Murder suspect dies in hospital
Murder suspect dies in hospital
Tel: 015 307 5050 • Fax: 015 307 5054 • Web: Friday August 14, 2015 R1.00 incl CRIME WAVE PULE MABE EDU TRIP NGOBENI SHINES Crime wave hit Tzaneen Work with communities Students take edu trip Ngobeni wins golf challenge - page 2 - page 3 - page 4 - page 8 Man sentenced to 45 years for killing his father A man who shot and killed his father was sentenced to 45 years imprisonment by the High Court sitting in Sekgosese on Wednesday. Thomas Shivambu (42) from Dan village was found guilty of shooting to death his father Edward Shivambu (61) on the night of August 24, 2012. He was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment for murder, 10 years for possession of firearm without licence and a further 10 years for illegal possession of ammunition. The deceased was a retired Police officer and at the time of his death, he was working as a Sheriff of the Court. Meanwhile in the other unrelated case, in the Ritavi Regional Court, Marvel Ngobeni (23) was sentenced to six years imprisonment for attempted rape which occurred at Mariveni village in June last year. The 19 year-old victim testified that she was on the way fromNkowankwoa to Mariveni village at about 21:30 when Ngobeni attacked and dragged her into the bushes. She managed to escape while he was attempting to rape her. Ngobeni was further declared unfit to possess a firearm. The police management welcomed these sentences saying they will send a strong message to all the criminals and would be criminals that crime does not pay. Murder suspect dies in hospital A 55 year-old man who set fire on the house in which his 37 year-old wife and two year-old son burnt to death at Plain Farm compound in Letsitele last week died in hospital on Tuesday morning. According to police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe, the 55 year-old from Bushbuckridge who could not be named at the time of going to press because his family has not been notified died as a results of the injuries he sustained during the fire. Ngoepe said the man’s wife Lucy Mabunda and her son Wisdom Nkuna died after he set fire to their house following a domestic dispute. Ngoepe said the arson and murder cases the suspect was facing will be closed. JAILED: Thomas Shivambu (42) was sentenced to 45 years for killing his father. sATAN IS DESTROYING LIVES, BUT JESUS IS BRINGING PEOPLE INTO ABUNDAND GOOD LIFE. JOHN 10:10 ISA 60:1 ARISE, SHINE; FOR YOUR LIGHT HAS COME! AND THE GLORY OF THE LORD IS RISEN UPON YOU. ISA 60:2 FOR BEHOLD, THE DARKNESS SHALL COVER THE EARTH, AND DEEP DARKNESS THE PEOPLE; BUT THE LORD WILL ARISE OVER YOU, AND HIS GLORY WILL BE SEEN UPON YOU. COME AND RECEIVE THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. When: Every Sunday 9:00 AM Where: 15 Peace Street Tzaneen (Cook4Life Office) Dress: Casual Volunteers needed for ushering and children’s church. Contact Chantel on 072 036 0918. 2 NEWS MOPANI HERALD Friday August 14, 2015 Department clampdown on illegal sand mining FUNERAL: ANC Phalaborwa Sub-Regional Deputy Secretary Aubrey Ngobeni calling upon arrogant Chiefs to listen to their communiƟes as the Freedom Charter says the people shall given not individuals. Speakers lambast arrogant Chiefs at funeral Speaker after speaker lambasted the role played by Majeje Tribal Authority’s Chief Mlungisi Ntsanwisi and the South Africa Police Services on the untimely and brutal death of Peter Maluleke during his funeral service at Benfarm Newcastle ground on Saturday. The ANC Phalaborwa Sub-Regional Deputy Secretary, Aubrey Ngobeni, said the ANC is deeply dismayed by Maluleke’s brutal death and whoever is responsible for his death must face the full might of the law. “Your problems with your Chief are also a similar problem faced by other communities in our area and some of us have been called all sorts of names when we called on our Chief to listen to the plight of his community. The land belongs to the people and not the Chief hence the Community Property Association as a custodian of the people,” he explained. Ngobeni went on to say Chief Ntsanwisi must respect the community and engage with Majeje Community Development Trust to end the current chaotic environment. “The Freedom Charter says the people shall govern and not individuals. There is no Chief without the community,” noted Ngobeni. He added that Maluleke’s death should be a wakeup call to the Chief to go back to the community and resolve all the outstanding matters. “You must be motivated by Peter’s death to soldier on and never surrender. We are currently engaging the ANC in the highest office to assist us with regard to the Steel Plant to be installed here enabling our children and their offspring’s to work at Palabora Copper,” he said. Ngobeni says gone are the days of Palabora Copper giving businesses opportunities to other people ahead of locals. “How do you explain giving a tender to supply toilet papers in the mine to one individual and consistently so from other provinces? Is the company saying that our people don’t have capacity to supply such services? We need PC to drive a developmental agenda in partnership with our communities and stop this thing of nepotism and capitalist tendency,” he explained. Ngobeni lambasted the EFF for their dismal failure in trying to hijack the public unrests. Majeje Committee Chairperson Lybon Mongwe, Majeje Community Development Trust Chairperson Intiso Maluleke, SACP Lawrence Phokanoka Regional Executive Committee member, Naomi Nziane and SANCO provincial member Richard Nkuna lambasted the police’s conduct regarding Maluleke’s death. