Voice VOLUNTEER SERVICES BOARD 2011-2012 Past President: Janet Scrafield President: Olga Dellidonne 1st Vice-President: Sandy Walker Vice-Presidents of Equal Standing: Fran Rose Phyllis Sacks Recording Secretary: Barbara Liddiard Corresponding Secretary: Joy D’Andrade Treasurer/Finance: Ivy Ng Constitution: Carol Uchida Gift Shop: Nicky Hindmarsh Information Desk Services: Cindy Bingham In-Patient Services: Liliane Verbeek Membership: Margaret Heyland Nominating: Beverley McLeod Out-Patient Services: Margaret Carrington Members At Large: Sheila Baker Debbie Kuutan Seniors' Health Centre: June Marshall Projects: Barbara Macleod Annual Dinner: Barbara Liddiard Archives: Joan Lewis Art: Christine Smith Hospital Enhancement: Barbara McKay Recruitment: Fran Rose Spiritual & Religious Care: Mary Walker InterimManager,Volunteer Services:Arlene Gladstone Coordinator: James Dimitropoulos Coordinator: Veronica Trotman Interim Coordinator: Katherine Victorio Administrative Assistant: Maxine Nyanteh Communications: Barry Jamieson MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORMS SNOWBIRD ALERT! There are 2012 Renewal Forms available in the Volunteer Lounge at the General Site, Branson Site, and the Seniors’ Health Centre. If you are going away for the Winter, please fill out a form and place it in the box so that we may process your membership for 2012 and provide you with a membership card. All members are encouraged to fill out a form soonest as there is a due date of Feb. 1, 2012. The cost of having to contact Volunteers after the due date is quite large and detracts from our fundraising efforts. FALL 2011 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT “Winter is coming!!!” Olga Dellidonne, President Volunteer Services Board The weather is getting cooler, rainy, and windy. I hope everyone enjoyed their summer wherever they were. Just remember the great weather we had this past summer will have to carry us through the long winter ahead. Welcome back to the Volunteers who took the summer off to relax and give our student volunteers a chance to take over... again we had a great group of student volunteers. Speaking of students, we held a luncheon for them on Sunday, September 11th. They received their certificates for hours volunteered and we expressed our thanks to them. The winners of the Isabel A. King Student Bursary Awards were three young ladies – Irene Chau, Jennifer Duan, and Wendy Ye. The applications received from the students were exceptional this year and if not for the criteria required, we would have had a hard time choosing the winners. As you all know, Dr. Tim Rutledge is now the President and Chief Executive Officer at NYGH and I’m sure you will see him around the Hospital. He appreciates all that we do as Volunteers to help keep the hospital running on an even keel. Feel free to say “hello” to him when you see him as he is a very personable and charismatic person. The Seniors’ Health Centre concluded their year long 25th Anniversary celebration on September 8th with speeches, reminiscing, music, and refreshments. An enjoyable afternoon for all attending the reception. Last but not least, our Volunteer Voice Editor and Graphic Designer, Barry Jamieson, has won yet another photo award for his entry in the “Student Volunteers” category of the HAAO Photo Contest. This makes a total of ten awards. We are very fortunate to have such a talented photographer recording our daily activities and events. Congratulations, Barry! FROM THE DESK OF ARLENE GLADSTONE “As we move into Fall and reflect on the last few months, Summer 2011 proved to be one filled with a dedicated group of student volunteers full of energy and comitment who enriched our Patient experience”. Arlene Gladstone Acting Manager Volunteer Services A number of student Volunteers were nominated for "Stand Out” awards in recognition of actions that reflected our Mission, Vision and Values. We were so proud of this group who were mentored by our experienced volunteers. The volunteer coordinators placed students in departments and services where Volunteers had not previously been placed, and this proved so successful, that the requests for Volunteers in these areas has continued. The Annual Student Recognition Luncheon was well attended this year and based on the feedback, everyone enjoyed themselves. Many students received well-deserved awards to help them further their education. These awards were generously donated by our volunteer families and by those whose lives were enriched by our volunteer community. The Volunteer Services department is looking forward to a busy year ahead with a multitude of programs and events planned at all three sites. As I reflect on 2011 and the opportunity I had as Interim Manager of Volunteer Services, I am honoured to have met many of our volunteers and also the opportunity to work with the Chairs of various committees. I wish all of our members of Volunteer Services continued success and good health in the coming year. FROM THE DESK OF VERONICA TROTMAN “Too often we underestimated the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, and honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around….” Leo