Rural DeLight - Wild Rice Electric Cooperative Inc.


Rural DeLight - Wild Rice Electric Cooperative Inc.
Wild Rice Electric’s
December 2014 • Volume 74 • Issue 12
News from Wild Rice Electric Co-op, Inc.
PO Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557
75 Years of Service
Wild Rice Electric Cooperative is celebrating 75 years of
service this year. To mark this milestone, we will be publishing
the history of the co-op in a three-part series over the next few
newsletters. It is fascinating to look back at the co-op’s origins
and think about how far we’ve come over the past 75 years!
Part 1 of 3
Named after a grain that grows wild in
shallow northern lakes, Wild Rice Electric
Cooperative, Inc., had its first sparks of life
on August 15th, 1939.
Serving a region consisting of Mahnomen
County and parts of Becker, Clay, Norman,
and Polk Counties, plus a small part of
Clearwater County, it has been characterized as having a split personality. Divided
down the middle by Highway 59, the east
half is an area of lake country much in demand among vacationers who build lakeside cottages or stop off at resorts while
the west half is largely farming country.
In 1935, this area had become part of the
territory that was to be served by Lake
Region Co-op Electrical Association, with
headquarters first in Fergus Falls and later
in Pelican Rapids. While other sections
were getting electricity, the northern section had been bypassed.
Finally, on that summer day in 1939,
something was being done. A meeting was
held at the Town Hall in the small town of
Flom in Norman County. A group of people listened attentively as a farmer named
Peter Ingebretson of Ulen introduced
Director Elections 2015
At the Wild Rice Electric Cooperative,
Inc. annual meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 19th, 2015, director elections
for Districts 1, 2, and 3 will be held. If
you are a Wild Rice Electric Cooperative
member interested in becoming a director,
contact Wild Rice Electric Cooperative,
Inc. at (218) 935-2517 for information and
Albert R. Knutson, project superintendent
director qualifications. Directors standing
of Lake Region Co-op Electrical Associafor re-election include District 1 – Larry
tion. Mr. Knutson in turn introduced Julius Sollie, District 2 – Mark Habedank and
Ausen, representing the examining division District 3 – Russell Okeson. Directors are
of REA in Washington.
elected by ballot for a three-year term.
Mr. Ausen minced no words in urging the
group to withdraw from the Lake Region
In accordance with Article III, Section 4
of the Bylaws; it shall be the duty of the
board of directors to appoint, not less than
forty-five (45) days nor more than ninety
“It is to your advantage to have a smaller
days (90) before the date of a members’
project with an office in the center of the
meeting at which directors are to be electfive-county area,” he declared. “Now is the ed, a committee on nominations consisttime to set up an organization by seceding ing of nine (9) members in good standing,
from the Lake Region group. I can assure
whereby three (3) members shall be selected from each district of the Cooperative so
you that money for this project has been
as to give equitable representation on the
earmarked by REA and that an allotment
committee to the geographical area served
for construction of the system will soon
by the Cooperative. The board of directors
reach you.”
will appoint the nominating committee at
their monthly meeting scheduled for TuesWith Mr. Ausen’s admonition that, “Now
is the time to act,” ringing in their ears, the day, December 23rd, 2014. A list of those
group did act. A motion was made by Ed
appointed will be provided in the January
Herberger of Fertile and seconded by John issue of the Cooperative’s newsletter, the
Christenson of Twin Valley that members
Rural DeLight.
in all of Mahnomen and parts of Norman,
Clay, Becker, and Polk Counties withdraw
The Cooperative’s service territory is dividfrom the Lake Region Co-op Electrical As- ed into three director districts. Each of the
sociation and form their own cooperative. districts is represented by three directors
The motion was carried unanimously.
who are qualified members of the Cooper(75 Years of Service is continued on page 4)
(Director Elections 2015 is continued on page 4)
Over the Manager’s Desk
Steve Haaven
Around The Co-op
Winter is Just Ahead
As I write this article we are experiencing the first significant snowfall of this
winter season which reminds us the
year of 2014 is coming to an end and
very cold temperatures lie just around
the corner. Although it is likely this first
snow will be gone by tomorrow, the
cruel fact remains that winter is inevitable if you live in Northern Minnesota.
