Director Elections - Wild Rice Electric Cooperative Inc.


Director Elections - Wild Rice Electric Cooperative Inc.
Wild Rice Electric’s
December 2015 • Volume 75 • Issue 12
News from Wild Rice Electric Co-op, Inc.
PO Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557
Director Elections
from all of us at
Wild Rice Electric!
Board of
Ken Ahmann
Chase Ashmore
Crystal Askelson
Mike Baukol
Joe Block
Jolene Brevik
Al Brunner
Craig Burrack
Ken Crane
Perry Doerfler
Bobbi DuChamp
Keith Geray
Tom Guenther
Duane Gunderson
Steven Haaven
Ross Halland
Blair Halvorson
Tommy Houdek
Nick Jasken
April Jirik
Angie Kent
Jill Kettner
Luke Klostermeier
Gary Neis
Dan Noll
Linda Noll
Travis Obowa
Scott Olson
Ryan Omang
Nathan Pazdernik
Josh Roed
Tom Ryan
Lisa Schoenborn
Glen Sommers
Bob Spaeth
Tim Stock
Abby Stueness
Sue Swanson
Dave Thronson
Cody Turner
Mike Vasilakes
Tim Voss
Gary Bergan
Diane Christianson
Mike Guetter
Mark Habedank
Greg LaVoy
Jeff Nornes
Russell Okeson
Larry Sollie
Roger Winter
At the Wild Rice Electric Cooperative,
Inc. annual meeting scheduled for
Thursday, March 17th, 2016, director elections for Districts 1, 2, and 3
will be held. If you are a Wild Rice
Electric Cooperative member interested in becoming a director, contact
Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. at
(218) 935-2517 for information and director qualifications. Directors standing
for re-election include District 1 – Jeff
Nornes, District 2 – Greg LaVoy, and
District 3 – Gary Bergan. Directors are
elected by ballot for a three-year term.
In accordance with Article III, Section
4 of the Bylaws it shall be the duty of
the board of directors to appoint, not
less than forty-five days nor more than
ninety days before the date of a members’ meeting at which directors are
to be elected, a committee on nominations consisting of nine members in
good standing, whereby three members
shall be selected from each district of
the Cooperative so as to give equitable representation on the committee
to the geographical area served by the
Cooperative. The board of directors will
appoint the nominating committee at
their monthly meeting scheduled for
(continued on page 3)
the Comments
Manager’s Desk
Steve Haaven
CEO of Finance & Administration
Community Solar Program
The October issue of Rural DeLight
included a survey designed to capture
member interest in Wild Rice Electric
moving forward to make available member participation in a long-term purchase
of solar energy through a cooperative
owned community solar project. The
program would have charged members
an upfront investment with the return a
set amount of energy, based upon the
member’s portion of the total community solar program output, credited to
the member’s bill each month for the
next 20 years. Interest in the program
was very poor with only eight responses. As a result, the board of directors,
by management recommendation, has
decided to postpone future investment
into a community solar project at this
time. However, the cooperative is
actively looking at joint involvement
with neighboring utilities as a means of
making solar energy available to those
members interested and willing to pay
for that involvement.
Clean Power Plan
Almost every utility periodical now
includes information on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed
Clean Power Plan (CPP). The Obama
Administration’s proposed CPP sets a
goal of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions into the atmosphere by 32
percent from 2005 levels by 2030.
Under the plan, the U.S. electric power sector must reduce overall carbon
emissions by 32 percent by 2030. Each
state has its own specific reduction requirement. Although Wild Rice Electric
provides electricity to members in northwestern Minnesota, our primary concern
is the CPP impact to North Dakota since
the generation for a large portion of
electricity we deliver comes from
coal fired power plants located in the
central part of North Dakota. The goal
assigned to North Dakota is a large 45
percent reduction, a figure that will be
very difficult to achieve. In the proposed
CPP rules, North Dakota was subjected
to an overall 11 percent reduction in
CO2 emissions. But when the final EPA
rule was announced it had increased
that number up to an unbelievable 45
percent. Industry leaders suggest it will
more than likely mean that some coal
fired power plants will be required to
shut down. In many situations, the shut
downs will occur prior to the plant being
paid for which will add burden on the
retail rate payer since new sources of
power will have to be constructed or be
made available at the same time. Ironically, back in the 1970’s when electric
co-ops knew they had to build more
generation to meet increasing demand,
the nation was operating under the Fuel
Use Act which made it illegal to use natural gas for power generation, virtually
forcing power companies to use coal as
the primary source of fuel.
