Issue 2, 2016 - Manitoba Runners` Association


Issue 2, 2016 - Manitoba Runners` Association
ISSUE 2,2016
MRA Hall of Fame banquet - April 11, 2016
Congratulations to our very deserving 2016
Hall of Fame inductees - Prairie Sky Road
Runners inducted as a Club (above); Stephanie
Roberecki (left) inducted as a Builder and Joanne Schiewe (right) inducted as an Athlete. It
was a wonderful evening of celebration!
John Murphy - Past President
Dreena Duhame - Secretary
Judy McMullen - Treasurer
John Wichers
Brenlee Muska
Ken Perchaluk
Rocky Mckay
Bobbi Nicol
Sam Neis
Audrey Goertzen
Leni Campbell
Executive Director:
Kathy Wiens
Newsletter Editor:
Leni Campbell
Manitoba Runners’ Association
Box 34148 Fort Richmond
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5T5
See inductees plaques on page 10 and 11
Page 2
Issue 2,
4, 2008
ince my last report in February we have been very
busy with our annual Hall of Fame Banquet, the
Annual General Meeting and, of course, the race season is well
underway! As of May 16th we have already had 16 races in 2016
with many more to come. Check out the Race Calendar on our
website for the dates and information regarding the rest of the
Our Hall of Fame Banquet was held on April 11, 2016 at the
Canad Inn on Pembina Highway. We sold 118 tickets and the
room was full to capacity! New this year was a Silent Auction that
seemed to be well-received and generated enough revenue to help
pay for the event. There were tears, laughter and some special
moments as Joanne Schiewe, Stephanie Roberecki and the Prairie
Sky Road Runners were inducted into our Hall of Fame. As well,
Robert Beinke received the Male Road Runner of the Year award
for an out-standing 2015 running season. We all enjoyed a buffet
dinner, a hilarious presentation by Ace Burpee of Virgin Radio on
who SHOULDN’T be inducted into the MRA Hall of Fame, a
photo presentation and of course, the inductions. Next year’s banquet is scheduled for April 10, 2017 so put the date on your calendar and don’t miss out on an outstanding event!
On May 2, 2016 we held our Annual General Meeting where you
as members are invited to attend and find out what the board of
the MRA has been doing over the past year. Unfortunately, attendance was once again very sparse with only one member taking
part. Our President, John Murphy, announced that he will be stepping down but will be staying on the board for the next year as
our Past-President. He has been a highly-valued member of our
board with his words of wisdom, calming influence and his vision
for the sport of road running in Manitoba. We will also be losing
Leni Campbell (our retired Executive Director) and John Wichers
(our retired Equipment Manager) at the end of the year. Judy
McMullen has agreed to stay on as our Treasurer and Dreena Duhame will continue as the Secretary. This is going to leave the
board with only 7 active members out of a possible 15 for next
year. Please consider a position on your board of directors; it’s the
best way of giving back to the running community and it gives
you, the members, an opportunity to influence the decisions made
for the betterment of the sport. Whether you are a serious runner,
a recreational runner, an injured runner, a race director, a volunteer or just an interested party, you can help make our sport the
best it can be.
Once again this year we have been fortunate to share a summer
student with Athletics Manitoba. His name is Ben Allen and he
has been giving us help with equipment and storage inventory,
monitoring pick-up and drop-off of equipment as well as attending many of the races to help with giving out ribbons and collecting bibs. His help is highly appreciated and so we Thank You
We are getting a new course certified this year! East St. Paul is certifying a brand new 5k and 10k course as part of their 100th Year
Celebration. The East St. Paul Canada Day Run/Walk on July 1st is
part of this celebration. So for those of you that are getting tired of
running around and around Assiniboine Park, here is an opportunity to race on a brand new course!
Our membership has been falling over the past few years and your
board has been trying to understand why and adapt to the changing
landscape of road running. We are the only non-profit advocate for
road running in Manitoba and our primary objective is to ensure
that runners, whether competitive or recreational, have safe and
well-organized races that they can attend. We support many small
groups wishing to put on fun runs as fund-raisers for various charities, as well as large, highly-organized events run on certified courses that require sanctioning for elite runners that wish to be recognized on a national level. We provide equipment, extensive insurance, help with set-up and tear-down of courses as well as providing the knowledge and expertise that comes from being involved
with putting on races in this province for over 45 years. We also
advocate for race directors and runners with the City of Winnipeg
and the Parks, helping to create new courses or make changes
when needed. We provide race directors with a handbook to help
them with their event and give them options regarding registration
and timing. Putting on a race is no small feat and race directors and
their committees need all of the help that they can get. Membership
in the MRA helps to ensure that our organization can continue to
do this job. As our membership drops, so does our ability to fulfill
our mission: Promote and support the sport of running for
health, fun, and fitness for life to runners of all ages and
abilities. So please promote and support the Manitoba Runners’ Association
by encouraging membership!
