Spring 2016 - Springfield Baptist Church


Spring 2016 - Springfield Baptist Church
Springfield Chronicles
“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Corinthians 15:57
Spring Edition 2016
Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
Volume 1
Pastor Daniel Sanders
Scriptural Reference: II Corinthians 10: 1-6 and II Chronicles 32: 7-8
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling
down strongholds.…but with us is the Lord Our God, to help us and to fight our
These scriptures relate to things that go on in our daily lives. The enemy is ready to come against
us in order to prevent us from getting to where we need to be. Thus, we need to understand why it
is so important to involve ourselves more and more in the practices of serving God. Continue to do
things and grow in God’s confidence.
In this passage, Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, purposed in his heart that he wanted for himself
that which the children of Israel had. Further, Sennacherib vowed to fight against Jerusalem. However, Hezekiah, king of Judah, did what was good, right, and just before the Lord his God. God
showed favor with Hezekiah and he prospered. Hezekiah trusted the Lord God to handle the uprising of king Sennacherib and his army. Ultimately, God sent an angel to smite every man in Sennacherib’s army leaving this king to return to his camp ashamed. His fate was his demise at the
hands of his own offspring.
Likewise today, we find people who purpose in their heart to be envious and jealous of what we
have. Whenever we encounter such circumstances, we must act just as Hezekiah - subject ourselves
to God’s will. Isn’t it good to know that we already have an advocate on our side? God always
warns us to get ready before trouble comes our way. He loves us so much that he wants us to be
prepared beforehand. Just as king Sennacherib witnessed, envy, jealousy and strife can lead to a
sure demise. When you purpose to fight against God’s people, you need to be very careful.
When you’ve done all that you can, remember that the Lord our God is a present help. Know that
you are “armed and dangerous”. We, as Saints of God, need to always recognize our power and
strength and learn to continually use what God has given us. The Lord our God not only gives us
power against a visible enemy but against the powers of darkness. Some of our battles cannot be
seen with the naked eye. Christians need not fear such demonic forces; but, remember that God has
already promised that your enemy will become your footstool. Realize this even when things don’t
look good. Don’t focus on the enemy; look beyond the problem. Our attitude should be just as Hezekiah’s – strong and faithful.
Be Blessed,
Your Pastor
Page 2
Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
December 2015
January 2016
February 2016
Ruby Frederick
Jordan O’Neal
Jessica Phillips
Kytrina Frederick
Cynthia Palmer
Trudy Wade
Dr. Tramine Young
Robin Wilkins
Tristaca Marshall
Bernice Richardson
Angelica Conyers
Shonda Collins
Sheba Smith
India Blango
Kutina Gooden
Ida Jerald
Clarissa Matier (Rededication)
Ryan Sullivan (Rededication)
Vivian Hollingsworth (Rededication)
17 Now Jesus, going up to Jerusalem, took the twelve
disciples aside on the road and said to them,
18“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son
of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the
scribes; and they will condemn Him to death, 19 and
deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge
and to crucify. And the third day He will rise again.”
Matthew 20: 17-19
Spring Edition 2016
Page 3
by Johnny Ray Moore
When Dr. King was here with us,
And, said “I have a dream.”
So many stood and trusted him,
They were a chosen team.
Side by side, they prayed and marched,
Their goals were very plain.
They fought for pure equality,
They ushered in a change.
Some before and after them,
Made strides for civil rights.
Now, we must do our very best,
To stay the course and fight.
Our Black Ancestors gave us hope,
They set a grueling pace.
They worked and prayed and sacrificed,
And vowed to win this race.
They paved the way for us to be,
Whatever we desire.
Their blood was shed throughout the world,
Therefore, WE MUST ASPIRE!
Then one day we unified,
Our courage somewhat spent.
Our precious votes made sure we got,
We are a world of kindred souls,
Let’s work to help each other.
And, during times we disagree,
Instead, let’s prove to all the world,
And, to our children, too.
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Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
Our Annual Senior Fellowship Dinner will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2016 at
2:00 p.m. in the James A. Gibson Fellowship Hall.
SPRINGFIELD SENIORS, please come out to meet and greet the invited seniors
from area churches. This will be a great day to show how God has blessed you
gracefully with the beauty of age.
