District Newsletter - Wappingers Falls United Methodist Church
District Newsletter - Wappingers Falls United Methodist Church
NEW YORK/CONNECTICUT DISTRICT A publication of The New York/Connecticut District, of the New York Annual Conference, of the United Methodist Church Rev. Elizabeth J Ott, District Superintendent Chan Gillham, Administrative Assistant P.O. Box 3007 Stamford, CT 06905 203 348-9181 nyctdistrict@nyac-umc.com Marilyn McCarter, editor 34 Kelly Lane Pine Island, NY 10969 845 258-4361 mccarte@optonline.net March 2015 Edition TThhee TTrraavveelliinngg P Prreeaacchheerr...... A AW Woorrdd ffrroom m tthhee D D..S S. Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4 Last week was the annual Hollywood “Love Fest” otherwise known as the Oscars. If you watched the event (and even if you didn’t watch you probably know) about the red carpet walk of fame, the attention given to every detail of the dresses, hair and make-up of each female – star and even wannabe stars, and the excitement generated over who said what about whom – and who didn’t even get a mention or a nod. The goal of the evening for those lucky and talented ones who are nominated, is to take home the “grand prize” – a golden plated, 8 1/2 pound figurine known as “Oscar”. Receiving an Oscar is like being given a ticket to success for life – success being forever after known as the winner of an Oscar, even though it may happen only once in a person’s life and we may actually never hear much of them or their career again. This is certainly true of those in some of the less visible categories like sound mixing, for example, where a brief moment on stage with a team of others who shared in the work can make individual winners get lost in the crowd. Still, an Oscar is an Oscar is an Oscar. Winner takes all and loser tries hard to smile as though losing really doesn’t matter so much when you’re competing with the “best of the best”. Kind of makes you wonder if there’s more than just being one of the losers who can smile through their heartbreak, doesn’t it? Well there is – and it’s called the “consolation prize” or in the jargon of the Oscars – the “Gift Bags” – which are given to every nominee (winner or loser) and presenter at the ceremony. Now to me, gifts bags, are the little bags with a few simple things in them – like candy, a toy maybe or a pencil and paper – that kids take home from birthday parties. Well, you can erase that idea because the Oscar Gift Bags are nothing like that! Oscar Gift Bags – called Swag Bags – are like the Grand Prize on a game show and include $5,000 facelifts, body treatments, a $12,000 Australian holiday or Mexico vacation in addition to a trip to Hawaii, expensive bottles of tequila, cosmetic treatments, perfumes, membership to VIP services at Heathrow airport, $20 fuzz removers, trendy elastic shoelaces and much, much more – a total value Continued next page TThhee TTrraavveelliinngg P Prreeaacchheerr ccoonnttiinnuueedd...... of over $45,000. WOW! And that’s the “consolation prize” for those who don’t get to take home the little golden Oscar! Not bad. It’s almost like winning a consolation prize – that both the winners and all the losers get to keep. Which somehow got me thinking about what Jesus meant when he preached the Sermon to the people about the Kingdom of God, a part of which we call “The Beatitudes” and taught them that those who mourn will be comforted. It must have made those first listeners wonder – what does he mean? Of course those who are mourning and grieving will be comforted! People, even in those days, rallied around people who were experiencing the grief – the mourning – that comes at the death of a loved one. And they also understood that they would be comforted by God. This wasn’t a new teaching for the Hebrew people. They understood – through the Psalms and other writings of the scripture and tradition – that God was their comforter, their help in time of need. So, we might ask – what is it about this teaching from the Beatitudes that was new and fresh? What new message was Jesus offering there that day on the hill? Well, to “mourn” is to grieve a death but it can also be to have regret/sorrow/remorse over one’s life. Looking back at life don’t we all have things we did or didn’t do that we regret/are sorrowful about/or cause us remorse? Maybe it’s something we said that hurt someone or perhaps it’s asking or giving forgiveness – that never happened. I know I have some things in my life that I regret/have sorrow about/or have remorse over and