Come and visit our booth at the Manitoba Marathon Expo! We will
be giving away entries to some of the races in the second half of
our season as well as providing information about the MRA and its
events. You can even take this as an opportunity to renew your
membership! The Manitoba Marathon has re-instated the discount
of $3.00 to MRA members entering any of their events-part of the
benefits of being a member. And don’t forget our Discount Sponsors! They provide year-round discounts on their products and
services to members of the MRA. Check out our website to see
who provides these benefits and where they are located. OTR
Until next time, Happy Runnings!!
Kathy Wiens
Executive Director
Please Note: All race results are posted on the MRA website: On the main page just scroll down to Race
Results and click on the links.
Issue 2,
4, 2008
Page 3
President’s Report….by John Murphy
would like to congratulate our newest inductees
into the Manitoba Runners’ Association Hall of
Fame: Joanne Schiewe, Stephanie Roberecki and the Prairie Sky
Road Runners. I would like to thank our Hall of Fame committee
for their recommendation and our Board for approving the well
deserving inductees. This is always a challenge here in Manitoba
with so many worthy candidates to pick from.
Well we are off and running into the height of our event season.
This always strains our resources, but with the cooperation of our
great race directors and their committees we will prevail and provide support and help as required.
I would like to encourage you to become an MRA member and
support our sport for life. There are many benefits to being a
member, race entry discounts, sponsor purchase discounts, insurance, etc. but the most important is through your membership we
have a stronger voice when it comes to dealing with third parties
for the safe advancement and enjoyment of road running in Manitoba.
I would like to remind all our members that may be interested in
having their times recognized nationally. This is only possible
when running MRA sanctioned events. To be sure you are running a sanctioned event, check our website. All events on the
MRA calendar are sanctioned, including the Manitoba Marathon.
I wish everyone an enjoyable running season and thank all the
race directors, their committees and the many volunteers, for
without their commitment we would not enjoy so many events.
A reminder to stay safe
1. Run facing traffic. This will give you more time to see or react
to vehicles. One exception: blind curves with no shoulder. In
such cases, cross and run with traffic until you can safely return
to the other side of the road.
2. Obey traffic signage. Pause at intersections, stop for traffic
lights. And stay alert—in case a driver doesn’t see you.
3. Follow off-road rules. Follow posted rules at tracks, paths, and
rail-trails. Two key examples: Unless otherwise posted, run counter-clockwise on the track and stay to the right on trails.
4. Choose low-volume streets. Cars coming out of parking lots
and crowded streets interrupt your rhythm and increase your
chance of a collision. Opt for low-traffic alternatives.
5. Be polite. Yield to fast-moving or aggressive cars; acknowledge
the nice drivers who wave you through a stop sign. If you pass
slower runners or walkers, say hello, and wave to other runners.
You’re part of a community.
6. Be Safe. Wear lights or reflective gear at night or in low light.
Don’t wear headphones. Tell someone where you’re planning to
go or consider a tracking app which allows loved ones to know
where you are.
7. Head’s up. Keep your chin up and eyes pointed down the
road/trail. It helps you see potholes or rocks, and it will convey
to drivers that you’re paying attention.
8. Replace shoes regularly. Typically, running shoes become worn
out after you’ve put 300-500 miles on them. If your shoes no
longer feel like they’re protecting you, they’re probably not. Write
the date you bought your shoes inside the tongue as a helpful
reminder of how old they are.
9. Increase mileage gradually. To avoid an overuse injury, resist
the urge to pick up your training too fast. Follow the timehonored rule of thumb: Don’t raise your weekly mileage, or time
spent running, by more than 10 percent over the previous week.
10. Show your appreciation. When running in an event, please
take the time to thank the people that have volunteered to organize and help make this a positive experience for you. OTR
Take care,
John Murphy
Congratulations to the winners of the membership
draw. They are:
Renewals - Albert Martens
New - Leslee Belanger
Issue 2, 2016
Page 4
Youth Corner 2016
2016 Youth Series Races remaining:
PRING IS HERE!!! WOW, the 2016 Youth Se-
ries Season is fully under way with 5 races in April keeping everyone on our toes each weekend. By the end of May we will have
completed 7 races of the 17 in our season.
The races coming up are as follow:
8. June 5, 2016 - Commit to Get Fit Run - 5k
9. July 1, 2016 - East St. Paul Canada Day Run - 3k or 5k
10. July 6, 2016 - Family Ice Cream Run #1 - 1k or 2.2k
11. July 10, 2016 - Grand Beach Sun Run - 3k or 5k
12. August 3, 2016 - Family Ice Cream Run #2 - 1k or 2.2k
Commit to Get Fit - June5th 5km
East St. Paul Canada Day Run - July 1st 3km & 5km
Family Ice Cream Run - July 6th 1km & 2.2km
Grand Beach Sun Run - July 10th 3km & 5km
Family Ice Cream Run - August 3rd 1km & 2.2km
13. September 17, 2016 - Run the Awesome Twosome with Haiti
- 5k
We ask that all youth runners come by our MRA Promotion Table
prior to the race start time which is always located at the main race
day site. Not only would we like to meet you briefly but some of
these races are not timed which means YOU WILL NEED a second MRA race bib that we will provide so that we can track your
finishing placing for the year end awards.
