North - Health Net


North - Health Net
Health Net
ExcelCare Directory
Participating physician groups, primary care physicians,
hospitals, and outpatient surgical facilities
Fall 2016
Geoffrey Gomez
Health Net
ExcelCare – Northern California
San Francisco, Santa Clara and Stanislaus counties
Planes Comerciales
Health Net
Directorio de
Grupos médicos participantes, médicos de atención primaria, hospitales
y centros quirúrgicos para pacientes ambulatorios
Otoño de 2016
ExcelCare – Norte de California
Condados de San Francisco, Santa Clara y Stanislaus
ExcelCare – California 北部
San Francisco、Santa Clara 和 Stanislaus 縣
참여 의사 그룹, 일차 진료의, 병원 및 외래 수술 시설
ExcelCare – 북부 California
San Francisco, Santa Clara 및 Stanislaus 카운티
No Cost Language Services. You can get an interpreter. You can get documents read to you and some sent to
you in your language. For help, call us at the number listed on your ID card, or employer group applicants
please call 1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711). Individual & Family Plan (IFP) applicants please call
1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711). For more help: If you are enrolled in a PPO or EPO insurance policy from
Health Net Life Insurance Company, call the CA Dept. of Insurance at 1-800-927-4357. If you are enrolled in
an HMO or HSP plan from Health Net of California, Inc., call the DMHC Helpline at 1-888-HMO-2219.
،‫ للحصول على المساعدة‬.‫ ويمكنك الحصول على وثائق مقروءة لك‬.‫ يمكنك الحصول على مترجم فوري‬.‫خدمات اللغة مجانية‬
‫ أو يرجى من مقدمي طلبات مجموعة أصحاب العمل االتصال بمركز االتصال‬،‫اتصل بنا على الرقم الموجود على بطاقة الهوية‬
‫) االتصال على الرقم‬IFP( ‫ يرجى من مقدمي طلبات خطة األفراد والعائلة‬..)TTY: 711( 1-800-522-0088
PPO ‫ في حال كنت مسجالً في بوليصة تأمين المنظمة المزودة المفضلة‬:‫ وللحصول على المساعدة‬.)TTY: 711( 1-877-609-8711
‫ اتصل على قسم التأمين في كاليفورنيا على الرقم‬، Health Net Life Insurance Company ‫ من‬EPO ‫أو المنظمة المزودة الحصرية‬
‫ من شركة‬HSP ‫ أو خطة التوفير الصحية‬HMO ‫ في حال كنت مسجالً في منظمة المحافظة على الصحة‬.1-800-927-4357
.1-888-HMO-2219. ‫ على الرقم‬DMHC ‫ اتصل على خط المساعدة في قسم الرعاية الصحية المدارة‬, .Health Net of California, Inc
Անվճար լեզվական ծառայություններ: Դուք կարող եք բանավոր թարգմանիչ ստանալ:
Փաստաթղթերը կարող են կարդալ ձեզ համար ձեր լեզվով: Օգնության համար զանգահարեք մեզ
ձեր ID քարտի վրա նշված հեռախոսահամարով, իսկ գործատուի խմբի դիմորդներին խնդրում
ենք զանգահարել 1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711) հեռախոսահամարով: Անհատական և Ընտանեկան
Ծրագրի անգլերեն հապավումը՝ (IFP) դիմորդներին խնդրում ենք զանգահարել
1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711) հեռախոսահամարով: Լրացուցիչ օգնության համար. եթե
անդամագրված եք Health Net Life Insurance Company-ի PPO կամ EPO ապահովագրությանը,
զանգահարեք Կալիֆորնիայի Ապահովագրության բաժին՝ 1-800-927-4357 հեռախոսահամարով:
Եթե անդամագրված եք Health Net of California, Inc.-ի HMO կամ HSP ծրագրին, զանգահարեք
DMHC օգնության գիծ՝ 1-888-HMO-2219 հեռախոսահամարով.
雇主團體申請人請致電 1-800-522-0088(TTY:711)。個人與家庭計畫 (IFP) 申請人請致電
1-877-609-8711(TTY:711)。如需進一步協助:如果您透過 Health Net Life Insurance Company
投保 PPO 或 EPO 保單,請致電 1-800-927-4357 與加州保險局聯絡。如果您透過 Health Net of
California, Inc. 投保 HMO 或 HSP 計畫,請致電 DMHC 協助專線 1-888-HMO-2219。
बिना लागत की भाषा सेवाएँ। आप एक दभ
ु ाषिया प्राप्त कर सकते हैं । आपको दस्तावेज अपनी भाषा में पढ़
कर सुनाए जा सकते हैं । मदद के लिए, आपके आईडी कार्ड पर दिए गए सूचीबद्ध नंबर पर हमें कॉल करें , या
नियोक्ता समूह आवेदक कृ पया 1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711) संपर्क केंद्र पर कॉल करें । कृ पया व्यक्तिगत
और पारिवारिक प्लैन (IFP) के आवेदक 1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711) पर कॉल करें । अधिक मदद के लिए:
यदि आप Health Net Life Insurance Company PPO या ईपीओ EPO बीमा पॉलिसी में नामांकित हैं , तो
कैलिफोर्निया बीमा विभाग को 1-800-927-4357 पर कॉल करें । यदि आप Health Net of California, Inc.,
एचएमओ HMO या एचएसपी HSP प्लैन में नामांकित हैं , तो डीएमएचसी DMHC हे ल्पलाइन के
1-888-HMO-2219 पर कॉल करें ।
Kev Pab Txhais Lus Dawb. Koj xav tau neeg txhais lus los tau. Koj xav tau neeg nyeem cov ntaub ntawv
kom yog koj hom lus los tau xav tau kev pab, hu peb tau rau ntawm tus xov tooj nyob ntawm koj daim npav,
los yog tias koj yog tus neeg tso npe xav tau kev pab kho mob los ntawm koj txoj hauj-lwm thov hu rau
1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711). Yog koj yog tus tso npe xav tau kev pab kho mob rau Ib Tug Neeg & Tsev Neeg
Individual & Family Plan (IFP) thov hu 1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711). Xav tau kev pab ntxiv: Yog koj tau tsab
ntawv tuav pov hwm PPO los yog EPO los ntawm Health Net Life Insurance Company, hu mus rau CA Dept.
of Insurance ntawm 1-800-927-4357. Yog koj tau txoj kev pab kho mob HMO los yog HSP los ntawm
Health Net of California, Inc., hu mus rau DMHC tus xov tooj pab Helpline ntawm 1-888-HMO-2219.
方は、 1-800-522-0088、(TTY: 711) までお電話ください。個人および家族向けプラン (IFP)
の申込者の方は、 1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711) までお電話ください。さらに援助が必要な場合:
Health Net Life Insurance CompanyのPPOまたはEPO保険ポリシーに加入されている方は、カリフォル
ニア州保険局 1-800-927-4357 まで電話でお問い合わせください。Health Net of California, Inc.のHMO
またはHSPに加入されている方は、DMHCヘルプライン 1-888-HMO-2219 まで電話でお問い合わせ
សេវាភាសាដោយឥតគិតថ្លៃ។ អ្នកអាចទទួលបានអ្នកបកប្រែផ្ទាល់មាត់។ អ្នកអាចស្ដាប់គេអានឯកសារឱ្យអ្នក
នៅក្នុងភាសារបស់អ្នក។ សម្រាប់ជំនួយ សូ មទាក់ទងយ�ើងខ្ញុំតាមរយៈលេខទូរសព្ទដែលមាននៅល�ើកាតសម្គាល់ខ្លួនរប
ស់អ្នក ឬ បេក្ខជនក្រុមនិយោជក អាចទាក់ទងទៅមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលទំនាក់ទំនងពាណិជ្ជកម្មនៃក្រុមហ៊ុន
1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711)។ បេក្ខជនផែនការគ្រួសារ នង
ិ បេក្ខជនផែនការបុគ្គល សូ មទូរសព្ទទៅលេខ
1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711)។ សម្រាប់ជំនួយបន្ថែម ៖ ប�ើសិនអ្នកបានចុះ ឈ្មោះក្នុងគោលការណ៍ធានារ៉ា ប់រង
PPO ឬ EPO Health Net Life Insurance Company សូ មទាក់ទងទៅនា យកដ្ឋានធានារ៉ា ប់រង CA
តាមរយៈទូរសព្ទលេខ 1-800-927-4357។ ប�ើសិនអ្នកបានចុះឈ្មោះក្នុងផែនការ HMO ឬ HSP ពីក្រុមហ៊ុន
Health Net នៃរដ្ឋកាលីហវ័្រញ៉ា សូ មទាក់ទងលេខទូរសព្ទជំនួយ DMHC ៖ 1-888-HMO-2219។
무료 언어 서비스. 통역 서비스를 받을 수 있습니다. 귀하가 구사하는 언어로 문서의 낭독 서비스를
받으실 수 있습니다. 도움이 필요하시면 보험 ID 카드에 수록된 번호로 전화하시거나 고용주 그룹
신청인의 경우 1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711) 번으로 전화해 주십시오. Individual & Family Plan (IFP)
신청인의 경우, 1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711) 번으로 전화해 주십시오. 추가 도움이 필요하시면,
Health Net Life Insurance Company의 PPO 또는 EPO 보험에 가입되어 있으시면 캘리포니아 주
보험국에1-800-927-4357번으로 전화해 주십시오. Health Net of California, Inc.의 HMO 또는 HSP
플랜에 가입되어 있으시면 DMHC 도움라인에 1-888-HMO-2219번으로 전화해 주십시오.
Saad Bee !k1 E’eyeed T’11 J77k’e. Ata’ halne’7g77 h0l=. T’11 h0 hazaad k’ehj7 naaltsoos hach’8’ w0ltah.
Sh7k1 a’doowo[ n7n7zingo naaltsoos bee n47ho’d0lzin7g77 bik1a’gi b44sh bee hane’7 bik11’ 1aj8’
hod77lnih 47 doodaii’ employer group-j7 ninaaltsoos si[tsoozgo 47 1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711). T’11
h0 d00 ha’1[ch7n7 bi[ hak’4’4sti’7g77 (IFP woly4h7g77) 47 koj8’ hojilnih 1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711).Sh7k1
an11’doowo[ jin7zingo: PPO 47 doodaii’ EPO-j7 Health Net Life Insurance Company woly4h7j7 b4eso
1ch’33h naa’nil biniiy4 hwe’iina’ bik’4’4sti’go 47 CA Dept. of Insurance bich’8’ hojilnih 1-800-927-4357.
HMO 47 doodaii’ HSP-j7 Health Net of California-j7 b4eso 1ch’33h naa’nil biniiy4 hats’77s bik’4’4sti’go
47 koj8’ hojilnih DMHC Helpline 1-888-HMO-2219.
Persian (Farsi)
.‫ می توانيد درخواست کنيد که اسناد به زبان شما برايتان قرائت شوند‬.‫ می توانيد يک مترجم شفاهی بگيريد‬.‫خدمات زبان به طور رايگان‬
ً ‫ یا درخواست کنندگان گروه کارفرما لطفا‬،‫ با ما به شماره ای که روی کارت شناسایی شما درج شده تماس بگیرید‬،‫برای دریافت راهنمایی‬
ً ‫) لطفا‬IFP( ‫ درخواست کنندگان برنامه انفرادی یا خانواده‬.‫) تماس بگیرید‬TTY: 711( 1-800-522-0088‫با مرکز تماس بازرگانی‬
‫ از سوی‬EPO ‫ یا‬PPO ‫ اگر در بیمه نامه‬:‫ برای دریافت راهنمایی بیشتر‬.‫) تماس بگیرید‬TTY: 711( 1-877-609-8711‫با شماره‬
‫ تماس‬1-800-927-4357 ‫ به شماره‬CA Dept. of Insurance ‫ با‬،‫عضویت دارید‬Health Net Life Insurance Company
DMHC ‫ با خط راهنمایی تلفنی‬،‫ عضویت دارید‬.Health Net of California, Inc ‫ از سوی‬HSP ‫ یا‬HMO ‫ اگر در برنامه‬.‫بگیرید‬
.‫ تماس بگیرید‬1-888-HMO-2219 ‫به شماره‬
Panjabi (Punjabi)
ਬਿਨਾਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਲਾਗਤ ਤੋਂ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਦੁਭਾਸ਼ਿਆ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ। ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਦਸਤਾਵੇਜ਼ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ
ਪੜ੍ਹ ਕੇ ਸੁਣਾਏ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ। ਮਦਦ ਲਈ, ਆਪਣੇ ਆਈਡੀ ਕਾਰਡ ਤੇ ਦਿੱਤੇ ਨੰਬਰ ਤੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ ਜਾਂ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ
1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711) ’ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ। ਵਿਅਕਤੀਗਤ ਅਤੇ ਪਾਰਿਵਾਰਕ ਪਲੈ ਨ (IFP) ਦੇ ਆਵੇਦਕ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ
1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711) ’ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ। ਵਧੇਰੀ ਮਦਦ ਲਈ: ਜੇ Health Net Life Insurance Company ਤੋਂ ਇੱਕ
ਪੀਪੀਓ PPO ਜਾਂ ਈਓਪੋ EPO ਬੀਮਾ ਪਾਲਿਸੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾਮਾਂਕਿਤ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਕੈਲੀਫੋਰਨੀਆਂ ਬੀਮਾ ਵਿਭਾਗ ਨੂੰ 1-800-927-4357
’ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ। ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਹੈਲਥ ਨੈੱਟ ਆਫ਼ ਕੈਲੀਫ਼ੋਰਨੀਆਂ, ਇੰ ਕ ਤੋਂ ਇੱਕ ਐਚਐਮਓ HMO ਜਾਂ ਐਚਐਸਪੀ HSP ਪਲੈ ਨ ਵਿੱਚ
ਨਾਮਾਂਕਿਤ ਹੋ ਤਾਂ ਡੀਐਮਐਚਸੀ DMHC ਹੈਲਪਲਾਈਨ ਨੂੰ 1-888-HMO-2219 ’ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ।
Бесплатная помощь переводчиков. Вы можете получить помощь устного переводчика. Вам могут
прочитать документы в переводе на ваш родной язык. За помощью обращайтесь к нам по телефону,
приведенному на вашей идентификационной карточке участника плана. Если вы хотите стать
участником группового плана, предоставляемого работодателем, звоните в коммерческий контактный
центр компании 1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711). Если вы хотите стать участником плана для семей и частных
лиц (IFP), звоните по телефону 1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711). Дополнительная помощь: Если вы включены
в полис PPO или EPO от страховой компании Health Net Life Insurance Company, звоните в Департамент
страхования штата Калифорния CA Dept. of Insurance, телефон 1-800-927-4357. Если вы включены в
план HMO или HSP от страховой компании Health Net of California, Inc., звоните по контактной линии
Департамента управляемого медицинского обслуживания (DMHC), телефон 1-888-HMO-2219.
Servicios de idiomas sin costo. Puede solicitar un intérprete. Puede obtener el servicio de lectura de
documentos y recibir algunos en su idioma. Para obtener ayuda, llámenos al número que figura en su tarjeta
de identificación. Los solicitantes del grupo del empleador deben llamar al 1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711). Los
solicitantes de planes individuales y familiares deben llamar al 1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711). Para obtener más
ayuda, haga lo siguiente: Si está inscrito en una póliza de seguro PPO o EPO de Health Net Life Insurance
Company, llame al Departamento de Seguros de California, al 1-800-927-4357. Si está inscrito en un plan
HMO o HSP de Health Net of California, Inc., llame a la línea de ayuda del Departamento de Atención Médica
Administrada, al 1-888-HMO-2219.
Walang Bayad na Mga Serbisyo sa Wika. Makakakuha kayo ng isang interpreter. Makakakuha kayo ng mga
dokumento na babasahin sa inyo sa inyong wika. Para sa tulong, tawagan kami sa nakalistang numero sa inyong
ID card, o para sa grupo ng mga aplikante ng employer, mangyaring tawagan ang 1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711).
Para sa mga aplikante ng Plano para sa Indibiduwal at Pamilya Individual & Family Plan, (IFP), mangyaring
tawagan ang 1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711). Para sa higit pang tulong: Kung nakatala kayo sa insurance policy
ng PPO o EPO mula sa Health Net Life Insurance Company, tawagan ang CA Dept. of Insurance sa
1-800-927-4357. Kung nakatala kayo sa HMO o HSP na plan mula sa Health Net of California, Inc., tawagan
ang Helpline ng DMHC sa 1-888-HMO-2219.
ไม่มคี า่ บริการด้านภาษา คุณสามารถใช้ลา่ มได้ คุณสามารถให้อา่ นเอกสารให้ฟงั เป็ นภาษาของคุณได้ ส�ำหรับความช่วยเหลือ
โทรหาเราตามหมายเลขทีใ่ ห้ไว้บนบัตรประจ�ำตัวของคุณ หรือ ผูส้ มัครกลุม่ นายจ้าง กรุณาโทรหาศูนย์ตดิ ต่อเชิงพาณิชย์ของ
1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711) ผูส้ มัครแผนบุคคลและครอบครัว Individual & Family Plan (IFP) กรุณาโทร
1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711) ส�ำหรับความช่วยเหลือเพิม่ เติม หากคุณสมัครท�ำกรมธรรม์ประกันภัย PPO หรือ EPO กับ
Health Net Life Insurance Company โทรหากรมการประกันภัยรัฐแคลิฟอร์เนียได้ท่ี 1-800-927-4357 หากคุณสมัครแผน
HMO หรือ HSP กับ Health Net of California, Inc. โทรหาสายด่วนความช่วยเหลือของ DMHC ได้ท่ี 1-888-HMO-2219.
Các Dị̣ch Vụ Ngôn Ngữ Miễn Phí. Quý vị có thể có một phiên dịch viên. Quý vị có thể yêu cầu được đọc cho
nghe tài liệu bằng ngôn ngữ của quý vị. Để nhận trợ giúp, hãy gọi cho chúng tôi theo số được liệt kê trên thẻ
ID của quý vị, hoặc người nộp đơn vào chương trình theo nhóm của chủ sử dụng lao động vui lòng gọi
1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711). Người nộp đơn thuộc Chương Trình Cá Nhân & Gia Đình viết tắt trong tiếng
Anh là (IFP) vui lòng gọi số 1-877-609-8711 (TTY: 711). Để nhận thêm trợ giúp: Nếu quý vị đăng ký hợp
đồng bảo hiểm PPO hoặc EPO từ Health Net Life Insurance Company, vui lòng gọi Sở Y Tế CA theo số
1-800-927-4357. Nếu quý vị đăng ký vào chương trình HMO hoặc HSP từ Health Net of California, Inc.,
vui lòng gọi Đường Dây Trợ Giúp DMHC theo số 1-888-HMO-2219.
CA Commercial Applicant Notice of Language Assistance
FLY007791EL00 (06/16)
Health Net complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, age, disability, or sex. Health Net does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race,
color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
Health Net:
• Provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as qualified sign
language interpreters and written information in other formats (large print, accessible electronic formats, other formats).
• Provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as qualified interpreters and
information written in other languages.
If you need these services, contact Health Net’s Customer Contact Center at 1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711).
If you believe that Health Net has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race,
color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance by calling the number above and telling them you
need help filing a grievance; Health Net’s Customer Contact Center is available to help you.
You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil
Rights, electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at
portal/lobby.jsf or by mail or phone at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW,
Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington, DC 20201, 1-800-368-1019 (TDD: 1-800-537-7697).
Complaint forms are available at
Health Net cumple con las leyes federales aplicables sobre derechos civiles y no discrimina por cuestiones de raza, color,
nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad ni sexo. Health Net no excluye a las personas ni las trata de manera diferente por
motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo.
Health Net:
• Proporciona aparatos y servicios gratuitos a las personas con discapacidades para que se comuniquen eficazmente con
nosotros, como intérpretes calificados de lenguaje de señas e información escrita en otros formatos (letra grande, formatos
electrónicos accesibles, otros formatos).
• Proporciona servicios de idiomas gratuitos a las personas cuyo idioma principal no es el inglés, como intérpretes
calificados e información escrita en otros idiomas.
Si necesita estos servicios, llame al Centro de Comunicación con el Cliente de Health Net al 1-800-522-0088 (TTY: 711).
Si considera que Health Net no proporcionó estos servicios o ejerció algún otro tipo de discriminación por cuestiones
de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo, puede presentar una queja formal llamando al número que se
indica más arriba y diciéndoles que necesita ayuda para presentar una queja formal; el Centro de Comunicación con el
Cliente de Health Net está disponible para ayudarle.
También puede presentar una queja sobre derechos civiles ante el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de
los Estados Unidos, Oficina de Derechos Civiles, de manera electrónica a través del Portal de Quejas de la Oficina de
Derechos Civiles disponible en, o bien, por correo postal o teléfono:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW, Room 509F, HHH Building,
Washington, DC 20201, 1-800-368-1019 (TDD: 1-800-537-7697).
Hay formularios de quejas disponibles en
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 7
Participating Physician Groups..................................................................................................33
Facilities and Other Services................................................................................................... 143
Outpatient Surgical Facilities....................................................................................................157
Primary Care Physician Index..................................................................................................161
Primary Care Physicians by City Index....................................................................................169
Specialist Index........................................................................................................................177
Hospital Index.......................................................................................................................... 215
Glossary of Terms....................................................................................................................217
Use this directory to choose a primary care physician (PCP) and participating
physician group (PPG). PCPs are grouped according to city within this guide,
and the Participating Physician Group Index is located near the back to further
help you find a doctor. We’ve also included information about how to enroll,
either by written form or online, provided information about our services such as
Rapid Access, and answered some frequently asked questions. For more details
about your plan benefits and terms of your group’s coverage, please refer to your
Summary of Benefits/Disclosure Form or Evidence of Coverage (EOC).
How to
accepting new patients, you can continue to see
your current doctor as a member of Health Net of
California, Inc. (Health Net).
You can also access up-to-date directory listings on
the Internet at
Note: Updates to this directory are continuously
made, and we make every effort to ensure accuracy.
However, we cannot guarantee this edition is updated
in all cases. Please confirm a doctor’s participation
prior to receiving service. If the doctor you’re
currently seeing is listed in our directory as not
Choose your doctor and physician group
By availability of your current doctor
Refer to the Primary Care Physician Index. Available
PCPs and the pages to reference for further enrollment
information are listed in alphabetical order.
By location of doctor’s office
Refer to the listing of primary care physicians by city.
The name of each PCP is grouped in alphabetical
order by the city in which his or her office is located.
By doctor’s physician group affiliation
Refer to the Participating Physician Group Index. The
names of Health Net contracting physician groups are
in alphabetical order. An overview of affiliated PCPs
and hospitals is provided for each physician group, in
addition to information regarding Rapid Access and
Wellness program availability.
By doctor’s hospital affiliation
Refer to the Hospital Index. Hospitals affiliated with
Health Net are in alphabetical order. Next to the name
of each hospital is a list of affiliated physician groups.
From this list, you can choose a physician group and
turn to the Participating Physician Group Index to
select your PCP.
By affiliation with a particular specialist
Although you can’t select a specialist as your PCP, you
can select a PCP who belongs to the same physician / 7
group as the specialist. To access a current listing of
specialists, visit our website at or After you’ve located the
name, find the physician group(s) the specialist is
affiliated with, and choose a PCP who belongs to the
same physician group as the specialist.
Note: Specialists are not included in this printed
How to Complete
Enrollment Form
After you’ve chosen a PCP and ExcelCare Network
physician group, you’re ready to complete your
Health Net enrollment form. Just follow the steps
1. Use one of the methods mentioned in the
beginning of this section to choose a PCP and
ExcelCare Network physician group.
2. Verify ExcelCare Network physician group
affiliation and location. Confirm that the ExcelCare
Network physician group location is convenient
for you.
To ensure that you have reasonable access to care, we
ask that you reside or work within 30 miles of your
chosen doctor’s office.
3. On your enrollment form, write the PCP number,
the name of the ExcelCare Network physician
group, and the ExcelCare Network physician group
number of the PCP and ExcelCare Network PPG
that you’ve chosen. You can choose a different PCP
and ExcelCare Network physician group for each
member of your family.
Special Services
Utilize self-referral or obtain direct referrals to
Rapid Access
specialists with this service. You can directly contact
a specialist affiliated with your physician group for
consultation or evaluation. (Your physician group
must still authorize any procedures the specialist may
recommend.) With direct referral, your PCP can refer
you directly without prior authorization from your
physician group.
As of this publication, 49 specialties are represented
in the Rapid Access program. Not all physician
8 /
groups offer access to the same specialties, so check
the Participating Physician Group Index or call a
specific physician group for a listing of specialists
Special note regarding obstetrics/gynecology:
Member self-referral to an OB/GYN is available at
all of Health Net’s contracting physician groups.
Note: Members may self-refer for an annual
exam but only to an OB/GYN in their assigned
physician group.
Utilizing outpatient surgical facilities is a safe
and cost-effective approach to outpatient surgery
performed in a hospital. The choice to use an
outpatient surgical facility begins with a thorough
physical examination, completion of necessary
laboratory tests and a consultation with your doctor
to discuss any related risks. Based on the doctor’s
discussion with the patient, he or she will select the
optimal procedure, anesthesia and choice of facility
in which to perform the procedure. Since overnight
stays are not permitted at this type of facility,
postoperative recovery is done at home. Depending
on the procedure, patients should have a responsible
adult available to drive them home and assist them
with recovery for approximately 24 to 48 hours.
Note: Some procedures performed in the outpatient
setting may require prior authorization, and a
copayment is required. Please check with your
doctor to confirm that your PPG has an arrangement
with an outpatient surgical facility. Refer to your
Evidence of Coverage (EOC), or call our Customer
Contact Center at 1-800-522-0088.
Parents-to-be programs
Health Net members automatically have access
to our Early Prenatal Program offered through
their PPGs. Moms-to-be can learn how to have a
healthy pregnancy and receive additional prenatal
education and parenting programs such as Childbirth
Preparation, Breastfeeding and Baby Basics. Health Net
also offers self-study programs for members who are
unable to attend a program at their physician group.
For details, contact your PPG or Health Net’s Customer
Contact Center at 1-800-522-0088.
Also visit for online resources
and additional information about topics related to
healthy women and children.
Complementary and alternative medicine
Not all Health Net members have access to the
practitioners listed in this directory. Check your
Summary of Benefits, or call our Customer Contact
Center to determine whether you have this benefit
and whether there is a specific provider network
for you to use. For more information and a full list
of practitioners, call American Specialty Health
toll-free at 1-800-678-9133, option 2, or log in to > ProviderSearch.
Managed Health Network (MHN)
Outpatient surgical facility
Not all Health Net members have access to the
practitioners listed in this directory. Check
your Summary of Benefits, or call our Customer
Contact Center to determine whether there is a
specific provider network for you to use. For more
information about MHN, or for a referral to a
counselor, call MHN at the number listed on the back
of your ID card, or call our Customer Contact Center.
Frequently Asked Questions
Because you may come across some terms that are
unfamiliar to you, we’ve included some commonly
asked questions relating to these terms.
What is a participating physician group (PPG)?
A PPG is a team of doctors from various specialties
assisted by nurses, technicians and other health care
professionals contracted with Health Net to perform
services for Health Net members. / 9
You may notice that some of our physician group
listings include the words “medical group,” “PPG,”
“independent physicians association” or “IPA” in the
physician group’s name. Typically, in the physician
groups that include the term medical group or PPG,
most of the PCPs have their offices at one principal
location. In an IPA, the PCPs typically practice at
different locations.
What is an affiliate office and how does it affect my
selection of a PCP?
Affiliate office locations often have limited doctor
availability and different office hours. It’s also possible
that your doctor offers office hours in more than
one location. Affiliates will often refer patients to the
primary location of a physician group for laboratory
and urgent care services.
How is a referral specialist different from a PCP?
Your PCP is your main medical provider. He or she
is the doctor who is responsible for coordinating all
of your medical care and authorizing all specialized
treatment or hospitalization. As a member of
Health Net, you must obtain a referral from your PCP
to see a specialist. Referral specialists are not available
for selection as your PCP.
What’s the difference between
emergency care and urgent care?
Emergency care is for a sudden, serious and
unexpected illness, injury or condition, including
severe pain that a reasonable person with an average
knowledge of health and medicine would believe
requires immediate medical attention. Health Net
covers care received from any licensed provider
or treatment center anywhere in the world for an
emergency situation.
10 /
Urgent care is provided for medical conditions that
require treatment within several days but are not
considered immediately life-threatening. These may
include sprains and fractures, a sudden high fever or
pneumonia, or a flare-up of a chronic condition such
as asthma. Situations requiring urgent care are covered
when received from the member’s PCP and physician
group while in the group’s service area, and from any
licensed provider or treatment center while out-ofarea. All non-emergency care must be provided by or
through the member’s PCP and physician group.
What is an outpatient surgical facility?
An outpatient surgical facility is a setting other than
a medical or dental office, whose main function is
performing surgical procedures on an outpatient
basis. It must be licensed as an outpatient clinic
according to state and local laws and must meet
all requirements of an outpatient clinic providing
surgical services. The patient is admitted to and
discharged from the facility within the same working
day. Overnight stays are not permitted.
Am I allowed to change to a new doctor
once I enroll?
You may switch to another PCP in the same
physician group at any time, for any reason, by calling
Health Net at 1-800-522-0088 or going online to If you want to select a new
PCP affiliated with a different group, you can make
the change on a monthly basis. If you choose a new
doctor and physician group before the 15th of the
month, you can begin seeing the new doctor anytime
after the 1st of the next month. If you choose a new
doctor after the 15th, you’ll need to wait as long as
six weeks (the first of the month after one full month
has gone by after making the change) before you can
begin seeing the new doctor.
which your doctor practices, and which languages (in
addition to English) that your doctor may speak.
Where can I find specialist listings?
Use the ProviderSearch function on Health Net’s
website at, call our Customer
Contact Center at the toll-free number listed on
your Health Net ID card, or ask your Health Net
contracted doctor or physician group.
Additional Health Net
About your Health Net ID card
After you enroll in Health Net, you will receive a
Health Net ID card. This card is what you need to
receive all of your care as a Health Net member.
Because it’s so important, it’s a good idea to keep your
Health Net ID card with you at all times. If you lose
your ID card, call our Customer Contact Center or
order a new one online. Go to,
log in and click Order my ID card.
Note: Your PCP or authorized referral specialist
must first be contacted for initial treatment and
consultation before you receive any care or treatment
through a hospital. Your PCP or authorized referral
specialist will be responsible for determining the
most appropriate site and location for your additional
care. Admission to, and treatment rendered by, any
hospital listed in this directory must be authorized by
your selected PCP or authorized referral specialist.
How can I obtain information about doctors who are
in the Health Net network?
Information is available in our directories, on our
website or by calling the Health Net Customer
Contact Center. You can learn whether your doctor
is board certified, where he or she attended medical
school and performed the residency, the office address
and phone number, whether your doctor participates
in a Health Net HMO or PPO, the hospital(s) at
Your PCP or referral specialist may find it necessary
to refer you to a hospital for further care on either
an inpatient or outpatient basis. You will usually
be hospitalized where your doctor has admitting
privileges. (See your PCP’s group listing in this
directory for a list of hospitals where he or she has
admitting privileges.) / 11
Some hospitals and other providers do not provide one or more of the following services that may be
covered under your plan contract and that you or your family member might need: family planning;
contraceptive services, including emergency contraception; sterilization, including tubal ligation at
the time of labor and delivery; infertility treatments; or abortion. You should obtain more information
before you enroll. Call your prospective doctor, medical group, independent practice association, or
clinic, or call the health plan at 1-800-522-0088 to ensure that you can obtain the health care services
that you need.
You have the right to get full and equal access
to health care services covered by your health
plan. This is also true if you have a disability,
according to the following laws:
Did you find something you think might be
wrong in any of our provider directories?
Please let us know so we can fix it.
• The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
• Email us at
• Section 504 or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
12 /
• Call us at 1-800-522-0088.
Utilice este directorio para elegir un médico de atención primaria (por sus siglas en
inglés, PCP) y un grupo médico participante (por sus siglas en inglés, PPG). Los PCP
se agrupan en esta guía por ciudad y el Índice de Grupos Médicos Participantes
se encuentra casi al final de este directorio para brindarle ayuda adicional para
encontrar un médico. También se incluye información sobre cómo inscribirse,
ya sea a través de un formulario impreso o en línea, se proporciona información
sobre nuestros servicios, como Rapid Access, y se responden algunas preguntas
frecuentes. Para obtener más detalles sobre los beneficios de su plan y los términos
de su cobertura de grupo, consulte su Resumen de Beneficios/Formulario de
Nota: Continuamente se realizan actualizaciones
a este directorio y hacemos todo lo posible para
asegurar su exactitud. Sin embargo, no podemos
garantizarle que esta edición esté actualizada en todos
los casos. Confirme la participación del médico antes
de recibir los servicios. Si el médico al que usted
consulta actualmente aparece en nuestro directorio
como “no acepta pacientes nuevos”, usted puede
continuar consultando a ese médico en su calidad de
afiliado a Health Net of California, Inc. (Health Net).
También puede tener acceso a listas actualizadas del
directorio en Internet en
Divulgación o Evidencia de Cobertura (por sus siglas en inglés, EOC).
Cómo Inscribirse
Elija a su médico y grupo médico
Por disponibilidad de su médico actual
Consulte el Índice de Médicos de Atención Primaria.
Los PCP disponibles y las páginas de consulta donde
encontrará mayor información sobre la inscripción se
encuentran en orden alfabético.
Por ubicación del consultorio del médico
Consulte la lista de médicos de atención primaria
por ciudad. El nombre de cada PCP se encuentra
agrupado en orden alfabético por la ciudad en la que
se encuentra el consultorio.
Por afiliación del grupo médico del médico
Consulte el Índice de Grupos Médicos Participantes.
Los nombres de los grupos médicos contratados de
Health Net se encuentran en orden alfabético. Se
proporciona un resumen de los PCP y hospitales
afiliados por cada grupo médico, además de
información relacionada con la disponibilidad del
programa de Bienestar y Rapid Access.
Por afiliación del hospital del médico
Consulte el Índice de Hospitales. Los hospitales
afiliados a Health Net se encuentran en orden
alfabético. Junto al nombre de cada hospital se / 13
encuentra una lista de los grupos médicos afiliados.
De esta lista usted puede elegir un grupo médico y
consultar el Índice de Grupos Médicos Participantes
para seleccionar a su PCP.
Por afiliación a un especialista en particular
Aunque usted no puede seleccionar a un especialista
como su PCP, sí puede seleccionar a un PCP
que pertenezca al mismo grupo médico que el
especialista. Para tener acceso a una lista actual de
especialistas, visite nuestro sitio Web en o
Después de que haya ubicado el nombre, encuentre
el o los grupos a los que está afiliado el especialista y
elija un PCP que pertenezca al mismo grupo médico
que el especialista.
Nota: Los especialistas no se incluyen en este
directorio impreso.
Cómo Llenar
Formulario de Inscripción
Después de que haya elegido un PCP y el grupo
médico de ExcelCare Network, usted está listo para
llenar su formulario de inscripción en Health Net.
Sólo siga los pasos que se explican a continuación:
1. Use uno de los métodos que se mencionan al
comienzo de esta sección para elegir un PCP
y un grupo médico de ExcelCare Network.
2. Verifique la afiliación y ubicación del grupo
médico de ExcelCare Network. Confirme que la
ubicación de este grupo médico sea conveniente
para usted. Para asegurarse de que tiene acceso
razonable a la atención, debe vivir o trabajar dentro
de 30 millas del consultorio del médico que eligió.
3. En su formulario de inscripción, escriba el número
del PCP, el nombre y el número del grupo médico
de ExcelCare Network del PCP de ExcelCare
Network y el PPG de ExcelCare Network que
eligió. Puede elegir un PCP y grupo médico de
ExcelCare Network distinto para cada miembro
de la familia.
Servicios Especiales
Utilice la autorremisión u obtenga remisiones
Rapid Access
directas a especialistas con este servicio. Usted
puede comunicarse directamente con un especialista
afiliado a su grupo médico para una consulta o
evaluación. (Su grupo médico aún debe autorizar
cualquier procedimiento que el especialista pudiese
14 /
recomendarle.) Con una remisión directa, su PCP
puede remitirle directamente sin autorización previa
de su grupo médico.
Hasta esta publicación, 49 especialidades se
encontraban representadas en el programa
Rapid Access. No todos los grupos médicos ofrecen
acceso a las mismas especialidades, por lo tanto,
Nota especial en relación con los servicios de
obstetricia/ginecología: La autorremisión de las
afiliadas a un obstetra/ginecólogo se encuentra
disponible en todos los grupos médicos contratados
de Health Net. Nota: Las afiliadas pueden
autorremitirse para un examen anual, pero sólo a un
obstetra/ginecólogo de su grupo médico asignado.
Centro quirúrgico ambulatorio
La utilización de centros quirúrgicos ambulatorios
es un abordaje económico y seguro de la cirugía
para pacientes ambulatorios que se realiza en un
hospital. La opción de utilizar un centro quirúrgico
ambulatorio comienza con un examen físico
exhaustivo, la realización de pruebas de laboratorio
necesarias y una consulta con su médico para analizar
todos los riesgos relacionados. Según el análisis que
el médico haga con el paciente, se seleccionarán el
procedimiento óptimo, la anestesia y el centro en el
que se realizará el procedimiento. Debido a que en
este tipo de centro no se permite pasar la noche, la
recuperación postoperatoria se realiza en el hogar.
Dependiendo del procedimiento, los pacientes
deben disponer de un adulto responsable que los
lleve a casa y los ayude en la recuperación durante
aproximadamente de 24 a 48 horas.
Nota: Es posible que algunos procedimientos que se
realizan en un entorno para pacientes ambulatorios
requieran autorización previa, además de un copago.
Confirme con su médico que su PPG tenga un arreglo
con un centro quirúrgico ambulatorio. Consulte su
Evidencia de Cobertura (EOC) o llame a nuestro
Centro de Comunicación con el Cliente al
Programas para futuros padres
Los afiliados a Health Net tienen
acceso automáticamente a nuestro Programa Prenatal
Temprano ofrecido a través de sus PPG. Las futuras
madres podrán aprender a tener un embarazo
saludable y recibir educación prenatal adicional y
programas de crianza de los hijos como Preparación
para el Nacimiento, Puntos Básicos sobre el Bebé
y el Amamantamiento. Health Net también ofrece
programas de autoestudio a los afiliados que no
pueden asistir a un programa en su grupo médico.
Para obtener información detallada, comuníquese
con su PPG o llame al Centro de Comunicación con
el Cliente de Health Net al 1-800-522-0088.
También visite para
obtener recursos en línea e información adicional sobre
temas relacionados con mujeres y niños saludables.
Medicina complementaria y alternativa
No todos los afiliados a Health Net tienen acceso
a los médicos que se indican en este directorio.
Revise su Resumen de Beneficios o llame a nuestro
Centro de Comunicación con el Cliente para
determinar si tiene este beneficio y si existe una red
de proveedores específicos para que use. Para obtener
más información y una lista completa de los médicos,
llame gratis a American Specialty Health al
1-800-678-9133, opción 2, o inicie sesión en > Búsqueda de Proveedores.
verifique el Índice de Grupos Médicos Participantes o
llame a un grupo médico específico para obtener una
lista de especialistas disponibles.
Managed Health Network (MHN)
No todos los afiliados a Health Net tienen acceso a
los médicos que se indican en este directorio. Revise
su Resumen de Beneficios o llame a nuestro Centro
de Comunicación con el Cliente para determinar si
existe una red de proveedores específicos para que
use. Para obtener más información sobre MHN o para
obtener una remisión a un consejero, llame a MHN
al número que se encuentra al reverso de su tarjeta de
identificación o a nuestro Centro de Comunicación
con el Cliente. / 15
Preguntas Frecuentes
Como usted puede encontrarse con algunos términos
que no conoce, hemos incluido algunas preguntas
frecuentes relacionadas con dichos términos.
a Health Net, debe obtener una remisión de su PCP
para consultar a un especialista. Los especialistas de
remisión no pueden seleccionarse como su PCP.
¿Qué es un grupo médico participante (PPG)?
Un PPG es un equipo de médicos de varias
especialidades apoyado por enfermeras, técnicos
y otros profesionales para el cuidado de la salud
contratados por Health Net para brindar servicios a
los afiliados a Health Net.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la atención de
emergencia y la atención de urgencia?
La atención de emergencia es por una enfermedad,
lesión o afección repentina, grave e inesperada, que
incluye dolor fuerte, que una persona razonable,
con un conocimiento promedio de salud y medicina
creería que requiere atención médica inmediata.
Health Net cubre la atención recibida de un
proveedor o centro de tratamiento autorizado en
cualquier lugar del mundo, en caso de una situación
de emergencia.
Usted puede observar que algunas de nuestras
listas de grupos médicos incluyen las palabras
“grupo médico”, “PPG”, “asociación de médicos
independientes” o “IPA” en el nombre del grupo
médico. Normalmente, en los grupos médicos
que incluyen el término “grupo médico” o PPG
en su nombre, la mayoría de los PCP tienen sus
consultorios en una ubicación principal. En una
IPA, los PCP generalmente ejercen en distintas
¿Qué es un consultorio afiliado y de qué manera
afecta mi selección de un PCP?
Generalmente las ubicaciones de los consultorios
afiliados tienen una disponibilidad de médicos
limitada y distintos horarios de atención. También es
posible que su médico ofrezca horarios de atención
en más de una ubicación. Los afiliados generalmente
remitirán a los pacientes a la ubicación primaria del
grupo médico para los servicios de laboratorio y de
atención de urgencia.
¿En qué se diferencia un especialista de remisión
de un PCP?
Su PCP es su proveedor médico principal. Es
responsable de la coordinación de toda su atención
médica y de la autorización de todos los tratamientos
especializados o las hospitalizaciones. Como afiliado
16 /
La atención de urgencia se brinda por afecciones
médicas que requieren tratamiento dentro de varios
días, pero no se consideran de riesgo vital inmediato.
Éstas pueden incluir torceduras y fracturas, fiebre alta
repentina o pulmonía, o un ataque de una afección
crónica, como el asma. Las situaciones que requieren
atención de urgencia están cubiertas cuando los
servicios son prestados por el PCP y grupo médico
en el área de servicio del grupo y por cualquier
proveedor o centro de tratamiento autorizado si se
encuentra fuera del área. El PCP y grupo médico del
afiliado son quienes deben brindar toda la atención
que no sea de emergencia.
¿Qué es un centro quirúrgico ambulatorio?
Un centro quirúrgico ambulatorio es una instalación
distinta a un consultorio médico o dental, cuya
principal función es llevar a cabo procedimientos
quirúrgicos de manera ambulatoria. Debe contar con
una licencia como clínica ambulatoria en conformidad
con las leyes locales y estatales y debe cumplir todos
los requisitos de una clínica ambulatoria que
¿Puedo cambiar de médico una vez que me inscribo?
Usted puede cambiarse a otro PCP en el mismo
grupo médico en cualquier momento y por cualquier
motivo llamando a Health Net al 1-800-522-0088
o en línea en Si desea
seleccionar un nuevo PCP afiliado a otro grupo,
puede hacer el cambio de forma mensual. Si elige un
nuevo médico y grupo médico antes del día 15 del
mes, puede comenzar a consultar al nuevo médico
en cualquier momento después del día 1 del mes
siguiente. Si elige un nuevo médico después del día
15, deberá esperar seis semanas (el primer día del mes
siguiente a un mes completo después de haber hecho
el cambio) antes de poder comenzar a consultar al
nuevo médico.
¿Cómo puedo obtener información sobre médicos
que están en la red de Health Net?
Puede encontrar información en nuestros directorios,
en nuestro sitio Web o llamando al Centro de
Comunicación con el Cliente de Health Net. Puede
conocer si su médico está certificado por la junta,
dónde asistió a la escuela de medicina, dónde realizó
su residencia, el domicilio y el número de teléfono
del consultorio, si su médico participa en un contrato
HMO o PPO de Health Net, el o los hospitales donde
que ejerce y qué idiomas (además del inglés) habla.
¿Dónde puedo encontrar listas de especialistas?
Use la función Búsqueda de Proveedores en el sitio
Web de Health Net en
o llame a nuestro Centro de Comunicación con
el Cliente al número gratuito que se encuentra en
su tarjeta de identificación de Health Net, o bien,
consulte a su médico o grupo médico contratado de
Health Net.
proporciona servicios quirúrgicos. Se ingresa y da
el alta al paciente del centro dentro del mismo día
laborable. No se permite pasar la noche en el lugar. / 17
Acerca de su tarjeta de identificación de
Health Net
Luego de inscribirse en Health Net, recibirá una
tarjeta de identificación de Health Net. Esta tarjeta
es lo que necesita para recibir toda su atención
como afiliado a Health Net. Debido a que es muy
importante, es bueno llevar siempre su tarjeta de
identificación de Health Net con usted. Si pierde su
tarjeta de identificación, llame a nuestro Centro de
Comunicación con el Cliente o pida otra en línea.
