TÜRKİYE’DE GAYRİMENKUL YATIRIMCILARI VE GELİŞTİRİCİLERİ REAL ESTATE INVESTORS & DEVELOPERS IN TURKEY Ceylan Intercontinental Türkiye Turkey GRI 2011 İSTANBUL 18 OCAK ISTANBUL 18 JANUARY İngilizce ve Türkçe Program English & Turkish Program 2011 TOTAL REAL ESTATE Debt & Capital Markets Non-recourse financing for developers - why not available in Turkey? Debt Markets - where are all the lenders? Distressed Assets Deals - frozen dreams? SECTOR PROGRAM Hotel Development in Turkey - new trends or old expectations? türkİye’de otel yatırımı - yeni trendler mi, eski beklentiler mi? Logistics & Warehouse Development - what is the potential and the future? lojİstİk ve depo gelİştİrme - potensiyeli ve geleceği nedir? TÜRKİYE’DE KONUT - doğru strateji ne? Residential in Turkey - what is the right strategy now? THE BIG PICTURE Outlook and opportunities - is there enough cash? Cross-border Investments - are you all set? Middle Eastern Investors in Turkey - what does it take to succeed? Investment & Development Program OfficeS- do the economics still work? Shopping Mall and Retail Investments - what lessons from the past? Foreign Investors in Turkey - appetite for risk or just cherry picking? Alışverİş Merkezlerİ Yönetİmİ - yeterince profesyonel mi? Shopping Mall Management - is it professional enough? Glenn Aaronson MULTI CORPORATION ...and many more... Önder Akpinar CITY’S PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT Martin Armitstead WYNDHAM HOTEL GROUP Cenk Arson RÖNESANS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT Stephen Ashford OMNIYAT Alaeddİn Babaoğlu AMPLIO HOTEL INVESTMENTS Cem Bodur MULTI TURKEY RETAIL FUND Joseph Bonner Prudential Real Estate Investors Berti Brudo GAIA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS WELCOME HOŞGELDİNİZ 2011 Emrah Şenel 18 Ocak 2011’de İstanbul’da gerçekleşecek olan GRI Türkiye, gayrimenkul sektörüne yön veren yerli ve yabancı isimleri biraraya getirecek. On 18 January 2011, the GRI will bring together in Istanbul the leading Turkish and international decision-makers driving the real estate industry for a series of informal and collegial discussions. Bütün GRI toplantılarında olduğu gibi, GRI Türkiye’de de konuşmacı yok, panelist yok. Sadece, herkese eşit katılım fırsatı veren, küçük informal tartışma grupları var. Like all GRI meetings, the Turkey GRI will have no speakers, no panelists, just freewheeling conversations in small groups where all present participate. Eğer yeni iş ortakları bulmayı ve sektörün önde gelen isimleriyle ilginizi çeken ortak konularda tartışmayı faydalı bulursanız, sizi GRI Türkiye 2011’de görmekten mutluluk duyarız. If finding new business partners or connecting with industry peers on topics of mutual interest can be useful to you, we would be delighted to welcome you. İstanbul’da görüşmek üzere, See you in Istanbul! Yerinizi şimdiden ayırtın. Reserve your place now. Emrah Şenel Director, Turkey/British/MENA GRI GRI – Global Real Estate Institute Henri Alster Chairman, GRI – Global Real Estate Institute Henri Alster Laurent Calonne EXTENSA GROUP Javier Catena CHAMARTÍN INMOBILIARIA Michael Collini HILTON HOTELS Stuart Cunliffe BALMAIN ASSET MANAGEMENT Ömer Egesel TEKFEN OZ GAYRİMENKUL GELİŞTİRME Dr. Ayman A. Hashem THE SAVOLA GROUP Buket Hayretçİ AAREAL BANK AG, ISTANBUL Andreas Hohlmann ECE TÜRKİYE PROJE YÖNETİMİ Mehmet Fatİh Kara QATARI DIAR RE INVESTMENT 2011 THE GRI CAFE ... For those who think the opportunity to schedule personal meetings with so many of the industry’s best and brightest is too good to pass up... Schedule your appointments early... Anthony Khoi CENOR GROUP Hakan Kodal KREA REAL ESTATE Christian Lange METRO GROUP ASSET MANAGEMENT Natalia Leondaraki LAMDA DEVELOPMENT Blake Loveless MEYER BERGMAN Jason Lucas AMSTAR GLOBAL Alİ Otmar PEAKSIDE CAPITAL Charles Pease SEGRO Alison Rehill-Ergüven PRADERA MANAGEMENT TURKEY TIMETABLE PROGRAM 2011 PROGRAM 17 Ocak, Pazartesi Monday 17 January 18 Ocak, Salı Tuesday 18 January 19:00 - 22:00 GRI Kurul Yemeği GRI Board Dinner (Yalnız GRI Kurulu, Türkiye GRI sponsorları ve (eş) başkanlara ayrılmıştır) (Reserved for GRI Board, Turkey GRI Partners & Discussion Chairs only). 