Tel: 015 307 5050 • Fax: 015 307 5054 • Web: Friday October 23, 2015 R1.00 incl TRAD HEALTH DERMACATION MINING SUMMIT TOP 8 CHAMPS T/Docs encouraged to register Ward dermacation rejected Mining summit a success Flying Birds win top 8 - page 2 - page 3 - page 4 - page 8 Land claimants urged to wait for mobile lodgement bus MOBILE OFFICE: Claimants lodging land claims at the mobile lodgement bus. Land claimants are urged to wait for the mobile lodgement unit to visit their areas instead of travelling long distances to Polokwane to lodge their claims like they are doing at present. According to the Office of the Regional Land Claims Commissioner in the province, the huge numbers of potential claimants queue to lodge their claims at the Polokwane lodgement site on a daily basis. Communications Manager in the Office of the Regional Land Claims Commissioner in Limpopo, Avhashoni Magada said the Constitution provides persons and communities who lost their land, after 19 June 1913, as a result of past racially discriminatory laws or practices are the right to restitution or equitable redress. The Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994 regulates the processing of land claims. The Act previously required that all land claims must be lodged by 31 December 1998. The Act was amended in 2014 to re-open the lodgment of land claims for a period of five years, calculated from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2019. The re-opening of lodgement of land claims enables those who did not lodge their claims before 31 December 1998 with the opportunity to do so. Magada said that the Act requires that the commission must finalize the claims lodged, by the 31 December 1998 cut-off date before processing those lodged between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2019. He said that there are presently 7997 claims lodged before the 1998 cut-off date that are still being processed, and the commission has projected that it will complete these claims by 2019. “Whether claimants lodge their claims today or in 2019 will not make a difference as their claims will, in all likelihood, only be processed after 2019,” said Magada. He said, although there is an intensive communication campaign to make people aware of the mobile lodgment offices which will visit all corners of the province by 30 June 2019, people still travel long and far to lodge their claims. They say that they missed the 31 December 1998 deadline to lodge land claims and do not want to miss it again. “The majority of the people that come to our Polokwane offices to lodge claims come from villages such as Khujwana, Nkuri, Malamulele, Saselemani and Mhinga areas,” said Magada. He said between 1 July and 30 September this year, the mobile lodgment bus visited the towns and villages in Tzaneen, Giyani, and Malumelele to collect land claims and it will return again in January next year. He added that, in line with the new electronic lodgement system, claimants have to physically visit the lodgment office in Polokwane or the mobile lodgment bus with their supporting documents, to lodge a claim. There are no manual forms to be filled, and the lodgment process is free of charge. Information on the schedule for mobile offices for lodgement of claims, criteria for qualification, and a copy of the manual on how to lodge a land claim, is available from the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s website: www.ruraldevelopment. or toll free number: 0800 007 095. The information can also be obtained by sending a message to the email address: 2 NEWS MOPANI HERALD Friday October 23, 2015 Murder and robbery suspects still on the run Three men who brutally shot and killed a 63 year-old retired school teacher at the Modjadji Head Kraal in Khehlakong Village last week are still on the run. According to the police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe, the victim, identified as Mohale Jeoffrey Modjadji was sleeping with his wife at home at about 23:30 last week Tuesday when armed men broke the window and entered the house. “They started shooting randomly inside the house and Modjadji was shot several times throughout the