Diríjase a, ingrese y
haga clic en Pedir mi tarjeta de identificación.
Su PCP o especialista de remisión pueden considerar
necesario remitirle a un hospital para que reciba
más atención, ya sea como paciente hospitalizado o
de Health Net
como paciente ambulatorio. Generalmente usted será
hospitalizado donde su médico tenga privilegios de
admisión. (Consulte la lista del grupo de su PCP en
este directorio para obtener una lista de los hospitales
en donde su médico tiene privilegios de admisión.)
Nota: Debe comunicarse en primer lugar con su PCP
o especialista de remisión autorizado para consulta
y tratamiento inicial, antes de recibir cualquier tipo
de tratamiento o atención a través de un hospital.
Su PCP o especialista de remisión autorizado serán
responsables de determinar el lugar y la ubicación
más adecuados para su atención adicional. El PCP
o especialista de remisión autorizado que haya
seleccionado deben autorizar la admisión a cualquier
hospital que esté en este directorio y el tratamiento
que reciba allí.
Algunos hospitales y otros proveedores no prestan uno o más de los siguientes servicios que pueden
estar cubiertos conforme a su contrato del plan y que usted o uno de sus familiares podrían necesitar:
planificación familiar; servicios anticonceptivos, incluyendo anticoncepción de emergencia;
esterilización, incluyendo ligadura de trompas al momento del parto; tratamientos de infertilidad; o
aborto. Antes de inscribirse, debe obtener información adicional. Llame a su futuro médico, grupo
médico, asociación de práctica independiente o clínica, o bien, llame al plan de salud al 1-800-522-0088
para asegurarse de poder obtener los servicios de cuidado de la salud que necesita.
Tiene derecho a obtener un acceso completo
e igualitario a los servicios de cuidado de la
salud cubiertos por su plan de salud. Esto
también es así si usted tiene una discapacidad
de acuerdo con las siguientes leyes:
¿Encontró algo que piensa que podría
ser incorrecto en alguna parte de nuestro
directorio de proveedores?
Infórmenos para que podamos corregirlo.
• La Ley para los Estadounidenses con
Discapacidades de 1990
• Envíenos un mensaje de correo electrónico
• Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973
18 /
• Llámenos al 1-800-522-0088.
Introduction / 19
20 /
Introduction / 21
22 /
Introduction / 23
24 /
Introduction / 25
26 /
Introduction / 27
28 /
Introduction / 29
일부 병원과 기타 서비스 제공자는 귀하의 보험 증서에 의거해서 보장되고 귀하 또는 귀하의
가족이 필요로 할 수 있는 서비스들(가족계획, 응급피임을 포함한 피임 서비스, 산통 및 출산
시 난관 봉합을 포함한 불임 수술, 불임치료 또는 임신중절) 중 한 가지 이상의 서비스를
제공하지 않습니다. 가입하시기 전에 보다 자세한 정보를 확인하십시오. 귀하를 담당할 의사,
의료 그룹, 독립적인 의료서비스 제공자 연합 또는 클리닉에 전화하시거나 1-800-522-0088번을
이용해 건강보험에 전화하셔서 귀하가 필요한 건강 관리 서비스를 받을 수 있는지
30 /
Participating Physician Group
The following is a listing of Health Net contracted participating physician groups
(PPGs), arranged in alphabetical order.
An overview of services, affiliated primary care
physicians (PCPs) and hospitals is provided for each
physician group. Information shown for each group
also includes any available Rapid Access services.
Further information about Rapid Access can be found
at the front of this directory. For a listing of specialists
available by physician group, please contact the
group directly. A unique number is shown for each
physician group. When you complete the enrollment
form to become a Health Net member, you will need
to identify the group of your choice by writing in
this number. After you’ve selected a physician group,
you’ll also need to choose a PCP. Please refer to the
primary care physicians by city listing for more
information about affiliated PCPs. And for the most
up-to-date directory information, visit the Health Net
website at
Grupos Médicos Participantes
La siguiente es una lista de los grupos médicos participantes (por sus siglas en
inglés, PPG) contratados de Health Net, ordenada alfabéticamente.
Se brinda una perspectiva general de los servicios,
de los médicos de atención primaria (por sus siglas
en inglés, PCP) y de los hospitales afiliados, para
cada grupo médico. La información que se muestra
para cada grupo también incluye cualquier servicio
de Rapid Access disponible. Puede encontrar más
información sobre Rapid Access al comienzo de
este directorio. Si desea una lista de especialistas
disponibles por grupo médico, comuníquese
directamente con el grupo. Para cada grupo médico
se muestra un número único. Cuando usted complete
el formulario de inscripción para convertirse en
afiliado a Health Net, deberá identificar al grupo de su
elección, escribiendo ese número. Después de haber
elegido un grupo médico, usted deberá elegir también
un PCP. Si desea más información sobre los PCP
afiliados, consulte la lista de PCP por ciudad. Y para
obtener la información del directorio más actualizada,
visite el sitio Web de Health Net en / 31
32 /
Participating Physician Groups
AllCare IPA (392)
Location/NPI/Staff Language(s)
Group No./
License No
(209) 572-6900
Data not
3320 Tully Road Suite 1
Modesto, CA 95350-0800
Urgent Care:
Castle Urgent Care - 209 381 2000
Mon-Fri 8am-8pm Sat-10am-6pm Sun 12 noon-5pm
Modern Urgent Care - 209 537 4700
Sun - Sat - 9:00am - 07:00pm
Affiliated Hospitals
Doctors Medical Center of Modesto
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Emanuel Medical Center
Hospital Accreditation: None
Oak Valley District Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Stanislaus Surgical Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: None
Available for HMO and Point of Service/Elect Open Access plans only. This Participating Physician Group is not available for
Health Net Medicare Coordination of Benefits enrollment.
AllCare IPA - Merced
3320 Tully Road, Suite 1
Modesto, CA 95350-0800
Group No./
License No
(209) 572-6900
Data not
Affiliated Hospitals
Diep, Daniel T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1962454652
License No: A91505
Family Practice1
Evnin, Kerry B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1356536973
License No: G55240
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 556-5011 2760 Third St.
0392 128508
(209) 531-0154
0392 024790
Prov: Cantonese,
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
3641 Mitchell Rd. # H
AllCare IPA2
Email: Data not available
Participating Physician Groups
Location/ NPI / Staff Language(s)
Abbas, Humayun, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1336136548
License No: A68455
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 577-3388 1541 Florida Ave. # 200
0392 095981
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
Hospital Accreditation: TJC = The Joint Commission
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 33
AllCare IPA (392)
Apellanes, Antonio E., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1679555213
License No: A61655
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(866) 682-4842 2101 Tenaya Dr.
0392 110849
Auen, Edward L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1962464602
License No: A50019
Internal Medicine1
(209) 529-2052
Bailey III, S. Rush, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1962499475
License No: G19066
(209) 544-7300
Banuelos Jr, Jose L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1427158351
License No: G47968
Family Practice1
(209) 523-1884
Basi, Amrik S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1740327568
License No: A92203
Family Practice1
(209) 846-3176
Bauman, Philip O., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1457348872
License No: A77400
(209) 544-7300
Blankenship, Bradley S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1619923810
License No: G75672
Family Practice1
(209) 524-1264
Bluvshteyn, Sasha A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609199215
License No: A118003
Family Practice
(209) 527-6900
0392 520851
0392 500728
0392 500805
0392 209603
0392 096891
0392 038568
0392 187559
Prov: Spanish,
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(IB,E)
Email: Data not available
1401 Spanos Ct. # 122
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
4120 Prescott Rd.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1448 Florida Ave.
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1524 McHenry Ave. # 340
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
4120 Prescott Rd.
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1444 Florida Ave. # 202
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1320 Celeste Dr.
Prov: Polish,
Russian, Spanish,
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
34 /
AllCare IPA (392)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 577-3388 1541 Florida Ave. # 200
0392 501635
Brockman, Tracy L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1871553636
License No: A87080
Family Practice1
(209) 527-6900
Brown, Kristin M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1417149220
License No: A124831
(866) 682-4842
Bui-Thompson, Loan K., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1316025810
License No: 20A8188
(209) 544-7300
Carlson, James M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1396700381
License No: G27090
Family Practice1
(209) 549-9900
Chan, Christina, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1710074000
License No: A75488
Family Practice1
(209) 523-1884
Chan, Christine Y., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1558471508
License No: A96402
(209) 544-7300
Chaudhury, Leena, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1548605686
License No: A134288
General Practice
(209) 622-0877
0392 111707
0392 192978
0392 164407
0392 502400
0392 090813
0392 133220
0392 213547
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1320 Celeste Dr.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1114 Sixth St.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
4120 Prescott Rd.
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Spanish,
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1213 Coffee Rd. # A
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1448 Florida Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
4120 Prescott Rd.
Prov: Cantonese
Prov: Mandarin
Office 1 Staff:
Participating Physician Groups
Boozer, James W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1427046986
License No: G55121
Internal Medicine1
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
2222 E. Orangeburg Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified / 35
AllCare IPA (392)
Chin, Robert M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1508812314
License No: A38590
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 524-1264 1444 Florida Ave. # 202
0392 502787
Christopher, Kathy A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1487668273
License No: G77641
Family Practice1
(209) 575-4990
Clare, Sean B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1366507113
License No: A68800
(209) 522-1027
De Ocampo, Emillie M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609858182
License No: A73019
(866) 682-4842
De-Paz, Jordan, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1174540520
License No: A82325
Family Practice
(209) 524-1668
Deleon, Recto F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1043399165
License No: A24912
Family Practice1
(209) 527-7677
Diaz III, Gervacio D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1700835451
License No: A69801
Internal Medicine1
(209) 529-8506
Diego, Silvia M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1922080506
License No: A54944
Family Practice
(209) 522-3362
0392 570671
0392 092083
0392 085201
0392 102555
0392 503850
0392 075993
0392 570669
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
2020 Standiford Ave. # D3
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1400 Florida Ave. # 207
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1510 Florida Ave. # F
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
3125 Conant Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1130 Coffee Rd. # 9B
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
2013 Coffee Rd.
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Spanish,
Office 1 Staff:
Spanish, Tagalog
Prov: Portuguese,
Prov: Spanish,
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Tagalog
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1317 Oakdale Rd. # 440
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
36 /
AllCare IPA (392)
El-Isa, Zaina, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1861623555
License No: A131838
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 525-3199 1401 Spanos Ct. # 205
0392 504267
(866) 682-4842
0392 206013
(209) 576-6766
0392 206013
Ereso, Virgilio C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1720031685
License No: A30308
Internal Medicine1
(209) 579-7461
Fuller, David G., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033149448
License No: G69104
Family Practice1
(209) 526-6400
Gil, Lisa M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1447232988
License No: A74592
Family Practice
(209) 522-3362
Gogna, Harjit, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1558411322
License No: C42698
Internal Medicine
(209) 544-3400
Goldman, Ronald A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1255328670
License No: A24329
(209) 544-7300
0392 004619
0392 024791
0392 100139
0392 005947
0392 006021
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1114 Sixth St.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
2101 Tenaya Dr.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(IB,E)
Email: Data not available
500 Coffee Rd. # A
Prov: Punjabi
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Office 2 Staff:
Prov: Tagalog
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
2209 Coffee Rd. # I
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1317 Oakdale Rd. # 440
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1130 Coffee Rd. # 3B
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
4120 Prescott Rd.
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Participating Physician Groups
Duggal, Arun, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1992751937
License No: A42295
Family Practice1
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified / 37
AllCare IPA (392)
Goodreau, Scott R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1124089461
License No: G70034
Family Practice
Hansen, Darrell R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1063593374
License No: G27886
Family Practice1
General Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 527-6900 1320 Celeste Dr.
0392 034557
(209) 549-9900
0392 006793
0392 006793
Harris Jr, Mattice F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1457451312
License No: A30464
Family Practice1
(209) 523-1884
Hernandez, Armand R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1518991983
License No: G72645
(209) 525-3176
Hernandez, Miguel A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1376643213
License No: A67811
Family Practice
(209) 523-1884
Hundal, Talminder S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1316031461
License No: A45102
Family Practice
(209) 525-3171
Hunt, Bernard J., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1942256136
License No: 20A6381
Family Practice1
(209) 524-1264
Indukuri, Sushma, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1437527348
License No: A137942
(209) 574-1030
0392 006912
0392 520212
0392 095580
0392 007716
0392 060631
0392 218461
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1213 Coffee Rd. # A
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1448 Florida Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1329 Spanos Ct. # C4
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1448 Florida Ave.
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1401 Spanos Ct. # 106
Prov: Punjabi
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1444 Florida Ave. # 202
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1510 Florida Ave. # C
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
38 /
AllCare IPA (392)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 522-9054 2501 Mchenry Ave. # F
0392 039705
Karam, Doris E., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1326069246
License No: C133518
Internal Medicine1
(209) 577-3388
Kennedy-Funtila, Barbara A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1700874260
License No: A56471
Internal Medicine1
(209) 577-3388
Krishnamoorthi, Krishnamoorthi,
Gender: Male
NPI: 1588762538
License No: A70897
Internal Medicine1
(209) 622-0877
Krishnamoorthi, Soma, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1013011055
License No: A76562
Internal Medicine1
(209) 622-0877
Kwon-Hong, Grace Y., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1356422679
License No: A66084
Family Practice1
(209) 549-9900
Lam, Giang N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033198288
License No: A93687
Family Practice1
(209) 524-1668
Le, Binh K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1598729410
License No: A54968
Family Practice1
(209) 523-4999
0392 209395
0392 058733
0392 081968
0392 095078
0392 074675
0392 157131
0392 071685
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1541 Florida Ave. # 200
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1541 Florida Ave. # 200
Office 1 Staff:
Farsi, Pashtu
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Tagalog
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
2222 E. Orangeburg Ave. # A2
Prov: Hindi, Spanish
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
2222 E. Orangeburg Ave. # A2
Prov: Hindi, Spanish
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1213 Coffee Rd. # A
Prov: Korean
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
3125 Conant Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
2020 Coffee Rd. # A3
Prov: Vietnamese
Participating Physician Groups
Jones, Reldon R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1497798862
License No: C19474
Internal Medicine
Laotian, Vietnamese
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(EB,IB,E)
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified / 39
AllCare IPA (392)
Lee, Jason T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1699966291
License No: A114377
Family Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(866) 682-4842 1510 Florida Ave. # H
0392 163876
Lenser, Dena A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1245201599
License No: G83542
(209) 522-0001
Mari, Alex, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1609976562
License No: G71950
Family Practice1
(209) 523-1884
McGrew, Paul G., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1720034614
License No: G42561
Family Practice1
(209) 524-1264
McGrew Jr, Robert M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1972558930
License No: G40319
Family Practice1
(209) 524-1264
Modi, Priti T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1568440246
License No: A52036
Internal Medicine1
(209) 409-8589
Modi, Tushar R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1679551352
License No: A44738
Internal Medicine1
(209) 529-9600
Montalvo Jr, Raul, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1518967488
License No: A64247
Family Practice1
(209) 524-1264
0392 069041
0392 051585
0392 011185
0392 011186
0392 044920
0392 011683
0392 074843
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
3109 Coffee Rd. # A
Prov: Mandarin,
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1448 Florida Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1444 Florida Ave. # 202
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1444 Florida Ave. # 202
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1608 Tully Rd.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
413 E. Orangeburg Ave. # A
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1444 Florida Ave. # 202
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Marathi
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Marathi,
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
40 /
AllCare IPA (392)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 576-2845 1114 Sixth St.
0392 209948
Moti, Omairah L., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1598029647
License No: A136086
(209) 574-1030
Myers, Danielle, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1164405445
License No: A75415
Family Practice1
(209) 576-4437
Ng, Theresa M., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1730274507
License No: 20A11197
(866) 682-4842
Palitz, Harvey F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1730143777
License No: G26307
(209) 575-5885
Pfeffer, John C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1851456602
License No: C40062
(209) 522-1027
Pham, Liza M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1831395102
License No: A100406
(866) 682-4842
Pham, Luyen D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1518973759
License No: A83145
(209) 544-7300
0392 217191
0392 099732
0392 159574
0392 012859
0392 013269
0392 140074
0392 133222
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1510 Florida Ave. # A
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1121 Hammond St.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1510 Florida Ave. # A
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1524 Mchenry Ave. # 405
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Hmong (White),
Laotian, Mien, Sign
Language, Spanish,
Prov: Mandarin,
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1400 Florida Ave. # 207
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1114 Sixth St.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
4120 Prescott Rd.
Prov: Tagalog
Office 1 Staff:
Participating Physician Groups
Morgan, Rachel C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1225369770
License No: A110587
Prov: Vietnamese
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified / 41
AllCare IPA (392)
Pham, Tri M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1477659001
License No: A35619
Internal Medicine
Piernot, Ellen E., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1962583617
License No: C135085
Family Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 527-1870 1130 Coffee Rd. # 2A
0392 013278
(209) 576-2845
0392 201244
(209) 574-1365
0392 201244
Porter, Russell T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1174545362
License No: A75424
Family Practice1
(209) 523-1884
Rai, Meetinder K., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1124103254
License No: A49556
Internal Medicine
(209) 531-0552
Rai, Nirmal S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1730264854
License No: A49025
Internal Medicine
(209) 531-0552
Rao, Shweta S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1881809598
License No: A107006
Family Practice1
(866) 682-4842
Shankar, Prithvi N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1790772838
License No: A92177
Internal Medicine
(209) 578-1600
0392 090814
0392 039556
0392 021516
0392 164839
0392 119777
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1114 Sixth St.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1510 Florida Ave.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1448 Florida Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1930 E. Hatch Rd. # A
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,IB,R)
Email: Data not available
1930 E. Hatch Rd. # A
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,IB,R)
Email: Data not available
1114 Sixth St.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
400 E. Orangeburg Ave. # 3
French, Laotian,
Office 1 Staff:
Office 2 Staff:
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi
Office 1 Staff: Hindi,
Punjabi, Spanish
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi
Office 1 Staff: Hindi,
Punjabi, Spanish
Prov: Hindi,
Kannada, Spanish,
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Hindi,
Malayalam, Tamil
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
42 /
AllCare IPA (392)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 523-1884 1448 Florida Ave.
0392 141765
Shiovitz, James L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1194792523
License No: G34742
Family Practice
(209) 527-6900
Sia, Rosalie F., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1316972250
License No: C129786
(209) 576-2845
0392 015712
0392 213151
(209) 574-1030
0392 213151
Song, Catherine S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1548255888
License No: A71560
(209) 543-7400
Sood, Shashi T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1679680698
License No: A38105
Family Practice
(209) 525-3185
Soriano, Elaine J., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1154304335
License No: A78290
Internal Medicine
(866) 682-4842
Spangler, William D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1194701441
License No: A92843
0392 081852
0392 016247
0392 099394
0392 099394
(209) 544-7300
0392 128172
Prov: Hindi,
Punjabi, Russian,
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1320 Celeste Dr.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1114 Sixth St.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1510 Florida Ave.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
4213 Dale Rd. # 1
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1401 Spanos Ct. # 110
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1510 Florida Ave. # H
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
4120 Prescott Rd.
Office 1 Staff:
Office 2 Staff:
Prov: Korean
Prov: Hindi
Prov: Tagalog
Office 1 Staff:
Office 2 Staff:
Participating Physician Groups
Shergill, Manmeet S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1184818031
License No: A100469
Family Practice
Prov: German
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified / 43
AllCare IPA (392)
Stanton, James L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1942200811
License No: G30530
Family Practice
General Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 491-2500 200 W. Roseburg Ave. # B
0392 016402
0392 016402
Tanner, Garth B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1184612624
License No: A64407
Internal Medicine1
(209) 521-7800
Terzo, Todd L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1396700175
License No: A69959
Family Practice1
(209) 524-1264
Tow-Der, Esther J., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1427008028
License No: G58918
(209) 521-4372
Tremayne, Paula S., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1740368554
License No: 20A8495
Internal Medicine1
(209) 549-1600
Truscello, Ann M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1437120532
License No: G68634
(209) 522-0001
Veerappa, Nandeesh, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1508834938
License No: A86330
Family Practice
(209) 527-6900
Walker, Charlie L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1639408362
License No: A121786
Family Practice1
(209) 527-6900
0392 095974
0392 090821
0392 017344
0392 150999
0392 017423
0392 107922
0392 212599
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1429 College Ave. # K
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1444 Florida Ave. # 202
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1552 Coffee Rd.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1600 Sunrise Ave. # 16
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
3109 Coffee Rd. # A
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1320 Celeste Dr.
Prov: Hindi,
Kannada, Punjabi,
Tamil, Telugu
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1320 Celeste Dr.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
44 /
AllCare IPA (392)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 579-9930 205 W. Granger Ave.
0392 024793
Ways, Susan C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1033287685
License No: G63946
(209) 577-5005
Yang, Scott T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1942358973
License No: A75073
(209) 544-7300
Yip, James Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1619929429
License No: G41324
(209) 521-4372
0392 018041
0392 142414
0392 018891
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
200 W. Coolidge Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
4120 Prescott Rd.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1552 Coffee Rd.
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Mandarin,
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Cantonese,
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
Canga, Manuel L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1194770941
License No: A46173
Internal Medicine1
Diep, Daniel T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1962454652
License No: A91505
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 862-2991 1248 Main St. # D
0392 502329
(209) 862-0270
0392 128508
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
637 Merced St.
Prov: Portuguese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
Arellano, Andres A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1306917430
License No: A51229
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 847-1596 1425 W. H St. # 380
0392 048600
Participating Physician Groups
Warwick Jr., John L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1730286865
License No: G69711
Family Practice1
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified / 45
AllCare IPA (392)
Basi, Upinder K., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1891782009
License No: A65829
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 847-0314 1425 W. H St. # 380
0392 071499
Blackhart, Bruce A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1700874286
License No: G65918
Family Practice1
(209) 848-1005
Cook, Mark D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1750379236
License No: A60965
Family Practice1
(209) 848-1005
Cordier, Jennifer R., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1063613354
License No: A104461
(209) 848-8133
Gelders, Albert H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1417945999
License No: A55384
Family Practice1
(209) 848-1005
Horwitz, Lee J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1922096411
License No: A76767
Family Practice1
(209) 848-1005
Madayag-Capuno, Elaine M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1134232119
License No: A63167
Internal Medicine1
(209) 847-2920
Mahida, Chaitanya N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1639189616
License No: A48275
Internal Medicine1
(209) 847-0314
0392 501451
0392 083124
0392 164107
0392 067123
0392 094436
0392 079485
0392 010616
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1425 W. H St. # 200
AllCare IPA2
Email: Data not available
1425 W. H St. # 200
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
250 S. Oak Ave. # A1
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1425 W. H St. # 200
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1425 W. H St. # 200
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
715 W. F St.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1425 W. H St. # 380
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
46 /
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Prov: Tagalog
AllCare IPA (392)
Olson, David A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1346252525
License No: G40340
Internal Medicine
Webb-Kummer, Gretchen G., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1356475347
License No: A94868
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 848-2273 232 W. F St.
0392 034662
(209) 848-1005
0392 139236
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1425 W.h St.
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 892-1300 1108 Ward Ave. Bldg. A # 1
0392 152558
Blythe, Diana K., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1669633624
License No: C128729
(209) 892-9100
Bonnett Alonso, Andre, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1477803468
License No: A122882
Family Practice1
(866) 682-4842
Golechha, Priti, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1639440704
License No: A121234
(866) 682-4842
Rodriguez, Jose M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1043228661
License No: G80303
Family Practice
(209) 892-9100
0392 203359
0392 189395
0392 187515
0392 064290
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1700 Keystone Pacific Pkwy. # B
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
200 C St.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(IB,E)
Email: Data not available
200 C St.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(IB,E)
Email: Data not available
1700 Keystone Pacific Pkwy. # B
Prov: Arabic,
Office 1 Staff:
Arabic, Spanish
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
French, Hindi,
Hmong (White),
Laotian, Mien, Sign
Language, Spanish,
Prov: Hindi, Marathi
Office 1 Staff:
French, Hindi,
Hmong (White),
Laotian, Mien, Sign
Language, Spanish,
Participating Physician Groups
Abdul Wahid, Ali A., N.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1679767925
License No: A106703
Family Practice
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified / 47
AllCare IPA (392)
Schorr, Michael S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1508922089
License No: G44829
Family Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 892-1400 101 N. Third St.
0392 039636
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,IB,E)
Email: Data not available
Halappa, Arundati, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1679547897
License No: A84222
Family Practice1
Lynch II, Robert L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1184644031
License No: A65277
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 863-3990 4150 Patterson Rd.
0392 144041
(209) 869-7400
0392 075917
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
2603 Patterson Rd. # 2
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
Arakelian, Ronald A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1770514515
License No: G41222
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 634-7283 920 Delbon Ave.
0392 039558
Baes, Dante M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1902089352
License No: A100977
(209) 667-0905
Baluyot, Myleen B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1033443916
License No: A109530
(209) 667-0905
Bhinder, Jagmohan S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1801908371
License No: A61992
(209) 669-1692
0392 151314
0392 158347
0392 065126
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1100 Delbon Ave.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,IB,E)
Email: Data not available
1100 Delbon Ave.
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Tagalog
Prov: Spanish,
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,IB,E)
Email: Data not available
1860 Colorado Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
48 /
AllCare IPA (392)
Escarcha, loraine, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1902847395
License No: A103282
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 634-7283 920 Delbon Ave.
0392 503628
(209) 667-0905
0392 222114
(209) 687-0905
0392 222114
Esho, Maryam, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1215000633
License No: G71783
(209) 668-6900
Goel, Krishan K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1710918065
License No: A31232
(209) 667-0905
Hamidi, Sara B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609045954
License No: A111686
Family Practice1
(209) 813-8913
Holm, Edward B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1891729265
License No: G27647
Internal Medicine1
(209) 634-7283
Howe, Donald V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1740343565
License No: G35155
Family Practice1
(209) 667-1630
0392 024798
0392 005935
0392 146512
0392 039650
0392 007596
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1100 Delbon Ave.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,IB,E)
Email: Data not available
1120 Delbon Ave.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1729 N. Olive Ave. # 7
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(EB,IB,E)
Email: Data not available
1100 Delbon Ave.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,IB,E)
Email: Data not available
1080 Delbon Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
920 Delbon Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1851 Colorado Ave.
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Punjabi,
Prov: Farsi, Turkish
Office 1 Staff:
Participating Physician Groups
Davenport, Mark W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1831129493
License No: G31689
Internal Medicine1
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified / 49
AllCare IPA (392)
Hundal, Nirbhai S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1083632079
License No: A67219
Internal Medicine1
Jimenez, Rafael E., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1225291768
License No: A114957
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 668-5454 1516 Colorado Ave.
0392 074704
(209) 667-0905
0392 166634
(209) 667-0905
0392 166634
Jothikumar, Puliadi R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1154429108
License No: A30333
Internal Medicine1
(209) 632-7558
Knapp, James C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033208145
License No: G80371
Family Practice1
(209) 668-4101
MacLaren Jr, James C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1497844575
License No: G48964
Family Practice1
(209) 668-4101
Morgan, Rachel C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1225369770
License No: A110587
(209) 667-2749
Pratt, Alisha N., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1730319906
License No: 20A11336
Family Practice
(209) 668-4101
0392 009367
0392 052881
0392 010537
0392 209948
0392 163116
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1100 Delbon Ave.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,IB,E)
Email: Data not available
1120 Delbon Ave.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1110 Delbon Ave.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
911 E. Tuolumne Rd.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
911 E. Tuolumne Rd.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1141 N. Olive Ave.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(IB,E)
Email: Data not available
911 E. Tuolumne Rd.
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Hindi
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Portuguese,
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
50 /
AllCare IPA (392)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 667-2694 1851 Colorado Ave.
0392 015109
Soria, Rafael R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1336147040
License No: A61735
Family Practice1
(209) 668-4101
Taha, Razan, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1558674655
License No: A124179
Family Practice1
(209) 667-2749
0392 570290
0392 193675
(209) 668-5388
0392 193675
Uytingco, Rufino M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1740372762
License No: A73254
Family Practice
(209) 668-4031
Winkler, R. Mark, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1780763631
License No: G60137
Family Practice1
(209) 669-3400
Zomalan, Noel M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1225240906
License No: A96546
Family Practice1
(209) 634-9461
0392 095739
0392 018522
0392 142528
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
911 E. Tuolumne Rd.
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1141 N. Olive Ave.
Prov: Portuguese
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Arabic
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(IB,E)
Email: Data not available
1200 W. Main St.
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1145 Geer Rd. # A
Prov: Tagalog
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
1000 Delbon Ave. # 4
Prov: Spanish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
2161 Colorado Ave. # A
Prov: Farsi, Turkish
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
Participating Physician Groups
Schellinck, Edward M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1487614137
License No: A25633
Family Practice
Endress, Don M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1588664684
License No: A53357
General Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 874-2345 12700 Welch St.
0392 064286
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Email: Data not available
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified / 51
AllCare IPA (392)
Phone/Enrollment ID #
Krishnamoorthi, Krishnamoorthi,
(209) 874-2321
Gender: Male
NPI: 1588762538
0392 081968
License No: A70897
Internal Medicine
Address/Group Name
324 F St.
Prov: Hindi, Spanish
Office 1 Staff: Hindi,
Punjabi, Spanish
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(P,EB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
Aitken, Colleen A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1811995293
License No: A68298
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(209) 894-3141 301 Howard Rd.
0392 087533
Office 1 Staff:
AllCare IPA
Accessibility:*: Limited(EB,IB,E)
Email: Data not available
Asian American Medical Group (3694)
Location/NPI/Staff Language(s)
445 Grant Ave Ste 300
San Francisco, CA 94108-3248
Group No./
License No
(415) 216-0088
Data not
Affiliated Hospitals
Chinese Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
San Francisco
Chan, Edward Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033155213
License No: G30772
Internal Medicine1
Chan, Kenneth D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1912091919
License No: G42953
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 989-3390 728 Pacific Ave. # 504
3694 021665
(415) 221-6713
3694 028582
(415) 982-6691
3694 028582
Chan, Kwok L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1063413714
License No: G29657
Internal Medicine1
(415) 752-0337
3694 502586
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
3838 California St. # 612B
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
789 Vallejo St.
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
2250 Hayes St. # 502
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Tagalog
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
Hospital Accreditation: TJC = The Joint Commission
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
52 /
Asian American Medical Group (3694)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 956-6633 929 Clay St. # 303
3694 107835
Chan, Shu-Wing, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1497828586
License No: A30175
Internal Medicine1
(415) 956-6633
Chan, Vivian W., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1891791877
License No: A74856
Family Practice1
(415) 759-3777
3694 036433
3694 092584
(415) 677-2388
3694 092584
Chang, Kenneth H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1609832724
License No: A55424
Internal Medicine1
(415) 421-4525
Chao, Lawrence L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1700896370
License No: A55511
Internal Medicine1
(415) 333-3302
Chin, Arthur S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1659462299
License No: G51654
Internal Medicine1
(415) 982-2292
Chu, Paul T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1215965355
License No: A42212
Family Practice
(415) 788-3370
3694 072552
3694 570643
3694 531710
3694 036420
Prov: Cantonese,
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 303
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
1431 Noriega St.
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
1800 31st Ave.
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 402
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
2645 Ocean Ave. # 207
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
770 Stockton St.
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 405
Prov: Cantonese
Office 2 Staff:
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese
Participating Physician Groups
Chan, Mai-Sie F., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1326136557
License No: A83362
Internal Medicine1
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 53
Asian American Medical Group (3694)
San Francisco
Chung, Crawford K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1861597932
License No: A30305
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 831-9788 3838 California St. # 508
3694 024713
(415) 956-8352
3694 024713
Chung, William S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1831204486
License No: A51482
Internal Medicine1
(415) 986-2239
Fong, Hanlon J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1184607970
License No: G32167
Internal Medicine1
(415) 441-6120
Fong, Towie, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1982782355
License No: G27352
Internal Medicine1
(415) 398-6624
Fu, Qingquan, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1578673620
License No: C53780
Internal Medicine1
(415) 312-9094
Fung, Gregory, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1700970795
License No: G41709
Internal Medicine1
(415) 362-3336
3694 052043
3694 005169
3694 116736
3694 159076
3694 005468
(415) 982-6691
3694 005468
Ho, Gustin M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1437189966
License No: A49169
Internal Medicine1
(415) 982-4100
3694 049463
(415) 982-4100
3694 049463
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
835 Jackson St. # 319
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 507
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
2000 Van Ness Ave. # 605
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
818 Jackson St. # 301
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese
Prov: Cantonese,
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
818 Jackson St. # 202
Prov: Cantonese
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
450 Sutter St. # 1203
Prov: Cantonese
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
789 Vallejo St.
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
1842 Noriega St.
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 401
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
54 /
Prov: Mandarin
Prov: Cantonese,
Asian American Medical Group (3694)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 337-6135 2858 San Bruno Ave.
3694 051856
Hoang, Tuan A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1528153350
License No: A35049
General Practice
(415) 397-5660
Jew, Jerome N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1235143702
License No: G74351
General Practice
(415) 982-4011
Khong, Doan M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1336238310
License No: A36911
Internal Medicine
(415) 441-4424
Khoo, Karen, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1629031430
License No: G64432
Internal Medicine1
(415) 221-3200
Ko, Edward K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1841364841
License No: A61149
Internal Medicine1
(415) 956-9823
Kuo, Su-Mui, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1477642510
License No: A36124
(415) 393-6500
3694 036778
3694 036662
3694 029141
3694 520763
3694 067039
3694 009400
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
890 Jackson St. # 203
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Vietnamese
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
919 Clay St.
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
324 Leavenworth St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
4322 Geary Blvd.
Prov: Cantonese
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
818 Jackson St. # 101
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 406
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Participating Physician Groups
Ho, Sai-Sun, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1710952957
License No: G66825
Internal Medicine
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 55
Asian American Medical Group (3694)
San Francisco
Kwan, Chuk W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1336101500
License No: G32238
Internal Medicine
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 398-5926 3838 California St. # 514
3694 009431
(415) 398-5926
3694 009431
(415) 398-5926
3694 009431
Lai, John O., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1457398406
License No: G78359
Internal Medicine1
(415) 821-3304
Law, Lisa S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1518030543
License No: A61395
Internal Medicine1
(415) 986-0606
Lee, Carol K., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1063504298
License No: G62717
(415) 566-7556
Lee, Simon K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1275532145
License No: G83169
Internal Medicine1
(415) 837-0888
Lee, Stephen K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1053327288
License No: A52913
Internal Medicine
(415) 566-3808
Leung, Martin C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1831190537
License No: G39648
Family Practice
(415) 337-9362
3694 051536
3694 073584
3694 009736
3694 069801
3694 075802
3694 036766
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 108
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 600
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 606
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 302
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
1518 Noriega St. # 200
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
950 Stockton St. # 202
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
1044 Taraval St.
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
598 Bosworth St. # 2
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
56 /
Prov: Cantonese,
Spanish, Tagalog
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Asian American Medical Group (3694)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 556-8799 1842 Noriega St.
3694 010056
(415) 989-0088
3694 010056
Liau, Berty P., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1013920966
License No: G70626
(415) 751-1411
Lim, Eric G., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1427130723
License No: G81428
Internal Medicine
(415) 643-6557
Lin, Dong, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1922190719
License No: A66766
(415) 399-9646
Lin, Kao-Hong, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1316026248
License No: G36380
(415) 982-5858
Ling, Kok-Tong, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1164400263
License No: A45478
Internal Medicine1
(415) 433-7761
Low, Randall, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1255368726
License No: G32525
Internal Medicine1
(415) 956-8339
Ma, Wai-Man T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1407960446
License No: C40579
Family Practice
(415) 397-3888
3694 522155
3694 560172
3694 092582
3694 023771
3694 045746
3694 036422
3694 520767
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
950 Stockton St. # 205
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
402 Eighth Ave. # 202
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
1640 Valencia St. # 202
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
950 Stockton St. # 207
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 403
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
450 Sutter St. # 935
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 501
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 611
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese
Participating Physician Groups
Li, Raymond K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1487747770
License No: A23944
Prov: Cantonese,
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 57
Asian American Medical Group (3694)
San Francisco
Pun, Kin-Kee, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033127519
License No: A50479
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 421-8999 950 Stockton St. # 375
3694 013628
Quock, Justin P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1699792663
License No: A55916
Internal Medicine1
(415) 398-5100
Quock, Winchell W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1255360780
License No: G28410
(415) 751-1411
Shen, Rong, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1215016175
License No: A81146
Family Practice1
(415) 596-3211
Tan, Ho Tsuan, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1285737692
License No: A32071
Family Practice
(415) 781-8881
Tang, John S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1902916257
License No: G34756
Family Practice
(415) 781-2598
Wan, Benjamin N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1942353032
License No: A92050
(415) 665-6100
Wang, Fusheng, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1528050606
License No: A60824
Internal Medicine1
(415) 982-9688
3694 075868
3694 013693
3694 103006
3694 036658
3694 028610
3694 141966
3694 087043
Asian American Medical Group3
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 201
Prov: Cantonese
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
402 Eighth Ave. # 202
Prov: Cantonese
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 606
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
890 Jackson St. # 202
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Burmese,
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 300
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
595 Buckingham Way # 500
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
890 Jackson St. # 303
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Physician is currently not available through this physician group.
58 /
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Mandarin
Asian American Medical Group (3694)
San Francisco
Wong, Kelly K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1699865741
License No: A65226
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 387-1534 3838 California St. # 310
3694 520775
(415) 566-1734
3694 076862
(415) 805-7782
3694 076862
Wong, Melissa C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1578727756
License No: A110373
Family Practice1
(415) 566-8799
3694 169125
(415) 989-0088
3694 169125
Wu, Derrina L., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1659387892
License No: G80622
Internal Medicine1
(415) 566-3808
Wu, John H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1619099272
License No: A29670
Internal Medicine
(415) 981-0303
Ye, Maian, D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1912198110
License No: 20A10714
Internal Medicine1
(415) 361-5086
Yong, Caroline, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1255303277
License No: G63994
(415) 587-8932
3694 081842
3694 036785
3694 158422
3694 530469
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
595 Buckingham Way # 314
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 703
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
1842 Noriega St.
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
950 Stockton St. # 205
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
1044 Taraval St.
Asian American Medical Group2
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 403
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 302
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
2645 Ocean Ave. # 104
Prov: Cantonese
Prov: Cantonese
Prov: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish
Prov: Burmese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Participating Physician Groups
Wong, Alvin D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1568443307
License No: G60945
Internal Medicine
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 59
Asian American Medical Group (3694)
San Francisco
Yu, Hans, D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1811089303
License No: 20A6048
Internal Medicine
Zheng, Weiwen, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1023059201
License No: A92238
Family Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 759-3777 1431 Noriega St. # 2
3694 530872
(415) 398-2698
3694 127825
Prov: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
950 Stockton St. # 328
Asian American Medical Group
Email: Data not available
Prov: Cantonese,
Office 1 Staff:
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
Location/NPI/Staff Language(s)
Group No./
License No
(800) 445-5747
Data not
2409 Camino Ramon
San Ramon, CA 94583-4285
Urgent Care Hours:
***This is for San Francisco Mbrs only***
UCSF Screening & Acute Care Amb Care Ctr
Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Sat/Hol 8am-4pm
Pediatrics (415)353-2602 Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm Sat/Hol 8am-4pm
Affiliated Hospitals
Chinese Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Saint Francis Memorial Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Seton Medical Center
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
St Mary's Medical Center
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
UCSF Medical Center
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
San Francisco
Aceves-Casillas, Pedro, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1144252396
License No: A95197
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 750-5995 2250 Hayes St. # 504
0280 133827
Allison, Charles P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1376541060
License No: C33715
Internal Medicine1
(415) 752-0100
Arretz, Desiree S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1760409197
License No: A53241
Internal Medicine1
(415) 641-6996
0280 032315
0280 051854
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1 Shrader St. # 640
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 506
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
Hospital Accreditation: TJC = The Joint Commission
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
60 /
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Italian,
Office 1 Staff:
French, Spanish
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 440-0612 2299 Post St. # 203
0280 083418
Aubry, Wade M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1447265814
License No: G37637
Internal Medicine1
(415) 771-4366
Bellamy, Amber Y., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1144481755
License No: A61910
Family Practice1
(415) 452-2000
Bibal, Xylona R., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1699112169
License No: A134695
Internal Medicine1
(415) 752-0100
Bonilla, Luis A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1629019708
License No: A44911
General Practice
(415) 285-7940
Boykoff, Alla, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1629167747
License No: A56315
Internal Medicine1
(415) 447-0922
Bricca, Carl E., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1114925385
License No: 20A5403
Internal Medicine1
(415) 752-0100
Bukov, Konstantin D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1801044961
License No: A116876
Family Practice1
(415) 440-6800
0280 053591
0280 069638
0280 216634
0280 032110
0280 093732
0280 036294
0280 193398
Prov: Russian
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 125
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2325 Ocean Ave.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1 Shrader St. # 640
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 803B
Prov: Spanish
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2299 Post St. # 303
Prov: Russian
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1 Shrader St. # 640
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 415
Participating Physician Groups
Arzumanova, Karina G., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1437216090
License No: A70022
Internal Medicine
Prov: Bulgarian
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 61
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Caluag, Jeaniesar B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1720246705
License No: A108220
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 752-0100 1 Shrader St. # 640
0280 157084
Carsolin-Chang, Cynthia M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1235160409
License No: A48831
Internal Medicine
(415) 642-5881
Carter, Patrick F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1710080098
License No: A34035
Internal Medicine
(415) 587-2440
Chan, Ka K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1356453815
License No: A50447
Internal Medicine1
(415) 921-8210
Chan, Kwok L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1063413714
License No: G29657
Internal Medicine1
(415) 752-0337
Chao, Lawrence L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1700896370
License No: A55511
Internal Medicine1
(415) 333-3302
Chase, Michael C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1457423105
License No: G25829
Internal Medicine1
(415) 558-8200
Chien, Michelle, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1699032581
License No: A128849
(415) 566-7556
Board Certified
62 /
0280 036337
0280 032079
0280 028630
0280 502586
0280 570643
0280 037307
0280 216993
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 807
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2645 Ocean Ave. # 205
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1199 Bush St. # 400
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2250 Hayes St. # 502
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2645 Ocean Ave. # 207
Prov: Tagalog
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: Italian,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Tagalog
Prov: Cantonese,
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
45 Castro St. # 138
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1518 Noriega St. # 200
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Prov: Mandarin
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 641-6996 1580 Valencia St. # 701
0280 047795
Chung, Crawford K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1861597932
License No: A30305
Internal Medicine1
(415) 831-9788
Clothier, John L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1750431250
License No: G81579
Family Practice1
(415) 947-3096
Cohen, Meyer D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1023020252
License No: G11265
Internal Medicine1
(415) 441-6669
David, Romeo C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1164463386
License No: A53612
Family Practice
(415) 824-6400
Do, Jennifer H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1992853766
License No: A95341
(415) 641-6996
Dolkar, Yangchen, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1467640433
License No: A127458
Internal Medicine1
(415) 641-6996
Eng, Anderson, D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1831528363
License No: 20A13400
Internal Medicine
(415) 677-2388
0280 024713
0280 067221
0280 053462
0280 102320
0280 131166
0280 207387
0280 221042
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
3838 California St. # 508
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
24 Willie Mays Plaza
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Mandarin
Prov: Spanish
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 505
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2480 Mission St. # 216
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 701
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 506
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1800 31st Ave.
