10038600 795279 Glyfos Dakar (UK)
10038600 795279 Glyfos Dakar (UK)
R A foliar-applied herbicide for the control of most annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds A water-soluble granule containing 68% w/w glyphosate Product Registration No. MAPP 13054 HERBICIDE GRASSLAND Glyfos® Dakar should be applied at a maximum rate of 3 kg/ha once per year at least 5 days before harvest, grazing or drilling. Product Registration No. MAPP 13054 Crops Glyfos® Dakar may be applied to all areas which will be planted with food and feed crops, preharvest to wheat and oats intended for milling and barley intended for brewing. Consult grain merchant or processor before using on contract grown crops or those intended for processing. Never apply pre-harvest treatment to crops grown for seed. The (CoSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations may apply to the use of this product at work. ARABLE APPLICATION Pre-harvest, stubbles of all crops and pre-cultivated land Grassland destruction and control of associated weeds. A foliar-applied herbicide for the control of most annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds. This product is water soluble granule containing 68% w/w glyphosate. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Product identifier: Glyphosate 68 SG Safety data sheet available on request. Do not contaminate water with the product or its container (Do not clean application equipment near surface water/Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads). To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions of use. FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL / HORTICULTURAL / AQUATIC HERBICIDE Crops Maximum Individual Dose Kg product/hectare Maximum number of Treatments Harvest interval or latest time of application Wheat, barley, oats, combining peas and field beans 2.0 1 per crop 7 days before harvest Oilseed rape and linseed 2.0 1 per crop 14 days before harvest Wheat, barley, oats, oilseed rape, combining peas, field beans, linseed, sugar beet, swede, turnip, bulb onion and leek. 0.75 1 per crop Pre-emergence All edible crops (stubble) All non-edible crops (stubble) 2.0 1 per situation - All edible crops (before planting), 3.0 all non-edible crops (before planting), land prior to cultivation 1 per year - Grassland 3.0 1 per year - Green cover on land not being used for crop production 2.0 - - Apple and pear orchards 2.5 1 per year After harvest (post leaf-fall but before green cluster) Cherry, damson and plum 2.5 1 per year After harvest (post leaf-fall but before white bud) Enclosed waters, land immediately adjacent to aquatic areas Area of use Pre-harvest wheat (including durum wheat), barley and oats. Pre-harvest in cereals for harvest management to gain harvesting benefits resulting from the reduction of green material in the crop. Target weeds Extent of weed Application infestation rate in kg/ha Common Couch <25 shoots/m2 1.0 Perennial broadleaved weeds, and other perennial grasses 26 to 75 shoots/m2 1.5 >75 shoots/m2 2.0 All species at all levels of infestation 2.0 Annual grasses, cereal stems and leaves All species at all levels** Annual broadleaved weeds 0.75 0.75 Water Volume Application details Hydraulic Sprayers 80-250 l/ha or rotary atomisers at 40 l/ha*. Apply when the moisture content of the crop grains is less than 30%, and at least 7 days before harvest. Use high clearance tractors with narrow wheels and crop dividers. NEVER TREAT CROPS WHICH ARE GROWN FOR SEED. Treated straw should not be used for horticultural mulch but may be used for all other applications. Following harvest, incorporate or remove straw as required. Treated area may be used for further cultivation after straw clearance. Hydraulic sprayers 80-250 l/ha or rotary atomisers at 40 l/ha*. 3.0 (see other specific restrictions) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Pre-harvest of Crop oilseed rape. desiccation prior to combine harvesting Operator Protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the granules and when handling contaminated surfaces. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND RUBBER BOOTS when using hand-held sprayers, hand-held rotary atomisers, weed wiper equipment or spot gun equipment. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a CoSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. Storage and Disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely - 1.5 Common Couch, annual weeds <75 shoots/m2 All species at all levels 1.5 Common Couch, perennial broadleaved weeds, other perennial grasses >75 shoots/m2 All species at all levels 2.0 Use only hydraulic sprayers at 200-250 l/ha*. Other Specific Restrictions When applying through rotary atomisers, the spray droplet spectrum must be of a minimum Volume Median Diameter (VMD) of 200 microns. Weed wipers may be used in any recommended crop where the wiper of chemical does not touch the growing crop. The maximum concentrations used must not exceed the following: Weed-wiper ‘mini’ – 1kg: 5.5 litres dilution with water Other wipers – 1kg: 3.8 litres dilution with water DIRECTIONS FOR USE Pre-harvest use on combining peas and field beans. IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. General Information Glyfos® Dakar is an effective herbicide when used as directed against most annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds. Glyfos® Dakar is translocated from the treated leaves throughout the plant and to underground roots, rhizomes and stolons. Symptoms such as gradual wilting and yellowing of foliage are rapidly visible in grass weeds but are slower to appear in broadleaved weeds. Cultivation and drilling can take place 6 hours after application to control annual broad-leaved weeds, 24 hours after spraying annual grasses and 5 days after spraying perennial weeds. If direct drilling is practised 6 hours after application only small annual weeds should be present. Allow minimum 7 days if weather conditions are not favourable and before planting of trees, ornamentals, vegetables etc. Restrictions Weather Conditions For best results a rain-free period of 6 hours (and preferably 24 hours) is required after application of Glyfos® Dakar. Extreme care should be taken to avoid spray drift as this can severely damage or destroy neighbouring crops or plants. Action of Glyfos® Dakar will be slower in cooler weather. It should not be used under frosty conditions while weed growth is reduced by natural senescence. Treating weeds which are suffering from drought stress may result in reduced efficacy. Pre-harvest use on linseed. Autumn and spring application to stubbles of all crops. Following Crops: Glyfos® Dakar is inactivated on contact with soil by binding to soil particles. All crops may be planted or sown at the intervals specified in ‘Conditions of Use’ following treatment. A slight growth retardation following germination may be seen if seeds are sown by direct drilling amongst decaying vegetation, roots, rhizomes or stolons. Warnings DO NOT STORE, MIX OR APPLY THIS PRODUCT FROM AN UNLINED OR GALVANISED STEEL TANK. DO NOT leave mixtures in spray tanks over long periods. Ensure that spray tanks are always THOROUGHLY ventilated. Apply this product carefully. Ensure spraying takes place only when weeds are actively growing (normally March to October) and is confined only to visible weeds including those in the 30cm swath covering the kerb edge and road gulley – do not overspray drains Associated farming practices Lime, fertilisers or other pesticides should not be applied for at least 5 days after the application of Glyfos® Dakar. Weed control: It is important when treating perennial weeds that there is full emergence of healthy green foliage and active growth at the time of application. The efficacy of this product is increased if the leaf surface for absorption is large. Common couch grass is particularly susceptible at the 4-5 leaf stage, where there is about 10-15 cm of new growth, when tillering and new rhizome growth is starting. Most perennial broad-leaved weeds are particularly susceptible to treatment when they are actively growing and shortly before flowering. Annual weeds should be growing actively at the time of treatment. Grasses should have at least 5 cm of growth. Broad-leaved weeds should have at least two sizeable true leaves. Under conditions of drought, flooding, frost or high temperatures, disease or insect damage or weeds heavily covered with dust, where plant growth is restricted the efficacy of this product will be reduced. Strains of some annual weeds (e.g. black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian rye-grass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. This should include integrating herbicides with a programme of cultural control measures. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. Do not use glyphosate repeatedly over several years in the same field as selection of resistant biotypes can take place and may become prevalent. No extra surfactant should be added if the product is to be applied using a rotary atomizer sprayer. Common Couch <75 shoots/m2 1.5 Common Couch >75 shoots/m2 2.0 Perennial All species at broadleaved all levels Weeds, other perennial grasses 2.0 Common Couch <75 shoots/m2 1.5 Common Couch >75 shoots/m2 2.0 Perennial All species at broadleaved all levels Weeds, other perennial grasses 2.0 Common Couch <75 shoots/m2 1.5 Common Couch >75 shoots/m2 All species at all levels 2.0 Other perennial grasses. Autumn volunteer potatoes Stubbles of all crops and land prior to cultivation. Post sowing/ planting and pre-emergence of the crop in listed cereals, ilseed rape, linseed, combining peas, field beans, sugar beet, swede, turnip, bulb onion and leek. Volunteer cereals and other annual weeds Volunteer cereals, other annual grasses, annual broadleaved weeds All species at all levels All species at all levels In crop (trac- Bolters, All levels tormounted weed beet, wicktype other weeds. weed wiper application), in arable crops, grassland and set-a-side use situations. 