perhaps you do too. And these times have been learning experiences for me. As I’ve “mourned” the things I’ve done – and the things I haven’t done that I wished I had – I’ve learned to step more carefully in life. To live with a greater awareness of the importance of doing – to the best of my ability – the best I can in every relationship so that I do those things I “ought” to do and don’t do those things I “ought” not to do. There’s comfort in living that way. It helps to know I can do better as a constantly maturing adult than I did in my younger years. But still, it doesn’t take care of the reality that I have hurt people and hurt my relationships with others by the things I’ve done and now “mourn”. And some of those things aren’t fixable at all, maybe ever. I’ve hurt people that I’ll never see again and have no chance to mend the broken relationship with them. Some have died, some have moved away, some I’ve lost all contact with. Some things happened so long ago that the other person(s) involved may not even remember the circumstances that cause me to “mourn”. And here’s the good news! Those who mourn will be comforted. Those who have regret/sorrow/remorse – will be consoled. And the consolation prize is the forgiveness, mercy, grace and love of God who heals and cares for us all. So, what Jesus said that day that was new to the people who heard him is that when we are sorry about the past – we will be consoled by God. Forgiven and set free. Able to live life in a new way in God’s Kingdom which is all around us – always. Good news on the hillside. Good news for the Season of Lent as in these forty days we focus on the words “Repent and believe in the Gospel”. Good news now and always. And much, much better than a “swag bag”! Grace and Peace, Betsy NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~2~ NY/CT UPCOMING DATES Basic Lay Servant Course, March 21 & 28, 8:30am – 2:30pm, Katonah UMC The DS is in the office, schedule permitting, on Monday through Thursday. Cabinet Meetings change from week to week. Friday is her customary day off. To reach Betsy, you may email her at nyctdistrict@nyac-umc.com or call the district office at 203-348-9181. Emails and phone messages are answered at the earliest opportunity. PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS, EFFECTIVE IMMDEDIATELY: nyctdistrict@nyac-umc.com NYAC upcoming events of note: CHURCH ARCHIVES & MANAGEMENT SEMINAR at NYAC Conference Center, March 7 ORIENTATION TO MINISTRY at Mt Vernon First UMC, March 21 IGNITE 2015 at Quinipet, March 27-29 EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP IN A MULTICULTURAL WORLD: CCOR ANTIRACISM TRAINING, at Stony Point Center, April 8 & 9 or April 20 & 21 PASTORS'/SPOUSES' HEALTH CLINIC at NY Methodist Hospital Monday, April 13 – Friday, April 17 WORLD MALARIA DAY April 25 The New York Annual Conference through the grace of God embodies a beloved community of hope, building up a healthy Body of Christ, with heart-warmed United Methodists in mission for the transformation of the world. NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~3~ OUT & ABOUT the District… "THE SOUPER BOWL OF CARING" More than 20 years ago, The Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group. "Lord, even as we enjoy the super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat." This year Cornwall UMC’s children were part of this movement sharing God's love with those in need. They collected food and monetary donations three Sundays. The donations were taken to "Backpacks for Food" which is an organization that distributes weekend meals to elementary school students in the Cornwall school District who receive Federal free lunch. Vail’s Gate UMC collected canned soup and monetary donations for the Grace UMC Food Pantry. East Avenue UMC celebrated the Souper Bowl of Caring with their traditional Super Bowl party right in their church parlor. The event featured a chili cook-off and a chance to help care for others as Jesus taught us to. The funds collected went to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in East Norwalk. East Avenue UMC EAUMC Events Warwick UMC had “dueling” soup kettles, allowing people to cast their vote to predict the winning team by putting a contribution in the (empty of course) pot. It ended up a tie! The junior high youth of UMC of Hyde Park held a ‘Souper Bowl of Caring’ – Local Food Pantry Fundraiser after each service collecting $$$ and non-perishable food Join the cooperative parish of Drew, Lake Mahopac, Mount Hope & Purdys United