September 2014 - Pleasant Valley Community School District
September 2014 - Pleasant Valley Community School District
T C O T N V A A S L LEY A E L P H C O S O Y L T DIS I N U T RI M M C 2014-2015 CALENDAR All dates are subject to change Committed to Excellence Belmont Administration Center 563-332-5550 Dr. James R. Spelhaug, Superintendent Mr. Brian Strusz, Assistant Superintendent Mr. Michael L. Clingingsmith, CPA, Chief Financial Officer Ms. Andrea Mahler, Food Service Director Ms. Ladonna Czachowski, Technology Facilitator Ms. Stephanie Judkins, Director of Literacy/Elementary Curriculum Address 525 Belmont Rd Bettendorf, IA 52722 Maintenance Center 563-332-6895 Mr. Ray LaFrentz, Director of Operations Address 4333 Devils Glen Rd Bettendorf, IA 52722 Durham School Services (Bus Service) 563-332-4949 Address 4333 Devils Glen Rd Bettendorf, IA 52722 Pleasant Valley High School 563-332-5151 Mr. Mike Zimmer, Principal Ms. D’Anne Kroemer, Associate Principal/Activities Director Mr. Michael Peakin, Associate Principal Mr. Darren Erickson, Associate Principal Attendance Office Activities Office Guidance Office Theatre Box Office Address 604 Belmont Rd Bettendorf, IA 52722 563-332-6132 563-332-5309 563-332-6250 563-332-9328 Pleasant Valley Junior High School 563-332-0200 Mr. Trampus Budde, Principal Mr. Kevin Pennekamp, Dean of Students/Asst Activities Director Address 3501 Wisconsin St LeClaire, IA 52753 Bridgeview Elementary School 563-332-0215 Mr. Tony Hiatt, Principal Address 316 S 12th St LeClaire, IA 52753 Cody Elementary School 563-332-0210 Mr. Tim Bradley, Principal Address 2100 Territorial Rd LeClaire, IA 52753 Hopewell Elementary School 563-332-0250 Mr. Chris Welch, Principal Address 3900 Hopewell Ave Bettendorf, IA 52722 Pleasant View Elementary School 563-332-5575 Mr. Steven Cotton, Principal Ms. Rachel Gotto, Dean of Students Address 6333 Crow Creek Rd Bettendorf, IA 52722 Riverdale Heights Elementary School 563-332-0525 Ms. Jennifer Gertson, Principal Ms. Rachel Gotto, Dean of Students Address 2125 Devils Glen Rd Bettendorf, IA 52722 School Closings and Early Dismissal Information School may be closed due to inclement weather. This can include snow, ice and extreme cold. Usually the decision to close school is made prior to 6:00 am. The decision to close school will then be relayed to local radio and television stations. A list of these stations is as follows: KMXG WLLR KCQQ WVIK WOC KUUL 96.1 FM 103.7 FM 106.5 FM 90.3 FM 1420 AM 101.3 FM 4 6 8 18 TV Stations August 13: First Day of School September 1: Labor Day – No School October 17: K-12 No School Building Abbreviations AC BV CO HS HW JH PLV RH Administration Center Bridgeview Cody High School Hopewell Junior High Pleasant View Riverdale Heights High School Abbreviations Assum Bett Burl Clin Central North West Musc NS RI Assumption Bettendorf Burlington Clinton Davenport Central Davenport North Davenport West Muscatine North Scott Rock Island General Abbreviations November 26 – 28: Thanksgiving – No School Bstr Elem HG&D December 22 – January 