Scenes from the Mission
Scenes from the Mission
Volume 49, No. 6 February 8, 2015 Scenes from the Mission Top left-right: Presenter Deacon Glenn Harmon, parishioners, Linda Harmon; Bottom left-right: Serving the soup supper provided before the mission, the children and care-givers getting ready for movie night. On the Cover Editor’s Note The mission was both well-attended and fulfilling. See for information about recordings of some of Deacon Harmon’s presentations. I hope you were able to attend at least a few of the nights of the mission we had last week. The nights I was there it was well-attended and people seemed very glad to be there. In fact, I am writing this note one night after the mission ended, and it’s getting late. So I will wish you all a peaceful week and say goodnight. Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 404.522.6800 ACTIVE CATHOLIC STATUS: To be an active parishioner, a person must be registered in the parish, attend Mass regularly, and be involved in Time, Talent, and Stewardship. Fax: 404.524.5440 353 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30308 INFANT BAPTISMS: Baptisms take place the second Saturday of the month at 9:30am in English and 10:30am in Spanish. The parents must be active parishioners for at least three months prior to the baptism. There are class and paperwork requirements for both parents and godparents. Please see the Sacred Heart website for a detailed list or contact Muffet Pucket, PASTOR: Msgr. Edward J. Thein, DEACONS: Rev. Mr. Mike Balfour Rev. Mr. Marino Gonzalez HOMEBOUND OR HOSPITALIZED: For a priest for hospital emergencies, call the office at 404-522-6800. For hospitalized and homebound Communion, call Shirley Trussell, 404-373-1492, to arrange timing for a volunteer to visit. STAFF PASTORAL ADMINISTRATOR: Rev. Mr. Mike Balfour, 404-974-2232, RECEPTIONISTS: 404-974-2230, Patty Nichols & Muffet Puckett DIRECTOR OF PARISH OUTREACH & VOLUNTEERS: Rev. Mr. Marino Gonzalez, 404-974-2235, DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION & LITURGY: Alan McGill, 404-974-2234, FAITH FORMATION ASSISTANT: Delta Izaguirre, 404-974-2231 ACCOUNTANT: Michelle Rivers, 404-974-2246, MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR: Humberto Quintas, 404-974-2240, ORGANIST/CHOIRMASTER: William E. Krape (leave message with Receptionist) SPIRES EDITOR: Catherine Tarbox, EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Adoration takes place every Tuesday at the main altar, immediately following the 12:10pm Mass. MIEMBROS REGISTRADOS Y ACTIVOS: Todos los feligreses de nuestra comunidad parroquial del Sagrado Corazón buscan por un sinnúmero de beneficios y servicios los cuales incluyen cartas de recomendación para la Admisión a las escuelas católicas, certificados para todas aquellas personas que van a servir como padrinos en las diferentes celebraciones litúrgicas tales como el bautismo y la confirmación, Cartas las cuales le permiten celebrar a cualquiera de nuestros miembros el sacramento del matrimonio en otra parroquia diferente a la del Sagrado Corazón. Esos derechos y servicios de parte de nuestra iglesia demandan ciertas obligaciones y compromisos de parte de ustedes como en cualquier comunidad. El ser un miembro activo de nuestra comunidad parroquial implica que la persona este registrada en la parroquia, que asista regularmente a misa, y que esta persona trate en lo máximo de colaborar y aportar a la iglesia a través de sus recursos, talentos y tiempo. MASS TIMES (in English unless otherwise noted) Weekdays: 7:00am, 12:10pm Saturdays: 9:00am, 5:30pm(vigil) Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm En español, 6:00pm SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO PARA NIÑOS: Los bautizos se llevarán a cabo el segundo sábado del mes a las 10:30am en español. Los padres deben ser feligreses activos registrados durante al menos 3 meses antes del bautismo. Hay requisitos de la clase y el papeleo tanto para los padres y padrinos. Por favor, consulte el sitio web del Sagrado Corazón para una lista detallada o contactar con el Delta Izaguirre, 404-974-2231. CONFESSIONS Monday, Friday: 11:30am Saturdays: 4:30–5:00pm Domingo en español: 1:00–1:30pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday–Friday: 9:00am–4:45pm.; closed from 1:00–2:00pm MINISTERIO DE LOS ENFERMOS: Llamar al 404-9742231. 