YTU Department of Arcthitecture APR - YTÜ Mimarlık Bölümü
YTU Department of Arcthitecture APR - YTÜ Mimarlık Bölümü
2015 Yıldız Technical University Department of Architecture Architecture Program Report for 2015 NAAB Visit for Substantial Equivalency Visit Two Bachelor of Architecture [160 units] Year of the Previous Visit: December 2013 Submitted to: The National Architectural Accrediting Board, Inc. Date: January 27, 2015 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 This Page is Left Blank Intentionally 2 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Program Administrator Can Şakir Binan, UCTEA (Member of UIA), Professor, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Architecture Director, Master of Architecture (M. Arch) & Master of Science in Architecture (M.Sc. Arch) +90 212 383 2597 Chief Administrator for the Academic unit Nuran Kara Pilehvarian, UCTEA (Member of UIA) Professor, Ph. D., Dean, YTU Faculty of Architecture office tel.+90 212 383 2585 President of the Institution, İsmail Yüksek, Professor, Ph.D., Rector, YTU +90 212 383 2060 Program Vice Administrator Candan Çınar Çıtak, UCTEA (Member of UIA) Associate Professor, Ph.D., +90 212 383 2597 H. Selim Ökem, UCTEA (Member of UIA) Associate Professor, Ph.D., +90 212 383 2597 Questions should be directed to İrem Gençer, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., +90 212 383 2597 APR Content Development Committee F. Pınar Arabacıoğlu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UCTEA (Member of UIA), Selim Ökem, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UCTEA (Member of UIA), İrem Gençer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, UCTEA (Member of UIA), Çiğdem Canbay Türkyılmaz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, UCTEA (Member of UIA), 3 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Table of Contents Section Page Part One (I). Institutional Support and Commitment to Continuous Improvement 1. Identity and Self Assessment 1. History and Mission 2.Learning Culture and Social Equity 3.Response to the 5 Perspectives 4. Long Range Planning 5. Self-Assessment Procedures 2. Resources 1.Human Resources and Human Resource Development 2.Administrative Structure and Governance 3. Physical Resources 4.Financial Resources 5. Information Resources 3. Institutional and Program Characteristics 4. 1. Statistical Reports 2. Faculty Credentials Policy Review Part Two (II). Educational Outcomes and Curriculum 1. Student Performance - Educational Realms & Student Performance Criteria Realm A Realm B Realm C SPC CHARTS 2. Curricular Framework 1. National Authorization 2. Professional Degrees and Curriculum 3.Curriculum Review and Development 3. Evaluation of Preparatory/Pre-Professional Education 4. Public Information 1.Statement on Substantially Equivalent Degrees 2.Access to NAAB Conditions and Procedures 3. Access to Career Development Information 4. Public Access to APRs and VTRs Appendices 1. Course Descriptions 2. Faculty Resumes 6 6 15 21 29 32 36 36 51 53 62 63 64 64 68 78 84 84 84 95 107 112 113 113 114 121 129 132 132 132 132 133 134 134 264 4 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Abbreviations YTU DoA CoHE/YÖK AAB/MIAK UCTEA/TMMOB CAT/MO CREQ/EKSİP USIS EAAE ENHSA CIB UIA RIBA EU ECTS IAD GP YEM MOBBIG CPDC/SMGM SSAC / OSYM AHEE/YGS Yıldız Technical University Department of Architecture Council of Higher Education Architectural Accrediting Board Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects Chamber of Architects of Turkey (Architectural Division of UCTEA) Continuous Rehabilitation of Education Quality Undergraduate Students Information System European Association for Architectural Education European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction Union of International Architects Royal Institute of British Architects European Union European Credit Transfer System Introduction to Architectural Design Graduation Project The Building Industry Center Communication Group of the Department Heads of Architectural Schools Continuous Professional Development Center Student Selection and Allocation Center Access to Higher Education Exam Please note that some abbreviations such as CoHE/YÖK are given both in English and Turkish abbreviated form sperated from each other with / (dash) punctiation.. For CoHE/YÖK i.e. CoHE (Council of Higher Education) stands for the English abbreviated expression of Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu (YÖK) in Turkish. In the body text, those abbreviations can appear as CoHE, or as CoHE/YÖK, which for both cases indicate exactly the same meaning. 5 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Part One (I). Institutional Support and Commitment to Continuous Improvement I.1. Identity and Self Assessment I.1.1. History and Mission Yıldız Technical University (YTU) In this section, information on history of Yıldız Technical University (YTU), and DoA as an affiliated academic program of the Faculty of Architecture in YTU is presented. Yıldız Technical University (YTU) is one of the seven state universities located in Istanbul. Currently, YTU consists of 10 Faculties, 2 Graduate Schools, and 3 Vocational Schools hosting more than 30,000 students. YTU is not only the third oldest university in the country but also one of the prominent one. * EN] YTU was founded in 1911 and as a state university, has gone through different stages marked by legislative developments. These stages can be stated briefly with the periods given below: Kondüktör Mekteb-i Alisi (The Conductors/Technicians School of Higher Education) 1911-1922: A higher education institute was founded in 1911 in order to meet the requirement of civil technicians (known previously as conductors) for Public Works Section of the Municipality. The Conductors School of Higher Education school adopted the curriculum of “Ecole de Conducteur” in Paris and was affiliated with the Ministry of Public Works. Enrollment started on August 22, 1911. Nafia Fen Mektebi (The School of Public Works) 1922-1937: The Conductors School was renamed as Nafia Fen Mektebi (The School of Public Works) in 1922. In 1926, the duration of education was increased to 2.5 years in 1926 and to 3 years in 1931. İstanbul Teknik Okulu (ITO) (Istanbul Technical School) 1937-1969: Following the increase in public facilities and the requirement for technical services, Law No. 3074 published on 19 December 1936, which came into effect on 1 June 1937, ordered the closure of the Nafia Fen Mektebi and the establishment of the Technical School to supply workforce for the gap between technical officers and professional engineers. The school had a 2-year program for technical officers and a 4-year program for engineering and was given buildings, which are still in use today, from the Yıldız Palace annexes and moved to Yıldız. * Through the progress of this APR, EN indicates that the link refers to a document in English. TR indicates that the link refers to a document in Turkish. A translator will be provided for the documents in Turkish for the visiting team's convenience on demand. 6 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 In the early period of the school, Construction and Mechanical Science departments educated students as technical officers and engineers. Starting from 1942-1943 academic year, Electrical Engineering and Architecture departments were founded under the Department of Engineering. The Law dated September 26,1941 was constituted for the transfer of the Istanbul School of Professional Engineers and the Technical School from the Ministry of Public Works over to the Ministry of National Education. The decree of the Ministry of National Education dated June 7, 1949 led to the foundation of the Cartography and Land Survey Engineering Department and which began formal education in the 1949-1950 academic year, as the first institution for engineers in Turkey in this field. In the 1951-1952 academic year, the Department for the Education of Technicians was terminated. In the 1959-1960 academic year, a department for expertise was inaugurated within Istanbul Technical School which awarded the titles of Professional Engineer and Professional Architect after a year’s study. İstanbul Devlet Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Akademisi (İDMMA) (Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy) 1969-1982: Istanbul Technical School was reorganized as an autonomous higher education and research institution with Law no. 1184 published on 3 June 1969, which defining the formation of State Engineering and Architectural Academies. Law no. 1472 ruled for the closing of special vocational schools in 1971, affiliating engineering schools with the Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy. Yıldız Üniversitesi (Yıldız University) Period 1982-1992: Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering, together with the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged under Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated June 20, 1982. Law no. 2809 dated March 30, 1982 accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi (Yıldız Technical University, YTU) 1992 and on: With the Law no.3837 dated July 3, 1992 “Yıldız Üniversitesi” (Yıldız University) was renamed as “Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi” (Yıldız Technical University, YTU). The Engineering Faculty was divided into four faculties and restructured into Faculty of Electricity and Electronics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering YTU also included Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences within its organization. The Kocaeli Faculty of Engineering and the Kocaeli Vocational School were released from YTU and was restructured as Kocaeli University. EN In YTU, the language of education had been in Turkish prior to the academic year of 1998-99. From this date on, a compulsory one-year English preparation syllabus was added to the curriculum of bachelor degree programs and the education has been held 30% in English and 70% in Turkish ever since. In 7 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 2003-2004 academic year, this practice of “compulsory one year English preparation class and 4 years of 30% English education” was repealed and “compulsory one year English preparation class and 4 years of Turkish education” was applied. Today YTU consists of; 10 Faculties (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Arts and Science, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture and Maritime Engineering, Architecture, Art and Design, Education) 2 Institutes (Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences and Institute of Social Sciences) 3 Schools of Vocational Studies (Economics and Administrative Programs, Technical Programs, School of Foreign Languages, School of National Palaces and Historical Buildings) 4 departments in affiliation with Rectorate (Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, Turkish Language and Informatics and Physical Education) EN According to statistics of the 2013-2014 academic year, academic education in YTU takes place with 2430 students registered to associate degree, 24056 to bachelor degree and 7147 to graduate degree, 33634 students in total. TR (The link provides an excel chart. Total number of students can be found in the second tab from the right, line 365.) Mission of YTU YTU's mission is to create a university which pioneers education, scientific research, technological development and artistic work aimed at the progress of society and the increase of the quality of life within an understanding of national and international solidarity; and educates creative, enterprising, questioning and ethical students equipped with universal values, who constantly update themselves, aim for lifelong learning and are capable of analysis and synthesis. Vision of YTU YTU's vision is to become one of the most-preferred world universities with our educational, research and cultural environment. The mission and vision of YTU given above are determined and validated by Senate decision with no. 2 and date 31.10.2002 / 16 and revised with the Senate decision with the date and no. 01.03.2007 / 04. EN Department of Architecture During the 19th century in the reign of Sultan Mahmud Han II, the Ottoman Empire while going through a reorganization and reformation period, realized exclusive reforms in the civil higher education in compliance with the recently growing necessities of the state. The highway and the railroad demand of the Empire, led to the necessity of schools for the education of engineers, architects and technicians who would work on the realization of the railroad and highway designs and projects. 8 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 One of these schools, the High School of Roads, Crossings and Bridges* was inaugurated in 1874 in Galata Palace under the provision of Ministry of Roads, Crossings and Bridges†. To complete the railway network connecting Istanbul to Europe, Hejaz, Iran and Russia more conveniently and rapidly, the conductor (technician) education given within The High School of Roads, Crossings and Bridges was separated into two and with its reduced three years education plan, another school started to provide education in a building on Divanyolu with the name of The Technician High School of Roads, Crossings and Bridges‡. The architectural education was realized through special courses within this school, which constitute the foundations of YTU Department of Architecture (DoA). Those courses continued when the name of the school was changed into Public Works Science School§. In 1937 as the first technical school regarding the project of the Minister of Education Hasan Ali Yücel’s “a technical school for every city”, our institution started to provide education within the premises of Yıldız Palace. In the academic year of 1942-1943 the architecture education became a four-year based Architecture Division within the Istanbul Technical School. A one-year graduate educational program started in 1959-1960 in the division of architecture. When Istanbul Technical School was reorganized into Istanbul State Academy of Engineering and Architecture in 1969, the Division of Architecture became a department and the masters degree education was organized under a two-year program. Istanbul State Academy of Engineering and Architecture was transformed into Yıldız University in 1982 following the introduction of the Law on Higher Education, which in turn was renamed as YTU in 1992. In 1982, with the establishment of the Faculty of Architecture, the sub-departmental unit of Urbanism became a separate department within the framework of the Law on Higher Education. The faculty with its two departments of Architecture, and Urban Design and Regional Planning was revised into its current position. TR Our Department, which has been conducting a four-year education since 1942, contributed in the development of Turkey's professional progress in Architecture with over 7000 alumni. With more than 70 years of educational tradition YTU Department of Architecture (DoA) has aimed to provide a quality and future based education in national and international levels. Architects graduated from YTU DoA, have always been active members of the society in research and innovation with their sophisticated intellectual profiles. Today YTU DoA conducts education in bachelor and masters degree programs with its 55 faculty members. * "Turuk-u Muabir Mekteb-I Alisi” with its name in the next periods the The Academy of Engineers (“Hendesehane-i Mülkiye/Mühendisin-i Mülkiye Mektebi” † Turuk-u Muabir ‡ Turuk-u Muabir Kondüktör Mekteb-i Alisi § Nafıa Fen Mektebi 9 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Main Fields of Architectural Expertize in B.Arch Degree Program: Building Design and Theory, Building Construction and Technology, History of Architecture, Conservation and Restoration. YTU DoA serves nine Masters and Ph.D. Degree program units within YTU Institute of Science and Technology: Architectural Design, Building Research and Planning, Computer Aided Architectural Design, History and Theory of Architecture, Building Survey and Restoration, Building Construction and Technology, Housing Production and Construction Management, Building Physics, Building Physics without thesis EN The graduate programs include masters degree programs with thesis (four semesters, 120 ECTS credits), masters programs without thesis (three semesters, 90 ECTS credits) and PhD programs (eight semesters, 240 ECTS credits). According to the institutional statistics, 1091 students are registered in the B. Arch. degree program, conducted in Turkish language. 92 students are enrolled in the English B.Arch degree program. 706 students are registered in master programs with thesis and 26 students are registered in master programs without thesis. 212 students are also enrolled in PhD programs. Total Number of B.Arch. Students Turkish Pr. English Pr. 1091 Total 92 1183 Total Number of Master Students With Thesis Without Thesis 706 26 944 Total Number of PhD Students 212 Since its establishment our department is in joint work with universities worldwide. We are continuing our collaboration with ERASMUS+ Lifelong Learning Program within the EU Higher Educations Qualifications Framework. In 2013-2014 Academic year, 48 students of our department have participated in the ERASMUS+ student exchange program, while we had 44 incoming students from all over Europe. With the responsibility of being a rooted prescriptive institution of higher education, our department supported the local exchange program FARABI since 2006 and started to work within MEVLANA, which is another program aiming the exchange of students and faculty between higher education institutions in Turkey and abroad. In 2013-2014 Academic year, we had 18 incoming students from Turkey according to FARABI local exchange program. With its numerous studies on the implementation and monitoring of the international education standards, our department is a member of EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education), ENHSA (European Network 10 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 of Heads of Schools of Architecture) and CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction). The accreditation process of YTU DoA dates back to 1998. YTU DoA has been declared “very successful” in Educational Quality Evaluation-Accreditation work carried out by Council of Higher Education with international participation (Mc Gill University, Canada, and İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul) in 1997-1998 Academic Year. In 2009 with the application to the Architectural Accrediting Board (AAB) that is organized as an affiliation of Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA), YTU DoA was found eligible for accreditation for 6 years with its bachelor program following the AAB's evaluation. The studies for the NAAB Substantial Equivalency have been completed recently and the YTU DoA has applied to it in June 2013. Our department, beside its educational program organized in accordance with its vision and mission, provides opportunities for students to develop themselves in terms of profession, social life and culture with seminars, symposiums, congresses, exhibitions, workshops, competitions and many more events in national and international levels. The DoA has begun in addition to its existing educational programs the Architecture Program in English – with a quota of 41 students admitted to the program eith DAE of SSAC during the 2013-2014 academic year and plans a joint degree program with Girne American University to start during the 20152016 academic year. Program’s Mission The valid vision and mission of the Architecture Program was formulated according to the SWOT analysis results, prepared with the participation of external and internal stakeholders during the activities of the program “Continuous Rehabilitation of Education Quality, CREQ”, of which YTU Rectorate determined the main principles. The results were published in the Architecture Department Education Program Report (May, 2003), approved by Department and Faculty boards. The report was presented to the Rectorate and approved by the decision of YTU Senate on 25 July 2003. The mission of YTU Architecture Faculty Architecture Department is as follows: “To be equivalent to national and international criteria in education; to be competent in theory and practice; to be able to create environments that is able to be responsive to aesthetical, technical, ecological, economic, cultural, historical, social, environmental, and etc. necessities; to raise intellectual and specialist architects who can consider necessary factors, who are creative, researcher and have innovative thinking, who have the ability and knowledge of theory, design and practice, who can cooperate at international level, who can adapt to the dynamisms of the present era, who have ethical values; and to raise academicians who can generate knowledge in basic fields of architecture, who research and relate theory with practice, who are leaders, role models and authorities at national and