jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf WHO IS VED VYAS ? Collected by G.T. Devraj Tiwari he wrote Mahabharata is still exists in Nepal. His father was Parashar Rishi, a sage and his mother was Satyavati. He taught the Vedas to his pupils with ardent devotion and dedication. It is said that Mahabharata is the 18th Puran that was written by Ved Vyas. He fathered four famous sons, Pandu, Dhritarashtra, Vidur and Sukhdev. Ved Vyas received knowledge from great sages like Vasudeva and Sanakadik. He described that the most important goal in one's life is to attain Narayana or the Divine Supreme. Major Work Mahabharata : There is a cameo of Ved Vyasa himself in Mahabharata. He is considered as a part-incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is said that he came to the earth in Dwaparyuga to put all the Vedic knowledge in this universe in the form of written words and make it available to everyone. Before Ved Vyasa the Vedic knowledge only existed in the form of spoken words. He was the grandfather to Pandavas and Kauravas. He is called Ved Vyasa because he had split the original version of Vedas into four parts; Ved Vyasa literally means ‘the splitter of Vedas’. It was because Ved Vyasa had split the Vedas The life history of Ved Vyas is an interesting one. The author of the great epic Mahabharata, Ved Vyas was the first and greatest acharya of Sanatan Dharma. He is responsible for classifying the four Vedas, wrote the 18 Puranas and recited the great Mahabharata. In fact, the Mahabharata is often called as the fifth Veda. The most important and the most glorified section is the Bhagwad Gita, the lesson recited to Arjuna by Lord Krishna on the battlefield. Apart from the Mahabharata, he also wrote the Brahmasootra, one of his shortest theologies on Hindu philosophy. It is said that Ved Vyas is immortal and he never died. Seeing the widespread violence in today's times, he is said to have retreated into some remote village in Northern India. The life of Ved Vyas is an example to all in the modern times on how to be selfless and devote oneself entirely to Lord in order to attain Nirvana. To know more about Vyas, continue to read this insightful biography on him. Personal Life : He is also known as Krishna Dvaipayana. Around some 5000 years ago, he was born in Damauli of Tanahu district, which is now in Nepal. The ancient cave that h;n] cfˆgf] b] znfO{ dfof ub} {g, To;n] s;} nfO{ klg dfof ub} {g . — n8{ jfO/ g –1– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf from sage Jabali’s daughter called Pinjala. It is said that Ved Vyasa asked Lord Ganesha himself to help him in compilation of Mahabharata. But Ganesha had put one condition on him; he said that he will write Mahabharata for him if only he will narrate it to him without a single pause. To supersede this condition, Vyasa put another condition on him asking him to understand the verses even before he has recited them. This is how Mahabharata was written, Ved Vyasa narrated all the Upanishads and 18 Puranas continuously to Lord Ganesha. Buddhism: There is also mention of Ved Vyasa in Buddhism. In the two of their Jataka tales called Kanha-dipayana and Ghata. He appeared as a Bodhisattva in Kanha-dipayana, which has no connection with his Hindu Vedic works and in Ghata Jakata his role has a close relation to Mahabharata. In Ghata, the Vrishnis plays a joke on Ved Vyasa to put his clairvoyance powers to test. They dress up a boy as a woman by tying a pillow to his belly. Then they took him to Vyasa and asked him if he could tell them when the baby is due. He tells then that the person in front of him will give birth to a knot of acaria wood and will destroy Vaasudeva’s race. They kill him in the end but his divination came true. that it became easy for people to understand it. This is how the divine knowledge was made available to everyone. It is still not clearly known whether Ved Vyasa had split the Vedas all by himself or if he did with the help of a group of scholars. In Mahabharata, Vyasa’s mother marries the king of Hastinapur and gives birth to two sons. Both the sons die and their wives are left with no children. She asks him to impregnate both the wives. Vyasa agrees to impregnate Amba and Ambika. He tells these girls to come in close proximity to him but alone. It was Ambika’s turn first to go close to him and out to shyness she closes her eyes. Vyasa declares that the baby would be born blind––this child was called Dhritarashtra. Then it was Amba’s turn. Although she was instructed by Ambalika to relax and calm herself down. But she was very nervous and her face becomes pale out of fear. Vyasa declares that the baby born out of this will be severely anemic and will certainly not be capable of running a kingdom––this was Pandu. This leads to the third attempt to make a healthy child but Amba and Ambika were so scared now that they sent a servant girl instead. This maid was confident and she gets impregnated with a healthy child––this was Vidura. He also had another son called Suka Tell me and I foreget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn . - Benjamin Franklyn –2– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf o'jf ju{ Ù b]zsf d]?b08 cla/n e§/fO{ !)…sÚ :yfg M af6f] ;do M lbpF;f] kfqx? M /d]z, ;'/]z, lbks -sIff !@ sf] k/LIff ;lsPkl5 /d]z, ;'/]z / lbks cfˆgf] eljio pHHjn agfpg ljleGg tflnd lnO/x]sf 5g\ . tflndsf nflu cfjt hfjt ug]{ qmddf ltgLx?sf] af6f]df e]6 x'G5 . ltgLx?sf] s'/fsfgL ;'? x'G5 ._ -klxn] pgLx? clejfbg u5{g\ ._ /d]z Mb'j}nfO{ gd:sf/ x} . -;'/]z / lbksn] klg gd:sf/ kmsf{pF5g\ . _ ;'/]z Ms] 5 t lg ;fyL xf] xfnva/ < /d]z Ml7s} 5 , oL ls;fg If]qdf nfUgsf nflu tflnd lnb} 5' . lbks Md]/f] klg l7s 5 , cr]n :jf:YosdL{ aGgsf nflu tflnd lnO/x]sf] 5' . clg ltd|f] rfxLF s] s:tf] 5 t xfnva/ < ;'/]z Md]/f] klg l7s} 5 , d rfxLF ljb]z hfgsf] nflu tfnLd lnO/x]sf] 5' . o:tf] b]zdf a;]/ klg s] ug'{ . ljb]zdf uP kf] /fd|f] lhGbuL lhpg kfOG5 . /d]z Mljb]z < x}g of] ;'/]z s] eGb} 5 < sn]h k9bf ;Dd t pxL xfdLnfO{ ljb]zdf hfg'x'Gg oxL b]zdf a;]/ s]xL ug'{k5{ eg]/ ;DemfpFy] cfh rfxLF s] eof] < lbks Mxf] t lg sn]h kl9;s] kl5 slt ab\lnPsf] of] ;'/]z < cfkm" gablnP/ klg s] ug'{ < xfd|f] b]z g]kfnsf] /fd|f] jftfj/0f g} 5}g . cem xfdLh:tf u/La ljBfyL{x? t emg\ lk5l8Psf 5f}F . /d]z MTo:tf] s'/f ug'{ xFb}g ;'/]z cfkm" ablng] eGb}df g/fd|f] s'/f cfkm"df k|j]z ug{ lbg'x'Fb}g . o;/L xfdL h:tf] lzlIft JolQmn] cfˆgf] b]znfO{ vf]6 nufpg' xF'b}g . xfd|f] b]znfO{ ljZjn] /fd|f] / jL/ uf]vf{nLsf] b]z eg]/ lrGb5 . h'g pkflw xfd|f k'vf{n] cfˆgf o'jf zlSt k|of]u u/]/ lbnfPsf lyP . lbks Mxfd|f] b]z ljleGg s'/fdf wgL 5 . -/d]znfO{ ;dy{g lbFb} _ k|fs[lts s'/fdf t emg of] pRr 5 . t/ xfdL h:tf o'jf ljb]lzPsf sf/0f o;nfO{ k|of]u ug]{ hgzlSt xfd|f] b]zdf 5}g . h;sf/0f of] vl:sPsf] 5 . ;'/]z MXof, ltdLx? klg s:tf] a]ˆjfFssf s'/f u5f}{ . xfd|f] b]zsf] u'0fufg ufp5fF} . eg]sf] h:tf] ug]{ / x'g] eP t clxn] d]/f] l:ylt lanu]6\;sf] jf:tjdf dxfg\ pm cf] hf] ;d"xdf /x]/ klg PsfGtsf] cfgGb lng;S5 . –Od/;g –3– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! eGbf pRr x'GYof] xf]nf . xfd|f] h:tf] b]z g]kfndf sfd u/]/ s]xL klg pknAwL x'Fb}g . o'jfsf] ;dosf] zlQm t cfˆgf] enfOsf nflu ug'{k5{ . lsg b]zsf nflu ug]{ < /d]z Mo:tf] unt xf] ;'/]z Û o'jf eg]sf t b]zsf vfFaf x'g\ d]?b08 x'g\ . o'jfs} sf/0f g} Ps b]z ljsl;t x'g ;S5 . xfd|f k'vf{x?s} o'jf zlStsf sf/0f clxn] xfdL g]kfn eGg] b]zdf 5f}F . xf]nf, ltdL w]/} k};fsf nflu ljb]z hfFb} 5f} t/ ;fyL ltdLnfO{ ptf sdfpg] !@)) / oxfF sdfpg] @%))) sf] a9L dxTj x'G5 . lbks MltdL ljb]z uP klg ToxfF ltdLn] pRr :t/sf] hfuL/ kfpFb}gf} . ToxL efF8f dfem\g] / 8dsL{sf] dfq kfpF5f} . t/ cfˆgf] b]zdf ltdLn] pRr :t/sf] hfuL/ kfpg] w]/} ;Defjgf x'G5 . ;'/]z MltdLx? klg s:tf] s'/f u5f}F < h;/L ar]/fn] p8\g] ePkl5 cfˆgf] u'8F 5f]85\ . d klg ToxL ug{ cfF6]sf] xf] . xfd|f] b]zdf ljleGg ;d:ofx? 5g\ . clxn] ;Dd klg s]xL kl/j{tg ePsf] 5}g . o'jfx? ;a} oxfF a]/f] huf/ 5g\ . /d]z Mkl/j{tg ug{sf nflu t cfkm}af6 ;'? ug'{k5{ . c?sf] e/df a:g' x'Fb}g cfkm" g} cufl8 ;g'{k5{ . clxn]sf o'jfx?df sfdsf] lje]b ePsf sf/0f kf] ltgLx? a]/f]huf/ ePsf x'g\ . lbks Mxf] Û /d]zsf] s'/f ;xL xf] Û o'jfx?df ltdL h:tf] sfdsf] / b]zsf] ljjfb gePsf eP xfd|f] b]zn] w]/} ljsf;sf] cg''xf/ kfpg] lyof] . /d]z MltdLn] clxn] ;Dd klg lsg s'/f ga'em]sf] ;'/]z Û o'jfs} sf/0f g} b]z ljsl;t x'g ;S5 . ltgLx?sf] xftdf g} b]z x'G5 . ltdL klg Ps o'js xf} . ltd|f] klg b]zsf] ljsf;sf nflu 7"nf] xft 5 . ltdL b]zsf] d]?b08 klg xf} . ;'/]z Md}n] aNn ltd|f] s'/f a'em]F d lzlIft eP/ klg cem} cGwsf/df /x]5' . dnfO{ dfkm u/ . ca d cfˆgf] b]zdf s'g} Ond u/]/ a:5' . /d]z Mx}g, 7Ls} 5, ltdLn] s'/f a'‰of} xfdL To;}df v';L 5f}F . x}g t lbks . lbks Mxf]=====l7s eGof} . ;'/]z MltdL b'j}nfO{ wGojfb 5 . dnfO{ 7"nf] lzIff lbPsf] df ==== . å}dfl;s klqsf -;a} hgf cfˆgf] af6f] nfU5g\ ._ -df=lj= txsf] g]kfnL ;+jfb n]vg k|ltof]lutfdf låtLo :yfg k|fKt ;+jfb_ Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them - Shakespeare –4– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf xfd|f] b]z g]kfn d]/f] b]z /f]zg clwsf/L, * …uÚ d]rLb]lv dxfsfnL km}lnPsf] g]kfn slt /fd|f] ldn]sf t/fO{,kxf8 lxdfn ..!.. cg]s hfthflt 5g\ ;+:s[lt / efiff e]if k|f0feGbf Kof/f] 5 :jtGq of] xfd|f] b]z ..@.. 5ª5ª ug]{ 5x/f xl/ofnL jg kfvf zflGte"ld g]kfndf u'l~h/xf];\ oxL efsf ..#.. jL/ xfdL g]kfnL Gofok|]dL g]kfn ljZj dfglrqdf c+lst 5 of] ljzfn ..$.. kjg v8\sf, & …vÚ zfGt / ;'Gb/ /xf];\ ;w}F d]/f] b]z, oxL t xf] lg a'4n] 5/]sf] ;Gb]z . xfF;f] v';L xf];\ ;a}nfO{ ?g gk/f];\ . cfF;'n] of] hLjgnfO{ w'g gk/f];\ . ul/aLsf] /]vfeGbf dfly /x"g ;a, b]z ljsf; ug{nfO{ ldNg'k5{ ca . xfdL ;a} ldNof}F eg] alnof] b]z aG5, eujfg uf}td a'4 km'6\g' x'Gg, h'6\g'k5{ To;}n] t eG5 . nIdL yfkf du/, % …vÚ ldlxg]t u/L ;a} b]z cl3 a9fpg æ;+;f/ b'Mvdo 5 . z/L/ b'Mvsf] 3/ xf] . c1fgtf / OR5f b'Mvsf] sf/0f x'g\ . logn] kg]{ 5}g ljb]zLnfO{ ;u/dfyf r9fpg . dflg;nfO{ s'sd{lt/ ws]n]/ b'Mvsf] ut{df kSs} klg aG5 xfd|f] :ju{ oxL b]z, k'¥ofpF5 . To;sf/0f t[i0ff dflg;sf] ljb]l;g'eGbf oxL a:g' x'G5 a]; . 