2: Winter Break Mtg Sem Booster Elementary Human Growth and Development Meeting Semester January 19: K-12 No School February 13: K-12 No School February 16: K-12 No School March 13 – 20: Spring Break Athletic Abbreviations BB BK Bowl CC FB Soc SB SW Ten Tr VB WR B prefix G prefix Baseball Basketball Bowling Cross Country Football Soccer Softball Swimming Tennis Track Volleyball Wrestling Boys Girls April 3: K-12 No School May 24: High School Graduation May 25: K-12 No School May 27: K-12 Last Day of School K-6 Dismiss @ 11:30 am JH Dismiss @ 2:25 pm HS Dismiss @ 3:30 pm IMPORTANT DATES AUGUST 2014 Aug. 11: Aug. 13: Aug. 14: Aug. 19: Aug. 22: Aug. 26: Aug. 27: HS Open House K-12 First Day of School HS Fall Coaches/Parent Kick-Off Night JH Open House HS Football Scrimmage & Activities Recognition Elementary Curriculum Night K-12 Early Dismissal “Education is the transmission of civilization.” ~ Ariel Durant High School 332-5151 Attendance 332-6132 Activities 332-5309 Guidance 332-6250 Junior High 332-0200 Attendance Guidance 332-0201 332-0202 Bridgeview 332-0215 Attendance 332-0216 Cody 332-0210 Attendance 332-0211 Hopewell 332-0250 Attendance 332-0251 Pleasant View 332-5575 Attendance 332-5576 Riverdale Heights 332-0525 Attendance 332-0616 -$,#& $XJXVW % #, #) $& %# ! " & ## #* $' ! " ' #$ #+ $( ( #% $, $) .$,#& ! ) #& $# $* # * #' $$ $+ $ + #( $% %, ! ! " ! ) #& $# $* # * #' $$ $+ $ + #( $% %, % #, #) $& & ## #* $' ' #$ #+ $( ( #% $, $) $XJ $)/-$ -XO -%/+ ."0 #,1,,2 / -/34 '1,,5 (1,,5 -#,/#( (1%,!-9? : . ."0 #,1,,2 /64 '1,,5 5 '1,,@"89 '1%,@ ;= (1%,3!- (1''- ; "50 7:15pm HS Open House -#)/$% 6HS -$&/%, =%/#, - %1#'5=B %1%,533 0 &1%,+5?5 '1&,@@3 '1&'5?5 (1#'@8 7:00pm HS Orch Bstr Mtg ##1,,:. '1,,5; -2 *1%,A0: =%/#, - 2 +1,,3!-2 %1,,@2 9;5= 9 %1%,433 0 5:00pm HS 10VB @ CR Wash 6:00pm BV Sktg Prty =(/+4>"0 : +1,,5=? 5 +1,,"!- 4 =%/#, - A/#$@: : (1,, A0/4 %1%,333 0 (1,,(: 4 ;<< 75 ! %1%, 89 (1%,5 A/#$: #$1,'@:= #,/#$ +1,,5=?" '1,," (1,,=;: (1%,4!- (1%,4 (1%,2!- =%/#, - +1%,5=?8 (1,,-5 (1,,5 )1,,5 5 4 > ) #1,,5=?5B (1,,:5 ."0 *1,,2 +1,,2 '1,,5 *1,,5 *1,,#,5 - *1,,5? - *1,,-.- "0 *1,,+5? - #,1,,-5= ! =%/#, - '1,,58 -%#/( 6:00 HS 9FB @ Bett-Blk For Pleasant Valley Junior High sporting activities, see the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal or the PVJH home page. IMPORTANT DATES SEPTEMBER 2014 Sept. 1: Sept. 10: Sept. 29: K-12 No School K-12 Early Dismissal Elementary Iowa Assessments Begin “Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with vision is making a positive difference.” ~ Joel Barker High School 332-5151 Attendance 332-6132 Activities 332-5309 Guidance 332-6250 Junior High 332-0200 Attendance Guidance 332-0201 332-0202 Bridgeview 332-0215 Attendance 332-0216 Cody 332-0210 Attendance 332-0211 Hopewell 332-0250 Attendance 332-0251 Pleasant View 332-5575 Attendance 332-5576 Riverdale Heights 332-0525 Attendance 332-0616 September 2014 September 2014 Sunday Aug 31 Monday Sep 1 Tuesday 2 Gr. 3-10 Map Assessment 8:00am JH Orch Elem Tour 4:30pm HS 9VB vs Burl 5:45pm HS VB vs Burl 6:00pm