body. He was taken to the local clinic and later transferred to Ga-Kgapane Hospital where he was certified dead on arrival,” said Ngoepe. The wife survived the attack. The robbers took an undisclosed amount of money and cell phones before disappearing. One of the men was wearing a brown cap and brown trousers. Anyone with information regarding the incident or the whereabouts of the robbers is requested to contact the nearest police station, Crime Stop Number 0860010111 or Detective Warrant Officer Mbhekeni Elia Shingange at 073 079 1724 for 24 hours. Police investigations are continuing. Traffic officers in court for Department encourages Traditional possession of unlicensed firearm TREASURER: The provincial treasurer of the tradiƟonal health pracƟƟoners forum, Ephraim Masutha addressing a meeƟng at Ga-Kgapane last Thursday. Health Practitioners to register Traditional Health Practitioners in Greater Letaba Municipal area were encouraged to register with the Department of Health in the province. Speaking during the traditional health practitioners meeting at Ga-Kgapane last Thursday, the department ‘s representative Necodimus Makgabo said the department is busy compiling a database for all traditional leaders in the province. Makgabo, who is the provincial coordinator of the traditional health practitioners, outlined the importance of registration with the department. He stressed on how the department is committed to assisting all traditional health practitioners in the province. The chairperson of the Greater Letaba Traditional Health Practitioners Forum, Lazarus Nkwana was very happy with the support shown by the department and stressed that when working together, they could save many lives. The provincial treasurer of the forum, Ephraim Masutha thanked the traditional health practitioners who came in their numbers to the meeting. The meeting also discussed issues of accreditation by the department of health and how they can be acknowledged for the work that they are doing in their communities. MEET THE FAMILY The case against two provincial traffic officers facing a charge of possession of unlicensed firearm was postponed to November 3, following their recent appearance in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court. Robert Mangalana (51) and Clifford Lubisi (45) 's bail of R1000 each was extended until their next court appearance. The duo, attached to the Tzaneen Traffic Station were arrested at a gun shop where they allegedly went to buy ammunition for a firearm which belonged to Mangalana’s late father. Police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe said police were alerted to the gun shop and arrested the two suspects and charged them with possession of unlicensed firearm.Ngoepe said preliminary investigations revealed that Mangana inherited a firearm from his father but failed to apply for a license to possess it. He said investigations also revealed that after the owner died, the firearm was used until it run out of ammunition. “We are going to leave no stone unturned to determine how and where the firearm was used after the legal owner died,” said Ngoepe. He advised members of the public that if they want to keep a firearm belonging to deceased member of their family, they should first apply of license. “Anyone found in possession of a firearm belonging to a deceased person without following the correct procedure, will be arrested and charged with possession of unlicensed firearm,” he added. Crime reports for the past week Tzaneen: Police in Tzaneen have arrested 56 suspects for various criminal activities over the past week. According to Tzaneen police spokesperson, Constable Glenda Maimele, one suspect was arrested for intimidation, one for violation of protection order, five for assault, 12 for assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, two for attempted murder and one suspect was arrested for shoplifting. Three suspects were arrested for theft, one for malicious damage to property, one for robbery, two for attempted business robbery, five for possession of dagga, three for possession of unlicensed firearm, five for illegal gambling, three for counterfeit