You will be fed spiritually and physically. There will be great gifts for you along
with beautiful music. Please come out to enjoy the love that the Compassionate
Ministry has to share with you along with the support of the pastor and the
Brother Larry Butler, Sisters Mae Melvin, Betty Smith, Ann Cason, Ethel Curtis and Charlene Newkirk
joined together at the convalescent home to bring some joy to Sister Doris Brewster. It turned out as
usual, the visitors received joy in the visit.
We fellowshipped in the entrance lobby with prayer and songs. Sister Brewster’s brother and Sister
Ruby Whitaker were glad to be a part of the visit. God always shows up when we endeavor to love
each other in His name. To God we give all the glory, honor and praise.
But God commendeth His love toward us, in that,
while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 KJV
Spring Edition 2016
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Dec. Stephen White
Deacon Stephen White was born and raised in New Bern, NC to the late Otto and
Sarah White. He now resides in Garner, NC with his wife Patricia of 43 years. They are the
parents of two daughters, Stephanie White and Patrice Joynes, one son-in-law, David
Joynes and two grandsons, Kamari and Carter. Deacon White is the brother of Theresa
Parmley, Robert White and Otto White, Jr. Deacon White served in the United States Air
Force and retired after 23 years of service.
In 1986, he joined Springfield Baptist Church and has served as Chairman of the Finance
Committee and member of the Missionary Choir. In 1993, he was ordained as a deacon of
Springfield Baptist Church and later became Vice Chairman of the deacon board where he
continues to serve.
At Little Rock Missionary Baptist Church in New Bern, he gave his life to Christ at the age
of 17. “Growing up in a Christian home, my father served as the spiritual head of the family. God’s word has challenged, strengthened and given me the heart and the passion to
love and serve His people. God has placed in my life some wonderful people who continue to comfort and encourage me. God has also provided family, friends and a remarkable
Pastor who has been an exceptional source of wisdom.”
Joshua 24:15
“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve;
whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or
the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will
serve the Lord.”
Submitted by Carolyn Dobbin
Page 6
Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
The following article from our Healthcare Ministry is a discussion about chronic disease states
that are impacting our community. (This article is a continuation from page 16 of the SCN
Christmas Edition 2015.)
You find yourself thirsty, running to the bathroom often and hungry shortly after eating a meal.
Do you blame it on your increase water intake or could there be something else going on?
These are a few signs and symptoms of diabetes. Others include: feeling tired, blurry vision,
cuts and bruises that are not healing, tingling, numbness, or pain in the hands or feet.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas does not produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes
mellitus occurs when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to keep your blood glucose
(sugar) within normal range. Insulin is a very important hormone that gets sugar from the
blood into the cells of the body.
Diagnosis of diabetes occurs when there are two fasting blood glucose readings within 48
hours that are greater than or equal to 126 mg/dl. Diabetes is also diagnosed with an A1C
test greater than 6.5%, which is the average blood glucose over 3 months.
Risk factors for developing Type II diabetes include: 45 years or older, overweight, lack of exercise, and family history. Some complications associated with diabetes are destruction of eye
vessels, kidney failure, decrease in nerve function, and loss of bladder control.
High Cholesterol
Cholesterol is found in our body and food. In our bodies, cholesterol is made by the liver and
is responsible for all the required amounts our body needs. When too much is consumed from
our foods, such as red meat and fatty dairy products, plaques can form in our arteries. Plaque
formation can result in our heart having to work harder to pump blood. At times the plaque
can block the artery and even break off. This can cause a stroke or a heart attack.
There are two types of cholesterol known as LDL (bad) and HDL (good). LDL is what forms the
plaques that develop in the arteries. The good cholesterol, HDL helps remove the bad cholesterol that builds in the arteries.
Target ranges for cholesterol are less than 200 mg/dL for total cholesterol, LDL less
than 100 mg/dL, HDL greater than 40 mg/dL for men and greater than 50 mg/dL for women, and triglycerides less than 150 mg/dL.
Risk factors for developing high cholesterol include: eating foods with saturated or trans-fat,
family history, lack of exercise, overweight, and smoking.
(To be continued in the next issue of SCN)
Spring Edition 2016
Page 7
Do you have the desire to perform in a production that edifies Christ? Do you have talents
hidden to others that could be used for the uplifting of His kingdom?