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) has preliminary dropped the case it was pursuing on allegations of police officers having assaulted Maluleke before detaining him at the Lulekani Police Station 27 July. Both Lulekani and Namakgale Police Stations spokespersons Constables Nkhensani Mabasa and Dineo Sekgotodi disputed claims that Maluleke was assaulted by police officers before he was arrested. “Those are false accusations and we don’t know the motive behind them. The deceased was detained without injuries in the cells and the police found him dead. All inmates are taken to the clinic unless referred to the hospital by the health centre. Ambulances are called in case police vehicles won’t carry a person who is critical,” noted Mabasa. Mabasa added that if the patient was critical in this case he could have been referred to the hospital. “IPID has already visited the scene and handed in the case to the station since there is no evidence that police were involved in this. Three inmate’s suspects already appeared in court last week Wednesday on charges of murder,” said Mabasa. Maluleke died on 28 July following injuries he sustained in police custody. He was born 35 years ago at Sedan under Chief Mhlaba, completed his primary school there and high school at Majeje and used to work at Five Special Force in Phalaborwa before opening his business as a panel-beater, the job he was still doing before his untimely death. He leaves behind two children, a wife and three siblings. The Democratic Alliance (DA) oversight uncovered illegal sand mining along the Karongwe River in Maruleng last week. According to the DA Constituency Head in the area, Lindy Wilson, illegal miners were caught in the act when the Department of Water Affairs officials were deployed to investigate. “The river falls within the Kruger to Canyon Biosphere, a recognized Unesco protected area. This act of the DA uncovering illegal activity led to the department of water affairs swoop on the area,” said Wilson. She said although the suspects fled into the bushveld surrounding the area, they abandoned their vehicles which allowed them to be identified and the vehicle owners have been charged with illegal mining. “We are grateful for the swift reaction and for addressing this situation by the department after the DA tip-off. They have given us their assurance that they will continue with regular patrols of the river system in the area, and will also investigate claims that similar illegal acts are taking place on the Selati River and systems around Phalaborwa,” she said. She added that the Protection of Water and Environmental systems are important in the protection of wildlife, ecological balances and prevention of water contamination,that many communities have to rely on. Crime wave hit Tzaneen A violent crime wave hit Tzaneen on Saturday night when two people were murdered and a taxi was hi-jacked by armed robbers. Northern Security first responded to a complaint of a person lying in the road in Kew Street. A witness confirmed three suspects earlier chased the victim. Hlulani Mkansi (25), was found on the tar road with an open wound to his chest as well as in his left leg. The victim was shot above the ankle and stabbed in the chest piercing his heart which was the cause of death. SAPS also confirmed another murder. Mashatole Martin Modika, aged 22, was stabbed and died of his wounds in the Van Velden hospital. Investigations showed that he was stabbed at the Motupa Taxi rank in Tzaneen. Earleir rumours that he was stabbed at the show grounds were refuted by local police. Two suspects were arrested and a knife was confiscated. A taxi was hi-jacked at Gateway garage in the old industrial area. According to information three or four suspects armed with knives forced the driver to get out and took the vehicle, with his girlfriend and child still inside. The taxi was later found in Dan Village and one suspect was arrested. Warning to all schools The Department of Education is warning all the schools’ principals, teachers and management teams to be alert of the criminals who are targeting schools to rob them of cash. This came to the attention of the department through principals who indicated they received calls from these criminals. One of the recipients of such calls was told that his school is in line to receive furnisher and laptops from one of the sister departments at a cost of R38 460. A caller, certain Mr Dlamini indicated to the principal that the school does not pay for the material but has to pay R4 230 for insurance. “This Dlamini said the