International Breastfeeding Conference Flyer!


International Breastfeeding Conference Flyer!
Healthy Children’s
C !
C ion
23rd Annual
Breastfeeding Conference
in Orlando, Florida
National and
Gathering of
Lactation Care
new ect w
frie ith
Hang out with
the Healthy
Children Faculty
Come rekindle the
friendships you developed
with your faculty!
An outstanding opportunity
to meet and learn from the
leading experts.
Have Fun in
the Sun!
Spend some quality time
with friends & colleagues.
Network, connect, get
revitalized and
Jump start your
practice by getting
the most up to date
information and
January 9-13, 2017
Orlando, Florida
23rd Annual International Conference in Orlando, Florida
Who says continuing education has to be boring? Not us! Join
us in sunny Orlando, Florida for a fun, educational, inspiring
week that will not only give you continuing education credits,
but is sure to be a great time! Meet new friends, connect with
old friends, laugh, talk, discuss, learn, enjoy, all in one place
with colleagues you admire, friends you enjoy, and faculty
you respect. This conference is a great way to get continuing
education credit and is sure to be exciting and fun (but you don’t
have to tell your boss that part).
This conference is really your conference. A chance for you to network and learn. This year’s conference
was specially designed to broaden the perspective and enhance the clinical skills of people who care for
breastfeeding mothers and babies. The content of the conference has been carefully chosen to ensure new,
creative discussions about management and strategy options. Opportunities abound for care givers and
researchers to interact with one another making it a rich, lively forum for learning and sharing ideas. The
2017 International Conference in Orlando, Florida is indispensable for professionals working in the area
of breastfeeding and human lactation. A true meeting of the minds that will convey new knowledge and
crucial skills.
Should you attend? Only if you want the most up to date information delivered in a congenial, lively, and
inspiring format. In the past, we have had participants that are physicians, nurses, nutritionists, research
experts, public health providers, OTs, CLCs, IBCLCs, WIC staff, students, educators, doulas, midwives,
and lactation professionals. Don’t miss this year, it’s sure to be the best one yet!
Conference Objectives
Participants will be able to:
• Describe current trends in clinical practice for those
who care for breastfeeding mothers and babies.
• Describe research findings that impact clinical
practice, program development, funding and policy
in breastfeeding and human lactation.
• Describe current trends in promoting, supporting and/
or protecting breastfeeding.
• Discuss research findings that expand knowledge
regarding lactation.
Healthy Children Project, Inc. is an approved provider
of continuing nursing education by the American
Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on
Accreditation. (ANCC)
Healthy Children Project, Inc. is a provider approved
by the California Board of Registered Nursing,
Provider Number CEP4931.
Florida Provider Number FBN3373.
Contact Hours: The Core Conference has been
approved for 6 Contact Hours per day attended for
RNs and CLCs, and IBCLCs will receive 6 L CERPs.
The Special Event has been approved for 4 Contact
Hours for RNs and CLCs and 4 L CERPs for IBCLCs,
with the opportunity to receive an additional 3 Contact
Hours for RNs and CLCs and 3 L CERPs for IBCLCs.
Pre-Conference Workshop A has been approved for
6 Contact Hours for RNs and CLCs and 6 L CERPs
for IBCLCs. Pre-Conference Workshop B has been
approved for 6 Contact Hours for RNs and CLCs
and 6 E CERPs for IBCLCs. Partial credit will not
be given to participants who attend only part of any
pre-conference workshops, special events or the core
conference days. You will receive a Certificate of
Completion, suitable for framing, at the end of the
No alterations in the academic
schedule are anticipated, but the
right is reserved to amend the
schedule if necessary.
The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn
Resort Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida.
