October-November 2011


October-November 2011
Issue 9
Chapter #4105
October/November 2011
Parkdale Grange Ride
Page 4 - Photos by Russ Newell
Page A
Rose City HOG
What’s Inside
This Month’s
Town Crier
Director’s Saddle .......................2
Chapter Challenge Update........2
Pig Turd Alley...........................3
Parkdale Grange Ride...............4
Sunset Poker Run......................6
The Promise Ride.......................8
Washington State Rally.......... 10
November Birthdays.............. 12
New Members......................... 12
Chapter Challenge Form........ 13
LOH....................................... 15
Meeting Moments................... 16
Treasurer’s Report................... 17
Membership Form.................. 18
HOG Team............................ 19
Director’s Saddle
October/November 2011
By Gregg Lindsey
“Ride and have fun!”
Our basic purpose has shown us that many different kinds of
people can come together, function as a group, and ride side
by side as friends. We are fortunate to have many members
volunteer their time to make this purpose a reality. Their reward
is the feeling they get when a new rider experiences being part of
the pack. Politics and religion are important in our world, but
to have a place to escape from our differences, and experience
the freedom of riding a Harley-Davidson, makes ours a special
place in today’s world!
Upcoming Events.................... 20
2011 Rose City HOG Chapter Challenge
Reminder that the Rose City HOG Chapter Challenge for 2011 ends December
1st. Information about the challenge and the rules can be found on the Rose City
HOG Web Site and in our Town Crier. You can start turning in your challenge
cards to Mel Davidson, Ed Lisle, Ron Mariani, or Paul Wickersham anytime.
Awards will be presented at the January 2012 chapter meeting.
You have 6 weeks of riding before the challenge ends. When you visit Latus
Motors, please remember to update our Chapter Destination Map.
Sponsored by:
Latus Motors Harley-Davidson
870 E. Berkeley Street,
Gladstone, OR 97027
Phone: (503) 249-8653
Fax: (503) 249-3849 /
online: www.latus-hd.com
We are looking for new ideas for next year’s challenge.
HAVE FUN! Ride and log your travels. Share your travel stories at chapter
meetings and with your friends. Recruit new members.
From your 2011 chapter challenge team
October/November 2011
Doug Stanley’s
Pig Turd
Alley Ride
Page 3
Page A
Rose City HOG
Parkdale Grange Ride
By: Jerry Stanley
It was Sunday, October 16th when we
arrived at Latus Motors. The sky was
overcast and very gray. However the
forecast was good, partly sunny with
a high in the lower 60’s. At 10:00 AM
John Clark (Sr Road Captain) started off
with about 43 motorcycles in staggered
formation behind him. Gregg Lindsey
(Director) came down to Latus Motors
to see us off. He was unable to go on
the Rose City HOG Chapter ride and
because of that Karen and I got to ride
second slot. What an honor that was for
us. Curt Giese (Road Captain & Safety
Officer) would ride somewhere in the
middle of the pack and Carmen Weakland
(Road Captain) rode drag. Mel Davidson
(Team Lead Road Captain) along with a
few of his road Captains also helped out
on this ride.
We headed up the Columbia River on
the old historic Hwy and passed by the
Crown Point Vista House. We had the
most awesome view of the Columbia
Gorge. As we made our way down the hill
riding in single file there were all kinds of
wonderful things to see. The trees made
a full canopy over the road. All the trees
had such beautiful fall colors and the
waterfalls along the way were spectacular
to see.
We stayed off of Hwy 84 as long as we
could by staying on back roads that
paralleled the freeway and sometimes
only a few hundred feet away. However it
wasn’t long before we had to merge on to
Hwy 84 and ride a short distance to reach
Cascade Locks our next destination.
John had planned a pit stop there at the
Sternwheeler Columbia Gorge & Marine
Park at the boat ramp area. The parking
was great, lots of room. Some people
were fishing nearby and the view of the
Bridge Of The Gods just down river was
breathtaking. At the far end of the park
there was a turnaround that had a large
bronze statue of Sacagawea, Karen and I
thought it was quite nice. It wasn’t long
and John blew the two minute whistle.
We were back on the road and as we left
Cascade Locks we continued to take
more back roads that brought us within
12 miles of Hood River.
