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With Best Compliments From
K.M. Dastur
Insurance and Reinsurance
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E-mail :
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q' dxfg'efjx?, ofqfsf] cf7f}+ c+s lnP/ clxn] xfdL tkfO{x+ ?sf] ;fydf
5f}+ . q}dfl;ssf] ?kdf xfdLn] tkfO{x+ ?nfO{ ofqfdfkm{t ;]jf k'¥ofp“b}
cfPsf]d] f o;kflnaf6 xfdLn] ToxL ofqfsf] gfd a'4 ofqf /fv]sf 5f}+ . o;kfln
lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nodf btf{ ug]{ l;nl;nfdf of] gfd h'g{ uPsf] ;d]t xfdL
xfd|f cfb/0fLo ofq' dxfg'efjx?nfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxG5f}+ .
ofq' dxfg'efjx?sf] ;'emfjnfO{ ;d]t Wofg lb+b} ofqfsf] k|sfzg ;+:yf a'4 Po/n]
cfufdL c+s b]lv o;sf] k|sfzg å}dfl;s ?kdf ug{ uO/x]sf] ;d]t hfgsf/L
oxf“x?nfO{ u/fpg' cfkm\gf] st{Jo 7fGb5f}+ . To;}n] cfufdL c+ssf] oxf“x?sf]
kvf{O{ Tolt nfdf] /xg] 5}g .
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Ogkm\nfO6 Dofu]lhgsf ?kdf dfq xf]Og gof“ ;Hhfsf ;fy cGo klqsfx?;“u
k|lt:kwf{ ub}{ ahf/df klg hfg] clxn] g} oxf“x?nfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxG5f} + .
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JoQm ug{ rfxG5f}+ / oxf“x?sf] ;'ljwfsf nflu s'g} s;/ af“sL g/fVg] arga4tf
;d]t k|s6 ug{ rfxG5f}+ .
b]zsf] l:yltdf cem} ;'wf/ cfPsf] 5}g . xfdL JbGå xf]Og ;dembf/Lsf nflu
kxn xf];\ eGg] rfxG5f}+ . o;sf nflu ;Da4 ;a} kIfaf6 cfjZos kxnsf]
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k|ltlqmof, ;Nnfx / ;'emfj kfO g} /xg] ck]Iff u/]sf 5f}+ . cGTodf, gof“ jif{ ;g\
@))^ sf pknIfdf xfd|f ofq', kf7s, lj1fkgbftf tyf ;Dk"0f{ z'elrGtsx?df
;':jf:Yo ,bL3f{o' tyf pQ/f]Q/ k|ultsf nflu xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf JoQm
ug{ rfxG5f}+ . xj;\ t, oxf“x?sf] ofqf z'e xf];\ xflb{s z'esfdgf .
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Po/ jf k|sfzs ;+:yf hjfkmb]xL
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1. Health Tips............................................. 3
2. Atheism................................................ 16
3. A hope for the future............................. 17
4. Horoscope............................................ 21
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;~rf®dfWodn] ;d]6g\ g;s]sf uGtJosf
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Wofg lbPsf] kfOPg . cfufdL lbgdf
o:tf] gxf]; \ . ef8fb® lgs} rsf]{ ePsfn]
o;tkm{ Wofg lbg'k¥of] . ofqf Dofu]lhgdf
Oltxf; k'?ifsf] JolQmTjh:tf ;fdu|L
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-k|ltlqmofsfnflu wGojfb . cGtjf{tf{nfO{ ®fd|f] eGg]
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pko'Qm x'G5 .
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o;sf nflu a'4 Po®nfO{ d'®Ld'®L wGojfb .
k'is®nfn >]i7sf] cGtjf{tf{ ®fd|f] nfUof] . cfufdL
lbgdf hgdth:tf] u®L a'4 Po®sf ofq'x¿sf]
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36gfx¿ ®f]rs 9+un] k|:t't u®] ®fd|f] x'GYof] .
–8f= k|d] zdf{, z+vd'n, gof“afg]Zj®
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pbfx®0fLo JolQmTjsf] k|fk] mfOn ®fVg]
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If]qdf hxfh}lkR5] km®s b]v®] cfZro{df
kl®Psf] 5 . Pp6} eP ®fd|f] x'GYof] .
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lrofgf:tfsf] klg Joj:yf u®] ®fd|f] x'GYof] .
ofqf Dofu]lhgdf xjfO{ p8fg;“u ;DalGwt
5f]6f n]vx¿ klg ;dfj]z ug'x{ f]nf .
–d'sG' b®fh kf}8n] , hfpnfv]n, afu8f]n
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ubf{ ®fd|f] xf]nf .
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Support (SABS)
disadvantaged communities
at the local level has been
a key strategy adopted
by Buddha Air to fulfill its
commitment to corporate
social responsibility (CSR).
In order to maintain the
commitment, Buddha Air
has provided financial
assistance to Community
Development and Research
Centre (CDRC), an NGO, to
implement the Smallholder
Agribusiness Support (SABS)
project in Tankisinwari and
Hattimuda VDC of Morang
district. Agriculture extension,
Credit and Enterprise
development are major
components of the project
for achieving the objectives
of improving the livelihoods of
targeted landless, marginal
and small farmers. A total
of 346 member farmers
from 14 farmer groups has
been benefiting from the
project. The project has
not only been successful
in improving net income
of the farmers through
social mobilization, credit
and improved agricultural
technology transfer but also
in organising rural resource
poor farmers in a AgroCommodity Marketing Cooperative. The cooperative,
with the technical support
of SABS project, has been
implementing the concept of
'Cooperative Grain Banking'
for capturing more benefit
from the produced cereal
Cooperative Grain Banking
Concept &
In the past few years, the net return
from cereal crop farming has been
declining due to the multitude of problems
including ever increasing agro-input
price, higher interest rate, exorbitant land
rent and lower price of the grain. On the
other side, tenant farmers are compelled
to sell cereal grain such as paddy and
wheat immediately after harvesting to the
middlemen at the lower price in order to
reimburse the loan that they have taken
for farming. These situations have resulted
the smallholder farmers to face severe
hardships. Despite these conditions, both
the government and non-government
sectors have not taken any initiative for
monitoring and regulating the fair price of
the grains. But now, small scale-farmers
of the Tankisinwari and Hattimuda
of Morang district, with the technical
assistance from the SABS project,
have come together to form marketing
cooperative for mitigating with those
problems. Based on the cooperative grain
banking principle, the cooperative have
been implementing paddy banking which
focuses to capture more net benefit to
those who are facing immense difficulties
due to the lower price.
The major objective of cooperative
grain banking is to maximize the net return
to the farmer for sustained livelihood
through removal of intermediaries and
better access to market of the cereal
Target Groups
Small farmers, particularly tenant
farmers, are the prime beneficiaries
of the cooperative grain banking
program. Presently, 14 farmer groups of
Tankisinwari and Hattimuda VDC, have
been participating in the program.
Functional concepts and
application 'Grain Bank'
'Grain bank' is a community owned
and managed storage, which purchased
cereal grains or accepts grain mortgages
from small-scale farmers. Farmer can
immediately obtain near about present
value of stored grain. Later the small
farmers can obtain additional benefits
after selling grain at the time when the
price becomes high. It is considered as
cereal grain bank as it functions as bank
by accepting cereal grain as mortgage.
The major role of the grain bank
is to safeguard the farmers from both
local moneylenders and middlemen and
increase the net return to the farmers.
The established farmer cooperatives,
at the initial stage, have targeted about
40 tons of paddy and 100 tons of wheat
grain banking.
'Advance Loan'
'Advance loan' is the collateral free
loan at low interest rate provided to
the farmers prior to cultivate a crop in
a commitment to reimburse the loan
after harvesting. The defining objective
of the advance loan is to safeguard the
farmers from local moneylenders who
take exorbitant interest rate.
During the first year as the
cooperatives have not been formed,
SABS project delivered improved paddy
and wheat seeds and chemical fertilizers
as advance loan at the interest free rate
to the farmer groups. The farmer groups
delivered the advance loan at 8 percent
interest rate to the needy farmers.
Farmers have reimbursed harvested
paddy as borrowed advance loan to the
cooperative grain bank from which they
are getting near about present price rate.
The stored paddy would be sold when
the price becomes high and the profit,
thus obtained, would be redistributed to
the participant farmers.
From the active participation of the
farmers during the early planning and
implementation phase, it can be expected
that the concept of cooperating banking
that have been applied as a component
of the Smallholder Agribusiness
Support (SABS) project, perhaps, would
be a model program for the sustained
livelihood improvement of the tenant
cereal grain growing farmers.
contact lenses
ith nearly 75 million contact lens wearers on the
planet it is hard to imagine that contact lenses
are difficult to wear. Contact lenses provide excellent
peripheral vision for sports, for driving, for safety or
for performance. Close to natural vision, contact lenses
can have little or no side effects if handled carefully
and fitted properly.
In a country like ours where pollution is a part of
our daily lives, wearing lenses can prove to be harmful
and may affect vision in the long term. Mishandling
contact lenses can cause irritation and uneasiness.
To avoid such problems, maximum care has to be
taken, following the direction of the eye practitioner or
Consulting an optician and going through
necessary tests is a must if one opts to wear contact
lenses. Choosing the right lenses comes next. Contact
lenses can be broken down into several main categories
based on what they're made of and how often they
need to be replaced.
Contact lenses are made of many different types of
plastic, but they are divided into two main groups: soft
and rigid gas permeable (RGP lenses). Soft contacts
contain from 25% to 79% water, are easy to adapt
to and are quite comfortable. Rigid gas permeable
contact lenses take longer to adapt to, but are more
durable and more resistant to deposit buildup. They
tend to be less expensive over the life of the lens but
the upfront cost is higher and can offer some
people crisper vision than they would have
with soft contacts.
Introduced in 1987, disposable contacts
are designed to be worn for a specific period
of time, then thrown out and replaced with a fresh
pair of lenses. Disposables are now the most common
type of contact lenses because of their health and
convenience benefits.
Another feature of many contact lenses, both
soft and RGP, is ultraviolet (UV) blocking. Exposure
to excessive UV light may result in a condition called
photokeratitis. Thus, wearing lenses with UV blockers
can prove beneficial compared to other ordinary lenses
as UV blockers help protect against transmission of
harmful UV radiation to the cornea and into the eye.
However, these contacts are not meant to replace
sunglasses. A contact lens covers only cornea, not the
entire eye. A sunglass with UV protection can cover
more of the eye and that is the reason contacts with
UV blockers are designed to complement sunglass use
as an added protection.
Colored lenses are another kind which can be
used by anyone, with or without vision problems. It's
important to be aware that while manufacturers have
made different sized lenses to fit most wearers, there
will be some occasions, such as during blinking, where
the colored portion may slide somewhat over the
Also, the size of the pupil is constantly changing to
accommodate varying light conditions. So sometimes,
like at night, it may be larger than the clear center of
the lens. In these instances, vision may be slightly
Most first time wearers, in fact, are
delighted with the level of comfort that
contact lenses provide. As long as the
initial contact lens fitting is performed by a
professional eye care practitioner, any
irritation associated with new lenses can
be minimized or eliminated. After a brief
adjustment period, most people report
that they can no longer feel contact
lenses on their eyes.
The replacement schedule of a
contact lens refers to how long one can
safely wear it before having to throw
away. RGP lenses need to be replaced
every couple of years, because they are
made of a very durable material (though
General safety tips for
contact lens wearers.
• Visit a reputable eye care professional
for a complete eye examination every
12 months or more frequently if directed
by your eye care professional.
• NEVER swap contact lens with another
• Don't wear lenses longer than
prescribed, nor when sleeping unless
otherwise directed.
• If eyes become red or irritated, remove
the lenses immediately and consult
your doctor. Don't try to brave the
• Replace contacts as recommended
by your eye care professional because
they wear out over time. Throw away
disposable lenses after recommended
wearing period.
a prescription change would necessitate
new lenses). Soft contact lenses come in a
wider variety of replacement schedules.
The more frequently the contact
lenses are replaced, the healthier and
more comfortable the eyes can be.
Substances like protein, calcium, and
lipids, found naturally in the tears, can
build up on the lenses. These deposits
make the contacts less comfortable than
when they were new, and can also make
eyes more prone to infection.
Cleaning and solutions
safety tips
• CRD: Cleanse, Rinse, Disinfect your
lenses after removal and before
wearing them again.
• Wash and rinse your hands before
handling your lenses. Non-perfumed
hand soap is recommended.
• Never use saliva on your lenses.
• Never use non-sterile homemade
saline, distilled water or tap water for
any part of your lens care regimen.
• Know your solution. Solutions cannot
always be mixed. Use products
recommended by your eye care
professional. Not all solutions can be
used for all contact lenses.
• Solutions can become contaminated
during use. Do not let the bottle tip
touch any surface including your
contact lenses.
• Clean, rinse and air-dry your lens
case each time lenses are removed.
Contact lens cases can be a source
of bacterial growth.
A question many first-time wearers
have is, "How will I know if my contact
lens is inside out?" The trick is to place
the lens on your finger so it's forming a
cup, then hold it up directly in front of
your eyes so you're looking at the side
of the cup. If it's forming a "U" with the
top edges flared out, it's inside out; if
it's forming just a "U," it's correct. If a
contact lens is inside out, it will probably
feel uncomfortable, but it can’t do any
• Use only sterile solutions. Throw out
any that have expired.
• Once a solution bottle is opened,
it is prone to contamination. Avoid
touching bottle tips to surfaces or
with your fingers.
• Do not combine solutions unless
directed by your eye care
• Do not switch a brand of solution
without first consulting your eye
Authorised Distributor for Nepal
Tel: 5549553
f a s h i o n
w e a r
Winter Skin Care
inter is hard on our skin. Dry air and harsh wind can sap moisture from the skin,
causing cracking, chapping, and irritation. And even though it's not blazing hot,
your skin is still vulnerable to damage from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Luckily, you can
take action to minimize winter skin problems. Here are some tips to help you keep your
skin as youthful-looking and healthy as possible throughout the winter months:
Winter Skin Care Guidelines
• To protect
your skin from
sun damage.
Since you're usually
bundled up when
outside in the
wintertime, you
don't need to slather
sunscreen all over
yourself, but try to
wear a makeup or
moisturizer with
SPF 15 on your face
throughout the
winter. Don't forget
your lips wear lip
balm or lipstick with
• Examine
your skin-care
regimen. If you are
using a product with
tretinoin, such as
Retin-A or Renova,
be especially vigilant
about wearing
sunscreen you are
more liable to sustain
sunburn. If you have
sensitive skin, you
may need to cut back
on using sloughing
products such as
acids, as they may
exacerbate dry,
1. Switch to an oil-based moisturizer
and moisturize frequently. The more oil a
moisturizer contains the more effectively it
protects against moisture loss. Moisturizers
that come in ointment form contain the most
oil because an ointment, by definition, consists
of 80% oil and 20% water. This water-inoil emulsion forms a protective layer on the
skin and makes it more “moisturizing” than
creams and lotions. Ointments are especially
beneficial when humidity is low. Ointments
should not be used on areas of the body that
tend to get hot and sweaty.
2. Before going outside in winter:
Apply a heavy layer of moisturizing
broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF
of 15 or higher to the face, hands, and any
other skin that may be exposed. This will
act as a barrier to help protect against the
harsh elements and is especially important
if you will be outside for any length of time.
Sunscreen is important in winter, as the sun’s
reflective powers are great year round. Today,
several products are available that combine
oily, moisturizing cream with sunscreen. •
Grab those gloves. Protecting hands
from the cold air and low humidity plays an
important role in preventing flare-ups. Make
sure the gloves are made from material that
does not irritate your skin. Some patients
find that wearing a cotton mitten next to the
skin and a woolen mitten over the cotton one,
keeps hands warm and dry.
3. Dress in layers. The most common
triggers of the scratch/itch cycle are sweating
and overheating. Wearing layers allows you
to remove clothing as needed to prevent
overheating. Be sure to wear loose-fitting
cotton fabrics next to your skin.
4. Shed wet clothes and shoes
immediately. These can irritate the skin and
cause a flare-up.
irritated skin.
• Don't take
long, hot showers.
They may sound
appealing, but they
strip skin of its
natural moisturizing
lipids. Instead,
take a short, warm
shower; pat your
skin almost dry,
then put on a good
moisturizer while
skin is still damp. You
will need a superemollient lotion
for hands, heels, or
anywhere else you
experience especially
dry, cracked skin. If
you do experience
dryness or minor
bleeding in your nose,
you can use Vaseline
to soothe and
moisturize the area.If
you develop severely
dry skin, eczema, or
"winter itch," see your
dermatologist. He or
she can prescribe a
mild steroid cream
or other treatment to
restore your skin to
good health.
Rajeev Sharma
very four-year we watch
the biggest soccer
festival of the world known
as the World Cup. Next
year we will be watching
yet another World Cup in
Germany, every country has
to qualify to secure their spot
in World Cup final and for
this many qualifying matches
are played around the
world. Every continent has
their own qualifying matches
where all the nations within
the continent battles for the
final spot. Here we see how
the final 32 countries from
various Continents reached
their destination .
After all preliminary round of
qualifying, countries reaching the final
round have been divided in to two
groups. Countries gaining first and
second spot in their following group
will automatically qualify and countries
gaining third spot have to play against
each other and Matches will be played
on a home and away basis. The qualified
teams are Saudi Arabia, South Korea,
Japan & Iran. The winner (Bahrain)
has to play against the fourth-placed
team from the North, Central American
and Caribbean Zone.
Bahrain beat Uzbekistan and has to
go for play-off with Trinidad & Tobago.
Now Trinidad & Tobago beat Bahrain
and qualified for world cup2006.
Similarly after playing various
qualifying matches countries reaching
the final round have been divided into
five groups and team gaining the first
place in their respective Group will
automatically qualify and they are
Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Angola and
Tunisia respectively.
In Europe Germany automatically
qualifies being the host of the world
cup 2006, after preliminary qualifying
rounds the other teams has been
divided in to eight groups. The
winner of each group automatically
qualifies and the runner up teams
have a play off. The qualified teams
are Germany, Ukraine, Netherland,
England, Croatia, Italy, Portugal,
Serbia&Montenegro and France
respectively. Poland and Sweden
are the best two runner-ups. Now,
the other six runner-ups have to
play against each other, matches
will be played on a home and away
basis, and the winner qualifies for
the world cup 2006.Czech Rep.,
Switzerland and Spain qualified for the
World Cup 2006.
There are six teams qualifying from
this region and the team gaining first,
second and third place qualifies for
the world cup. The fourth place team
has to play off in order to qualify. USA,
Mexico and Costa Rica are the qualified
teams respectively and the fourth team
is Trinidad & Tobago that has to play
off with the Asian play off i.e. Bahrain.
Trinidad & Tobago wins over Bahrain
and qualifies for world cup 2006.
There are ten teams qualifying
from this region and matches will
be played on a home and away basis.
First, Second, Third and Fourth teams
will automatically qualifies, and the
fifth team has to play with Oceanian
team. Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador and
Paraguay are the qualified teams.
Uruguay is the fifth place team that has
to play-off with Australia (Oceanian
Australia is the team competing
from this region and has to go for play
off with the fifth place team from South
American Zone i.e.Uruguay.Australia
wins the play off in penalty shootout
and qualifies for the world cup 2006
after 32 years.
a real adventure
n Kshitiz Adhiraj
any believe this is where the Lord Shiva rests. Does he or does he not? And how high are the magnificent
spirits of Gosaikunda that pull thousands of pilgrims every year? In the quest of finding answer to these
questions, I jumped into a Nissan Micro van towards my trip to Gosainkunda.
Only a few hours to my departure and I was at Trishuli.
Everywhere I looked I saw the mighty Trishuli River,
growling, as though showing off its strength.
Throughout my trip, I chased the mighty river even
way up in the mountains watching and admiring how
wonderfully the river runs across the beauty of the land.
Day 2. To avoid getting suffocated in the inner cabinet
full of pilgrims, I decided to climb on the hood. Almost lost
observing the welcoming roads, I banged my head against a
low hanging branch of a tree. At around 5:30 in the evening
I came across a dense jungle covered in fog. The very sight
tempted me to explore it but considering the fact that I had
a long way to travel, I chose to go on. The very experience
compelled me to believe that I would not witness something
more beautiful than this for a long time.
Day 3. Having walked for around
half and hour, I saw a beautiful sight.
A magnificent flow of Trishuli,
traveling across narrow open
canals made from trees that
almost bend to bow the
mighty Trishuli.
That was a goodbye
to the smooth and easy
journey awaited me next,
yes, climbing hill. I must say the walk was really tiring and
difficult. After a four-hour climb, we reached at a point
called Deurali. But I was not lucky enough to get a chance to
stop there because in front of me stood the biggest hill I had
ever seen in my life. I had to cross it and yet another one if I
was to catch up with my grandmother walking ahead of me.
To add fat to the fire, it started raining. All that I had carried
with me was a pant, one shirt and a camera. Unfortunately,
I left the only jacket I had brought in Trishuli.
At around 7 in the evening, I decided to spend the night
in shed, made for pilgrims to spend nights. To my delight,
I met my grandmother there but the happiness didn’t last
long as I had to spend the night in the freezing temperature
wearing a thin shirt, and a shawl my grandmother had
brought along.
Day 4. With the first hint of people getting
up, we got up to an early start. We had only
walked a few steps when my grandmother
slipped. We went back and stayed for
another two hours. We then met
other companions, my granny’s
The hill ahead was easy
to climb but after sometime,
every one was tired. Around 2
pm I was lying on a warm bed
in a hotel and opened my eyes only to have dinner.
Day 5. We woke up early to start climbing the slopes that
appeared the stiffest in the world. A few steps further, came the
altitude problem, as almost all of us started puking and feeling
After nearly 5 hours of the climb, I witnessed splendid
lakes at an altitude of about 7,000 meters and got busy taking
pictures. It seemed as though they were calmly posing for the
camera. The day was janai purnima, and hundreds of people
were bathing in the freezing water. Admiring the religious force
that pulled people towards the place, I turned towards the hills
with my camera.
Believing I had to be back to Dhunche at least by evening, I
hurried towards Trishuli junction and reached there by 8 pm.
A hotel there provided me with a sleeping bag. As soon
as I got into it, I immediately fell asleep. At around 3 pm I
felt something crawling into my nose, I pulled whatever was
crawling inside, only to find a leech.
The following morning, I headed towards Dhunche.
Another ride on the hood and I was on my way to Kathmandu.
But that is not the end of the adventure. A cliff fell off around
100 metres below and we had a narrow escape. That really
scared us to death, but what made us relax was the comforting
thought that we would be home in a couple of hours. And at
last, it was home, sweet home.
Throughout my trip, I
chased the mighty river
even way up in the
mountains watching
and admiring how
wonderfully the river
runs across the beauty
of the land.
If you are planning a trip to
Gosaikunda, be there with:
Sleeping bags, Warm jackets,
Wind sitters, Hiking boots
And a camera. That should be it.
he pyramids of Egypt have long captivated people’s
imaginations. Ancient people in several parts of the world
built pyramids, but the Egyptians constructed the biggest and
most famous ones. They built more than 90 royal pyramids,
from about 2630 BC until about 1530 BC.
The ancient Egyptians constructed pyramids to serve
as royal tombs. According to ancient Egyptian belief, the
pyramid, where the mummy was placed, provided a place for
the monarch to pass into the afterlife. After a ruler died, his
or her body was carefully treated and wrapped the body in
linen to preserve it as a mummy. The Egyptians believed that
a dead monarch’s spirit left the body and
traveled through the sky with the sun each
day. When the sun set in the west, the royal
spirits settled into their pyramid tombs to
renew themselves.
Most pyramid complexes had satellite
pyramids and queens’ pyramids. The
satellite pyramids were too small to serve
as burial places, and their purpose remains
Egyptian pyramids located on the west
bank of the Nile River on the outskirts of
Cairo, the pyramids at Giza, rank as some
of the best-known monuments in the world.
Built without the use of cranes, pulleys, or
lifting tackle, the massive structures stand
as testaments to the engineering skills of their makers.
The first pyramid, the Step Pyramid at Şaqqārah, was
constructed during the reign of King Djoser (2630 BC-2611
BC). The largest pyramid is the one built for King Khufu.
Known as the Great pyramid, it is the only one of the Seven
Wonders of the World that still survives. Built during Khufu’s
reign (2551 BD -2528 BC), the Great pyramid lies in the desert
west of Giza. Researchers estimate that 2.3 million blocks were
used to build the Great Pyramid, with an average weight of
about 2.5 metric tons per block. The largest block weighs as
much as 15 metric tons
The internal layout of pyramids changed over time, but the
entrance was typically in the center of the north face. From
here a passage ran downward, sometimes leveling out, to
the king’s burial chamber, which ideally was located directly
underneath the pyramid’s center point.
After a chaotic period in Egyptian history called the First
Intermediate Period (2134 BC-2040 BC), Egyptian kings chose
to be buried in pyramids at their new capital city near modern
Lisht. These pyramids of the Middle Kingdom resemble those
of the late Old Kingdom, being loosely
constructed of rough stones, debris, and
mud-brick, and coated with fine limestone.
In 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte invaded
Egypt. A large team of scholars accompanied
his army, with the intention of documenting
not only every ancient monument but the
plants, animals, geography, and culture
of the modern inhabitants. The results of
this effort, was published in a monumental
series of books entitled Description de
Egypte (1809-1828).
For centuries people have sought to
learn about ancient Egyptian civilization
by reclaiming structures and relics from
the desert. A dig, near the Great Pyramid at
Giza, uncovered a cemetery for many of the workers who built
the pyramid.
Over time, the sands of the desert swept over many of the
pyramids, burying them.
Explorations continued in the 1980s and 1990s,
characterized by the use of robots and computers to map and
analyze the structure of the pyramids. Many aspects of the
Egyptian pyramids remain a mystery, but scholars continue to
excavate them, explore them, and learn more about them.
The largest
pyramid is the
one built for King
Khufu. Known as
the Great pyramid,
it is the only one
of the Seven
Wonders of the
World that still
Egyptian Pyramids
theism is the denial of or lack of
belief in the existence of gods.
