COM 1 - Homestead Presbytery


COM 1 - Homestead Presbytery
November 21, 2013
Presbyterian Church of Fremont
Moderator — Ruling Elder Robin Hadfield .
Fremont, NE
All Times Approximate Except Lunch which is Order of the Day
10:00 A.M. PRESBYTERY CONVENES: ..................................... Ruling Elder Robin Hadfield
Call to Order and Opening Prayer; Declaration of Quorum, adoption of Docket,
seating of Corresponding members, welcome of first time commissioners;
Consent Agenda; orientation
10:10 A.M.
11:10 A.M.
EDUCATION HOUR ...................................................Ruling Elder Diana Barber
“Boundaries: Reducing the Risk of Behaving Badly”
12:10 P.M.
1:00 P.M.
Executive Presbyter
Congregational resource Coordinator
Stated Clerk
1:20 P.M.
BUSINESS AND FINANCE ........................... Teaching Elder Kathy Keener-Han
1:30 P.M.
COMMITTEE ON MINISTRY ................................ Teaching Elder Ellen Davis
1:40 P.M.
Theological Education Fund .................................... Ruling Elder Bill Wehrbein
1:45 P.M.
COUNCIL ............................................................... Teaching Elder James McNeal
1:50 P.M.
HOMESTEADER AWARD .................................... Ruling Elder Robin Hadfield
1:55 P.M.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE ..................................Teaching Elder Neal Allen
2:05 P.M.
OVERTURE TASK FORCE ...........................Teaching Elder Raymond Meester
2:15 P.M.
PERSONNEL ........................................................ Teaching Elder Duane Westing
2:20 P.M.
PROGRAMS AND GRANTS .................................. Ruling Elder Cheryl Rennick
Report on Cuba ..................................................... Teaching Elder Gary Fugman
2:32 P.M.
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN ................................................................ Joie Taylor
2:35 P.m.
2:40 P.M.
INTERCHURCH MINISTRIES OF NE. .............. Teaching Elder Connie Stone
2:45 P.M.
SYNOD COMMISSIONER .................................... Teaching Elder Gary Fugman
2:50 P.M.
3:05 P.M.
EDUCATION HOUR ...................................................Ruling Elder Diana Barber
“Boundaries in the Digital World”
4:05 P.M.
The Presbyterian Church of Fremont
Love God. Love People. Change Lives.
Rev. Jon Ashley
Senior Pastor
November 1, 2013
Dear Friends in Christ,
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Fremont for the November 21 meeting of
Homestead Presbytery. For 140 years, God has been active in our community through The
Presbyterian Church of Fremont. Most recently, our congregation has been inspired to respond
to the changing needs of our community with efforts like the Summer Lunch Program, which
served nearly 9,000 meals in our Fellowship Hall this summer to over 600 different children
from lower income families. When we enjoy our presbytery lunch together in that same
Fellowship Hall, please remember these children and families in your prayers.
Our church campus is located at the northwest corner of Nye Avenue and Linden Avenue in
Fremont (Nye Avenue is three blocks east of Broad Street / Highway 77, and Linden is the
equivalent of 13th Street). There is parking along Linden and around the north side of the
building, with a larger parking lot southwest of the church on Linden at K Street. Enter through
any of the glass doors on the south side of the church and make your way toward the center of
the campus for registration in Fellowship Hall.
We have wi-fi available for your use. The user name and password will be available that day.
Please enjoy your visit to Fremont – may God bless us as we worship, connect, and serve
together in the name of Jesus!
Blessings in Christ,
Jon Ashley
520 West Linden Avenue
Fremont, Nebraska 68025
(402) 721-7904
Partners in Mission for Christ
November 2013
Our joint meeting with Missouri River Valley Presbytery in August of 2014 will be
August 22-23. This move to the fourth week instead of the third week has been necessitated
because the Calvin Crest Annual Quilt Auction is being held on our normal meeting date.
Moving Homestead from a traditional “paper” and “office” culture to a “virtual office”
is still a work in progress, but this year, we have taken a major step. For registering for
meetings, we have enabled registrants to pay by credit card. Combining this feature with an
encouragement for those paying at the meeting to use a check, we have eliminated the need for
cash collection at registration. Also, almost all of the attendees have been registering ahead of
time instead of waiting until they come to the meeting. Last meeting’s pre-registration was the
highest ever! Also, we are now able to do check-in for registrants via a hand-held device
rather than a paper check in. We are planning to add the ability to accept credit cards via a
phone app to further facilitate late registration.
The John Knox Presbytery is large geographically and has created video conferencing
for two of their four meetings each year. I think it would be instructive for several from
Homestead to experience this type of presbytery meeting to evaluate whether it would be
beneficial for us. The best date for us would be November 15, 2014 at Dubuqe, Iowa. Anyone
wishing to carpool to this meeting should contact the presbytery office: or 402-474-0612.
Niobrara/Verdel has a retired ELCA pastor as temporary supply. These churches
are in conversation with the ELCA concerning sharing a yoke with the Niobrara
ELCA church. Mission studies by the churches are in process.
Lyons is also considering a yoke with the local ELCA congregation. They have
also discussed alternatives.
Melodie Jones Pointon is the new pastor at Lincoln Eastridge
1135 Eastridge Drive  Lincoln, NE 68510  (402) 613-7565 
Jen Strickland is the new Associate Pastor at Lincoln Westminster
Nan DeVries is the interim pastor at Lincoln First (Brent Johnston is in Witchita)
Steve Pointon is the new pastor at Lincoln Fourth (Jim Goble retired in April)
Palmyra has called a new pastor, Steve Piper, from Mitchell, South Dakota. He will
begin this December.
In their first year are Leanne Masters at Southern Heights and Greg Bolt at
Nebraska City
Richard Tiggelaar left the Craig/Alder Grove yoke with United Methodists Sept. 15
In the active search process: Hickman
Because the General Assembly has eliminated the circulating funds support to synods, Synod
of Lakes and Prairies has decided to eliminate its participation as well. At the September 29October 2 meeting of the Synod, action was taken combining Comprehensive Presbytery
Mission Support (CPMS) and Comprehensive Presbytery Staff Support (CPSS) into one grant
now called Comprehensive Presbytery Support (CPS), beginning in 2014.
The support payment will be an equal annual amount for each presbytery as set by the
synod each year. Presbyteries may choose to opt out of this support payment, as some
presbyteries have chosen to opt out of the predecessor CPSS and CPMS payments.
Presbyteries may also choose to opt for a lower CPS amount than the maximum.
a) The annual amount for each presbytery in 2014 will be $25,000.
b) The payments will be a block grant to each presbytery with no required
reporting on how it is used.
If the Synod of Lakes and Prairies ceases to exist or the configuration of synods within
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) changes, this policy may change or be eliminated.
This dollar commitment applies to 2014 only. The synod did, however, pledge to take action
related to 2015 and beyond at its spring meeting the year before (e.g. 2015 amount will be
determined at the spring 2014 synod meeting). The preliminary amount of CPS for future years
is: 2015 $23,000; 2016 $20,000; 2017 $16,000; 2018 $11.000; 2019 $6,000; 2020 -0CHURCH SALES UPDATE
The Seward building has been sold to a local non-profit coalition. We netted $78,000
which will be used to assist up-keep of other buildings of small congregations in Homestead.
The purchaser of the previous home of our Barnston church now wishes to sell it. The
Wymore church has a right of first refusal and has agreed to a process to purchase/sell it so that
it can remain a community asset and not become a warehouse. The presbytery will need to
vote to give permission to sell.
Representatives of the Presbyteries of Homestead, Central Nebraska, Missouri River
Valley, and Prospect Hill meet twice a year to plan activities for joint benefit.
COM/CPM Training August 27-28 at Calvin Crest. Presenters came from North
Central Ministry Development Center, the GA Candidates Office, and the Board of Pensions.
1135 Eastridge Drive  Lincoln, NE 68510  (402) 613-7565 
Revitalization Workshops concluded their 3-year schedule this fall with a workshop
for sessions..
On-going projects include:
 *Church Growth media advertising mid-November through mid-Decmeber 2013
 *Invite-A-Friend Sunday program December 7, 2013
 Winter Pastors School
 Barnabas Project (Leadership Development for Pastors)
 Revitalization Coaches Network
Recent activities have been:
 *Church Growth Summit 2014 in Lincoln
 Training for Permanent Judicial Commissions
 *Healthy Congregations Workshops
Possible new activities include:
 *Mid-Career Assessment event for pastors
 *Leadership Training Workshops
 Spouses of Clergy Retreat
 2ND Annual Church Growth Summit—April 28-29
June 3-12, 2013
We had 22 people on this first pilgrimage, fourteen from Homestead. Others were from
Omaha, Central Nebraska, Oklahoma and Kansas. This was an exciting kick-off to our new
tradition. A display is available at Presbytery and travel to pastor covenant group meetings,
sessions and other church groups and meetings.
Tentative Plans are to have a 10-day pilgrimage to Scotland highlighting Presbyterian
Heritage leaving May 20, 2016. It is too early to know the pricing, but it will be below $4,000.
Target cost is $3,500. More details and itinerary will be available closer to the departure. Get
your passports!
The award will be presented at the Assembly.
The Giles Award is selected by an ad hoc committee comprised of the Moderator of
Presbytery and the two most recent past recipients currently residing within Homestead
Presbytery. This year’s committee is Robin Hadfield; Duane Westing; and Cheryl Scott.
The restated By-laws were approved at the May Assembly. The Restated Manual of
Operations with the exception of the COM section was approved at the last Assembly. The
COM section will be presented at the this Assembly.
Additionally, Business and Finance Committee and Personnel Committee have
1135 Eastridge Drive  Lincoln, NE 68510  (402) 613-7565 
The various policies of Homestead have been collected into a single document. These
are policies in use by committees, staff and tradition, and are now available for ease of use and
All of these documents will be posted on the presbytery website.
The organization has been running deficits for several years. This practice can no
longer continue. Major reductions in staff are contemplated as well as relocating offices to a
less expensive or free space, perhaps in a downtown church; or dissolution.
The IMN Board October 30 is scheduled to determine the organization’s future.
Jessica Kottmeyer who had been helping Homestead in a clerical role as a staff of
Eastridge Presbyterian Church in Lincoln, has transitioned to working only for Homestead as
our secretary and bookkeeper.
The office has a new mailing address:
Homestead Presbytery
8300 East Pointe Road
Lincoln, NE 68506
ALL CHECKS and other correspondence need to use this new address. Please tell your
pastor, Treasurer, Clerk of Session and office staff.
Homestead has always maintained an office space at this address, the Good Shepherd
Presbyterian Church, and will now be open M-Th 9 AM to 3 PM.
The EP activity calendars are submitted separately.
