Vicki Purifoy, Director of Preschool Ministries Faith Baptist Church Dr


Vicki Purifoy, Director of Preschool Ministries Faith Baptist Church Dr
Vicki Purifoy, Director of Preschool Ministries
Faith Baptist Church
Dr. Danny Sinquefield, Pastor
3755 N. Germantown Road
Bartlett, TN 38133
A Closer Look...
Preschool Staff……………………………………...1
Mission Statement…………………………………3
Preschool Goals……………………………………….4
Security Procedures………………………….…..5
When Dropping Off Your Child……………7
What to Bring………………………………………….9
Well Child Policy……………………………………..11
Cleanliness & Hygiene…………………….........13
New Mommies………………………………………...15
Food Policies………………………………………......16
Discipline Policy……………………………………...19
Biting Policy……………………………………………..21
Parental Involvement…………………………….22
Preschool Programs………………………………..23
Faith Baptist Arlington………………………...28
Childcare Night……………………………………...30
Mother’s Day Out Program…………….......31
Questions & Answers…………………..…..…..32
Emergency Exit Plan………………………….....34
Preschool Staff
Vicki Purifoy / Preschool Director
Carlie Gibson / Administrative Assistant
Thank you for being obedient as God challenges us
to “Train a child in the way he should go, and
when he is old he will not turn from it” (Proverbs
22:6). It is a privilege to come alongside our
parents to teach these children how special God
made each and every one of them, and that he has a
master plan and a purpose for their lives! We are
here to be God’s hands and feet and to love and
guide these precious little ones who are wonderfully
made in the image of God the Father.
Teri Bassett / Ministry Assistant
Jennifer Brown / Ministry Assistant
Vicki Purifoy
Director of Preschool Ministries
Faith Baptist Church
Holly Greer/ Nursery Coordinator
How do I know if my child’s diaper has been
We write down the time that the child’s
diaper was changed on the classroom dry erase
My child is potty training. How will I know
that the first hour teacher will tell the second
hour teacher?
We have stickers to put on the children if they
are potty training. Also, it is standard procedure
for 9:15 teachers to exchange information about
each child with 10:45 teachers.
Welcome to Faith
Baptist Church
Birth — 4 yr. Pre-K
We are so excited that you have chosen to worship and
grow with us here at Faith!
Our ministry looks forward to partnering with you to
teach your child. We know that so much spiritual
development takes place during the very young years.
Our Preschool teachers invest their love and time in
the life of your child. As partners, the home and the
church can build spiritual foundations that will last
Each time a preschooler is brought into one of our
classrooms, he/she is involved in a well-planned, Christcentered teaching program taught on his/her level of
understanding. A Biblical foundation is laid through
teaching your child about God, Jesus, the Bible, the
church, self, others, family, and the natural world.
We are simply planting seeds of His love and forgiveness in their little hearts and praying that one day soon
they will ask Jesus Christ to be their personal Lord and
Preschool Mission
To provide a safe and secure Christ centered
environment for our Preschoolers to connect with
God, grow closer to Jesus and others, and learn to
serve in the world.
Frequently Asked
Q: What kind of security system do you have?
We use the Kiosk Check-In System and pagers
Q: What are some things that my child will do?
During each Connection hour, the children will
have a Bible story, Bible craft and/or
activities, and music.
Q: How many teachers are in each room?
There are 2 teachers in each of the one year
old through 4—Pre-K rooms and 3 teachers in
the baby rooms.
Q: Will they have the same teacher each week?
Bed Babies use lead teachers and volunteers.
Toddlers, 2’s, 3’s and 4-Pre-K use some lead
teachers and parent volunteers.
Q: How will you find me if my baby needs me?
All parents are given a pager when their
preschooler is dropped off in their class. If
you are needed, the pager will light up and
vibrate. Please keep the pager where it can be
seen at all times. Do not drop the pager down in
your purse or put it in your pocket as you might
not see or hear it.
Mother’s Day Out
Faith Baptist Church’s Mother’s Day Out program
offers a quality, structured, Bible-based preschool
learning experience for children ages 6 months through
The main program is Tuesday and Thursday for all ages.
