With Tradebank Spread Your Wings With Tradebank Spread Your


With Tradebank Spread Your Wings With Tradebank Spread Your
Spread Your Wings
With Tradebank
In this issue...
2.............. Index
3.............. Speaking From Experience
4.............. A Tradebank Broker Replies
Summer McCall, Tradebank Of Charlotte and Rock Hill
5.............. Tom Smith, Jr., New Owner Of Tradebank of Memphis
6.............. The Importance Of Having Coaches In Your Life
7.............. Lifelong Learning Opportunities
8 & 9....... All Work And No Play Is No Fun
10 & 11... Welcome New Clients
12............ The Tradebank Triplets
13............ How Tradebank Works For The Retail Industry
14............ Salesmen Are Made Not Born
15........... Tradebank Client Trade Purchase Order
16............ Advanced Water Treatment Systems - Advertisement
Page 4, Summer McCall, A Tradebank Broker Replies
Page 5, Tom Smith Jr., Tradebank of Memphis
The Trade Street Journal™
Published by Tradebank International, Inc.
Pages 12, The Tradebank Triplets - Photo by Horace Holmes Studio, Inc
Executive Editor TODD GERRY
Trade Editor MARCY S. YAFFE
Creative Editor BRENDA L. JAMESON
Graphic Design BRENDA L. JAMESON
© 2010 Tradebank International, Inc.
Page 8, All Work and No Play Is No Fun
The Trade STreeT Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 2
Speaking From Experience
by Marcy S. Yaffe
When you hear other Tradebank
clients talking about the cars,
boats, motorcycles, sports and
entertainment tickets and other
high demand/limited supply
items they have purchased with
Tradebank, you may wonder
how they do it. The answer
is simple: by being prepared
to make a quick decision and
Dollars in their account to make
the purchase.
Usually when these type trading
opportunities are offered, the
seller is looking to make a
quick sale and has instructed
their Tradebank Broker to blast
the information out as soon as
possible; the first person who has
the funds to pay for the purchase
gets it. The following instance
characterizes how important
it is to act quickly and be
prepared when unique, one-ofa-kind purchasing opportunities
are presented to you through
Recently, a client had a classic
car for sale. The Tradebank
Broker gathered all the details
including an appraisal and sent
out a Tradeflash to local clients
as well as to the other Tradebank
Brokers across the country. The
first client who had the T$14,900
in their Tradebank account would
be able to purchase the car. As
the information hit, the broker
and seller started receiving calls
immediately. The first several
calls received were from clients
who really wanted the car,
but didn’t have the Tradebank
Dollars in their account to pay
for it. Other callers said “please
save the car while they thought it
over”. Then the call came from
a serious buyer with a definitive
“I want to buy the car, here is
my account number. I have more
than enough in my account”;
by the way, the buyer was 800
miles away. Of course he got the
car. The calls poured in for the
next several days from clients
inquiring about the car. There
were even calls the following
week from clients who said, “I
just read my email and wanted
to know if the car was still
available.” Of course the answer
was that the car had been sold.
Marcy S. Yaffe is the Vice
President of Trade and National
Training Director of Tradebank
International. She has over 26
years experience brokering barter
transactions. Contact myaffe@
tradebank.com or 888.568.5680
ext 118.
The seller was delighted to make
the sale as quickly as possible; in
this instance, within an hour of
announcing the sale, as he was
eager to spend the new revenue.
The buyer was also delighted.
He was familiar with the vehicle,
knew it was priced fairly and
had sufficient funds to make the
purchase and could say “yes”
immediately. Two clients who
never met one another were both
able to achieve their desired
outcome through Tradebank.
Some clients are just “wired” to
make quick decisions and are
able to act quickly, while people
need time to think things over.
Whether you are an impulse
buyer or someone who is more
contemplative, communication
with your Tradebank Broker
as to what you have to sell and
what you are looking to buy
is important. Your Tradebank
Broker is contacting you to make
you money or save you money.