1135 Eastridge Drive  Lincoln, NE 68510  (402) 613-7565 
6 p m - 6 Fourth
Aug 2013 (Central Time)
8 : 1 5 a m - 8 blood
1 p m - 1 w/Rich crkr
7 p m - Mm pract
7 a m - Tc mjp
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
8 a m - FOURTH
Dr Glathar
8 a m - 10 Wmnstr
2 p m - 2-4 SHPC Fun
1 0 a m - Dr cody
1 0 a m - 10 GROWTH
1 p m - 1 UNL
1 0 a m - 10 Staff @
1 1 : 1 5 a m - 11;pastor
@ perkins
1 1 a m - 11@wmnstr
1 0 a m - Central
Schuyler @
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Nebr City
1 0 a m - SE Cov Grp
8 a m - TRAVEL
1 2 p m - 12 Robin
5 p m - /PBY @CC
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
3pm - 3
5:30pm - W O W
1 p m - Cookout new
1 1 a m - N Cov Grp
Rvr day
2 p m - 2 funeral
1 0 a m - 10 Ord. Jen S
4 p m - 4 Erdge staff
1 0 a m - 10 Pastor
7 p m - Masons prof
8 a m - SALTDOGS
5:30pm - W O W
Sep 2013 (Central Time)
7 p m - 7Masons
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
8 a m - Call mary eln
1 2 p m - Linc Brown
5:30pm - W O W
3 : 3 0 p m - 4 pointon
@ 4th
4:30pm - Heritage
1 2 : 3 0 p m - Lunch
2 p m - 2@Cheryl/Jess
9 : 3 0 a m - Sioux Falls
1 0 a m - Central
p m - 3 clergy fam
6 p m - R o t@
8 a m - SWCov
1 0 a m - SE Cov Grp
2 p m - B&F Wstmnstr
1 1 a m - COM @ Davis
1 2 p m - 12 Retiree
5:30pm - W O W
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
1 0 a m - Sign checks
8 a m - 8 melodie
4 p m - 4 Norfolk pnc
1 0 a m - 10 HL Comn
8 a m - Call wendy
8 a m - QUAD @CC
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
1 0 a m - 10 GROWTH
8 a m - 8Dentist
4 : 4 5 p m - Personnel
1 2 p m - Linc Brown
2 p m - 2 IMN PERS
5:30pm - W O W
9 a m - Staff /display
for wmnstr
2:30pm - Pam 2:30
1 1 a m - Sign checks
8 a m - 8 melodie
1 0 a m - SE Cov Grp
9 a m - 9 wmnstr fair
Oct 2013 (Central Time)
8 a m - 8Dentist
4 : 4 5 p m - Personnel
8 a m - 8 blood
1 2 p m - Linc Brown
2 p m - 2 IMN PERS
9 a m - Staff /display
for wmnstr
2:30pm - Pam 2:30
5:30pm - W O W
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
1 2 p m - 12 Jen
5:30pm - W O W
1 0 a m - Central
Schuyler @
7 a m - 7@K
8 : 1 5 a m - 8 Dr Cody
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
1 p m - 1COM @Erdge
Ofc Clsd
2 p m - 2 Nom Com
6 p m - 6Craig
6 : 3 0 p m - Erdge
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
2:30pm - 2:30 IMN
pers sv
1 : 3 0 p m - 1:30 CPM
1 1 a m - Northern
5:30pm - W O W
8 a m - 10 IMN
1 0 a m - SW Cov Grp
5:30pm - W O W
1 p m - 1Horton GA
1 0 a m - 10 GROWTH
1 1 a m - Sign checks
7 p m - 7 craftsmn
1 p m - 1 Imn
8 p m - Hickman PNC
1 0 a m - 10 COUNCIL
Masonic home
UNL Concess
8 a m - 10 IMN
1 0 a m - SW Cov Grp
5:30pm - W O W
1 0 a m - SE Cov Grp
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
7 p m - Masons
1 2 p m - Linc Brown
Bag etdg
5:30pm - W O W
7 p m - Mssons Profic
1 0 a m - 10 GROWTH
1 2 p m - 12 Clgy Fam
North Bend
5:30pm - W O W
1 0 a m - Central
Schuyler @
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
UNL Concess
8am - 12
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
7 p m - 7Masons
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Linc 1st
conf fut
Nov 2013 (Central Time)
8 a m - 2Rec rv
8 a m - Unl
8 a m - 10 PBY Frmnt
5:30pm - W O W
2 p m - 2 S. St Temple
1 0 a m - SW Cov Grp
1 1 a m - 10 AM CPD
1 0 a m - 10 Staff
7 p m - 7 Worshp GS
8 a m - OFC CLSD
1 1 a m - Northern
8 a m - Unl
Partners in Mission for Christ
Congregational Resource Coordinator
November 2013
Major Emphasis
Revitalization and Resourcing Congregations
• Active processes
• Lincoln First Presbyterian Church
• Nebraska City First Presbyterian Church
• Coaching Training – completed Final training in October
• Quad Presbytery Revitalization Coaching Group has been formed
§ The Group is meeting quarterly to discuss, encourage and resource each other and
churches in the Quad Presbyteries
§ Workshops are being planned to utilize the coaching training and will be done in
each presbytery.
• We are hoping to have local congregations from each presbytery host a
workshop event
• The first event will be based on leadership
• Other workshop topics will include visioning, goal setting, creative
thinking in committees, hospitality, session communication &
effectiveness, etc.
• Growth Project
• Church Growth Summit Planning Team –Conference April 28 – 29, 2014
§ Facebook, email and website support
§ Early registration begins December 1 (through April 14, 2014)
• $75 (includes 3 meals on campus)
• $95 April 15, 2014 – at the door (includes 3 meals on campus)
• Bring – A-Guest Sunday planned for mid November through mid December
• TV ads will be running
• Resourcing Congregations
• Presentation on Israel Pilgrimage – I am available and looking for opportunities
• Communications to congregations through the website and email/constant contact
Secondary Emphasis
• Advent Devotional
o Planning
o Layout and design
o Distribution by mid November
• Websites
• Upkeep for
• Facebook Updates
1135 Eastridge Drive • Lincoln, NE 68510 • (402) 580-0947 •
Partners in Mission for Christ
Congregational Resource Coordinator
Introduction of website opportunity for congregations in Homestead Presbytery
§ Template $60, Domain Name $20/year, Support $60/year – See me if you’re
§ 4 congregations are already taking advantage of this opportunity!
Directory –
• Directory revamp has begun. The goal is to have everything completed by November.
Constant Contact web-based email
• Stated Meetings
• Online Card payments
• Event registration
§ Stated Meeting
§ Pastor’s Day at the Ballpark
§ PW Fall Gathering
§ Summit
Staff/Committee/M&M Support
o Covered secretarial support Aug – Sep
o HP Leadership/Moderators Training in January
§ Preparation
§ Presentation
§ Training
o Scotland 2016 Pilgrimage promotion
1135 Eastridge Drive • Lincoln, NE 68510 • (402) 580-0947 •
Partners in Mission for Christ
November 2013
The task force on GA overtures (made up of current GA and synod commissioners) recommends
that we concur with the overture from Prospect Hill concerning synods
The task force also recommends we concur with the overture from Kiskiminetas Presbytery
concerning requiring teaching elders who work at least 20 hours a week to participate in the BOP
benefits plan.
Shall the following minutes of administrative commissions be spread upon the minutes of the
Hispanic/Latino Administrative Commission, September 7, 2013
Administrative Commission to install teaching elder Melodie Jones Pointon as pastor of
Eastridge Presbyterian Church, Lincoln, September 29, 2013
Administrative Commission to commission ruling elder Stephen Pointon as a ruling elder
commissioned to particular service, September 8, 2013
Administrative Commission to ordain as a teaching elder and to install as associate pastor
of Westminster Presbyterian Church Lincoln, August 25, 2013
Consent Agenda
Partners in Mission for Christ
Date: November 21, 2013 Presbytery Assembly
1. The Stated Clerk grant leaves and absences for this meeting as requested.
2. That Homestead Presbytery concur with the following two overtures.
a) Concur with Prospect Hill’s overture concerning the future of synods.
b) Concur with Kiskiminetas Presbytery requiring teaching elders who work at least 20
hours a week to participate in the Board of Pensions benefits plan.
3. The minutes of the following administrative commissions be spread upon the minutes of the
a) Hispanic/Latino Administrative Commission, September 7, 2013
b) Administrative Commission to install teaching elder Melodie Jones Pointon as pastor of
Eastridge Presbyterian Church, Lincoln, September 29, 2013
c) Administrative Commission to commission ruling elder Stephen Pointon as a ruling elder
commissioned to particular service, September 8, 2013
d) Administrative Commission to ordain as a teaching elder and to install as associate pastor
of Westminster Presbyterian Church Lincoln, August 25, 2013
4. The portion of the Manual of Operations related to the Committee on Ministry be adopted by the
5. The position description for the bookkeeper be adopted by the presbytery.
6. The position description for the secretary be adopted by the presbytery.
Background: [information for explanation or need]
All of these motions by a committee have also been discussed by Council.
Related Issues: [if any]
To discuss any item and have a separate vote, merely request that the item be removed from the
Consent Agenda.
Partners in Mission for Christ
November 2013
Homestead Presbytery Administrative Commission
For Hispanic/Latino Ministry
The meeting of September 7, 2013 was called to order shortly after 10 am at Fugmans’
home in Decatur, NE. Those in attendance were Gary Fugman, moderator, Antonio Andrade,
Rev. Richard Wyatt, Rev. Jim McNeal, and Sharon Fugman.
The meeting was opened with an interesting devotion on Luke 14:25-33.
The minutes of the March 9, 2013 meeting were read and approved. The financial report
was given by Rev. Jim McNeal. The commission has:
$30,000 in a CD
$ in checking
$ in savings
Antonio continues to lead worship in Columbus although he takes some Sundays off to
worship in Norfolk with Pastor Tino. He expressed a definite desire to continue this arrangement.
Gary and Sharon gave a brief report on the expectations of their trip to Cuba from
September 9 to the 18th. They will be meeting with fellow Presbyterians in Cuba and sharing
ideas for mutual support possibilities in the future.
There was a discussion about ways to get the message out about the worship in
Columbus. The possibility of having a block party type “fiesta” to attract neighbors and perhaps
build the Sunday School program that Antonio has in place. Thoughts of a “bouncy house” and
live or recorded music were part of the discussion, as well. No date was set but this would
probably work best in the summer.
There were no bills presented to be approved.
The next meeting will be on December 14, 2013 at 10 AM at Calvin Crest Camp.
The meeting adjourned with prayer and continued fellowship over lunch.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Fugman
Partners in Mission for Christ
November 2013
Report of the Administrative Commission to Install
Teaching Elder Melodie Jones Pointon, Eastridge Presbyterian Church
September 29, 2013
The administrative commission to install Melodie Jones Pointon met at Eastridge Presbyterian
Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, at 7:45 a.m. on September 29, 2013.
