iq digital media marketing gmbh Technical Specifications


iq digital media marketing gmbh Technical Specifications
Text-Link AD
iq digital media marketing gmbh
Technical Specifications
Delivery – (general)
Delivery of 3rd-party resources (NEW: SSL)
HTML5 – (delivery)
HTML5 – (synchronisation)
HTML5 – (interaction)
HTML5 -- (click tracking)
Display ads - standard ad formats
Display ads - ad specials
XXL rectangle
Navigation teaser
Sitebar ad
Pushdown ad
Halfpage ad
Wrapper ad
Sidekick ad
Display ads – premium ad package
Dynamic wallpaper (XL)
Billboard ad
Dynamic fireplace
Billboard with reminder bar
Brand value ad
Content billboard
Brand value ad +
Display ads – video ad package
Dynamic brand value ad
Wrapper spot sticky
Lead-off combination, homepage takeover/branding Page
Floor ad
Homepage event, XL and XXL
Storytelling event
Halfpage spot expanding
Double sitebar ad
Display ads – in-page – video ads
Rollover event
Video wallpaper
Cinema ad expandable pushdown
Pushdown billboard
Video fireplace
Wide rectangle
Expandable video ad
Skyline ad
Content video ad
Slide channel
Video pushdown billboard
Intro message
High-impact ad
Billboard zoom ad
Supreme ad
Siteflip ad
Expandable tower ad
Navigation ad
Sticky navigation ad
Display ads – HTML5 ads
In-stream – video ads
Pre-roll ad
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Tablet-optimised Web banner
Mobile billboard
Special specifications
Tablet apps
Preload ad / Fullscreen interstitial
Rectangle in “Contents”
"Quality App Package" (incl. fullscreen ad)
Roadblock PLUS (n-tv)
Important information on screen-grabbing (SG)
Content switch 3D cube (SG)
Screen-grabbing ad (SG)
Fluid banner / Cinema ad
“Global Edition” ad
Separate specifications (ad formats)
Multiscreen billboard
Direct response ads
General notes
Specifications for HTML5 and 3rd party
Mobile banner standard (6:1)
Mobile banner medium (4:1)
Flash / Streaming specifications
Mobile banner large (3:1 or 2:1)
General, layer, expandable and streaming
Mobile high-impact ad (1:1)
Mobile premium rectangle
Download of ad special screenshots
Mobile halfpage ad
Mobile brand value ad
Mobile fullpage ad smartphone
Mobile pushdown ad with reminder
Mobile fullscreen interstitial
Mobile fullscreen interstitial with reminder
Mobile preloading ad
Mobile banner ad plus
Mobile pull-up banner
Mobile rollover event
Mobile rollover ad
Mobile content video ad
Mobile pushdown video ad
Mobile movie ad
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
To make sure that we can correctly identify your ad, please always include the following information:
Client name
Campaign name
Booking period
Booked site
Position on site
Ad format
Contact for queries
Nielsen product (optional)
Motif name (optional)
Delivery deadlines and address:
Standard ad formats:
Ad specials:
Tablet app ad formats (QAP):
at least 3 working days
at least 5 working days (see individual specification)
static: at least 10 working days, Rich Media: at least 15 working days
1 motif per booked position is standard. In the case of a motif split, the limit is 3 motifs per position.
Details of lead times and possible technical surcharges for motif splits with more than 3 motifs on request
Delivery address:
iq digital reserves the right to approve each motif on a case-to-case basis. Ads that cause excessive
reactances that impair use of the pages to an excessive degree can be rejected. Irrespective of the type
of ad and the provision as physical files or 3rd-party resources, ad formats are always to be initially
implemented with deactivated sound and only to be activated by deliberate interaction of the user.
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Delivery of 3rd-party resources
Please supply all elements of the campaign (script, iFrame, redirect tags, agency counting pixels and other externally hosted
resources) as HTTPS-compatible components:
For this purpose, it must be ensured in advance that all resources are hosted on SSL-certified servers. Please check whether the systems
you use for the hosting of the ads provide this option in a standardised way.
With this measure, iq digital wants to take early steps to avoid problems with regard to the developments of the Internet
Task Force (IETF) and the resulting increase in importance of HTTPS-compatible advertising resources.
The possible provision of 3rd-party tags as script, redirect or iFrame tags as well as the admissible maximum file sizes and file types therein depend
on the ad formats specified below (see individual pages). The possibility of transferring a click command to the redirect URL must be present and
documented so that “clicks” can be measured by the marketer; otherwise the clicks cannot be listed in the report.
Use of frameworks and scripts
If ad scripts, frameworks and libraries are used, the agency must ensure that they are encapsulated and not implemented in the global scope of
the website page. There should not be any resulting conflicts between the functionality of the page and ad resources, and the performance of
the website page must not be negatively impacted (in which case iq digital reserves the right to reject ad serving). It must be noted that all
referenced and loaded ad resources (incl. libraries and frameworks) are to taken into account when considering the sum of maximum
admissible file sizes. If possible, no frameworks at all should be integrated, or the functionality should be reduced to the necessary features.
Unpermitted and unaccounted serving of additional scripts to track parameters other than impression and click counting is not allowed and
must be approved in advance.
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HTML5 banner
Precondition for delivery:
HTML5 ad projects are to be implemented in encapsulated mode and outside the global scope of the website page. Individual file elements for
hosting of the ad presentation may not be delivered. HTML5 projects are therefore limited to delivery as 3rd-party iFrame or HTML5 zip files,
provided that these can be implemented on the page via ad format templates of iq digital. Please also ensure SSL-compatible protocolling (see
3rd-party resources).
In both cases, the mandatory index HTML must contain all content and files (CSS, JAVASCRIPT, IMAGE FILES …) needed for execution of the
ad banner in “self-contained” manner (see HTML5 zip on next page). Please avoid referencing external objects. Upon delivery, iq digital will
perform final implementation as iFrame in the ad template for both variants. If a 3rd-party redirect script is provided, the preconditions for the
delivery of 3rd-party resources apply. The agency or ad host then bears cross-website responsibility for correct implementation, and where
applicable the positioning and the functionality, of the entire ad format on the pages.
Please see the individual specifications for information as to whether and in what way an ad format can be provided as HTML5 and regarding
which file types and sizes can be contained. In general, all loaded ad resources are to be taken into account when considering the sum of
maximum permitted file sizes. In the case of complex HTML5 special insertions, greater leeway for the total file size of the ad presentation may
be reviewed on request in line with IAB recommendation (ONLINE: max. 200kb), (MOBILE: max. 50kb). This increase in size is not available for
standard implementations. In cases in which the KB limits result in bottlenecks, please check with the Traffic Manager whether targeting on a
WLAN or mobile data tariff-optimised version of your ad presentation is possible. A further option is to lay out your ad presentation in such a
way that smaller KB volumes are initially loaded and further data are then subsequently loaded but only if deliberately initiated by the user.
General information on “HTML5”
In principle, HTML5 ads can be served on all pages in our portfolio. The limiting factors are the different browser technologies and, where
applicable, the Doctype declarations of the website providers. The key question when it comes to “HTML5” is: which features of the HTML5
standard are used for creation purposes, and which of these features can be handled by the browser/platform in question? As it is difficult to
separate HTML5 from the features of the CSS(3) and framework techniques used within a creation, these technologies are also classified as
limiting factors. Meanwhile, almost all modern browsers support many of the HTML5 features, but there are browsers and platforms that work
less effectively on HTML5, such as older versions of Internet Explorer – see, for example, feature tests at: (iq digital
assumes no liability for the data listed therein).
For this reason, the responsible creative agency must test the techniques used in the banner for browser and platform compatibility – and also
ensure that the ad presentation can run in the relevant environments. The agency is also responsible for a suitable fallback solution within the ad
presentation in the case of non-compatible browsers, which means that there is no need for exclusions.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
HTML5 banner
Provision as 3rd-party iFrame
For optimised and standardised processing, the HTML5 advertisement is to be provided as a 3rd-party iFrame. Please note in the
following the additional information for synchronisation of combined ads using “local-connect” as well as the precondition for marketer
click tracking.
Provision as HTML5 zip file
In cases in which there is no system infrastructure for hosting of the advertising material on the pages of the advertiser, iq digital will
review on a case-to-case basis whether delivery as an HTML5 zip file is possible. If the increased workload in the insertion process and
the provision of the necessary infrastructure is not possible on the part of the marketer, iq digital will insist on the delivery of iFrames
with 3rd-party hosting.
The mandatory index HTML document on top zip archive level must implement all the files contained in the package finally and in a “selfcontained” manner. In other words, all necessary resources are to integrated with relative path referencing so that the implementation
permits independent serving of the ad, also independently of the host system. Editing of data by the marketer is not possible. If external
resources that are not physically contained in the zip package have to be referenced, they are to be integrated accordingly with absolute
path referencing to the actual host system. In this case, please also note the requirement of HTTPS compatibility of the resources and
the use of a suitable protocol for labelling.
When served on the page, the HTML5 ad presentation is implemented within an iFrame, which means that the requirements for
synchronisation of combined ads using “local-connect” and the precondition for marketer click tracking have to be met.
Video material
Video files cannot currently be delivered within HTML5 zip files (the exception being the video products specifically defined by iq digital –
see individual specifications). If your ad presentation is to implement video, it must be displayed as a 3rd-party iFrame. The maximum
size of 4 MB (for online stationary Web) in the polite download must not be exceeded, and the user experience may not be impacted by
the loading of the banner material within the context of a standard computer configuration. In cases that do not comply with this
requirement, iq digital reserves the right to reject the ad.
In the case of ad presentations in the portable Web on mobile webpages or in native apps, our specifications for “Tabletoptimised banners” and “Mobile” later on in these specifications apply!
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HTML5 banner
“Local-connect” (SOP)
HTML5 ad presentations that combine multiple banners with one another and use synchronised animation sequences (local-connect)
must take account of the fact that implementation of the ad banners on the website pages in the cases described is via iFrame. In order
to avoid possible limitations on banner communication due to the “Same Origin Policy” (SOP), there is the option of integrating a
message bridge to legitimise communication between ad iFrames in compliance with SOP.
If you host your HTML5 ad presentation via a Rich Media vendor (RMV), we recommend that you contact them to clarify the question of
the “local-connect” in advance – they may have a ready-made solution. Whether this can be supported by iq digital depends on the
manner of provision and implementation. iq digital assumes that the supplied material is documented and can be used 1:1 without
further action, and also assumes that the plausibility of code processing is ensured by the agency. The agency or RMV is also
responsible for coordination and integration of the message handlers within the ad presentation for the receipt, processing and sending
of the transmitted messages. Integration must have been carried out before the ad is delivered. The same preconditions apply in cases
in which delivery is via an HTML5 zip file and you yourself are responsible for the synchronisation of animation sequences within your
If necessary, iq digital can supply a sample template that the agency must adapt within the context of the necessary “Commands”
and “MsgData”, also ensuring its compatibility with the ad presentation and any components of the Rich Media vendor. Please contact
the responsible Traffic Management specialists at iq digital for more information.
This point addresses a key question on the organisation of the actual code structure for the animation synchronisation within your ad
creation, and this question must be clarified at the earliest possible stage prior to production. This requirement is particularly relevant if
Flash HTML5 converter tools are used, as they can under certain circumstances make it difficult to implement subsequent code
adjustments for process control purposes.
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HTML5 banner
Banner expanding, collapse, pushdown and pushup via “mouseover” and “mouseout”
The above interactions via “mouse” event are also supported in the corresponding ad formats in the case of HTML5
provided that the banner can be integrated as an iFrame in the advertising template of iq digital.
In other words, in the relevant advertising templates user actions initiated by mouse cursor in the top level of the browser
result in expansion (collapse), pushdown (pushup) of the ad space “clipped” to partial format when started – and expansion
of pushdown is then to the max. format outlined in the specifications. Please only supply an iFrame with expanded format
(equivalent to delivering “expandable” Flash files) for the “agile” part of the ad presentation.
Irrespective of the iq template features for the approval of the initial and expanded ad space, the display of the ad within the
iFrame (or HTML zip file) in the partial segment and following expansion is to be caught and implemented by the agency for
the occurring events. In this case, the template of iq digital does not pass any information on the occurring event on to the
iFrame. If you provide a 3rd-party implementation outside the template support of iq digital, the agency or the ad host is
responsible for the correct implementation of all functionalities.
Unless otherwise stipulated in the individual specification, the aforementioned functions are currently only supported for
serving in the display area for the stationary desktop Web. In other words, in the case of served ads in systems that require
different gesture and touch control, there is no expansion of the partial segment of the ad via the ad template (this also
corresponds to the current procedure with Flash implementations). If your ads include a workaround for this, please inform
the responsible Traffic Manager of this workaround.
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HTML5 banner
Clickable interaction areas within your ad format
To ensure a better user experience and compliance with specified requirements, some ad formats must provide interaction
areas for targeted user actions. You should note the cases in which these “buttons” are to be implemented in the ad by the
creative provider or, alternatively, are provided for automatically in templates used by iq digital (see individual specification).
Interaction areas of this type to be provided by the ad may, for example, take the form of buttons for closing of a layer or
limitations that only permit pushing or expanding via mouseover/mouseout once, with further execution only activated by a
click on a button.
If the creative agency itself is responsible for providing this kind of button in the ad, and if a click on a button of this kind is
to trigger an action provided by the iq template, the template must be informed about the activation of the button. As the
ad, as described above, is implemented as an iFrame if the marketer template is used, the challenges posed by the “Same
Origin Policy” apply to cross-domain communication (see section: “Local-connect”).
Please clarify with your service provider which solutions are to be implemented in order to forward this information. The
various individual specifications stipulate which “commands” or “function calls” are expected by the iq template in
question for execution of the action.
SPECIAL NOTE: iq-initiated messages
iq digital offers individual ad formats whose feature support is chiefly implemented in the iq ad template. In cases in which
these templates forward a message to the ad iFrame after an action has occurred so that the creation has the option of
reacting, the interfaces for communication described in the various individual specifications are to be implemented when
the ad is produced.
