April 2016 E-Newsletter - Greater Ocean City, Maryland Chamber of
April 2016 E-Newsletter - Greater Ocean City, Maryland Chamber of
Ocean City’s Greater Ocean City, MD Chamber of Commerce 12320 Ocean Gateway Ocean City, MD 21842 www.oceancity.org mychamber@oceancity.org For Office Fax 410 . 213 . 0144 410 . 213 . 7521 Business April 2016 Executive Director’s Message Spring is finally here and everyone is gearing up for a great season. Lots of preparation, hiring seasonal employees, training staff and making final renovations and upgrades to area businesses abound. If you hire J-1 International students seasonally, you do not want to miss the J-1 Student Workforce Conference for employers and community members planned for April 14th at 8am at the Carousel Resort Hotel. We are planning to have all sponsor organizations represented as well as the Department of State, Social Security Administration, DLLR, Ocean City Emergency Services as well as housing inspectors, to review critical information for the upcoming season. There is no fee to attend and registration includes breakfast. Also, please mark your calendars for the Legislative EDC meeting, sponsored by the chamber, which will be Wednesday May 11th at the Carousel- we will have our Eastern Shore delegation on hand as well as our lobbyist, Dennis Rasmussen to review the 2016 legislative session and its resulting implications for regional businesses. As you may have heard the Pool Regulations in the Maryland Register submitted on January 22, 2016 Volume 43, Issue 2, have been put on hold at this time in an effort to give operators, owners and those impacted more time to review and provide input as well as understand the implications of some of these changes. The chamber would like to get input and comments by members affected. The chambers legislative consultant will be able to deliver a summary of the concerns on your behalf, but it is also important that they hear from you as an individual business or organization. There are also 2 public Meetings where you will be able to provide input and ask questions- I have included the links-If you operate a pool or aquatic facility, I highly recommend attending: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/public-meeting-on-comar-101701-aquatic-venues-morning-tickets-20577782702?aff=ebrowse https://www.eventbrite.com/e/public-meeting-on-comar-101701-aquatic-venues-morning-tickets-20577929140?aff=ebrowse Please contact me directly as we have been working with Operators as well as the HMRA and Delmarva Condo Managers Association on this effort. I would like to say, on behalf of Marylanders for a Longer Summer, thank you all for your continued support of this critical initiative- a Statewide Post Labor Day School Start. Although we are not quite there yet, we have made some significant strides in getting closer to our goal. On Thursday, March 10, the Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee voted 5-5 on SB 767 resulting in an unfavorable report for the bill. However, we believe that had the full committee been present we would have been working towards a passage of the bill by the Senate. Although that is not the case, we still deem it a victory none-the-less, as the profile of the bill has been elevated and leadership is taking notice of the positive impact that this could have on Maryland. This proves the initiative continues to gain momentum. The evidence of our case for schools starting after Labor Day is indisputable and now supporters are speaking out in droves. Support levels are higher than ever, including those in prominent positions. On a very positive note, we had 44 regional managers and supervisors attend the Hospitality SUPER Visor Training in March. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the course and truly gained some insight. A huge thank you to all of the guest speakers as well as Caitlin Evans our lead trainer; their dynamic presentations truly kept the attendees engaged. If you happened to miss out on this past training, we also have “Hospitality Boot Camp for Front Line Employees” . This course will help you: Understand the “new” customer and how to meet their needs Manage your stress Understand how the hospitality industry works and how to position yourself for advancement Learn do’s and don’ts of social media Please see the flyer included in the newsletter for registration information. Finally, please join us for our April Business After Hours at Guido’s Burritos on 33 rd St AND our monthly Business Breakfast at Touch of Italy in the Holiday Inn Oceanfront 66th St.