Bottom line: Appreciate that
Tradebank Dollars provide you
with additional resources to enable
you to make purchases that may
be cash prohibitive. Accept your
Tradebank Broker’s phone calls,
read your emails and monitor
the items in the Classifieds at
myTradebank.com. Always do your
homework and know what you’re
buying, even when buying on
The Trade STreeT Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 3
A Tradebank Broker Replies
by Marcy S. Yaffe
Summer McCall is the Tradebank Broker for Tradebank of
Charlotte and Rockhill.
MY: What advice do you give Tradebank clients regarding
managing their barter accounts?
SM: Without naming names, let me answer that by giving you
an example of what happened recently with a client in my area.
I will call her “Ms. Smith”. Ms. Smith has been with Tradebank
for several years. Over the years, at her request, we worked really
hard to promote her business. As a result, she received a lot of
new Tradebank customers. Then the first of this year, after a busy
holiday season, Ms. Smith thought she had “too much trade”,
stopped accepting Tradebank, and went on standby. I knew going
on standby wasn’t in her best interest and I asked her to just work
more closely with me to help find a more comfortable balance
between her sales and purchases. I offered to introduce Ms. Smith
to new spending ideas so she could keep her existing Tradebank
customers and still reduce her balance. But she still insisted that
she wouldn’t take any more trade.
This caused a lot of problems both for Ms. Smith, the other
Tradebank clients and me. When she stopped taking trade, it
Summer McCall
My point is:
disappointed the clients who loved using Tradebank Dollars with
her. In addition, it forced us to add someone else in her same type
of business who would accept Tradebank and Ms. Smith lost a
here to help you. Your situation is probably not new to us. We’ve
lot of business when her former customers switched to the new
helped others in the past and want to help you as well.
Please listen to the advice of your Tradebank Broker. We are
b) Before you stop accepting Tradebank think about the long term
Now, Ms. Smith has spent her entire trade balance and needs
consequences. You will probably decide there is a better approach
more Tradebank Dollars to pay for her lawn care, search engine
to alleviate your concerns. Understand, the customers you have will
optimization, pest control, advertising, and many other things she
not continue to do business with you for cash. They will call us
wants to buy on an on going basis. In additiona, Ms. Smith is
asking for someone else to trade with and request for us to sign up
anxious because she is not generating nearly the trade volume
one of your competitors.
she was used to before going on standby. Mrs. Smith got used to
having the Tradebank Dollars to spend and now is scrambling to
c) Don’t interrupt the momentum you’ve built through Tradebank.
get more Tradebank business. Many of Ms. Smith’s old clients
We work very hard to generate new business for you and it is much
are leery to switch back or use someone again who has turned
more difficult to re-create business when you place limitations on
down their business.
your trading.
Customers want to feel appreciated as well, and telling a customer
“No, we don’t want your business” is never a good thing.
We have unlimited ideas and opportunities for you. The only
If you need more Tradebank purchasing options, let us know.
roadblocks you have are the ones you create by not being open
The Trade STreeT Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 4
Tom Smith, Jr. New Owner of Tradebank of Memphis
Tom Smith is the new Regional Owner for Tradebank of
Memphis. Smith is a lifelong resident of Memphis with deep
roots in the Memphis community. He brings a wealth of
sales, management and marketing experience to Tradebank
and the clients in Memphis. As a lifelong trader, Smith has an
understanding and appreciation of barter and sees Tradebank
as a huge benefit to business owners.
Smith explains his interest in Tradebank, “When Mark
Caldwell purchased Tradebank of Memphis in 2007 he
bought a house next door to us. We became friends and I
learned about Tradebank through Mark. I had been spending
an enormous amount of time traveling in my previous job
as VP of Operations for a company that owned casinos in
Mississippi and Tennessee. I was ready to make a career
change which allowed me to spend more time at home with
my family. When I shared this with Mark, he told me he was
looking to find a responsible buyer to take over Tradebank
of Memphis because he wanted to focus his attention in
Nashville. Timing worked out perfectly for both of us. Mark
was looking to sell Tradebank of Memphis and I was looking
for a local based business. We both did our due diligence,
and today I am the proud owner of Tradebank of Memphis.