08:00 09:00 - 16:45 13:15 - 14:15 16:45 - 17:45 Kayıt Check in Türkiye GRI Programı Turkey GRI Program Öğle Yemeği Lunch Kapanış Kokteyli Closing Drinks TURKEY GRI 2011 Istanbul January 18 Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel Asker Ocagi Cad No.1, 34435 Taksim, Istanbul - Turkey Hansjörg Sommerau SWISS CAPITAL GROUP Haluk Sur EMLAK KONUT GYO Mustafa Tİftİkçİoğlu GARANTİ BANK Patrick Van Dooyeweert REDEVCO TURKEY Peter Vermeer Intercontinental hotels group Dr. Philipp Von Wilmowsky PRIME DEVELOPMENT Bahadir Yetkİ AŞÇIOĞLU İNŞAAT Burhanettİn Yurtseven PRAMERICA REAL ESTATE INVESTORS Stelios Zavvos ZEUS CAPITAL PARTNERS 2011 DISCUSSIONS OTURUMLAR Shopping Mall and Retail Investments what lessons from the past? Andreas Hohlmann general manager ECE TÜRKİYE PROJE YÖNETİMİ turkey Anthony Khoi president CENOR GROUP france Hakan Kodal president & ceo KREA REAL ESTATE turkey Neşe Merdİnler business development manager KOMŞUFIRIN turkey Anthony Khoi Hakan Kodal Natalia Leondaraki Neşe Merdinler Alison Rehill-Ergüven Dr. Philipp Von Wilmowsky Glenn Aaronson Joseph Bonner Burak Erten Sibel Konak Hansjörg Sommerau Cüneyt Can Taşan Alison Rehill-Ergüven head of turkey PRADERA MANAGEMENT TURKEY turkey Christian Lange managing director METRO GROUP ASSET MANAGEMENT turkey Dr. Philipp Von Wilmowsky managing partner PRIME DEVELOPMENT PROJE GELİŞTİRME turkey Stuart Cunliffe investment director BALMAIN ASSET MANAGEMENT uk Burak Erten president of executive committee TULIP REAL ESTATE turkey Goga Gujejiani economic development, investment policy and international relations committee’s chief specialist ECONOMIC POLICY AGENCY georgia Sİbel Konak director of design & construction ICDC PROJECT MANAGEMENT & CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING usa Ongoing updates at: www.globalrealestate.org Andreas Hohlmann Natalia Leondaraki director of international development LAMDA DEVELOPMENT greece Foreign Investors in Turkey appetite for risk or just cherry picking? All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Christian Lange Glenn Aaronson ceo MULTI CORPORATION netherlands Joseph Bonner managing director Prudential Real Estate Investors usa Hansjörg Sommerau senior partner SWISS CAPITAL GROUP switzerland Cüneyt Can Taşan business development manager GLOBE INTERNATIONAL turkey Stuart Cunliffe DISCUSSIONS 2011 Oturum (eş) başkanının görevi, herkesi kendi evinde arkadaşlarıyla sohbet edercesine konuşmaya, Hotel Development in Turkey new trends or old expectations? Türkİye’de Otel Yatırımı yeni trendler mi, eski beklentiler mi? paylaşmaya ve arkadaşlıklar kurmaya teşvik with Turkish translation etmektir. Ömer K. İsvan president SERVOTEL CORPORATION turkey Martin Armitstead senior vice president development, emea WYNDHAM HOTEL GROUP uk Alaeddİn Babaoğlu co-founder, chairman of the board AMPLIO HOTEL INVESTMENTS turkey Ömer K. İsvan Martin Armitstead Alaeddin Babaoğlu Michael Collini Haluk Kaya Peter Vermeer Laurent Calonne Taylan Baykut Berti Brudo Jason Lucas Michael Collini vice president development northern europe HILTON HOTELS uk Haluk Kaya chairman BEKAY PROPERTY PARTNERS turkey Horst Schaffer managing director MOTEL ONE DEVELOPMENT germany Peter Vermeer vp development, benelux & eastern europe IHG - INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP belgium Non-recourse financing for developers