money has to be deposited to account number 9271229060 “And this must be done before 12:00 it is urgent,” said the spokesperson for the Department of Education, Dr Naledzani Rasila. He said, fortunate enough, the principal called the department only to find that there has never been such arrangement between the Office of The Premier, the Department of Education and any third party. The department will be delivering furniture to schools starting from the end of next month and the process will never need a “middle man”. The department is therefore requesting all the principals to contact relevant authorities at all the times should they receive these types of calls. MOPANI HERALD Friday August 14, 2015 NEWS Mabe calls on mines to works with communities Pule Mabe calls on mines to work with communities to drive a developmental agenda The African National Congress National Executive Committee member Pule Mabe called on mines to commit to a more sustainable developmental agenda working with local communities. Mabe was speaking at Phosphate Hall in Namakgale on Sunday at a feedback mini rally convened by the ANC Phalaborwa Sub-Region of Mopane Region in Limpopo Province together with the Ba-Phalaborwa Community Forum following a week long community protest and public unrests that brought the Phalaborwa town to a stand-still. The protest was prompted by an array of allegations including a potential retreat on the installation of a steel plant at Palabora Copper led by the Hebei Iron and Steel Group of China and the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa. The rising agitation amongst community members has been fuelled by the believe that the possible redirecting of the installation of a steel plant project to another province would possibly stall the creation of over 6000 jobs. “The time is now for the local mines to work with communities in finding solutions to recurring challenges. When we stand together there is nothing impossible. We need one another to realize the call made by the Freedom Charter of placing the ownership of the mineral wealth beneath the soil into the hands of the people” says an energetic Mabe. Mabe further said the issuing of mining licenses - Government should include compelling requirements committing mining houses to implement clear, practical as well as measurable developmental programs. “ It can no longer be business as usual or another Public Relations exercise, local mines must submit to both the transformative and empowerment agenda, the mines must also prioritize stakeholder relations to keep communities informed about immediate and future expansion as well as development plans as misinformation can at times contribute to Unrests and protests,” remarked Mabe. He added that mines ought to create relive amongst the local communities whom at times feel undermined when they are kept in the dark about development and available opportunities at the local mines’ Mabe who grew up in Phalaborwa and today serve as the youngest member of the ANC highest decision making body - NEC and as a member of parliament, shared a personal experience about the mines “My own grandmother used to work at PMC and while growing up I just knew that she was an operator, but I later learned that she was ironing clothes for Mines Bosses -I had this daunting task of massaging her body every afternoon when she came back from work. Her body was taking more than it could, but when she went for retirement and having been loyal to the mine for 25 years she got a cheap Citizen Watch engraved with her name underneath ‘Sophie Skeli Mabe together with an opportunity to pose for a picture with the mine bosses which would appear in the in house Magazine Palaminer as a token of appreciation’ said a concerned Mabe. Mabe added that Nelson Mandela was ready to sacrifice his life ‘When the people rise on legitimate concerns they must be given an ear in that way solutions are found and the Phalaborwa town moves forward’ “We need to work together in a focused manner and never sell-out on principles that bring our communities together - when you a leader of a Union you must put people first at all times” noted Mabe calling on Union and Community leaders to work together for the good of the “As a leader of society the ANC must always be in the forefront of championing people’s interests - we must applaud the MEC of Economic Development Seaparo Sekoati together with the Government of the people of Limpopo including all our Mass Democratic Movement structures for acting swiftly to return what was becoming a volatile situation into Mabe called on ANC structures to work together in leading and championing the interest of local communities to boast public moral and restore the confidence of the people. An overarching community declaration is expected to be concluded as a matter of urgency and around September it will be consolidated as a stakeholder wide contribution towards governing. Land claimants need no lawyer to lodge claims PROSPECTIVE claimants for the restoration of land rights need no lawyer to lodge claims with Commission on Restitution