BV PTA Mtg 6:00pm HS 9FB vs Burl Aug 31 - Sep 6 Admin Center Closed K-12 No School 7 8 9 Sep 7 - 13 Gr. 3-10 Map Assessment 9:00am PLV PTA Mtg 6:00pm HW Sktg Prty 6:00pm School Board Mtg 6:30pm String Info Night 4th Gr & New Families @ JH 14 15 Sep 14 - 20 21 22 Sep 21 - 27 29 Sep 28 - Oct 4 HS Band All St Wrkshp @ UNI 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 7:00pm We Th Fr Sa 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 11 18 24 25 2 We Th Fr Sa 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 Saturday 6 12 9:00am HS B/G CC Spartan Inv 13 8:00am HS ICDA All State Chorus Wkshp 9:00am HS 10VB PV Inv 9:00am HS 9VB @ Musc Inv 9:00am HS VVB @ Linn-Mar Inv 9:30am HS GSW @ RI Inv Gr. 3-10 Map Assessment JH/HS Qtr 1 Mid-Terms 12:00am JH Qrt 1 Mid-Term 5:00pm HS FB vs Bett 19 20 7:30am PLV Morning w/Moms 9:00am RH Grndprnts/Special Person Day 5:00pm CO Fall Frolic 5:00pm HS FB @ CR Ken 26 7:00pm HS Reverse Powder Puff Oct 1 6 13 20 27 Tu Gr. 3-10 Map Assessment 5:00pm HS FB @ Linn-Mar 3:15pm HS BGolf @ Dub Hemp 6:00pm HS JVVB Quad 6:30pm HW PTA Mtg PLV Fall Pictures HS 9VB @ NS HS 9FB vs NS HS VB vs NS HS GSW @ Clin HS Orch Bstr Mtg 5 12 19 26 Mo Friday Gr. 3-10 Map Assessment 2:00pm HW Hot Club of SanFran - Jazz 4:30pm HS JV B/GCC @ CR Inv 4:30pm HS V BCC @ Mrshltwn Inv RH Walk-a-Thon Su 5 Gr. 3-10 Map Assessment 6:30pm HS Choral Bstr Mtg Gr. 3-10 Map Assessment K-12 Early Dismissal 12:00pm HS BGolf @ Clin Inv 17 30 Iowa Assessments Gr 1-6 6:00pm HS Athletic Bstr Mtg 7:00pm HS Battle of the Bands Tu Thursday Gr. 3-10 Map Assessment HW Fall Pictures 9:00am HW Room Prnt Mtg 9:30am HS BGolf @ Assum Inv 1:30pm JH PTA Mtg HS 9VB vs Musc HS VB vs Musc CO Sktg Prty HS 9FB vs Musc HS GSW vs North RH PTA Mtg 23 HS Picture Retakes 10:00am HS BGolf @ Grayhound Inv 6:00pm School Board Mtg 28 4:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm Mo 4 10 Gr. 3-10 Map Assessment 4:30pm HS 9VB @ Assum 5:00pm HS 9FB vs Bett-Gold 5:45pm HS VB @ Assum 6:00pm HS GSW @ West 6:30pm CO PTA Mtg 16 6:00pm HS Drama Bstr Mtg Wednesday 3 October 2014 Su 9:00am HS B/G CC @ Peoria ND 27 9:00am HS BGolf @ MAC 3:15pm HS B/G CC @ RI Inv 5:00pm HS FB vs North 3 Iowa Assessments Gr 1-6 1:00pm HS JV BGolf @ NS Inv 4:30pm HS 9VB @ Central 5:45pm HS VB @ Central 6:00pm HS 9FB @ Central 6:00pm HS GSW vs Burl 7:00pm PV HS Singers Fall Perform For Pleasant Valley Junior High sporting activities, see the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal or the PVJH home page. HS V B/G CC @ Griak Inv 8:30am HS 9VB @ Clin Inv 8:30am HS GSW @ CR Ken Inv 9:00am HS 10VB @ ICW Inv 9:00am HS BGolf @ MAC 9:00am HS VVB @ Dub Inv 4 IMPORTANT DATES OCTOBER 2014 “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Oct. 1: Oct. 1: Oct. 7: Oct. 14: Oct. 16: Oct. 17: Oct. 21: Oct. 23: Oct. 28: Oct. 29: Oct. 30: K-12 Early Dismissal JH/HS Iowa Assessments Begin JH/HS Fall Orchestra Concert JH Booster Band Concert JH/HS Conferences K-12 No School JH Conferences Elementary Conferences Elementary Conferences K-12 Early Dismissal JH