After we took exit #62 into Hood River
we rode Country Club Rd until we came
to the Windmaster Market. This would
be a fuel stop for motorcycles that have
smaller gas tanks. Once again John gave
the two minute whistle. From here we
were about 30 minutes away from the
Parkdale Grange. It was fall harvest
in the valley and orchards were in the
process of picking pears and apples. We
rode along the Hood River passing by a
lot of fruit orchards on the way. At one
point the Mount Hood Rail Road tracks
were right alongside the road, then they
went out of sight and reappeared crossing
the road and then disappeared into the
As we pulled in to Parkdale we were
right on time it was almost 1:00PM. As
we approached the Grange I could see
that the Mount Hood Rail Road train
was there with a load of passengers.
This is the end of the track for the train.
It made a stop long enough for the
passengers to disembark to go get lunch
in the local area before leaving. A lot of
our group parked alongside the road by
the Parkdale Grange and let me tell you
there sure was a lot of people from the
train enjoying our arrival. Most all of our
group chose to eat at the Grange and a
few went somewhere else. Everyone had
a very good time. After lunch we all went
our separate ways to go home.
John Clark (Sr Road Captain & Team
Leader) for all his hard work putting this
Rose City HOG Chapter ride together.
“THANK YOU” to all the other Road
Captains that helped make this ride
“THANK YOU” to Mel Davidson
(Road Captain / Team Leader) and his
Road Captains for pinching in and giving
extra support on the event.
If you would like to have “FUN” please
feel free to come ride with us on our next
Rose City HOG Chapter ride. please see
our web site http://www.rosecityhog.
com for details on our next adventure.
Hope to see you there.
October/November 2011
Page 5
Page 6
Rose City HOG
2011 Sunset Poker Run
By Kerry Matthis
Tom and I put the Sunset HOG Poker Run
on our “don’t miss” list every year. They
start us off with yummy doughnuts, take
us on a beautiful scenic ride, and finish off
with a great lunch. Oh, yeah – and a ride
pin to add to our collection! It’s always a
fun day, and we like to support our fellow
HOG chapters.
This year, the poker run had two start
points. The northern route started at
Paradise Harley-Davidson, the southern
route started in Albany, and both routes
ended up at Corban College in Salem.
Since we have ridden scenic routes from our
area to Salem so many times, we decided to
start in Albany and work our way north,
figuring that there would be more new (as
in, we haven’t been on them before) roads
to travel.
There was an organized ride leaving from
Latus to Albany, but Tom and I decided to
ride by ourselves, and left extra early. We
wanted to get to Albany before the rush, get
signed in, and grab our doughnuts before
the crowd arrived. The Rose City HOG
group’s arrival is very impressive. First you
hear them, and then you see them.
As we expected, the ride took us on roads
we hadn’t been on before, and small towns
we hadn’t heard of – like Waterloo. It was a
poker stop, and I treated Tom to a few lines
of the ABBA song of the same name. As I
read the directions, some of the names of
the roads were familiar. I told Tom that I
thought we might be seeing some covered
bridges. I was right! Even though we had
seen and photographed them before, it was
a thrill to see them again.
It was a real joy riding that day. I hadn’t
planned to write about the ride, so I was
just enjoying the day. I didn’t take notes,
so I’m just writing what I can remember. It
was great to feel the sun on my skin and the
wind in my face. We really enjoyed all the
rural scenery. And suddenly, we were back
to civilization at Corban College in Salem.
It was nice to have a paved lot for the
motorcycles, and running water and flush
toilets instead of the outhouse facilities.
We checked in, and found that we did not
have much chance of winning with our
poker hands. I know it’s a poker run, but
what kind of hand I have is one of the things
I think about least. I’m more interested in
the pin, the scenery, and the food. If those
are good, I’m happy. Winning a door prize
tops it off for me.
The lunch this year featured extra-long hot
dogs, chips, potato salad, soda and a cookie
for dessert. Yum – O! Tom was also looking
for a Rose City HOG member, preferably
a female, to take a big bite of that hot dog.
Several ladies declined, so I posed for the
photo, so we could all get back to eating’.
We checked out the door prizes after lunch,
and I won two – a Harley-Davidson belt
buckle and some very cute leather chaps,
jacket and boots of the miniature style,
made for scrapbook embellishments. Our
chapter lead photographer, Russ Newell,
won the prize for oldest rider. Rose City
HOG won the chapter challenge. I can’t
remember how many riders we had – I’m
guessing 55 to 60.
It became so warm that day, I think it
qualified as hot. Hot enough to wear our
cooling vests home. It was a nice way to end
the oh-so-short summer.