Buscaglia. Veronica Trotman Coordinator Volunteer Services We would like to welcome back all our Adult Volunteers who were away for the summer. We hope you had an enjoyable time off and my sincere thank you to those of you who stayed on over the summer to mentor our Student Volunteers. On September 11, 2011 the Student Volunteer Recognition Luncheon was held, honouring our students for their contribution of time and talent to the Hospital. Students in attendance were presented with certificates for the hours they contributed. This year there were three recipients of the Isabel A. King Student Bursary, Jennifer Duan, Irene Chau and Wendy Ye. Jennifer volunteered with the Gift Shop and Paediatrics from September, 2009 to June, 2011, Irene volunteered with Paediatrics and Activation department from August, 2010 to June, 2011 and Wendy Ye started volunteering in July, 2009 and is still serving as a volunteer. The Award Committee felt the application they received was beyond any they received over the years, and decided to award three students instead of two. We wish all the students much success in their University studies. Our first semester of Cooperative Education Students has been placed. In total, 11 students have positions throughout the Hospital, Branson and Seniors’ Health Centre. With the addition of Cataract Centre, our program continues to grow. I would like to extend appreciation to all the departments involved in helping to advance this program, giving students the opportunity to experience life outside the classroom. During the week of September 5-9th Seniors’ Health Centre held a week- long celebration, commemorating their 25th Anniversary. The celebration started with a Bagel Breakfast. A formal celebration was held on September 8th with a structural dedication, entertainment and refreshments. The week concluded with a BBQ for residents and staff. The event was well attended by past and present staff. This was an opportunity for staff to look back and reminisce on 25 years of history. Each summer our office receives compliments on how amazing the students were. This year they were just exceptional! I would like to mention Fiona Sun, Jenny Shi and Robyn Tse who volunteered with the Day Hospital, for going above and beyond what is expected. On one occasion I was walking the halls and the girls were still there. I asked what they were still doing there, since it has passed their schedule shift. I was told they were waiting with a patient because Wheel Trans was late, she didn’t have anyone to sit with her and they didn’t want to leave her alone. Thanks for taking time to care! Thank you and congratulations to all our Summer Students who contributed a total of 9,885 hours of service to our Hospital. 2 THERE’S A LOT GOING ON AT THE SENIORS’ HEALTH CENTRE “At the SHC, these past few months have been packed with events, fun and excitement”. June Marshall Seniors’ Health Centre Volunteer Services It started with a Volunteer Appreciation Tea on June 1st, and later in the month, it was off to 'Windreach Farm' where hayrides and animal watching was enjoyed by all the residents and staff. A vegetable and herb garden that had been planted in the summer, provided a bountiful harvest this Fall and was part of the kitchen menu for the residents. September was also a very active and busy month. We celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Seniors’ Health Centre. It started with a “Black Tie Event” on September 6th, which was hosted by the Dietary Team and Volunteers. A delicious and elegant dinner was served while live music played in the background. Dr. Tim Rutledge, President and CEO of North York General Hospital made an appearance to extend his warm wishes and greetings. On September 8th, the “Lam-Chops Music Group” played for the 25th Anniversary wrap-up celebrations. Sara Rooney, SHC Administrator, was the Master of Ceremonies. She was joined by Jennifer Bowman, V.P. Clinical Support Services (under which SHC falls), Elizabeth Payette, President of Resident's Council and Helen Ferley, Past Administrator of SHC. Then on Sept. 9th, the West Side Cafe provided a BBQ luncheon for Staff and Volunteers. Lauren Simpson, Activation, was also on hand to be sure that the proceedings were well-organized and to make sure that the residents were all having a good time. September 13th was the final Anniversary event where residents, staff and volunteers were treated to ice cream treats. A classic ice cream truck pulled up to the front of the building and all residents, staff, volunteers, family members and visitors were treated to a complimentary old- fashioned soft ice cream cone. (it was a great day!) The monthly “Volunteer Hosted Tea” completed September's activities 3 At the Volunteer Services Annual Student Luncheon, three student volunteers from SHC (Fiona Sun, Jenny Shi, and Robyn Tse) received recognition for their “amazing” work with residents in the Day Hospital Program. VOLUNTEER SERVICES “A TASTEFUL EXPERIENCE” COOK BOOK IS STILL AVAILABLE IN LIMITED* QUANTITIES IN THE GIFT SHOP! DONATED BY: SOLVE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING... MAKES