16. October 2, 2016 - Linden Woods Fall Classic - 5k or Mighty
A friendly reminder to all current youth members: If you sign up a
new member…you will receive a $20.00 gift certificate to one of
our local running stores. What a great thing to have a friend join
and share happy running experiences!
New for this year: You will receive double finishing points for out
of town races that are out of city limits which includes Headingly!
Our Youth Series Committee Members are as follow:
Brenlee Muska, Kathy Wiens, Jeff Vince, Aldo Furlan and Ken
We are always looking forward to parent/guardian input and welcome you to join our committee to ensure that our Youth Series
continues to grow.
Again, be sure to come by our MRA table and enjoy some popcorn!
We truly look forward to seeing and cheering you on at the races!
Submitted by:
Brenlee Muska
14. September 24, 2016 - Stony Mountain Run - 2.5k or 5k
15. September 25, 2016 - Ted's Run for Literacy - 2k or 5k
17. October 30, 2016 - MEC Winnipeg Race Five "Spooky Dash"
- 3k or 5k
MRA Member Benefits
· A 20% discount on your first purchase of sports equipment at
“Stride Ahead Sports” located in the Grant Park Shopping
Centre, when you become a member or if you renew before
Dec. 31st preceding the next calendar year.
· 10% discount at Stride Ahead Sports for all future purchases
· 10% discount on all purchases at City Park Runners
· Discounts at other Winnipeg businesses (on-going updates)
· A discount on your entry fee for many MRA sanctioned runs
· E-mails to members keeping them informed about what is
happening in the Manitoba running community
· Insurance coverage for you when participating in an MRA
sanctioned race
· We support and recognize the best in our sport as participants
and builders through our annual Hall of Fame
· Earn points in the MRA Race Series or Youth Series, with an
annual wind-up evening and awards presentation
· Two annual fun family running events (Ice Cream Runs)
· We communicate through our web site (Check it out) and our
quarterly publication “On the Run” with race results and
member interest stories as well as on our Facebook page.
Issue 2, 2016
Page 5
2016 MRA Race Series
· Safe and well organized running events.
· Races on distances certified accurate by Athletics Canada
MRA Race Series and distances
· Races must be timed by someone approved by the MRA
· Only one series race per weekend.
· Where possible have races spaced over the year with many
different distances.
1. April 3, 2016 - MEC Winnipeg Race One – 5k
The MRA Race Series races and points are listed at:
4. April 23, 2016 - Go for the Burn Run - 10k
The top three point scorers (male and female) in each five year
age category will be awarded for their achievement at the MRA
Awards Event in the fall. The MRA Race Series consists of 17
races, sponsored by “Stride Ahead”.
2016 MRA Race Series Point System
A MRA membership is required to accumulate MRA Series
points. A minimum five (5) races competed are needed to qualify.
The points in your best 10 of 17 races will be used for final calculations. The age category will be determined as of January 1, 2016.
Place Points
Place Points
Place Points
Points will continue to decrease by 1
Place Points
12 185
16 154
Age Groups (Male & Female)
15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 6064, 65-69, 70-74, 75+
2015 Trophies
MRA mission statement is to: Promote and support the sport
of running for health, fun, and fitness for life to runners of all
ages and abilities.
2. April 10, 2016 - Triathlon Manitoba April Run Series #1 -5k
3. April 17, 2016- Triathlon Manitoba April Run Series #2 10k
5. May 14, 2016 - Physio Fit Run - 10k
6. May 28, 2016 - Headingley Fire Dept Run for Wishes - 5k
7. June 5, 2016 - Commit to Get Fit Run - 10k
8. July 1, 2016 - East St. Paul Canada Day Run - 10k
9. July 10, 2016 - Grand Beach Sun Run - 10k
10. July 17, 2016 - MEC Winnipeg Race Three - 10k
11. July 31, 2016 - Islendingadagurinn 10 Mile Road Race - 10
12. September 18, 2016 - Fort Garry Rotary Half Marathon Half Marathon
13. September 25, 2016 - Ted's Run for Literacy - 10k
14. October 2, 2016 - Linden Woods Fall Classic - 10k
15. October 8, 2016 - Winkler's Thanks for Giving Run - Half
16. October 15, 2016 - Lakeview Hecla Half Marathon - Half
17. October 30, 2016 - MEC Winnipeg Race Five "Spooky
Dash" - 10k
Issue 2, 2016
Page 6
Congratulations James and Jeannine!!
Past MRA president, James Slade and Jeannine (Julius) Meyer were married on Saturday, April 30th and ran the Police Half Marathon
on Sunday, May 1st. The MRA greatly appreciates James’ 11 years of service on the board and sends a huge congratulations to the happy couple!