October/November 2011
Page 7
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Rose City HOG
Ride To The Wall:
The Promise Ride
By Marc Gibson
July 30th was the date that we met
up at Latus Motors to head out for the
trip to the Vietnam Wall in Washington
D.C. It was called the Promise Ride in
honor of Mike Wallen, a member in our
chapter who Frank Day had promised, to
go to the Vietnam Wall with. The next
day after Frank made his promise to Mike,
which was just after Christmas Mike was
killed in a motorcycle accident.
Six of us decided to make that ride to
honor Mike. We started out that morning;
Frank Day, Loren Charlton, Steve Watts,
Jacob Belles and Vern Harvey from
Arizona and myself. We were greeted by
several people from the Chapter, family
members and those involved with the
fund raiser for Frank, all who were there
to see us off. Some of those who greeted
us that morning were riding part way
down I-84 with us for our send off. With
cheers from all and kisses and hugs from
family and hugs from friends, we were
off. Five of us including Frank were riding
while Jacob drove Frank’s truck pulling
my trailer for Frank in the event he would
need it.
I would also like to thank Dewayne Nelson
a chapter member for the work he put into
arranging with the KOA head quarters
for the free camping for us on the route
to Washington DC and back. Dewayne
also routed the ride with gas stops for the
whole trip again there and back. Steve
Vern and I would not be returning with
the others as I let them know before I left
that I would be heading south towards
North Carolina to my sister’s home, for
a long over due visit, close to 18 years. I
had always planned on visiting her from
the start and was kind of glad that Steve
and Vern decided to head south with me.
Makes you feel better to have good friends
sharing the road with you. So because we
were not returning with Frank and their
group we would not have the free KOA
camping on the way home.
Day 1: We headed out on I-205 then onto
I-84 where we came upon an overpass
where more chapter members were flying
flags and banners and waving us on to our
While passing through the Tri-Cities area
we were greeted by a fabulous air show. A
military fighter jet was flying just over us,
under us by the bridges and alongside us
so close you could feel the after burners
when they kicked in. Was very impressive
and at first we all thought it was in our
honor, haha. We soon realized it was an
air show. After many gas stops and a few
rest stops we arrived at our first overnight
KOA campground, Deer Lodge, MT. We
traveled well over 600 miles that day. It
was around midnight when we arrived
so we set up our tents in the dark. The
mosquitoes were rampant that night so
we closed ourselves up in our tents rather
The next morning we talked it over and
due to the length of time we were all
taking at each gas stop we decided to split
up into groups of three and meet up at
our destinations. We would keep in touch
with each other during the day.
Day 2: With our next stop in Rapid City,
SD our group decided to drop down into
Wyoming staying on I-90 instead of taking
the back road route through Montana
212. Vern was on a Valkyrie trike and was
pulling his cargo trailer. His gas mileage
was not very good, 21-23 MPG so we had
to stop every 80-100 miles. If we were
keeping our speeds at 60-65 he could get
better mileage, but hey you know us. We
knew gas would be more plentiful going
through Wyoming and we knew it was
also a bit longer so off we went. After
traveling through Wyoming we rode into
Spearfish, SD where we were faced with an
enormous storm staring us straight in the
face going into Sturgis and Rapid City. We
stopped for gas in Spearfish and Steve was
already listening to the Weather Channel.
The report was stay away and if you are
indoors close your curtains and keep away
from the window. Expect heavy rains and
hail and tornado warnings were in effect.
The motel next door to the gas station was
calling us so we checked in plus we had
ridden well over 600 miles again by then.
We called Jacob who communicated with
Frank and Loren. Franks bike was already
in the trailer by then so they decided to
head for Rapid City. Felt for Loren as
lightning was coming down on both sides
of the roads.
Day 3: The next morning we knew we were
behind schedule so the three of us were up
early and on the road. We were at a gas
stop past Rapid City and called Jacob to
see where they were. They were just behind
us so we waited for them. Was kind of like
an old reunion with stories, laughter and
more stories. We left there heading out on
I-90 again heading for Iowa and the KOA
in the West Des Moines area. Steve, Vern
and I made it into camp just at dark and
we were getting worried about the other
three as they were running late. They
showed up around midnight, tired but in
good spirits. I think that was when Frank
and Jacob had to give CPR to a dog at a
rest stop. A dog had gotten over heated
and collapsed from being locked up in a
van that three young girls were driving
with all the heat during the day. It seems
they didn’t understand about an animal
getting heat exhaustion and with no water.