7"nL a};L xf] < ef}lts ;+;f/ cl:y/ / Ifueª\u'/ 5 . hGd, /f]u0f j[4fcj:yf / ;fa'gn] wf]P/ vfG5' d[To' hLjgsf] 7"nf] cy{ xf] . t[i0ffsf] cGTo :gf]hn /fpt, % …vÚ Pslbg /fd / Zofd g'xfpFb} / kf}8L v]Nb} lyP . Tolt a]n} /fdnfO{ ltvf{ nfu]5 / eGof] . /fd M Zofd dnfO{ t ltvf{ nfUof] d t oxL vf]nfsf] kfgL vfG5' . ZofdM gvf of] kfgL kmf]xf]/ 5 . /fdM kmf]xf]/ eP ;fa'gn] wf]P/ vfG5' . g} b'Mvsf] cGTo x'g' xf] . r'6\lsnf :kGbg u'?Î Pslbg /fd / Zofd lyof] /fdn] ZofdnfO{ eg]5 M /fdM d]/f] a'jfn] t 7"nf] 7"n]f uf8LnfO{ /f]lSbg'x'G5 . ZofdM ltd|f] a'jf kmfO6/ xf] / < /fdM xf]Og 6«flkms k|x/L d]/f] pGgtLsf] /x:o Pp6} ;"qdf 5 – lxDdt gxfg'{ . –cNj6{ cfOG;6fOg –5– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf Friendship Deepa Shrestha, 10 'C' Friendship is a holy name, Never think it is a game. Friendship is there where there is love But never try to make a fuss. Friendship is a connection of friends . Some friends are true but some are frauds. Try to find ever the honest friends Give up fulfilling your personal dreams You give your heart and hands to them Who helps you in fulfilling dream Friendship is co-operation and trust Never give the chance make them brust Be honest and dutiful to those Friendship is an ocean that ever flows. Try to help your friend till your life ends It is said "After family there comes friends" Love you my friends. Puppy Divayani Gurung, 5 'B' Puppy! Puppy! My lovely puppy Always look you so happy You know nothing at all when you were so small Your furs so warm and soft beware of cold and hot. You have a pair of ear with you I have no fear. Sometime keep you on my lap My friends began to clap. You are the sweet thing of nature You will look after my house in future Puppy! Puppy! my lovely puppy! look you always so happy. Your Baby's Teeth : Myths Vs Facts. Prakriti Dhungaja, 10 'C' Myths Facts Cavities in baby teeth don't Children don’t lose their last baby tooth matter because they will just until they are 12 years old. Once started fall out any way. cavities will grow bigger overtime and eventually need to be filled. Cavities in baby teeth don't Cavities in baby teeth can pain and need fillings because they are infection carries must be created by the at last just baby teeth. dentist and this can be very hard for young children. Kids don't need to see the It is recommended that all kid see the dentist until they are at least dentise for the first time when their first one year old. teeth crepts; I can make my baby brush their To precious cavities, Parents should make teeth after they are older. their teeth brush as soon as the first tooth come in. Source : Internet Blue eyes say, "Love me or I die"; black eyes say, "Love me or I kill thee." - Spanish proverb –6– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf ufpF vfg] syf c~hgf a/fn, % …uÚ !_ lxF8b} 5 kfOnf d]6b} 5 s] xf] < @_ ;fgf] ;fgf] ?v 5, r9\gnfO{ b'Mv 5 s] xf] #_ ;fgf] gfgLsf] k]6 leq k};}k};f s] xf] < $_ x8\8L leq df;' df;' leq cfF;' s] xf] < %_ ;fgf] afa'sf] $ j6f v'§f s] xf] < ^_ s'g hn ldnfpg' k5{ < hLjg s] xf] < hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg hLjg k|zGg nf}8f/L, & …sÚ r'gf}lt xf] d'sfanf u/ . ljof]ufGt xf] ;fdgf u/ . ljiffb xf] ljho u/ . ofqf xf] k"0f{ u/ . ;+3if{ xf] :jLsf/ u/ . st{Jo xf] kfngf u/ . /x:o xf] pb\3f6g u/ . :jKg xf] k|fKt u/ . k|ltIff xf] k"/f u/ . j/bfg xf] cf:jfbg u/ . ;+uLt xf] k|z+;f u/ . ;f}Gbo{ xf] k"hf u/ . k|]d xf] pkef]u u/ . g/s xf] lgGbf u/ . 9'ª\uf l;:gf] v';f{gL gl/jn s'rL{ uhn g]kfnL pvfgnfO{ c+u|]hLdf eGg'kbf{ -g]kfnL rngrlNtsf pvfgnfO{ xfF;f]sf] ?kdf o;/L cg'jfb ug{ ;lsG5 ._ cflzif s]=;L=, * …uÚ vfO{ g kfO{ 5fnfsf] 6f]kL nfO{ . Eating na getting, putting leather Cap 3fF6L x]/L xf8 lgNg' . Look at the neck and swallow the bone. sfu s/fpFb} u5{, lkgf ;'Sb} u5{ . Crow crying ,Pina drying. d klg vfGbfgLsf] 5f]/f x'F . I am also a son of tiffn carrier. lrGg' g hfGg' 3r]8L dfUg' . Don’t Know don’t know push and beg r'6\lsnf cd[t clwsf/L, & …vÚ Pslbg xh'/a'jf / gflt 3/sf] lk9L+df a;]/ ukm ub}{ lyP ;f]xL ;dodf 3/ cufl8sf] ?vdf afFb/ ?v r9]sf] b]v]/ gfltn] xh'/a'jfnfO{ ;f]w]5 M gflt M xh'/a'jf Tof] afFb/ ;fgf] eP/ lg s;/L ?v r9\g ;Sof xf]nf< xfd|f] efO klg t pm hq} 5 lg, pm lsg ?v r9\g ;Sb}g < xh'/a'jf M ltd|f] efOsf] afbF/sf] h:tf] /f} cfPsf 5}gg\ xf]nf lg . h'g JolQm lg0f{o ug{;S5, p;sf nflu s'g} klg s'/f c;Dej 5}g . –Od/;g –7– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf "Who was Osama Bin Laden ?" ;t\dfu{ ;flaqL e08f/L sfof{no ;xfos ;To arg af]n ltdL, ;To sd{ u/L ;Todf g} a:g' x'G5 eujfg xl/ . Osama Bin Laden was born in 1967 in Jiddan of Soudi Arabia from Billionaire father Mahammaed Bin Laden. He was 52th child out of 65th children. He spend his personal wealth to save his religion and community. His money was deposited in several banks in several countries. Political instability startedin middle east in 1989. America played a significant role in it. The presence of America in the middle east was taken as intervention in Arabian areas. So Osama stood against America. Osama's involvement is believed in destroying the building of the world Trade centre (Twin tower & pentagon) on 11th Sept. 2001. American force had claimed him as world's most wanted criminal for 10 year but now he was shot and killed in Pakistan by American force in his relative house on 2nd May 2011. Collected by Yubaraj and Sujan ;To arg cd[t ;/L x'G5 a'em\g ;s] kTy/df klg b]jtf 5g\ ltdLn] k'Hg ;s] . cfkm" xfF;L c¿nfO{ ?jfpg' lsg cfkm" klg To;} u/L ?g] cfpF5 lbg . slxNo} x'Gg ;do ;w}+ cfkm"lt/ c¿nfO{ dfq gb]vfpm P]g cfkm" klg x]/ . Ps lbg cjZo dg'{k5{ eGg] hfGbf klg 8/} 5}g dflg;nfO{ kfk ug{ klg . cf}+;L kl5 k"l0f{df t cfˆg} k5{ x]/ slt af]N5f} em'6f] ltdL ;To n'sfP/ . oxL hfG5 ltdL;Fu e/] kl5 klg sdfPsf] wg\ ;DklQ 5f]8]/} xf] hfg] . ;a}nfO{ v'zL /fVg' v';L x'g' cfkm" klg b'O{ lbgsf] lhGbuLdf s] g} 5 / nfg] . ;kmf dgn] x]/ ;a} /fd|f] b]lvG5 cfkm\g} dg leq vf]h O{Zj/ e]l6G5 . Only a burning lamp will burn another lamp . - Koachhar –8– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( Hostel Life In some schools, there are two kind of students; They are day scholars and boarders. Those who come from home to school daily and go back to home are called day scholars. But those who live in the hostel provided by the school are called boarders. In most of the private and boarding schools of Nepal, there is the facility of hostel. The overall management of the hostel in made by a superintendent. He is responsible to look after the health, conduct and study of the boarders. There are certain rules. Every hostelar had to follow the rules. Everyone has to get up early in the morning and study under the supervision of the teachers. None is allowed is go out without permission. The study hour is fixed. The time for breakfast, lunch and dinner is fixed. The hostelars eat in mess. In some hostels, the boarders themselves arrange the mess. Hostel life is full of enjoyment. The hostelars can mix up themselves with many å}dfl;s klqsf Om Thapa, 8 'A' students. They can talk, move and discuss freely. They can exchange the ideas and enrich knowledge. They enjoy the opportunity for the development of mind and body. They can take part in extra curricular activities like games, debate so on. The most important thing that the hostels can improve is their study. They can immediately solve their problems in their study from the teacher. They form a regular habit that everything should be done on time. All the student in the hostels are like member of a family. They share joys and sorrow. They learn how to co-operate one another. The hostel life has also some disadvantages. The young boys are deprived of getting love of their parents. The distance between the parents and children can be great. Hostel life is pleasant and fruitful to the students. The students can improve their study and learn good habits. They are disciplined. rl/q j[If xf] eg] k|lgef p;fsf] 5fofdfq xf] . – ca|fxd lnªsg –9– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf Funny message The Earth Adarsha B. Shah, 8 'C' Saurav Kumar Shrestha, 8 'C' If I were an artist, you would be my picture. If I were a poet, you would be my inspiration. If I were an author, you would be history. But I'm only a cartoonist! Can you do romance in the evening today? I'm in good mood Just a little bite and kiss. reply me soon Your loving mosquito. Dream makes everything possible Hope makes everything work Love makes everything beautiful smile makes all the above… So always brush your teeth. It's the sweetest thing to do. Do it on bed, on a sofa, in the bathroom or anywhere ! It's called prayer ! 