Methodist Churches in their Labyrinth walks. Labyrinth walking is an ancient practice used by many different faiths for spiritual centering, contemplation and prayer. A labyrinth is not a maze. It has only one path to the center and back out, which is the meaning of the term unicursal (one line). The path twists and turns back on itself many times before reaching the center., Once at the center, there is only one way back out. In this way, it symbolizes a journey to a predetermined destination (such as a pilgrimage to a holy site), or the journey through life. March 20th – Lake Mahopac UMC (Spring Equinox) April 17th – Drew UMC May 15th – Lake Mahopac UMC June 19th - Drew UMC (Summer Solstice) Arrive anytime between 7-9pm Instruction will be provided. ✞ The NOW! NEWS NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~4~ OUT & ABOUT the District (continued)… The fall mission project for Heifer International for Pound Ridge Community Church raised $3,894.60. In January, they received another $980 which allowed them to purchase an additional cow, a llama, a goat, a sheep, a trio of rabbits and a hive of honeybees. In total, they raised $4,874.60. Pound Ridge Community Church Lifenotes The children of East Avenue UMC will be collecting for Heifer International during the Lenten season. The children began the collection on Sunday February 23rd and will continue throughout Lent. East Avenue UMC EAUMC Events Cornwall UMC Mission Kids started 2015 with their annual mission to the "Country Inn" senior residence in new Windsor on Sunday, February 8. This mission included children bringing hand made Valentine's day cards and visiting with the seniors during their lunch. During Lent, Vail’s Gate UMC is collecting items for the Newburgh Ministry. Each Sunday has a different item, including decaf coffee and decaf teabags, coffee supplies, laundry detergent, bedding towels and personal hygiene items. Vail’s Gate UMC Vail’s Gate Visitor Darien UMC’s Sunday School Mission Project: the children’s weekly offerings are being donated to the Person-to-Person Toy Store as their 2014-2015 mission project. The Toy Store is a temporary free "store" set up in St. Luke's Parish Hall, Darien, for clients who have visited the Clothing Center at least six times during the year. New ‘age appropriate’ toys and books are displayed so clients can "shop" for a free gift and book for their child. Darien UMC Tower Tidings IS NEWS FROM YOUR CHURCH MISSING? Send articles and pictures for publication in the Connector to: mccarte@optonline.net and add to your newsletter distribution list. Deadline for submissions for next issue: March 25th NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~5~ Course Title: Lay Servant Ministries BASIC Course Dates: March 21 and 28, 2015 Time: 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM NY/CT District of the United Methodist Church Class Location: Katonah United Methodist Church, 5 Bedford Road, Katonah, NY 10536 Mail Form and Application fee to: Rev. Melissa Boyer, 5 Bedford Road, Katonah, NY 10536 Cost: $15, payable to NY/CT Lay Servant Ministries plus cost of the book. Questions? Contact Steve Allen, Education Chair at sjallen@optonline.net PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Name __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone #________________________Cell Phone___________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City/Town: _________________________________State__________Zip_____________________ Church Membership: _______________________________________District_________________ Course Description: This course is foundational for all courses in Lay Servant Ministries. Participants are encouraged to discover and employ personal spiritual gifts as God intended and to consider the importance of exercising servant leadership, developing future leaders, remaining rooted in consistent spiritual practices, and being part of a group that holds members accountable in their discipleship. _________________________________________ ______________ Signature of Applicant Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION: • • • • • Book: Lay Servant Ministries, Jackson & Jackson, $11 Book may be purchased from Upper Room Bookstore www.upperroom.org or 1-‐800-‐972-‐0433. Also available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Read Chapter 1 prior to the first class on January 10, 2015. Preregistration is appreciated. Some snacks, coffee, tea, and water will be provided; please bring your own lunch. Wanted… NY/CT Children's