I look forward to building on the impressive group of clients
already part of Tradebank of Memphis.”
Tom Smith, Jr.
Mark Caldwell has owned Tradebank of Nashville since 1995 and Tradebank of Memphis since 2007. Caldwell
elaborates, “I try to operate from a “neighbors helping neighbors” philosophy. I was looking for a buyer in
Memphis so I could concentrate my focus completely on Tradebank of Nashville. The more I got to know Tom
and his work ethic, along with the contacts and respect he has in the Memphis community, I knew he was the
type of person I wanted to be a part of Tradebank. To top things off, Tom is my neighbor!”
“Tom’s natural sales ability, his lifelong relationships with the people in Memphis and his passion for barter
lead me to believe he will be a great asset both to Tradebank and the Memphis business community,” says Todd
Gerry, President of Tradebank International Franchising Corp.
In this world it’s about helping each other succeed. And, I see the expansion of Tradebank of Memphis as huge
opportunity for everyone to improve their bottom line. I look forward to having the existing clients in Memphis
introduce me to prospective Tradebank clients just as I will be introducing them to new trading opportunities”,
summarizes Smith.
Contact Information:
Tom Smith, Jr.
Tradebank of Memphis
T: 901.921.5913
E: tsmith@tradebank.com
The Trade STreeT Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 5
The Importance of Having Coaches
In Your Life
The concept of having/being a mentor dates back to ancient Greece. In
today’s society the role of mentor has morphed into life and business
coaches who help others be more successful in their personal and
professional lives. As a Tradebank client you have the ability to use your
Tradebank Dollars to receive the tools necessary to be happier, healthier,
more productive and prosperous in life.
Jack Klemeyer, Business Development Coach and founder of GYB
Coaching, shares what he observes as the secret that most business owners
won’t admit, “Most business owners and entrepreneurs don’t know the
first thing about effectively and efficiently growing their business. As
a result, many business owners put hours and hours into their business
and just force their way through it. Others function by trial and error and
therefore waste a lot of time and money. And some actually just try it all
and see what sticks.
The role of a business coach is to offer experience, support and advice to
make the most of your time and money. It’s about learning the things that
make you and your business successful, and keeping you on track doing
them. Working with a business coach helps simplify your processes,
focus your efforts, emphasize your strengths, offset your shortcomings,
and put you on a path to success,” explains Klemeyer.
Mike Hartman, former NHL player and creator of Better Life Training
elaborates, “In order to achieve your personal best, everyone needs a
coach. Our goal at Better Life Training is to help individuals become
their personal best. We define ‘your personal best’ as getting out of your
comfort zone and raising the bar so that you can be at the top of your
game. Whether it is in sports, business or every day life, we believe in
giving 100% in everything you do without taking short cuts. However,
sometimes you may not have 100% to give. You may not be feeling well
or maybe you have gone through adversity. There may be only 60% of
you to give. Our role is to help you give 60% of 100%.”
Contact Information:
Jack Klemeyer
GYB Coaching
T: 317.852.2466
E: jack@gybcoaching.com
W: gybcoaching.com
“Physical fitness is just as important as mental fitness,” explains Trey
Harris, owner of Ripped 24 Fitness. Harris continues, “Whether you’ve
decided to get back in shape, or you already are and need a boost to
the next level, a personal trainer can help you navigate all the common
pitfalls that cause the re-occurring on again off again fitness mode. So
keep your new goals, but make more, and this time get a personal trainer
who can show you more than just how to workout.”
Mike Hartman
Better Life Training
T: 888.223.1450
E: mikehartman@carolina.rr.com
W: betterlifetraining.com
Business, life and fitness coaches are available throughout the Tradebank
trading network. In many instances these coaches have developed
a program geared for long distance support and training. Speak to a
Tradebank Broker in your area for more information.
