HCLM Prospectus - Heritage College Lake Macquarie


HCLM Prospectus - Heritage College Lake Macquarie
Wisdom and Instruction
To Kno
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e M cq uar
Message from the Principal
Our Mission
The History of Heritage
Heritage Focus
Spiritual Development
Academic Development
Physical Development
Emotional Development
Heritage Vision
Our Values
Key Features
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
Welcome to Heritage College Lake Macquarie where it is our prayer and endeavour
to create and maintain a friendly, enjoyable and God-fearing environment. We strive
for excellence and value your support and input in achieving this goal. We value all
our students and look forward to working collaboratively with every family as we
strive together to bring up our children to be young people of integrity and character.
Heritage College offers its students a happy and supportive school with excellent
educational credentials. We strive to achieve excellence in all available external
academic assessments and competitions, providing opportunities for gifted
students to excel. We also recognise that some students have strengths outside
traditional areas of academic excellence and we strive to recognise the interests and
needs of all our students.
We would welcome the opportunity of discussing with you personally the benefits
our College has to offer your family.
Heritage College is committed to prepare every child to
meet the challenges of a changing world with courage
and confidence through a program of holistic education
focused on developing the Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual
and Emotional dimensions that characterise a balanced
and purpose-driven life.
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
The History of
Heritage College began in 1997 as a small junior school located on leased facilities
in Cooranbong, NSW. As the school began to grow in size and reputation, the
School Council looked for a site to purchase to build a new school campus. In
2007 the site at Ironbark Road, Morisset was identified as an ideal place for our
new campus. In December 2007 the School Council decided to purchase 85
Ironbark Road.
In 2008 the Development Application for the new school campus was submitted to
Lake Macquarie City Council. The approval process took some time. The DA was
approved on 20 July 2011.
The building of our new school campus took most of 2012. It required not only the
construction of classrooms and grounds, but also major upgrades to Ironbark
Road. The new school campus opened its doors to students early in 2013. The
campus expanded in 2015 when the School Council decided to purchase the
neighbouring property to provide additional facilities for the students.
Since opening the new campus in 2013, the school has grown from 77 students
to nearly 200. Heritage College Lake Macquarie has not only grown in size but also
in reputation for excellence in education.
Heritage College Lake Macquarie provides education for an increasing number of
students. The school supports local families in raising children who are prepared to
contribute to society in a meaningful and constructive way.
Heritage College Lake Macquarie appreciates the positive contributions of many
parents and friends from the school community who have provided support in
many different ways.
Our school has been greatly blessed.
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
Heritage College Lake Macquarie is a Christadelphian school. Our spiritual ethos is
based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. The students learn to understand the moral
and ethical principles of Jesus and how they can lead us to live a full and productive
life. The spiritual values of Heritage College are taught throughout primary and
secondary years. We believe spiritual values are an essential part of our lives.
Students at Heritage College are taught values such as kindness, honesty, respect,
compassion, diligence, perseverance, resilience and patience. These values contribute
meaningfully to a child’s developing character. Character is a central part of our
identity, which is essential to a happy and successful life. We encourage students to
build and value their good reputation. “A good reputation is to be chosen rather than
great riches, and favour is better than silver or gold.” Proverbs 22:1
At Heritage College we believe that spiritual values underpin the development of our
character. All our staff speak about the importance of these values and reinforce them
on a daily basis.
As Jesus said “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I
have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this all people will know that you
are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
“A new commandment I
give to you, that you love
one another, just as I
have loved you”
John 15v12
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
Heritage College Lake Macquarie provides curriculum in all main subject areas from
K-12. The students at Heritage College gain an excellent education beginning in
Kindergarten all the way through to the Higher School Certificate.
From the first day that students enter Kindergarten they begin making progress with
reading and writing. As reading is a key skill for life, students are supported through a
systematic reading program in the early years of primary school. Heritage College has
focused its resources on ensuring that every student is achieving their literacy and
numeracy potential. We have a number of learning programs in place, and additional
support is provided when required.
Year 7-10 students are given access to a wide range of academic and practical
subjects to provide them with a holistic education. Key Learning Areas include; English,
Maths, Science, History, Geography, Personal Development Health and Physical
Education, Technology, Music, Art, French and Computers.