Prov: Ilocano,
Spanish, Tagalog
Prov: Vietnamese
Office 1 Staff:
French, Spanish
Participating Physician Groups
Chu, Kevin B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1356367791
License No: G51530
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 63
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Fernandez, Mary Ann S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1740277995
License No: A48115
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 242-5433 595 Buckingham Way # 430
0280 019164
Flaherty, Maureen E., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1366582637
License No: G55689
Family Practice1
(415) 578-3100
Fong, Justin P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1841346608
License No: G57883
Internal Medicine1
(415) 452-3155
Fu, Qingquan, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1578673620
License No: C53780
Internal Medicine1
(415) 312-9094
Fung, Gregory, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1700970795
License No: G41709
Internal Medicine1
(415) 362-3336
Goh, Winston L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1992930242
License No: A110090
Family Practice1
(415) 677-2388
Gores, Guido J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1528073996
License No: G61254
Internal Medicine1
(415) 771-4366
Gould, Meghan D., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1790009132
License No: A115658
(415) 668-0888
Board Certified
64 /
0280 028609
0280 023993
0280 159076
0280 005468
0280 163626
0280 053482
0280 187530
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2 Embarcadero Ctr. Lbby Level
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: French,
Spanish, Tagalog
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
3060 19th Ave.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
818 Jackson St. # 202
Prov: Cantonese
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
450 Sutter St. # 1203
Prov: Cantonese
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
888 Paris St. # 202
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 125
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
3641 California St.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Prov: Cantonese,
Office 1 Staff:
Mandarin, Tagalog
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 474-7955 2299 Post St. # 205
0280 069632
Haman, Aissatou, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1841585700
License No: A115745
Internal Medicine
(415) 742-5328
Hansen, James P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1720198203
License No: A41832
Internal Medicine1
(415) 563-2030
Hilbert, Diana L., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1386642551
License No: G79073
Internal Medicine1
(415) 752-0100
Ho, Gustin M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1437189966
License No: A49169
Internal Medicine1
(415) 982-4100
Ho, Sai-Sun, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1710952957
License No: G66825
Internal Medicine
(415) 337-6135
Huang, Scott L., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1225186257
License No: 20A9056
Family Practice1
(415) 677-2488
0280 171575
0280 036348
0280 048043
0280 049463
0280 051856
0280 144778
(415) 677-2488
0280 144778
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Accessibility:*: Basic(P,EB,IB,R,E)
Email: Data not available
1 Shrader St. # 570
Prov: Russian,
Prov: French
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2001 Union St. # 400
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
1 Shrader St. # 640
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 401
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2858 San Bruno Ave.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1800 31st Ave.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
888 Paris St. # 202
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Mandarin
Office 1 Staff:
Office 2 Staff:
Mandarin, Tagalog
Participating Physician Groups
Greenberg, James Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1497859433
License No: A55519
Internal Medicine1
*Accessibility: P=Parking, EB=Exterior Building, IB =Interior Building, R=Restroom, E=Exam Room, PD=Patient Diagnostic and
Treatment Use, PA=Patient Areas and T = Exam Table/Scale. Health Net cannot promise that every doctor will always have the
access that you may need for a disability. You should call the doctor’s office to talk about your access needs for your disability.
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 65
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Huberman, Sara B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1932401684
License No: A114540
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 593-1134 3490 California St. # 203
0280 190635
Huie, Victor, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1437181617
License No: A43749
Internal Medicine1
(415) 677-2488
Jew, Jerome N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1235143702
License No: G74351
Internal Medicine1
(415) 982-4011
Kealey, Kris C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1144243361
License No: G75586
Internal Medicine1
(415) 750-5995
Kermani, Maryam, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1548454283
License No: A100741
Family Practice1
(415) 578-3100
Khidekel, Irina, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1205928348
License No: A51703
(415) 752-0277
Khong, Doan M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1336238310
License No: A36911
Internal Medicine
(415) 441-4424
Ko, Edward K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1841364841
License No: A61149
Internal Medicine1
(415) 956-9823
Board Certified
66 /
0280 068118
0280 036662
0280 058613
0280 151814
0280 049413
0280 029141
0280 067039
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
888 Paris St. # 202
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
919 Clay St.
Prov: Burmese,
Office 1 Staff:
Mandarin, Tagalog
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2250 Hayes St. # 302
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Prov: Arabic, Hindi,
2 Embarcadero Ctr. Lbby Level
Spanish, Urdu
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
3635 California St.
Prov: Russian
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
324 Leavenworth St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
818 Jackson St. # 101
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Prov: Cantonese,
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 673-7600 1375 Sutter St. # 222
0280 094756
Kuo, Su-Mui, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1477642510
License No: A36124
(415) 393-6500
Kwan, Chuk W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1336101500
License No: G32238
Internal Medicine
(415) 398-5926
0280 009400
0280 009431
(415) 398-5926
0280 009431
Lai, John O., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1457398406
License No: G78359
Internal Medicine1
(415) 821-3304
Lam, Diana, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1659455251
License No: G45411
Internal Medicine1
(415) 664-9183
Lee, Simon K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1275532145
License No: G83169
Internal Medicine1
(415) 837-0888
Leykina, Diana Y., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1932355310
License No: A104868
Family Practice
(415) 928-0134
0280 051536
0280 037302
0280 069801
0280 155160
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 406
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 108
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 600
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 606
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1199 Bush St. # 560
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
950 Stockton St. # 202
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2299 Post St. # 305
Prov: Cantonese,
Spanish, Tagalog
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Participating Physician Groups
Kong, Sheena X., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1790862993
License No: A75253
Internal Medicine1
Prov: Russian,
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 67
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Liau, Berty P., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1013920966
License No: G70626
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 751-1411 402 Eighth Ave. # 202
0280 522155
Lim, Eric G., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1427130723
License No: G81428
Internal Medicine
(415) 643-6557
Lin, Kao-Hong, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1316026248
License No: G36380
(415) 982-5858
Long, Roger K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1285641449
License No: A74233
(415) 353-2813
Low, Randall, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1255368726
License No: G32525
Internal Medicine1
(415) 956-8339
Lyapis, Victor, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1760407936
License No: A54424
General Practice
(415) 771-4072
Makely, Karen C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1952459604
License No: A62249
(415) 641-6996
Malin, Frank R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1417964925
License No: C36387
Internal Medicine1
(415) 771-4366
0280 560172
0280 023771
0280 138952
0280 036422
0280 096194
0280 135134
0280 053495
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 111
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 403
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: Cantonese,
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
400 Parnassus Ave. 2nd Fl.
Prov: Spanish
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 501
Prov: Cantonese
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
2320 Sutter St. # 101
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 701
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 125
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
68 /
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Russian
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 292-3313 909 Hyde St. # 210
0280 066485
Maybury, Kenneth B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1295733459
License No: G77043
Internal Medicine1
(415) 422-0998
Melo, Michelle A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1922356807
License No: A117283
Family Practice
(415) 593-1134
Mills, Kenneth J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1023016292
License No: G27664
Internal Medicine1
(415) 752-0100
Moretti, Leslie C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1780866038
License No: G15299
Internal Medicine
(650) 992-8500
Murphy Jr, Gerald F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1376562462
License No: G73497
Internal Medicine1
(415) 750-0182
Nadella, Ganga D., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1700119823
License No: A107550
Family Practice
(415) 578-3100
Nudel, Bella I., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1598763138
License No: A44416
General Practice
(415) 928-2110
0280 053994
0280 196637
0280 036387
0280 011814
0280 053505
0280 164493
0280 049659
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1 Shrader St. # 570
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
3490 California St. # 203
Prov: French,
Russian, Spanish
Prov: Portuguese
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1 Shrader St. # 640
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 809
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2250 Hayes St. # 203
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2 Embarcadero Ctr. Lbby Level
Prov: Telugu
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2320 Sutter St. # 101
Prov: Russian
Participating Physician Groups
Malone, J. David, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1952404253
License No: C43355
Internal Medicine
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 69
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Olowoyeye, Olayinka A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1902122237
License No: A123359
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 529-4050 2410 California St.
0280 195742
Oltmann, Stephanie, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1760631063
License No: A117453
Family Practice1
(415) 750-5995
Ozaeta, Lee, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1073690277
License No: A95864
Family Practice1
(415) 292-3700
Pierce, John W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1134232887
License No: G45225
Internal Medicine1
(415) 826-2438
Pun, Kin-Kee, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033127519
License No: A50479
Internal Medicine1
(415) 476-5545
0280 182690
0280 187045
0280 036330
0280 013628
(415) 421-8999
0280 013628
Quock, Justin P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1699792663
License No: A55916
Internal Medicine1
(415) 398-5100
Quock, Winchell W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1255360780
License No: G28410
(415) 751-1411
Board Certified
70 /
0280 075868
0280 013693
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2250 Hayes St. # 504
Prov: German
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1199 Bush St. # 400
Prov: Tagalog
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2480 Mission St. # 329
Prov: Spanish
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
3838 California St. # 816
Prov: Cantonese,
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
950 Stockton St. # 375
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
929 Clay St. # 201
Prov: Cantonese
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
402 Eighth Ave. # 202
Prov: Cantonese
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 600-4040 3801 Sacramento St. # 432
0280 013769
Rider, Dean L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1487759296
License No: G40124
Internal Medicine1
(415) 566-5402
Roy, Monika, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1972770626
License No: A125129
Internal Medicine
(415) 476-9363
Ruiz, Jaime A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1073695094
License No: G80442
(415) 552-3870
0280 036547
0280 210684
0280 091481
(415) 406-1535
0280 091481
Samsonov, Maria E., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1598737025
License No: A91227
Internal Medicine1
(415) 771-4366
Sanders, Catherine A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1366714925
License No: A43485
General Practice
(415) 821-1427
Savage, Jim Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1891813416
License No: G65257
Internal Medicine
(415) 981-1102
0280 145174
0280 023169
0280 036357
Prov: French,
German, Yiddish
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
350 Parnassus Ave. # 900
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
513 Parnassus Ave. # S-380
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
240 Shotwell St.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
4434 Mission St.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 125
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1101 Capp St.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
490 Post St. # 225
Prov: Russian,
Prov: Spanish
Participating Physician Groups
Ramer, Cyril M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1710067236
License No: G14293
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 71
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Savant, Mark J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1386732352
License No: A60055
Internal Medicine
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 387-8031 1 Shrader St. # 550
0280 080073
Schrader, Michael C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1225140742
License No: G77672
Internal Medicine1
(415) 921-8210
Schwartz, Lee A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1356457857
License No: G26960
Internal Medicine
(650) 992-8500
Shen, Dennis D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1316049190
License No: A40994
Internal Medicine
(415) 292-3313
Shibata, Michiko, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1629268867
License No: A100227
(415) 752-0277
Shu, David P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1285675355
License No: A94470
Internal Medicine1
(415) 452-1200
Soto, Rodolfo C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1962426429
License No: A39535
Internal Medicine1
(415) 933-9100
Sverdlov, Dina, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1164697728
License No: A70283
Internal Medicine1
(415) 353-5714
0280 046229
0280 015300
0280 037909
0280 141277
0280 134073
0280 024265
0280 076861
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2300 Sutter St. # 301
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 809
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 210
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
3635 California St.
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Japanese,
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2645 Ocean Ave. # 303
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2250 Hayes St. # 204
Prov: Tagalog
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
2211 Post St. # 203
Prov: Russian
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
72 /
Prov: French,
Italian, Spanish
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 346-4199 2299 Post St. # 203
0280 105082
Treece, Michael S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1437179744
License No: A55157
(415) 641-6996
Tsang, Ming L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1497855159
License No: A96539
Internal Medicine1
(415) 474-2162
Umekubo, John I., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1093823858
License No: G37604
Internal Medicine
(415) 931-5182
Usman, Romana, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1538200852
License No: A53625
Internal Medicine
(415) 292-3313
Wang, Andrew M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1558467787
License No: A43341
Internal Medicine1
(415) 771-4366
Wang, Andrew, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1164439675
License No: A66792
Internal Medicine1
(415) 345-1246
0280 109404
0280 136127
0280 036349
0280 053518
0280 022963
0280 152238
(415) 771-4366
0280 152238
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1580 Valencia St. # 701
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 505
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1674 Post St. # 3
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 210
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 125
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
815 Hyde St. # 300
Prov: Russian
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Japanese
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Prov: Mandarin
Participating Physician Groups
Svidler, Inessa, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1215955919
License No: A56364
General Practice
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 125
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Physician is currently not available through this physician group. / 73
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Wang, Fusheng, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1528050606
License No: A60824
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 982-9688 890 Jackson St. # 303
0280 087043
Ward, Richard B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1407938731
License No: G61934
Internal Medicine1
(415) 885-4971
Weber, Robert W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265505291
License No: G72551
Internal Medicine1
(415) 337-2121
Whetstone, Sara, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1528396223
License No: A116664
(415) 885-7807
Wong, Kelly K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1699865741
License No: A65226
(415) 566-1734
0280 053493
0280 079426
0280 195751
0280 076862
(415) 805-7782
0280 076862
Wong, Melissa C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1578727756
License No: A110373
Family Practice1
(415) 566-8799
0280 169125
(415) 989-0088
0280 169125
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 317
Prov: Spanish
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2645 Ocean Ave. # 305
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
2356 Sutter St., 6th Fl.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
595 Buckingham Way # 314
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 703
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
1842 Noriega St.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
950 Stockton St. # 205
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Physician is currently not available through this physician group.
74 /
Prov: Mandarin
Prov: Cantonese
Prov: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco (280)
San Francisco
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(415) 337-2121 2645 Ocean Ave. # 305
0280 024778
Yan, James K., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1588683890
License No: A6238
Internal Medicine1
(415) 781-1818
Yelding-Sloan, Ellie, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1144461237
License No: A106435
Internal Medicine1
(415) 440-4800
Yong, Caroline, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1255303277
License No: G63994
(415) 587-8932
Yoss, James D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1932107109
License No: G61346
Internal Medicine1
(415) 752-0100
Zheng, Weiwen, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1023059201
License No: A92238
Family Practice
(415) 398-2698
0280 060687
0280 155418
0280 530469
0280 036344
0280 127825
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San
Email: Data not available
728 Pacific Ave. # 305
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
909 Hyde St. # 317
Prov: Cantonese
Prov: French
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
2645 Ocean Ave. # 104
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
1 Shrader St. # 640
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
950 Stockton St. # 328
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco
Email: Data not available
Prov: Cantonese,
Office 1 Staff:
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
Location/NPI/Staff Language(s)
Group No./
License No
(408) 937-3600
Data not
75 E Santa Clara Street Suite 950
San Jose, CA 95113-1848
Urgent Care
Alexian Extended Care Med Ctr (408)251-9100
First Health Clinic Urgent Care (408)929-5505
De Paul Urgent Care Ctr (408)782-1216
NGA Van Pham MD Urgent Care (408)532-0105
Affiliated Hospitals
Participating Physician Groups
Yamamoto, Kenneth S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1467545368
License No: G31340
Internal Medicine1
El Camino Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Good Samaritan Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: None
O'Connor Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Regional Medical Center of San Jose
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Hospital Accreditation: TJC = The Joint Commission
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 75
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
Hsu, Thomas T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1134153372
License No: A41255
Internal Medicine1
Young, Gabriel J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1811084114
License No: A42629
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 446-5353 20395 Pacifica Dr. # 104
0272 033255
(408) 366-0600
0272 046043
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
10011 N. Foothill Blvd. # 105
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Ahmed, Natasha, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1174781165
License No: A106365
Internal Medicine
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 842-5190 700 W. Sixth St. # 1
0272 190065
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Los Altos
Rad, Molly F., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1902839152
License No: A53648
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(650) 864-0000 763 Altos Oaks Dr.
0272 075526
Prov: Farsi
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Los Gatos
Mungekar, Swati H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1629155064
License No: A92804
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 358-3685 15899 Los Gatos-Almaden Rd. # 9
0272 137408
Ramachandran, Deepa, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1356561930
License No: C55010
Family Practice1
(408) 335-7640
Yam, Marina, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1538107636
License No: A56482
(408) 376-3666
Board Certified
76 /
0272 186082
0272 069307
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
15195 National Ave. # 205
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
825 Pollard Rd. # 109
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Prov: Hindi, Marathi
Prov: French, Hindi,
Prov: Russian
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 272-0348 882 N. Hillview Dr.
0272 034583
Hoang, Thuy T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1366445413
License No: G77533
Internal Medicine1
(408) 238-7390
Huynh, Thuy N., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1982711495
License No: G73028
Internal Medicine1
(408) 262-9992
Jain, Ashit, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1154344919
License No: A50605
Internal Medicine1
(408) 942-0980
Jignas, Negandhi, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1780918078
License No: A120079
(408) 649-6451
Lim, Perry F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033134465
License No: A53996
(408) 929-2276
Malhotra, Neema B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1922061183
License No: A35561
(408) 945-0300
Martinez, Daniel B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1740200989
License No: A32868
General Practice
(408) 262-5223
0272 065200
0272 047646
0272 038343
0272 221946
0272 080023
0272 036338
0272 045792
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
429 S. Main St.
Prov: Tagalog
Prov: Korean,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1189 E. Calaveras Blvd.
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
500 E. Calaveras Blvd. # 100
Prov: Hindi
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
500 E. Calaveras Blvd. # 130
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Marathi
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
991 Montague Expy. # 206
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1113 S. Park Victoria Dr.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
854 N. Hillview Dr.
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Participating Physician Groups
Abellera, Nilda Agnes A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609863638
License No: A35884
Prov: Spanish
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 77
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
Nguyen, Trang D., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1053324459
License No: G77716
Internal Medicine
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 263-9936 246 Ranch Dr.
0272 092243
Thukral, Vijay K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1760593644
License No: A42307
Internal Medicine
(408) 258-7400
Tran, Toan Q., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1588683031
License No: A72332
Internal Medicine
(408) 956-9096
Tran, Tuan A., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1366467102
License No: 20A11925
Family Practice
(408) 263-6207
Truong, Tim B., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1760660625
License No: 20A10857
(408) 684-3355
Vecchi, Nicole T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1407882863
License No: G83561
Internal Medicine1
(408) 935-9586
Zheng, Hui, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1912011768
License No: A89873
Family Practice1
(408) 942-0980
0272 021658
0272 080056
0272 172192
0272 154805
0272 052446
0272 133355
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
995 Montague Expy. # 213
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1776 N. Milpitas Blvd.
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
629 S. Main St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
466 E. Calaveras Blvd. # C
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
429 S. Main St.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
500 E. Calaveras Blvd. # 100
Prov: French,
Prov: Burmese,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Morgan Hill
Khan, Mazhar A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1457361578
License No: A49590
Board Certified
78 /
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 779-4188 18550 De Paul Dr. # 205
0272 025295
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Prov: Hindi, Telugu,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
Morgan Hill
Shah, Devang S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1942288956
License No: A84371
Internal Medicine1
Shah, Nimisha H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1932187945
License No: A84372
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 776-3900 18550 De Paul Dr. # 101
0272 106168
(408) 776-3900
0272 105920
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
18550 De Paul Dr. # 101
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Spanish
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Marathi
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Mountain View
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(650) 966-1448 515 South Dr. # 14
0272 033257
Madan, Ashima, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1346397536
License No: A44142
(650) 968-8891
Stein, Sima, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1427134832
License No: A55498
(650) 988-7681
0272 571006
0272 076923
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
525 South Dr. # 201
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2485 Hospital Dr. # 261
Prov: Hindi
Prov: Russian,
Spanish, Urdu,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
San Jose
Abalos-Galito, Marietta F., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1437277092
License No: A78499
Internal Medicine1
Adeeb, Fareeda, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1700880218
License No: A52996
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 258-7827 125 N. Jackson Ave. # 107
0272 130938
(408) 279-8798
0272 053941
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
275 O'Connor Dr. # B
Prov: Tagalog
Participating Physician Groups
Lin, Wen-Jung, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1245260090
License No: A42424
Prov: Hindi,
Kannada, Urdu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 79
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Ahmed, Natasha, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1174781165
License No: A106365
Internal Medicine
Ahmed, Sabi, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1760630461
License No: A105490
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 937-9000 200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 325
0272 190065
(408) 573-9686
0272 158418
(408) 573-9686
0272 158418
(408) 573-9686
0272 158418
(408) 937-9000
0272 158418
Aminova, Alla, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1699720706
License No: A63469
(408) 297-2929
Aravamuthan, Manjari, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1154410322
License No: A62078
Internal Medicine1
(855) 553-7272
0272 085145
0272 074392
(408) 929-6922
0272 074392
Asghar, Fayaz, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1164530325
License No: A41499
Internal Medicine
(408) 926-1202
Ayap, Heidi P., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1598876849
License No: A52631
(408) 347-8068
Board Certified
80 /
0272 034607
0272 092852
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 116
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 108
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1870 Lundy Ave.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 325
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2030 Forest Ave. # 110
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 220
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 230
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
135 N. Jackson Ave. # 203
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
115 N. Jackson Ave. # 101
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Prov: Hindi,
Mandarin, Spanish,
Prov: Russian,
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Prov: Farsi, Hindi,
Punjabi, Spanish,
Prov: Spanish,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 259-1250 155 N. Jackson Ave. # 101
0272 500758
Bhatt, Komal J., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1003824699
License No: A106059
Internal Medicine
(408) 258-5083
Bui, Hong H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1417944471
License No: A51168
Internal Medicine
(408) 270-9642
Bui, Rau V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1891808804
License No: A35749
Family Practice
(408) 298-6706
Bui, Viet-Hong D., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1407830185
License No: 20A7051
Family Practice1
(408) 295-9839
Burbano, Emiro, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1790752293
License No: A32671
Internal Medicine1
(408) 258-5864
Capulong, Fernando L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1659316065
License No: A40555
(408) 729-0701
Carrillo, Juan C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1124048301
License No: G57429
(408) 929-5439
0272 201934
0272 049421
0272 046030
0272 088390
0272 021268
0272 034596
0272 022418
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2110 McKee Rd.
Prov: Kannada,
Tamil, Telugu
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Marathi
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1661 Burdette Dr. # I
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
27 S. 13th St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
696 E. Santa Clara St. # 210
Prov: Vietnamese
Office 1 Staff:
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2112 McKee Rd. # B
Prov: Spanish
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
244 N. Jackson Ave. # 203
Prov: Tagalog
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2880 Story Rd. # A
Participating Physician Groups
Balakrishnan, Amaravathi, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1548292303
License No: A30274
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 81
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Cathey, Richard, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1750343323
License No: G70654
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 254-2107 1333 Piedmont Rd. # 101
0272 033270
Cepe, Joanabel S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1487755682
License No: A73498
Family Practice1
(408) 251-0835
Chau, Maggie S., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1568576445
License No: 20A6443
Internal Medicine1
(408) 923-8098
0272 087265
0272 075575
(408) 294-7179
0272 075575
Chen, Maggie W., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1649470683
License No: A113157
Internal Medicine1
(408) 729-7128
Cheng, Eddie M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1003999806
License No: C39372
Family Practice1
(408) 243-6911
Court, Sergio B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1164510756
License No: A31130
Internal Medicine1
(408) 294-1967
Cu, Joseph A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1598158222
License No: A50530
Internal Medicine
(408) 270-2107
Dam, Dinh X., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1518936616
License No: A77320
Internal Medicine1
(408) 923-8080
Board Certified
82 /
0272 189190
0272 156782
0272 051997
0272 028204
0272 099442
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 260
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 205
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
54 N. Bascom Ave.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2360 McKee Rd. # 10
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1060 Saratoga Ave.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
25 N. 14th St. # 870
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2680 S. White Rd. # 207
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 N. Jackson Ave. # C
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Tagalog
Prov: Mandarin,
Prov: Mandarin,
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: Norwegian,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 531-8572 1692 Tully Rd. # 10
0272 084164
Dang, Trach P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1215959796
License No: A51333
(408) 293-2188
Dao, Kim V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1639119886
License No: A50097
(408) 254-7400
Dawood, Nayyara S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1194744391
License No: A63743
(408) 279-8786
Do, Trang U., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1063442663
License No: A76681
Internal Medicine1
(408) 975-9800
Fishenfeld, Jaco, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1689639577
License No: A25575
Internal Medicine1
(408) 926-2200
Guanzon, Jose Maria G., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1134150881
License No: A46670
Internal Medicine1
(408) 272-3041
Guanzon, Teresita V., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1306877055
License No: A46671
Internal Medicine1
(408) 272-3041
0272 059655
0272 075574
0272 081995
0272 108958
0272 021644
0272 034588
0272 034605
Prov: Vietnamese
Office 1 Staff:
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2114 Senter Rd. # 24
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2360 McKee Rd. # 4
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
275 O'Connor Dr. # C
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2114 Senter Rd # 15
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
150 N. Jackson Ave. # 105
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2395 Montpelier Dr. # 4
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2395 Montpelier Dr. # 4
Prov: Hindi,
Spanish, Tamil,
Prov: Vietnamese
Prov: Portuguese,
Prov: Spanish,
Participating Physician Groups
Dang, Phuc C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1457316150
License No: A67799
Internal Medicine1
Prov: Spanish,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 83
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Ha, Linda M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1851328587
License No: A60284
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 270-3374 1569 Lexann Ave. # 232
0272 065210
Hashmi, Naeem U., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1417034083
License No: A76894
Internal Medicine
(408) 356-1111
Heredia, Veronica D., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1457538860
License No: A73219
(408) 289-8410
Hla, Tin T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1326098179
License No: A36657
Internal Medicine1
(408) 929-6088
Hoang, Thuy T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1366445413
License No: G77533
Internal Medicine1
(408) 238-7390
Huan, Eng H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265482020
License No: A36658
Internal Medicine1
(408) 929-6088
Hutchins, Mary Jane B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1134221583
License No: A50634
Internal Medicine
(408) 358-8998
Huynh, Chau M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265509723
License No: A42298
Internal Medicine1
(408) 272-8814
Board Certified
84 /
0272 146100
0272 127860
0272 021746
0272 065200
0272 021747
0272 032318
0272 032105
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2504 Samaritan Dr # 20
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2016 Forest Ave. # 7
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 430
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2593 S. King Rd. # 7
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 430
Prov: Vietnamese
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Burmese,
Prov: Korean,
Prov: Burmese,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
125 N. Jackson Ave. # 107
Prov: Tagalog
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1865 Alum Rock Ave. # B
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 270-4582 1661 Burdette Dr. # N
0272 049539
Huynh, Minh Q., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1063437309
License No: A41782
Internal Medicine1
(408) 998-3075
Jain, Ashit, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1154344919
License No: A50605
Internal Medicine1
(408) 272-1600
Javid, Athiya D., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1932183159
License No: A44727
Internal Medicine
(408) 729-8111
0272 034599
0272 038343
0272 035217
0272 035217
Javid, Yaminali M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1952465361
License No: A46602
(408) 251-6748
Kang, Dae-Wook, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1194741272
License No: G79486
Internal Medicine1
(408) 280-5500
Kapoor, Dhanu, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1942212758
License No: A80435
Family Practice1
(408) 241-2900
Kapoor, Naresh K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1659373413
License No: A35427
(408) 254-8280
0272 046045
0272 049071
0272 133829
0272 008525
Prov: French,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
57 N. 13th St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
175 N. Jackson Ave. # 103
Prov: Hindi
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 320
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 320
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2000 W Hedding St. # 10
Prov: Korean
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose3
Email: Data not available
2110 Forest Ave. # E
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
175 N. Jackson Ave. # 212
Prov: Hindi,
Kannada, Punjabi,
Spanish, Telugu
Participating Physician Groups
Huynh, Dat T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033298963
License No: A50071
Internal Medicine
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish, Urdu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently not available through this physician group. / 85
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Karupaiah, Sudha, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1316984800
License No: A85414
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 279-1400 65 N. 14th St.
0272 107161
Khay, Darith S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1295761609
License No: A67883
Family Practice
(408) 254-1500
Korsunsky, Alexander, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1427088236
License No: A53584
Internal Medicine1
(408) 517-0560
Krishnamshetty, Prasanna L., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1992760763
License No: A63379
(408) 258-4244
Le, Stephanie P., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1407190093
License No: 20A12311
Family Practice1
(408) 274-3881
Le, Tuan, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1982602710
License No: A49909
Internal Medicine
(408) 531-1555
Lee, Boo W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1750466728
License No: A38393
Internal Medicine1
(408) 977-1310
Board Certified
86 /
0272 075883
0272 053236
0272 110455
0272 195098
0272 055673
0272 021642
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 315
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
5150 Graves Ave. # 5B
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 435
Prov: Hindi,
Kannada, Tamil,
Prov: Russian,
Prov: Hindi,
Spanish, Telugu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1693 Flanigan Dr. # 100
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 122
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2040 Forest Ave. # 3
Prov: Korean
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 573-9686 1715 Lundy Ave. # 116
0272 047605
(408) 573-9686
0272 047605
(408) 573-9686
0272 047605
Lee, Raymond W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1053317818
License No: G44983
Internal Medicine1
(408) 923-3388
Liu, Lynn X., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1649388406
License No: A76737
Internal Medicine1
(408) 573-9686
0272 034696
0272 103432
(408) 573-9686
0272 103432
Lopez, Ricardo N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1972553048
License No: G74716
(408) 347-8144
Mai, Nhat V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1417023029
License No: A45584
Family Practice1
(408) 294-1990
Mandreza, Rosalinda A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1336197185
License No: C43151
Internal Medicine
(408) 274-2880
Manghnani, Rekha P., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609844026
License No: A87029
(408) 297-9949
0272 041585
0272 051758
0272 129763
0272 131467
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 108
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1870 Lundy Ave.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 245
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 108
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese
Prov: Cantonese,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 116
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2820 Alum Rock Ave. # 50
Prov: Spanish
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2641 Senter Rd.
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2593 S. King Rd. # 11
Prov: Tagalog
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2081 Forest Ave. # 1
Participating Physician Groups
Lee, June S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1124257480
License No: A50043
Prov: Russian,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 87
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Martinez, Daniel B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1740200989
License No: A32868
General Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 292-6006 1050 E. Santa Clara St.
0272 045792
Mirza, Muneeza, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1225198351
License No: C53344
(408) 947-5959
Mohammad, Shahida Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1255426565
License No: A51116
(408) 270-2103
Mohammad, Sophia, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1295049864
License No: A122219
Family Practice
(408) 270-2100
Myint, San-San, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609944933
License No: A51537
Internal Medicine
(408) 272-3580
Nacianceno, Sally E., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1720180094
License No: A29762
Internal Medicine
(408) 251-3364
Nguyen, Chau T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1285612028
License No: A34181
Internal Medicine
(408) 937-9000
Nguyen, Hai H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1326079997
License No: A34468
Family Practice
(408) 251-6127
Board Certified
88 /
0272 197357
0272 028002
0272 195187
0272 144977
0272 034852
0272 199840
0272 034698
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2030 Forest Ave. # 110
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2728 Aborn Rd.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2728 Aborn Rd.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
150 N. Jackson Ave. # 103
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Urdu
Prov: Hindi,
Spanish, Urdu
Prov: Burmese,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
175 N. Jackson Ave. # 110
Prov: Tagalog
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 325
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
210 N. Jackson Ave. # 20
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 531-8572 1692 Tully Rd. # 10
0272 083507
Nguyen, Jo A., M.D.
Gender: Female
License No: A122870
Family Practice
(408) 294-2868
Nguyen, Ngai X., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1205883501
License No: A39057
Internal Medicine1
(408) 971-8441
Nguyen, Peter L., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1558353060
License No: 20A7360
Family Practice
(408) 794-2088
Nguyen, Quynh-Queen A., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1598791352
License No: 20A8237
Family Practice
(408) 274-6944
Nguyen, Tam H., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1962520478
License No: 20A9636
Internal Medicine1
(408) 258-5083
Nguyen, Thinh V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1073759163
License No: C41885
Internal Medicine1
(408) 223-0505
Nguyen, Thuy T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1447362934
License No: A93782
Internal Medicine
(408) 791-6786
0272 217414
0272 034594
0272 081467
0272 129596
0272 151110
0272 036412
0272 135140
Prov: Vietnamese
Office 1 Staff:
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
652 E. Santa Clara St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
696 E. Santa Clara St. # 108
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
749 Story Rd. # 20
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1675 Burdette Dr. # 20
Prov: Vietnamese
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Spanish,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2110 McKee Rd.
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2470 Alvin Ave. # 70
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 395
Prov: Vietnamese
Participating Physician Groups
Nguyen, Hanh T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1730144437
License No: A68181
Internal Medicine1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 89
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Nguyen, Trung H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1245306794
License No: A37299
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 254-9192 280 N. Jackson Ave. # D
0272 034794
Nguyen, Tuan N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265530216
License No: A49096
Internal Medicine1
(408) 259-0737
Nguyen, Tung T., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1013982024
License No: 20A8238
Family Practice1
(408) 279-2988
Nguyen, Vinh Q., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1720086556
License No: G53256
Internal Medicine1
(408) 254-1794
Nguyen, Vu H., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1225063290
License No: 20A7979
Family Practice1
(408) 251-6127
Nigam, Pronoti, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1053390310
License No: C43125
(408) 238-8303
Ninh, Hung V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1558319335
License No: G49994
Internal Medicine1
(408) 531-9735
Board Certified
90 /
0272 046046
0272 100874
0272 034593
0272 103504
0272 052190
0272 049312
0272 049312
Prov: Spanish,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 380
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
621 Tully Rd. # A105
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 460
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
210 N. Jackson Ave. # 20
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
4205 San Felipe Rd. # 110
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1661 Burdette Dr. # E
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Prov: Hindi,
Prov: French,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 297-5959 2030 Forest Ave. # 110
0272 046792
(408) 297-5959
0272 046792
Padua, Rosemarie R., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1689629982
License No: A49652
(408) 297-5959
Palma, Rose D., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1033123922
License No: A29763
Internal Medicine
(408) 251-3364
Park, Byung-Gook, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1801996962
License No: A88228
Family Practice1
(408) 885-0807
Park, Kyung-Sook, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1649287152
License No: A36838
(408) 293-3333
Parra, Gustavo B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1912922840
License No: G80233
Family Practice1
(408) 254-5040
Parveen, Rafia, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1699793240
License No: A44705
Internal Medicine1
(408) 929-0234
Patel, Mandakini D., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1821072505
License No: A41030
(408) 729-1220
0272 053945
0272 034699
0272 127981
0272 034778
0272 064908
0272 034595
0272 036476
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2039 Forest Ave. # 304
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2039 Forest Ave. # 304
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
175 N. Jackson Ave. # 110
Prov: Tagalog
Prov: Tagalog
Prov: Spanish,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
100 O'connor Dr. # 11
Prov: Korean
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
3484 Stevens Creek Blvd. # D
Prov: Korean
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2820 Alum Rock Ave. # 10
Prov: Spanish
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 390
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 340
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Participating Physician Groups
Padua, Narciso T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1235184219
License No: A45172
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Punjabi
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 91
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Patel, Mittal C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1376621870
License No: A76093
Family Practice1
Pham, An T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1578597241
License No: A37379
General Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 358-4200 266 N. Jackson Ave. # 5
0272 161607
(408) 274-1339
0272 034701
0272 034701
Pham, Nga V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1831118686
License No: A69545
Internal Medicine1
(408) 532-0105
Phan, Dung M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1912013780
License No: A42236
Family Practice1
(408) 274-3881
Phan, Tuan V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1710081047
License No: A51069
Family Practice
(408) 270-4267
Posada, Juan E., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265496301
License No: A54533
Family Practice1
(408) 259-3022
Qureshi, Farda R., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1285601252
License No: A53700
(408) 730-2200
Qureshi, Sharmin, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1063680635
License No: A111438
Family Practice
(408) 279-9800
Board Certified
92 /
0272 079898
0272 034709
0272 039267
0272 068900
0272 130266
0272 161690
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1693 Flanigan Dr. # 101
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 112
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1693 Flanigan Dr. # 100
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 120
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 485
Prov: Spanish
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2101 Forest Ave. # 117
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2040 Forest Ave. # 1A
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish, Urdu
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 658-2302 200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 260
0272 198568
Ramirez, Alfredo, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1427136894
License No: A33235
Family Practice
(408) 729-2900
Rebong, Kenneth P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1326054776
License No: A45813
(408) 729-3232
Rebong, Marie A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1982611349
License No: A45814
(408) 729-3232
Reyes, Erlinda T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1922024017
License No: A45176
(408) 251-9090
Rosales, Maria Carmela, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1780706762
License No: C54935
Internal Medicine1
(408) 729-7128
Ruiz, Maribel, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1043474067
License No: A97705
(408) 254-8280
Sachdeva, Virender K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1184618399
License No: A35415
(408) 926-1340
0272 022494
0272 034470
0272 034471
0272 014061
0272 206539
0272 197286
0272 014734
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2820 Alum Rock Ave. # 20
Prov: Bengali, Hindi,
Prov: Spanish
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2350 McKee Rd. # 1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2350 McKee Rd. # 1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 220
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2360 McKee Rd. # 10
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: Spanish,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
175 N. Jackson Ave. # 212
Prov: Spanish
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
175 N. Jackson Ave. # 108
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi
Participating Physician Groups
Rahman, Galiba G., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1023157187
License No: A67092
Family Practice
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 93
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Santos, Pacifico C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265547608
License No: A29516
General Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 937-9000 200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 325
0272 046048
Sathappan, Meena, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1417988304
License No: A68350
(408) 274-9099
Saw, Jenny H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1649296393
License No: A66727
(408) 923-8522
Sehhat, Mina, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1558393314
License No: A63182
(408) 975-7680
Shahrivar, Fardis, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1689779746
License No: A49985
(408) 729-4473
Shakir, Khusro N., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1720170657
License No: A45293
Internal Medicine
(408) 923-8840
Siddiq, Simin, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1255362422
License No: A38666
Family Practice
(510) 796-0222
Internal Medicine
Stein, Sima, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1427134832
License No: A55498
Board Certified
94 /
0272 107398
0272 095020
0272 095710
0272 049558
0272 034601
0272 015785
0272 015785
(408) 292-0100
0272 076923
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 230
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 455
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2101 Forest Ave. # 104
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 295
Prov: Tagalog
Prov: Hindi, Tamil
Prov: Burmese,
Prov: Farsi
Prov: Farsi,
German, Spanish
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
135 N. Jackson Ave. # 103
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
175 N. Jackson Ave. # 103
Prov: Farsi, Spanish
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
105 N. Bascom Ave. # 102
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Prov: Russian,
Spanish, Urdu,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 573-9686 1715 Lundy Ave. # 116
0272 127143
(408) 573-9686
0272 127143
(408) 573-9686
0272 127143
(408) 573-9686
0272 127143
(408) 573-9686
0272 127143
(408) 573-9686
0272 127143
Tam, Michelle S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1518981307
License No: A62269
Internal Medicine1
(408) 573-9686
0272 570057
(408) 573-9686
0272 570057
(408) 573-9686
0272 570057
Tee, Grace K., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1689691461
License No: A94181
Internal Medicine1
(408) 929-4511
Thai, Minh Q., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609888411
License No: G75250
Family Practice1
(408) 294-2616
Thai, Nicole H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1245254382
License No: A47898
Internal Medicine1
(408) 928-5656
0272 143355
0272 046040
0272 034800
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 108
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1870 Lundy Ave.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 116
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 108
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1870 Lundy Ave.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 116
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 108
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1870 Lundy Ave.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 450
Prov: Burmese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
60 N. 13th St. # B
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 355
Prov: Vietnamese
Participating Physician Groups
Tai, Kenneth B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1942374905
License No: A91670
Internal Medicine1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 95
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
To, An N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1972528016
License No: A36399
Family Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 279-1180 87 N. Sixth St.
0272 017259
To, Rick M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1194756858
License No: A80962
Family Practice1
(408) 279-1180
Tram, Tracy P., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1922103191
License No: A61549
Internal Medicine
(408) 926-2420
Tran, Anh T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1407923030
License No: G72608
(408) 975-2763
Tran, Di Dac, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1619965670
License No: A52125
Family Practice
(408) 272-9228
0272 107837
0272 069499
0272 149723
0272 090459
General Practice
0272 090459
0272 090459
Tran, Don D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1881688950
License No: A41328
Internal Medicine1
(408) 279-2377
Tran, Khanh C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1124093133
License No: A68365
Internal Medicine
(408) 281-3889
Board Certified
96 /
0272 032912
0272 079032
0272 079032
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
87 N. Sixth St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2360 McKee Rd. # 1
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2400 Moorpark Ave. # 300
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2395 Montpelier Dr. # 6
Prov: French,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
25 N. 14th St. # 780
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2899 Senter Rd. # 140
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 294-2868 652 E. Santa Clara St.
