Dr. Dwayne A. Walker, Pastor - Little Rock AME Zion Church


Dr. Dwayne A. Walker, Pastor - Little Rock AME Zion Church
September, 2015 Vol. 12 | ed. 2
Pastor’s Perspective
Grace and Peace from God the Father through our Lord and Savior, Jesus
I thank God and Bishop Battle for entrusting me with my 11th appointment to
serve as pastor of this great church. I look forward to our best year ever! On
August 17, 2015, I presented the theme and the direction I have been led to
lead us this year. Our theme is "Maximizing Our Kingdom Potential through
Excellence in Ministry". The biblical text for our theme is taken for John 15:8.
We have been studying Secrets of The Vine by Bruce Wilkerson to invoke a better understanding and commitment to growing a Healthy Church. I am encouraged by the participation in both sessions of our Bible study. The next book we
will study as we explore our theme is Autopsy of a Deceased Church by Thom
Rainer. I sincerely believe our prayers and discussion will assist us as we strive for Excellence in Ministry.
We are proud that we are sought out as a gathering place for civil rights organizations as well as other
community organizations and events. During the last quarter we were sorry to say goodbye to Rev.
Bonita Owens a beautiful spirit who blessed us in the short time she was with us. May she rest from
her labors. We were blessed to welcome 25 new members who united with us since our last quarter.
Praise God for a wonderful support team who assist me in fulfilling my assignment as pastor. I am
blessed with a very efficient and caring Administrative Staff as well as a committed Ministerial Staff. I
am also undergirded by the love and support of my daughters and grandchildren who always know
how to brighten my life.
We solicit your prayers as we go forth in the strong and positive name of Jesus!
Peace and Blessings,
Dr. Dwayne A. Walker, Pastor
2015-16 THEME
Sermon Notes from The Rock
“Maximizing Our Kingdom Potential
August 30, 2015
Excellence in Ministry” John 15:8
Praise God for another great worship experience at Little Rock A.M.E. Zion Church. Our Youth / Young Adult
Choir led us in some powerful selections . God used me
to preach, "Fight Smart" from Ephesians 6:10- 20. Our 1.
Enemy is powerful, so we must have 2.Earnest Preparation as we 3. Endeavor to Pray. Thank God for the one
who united with us today. God Did It!
Flowers Given to the Glory of God
By Yolanda Brown
The Floral Beautification of Little Rock AME Zion
Church can be attributed to the Flower Ministry under
the leadership of Rev. Belinda Austin. The ministry’s
purpose is to beautify the sanctuary and other areas
inside the church with
plants and seasonal
flowers. Members
supply two Sanctuary
flowers at a cost of $50
each. The flowers are
given in honor of a
loved one or in celebration of a birthday,
anniversary or other
joyous occasions. In
addition to beautifying Little Rock with
flowers and plants,
the ministry also donates flowers to Presbyterian Hospice and
Palliative Care. The
Flower ministry has
been a blessing to the
beautification of the
church and is very
appreciative of those
who supply the Altar
Flowers for Sunday
Worship Service.
In addition to floral beautification inside the Sanctuary,
two of Little Rock’s Class Leaders, Ms. Sharbara Ellis
from class #4 and Mr. Lynn Crump from class #8 collaborated to organize a beautification project on the
grounds of the church. It was an afternoon event that
brought 19 participants and representation from six
different classes together. Soil, flowers, pine bark and
other supplies were donated by Lowes, and members
brought their own gloves and tools. After pulling the
weeds, six flower beds were planted in front of the
church all in a cooperative spirit. This is one of many
projects that Ellis and Crump will plan on doing for the
church that will incorporate Dr. Walker’s Vision.
By Simone Smith
Vacation Bible School at The Rock
Theme: Jesus the True Superhero
All age levels from preschool to adults were extremely
excited as our 2015 Vacation Bible School (VBS) opened
on July 6, 2015.