of Land Rights. According to the Chief Land Claims Commissioner, Nomfundo Gobodo, the Claimants must personally come to the office to lodge claims with a green barcoded ID book or Smart card. “A claimant sits in front of a data capturer who enters the entire claimant’s personal information and thereafter the computer automatically generates an acknowledgement letter with a unique reference number and the claimant must personally sign the acknowledgement letter or put his or her thumbprint if he or she cannot write,” said Gobodo. Gobodo said only a member of a dispossessed community can lodge a claim on behalf of the community or a family and must be mandated by the community through a resolution accompanied by an attendance register. “In line with the new electronic lodgement system, claimants have to physically visit the lodgement site with their supporting documents, to lodge a claim. Therefore legal representatives cannot lodge a claim on behalf of the community”, says Gobodo. She said since the reopening of the lodgement of land claims process in July 2014 to accommodates those who did not submit restitution claims before the 1998 cut-off date, reports have been received indicating that some claimants are seeking the services of legal representatives to lodge claims on their behalf. She further said the Mobile Bus Lodgement Office has been dispatched to far flung areas of the province to enable every qualifying citizen an opportunity to lodge claims. “Prospective claimants from far-flung areas are paying heavily for transport to the lodgment site in Polokwane, the Commission wishes to inform potential claimants that the mobile lodgment bus is available their respective areas starting from August 2015,” said Gobodo. She added that the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform is prepared to deal with all new claims including the fast tracking of the existing claims that were lodged during the initial re-opening period. “Lodging a land claim is a free government service and charging anyone for such a service is a criminal offence,” she said. Information on the schedule for mobile offices for lodgement of claims, criteria for qualification, and a copy of the manual, is available from the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s website: or toll free number: 0800 007 095. The information can also be obtained by sending a message to the email address: claim@ruraldevelopment. 3 4 COMMUNITY MOPANI HERALD Friday August 14, 2015 WE LOVE HOSPITALITY: Capricorn College for TVET staff members in the hospitality department with some of their students. SPEAKER: Hospitality students of Capricorn College for TVET embarked on a two-day trip as part of their prac cals. Mamsie Sebola, former lecture at the college was the guest speaker. Students embark on an educational trip Councillor appointed as MDM Mpac Rep Sebola was the guest speaker for the day. She encouraged the students to be passionate in all they do. “Love your career, be a team player, pride yourself for having chosen hospitality and most of all be passionate,” she said. Some students were given a chance to give feedback on their experience. The Democratic Alliance’s Ba-Phalaborwa Municipal Proportional Representative Councillor Michael Mathebula has been appointed as the new Mopani District Municipality’s MPAC member. Mathebula was recommended to the position by the DA Phalaborwa caucus team led by executive committee member councillor S R de Beer supported by the African National Congress. During council sitting on 30 July, Speaker David Maake said the DA in council has proved to be a civil party engaging with high level of discipline hence the ANC saw it fit to support the nomination of Councillor Mathebula and eventually passing his name unopposed. Mathebula will replace former DA PR councillor Gareth Flemming who joined the ANC in February, but recently resigned in council also affecting his position within the district. “I am thrilled for the trust shown towards me by our DA caucus leader in Phalaborwa and also our provincial leader Jacque Smalle having groomed and mentored me to be where I am today. I am going to use my four years experience as a BPM technical committee member to integrate MDM IDP with that of BPM,” explained Mathebula. He added that implementation, monitoring and providing feedback will be vital for his course as he moves along ensuring that there is water for Matiko-Xikaya residents, proper sanitation for Topville residents and good roads within the Municipality amongst other pressing issues. “Much as we are providing services for our people, vandalism on electrical and water infrastructure is still a huge concern,” he noted. This Week We Take A Look At LADIES WITH BANGING BODIES The Story Of The Half-Ton Killer ‘My Beautiful Little Burns Survivor’ ‘I Adopted My Murdered Sister’s Triplets’ Paula Patton SA PROBABLY known for being Robin Thicke’s ex wife, the actress has a bod to die for. Your loss, Robin! RIP Cecil ecil’s Death Just The ‘Tip Of The Icebberg erg’ #peoplespotted BODY SPECIAL! How THEN Beyoncé Marriages On The Rocks NOW