The term atheism comes from the
Greek prefix a-, meaning “without,”
and the Greek word theos, meaning
Since there are many concepts of
God and these concepts are usually
rooted in some culture or tradition,
atheism might be defined as the belief
that a particular word used to refer
to a particular god has no reference.
Thus, there are as many different
kinds of atheism as there are names
of gods.
The denial of god’s existence
is also known as strong or positive
atheism whereas the lack of belief
in god is known as negative or weak
atheism. Some atheists may know
of many gods and reject belief in the
existence of all of them. Such a person
might be called a polyatheist. But
most people who consider themselves
atheists probably mean that they do
not believe in the existence of the
local god.
Although atheists often share
evidence and the scientific method of
investigation and a large number are
skeptics, there is no single ideology
that all atheists share.
Some people have rejected the
Christian God because they believe
that the concept of worship, essential
to most Christians, contradicts the
concept of omnipotence. Still others
reject a belief in the Judeo-ChristianIslamic God (JCIG) because they
consider the scriptures used to
support that belief to be unbelievable.
Some theologians have tried to prove
through reason alone that this God
exists. Rejection of such proofs,
however, is not atheism.
Buddhists to be atheists. Anyone
who rejects the Omnipotent and AllGood Providential Personal Creator
rejects God. Atheists do not deny that
people have ‘mystical’ or ‘religious’
experiences, where one feels God’s
presence or a sense of oneness
and significance of everything in
the universe. Nor do atheists deny
that many people experience God’s
presence in their everyday lives.
However, atheists strongly disbelieve
the feelings and experiences having
supernatural causes.
In the Western intellectual world,
nonbelief in the existence of God
is a widespread phenomenon with
a long and distinguished history.
Philosophers of the ancient world such
as Lucretius were nonbelievers. Even
in the Middle Ages there were currents
of thoughts that questioned theist
assumptions, including skepticism,
the doctrine that true knowledge
is impossible, and naturalism,
the belief that only natural forces
control the world. Several leading
thinkers of the Enlightenment period
were professed atheists, including
Danish writer Baron Holbach
and French encyclopedist Denis
Diderot. Expressions of nonbelief
are also found in classics of Western
literature, including the writings
of English poets Percy Shelley and
Lord Byron; English novelist Thomas
Hardy; French philosophers Voltaire
and Jean-Paul Sartre; Russian
author Ivan Turgenev; and American
writers Mark Twain and Upton
Sinclair. In the 19th century the most
articulate and best-known atheists
and critics of religion were German
philosophers Ludwig Feuerbach,
Karl Marx, Arthur Schopenhauer,
and Friedrich Nietzsche. British
Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund
Freud, and Sartre are among the 20th
century’s most influential atheists.
Among modern atheists, the
view that atheism means without or
"free of" theistic beliefs has a great
deal of currency. This very broad
definition is justified by reference to
etymology as well as consistent usage
of the word by atheists, and has the
polemical advantage of correcting the
repressive tendency to define atheism
out of existence.
The denial of god’s
existence is also
known as strong or
positive atheism
New Generation
Cooperatives in Nepal
A hope for
the future
Lokendra Karki
co-operative is a democratic organization owned and controlled by
the members who use its services. The
defining difference of the co-operative
structure is that it is based on the principle of one-member/one-vote ensuring
that people—not capital—control the organization. Cooperatives are organized
by their functions they carry out for
the benefit of the members. Among the
7598 cooperatives established in Nepal,
there are 1410 Milk cooperatives, 2979
multipurpose cooperatives, 2345 saving
and credit cooperatives, 154 consumer
cooperatives and 710 other types of cooperatives. The functions of farmer multipurpose cooperative primarily include
supply of credit and agro inputs, and
marketing of farm produce. Similarly,
agricultural marketing cooperatives
are involved in the marketing of commodities such as milk, grains, poultry,
cash crop and herbs. A processing and
marketing cooperative owned and controlled by the producers is commonly
known as 'New Generation Cooperative'. Although this concept of new generation cooperatives may vary in different parts of the world, here we adhere to
those cooperatives which are involved in
processing and marketing. These new
generation cooperatives are more beneficial to the producers through value
addition and increased market access
of the agro-commodity, and increased
employment opportunities. However,
the development of such producer con-
trolled cooperatives is yet to emerge in
There is a great potential for benefiting Nepalese farmers through their
involvement in cooperative processing
and marketing of various agricultural
commodities such as Milk, Grains, Tea,
Coffee, Sugarcane, Jute and Herbs with
higher market margin—difference in between the consumer price and the farm
gate price of the agro-commodity. Establishing processing and marketing cooperative enterprises of those commodities can increase the net return from the
farm products through value addition
and increased market access. Besides,
market intervention thorough the new
generation cooperatives can solve the
condition of market failure—a condition
in which market prices are too low or too
high as a result of which only few persons involved in markets are benefited,
for example, lower paddy price in 2003
and lower or higher market price of main
season vegetables.
Elsewhere in the world, establishment of 'new generation cooperatives'
have been increasingly popular for a
long time. For years, grape growers in
France, cotton growers in the United
States, and coffee, tea producer farmers
of other countries have been involved
in processing and marketing for their
extended market access and profit maximization. The Australian rice growing
farmers cooperative with trade name
'Sunrice' is one of the world's major
exporters of rice. Similarly, the Gujarat
cooperative Milk Marketing Federation,
popularly known by its famous brand
name "Amul," is the prominent example
of producer-controlled cooperatives. It
covers more than 2.4 million producer
members in 11,600 Indian villages, collects, and processes about two billion liters of milk per year. Amul's revenue for
the year 2004-05 was $672 million and,
more importantly, producers are receiving 70 percent of the consumer price.
Sense of cooperation among the
individuals of Nepalese societies has
greatly been found since time unknown
which we still can see in 'Dhikuti', 'Parma',' Guthi' and 'Mankakhala' traditions
of different cultural groups, however, we
are unable to perpetuate this culture giving them new form of cooperative enterprises. If we could establish such cooperative enterprises, smallholder farmers
of rural Nepal can be benefited from improvement in the livelihood generation
of employment opportunities. However,
among the cooperatives established for
processing and marketing of agricultural
commodities, many of them suffer from
poor management, inefficient technology and financial constraints. The cause
of sharp decline in the number of cooperatives during 1970s is due to the operating loss of those cooperatives. Some
of those survived are in rudimentary
stage with traditional technologies and
their product is confined in limited areas
only. However, some cooperatives are
expanding business day by day. Some
milk cooperatives, for example, with diversified product and better technology
have been successfully engaged in processing and marketing of milk.
The New Age Cooperatives proves
to be an efficient instrument for rural
development in a poverty stricken country like Nepal; however, some factors
have hindered the pace of its development. Firstly, due to the lack of technical capacity, professionalism and lower
investment, most of the cooperative enterprises have not been able to compete
with other private enterprises. Secondly,
the government neither has clear vision
to accelerate the development of cooperative enterprises, nor implemented
the recommendations made by several
consultative task committees in fear of
loosing the grips on the cooperatives. On
the other hand, the technical assistances
provided by most of the NGOs/INGOs
supporting the cooperatives provide
are inadequate for full fledged development.
Government should have clear policies and programs to in order to promote
development of the cooperative agro-enterprises. Priority in the handover of
the ownership of the government owned
agro-processing enterprises to producer
cooperative during the privatization process would, perhaps, be an effective way
to promote these cooperatives. As these
cooperatives need sophisticated marketing and processing plans and competent
technical expertise in order to increase
competitiveness in the market, institutional as well as technical capacity building of cooperative enterprises should be
focused. Financial assistance is not always essential, however, all financial institutions should prioritize cooperatives
enterprises through providing priority loan at low interest rates. Similarly,
NGOs, INGOs should provide business
development services to farmer cooperatives for improving the competitiveness
of rural cooperative enterprises.
Some orthodox scholars have opinion that technology generation and
transfer in combination can create a
positive change for the farmers. But
in liberal market economy, increasing
productivity alone cannot guarantee an
increased net income and well being.
Hence, new generation cooperative is
required for ensuring net return of the
farm produce.
Finally, 'To make poverty a History', these new generation cooperatives
can play an defining role to improve the
livelihood of the resource poor farmers
of the rural areas by increasing increase
the net return and ensuring more stable
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ARIES - Independence
You always tend to be self-sufficient, Aries, but 2006 carries
this trait to extremes. Whatever you’re planning, you’re inclined to
go it alone. Yet this freedom has its price. That price is loneliness.
Even the most self-sufficient Ram still enjoys being with others
– and love might be a challenge for you this year. Attaining
romantic happiness, though not impossible, might take more
effort than you’d like – but go for it anyway. Believe it or not, you’ll
want a partner’s company and support. Your career should flourish. Finance
will have its ups and downs – though you can expect a windfall in February
or March. This year will be a time of considerable activity, especially at work
– but if you’re up for it, 2006 will be a productive and fulfilling year.
TAURUS - Growth
As the world continues to change radically, Taurus, you
feel that you can no longer afford the luxury preferred by that
archetypal Bull, Ferdinand, who just wanted to sit and smell the
flowers. Instead, you’ll take a long look at past and present goals.
One cherished goal involves romantic happiness. A trip overseas
with a love partner beckons, and possibly a wedding. Another
involves making your money grow – but investments can be
tricky. Avoid anything even marginally risky. Career prospects
involve opportunities in the arts and in the healing professions, or
anything involving modern technology. You’ll have a lot on your plate, and
may be confused as to exactly what you should pursue. But remember,
there’s no rush. Let it sit for a while. You’ve got time.
LIBRA - Vision
What is it that you want to do the most, friend Libra? You
have a number of different interests, and you love meeting
new people, so you’ll probably spend much of this year out
and about. If you’re not presently romantically involved, you
will be, and soon. Someone very special should cross your
path by mid-April. But what’s driving you isn’t an increased
social life. Nor does it involve continuing to climb the ladder
at your present workplace. You need something more fulfilling than simply
collecting a paycheck every other week. It’s time to consider every dream,
every goal, every ambition you’ve ever had since you first stepped on the
path to adulthood. You want to make a difference in this world? You can.
Do it!
SCORPIO - Unfolding
Your symbol, Scorpio, is an animal who lives close to the
ground, and so you tend to spend much of your time holing
up. How many times do you actually get up and go out unless
the trip is either work-related, or a friend drags you? This year,
however, the influence of Jupiter in your sign will render you a
more sociable, happier, more outgoing Scorpion – and more
appealing to both present and potential love partners! In fact,
for the single but involved, talk of weddings may come up!
Careerwise, advancement could come through an unexpected stroke of luck.
You’ll be in just the right place at the right time – and your life could radically
change for the better. Come out of your cave, friend Scorpio. It’s time.
GEMINI - Wealth
Money is usually of secondary importance to you, friend
Gemini, but this year you’ll make up your mind to make as much
money as possible. Geminis who are romantically involved might
go into business with their beloved. You may create a new career
that will flourish without even having to leave your day job, and
while this will keep you busy, you’ll draw encouragement from
the progress you’re making. Your romantic life improves, but with
all your new commitments it may be difficult to find time to spend
with your beloved. Make the time. Love is more important than
you think. Also, you need to look out for your health. Don’t push yourself
too hard. Making money is great, but it’s not worth sacrificing wellness.
Remember that.
SAGITTARIUS - Awakenings
Sagittarius, you’re always searching for knowledge,
and this year you’ll continue that quest, perhaps even more
eagerly. Yet it won’t be the same subjects that have fascinated
you before. There will be new interests, possibly career-related
– and new skills that will boost you up the ladder of success.
Friends could introduce other pursuits to you, and an exciting
and supportive love partner could steer you in directions that
you never before dreamed of. You’ll also recognize new insights
about yourself, enabling you to eschew traumas and hang-ups
that have haunted you since childhood, and see the way to maximizing your
potential. During 2006, not only the quality of your personal life, but also
your level of knowledge, will skyrocket. Make the most of it!
CANCER - Peace
The last few years have been difficult ones, Cancer, and
you’ve often wondered if you’d ever reach the point where you
can actually enjoy life. This year, you just might do it. Work
stresses will be markedly lower, and you might be able to get
by with putting in fewer hours. Not only that - your personal life
is going to blossom like never before. Relationships of all kinds
will improve, and if you’ve ever doubted it, this year you’ll know
for certain that family, friends, and lovers alike adore you and
will always be there for you. You won’t spend all your spare time
idly. Not at all! You’ll be busy pursuing your own interests, and enjoying life
overall. Few new worries will come your way. Enjoy.
CAPRICORN - Challenge
2006 starts off with the influence of a New Moon in your sign,
which means you’re winding up a cycle in your life that has served
its purpose, and beginning a new one. This cycle could involve
love, money, career matters, spiritual pursuits, or all of the above.
Regardless, it means a whole new direction. Career successes
will continue to mount, but this year you’ll realize that there’s more
to life than business. You’ll want to expand your horizons, perhaps
travel or return to school, and the Sea Goat will definitely spend
more time with your loved ones, particularly love partners. Have you not been
giving your beloved the right amount of attention? This year, you will – & you’ll
definitely reap the rewards. Be prepared for some wonderful surprises.
LEO - Challenge
You’re not one to acknowledge limitations, Leo, and thus
when others sneer about your ambitions, you’re more inclined to
stubbornly continue to work toward attaining them than to listen
to your friends and give up. This year, you just might step over the
edge and embrace some goals that most would consider impossible
– and you could make a success of them. The resulting boost in
your self-confidence could strengthen your love life. Committed Lions will
experience a rebirth of romance; the uninvolved will attract it. The effort will,
however, take its toll on your stamina if you’re not careful. It’s important that
you stay healthy and not neglect your body. Once you’ve attained some of
your dearest dreams, you’ll want to enjoy your good fortune.
AQUARIUS - Discovery
Frankly, friend Aquarius, you’re bored. You’re confused
about what you really want from life, and you may be feeling
rather fatalistic, uncertain that any of your long-term goals will
ever be reached. This year won’t be an easy one, but a little
effort on your part to expand your horizons will trigger some
changes. One of those changes just might be a heightened love
life – rendering you happier and more confident. You may find
that some tired old goals are no longer as important to you as they once were,
and you could actually find yourself formulating new goals that will break you
out of this cycle of confusion and boredom. Don’t worry about the ultimate end.
Just keep striving. At some point, your luck will change - and for the better.
VIRGO - Pleasure
The influence of Uranus in Pisces could find you transforming
into a creature that you’ve never noticed before: a Virgo who
actually pursues getting out and having a good time – often!
Normally, you seem to be enamored of the work ethic, but this year,
you just might rebel – astonishing relatives and old friends. Oddly
enough, since you’ll be more relaxed, your career may actually
advance. Here’s a word to the wise: It’s OK!!! As long as you don’t
go too far embracing the good-time-Charlie ethic, you’ll probably be
healthier and more relaxed than you’ve been in a long time – and your love
life will definitely blossom. In fact, all your relationships will be much easier
to maintain. You’ll still be there for those who love you.
PISCES - Balance
Have you been accused of living in a dream world, Pisces?
That’s not entirely true; you only see aspects of reality that
others can’t. But this year you’ll discover a practical, businesslike
streak in you that will enable you to face mundane matters with
determination and confidence that you never knew you had.
This doesn’t mean that your romantic, mystical, artistic side will
go down the tubes. In fact, facing both romance and creativity
with a more practical viewpoint could well improve both – &
thus make the Fish VERY happy! You’ll be glowing with love,
appearing more attractive. People will become more aware of you & whatever
work you do – thus increasing your standing in all worlds. The key word here
is, of course, balance.
A blonde gets on an airplane and sits down in the first
class section of the plane. The stewardess rushes over
to her and tells her she must move to coach because
she doesn't have a first class ticket. The blonde replies,
"I'm blonde, I'm smart, I have a good job, and I'm
staying in first class until we reach Jamaica."
The disgusted stewardess gets the head stewardess
who asks the blonde to leave. The blonde yet again
repeats "I'm blonde, I'm smart, I have a good job and
I'm staying in first class until we reach Jamaica." The
head stewardesses doesn't even know what to do at
this point because they still have to get the rest of the
passengers seated to take off; the blonde is causing
a problem with boarding now, so the stewardess gets
the copilot.
The copilot goes up to the blonde and whispers in
her ear. She immediately gets up and goes to her
seat in the coach section. The head stewardess asks
the copilot in amazement what he said to get her
to move to her correct seat. The copilot replies, "I
told her the front half of the airplane wasn't going to
A man went to the Police Station wishing to speak with the
burglar who had broken into his house the night before.
"You'll get your chance in court." said the Desk Sergeant.
"No, no no!" said the man. "I want to know how he got
into the house without waking my wife. I've been trying
to do that for years!"
This is the transcript of an actual radio conversation
of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the
coast of Newfoundland in October, 1995.
Radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval
Operations on November 10, 1995.
Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to
the North to avoid a collision.
Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15
degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say
again, divert YOUR course.
Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.
Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call.
uGtJo n
pBf]usf] /fhwfgL
;'bg v/]n
| txaf6 &) ld6/sf] prfOdf /x]sf] lj/f6gu/ g]kfnsf] bf];f| ] 7"nf] ;x/ xf] . h'g ef/t;“usf] ;Ldfdf
blIf0fk"jL{ efudf k5{ . df]/ª lhNnfdf kg]{ of] ;x/ s[lif, pBf]u / Jofkf/sf sf/0f k|Voft 5 . b]zsf
' pBf]ux? o;} If]qdf cjl:yt 5g\ . ko{6sx?n] ef/tsf lxdfnL /fHo l;lSsd / bflh{lnª hfg]
qmddf lj/f6gu/ kQf nufPsf] cfVofg kfOG5 . ofq'x? ljZjsf] t];f| ] pRr lzv/ sGrgh+3fsf] cf/f]x0fsf
l;nl;nfdf ;d]t lj/f6gu/ x'b
F +} hfg] u5{g\ . o;}u/L g]kfnsf lrof pTkfbg x'g] If]q Onfd / wgs'6fsf]
e|d0fsf nflu ;d]t lj/f6gu/ eP/ hfg] u5{g\ .
s~rgh+3f lxdfn hxf“
lj/f6gu/ x'b“ } hfg;lsG5 .
lj/f6gu/sf] ljz]iftf
g]kfnsf] klxnf] pBf]u lj/f6gu/ h'6ldnsf] :
yfkgf ;g\ !(#^ df lj/f6gu/d} ePsf] lyof] . To;sf]
gfd lj/f6gu/ h'6 ldn xf] . of] b]zsf] bf];f| ] 7"nf] ;x/
' f cltl/Qm efiff, ;+:s[lt / /fhgLltsf lx;fan]
b]zsf] /fhwfgL;d]t dfGg] ul/Psf] 5 . lj/f6gu/af6}
@))& ;fnsf] qmflGttfsf klxnf]k6s /]l8of];d]t
k|;f/0f ePsf] dflgG5 . lj/f6gu/af6 () ldg]6sf]
a; ofqfkl5 a8{ jflrª :k6sf] ¿kdf k|Voft sf]zL
6Kk' jGohGt' cf/If0f k'Ug ;lsG5 . o;}u/L b'O{ 3G6fsf]
a;ofqfdf csf]{ ;'Gb/ :yfg sf]zL Jof/]h;Dd k'Ug
;lsG5 . k"jL{ g]kfndf ofqfsf nflu ljleGg 7fp“af6
ljdfg hfg] k|dv
' s]Gb| g} lj/f6gu/ xf] .
lj/f6gu/df e|d0f ug]{ 7fp“
j/fx If]q M lj/f6gu/af6 !
3G6fsf] a;ofqfkl5 sf]sf /
;Ktsf]zL gbLsf] bf]efgdf
tLy{:yn j/fx If]q
/x]sf] 5 . dlGb/df
k'Ug a;ofqfkl5
!% ldg]6 k}bn lx+8\
g'k5{ . dlGb/ kl/;/
af6 ;'Gb/ b[Zofjnf]sg
ug{ ;lsG5 . oxf“;Dd k'Ug nf]sn a; pknAw 5 eg]
6\ofS;Ldf @ xhf/b]lv @% ;o ?lkof“;Dd nfU5 . lxGb'
sygfg';f/ o;} If]qdf eujfg lji0f'n] j/fx cjtf/
lnP/ lx/0osZok'sf] jw u/]sf lyP . df3 dlxgfsf]
klxnf] xKtfdf oxf“ d]nf nfUg] u5{ . lj/f6gu/ xf6ahf/ M lj/f6gu/sf] k"jL{ e]udf
x/]s a'waf/ xf6 nfU5, hxf“ t/fO{sf vfBfGg tyf
pkef]usf ;fdfgsf] lsga]r x'G5 . lj/f6gu/ e|d0fsf]
qmddf x]gn
{ fos xf6 klg Ps xf] . oxf“sf cgf{, gLn
ufO{ / efn' k|l;4 5g\ .
oxf“sf] tfkqmd Go"gtd * b]lv clwstd #(
l8u|L;Dd k'U5 .
s;/L k'Ug] <
lj/f6gu/ a;b]lv xjfO{ b'j} ;fwgaf6 k'Ug
;lsG5 . sf7df8f}a+ f6 lj/f6gu/ ljdfgdfkm{t\ $)
ldg]6df k'Ug ;lsG5 eg] a;af6 * 3G6fdf k'Ug
;lsG5 . ljleGg ljdfg sDkgLn] oxf“;Dd b}lgs
xjfO{ ;]jf pknAw u/fPsf 5g\ . a; /flq / bLjf
b'j} sf7df8f}a+ f6 rN5g\ . vfglkg / a:g xf]6nx¿
hxftxL+ kfOg] x'b“ f s'g} ;d:of 5}g .
dflg;x¿ k|foM t/fO{ d"nsf /xg] of] If]qsf
afl;Gbf lgs} ldng;f/ 5g\ .
sf]zL 6Kk'
sf]zLn] agfPsf] ;dy/ e"lddf /x]sf] sf]zL 6Kk'sf] ;Ld;f/ If]qdf r/f b[Zojnf]sgsf] cfgGb
lng ;lsG5 . of] Pl;ofs} pTs[i7 ;Ld;f/ If]qdWo] Psdf dflgG5 . lj/f6gu/af6 @ 3G6fsf]
a;ofqfaf6 oxf“ k'Ug ;lsG5 . oxf“ ;fOa]l/ofaf6 ;d]t r/fx¿ cfpg] u5{g\ . r/f / r/fk|d] Lsf
nflu :ju{ dflgPsf] sf]zL 6Kk'df @ ;o *) eGbf a9L k|hfltsf r/f kfOG5g\ . sf]zL 6Kk' e|d0f
ug]{ pko'Qm df};d cS6f]a/b]lv dfr{;Ddsf] xf] . ;kmf df};ddf oxf“af6 dsfn';lxt w]/} lxdfnsf]
klg b[Zofjnf]sg ug{ ;lsG5 .
;+:s[lt lax] ub}{g
/f, ltdL g]kfndf g} a:g'k5{Æ d}n] Pslbg
pgL;“u w]/} a]/;Dd s'/fsfgL u/]kl5
cGTodf eg]sf] lyP“ . g]kfndf Pp6f ko{6ssf] ¿kdf
cfP/ Ps dlxgfd} pgn] h'g cg'kd k|d] / pT;fx
g]kfnk|lt bzf{PsL lyOg\, To;af6 d cToGt k|efljt
lyP“ . pgnfO{ g]kfnL ufp“ / ufp“nk] l| t ljz]if dfof lyof],
;fy} g]kfnL efiff kmf6km'6 af]Ng ;Sg] eO;s]sL lyOg\ /
pgnfO{ ;Sbf] ;xof]u ug]{ jrg lbP“ .
d}n] pgnfO{ 7d]nsf] Pp6f rf]sdf af6f] glrg]/
cNdlnO/x]sf] a]nfdf e]6s
] f] lyP“ . kl5 d}n] pgsf]
] ;Dd k'¥ofpg] qmddf kl/ro dfu]sf] lyP“ / cfkm"
klg Pp6f ljBfyL{ ePsf] / c+uh
]| L efiffsf] df}lvs
ljsf;sf nflu obfsbf ko{6sk|lt cfslif{t x'g]
s'/f atfPsf] lyP“ . efUojz pgL klg Pp6f cd]l/sg
kl/5g\– Sof/f]lngf . x“l;nL / cfsif{s JolQmTjsL klg
wgL . pgn] cfkm" klg o'lgel;{6LsL ljBfyL{ ePsL /
cfkm\gf] Pp6f ;fyLåf/f g]kfnsf] j0f{g ;'gl] sn] otf
cfPsf] s'/f atfOg\ . o;kl5 xfdLn] ;fgf] lrofe]6sf]
nflu ;do ldnfPsf lyof} + .
o:tf s}of}+ lrofe]6n] xfd|f] cflTdotfdf klg Gofgf]kg
NofO/x]sf lyP . d pgsf] s'/f ;'Gy]+ / cfjZos ;'wf/,
dGtJo cflb lbGy] + . xfd|f ljifox¿ kxf8L hLjgsf
;f+:s[lts ufyfaf6 ;'? x'Gy] / 1fg–lj1fgsf s'/f x'b“ }
xf“;f]sf 6'Ssfx¿df lj;h{g x'Gy] . d pgnfO{ cfkm"
g]kfndf a;]sf] cg]kfnL eg]/ eGy]+ / sf7df8f}+ la:tf/}
g]kfnaf6 a]lrOPsf] ;x/ eg]/ kl/ro lbGy] + . g]kfnL t
tLdfq x'g\ h;n] ;w}+ g]kfnLTjsf] x]Ssf /fVb5g\ / g]kfn
Tof] xf] hxf“ ljsf;;“u} hlt ¿k km]l/P klg g]kfnLTjsf]
6Lsf cl8u /xG5 . lklrSs y'lsPsf kfgfsf /ftf 6f6f,
ljb]zL cl:tTj / ljb]zL /xg–;xg af]ss
] f] sf7df8f}s
+ f
s}of}+ efu a]lrPsf] s'/f d pgnfO{ eGy] + .