The guys worked on the dog I understand
for over half an hour. The dog could not
be saved. Wished people would not be so
stupid with pets.
Day 4: We left that morning and had a
great breakfast, no Micky D’s for us. We
were now heading through the rest of
Iowa and heading towards Ohio, passing
through Illinois and Indiana.
We were I believe someplace in Illinois
and I think it was the Mississippi river
we crossed over on I-80 and we were
really not sure where we were at. I think
we went the wrong way, must have been
the GPS. All I know is we crossed over
this really huge river and we were heading
towards Chicago, wrong way and not
where we wanted to go. So we pulled off
October/November 2011
and figured it out by the GPS and maps
where the heck we were. By the way, those
Harley maps that we get every year from
HOG are a fantastic tool to carry with
you. I think we decided we could take a
different route and get back on course.
That’s the fun part of traveling across
the country when you go off track; you
get to see lots of sights and extra country
that way. Plus, I was the only one with a
working CB, so communications were
none-existent. But, we did have fun and
it gave us something to laugh about at the
end of the day.
Our group kind
of spent too much
time stopping here
and there plus
going the wrong
awhile. I think we
were getting tired
by then. Steve
said he wanted
a motel so once
again we stopped
short of the
KOA just before
Indianapolis. I
forgot to mention
the heat; one word
best describes it,
unbearable all the
time during the
day. Each day was
100F plus with
high humidity.
We would stop
and buy water to
not only drink but dump down our shirts,
over our heads and soak our cool vests.
One stop the three of us were in the rest
room, dumping water on each other, and
it must have sounded like a bunch of girls
screaming because when we came out the
girl behind the counter said to us, I don’t
even want to know what was going on in
there. We told her, you’re going to need
a mop.
So we stayed in a motel that night took
showers and cranked the A/C on high.
We decided that since the days were so
hot that we would take advantage of the
night and start riding at 3 AM, plus we
were once again behind.
Day 5: The ride into Maryland to the
KOA. We awoke at 3 AM and got our
things ready, as I opened the door of the
motel room, I said oh no. It was pouring
down rain. So much for getting up early
to ride when it’s cooler, yea it was cooler,
alright. We packed our things onto the
bikes and our cargo trailers and we broke
out the rain gear. We took off in the dark
with rain pouring down and lightning in
the distance. That morning what happened
next as we entered Indianapolis was kind
of funny. Here we are, it’s raining, and it
is dark outside, there is road construction
everywhere and an accident with cops and
fire trucks all along the road adding to the
confusion when entering Indianapolis.
Well we missed the entrance to the freeway
that goes around the city. Oh great, now
what? The road is narrowing down and it’s
looking more like a downtown city. We
see a gas station ahead and pull in, not
needing gas but directions on how do we
get out of here and back to the freeway.
As we stopped and I dismounted from the
Harley I looked across the street and where
did do you think we stopped, directly
across the street from the Indianapolis
Motor Speedway, unbelievable. All I
could envision was the Indy 500 and the
Page 9
Brickyard 400. Well, after everyone was
off their bikes here comes, an African
American guy that came strolling across
the parking lot with a big grin on his
face. You guys lost he says. Steve and
Vern asked him for directions to get back
on the freeway. Next thing I know he
is heading for me with his palm turned
up and asking me, you got a buck. Not
hearing the conversation I said a buck?
Steve and Vern said give him a buck or
he won’t give us directions. OK, here is a
buck. He gave us directions which seemed
simple enough and then someone says so
you go down 3-4
blocks turn right
then a few blocks
and turn left. He
said now look, I
told you once, if
you need to hear
it again it’s going
to be another buck
from each of you.
We said OK we
got it and headed
off following Vern
who took the lead
as he talked to the
guy the most. We
headed out and I
looked back to see
him wave holding
the three bucks in
the air. With him
standing around
that gas station
I was wondered
how many people
he has gotten a
buck from. Probably better than holding
a sign up saying need help. It was still
raining and we were now on I-70 doing
about 25 MPH. I still had my helmet
with the front shield on it and poor Vern
who was leading us could not even see his
speedometer or even the road. So, I pulled
around and took the lead. We once again
were headed through Ohio, Pennsylvania,
West Virginia and on into Maryland. We
had started the day off before Frank and
the rest but boy, did we mess around. We
started stopping at different Harley shops,
a long lunch, and just generally goofing off
but still working towards our destination.