why not available in Turkey? Laurent Calonne country manager, turkey EXTENSA GROUP belgium Taylan Baykut manager, business development AAREAL BANK AG, ISTANBUL REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE turkey Berti Brudo ceo GAIA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS turkey All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Ongoing updates at: www.globalrealestate.org Jason Lucas senior vice president AMSTAR GLOBAL usa 2011 DISCUSSIONS OTURUMLAR Logistics & Warehouse Development What is the potential and the future? Lojİstİk ve Depo Gelİştİrme potensiyeli ve geleceği nedir? with Turkish translation Residential in Turkey what is the right strategy now? with English translation Ongoing updates at: www.globalrealestate.org Önder Akpinar general manager CITY’S PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT turkey Anil Gökçen Körpinar managing director - real estate development RHEA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT & DEVELOPMENT turkey Utku Öztaşkin business development director IDA GROUP turkey Buket Hayretçi Önder Akpınar Anıl Gökçen Körpınar Utku Öztaşkın Charles Pease Cansel Turgut Yazıcı Caroline Soulié Özlem Gökçe Dr. Ayman A. Hashem İlter Karakullukçu Bahadır Yetki Stelios Zavvos Charles Pease commercial director, continental europe SEGRO france TÜRKİYE’DE KONUT doğru strateji ne? All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Buket Hayretçİ first vice president turkey AAREAL BANK AG, ISTANBUL REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE turkey Cansel Turgut Yazici managing director - associate partner EVA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL CONSULTANCY turkey Caroline Soulié head of mortgage business line BNP PARIBAS personal finance france Özlem Gökçe general manager EXTENSA ISTANBUL turkey Dr. Ayman A. Hashem svp - corporate strategy and hr development THE SAVOLA GROUP saudi arabia İlter Karakullukçu director KA GAYRIMENKUL GELIŞTIRME YATIRIM İNŞAAT VE TİCARET turkey Bahadir Yetkİ ceo AŞÇIOĞLU İNŞAAT turkey Stelios Zavvos ceo ZEUS CAPITAL PARTNERS greece DISCUSSIONS 2011 The mission of the Discussion Debt Markets where are all the lenders? Chairs is to make Mustafa Tİftİkçİoğlu senior vice president - project & acquisition finance GARANTİ BANK turkey Cenk Arson chief executive officer RÖNESANS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT turkey Zeynep Fetvaci principal, head of business development PEAKSIDE CAPITAL uk everybody talk... Zeynep Fetvacı Yağmur Yaşar Tassos Kotzanastassis Cem Bodur Ebru Gündüz Doğan Öksüm Mehmet Önkal Patrick Van Dooyeweert Ayla Heyfegil Çağrı Erolsun Mehmet Levent Kazancıoğlu Selçuk Özdil Burhanettin Yurtseven Cem Bodur ceo MULTI TURKEY RETAIL FUND turkey Ebru Gündüz deputy general manager AKFEN GYO turkey Doğan Öksüm ceo GENEL YAPI turkey Tassos Kotzanastassis managing director 8G CAPITAL PARTNERS cyprus Offices do the economics still work? Mehmet Önkal managing partner BDO HOSPITALITY CONSULTING turkey Patrick Van Dooyeweert managing director REDEVCO TURKEY turkey Çağri Erolsun project management and development director DEDEMAN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT turkey Mehmet Levent Kazancioğlu real estate / projects development director DOĞAN HOLDING turkey Ongoing updates at: www.globalrealestate.org Cenk Arson Yağmur Yaşar cfo RETFUND turkey Outlook and opportunities is there enough cash? All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Mustafa Tiftikçioğlu Selçuk Özdİl executive sales manager ARCELORMITTAL turkey Ayla Heyfegİl managing partner SERVOTEL CORPORATION turkey Burhanettİn Yurtseven general manager PRAMERICA REAL ESTATE INVESTORS turkey 2011 DISCUSSIONS OTURUMLAR Energy Efficient Green Buildings is it a fantasy or the