Issue 2, 2016
Page 7
Upcoming Events
Sat. 4
Sun. 5
Walk/Run to Cure Huntington Disease
5k Fun Walk/Run; 10k Fun Run
9:30 a.m. Start; Assiniboine Park (Conservatory area)
Contact E-mail:
Register at:
Sun. 17 MEC Winnipeg Race Three - 10k & 5k
MRA#10 MRA Race Series - 10k
8:00 a.m. Start ; Birds Hill Park Group Use Area
E-mail Tara Kenny:
Sun. 17 Clearwater Lake Marathon, 5k, 10k & 21k
Start: 8:30 a.m-21k; 9:00 a.m.-5k & 10k
Clearwater Lake Airport Hall, The Pas, MB
Michael O’Rourke: (204)623-0288
RCAF Run—Half Marathon, 2 Person Relay,
10k & 5k Races & 3k Family Fun Run/Walk
First Start time: 9:00 a.m
17 Wing Wpg, Rec Centre, 680 Whytewold Road/Wihuri Rd Sun. 31 Islendingadagurinn 10 Mile Road Race &
MRA#11 Jan’s 1 Mile Family Fun Run
Heather Collins: (204)833-2500, Ext. 6719
MRA Race Series - 10 mile
8:00 a.m. Start-Winnipeg Beach/8:30 a.m. Start- Gimli,
Sun. 5 Commit to Get Fit Run 10k & 5k
Jill Seymour: (204)489-7361
MRA#7 MRA Race Series - 10k/Youth Series - 5k
YS#8 9:00 a.m. Start; Wellness Institute, 1075 Leila Ave.
Wellness Institute: (204)632-3900
Sun. 5
Swan River Fun Run 1k, 5k, 10k & 1/2 Marathon
9:00 a.m. Start, Legion Park, Swan River, MB
Keith Immerkar : (204)734-0720;
E-mail: & on Facebook
Sun. 19 Manitoba Marathon: Full Marathon, 1/2 Marathon,
Marathon Relay , 10k Walk, Super Run
7:00 a.m. Start; University of Manitoba
MB Marathon office: (204)415-4517
Fri. 1
East St. Paul Canada Day Run
MRA#8 10k, 5k, & 3k Family Fun Run/Walk
YS#9 MRA Race Series - 10k/Youth Series - 3k & 5k
Start time: ??? and location ???
Dave Lipchen: (204)250-5107;
Wed. 6 Family Ice Cream Run #1 - 8k , 2.2k & 1k
YS#10 Youth Series - 1k & 2.2k
7:00 p.m. Start; Crescent Drive Park;
MRA Office: (204)477-5185; E-mail:
Sun. 10 Grand Beach Sun Run 2016 - 10k, 5k, 3k Fun Run
MRA#9 MRA Race Series - 10k/Youth Series - 3k & 5k
YS#11 8:30 a.m. Start; Grand Beach Provincial Park, West Beach;
Sandra Marriott-Silver: (204)471-0329;
E-mail:; Approx.1.5k on sand
Wed. 3 Family Ice Cream Run #2 - 8k , 2.2k & 1k
YS#12 Youth Series - 1k & 2.2k
7:00 p.m. Start, Crescent Drive Park
MRA Office: (204)477-5185;
Dear MRA members,
I am volunteering to continue as the newsletter editor for 2016
and would love to have you send me your pictures. I can’t guarantee that I will put them all in the newsletter but right now I have to
go searching on Facebook for pictures to put in this section of the
newsletter and it is very time consuming. Also, I have to ask permission for every picture that I use. It would help me so much if
you could send me pictures that have real meaning to you. Other
members love to see pictures of their fellow runners. You can email them to me at: Also send articles
about events you have participated in or special things you have
We will be looking for someone to take over as the newsletter editor in 2017. There are only 4 issues published each year. Please
contact Kathy Wiens at the MRA office or myself if you are interested in volunteering to be the editor.
Issue 2, 2016
Page 8
How Do I Know When To Run Through The Pain?….by Kim Senechal
raining plans are nearing their final phases
and race season is upon us. Quite frequently over the past few
weeks, we have had runners coming into the Running & Gait
Centre at the Pan Am Clinic looking for a 3D Biomechanical Assessment, but also asking urgent questions about injuries they are
currently managing. I am frequently asked that all important question, “Can I still run?” or "Should I still do my race on the weekend?”
Injury management is more of an art than a science and the more
experienced a runner is, the easier it is to determine that fine line
between pain and damage. Many runners run through pain at
some point, but none of us want to damage our bodies. It is very
important to pay attention when your body speaks to you, and it
does if we only listen.
To help yourself determine a wise course of action when you are
feeling pain, follow these latency rules:
1) Do not run through pain greater than 2-3/10. Everyone rates
pain differently, but generally pain greater than 3/10 is a bad sign.
2) Pain should return to baseline within 30-60 minutes post run.
3) The next morning, there should be no increased stiffness or
If you pass all three of these tests, your body may be feeling some
discomfort from a run, but you are recovering quickly and no inflammation is likely developing.
You can also ask yourself these two important questions:
1) Am I running differently because of my pain? If a friend is
noticing that you are starting to look gimpy, or you notice you are
limping, then you are at risk of developing problems in other areas
of your body and the whole situation could be about to get much
2) Am I thinking about my pain or injury during the whole
run? If you are obsessing about your pain whether you feel it or
not, then likely you should not be running that day. But if you are
able to forget about it while the endorphins kick in and your tunes
carry your feet, then keep running on. Just make sure to follow
the three latency rules above.