Conveniently located just one mile from the
Walt Disney World Resort Area, the resort offers
complimentary scheduled transportation to/from
the four Walt Disney World Theme Parks, Sea
World Orlando and Universal Studios. It is 20
miles from the Orlando International Airport. The
resort features affordable comfort with luxury
amenities, convenient location and great customer Holiday Inn Resort Lake Buena Vista
service. Amenities include an oversized pool,
two whirlpools, weekly dive in movies (weather permitting), a state of the art fitness
center, high speed wireless internet access and a kids playground. Every room features
a refrigerator and a microwave.
Act fast!
There are a limited number of rooms
reserved at our special discount rate. Once
those rooms are gone, normal hotel rates
will apply so don’t miss out on this fantastic
discount! Overnight rooms are not included
in the conference fee.
Special reduced conference rates of $99
(plus a $16.95 service fee) per night plus
tax for single through quadruple occupancy.
Kids Suites ® are also available. You have
two choices for Kids Suites ® : option A has
one double bed and one set of bunk beds for
$129 per night or option B has one double
bed and 2 sets of bunk beds for $139 per
night. So bring the whole family! The kids
can enjoy the facilities while you are in the
conference, then you can join them for more
fun afterwards! Reduced rate is available if
booked prior to December 9, 2016.
Roommate Assistance
Please call the hotel directly to make
your reservations.
Be sure to mention that you are part
of the “Healthy Children Conference”
to access this special rate!
Holiday Inn Resort Lake Buena Vista
13351 State Road 535
Orlando, Florida USA 32821
(407) 239-4500 phone
(407) 239-7713 fax
(800) 366-6299 for Reservations
Please call the Center for Breastfeeding at (508) 888-8044 if you need help in finding a
roommate. We will keep a list of people who are looking for someone to share overnight
expenses and will be happy to help you. However, we cannot guarantee a roommate.
January 9, 2017
Special Pre-Conference Event
SeaWorld Event! Learning from Our
Sisters of the Sea:
Pregnancy, Birth and Lactation of
Aquatic Mammals
Monday, January 9, 2017
Registration: 8:45am - 9:00 am (at the park)
Session: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cost: $165, Includes lunch
RNs and CLCs: 4 Contact Hours (with option of 3 more for free), IBCLCs: 4 L CERPs (with option of 3 more for
The day begins with a four hour behind the scenes guided excursion through SeaWorld learning about pregnancy,
birth and lactation of aquatic mammals. With SeaWorld staff as our guides, along with Healthy Children faculty,
Karin Cadwell, PhD, FAAN, RN, ANLC, IBCLC and Cindy Turner-Maffei, MA, ALC, IBCLC, we will learn from
our sisters of the sea. Traveling from conception, through pregnancy, birth and lactation, can we understand human
processes through a deeper understanding of marine mammals? What are the similarities between marine mammal
motherhood and human motherhood? This event includes an all day admission to SeaWorld and requires extensive
walking. Transportation to and from SeaWorld is the individual participant’s responsibility. Please note there is an
approximate parking fee of $20.00 to park at SeaWorld, but the Holiday Inn Resort Lake Buena Vista has a free
shuttle for guests of the hotel!
An optional afternoon opportunity is available to registered morning participants for no extra charge. This activity
of small group work throughout SeaWorld is worth an additional 3 contact hours for RNs and CLCs, and 3 L CERPs
We have had a waiting list for this event every year, so register
early! There will be new and exciting information, so if you
came last year, there is still more to learn! Please join us for an
event that always gets rave reviews!
January 10, 2017
Pre-Conference Intensive!
Pre-Conference Workshop A:
You’re Not Alone: Writing Policies for the
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initative
Pre-Conference B:
The Ethics of Breastfeeding Support:
Issues Through the Screen
Tuesday January 10, 2017
Registration: 8:30am-9:00am
Session:9:00am-4:00pm (Lunch Included)
Cost: $150 ($160 after December 12, 2016)
RNs and CLCs: 6 Contact Hours, RDs: tbd, IBCLCs: 6L
Tuesday January 10, 2017
Registration: 8:30am-9:00am
Session:9:00am-4:00pm (Lunch Included)
Cost: $150 ($160 after December 12, 2016)
RNs and CLCs: 6 Contact Hours, RDs: tbd, IBCLCs:
Does writing policy to support the Ten Steps to Successful
Breastfeeding intimidate you? No need to be afraid
- we’ll provide you with strategies to make this task
easier. Learn from a team of experienced policy writers
and evaluators.