Ministry Team NY/CT District is seeking people to participate in an exciting new district ministry for children 12 and under. We are working to plan for a program called "Kids Night Out!". This program will provide large district wide events to be run on Saturday evenings. Children will participate in praise, activities, games, and service during these multi-hour events. Parents will be able to drop kids off and have a night out of their own! You don't need any experience to help, just a heart for children's ministry and willingness to jump into something new! For more information, contact Elizabeth Langan Lizzyj0184@gmail.com or 845-835-8320. April 19: Native American Ministries Sunday Observed on the Third Sunday of Easter, Native American Ministries Sunday celebrates the gifts, contributions and ministries offered by and with Native Americans to our Church and society. It was first celebrated in 1989 as Native American Awareness Sunday. United Methodists are encouraged to celebrate Native American Ministries Sunday in consultation with representatives of the Native American community in their region. Such a service should respect the traditions of the native peoples, and may be a service of repentance and reconciliation between indigenous and immigrant peoples. (GBOD.org) Native American Ministries Sunday is one of six "Special Sundays with Churchwide Offerings" set by General Conference for the quadrennium, to do deeds expressive of our commitment. Search www.gbod.org for “Native American Ministries Sunday” for worship resources. To reach one of the members the NYAC Commission on Native American Ministries (CoNAM), contact: Myrna and Walt Clinton 203 934-1316 (Chair CoNAM) or Elaine Winward 914 669-5264 ewinward@optonline.net (Jesse Lee Memorial UMC, Ridgefield CT) Elaine Winward’s husband Dan is half Mohawk. Dan’s cousins Bev Powless, her son Tracy and Chief Irv Powless are active on the Onondaga Nation in Nedrow, NY. NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~7~ $5,000 Grant F or Creative Ministries The UMFF has announced the establishment of THE UNITED METHODIST FRONTIER FOUNDATION 2015 LOCAL CHURCH MINISTRY GRANT. The program will award one or more grants totaling $5,000 to churches in the NYAC whose initiative, creativity and commitment to the Gospel is evident in a ministry or program designed to meet an existing or emerging need within the congregation or greater community. The grant may be used to establish a new ministry or to support an existing one, and may not be used as a revenue source for the church’s operating budget. The grant application is available at www.umff.org, and must be completed by March 26. The grants will be presented at the 2015 session of the New York Annual Conference. The United Methodist Frontier Foundation exists to support the mission and ministry of the NYAC and local United Methodist churches through sound stewardship and investment management of financial resources entrusted to our care by local churches and the annual conferences. The Frontier office in the conference center can be reached by phone at, 914-615-2239. From The Vision February 2015 What is the Youth Service Fund? It is money collected by youth to help fund projects led by youth that will benefit youth. We collect money via various Conference youth events (such as IGNITE). Of those funds, 30% is sent to the national Youth Service Fund and is distributed by youth through the Division on Ministries with Youth People. The remaining 70% is put to use right here in our Conference. It is distributed by youth through our Conference Council on Youth Ministries. Who can apply for funding? Projects that benefit youth (primarily ages 12-18) can qualify. Desirable projects will have significant youth leadership. Preference will be given to projects associated with a United Methodist Church, but any youth organization can apply, such a Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA, and so forth. What is the process? Applications must be received in writing, by mail, not later than April 15. The applications will be reviewed by the Conference Council on Youth Ministry. Grants will be presented at Annual Conference in June. See http://www.nyac.com/ysf for application NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~8~ Apply for “GLOCAL” MISSION AWARDS Nominations are being accepted for the NYAC Mission “Glocal” Awards that will be presented during the Annual Conference in June. Churches may apply for one of three levels: G GO OL LD D, SSIIL LV VE ER R, and