1fgsf s'/f lk|of;f s]=;L=, ^ …sÚ ;x'–;x'–;x' afa' ;xg} g;s] klg ;x' ;+3if{ ;'vdf g} ;jf]{Qd v';L xf]pm . ;Dk"0f{ s'/fsf] cf}ifwL zq'n] agfP5' t/ d"v{sf] cf}ifwLeg] agfpg 8/fpF5' . :jtGqtf g} /fi6«sf] cgGt of}jg xf] ;'Gb/ r]x]/f :jod\sf] df}g l;kmfl/; xf] . z/L/ IfL0f eof] eg] dl:tis x'G5 IfL0f au]sf] b]lvG5' u+uf x'Fb}g cGTo 1fg . ;'gsf] km"n l6Kg] dfG5] tLgy/L egL hfg lj4fg\ x'G5 z'/f] / clt Ifdtfjfg\ Earth is the third nearest planent from the sun and fifth largest planent of solar system. The Earth revolves around the sun once a year, rotating around the sun once a year, rotating once daily on its axis. The obliquity or the Earth is 23.5° obliquity is the angle between planet equatorial plane and its orbital plane. Different seasons and diverse weathers are caused by the tilt of the each as it moves around the sun. Because of the tilt of the North pole face, there are four seasons on the Earth. They are autumn, winter, spring and summer. Summer occurs when a hemisphere faces the sun and winter occurs when a hemisphere is titled away from the sun. The North pole has total day light and the south pole (Antarctic) has total darkness in summer solstice. The opposite occurs in winter solstice. In general, the summer and winter temperatures get lower the further away from the equator. The temperatures remains high at the equator throughout the year because the sun is always stricking there. Hence, there is no seasonal variation at the equator. I cannot live without books . - Thomas Jefferson –10– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf dxfdlxdnfO{ lr7L ;'lbk sf]O/fnf, !) …uÚ dxfdlxd dxf;lrj ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3 Go"of]s{, cd]l/sf dxf]bo, cfzf 5 ljZjsf] s'g} s'gfdf xh'/ b'Mv / ;'vsf] /ynfO{ Ps};fy xfFSb} hLjgsf] cg'e"lt ub}{ x'g'x'G5 . ljZjsf] cj:yfnfO{ b]v]/ Ps dflg;df ljleGg ts{?kL efjgf hfu/0f x'g' ;fob gf}nf] lrh xf]Og . d klg cfhsf] ;+;f/df afFlr/x]sf] Ps g]kfnL s]6f cfˆgf] efjgfx?nfO{ ;'lglbg] cfzfsf] tf/ af]s]/ xh'/ ;dIf lr7L n]Vb} 5' . pQm lr7LnfO{ xh'/n] af]emsf] ?kdf lng'x'g]5}g eGg] cfzf klg dgel/ a'g]sf] 5' . cfhsf] ;+;f/ xNn} xNnfdf afFr]sf] 5 . zflGt sxfF 5 eg]/ vf]Hg kg]{ a]nf clxn] cfPsf] 5 . efO–efOdf em} emu8fn] cfuf] dRrfpF5 . hxfF uPklg zflGt / ;'vsf] cg'e"lt ug]{ df}sf gkfpg] l:ylt ag]sf] 5 xh'/ . o:tf] ;dodf cfˆgf] b]z / k"/f ljZjnfO{ 7"nf] k|sf]kaf6 arfpg] Pp6f cfzf d}n] xh'/ ;dIf lnPsf] 5' . Pp6f b]zn] csf]{ b]zsf] enf] rfxFb}g . wg ;DklQsf] nfnrdf Psn] csf{nfO{ df/]sf] va/ s'g} gf}nf] s'/f xf]Og . olb o:t} x'g] xf] eg] k[YjLdf hgdfg;df a:tL nfdf] ;do;Dd l6Sg] 5}g . ljZjdf zflGt :yfkgf ug{ ;j{k|yd dflg;df d]nldnfksf] efjgf phfu/ ug'{k5{ . x/]s b]zsf dflg;x?nfO{ cfkm}Fdf afFRg'k5{ eGg] r]tgf km}nfpg klg plQs} dxŒjk"0f{ 7fGb5' . clxn] ljZjdf 3l6/x]sf 36gfx?sf] /fd|/L cWoog u/]/ pQm 36gfsf] lgjf/0f ug]{ kxn ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3n] ul//x]sf] 5 . h'g 7fpFdf n8fOF eO/x]sf] 5 pQm 7fpFdf zflGt ;]gfx? k7fpg' dxŒjk"0f{ s'/f xf] . s] s'/fdf n8fOF ePsf] xf], s;/L emu8f ldnfpg ;lsG5, eGg] of]hgf agfpg' / To;nfO{ sfof{Gjog ug'{ dxŒjk"0f{{ b]lvG5 . x/]s b]znfO{ rflxg] ef}lts ;DkGgtf / d]n ldnfksf] efjgf hfu?k ug'{k5{ . x/]s b]zsf d'Vo JolQmx?nfO{ af]nfP/ zflGt ;Demf}tf ug'{k5{ . s'g} klg b]zaf6 olb czflGtsf] d"n km'6\5 eg] pQm b]znfO{ sf/jfxLsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg' k5{ . h'g b]zn] uf]nf af?b, xft xltof/ agfpF5, tL ;a} Ps 1fgsf] nflu agfPsf] xf] t/ emu8fsf] nflu xf]Og eGg] s'/fdf ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3;Fu pgLx?sf] ;Demf}tf x'g'k5{ . emu8f / n8fOFn] ljZjdf czflGt km}nfpF5 . dflg; eP/ klg dfgj hLjgsf] cg'e"lt pgLx?n] lng kfpFb}gg\ . To;}n] dfgj lxtfy{ / k[YjLdf dflg;sf] a:tL sfod u/fO/xg ljleGg b]zaLr zflGt ;Demf}tf x'g'k5{ . emu8fsf] lg?k0f ug'{k5{ / ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3h:tf ;fdflhs tyf cGt/fli6«o ;+:yfx? vf]lng cfjZos b]lvG5 . ljZjdf zflGt :yfkgfy{ ul/lbg xh'/sf] dxŒjk"0f{ xft x'G5 . Ps ;fdfGo dflg;sf] dgdf nfu]sf efjgfx?nfO{ a'em]/ pQm lr7L k9Llbg'ePsf]df d}n] hLjgsf] Pp6f nIo k"/f u/]F h:tf] nfU5 . ha ljZjdf zflGt 5fpF5 ta d]/f] hLjg ;kmn x'G5 . d cyf{t\ ljZjsf] Ps z'elrGts wGojfb . ;a}sf] enf] rfxg] ;'lbk sf]O/fnf -g]kfnL lr7L n]vg k|ltof]lutfdf k|yd :yfg xfl;n ug{ ;kmn lr7L_ l/; hlxn] klg d"v{tfaf6 ;'? / kZrftfkdf uP/ ;dfKt x'G5 . –c/:t' –11– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf Say me… Anil Kunwar What to say you? My mind is empty ! What to remember about you ! When you don't remind me … I want to go to past. But you don't want to go with me … I want to sit at corner, but you attract me like a magnet so, Say me … What should I say? What should I do? Where should I go? At night, I tried to sleep, but you come in my dream I tried to see the beauty of moon but that is nothing behind you… So say me … What should I try? What should I do? Where should I go? During day, I tried to learn something, but I just learn abut you I tried to think something but I just think you… I want to do something, but cann't do without you .. So Say me What should I try? What should I do? Where should I go? I want to go somewhere Where no one can see me I want to a walk on rain… Where other can't see me crying but When I blink my eyes.. I see you I feel you So Say me What should I do? Where should I go? A to Z Hollywood Movies Bimal Bastakoti, 8 'C' A = Amazing Spider - man B = BAO company C = Cat Women D = Dargon War E = Evil Dead F = Fantastic 4 G = Godzilla H = Honcock I = Ironman J = Jonny English Reborn K = Karate Kid L = Life of Pi M = Mr. Bean Holidays N = New Girl O = Oz Great Powerful P = Prince of Persia Q = Quarrels at Midnight R = Real Steel S = Salt T = Twilight U = Underworld V = Vampire Hunter W = When the Stranger call X = X-men Y = Yogi Bear Z = Zero Dark Thirty The sound body is product of sound mind . - J.B . Shaw –12– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf ufpFvfg] syf –cf:yf e§/fO{ cfsf;sf] tf/f !_ cFh'nLe/L ;'gsf d'b|f s] xf] < @_ cIf/ 5 lstfa xf]Og, uf]nf] 5 Ogf/ xf]Og,;+;f/ 8'N5 v'§f 5}g s] xf] < k};f -l;Ssf_ #_ cufl8 5 agsf] /fhf, aLrsf] kj{df vfg] s'/f kl5Nnf]n] sf]7]af/L 5]S5 oL tLgsf] ;+of]u Pp6} zAb aG5 ToxLaf6 b]zsf] k|zf;g rN5 s] xf] < l;+xb/af/ $_ hlt hlt df;' vfG5 plt plt lvgf}6] s] xf] < crfgf] %_ 7"nf] jgsf] dfemdf Pp6f dfq cUnf] ?v s] xf]< 6'kL ^_ b'O{6L lbbLsf] Pp6} d'Gb|L s] xf] < lrD6f Poem of Cats and Dogs Dipesh Neupane, 8 'C' If one day you feel like crying, call me… I don't promise you that … I will make you laugh, But I can cry with you. If one day you want to run away, Don’t be afraid to call me. I don't promise to ask you stop, But I can run with you. In the Heart of a Seed Durga Subedi, 10 'C' In the heart of a seed, Burried deep, so deep. A dear little plant. Lying last a sleep "Wake", said the sunshine. If one day you donot want to listen to anybody. call me and … I promise to be very quiet But… It one day you call and there is no answer… come fast to see me … Perhaps I need you… "And creep to the light," "Wake", said the voice, of the raindrops bright, The little plant heard. And it rose to see, What the wonderful outside world might be. First in Nepal 1. The first Nepali to reach the south pole. 2. The first King of the Surya dynasty. 3. The first woman ambassador. 4. The first King of the Soma dynasty. 5. The first King of the Malla dynasty 6. The first woman to pass M.A. Bijaya Gurung, 8 'C' - Bhuwah Singh Bishwokarma - Bhumi Barma - Bindeshwori Shah - Nimish - Ari Dev Malla - Jaya Kala Devi æ;kmntfsf] ;DaGw sfdl;t x'G5 . ;kmn dflg; ;w}+ g} ultlzn x'G5g\ . pgLx¿n] uNtLx¿ Uf5{g\ t/ d}bfg 5f]8\b}gg\ .Æ – sf]g/}8 lxN6g –13– å}dfl;s klqsf Hypnotized (Part - 2) j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! Ashish Gurung, 9 'A' Ahh … I can feel the headache when I was hypnotized. But after that I did not feel any pain on my head. I was on the jail and have no friends to have some fun, I used to be friendly with other criminal but they all hated me. But one uncle named Suraj loved me. "Uncle, I want to know what have you done on the past?" I aksed uncle Suraj. "Oh ! Hari, I do not want to remember that moment once more" said uncle Suraj sadly. "Uncle please say what have you done? "By looking to you, you seem that you have not done any crime. I said to uncle. "I don't want to say but I will force myself to say my past and crimes". uncle said by making his voice very low. "Before 15 years old, I had very happy family. I had wife named Sweta and a son named Kamal. One day when I was returning from my office, I suddenly felt a very bad headache and fell down on the floor of my house. And I saw that one man wearing a long black coat & a black hat came inside my home and gave me a very hard kick. After that hard kick I was nearly unconscious but at last I saw that man kidnapped my son and wife. And after that I fainted on the floor. But after that when I woke up I was on the balcony of my house. All my neighbours were standing around me. They all blamed me that I killed my wife and son. And after that some one called the police force and I was kept on prison for rest of my life…" Uncle Suraj stopped saying the truth and started sobbing. I held uncle Suraj from sinking on the sea of emotion. "Uncle did you know that man before, how was his voice and face?" I asked without holding my breath. "If I see him once I can recognize him but I did not hear his voice", said uncle Suraj sadly. "Then son how did you came to be inside this Jail?" questioned uncle Suraj to me I told all the thing what had happedned to me, that deepvoiced man who ordered me to do these illegal works. After that conversation I matched my story with uncle Suraj. My mom said that when I was just 3 years old my father died on a accident. And now I am 18 years old. But the more surprising thing is that my mother had already forgot my father. After 6 months… One day when I was counting days on the wall of the jail, the hawaldar came to me and said that my parents had come to free me from the jail. I was excited that I thought my mom has came but there was a young man who had dressed all the black clothes. I noticed his voice, that his voice was not deep when he was talking with jailor; Do not get surprised that your mom sent me to free you from the jail", he said with an evil smile. "Brother, I will meet a uncle and say good bye to him and return". I requested him "Go fast and come quickly". he said with and evil smile. I thanked him for granting my request. I went to the uncle Suraj. Well done is better than well said . - Benzamin –14– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf I also said that my mother hasnot come. "Oh ! Son your mother did not come, I was expecting to meet with your mother". Uncle said in sad voice. "Then, who has come to take you home from jail?" Uncle Suraj questioned frequently. "Aman had came to take me home." I said to uncle. Have your ever seen that man before?" Uncle asked me again. "No, but he said my mom, sent him", I replied. "Ok ! son goodbye" uncle said to me. But when I was going to say good bye, the black dressed man came. And when I turned to uncle Suraj his face was pale. He said, "It's him, it's him, please believe me it's him. He is the one who kidnapped my son and my wife, its him please believe me… (to be continued…) Some Facts Avinash G.C. • • • • • • We can not taste anything with dry tongue. France was ruled by as many as 18 kings of same name. All the 18 king were Louis. There are more than one thousand lake in Switzerland. 