An informative and substantive day where we will
explore such topics as: interesting case studies
from the blogosphere, working with and learning
from “Millenial Moms,” and how breastfeeding
in television and movies is evolving our popular
Barbara O’Connor, RN, BSN, IBCLC, ANLC
Carin Richter, RN, MSN, APN-BC, IBCLC, CCBE Karin Cadwell, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANLC, CLC,
Liz Westwater, MSM, CLC
Anna Blair, PhD, IBCLC, CLC
Kajsa Brimdyr, PhD, CLC
Amy Smolinski, MA, ALC, CLC
Cindy Turner-Maffei, MA, ALC, IBCLC
Core Conference: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
January 11, 12, and 13, 2017
Take all three days or select just one or two! More flexibility to suit
your needs and goals for this conference.
Core Conference Registration includes
•Conference syllabus with bibliographies and references.
•Admission to plenary sessions.
•Selection of concurrent sessions - you may choose at
the conference.
•Opportunity to earn 18 contact hours during the Core
Conference (6 hours per day).
•Morning and afternoon breaks during the Core
Conference on Wednesdsay, Thursday and Friday.
•Buffet lunch during the Core Conference on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
•A chance to share your experiences and ideas with
•Free entrance to the Learning Bazaar - Marketplace of
•Opportunity to learn from speakers, poster presentations,
and other participants.
Core Conference Registration
Each day of the Core Conference is $165 USD . Or you
can register for all three days and receive a significant
savings of $45. There is a $25 per person charge to use
a purchase order or to bill your agency. The early bird
discount is not available when using a purchase order,
unless the payment is received on or before December
12, 2016.
Babies and Children
Babies and children will not be admitted to the teaching
rooms except for quiet, nursing babies under 6 months.
Cancellations and Substitutions
All refund requests must be made in writing and
postmarked before December 12, 2016 and are subject
to a $50 processing fee. Between December 13, 2016
and January 5, 2017 you may find a substitute without
penalty if you notify The Center for Breastfeeding in
writing. Otherwise cancellation is subject to the full fee.
Please give us a call with any questions you may
have! Our staff is available Monday - Friday,
9:00a.m. - 4:30p.m. Eastern Time at (508) 888-8044.
Our 24 hour fax number is (508) 888-8050. You can
email us at
Or write to us at: The Center for Breastfeeding
Healthy Children Project, Inc.
327 Quaker Meeting House Road
East Sandwich MA 02537 USA
Healthy Children Project, Inc. is defining the field of
research based breastfeeding education and ethical,
evidence-based breastfeeding practice. Healthy Children
Project, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 research and
educational institution dedicated to improving child
health outcomes through partnerships with public, private
and non-profit agencies.
Through its The Center for Breastfeeding, Healthy
Children Project, Inc. is the largest national provider of
lactation management education for health care providers.
More than 4,000 health providers, advocates and
facilitators are educated annually through more than 90
offerings across the United States. These include five-day
courses, certificate courses, workshops, seminars, selfstudy modules, national and international conferences.
Continuing education units are available to registered
nurses, registered dietitians, certified lactation
counselors, and internationally board certified lactation
consultants through long-term provider agreements.
For more information about Healthy Children Project,
Inc.’s Center for Breastfeeding, please visit us on the web
*Learning Bazaar
Rules & Regulations
Any registered participant for The 2017
International Breastfeeding Conference
in Orlando Florida may request an exhibit
table in the Learning Bazaar - Marketplace
of Ideas. There is no additional charge to
exhibit. Arrangements must be made by
December 13, 2016 in order to secure a
table. Space is limited.