Below are some sample templates for cross-domain message exchange. It should be noted that these are solutions that
are aligned to iq templates. The responsible agency should ensure plausibility for use in your ad code. If different
communication interfaces are described in the various individual specifications, these interfaces replace the sample
templates. In the case of interactive ad formats that use the iq templates for implementation of your ads, the downstream
process must always be used for message exchange.
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HTML5 banner
TEMPLATE: “ad”-initiated messages to the iq template “function calls”
1. This code must be “uniquely” inserted in your ad in the top-level window:
<script type="text/javascript">
try{var iqdNS={};iqdNS.addEvent=function(d,c,b){if(typeof
d.attachEvent!=="undefined"){d.attachEvent("on"+c,b)}else{if(typeof d["on"+c]!=="undefined"){var
2. On the same level, implement the “Messenger” that reports an action upon activation of the click button:
<script type="text/javascript">
try{iqdNS.postCommand[iq-command] = function() {
var msgData = {info:"startAnimation"+iqdNS.creativeID,command:"[iq-command]"};
if (JSON.stringify) {, iqdNS.postOrigin);
}}; iqdNS.addEvent(iqdNS.getElm("[action-elmID]"),'click',iqdNS.postCommand[iq-command]);
3. Replace [iq-command] with the “commands” specified on the individual pages, and replace the [action-elmID] with the
element ID of your “click buttons”. Depending on the ad format, multiple “commands” may be required. In such cases, the
marked function is to be duplicated accordingly in your code and the placeholders adapted in line with the individual specification.
This code has the precondition that you have access to your HTML5 project and the code structure for control and organisation of the
animation sequences contained therein – and that all elements in the iFrame are defined on top level. In the event that the creation is hosted
via a Rich Media vendor, compatibility is to be clarified by the agency. iq command execution must be tested by the creative agency for
functionality prior to delivery. Locally defined templates in the individual specifications replace this template!
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
HTML5 banner
TEMPLATE: “ad”-initiated messages to the ad “function calls”
1. This code must be “uniquely” inserted in your ad in the top-level window:
<script type="text/javascript">
try{var iqdNS={};iqdNS.addEvent=function(d,c,b){if(typeof
d.attachEvent!=="undefined"){d.attachEvent("on"+c,b)}else{if(typeof d["on"+c]!=="undefined"){var
2. On the same level, implement the “Listener” that executes an action upon notification by the iq template:
<script type="text/javascript">
iqdNS.animationCallback = function(command) {
switch (command) {
case "[iq-command]":
// Here, insert the function call to start your animation
}};iqdNS.addEvent(window,'message',iqdNS.initAnimation);} catch(e){}
3. Replace [iq-command] with the “commands” specified on the individual pages, and replace the commentary area with your
relevant call for action execution. Depending on ad format and action, multiple “commands” can be sent. In these cases, the
marked case instruction is to be replaced accordingly (see ad format specification).
This code has the precondition that you have access to your HTML5 project and the code structure for control and organisation of the
animation sequences contained therein – and that all elements in the iFrame are defined on top level. In the event that the creation is
hosted via a Rich Media vendor, compatibility is to be clarified by the agency. iq command execution must be tested by the creative
agency for functionality prior to delivery. Locally defined templates in the individual specifications replace this template!
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
HTML5 banner
(Click tracking)
The ad server can only correctly count the clicks on an ad if a click-sensitive area with click function is used in the ad for forwarding
to the client target page and if this area triggers the corresponding click commands of the marketer when activated. As with the
current Flash implementations, the creation must implement these click-sensitive “Exit” areas in the ad.
As HTML5 ads are implemented in iFrame format if iq ad format templates are used, and as click commands cannot be
implemented if they are already hard-coded by the agency in the ad code upon delivery, provision must be made for a “click tag”
transfer as GET parameter to the iFrame URL. The ad must implement this parameter in the ad code in the relevant place when
the click is subsequently forwarded. This procedure is already the established standard for the provision of 3rd-party resources.
iq digital recommends the OVK-standardised procedure for the transfer of the marketer click command (incl. client click-through)
for HTML5 presentations. You can find a description of the necessary steps on the following page.
If you or your 3rd-party Rich Media vendor use a different approach for transfer of the click command, it may not be possible to
use the code contained therein.
In this case, we need information on how the GET parameter for transfer of marketer tracking is to be implemented. Please
provide the corresponding parameters with placeholder for the click commands in your iFrame URL. Please also inform us whether
your ad presentation expects the marketer click command upon transfer only or whether it also expects client click-through in the
parameter. If you have made the HTML5 presentation available via a zip file, please provide the necessary information in the ad
mail to the Traffic Manager.
If none of the procedures for transfer of marketer click tracking is possible, the marketer cannot document the click rates. Please
also note that no separate recording of multi-click tags is possible within an ad. Clicks are always listed in the KPI report as
cumulative clicks per ad format, provided that the marketer is in a position to record clicks via his own ad serving system.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
HTML5 banner
(Click tracking)
Click tag transfer for HTML5 ad presentations (click command + click-through) – OVK guidelines
The following procedure as described in the OVK guidelines is necessary so that the ad server of the marketer can track clicks within the
HTML5 iFrame – otherwise, the clicks cannot be documented in the report! Notation for click tags is: clicktag – the notation for multi-click tags
is: clicktag, clicktag1, clicktag2 <n>
The following code lines are to be integrated in the HTML5 ad by
the agency for transfer of the click tag:
var getUriParams = function() {
var query_string = {}, query =,
parmsArray = query.split('&');
if(parmsArray.length <= 0) return query_string;
for(var i = 0; i < parmsArray.length; i++) {
var pair = parmsArray[i].split('=');
var val = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
if (val != '' && pair[0] != '') query_string[pair[0]] = val;
return query_string;
Example: HTML and assignment of the links:
<a href="#clicktag" target="_blank" id="clicktag">IAB clicktag</a>
<a href="#clicktag2" target= "_blank" id=" clicktag2">IAB clicktag</a>
With these Javascript lines, the click tags can then be assigned to the
HTML elements of your ad:
Function test of the click tag GET parameter for transfer to the ad:
The ads must be tested by the agency for functioning click tag transfer
to rule out any unnecessary feedback loops.
In the event of multi-click integration, the test is to be extended by
additional (&)-separated click tag parameters:
%LANDINGPAGE% is to be replaced by a test target page and must
be transferred in URL‐encoded mode
In the event of ad delivery as:
HTML5 zip file, provide the click tag/landing page
combinations in your ad mail.
3rd-party redirect iFrame, provide the corresponding click tag
GET parameters in encoded form directly in the iFrame URL of
your iFrame tag.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Overview of ad format groups
Display ads
In-page ads
In-stream video ads
Linear video
(pre-roll, midroll*, post-roll*,
interactive ad)
video ads
Branded player*
Premium ad
(sitebar ad,
pushdown ad,
maxi ad*,
wrapper ad,
halfpage ad,
billboard ad,
sidekick ad,
baseboard ad*)
Ad specials
streaming ads,
*Ad formats not available in the IQD portfolio.
Please see our specifications for comparable ad
Standard ad
(full banner*,
skyscraper, wide
universal flash
layer, flash layer)
(in-text MPU,
in-text billboard*,
in-text logo,
in-text video*)
In-page video ads
Video embedding is possible
Tandem ad functionality possible
Source: Online Marketing Group (OVK)
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Display ads
In-page ads – standard ad formats
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Universal ad package*
Ad format
In-page ads: standard ad formats
Format (in pixels)
W( max.W ) x H
Exp. to max. W x
Max. KB File types
To 728 x 300
40 kb
Flash (see section "Flash")
on request) (see section
Third-party tag
(Wide) Skyscraper
160(200) x 600*
120 x 600
To 420 x 600
40 kb
Medium rectangle
300 x 250*
To 400 x 400
40 kb
Univ. flash layer
400 x 400
No exp.
40 kb
300 x 100
No exp.
40 kb
Tandem ad
728 x 90 + 160 x 600
728 x 90 + 300 x 250
160 x 600 + 300 x 250
160 x 600 + 400 x 400
300 x 250 + 400 x 400
No exp.
40 kb
Triple ad
728 x 90 + 160 x 600 +
300 x 250
No exp.
40 kb
3rd-party tags+agency counting pixels -> Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see “Delivery of 3rd-party resources”)
Expandable control: see next page
- Close button
- Auto close after 10 sec.
- Ad labelling
- Third party only <iframe>
Layer control: see next page
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
Also see:
More info in section: Flash specifications (expandable ad / layer):
More info in section: HTML5 banner (interaction – for expandable control)
at least 3 working days before the
insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Universal ad package
In-page ads: standard ad formats
(function call, expandable + layer)
Expandable control
Using AS2:
getURL("javascript:adExpand()", "_self");
getURL("javascript:adCollapse()", "_self");
//Opening of the DIV
//Closing of the DIV
Using AS3 : (function call via external interface or nav2url):
//Opening of the DIV
//Closing of the DIV
Layer control
More info in section
Flash specifications (expandable ad / layer)
//Closing of the DIV
Layer control
Using 3rd-party iFrame + HTML5 zip delivery (for integration in the agency code):
(in the case of a message to the iq template via activation of the “action” button in the ad)
Close-[iq-command]: adlayerhider
N.B. :
See the necessary information on the use of this code in the “General” section:
“HTML5 banner (interaction)”: “ad”-initiated messages
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Display ads
In-page ads - ad specials
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Display ads: ad specials
The large-format ad with maximum impact
Format (px)
W x H + R: W(max.W) x H
Format (expand)
T: 800 x 90 + R: 120(200) x 600
T: 800 x 90 to 800 x 300 or R: 160 x 600 to 420 x 600
The skyscraper adjoins the superbanner on the right!
Max. size
Image: each (T, R)
Flash*: each (T, R)
HTML5: each (T, R)
40 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
40 kb (see section "Flash")
200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
(see section “HTML5”)
Third party
Only possible as <iframe> per banner (T, R)
Third party (expand) Must be coordinated in advance with iq digital
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol ( HTTPS*)
*Expand banner
Colour: HEX decimal value or graphic (GIF/JPEG/PNG) – the background
tiles are positioned to the right and towards the bottom. Please note that the
background colour must not be the same as the colours of page elements
(example: #eeeeee on Handelsblatt)*.
Using AS2:
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the
insertion date.
//Opening of the DIV
getURL("javascript:adCollapse()","_self"); //Closing of the DIV
Using AS3 : (function call via external interface or nav2url):
//Opening of the DIV
Agency ensures that all resources of
the ad presentation are retrieved from
SSL-certified servers.
//Closing of the DIV
More info in section: Flash specifications (Expandable ad)
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Dynamic wallpaper (XL)
The large-format ad with scaling function
Format (px)
T: W(max W)xH + R: WxH
T: 800x90 + R: 300x600 (dynamic wallpaper)
T: 800(max. 950*)x250 + R: 300x600 (dynamic wallpaper XL)*
Display ads: ad specials
The sitebar (R) adjoins the superbanner (billboard) on the right!
For optimum scaling of the sitebar, we recommend the following layout for an animation
(extending beyond the size of the display) with oversized values, for example:
W: 2,300px; H: 2,600px; x: -1,000px; y: -1,000px.
Please also ensure the click button is of a corresponding size.
When designing the motif, please bear in mind that the superbanner remains static in the
initial format and does not take on the scaled format of the sitebar. The content in the
superbanner should therefore be created independently of the display in the sitebar.
Max. size
each T:40 kb (max. 80 kb for XL variant) R:60 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
each T:40 kb (max. 80 kb for XL variant) R:60 kb (see section "Flash"; exp. ad)
HTML5: each T:200 kb (max.200 kb for XL variant) R:200 kb (IFRAME/ZIP file on request)
(see section "HTML5")
All SWF content in R: fonts and images must be scalable. If the format is scaled to a larger
size, there must be no blurring. Please therefore use large resolutions relative to the max.
file size.
Third party
Colour: HEX decimal value or graphic (GIF/JPEG/PNG) – the background tiles are
positioned to the right and towards the bottom. Please note that the background colour
must not be the same as the colours of page elements
(example: #eeeeee on Handelsblatt).
The sitebar(R) is loaded in the delivered format and automatically scaled up or down to the
available area of the display area.
Animation max. 30 seconds; looping only within this time frame; the number
of repeats is to be implemented by the ad creator within the ad format.
Max. format 950px for:
ZEIT, Handelsblatt, sueddeutsche,
jetzt, szMagazin, wiwo, golem,
karriere, FAZ, areamobile
Max. formats for: 937px, ariva 760px
Possible as iFrame
3rd-party tags+agency
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
counting pixels
* Position for T in variant XL
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the
insertion date.
Agency ensures that all resources of the
ad presentation are retrieved from
certified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Display ads: ad specials
Formats (px)
870x90 + L,R: 140(160)x600
960x90 + L,R: 140(160)x600
970x90 + L,R: 120(140)x600
1150x90 + L,R: 120(140)x600
980x90 + L,R: 120(140)x600
T: 1000x90 + L,R: 120x600
T: 1040x90 + L,R: 120(200)x600
Max. file size
Third party
W x H + L,R: W(max.W) x H
apotheken-umschau, baby-und-familie
sueddeutsche, szMagazin
handelsblatt, wiwo, golem, zeit, karriere, ariva,
spektrum, faz
n-tv (only bookable as roadblock PLUS!)
Image: each (T, L, R) 40 kb (GIF/JPEG / PNG)
each (T, L, R) 40 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: each (T, R, R) 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
(see section "HTML5")
Only possible as <iframe> per banner (T,L,R)!
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
at least 5 working days before the insertion
The formats are optimised for the standard resolution: 1280x1024.
Colour: HEX decimal value or graphic (GIF/JPEG/PNG) – the background tiles
are positioned to the right and towards the bottom. Please note that the
background colour must not be the same as the colours of page elements
(example: #eeeeee on Handelsblatt).