This was one time I was glad Steve had his
continued on page 12
Rose City HOG
Washington State
HOG Rally – Olympia, WA
By: Tim Doty
“2011 Capitol Thunder”
“Capitol Thunder” the Washington
State HOG Rally took place in Olympia
August 25-27, 2011. Like the State
HOG Rallies in general, this event was
a rousing success with a myriad of super
people participating in all manner of
wonderful events. Rose City HOG
members were few in number, probably
due to the drag races also taking place
on this superb weekend, but those in
attendance certainly found plenty to
enjoy in a host of games, rides, and
things to just sit back and watch. I also
might add that the weather was warm, in
fact nice and warm which in the Pacific
Northwest is a tremendous blessing.
The Governor Hotel in downtown
Olympia and the Northwest HarleyDavidson store in Lacey served as the
primary locations for the festivities.
The South Sound Chapter of HOG
along with some help from the Tacoma
Chapter of HOG served as the hosts
for this 18th annual event. A number
of events took place on the grounds of
Northwest H/D which included the
Seattle Cossacks and the Tenino Drill
Team. But long before all of those events
took place were the guided rides to
Port Townsend, Snoqualmie Falls, Mt.
Rainier, Westport, and the city shoreline.
Even more unguided rides were available
in and around Olympia for those with a
passion for getting lost, and still feeling
good about it! In addition to this were
the walking about games taking place
with the poker run in Olympia, bike
games, the 3 casino run, treasure hunt,
enjoying the beer garden and the band in
Sylvester Park, directly across the street
from the Governor Hotel. There were
so many things to be busy with while
enjoying finding places to eat and “chew”
the news with other HOG members.
Some of the Rose City HOGs managed a
ride up to Port Townsend on Friday. This
little outing included the Legend H/D
in Silverdale on the way with many other
sights and experiences at the final location
before the ride back to Northwest H/D
in Lacey. On Saturday morning I joined
the other Rose City HOG members
and we road in our group up to Paradise
on Mt. Rainier. This was a tremendous
ride in glorious sunny weather into the
National Park. The mountain was out
in all of its beauty and was a wonder
to behold. I sort of wish I could just
sit down and look at the mountain for
numerous days since it is spectacular. I
managed to eat lunch with several of my
friends from RCHOG while there and to
enjoy their news amidst all of the people.
I might add that this was probably the
final weekend that many in the State of
Washington had free before school began.
So every visitor center, the railroad cars
in Elbe, and gas stations had a lot more
non-motorcycling people in them as a
result. Still, the ride was wonderful and I
enjoyed the experience.
Each of our times together as the total
HOG family was memorable. The gazebo
in Sylvester Park was host to the Exit 88
band on Friday afternoon and evening.
This was followed by an introduction of
the team that constructed the entire rally
and lots of free stuff was given away after
that. Tiffany, our RCHOG secretary,
even won a leather hat in this event. On
Saturday after the ride up Mt. Rainier,
the balance of the rally participants met
up at the Washington State Capitol for
a photo. There were a large group of
people involved in this photo, especially
knowing how many people were not
present due to other responsibilities. The
closing ceremonies on Saturday were also
well attended with awards for all of the
bike games, contests and recognitions for
those in attendance.
This rally was a lasting memory for me
with some great folk. I’m glad I attended
and was able to enjoy the friendship of
some close friends and some new ones
that I met at “Capitol Thunder.”
October/November 2011
Page 11
Rose City HOG
GPS. I’m not a real firm believer in a GPS
on a motorcycle, heck I can take myself
almost anywhere I want to go back in the
west (except in the mega road construction
in Salt Lake City, Steve knows). I would
not recommend anyone trying to ride into
the east coast without one, very populated
areas. How we found that KOA there in
Maryland is beyond me as Vern and I just
followed Steve and his GPS. All I can say
it’s like being in a huge corn maze with no
way out. We made it into the KOA and
were greeted by Frank, Loren and Jacob
saying, what kept ‘ya. We grinned and
said Harley shops. The site the KOA gave
us was not really the best, as our site was
full of sand and you couldn’t keep it out of
your tent. Not sure who went and talked
to the owner of the KOA about moving
to a grassy location but they upgraded us
to two air conditioned cabins with decks
overlooking a treed canyon, all at no extra
cost. They were great, thank you KOA.
We spent the rest of the day and the next
day just relaxing, doing laundry and did
I say relaxing oh yea and in the pool. We
crossed the USA in 5 days riding 3,084
miles one way.