Then give the SBC Drama Ministry a chance to make your dream come true. Your talent may
find a home in the area of stage management, makeup, singing, musician, props, acting,
public relations, wardrobe, costume design and many others.
We are newly installed drama directors who are spirit filled and highly motivated to bring
Christian drama to the congregation and the surrounding community.
Were you aware that Jesus employed a form of drama in his use of parables? He told stories
and painted mental pictures to teach spiritual truths. We feel that Christian drama is one
way of meeting people on their ground, not ours, as we are advised in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23.
It’s a way of ‘fishing on the other side of the boat’.
As we embark upon this new ministry endeavor, we thank God for His guiding light, our Pastor, Rev. Daniel Sanders, for his trust and support and Deacon William Dawes for keeping
the “dream alive”.
Sister Grace B. Herring and Sister Judy Wiggins
SBC Drama Ministry Co-Chairpersons
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Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
Spring Edition 2016
Page 9
The Media Center Ministry thanks all those who have donated materials to the Media
Center. Donations are tax deductible.
Visit the Media Center to checkout the following:
“The Everything Parent’s Guide to Dealing With Bullies,” by Deborah Carpenter
“One Simple Act: Discovering the Power of Generosity,” by Debbie Macomber
“Soul Searchers: An Anthology of Spiritual Journey,” Complied by Theresa De Bertodano
“The New Soul Food Cookbook For People With Diabetes,” by Fabiola Gaines
“Riding Through Shadows,” by Sharon Foster
Akeelah and the Bee
The Underground Railroad
The Fourth Wise Man
Walk By Faith
Standing Firm
Media Center Ministry Members:
Carolyn Ellis, Chair; Cheryl Walker, Co-Chair
Johnette Bynum, Dana Garland, Linda Gladney, Darlene Gooding, Sharon Ross
The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge;
the ears of the wise seek it out.
Proverbs 18: 15
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Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
Meet and Greet for SBC Business Owners!
When: Friday, May 20, 2016
Where: SBC Community Center
Time: 6:30 pm ― 8:00 pm
Purpose: To Give SBC Business Owners an Opportunity to Network
with Each Other and Make Suggestions for Future SBC Business Events
Attire: Business Casual
How to Register: Please complete the SBC Business Survey by April 24th
Surveys are available in the Financial Ministry mailbox in the Fellowship Hall and online under
the Financial Ministry Link. (To locate the survey on SBC website: click “Our Ministries” link on
the homepage, then click the “Education” link, click the “Financial Ministry” link) Place completed surveys in the Financial Ministry mailbox.
Bring Your Business Cards! Light Refreshments Will Be Served!
*This Event is for SBC Business Owners Who Have a Registered Business and/or Tax ID Number*
Your Business is a Gift from God!
“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another,
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10 (NKJV)
Your Business Should Serve the Needs of Others & Help Share Your Faith with Unbelievers!
Your Business Should be Used to Give to God and Others!
Your Business Should be a Kingdom Builder for God’s Glory!
(Reference: The Purpose Driven Life)
Spring Edition 2016
Page 11
What Happened to the Law?
The law was too hard for any human to keep
Because the sin in our heart was way too deep
No matter how hard humankind did seem to try
We were under a curse and subject to die
Because if you broke one law, you broke all, you see
but God did not choose to remain our enemy
But instead He gave us His son and the curse He took on
With unimaginable pain that seemed to last too long
But thank God for Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice,
Thank God for our Savior, the true and living Christ
The one in whom all our eternal hope lies
For although He died, He did indeed rise!
And now He can live in us thru the sweet Holy Spirit.
And we are no longer under the law because Jesus fulfilled it!
Sister Tomeico Faison
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Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
150 Years Worth Of History
From The Bush ArborTo
The Groundbreaking Of The SBC Family Life Center
Do you have any of Springfield's rich history tucked away in your cedar chests, family Bibles, closets, basements or attics? If so, the History Committee invites you to
share your historical treasures with us and your entire Springfield family.
We are in search of all things Springfield… VHS tapes, home movies, photos, documents, newspaper articles, artifacts, etc., anything that tells the story of Springfield's
past and present.
If you're not ready to part with your treasures, we will gladly accept any copies, replicas and/or photos of your items along with a description of what they represent.
Would you consider a “temporary loan” of your items for special displays?