2 FEBRUARY 8, 2015, 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 9-14, 2015 SUNDAY MASS READINGS Choir Anthem, 10:00am Mass Ave Verum, Gregorian Chant Job 7:1-4, 6-7; Psalm 147; 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23; Mark 1:29-39 D Hail, true Body, Born of the Virgin Mary, uring Jesus’ ministry “he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons.” This is the case in today’s Gospel. Jesus fulfills the vision of Psalm 147: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Jesus knew, however, that he couldn’t possibly heal all the illness in the world. No matter how many people he cured or how many hours he ministered, there always would be more suffering people like Job who craved his healing touch. His primary mission was not to rid the world of all suffering. His “purpose” was to preach the coming of the reign of God that heals, yes, but ultimately transcends and transforms earthly suffering. With Paul, Jesus could have said, “Woe to me if I do not preach” that good news. Who has truly suffered, Was sacrificed on the cross for mortals, Whose side was pierced, Whence flowed water and blood: Be for us a foretaste of heaven During our final examining. O Jesu sweet, O Jesu pure, O Jesu, Son of Mary, Have mercy upon me. Amen. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MUSIC FOR THE WEEKDAY READINGS SUNDAY MASS Music for the 5:30pm Vigil, 8:00am, 10:00am, and Noon Masses Monday: Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13 Prelude Adagio in C Major, Mozart Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc-30; Mk 7:14-23 Mozart wrote this lovely work for a curious musical instrument called the glass harmonica. This instrument consisted of a set of rotating musical glass discs, improved and perfected by Benjamin Franklin. Thursday: Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30 Friday: Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:31-37 Postlude March in D Major, Haydn Saturday: Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1-10 This is from a collection of pieces written for a famous clock in Vienna. They were played automatically on a small flute organ, operated by the clock mechanism. Hymns Used in Mass Gathering Praise to the Lord, The Almighty, #547, red hymnal, verses 1 & 4 Psalm Praise the Lord, #883, red hymnal Offertory Your Hand, O Lord, In Days of Old, #750, red hymnal, verses 1 & 3 Communion Draw Near and Take the Body of Christ, #732, red hymnal Sending Forth Now Let Us From This Table Rise, #625, red hymnal REMEMBER Alicia Brown Louise Daniell Lucille Hill Charleen Kilster THIS WEEK’S SECOND COLLECTION Ministries of Sacred Heart 3 IN YOUR PRAYERS... THE SICK Gigi Kirn Ernesto Molina Pat Smith Rhonda Smith Dcn. Wayne Smith Gift of Grace House residents THE DEAD IN MILITARY SERVICE CANDLE INTENTIONS Deceased loved ones of the Bereavement Support Group Rafael Duralde Intentions: Bobbie Overton Dcn. Wayne Smith Thanksgiving In Memory: Mary C. Butler FAITH LIFE LENT AT SACRED HEART As surprising as it may be, Lent begins in less than two weeks. Mark your calendars for these Lenten observances. Stations of the Cross and Benediction Fridays (except Good Friday) 5:30pm Soup Supper Immediately follows Penance Service Wednesday, March 11, 7:00pm OUTREACH BE PART SACRED HEART’S MILESTONE 20TH HABITAT BUILD SIGN-UP THIS WEEKEND AFTER MASS OF S ign up after Mass on February 7-8 to work on the house, to help prepare and serve lunch for the workers, or to provide landscaping plants for the house. No experience is necessary to help build the house, but you must be at least 16 years old. Each person will be able to sign up to work one day. The dates to choose from are February 28; March 7, 14, 21, and 28; and April 11 and 18. If you have any questions, please speak to someone at the sign-up table after Mass or contact Gail Ronan at or 404 288-9883. L RAFFLE TICKETS SOLD TO BENEFIT OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP HOME WEEKENDS OF FEBRUARY 14/15 AND 21/22 AFTER MASS a Societa Italiana (LSI) will again be selling raffle tickets to benefit Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home after Masses on February 14/15 and 21/22. Tickets are $5 each or a book of 5 for $20. First and Second Prizes are $2000 and $1000, respectively, and the drawing is March 22nd. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home is adjacent to Turner Field and has operated in Atlanta since 1939. The home, operated by the Hawthorne Dominican Sisters, does not accept payment of any kind from patients, family, insurance, or governments. It depends solely on contributions and fund raising to support its good works. The home accepts patients without regard to race, gender, religion, nationality, or ethnic background. 