Scott Jennifer Lopez Headed To Psych Ward? gA ot yaw doo i yre hctam ot s ruoy morf .seohs ro 2 3 Gold-Digging 4 32 6 Fabulous Fashion 01 & Beauty Trends PUZZLES WIN Cash!! WWW.PEOPLEMAGAZINE.CO.ZA THE famous Bootylicious singer knows how to flaunt her equally famous booty! Are you ready for that jelly? Julia & Kate Got Her Body Back Caitlyn’s BFF THE petite desperate housewife has everyone everywhere desperate for her curves! LiLo Britney Jada Khloé August 14, 2015, VOL 29 NO 33 R18.00 (VAT incl). Other countries R15.79 (tax excl) Eva Longoria 5 9 7 8 How To Deal With JEALOUS Colleagues F B O T I M T W H I T N E Y E R F N A S A K D I E G O R J L O N R A U A I D P S S R R F T A E U A A O N H N B E I R L S R W N J N H A D S T C I B T E Q O N A E R T U E T S K E A P N G C A S T A N G E L E S E D K G Y D Follow people SA on @ People_SA People Magazine South Africa SHE may have failed at a few relationships, but with her physique, she stays winning. Carrie Underwood SHE has a killer voice, but have you noticed how quickly she regained her killer bod after giving birth? WIN CASH WITH OUR PUZZLES! Get The Digital Copy Four Days Before The Mag Reaches The Shop! REAL LIFE REAL LIFE Capricorn College for TVET took their hospitality students out on a two day trip. The learners visited Letaba River Lodge and Ivory Tusk Lodge, where they put what they have learnt into practice. The trip was filled with entertainment and education. Former lecturer at the college, Mamsie MDMMPAC: DA Phalaborwa caucus leader Exco member Cllr S R de Beer congratula ng BPM DA Propor onal Representa ve Councillor Michael Mathebula was appointed as an MDM Mpac PR Councillor recently during council si ng. d Of The The Story Killer Half-Ton l Little ‘My Beautifu r’ Burns Survivo My Murdere ‘I Adopted Triplets’ Sister’s RIP Cecil SA ecil’s Death Just The ‘Tip Of The Icebe g Iceberg’ potted #peoples BODY SPECIAL! How y Jada LiLo Britne THEN é Khloer Kate Julia & ages On Got H ck BodytlynBa ’s Cai Marri The Rocks Sco Head To Psy War NOW 2 4 3 The only community member including our journalist in attendance like in the previous ordinary council sittings, Nico Myesa said he is confident that Mathebula will do a good job as he is a loyal servant of the people. Speaker David Maake added by advising Mathebula to bring money to the Municipality to address bulk infrastructure challenges. “We are happy that slowly our budget and treasury officials are now able to get us out of the overdraft and we will be able to pay salaries and fund our own funded project,” he said. On the contrary, a senior municipal official said contractors are crying of not having received payments for work done in the past three months. PR Councillor Percy Maphanzela was rebuked by the Speaker and Mayor when Exco member Alinah Peta was delivering an item on a report sanctioned by council in the previous sitting having requested the Strategic and Planning Department Portfolio Committee to investigate why there is exodus resignation within the department. An official who recently left the Municipality said she could have stayed had the employer offered a counteroffer. Currently, the Municipality is only operating with one fixed term director being Maite Moakamela under Corporate Affairs while other departments have been operating with acting directors for a number of years. There is still need word on the future of suspended Municipal Chief Financial Officer, Aubrey Mushwana, but allegations are that council and Mushwana are currently engaging their legal counsels to reach an out of court settlement. MOPANI HERALD Friday August 14, 2015 COMMUNITY 5 KLG schools sport festival attracts thousands MANDELAMONTH: ANCWL Phalaborwa Sub-Regional Chairperson, Alinah Peta, Nthabiseng Special School Principal Nkhensani Khoza and the league’s Secretary Daisy Nkwane and learners during the last day of Mandela Month. MANDELAMONTH: ANCWL Sub-Regional Chairperson Alinah Peta, her collecƟve leadership, the school’s management and learners. The ANCWL Phalaborwa Sub-Regional leadership and members visited and donated food parcels and sanitary towels at Nthabiseng Special School in Namakgale commemorating Tata Madiba’s month on 31 July. Marking the last day of Mandela Month, the league’s chairperson Alinah Peta said Nthabiseng learners are very special hence their institution’s name. “These children were delivered by women and women in our African culture are the care givers hence we are here in our numbers with 17 out of our 18 wards within the Municipality. As a parent, I know all challenges faced by mothers and children who through not their own liking have lost their parents and immediate guardians,” Peta said. The school’s Principal Nkhensani Khoza said many people often visit them, but only a few consider the child’s needs. “We currently have 141 learners from around the Municipality with some born with intellectual impairments while most have multiple impairments. This donation and visit will go a long way in helping the learners’ self-esteem as many can spend almost a year without having heard someone greeting them let