Psk6s pgn] cfkm" g]kfndf s]xL nfdf] ;do;Dd
a:g rfx]sf] atfOg\ . d}n] klg pgnfO{ d]/f] ;fyLsf]
:s'ndf c+uh
]| L cWofkg u/]/ a:g] ;Nnfx lbPsf] lyP“
h;nfO{ pgn] ;xif{ :jLsfl/g\ . o;/L pgL g]kfndf
# jif{sf nflu a:g] ePsL lyOg\ . pgsf nflu sf]7f
d}n] d]/} 3/df lbP“ . d]/f] kl/jf/ ufp“d} lyP / o;
3/df d lgtfGt :jtGq lyP“ . d oxL :jtGqtf ;xof]u,
cfTdLotf / cfTdlg0f{osf] ljsf; ug{ pkof]u ug{] kIfdf
lyP“ .
o;kl5sf lbgx¿ /dfOnf]l;t Joltt eO/x]sf
lyP . Sof/f lbp“;f]el/ ;–;fgf aRrfx¿nfO{ k9fP/ klg
xFl;nf–/l;nf ls:;fx¿ lnP/ cfp“lyg\ . d sn]haf6
cfkm\g} syfx¿ af]s/] Nofp“y +] . slxn] d]/f] t slxn]
pgsf] sf]7fdf skmLsf r':sL;“u} xfd|f ukm hDy] . slxn]
/dfOnf ukmdf 8'AYof}+ t slxn] :jefjtM efj's x'GYof} + .
efj'stfsf] If0fdf d g]kfnL ufp“ ;DemGy]–+ Tof] ufp“
hxf“ g]kfnL cfdfn] cBfjlw 8f]sfsf 8f]sf3f“; sf6]/
b'O6f e};
+ L kfn]sL 5g\, lxp“bel/ gfª\u} v'§f jg 8'n/] bfp/fsf] ;~ro u/]sL 5g\ / y'k}| xKsL–bKsL / a'xft{gaLr
klg cfzfsf] aQL wkSs afn]/ ;uj{ af“rs
] L 5g\ . d
Sof/fnfO{ o:t} sxfgL ;'gfp“y +] . tL sxfgLx¿, b; jif{d}
ljjfx u/]/ kf]Osf 3/df hfg] gf/Lx¿sf dgf]efjgfsf
x'Gy] . tL sxfgLx¿, cfhGd kf]OnfO{ 7f8f] zL/n]
] f / gfd;d]t gsf9]sf cfbz{ hf]Osf k|Ltx¿ x'Gy]
/ ufp“–a];
+ L, d]nf–kft ubf{sf ;'vb\ ;':s]/f x'Gy] . dnfO{
o:t} dgf]jl[ Qn] NofPsf] ;+:sf/ut cfbz{kl| t ljz]if
rfv lyof] t/ klg dnfO{ oxL 8/ lyof] ls of] ljlzi6
;/nkg, kljq k|d] / cfbz{nfO{ ;fdflhs cGofo /
cTofrf/af6 ;w}+ bafOof]; \ . d Sof/fnfO{ ha oL hLjGt
k|f0fLsf b'Mv–;'vsf syf eGy],+ pm pgLx¿sf] ;/ntf,
;xgzLntf / cfbz{ dgg u/]/ b|jLe"t x'GyL . oL caf]w
cfbz{ af]ss
] f kxf8L gf/Lx¿df ToxL dxfgtd\ cfbz{
sfod x'gu] /L lzIff Pjd\ cfw'lgs ;'ljwf a9fpg'kg]{
s'/fdf xfdL ;xdt x'GYof} + .
s]xL ;dokl5 xfdLn] s] yfxf kfof}+ eg] xfdLaLr
;don] xfd|f] pj{/ 5ftLleq k|d] sf] 6';f pdfl/lbPsf]
/x]5 / ;do;“u} of] 6';f klg ;zQm x'b“ } uO/x]sf] /x]5 .
d}n] cfkm\gf] / p;sf] x[bo lgkmg]kl5 pm aflx/ klg
lgxfNg yfn]sf] /x]5 . pm /fd|L t lyO{ g} . t/ /fd|L eP/
klg h'g snfTds xfjefj / d[be
' fliftf pgdf lyof], Tof]
a9L dgdf]xs lyof] . ;w}+ 6f“l;p“h:tf] df]xstf . ;fydf
cf+lus ;'u7gsf] cfsif{0f .
cfhsfn cfP/ Sof/f ;w}+ g]kfndf a:g rfx]sf]
s'/f Nofp“lyg\ . d}n] yfxf kfP“– st} cGtaf6 ls pgL
d;“u laxf ug{ rfxlGyg\ . t/ dnfO{ elggg\– pN6}
d}n] ;f]Wg'k¥of] ls s] of] ;To xf] < pgn] :jLsfl/g\ .
t/ dnfO{ yfxf lyof] of] a8f] ufx|f] s'/f 5 ;fdflhs
b[li6sf]0fn] . d :jod\df Sof/fnfO{ /fVg rfxGy]+ t/ s'/f
lyof] clUgk/LIffsf] . ;dfhnfO{ aflx/ a;]/ cf]7+ rf6\gn
] ]
;dfhleq} ?ª]/ ;dfh ef]Ug ;Sg'–g;Sg' clUgk/LIff
pgn] lbg}kYof] { .
cfTdLotfsf] qmddf d}n] Sof/fnfO{ d]/f] ufp“ e|d0f
ug{ lgDtf] lbP“ . pgn] klg zfob ToxL vf]hs
] L x'l“ bx'g\
d;“u ;xif{ hfg] eOg\ . d]/f] ufp“sf] 3/df a;]/ ;f]
If]q jl/kl/ 3'Dg] xfd|f] of]hgf lyof] . of] k|:tfjdf xfdL
} f] pT;'stf plQs} lyof] . o;}n] xfdL xfd|f] ufp“
hfg] eof}–+ Pp6f ljz'4 ;+:s[ltsf] d]/f] ufp“ . pgL o;
k|:tfjdf ;fx|} pT;flxt lyOg\ . d}n] eGy]–+ ufp“ ljs6
5 / /xg;xg Tolt ;lhnf] 5}g . t/ dflg; cfk;L
cfTdLo ddtfsf] cfbfgk|bfgdf ;xh;“u af“lr/x]sf
x'G5g\ cflb cflb . d}n] pgnfO{ lzi6frf/sf af/]df klg
atfPsf] lyP“ . olb ltdL d]/f] eP/ a:g' 5 eg]– d]/f]
cfdfa'afnfO{ 9f]Ug'k5{– ;S5\of} < eg]/ xf“;f] klg u/]sf]
lyP“ .
t/ pgn] s] a'lemg\, s] a'lemgg\ dnfO{ yfxf ePg–
xfd|f] pj{/
5ftLleq k|]dsf]
6';f pdfl/lbPsf]
/x]5 / ;do;Fu}
of] 6';f klg
;zQm x'Fb}
uO/x]sf] /x]5.
d}n] cfkm\gf] /
p;sf] x[bo
pm aflx/ klg
lgxfNg yfn]sf]
z'es07 zdf{
t/ pgL 3/ k'Ubf lgs} xtfz / lg/fz ePsf] rflx+ lgZro g} b]v +] .
lk+9Ldf al;/x]sf d]/f cfdf–a'af PSsfl; leq k;]sf lyP . s]6fs]6L
6\jfNn k/L 3/L dnfO{ 3/L Sof/fnfO{ x]l/dfq /xGy] . d ljl:dt eP“ .
lk+9Ldf 6'qm'Ss a;]/ ld7fO af“8b\ f klg 6\ofKk l6Ky], efUy] . cfdf af
sf]xL klg aflx/ lg:s]gg\ . 3/d} la/fgf] jftfj/0f aGof] .
ha d Sof/fnfO{ lnP/ To; ufp“df kbfk{0f u/]y,+ ] ta Toxf“ Ps
k|sf/sf] xnrn cfPsf] kfP“ . Pp6f afx'gsf] 5f]/fn] cfkm\gf] 3/df
ufO{sf] df;' vfg] uf]/f hflt, ToxL+ klg l6ldSssf j:qdf s]6L Nofpg'
7"nf] w[i6tf 7xl/of] . 3/d} s]xL z+sfn' jftfj/0f d8fl/of] . hxf“hxf“ d
Sof/fnfO{ lnP/ hfGy],+ Toxf“ klg sfg]v;' L x'GYof] . dnfO{ cfkm\gf
b'Mv;'vsf s'/f ;'gfpg' t sxf“, pN6} lwSsfg{ yfn] . d}n] xHhf/
;DemfP“ ls pm oxf“ s]jn cltly ag]/ cfPsL xf], t/ ;dfhsf] d'v
6flnPg . ufnL / xKsL–bKsL kz'n] t a'em\5 eg] Sof/fn] ga'em\g] s'/} lyPg .
cflv/ d}n] p;nfO{ t'?Gt kmsf{P/ cfkm" s]xL ;dokl5 dfq kms{g] eP“ .
k'gM sf7df8f}+ kms]k{ l5 Sof/fdf s]xL kl/jt{g cfPsf] cg'et" u/] + . clxn] plt ;fx|f] af]lNbglyg\ / dg st} aflx/ uPh:tf] nfUof] .
d}n] ;f]r–+] pgnfO{ ufp“sf] Tof] jftfj/0f ckdfghgs nfu]sf] xf]nf .
o;}n] d x/avt Tof] 3fp ;'sfpg kl§ nfUy].+ pgnfO{ cfkm"n] Toqf] cf:
yf /fv]sf] ;dfhn] o;/L gsfnf{ / b'/b\ /' \ unf{h:tf] zfob nfu]sf] lyPg
xf]nf . cltly ;Tsf/sf nflu ljZjk|l;4 g]kfnL cfTdfn] pgnfO{ To;/L
lt/:sf/ unf{h:tf] zfob pgnfO{ nfu]sf] lyPg xf]nf . t/ ;dfhsf]
klg s] uNtL x'G5 / < d}n] sltk6s ;f/L nufpm eGbf cK7\of/f] dfGg]
Sof/fnfO{ ;dfhn] klg :jLsfg{ cK7\of/f] dfGof] . x'g klg olb xfd|f]
;dfh ;fx|} nlrnf] x'b“ f] xf] t plxNo} g]kfn / g]kfnL afOan af]s/] rr{
hfg] lyP, v]tL 5f8]/ ;a} ;x/ k:g] lyP .
Pslbg Sof/f a]ns
' flt/ dfq cfOg\ . PSn} x}g– ;fydf b'O{ hgf
g]kfnL o'js klg /x]5g\ . x]bd{} f xfjfbf/L . pgLx¿ xNnf ub}{ cfPaf6
yfxf kfP“ ls k]o kbfy{ klg s]xL lkPsf /x]5g\ . d tTsfn} 9f]sfdf uP“
/ af6f] 5]Sb} eg]+ M
æs] of] 7Ls 5, Sof/f <Æ
æltdLnfO{ o;/L /f]Sg clwsf/ 5}gÆ
æltdLn] oL b'O{ l76fnfO{ kmsf{pg'k5{Æ s] s] ufO“uO' “ ub}{ pgn]
} fO{ kmsf{PsL lyOg\ .
o:t} k|sf/n] dnfO{ :tlDet kfg]{ b'O–{ rf/ 36gf 36\b} uP .
Pslbg xfd|fd] f sfd ug]{ s]6f 3/ uof] . vfgf agfpg], ef“8f dfem\g]
;d:of cfof] . Sof/f / d ;femf ¿kaf6 vr{ a]xf]Yof}+{ / ;“u} vfGYof} + . t/
s]6f uPkl5 vfgf agfpg d laxfg / pm a]ns
' L v6\g] eof} + . pm vfgf
t agfp“yL t/ ef“8f c;/Nn 5fl8lbGyL . dnfO{ p;sf] ef“8f dfem\g
g]kfnL ;+:sf/, ;+:s[lt / k'?ifTjn] lbGy]g . zLto'4 rNb} uO/x]Yof] .
o:t}df pgL Pslbg s]xL k|km'Nn eP/ cfPsf] kfP“ . pgn] Psk6s
k'gM ;“u} skmL vfg] cfu|x ul/g\– vfof}+ klg t/ r'krfk . kl5 yfxf
kfP“, pgn] ef]lnkN6sf nflu xjfO{ l6s6 lnP/ cfPsL /lxl5g\ . cfkm\gf]
b]zdf kms{b+ } /lx5g\ . dg ux|u“' f] eP/ cfof] /ftel/ . af]ng] f}+ t/ ylst
ylst eP/ ;'Tof}+ w]/} ca]nf dfq .
laxfglt/} xfdL xjfO{ d}bfgtkm{ nfu]sf lyof} + . ltdLn] dnfO{ dfkm
ug'k{ 5{– pm eGb} lyO{ . xfdLn] dfgjn] k"/f ug'k{ g]{ dfgjLo bfloTj t
lgefPsf lyof}+ t/ xfd|f] bL3{sfnLg ;DaGwnfO{ Pp6f o:tf] tTjn]
c;Dej kf¥of] h;nfO{ kvf{n klg eGg ldNb}g, sf“8f klg eGg
ldNb}g . Tof] xf]– ;fdflhs–;f+:s[lts tTj . xfdLn] / ljz]if u/L d}n]
s]xL alnbfg lbg'kg]{ lyof] t/ ;lsg .
;f“Rr} Sof/f, sltko ;dfh cfufsf d':nfh:tf x'G5g\– o;nfO{
tfKg'k5{, ;]jg ug'k{ 5{, dgg ug'k{ 5{ t/ To;df xf]lDdg'xb“' g} . o;n]
k/fOnfO{ kf]N5 . g]kfnL ;dfh klg o:t} xf]– of] cfkm\gk} gdf af“rs
] f]
kljq d':nf] xf], df}lns cl:tTjsf] tfk af]ss
] f] cflbsfnLg ;+:s[lto'Qm
c6n ;dfh xf] . oxf“ k:g 7"nf] alnbfg rflxG5, hf] ltdLnfO{ g} yfxf
5– t/ o;df 7"nf] cfbz{ 5 . of] ;f/Ln] cgGtsfnb]lv c+uk|bz{gaf6
x'g;Sg] pR5[ªv
\ ntf / cGo zf/Ll/s cTofrf/af6 gf/LnfO{ hf]ufPsf]
5 . o;n] zf/Ll/s ;f}Gbo{eGbf Jofjxfl/s / g}lts;f}Gbo{ 7"nf] xf] eGg]h:
tf cfbz{ af]s
] s
] f] 5 . ltdLn] ;f/Lsf] dxTj ;'Gof}, a'em\of} / u'0fufg klg
ufof} t/ cfkm}+ nfpg ;lsgf}, dflggf} . oxL / o:t} cGo s}of}+ sdhf]/Ln]
ubf{ ltdL d]/f nflu zf/Ll/s ¿kdf x'g;s] klg dleqsf] g]kfnLkg /
d]/f] cGtcf{Tdfsf nflu ufx\o x'g ;lsgf} . o;y{ ls d]/f] z/L/eGbf d]/f]
;+:sf/, d]/f] ;+:s[lt 7"nf] 5 . d}n] cflv/ Sof/fnfO{ ?“b} labfO ug'k{ ¥of] .
Tof] dfgjLotfsf] cf“;' lyof], Pp6f cw'/f] laxfsf] x]Ssf lyof] .
-n]vs Ol~hlgo/ x'g \ ._
a'4 Po/
ofq'df ;dlk{t
c+s &, cS6f]a/ @ ) ) %
Buddha Air Customer First
/d0fLo kf]v/f
;o jif{cl3sf]
k'is/nfn >]i7
Vol. 6, July–September 2005
ofqf clxn];Dd
special edition
Complimentry Copy
a'4 Po/
a'4 Po/
ofq'df ;dl
c+s %, clk|
Complimentry Copy
8f= l/hfn;
hDsfe]6 u
a6g lSjg
ofq'df ;dl
c+s $, hgj
/L @ ) )
of Mt.
pkxf/ k|lt
pkxf/ k|l
56\6} /f}gsn] tft]sf] 5 olta]nf
vf]nfjfl/sf] ;fgf] s6]/f] . olt
nfdf] hLjgdf w]/} sd ;do
o:tf] /f}gs b]lvG5 s6]/f]df . laxfg, ;f“emsf]
lglj{sNk clgsfn clg hf]jg x/fO;s]sf]
hLjg w'nf];u“ , 9'u+ f;“u otfplt, otfplt . t/
klg /f}gs 5 dgdf /fd'bfOsf], efph"sf] clg
;a}eGbf a9L lkmi6]sf] .
a9\t} p:Sof 5f} lg cf] bfO, s] xf] <
clns nfdf] cGt/fn 5 e]6df . lxhf], c:
tL, emgc:tL== w]/} c:tL b]lvPgg\ ®fd'bfO .
dgel/ aft dfy],+{ tgel/ dfof nfp“y]
/fd'bfO;“u ;kgf x'g;S5 . hf]jgsf] klxnf]
kx/d} hLjg;“u 7'l:;Psf /fd'bfO . cfh
{ s}{ ePsf 5g\, 7"n} kl/jt{g eof] ;fob .
vf:;} So} x}g, o:;f] rf8kj{ klg t cfpg
nfP lg==.
cF ;f“Rr} b;}+ -<_ klg cfpg nfUof] .
/fd'bfOsf nflu klg b;}+ -<_
lkmi6] / efph"sf nflu klg b;}+ -<_
d]/f nflu klg b;}+ -<_
} f nflu w]/} b;}+ cfP o;kfln klg .
/fd'bfOsf nflu klg la56\6} u/L b;}+ cfof] .
t/ Tof]eGbf klg cs}{ s'/f] 5 .
e]p kfPsf] 5}g cem};Dd .
ToxL dfq} t x}gh:tf] 5 =.
cgle1tf hfx]/ u5'{ .
Pp6f s'/f] yfxf kfpg' ef] <
s] s'/f <
lkmi6] Sof ====
cxF ======lkmi6] k9\g uf5 cfh
em;+u eP“ .
lkmi6] k9\g uof] <
km]l/ em;+u eP“ .
d}n] rfx]sf] t/ k"/f gePsf] Pp6f sfdgf
k"/f eof] ;fob . lkmi6] :s'n uof] ===.
s6]/f]df zflGt ePb]lv Psaf/
;f]ry] +] . lkmi6] lj/fdL eof] xf]nf . otfplt cf“vf
3'dfP“ . w]/} k/;Dd lkmi6] b]lvPg .
;f“Rr} lkmi6] :s'n g} uof] cfh . em;+u ,
p;}u/L eml:sP“ .
k};f sxf“af6 Nofof} bfO <
h'g} sfdsf] ;'?jft klxn] k};a} f6 x'b“ f] /}5,
aNn e]p kfp“5' . hxf“ klg o:t} xf] <== d"No /
dfGotf k};feGbf dfly 5}g / <
a8\8Ln] 6Lsf nfP/ /fv]sf] k};f clnslt
/}5, e/gf;Dd ub{o\ f5', af“sL b]vfhfnf .
;flxTo÷syf n
{ uf}0f 5g\ .a;\=== lkmi6] :s'n uof],
k'Uof] .
sfkL snd lg <
:s'nn] clnslt lbG5' eGof5, c¿ t d
} ' lg
-ltdL 5f} / t ;a} 5g\ /fd'bfO_
oL log} 9'u+ f a]r/] eP klg lkmi6]nfO{
k9fp“5' .
of]eGbf 7"nf] b;}+ /fd'bfO / nf]sL efph"sf
nflu c¿ 5}g .
t/ klg efph"sf] cf“vfaf6 h"gsf] zLt
eml//x]5 .
s] ef] efph" <
w]/} v';L ;xg ;lSsg]/g} 5 lg <
-w]/} jif{sf] cf“;' cfh zLt aGb} vl;/x]5
cf“vfaf6 tKk====tKk === . efph" k'5g\ vf]he
] m}+
gk'5 efph" emg{bp
] m . o:tf cf“;' rfx]/
klg emb}g{ g\ hLjgdf . ePe/sf] clngf] cf“;'
] m cfh .
« s] nfof] lkmi6]n] <
To} -kf]xf]/;fnsf] b;}d+ f lsg]sf] lgnf]
sldh / sfnf] kfOG6_ t xf] lg ===
-sf7sf] k'/fgf] x\of+u/df plxNo}bl] v
em'lG8/x]sf] b]lv/xGy]+ lkmi6]sf] 8«;
] _
;f]Wy]+ -s;sf] <_ .
elGyg\ -lkmi6]nfO{ sfd nfU5 kl5 ._
To} cfh sfd nfu]5 . lkmi6] klg :s'n
uP5 em;+u ===
b;}+ t cfof] lg, s] 5 ljrf/ <
g;f]Wg'kg]{ lyof], ;f]w+] -;/L_
xfd|f nflu klg s]sf] b;},+ ;;}+ xf] / .
laxfg sfd ug{ uof], ;f“em vfof] .
k/af6 9'u+ f;“u} /fd'bfO klg af]ln/x] .
6\jfs 6\jfs=====6\jfs 6\jfs=====.
-w]/} b;}n
+ fO{ o:t} 6\jfs 6\jfs=====6\jfs
6\jfs=====n] ljbf ul/;s]sf 5g\ o;kfln klg
p;}u/L ljbf u5{g\ b;}n
+ fO{ -;fob_
9'u+ f las]gg\ <
k|;u+ df]8g\ d' } a'l4dtf 7fG5' .
s]sf] laSg' lg < ahf/sf dfG5]n] klg 3/
agfpg 5fl8;s] Sof xf] <
6\jfs 6\jfs=====6\jfs 6\jfs=====.
oqf] PSs}kN6 nlUbP klg x'GYof] lg -;Kk}
las] t b;}+ t s], ltxf/ klg /fD/} hfGYof]===
jlNt/ efph" kmTkmtfp“l5g\ -dfgf}+ hDd}
;fx'sf] cufl8 pgn] df]ntf]n ul//x]sL 5g\
-9'u+ fsf] ._
nf} /fd'bfO ,k};f /fv eP kl5 lbg", geP
-eGg ;lSbg . d / /fd'bfOdf ;fob} km/s
5}g olta]nf ._
;fob dfGg] 5}gg\ /fd'bfO . pgsf] 6\jfs
=== 6\jfsdf g} pgsf] cfTd;Ddfg xf] .
-d /fd'bfOsf] cfTd;Ddfgdf 9'u+ f xfGg
tof/ 5}g_
dg xn'u+ f] kf/\ s] nf]sL, ca t xfd|f klg
;'lbg cfpnfg\ P cf“7=] ==
s;/L <
kv\, lkmi6]nfO{ /fD//L k9\g lbd\, p;n] t
c“Wof/f] dgdf aQL afNb]nf lg ===
6\jfs 6\jfs=====6\jfs 6\jfs=====.
-x]5{' -efph"sf cf“vfaf6 eml//x]sf] zLt
yfldPsf] 5}g . /fd'bfO af]nk] l5 emg\ a]:df/L
em/] tk\tk\tk\_
v}, eljio t s;n] kf] b]vs
] f] 5 / <
ltd|f] eljio ltd|} xftdf 5 efph", agfpg
klg ;S5\of}, laufg{ klg .
lkmi6]n] k9\lbPg eg] s] ug]{ <
-cl3lNt/ /fd'bfO cfkm\gf], efUodfly xyf}8f
To:n] dfq} lsg, To:sf afp====
k"/f af]Ng rfx]gg\, To;kl5sf] ;+st]
cfkm}lt/ 5, xlRsP /fd'bfO .
-b;}+ cfP klg cfsfzsf afbnn] hldg;“u
;fOgf] g} uf“;s
] f] 5 olt a]nf . 3l/3l/
l5gl5gdf eml//xG5, efph"sf cf“vfaf6
em/]em}+ ._
-6\jfs 6\jfs=====6\jfs 6\jfs===== rln/
xG5 lkknaf]6 d'lGt/_
x]t{ kfgL klg kg{ nfUof], lkmi6] leHnf x]
hfd\ tf] <
cfFvf k'l5g\ -;f8Lsf] km]/n] .
hfg t knf{ s] / gq km]l/ lkmi6]
leHnf lg
6\jfs 6\jfs=====6\jfs 6\jfs===-p;}u/L
xft rln/x]5g\ 9'u+ fdfly, crDdsf] ;+uLt
cfO/xG5 g]kYodf_
g tf] <
…cF tf]Ú
ldl;P d klg .
aU5 cf“z,' aUg b]pm
n]lgg a~hf8]
cltt n
o'udf kmls+{bf
k|:t'tL M 8L cd[t
cltt n
pQ/L leotgfdLx?sf] ;}lgs ;xfotf tyf tflnd / rLgsf] ;dy{g kfPkl5 5f]6f] ;dod} % xhf/af6 ! nfv ;}lgs an k'¥ofpg ;kmn ePsf vd]/x?n]
;g\ !(&$ df sDaf]l8ofsf] k'/fgf] /fhwfgL cf]8f]ªs
\ sAhfdf lnP / !(&% sf] clk|n !& df /fhwfgL gf]dk]g sAhfdf lng ;kmn eP . To;kl5 $ jif{;Dd
sDaf]l8ofnLx?n] vd]/x?sf] sfn/fqL zf;g ef]u] . ljb]zLx? lgsfnf ul/P, /fhb'tfjf;x? aGb ul/P, ahf/, :s'n, kqklqsf, wfld{s :jtGqtfx?,
lghL ;DklQ, ;~rf/dfWod ;a} u}/sfg'gL 3f]lift ul/of] . ef]sd/L, oftgf tyf xTofnufotsf sf/0faf6 sDaf]l8ofsf] Ps ltxfO cyf{t\ !% nfv dflg;
dfl/P . !(&( sf] hgj/Ldf leotgfdL ;]gfn] xdnf u/L gf]dk]gnfO{ sAhfdf lnPkl5 $ jif{sf] vd]/ lg/+sz' zf;g ;lsof] . vd]/sf] sDaf]l8ofdf s;/L
pbo eof], s;/L ToxfFsf Ps ltxfO hgtfn] Hofg u'dfpg'k¥of] / s;/L vd]/ zf;gsf] cGTo eof], k9f}+ lj:tf/df–
z"Go jif{sf] ;'?jft
!& clk|n !(&% sf] 3dfOnf]
laxfg . xhf/f}+ gf]dk]gjf;L ;8sdf
pq]/ v'l;ofnL dgfO/x]sf lyP . vd]
?hx¿n] 7flg/x]sf lyP– gf]dk]gjf;L
;f“Rr} xfd|f akmfbf/ /x]5g\ . t/,
jf:tljstf To;f] lyPg, g/f]2d
l;+xfg'ssf] zf;gsfndf -!(&) b]lv
!(&% ;Dd_ % jif{;Dd u[xo'4sf] rk]6fdf
k/]sf gf]dk]gjf;Ln] ca u[xo'4 ;dfKt
eof], zflGtsf lbg cfP eGg] 7fg]sf
lyP . To;lbg klxnf]k6s 3G6f};
+ Dd
;8sdf gf]dk]gjf;Ln] pNnf;do
jftfj/0fsf] cg'ej ub}{ lyP . pgLx¿n]
cfkm" s'g ;d"xsf] x'“ eGg] ;Dd lal;{P .
cGttM zflGtsf] ljho ePsf] cg'ej
lbnfPsf] Tof] laxfgn] pgLx¿df Pp6f
ce"tk"j{ cfzf / pT;fx hufOlbPsf]
lyof] .
t/, gf]dk]gjf;Lsf nflu Tof]
cfzf / pT;fx plTgv]/} Pp6f
b'M:jKgdf kl/0ft eof], ha vd]/ ;]gfn]
cfkm"x¿ gf]dk]gjf;L;“u v';L dgfO/x]sf
5}gg\ eGg] ;"rgf lbP . y'k|} jif{;Ddsf]
kL8fbfoL u[xo'4 / cd]l/sL xdnfsf]
kL8f ef]us
] f gf]dk]gjf;Ln] nuQ} cldnf] cg'xf/ lnP/ vd]/ ;]gfsf] dfr{kf;
d'sbz{s eP/ x]/ ] .
vd]/ ;]gfn] tTsfn} @) nfvsf]
;+Vofdf /x]sf gf]dk]gjf;LnfO{ 3/af6
aflx/ lg:sg / gf]dk]g 5f8\g cfb]z
lbP . To;kl5 dWofGx gx“b' } nfvf}+
dflg; k}bn} 3/ 5f8]/ lgl:sP . ;x/
lsg 5f8\g] < eg]/ s;}n] ;f]Wof] eg]
vd]/ ;]gfsf] pQ/ x'GYof]– cd]l/sLx¿n]
ad v;fn]/ ;x/ Wj:t kfb}5
{ g\ .