B BR RO ON NZ ZE E for their mission responses in 2014. The requirements are: B BR RO ON NZ ZE E ✞ Paid in full the 2014 shared ministry apportionment. ✞ Supported at least one local mission project. ✞ Received 50 percent of Special Sunday offerings. SSIIL LV VE ER R Paid in full the 2014 shared ministry apportionment. ✞ Supported at least one local mission project. ✞ Received 75 percent of Special Sunday offerings. ✞ Fulfilled a covenant relationship with a missionary and/or Advance project. G GO OL LD D ✞ Paid in full the 2014 shared ministry apportionment. ✞ Supported at least one local mission project. ✞ Received 100 percent of Special Sunday offerings. ✞ Fulfilled a covenant relationship with a missionary and/or Advance project. ✞ Participated in Volunteers in Mission, Early Response Team, or Disaster Recovery Send the following information to: Rev. Joseph Ewoodzie, Conference Mission Coordinator, 20 Soundview Ave., White Plains, NY 10606; or email, jewoodzie@nyac.com . Deadline is May 8. 1. Your local church name, address, phone number. 2. Contact person for the application, including name, email address, and phone number. 3. Category of Glocal Award for which you are applying: gold, silver, bronze 4. For each mission project, event, or relationship provide the project or missionary name, a brief description, dates or frequency of participation, and your financial contributions. 5. Send a copy of your application to your district mission coordinator. From The Vision January 2015 NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~9~ Need help organizing church records? Afraid your records might be lost to disaster? The C. Wesley Christman Archives can help... Church Archives & Records Management Workshop March 7, 2015 White Plains, NY Saturday March 7, 2015 11am – 3pm Church Archives & Records Management If organizing your church’s records seems overwhelming, you are not alone! Sometimes it’s hard to know what to keep (and for how long) and what can be thrown away. This workshop will help you organize and protect your records. The workshop will support and assist pastors, administrative assistants, trustees and local church historians. Archivists Beth Patkus and Leslie Reyman will introduce participants to basic archival concepts through hands-on activities and provide tips for protecting records from flooding and other disasters. Learn more about the mission and ministry of the Commission on Archives and History! A light lunch will be provided at noon, and a $15 donation will cover costs for lunch, meeting handouts and a tote bag. The workshop will be held at the NYAC Conference Center, located at 20 Soundview Ave, White Plains, NY. T o r eg i s ter o n t he NY A C w eb s it e, g o to w w w. ny a c. co m/ ar ch iv es o r co n ta c t u s v ia e mai l o r pho ne to s ig n u p. ..b u t hur ry ! T he wo r k sho p i s l im i ted to 2 5 pa rt i c ip an t s. C. Wesley Christman Archives, 20 Soundview Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606 telephone 914-615-2241 — email: archives@nyac.com Saturday, March 21, 2015 10 am -‐ 2 pm (Lunch provided) Mt Vernon: First United Methodist Church 227 East Lincoln Avenue Mount Vernon NY Who should attend? All persons who have an interest in pursuing a call to ministry. It could be that a youth or older person in your church asking or seeking to serve God within the UMC. Attending the event does not make the commitment to serve. But it is a requirement for anyone who enters ministry through the candidacy process to become a clergy person in the UMC. This event contains important information about the process and answers many questions for current and future candidates for ministry. Paragraph # 312 in the 2012 Book of Discipline — “An orientation to ministry is required for all candidates for licensed and ordained ministry. Attendance at the orientation and becoming a certified candidate may be sequential or concurrent. This common ministry preparation experience is for the purpose of building collegiality and understanding among the varieties of set-‐apart ministry. (deacons, elders, local pastors)” registration form: https://ny-‐reg.brtapp.com/2015-‐OrientationtoMinistryMarch21 Registration for IGNITE 2015 is now Open! New York Annual Conference Youth Rally, IGNITE, IGNITE will be held at Camp Quinipet on the weekend of March 27-29, 2015. The event's theme is Who I AM, and it will be a Holy Spirit-filled, fun-packed event! Youth Speakers Dynamic Praise Band Engaging Workshops and this year, we are proud to present... The