Year 11-12 students must study six subjects during their senior years. The Higher
School Certificate is a two-year course of study. Students can access one TAFE
subject if they have an interest in a Vocational option. All students at Heritage College
are encouraged to complete their HSC. The Principal personally speaks with each
individual senior student to ensure their university and vocational goals are taken into
account as they set their senior pattern of study.
Heritage College Lake Macquarie is proud to see many of its students successfully
enter the professional workforce through a variety of pathways.
"Education is not
preparation for life;
education is life itself.”
John Dewey
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
At Heritage College we believe in the importance of physical health and fitness.
Students receive regular opportunities to participate in organised physical education
and health classes. These begin in Kindergarten and are compulsory all the way up to
year 10. The NSW Board of Studies sets the curriculum for these PDHPE courses.
Heritage College holds its own annual Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country
Carnivals. The students are divided into houses named Gamla and Masada to
compete against each other at these carnivals. These school carnivals are always very
competitive and the students participate as much as possible to gain points for their
team to win. Students are encouraged to perform at their personal best.
Heritage College is a member of the Hunter Region Independent Schools organisation,
which provides for interschool sport and cultural opportunities. There are annual
Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals at the HRIS level. A team from
Heritage College competes at these carnivals each year. Students who excel can
participate in representative sports at regional, state and national level if they are
capable and willing.
Students in years 7-10 are allocated one afternoon every week for sport, in addition to
the PDHPE classes. On these afternoons students participate in a range of sports
across the year, including athletics, swimming, cross country running, tennis, soccer,
gymnastics, touch football, futsal, cricket, hockey and a range of others. Students are
often taken by bus to sporting facilities around the Hunter and Central Coast.
The physical development of all students is a part of the central goals of Heritage
College Lake Macquarie. We value students’ fitness and health as part of their overall
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
“We aim to build resilience
and self-esteem in all
students and reinforce
Christadelphian values to
enable students to become
contributing members of our
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
The students at Heritage College are encouraged to monitor and discuss their mental
and emotional wellbeing as part of their development. Being a small school, Heritage
College can encourage every student to discuss their feelings and thoughts as part of
their growth. Students have the opportunity to make and maintain friendships to assist
in their school experience.
Heritage College has opportunities for students to participate in a student leadership
role if they are willing and able to do so. The Student Representative Council meets
each term to discuss issues that the students think need attention. This method of
ensuring that the students have a voice helps to provide a way for students to discuss
things that may be worrying them.
The secondary and primary school captains also provide access for students to express
any concerns they may have. The student leaders can assist in monitoring and reporting
any student concerns. The student leaders also provide positive role models for younger
students. Students at Heritage College mix with a full range of students from K-12,
enabling students to integrate into a multi-age environment from a very young age.
Students have opportunities to learn musical instruments at Heritage College Lake
Macquarie. Learning and performing music enables students to gain skills and
confidence, which develops resilience from a young age. Musical experiences provide a
way for students to appreciate and express emotion through the language of music.
Emotional intelligence is important for people of all ages. Heritage College has this as
one of the goals for students to develop during their primary and secondary education.
With emotional skills and personal resilience, students will be able to take on challenges
with confidence and perseverance.
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
At Heritage College Lake Macquarie we strive to
conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects responsibility to God and to
actively encourage and foster respect for authority and polite behaviour
towards others.
assist students to work as a family together in harmony and having love for
each other.
promote fair play, honesty, discipline and respect for others, the environment
and property.
involve students in daily classroom worship and weekly combined worship to
lay a spiritual foundation for their education.
help students communicate with others in a courteous manner.
encourage positive role models through acknowledging and rewarding good
behaviour, effort, academic and sporting success, achievement,
improvement, spiritual development and voluntary community service.
follow scriptural guidelines to govern student activities both in and out of the
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
Features of HCLM
We are located in a beautiful and peaceful rural setting
We teach our students Godly Values
We balance discipline with genuine care for all students
The class sizes allow for attention to individual student needs
K-12 students interact, enabling role modelling by older students
We prioritise literacy and numeracy
We provide individualised music and sport instruction
We provide opportunities for extra curricula activities like outdoor education and camps
Students are encouraged to gain the Higher School Certificate
HSC students can access TAFE courses as part of their studies
HCLM promotes a friendly caring environment that fosters friends for life
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
Working Together for Good
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
Heritage College Lake Macquarie
85 Ironbark Road, Morisset, NSW, 2264
t - 49773456 f - 49773337 e - office@heritage.edu.au