After our General Assembly
Worship, we
enjoyed a wonderful meal prepared by our
Culinary Ministry under the
direction of
Mrs. Mattie
Kluttz. We
learned about many
Biblical Superheros in
our Bible Lessons, but
we know that Jesus
Christ is the True Superhero. The Sanctuary Choir provided
great music under the direction of Ms. Sandra J. Lee
and Ms. Latoya Potts. Volunteers aided in designing
beautiful Arts/Crafts pieces. At each nightly close of
VSB the group participated in the “What We Learned”
sharing session. The Final VBS closing was held on July
10 and what a great celebration we had as the various
group profiled their skits, songs and other performances. Our leaders were: Mrs. Antoinette Cody, Director and
Rev. James H. Lenoir, Assistant Director
Four persons, Mrs. Erica
DuBois Bridges, Mr. Samuel
Crowder, Ms. Kay Frazier
and Mr. Larry Staley received “Ministry Recognition Awards”. Mrs. Mattie
Kluttz received the
“Excellence in Ministry”
By Judy Galbreath
and Lisa Fuller
The 10th Annual Little Rock Day Observance under the
Pastorate of Rev. Dr. Dwayne Anthony Walker, was
held on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 through Sunday,
May 24, 2015.
Mrs. Narcissus Lowery
and Mr. Richard Chandler
served as the
General CoChairpersons.
This celebration began
with a threenight Spring Revival, and we were thoroughly blessed
by the word of God which was delivered by our Guest
Revivalist, Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pogue, Pastor of Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church, Mt. Vernon, New
The Sanctuary Choir under the direction of our Minister of Music, Mr. William Cummings, set the tone for
worship and blessed us each night. The congregation
was blessed with powerful messages every night. On
Wednesday, May 20th, the scripture used was Matthew 14:22-33. Rev. Dr. Pogue’s sermon was “Where Is
Your Faith?” He stated no matter how things look right
now, never give up and never allow fear to take over,
because Jesus will supply all needed resources. On
Thursday, May 23rd his sermon was “Don’t Count Me
Out.” Using 1 Samuel 16: 1-13 he shared that God uses
people that others have rejected. We must listen to
God and be the best, we can possibly be. The final
night Friday, May 24th Dr. Pogue finished with a powerful message, “God Has Been Good to Us” from Joshua
24:1-13. We were blessed each night with powerful,
inspiring messages that encouraged us to trust and
obey God’s Word.
The Little Rock Day Awards Luncheon
“An Afternoon of Excellence”
The Awards Luncheon was held on Saturday, May 23, 2015.
Mr. Richard Chandler served as the Master of Ceremony for
this occasion. This luncheon is held annually to recognize
individuals who demonstrate “Excellence in Ministry” whereas God is Glorified • Jesus is Magnified • People are Edified •
Faith is Fortified • Ministry is Multiplied. Member’s tributes,
solo, liturgical dance, music and great fellowship were
warmly received .
A Special Presentation was
made by Rev. Belinda Austin on behalf of the Culinary
Ministry to Dr. Walker. He
was given a poster depicting
his vision, the components of Excellence in Ministry,
General Chairpersons for the last 10 years along with the
accompanying annual themes.
Special Thanks to Dr. Walker for his Vision of
“Excellence in Ministry”, our dedicated General CoChairpersons of the Little Rock Day, Mrs. Narcissus
Lowery and Mr. Richard Chandler, Mrs. Mattie Kluttz,
Chairperson of Culinary Ministry with the assistance of
the Youth/Young Adult Ministries of Little Rock and all
those who have been instrumental in making this
Awards Luncheon a success.
“Little Rock Day”
Our 10th Annual Little Rock Day Celebration culminated
on Sunday, May 24, 2015. A
combined “praise through
movement” was rendered by
our entire Liturgical Dance
Ministries (Adult, Youth, and
Children). General CoChairpersons, Mrs. Narcissus
Lowery and Mr. Richard
Chandler, received plaques from Dr. Walker for their
effective leadership and continued motivation.
Rev. Joel Miles, Pastor of
Greater Walters A.M.E. Zion
Church, Chicago, Illinois
and Presiding Elder of the
Chicago District was our
Guest Preacher. Rev. Miles
stated that the world looks
over leftovers. From John
6:11-13, Rev. Miles preached
“Leftovers”. He reminded us to trust God for everything
and be thankful that God gives leftovers another chance
Throughout this entire celebration and at other times,
Dr. Walker lifted up ,in prayer, Rev. Dr. James M. Sloan,
Presiding Elder of the North Charlotte District who is
convalescing in the hospital due to a terrible car acci-
A 10th Annual Family and Friends
Weekend To Remember
By Carol Staley
On August 15th – 16th Little Rock AME Zion Church, under
the Pastorate of Dr. Dwayne A. Walker, celebrated their Annual Family and Friends Weekend. The cookout was held on
August 15th at Ramsey Creek Park (Lake Norman) in Cor-
Kingdom Building
By Lisa Fuller
We praise God for the 13 new members that were fellowshipped into full membership on July 19, 2015. Mr.