If your gut is telling you that maybe you should not be running
that day, listen. It’s the hardest thing for a runner to do sometimes, but a little rest in the short term can pay off greatly in the
long term. Try some cycling or roller blading instead or just take
a day off. You’ll be glad you did.
Kim Sénéchal is a the Lead Physiotherapist at the Running & Gait
Centre at the Pan Am Clinic. She just completed the Grand Canyon 50 Miler in Arizona. You can read her race report on her
blog at OTR
Issue 2, 2016
Page 9
Member Profile….by Bobbi Nicol
have been a Member of the Board for the Manitoba Runners’ Association for the last two years and in that time
I hope that I have been able to contribute to the well-being of the
Manitoba Running Community as a whole.
I have been the caretaker of the MRA Facebook page and am still hoping to push towards getting it more and more interactive,
as the place where Manitoba runners come
for information and can proudly display
their achievements and accomplishments.
I have been running for about 8 years now
and enjoy running everything from the
painful 5km (why do I do that to myself)
race to the relaxing and mind-numbing 100
miler. Of course I am a runner with a twist,
as I will start almost every race barefoot and
as the miles flow by, my footwear of choice
changes from those bare feet to sandals to
minimalist shoes to some call them clown
shoes otherwise known as the Hoka I have
also been known to run a 5km in high heels
from time to time or a 50km race barefoot
in the Rocky Mountains for charity. I’m not
the quickest runner in the pack but I always
try to have fun and ensure that everybody
around me is also having fun.
Some of the races that I have run previously include everything from the Polar Bare Run on New Year’s Day
at Assiniboine Park to the Tuscobia Winter Ultra in Wisconsin in
the dead of winter. Running an urban 100 mile ultra through Los
Angles and finishing next to the famous ferris wheel at the Santa
Monica Pier was one of the races I enjoyed the most, “Getting to
see the California sunset and sunrise all in one race along the
coast, was breathtaking.”
I hope to continue to run for years to come and will continue to
support and promote local races and running throughout the
community. See you out on the trails.
I am an Engineering Services Coordinator and Building Envelope
Technician for an International Engineering Firm locally in Win-
nipeg which has given me the privilege of travelling all over the
world for work. This has allowed me to experience and see so
much and for that I am grateful.
I have two amazing boys who always keep me on my toes and
allow me to experience life with the zealous of being young again
to keep up with them. This is always a challenge but I do my best
and so far so good, now where did they
It is always a challenge finding time to work
other hobbies in between family, running
and work, but when I do get a chance I do
like to write and take photos, not saying I
am any good at it but you don’t know if you
don’t try…right? OTR
Issue 2, 2016
Page 10
MRA Hall of Fame Inductees - 2016
Issue 2, 2016
Page 11
MRA Hall of Fame Inductees - 2016
A packed room at the Canad Inn on Pembina
Issue 2, 2016
Page 12
Reh-fit Centre
Issue 2, 2016
Page 13
Tokyo Marathon…by Jeff Vince
My friend and I want to run the six Marathon Major Series.
We had run Chicago, Boston, New York, and Berlin and needed
to run London and Tokyo. We did not get into the London Marathon through the lotteries. We decided to run the Tokyo marathon. Over 300,000 tried to get into the 35,000 field so we signed
up for the Marathon Tours trip. I did the Kyoto extension and
stayed in Japan 14 nights which was a trip of a lifetime.
The Tokyo Marathon theme is "The Day We Unite," with many
Asians runners and some from all around the world. For once, I
was as tall as many of the runners.
It took 24 hours to get to Tokyo. I do not sleep on a plane and
stayed one night in a capsule hotel in the airport. The bed is like a
capsule with shared washroom, showers, place to wash up, and
lockers to store your things. Japanese people respected the signs
to stay quiet and I had a good sleep.
Tokyo is the largest city in the world with over 30 million people.
It took two hours to get from airport to the tour hotel. The
streets are very clean, with newer buildings since Tokyo was
bombed in World War 2. Many Japanese young people came up
to us to talk and seemed to enjoy practicing English. There was a
beautiful park across from our Tokyo hotel for a contrast with the
skyscrapers around it.
The day before the marathon I took the clean subway to run the 5
km Friendship Run with people around the world.
Our hotel was close to the marathon start but left two hours before the race start. Security was almost as tight as airports and did
not allow me to take fluids into the start corals. I did not drink
until the first water station. I got dehydration about mile 20 which
prevented my Boston qualifier time. There were large buildings
most of the way with over a million spectators. I always had runners close and finished my 68th marathon in 4:27:12.
We went to Kyoto on a bullet train at 200 mph. It was quiet and
smooth with a great view of Mount Fuji. Kyoto has 1.5 million
people and was the capital of Japan until the 1,800’s. It snowed
lightly in Kyoto which made a contrast with the variety of trees
and blossoms starting to bloom.
We toured many temples and shrines. We took part in a traditional tea ceremony, saw Japanese drummers, toured a sake museum
and ate Japanese food. I had an amazing 10 mile run on a path
beside a river in Kyoto.