Heating, no matter the method used,
becomes a challenge and is costly
during the winter season. As you know,
last year propane prices increased dramatically right when everyone needed
it most. Many members had little
option but to pay those high prices. I
encourage you to look at electric heating options for this winter and beyond.
Wild Rice Electric’s dual heat rate of
5.3 cents per kilowatt hour, plus Minnkota’s four mill surcharge, is equivalent
to propane at $1.38 per gallon or fuel
oil at $1.40 per gallon. Options for
heating with electricity include the use
of baseboards, boilers, plenum heaters,
air source heat pumps, and ground
source heat pumps. In addition to dual
heating, other load control programs
are available. An adequate backup
heating system is required to take advantage of these load control programs.
Rebates are available for converting to
a number of those options. If you are
interested in more information, contact
our Member Services Department at
(218) 935-2517 or (800) 244-5709.
Another reminder for members who
have electric heat for their primary
residential heating system is that your
electric bills for the heat portion are
exempt from Minnesota State Sales Tax
from November to April each year. To
qualify, an Exemption Certificate (found
elsewhere in this copy of the Rural
DeLight) is required to be on file. All
certificates signed during previous years
are on file and no refiling is necessary.
If you qualify and are being taxed on
your bill for the heating portion, please
complete the certificate and return it to
our office. If you have questions, contact our Billing Department for details.
Safety is a Priority
Wild Rice Electric promotes safety to our employees, directors, and
members. Our goal is to create and
maintain a culture of safety in the workplace, reduce accident frequency and
severity, and expand to an even higher
compliance level. In our business,
there is no room for error with lineworkers consistently working with 7200
volts of electricity. One wrong move
can spell disaster. Similarly, the general
public is reminded to be diligent when
it comes to respecting electricity. The
product we deliver to your homes
provides a tremendous service and
does all kinds of work. Crews occasionally notice situations where some
people have attempted to take short
cuts or tamper with electric equipment
and report it to the cooperative. When
reported we then contact the State of
Minnesota concerning the situation. If
an immediate safety hazard exists, the
service has even been disconnected
until the appropriate corrections have
been made. Should you notice a situation that simply does not look right or
appears dangerous, please contact our
office at (800) 244-5709.
Wild Rice Electric recently applied for
accreditation through the Rural Electric
Safety Achievement Program through
the National Rural Electric Cooperative
Association. The program is intended
to control and prevent work related
failures that cause fatalities, injuries,
illness, equipment damage, and damage to or destruction of property. I am
pleased and proud to report the co-op
rated very well during the extensive application and observation. This marks
the 30th straight year your cooperative has been so accredited. I would
like to express my appreciation to our
employees and board for reaching that
milestone. It isn’t an easy process and
is quite an accomplishment. Even more
importantly, it exemplifies our continued effort to create and maintain a
culture of safety.
Please keep safety in mind during this
holiday season. Many of us become involved in a host of activities during the
busy season, from decorating homes to
cooking for large family gatherings. Be
careful to check drop cords and lights.
Also use care to not overload circuits.
Slam the Scam
Minnesota utilities are joining forces to
raise customer awareness and fight back
against scams. Reports of phone and
email billing scams are increasing at
alarming rates, representing thousands
of dollars lost by victims. In an effort to
warn members and shut down scammers, an awareness campaign to “SLAM
the SCAM” has been launched. If you
think you are targeted by a scammer to
simply end the conversation – SLAM
down the phone. Scammers tell intended victims their account is past due
and threaten disconnection. They often
require victims to pay using a pre-paid
debit card and they will email phony
bills. Protecting personal and financial
data is a top priority. If you are behind
on your bill, you will receive written
notice before a service disconnection.
Never give out personal information,
credit card numbers, or wire money as
the result of an unexplained or unsolicited call or email. Simply, if it doesn’t
feel right “SLAM the SCAM” to end
the conversation. We often think these
scams only happen in bigger cities, but
members in this region of Minnesota
have called in to report such activity.
Happy Holidays
On behalf of all of us at Wild Rice
Electric I would like to wish each of
you a happy holiday season. Please
keep safety in mind during this joyous
from all of us at Wild Rice Electric!