1.0 0.75 Hydraulic sprayers 80-250 l/ha or rotary atomisers at 40 l/ha. Use only hydraulic sprayers 80-250 1/ha. Hydraulic sprayers 80-250 l/ha or rotary atomisers at 40 l/ha*. Apply when the moisture content of the crop grains is less than 30%, and at least 7 days before harvest and up to 14 days before harvest. Use high clearance tractors with narrow wheels and crop dividers. DO NOT TREAT CROPS WHICH ARE GROWN FOR SEED. Treated straw should not be used for horticultural mulch but may be used for all other applications. Following harvest, incorporate or remove straw as required. Treated area may be used for further cultivation after straw clearance. Apply when seeds contain less than 30% moisture. Apply to standing crop 14-21 days before harvest. Use high clearance tractors with narrow wheels and crop dividers. DO NOT TREAT CROPS WHICH ARE GROWN FOR SEED. For effective combining do not treat crops with a significant amount of secondary growth nor treat areas of crop with delayed maturing caused from damage by poor drainage or birds. Extreme heat, drought or disease may cause crops to mature unevenly after treatment. After treatment straw should be incorporated or removed. Following this process normal cultivation may resume. Apply at least 7 days before harvest to crop seeds containing less than 30% moisture. DO NOT TREAT CROPS WHICH ARE GROWN FOR SEED. This treatment must not be used for crop desiccation. Use high clearance tractors with narrow wheels and crop dividers. Apply at least 14 days before harvest to crop seeds containing less than 30% moisture. A period of 28 days may be necessary before combine harvesting. DO NOT TREAT CROPS WHICH ARE GROWN FOR SEED. Cultivation and drilling may take place 5 days after spraying perennial weeds. For best results allow sufficient weed growth before spraying. In spring a period of at least 21 days of weed growth should be allowed prior to treatment. NEVER CULTIVATE BEFORE SPRAYING Hydraulic sprayers 80-250 l/ha or rotary atomisers at 40 l/ha*. Drilling, direct drilling or cultivation may take place 6 hours after spraying annual broadleaved weeds and 24 hours after spraying annual grasses . NEVER CULTIVATE BEFORE SPRAYING. Hydraulic sprayers 80-250 l/ha or rotary atomisers at 40 l/ha*. CAUTION: ENSURE THAT SPRAYING PRECEDES ANY CROP EMERGENCE. Weeds must be at least 10cm with the wiper at least 5cm higher then the desired vegetation. Wipe dense populations 360g product per 2 litres twice, in opposite water in hot, dry conditions. directions. Bolting beet requires three For ‘new generation’ wipers applications, consult the manufacturer 2 weeks apart, from early for guidance. July to early August. Contact your Distributor for specific recommended weed wiper applications. IN GRASSLAND SITUATIONS REMOVE POISONOUS PLANTS BEFORE GRAZING/ MOWING. Area of use Target weeds Short rotation rye grass with annual weeds Perennial grasses in leys of 2-4 years Perennial broadleaved weeds in long leys of 4-7 years Extent of weed Application infestation rate in kg/ha Application rates should be adapted to control the least susceptible weeds present. See the following table for dose rates. Permanent pasture 2.0 2.5 3.0 Application details Hydraulic REMOVE POISONOUS sprayers PLANTS BEFORE GRAZING / 150-250 l/ha. MOWING. Treat following regrowth after grazing or mowing. Clear treated grass crop before planting or drilling the next crop. Grass and clover may be direct drilled after treatment on 1-2 year leys without mat 5 days after spraying following removal of all surface vegetation. Long leys with some mat should be sprayed in the autumn and not direct drilled until the following spring. DOSE RATES FOR CONTROLLING WEED SPECIES Application Rate-1.5 kg/ha Annual meadow grass Smooth meadow grass Creeping bent-grass Yorkshire fog Italian rye grass Perennial rye grass Plantains Broad-leaved dock Creeping buttercup Common couch grass Bracken Common ragwort Creeping thiste Perennial sow-thistle Application Rate-2.0 kg/ha Creeping softgrass Cocks foot Red fescue Application Rate-3.0 kg/ha Yarrow Common nettle ALL EDIBLE CROPS (BEFORE PLANTING), AND ALL NON-EDIBLE CROPS (BEFORE PLANTING), LAND PRIOR TO CULTIVATION Area of use All edible crops (before