Choral Concert ~ Benjamin Franklin High School 332-5151 Attendance 332-6132 Activities 332-5309 Guidance 332-6250 Junior High 332-0200 Attendance Guidance 332-0201 332-0202 Bridgeview 332-0215 Attendance 332-0216 Cody 332-0210 Attendance 332-0211 Hopewell 332-0250 Attendance 332-0251 Pleasant View 332-5575 Attendance 332-5576 Riverdale Heights 332-0525 Attendance 332-0616 2FWREHU 6XQGD\ 6HS 0RQGD\ 7XHVGD\ :HGQHVGD\ 2FW 6HS2FW 2FW +6%*ROI'LVWULFWV SP+6%DQG%VWU0WJ SP+60HWUR&KRUDO)HVW #%HWW 2FW DP3/937$0WJ SP6FKRRO%RDUG0WJ 2FW 2FW1RY -++64WU(QGV SP+69%YV&OLQ SP+69%YV&OLQ SP+6)%#&OLQ SP+6*6:#%HWW Mtg SP3/9+*'*U3UQW0W SP&237$0WJ SP-+%DQG&QFUW SP3/9+*'*U3UQW0W Mtg 7:30pm PLV HG&D Gr6 Prnt Mtg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or Pleasant Valley Junior High sporting activities, see the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal or the PVJH home page. DP+6%*&&#&OLQ,QY DP+6-9*6:# *DOHVEXUJ,QY SP +6%*ROI6WDWH DP+69%#,&+LJK,QY DP+69%#16,QY DP+69*6:#87,QY DP+6%*&WHUOLQJ ,QY DP+6)%#%HWW*ROG Wash Inv SP+6-9*6:#&5:DV Dance SP+6+RPHFRPLQJ'DQF DP+69%#16,QY SP+6*6:#*DOHVEXUJ ,QY +6$&7 V +6*6:#0XVF-9,QY ,+60$$OO6W%DQG2UFK&KRLU$XG Choir Aud 1RY IMPORTANT DATES NOVEMBER 2014 HS Fall Musical JH/HS Jazz Band Concerts HS Winter Coaches/Parent Tip of the Night Nov. 26-28: K-12 No School Nov. 6-8: Nov. 18: Nov. 20: “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.” ~ Joseph Addison High School 332-5151 Attendance 332-6132 Activities 332-5309 Guidance 332-6250 Junior High 332-0200 Attendance Guidance 332-0201 332-0202 Bridgeview 332-0215 Attendance 332-0216 Cody 332-0210 Attendance 332-0211 Hopewell 332-0250 Attendance 332-0251 Pleasant View 332-5575 Attendance 332-5576 Riverdale Heights 332-0525 Attendance 332-0616 -.$,#& 1RYHPEHU $ + #( $% %, 2FW ! " % #, #) $& ! " & ## #* $' ' #$ #+ $( ! 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IMPORTANT DATES DECEMBER 2014 Dec. 4: Dec. 5: Dec. 9: Dec. 9: Dec. 11: Dec. 12: Dec. 15: Dec. 18: “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.” BV Winter Program HW Winter Programs RH Winter Programs JH/HS Orchestra Concert CO Winter Program PLV Winter Programs HS Holiday Choir Concert JH Winter Choir Concert WINTER BREAK Dec. 22 - Jan. 2, 2015 ~ William Arthur Ward High School 332-5151 Attendance 332-6132 Activities 332-5309 Guidance 332-6250 Junior High 332-0200 Attendance Guidance 332-0201 332-0202 Bridgeview 332-0215 Attendance 332-0216 Cody 332-0210 Attendance 332-0211 Hopewell 332-0250 Attendance 332-0251 Pleasant View 332-5575 Attendance 332-5576 Riverdale Heights 332-0525 Attendance 332-0616 -.$,#& 'HFHPEHU 1RY 'HF ! -)0#% +1,,;!8 (1,,+227348 (1%,2 *1,,2 -#&0$, ) #& $# $* # * #' $$ $+ $ + #( $% %, % #, #) $& %# & ## #* $' ' #$ #+ $( ( #% $, $) ! 