January 11, 2017
7:30 am
8:30 am
Opening Plenary: Where Are We Now?: Breastfeeding 360
Karin Cadwell, PhD, FAAN, RN, ANLC, IBCLC and Anna Blair, PhD, IBCLC, CLC
10:00 am
10:30 am
Morning Break: Coffee, Tea, and fresh fruit. Learning Bazaar open.
Plenary: Labor Consequences: The Impact of Medications When Skin to Skin
Kajsa Brimdyr, PhD, CLC
Learning Bazaar Open
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
1:15pm-2:00pm Concurrent Workshops (choose one)
Workshop 1
Perceived Barriers and Facilitators
of Healthcare Providers Regarding
Implementation of the BFHI
Laura Corsig, BA, BS IBCLC, LCCE
2:15pm-3:00pm Concurrent Workshops (choose one)
Workshop 1
Improv ing In-Hospital E xclusive
Breastfeeding Rates (PC-05): The Effect of
Delayed Newborn Bath and Oral Dextrose
Gel for Hypoglycemia on PC-05
Amr Matoq, MD
3:15pm-4:00pm Concurrent Workshops (choose one)
Challenges to Practice Change
Nikki Lee RN, BSN, MS, IBCLC, CCE,
Workshop 2
When Tears Flow and Milk Doesn’t
Amy Smolinski, MA, ALC, CLC
Workshop 2
The Epigenetics of Tongue Tie: A New Theory
Karin Cadwell, PhD, FAAN, RN, ANLC,
Language Matters, or ‘Subversive Sexism How This Affects Breastfeeding’
4:00pm-4:15pm Afternoon Break: Learning Bazaar Open
4:15pm-5:00pm Plenary: Birth in the Perspective of the Subject
Ricardo Herbert Jones, MD
Degree Programs in Breastfeeding and Human Lactation
Wednesday, January 11, 2017 • During Lunch
No Charge for conference attendees
Information Session for Prospective Learners and Meet & Mingle for Current Learners
A special opportunity for you to learn about degree programs in breastfeeding and
human lactation on the bachelors and masters level. Listen to an overview, and then
discuss your personal needs with faculty from Healthy Children Project and The
Union Institute & University as you meet and chat with others interested in these
degrees. If you’re already a Union learner, come and meet other learners and chat
with some of your faculty! All are welcome!
January 12, 2017
7:30 am
8:30 am
Plenary: World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi): Success Story So Far
Arun Gupta, MD, FIAP
10:00 am
10:30 am
Morning Break: Coffee, Tea, and fresh fruit. Poster session presentations.
Plenary: United States WBTi Report: Where We Are Now
Karin Cadwell, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANLC, CLC, IBCLC
Anna Blair, PhD, IBCLC, CLC
Kajsa Brimdyr, PhD, CLC
Amy Smolinski, MA, ALC, CLC
Cindy Turner-Maffei, MA, ALC, IBCLC
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Learning Bazaar Open
1:15pm-2:00pm Concurrent Workshops (choose one)
Workshop 1
Best Teaching Techniques for Breastfeeding
Cathy Holland, RN, BS, IBCLC, FACCE
2:15pm-3:00pm Concurrent Workshops (choose one)
Workshop 1
What’s Wrong with Swaddling? Plenty!
Workshop 2
Autoimmunity and Breastmilk as
Epigentic Medium
Sylvia Metzger, MPH, MSN, RN, CNL, IBCLC, LCCE
Workshop 2
Breaking the Generational Curse: A Case
Study of How Family and Culture Influence
Breastfeeding in African-American Women
Shirley Payne, MPH
Cecilia Obeng, PhD
3:15pm-4:00pm Concurrent Workshops (choose one)
Difficulties with Latch from the Infant’s
Amber Valentine, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, IBCLC
Lillian Scott, MS, CCC-SLP
4:00pm-4:15pm Afternoon Break: Learning Bazaar Open
4:15pm-5:00pm Plenary: WBTi Opportunities for Change: Where We Go Next
Karin Cadwell, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANLC, CLC, IBCLC
Anna Blair, PhD, IBCLC, CLC
Kajsa Brimdyr, PhD, CLC
Amy Smolinski, MA, ALC, CLC
Cindy Turner-Maffei, MA, ALC, IBCLC
January 13, 2017
7:30 am
8:30 am
Plenary: The Big Let Down‑How Medicine, Big Business and Feminism Undermine
Kimberly Seals Allers
10:00 am
10:30 am
Morning Break: Coffee, Tea, and fresh fruit. Learning Bazaar open.