international levels, and who have ethical values.” EN 11 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Self-Assessment of the Program In this section, USIS (Undergraduate Students Information System) Education Program, which is in effect in YTU Architecture Faculty Architecture Department, is presented; then studies related to future plans and targets are evaluated. USIS Education Program There are several changes made in the education program of YTU Architecture Faculty Architecture Department, in accordance with the changes in the historical evolution, as stated in the historical development process of the University and the Department of Architecture (DoA) The revision and Self-Assessment processes of the Architectural Education Program started with “Continuous Rehabilitation of Education Quality, CREQ”, the main principles of which were determined by YTU Rectorate and initiated in 2001. The new education program USIS, which also engaged an automated informational network to University's education was accepted by YTU Senate decision on 25 July 2003. The operational outline of the USIS Network has been given in detail in Part II, Section 2.3. Curriculum Review and Development, under the USIS Network topic, with expansion schemas of varying authorizations reserved for the students, the faculty and departmental administrators including the departmental executive staff. In this sense, USIS refers to both an educational program and a network based informational system. The aim of CREQ was to institutionalize a contemporary education program special to YTU. According to this aim, the main theme of the project was “to evaluate programs and revise them according to the evaluation results, to establish rehabilitation mechanisms and to make the necessary preparations for national and international accreditation.” USIS Education Program developed with CREQ has been used in the curriculum of YTU DoA since 2003-2004 Academic Year. USIS Program was organized to increase the quality and performance in education and to provide the opportunity for the program to be prepared to national and/or international accreditation process. As a result, YTU Architecture Department has applied to AAB (Architectural Accreditation Board) starting the national accreditation process in January 2009, which was approved in March 2010. “Institutional and Educational Targets of DoA”, constitutes the foundation of the USIS Education Program. The targets determined with CREQ are as follows: Institutional Targets To provide a contemporary education for raising individuals who learn the ways to reach knowledge, who can continuously improve themselves, who can adapt to the dynamisms of the contemporary age, who are sensitive to the changing needs of today’s society and the environmental conditions, and who have an intellectual perspective; To provide an educational and cultural environment, in which the academic staff and students can maintain self improvement according to their interests and talents, by organizing conferences, exhibitions, workshops and trips to enhance institutional cooperation in different fields of architecture. 12 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Educational Targets To educate architects who can consider architectural problems at analytical, conceptual and practical levels; who are able to develop individual approaches in different architectural contexts; who are able to reflect their ideas to practice and make independent decisions within professional ethics; who can contribute to production in social, cultural, economic, scientific and technological fields and use their knowledge for the advantage of the society and the humanity; who are able to become an authority in different fields like education, research and practice at international standards; who have a leading personality; and to integrate these architects into world architecture. USIS education program is developed according to certain knowledge and skills determined in the aim of the program. Course groups as well as their ratio within the whole are established according to the aim of the USIS education program. The conditions proposed for the architectural education by institutions such as UIA, RIBA, EU and NAAB are taken into consideration while designing the distribution of the course groups. After the accreditation of DoA by AAB, YTU USIS Program has undergone the Bologna process under the directives of EU in 2011-2012 academic year and the revised program initiated in 2013-2014 academic year. Within the EU/Bologna process DoA has revised its curriculum and educational programs and has modified them in accordance with ECTS defining the program outcomes in line with its mission. EN The 2013-2014 academic year remarks a new development in the education of YTU DoA because the department has started a 100% English education for 44 freshman students along with the 178 freshman students that are required to take 30% of their departmental courses in English. TR (The link provides an excel chart. The information related to Department of Architecture can be found in 2013-2014 tab, lines 105-106). YTU provides a one-year of preparatory English courses by the Vocational School for Foreign Languages to all its enrolled students (both 30% and 100% English conducted programs). The School of Foreign Languages evaluates the proficiency of students in English each year and ones who are found proficient enough* continue to their enrolled educational programs. ECTS can be applied to all types of programs, whatever their mode of delivery (school-based, work-based), the learners’ status (full-time, part-time) and to all kinds of learning (formal, non-formal and informal). The system is used across Europe for credit transfer (student mobility) and credit accumulation (learning paths towards a degree). It also informs curriculum design and quality assurance. Institutions which apply ECTS publish their course catalogues on the web, including detailed descriptions of study programs, units of learning, university regulations and student services. Course descriptions contain learning outcomes * Proficiency is approved by obtaining a score of at least 80/100 from the national exam for English language. 13 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 (what students are expected to know, understand and be able to do) and workload (the time students typically need to achieve the learning outcomes), expressed in terms of credits. In most cases, student workload ranges from 1,500 to 1,800 hours for an academic year, and one credit corresponds to 25-30 hours of work. Credit transfer and accumulation are helped by the use of the ECTS key documents (course catalogue, learning agreement, and transcript of records) as well as the Diploma Supplement. Source and more information: EN As the result of the EU/Bologna process, its directives and the intended ECTS requirements the outcomes of the bachelor program of DoA has been carried out under the eleven titles given below: Program Outcomes in line with the Mission of DoA: The program gives ability to reach, record, evaluate and apply information, to express abstract thought, to assess opponent views and to test criteria and standards. The program gives ability on architectural design and presentation skills using both traditional methods and computer aided technologies at every stage of the design process The program provides awareness on legal responsibilities of an architect on subjects that affect design issues such as public health, property rights, zoning and housing regulations, user requirements and rights. The program provides awareness on historical sites and their preservation, and gives knowledge on essential techniques required for documentation and restoration of historical monuments and sites. The program gives insight on architecture, landscape architecture and urban design; and global and vernacular values, climatic, technological, socioeconomic and cultural factors that affect their development and sustainability and to comprehend the effects of historical heritage. The program gives insight on the development and application of visual perception and presentation skills in architectural and urban design and gives ability to apply architectural principles on site, building and interior level. The program gives insight on basic principles of environmental systems and sustainable design skills for protection of natural and artificial resources, healthy buildings and built environments. The program gives insight on principles of structural systems, behavior of structures to vertical and horizontal forces, development and applications of contemporary structural systems. The program gives ability to asses, select and integrate structural, environmental, roofing and service systems such as plumbing, electricity, vertical transportation, communication, fire protection and safety. The program gives insight on production of building materials and their components, implementation principles and standards. The program gives insight on organization of architectural office, business planning, marketing, financial and project management, risk reduction and leadership and provides awareness on globalization that affects the basic principles of profession, its diversity and expanding boundaries. EN 14 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.1.2.Learning Culture and Social Equity The university rectorate is comprised of the rector, who is a senior professor at YTU, and three vice rectors, specialized on different domains, such as education, research and planning, and administration. Currently, Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün is appointed as the vice rector related with education and curricular matters. According to the administrative structure of YTU, there are various boards for representing the faculty, the academic staff and the students at different levels: University Executive Board, Senate, Faculty Board, Faculty Executive Board, Department Board and Academic Board. The University Executive Board, the highest decision-making body in YTU for administration, is comprised of the rector and the deans of all faculties in YTU. The student representative of the university can also join the board meetings without a right to vote. The Executive Board of YTU is responsible for preparation of the strategic plan and evaluation of the university performance. The Senate is the highest body in YTU for academic matters and constitutes of the rector, vice rectors, deans of all faculties, heads of all institutes, as well as a representative chosen