MaxxECU Plugin Manual Nissan S14 SR20 Engine
MaxxECU Plugin Manual Nissan S14 SR20 Engine
MaxxECU Plugin - Engine Specifics Nissan S14 SR20 (76-pin) 2016-06-21 1. 5. 2. 4. 3. Fig 1 - MaxxECU Plugin kit consist of the following parts: 1. MaxxECU CMC connector 2. Vehicle harness adapter. 3. 16-pin extra connector. 4. 3-pin connector for extra 0-5v sensor (ex. pressure sensor). 5. 2-pin connector for external intake temperature sensor (IAT). Sensor not included! ECU installation Stock Engine Control Unit (ECU) on this vehicle is mounted on passenger side floor, behind the plastic guard on the right side. • Remove the black large plastic guard, where the ECU is located. • Disconnect the stock ECU from vehicle harness connector. • Install MaxxECU harness into vehicle harness connector. Be sure to tighten connectors! • Install included MAP-sensor into engine manifold with included hose kit. • Vehicle is not equipped with an intake temperature sensor. Optional external sensor and cable is recommended. Maxxtuning AB - - 16-pin connector 1 red black F1 COOLANT SENSOR, (F1) black 1: E3 SHIELD GND DA (PIN3) E1 CAN H grey 11 blue A3 IGNITION CYL 2, (A3) blue B2 IGNITION CYL 3, (B2) blue B3 IGNITION CYL 4, (B3) blue C2 IGNITION CYL 5, (C2) blue C3 IGNITION CYL 6, (C3) blue D2 IGNITION CYL 7, (D2) blue D3 IGNITION CYL 8, (D3) blue K1 INJECTOR CYL 1, (K1) K2 INJECTOR CYL 2, (K2) M1 INJECTOR CYL 3, (M1) 13 white M (grey/black) brown brown H4 HOME/CAM, (H4) H2 VR GND, (H2) green C4 GP OUT 2, (C4) green D4 GP OUT 3, (D4) green Options for connecting ignition coils Fig 2 - Extra connector (3) seen from cable side. 15 16 from ECU IGN ) L4 ENGINE GROUND, (L4) earthed in cylinderhead +12v power supply for ignition coils Injector 1 Injector 2 Injector 3 Injector 4 Injector 5 Injector wiring Fig 3 - 3-pin Superseal connector. from ECU INJ +12V 1: Signal GND. 2: AIN 4 (0-5V) input. Injectors are not polarity sensitive, but direct 3:way. +5V from ECU. them all the the same Injector 6 Extra output wiring Injector 7 Injector 8 12V INJECTORS Extra output 2 consumption (max 1.5A) from ECU GPO Extra output 3 Relay wirings +12V Fuse! Extra output 6 / fan green Extra output 7 green 30 Tachmometer / extra output 8 red 12V GP OUT 12V IGNITION, (D) 85 +12v for extra outputs 86 87 Fan / pump etc. extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra nectoruses as needed. = max 15A = max 25A +12V Extra output 1 12V ECU, (C) ion) out To be placed green Extra outputs. Extra output 4 M4 red A1 green MaxxECU Nissan Plugin offers extra output forGPflexible fan5 control. 12V ECU, (M4) OUT 5, (A1)control like boost control, Extra output / fuelpump GPO 7, GPO 8, INJ 8 (GND switched outputs). GP OUT 6, (B1)B1 green 12-pol connector extra in +12V E4 GP OUT 4, (E4) C1 GP OUT 7, (C1) A4 TACH/GP OUT 8, (A4) earthed in cylinderhead gnd Ignition coil 2 9: Wideband. near the coil Ignition coil 3 10: Wideband. Ignition coil 4 11: Wideband. Ignition coils with built-in amplifier 12: +12V (output). Ignition coil 5 from ECU IGN in 13: GND. Ignition coil 6 gnd +12V 14: AIN Ignition 1 (temperature / switch) (input). + coil 7 to be placed 15: AIN 2 (temperature / switch) (input). near coil Ignition coil 8 16: red AIN 3 (0-5V) (input). grey B4 GP OUT 1, (B4) 14 Ignition coil 1 shield rey 8 CAN-bus 12 A2 IGNITION CYL 1, (A2) 7 External ignition module Extra inputs. grey yellow F3 WBO2 COM MaxxECU Nissan Plugin has extra flexible inputs. grey F4 AIN 1, temp brown sensor or switches. WBO2 VS/02 IN M2 grey INJECTOR CYL 4, (M2) white G3 or switches. AIN 2, temp sensor WBO2 IP M3 grey INJECTOR CYL 5, (M3) G4 AIN 3, 0-5V input. green WBO2 RCAL L3 grey AIN 4, 0-5V input. Extra 3-pin connector (4). INJECTOR CYL 6, (L3) green D1 WBO2 HTR PIN 4, (D1) grey Normal state of GPO 7 is output, but can be configuredL2as INJECTOR CYL 7, (L2) H3 white L1 digital input! grey TRIGGER, (H3) INJECTOR CYL 8, (L1) shield ey) pink 6 ”smart” tändspole black / white 10 E2 CAN L 5 störfilter J1 Wideband. ANALOG IN 1, TEMP, (J1) J2 black 2: Wideband. ANALOG IN 2, TEMP, (J2) J3 3: Wideband. black ANALOG IN 3, 0-5V, (J3) 4: Wideband. J4 black ANALOG IN 4, 0-5V, (J4) 5: GPO 7 / DIN 3 black K3DIGITAL IN 1, (K3) 6: GPO 8 black K4DIGITAL IN 2, (K4) 7: -H1 brown 8: INJ 8 GND SENSOR 9 4 noise filter black 3 ”dumb” ignition coil black G1 5V SENSOR SUPPLY, (G1) G2 THROTTLE SENSOR, (G2) F2 AIR TEMP SENSOR, (F2) 2 from ECU GPO MaxxECU REV5+ 2014-02-05 Plugin Trigger Nissan uses a particular trigger sensor, called CAS, mounted on the front of one pulley. CAS sensor is similar in many Nissan models, but different cars uses different ”Sync window size”. Nissan S14a / S15 SR20 uses ”sync window size” to be 16. Sometimes the CAS system generates strange trigger pulses which gives Trigger-Errors at start-up or low speed, this can usually be remedied by changing ”Trigger polarity”. Since the CAS is mounted on the camshaft, instead of crank (where it should be mounted) a precise ignition spark angle can not be guaranteed because of the flexibility in the system. Over 500WHP, go for a crank trigger kit. Be sure to check the ignition timing with a timing light, to ensure a correct ignition angle. READ chapter 5 in Handbook! Notes MaxxECU has some built in output test and diagnostics, see Diagnostics ---> Output test to test certain outputs. Dynotuning Engine Management Motorsport 2
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