- both will be on April 7th and sponsored by Comcast Spotlight. You may register for the Business Breakfast by clicking http://chamber.oceancity.org/events/details/april-2016-business-breakfast-10338 The topic will be “Multi screen video advertising solutions- Grow your business with targeted TV and digital advertising, locally and regionally”. We look forward to seeing you out and about! April 2016 Business After Hours Thursday, April 7, 2016 5:00—7:00 pm Melanie Pursel Executive Director 410.213.0144 ext 102 melanie@oceancity.org Hosted by: Guidos Burritos Door Prizes & 50/50 Happy Hour Prices Delicious Appetizers Melanie Pursel, OC Chamber Executive Director & members of PSB Executive Advisory Board Attend the Business Leadership Award Luncheon on March 11th Richard Bernstein Hosted by the Perdue School of Business, Honoring Richard Bernstein, founder of K&L Microwave Welcome New Members Thank You For Choosing Us To Promote Your Business! WRDE NBC COAST TV Bob Backman Ocean City, the Delaware Beaches & Surrounding Area (302) 227-9733 http://www.wrde.com Eastern Shore IMBA Tres Denk Ocean City, MD 21842 (410) 430-4992 http://www.esimba.org Delmarva's Own NBC Station! We Create, Enhance and Preserve Single Track Trails. We Sponsor Bike Safety Events and Bike Rides. Ocean City Screams Haunted House Dan Dionisio 14 Worcester Street Ocean City, Maryland 21842 (888) 720-1112 http://ocscreams.com/ Embrace Home Loans Jason Cook 8008 Coastal Highway Suite 2 Ocean City, MD 21842 443.664.6628 https:/www.embracehomeloans.com/about/locations/Maryland/Ocean% 20City A new breed of fear washes up on the sands of Ocean City this summer with the opening of the two-story Ocean City Screams Haunted House horrifying, scary, intense and state-of-the art! Primary, Second, and Investment Home financing with local, professional team giving each customer personalized mortgage solutions. Island Watersports Mike Ferrari 39084 Harpoon Rd Fenwick Island, DE 19944 (302) 537-2628 http://www.OCMDBOATS.com Guidos Burritos Michael Schlette 3303 Coastal Highway Ocean City, MD 21842 410 524 3663 http://guidosburritos.com Delmarva's watersports headquarters. Boat sales, service, and rentals. Full service marina. Paddleboards, wakeboards, wakesurfers, kayaks, water skis, tubes, and more. A full service Mexican restaurant in Ocean City, MD featuring the freshest ingredients matched with authentic recipes, intoxicating aromas, and an upbeat atmosphere. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage/Brian Shane Brian Shane 301 143rd Street Unit 9 Ocean City, Maryland 21842 410-726-3016 BG Island, LLC Deyan Sertev 105 S. Baltimore Ave. Ocean City, MD 21842 (443) 856-9009 (888) 423-5515 http://www.bgisland.net Lcensed Realtor with Coldwell Banker at 104th Street in Ocean City. Student Services, Transportation, Internet Sea Rocket Adventures Angie Bostic #308 North 1st Street On De Lazy Lizard Docks Ocean City, Maryland 21842 410-289-4FUN (4386) http://searocket.com Tactical American Security Consulting, LLC Evan Avnet 2021 Shipley Drive Suite N1 Salisbury, MD 21801 888-813-4434 http://www.ustasc.com Sea Rocket Adventures offers premier watersport activities for the family; including the Sea Rocket Boat Ride, PARASAIL, Ka Motion SAILING Cat, & Banana Boat Rides. Your one stop place for FUN! USTASC provides private security officers, private detective services, personal and asset protection, security consulting, and tactical operations services. April 2016 Calendar of Events Date Event Location Time April 1 Anniversary Tea Party, Reception, Ribbon Cutting & Happy Hour Dunes Manor 28th St. 2:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. April 4 All Ages Fitness Grand Opening of New Wing & Biz After Dark Rt. 50 WOC 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. April 7 Business Breakfast Touch of Italy HI, 67th St. 8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. April 7 Monthly Business After Hours Guido’s Burritos 33rd St. 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. April 9 Carl M. Freeman Bayside GroundBreaking 31252 Americana Pky. Selbyville 10:00 a.m. April 14 International Student Workforce Conference Carousel Hotel 118th St. 