from the academic staff from each faculty. The student representative of the university can also join the board meetings without a right to vote. Currently, Prof. Dr. Nuran Kara Pilehvarian, the Architecture Faculty dean, and Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Cengiz, are appointed to attend the Senate as the faculty representatives. At the faculty level, the Faculty Board is involved with curricular matters and comprises of the dean, the sub-department chairs, as well as representatives of professors, associate professors, assistant professors and research assistants. At the Department level, the Department Board meeting is held every week with the Department head, vice heads, sub-department chairs and research assistant representative. The sub-departments also meet regularly and discuss the issues regarding curricular matters. All academic staff in a sub-department is expected to participate in the meetings. The Strategic Plan in effect today was prepared and approved in 2011 and is valid until 2015. The process for the preparation of the current Strategic Plan (2011-2015) was initiated with the collection of individual plans prepared by all the academic units. These plans were presented to the Directorate of Strategic Development. The process continued with the evaluation of individual plans by the Academic Evaluation and Development of Academic Quality Board. In addition to the individual plans, statistical information regarding the present condition of the university and surveys for self-evaluation of the university that are applied to academic staff, students and administrative staff, are evaluated to support the formulation of the Strategic Plan. Currently, the Directorate of Strategic Development in YTU is working on the preparation of 2016-2020 Strategic Plan. Further information can be found on the links below. 2011-2015 Strategic Plan: TR Directorate of Strategic Development: TR 15 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 The diversity of the student profile is determined by the national and international agreements with numerous higher education institutions, which creates a multicultural environment supporting social equity. There were 44 incoming students from European universities with the ERASMUS+ student exchange program in 2013-2014 academic year. The ERASMUS+ bilateral agreements between YTU DoA cover 29 institutions within European countries and the listed number of students subject to exchange in 2013-2014 academic year is 79. Each year, a varying number of students enroll to YTU DoA for a one or two term period with the ERASMUS+ student exchange program. The summary of the institutions and the number of incoming student quota have been listed in the table given below: (ERASMUS+ Bilateral Agreements can be viewed from: ) EN * Department Country FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences Department of Architecture HAWK Hochschule Hildesheim / Holzminden Göttingen RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Department of Architecture Universitat Siegen, Department of Architecture Hochschule Konstanz, Department of Architecture Keiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, Deptartment of Architecture Fachhochschule Dortmund, Faculty of Architecture Bremen University of Applied Sciences Faculty 2 (Architecture Civil and Environmental Engineering) Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Deptartment of Architecture Universitat Politecnica De Valencia, Department of Architecture Escuela Tecnica Superior De ArquitecturaDe Madrid Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya, Department of Architecture Universidad De Alicante, Department of Architecture Grenoble Ecole Nationale Superieure D'Architecture Ecole Speciale D'Architecture, Paris Ecole Nationale Superieure D'Architecture De Nancy Ecole Nationale Superieure D'Architecture De Marseille Poli Tecnici Di Bari, Department of Architecture Universita di Trieste Seconda Universita Deigli Studi di Napoli, Department of Architecture Universita Deigli Studi di Frienze, Department of Architecture University of Stavenger, Department of Industrial Economic Risk Management and Planning Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Comes Lisboa Faculty of Architecture University of Evora Faculty of Architecture Lodz Istitute of Technology, Wroclaw University of Techology Dept. of Architecture Bialystok University of Technology Faculty of Architecture University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture Total A Incoming Students 3 D D D D D 1 4 2 2 2 D D 5 1 D E E E E F F F F I I I I N 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 3 5 2 5 9 5 2 P 2 P PL PL PL SI 2 2 4 2 1 79 The numbers of Incoming and Outgoing Students to and from YTU and YTU DoA by the ERASMUS+ student exchange program are given comparatively throughout the years in the table given below: * A: Austria; D: Germany; E: Spain; F: France; I: Italy; N: Norway; P: Portugal; PL: Poland; SI: Slovenia 16 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 ERASMUS+ Student Mobility in numbers YTU DoA 2013-2014 İncoming Outgoing 2012-2013 Incoming Outgoing 49 51 48 36 Additionally, FARABI student exchange program covers the national higher education institutions in different cities of Turkey and the number of incoming students with this program was 18 for the academic year 2013-2014. TR FARABI Student Mobility in numbers 2013-2014 İncoming Outgoing YTU DoA 18 2012-2013 Incoming Outgoing 2 MEVLANA student exchange program cover the exchange of students between YTU DoA and Turkic Republics, Balkan Counties, Countries of former Soviet Russia, and Far East.* EN Free movers from around the world have been 4 students. Apart from those exchange program agreements, the DoA designates a quota of different numbers of students for foreign students (10 students for DoA, 5 students for DoA in English) and students with Turkey scholarship † (3 students). The exams for foreign students (FSE) are conducted by the Foreign Students Office of YTU each year in mid-July. The quota for the number of national students in the DAE/LYS conducted by the SSAC/ÖSYM is 139 for the 2013-2014 academic year for DoA and 41 for English DoA, including the quota for first ranking students‡. The number of total students accepted to the Architectural Department and the percentages of national and international students are given below. According to 2013-2014 data, almost 300 students are enrolled annually in YTU DoA. In addition, in the second following table, a more the detailed inventory of enrollment types is presented. TR (The link provides an excel chart. The information related to Department of Architecture can be found in 2013-2014 tab, line 105). * MEVLANA student exchange program countries: Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Ukraine, Malaysia, China. YTU Department of Architecture has a bilateral agreement with International Burç University in Bosnia and Herzegovina. † Turkey shcolarship is offered to all country citizens except for Turkey. EN ‡ According to the Law no 2547 on Higher Education, a limited quota is allocated for first ranking students who participate and found eligible in the Departmental Allocation Exam. 17 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Student Diversity for 2013-2014 Academic Year Student Diversity (2013-2014) Departmental Allocation Exam DAE/LYS (conducted by SSAC/ÖSYM) + Transfer Students* Quota for first ranking students* Foreign Students Exam (FSE) Conducted by YTU Foreign Students Office** ERASMUS Student Exchange Program (International) incoming students FARABI Student Exchange Program (Nation Wide) incoming students Students with Turkey scholarship Free Movers Number of Total Students Enrolled Annually Numbers 175 % 66% 5 11 1.9% 4.2% 49 18.5% 18 6.8% 3 4 1.1 % 1.5% 265 %100 TR (*The link provides an excel chart. The information related to Department of Architecture has been retrieved 2013-2014 tab, line 125. The Information related to Foreign Students exam has been retreived from the Departmental Authorization Screen of USIS network under Student Information/Documents/ Student Lists According to Admission Types . Information related to exchnge students are retrieved from Erasmus Department Commission, Farabi Department Commission and International Relations Department. Enrollment Types of Students for 2013-2014 Academic Year 2013-2014 Department of Architecture Architecture Architecture Types of Students (English) 2013-2014 DAE/YLS by SSAC/ÖSYM Published in the guidebook 135 40 Number of first ranking students in the 4 1 guidebook Total 139 41 2013-2014 Number of Students Placed by Student Selection and Allocation Center (SSAC/ÖSYM) Placed with 2013 DAE/YLS 139 41 Registered from Placed with 2013 139 41 DAE/YLS Total 139 41 Amnesty Law no 6353 Placed by Council of Higher Education (CoHE) Registered Registration by personal application 5 Total 5 Students From Foreıgn Natıonalıtıes Foreign Students Exam (FSE) Quota 10 5 Registered from FSE 3 Scholarship of Ministry of Education Students from Turkic Republics Turkey scholarship 3 Total 3 3 2013-2014 Vertical Transfer Proposed 6 Published in the guidebook 10 Placed with Vertical Transfer Exam 10 (VTE) Registered from Placed with 2013 VTE 10 2013 VTE Additional Placement Quota Placed with 2013 VTE Additional Quota Registered with Additional Placement Total 10 18 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 2013-2014 Lateral Transfer Between Universities 8 5 2013-2014 Lateral Transfers within the University Quota 8 Registered 8 2013-2014 Double Major Quota 8 Registered 8 TOTAL NUMBER OF REGISTERED 178 STUDENTS Quota Registered 44 TR (The link provides an excel chart. The information related to Department of Architecture can be found in 2013-2014 tab, lines 105-106). As for academic integrity against cheating and plagiarism, in 1999 Academic Ethics Commission was established with the initiative of YTU Rectorate and the Senate. This Commission consists of five members of YTU academic staff, appointed by the Senate. The mission of Academic Ethics Commission is to advise the Rectorate for ethical issues within the university, as well as to publicize and disseminate scientific ethical norms. TR Studio Culture Architectural design studio is one of the most important tools to develop design thinking for architectural education. The skill of finding design solutions and gathering information from various fields about a design problem are provided to students within the scope of studios. In the studios, it is aimed to clarify the given problems to the student