The three day/week program is Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday for ages 2,3, and 4. The classes meet
from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
For more information, please contact Director,
Christie Reed at 901-531-6811 or email:
Preschool Goals
To guide the preschoolers in experiences that will help
him/her to :
Know the love of Jesus
Know that the Bible is God’s Holy Word
Begin to talk with God
Know that God loves them and made them special
Feel secure with other children and adults
Think of church as a special place where his/her
family can learn about God
Grow in independence through solving problems
Learn how to pray
Security Procedures
Your child’s safety is of the utmost importance to
us here at Faith Baptist. For that reason, we use a
Kiosk Check-in system for children birth—4 Pre-K.
This system allows you, the parent, to feel more
secure when dropping off and picking up your child.
Three Check-in stations are located in the Main
Nursery hallway and one is located at the foot of
the stairway just outside room #158.
Operating the Kiosk:
Step up to the kiosk screen.
On the keyboard, enter the last 4 digits of your
home phone number (Use your cell number if it
is listed on the church records). You may also
use last name.
Names and phone numbers will appear on the
screen. Touch the one that belongs to you.
A three part ticket will print. Part one goes to
the teacher, part two will be put on the child’s
back for identification in class today, part three
can be torn and goes to the parents.
Childcare Night
A Childcare Night is provided for our Connection
Classes so that the members can have class socials
or parents can have a date night.
Children are here at the church from 6-9 PM. They
play games, have craft time, and snack time. You
may feed your children their supper before you
come, or you may bring a ―sack supper‖ for them to
eat while they are here.
All play is well supervised. We are staffed by adult
nursery workers, college students, and Faith ―work
angels‖ who are earning monies for missions.
Sign ups are only done through Connection
Classes prior to the social night. A nominal per
child non-refundable fee is to be paid prior to
the event when you sign up your child.
Both children and parents have a great time of fun
and fellowship with their friends.
2011 Scheduled Childcare Nights:
Friday, April 8, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Arlington Kids Alive
at Faith
Sunday Morning
Preschool Connection Classes
Hours: 9:15 am & 10:45 am
Bible stories and Bible truths are taught to our children
each hour. It is our goal for every child to learn about
Jesus. Every teacher plans age appropriate stories and
helps the children to apply the scripture to everyday
life in a fun and creative manner.
Sunday Evening:
5:30—6:15 PM
6:30—7:30 PM
6:30—7:30 PM
6:30—7:30 PM
Family Supper / Snack
(Pizza, Potluck, etc)
Nursery care available for children
during Worship service
Bible lessons using Gospel Light
curriculum for 2 - 3 year olds
God’s Movers & Shakers (4-5
years old) ―ABC Bible Verses for
Children‖. Includes: Bible story,
Bible verse memorization, puppet
shows, and crafts.
The teacher will also give you a pager in case of an
When you return to pick up your child, you MUST
present your section of the ticket and the beeper.
A sibling may not pick up a sibling.
Exception: If a grandparent or other designated
person is to pick up the child, they must have the
child’s Check-in ticket from the Kiosk. The teacher
also needs to be made aware of this request.
To ensure the highest level of security, parents
must check their child through the Check-In system
on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, Wednesday
evenings and during special events.
We require that a parent or guardian be on campus
whenever their preschooler is at church.
Deacons patrol our hallways during every service here
at Faith. They carry a radio to be in contact with our
Preschool Area should a need arise. We also have a
code in place should an emergency arise.
Security is always top priority when your children are in
our care.
Wednesday Evenings—Coming Soon!
When dropping off
Your Child
Our workers are happy to take your child and their
belongings at the door. Please hand your child’s 3 part
Check-in ticket to the teacher. The teacher will place
part one of the ticket on the attendance sheet, part
two will be placed on the child’s back for identification in
class and part three will be given back to the parents
(which can be torn). In addition to a Check-in ticket, you
will be given a pager with a number on it.
If you are needed to return to the child’s classroom, you
will be paged. The pager will vibrate, so please place
your pager where it can be seen. A child will not be
released without presentation of the assigned pager
and Check– in ticket.