goods, one for prostitution and nine suspects were arrested for public drinking. Maake: Police in Maake have arrested 30 suspects for various criminal activities over the past week. According to Maake police spokesperson, Constable Rufus Magoro, two suspects were arrested for assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, two for assault, one for burglary, one for armed robbery, six for theft and two suspects were arrested for crimen Injuria. Three suspects were arrested for contravening the Liquor Act, one for possession of dagga, 10 for contravening the Road Traffic Act and two suspects were arrested for illegal mining. Stop unauthorized deductions on social grants The South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA) is to embark on an intensive campaign to educate beneficiaries about unauthorised deductions on their social grant payments. Grant beneficiaries lose money every month because of the continued deduction of amounts for airtime and electricity that they never bought. SASSA spokesperson, Paseka Letsatsi, said the agency will be visiting communities and informing them of their rights and the processes to follow when their monies are being illegally deducted. Our combination of multi-faceted handling equipment means that Linde machines are perfectly equipped for big jobs, small jobs and everything in between. With our comprehensive logistical know-how, Linde has fast become the industry symbol for superior quality, seamless functionality and innovation. Available to lease, rent or on hire purchase, investing in Linde machines ensures the UHPDUNDEOHHIľFLHQF\RIHDFKPHPEHURIRXUIDPLO\ For more information on Linde dealerships, products and services contact us on +27 11 723 7000 or visit Linde Material Handling “We will be meeting the traditional leaders, we will be meeting passengers, we will be going to schools as part of our intensive campaign to ensure that we bring it to their attention so that they know their rights and which processes they are supposed to follow in case their money is illegally deducted,” said Letsatsi. Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini urged old age grant beneficiaries who experience unauthorized deductions from their social grants to fill in affidavits and submit them to their nearest SASSA offices. – MOPANI HERALD Friday October 23, 2015 NEWS 3 WARD DEMARCATION: Phalaborwa SACP Sub-District Secretary, Kholofelo Shingange and SANCO Zonal Secretary, Cassius Mokungwe (Mokumo) are calling on residents to send many objecƟons to the DemarcaƟon Board to reject the new BPM Ward DemarcaƟon from 18 to 19 wards. SANCO and SACP reject the new proposed BPM ward demarcation The South African National Civic Association and South African Community Party Phalaborwa Zonal and Sub-District are calling on residents to reject the new BAPhalaborwa Municipality’s proposed ward demarcation. The new ward demarcation will see BPM having 19 wards from the current 18. According to Phalaborwa Sanco Zonal Secretary, Cassius Mokungwe (Mokumo), the new demarcation was gazetted on 29 September and released on 2 October. “We are unhappy with the new structure particularly on ward 1, 3, 4, 11, 17, 18 and 19. Ward 1 will see Selematsela Drop in Centre taking some parts of Topville and Nyakelang Four to make it a single ward while that ward is next to ward 6. In Ward 3 at Majeje, they are also combining Zamani and Phulanibyihola to make it a single ward meaning that part of Namakgale will incorporate into Majeje and people cannot cross R71 to attend meetings on the other side,” explained Mokungwe. Mokungwe went on to say that in Ward 4, Baptist Church (voting station) is next to Foskor Primary School, but they have merged it with Vuxeni High School and they feel that service delivery will be affected as they are divided by the small passage next to Namakgale Stadium. SACP Sub-District Secretary Kholofelo Shingange, said Ward 11 will see Garden View (Kanana) being moved to town whereas Garden View and Saint Patrick Mathebula are nearby and majority of Garden View learners are schooling at Saint Patrick Mathibela. “They are incorporating ward 18 Gravelotte, into Ward 10 which