and discuss form-function-environment relations in the studio. Another main target of the studio is to discuss the physical and social aspects of each project. The studio allows the discussion of different ideas of projects by means of relating both the architects with the students and the students with each other. In this sense, a kind of design system, which attempts to investigate all aspects of the project and aims to create a dynamic discussion environment with regard to design studios, which is conducted by the whole Architecture Department, is adopted. Project system is performed as design studios beginning from Introduction to Architectural Design (IAD) studio of first semester to Graduation Project (GP) of eighth semester. The aim of studio culture is to achieve a design studio system which is formed both according to inner dynamics of project groups and studio group instructors from the early design phase to the final product phase within the definitions of the building program determined by the coordinator, the studio supervisors and the jury members. Definition of the different levels of design problem by student, contribution of inner-critics and different disciplines (seminars, conferences, etc.), discussions on theoretical approaches and methods of problem solutions are parts of the studio culture. In addition, continuous usage of classrooms is an important feature that supports working in the design studios. Studio culture reflects the polyphony of architectural profession and enriches the design process with the projects developed through different perspectives. The fundamental objectives of studio works are summarized as follows: 19 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 - to discuss and evaluate the design products with studio supervisors, jury members and professionals at different platforms, - to produce different approaches of design, - to encourage active participation of students, - to produce a creative, inquiring and participating student profile. Architectural Design Courses and the Studio Work Studio work, as an indispensable part of architectural education, constitutes the basis of the architectural curriculum. Design courses cover 46 credit hours out of 160 hours of architectural education in the curriculum with a total rate of 28.75% from MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design to MIM4012 Graduation Project (Architectural Design 7). MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design course is the beginning of Architectural Design courses in which the knowledge through out the architectural education is interpreted around a design problem and turned into a design proposal. Taken each and every single educational term, Architectural Design courses are compulsory for each student and are qualified as the spine of architectural education. Each Architectural Design course is the prerequsite for the following one, that is to say each Architectural Design Course have to be taken in a sequence and only one can be taken per every single semester. In Architectural Design Courses, students are expected to associate and use the knowledge that they acquired in theoretical courses presented in the curriculum. Besides the association of different information acquired from those domains, in Architectural Design, the elaboration and interpretation of the design idea is expected which differs according to the nature of the design problem, the changing environmental input and the personal choices of the Architectural Design course students. Taking a look at the history of the architectural design, one can observe the legacy of Ecolé des Beaux-Arts in France and Bauhaus design school in Germany on the instruction of the Architectural Design Studio. The educational methods of those historical schools involve the transfer of knowledge and experience of the scholars and professionals well acquainted with the different forms of arts in a master and apprentice relationship. Studio education however, has evolved in time into a process where the tutor and the tutee cooperatively construct the knowledge of design and architecture. The production of knowledge in the studio is not limited with the personal capacitance of the tutor. The studio tutors do not impose a design idea but lead the design process and lay the options before the participants of the studio. Alternatives are explored collectively. However, the responsibility to opt for an alternative is of student’s. Studio demands a regular and steady participation. That is why the Architectural Design Courses are appointed with local credit hours for practical study indicated in the curriculum. Students are required to participate in at least 80% of the credit hours of the studio. Studio education implies the development of an architectural design in line with the defined design problem, program and outcome. Through this process seminars, excursions, readings and discussions are introduced in the studio work. A significant part of this process is the critiques brought about by the group instructors of the studio. Apart from the group instructors, a coordinator is 20 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 responsible from each Architectural Design Course for every single semester starting from MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design to MIM4012 Architectural Design 7. The main responsibility of the Architectural Design Studio Coordinator is to organize student groups and group instructors, their spatial and curricular requirements and activities. To support the progress of Architectural Design process in the studio, the coordinators organize field trips to design sites, thematic seminars, workshops, etc. The coordinators determine the theme and approach of the design studio in collaboration with the group instructors in compliance with the aim and content determined in the curriculum of YTU DoA. Generally the Architectural Design studio groups are composed of 10-15 students. Studio education also requires the evaluation of the projects within the periods predefined in the course program. The evaluation of the architectural design product is achieved by reference to a juridical evaluation. A Jury is established to represent a collective critical review comprised of studio tutors and invited scholars and professionals. Jury session, unless otherwise acknowledged, is open to review of all students. In general, two being in the midterm and one at the final stage of the design, three Jury sessions are held each term. DoA Studios are considered a place for collectivity where the participation and contribution of each individual is regarded essential to the acquisition of the architectural knowledge and experience. MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 (Graduation Project) of 4th year 8th semester is a turning point for the education process of the students of DoA. It is carried out as an independent, controlled dissertation project. The faculty members who want to supervise MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 present their proposals including the design studio theme and architectural program to the DoA at the beginning of each semester. The number of students and graduation studios, the content and the equivalency of graduation studios are examined in coordination meetings organized by the DoA. Each group is arranged with an average of 30 students, though this number can vary each semester. At least 2 midterm juries are performed in MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 as recommended by the Department. The composition of jury members includes scholars and professionals form different fields of expertise in architecture. I.1.3.Response to the 5 Perspectives A. Architectural Education and the Academic Community Teaching: YTU DoA is mostly associated with Department of Urban and Regional Planning. Besides contributing to the academic curriculum of DoA, Department of Urban and Regional Planning offers some formal and informal activities (seminars, exhibitions etc.). YTU DoA is also associated with Department of Civil Engineering. On the other hand, informal activities of the Faculty of Art and Design have opened a new perspective not only for their students and academic staff, but also for Architecture Department students and academic staff. Besides, our Department has relations with Mechanical Engineering and Electrical-Electronics Engineering Faculty, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, School of Foreign Languages in terms of 21 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 joint courses. In addition, academic staff of our Department also gives courses at mentioned departments. Members of our Department make contributions to some private and state universities as well. Besides teaching activities, our faculty is engaged with the development of architectural education with regard to its changing nature. Therefore, our Department participates in MOBBIG (Communication Group of Heads of Architecture Departments) annual meetings since 1996. TR “Architecture and Education Congress” organized biannually by the Architecture faculties in Turkey and Chamber of Architects of Turkey (CAT) since 2001 TR EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) Chania Meeting is also followed by our department on international level EN Community engagement and service: YTU DoA academic members actively participate in expertise reports, Municipality counseling, training programs in Continuous Education Center; work as representatives of UCTEA and involve in memberships in ICUS (International Center of Urban Studies), Research Center of Historical Peninsula and TAMIR (Research Center for Preservation of Historical Heritage). With its curricular organization, public seminars, conferences, exhibitions and collaboration with international and national organizations, YTU DoA is actively involved with the urban and architectural environment. As mentioned in Section I.1.2, DoA faculty staff participates in various administrative boards within the university, namely the University Executive Board, the Senate, the Faculty Board, the Faculty Executive Board, the Department Board and the Academic Board. DoA academic staff contribute to international collaboration in education and research with various world-wide recognized institutions, such as ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites), CNRS-INHA (Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), IASS (International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures), CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction); as