Conference Council on Youth Ministry (CCYM), a group of teenagers from around the Conference, is responsible for planning and presenting IGNITE. Visit www.nyac.com/youth (required release forms will be posted soon) The Early-bird registration fee of $169.00 includes admission, lodging, dinner Friday, all 3 meals Saturday, breakfast and lunch Sunday, an event T-shirt, and a donation to the Youth Service Fund. (Early-bird pricing expires March 11. Regular rate is $199.00.) NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~12~ If you are clergy, a lay pastor, or a member of a District Committee on Ordained Ministry or BOOM and you have not fulfilled your anti-racism requirement, this is your opportunity! DATES: Choose either April 8-9 or April 20-21 TIME: Begins 8:30am and ends the second day at 4:00pm COST: Free ($250 paid by Religion and Race) LOCATION: Stony Point Center ADDRESS: 17 Cricketown Rd, Stony Point, NY REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NYAC.COM Registration deadline is one week prior to the event. All must be present the entire time to receive credit for the training. A summary will be forwarded to the Cabinet. Contact Roena Littlejohn at (203) 331-9653 or bobsroe@optimum.net if your plans to attend change, as we have to pay for no-shows. I believe that God’s yearning for the people of the New York Annual Conference is to help defeat this deadly disease. Will you join with me in making this final push to reach our goal? Bishop Jane Allen Middleton http://imaginenomalaria.org IMAGINE NO MALARIA is an extraordinary effort of the United Methodist Church to end preventable death from malaria in Africa. The United Methodist Church’s campaign, “Imagine No Malaria” has a goal of raising $75 million by the end of 2016. The New York Annual Conference part of this goal is $1.2 million and we are a little less than halfway there (we’ve raised $550,000). I believe we can reach our goal! It is time for a “final push” for us to reach our goal! I am asking that each congregation contribute $10 per member by April 25: World Malaria Day. This would allow us not only to reach our goal but to possibly exceed it!. We will celebrate our victory to help eradicate Malaria at our Annual Conference Session in June! In Christ's love, Bishop Jane Allen Middleton NY/CT Connector March 2015 Excerpted from letter February 9, 2015 ~14~ 2015 Scholarships Available… For complete information, details and links: http://www.nyac.com/2015scholarships NYAC: The United Methodist City Society 2015 Urban Ministry Scholarship Program Priority in the awards will be given to persons who have a desire to enter full time ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church in an urban setting. Must be a member lf a church in the New York Annual Conference, and involved in urban ministries. The deadline for 2015 -2016 scholarship applications is Friday, May 8. Rev. Dr. William M. James Family Fund Scholarship, established by the generosity of his friends after his passing, to encourage young people who aspire to be agents for the transformation of the world. Limited funds are available for those persons who will be attending an accredited institution of higher education, have leadership potential and some level of financial need. Applicant must be recommended by their pastor, a lay person who is a leader in the local church, and a teacher or professor. The deadline for 2015 - 2016 academic year scholarship applications is May 8, 2015, postmarked May 7th. NATIONAL: United Methodist Scholarship Portal Find application information about many scholarships offered by different areas of The United Methodist Church including the All-in-One Scholarship Application form. This application is a one-stop shop general application for over 50 scholarship programs from the United Methodist Church administered by the GBHEM Office of Loans and Scholarships. Apply ONCE per year, every year. The scholarship programs criteria vary. With this one application students with completed applications are screened and reviewed for each program for which they are qualified. Students may be undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral students; must be full active members of the UMC for at least 1 year (some programs require 3 years); have a minimum GPA of 2.5+, and are attending any accredited institution within the U.S. Scholarship applications are due by March 5, 2015 Music Scholarships from The Fellowship Of United Methodists In Music and Worship Arts (FUMMWA) awards academic