4th Quarter


4th Quarter
717 5th Street
Arizona Onsite Wastewater
Recycling Association
Prescott, AZ 86304-0866
azo wral oub@ gm ai l. c om
Dedicated to the Education of the Onsite Wastewater Industry and the Public
First Flush
Volume 6, Issue 2
Mar—Dec 2013
Arizona Onsite Wastewater
Recycling Association
5th Educational
Conference & Exhibition
The 5th Education
Conference & Exhibition
was held last June in
Woodlands Hotel and
Conference Center. The
theme for the conference
was “Operatio n &
Maintenance of an Onsite
Wastewater Treatment
The conference was financial success: AzOWRA obtained 24 new individual
members and 1 business membership through the conference activity; had 49
attendees participated; as well an earning funds to provide for continued
operating funds for the organization. Most of the comments received indicated
that is was a very good conference.
There were eleven exhibitor booths - Jensen Precast, Geoflow, Orenco,
BioMicrobics, Infiltrator, Salcor, MicroSepTec, Anua, Eljen, Presby
Environmental, Jet, Applied Process Equipment. We also had three
conference sponsors - U of A Cooperative Extension, Eljen Corporation, and
MicroSepTec. Thank you to our sponsors and exhibitors for supporting the
The Roe-D-Hoe Competition was held in conjunction with the BBQ Dinner
held at Fort Tuthill County Park. The Roe-D-Hoe had five contestants with
Tim Bottorff of Hornick Const. as the winner. Barb Zielsdorf of Dig-It
Construction took 2nd place and “Jim-bo” Ralls, Hornick Construction, won
third place. The equipment was provided by Titan Machine and there were
five Roe-D-Hoe Sponsors: Eljen, Kingman Septic, MicroSepTec, JTs Septic,
and American Septic Service.
AzOWRA presented a Realtors Continuing Education Class in conjunction
with the Onsite Wastewater Conference in which there were 25 paid
attendees. Renee Ziesing, an AzOWRA member and a realtor in the Payson
area, was the class instructor.
The following pages are devoted to expressing our gratitude and thanks.
AzOWRA Meeting
For Board Meeting Call-in
Phone Number
Contact Stacey Clark:
December 16, 2013
1:00 pm
Board of Directors
Conference Call
January 17, 2014
Annual Membership Dinner
Cantina Laredo - Scottsdale
5 - 9 PM
February 11, 2014
1:00 pm
Executive Committee
Conference Call
March 11, 2014
1:00 pm
Board of Directors
Conference Call
Industry Calendar of
January 27-28, 2014
NAWT Inspection Training &
Riverside Resort & Casino
Laughlin, NV
January 29-30, 2014
Southwest Onsite Wastewater Conference
Sponsored by ACDEHSA
Riverside Resort & Casino
Laughlin, NV
February 24-27, 2014
Pumper Show & Expo
Indianapolis Convention Center
Indianapolis, IN
Questions, comments or to remove your name from our mailing list, please contact suzanne.ehrlich@co.yavapai.az.us
Page 1
Our Appreciation and Thanks to
Our Exhibitors
At the 2013 Educational Conference
and Exhibition
Page 2
Be sure to check out our partners websites for upcoming
activities and events.
Page 3
We Extend Our Appreciation To Our
Roe-D-Hoe Sponsors….
for Furnishing the Competition Equipment
Roe-D-Hoe Competition Winners
1st Place - Tim Bottorff, Hornick Construction
2nd Place - Barb Zeilsdorf, Dig-It Construction
3rd Place - Jim “Jim-bo” Ralls, Hornick
Page 4
We Extend Our Appreciation and Thanks
to Our
Exhibitor Sponsors for Supporting
Breakfast and Lunch during the Conference-
Extends Its Appreciation to the 2013
Educational Conference Committee Members
Suzanne Ehrlich, Chairman
Brian Bishop
Bryan Chiordi
Dawn Long
Kitt Farrell-Poe
Lou Brown
Richard Sinclair
Jake Garrett
Dave Bartholomew
Through the Committees commitment and dedication, the
2013 Conference was one of the best ever. Watch for
announcements about the 2015 Education Conference and
Exhibition in upcoming newsletters.