Trey Harris
Ripped 24 Fitness
T: 404.788.7982
E: getfit@trainingbytrey.com
The Trade STreeT Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 6
Lifelong Learning Opportunities
Classes are available throughout the Tradebank network for adults, children and pets to have fun
and improve their skills. Here are just a few of the diverse categories of learning opportunities
Do you want to …
...improve your computer skills
...improve your tennis game
...make pottery
...enhance your productivity
...be a better boss
...improve your salesmanship
...learn to play a music instrument
...learn to shoot a fire arm
...be a more persuasive speaker
...learn to ride horses
...improve your culinary skills
...have a better resume
...sell real estate
...be a gymnast
...learn martial arts
...feel confident in your self defense skills
...learn to blow glass
...attend flight school
...make jewelry
...take art classes
...eat properly and understand nutrition
...know the proper way to exercise
...speak a foreign language
...learn to sell things on ebay
...take acting classes
...have a more well behaved dog
...learn to scuba dive
...be a skydiver
...improve your children’s reading skills
...be better organized
...learn to dance
...learn how to better manage money
...learn to speak a foreign language
and use your Tradebank Dollars to do so?
Contact your Tradebank Broker. What else do you want to learn? Just ask if its available through
If you want to improve your understanding and expand your knowledge of how to use barter to
improve your bottom line, come to the next Trade University. Check “Events” at myTradebank.com or
ask your local Tradebank office for details.
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 7
All Work and No Play Is No Fun
It is always prudent to use your Tradebank Dollars to
develop your business so you can improve your bottom
line. However, it is also fun to spend Tradebank Dollars
to enhance your lifestyle and have new experiences.
Using Tradebank Dollars rather than cash for travel and
other adventures makes them more attainable.
As a Tradebank client you can experience a zip line ride,
parachute from an airplane, go whitewater rafting, take
a helicopter tour of Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods
in Colorado, ride a horse drawn sleigh through the snow
and be the musher on a dog sled tour. You can go hunting,
fishing in the lake or ocean, horseback riding, camping
and ride dirt bikes up mountain trails.
You can also go back in time and enjoy being a cowpoke
for the day with good old family fun at A Cowboy
Town in Whites Creek, Tennessee just 10 minutes from
downtown Nashville. They offer Wild West gunfights,
hay rides, horseback riding, primitive camping, hiking,
giant bonfires and more.
If you would rather fish than cut bait, it doesn’t get any
better than going on a fishing trip with Tommy Mike
Guide Service. Tommy has been bass fishing West Point
Lake in LaGrange, Georgia (just one hour south of
Hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta) for over 40 years.
Their guided trips include all the tackle, bait, gas, life
jackets, and lunch. Special arrangements can be made
for fishing clinics, mini tournaments, a fish fry and
overnight accommodations. For those of you who prefer
salt water fishing, boat rental and fishing charters are
available in Florida.
Whitewater rafting on the Ocoee River in Tennessee
with Ocoee Outdoors is one of those adventures you
will never forget. The Ocoee River is known for being
one of the most challenging rivers for whitewater rafting
throughout the country. Many championships have been
held on the Ocoee river including the 1996 Olympic
Whitewater competition. You don’t have to worry if you
have never been rafting, the guides at Ocoee Outdoors
will teach you all you need to know before your trip begins
and be with you to keep you safe. Ocoee Outdoors plans
their trips to your experience and comfort level. They
even offer special white water rafting trips for children
12 and older. If you are looking for real adventure while
rafting, you can request a stop at Jump Rock. The Jump
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 8
Rock has become a highlight of the Ocoee Outdoors
experience for over 32 years and is exclusively an Ocoee
Outdoors’ activity. During your river adventure they stop
and tie up to Jump Rock and let the rafters out who want
to “body surf” the river.
Throughout the Tradebank trading network there are
also places to have corporate team building activities
and adventures using Tradebank Dollars to help bond
and improve the attitude and performance of your staff.