planting), and all non-edible crops (before planting), land prior to cultivation. Target weeds Extent of weed Application infestation rate in kg/ha Annual weeds All species at all levels 0.75 Perennial grasses All species at all levels 2.0 All species at Perennial broad-leaved all levels weeds 3.0 Water Volume Application details Hydraulic sprayers 80-250 l/ha, Rotary atomisers at 40 l/ha*, or knapsack sprayer (see “Spray application techniques and equipment”). DO NOT USE IN OR ALONG HEDGEROWS. DO NOT USE UNDER GLASS OR POLYTHENE. For use for weed control; for destruction of established vegetation. For annual weed control allow 6 hours and perennial weed control 5 days before cultivating. Allow 7 days before planting trees and shrubs and other crops. *Droplet size should be within 200-300 microns GREEN COVER ON LAND NOT BEING USED FOR CROP PRODUCTION Before using on land temporarily taken out of production as part of a grant aided scheme, ensure compliance with the management rules of that scheme. Area of use Target weeds Green cover on land not being used for crop production e.g. set-aside. Annual weeds including volunteer and wild oats, blackgrass, brome Various perennial grasses. Extent of weed Application infestation rate in kg/ha Germinating seedlings 0.75 <75 shoots/m2 1.5 >75 shoots/m2 2.0 All species at all levels 2.0 Annual and perennial broadleaved weeds Water Volume Hydraulic sprayers 80-250 l/ha, rotary atomisers 40 l/ha* or knapsack sprayer. (See “Spray application techniques and equipment”). Application details When green cover crop is predominantly grass, refer to the recommendations and application details in section “Grassland”. Hydraulic sprayers mounted on tractors Use any equipment which can apply at 80-250 litres/ha as a ‘Medium’ or ‘Coarse’ spray (as defined by BCPC) with a pressure of 1.5-2.5 bar and 80° or 110° nozzles. Pre-harvest applications should be made using high clearance tractors with narrow wheels and crop dividers, where the spray boom can be raised to just above the top of the crop. For most applications, 200-250 litres of water/ha should be used. Spray pressure (typically 1.5-2.5 bar) should be adjusted and related to tractor speed, water volume and nozzle type. However, specific low-volume nozzles may be used with a reduced water volume of 80-120 litres. When using low volume nozzles, spray pressure and tractor speed should be adjusted. A typical speed range would be 4-9 km/hour. When applying pre-harvest to crops, a low speed to avoid boom bounce is recommended. All spray equipment should be calibrated before use, particularly if nozzles have been changed. Check at least one nozzle from each side of the boom. Before starting spraying, check that the boom is level, the boom height is correct for the intended application, and all the nozzles on the boom are aligned at the correct angle to the forward direction of the tractor. Rotary Atomisers Select one of the following: CDA Boom and CDA Lightweight, Microdrop, Girojet, Dual-Option sprayer, Hydraspin. Applications should be made using a water volume of 40 l/ha at a speed of 4-9 km/hour and a droplet setting of 200-300 microns (equivalent to the BCPC definitions of ‘Medium’ or ‘Coarse’). The spray droplet spectrum produced by the atomiser must have a minimum Volume Median Diameter (VMD) of 200 microns. The equipment should be correctly calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Directed Application with a Knapsack Sprayer Knapsack sprayers (e.g. Cooper Pegler Classic / Series 2000) may be used in set-aside land and precultivation. Spray volumes normally range from 200-300 litres/ha but may be reduced to 100-150 litres/ha if low volume nozzles have been fitted. This is with the exception of application in forestry at 5 kg/ha where the minimum water volume is 200/ha. Spray quality should be ‘Medium’ or ‘Coarse’ as defined by BCPC. An application rate of 2 kg/ha and a water volume of 200 litres/ha represents a 1% concentration of Glyfos® Dakar. A knapsack sprayer with a total capacity of 10 litres thus requires 100 g of Glyfos® Dakar in 10 litres of water. A 10-litre sprayer will cover an area of 500 sq. metres at a 1 metre/second walking pace and a 1-metre wide spray swath. Spray Application in or near waterways Before using Glyfos® Dakar for control of aquatic weeds in or near waterways read the official recommendations entitled “Guidelines for the use of Herbicides on weeds in or near Watercourses and Lakes”. This document may be obtained from Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department (SEERAD), The Department of Agriculture Northern Ireland and the National Assembly for Wales Agricultural Department (NAWAD). Consult the appropriate regulatory body (Environment Agency/Scottish Environment Protection Agency) before applying Glyfos® Dakar for control of weeds in or near waterways. The maximum concentration of active ingredient treated water must not exceed 0.06 ppm or such lower concentration as the appropriate regulatory body may require. When using Glyfos® Dakar following label recommendations, water subjected to spray drift may immediately be used for irrigation. Filling spray tank 1) Fill the sprayer with 2/3 of the required quantity of water. 