alone a gentle hug. We have knocked at Mma Peta’s door many times, but she never turned us down and may the Good Lord continue blessing her,” she explained. Tracy Mukvevho says she is eternally grateful to the Good Samaritans and wished them many prosperous days ahead. “I need clothes because I stay with my siblings, granny and uncles and no one is working at home,” said Thapelo Mathebula from Makhushane. Another learner from Makhushane, Clifford Mokgalaka said he is subjected to begging clothes from neighbours as his family is impoverished. Tens of thousands of sport followers flocked the sports grounds in the Lephepane area last weekend to witness the sizzling annual school sport festival hosted by the Kaizer Letsoalo Games (KLG) Sport Committee. The spectators were drawn from many communities in the vast Greater Tzaneen area that had come through to support their respective schools. It is reported that the famous venue at Lephepane, known as Soccer City, was packed to its rafters as the crowd, estimated at twenty thousand, did not want to miss any single action of this exciting, fantastic and fabulous event in the calendar of KLG Sport. The festival comprised various sporting codes in the primary, junior secondary and high school categories. These codes included soccer, netball, volleyball and chess. There was an added categorir of open club soccer that accommodated community members who might not necessarily be scholars. The Essay-writing contest for both primary and secondary school categories was held on Thursday at Ramoba High school in Thlabine. According to the Administrator of KLG, Trilly Mogoboya, the results of the essay-writing contest will be announced on Friday 21 August at the Lephepane Child Care centre. That will be in the occasion o he Richard Awards Ceremony wherein live debates or public speaking contests will be staged. In the Primary schools category, Lephepane primary school emerged victorious after beating Maje 5-3 in the finals of the soccer to claim the coveted trophy and gold medals. Maje claimed silver medals while Rita Primary school got bronze medals for taking third place after beating Leseka Primary school in the loser’ finals. In the netball category, Maje claimed the championship trophy after beating Rita Primary school in the finals, while Modupi came third after beating Lephepane in the loser’s finals. Serurubele took the junior secondary (under-16) title for soccer after deposing the defending champions Mokhapa on Sunday. Mokhapa had won the category for three consecutive years and kept the original trophy. In the High school category, Mahlane, Mokhapa and Serurubele topped the stakes in both Netball and soccer. In soccer, Mahlane High School beat Mokhapa High school in the finals after a 5-2 score was registered after a penalty shoot-out. Serurubele claimed a bronze medal after their victory over Mabushe High school in the losers’ finals. However, Mokhapa High School won the netball championship after walloping Mahlane High school in the finals. Serurubele claimed the third spot (bronze) after thrashing Mabushe in the loser’s finals. In chess, it was Ramoba High school which was crowned champions after beating Letaba TVET College. Mabushe High School won the volleyball title, while Mokhapa claimed the second spot (silver), and Letaba TVET College came third (bronze). The spotlight fell on the open club category on Sunday. In soccer, the defending champions, KLG All Stars, a select team from all teams in the KLG Soccer League, lost the coveted title to Letaba TVET College after a 2-0 score line was register at the end of play. However, the fortunes were reversed in the netball where KLG Netball Club beat Letaba TVET College to hold on to the trophy. BESPREEK JOU PLEK! Kom doen Kersinkopies in China saam met die stylghoeroes Zetske van Pletzen en Werner Dey K om toer na China saam met die aktrise en stylkenner Zetske van Pletzen en modeontwerper Werner Dey. Bespreek nou jou plek teen slegs R25 595 per persoon wat deel. Ons vertrek op 16 November en is terug op 25 November. Zetske en Werner sal ons na hul gunstelingwinkels en -besienswaardighede vergesel en byderhand wees om raad met die keuse van klere te gee. Hulle bied ook persoonlike stylsessies aan vir elkeen wat saamreis. Vir die program en meer inligting gaan na BESPREEK NOU! Bel 083 371 2404 of stuur ’n e-pos na Harriet@ Wen! EEN GELUKKIGE WENNER EN ’N METGESEL HET OOK ’N KANS OM DIE REIS VAN R51 190 VERNIET TE ONDERNEEM! STUUR ’N SMS MET JOU ANTWOORD, VOLLE NAAM, ADRES EN ID-NOMMER NA 48409. VRAAG: WATTER BEKENDE AKTRISE GAAN SAAM OP DIE TOER? (NET HAAR VOORNAAM). SMS’E KOS R1,50 ELK. GRATIS SMS’E GELD NIE. SLUITDATUM 31 AUGUSTUS 2015. REËLS & VOORWAARDES: Die toer sluit in: retoervlugte op SAA, verblyf in viersterhotelle, alle etes wat op die toerplan aangedui word, private bustoer, ’n Engelssprekende toergids, China-visum, alle toegangsgeld wat by die reisplan ingesluit is, bootkaartjies wat in die reisplan ingesluit is. Die groeptoer saam met Zetske en Werner is onderhewig aan ’n minimum besprekingskwota. Indien die minimum besprekingskwota nie bereik word nie, sal die wenner en haar metgesel steeds saam met ’n toergids die toer op hul eie onderneem. 