Oprah effect - Tourism Australia


Oprah effect - Tourism Australia
All Rights Reserved/George Burns/Harpo, Inc.
Oprah in Australia
“Oprah has an army out there that really listens. She’s one of the great
marketing machines in history.” (Howard Davidowitz, 2007)
Oprah Winfrey is one of the most influential people in the world.
Since 1986, she has created an unparalleled connection with
people globally through her syndicated talk show, The Oprah
Winfrey Show.
Screened in 147 countries The Oprah Winfrey Show is the longest
running and highest-rated talk show in American television history,
averaging 14 million viewers per day and a global estimated
weekly audience of more than 70 million people.
After 24 seasons and over 4,000 episodes, Oprah commenced
her 25th and final year of The Oprah Winfrey Show with a major
announcement. Oprah, 300 audience members and 200 Harpo
staff would travel across the world on an eight-day, seven-night
trip to Australia, to film four special episodes of the her show,
appropriately titled ‘Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure’.
Our objective was to use the global spotlight that would be
created by Oprah’s visit to demonstrate to the world why ‘There’s
nothing like Australia’ for a holiday.
All Rights Reserved/George Burns/Harpo, Inc.
September 2010
Announcement: Oprah to bring her show to Australia
Australian Consumers verbatim – Direct feedback to Tourism Australia
“This truly represents an amazing opportunity to showcase Australia, the warmth and hospitality of our people and the
depth and breadth of everything our country has to offer visitors from around the world.”
“Congratulations!!! The vision employed re the Oprah shows is outside the square and exposure to 146 countries is a
sensible investment and broadly based. Well done, restores my faith in TA as the reliable marketer of Australia.”
“Congratulations to the creative thinker at Tourism Australia for getting Oprah to Australia. Finally, we are thinking
outside the square to create excitement for visitors to come to this great land. This is huge exposure given the
potential ageing population market that exists globally. Well done to all!”
October 2010
Australian Consumers – provided by Roy Morgan Research
• 98% of Australian consumers were aware of Oprah Winfrey
• 54% follow her show occasionally
• 5% follow her show regularly
• 2% rarely miss her show
• 8 in 10 Australian consumers (84%) believe Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure will provide a good opportunity to
showcase the holiday options available
• Almost 9 in 10 Australian consumers (86%) believe Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure will increase people’s
awareness of Australia as a holiday destination
• 8 in 10 Australian consumers (79%) believe that bringing the Oprah Winfrey show to Australia is a good initiative for
Tourism Australia to lead.
December 2010
Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure filming throughout Australia
January 2011
Oprah’s Ultimate audience (US) and HARPO Production Crew – provided by Event Architects (on behalf of HARPO)
• 95% of Oprah’s Ultimate audience and HARPO crew are very likely to recommend Australia as a holiday destination to
friends and family. 9 in 10 are likely or very likely to return to Australia for a holiday
• 95% strongly agree Australia is a welcoming holiday destination
• 93% strongly agree that Australia offers involving experiences in the natural environment
• 91% strongly agree that Australia offers a unique holiday experience
• 87% strongly agree Australia is an adventure holiday destination
• 80% strongly agree that holidays in Australia are about participating in life, not observing it.
“The genuine kindness and warmth I experienced from the Aussies could not be compared to any other people.
So wonderful! The beauty of landscape is something I will never forget”
“The country is the most amazing place on this earth; the natural beauty and the people contribute to an
unforgettable experience”
Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure broadcast around the world
Broadcast Ratings – provided by Carat
Episode 1:
Broadcast Date:
National: 2,387,000
Metro: 1,811,000
Regional: 576,000
Metro Network Share: 38%
Timeslot ranking: #1
Episode 2:
Broadcast Date:
National: 2,176,000
Metro: 1,633,000
Regional: 543,000
Metro Network Share: 37%
Timeslot ranking: #1
Episode 3:
Broadcast Date:
Total People: 1,634,000
Metro: 1,247,000
Regional: 387,000
Metro Network Share: 30%
Timeslot ranking: #1
Episode 4:
Broadcast Date:
Total People: 1.776,000
Metro: 1,327,000
Regional: 449,000
Metro Network Share: 27%
Timeslot ranking: #1
Premier show in prime time
EAV $3.76m per episode x 4 episodes = $15.04M
Off peak episodes
PR EAV $260,380 per episode x 4 episodes = $1,041,520
Total media value = $16.08M
In the USA, Tourism Australia and 16 partners invested more than $5.4 million in associated marketing activities. In
total, these partnerships generated just under US$20 million of bookings.
In Australia, $1.4 million was invested in the six-week Ultimate Aussie Holiday Sale following the Australian screening
of Oprah’s visit.
Copyright: sdpmedia.com.au
February 2011
All Rights Reserved/George Burns/Harpo, Inc.
