemnitee may suffer or which may be sought against or are recovered or obtainable from an Indemnitee, as a result of, or by reason of, or arising out of or in consequence of any act or omission, negligent or otherwise, of the SLWC or its officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, agents or anyone who is directly or indirectly employed by, or is acting in concert with, SLWC or its officers, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, or agents in the performance of this Agreement; provided that the applicable Indemnitee notifies SLWC of any such Claim within a time that does not prejudice the ability of SLWC to defend against such Claim. Any Indemnitee hereunder may participate in its, his, or her own defense, but will be responsible for all costs incurred in connection with such participation in such defense. 6. Any notice required to be given hereunder shall be deemed to have been given when notice is (i) received by the Party to whom it is directed by mail or delivery service (ii) telephonically faxed to the telephone number below provided that confirmation of transmission is received thereof, or (iii) by e-mail to the applicable address noted below. The notice shall be sent as follows: To Municipality: ATTN: Debra McKinstry, CAO/Clerk Township ofEdwardsburgh/Cardinal 18 Centre Street, PO Box 129 Spencerville, ON Phone: (61 3) 658-3001 Email: To SLWC: ATTN: Vice President, Business Development Service Line Warranties of Canada, Inc. 11 Grandview Circle, Suite 100 Canonsburg, P A 15 317 Phone: (720) 470-8037 E-mai I: bcarm ichael@util 7. No Third Party Beneficiary. Nothing expressed or implied in this Agreement is intended, or should be construed, to confer upon or give any person or entity not a party to this Agreement any third party beneficiary rights, interests, or remedies under or by reason of any term, provision, condition, undertaking, warranty, representation, or agreement contained in this Agreement. 8. Modifications or Amendments/Entire Agreement. All ofthe representations and obligations of the Parties are contained herein, and no modification, waiver or amendment of this Agreement or of any of its conditions or provisions shall be binding upon a party unless in writing signed by that Party or a duly authorized agent of that Party empowered by a written authority signed by that party. The waiver by any Party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of that provision by the same party, or of any other provision or condition of the Agreement. If any provision ofthis Agreement is held by a court ofcompetentjurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable for whatever reason, the remaining provisions not so declared shall, nevertheless, continue in full force and effect, without being impaired in any manner whatsoever. 9. Authority. Each Party, or responsible representative thereof, has read this Agreement and understands the contents thereof. The person(s) executing this Agreement on behalf of each Party is empowered to do so and thereby bind the respective Party. 10. This Agreement and the License granted herein may not be assigned by SL WC without the previous written consent of the Municipality, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. 11. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, all such counterparts will constitute the same contract and the signature of any Party to any counterpart will be deemed a signature to, and may be appended to, any other counterpart. Executed copies hereof may be delivered by facsimile or e-mail and upon receipt will be deemed originals and binding upon the Parties hereto, regardless of whether originals are delivered thereafter. 12. Any litigation related to this Agreement shall be brought and prosecuted exclusively in courts ofthe Province of Ontario. The governing law shall be the laws of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein. 13. The above Recitals are incorporated by this reference and expressly made part of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first written above. Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal By:----------- Service Line Warranties of Canada, Inc. By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Service Line Warranty Program Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, ON Term Sheet June 16, 2016 (Term Sheet valid for 90 days) I. Term of agreement a. Initial term i. Three years guaranteed (total of 8 campaigns) II. Annual royalty- 5% of revenue for Warranty Products collected from Residential Property Owners a. Municipality logo on letterhead, advertising, billing, and marketing materials b. Signature by Municipality official III. Products offered a. External sewer line warranty b. External water line warranty c. In-home plumbing warranty IV. Scope of Coverage a. External. sewer line warranty i. Scope is from the Public ROW boundary until line daylights inside home ... of which includes the service line under the concrete floor. [Note: If homeowner responsibility is different than this language, please advise.] b. External water line warranty i. Scope is from the meter and/or curb box until it daylights inside home ... ofwhich includes the service line under the concrete floor. [Note: If homeowner responsibility is different than this language, please advise.) c. In-home plumbing warranty i. Scope covers residential in-home water supply lines and in-home sewer lines and all drain lines connected to the main sewer stack that are broken or leaking inside the horne after the point of entry. Coverage includes broken or leaking water, sewer, or drain lines that may be embedded under the slab or basement floor. Coverage also includes repair of clogged toilets. V. Marketing Campaigns- three seasonal campaigns per year (Spring, Fall and Winter) a. 2016 Fall- Water b. 2017 Spring - Sewer c. 2017 Fall- Water d. 2018 Winter- In-home plumbing e. 2018 Spring - Sewer f. 2018 Fall- Water g. 2019 Winter- In-horne plumbing h. 2019 Spring - Sewer VI. Campaign Pricing a. Sewer i. Year 1 -$5.75 per month; $64.00 annually ii. Year 2- $5.75 per month; $64.00 annually (subject to annual review) iii. Year 3- $5.75 per month; $64.00 annually (subject to annual review) b. Water i. Year 1 - $5.00 per month; $55.00 annually ii. Year 2-$5.00 per month; $55.00 annually (subject to annual iii. Year 3- $5.00 per month; $55.00 annually (subject to annual c. In-home plumbing i. Year 1 - $6.50 per month; $73.00 annually ii. Year 2- $6.50 per month; $73.00 annually (subject to annual iii. Year 3 - $6.50 per month; $73.00 annually (subject to annual review) review) review) review) Page 1 of 4 June 27, 2016 CAO's ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE TO COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HR Meadowlands Subdivision Industrial park Giant Tiger Land Bank disposal Port Cottage Leases Port Governance Prescott WWTP Bylaw Grant Applications The annual performance appraisal season is underway and all managers and supervisors will be meeting with their staff members to review progress and identify areas for improvement. The Counties have received an application to extend the draft plan approval and their request for recommendation from the Township is before you tonight. We expect an application for rezoning to permit some semi-detached development in the next week or two. The first phase of the Class C EA to secure water supply for the Industrial Park is complete and the report has been provided to Council. It is expected that a public information session will be scheduled in July, which is slightly later than anticipated. The survey and opinion of value required for sale of surplus lands at the corner of County Road 2 and Edison have been completed. Advertising for a 30 day period as per Township policy will be underway in the coming days. Work is underway to determine ownership of the rail spur between the Port of Johnstown and the CN mainline. Site work is proceeding at a rapid pace. Foundation construction is underway and steel is being erected. We are not aware of any problems or concerns and our contracted building inspector is on site at least once per week. No further information has been received. The solicitor on this file will continue efforts to terminate the tenancy of the one remaining cottage lot close to the Port. The structures remaining on the other lots will be made secure in the coming weeks. First draft documents have been prepared and distributed to all members of the Admin & Finance Committee of the Whole. A special meeting to review the bylaws in detail with the consulting lawyer is scheduled for Tuesday June 28th at 6:30 pm No further information has been received from Prescott with respect to the reconciliation of the 2015 accounts. The next meeting of the Joint Board of Management is scheduled for September 29. Dawn Tutecky McDougall began her duties as Temporary Bylaw Enforcement Officer Assistant May 16. Unfortunately she was unable to continue in that position and has now been replaced by Jonathan Wieler after a week of overlap training time to ensure as seamless a transition as possible. A report is expected at the July 4 Admin & Finance Committee of the Whole meeting. Applications for two Canada 150 grants (Memorial Park in Cardinal and Tennis Courts in Johnstown) have been completed and filed. Resolutions of support have been requested on tonight's agenda. Page 2 of 4 June 27, 2016 Upcoming meeting schedule Absences Tuesday, June 28 - CofW Admin & Finance Special Port Governance Monday, July 4- CofW Admin & Finance Monday, July 11 -CDC Thursday, July 14- RAC Monday, July 18- CofW PW/ES/F Wednesday, July 20 - PMC Monday, July 25 - Council July 25 - August 5 - annual vacation TREASURY HR- Finance AssistantAP/Payroll 2015 Audit Asset Management Brandii Phillips began her duties as the Finance AssistantAP/Payroll on June 13 and is settling into her duties very well. Auditors are putting the finishing touches on the 2015 Financial Statements and they will be presenting them at the next Council meeting on July 25. A special Admin/Finance Committee meeting is proposed for 4:00 pm on the 25th to allow members an opportunity to ask questions outside of the time restrictions imposed by a regular Council agenda. This living document is being worked on continually by the Treasurer and by the other members of the Senior Management Team FACILITIES/RECREATION HR Pools lngredion Centre With funding assistance from the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund a Recreation Programming Coordinator has been hired for a two year position. Hope Dalton will begin work on July 4. Health Unit inspections have now been completed for all three pools the baby pool and the big pool in Cardinal as well as the pool in Johnstown -and all were authorized for opening. Township staff have worked very hard to make sure that everything was completed and in good shape. The summer program brochure has been completed and distributed and registration dates are ongoing. Registration has been brisk and the first two sessions of day camp are filling quickly. Council discussed making the walking track available during the month of July in response to requests from the public at the Committee meeting on June 20. After discussing it with the new Recreation Coordinator, it was suggested that the track be made available from 8:30 to 9:30 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Hope will be in attendance and take advantage of the opportunity to get to know some of our regular arena clients. Using the Mayor's information, staff will advise those people who had made the request and advise the public through social media and website. The walking track will be closed from August 1 to 5 while staff is Page 3 of 4 June 27, 2016 Parks making ice for the upcoming season . With assistance from a local resident for watering, a series of flower boxes has been manufactured by staff and placed on the bridge railings coming into Spencerville. The P&G community day of caring took place on June 22 with 27 employees of the company