Gilbert McRae serves as the leader of Leaders, Rev.
Belinda Austin and Rev. G. Rebecca Warren serves as
Teachers of our New Members Class. What a Blessed
nelius, NC which was officially opened by Pastor Walker.
We all enjoyed good Food, fun, fellowship with our families
and friends. Yes, fried fish and watermelon were included
on the menu. Adult games including Bingo, volleyball, youth
games, soul train line and our own Bouncy House were lots
of fun. This annual event is coordinated by Mr. Larry Staley
with the help of the Culinary Ministry under the direction of
Mrs. Mattie Kluttz and other supporters.
way to begin our 2015-16 Conference Year.
On Sunday, August 16, 2015, immediately following a soulstirring Sermon from Dr. Walker, we partook of a delicious
Sunday Family Feast. Everyone was eager to dig into the
three succulent turkeys prepared by Pastor Walker.
The food was absolutely delicious. Our weekend celebration
closed with a 3:00 evening concert featuring our entire Music Department (Children’s Men’s, Youth/Young Adult and
the Sanctuary Choirs). We all were blessed. Praise God from
Whom All Blessings Flow!!
Biblical Corner
Book Bag Blessings
The Christian Education Department under the leadership of Ms. Antoinette Cody, Director and Mrs. Erica Bridges, Director of Youth gave more than 100 book
bags (filled with school supplies) to our children who
were returning to school
W.H.O.M.S Quadrennial Convention
Dr. Walker and the entire Church Family are so grateful for a supportive family and church family for taking time to work at his booth at the W.H.O.M.S. Or-
“By this My Father is
glorified, that you bear
much fruit; so you will be
My disciples.” John 15:8
lando, FL. July, 2015
Beginning June 29-
Christal Caldwell is serving as
July 2, 2015
Head of the 2015-2016 LaSalle Uni-
Smith, had the wonder-
versity Women’s Basketball Sports
ful opportunity to serve a
Department. Christal is the Daugh-
Senate Page in the North
Carolina General Assem-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Caldwell
bly. Even though many
Lawrence Pitman is a Wingate
strong topics were sched-
College Sophomore running back. He made a tri-
uled for debate, I praise God that I was able to
umphant return to his
view how laws are made. I gained valuable
hometown, rushing 19
knowledge, met Senators, Senate and House
times for 94 yards His cur-
Pages from all over the state, worked hard and
rent stats are: 5 td, 531
came home exhausted! I was so proud to be a
yards. Lawrence is the son
part of this wonderful experience
of Mrs. Michelle Scott.
Adjon-Albert Watkins “AJ”
Shatia Lee is a student at Kaplan College in
the Medical Assistant Program. She was inducted into the National
in his own words states,
Technical Honor Society
“this boy is now dual qualled”. A.J. is a Corpsman
on July 9, 2015. On Au-
in the United States Navy and is the
son of Ms. Alista “Cozzie” Watkins
gust 7th she passed her
certification exam to become a registered medical assistant. Shatia is
Mrs. Mitzi Sims Porter reports,
the daughter of Ms. Sandra J. Lee.
“Spent my Mother’s Day with the
Freeman Family supporting Rhyan
Freeman! Congrats on receiving your Juris
Doctorate”. Rhyan is
the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Randy Freeman.
ACCOLADES (cont’d)
News from The Rock Newsletter
During the month of
Dr. Dwayne A. Walker,
September, 2015, Cas-
sidy Blake won her
High White Belt from
Dr. James M. Sloan,
Presiding Elder
Sangrock Blackbelt
The Rt. Rev. George E. Battle, Jr.
Senior Bishop
Jaamal White is completing an internship at
Mercy Hospital. This project functions under
the CPCC Umbrella.
Diane Commander
Sandra J. Lee
Quality Control Coordinator
Upcoming Events
During the month of October
we celebrate
(Friends, Relatives, Associates,
Yolanda Brown
Lisa Fuller
Judy Galbreath
Gloria Joyner-Johnson
Brenda McKie
Simone Smith
Carol Staley
Michelle Thompson
Ralph Burt
Linda Kennedy
Courtney Martin
Timothy Myers
3:00 PM—6:00 PM
ALL age groups are welcome!
Children should bring a bag for treats
and wear comfortable shoes.
Shanel Smith
Michelle Thompson
Tysha Thompson
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