;x/df sf]xL af“sL /x]g– o'jf, dlxnf,
j[4 . hlt;Sbf] rf“8f] ;x/ vfnL
u/fOof] . @) xhf/ dflg; af6}df d/] .
ha vd]/x¿n] yfxf kfP, cd]l/sL
cfqmd0fsf] s'g} of]hgf 5}g, ;x/af6
wkfOPsf dflg;nfO{ u|fdL0f If]qdf
uP/ a:g] cfb]z lbOof] . vd]/x¿
s]df ljZjf; uy]{ eg] ;x/x¿ eg]sf
vd]/ ;]gfn] @)
nfvsf] ;+Vofdf
/x]sf gf]dk]gjf;LnfO{
tTsfn} 3/af6 aflx/
lg:sg / gf]dk]g
5f8\g cfb]z lbP .
To;kl5 dWofGx gx'Fb}
nfvf}+ dflg; k}bn}
3/ 5f8]/ lgl:sP .
;x/ lsg 5f8\g] <
eg]/ s;}n] ;f]Wof] eg]
vd]/ ;]gfsf] pQ/
x'GYof]– cd]l/sLx¿n]
ad v;fn]/ ;x/
Wj:t kfb}{5g\ .
;x/df sf]xL afFsL
/x]g– o'jf, dlxnf,
j[4 . hlt;Sbf] rfF8f]
;x/ vfnL u/fOof] .
@) xhf/ dflg;
af6}df d/] .
“ LjfbLsf] cfkm\g} tl/sfn] k|of]u ug]{
cf}hf/ xf] . vd]/ ;]gfn] gf]dk]gnfO{
…d]sªsf] dxfg j]ZofÚeGg] uy] { .
ug{sf nflu ;a} dflg; ufp“df uP/
ls;fgsf] ¿kdf sfd ug'k{ 5{ eGg]
vd]/sf] ljrf/wf/f lyof] . ls;fgsf]
kl/efiff klg hd{gLsf gfhLx¿n] eg]h:
tf] 3'ld|Psf] skfn / lgnf cf“vf ePsf
ls;fg geP/ vd]/sf] cfkm\g} kf/fsf]
lyof] . ls;fgx¿ ;/n, s8f d]xgtL,
clzlIft x'gk' 5{ eGg] vd]/sf] dfGotf
lyof] . ls;fgsf] hLjgz}nL ztflAbof}b+ l] v
kl/jt{g ePsf] 5}g, ;w+} afRgs} nflu
;+3if{ ul//x]sf x'G5g\, oxL wf/0ffsf
sf/0f vd]/x¿n] ls;fgnfO{ /fhgLlts
efiffdf …k'/fgf dflg;x¿Ú eg]/ k|of]u
uy] { . gf]dk]g / cGo ;x/sf afl;Gbf
vd]/?hsf nflu …gof“ dflg;x¿Úsf]
¿kdf lyP . ;x/sf dflg;nfO{ pgLx¿
' LjfbLsf] d"nsf/ssf] ¿kdf 7fGby] .
;x/sf jfl;Gbf lzIfs xf];\ of ;/sf/L
sd{rf/L, cyjf af}4leIf' g} lsg gxf];\
sDo'lg:6sf] ;q'sf] ¿kdf 7flgGYof] .
;x/sf dflg;nfO{ vfnL u/fpg' vd]/
?hx¿n] lnPsf] klxnf] qmflGtsf/L sbd
lyof] . u|fdL0fefudf lj:yflkt u/fOPsf
dflg;n] o; lsl;dsf] gof“ lgod …cª\
usfÚ -sDaf]l8ofnL efiffdf ;+u7g_ åf/f
nufOPsf] eGg] a'em] . cª\usf vd]/ g]tfsf]
uf]Ko ;d"x lyof], h;n] sDaf]l8ofdf
$ jif{;Dd tfgfzfxL zf;g nfb\of] .
vd]/sf] gof“ lgoddf wd{, k};f / lghL
:jfldTjsf w]/} s'/fdf k|ltaGw nufOof],
aflx/L ;+;f/;“usf] ;~rf/;Dks{
k"0f{¿kn] ljR5]b u/fOof], kfl/jfl/s
;DaGw;d]t /xg lbOPg . To;cl3
ePsf clwsf/ / pQ/bfloTjnfO{ ;d]t
em\ofnaf6 kmflnof] . slxnsfxL+ vd]/ g}
s] eGy] eg] sDaf]l8ofsf @ xhf/ jif{
k'/fgf] Oltxf; ;dfKt eof], clk|n
!& gof“ sDaf]l8ofsf] z"Go jif{sf]
;'?jft xf] . qmdzM
g]kfn ljut 8]9 bzsb]lv e'6fgL
z/0ffyL{ ;d:ofaf6 kLl8t alg/x]sf]
5 . ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu !%
k6s;Dd g]kfn–e'6fgaLr dlGq:t/Lo
jftf{ eO;s] klg ;d:of cem} Ho"s
F f
To'F 5 . g]kfn t cfkm}+ of] ;d:ofaf6
kLl8t 5 g} cfkm\gf] 3/hUufaf6
hah{:t nv]l6Psf ;jf nfv e'6fgL
z/0ffyL{sf] kL8f emg\ sd eofjx
5}g . o;} ;]/f]km]/f]df o;kfln ofqfn]
e'6fgsf jl/i7 dfgjclwsf/jfbL
tyf k|hftGqjfbL g]tf Pjd\ Pstfsf
e'6fgL /fhfsf ;Nnfxsf/ /lx;s]sf
6]sgfy l/hfn;Fu s'/fsfgL u/]sf]
5 . o;cl3 dl/rdfg l;+x >]i7sf]
k|wfgdGqLTjsfndf g]kfnaf6 e'6fg
' u
{ L ul/Psf g]tf l/hfn nfdf]
h]n hLjg / ef/t k|jf;kl5 emG8} #
jif{bl] v g]kfndf /xFb} cfpg'ePsf] 5 .
cfkm\gf] k':ts …lgjf{;gÚsf] laqmLaf6
p7]sf] ;fgf]ltgf] /sdn] clxn] u'hf/f
rnfO/x]sf l/hfnn] ;fg]kfl:yt
cfkm\gf] 8]/fdf ofqf;Fu eGg'eof]–
{ f u/]sf] w]/} ef] . ca w}ot
{ f 6'6g
nflu;Sof] .
k|:t't 5, pxfF;u
F sf] lj:t[t
l®hfnhL clxn] s] ub}{ x'gx' G' 5 <
vf]O{ s] ub}5
{ ' eGg] < e'6fgL z®0ffyL{
;d:of s;®L ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsPnf eg]®
lrGtg ® 5nkmn ul®®x]sf] 5' .
o;df ;xof]u kfpg'kg]{ 7fpFaf6 kfpg'ePsf] 5<
clxn] ;a}eGbf lrGtf xfdLnfO{, 3®
slxn] kms{g,] s] ug]{ xf]nf eGg] t 5“b5
} .
ljz]ifu®L clxn] z®0ffyL{ SofDkdf bftfx¿sf]
;xof]u s6f}tL eO®x]sfn] Hofb} cK7]®f] k®]sf]
5 . 5fk|f] agfpg] ;xof]u s6f}tL ePsf] 5 .
d§Lt]n sf6]® sf]Onf lbg] s'®f] rln®x]sf]
5 . lzIff ® :jf:Yosf] If]qdf klg ;d:of
5 . klxn] pkrf®sf nflu sf7df8f};
+ d]t
Nofpg] ul®Psf]df clxn] Tof] aGb ul®Psf] 5 .
:s'n txsf] lzIffsf] u'0f:t® vl:sPsf] 5 .
of] c;fWo} lrGtfsf] ljifo xf] . ef]ln e'6fgdf
kms]k{ l5 Toxf“sf] :6\ofG88{cg';f® gfgLx¿
rNg ;Sg'kg]{ t® lzIffsf] l:ylt vQd 5 .
lxhf] e'6fgL lzIfsn] g} g]kfnsf af]l8{ªsf]
u'0f:t® j[l4 u®]sf]df clxn] gfgLx¿sf]
;d:of a9]sf] 5 .
hDsfe]6 n
TofUg] s'/f
s]xL xf]OgÆ
– 6]sgfy l/hfn, jl/i7 e'6fgL k|hftGqjfbL g]tf
cGt®f{li6«o hut\n] t z®0ffyL{nfO{ emg\ ;xof]u
ug'k{ g]{ xf]Og ® <
of] t ;fx|} b'MvnfUbf] s'®f xf] . e'6fgn]
o;cl3 g]kfndf ®x]sf z®0ffyL{x¿ cfkm\gf
gful®s xf]Ogg\ elg®x]sf]df kl5Nnf] k6s
g]kfn ® e'6fgsf] ;+oQ
' m k|df0fLs®0f 6f]nLn]
v'bg' faf®L lzlj®sf z®0ffyL{sf] juL{s®0f ubf{
&% k|ltzt gful®s e'6fgL x'g\ eGg] l;4
eO;s]kl5 klg cem} pgLx¿nfO{ e'6fgn]
lkmtf{ gug'{ ® cGt®f{li6«o ;d'bfon] kmsf{pg
bafa lbg g;s]sf] b]v®] b'Mv nfu]sf] 5 .
oxfF t e'6fgsf ®fhfsf] ;Nnfxsf® klg
eO;Sg'ePsf] dfG5], ®fhfn] u2L 5f]8g\ ] wf®0ff
;fj{hlgs u®]sf] af®]df s] eGg'xG' 5 <
®fhfsf x/]s s'®fdf z®0ffyL{x¿n]
gsf®fTds 6Lsf–l6Kk0fL dfq} u5{g\ eGg]
rflx+ gk®f]; \ . t®, s'®f s] xf] eg] ljutsf
lqmofsnfknfO{ ljZn]if0f ubf{ of] s]jn gf6s
dfq} xf] . e'6fgL ®fhfn] lbPsf] s'grflx+ jQmJo
clxn];Dd k"®f ePsf] 5 ® < ;g\ !((& df
pgn] ;+;b\d} eg]sf lyP– b'O{ ;fnleqdf
;d:of ;dfwfg gePdf d u2L 5f]85
\ ' eg]® .
vf]O{ t ;d:of ;dfwfg ePsf] < clxn] u2L
5f]8g\ e
] Gbf klg u2L x:tfGt®0fsf] s'®f u®]sf
5g\– cfkm\gf 5f]®fnfO{ . cfkm" ®x“bf®x“b} k|hftGq
lbP®, cfkm\gf uNtL ;RofP® lxhf] nv]l6Psf
cfkm\gf gful®snfO{ lkmtf{ u®]sf] eP kf] o;n]
s'g} cy{ ®fVg ;SYof] . t® Totflt® Wofg
glbg] vfln u2L 5f]8g\ ] dfq} s'®f u®]® s] cy{
®fV5 <
u2L 5f]8g\ ] s'/f ® z®0ffyL{ lkmtL{df s'g} tfnd]n
x'G5 ls <
–o;df s]xL tfnd]n 5}g . z®0ffyL{sf]
af®]df Ps zAb af]lnPsf] 5}g, s;®L tfnd]n
x'G5 < e'6fgsf ®fhfn] u2L TofUg] ls, 5f]®fnfO{
x:tfGt®0f ug]{ ls, ;+Gof; lng] ls h] u®] klg
xfdLnfO{ a]jf:tf ul®Pkl5 s] cy{ ®fV5 t
eGg';\ g .
e'6fgdf gofF ;+ljwfgsf af®]df v'a rrf{
eO®x]sf] 5, o;af®]df s] eGg'xG' 5 <
– xfdLn] klxNo} klg eg]sf lyof} + . of]
;+ljwfgsf] d:of}bf g} 7Ls 5}g . o;df
cNk;+Vosx¿sf] ;d:ofnfO{ s'g} ;Daf]wg g}
ul®Psf] 5}g . Toxf“ cfwfh;f] lxGb' hg;+Vof
5, To;sf] s'g} ;Daf]wg ul®Psf] 5}g . ;+;b\
g];gn P;]DanLdf o;cl3 !@÷!% hgf
k|ltlglw g]kfnLefifL ®xg] u®]sf]df clxn]
36fP® @÷# hgf dfq} agfOPsf] 5 . k|zf;g
If]qaf6 blIf0fL e'6fgLnfO{ x6fOPsf] 5 .
o:tf] cj:yfdf NofOPsf] ;+ljwfg h;df
blIf0fL e'6fgLsf] k|ltlglwTj g} 5}g, o:tf]
;+ljwfgn] lxt u5{ eg]® s;®L ;f]Rg] <
d:of}bfdf bn vf]Ng kfpg], dfgjclwsf®jfbL
;+:yf vf]Ng kfpg]nufotsf s]xL ;sf®fTds
s'®f klg 5g\ Sof® xf]Og ® <
!@÷!% jif{cl3b]lv k|jf;df ®x]sf
;+:yfnfO{ af]nfP® Toxf“ dfGotf lbg] eP
kf] n s]xL x'G5 ls eGg' < xfdLnfO{ s'g}
jf:tf ul®Psf] 5}g . ljZjnfO{ a]js'km
agfpgsf nflu bn eg]® ToxL ®fhkl®jf®sf
j®k®sf dfG5]nfO{ prfNg vf]lhPsf] dfq} xf] .
o;af6 s]xL x'b“ g} – d 7f]sj' f u®]® eG5' .
hDsfe]6 n
clxn] ®fhfn] ;+ljwfgsf af®]df k®fdz{ u®]sf]
s'®f cfO®x]sf] 5 lg <
rf}®+ L uf]7fnf]sf]df uP® ®fhfn] efif0f lbP
®], ca To;n] s] cy{ ®fV5 < rf}®+ L uf]7fnfnfO{
;+ljwfg s] xf], ®fhfn] u2L TofUg] eg]sf] s]
xf]– cflv® s] cy{ ®fV5 < rf}®+ L uf]7fnf]nfO{
t cfkm\gf] rf}®+ Lsf] s;®L x]®ljrf® ug]{ eGg]
s'®fsf] g} lrGtf x'G5 .
e'6fgleq g]kfnLefifLx¿sf] clxn] s] l:ylt
5 lg <
– bogLo cj:yf 5 . d}nc
] l3 g} elg;s]+
Toxf“ ljkIfL kf6L{ g} 5}g . hyfefjL …df]gf]kf]nLÚ
eO®x]sf] x'G5 . bafof], b'Mv lbof] eg] klg
o:tf] u¥of] eg]® n]lvlbg] :jtGq klqsf klg
5}g Toxf“ . dfgjclwsf®jfbL ;+:yfsf] Toxf“
gfdlgzfg g} 5}g . s;}n] ljb]zaf6 eg]df of]
xfd|f] ®fd|fs
] f] nflu eg]sf] xf] eg]® Toxf“sf] ;Qfn]
;f]Rb} ;f]Rb}g . xfdLn] ul®vfPsf] g;x]® o;n]
lj®f]w u¥of] eg]® dnfO{h:tf] y'lglbG5g\ .
clxn] ToxfF g]kfnLefifL slt 5g\ <
– 8]9 nfv hlt 5g\ .
;+;b\df klg g]kfnLefifL 5g\, pgLx¿sf] cfjfh
p7fpFbg} g\ <
– 5g\ . t® af]Ng} lb+bg} . af]Ng] vfnsf
dfG5] t Toxf“ ;+;b\df hfg g} lb+bg} . vfln
g]kfnL efiff hfg]s} e®df Toxf“ @÷# hgfnfO{
;+;b\df nluPsf] 5 t® Tof] ;a} b]vfpgs}
nflu dfq xf] . pgLx¿ ®a®:6\ofDk dfq} x'g \ .
ltgsf afa' bfh'nfO{ nv]6®] g]kfn k7fOPsf]
5 t® pN6} s] eG5g\ eg] …z®0ffyL{nfO{ lkmtf{
ug'x{ G' g .Ú
s;®L o;f] eg]sf t <
– Tof] t ®fhfn] bafa lbP® xf] . t/
o;®L af]N5;\ eg] af]n
] gq t“nfO{ klg k7fp“5'
eg]® bafa lbPkl5 o;®L af]Ng pgLx¿ afWo
ePsf x'g \ .
t® klxnfsf] h:tf] l:ylt 5}g, ;zQm cfjfh
p7fpg] xf] eg] cGt®f{li6«o hut\n] ;'GYof] lg <
{' ,\ Toxf“sf] s] s'®f ug' { . ;a} u'kr'k
®flvG5 . lyDk'df vfln b'O6f ®fi6« ef®t ®
a+unfb]zsf] b"tfjf;dfq} 5 . pgLx¿nfO{ s]xL
dtna g} 5}g .
cGt®f{li6«o ;d'bfo lsg e'6fgaf®] Tolt w]®}
] f] xf]nf <
of] k"®} nfk®afxLsf] sf®0fn] xf] . csf]t{ km{
g]kfnn] z®0ffyL{ g]tfnfO{ …P8\ef]s;
] LÚ ug{
glbP® klg xf] . d w'ltPsf] 5', n'l6Psf] 5' d]®f]
s'®f ug{ d}n] lsg gkfpg] <
dfgjclwsf®jfbL ;+:yfn] nljª u®] eg] t
e'6fgsf bftfx¿n] ;xof]u ®f]Sg] l:ylt klg
cfpFYof] xf]nf lg <
– ul®®x]sf 5}gg\, h'g b'MvnfUbf] s'®f xf] .
pgLx¿n] Jofks nljª ul®lbP e'6fgnfO{
bafa kb{Yof] . xfdLnfO{ klg nljª ug{ lbOPsf]
5}g . g]kfnn] klg clxn] xfd|f] …6«fen 8s'dG] 6Ú
g} ®f]lslbPsf] 5 .
‘6«fen 8s'dG] 6’ af®] s]xL kxn ug'e
{ Psf] 5 <
– d}n] dlGqkl®ifb\sf pkfWoIf sLlt{lglw
lji6;“u s'®f u®]sf] lyP“ . pxf“n] ;sf®fTds
wf®0ff ®fVg'eP klg sfd x'g ;s]g .
k®®fi6«dGqL ®d]zgfy kf08];u“ e]63f6sf]
kxn u®]sf] eP klg e]6 g} x'g ;s]sf] 5}g .
xfdLn] k|of; ul®®x]sf 5f} + . g]kfn ;®sf®n]
s]xL ;dosf nflu …6«fen 8s'dG] 6Ú glbg]
lg0f{o u®]sf] ;®sf®L sd{rf®Lx¿n] hfgsf®L
u®fPsf 5g\ .
eg]kl5 ljb]z uP® nljª ug]{ tkfO{x+ ¿sf] s'g}
sfo{qmd gx'g] ef] <
gx'g] ef] . xfdLn] ;+oQ
' m ®fi6«;3+ df uP®,
] L ;d'bfodf uP® s'®f ®fVg kfof}+ eg] kf]
z®0ffyL{ lkmtL{ k|lqmofdf d2t k'Ug ;SYof] .
t® clxn] oL ;a} s'®f a|s
] x'g k'u ] . dnfO{
^÷& 7fp“af6 lgdGq0ff cfO;Sof] t® sxL+ hfg
kfOPg .
' m ®fi6«;3+ sf dxf;lrj sf]kmL
cGgfgnfO{ klg kq k7fpg'ePsf] lyof], s]xL
hjfkm kfpg' ef] t <
– hjfkm cfPsf] 5}g . cfp“5 ls eg]®
k|tLIff u®]® a;]sf] 5' .
cGo s"6gLlts lgof]ux¿;Fu e]6g\ e
' Psf] 5 <
– clxn] e]6s
] f] 5}g . e]6b\ f pgLx¿ klg
g]kfnn] s]xL ug{ lbPsf] 5}g eG5g\ .
:yndfu{af6 hfg vf]Hg] z®0ffyL{nfO{
ef®tn] ®f]ls®x]sf] 5 lg . cfpg rflxF lbg] hfg
glbg] ef®tsf] e"ldsfnfO{ s;®L lng'ePsf]
– of] t :ki6} 5 lg . of] dfldnfdf e'6fgsf]
eGbf ef®tsf] e"ldsf cem 8®nfUbf] 5 .
ef®tn] vfln e'6fgsf] ef]6 ;+oQ
' m ®fi6«;3+ df
] f] 5 . c¿ s'®f e'6fgn] h] eGof] ef®tn]
ToxL dfG5 .
ef®tn] ubf{ g} z®0ffyL{ ;d:of ;'? ePsf]
eG5g\ lg <
– o;df e'6fgsf ®fhfn] klg s'®f a'em\gk' g]{
xf] . cfkm\gf b]zsf gful®snfO{ Pp6f :jtGq
b]zsf] ®fhfn] s] ug]{ eGg]af®]df t ;f]Rg'kg]{ xf]
hDsfe]6 n
lg . uf]nL rnfP® wkfpg', clg a;fO“ ;/ eg]®
ljZj ;d'bfonfO{ 9f6\g vf]Hg' e'6fgL ®fhfsf]
unt sbd geg]® s] eGg] <
®fi6«;3+ n] t ;'?b]lv g} z®0ffyL{nfO{ ;xof]u
ul®®x]sf] lyof] t® clxn] ;xof]u s6f}tL ug'd{ f
p;sf] ts{ s] kfpg'ePsf] 5 <
– pgLx¿n] clxn] ljZjdf w]®} z®0ffyL{
a9]sfn] nfdf] ;dob]lv clNem®x]sf] e'6fgL
z®0ffyL{x¿sf nflu ;xof]u s6f}tL ug'k{ ®]sf]
atfp“b} cfPsf 5g\ . g]kfnn] bx|f;
] u“ s'®f
p7fP® xfdLnfO{ lkmtf{ gu®] xfdL oxL+ nf]k
eP® hfg ;S5f} + .
cem} kms'n+{ f eGg] 5 <
– kmls{gk} 5{ . xfdLnfO{ cfkm\g} e"efudf
kms{g] cfzf 5 .
t® tkfO{x+ ¿sf] 3®hUufdf c¿ g} dfG5] al;;s]
eG5g\ lg <
– ltgLx¿nfO{ t kmsf{pg'k¥of] lg . s;®L
csf{sf] hUufdf dfG5] ®fVg kfOG5 .
z®0ffyL{aLr g} Pscsf{df v'§f tfgftfg ug]{
kl®kf6L 5 ® d"n :jb]z lkmtL{sf] nIo 5fofdf
k®]sf] atfOG5 lg <
– xfdL s;}n] klg g]kfndf a:g] eg]sf
5}gf} + . ;a}n] e'6fg kms{g] eg]sf 5f} + . e'6fgL
®fhfn] xfdLnfO{ qfxLqfxL ug{ vf]hs
] f 5g\ .
s]xL dtleGgtf eP klg d"nk|Zgdf dtleGgtf
5}g . xfdLaLr ljefhgsf] l:ylt 5}g .
tkfO{x+ ¿sf sdL–sdhf]®L klg 5g\ lg,
h:t} hyfefjL ;+3;+:yf vf]Ng], d"n nIoaf6
6fl9g] <
– x]g;
{' ,\ xfd|f] sdL–sdhf]®L eg]sf] ul®aL
xf] . …nljªÚ ug{sf nflu k};f klg 5}g . ljleGg
;+3;+:yf eP klg xfdL :jb]z lkmtL{sf] d"n
nIfdf xfdL Psdt 5f} + .
sltko z®0ffyL{ g]tf ljb]z uP® df]hd:tLdf
Jo:t 5g\, elgG5 lg <
– s]xL dfG5] ljb]z uPsf 5g\ . t®
ljb]z uP® klg pgLx¿n] ljleGg lx;fan]
z®0ffyL{ cfGbf]ngnfO{ ;xof]u ul®®x]sf 5g\ .
e'6fgaflx® hfg] ! ;o hgf klg ePsf 5}gg\ .