future? Suha Özkan partner PRO^GE turkey Ömer Egesel general manager TEKFEN OZ GAYRİMENKUL GELİŞTİRME turkey Yusuf Zahİt Gündoğdu president FUJI MIYAMOTO INTERNATIONAL turkey Suha Özkan Ömer Egesel Yusuf Zahit Gündoğdu Dilek Hocaoğlu Arkar Latt Mustafa Özdemir Ersun Bayraktaroğlu Didem Batum Berghmans Ali Otmar Dr. Rıza Kadılar Blake Loveless Dİlek Hocaoğlu regional director eastern europe, cis, northern africa LEO A DALY turkey Arkar Latt vice president & operations manager TURNER INTERNATIONAL usa Cross-border Investments are you all set? Mustafa Özdemİr general manager Faf international turkey Ersun Bayraktaroğlu partner, pwc turkey real estate leader PWC TURKEY turkey Dİdem Batum Berghmans commercial director EQUITY TRUST turkey Tika Lebanidze chief specialist of investor service & city marketing department ECONOMIC POLICY AGENCY georgia Distressed Assets Deals frozen dreams? Alİ Otmar partner PEAKSIDE CAPITAL uk Dr. Riza Kadilar country representative NATIXIS PRAMEX turkey Blake Loveless vice president MEYER BERGMAN uk All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Ongoing updates at: www.globalrealestate.org DISCUSSIONS 2011 ...getting everybody to share, connect and make friends... ...as if an Mixed-use Investments in Turkey does “mixed-use” add value? Gunİz Çelen ceo ÇELEN CORPORATE PROPERTY VALUATION AND COUNSELING turkey Mustafa K. Abadan design partner SKIDMORE, OWINGS & MERRILL usa Stephen Ashford chief operating officer OMNIYAT PROPERTIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION uae Musa Aykaç general manager NUROL GYO turkey Guniz Çelen Mustafa K. Abadan Stephen Ashford Mehmet Even Nuri Şapkacı Javier Catena Julien Martin Aysel Öztezel Haluk Sur Barlas Balcıoğlu Murat Ergin Mehmet Fatih Kara Mehmet Even assistant general manager Zorlu Gayrimenkul Grubu turkey after-dinner conversation in one’s own living room. ALIŞVERİŞ MERKEZLERİ YÖNETİMİ yeterince profesyonel mi? Shopping Mall Management is it professional enough? Nurİ Şapkaci deputy general manager ECE TÜRKİYE PROJE YÖNETİMİ turkey Javier Catena general manager CHAMARTÍN INMOBILIARIA spain Julien Martin general manager CEFIC TURKEY turkey Aysel Öztezel general coordinator PARK BORNOVA OUTLET CENTER turkey with English translation Middle Eastern Investors in Turkey what does it take to succeed? All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Ongoing updates at: www.globalrealestate.org Haluk Sur board member EMLAK KONUT GYO turkey BARLAS BALCIOĞLU partner BALCIOĞLU SELÇUK AKMAN AVUKATLIK BÜROSU turkey Sabah Chahal general manager CAPITALSTONE LEASING AND BROKERAGE uae Murat Ergİn managing director KUZEYBATI turkey Mehmet Fatİh Kara country manager - turkey QATARI DIAR REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY turkey TURKEY GRI 2011 KAYIT BİLGİLERİ REGISTRATION NOTES Grup ücreti- 3 yada daha fazla - kişi basi 100€ indirim Group rate - 3 or more, save €100 each TÜRKİYE GRI 2011 18 Ocak, İstanbul TURKEY GRI 2011 Istanbul January 18 OTEL Konaklama ücreti konferans ücretine dahil değildir. GRI katılımcıları için konferansın gerçekleşeceği Ceylan Intercontinental’deki indirimli ücretten faydalanabiliriler. Ceylan Intercontinental’da sınırlı sayıda indirimli ücretli oda tutulmaktadır.(Sınırlı bir süre için) Lütfen indirimli GRI ücretininden faydalanmak için Otel Rezervasyon Formu’nu kullanınız. (www.mygri.com/gri2011thotel) Lütfen rezervasyonunuzu erken yapınız. HOTEL Lodging costs are not included in conference fees. GRI Rate - GRI Attendees benefit from a preferential rate at the event venue Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel. An allocation of bedrooms is being held for GRI attendees in the Ceylan Intercontinental at a negotiated rate (subject to availability). Special GRI Hotel rate is only available when booking via Hotel Booking Form (www.mygri.com/gri2011thotel), not through travel agents or online. Please book your hotel room well in advance, as it invariably sells out early. Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel Asker Ocagi Cad No.1, 34435 Taksim, Istanbul - Turkey Rezervasyon: Hotel Rezervasyon Formu: www.mygri.com/gri2011thotel Formu indirip email / fax yoluyla otele yollayınız. Tel: +90 212 368 44 44 Fax: +90 212 231 84 62 Email: volkan_karce@interconti.com.tr VİZE BİLGİLERİ Türkiye’ye giriş yapmak için vizeye ihtiyacınız olabilir. Vize basvurusu için GRI Türkiye’ye katılacağınıza dair resmi bir mektup temin edilebilinir. Lütfen detaylar için berna.kosal@globalrealestate.org adresine e-mail atınız. YAKA KARTI Katılımcılar tüm konferans süresince yaka kartlarını takmak mecburiyetindeler. Aksi taktirde katılım mümkün olamayacaktır. OTURUM DİLİ Oturumlar, programda belirtildiği şekilde İngilizce ve Türkçe olarak yer alacaktır. SÖZLEŞME ŞARTLARI Katılım ücretinin konferanstan önce tam olarak ödenmesi gerekmektedir. Aksi taktirde katılım mümkün olamayacaktır. Ödeme yapıldıktan sonra konfirmasyon e-maili yollanacaktır. Eğer kayıt formunu yolladıktan sonra 14 gün içerisinde konfirmasyon e-mailini almazsanız lütfen bizimle kontağa geçiniz. Katılım iptali ve iş arkadaşlarına transfer yazılı şekilde yapılmalıdır. İş arkadaşlarına transfer her aşamada yapılabilir. 7 Aralık 2010’dan önce yapılan iptallerde 90% para iadesi yapılmaktadir. 7 Aralık’tan sonra yapılan iptallerde ne yazikki para iadesi yapılamamaktadır. KONFERANS GÜNÜ KAYIT Konferans sırasında yapılan ödemelerde 125€ ek ücret mevcuttur. (1) ÇEK Çek ve kredi kartı dışındaki diğer ödeme sekillerinde 75€ ek ücret mevcuttur. (2) GRUP ÜCRETİ Grup ücreti kişi başı ücrettir. 3 ya da daha fazla kişiye uygulanır. Aynı şirketten olma zorunluluğu yoktur. Katılım ücret indirimleri kümülatif değildir Erken Katılım– 15 Aralık’tan önce katılım - 200€ indirim Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel Asker Ocagi Cad No.1, 34435 Taksim, Istanbul - Turkey Reservation: Enter (copy) into your browser: www.mygri.com/gri2011thotel, download the reservation form and email / fax directly to the hotel. Tel: +90 212 368 44 44 Fax: +90 212 231 84 62 Email: volkan_karce@interconti.com.tr VISA INFORMATION Please note that a visa may be required to enter Turkey for the event. A formal letter of confirmation can be arranged to assist with the visa application upon request. Please contact berna.kosal@globalrealestate.org for further details. BADGES Delegates must wear badges at all times. Admission will regrettably not be possible otherwise. LANGUAGES Group discussions take place in Turkish or in English, as indicated in the program. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment is required by return. Delegate fee must be paid in full prior to conference or admission is regrettably not possible. Confirmation will be sent on receipt of payment. If you have not received confirmation within 14 days of registration, please contact us to confirm your booking. Cancellation and transfer to colleagues must be in writing. Transfer to colleagues is possible at any time. 90% refund will apply if cancellation notice is received by 7 December 2010. We regret no refunds are possible for cancellations received thereafter. ONSITE REGISTRATIONS Onsite Registrations paid in cash or credit card will be charged €125 more than otherwise applicable fee. (1) CHECK Check and methods of payment other than credit cards incur an additional €75 charge. Payable to “GRI”. Mail check to: GRI, 11 Floor, 1379 High Road, London N20 9LP, UK (2) GROUP RATE Group rate is per person. Applies to groups of 3 or more participants. Need not be from the same company. Please