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. April 13 Season Kick-off/EDC Meeting Carousel Hotel 8:30 a.m. April 13 YP Monthly Meeting OC Chamber 8:30 a.m. April 21 Exec. Com. Mtg./Board Meeting OC Chamber 8:30 a.m. April 22 Chamber Open House/Shred Day OC Chamber 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. April 26 AGH Derm, & Wm’s Health Ribbon Cutting 38394 Dupont Hwy. 4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Selbyville April 27 YP Morning Mixer Decatur Diner 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Welcome New Members cont’... Sunflower Media Productions, LLC Ian Burbage Ocean City, MD 21842 (323) 348-0800 http://www.sunflowermedia.tv Coastal Property Management, Inc. Michael Cullen 12417 Ocean Gateway #28 Ocean CIty, MD 21842 443-373-8349 http://www.CoastalPropertyManagementOC.com Video Production and Live Streaming Services Ireland RnR Tours Michael Healy Ocean City, MD 21842 (877) 224-5535 (877) 224-5535 http://www.irelandrnr.com Reunion & Recreation One Week Tours in Ireland for Groups of 20 or More Guests at a Time. Thank You! WWW.OCSURFCLUB.ORG YOUR GO ONLINE TO SIGN UP TODAY! with a New Service! ARE YOU A D3 CLIENT? Take 30% Off Service New to You!* Not a D3 Client yet? You should be - let us tell you why! Contact us today to learn more! PLUS, we’ll give you 20% Off a New Service when you sign up!* Contact Us Today to Learn More! 410-213-2400 or Support@D3Corp.com *Discount will be applied to full retail price and cannot be combined with any other offers, specials or discounts. Offer valid April 1-30, 2016 only. Deposit amount must be received by April 30, 2016 to secure discounted pricing. www.D3Corp.com 410-213-2400 | suport@d3corp.com | 12319 Ocean Gateway, Suite 202, Ocean City, MD 21842 Renewing Members From February 24 through March 22 Local 360 Media http://www.local360media.com Pam's Ocean City Golf Getaways http://www.pamsgolfoc.com Donaway Furniture http://www.donaway.com Ropewalk Fenwick Island http://www.ropewalktavern.com Chateau Surf http://www.homeaway.com/vacation-rental/p3662371 28th St. Pit and Pub http://www.pitandpub.com OCRooms.com http://www.ocrooms.com OC Massage http://www.massageoceancity.com The Ocean Weeks http://www.theoceanweeks.com Coastal Maytag http://www.coastalmaytag.com Accurate Optical Company http://www.accurateoptical.com Ocean City Bikes to the Beach http://www.ocbikestothebeach.com We Appreciate Your Confidence In Us! Top Ten Reasons to Shop Local We all know how fun it is to shop locally, but there's more to it: 1. PROTECT LOCAL CHARACTER AND PROSPERITY By choosing to support locally owned businesses, you help maintain Delmarva’s distinctive flavor. 2. COMMUNITY WELL-BEING Locally owned businesses build strong neighborhoods by sustaining communities, linking neighbors, and by contributing more to local causes. 3. LOCAL DECISION MAKING Local ownership means that important decisions are made locally by people who live in the community and who will feel the impacts of those decisions. 4. KEEPING DOLLARS IN THE LOCAL ECONOMY Your dollars spent in locally-owned businesses have three times the impact on your community as dollars spent at national chains. When shopping locally, you simultaneously create jobs, fund more city services through sales tax, invest in neighborhood improvement and promote community development. 5. JOB AND WAGES Locally owned businesses create more jobs locally and, in some sectors, provide better wages and benefits than chains do. 6. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneurship fuels America's economic innovation and prosperity, and serves as a key means for families to move out of low-wage jobs and into the middle class. 7. PUBLIC BENEFITS AND COSTS Local stores in town centers require comparatively little infrastructure and make more efficient use of public services. 8. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Local stores help to sustain vibrant, compact, walkable town centers-which in turn are essential to reducing sprawl, automobile use, habitat loss, and air and water pollution. 9. COMPETITION A marketplace of tens of thousands of small businesses is the best way to ensure innovation and low prices over the long-term. 10. PRODUCT DIVERSITY A multitude of small businesses, each selecting products based, not on a national sales plan, but on their own interests and the needs of their local customers, guarantees a much broader range of product choices. In The News... Welcome New Members Becker Morgan Group Receives Engineering Excellence Honor Award The American Council of Engineering Companies of Delaware (ACEC-DE) presented Becker Morgan Group with a 2016 Engineering Excellence Honor Award for their submission of William F, Cooke, Jr. Elementary School titled, "A Lego World Record Inspires Hillside School." This award recognizes “significant achievements benefitting the public and the engineering profession,” and “honors the highest levels of engineering ingenuity and skill.” The award was presented at the 2016 Annual Engineers Week Banquet on February 24 th at Bella Vita at Cavaliers Country Club in Newark, DE. Becker Morgan Group