Ken Ahmann
Chase Ashmore
Crystal Askelson
Jolene Brevik
Mike Baukol
Al Brunner
Craig Burrack
Ken Crane
Perry Doerfler
Keith Geray
Tom Guenther
Duane Gunderson
Steven Haaven
Ross Halland
Blair Halvorson
Nick Jasken
Jill Kettner
Deanna Lefebvre
Gary Neis
Dan Noll
Board of Directors
Linda Noll
Travis Obowa
Scott Olson
Ryan Omang
Nathan Pazdernik
Heather Pederson
Josh Roed
Tom Ryan
Lisa Schoenborn
Bob Spaeth
Tim Stock
Abby Stueness
Sue Swanson
Adam Sweno
Jayne Thompson
Dave Thronson
Cody Turner
Mike Vasilakes
Tim Voss
Nathan Zortman
Gary Bergan
Diane Christianson
Mike Guetter
Mark Habedank
Greg LaVoy
Jeff Nornes
Russell Okeson
Larry Sollie
Roger Winter
Celebrate with Savings
Buy energy efficient Christmas lights and decorations with
LED Rebate Coupon
How to Apply
1.Purchase LED Christmas plug-in (not battery operated) lights and decorations in 2014.
2.Complete this coupon and submit it to your utility by Dec. 12th, 2014, with your original sales receipt and the LED packaging showing the ENERGY STAR® logo and number
of lights per string.
3.Strings must be 100 or fewer lights.
4.$3/string of lights, maximum of 5 strings per customer. Rebate cannot exceed price of
LED string per package.
Copies of the Cold Weather Policy are available at: Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc.
502 North Main, PO Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557 Phone: (218) 935-2517 -- Toll free (800) 244-5709
If you need help paying your electric utility bill, you may qualify for state or federal fuel assistance. Disputes
regarding the options available can be appealed to the Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board of Directors. For
complete qualification and application information, contact your local county welfare or community/citizen’s action
council listed below. These organizations may also provide budget counseling.
IF YOU LIVE IN Becker County or Mahnomen County: contact Mahube Community Council, PO Box 747, Detroit
Lakes, MN 56502, Phone: 847-1385; Mahube Community Council, PO Box 78, Mahnomen, MN 56557, Phone:
935-5022; Energy Assistance Program, 3303 US Hwy 59, Waubun, MN 56589, Phone: 218-473-2711; Becker
County Human Services, 712 Minnesota Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501, Phone: 218-847-5628; Mahnomen County
Human Services, 311 North Main, Mahnomen, MN 56557, Phone: 218-935-2568.
Account #:
Phone #:
Number of Strings
Rebate per String
Total Rebate
IF YOU LIVE IN Clay County: contact West Central Minnesota Communities Action Inc., 411 Industrial Park Blvd,
PO Box 596, Elbow Lake, MN 56531, Phone: 1-800-492-4805 or 1-218-685-4486; Clay County Social Services, 715
11th St. No., Suite 502, Moorhead, MN 56560, Phone: 218-299-5200.
IF YOU LIVE IN Clearwater or E. Polk County: contact Inter County Community Council, PO Box 187, Oklee, MN
56742, Phone: 218-796-5144; Polk County Social Services, 612 No. Broadway, Suite 110, Crookston, MN 56716,
Phone: 218-281-3127.
IF YOU LIVE IN W. Polk County or Norman County: contact Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, 1407 Erskine Ave, PO
Box 607, Crookston, MN 56716, Phone: 1-866-264-3729 or 218-281-9080; Norman County Social Services, 152nd
Ave E, Ada, MN 56510, Phone: 218-784-56510.
BUDGET COUNSELING: West Central Minnesota Communities Action Inc., 411 Industrial Park Blvd, PO Box 596,
Elbow Lake, MN 56531, Phone: 1-800-492-4805 or 1-218-685-4486; Consumer Credit Counseling Service, 1201
25th Street South, Fargo, ND 58102, Phone: 1-701-235-3328; Family Life Services, 15 South 10th Street, Fargo, ND
58102, Phone: 1-701-237-9247.