The focus of team building is to increase communication
skills, develop respect for one another, promote
leadership skills and improve your ability to effectively
function as a group.
Also remember, for those adventures not in your area,
often times there are hotels and restaurants nearby
where you can stay using Tradebank Dollars. For more
information on these adventures and others, please
contact your local Tradebank Broker.
Contact Information:
Bill Reynolds
A Cowboy Town, LLC
T: 615.242.6201
E: bill@acowboytown.com
W: acowboytown.com
Tommy Mike
Tommy Mike Guide Service
T: 706.882.8187
E: mike5040@bellsouth.net
W: tommymike.com
J.T. Lemons
Ocoee Outdoors
T: 423.338.2438
E: ocoeeoutdoors@wingnet.net
W: ocoee-outdoors.com
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 9
Tradebank Welcomes New Clients
Athens & NE, GA
B’z Professional Pressure Cleaning
Mac’s Donuts
Ruby Sue Graphics
Trust One Payment Services
Wireless One
Atlanta Metro, GA
Abracadabra Lawnscapes
Anthony’s Closets, Shower Doors &
Around Town Publishing
Byrd Eye View
DandiLion Designs, Inc.
Eye Site Family Vision Center
FairwayScapes, LLC
Los Recuerdos Colombian Restaurant
Martha’s Cleaning Service
On-Time Print & Mail
Riehn Landscaping, Inc.
Risen Media Group
Semper Fi Construction Specialists
Shine Bright Detailing
Sol Oasis Nail Haven
The Metropolitan Club
Tiny Tots
Treemaster Inc.
Charlotte, NC
A Dependable
Bella Photography
Charlotte Neurofeedback Assoc.
Citrus Fresh Carpet Cleaning
Connor Resource Group
Cornwell Construction
Elevate Salon
Fairway Electric
GCG Wealth Management
I Support Charlotte
James Lemond
JM Unlimited Inc
Laurie Leasure
Lynda Boozer
Maxwell Marketing
Mike Spencer Enterprises, LLC
MSL International
Post Right Business Center
Send Out Cards
Your Balanced Healthstyle
Chattanooga, TN
Alder & Cox
North River Chiropractic
Service Heating & Air Inc
Slender Wrap of Chattanooga Inc
Colorado Springs, CO
Align for Life Chiropractic
Caveman Wheelz and Audio
Couture Cupcake Company
Digital Sign Marketing of Colorado
L3 Screen Printing & Embroidery, Inc.
Superior Auto Glass
Columbus, GA
Maaco Auto Painting & Collision
VCK Properties LLC
Denver, CO
American Design and Landscaping
MMJ Business
Greenville, SC
Mojo’s - Cherrydale
Sargent Pest Solutions
The Lighthouse
Universal Services
Huntsville / Decatur, AL
Scott Berry, P.C., Attorney at Law
Atlanta-Dekalb, GA
Tree Man
Atlanta Southeast, GA
Brad Paulk Farrier Service
Donnie Wellz
Southern Crescent Broadcasting
For more information on these n
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 10
Indianapolis, IN
Agio Restaurant & Bar
Defrese Osteopathic Clinic, Inc.
Knoxville, TN
EasTenn Garage Door
Flexible Concrete Solutions
Halls Crossing Self Storage
Skin & Body Care @ Ellusions
Teresa L. Missildine
The Chop Shop
Lexington, KY
Moe’s Southwest Grill - Lexington
Fayette Mall
Louisville, KY
Amazing Traveling Sign Company
Herndon Construction
Infinite Office
Montgomery, AL
Scott Builders, LLC
Nashville, TN
Francesca Lynn
Girl Friday
Star Photo Service , Inc.