s;®L ;a} uP eGg ldN5 ® <
tkfO{n+ fO{ klxnf Psk6s g]kfn ;®sf®n] e'6fg
;'kb' u{ L u®]sf] lyof], clxn] klg s'g} vt®f
dx;'; ug'e
{ Psf] 5 ls <
– d clxn] o;} eGg ;lSbg . g]kfnsf]
;®sf®n] dnfO{ ;xof]u g} u5{ eGg] cfzf
lnPsf] 5' . t® s]xL eOxfn]df Tof] d]®f nflu
b'ef{Uo g} x'g5
] .
t® klxnfsf] eGbf clxn] t ;xh 5 lg xf]Og
< dlGqd08nsf ;b:o;Fu g} tkfO{+ clxn] s'®f
ul®/xg'ePsf] 5, lrghfg 5 <
– klxnfsf] eGbf t ;xh 5 .
z®0ffyL{ ;d:of s;®L ;dfwfg x'G5, Pp6f
af6f] atfOlbg';\ g <
– of] ;d:of g]kfn ;®sf®n] cGt®f{li6«os®0f
ul®lbg'k5{ . To;kl5 ;dfwfg x'G5 .
cGt®f{li6«os®0f ub}d{ f s;®L ;dfwfg x'G5 <
– g]kfn ;®sf®n] ;lSbg eg]® cGt®f{li6«o
hutnfO{ lhDdf nufpg] xf] eg] t h;®L
eP klg pgLx¿n] of] ljifo 6'u+ f] nufpg'
kl®xfNof] lg .
s]xL z®0ffyL{ t clxn] g]kfnd} ldln;s] xf]nfg\,
slt ldn] <
– xf], lax]af®L u®]® ldln;s] xf]nfg\ . t®
xfdLn] tYof+s lgsfn]sf 5}gf} + . of] ;d:of
;dfwfg rf“8f] gePdf of] 7"nf] af]emsf ¿kdf
g]kfndf ®xg]5 .
z®0ffyL{;DaGwL ;+oQ
' m ®fi6«;3+ Lo pRrfof]u
-o'PgPr;Lcf®_ n] s]xL z®0ffyL{nfO{ g]kfndf
®fVg], s]xLnfO{ ljb]z k7fpg] ® s]xLnfO{ e'6fg
lkmtf{ ug]{ k|:tfj ®fv]sf] lyof] . o;df s]
eGg'xG' 5 <
– of] unt k|:tfj xf] . xfdL ;a} :jb]z
g} lkmtf{ x'g kfpg'k5{ . xfdL cGt®f{li6«o
hutaf6 klg Gofo kfO®x]sf 5}gf}+ eGg] of]
pbfx®0f klg xf] .
g]kfnn] e'6fg;Fu ;DaGw a9fpg z®0ffyL{
dfldnfnfO{ gp7fPsf] xf] ls h:tf] nfUb}g <
– o;af®]df d s'g} l6Kk0fL ug{ rfxGg . oqf
dfG5] g]kfndf y'kf®]® e'6fgn] g]kfnnfO{ b'Mv
lbPsf] 5, clg s;®L ;DaGw ;'wG| 5 ® <
®fhf–®fhfaLr s'®f x'g] xf] eg] ;d:of ;dfwfg
x'GYof] ls <
b'O{ b]zsf ®fhfaLr s'®f x'g] xf] eg] s]xL
x'GYof] ls, of] klg xfd|f] kx'r
“ eGbf aflx®sf] s'®f
k¥of] s] ug]{ <
cGTodf s]xL eGg' 5 ls <
– tkfO{x+ ¿sf] klqsf …a'4 ofqfÚ dfkm{t
d s] eGg rfxG5' eg] z®0ffyL{ lkmtL{sf nflu
cGt®f{li6«o ;d'bfon] ;xof]u ul®lbg'k¥of] .
ca w]®} l9nf x'g nflu;Sof] . z®0ffyL{sf]
w}ot{ f u'Dg nflu;Sof] . w}ot{ f u'Dof] eg] ef]ln
lj:kmf]6s l:ylt cfpg ;S5 .
3'dlkm/ n
zAb ,t:jL/ n
/d]z s'df/ kf}8]n
rNg] u/]sf]
h]6jfh{ lqz"nL
glb x'Fb} ut
s]jn sf/sf]
:6];g /x]sf]
r]/z;Dd k'Ug
yfn]sf] 5 .
k|lt ofq' ! ;o
@% ?k}ofF ef8f
d'Gb|n] g5f]Psf] b]z ePsfn] kfgL hxfh r9\g]
cj;/ kfPsf g]kfnL sd} 5g\ . gbLgfnfx¿
k|;:t eP klg Ol~hgjfnf hnofqfsf ;fwgx¿
rNg] u/]sf 5}gg\ . t/ lrtjgsf] gf/fo0fL gbLdf
“ g] h]6jfh{ r9\g] xf] eg] kfgL hxfhd} ofqf
u/]h:tf] cg'ej ;+ufNg ;lsG5 .
gf/fo0fL gbLdf Jofj;flos ¿kdf @)%&
;fnsf] k';b]lv g} h]6jfh{ bf}8g yfn]sf] xf] . $%
hgf c6fpg] of] ;fwgsf] :j¿k / IfdtfnfO{
x]//] w]/n
} ] o;nfO{ kfgL hxfh g} eGg] u/]sf
5g\ . lglZrt 7fp“sf ofq' Nofpg] n}hfg] oftfoftsf]]
;fwgsf] ¿kdf geO{ ko{6s af]Sg] hnofgsf]
sfd o;n] ul//x]sf] 5 . h;n] ubf{ yf]/} eP klg
hn ofqfsf] /f]df~rs cg'ej a6'Ng] dfWod of]
alg/x]sf] 5 .
@)%& ;fndf lrtjg dxf]T;jsf] cj;/ kf/]/
of] rNg yfnsf] xf] . To;kl5 c¿ a]nf grn] klg
b'O{ jif{sf] km/sdf x'g] dxf]T;jdf eg] of] ;fwg
b]Vg kfOGYof] . t/ dxf]T;jsf] d];f] gk/] klg olt
a]nf h]6 jfh{ gf/fo0fLd} bf}l8/x]sf] 5 .
;fdfGotof gf/fo0fu9b]lv b]j3f6;Dd rNg]
u/]sf] h]6jfh{ lqz"nL gbL x'b“ } ut c;f]hb]lv
dgsfdgf s]jn sf/sf] :6];g /x]sf] r]/z;Dd k'Ug
yfn]sf] 5 . gf/fu0fu9–b]j3f6;Ddsf] k|lt ofq' !
;o @% ?k}of“ ef8f 5 . dgsfdgf;Ddsf] ! xhf/
?k}of“ lng] u/sf] h]6jfh{ ;~rfns g]kfn l/e/
6«fG;kf]6{ k|f=ln=sf cWoIf k]Djf u'?ª atfp“5g\ .
k]Djf eG5g\— ! xhf/ ?k}of“cGtu{t g}
dgsfdgfsf] s]an
' sf/ r9\g] / Ps5fs vfgfsf]
Kofs]h Joj:yf klg 5 . @% hgfsf] ;d"x tof/
eof] eg] gf/fo0fu9af6 dgsfdgf cfpg]–hfg]
sfd ;'? x'G5 . ;fy} kljq wfld{s:yn b]j3f6 wfd
3'Dg kfpg] cj;/ klg /xG5 .
gf/fo0fL gbLdf hnofqfsf] ;Defjgfsf af/]
cWoog ug{ $# ;fndf cd]l/sLx¿n] h]6jfh{
NofPsf lyP . kms{g] a]nfdf oL ;fwg pgLx¿n]
;8s sfof{no e/tk'/nfO{ lhDdf nufP . ;8s
sfof{non] e/tk'/ gu/kflnsfnfO{ k7fOlbof] .
nfdf] ;do;Dd gu/kflnsfdf cnkq k/]sf oL
;fwgdWo] /fd|f] cj:yfdf /x]sf] Pp6f h]6jfh{
@)%& ;fnaf6 rnfpg yflnPsf] xf] .
g]kfn l/e/ 6«fG;kf]6n
{ ] @% jif{;Ddsf nflu
oL ;fwg gu/kflnsf;“u ef8fdf lnPsf] 5 . gu/
kflnsfnfO{ k|To]s jif{ ! nfv !) xhf/ ?k}of“
' mfpg'kg{] cWoIf k]Djf atfp“5g\ . csf{] h]6jfh{
klg dd{t ug{] / c? gbLx¿df ;d]t rnfpg] ;f]r
klg pgsf] 5 .
/f]df~rs cg'ej a6'Ng ;Sg] ePsfn]
cfGtl/s / jfx\o ko{6snfO{ o;n] cfslif{t
ug{] pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 gf/fo0fu9 ko6{g k|j4{g
;ldltsf ;+of]hs kljqnfn r's] atfp“5g\ .
/f]df~rs hn ofqf ;“u} gbL lsgf/df /x]sf lqj]0fL
wfd, b]j3f6 wfd / dgsfdgfh:tf wfld{s If]q
cfpg–hfg ;xh x'g] ePsfn] b]j3f6 If]q ljsf;
;ldltn] o;nfO{ k|j4{g ug{] of]hgf agfPsf]
;ldltsf sfo{sf/L lgb{z
] s >Lw/ zdf{ atfp“5g\
. lrtjg /fli6«o lgs'~h;“u s'/fsfgL u/]/
lqj]0fLwfd;Dd h]6jfh{ n}hfg] of]hgf b]j3f6 If]q
ljsf; ;ldltn] agfPsf] 5 .
l/kf]6{ n
clwsf+z jfbL
afa'sf] gfd
gSsnL n]Vg
afWo 5g\ eg]
s;}n] sfsf of
dfdfnfO{ afa'
lng'k/]sf] 5 .
~rgk'®sf] bf]wf®f uflj;–& d'9fsL sdnf
jfbL -gfd kl®jt{g_ sf] 5f]®f P;Pn;L
®fd|f] >]0fLdf kf; u®]kl5 5'§} pd+u lnP® x]Ny
cl;:6]G6 k9\g uP . t®, jfbL ;dfhaf6
:jf:Yo k|fljlws ag]® uj{ ug]{ pgsf] ;kgf
Toltv]® rsgfr'® eof] hlt a]nf pgnfO{ afa'sf]
gfd ;f]lwof] ® gful®stf k|:t't ug{ elgof] . tL
b'j} lrh pgL;“u lyPg– g afa'sf] gfd, g afa'sf]
gfd c+lst gful®stf gfdsf] 6'qmf] . lvl;Ss
k®]® kms]s
{ f pgL clxn] cfOP:;L kl9®x]sf 5g\ .
sdnf elG5g\– gful®stf geO{ x'b“ g} , k};f vr{
gu®] x'G5 eg]® SofDk;n] kmsf{Olbof] . gful®stf
gePsf] of gful®stfdf afa'sf] gfd gePs} sf®0f
;f] ;d'bfosf dflg;x¿ gful®stf b]vfP® hflu®
vfg'kg]{ 7fp“df cj;®af6 jl~rt ePsf 5g\ .
s~rgk'®sf] bf]wf®fsf] d'9f ® s}nfnLsf] ;QLdf
®x]sf jfbL ;d'bfosf dlxnfx¿ laxfg a]ns
' L
vfgf vfg gkfPsf] s'®fdf lrlGtt b]lvb}gg\, a?
gful®stfsf] ;d:ofn] pgLx¿nfO{ v'j} lk®f]ns
] f]
5 . s}nfnLsf] ;fd'bflos ;xof]u ;ldlt -;LP;hL_
sL cWoIf pdf jfbL k|Zg ul5{g–\ cfdfsf] sfvdf
e]l6Psf] afnaflnsfnfO{ s;®L a]jfl®;] dfGg], afa'
5}g eGb}df a]jfl®;] eGg] <
pdf jfbLsf cg';f® k|zf;gn] gful®stf t
lbG5 t® afa'sf] gfdy® n]Vg] 7fp“df kQf gnfu]sf]
elgG5 ® klg j+zhsf] gftfn] gful®stf lbOG5 .
pdf elG5g\– of] s:tf] lgod xf], j+zh eGg]
cfdfsf] gfddf gful®stf glbg] < pgsf cg';f®
of] cJofjxfl®s lgodn] cfdf;“u ePsf] ;DklQ
5f]®f5f]®LnfO{ lbg cK7]®f] k5{ .
@)%* ;fnsf] hgu0fgfcg';f® bfª, af“s,]
alb{of, s}nfnL ® sGrgk'® u®L % lhNnfdf jfbL
;d'bfosf] ;+Vof # xhf® ^ ;o %& 5 . hftLo
lje]b tyf 5"jf5'tlj?4sf] cleofgsf sfo{qmd
;+of]hs sdn ®f]sfofsf cg';f® s'n jfbLdWo]
afa'sf] gfdaf6 gful®stf gkfpg]sf] ;+Vof ^
cd[t bfxfn
;o @@ 5 . afa' kQf gnfu]sf], hGdbtf{ gePsf]
h:tf sf®0fn] pgLx¿n] gful®stf kfPsf 5}gg\ .
t®, jfbLaLrd} ljx] x“b' f eg] gful®stf kfpg
pgLx¿nfO{ s'g} ;d:of 5}g .
gful®stf gePkl5 clwsf+z jfbL ;d'bfosf
s]6fs]6Lx¿ afa'sf] gfd gSsnL n]Vg afWo
5g\ eg] s;}n] sfsf of dfdfnfO{ afa' agfP®
gful®stf lng'k®]sf] 5 . bf]wf®f d'9fsL uf]dtL
afbL elG5g\– aRrfsf] afa' t yfxf 5, s] ug'{ aflx®
Nofpg ;Sb}gf},+ cfkm\gf aRrf ;8sdf v]ln®x“bf
p;}sf] afa'sf j}wflgs kTgLsf cGo 5f]®f5f]®Lrflx+
;'v;ondf x'ls{®x]sf] b]Vbfrflx+ lgs} b'Mv nfU5 .
jfbL ;d'bfosf] k'g:yf{kgf ® ;d'bfosf
afnaflnsfsf nflu k]zfaf6 arfpg] cleofgdf
;+nUg ;fd'bflos ;xof]u ;ldltn] clxn] cfdfs}
gfddf gful®stf kfpg'kg]{ s'®fnfO{ d'Vo d'2f
agfPsf] 5 . gful®stfs} ;+®rgfdf kl®jt{g
ug'k{ g]{ cfjZostf 5, pdf elG5g\ .
jfbL lszf]®Lx¿ r]tgf km}nfp“b}
s]xL jif{cufl8 ;Ddsf] l:ylt x]g{] xf] eg]
dlxnfx¿ lszf]®L pd]®b]lv g} k®Dk®fut
b]xJofkf®sf] k]zfdf nfUg] uy] { . af“Rg] s'g} j}slNks
af6f] gePsf] ® hUufhldg klg gePsf pgLx¿sf
nflu Tof] afWotfsf] k]zf ag]sf] lyof] .
t®, s}nfnLsf] gf®fo0fk'® uflj; ;QLsf bf];f| ]
k':tfsf aflnsfb]lv lnP® lszf]®L;Dd clxn]
ufp“d} agfPsf] 5fqfjf;df a:5g\, c¿ lbg
k9\5g\ ® 5'§Lsf] lbg ufp“df hgr]tgf hufp“b}
\ g\, b]xJofkf® k]zfsf] dfxf}naf6 6f9f 5g\
pgLx¿ . :yfgLo s0ff{nL pRr dfljdf ;ft sIffdf
cWoog®t !^ jifL{of s[kf g]kfnL 5'§Lsf] lbgdf
ufp“df uP® sfo{qmd u®]® b]xJofkf® gug{
hgr]tgf km}nfpg] u®]sf] atfp“l5g\ . a“fsL lbgdf
pgLx¿ laxfg} p7\5g\, zfl®®Ls Jofofd u5{g,\ s]xL
l/kf]6{ n
®f]sfosf cg';f® k]zf 5f8]kl5 sf]xL ljjfx
u®]® a;]sf ® sf]xL ;–;fgf Jofkf® u®]®
a;]sf 5g\ eg] sf]xL 5f]®fsf] sdfOdf
cfl>t 5g\ . k]zfdf ®x]sf $ hgf eg]
afWotfn] nfUg' k®]sf] ;ldltsf] egfO 5 .
ldltgL sfo{qmdn] w]®} l;sfof]
ljleGg u}®;®sf®L ;+:yfsf] ;xof]udf
d'9fdf ldltgL sfo{qmd ;~rfng ul®Psf]
5 . dx]Gb| ®fhdfu{ 5]jd} f ®x]sf] d'9fsf
%) 3®dWo] clxn] of}g Joj;fo ug]s
{ f]
;+Vof !^ dfq 5 . ldltgL sfo{qmdcGtu{t
PrcfOeL÷P8\;af®] r]tgf, s08d
k|of]uaf®] tflnd lbg]h:tf hgr]tgfd"ns
sfo{qmd ;~rfng x'G5 . xfn k]zfdf
;+nUg ® k"jk{ z
] fsdL{x¿ eG5g\– s08d
k|of]u u®fpg yfn]kl5 aRrfx¿ sd x'g
yfn]sf 5g\, u|fxsnfO{ wDsL lbP®} eP klg
s08d;lxtsf] of}g;DaGw ®flvG5 .
uf]dtL jfbL elG5g\– ldltgLh:tf
hgr]tgfd"ns sfo{qmdn] of}g®f]u eg]sf]
s] xf] l;Sg] df}sf kfPsf 5f} + . pgLx¿
k]zfsdL{afx]s ;dfhsf cGo ;d'bfonfO{
klg s08d k|of]u ® of}g®f]uaf®] l;sfp“5g\ .
xfd|f s]6L klg aLP k9\5g\ .
jfbL ;d'bfosf dlxnfsf] bfjLcg';f®
gof“ k':tfsf lszf]®Lx¿ sf]xL klg of] k]zfdf
5}gg\, hlt 5g\ #) b]lv #% jif{;Ddsf
dfq 5g\ . …clxn] slnnf s]6Lx¿ sf]xL klg
k]zfdf 5}gg\, cfhsfn xfd|f s]6Ln] klg
aLP kl9®x]sf 5g\Ú, d'9fsf jfbL dlxnfx¿
bfaLsf ;fy eG5g\ .
l5g k9\5g\ ® vfgf vfP® :s'n hfG5g\ .
zlgaf®rflx+ pgLx¿ 3® hfG5g\ .
:yfgLo ¿kdf sfo{®t ;fd'bflos
;xof]u ;ldltsf] ;lqmotf tyf PS;g
P8 g]kfnsf] ;xof]udf ;QLd} 5fqfjf;
lgdf{0f ePsf] 5 . 5fqfjf;df $ jif{sf
aflnsfb]lv !( jif{;Ddsf lszf]®L;DdnfO{
®flvPsf] 5 . ;ldltsL cWoIf pdf jfbLsf
cg';f® b]xJofkf®sf] ;+efljt hf]lvddf
kg{ ;Sg]x¿nfO{ kLl8t x'gaf6 hf]ufpg
5fqfjf;df ®flvPsf] xf] . lszf]®Lx¿
3®df vfgf vfPkl5 5fqfjf;df g} cfP®
a:5g\ .
…ufp“sf] l:ylt ®fd|f] 5}g, ®fd|f;
] u“ k9\g
klg kfO“bg} , dflg;x¿sf] x]g{] b[li6sf]0f klg
®fd|f] x“b' g} , ToxL+ sf/0f 5fqfjf;df a:g}kg]{
afWotf 5,Ú s[kf elG5g\– o;®L ga;]sf] eP
k]zfd} nfUg'kg]{ afWotf x'GYof] xf]nf . pgsf
cg';f® klxnf jfbL ;d'bfosf dlxnfx¿
lszf®L pd]®d} b]xJofkf® ;'? uy] { . t®
hgr]tgfdf cfPsf] j[l4;“u} lszf]®Lx¿
k®Dk®fut k]zfaf6 qmdzM cnu eO®x]sf
5g\ .
ufp“df pd]® k'us
] f lszf]®Lx¿
;fj{hlgs ¿kdf lx+8g\ } x'GgYof], dflg;x¿n]
b]Vg]lalQs} af]nfpg], jfbL eg]® luHofpg]
h:tf sfo{ uy],{ t® clxn] s;}n] jf:tf
gug]{ ePsfn] cfkm"x¿n] dfgl;s kL8f
ef]Ug' gk®]sf] lszf]®Lx¿sf] cg'ej 5 .
o;}u®L cfkm\gf] cWoog k"®f ul®;s]kl5
klg hgr]tgf hufpg] cleofgdf nfUg]
pgLx¿n] atfP .
dfOsfnfnn] cf“vf nufpg ;Sb}gg\
hgr]tgfn] NofPsf] of] kl®jt{gdf
:yfgLo rGbf jfbL uj{ ul5{g \ . …klxnf
5f]®Lr]nL 3®af6 lg:sbf klg hf]ufpg
uf¥xf] kYof],{ t® clxn] xfd|f r]nLx¿ ;8sdf
xf“:b}®dfp“b} lx+85
\ g\, s'g} dfOsfnfnn]
cf“vf p7fP® x]g{ ;Sb}gg\Ú pgL elG5g\ .
hgr]tgf cleofgsf sf®0f ;QLdf &
jif{ cufl8;Dd #% hgfn] b]xJofkf® ug]{
u®]sf]df clxn] Tof] ;+Vof $ df em®]sf]
5 .
;ldltsf cWoIf pdf jfbL To;®L
k]zf ug]s
{ f] ;+Vof 36\b} hfg'df ;dfhn]
x]g{] g®fd|f] b[li6sf]0fk|ltsf] ;r]ttf, gof“
k':tfsf] ljsif{0f, k|lts"n ;do ® klxnf]
k':tfsf] 9lNsbf] pd]®nufot k|dv
' sf®0f
ePsf] atfp“l5g\.
hftLo lje]b tyf 5"jf5'tlj?4sf]
cleofgsf sfo{qmd ;+of]hs sdn
hflu® kfPdf k]zf 5f8\5f}+
pgLx¿ afWotfn] of] k]zfdf nfu]sf]
® lgoldt cfo x'g] hflu® kfOof] eg]
of] k]zf g} 5f8\g] atfp“5g\ . s'g} k]zfdf
nufOlbg';,\ of] k]zf cfkm;]cfkm x6\5,
b}lgs %)÷!)) ?lkof“ cfpg] hflu® ePdf
s]6fs]6LnfO{ k9fpg ;lhnf] x'GYof]Ú, xfn
Joj;fodf sfo{®t Ps dlxnf elG5g\ .
st} 3®b]lv 6f9f uP® eP klg hflu®
vfg tof® ®x]sf] pgLx¿ atfp“5g\ .
aRrfsf] afa' t yfxf 5, s] ug'{ aflx/ Nofpg ;Sb}gf}+, cfkm\gf aRrf
;8sdf v]ln/xFbf p;}sf] afa'sf j}wflgs kTgLsf cGo 5f]/f–
5f]/Lx?rflx+ ;'v;ondf x'ls{/x]sf] b]Vbfrflx+ lgs} b'Mv nfU5 .
JolQmTj n
s'07 dfgGw/, g]kfnL v]ns'bn] hGdfPsf v]nf8Ldf ;a}eGbf
7"nf] gfd xf] . Dof/fy'gaf6 k|l;l4 sdfPsf a}s0' 7n] b'O{ jif{ eof]
bf}8g\ 5f8]sf] . v]nf8L hLjgkZrft klg %@ jif{sf] pd]/;Dd
slxn] d'lQmgfy t slxn] n'lDagL . ljleGg kj{ / cj;/x¿df cfkm\gf]
gfd;“u hf]l8Psf] Dof/fy'gnfO{ hLjGt kfg{ b]zsf s'gfsfKrf;Dd bf}8/] }
k'UgnfO{ pgnfO{ pd]/sf] 5]saGbL ePg .
kl5Nnf] k6s b'O{ jif{cl3 o'j/fhsf] z'ehGdf]T;df sf7df8f}–+
d]nDrL–vf;f bf}l8P . Toxf“af6 kms]k{ l5 eg] pgnfO{ 5ftL b'Vg]
;d:ofn] ;dfTof] . lrlsT;s hf“rkZrft d'6s
' f] eNj g} km]gk{' g]{
l:ylt b]lvof] . @)^! ;fn h]7df d'6s
' f] ;h{/L ug{ 8f= c?0f ;fodLsf]
x]/rfxdf ef/t uP pgL . Ps dlxgfsf] pkrf/kl5 d'6s
' f] eNjdf
;fOj/ :6]g /fv]/ kmls{P . xf], To;kl5 g} a}s0' 7n] nfdf] b"/Lsf] bf}8
5f8]sf 5g\ .
g]k] fnL Dof/fy'gnfO{ lzv/df k'¥ofO{ Oltxf; lgdf{0f ul/lbPsf
5g\ . blIf0f Pl;ofdf g]kfnL v]ns'bn] uj{ ubf{ pgs} Oltxf; kN6fpg'
k5{ . Tof] xf], blIf0f Pl;ofnL v]ns'b -;fkm_ df Dof/fy'g sLlt{dfgsf] .
klxnf]bl] v t];F| ] ;fkm;Dd Dof/fy'gdf :j0f{ kbs lht]/ …x\ofl6«sÚ u/]sf]
t s] pgn] b"/L to ubf{sf] ;do kf/ ug]{ wfjs g} ;fs{df e]l6Psf]
w|'j t'nfw/
5}g clxn];Dd . t];F| ] ;fkm -!(*&, snsQf_ df a}s0' 7n] @ 3G6f !% ldg]6 /
)# ;]sG] 8df bf}8/] sLlt{dfgwf/L ;do agfPsf lyP, h;nfO{ tf]8g\
;fs{sf wfjsx¿ nfluk/] klg c;kmn alg/x]sf 5g\ . tyflk kl5Nnf]
O:nfdfjfb ;fkm -@))$ gjf}_+ df >Ln+sfnL cg'/fwf s'/fon] @ 3G6f !^
ldg]6 #* ;]sG] 8sf] ;do agfP/ a}s0' 7sf] sLlt{dfgnfO{ pl5Gg] k|oTg
u/] klg ;kmn aGg ;s]gg\ . ;g\ !((% df 9fsf ;fkmdf a}s0' 7sf] la+8f]
yfDb} l6sfaxfb'/ af]u6L -@=!(M!*_ n] /fi6\nfO{ Dof/fy'gaf6 lbnfPsf]
:j0f{ klg TolQs} dxŒjk"0f{ 5 . a}s0' 7 / l6sfn] lht]sf] Dof/fy'g
:j0f{afx]s g]kfnL Pyn]l6S;n] cGo Oe]G6df ;fkmaf6 Pp6} :j0f{ kbs
lhTg ;s]sf] 5}g .