Off-peak Members Should Expect an Average Number of
Winter Control Hours This Year
The Additional Young 2 Energy Will Help Limit Control Hours
Last winter, the so-called polar vortex sent
much of the region into a deep freeze.
Even if the cold-weather phenomenon returns this winter, members who participate
in the off-peak electric heating program
should anticipate an average number of
winter load control hours.
Minnkota Power Cooperative, your cooperative’s wholesale power provider, estimates 240 hours of dual-heat load control
this winter. This compares to the 10-year
average of 255 hours and last year’s total
of 301 hours.
The key difference from last year is that
Minnkota has increased its purchase of
energy from the Young 2 power plant by
about 114 megawatts capacity. As part
of a long-term transaction, the additional
energy from the coal-based plant will help
meet peak winter demands and future load
growth projections.
“The added Young 2 energy will reduce
our exposure to the volatility of the
wholesale energy market and should also
help limit our hours of control,” said Todd
Sailer, Minnkota senior manager of energy
Winter load control projections are based
on reliable power plant operations and
normal market conditions. Sailer warns
that load control estimates can change
due to circumstances such as storms,
power plant outages, and transmission
line congestion. The availability of wind
resources also has the ability to impact
control hours.
“If our power supply resources perform
well, we will have power to serve our
loads at almost all hours during the winter season,” Sailer said. “The challenge
comes when we have unplanned outages
or during extreme cold periods when the
demand for electricity is high.”
Surplus energy can typically be purchased from the regional wholesale
energy market at affordable prices. With
demand skyrocketing across the Midwest
last winter, prices momentarily went as
high as $2 per kWh.
“Controlling load during these periods
protects consumers from the volatility
of the market and prevents the need to
build new power plants just to serve peak
loads,” Sailer said. “The savings by doing
this are passed on to members through
the low off-peak electric rate, which is
approximately half of the regular retail
An off-peak system consists of an electric
heating source as its primary component.
A supplemental heating source will need
to operate several hundred hours or more
during the winter season. Sailer said
members with a well-maintained backup
heating system should not notice a difference in comfort level when their off-peak
heating system is controlled.
“The ability to manage costs and plan
for the heating season is one of the many
benefits of the off-peak electric heating
program,” Sailer said.
Millions of dollars have been saved due
to the successful operation of Minnkota’s
load management system over the past 36
“Load management is a vital tool for
Minnkota and the associated systems to
use to keep wholesale power prices competitive and winter heating bills low for
retail consumers,” Sailer said.
Electric Heat Rebates Available
Great new incentives are available for the
installation of qualifying electric heating
equipment. Cooperative members will receive
$20 per kilowatt (kW) installed with a maximum rebate of $600. The system must be the
primary heating source in the building and on
the off-peak program with a qualified backup
heating source. The system must be hardwired; plug-in systems are not eligible.
Some restrictions apply. Please contact the
cooperative’s member services department for
more information.
75 Years of Service (continued from page 1)
Director Elections 2015 (continued from page 1)
At the same time, the group elected nine people to serve as
incorporators and also as directors. The group of directors was
as follows: Garfield Olson of Detroit Lakes; Oscar J. Olson of
Lake Park; Peter Ingebretson of Ulen; Lewis Kirkeby of Twin
Valley; Alfred R. Olson of Gary; Iver J. Westad of Fertile; Mrs.
Maybell Milstein of Mahnomen; Clarence Kampstad of Lengby; and O.P. Refling of Fertile.
ative and reside within the district to be represented. One director from each district is elected at each annual member meeting
for a term of three years.
At this time, the name of the association was designated as
Wild Rice Co-op Electrical Association. Peter Ingebretson
was named as the first president of the new cooperative, with
Mr. Refling as Vice President, Alfred R. Olson as Secretary,
and Mr. Westad as Treasurer. L.A. Wilson of Mahnomen was
the first choice of the board for project attorney and Arnold
Christopherson of Fergus Falls was recommended as project
Look for part 2 next month!
The nominating committee is scheduled to meet at 11:00 a.m.
on Wednesday, January 21st, 2015 at the Cooperative’s offices.