From 2014: background format for homepage event: T: W x 40px + L,R
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Dynamic fireplace (1/2)
Format (px)
T: W x H + L,R: W x H
870x90 + L,R: 300x600
960x90 + L,R: 300x600
970x90 + L,R: 300x600
980x90 + L,R: 300x600
T: 1000x90 + L,R: 300x600
T: 1040x90 + L,R: 300x600
Display ads: ad specials
apotheken-umschau, baby-und-familie
sueddeutsche, szMagazin
handelsblatt, wiwo, golem, zeit, karriere,
ariva , areamobile
spektrum, faz
n-tv (only bookable as roadblock PLUS!)
The ad format consists of a left-hand sitebar, a right-hand sitebar and a superbanner.
For optimum scaling of the two sitebars, we recommend the following layout for an
animation (extending beyond the size of the display) with oversized values, for example:
W: 2300px; H: 2600px; x: -1000px; y: -1000px.
Please also ensure the click button is of a corresponding size.
When designing the motif, please bear in mind that the superbanner remains static in the
initial format and does not take on the scaled format of the sitebar. The content in the
superbanner should therefore be created independently of the display in the sitebar.
Max. size
each L:60 kb T:40 kb R:60 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
each L:80 kb T:40 kb R:80 kb (see section "Flash"; exp. ad)
HTML5: each L:200 kb T:40 kb R:200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
(see section “HTML5”)
All SWF content in the left and right-hand sitebar: fonts and images must be scalable. If the
format is scaled to a larger size, there must be no blurring. Please therefore use large
resolutions relative to the max. file size.
Third party
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Delivery as iFrame possible; iq digital automatically sets the width and height of the
iFrame to the area of the available display area and ensures positioning in the
permanently visible area of the browser. The party supplying the ad to the agency or the
Rich Media vendor is responsible for correct display and scaling of the ad
elements within the iFrame.
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Dynamic fireplace (2/2)
Colour: HEX decimal value or graphic (GIF/JPEG/PNG) – the background
tiles are positioned to the right and towards the bottom. Please note that the
background colour must not be the same as the colours of page elements
(example: #eeeeee on Handelsblatt).
The left-hand and right-hand sitebars are loaded in the delivered format and
automatically scaled up or down to the available area of the display area.
Animation max. 30 seconds; looping only permitted within this time frame; the number
of repeats is to be implemented by the ad creator within the ad format.
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Brand value ad
Dynamic brand value ad
Format (px)
Fireplace + billboard + background (image)
Format (px)
Double sitebar ad + billboard
Display ads: positioning events
Information on ad formats:
Double sitebar ad
see section “Billboard”
see section “Fireplace”
see section “Double
sitebar ad”
Brand value ad +
Format (px)
Fireplace + billboard + background (image) + header logo
Note: only possible on AREAMOBILE
Header logo:
When designing the motif, please bear in
mind that the billboard remains static in
the initial format and does not take on the
scaled format of the two sitebars. The
content in the billboard should therefore
be created independently of the display in
the sitebars.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Lead-off combination
Display ads: positioning events
Format (px)
Wallpaper + 300 x 250
Billboard + 300 x 250
Information on ad formats:
Wide rectangle
see section “Billboard”
see section “Wide rectangle
see section “Fireplace”
Zeit Online format and Süddeutsche only:
* Wallpaper + content billboard + 300x250
** Wallpaper + content billboard
Homepage takeover
Homepage branding
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Format (px)
Wallpaper + content billboard/wide rectangle*
+ 300 x 250
Format (px)
Wallpaper + wide rectangle**
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Homepage event
Format (px)
Billboard + background (image)
Fireplace + background (image)
Display ads: positioning events
Information on ad formats:
Homepage event XL
Format (px)
Billboard + background (image) + 300 x 250
Fireplace + background (image) + 300 x 250
see section "Billboard"
see section “Wide rect.”
see section “Fireplace”
* In the case of Zeit Online and
content billboard instead of wide
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Homepage event XXL
Format (px)
Billboard + background (image) + 300 x 250 +
wide rectangle *
Fireplace + background (image) + 300 x 250 +
wide rectangle*
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Storytelling event *
Format (px)
Fireplace + 4 x billboard or fireplace + 1 x billboard
pushdown + 3 x billboard)
Display ads: positioning events
Information on ad formats:
see section "Billboard"
see section
Pushdown billboard see section
"Billboard pushdown”
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
* Only possible on
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Double sitebar ad
Optimum scaling with double the area
Format (px)
Display ads: ad specials
2 x elements (left/right), each 300 x 600px (recommended size);
For optimum scaling, we recommend the following layout for an
animation (extending beyond the size of the display) with oversized values,
for example:
each W: 2300px; H: 2600px; x: -1000px; y: -1000px (the creative agency
is responsible for motif display within the frames in the case of different scaling of
the Flash stage). Please also ensure the click tag click button is of a
corresponding size.
Max. file size
max. each 80 kb (see section "Flash")
Fallback: max. each 60 kb (JPG/PNG/GIF)
max. each 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
(see section “HTML5”)
All content: fonts and images must be scalable. If the format is scaled
to a larger size, there must be no blurring. Please therefore use large
resolutions relative to the max. file size.
The ad is loaded in the delivered format and automatically scaled up or
down to the available area of the display area.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Delivery as iFrame possible; iq digital automatically sets the width and
height of the iFrame to the area of the available display area and ensures
positioning in the permanently visible area of the browser. The party
supplying the ad to the agency or the Rich Media vendor is
responsible for correct display and scaling of the ad elements within the
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Third party
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Animation max. 30 seconds; looping only within this time frame; ; the
number of repeats is to be implemented by the ad creator within the ad format.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Rollover event (part 1)
This ad implements a large-format background image in the viewport of the browser that is
permanently fixed in the visible area of the user and optionally clickable for forwarding to the
client page. Implementation is based on a display mode in which the background also remains
visible in the further in-page booking positions at all times (see banner positions 1, 2 and 3) as
if looking through a window. Insertion of the individual positions with image-font combination
knockouts creates a rollover effect when the user scrolls the page.
Display ads: ad specials
Important notes
Background image
Please supply the image in 16:9 format (you can find the recommended pixel size on the following page).
Please ensure that, during implementation, the background image is scaled for optimum display if needed.
The served format may differ from the originally delivered size. 2 variants are available for background
covering for scaling purposes:
Cover (recommended)
Banner 1
Banner 2
Banner 3*
Scales the background image as large (small) as possible so that the viewport of the browser is completely
covered by the background image. Depending on the requirement of the scaling process, parts of the
background (top, bottom or right, left) may be shown in the non-visible part of the browser in order to retain
the image aspect ratios.
Scales the background image as large (small) as possible to ensure that the complete width and height of
the image always remain in the visible part of the viewport. If the viewport aspect ratios are unsuitable, this
may result in areas in the visible browser segment that are not covered by the image (“bars” – top, bottom
or left, right) in order to compensate for the different device ratios.
When booking, please specify one of the variants for coverage of the browser viewport. Integration of the
image is aligned centrally in both cases so that the vanishing point of the image is in the centre of the
viewport. In both cases, please also refrain from positioning relevant advertising information (e.g. texts)
within your background motif, as we cannot assume any liability for visibility and positioning accuracy
depending on the device resolution and the service page.
Banner 1,2 and 3 (+4) Please note that the ads for single positioning require a transparent stage to retain the rollover effect (see
“Formats”, 2nd page). Here as well, the ad presentation is to be designed independently of the
background, as scaling effects may result in differences in presentation.
Some older browsers can have problems displaying transparent stages (the ad presentation is then
generally covered in white). iq digital is also unable to assume any liability with regard to the few devices of
this kind that are still in use.
*Illustration of banner position for
ZEITONLINE and Süddeutsche
(see “Formats”, “Banner3”)
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the
insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Rollover event (part 2)
Display ads: ad specials
Format (W x H in pixels)
Background image
1920 x 1080 (16:9 required)
Banner 1
820 x 250
930 x 250
940 x 250
960 x 250
apotheken-umschau, baby-und-familie
sueddeutsche, zeit, handelsblatt, golem
faz, areamobile
Banner 2
al above portals
Banner 3
460 x 250
980 x 500
610 x 250
590 x 250
940 x 250
620 x 250
apotheken-umschau, baby-und-familie
faz, golem
940 x 620
930 x 620
handelsblatt, sueddeutsche (high-impact ad)
wiwo (high-impact ad)
Background image
120 kb (JPG/GIF/PNG)
Banner (1, 3)
each 80 kb (PNG/GIF)
each 80 kb (see section "Flash")
each 200 kb (see section “HTML5 banner”) – as 3rd-party iFrame / ZIP file)
Banner 2
40 kb (PNG/GIF)
40 kb (see section "Flash")
200 kb (see section “HTML5 banner”) – as 3rd-party iFrame / ZIP file
Third party
Only possible for banners (1, 2 and 3 (+4)) - background image must be physically delivered.
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Banner 4 (optional)
Banner 1
Banner 2
Banner 3*
Max. file size / File type
*HTTPS: agency ensures that all resources of the ad presentation are retrieved from SSL-certified servers.
*Banner position only shown for
ZEITONLINE and Süddeutsche
(see “Formats”, “Banner 3”)
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the
insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Cinema ad expandable pushdown (part 1)
Formats (px)
Display ads: ad specials
W x H to 100% viewport width x H ( max. pushdown)
760 x 200(250) to 100% x 380(pushdown)
820 x 200(250) to 100% x 380(pushdown)
930 x 250 to 100% x 380 (pushdown)
940 x 250 to 100% x 380 (pushdown)
940(996) x 250 100% x 380 (pushdown)
960 x 200(250) to 100% x 380 (pushdown)
sueddeutsche, szMagazin,
jetzt, golem, zeit,
handelsblatt, wiwo
n-tv (only bookable as
roadblock PLUS!)
faz , areamobile
Third party
see section on HTML5 banners – as 3rd-party iFrame / ZIP file
Only as iFrame
Max. file size
Content of agency iFrame / HTML5 zip file -> 200 kb
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
The ad is positioned below the navigation bar and above the content area
on the page. It starts in an initial billboard size and is expanded to full
viewport width and a height of 380 pixels.
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad presentation are retrieved from
SSL-certified servers.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Important note:
Please see part 2 and part 3 for the provision of features in the case of implementation by iq digital.
For the full-featured version of the ad format, supply exactly one iFrame or HTML5 ZIP file
containing your ad presentation. Please also supply a fallback IMAGE as 3rd-party or for physical
delivery as (JPG, PNG or GIF) with “only” initial billboard format for serving on tablet systems.
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Cinema ad expandable pushdown (part 2)
Display ads: ad specials
Please note the following when creating the ad
The following features are provided by iq digital. Following corresponding user interaction, iq digital
transfers the initial and expanded ad area in animated mode to your ad frame. This is to be provided as a
redirect in the form of a 3rd-party iFrame or HTML5 zip file. The ad presentation contained therein must
incorporate all the necessary resources for the correct playing of your ad presentation. The creative
agency is responsible for the correct implementation and functionality of the ad content.
iq digital implements 2 possible interaction modes for expansion of the initially loaded ad area. Mode 1
allows one-time expansion of the ad area via mouseover and mouseout, and the iq template then
implements a push button that has to be activated for further expansion. Mode 2 implements purely
click-based expansion control. The button is also provided by the iq template. The mode used is
determined by the page operator.
Mode 1: wiwo, zeit, handelsblatt
Mode 2: sueddeutsche, szMagazin, jetzt, golem, faz
To ensure that your ad can react to the interactions to change the ad area, the iq template forwards the
following status messages for optional use to your iFrame:
1. User initiates expanding via mouseover or button click: adInitExpand
2. Upon completion of the expanding animation (ad area is now expanded to the max. available area):
3.User initiates collapsing via mouseout or button click: adInitCollapse
4. Completion of collapsing action (ad area returns to the initial minimised area): adCollapsed
Expanding/Collapsing each take place in 2 animated steps, first for the height, then for the width.
Please note that your iFrame ls always aligned at the left top relative to the ad space.
Instructions for integration of the iq ad server click command in the iFrame URL are necessary so that
iq digital can also count clicks via its own ad server. The service provider can provide the necessary
information if the agency uses a Rich Media server.
With regard to HTML5 implementation, please see the separate information for HTML5 in the general
section of the technical specifications.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Cinema ad expandable pushdown (part 3)
Note on expandable pushdown
Some older browsers can have problems with animated presentation. iq digital is unable to
assume any liability with regard to the few devices of
this kind that are still in use.
You can use the following script snippet to capture the messages initiated by the iq template
within your ad and to optionally use these messages for your own animation control purposes:
var iqdNS={};iqdNS.addEvent=function(g,h,e){if(typeof
r b=window.location.href.toLowerCase();return
//Click on “Expand” button
//Please insert your code here
//Ad area is expanded
//Please insert your code here
//Click on “Collapse” button
//Please insert your code here
//Ad area is collapsed
//Please insert your code here
Before producing and delivering the ads, please contact Ad Management at iq digital to
coordinate details and clarify any open questions.
Display ads: ad specials
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Billboard pushdown (part 1)
Display ads: ad specials
Formats (px)
760 x 200(250)
820 x 200(250)
930 x 200(250)
937 x 200(250)
940 x 200(250)
500 (pushdown)
500 (pushdown)
500 (pushdown)
500 (pushdown)
500 (pushdown)
960 x 200(250) to 500 (pushdown)
940(996) x 250 to 500 (pushdown)
Max. file size
Third party
W x H(max. H) to H(max. pushdown)
apotheken-umschau, baby-und-familie
sueddeutsche, szMagazin,
jetzt, golem, zeit, handelsblatt, wiwo
faz, areamobile
n-tv (only bookable as roadblock
PLUS below content navigation!)
Image: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
80 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (see section “HTML5”)
Possible on request!
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (HTTPS*)
See note on “Billboard pushdown (part 2)” on 2nd page.
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Billboard pushdown (part 2)
Note on pushdown:
Mouseover (one time) – initial call for expansion
Mouseout – ad collapses and a button “Play again” is displayed.