'A' is the name of a village in Denmark. At the same time it is not possible to sneeze and keep our eyes open. While writing mathematical numbers in English from one to hundred the letter 'A' does not occur even once. Mind Deviation Sanjaya Chhetri, 9 'A' In English, Teacher taught transformation And in social, I read about nation, and it's creation. I learned about action, and it's opposite reaction. In computer, I learned to bring manipulation. In bio, there is classification. I also read population, as well as it's situation. Finally ruined my examination that's because of mind deviation. Jokes Rashmita Shrestha, 10 'B' Teacher : How is it possible for one person to make so many errors in his maths homework? Student : Oh, it is not one person sir, my father helped me. -0Drunk man : (to waiter) Get me my drink quickly, the fight is about to begin. Waiter : What fight Sir? Drunk man : The fight which will begin as soon as you ask for money. -0Girl Friend (on phone) : Just forget me and return my photos Boys : Since I have already forgotten you, I will send you a photo album of girls, just select yours. -0- h'g cufl8 5, ToxL g} ;To xf], o;afx]s ;a} ;Defjgfdfq x'g\ . –cf];f] –15– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf To be a good son or daughter General Knowledge Mandeep Shrestha, 5 'A' 1. Which is the smallest district on the basis of the population? - Manang 2. Which mountain is known as Nepal Himal ? Kanchanjunga 3. To which mountain range does machhapuchhre belong? - Annapurna 4. Who is the desired goodess of Mallas? - Tulaju Vawani 5. How many kings were there belonging to Gopal Dynasty? -8 6. Where is the holy lake Ganga Sagar situated? Janakpur Dham 7. Where is Chum valley situated ? - Gorkha 8. Which is the last film of Charlie chaplin? - City life National Luminaries of Nepal 1. Janak 2. Sita 3. Gautam Buddha 4. Amshu Varma 5. Araniko 6. Ram Shah 7. Prithvi Narayan Shah 8. Amar Singh Thapa 9. Bir Balabhadra Kunwar 10. Bhimsen Thapa 11. Bhanu-Bhakta Acharya 12. Motiram Bhatta 13. King Tribhuvan 14. Shankadhar Shaknwa 15. Pasang Lhamu Sherpa 16. Maha Guru Falgunanda Diwash Thapa, 6 'E' • • • • • • • • • Obey and follow the wish of your parents. Help them in house hold activities. Do not demand unnecessary things from your parents. Learn home decoration and cooking skills from mother. Be always soft and sweet in your speech and dressappropriately. Uphold tradition, religion and culture in daily life. Be a source of peace and joy for members of your family. Spend a lots of time with your parents. Be trust worthy and come home at promised time. u'? ;ld/ /fgfef6, & …uÚ 1fg lbg] u'?nfO{ d]/f] gd:sf/ u'? ;fOgf] arfO{/fVg u5'{ pksf/ .. s]xL 5}g xfdL;Fu j;Gtsf] axf/ r9fpg' k¥of] cfh cfF;'sf] of] pkxf/ 1fg u'g tkfO{sf] slxNo} e'Ng] 5}g tkfO{sf] pkb]z slxNo} la;{g] 5}g . lzIffsf] Hof]ltn] efUo agfpg] 5f}F u'?sf] dfg xfdL ;w}F /fVg] 5f}F .. Your very silence shows you agree . - Euripides –16– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf 22nd May, 2014 Thursday The General Secretary The Secretariat United Nations Organization New York, USA. Your Excellency, This letter is not just a letter but an appeal of peace; a request of harmony and a message of consciousness. I don't consider my identity is important but keeping in mind it may be necessary, my name is Sandip Dahal. I am a student of Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya, Pokhara, Nepal. Being impatient seeing the condition of earth; a settlement area of human, I took this sincere decision to forward a mail to you. Not more than a month ago; as per my reach to knowledge; there was a conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The lost Malaysian aeroplane caused lost of disturbances. The series of conflicts between North and South Korea are not new topics to deal with. Every human in this world has known about atom bomb exploration in Japan. Everyone has read about massive murder of Adolf Hitler in history classes. Not only after we got access to modern world, everyone knows how Alexander the Great also tried to conquer world. So, this series of wars, tortures, pains and disasters shows ironically how human beings are superior to other creature. Its not time to bear that irony now. We should rise up! At least to that level where we should have been! Sir, perhaps its not an important schedule of yours to read these storts of mails. I'm not one human appealing for peace. So, you and your organization should now take broader steps and provide shade of peace from umbrella of understanding to whole world. The earthquakes of Haiti and the civil wars of Congo are not only hindrances of world peace and harmony. Citing the example of my own country, the arguments between every political parties can be blocking boulder of world peace. It may sound domestic matter, but who hath expected the birth of second world war just due to arrogance of a man; Hitler? So, UN must now peep in windows of every buildings of the world. Hope, United Nations organizations' will not be second 'League of Nations' after devasting third world war. Sir, Albert Eienstien has said, "I don't know with what, third world war will be fought with but fourth will be fought with sticks and stones!" Our great man of century's prediction is not a joke anymore. But, I hope, with the active steps of UN on every aspects of world, the world will not perish and hope no new civilization will occur at bank of river of blood. Trying to be a 'human'. Sandip Dahal, 10 'A' (English Letter Writing Competition First Letter) a'l4dfg dfG5] cfklQaf6 8/fpFb}g . – sGˆo'l;o; –17– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf k':tsfnosf] dxŒj ;Gb]z yfkf, * …uÚ k':tsleq k9\g]–k9fpg], kf7 ug]{–u/fpg] cflb p2]Zon] ts{, ljrf/, efjgf, sNkgf, 1fglj1fg cflbsf s'/fx¿ n]lvPsf jf 5flkPsf x'G5g\ . k':tsfno, zAb k':tssf] cfno eGg] ;df;sf] k|ltlqmofåf/f lgld{t 5 / o;sf] cy{ x'G5 k':ts 3/ . To:tf dxŒjk"0f{ s'/fx¿sf] cd"No ;ª\u|xsf ?kdf /x]sf] k':tsx¿sf] klg ax'd"No ;ª\u|x k':tsfno xf] / of] x/]s lh1f;' Pjd\ sf}t'xnk|]dL dfgj ;d'bfosf nflu lgs} nfek|b x'g] ub{5 . To;}n] cfhsf] o'udf k':tsfnosf] dxŒj v'a} a9]sf] 5 . k':tsx¿sf af/]df Pp6f plQm 5– ……c;n k':tsx¿ ;jf]{Qd ldq x'g\ .ÚÚ Pp6f cfTdLo Pjd\ c;n ldqn]em}F k':tsx¿n] dL7f] dgf]/~hg lbG5g\ . ulx/f] 1fg;fu/df lgdUg u/fpF5g\ hLjgsf] ;kmntfsf] s'GhL l;sfP/ cgj/t ?kdf xf}:ofpF5g\ . ;'k|l;4 gf6ssf/ hh{ jgf{8 zf eGb5g\ . ……ljrf/x¿sf o'4df k':tsx¿ g} c:q x'g\ .ÚÚ g]kfndf sLlt{k'/sf] lqe'jg ljZjljBfno kl/;/leq cjl:yt s]Gb|Lo k':tsfno ;fj{hlgs k':tsfno xf] eg] To:tf /fli6«o :t/sf cGo k':tsfnox¿df s]z/ k':tsfno, g]kfn ef/t ;f+:s[lts s]Gb| k':tsfno / dbg k'/:sf/ k':tsfno k|d'v 5g\ . k':tsfnox¿n] kf7sx¿nfO{ ;fdfGo z'Ns jf ;t{df c;fdfGo 1fg/flz k|bfg ub{5 . k':tsx¿ c;ªVo x'G5g\ . k':tsx¿sf] ;ª\sng / ;ª\u|xsf] dxTj b]vfpFb} cª\u|]hL slj sfnf{On s'n{G5g\ ……k':tsx¿s]f ;ª\sng g} cfhsf] o'usf] jf:tljs ljBfno xf] .ÚÚ ;'k|l;4 lgaGwsf/ a]sg eGb5g\ . ……s]xL k':tsx¿ rfVg dfq of]Uo x'G5g\, s]xL k':tsx¿ lgNg of]Uo x'G5g\ . eg] s]xL dfq k':tsx¿ o:tf hf] rkfpg / krfpg / krfpg ;d]t nfos x'G5g\ .ÚÚ To;}n] k':tsfnodf uP/ c;n k':ts k9\g' g} cWo]tfsf nflu kmfObfhgs x'G5 . ;fu/leq cgdf]n df]tL dfq xf]Og . d"NoxLg Pjd\ dxŒjxLg j:t'x¿ klg x'G5g\ . k':tsfnox¿df klg c;n k':tsx¿dfq ;ª\u|xLt x'g'kb{5 / To;f] x'gf;fy cWo]tfx¿sf nflu k':tsfnosf] dxŒjsf] ;fy{stf l;4 x'g]5 . cfpFm ;Fu} hfpF Û PGhLnf v8\sf, ^ …sÚ kxf8sf] km]bLdf Pp6f ;fgf] ufpF ToxL 3'Dg lxF8]sL d cfpm ;Fu} hfpmF psfnLdf ld7f ld7f s'/fsfgL ub}{ b]p/fnLdf s'jf vf]hL lr;f] kfgL lkpFb} . s'x'Fs'xF' sf]OnLsf] ;'Gb} hfpFnf uLt . Tof] r/Ln] rfxL eg] nufO lbpFnf lk|t gn]e; ;Fu} lxF8 kxf8 3'dfOlbpnf gf} /ËL] Tof] 8fFkm]nfO{ gfRg nufOlbpFnf .. lrgfOlbpFnf vf]nfgfnf w'kL;Nnf;Fu n]slt/ s:t'/Lsf] af:gf dudu af6f] em'n] st}af6 ;f]Wb} hfpFnf rfFbL h:tf] lxpFr'nLsf] kmf]6f] lvrL NofpFnf . The life which is unexamed is not worth living . - Socrates –18– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( NER SPORTS COR ICC World T20 World Cup 2014 Babin Karki, 8 'C' Nine balls 6 runs to win. Sri Lankan explosive batsman Thisaraperera on strick… And a six to Ravichanran Ashwin on s. traight deive … This was how Sri-Lankan team led by Malinga and with 52 hot out innings of Kumar Sankakara Playings last T20 for Sri-Lanka beat India who had set the target of 131 in 20 overs with signitiantical innings of Virat Kohli 77 in 42 balls: This was some and first world cup for Nepal where "Team Nepal" had won 2 out of 3 games and told whole world "we are coming to show our capabilities in world cricket." Some Awards of this world cup - Winner : Sri Lanka - 1st Runner up : India - Semi-finalists: Sri Lanka - West India, India - Sough Africa - Player of tournament : VIRAT KOHLI - Highest Runs : Virat Kohli (337 runs) - Highest Wicket taker : Ravichandran Ashwin (11 wkts) - Highest run in single game : Ahmed Shezad (115 runs) - Best bowling figure in single game : Ravichandran Ashwin (4 for 11 in 4 overs Vs. Australia) - Lowest target : 40 Netherlands Some Records of Nepal - Highest run : Sharad Vheswaker (91 runs in 3 games) å}dfl;s klqsf - Highest Wickets : Basanta Regmi (6 wickets in 3 games) - Highest runs in single game : Subash Khakurel (56 of 53 Vs Afganistan) - First half century : Subash Khakurel - First man of Match : Shakti Gauchan Vs Hongkong - Best bowling figure in single game : Shakti Gauchan (3 for 9 in 4 overs Vs Hongkong) - Highest win : By 80 runs Vs Hongkong. Source : Newspaper and Internet. v]ns'b;DaGwL 1fg k"0f{ a:g]t, * …uÚ != :k]lg; km'6an Oltxf;df ;aeGbf ;kmn sKtfg s;nfO{ dflgG5 < Os sfl;nf; @= ljZjsk km'6an @)!) df ;jf{lws kx]Fnf] sf8{ s'g v]ndf k|of]u ePsf] lyof]< kmfOgn v]ndf, !