2) Switch-on the agitation and re-circulation. 3) Add the granules progressively and when completed add the remaining water. Continue agitation for at least 5 minutes. Induction hopper When using a chemical induction bowl or hopper, open the rinsing/flush system. Next open the valve for emptying the bowl into the main tank. Add Glyfos® Dakar with the rinsing/flushing system on. Continue until the required amount of Glyfos® Dakar has been introduced. Sprayer Hygiene It is essential to thoroughly clean out spray tanks, pumps, pipelines and nozzle or disc assemblies with a recommended detergent cleaner between applying this product and other pesticides, to avoid contamination by pesticide residues. PROTECT FROM FROST. Store in a cool dry place. This label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance. Not for reformulation or repackaging. Glyfos® Dakar is a registered trademark and product of Cheminova A/S. *Droplet size should be within 200-300 microns ORCHARDS Glyfos® Dakar should be applied at a maximum rate of 2.5 kg/ha once per year. Area of use Apple, pear, plum, cherry and damson orchards preplanting. Within orchards containing apples, pears, plums, cherries and damsons. Target weeds Extent of weed Application infestation rate in kg/ha All species at Perennial grasses and all levels broad-leaved weeds in; - arable stubbles - pastures All species at Perennial Grasses and all levels broad-leaved weeds. 2.0 2.5 2.5 Water Volume Application details Hydraulic Sprayers 200-250 l/ha or rotary atomisers 40 l/ha*. Fruit trees should be established for at least two years before treatment. AVOID CONTACT WITH BRANCHES AND TRUNKS 30 CM ABOVE GROUND LEVEL. Treat after trees have lost Hydraulic their leaves in autumn or for spray 200apples and pears in spring 400 l/ha. before green cluster and Optimum 250 before white bud stage for l/ha or knap- stone fruit. sack spray. (See “Sprayer application techniques and equipment”). Marketing Company: Headland Agrochemicals Ltd Rectors Lane Pentre Flintshire CH5 2DH Manufactured by: Cheminova A/S P.O. Box 9 DK-7620 Lemvig Denmark Tel. 01244 537370 Fax 01244 532097 E-mail enquiry@headlandgroup.com www.headland-ag.co.uk Tel. 0045 9690 9690 Fax. 0045 9690 9691 www.cheminova.com *Droplet size should be within 200-300 microns ENCLOSED WATERS, LAND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO AQUATIC AREAS Glyfos® Dakar may be used against aquatic weeds in and along waterways and irrigation ditches at a maximum rate of 3.0 kg/ha. Area of use Target weeds Extent of weed Application infestation rate in kg/ha Emerged aquatic weeds. All species at Common all levels reed, soft rush, reed canary grass, bulrush, reed sweet-grass, sedges, watercress, whorl grass, creeping bent 2.5 Aquatic floating weeds. White water-lily Yellow water-lily 3.0 Both species at all levels 265g product per 1 litre water OR * Droplet size should be within 200-300 microns ** Some weeds such as annual nettle, volunteer potatoes, polygonum, rosebay willow herb may not be controlled when using the low harvest management rates. A pre-harvest interval of 14 days should be observed during dull weather conditions. 1.5 Water Volume Spray application techniques and equipment: Glyfos® Dakar is a water-soluble granular formulation with free-flowing, dust-free granules that dissolve rapidly in water. Application techniques include tractor-mounted sprayers, knapsack sprayers, rotary atomisers and specialised spraying equipment such as weed wiper applicators, where indicated. Water Volume Application details Hydraulic sprayers 200-400 l/ha (Optimum 250 l/ha) or rotary atomisers (Herbi® 40 l/ha*. ONLY APPLY TO EMERGED WEEDS. DO NOT APPLY TO OPEN WATER. Apply using tractor or boat mounted sprayer. Apply AGAINST the direction of flow if waterway is flowing. The speed of 8 km/h should not be exceeded for tractor mounted sprayers. With boat mounted sprayers use the slowest forward speed possible. When using a boat mounted sprayer it may be necessary to re-treat lilies that have been disturbed by the boat’s passage. This product may be used in the presence of fish providing it is used strictly in compliance with label recommendations. *Droplet size should be within 200-300 microns 10038600
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