Further pushdowns only following a click on the button. If the ad expands following a click, a button for
closing of the banner must subsequently be displayed in the agency ad.
Push control
Using AS2:
getURL("javascript:iqdExpandPB()", "_parent");
getURL("javascript:iqdCollapsePB()", "_parent");
Using AS3 (function call via external interface or nav2url)):
PushDown: iqdExpandPB
More info in section: “Flash specifications (expandable ad)”
Push control
Using 3rd-party iFrame + HTML5 zip delivery (for integration in the agency code):
(in the case of a message to the iq template via activation of the “action” button in the ad)
PushDown-[iq-command]: iqdExpandPB
PushUp-[iq-command]: iqdCollapsePB
See the necessary information on the use of this code in the “General” section:
“HTML5 banner (interaction)”: “ad”-initiated messages
Before producing and delivering the ads, please contact Traffic Management at iq digital to coordinate details and clarify any open
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Wide rectangle
Display ads: ad specials
Format (px)
410 x 180
460 x 250
528 x 180
560 x 180
620 x 250
660 x 250
Max. file size
Third party
apotheken-umschau, baby-und-familie
golem, faz
zeit (in central position on article pages)
Image: 60 kb (GIF/JPEG)
60 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (see section “HTML5”)
Only possible as <iframe>!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Skyline ad
Display ads: ad specials
Formats (px)
T: 760 x 200(250) + L,R: 120(200) x 600
T: 820 x 200(250) + L,R: 120(200) x 600
T: 930 x 200(250) + L,R: 120(140) x 600
Max. file size
Third party
W x H(max.H) + L,R: W(max.W) x H
937 x 200(250)
940 x 200(250)
960 x 200(250)
940(996) x 250
L,R: 120(160) x 600
L,R: 120(140) x 600
L,R: 120(200) x 600
L,R: 120(200) x 600
zeit, golem, handelsblatt
faz, areamobile
n-tv (only bookable as
roadblock PLUS!)
Image: T: 80 kb + each (L,R) 40 kb (GIF/JPEG / PNG)
T: 80 kb + each (L,R) 40 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: T: 200 kb + each (L,R) 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
(see section "HTML5")
Only possible as <iframe> per banner (T,L,R)!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Slide channel
Format (px)
T: W x H + R: W x H to R: W(sidekick - expand) x H
T: 800x90 + R: 120(200)600 to R: 1000 (sidekick - expand) x 600
Max. file size
Image: T: 40 kb + R: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG / PNG)
T: 40 kb + R: 80 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: T: 40 kb + R: 80 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
(see section “HTML5”)
Third party
Possible by arrangement
Display ads: ad specials
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Function call
(if realised by iqd)
Sky section is initially loaded as a clipped cutout with the format 120(200) x 600.
Mouse click “Start” – expands to 1000 x 600.
Mouse click “Close” – collapses to initial format.
Using AS2:
getURL("javascript:iqdExpandSC()","_self"); //Opening of the DIV
getURL("javascript:iqdCollapseSC()","_self"); //Closing of the DIV
Using AS3 :
(function call via external interface or nav2url):
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
//Opening of the DIV
//Closing of the DIV
at least 5 working days before the insertion
More info in section “Flash specifications (expandable ad)”
Push control:
Using 3rd-party iFrame+HTML5 zip delivery (integration in the agency code):
(in the case of a message to the iq template via activation of the “action” button in the ad)
Expand-[iq-command]: iqdExpandSC
Collapse-[iq-command]: iqdCollapseSC
See the necessary information on the use of this code in the “General” section:
“HTML5 banner (interaction)”: “ad”-initiated messages
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Before producing and delivery the ads, please coordinate and clarify details with iq digital.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Intro message
Exclusive intro page
Display ads: ad specials
Format (px)
Max. file size
Image: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG / PNG)
80 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (see section “HTML5”)
Third party
Only possible as <iframe>!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Max. duration: 10 secs
Frame of intro page, ad labelling, counter and “Close”
button all provided by iq digital.
Intro page closes automatically after 10 secs. No interaction
between ad and intro page possible.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
High-impact ad
The ad that makes a big splash
Format (px)
Display ads: ad specials
940 x 620
930 x 620
handelsblatt, sueddeutsche
Max. file size
Image: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG)
80 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (see section
Third party
Only possible as <iframe>!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Supreme ad
The large-format ad with maximum impact
Format (px)
Display ads: ad specials
300 x 1050
Version type A:
Please note the modular layout based on version type A (the characteristic
features can be found in the IAB Style Guides below). Please provide the ad
as a finished product in the following variants.
Max. size
Image: 120 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
Flash**: 120 kb (see section Flash)
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (see section "HTML5")
Third party
Only as <iframe>
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad presentation are retrieved from
SSL-certified servers.
Version light: *
**Please note the participating sites via “Media data”
Realisation of supreme ad according to Association of German Newspaper Publishers (VDZ):
If you want to use the extended functionalities or modules based on the layout and dimension
according to the VDZ and the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), please contact your Rich Media
vendor or contact the person named below as first point of contact for realisation by ADTECH:
Mr. Christoph Henn (Senior Sales Manager):
You can find a detailed description of the modular characteristics of the supreme ad at:
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the
insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Expandable tower ad (part 1)
The large-format ad with maximum impact
Display ads: ad specials
Format (px)
W x H to W(expand) x H
300 x 850 to 850 x 850*
* The following format is also bookable as an alternative on +
300(405) x 850 to 850 x 850*
Max. size
Image: 60 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
Flash*: 60 kb (see section “Flash”)
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (see section "HTML5")
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad presentation are retrieved from SSL-certified servers.
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the
insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Expandable tower ad (part 2)
The large-format ad with maximum impact
Mouseover (one time) – initial call for of expansion
Mouseout – ad collapses and a button (“Play again”) appears.
Display ads: ad specials
Further expansion only possible if user clicks on button.
If the ad is expanded via user click, a button must then appear to
close the banner.
Function call
Expandable control:
using AS2:
getURL("javascript:adExpand()", "_self");
//Opening of the DIV
getURL("javascript:adCollapse()", "_self"); //Closing of the DIV
Using AS3 : (function call via external interface or nav2url):
//Opening of the DIV
//Closing of the DIV
More info in section “Flash specifications” (Expandable ad / Layer)
Expandable control:
Using 3rd-party iFrame + HTML5 zip delivery (for integration in the agency code):
(in the case of a message to the iq template via activation of the “action” button in the ad)
Expand-[iq-command]: adExpand
Collapse-[iq-command]: adCollapse
See the necessary information on the use of this code in the “General” section:
“HTML5 banner (interaction)”: “ad”-initiated messages
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the
insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Navigation ad
Formats (px)
760 x 200(250) +
820 x 200(250) +
930 x 100(200) +
940 x 100(200) +
960 x 100(200) +
Max. file size
Display ads: ad specials
W x H(expand to H) + W x H (Layer)
760 x 415
760 x 415
930 x 415
940 x 415
960 x 415
apotheken-umschau, baby-und-familie
wiwo, zeit, golem, handelsblatt
faz, areamobile
Exp. bar teaser
Flash bar: 60 kb (see section "Flash")*
Flash frame:
80 kb (see section "Flash")*
*If no FlashPlugIn is present, only the fallback image file of the bar is played.
Third party
Only possible by arrangement
3rd-party tags +
agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
(example: HB)
Wad is initially loaded as a clipped cutout in the format 930 x 100.
“Start Preview Teaser” - expands to 930 x 200
Mouse click
“Preview Teaser” - Frame is shown. It is integrated below the teaser
bar in the content.
In the event that the expanding bar contains a transparent foundation, please
integrate a “Close” button as a fallback.
Flash frame needs a “Close” button, clearly positioned in the visible area
at bottom right.
Expandable control
AS2: getURL("javascript:iqdExpandNA()", "_self"); //Opening of the DIV
AS2: getURL("javascript:iqdCollapseNA()", "_self"); //Closing of the DIV
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the
insertion date.
Using AS3 : (function call via external interface or nav2url):
//Opening of the DIV
//Closing of the DIV
Flash layer control
(via click)
AS2: getURL("javascript:iqdExpandFrameNA()", "_self"); // Opening of the layer
AS2: getURL("javascript:iqdCollapseFrameNA()", "_self"); //Closing of the layer
AS3: iqdExpandFrameNA / iqdCollapseFrameNA
//Opening/Closing of layer
Agency ensures that all resources of
the ad presentation are retrieved from
SSL-certified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Sticky navigation ad – part 1
Display ads: ad specials
Formats (px)
W x H + L,R: W(max.W) x H to max. expW x H
Frame: 870x600 + L,R: 120(160)x600 to max. 320x600
Frame: 960x600 + L,R: 120(160)x600 to max. 320x600
Frame: 970x600 + L,R: 120(160)x600 to max. 320x600
Frame: 980x600 + L,R: 120(160)x600 to max. 320x600
Frame: 1000x600 + L,R: 120(160)x600 to max. 320x600
Max. file size
each (L, R)
each (L, R)
Third party
Only possible by arrangement
golem, zeit, handelsblatt, ariva,
40 kb + frame 80 kb (GIF/JPEG / PNG)
40 kb + frame 80 kb (see section "Flash")
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
The skyscrapers are initially loaded as a clipped cutout with the format 120(160) x 600
with a spacing of 40px towards the top.
Mouseover* - sky expands to max. 320px width – preview teasers** become visible.
Mouseout* - sky collapses to original state.
Mouse click* - frame is faded in
*(on navigation elements within the initially visible sky area)
** (preview teasers should provide some idea of the frame content. The design is the
responsibility of the creative producer.)
(Screenshot download link–
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Sticky navigation ad – part 2
Display ads: ad specials
The expanding part of the sky must contain a transparent foundation; only the preview
teasers are visible following expansion. The frame is only visible via click and must be
a clearly visible “Close” button.
Sticky functionality
All elements of the ad format are implemented as sticky elements with permanent visibility,
provided that the screen resolution permits full visibility of all elements. Otherwise, the
ad is
served in static scrollable mode to ensure that the functionality of the creation is
Expandable control
Please use the following functions for expanding/collapsing of the sky via external interface
or getURL call from JavaScript:
//Expanding of left skyscraper
//Collapsing of left skyscraper
//Expanding of right skyscraper
//Collapsing of right skyscraper
Flash layer control
Please use the following functions for fade-in/fade-out of the frame via external interface
or getURL call from JavaScript:
(via click)
Wherever possible, please
send the ads in ZIP file format
//Fade-in of frame
//Fade-out of frame
Colour: HEX decimal value or graphic (GIF/JPEG/PNG) – the background tiles are positioned
to the right and at the bottom.
at least 5 working days before
the insertion date.
Agency ensures that all
resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from
SSL-certified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
XXL rectangle
The ad in the picture gallery
Format (px)
Display ads: ad specials
600 x 400
Max. file size
Image: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG)
80 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
(see section "HTML5")
Third party
Only possible as <iframe>!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Navigation teaser
The teaser in the main navigation bar
Display ads: ad specials
Format (px)
W x H(max. H)
300 x 150
handelsblatt, wiwo
Max. file size
40 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
Third party
Not possible!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol. Agency ensures that all
resources of the ad presentation are retrieved from SSL-certified
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 3 working days before the insertion
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Display ads
In-page ads – premium ad package
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Sitebar ad
Optimum scaling
Format (px)
Display ads: ad specials
W x H - 300 x 600 (recommended size)
For optimum scaling, we recommend the following layout for an
animation (extending beyond the size of the display) with oversized values,
for example:
W: 2300px; H: 2600px; x: -1000px; y: -1000px.
Please also ensure the click button is of a corresponding size.
Max. file size
max. 80 kb (see section "Flash")
Fallback: max. 60 kb (JPG/PNG/GIF)
max.200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
(see section "HTML5")
All content: fonts and images must be scalable. If the format is scaled
to a larger size, there must be no blurring. Please therefore use large
resolutions relative to the max. file size.
The ad is loaded in the delivered format and automatically scaled up or
down to the available area of the display area.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Third party
Delivery as iFrame possible; iq digital automatically sets the width and
height of the iFrame to the area of the available display area and ensures
positioning in the permanently visible area of the browser. The party
supplying the ad to the agency or the Rich Media vendor is
responsible for correct display and scaling of the ad elements within the
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Animation max. 30 seconds; looping only within this time frame; the number
of repeats is to be implemented by the ad creator within the ad format.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Pushdown ad (part 1)
Universal ad package
Format (px)
Display ads: ad specials
to (W x H) (expand)
728x90 to 728x300 (expanded)
Max. file size
Image: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
80 kb (see section Flash)
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
(see section "HTML5")
Third party
By arrangement!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
See note on Pushdown ad (part 2) on the 2nd page
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Pushdown ad (part 2)
Universal ad package
Note on pushdown:
Mouseover – first-time call / expand
Mouseout - ad collapses and a button (“Play again”) is shown.
Further pushdowns only following a click on the button. If the ad expands following a click, a button for
closing of the banner must subsequently be displayed.
Push control
Using AS2:
getURL("javascript:iqdExpandPA()", "_self");
//Opening of the DIV
getURL("javascript:iqdCollapsePA()", "_self"); //Closing of the DIV
Using AS3 (function call via external interface):
//Opening of the DIV
//Closing of the DIV
More info in section: “Flash specifications (Expandable ad)”
Push control
Using 3rd-party iFrame + HTML5 zip delivery (for integration in the agency code):
(in the case of a message to the iq template via activation of the “action” button in the ad))
PushDown-[iq-command]: iqdExpandPA
PushUp-[iq-command]: iqdCollapsePA
See the necessary information on the use of this code in the “General” section:
“HTML5 banner (interaction)”: “ad”-initiated messages
Before producing and delivering the ads, please contact Traffic Management at iq digital to coordinate the ad and clarify
any open questions.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Halfpage ad
Display ads: premium ad package
Format (px)
300 x 600
Max. file size
Image: 50 kb (GIF/JPEG / PNG)
50 kb (see section Flash)
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (see section "HTML5")
Third party
Only possible as <iframe>!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Expanding banner
On request only!