4 M PREGNANCY AID CLINIC THANKS SACRED HEART ASKS FOR VOLUNTEER HELP sgr. Thein recently received a letter from the Pregnancy Aid Clinic, located in Hapeville, thanking Sacred Heart parishioners for their financial support in 2014 through the Baby Bottle Drive. Alexandra Shattuck, the director of the Pregnancy Aid Clinic, said, “What an encouraging thing it is to see the response in your parish to the message of hope and life this ministry brings.” Pregnancy Aid Clinic offers pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting classes, and other aid. During the 2014 Baby Bottle Drive Sacred Heart parishioners donated more than $2000 to the clinic. In thanking the parish, Ms. Shattuck acknowledged, “There are so many other thing your parishioners could have done with the funds… and yet they choose to invest in this ministry.” She went on to thank the Respect Life Ministry, whose work “certainly led to the success of the drive.” The Pregnancy Aid Clinic currently has volunteer needs for Ultrasound Techs, RV Drivers, Parenting Class Helpers, and Client Advocates. For more information contact Laura at 404-763-4432. PARISH LIFE SACRED HEART OFFICES GOT A FACELIFT! T hanks to generous parishioners, some of the offices at Sacred Heart of gotten a facelift. Thanks to a special gift designated for office furniture, new desks with attached hutches (picture at right) were provided for Delta Izaguirre — who was working at a credenza instead of a desk — and our new in-residence priest, Fr. Adam. Fr. Adam’s office did not previously contain a desk. Additionally, Sacred Heart was given some large armoire-type pieces that a parishioner no longer had a need for and are now being put to good use for storage in the accountant Michelle Rivers’ office. The offices were updated with the renovation of 2011, including paint and carpet, and in some cases office cubicles, but the desks and cabinets were not updated at that time, so these are welcome gifts. Annual Mardi Gras Party February 14, 6:30pm Parish Hall 5 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL FR. ADAM OSIMEK TAKING UP RESIDENCE AT SACRED HEART The 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal has begun. You will find an insert in your copy of SPIRES with information from the Archdiocese about the Appeal this year. We ask you to read it and prayerfully consider your giving ability. WELCOME RECEPTION FEBRUARY 8, 11:00AM, PARISH HALL F r. Adam Ozimek has taken up residence at Sacred Heart, effective February 1st. Originally from Poland, Fr. Adam received a Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Mary’s College in Michigan, a Masters in Divinity from St. Vincent de Paul Seminary in 1994, and was ordained the same year. His most recent assignment was at St. Jude’s. While assigned to St. Jude’s he was active in the school and preschool and led their Respect Life Ministry. He has remained active in the Catholic Polish community in Atlanta, helping with Polish Masses. Last year he led a pilgrimage to Poland. Ozimek to Sacred Heart. Our goal each year is set by the Archdiocese and we are obligated to pay any underpayments out of parish offertory. On the other hand, after we reach our Annual Appeal goal, the archdiocese returns 100% of any overage received from our parishioners to our parish. In the next few weeks you will have the opportunity to hear more about the work of the appeal and see a message from Archbishop Gregory and to make a commitment to help support the Church’s mission. Please respond to the Archbishop’s request and make a generous pledge. All pledges will be billed in ten monthly installments. Thank you in advance for your support. FINANCIAL REPORT FEBRUARY 2015 Sacred Heart School Monthly Offertory by Week February 1 $19,887 T February 8 he annual Sacred Heart school reunion will be on Saturday, February 21st at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Social hour at 10AM in the parish center will be followed by Mass at 11AM, celebrated by Fr. Ralph Olek, SM. Lunch at the Colonnade on Cheshire Bridge Rd. will include fellowship and old stories. All friends, attendees, and graduates are invited. Contact: Carolyn Galvin at 770-454-7916 or February 15 February 22 Monthly Electronic