note that registration fee reductions are not cumulative. Early registration - Save €200 prior to 15 December INDUSTRY PARTNER MIPIM featuring MIPIM Horizons 8-11 March 2011 Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France WWW.MIPIMHORIZONS.COM All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Ongoing updates at www.mygri.com/turkey REGISTRATION FORM KAYIT FORMU TURKEY GRI 2011 fax to: +44.20 8445 6633 or email to: registrations@globalrealestate.org Mr/Mrs/Dr First (III/Jr/...) NickNAME Initials Last position/job title Turkey GRI 2011 Istanbul, 18 January Single Non Member Group per person or GRI Member Discussion (co-)Chair Until 15 Dec € 1,775 € 1,675 € 1,475 After 15 Dec € 1,975 € 1,875 € 1,675 € 75 € 125 Fee for payment methods other than credit card Fee for onsite payment (credit card or cash only): Direct tel Email n PAYMENT DETAILS A receipt will be returned. Please tick company q Visa q Mastercard q AmEx q check (+€ 75)(1) Card Number assistant ASSISTANT Tel Name on Card ASSISTANT email Expiry *CSC/CVV (MANDATORY) Address Signature City State/province/county Credit Card Billing address, if different from above (important, please provide) Postcode Country Street Address City State/County/province Postcode Division’s web address (ex: www.company.ext/division...) *The CSC is the final three digit number printed on the reverse of your card along the signature strip. for american express cards, please provide the four digit cvv located above the card number. q INVESTOR q PENSION (Investor) q PROPERTY COMPANY (Developer) q INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY q LENDER q HOTEL (Company) q INVESTMENT BANK q CORPORATE (User) q AGENT (Surveyor) q ADVISOR (Accountant/Tax) q LAWYER q A&E (Architect/Engineer) q TITLE (COMPANY) q GOVERNMENT (Officials) q ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT q ACADEMIC (Think Tank) q MEDIA q TRADE (Group/Exhibit/ Conference Organiser) q OTHER_________________ GRI Annual Individual Membership (optional) € Euro rate Regular q € 1,800 Discussion co-Chair** q € 600 ** Available for fee paying Discussion (co-) Chairs of any GRI during calender year. For further menbership enquiries please contact: memberships@globalrealestate.org TURKEY GRI 2011 SADECE OTURUM EŞ-BAŞKANLARI VE ÜYELER İÇİN Lütfen 7 Aralık’tan önce berna.kosal@globalrealestate.org adresine yollayınız. LÜTFEN AŞAĞIDAKİLERİ İNGİLİZCE YOLLAYINIZ: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. EECH BEN WESTB director managing ESTORS GLOBAL INV com ch@globalin. ben.westbee 7421 9345 tel +44.20 INVESTOR sales els • bulk office • hot cee • china germany • million us$100 - 500 elopment dev or existing ros only major met iscing elit. Sed ectetuer adip am massa. amet, cons diam. Aliqu m dolor sit urna Lorem ipsu pellentesque ue. Mauris que eleifend . posuere cong ipsum. Quis na id quam dunt ac, arcu mag tinci in ula, In or vehic squ ad Duis mi. feugiat, temp nt taciti socio eros, egestas elit vel risus. Class apte ptos hymenaeos. ince per GRper . Sed I nostra, Nullam sem CH diam bia et s AI conu per puru R PROF erat litora torquent nec elit. Fusce molestie velit ILEplac nisi, S m In . Vestibulu n. Nulla facilisi. venenatis risus id, felis. Integer accumsa condimentum ibus natis et, fauc luctus, vene i leo. nunc. Morb Nullam sed BarBar a knoFla cH ceo seB asse t Mana GeMe nt sheka r.naras imhan tel +49 69 27299 @beek manhe lixindi 1800 a.com Hakan kodal president & ceo krea real estate sheka r.naras imhan tel +90 212 353 @beek manhe 11 11 lixindi a.com ercial And chief execu deVeloPMtive ent secu rItIes sheka Plc r.naras imhan tel +44 20 7828 @beek manhe 4777 lixindi REAL EStAtE olIVIer PIanI a.com UK prope rty develo Substantial pment/inve compl develo stmen pments ex