The trouble doesn’t stop there. Those
responsible for ensuring the reliability of
the nation’s electric power system have
raised red flags about the plan’s impact.
They believe the EPA has underestimated
the amount of time it will take to build
new power plants and the related power
lines needed to comply with the rule.
The North American Electric Reliability
Corporation states, “Constructing the resource additions, as well as the expected
transmission enhancements, may represent a significant reliability challenge
given the constrained time period for
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, voice for over 900
rural electric co-ops nationwide,
has joined with 39 generation
Around The Co-op
and transmission co-ops asking courts
to recognize the EPA’s legal overreach
and tell EPA to go back to the drawing
board. Twenty-six states have done the
same. North Dakota Attorney General
Wayne Stenehjem states, “We’re trying
to figure out how in the world we can
possibly deal with this. It is a serious
situation. We believe the rule was
improperly developed.”
Wild Rice Electric and the entire
Minnkota Power system are well aware
of the debates on climate change. In
fact, much has already been done. It
needs to be pointed out that Minnkota
Power, our supplier of electricity, has
spent over $425 million in emissions
enhancements and upgrades within
the past decade to comply with previous EPA mandates and environmental
regulations. In addition, approximately
one third of overall system capacity
rests in wind energy from wind farms
located in North Dakota complemented
with hydro power available from the
Western Area Power Administration
(WAPA). All of that comes with a cost
and investments made have increased
rates dramatically in recent times.
Further mandates will require even
greater expenditures at a time when
many of those we provide service to are
having a challenging time paying their
monthly bill. I encourage you to follow
the Clean Power Plan discussions and,
if you are so inclined, to submit your
comments to EPA at
or or talk
to your local elected officials.
Happy Holidays
On behalf of the board of directors and
employees of Wild Rice Electric, I wish
you a safe and happy holiday season.
Thank you for your support. We look
forward to meeting your energy needs
in 2016.
Youth Tour Trip: Make Sure to Get Your
Applications Submitted!
Make 2016 the year you
experience the monuments
dedicated to our country’s
leaders and heroes. Let your
voice be heard and get your
questions answered.
Minnesota cooperatives will send approximately 40 students to Washington,
D.C. for the 52nd Electric Cooperative
Youth Tour. Wild Rice Electric has partnered with the Rural Electric Youth Tour
to Washington, D.C. June 11th-16th,
2016. High school students from across
Minnesota will travel to Washington,
D.C. to join more than 1,600 other
students from around the nation for the
2016 Electric Cooperative Youth Tour.
Students will visit with their congressional representatives, tour some of the
most famous museums in the world,
and make memories and friends that
will last a lifetime!
Wild Rice Electric will be sponsoring
one candidate to represent our service
area! The selected candidate will be
responsible for transportation to and
from the MSP airport. Contact Wild
Rice Electric Cooperative or your high
school counselor to apply. The Minnesota Rural Electric Association (MREA)
coordinates the youth tour. They will
leave Saturday, June 11th and return
Thursday, June 16th.
To Qualify:
• Complete the Wild Rice Electric Cooperative Youth Tour Application.
• Applicants must have a parent/
legal guardian who is a member of
Wild Rice Electric Cooperative with
an active account for their primary
• Applicant must be a junior or senior
(16-18 years old) and must attend
one of the following schools in Wild
Rice Electric’s service area:
Detroit Lakes High School
Fertile Beltrami High School
Fosston High School
Hawley High School
Lake Park Audubon High School
Mahnomen High School
Norman County East High School
Ulen-Hitterdal High School
Waubun High School
Win-E-Mac High School
• Submit a 500-word essay summarizing “What a Cooperative Means to
• Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0
Applications must be submitted by
January 8th, 2016.
Director Elections
(continued from page 1)
Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015. A list
of those appointed will be provided
in the January issue of Rural DeLight.
The Cooperative’s service territory is
divided into three director districts.
Each of the districts is represented
by three directors who are qualified members of the Cooperative
and reside within the district to be
represented. One director from each
district is elected at each annual
member meeting for a term of three
The nominating committee is scheduled to meet January 20th, 2016 at
Wild Rice Cooperative’s offices. The
committee shall nominate one or
more qualified member(s) from each
district for each office of director
slated for election, to be elected by
the membership at large at the annual
meeting, and shall prepare and post
at the principal office of the Cooperative at least thirty days before said
meeting, a list of nominations. Any
fifteen or more members may make
other nominations in writing over
their signatures not less than twenty days prior to the annual meeting
and the secretary shall post the same
at the same place where the list of
nominations made by the committee
is posted.