Giving Total Month-to-date $19,887 Monthly Budget $80,000 Fiscal Year-to-date Comparisons Actual Year-to-date $634,926 Budget thru February 28, 2015 $770,000 Difference Actual vs Budget ($135,074) GIFT SHOP HOURS 2nd Collection Last Week St. Vincent de Paul Society Reunion $4,614 New hours for the Sacred Heart Gift Shop are: After the 5:30pm Mass on Saturdays From 9am-Noon on Sundays After the 6:00pm Mass on Sundays 6 Sacred Heart Ministries and Organizations ADVISORY Finance Committee Jerry Robinson Liturgical Readers Alice Heffernan-Sneed, 404-402-5840 Liturgy Committee Sacristans Parish Council Ushers Alan McGill Rusty Fish 678-836-4549, Stewardship Committee Janet Kinard, Ralph Conti, 404-388-1225 Mike Wazlavek, Wedding Guild Pam McMahon 404-435-5370 Danielle Herrmann 770-778-0095 OUTREACH AIDS Ministry LITURGY AND FAITH LIFE Altar Servers (adult and youth) Mike Jones Mark Stouffer Basilica Principal Choir Billy Krape 404-377-3969 Basilica Children’s Choirs Mallen Zabinski 404-636-1655, or Gertrude Tinker Sachs 404-691-6084 Communion Visitation Kelly McEvoy, 404-939-4161 Eucharistic Congress Sandra Sellers 404-915-4969, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Bill Schnitzer, Faith Formation Volunteers Alan McGill Flower Guild Lee Doyle, 404-881-1717 Greeters Georgiann Caruso, Joanne Smalley, Hearts on Fire (contemporary music ensemble) John Prevost Ladies’ Altar and Rosary Society Mia Pond, 404-786-6104 Liturgy of the Hours Prayer Group Monica Rudolph Cookies for a Cause Claudette Orzech, Erin Schneider, Gift of Grace House Ministry Jim and Myra Kucera, 404-355-4313 Habitat for Humanity Gail Ronan 404-288-9883 Haiti Ministry/Sister Parish ServeHaiti Wayne Book Meals on Wheels open Midtown Assistance Center Jenny Jobson, 404-681-0470 PARISH LIFE Environment Committee Shelley DeWeese, 404-216-5779 Gift Shop Susan Foster, Knights of Columbus Rob Jobson, 404-886-5636 Life After Loss Linda Kelley, New Parishioner Welcome Committee Valerie Goldston 404-367-1988, Priest Appreciation Committee Cindy Jones 404-217-2629 Social Committee Danielle Thompson MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Acólitos Ana Vargas, 678-516-4868, Circulo Bíblico Carlos y Lina Monsalve Coro de la Misa de 1:30 pm Lester Mendiola Lectores Night Shelter Benny Gonzalez, 678-507-8359 Prayer Shawl Ministry Roman Zepeda 404-604-4464 Alonzo Church, 404-577-5617 Lori Conti, Teresa Westwood, Prison Ministry (men) Milt Shlapak 404-349-0909 (women) Janet Wells 404-303-8050 Respect Life Cathy Weaver, 770-361-8346 St. Vincent de Paul Society Jack Stenger Thursday Food Distribution Deacon Marino Gonzalez, 404-974-2235 Kelly McEvoy, 404-939-4161 7 Ministerio Extraordinario de la Comunión Pedido de Bautismos Delta Izaguirre, 404-974-2231 Ujieres Marin Vega 678-764-1734 Artículos en Español proclamado a lo largo de los siglos en la celebración eucarística para nutrir la fe de los creyentes. En 1969, la Iglesia católica estableció un nuevo Leccionario conteniendo los textos bíblicos que se proclaman en la litúrgia. El Leccionario contiene un gran número de textos de la Escritura, organizados de una manera muy especial a fin de que estos textos sean proclamados en las misas dominicales y en las feriales (entre semana). El Leccionario está organizado de tal manera que si una persona asiste a misa diariamente durante un período de tres años, escuchará casi todos los textos de la Biblia. La proclamación de los Evangelios se realiza mediante ciclos dominicales. Durante el Ciclo A, proclamamos el Evangelio de Mateo; el de Marcos durante el ciclo B y el de Lucas durante el ciclo C. El Evangelio de san Juan se proclama durante la Cuaresma y la Pascua. Así mismo, el capítulo 6 de este Evangelio se incorpora al Ciclo B, que es el de Marcos. El resto del Nuevo Testamento se proclama como segunda lectura, excepto durante la Pascua, mientras que la primera lectura se proclama siempre del Antiguo Testamento, excepto durante la Pascua. No olvidemos el Salmo, que es una respuesta a la Escritura. 