# kx]+nf sf8{ -:g]glj?4 g]b/NofG8;\_ #= ljZjsk km'6an @)!) df ;jf{lws s'n uf]nstf{ /fi6« s'g aGof]< hd{gL, !^ uf]n $= cfof]hs eP/ klg ljZjsksf] bf];|f] r/0fdf k'Ug g;Sg] klxnf] /fi6« s'g ePsf] 5< blIf0f clk|msf %= ljZjsk km'6ansf] Oltxf;df 5gf]6 r/0f gv]nLsg} ljZjskdf ;xeflutf hgfpg] d'n's s'g–s'g x'g< p?Uj], af]lnleof, lrnL / kf/fUj] ^= cl3Nnf] cyf{t\ !* cf}F ljZjsk km'6an sxfF ePsf] lyof]< hd{gL cEof;n] ljBf, ;'zLntfsf] s'n, cfFvfn] qmf]wsf] 1fg x'G5 . – sf}l6No –19– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf All about Nepali Cricket Cricket is the bat-and-ball game played between two teams of 11 players on a field at the center of which is a rectangular 22 yard long pitch. Each team takes it in turn to bat ,attempting to score runs,while the other teams fields. Each turn is known as an innings.Cricket was first playes in southern England in the 16th Century.By the end of 18th century ,It had developed into the national sports of the country. Cricket is the second most popular sports in Nepal catching up with football as Nepal's most popular sports than as largely to the spread of television to the rural communities. Nepal has also qualified for the Twenty 20 world cup that way held in Bangladesh. Nepal's playing seasons runs from September to November and starts again in March before finishing in may .A national academy is in the works, partly founded by the Asian cricket council, to provide in door practice in the face of Nepal's challenging weather. In December 2012 there Pramod Subedi were 429 senior cricket club and 227 junior cricket club in Nepal. History. Beginning Cricket was introduced to Nepal by the ruling dynasty when they returned from studies in England and india in 1920 thought the game was kept very much for themselves and other members of the elite.The cricket association of Nepal (CAN) was formed in 1946 to promote cricket among the aristocracy. When king Tribhuvan overthrew the Rana family in 1951,Cricket begin to spread to the rest of the population in 1961 in an effort to promote cricket in the whole of Nepal. The cricket association of Nepal became part of Nepals Sports council; Nevertheless, the game tended to limited to Kathmandu until 1980s Icc and Acc membership. Nepal became an affiliate member of the international cricket council in 1988 and became an associate member member in 1996, likewise Nepal became an associate member of Asian cricket council in 1990 and became a full member in 1994. Examine the opportunities, the challenges you have given yourself . - Michael Johnson –20– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( klxnf] k|of]u d';fdf lsg ul/G5< ldhf; /fgfef6, * …vÚ gofF cf}ifwL k|of]u ug{ xf]; of gofF kf]if0fo'Qm pTkfbg k/LIf0fsf nflu k|foM h;f] a}1flgsx¿ k|ydtM d';fdf k/LIf0f u5{g\ . d';fdf x'g] y'k|} u'0fx¿sf sf/0f j}1flgs tyf cGj]ifsx¿ d';fdf k/LIf0f u5{g\ . d';fx¿ ;fgf x'g], ;lhn} 3/df kfNg ;lsg] . ;lhn} gofF jftfj/0fdf 3'nldn x'g'sf ;fy} k|hgg k|ltlqmof klg lgs} l56f] x'G5 . To;}u/L o;sf] cfo' klg 5f]6f] x'g] x'Fbf 5f]6f] cjlwdf y'k|} k':tfsf d';fx¿df cWoog ug{ ;lsG5 . d';f pTkfbg ug{ ;lhnf] / ;:tf] x'g] ePsfn] cWoog cg';Gwfgsf nflu eg]/ klg d';f pTkfbg ul/G5 . k/LIf0fx¿df d';f k|of]u ug'{sf] ;a}eGbf d'Vo sf/0f rflxF of] xf] ls d';fx¿sf] h]g]l6s, h}ljs tyf Jojxfl/s u'0f dflg;x¿;Fu ldNg' xf] . dflg;df b]lvg] y'k|} nIf0fx¿ d';f klg b]lvg] x'Fbf j}1flgsx¿ o:tf d';fx¿ pTkfbg ug{ ;kmn ePsf 5g\ . h;sf] hLjgdf ;fdfGo kl/jt{g u/L dflg;df nfUg] /f]ux¿sf nIf0fx¿ d';fdf klg b]vfpg ;lsG5 . o;/L d';fx¿sf] af/]df w]/} s'/f hfgsf/L ePsf]n] klg d';fx¿nfO{ cWoog cg';Gwfgdf k|of]u ug{ ;lhnf] ePsf] xf] . o; cy{df cfw'lgs lrlsT;fzf:qdf d';fsf] dxŒjk"0f{ of]ubfg 5 . jf:tjdf eGg] xf] eg] (% k|ltzt gofF cf}ifwLx¿ ;j{k|yd d';fdf k/LIf0f ul/Psf] 5 . å}dfl;s klqsf afaf ch{'g sfsL{, % …vÚ slt w]/} dfof ug]{ dnfO{ d]/f] afaf cfkm" /f]O{ dnfO{ xF;fpg] dnfO{ d]/f] afaf ;dfnL kfng kf]ifg u/L x'sf{of} dnfO{ d]/f] Kof/f] afaf xh'/n] cfkm" gvfO{ dnfO{ v'jfof} dnfO{ d]/f] afaf cfkm" g;'tL dnfO{ ;'tfpg] dnfO{ d]/f] afaf x;fpF5' ca slxn] ?jfpFlbg slxNo} < afrf /Yof] of] 5f]/fsf] ca hlxNo} . s;nfO{ s] glbg' lagf]b If]qL, & …vÚ !_ ckl/lrtnfO{ jf; glbg' @_ :jfyL{nfO{ dfof glbg' #_ cfkmGtnfO{ wg glbg' $_ a}u'gLnfO{ u'g glbg' %_ dfofnfO{ 3[0ff glbg' ^_ u/LanfO{ arg glbg' &_ dfUg]nfO{ xf};nf glbg' *_ ljZjf;nfO{ cfGtl/s s'/f glbg' (_ d"v{nfO{ pkb]z glbg' !)_ sfFt/nfO{ Ifdf glbg' ;fyL d+lhn IfqL, % …sÚ cfpm d]/f ;fyL, kª\v lkmhfpb} xfdL klg ;Fu} gfR5f} xft ;dfpFb} ;'vsf] ;fyL s] ;fyL b'Mvdf ;fyL rflxG5 ;a}sf] enf] lrtfP cfgGb dgdf kfOG5 a; a; d]/f] ;fyL km"n ltdLnfO{ ltdL w]/} /fd|f] 5f} nfU5 xfdLnfO{ .. jt{dfg ctLtsf] ;Gtfg / eljiosf] hggL xf] . – sfn{ dfS;{ –21– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf NER SCIENCE COR “SKY Events in June 2014” June 2,2014 Moon Phases Thursday, June 5, 4:39 p.m. EDT First Quarter Moon The First Quarter Moon rises around 1 p.m. and sets around 2 a.m. It dominates the evening sky. Friday, June 13, 12:11 a.m. EDT. The Full Moon of June is known as the Corn-Planting Moon or the Strawberry Moon. Credit: Starry Night SoftwareView full size image Friday, June 13, 12:11 a.m. EDT Full Moon The Full Moon of June is known as the Corn-Planting Moon or the Strawberry Moon. It rises around sunset and sets around sunrise, the only night in the month when the moon is in the sky all night long. The rest of the month, the moon spends at least some time in the daytime sky. Thursday, June 19, 2:39 p.m. EDT Last Quarter Moon The Last Quarter Moon rises around 1 a.m. and sets around 1 p.m. It is most easily seen just after sunrise in the southern sky. Friday, June 27, 4:08 a.m. EDT New Moon The moon is not visible on the date of New Moon because it is too close to the sun, but can be seen low in the East as a narrow crescent a morning or two before, just before sunrise. It is visible low in the West an evening or two after New Moon. Observing Highlights Tuesday, June 3, 2:08–3:44 p.m. EDT. The shadows of Europa, Ganymede and Callisto will play on Jupiter’s cloud deck. Best observed from eastern Europe and the Middle East. Credit: Starry Night SoftwareView full size image Well done is better than well said . - Benzamin –22– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf Tuesday, June 3, 2:08–3:44 p.m. EDT Triple shadow transit on Jupiter The shadows of Europa, Ganymede and Callisto will play on Jupiter’s cloud deck. Best observed from eastern Europe and the Middle East. Saturday, June 7, 9 p.m. EDT Mars and the Moon The waxing gibbous moon will pass just south of the planet Mars. Sunday, June 8, dusk Spica and the Moon The moon will pass just north of the bright star Spica in Virgo. Tuesday, June 10, dusk. The Moon will pass just south of the planet Saturn. The Moon will occult Saturn as seen from southern South Africa (as seen here) and parts of the Southern Ocean. Credit: Starry Night SoftwareView full size image Tuesday, June 10, dusk Saturn and the Moon The moon will pass just south of the planet Saturn. The moon will occult Saturn as seen from southern South Africa (as seen here) and parts of the Southern Ocean. Tuesday, June 10, 6:07–6:28 p.m. EDT Double shadow transit on Jupiter The shadows of Europa and Ganymede will cross Jupiter’s cloud deck simultaneously. Best observed from central South America. Saturday, June 21, 6:51 a.m. EDT Solstice The beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Tuesday, June 24, dawn Venus and the Moon The slender crescent moon will pass just below the planet Venus. Wednesday, June 25, dawn Aldebaran and the Moon The moon passes just north of the bright star Aldebaran in Taurus. Planets Mercury sets just after the sun for the first two weeks of the month, but will be too close to the sun to be seen for the last two weeks. Venus is low in the eastern sky, rising just before the sun. Mars is now fading rapidly in brightness as it moves towards the far side of the sun. Jupiter is now low in the western sky at sunset, and is lost behind the sun at the end of the month. Pp6f 1fgL ;of}F d'v{x¿eGbf w]/} pQd x'G5 . – sf}l6No –23– å}dfl;s klqsf Saturn, in Libra, is well placed in the southern sky for most of the night. Uranus is located in the constellation Pisces, rising just before the Sun. Credit: Starry Night SoftwareView full size image Uranus is located in the constellation Pisces, rising just before the sun. Neptune is in Aquarius all month, rising after midnight. SKYWATCHING TERMS Asterism: A noteworthy or striking pattern of stars within a larger constellation. Degrees (measuring the sky): The sky is 360 degrees all the way around, which means roughly 180 degrees from horizon to horizon. It’s easy to measure