well as national collaboration with İstanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul Technical University, Tekirdağ University, Kocaeli University, Bahçeşehir University and other institutions to organize workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. These activities improve the intellectual structure of the architecture program as well as provide establishment of collaborations beneficial for the society. Scholarships: Apart from the Higher Education Student Loans and Dormitories Institution that serves as a part of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and provides support for higher education students across Turkey, in order to help students who have economic constraints and to motivate them by rewarding their success, YTU has its own scholarship system. Student Counsellorship and Advisory Center (ÖREM) was established in YTU for answering students’ need in scholarships, accommodation, social and psychological counseling. TR Apart from YTU scholarships, YTU Foundation (YTUV), Alumni Association (YTUMED), Çağdaş Yıldızlılar Foundation (ÇYD) provides scholarships as well. Besides these, Student Counsellorship and Advisory Center (ÖREM) coordinates 22 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 the scholarships offered by other foundations, institutions and persons outside the university and helps the students in need to receive them. To receive these scholarships, although the student’s academic standing (DAE of SSAC score/GPA) has an effect, these scholarships are not rewards given to successful students, but rather, they are supports offered to students who have difficulty in pursuing their education. TR Scholarships may be as much as to provide the student’s monthly expenditure such as food, lodging, course material, clothing, transport, etc. The scholarships are offered according to the student’s economic condition and in some cases, the student may receive more than one scholarship. At the beginning of each academic year, during the registration period, from over 4000 students who apply for scholarship, 2000 are chosen via computational elimination and are invited for an interview, thus the ones that are definitely in need are tried to be spotted. B. Architectural Education and Students Students of YTU DoA are capable of living in a global world where diversity, distinctiveness, self-worth, and dignity are nurtured and respected. As presented in the Statistical Reports (Part I, Section 3.1) and in the Human Resources section (Part I, Section 2.1) of this APR, majority of the YTU DoA students are elected from the first percentile of the young members of population by the Student Election and Allocation System (SEAE/ÖSYS) regulated by the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) of Turkey. YTU DoA provides its students with a diversified educational and cultural medium which is nurtured by Social Electives (electives from the complete list of electives of non-architectural departments from arts and humanities to social and applied sciences and linguistics) and facilities provided in the various campuses of YTU located in different locations of Istanbul. As an integrated Global City, Istanbul provides a cultivated setting for the students of Architecture. In YTU DoA, the curriculum is so designed that students get use of this asset of the city through excursions to international construction sites and in situ lectures and seminars. Speeches given by leading professionals that author latest architectural practices also enrich the architectural accumulation of students. The extra-curricular events and activities are enlisted in the resources section of this APR (Part I, Section 2.1). In respect to its nature, architectural education has to be carried out in one on one basis with students. This relation has a multi-dimensional structure both in educational and professional perspectives. The academic staff of YTU DoA aim to provide an architectural education compatible with the individual learning pace of the students as well as to develop leadership skills and teamwork that are necessary for being a competent professional. The typical faculty-student ratio in the studio is 1:14, in order to provide an efficient interactive learning medium for the students. Starting from the first year, the students get to meet professionals from the fields of architecture and fine arts and visiting lecturers from different countries. In addition, internship and exchange programs in Turkey and abroad, provided by various programs, such as LLP Erasmus Plus Program, bilateral agreements made with other countries, and IAESTE (International Association 23 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 For the Exchange of Students For Technical Experience) allow the students to have international experience both in the academic and the professional realm. In DoA, one of the main targets of architectural education is to improve the individual and collective learning pace of students by utilizing innovative teaching methods. For the development of investigative skills of analysis, research and resourcefulness, students are frequently exposed to research assignments in both theoretical courses and design studios. Sharing their individual works with their peers contributes to the introduction of new ideas, to the enhancement of presentation and public speaking skills, which also helps the improvement of individual communication and self-evolution of the students. Improving student teamwork provides significant benefits in terms of future professional life; taking into account that architectural product is the sum of the joint efforts of different expertise fields. The ability to carry out teamwork is encouraged through formal and informal education such as workshops, excursions, seminars, exhibitions, etc. Students are oriented to do teamwork in theoretical courses as well. Composition of work groups gives students the opportunity to improve themselves in sharing the workload, practicing leadership and communication. In design studios, producing a part of a teamwork project transforms the architectural design into a collective production. Such teamwork activities facilitate the improvement of certain skills, such as collaborating, task sharing, and time management. The teamwork is also supported by informal activities. Off the Record Week / Kayıtdışı and Bi'sürü organized by YTU DoA students are examples of informal activities with different workshops and ateliers. TR TR “Off the Record Week” organized by our students with the support of faculty members was annually held between 2008-2011, which was an important informal education that have brought together the intellectual resources as well as contribute to the institution itself. This activity continues under the name Bi'sürü, with various workshops, exhibitions within different activities, such as Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts Design Biannual.'s%C3%BCr%C3%BC-%C3%B6%C4%9Frenci%C3%A7al%C4%B1%C5%9Fma-grubu-sergisi/440 TR YTU architecture students also attend workshops organized by various institutions and research centers (UCTEA, EASA, ICUS, Best, Concrete Association etc.) that are announced in public spaces and websites by posters by the department. Such events provide a significant contribution to strengthening of institutional commitment, organization ability, teamwork and leadership of students as well as to adapting to their profession. To participate in design competitions in groups is also beneficial to the development of the skills listed above. Study desks placed in common areas in the faculty building allow students to perform activities for exchanging ideas at the same or different levels of education. The faculty is transformed into a living architecture medium particularly before and during juries and project submissions. 24 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 The above-mentioned structure does not only include architectural platforms, but also tries to cover other design fields associated with architecture. The participation in different design fields and art competitions associated with architecture is encouraged. Activities such as architecture and film week also stimulate our students to establish relations with other art and design fields. Our department gives opportunities to the students who have different interests and talents with a wide range of elective courses (architectural photography, landscape, archeology, water-coloring, forensic architecture etc.), which can be reviewed in elective course descriptions. For the academic curriculum, field trips and site visits consist an important part of the architectural education and is an effective tool for recognition of different cultures, communities and contexts. In Architectural Design studios, as well as in theoretical courses field trips are organized for the students to observe the physical and social environment and building relations. In this manner, the city, in which our institution is located, serves as an extensive design laboratory. The history, culture and environment of Istanbul enable students to experience different urban and architectural aspects. Besides Istanbul our department realizes also trips to numerous cities in Turkey, such as: September 2012, September 2012, September 2013, September 2013, September 2012, September 2014, Architectural Design 4, Ayvalık, Balıkesir Introduction to Architectural Design, Kınalıada of Prince's Islands Architectural Design 4, Trilye, Bursa Architectural Design 2, Silivri, Tekirdağ Introduction to Architectural Design, Burgazada of Prince's Islands Architectural Design 5, Silivri, Tekirdağ Further information can be found in Quality Management Binder. C. Architectural Education and the Regulatory Environment YTU DoA has a close relationship with Chamber of Architects of Turkey (UCTEA/CAT). Established in 1954, CAT has an active role in architectural practice and its regulation. According to the Regulation of Freelance Architectural Practice, License and Professional Supervision, the licensing of architects and architecture firms are regulated by CAT. A graduate with a diploma of an Architecture Department has to apply CAT to get license*. If the graduate has a diploma from a foreign institution, first it has to be accredited by the CoHE. To get an architecture firm license, an architect has to apply CAT with architecture diploma and official firm registration by Chamber of Commerce. According to protocols signed with municipalities, the architectural projects are controlled by CAT, before they are presented to the municipality for approval. In addition, CAT regulates architectural project competitions according to the rules and regulations determined by CAT and UIA. TR TR (The Regulation of Freelance Architectural Practice, License and Professional Supervision) * In accordance with UIA Education Criteria, it was planned to establish a proficiency system, with different alternatives, such as a two-year professional practice process (different from the compulsory internship during the bachelor education) after graduation. CAT is involved in the formation of such a proficiency structure. 