6 COMMUNITY MOPANI HERALD Friday August 14, 2015 To place a classified ad, Tel: 015-307-5050 Fax: 015-307-5054 E-mail: Deadline: Mondays 10:00 Strictly Cash Only 0000 NOTICES 0006 CHURCH SERVICES AIDS CENTRE S.A.I.M.R. Education, training, resources, referrals, counselling, company policies and consulting. Tel: 011-725-0511 011-725-3009 011-725-6651 YM012123 Dynamite Word Ministry. "Bringing life and immortality to light" Come join us at The Arena of Peace and Prosperity with Apostle T.E Mopai. Services: Sundays at 10:30. Prayer services: Fridays at 18H00. Venue: no 4 Doreen Street (next to bus rank) Modjadjiskloof. For more info call 072-299-2822. 0030 LIVESTOCK ST. PETERS ANGLICAN CHURCH Cnr of Agatha and Hermanus Street Tzaneen. Sunday service at 09h30. Wednesday Service at 09h00. Youth Fellowship at 18h00. Contact Gail Blunden Tel: 015-307-3534 / 074-892-6628. Goats and Sheep for sale at Woodii. 13 km from Tzaneen via Letsitele (R71). Contact Phillip on 083-986-0159. YM012209 0035 FOR SALE YM012130 INSTANT LAWN LM & Coastal Buffalo (Swazi) Instant lawn @ R25 per sq.m. Phone Frik Horak at 073-548-3684. Come and fetch. 0016 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES YM012141 APPROVED THATCHED ROOFS, HARVEY ROOFS, HARVEY THATCH ROOFING, WOODEN DECKS, JUNGLE GYMS. CALL WALT AT 082-872-5530 MANGO AND PALM TREES FOR SALE Grafted at R25 and Palms from R10 5L bag.QUADS FOR HIRE, R300 per hour plus R150 lifting. Doug 083-453-2228. Sunland Nursery. ACCOMMODATION available AT WORLDS BIGGEST BAOBAB. 5 Chalets ensuite. R300 p/p. Contractors Wendy houses/caravans etc. R100 p/p. Heather 082-413-2228 YM012145 YM012172 HERVORMDE KERK LETSITELE Oggend dienstye: Sondae 9 uur by Laerskool Dr Annecke. Bybelstudie: Woensdae oggende 9 uur. 082-808-0802 YM012152 get what you’re looking for! YM012127 HERVORMDE KERK TZANEEN Eensgesind in die geloof tot eer van God. Eredienste elke Sondag 9vm. Skakel 015-307-4508 0018 ENTERTAINMENT YM012128 CROCODILES FOR AFRICA Agatha Crocodile Ranch (Tzaneen) Feeding shows daily 9AM - 4PM. Braai facilities available. Educational school shows. SHEKINAH HOUSE We`re about loving God & loving people! Services: 9:00, 9:00 Child- ren`s Church, 12:00 Sotho /Shangaan service. Where we are: 10 Manorvlei, Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen. Pastor Bryan Varrie/Pastor Rassie Pretorius 015-307-4729 015-307-6954 Affiliated "THE CHRISTIAN NETWORK" www.agatha-crocodile. agathacroc@ TEL: 015-307-4398 / 082-562-5004 / 072-114-0132. YM012162 CROCODILES FOR AFRICA Agatha Crocodile Ranch (Tzaneen) Feeding shows daily 9AM - 4PM. Braai facilities available. Educational school shows. YM012125 SHEKINAH HOUSE We`re about loving God & loving people! Services: 9:00, 9:00 Child- ren`s Church, 12:00 Sotho /Shangaan service. Where we are: 10 Manorvlei, Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen. Pastor Bryan Varrie/Pastor Rassie Pretorius 015-307-4729 015-307-6954 Affiliated "THE CHRISTIAN NETWORK" YM012126 R50 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Mopani Herald FAREWELL: Current HOD, Ephraim Makgoba, Linda Mpenyana, SGB chairperson, Makole Molewa, reƟree, Blandina Monareng and school principal, Maboke Letsoalo. www.agatha-crocodile. agathacroc@ TEL: 015-307-4398 / 082-562-5004 / 072-114-0132. YM012163 Emergency NUMBERS Tzaneen Police 015 306 2129 Rescue Service: Aviation 083 1999 Ambulance 10177 Fire Department 015 307 5555 Mopani Disaster Management 015 306 7010 0024 PROPERTIES TO LET Flats to rent. 13 km from Tzaneen via Letsitele (R71). Contact Sonja on 082-084-8011. YM012171 find it! R75 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit Herald with a block around. R50 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Mopani Herald FAREWELL: Lephepane Primary School threw a farewell party for Blandina Monareng at Karibu Lodge on Saturday. Monareng accepts her cerƟficate of excellence from the school’s principal, Maboke Letsoalo. School hosts farewell function for teachers Lephepane Primary School bid farewell to two of their teachers in style at Karibu Lodge recently. The school combined a farewell for Blandina Monareng who is a retiree with that of her colleague Linda Mpenyana who now works at another school (Magreth Shiluvana Primary School). Monareng was the school’s HOD. She retired after serving the Department of Education for more that 38 years. She started her career at Owenkosi Primary in Steelpoort Tubatse where she taught for three years. Monareng then joined Lephepane Primary where she served for 36 years. School principal, Maboke Letsoalo said he is sad that Monareng has left the school. “It is sad that the joyride of working with you has come to an end. I have never wished to work with a colleague for years until I met you,” he said. Mpenyana on the other hand has been with the school for two years. The school’s managements said both teachers will be missed and it will be hard to replace them. Principals from other schools and teachers graced the event. Monareng was welcomed to the Exclusive Club for Retirees by Professor John Lewin. The day was filled with lots of entertainment including choral music from the school’s choir. MOPANI HERALD Friday August 14, 2015 SPORT PnL donates soccer kit SEKGOSESE SOCCER TEAM: Sekgosese police soccer team in their newly donated soccer team by PnL Hardware. SOCCER KIT: PnL Hardware has recently donated a soccer kit to Sekgosese police officials. From le to right in PnL branch manager, Koto Rambuwani, Sekgosese police spokesperson, Warrant Officer, Washington Mashao, Sta on commander, Lieutenant Colonel Magreth Chaka, Cosntable godfrey Mphoshomali, Constable Livhuwani Maboko, PnL regional manager, Mashudu Rambau. 