Please share with the teacher, any information that will
be helpful in providing the best care for your child. If
your child has any allergies, please be sure that information is listed on a card in the ―Allergy Alert Information‖
book. See Ms. Vicki Purifoy or one of the Preschool
Faith Baptist
5959 Airline Road
Arlington, TN 38002
(901) 867-9111
Faith Baptist Arlington is a mission church of
Faith Baptist Bartlett.
Started in 2010, Faith Baptist Arlington
currently has 200 + members and has just moved
into their new facility on Airline Road.
―Come and see for yourself what everyone in
Arlington is talking about!‖
―We are excited to become a part of the
Arlington community and we invite you and your
family to join us.‖
After you have received your check-in sticker and
pager from the teacher, simply wave good-bye and
leave. As you know it is normal for little ones to cry
when leaving a parent. Our leaders will immediately
try to create interest in a toy or activity and give
assurance that you will return after worship is over.
Feel free to check on your child at any time. However,
we ask that you do so discreetly, trying not to let your
child see you.
What to Bring
Tuesday Morning
Women on Mission:
Babies through Toddlers:
When packing a Diaper Bag for your child, please
include the following items:
At least 3 Diapers/ Pull-ups & Wipes (No cloth
diapers please)
Pacifier or other items, should your child need it
for security
Complete change of clothes
A bottle of milk, formula, juice or water
Sippy cup
Food & written instructions if the child is to be
Please be sure your child’s teacher is aware of
any allergies. We will post a note in the classroom regarding any allergies. We also ask that
you complete a form to be kept on file in the
Preschool office.
Please be sure All items are labeled for your
Please dress your child in comfortable apparel
Please remember to pass on any new information
to your child’s teacher
Before exiting your child’s room, please make
sure you have all of your child’s belongings
10:00 am—12:00 pm.
Lower Fellowship Hall
(Nursery care and learning activities provided for
children ages birth—4 years old/ Pre K)
Subjects include: prayer, missions, Bible study,
sewing, and community projects. For more
information, go to
Wednesday Evening
Nursery for Preschoolers
(Ages Birth—24 months)
Gospel Light Curriculum
(2 Year Olds)
God’s Movers & Shakers
―ABC Bible Verses for
(Ages 3 to 4 Year—Pre—K)
Program includes Bible story,
Bible verse, memorization,
puppet shows and crafts.
(Books available to purchase
for $5.00 for home
Sunday Evening
Learning activities & movie time
available for ALL Preschool
children whose parents are
attending Discipleship classes.
2 through 5 Year Olds:
Preschool Choir (4 years—Pre K)
Light snack provided for Preschool
Choir children
Nursery care available for children
during Worship Service
Bible lessons using Gospel Light
curriculum for 2 Year Olds
Mission Friends (3-4 YR-Pre K)
(Program focuses on building the
character of God in the lives of
MOPS meets 2 Sundays / month from Sept. to May.
Cups and snacks are NOT necessary, we will
provide these
All preschoolers, especially those undergoing
―Potty training‖, need to bring extra changes of
clothing in a labeled bag. All children’s clothing
should be easy to take off and put on.
Preschoolers need the freedom to move and
explore through various activities, one of which is
markers or paint. Please dress them appropriately
to have fun.
Children are asked not to bring personal toys to
their preschool class
We encourage our 3 through 5 year olds to bring
their Bibles and offering every week (Be sure that
your child’s name is in their Bible).
Your 4 year old child will be given their own box of
offering envelopes at the beginning of the
Connection year. Envelopes are also available for
other ages upon request.
Bibles are available to purchase in the 4 yr Pre-K
hallway and the 3 yr hallway (near the playground)
($13 each).
(Childcare and activities are provided)
For more information, please contact April Rentzsch at
212-7655 or Leann Brown at 486-6696 or email at
Well Child Policy
Recommendations taken from the Report of the committee on Control of Infectious Diseases of the
American Academy of Pediatrics.