The commission was opened with prayer by teaching elder Richard Wyatt.
The membership of the commission consisted of teaching elders: Thomas Dummermuth
(Lincoln Eastridge), Leanne Masters (Lincoln Southern Heights), and Richard Wyatt, executive
presbyter; and ruling elders Andrew Loudon (Lincoln Eastridge), Janice Stege (Lincoln Southern
Heights), Steve Pointon (Lincoln Fourth), and Robin Hadfield (Lincoln Eastridge.
Motion carried that Richard Wyatt be elected as clerk.
Final arrangements were made for the participants’ functions in the worship service.
Motion carried that the commission be adjourned with the benediction following the worship
service, and that these proceedings be forwarded to the office of the stated clerk of Homestead
Presbytery as soon as possible.
/s/ Robin Hadfield
Partners in Mission for Christ
November 2013
The administrative commission to commission Stephen Pointon as a ruling elder commissioned
for pastoral service met at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Lincoln, Nebraska at 3:30 p.m., on
September 8, 2013
The commission was convened with prayer by teaching elder Greg Bolt.
The membership of the commission was composed of:
Ruling elder Robin Hadfield, Lincoln-Eastridge
Ruling elder Jo Bateman, Lincoln-Eastridge
Ruling elder Jennifer Stuhmer, Lincoln-Fourth
Teaching elder Melodie Jones Pointon
Teaching elder Ellen Davis
Teaching elder Greg Bolt
Motion carried that teaching elder Ellen Davis be elected as clerk..
Final arrangements were made for the participant’s functions in the worship service.
Motion carried that the commission be adjourned with the benediction following the worship
service, and that these proceedings be forwarded to the office of the stated clerk of Homestead
Presbytery as soon as possible.
/s/ Robin Hadfield, Commission Moderator
The administrative commission to ordain and install Jennifer Strickland as a teaching elder met
at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Lincoln, Nebraska at 10:30 a.m., on August 25, 2013
The commission was convened with prayer by teaching elder Andrew McDonald.
The membership of the commission was composed of:
Ruling elder Robin Hadfield, Lincoln-Eastridge
Ruling elder Linda Douglas, Lincoln-Eastridge
Ruling elder Don Harmon, Beatrice
Ruling elder Gina Meester, Lincoln-Heritage.
Ruling elder Terry Scheuneman, Schuyler
Ruling elder Julie Hopp, Nebraska City
Teaching elder Ellen Davis
Teaching elder Don Botic
Teaching elder Kara James
Teaching elder Andy McDonald
Teaching elder Richard Wyatt
Motion carried that teaching elder Dwight Tawney of Heartland Presbytery be seated as a guest
of the commission and a participant in the worship service.
Final arrangements were made for the participant’s functions in the worship service.
Motion carried that the commission be adjourned with the benediction following the worship
service, and that these proceedings be forwarded to the office of the stated clerk of Homestead
Presbytery as soon as possible.
/s/ Robin Hadfield, Commission Moderator
Motion Sheet
Subject: Manual of Operations
Date: November 21, 2013 Presbytery Assembly
Recommendation: [wording of motion]
Approve the Restated Manual of Operations section on Committee on Ministry which is attached
and direct staff to incorporate it into the published Homestead Presbytery Manual of Operations.
Background: [information for explanation or need]
At the August Assembly, the COM, with approval of the presbytery, withdrew the section
on COM so that it could be re-drafted for submission at this meeting.
Related Issues: [if any]
I. Terms of Call for Pastors
Thise format provides a structure for personal compensation and full accountable
reimbursement of professional expenses as well as other benefits and policies for pastors
in Homestead Presbytery. Utilization of this format to establish appropriate levels of
compensation and separate accountable reimbursement for all professional expenses
provide guidelines which the church body can be proud to publish in relation to a
ministry the pastor is proud to conduct.
A. Effective Salary for Pastors
1) The effective salary for a pastor includes: salary to be paid monthly or
semimonthly; housing — either free use of the manse or a housing allowance;
utilities and/or appurtenances; insurance and/or annuity or other tax deferred
income. Salary does not include reimbursable professional expenses (e.g.
travel, education, books/periodicals, etc.) or pension dues.
2) Each church/organization served by a minister member of Homestead
Presbytery is expected to make every effort to meet the minimum requirement
for its pastor. Churches/organizations are encouraged to pay pastors an
adequate salary for their particular geographical area, taking into account such
additional factors as the precise needs of that pastor/family, the special
abilities, training or education of the pastor, the tenure of the pastor,
accomplishments attained under the pastor's leadership; also a fair comparison
should be reviewed relative to the level of income of the community within
which the service is being provided, etc.
3) In the event that a church/organization cannot meet the minimum it should be
immediately in touch with COM. This committee will determine with the
session how best to proceed, that is, whether to help the church apply for
funds through presbytery's ministry support fund, to encourage it to share
pastoral leadership with another church(s), or to waive the requirement for a
period of time etc.
4) Questions/concerns regarding salary computation may be directed to COM.
Information regarding who to contact may be obtained from the
communications & resources coordinator or the stated clerk of the presbytery.
B. Accountable Reimbursement of Pastor's Church Expenses
1) Expense reimbursement should be provided through a responsible and
approved plan.
2) Expense reimbursement shall be reported to a congregation in the
administrative cost section of the budget separate from the pastor's personal
compensation. This system authorizes the session to make mid-year
adjustments as circumstances surface instead of having to go the congregation
to make a change in the call which then also needs the approval of presbytery.
C. Annual Compensation Review
1) Each session is required every year to consult with the pastor regarding
compensation before the budget is completed. Both congregation and
presbytery must approve that figure before it is official.
2) Sessions shall submit a compensation report to COM each year regarding the
salary of their pastor(s). COM will present the salaries of Homestead
Presbytery pastors each year for approval by presbytery at the May meeting.
Undue delays in the negotiation process can affect a delay in the official
approval of the compensation by Homestead Presbytery and can create
difficulties in reporting and satisfying stipulations as mandated by the Internal
Revenue Service.
D. Pension
Basic information regarding the Presbyterian Pension and Benefits Plan, such as
pension dues, major medical provisions, disability and retirement, death benefits,
etc., may be found in the pension board's publications detailing the terms of the
plan. However, Homestead Presbytery has a pension coordinator who serves on
COM. This coordinator helps interpret the plan to persons in Homestead
Presbytery who are enrolled in it and to its member churches, assists members
with special needs, provides specific information when requested, alerts members
to new provisions, and communicates with retirees who are receiving benefits
under the plan. Basic publications and helpful pamphlets are available from the
pension coordinator.
E. Pastor Vacation Policy
1) An elder serving as pastor in a particular congregation or validated ministry
under the oversight of Homestead Presbytery earns vacation from date of call
at a minimum rate of two and one-half days per calendar month. Normally an
elder serving part-time receives vacation prorated as agreed upon by the
pastor and session.
2) A year's vacation will be 30 days, which normally would not exceed four
3) Regular days off are included in calculating 30 days of vacation time.
4) Holidays are not included in calculating 30 days of vacation time. There needs
to be clarity between pastors and sessions regarding the holiday schedule.
5) An elder's vacation periods may be taken intermittently or on consecutive
days. All vacation dates should be authorized by the session. The clerk of
session will be responsible for an accounting of vacation periods earned and
granted to the elder and report to the session annually.
6) At the time of dissolution of pastoral relations with the church:
a) Unused earned vacation will be paid to the elder to a maximum of 30
b) When an elder already has taken unearned vacation, the amount will
be deducted from his/her final check.
F. Continuing Education of Pastors
1) The ministry requires constant study and learning, with the sum total of
knowledge not ending with the seminary degree. To this end, presbytery
encourages all ministers and churches to seriously engage in a regular,
systematic approach to continuing education. This education encompasses a
wide variety of opportunities, from one-day seminars to week-long events, to
work on an advanced degree. Furthermore, this program is one which is
mutually beneficial to both the pastor and the local church. Continuing
education is for the pastor's growth and development in ministry.
2) Continuing education shall include
a) A minimum of $500 and two weeks per year (including two Sundays)
for full time positions with appropriate adjustments for part time
positions. Both the compensation and time shall be allowed to
accumulate for three years.
b) Unused study leave accumulations are cancelled at the termination of a
call .
c) Sessions shall include continuing education in all calls for part time
service and contracts for temporary service of a year or more.
d) All continuing education leaves shall be approved by the session.
e) COM shall review annually the study leaves of its pastors through the
liaison and session records review processes
G. Leaves of Absence
1) Sick Leave
a) Definition: When a minister is incapable of performing the functions of
b) ministry and is normally under medical care.
c) Terms: The congregation shall continue to pay full salary, housing, and
d) pension/medical benefits until that time when the board of pension's
e) benefits become applicable (after 90 days). Business and travel
allowances, as well as other reimbursable expenses would not be payable
during sick leave.
f) The session assumes the responsibility and cost of providing pulpit supply.
g) Application: Notice shall be given by the minister to the clerk of session
with copies to COM and Homestead Presbytery office as soon as sick
leave is needed, at which time terms would become applicable. For
extended periods of leave, the Homestead Presbytery office and the COM
moderator should be notified of the terms of agreement.
2) Maternity/Adoption Leave
a) Definition: When a female minister is to give birth or adopt a child.
b) Terms:
(1) When the minister chooses to remain home to care for her
child, one of the following options may be negotiated:
(a) 45 days at 100 percent of annual salary and full
housing allowance, or
(b) 60 days at 75 percent of annual salary and full
housing allowance
(2) Pension and medical benefits shall be continued by the
congregation throughout the maternity leave period.
(3) The minister shall be freed from all pastoral duties
including funerals, weddings, moderating session and/or
congregational meetings, congregational visitation, and
leading worship.
(4) The session assumes the responsibility and cost of
supplying the pulpit.
c) Application: Application for maternity/adoption leave shall be
negotiated by the minister with the session a reasonable time before
the anticipated arrival of the child.
3) Paternity/Adoption Leave
a) Definition: When a male minister's wife is to give birth or they adopt a
child, and he chooses to remain home with his family.
b) Terms:
(1) If the wife is under a doctor's care, bedridden, or in a hospital
as a result of the pregnancy/birth, sick leave conditions shall
apply for the minister if the attending physician provides
verification that the minister's presence is required.
(2) If the terms in 3a. above are not applicable, then one of the
following options may be negotiated with the session:
(a) seven days at 100 percent of annual salary and full
housing allowance, or
(b) 14 days at 75 percent of annual salary and full
housing allowance
(c) Pension and medical benefits shall be continued by
the congregation throughout the paternity leave.
(3) During the leave, the minister shall be freed from all pastoral
duties including funerals, weddings, moderating session and/or
congregational meetings, congregational visitation, and leading
(4) The session assumes the responsibility and cost of supplying
the pulpit.
c) Application: Application for paternity leave shall be negotiated by the
minister with the session a reasonable time before the anticipated
arrival of the child.