A GREAT GIFT! *Approximately 215 cookbooks left PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF THE COOKBOOK BENEFIT VOLUNTEER SERVICES CENTRE FOR MEDICAL IMAGING Holiday Sale The Project Committee is in a “Holiday Mode” so we have renamed our “Garage Sale” to “Holiday Sale” We will have lots and lots of regifting items this year as well as jams, custom made heating pads, and tons more items too numerous to name in this space. On November 23, 2011, Kay Seary and her Quilting Group will be having a raffle in the Cafeteria to see who the lucky winners of these beautifully hand-crafted pieces are that her group have laboured on for the past 2 years. We in Volunteer Services are most appreciative of all the ladies who participated in the quiltmaking and would like to publicly acknowledge their dedication and hard work plus... this group has raised many thousands of dollars for the hospital over the past few years. Thank you to: Kay Seary, Barbara Barbour, Barbara Barr, Mary Beaton, Nellie Bell, Joy D’Andrade, Charito deHenestrosa, Ingrid Duncan, Gerti Holzhueter, Lucia Nuflo-Moya, Frances Watterworth, and Gwen Rogers. See you at 1:00 P.M in the hospital cafeteria for the draw! 4 (As well, we are looking for donations of good used items for our sale. If you have jars of jams and preserves that you would like to donate, that would be wonderful). There will also be copies of our Volunteer Services cookbook “A Tasteful Experience” for sale. (You might want to pick up one or two for Christmas gifts). Our “Holiday Sale” will be held on Wednesday November 23, 2011 from 10 AM to 2 PM in theVendors Market area (General site cafeteria) We look forward to seeing you there! FROM THE DESK OF SANDRA SMITH Sandra Smith M.A.,CHE Vice President, People Services & Organizational Development Chief Human Resources Officer North York General Hospital “The Hospital has embarked on two initiatives that are enablers in our organizational evolution”. 1) Patient Values: Helps translate our shared values into practice by making explicit the values and expectations that guide patient care at NYGH. 2) Integrity Statement: A commitment of North York General Hospital staff, physicians and volunteers in living our values of Listening, Learning, Leading and Serving In June 2011, it became a legislated requirement under Ontario’s Excellent Care for All Act, for all hospitals to have a declaration of patient values posted in their hospital. In response, the Hospital with leadership from the Patient Experience and Quality team and our Ethicist have developed and promoted our Patient Values which is declared and posted in designated areas across the Hospital. Concurrently, as part of the development of our People Philosophy, the Hospital has developed the Integrity Statement. Barb Liddiard represented the Volunteers on this committee. Thanks to Barb for her commitment and her passion to this important work! Our Patient Values and Integrity Statement are sister documents, complementing and reinforcing the objectives of each. The Patient Values is our promise to patients and the Integrity Statement is our promise to each other. Please watch for the new posters to be posted in the near future around the hospital. As always, thank you for everything you do everyday! FROM THE DESK OF JAMES DIMITROPOULOS “Welcome Back” James Dimitropoulos Coordinator Volunteer Services The leaves are now falling, which means Summer is in the rearview mirror and ahead of us lay a road with another year filled with success. I would like to welcome everyone back from a well deserved, fun summer break and at the same time, offer a warm welcome to all of the new volunteers who are joining us for the first time. Thank you to those who stayed behind to help out during the summer months, as the summer program once again was a great success. We saw a lot of new faces over the summer as well as some familiar ones from previous summer programs that decided to return this year. Our first success story starts with the Student Recognition Luncheon, where we handed out certificate awards to students for their completion of hours and contributions. We also had another presentation that day and that was for the Isabel A. King Student Bursary Awards. The winners this year were, Irene Chau, Jennifer Duan, and Wendy Ye. Wow, now that is fantastic! Congratulations to all. Moving forward, the students have returned for another school year so it is back to business for our adults. It seems that all of the hustle and bustle has picked up where it left off. Last year was my first with Volunteer Services and I have learned so much. I know there was a great deal accomplished this past year and to see it topped this year may be a difficult task, but I do believe the group of Volunteers we have can take it to task. Until next time, hope you all have a great Fall and Winter season! 