25 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 The joint internship programs and workshops with İstanbul Metropolitan Branch of UCTEA/CAT and Architectural Foundation and institutes such as, The Building Information Center (YEM), Construction Center (YM), and the Architectural Portal ARKITERA provide a preparatory process for the students towards their future professional life. YTU DoA aims to build bridges with these institutions by organizing competitions, exhibitions, events and meetings cooperatively. Some of DoA's joint activities in the years 2013-2014 can be listed as the Chamber of Architects Urban Dreams Workshop, SMGM Continuous Professional Development Center Education Programs of CAT, and MOBBIG Architecture and Education Assembly (38th and 39th Meetings). Compulsory internships in YTU DoA curriculum (MIM2001 Internship 1, MIM2002 Internship 2, and MIM4001 Internship 3) allow the students to gain an insight into the professional realm of architecture. The details of internship are explained in detail in Section II.1, under Realm C. TR TR In addition to compulsory internship programs, YTU students are encouraged to join international internships via LLP Erasmus Plus Student Mobility for Placements Program, IAESTE (International Association For the Exchange of Students For Technical Experience), and others, which enable students to improve their language skills and professional experience. EN TR YTU DoA has a close relation with the CAT Istanbul Metropolitan Branch. Both institutions constantly exchange information concerning educational programs, and the professional activities of graduates. This relationship has enabled the students to participate in the discussions on legal regulations enabling them to access information on legal processes, professional practice requirements, professional practice organizations and sustainable professional development. The Architecture and Education Assembly of UCTEA/CAT is a summit of scholars and professionals that discusses the problems and opportunities In addition to academic staff, our students who attend the assembly meetings have found a chance to exchange information with their friends as well as the Chamber of Architects Student Committee. The subjects of practicing architects' legal responsibilities are discussed in some compulsory courses such as SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law, MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry, and MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics, as well as some elective courses, such as MIM5307 History of Architecture Profession, MIM5112 Sociocultural Themes in Architectural Design, MIM5409 Environment and Ecology, and MIM5118 House and Cultural Sustainability. How the subjects taught in theoretical courses are transformed into practice through examples is the focus of discussion in the architectural design studios. To improve investigation/inquiring capacities of students and to equip them with professional ethics are among the targets of architectural design courses. The Architectural Design studio is the most important part of the architectural design education, where application of theory into practice is experienced. 26 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 The graduates of YTU DoA work for both national and international construction companies in various construction sites, public institutions, architectural publishing companies and building materials companies. The graduates mostly work for architectural design firms. D. Architectural Education and the Profession In YTU DoA, students’ relationship with the constantly changing and transforming architectural profession is discussed in bachelor and graduate education in different but complementary ways. The bachelor education is the first pillar of the education of architectural profession. The relation between bachelor educations with the current architectural practice is based on the agenda with following formats: The direct participation of professionals in the education: The participation of professionals in the design studios as a studio instructor and/or as a jury member is one of the most important platforms to discuss the current problems of architectural profession. Therefore, YTU DoA encourages the attendance of professionals throughout the whole architectural curriculum. This policy is also carried out for theoretical courses as well. The direct participation of professionals in the architectural education as lecturers and/or as speakers and the creation of discussion mediums support the information exchange as well as provide opportunities for professionals to share the current professional problems on their agenda with architecture students. Direct participation of professionals in the education facilitates the flow of current professional media into educational environment, to provide the collaboration between university-industry and to establish direct relations between students and professional life. Indirect contribution of professional communities to the education: Professional institutions and organizations provide opportunities to YTU DoA students with workshops, student design competitions, summer schools and internship facilities. CAT, Architectural Foundation, The Building Information Center (YEM) and numerous local governments contribute to these activities with financial support and know-how. The great interest and participation of the students of YTU DoA to the informal activities should be considered as an indicator of the level of awareness of our students. YTU DoA supports and encourages such activities. Life-long learning and research: The education program of YTU DoA is built on a philosophy that assumes the infinite dynamism and momentum of the life. Therefore, our department aims to give a qualified professional education as well as to introduce and analyze problems, and consequently produce solution methods for identified problems. The architectural profession is not only gained through the formal education, but also achieved with endless research and learning throughout the overall career; this constitutes the basic philosophy of our department. The knowledge of professional practice: The complex structure of current building production process and the role of architects in it, laws, regulations and similar matters are presented to the students through some compulsory and elective courses in the last year such as 27 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 MİM4031 Construction Management and Economics, MİM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry, SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law, MİM3031 Building Physics 1, MİM3042 Building Physics 2, etc. YTU DoA directly addresses the relationship of architectural profession and professional practice in the scope of the education program as well as intensively supports the extracurricular/informal activities. While developing its relationship with professional organizations through education at the bachelor level, in graduate education, this relation is enhanced through education, research and other scientific activities. Our department offers 9 graduate programs with and without master thesis after 4 years of bachelor education. These programs present different frames on the practice of the profession. Within the scope of graduate programs, the direct and/or indirect relations with professional communities are built as well as with the bachelor program. However, the relation of graduate programs with professional life is more dynamic compared to bachelor education. In addition to the abovementioned, YTU DoA supports the continuity of the relation between architectural profession and professional practice with regard to the definition of the content and context of architectural education. YTU DoA has taken part in Architecture and Education Congress of CAT as an active contributor since 2001. Furthermore, our department has hosted many symposiums related with architectural education and has played an important role in creating a platform where professionals can find a way to contribute to the architectural education. E. Architectural Education and the Public Good The students of YTU Faculty of Architecture DoA learn to examine the various dynamics that shape the physical environment by using the knowledge gained from theoretical, practical courses and design studios as well as the workshops and competitions they attend in the process of bachelor education. They seek to generate knowledge on how to reduce environmental problems with these studies as well. The students encounter a new problem at each design studio and discuss topics as analyzing the physical environment, precautions to reduce environmental problems and raising awareness of the public with studio instructors. Our students improve their knowledge on environmental, social and economic challenges by participating in student design competitions and attending workshops. Among the past workshops conducted in YTU DoA in 2013-2014 Academic Year, “Crossroads” Workshop, Summer Academy “House of Culture”, “Use of Low-Tech Systems and Local Materials in Building Design”, “Global Climate Change Summer School”, Re-thinking Public Space: Beşiktaş" can be given as examples addressing the abovementioned issues. In addition to students’ works, most of DoA faculty are devoted to community service, design and realize projects for the public good. The research centers, such as TAMİR (Research Center for Cultural Heritage Preservation), ICUS (International Research Center for Urban Studies), which are established and supported by the academic staff in DoA, are active in production of design and 28 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 implementation projects in various cities in Turkey, both in architectural and urban fields. TR There are also research projects supervised by DoA academic staff and funded by YTU, TUBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), and