Day 7: The ride into Washington DC
We decided to ride the bikes into DC
following Jacob driving the pickup, about
a 25 mile ride, again good thing for the
GPS. What an over crowded and scary city.
Roads seem to go in every direction. We
made it to the park where the Washington
monuments and the Vietnam Wall are
located. Guess what more construction and
no place to park. We actually made several
circles around town through and around
the park, over a bridge with a U-turn in the
middle of the road and then back over the
bridge. We finally wound up 8-10 blocks
up from the Wall and we crowded all the
bikes into 2 parking spots. Want to guess
how much a parking meter cost there. We
emptied our pockets of all our quarters
around $8 and fed the meters, still only
gave us a couple hours each. We walked
down through the streets and reached the
park where we found the Vietnam Wall.
The Wall was for some of us mixed emotions,
some with tears and others just with sad
and somber faces. Steve, Loren and I spent
time in Vietnam and Steve, who had lost
several friends in Nam, he was busy doing
tracings but I could tell he was having a hard
time. I found the relative that Desi asked
me to find and we did a tracing for her.
Too many names there, too many young
Americans gave their lives in Vietnam. I
won’t say it was a bad war or a worthwhile
war as everyone must make their own
conclusions. All I can say is, it was so sad to
see all those thousands of names engraved
on the wall of all the Americans who gave
their lives. Yes, very sad. We placed Mike’s
picture and replica bike on the wall. All
of us were wearing our chapter vests and
three of us who had served in Vietnam
had our Vietnam patches displayed. We
were taking pictures of Mike’s pictures and
Vietnam bike and we were drawing quite
a large crowd. A girl came up and asked if
she could take our picture. Well of course
we said yes and then we all started handing
her all of our cameras to. We explained to
November Birthdays
Robert Crum
Jim Diamond
Ken Doane
Barbara Engel
Mark Fessler
Marc Gibson
Lisa Giese
Troy Herring
Shelly McLain
Cindy Nelson
David Norris
Robert Nugent
Mark Schadewitz
Joel Schmitz
Hup Streich
William Stuwe
Leroy Swanner Jr
Dennis Waddell
her and others what we were doing and
about our journey there. As she was taking
our pictures she broke down crying, she to
was there, but for her dad. After pictures
and talking with several people there we
started walking back towards the bikes as
our two hours were about up.
It was a very hot day so after plugging in
more quarters we all found a small place
to go inside for some refreshments and to
simply cool off. We headed back out on
the bikes once again trying to negotiate the
horrendous traffic and closer to the KOA
camp we found a Harley shop. Loren had
an oil change and I had my clutch adjusted.
We also found some T-shirts that we
couldn’t live without. Then we went back
to camp and later all of us went out to
I also need to tell you that there are no
trees like ours back there. The trees are
all hardwood trees and an insect called
the Cicada bugs were in full hatch and
I mean in every tree in every state. They
make a loud eerie sound starting in the late
afternoon and we would often fall asleep
listening to them. Steve, Vern and I left
on Saturday morning heading for North
Carolina, but that will be next month’s
story. Frank, Jacob and Loren went back
into DC on Saturday to view more of the
monuments and museums but this time
they all rode in, Frank’s truck.
Next month: The trip south into Virginia,
North Carolina, on the Blue Ridge Parkway
and heading west towards home.
Dan Johnson
Paul Hagen
Gretchen Froelich
Official Rules will be posted on
Total card and turn in at Dec Meeting
Challenge Ends Dec 1st, 2011
 Participate in 4 Chapter Rides, earn
205 points per ride (max of 810 pts)
 Travel to any “4 Corners” of Oregon
or Washington, earn 250 points per
corner (max 1,000 pts)
(not required for challenge)
Harley-Davidson & Buell
870 E Berkeley
Gladstone, Oregon 97027
 Any Road traveled that has a highway number (road numbers can only
be used once)
 Any State may be included
 Total the Road Numbers, (ie: I205
+ 213 + 224 = 642 points)
Complete the chapter challenge by
recording a minimum of 20 different
traveled roadways
HOG map!
mark your destinations on our
Visit Latus Motors
Rider Notes:
October/November 2011
Page 13
Rose City HOG
October/November 2011
Page 15
From the
LOH Desk of
Terrie Marshall
Can you believe it’s nearly November already! That means the
beginning of our charity season. We will begin with our first
bake sale at the Oct. 25th meeting. We will also get the gift
barrel at Latus H-D ready for our gifts to the MDA kids for
their Christmas Party which is scheduled for the first part of
December. Of course there is also the gift wrapping at Latus
which we’ll start towards the end of November.