Whole Designs
Oklahoma City, OK
Clifton’s Watch Hospital, LLC
Red River Frames, LLC
Omaha, NE
Dental Innovations
Kracklin’ Kirks Fireworks
Sam & Louie’s
Orlando, FL
Always A Cut Above
Apple Spice Orlando
Capillo Salon
Carpet Depot
Destination Health Plus, LLC
Eyeris Networks
Falcon’s Fire Golf Club, Inc.
Gina Carr
J & L Automotive, Inc.
JJ Fins Dockside
Michelle Violette
Platinum Pest Services, Inc.
Royall Media, Inc.
Signs Now College Park
Specialty Marine Contractors, Inc.
The LW Group
Trak Business Solutions, LLC
WGM Signs
Topeka, KS
Pepe and Chela’s
Tri-Cities, TN
Avalon Computers LLC
Father & Son Remodeling
One-Txt, Inc.
Powers Coffee Express & Cafe
Sinking Creek Baptist Church
Stellar Studios
Calgary South
Mukwah Tours
Joint Ventures
Absolute Leadership Development
Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Hamilton
and Burlington
Boston Pizza-Centre on Barton
Brain Injury Services of Hamilton
1 Take Media
Healthy Beginnings Chiropractic
Peter Karanfilis - Personal Trainer
Prestige Roofing
Robert Cook Creative Advertising
and Marketing
Robert’s Personal Concierge Service
Sniper Alley Paintball
Simcoe County
Patchell Media
Wichita, KS
Dan Price Masonry
J. A. H. Martinez
Prestigious Films
Safety Tec Hood Cleaning
The Burger Barn
new clients, and other clients, login to myTradebank.com or contact your Tradebank Broker.
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 11
Sandra continues, “There were
also many medications as part
of my treatments, some of which
represented substantial out of
pocket costs for us. We were
blessed because I was able to get
my prescriptions from a local
The next hurdle Sandra and David pharmacy who was also part of
faced was that their insurance Tradebank.”
did not cover the treatment and
their cash resources were very The end result, in September 1995
limited. Sandra and David used triplets, Alexandria, David III and
the power of prayer and their Victoria were born and became
own resourcefulness, and put a affectionately known as the
plan incorporating Tradebank Tradebank Triplets. The Hawkins’
and barter into action, to raise the family became instant celebrities
funds to pay for the treatments.
as the story of their creative use of
barter and Tradebank was written
David knew Tradebank Dollars about in the local newspaper.
would be a lot easier for him Over the years, the community
to generate than cash dollars. has watched the children grow.
“We had been with Tradebank The triplets will celebrate their
six years with my custom car 15th birthday in September.
fabrication and custom car audio
installation business and that David and Sandra Hawkins and
was going well. When I knew I good friend Randy Taylor remain
needed more Tradebank Dollars, loyal and active Tradebank
I went through my inventory and clients and continue to count their
came up with whatever I could blessings, barter and Tradebank
to sell to build my trade balance. included.
Once I had enough Tradebank
Dollars, my long time friend
and fellow Tradebank member,
Randy Taylor had a car he would
sell me through Tradebank. My
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 12
Sandra Hawkins displays newspaper feature
for triplets 1st birthday.
L:R Alexandria, David III, and Victoria, Age 6
Photo by Steve Schroder Photography
plan was to build my Tradebank
account, buy the car with the new
trade revenue and then use the
car as collateral at the bank to get
a cash loan to pay for Sandra’s
fertility treatments. That worked,
and soon Sandra was pregnant,”
explains David. “Then I sold the
car for cash and paid back the
Photo by Horace Holmes Studio, Inc.
Sandra Hawkins knew she
wanted to be a mother ever since
she was a little girl. After she
and David got married in 1992,
Sandra’s local doctors confirmed
what doctors had told her at the
early age of 16; she had a medical
condition that prevented her from
conceiving. Sandra and David
were not willing to give up easily
and went to one of the top 10
fertility doctors in the country.
The physician provided them
with hope and as much assurance
as possible that he could help the
Hawkins’ have the family they
wanted so much.