0272 067021
Tran, Thang D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1275514069
License No: G81642
Internal Medicine
(408) 885-4160
Truong, Hien N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1235150822
License No: A53015
(408) 532-0960
Truong, Mong-Hoa T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1164443768
License No: A46227
(408) 928-5650
Tse, Daniel Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1437258027
License No: A69138
Internal Medicine
(408) 937-7581
0272 052145
0272 046906
0272 034858
0272 076824
(408) 261-3739
0272 076824
Tse, Phillip F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1184732901
License No: A53900
Internal Medicine1
(408) 937-7581
0272 049614
(408) 261-3739
0272 049614
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose3
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 114
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2593 S. King Rd. # 4
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1865 Alum Rock Ave. # D
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
266 N. Jackson Ave. # 7
Prov: Cantonese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
373 S. Redwood Ave
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
266 N. Jackson Ave. # 7
Prov: Cantonese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
373 S. Redwood Ave
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Participating Physician Groups
Tran, Thai - Vinh V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1780607036
License No: A52959
Internal Medicine
Board Certified
Physician is currently not available through this physician group. / 97
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Tso, John W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1811160377
License No: A103220
Family Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 573-9686 1715 Lundy Ave. # 116
0272 209190
(408) 573-9686
0272 209190
(408) 573-9686
0272 209190
Uyeyama, Ronald R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1952559239
License No: A21121
Internal Medicine1
(408) 642-5442
Vazquez, Alicia, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1215974241
License No: A54367
(408) 937-1894
Vetsa, Surekha S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1184650871
License No: A90010
Internal Medicine
(408) 258-0900
Vu, Christopher M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1659310902
License No: A65143
(408) 270-3374
Vu, Chung H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1013905017
License No: A67850
Internal Medicine1
(408) 274-0226
Vu, Hung T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1245515485
License No: A31014
Family Practice
(408) 426-4135
Board Certified
98 /
0272 540658
0272 568901
0272 134632
0272 077069
0272 076160
0272 071833
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1715 Lundy Ave. # 108
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1870 Lundy Ave.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2101 Forest Ave. # 102
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2820 Alum Rock Ave. # 50
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
150 N. Jackson Ave. # 105
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 232
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2593 S. King Rd. # 15
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2179 Tully Rd.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Japanese,
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Hindi, Telugu,
Prov: Vietnamese
Prov: Cantonese,
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Vietnamese
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 272-8818 2324 Montpelier Dr. # 8
0272 146586
Wong, Hung-Kwong, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1669558821
License No: A53969
Family Practice
(408) 295-1886
Yam, Marina, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1538107636
License No: A56482
(408) 238-2992
Yaskin, Inna, D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1316965353
License No: 20A11338
Internal Medicine1
(650) 318-3384
Yau, Kwong K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1609866862
License No: A50656
(408) 254-8828
Zhang, Zheng-Gang, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1467554071
License No: A66053
Internal Medicine1
(408) 993-8764
0272 060994
0272 069307
0272 165042
0272 522164
0272 069369
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2020 Forest Ave. # 8
Prov: Cantonese,
German, Mandarin,
Prov: Cantonese,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
2593 S. King Rd. # 11
Prov: Russian
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
394 S. Monroe Ave. # 10
Prov: Russian
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 300
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
55 N. 13th St.
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Mandarin
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara
Chung, Peter K., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1720083694
License No: 20A6376
Family Practice1
Gandhi, Tripty M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1700829512
License No: A60781
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 247-0099 1470 Halford Ave # 168
0272 109956
(408) 247-8100
0272 093824
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1080 Scott Blvd. # 5
Prov: Cantonese
Participating Physician Groups
Wang, Sheng-Yong, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1700813318
License No: A74153
Internal Medicine1
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Marathi,
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 99
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose (272)
Walters, Joseph J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1144326752
License No: G84144
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 253-4806 12961 Village Dr. # A
0272 570941
Prov: Spanish
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Cho, Chang H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1295762359
License No: A36902
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 773-9700 895 E. Fremont Ave. # 103
0272 531010
Jain, Arti, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1972558807
License No: A77790
(408) 462-9261
Khalilnejad, Heideh S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1528022852
License No: A65025
Family Practice
(408) 738-0200
Lin, Andrew Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1679635254
License No: G77882
Internal Medicine1
(408) 739-5950
Qureshi, Farda R., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1285601252
License No: A53700
(480) 730-2200
Sabounchi, Saman, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1215257894
License No: A124796
Internal Medicine
(650) 318-3384
Yaskin, Inna, D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1316965353
License No: 20A11338
Internal Medicine1
(650) 318-3384
Board Certified
100 /
0272 149676
0272 129781
0272 050612
0272 130266
0272 196475
0272 165042
Prov: Korean
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
860 E. Remington Dr. # B
Prov: Hindi, Telugu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
1210 E. Arques Ave. # 203
Prov: Farsi
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
500 E. Remington Dr. # 30
Prov: Mandarin
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
500 E. Remington Dr. # 15
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish, Urdu
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
500 E. Remington Dr. # 20
Prov: Farsi
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
500 E. Remington Dr. # 20
Prov: Russian
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Location/NPI/Staff Language(s)
Group No./
License No
(800) 977-7332
Data not
1051 E Hillsdale Blvd Suite 750
Foster City, CA 94404-1640
Urgent Care:
Samaritan Medical Care Ctr. (408) 281-2772
US Healthworks Med Grp-Cupertino(408)996-8805
So Valley family & occupational Health Center
Affiliated Hospitals
El Camino Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Good Samaritan Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: None
O'Connor Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Regional Medical Center of San Jose
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Saint Louise Regional Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Nurse Advice Line: (888) 472-2472 (General)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 378-3300 1600 W. Campbell Ave. # 202
0271 083147
DeWees, Edward C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1972688935
License No: C31541
Family Practice
(408) 378-3300
Louis, Elham J., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1275660516
License No: 20A9871
Family Practice1
(408) 364-7600
Martin, Melanie A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1770507618
License No: G85026
Family Practice1
(408) 364-7615
Sharma, Kavita H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1952401960
License No: A71740
Internal Medicine1
(408) 376-3380
0271 503802
0271 153507
0271 077933
0271 130064
Prov: Russian
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1600 W. Campbell Ave. # 202
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1580 Winchester Blvd. # 202
Prov: Arabic,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1580 Winchester Blvd. # 202
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2
Email: Data not available
221 E. Hacienda Ave. # D
Participating Physician Groups
Borodulin, Tatyana V., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1912940628
License No: A66949
Family Practice1
Prov: Hindi, Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Hospital Accreditation: TJC = The Joint Commission
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 101
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Chen, Tsung-Chang T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1669546651
License No: A45142
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 257-8860 10430 S. De Anza Blvd. # 220
0271 520836
Jalilie, B. Sofia, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1376641522
License No: G80155
Family Practice1
(408) 996-9339
Kar, Aradhana, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1447358692
License No: A90567
Internal Medicine1
(408) 996-9339
Thippeswamy, Geetha B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1407806086
License No: A85061
(408) 865-1015
Young, Gabriel J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1811084114
License No: A42629
Internal Medicine1
(408) 366-0600
Zitman, Sheldon, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1184722332
License No: G37930
Family Practice1
(408) 996-9339
0271 068134
0271 135338
0271 135300
0271 046043
0271 019109
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
20555 Prospect Rd.
Prov: Mandarin
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
20555 Prospect Rd.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
10430 South De Anza Blvd # 130
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
10011 N. Foothill Blvd. # 105
Prov: Hindi,
Kannada, Tamil,
Office 1 Staff: Hindi,
Kannada, Spanish,
Prov: Cantonese,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
20555 Prospect Rd.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Barbara, Joseph C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1831119486
License No: G28075
Family Practice
Bhatia, Kawaljeet K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1598834517
License No: A42050
Board Certified
102 /
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 842-0278 7880 Wren Ave. # C133
0271 034685
(408) 848-5522
0271 022443
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
9460 N. Name Uno # 130
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 847-0201 700 W. Sixth St. # Q
0271 007637
Jumagdao-Sakai, Maria D., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1205025996
License No: A96657
Family Practice1
(408) 842-3133
Leung, Cheung K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1427083112
License No: G61548
Internal Medicine1
(408) 848-2525
Lim, Jocelyn G., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1770507071
License No: 20A5892
Family Practice1
(408) 842-1544
Mittal, Gunjan, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1679526578
License No: A92174
Family Practice1
(408) 846-8100
Raghavan, Anitha, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1821264862
License No: A121514
Internal Medicine
(408) 842-3133
Wu, Samuel W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1659329993
License No: A74074
Internal Medicine1
(408) 846-1800
0271 152000
0271 032824
0271 022877
0271 149339
0271 195747
0271 089962
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
9460 N. Name Uno # 115
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
9360 No Name Uno # 110
Prov: Mandarin
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: Cantonese,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2
Email: Data not available
8833 Monterey Rd. # H
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
9360 No Name Uno # 240
Prov: Hindi, Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
9460 N. Name Uno # 115
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
7880 Wren Ave. # D143
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Participating Physician Groups
Huang, John Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1487761870
License No: G31014
Los Gatos
Ayer, Gopi N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1396701512
License No: A42713
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 358-1811 14981 National Ave. # 6
0271 530182
Prov: Punjabi
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 103
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Los Gatos
Ayer, Mandeep B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1205817111
License No: A42228
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 358-1811 14981 National Ave. # 6
0271 530435
Bezecny, Susan K., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1346208469
License No: G47972
(408) 866-7830
Chow, Norman K., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1871666248
License No: 20A5815
Family Practice1
(408) 866-4576
Eglin, Linda, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1144223611
License No: A56212
Internal Medicine1
(408) 378-2900
Ferrari, Patricia A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1225091309
License No: G56745
(408) 356-7770
Hopner, Dan D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1104836402
License No: A36372
Family Practice1
(408) 378-8648
Hughes, Marybeth, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1003914516
License No: G69138
(408) 356-7770
Kan, Michael E., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1558414623
License No: G53368
Family Practice1
(408) 378-2900
Board Certified
104 /
0271 036583
0271 502868
0271 064626
0271 004935
0271 027044
0271 021748
0271 008454
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
320 Dardanelli Ln. # 16
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
320 Dardanelli Ln. # 10B
Prov: Cantonese,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
360 Dardanelli Ln. # 1G
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
15899 Los Gatos-Almaden Rd. # 4
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
340 Dardanelli Ln. # 24
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
15899 Los Gatos-Almaden Rd. # 4
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
360 Dardanelli Ln. # 1G
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Prov: German
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Los Gatos
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 866-7830 320 Dardanelli Ln. # 16
0271 086122
Li, Xiaodong I., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1487738795
License No: A72625
(408) 358-2624
Lum, Gregory F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1366554537
License No: G78511
(408) 370-2324
Marx, Robert J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1073576351
License No: A30254
Family Practice
(408) 358-3511
Milford, Belinda J., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1619133030
License No: A48810
(408) 358-2624
Mungekar, Swati H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1629155064
License No: A92804
Internal Medicine1
(408) 358-3685
Parekh, Neela N., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1043353873
License No: A50473
(408) 356-6167
Pearlman, Stuart, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1255399515
License No: A54748
(408) 866-7830
0271 100431
0271 069252
0271 036414
0271 032895
0271 137408
0271 073038
0271 065242
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
15000 Los Gatos Blvd. # 4
Prov: Hindi
Prov: Mandarin
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
15000 Los Gatos Blvd. # 3
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
14911 National Ave. # 7
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
15000 Los Gatos Blvd. # 4
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
15899 Los Gatos-Almaden Rd. # 9
Prov: Hindi, Marathi
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
15000 Los Gatos Blvd. # 3
Prov: Gujarati, Hindi
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
320 Dardanelli Ln. # 16
Participating Physician Groups
Keswani, Sanjivini, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1659339752
License No: A67294
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 105
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Los Gatos
Ramachandran, Deepa, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1356561930
License No: C55010
Family Practice1
Rashkis, John M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1215038674
License No: A30708
Family Practice
General Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 335-7640 15195 National Ave. # 205
0271 186082
(408) 354-9200
0271 039546
0271 039546
Strickland, Christianne E., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1316100589
License No: A102685
(408) 356-7770
Tan, Serena T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1306949706
License No: A75455
(408) 866-7830
Triantos, Michael W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1619133972
License No: G30669
(408) 358-2624
0271 161630
0271 172118
0271 032914
Prov: French, Hindi,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
14901 National Ave. # 203
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
15899 Los Gatos-Almaden Rd. # 4
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
320 Dardanelli Ln. # 16
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
15000 Los Gatos Blvd. # 4
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Hoang, Sylvia H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1760549109
License No: A62015
Family Practice1
Huynh, Thuy N., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1982711495
License No: G73028
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 942-0980 500 E. Calaveras Blvd. # 100
0271 069008
(408) 262-9992
0271 047646
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1189 E. Calaveras Blvd.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
106 /
Prov: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog,
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 929-2276 991 Montague Expy. # 206
0271 080023
Malhotra, Neema B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1922061183
License No: A35561
(408) 945-0300
Meceda, Victor J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1558698829
License No: A109900
Family Practice
(408) 942-0980
Thukral, Vijay K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1760593644
License No: A42307
Internal Medicine
(408) 258-7400
Tran, Toan Q., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1588683031
License No: A72332
Internal Medicine
(408) 956-9096
Truong, Tim B., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1760660625
License No: 20A10857
(408) 684-3355
0271 036338
0271 168479
0271 021658
0271 080056
0271 154805
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1113 S. Park Victoria Dr.
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
500 E. Calaveras Blvd. # 100
Prov: Tagalog
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
995 Montague Expy. # 213
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1776 N. Milpitas Blvd.
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
466 E. Calaveras Blvd. # C
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Morgan Hill
Bennett, Robin E., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1831523737
License No: 20A12747
Family Practice1
Gangani, Yasmeen M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1992799365
License No: A46598
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 779-7696 18181 Butterfield Blvd. # 180
0271 210478
(408) 778-2025
0271 021656
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
18550 De Paul Dr. # 102
Prov: Spanish
Participating Physician Groups
Lim, Perry F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033134465
License No: A53996
Prov: Arabic
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 107
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Morgan Hill
Huang, Frank F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1316964844
License No: A30640
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 779-7348 50 E. Main Ave. # A
0271 032925
Joyce, William B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1164421939
License No: A37565
Internal Medicine1
(408) 776-8040
Khan, Mazhar A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1457361578
License No: A49590
(408) 779-4188
Kroll, Becky S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1457648230
License No: A112974
Family Practice1
(408) 779-7696
Shah, Devang S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1942288956
License No: A84371
Internal Medicine1
(408) 776-3900
Shah, Nimisha H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1932187945
License No: A84372
Internal Medicine1
(408) 776-3900
Vemuri, Indira, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1508938358
License No: A80970
(408) 776-9560
0271 008324
0271 025295
0271 189600
0271 106168
0271 105920
0271 143882
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
18550 De Paul St. # 208
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
18550 De Paul Dr. # 205
Prov: Mandarin,
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Hindi, Telugu,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
18181 Butterfield Blvd. # 180
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
18550 De Paul Dr. # 101
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
18550 De Paul Dr. # 101
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
17705 Hale Ave., Bldg. 1 # 1
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Spanish
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Marathi
Prov: Hindi,
Spanish, Telugu
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Mountain View
Epstein, Larry A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1093817728
License No: C24787
Internal Medicine
Board Certified
108 /
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(650) 625-0800 2500 Hospital Dr. Bldg 11 # E
0271 034136
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Mountain View
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(650) 968-8891 525 South Dr. # 201
0271 571006
Maddineni, Suneetha, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1962774679
License No: A118298
Internal Medicine
(650) 625-0800
Roohparvar, Shahab, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1588711311
License No: G81901
Internal Medicine1
(650) 969-9101
Stein, Sima, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1427134832
License No: A55498
(650) 988-7681
Stratz, Caroline K., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1114098688
License No: A63557
Internal Medicine
(650) 962-4370
Yaskin, Inna, D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1316965353
License No: 20A11338
Internal Medicine1
(650) 318-3384
Yoshida, Takashi, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1881772259
License No: A26353
(650) 962-4640
0271 201937
0271 068137
0271 076923
0271 194382
0271 165042
0271 033389
Prov: Hindi
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2500 Hospital Dr. Bldg 11 # E
Prov: Hindi, Telugu
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
515 S. Drive # 23
Prov: Farsi
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2485 Hospital Dr. # 261
Prov: Russian,
Spanish, Urdu,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2660 Grant Rd. # E
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2490 Hospital Dr. # 309
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2490 Hospital Dr. # 103
Prov: Russian
Prov: Japanese,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Participating Physician Groups
Madan, Ashima, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1346397536
License No: A44142
San Jose
Adeeb, Fareeda, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1700880218
License No: A52996
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 279-8798 275 O'Connor Dr. # B
0271 053941
Prov: Hindi,
Kannada, Urdu
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 109
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Andrade, Paul A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1063447076
License No: G48998
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 295-9151 2101 Forest Ave. # 128
0271 033478
Armann, Kjartan D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1619922887
License No: A41413
(408) 356-0578
Austin, Suzanne M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1639104227
License No: A41567
Internal Medicine
(408) 998-5400
Benson, Frederick P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1245240993
License No: G45615
Family Practice1
(408) 224-6211
Bui, Hong H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1417944471
License No: A51168
Internal Medicine
(408) 270-9642
Bui, Rau V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1891808804
License No: A35749
Family Practice
(408) 298-6706
General Practice
0271 034419
0271 048386
0271 501167
0271 049421
0271 046030
0271 046030
Bui, Viet-Hong D., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1407830185
License No: 20A7051
Family Practice1
(408) 295-9839
Cahn, David A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1689762205
License No: G70021
Family Practice1
(408) 279-0548
0271 088390
0271 022417
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2516 Samaritan Dr. # J
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2498 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
5595 Winfield Blvd. # 214
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2
Email: Data not available
1661 Burdette Dr. # I
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
27 S. 13th St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
696 E. Santa Clara St. # 210
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
295 O'Connor Dr.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
110 /
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Vietnamese
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 279-8171 295 O'Connor Dr.
0271 034803
Campbell, Mark F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1457339988
License No: G29648
Family Practice
(408) 866-8200
Capulong, Fernando L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1659316065
License No: A40555
(408) 729-0701
Cathey, Richard, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1750343323
License No: G70654
Internal Medicine1
(408) 254-2107
Cepe, Joanabel S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1487755682
License No: A73498
Family Practice1
(408) 251-0835
Chadarevian-zorian, Rita, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1770624439
License No: C50055
(408) 356-1319
Chau, Maggie S., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1568576445
License No: 20A6443
Internal Medicine1
(408) 923-8098
0271 033883
0271 034596
0271 033270
0271 087265
0271 149525
0271 075575
(408) 294-7179
0271 075575
Chen, Maggie W., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1649470683
License No: A113157
Internal Medicine1
(408) 729-7128
0271 189190
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1390 S. Winchester Blvd.
Prov: German
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
244 N. Jackson Ave. # 203
Prov: Tagalog
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
175 N. Jackson Ave. # 203
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 260
Prov: Tagalog
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2577 Samaritan Dr. # 830
Prov: French
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 205
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
54 N. Bascom Ave.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2360 McKee Rd. # 10
Prov: Mandarin,
Participating Physician Groups
Cahn, Michael S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1063454429
License No: C22392
Internal Medicine
Prov: Mandarin,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 111
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Chiong, Dominic M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1093749715
License No: G69952
Family Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 223-8118 2690 S. White Rd. # 200
0271 520837
Choslovsky, Sydney C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1053358531
License No: G28868
Internal Medicine1
(408) 279-1400
Chung, Hankyu, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1447367966
License No: A31980
Internal Medicine1
(408) 297-8600
Cipoletti, Samuel J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1477576429
License No: G46879
Family Practice1
(408) 281-2772
Contini, Michelle R., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1831241066
License No: A62447
(408) 268-1122
Contini, Peter C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1346390119
License No: A64948
(408) 268-1122
Contreras, Jorge V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1548295868
License No: G45510
Family Practice1
(408) 629-7095
Coombs, Jack L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1992763759
License No: G19361
Internal Medicine1
(408) 358-3640
0271 502855
0271 034689
0271 502933
0271 135585
0271 091041
0271 031767
0271 530721
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
65 N. 14th St.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2039 Forest Ave. # 303
Prov: Korean
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
554 Blossom Hill Rd.
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
6489 Camden Ave. # 102
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
6489 Camden Ave. # 102
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
841 Blossom Hill Rd.
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2
Email: Data not available
2505 Samaritan Dr. # 302
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
112 /
Prov: Burmese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 923-8080 200 N. Jackson Ave. # C
0271 099442
Dang, Trach P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1215959796
License No: A51333
(408) 293-2188
Dao, Kim V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1639119886
License No: A50097
(408) 254-7400
Dawood, Nayyara S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1194744391
License No: A63743
(408) 279-8786
Del Signore, Claire M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1427154541
License No: C50287
(408) 356-9900
Do, Christopher N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1407876659
License No: A62877
Internal Medicine
(408) 531-8808
Do, Trang U., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1063442663
License No: A76681
Internal Medicine1
(408) 975-9800
Drucker, Bryan J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1083764856
License No: G77403
(408) 356-1319
0271 059655
0271 075574
0271 081995
0271 084328
0271 064454
0271 108958
0271 050579
Prov: Norwegian,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2114 Senter Rd. # 24
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2360 McKee Rd. # 4
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
275 O'Connor Dr. # C
Prov: Hindi,
Spanish, Tamil,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2505 Samaritan Dr # 607
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 206
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2114 Senter Rd # 15
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2577 Samaritan Dr. # 830
Participating Physician Groups
Dam, Dinh X., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1518936616
License No: A77320
Internal Medicine1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 113
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Fink, Diana F., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1023021201
License No: A37119
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 281-2772 554 Blossom Hill Rd.
0271 005002
Gali, Joseph Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1437182441
License No: A44677
(408) 358-3516
Griswold, Jenny C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1245380013
License No: G84517
(408) 356-1319
Guanzon, Jose Maria G., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1134150881
License No: A46670
Internal Medicine1
(408) 272-3041
Halaburka, Christine C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1669583829
License No: G66036
(408) 356-9900
Hays, Tobias G., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1790949972
License No: A97503
(408) 268-3605
Ho, Thomas S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1588705362
License No: A42510
(408) 358-2681
Hoang, Khoi, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1821099359
License No: A63481
Internal Medicine1
(408) 356-8133
0271 021645
0271 111562
0271 034588
0271 021918
0271 150985
0271 034807
0271 098783
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2577 Samaritan Dr. # 720
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2577 Samaritan Dr. # 830
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2395 Montpelier Dr. # 4
Prov: Spanish,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2505 Samaritan Dr # 607
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
6475 Camden Ave. # 107
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2512 Samaritan Ct. # H
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2505 Samaritan Dr. # 405
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
114 /
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 223-9055 2060 Aborn Rd. # 100
0271 027044
Huynh, Chau M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265509723
License No: A42298
Internal Medicine1
(408) 272-8814
Huynh, Dat T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033298963
License No: A50071
Internal Medicine
(408) 270-4582
Huynh, Minh Q., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1063437309
License No: A41782
Internal Medicine1
(408) 998-3075
Joshi, Tarla P., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1669474458
License No: A37549
Internal Medicine1
(408) 356-8133
Kale, Shashwati S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1306944459
License No: A67291
Family Practice1
(408) 223-8228
Kang, Dae-Wook, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1194741272
License No: G79486
Internal Medicine1
(408) 280-5500
Kapoor, Dhanu, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1942212758
License No: A80435
Family Practice1
(408) 241-2900
0271 032105
0271 049539
0271 034599
0271 008314
0271 078110
0271 049071
0271 133829
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1865 Alum Rock Ave. # B
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1661 Burdette Dr. # N
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
57 N. 13th St.
Prov: German
Prov: Vietnamese
Prov: French,
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2505 Samaritan Dr. # 405
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2
Email: Data not available
2690 S. White Rd. # 200
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2000 W Hedding St. # 10
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2110 Forest Ave. # E
Prov: Hindi, Marathi,
Punjabi, Spanish
Prov: Korean
Participating Physician Groups
Hopner, Dan D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1104836402
License No: A36372
Family Practice1
Prov: Hindi,
Kannada, Punjabi,
Spanish, Telugu
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 115
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Kapoor, Jerina, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1174673008
License No: A51788
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 356-1319 2577 Samaritan Dr. # 830
0271 069526
Karupaiah, Sudha, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1316984800
License No: A85414
Internal Medicine1
(408) 279-1400
Kaur, Ramandeep, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1710313259
License No: A133059
Family Practice
(408) 687-4806
Korsunsky, Alexander, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1427088236
License No: A53584
Internal Medicine1
(408) 517-0560
Krishnamshetty, Prasanna L., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1992760763
License No: A63379
(408) 258-4244
Le, Stephanie P., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1407190093
License No: 20A12311
Family Practice1
(408) 274-3881
Lee, Boo W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1750466728
License No: A38393
Internal Medicine1
(408) 977-1310
Lee, Sang K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1881797744
License No: A38087
Internal Medicine
(408) 973-1313
Board Certified
116 /
0271 107161
0271 218738
0271 053236
0271 110455
0271 195098
0271 021642
0271 034809
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
65 N. 14th St.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
5138 Monterey Hwy. # G
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
5150 Graves Ave. # 5B
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 435
Prov: Gujarati, Hindi
Prov: Hindi,
Kannada, Tamil,
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish, Urdu
Prov: Russian,
Prov: Hindi,
Spanish, Telugu
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1693 Flanigan Dr. # 100
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2040 Forest Ave. # 3
Prov: Korean
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
5150 Graves Ave. # 4
Prov: Korean
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 983-1012 2411 Forest Ave.
0271 021244
Lin, Robert K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1396848230
License No: A43549
General Practice
(408) 243-1528
Luong, Jean F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1780615641
License No: A48809
Internal Medicine1
(408) 279-8171
Mahrer, Richard A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1326156639
License No: C14200
Internal Medicine
(408) 293-0779
Manghnani, Rekha P., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609844026
License No: A87029
(408) 297-9949
Masada, Marvin P., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1891851929
License No: A62906
Family Practice1
(408) 274-1654
Mohammad, Sophia, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1295049864
License No: A122219
Family Practice
(408) 270-2100
Myint, San-San, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609944933
License No: A51537
Internal Medicine
(408) 272-3580
0271 036418
0271 034791
0271 034851
0271 131467
0271 071603
0271 195187
0271 144977
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
888 N. Winchester Blvd.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
295 O'Connor Dr.
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Japanese
Prov: French,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2206 Business Cir. # B
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2081 Forest Ave. # 1
Prov: Russian,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 128
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2728 Aborn Rd.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
105 N. Jackson Ave. # 103
Prov: Hindi,
Spanish, Urdu
Participating Physician Groups
Lin, Jimmy J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1952328585
License No: A38878
Internal Medicine1
Prov: Burmese,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 117
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Nakelchik, Masha M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1255346623
License No: A73689
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 279-8173 295 O'Connor Dr.
0271 112637
Nguyen, Hai H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1326079997
License No: A34468
Family Practice
(408) 251-6127
Nguyen, Hoang M., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1790995975
License No: 20A10655
Internal Medicine1
(408) 708-7053
Nguyen, Ngai X., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1205883501
License No: A39057
Internal Medicine1
(408) 971-8441
Nguyen, Peter L., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1558353060
License No: 20A7360
Family Practice
(408) 794-2088
Nguyen, Quynh-Queen A., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1598791352
License No: 20A8237
Family Practice
(408) 274-6944
Nguyen, Thinh V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1073759163
License No: C41885
Internal Medicine1
(408) 223-0505
Nguyen, Thuy T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1447362934
License No: A93782
Internal Medicine
(408) 791-6786
Board Certified
118 /
0271 034698
0271 195841
0271 034594
0271 081467
0271 129596
0271 036412
0271 135140
Prov: Russian
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
210 N. Jackson Ave. # 20
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
175 N. Jackson Ave. # 210
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
696 E. Santa Clara St. # 108
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
749 Story Rd. # 20
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1675 Burdette Dr. # 20
Prov: Vietnamese
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Spanish,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2470 Alvin Ave. # 70
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 395
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 254-9192 280 N. Jackson Ave. # D
0271 034794
Nguyen, Tuan N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265530216
License No: A49096
Internal Medicine1
(408) 259-0737
Nguyen, Vu H., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1225063290
License No: 20A7979
Family Practice1
(408) 251-6127
Nishime, Robert S., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1225087984
License No: A62708
Family Practice1
(408) 293-5864
Ornelas, Richard A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1730258229
License No: G65986
Internal Medicine1
(408) 793-8377
Padua, Narciso T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1235184219
License No: A45172
(408) 297-5959
Padua, Rosemarie R., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1689629982
License No: A49652
(408) 297-5959
Park, Byung-Gook, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1801996962
License No: A88228
Family Practice1
(408) 885-0807
0271 046046
0271 103504
0271 101020
0271 530843
0271 046792
0271 053945
0271 127981
Prov: Spanish,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 380
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
210 N. Jackson Ave. # 20
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
280 Jackson St.
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2
Email: Data not available
2100 Forest Ave. # 107
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2039 Forest Ave. # 304
Prov: Tagalog
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2030 Forest Ave. # 304
Prov: Tagalog
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
100 O'connor Dr. # 11
Prov: Korean
Participating Physician Groups
Nguyen, Trung H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1245306794
License No: A37299
Family Practice1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. / 119
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Park, Mi Ran, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1992929616
License No: A103558
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 293-0800 5150 Graves Ave. # 11B
0271 152418
Parveen, Rafia, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1699793240
License No: A44705
Internal Medicine1
(408) 929-0234
Patel, Dushyant N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1073595278
License No: A36836
Internal Medicine1
(408) 923-1711
Patel, Mandakini D., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1821072505
License No: A41030
(408) 729-1220
Patel, Mittal C., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1376621870
License No: A76093
Family Practice1
(408) 358-4200
Pham, An T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1578597241
License No: A37379
(408) 274-1339
Pham, Nga V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1831118686
License No: A69545
Internal Medicine1
(408) 532-0105
Posada, Juan E., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265496301
License No: A54533
Family Practice1
(408) 259-3022
0271 034595
0271 032944
0271 036476
0271 161607
0271 034701
0271 079898
0271 068900
(408) 259-3022
0271 068900
Board Certified
120 /
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 390
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 340
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 340
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
266 N. Jackson Ave. # 5
Prov: Korean
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Punjabi
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Punjabi
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1693 Flanigan Dr. # 101
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 112
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 495
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 485
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 251-9090 200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 220
0271 014061
Rosales, Maria Carmela, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1780706762
License No: C54935
Internal Medicine1
(408) 729-7128
Safir, David E., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1861540197
License No: G25052
(408) 356-5105
Sathappan, Meena, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1417988304
License No: A68350
(408) 274-9099
Saw, Jenny H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1649296393
License No: A66727
(408) 923-8522
Scott, Jon M., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1679655682
License No: 20A5858
Family Practice1
(408) 246-9915
Sehhat, Mina, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1558393314
License No: A63182
(408) 975-7680
Shen, Albert C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1851481758
License No: A54917
Internal Medicine1
(408) 296-9800
0271 206539
0271 035196
0271 107398
0271 095020
0271 520825
0271 095710
0271 069084
0271 069084
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2360 McKee Rd. # 10
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: Spanish,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2577 Samaritan Dr. # 720
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 230
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 455
Prov: Hindi, Tamil
Prov: Burmese,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1150 Scott Blvd. # D1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2101 Forest Ave. # 104
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
316 Rosewood Ave.
Prov: Farsi
Participating Physician Groups
Reyes, Erlinda T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1922024017
License No: A45176
Prov: Mandarin,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 121
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Shin, Frank D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1003992264
License No: G80006
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 366-0405 1440 S. De Anza Blvd. # A
0271 550058
Siao, Donald Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1861415374
License No: G73395
Family Practice1
(408) 223-7771
Squarer, Addy, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1679581425
License No: G73060
Internal Medicine
(408) 998-2100
Stein, Sima, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1427134832
License No: A55498
(408) 292-0100
Thai, Minh Q., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609888411
License No: G75250
Family Practice1
(408) 294-2616
Thai, Nicole H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1245254382
License No: A47898
Internal Medicine1
(408) 928-5656
Tilles, Steven M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1841292745
License No: G40389
Internal Medicine1
(408) 356-8133
To, Rick M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1194756858
License No: A80962
Family Practice1
(408) 279-1180
0271 530921
0271 068178
0271 076923
0271 046040
0271 034800
0271 021685
0271 107837
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2690 S. White Rd. # 200
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
105 N. Bascom Ave. # 103
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)3
Email: Data not available
105 N. Bascom Ave. # 102
Prov: Hebrew
Prov: Russian,
Spanish, Urdu,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
60 N. 13th St. # B
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 355
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2505 Samaritan Dr. # 405
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
87 N. Sixth St.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently not available through this physician group.
122 /
Prov: Mandarin
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 259-2013 200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 260
0271 021652
Tram, Tracy P., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1922103191
License No: A61549
Internal Medicine
(408) 926-2420
Tran, Di Dac, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1619965670
License No: A52125
(408) 272-9228
Tran, Don D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1881688950
License No: A41328
Internal Medicine1
(408) 279-2377
Tran, Thai - Vinh V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1780607036
License No: A52959
Internal Medicine
(408) 294-2868
Tran, Thang D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1275514069
License No: G81642
Internal Medicine
(408) 885-4160
Truong, Hien N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1235150822
License No: A53015
(408) 532-0960
Truong, Mong-Hoa T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1164443768
License No: A46227
General Practice
(408) 928-5650
0271 069499
0271 090459
0271 032912
0271 067021
0271 052145
0271 046906
0271 034858
0271 034858
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2360 McKee Rd. # 1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2395 Montpelier Dr. # 6
Prov: Arabic,
French, Spanish
Prov: Vietnamese
Prov: French,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
25 N. 14th St. # 780
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
652 E. Santa Clara St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 114
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2593 S. King Rd. # 4
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1865 Alum Rock Ave. # D
Prov: Vietnamese
Participating Physician Groups
Tobbagi, Habib A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1013948934
License No: A30126
Internal Medicine1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 123
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Tse, Phillip F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1184732901
License No: A53900
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 937-7581 266 N. Jackson Ave. # 7
0271 049614
(408) 261-3739
0271 049614
Udupa, Rekha S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1225122120
License No: A68000
(408) 252-1090
Uyeyama, Ronald R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1952559239
License No: A21121
Internal Medicine1
(408) 642-5442
Varamini, Nadereh, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1760542450
License No: A70876
(408) 268-4900
Vrittamani, Latha B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1033245584
License No: A79308
(408) 356-9900
Vu, Christopher M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1659310902
License No: A65143
(408) 270-3374
Vu, Chung H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1013905017
License No: A67850
Internal Medicine1
(408) 274-0226
Waggoner, David J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1750392981
License No: C42544
Family Practice1
(408) 358-1955
Board Certified
124 /
0271 089973
0271 540658
0271 107115
0271 134847
0271 077069
0271 076160
0271 045015
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
373 S. Redwood Ave
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1299 Water Lily Way # 90
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2101 Forest Ave. # 102
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
6475 Camden Ave. # 107
Prov: Cantonese
Prov: Hindi,
Kannada, Spanish,
Prov: Japanese,
Prov: Farsi, French,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2505 Samaritan Dr # 607
Prov: Hindi, Tamil
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 232
Prov: Vietnamese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2593 S. King Rd. # 15
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2505 Samaritan Dr. # 101
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Prov: Cantonese,
Office 1 Staff:
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 223-9055 2060 Aborn Rd. # 100
0271 035240
Winetz, Jan A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1790777852
License No: G41245
Internal Medicine1
(408) 356-8133
Wong, Hung-Kwong, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1669558821
License No: A53969
Family Practice
(408) 295-1886
Wroblewski, Donald A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1194762682
License No: G71253
Internal Medicine1
(408) 279-1400
Yau, Kwong K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1609866862
License No: A50656
(408) 254-8828
Yeh, George K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1144255480
License No: A30996
Internal Medicine1
(408) 298-4495
Yeh, James H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1578632592
License No: A89090
Internal Medicine1
(408) 298-4495
Yuan, Chiu J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1790705069
License No: A31828
Family Practice
(408) 297-3200
0271 021683
0271 060994
0271 019273
0271 522164
0271 021653
0271 204168
0271 021739
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2505 Samaritan Dr. # 405
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2020 Forest Ave. # 8
Prov: Cantonese,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
65 N. 14th St.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 300
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
706 N. Winchester Blvd.
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Mandarin
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
706 N. Winchester Blvd.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
475 N. First St.
Participating Physician Groups
Weeks, Edwin L., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1649283011
License No: A25234
Family Practice
Prov: Japanese,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 125
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Santa Clara
Cho, Kisuk J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1225122880
License No: A51445
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 249-1212 2344 El Camino Real # 105
0271 049061
Cho, Yoon-Jung, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1447330394
License No: A54133
Internal Medicine1
(408) 249-1212
Chung, Peter K., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1720083694
License No: 20A6376
Family Practice1
(408) 247-0099
Gandhi, Tripty M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1700829512
License No: A60781
Family Practice1
(408) 247-8100
Korthamar, Barbara L., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1447260096
License No: A30788
(408) 248-2035
Son, James C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1972535680
License No: A55194
Internal Medicine
(408) 261-7245
Washington, Roger W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1295812816
License No: G52316
Family Practice1
(408) 246-9926
0271 068660
0271 109956
0271 093824
0271 034692
0271 051077
0271 021271
Prov: Korean
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
2344 El Camino Real # 105
Prov: Korean
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1470 Halford Ave # 168
Prov: Cantonese
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1080 Scott Blvd. # 5
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1280 Scott Blvd. # A
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1150 Scott Blvd. # B3
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
885 Scott Blvd. # 4
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Marathi,
Prov: Hebrew,
Prov: Korean
Prov: Spanish,
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Liu, Leewen, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1114098415
License No: G80609
Internal Medicine1
Board Certified
126 /
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 973-8861 19040 Cox Ave. # 1
0271 069700
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Prov: Mandarin
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA) (271)
Walters, Joseph J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1144326752
License No: G84144
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 253-4806 12961 Village Dr. # A
0271 570941
Prov: Spanish
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 773-9700 895 E. Fremont Ave. # 103
0271 531010
Jain, Arti, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1972558807
License No: A77790
(408) 462-9261
Jujare, Vijaya L., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1881796357
License No: A73112
(408) 245-1050
Khalilnejad, Heideh S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1528022852
License No: A65025
Family Practice
(408) 738-0200
Lin, Andrew Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1679635254
License No: G77882
Internal Medicine1
(408) 739-5950
Qureshi, Farda R., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1285601252
License No: A53700
(480) 730-2200
Yaskin, Inna, D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1316965353
License No: 20A11338
Internal Medicine1
(650) 318-3384
0271 149676
0271 106232
0271 129781
0271 050612
0271 130266
0271 165042
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
860 E. Remington Dr. # B
Prov: Korean
Prov: Hindi, Telugu
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
500 E. Remington Dr. # 11
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
1210 E. Arques Ave. # 203
Prov: Farsi
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
500 E. Remington Dr. # 30
Prov: Mandarin
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
500 E. Remington Dr. # 15
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
500 E. Remington Dr. # 20
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish, Urdu
Participating Physician Groups
Cho, Chang H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1295762359
License No: A36902
Prov: Russian
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 127
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
Location/NPI/Staff Language(s)
Group No./
License No
(408) 278-3000
Data not
400 Race Street
San Jose, CA 95126-3518
Urgent Care:
Willow Glen Branch - San Jose (408) 278-3620
7 days/week, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Affiliated Hospitals
Good Samaritan Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: None
O'Connor Hospital
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Regional Medical Center of San Jose
Hospital Accreditation: TJC
Borodulin, Tatyana V., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1912940628
License No: A66949
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 378-3300 1600 W. Campbell Ave. # 202
4794 083147
Prov: Russian
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Hsu, Thomas T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1134153372
License No: A41255
Internal Medicine1
Young, Gabriel J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1811084114
License No: A42629
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 446-5353 20395 Pacifica Dr. # 104
4794 033255
(408) 366-0600
4794 046043
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
10011 N. Foothill Blvd. # 105
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Cantonese,
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Los Gatos
Hughes, Marybeth, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1003914516
License No: G69138
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 356-7770 15899 Los Gatos-Almaden Rd. # 4
4794 021748
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Nguyen, Trang D., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1053324459
License No: G77716
Internal Medicine
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 263-9936 246 Ranch Dr.
4794 092243
Hospital Accreditation: TJC = The Joint Commission
Board Certified
128 /
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 258-7400 995 Montague Expy. # 213
4794 021658
Tran, Toan Q., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1588683031
License No: A72332
Internal Medicine
(408) 956-9096
Tran, Tuan A., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1366467102
License No: 20A11925
General Practice
(408) 263-6207
Zheng, Hui, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1912011768
License No: A89873
Family Practice1
(408) 942-0980
4794 080056
4794 172192
4794 133355
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1776 N. Milpitas Blvd.
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
629 S. Main St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
500 E. Calaveras Blvd. # 100
Prov: Burmese,
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Morgan Hill
Bennett, Robin E., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1831523737
License No: 20A12747
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 776-8040 18550 De Paul Dr. # 208
4794 210478
Prov: Spanish
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
San Jose
Abalos-Galito, Marietta F., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1437277092
License No: A78499
Internal Medicine1
Aminova, Alla, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1699720706
License No: A63469
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 258-7827 125 N. Jackson Ave. # 107
4794 130938
(408) 297-2929
4794 085145
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2030 Forest Ave. # 110
Prov: Tagalog
Participating Physician Groups
Thukral, Vijay K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1760593644
License No: A42307
Internal Medicine
Prov: Russian,
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 129
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Bui, Rau V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1891808804
License No: A35749
Family Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 298-6706 27 S. 13th St.
4794 046030
Campbell, Mark F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1457339988
License No: G29648
Family Practice
(408) 866-8200
Cepe, Joanabel S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1487755682
License No: A73498
Family Practice1
(408) 251-0835
4794 033883
4794 087265
(408) 278-3620
4794 087265
Chen, Maggie W., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1649470683
License No: A113157
Internal Medicine1
(408) 729-7128
Chiong, Dominic M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1093749715
License No: G69952
Internal Medicine
(408) 223-8118
Corsiglia, Victor F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1902997810
License No: A17223
Internal Medicine1
(408) 278-3228
Cu, Joseph A., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1598158222
License No: A50530
Internal Medicine
(408) 270-2107
Cummings, Cynthia L., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1831280791
License No: G55233
Family Practice1
(408) 278-3003
Board Certified
130 /
4794 189190
4794 520837
4794 503276
4794 028204
4794 503452
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1390 S. Winchester Blvd.
Prov: German
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 260
Prov: Tagalog
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
625 Lincoln Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2360 McKee Rd. # 10
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2690 S. White Rd. # 200
Prov: Mandarin,
Prov: Burmese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
625 Lincoln Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2680 S. White Rd. # 207
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2585 Samaritan Dr.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: French,
German, Spanish
Office 1 Staff:
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 923-8080 200 N. Jackson Ave. # C
4794 099442
Dwyre, Terrence R., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1437326378
License No: G29689
Family Practice
(408) 226-5465
Feldman, Arthur B., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1669576864
License No: G17187
Internal Medicine1
(408) 278-3003
Guanzon, Jose Maria G., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1134150881
License No: A46670
Internal Medicine1
(408) 272-3041
Guanzon, Teresita V., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1306877055
License No: A46671
Internal Medicine1
(408) 272-3041
Hla, Tin T., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1326098179
License No: A36657
Internal Medicine1
(408) 929-6088
Husain, Shabnam, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609987577
License No: A51911
Internal Medicine1
(408) 278-3003
Hutchins, Mary Jane B., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1134221583
License No: A50634
Internal Medicine
(408) 358-8998
4794 032354
4794 004866
4794 034588
4794 034605
4794 021746
4794 531653
4794 032318
Prov: Norwegian,
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
393 Blossom Hill Rd. # 210
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
227 N. Jackson Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2395 Montpelier Dr. # 4
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2395 Montpelier Dr. # 4
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 430
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2585 Samaritan Dr.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
125 N. Jackson Ave. # 107
Office 1 Staff: Arabic
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: Spanish,
Prov: Burmese,
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Office 1 Staff:
Participating Physician Groups
Dam, Dinh X., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1518936616
License No: A77320
Internal Medicine1
Prov: Tagalog
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 131
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Huynh, Chau M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265509723
License No: A42298
General Practice
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 272-8814 1865 Alum Rock Ave. # B
4794 032105
Huynh, Dat T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1033298963
License No: A50071
Internal Medicine
(408) 270-4582
Huynh, Minh Q., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1063437309
License No: A41782
Internal Medicine1
(408) 998-3075
Huynh, Them, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1467550608
License No: A38341
General Practice
(408) 254-7524
Kaileh, Lyth H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1992076715
License No: A115330
Internal Medicine
(408) 278-3003
Kale, Shashwati S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1306944459
License No: A67291
Family Practice1
(408) 223-8228
Kang, Dae-Wook, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1194741272
License No: G79486
Internal Medicine1
(408) 280-5500
Komshian, Shahe V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1902917883
License No: A48567
Internal Medicine1
(408) 278-3003
Board Certified
132 /
4794 049539
4794 034599
4794 203707
4794 186067
4794 078110
4794 049071
4794 022778
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1661 Burdette Dr. # N
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
57 N. 13th St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Prov: French,
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1855 Alum Rock Ave. # C
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
625 Lincoln Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2690 S. White Rd. # 200
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2000 W Hedding St. # 10
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2585 Samaritan Dr.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Prov: Arabic
Prov: Hindi, Marathi,
Punjabi, Spanish
Prov: Korean
Prov: Arabic,
Armenian, French
Office 1 Staff:
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 517-0560 5150 Graves Ave. # 5B
4794 053236
Lam, Osama F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1154432045
License No: G69482
Internal Medicine1
(408) 278-3003
Le, Stephanie P., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1407190093
License No: 20A12311
Family Practice1
(408) 274-3881
Lee, Boo W., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1750466728
License No: A38393
Internal Medicine1
(408) 977-1310
Lee, Sandra Y., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1578674461
License No: A82989
(408) 357-1030
Lin, Jimmy J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1952328585
License No: A38878
Internal Medicine1
(408) 983-1012
Lopez, Joshua D., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1629288766
License No: 20A9429
Family Practice1
(408) 278-3003
Mai, Nhat V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1417023029
License No: A45584
Family Practice1
(408) 294-1990
4794 520832
4794 195098
4794 021642
4794 128858
4794 021244
4794 147074
4794 051758
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
227 N. Jackson Ave.
Prov: Russian,
Prov: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish
Office 1 Staff: Arabic
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1693 Flanigan Dr. # 100
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2040 Forest Ave. # 3
Prov: Korean
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2585 Samaritan Dr.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2411 Forest Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
227 N. Jackson Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2641 Senter Rd.
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Cantonese,
Office 1 Staff: Arabic
Participating Physician Groups
Korsunsky, Alexander, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1427088236
License No: A53584
Internal Medicine1
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 133
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Malik, Tahira, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1376645739
License No: A45070
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 357-1030 2585 Samaritan Dr.
4794 086039
Mandreza, Rosalinda A., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1336197185
License No: C43151
Internal Medicine
(408) 274-2880
Mazeke-Kelley, Lacrista W., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1902917594
License No: A55457
(408) 347-2030
Mirza, Muneeza, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1225198351
License No: C53344
(408) 947-5959
Mohammad, Shahida Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1255426565
License No: A51116
(408) 270-2103
Morgan, Daniel H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1023360930
License No: A123131
Family Practice1
(408) 278-3003
Nguyen, Hai H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1326079997
License No: A34468
Family Practice
(408) 251-6127
Nguyen, Peter L., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1558353060
License No: 20A7360
Family Practice
(408) 794-2088
Board Certified
134 /
4794 129763
4794 066888
4794 197357
4794 028002
4794 196400
4794 034698
4794 081467
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2593 S. King Rd. # 11
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
227 N. Jackson Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2030 Forest Ave. # 110
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2728 Aborn Rd.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
625 Lincoln Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
210 N. Jackson Ave. # 20
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
749 Story Rd. # 20
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish, Urdu
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Tagalog
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff: Arabic
Prov: Hindi, Urdu
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Urdu
Prov: Mandarin
Prov: Vietnamese
Prov: Vietnamese
Office 1 Staff:
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 274-6944 1675 Burdette Dr. # 20
4794 129596
Nguyen, Tam H., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1962520478
License No: 20A9636
Internal Medicine1
(408) 258-5083
Nguyen, Thanh-Tam N., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1902145592
License No: 20A12623
Family Practice
(408) 278-3620
Nguyen, Thinh V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1073759163
License No: C41885
Internal Medicine1
(408) 223-0505
Nguyen, Trung H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1245306794
License No: A37299
Family Practice1
(408) 254-9192
Nguyen, Tuan N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265530216
License No: A49096
Internal Medicine1
(408) 259-0737
Nguyen, Tung T., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1013982024
License No: 20A8238
Family Practice1
(408) 279-2988
Nguyen, Vu H., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1225063290
License No: 20A7979
Family Practice1
(408) 251-6127
4794 151110
4794 198574
4794 036412
4794 034794
4794 046046
4794 100874
4794 103504
Prov: Spanish,
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2110 McKee Rd.