is Maseke, Matome Malatji and Modume. The distance from Maseke to Gravelotte is quite intensive meaning both will have to travel from both areas to attend mass meetings. It doesn’t make sense to us because Gravelotte nearest voting station is Malati Farm SERIES SPECIAL! MARVEL-OUS COMIC BOOK MAKEOVER EXCLUSIVE TO people SERIES SERIES BY VANESSA PAPAS This Week We Take A Look At Ageless Celebs Gwyneth Paltrow It's Comedy NEW Shows ON THE Box POSTER SELENA’S 1D SILENT evealed! RHELL Scandal! REAL LIFE ‘ ’ October 23, 2015, VOL 29 NO 43 R18.00 (VAT incl). Other countries R15.79 (tax excl) SISTER WIVES FOREVER YOUNG: THEIR AGELESS S SECRETS CELEBS REVEALED! MORE INSIDE... I DE CAN H ! HELP WWW.PEOPLEMAGAZINE.CO.ZA ’ ’ EXCLUSIVE PICS! #Milian$body #OoohLando #FlabbyVin THIS lady make 49 so berry, berry sexy. ’ Robert Downey Jr hloé MY FACIAL TUMOUR IS RUINING YOU MY LIFE HE’S 46? He looks exactly the same as he did when he was 36! Halle Berry ASHLEY #StarsSpotted #SexyK I BLINDED MYSELF ON PURPOSE THANKS to her obsession with being healthy, the famous blonde bombshell doesn’t look at all like her 43 years! Paul Rudd ’ JULIA, 47 IMAN, 60 TO DIE FOR! #DrunkHarry MY STORIES HOROSCOPE TV LISTINGS HEALTH GADGETS HE may be Iron Man, but this guy certainly doesn’t rust! The sexy actor looks as good as he did in the ’90s. WIN CASH WITH OUR PUZZLES! SERIES SPECIAL! S MARVEL-OU COMIC BOOK MAKEOVER SIVE TO Follow people SA on @ People_SA People Magazine South Africa Get The Digital Copy Four Days Before The Mag Reaches The Shop! SERIES SERIES BY VANESSA PAPAS people It's Comedy NEW ws ShoTHE ON Box TO DIE FOR! POSTER 1D SELENA’S SILENT JULIA, 47 IMAN, 60 NO 43 2015, VOL 29 October 23, (VAT incl). R18.00 excl) R15.79 (tax Other countries ES SISTER WIV al! ELL RHevealed! Scand FOREVER THEIR YOUNG: SECRETS S REVEALED! AGELESS CELEBS IDE... MORE INSIDE ’ EXCLU REAL LIFE D MYSELF ASHLEY tted #StarsSpo #SexyKh which is around five kilometres away,” he remarked. Both Mokungwe and Shingange called on the demarcation board to come down to Phalaborwa and do a proper public participation because the Municipality never consulted any community structures when they proposed and sent this application to the demarcation board. “Most meetings are held late in the afternoon and still transport is problematic to reach to other areas. The main objective of this new demarcation is to micromanage and suppresses other comrades not to make it in the list process as local elections are closer,” noted Shingange. Shingange added that objection period is 14 days beginning from 2nd October and they are urging community to object this new list. Residents can download the forms via www.dermacation. and if they want to fax the objections the number is 086 524 8643 and the email address is 4 COMMUNITY MOPANI HERALD Friday October 23, 2015 Mining Summit: Ba-Phalaborwa Community Forum’s Aubrey Ngobeni, LEDET Economic Planning & Research Manager, Nare Manamela, Ba-Phalaborwa 1st Annual Mining Summit organizer, Petronella Mauwane, Foskor’s Sharon Mmola, Palabora FoundaƟon SMME’s Lefale Malahlelaand LEDET Senior Manager, John MoƟmele. Mining Summit a success The 1st annual Ba-Phalaborwa Mining Summit held at Foskor Community Centre on 9 October provided the much needed expertise on small business development. The summit was a brainchild of a young, dynamic and go-getter Namakgale born, Petronella Mauwane; a seasoned media practitioner currently running a corporate event and communications company established in October 2014. Mauwane told The Herald that she is passionate about life and wants to see transformation in the Ba-Phalaborwa communities. “As they normally say, dynamite comes in small packages. The idea behind the summit was so enable participants to network, educate and empower our communities about the dynamics in our mines and help grow the economy of Ba-Phalaborwa through the mining sector,” she remarked. She added that the attendance was remarkably encouraging and hoping that next year it will be better and much greater. “It was primarily a launch for people to know that it will be an annual thing and am highly pleased with the attendance and outcome