A child should NOT leave home or attend church
when any of the following exists:
Fever (should be free of fever without
medication for 24 hours)
Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
Any symptom of a usual childhood disease:
Scarlet Fever, RSV, German Measles, Mumps,
Chicken Pox, or Whooping Cough
Common cold – from onset through one week
Sore throat
Green runny nose
Croup or persistent cough
Any unexplained rash
Any skin infections: Boils, Ringworm, or Impetigo
Pink eye or other eye infection
Head lice
Foot and mouth disease
Sunday Morning
Preschool Connection Classes
Hours: 8:00 am, 9:15 am & 10:45 am
Each Connection Hour is designed to equip children
with the basic knowledge of Bible stories and Bible
truths. Our goal is to teach each child about
Jesus. Every teacher plans age appropriate stories
and helps the children to apply the scripture to
everyday life in a fun and creative manner.
Nursery is provided for Preschoolers (Ages
Birth—1 year old)
Bible lessons using Gospel Light Curriculum
provided for Toddlers
Bible lessons using Lifeway Curriculum provided
for children ages 2 years old—4 years old / Pre K
Music Time (9;15 AM) (ages 2 years old—4 years
old / Pre K) (Each class rotates every 10
Worship Kidstyle (10:45) (4 Year Old / Pre K)
Program Includes: Bible story, drama, props,
object lessons, and music.
Preschool Programs
At Faith Baptist Church, we have very high standards
for teaching and caring for Babies thru 4 year Pre-K
children. We know that so much spiritual development
can take place during the very young years. Some of
the ways we seek to maintain excellence involve:
An emphasis on teaching and applying biblical
Every time we meet, every child hears about Jesus
and how He made them special
Security procedures for leaving and picking up
preschoolers, as well as a paging system for quick
notification of parents when needed
Policies and procedures for cleanliness. A clean
room with toys and equipment is one way of saying
―you are important‖ to a child.
Providing Bible teaching materials for all
Connection Class teachers of preschoolers
Providing Take Home materials for parents to
reinforce and apply the Bible lesson at home
On prescribed medication for infection or
congestion less than 48 hours
Medication cannot be administered by Preschool
If a child develops a fever or other symptoms of
illness while at church, he/she will be isolated and
the parents will be contacted to take the child
Should a child develop an infectious disease
following a session in the Preschool area, please
Cleanliness &
Parent Involvement
Teachers/ Helpers
―Nevertheless the righteous will hold to their
way and those with clean hands will grow
stronger.‖ (Job 17:9)
As the parent of a preschooler, you will be asked to
volunteer as a Helper. Families that volunteer their
time provides consistency for our boys and girls.
It is the policy of Faith Baptist Church to provide
a clean and safe environment for our children,
workers, and their families.
Some of you will be asked to pray about being a
teacher. We always strive to have at least 2 adult
teachers in a classroom, depending on the number of
children. We would never jeopardize the safety or
prohibit the learning/teaching of the children.
For sanitation reasons, we encourage parents to
use disposable diapers at church
Strict guidelines are followed for changing
diapers. Gloves are used by all adults. Nonscented wet wipes are used, wiping girls from
front to back.
Diapers are placed in plastic bags and disposed
of in a self-contained receptacle
Workers are strongly encouraged to wash their
hands frequently throughout the morning and
especially after changing each diaper. Hand
sanitizer is also provided in each classroom
Diapers will be checked each hour (unless the
need arises earlier)
Children are expected to wash their hands
after using the restroom
We ask everyone who serves in any capacity in
our Preschool Area to complete a Ministry
Application form, and be CPR trained.
You will be blessed by serving and the ministries of
Faith will be strengthened! We appreciate your
willingness to serve and your attitude of giving! God
can’t do it without you! Let us always keep our
children’s best interest in mind. We can do that by
honoring God in everything we do and by using every
opportunity to ―train up a child in the way he should
go‖. Teaching is a privilege and an act of
obedience to God. Our children deserve our very
Biting Policy
We regret when it happens, but on occasion a little
one will bite a friend. We must address the situation
immediately. Both parents will be made aware of the
incident. If it happens more than once we will
address the problem and keep extra workers in the
room to keep a watchful eye on the children.
We want to be certain that we approach the incident
with love to both families and we want to encourage
the children to be kind to their friends. We do not
want a family to feel wounded as they leave. After
an incident occurs, our Preschool Staff will fill out an
Accident Report form.