7 KLG league action resumes this weekend The tough journey in the ever-exciting and Rovers v Royal Celtic (Soccer City), Leswika fantastic path of the Kaizer Letsoalo Games Classic v Ramalema Cosmos (Swika la (KLG) Soccer League resumes this weekend motheo). at various venues in different communities KLG Super Division fixtures for Saturday: of the Greater Tzaneen area. Both the Super Khazoro Blizzard v Come & See (Nabane), and Premier division fixtures will be played. Monatic v Bokgaga Naughty Boys (Tlhabine), What is even more special these days is Bahlabine v Ramalema Golden Birds that there is no easily predictable match as (Mosoroni), Pulaneng Juventus v Khujwana all teams have solidified their outfits. There Classic (Pulaneng), Bancock v Rakoma are no longer minnows, and all points are (Mosoroni). hard fought for. Rita All Stars seem to be the Sunday: Mmaphala Peter United v focal point for all teams in the KLG Premier Khujwana Bagdad (Ga-Rakoma), Mahlogwe division as they lead the pack with a cushion v Makhubedung CCV (Nyekhetlha), of no less than 9 points ahead of the likes Mogapeng Young Chiefs v Bokgaga Juventus of Khopho All Stars and Mogoboya Junior (Mogapeng), Mamogalefa v Sonkwane Chiefs. United (Topanama), Moime Celtic v Carling The leadership (Moime). contest in the Super Meanwhile, history division is watertight is said to be made next as Makhubedung week Friday, August 21 Meanwhile, history is said CCV, Carling, Khazoro when KLG Sport hosts the to be made next week Blizzard, Mmaphala annual Richard Modipane Friday, August 21 Peter United, Bagdad Award Ceremony. The and Moime Celtic all excitement will be have good chances of brought about by the claiming the coveted addition on of the public title.The various Super and Premier division speaking (debates) for primary and high teams of the Kaizer Letsoalo Games (KLG) school learners as well as the unprecedented Soccer League. KLG Hip-Hop show which will feature local A number of matches in both the Premier artists and some national figures. and Super divisions of the KLG Soccer The main agenda of the Richard Modipane League will be staged in the communities of Awards ceremony is to motivate the current Lephepane, Khujwana, Thlabine, Mogapeng, matric learners and indirectly bid them Makhubedung, Moime, Rita, Tickeyline and farewell. It is therefore expected that Bokgaga. thousands of learners and community KLG Premier Division fixtures for members will converge that the Lephepane Saturday: Manamela Naughty Boys v Child Care Centre next week Friday. Golden Aces (Mmotonewa Ga-Manamela), Any information relating to KLG Sport Long Valley v Mokomotji Highlanders and all its leagues and competitions may (Mathanzima/Ditsieng), Mogoboya Junior be obtained from the Chairman of KLG Chiefs v Mapantsula (Moruleng). Sport, Marupine Sape (0732425265) and Sunday: Khopho All Stars v MM Super the Administrator of KLG Sport, Trilly Stars (Mapantsula ground), Lephepane Mogoboya (0823564056). MOPANI 32 Boundary Street • Tzaneen • 0850 REGULARS: Ruffat Mokonyane of Tzaneen Cash and Carry, George Mahlaule and Dr Elias Maowasha. CHAMP: The winner of the Baobab Golf Challenge, Earnest Ngobeni (le ) receiving a trophy from the chairperson of the Baobab Golf Club, Ruffat Mokonyane (right) and treasurer Nathi Sedibe at Drakensig Golf Club in Hoedspruit on Monday. Ngobeni wins Baobab Golf Challenge Ernest Ngobeni from Phalaborwa produced a sterling performance to win the Baobab Golf Challenge at Drakensig Golf Club in Hoedspruit on Monday. A member of the Drakensig Golf Club, Ngobeni registered 73 net to become the overall champion. For his efforts, Ngobeni received a floating trophy, a bicycle plus R1 500 cash prize money. Brian Maowasha registered 75 net to win the junior division of the tourney. He took home a bicycle plus R400 cash prize money. Tim Marobane shot 39 points to win the B division of the tourney, he also received a bicycle plus R400 cash prize money. Sipho Talani won the senior category. The longest drive of the day was won by Muhluri Maime who also won the nearest to the pin on hole number four and 13. Patrick Mongadi won nearest to the pin on hole number seven and 16. The event was made possible by Twizza, Mercurius Motors, Tafelberg and Baobab Promotions. GOLFERS: Some of the golfers who par cipated in the Baobab Golf Challenge.
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