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
625 Lincoln Ave.
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2470 Alvin Ave. # 70
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
280 N. Jackson Ave. # D
Prov: Spanish,
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 380
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
621 Tully Rd. # A105
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
210 N. Jackson Ave. # 20
Prov: Vietnamese
Participating Physician Groups
Nguyen, Quynh-Queen A., D.O.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1598791352
License No: 20A8237
Family Practice
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 135
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Padua, Narciso T., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1235184219
License No: A45172
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 297-5959 2030 Forest Ave. # 110
4794 046792
Padua, Rosemarie R., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1689629982
License No: A49652
(408) 297-5959
Park, Byung-Gook, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1801996962
License No: A88228
Family Practice1
(408) 885-0807
Pascua, Roeliza E., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1861503443
License No: A72733
Internal Medicine1
(408) 278-3003
Pham, Nga V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1831118686
License No: A69545
Internal Medicine1
(408) 532-0105
Phan, Dung M., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1912013780
License No: A42236
Family Practice1
(408) 274-3881
Phan, Tuan V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1710081047
License No: A51069
Family Practice
(408) 270-4267
Piplani, Kompal, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1881868537
License No: A121869
Family Practice1
(408) 278-3003
Board Certified
136 /
4794 053945
4794 127981
4794 095410
4794 079898
4794 034709
4794 039267
4794 193163
Prov: Tagalog
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2030 Forest Ave. # 110
Prov: Tagalog
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
100 O'connor Dr. # 11
Prov: Korean
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
625 Lincoln Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 112
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1693 Flanigan Dr. # 100
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 120
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2585 Samaritan Dr.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Prov: Hindi, Punjabi
Office 1 Staff:
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 259-3022 200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 485
4794 068900
Poseria, Nutan, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1063587152
License No: C52289
Internal Medicine1
(408) 298-8770
Rahman, Galiba G., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1023157187
License No: A67092
Family Practice
(408) 658-2302
Ramirez, Alfredo, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1427136894
License No: A33235
Family Practice
(408) 729-2900
Shah, Shaili H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1831510080
License No: A143292
Family Practice
(408) 278-3003
Sharma, Shashi P., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1619088036
License No: A44662
Family Practice1
(408) 278-3003
Shin, Frank D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1003992264
License No: G80006
Internal Medicine1
(408) 366-0405
Siao, Donald Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1861415374
License No: G73395
Family Practice1
(408) 223-7771
4794 190234
4794 198568
4794 022494
4794 222398
4794 015587
4794 550058
4794 530921
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
455 O'Connor Dr. # 150
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 260
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2820 Alum Rock Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
227 N. Jackson Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
227 N. Jackson Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1440 S. De Anza Blvd. # A
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2690 S. White Rd. # 200
Prov: Spanish
Prov: Hindi
Prov: Bengali, Hindi,
Prov: Spanish
Office 1 Staff: Arabic
Prov: Gujarati,
Hindi, Punjabi
Office 1 Staff: Arabic
Prov: Mandarin
Participating Physician Groups
Posada, Juan E., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1265496301
License No: A54533
Family Practice1
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 137
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Sifflet, Leo J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1912018292
License No: G6778
Internal Medicine
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 278-3003 625 Lincoln Ave.
4794 029017
Tee, Grace K., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1689691461
License No: A94181
Internal Medicine1
(408) 929-4511
Thai, Minh Q., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1609888411
License No: G75250
Family Practice1
(408) 294-2616
Thai, Nicole H., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1245254382
License No: A47898
Internal Medicine1
(408) 928-5656
To, An N., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1972528016
License No: A36399
Family Practice
(408) 279-1180
To, Rick M., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1194756858
License No: A80962
Family Practice1
(408) 279-1180
Torres, Sandra, M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1790872760
License No: A73641
Family Practice1
(408) 223-8080
Tram, Tracy P., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1922103191
License No: A61549
Internal Medicine
(408) 926-2420
Board Certified
138 /
4794 143355
4794 046040
4794 034800
4794 017259
4794 107837
4794 086120
4794 069499
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 450
Prov: Burmese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
60 N. 13th St. # B
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 355
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
87 N. Sixth St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
87 N. Sixth St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2690 S. White Rd. # 95
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2360 McKee Rd. # 1
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Prov: French,
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 279-2377 25 N. 14th St. # 780
4794 032912
Tran, Khanh C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1124093133
License No: A68365
Internal Medicine
(408) 281-3889
Tran, Louis, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1043285992
License No: A52085
General Practice
(408) 281-3889
Tran, Thai - Vinh V., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1780607036
License No: A52959
Internal Medicine
(408) 294-2868
Tran, Thang D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1275514069
License No: G81642
Internal Medicine
(408) 885-4160
Tse, Daniel Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1437258027
License No: A69138
Internal Medicine
(408) 261-3739
Tse, Phillip F., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1184732901
License No: A53900
Internal Medicine1
(408) 937-7581
Vetsa, Surekha S., M.D.
Gender: Female
NPI: 1184650871
License No: A90010
Internal Medicine
(408) 258-0900
4794 079032
4794 203678
4794 067021
4794 052145
4794 076824
4794 049614
4794 134632
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2899 Senter Rd. # 140
Prov: Vietnamese
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
2899 Senter Rd. # 140
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
652 E. Santa Clara St.
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1569 Lexann Ave. # 114
Prov: Vietnamese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
373 S. Redwood Ave
Prov: Cantonese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
266 N. Jackson Ave. # 7
Prov: Cantonese
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
150 N. Jackson Ave. # 105
Participating Physician Groups
Tran, Don D., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1881688950
License No: A41328
Internal Medicine1
Prov: Hindi, Telugu,
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Board Certified / 139
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
San Jose
Vu, Chung H., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1013905017
License No: A67850
Internal Medicine1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 274-0226 2593 S. King Rd. # 15
4794 076160
Weinstock, Henry, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1043312655
License No: G51131
Family Practice
(408) 278-3003
Wong, David, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1255435483
License No: A71313
Internal Medicine1
(408) 278-3003
Yau, Kwong K., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1609866862
License No: A50656
(408) 254-8828
Zhang, Zheng-Gang, M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1467554071
License No: A66053
Internal Medicine1
(408) 993-8764
4794 035177
4794 104184
4794 522164
4794 069369
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
227 N. Jackson Ave.
Prov: Cantonese,
Office 1 Staff:
Prov: Polish,
Office 1 Staff: Arabic
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
625 Lincoln Ave.
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
200 Jose Figueres Ave. # 300
Verity Medical Foundation2
Email: Data not available
55 N. 13th St.
Prov: Cantonese,
Prov: Mandarin
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara
Chung, Peter K., D.O.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1720083694
License No: 20A6376
Family Practice1
Son, James C., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1972535680
License No: A55194
Internal Medicine
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 247-0099 1470 Halford Ave # 168
4794 109956
(408) 261-7245
4794 051077
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
1150 Scott Blvd. # B3
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Board Certified
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
140 /
Prov: Cantonese
Prov: Korean
Verity Medical Foundation (4794)
Walters, Joseph J., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1144326752
License No: G84144
Family Practice1
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 253-4806 12961 Village Dr. # A
4794 570941
Prov: Spanish
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Phone/Enrollment ID # Address/Group Name
(408) 739-5950 500 E. Remington Dr. # 30
4794 050612
Prov: Mandarin
Verity Medical Foundation
Email: Data not available
Participating Physician Groups
Lin, Andrew Y., M.D.
Gender: Male
NPI: 1679635254
License No: G77882
Internal Medicine1
Board Certified / 141
Facilities and Other Services
Audiology/Hearing Aid
National Hearing
1580 Winchester Blvd., Suite
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 379-5600
Email: Data not available
Durable Medical Equipment
National Seating and
Mobility, Inc - Campbell
NPI: 1376516922
1190 Dell Ave, Suite L
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 920-0390
Email: Data not available
Home Health
Bay Health
NPI: 1851520621
30 Union Avenue Suite 126
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 689-8132
Email: Data not available
Care At Home, Inc.
NPI: 1396740965
910 Campisi Way Suite 2C
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 379-3990
Email: Data not available
Rehab Without Walls Campbell
NPI: 1134155849
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 559-9020
Email: Data not available
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Camp Recovery Outpatient
NPI: 1972685196
256 East Hamilton Avenue
Suite I
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 367-2190
Email: Data not available
Laboratories, Inc
NPI: 1447682380
2605 South Winchester Blvd
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 341-8600
Email: Data not available
NPI: 1497851471
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 866-5227
Email: Data not available
Outpatient Rehabilitation
Dialysis Facility
Satellite Healthcare Gilroy
NPI: 1588635460
7800 Arroyo Circle, Suite B
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 848-5410
Email: Data not available
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Caremeridian LLC, Gilroy
NPI: 1487791216
11500 Center Avenue
Gilroy, CA 95020
(800) 852-1256
Email: Data not available
Hanger Prosthetics &
Orthotics West,Inc.- Gilroy
NPI: 1174981989
9460 No Name Uno Ste. 240
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 484-3163
Email: Data not available
Outpatient Surgical
NPI: 1891917837
7101 Monterey Street, Suite A
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 842-6868
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
Cupertino Healthcare &
Wellness Center
NPI: 1477875672
22590 Voss Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 253-9034
Email: Data not available
Sunny View Manor
NPI: 1861578452
22445 Cupertino Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 253-4300
Email: Data not available
Gilroy Healthcare &
Rehabilitation Center
NPI: 1831231877
8170 Murray Ave.
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 842-9311
Email: Data not available
Los Altos
Camp Recovery Outpatient
NPI: 1972685196
256 East Hamilton Avenue
Suite I
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 367-2190
Email: Data not available
Bascom Surgery Center
NPI: 1174591143
3803 South Bascom Avenue,
Suite 106
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 369-9535
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
Outpatient Surgical
Gilroy Endoscopy Center
NPI: 1831102003
9460 No Name Uno Ste 130
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 847-1311
Email: Data not available
South Valley Imaging
NPI: 1154357531
8359 Church Street
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 842-0855
Email: Data not available
Audiology/Hearing Aid
Connect Hearing - Los
NPI: 1285985507
851 Fremont Avenue Suite 99
Los Altos, CA 94024
(650) 949-2765
Email: Data not available
NPI: 1508060443
1564 Miramonte Avenue
Suite A
Los Altos, CA 94024
(650) 917-1771
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
Los Altos Sub-acute and
Rehab Center
NPI: 1043345812
809 Fremont Ave.
Los Altos, CA 94024
(650) 941-5255
Email: Data not available
Facilities and Other Services
Terraces at Los Altos
NPI: 1083795595
373 Pine Lane
Los Altos, CA 94022
(650) 948-8291
Email: Data not available / 143
Facilities and Other Services
Los Gatos
Los Gatos
Los Gatos
Outpatient Surgical
Terraces of Los Gatos
NPI: 1659356111
800 Blossom Hill Road
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-1006
Email: Data not available
Home Health
Audiology/Hearing Aid
Silicon Valley Hearing Inc.
NPI: 1801232657
340 Dardanelli Lane Suite 22
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(888) 830-1665
Email: Data not available
Dialysis Facility
Los Gatos Surgical Center
NPI: 1801859970
15195 National Avenue Suite
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-1061
Email: Data not available
BMA of Los Gatos, Inc.
NPI: 1043322944
14651 South Bascom Avenue
Suite 100
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 358-3791
Email: Data not available
Samaritan Endoscopy
Center, LLC
NPI: 1447352737
15195 National Ave Suite 204
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-0988
Email: Data not available
Satellite Healthcare of Los
NPI: 1619218377
53 Los Gatos Saratoga Road
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 458-4460
Email: Data not available
Silicon Valley Surgery
NPI: 1881662856
14601 South Bascom Ave.,
Suite 100
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 402-0663
Email: Data not available
Inpatient Rehabilitation
El Camino Hospital
Rehabilitation Center
NPI: 1417199340
355 Dardanelli Lane
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 866-4030
Email: Data not available
Beyond Prosthetics, Inc
NPI: 1063698199
15899 Los Gatos Almaden
Suite 7
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-6300
Email: Data not available
Insight Imaging - Los Gatos
NPI: 1760457501
800 Polard Rd., #B-101
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 374-8897
Email: Data not available
Valley Radiology - Los
NPI: 1396703179
555 Knowles Drive Suite 116
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 866-7131
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
Stonebrook Health and
NPI: 1487987772
350 De Soto Dr.
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-9151
Email: Data not available
144 /
Vasona Creek Healthcare
NPI: 1285670851
16412 Los Gatos Blvd.
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-2191
Email: Data not available
Woodlands Healthcare
NPI: 1265765556
14966 Terreno De Flores
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-8136
Email: Data not available
Sleep Study
SleepQuest, Inc.- Salinas
NPI: 1205839867
16400 Lark Avenue Suite 210
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-6162
Email: Data not available
Dialysis Facility
Satellite Healthcare Milpitas
NPI: 1821107590
1860 Milmont Drive
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 935-0600
Email: Data not available
Wellbound of Milpitas,
NPI: 1962457267
1850 Milmont Dr
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 935-0550
Email: Data not available
LifeGuard Home Health
Southbay and Peninsula
NPI: 1316298938
960 Jacklin Rd
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 649-2370
Email: Data not available
Spectra Laboratories, Inc.
NPI: 1003810375
525 Sycamore Drive
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 526-3200
Email: Data not available
Urgent Care
US Healthworks Med Grp,
PC - Milpitas
NPI: 1316927338
1717 South Main Street
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 957-5700
Email: Data not available
Morgan Hill
Dialysis Facility
Satellite Healthcare
-Morgan Hill
NPI: 1558666701
16060 Caputo Drive, Suite
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 337-4100
Email: Data not available
Outpatient Surgical
South Bay Surgery Center
NPI: 1720023484
16130 Jean Hernandez Drive
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 782-6026
Email: Data not available
Facilities and Other Services
Morgan Hill
Mountain View
Mountain View
Palo Alto
Skilled Nursing Facility
Outpatient Surgical
Skilled Nursing Facility
Outpatient Surgical
Pacific Hills Manor
NPI: 1124154422
370 Noble Court
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 779-7346
Email: Data not available
Mountain View
Dialysis Facility
Satellite Healthcare
Mountain View
NPI: 1639511884
247 West El Camino Real
Suite 100
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 417-6420
Email: Data not available
Satellite Healthcare
Mountain View
NPI: 1639511884
247 W El Camino Real Ste
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 417-6420
Email: Data not available
Satellite Wellbound of
Mountain View
NPI: 1083046247
247 West El Camino Real
Suite 200
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 417-6460
Email: Data not available
Home Health
Grace Community Home
NPI: 1154750867
Mountain View, CA 94043
(650) 784-0082
Email: Data not available
Cuesta Park Endoscopy
Center, LP
NPI: 1427061696
2204 Grant Road, Suite 104
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 938-1411
Email: Data not available
El Camino Surgery Center,
NPI: 1952466716
2480 Grant Road
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 961-1200
Email: Data not available
Mountain View Endoscopy
Center, LP
NPI: 1275546434
2490 Hospital Drive Suite 211
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 988-7488
Email: Data not available
Orchard Creek Surgery
NPI: 1528261195
525 South Drive., Suite 115
Mountain View, CA 94040
(408) 396-5600
Email: Data not available
Health Diagnostics of
California, LLC
NPI: 1457382400
105 South Drive Suite 110
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 259-3165
Email: Data not available
Valley Radiology - Mountain
NPI: 1396703179
285 South Drive Suite 5
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 967-1331
Email: Data not available
Grant Cuesta Nursing &
Rehab Hospital
NPI: 1750378519
1949 Grant Road
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 968-2990
Email: Data not available
Waverley Surgery Center
NPI: 1619944824
400 Forest Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 324-0600
Email: Data not available
Palo Alto
Skilled Nursing Facility
Breast Prosthesis
Nordstrom - Palo Alto
NPI: 1760408132
550 Stanford Shopping
Palo Alto, CA 94304
(650) 323-5111
Email: Data not available
Durable Medical Equipment
Classic Residence by Hyatt
NPI: 1295774172
600 Sandhill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
(650) 289-9477
Email: Data not available
Palo Alto Nursing Center
NPI: 1780719278
911 Bryant Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 327-0511
Email: Data not available
Advanced Health Products,
NPI: 1750598777
3790 El Camino Real, #127
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 969-4606
Email: Data not available
Webster House
NPI: 1881632347
437 Webster St.
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 328-3300
Email: Data not available
San Jose
Stanford Hospital and
Clinics Reference
NPI: 1174698468
300 Pasteur Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94304
(877) 717-3733
Email: Data not available
Center for Independent
Rehabili tative Services,
Inc.- Palo Alto
NPI: 1720014210
3260 Ash Street
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 462-0102
Email: Data not available
Audiology/Hearing Aid
Facilities and Other Services
Center for Better Hearing
NPI: 1932328697
5406 Thornwood Drive #145
San Jose, CA 95123
(408) 281-7773
Email: Data not available
Connect Hearing - San Jose
NPI: 1265785182
840 Willow Street Suite 300
San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 271-9447
Email: Data not available / 145
Facilities and Other Services
San Jose
San Jose
San Jose
San Jose
Golden State Audiology
Associates - Santa Cruz
NPI: 1497856512
1275 Lincoln Avenue Suite 6B
San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 294-0644
Email: Data not available
Satellite Healthcare Santa
NPI: 1578724761
7019 Realm Drive
San Jose, CA 95119
(408) 229-1110
Email: Data not available
PMI - San Jose CA
NPI: 1326048893
123 Di Salvo Ave. Ste 60
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 217-9387
Email: Data not available
Dialysis Facility
Satellite Healthcare Silver
1620 East Capitol
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 754-3400
Email: Data not available
Wellbound of San Jose,
NPI: 1548232572
1525 Meridian Avenue Suite
San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 269-3600
Email: Data not available
Aborn Dialysis
NPI: 1386882934
3162 South White Road Suite
San Jose, CA 95148
(408) 223-0620
Email: Data not available
Cornerhouse Dialysis
NPI: 1467649111
2005 Naglee Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 998-0183
Email: Data not available
San Jose At Home
NPI: 1083883664
4400 Stevens Creek Blvd,
Suite 50
San Jose, CA 95129
(408) 985-2011
Email: Data not available
Satellite Dialysis - S. San
NPI: 1154392009
393 Blossom Hill Road, Suite
San Jose, CA 95123
(408) 629-9802
Email: Data not available
Satellite Healthcare East
San Jose
NPI: 1700857885
2121 Alexian Dr Ste 118
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 258-8720
Email: Data not available
Satellite Healthcare San
NPI: 1972927960
888 South Bascom Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 855-6900
Email: Data not available
146 /
Satellite Healthcare Stevens
NPI: 1386615235
4360 Stevens Creek Blvd. Ste
San Jose, CA 95129
(408) 517-5777
Email: Data not available
Satellite Healthcare White
NPI: 1972838944
1450 S. White Rd., Suite 30
San Jose, CA 95127
(408) 272-9810
Email: Data not available
Silicon Valley Home
NPI: 1427319524
725 Ridder Park Drive, Suite
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 392-0239
Email: Data not available
Stevens Creek Dialysis
NPI: 1457797474
275 Di Salvo Aveue
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 297-0103
Email: Data not available
Tully Road Home Training
NPI: 1538400239
1290 Tully Road Suite 60
San Jose, CA 95122
(408) 275-0105
Email: Data not available
Durable Medical Equipment
American Medical &
Equipment Supply
NPI: 1780640326
3725 Union Avenue
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 559-5800
Email: Data not available
Apria Healthcare - San Jose
NPI: 1245349349
2040 Corporate Court
San Jose, CA 95131
(800) 801-9001
Email: Data not available
Bischoff's Medical Mart San Jose
225 N. Bascom Ave.
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 286-6651
Email: Data not available
Bonsall's Walk-Rite Shoes
and Pedorthic Centers San Jose
NPI: 1730389826
4701 Hamilton Ave.
San Jose, CA 95130
(408) 376-0495
Email: Data not available
NPI: 1235453101
2114 Ringwood Ave.
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 347-9060
Email: Data not available
Pacific Pulmonary Services
- San Jose
NPI: 1427162718
1701 Fortune Drive Suite B
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 954-1961
Email: Data not available
Spark Sleep Solutions
NPI: 1639480973
175 North Jackson Avenue
Suite 207
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 490-0182
Email: Data not available
Home Health
Comfort Hands Healthcare,
NPI: 1215032123
792 Meridian Way
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 441-0522
Email: Data not available
Focus Health - San Jose
NPI: 1922240035
1245 South Winchester Blvd
Sute 203
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 725-1840
Email: Data not available
Gentiva Rehab Without
Walls - San Jose
NPI: 1134155849
4010 Moorpark Ave Ste 112
San Jose, CA 95117
(408) 556-0420
Email: Data not available
Healthy Living At Home
NPI: 1043456916
1879 Lundy Ave Ste 113
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 324-0600
Email: Data not available
Home Health Care Services
NPI: 1447550165
1590 Oakland Road Suite
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 437-3045
Email: Data not available
Facilities and Other Services
San Jose
San Jose
San Jose
San Jose
Interim Healthcare
NPI: 1619911948
1762 Technology Drive Suite
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 292-5680
Email: Data not available
Mission Medical Equipment
NPI: 1407902471
696 E Santa Clara St Suite
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 993-0382
Email: Data not available
Montpelier Surgery Center,
NPI: 1235155730
2340 Montpelier Drive Suite B
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 347-1875
Email: Data not available
Pacific Home Health, Inc
NPI: 1104136548
175 North Jackson Avenue
Suite 103A
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 258-5803
Email: Data not available
Premier Healthcare Svs San Jose
NPI: 1114246816
950 S Bascom Ave Ste 3113
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 285-6700
Email: Data not available
Outpatient Surgical
Advanced Surgery Center
NPI: 1508942996
235 Oconnor Drive
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 279-0791
Email: Data not available
Advanced Surgery Center San Jose
NPI: 1508942996
455 O'Connor Drive Suite 340
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 283-3715
Email: Data not available
DCHS Medical Foundation
NPI: 1326312067
2585 Samaritan Drive
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 278-3000
Email: Data not available
Hospice of the Valley
NPI: 1386636397
4850 Union Ave
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 947-1233
Email: Data not available
Sojourn Hospice and
Palliative Care
NPI: 1710250618
1879 Lundy Ave Ste 113
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 324-0700
Email: Data not available
Endoscopy Center of San
NPI: 1598815110
2100 Forest Ave Ste 109
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 297-2314
Email: Data not available
Orchard Creek Surgery
Center - San Jose
NPI: 1356572465
2420 Samaritan Drive
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 369-5600
Email: Data not available
South Bay Endoscopy
Center, LLC
NPI: 1376575860
455 O'Connor Dr., #340
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 283-3715
Email: Data not available
Suddin Vittal, M.D.
Endoscopy Center, Inc.
NPI: 1982782231
150 North Jackson Avenue
Suite 107
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 926-2182
Email: Data not available
SurgiCare - Jackson
Avenue Campus
221 N. Jackson Ave.
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 929-8210
Email: Data not available
Pet / Radiology
Endoscopy Surgery Center
of Silicon Valley, LLc
NPI: 1033448782
2410 Samaritan Drive, Suite
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 369-9798
Email: Data not available
Valley Radiology Imaging
and Pet Center at Samaritan
NPI: 1396703179
2581 Samaritan Drive, Suite
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-6881
Email: Data not available
Eye Center of Northern
NPI: 1134383789
2211 Moorpark Ave., #200
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 279-6999
Email: Data not available
Valley Radiology/Montpelier
2385 Montpelier Drive
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 964-1000
Email: Data not available
Hanger Prosetheics &
Orthotics West
NPI: 1447324322
125 Ciro Ave Ste 240
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 248-9840
Email: Data not available
Premierscan PC
NPI: 1083720304
798 South Winchester Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 984-7226
Email: Data not available
Valley Radiology - Ciro
125 Circo Avenue, Suite 230
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 297-4591
Email: Data not available
Valley Radiology - Ciro
Women's Center
125 Ciro Avenue, Suite 220
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 283-9179
Email: Data not available
Valley Radiology Cisco
3571 North 1St Street
San Jose, CA 95134
(408) 961-2666
Email: Data not available
Valley Radiology Imaging
and Pet Center at Samaritan
NPI: 1396703179
2581 Samaritan Drive, Suite
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-6881
Email: Data not available
Facilities and Other Services
Maxim Healthcare Services,
Inc - San Jose
NPI: 1417994864
631 River Oaks Pkwy
San Jose, CA 95134
(408) 244-2271
Email: Data not available
Just X-Rays
NPI: 1508879750
244 North Jackson Avenue
Suite 110
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 272-2727
Email: Data not available
Valley Radiology Montpelier
2375 Montpelier Avenue Suite
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 272-2873
Email: Data not available / 147
Facilities and Other Services
San Jose
San Jose
Santa Clara
Valley Radiology Samaritan
Women's Center
2581 Samaritan Drive Suite
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-7120
Email: Data not available
San Jose Healthcare &
Wellness Center
NPI: 1710219308
75 North 13th Street
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 295-2665
Email: Data not available
Home Health
Valley Radiology/Montpelier
2385 Montpelier Drive
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 964-1000
Email: Data not available
San Jose Healthcare Center
NPI: 1912192261
180 North Jackson Avenue
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 259-8700
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
Almaden Health and
Rehabilitation Center
NPI: 1548232184
2065 Los Gatos Almaden
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 377-9275
Email: Data not available
Courtyard Care Center
NPI: 1073633020
340 Northlake Drive
San Jose, CA 95117
(408) 249-0344
Email: Data not available
Empress Care Center, LLC
NPI: 1396732046
1299 South Bascom
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 287-0616
Email: Data not available
Plum Tree Care Center
NPI: 1083618441
2580 Samaritan Drive
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 356-8181
Email: Data not available
Quality Clinicians Care
Home Health Services
NPI: 1417232745
4699 Old Ironsides Dr Ste
Santa Clara, CA 95054
(408) 899-6766
Email: Data not available
Vista Manor Nursing Center
NPI: 1104820562
120 Jose Figueres Avenue
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 272-1400
Email: Data not available
Optimal Hospice CareSanta Clara
3375 Scott Blvd., Suite 310
Santa Clara, CA 95054
(408) 207-9222
Email: Data not available
Urgent Care
US Healthworks Med Grp,
PC - San Jose
NPI: 1316927338
1893 Monterey Road, Suite
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 288-3800
Email: Data not available
Santa Clara
Breast Prosthesis
Nordstrom - Valley Fair
2901 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 248-2180
Email: Data not available
148 /
Heartland Hospice
Services- Santa Clara
NPI: 1093769341
2005 De La Cruz Blvd. Suite
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 450-7850
Email: Data not available
Golden LivingCenter - San
NPI: 1902852411
401 Ridge Vista Ave.
San Jose, CA 95127
(408) 923-7232
Email: Data not available
Skyline HealthCare Center San Jose
NPI: 1902879471
2065 Forest Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 280-2500
Email: Data not available
White Blossom Care Center
NPI: 1720024391
1990 Fruitdale Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 998-8447
Email: Data not available
Prostheic Solutions, Inc
NPI: 1598858284
3350 Scott Blvd., Suite 6301
Santa Clara, CA 95054
(408) 845-9245
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
Skilled Nursing Facility
Our Lady of Fatima Villa
NPI: 1689742785
20400 Saratoga Los Gatos
Saratoga, CA 95070
(408) 741-2950
Email: Data not available
Saratoga Retirement
Community Health Center
NPI: 1942200225
14500 Fruitvale Ave.
Saratoga, CA 95070
(408) 867-1310
Email: Data not available
Dialysis Facility
Satellite Healthcare
NPI: 1922079805
155 North Wolfe Road
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 617-1887
Email: Data not available
Durable Medical Equipment
Numotion - Sunnyvale
NPI: 1992879639
610 North Pastoria Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
(650) 965-8282
Email: Data not available
Mission Skilled Nursing and
Sub-acute Center
NPI: 1679615611
410 North Winchester Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 248-3736
Email: Data not available
Home Health
Accentcare- Sunnyvale
NPI: 1154511194
150 W. Iowa Ave., Ste. 101
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 376-0811
Email: Data not available
Harmony HOme Health
NPI: 1538469929
1392 Kifer Rd. Suite 807
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 260-7062
Email: Data not available
Facilities and Other Services
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
Hearing Science of
NPI: 1730272634
595 Buckingham Way, #437
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 759-8851
Email: Data not available
Dialysis Facility
Satellite Healthcare San
NPI: 1104261130
1700 California St Ste 260
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 653-5800
Email: Data not available
Pathways Home Health and
Hospice- Mountain View
NPI: 1487659769
585 North Mary Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
(408) 730-5100
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
Cedar Crest Nursing &
Rehabilitation Center
NPI: 1982608303
797 E. Fremont Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 738-4880
Email: Data not available
Idylwood Care Center
NPI: 1508063322
1002 West Fremont Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 739-2383
Email: Data not available
ManorCare Health Services
- Sunnyvale
NPI: 1679511331
1150 Tilton Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 735-7200
Email: Data not available
Sunnyvale Health Care
NPI: 1457354920
1291 S Bernardo Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 245-8070
Email: Data not available
San Francisco
Audiology/Hearing Aid
Audiological Services of
San Francisco
NPI: 1346289089
3150 California Street, Suite 1
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 346-6886
Email: Data not available
San Francisco Audiology
NPI: 1306942743
2100 Webster St., #202
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 923-3134
Email: Data not available
True Sound Hearing Aid
Center Inc
NPI: 1386919108
1539 Sloat Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 681-1312
Email: Data not available
Vasquez Optical & Hearing
NPI: 1114063831
5138 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 824-6865
Email: Data not available
Breast Prosthesis
Nordstrom - San Francisco
NPI: 1992721369
865 Market St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 243-8500
Email: Data not available
Nordstrom - Stonestown
NPI: 1720174741
285 Winston Dr.
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 753-1344
Email: Data not available
Cardiac Monitors
Irhythm Technologies
NPI: 1710130539
650 Townsend St Ste 380
San Francisco, CA 94103
(888) 693-2401
Email: Data not available
Chinatown Dialysis
NPI: 1831163245
636 Clay Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 291-8992
Email: Data not available
Davies Dialysis
NPI: 1285942714
45 Castro Street South Tower
2Nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 600-5075
Email: Data not available
Pacific Dialysis
NPI: 1356659882
2351 Clay Street Floor 4
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 600-3258
Email: Data not available
RAI-Haight- San Francisco
NPI: 1356415509
1800 Haight Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 752-9886
Email: Data not available
RAI-Ocean Ave-San
NPI: 1831263045
1738 Ocean Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 406-1090
Email: Data not available
San Francisco Dialysis
NPI: 1801861893
1499 Webster Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 928-9003
Email: Data not available
San Francisco Home
NPI: 1477809812
1493 Webster Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 346-3382
Email: Data not available
Wellbound of San
NPI: 1528221249
1166 Post Street Suite 201
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 474-1309
Email: Data not available
Durable Medical Equipment
Arcadia Health Services San Francisco
4200 18th St., #103
San Francisco, CA 94114
(888) 888-1006
Email: Data not available
DCA Healthcare - San
240 Newall St.
San Francisco, CA 94124
(916) 801-3686
Email: Data not available
Lifewatch, Inc
NPI: 1255367843
33 New Montgomery Street
4Th Floor Suite 450
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 344-0259
Email: Data not available
Facilities and Other Services
Med-Mart/Pacific Pul- San
NPI: 1942314224
1331 Evans Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 647-7544
Email: Data not available
PMI - San Francisco CA
NPI: 1326048893
2477 Chestnut Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
(800) 726-9180
Email: Data not available / 149
Facilities and Other Services
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
Sf Royal Medical Supply,
NPI: 1437154713
2411 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA 94121
(415) 831-2330
Email: Data not available
Outpatient Surgical
Pacific Imaging/Diagnostic
Radiologists San Francisco
490 Post St., #323
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 421-3382
Email: Data not available
Home Health
Arcadia Health Services San Francisco
4200 18th St., #103
San Francisco, CA 94114
(888) 888-1006
Email: Data not available
Arcadia Health Care
NPI: 1902821929
1388 Sutter St Ste 904
San Francisco, CA 94109
(800) 733-8427
Email: Data not available
Hospice by the Bay -San
NPI: 1255381547
1902 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 626-5900
Email: Data not available
Arcadia Health Services San Francisco
4200 18th St., #103
San Francisco, CA 94114
(888) 888-1006
Email: Data not available
Pathways Home Health and
Hospice- San Francisco
909 Hyde St Ste 541
San Francisco, CA 94109
(650) 947-4306
Email: Data not available
Crossroads Healthcare and
NPI: 1205988854
1109 Vicente Street Ste 101
San Francisco, CA 94116
(415) 682-2111
Email: Data not available
Self Help For The Elderly Self-Help Homecare &
NPI: 1215085394
731 Sansome Street Suite
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 982-9171
Email: Data not available
Self Help For The Elderly Self-Help Homecare &
NPI: 1215085394
731 Sansome Street Suite
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 982-9171
Email: Data not available
Home Infusion
Coram Specialty Infusion
NPI: 1710284450
1635 Divisadero Street., Suite
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 292-6811
Email: Data not available
150 /
Pathlogic - San Francisco
NPI: 1710983671
405 Davis Ct Suite 2407
San Francisco, CA 94111
(916) 692-7151
Email: Data not available
San Francisco Prosthetics
& Orthotics
NPI: 1306915749
330 Divisadero Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 861-4146
Email: Data not available
Eye Surgery Center of San
NPI: 1437274495
1160 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 440-1100
Email: Data not available
Pacific Heights Surgery
Center of San Francisco
NPI: 1003965328
3000 California Street 2nd
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 567-1171
Email: Data not available
Pet / Radiology
Radnet Medical Imaging San Francisco
NPI: 1548345382
3440 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 922-6767
Email: Data not available
San Francisco Advanced
Medical Imaging
NPI: 1154548006
325 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 321-4674
Email: Data not available
Fusion Diagnostic Group,
NPI: 1629033030
1700 California St., #260
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 921-7226
Email: Data not available
Insight Imaging-San
Francisco SFMRC
NPI: 1366417123
1180 Post St.
San Francisco, CA 94109
(405) 563-3133
Email: Data not available
Bay Area MRI
NPI: 1659302503
50 Francisco Street, Suite
San Francisco, CA 94133
(415) 433-3535
Email: Data not available
Insight Imaging-San
Francisco SFMRC
NPI: 1366417123
1180 Post St.
San Francisco, CA 94109
(405) 563-3133
Email: Data not available
San Francisco SFMRC
NPI: 1982007670
1180 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 248-3700
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
Central Gardens
NPI: 1093872715
1355 Ellis St
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 567-2967
Email: Data not available
Golden Gate Healthcare
NPI: 1992882278
2707 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 563-7600
Email: Data not available
Jewish Home of San
NPI: 1275525115
302 Silver Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 334-2500
Email: Data not available
Facilities and Other Services
Kindred Nursing and
Healthcare - Victorian
NPI: 1053480343
2121 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 922-5085
Email: Data not available
Kindred Transitional Care
and Rehabilitation
NPI: 1497779086
1359 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 673-8405
Email: Data not available
Lawton Healthcare Center
NPI: 1215942065
1575 Seventh Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94122
(415) 566-1200
Email: Data not available
Dialysis Facility
Ceres Dialysis Center
NPI: 1801923164
1768 Mitchell Rd Ste 308
Ceres, CA 95307
(209) 538-9853
Email: Data not available
San Francisco Towers
NPI: 1982774329
1661 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 776-0500
Email: Data not available
Sequoias - San Francisco
NPI: 1053341396
1400 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 922-9700
Email: Data not available
Urgent Care
Durable Medical Equipment
Premier Medical Supply
NPI: 1821163221
2800 Mitchell Road Suite F
Ceres, CA 95307
(209) 537-2882
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
Ha-Le Aloha Convalescent
NPI: 1770567984
1711 Richland Avenue
Ceres, CA 95307
(209) 537-4581
Email: Data not available
Alexander Cohen Hospice
NPI: 1043326531
2201 Euclid Avenue
Hughson, CA 95326
(209) 578-6344
Email: Data not available
US Healthworks Med Grp,
PC - San Francisco
NPI: 1316927338
192 Beacon Street
San Francisco, CA 94131
(650) 589-6500
Email: Data not available
Dialysis Facility
Wellbound of North
NPI: 1841634144
4207 Bangs Avenue Suite
Modesto, CA 95356
(209) 338-2540
Email: Data not available
Archway Dialysis of
NPI: 1396176020
3001 Health Care Way Bldg
E, Suite 102
Modesto, CA 95356
(209) 543-1720
Email: Data not available
Durable Medical Equipment
San Francisco Health Care
and Rehab
NPI: 1588974570
1477 Grove St
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 563-0565
Email: Data not available
Audiology/Hearing Aid
Holden Hearing Aid Service
- Modesto
NPI: 1073585410
1150 W. Orangeburg Ave.
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 526-9883
Email: Data not available
Satellite Healthcare Central Modesto
NPI: 1609847581
1315 Tenth St Suite 300
Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 238-4087
Email: Data not available
Satellite Healthcare Modesto
NPI: 1861463770
3500 Coffee Road Suite 21
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 578-0691
Email: Data not available
U.S. Renal Care Modesto
NPI: 1003887712
305 East Granger Ave.
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 574-6800
Email: Data not available
U.S. Renal Care Parkway
NPI: 1922070283
2200 Plaza Parkway Drive
Suite B1 B4
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 574-6818
Email: Data not available
Wellbound of Modesto,
NPI: 1932171972
1315 Tenth St., Suite 100
Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 238-4080
Email: Data not available
Apria Healthcare - Modesto
NPI: 1720195753
4400 Sisk Road
Modesto, CA 95356
(800) 719-9783
Email: Data not available
Home Oxygen Compnay
NPI: 1457545923
2020 Coffee Road Suite C1A
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 523-0202
Email: Data not available
LifeCare Solutions Modesto
NPI: 1922242866
500 Glass Lane, Suite H
Modesto, CA 95356
(209) 579-7743
Email: Data not available
Pacific Pulmonary Services
- Mode sto
NPI: 1720002330
4140 Bangs Avenue Suite A
Modesto, CA 95356
(209) 543-8612
Email: Data not available
Facilities and Other Services
San Francisco
PMI - Modesto CA
Stanisiaus Ortho P & O
NPI: 1326048893
609 E Orangeburg Avenue
Suite 102 Lissette
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 526-1721
Email: Data not available
PMI - Modesto Ortho Med P
NPI: 1326048893
1335 Coffee Road Suite 210
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 524-3113
Email: Data not available / 151
Facilities and Other Services
Family Planning
Outpatient Surgical
Garden City Healthcare
NPI: 1801832464
1310 West Granger Avenue
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 524-4817
Email: Data not available
Family Planning Associates
- Modesto
NPI: 1073608675
2030 Coffee Road Suite A-1
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 578-0443
Email: Data not available
Home Health
Global Healthcare Services
NPI: 1366572141
400 12Th St Ste 25
Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 549-9875
Email: Data not available
Global Healthcare Services
NPI: 1366572141
400 12Th St Ste 25
Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 549-9875
Email: Data not available
Interim Healthcare of
Central California - Modesto
NPI: 1902848211
1521 N Carpenter Rd Ste D1
Modesto, CA 95351
(209) 472-6040
Email: Data not available
Maxim Healthcare Svcs Stockton
NPI: 1174620538
1620 North Carpenter Road
Suite C19
Modesto, CA 95351
(209) 222-5490
Email: Data not available
Home Infusion
Community Hospice, Inc
NPI: 1043326531
4368 Spyres Way
Modesto, CA 95356
(909) 307-8503
Email: Data not available
Optimal Hospice Care Modesto
NPI: 1821166745
1101 Sylvan Avenue, Suite
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 338-3000
Email: Data not available
Center for Independent
Rehabili tative Services,
Inc. - Modesto
NPI: 1598701427
1130 Coffee Road, Suite 6B
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 549-1000
Email: Data not available
Pacific Orthotics and
Prosthetics - Modesto
NPI: 1053414052
1005 West Orangeburg
Avenue, Suite A
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 575-1063
Email: Data not available
152 /
Sylvan Surgery Center, Inc
NPI: 1801822739
2336 Sylvan Ave., Suite B
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 338-0393
Email: Data not available
Valley Surgery Center LP
NPI: 1235106782
1300 Mable Avenue Suite I
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 571-1633
Email: Data not available
Radiation Oncology
Prigge Radiation Oncology
Center of Modesto
NPI: 1720150816
1316 Nelson Ave
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 575-5870
Email: Data not available
Procare Prosthetics &
1705 Coffee Road Suite 1
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 544-2273
Email: Data not available
Crescent Healthcare Modesto
NPI: 1972578730
1120 Doker Dr., #2
Modesto, CA 95351
(209) 571-0130
Email: Data not available
McHenry Surgery Center
Partners, LP
NPI: 1457397390
1524 Mchenry Avenue Suite
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 576-2900
Email: Data not available
West Coast Orthotic &
Prosthetics Modesto
NPI: 1215958368
1705 Coffee Rd., Ste. C
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 550-0100
Email: Data not available
Modesto Radiology
Imaging, Inc.
NPI: 1588954929
1524 Mchenry Avenue Suite
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 577-4444
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
English Oak Convalescent
& Rehabilitation Center
NPI: 1154325512
2633 West Rumble Road
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 577-1001
Email: Data not available
Hy-Lond Health Care Center
- Modesto
NPI: 1851385843
1900 Coffee Road
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 526-1775
Email: Data not available
Modesto Post Acute Center
NPI: 1932251808
159 East Orangeburg Ave.
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 526-2811
Email: Data not available
Valley Subacute &
Rehabilitation Center
NPI: 1326032327
515 E Orangeburg Avenue
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 529-0516
Email: Data not available
Vintage Faire Nursing &
Rehab Center
NPI: 1437291929
3620 Dale Road, Suite B
Modesto, CA 95356
(209) 521-2094
Email: Data not available
Windsor Post-Acute
Healthcare Center of
NPI: 1245237965
2030 Evergreen Avenue
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 577-1055
Email: Data not available
Windsor Post-Acute
Healthcare Center of
NPI: 1982089348
2030 Evergreen Ave
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 577-1055
Email: Data not available
Facilities and Other Services
Skilled Nursing Facility
US Healthworks Med Grp,
PC - Modesto
NPI: 1316927338
2101 Tenaya Drive
Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 527-0080
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
Riverbank Nursing Center
NPI: 1902807654
2649 Topeka Avenue
Riverbank, CA 95367
(209) 869-2568
Email: Data not available
Skilled Nursing Facility
San Luis Care Center
NPI: 1750375846
Newman, CA 95360
(209) 862-2862
Email: Data not available
Audiology/Hearing Aid
Turlock Center for Better
1000 Delbon Ave., #1
Turlock, CA 95382
(209) 669-1438
Email: Data not available
Dialysis Facility
Dialysis Facility
U.S. Renal Care Oakdale
NPI: 1265403976
1405 West F Street
Oakdale, CA 95361
(209) 848-5780
Email: Data not available
Modesto Advanced Imaging
NPI: 1730133893
1108 Ward Avenue Building A
Suite 1
Patterson, CA 95363
(209) 892-9100
Email: Data not available
Satellite Healthcare Turlock
NPI: 1376514141
1729 North Olive Ave., Suite
Turlock, CA 95382
(209) 667-4888
Email: Data not available
Hanger Prosthetics &
Orthotics - Turlock
NPI: 1740354620
777 E Hawkeye Avenue Suite
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 664-0135
Email: Data not available
Turlock Orthotics and
NPI: 1346343365
130 Regis St., #A
Turlock, CA 95382
(209) 634-9021
Email: Data not available
Outpatient Surgical
Northern California Surgery
NPI: 1528012978
3850 Geer Road
Turlock, CA 95382
(209) 668-9866
Email: Data not available
Turlock Dialysis Center,
NPI: 1942489562
50 West Syracus Avenue
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 656-7299
Email: Data not available
Tower Health and Wellness
Surgery Center, Lp
NPI: 1508846122
1801 Colorado Avenue Suite
Turlock, CA 95382
(209) 216-3472
Email: Data not available
Durable Medical Equipment
Pacific Pulmonary Services
- Turlock
NPI: 1255445334
3108 Spengler Way
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 667-8662
Email: Data not available
Brandel Manor
NPI: 1306281688
1801 N. Olive Ave.
Turlock, CA 95382
(209) 667-5600
Email: Data not available
Covenant Village Care
NPI: 1205906989
2125 N Olive Ave
Turlock, CA 95382
(209) 632-9976
Email: Data not available
Elness Convalescent
NPI: 1801870019
812 W. Main Street
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 667-2828
Email: Data not available
North Star Post Acute Care
NPI: 1699759803
180 Starr Avenue
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 632-1075
Email: Data not available
Turlock Nursing & Rehab
NPI: 1164563276
1111 East Tuolumne Rd.
Turlock, CA 95382
(209) 632-7577
Email: Data not available
Facilities and Other Services
Urgent Care
Turlock Imaging Services
NPI: 1992747547
3900 Geer Road
Turlock, CA 95382
(209) 669-0600
Email: Data not available
Turlock Imaging Services
NPI: 1992747547
2121 Colorado Avenue
Turlock, CA 95382
(209) 669-0600
Email: Data not available / 153
Outpatient Surgical
The following is a listing of outpatient surgical facilities affiliated with Health Net,
arranged in alphabetical order by location by county.