Send applications to:
Wild Rice Electric Cooperative
PO Box 438 / 502 N. Main St.
Mahnomen, MN 56557
Attn: Electric Cooperative Youth Tour
Heating Sales Tax
Account Number
I hereby verify that I use 50
percent or more electricity for
residential heating purposes and
request that Wild Rice Electric
Cooperative, Inc. deduct the
6.875 percent sales tax for those
months that are exempt.
Consumer’s Signature
Keep Kids Safe Around Electric Toys
If you’re giving electric toys for gifts
this year, there are several things to
keep in mind for choosing, using, and
storing these toys.
Don’t buy an electrical toy, or any
toy, for a child too young to use it
safely. Always check the age recommendation on the shelf package. And
remember that this is only a minimum age recommendation; not every
8-year-old is necessarily able to safely
handle a toy for children of that age.
Keep the specific child in mind when
you choose a gift.
Read the toy’s instructions carefully
and then read them again with any
child who will be playing with the toy.
Be sure that the child knows how to
use the items safely, understands all
the instructions and warning labels,
and is aware of the hazards of mis-
using the toy. The instructions should be
kept with the toy or in a safe place where
they can be found easily.
frayed cords, or other damage. Have
the toy repaired or replaced if you
notice any damage.
Always supervise children when they’re
using any electrical product.
Only an adult or responsible older
child should replace a light bulb on an
electrical toy; it is extremely important
that the replacement bulb be the proper wattage and that the plug is disconnected when the bulb is changed.
Be sure that the plug of an electric toy fits
snugly into wall outlets or (if they must be
used) extension cord receptacles. Teach
children always to disconnect an electrical
appliance after use by grasping the plug,
not by pulling on the cord.
Keep infants and toddlers out of the area in
which an electrical toy is being used.
All electric toys should be put away immediately after use in a dry storage area out of
the reach of younger children.
Check the condition of your child’s electric
toys often. Look for any broken parts,
Celebrate with Savings
Buy energy efficient Christmas lights and
decorations with this LED Rebate Coupon!
It’s best to plug electric toys and children’s products into GFCI-protected
Children’s electric toys are covered by
several regulations; to check on these
requirements, go to the Consumer
Product Safety Commission website at You can check any toy
you’re considering for your children
against these requirements to be sure
it meets current safety standards.
Mail to:
Wild Rice Electric Cooperative
P.O. Box 438
Mahnomen, MN 56557-0438
How to Apply
1) Purchase LED Christmas plug-in (not battery operated) lights
and decorations in 2015.
2) Complete this coupon and submit it to Wild Rice Electric Cooperative by Dec. 18th, 2015, with your original sales receipt
and the LED packaging showing the ENERGY STAR® logo and
number of lights per string.
3) Strings must be 100 or fewer lights.
Account #:
Number of Strings
Rebate per String
Total Rebate
4) $3/string of lights, maximum of 5 strings per customer.
Rebate cannot exceed price of LED string per package.
Copies of the Cold Weather Policy are available at: Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc.
502 North Main, PO Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557 Phone: (218) 935-2517 -- Toll free (800) 244-5709
If you need help paying your electric utility bill, you may qualify for state or federal fuel assistance. Disputes
regarding the options available can be appealed to the Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board of Directors. For
complete qualification and application information, contact your local county welfare or community/citizen’s action
council listed below. These organizations may also provide budget counseling.
IF YOU LIVE IN Becker County or Mahnomen County: contact Mahube Community Council, PO Box 747, Detroit
Lakes, MN 56502, Phone: 847-1385; Mahube Community Council, PO Box 78, Mahnomen, MN 56557, Phone:
935-5022; Energy Assistance Program, 3303 US Hwy 59, Waubun, MN 56589, Phone: 218-473-2711; Becker
County Human Services, 712 Minnesota Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501, Phone: 218-847-5628; Mahnomen County
Human Services, 311 North Main, Mahnomen, MN 56557, Phone: 218-935-2568.