as most stakeholders bought into my idea,” Mauwane explained. Speaking during the questions session, Ba-Phalaborwa Community Forum executive member, Jafta Malesa called on Foskor, PC and Palabora Foundation to send decision makers as sending junior officials often lead in processes prolonging as information still has to go through many phases. LEDET Trade & Sector Senior Manager, John Motimele, who was the keynote speaker on behalf of MEC Seaparo Sekoati said they appreciate stakeholders concerns for decision makers to be part and parcel of the summit, but noted that the MEC has always been hands on throughout the province including in the recent public unrest's for the steel plant installation in Phalaborwa or elsewhere. “We are pleased that a young female person from Phalaborwa has organized this dialogue in this regard. Green economy is the future and we have to chase after it now and not wait to chase after the vehicle. Let’s create our own investors. Wealth has always been created out of other people’s money. For example, we can take public servants packages, combine them and buy big machinery. Mining will pass and we need to prepare for life without it,” remarked Motimele. Foskor’s Abigail Modika and Jackie Manuel says Foskor will continue prioritizing black SMME’s for procurement, but business owners need to invest in educating themselves on the basic business management skills and expertise. “It isn’t about registering on our database and getting a business. It is about expertise and skills. We have many people coming to register, but not everyone possess the required skills hence we do source our business elsewhere when our local people do not meet the stipulated requirements. Most people don’t have the relevant information on costing and pricing. You need to be sustainable beyond a tender and be able to generate income even without a tender," she noted. The summit was made possible by Two Mountains and Palabora Foundation. MOPANI HERALD Friday October 23, 2015 COMMUNITY IMBIZO: Mayor of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Dikeledi Mmetle, Social Development MEC, Joyce Mashamba and Limpopo premier, Stanely Mathabatha at the Exco Imbizo Programme held at Tickyline Village on Friday. 5 IMBIZO: Community members came out in numbers to raise their service delivery issues directly to the premier and the relevant MEC’s. The premier visited Tickeyline Village as part of the Provincial ExecuƟve Imbizo Outreach Programme. Premier address community members of Tickeyline The premier of Limpopo, Chupu Stanley Mathabatha encouraged community members to venture into cooperatives. This was said during his visit to Tickeyline as part of the Provincial Executive Council Imbizo Outreach Programme held at All Birds Sports Ground in Tickeyline on Friday. "Government has a lot of money to give to corporations, think big and we will assist you. Almost every house has a mongo tree but how many of you are making atchar, orange juice or dried fruits to sell. Someone from far come and buy the mango from you cheap and go do business with big retailers like Game and Shoprite. You have mangoes in abundance why don't you do it yourself?"asked Mathabatha. He assured them they do not only visit rural areas when it is time to canvass for votes. "Every month we meet our people and assure them we do not only go to them when we do our door to door, during voting time," he said. The Exco Outreach programme is an interactive platform for communities to raise service delivery challenges with government leaders. Community members were given an opportunity to raise service delivery challenges directly with the premier and relevant MEC's.Issues discussed amongst others were health, women, water, education, housing, electricity, youth, sports arts and culture, disability, safety security and liaison, economic development and tourism. One resident, Dan Ramolefo expressed how villagers are struggling to access clean water. The issue of unemployment amongst the youth was also brought forward by Mashape Kgatla who is also a community member. He said career guidance should start in grade 9 because once the learners are in matric they