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Wrapper ad
The ad with ample space for creative ideas
Display ads: premium ad package
Format (px)
Max. file size
Image: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
80 kb (see section “Flash”)
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (see section "HTML5")
Third party
Only possible as <iframe>!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Max. duration 15 secs*, after which the wrapper ad opens
The layer properties (animation, open, close) are realised
by iq digital – a “Close” button is already integrated in the
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
* for max. duration of 7 secs
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Sidekick ad
Format (px)
Max. file size
Third party
W x H to W (sidekick - expand) x H
120(200) x 600 to 1000 x 600 (sidekick - expand)
Display ads: ad specials
Image: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
80 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (see section "HTML5")
Possible by arrangement
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Ad is initially loaded as a clipped cutout with the format 120(200) x 600.
Mouse click “Start” – expand to 800(1000) x 600
Mouse click “Close” – collapse to initial format
Function call
Using AS2:
(if realised by iqd)
//Opening of the DIV
getURL("javascript:iqdCollapseSA()","_self"); //Closing of the DIV
Using AS3 :
(function call via external interface or nav2url):
Push control:
//Opening of the DIV
//Closing of the DIV
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
More info in section: Flash specifications (Expandable ad)
Using 3rd-party iFrame + HTML5 zip delivery (in agency code):
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Collapse-[iq-command]: iqdCollapseSA
(in the case of a message to the iq template through activation of the “action” button
in the ad)
N.B. see the required information for the use of this code in the “General” section: “HTML5
banner (interaction)”: “ad”-initiated messages .
Before producing and delivering the ads, please consult iq Traffic Management.
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Display ads: ad specials
Formats (px) *1
760 x 200(250)
820 x 200(250)
930 x 200(250)
937 x 200(250)
940 x 200(250)
960 x 200(250)
990 x 200(250)
940(996) x 250
Max. file size
Third party
Position for fixed booking + product special (p.28 – 30)
(below content navigation)
W x H(max. H)
apotheken-umschau, baby-und-familie
sueddeutsche, szMagazin,
jetzt, zeit, golem, handelsblatt,, wiwo
faz, areamobile
n-tv (only bookable as roadblock PLUS
below content navigation!)
Image: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG / PNG)
80 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
(see section "HTML5")
see formats (px)*1
Position in rotation (above content)*2
*2 max Format 950px for:
ZEIT, Handelsblatt, sueddeutsche,
jetzt, szMagazin, wiwo, golem,
karriere, FAZ , areamobile
Otherwise, see max. formats on left for:, ariva
Only possible as <iframe>!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Expanding banner
Only on request!
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Colour: HEX decimal value or graphic (GIF/JPEG/PNG) – the
background tiles are positioned to the right and towards the bottom.
Please note that the background colour may not be the same as the
colours of page elements (example: #eeeeee on Handelsblatt).
For homepage events, the background format is H 40px
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Billboard with reminder bar (1/2)
Display ads: ad specials
Formats W x H(max. H) to H
820 x 200(250)
940 x 200(250)
820 x 60
940 x 60
Billboard, max. file size
1. Initial status
2. During scrolling, the billboard
remains sticky for 5 secs. at
the bottom of the screen
apotheken-umschau, baby-und-familie
ariva, karriere, ingenieur,
sueddeutsche, szMagazin,
zeit, golem, handelsblatt,, wiwo, areamobile, spektrum, n-tv
apotheken-umschau, baby-und-familie
ariva, karriere, ingenieur,
sueddeutsche, szMagazin,
zeit, golem, handelsblatt,, wiwo, areamobile, spektrum, n-tv
Image: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (s.Kap.HTML5)
Reminder, max. file size
Image: 40 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request) (s.Kap.HTML5)
Third party
Only possible as <iframe>!
Third-party tags +
agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol ( HTTPS*)
3. After 5 secs.:
turns into a sticky
reminder bar
4. After expansion, the
billboard + the reminder
bar are visible and sticky
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Billboard with reminder bar (2/2)
During scrolling, the billboard remains sticky at the bottom margin of the screen
for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, it turns into a reminder bar that also remains
sticky. The user can open the bar to see the complete billboard once again (the
reminder bar remains docked onto the billboard). If a “Close” button is clicked, the
stickiness is cancelled, and the initial billboard is once again visible. Closing,
expansion and collapse of the ad presentation are implemented by iq digital.
Banner messages
The following messages are sent by IQ to the ad presentation, and the ad can
respond if desired (implementation by the agency).
Billboard and sticky reminder are visible
Only sticky reminder is visible
Billboard is sticky
Billboard is back in the initial status
* See the required information for the use of this code in the “General” section:
“HTML5 banner (interaction)”: “ad”-initiated messages to the ad “function calls”
Wherever possible, please send the ads in ZIP file
format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion date.
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSL-certified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Content billboard
Display ads: ad specials
Formats (px)
W x H(max. H)
940 x 200(250)
940 x 200(250)
zeit (only possible on homepage)
Max. file size
Image: 80 kb (GIF/JPEG / PNG)
80 kb (see section "Flash")
HTML5: 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
Third party
Only possible as <iframe>!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Expanding banner
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Note: no background colour/background images possible
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Display ads
In-page ads – video ad package
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
General delivery terms
Within the context of the video ad package (VAP), iq digital paves the way for the high-impact showcasing
of your video advertising message.
All you need to know is that you supply the spot and we handle the rest!
iq digital handles hosting, integration and interaction of the video. For this purpose, please provide the necessary video and
image files in physical form in line with the following specifications for your desired ad integration.
Special case – 3rd-party redirect:
If you want to showcase your video advertising message yourself via a Rich Media vendor, please note that the realisation
must comply with the valid technical specifications of iq digital within the context of the VAP. This applies, for example, to
the presence of a “Close” button, no automatic video commencement with sound, run times of the video etc. Realisation is
to be provided by the service provider as a standalone solution (3rd-party redirect); this means integration on the advertising
medium and the provision of the video file within a corresponding advertising format directly via the Rich Media server of the
service provider.
Please also note that 3rd-party realisations outside the iq digital service level result in restricted reporting options on the part
of the marketer.
In this case, evaluations within the framework of the standard video Rich Media measurement data are to be directly
requested from the commissioned agency service provider.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Wrapper spot sticky
Video ad package
Format (px)
Display ads: video ad package
Case: video format is 16:9
325x250 – logo image (required)
445x250 – video (required)
(image + video add up to a total size of 770x250 px)
Case: video format is 4:3
470x250 – logo image (required)
300x250 – video (required)
(image + video add up to a total size of 770x250 px)
In both cases, please supply an additional fallback image in
the format 770x250px.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Max. file size
max. 40 kb (JPG)
max. 5 MB (FLV file, Codec: VP6)
Video duration
max. 30 seconds
The wrapper is “sticky” and always remains visible at the bottom
edge of the screen during scrolling. “Close” button and stick
function are provided by iq digital.
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Please note the delivery conditions for
video ad packages.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Floor ad
Video ad package
Format (px)
Display ads: video ad package
1200x200 – JPG image  expands to 1200x400 upon mouseover
480x270 – video (16x9)  appears upon mouseover, starts without
sound (sound activation by click only)
Only possible as redirect! IQ does not handle hosting of the ad
Video duration
max. 30 seconds
The floor ad is “sticky” and is always visible at the bottom of the
screen during scrolling. The floor ad expands upon mouseover from
a height of 200 px to 400 px and shows a video clip. A “Close”
button is obligatory and must be able to hide the ad (expanded or
collapsed) whenever it is clicked. All functionalities and buttons are
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Halfpage spot expanding
Video ad package
Display ads: video ad package
Format (px)
300x600 collapsed
- 300x150px logo at top + 300x282px additional ad space
at bottom – JPG image (max. 40kb) – optional
Expanded logo Space Logo
 Download template
Video spot
800x600 expanded
- 800x150 expanded logo space – JPG image (max. 40kb)
 Download template
- 800x450 – video (16x9)
Max. file size
(Image + video add up to a total size of 800x600 px)
Images: see above
max. 5 MB (FLV file, Codec: VP6)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Video duration
max. 30 seconds
The halfpage spot expanding expands from a halfpage ad with a width
of 300px to a width of 800px and shows a video spot with an optional
banner. All functionalities and buttons are pre-specified.
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Please note the delivery conditions for
video ad packages.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Display ads
In-page ad video ads
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Video wallpaper
Format (px)
Display ads: in-page ad video ads
1062x600 – video (required) – format 16:9
1062x600 – fallback image (required)
Max. file size
max. 5 MB (FLV file, Codec: VP6)
Fallback image:
max. 80 kb (only JPG possible)
Video duration
max. 30 seconds
Important note
Ideally, the fallback image contains a recognisable advertising
message that remains visible as a reminder at least in the outer
areas of the wallpaper or across the full area (below the page).
Otherwise there may be an unassigned cutout at the end of the
video. The size of the outer areas is based on the spacings on the
page in question. In the case of network rotation, the smallest
common spacings should be selected: 90px in the height of the
superbanner and 160px in the width of the skyscraper. In addition
to the outer areas, we recommend creative use of the entire area
of 1062x600px. In addition, the fallback image is required for users
without FlashPlugin.
Loop / Repeat
Maximum of one playback, no automatic repeat, new start of the
video possible via “Play” or “Replay” button.
The video starts as wallpaper, without sound. On the first
mouseover, the video is shown over the full area.
Upon mouseout, the video collapses back to wallpaper format.
After this, the wallpaper only expands in response to a click*.
The sound only starts after a click on the “Sound”, “Replay” or
“Play” button (if the video has already played once).
All functionalities, including hosting, are handled by iq digital.
Applies to the homepage; permanent interaction via mouseover on downstream pages
and in the case of rotation bookings
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Please note the delivery conditions for
video ad packages.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Video fireplace
Format (px)
Display ads: in-page ad video ads
2 video files: 1280x720 – 16:9 format (required)
Max. file size
1 fallback image:
1280x720 – (required)
MP4 video:
max. 5 MB
OGV video:
max. 5 MB
JPG image:
max. 80 kb
Loop / Repeat
Maximum of one playback, no automatic repeat, new start
the video possible via “Replay” button.
Video duration
max. 30 seconds
Ideally, the fallback image contains a recognisable
advertising message that remains visible as a reminder at
least in the outer areas of the fireplace or across the full
area (below the page). Otherwise there may be an
unassigned cutout at the end of the video.
The video frames the page like a fireplace and starts to play
automatically without sound. The user can interact to move
the entire content of the website downwards, and the video
is then shown over the full area. When the video is closed,
the page content moves back up to its original position. By
pressing the “Replay” button, the user can play the video
again with sound and the page content automatically moves
downwards again, revealing the full video. A background
colour can optionally be specified as hex value.
All functionalities and buttons are pre-specified.
iq digital handles hosting of the video.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Please note the delivery conditions for
video ad packages.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Expandable video ad
The classic medium rectangle with a video stream
The expandable video ad is shown as a medium rectangle (300x250 px) and can be dragged
to any desired size with depressed mouse button. This ad combines the classic rectangle
with a video stream of unlimited duration. The user can move to the landing page of the
client by clicking on the video.
Video resolution
As large an area as possible – at least 640 pixels wide,
ideally 1024 x 853 pixels.
Videos in the format 16:9 format will have the standard black
bars above and below the video.
Max. file size
max. 10 MB, larger files on request
Loop / Repeat
Endless loop
.mov, .flv, .avi or .mpg
Video bit rate
Audio bit rate
Frame rate
500 – 1,000 kbps
48 kbps or more
at least 25 fps
Physical ads – no 3rd-party tags
Display ads: in-page ad video ads
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Delivery deadline for this ad format:
5 working days before the insertion date.
Please note the delivery conditions for
video ad packages.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Content video ad
Format (px)
Max. file size
max. 5 MB (mp4, Codec: h.264)
Video duration
max. 30 seconds
Display ads: in-page ad video ads
640 x 360 – video (16:9)
If the Content Video Ad is scrolled into the area visible to the user, the video
scales to the maximum article column width and begins without sound. The
height of the video is determined by the 16:9 format. The video pauses below
a visibility threshold of 50% and only continues to play when at least 50% of
the player is once again in the visible area. After it has played, the video
closes and is then no longer visible.
The sound is always controlled by mouseover on the video and mouseout.
Please note that, due to the scaling of the video to the content column width
of the article, player formats other than the original video format may be
served, depending on environment. This will generally involve scaling to
smaller player formats >= 410x231.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
All functionalities, including hosting, are handled by iq digital.
in ZIP file format to:
VAST redirect
Delivery of a VAST redirect (from version 2.0 and higher) is possible.
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Please note the delivery conditions for
video ad packages.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Video pushdown billboard
Format (px)
Max. file size
Display ads – in-page – video ads
888 x 500 – video (16:9)
Fallback image:
888 x 500
max. 5 MB (FLV file, Codec: VP6)
Fallback image:
max. 80 kb (only JPG possible)
Video duration
max. 30 seconds
Important note
The fallback image also serves to ensure pre-load in the video player and
remains in place as a fixed message in the last frame after the video has
played. Please ensure optimisation of your advertising message to the
collapsed size of 888x250px so that it is also fully visible in unopened state.
The fallback image is also served in cases where the user has not installed
a corresponding FlashPlugin to play the video.
The video starts as a billboard with the upper cutout [A] of 888 x 250px,
without sound. Upon mouseover, the video is displayed over the full area [B]
888 x 500px after pushdown of the page. On mouseout, the video collapses
to the original cutout*. After this, further pushdowns are only possible by
clicking on the button (open and close). The sound only starts when the user
clicks on the “Sound” or “Replay” button or activates the “Play” button (if
the video has already played once).
All functionalities, including hosting, integration and interaction are handled
by iq digital.
*The option of pushdown via mouseover/mouseout is available to the user a
maximum of 2 times a day. For all further playbacks, pushdown is only
possible by clicking on the ad.