We will be giving the monies we make this year on the bake sales and gift wrapping to our charity “ Wheels to Walk”
foundation. Sandy Getman from that foundation was at our October 25th meeting and told us more about what they do.
Sara Schoemperlen with MDA was also be at our October meeting to let us know how their year is going and give us the
date of the MDA Kids Christmas party. So please bring your yummy baked goods to theNovember meeting!
Laura Lindsey and I attended the 3rd Annual LOH Summit on October 1st and 2nd at the Red Lion Inn at the Quay.
This event was organized by the LOH club from Vancouver USA HOG, and sponsored by Columbia H-D. This was the
first year that Oregon LOH were invited, and we mingled with 105 LOH members from Washington and Oregon! We
enjoyed meeting the Washington LOH ladies from Seattle, Tacoma, to Yakima, and of course Vancouver! Each chapter
attending put together gifts baskets . . . of course ours was the best! We started with a large round HD collapsible cooler and
a fabulous book on the first women riders that Chris Sommers wrote. Latus donated these items and along with some great
“chic flicks” and wine and goodies that our chapter donated! Laura and I both put in several tickets to win it but the lucky
winner was one of the Washington gals! We don’t know which chapter will be organizing the LOH Summit next year, but
we’ll put the word out when we find out! This is something that could go BIG . . . with the help of our most fabulous H-D
dealerships. (A dealership has to sponsor this event to have it a “ladies only.”)
How about our Chapter Party? I was thinking maybe this year we would have it in March or April...kinda of a Yippee
winters over and we can ride without getting too wet or too cold party!
Page A
Rose City HOG
Meeting Moments for
October/November 2011
Page 17
Meeting Moments for
Treasurers Report - Marc Gibson
We still have a very good positive balance for the Treasury account and the bills are paid.
Chapter Membership Enrollment Form and Release for 2011
Chapter Name: Rose City HOG #4105
New RC HOG ________________
Member Name: ___________________________________________________
Y / N
E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________ Ladies of Harley Y / N
City _ ________________________________________ State _ _____________ Zip _ _______________
Phone Number (with area code) _________________________
Member National HOG Number __________________________ Expiration Date of HOG Mbrship _________
Date of Birth (optional) ________________________________ (For use in the newsletter)
Occupation (optional) _ _________________________
I have read the Annual Charter for HOG Chapters and hereby agree to abide by it as a member of this
dealer sponsored chapter. I recognize that while this Chapter is chartered with HOG, it remains a separate,
independent entity solely responsible for its actions.
----------------------- THIS IS A RELEASE, READ BEFORE SIGNING ---------------------I agree that the Sponsoring Dealer, Harley Owners Group (HOG), Harley-Davidson, Inc., HarleyDavidson Motor Company, my Chapter and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents
(hereinafter, the “RELEASED PARTIES”) shall not be liable or responsible for injury to me (including
paralysis or death) or damage to my property during any HOG or HOG chapter activities, even where
the damage or injury is caused by negligence (except willful neglect). I understand and agree that all
HOG members and their guests participate voluntarily and at their own risk in all HOG activities and I
assume all risks of injury and damage arising out of the conduct of such activities. I release and hold
the ”RELEASED PARTIES” harmless from any injury or loss to my person or property which may
result from my participation in HOG activities and event(s). I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS MEANS
---------------------- WAIVER OF RIGHTS UNDER STATE STATUTES ---------------------I further agree to waive all benefits flowing from any state statute which would negate or limit the
scope of this Release and Indemnification Agreement including, but not limited to, Section 1542 of the
California Civil code which provides:
“A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to
exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known to him must have materially
affected his settlement with the debtor.”
By signing this Release, I certify that I have read this Release and fully understand it and that I am not relying
on any statements or representations made by the “RELEASED PARTIES.”