Dof/fy'gdf >Ln+sfsf]] jr{Zj 5, d]/f] sLlt{dfg pgLx¿n] e+u ug{
;S5g\, a}s0' 7sf] cfkm\gf] sLlt{dfg e+u x'g] ;+efjgf b]V5g\– cfkm\g}
e"lddf o; k6s pgLx¿ ;kmn x'g ;S5g\ .
;g\ !(%@ gf]eD] a/df sflndf6L, sf7df8f}d+ f hlGdPsf a}s0' 7 $$
a}s'07 / l6sfn]
lht]sf] Dof/fy'g
:j0f{afx]s g]kfnL
Pyn]l6S;n] cGo
Oe]G6df ;fkmaf6 Pp6} :
j0f{ kbs lhTg ;s]sf] 5}g .
:j0f{ lht]sf x'g\ . To;sf nflu pgn] @ 3G6f @& ldg]6
!! ;]s0] 8sf] ;dodf b"/L to u/] . ;g\ !(*% df 9fsf
;fkmdf pkflw /Iff ubf{sf] pgsf] ;do lyof]– @ 3G6f @@
ldg]6 & ;]sG] 8sf] . tyflk x]nl;GsL df pgn] Tof]eGbf /fd|f]
-@ 3G6f @! ldg]6 $# ;]sG] 8_ ;dodf bf}8s
] f lyP . yk
jif{sf] pd]/;Dd cGt/f{li6\o Dof/fy'gdf bf}l8/x] . k'gf Dof/fy'g pgsf]
cGt/f{li6«o k|ltof]lutfdf ;xeflutf hgfpg] qmddf !) cf}+
clGtd cGt/f{li6«o Dof/fy'g xf] . hxf“ pgn] e]6f« G; Oe]G6df bf}8g\
Pl;og v]ns'b -;f]n–!(*^_, ljZj Pyn]l6S; RoflDkogl;k -6f]lsof]–
uPsf]df l;lgo/d} k|lt:kwf{ u/]/ cfkm\gf] Ifdtf k|bz{g u/]sf] ;'gf}nf] !((!_, n; P~hN; cf]nlDks / ;f]n cf]nlDksdf klg bf}l8P .
If0f klg pgL;“u tfh} 5 . :s'n k9\bfb]lv g} bf}8df ;lqmo pgL ;g\
tLg k6s;Dd Pyn]l6S; jif{ v]nf8L, /fli6«o o'jf jif{ v]nf8L,
!(&) df /fli6«o v]nf8L ag]sf lyP . hltv]/ pgn] v]Ng] Oe]G6 !) k|jn uf]vf{blIf0fafx' -rf}yf_, ljVoft lqzlQmk§nufot bh{gf}+ dxŒjk"0f{
lsnf]ld6/ / % xhf/ ld6/ bf}8 lyof] . o;}df bf}8bfbf}8b} Dof/fy'g pkflwaf6 lje"lift 5g\ pgL . To;f] t logL cf]nlDksdf w]/k} 6s
wfjs ag]sf x'g\ .
;xefuL t];f| ] wfjssf] ;"rLdf kb{5g\ . rf/k6s cf]nlDks bf}8g]df
;fkmdf /fi6«nfO{ :j0f{ lbnfpg'cufl8 pgn] y'k}| cGt/f{li6«o pgL;“u c:6«l] nof / a]lNhodsf wfjs 5g\ . a}s0' 7sf] cf]nlDkssf]
k|lt:kwf{af6 cg'ej ;+ufn]sf lyP . tLg j6f Pl;og 6«ofs P08 pTs[i6 ;do eg] d:sf] cf]nlDks–!(*) sf] xf] . hxf“ pgn] @
lkmN8 -dlgnf–!(&#, ;f]n–!(&%, 6f]lsof]–!(&*_, cf7f}+ / gjf}+ Pl;ofnL 3G6f @# ldg]6 %! ;]sG] 8df bf}8 kf/ u/]sf lyP . ;g\ !((@ sf]
v]ns'b -a}s
+ s–!(&*, lbNnL–!(*@_, cf]nlDks v]ns'b -df]lG6«on– afl;{nf]gf cf]nlDks bf}8/] cf]nlDks ;xeflutfdf Psn Oltxf; agfpg
!(&^, d:sf]–!(*)_, ljZjPyn]l6S; RoflDkogl;k -x]nl;GsL, !(*#_ ;Sy] . t/ pgL k|lzIfssf ?kdf /x]sfn] Dof/fy'gdf ;lqmo /x“bf/x“b}
df ;xefuL ePsf lyP . To;af6 a6'ns
] f] cg'ejnfO{ blIf0f Pl;ofdf klg bf}8g gkfPsf] tLtf] oyfy{ klg pgL;“u 5 .
;fy{s kfg]{ qmddf pgn] !(*$ df sf7df8f}d+ } ePsf] klxnf] ;fkmdf
clxn] s] ub}{5g\ t <
g]kfnL ‘Dof/fy'g ;d|f6’ eg]/ lrlgg] logn] v]ns'bsf
nflu hlt :yfg kfpg'kg]{ xf], Tof] kfPsf 5}gg\ . k|lzIfss}
hflu/ wfGb}5g\ . clxn] klg laxfg} ;fOsn r9]/ /+uzfnfsf]
6«Øfsdf k'U5g\, h'lgo/ v]nf8Lx¿nfO{ ;DxfN5g\ . gof“
v]nf8Lx¿nfO{ k|fT] ;fxg xf];\ eg]/ xNsf hlu· ub{5g\ .
k|ltof]lutfx¿ x'b“ f ‘:6k jfr / l;6L’ 3fF6Ldf e'mG8\ofP/
6«Øfsdf b]lvG5g\ .
v]nf8Ln] /fi6«sf nflu v]Ng'k5{, /fi6«n] v]nf8Lsf]
eljio x]gk{' 5{ . ta g v]n ljsf; x'G5’ eGg] dfGotf
/fVg] a}s0' 7nfO{ slxNo} ljb]z knfogsf] df]x nfu]g .
/fi6«s} dfofdf pgL n'6k'l6/x] . clxn] / klxn]sf]
l:ylt w]/} km/s 5 . v]nf8Lx¿df k|lta4tf–c7f]6 5}g eg]
/fi6«n] klg v]ns'bnfO{ /fli6«o klxrfgsf] ¿kdf cem}
;f]Rg ;s]sf] 5}g . olb Tof] eof] eg] /fi6«sf] v]ns'b
eljio ;'gf}nf] /xg] ljZjf; a}s0' 7sf] 5 .
k|jf;af6 n
sf]l/ofdf &% k|ltzt g]kfnL k"0f{ tyf cNksfnLg
hf]lvddf sfd ub{5g\ .
jf;Lsf] kL8f, Ps}lbg, # hgf
g]kfnL ckfËÆ of] sf]l/ofaf6
k|sflzt x'g] Ps klqsfsf]
zLif{s xf] . sf]l/ofdf /f]huf/Lsf nflu cfpg]
g]kfnLsf] ;+Vof h;/L al9/x]sf] 5 To;/L g}
oxf“ cf}Bf]lus b'36{ gf x'g] ;+Vof klg al9
/x]sf] 5 . of] ;dfrf/ s]xL ;docl3 Ps}lbg
emfkfsf 9'08L/fh 9sfn, cf]vn9'Ëfsf
?b|axfb'/ e08f/L / ofdaxfb'/ lnDa" b'36{ gfdf
kbf{ k|sflzt ePsf] xf] . g]kfnLsf] xft sfl6g],
v'66\ f ef“lRrg] Pjd\ uDeL/ rf]6k6s nfUg]
qmd k|foM b}lgsh;f] x'g] x'b“ f o:tf 36gfnfO{
cfhef]ln ;fwf/0f dflgG5 . oxL cg'kftdf
d[To' x'g] ;+Vof t emg\ 8/nfUbf] ¿kdf a9\b}
uO/x]sf] 5 .
oxf“l:yt g]kfnLsf] ;xof]usf nflu !)
jif{cl3 :yfkgf ePsf] g]kfnL ;Dks{ ;ldlt
-;fpy sf]l/of sG6«ofS6 sld6L, Pg;L;L_ sf
cg';f/ xfn;Dd ! ;o &) g]kfnLn] sf]l/ofsf]
e"lddf sfd ug{] l;nl;nfdf Hofg u'dfO;s]sf
5g\ . o;/L d[To' x'gx] ¿df clwsf+z 7"N7"nf
d]l;gdf r]lkP/, s/]G6 nfu]/, xftv'§f sf6]/,
ljiffn' jf b'3l{ Gwt Uof;, xflgsf/s Pl;8,
s]ldsn, aQL lj:kmf]6 / ljls/0fsf sf/0f a9L
/x]sf 5g\ .
o;sf] cnfjf sltko g]kfnLsf] bL3{ /f]un]
Rofk]/ ;d]t d[To' ePsf] 5 . bL3{ /f]uaf6
d[To' x'gx] ¿df d[uf}nf, d'6d' f c;/ k/]/ dg]s
{ f]
;+Vof a9L kfOG5 . xflgsf/s s]ldsn, Pl;8
/ laiffn' Uof;df nfdf] ;do;Dd sfd ug]s
{ f]
d[uf}nf, d'6,' d"qk|0ffnL Pjd\ kmf]S;f]df uDeL/
c;/ k/]sf] kfOPsf] 5 . sf]l/ofsf] /fhwfgL
l;pnl:yt Ps xl:k6nsf 8f= lsd x\jfªsf
cg';f/ ljb]zL sfdbf/x¿ ljls/0f jf ljiffn'
tTjsf sf/0f 8/nfUbf] /f]usf] lzsf/ x'g] u/]sf
5g\ . ljb]zLsf nflu ;dfh;]jL lrlsT;s
8fS6/sf] ¿kdf sfd ug]{ 8f= lsd /;foghGo
/f]u ljz]if1 dflgG5g\ .
sf]l/ofdf o:tf /f]uaf6 c;/ x'g]
g]kfnLsf] ;+Vof w]/} 5 . wgs'6fsf /fd /fO{sf
cg';f/ pgnfO{ sf]l/og 8fS6/n] ca ! jif{
a9L sfd u/] aRrf gx'g] r]tfjgL lbPsf] 5 .
/fO{ Pl;8 sDkgLdf ut ! jif{bl] v sfd ub}{
cfO/x]sf 5g\ . sf]l/ofdf o:tf 36gf w]/} x'g]
ub{5g\ . oxf“sf k'/fgf g]kfnLsf cg';f/ &%
k|ltzt g]kfnL k"0f{ tyf cNksfnLg hf]lvddf
sfd ub{5g\ .
;g\!(** sf] sf]l/of cf]nlDks u]db]lv
o:t} 5,
g]kfnL sf]l/ofdf sfdsf] vf]hLdf cfpg
yfn]sf] tYof+s /x]sf] 5 . t/ ;g\ !(($ b]lv
sf]l/of ;/sf/n] 6«l] gª le;fsf] dfWodåf/f
g]kfnL sfdbf/ leqofpg yfn]sf] xf] . cfheGbf
!) jif{cl3sf] 36gfnfO{ x]g{] xf] eg] clxn]s}
xf/fxf/Ldf g]kfnL OG8li6«on PlS;8]G6df kg]{
u/]sf] kfOG5 . To;a]nf OG8li6«on n]a/ PS6
gag]sf] / j}wflgs¿kdf sfd ug]{ cg'dlt
gePsf] sf/0f d[To' x'g] / 3fOt] x'g] g]kfnLsf
olsg tYof+s ;fj{hlgs x'b“ g} Yof] . To;}n]
' } sfddf g]kfnLnfO{ nufOGYof] . xfn
eg] sf]l/ofdf sfo{/t j}wflgs sfdbf/nfO{
kz'kfng, dT:okfng, s[lif jf kfgLhxfhdf
sfd nufpg gkfOg] sf]l/of n]a/ PS6df
pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . t/ cj}wflgs sfdbf/ eg]
' } sfd ug]{ ub{5g\ . sf]l/ofdf cfk|jf;L
sfdbf/sf] nflu >d sfg'g eP klg ljleGg
sf/0fn] ;dfg¿kdf nfu" u/]sf] kfO“bg} .
sf]l/og sfdbf/ ux|f+} vt/f / kmf]xf]/L sfd
ug{ gdfGg] x'b“ f To:tf] sfd ug{ ljb]zL n
nufOG5 . ljb]zL k};fsf nflu h:tf];s
' } sfd
klg ub{5g\ eGg] dfGotf sf]l/ofdf kl/;s]sf] 5 .
sf]l/ofsf >d ahf/df oxL dfGotf ljsf;
eP/ sf]l/og ;/sf/n] b]zsf] cf}Bf]lus
ljsf;df cj/f]w l;h{gf gxf];\ eGg] dfGotf
/fv]/ ux|f,+} kmf]xf]/L, hf]lvd sfdsf nflu
ljb]zL Nofpg] ub{5g\ . sf]l/ofdf xfn;Dd klg
js{–kld{6 k|0ffnL rfxg] ljb]zLnfO{ cf}Bf]lus
k|lzIf0fsf nflu eg]/ NofOG5 . 8L–# le;fsf]
dfWodaf6 xfn # nfv %) xhf/ ljb]zL
ljleGg !^ b]zsf] k|ltlglwTj ub}{ sf]l/ofdf
sfd ul//x]sf 5g\ . t/ ;g\ @))# af6 eg]
OkLP; -ODKnf]o/ k|fl] d; l;:6d_ k|0ffnL nfu"
ul/Psf] 5 . OkLP; eg]sf] sDkgL dflnssf]
clwgdf sfdbf/ NofOg] k|0ffnL xf] .
sf]l/ofsf l;pndf s]xL lbgcl3 dfq
s/]G6 nfu]/ Ps g]kfnLsf] d[To' ePsf] /
Ifltk"lt{ tyf zj g]kfn k7fpg] k|lqmof
ldnfpg] sfd ePsf] sf]l/of ;fgf tyf demf}nf
pBf]u dxf;+3df sfo{/t g]kfnL jfª\bL nfdfn]
atfPsf 5g\ . nfdf sf]l/ofdf sfo{/t g]kfnL
sfdbf/sf] efiff / cGo ;d:ofsf nflu
sf]l/of ;/sf/n] ;xof]uL s]PkmaLPsdf lgo'Qm
ul/Psf g]kfnL x'g\ .
sf]l/ofdf g]kfnLx¿ k};fsf nflu
z/L/nfO{ uDeL/ xflg k'Ug] hf]lvdk"0f{ sfd ul/
/x]sf 5g\ . o;/L hf]lvdk"0f{ sfd ug]d{ Wo] xft
sf6]/ g]kfn kms{gs
] f] ;+Vof nueu ;o k'us
] f]
uf]kfn ;+u|f}nf÷l;pndf
cg'dfg u5{g\ g]kfnL ;Dks{ ;ldlt -Pg;L;L_
;fpy sf]l/ofsf k"jc
{ WoIf e/t ;+uf| n
} f.
sf]l/ofdf aflx/sf] sfdsf a]nf w]/} xtf/
ug'k{ g]{ / ;w}+ tgfjdf x'g] ePsfn] sfdsf]
tfndfn gldn]/ ljb]zL sfdbf/sf] k|foM b'36{ gf
x'g] u/]sf] 5 . sf]l/og / g]kfnL sfdbf/aLr
efiffsf] ;d:ofsf sf/0f klg b'36{ gf x'G5 .
nueu ^ dlxgfcl3 sf]l/ofsf] cfg;fgdf
d[To' ePsf ;'/h /fO{sf] sf]l/og ;xsdL{sf]
nfk/afxLsf sf/0f d[To' ePsf] pgsf g]kfnL
;xsdL{ atfp“5g\ . kmf]d -8gne_ sDkgLdf
sfd ug\{] /fO{ d]l;g ;kmf ubf{{ d]l;gleq
k;]sf a]nf sf]l/og ;xsdL{n] d]l;g rnfp“bf
r]lkP/ d/]sf x'g\ . sf]l/ofdf sfo{/t ljb]zL
sfdbf/sf] ;'/Iffsf nflu >d sfg'g 5 . .
h;dWo] >d;DaGwL cfwf/e"t sfg'g 5
h;nfO{ sf]l/og efiffdf Snf] lsh'g ef]e eGg]
sDkgLcGtu{t b'36{ gf ladf u/fOPsf] xG5 .
ljb]zL sfdbf/sf nflu of] sfg'g dxTjk"0f{
dflgG5 . Snf] lsh'g ef]e eg]sf] >ldsn] sfd
ubf{ s]–slt ;do, labf, tna cyf{t\ ;'ljwf
kfpg]] eGg] xf] / cfsl:ds b'36{ gf, sfdsf]
sf/0fn] /f]u, Jofw cflb ljifodf kfOg] ;'ljwf
xf] . of] sfg'g sf]l/ofdf sfo{/t j}wflgs tyf
cj}wflgs hf];s
' } sfdbf/df ;dfg lsl;dn]
nfu" x'g] pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . oBlk cj}wflgs
?kdf n'sLl5kL sfd ug{] g]kfnL b'36{ gfdf
k/]sf] v08df sfg'gcg';f/ Gofo kfp“bg} g\ .
olt x'b“ fx'b“ } klg tna jf ;'ljwf /fd|f]
ePsf] sf/0f sf]l/ofdf g]kfnLx¿ Hofgsf]
dfof df/]/ eP klg h:tf];s
' } sfd ug{ tof/
b]lvG5g\ . oxf“ j}wflgs ¿kdf 6«l] g le;fdf
sfd ug]{ g]kfnLn] dfl;s Go"gtd $% xhf/
b]lv ! nfv %) xhf/;Dd sdfpg] ub{5g\ .
oxf“ j}wflgs g]kfnL sfdbf/sf] dfl;s tna
^)) b]lv &)) sf]l/og jfg xf] . of] tna
sf]l/of ;/sf/n] * 3G6f sfd ug]{ ljb]zL
sfdbf/sf nflu tf]ss
] f] cfwf/e"t tna xf] . of]
tna a;]l{ g ;]K6]Da/ dlxgfaf6 !) k|ltzteGbf
a9Lsf] b/n] sf]l/og ;/sf/n] j[l4 ug]{
ub{5 . j}wflgs sfdbf/n] lbgdf # 6fOd vfgf
/ a:g sDkgLn] g} Joj:yf ug]{ ub{5 . /fd|f]
sDkgLdf kg{ sltko g]kfnLn] tnasf] ;fy}
af]g; klg kfp“5g\ . af]g; b'O–{ tLg dlxgfsf]
km/sdf ! dlxgfsf] tna a/fa/ hlt
x'G5 . t/ sf]l/ofdf sfd ug]{ cj}wflgs g]kfnL
sfdbf/n] j}wflgs sfdbf/sf] t'ngfdf a9L
sdfp“5g\ . o;/L cj}wflgs sfdbf/n] dfl;s
%) xhf/b]lv &) xhf/ ;Dd sdfp“5g\ .
oBlk cj}wflgs sfdbf/sf] sfd eg] lglZrt
x'b“ g} . sDkgLn] tna glbg] ;d:of x'G5 . tna
l9nf lbg], sfd geP sfdaf6 lgsfNg] ;d:of
x'G5 . k'ln; / cWofudg sd{rf/Lsf] cf“vfaf6
6f9f a:g ;s] cj}wflgs sfdbf/sf] k};f
sdfpg] rfG; x'G5, gq cfkm\gf] b]z kms{g]
6'u+ f] x'b“ g} .
sf]l/ofdf cWofudg ljefun] ljb]zLnfO{
lbg] cfO{8L gePsf] dflg; Olnun x'G5 .
oxf“ sfo{/t Olnun sfdbf/;“u of] cfO{8L
x'b“ g} . sf]l/ofdf ;dfltg] Olnun ljb]zLnfO{
;–;Ddfg oftgflagf :jb]z kmsf{OG5 . t/
Kn]g l6s6 gePsf] ljb]zLnfO{ l6s6sf] k};f
hDdf ug{ sfddf nufOG5 .
sf]l/ofdf /x]sf g]kfnLsf] 7"nf] ;d:of
eg]sf] g]kfnL b"tfjf; gx'g' xf] . sf]l/ofdf
/x]sf ^ xhf/eGbf a9L g]kfnLn] cfkm\gf]
;d:ofsf nflu hfkfgdf /x]sf g]kfnL
b"tfjf; e/ kg'{ kb{5 . sf]l/ofdf sfo{/t
xhf/f}+ g]kfnLsf] /fxbfgLsf nflu hfkfg
k7fpg'kg]{ x'G5 . sf]l/ofdf d[To' ePsf
g]kfnLsf] zj g]kfn k7fpg nfdf] ;do s'gk' g]{
;d:of 5 . zj :jb]z k7fpg hfkfgaf6
g]kfn;DaGwL sfuhkq dufpg}kg]{ x'G5 .
sfdbf/sf] nflu eGbf klg cj}wflgs sfdbf/sf]
;'/Iff / ;xof]usf nflu oxf“ b"tfjf;sf] clt
cfjZostf 5 . sf]l/ofaf6 kf;kf]6{ agfpg
hfkfg k7fp“bf w]/} dx“uf] x'g] ub{5 .
-;+uf| n
} f, blIf0f sf]l/ofdf /x]sf g]kfnL
kqsf/ x'g_\
kmf]6f] lkmr/ n
lg;n] cS;/ cfkm"nfO{ ;d:of
k/]sf] a]nfdf eujfg ;DemG5 .
eujfgnfO{ c;n ;f]rfOsf nflu
k|l] /t ug]{ tTjsf] ¿kdf dflg;n] ljZjf; ug]{
u/]sf] 5 . clxn] lxdfnL clw/fHo g]kfn ljut
afx| jif{bl] v lx+;fsf] rqmAo'xdf ¿dlNnPsf]
5 . ljb|fx] L of ;'/Iff lgsfoaf6 sDtLdf
lbgsf] ^ hgf JolQm dfl/g] u/]sf] tYof+s
kl5Nnf ;dodf ;fj{hlgs ePsf 5g\ . en}
of] tYof+s kl5Nnf] $ dlxgfsf] o'4lj/fdsf
qmddf 36]sf] lsg gxf];\ . of] åGåk"0f{ l:yltsf
sf/0f g]kfnsf kxf8L / t/fO{ If]qsf afl;Gbf
Toxf“sf] ;x/L If]q of /fhwfgLd} cf]Ol/g] qmd
a9\b} uPsf] 5 . hgtf lg/fz 5g\– åGåaf6
Ps k'hf/L u0f]z eujfg cl3 gfRb} cGo ehg ufpFb} .
gbL tf/]/ u0f]zsf] d"lt{ nluFb} .
kmf]6f] lkmr/ n
nflu eujfg
zAb÷t:jL/ M
bLk]Gb| jh|frfo{
gf/fo0fL gbLdf g'xfpFb} k'hf/L .
;xefuL eQmhgx?
/ rfxG5g\ zflGt clg k'sf5{g–\ zflGtsf
nflu . g]kfndf zflGtaxfnL ePdf dfq}
zflGtk"0f{ af“Rg] pgLx¿sf] rfxgf ;fsf/ x'g]
:jfefljs OR5f g]kfnL hgtfdf 5 .
To;}n] g]kfnL hf] lxGb', af}4
of cGo s'g} wd{ dfGg] g}
lsg gx'g–\ pgLx¿ wfld{s
sfo{df lgoldt ;fd]n
eO/x]sf 5g\ . b]z
sl7gfOdf k/]sf] a]nf Ps
dlxgf;Dd sf7df8f}s
+ f]
klZrddf kg]{ ;t'u+ n
uflj;sf dflg;n] ut
dfr{ @* b]lv eujfg u0f]z / eujtL b'uf{sf]
k"hf eJotfsf ;fy u/] . b]zdf zflGtaxfnL
xf];\ eGg] ck]Iffsf ;fy pgLx¿n] ;f]
sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u/]sf lyP . pQm k"hfdf
b]zel/sf tLy{ofq' ;fd]n lyP . pgLx¿n]
ehg ufp“b} ! dlxgfkl5 k"hfsf]
lj;h{g sf7df8f}a+ f6 ! ;o !$ lsld
6f9f gf/fo0fL gbLdf nu]/ u/] .
sfo{qmd ;kmntfk"js
{ ;DkGg ug{
kfPsf]df gf/fo0fL gbLaf6 lkmbf{
pgLx¿sf] d'xf/df v';L b]lvGYof]
. ;f] sfo{qmddf ;fd]n g]kfnL
afafn] o; k+lQmsf/;“u eGg'eof]–
of] sfo{qmdkl5 b]zsf ;Dk"0f{ afwf 6'u+ f] nfUg]
/ s'g} klg k|sf/sf lx+;f cGTo x'g] ck]Iff
u/]sf] 5' .
;f] sfo{qmddf ^) eGbf a9L k'hf/Ln]
/ftsf] ;do klg gegL rf}aL;} 3G6f ehg
/ dGqf]Rrf/0fdf latfPsf lyP . sfo{qmd
:ynsf nflu :yfgLo eQmhgx¿n] hUuf bfg
u/]sf lyP .