5 FROM THE DESK OF DR. TIM RUTLEDGE “Planning Our Future . . . Together” Dr. Tim Rutledge, MD, CCFP (EM), FSCP President and C.E.O. North York General Hospital As we say goodbye to the final signs of summer and the leaves become more colourful, we are also launching into our new strategic planning process. In my discussions with staff, physicians and volunteers, I have heard that it is important to have a clear sense of direction for the organization that embraces our culture and builds on our successes. The strategic planning process is an exciting opportunity for us to do just that. It’s all part of planning our future. Our current strategy was developed in 2004 and over the years was modified to include three strategic themes: (1) operational & clinical excellence; (2) learning & innovation; and (3) community integration & system priorities. Building on the strengths of this current strategy, we will evolve our direction to stay aligned with community and patient needs. This not only includes renewing our strategic themes, but also reviewing our mission, vision and values. One of my priorities in this process is to harness the wealth of expertise, creativity and insight of our staff, physicians and volunteers. Our strategic plan will be consistent with our culture of excellence and collaboration. The more people get involved, the stronger the plan will be. As volunteers you hold a special place in this hospital and your opinion is valuable to us. So please share your thoughts during this process, be it through a survey, open forum or conversation with your manager. The end result – a synthesis of ideas from staff, physicians and volunteers – will guide us in providing the best care and experience to our patients and their families, and making North York General an even better place to work, volunteer and visit. I would also like to use this opportunity to remind you all to protect yourselves, your colleagues and families this influenza season and get the influenza vaccine. Have a happy and healthy autumn, Tim. FROM THE DESK OF TERRY PURSELL “At the Foundation, we are forever inspired by you, who eagerly volunteer your time in a rich variety of ways to support those who rely on North York General Hospital”. Terry Pursell President and C.E.O. North York General Hospital Foundation We are incredibly grateful to the volunteers who have also given back philanthropically, to ensure that our Hospital is always able to provide the very best care. When I came to North York General, I had the privilege of meeting Beverley and Wayne McLeod, who are long-time supporters of our Hospital. Beverley has been a Volunteer since January 1985, and sits on the Volunteer Services Board. Wayne served as Chairman of the Hospital Board from 1988 to 1993. “As a Volunteer, I’ve seen firsthand how patients benefit from donations to the Hospital,” said Beverley about what motivates her and her husband to give back. In 27 years, she and Wayne have made cash gifts to the Foundation, and have even included us in their estate plans. We could not feel more honoured. Beverley and Wayne are also members of our Chairman’s Circle, which recognizes donors who have given $10,000. No matter the dollar amount, every gift creates change and impacts the experience of every patient — by helping to fund state-of-the-art facilities, equipment, educational and research initiatives, and other pressing needs. That’s the power of philanthropy at North York General. If you would like to learn about the various ways you can support the Hospital through the Foundation, please stop by my office or give me a call at 416-756-6164. 6 CONGRATULATIONS TO HELEN FREEDMAN! FROM THE DESK OF KATHERINE VICTORIO “Wow. Where does the time fly? Just when I’m starting to feel comfortable in these new shoes, I must soon bid adieu”. Katherine Victorio Interim Coordinator Volunteer Services It’s been a whirlwind of fun and frustration, tears and laughter, love and learning. I won’t say juggling two roles was easy, but it sure made for an interesting challenge that taught me a lot about myself and my values. I know that although my passion is in Wellness, there will always be a place in my heart for all the Volunteers I have had the good fortune of meeting during my interim role. I want to thank all the Volunteers for their camaraderie, but especially for being so patient and helpful as I acclimated to this role. A special shout out to: Barb, Barry, Cindy, Eleanor, Fran, Liliane V., Manuel, Margaret C., Nicky, Olga, Ovi & Lucille, Sandy, Alan & Ileen Nelson. I will be completing my interim role here at year’s end, but I look forward to seeing all of you in the hallways and hope that you won’t be a stranger in the new year. And once again to the Volunteer Services team--James, Max, Veronica, and our fearless leaders, Arlene & Sandra--a personal and sincere thank you for your valued support and guidance throughout. In parting, I want to leave you with this quote that sums up my experience in this department: “Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.” ~ Princess Elizabeth (Asquith) Bibesco, The Bernard Betel Centre in North Toronto has recognized the many talents of our very own Paediatrics Volunteer Helen Freedman by honouring her as the ‘Volunteer of the Year” which was awarded to her at their volunteer banquet on June 15, 2011. She has been volunteering at the Centre since 1993 and serves as the convenor for Cafe Europa, a