We are getting things ready for Exhibition and Storage in our up and coming new
History Room as well as for use in the Observance of Our…
~ 150th Homecoming Celebration ~
If you have such treasures to share and/or donate…
Contact the History Committee
Veronica Scott – 919.389.8499
Cynthia Ward – 919.696.6693
2016 Ground Breakin
Rev. J. W. Ligon, Pastor
1911 - 1925
Rev. Daniel Sanders and the
1982 Pastor's Aid Auxiliary
Spring Edition 2016
Page 13
I would like to share some individual news concerning my 2 ½ year journey. I would like to give
GOD the glory and honor for the opportunities, accomplishments and opening doors for future
endeavors. On December 18, 2015, I completed the graduate program at Capella University (an
accredited online university) and received a Master of Science degree in Human Services: Social
and Community Services with a 3.917 GPA. There were many challenges; however, my faith allowed me to rest, trust, believe, and lean on GOD. There were times that I was totally lost in
comprehending, synthesizing and integrating the material. I finally gave it to God who renewed
my mind, and before I knew it, the end result was an ‘A’.
Obtaining a Master of Science in Human Services: Social and Community Services will help structure a career foundation in pursing my goals and dreams in helping people and our communities. In general, helping to make people’s lives better is where my heart is. I will be able to use
my experiences and professional expertise as tools to help people function the best way they
can in their environment, deal with their relationships, and solve personal and family problems.
In addition, I was selected for and awarded the Chair's Capstone
achievement recognition award and $7,500 Doctoral Scholarship.
….. daughter of Bro. Filico Bell and
Sis. Regina Watkins Bell, graduated
from Heritage High School on January 28, 2016. Heidi is currently
attending Winston Salem State
University and is majoring in Management of Information Systems. Heidi's parents are very
proud of her!
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Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
SBC Youth Ranked #1 in the State
Spring Edition 2016
Page 15
I am the proud mom of Anilya Smith and
want to share with our church family why my
parents and I are so proud of her. Anilya
was chosen out of 100 contestants to be a
featured model for Dance Releve, which included a photo shoot. If you visit Dance
Releve in Cary you will see her featured on
the store’s billboard.
To add to Anilya’s success, she earned a “5”
on her Case 21 Assessment. This is the
highest score you can earn on this county
wide assessment.
We are very proud of Anilya and her drive to
succeed, and we give God all the glory for
His blessings in her life. Please join me, her
proud mom, Moretta Sanders, and her
proud Grandparents, Wade and Delores
Patrick, in congratulating Anilya Smith.
NOTE: CASE Assessment reports provide class, school, and district data on overall projected achievement level and scale score, suggested grades for students thinking skills, curriculum units or standards, percent correct, and reading standards and genres.
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying,
“All authority has been given to Me
in heaven and on earth.”
Matthew 28:18
Page 16
Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
On December 5, 2015 I, Wyoma Moses, was at the Jacksonville, NC Winter Fest. This was my
very first time at this event and all of my items were made by me. I had a vendor booth selling
jewelry, Christmas ornaments and beautiful cakes. The big event was the cookie contest; and
this was a last minute entry called the cake bon-bons. The small cake cookie was the big surprise for me. We had to prepare two dozen cookies; the contest was a two day event and the
winners were announced on Sunday at 3pm. I did not put a lot of thought in winning because I
just like to bake wonderful cakes, candies and treats. I have won other cake contests at the NC
STATE FAIR; blue ribbons for cakes, preserves (strawberry jams, jalapeno jams and vegetables).
However, to win at the Winter Fest was exciting for me because there were more than 30 entries
in the cookie contest. To God Be the Glory my cake bon-bons won 1st prize! The prize was a
Lowes Food gift card. I was thrilled and excited about how God continues to bless me with
more blessings. I just want to say, while I was a caregiver for my mother; every thing my hands
touched became successful and what an honor it was to sow back into her life. I am open for
business and watch out — one day I may be featured on the Food Network. Contact me at:
mosesdrw@embarqmail.comm or 9197716165.
My motto is "Eat yourself Happy/Dress to Impress".
My first semester of college was challenging, laughable, and exciting. People say college is very
hard, and it can be a life changing moment; however, college wasn’t as bad as I thought it would
be. The first semester was challenging because of all the new faces, the hour-long classes,
and keeping up with the time, which was very difficult. Yet, I was still able to network with people
around campus, pay attention in those long classes, and manage to get to my classes
on time. Despite the challenging moments of my first semester, I was excited to attend football games and participate in social events on campus.