have already chosen subjects which you find they are not passionate about. "Students who are recruited to do internships and learnerships with government institutions end up unemployed because the institutions do not absorb them due to corruption in the management level," he added. Residents also raised the issue of disposable nappies being thrown into river streams and the mayor of GTM said they were not aware . "This is an environmental issue, we will get personnel in the environmental department to sort it out. Councillors will have to show mothers where to dispose the nappies," Mmetle said. MEC's present were MEC for the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture, Nandi Ndalane, Social Development MEC, Joyce Mashamba, Education MEC, Ishmael Kgetjepe, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) MEC, Makoma Makhurupetje, Transport Safety and Liaison MEC, Mapula Mokaba-Phukwana, Treasury MEC, Rob Tooley and Health MEC, Phophi Ramathoba. Other dignitaries who graced the meeting was the mayor of Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM), Dikeledi Mmetle, Excecutive Mayor of Mopani District, Nkakareng Rakgoale, Mayor of Maruleng Municipality, Mafologele Pule, GTM's municipal manager, Republic Monakedi and many more. 6 PROMOTION MOPANI HERALD Friday October 23, 2015 Curtaining Linen Upholstery Sewing Machines Blinds Catering MOPANI HERALD Friday October 23, 2015 SPORT 7 To place a classified ad, Tel: 015-307-5050 Fax: 015-307-5054 E-mail: Deadline: Mondays 10:00 Strictly Cash Only 0000 NOTICES 0006 CHURCH SERVICES LOG LEADERS: Group A leaders, Khujwana Peace Makers Peace Makers top group A log table Khujwana Peace Makers are the first round group A leaders of the soccer tournament held at Nkowankowa Stadium on Saturday and Sunday. Peace Makers beat Real Madrid 2-1 and drew 2-2 against Zero Fake. Peace Makers occupy the top spot with four points accumulated from two games played so far. The full results are as follows: Zero fake (2) vs Khujwana peace makers (2); Mariveni united (1) vs Real madrid (2); Zero fake (0) vs Mariveni united (1); Khujwana Peace makers (2) vs Real madrid (1) Group B results: Mariveni river stars (0) vs Ticklyne Classic (3); Mariveni Black Aces (0) vs Huresic inter milan (2); Mariveni River stars (2) vs Mariveni Black Aces (2); Ticklyne classic(2) vs Huresic inter milan (1). Hlulani “Madala” Mandlhazi of Zero Fake received man of the match award from tournament director, Tsakani Nhlungwani. The last and final games will be played at Nkowankowa Stadium this Saturday. YM012378 Dynamite Word Ministry. "Bringing life and immortality to light" Come join us at The Arena of Peace and Prosperity with Apostle T.E Mopai. Services: Sundays at 10:30. Prayer services: Fridays at 18H00. Venue: no 4 Doreen Street (next to bus rank) Modjadjiskloof. For more info call 072-299-2822. Place your details in our classifieds for only R20! 0016 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Revolutionary Blister Packs available from Lombard’s. Perfect for medicine for the elderly, students and travel. Weekly packs prepared with accuracy. Also get your yellow cards and information on international inoculations. TEL: 015 307 5046 FAX 015 307 2675 Lombard`s Pharmacy Danie Joubert street, 16 Tzaneen, 0850 YM012504 APPROVED THATCHED ROOFS, HARVEY ROOFS, HARVEY THATCH ROOFING, WOODEN DECKS, JUNGLE GYMS. CALL WALT AT 082-872-5530 0017 SERVICES facility. A variety of juicy encounters in both the Super and Premier divisions of the exciting, fantastic and fabulous Kaizer Letsoalo Games (KLG) Soccer League will be staged at different grounds in various communities of the Greater Tzaneen area this weekend. KLG Super division fixtures for Saturday: Mmaphala Peter United v Ramalema Golden Birds (Mothopong), Mamogalefa v Mogapeng Young Chiefs (Topanama), Rakoma v Pulaneng Juventus (GaRakoma), Moime Celtic v Khujwana Bagdad (Moime), Makhubedung CCV v Monatic (Makhubiduni), Khazoro Blizzard v Khujwana Classic (Nabane) Sunday:Pulaneng Juventus v Carling (Bessie Maake), Bancock v Rakoma (Mosoroni), Come & See v Bokgaga Juventus (Topanama), Mmaphala Peter United v Makhubedung CCV (Mothopong) KLG