Photo by Horace Holmes Studio, Inc
The Tradebank Triplets
L to R: Alexandria, David II, Sandra, Victoria
and David III in the back
Contact Information:
Sandra & David Hawkins
CARS of Macon
T: 478.836.3800
E: triplyblessed@gmail.com
How Tradebank Works...
for Retail
Retailers in today’s market face competition not
only from other independent local retailers,
but also corporate big box stores.
As a Tradebank client you add a powerful
marketing arm to your company which
guarantees to bring you new customers in
addition to providing an avenue for you to move
your idle inventory. The new customers you
receive will be existing Tradebank clients who
will bypass your competition to do business
with you through Tradebank along with the
powerful word of mouth recommendations
that Tradebank customers represent. These
additional customers generate new incremental
barter revenue above and beyond your current
customers that can be used to fund advertising
expenditures and reduce overhead expenses.
In the retail environment, business owners have
a bevy of ongoing overhead expenses such
as building & property maintenance, health
care and employee incentives, in addition
to advertising and marketing concerns. As a
Tradebank client you can cover many of your
business and personal expenditures using
revenue generated from new Tradebank sales
as opposed to depleting your cash resources,
thus improving your business cash flow and
increasing your cash profits.
Speak with a Tradebank representative and
see how to tailor a barter strategy to improve
your sales and profits.
Contact Todd Gerry @ 1.888.568.5680 ext
119 or tgerry@tradebank.com
The Trade STreeT Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 13
Salesmen Are Made Not Born
Have you ever considered that
sales is an accidental profession?
Nobody ever plans to be in sales.
Think about it, when you formed
your company, you intended to be
the business owner and manage the
company right? You were going to
have ‘big picture’ responsibilities.
As you continued to manage your
business, you may have come to
the realization that the old saying,
“nothing happens until someone
sells something” is 100% true and
you realized that in order to meet
payroll and obtain revenue for your
company YOU may be the one who
has to do the selling.
If you are in a sales position, the
question becomes have you ever
been trained on the processes and
techniques needed to be effective
when you call on prospects? Do you
dread making sales calls because
deep down you feel unprepared
to face objections? If you hate the
selling side of your business and
have to fight with yourself to make
sales calls how effective will you
be? If you have a sales staff, do you
think they may be feeling the same
what a disservice he was doing
to himself and customers, and
most importantly the money he
was losing by not being properly
trained, so he sought formal
training with Sandler in 1996.
and treatment available? If one
of your responsibilities involves
selling, proper education and
training is critical to your success.
We all want to work smarter and
not harder, don’t we?”
“There is nothing magical about
sales and selling. There are,
however, specific teachable and
learnable techniques that are
not only proven to bring you
results, but they also make you
more comfortable in the selling
process.” Shulman continues, “If
you already think of yourself as a
sales professional, when was the
last time you took a continuing
education course to update and
polish your skills to meet the
demands in today’s marketplace?
Would you consider doing business
with an attorney who used 10 year
old law books? A physician who
was not up on the latest medication
“For those of you who say you can’t
afford professional sales training,
it’s not about how much you will
spend on training, it is about how
much you are losing as a result
of your own ineffectiveness,”
cautions Shulman. The best news
of all is, as a Tradebank client
you don’t have to spend cash to
get your education; you can use
your Tradebank Dollars. Shulman
and other Tradebank clients who
teach sales training are available
to you and your staff for in
house programs, teleconferences,
speaking engagements and Internet
Those are the questions and
considerations Eric Shulman poses to
his prospective students everyday.
Shulman has been a professional
sales trainer with Sandler Training
since 1997, opening his Orlando
office in 2003. Shulman shares a
strong affinity to the challenges
sales people face. For over 20
years, Shulman was a ‘feet on
the street/by the seat of his pants’
salesman. Finally, he realized
The Trade STreeT Journal • Volume 8 • 2010 • 14
Contact Information:
Eric Shulman
Sandler Training
T: 407.740.7355
E: eric@sandler.com
W: nhpd.sandler.com
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