IF YOU LIVE IN Clay County: contact West Central Minnesota Communities Action Inc., 411 Industrial Park Blvd,
PO Box 596, Elbow Lake, MN 56531, Phone: 1-800-492-4805 or 1-218-685-4486; Clay County Social Services, 715
11th St. No., Suite 502, Moorhead, MN 56560, Phone: 218-299-5200.
IF YOU LIVE IN Clearwater or E. Polk County: contact Inter County Community Council, PO Box 187, Oklee, MN
56742, Phone: 218-796-5144; Polk County Social Services, 612 No. Broadway, Suite 110, Crookston, MN 56716,
Phone: 218-281-3127.
IF YOU LIVE IN W. Polk County or Norman County: contact Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, 1407 Erskine Ave, PO
Box 607, Crookston, MN 56716, Phone: 1-866-264-3729 or 218-281-9080; Norman County Social Services, 152nd
Ave E, Ada, MN 56510, Phone: 218-784-56510.
BUDGET COUNSELING: West Central Minnesota Communities Action Inc., 411 Industrial Park Blvd, PO Box 596,
Elbow Lake, MN 56531, Phone: 1-800-492-4805 or 1-218-685-4486; Consumer Credit Counseling Service, 1201
25th Street South, Fargo, ND 58102, Phone: 1-701-235-3328; Family Life Services, 15 South 10th Street, Fargo, ND
58102, Phone: 1-701-237-9247.
Strike Master Electric Ice Auger 8”
12000 DP works good, $200 or BO.
Mossberg 12 gauge pump $130.
Wood stove brink lined, $200. Strike
Master Electric Ice Auger 10” 2000,
$130. 2001 Mazda 4wd ext cab $3200.
218-935-5110 days.
1977 Dodge Power Wagon, 3/4
ton, 4x4, 4 speed, new starter, good
wood hauler/hunting rig. $800.00,
OBO. Lawn-Boy Silver Pro Series
Lawn Mower, Dura force engine, 6.5
HP, commercial grade. Great shape.
$140.00, OBO. 218-849-4065.
1989 34’ Winnebago Super Chief
Class A Camper. Good condition 454
GM engine, 60,000 miles $7800 OBO.
Ford 4x16 trip beam. 3pt mount plow,
$750. Shop cabinets, $100. 8x16
grip tires on wheels, $80. Watch fobs.
Lawn mowers, for repair or parts, $10
each. 218-563-4376.
1993 28 ½ ‘ Award 5th wheel camper
trailer, very nice condition, single owner, $4500 OBO. 218-686-8199.
Old Stevens bold action 20 gauge shot
gun, $75. 218-532-2287.
WOW Computer for Senior, advertised
by AARP. Like new; keyboard, mouse,
speakers, manual. Skype, internet,
etc. No big hard-drive box need. New
over $1,000 will sell $300 OBO.
1993 Arctic Cat Snowmobile 714 miles,
440 cc, electric start, long track and reverse. 701-238-6717.
Two toppers, two pontoons and a
1989 Ford Eco Van. 218-234-0588 or
1993 Plymouth Voyager Van, Astro
start, tow package, AM-FM cassette, stereo, block heater. $500, OBO. Needs OD
solenoid. 218-841-4226.
400 Versatile 15 ft. swather needs tuneup, make offer. 218-962-3384.
Pull type 7 foot Erskine snow blower.
Nice shape. Also have an 826 Ariens
walk behind snow blower. 375.00
Each. 218-686-4310.
Butcher hogs $200 for whole $100 for
half delivered to Ulen Locker on Dec.
14. 701-388-2747.
1998 Arctic Cat z 440 runs good, $450.
2 early 70’s Skidoo Olympics single cyl.
$250 each/ $400 both. WD45 AC Tractor
good tires, loader, fresh paint, $2,000.
Nice PIANO made in USA by Hallet
Davis & Co. 55” x 24” width. Brown
finish with matching 30” double
bench w/storage dept. & other accessories. $500. 218-841-0058.
Variety of organically grown vegetables including various squash,
carrots, parsnips, beets, rutabagas,
cabbage, and gourds. 218-687-3461
or 218-280-0821.
Quick Flip 2 Eskimo portable fish
house with cover like new. New was
$480.00 will sell for $225.00. Also
roll top cover for 6 1/2 foot pickup
box $125.00. 218-850-9010 or
Steel headache rack 7 ft. wide by
6 ft high, $100. 3 ft wide elevator
belt in 25ft lengths has buckets with
belts 14 ½” wide. Free, you haul.