Page 5
OWAC (Onsite Wastewater Advisory Committee) Update:
Jake Garrett, P.E., OWAC Chairman
ADEQ’s Onsite Wastewater Advisory Committee (OWAC) was reformed in January 2012. This action
was prompted by requests from several members of the public who discussed the benefits to ADEQ’s
onsite program that could be provided by a public group of this type. Notable among those urging the
reformation of OWAC are Lou Brown, Richard Sinclair, Dick Bartholomew, and Jack Bale, all AzOWRA
members. Fifteen OWAC members were selected by ADEQ representing all disciplines within the
onsite wastewater industry, all sizes of areas (populous and rural areas) and is distribution across
The current OWAC Committees are:
A PPL Subcommittee, chaired by Suzanne Ehrlich, researching the Proprietary Product
process in several states and is evaluating the current AZ process relative to those in other
states. This evaluation is also considering the role ADEQ should play in the process.
An A316 Subcommittee is addressing rule changes that will be needed so that this
program can fulfill its intended purpose. There is an ACDEHSA Report of Inspection Form
committee operating separately so the A316 subcommittee is not including forms in its
A Public Participation and Education Subcommittee, the main focus of which, is public
outreach and involvement about onsite systems and the owner’s responsibilities is crucial
to our industry’s success.
The Operations and Maintenance Subcommittee, chaired by Bryan Chiordi, is working to
develop rationale for ongoing O & M for onsite systems of all types and a consistent
method of implementing the recommended O & M.
Every citizen and wastewater professional is encouraged to participate in the OWAC and subcommittee
meetings. Participation can be in person at the ADEQ building, 1110 W Washington, Phoenix AZ or by
teleconference. OWAC meetings are held on the 3rd Friday of every month. You can get on the
notification list by e-mailing David Burchard db2@azdeq.gov and requesting to be on the OWAC
notification list. OWAC Meeting Notes are posted on the following website http://www.azdeq.gov/environ/water/engineering/index.html
Please Participate! Your input counts!
Up-coming Newsletter Articles:
We dedicated this newsletter to informing our readers of the 2013 Educational Conference &
Exhibition. There are links to most of the exhibitors and sponsors websites for you to check
out. Some of the articles that we are working on for issues next year are:
Design and regulatory issues with the Norweco Singulair product,
Acceptable means of remediating Soil Treatment Areas,
Performance of the Report of Inspection Program revealed, and
Updates of OWAC meetings.
Included in this newsletter is a Calendar or Events for AzOWRA and other Onsite Industry
Events that we feel are worth your time.
If you have an idea for an article that may be of interest to the AzOWRA membership, contact
Lou Brown to discuss. She can be reached at 928-899-1096 or by email: azowraloub@gmail.com.
Page 6
AzOWRA Annual Membership
Dinner Meeting
The 2014 Annual Membership Dinner & Meeting will be held on January 17, 2014, at
the Cantina Laredo in Scottsdale, AZ. (See address and location below.) You will
have a choice of steak, chicken, fish, or vegetarian entrees. Price for the dinner
will be $20.00 payable at the door and will include: Dinner, soft drink, and dessert.
(Make checks payable to AzOWRA. No Credit Cards will be accepted.)
All AzOWRA Members are invited to attend, visit with other industry professionals,
and participate in a recap of the events & activities of AzOWRA this past year.
Plans for upcoming events and activities for 2014 will be discussed. In addition
there will be a special preview presentation of the NEW AzOWRA website.
Results of the ballots for the Election of Officers & Board of Directors will be announced at the meeting. Mail your ballot so that it arrives by January 14 or bring it
to the meeting.
So make your reservation to attend TODAY!! Contact Richard Sinclair to make your
reservation at 800-269-4098 or email at richards@apewater.com.
Cantina Laredo Restaurant
7361 E Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
See Everyone on January 17, 2014!