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IMPORTANT DATES J A N U A RY 2 0 1 5 Jan. 5: Jan. 19: K-12 School Resumes K-12 No School “The whole object of education is… to develop the mind. The mind should be a thing that works.” ~ Sherwood Anderson High School 332-5151 Attendance 332-6132 Activities 332-5309 Guidance 332-6250 Junior High 332-0200 Attendance Guidance 332-0201 332-0202 Bridgeview 332-0215 Attendance 332-0216 Cody 332-0210 Attendance 332-0211 Hopewell 332-0250 Attendance 332-0251 Pleasant View 332-5575 Attendance 332-5576 Riverdale Heights 332-0525 Attendance 332-0616 -DQXDU\ 'HF -$,#' $,#' & ## #* $' ! " ' #$ #+ $( ! ( #% $, $) " ! ! " ! ) #& $# $* # * #' $$ $+ $ + #( $% %, % #, #) $& %# # * #' $$ $ + #( $% % #, #) $& & ## #* $' ' #$ #+ $( ( #% $, $) ) #& $# $* ! -DQ 0 "34 1/#$2 .$*/ % 0 1/#$2 &/#, '5,,+671+771. 743. (5,,.7 )5,,7 7 ##/#) #*/$& &5#'#,671#,771. 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(5,,671771.4 7 (5%,";4 For Pleasant Valley Junior High sporting activities, see the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal or the PVJH home page. ."9 :70 7 04 +5,,"34 +5,,"34. 7"47 "346 ##5,,+6714 :70 7 +5,,+671=4 +5,,"3. #,5,,"34>- +5,,"3 042 #,5,,7"4 #5,,677"842 IMPORTANT DATES F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 Feb. 4: Feb. 9: Feb. 12: Feb. 13: Feb. 16: Feb. 19: Feb. 24: Feb. 26: Feb. 27-28: K-12 Early Dismissal District Choral Fest JH Conferences K-12 No School K-12 No School HS Winter Band Concert HS Band Solo Fest Elementary Conferences HS Winter Play “Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.” ~ Nelson Mandela High School 332-5151 Attendance 332-6132 Activities 332-5309 Guidance 332-6250 Junior High 332-0200 Attendance Guidance 332-0201 332-0202 Bridgeview 332-0215 Attendance 332-0216 Cody 332-0210 Attendance 332-0211 Hopewell 332-0250 Attendance 332-0251 Pleasant View 332-5575 Attendance 332-5576 Riverdale Heights 332-0525 Attendance 332-0616 -$,#' )HEUXDU\ )HE -#.) /!! 0%1' (2,,+034+33456 )2,,3 3 )2,,0## -*.#& -#'.$# 7 5 (2,,334 (2,,0346 (2,,7 89: 04.% )2,, ; (2,,3!/ (2,,+034+33456 3 (2,,3343 (2,,53 (2,,03463 (2%,=!/ / 3!@10!@3 4.#$: ! 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Forbes High School 332-5151 Attendance 332-6132 Activities 332-5309 Guidance 332-6250 Junior High 332-0200 Attendance Guidance 332-0201 332-0202 Bridgeview 332-0215 Attendance 332-0216 Cody 332-0210 Attendance 332-0211 Hopewell 332-0250 Attendance 332-0251 Pleasant View 332-5575 Attendance 332-5576 Riverdale Heights 332-0525 Attendance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'/%,03 )/,,(075 1 )/,,;5 )/,,53 0*5 !: &/,,5! &/,,5!23 &/,,0! 2 &/,,0!127" &/#'52 '/,,02" +/,,<!- %/#'00 3 &/,,0!23 1 (/,,5 (/%,75 -$(. $ " ' #$ #+ $( $+.-& #/%,!- +/,,0) "< &/,,0! (/%,!-55 (/%,10=7 #,/,,5!24= +/,,<0 7 5 ;>: +/,,5! 2 +/,,0! .1 5"9..! 0%.#, -- 5!10!12791 +/,,"0 7 (/,,<"3 )/,, 0D\ 0%.#, -- 0!25 %/#'00 &/,,5! 2 &/,,0! 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' #$ #+ $( " ( #% $, $) $,#' ! ) #& $# $* # * #' $$ $+ $ + #( $% %, ! -$(. $ $SU %.+ #,.#( 6:30pm CO PTA Mtg 3 55 Bett +2,,// - 85 +2,,/! - 89S +2,,1!- (2,,5 Cncrt (2%,-4 #).$% 1 %2#'// @0 '2,,5 '2%, =0.3 (2,,5 -49 $&.%, #2,,/ ( #% $, $) +2,,/! 89 *2%, ##2%,:- 5! .?! /! : ! #,2,,5: )2,, 5!:/!:8 5!:/!:8 <A *2',1< #,2%,"< 5? ) #& $# $* ' #$ #+ $( 3"0.