distances Jokes Deepa Shrestha, 10'C' In chemistry, period teacher asked to student : What is the molecular formula of water? Student : H HIJKLMNO Teacher : Why did you tell this answer? Student : Because you have told that molecular formula of water is HtoO. j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! between objects: Your fist on an outstretched arm covers about 10 degrees of sky. Visual Magnitude: This is the astronomer’s scale for measuring the brightness of objects in the sky. The dimmest object visible in the night sky under perfectly dark conditions is about magnitude 6.5. Brighter stars are magnitude 2 or 1. The brightest objects get negative numbers. Venus can be as bright as magnitude minus 4.9. The full moon is minus 12.7 and the sun is minus 26.8. Terminator: The boundary on the moon between sunlight and shadow. Zenith: The point in the sky directly overhead By spacestaff.com Flower Arun Kandel, 6 'E' Flowers are of many types They have different lives Flowers are in the garden, They are in the house of warden. Flower are all good not bad They make all people happy It makes me feel good When I am angry and sad. A flower fulfils my wish It comes when I clean my dish They are beauty because of seasons We shouldn't pluck flower without resons Your very silence shows you agree . - Euripides –24– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf u'? kfgL – cflbTo vgfn, % …sÚ slt /fd|f u'? d]/f slt c;n u'?af xft ;dfO{ n]vg l;sfpg] slt 1fgL u'?af –;'efif xdfn, ^…ªÚ of] ;+;f/df sxfF kfpg' cd"No lrh kfgL kfgLlagf rNb}g xfd|f] lhGbufgL ..!.. x]bf{ v]l/ kfgLsf] 5}g s'g} /+u . s'n];f]df cfkm}F lxF8\bf k5f{} xfdL bª\u ..@.. lkpg'k5{ xfdLn] ;kmf / z'4 kfgL . w]/} kfgL lkpg] a;fNg'k5{ afgL ..#.. kfgLn] g} ubf{ aG5g\ vf]nf 7"nf] . kfgL lxF8\g] 7fpFnfO{ eG5f} xfdLn] s'nf] ..$.. kfgLn] g} ubf{ x'G5 xfdLnfO{ ;'v . slxn]sfxLF o;n] lbG5 xfdLnfO{ b'Mv ..%.. rflxG5 ;a}nfO{ lhGbufgLe/ kfgL . kfgLlagf rNb}g xfd|f] lhGbufgL ..^.. ljBf lbg] u'?af xft ;dfpg] u'?df ljZjdf ljBf km}nfpg] xfd|f] /fd|f] u'?af /fd|f] n]vL k9\5' d}n] u'?nfO{ v';L kf5{' d}n] ljBfyL{ eP/ .. r'6lsnf kl/ro ;f}uft 9sfn =============== ljBfyL{ x'F sl7g ljifo k9\gnfO{ l;kfn' Psk6s sIffdf ld;n] /fdnfO{ u[xsfo{ olb ul/of] eg] u'? x'G5g\ bofn' A B C E ;f]Wg'eP5 . c? cfpg' eGbf cl3g} k9\gnfO{ xb{d tof/ d]/f] d]/f] lk|o snd of] x]/ e} xf]l;of/ ld;M A for What? lzIff d]/f] ;fyLx?sf] ug'{ /Iff ;b}j bLIff o} xf] cg'zf;gdf a;f}F cflv/L Zjf;;Dd k9fO{ bGsf];\ bg\bg\ hxfF d]xg]t NofO{ km's]sf] ufx|f] s]xL nfUof] eg] dnfO{ k|Zg ;f]b\5' To;sf] 8\ofª\8ofª 8'ª8'ª u/L ug'{x'Gg sIff sf]7fdf xNnf k9fOnfO{ olb cufl8 a9fpg'5 eg] ug'{k5{ ;Nnfx /f]s'g\ af6f] s]xL ;fyLx? ldnL ;kmntfsf] ;ª\sf]r s]xL gdfgL d]xgtsf] kfOnf rfnL ef]ln k;L{ 7"nf] dfG5] agL k"/f ug'{k5{ cleefjssf] afwf lzIff lbIff < a]nfdf k'¥ofpFlbg s;}nfO{ afwf . /fdM Apple ld;M B for What? /fdM a9f Apple ld;M C for What? /fdM 5f]6f Apple ld;M D for bf];|f Apple ld; l/;fpg'eP5 English df eGg'eP5 . ld;M E for What? /fdM English Apple gLr JolQm csf{sf] ;kmntfdf hN5 . – sf}l6No –25– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf z}lIfs l;h{gf sf]7]kb k|ltof]lutf – !% ! & sf]7]kbsf lgodx¿ M @ * % # $ ( ^ !) !! ^ 7f8f] != xf] xNnfsf] jftfj/0f -$_ @= g]kfnsf] Ps lhNnf -%_ #= lkmNd cflb x]l/g] 3/ -@_ $= eujfg\ -@_ %= ltxf/df k8\sfOG5 -#_ ^= 3fd nfu]sf] lbg -$_ &= Ps kG5L -@_ != sf]7]kb ebf{ s]/d]6 gu/L :ki6;“u 86k]gn] eg'{kg]{ 5 . l;;fsndn] e/L k7fPsf] sf]7]kbnfO{ dfGotf lbOg] 5}g . @= pQ/ @)&! ;fpg !% ut];Dddf dxfljBfnosf] 7]ufgfdf cfOk'Ug'kg]{ 5 . #= ;xL pQ/ k7fpg] dWo] ! hgfnfO{ uf]nfk|yfåf/f cfsif{s k'/:sf/sf] Joj:yf ul/g] 5 . @= o;df lrof vfOG5 . -@_ #= xfjf ;DaGwL -@_ $= /ftf] rf/kf6] 9'ª\uf -@_ %= kfFrf}+ -#_ ^= df]h dHhf -$_ *= 3d08, uf}/j t];|f] !=kf]v/fdf If]qLo 5gf}6 x'g] Ps v]n (= dfofnfO{ c+u|]hLdf -@_ !!= ljB't axg] dfWod -@_ ;df/f]x -#_ (= Ps k|sf/sf] ld7fO -@_ !)= cGg cflb /flvg] sf7 jf rf]ofsf] efF8f -#_ !!= Ps wft' -@_ gfd M sIff M /f]n g+= M ljBfno M z}lIfs l;h{gf sf]7]kb k|ltof]lutf – !$ sf] pQ/ ! z' @ d /f e sf d gf d # t n a & k| d gf tf * t d oL Œ % j / !) k ( v jf $ ef !! / e|f sf n t n !@ a !# n j{ n !$ d /f u t ^ b' sf a t ª\uf n' / ; ^ r ;xefuL M @ ;xL pQ/ M ! lah]tf ;lGbk >]i7 sIff M % -u_ Only a burning lamp will burn another lamp . - Koachhar –26– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf xf]:6nsf km"n – clgif e08f/L & …3Ú xf]:6nsf km"n xfdL /+u y/L y/L w]/L k9\5f}+ w]/} n]V5f}+ v]N5f} 3/L 3/L . k"j{af6 cfof}+ sf]xL, sf]xL klZrdaf6 xfdL ;a} ;dfg 5f}F 5}g e]befj . afaf cfdf ufpF ;dfh ;a} k/ 5f]8L xf]:6]ndf a;]sf 5f}F gofF gftf hf]8L . d]6«f]g xfd|L cfdf h:tL /fd|f] ug]{ x]/rfx xf]:6n w]/} /dfOnf] 5 aNn kfof}+ yfxf . xfp; df:6/ ;/n] klg afaf h:t} ug]{ gfRg ufpg v]Ng xfdLnfO{ ;fx|} dg kg]{ . slxn] hfG5f}F 3'DgnfO{ gofF gofF 7fpFdf jgef]h klg x'G5 oxfF xfdLx?sf] gfpFdf . xKt} lkR5] cltl/Qm lqmofsnfk x'g] /dfOnf] ;w} e/L s:sf] dg ?g] . vfgf klg /fd|f] oxfF ;Gt'lng ef]hg :j:y z/L/ /fd|f] ljrf/ kljq 5 of] dg . hf8f] ljbf eGbf cl3 v]n ;Ktfx x'g] km'nan, elnan, PYn]l6S; ;fx|} dg 5'g] . h;sf] zlQm p;sf] elQm lhTg]nfO{ k'/:sf/ Ps k6s glht] klg dfGg' x'Gg xf/ . OR5f eP kfOG5 x} gfRg ufpg ahfpg eljio agfpg ;}lgs :s'n hfpmF g . eljio agfpg ;}lgs :s'n hfpmF g . JolQmTj kl/ro k|ltof]lutf g+= % sf] pQ/ JolQmTj kl/ro k|ltof]lutf g+= ^ JolQmTj kl/ro k|ltof]lutf g+= % sf] s'g} klg pQ/ k|fKt ePg lgod – lbOPsf] JolQmTjnfO{ lrg]/ pxfFsf af/]df !%) zAb;Dddf g36fO{ n]Vg'kg]{5 . pQ/ ;fpg !% ;Dd cfOk'Ug'kg]{ 5 . gf]6M lah]tfnfO{ cfsif{s k'/:sf/sf] Joj:yf ul/g]5 . ;Demg' klg ldngsf] Ps ?k xf] . –vlnn lha|fg –27– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf Superstitions of a Nepal Binod Class 9 A Since, Nepal is a multiethnic, Multilingual Multicultural and Multireligious country. There are many superstitions exist among the people of Nepal. This is one of the problems due to which Nepal still cannot be developed. Some of the superstitions that Nepalese people follow are: 1. If a black cat crossed our way we should not go through that way. If we cross the way we may be suffered from different accident. 2. If a dog cries at night, it is said that a person of family dies. 3. If we dream a good dream we should tell only after four days. 4. If a crow caws at the top of our house then it is said that something bad will happen to our family. 5. If we are going to do a certain work we should eat curd and eggs. 6. If we see a gold fish in our dream then it is good luck. 7. If we see water in our dream it is bad luck. 8. If we see our relative dying in our dream than the person's life time will be longer. 9. While eating our meal if we find hair in it, then our enemy will increase. 10. While going out if we see any empty buckets them it is bad luck. HAS THE AEROPLANE BROUGHT MORE THAN GOOD? Jitendra Dhakal 9 A The following are advantages and disadvantages of the aeroplanes. Advantages: The aeroplane has brought a revolutionary change in the speed of travelling. It helps us to travel to distant places in a very short time. We can travel to any parts of the world in a comfortable way. It can cover long distances in the twinkling of the eye. It also helps us in spraying crops and making maps. It helps us to take such places where we cannot reach by any other means of transport. Moreover, it helps us in rescue operations such as taking sick people to hospital and dropping food for people in disaster. Disadvantages: The aeroplane has disadvantages in the following points. It is used for military attacks such as bombing cities. It kills millions of people and destroys large amount of property. There is always fear of accident. It is dangerous because almost all passengers die in the aeroplane accidents. It has made the pace of life faster. It has also brought sudden changes in climate, culture and time. The aeropane is always noisy. It is dirty as well. It is very expenssive and hence general people cannot afford to travel by air. A man without education is like a pen without ink . - Ps –28– plQm jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf sflZd/ yfxf kfO/fv]sf] /fd|f] – ;'hg >]i7 ( …uÚ sflZd/ ef/t cjl:yt 5 . of] Ps cfsif{s ko{6s uGtJo :yn xf] . sflZd/ clt ;'Gb/ b[Zon] el/k"0f{ 7fpFn] lrlgG5 . bfn tfn sflZd/sf] Ps k|r'/ cfsif{s ko{6sLo :yn xf] . pQm tfn lxpFn] 9flsPsf] lxdfnn] 3]/]sf] 5 . sflZd/ dgf]/~hgfTds d'un km'naf/Laf6 klg lrlGg5 . csf]{ cfsif{s :yfg sflZd/sf] t}/]sf] ;AhL / km"nsf] ahf/ klg xf] . bfn tfndf 9'ª\u] 3/ ko{6sx¿sf] nflu pko'Qm 5g\ . ToxfF ;fkm«g klg pTkfbg ul/G5 . hLjg u'hf/f rnfpgsf nfuL e}F;L e]8f, afv|f kfng Jof;fo ul/G5 . ToxfF klZdgf, sfi7snf, sfk]{6, pgLsf] sk8f d'Vo u/L pTkfbg ul/G5 . –;+ud lu/L, * …vÚ !_ uf}td a'4 hlGdPkl5 klxnf]k6s g'xfPsf] kf]v/Lsf] gfpF …k'ikl/0fL xf] . …a'4Ú zAbsf] vf; cy{ Ao'emFg' xf] . @_ rGb|dfaf6 k[YjLdf NofPsf] r§fgsf] ;a} eGbf 7"nf] 6'qmf …d]o/ a;fN6 xf] . of] ;aeGbf klxnf cd]l/sL cGtl/IfofqL Hofsl:dyn] NofPsf lyP . Pkf]nf] –!& gfds cGtl/Ifofgaf6 rGb|ddf k'u]sf] l:dyn] ;g\ !