Wherever possible, please send the ads in
ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Please note the delivery conditions for
video ad packages.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Display ads
HTML5 ads
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
[HTML5] Billboard zoom ad
Display ads: HTML5 ads
Formats (px)
[A]:W x H
+ [B]:W x H
+ [C]:W x H
Variant zoom:
Variant fallback:
[A]: 960x250 + [B]: 960x300 + [C]: 960x250
[A]: 960x250
Max. file size
each (A,B,C) 40 kb (GIF/JPEG / PNG)
Function call
initial billboard (1)[A] teasers a short zoom effect.
Click on [A]:
billboard zoom is executed. Billboard remains in the
foreground and the page moves into the background. Parallel
to this, the other billboard components [C] + [B] are visibly
moved upwards and downwards. A “Close” button is
automatically generated (2). Each further click on the
“zoomed” ad links to the landing page.
(1 )
(2 )
Click on “Close” button: returns billboard zoom to the starting situation (1).
Please note
When designing the motifs, it should be noted that the actually visible area
within the components is not quite the same as the planned format.
[B]: 960x280 (20px at the foot are covered by [A])
[C]: 960x220 (30px in the top section are covered by [A])
The functionalities used are currently not supported by all browsers.
If necessary, the fallback file is served as billboard without zoom
(see illustration (1)).
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 14 working days before the
insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
[HTML5] Siteflip ad
Formats (px)
Display ads: HTML5 ads
W x H + L,R: W x H
T: 980 x 140 + L,R: 120(140) x 600
B: 980x 850
Max. file size
each (T, L, R)
Function call
40 kb (GIF/JPEG / PNG)
initial banners [T, L, R] tease a short flip effect.
Click on [T, L, R]: content flip is performed; the content turns onto the rear side
in a 180-degree flip and shows its rear side. A click on the rear ad takes the user
on to the landing page.
Renewed click on [T, L, R or B Close button]: a further content flip to the
editorial content. The Close button on the rear side is generated automatically.
Please note
When designing the motifs, it should be noted that the actually visible area of the
backside ad is not quite the same as the planned format.
Ad-related texts and motifs should therefore be positioned within the following
[B]: 980x700 (the bottom 150px should not feature any relevant content).
The functionalities used are currently not supported by all browsers.
If necessary, the fallback file without content flip is served.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 14 working days before the
insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Display ads
In-stream video ads
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Pre-roll ad
In-stream video ads / VAST2-compatible
Aspect ratio
Ideally 16:9
At least 800x450px
Spot duration
max. 30 seconds in the case of pre-rolls
Max. file size
3 - 4 MB
.FLV file or VAST2 redirect (VAST1 not supported)
Encoding of flv file:
Bit rate:
750 kbps – 1 Mbps
Frame rate: 25 fps
If you are unable to handle conversion adequately, please send
us your video file in high quality (up to 1 GB) via your Web server
(e.g. via FTP), and iq digital will handle the compression process
for you.
Display ads: in-stream video ads
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
VAST redirect
If you supply a VAST-2 redirect, please use our flv file
specifications for the video on your server. In addition to an FLV,
an mp4 file also has to be stored in the VAST-XML to ensure
serving in html5 environments. VAST1 redirects are not
Please deliver standard ad formats (OVK/
IAB) at least 3 working days before the
insertion date an.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Tablet-optimised Web banner
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile billboard:
Display ads: tablet-optimised Web banner
768 x 220px
Wiwo Web app, HB Web app
Max. file size
Image: max. 60 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
HTML5: max. 200 kb (IFRAME / ZIP file on request)
Third party
Only possible as <iframe>!
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Please note labelling as ad* -w-; high-contrast font colour,
at least 9pt
*If not labelled as an ad, iq digital reserves the right to label
the ad itself.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Tablet apps
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Preload ad / Fullscreen interstitial
Display ads: tablet apps
The interstitial closes automatically after 5 seconds.
768 x 1024 px
1024 x 768 px
portrait mode
landscape mode
Max. file size
Please note labelling as ad -w-; high-contrast font colour,
at least 9pt
Preloading ad
max. 80 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
If not labelled as an ad, iq digital reserves the right to label
the ad itself.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Rectangle in “Contents”
Display ads: tablet apps
180x150 px
Handelsblatt Live app
File type
Jpg, gif, png, HTML5
Max. file size
max. 20 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
max. 20 kb (see section “HTML5 banner”)
Html5 specifications Please deliver a ready HTML script or a redirect as html URL.
iq digital does not host the html files.
Please note labelling as ad* -w-; high-contrast font colour,
at least 9pt
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
“Quality App Package” (QAP)
General information
The QAP contains the following tablet apps. Please note the different structures of the services with regard to the integrated app
elements, as these can affect the visible area of the display (e.g. limitation of display area due to integrated status bar).
App offerings without status bar:
App offerings with status bar:
[display area] = [viewport area]
ZEIT app
FAZ / FAS app
[display area] = [viewport area – status bar (Std: 20px || HD: 40px)]
Handelsblatt LIVE app
Wirtschaft Woche app
SZ Digital app
Within the QAP, certain assumptions are made regarding formats and visible viewport for iPad-optimised ads*.
The following information is decisive in order to permit delivery of standardised formats across all app offerings of the QAP.
When files are supplied by the agency, iq digital distinguishes between:
1. Fullscreen static (image) ads with full-area link forwarding (you only supply the physical image files + URL).
2. Fullscreen Rich Media (HTML) ads for dynamic, interactive implementations (HTML5), video and multi-link (you supply a self-contained solution)
*Serving on other tablet systems (e.g. Android) for ads specified under 1. (in the case of implementation by iq digital) is scaled in the visible viewport on these
platforms. This may result in bars (top, bottom or left, right) in order to compensate for the different device ratios. HTML ads must also automatically ensure crossplatform functionality and visibility on the other platforms.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Full-screen image ad – (static)
HB Live app
Format portrait
Format landscape
Ad format to be delivered
High resolution / Retina
Ad format to be delivered
High resolution / Retina
HD: 1536x2048
HD: 2048x1536
"Quality App Package" (QAP)
Motif design
Max. size
Image display
(maximum for
all files
Files to be
2 MB
(Port.) (Land.)
Convention (all app offerings):
FAZ app
FAS app
Please do not position any relevant
information or interactions in the last
40 pixels of your ad, as they may be
cut off by the integration (see example
on next page).
SZ Digital app
WIWO app
Not possible
In contrast to the ad formats to be
delivered, there may be different
visibilities within an app in the app
offerings of the Quality App Package.
See the status bar on the previous
page. These elements result in a
reduction of the max. display area.
Please note the above convention so
that processing and delivery of a
standardised ad format is possible for
all app offerings.
The integration of third-party counting pixels and other tracking codes is generally not possible.
Click forwarding to the client landing page is over the full area via “tab” on the ad within app view.
If no HD formats are available, delivery of standard formats is also permitted:
portrait standard: 768x1024 / landscape standard: 1024x768.
Please note labelling as ad -w-; high-contrast font colour, at least 9pt
Wherever possible, please send the
ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 10 days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Full-screen image ad – (static)
Portrait (please supply an ad in the HD format: 1536 x 2048)
"Quality App Package" (QAP)
Landscape: (please supply an ad in the HD format: 2048 x 1536)
Please bear in mind that, depending on the app offering, 40px may be cut off at the
bottom of the display within your motifs. This means you should not position any
relevant advertising information or interaction areas in these parts of the display.
Wherever possible, please send the ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 10days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Fullscreen Rich Media (HTML) ads
“Quality App Package”
In contrast to the integration of static fullscreen image files, the integration of more complex display formats requires tailored integration in
the various app offerings. It is therefore the job of the responsible creative agency to react to the different requirements within an app
offering as well as to the different platforms with a “self-contained” HTML solution.
Please note all the information on the following pages if your format contains not only graphic elements but also the following features:
Multilink or multiple “tab-sensitive” areas for linking or interaction control
Integration of video / streaming
HTML5 feature implementation for the dynamic / interactive control of elements
Access to device functionalities
Other deviating requirements that go beyond physical motif integration with full-area click forwarding.
In these cases, a longer lead time is needed for the ads – at least 15 working days before the insertion
Due to the individual requirements within the various app offerings, standardised delivery of just one
data package is not possible. A separate ZIP file must be delivered for each offering.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Rich Media fullscreen ads
Limited viewport
during ad serving due
to status bar (top):
Display mode:
Max. size
(max. package size for
all files)
necessary for*:
Name HTML:
"Quality App Package" (QAP)
FAZ / FAS app
WIWO app
Handelsblatt Live app
ZEIT app
SZ Digital app
No limitation
of viewport
Std: -20px / HD: -40px
No limitation
of viewport
No limitation
of viewport
Std: -20px / HD: -40px
Portrait / Landscape
Portrait / Landscape
Portrait / Landscape
Portrait / Landscape
2 MB
2 MB
iPad, Android, Win8,
smartphone (Android, iPhone)
• Internal links cannot be realised via the anchor element but have to be controlled via,
for example, a div element and an on-click event handler.
Interaction limitations
for all app offerings
• In order to avoid display errors
on small devices with less
power, please integrate the
following code in the CSS:
• html{ -webkit-transform:
translate3d(0,0,0); }
• Internal links cannot be realised
via the anchor element but
have to be controlled via, for
example, a div element and an
on-click event handler.
• Please note the
requirements of SZ Digital
for HTML ads on the
following pages.
No additional tracking pixels, no auto start for sound/video, no complete swiping, video only via external streaming
(see information on previous page). Please note labelling as ad -w-; high-contrast font colour, at least 9pt
DELIVERY: at least 15 days before the insertion date
Due to the individual requirements within the various app offerings, standardised delivery of just one data
package is not possible. Separate ZIP files for each offering have to delivered to:
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
*Please note that the platforms of the app offerings can change due to further development.
Rich Media full-screen ads
(SZ Digital 1/2)
"Quality App Package"(QAP)
All HTML ads for SZ Digital must be based on one of these templates:
The templates are as follows:
“Empty” template for liquid ads
“Resize” template for automatic scaling and centring for ads tailored to iPad size
“Video” demonstrates how videos have to be integrated so that they also work in the Android app.
Please note the following proprietary SZ Digital concepts:
File preloader: the files to be loaded may not be loaded in the head section. Instead, there is a preloader that handles
the loading of the files. This is already integrated in the templates.
Callbacks: the life cycle of an ad is predefined by the three callbacks setupAd(), startAd() and stopAd(). The ad must
implement these callbacks and behave accordingly.
All files have been found by the preloader and the DOM has been fully loaded.
The user has swiped on the ad page. Videos (for example) can now be started.
The user has swiped out of the ad. Videos (for example) can now be stopped.
As the ad is served on devices with widely varying display sizes, it should behave like a responsive/liquid website or,
for example, separately handle the problematic devices via a user agent (by displaying a fallback image or similar).
The ad should be able to react to the change between portrait and landscape mode – e.g. via CSS media queries.
Under iOS and Windows, videos can be integrated via the <video> tag. This cannot be reliably achieved with
Android. The native full image player should therefore be called up via Javascript. Videos cannot be locally
integrated on Android but must be streamed.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Rich Media full-screen ads
(SZ Digital 2/2)
"Quality App Package"(QAP)
The following problems and individual characteristics are known:
CSS modifications in the event
handler onResize are only executed
with the next event
Separate from the event handler via
setTimeout(..., 10)
Android + Windows
Recognition of horizontal swipe
gestures interferes with app
Use “click events” instead
Locally stored audio files do not play
Stream from the Internet
HTML5 video tags do not function
The app replaces the tags and inserts a “Play”
button, which starts all videos in a fullscreen
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Rich Media full-screen ads
(general requirements)
"Quality App Package" (QAP)
- The mandatory index HTML must contain all content and files (CSS, JAVASCRIPT /FRAMEWORKS, IMAGE FILES …) needed for
execution of the ad banner in “self-contained” manner (see HTML5 zip on next page) and be implementation-ready upon delivery.
Please refer as seldom as possible to external objects.
- The ad must adapt responsively to the resolution of the user within the context of the aspect ratio and react automatically to
a change in orientation (portrait/landscape view). Please note that no orientation change to landscape view is currently possible
in the WiWo app. It is generally not possible to block the orientation of the app from within the app.
- When integrating the motifs and elements, care must be taken to ensure that individual app settings (e.g. status bar within the app)
do not result in a scrollbar or empty areas in the viewport of the device.
- External links lead to an in-app browser (UI Webview) or a “modal” view of the app.
The owner of the landing page is responsible for correct portrayal.
- Video integrations are only possible in streaming mode. Hosting within the app offerings is not possible.
- The HTML page must not contain any large or full-area swipe actions (swiping between horizontal and vertical); only click actions
and recognisable small, closed swipe boxes integrated in the ad are permitted.
Functionality must also be assured on delivery.
- The portrayal of the ads should be based on UI Webview, which means no Flash content is allowed.
- Please ensure that the functionalities within your ad can be served on platforms for iPad, Android and Win8 systems. If synchronisation
is necessary for individual platforms, this must be discussed in advance and you must make allowance for additional lead time.
Depending on the app, it may be necessary to deliver a placeholder / fallback.
- The ads are technically validated; any necessary changes must be made by the creator. Please test all functionalities in advance on
the relevant browsers. Final approval can only be given after a successful test in the app offerings.
- If your ad contains more than one click button for an external link or internal user interaction, it is the responsibility of the creator
to tie click processing to a corresponding element.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Rich Media full-screen ads
"Quality App Package"
- Is the use of the document-ready event possible? When will the ad be loaded?
The ads are loaded in advance via preload, which means the use of an event (to start an animation, for example) is not possible.
- Can redirects be used?
No, the ads are hard-coded in each output of the apps and directly loaded locally.
- Is motif rotation possible within a static ad?
No. As the ads are hard-coded, this is not possible with a static ad. You can, however, create an HTML ad offering this
- Is it possible to test the ad?