To; sfo{qmddf ;+nUgx¿n] b]zdf dfq
xf]Og ljZjJofkL ¿kdf zflGtaxfnLsf nflu
u0f]z k"hf u/]sf] atfP . cfof]hsx¿sf] egfO
5– eujfgn] zflGt :yfkgfsf nflu ;a}df
;b\al' 4 lbpmg\ .
j[4 dlxnf n8\8'
b]vfpFb} .
k"hfsf] clGtd lbg :yfgLo dflg; .
ufpF3/ n
em emdSs kg{ nfu]sf] lyof] . ufp“dflysf] ljBfnodf a;]/
s6'jfn s/fP . æP bfh'efO lbbLalxgL xf], e/] aL/axfb'/ df:6/
sf] 3/df k"hf 5, vfOlkO{ gfrufg ug{ hDdf xf]p x} . s6'jfn l5l/
˪u'?ªn] s/fPsf] ;"rgf Ps}k6sdf ;a} ufp“nn
] ] ;'g] . æ;fa} 3f/x¿
Ps} 7fp“df 5, Ps kf6s sf/fPkl5 ;a}n] ;'G5Æ l5l/ªn] u'?ª njhdf
eg] .
' f lzIfs aL/axfb'/sf 3/ k"hf eof] . nueu ufp“el/s} dflg;
hDdf eP . sf]xL vfOlkOdf nfu] t sf]xL bf]xf]/Llt/ . /fte/ l;+uf] ufp“
bf]xf]/Ldf /ld/x\of] . ;b/d'sfdaf6 lx+8s
] f] tLg lbgkl5 k'luG5 nfk|fs
uflj;, hxf“ gf} j6} j8f Ps} 7fp“df 5g\ .
6f]kL g} v:nfh:tf] 7f8f] ynfsf] n]s . clg TolQs} cf]/fnf] . 3g3f]/
h+un . af6f]el/ lxp“ g} lxp“ 5 . æTolQ w]/} b'Mv u/]/ lx+8/] cfP klg
af6f]sf] b'Mv ;a} lal;{Ob“ f] /x]5Æ, ;b/d'sfdaf6 cfPsf ;~rf/sdL{
bfdf]b/ Gof}kfg]n] atfP .
lr;f] n]s kf/ ub}u{ bf{ aLr–aLrdf b]lvPsf e]8L uf]7 / uf]7fnfafx]s
af6f]df s'g} 3/ e]l6Gg .
gfs g} 7f]lsPnfh:tf] u/L cufl8 plePsf] af}4 lxdfn, afof
dgf:n', bfof u0f]z . ævf]rdf /x]sf] nfk|fs ufp“
] f] pkTosfh:t} 5Æ, :yfgLo d0fLsfdb]jL
dfWolds ljBfnosf lzIfs s[i0fk|;fb
Gof}kfg]n] atfP .
n]ssf] 7fp“ hxf“ kfof], ToxL a:tL a;fNg
pko'Qm 7fp“ g} x“b' g} . st} lxdklx/f] t st}
af3 efn'sf] 8/ . To;}n] Ps} 7fp“df a:tL
a;]sf] :yfgLo a'9fkfsfx¿ atfp“5g\ .
o; ufp“n] sf7df8f}s
+ f] c;g / OGb|rf]ssf]
5gs lbG5 . ;a} 3/x¿ sf7n] ag]sf 5g\ .
dgf:n' ;+/If0f If]q 3'Dg uPsf xhf/f+} ko{6s Ps/ft ufp“df ga;L
cufl8 a9\gk' /]] 7"n} d"No r'sfP a/fa/ ;lDemG5g\ .
k"/} uflj;df $ ;o *! 3/ w'/L 5 g . @% ;osf] xf/fxf/Ldf
hg;+Vof . ufp“sf ;a} 3/ Ps} 7fp“df 5, k"/} uflj; !% ldg]6df lx+8/]
;lsG5 . uflj;sf] !! ;o !$ x]S6/ hldg ToxL ¿kdf ljefhg u/L
a:tLdf gf} j6f j8f 5'6o\ fOPsf] 5 .
lax]af/L ufp“3/d} rN5 . ufp“df sf]xL g sf]xL s]xL g s]xL
¿kdf gftfdf af“lwPsf 5g\ . ægftf t kl/xfN5 t/ xfdLnfO{
/uteGbf eft[Tjsf] gftfn] af“ws
] f] 5Æ, :yfgLo zfxL sfG5f u'?ªsf]
cg'ej 5 .
;Dk"0f{ ufp“ Ps} kl/jf/h:tf] 5 . Pp6} ;+:s[lt Pp6} k/Dk/f
To;nfO{ af“lw/fv]sf] 5 ;b\efjn] . To;}n] t ufp“df x'g] Pp6fsf] v';Ldf
;a} /dfp“5g\, Pp6fsf] b'Mvn] ;a}nfO{ ?jfp“5 .
ufp“df s'g} k|fs[lts k|sf]k, dxfdf/L / cfuhgL km}lnPdf l;+uf]
a:tL g} ;'/lIft x“b' g} eGg] lrGtfn] a/f]a/ ;tfO/xg] u/]sf] zfxLsfG5fsf]
egfO 5 .
dgf:n' ;+/If0f If]q x'b“ } nfs]k{ f;;Dd nIo agfP/ lx+8g\ ] ko{6sx¿
oxL ufp“sf] af6f] eP/ hfG5g\ . Tolt ;'Gb/
ufp“df klg ;/sf/L s'g} sfo{qmd k'Ub}g .
t/ a/f]a/ Toxf“ cfO/xg] @@ hgf k|mfG;]nL
ko{6ssf] ;d"xn] cfkm"x¿s} kxndf ufp“df
dfWolds ljBfno rnfPsf 5g\ . ljBfnosf
lgldQ k|wfgfWofks bLk]Gb| 9sfn eGb5g\
– æk|sl[ tn] t ;fy lbPsf] 5, ko{6sn] klg
dfof u5{g\ t/ ;/sf/sf] cf“vf / sfo{qmd
slxNo} cfOk'Ub}g .Æ
Ps} 7fp“af6 b]lvg] k"/} ufp“
bLks bfxfn
bLks bfxfn
hLjgsf /+u n
hLjgsf /+u n
ossf] sfd s] xf] < pQ/ ;lhnf] 5– uLt ufpg' . clxn]sf nf]slk|o
kk ufos wL/h /fO{sf] s'/f] eg] cln a]Un} 5 . ufogsf ;fy;fy}
cfkm\gf ;f+uLlts a'emfO{ / cg'ej lnlka4 ub}5
{ g\ pgL .
kGw| jif]{ uLltofqfdf #! jif]{ /fO{n] ( j6f PNad lgsfln;s]sf
5g\ . …5fkfdf wL/h /fO{, kkdf lat]sf kGw| jif{ / s] xf] kk ;+uLt <Ú
gfds s[ltsf n]vs klg x'g \ . pgn] ev{/} kk;+uLtsf] Oltxf;b]lv
jt{dfg;Ddsf gfnLa]nL s]nfp“b} j[Qlrq …cf]dljqmdÚ agfPsf 5g\ .
eG5g\– …kk ;d|f6 cf]dljqmd lji6sf] ;Ddfg ub}{ agfPsf] 8s'dG] 6«L d]/f]
k':ts s] xf] kk ;+uLt < sf] lgrf]8 xf] .Ú
w/fg] ufos wL/hn] )%! df lji6nfO{ e]6s
] f lyP . /fO{n] lji6nfO{ ;f]re] Gbf
ljk/Lt 7§f / /dfOnf] ug]{ JolQmTjsf ¿kdf kfP . …t/, Tof] pgsf] afx\olrq
/x]5 . leqaf6 pgL ;–;fgf] s'/fn] 5'g] ;+jb] gzLn / efj's 5g\,Ú wL/h
eG5g\, …d pgsf] ufogaf6 k|efljt t 5“b} lyP“, pgsf] JolQmTjaf6 klg
TolQs} k|efljt eP“ .Ú lji6 klg b+u 5g\ . eG5g\ – …wL/hsf] gd| :jefj,
nugzLn clg xflb{stfn] d k|efljt 5' .Ú
ufog ofqfdf cd]l/sf, a]nfot, hfkfg, sf]l/of, xªsª, dn]l;of, b'aO{,
stf/, dsfp, a}s
+ s, ax/fOg, s'jt] / rLg;Dd k'us
] f wL/hn] kk;+uLtsf
cg'ej j[Qlrqdf k:s]sf 5g\ .
cfkm\g} syf, lgb]z
{ g / lgdf{0f /x]sf] Ps 3G6f nfdf] j[QlrqnfO{ /fO{n]
b'O{ efudf af“8s
] f 5g\ . )$^ df …sfusf] aLrdf as'NnfÚ h:tf /x]sf
kkufos kGw| jif{df …;f+uLlts gfosÚ sf ¿kdf :yflkt eP . To;kl5
clxn];Dd s] slt sf/0fn] kk;+uLt ljsf; eof] < o;df ss;sf] of]ubfg
5 < hjfkm 5 j[Qlrqdf .
rlr{t kkuLt / ufossf cGtjf{tf{ o;sf] ljz]iftf xf] . …;Dk"0f{
uLt;+uLt If]qdf kksf] :yfg sxf“ 5 < pQ/ vf]Hg] k|of; ul/Psf] 5,Ú
wL/h eG5g\–\ …klxnf] kkufos sf] xf] eGg]df u/dfu/d ax; 5 .Ú lji6sf]
hLjgL o;sf] bf];f| ] kf6f] xf] . )@& b]lv )%@ ;Dd /]l8of] g]kfnsf] Psnf}6L
xflnd'xfnLsf aLrdf lji6n] ug'k{ /]sf] ;+3if{ b]vfOPsf] 5 . ufogk|ltsf]
nufj / Tofun] g} cfh pgL kk;d|f6 aGg k'us
] f] wL/hsf] cg'ej 5 .
o;cl3 wL/hn] j[Qlrq …Oltxf; lhTg]x¿sf nfluÚ df Ps kfqsf]
¿kdf sfd u/]sf lyP . o;df lgb]z
{ s k|0fo lnDa"n] rrf{ljxLg k'/fgf
ufos s'j/] /fO{;u“ wL/hsf] t'ngf u/]sf lyP . …s'a/] cfbz{jfbL 5g\ eg]
wL/h oyfy{jfbL, s'a/] ahf/ clg ldl8ofsf] e"ldsfnfO{ uf}0f ;DemG5g\ eg]
wL/h dxŒjk"0f{,Ú wL/h eGb} uP, …s'a/] ufossf] sfd ufpg]dfq xf] eGg]
dfGotf /fV5g\ eg] wL/h ufp“5g\, clg wfp“5g\ klg . kl/0ffd lg:sG5
…s'a/] Onfd kms{G5g\ eg] wL/h sf7df8f}d+ } hd]/ a:5g\ .Ú
…cf]dljqmdÚ agfpg …Oltxf; lhTg]x¿sf nfluÚ sf] k|efj k/]sf] 5 .
…8s'dG] 6«Lsf] dxŒj To;kl5 g} d}n] a'em]sf] x' “ . kk'n/ x'g' / cf]lhnf] x'g' b'O{
km/s s'/f /x]5g\ . d cf]lhnf] sfdtkm{ nfUg rfxG5', To;}n] cf]dljqmd
8s'dG] 6«L aGg' h?/L lyof] .Ú
slj tyf cGj]ifs lktf 6+saxfb'/sf] k|]/0ffn] cl3 a9]sf
wL/h kl/jf/s} sf/0f ;[hgfTds ag]sf x'g\ . ul/aLsf sf/0f
pgsL km'kn
" ] pkrf/ gkfO{ dg'k{ /]sf] lyof] . wL/h eG5g\, …afafn]
n]Vg'ePsf] sljtf;+u|x …alxgLsf] d[To'dfÚ k9\bf cem} d]/f] cf“;'
em5{ .Ú wL/hsf cg';f/ pgL hGd]kl5 /fd|f] cfxf/ljxf/ gkfp“bf ;'Ts]/L
cfdfnfO{ Ifo/f]u ePsf] lyof] . of] ;Ton] hLjg / hut\kl| t uDeL/ agfPsf]
xf] wL/hnfO{ .
8s'd]G6«Ldf wL/h
n lht]Gb| ;fx
lhjgsf /+u n
l8;]Da/ @))% df
;DkGg ljZj ;'Gb/L @))%
k|ltof]lutfdf cfO;NofG8sL
@! jifL{o ;'Gb/L pGg'/ lagf{
ljZjsf ! ;o @ k|lt:kwL{
nfO{ pl5Gb} ljZj ;'Gb/L
aGg ;kmn ePsL 5g\ .
k|ltof]lutfsf] clGtd r/0fdf
( hgf ;'Gb/L ;fd]n /x]sf]df
;a}nfO{ dfgjzf:qsL ljBfyL{
pGg'/n] kfvf nufPsL lyOg\ .
rLgsf] ;fGofdf ;DkGg of]
k|ltof]lutfdf km:6 /g/ ck
d]lS;sf] ls ;'Gb/L df]lngf
nf]gfn] / ;]sG] 8 /g/ ck
Ko"6f« l] /sfls df/L l/e/fn]
lht]sL lyOg\ . k|ltof]lutfdf
g]kfnaf6 ld; g]kfn ;'ul/sf
s];Ln] efu lnPsL lyOg\ .
cfkm\g} zAbdf ld; jN8{ lagf{
s] elG5g\ t, o;kfln xfdLn]
pgs} zAbdf pgsf] egfO
k|:t't u/]sf 5f}M+
k|:t'lt M /d]z uf}td
pGg'/ lagf{
/f] hLjgnfO{ tLg zAbdf kl/eflift ug'k{ bf{
d …l;h{gzLn, dxTjfsf+IFL / k'Nk'lnPsL
o'jtL eGg ?rfp“5 ' . d w]/} ljifodf
l;4x:t 5' . d clxn] sfg'g ljifo kl9/x]sL 5' .
To;}u/L afnaflnsfnfO{ k9fpg] / g[To l;sfpg]
u5' { . o;sf ;fy} l6eLdf klg Pp6f sfo{qmd rnfp“b}
cfPsL 5' . x/]s jif{ cfO;NofG8df x'g] 3f]8f bf}8
k|ltof]lutfdf efu lngsf nflu xfn} dfq 3f]8f bf}8
tflnd k"/f u/]sL 5' . ld; jN8{df efu lng'cl3
;'?df t d}n] cfkm\gf] zf/Ll/s agf]6nfO{ cem
lrl6Ss kfg{ lhDGofl:6s l;s] + . To;sf ;fy} cfkm\gf]
k/Dk/fut g[To klg l;s] + . rLgdf hf“bf s:tf]
k|sf/sf] j:q nufp“bf pko'Qm xf]nf eg]/ To;sf]
klg cWoog u/] + . rLgaf/] n]lvPsf] Oltxf; /
;+:s[lt;d]t k9]/ cfkm"nfO{ ToxLcg'¿k 9fNg] sf]l;;
u/] + . dnfO{ clk|msfsf] e|d0f ug{ lgs} dg nfU5 .
lsgls Toxf“ ef]s, ul/aL, snf ;+:s[ltnufotsf ;a}
s'/f 5 . d]/f] cfkm\g} b]z eg]sf] d]/f] d'6' xf] . cfkm\gf]
b]zlagf d Psl5g klg af“Rg ;lSbg . clxn] d ld;
jN8{ ePsL 5' . d]/f] /fi6«n] dnfO{ ;ayf]s lbPsf]
7fg]sf] 5' .
jfOgsf] af/]df eGg'kbf{ d jfOgnfO{ 3[0ff u5' { .
s]xL ;docl3 jfOg lkP/ xf]xNnf ug]{ b'O{ hgf
x'NofxfnfO{ ;dft]/ d}n] h]nsf] lr;f] l5+8Ldf /fv]/
;hfo lbO;s]sf] 5' . lkmNdsf s'/f ubf{ lkmNddf
dnfO{ kmfOlG8ª g]e/NofG8 dg k5{ . ;+uLtdf cfkm\g}
b]zsf] Snfl;sn dg k5{ . k':tsdf dnfO{ …b bf
leGrL sf]8Ú dg k5{ . d]/f] hLjgsf] l;4fGt eg]sf]
]| L egfOh:t} 5– …olb sldnfh:t} lx+l8/xg] xf]
eg] uGtJodf k'Ug ;lsG5 .Ú dflg;n] af“rG' h]n ;+3if{
ug{ 5f]8g\ x' b“' g} . /, hLjgk|lt cfzfjfbL g} x'gk' 5{ .
d}n] eujfg;“u s'g} a/ dfUg kfP ;d:t
k[YjLjf;Lsf] zflGtsf nflu sfdgf uy]+{ xf]nf . ;+;f/
sf ;a} dflg; ldn]/ zflGt;Fu a:g kfpmg\ eGg]
OR5f k|s6 uy] +{ . k[YjL Pp6} 5– /]vfn] dfq} clnslt
ltd|f] / clnslt d]/f] eg]/ ljefhg u/]sf] 5 . t/
dflg; t Pp6} t x'g \ .
;fgfls;fg s[lif–
Joj;fo ;xfotf
a'4 Po/n] cfkm\gf] skf]/{ 6]
;fdflhs bfloTj lgjf{x ug{sf]
lglDt ;dfhsf] tNnf] :yfgdf
/x]sf ju{sf] ;zQmLs/0f ug]{
/0fgLltcg'¿k ;fd'bflos ljsf;
tyf cg';Gwfg s]Gb| gfds u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfdfkm{t ;fgf
ls;fg s[lif Joj;fo ;xfotf
kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug{ cfly{s
;xfotf pknAw u/fpb} cfPsf] 5 . ;dfhdf /x]sf e"ldxLg,
l;dfGt / ;fgfls;fgnfO{ nlIft
u/L of] kl/of]hgf xfn df]/ª
lhNnfsf] 6+lsl;gjf/L / xflQd'8f uflj;df nfu" ul/Psf] 5 . o; kl/of]hgfn] !$
;d"xdf cfj4 ePsf # ;o $^
ls;fgnfO{ cfly{s tyf k|fljlws
;xof]u k'¥ofp“b} cfPsf] 5 . s[lif
k|;f/, C0f / pBd ljsf; o; kl/of]hgsf k|dv
' c+u /x]sf 5g\ . o; kl/of]hgfn] ;fdflhs
kl/rfng, C0f tyf jrt /
pGgt s[lif k|ljlwx¿ x:tfGt/
0fh:tf sfo{qmddfk{mt s[ifssf]
hghLljsf ;'wfg{ ;3fp k'¥ofp“b} cfO/x]sf] 5 . /, xfn
cfP/ !$ cf]6} ;d"xsf s[ifsnfO{
;+ul7t u/L s[lifpkh :fxsf/Ldf
cfj4 u/fOPsf] ] 5 . ;f] k|:tfljt ;xsf/Ln] ;fgf
ls;fg s[lif Joj;fo ;xfotf
kl/of]hgfsf] k|fljlws ;xof]udf
;xsf/L cgfh a}s
+ sf] cjwf/0ff cg'¿k s[ifsåf/f
pTkflbt wfgaf6 a9L kmfObf
lngsf] lglDt wfg a}l+ sª sfo{qmd ;~rfng ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .
cgfh a}+s
cjwf/0ff /
;fgf ls;fgx¿ k|foMh;f] wfg, ux'h
“ :tf
afnL sf6\g] ljlQs} dWo:tstf{nfO{ ;:tf]df
a]Rg afWo 5g\ . o;f] ug{d' f cfkm"n] lnPsf]
v]tL ug{ :yfgLo ;fx';u“ lnPsf] C0f ltg{,
cfkm\gf] 3/fo;L cfjZostf k"lt{ ug{ / e"ld
ef8f /sd e"ldkltx¿nfO{ ltg{' k|dv
' sf/0f
/x]sf 5g\ . o;afx]s ;fgf ls;fgx¿sf]
ljleGg vfnsf ;d:of h:t}– a9\bf] s[lif
;fdu|Lsf] d"No, pRr Aofh b/ / cTolws a9L
e"ld ef8f b/ / s[lif pkhsf] sd d"Non] ubf{
v'b cfDbfgL 3l6/x]sf] x'G5 . pgLx¿sf oL
;d:ofx¿ eg] gf}nf xf]Ogg\ .
aiff}{b]lv of] qmd lg/Gt/ rlncfO/x]sf]
5 h;nfO{ ;/sf/L tyf u}/;/sf/L b'j}
tj/af6 lbuf] ¿kdf ;dfwfg ug]{tkm{ Wofg
uO/x]sf] b]lv+b}g t/ o; jif{ df]/ª lhNnfsf]
6+lsl;gjf/L / xflQd'8f uflj;sf ;fgfls;fgn]
oL ;d:ofaf6 5'6sf/f kfpg s[lif pkh
;xsf/L u7g u/L ;xsf/L cgfh a+}s
cjwf/0ff sfjf{Gjog ug{{ PSoa4 ePsf 5g\ p2]Zo
s[ifsx¿n] pTkfbg u/]sf] cgfhsf]
dWo:tstf{ Jofkf/Lx¿lagf ahf/;Ddsf] kx'r
a9fO ;b:o s[ifsx¿sf] v'b cfDbfgLdf j[l4
u/L hghLljsfdf ;'wf/ ug]{ k|:tfljt ;xsf/L
cgfh a}s
+ sf] k|dv
' p2]Zo /x]sf] 5 .
nlIft ju{
o; cgfh a}l+ sª sfo{qmdsf] nlIft ju{df
cfkm\gf] hldg gePsf jf Hofb} yf]/} ePsf t/
cg'kl:yt hldGbf/sf] hUufhldg clwof“ jf
7]Ssfdf sdfpg] ;fgfls;fgx¿ kb{5g\ .
;dflhs ;]jf n
nlIft afnL M wfg / uxF'
nIo /fvL ;f]xLcg';f/ sfo{ eO/x]sf] 5 .
cGgafnL a}s
of] k|:tfljt ;xsf/L] cGgafnL a}s
+ sf]
cjwf/0ffdf cfwfl/t 5 . cGgafnL a}s
eg]sf] ;d'bfosf] :jfldTj / lgoGq0fdf /xg]
e08f/0f xf] h;n] wfg, ux“h
' :tf d'Vo cGgafnL
lwtf]sf] ¿kdf :jLsf/L wfgsf] d"No j/fj/sf]
/sd tTsfn pknAw u/fp“5 / kl5 a9L d"No
ePsf] ;dodf a]rL s[ifsn] yk d"No ;d]t
kfpg ;xof]u ub{5 . cyf{t, e08f/0f / ahf/
Joj:yfkg Joj;fo dfq gu/L s[ifs x¿nfO{
cGgafnL lwtf]df :jLsf/L C0f k|jfx ug]{ x'gfn]
o;nfO{ cGgafnL a}s
+ elgPsf] xf] .
o; gd'gfsf] ¿kdf ;xsf/Ldf cfj4
df]/ª lhNnfsf] 6+lsl;gjf/L / xflQd'8f
uflj;sf !$ j6f s[ifs ;d"xsf] $) 6g wfg
/ !)) 6g ux's
“ f] e08f/0f tyf sf/f]jf/ ug]{
clu|d C0f
clu|d C0f eg]sf] s[i[ fsn] afnL nufp“bf
cfjZos kg]{ C0f lagflwtf] clu|d sd Jofhb/
df pknAw u/fpg'nfO{ dflgG5 . clu|d C0f
cGgafnL a}s
+ sf] dxTjk"0f{ sfo{sf] ¿kdf /x]sf]
5 . o;n] ;fgfls;fgnfO{ :yfgLo ;fx'x¿af6
rsf]{ Aofhdf C0f lngaf6 hf]ufp“5 .
klxnf] jif{df s[ifsx¿ ;xsf/Ldf cfj4
eOg;s]sf] x'gfn] ;d"xdfkm{t cfjZos
u'0f:t/Lo /f;folgs dn / pGgt wfg,
“ f] jLp C0f :j¿k pknAw u/fOPsf]
5 . C0fsf] /sd z"Go k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] eg]
;d"xn] jflif{s * k|ltztsf b/n] s[ifsnfO{
C0f pknAw u/fPsf lyP . ;f]xL C0f
/sdnfO{ s[ifsx¿n] xfn cfkm"n] pTkfbg
u/]sf] wfg ¿kdf ;xsf/LcGtu{t /x]sf]
cGgafnL a}s
+ nfO{ a'emfp“b} cfPsf 5g\ h:fsf]
tTsfn ahf/ d"Nocg';f/ e'StfgL ul/Psf]
5 . h'g e08f/0fkl5 a9L d"No ePsf] ;dodf laqmL u/L d'gfkmf /sd s[ifsnfO{ g} k'glj{t/0f
ul/g]5 .
cfkm"n] pTkfbg u/]sf] wfg, ux“h
' :
tf cGgafnLsf] plrt df]n gkfpg] t/
rsf]{ Aofhb/df C0f lng afWo eO jif}b{ l] v
bf]xf]/f] df/df k/]sf ;fgf ls;fgsf] v'b cfDbfgL
a9fpg, ;Dejt ;fgf ls;fg s[lif–Joj;fo
;xfotf kl/of]hgfsf] Ps efusf] ¿kdf /x]sf]
;xsf/L cGgafnL a}l+ sª cjwf/0ff ;d:t
b]zs} ;fgf ls;fgsf] hghLljsfdf ;'wf/ ug{
;3fp k'¥ofpg gd'gf aGg ;Sg]5 eGg] cfzf
/fVg ;lsG5 .
rgf k|ljlw Pj+ dgf]®~hgsf] a9\bf] k|of]u;“u}
PSsfO;f}+ ztfAbLsf] gof“ k':tf dgf]®~hgsf]
;zQm dfWod 6]lnlehgkl§ lgs} cfslif{t
ePsf] b]lvG5 . ljZjJofkLs®0fsf] of] o'udf
o'jfx¿ cfk"mnfO{ s'g} klg s'®fdf k5fl8 ®fVg
rfx“bg} g\ . s]xL g s]xL ul®®xg] k|jl[ Q To;df
klg dgf]®~hgsf gof“gof“ cfofdx¿nfO{ 5f]8g\
ge'Ng] cfhsf o'jf k':tf lxhf]cfh 6]lnlehgk|lt
x'?Ss ePsf 5g\ . kl®jlt{t ®fhg}lts l:ylt ®
v:s“bf] cy{tGqsf kmn:j¿k pgLx¿nfO{ s]xL
u®]® vfg kl5Nnf] ;dodf lgs} ;d:of k®]sf] 5 .
a]®f]huf®Lsf] of] qmd a9\b} hf“bf o'jfx¿ vf;u®L
gf]s®Ldf dfq s]lGb|t x'g k'us
] f] xfn} ul®Psf] Ps
;j]I{ f0fn] k|i6 kf®]sf] 5 . t® jif]g{ L a9\bf] z}lIfs
hgzlQm t® To;nfO{ wfGg kof{Kt gf]s®Lsf]
cefjn] o'jfx¿ gf]s®Lsf] ljsNksf] ljleGg
vf]hLdf nfluk®]sf 5g\ . ljZjahf®df klg
s'n z}lIfs hgzlQmeGbf gf]s®L ahf®sf] l:ylt
;f“3l' ®+b} uPsf] sf®0fn] clxn] ;+;f®e®sf clwsf+z
z}nL n
o'jfx¿ ;"rgf k|ljlw ® dgf]®~hgsf] If]qdf cfºgf]
sl®c® agfpg tlD;Psf b]lvG5g\ .
g]kfndf dgf]®~hgsf ;zQm dfWod
6]lnlehgk|ltsf] cfsif{0f o'jfx¿df 5f]6f] ;dodf
eP klg lgs} a9]® cfPsf] 5 . 6]lnlehgnfO{
cfºgf] sl®c® agfO{ hLljsf]kfh{g ug]{ ;fwgsf
cltl®Qm nf]slk|otf xfl;n ug]{ rfxgfn] klg
o'jfx¿nfO{ 6]lnlehgkl§ cfslif{t u®]sf] 5 .