4) Family Emergency Leave
a) Definition: When a sudden emergency arises within the minister's
immediate family which requires his/her presence, rendering the
minister unable to perform the functions of ministry for an indefinite
period of time.
b) Terms:
(1) Sick leave terms shall apply while the minister is incapable of
performing the functions of a minister.
(2) Beyond the sick leave terms, additional time may be negotiated
by the minister with the session and COM.
(3) During the leave, the minister shall be freed from all pastoral
duties including funerals, weddings, moderating session and/or
congregational meetings, congregational visitation, and leading
(4) The session assumes the responsibility and cost of supplying
the pulpit.
c) Application: Application for family emergency leave of less than
seven days will be through the clerk of session, while longer leave
requires negotiation with the session.
1) Long-Term Leave
Definition: When conditions with the minister or session do not fit in the
above definitions, terms, and/or applications, or go beyond the time limits of
the above pastoral leaves of absence, COM shall negotiate with the minister
and session on a case-by-case basis upon the application of the minister and/or
2) Sabbatical Leave
a) Churches and other employing agencies of Homestead Presbytery are
encouraged to consider providing a sabbatical leave to their full-time
pastor(s)/minister(s) for the purpose of renewal, rest, recreation, and selfimprovement. This leave shall be used for spiritual and intellectual
pursuits, continuing education, or volunteer mission activities. Such leaves
should enrich and enhance the quality of the ministry to the congregation.
b) A pastor/minister is eligible for sabbatical leave after serving seven (or
fewer if the terms of call so state) consecutive years in his/her position.
c) A written plan with identified goals must be submitted for approval to
both the session/governing body of the employing agency and to the COM
at least four months before the anticipated beginning of the leave time.
d) Sabbatical leave is normally over and above regular vacation days for that
year as well as separate from annual study leave time.
(1) Leave with full pay and benefits will not exceed 90 days and may
not be split into smaller leave times.
(2) Additional leave time up to 90 more days without pay may be
negotiated in advance.
(3) Earned vacation days and study leave time (plus book and study
leave allowances) may be used to extend the basic sabbatical leave,
but the pastor may not be required to use normal vacation or study
leave time as part of the first 90 days of sabbatical.
e) During sabbatical leave, the church or employing agency agrees to
underwrite the cost of pastoral/ministerial services. Leave is contingent on
satisfactory replacement or other arrangements so that there is little to no
interruption in the program and progress of the congregation.
f) The pastor/minister shall provide the session or employing agency and
COM with a comprehensive report of the benefits gained through his/her
spiritual experience, mission work or educational pursuits.
g) If the pastor/minister chooses to leave the congregation or employing
agency within a period of one year after the leave is completed, the pastor
will reimburse the church the amount of salary for the time of the
sabbatical leave.
h) Another sabbatical cycle will begin after the leave is completed. Unused
sabbatical time cannot be carried forward into the next cycle.
i) Congregations should budget annually a portion of the funds to be needed
for replacement pastoral services during the sabbatical so that all expenses
are not a burden on one particular year.
A. A minister of the Word and Sacrament who is an active member of the presbytery
may be engaged
1) in a validated ministry within congregations of this church,
a) in a validated ministry in other service of this church,
2) in a validated ministry in service
3) beyond the jurisdiction of this church, or may be (4) honorably retired.
B. All ministries entered into by active members of Homestead Presbytery shall be
validated, individually or by classification, by the presbytery on recommendation
of the committee on ministry. All validated ministries shall be in demonstrable
conformity with the criteria set forth by the Book of Order G-2.0503.
C. A member in a validated ministry shall communicate regularly with the
committee on ministry; this communication shall include as a minimum an annual
report of the member’s activities, as requested by the committee on ministry.
A. For teaching elders, certified educators, and commissioned ruling elders seeking
transfer to another presbytery
1) In order to facilitate the calls of teaching elders and certified educators and
to protect Homestead Presbytery (HP), its churches and its officers from
claims arising from employment relationships, personnel inquiries have
become an unfortunate but necessary practice. Before representatives of
this presbytery are permitted to respond to employment inquiries, a release
needs to be completed, signed and on file at the presbytery office.
B. For teaching elders, certified educators, and commissioned ruling elders seeking
membership or employment in this presbytery
1) HP has the responsibility to examine teaching elders and candidates,
certified educators, and commissioned ruling elders seeking
membership/employment in the presbytery (G-2.0104b) including their
Christian faith and views in theology, the Sacraments, and the government
of the Presbyterian Church (USA). HP has delegated this examination to
the COM. In order to facilitate the employment of ministers and to protect
the presbytery, its churches and its officers from claims arising from
employment relationships, personnel inquiries have become an
unfortunate but necessary practice.
C. The completed forms and all communication received from former employers and
presbytery officials shall be kept in the permanent confidential personnel file of
the minister. This file shall be maintained at the HP office. Access to the file will
be limited to the Moderator of COM, the Stated Clerk, and the staff of the
presbytery under the supervision of the Executive Presbyter.
The goal of the presbytery is to encourage the call to ministry and to aid small
congregations in effectively fulfilling their own sense of call. By offering this option to
smaller congregations, Homestead Presbytery is enabling small congregations to have the
opportunity to support and encourage young pastors recently graduated from seminary.
For new calls in Homestead Presbytery to newly ordained pastors, calls may be approved
at 85% of the otherwise established presbytery minimum, valid through five years of
ministry, with a commitment to raise annually the pastor’s salary by the COLA (Cost of
Living) as published by the Board of Pensions. This policy shall be on a trial basis for
three years [until 2016], with evaluation in two years [2015] by COM.
Any teaching elder serving a first call following graduation from seminary who comes
with any educational indebtedness shall be required to show evidence of having attended
a financial planning workshop such as a fiscal fitness workshop sponsored by the Board
of Pensions, or other financial planning workshop. If the teaching elder has not attended
such a workshop, he/she shall be required to do so within 12 months of start-up. The cost
of registration fee, accommodation, and travel for such a workshop are to be considered
legitimate reimbursable expense from study leave allowances.
COM shall encourage calling congregations to utilize further educational debt reduction
as a point in negotiating salary with a prospective pastor who is a recent seminary
Administration of the Homestead Presbytery (HP)
A. Ministry Support Fund
1) General Considerations
HP has mandated that this fund shall begin each calendar year with
a total sum of $20,000 and shall be replenished up to that amount on
January 1st of each new year.
This fund is administered by the Committee on Ministry (COM) to
provide assistance to churches which have temporary difficulty in
funding pastoral care (not “brick and mortar”).
In the interest of responsible Christian stewardship serious
consideration shall be given to the implementation of the stipulations as
set forth in this policy.
Ordinarily ministry support is provided in gradually diminishing
amounts over a period of time as specified by mutual agreement with the
final authorization and approval by the COM. Such funds shall not be
regarded as “automatically renewable” unless a specific and unique
agreement states otherwise. It is conceivable that a particular
congregation may be determined as an ongoing mission of HP.
Upon initial request by the session the COM will appoint a
representative to work with the session in this process as advisor and
The mission support fund application shall include:
(1) Goals and statements as approved by the session:
(a) two-year stewardship and mission plan
(b) financial statement for the three preceding years
(c) proposed budget for the forthcoming year
(d) plan for pastoral leadership
g) Stewardship Campaign Plan:
(1) shall be conducted for the purpose of encouraging each
member to assume a significant and active participation in the area
of financial stewardship;
(2) shall be required at least once every three years following this
initial application;
(3) shall give evidence of taking advantage of the human,
programmatic and financial resources available from the
community, HP, and synod.
2) Additional Considerations
a) Per capita apportionment shall be current or demonstrate a plan
approved by the session whereby it shall become current.
b) Representatives of the session shall be present at a meeting of the
COM or its authorized subcommittee when submitting its
application. Generally, applications are processed during the
month of August prior to the application year.
c) Emergency applications will be considered at all times. The
primary purpose for the representatives to be present shall be:
(1) to review together the application data;
(2) to have the opportunity to share and discuss the
stewardship and mission rationale of the session;
(3) to provide a forum for discussion relative to the projected
future of the church;
(4) to determine the advisability of including the involvement
of the HP’s committee on congregational development and
d) Revisions of the Call of the congregation’s pastoral leadership
shall include at least an annual cost of living increase keeping in
mind the minimum salary as approved by HP.
1) The Personal Financial Assistance Fund (PFAF) has been established to help
with individuals and emergency needs of families within the professional
work of the PC(USA) within the bounds of HP. The distribution of funds shall
be administered by the COM of HP and information shall be regarded as
2) Availability - funds shall be available to:
a) Continuing members of presbytery and their dependents
b) Pensioners
3) Initiative:
a) Person or persons in need
b) COM and/or pensions coordinator
c) Nebraska Presbyterian Welfare Foundation
d) Others aware of possible need
4) Implementation:
a) The financial assistance shall be regarded as a grant;
b) Administration and distribution shall be under the sole direction of the
COM moderator in consultation with the executive presbyter;
c) Amount is to be determined by the COM moderator in consultation with the
executive presbyter in personal contact with the person(s) in need and/or
knowledgeable sources who provide information – e.g., supplemental income
because of sudden disability prior to long-term solutions; emergency medical
costs not covered by major medical or other health insurance, or inadequate
5) Review and Accountability:
a) Review of the general condition/status of this fund shall be made at the next
stated meeting of COM following each allocation but no less than annually by
the COM moderator (e.g., “Two requests have been approved each in the
amount of $ and $ .”).
b) Quarterly reports by the treasurer of HP will reflect activity in this account.
6) Distribution of Funds:
a) Funds are expended by the treasurer of HP upon receipt of a voucher from
the COM moderator.
Periodically the Synod of Lakes and Prairies will receive funds from the Presbyterian
Board of Pensions which represent accumulated dollars in the form of a “dividend” from
the group contract which this synod has with the board of pensions for lay employees of
the synod, its presbyteries, and local congregations. In each case, participation in the
pension plan through the group contract will have been previously reviewed and
approved. The funds received shall be accepted by the synod and placed into the
appropriate account for investment and/or other use by action of the synod council. A
certain number of dollars will be reserved each year for emergency shared assistance
The following guidelines shall control the awarding of such grants:
A. Emergency shared assistance grants will be awarded on the basis of individual
need and reviewed on a case by case basis. In ordinary circumstances not more
than two grants will be awarded in any given calendar year to a single individual.
Exceptions to this guideline can be made by the synod executive and/or his
designee in consultation with the appropriate persons.
B. Eligibility: Participation in this program shall be open to any lay or clergy
member of the Presbyterian Board of Pension Plan within the bounds of the
Synod of Lakes and Prairies, the spouse, children and/or immediate survivors.