provides Architecture & Engineering services with offices in Delaware, Maryland, and North Carolina. For more information, visit www.beckermorgan.com The Francis Scott Key Family Resort Made TripAdvisor’s 2016 Travelers’ Choice for Top 25 family hotels in the U.S. The Francis Scott Key Family Resort made TripAdvisor’s 2016 Travelers’ Choice for Top 25 family hotels in the U.S. Dating back more than half a century, the Francis Scott Key Motel was built in 1953 by the Hastings family, who operated the establishment until selling their interest to William Baker and Larry Brasher in 1972. In 1976, Baker bought out his partner to become sole proprietor of what was originally a 60-room roadside motel. When Baker underwent quadruple heart bypass surgery, his daughter Annmarie, and her husband, Jim Dickerson, were brought onboard to handle daily operations of the resort. This is actually the second time the resort has been honored by TripAdvisor, who in 2009 included the longtime Ocean City business on its top 10 list of best family resorts in the nation. Annmarie Dickerson said repeat recognition confirms the operation is still on the right path. Out & About with Your Chamber Adams Radio Group Ribbon Cutting Salisbury New Member Reception OC Chamber March BAH 28th St. Pit & Pub The OC Team in Annapolis 2016 Legislative Session Dear Members, Where & When: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Carousel Oceanfront Hotel 11700 Coastal Highway Ocean City, MD 21842 8:30 a.m. The April E.D.C. Breakfast Meeting will be held at The Carousel Oceanfront Hotel on Wednesday, April 13th, at 8:30 a.m.. Donna Abbott, The Director of the Ocean City Department of Tourism will present the "Annual Season Kick Off" along with Andy Malis, President/CEO of MGH. MGH has been Ocean City's advertising agency for several years and has developed and implemented several successful ad campaigns during the last decade. This years 'Kick Off" presentation will include a preview of the advertising plan, television commercials and print media schedule. We will also allocate time for a question and answer session. We believe this will be a very informative presentation and we look forward to seeing you. Please R.S.V.P. to Lindy.Kosydar@Carouselhotel.com Sincerely, Michael James, President Did you know that Chamber Members offer discounts simply for being a fellow Chamber Member? Click Here for the Latest Member-to-Member Discounts: It’s That Time of Year! Wed., April 13th, 8:30 a.m. Carousel Oceanfront Hotel Season Kick-off Open to All Area Businesses Hear About This Year’s Ad Campaign From MGH, the Town’s Ad Agency And Donna Abbot, Director of Tourism The Greater Ocean City, Maryland Chamber of Commerce The mission of the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce is to provide community leadership in the promotion and support of economic development and the continued growth of tourism in Ocean City. The Chamber serves as a hub for development, education and communication within the business community to preserve the viability, quality of life and aesthetic values of our town. Officers 2015- 2016 Brett Wolf - President Professional Mortgage Services John Gehrig - President Elect D3 Corp Stephanie Meehan - Vice President Funcade Toni Keiser - Treasurer Atlantic General Hospital Bob Thompson - Secretary Ocean Pines Association Chamber Staff Melanie Pursel, Executive Director Lisa Dennis, Events Director Danielle Davis, Financial Officer Nancy Schwendeman, Publications Mgr Vera Spalt, Membership Services Mgr Joya Mattie, Membership Srvs. Consultant Jill Brady, E-Marketing Manager Visitors Center Staff Directors 2015- 2016 Justin McGinnis - LaserTone Phillip Cheung - Gregory & Associates Buck Mann –Polynesian Condo Sal Fasano - LaQuinta Hotel & Suites Joe Cavilla - Casino at Ocean Downs Steve Pastusak - Jolly Rogers Amusements Chris Woodley Williams, Moore, Shockley & Harrison , LLC Ruth Waters Harrison Group Resort Hotels Madlyn Carder - BJ’s On the Water Cole Taustin Embers Restaurant & Blu Crabhouse Richard Ohanlon - Karen Lynn Marci Russell - Angie Krause Community Representatives Economic Development Committee Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association Downtown Association Ocean City Development Corporation Town of Ocean City Ocean City’s Voice for Business is published the first of each month. Ads and articles may be submitted for publication no later than the 20th of the preceding month. Items received after the 20th may be published in a later newsletter, or if time sensitive, published in the next weekly e-lert.
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