Ask the Experts!
An opportunity to put forth your questions and concerns to our panel of experts.
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Learning Bazaar Open
1:15pm-2:00pm Concurrent Workshops (choose one)
Workshop 1
Study of Trends in South Asia: 2004-2014
Arun Gupta, MD, FIAP
2:15pm-3:00pm Concurrent Workshops (choose one)
Workshop 1
Birth in Brazil
Ricardo Herbert Jones, MD
3:15pm-4:00pm Concurrent Workshops (choose one)
Knowledge and Exclusive Breastfeeding
Practices of Nursing Mothers Attending
Brikama Health Center, The Gambia
Fatou Bojang, RN, HND Midwifery (Cand.)
Workshop 2
Food Before One is Not Just For Fun
Cindy Turner-Maffei, MA, ALC, IBCLC
Workshop 2
From the Beginning and Beyond the
Latch... Community Case Studies
Cynthia Vella, RN, NP, IBCLC, ANLC
Shifting the Narrative: How We Talk
About Breastfeeding Matters
Kimberly Seals Allers
4:00pm-4:15pm Afternoon Break: Learning Bazaar Open
4:15pm-5:00pm Closing Plenary: Unique and Surprising Findings about Maternal Child Health
Karin Cadwell, PhD, FAAN, RN, ANLC, IBCLC and Cindy Turner-Maffei, MA, ALC, IBCLC
A final chance to get together and close out our conference on a fun and friendly note! This presentation
is always a favorite among participants, full of information and facts you may not be able to find
Conference Faculty
Kimberly Seals Allers
Kimberly Seals Allers is an award-winning journalist, author and a nationally recognized media commentator, consultant and
advocate for breastfeeding and infant health. A former senior editor at ESSENCE and writer at FORTUNE magazine, Kimberly is
widely considered a leading voice in the counterculture movement in infant feeding.
Anna Blair, PhD, IBCLC, CLC
Dr. Anna Blair has conducted research on sore nipples and positioning/latch. She counsels breastfeeding mothers on Cape Cod,
is a co-author of many publications including 100 Questions and Answers about Breastfeeding. Dr. Blair is Chair of the Health
and Wellness Program in the Masters Program and Chair of the Maternal Child Health: Lactation Consulting in the Bachelors of
Science Program at Union Institute & University.
Fatou Bojang, RN, HND Midwifery (Cand.)
Fatou Bojang is a registered nurse and a current candidate for HND in Midwifery at The Gambia College. She has been president
of the Brikama Health Center Staff Association since 2014.
Kajsa Brimdyr, PhD, CLC
Dr. Kajsa Brimdyr is an experienced ethnographer, researcher and international expert in the implementation of continuous,
uninterrupted skin to skin in the first hour after birth. She is the award winning director of The Magical Hour: Holding Your Baby
Skin to Skin the First Hour After Birth, produced with Ann-Marie Widström and Kristin Svensson, and together the three also
created and produced the groundbreaking DVD Skin to Skin in the First Hour after Birth: Practical Advice for Staff after Vaginal
and Cesarean Birth.
Karin Cadwell, PhD, FAAN, RN, ANLC, IBCLC
Dr. Karin Cadwell is an internationally recognized leader in the field of breastfeeding and human lactation. She is a delegate to the
US Breastfeeding Committee and convener of the US UNICEF/WHO implementation of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative,
Baby Friendly USA. She is the lead faculty at Healthy Children Project, Inc., a lactation consultant at the Center for Breastfeeding
and the author of numerous books and articles.