Premier division fixtures for Saturday: Mokomotji Highlanders v Mapantsula (Mokomotji), Khopho All Stars v Moime Liverpool (Mapantsula), Ramalema Cosmos v Rita All Stars (Ramalema), Mogoboya Junior Chiefs v Bubs (Moruleng) Sunday: Royal Celtic v Manamela Naughty Boys (Mpaleng), Lephepane Rovers v Napscom (Soccer City), Hotbeans v Golden Aces (Topanama) Any information relating to KLG Sport and all its leagues and competitions may be obtained from the Chairman of KLG Sport, Marupine Sape (0732425265) and the Administrator of KLG Sport, Trilly Mogoboya (0823564056). YM012383 SHEKINAH HOUSE We`re about loving God & loving people! Services: 9:00, 9:00 Child- ren`s Church, 12:00 Sotho /Shangaan service. Where we are: 10 Manorvlei, Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen. 015-307-4729. YM012380 SHEKINAH HOUSE We`re about loving God & loving people! Services: 9:00, 9:00 Child- ren`s Church, 12:00 Sotho /Shangaan service. Where we are: 10 Manorvlei, Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen. 015-307-4729. YM012381 ST. PETERS ANGLICAN CHURCH Cnr of Agatha and Hermanus Street Tzaneen. Sunday service at 09h30. Wednesday Service at 09h00. Youth Fellowship at 18h00. Contact Gail Blunden Tel: 015-307-3534 / 074-892-6628. YM012384 Looking for a Job? Place your details in our classifieds for only R20! YM012417 0035 FOR SALE INSTANT LAWN LM & Coastal Buffalo (Swazi) Instant lawn @ R25 per sq.m. Phone Frik Horak at 073-548-3684. Come and fetch. YM012522 Emergency NUMBERS Tzaneen Police 015 306 2129 Rescue Service: Aviation 083 1999 Ambulance 10177 Fire Department 015 307 5555 Mopani Disaster Management 015 306 7010 YM012382 MAN-OF-THE-MATCH: Hlulani “Madala” Mandlhazi of Zero Fake receiving a man of the match award from tournament director, Tsakani Nhlungwani. Goats and Sheep for sale at Woodii. 13 km from Tzaneen via Letsitele (R71). Contact Phillip on 083-986-0159. Tzaneen Salvage Store CC: We buy and sell new and second hand goods. Jaco 082 804 4158 YM012419 HERVORMDE KERK TZANEEN Eensgesind in die geloof tot eer van God. Eredienste elke Sondag 9vm. Skakel 015-307-4508 0030 LIVESTOCK YM012397 YM012401 HERVORMDE KERK LETSITELE Oggend dienstye: Sondae 9 uur by Laerskool Dr Annecke. Bybelstudie: Woensdae oggende 9 uur. 082-808-0802 Carling is back in contention for Kaizer Legue Games Super title The complexion of the Super division race in the exciting Kaizer Letsoalo Games (KLG) Soccer League has been dramatically compounded by the re-emergence of Carling for the contention. The Thlabine-based side routed the struggling Come & See outfit by a hollow 14-0 score line. This victory comes hot on the heels of twin victories two weeks ago to get in the championship mix with the likes of Makhubedung CCV, Mmaphala Peter United, Khazoro Blizzards, Mogapeng Young Chiefs and Moime Celtic. It is a great period for Carling who spent the major part of the first round comfortably leading the pack in the KLG super division. This situation is far different from the KLG Premier division where Rita All Stars have led the pack without floundering. At the moment, the team informally known as Team Ebola, enjoys a precious 8-point cushion ahead of their arch-rivals Leswika Classic. At this stage, every time point and every goal has a massive significance, and no team can afford to drop anything. It’s typical dogeats-dog situation as teams respectively eye the title, top 8 slot, promotion or relegation axe. The Premier division spotlight this weekend falls on the highly-anticipated derby involving Ramalema Cosmos and Rita All Stars, as well as the much-talked-about clash between Mapantsula and Mokomotji Highlanders. Another exciting clash is bound to be the confrontation between Lephepane Rovers and Napscom at the Soccer City AIDS CENTRE S.A.I.M.R. Education, training, resources, referrals, counselling, company policies and consulting. Tel: 011-725-0511 011-725-3009 011-725-6651 Looking for a Job? 0018 ENTERTAINMENT CROCODILES FOR AFRICA Agatha Crocodile Ranch (Tzaneen) Feeding shows daily 9AM - 4PM. Braai facilities available. Educational school shows. www.agatha-crocod i l e . c o . z a agathacroc@ TEL: 015-307-4398 / 082-562-5004 / 072-114-0132. YM012411 0023 PROPERTIES FOR SALE ACCOMMODATION BUSINESS FOR SALE 45 Rooms, 120 beds plus matress & linen, roof fan, swimming pool, recreation room with 3 pool tables, 3 DS televisions, Kiosk with liquor license and lots more. Situated on Station Road Phalaborwa Contact 082 499 2725 for appointment to inspect premises SV001903 0027 VEHICLES Te Koop 2006 Nissan Almera 1.6 lux. R65000.00. 