C. Assistance Available: Emergency shared assistance grants are made available by
the synod to any person or persons meeting the eligibility requirements in the
following situations:
1) Medical
2) Psychological
3) Financial
4) Family or personal crisis
D. The responsibility for determining the validity of any request for an emergency
grant rests with the following:
1) in the case of synod employees, the responsibility rests with the synod
executive or his/her designee;
2) in the case of HP employees, the responsibility rests with the executive
presbyter or his/her designee;
3) in the case of employees of local churches, the responsibility rests with the
moderator of the session, in consultation with the synod staff person
responsible for the administration of the group contract.
Administration of the Board of Pensions
When special needs arise that the benefits plan, personal resources, or other
means cannot meet, the financial assistance programs and the retirement housing
programs can often help church workers and their families. By administering the
benefits plan and the assistance program, the board of pensions manifests the concern
of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for the well being of its servants and their
families. When the board considers assistance requests, it evaluates each application
individually including the applicant’s financial, health and social needs. All
applicants for these programs must complete the appropriate forms that may be
obtained from the assistance and retirement housing office. The assistance programs
are discretionary programs. The Board of Pensions reserves the right to amend or
terminate any of the programs, including the eligibility rules, at any time. While
specified dues support the carefully defined benefits offered to members, funds for
the assistance program come from other sources, including the Christmas Joy
Offering, gifts, legacies directed to the board of pensions and income from
Some shared grants are occasioned by medical and hospital expenses which are
beyond the major medical coverage of the pensions and benefits plan and beyond the
ability of an individual or family to pay. These differ from other shared grants only in
the cause of the emergency need, but the following guidelines are to be used in
determining need:
1) Recipients are expected to assume as much of the expense as is reasonably
possible. The recipient’s portion should be at least 2% of the annual earned
income (in the case of an active Teaching Elder), unless this amount has been
paid by the recipient as part of a major medical claim.
2) Where the recipient has discretion over the frequency and duration of
3) (and therefore of costs), the recipient should contribute an amount sufficient to
4) discourage over-utilization. This is particularly true in various types of ongoing therapy.
5) All payments allowable under the major medical provisions of the Board of
Pensions Plan, Medicare, other insurance, and professional or courtesy
discounts should be applied to the need before a shared grants is requested.
6) 4. In order to discourage excessive medical fees, medical expenses should be
reviewed in the light of scheduled amounts allowed by Medicare and other
standards for determining usual, customary and reasonable fees in the
recipient’s geographical area.
7) Recipients normally are asked to submit medical bills (which will be returned)
so that the board may assist in this review and assure payment of eligible
expenses under major medical provisions of the Presbyterian Board of
Pensions Plan.
G-2.0504 Pastoral Relationships b. Temporary Pastoral Relationships: Temporary
pastoral relationships are approved by the presbytery and do not carry a formal call or
installation. When a congregation does not have a pastor, or while the pastor is unable to
perform her or his duties, the session, with the approval of presbytery may obtain the
services of a teaching elder, candidate, or ruling elder in a temporary pastoral
relationship. No formal call shall be issued and no formal installation shall take place.
Temporary positions - there is a limit to the time of (Contract/agreement/commission) for
this position. Some of these positions may be renewable. Temporary pastors are not,
ordinarily, eligible to serve as the next installed pastor of the congregation they are
A. The Interim Pastor
An Interim Pastor is a Teaching Elder who is called to a congregation between
installed pastors. This is a time for the congregation to look back to its past and
peer into the future the God is calling them to move into. Term of service; one
year contract with the potential 1 year renewal.
B. The Designated Pastor
The congregation and the Teaching Elder both must volunteer to be considered
for a designated term relationship. With the concurrence of the session COM
will present a limited number of candidates for the session to consider for
Designated Pastor position. This is a way to speed up the process while at the
same time limiting the number of candidates to be considered. This is usually
for a designated (2-4 year) term.
C. The Stated Supply Pastor
When a congregation is not ready to call or contract with a pastor for a called
position they may choose to have a Stated Supply Pastor. A Stated Supply
Pastor is a Teaching Elder serving a congregation with a contract for specific
times and or specific services and compensation for one year, renewable.
Ordinarily, either party can end the contract with a 30 day notice.
D. Commissioned Lay Pastor
A Commissioned Lay Pastor is a Ruling Elder who has completed special
training approved by the Presbytery and then commissioned to be the
Commissioned Lay Pastor of that congregation. This is usually for 3 years and
is renewable.
A. Ordinations and Installations are an action of the whole presbytery on behalf of
the church universal. Presbytery will routinely delegate the planning and
execution of ordinations and installations to an administrative commission.
B. The administrative commission is responsible for the worship service attendant to
the ordination or installation. However, the administrative commission will
normally ask the ordinand or the minister being installed to plan the worship
service and invite participants, subject to the commission’s approval.
C. The time and place of these services shall be determined by the administrative
commission if not previously set by presbytery. Since these services are an act of
the presbytery, it is normally inappropriate for them to be at the same time as a
congregation’s normal Sunday worship celebration.
D. An offering is part of the worship service. When an ordination is being conducted
the offering shall be dedicated to the Presbytery’s support of its candidates for the
Ministry of Word and Sacrament. When an installation of a previously ordained
minister is being conducted, the offering shall be dedicated to the Presbytery’s
support of its minister members’ special or emergency needs.
E. It is appropriate for the service to include a time for presentations of gifts to the
newly ordained or installed minister.
In accordance with G-2.0905 and Standards of Ethical Conduct (as approved by the 210th
General Assembly-1998), the Committee on Ministry (COM) has adopted the following
guidelines for pastors and their former congregations. Therefore the Presbytery rejects
any pastoral activities which invade another teaching or commissioned ruling elders
arena or calling without a specific invitation by
that minister, including returning to former calling bodies for pastoral services.
A. Former pastors shall refrain from pastoral functions and shall not accept any
position of leadership in their former congregation, nor attend meetings of the
session, deacons, trustees, or official congregational meetings.
B. Former pastors shall not officiate at any sacraments, weddings, funerals, or other
functions or rituals involving members of their former congregation or within its
properties, except by invitation of the congregation’s current moderator. While
Homestead Presbytery (HP) recognizes that congregations develop emotional ties
to pastors, a congregation and members of its community are to be discouraged
from making requests for pastoral services from former pastors, nor shall former
pastors encourage such requests either directly or indirectly.
Former pastors shall in every way avoid any formal or informal participation or
comment on the work or recommendations of the pastor nominating committee of
their former congregation.
In any community activities, former pastors shall be cautious to see that their
views are interpreted as their own and not attributed by association to their former
congregations and their new leadership.
In every way, former pastors shall demonstrate support of their successor and
avoid any actual or resemblance or inference of interference or involvement with
the former congregation.
Former pastors should be aware that their participation in any way in the activity
of their former congregation could be disruptive and detrimental to the peace and
harmony of that congregation. There former pastors shall not attend worship
except at the invitation of the current pastor.
In the considerations of any minister's retirement, a particular concern arises for
the needs of other family members, especially the minister's spouse. Quite often
family members have joined the church their spouse/parent was serving, have
become very involved in congregational programs, invested great interest and
energy in the church's life, and established deep personal relationships with other
church members. The Presbytery has no direct jurisdiction over the non-clergy
members of ministers' families, but the Presbytery urges the spouse, in the context
of those relationships, not to do
anything that would undermine the transition necessary for the church and the
development of the relationship between the congregation and an interim pastor
or new called pastor. It may be wise to
consider not worshiping with the former congregation at all during the period of
pastoral vacancy, or while an interim pastor is present.
An exception to the above guidelines may occur when a former pastor lives in the
community and the pulpit of their former congregation is vacant. At such a time,
congregational members may turn to former pastors in times of personal
emergency. In such cases, the COM would allow the former pastors to use their
own discretion in responding to these special requests. In all other cases they
should refer such members to the person(s) with whom the session has made
arrangements for pastoral care.
Former pastors should also promptly report all such requests, contacts and
pertinent information to the session so proper follow up may be made on the part
of the congregation.
The COM shall take appropriate steps to resolve any questions that may arise in
these areas (G-3.0307).
Concerning Commissioned Ruling Elders and Parish Associates: See introductory
paragraph. It is important you remember that you are no longer “just a member”
of the congregation in the member’s minds. You are no longer in a position of
G-2.0905 Officiate by Invitation Only
After the dissolution of the pastoral relationship, former pastors and associate
shall not provide their pastoral services to members of their former congregations
the invitation of the moderator of session.
G-3.0307 Pastor, Counselor, and Advisor to Teaching Elders and Congregations
Presbyteries shall be open at all times to communication regarding the life and
of their congregations. Each presbytery shall develop and maintain mechanisms
and processes to serve as pastor and counselor to teaching elders, ruling elders
commissioned to pastoral service, and certified Christian educators of the
presbytery; to facilitate the relations between the presbytery and its congregations,
teaching elders, ruling elders commissioned to pastoral service, and certified
Christian educators; and to settle difficulties on behalf of the presbytery where
possible and expedient. Each presbytery shall develop and maintain mechanisms
and processes to guide, nurture and oversee the process of preparing to become a
teaching elder. To facilitate the presbytery’s oversight of inquirers and candidates,
reception and oversight of teaching elder members, approval of calls for pastoral
services and invitations for temporary pastoral services, oversight of
congregations without pastors, dissolution of relationships, dismissal of members,
and its close relationship with both member congregations and teaching elders, it
may delegate its authority to designated entities within the presbytery. Such
entities shall be composed of ruling elders and teaching elders in approximately
equal numbers, bearing in mind the principles of unity in diversity in F-1.0403.
All actions carried out as a result of delegated authority must be reported to the
presbytery at it next regular meeting.
Recognizing the need to protect privacy and confidentiality in pastoral situations, and
assigned the responsibility of providing counsel and practical assistance in potentially
difficult situations, Homestead Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry desires to have
certain guidelines that respect those needs for privacy and confidentiality when
appropriate, yet honor the need for HP to have adequate knowledge so that HP might
fulfill its responsibility to its pastors and churches. In order to be sensitive to the
sometimes delicate situations that arise that do not always need to be aired publicly, yet
maintain the need for HP’s participation in decision-making at appropriate times, the
COM has established the following:
A. Situations Involving Minimum Urgency
1) In cases that may result in involuntary termination brought to the attention of
the COM, but where no apparent crisis prevails and after avenues of
reconciliation have been explored and exhausted, the session and pastor shall
be urged to negotiate a termination agreement in consultation with the COM.
2) Time restrictions are to be negotiated with all parties with consideration to the
average relocation period in the PC(USA).
3) The church shall continue to be responsible for the continuation of the pastor’s
salary package until the time of the termination.