(&@ df Tof] r§fgdf tLg ca{ &% s/f]8 jif{ k'/fgf] /x]sf] cg'dfg 5 . #_ df]xgbf; s/drGb| ufGwL cyf{t\ dxfTdf ufGwLn] cfˆgf] hLjgdf Pp6} dfq l;g]df x]/]sf lyP . Tof] l;g]df lyof] …/fd/fHoÚ . $_ df5f klg y/L y/Lsf x'G5g\ . Sof6 lkm; hfltsf] df5fn] cfˆgf] z/L/sf] h'g;'s} efuaf6 klg ;'FWg / :jfb lng hfltsf] df5fsf] tLgj6f d'6' x'G5 . /utsf] /Fu klg lgnf] x'G5 . cfdfsf] dfof – lba; /fgf , ^…ªÚ d]/f] hLjgsf] af6f]df 5 b'O{6f 5fof c;n / v/fa bfofF / afofF cfvfFel/ 5 d]/f] Pp6f 5fofF . egf} eg] ltg]{ g;lsg] 5 of] cfdfsf] dfof . lxF8\bf lxF8\b} cfpF d g} zx/kf/L d]/f] cufl8 5 Pp6f ?vsf] 5fxf/L . a:bf km]l/ cfof] d]/f] cg'xf/el/ kl;gf a/a/L . oltv]/ cfdfsf] dfof 5 d]/f] cfFvf /;fpF5 em/em/L .. hf] k|oTg u5{ p;af6 uNtL klg x'G5 . –u]6] –29– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf Bill Gates and the World Avishek Karki 8 A Here are some facts about Bill gates, the richest man in the world and his Microsoft company. You can find out how actually he is rich. Bill gates earns Us $250 every second, that's about Us $ 20 million a day and Us $ 78 billon a year. If he drops a thousand dollor, he won't even bother to pick it up. The Us national debt is about $5.62 trillion if Bill Gates was to pay the debt by himself, he would finish it in less than 10 years. Michael Jordan is the highest paid athlete in US. If he doesn't drink and eat and keep up his annual income i.e. US $ 30 million he will have to wait for 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gats is now. If Bill Gates own a country, he would be the 37th richest country on earth. If you change all the money of bill gates in to 1 rupee notes, you can make road non-stop for 1400 years and use of total 13 Boeing; 747 planes to transport all the money. Bill gates is 50 years, if we assume that he will live another 25 years, he has to spend US $ 5.6 million per day to finish all his money before he go. Last but not the least, if Microsoft windows user can claim Us $ 1 every time their computer hangs because of Microsoft windows, Bill gates will be bankrupt in 3 years. Ha a a---------------a a a a a a a a a aaaaa Something about the film HACHI (a dog's tale) Sangam Giri 8 B From Academy Awardnominated director lasse Hallstron (2000, The cider House Rules) Comes HACHI: A Dog's tale, a film based on one of the most treasured and heart warming true stories ever told Golden globe winner Richard Gere (2002, Best Actor in a Musical or comedy, Chicago) starts as professor parter Wilson, a distinguished scholar who discovers a lost Akita puppy on his way home from work. Despite initial objections from wilson's wife, cate (Academy Award nominee Joan Allen-2000, Best Actress, The Contender) Hachiendeards himself into the Wilson family and grows to be parkers by all companion. As their bond grows deeper, a beautiful relationship unfolds embodying the true sprit of family and loyalty. While inspiring the hearts of an entire town. (Film Based on True story) Time to laugh Dasharath Kandel 7 B Once upon a time there was a boy and his friends, once they fell to a deep cave and they saw a genie. The genie asked that he could help them. Genie: You all ask one one wish to me so I can help you. 1st boy: I am alone so take me to office. 2nd boy: I am alone take me with my family 3rd: I am alone so bring my other 2 friend with me. Ha! Ha! Ha!................ A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds . - Sir Francis Bacon –30– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( Fascinating facts Rabin Shrestha How do parasites live? Parasites are animals that live at the expense of other animals. They rob the host animal of their food and can make them every sick. The flea is a parasite that can be found on dogs, cats and most other warm blooded animals and lives by sucking their blood. However, in other forms of relationship different animals can help one another some hermit crabs, for e.g. place sea anemone on their shells, hiding under their protective stinging tentacles. At the same time the sea anemone benefits because it shares the crab's food similarly. The shrimp digs a burrow that it shares with the small goby fish. The fish benefits from being able to hide in the burrow while acting as a lookout to warn the shrimp of approaching preadtors. Most true parasites are very simple animal because they do not need complicated organs to digest their food indeed, some parasites are simply a mass of reproductive organs. I dreamt Nischal Ramabhat, 7 'A' I dreamt I were C-Ronaldo But in reality I had no skills to show I dreamt I were Honey singh But in reality I don't know how to sing I dreamt I were sakira a great singar But In reality I have not seen her I dreamt I were Michaal Jackson But in my community too 1 am unknown Dreaming great things are just waste But don't worry I will prove myself as the best God å}dfl;s klqsf Aayush Thapa, 5 'C' East and west God is the best If we pray god He chooses the best He gives A mind to think He gives us A tongue to speak He loves us He helps the blind He takes care He is kind He is our father Who created us We should thank god for all these Jokes Alisha Mainali, 6'A' Once upon a time there was a two Boys named Ram and Hari. They will always come fast in school. But one day they too came so late. When they enter to the class the teacher asked Ram and Hari. Teacher: Ram why are you coming so late? Ram: Sir I am coming so fast but my Money fell down and lost. I was searching at last I found my money. That’s why I am late. Teacher: But Hari Your money haven't been lost Why are you coming late? Hari: Sir I am been late Because I am stepping his ten rupees. d k/flht eP/ 3/ ks{g]5}g . k/fhoeGbf a? d[To' g} dnfO{ :jLsfo{ 5 . –r] Uj]ef/f –31– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf Successful study tips There is always some method or rule to get success at whatever you do. And here are some tips for a successful studying habit at college. Study space: your study space should be as quite and comfortable as possible. Avoid studying in hoist places such as cafeterias, recreation room or lounges. Get it all: Have everything needed for studying handy before hand. After you have assembled the items, put them where you can reach them easily. Study habits: Begin studying no less than 30-90 minuter after a meal-Never study within 30 minutes of going to sleep. Make a list and of what you intend to study, priorities the list and stick to it ! Take a break: If possible, study no more than 30-40 minutes at a stretch. Take study breaks away from your desk or whatever you are studying .Let the break be a time to think about other things use some break time to reflect, not constantly review what you have just studied. Dipesh Basnet 9 ‘A’ At classroom: To help avoid distraction, sir near the front of the class. You're less likely to miss distractions at the front than any other location. Taking notes: Writing down each word is a waste of time in your mind what the teacher say and then write it down .This way you will be connecting the teacher's words with how you think. source: Internet. School Poem Naryan Kunwar 5 B Our school lies in Pokhara Phoolbari In the brake there is a tree of berry. In Our school there are many friends There are about 1000 students. Here are 5 Houses In our school there are 3 buses. In our school there are gardens In hostel we miss our Parents. We should share love to eachother we should tell brother and sister. We should not make noise in dinning hall In our school we should love for all. Our school can top the world, our school is new not at all. It is hard to find the Job If in small we didn't get the school love. Great men die without knowing their measurements . - Sofocleto –32– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf df]/ª M cf}Bf]lus lhNnf –;'bz{g kGyL *…uÚ df]/ª g]kfnsf] k"jf{~rn lhNnfsf] ef}uf]lns cfsf/ rf/kf6] ljsf; If]qdf k5{ . df]/ª xfd|f] b]zsf] cfsf/sf] 5 . df]/ª s[lif pTkfbgsf] b[li6n] /fhwfgL sf7df8f}F kl5sf] 7"nf] / w]/} klg Hofb} pj{/ dflgG5 . hne08f/ tyf hg;+Vof ePsf] cf}Bf]lus gu/L xf] . hn;|f]tsf] lx;fan] aqmfxf, lr;fË, dfjf df]/ª lhNnfsf] ;b/d'sfd lj/f6gu/ xf] . /jbd, /t'jf cflb h:tf vf]nfx? d'Vo oxL lhNnfaf6 Pp6} afa'cfdfsf tLg dflgG5g\ . k|fo oL ;a} vf]nfsf] d'xfg ;Gtfg dft[sf, ljZj]Zj/ / lul/hfk|;fb r'/] If]q g} xf] . df]/ª lhNnfsf] wfld{s sf]O/fnf of] d'n'ssf k|wfgdGqL tyf ko{6sLo :ynsf] ?kdf l;h'jfsf] ag]sf lyP . o;afx]s y'k|} k|wfgdGqL / ljZjgfy dlGb/ /x]sf] 5 . /fhg]tf hGdfPsf] of] lhNnf /fhgLlts o; lhNnfdf ;/sf/L tyf / ;fdflhs r]tgfsf b[li6n] klg cu|0fL lghL ljBfnox? ^(% /x]sf 5g\ . eg] dflgG5 . b]zs} P]ltxfl;s uf}/j af]s]sf]] #) j6f pRr dfWolds ljBfno /x]sf] df]/ª lhNnf cf}wf]lus Pj+ hg;+Vofsf] 5g\ . To:t} !# SofDk; ! ljZjljBfno lx;fan] g]kfns} bf];|f] 7"nf] lhNnfsf] ?kdf / !) j6f k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos kl/lrt 5 . g]kfnsf] k"j{ t/fO{df kg]{ of] lzIffnox? /x]sf 5g\ . lhNnf k|frLgsfndf /fhf What can be Bought and lj/f6sf] /fgwfgLsf] ?kdf k|Voft lyof] . lj=;+=@)!* What can't be? Sujan Shrestha 9 C ;fnsf] k|zf;lgs ljefhg 1. We can buy medicine but not cure. x'g'eGbf cufl8 #% lhNnf 2. We can buy book but not knowledge. x'bfF klg of] Pp6f lhNnfdf 3. We can buy clothes but not warmth. cjl:yt lyof] . h'g xfn 4. We can buy fruit but not taste. df]/ª, ;'g;/L tyf emfkf 5. We can buy water but not thirst. lhNnfdf afFl8Psf] 5 . df]/ª 6. We can buy food but not hunger. 7. We can buy watch but not time. lhNnfsf] If]qkmn !*%% 8. We can buy pen but not handwriting. ju{ ls=ld 5 . o;sf] k"j{df 9. We can buy temple but not god. emfkf / Onfd, klZrddf 10.We can buy blood but not life. ;'g;/L pQ/df wgs'6f / 11.We can buy eye but not eye sight. 