Member Signature: _ _________________________________________ Date: _____________
Local Dues Paid: $0 __________________________________________
October/November 2011
Gregg Lindsey.................gregg@rosecityhog.com
Assistant Director
Dan Pech.........................dan@rosecityhog.com
Membership Secretary Tiffany Anderson............tanderson13@comcast.net
Marc Gibson....................nwhdbiker@aol.com
Ladies of HarleyTerrie Marshall................terrie@the2marshalls.com
Sr. Road Captain John Clark.jmcsport@comcast.net
Road Captain Teams
Team Lead
Team Members
Team Lead
Team Members
Team Lead
Team Members John Clark.......................jmcsport@comcast.net
*Curt Giese.......................... soft-tail-rider@comcast.net
Carmen Weakland.................. trixietriker@hotmail.com
Rick Loewen........................ fxdcrider@gmail.com
Chris Schenk....................... cts1950@hotmail.com
Doug Stanley........................ joycestan@canby.com
Loren Charlton...............lorchar@comcast.net
*Tim Doty............................ timdoty06@comcast.net
Troy Herring ...................... code03cowboy@yahoo.com
Frank Day............................ mrfrankday@yahoo.com
Dorcie Rice.......................... dorciear@comcast.net
Jakob Belles.......................... jaybelles@live.com
Mel Davidson..................melsauto1@netzero.com
Ron Mariani........................ rsmariani@comcast.net
Paul Wickersham................bluegto@comcast.net
Ed Lisle.................................. eli@rosecityhog.com
Editor TeamClaudia McCoy...............rickclaudia@msn.com
Janet Schadewitz................ trikkergirl@me.com
Lead PhotographerRuss Newell.....................z2thdr@sprintmail.com
Bronson Blattner................ miffer001@aol.com
Ed Darling........................... ed.kotrhd@gmail.com
Tom Matthis....................... tk2007uceg@q.com
Rick McCoy........................ rickclaudia@msn.com
Mike Olsen.......................... hillbillymike@comcast.com
Desiree Seibl........................ dseibl@yahoo.com
Photo Journalist
Jerry Stanley....................jerrystanley@msn.com
WebmasterRandy Jacoy ....................randy@jacoy.com
*Indicates Safety Officers
ROSE CITY HOG Website: www.rosecityhog.com
Please feel free to contact any of the above Hog Team members for any questions you may have, including how to
become a member of Rose City HOG and for up-to-date information.
Become a fan on Facebok @ RCH Member
Rose City HOG meetings are the 4th Tuesday of each month at The Milwaukie Elks. Doors open at 6:00pm and the meeting starts
at 7:00pm. Meals available supplied by the Elks, cost depends on what you order. Drinks are available at the bar.
The meeting usually is over before 8:30pm and we can visit until 9pm when the doors are closed.
The Milwaukie Elks - 13121 SE McLoughlin Blvd
Page A
Rose City HOG
870 E. Berkeley St.
Gladstone, OR 97027
Events for November/December 2011
November 22nd
December 27th
The Milwaukie Elks Lodge
13121 SE Mc Loughlin Blvd
Milwaukie OR
Doors open 6:00 to 9:00
Meeting 7:00 to 8:00ish
Everyone Welcome
SIGN IN 10:00 TO 10:30 AND LEAVE AT 11:00
Nov 6 Chapter Ride Sign in 10:00 to 10:30 at Latus
Ride leaves at 11:00
Dec 3
Nov 9
Bar B Que Social Night 6PM to 9PM
Not a Chapter Ride to dinner, but a
get together to visit at a restaurant.
More detail to follow by Chapter E-Mail
Nov 13 Join Vancouver HOG friends for their
22nd Teddy Bear Run & Chili Cook-off.
Registration 8AM-10AM @ The Electric Ctr.
(1200 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA).
Chili Cook-off at Columbia HD after the run.
Nov 19 Chapter Ride Sign in 10:00 to 10:30 at Latus
Ride leaves at 11:00
Nov 22 Nat. HOG fundraiser for USO & Bake Sale
fundraiser for Wheels to Walk Foundation
again at the November Chapter Meeting
32nd Annual Shriner’s Toy Run
Sign in 9:00 to 9:30 at Latus. Leave at 10:00 for Tri-Met bus yard at17th & Holgate
to assist as Marshal or join the Parade.
Dec 11 Chapter Ride. Sign in 10:00 -10:30 at Latus
Ride leaves at 11:00
Dec 17 Group Riding Class. Sign in 10 – 10:30 AM
Latus Motors starts @11:00 AM. 75 minutes
class followed by a 30 mile ride with class & Road Captains. Cost $10.00 includes
Chapter Rocker & Certificate. Contact Sr. Road Captain John Clark @ 503-784-6163.
Dec 18 Chapter Ride Sign in 10:00 to 10:30 at Latus
Ride leaves at 11:00
January 2012
Jan 1 Polar Bear Run
Start at Cycle Gear(SE 89th & Stark )
10:00 to Noon. Coffee, Donuts, Chili