Alfalfa grass hay in 5x5 large round
bales stored in shed 1st, 2nd and 3rd
crops. 32 inch wooden house door inside heavy. 218-596-8383.
Honda 5000 Watt Generator $400,
1999 Saturn SC2 , 4 door, 44K
$4,500. Old pie cabinet $275. New
oak roll top $275. Makita sawzall,
$45. Military parka, large, $30.
2004 Mercedes Benz C240, 63,000
actual miles, moon roof, newer tires,
super clean, excellent, service regularly, $8,500. 218-962-3362.
Used galvanized sheets of steel “old
strong barn” 26”x 8 feet, good shape.
$8 per sheet. 218-325-4209.
1973, Hydra Mac 12C skid steer loader w/ bucket and almost new tires.
Good working loader $4,500. Also 7
-100 lb. propane cylinders, $65 each
or $350 for all. 701-541-2812.
Wood burning stove. 218-473-2107.
Three 8 X 7 white metal paneled garage doors and a Stanley garage door
opener. Very good condition. First
$150.00 takes it all. 218-844-5503.
100 small square alfalfa bales,
2nd crop, no rain, conditioned,
stored in shed, $6 per bale.
St. Croix Auburn corn stove w/ digital
control, 90 pound hopper, large ash
pan, gold trim door w/ glass, exhaust
pipe and manual included, $1,100.
Polaris Snowmobile Sale – 2000 Super Sport, 1997 Indy 500, and 1983
Trial. 218.289.7234. Priced to sell!
2005 Chrysler Town & Country Van/
touring model 3.8 v6 116K 2nd owner- service records. Dark blue/ gray interior-most power options, very clean,
$4,450. 218-850-9303.
42-6 foot steel
24” Simplicity snow blower w/ 8 hp
motor, electric start and light. 218435-6724 lv message.
New insulated & vented dog house.
Interior 20x36. Door 9x13. Fits medium to large dogs. $200. Stock Panels,
6 4ft x 16ft, 1 4ft x 19ft. $175 for all.
Buescher alto sax, $350.00 and a
Conn tenor sax, $650.00. Both have
mouthpieces. Hard cases and accessories. Call 218-847-2051.
Our Ad Policy
• All ads must be 30 words or
• Ads will be abbreviated at the
co-op’s discretion.
• No real estate or commercial
ads will be accepted.
• Ads are published for members
at no charge as space permits
on a first-come, first-served
basis. Unpublished ads will not
be carried over.
• Ads are due by the 5th of the
month prior to publication.
• Members may submit only one
ad per issue.
• Ads must be resubmitted to run
an additional month.
• Ads must be typed or in clear,
readable print. Editor reserves
the right to edit or reject any
• You can submit your ad by mail,
email or fax. Phone ads will not
be accepted.
• Fax ads to:
(218) 935-2519
• Email ads to:
• Mail ads to:
Wild Rice Electric
P.O. Box 438
Mahnomen, MN 56557
500 gallon
Gehl or OMC drum round baler.
Twin size mattress and green swivel office chair. 218-935-5276.
502 North Main, P.O. Box 438
Mahnomen, MN 56557
Rural DeLight (ISSN 0194 505X)
Published monthly by Wild Rice Electric Cooperative,
Inc., P.O. Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557, in the
interests of its members and others. Periodical postage
paid at Mahnomen and additional mailing offices. USPS
468-810. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes,
Form 3579 to: Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc., P.O.
Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557-0438.
Subscription rates: Members, $1/year; Non-members, $2/year. Phone: (218) 935-2517
In this Issue:
““ Happy Holidays From All of Us at Wild Rice Electric!
““ Director Elections
““ Over the Manager’s Desk with Steve Haaven
““ Youth Tour Trip: Make Sure to Get Your Applications Submitted!
““ Keep Kids Safe Around Electric Toys
““ LED Rebate: Celebrate with Savings
““ Want Ads
Wild Rice Electric’s office will close at noon on Thursday,
December 24th and re-open on Monday, December 28th for
the Christmas holiday. The office will also close at noon
on Thursday, December 31st and re-open again on Monday, January 4th for the New Year’s holiday. In the event
of an emergency or outage, please call (218) 935-2517 or
(800) 244-5709 and our answering service will be able to
assist you. We wish all of you safe and happy holidays!
News from Wild Rice
Electric Co-op, Inc.
Serving you 24 hours a day
(218) 935-2517
(800) 244-5709
Office Hours:
8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.