8 de febrero de 2015 Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Job declara que la vida en la tierra es monótona, miserable y triste (Job 7:1-4, 6-7). Salmo — Alaben al Señor, que sana los corazones quebrantados (Salmo 147 [146]). Segunda lectura — Pablo dice que no tienen otra alternativa sino la de predicar el Evangelio (1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22-23). Evangelio — Después de sanar a muchos enfermos y de expulsar a los demonios, Jesús predica la Buena Nueva (Marcos 1:29-39). MINISTERIO DE SANACIÓN Durante su ministerio, Jesús “curó a muchos enfermos de diversos males y expulsó a muchos demonios”. Así es el caso en el Evangelio de hoy. Jesús cumple la visión del Salmo 147: “Él sana los corazones destrozados y venda sus heridas.” Jesús sabía, sin embargo, que nunca podría sanar todas las enfermedades del mundo. Por mucha gente que curara o muchas horas que dedicara al ministerio, siempre habría más personas afligidas como Job, ansiosos de su toque sanador. Su misión principal no era la de erradicar todo sufrimiento del mundo. Su “obligación” era predicar la venida del Reino de Dios que sana, sí, pero en último caso, trasciende y transforma todo sufrimiento humano. Con Pablo, Jesús pudiera decir, “Ay de mí si no anuncio” esa Buena Nueva. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Gn 1:1-19; Sal 104 (103):1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c; Mc 6:53-56 Martes Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Sal 8:4-9; Mc 7:1-13 Miércoles: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Sal 104 (103):12a, 27-28, 29bc-30; Mc 7:14-23 Jueves: Gn 2:18-25; Sal 128 (127):1-5; Mc 7:24-30 Viernes: Gn 3:1-8; Sal 32 (31):1-2, 5-7; Mc 7:31-37 TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Los textos sagrados que componen lo que llamamos Biblia fueron coleccionados, organizados y ordenados durante los primeros cuatrocientos años del cristianismo. Fue durante el Concilio de Cartago (Siglo IV), que finalmente se canonizó (estableció el orden) la Biblia católica. Los textos sagrados de la Biblia se han Sábado: Gn 3:9-24; Sal 90 (89):2-6, 12-13; Mc 8:1-10 8 AD PAGE 9 Calendar at a Glance Mass Intentions Meetings and Events 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time Sun, 2/8 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:30pm 6:00pm Mon, 2/9 Tues, 2/10 5th Week 7:00am 12:10pm 7:00am 12:10pm Wed, 2/11 Thurs, 2/12 7:00am 12:10pm 7:00am 12:10pm Fri, 2/13 Sat, 2/14 7:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 5:30pm Pro Populo Dorothea Jackson (D) Fr. Paul Burke (I) William Stewart (D) Jim Walsh (D) of Ordinary Time William Bailey (D) Jim Harrell (D) Nancy Jo Mattox (D) Gail Sewick (I) William Bailey (D) Fr. John Ozarowski (D) Rob Meyers (I) Domenico Manarin (D) Sr. Mary Kristen Lancaster RSM (D) Bill Terry (D) Michael Pickering (D) Fr. John O’Shea (D) Basilica Choir Warm-up Welcome Reception Hispanic Choir Rehearsal ESL Class Hispanic Ministry Meeting Meals on Wheels Eucharistic Adoration St. Vincent de Paul Society Mtg Sandwich Prep for Outreach Knights of Columbus Mtg Prison Ministry Hearts on Fire Rehearsal Altar & Rosary Cleaning Flower Prep 9:30am, OR 11:00am, PH 11:45am, OR 12:30pm, classrooms 2:30pm, PH, C, PR 11:00am, offsite 12:30-1:30pm, C 6:30pm, CR 8:00am, PH, K 7:00pm, PHW 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 6:30pm, 8:00am, 9:00am, OR S OR C C RCIA Bereavement Support Group Mardi Gras Party 4:00pm, PR 4:00pm, CR 6:30pm, PH Prayer Shawl Ministry Mtg Faith Formation for Children & Youth Basilica Choir Warm-up Hispanic Choir Rehearsal ESL Class 9:00am, CR 9:15am, 11:15 am, Atrium Classrooms 9:30am, OR 11:45am, OR 12:30pm, classrooms 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time Sun, 2/15 Mon, 2/16 Tues, 2/17 Wed, 2/18 Thurs, 2/19 Fri, 2/20 Sat, 2/21 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:30pm 6:00pm William Alexander (D) Pro Populo Jennifer & Robert Schulte (I) 6th Week 7:00am 12:10pm 7:00am 12:10pm of Ordinary Time Gustavo Pellon (D) James Puccetti (D) 7:00am 12:10pm 7:00pm 7:00am 12:10pm Lucille Pierce (D) 7:00am 12:10pm William Bailey (D) Michael Pickering (D) 9:00am 5:30pm Living & Deceased Members of Altar & Rosary Society Prison Ministry Meals on Wheels Eucharistic Adoration Sandwich Prep for Outreach 6:30pm, OR 11:00am, offsite 12:30-1:30pm, C 6:30pm, CR 12:30pm, PH, K Hearts on Fire Rehearsal 7:30pm, S Altar & Rosary Cleaning Flower Prep Stations of the Cross & Benediction Soup Supper RCIA Bereavement Support Group Mardi Gras Party 8:00am, C 9:00am, C 5:30pm, C Mr. & Mrs. C. Maddelene (D) Helen Merriss (D) 6:15pm, 4:00pm, 4:00pm, 6:30pm, PH PR CR PH Legend: D=deceased, I=intention C= Church, PH=both sides Parish Hall, PHE=Parish Hall East side, PHW=Parish Hall West side, K=downstairs kitchen, A=Atrium, CR=Conference Room, OR=Outreach Room, PR=Piano Room, S=Sacristy