urban regen t• projec • Current develo eration ts circa £0.7 millionpment ceo allIanZ real InvEStM Ent ASSEt MAnAG & ER le.indd 1 eech_samp Ben_Westb estat e sheka r.naras imhan tel +33 @beek 1 42 99 manhe 63 00 lixindi a.com Chief Executiv of the Board e of Develop since Septem ment Nationw Financia ide Acciden ber Securities l Services t Repair 1994. ChairmPLC and a membe 2007. Fellow Services an of Aim-list Listing r PLC. Authori and Wales. of the Institute ty AdvisorFormer membeed Develop Stock Exchang of Charter y Commi r ment Securiti ed superio ttee of the r returnse, has the main es, listed Accountants 2004 gains and in England on the by the main London creationobjective to generat financia investment and recyclin e consiste forward l management.surpluses, but always g of develop funded nt The Compa or financia ment ny’s majorsubject to pruden l risk shared t to limit schemes are the downsi either de risk. Leadin g intern ationa and asset l real centre management estate invest of expert ment compa ny. Strate ise within gic Allianz Group. :06 pm 18/1/07 3:01 Olivier Capital Piani is CEO of Allianz companReal Estate Europe Real Estate. y and its GE in 1998, pan-Eur where he as He joins Allianz he opean Restruc CEO success from GE real estate turing was CEO of UIC-Sof Ecole Superie of Paribas portfoli fully built up Group. al and Deputy o. Prior the Stanford ure Univers de Comme Olivier Piani Head of to joining rce de ity. Real Estate Paris andholds a BA degree a MBA from degree from dr. Fra nk Pör scHke an chairm of the euroHyPo board of manag aG ing directors sheka r.naras imhan tel +49 69 2548 @beek manhe 20040 lixindi bAnk rIcHar d stockt on emea real a.com The leadin g specia real estate list bank and public for comm ercial sector financ e head of MorG an stanl estate bankin g ey sheka r.naras imhan tel +44 20 7425 @beek manhe 3009 lixindi REAL EStAtE Frank Pörschk of Eurohyp e is Chairm o AG. Before an of the Chairm Board of Grundban of the Board joining Eurohyp Managi Grundb esitzgesellschaf of Managi o AG, Frank ng Directo ng esitz-Inv rs was also Chairm estmen t mbH (CGG) Directors of Comme tgesells and an Spezialf ondsge of the Supervi chaft mbHits subsidiary rz ECE Projektm sellscha Comme sory of (CGI). He Comme rz was internat anagem ft mbH (CGS). Previou rz Grundbesitzto this ional project ent Internat sly he was holds ahe was consultdevelopmentional and respons MD of activitie Eurohypdoctorate in ant with McKinse s of ECE ible for the law from group. Internat o he is respons y & Compa the Univers ny. Frank Prior Markets ional, Corpora ible for Corpora ity of , Busines te te and Hamburg. In s ManageCommunication Investm ment and s, Legal, ent Banking Debt Strategi c Projects Capital . a.com Real Estate Investment Lendin g and Fund ManaBanking • gement Richard investm is Head of EMEA ent banking Real real estate advisor Estate Banking teams and Moscow in London y busines s. Along, Morgan Stanley , he is enaged financin , Paris, with ’s to real gs, as well as in publicMilan, Madrid, locally based estate in all aspects companproviding M&A and private Frankfurt, the advisor of real ies and investorand restructequity and and researchy, equity estate with producs.Morgan uring advicedebt and debt Stanley . With over through is active capital ts and 120 dedicat markets services spannin extensiv out Europe and e reach ed professi, principal and locala global networ investing onal located g knowle dge. k, Morgan Stanley has Please email before December 7 to: berna.kosal@globalrealestate.org Reside ntial Projec ts Hakan Kodal, Estate based since July in Istanbu 2006, is the Investm Presiden manage ent Committee l, Turkey. He t& of Bospho is also the CEO of Krea - 2007, d by Merrill Lynch Real Chairm rus