present. SERA provided lunch and it was greatly enjoyed by the workers. Our thanks to both groups. The new restaurant in Spencerville - Joe's Bar and Grill - is opening shortly and an early event will see a motorcycle tour going through town. The organizers have asked permission to erect a small vendor tent in the Clock Tower park for approximately 3 hours on Saturday July 9. The neighbouring owner, who assists with grass cutting, will be consulted. OPERATIONS - PUBLIC WORKS DrainageMary Street DrainageGlen Smail Road Community Cleanup Solid Waste Roads and Sidewalks The engineering firm RV Anderson is working on alternatives and cost estimates and a second consultation meeting will follow once the engineer has confirmed with South Nation Conservation that the proposed alternatives will be acceptable. The meeting held June 22 with representatives from the Township, SNC and OMAFRA was very informative and offered means by which the Drainage Act might be used to alleviate water problems. Staff will review this information as well as the current state of the road drainage in the area and prepare a report for Committee of the Whole in the near future . The summer students have been working very hard alongside permanent staff to continue the beautification efforts directed by Council. This is a joint effort between Public Works and Recreation . Staff is working on a report on solid waste management for Council's consideration. Gravel and dust suppressant application are complete. There have been a couple of very complimentary emails received from residents. Paving contract is substantially complete for Brouseville, Glen Smail and Froom Roads with some shouldering and line painting still outstanding. Sidewalks in Cardinal have been cleaned and Spencerville's will be done next week. Roadside mowing is underway with the new mower and is going well. The mowing is being completed following a 2-3 week gap between it and the weed spraying program performed by Counties. OPERATIONS - ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Waste/Water Systems The annual infrastructure review meeting was held June 15 with management and staff with good results. The renewed Municipal Drinking Water License has been received. Page 4 of 4 June 27, 2016 Projects Class EA work for the potable water supply in Johnstown continues. The James Street project is underway, with extremely tight timelines planned to ensure Benson school is accessible in September. OPERATIONS- MUNICIPAL DRAINS JR-DR Drain Sayeau Drain Additional information has been requested by the Drainage Tribunal and was submitted. We await further information on this matter. Billing will soon be done. FIRE DEPARTMENT HR Capital Works A review of the position of Fire Chief has begun and a report will be forthcoming. An RFP for a consultant to perform the building assessment for Station 2 is being developed. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Emergency Plan A tabletop exercise and training for the Community Emergency Control Group will be scheduled soon. UCLG has said they will host the exercise despite recent personnel changes. The annual internal review of the Township's emergency plan, as well as some training with regard to note-taking, is planned for the morning of July 13. TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL June 27,2016 \ Resolution Number: Moved By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Seconded By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COPY THAT Municipal Council receives the Mayor's Report as presented. o Carried D Defeated D Unanimous Mayor: ___________________ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Councillor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councillor K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL YEA NAY ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE \l TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL BY-LAW NO. 2016- "A BY-LAW TO ADOPT, CONFIRM AND RATIFY MATTERS DEALT WITH BY RESOLUTION" WHEREAS Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act 2001, SO 2001, Chapter 25, as amended, provides that the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS in many cases, action which is taken or authorized to be taken by the municipality does not lend itself to the passage of an individual by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh/ Cardinal enacts as follows: 1. That the actions of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, at its meeting held on June 27,2016 in respect of recommendations contained in the reports of committees considered at the meeting and in respect of each motion, resolution and other action taken by the Township of Edwardsburgh/ Cardinal at its meeting are, except where the prior approval of the Ontario Municipal Board or other authority is required by law, hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. That the Mayor and the appropriate officials of the Township of Edwardsburgh/ Cardinal are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the actions of the Council of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal referred to in the preceding section. 3. That except as otherwise provided, the Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary on behalf of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal. Read a first and second time in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016 Read a third and final time, passed, signed and sealed in open Council this 2ih day of June, 2016. Mayor Deputy Clerk TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL Resolution Number: Moved By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Seconded By: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COPY THAT Municipal Council does now adjourn at _ _ _ _ __ p.m. D Carried D Defeated D Unanimous Mayor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RECORDED VOTE REQUESTED BY: NAME Councillor M. Barrett Councillor G. Morrell Councillor K. Smail Deputy Mayor P. Taylor Mayor Sayeau TOTAL YEA r 1 June 27, 2o16 NAY