Laura Corsig, BA, BS IBCLC, LCCE
Laura Corsig, the Lead Lactation Consultant at Novant Health, has welcomed over 10,000 expectant parents in breastfeeding
class and has consulted with families in the inpatient and outpatient hospital setting. In 2012, Laura was charged with leading a
multi-disciplinary team to Baby-Friendly Hospital distinction.
Arun Gupta, MD, FIAP
Arun Gupta is a pediatrician with more than 30 years of experience, having done his MD (Ped.) in 1976 and committed to building
up issues around supporting women to succeed in optimal breastfeeding practices. Motivated by his strong belief, and noticing
that problems started more often in health systems, he mobilized a group of pediatricians to engage into founding of the national
network - named Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India(BPNI) in 1991. He gave up his lucrative private practice and moved
to Delhi in 1990, and a formal BPNI was born in 1991.
Cathy Holland, RN, BS, IBCLC, FACCE
Cathy has been learning and studying ways to create balance and ease and make the motherhood journey one of joy and peace for
her entire nursing career. Sharing what she has learned with others is her great joy in life.
Ricardo Herbert Jones, MD
Ricardo Jones is a homebirth and hospital-attending obstetrician/gynecologist and homeopath in Brazil. An international lecturer
and author, Ricardo focuses on the humanization of childbirth.
Nikki Lee has been active in maternal-infant care since 1975. She integrates theory and concepts from childbirth education, lactation
consulting, craniosacral therapy and infant massage in her work. She has an active private practice, and is a published author.
Amr Matoq, MD
Amr Matoq is Chief Resident in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Florida, College of Medicine-Jacksonville. He
received his medical education at Ainshams University, College of Medicine in Cairo, Egypt.
Sylvia Metzger, MPH, MSN, RN, CNL, IBCLC, LCCE
Sylvia Metzger is a clinical instructor for maternal-child health nursing at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, and a
lactation consultant providing patient care and staff training for the BFHI. As a New Parent Support Program manager in Germany,
she also enjoyed providing intensive home visits to military families aimed at mitigating the risk of child abuse. Imbued with a
passion for teaching and evidence-based clinical practices, she applies key biological concepts to clinical practices and education
to promote optimal maternal-child health outcomes.
Conference Faculty
Barbara O’Connor, RN, BSN, IBCLC, ANLC
Barbara holds degrees in nursing and elementary education. She has worked in a variety of settings as a newborn nursery nurse,
school nurse, HIV/AIDS educator, WIC coordinator, and training consultant. She is an author of Maternal & Infant Assessment
for Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, 2nd Edition. Barbara served as a Baby-Friendly hospital assessor for over 10 years
and most recently held the position of assessment manager for Baby-Friendly USA. She is currently on the Faculty of Healthy
Children Project, Inc.
Cecilia Obeng, PhD
Dr. Cecilia Obeng is an Associate Professor of Public Health with research interests in breastfeeding and children’s health. She
teaches breastfeeding as a college course at Indiana University. She is the past Chair of the Early Childhood Health Education
and Service Council of the American School Health Association.
Shirley Payne, MPH
Shirley Payne is a second year doctoral student in the Health Behavior program at the Indiana University School of Public Health.
In addition to being a student, Ms. Payne serves as the Director of the Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) Division
at the Indiana State Department of Health. She also serves as the state’s Title V Children and Youth with Special Health Care
Needs (CYSHCN) Director and is responsible for managing the CYSHCN portion of the Title V Block Grant.
Carin Richter, RN, MSN, APN-BC, IBCLC, CCBE
Carin Richter has worked with mothers and babies in the acute care setting for 27 years; 17 as the clinical nurse specialist in
charge of staff education and special projects. Carin developed and facilitates a nurse run postpartum care follow-up which
focuses on screening for newborn jaundice, feeding issues, maternal postpartum depression and specializes in assessment and
support for breastfeeding issues.