Hand sanitizer is used before receiving a snack
Room cribs will have a clean sheet for every child
At the end of the services, sheets will be removed
and mattresses sprayed with germicide solution
and wiped dry before replacing clean sheets on
Toys that are put in the children’s mouths will be
cleaned with soap and water and left to air dry
New Mommies
When new babies are born, the Preschool Ministry
wants to visit you in home and welcome your new
bundle of joy! Miss Vicki Purifoy, Director of
Preschool Ministries, will be giving you a call to
make an appointment to visit. Blessings come in
small packages and we celebrate as each new
infant comes to be a part of the Preschool
Ministry here at Faith Baptist Church!
Nursing Room: Is available for nursing moms
in Bed Baby B (Room 113).
Time Out: Children will be asked to step away
for 2—5 minutes. Teacher will explain to the
child that their behavior is inappropriate and/or
redirect the child’s thoughts/attention.
teacher will then ask the child how they can make
better choices that God would be happy with.
Finally, the child will be asked if they are able to
return to group time.
If a problem persists, the Coordinator will be
called to the room and as a last resort the
parents will be contacted.
Baby/ Family Dedication:
Dedications are scheduled every few months.
Please contact the Preschool Office at 531-6813
to inquire.
Discipline Policy
Food Policies
We believe children should be handled with love and
encouragement. Teachers must guide the children in
cooperative behavior, providing positive experiences
that enhance growth and development. We can best
accomplish this by using preventive and responsive
Parents should report any allergies to the
teacher immediately and consistently
Laminated allergy signs with children’s name and
allergy will be posted on the wall in your child’s
Preventive discipline requires the teacher to organize
the schedule, room, and activities in such a way that
lessens or prevents misbehavior. Some preventive
discipline strategies that will be used include:
If your child cannot partake of the regular snack
of Goldfish and Vanilla Wafers due to allergies,
parents may provide a personal snack with the
child’s name clearly labeled on the container
Consistent communication of simple classroom rules
to the children helping them adopt the rules as
their own.
Should special snacks be provided in the Preschool classes, a sign will be posted on the door
Good examples set by teachers. Children learn to
make good positive choices by observing their
Adults are asked not to bring food or hot
beverages into the classroom while children are
Teacher observation and alertness. Teachers can
redirect behavior before misbehavior occurs by
being alert to what is going on.
Infants will be fed formula, milk, juice or
water, if provided by parent in plastic bottles
(All formula must be pre-measured)
Establishing a consistent routine in the class.
Children find security in routine.
Naptime Supervision
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome):
Classroom Supervision
At least two (2) adults are required in the
Preschool rooms for safety reasons
Infants will be positioned on their backs when
placed in a crib for sleeping
Under no circumstances are children to be left in
a Preschool area unattended at any time
In order to avoid the risk of suffocation, soft
bedding for infants is prohibited
Parents must stay with the child until the
teacher arrives
Infants will be monitored closely by Nursery
Volunteers in order to check breathing and body
We ask parents not to drop their child off
earlier than 15 minutes before class begins
Each baby will have their own bed
Parents are to return promptly to get their
children at the end of the class
A small window in the classroom door allows for a
view of the entire room
Volunteers will not consist of only men in a room
Playground Supervision
Playground will NOT be open unless Preschool
staff approves
Close supervision will be provided by Teachers
and Volunteers
Outdoor playgrounds will only be open during
church programming for preschoolers ages: 2 to
3 years old
Emergency Exit Plan
Emergency Exit Plan
Children in the Bed Babies/Toddler Rooms will exit to the South
Children in the 2 and 3 Year Old Rooms will exit to the back
North doors.
Children in the 4 Year Old Rooms will exit past the gym to the
North doors by the Administration offices.
(Note: Teachers will move Preschoolers to the Parking Area
behind the Storage Building where the children will be counted)
Children in the Bed Babies/Toddler Rooms will exit to the South
Children in the 2 and 3 Year Old Rooms will exit to the back
North doors.
Children in the 4 Year Old Rooms will exit past the gym to the
North doors by the Administration offices.
(Note: Teachers will move Preschoolers to the Parking Area
behind the Storage Building where the children will be counted)