Arizona Onsite Wastewater
Recycling Association
Are DUE for 2014
If you haven’t already renewed your AzOWRA membership for 2014, the time to do so is NOW!
Invoices will be emailed to the 2013 membership in December so watch for email for your membership
renewal. Membership fees are $50.00 for an Individual Membership and $200.00 for a Business
Membership. Your membership will provide you with special benefits for the new website and keep
you in the loop for AzOWRA happenings. A membership application and Code of Conduct is included
in this newsletter on pages 8 & 9. Join Today!!
Page 7
Who is
(Arizona Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association)…
and Why Join Now?
The Arizona Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association’s (AzOWRA) Mission is to
“Provide value to our membership and property owners through
communication, education, training, quality services and advocacy
regarding onsite and decentralized wastewater treatment, reuse and
Join Today. There are various ways that AzOWRA can benefit you. AzOWRA:
Represents the diverse interests of professionals who work in the onsite
wastewater industry;
Provides networking opportunities with professionals involved in the onsite
wastewater industry throughout Arizona and other states;
Creates a forum for workshops and educational programs at a discounted fee;
Provides training for developing your business
Affords opportunities to shape and develop state policy affecting the onsite
Helps you keep current with local and national trends in the onsite wastewater
Offers free subscriptions to Onsite Installer magazine and Pumper magazine;
Makes newsletters and other information available on the AzOWRA website –
Join Today and Get Involved!! There are various ways that you can help the
organization. Share your talents. Tell us how you would like to be involved:
Educating the public about onsite wastewater systems
Writing an article for the newsletter
Teaching a training program
Updating the website
Working to find advertisers for the website and newsletter
Planning the 2015 Educational Conference
Scheduling an informational meeting for potential new members in your area
Serving as a Board Member
Serving as an Officer
Coordinating with regulatory agencies for rule revisions
Other: _______________________________________________________________
To complete your 2014 membership application fill in the form, sign the Code of Conduct, and send the application,
Code of Conduct and fee to: AzOWRA, 717 5th Street, Prescott, AZ 86301.
Page 8
] $ 50.00
] $200.00
Additional Individuals @ $50.00 each
Includes website and newsletter advertising
THE VISION: The Arizona Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association is dedicated to serve all who
participate in the Arizona onsite industries.
THE MISSION: Provide value to our membership, rural and suburban property owners, those
engaged in the onsite trades, and Arizona residents in general through education, training,
promotion of quality services and advocacy regarding onsite wastewater treatment, reuse and
Please check the MEMBER CATEGORY for AzOWRA’s Online Directory and Resource Guide that you should be listed (5 can be listed).
__ Academic/Educator
__ Environmentalist
__ Equipment Manufacturer
__ Site Evaluator
__ Tank Maker/Supplier
__ Builder/Developer
__ Government/Regulatory
__ Operator
__ Soil Scientist
__ Vendor/Product
__ Compliance Monitor
__ Installer
__ Realty/Mortgage
Service Provider
__ Student
__ Other Interested Party
__ Consulting Engineer
__ Laboratory Services Provider
__ Researcher
__ System Designer
_ Institutional Organization
__ Contractor
__ Maintenance Provider
__ Service Provider
__ System Inspector
Prefix ____ First _______________________________
MI ____________
Last ______________________________ Suffix _____________________
Title ___________________________________________________________
Company Name ___________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________
City ___________________
St/Prov ______ Zip/Post Code ____________
Telephone _______________________ Fax
Email ___________________________________________________________
Payment Information
Amount Enclosed (US$) $______________ Check Enclosed _____ MasterCard _____ Visa _____
Credit Card Number ______________________________________________________________
Expiration Date _______________ 3 digit Security Code (found on back of card) _________
Date _______________
Mailing Zip Code ______________________
Signed ______________________________________________________________
Print Name on Card ______________________________________________________________
Please complete this form and either fax or mail it to:
Arizona Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association, Inc.