4) The pastor may be urged to fulfill certain requirements as recommended by
the COM after consultation with the pastor and session; e.g., personal
information form (PIF) made current and placed on active status with the
referral services, career counseling, emergency relocation, psychiatric or
psychological counseling and enrollment in face-to-face events.
5) If these agreed-upon criteria are not being met by either party, then the COM
shall present the matter to presbytery, along with its recommendation, for
action by HP. This may require the renegotiation of the original termination
B. Situations Involving Maximum Urgency
1) In cases where there is a crisis that may result in involuntary termination,
the COM shall consult with the pastor and session and make
recommendations to the presbytery for its action regarding the pastoral
relationship, with all consideration and attention to required due process
(G-020902, G-020903 and G-020904). COM shall work with the pastor
and session to develop a termination agreement.
2) The pastor may be urged by the COM to fulfill certain requirements as the
COM shall recommend after consultation with the pastor and session; e.g.,
personal information form (PIF) made current and placed on active status
with the referral services, career counseling, emergency relocation,
psychiatric or psychological counseling and enrollment in face-to-face
3) If these agreed-upon criteria are not being met by either party, then the
COM shall present the matter to HP along with its recommendation, for
action by HP. This may require the re-negotiation of the original
termination agreement.
4) Only in extreme cases of financial hardship will HP financially assist
either the church or the pastor during or after termination of the pastoral
relationship, and then only upon proper application through the COM to
5) If HP’s financial assistance is approved, it may be in full or may be
tendered by the presbytery on the basis of fixed percentage of salary as
recommended by the COM.
A. The primary task and responsibility of the Presbytery is to encourage the growth,
nurture and vitality of its congregations. The energies and resources of the
Presbytery are directed to this end.
B. The Presbytery is also charged with the responsibility of protecting the assets of the
congregations within its bounds for the extension and outreach of the mission of
Jesus Christ.
C. Therefore, when a congregation and/or the presbytery determines that it can no
longer continue in ministry and mission it is the responsibility of the Presbytery to
assist the congregation to move to its closing.
D. Presbytery has the responsibility for the following:
1) Membership
a) To provide for letters of transfer of the members to the Christian
communities of their choice, or to continue, for a period of two years their
membership on the at-large roll of the Presbytery.
2) Records
a) To see that all the records of the church are transferred to the Presbytery
where they will be maintained in the Presbytery archives or by the
presbytery to the Department of History in Philadelphia, PA.
3) Property and Continuing Financial Responsibilities
a) The property of the Congregation is held by the congregation for use of the
Congregation, and also held in trust for the whole Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.). At the time discussions begin about closure the Presbytery is
immediately involved to insure a faithful and adequate disposition of all its
property. In particular:
b) The assets of a congregation can continue to assist in the mission and
outreach of the whole church.
c) To provide for the disposition of the building, other assets and all real
d) To insure that the building is used appropriately so that the original intention
of the building is not desecrated or becomes an eyesore or other liability and
hazard to the community.
e) Where possible, to return the property to the tax rolls.
f) Provide for the final year payment of the per capita apportionment.
E. Procedures
1) Normally, request to close the church will come from the congregation. This
request should be the outcome of a vote, taken by ballot, at a special meeting
called by the session for this purpose. The report of this action shall be
transmitted by the clerk of the session to the Stated Clerk of the presbytery.
2) Upon receipt of this information, the Stated Clerk shall consult with the
Executive Presbyter, the chairperson of the Committee on Ministry, and the
moderator of the session, concerning the appropriateness of the request. If the
request is found to be in order, this group shall purpose a list of nominees to the
Presbytery for election to an administrative commission named for the purpose
of responding to the request. Ordinarily, at least one member of the commission
will be an elder from the congregation making the request.
3) The administrative commission will be charged with the responsibilities
described in Sections A, B, and C above. The administrative commission will
also arrange a final worship service to be held by the Presbytery to celebrate the
life of the congregation, to provide for its members to rededicate their lives to
continuing service to Jesus Christ and to declare the church closed.
Date of Meeting: October 20/November 15, 2013
Reported by: ELLEN DAVIS, Moderator
SECTION A: Information background:
1. Minimum salary for teaching elders in 2014 is $43,600.
2. Board of Pension dues: The current medical dues model will continue, with dues for the Traditional
Program increasing from 21 percent of the member’s effective salary in 2013 to 23 percent in 2014. The
pension portion remains at 12% as does the disability portion at 1% for a total dues based on effective
salary of 35%
3. The form for reporting pastors’ compensation to Homestead Presbytery are available on the presbytery
web site or may be obtained by contacting Rev. Don Botic, compensation and pension moderator for
COM, at or 402-727-8044. Completed forms are due February 1, 2013. Please
note, even if there are no changes in compensation or vouchered expenses, COM needs a report from all
teaching and ruling elders employed in churches or other validated ministries. Presbytery policy requires
a report yearly at the May presbytery meeting.
4. The committee has developed guidelines for congregations who wish to establish a manse policy. The
guidelines approved by the committee are attached to this report.
SECTION B: Actions taken/Decisions made: 1
Approved Rev. Don Botic laboring outside the bounds of Homestead Presbytery in Prospect Hill Presbytery
to preach at First Presbyterian Church, Sioux City, Iowa on four Sundays beginning October 27 through
November 17.
Approved Rev. Tom Osborne officiating at the funeral of Melvin Cochell at the request of CLP Penny
Approved Rev. Heidi Bolt to labor outside the bounds of Homestead Presbytery as interim pastor at Christ
Lutheran Church in Louisville, NE effective November 14.
SECTION C: Number of recommendations requiring Presbytery action:
Approved by COM 9/28/2013
The most important aspect in the writing of a Manse policy is to establish good communication between the
clergy family and the ruling elders of the church in regards to the condition of the manse. When good
communication exists there is less likely the possibility of conflict arising over what could have been minor
situations that can be easily fixed.
It is highly recommended by Homestead Presbytery that churches which own manses develop a policy that
provides for good communication between the clergy family and the ruling elders in regards to the condition of
the manse. Such policies should contain records of inspection reports, a list of responsible parities when a
problem arises, the duties and expectations of the Session, the expectations of the clergy family, and
reimbursement policies for routine maintenance. There is no one size fits all policy that can cover the situations
incurred at the local church level. The following listed recommendations for a manse policy are the minimum
suggested line items that shall be in a manse policy. The session of the local church should further develop their
policy to fit the needs of their church and clergy family.
Establish an Annual Walk-Thru Policy. The Session shall have access to the manse in order to
conduct an annual review in which a written report is made and kept on file at the church, with a copy
sent to the office of Homestead Presbytery. There shall be adequate notice given to the clergy family, a
minimum notice of 48 hours shall be given before an inspection can occur. A minimum of two
representatives from the church session and at least one adult representative of the pastor’s family are
required to perform an inspection.
2. Professional Inspections. Annual inspections by professionals for furnaces that burn fossil fuels should
be considered a priority in the prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning and insuring equipment is in
proper working order. Other inspections that maybe needed are mechanical ( air conditioning, plumbing,
electrical), mold, lead paint, and structure (for cracks in the foundation, chimneys etc.)
3. Safety Requirements. All levels of the manse shall have working smoke detectors in working order.
The manse also shall have detectors for carbon monoxide and radon in place. At such time when the
annual inspection takes it would be a good time to replace the batteries of safety devices The manse
should be able to meet local building codes of the community.
4. Radon. Radon is an odorless tasteless and invisible gas produced by the decay of naturally occurring
uranium in soil and water. Lung cancer is the only known effect on human health from exposure to
radon air. The EPA estimates that about 20,000 lung cancer deaths a year in the US are radon related,
and the second leading cause of lung cancer second only to smoking. The EPA recommends that homes
that have radon levels above 4 pCi/L or more be fixed. Americans should consider fixing their homes if
the level is above 2. Radon can be removed from the home by a professional installation of a mitigation
system. Homestead Presbytery recommends that all manses be inspected for Radon, manses with a level
of 2 pCi/L should have a radon mitigation system installed. Manses with a level above 4 pCi/L shall
have a Radon Migration system installed.
5. Maintenance Policy The Session shall have a maintenance policy in place that describes the duties of
the clergy family and or the session including mowing, garbage pick-up, utilities, and the replacement of
consumable items such as light bulbs etc. There shall be a list of responsible persons that can be
contacted from the church when maintenance issues arise. There could also be a list of local approved
contractors. A reimbursement policy in writing shall be developed that describes what the Session is
going to pay for and what expenses the clergy family is responsible for.
6. Maintenance Notification Policy. It is recommended that a procedure be out lined for notifying the
Session of repairs that need to be done, so repairs can be expedited.
7. Damage to Property Policy. A policy to protect both the Session and Clergy Family in reference to
damage to the property that goes beyond normal wear and tear to the manse and surrounding property.
The Clergy family has to have a reasonable expectation that the manse there going to live in is going to
be safe and reliable for the extent of their stay. The Church Session also has a right to expect that the
manse and surrounding property be returned to them in good repair upon the departure of the clergy
family. Written inspections are vital to protect both parties, pictures before occupancy and after
departure maybe a consideration. In the event of damage to the property that exceeds normal wear and
tear the session may consider policies for damage deposits or in place agreements with Presbytery and
the clergy family that such damage will be cared for before the clergy family is released from the
8. No Smoking Policy. The Session may wish to develop a no smoking policy in the manse.
9. Pet Policy. It is a reasonable expectation that the session have in place a policy that allows for a damage
deposit before the manse is occupied by the clergy family in the event the family wishes to have their
pets live in the manse or on the surrounding church property. The clergy family will loose their deposit
if their pets cause damage to church property. The number and type of pets kept on church property shall
be in line with local community ordnances.
Date of Meeting: November 21, 2013
Reported by: Kara James, Moderator
SECTION A: Information background:
1. The committee has not met since our last Council Meeting.
2. The committee continues to follow the progress of and support the journey of
our Candidate Katie Jasa.
3. The committee has a new person under care. Inquirer Stephen Pointon was
transferred into Homestead Presbytery’s care from the Presbytery of St. Andrew. The
committee has not yet met with Stephen.
4. Kara James is stepping down as moderator and member of CPM. A new
moderator will be selected, following the appropriate course of action, to assume
responsibility at the beginning of the new year.
5. Candidate Nick Dougherty, having been previously found by the Homestead
CPM as ready for ordination pending a call, was ordained on July 14, 2013 by
the Missouri River Valley Presbytery.
SECTION B: Actions Taken:
1. The committee met Katie Jasa on October 23 for her Final Review and reviewed her
PIF. She has successfully passed all of her ordination exams. She was approved to circulate her
PIF and negotiate for a call (which would be pending her graduation).
SECTION C: Recommendations requiring Presbytery’s action:
None at this time.
Motion Sheet
Subject: Overture Regarding Retired Pastors
Date: November 21, 2013 Presbytery Assembly
Recommendation: [wording of motion]
That Homestead Presbytery submit the overture to the 2014 General Assembly permitting
retired teaching elders to become affiliate members of congregations (attached). The
Moderator may appoint an Overture Advocate to the General Assembly.