The FAZ/FAS app provides this option. Please contact us (
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Mobile banner
Mobile portal
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
General notes
- Ad labelling:
• Unless stated otherwise for the ad format, ad labelling is carried out by the agency.
• Ad labelling -w- is to visibly positioned in one corner.
• High-contrast font colour, at least 9pt
• If the ad is not labelled as an ad, iq digital reserves the right to label the ad itself.
- Agency counting pixels:
• The agency ensures that all resources of the ad presentation are retrieved from SSL-certified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads
- General notes:
• Please note the general HTML5 specifications (see HTML5).
• The possibility of transferring a click command to the redirect or HTML zip URL must be present and documented so that
“clicks” can be measured by the marketer; otherwise the clicks cannot be listed in the report. Also see “HTML5 banner (click
tracking) in the general section.
• To ensure that the target page opens not in the same window but in a new window following a click on the ad, the following
code must be integrated in the head of the html code:
<base target=“_blank“ />
• If the ad is to externally post-load further components, the total data volume of the ad including these external components may
not exceed the admissible size for the ad format. iq digital must be informed regarding which components are to be post-loaded
and how big they are.
HTML5 ads:
Please deliver a zip file with all components of the ad.
There must be an index.html on top zip archive level from which all other components (e.g. CSS, JS, image files) are relatively
iq digital handles hosting of the ad.
- 3rd-party ads:
• Please deliver a ready HTML URL or an agency script.
• The agency ensures that all resources of the ad presentation are retrieved from SSL-certified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile banner standard (6:1)
320 x 53 px
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 (static or animated) – max. 20 KB
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Mobile ad
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile banner medium (4:1)
320 x 80 px
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 (static or animated) – max. 20 KB
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Mobile ad
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile banner large (2:1) / (3:1)
2:1 corresponds to 320 x 160 px
3:1 corresponds to 320 x 106 px
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 (static or animated) – max. 30 KB
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Mobile ad
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile high-impact ad (1:1)
320 x 320 px
There is also the option of supplying the standard
300x250 px medium rectangle as the ad.
In this case, however, please pay attention to file size!
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 (static or animated) – max. 40 KB
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Mobile ad
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile premium rectangle
320 x 416 px
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 (static or animated) – max. 40 KB
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Mobile ad
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile halfpage ad
300 x 600 px
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 (static or animated) – max. 50 KB
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Mobile ad
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile brand value ad
Mobile ad
The mobile brand value ad is positioned around the 1st article teaser on the homepage. Part 1 is
directly above the article teaser and part 2 directly below the article teaser.
Part 1: mobile banner standard (6:1 = 320 x 53 px) or
mobile banner medium (4:1 = 320 x 80 px)
Part 2: mobile banner large (3:1 = 320 x 106 px or 2:1 =
320 x 160 px)
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 (static or animated)
Part 1: max. 20 KB
Part 2: max. 30 KB
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile fullpage ad smartphone
640x920 px
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 – max. 40 KB
Important note
The ad is scaled in smaller displays, and this can result in white
Mobile ad
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is not possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile pushdown ad with reminder
Rich Media formats
The mobile pushdown ad with reminder pushes the content downwards for 5 seconds.
Underneath, content remains visible for the duration of the animation. The ad then moves
back upwards and remains in place in a reminder ad with a height of 80px.
320 x 320 px (incl. banner area, as one file)
Important note
An 80px-high reminder ad must be included at the bottom
edge of the banner which remains in place at the upper edge
after the animation has finished. It is not necessary to
integrate a “Close” button (supplied by iq digital).
Depending on the technical platform and/or the browser used,
the pushdown function is either automatic or click-based.
There is also the option of supplying smaller formats, such as
a 320x240 px pushdown ad.
File format
jpg, png, gif (static), HTML5 (static or animated)
– max. 40 KB
Compatible user devices
iOS and Android-capable user devices only
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile fullscreen interstitial
The mobile fullscreen interstitial ad is comparable to a classic layer; it is automatically displayed for max. 5
seconds and covers the content. Behind the ad is a mask that fades out the content depending on display
Rich Media formats
The ad format is optimised for the iPhone5 and corresponds to the display size after subtraction of the
status, address and tool bar.
Only bookable for rotation bookings
640 x 920 px
Important notes
It is not necessary to integrate a “Close” button (provided by iq digital).
There is also the option of supplying smaller formats, such as the
standard 300x328 px interstitial.
If the ad is bigger than the display, it is scaled down accordingly for
optimum presentation. If the display is bigger than the ad, the ad is
centred on the display.
Animation effect
Soft fade-in
File format
jpg, png, gif (static), html5 (static or animated) – max. 40 KB
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Compatible user devices
iOS and Android-capable user devices only
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile fullscreen interstitial with reminder
The mobile fullscreen interstitial ad is comparable to a classic layer; it is automatically displayed for max. 5
seconds and covers the content. Behind the ad is a mask that fades out the content depending on display
Rich Media formats
The ad format is optimised for the iPhone5 and corresponds to the display size after subtraction of the
status, address and tool bar.
For the reminder, please read the specs for the Mobile banner standard or the Mobile banner medium.
Only bookable for fixed-position ads
640 x 920 px + reminder banner
Important notes
It is not necessary to integrate a “Close” button (provided by iq digital).
There is also the option of supplying smaller formats, such as the
standard 300x328 px interstitial.
Animation effect
Soft fade-in
File format
jpg, png, gif (static), html5 (static or animated) – max. 40 KB
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Compatible user devices
iOS and Android-capable user devices only
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile preloading ad
With the mobile preloading ad, you have contact with your target group for five seconds before the content
appears. The ad message is displayed on the full screen directly upon the initial app start.
640 x 920 px
Important notes
It is not necessary to integrate a "Close" button
(provided by iq digital).
Rich Media formats
If the ad is bigger than the display, it is scaled down accordingly for
optimum presentation. If the display is bigger than the ad, the ad is
centred on the display.
Animation effect
Soft fade-in
File format
jpg, png, gif (static), html5 (static or animated)
– max. 40 KB
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Compatible user devices
iOS and Android-capable user devices only
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile banner ad plus
A click on the banner opens an HTML layer permitting interaction with the user.
Banner: 320 x 53 px (6:1) or 320 x 80 px (4:1)
HTML5 layer: 320 x 417 px,
Delivery as 3rd-party HTML URL
Important notes
The layer is only available in portrait mode; a landscape
version is not supported.
Rich Media formats
It is not necessary to integrate a “Close” button
(provided by iq digital).
The notes on “Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party
ads” apply for the HTML5 layer.
File format
Banner: jpg, png, gif, html5 – max. 20 KB
HTML5 layer: 3rd-party HTML URL – max. 200 KB
Compatible user devices
iOS and Android-capable user devices only
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad for the banner is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect for the banner is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver standard ads at least 3
working days before the insertion date.
Please deliver all other ad formats 5
working days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile pull-up banner (1/2)
Rich Media formats
The mobile pull-up banner is expanded from its initial size to its full size as soon as the users scrolls it into
the visible area.
320 x 320 px
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 (static or animated) – max. 40 KB
Mobile ads are implemented with an initial cutout (320x80px - “from the
bottom”). User scrolling is transferred to the pull-up ad up to a max.
height of 320x320px (after the display has been visibly scrolled).
Expansion is exactly 1x to full height – once this has been reached, the ad
remains in the max. format.
Important notes
Delivery: only 1 ad
The pull-up animation is handled by iq digital.
Depending on device and platform (iOS/Android) preconditions, the
animation is executed in different ways.
e.g. pull-up “after” scroll (iOS) / “until” scroll (Android).
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
A message for a starting animation can be automatically transmitted to
the ad (see notes on Mobile pull-up banner (2/2)).
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is not possible
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Please deliver the ads at least 7 working
days before the insertion date.
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile pull-up banner (2/2)
Rich Media formats
Position ad labelling -w- visibly in one corner; high-contrast font colour, at least 9pt
*If not labelled as an ad, iq digital reserves the right to label the ad itself.
Automatic notification for a starting animation (only for HTML5 ads):
iq digital can automatically send a message to the ad as soon as the ad has been expanded to 50% of its height.
For the ad to be able to react to the message, it must receive and process it. To ensure this, all you have to do is integrate the following two
points in your ad:
1. This code must be inserted in your ad:
<script type="text/javascript">
var iqdNS={};iqdNS.addEvent=function(d,c,b){if(typeof
d.attachEvent!=="undefined"){d.attachEvent("on"+c,b)}else{if(typeof d["on"+c]!=="undefined"){var
iqdNS.animationCallback = function() {
// Please insert the function call to start animation here
2. Replace the blue-highlighted comment with your function call that starts the animation in the ad. This function call must initially pool and
call up all the functions needed for animation.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile rollover event
Rich Media formats
The rollover effect: during scrolling, “transparent” ad spaces provide a view of the various
cutouts of the fullscreen ad behind the website.
640 x 920 px
Ad display
The ad is in a fixed position below the content and is only
recognisable by the ad cutouts if the user scrolls over it.
Ad cutouts
1st cutout above the 1st article teaser (160px high)
2nd cutout below the 1st article teaser (160px high)
3rd cutout on the middle of the page (320pgx high)
4th cutout at the end of the page (160px high)
The cutouts extend across the full width of the screen.
Important notes
If the ad is bigger than the display, it is scaled down accordingly
for optimum presentation. If the display is bigger than the ad, the
ad is centred on the display.
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 – max. 50 KB
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is not possible
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is by iq digital in the bottom right-hand corner of the
ad cutout.
Compatible user devices
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
iOS and Android-capable user devices only
Please deliver ads at least 5 working days
before the insertion date an.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile rollover ad
Rich Media formats
The rollover ad implements a large-format background image (size the same as an interstitial) in
the viewport of the browser; the image is permanently fixed in the visible area of the user and is
optionally clickable for forwarding to the client page. Implementation is based on a display mode
in which the background also remains visible at all times as if looking through a window.
Insertion of the individual elements with image-font combination knockouts creates a rollover
effect when the user scrolls the page.
640 x 920 px
Ad display
The ad is in a fixed position below the content and is only
recognisable by the ad cutout if the user scrolls over it.
Important notes
If the ad is bigger than the display, it is scaled down accordingly
for optimum presentation. If the display is bigger than the ad, the
ad is centred on the display.
File format
jpg, png, gif, html5 – max. 50 KB
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is not possible
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Compatible user devices
Ad labelling is by iq digital in the bottom right-hand corner of the
ad cutout.
iOS and Android-capable user devices only
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver ads at least 5 working days
before the insertion date an.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile content video ad
Rich Media formats
If the Mobile Content Video ad is scrolled into the area visible to the user, the video scales to the
maximum article column width and begins without sound. The height of the video is determined
by the 16:9 format. The video pauses below a visibility threshold of 50% and only continues to
play when at least 50% of the player is once again in the visible area. After it has played, the video
closes and is then no longer visible. The sound can be activated by user interaction. Under iOS,
the video can be displayed in fullscreen mode by clicking on a "Play" button.
320 x 180px, h.264, 30fps, 16:9 format,
max. 2 MB, max. 30 seconds
Format: mp4
Compatible user devices
iOS and modern Android-capable user devices (version 4.+) only
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad for the banner is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads).
Important note
WLAN targeting required
VAST redirect
Delivery of a VAST redirect (from version 2.0 and higher) is
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Please deliver the ads at least 7 working
days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile pushdown video ad
Rich Media formats
Auto-push and auto-play with the mobile pushdown video ad – now in a fixed position on the
homepage, also in the mobile network. After a five-second video teaser, users can view the
full spot with sound if they want to.
320 x 320 px, max. 40 KB
Format: jpg, gif, png or HTML5
320 x 180px, h.264, 30fps, 16:9 format,
max. 2 MB, max. 30 seconds
Format: mp4
Important notes
Allowance must be made for an 80 px high reminder ad at
the bottom edge of the banner; this banner remains in place
at the upper edge of the image after the end of the animation.
It is not necessary to integrate a “Close” button
(provided by iq digital).
Depending on the technical platform and/or the browser
used, the pushdown function is either automatic or via click.
The distance between the video and the reminder section is
freely definable from 0 – 60px (default: 10px).
Compatible user devices
Only iOS and modern Android-capable user devices
(version 4.+)
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad for the banner is possible
(see Mobile specifications für HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is not possible
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Please deliver the ads at least 7 working
days before the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Mobile movie ad
The video is integrated in the classic mobile high-impact ad. The video loads as soon as the user
clicks on it. Simply deliver a preview image of the spot and your spot as an mp4 file – and iq digital
will use these to produce the ad.
Rich Media formats
320 x 320 px, max. 40 KB
Format: jpg, gif, png or HTML5
320 x 180px, h.264, 30fps, 16:9 format,
max. 2 MB, max. 30 seconds
Format: mp4
Video preview: 320 x 180 px, max. 20 KB
Format: jpg, gif, png
Important notes
The background image links to the client page. The distance of
the video from the lower edge of the high-impact ad is freely
definable from 0 – 140px (default: 10px).
Compatible user devices
Only iOS and modern Android-capable user devices (Version 4.+)
html5 specifications
Delivery of an HTML5 ad is possible
(see Mobile specifications for HTML5 and 3rd-party ads)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is not possible
Agency counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol
(see General notes)
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
Ad labelling is carried out by the agency
(see General notes)
Please deliver the ads at least 7 working
days before the insertion date.
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSLcertified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Special specifications
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Roadblock PLUS (n-tv)
Specifics for homepage serving on n-tv
The following formats are possible at the current time:
Billboard ad
Sitebar ad
MRec/Halfpage ad
Brand value ad
Third party
see page 20 (without expand function)
see page 24
see page 56 (only bookable below the navigation bar)
see page 46
see page 17 (universal ad package)
(combination of fireplace and billboard)
Ad formats outside the universal ad package are currently only possible as <iframe>
per asset!
Delivery of <script> one tags or <script> tags with positioning variables is not possible. If an agency
insists on their use, the commissioned Rich Media partner or the provided script construct must on
their own responsibility ensure the proper implementation, positioning and functionality of ad serving
together with all assets (outside the use of marketer templating). Final approval for acceptance is
required from the marketer.