2004 Isuzu 300 LX, dubbel kajuit, 4x4. R85000.00. Kontak Erl 083 993 3266 YM012523 find it! R75 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit Herald with a block around. R50 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Mopani Herald MOPANI 32 Boundary Street • Tzaneen • 0850 Flying Birds are Top 8 champions Two goals from Innocent “Eno”Mohale earned Relela Flying Birds a Top 8 Soccer Challenge title on Sunday. The Relela based outfit defeated Mopje Red Vultures 2-0 at Mopje to claim the first prize of R 1500. The home side Red Vultures received R 500 consolation prize. To reach the finals, Flying Birds narrowly defeated Mopje Young Stars 1-0 in the quarter finals on Saturday and went on to thrash Khemarela United 3-0 in the semifinals on Sunday morning. Mopje Red Vultures beat Mabetha 5-4 on penalties following a three-all draw in regulation time. VICTORIUS: Top 8 Soccer Challenge Ɵtle winners, Relela Flying Birds. It’s now a two-horse race in the KLG Premier Division The results of last weekend’s matches of the Kaizer Letsoalo Games (KLG) Soccer League have clearly confirmed that the Premier division title race is between the run-away log leaders, Rita All Stars, and their neighbouring vultures, Leswika Classic. This confirmation emerged after the title-contenders, Mogoboya Junior Chiefs, dropped vital points when they drew 1-1 against Golden Aces. Rita All Stars maintained their eight-point cushion between themselves and the chasing pack of Leswika Classic by defeating Mime Liverpool 2-0. On the other hand, Leswika Classic beat Royal Celtic 3-0. Mokomotji Highlanders recovered from their recent setback to clinch a massive victory over Bubs after a 1-0 victory. At the same time the relegation blues are catching up with the likes of MM Super Stars, Royal Celtic, Moime Liverpool and Long Valley. Three teams are expected to be promoted from the Super division to the Premier one, while only two teams will be relegated. The promotion spots and title winners are not as obvious in the Super division. The following teams stand a good chance of winning the Super title or qualifying for promotion: Makhubedung CCV, Khazoro Blizzard, Mmaphala Peter United, Carling, Mogapeng CCV and Mime Celtic. The picture in the Super division has turned rosy for newcomers, Makhubedung CCV who lead the tight race a bit comfortably. With their closet contenders, Khazoro Blizzard losing to Mogapeng Young Chiefs, and Mmaphala Peter United inactive, last weekend, Makhubeding took advantage and widened the gap after a fortuitous 1-0 victory. learners and members of KLG Sport gathered at the Ga-Ramoraga village to pay their last respects to the great football star. Manager of Monatic, Matome Leseilane-Nkgapele thanked the KLG Sport family “for their unprecedented support”. Plant Hire • De-Bushing • Contours • Road & Dam Construction Bulk Earthworks • Landfill Waste • Pothole Repairs Road Maintenance • Building of Platforms • Ripping & Ridging QUALITY PLANT HIRE Tel: 015 304 3009 / 3250 / 1032 / 1033 Premicell: 082 902 6972 TALK TO T HE SPECIALI STS!
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Two suspects were arrested for Business
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for theft, one for failing to comply with
maintenance order, one for child neglecting
and three for...
MWeek34 - Letaba Herald
Police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel
Moatshe Ngoepe confirmed that police
investigated a case of assault against the
teacher and the docket has been referred to
the prosecuting authority for dec...
Derby Computers Armed robbers Illegal firearms
order, one for violation of protection
order, two for illegal gambling, one
for urinating in public and one for
business robbery.