Lillian Scott, MS, CCC-SLP
Lillian Scott is a Speech-Language Pathologist at Baptist Health Lexington. She received her BS in Communication Disorders from
the University of Kentucky and her master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Gallaudet University in Washington, DC.
Linda J. Smith is a lactation consultant, childbirth educator, author, and internationally-known consultant on breastfeeding and
birthing issues. Linda is a consultant to INFACT Canada/IBFAN North America. Linda attended an International Code Training
Workshop in June 2013 and chairs ILCA’s International Code Expert Panel. Linda holds a Masters Degree in Public Health and
is an Adjunct Instructor at the Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.
Amy Smolinski, MA, ALC, CLC
Amy Barron Smolinski holds an MA from Union Institute and University, where her thesis explored re-emerging Sacred
Feminine manifestations in the lives of contemporary women. She is the Executive Director of Mom2Mom Global, a network of breastfeeding peer support, education, and advocacy for military families.
Cindy Turner-Maffei, MA, ALC, IBCLC
Cindy Turner-Maffei is a lead faculty member and lactation consultant at the Center for Breastfeeding. She served as National
Coordinator of Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. for 14 years. Cindy has extensive experience as a nutritionist and breastfeeding educator
in WIC and other Maternal Child Health programs. Cindy is an adjunct professor at the Union Institute and University and the
author of numerous publications.
Amber Valentine, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, IBCLC
Amber Valentine is a Speech-Language Pathologist who is a Board Certified Specialist in Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders
and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
Cynthia Vella, RN, NP, IBCLC, ANLC
Cindy Vella is a 1984 graduate of the school of nursing at Eastern New Mexico University and received her Nurse Practitioner
Certification from Hahnemann/Drexel in 2002. She became IBCLC certified in 1996 & ANLC advanced lactation practice
certified in 2013.
Liz Westwater, MSM, CLC
Liz Westwater has served in a variety of program management roles for private and public agencies, and was the accreditation
director at Baby-Friendly USA
Please note: Healthy Children Project, Inc. does not accept
underwriting from the breast pump industry, baby food industry
or any other manufacturer to offset costs. Participant registration
fees cover all expenses for the program.
Registration Form 2017
The 23rd Annual International Breastfeeding Conference
in Orlando, Florida
Please type your name or print it legibly so that it will be spelled correctly on your name tag and certificate. Mail,
fax or call with your registration.
Or register online at
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Home Address ___________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ State ______________ Zip ______________ - _______
Phone _____________________________________ FAX __________________________________
Email Address ___________________________________________________________________________
Continuing Education Credit
) RN license # ________________________________ State: ______
) RD # ___________________________________________________
) IBCLC # ________________________________________________
) CLC (ALPP) #:______________________________________
Conference Rates
Through 12/12/16 After 12/12/16
Learning from Our Sisters of the Sea
Pre-Conference: AWriting BFHI Policy
Pre-Conference: BEthics of Support
Core Conference: All Three Days
Core Conference: Wednesday$165$175
Core Conference: Thursday$165$175
Core Conference: Friday$165$175
TOTAL ENCLOSED______________
Note: Lunch is included for all Core Conference days, Learning from Our Sisters of the
Sea, and Pre-Conferences A and B.
Payment Information
( ) Check enclosed
( ) PO Number ____________ $25 per person surcharge for POs or to bill your agency
( ) Credit Card Visa/MC/Amex/Discover**
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Expiration ___/___ Signature _____________________ VCode**________
* If you are using a credit card with a billing address different than the one above, please enter it in the space below.
**The VCode is the 3 digit number on the back of your MC/VISA/Discover, or 4 digit number on the front of your AmEx.
The Center for Breastfeeding
Healthy Children Project, Inc.
327 Quaker Meeting House Road
East Sandwich, MA 02537
Phone registration number: (508) 888-8044
FAX registration number: (508) 888-8050