6]lnlehgdf cfk"mnfO{ b]vfpg rfxg] s]xL o'jf
t kfl®>ldsljgf klg sfd ug{ tof® b]lvG5g\ .
pbf® ;~rf® gLltcg'¿k lghL:t®df v'ns
] f
ljleGg 6]lnlehg Rofgnx¿df klg k|z:t}
df}sfx¿ ePsf sf®0f o'jfx¿sf] lbgk|ltlbg of]
If]qdf cfsif{0f a9]sf] kfOG5 . log} cfsif{0fx¿sf
sf®0f ®fhwfgLdf Rofp ;®L ljleGg pb\3f]if0f
tfnLdsf s]Gb|x¿ v'ns
] f 5g\ . oL ;+:yfx¿df
o'jfx¿sf] eL8 6]lnlehgk|ltsf]] nf]slk|otf ® tL
;+:yfx¿sf] Kn];d]G6 Uof®]G6Lsf] pb\af]wgn] p7fg
u®]sf] cfef; kfOG5 .
6]lnlehgk|lt cfslif{t o:tf o'jfx¿sf]
;d"xnfO{{ tLg lsl;dn] juL{s®0f ug{ ;lsG5 .
klxnf] ju{sf o'jfx¿ s]jn ;f]vsf ¿kdf
6]lnlehg l5g{ rfxG5g\ . logLx¿nfO{ k};f,
sl®c® eGbf ;f]vn] o;tk{m s'Ts'TofPsf] x'G5 .
bf]>f] ;d"xdf To:tf o'jfx¿ kb{5g\ h;nfO{
s:tf] x'G5 u®]® x]?“ g t eGg] s'®fx¿n] a9L
lgb]l{ zt u®]sf] x'G5 . o; ;d"xdf o'jfx¿ k};f
® sl®c® b'jt} k{m pGd'v x'G5g\ t® pgLx¿df
cfTdljZjf;sf] sdL kfOG5 . klxnf] ® bf];f| ] b'j}
;d"xsf o'jfx¿df o; If]qsf] ulx®f] cWoog ®
cle?lrsf] sdL x'G5 . ® t];f| ] ;d"xdf kg{ cfpg]
o'jfx¿ eg] o; If]qdf g} cfºgf] sl®c® agfpg
tof® eP® ljz]if tflnd ® cGo cg';GwfgfTds
sfo{x¿ u®]® cfpg rfxG5g\ . o:tf ;d"xsf
o'jfx¿df On]S6«fl] gS; kqsfl®tf, pb\3f]if0f ®
k|fljlws 1fgdf klg ®x]sf] x'G5 . logLx¿ s'g}
klg Rofgndf k|jz
] kfpg rfxG5g\ .
lxhf]cfh hf] o'jfx¿ 6]lnlehgdf b]lvg
;lhnf] 5}g P+s/ aGg
k|Nxfb lu/L
z}nL n
rfxG5g\ a9L h;f] t s]jn 6]lnlehg k|:tf]tfdfq aGg rfxG5g\ .
t® clwsf+z 6]lnlehgdf k|:tf]tf g} sfo{qmd lgdf{tf x'g] ub{5g\ .
jf:tjdf xfd|f o'jfnfO{ sfo{qmd k|:tf]tf cyf{t leh]sf] g} a9L rfxgf x'g]
u5{ . t® sfo{qmd lgdf{0f ug]{ lgdf{tfsf] lhDd]jf®L ® sfo{qmd k|:t't ug]{
k|:tf]tfsf] lhDd]jf®L lgs} km®s x'G5 . sfo{qmd lgdf{tfn] sfo{qmdsf] k|f?k
tof® kfg'k{ g]{ sfdb]lv sfo{qmd lgdf{0f ;sL To;sf] k|;f®0f eO;s]kl5sf]
l:ylt;Dd lhDd]jf® x'gk' 5{ eg] sfo{qmd k|:tf]tfn] s]jn sfo{qmd k|:t't
ug]{ ljifodf dfq rgfvf] x'gk' 5{ . cfhsnsf ;a} 6]lnlehg Rofgnx¿df
sfo{qmd k|:tf]tf eGbf klg sfo{qmd lgdf{tfsf] g} vf“rf] x'G5 . t® ce}m klg
w]®} o'jfx¿nfO{ o;sf] 1fg 5}g . k|fljlws tj®df eGg] xf] eg] lk|–k|f8] S;g,
k|f8] S;g ® kf]i6 k|f8] S;g ® lkm8Aofs gcfP;Dd lgdf{tf lhDd]jf® x'g]
ub{5 . lgdf{tfx¿n] s'g} Ps sfo{qmdsf] u'0f:t®, l;h{gzLntf ® klAns
l8dfG8nfO{ lhDd]jf®L lng] ePsfn] klg 6]lnlehg Rofgnx¿n] sfo{qmd
k|:tf]tfx¿eGbf sfo{qmd lgdf{tfx¿sf] a9L dfu u®]sf x'G5g\ . o:tf s'®fdf
cgle1 ®x]sf o'jfx¿ s]jn leh] aGg tDtof® ®x]sf] sltko pbfx®0f
kfOG5 . pgLx¿ kmnfgf] 6]lnlehgdf leh] dfu]sf] 5 ls eg]® ce}m klg
;f]wk'5 ul®®xG5g\ . s]xL Rofgndf t o;sf] cfjZostf g} geO{ leh]sf]
nflu ljleGg lgj]bg ® afof]8f6f cfO®x]sf] x'G5 . grfxL grfxLsg o:tf
afof]8f6fx¿ y'lk|gn
' ] klg b]zdf a]®f]huf®Lsf] l:ylt ® o'jfx¿sf] 6]lnlehg
df]xnfO{ ;lhn} O+lut u5{ .
6]lnlehgdf sfo{qmd k|:t't ug]s
{ f] cnfjf ;dfrf® eGg] ;dfrf®
jfrssf] cfsif{0f klg sd 5}g . b]zsf] ®fli6«o k|;f®0f ;+:Yff g]kfn
6]lnlehgdf ljutdf s]xL ;dfrf®jfrs tyf ;dfrf® ;Dkfbssf nflu
dfu ul®Psf] lj1fkgdf xhf®f}+ lgj]bg kg'n
{ ] klg ;dfrf® ;Dk|i] f0fsf] If]qdf
o'jf cfsif{0f a9]sf] ;lhn} yfxf kfpg ;lsG5 . lk|G6 d]l8of ® ®]l8of]df
eGbf 6]lnlehgdf eGg vf]hs
] f] ljifoj:t'nfO{ ;lhn} >Job[Zodfk{mt\ b]vfpg
;lsg] snfn] ubf{ l;h{gzLn ;Djfbbftf ® kqsf®x¿nfO{ 6]lnlehgsf]
Go"h l®kf]l6{ªn] g} cfslif{t u®]sf] 5 . kl5Nnf] ;dodf s]xL lk|G6 d]l8of
® ®]l8of]sdL{x¿nfO{ klg 6]lnlehgsf] of] rsfrf}w+ n] tfg]sf] 5 . o:tf
l®kf]6®{ x¿ ;dfrf® l®kf]l6{ª dfq xf]Og ;d;fdlos 36gfx¿sf sfo{qmd
;~rfngdf klg TolQs} Jo:t b]lvg yfn]sf 5g\ . l5d]sL d'n
' s
ef®tdf v'ns
] f lghL If]qsf s]xL Go"h Rofgnx¿sf]
nf]slk|otfsf] kmn:j¿k g]kfndf klg ;dfrf®sf
nflu cnUu} Pp6f Rofgnsf] vf“rf] dx;'; ul®Psf]
kl®k|I] odf of] If]qdf o'jf cfsif{0fn] eljiodf bx|} 7fp“
hdfpg] s'®f cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 . jf:tjdf ;~rf®sf
ljwfdf s]xL ug{ rfxg] ® kqsfl®tfsf] cg'ej ePsf
JolQmnfO{ 6]lnlehgsf] ;dfrf® l®kf]l6{ª ® jfrgsf]
sfdn] yk pT;fx ® cf“6 eg]{ sfd ub{5 eGg] s'®fdf
b'O{ dt x'g ;St}g .
lghL If]qaf6 v'ns
] f s]xL Rofgnx¿sf] 6]lnlehg
sfo{qmd k|;f®0fsf] s]xL jif{otf sfo{qmd lgdf{tf ®
k|:tf]tfdf dgf]dflnGosf] l:ylt klg k}bf ePsf]
5 . s'g} sfo{qmd rnfP® s]xL ;do s'g} Pp6f
Rofgndf cfºgf] cg'ej sdfpg] sfo{qmd
lgdf{tfx¿ csf]{ Rofgndf ;g]{ qmd klg
kl5Nnf] ;dodf b]lvPsf] 5 . l5d]sL d'ns
ef®tdf cfhts, :6f® Go"h, Pg8L6LeL
OlG8of ® 8L8L Go'hh:tf ;dfrf® Rofgndf
Ps af6 csf]d{ f ;g]{ qmd rln®x]sf] b]lvG5 .
o;af6 ef®tdf o:tf 6]lnlehgsdL{x¿
k]zfut ¿kdf ljsl;t eO;s]sf] cfef;
x'G5 . Toxf“ h'g JolQm a9L k|fk] m] ;gn eof]
of sfddf bIf 5 To;nfO{ cfºgf] Rofgndf tfGg] xf]8afhL x'G5 . cfºgf]
Rofgndf pRru'0f:t®sf] k|fk] m] ;gn JolQm cfsif{0f ug{ tL ;+:yfx¿n]
cfsif{s kfl®>lds ® eg]h:tf ;'ljwfx¿ lbg tof® x'G5g\ . t® g]kfndf
eg] k|fk] m] zglnHdsf] ce}m klg ljsf; gePsfn] of] ;Dej b]lv+bg} . oxf“
®fd|f sfd ug]{ JolQmx¿sf] sfdsf] cg';®0f ® tfl®km ug]s
{ f] ;§fdf p;k|lt
®L;, ®fu, å]if efj ®fvL s'enf] ug]{ u®fpg] sfdn] lg®Gt®tf kfPsf] 5 .
h;n] ubf{ g]kfnL ;~rf® If]q klg cgfjZos ljjfbn] k6sk6s wldlng]
u®]sf] 5 . t;y{ 6]lnlehgdf gof“ k|jz
] ug]{ JolQmx¿ o:tf s'®fx¿k|lt
rgfvf] x'gk' b{5 .
x®]s snfsf® of ®¨sdL{ of ;~rf®sdL{nfO{ p;sf] k]zfut hLjgdf
Pp6f lx6sf] h¿®t kb{5 . h:tf];s
' } snfsf® xf];\ of ;~rf®sdL{ xf];\
Ps k6s pm of p;n] u®]sf] sfo{n] ahf®df 8]®f hdfpg;s]df pm ;kmn
ePsf] dfGg ;lsG5 . lkmNdsf] s'®f ug]{ xf] eg] lkmNd lx6 eof] eg] snfsf®
klg lx6 x'G5 . uLt ;¨Ltdf uLt w]®} rNof] eg] ufos÷uflosf klg lx6
x'G5g\ . To:t} 6]lnlehgdf sfo{qmd lx6 eof] eg] klg sfo{qmd ;~rfns
klg lx6 x'G5g\ . cfhsf] o'udf lx6 Pp6f cfjZostf g} alg;s]sf] 5 .
pbfx®0fsf nflu s'®f ubf{ s]xL 6]lnrnlrqdf cfSsne'mSsn b]lvg] ®
Pp6f Pkm=Pd= df sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug]{ snfsf® bLks®fh lu®L clxn]
g]kfn 6]lnlehgaf6 k|;f®0f x'g] cfºgf] sfo{qmd tLtf] ;Tosf dfWodaf6
lx6 ag]sf 5g\ . pgL clxn] 6]lnlehg x]g{] k|To]s hgdfg;;fd' xf“:o
snfsf®sf ¿kdf nf]slk|o ePsf 5g\ .
kSs} klg cfhsf] ;~rf®sf] qmflGtdo o'udf 6]lnlehgsf] sl®c®
o'jfx¿sf nflu ;'vb x'g;S5 t® o;df cfpg] u®]sf] r'gf}tL ® afwfx¿n]
ubf{sf] o;sf] ofqf sf];9] u+' f ;®x 5 . elgG5, olb tkfO{d+ f cf“6 5, s]xL
u®]® b]vfpg] ;fdYo{tf 5, gof“ vf]h 5 ® kof{Kt ;do 5 eg] 6]lnlehg
+ f] nflu pko'Qm ®f]hfO x'g;S5 . t® sltko 6]lnlehgdf sfo{qmd
lgdf{0f÷k|:t't ug]{ JolQmx¿df w}ot{ fsf] sdL kfOG5 . 6]lnlehgdf sfd
u®]® 6]lnlehgsdL{ x'g w}ot{ f dxTjk"0f{ ® klxnf] zt{ xf] . oxf“ s'g} s'®fn]
ahf® kfpg lgs} k|tLIFf ug'k{ g]{ klg x'G5 .
PSsfO;f}+ ztfAbLsf] of] o'udf 6]lnlehg ;~rf®sf] dxTjk"0f{ ®
cTofjZs j:t' eO;s]sf] s'®f gsfg{ ;lsGg . cfh clwsf+z g]kfnLsf
3®df 6]lnlehg ;]6 5g\ . s;} s;}sf @÷# j6f klg 5g\ .
6]lnlehgsf] kbf{df cfºgf] s'®f eGg rfxg] ® kbf{df cfk"m b]lvO{
nf]slk|o x'g] rfxgfn] o'jfx¿nfO{ a]®f]s6f]s o; IF]qdf cfslif{t
t'NofO®x]sf] b]lvG5 . t® 6]lnlehgdf sfo{qmd lgdf{0f ug] { ®
k|:t't ug]{ sfd ;lhnf] eg] 5}g . To;} eP® xf]nf s]xL o'jfx¿
6]lnlehg sfo{qmd lgdf{0f s]xL ;do ;+nUg ePkl5 To;} knfog
x'g k'U5g\ . knfogsf] s'®f ug]{ xf] eg] d'ns
' sf] k'®fgf] ;+:yf g]kfn
6]lnlehgdf sfd u®]® sfd l;sL cGt hfg] 6]lnlehgsdL{x¿sf]
;+Vof w]®} 5 . w]®n
} ] t o;nfO{ 6«l] gª ;]G6®sf] ¿kdf klg lnPsf
5g\ . t® o;®L knfog eO{ cGo Rofgndf hfg' ®fd|f] s'®f eg]
xf]Og . To;f] t cj;® ® df}sf e]§fP;Dd To;nfO{
v]® hfg lbg x'b“ g} eGg] dfGotf klg 5 .
t® knfogsf] afWofds l:ylt cfP
klg ;dofg'sn
" cfk"mn] ;]jf ul®®x]sf]
;+:YffnfO{ cK7\of®f]sf] l:yltdf gkf®Lsg
cfhsf 6]lnlehgsdL{n] pko'Qm lg0f{o
lng'kg]{ vf“rf] b]lvG5 .
36gf– b]z÷ljb]z n
r'gfjsf] tof/L
>L % 1fg]Gb|sf] 3f]if0ffcg'¿k
lgjf{ r g cfof] u n] df3 @^
ut] gu/ lgjf{ r g ug] { ePsf]
5 . pQm lgjf{rg k|dv
' ;+;bjfbL
bn / ljb|f]xL dfcf]jfbLn] ;lqmo
alx:sf/ ug]{ / c;kmn agfpg] atfp“b}
cfPsf 5g\ . t/, dlGqkl/ifbsf pkfWoIf
t]xf| +} ;fs{
a+unfb]zsf] 9fsfdf t]xf| +} ;fs{ ;Dd]ng
sflQs @^ b]lv @& ;Dd ePsf] 5 . k6s—
k6s /f]lsP/ aNn x'g kfPsf] ;f] lzv/
;Dd]ngdf g]kfnL k|ltlglwd08nsf] g]tT[ j
>L % 1fg]Gb|af6 ePsf] lyof] . t]xf| +} ;fs{n] gof“
;b:osf ¿kdf ckmuflg:tfgnfO{ leqofpg]
lg0f{o u/]sf] 5 eg] hfkfg / rLgnfO{ ko{jI] fssf
¿kdf leqofpg] lg0f{o u/]sf] 5 . o;}u/L blIf0f
Pl;ofnL :jtGq Jofkf/ ;Demf}tf -;fkm\6f_ nfO{
;g @))^ sf] hgj/Lb]lv sfof{Gjog ug]{ ;d]t
;dembf/L ePsf] 5 .
;+/If0f /fhb"t
ljZj jGohGt'
sf]if g]kfn sfo{qmdn]
…ld; g]kfn– @))%Ú
;'ul/sf s];LnfO{ k';
% ut] …;+/If0f /fhb"t–
@))%Ú df lgo'Qm
u/]sf] 5 .
sfo{qmdsf] ;fj{hlgs
JolQmTjsf] cª\usf
¿kdf /xg] JolQmnfO{
;+/If0f /fhb"t elgg]
u/]sf] 5 . af]nLrfnL /
sfddfkm{t h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+/If0fsf] ;Gb]z
lbg] p;sf] lhDd]af/L xf] .
;+/If0f /fhb"tsf ¿kdf ;'ul/sfn] sf]ifn]
g]kfnel/sf ljBfnosf ljBfyL{x¿dfkm k|j4{g
u/]sf] kof{j/0fLo Snax¿df ;+/If0f k|j4{g ug]{
cj;/ kfpg] sf]ifn] hgfPsf] 5 .
8f= t'N;L lu/Ln] k'; % ut] /fhwfgLdf
Ps kqsf/ ;Dd]ngsf] cfof]hgf
u/L r'gfj alx:sf/ u/] klg s;}nfO{
hah{:tL dtbfgaf6 al~rt ug]{
clwsf/ gePsfn] hah{:tL ug{
vf]Hg]nfO{ sf/afxL ul/g] r]tfjgL
lbg'ePsf] 5 . o;n] ubf{ lgjf{rg
tgfjk"0f{ x'g] l:ylt b]lvPsf] 5 .
cftÍsf/L ca' d';fa cn h/sfaLsf]
g]tT[ jdf O/fsleq ;lqmo cnsfobf u'6n] Ps OG6/g]6 jQmJodfkm{t cfdlgjf{rgsf
d'vdf gof“ cfqmfds sf/afxL yfNg] k|lt1f
u/]sf] 5 .
To; u'6sf k|jQmf ca' d};f/f cn
O/fsLåf/f x:tfIfl/t To; jQmJodf cn
sfobfsf] ;}Go ljefudf /x]sf O/fsL aGw'x¿n]
cwdL{x¿nfO{ wkfpg]
/ pgLx¿;“u x'g
nfu]sf] …k|hftflGqsÚ
ljjfx Wj:t kfg]{
ljho cleofg
yfn]sf] atfPsf]
5 .
xdnfx¿sf nflu
bf]ifL dflgPsf] To; u'6n] cfkm\gf] sf/afxL
/fhwfgL aubfb, pQ/L ;x/ df];n
' , cn
cgj/, lbofnf / ;fnflx2Lg k|fGtx¿df
s]lGb|t ug]{ atfPsf] 5 .
:jtGq ¿kdf cflwsfl/stf geO;s]sf]
of] kl5Nnf] jQmJoh:t} b'O{ lbgcl3 tfOkmf
cn dG;'/f ljb|fx] L u'6 ;d"xaf6 csf]{
jQmJo cfPsf] lyof] . of] dg;'/f u'6;lxt
cGo tLg j6f u'6n] r'gfjnfO{ ;}tfgL if8\
oGqsf] ;ª\1f lb+b} eT;{gf u/]sf 5g\ .
r'gfjaf6 :yfkLt @ ;o&% ;b:oLo Ps
gof“ ;+;bsf] sfo{sfn rf/ jif{sf] x'g5
] .
bn—dfcf]jfbL ;dembf/L
ljb|fx] L dfcf]jfbL / ;ft ;+;bjfbL /fhgLlts bnaLr b]zdf lbuf]
zflGt :yfkgsf nflu afx|ab“' ] ;dembf/L ePsf] 5 . pQm ;dembf/Ldf
;+ljwfg ;efsf] lgjf{rg ug]{ / ;f] lgjf{rgsf a]nfdf /fHo / ljb|fx] L
kIf b'jt} km{sf ;]gfsf] xltof/ ;+oQ
' m /fi6«;3+ of o:t} s'g} ljZj;gLo
cGt/f{li6«o lgsfosf] lgu/fgLdf /fVg] s'/f pNn]v 5 . t/, ;/sf/n] !@
a'b“ ] ;dembf/Lsf cfwf/df /fli6«o ;xdlt vf]Hg g;lsg] / bn dfcf]jfbL
;dembf/LnfO{ gdfGg] atfO;s]sf] 5 .
xfa|–] nf]kf]Gd'v
a9\bf] jg ljgfz, rf]/L l;sf/L /
hgr]tgfsf] sdLsf sf/0f Onfdsf]
pQ/L g]kfn–ef/t ;LdfjtL{ If]qdf kfOg]
ljZjs} b'ne
{ jGohGt' xfa|] -/]8 kfG8f_
lbgk|ltlbg nf]k x'b“ } uO/x]sf] 5 .
Onfdsf] hd'gf, uf]udfO{, dfa' /
dfOdem'jfnufotsf ufp“ ljsf; ;ldltsf]
jg If]qdf ;Lldt ;ª\Vofdf kfOg] of]
hgfj/ cfkm\gf] jf;:yfg / cfxf/fsf]
ljgfz;“u} a;]l{ g dfl;g] cj:yfdf k'us
] f]
cg';GWffgstf{x¿n] atfPsf 5g\ .
To; If]qsf /]8 kfG8fsf] :ynut
cWoog–cg';Gwfgdf ut jif{ ;ft
dlxgf nfdf] ;do latfPsf cd]l/sL
jGohGt'lj1 a|fog ljlnoD;n] !# j6f
hLljt / tLgj6f d[t xfa|] e]6s
] f lyP .
sl/a tLg bh{gsf] xf/fxf/L
;ª\Vofdf To; If]qdf /x]sf] xfa|s
] f] plrt
;+/If0fsf nflu ;DalGwt lgsfon] Wofg
glbg] xf] eg] ca k“Fr jif{leqdf ljZjaf6}
nf]kf]Gd'v k|f0fL xfa|] ;f] If]qaf6 klg k"0f{
¿kdf dfl;g] pgsf] cWoog k|ltj]bgdf
pNn]v 5 .
cWoogsf s|ddf hd'gfsf] xfu]yfd
If]qdf pgn] rf/j6f /]8 kfG8f kqm]/ cf7
306f nfdf] lel8of] lkmNd ;d]t lvr]sf
lyP . To; e]usf] xfu]yfd, rf]of6f/,
sfnLvf]k, 88]nL, nfnjf;nufotsf
hª\unaf6 a;]l{ g ef/tLo jg
sd{rf/Ls} ldnf]dtf]df :yfgLo afl;Gbf
/ ufO{uf]7fnfaf6 xfa|s
] f] cglws[t ¿kdf
cj}w rf]/L l;sf/L x'b“ } cfPsf] ;d]t
k|ltj]bgdf hgfOPsf] 5 .
ahf/df Pp6f lhp“bf] xfa|s
] f] d"No ¿= b;
xhf/ / 5fnfsf] df]n ef/tLo ¿k}of“ cf7
xhf/ k5{ . x]bf{ cToGt} ;'Gb/ / cfsif{s
t/ :jefjn] Hofb} ;f]emf] k|f0fL xfa|n
] fO{
ks|g ;lhnf] ePs} sf/0f l;sf/Lx¿n]
cfDbfgLsf nflu o;nfO{ df/]/ 5fnf
sf9L las|L ug]{ ub{5g\ .
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kfpg] ubf{ ub}{ l;s] . Tolt dfq xf]Og cfjZos kbf{
To:tf s'/f dd{t ug{ ;Sg];d]t eP .
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klg ag] . ToxL qmddf ljh'nLaf6 aNg] nfnl6g tof/
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pgnfO{ dg k¥of] . To;sf/0f nfu] a]6L« af6 rNg] aQL
agfpg . lgSs} ;dosf] d]xgt kl5 aGof] klg .
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aNa nfU5g\, af“sL ;a} efu af“;s} /xG5 .
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/ sf]7fsf nflu ;fdfGo aQL u/L b'Oj{ 6f aQL To;df
/xG5g\ . h;nfO{ cfjZostfcg';f/ rxlsnf] / dw'/f]
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afNg ;lsg] bfaL lgdf{tf clwsf/Lsf] 5 .
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gfd sdfpg] wf]sf] eg] af“sL 5 .
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;lsg] bfaL lgdf{tf eLd clwsf/Lsf] /x]sf] 5 .
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