he Investm was the General GPI and KreaReal Estate Fund,an of the Real jointly Manage Electron ent Company. r of Yapı Estate. Betwee ics and Istanbu from Ecole Kredi Telecom l. Mr. Kodal n 1997 munica Superie holds a Koray Real Estate Chairm tion ure Bsc. Degree an Founde of GYODER de Commercefrom ITU and in Gradua , Global r Chairm te degree Trustee de Paris. He is an of ULI of Urban the founder Turkey. Land Institute (ULI) and MIcHae l H Mar x FOR DISCUSSION CO-CHAIRS AND MEMBERS ONLY Comm R InvEStO Barbara Investm A. Knoflach BfG Bankent GmbH, has been Managi Barbara AG), since a wholly-owned ng Directo financin A. Knoflach June 1999. After subsidiary r of SEB Immob Deutsch g at Deutschstarted her careerstudying of SEB AG (formerilienbusines e e Bank ly mbH, where s Group Bank AG. In 1991,in 1986 in to Deutsch internatadministration, After joining she worked she moved ional in the e Immobilien key role SEB within project in helpingAG in 1994, area of consult Anlageg the and propert Barbara esellsch to A. Knoflacing and research aft fund managey leasing expand the bank’s h activitie Asset Management compan s. In 1997, closed- initially played. ment AG. ies. Since she took end property a over funds August 2005 sheas head of the is CEO of SEB Şirket türü - Maksimum 2 kelime Örnek: ‘Yatırımcı’, ‘Finansör’ Şirket Uzmanlık Alanı - maksimum 16 kelime Gayrimenkul türü • nerede • Büyüklügü • vs. Biyografi + Şirket Profili Biyografi ve Şirket Profili toplam maksimum 100 kelime olmalı Şirket Logosu (EPS – 100k üzeri) Ünvan ve tam kontak detayları (Sekreter e-mail ve telefonu dahil) Yüksek çözünürlüklü Portre Fotografı (JPG – 300k üzeri) PLEASE PROVIDE: 1. Company Description – maximum 2 words eg: ‘investor’, ‘Hotel Management’, etc… 2. Company Speciality - maximum 16 keywords: Property type • where • amount scope/size range • existing vs development • etc... 3. combined Personal bio summary + company Profile summary Bio and Profile combined length not to exceed 100 words 4. Company Logo (EPS file with size over 100k) 5. Job title and complete contact details (including PA email & tel) 6. High-resolution Portrait Photo (JPG file with size over 300k) INQUIRIES AND FURTHER INFORMATION: Emrah Senel Director, Turkey/British/MENA GRI Tel: +44 20 8492 2639 emrah.senel@globalrealestate.org Main Office: 511 Ave of the Americas Suite 4100, New York, N.Y 10011 USA Berna Kosal Event Manager Tel: +44 20 8492 2638 berna.kosal@globalrealestate.org European Office: 1379 High road 11th floor, London, N20 9LP, UK Ongoing updates at: WWW.GLOBALREALESTATE.ORG PARTNERS TÜRKİYE’DE GAYRİMENKUL YATIRIMCILARI VE GELİŞTİRİCİLERİ REAL ESTATE INVESTORS & DEVELOPERS IN TURKEY Türkiye Turkey Ceylan Intercontinental GRI 2011 İSTANBUL 18 OCAK ISTANBUL 18 JANUARY KNOWLEDGE PARTNERS EUROPE INDUSTRY PARTNER MEDIA PARTNERS R E AL ESTATE IN V ESTMEN T ACROSS THE WORLD THE GRI EUROPE CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT ASIA 2011 GRI2011 2011/2012 USAGRI 2011 EVENTS gri europe chairmen’s retreat 2011 St Moritz, 20-23 January asia GRi 2011 Singapore, 16 February USA GRi 2011 New York, 2 March GRI DEUTSCHE GRI GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2011 2011 BRITISH GRI2011 deutsche GRi 2011 Frankfurt, 3-4 May BRItish gri 2011 London, 11 May China GRi 2011 Beijing, 2 June GRi europe summit 2011 Paris, 7-8 September 2011 INDIA GRI 2011 india gri 2011 Mumbai, 5 October 2011 CHINA 2011 russia gri 2011 Moscow, 20 September Turkey New Europe GRI2012 GRI2011 Türkiye MENA GRI2011 MENA gri 2011 Sharm El Sheikh, 3 November BRAZIL GRI 2011 Sao Paulo, 9 November www.globalrealestate.org new europe GRi 2011 Warsaw, 22 November turkey gri 2012 Istanbul, January info@globalrealestate.org
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