scholarships for higher education each year. The amount varies but scholarships are usually around $1000.00. Deadline: March 15 NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~15~ Contemporary Worship Conference Saturday, March 14, 9:30 AM Jesse Lee Church 207 Main Street Ridgefield, CT A joyous day of contemporary worship experiences, plus training and tools for contemporary worship! Join us for informative, interactive seminars! MUSIC: working with contemporary worship bands VIDEO: enhancing worship through multimedia elements COMEDY: the art form that serves the message MESSAGE: the relevancy of God's truth in today's society MEDIA SHOUT: learn how to use this worship-specific presentation program $40 / person. $30 / person in groups of 4 or more. From Southview Alliance Church in Calgary, Alberta, BRETT ASHTON and SHAWN BARAN are members of 8-Bit Dynasty, which released an EP, "Wandering the Dark Without A Light," in 2012. Brett's heart & call is with the church, leading musically, engaging the arts, giving spiritual direction and shaping the liturgy. At his core, Shawn is a storyteller. He loves music and film, and engages with both to portray beauty and lead hearts toward a deeper desire for God. Worship Concert 6pm ROBIN IDESTRÖM: Vocal Coach - Jesse Lee Church, Ridgefield, Connecticut HENRIC IDESTRÖM: Minister of Music, Jesse Lee Church, Ridgefield, Connecticut NEAL BOWES: Director of Youth Ministry, Jesse Lee Church, Ridgefield, Connecticut BILL PFOHL: Senior Pastor, Jesse Lee Church, Ridgefield, Connecticut TIM WASHER: Director of Comedy and Fine Humor, Washer Household, Ridgefield, Connecticut FULL SCHEDULE AND REGISTRATION at savemyspace.net NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~16~ Newburgh First UMC Concert Series 245 Liberty Street (McClearn Way) Newburgh, NY 7 pm Saturday March 21st In preparation for Passover and Holy Week, the Dave Levitt Trio will be playing traditional Jewish Klezmer music from Eastern Europe. The Quartet captures in music the excitement that the disciples felt as they walked to Jerusalem for the celebration of Passover. Mr. Levitt is a fourth generation Klezmer musician and historian. Contributions will be accepted to support the church’s community outreach ministry. Upcoming Events: April 11th, 7 pm. In celebration of the joy of Easter, Nathaniel Dixon Jazz Quartet will be in concert on Saturday, Nathaniel is a professional musician and pastor at St. Stephen’s UMC. May 9th, 4-5:30 pm, The “children” of the church will be the featured entertainment for our Mother’s Day Appreciation concert. The greater community is welcomed. June 13, 6 pm The choir Cántico Nuevo will be presenting Manos Indocumentadas, an original cantata about the role of immigrants in our lives. Jorge Lockward, one of our NYAC musicians who played at Bishop McLee’s funeral, and several Methodist singers are part of this program. NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~17~ Healing Service Jesse Lee Memorial UMC With special guest, Liz Bailey of When: Christian Healing Where: Ministries. ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ Inspired Worship with Henric Idestrom Testimonies Corporate Prayer Prayer Teams Available Time: March 28, 2015 207 Main Street Ridgefield, CT. 06877 10:00 AM Other: All are welcome! Contact Pastor Debbi Mygatt for more information. 203-438-8791 JESUS HAS PAID IT ALL! COME AND BE A PART OF THE EASTER RETREAT AT RED HOOK UMC 4 CHURCH STREET PROGRAMS FROM MONDAY, MARCH 30 – SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 2015 MONDAY – WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM – END OF MARCH PRAISE, BIBLE STUDY & PRACTICAL DISCUSSION THURSDAY 7:00 PM – MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE WITH HOLY COMMUNION FRIDAY 12 NOON – 3:00 PM SEVEN LAST WORDS OF JESUS ON THE CROSS SATURDAY 10:00 A.M - PRACTICAL DISCUSSIONS ON CHRISTIAN GROWTH BIBLE STUDY ON THE POWER OF CHRIST’S RESURRECTION (FREE LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED) SUNDAY 4:00 P.M - TALENT SHOW - NO AGE LIMIT (RSVP the Pastor for good coordination) (FREE DINNER WILL BE PROVIDED) VARIOUS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ARE WELCOME (Register with Pastor Gabriel Akinbode if you want to use any of the instruments, and the day you like to perform) A PRAYER ROOM IS PROVIDED FOR THOSE WHO NEED SPECIAL PRAYERS WE ARE EXPECTING A GREAT TIME! GOD IS ABLE! REV. DR. GABRIEL & GRACE AKINBODE NY/CT Connector March 2015 ~19~
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