The committee shall nominate one or more qualified member(s)
from each district for each office of director slated for election,
to be elected by the membership at large at the annual meeting,
and shall prepare and post at the principal office of the Cooperative at least thirty (30) days before said meeting, a list of
nominations. Any fifteen (15) or more members may make other
nominations in writing over their signatures not less than twenty
(20) days prior to the annual meeting and the secretary shall post
the same at the same place where the list of nominations made
by the committee is posted.
1994 Ford pickup, 4WD, 6 cyl, straight
stick, $1200. 218-375-3766.
Queen size hide-a-bed, in exc cond, $50.
218-847-1829 or 701-630-9213.
Frabill ice fishing shelter “Refuge” model, used only twice, from Gander Mountain, $100. 218-435-6820.
Elec snow blower; Elec leaf blower; 8’
pickup topper; Big round grass hay
bales. 218-483-4164.
Popup camper; Trailer hitch for 2008
Dodge Grand Caravan. 218-847-3565.
Pickup box trailer w/ wood splitter, $500;
360 Johnsrud Chainsaw, like new, $300;
Olympic weight center, $750 new, sell
for $325; 16 ft 4-horse pumper pull
stock trailer, $1500. 218-396-0590.
2002 Buick Century, 4DR, tan, v-6, needs
work or good for parts, good tires. Ph:
1949 C Farmall, narrow front, new tires,
good paint, exc cond. 218-563-7339,
leave msg. or 218-280-0524.
Hampshire sheep breeding rams, ewes,
and lambs. Registered stock fit for 4H
and FFA projects. 218-396-0408
JD 4020 w/ cab, new back tires, $4500
OBO. 218-847-6242.
Maestro acoustic guitar, made by Gibson, nice shape, $150 or trade for guns
and pay the difference in cash. 701-2931295.
Hamilton upright piano, $25Kitchenaid
conventional wall oven, $30; Sewing
machine cabinet w/ lots of storage, $25;
Vintage GE fridge, $25. 218-261-0346.
Earth wood stove holds 20” wood, $150.
With the start of another heating
season, we would like to remind our
residential consumers who have
electric heat as their primary heating
system, that their electric bills are
exempt from Minnesota sales tax from
November through April.
If you qualify and have not signed a
tax exemption certificate previously,
please contact our office for details. All
certificates signed previously are on
record and no refiling is necessary.
2 – auto washing machines, 6 mos
old, $250 each; 1949 Dodge pickup,
no rust, w/o flatbed; 1968 IHC 2-ton
truck w/ box & hoist, new tires. Both
project vehicles. 701-541-2812.
Snow thrower, Troy-Bilt 21” w/ elec start,
$200, new rubber on auger. 218-9375331, rural Hawley.
Brown lift chair, 16 mos old, has battery backup. 218-849-2530.
CIH 8600 air drill, 30’, has recent opener
discs & new tires on cart, used last spring,
$8000; Wil-Rich 3400 42’ field cultivator, used this fall, $8000. 218-938-4546.
Approx 8 cords mixed hardwood &
poplar, $850; Approx 8 cords poplar, $800 or $110 per cord. You haul
wood. Twin Valley, 218-935-5576,
leave msg.
’98 Chev Silverado X-cab 4x4 1500, 204,
mi, Astro, really clean, 2nd owner, always
garaged, well maintained, have records,
clean title, no hard driving, $3800 OBO.
701-237-3694 or 701-318-4028.
2012 Polaris 570cc Razor Arctic Cat
F7 snowmobile, always stored in
shed; Alfalfa, grass and straw round
and small square bales, stored inside.
218-584-5302 or 701-866-0093.
Direct vent LP cast iron stove, 20,00030,000 BTU input; 15 cubic ft Norge
chest freezer; Whirlpool top loading
clothes washer; Whirlpool combination
elec range w/ microwave. 218-280-8924
or 218-280-8923
1950s vintage stamp collection,
some 2500 stamps, both American
& world-wide, all categorized in albums, make offer. 218-846-0845,
Detroit Lakes area.
Big round bales of grass hay. 218847-8777.
Rigid tripod vise stand; Rigid ½”/1”
pipe threader; Lineman’s climbers
w/ leather safety belt; Lowry organ
w/ bench, very nice, ideal for small
church or home, $35 OBO. 218-5845587.