James Morgan/Harpo Productions
Media Generated – provided by Corporate Communications, Tourism Australia
• Global: more than 3,900 stories with a value of over $193 million
• Domestic: more than 83,000 stories valued at over $182 million
Website Impact – provided by Digital Marketing, Tourism Australia
• Globally, there was a 66% jump in visitors to Australia.com in January, with the US accounting for almost 20% of this
increased traffic.
Media Analysis – provided by Repucom International
• The total worldwide viewing audience of Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure was at 41 million for the primary
shows across USA, Australia, Canada, NZ and the UK
• The Oprah Winfrey Show ranked as the most popular variety TV program amongst the interviewed Oprah viewers
• Australia branded content accounted for 52% of the broadcast duration of Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure and
generated a total media exposure value of $31.19 million.
US Consumers – provided by Repucom International
• 5 in 10 (52%) Oprah viewers in the US indicated they place a high importance on Oprah product recommendations,
with 6 in 10 having made a past product purchase based on an Oprah recommendation
• 7 in 10 US consumers who were aware of Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure agreed that Australia is “worth
travelling to”
• 6 in 10 US consumers who were aware Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure took action in exploring Australian
holiday options after the showed aired, with 47% stating a likelihood to book an Australian vacation in the future
• US consumers aware of Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure were 50% more likely to book a vacation than those
unaware of the event .
Domestic Brand Health Monitor – provided by TNS
• 49% of Australian consumers who had seen Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure were more likely to take their next
holiday in Australia.
June 2011
US Brand Health Monitor – provided by TNS
As a result of seeing, reading or hearing about The Oprah Winfrey Show coming to Australia,
• 4 in 10 (39%) people said they’d want to find out more about a holiday in Australia
• 3 in 10 (31%) people said they were more likely to consider Australia as a vacation destination over another
international destination
• 3 in 10 (27%) people said they wanted to visit Australia for a vacation in the next 12 months
• 8 in 10 (79%) people see Australia as an adventure vacation destination
• 8 in 10 (85%) people see Australia as a welcoming/ friendly vacation destination
• Almost 7 in 10 (67%) people see Australia as a destination they would consider going for a one or two week vacation.
September 2011
US consumers – provided by TNS
• From the US consumers who remember seeing, reading or hearing about Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure, 7 in
10 (73%) said the show influenced their decision to choose Australia as a destination
• 49% of US consumers that visited Australia in the past 6 months said their decision to choose Australia as a
destination was influenced (to some extent) by Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure
• 38% of US consumers that have booked a trip to Australia in the next 12 months said their decision to chooseAustralia
as a destination was influenced (to some extent) by Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure
• When asked about the likelihood of recommending Australia to a colleague or friend...
- 65% would be considered promoters of Australia
- 22% would be considered passives in recommending Australia
- 13% would be considered detractors of Australia
- Net Promoter Score – 52.
November 2011
US consumers – provided by TNS
To qualify for the questionnaire the respondents MUST have visited Australia in the past six months, or have booked a
trip to Australia in the next 12 months AND seen, read or heard about Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure.
US consumers who visited Australia in the past 6 months
• From the US consumers who remember seeing, reading or hearing about Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure,
6 in 10 (59%) agreed the show made them visit places outside of the main cities they previously had not considered
• Having seen Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure, 6 in 10 (64%) found themselves prepared to spend more time
during their trip than they originally thought they would
• Having seen Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure, 6 in 10 (59%) found themselves prepared to spend more money
during their trip than they originally thought they would
• 83% of US consumers that visited Australia in the past six months agreed that Australia is a high quality destination
with a further 68% agreeing Australia offers good value for money
• 8 in 10 (81%) US consumers that visited Australia in the past six months said their visit to Australia exceeded their
expectations with 7 in 10 (75%) likely or very likely to return to Australia for a vacation
• Since visiting Australia, 79% are likely or very likely to recommend Australia as a vacation destination for friends and family.
US consumers who have booked a trip to Australia in the next 12 months
• From the US consumers who remember seeing, reading or hearing about Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure,
69% agreed the show made them want to explore and experience Australia outside the main cities
• Having seen Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure, 50% now plan to spend more time travelling in Australia than
they originally thought they would
• Having seen Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure, 43% now plan to spend more money in Australia than they
originally thought they would
• Having seen Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure, 55% now plan on visiting an Aboriginal Cultural Centre when
they visit Australia
• Having seen Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure, 84% agreed the experience of visiting Australia is worth
the time, distance and cost involved.
Daniel Boud Photographer
All Rights Reserved/George Burns/Harpo, Inc.
Chris Holly/Australian Capital Tourism chris.holly@act.gov.au
All Rights Reserved/George Burns/Harpo, Inc.
All Rights Reserved/George Burns/Harpo, Inc.