I will run the Fargo and Manitoba Marathons. In 2017, my friend
and I hope to run the London marathon to complete the marathon majors. OTR
Issue 2,
3, 2016
Page 14
Winnipeg Police Service Half Marathon Race Report Michael Bennett
The anxiety!
woke at 5:00 AM for an 8:00 AM start time.
I had a leisurely hot shower followed by a succulent home-roasted, freshly ground, organic, fair trade, cappuccino with a 1/2 teaspoon of organic fair trade, lightly browned
sugar, topped with steam-frothed Stony Brook 3% free range,
non-homogenized, organic milk delicately swirled over one inch
of succulent crème.
This followed by a lightly buttered, thinly sliced, perfectly toasted,
Stella's multi- grain sourdough bread, with a generous layer of
Nuts To You organic peanut butter, yogurt and fruit.
Ahh, life in Winnipeg’s Granola Belt!
I was ready for this 12th annual WPS half-marathon. Having run
six of the last twelve WPS runs, I knew what to expect: perfect
organization, hundreds of happy volunteers, an electronic vibe of
excited runners dressed in all sorts of techni-colour gear, the military flyover signaling ‘go’ and so much more. This is the day
we’ve trained for, we’ve done the speed drills, ran endless hill
reps, humped long slow runs in challenging conditions and survived. Most of us anyways. We give a nod to the injured, the
damaged, the hurting ones, who simply could not make it to the
start line.
I slipped into my flat-Mike race gear. At 7:00 AM I organized my
dry-bag and drove to Assiniboine Park where I found premium
parking. While walking toward the start line to meet some buddies I reached instinctively
to turn on my Garmin. My
heart stopped. No Garmin!
Clearly, this old organic free
range brain had left his Garmin in the kitchen. This
after lecturing my clinic
runners to organize themselves the night before so as
not to forget anything on
race day.
“Leave nothing for the last
minute” I lectured them,
“Make sure everything e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. is laid out before you go to bed.”
The irony!
I contemplated running without the Garmin, but as the 2:05 pace
bunny, I needed a solid 9:07 m/m. Twenty or more novice runners will depend on me to dance them over the line in 2:05 or
better. To run without a Garmin is like driving through a rain
storm without wiper blades, impossible.
I managed to scoot home in record time to retrieve the Garmin. I
dashed. I made it. I cued into the designated corral.
Finally, I was with my peeps.
All days are good for a run, but the start line, ahh the start, there’s
something magical about a start line. The nervous anticipation of
something great about to happen. The start line has come to represent all that is wonderful in our world. Exhilaration, happiness,
anticipation, community, dreams of what’s possible, flourishing
mental health, peak physical performance. Yes, all days are good
for a run, but the start line is the sum-total of all those days.
Race director Nick Paulet and his merry crew hosted the best
party in town. The WPS Half-marathon is a five-star event that
has survived 12 years. They continue to set the bar year after
year. This race is a world-class event and that is now a cornerstone in the race calendar.
See Mike. See Martial.
See Garmin
(photo credit Junel Malapad)
“It all began with one small gesture” says Nick.
In 1994 an Edmonton police officer heard a story about a child
with cancer who had been bullied because he had lost his hair
from chemotherapy. The cop, Gary Goulet, encouraged a group
of officers to shave their heads in support of the boy. They then
picked the boy up in their cruiser and drove him all around town
proving being bald is cool!
Continued on page 15
Issue 2, 2016
WPS Half Marathon con’t...
Page 15
Congratulations Reesa and Chris!
With this one small gesture, Cops for Cancer was born and thank
goodness it was. To date the national Cops for Cancer has raised
over eleven million dollars for cancer research.
The inaugural Winnipeg Cops for Cancer was hatched in 2005 at
Nick’s kitchen table. Two hundred runners were required for the
event to break even. Within a few weeks over 1000 runners had
registered and the race committee were forced to stop accepting
new registrants. This first event raised $37,000, and then doubled
that in 2006. I’m not sure of the total amount WPS has raised for
cancer research since 2005, but I do know it’s a big number, a
really big number.
To put it in perspective, our friend Joanne Schiewe has raised well
over $70,000 in the last two years for Brain Cancer research. Our
Jo has become the face of the WPS Half-marathon (and such an
attractive face, no offence to you Nick ;). Jo is as tenacious and
smart as she is athletically gifted. Heck, she ran a 2:02 half marathon after a year of intense chemotherapy, radiation treatment and with minimal training. Ironman indeed!
I count the days till WPS 2017. I thank Nick Paulet and his race
committee for their dedication towards this event. I shout out to
the hundreds of volunteers who provide support and nutrition.
Most of all, most of all, I thank you runners for bringing such joy
to this old tree hugging, organic cappuccino slurping, free ranged
(de-ranged), slightly north of middle age (okay, way north of middle age) runner.
I may be a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
It is indeed a good day to be alive. OTR
Congratulations to former MRA board member, Reesa Simmonds, and her husband Chris Kozier on the birth of their beautiful little son David. He was born on March 28 at 37 weeks gestation (a few weeks before due date but full Term). David
weighed 6 lb 5 oz.
Amazingly, Reesa ran until two days before giving birth!