Outpatient surgical facilities offer you an alternative
to being admitted into a hospital. You and your
physician may choose to visit an outpatient surgical
facility instead of a hospital for outpatient surgery.
Remember, your primary care physician (PCP)
and the participating physician group (PPG) must
authorize services in an outpatient surgical facility in
order for those services to be covered. Your physician
or surgeon will help approve and coordinate the
surgery setting. For more information, call our
Customer Contact Center at 1-800-522-0088.
Centros Quirúrgicos
para Pacientes Ambulatorios
La siguiente es una lista de los centros quirúrgicos ambulatorios afiliados a
Health Net, ordenada alfabéticamente por ubicación y condado.
Los centros quirúrgicos ambulatorios le ofrecen una
alternativa a la admisión en un hospital. Usted y su
médico pueden elegir acudir a un centro quirúrgico
ambulatorio en vez de ir a un hospital para realizarse
una cirugía para pacientes ambulatorios. Recuerde, su
médico de atención primaria (por sus siglas en inglés,
PCP) y el grupo médico participante (por sus siglas
en inglés, PPG) deben autorizar los servicios en
un centro quirúrgico ambulatorio para que éstos
estén cubiertos. Su médico o cirujano le ayudará
a aprobar y coordinar el proceso quirúrgico Para
obtener más información, llame a nuestro Centro de
Comunicación con el Cliente al 1-800-522-0088. / 155
156 /
Outpatient Surgical Facilities
San Francisco
Eye Surgery Center of San
NPI: 1437274495
1160 Post Street
San Francisco, 94109
(415) 440-1100
Email: Data not available
Los Gatos
San Jose
San Jose
Silicon Valley Surgery
NPI: 1881662856
14601 South Bascom Ave.,
Suite 100
Los Gatos, 95032
(408) 402-0663
Email: Data not available
Advanced Surgery Center
NPI: 1508942996
235 Oconnor Drive
San Jose, 95128
(408) 279-0791
Email: Data not available
South Bay Endoscopy
Center, LLC
NPI: 1376575860
455 O'Connor Dr., #340
San Jose, 95128
(408) 283-3715
Email: Data not available
Morgan Hill
Pacific Heights Surgery
Center of San Francisco
NPI: 1003965328
3000 California Street 2nd
San Francisco, 94115
(415) 567-1171
Email: Data not available
South Bay Surgery Center
NPI: 1720023484
16130 Jean Hernandez Drive
Morgan Hill, 95037
(408) 782-6026
Email: Data not available
Cuesta Park Endoscopy
Center, LP
NPI: 1427061696
2204 Grant Road, Suite 104
Mountain View, 94040
(650) 938-1411
Email: Data not available
Bascom Surgery Center
NPI: 1174591143
3803 South Bascom Avenue,
Suite 106
Campbell, 95008
(408) 369-9535
Email: Data not available
Gilroy Endoscopy Center
NPI: 1831102003
9460 No Name Uno Ste 130
Gilroy, 95020
(408) 847-1311
Email: Data not available
Los Gatos
Los Gatos Surgical Center
NPI: 1801859970
15195 National Avenue Suite
Los Gatos, 95032
(408) 356-1061
Email: Data not available
Samaritan Endoscopy
Center, LLC
NPI: 1447352737
15195 National Ave Suite 204
Los Gatos, 95032
(408) 356-0988
Email: Data not available
Mountain View
El Camino Surgery Center,
NPI: 1952466716
2480 Grant Road
Mountain View, 94040
(650) 961-1200
Email: Data not available
Mountain View Endoscopy
Center, LP
NPI: 1275546434
2490 Hospital Drive Suite 211
Mountain View, 94040
(650) 988-7488
Email: Data not available
Orchard Creek Surgery
NPI: 1528261195
525 South Drive., Suite 115
Mountain View, 94040
(408) 396-5600
Email: Data not available
Palo Alto
Waverley Surgery Center
NPI: 1619944824
400 Forest Ave.
Palo Alto, 94301
(650) 324-0600
Email: Data not available
Advanced Surgery Center San Jose
NPI: 1508942996
455 O'Connor Drive Suite 340
San Jose, 95128
(408) 283-3715
Email: Data not available
DCHS Medical Foundation
NPI: 1326312067
2585 Samaritan Drive
San Jose, 95124
(408) 278-3000
Email: Data not available
Endoscopy Center of San
NPI: 1598815110
2100 Forest Ave Ste 109
San Jose, 95128
(408) 297-2314
Email: Data not available
Endoscopy Surgery Center
of Silicon Valley, LLc
NPI: 1033448782
2410 Samaritan Drive, Suite
San Jose, 95124
(408) 369-9798
Email: Data not available
Eye Center of Northern
NPI: 1134383789
2211 Moorpark Ave., #200
San Jose, 95128
(408) 279-6999
Email: Data not available
Montpelier Surgery Center,
NPI: 1235155730
2340 Montpelier Drive Suite B
San Jose, 95116
(408) 347-1875
Email: Data not available
Orchard Creek Surgery
Center - San Jose
NPI: 1356572465
2420 Samaritan Drive
San Jose, 95124
(408) 369-5600
Email: Data not available
Suddin Vittal, M.D.
Endoscopy Center, Inc.
NPI: 1982782231
150 North Jackson Avenue
Suite 107
San Jose, 95116
(408) 926-2182
Email: Data not available
SurgiCare - Jackson
Avenue Campus
221 N. Jackson Ave.
San Jose, 95116
(408) 929-8210
Email: Data not available
McHenry Surgery Center
Partners, LP
NPI: 1457397390
1524 Mchenry Avenue Suite
Modesto, 95350
(209) 576-2900
Email: Data not available
Outpatient Surgical Facilities
Sylvan Surgery Center, Inc
NPI: 1801822739
2336 Sylvan Ave., Suite B
Modesto, 95355
(209) 338-0393
Email: Data not available
Valley Surgery Center LP
NPI: 1235106782
1300 Mable Avenue Suite I
Modesto, 95355
(209) 571-1633
Email: Data not available
Northern California Surgery
NPI: 1528012978
3850 Geer Road
Turlock, 95382
(209) 668-9866
Email: Data not available / 157
Outpatient Surgical Facilities
Tower Health and Wellness
Surgery Center, Lp
NPI: 1508846122
1801 Colorado Avenue Suite
Turlock, 95382
(209) 216-3472
Email: Data not available
158 /
Primary Care
Physician Index
The following is a listing of all primary care physicians affiliated with Health Net,
arranged in alphabetical order.
For more information about each physician,
turn to the pages indicated. For the most up-to-date
directory listings, visit the Health Net website at
Índice de Médicos de Atención Primaria
La siguiente es una lista de todos los médicos de atención primaria afiliados a
Health Net, ordenada alfabéticamente.
actualizada del directorio, visite el sitio Web
de Health Net en
Si desea más información sobre cada médico, consulte
las páginas indicadas. Para obtener la lista más / 159
160 /
Primary Care Physician Index
Abalos-Galito, Marietta F., M.D.......................................79, 129
Abbas, Humayun, M.D. ...........................................................33
Abdul Wahid, Ali A., N.D. ........................................................47
Abellera, Nilda Agnes A., M.D.................................................77
Aceves-Casillas, Pedro, M.D. .................................................60
Adeeb, Fareeda, M.D......................................................79, 109
Ahmed, Natasha, M.D.......................................................76, 80
Ahmed, Sabi, M.D. ..................................................................80
Aitken, Colleen A., M.D. ..........................................................52
Allison, Charles P., M.D. .........................................................60
Aminova, Alla, M.D..........................................................80, 129
Andrade, Paul A., M.D. .........................................................110
Apellanes, Antonio E., M.D. ....................................................34
Arakelian, Ronald A., M.D.......................................................48
Aravamuthan, Manjari, M.D. ...................................................80
Arellano, Andres A., M.D.........................................................45
Armann, Kjartan D., M.D. ......................................................110
Arretz, Desiree S., M.D. ..........................................................60
Arzumanova, Karina G., M.D. .................................................61
Asghar, Fayaz, M.D. ...............................................................80
Aubry, Wade M., M.D..............................................................61
Auen, Edward L., M.D. ............................................................34
Austin, Suzanne M., M.D. .....................................................110
Ayap, Heidi P., M.D.................................................................80
Ayer, Gopi N., M.D. ...............................................................103
Ayer, Mandeep B., M.D.........................................................104
Baes, Dante M., M.D...............................................................48
Bailey III, S. Rush, M.D. ..........................................................34
Balakrishnan, Amaravathi, M.D...............................................81
Baluyot, Myleen B., M.D..........................................................48
Banuelos Jr, Jose L., M.D. ......................................................34
Barbara, Joseph C., M.D.......................................................102
Basi, Amrik S., M.D. ................................................................34
Basi, Upinder K., M.D..............................................................46
Bauman, Philip O., M.D...........................................................34
Bellamy, Amber Y., M.D..........................................................61
Bennett, Robin E., D.O..................................................107, 129
Benson, Frederick P., M.D. ...................................................110
Bezecny, Susan K., M.D. ......................................................104
Bhatia, Kawaljeet K., M.D. ....................................................102
Bhatt, Komal J., M.D. ..............................................................81
Bhinder, Jagmohan S., M.D. ...................................................48
Bibal, Xylona R., M.D. .............................................................61
Blackhart, Bruce A., M.D.........................................................46
Blankenship, Bradley S., M.D. ................................................34
Bluvshteyn, Sasha A., M.D. ....................................................34
Blythe, Diana K., M.D..............................................................47
Bonilla, Luis A., M.D................................................................61
Bonnett Alonso, Andre, M.D....................................................47
Boozer, James W., M.D. .........................................................35
Borodulin, Tatyana V., M.D. ..........................................101, 128
Boykoff, Alla, M.D....................................................................61
Bricca, Carl E., D.O.................................................................61
Brockman, Tracy L., M.D. .......................................................35
Brown, Kristin M., M.D. ...........................................................35
Bui, Hong H., M.D. ..........................................................81, 110
Bui, Rau V., M.D. ....................................................81, 110, 130
Bui, Viet-Hong D., D.O. ...................................................81, 110
Bui-Thompson, Loan K., D.O. .................................................35
Bukov, Konstantin D., M.D. .....................................................61
Burbano, Emiro, M.D...............................................................81
Cahn, David A., M.D. ............................................................110
Cahn, Michael S., M.D. .........................................................111
Caluag, Jeaniesar B., M.D. .....................................................62
Campbell, Mark F., M.D. ...............................................111, 130
Canga, Manuel L., M.D. ..........................................................45
Capulong, Fernando L., M.D...........................................81, 111
Carlson, James M., M.D..........................................................35
Carrillo, Juan C., M.D..............................................................81
Carsolin-Chang, Cynthia M., M.D. ..........................................62
Carter, Patrick F., M.D. ...........................................................62
Cathey, Richard, M.D......................................................82, 111
Cepe, Joanabel S., M.D. .........................................82, 111, 130
Chadarevian-zorian, Rita, M.D..............................................111
Chan, Christina, M.D...............................................................35
Chan, Christine Y., M.D. .........................................................35
Chan, Edward Y., M.D. ...........................................................52
Chan, Ka K., M.D. ...................................................................62
Chan, Kenneth D., M.D. ..........................................................52
Chan, Kwok L., M.D. .........................................................52, 62
Chan, Mai-Sie F., M.D.............................................................53
Chan, Shu-Wing, M.D. ............................................................53
Chan, Vivian W., M.D..............................................................53
Chang, Kenneth H., M.D. ........................................................53
Chao, Lawrence L., M.D. ..................................................53, 62
Chase, Michael C., M.D. .........................................................62
Chau, Maggie S., D.O. ....................................................82, 111
Chaudhury, Leena, M.D. .........................................................35
Chen, Maggie W., M.D............................................82, 111, 130
Chen, Tsung-Chang T., M.D. ................................................102
Cheng, Eddie M., M.D.............................................................82
Chien, Michelle, M.D. ..............................................................62
Chin, Arthur S., M.D. ...............................................................53
Chin, Robert M., M.D. .............................................................36
Chiong, Dominic M., M.D. .............................................112, 130
Primary Care Physician Index
Physician / 161
Page Physician
Cho, Chang H., M.D......................................................100, 127
Cho, Kisuk J., M.D. ...............................................................126
Cho, Yoon-Jung, M.D............................................................126
Choslovsky, Sydney C., M.D.................................................112
Chow, Norman K., D.O. ........................................................104
Christopher, Kathy A., M.D. ....................................................36
Chu, Kevin B., M.D..................................................................63
Chu, Paul T., M.D....................................................................53
Chung, Crawford K., M.D. .................................................54, 63
Chung, Hankyu, M.D.............................................................112
Chung, Peter K., D.O. .............................................99, 126, 140
Chung, William S., M.D. ..........................................................54
Cipoletti, Samuel J., M.D.......................................................112
Clare, Sean B., M.D. ...............................................................36
Clothier, John L., M.D. ............................................................63
Cohen, Meyer D., M.D. ...........................................................63
Contini, Michelle R., M.D.......................................................112
Contini, Peter C., M.D. ..........................................................112
Contreras, Jorge V., M.D. .....................................................112
Cook, Mark D., M.D.................................................................46
Coombs, Jack L., M.D...........................................................112
Cordier, Jennifer R., M.D. .......................................................46
Corsiglia, Victor F., M.D. .......................................................130
Court, Sergio B., M.D. .............................................................82
Cu, Joseph A., M.D. ........................................................82, 130
Cummings, Cynthia L., M.D. .................................................130
Dam, Dinh X., M.D. .................................................82, 113, 131
Dang, Phuc C., M.D. ...............................................................83
Dang, Trach P., M.D. ......................................................83, 113
Dao, Kim V., M.D. ...........................................................83, 113
Davenport, Mark W., M.D........................................................49
David, Romeo C., M.D. ...........................................................63
Dawood, Nayyara S., M.D...............................................83, 113
De Ocampo, Emillie M., M.D...................................................36
De-Paz, Jordan, M.D...............................................................36
DeWees, Edward C., M.D. ....................................................101
Del Signore, Claire M., M.D. .................................................113
Deleon, Recto F., M.D.............................................................36
Diaz III, Gervacio D., M.D. ......................................................36
Diego, Silvia M., M.D...............................................................36
Diep, Daniel T., M.D..........................................................33, 45
Do, Christopher N., M.D........................................................113
Do, Jennifer H., M.D................................................................63
Do, Trang U., M.D. ..........................................................83, 113
Dolkar, Yangchen, M.D. ..........................................................63
Drucker, Bryan J., M.D..........................................................113
Duggal, Arun, M.D...................................................................37
Dwyre, Terrence R., M.D. .....................................................131
Eglin, Linda, M.D...................................................................104
El-Isa, Zaina, M.D. ..................................................................37
Endress, Don M., M.D.............................................................51
Eng, Anderson, D.O. ...............................................................63
162 /
Epstein, Larry A., M.D. ..........................................................108
Ereso, Virgilio C., M.D.............................................................37
Escarcha, loraine, M.D............................................................49
Esho, Maryam, M.D. ...............................................................49
Evnin, Kerry B., M.D................................................................33
Feldman, Arthur B., M.D. ......................................................131
Fernandez, Mary Ann S., M.D.................................................64
Ferrari, Patricia A., M.D.........................................................104
Fink, Diana F., M.D. ..............................................................114
Fishenfeld, Jaco, M.D. ............................................................83
Flaherty, Maureen E., M.D. .....................................................64
Fong, Hanlon J., M.D. .............................................................54
Fong, Justin P., M.D................................................................64
Fong, Towie, M.D....................................................................54
Fu, Qingquan, M.D............................................................54, 64
Fuller, David G., M.D...............................................................37
Fung, Gregory, M.D. .........................................................54, 64
Gali, Joseph Y., M.D. ............................................................114
Gandhi, Tripty M., M.D. ...................................................99, 126
Gangani, Yasmeen M., M.D..................................................107
Gelders, Albert H., M.D. ..........................................................46
Gil, Lisa M., M.D......................................................................37
Goel, Krishan K., M.D. ............................................................49
Gogna, Harjit, M.D. .................................................................37
Goh, Winston L., M.D..............................................................64
Goldman, Ronald A., M.D. ......................................................37
Golechha, Priti, M.D. ...............................................................47
Goodreau, Scott R., M.D.........................................................38
Gores, Guido J., M.D. .............................................................64
Gould, Meghan D., M.D. .........................................................64
Greenberg, James Y., M.D. ....................................................65
Griswold, Jenny C., M.D. ......................................................114
Guanzon, Jose Maria G., M.D.................................83, 114, 131
Guanzon, Teresita V., M.D..............................................83, 131
Ha, Linda M., M.D. ..................................................................84
Halaburka, Christine C., M.D. ...............................................114
Halappa, Arundati, M.D...........................................................48
Haman, Aissatou, M.D. ...........................................................65
Hamidi, Sara B., M.D. .............................................................49
Hansen, Darrell R., M.D. .........................................................38
Hansen, James P., M.D. .........................................................65
Harris Jr, Mattice F., M.D. .......................................................38
Hashmi, Naeem U., M.D. ........................................................84
Hays, Tobias G., M.D............................................................114
Heredia, Veronica D., M.D. .....................................................84
Hernandez, Armand R., M.D...................................................38
Hernandez, Miguel A., M.D. ....................................................38
Hilbert, Diana L., M.D..............................................................65
Hla, Tin T., M.D. ..............................................................84, 131
Ho, Gustin M., M.D............................................................54, 65
Ho, Sai-Sun, M.D. .............................................................55, 65
Page Physician
Ho, Thomas S., M.D..............................................................114
Hoang, Khoi, M.D..................................................................114
Hoang, Sylvia H., M.D...........................................................106
Hoang, Thuy T., M.D.........................................................77, 84
Hoang, Tuan A., M.D. .............................................................55
Holm, Edward B., M.D.............................................................49
Hopner, Dan D., M.D.....................................................104, 115
Horwitz, Lee J., M.D................................................................46
Howe, Donald V., M.D.............................................................49
Hsu, Thomas T., M.D. .....................................................76, 128
Huan, Eng H., M.D. .................................................................84
Huang, Frank F., M.D............................................................108
Huang, John Y., M.D.............................................................103
Huang, Scott L., D.O. ..............................................................65
Huberman, Sara B., M.D.........................................................66
Hughes, Marybeth, M.D. ...............................................104, 128
Huie, Victor, M.D. ....................................................................66
Hundal, Nirbhai S., M.D. .........................................................50
Hundal, Talminder S., M.D......................................................38
Hunt, Bernard J., D.O..............................................................38
Husain, Shabnam, M.D. ........................................................131
Hutchins, Mary Jane B., M.D. .........................................84, 131
Huynh, Chau M., M.D..............................................84, 115, 132
Huynh, Dat T., M.D. ................................................85, 115, 132
Huynh, Minh Q., M.D...............................................85, 115, 132
Huynh, Them, M.D. ...............................................................132
Huynh, Thuy N., M.D.......................................................77, 106
Indukuri, Sushma, M.D............................................................38
Jain, Arti, M.D................................................................100, 127
Jain, Ashit, M.D. ................................................................77, 85
Jalilie, B. Sofia, M.D. .............................................................102
Javid, Athiya D., M.D...............................................................85
Javid, Yaminali M., M.D. .........................................................85
Jew, Jerome N., M.D.........................................................55, 66
Jignas, Negandhi, M.D............................................................77
Jimenez, Rafael E., M.D. ........................................................50
Jones, Reldon R., M.D. ...........................................................39
Joshi, Tarla P., M.D...............................................................115
Jothikumar, Puliadi R., M.D.....................................................50
Joyce, William B., M.D. .........................................................108
Jujare, Vijaya L., M.D. ...........................................................127
Jumagdao-Sakai, Maria D., M.D. ..........................................103
Kaileh, Lyth H., M.D. .............................................................132
Kale, Shashwati S., M.D. ..............................................115, 132
Kan, Michael E., M.D. ...........................................................104
Kang, Dae-Wook, M.D. ...........................................85, 115, 132
Kapoor, Dhanu, M.D. ......................................................85, 115
Kapoor, Jerina, M.D. .............................................................116
Kapoor, Naresh K., M.D. .........................................................85
Kar, Aradhana, M.D. .............................................................102
Karam, Doris E., M.D. .............................................................39
Karupaiah, Sudha, M.D...................................................86, 116
Kaur, Ramandeep, M.D. .......................................................116
Kealey, Kris C., M.D................................................................66
Kennedy-Funtila, Barbara A., M.D. .........................................39
Kermani, Maryam, M.D. ..........................................................66
Keswani, Sanjivini, M.D.........................................................105
Khalilnejad, Heideh S., M.D. .........................................100, 127
Khan, Mazhar A., M.D.....................................................78, 108
Khay, Darith S., M.D. ..............................................................86
Khidekel, Irina, M.D.................................................................66
Khong, Doan M., M.D........................................................55, 66
Khoo, Karen, M.D....................................................................55
Knapp, James C., M.D. ...........................................................50
Ko, Edward K., M.D...........................................................55, 66
Komshian, Shahe V., M.D.....................................................132
Kong, Sheena X., M.D. ...........................................................67
Korsunsky, Alexander, M.D.....................................86, 116, 133
Korthamar, Barbara L., M.D. .................................................126
Krishnamoorthi, Krishnamoorthi, M.D. ..............................39, 52
Krishnamoorthi, Soma, M.D. ...................................................39
Krishnamshetty, Prasanna L., M.D. ................................86, 116
Kroll, Becky S., M.D. .............................................................108
Kuo, Su-Mui, M.D..............................................................55, 67
Kwan, Chuk W., M.D.........................................................56, 67
Kwon-Hong, Grace Y., M.D.....................................................39
Lai, John O., M.D. .............................................................56, 67
Lam, Diana, M.D. ....................................................................67
Lam, Giang N., M.D. ...............................................................39
Lam, Osama F., M.D.............................................................133
Law, Lisa S., M.D. ...................................................................56
Le, Binh K., M.D. .....................................................................39
Le, Stephanie P., D.O. ............................................86, 116, 133
Le, Tuan, M.D. ........................................................................86
Lee, Boo W., M.D....................................................86, 116, 133
Lee, Carol K., M.D...................................................................56
Lee, Jason T., M.D..................................................................40
Lee, June S., M.D. ..................................................................87
Lee, Raymond W., M.D...........................................................87
Lee, Sandra Y., M.D..............................................................133
Lee, Sang K., M.D.................................................................116
Lee, Simon K., M.D. ..........................................................56, 67
Lee, Stephen K., M.D..............................................................56
Lenser, Dena A., M.D..............................................................40
Leung, Cheung K., M.D.........................................................103
Leung, Martin C., M.D. ............................................................56
Leykina, Diana Y., M.D. ..........................................................67
Li, Raymond K., M.D. ..............................................................57
Li, Xiaodong I., M.D...............................................................105
Liau, Berty P., M.D. ...........................................................57, 68
Lim, Eric G., M.D...............................................................57, 68
Lim, Jocelyn G., D.O. ............................................................103
Lim, Perry F., M.D. ..........................................................77, 107
Lin, Andrew Y., M.D. .............................................100, 127, 141
Lin, Dong, M.D. .......................................................................57
Primary Care Physician Index
Physician / 163
Page Physician
Lin, Jimmy J., M.D.........................................................117, 133
Lin, Kao-Hong, M.D...........................................................57, 68
Lin, Robert K., M.D................................................................117
Lin, Wen-Jung, M.D. ...............................................................79
Ling, Kok-Tong, M.D. ..............................................................57
Liu, Leewen, M.D. .................................................................126
Liu, Lynn X., M.D.....................................................................87
Long, Roger K., M.D. ..............................................................68
Lopez, Joshua D., D.O..........................................................133
Lopez, Ricardo N., M.D...........................................................87
Louis, Elham J., D.O. ............................................................101
Low, Randall, M.D.............................................................57, 68
Lum, Gregory F., M.D. ..........................................................105
Luong, Jean F., M.D..............................................................117
Lyapis, Victor, M.D. .................................................................68
Lynch II, Robert L., M.D. .........................................................48
Ma, Wai-Man T., M.D. .............................................................57
MacLaren Jr, James C., M.D. .................................................50
Madan, Ashima, M.D.......................................................79, 109
Madayag-Capuno, Elaine M., M.D. .........................................46
Maddineni, Suneetha, M.D....................................................109
Mahida, Chaitanya N., M.D. ....................................................46
Mahrer, Richard A., M.D. ......................................................117
Mai, Nhat V., M.D............................................................87, 133
Makely, Karen C., M.D. ...........................................................68
Malhotra, Neema B., M.D................................................77, 107
Malik, Tahira, M.D. ................................................................134
Malin, Frank R., M.D. ..............................................................68
Malone, J. David, M.D.............................................................69
Mandreza, Rosalinda A., M.D. ........................................87, 134
Manghnani, Rekha P., M.D. ............................................87, 117
Mari, Alex, M.D........................................................................40
Martin, Melanie A., M.D.........................................................101
Martinez, Daniel B., M.D. ..................................................77, 88
Marx, Robert J., M.D. ............................................................105
Masada, Marvin P., M.D........................................................117
Maybury, Kenneth B., M.D. .....................................................69
Mazeke-Kelley, Lacrista W., M.D. .........................................134
McGrew Jr, Robert M., M.D. ...................................................40
McGrew, Paul G., M.D. ...........................................................40
Meceda, Victor J., M.D..........................................................107
Melo, Michelle A., M.D. ...........................................................69
Milford, Belinda J., M.D. ........................................................105
Mills, Kenneth J., M.D. ............................................................69
Mirza, Muneeza, M.D. .....................................................88, 134
Mittal, Gunjan, M.D. ..............................................................103
Modi, Priti T., M.D. ..................................................................40
Modi, Tushar R., M.D. .............................................................40
Mohammad, Shahida Y., M.D. ........................................88, 134
Mohammad, Sophia, M.D. ..............................................88, 117
Montalvo Jr, Raul, M.D............................................................40
Moretti, Leslie C., M.D.............................................................69
Morgan, Daniel H., M.D.........................................................134
Morgan, Rachel C., M.D....................................................41, 50
164 /
Moti, Omairah L., M.D. ............................................................41
Mungekar, Swati H., M.D. ...............................................76, 105
Murphy Jr, Gerald F., M.D.......................................................69
Myers, Danielle, M.D...............................................................41
Myint, San-San, M.D. ......................................................88, 117
Nacianceno, Sally E., M.D. .....................................................88
Nadella, Ganga D., M.D. .........................................................69
Nakelchik, Masha M., M.D. ...................................................118
Ng, Theresa M., D.O. ..............................................................41
Nguyen, Chau T., M.D. ...........................................................88
Nguyen, Hai H., M.D. ..............................................88, 118, 134
Nguyen, Hanh T., M.D. ...........................................................89
Nguyen, Hoang M., D.O........................................................118
Nguyen, Jo A., M.D. ................................................................89
Nguyen, Ngai X., M.D. ....................................................89, 118
Nguyen, Peter L., D.O.............................................89, 118, 134
Nguyen, Quynh-Queen A., D.O. .............................89, 118, 135
Nguyen, Tam H., D.O......................................................89, 135
Nguyen, Thanh-Tam N., D.O. ...............................................135
Nguyen, Thinh V., M.D............................................89, 118, 135
Nguyen, Thuy T., M.D. ....................................................89, 118
Nguyen, Trang D., M.D. ..................................................78, 128
Nguyen, Trung H., M.D. ..........................................90, 119, 135
Nguyen, Tuan N., M.D. ...........................................90, 119, 135
Nguyen, Tung T., D.O. ....................................................90, 135
Nguyen, Vinh Q., M.D. ............................................................90
Nguyen, Vu H., D.O. ...............................................90, 119, 135
Nigam, Pronoti, M.D................................................................90
Ninh, Hung V., M.D. ................................................................90
Nishime, Robert S., M.D. ......................................................119
Nudel, Bella I., M.D. ................................................................69
Olowoyeye, Olayinka A., M.D. ................................................70
Olson, David A., M.D...............................................................47
Oltmann, Stephanie, M.D........................................................70
Ornelas, Richard A., M.D. .....................................................119
Ozaeta, Lee, M.D. ...................................................................70
Padua, Narciso T., M.D...........................................91, 119, 136
Padua, Rosemarie R., M.D. ....................................91, 119, 136
Palitz, Harvey F., M.D. ............................................................41
Palma, Rose D., M.D. .............................................................91
Parekh, Neela N., M.D. .........................................................105
Park, Byung-Gook, M.D. .........................................91, 119, 136
Park, Kyung-Sook, M.D...........................................................91
Park, Mi Ran, M.D.................................................................120
Parra, Gustavo B., M.D. ..........................................................91
Parveen, Rafia, M.D........................................................91, 120
Pascua, Roeliza E., M.D. ......................................................136
Patel, Dushyant N., M.D........................................................120
Patel, Mandakini D., M.D. ...............................................91, 120
Patel, Mittal C., M.D. .......................................................92, 120
Pearlman, Stuart, M.D...........................................................105
Page Physician
Pfeffer, John C., M.D...............................................................41
Pham, An T., M.D............................................................92, 120
Pham, Liza M., M.D.................................................................41
Pham, Luyen D., M.D..............................................................41
Pham, Nga V., M.D. ................................................92, 120, 136
Pham, Tri M., M.D. ..................................................................42
Phan, Dung M., M.D........................................................92, 136
Phan, Tuan V., M.D.........................................................92, 136
Pierce, John W., M.D. .............................................................70
Piernot, Ellen E., M.D..............................................................42
Piplani, Kompal, M.D.............................................................136
Porter, Russell T., M.D............................................................42
Posada, Juan E., M.D. ............................................92, 120, 137
Poseria, Nutan, M.D..............................................................137
Pratt, Alisha N., D.O................................................................50
Pun, Kin-Kee, M.D. ...........................................................58, 70
Quock, Justin P., M.D. ......................................................58, 70
Quock, Winchell W., M.D. .................................................58, 70
Qureshi, Farda R., M.D. ..........................................92, 100, 127
Qureshi, Sharmin, M.D............................................................92
Rad, Molly F., M.D. .................................................................76
Raghavan, Anitha, M.D. ........................................................103
Rahman, Galiba G., M.D.................................................93, 137
Rai, Meetinder K., M.D............................................................42
Rai, Nirmal S., M.D. ................................................................42
Ramachandran, Deepa, M.D. .........................................76, 106
Ramer, Cyril M., M.D...............................................................71
Ramirez, Alfredo, M.D.....................................................93, 137
Rao, Shweta S., M.D...............................................................42
Rashkis, John M., M.D. .........................................................106
Rebong, Kenneth P., M.D. ......................................................93
Rebong, Marie A., M.D............................................................93
Reyes, Erlinda T., M.D. ...................................................93, 121
Rider, Dean L., M.D. ...............................................................71
Rodriguez, Jose M., M.D.........................................................47
Roohparvar, Shahab, M.D. ...................................................109
Rosales, Maria Carmela, M.D. ........................................93, 121
Roy, Monika, M.D....................................................................71
Ruiz, Jaime A., M.D. ...............................................................71
Ruiz, Maribel, M.D...................................................................93
Sabounchi, Saman, M.D. ......................................................100
Sachdeva, Virender K., M.D....................................................93
Safir, David E., M.D...............................................................121
Samsonov, Maria E., M.D. ......................................................71
Sanders, Catherine A., M.D. ...................................................71
Santos, Pacifico C., M.D. ........................................................94
Sathappan, Meena, M.D. ................................................94, 121
Savage, Jim Y., M.D. ..............................................................71
Savant, Mark J., M.D...............................................................72
Saw, Jenny H., M.D. .......................................................94, 121
Schellinck, Edward M., M.D. ...................................................51
Schorr, Michael S., M.D. .........................................................48
Schrader, Michael C., M.D. .....................................................72
Schwartz, Lee A., M.D. ...........................................................72
Scott, Jon M., D.O.................................................................121
Sehhat, Mina, M.D. .........................................................94, 121
Shah, Devang S., M.D. ...................................................79, 108
Shah, Nimisha H., M.D....................................................79, 108
Shah, Shaili H., M.D..............................................................137
Shahrivar, Fardis, M.D. ...........................................................94
Shakir, Khusro N., M.D. ..........................................................94
Shankar, Prithvi N., M.D..........................................................42
Sharma, Kavita H., M.D. .......................................................101
Sharma, Shashi P., M.D........................................................137
Shen, Albert C., M.D. ............................................................121
Shen, Dennis D., M.D. ............................................................72
Shen, Rong, M.D.....................................................................58
Shergill, Manmeet S., M.D. .....................................................43
Shibata, Michiko, M.D. ............................................................72
Shin, Frank D., M.D.......................................................122, 137
Shiovitz, James L., M.D. .........................................................43
Shu, David P., M.D..................................................................72
Sia, Rosalie F., M.D. ...............................................................43
Siao, Donald Y., M.D.....................................................122, 137
Siddiq, Simin, M.D...................................................................94
Sifflet, Leo J., M.D.................................................................138
Son, James C., M.D. .....................................................126, 140
Song, Catherine S., M.D. ........................................................43
Sood, Shashi T., M.D. .............................................................43
Soria, Rafael R., M.D. .............................................................51
Soriano, Elaine J., M.D. ..........................................................43
Soto, Rodolfo C., M.D. ............................................................72
Spangler, William D., M.D. ......................................................43
Squarer, Addy, M.D...............................................................122
Stanton, James L., M.D...........................................................44
Stein, Sima, M.D. ..............................................79, 94, 109, 122
Stratz, Caroline K., M.D. .......................................................109
Strickland, Christianne E., M.D. ............................................106
Sverdlov, Dina, M.D. ...............................................................72
Svidler, Inessa, M.D. ...............................................................73
Primary Care Physician Index
Taha, Razan, M.D. ..................................................................51
Tai, Kenneth B., M.D...............................................................95
Tam, Michelle S., M.D.............................................................95
Tan, Ho Tsuan, M.D................................................................58
Tan, Serena T., M.D..............................................................106
Tang, John S., M.D. ................................................................58
Tanner, Garth B., M.D.............................................................44
Tee, Grace K., M.D. ........................................................95, 138
Terzo, Todd L., M.D. ...............................................................44
Thai, Minh Q., M.D. .................................................95, 122, 138
Thai, Nicole H., M.D. ...............................................95, 122, 138
Thippeswamy, Geetha B., M.D. ............................................102
Thukral, Vijay K., M.D. ............................................78, 107, 129
Tilles, Steven M., M.D. ..........................................................122
To, An N., M.D. ...............................................................96, 138 / 165
Page Physician
To, Rick M., M.D. ....................................................96, 122, 138
Tobbagi, Habib A., M.D.........................................................123
Torres, Sandra, M.D..............................................................138
Tow-Der, Esther J., M.D..........................................................44
Tram, Tracy P., M.D................................................96, 123, 138
Tran, Anh T., M.D....................................................................96
Tran, Di Dac, M.D. ..........................................................96, 123
Tran, Don D., M.D. ..................................................96, 123, 139
Tran, Khanh C., M.D. ......................................................96, 139
Tran, Louis, M.D....................................................................139
Tran, Thai - Vinh V., M.D. .......................................97, 123, 139
Tran, Thang D., M.D. ..............................................97, 123, 139
Tran, Toan Q., M.D. ................................................78, 107, 129
Tran, Tuan A., D.O..........................................................78, 129
Treece, Michael S., M.D..........................................................73
Tremayne, Paula S., D.O. .......................................................44
Triantos, Michael W., M.D.....................................................106
Truong, Hien N., M.D. .....................................................97, 123
Truong, Mong-Hoa T., M.D. ............................................97, 123
Truong, Tim B., D.O. .......................................................78, 107
Truscello, Ann M., M.D............................................................44
Tsang, Ming L., M.D................................................................73
Tse, Daniel Y., M.D. ........................................................97, 139
Tse, Phillip F., M.D..................................................97, 124, 139
Tso, John W., M.D. .................................................................98
Udupa, Rekha S., M.D. .........................................................124
Umekubo, John I., M.D. ..........................................................73
Usman, Romana, M.D.............................................................73
Uyeyama, Ronald R., M.D. .............................................98, 124
Uytingco, Rufino M., M.D. .......................................................51
Varamini, Nadereh, M.D........................................................124
Vazquez, Alicia, M.D. ..............................................................98
Vecchi, Nicole T., M.D.............................................................78
Veerappa, Nandeesh, M.D......................................................44
Vemuri, Indira, M.D. ..............................................................108
Vetsa, Surekha S., M.D...................................................98, 139
Vrittamani, Latha B., M.D. .....................................................124
Vu, Christopher M., M.D..................................................98, 124
Vu, Chung H., M.D. .................................................98, 124, 140
Vu, Hung T., M.D. ...................................................................98
Waggoner, David J., M.D. .....................................................124
Walker, Charlie L., M.D. ..........................................................44
Walters, Joseph J., M.D. .......................................100, 127, 141
Wan, Benjamin N., M.D...........................................................58
Wang, Andrew M., M.D. ..........................................................73
Wang, Andrew, M.D. ...............................................................73
Wang, Fusheng, M.D. .......................................................58, 74
Wang, Sheng-Yong, M.D. .......................................................99
Ward, Richard B., M.D. ...........................................................74
Warwick Jr., John L., M.D. ......................................................45
Washington, Roger W., M.D. ................................................126
166 /
Ways, Susan C., M.D..............................................................45
Webb-Kummer, Gretchen G., M.D..........................................47
Weber, Robert W., M.D...........................................................74
Weeks, Edwin L., M.D...........................................................125
Weinstock, Henry, M.D. ........................................................140
Whetstone, Sara, M.D.............................................................74
Winetz, Jan A., M.D. .............................................................125
Winkler, R. Mark, M.D. ............................................................51
Wong, Alvin D., M.D................................................................59
Wong, David, M.D. ................................................................140
Wong, Hung-Kwong, M.D. ..............................................99, 125
Wong, Kelly K., M.D. .........................................................59, 74
Wong, Melissa C., M.D. ....................................................59, 74
Wroblewski, Donald A., M.D. ................................................125
Wu, Derrina L., M.D. ...............................................................59
Wu, John H., M.D....................................................................59
Wu, Samuel W., M.D.............................................................103
Yam, Marina, M.D. ............................................................76, 99
Yamamoto, Kenneth S., M.D. .................................................75
Yan, James K., D.O. ...............................................................75
Yang, Scott T., M.D.................................................................45
Yaskin, Inna, D.O. ...........................................99, 100, 109, 127
Yau, Kwong K., M.D................................................99, 125, 140
Ye, Maian, D.O........................................................................59
Yeh, George K., M.D.............................................................125
Yeh, James H., M.D. .............................................................125
Yelding-Sloan, Ellie, M.D. .......................................................75
Yip, James Y., M.D. ................................................................45
Yong, Caroline, M.D..........................................................59, 75
Yoshida, Takashi, M.D. .........................................................109
Yoss, James D., M.D. .............................................................75
Young, Gabriel J., M.D............................................76, 102, 128
Yu, Hans, D.O. ........................................................................60
Yuan, Chiu J., M.D. ...............................................................125
Zhang, Zheng-Gang, M.D. ..............................................99, 140
Zheng, Hui, M.D. .............................................................78, 129
Zheng, Weiwen, M.D.........................................................60, 75
Zitman, Sheldon, M.D. ..........................................................102
Zomalan, Noel M., M.D. ..........................................................51
Primary Care Physicians
by City Index
The following is a listing of Health Net contracted primary care physicians (PCPs),
grouped in alphabetical order by the city in which their offices are located.
The listing shows the physician group(s) with which
each physician is affiliated, as well as each physician’s
unique physician number and each physician group’s
unique group number. When you complete the
enrollment form to become a Health Net member,
you will need to identify the PCP and physician group
of your choice by writing in each of these numbers.
For more information about each physician group,
see the Participating Physician Group Index. If you
want to select a PCP from a physician group affiliated
with a particular hospital, turn to the Hospital Index
for more information. For the most up-to-date
directory listings, visit the Health Net website at
Índice de Médicos de Atención Primaria
por Ciudad
La siguiente es una lista de los médicos de atención primaria (por sus siglas en
inglés, PCP) contratados de Health Net, agrupados en orden alfabético por la
ciudad en la que se ubican sus consultorios.