Background: [information for explanation or need]
The rationale for the overture is included in the overture document.
Related Issues: [if any]
The Presbytery of Homestead Presbytery respectfully overtures the 221st General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (2014) to amend the Form of Government
(G-1.0403) to insert the following as a second sentence:
An honorably retired teaching elder may also apply to the session of a congregation,
other than the congregation which he or she has most recently served, to become an
affiliate member and with the approval and oversight of the entity of the teaching elder’s
presbytery charged with the responsibilities under G-3.0307.
And to add the following as second sentence to G-2.0503 C: An honorably retired
member may become an affiliate member of a congregation, other than that which he or
she has most recently served, with the approval of that congregation’s session, and the
approval and oversight of the entity charged with the responsibilities under G-3.0307 of
that member’s presbytery.
Rationale: Retired teaching elders are members of a presbytery, but do not have a formal
relationship with a congregation, which has caused concern and a feeling of being
isolated and abandoned by some teaching elders.
Allowing such persons to have the status of an affiliate member can foster a closer
relationship for both congregations and retired teaching elder. Adding presbytery entity
approval and continued oversight safe guards the congregation, the pastor in active
service and the retired member. Not permitting this relationship in the congregations
most recently served by an honorably retired member safeguards the new and continuing
ministerial service on the next pastor following the former pastor’s retirement. This
relationship would not be required of retirees who would retain presbytery membership,
responsibilities and privileges but would give flexibility and opportunities for service in a
new way.
Motion Sheet
Subject: Vacancy nominations
Date: November 21, 2013
Recommendation: [wording of motion or slate of nominees]
Business and Finance: Rich Tiggelaar, at-large, 2016-1, Moderator,
CCC Board of Directors: Chris Boden, Class of 2016-1
Council: member-at-large, Dave Barnhouse, RE, 2016 (replacing Shirley Hamernik)
PJC: Don Steiner, HR, 2019
One vacancy (need 7 members)
Dennis Hett, TE, Designated Pastor, Laurel/Belden, 2016-1
Steven Frazier, TE, Fairbury, class of 2016-2
Jeff Warrick, TE, Lincoln Good Shepherd, 2016-2
John McPhail, RE, Columbus, 2016-2
Jeannette Ulmer, RE, Pawnee City, 2016-2
Cathy Allen, TE, Clarkson, 2015-2, Moderator
Carl Eskridge, Lincoln, TE, 2016-2
Laura Hollister, Schuyler, TE, 2016-1 (more info)
James McNeal, Wymore, TE, 2016-2
Cheryl Rennick, Lincoln, RE, 2016-2
Melody Pointon, TE, Lincoln, 2016-1
RE: : Two to be elected
Pam Carrier (Lincoln First)
Cheryl Rennick (Lincoln Westminster)
Alternate: Vicki Fleming (Hebron)
Alternate: Steve Pointon (Lincoln Fourth)
TE: Two to be elected
Jennifer Strickland (Lincoln Westminster),
Greg Bolt (Nebraska City)
Alternate: Leanne Masters (Lincoln Southern Heights)
Alternate: Gary Fugman (Hon. Ret.)
Background: [information for explanation or need]
Related Issues: [if any]
Motion Sheet
Subject: Overture Regarding BoP
Date: November 21, 2013 Presbytery Assembly
Recommendation: [wording of motion]
That Homestead concur in the overture to the 2014 General Assembly submitted by
Presbytery of Kiskiminetas (attached)
Background: [information for explanation or need]
The rationale for the overture is included in the overture document. Because of a recent
General Assembly procedural change, no overture will be considered unless it has been
endorsed by at least two presbyteries.
Related Issues: [if any]
On Amending G-2.0504b. to Require Participation in the Benefits Plan of
the PC(USA)—From the Presbytery of Kiskiminetas.
The Presbytery of Kiskiminetas overtures the 221st General Assembly (2014) to
submit to the presbyteries for their concurrence the following amendment to the
Form of Government G-2.0504b. by adding a third paragraph to section b. to read
as follows:
Any temporary pastoral relationship filled by a non-retired teaching elder serving more
than half time (20 hours per week) the contract must include participation in the
benefits plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), including both pension and medical
coverage, or any successor plan approved by the General Assembly for the duration of
the temporary pastoral relationship contract and future extensions.
The terms of call for installed pastoral positions require participation in the
benefits plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), including both pension and medical
coverage, or any successor plan approved by the General Assembly. (G-2.0804).
Only 5,584 congregations have installed pastoral positions covering 6,722
installed pastors (Comparative Statistics 2011).
There are 702 fewer congregations with installed positions covering 885 fewer
installed pastors than in 2006 (Comparative Statistics 2006).
2,846 congregations in 2011 have “other leadership,” of which are temporary supply
teaching elders (710).
At the Board of Pensions minimum participation basis of $40,000, the lost major
medical dues is $1,252,440 for 2013. Minimum participation basis for 2014 is $42,000
and for 2015 is $44,000.
Motion Sheet
Subject: Overture Regarding Synods
Date: November 21, 2013 Presbytery Assembly
Recommendation: [wording of motion]
That Homestead concur in the overture to the 2014 General Assembly submitted by
Prospect Hill Presbytery (attached)
Background: [information for explanation or need]
The rationale for the overture is included in the overture document. Because of a recent
General Assembly procedural change, no overture will be considered unless it has been
endorsed by at least two presbyteries.
Related Issues: [if any]
Overture from the Presbytery of Prospect Hill
to the 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church
The Presbytery of Prospect Hill overtures the 221st General Assembly (2014) to adopt
the following resolution:
The General Assembly shall take no action related to the functions of synods, the
merger or redrawing of boundaries of synods, or the elimination of synods within the
structure of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) until at least the year 2020 without the
consent of any synod and a majority of the presbyteries affected.
Further, each presbytery is encouraged to consider consultation with their synod
and surrounding presbyteries, either individually or jointly, regarding what functions
are appropriate within their respective synod, pursuant to G-3.0404.
There appears to be widespread recognition that the needs of presbyteries and
congregations across the nation varies greatly and that “one size does not fit all.” The
functions ascribed to synods are necessary to the efficient and effective functioning of the
whole system of governance, and if a particular synod’s functions are reduced or eliminated,
it is the affected presbyteries in that synod that must “take up the slack”. Hence, it is those
same presbyteries who should initiate any needed change in their region, not the General
Assembly determining one solution for the whole church.
It was presbyteries and not the General Assembly that first created synods and it is
reasonable that decisions regarding the appropriate functions, operations, and boundaries of
synods are best left to the affected presbyteries and their synod(s).
The current Form of Government allows for considerable flexibility in synod function and
structure within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), up to and including the reduction of
function to only judicial process and administrative review of presbyteries (G-3.0404). This
Form of Government has been in effect since 2011 and has not had a chance to be tested by
mid councils as they discern the best way to meet their needs. It is obvious from recent
actions (with reference particularly to the Synod of Alaska Northwest) that synods and
presbyteries can use the current Form of Government to reduce the functions of a synod
when they feel it is appropriate, and are able to accomplish it without a directive from the
General Assembly.
The Form of Government allows presbyteries and/or synods to overture the General
Assembly to divide, unite, or otherwise combine synods (G-3.0502d) if those councils
believe it is in their best interest to do so.
The Form of Government allows two or more synods to form a shared permanent
judicial commission (D-5.0101) when those bodies believe it is in their best interest to do so.
Date of Meeting: 10/1/2013
Reported by: Nancy Leavitt, Moderator
SECTION A: Information background:
 Completed the annual evaluation of Rev. Wyatt. Report will follow.
 Working on salary recommendations to present to the November meeting.
SECTION B: Actions taken/Decisions made:
 Approved the job descriptions for the Homestead Presbytery positions of
secretary and bookkeeper.
Approved giving the Executive Presbyter permission to hire Jessica
Kottmeyer as the part time employee of Homestead Presbytery for the
secretary and bookkeeping positions, with a two month probation period.
SECTION C: Number of recommendations requiring Council action: __2___
[Separately list each title of motions the committee is bringing to Presbytery for a vote. Full description is on Motion Sheet]
To add the job descriptions for the secretary and bookkeeping positions to
the Homestead Manual of Operations.
To adjust the 2013 budget to accommodate the change in Personnel by
increasing the Personnel’s budget by $17,500 to $178,800 and decreasing the
Business and Finance’s budget by $17,500 to $27,455.
Personnel Committee 2
Motion Sheet
Personnel Committee
Subject: Adjust the 2014 Budget to accommodate personnel changes
Date: November 21, 2013
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Personnel Committee that
the 2014 Budget be adjusted as follows – Increase the Personnel Committee
Budget by $17,500 to $178,800 and decrease the Business and Finance
Budget by $17,500 to $27,455.
Background: This is a revenue neutral budget change to adjust for the move of the
services for secretary and bookkeeping from the oversight by Business and Budget to the
Personnel Committee.
Presbytery of Homestead
Position Description
To fulfill the functions of a Bookkeeper of Presbytery as set forth in this
position description and such other specific responsibilities as assigned by
the Executive Presbyter or the Business and Finance Committee.
The Bookkeeper is accountable to the Executive Presbyter.
The person who is called to the position of Bookkeeper should hold an
abiding commitment to God, to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to
the Presbyterian Church, (USA) {PCUSA}. The Bookkeeper must be
someone who can function well in a decentralized, field-based setting. In
practice, this person should be a leader who possesses administrative and
people skills. His or her character should reflect the highest standards to
which the members of Presbytery are held. The Bookkeeper must be
computer literate and familiar with accounting practices and software.
The bookkeeper is able to provide financial reports that represent
appropriate accounting practices. He or she should have the ability to
discuss issues with openness, grace, and respect while interpreting and
explaining financial reports in a manner understandable to the Presbytery
and its members.
1. Possesses a personable and professional attitude.
2. Seeks to passionately implement the vision and the mission of the
Presbytery of Homestead.
3. Desires that the Presbytery strives to be the best it can be and seeks
to resource the Presbytery with quality ideas and reports.
4. Ability to set appropriate boundaries between work and home life
with the intent to provide good self-care.
5. Ability to explain financial reports and assist those who are using
financial reports for their work.
6. Possesses integrity, maturity, stability and the ability to cope with
stress and has a secure self-confidence with a clear sense of
personal direction, flexibility, sense of humor, and high moral
standards in personal and professional life.
7. Sensitive to confidences to which the Bookkeeper may be privy.
1. Maintains a complete and accurate accounting of all Presbytery
receipts and disbursements, including credit card and checking
2. Provides receipts to individuals and churches in a timely manner.
3. Fulfils in a timely and complete manner all duties outlined in the
Bookkeeping Schematic.