717 5th Street
Prescott, AZ 86301
Fax: 928-778-2835
Contributions to AzOWRA are not deductible as charitable
contributions for federal income tax purposes. However,
dues payments may be deductible as an ordinary and
necessary business expense. Please consult your tax
advisor for more information.
Sponsoring Member: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Page 9
Members of the Arizona Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (AzOWRA) are committed
to the highest standards of integrity, professionalism and ethical conduct in the onsite wastewater
recycling industry (Industry). AzOWRA members represent all sectors of the Industry. Members
are dedicated to provide the highest possible quality of service, products, construction, education
and research.
Members shall endeavor to know, understand, follow, and abide by the local, county, state, and
national statutes, codes, laws, standards, regulations and ordinances applicable to the Industry to
best of their ability. Members shall compete honestly, ethically and lawfully, through competent
performance of their own skills, merits and expertise in the Industry. Members shall avoid any
act that might promote their individual interests at the expense of the integrity of the Industry and
avoid conduct that might discredit the Industry or deceive others. Members will seek to educate
the public in the proper use and maintenance of their systems and about onsite wastewater
systems in general.
Members shall represent themselves and the benefits of AzOWRA faithfully and honestly with
integrity and professionalism. They shall seek to enhance the reputation of the Industry by the
way they perform their services and communicate with their customers, clients, other members
of AzOWRA and the public. They shall present their credentials, training, experience and
abilities with honesty, integrity and pride. Members shall accept only those work assignments
which can be performed within their field of competence and expertise. Members shall avoid
conflicts of interest through proper disclosure. Members shall always seek to enhance the
reputation of the Industry with others in the way they communicate and interact.
Members shall strive to maintain and advance their skills and knowledge of the Industry. They
will continually seek to improve their own professional expertise by staying informed of
scientific and technological developments in the Industry. They shall always seek to advance the
integrity of the Industry. Members shall take responsibility for their own errors and not seek to
alter or obscure facts in an effort to justify their actions. Members shall always conduct
themselves in a ethical and professional manner and shall uphold this Code of Conduct.
Member Signature
Page 10
AzOWRA 2014 Calendar
January 17 – OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
January 17 – AzOWRA Annual Membership Meeting – Scottsdale, AZ – 5 pm
January 27-28 – NAWT Inspection Training & Certification – Laughlin, NV
January 29-30 – Southwest Onsite Wastewater Conference – Laughlin, NV
February 11 – Executive Committee Conference Call – 1 pm
February 21 - OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
February 24-27 – Pumper Show – Indianapolis, IN
March 11 – Board of Directors Conference Call – 1 pm
March 21 - OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
April 7-8 – SSSA Onsite Wastewater Conference – Albuquerque, NM
April 8 – WRRC Conference 2014 – Tucson, AZ
April 18 - OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
April 29 – Executive Committee Conference Call – 1 pm
May 7-9 – Az Water Educational Conference – Glendale, AZ
May 13 – UA/NAWT In-depth Technology-specific Education:
High-Strength Wastewater – Flagstaff, AZ
May 14 – UA/NAWT In-depth Technology-specific Education:
Mound Soil Treatment Systems – Flagstaff, AZ
May 15 – Intro to Design of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems –
Phoenix, AZ
May 16 - OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
June 10 – Board of Directors Conference Call – 1 pm
June 20 - OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
July 7-10 – NEHA 78 Annual Conference – Las Vegas, NV
July 18 - OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
Page 11
AzOWRA 2014 Calendar
August 13-15 – NAWT Inspection Training & Certification – Casa Grande,
August 15 - OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
September 19 - OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
September 21 – Board of Directors Conference Call – 1 pm
October 9-10 – UA Soil & Site Evaluation for Onsite Wastewater Systems –
Kingman, AZ
October 17 - OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
November 3 – Executive Committee Conference Call – 1 pm
November 21 - OWAC Meeting – 10 am – 1 pm*
December 9 – Board of Directors Conference Call – 1 pm
*NOTE: All OWAC Meetings are held at ADEQ, 1110 W Washington,
Phoenix, AZ
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