The 3rd-party script is therefore to be provided at the latest 5 working days before insertion, ideally
even earlier.
Screenshot for motif coordination of “brand value ad” on n-tv on request!
Wherever possible, please send
the ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before
the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Important information
Screen-grabbing ad formats
Please note that iq digital does not provide hosting or any advisory services for technical implementation in the case of the
following ad formats using a screen-grabbing technology.
Production is by the requesting creative agency or the Rich Media vendor commissioned by the creative agency on their own
responsibility. Delivery to iq digital only possible as third-party redirect.
Serving on selected pages in the portfolio of iq digital is only possible if the following specifications for ad formats with screengrabbing technology are taken into account.
Please ensure that your Rich Media vendor can meet these specifications.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Content switch 3D cube
Display ads: ad specials
Format (px)
W x H + R: W( max. W) x H + interstitial
T: 800 x 90 + R: 120(200) x 600 + interstitial
Creation by creative agency or Rich Media vendor.
Integration only possible as third party.
When the wallpaper is clicked, the website deforms to a full-screen 3D
cube. LIVE interaction with the cube via mouseover.
Within the cube, 5 areas are reserved for client information complete
with click forwarding. The 6th area leads back to the editorial website
via motif and click.
If no interaction takes place with the cube after deformation, the action
must close automatically after max. 10 secs and return to the initial
During the action, a “Close” and a “Back” button must be permanently
and clearly visible. The user must be able to end the action at any time.
Please ensure that there are no remaining elements that impact the
regular user experience with the page.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Please note the information on
screen-grabbing ad formats!
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Screen-grabbing ad
Display ads: ad specials
Format (px)
W x H + R: W( max. W) x H + interstitial
T: 800 x 90 + R: 120(200) x 600 + interstitial
Creation by creative agency or Rich Media vendor..
Integration only possible as third party.
When the wallpaper is clicked, the website deforms to a full-screen
interstitial. The website is morphed in the footer area as a reminder.
During the action, a “Close” and a “Back” button must be permanently
and clearly visible. The user must be able to end the action at any time.
Please ensure that there are no remaining elements that impact the
regular user experience with the page.
Please note the information on
screen-grabbing ad formats!
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the insertion
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Fluid banner / Cinema ad
Format (px)
Third party
100% viewport width x 250px fluid banner (pos. above navigation)
100% viewport width x 380px cinema ad (pos. below navigation)
Display ads: ad specials
IFrame / ZIP file on request
Fluid banner variant:
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Max. file size
(Agency content) iFrame:
80 kb (GIF/JPEG/PNG)
iq digital provides the ad space: width: 100% of the browser viewport
x height: 250px. Delivery of a redirect is expected in the form of an iFrame
integrating the ad presentation as an independent project and incorporating
and encapsulating all necessary resources. The preceding ad space is
transferred to the size of the iFrame.
Cinema ad variant:
The creative agency is responsible for correct implementation and
functionality of the ad content. Instructions for integration of the iq ad
server click command in the iFrame URL are necessary so that iq digital
can also count clicks via its own ad server. The service provider can
provide the necessary information if the agency uses a Rich Media server.
Serving is on “stationary” websites. At the current time, these are not fluid
or optimised websites; in other words, the publisher site is scaled to the
virtual device resolution upon serving. There is no conversion to the
actual physical device resolution.
With regard to HTML5 implementation, please see the separate
information for HTML5 in the general section of the technical
Wherever possible, please send the ads in ZIP
file format to:
at least 10 working days before
the insertion date.
Agency ensures that all resources of the ad
presentation are retrieved from SSL-certified
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Global edition ad
(Tablet/Web – package 1)
1536 x 2048 px portrait mode (P)
2048 x 1536 px landscape mode (L)
Separate specification
(Smartphones – package 2)
640 x 1136 px portrait mode (P)
1136 x 640 px landscape mode (L)
Please supply all 4 ad formats. If no HD formats are available, standard
formats may also be delivered:
portrait std: 768 x1024 / landscape std: 1024 x 768 (tablet/Web)
portrait std: 320 x 568 / landscape std: 568 x 320 (smartphones)
Max. file size
Ad package 1 max. 2 MB as image files (JPEG / PNG)
Ad package 2 max. 120 KB as image files (JPEG / PNG)
3rd-party redirect
Delivery of a 3rd-party redirect is not possible
3rd-party tags+agency
counting pixels
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
Important note
The ad is as integrated in a high-impact manner above the content of the Global
Edition (implementation by Global Edition) within the context of an overlay incl.
“Close” button [*]. The size of the ad container therein is generated in
dependence on the viewport of the serving browser. Due to changing viewport
sizes, scaling of ads is necessary for the visible display of all ad-related content. It
should be noted that the displayed format may differ from the supplied material.
The ad also reacts with an automatic image change in the event of a change in
orientation (vertical/horizontal view).
Please ensure labelling as ad -w-; high-contrast font colour, at least 9pt. If not
labelled as an ad, iq digital reserves the right to label the ad itself.
iq digital also reserves the right to exclude problematic devices from serving of
ad if there is an undesired effect on the Global Edition website, the user or the
display itself and if exclusion can be ensured by the display system.
[*Integration as overlay or in-page integration may vary when the ad goes live.]
Wherever possible, please send
the ads in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before the
insertion date.
Agency ensures that all resources of
the ad presentation are retrieved from
SSL-certified servers.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Special specifications (ad formats)
Please request our separate specifications for the following ad formats:
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Multiscreen billboard
Formats (px)
Max. file size
Agency counting
950 x 250
300 x 75 (4:1) – WLAN targeting necessary
Initial display
HTML5: 200 kb (ZIP file) - as implementation using working template
of iq digital!
Provision with HTTPS-compatible protocol (*see HTTPS)
The multiscreen billboard banner is an HTML5-based ad. It is served on all
browsers that can display HTML5 irrespective of the user device. Presentation is
"adaptive”, in other words adapted to the maximum advertising space size of the
user device in question by means of so-called gradual scaling in different predefined and optimised standard sizes.
The agency ensures that all resources of the ad presentation are retrieved from
Initial mobile
SSL certified servers.
Important note:
In order to ensure the desired adaptive presentation of the ad, it is necessary
to use a working template of iq digital which you can request at:
All the ad assets integrated therein are also loaded for mobile – this is why
WLAN targeting is necessary.
Wherever possible, please send the ads
in ZIP file format to:
at least 5 working days before
the insertion date.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Direct response
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Direct response ads
Direct response: text link
Please always supply the following texts and a link as well as an
image motif in the format 356x200px for your ad:
Teaser text
Word length
– max. 24 characters
– max. 95 characters (incl. spaces)
– max. 18 characters per word
Please note that the maximum number of characters per word is
18. Words longer than this must be separated with a hyphen
plus space.
You can provide us with a motif for your ad in JPG, GIF or PNG
format; file size per individual image max. 50 kb. There is the
option of supplying either an image of size 356x200px (all other
formats are automatically generated from this image), or in one
of the 5 pixel sizes: 356x200, 72x60, 90x75, 138x115, 180x60. If
you do not want to use your own motif, the motif for your ad can
be chosen from a database comprising around 2,500 images.
The database includes images from fields like finance,
automobiles, tourism, telecommunication, health etc.
Please note that it is not possible to integrate any tracking
(counting) pixels in this ad format.
Delivery deadlines
For texts and images: 3 working days before insertion of the ad
Delivery address
For texts and images:
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Flash / Streaming specifications
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Flash specifications (general - part 1)
Click variables
The ad server can only correctly count the clicks on an ad if a click-sensitive surface with click function and click variable is
used. The click variable automatically replaced with the URL of the landing page by our ad server is called “clickTag”.
positioned in the first image on the main timeline, a correct click function could, for example, look like this:
_level0.meinButton.onRelease = function(){ getURL(clickTag, "_blank");}
…or directly on a button:
on(release) {getURL(clickTag, "_blank");}
Fallback graphics
Flash and action
script version
An additional graphic file must be supplied to ensure that users who have not installed a FlashPlugin can also see your
advertising. We support the graphic formats GIF, animated GIF, JPG and PNG (8 or 24Bit).
We generally recommend the use of Actionscript 2 (export up to Flash version 8). If higher Flash versions are desired, the
following must be taken into account when using Actionscript 3: the use of the function navigateToURL in AS3 can
activate the pop-up blocker of Internet Explorer.
IE9 occasionally blocks clicks on AS3 banners if they use a wmode=opaque. The wmode must be set to “window” to
prevent this.
You can find an example for implementation of a clickTag in AS3 here:
meinButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onClick);
function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
var click_url:String = root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTag;
if(click_url) {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(click_url), '_blank');
Flash embedding
The sound of an ad must be switched off as standard and may only be activated by user click on a special button. This
button must either be labelled “Sound on” or take the form of a stylised loudspeaker symbol.
wmode=opaque for banner, rectangle and skyscraper (this prevents these ads from covering Flash layers).
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Flash specifications (general – part 2)
Generally no permanent animation allowed. Duration max. 20-30 seconds. Looping only permitted within this time
frame. If different animation times have been defined for explicit ad formats within the specifications, these times are
applicable and should be taken into account.
Frame rate
18 fps (frames per second) .
CPU usage
CPU usage of the ad should not exceed 20% on a standard PC (Intel Pentium IV, GHz, MSIE 6 or FF2 with FlashPlugIn 8).
Flash specifications (layer / interstitial)
The Flash layer must have a “Close” button that is clearly visible at all times and must be clearly identified as advertising.
The flash layer is automatically closed after a maximum of 10 seconds.
Sound: see section “Flash specifications (general)”.
Once the animation is finished, the Flash film must call the command ("adlayerhider”) to ensure closing of the layer.
Call if using AS2;
… getURL("javascript:adlayerhider()","_self"); …
Call if using AS3:
… if (ExternalInterface.available) {"adlayerhider");
}else {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("javascript:adlayerhider()"),"_self");
} …
Positioning of the flash layer depends on the page or the booked ad format. Search windows and other advertising spaces must not be
The transparent areas of a layer must not have any buttons. Only visible elements may be clickable.
All the elements used must have clearly defined IDs: for the Flash object: id=adlayerobject, for a Div: id=adlayerdiv.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Flash specifications (expandable ad – part 1)
Expandable ad
An expandable ad is a large-format ad that – depending on its design – has the same initial size as a fullsize banner,
a superbanner or a skyscraper. When the ad is served, it is only partly visible and therefore looks like a normal standard format.
The expanding effect (superbanner: downwards, skyscraper: to the left) must only be activated by a user action (mouseover);
in other words, mouseover expands the ad, while mouseout collapses it.
When the mouse cursor moves away, the expandable ad must close automatically and should, where necessary, also feature
an easily visible “Close” button.
iq digital reserves the right to review expandable ads and where necessary to reject the ads or to suggest modifications if
the ad format would excessively impact use of the page.
Implementation of sound features is basically possible but is not recommended (see section “Sound”).
Delivery as a single Flash file (not two files); the fallback image must be delivered in the format of the non-expanded area.
It must be possible to “click through” transparent areas.
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Flash specifications (expandable ad – part 2)
To prevent a situation in which the SWF file is not transparently placed over the content, it is necessary to clip the DIV
container. Please use the following commands for control purposes:
Using AS2:
//Opening of the DIV
mouser.onRollOver = function(){
//Closing of the DIV
mouser.onRollOut = function(){
Example: expandable ad (getURL)
Using AS3 :
(function call via external interface or nav2url):
//Opening of the DIV
function handleRollOver(mouseEvent:MouseEvent):void {
if (ExternalInterface.available) {"adExpand");
}else {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("javascript:adExpand()"),"_self");
//Closing of the DIV
function handleRollOut(mouseEvent:MouseEvent):void {
if (ExternalInterface.available) {"adCollapse");
}else {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("javascript:adCollapse()"),"_self");
Example: expandable ad (ext.Inferface | nav2url)
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Streaming ads – general specifications
A spot may not exceed the max. length of between 15 and 30 seconds depending on the product.
Buttons for “Stop”, “Pause”, “Play” and “Sound On/Off” must be integrated in the ad – sound may only start in response to user
If video content is streamed into the Flash or HTML5 banner, iq digital cannot perform any video hosting.
There is no size restriction on the stream for bandwidth users but the file size should not be excessive. We generally recommend
bandwidth targeting. The bit rate should be between 800 and 1,500 kbit/s.
CPU usage of the ad should not exceed 20% on a standard PC (Intel Pentium IV, GHz, MSIE 8 or FF14 with FlashPlugIn 8).
iq dIgital reserves the right to reject particularly CPU-intensive ads. Please use the following suggestions from Adobe as your
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
iq digital
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Screenshots ad specials
with full-format background
Download link
Apotheken-Umschau, Baby-und-Familie
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
In the case of insertions planned far in advance, please
ensure that the screens are still relevant by visiting:
ZEIT Online
.zip file
.zip file
.zip file
Important note
The listed ad formats are optimised for a resolution of
1280x1024, but large image formats are also permitted.
The limit is set by the admissible file size
(total of 60 kb may not be exceeded).
Please note that larger background formats are not fully
displayed in the case of smaller resolutions.
iq digital provides up-to-date screenshots, but a final review
for motif coordination by the creative agency is an absolute
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017
Martin Voß
Head of Traffic Management
+49 (0)211 8 87-1357
Andreas Borzutzky
Traffic Manager
+49 (0)211 8 87-2378
Teresa Eversmann
Traffic Manager
+49 (0)211 8 87-2368
Dirk Hanenberg
Senior Traffic Manager
+49/2 11/8 87-2649
Jennifer Hoenig
Traffic Manager
+49 (0)211 8 87-1307
Kirstin Jaeger
Traffic Manager
+49 (0)211 8 87-2319
Dirk Engermann
Traffic Manager
+49 (0)211 8 87-2642
Banner delivery:
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
Last revised: January / Week 02 / 2017