Meeting new people led to so many laughable moments. My first semester
of college was very enjoyable, and I’m glad God brought me thus far.
Kayla Clarke, NCAT University
Spring Edition 2016
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Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I
am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Spring Edition 2016
Page 19
Christian education
SBC Attends Annual One Day Session of
General Baptist State Convention of Christian Education
Thank you to our Sunday School Superintendent, Bro. Orlando Dobbins for coordinating SBC’s trip to Charlotte for the one-day session. This year’s theme was
“Committed to Christ…Commissioned for Mission through Christian Education.”
Bro. Antonio Gibbons was the driver for the day. Others attending included
Brother Dobbins and wife, Sister Patricia Dobbins, Rev. Mark Farmer, Deacon Benjamin Newkirk, Sister Helen Watson and Sister Betty Smith.
(L) Bro. Orlando Dobbins
& Sis. Patricia Dobbins
(R) Bro. Antonio Gibbons
“We don’t worship enough as it is…….” Pastor Sanders
Please keep in mind the “Rule of Thumb” at Springfield Baptist Church;
when Sunday Worship is cancelled for weather or other unforeseen happenings, we will have a FULL WORSHIP EXPERIENCE on the Wednesday following that cancellation.
We recently experienced the need for this Rule of Thumb to be applied
on January 27, 2016. The subject of the sermon, for this Wednesday night
worship was “A Delayed Answer” (An Answer Delayed) from Daniel 10:1014. And the Voices of Springfield sang the songs of Zion.
So as for us and this House—Wednesday Worship it is.
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Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
Monday, April 4, 2016
7:00 pm
Monday, April 11, 2016
7:00 pm
Monday, April 18, 2016
7:00 pm
Sunday, April 17, 2016
10:00 AM Worship
Saturday, April 23, 2016
4:00 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2016
4:00 PM
Laymen League—SBC Gibson Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Marvin Connelly
St. Augusta Missionary Baptist Church, Fuquay-Varina
Laymen League—SBC Gibson Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Minister James R. Jones
Stokes Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, Zebulon
Laymen League—SBC Gibson Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Rev. Timothy Lucas
Oak City Baptist Church, Raleigh
SBC Annual Children’s Day
Annual Senior Fellowship Dinner
SBC James A Gibson Fellowship Hall
100 Men in Black
Howell Chapel, Selma, NC
Pastor and Choir
Monday, April 25, 2016
7:00 pm
Laymen League—SBC Gibson Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Minister Gary Lee
First Baptist Church, Middlesex
Sunday, May 1, 2016
10:00 AM Worship
SBC Annual Women’s Day
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Friday, May 20, 2016
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
MEET and GREET: SBC Business Owners
SBC Community Center
Sunday, June 5, 2016
10:00 AM Worship
SBC Annual Men’s Day
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Spring Edition 2016
36th Pastoral Anniversary
Pastor Daniel Sanders
Page 21
People may wonder why the builders are moving dirt from one place to another. The dirt they are moving can’t be used as a solid foundation for our massive building. The site work that is taking place requires that they remove several layers of the bad soil and replace it with good soil. They must build the
soil up to a required level before they can begin to place the footing in and build upon the footing.
We have a lot of dirt in the location of the new building, but much of it had to be removed because of its
inconsistency and inability to compact, come together and remain stable. It had a lot of trash, useless
structure that appeared to the eyes to be good soil (which may be good for ordinary use but not for
withstanding the weight of the new building). Much like our lives and more importantly our faith, it
must be built to withstand the perils of life, the storms that may suddenly and unexpectedly advance out
of nowhere, and the weight of this world. I believe Pastor Sanders preached on removing the bad soil
and replacing it with good soil not long ago, remember?
If we want this building to stand erect, sturdy, unmovable, and representative of its purpose, the builders must ensure that it is built on a solid foundation (remove the useless soil). Ephesians 4:22-24: That
ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful
lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Once the site work is complete, this will ensure a stable foundation and the construction of building will begin.