12.We can buy bed but not sleep. kfrFy/, blIf0fdf ef/tsf] 13.We can buy mother but not mother's love. ljxf/ k|fGt kb{5g\ . o; 14.We can buy friend but not friendship. s]xL 1fg lngsf] nflu ;'?d} cfkm"nfO{ c1fgL ;Demg] u/ . – l8h/fonL –33– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf Communication Communication is the activity of Aayush Gurung, 7 'A' conveying information. Communication has been derived from the latin word ''communes", meaning to share. So it means through which we send or receive information is called communication. Telephone, internet, postal service, etc are the examples of the means of communication. Communication is one of the important infrastructures of development. We can know the events that are taking place in different parts of the world. Communication is process of expressing ideas and feelings or giving people information. The development of communication has brought the people of the world close to one another; We can talk to our family. If they are so far. The common means of communications are: E-mail- Internet, Postal service, Mobile phone, Radio, TV etc. Memories never vanish Prabes Subedi, 9 'A' Long gone are those days when we didn't care. About how we looked and the scolding we feared. Long gone are those moments when we used to play Clutching each other's hands, not caring what others would say. The way we laughed and joked, even at silly little things The way we just didn't act like real human beings. How we used to cherish every single day, each second. How we used to have fun collecting funny problems all weekends. Singing and dancing around, though we were not so good at those. Cracking jokes, not even missing Tom and Jerry, And Motuy Pattlu's single shows, Waking at a Mid night for football match. We used to have fun and watch. These memories we have are stuck in our minds Let's just hope they won't vanish a long with time. My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me . - Benjamin Disraeli –34– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf Some of the proverbs Amazing Facts Arin Shrestha, 5 'B' 1. Plastic is made by plastic pellets. 2. Coal is used to make fuel. 3. Fly Agaric is a poisonous mushroom. It is found throughout the temperate region of the North Hemisphere. 4. Harry potter is very popular character in the word of supernature. 5. Leonardo da venchi was scientist, mathemetican, engineer, anatomists, painter sculptor, architect, botanies musician and writer. 6. Ants are insects of diverse grouped more than 12,000 species. 7. The stone Age recives its name from the fact that most human tools were made of stone. Partkshit Tripathi, 8 'C' 1. Look before you leap. 2. Tit for tat. 3. Honesty is the best policy. 4. Health is wealth. 5. Morning shows a day 6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 7. Money is a good master but a bad conductor. 8. A man without education is a pen with out link. 9. Try, Try until you die. 10.Slow and study wins the race. 11.Beauty is to see not to touch. 12.Great men die without knowing their value. 13.Better fail not to cheat. 14.Laugh but don't laugh at other. 15.Help ever Hurt never. Donot Forget Nabin Adhikari, 7'B' /f]rs ufp“vfg] syf Never say thanks to someone who loves you Never think bad for a person Who think good of you Never say bye to someone Who really needs you Never blame a person Who likes you Never fight with person Who dosen't want to fight with you Never forget a person Who always thinks about you. lgZrn /fgfef6 !_ afnL g la?jf gf} d'/L tf]/L s] xf] < –tf/f @_ aflx/ af]qmf] leq vf]qmf] ufnfdf 5 nfnL Tof] ufnfdf yKk8 lbbf aH5 ld7f] tfnL < –dfbn #_ kfgL 5 bxL xf]Og, ?vdf a:5 r/f] xf]Og\ s] xf] < –gl/jn $_ x]/ tFnfO{ b]v dnfO{ < –P]gf %_ Pp6f hgfj/sf] rf/ yfd Ps l;Ë s] xf] < –u}F8f ;do v]/ kmfNg' eg]sf] hLjg v]/ kmfNg' xf] . – ;To ;fOafaf –35– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf k|ltof] lutf d~r $^ sf k|Zgx¿ !_ ;Ktsf]zL gbLnfO{ ef/tdf s'g gfdn] lrlgG5 < @_ Father of Genetics eg]/ s;nfO{ lrlgG5 < #_ hGdg] lalQs} cfkm" hGd]sf] c08faf6 tLg u'0ff 7"nf] x'g] k|f0fL s'g xf] < $_ blIf0f clk|msL ljVoft cZj]t g]tf g]N;g d08]nfsf] lgwg slxn] eof] < %= g]kfnsf] jt{dfg cy{dGqLsf] gfd s] xf] < pQ/ k7fpg] 7] ufgfM z}lIfs l;h{gf >L ;} lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljb\ofno, km"naf/L, kf] v/ f . k|ltof] lutfsf lgodx¿ !_ k|Zgsf] pQ/ ;fpg !% ut]leqdf cfOk'Ug'kg] {5 . @_ pQ/ ;kmf / : ki6 x'g'kg] {5 . #_ PseGbf a9L ;xL pQ/ cfPdf uf] nfk|yfåf/ f lah] tfsf] gfd 3f] if0ff ul/ g] 5 . $_ lah]tfnfO{ cfsif{s k'/:sf/ pknAw u/fOg]5 . k|ltof] lutf d~r $% sf pQ/x¿ !_ @_ #_ $_ %_ lj=;+= @)^@ ch'{gaxfb'/ yfkf sf]lg{of÷k/]nf >Lnª\sf ca|fxd lnª\sg hDdf k|fKt pQ/ M & ;xL pQ/ M @ uf]nf k|yfåf/f lah]tf ljzfn v8\sf sIff M( …sÚ Give me good mothers and I shall give you good nation . -Napoleon –36– jif{ M ^, c+s M $( å}dfl;s klqsf ;dfrf/ ;+If] k ;}lgs dxfljBfnodf lgdf{0fjfbdf cfwfl/t sfo{zfnf uf]i7L ;DkGg ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno kf]v/fn] ljBfno kl/;/df lgdf{0fjfbdf kf7of]hgf tyf sIffsf]7f Joj:yfkg ;DalGw b'O{ lbg] tflnd tyf sfo{zfnf uf]i7L r}q a}zfv @* / @( ut] ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . dxfljBfnos} ljleGg ljefusf ljefuLo OGrfh{ Pj+ lzIfsx¿ tyf u08sL af]l8ª :s"n, s'd'lbgL xf]D; tyf /]Gaf] Ps]8]dL xf]D;sf s'n @) lzIfsx¿sf] ;xefuLtf /x]sf] tflnd tyf sfo{zfnf uf]i7Lsf ;xefuLn] lgdf{0fjfbn] ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ /rgfTds agfpg ;xof]u k'Ug]df hf]8 lbg'ePsf] lyof] . cfOtaf/ sfo{qmdsf] pb\3f6g ;qdf af]Nb} ljBfnosf k|frfo{ v]d/fh b]jfgn] dxfljBfnon] lzIfsx¿sf] rf}tkmL{ ljsf;df k|oTgzLn /x]sf] / To;}sf] k|of; :j?k lzIff If]qsf ljljw JolQmTjx¿nfO{ a]nf–a]nfdf dxfljBfnodf ;xhLs/0fsf nflu lgDTofpg] u/]sf] atfpg'eof] . ljBfnosf ;xk|frfo{ lzjk|;fb h}zLn] sfo{qmdsf] p2]Zodfly k|sfz kfb}{ lgdf{0fjfbn] ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ /rgfTds tyf lqmofzLn x'g ;3fpg] ljZjf; JoQm ug'{eof]] . pb\3f6g ;qdf lzIfs t'n;L/fd vgfnn] :jfut dGtJo /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . pQm b'O{ lbg] tflndnfO{ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno sLlt{k'/sf ul0ft tyf sDKo'6/ lj1fg lzIff ljifo ;ldltsf] cWoIf k|f=8f= xl/k|;fb pkfWofon] ;xhLs/0f ug'{ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmdsf] ;dfkg ;df/f]xdf af]Nb} ;xhstf{ pkfWofon] lzIff cFWof/f]af6 pHofnf]tkm{ nfg] dfWodsf ?kdf a'lemg'kg]{ / lzIffsf] a[xt nIo k|flKtsf nflu nfUg'kg]{s'/fdf hf]8 lbFb} lzIfsx¿nfO{ l;s]sf s'/fnfO{ Jojxf/df ptfg'{kg]{df hf]8 lbg'eof] . sfo{qmddf ;xefuLsf] tkm{af6 u08sL af]l8ª :s"nsf lzIfs /fhs'df/ 9sfn, s'd'lbgL xf]D;sf lzIfs u'?k|;fb bjf8L, /]Gaf] Ps]8]dL xf]D;sf lzIfs v]d gf/fo0f 9sfn tyf ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfnosf tkm{af6 lzIfs pk]Gb|k|;fb kf}8]nn] ;du|df sfo{qmd cToGt kmnbfoL /x]sf] / ljBfyL{ s]lGb|t lzIf0f k4ltsf nflu lgdf{0fjfb cToGt} pkof]uL /x]sf] k|ltlqmof JoQm ug'{eof] . sfo{qmddf wGojfb dGtJo JoQm ub}{ ljBfnosf aGbf]j:tL clws[t hok|ef s]=;L=n] sfo{qmddf ;xefuL tyf sfo{qmd ;kmn agfpg ;xof]u ug]{ ;a}df wGojfb JoQm ug'{ePsf] lyof] . j}zfv @* / @( ut] ;~rflnt sfo{zfnf tyf tflnd sfo{qmdsf] ;+of]hg tyf ;~rfng lzIfs ho/fd sfo:yn] ug'{ePsf] lyof] . k|zGg dgn] af]Ng] jf sfd ug]{ JolQmnfO{ ;'vn] slxNo} 5f]8\b}g . – uf}td a'4 –37– j}zfv÷h]7, @)&! å}dfl;s klqsf ;}lgs dxfljBfnoåf/f nIdL gf/fo0f dlGb/df ;/;kmfO{ ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno kf]v/fsf sIff !) sf ljBfyL{n] /fd3f6 l:yt /fd3f6 wfld{s If]q ljsf; ;ldlt cGtu{t /x]sf] nIdL gf/fo0f dlGb/ ;/;kmfO{ sfo{qmd ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . dxfljBfnosf] jflif{s Sofn]08/ cg';f/ ldlt @)&!.)@.)@ ut] ljBfyL{nfO{ ;dfh;]jftkm{ cfslif{t ug{ / ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj klg af]w u/fpg o:tf sfo{qmdx? a]nfa]nfdf cfof]hgf ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . sl/a (^ hgf 5fq, !@ hgf 5fqf nufot ;}lgs sd{rf/L / lzIfsx?sf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . dlGb/ kl/;/df /x]sf] km"naf/L tyf j/k/sf] kmf]xf]/d}nf hDdf u/L hnfpg] sfo{ klg ul/Psf] lyof] . ;f] sfo{qmddf dlGb/sf k'hf/L /fdrGb| kf}8]nn] ljBfyL{x?nfO{ cfWoflTds dxTjsf] af/]df k|sfz kfg'{ePsf] lyof] . dxfljBfnosf lzIfs s]zjbQ kf}8]nsf] g]t[Tjdf ;DkGg pQm sfo{qmdn] jftfj/0f ;Gt'ng / ;kmf /fVg d2t k'Ug] ljZjf; ul/Psf] 5 . ;}lgs dxfljBfnosf ljBfyL{åf/f dT:o kfng s]Gb|sf] cjnf]sg ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, km"naf/L kf]v/faf6 ldlt @)&!.)@.)% ut], ;f]daf/ sIff * sf ljBfyL{x?nfO{ z}lIfs e|d0f sfo{qmd cGtu{t dT:okfng s]Gb| a]ugf;sf] cjnf]sg e|d0f ;DkGg eof] . !@& hgf ljBfyL{, % hgf lzIfs ;lDdlnt pQm e|d0f 6f]nLn] o; dT:okfng s]Gb|df e"/f pTkfbg, ljt/0f Pj+ df5fkfng ;DaGwL ljljw hfgsf/L k|fKt u/L dT:okfngnfO{ s;/L Joj;flos agfpg ;lsg] s'/fdf cfkm"x?n] hfgsf/L k|fKt u/]sf] k|ltlqmof lbPsf] s'/f sfo{qmdsf ;+of]hs >L nId0f uf}tdn] atfpg'eof] . cGTodf ;fgf] cf}krfl/s sfo{qmd ;DkGg u/L dT:okfng s]Gb|sf sfof{no k|d'vnfO{ dfofsf] lrgf] k|bfg ul/of] . dxfljBfnoåf/f ljGb'jfl;gL dlGb/ ;/;kmfO{ ldlt @)&! h]7 @@ ut] ljZj jftfj/0f lbj;sf] cj;/df >L ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, kf]v/fsf] ;fdflhs lqmofsnfk cGtu{t ljGb'jfl;gL dlGb/ kl/;/ ;/;kmfO{ ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . pQm sfo{qmddf sIff ^ df cWoog/t 5fq5fqf, lzIfs tyf sd{rf/L u/L sl/a b'O{ ;o hgfsf] ;xefuLtf /x]sf] lyof] . cfjf;Lo ?kdf /xg] 5fqx? Pj+ 5fqfx?nfO{ ;d]t ;fj{hlgs Pj+ wfld{s :yndf ;/;kmfO u/L :jR5 /fVg' c;n gful/ssf] st{Jo xf] eGg] af]w u/fpFb} ;dfh ;]jfdf nfUg k|]/0ff hufpg] p2]Zon] dxfljBfnon] kf]v/f leqsf ;fj{hlgs :yn, dlGb/ v]n d}bfg Pj+ af6f]3f6f] a]nfa]nfdf ;/;kmfO{ ug]{, ;fdflhs r]tgf hufpg] h:tf s[ofsnfkx? ;DkGg ub}{ cfPsf] pQm sfo{qmdsf ;+of]hs b]j/fh ltjf/Ln] atfpg'eof] . dxfljBfnodf ljleGg k|ltof]lutf ;DkGg ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno kf]v/fdf cltl/Qm lqmofsnfk cGtu{t ljleGg k|ltof]lutfx? ;DkGg ePsf 5g\ . ;fKtflxs lqmofsnfk cGtu{t ;~rflnt c+u|]hL lr7L n]vgk|ltof]lutf sIff !) sf 5fq ;lGbk bfxfn k|yd, sIff * sf ;'lbk ;'j]bL låtLo, sIff ( sf /f]zg 9sfn t[tLo / sIff !) sf ;Gtf]if bfxfn ;fGTjgf ePsf lyP . To;}u/L g]kfnL lr7L n]vg k|ltof]lutfdf sIff !) sf ;'lbk sf]O/fnf k|yd, sIff !) sf cla/n e§/fO{ låtLo, ;'lbk ;'j]bL sIff !) t[tLo, ljlgt 5GTofn sIff ( ;fGTjgf ePsf lyP . o;}u/L g]kfnL x:tn]vg k|ltof]lutfdf sIff & sf k|lts/fh dfsfh' k|yd, sIff ^ sf z}n]z tfdfª\ låtLo, sIff % sL b]jofgL u'?ª t[tLo / sIff ^ sf c+lstf >]i7n] ;fGTjgf :yfg k|fKt u/]sf lyP . Love is often a fruit of marriage . - Moliere –38–