La lista muestra los grupos médicos a los que está
afiliado cada médico, así como también el número
del médico exclusivo de cada uno y el número de
grupo médico exclusivo de cada uno. Cuando llene el
formulario de inscripción para convertirse en afiliado
a Health Net, deberá identificar al PCP y al grupo
médico de su elección, escribiendo cada uno de estos
números. Si desea más información sobre cada
grupo médico, consulte el Índice de Grupos
Médicos Participantes. Si usted elige un PCP de
un grupo médico afiliado a un hospital en particular,
consulte el Índice de Hospitales para obtener más
información. Para obtener la lista más actualizada
del directorio, visite el sitio Web de Health Net en / 167
168 /
Primary Care Physicians by City Index
Borodulin, Tatyana V., M.D........................................................101, 128
DeWees, Edward C., M.D..................................................................101
Louis, Elham J., D.O..........................................................................101
Martin, Melanie A., M.D. ....................................................................101
Sharma, Kavita H., M.D. ....................................................................101
Chen, Tsung-Chang T., M.D..............................................................102
Hsu, Thomas T., M.D...................................................................76, 128
Jalilie, B. Sofia, M.D...........................................................................102
Kar, Aradhana, M.D. ..........................................................................102
Thippeswamy, Geetha B., M.D..........................................................102
Young, Gabriel J., M.D. .......................................................76, 102, 128
Zitman, Sheldon, M.D. .......................................................................102
Abellera, Nilda Agnes A., M.D. ............................................................77
Hoang, Sylvia H., M.D. ......................................................................106
Hoang, Thuy T., M.D. ..........................................................................77
Huynh, Thuy N., M.D. ..................................................................77, 106
Jain, Ashit, M.D....................................................................................77
Jignas, Negandhi, M.D. .......................................................................77
Lim, Perry F., M.D........................................................................77, 107
Malhotra, Neema B., M.D. ...........................................................77, 107
Martinez, Daniel B., M.D......................................................................77
Meceda, Victor J., M.D. .....................................................................107
Nguyen, Trang D., M.D................................................................78, 128
Thukral, Vijay K., M.D. .........................................................78, 107, 129
Tran, Toan Q., M.D..............................................................78, 107, 129
Tran, Tuan A., D.O. .....................................................................78, 129
Truong, Tim B., D.O.....................................................................78, 107
Vecchi, Nicole T., M.D. ........................................................................78
Zheng, Hui, M.D...........................................................................78, 129
Ahmed, Natasha, M.D. ........................................................................76
Barbara, Joseph C., M.D. ..................................................................102
Bhatia, Kawaljeet K., M.D. .................................................................102
Huang, John Y., M.D. ........................................................................103
Jumagdao-Sakai, Maria D., M.D........................................................103
Leung, Cheung K., M.D. ....................................................................103
Lim, Jocelyn G., D.O..........................................................................103
Mittal, Gunjan, M.D. ...........................................................................103
Raghavan, Anitha, M.D......................................................................103
Wu, Samuel W., M.D. ........................................................................103
Abbas, Humayun, M.D.........................................................................33
Apellanes, Antonio E., M.D..................................................................34
Auen, Edward L., M.D..........................................................................34
Bailey III, S. Rush, M.D........................................................................34
Banuelos Jr, Jose L., M.D....................................................................34
Basi, Amrik S., M.D..............................................................................34
Bauman, Philip O., M.D. ......................................................................34
Blankenship, Bradley S., M.D. .............................................................34
Bluvshteyn, Sasha A., M.D. .................................................................34
Boozer, James W., M.D.......................................................................35
Brockman, Tracy L., M.D. ....................................................................35
Brown, Kristin M., M.D. ........................................................................35
Bui-Thompson, Loan K., D.O...............................................................35
Carlson, James M., M.D. .....................................................................35
Chan, Christina, M.D. ..........................................................................35
Chan, Christine Y., M.D. ......................................................................35
Chaudhury, Leena, M.D.......................................................................35
Chin, Robert M., M.D. ..........................................................................36
Christopher, Kathy A., M.D. .................................................................36
Clare, Sean B., M.D.............................................................................36
De Ocampo, Emillie M., M.D. ..............................................................36
De-Paz, Jordan, M.D. ..........................................................................36
Deleon, Recto F., M.D. ........................................................................36
Diaz III, Gervacio D., M.D. ...................................................................36
Diego, Silvia M., M.D. ..........................................................................36
Duggal, Arun, M.D. ..............................................................................37
El-Isa, Zaina, M.D. ...............................................................................37
Ereso, Virgilio C., M.D. ........................................................................37
Fuller, David G., M.D. ..........................................................................37
Gil, Lisa M., M.D. .................................................................................37
Gogna, Harjit, M.D. ..............................................................................37
Goldman, Ronald A., M.D....................................................................37
Goodreau, Scott R., M.D. ....................................................................38
Hansen, Darrell R., M.D.......................................................................38
Harris Jr, Mattice F., M.D.....................................................................38
Hernandez, Armand R., M.D. ..............................................................38
Hernandez, Miguel A., M.D..................................................................38
Hundal, Talminder S., M.D. .................................................................38
Diep, Daniel T., M.D. ...........................................................................33
Evnin, Kerry B., M.D. ...........................................................................33
Los Altos
Rad, Molly F., M.D. ..............................................................................76
Los Gatos
Ayer, Gopi N., M.D.............................................................................103
Ayer, Mandeep B., M.D. ....................................................................104
Bezecny, Susan K., M.D....................................................................104
Chow, Norman K., D.O. .....................................................................104
Eglin, Linda, M.D. ..............................................................................104
Ferrari, Patricia A., M.D. ....................................................................104
Hopner, Dan D., M.D. ........................................................................104
Hughes, Marybeth, M.D.............................................................104, 128
Kan, Michael E., M.D. ........................................................................104
Keswani, Sanjivini, M.D. ....................................................................105
Li, Xiaodong I., M.D. ..........................................................................105
Lum, Gregory F., M.D. .......................................................................105
Marx, Robert J., M.D..........................................................................105
Milford, Belinda J., M.D......................................................................105
Mungekar, Swati H., M.D.............................................................76, 105
Parekh, Neela N., M.D.......................................................................105
Pearlman, Stuart, M.D. ......................................................................105
Ramachandran, Deepa, M.D. ......................................................76, 106
Rashkis, John M., M.D.......................................................................106
Strickland, Christianne E., M.D..........................................................106
Tan, Serena T., M.D. .........................................................................106
Triantos, Michael W., M.D. ................................................................106
Yam, Marina, M.D................................................................................76
Primary Care Physicians by City Index
Physician / 169
Page Physician
Hunt, Bernard J., D.O. .........................................................................38
Indukuri, Sushma, M.D. .......................................................................38
Jones, Reldon R., M.D.........................................................................39
Karam, Doris E., M.D...........................................................................39
Kennedy-Funtila, Barbara A., M.D.......................................................39
Krishnamoorthi, Krishnamoorthi, M.D..................................................39
Krishnamoorthi, Soma, M.D.................................................................39
Kwon-Hong, Grace Y., M.D. ................................................................39
Lam, Giang N., M.D. ............................................................................39
Le, Binh K., M.D...................................................................................39
Lee, Jason T., M.D. .............................................................................40
Lenser, Dena A., M.D. .........................................................................40
Mari, Alex, M.D. ...................................................................................40
McGrew Jr, Robert M., M.D. ................................................................40
McGrew, Paul G., M.D.........................................................................40
Modi, Priti T., M.D. ...............................................................................40
Modi, Tushar R., M.D...........................................................................40
Montalvo Jr, Raul, M.D. .......................................................................40
Morgan, Rachel C., M.D. .....................................................................41
Moti, Omairah L., M.D..........................................................................41
Myers, Danielle, M.D. ..........................................................................41
Ng, Theresa M., D.O............................................................................41
Palitz, Harvey F., M.D..........................................................................41
Pfeffer, John C., M.D. ..........................................................................41
Pham, Liza M., M.D. ............................................................................41
Pham, Luyen D., M.D. .........................................................................41
Pham, Tri M., M.D................................................................................42
Piernot, Ellen E., M.D. .........................................................................42
Porter, Russell T., M.D. .......................................................................42
Rai, Meetinder K., M.D. .......................................................................42
Rai, Nirmal S., M.D. .............................................................................42
Rao, Shweta S., M.D. ..........................................................................42
Shankar, Prithvi N., M.D. .....................................................................42
Shergill, Manmeet S., M.D...................................................................43
Shiovitz, James L., M.D. ......................................................................43
Sia, Rosalie F., M.D.............................................................................43
Song, Catherine S., M.D......................................................................43
Sood, Shashi T., M.D...........................................................................43
Soriano, Elaine J., M.D. .......................................................................43
Spangler, William D., M.D....................................................................43
Stanton, James L., M.D. ......................................................................44
Tanner, Garth B., M.D. ........................................................................44
Terzo, Todd L., M.D.............................................................................44
Tow-Der, Esther J., M.D. .....................................................................44
Tremayne, Paula S., D.O.....................................................................44
Truscello, Ann M., M.D. .......................................................................44
Veerappa, Nandeesh, M.D. .................................................................44
Walker, Charlie L., M.D........................................................................44
Warwick Jr., John L., M.D....................................................................45
Ways, Susan C., M.D. .........................................................................45
Yang, Scott T., M.D. ............................................................................45
Yip, James Y., M.D. .............................................................................45
Morgan Hill
Bennett, Robin E., D.O. .............................................................107, 129
Gangani, Yasmeen M., M.D. .............................................................107
Huang, Frank F., M.D. .......................................................................108
Joyce, William B., M.D.......................................................................108
Khan, Mazhar A., M.D. ................................................................78, 108
Kroll, Becky S., M.D...........................................................................108
Shah, Devang S., M.D. ................................................................79, 108
Shah, Nimisha H., M.D. ...............................................................79, 108
Vemuri, Indira, M.D............................................................................108
170 /
Mountain View
Epstein, Larry A., M.D........................................................................108
Lin, Wen-Jung, M.D. ............................................................................79
Madan, Ashima, M.D. ..................................................................79, 109
Maddineni, Suneetha, M.D. ...............................................................109
Roohparvar, Shahab, M.D. ................................................................109
Stein, Sima, M.D..........................................................................79, 109
Stratz, Caroline K., M.D. ....................................................................109
Yaskin, Inna, D.O...............................................................................109
Yoshida, Takashi, M.D.......................................................................109
Canga, Manuel L., M.D........................................................................45
Diep, Daniel T., M.D. ...........................................................................45
Arellano, Andres A., M.D. ....................................................................45
Basi, Upinder K., M.D. .........................................................................46
Blackhart, Bruce A., M.D. ....................................................................46
Cook, Mark D., M.D. ............................................................................46
Cordier, Jennifer R., M.D. ....................................................................46
Gelders, Albert H., M.D........................................................................46
Horwitz, Lee J., M.D. ...........................................................................46
Madayag-Capuno, Elaine M., M.D.......................................................46
Mahida, Chaitanya N., M.D..................................................................46
Olson, David A., M.D. ..........................................................................47
Webb-Kummer, Gretchen G., M.D. .....................................................47
Abdul Wahid, Ali A., N.D......................................................................47
Blythe, Diana K., M.D. .........................................................................47
Bonnett Alonso, Andre, M.D. ...............................................................47
Golechha, Priti, M.D.............................................................................47
Rodriguez, Jose M., M.D. ....................................................................47
Schorr, Michael S., M.D.......................................................................48
Halappa, Arundati, M.D. ......................................................................48
Lynch II, Robert L., M.D.......................................................................48
San Francisco
Aceves-Casillas, Pedro, M.D. ..............................................................60
Allison, Charles P., M.D.......................................................................60
Arretz, Desiree S., M.D........................................................................60
Arzumanova, Karina G., M.D...............................................................61
Aubry, Wade M., M.D. .........................................................................61
Bellamy, Amber Y., M.D. .....................................................................61
Bibal, Xylona R., M.D...........................................................................61
Bonilla, Luis A., M.D. ...........................................................................61
Boykoff, Alla, M.D. ...............................................................................61
Bricca, Carl E., D.O. ............................................................................61
Bukov, Konstantin D., M.D...................................................................61
Caluag, Jeaniesar B., M.D...................................................................62
Carsolin-Chang, Cynthia M., M.D. .......................................................62
Carter, Patrick F., M.D. ........................................................................62
Chan, Edward Y., M.D. ........................................................................52
Chan, Ka K., M.D.................................................................................62
Chan, Kenneth D., M.D........................................................................52
Chan, Kwok L., M.D.......................................................................52, 62
Chan, Mai-Sie F., M.D. ........................................................................53
Chan, Shu-Wing, M.D..........................................................................53
Chan, Vivian W., M.D. .........................................................................53
Chang, Kenneth H., M.D......................................................................53
Chao, Lawrence L., M.D. ...............................................................53, 62
Chase, Michael C., M.D.......................................................................62
Chien, Michelle, M.D............................................................................62
Page Physician
Chin, Arthur S., M.D.............................................................................53
Chu, Kevin B., M.D. .............................................................................63
Chu, Paul T., M.D. ...............................................................................53
Chung, Crawford K., M.D...............................................................54, 63
Chung, William S., M.D........................................................................54
Clothier, John L., M.D. .........................................................................63
Cohen, Meyer D., M.D. ........................................................................63
David, Romeo C., M.D.........................................................................63
Do, Jennifer H., M.D. ...........................................................................63
Dolkar, Yangchen, M.D........................................................................63
Eng, Anderson, D.O.............................................................................63
Fernandez, Mary Ann S., M.D. ............................................................64
Flaherty, Maureen E., M.D...................................................................64
Fong, Hanlon J., M.D...........................................................................54
Fong, Justin P., M.D. ...........................................................................64
Fong, Towie, M.D. ...............................................................................54
Fu, Qingquan, M.D. .......................................................................54, 64
Fung, Gregory, M.D. ......................................................................54, 64
Goh, Winston L., M.D. .........................................................................64
Gores, Guido J., M.D. ..........................................................................64
Gould, Meghan D., M.D. ......................................................................64
Greenberg, James Y., M.D. .................................................................65
Haman, Aissatou, M.D.........................................................................65
Hansen, James P., M.D.......................................................................65
Hilbert, Diana L., M.D. .........................................................................65
Ho, Gustin M., M.D. .......................................................................54, 65
Ho, Sai-Sun, M.D...........................................................................55, 65
Hoang, Tuan A., M.D. ..........................................................................55
Huang, Scott L., D.O............................................................................65
Huberman, Sara B., M.D. ....................................................................66
Huie, Victor, M.D..................................................................................66
Jew, Jerome N., M.D. ....................................................................55, 66
Kealey, Kris C., M.D. ...........................................................................66
Kermani, Maryam, M.D........................................................................66
Khidekel, Irina, M.D. ............................................................................66
Khong, Doan M., M.D. ...................................................................55, 66
Khoo, Karen, M.D. ...............................................................................55
Ko, Edward K., M.D. ......................................................................55, 66
Kong, Sheena X., M.D. ........................................................................67
Kuo, Su-Mui, M.D. .........................................................................55, 67
Kwan, Chuk W., M.D. ....................................................................56, 67
Lai, John O., M.D...........................................................................56, 67
Lam, Diana, M.D..................................................................................67
Law, Lisa S., M.D.................................................................................56
Lee, Carol K., M.D. ..............................................................................56
Lee, Simon K., M.D........................................................................56, 67
Lee, Stephen K., M.D. .........................................................................56
Leung, Martin C., M.D..........................................................................56
Leykina, Diana Y., M.D. .......................................................................67
Li, Raymond K., M.D............................................................................57
Liau, Berty P., M.D.........................................................................57, 68
Lim, Eric G., M.D. ..........................................................................57, 68
Lin, Dong, M.D.....................................................................................57
Lin, Kao-Hong, M.D. ......................................................................57, 68
Ling, Kok-Tong, M.D............................................................................57
Long, Roger K., M.D. ...........................................................................68
Low, Randall, M.D. ........................................................................57, 68
Lyapis, Victor, M.D...............................................................................68
Ma, Wai-Man T., M.D...........................................................................57
Makely, Karen C., M.D.........................................................................68
Malin, Frank R., M.D............................................................................68
Malone, J. David, M.D. ........................................................................69
Maybury, Kenneth B., M.D...................................................................69
Melo, Michelle A., M.D.........................................................................69
Mills, Kenneth J., M.D..........................................................................69
Moretti, Leslie C., M.D. ........................................................................69
Murphy Jr, Gerald F., M.D. ..................................................................69
Nadella, Ganga D., M.D.......................................................................69
Nudel, Bella I., M.D..............................................................................69
Olowoyeye, Olayinka A., M.D. .............................................................70
Oltmann, Stephanie, M.D. ...................................................................70
Ozaeta, Lee, M.D.................................................................................70
Pierce, John W., M.D...........................................................................70
Pun, Kin-Kee, M.D. ........................................................................58, 70
Quock, Justin P., M.D. ...................................................................58, 70
Quock, Winchell W., M.D...............................................................58, 70
Ramer, Cyril M., M.D. ..........................................................................71
Rider, Dean L., M.D. ............................................................................71
Roy, Monika, M.D. ...............................................................................71
Ruiz, Jaime A., M.D. ............................................................................71
Samsonov, Maria E., M.D....................................................................71
Sanders, Catherine A., M.D.................................................................71
Savage, Jim Y., M.D. ...........................................................................71
Savant, Mark J., M.D. ..........................................................................72
Schrader, Michael C., M.D...................................................................72
Schwartz, Lee A., M.D. ........................................................................72
Shen, Dennis D., M.D. .........................................................................72
Shen, Rong, M.D. ................................................................................58
Shibata, Michiko, M.D..........................................................................72
Shu, David P., M.D. .............................................................................72
Soto, Rodolfo C., M.D..........................................................................72
Sverdlov, Dina, M.D.............................................................................72
Svidler, Inessa, M.D.............................................................................73
Tan, Ho Tsuan, M.D. ...........................................................................58
Tang, John S., M.D..............................................................................58
Treece, Michael S., M.D. .....................................................................73
Tsang, Ming L., M.D. ...........................................................................73
Umekubo, John I., M.D. .......................................................................73
Usman, Romana, M.D. ........................................................................73
Wan, Benjamin N., M.D. ......................................................................58
Wang, Andrew M., M.D........................................................................73
Wang, Andrew, M.D.............................................................................73
Wang, Fusheng, M.D.....................................................................58, 74
Ward, Richard B., M.D.........................................................................74
Weber, Robert W., M.D. ......................................................................74
Whetstone, Sara, M.D. ........................................................................74
Wong, Alvin D., M.D. ...........................................................................59
Wong, Kelly K., M.D.......................................................................59, 74
Wong, Melissa C., M.D. .................................................................59, 74
Wu, Derrina L., M.D. ............................................................................59
Wu, John H., M.D. ...............................................................................59
Yamamoto, Kenneth S., M.D. ..............................................................75
Yan, James K., D.O. ............................................................................75
Ye, Maian, D.O. ...................................................................................59
Yelding-Sloan, Ellie, M.D. ....................................................................75
Yong, Caroline, M.D. .....................................................................59, 75
Yoss, James D., M.D. ..........................................................................75
Yu, Hans, D.O......................................................................................60
Zheng, Weiwen, M.D. ....................................................................60, 75
Primary Care Physicians by City Index
San Jose
Abalos-Galito, Marietta F., M.D. ..................................................79, 129
Adeeb, Fareeda, M.D. .................................................................79, 109
Ahmed, Natasha, M.D. ........................................................................80
Ahmed, Sabi, M.D................................................................................80
Aminova, Alla, M.D. .....................................................................80, 129
Andrade, Paul A., M.D. ......................................................................110
Aravamuthan, Manjari, M.D. ................................................................80 / 171
Page Physician
Armann, Kjartan D., M.D....................................................................110
Asghar, Fayaz, M.D. ............................................................................80
Austin, Suzanne M., M.D. ..................................................................110
Ayap, Heidi P., M.D. ............................................................................80
Balakrishnan, Amaravathi, M.D. ..........................................................81
Benson, Frederick P., M.D.................................................................110
Bhatt, Komal J., M.D............................................................................81
Bui, Hong H., M.D........................................................................81, 110
Bui, Rau V., M.D. .................................................................81, 110, 130
Bui, Viet-Hong D., D.O.................................................................81, 110
Burbano, Emiro, M.D. ..........................................................................81
Cahn, David A., M.D. .........................................................................110
Cahn, Michael S., M.D.......................................................................111
Campbell, Mark F., M.D.............................................................111, 130
Capulong, Fernando L., M.D. ......................................................81, 111
Carrillo, Juan C., M.D. .........................................................................81
Cathey, Richard, M.D. .................................................................82, 111
Cepe, Joanabel S., M.D.......................................................82, 111, 130
Chadarevian-zorian, Rita, M.D. .........................................................111
Chau, Maggie S., D.O..................................................................82, 111
Chen, Maggie W., M.D. .......................................................82, 111, 130
Cheng, Eddie M., M.D. ........................................................................82
Chiong, Dominic M., M.D...........................................................112, 130
Choslovsky, Sydney C., M.D. ............................................................112
Chung, Hankyu, M.D. ........................................................................112
Cipoletti, Samuel J., M.D. ..................................................................112
Contini, Michelle R., M.D. ..................................................................112
Contini, Peter C., M.D........................................................................112
Contreras, Jorge V., M.D. ..................................................................112
Coombs, Jack L., M.D. ......................................................................112
Corsiglia, Victor F., M.D.....................................................................130
Court, Sergio B., M.D...........................................................................82
Cu, Joseph A., M.D......................................................................82, 130
Cummings, Cynthia L., M.D...............................................................130
Dam, Dinh X., M.D...............................................................82, 113, 131
Dang, Phuc C., M.D.............................................................................83
Dang, Trach P., M.D. ...................................................................83, 113
Dao, Kim V., M.D.........................................................................83, 113
Dawood, Nayyara S., M.D. ..........................................................83, 113
Del Signore, Claire M., M.D. ..............................................................113
Do, Christopher N., M.D. ...................................................................113
Do, Trang U., M.D........................................................................83, 113
Drucker, Bryan J., M.D. .....................................................................113
Dwyre, Terrence R., M.D. ..................................................................131
Feldman, Arthur B., M.D. ...................................................................131
Fink, Diana F., M.D............................................................................114
Fishenfeld, Jaco, M.D. .........................................................................83
Gali, Joseph Y., M.D..........................................................................114
Griswold, Jenny C., M.D. ...................................................................114
Guanzon, Jose Maria G., M.D. ............................................83, 114, 131
Guanzon, Teresita V., M.D. .........................................................83, 131
Ha, Linda M., M.D................................................................................84
Halaburka, Christine C., M.D. ............................................................114
Hashmi, Naeem U., M.D......................................................................84
Hays, Tobias G., M.D. .......................................................................114
Heredia, Veronica D., M.D...................................................................84
Hla, Tin T., M.D............................................................................84, 131
Ho, Thomas S., M.D. .........................................................................114
Hoang, Khoi, M.D. .............................................................................114
Hoang, Thuy T., M.D. ..........................................................................84
Hopner, Dan D., M.D. ........................................................................115
Huan, Eng H., M.D...............................................................................84
Husain, Shabnam, M.D......................................................................131
Hutchins, Mary Jane B., M.D. ......................................................84, 131
172 /
Huynh, Chau M., M.D. .........................................................84, 115, 132
Huynh, Dat T., M.D. .............................................................85, 115, 132
Huynh, Minh Q., M.D. ..........................................................85, 115, 132
Huynh, Them, M.D.............................................................................132
Jain, Ashit, M.D....................................................................................85
Javid, Athiya D., M.D. ..........................................................................85
Javid, Yaminali M., M.D. ......................................................................85
Joshi, Tarla P., M.D. ..........................................................................115
Kaileh, Lyth H., M.D...........................................................................132
Kale, Shashwati S., M.D. ...........................................................115, 132
Kang, Dae-Wook, M.D.........................................................85, 115, 132
Kapoor, Dhanu, M.D. ...................................................................85, 115
Kapoor, Jerina, M.D...........................................................................116
Kapoor, Naresh K., M.D.......................................................................85
Karupaiah, Sudha, M.D. ..............................................................86, 116
Kaur, Ramandeep, M.D. ....................................................................116
Khay, Darith S., M.D. ...........................................................................86
Komshian, Shahe V., M.D. ................................................................132
Korsunsky, Alexander, M.D. ................................................86, 116, 133
Krishnamshetty, Prasanna L., M.D. .............................................86, 116
Lam, Osama F., M.D. ........................................................................133
Le, Stephanie P., D.O..........................................................86, 116, 133
Le, Tuan, M.D. .....................................................................................86
Lee, Boo W., M.D. ...............................................................86, 116, 133
Lee, June S., M.D. ...............................................................................87
Lee, Raymond W., M.D. ......................................................................87
Lee, Sandra Y., M.D. .........................................................................133
Lee, Sang K., M.D. ............................................................................116
Lin, Jimmy J., M.D. ....................................................................117, 133
Lin, Robert K., M.D. ...........................................................................117
Liu, Lynn X., M.D. ................................................................................87
Lopez, Joshua D., D.O. .....................................................................133
Lopez, Ricardo N., M.D. ......................................................................87
Luong, Jean F., M.D. .........................................................................117
Mahrer, Richard A., M.D. ...................................................................117
Mai, Nhat V., M.D. .......................................................................87, 133
Malik, Tahira, M.D..............................................................................134
Mandreza, Rosalinda A., M.D......................................................87, 134
Manghnani, Rekha P., M.D..........................................................87, 117
Martinez, Daniel B., M.D......................................................................88
Masada, Marvin P., M.D. ...................................................................117
Mazeke-Kelley, Lacrista W., M.D.......................................................134
Mirza, Muneeza, M.D...................................................................88, 134
Mohammad, Shahida Y., M.D......................................................88, 134
Mohammad, Sophia, M.D. ...........................................................88, 117
Morgan, Daniel H., M.D. ....................................................................134
Myint, San-San, M.D....................................................................88, 117
Nacianceno, Sally E., M.D. ..................................................................88
Nakelchik, Masha M., M.D.................................................................118
Nguyen, Chau T., M.D. ........................................................................88
Nguyen, Hai H., M.D............................................................88, 118, 134
Nguyen, Hanh T., M.D. ........................................................................89
Nguyen, Hoang M., D.O. ...................................................................118
Nguyen, Jo A., M.D..............................................................................89
Nguyen, Ngai X., M.D. .................................................................89, 118
Nguyen, Peter L., D.O. ........................................................89, 118, 134
Nguyen, Quynh-Queen A., D.O. ..........................................89, 118, 135
Nguyen, Tam H., D.O. .................................................................89, 135
Nguyen, Thanh-Tam N., D.O.............................................................135
Nguyen, Thinh V., M.D. .......................................................89, 118, 135
Nguyen, Thuy T., M.D..................................................................89, 118
Nguyen, Trung H., M.D........................................................90, 119, 135
Nguyen, Tuan N., M.D. ........................................................90, 119, 135
Nguyen, Tung T., D.O..................................................................90, 135
Page Physician
Nguyen, Vinh Q., M.D..........................................................................90
Nguyen, Vu H., D.O. ............................................................90, 119, 135
Nigam, Pronoti, M.D. ...........................................................................90
Ninh, Hung V., M.D..............................................................................90
Nishime, Robert S., M.D. ...................................................................119
Ornelas, Richard A., M.D...................................................................119
Padua, Narciso T., M.D. ......................................................91, 119, 136
Padua, Rosemarie R., M.D..................................................91, 119, 136
Palma, Rose D., M.D. ..........................................................................91
Park, Byung-Gook, M.D.......................................................91, 119, 136
Park, Kyung-Sook, M.D. ......................................................................91
Park, Mi Ran, M.D. ............................................................................120
Parra, Gustavo B., M.D........................................................................91
Parveen, Rafia, M.D. ...................................................................91, 120
Pascua, Roeliza E., M.D....................................................................136
Patel, Dushyant N., M.D. ...................................................................120
Patel, Mandakini D., M.D. ............................................................91, 120
Patel, Mittal C., M.D.....................................................................92, 120
Pham, An T., M.D. .......................................................................92, 120
Pham, Nga V., M.D..............................................................92, 120, 136
Phan, Dung M., M.D. ...................................................................92, 136
Phan, Tuan V., M.D. ....................................................................92, 136
Piplani, Kompal, M.D. ........................................................................136
Posada, Juan E., M.D..........................................................92, 120, 137
Poseria, Nutan, M.D. .........................................................................137
Qureshi, Farda R., M.D........................................................................92
Qureshi, Sharmin, M.D. .......................................................................92
Rahman, Galiba G., M.D. ............................................................93, 137
Ramirez, Alfredo, M.D. ................................................................93, 137
Rebong, Kenneth P., M.D....................................................................93
Rebong, Marie A., M.D. .......................................................................93
Reyes, Erlinda T., M.D.................................................................93, 121
Rosales, Maria Carmela, M.D......................................................93, 121
Ruiz, Maribel, M.D. ..............................................................................93
Sachdeva, Virender K., M.D. ...............................................................93
Safir, David E., M.D. ..........................................................................121
Santos, Pacifico C., M.D......................................................................94
Sathappan, Meena, M.D..............................................................94, 121
Saw, Jenny H., M.D. ....................................................................94, 121
Scott, Jon M., D.O. ............................................................................121
Sehhat, Mina, M.D. ......................................................................94, 121
Shah, Shaili H., M.D. .........................................................................137
Shahrivar, Fardis, M.D.........................................................................94
Shakir, Khusro N., M.D. .......................................................................94
Sharma, Shashi P., M.D. ...................................................................137
Shen, Albert C., M.D..........................................................................121
Shin, Frank D., M.D. ..................................................................122, 137
Siao, Donald Y., M.D. ................................................................122, 137
Siddiq, Simin, M.D. ..............................................................................94
Sifflet, Leo J., M.D. ............................................................................138
Squarer, Addy, M.D. ..........................................................................122
Stein, Sima, M.D..........................................................................94, 122
Tai, Kenneth B., M.D. ..........................................................................95
Tam, Michelle S., M.D. ........................................................................95
Tee, Grace K., M.D......................................................................95, 138
Thai, Minh Q., M.D...............................................................95, 122, 138
Thai, Nicole H., M.D.............................................................95, 122, 138
Tilles, Steven M., M.D........................................................................122
To, An N., M.D.............................................................................96, 138
To, Rick M., M.D. .................................................................96, 122, 138
Tobbagi, Habib A., M.D. ....................................................................123
Torres, Sandra, M.D. .........................................................................138
Tram, Tracy P., M.D. ...........................................................96, 123, 138
Tran, Anh T., M.D. ...............................................................................96
Tran, Di Dac, M.D. .......................................................................96, 123
Tran, Don D., M.D................................................................96, 123, 139
Tran, Khanh C., M.D....................................................................96, 139
Tran, Louis, M.D. ...............................................................................139
Tran, Thai - Vinh V., M.D. ....................................................97, 123, 139
Tran, Thang D., M.D. ...........................................................97, 123, 139
Truong, Hien N., M.D...................................................................97, 123
Truong, Mong-Hoa T., M.D..........................................................97, 123
Tse, Daniel Y., M.D......................................................................97, 139
Tse, Phillip F., M.D. .............................................................97, 124, 139
Tso, John W., M.D. ..............................................................................98
Udupa, Rekha S., M.D.......................................................................124
Uyeyama, Ronald R., M.D. ..........................................................98, 124
Varamini, Nadereh, M.D. ...................................................................124
Vazquez, Alicia, M.D............................................................................98
Vetsa, Surekha S., M.D. ..............................................................98, 139
Vrittamani, Latha B., M.D...................................................................124
Vu, Christopher M., M.D. .............................................................98, 124
Vu, Chung H., M.D...............................................................98, 124, 140
Vu, Hung T., M.D.................................................................................98
Waggoner, David J., M.D...................................................................124
Wang, Sheng-Yong, M.D.....................................................................99
Weeks, Edwin L., M.D. ......................................................................125
Weinstock, Henry, M.D. .....................................................................140
Winetz, Jan A., M.D. ..........................................................................125
Wong, David, M.D..............................................................................140
Wong, Hung-Kwong, M.D. ...........................................................99, 125
Wroblewski, Donald A., M.D. .............................................................125
Yam, Marina, M.D................................................................................99
Yaskin, Inna, D.O.................................................................................99
Yau, Kwong K., M.D. ...........................................................99, 125, 140
Yeh, George K., M.D. ........................................................................125
Yeh, James H., M.D...........................................................................125
Yuan, Chiu J., M.D.............................................................................125
Zhang, Zheng-Gang, M.D............................................................99, 140
Santa Clara
Cho, Kisuk J., M.D. ............................................................................126
Cho, Yoon-Jung, M.D. .......................................................................126
Chung, Peter K., D.O...........................................................99, 126, 140
Gandhi, Tripty M., M.D.................................................................99, 126
Korthamar, Barbara L., M.D...............................................................126
Son, James C., M.D...................................................................126, 140
Washington, Roger W., M.D. .............................................................126
Primary Care Physicians by City Index
Liu, Leewen, M.D...............................................................................126
Walters, Joseph J., M.D.....................................................100, 127, 141
Cho, Chang H., M.D. .................................................................100, 127
Jain, Arti, M.D. ...........................................................................100, 127
Jujare, Vijaya L., M.D.........................................................................127
Khalilnejad, Heideh S., M.D.......................................................100, 127
Lin, Andrew Y., M.D...........................................................100, 127, 141
Qureshi, Farda R., M.D..............................................................100, 127
Sabounchi, Saman, M.D....................................................................100
Yaskin, Inna, D.O.......................................................................100, 127
Arakelian, Ronald A., M.D. ..................................................................48
Baes, Dante M., M.D. ..........................................................................48
Baluyot, Myleen B., M.D. .....................................................................48
Bhinder, Jagmohan S., M.D.................................................................48
Davenport, Mark W., M.D. ...................................................................49
Escarcha, loraine, M.D. .......................................................................49 / 173
Esho, Maryam, M.D. ............................................................................49
Goel, Krishan K., M.D. .........................................................................49
Hamidi, Sara B., M.D. ..........................................................................49
Holm, Edward B., M.D. ........................................................................49
Howe, Donald V., M.D. ........................................................................49
Hundal, Nirbhai S., M.D. ......................................................................50
Jimenez, Rafael E., M.D. .....................................................................50
Jothikumar, Puliadi R., M.D. ................................................................50
Knapp, James C., M.D.........................................................................50
MacLaren Jr, James C., M.D. ..............................................................50
Morgan, Rachel C., M.D. .....................................................................50
Pratt, Alisha N., D.O. ...........................................................................50
Schellinck, Edward M., M.D.................................................................51
Soria, Rafael R., M.D...........................................................................51
Taha, Razan, M.D................................................................................51
Uytingco, Rufino M., M.D.....................................................................51
Winkler, R. Mark, M.D..........................................................................51
Zomalan, Noel M., M.D........................................................................51
Endress, Don M., M.D. ........................................................................51
Krishnamoorthi, Krishnamoorthi, M.D..................................................52
Aitken, Colleen A., M.D........................................................................52
174 /
Specialist Index
The following is a listing of all specialists affiliated with Health Net, arranged in
alphabetical order by specialty.
If you are interested in a particular specialist, you
should select a physician group with which he or she
is affiliated. For a listing of specialists available by
group, please contact the physician group directly.
For the most up-to-date directory listings, visit the
Health Net website at
Índice de Especialista
La siguiente es una lista de todos los especialistas afiliados a Health Net, ordenada
alfabéticamente por especialidad.
Si usted está interesado en un especialista en
particular, debe elegir un grupo médico al que
dicho especialista esté afiliado. Si desea una lista de
especialistas disponibles por grupo médico, por favor
comuníquese directamente con el grupo médico.
Para obtener la lista más actualizada del directorio,
visite el sitio Web de Health Net en / 175
176 /
Specialist Index
Acquah, Joseph S., LAC
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ashby, Jennifer, LAC
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Burns, Beverly A., LAC
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chao, Lawrence L., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Esquivel, Richard A., LAC
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Hays, Robin F., LAC
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
He, Stephanie Na, LAC
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Katz, Jeffrey L., D.C.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Knaus, Martin, LAC
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lau, Benjamin C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Liu, Dave D., LAC
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Marshall, Theodore M., LAC
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Toveg, Miriam, L.A.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Washington, Vickie Y., LAC
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Balduzzi, Michael C., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Bensch, George W., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Bensch, Gregory W., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Biedermann, Arthur A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Blessing-Moore, Joann C., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chu, Theodore J., M.D.1
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Davidson, Jeffrey M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Del Mundo, Judy, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Giannini, Avraham V., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Goldsobel, Alan B., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Guyer, Autumn C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kellogg, John S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kishiyama, Jeffrey L., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Leung, Roxanne S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Levenson, Toby, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nelson, Katharine S., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Rassbach, Whitney M., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Reid, Michael J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sachdeva, Virender K., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Tam, Schuman, M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tipton Jr., Dale L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Torrano, Robert T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 177
Physician/Physician Group
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Wang, Roger R., D.O.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wolfe, James D., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Xu, Anlin, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Yecies, Jerold J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chow, Irwin, M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hsu, Charles C., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Li, Ho-Yin A., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Lo, Justin L., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nguyen-clark, Hanh, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nino, Marica G., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Richards, Jerome R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Robson, Jerome A., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Cardiology/Cardiovascular Disease
Acharya, Joydev, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Agah, Ramtin, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Ahmed, Mohammed H., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Alavi, Munawar, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Albert, Michelle A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Asghar, Fayaz, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Avula, Silpa, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Bavor, Clayton W., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Bindra, Sanjay M., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Brooks, Gabriel C., M.D.
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Burroughs Pena, Melissa S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cavero, Patricia G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chan, Shu-Wing, M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Chin, Arthur S., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group2 ................................................ 52-60
Chirala, Anuradha, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Choi, Sung W., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chow, Theodore, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Chun, James G., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chung, William S., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Coggins, Dwain L., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Collings, Catherine A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Dang, Dan V., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Dubey, Rajesh K., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Fung, Gordon L., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Gallo, Costantino T., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Gerstenfeld, Edward P., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gold, Michael M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Gudapati, Surendra B., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Gulati, Anjali P., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Hao, Steven C., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hirschfeld, David S., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ho, Gustin M., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Huang, Raymond I., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
178 /
Hussain, Hassan M., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Irani, Adil N., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Jain, Ashit, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kao, John R., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kaykha, Amir, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Khan, Mutahir U., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Kuppahally, Suman S., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kwa, Andrew T., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kwan, Chuk W., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lam, Diana, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco2 ........................ 60-75
Lee, Albert P., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Leung, Cheung K., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2 ...................................... 101-127
Levy, Matthew T., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Liao, Chung H., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lien, John H., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Liu, Minghui, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Low, Randall, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group2 ................................................ 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco2 ........................ 60-75
Lowenbraun, Norman S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ma, Adrian O., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose2 .................................. 75-100
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Madala, Durga V., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Mailhot, James, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Malin, Frank R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Milechman, Gary F., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Millhouse Jr, Felix G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Molina, Cesar R., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Morelli, Remo L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco3 ........................ 60-75
Nazer, Babak, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nguyen, Hoang M., D.O.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nguyen, Ngai X., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nouri, Bahman J., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
O'Neill, Daniel P., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Parikh, Akik K., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Parikh, Nisha I., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Parrish, Richard M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Podolin, Richard A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Prasad, Rajesh, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Qayyum, Mohammed S., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Reddy, Thirupathi K., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Rezaee, Mehrdad, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Rod, Joe L., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Saah, Ibrahim D., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Scott, Neal A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Siddiqui, Shahid K., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Singh, Geeta R., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Soto, Rodolfo C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco2 ........................ 60-75
Teng, Peter I., M.D.1
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Physician is currently not available through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 179
Physician/Physician Group
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Thorson, Anne I., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tison, Geoffrey H., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tuffli Jr, Charles F., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Waspe, Lawrence E., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Wong, Kent H., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Wong, Stephanie K., D.O.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wu, Benjamin, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Yeghiazarians, Yerem, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cardiovascular Surgery
Bogerty, Sharon, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Cambronero, Neil F., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Deuse, Tobias, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ellertson, David G., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Fung, Gordon L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Grandis, Donald J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Schwartz, Steven M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Shah, Sanjay K., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Silva, Raymond, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Talieh, Yahya J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Tang, Eddie, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Child/Adolescent Psychiatry
Benki, Cristina M., PH.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Costello, Caitlin R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Armstrong, Craig S., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Balbon, Brian W., D.C.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Biegel, Steven B., D.C.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Brennan, John T., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Butner, Lynne M., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Deboard, John R., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Fishkin, William H., D.C.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Govett, Raymond A., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Hamilton, William C., D.C.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Jensen, Jorn T., D.C.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Mabe, Ronald K., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
McAllister, Sherry D., D.C.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
McMillan, James V., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Mostowski, Ronald J., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Roberts, Douglas W., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Serra, Elizabeth, D.C.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Shaw, Heather A., D.C.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Welch, Mark D., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Welch, Marla L., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Wolf, Mary C., D.C.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Clinical Crd Electrophysiology
Bindra, Sanjay M., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Coggins, Dwain L., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Levy, Matthew T., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Liem, L. Bing, D.O.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Abel, Michael E., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Chiu, Yanek S., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Chung, Taehyun P., M.D.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
180 /
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Doria, Miguel D., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Finlayson, Emily V., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Modir, Jamal, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Segall, Mark M., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Yee, Laurence F., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Youn, Peter Y., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Critical Care Medicine
Agarwal, Sanjay K., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chung, Crawford K., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Filuk, Robert B., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Huang, Paul I., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Moazed, Farzad, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Omron, Edward M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ortiz, Veronica N., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Abuabara, Katrina E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Alexander, Blake D., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Badlani, Rupa P., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ball, Katharine L., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Bhutani, Tina, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Binstock, Jeffrey H., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Botto, Nina C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Britz, Marie B., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Browne, Adrianna J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Buckner, Dorothy J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Carson, Kent S., M.D.
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Cheng, Jeffrey B., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cheung, Lawrence C., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chhiap, Visoth, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Connelly, Marcus G., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Dans, Michael J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dhawan, Sunil S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Do, Alice N., D.O.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Do, Hong T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Duong, Hoang M., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Ellison, Samuel F., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Engasser, Patricia G., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Epstein, Beverly A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Epstein, John H., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Evans, Tracy B., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Fassett, Marlys S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Fernandez, Geover, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Gebauer, Lauren E., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Haemel, Anna K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hantash, Basil M., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Hsiao, Francis C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hsieh, George C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kaminsky, Lawrence S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Khodosh, Rita, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 181
Physician/Physician Group
Khuu, Duke T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kornik, Rachel I., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Layton, Debi B., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lee, Jennifer J., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Lubianker, Leon, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Luu, Mychael, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
MacGregor, David J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mak-Fung, Michele W., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Mathes, Erin F., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mathur, Anubhav N., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Maurer, Toby A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mehrany, Khosrow, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Menkes, Andrew B., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Miller, Kenneth A., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Miller, Martin B., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Morales, Anjali V., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Morganroth, Greg S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Naik, Haley B., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ng, Judy, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
North, Jeffrey P., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ortiz Urda, Maria S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Panagotacos, Peter J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Paniagua, Ricardo T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Peng, Albert T., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Phillips, Rhea M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pincus, Laura B., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Raymond, Amanda K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ricardo-Gonzalez, Roberto, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rosenblum, Michael D., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ryu, Jubin W., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Schwat, Howard E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Shah, Sonal D., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Soohoo, Lillian F., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Tuffanelli, Lucia R., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Urban, D. Thomas, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Yeh, Sandra T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Smith Jr, Lloyd D., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Emergency Medicine
Congress, Miles R., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Connell, Mary J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Johnson, Meshell D., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kroes, Ian T., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
McIntyre, Don L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Montauk, Lance E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nipomnick, Elliot S., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Shah, Devang S., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Shah, Nimisha H., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
182 /
Physician/Physician Group
Traynis, Arnold I., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Weinstock, Henry, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Alba, Diana L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Aubry, Wade M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bassi, Ricky, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Borau, Nicole C., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Bruhn, Charles J., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Cabaccan, Joselito C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Goldfine, Ira D., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Greenfield, Michael S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Jue, Dyron J., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Koliwad, Suneil K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ku, Gregory M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lau, Helen W., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Li, Ming, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Myers, Elsie A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Neinstein, Aaron, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pun, Kin-Kee, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group3 ................................................ 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rottkamp, Daniele M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Shah, Arti D., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tuan, Cheng-Yang, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Balaa, Marwan A., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Bhat, Yasser M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Binmoeller, Kenneth F., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bissell Jr, Dwight M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bonacini, Maurizio, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Brandman, Danielle, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Brar, Pardeep S., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Canale, Juan C., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chui, David W., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Conlin, Daniel R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Da Silveira, Eduardo B., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Dai, Sun-Chuan, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Day, Lukejohn W., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Elsakr, Magdy S., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Elsen, Robert J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Faraji, Eshagh I., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Farr, Hashem M., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Fung, Gregory, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group2 ................................................ 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Garcia, Ruel T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Hameed, Bilal, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Family Practice
Liu, Tracy, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nguyen, Khoi D., D.O.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Phan, Dung M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
1 Board
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Physician is currently not available through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 183
Physician/Physician Group
Hurwitz, Alfred L., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ibrahim, Waleed A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Kansara, Rasik T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Kaplan, Jeffrey H., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kattah, Michael G., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kushlan, Michael C., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Laghaee, Shahin, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Lai, Jennifer C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lee, Jeffrey K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Leibowitz, Keith A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Levitt, Brian S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Lin, Terry C., D.O.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Man, Kevin M., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mark, Jeffrey C., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Mehta, Neil J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nguyen, Huy A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nguyen, Khanh K., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Peters, Marion G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Price, Jennifer C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Quang, Yen N., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Raju, Jagjit (jay) S., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Reed, James H., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rengstorff, Daniel S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Rider, Dean L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco2 ........................ 60-75
Ringer, Michael J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Saffouri, Bassam G., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Sarkar, Monika A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Savur, Sheila A., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Shah, Janak N., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Shah, Prince, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Shen, Dennis D., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Singh, Aparajita, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Singh, Gurpreet, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Stuart, Kevin D., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Torosis, James D., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Trinh, Huy N., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Velayos, Fernando S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Vittal, Harsha, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Vittal, Sudin V., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Yan, James K., D.O.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Yang, Jenny D., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Yang, Vicky W., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
184 /
Yu, Andy S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
General Practice
Nguyen, Minhtam T., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
General Surgery
Bahadi, Keyvan, M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Bailey, Susan A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bailie, Daryl E., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Barry, Maged F., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Benninghoven, Scott W., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Bertelsen, Carl A., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Bogineni, Rohini D., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Campbell II, Michael J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chern, Hueylan, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chiu, Yanek S., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Chock, Edward, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chung, Taehyun P., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Cimino, Lewis R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Cisco, Robin M., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Clark, Ronald A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Coates, Matthew J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Cohen, Gordon A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dao, Huy N., D.O.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Eve, Kathleen L., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Finlayson, Emily V., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gartland, Patrick F., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Gonsier, Amy L., M.D.1
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Gosnell, Jessica E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Greenbarg, James R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Groeger, Eugene C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gulesserian, Hrair P., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Gutman, Jeffrey J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Hegazy, Jihan, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Hinsdale, James G., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Hirai, Thomas J., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Ibrahim, Mohamed A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Jeyapalan-Noone, Manjula M., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Johnson, Alfred B., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Karamlou, Tara B., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kim, Christopher J., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Kline, Richard A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Kokinos, Polyxene G., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lechleitner, Rita L., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lee, Jin-Young, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Leichtling, Jonathan J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lewis, Pamela P., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Li, Michelle L., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Lin, Matthew Y., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Liu, Ming, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Lo, Charles Y., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Macho, James R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 185
Physician/Physician Group
McCray, Victor W., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Modir, Jamal, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Murray, Robert E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Naruns, Peter L., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nguyen, Huy T., D.O.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nguyen, Nang, D.O.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Nguyen, Richard T., D.O.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Perez, Robert G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pham, Sally T., DPM1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Porteous Jr, John R., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Quaid, Gina A., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Racela, Raymundo C., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Rohaninejad, Mohammadreza, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Roll, Garrett R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rossini Jr, Michael, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Roussere, Jude T., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Salcido, Dennis M., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Saranto, John R., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Seavy, Niamh M., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Singhal, Shyamali M., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Suh, Insoo, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tam, Tony Y., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Tranduc, Matthew H., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Traver, Christopher N., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Tsoi, Edmund K., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Vu, Lan T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Walsh, Hugh G., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Wang, Zhong, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Wong, Jasmine M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Yee, Laurence F., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Yeh, Tzuoo-Ming, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Yi, K Min, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Youn, Peter Y., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Zare, Marc M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Zarroug, Abdalla E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chen, Pei, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cohen, Meyer D., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lo, Daphne, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Modi, Tushar R., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Rogers, Stephanie E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Samsonov, Maria E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tang, Victoria, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Zier, Bennett G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gynecologic Oncology
Ballon, Samuel C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Lilja, James F., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
186 /
Physician/Physician Group
Lin, Jeff F., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Margolis, Michael T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Weibel, Timothy J., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Bebla, Sargon, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Dang, Nga T., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Henry, David S., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Kim, Dai J., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Newman, Ilene, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Richards, John, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Rivera, Veronica R., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Vo, Steven P., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Algazi, Alain P., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Arora, Shagun D., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bui, Lynne A., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Campbell, Timothy, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cerejo, Miguel C., D.O.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Clement, Jincy, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Dormady, Shane P., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Friedlander, Terence W., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Green, Kimberly M., D.O.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kushlan, Michael C., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Mannis, Gabriel N., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mojab, Abdol A., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Tsai, Katy K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wang, Chia-Ching J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hand Surgery
Caviale, Paul A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chan, Eric S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kagel, Eric M., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kao, Samuel D., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kim, Roy, M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Kulick, Michael I., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lee, Charles K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lepore Jr, Vincent D., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Masem, Mathias A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nguyen, Anthony H., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nguyen, Hien N., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Sutkin, Howard S., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Trzeciak, Marc A., D.O.1
1 Board
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Agarwal, Manoj, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Andhavarapu, Swati, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Banisadre, Mussa, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chan, Edward Y., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Dhaliwal, Amarjit S., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Dormady, Shane P., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Eldaly, Mohamed E., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Hla, Tin T., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Horn, Biljana N., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 187
Physician/Physician Group
Koontz, Michael Z., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Labban, George, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lee, Raymond W., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Li, Jiali, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Quock, Justin P., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Weber, Robert W., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco3 ........................ 60-75
Yamamoto, Kenneth S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco2 ........................ 60-75
Charney, Michael T., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Mills, Kenneth J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco2 ........................ 60-75
Studemeister, Alex E., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Hospice And Palliative Medicine
Dzul-church, Virginia E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lockyer, Timothy A., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Rana, Sameera, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Slatkin, Neal E., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Yadav, Rakhi, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Infectious Disease
Baxi, Sanjiv M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Brickman, Cristina E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chambers, Henry F., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Charney, Michael T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Chrobak, Daniel J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Eguia, Jose M., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
El-Isa, Zaina, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Katrak, Shereen S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Keh, Chris E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Leoniak, Jennifer L., D.O.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Lewis, Sarah C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Luetkemeyer, Anne F., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Majumder, Sumit, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Marquez, Carina, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nguyen, Vinh Q., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Nussbaum, Jesse C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Olson, David A., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Palnitkar, Rachana M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Peck, Melicent C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Penn, Bennett H., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rajan, Jayant V., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ramachandran, Rani V., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Rosenberg, Oren S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Studemeister, Alex E., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Internal Medicine
Atoui, Rim I., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Cho, Kerry C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chui, David W., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Cruz, Christian C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dhawan, Sunil S., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Farr, Hashem M., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Physician is currently not available through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
188 /
Fong, Hanlon J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Fung, Gordon L., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Haut, Lewis L., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Jain, Ashit, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kansara, Rasik T., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Kasselik, Mark J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kaykha, Amir, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Kwok, Victor, M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Lam, Diana, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Liao, Chung H., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ling, Kok-Tong, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lui, Fred Y., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Malik, Anuj S., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Man, Kevin M., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Morelli, Remo L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco3 ........................ 60-75
Myers, Elsie A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nguyen, Hoang M., D.O.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nguyen, Khanh K., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Palnitkar, Rachana M., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Parikh, Akik K., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Patel, Kajal P., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Raju, Jagjit (jay) S., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Reddy, Thirupathi K., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Satia, Jagat B., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Schulz, Hakima A., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Shields, David S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
St Goar, Frederick G., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Tobbagi, Habib A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Trinh, Huy N., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Tuan, Cheng-Yang, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Velayos, Fernando S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Vittal, Sudin V., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Wang, Roger R., D.O.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wang, Sheng-Yong, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Wong, Kent H., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Interventional Cardiology
Kaykha, Amir, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Nguyen, Hoang M., D.O.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Qayyum, Mohammed S., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Rezaee, Mehrdad, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Interventional Radiology
Alvarez, Marcos N., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Cipriano, Paul R., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Pierce, Lindsey J., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Marriage/Family Counseling
Yamasaki, Kyle K., MFCC
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Combs, C.Andrew, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Ghaffari, Neda, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lee, Sarah Y., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
O'Reilly-Green, Christopher P., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Pandipati, Santosh, M.D.1
Physician is currently not available through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 189
Physician/Physician Group
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Thiet, Mari-Paule, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Medical Genetics
Klein, Ophir D., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
McCallum, William D., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Packman, Seymour, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Slavotinek, Anne M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Li, Raymond K., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Madan, Ashima, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Slocumb, Charles O., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Wang, Tung-Ho, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Yao, Timothy C., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Shimotake, Janet C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Adey, Deborah B., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Austin, Suzanne M., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Baisac, Josephine R., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Carrie, Brian J., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Carrillo, Ray R., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Chang, Warren, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chen, Maggie W., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Cho, Kerry C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cohen, Meyer D., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Court, Sergio B., M.D.1
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Cruz, Christian C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dhawan, Archana N., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Doan, Alexander D., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Elahi, Rashid S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Fong, Hanlon J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ge, Yuqiang, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Haut, Lewis L., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Hoang, Khoi, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2 ...................................... 101-127
Iliya, Ilyas F., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ishida, Julie H., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Joo, Chang S., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Joshi, Tarla P., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)2 ...................................... 101-127
Kasselik, Mark J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Krishna, Gopal G., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Ku, Elaine Y., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lin, Cynthia, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ling, Kok-Tong, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group2 ................................................ 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Liu, Kenneth K., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Lui, Fred Y., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lunn, Mitchell R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Malone, J. David, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Marciano, Denise K., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Patel, Kajal P., M.D.1
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
190 /
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Phan, Dennis N., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Rosales, Maria Carmela, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Santiesteban, Hector L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sarwal, Minnie M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Shoji, Jun, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Singh, Manpreet, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Suri, Vikram, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tatapudi, Vasishta, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tilles, Steven M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Ting, George O., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Tobbagi, Habib A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Tse, Phillip F., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Vincenti, Flavio G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wang, Sheng-Yong, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Webber, Allison, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Winetz, Jan A., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Wojciechowski, David M., D.O.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Yarlagadda, Padma, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Ye, Maian, D.O.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Aguilar Jr, Lorenzo O., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Ahmed, Mohammed F., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Bang, Jee Y., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Belaga, Gary A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bevan, Carolyn J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bove, Riley M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Brown, Lidia K., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Cabaniss, Brian T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cahill, Elizabeth A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cheng, Natalie T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chien, Chau-Chun, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Cilio, Maria R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dietiker, Cameron L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Elahi, Fanny M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Estrin, William J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Fox, Christine K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Fredericks, Carolyn A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Fung, Peter C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Gelfand, Amy A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gold, Carl A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gould, Robert S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Guisado, Raul, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Hegde, Manu, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hellmuth, Joanna M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ibrahimi, Said M., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Johnson, Erik C., M.D.