4. Comprehends the bookkeeping methods and procedures of nonprofit bookkeeping services and maintains good communications
with the Executive Presbyter, the Business and Finance
Committee, and the Treasurer.
5. Maintains the accounting services of Presbytery including Per
Capita billing and payment, mission giving pledges and payments.
Transmits General Assembly and Synod payments.
6. Prepares all tax related documents (i.e., Form 1099) in a timely
manner and submits all tax related documents in a timely manner
and submits them to the Treasurer for filing.
7. Assists in preparation of the annual financial audit, preparing draft
business data, reports representing the financial reality of the
Presbytery and any financial report requested by the Executive
Presbyter, Presbytery Council, the Business and Finance
Committee or Presbytery Committees.
8. Prepares necessary reports and files for and works with the
Presbytery’s auditor during the audit process.
9. Works with the Business and Finance Committee to provide
background information in the decision making process regarding
Presbytery’s financial needs.
10. Prepares and distributes monthly financial reports to the Business
and Finance Committee, Presbytery Treasurer and Executive
11. Assists church treasurers with process questions and processes.
12. Makes deposits and write checks weekly.
13. Attends Business and Finance Committee meetings as needed.
14. Performs other related tasks as may be assigned by the Executive
The Bookkeeper works under the supervision of the Executive Presbyter.
The Bookkeeper is also under the operational direction of the Treasurer.
The Bookkeeper operates as a member of a team which includes the
Presbytery Staff, the Business and Finance Committee, and the Treasurer.
The Bookkeeper serves as a resource to the Business and Finance
Committee, Presbytery Council, and the Presbytery.
Each year, the Executive Presbyter is required to perform an annual
review of this position. The Executive Presbyter can obtain additional
comments from any member of staff or Presbytery, any Committee, or any
Church member throughout the Presbytery of Homestead.
The Bookkeeper is required to be bondable in an amount to be determined
by the Business and Finance Committee.
Presbytery of Homestead
Position Description
To enhance the work of the Homestead Presbytery through clerical assistance to other staff and
presbytery officers.
The Secretary is accountable to the Executive Presbyter.
The person who is called to the position of Secretary should hold an abiding commitment to
God, to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to the Presbyterian Church, (USA) {PCUSA}. The
Secretary must be someone who can function well with a decentralized, field-based staffing
model. In practice, this person should be a leader who possesses administrative and people
skills. His or her character should reflect the highest standards to which the members of
Presbytery are held. The Secretary must be computer literate and familiar with software
necessary for a ‘paperless’ office. He or she should have the ability to discuss issues with
openness, grace, and respect while interpreting and explaining policies or reports in a manner
understandable to the Presbytery and its members.
1. Possesses a personable and professional attitude.
2. Seeks to passionately implement the vision and the mission of the Presbytery of
3. Desires that the Presbytery strives to be the best it can be and seeks to resource the
Presbytery with quality ideas and reports.
4. Sets appropriate boundaries between work and home life with the intent to provide good
5. Has the ability to explain reports and to assist those who are using reports for their work.
6. Possesses integrity, maturity, stability and the ability to cope with stress and has a secure
self-confidence with a clear sense of personal direction, flexibility, sense of humor, and
high moral standards in personal and professional life.
7. Is diligent in keeping confidences of office and presbytery business.
1. Answer the presbytery telephone during office hours established by the
Executive Presbyter.
2. Receive e-mails and offer answers or pass along the email content to the
appropriate presbytery staff in a timely manner.
3. Scan and file reports and presbytery documents.
4. Assist in finalizing and sending out correspondence from the executive
presbyter and other staff or officers.
5. Update Presbytery Directory and contact lists.
6. Type and distribute weekly Running Notes and The Homesteader.
7. Maintain Presbytery Master Calendar.
8. Assists at presbytery stated meetings and attends meetings of the Business and
Finance Committee as needed.
9. The Secretary is also under the operational direction of the Congregational
Resource Coordinator and may receive assignments from the Treasurer and
Stated Clerk.
10. Other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Presbyter.
The Secretary works under the supervision of the Executive Presbyter. The Secretary operates as
a member of a team which includes the presbytery staff and officers as well as committee
Each year, the Executive Presbyter is required to perform an annual review of this position. The
Executive Presbyter can obtain additional comments from any member of staff or Presbytery,
any Committee, or any Church member throughout the Presbytery of Homestead.
Personnel Committee
Motion Sheet
Personnel Committee
Subject: Homestead Salary recommendations
Date: November 21, 2013
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Personnel Committee that
the attached salaries be approved for the year 2014 for employees of
Homestead Presbytery.
Background: See the attached figures. This includes increases in line with cost of living
increases, the recommendations of PCUSA, comparable data in other presbyteries in the
Synod and the addition of a secretary/bookkeeper position.
Executive Presbyter
1-501100 EP Salary
1-501104 Continuing Education
1-501106 Professional Expense
1-501108 Pension/Medical
1-501112 Travel
GA Allowance
Stated Clerk
1-502100 SC Salary
1-502104 Continuing Education
1-502112 Travel
1-502114 Office Expense
GA Allowance
Communication & Resource Coordinator
1-501100 C&CR Salary
1-504104 Continuing Education
1-504112 Travel
1-509180 Social Security/Medicare
20 hours/week
1-509180 Social Security/Medicare
Date of Meeting: November 21, 2013
Reported by: Tom Pappas, Convenor
SECTION A: Information background: [Description of topics the Committee is working.]
We started the year by saying goodbye to Jim Budka for his service and adding Sue
Blackman and Sandy Hilsabeck Hastings. Darin Bentzinger continued as a member and
Tom Pappas continued as moderator.
The main activities of Clergy/Family M/M for 2013 have been to:
 recognize ordination anniversaries with hand crafted cards
 organize a luncheon hosted by the Board of Pensions for retirees, widows and
their spouses
 support fellowship outings for the pastor clusters
 support and fund activities for special Presbytery groupings
So far:
 We have 5 ordination cards yet to be sent
 30 attended the luncheon at Wilderness Ridge. Edward Thompson hosted for
 Several cluster outings were held. C/F defrayed Northern cluster “River Day”
paying $28 for meat and buns
 The Lincoln Saltdogs game (for pastors) was a big success 11-12 attended - $50
 We are offering $50 for a Central cluster Holiday gathering
 We are also in conversation with female clergy about a fellowship gathering to
emphasize networking among the many new female clergy in Homestead.
SECTION B: Actions taken/Decisions made: [Votes by Committee not needing Presbytery action.
SECTION C: Number of recommendations requiring Presbytery action: __#___
[Separately list each text of motions the Committee is bringing to Presbytery for a vote, including rationale that may be helpful.]
Proposal To Establish
A Relational Partnership Between Central Nebraska, Homestead And
Missouri River Valley Presbyteries Of PC(USA) ~ And The
Diakonie Of The Evangelical Czech Brethren.
Recognizing that we are called as partners in Christ’s service and that
partnerships are an expression of the love of God, the unity of the Body of
Christ and the hope of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. This
partnership across denominational, cultural and national lines will seek to
provide a witness to the unity of the church of Jesus Christ and an expression
of hope within the world.
Central Nebraska, Homestead and Missouri River Valley presbyteries form a
partnership team consisting of representatives from each of the three
presbyteries. The partnership will be open to other interested presbyteries in
the Midwest. This partnership will be known as Midwest –USA Czech Diakonie
Network. The Network team will meet several times a year, both face-to-face
and with the help of technology to encourage one another by praying for
each other and encouraging each other in our mission adventures and
identifying or relating prayer concerns of the presbyteries to share with our
Czech partner.
Mission prayer requests will be shared by the Midwest –USA Czech Diakonie
Network Team on behalf of the presbyteries and by Jan Dus, Director of the
Centre for Humanitarian and Development Assistance of the Diakonie of the
ECCB on behalf of the Diakonie. Prayer requests for PC(USA) presbyteries
and for the Diakonie will be shared in a variety of ways, including on the
website ~ on the page entitled prayer requests. This
site is currently under construction and presbyteries will be notified when it is
up and running with its new focus on the Diakonie.
The Midwest –USA Czech Diakonie Network Team with the help of
technology, will meet at least quarterly with a member(s) of the Diakonie to
encourage one another by praying for each other and by sharing with each
other our mission adventures.
Midwest –USA Czech Diakonie Network may explore other ways with the
Diakonie, through which we can increase our knowledge and understanding
of one another and broaden our world view and unity in the Body of Christ,
including visits by individuals or groups to the Midwest (USA) or the Czech
Republic; the sharing of ideas, presentations or information; planning of
common Bible studies and worship services, and exploring the possibility of
shared mission in the future between adults and/or youth of the PC(USA) and
the ECCB in partnership with a third partner.
Date of Meeting: November 21, 2013
Reported by: Joan Bergland, Moderator
SECTION A: Information background:
The FALL GATHERING was OCTOBER 11-12, 2013 at Camp Calvin
Crest. We started Friday evening with a dinner provided by the Ct and two nearby churches,
Wahoo and Cedar Bluffs.
This was a joyous occasion as we had very wonderful and special women, Mary Cook Jorgenson,
our Churchwide Coordinating Team Moderator and Marilyn Stone, our synod moderator from the
Synod of Lakes & Prairies as keynote speakers. Besides these two several of our Presbyterian
Women pastors, Rev. Laura Hollister from Schuyler. And Pastor Leanne Master from Southern
Heights, Lincoln, and Rev. Annika Stroope of Columbus. Rev. Cathy Allen from Clarkson was
registrar for the Triennium. Pastor Cathy and a boy from the Wahoo church told us about that
great event. Sue Medsker-Nedderman, our synod CT Rep. And our Historian, Janey NottageTacey attended. Janey guided us with a weaving project on Friday night. Maggie Horak, our
new vice Moderator, arranged a contemplative mediation of complete our evening. Our
coordinating team has loved planning the Fall Retreat for you and we hope that you enjoy it. We
crammed so much into that short time that I probably cannot tell you about it. I will have our
retreat booklet with me if anyone would like to see it.
This was also a sad occasion as it was my last event as Moderator. However, you really haven't
seen the last of me and neither has the Presbytery.
Presbyterian Women are still looking for someone who would be interested in being our
Resource person for the Presbytery. The job entails reviewing and suggesting books
fiction, nonfiction, historical, religious and also about Nebraska. It is really a fun job so
if you like to read and would like to become an officer of the Presbytery, contact, Joan
Berglund, 402-440-5478 or Joie Taylor, 402-564-1781.
SECTION B: Actions Taken:
*We have created a new position and are calling it Cluster Leader at Large. I will work as a
liaison between the CT and the churches to build better communications and relationships.
*Our new Moderator is Joie Taylor from the Columbus Federated Chuch and she hopes to join
you at the November meeting.
SECTION C: Recommendations requiring Presbytery’s action: None