Six 10’x5” cedar fence posts; 12’
wooden step ladder; 100 gal Rubbermaid stock tank; Several tents; 16”
Poalon chain saw; Canadian goose
decoys; Chicken wire fencing. 701282-3679.
Old fashioned wood quilting frame
complete w/ clamps, sized for using
w/ full-size quilting material. 218847-4900.
7” reels of recorded music, 60’s & 70’s;
Red 17 ft fiberglass canoe, $200, very
good. 218-935-5110.
Duncan Kiln, model #DK820X-2, 18” W,
18”D, $250; New Paasehe air brush set
& portable air compressor, $250; Misc
ceramic supplies, light kits, brushes, decals, & more, make offer. 218-849-2479.
’98 Chev Lumina, needs eng, good body;
B – JD tractor, needs work; Schwinn exercise bike, XR7, exc; Dynamark rider mower, good. 218-584-4603.
Miter saw stand, $15; Scroll saw / light,
$100 OBO; Antique grain bin fan, $50;
Ice house propane heater, $35; Black &
Decker drill, $50; Kerosene heater, $80.
Christmas tree blue ridge spruce 7 ½
ft tall, 2,116 tips, beautiful, paid $100,
used 3 yrs, selling for $50. 218-9352493 or cell 218-261-0238, Ron or LaVonne Voltz.
Heating Sales Tax
I, Name
Account Number
hereby verify that I use 50 percent or more electricity for residential
heating purposes and request that Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc.
deduct the 6.875 percent sales tax for those months that are exempt.
Consumer’s Signature
1850 Oliver Diesel tractor, any cond. 218686-3243.
Young dog or puppy from a breed that
would have some livestock herding instinct. 218-935-2471.
Foreign coins & paper money, old US paper money; Duck stamps and old baseball
cards (1960 & older); Gold rings & things.
Skid-steer trailer, fold-down ramp style,
whatever. 218-935-5110.
6 young laying hens; Young farm dog.
Old hand crank wall telephone, must be
complete & in good cond. 218-473-2591,
Our Ad Policy
• All ads must be 30 words or less.
• Ads will be abbreviated at the
co-op’s discretion.
• No real estate or commercial ads
will be accepted.
• Ads are published for members
at no charge as space permits on
a first-come, first-served basis.
Unpublished ads will not be
carried over.
• Ads are due by the 5th of the
month prior to publication.
• Members may submit only one ad
per issue.
• Ads must be resubmitted to run
an additional month.
• Ads must be typed or in clear,
readable print. Editor reserves the
right to edit or reject any ad.
• You can submit your ad by mail,
email or fax. Phone ads will not be
• Fax ads to:
(218) 935-2519
• Email ads to:
• Mail ads to:
Wild Rice Electric
P.O. Box 438
Mahnomen, MN 56557
502 North Main, P.O. Box 438
Mahnomen, MN 56557
Rural DeLight (ISSN 0194 505X)
Published monthly by Wild Rice Electric Cooperative,
Inc., P.O. Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557, in the
interests of its members and others. Periodical postage
paid at Mahnomen and additional mailing offices. USPS
468-810. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes,
Form 3579 to: Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc., P.O.
Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557-0438.
Subscription rates: Members, $1/year; Non-members, $2/year. Phone: (218) 935-2517
In this Issue:
75 Years of Service (part 1 of history series)
Director Elections 2015
Over the Manager’s Desk with Steve Haaven
Happy Holidays from Wild Rice Electric
Off-peak Members Should Expect Average Number of Winter Control Hours
Celebrate with Savings
Want Ads
Wild Rice Electric’s office will close at noon on
Wednesday, December 24th and re-open on
Friday, December 26th for the Christmas Holiday.
The office will also close at noon on Wednesday,
December 31st and re-open again on Friday,
January 2nd for the New Year’s Holiday. In
the event of an emergency or outage, please
call (218) 935-2517 or (800) 244-5709 and our
answering service will be able to assist you.
We wish all of you safe and happy holidays!
News from Wild Rice
Electric Co-op, Inc.
Serving you 24 hours a day
(218) 935-2517
(800) 244-5709
Office Hours:
8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.