The other work that is taking place is the final soil borings and testing of the soil for the septic drain field
that is required by the county and state, which could not be completed until it was dry. The soil boring
and testing is taking place further into the woods at the desired location for the septic drain field. They
will also, in the very near future, install a heavy equipment construction entrance by adding additional
asphalt to the planned route on the driveway and parking lot. This work will be done in a manner that
will not affect the traffic flow and parking.
Let us join in prayer for the safety of the workers, support of the building effort, and a timely and successful completion.
Submitted by Dec. George Cooper
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Springfield Baptist Church Newsletter
Reported by Sis. Jackie Ray
Charlotte City Council Bathroom Ordinance - On February 22, 2016, the Charlotte City Council voted in favor of new legal protections for gay, lesbian and transgender (LGBT) individuals which would expand the
city’s existing nondiscrimination ordinance. The changes meant that businesses in Charlotte can’t discriminate against LGBT customers, in addition to long-standing protections based on race, age, religion and gender. The ordinance was set to take effect April 1, 2016, and would apply to places of public accommodation,
such as bars, restaurants, stores, taxis, etc. The most controversial part of the ordinance would allow LGBT
individuals the right to use men or women’s restroom facilities based on the gender they relate to. Opponents of the ordinance cite safety concerns of women and girls in public bathrooms with people who were
born male. Supporters indicate the issue is based on fear and that transgender people are at risk of violence
in bathrooms.
In a special legislative session on March 23, 2016, both the House and Senate voted to overturn the Charlotte
City Council’s ordinance. H.B. 2/S.L. 2016-3, Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, consists of three
parts: 1) Single Sex Multiple Occupancy Bathroom and Changing Facilities; 2) Statewide Consistency in Laws
Related to Employment and Contracting; and 3) Protection of Rights In Employment and Public Accommodations. The bill passed and was signed by the Governor on March 23rd. The effective date of H.B. 2 is the
date the bill became law (March 23, 2016). The American Civil Liberties Union and other gay-rights advocates have filed a federal lawsuit challenging H.B. 2 after the Governor signed the bill into law.
Redistricting - On February 5, 2016, a three-judge panel for the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of
North Carolina that North Carolina’s Congressional Districts 1 and 12 were unconstitutionally drawn due to
size and composition. The Court ordered the North Carolina General Assembly to draw new congressional
districts by February 19, 2016. The U.S. Supreme Court refused a stay regarding the timing of the newly
drawn Congressional districts forcing new primary elections. H.B. 2/S.L. 2016-2, U.S. House of Representatives Primary, passed to modify the timing of the primary election contests for all U.S. House of Representatives seats in 2016 and eliminates second primaries for the 2016 election cycle only. Other modifications in
H.B. 2/S.L. 2016-2 include:
The U.S. House primary will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2016.
 The filing period for the U.S. House primary opened at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, March 16, 2016, and
closed at 12:00 noon on Friday, March 25, 2016.
 Only persons affiliated with a party for at least 75 days as of the date of that person filing the notice of
candidacy will be eligible to file as a candidate on that party’s U.S. House primary.
 A candidate certified as a winner of both the March 15th primary election and the June 7th primary election must withdraw the notice of candidacy for one of those races no later than one week after the certification of both primary election results.
A candidate who filed for a U.S. House primary before H.B. 2 is effective will be entitled to the return of that
candidate’s filing fee.
Check with your local Board of Elections for questions related to voting deadlines, absentee ballots, etc.
Wake County Board of Elections
Address: 337 S Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC 27601
Phone: (919) 856-6240
Website: www.wakegov.com/elections
Spring Edition 2016
Johnston County Board of Elections
Address: 205 S. Second St., Smithfield, NC 27577
Phone: (919) 989-5095
Website: www.johnstonnc.com/joconcelections
Page 23
4309 Auburn Knightdale Road, Raleigh, NC 27610
Office: 919-772-8078
Rev. Daniel Sanders, Pastor
Television Broadcast
SCN Staff
Sunday: 5:00 PM
Angela McCoy, Chairman
WARZ-TV — Cable TV 5
Jackie Perry, Co-Chairman
Sunday: 7:00 PM
Betsy Bell
WAUG-TV Digital Channel
Carolyn Dobbin
Sandra Garris
Monday: 8:00 PM
Johnny Moore
Digital Channel 102
Monica Neal
Jackie Ray
Tuesday: 8:00 AM
Tomeico Faison
Cynthia Ward