bimonthly luncheon for Holocaust survivors. She has a team of 16 volunteers that schedule, train, coordinate and follow-up all activities for this significant and large program. She also successfuly implemented a new food distribution system for the luncheon including training both on an individual and group basis for this event. Helen is also an active member of the Volunteer Recognition Service Group as well as the Lifelong Learning and Intergenerational Committee. Her peers consider her the “epitome of an organized Volunteer as well as a superior role model for up and coming leaders... she exemplifies leadership and commitment at the Bernard Betel Centre”. British Writer & Poet “The Cherished Pair of Umbrellas” Written by: Shaneen Arif Volunteer, 5W Acute Rehabilitation/PCU and 5SEAcute Geriatrics 3 cheers for Helen Freedman “Lucky 3 North for having Helen Freedman as our Volunteer. Helen exemplifies all that we stand for on Paediatrics and at North York General Hospital. Kindness, consideration, love and compassion are all words that best describe Helen’s personality. Dedication to family-centred care and compassion to our young patients and their families are practices we are all proud. We are especially delighted to have been privileged and honoured with Helen’s undying dedication to our unit and our institution. Helen Freedman not only chats with all of our patients and shares her friendly, warm smile but Helen also participates in the up-keep and maintenance of our infection control equipment. We call Helen our "goggle gal" because no one can snap together a set of isolation goggles like Helen. Providing assistance with infection control protection, gracing us with her presence and sharing beautiful stories and memories of years past are all gifts to us on 3 north and to all who are touched by Helen. Thank You Helen for keeping the spirit of "family" alive and for sharing all of your wisdom and love over the years”. You stand out in my mind As a shining bright light Your presence enriches my soul Till I beam with joy and smiles You’ve certainly shortened the long miles The journey looms behind us Failing to catch up to us We are the kites flying above Shimmering colors decorating the sky Thanks for being my graceful wings Thanks for the warmth your presence provides Thanks for the serenity that your belief in me brings For giving me a chance to reach for every star For being the umbrellas that I could never put a price on Embracing all the rain and hail And leaving for me, only sunshine. NEED A CHRISTMAS IDEA...? The Volunteer Services cookbook “A TASTEFUL EXPERIENCE” might fill the bill. Get your copy while they’re still available! 7 Voice THE POSTING BOARD 4422 FROM THE DESK OF IVY NG TEDDIES FOR TRAGEDIES “Your support has repeatedly played a key role in our success”. Ivy Ng Treasurer Volunteer Services We would like to sincerely thank Bell Canada (in honour of Gussie Quinton, and Frances Bradley) for their generous donations. Corporate donations on behalf of current and past employees are, as always, very much appreciated. have been created by North York General Hospital Volunteers and friends since this project began. TEDDIES have travelled all over the world giving pleasure and joy to hundreds of sick, homeless and needy CHILDREN. THE NEED CONTINUES... PLEASE KEEP ON KNITTING!!!! Ev. McMurray, Gift Shop Volunteer “WHAT A GREAT PROJECT FOR THIS WINTER!” DONATED BY: “Now that Hallowe’en has passed by, it’s time to get out your knitting needles”. DONATED BY: DONATED BY: We are planning to have a Mitten Tree again this year. This was started by Alex Hornibrook in 2007 to supply warm clothes to the needy and pass around the Christmas spirit of giving. In his memory we are continuing this gesture of goodwill to our community. We need new items such as mitts, gloves, hat/toques, scarves, sweaters, etc. in sizes from infants to adults. Every year Alex wanted to exceed the amount of items we received the year before and we are carrying on that legacy. The Mitten Tree will go up early November, and we will again be collecting items on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the entrance to the cafeteria. Thank you in advance for all the donations that I know we will receive. DONATED BY: NAT DONATED BY: ED DO DONATED BY: BY: DONATED BY: DONATED BY: DONATED BY: Olga Dellidonne: Chair, Mitten Tree Committee Knitting patterns are available at: http:// MEDICAL CARE INFORMATION If you need a Family Doctor call: 1 800 445-1822 for assistance Toll Free Health Information (TELE-HEALTH) call: 1 866 797-0000 Ministry of Health and Long Term Care website: Volunteers Give Service With A Smile Volunteer Voice is published 3 times a year and is provided to all Volunteers at our 3 sites of North York General Hospital. Volunteer Voice Editor/Graphic Designer: Barry Jamieson email: Web address for .pdf version of Volunteer Voice: NORTH YORK GENERAL HOSPITAL General Division: Branson Division: Seniors' Health Centre: Volunteer Office: 416 756-6000 416 633-9420 416 756-0066 416 756-6088 Articles for the Winter/Spring Issue of Volunteer Voice must be submitted no later than February 17, 2012