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 191
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Karageorgiou, Elissaios, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kasavin, Marina A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Knowlton, Robert C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kouyoumdjian, Zepure, D.O.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kumar, Raj, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Larimer, Phillip E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Le, Chuong M., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Levin, Jeffrey R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Levin, Morris, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Limb, Charles J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lin, Peter T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Litwin, Jessica R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ljubenkov, Peter A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Luthra, Nijee S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ma, Lin, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Maasumi, Kasra, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Masri, Tony J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Meisel, Karl, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Meng, Joy S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Miocinovic, Svjetlana, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ngo, Hiep Q., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nguyen, Anh T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nourbakhsh, Bardia, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Oberheim Bush, Nancy Ann E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Okada, Hideho, M.D.
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Olney, Nicholas T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Palenzuela, Marta S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Patel, Sonya S., D.O.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Pauxtis, Gregory F., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pazouki, Narges, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Phillips, David B., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ramirez Gomez, Liliana A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Riggins, Nina Y., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Robertson, Marilyn, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Rojas-Martinez, Julio C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rosow, Laura K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rowbotham, Michael C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ruzhnikov, Maura R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sachdev, Harmeet S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Sachdev, Noor S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Schaffert, Alan G., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Shah, Akshay M., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Shapiro, Kevin A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Singer, Paul H., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Singhal, Nilika S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Soong, James Y., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Spina, Salvatore, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sun, Xihua, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
192 /
Tanner, Caroline M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Toossi, Shahed, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tsai, Richard M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tso, Amy R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Viehoever, Amy R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Vogel, Todd, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wang, Wei, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Wilson, Michael R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wu, Jerwin, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Zak, Rochelle S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Varjavand, Bahram, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Andrews, Russell J., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Arora, Tarun, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bairamian, Dikran, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Blumenfeld, Kenneth S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Bybee, David B., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chang, Edward F., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cheng, Leo W., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chou, Dean, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dhall, Sanjay S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Greenwald, Ronald S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Helbig, Gregory M., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Hua, Sherwin E., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Huang, Michael C., M.D.
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Jacques, Line, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Leng, Lewis Z., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
McCormack, Bruce M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nguyen, Peter H., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Ostling, Lauren R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Remington, Benjamin J., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Rosario, Marshal D., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Shirzadi, Ali, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Weinstein, Philip R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Yeh, David D., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nuclear Radiology
Halbach, Van V., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dainty, Erin E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Adams, Fred, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Averbach, Sarah H., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Azad, Sarah P., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Balassiano, Erika, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Bangalore Vatsan Sri, Lakshmi, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Berguig, Milana L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bhanot, Preete, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Brock, Rebecca J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Cai, Dung V., M.D.1
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 193
Physician/Physician Group
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Callen, Karen R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Capulong, Dale A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chu, Karen, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Chu, Margaret W., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chun, Stephanie N., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Combs, C.Andrew, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Cordero-Gamez, Mario N., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Cuneo, Judith C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dehkordi, Roya K., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Dimsdale, Jason M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Elia, Giovanni, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Everson, Lisa K., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Fang, Jane Y., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Faryno, Wioletta, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Feist Jr., Fredric W., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Franca, Lucia L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ghaffari, Neda, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Gopal, Tirun, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Granader, Neil, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Gras, Joanne, D.O.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Graven, Nadine E., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Grover, Christopher M., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Hannon, Ziyad J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Hoang, Hanh N., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Huang, Michael H., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Huang, Susan H., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Huchko, Megan J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hur, Jim Rong, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Hussain, Sabrina J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Hwang, Dong H., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Illangasekare, Tushani D., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Javid, Athiya D., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kamali, Deborah D., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kearns, Lelanya B., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Kendrick, Narisse E., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Khoo, Maureen O., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kilkenny, Mary E., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kim, Dai J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kogan, Anna, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lacuna Jr, Eduardo B., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Lager, Jeannette, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lam, Fung, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lamar, Robyn A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Levine, Zena A., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lewis, Roger W., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Li, Ben C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lin, Thomas T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lin-Liu, Yvonne G., M.D.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
194 /
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Low, Norman D., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Luces, La Toya A., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Margolis, Michael T., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Martinez, Eleanor M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
McCauley, Daniel, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Meister, Lesley M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Moon, Jin K., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Moy, Elizabeth G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nalwa, Smriti, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nash, Carl R., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nayak, Suresh, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ng, Cheresa C., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Ng, Vicki S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nguyen, Dan-Anh T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nguyen, Phoung T., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ninh, Hung V., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Noh, Tae W., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Norton, Mary E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Opoku-Anane, Jessica, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pandipati, Santosh, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Parekhji, Nilima B., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Park, Hyun-kyo, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Pazouki, Fatemeh, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Pemberton, Lily K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Phan, Bichvan, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Phan, Kenneth T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Pollard, Angela M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Quan, M. Ming, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Rad, Steve, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Raman, Rita S., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Rarick, Thomas L., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Rosenstein, Melissa, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rowen, Tami S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rubashkin, Nicholas A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sahai, Anjali, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Sanchez, Felix J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Sankar Raj, Kavitha M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Shikaripur Nadig, Pallavi, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Shu, Rachel H., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Solimani, Nezhat, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Somersille, Carol A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Tabas, Eric, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Teagle, Linda A., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Teng, Amy, D.O.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Thanapathy, Jumnah, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ti, Angeline J., M.D.
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 195
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tong, Candice T., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Tran, Xuananh P., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Tuan, Karen P., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tuan, Ke H., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ueda, Stefanie M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Vargas, Juan E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Vergara, Eduardo A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Vo, Steven P., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Vu, Giao V., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Vujjeni, Valli A., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Watson, James A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Weber, Kenneth M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Wu, Elizabeth F., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Yee, Pearl W., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Zarate, Sonia C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Zikria, Gull A., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Atreya, Chloe E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bivona, Trever G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cinar, Pelin, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Collisson, Eric A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dormady, Shane P., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Green, Kimberly M., D.O.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Greene, Kirsten L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kelley, Robin K., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kim, Kevin B., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kim, Won, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ko, Andrew H., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kramer, Alan M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Levy, Robert L., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Majure, Melanie C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Moretti, Leslie C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Okada, Hideho, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Okimoto, Ross A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Quock, Justin P., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rohaninejad, Mohammadreza, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Schwartz, Lee A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Taylor, Jennie, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wang, Victoria E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Yamamoto, Kenneth S., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Aguilar, Gary L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ai, Everett, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ashrafzadeh, Amin, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Banez, Mary Ann T., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bansal, Alok S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Barsoumian, Krikor L., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Beers, Daniel J., M.D.1
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
196 /
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Bert, Benjamin B., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bert, Melvyn D., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Boldrey, Edwin E., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Borrillo, Jesus L., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Calman, Andrew F., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chandran, Rangram, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chang, David F., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chang, Louis K., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chang, Shi-Hwa W., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chao, Daniel L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chechelnitsky, Marina S., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Chen, Howard H., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Chen, Jessica L., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Choi, Ho S., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Chow, Clement C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Chung, Elaine M., O.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Cockerham, Kimberly P., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Contreras, Claudio S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Contreras, Marshall R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Cunningham Jr, Emmett T., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Damato, Bertil E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Decker, Joseph H., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
DeMartini, David R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Dessouki, Amr A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Dimiceli, Kathryn C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Doan, Thuy A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Duggan, John W., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Edington, Philip A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Eliasieh, Kasra, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Engelman, Christopher J., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Fishman, Martin L., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Fu, Arthur D., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gammon, James A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Garcia, Francisco A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gelbart, Solomon S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Golen, Jeffrey R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Goodman, Daniel F., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Grewal, Ajita, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Guida, Anthony J., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Hetherington Jr., John, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hewes, George R., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Horton, Jonathan C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hughes Jr, Gerald E., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Imes, Richard K., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Iwach, Andrew G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Johnson, Robert N., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Jumper, James M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 197
Physician/Physician Group
Kao, Andrew A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Keshavamurthy, Ravi, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Khurana, Rahul N., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kim, Jeehee, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kim, Stevens Y., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Kwok, Shiu Y., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lee, Daniel, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Lee, Kevin C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lenser, Brian A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Lesser, Donald Y., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Leung, L. Eric, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Levin, Peter S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Li, Suzanne G., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Lin, Danny Y., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Lin, Stephen A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Liu, James C., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Liu, Jeffrey W., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Luong, Danny B., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lutosky, Sharon L., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Mannis, Tova E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mark, David B., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Mastman, Robert S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
McDonald, Henry R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Monahan, Patrick M., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Mosaddegh, Lillie A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Moshirfar, Majid, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Murakami, Yohko, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Narain, Keshav, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nguyen, Khoa D., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nguyen, Lan T., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nguyen, Lien H., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Nguyen, Ngoc T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ni, Nina, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ou, Yvonne, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Palmer, James D., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Pham, Randal T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Phan, Laura T., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Pickering, Terri-Diann E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pulley, Douglas B., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ramanathan, Saraswathy, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rutti, Peter J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Sakamoto, Michael J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Sastry, Raghunand C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Shahinian Jr., Lee, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Sriranjani, Padmanabhan P., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sullivan, John H., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Tan, Kevin S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
198 /
Tanaka, George H., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tayeri, Thomas, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Tesluk, Gregory C., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Wang, Jennifer P., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Wang, Timothy T., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Ward, Brian, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Wieland, Mark R., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Wong, Ervin P., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Wong, Patricia C., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wu, Gloria, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Xie, John Z., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Yang, George S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Yang, Jennifer, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Yang, Jon L., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Yee, Wai Dean, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Zaffaroni, Alex A., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Abram, Cassandra R., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chan, Daphne W., O.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cheng, Kimberly C., O.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chiesa, Melanie M., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Dao, Sophie K., O.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Dela Cruz II, Emmanuel, O.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Hajkazemshirazi, Leila, O.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hinkley, Bruce A., O.D.
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Horner, Kerry A., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Hsieh, Joyce I., O.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Huynh, Anh-Thy N., O.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Irish, Trevor K., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
James, Brendan R., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Jung, Roland, O.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kim, Lily H., O.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Lai, Tiffanny N., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Lee, Karen L., O.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lim, Tommy L., O.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Lopez, Sarah E., O.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mac, Hung D., O.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Mann, Jasmeet K., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Martin, Stanley F., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Mihok, Tom F., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Pan, Thomas, O.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Plett, Jacob, O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Plett, Lindsay M., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Saldana, Sharlette S., O.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Steinberg, Deborah E., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Tran, Truyet T., O.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wong, Wai-Ling, O.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Yeh, Rischel N., O.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Zardo, Delma F., O.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery
Lee, Joseph J., DDS
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 199
Physician/Physician Group
Nguyen, Thoai (Timothy), DDS
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Shturman, Inna, DDS
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Woodlief, Victor, DMD
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Orthopedic Surgery
Anderson, Jeffrey J., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Aptekar, Robert G., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Atkin, Dave M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bhuva, Dinesh N., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Braaton, Paul J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Butcher, Michael D., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Campbell, William R., D.O.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Casey Jr, John J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Cash, Robert M., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Caton, Robert E., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Caviale, Paul A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chang, Cindy J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chen, Eli, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chen, James L., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cluck, Michael W., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Coe, Jeffrey D., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Cohen, Jonathan L., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Cohen, Nathaniel P., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Colquhoun, Scott A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Coughlin, Ralph R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dang, Alan B., M.D.
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Davis, Alexander A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA3 ............................................................................... 33-52
Dellamaggiore Jr, Eugene D., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Deviren, Vedat, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Farr, Morteza M., D.O.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Ferretti, Robert S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Foglar, Christian, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Fong, Vernon K., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Gidvani, Sandeep N., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Guerrero, Patrick E., D.O.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Halbrecht, Jeffrey L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hansen, Erik N., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hariri, Sanaz, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Harwood, Maury K., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Holmes, William J., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Huffer, Bruce R., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Iyengar, Jaideep J., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Kagel, Eric M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kahan, Julia S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kandemir, Utku, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kanel, Jeffrey S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Kinzie, Wesley E., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Konkin, Leslie A., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Physician is currently not available through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
200 /
Lansford, Todd J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lee, Nicolas H., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Littlejohn, Edward C., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lo, Eddie Y., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Masem, Mathias A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Matityahu, Amir M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
McClellan, Robert T., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Meinberg, Eric G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Miclau III, Theodore, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Morshed, Saam, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Murray, Kevin R., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Okumu, Kris, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Olson, Kirstina M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Oshtory, Rayshad, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pathare, Neil P., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pettegrew, Jonathan M., D.O.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Piper, Samantha L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pistel, William L., D.O.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Purnell, Michael B., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Renbaum, Joel W., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Roache, Paul B., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rouhipour, Varqa, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Sagoo, Daljeet S., D.O.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Sciaroni, Laura N., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Semkiw, Leo B., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Sharma, Samir, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Shin, Edward C., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Slosar, Paul J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sun, Edward C., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Tabaraee, Ehsan, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Trzeciak, Marc A., D.O.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Tse, Dominic H., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Tuch, Barry A., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Van Warmerdam, Jennifer M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wall, William W., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Williamson, Lenita R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Wolf, Eugene M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wong, Fook Y., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Wong, Rodney Z., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Wustrack, Rosanna L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Zhang, Alan, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Otolaryngology (Ent)
Ammar, Sherif M., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Anderson Jr, William D., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Burt Jr, Donald W., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Carter, Margaret S., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chan, Dylan K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chang, Jolie L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chew, Clifford F., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 201
Physician/Physician Group
Dinh, Ngon H., D.O.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Eng, Richard S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Fann, Karen Y., D.O.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Flis, Daniel W., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ha, Patrick K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Heaton, Chase M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ho, Kevin Ki Hong H., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ho, Philip T., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kangelaris, Gerald T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kenyon, Vanessa E., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Kita, Mark S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lal, Niraj, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lay, Patrick C., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose2 .................................. 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Leung, Man-Kit, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lieberman, David M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Louie, Dexter, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mak, Kenneth W., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Maw, Jennifer L., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Mingrone, Matthew, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Murray, Michael T., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nelson, Lionel M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Nguyen, Anthony H., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Piepergerdes, James C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Polterock, Jerrold, M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Romeo, Joseph P., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Ruffy, Mauro B., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Ryan, William R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sajjadi, Hamed, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Samji, Hussein A., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Seth, Rahul, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sloan, Steven H., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Smith, Roger R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Staahl, Theodore E., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Tipton Jr., Dale L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Trevino, Richard J., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Tward, Aaron D., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wang, Sean X., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wong, Denise R., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Otolaryngology (Ent)- Do Only
George, Jonathan R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pain Management
Aachi, Venkat, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Barnett, James E., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Chakerian, Maia U., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chan, Jackie T., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Cheung, Alphonsus L., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
202 /
Gwalani, Tulsidas R., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Heron, Kyle B., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Jones, Jeff N., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Lau, Benjamin C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Li, Gang, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Lo, Justin L., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Naidu, Raman Kumar, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Navani, Annu, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nguyen, Tu V., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Radu-Radulescu, Felicia, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Reynolds, Paul C., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Rhoades, Patrick N., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Singh, Harpreet, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Tran, Sherman N., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Berkeley, David H., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Douglas, Bruce P., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Gonzales, John M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ranchod, Mahendra, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
West, Reardon C., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Pediatric Allergy/Immunology
Blessing-Moore, Joann C., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Pediatric Cardiology
Cocalis, Mark W., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Kim, Kyong-Mee S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Lappen, Rhonda S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Moon-Grady, Anita J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Srivastava, Deepak, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Teitel, David F., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tran, Michael P., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Pediatric Critical Care
Bleakly, Nicole T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chan, Priscilla, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kameny, Rebecca J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Soifer, Scott J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Zuluaga, Maria T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Cisco, Michael J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Endocrinology
Ferrara, Christine T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sanda, Srinath, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Abi-Hanna, Adel B., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Bayrer, James R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Green, Alex D., D.O.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Perito, Emily R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pham, Yen H., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rhee, Sue J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Yen, Elizabeth H., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Genetics
Gallagher, Renata C., M.D.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 203
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Dubois, Steven G., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dvorak, Christopher C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Forester, Craig M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hermiston, Michelle L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Loh, Mignon L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Melton, Alexis A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nicolaides, Theodore P., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sabnis, Amit J., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Stieglitz, Elliot, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sud, Sohil R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Willert, Jennifer R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Infectious Disease
Bakardjiev, Anna, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Feeney, Margaret E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ruel, Theodore D., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Weintrub, Peggy S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Nephrology
Brakeman, Paul R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lee, Marsha M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Physician/Physician Group
Tan, Leon L., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Breckenridge, Anita L., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Good, William V., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kaur, Harrup, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Meinberg, Eric G., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Neger, Robert E., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Nguyen, Lan T., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Paul, Theodore O., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Stern, Earl L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Orthopedics
Kanel, Jeffrey S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Morshed, Saam, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Physical Medicine
Kapadia, Mitul R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Pulmonary
Church, Gwynne D., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ly, Ngoc P., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nielson, Dennis W., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Rheumatology
Lawson, Erica F., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pediatric Neurology
Pediatric Surgery
Francisco, Carla M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gano, Dawn L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Grijalvo-perez, Ana M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Guarino, Edward J., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Ralph, Jeffrey W., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kanel, Jeffrey S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Padilla, Benjamin E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
1 Board
Pediatric Urology
Copp, Hillary L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Giannini, Avraham V., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Li, Veronica E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
204 /
Soohoo, Lillian F., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Torrano, Robert T., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Physical Medicine Rehab
Aachi, Venkat, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Bell, Sonia D., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chan, Jackie T., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Kahan, Norman J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lau, Benjamin C., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lewis, Moshe M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mahawar, Suresh, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Massih, Maliheh, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nagao, Masato, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ng, Konrad H., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Ngo, Tuyen N., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Pascual, Lisa U., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Petros, James, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Radu-Radulescu, Felicia, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Roget, Vance R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Sachdev, Tripta, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Steimnitz, Jules P., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tran, Sherman N., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Washington, Kimberly A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Physical Therapy
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Johnson-Galvez, Tegan E., P.T.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Plastic Surgery
Ammar, Sherif M., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Anderson, Dan G., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Berkowitz, R Laurence, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Canoun, Karim C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chan, Eric S., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chang, David S., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Costa, Melinda A., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Daane, Stephen P., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kao, Samuel D., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kim, Roy, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Kind, Gabriel M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kulick, Michael I., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lee, Charles K., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lepore Jr, Vincent D., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Lieberman, David M., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Liu, Tom S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lynd, Melody, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Nguyen, Hien N., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Parikh, Sachin S., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Payne, James R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Staahl, Theodore E., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Sutkin, Howard S., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Terry, Michael J., M.D.
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 205
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Vagefi, M. Reza, M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Weibel, Timothy J., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Yenikomshian, Agheg M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Zeidler, Kamakshi R., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Abe, Richard R., DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Akhbari, Kaveh, DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Alberts, Daniel F., DPM
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Benard, Jay K., DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Blythe, Jason M., DPM
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cervantes, Hector, DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Chaparro, Albert J., DPM
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Cheung, Catherine, DPM1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chong, Melody, DPM
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Choy, Robert Y., DPM1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Clark, Joel R., DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Co, Mark S., DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dastgah, Amir, DPM1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Dastgah, Azar, DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Fisher, Jack E., DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Fong, David, DPM1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Grandinetti, Gail M., DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Greenwald, Leonard, DPM1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Ho, Timothy C., DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Huynh, Linh C., DPM1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Jenkin Jr., William M., DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Karamloo, Sara, DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Kim, Jamie, DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Koenigsberg, Richard T., DPM1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ky, Nguyen, DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Lai, Chun-Sun, DPM
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Lee, Jasper F., DPM
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lee, Maureen M., DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lehrich, William J., DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Martin, Sandra, DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Matarangas, Sandi E., DPM1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Morse, David W., DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nix, Kelly A., DPM1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Patel, Divyang U., DPM1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Patino, Alfred A., DPM1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Pham, Benjamin V., DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Pham, Sally T., DPM
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Pham, Timothy, DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Rolfes, Richard H., DPM1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sabin, Adrienne C., DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Slamowitz, Stuart A., DPM1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Smith, Matthew S., DPM1
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
206 /
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Tolboe, Christian R., DPM
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Tolboe, H.Rand, DPM
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Traynor, Colin J., DPM
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Van, Hoan N., DPM
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Vartivarian, Mher, DPM
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Verrette, Robert D., DPM1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Wolff, Lesley J., DPM
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wong, Kenley, DPM
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Wong, Vincent W., DPM
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Wood, Rachel, DPM1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Pulmonary Medicine
Agarwal, Sanjay K., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ang, Robert C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Bassiri, Ali G., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Bigelow, Jamie M., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Burbano, Emiro, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Chan, Kenneth D., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group2 ................................................ 52-60
Chen, Tsung-Chang T., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Choslovsky, Sydney C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Chung, Crawford K., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group2 ................................................ 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dass, Sharad K., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ereso, Virgilio C., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Filuk, Robert B., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Gidwani, Nisha H., M.D.
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hays, Steven R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hom, Fred B., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Huan, Eng H., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Huang, Paul I., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Kanegai, Cindy M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lei, Thomas D., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Omron, Edward M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ortiz, Veronica N., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Patel, Kiritkumar B., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Peng, Tien, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Pickersgill, Anne J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Raybin, Daniel M., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Satia, Jagat B., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Shah, Rupal J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Shetty, Mahesh J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Tran, Vu A., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Venado Estrada, Aida A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Vu, Thiennu H., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wroblewski, Donald A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Radiation Oncology
Abendroth, Roy E., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Anwar, Moshiur M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bowie, Constance R., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Chang, Albert J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Colburn, Gregory O., M.D.1
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 207
Physician/Physician Group
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Do, Ly V., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Dowlatshahi, Morteza, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Feng, Felix, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Fogh, Shannon E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Garsa, Adam A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Geng, Alexander B., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gottschalk, Alexander R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Huang, Sara M., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Khuntia, Deepak, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Kornguth, David G., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Kurtzman, Steven M., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Larson, David A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lee, John W., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Lowther, David N., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Meyer, John L., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mishra, Kavita K., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nakamura, Jean L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Neville, Christopher R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Nurani, Rizwan D., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Park, Catherine C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Patel, Rakesh R., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Sethi, Rajni A., M.D.1
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sien, Peter K., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Sinha, Robert N., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Tan, Raymond C., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Wong, Gordon, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Bucknor, Matthew D., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dowd, Christopher F., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Eng Jr, Roger S., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Fox, Donald R., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Halbach, Van V., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hartwick, Frank M., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Higashida, Randall T., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Liu, Stephen K., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Malek, Reza, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Meyer, John L., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Padidar, Arash M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Patel, Dipa H., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Pierce, Lindsey J., M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Raman, Raghav, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Stillman, Charles A., D.O.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Stoller, David W., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sullivan, Drew W., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Varjavand, Bahram, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Wang, Eric C., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
208 /
Reproductive Endocrinology
Cakmak, Hakan, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Mok-Lin, Evelyn Y., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Balasubramanian, Sangeetha, M.D.
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Bays, Alison M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Boin, Francesco, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chan, Kwok L., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group2 ................................................ 52-60
Charabaty, Samar M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Chu, Michelle L., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Dall'Era, Maria C., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Davis, James A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Feng, Helen, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Ferguson, Sancia K., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kao, Lily, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Lanata, Cristina, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sundaramurthy, Saigeetha, M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Wahl, Elizabeth R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wang, Roger R., D.O.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sleep Medicine
Agarwal, Sanjay K., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Ang, Robert C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Bigelow, Jamie M., M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Choslovsky, Sydney C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Clerk, Alexander A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Dass, Sharad K., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Karupaiah, Sudha, M.D.
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Masri, Tony J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Meng, Joy S., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Ruddy, John R., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Shetty, Mahesh J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Wang, Wei, M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Wroblewski, Donald A., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Sports Medicine
Chen, James L., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Modi, Tushar R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Pathare, Neil P., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Senter, Carlin H., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Thoracic Surgery
Allman, George W., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bogerty, Sharon, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Deuse, Tobias, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hajiseyedjavadi, Omid, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
MacMillan, James C., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Schwartz, Steven M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Silva, Raymond, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Tang, Eddie, M.D.1
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wozniak, Curtis J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Specialist Index
Physician/Physician Group
Undersea And Hyperbaric Medicine
Wang, Andrew, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chi, Thomas, M.D.
Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group.
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 209
Physician/Physician Group
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Dewar, Curtis R., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Duong, David T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Eisenberg, Robert B., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Fauconier, Ian N., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Garcia, Maurice, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Gholami, Shahram S., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Grady, Brian P., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Greene, Kirsten L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Habibi, Hossein, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Harris, Catherine R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hernandez, Raul A., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Hwong, Lawrence Yu, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Jin, Wenwu, M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Karpman, Edward, M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
King, David H., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Kong, Wesley G., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Kraft, John K., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Kretchmar, Larry H., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Lai, Frank C., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Levine, Sari R., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
1 Board
Physician/Physician Group
Lo, Han P., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Noller, David W., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Noller, Mark W., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Nudell, David M., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Panvini, Robert P., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Porten, Sima P., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Rector, Ernest R., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Saperston, Kara N., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Smith, James F., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Sullivan, Terrence R., M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Suskind, Anne M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Tzou, David T., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Wherry, Patrick E., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Wunschel, Steven R., M.D.1
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Yasar, Uzay, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Vascular Surgery
Alvarez, Marcos N., M.D.
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Anaya, Emil A., M.D.
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Aquino, Melinda L., M.D.1
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Bailey, Susan A., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Chang, David W., M.D.1
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Dowd, Christopher F., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use.
210 /
Physician/Physician Group
1 Board
Specialist Index
Gasper, Warren J., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Grenon, Marlene, M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Groeger, Eugene C., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Kokinos, Polyxene G., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Levine, Marc A., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Liu, Minghui, M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
MacMillan, James C., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Murray, Robert E., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Nathanson, Daniel R., M.D.
Asian American Medical Group ................................................. 52-60
Schubart, Peter J., M.D.1
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Talieh, Yahya J., M.D.
AllCare IPA ................................................................................ 33-52
Tay, Jafar, M.D.1
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ................................... 75-100
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)........................................ 101-127
Verity Medical Foundation ..................................................... 128-141
Vartanian, Shant M., M.D.
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ......................... 60-75
Not all Health Net members have this benefit or have access to the practitioners listed in this section. Check your Health Net ID Card or Summary
of Benefits to determine whether you have this benefit and whether there is a specific provider network for you to use. / 211
Hospital Index
The following is a listing of hospitals affiliated with Health Net, arranged in
alphabetical order. Information shown for each hospital includes Health Net
contracted participating physician groups (PPGs) that are affiliated with that hospital.
You will need to choose a physician group to provide
your health care services when you enroll as a
Health Net member. For more information about
each group, see the Participating Physician Group
Index. You will also need to select a primary care
physician (PCP) from the physician group of your
choice. For more information about affiliated PCPs,
see the PCPs by city listing. For the most up-to-date
directory listings, visit the Health Net website at For the most complete list of
hospital affiliations, please contact your selected
Índice de Hospitales
La siguiente es una lista de los hospitales afiliados a Health Net, ordenada
alfabéticamente. La información que se muestra para cada hospital incluye los grupos
médicos participantes (por sus siglas en inglés, PPG ) contratados de Health Net que
están afiliados a ese hospital.
Cuando usted se inscribe como afiliado a
Health Net, deberá elegir un grupo médico para que
le brinde servicios de cuidado de la salud. Si desea
más información sobre cada grupo, consulte el Índice
de Grupos Médicos Participantes. También deberá
elegir un PCP del grupo médico de su elección.
Si desea más información sobre los PCP afiliados,
consulte la lista de PCP por ciudad. Para obtener
la lista más actualizada del directorio, visite el sitio
Web de Health Net en
Para obtener la lista de afiliaciones de hospitales más
completa, comuníquese con el PPG o PCP
que seleccionó. / 213
214 /
Hospital Index
Affiliated hospitals/Physician groups
Chinese Hospital
Asian American Medical Group .......................................................52
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ...............................60
Doctors Medical Center of Modesto
AllCare IPA ......................................................................................33
El Camino Hospital
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ...........................................75
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)................................................101
Emanuel Medical Center
AllCare IPA ......................................................................................33
Good Samaritan Hospital
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ...........................................75
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)................................................101
Verity Medical Foundation .............................................................128
O'Connor Hospital
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ...........................................75
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)................................................101
Verity Medical Foundation .............................................................128
Oak Valley District Hospital
Regional Medical Center of San Jose
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ...........................................75
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)................................................101
Verity Medical Foundation .............................................................128
Saint Francis Memorial Hospital
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ...............................60
Saint Louise Regional Hospital
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)................................................101
Hospital Index
AllCare IPA ......................................................................................33
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose ...........................................75
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)................................................101
Seton Medical Center
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ...............................60
St Mary's Medical Center
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ...............................60
Stanislaus Surgical Hospital
AllCare IPA ......................................................................................33
UCSF Medical Center
Hill Physicians Medical Group - San Francisco ...............................60 / 215
Glossary of Terms
Authorization: If you need a special type of care,
your doctor will refer you to a specialist. If your
doctor’s request for referral is approved by your
physician group, you will be given a form called an
Authorization for Consultant’s Services. This form
lists the type of care or services that you need and
the number of visits that you can schedule. Always
check with your primary care physician (PCP) to
make sure all your visits to a specialist are covered by
Health Net.
Direct referral: With direct referral, your PCP can
refer you directly to a specialist for consultation
and evaluation without prior authorization by your
physician group.
Emergency care: You need emergency care for a
sudden, serious and unexpected illness, injury or
condition, including severe pain that a reasonable
person with an average knowledge of health and
medicine would believe requires immediate medical
Outpatient surgical facility: An outpatient surgical
facility is a setting other than a medical or dental
office, whose main function is performing surgical
procedures on an outpatient basis. It must be licensed
as an outpatient clinic according to state and local
laws and must meet all requirements of an outpatient
clinic providing surgical services.
Participating physician group (PPG): A PPG
is a team of physicians from various specialties
assisted by nurses, technicians and other health care
professionals affiliated contractually with Health Net.
Primary care physician (PCP): The physician at your
physician group who is responsible for performing,
prescribing, directing, or authorizing all of your
health care, including routine, referral and followup treatment. If you need a special type of care,
your PCP will be responsible for referring you to an
outside specialist.
Provider: This term applies primarily to any facility,
physician or other health care professional contracted
with Health Net to provide care to members on a
preauthorized or contractual basis.
Rapid Access: Rapid Access is a service provided by
many of Health Net’s physician groups. It indicates
whether the physician group offers self-referral or
direct referral to specialists.
Glossary of Terms
Affiliate/Satellite offices: While all physician groups
offer a primary location, some groups provide the
communities they serve with alternate affiliate or
satellite locations. Compared to a physician group’s
primary location, affiliate locations typically offer
only limited physician availability and office hours.
In addition, physicians in affiliate locations will often
refer patients to the primary location of the physician
group for laboratory and urgent care services.
Referral: See authorization, direct referral or selfreferral. Referral specialist: Your PCP is responsible
for administering your care, and he or she will
authorize a referral to an appropriate specialist
when necessary. Referral specialists may be either
staff or members of the specialty referral panel of
your physician group. You may not select a referral
specialist physician as your PCP.
Self-referral: With self-referral, you can contact a
specialist affiliated with your physician group directly
for a consultation or evaluation. Your physician group
must still authorize any procedures the specialist may
recommend. / 217
Urgent care: When conditions require treatment
within several days but are not considered
immediately life-threatening, they require urgent
care. Examples of urgent medical conditions are
sprains and fractures. If your PCP is not available to
see you on a same-day basis, you will be referred to
a facility where you can receive the care you need.
Many physician groups offer urgent care at the
primary location.
Glosario de Términos
Consultorios afiliados/Sucursales: Si bien todos
los grupos médicos ofrecen una ubicación primaria,
algunos grupos brindan a las comunidades en las que
prestan servicio ubicaciones afiliadas alternativas o
sucursales. En comparación con la ubicación primaria
de un grupo médico, las ubicaciones afiliadas
generalmente ofrecen sólo disponibilidad médica y
horarios de atención limitados. Además, los médicos
que se encuentran en las ubicaciones afiliadas,
generalmente remitirán a los pacientes a la ubicación
primaria del grupo médico para los servicios de
laboratorio y de atención de urgencia.
Autorización: Si usted necesita un tipo especial de
atención, su médico le remitirá a un especialista. Si
su grupo médico aprueba la solicitud de remisión
de su médico, se le entregará un formulario llamado
Autorización para Servicios de Especialista . Este
formulario enumera el tipo de atención o de servicios
que usted necesita y la cantidad de consultas que
usted puede programar. Consulte siempre con su
médico de atención primaria (PCP) para asegurarse
de que todas sus consultas con el especialista estén
cubiertas por Health Net.
Referencia directa: Con una remisión directa, su
PCP puede remitirlo directamente a un especialista
para consulta y evaluación sin la autorización previa
de su grupo médico.
218 /
Atención de emergencia: Usted necesita atención de
emergencia para una enfermedad, lesión o
afección repentina, grave e inesperada, que incluye
dolor fuerte, que una persona razonable, con un
conocimiento promedio de salud y medicina creería
que requiere atención médica inmediata.
Centro quirúrgico ambulatorio: Un centro
quirúrgico ambulatorio es una instalación distinta
a un consultorio médico o dental, cuya principal
función es llevar a cabo procedimientos quirúrgicos
de manera ambulatoria. Debe contar con una licencia
como clínica ambulatoria en conformidad con las
leyes locales y estatales y debe cumplir todos los
requisitos de una clínica ambulatoria que proporciona
servicios quirúrgicos.
Grupo médico participante (por sus siglas en inglés,
PPG): Un PPG es un equipo de médicos de varias
especialidades apoyado por enfermeras, técnicos
y otros profesionales para el cuidado de la salud
contratados por Health Net.
Médico de atención primaria (por sus siglas en
inglés, PCP): Es el médico dentro de su grupo
médico que es responsable de realizar, recetar, indicar
o autorizar todo su cuidado de la salud, incluyendo
los tratamientos de rutina, remisión y seguimiento.
Si usted necesita un tipo especial de atención,
su PCP será responsable de su remisión a un
especialista externo.
Autorremisión: Con la autorremisión, usted
puede comunicarse con un especialista afiliado a
su grupo médico directamente para una consulta
o evaluación. Su grupo médico aún debe autorizar
cualquier procedimiento que el especialista pudiese
Rapid Access: Rapid Access es un servicio
proporcionado por muchos grupos médicos de
Health Net. Indica si el grupo médico ofrece
autorremisiones o remisiones directas a
los especialistas.
Atención de urgencia: Cuando las afecciones
requieren tratamiento dentro de varios días pero
no se consideran de riesgo vital inmediato, dichas
afecciones requieren atención de urgencia. Los
esguinces y las fracturas son ejemplos de afecciones
médicas de urgencia. Si su PCP no se encuentra
disponible para atenderlo el mismo día, usted será
remitido a un centro de salud donde pueda recibir la
atención que necesita. Muchos grupo médico ofrecen
atención de urgencia en la ubicación primaria.
Remisión: Consulte autorización, remisión directa
o autorremisión. Especialista de remisión: Su
PCP es responsable de administrar su atención,
además de autorizar una remisión a un especialista
adecuado, cuando sea necesario. Los especialistas
de remisión pueden ser miembros del personal o
miembros del panel de remisión a especialidades de
su grupo médicos. No puede seleccionar a un médico
especialista de remisión como su PCP.
Glossary of Terms
Proveedor: Este término se aplica principalmente a
cualquier centro de salud, médico u otro profesional
para el cuidado de la salud contratado por
Health Net, que brinda atención a los afiliados
mediante autorizaciones previas o por medio
de contratos. / 219
220 / / 221
Glossary of Terms
Para obtener más información,
llame al número del Centro de
Comunicación con el Cliente que
aparece dentro de este directorio
o en su tarjeta de identificación
de afiliado, o bien, visite
Es posible que se hayan incorporado nuevos proveedores a Health Net desde la publicación de este directorio. Llame a Health Net o a su proveedor para confirmar su participación. Esta versión
del Directorio de Proveedores se actualizó en julio de 2016.
Health Net of California, Inc. es una subsidiaria de Health Net, Inc. Health Net y Rapid Access son marcas de servicio registradas de Health Net, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
For more information, please
call the Customer Contact Center
number listed inside this directory
or on your member ID card, or
New providers may have joined Health Net since this directory was published. Call Health Net or your provider to confirm his or her participation. This version of the Provider
Directory was current in July 2016.
Health Net of California, Inc. is a subsidiary of Health Net, Inc. Health Net and Rapid Access are registered service marks of Health Net, Inc. All rights reserved.
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