Reesa said, “I don't remember it but whilst I was pushing apparently the obstetrician asked me if labour or running a marathon
was more challenging. I had responded that it depended if one
wanted to 'just' finish vs. win that marathon”.
I bet David will
be running
soon after he
can walk. A
future marathoner too I
board wishes
Reesa and her
family all the
best in the future and we
look forward to
seeing you on
the streets running with your
little one! OTR
Issue 2, 2016
Page 16
Deals And Discounts
The following Winnipeg businesses are generously giving MRA
members a discount. Please present your membership card at the
time of purchase. We hope that you will support these discount
sponsors and if you know of any other businesses who would be
willing to join our discount sponsors please let me know.
Stride Ahead Sports
Grant Park Mall, 152 - 1120 Grant Ave.
Tel: 477-4975; E-mail:
10% off all regular priced merchandise including running shoes.
Tall Grass Prairie Bread
859 Westminster Ave. Tel: 783-5097
The Forks Market Tel: 957-5097
15% off all Baked Goods.
Popeye’s Supplements - Store locations:
130 - 666 St. James St. - (204)784-7480
930B Nairn Ave. - (204)784-7484
170 - 1600 Kenaston Blvd. - (204)774-4454
Unit 13 - 2188 McPhillips St - (204)632-7627
Unit 2 - 1220 St. Mary's Rd opening in December
1126 - 18th St., Brandon, MB - (204)729-8666
10% discount on all regular priced products. Website:
Donna Sarna Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
102-897 Corydon Ave; Phone: 452-2608
10% discount on massage therapy, pilates classes or myofascial
stretch classes
World of Water
10% off all products & services at any World of Water location.
City Park Runners
2091 Portage Ave.
10% discount on all regular priced products.
Starke Strength & Conditioning
970 Brazier Street Winnipeg, MB
Ph: 204-421-8801
$120 for our Base Camp (a 4-week beginner program) and 10%
off your first membership contract.
Gelley Chiropractic Office &
Precision Movement and Therapies
Dr. Christopher Notley
12-845 Dakota Street
Winnipeg, MB R2M 5M3, Canada
(204) 254-0130
and 164 Fort Street
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 943-0751
10% off services: Chiropractic, Athletic Therapy
( or ), strength and
conditioning counseling and ART (
Olympia Cycle
1813 Portage Ave. Phone: 888-4586
5% off bicycles, 10% off bicycle trailers, 20% off all other regular priced merchandise.
Fusion Health and Wellness
1-1965 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba
10% off Massage Therapy Services
The Old Spaghetti Factory
110 - 25 Forks Market Road
Winnipeg, MB
Phone: 204 - 957-1391
10% of total food bill (alcohol beverages excluded)
Dakota Chiropractic Office
Dr. Sanjiv Badhan
1056 St. Mary's Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 3S9
Tel: (204) 257-7685
"Receive 20% off chiropractic care and adjustments."
Massage Athletica
2-1080 Waverley Street
10-1504 St. Mary’s Road
2-2609 Portage Avenue
204-781-4073 for information & appointments
20% OFF massage therapy services for MRA members
The MRA appreciates all of their Discount Sponsors and we encourage our members to support them. If you have a business and would like to offer MRA
members a discount please contact Kathy at (204) 477-5185 or e-mail the MRA office at:
Issue 2, 2016
Page 17
The Manitoba Runners’ Association would like to thank World of Water for generously donating pure,
fresh water for our races.
Issue 2, 2016
Page 18
Miscellaneous pictures of MRA members
Tri MB’s April run Series #1—Youngest & Oldest runner
Andrew Swan at the Physio Fit Run
Can anyone guess whose feet these are??? (Bobbi Nicol)
Sam Neis (right) & friends at the 2016 Hypothermic Half
Issue 2, 2016
Page 19
Miscellaneous pictures of MRA members
Stephanie, Ed and Heidi Toews at the Fargo Marathon
James Slade & Jeannine Meyer skiing in the mountains
“Get out there, no excuses!”, says Eddie & Brenda Marion-Gerula
Janie Parson at the Physio Fit Run
Joanne Schiewe, David Ranta and Stephanie Roberecki taking a
selfie at the MRA Hall of Fame banquet
Issue 2, 2016
Page 20
Race Recovery….by Ken Friesen
ere you are looking forward to a race
that you have been training specifically
for and expect to put in a hard effort into. Then, after a race or
an intense workout we all want to get through the necessary recovery as quickly and painlessly as possible.
You have just finished the race and the urge to fall down and lay
on the grass is foremost on your mind. But, the best thing to do
is keep walking around for another mile or so. This will help the
legs recover faster as it keeps moving out the waste products that
have built up in your legs. Make sure to head towards the refreshments table for the water and electrolyte drinks along with
the fruit that most races offer. Carbohydrates with some protein
are especially good for recovery if ingested within the first 20 to
45 minutes after the race. If you feel overheated pour some of
the water over your head and legs or massage your legs with ice if
Put off sitting for a little while, as the muscles tend to tighten up
post race if stationary. You should make an effort to keep your
head above your heart until you feel mentally alert after a hard
effort – say 10 to 15 minutes depending on the race distance and
conditions. Squatting is a good choice if you feel the need to
lower your body position such as when feeling lightheaded. After
the above points are done then it would be a good time for some
very light stretching of legs, IT bands, and the back. If a massage
service is available take advantage of it if your legs are not too
tender to the touch. A quick flushing out of the accumulated
waste products by proper massage will help recovery and should
feel good too. During all the post-race activities remember to
keep rehydrating and refueling the body.