-.! " +2,,5! .7 &2%,58" '2%,/" )2,,- 4 )2,,!-/* 5!:/!:8 /! .: *2&'5< +2,,"!- <A 17 ##2%,=.(<7 ##2%,- & ## #* $' % #, #) $& 5 1/5 85 /%.#, -- 3 -1/ - 7 *2',:< Ceremony $2,,5! - 8Musc 5:30pm RH Fun Fair '2%,/85 7:00pm HS VBSoc @ Bett More Items " +2,,3>13 8 &2,,5!:/!:7: )2,,- 4 (/!0 8 5? //: /! : ! <A '2%,/ (2,,5 #2,,//8: #2%,!- &2,,5! )2,, -4 1 *2&'3< %2#'//9 &2%,/8- '2%,5- )2,,7-4 )2,,35 - =.#$9 ##2,, 7 -XQ ! $ + #( $% %, 5;!4 /&: 5 /%.#, -- @NS +2,,5! - 8 &2,,5!: - 8 @Clin @Brady &2,,/!: - 8 '2,,/5 More Items 5!:/!:8 /! : ! +2,,5! ? ! /: #,2,,5! %#. 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SARAH ALLEN LAUREN ANDERSON RYAN BLUNK ALFRED BOEH BENJAMIN BRUSTER NICOLE CHILDERS ELIZABETH DEASY LORAINE ARIKAT JACINTA ARRIAGA KENNEDY BRADLEY NOAH BRYANT ALEXANDRA CARTER KELSEY CLINGINGSMITH GARRETT DUNCAN MARIA BROWN JACQUELINE COLARUSSO ABIGAIL ELCESER KIERSTYN FELD PLEASANT VALLEY EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS LYDIA FLORES JACOB GIBNEY EVAN FOLEY ABISHEK GOWDA MADISON GUENZLER TAYLOR HESTER AMELIA JONES CARLIE FRANKE IAN GRAHAM MALLORY HANSON CAMERON HINTON MACKENZIE KENNEDY COURTNEY GAUL HANNAH GRIGGS TYLER HARPER TEGAN HOOVER GRACE KIM HOGAN KNOTT $,#' -XQH 0D\ -XQ ! ! " ! ) #& $# $* # * #' $$ $+ $ + #( $% %, % #, #) $& & ## #* $' ' #$ #+ $( ( #% $, $) ! ../ .0 +1,,2! ! %#- ( ../ " $,#' ' #$ #+ $( ( #% $, $) " ! ) #& $# $* # * #' $$ $+ $ + #( $% %, % #, #) $& %# & ## #* $' 2 +1,,.! . 2 +1,,.! ! . . )-#% .0 (1,,2 ! 2 #,1,,.! -XO #&-$, $#-$) (1,,2 $*-& For Pleasant Valley Junior High sporting activities, see the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal or the PVJH home page. ALEXANDRA KORNDORF SAMUEL MATHEWS BHARABI PANDIT ERICA MILLER MARISA PEEBLES MADELINE REYNOLDS EMILY RUPIPER SHRADDHA KUMAR SEAN MULLEN CHLOE NELSON ERICA PETERSON NICHOLAS REED SAMANTHA RICHARD ELENA SANDRY NATALIE LANG ANNA RODRIGUEZ ADAM SARGEANT DEEPON SARKAR The Pleasant Valley Educational Foundation has given out over $526,500 in scholarships to more than 552 students. For more information or to donate, please contact Jim Spelhaug at: (563) 332-5550 or PAIGE SCHULER CAITLYN STICKEL HUNTER SICKELS SANYA TAZYEEN MACKENZIE WERNING KATHLEEN STAEBELL CAITLIN THOM OLIVIA WRIGHT CAITLIN STAVER MENGYU WANG ANTHONY YANG -$,#' $,#' -XO\ ' #$ #+ $( ! " ( #% $, $) ! " ! ) #& $# $* # * #' $$ $+ $ + #( $% %, % #, #) $& %# & ## #* $' ! ! " ! $ + #( $% %, % #, #) $& %# & ## #* $' ' #$ #+ $( ( #% $, $) ) #& $# $* # * #' $$ $+ -XO '.## $*.& -XQ #$.#* -// $XJ #+.$' (0,,1 $(.-# For Pleasant Valley Junior High sporting activities, see the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal or the PVJH home page. PV The mission of the Pleasant Valley Community School District, as a premier innovative district in the Midwest, is to prepare students to succeed in a diverse, global society by providing superior quality opportunities in a safe environment for each student to become a life long learner and by continuously improving and customizing the educational experience.
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