Later that afternoon keep up with the same combination of light
amounts of protein mixed with a variety of carbohydrates including fruit and keep the body’s fluid levels topped up. Soaking your
legs in cold water for 15 minutes during the day can keep down
the muscle swelling and ease the sore joints. Elevate the legs for
15 minutes once or twice during the day. Taking a nap now that
your body has regained most of its internal balance is a good idea
but don’t sleep too long though as getting a good sleep the night
after the race is important for recovery and muscle rebuilding.
After the nap go for another mile walk as long as it doesn’t cause
any pain, this will help keep the muscles from tightening up too
If you own compression socks or tights post-race is a good time
to start using them as daily wear for a couple of days.
A good guide for race recovery that is used by many is ‘for every
mile raced you take a day for recovery’. Now that doesn’t mean
doing no running for those days, but only taking that amount of
time to slowly getting the training back to the same level it was
before the race. But be careful, it is common for competitive
runners who feel pumped up from their performance and feeling
pretty good after the race to start picking up their training schedule too hard too soon and coming down with an injury. Go for a
long walk or light jog the days after the race depending on how
you feel and how long a race it was. The longer the race was the
slower the activity should be. Remember that you will be less
flexible than normal for a few days following the race so your
stretching should be done very gently as not to damage the muscles. As long as you have no swelling or bruising then soaking
the legs for awhile in a warm tub of water the day after the race
will help the blood circulation. Swimming at a comfortable pace
is also a good activity to loosen up some of the tight leg muscles.
You may want to seek out a good Athletic Massage Therapist
who can work out the damage done to the muscles and let you
know if you should be focusing in on any particular stretching,
strengthening, or treatment as you get back to your regular running program.
Now start planning for your next event. OTR
Ken Friesen
stride ahead sports
If you would like to subscribe to the 'stride ahead newsletter' go
to the bottom of any page of their website:
Fill in your name and you will get a confirmation email. Respond
to the email to confirm that you want to receive the newsletter.
The newsletter is free, comes out once a month and of course
you can unsubscribe at any time. Names and emails are not
shared with any other group so subscribers will not get a bunch
of junk in their inbox. The content varies each time but expect
interviews, articles and tips related to running, new product releases, upcoming race reminders, etc.
Issue 2, 2016
Page 21
Stride Ahead...the best in running and walking
Stride Ahead accepts
competitor’s coupons
Issue 2, 2016
Page 22
MRA Performance Jackets
· Inside storm placket with chin guard
· Centre front reverse coil zipper with reflective asymmetric piping
· Semi-auto lock zipper with rubber pull tab
· Reflective print detail along raglan seams and back contrast panels
· Two lower front reversed coil zippered pockets with garages
· Partial elasticized cuffs
· Audio port access through front left pocket
· Adjustable shock cord at drop back hem with access through
front pocket
Jacket Shell: 100% polyester mesh bonded with 100% polyester
jersey; 3-layer performance soft shell with 8,000 mm waterproofness, 800 g breathability, 5.3 oz./yd2/180 gsm
Contrast hybrid: 100% 240T polyester pongee with embossed
print and water resistant finish, 2.3 oz./yd2/78 gsm
Total cost is $95.00. These excellent quality jackets come in men’s and ladies sizes, small, medium, large, x-large and
xx-large. Go to: to see sizing chart (scroll down the main page to just above Upcoming Events).
It’s the perfect time to order a jacket so you will have it for spring! Please e-mail to place your order.
Issue 2, 2016
Page 23
ISSUE 2,2016
2016 Membership Application Form
MRA’s 45th Anniversary Year!
____ $40.00 School
____ $40.00 Individual
____ Family Membership $40.00 for 1st member and $5.00 for each additional family member.
____ $15.00 Junior (Under 19)/Full-time Student. Student Number: _________________________________
____ $15.00 Youth Runner 16 & Under
Last Name
School attending__________________________________________
Referred by
First Name
Phone: Home: (____)______
Date of Birth:
Bus: (____)_____
I’d like to get updates and results by above e-mail:
I’m interested in volunteering at the MRA :
Year _____
(Attach additional sheet if necessary)
____ _____/______/
____ _____/______/
In consideration of my acceptance as a member in the Manitoba Runners’ Association, I hereby
agree to follow all rules and regulations set down by the Manitoba Runners’ Association.
If under 18, signature of Parent or Guardian
Make cheques payable to:
Publications Mail Agreement
No. 40039122
Send Completed Application to:
Manitoba Runners’ Association
P.O. Box 34148 Fort Richmond
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5T5
______ E-mail: ________________________
If applying for a family membership, complete the following for each member.