EU, ranging from different subjects like energy-efficient design for lighting, room acoustics, noise control, risk analysis in traditional buildings, earthquake resistance for traditional buildings, high performance concrete material to adaptive reuse for historical buildings and preservation and reapplication of traditional construction techniques. The outcome of such projects, including their publications, are directly in relation with construction techniques, design parameters and building materials, and can be especially beneficial for building practice. TR TR I.1.4. Long Range Planning According to the Strategic Plan in action, the necessities/requirements regarding the whole of the institution are as follows: - A flexible curriculum, allowing interdisciplinary studies - Global competition: the need for recognition in the global world - Specialization: Emphasizing the outstanding aspect for each department in YTU - Increased use of information technologies in the education system, development of alternative education media and tools - Increased use of techno-parks, funding for projects, increasing the collaboration between YTU-industry - Increase in international collaborations and exchange programs - Increase in number of graduate programs and certificate programs - Increase in social and environmental awareness - Self-determination for universities TR In accordance with the Strategic Plan in action, the future plans and objectives of YTU DoA are listed as to enhance and strengthen the relations with international platforms, to increase the number of initiatives that support scientific researches of academicians and to develop the current curriculum in the context of recent conditions. In 2012, YTU has received ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certification. As a result, in 2013-2014 Academic Year, DoA was enrolled with Quality Action Plan in accordance with YTU Quality Management System (QMS) and has started to formulate its future plans (short-term, mid-term and long-term) accordingly. Detailed information regarding the Quality Action Plan and long term planning for DoA can be found in the following table. According to the Quality Management Plan, all inputs and outputs of education process is defined. Inputs are all human, administrative, physical, financial and information resources of YTU and DoA, while outputs are graduated students, students who benefit from exchange programs, students with scholarships, 29 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 research assistants, program outputs, performance criteria for courses, education plan, projects, reports, thesis, conferences, seminars and similar educational publications and activities. In order to manage this input-output system in a satisfactory fashion, certain performance criteria, methods, resources and personnel are determined. Quality Action Plan of DoA, which is determined according to the Quality Management system described above, defines 14 targets and 17 actions to realize these targets. The sources follow up indicator for the actions are also defined and a schedule is determined to realize the actions in 2014. At regular intervals, quality management experts from YTU visit Faculty of Architecture for quality inspections and prepare and Internal Control Report. The last inspection was conducted in 21.04.2014 and according to the Internal Control Report, the positive aspects of Faculty of Architecture can be listed as having QMS procedures and documents; having defined the legal conditions; having an updated mission for DoA; having measurable targets in Process Performance Follow-up Evaluation (PPFE) and targets matching with planned actions; having a coherent and determined administration team (deanship and DoA headship); having necessary equipment to conduct services; having a high ratio of academic staff/students. The negative aspects were listed as missing approval of QMS for vision and mission statements of DoA; student satisfaction percentage in PPFE not arranged according to continuous rehabilitation principles; training of administrative personnel (officers) is not in accordance with QMS; missing orientation signs for emergency situations; insufficient airconditioning in Building Physics Laboratory; necessity to obtain English speaking administrative personnel for English DoA secretariat and to enhance conditions for protection of students’ properties. Since 21.04.2014, necessary actions were taken by the Deanship and DoA Headship and negative aspects were either corrected or resolved. As part of the QMS in DoA, a Quality Management Binder is kept, with the proofs of all actions planned for Quality Action Plan, lists of publications of academic staff; seminars conducted in DoA; list of academic staff participating in national/international scientific meetings (conference, seminar, workshop) and presenting posters/papers; list of academic staff giving national/international seminars; list of academic staff applications for projects in national/international institutions; list of academic staff who won prizes and honorary mentions in national/international competitions; list of expert reports produced by academic staff; and list of academic staff participating in juries in national/international competitions and scientific committees of academic meetings, public institutions or related professional institutions. 30 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Quality Action Plan for DoA Name of Action Related Target no Responsible Source Follow-up indicator Schedule for 2014 Organization of meetings with students and academic staff in order to increase student satisfaction Organization of field trips in order to enhance architectural culture for students Organization of meetings with external stakeholders in order to increase external stakeholder satisfaction 1 DoA WF*, P** Meeting minutes weeks 8, 29, 40 1 DoA WF, P Announcements, photographs weeks 9, 14, 15, 19, 42, 46 2 DoA WF, P Meeting minutes weeks 17, 40 Submission of course attendance lists with course files at the end of each term 3 Academic staff WF, P Related documents week 30 Organization of a compensation plan for classes that were not conducted 3 Academic staff WF, P Related documents week 30 Determininig corrective and preventive actions for internal control incongruences 4 DoA WF, P Meeting minutes week 20 Determininig corrective and preventive actions for external control incongruences 5 DoA WF Meeting minutes weeks 29, 44 Preparing an Action Plan according to internal control data 6 DoA WF Meeting minutes week 46 Organization of a seminar on work safety in cooperation with YTU Continous Education Center 7 DoA WF Meeting minutes week 46 Determining of actions and deadlines to resolve incongruences 8 DoA WF Corrective and preventive actions form week 47 9 DoA WF, P Correspondance weeks 8, 23, 40 10 DoA WF, P Correspondance weeks 11, 14,18 19, 21 Informing academic staff on scholar activities 11 DoA WF, P Correspondance weeks 17, 40 Informing academic staff on exchange programs such Erasmus + and other scholar opportunities 12 DoA WF, P Correspondance weeks 20, 39 Informing academic staff on national/international projects 13 DoA WF, P Correspondance week 40 DoA WF, P Correspondance weeks 1, 15, 21, 30, 45 DoA WF, P Meeting minutes weeks 1, 33 Informing academic staff on academic activities and publication promotions Organization of seminars every term by professionals in related fields Informing academic staff on national/international competitions, honoring of academic staff who win prizes in competitions by academic boards Honoring academic staff participating in juries and scientific committees by academic boards in order to promote such memeberships 14 14 Empty version of the form (no FR-637; Revision date: 04.02.2014) can be taken from Quality Action Plan for DoA is taken from Quality Mangement Binder. *WF: Workfoce, **P: Participation 31 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.1.5. Self-Assessment Procedures Self-Assessment Procedures have been performed in DoA since 1982, however not periodically. In the context of CREQ, the evaluations of the DoA’s students for the courses given in bachelor and graduate programs had been carried out regularly every year starting from 2003-2004 academic year via surveys. The results of these surveys are shared with our faculty members and related administrators and is published on the department's web site and have an important place in program’s self-evaluation procedures. Survey referring to USIS bachelor program was updated in 2006-2007 spring term; it was organized in two different types of questions one referring to theoretical and practice courses and the other referring to architectural design courses (studios-projects) and thus became more comprehensive. For the national accreditation board AAB/MIAK, extensive surveys were conducted in 2008-2009 academic year for the program in general and courses. Academic staff, students, graduates, as well as external partners participated in these surveys to evaluate DoA program. YTU DoA received AAB/MIAK accreditation in 2010 and it is valid until 2016. Until the next accreditation term, these surveys will be conducted again with internal and external partners. In 2008-2009, a great number of students, who are registered to 35 bachelor courses offered by DoA, participated in these surveys, thus extensive information on evaluation of our teaching staff, instruction of courses and students’ habits of study/knowledge acquisition is acquired. For theoretical and applied courses, in Question 3 “The course’s aim, context and expectations from students are explained at the beginning of the semester”, and for architectural design courses in Question 3 “I have worked in the studio most of the time for my project” questions were asked. According to the survey’s general results, students’ evaluation of our department’s bachelor courses in general is 75% positive. The results of evaluations aforesaid, in regard of individual courses change in between 55% to 98%. The findings of the survey results reveal the following about our department’s student profile: 70% of our students attend courses regularly; 80% of them spend over 16 hours for study each week; 70% of them benefit from the studio hours and 80% of them found the information and skills they learn at courses useful for other courses and/or for their professional lives. Besides these, it is understood that nearly 40% of our students demand more support from the teaching staff on providing resources for courses and studio works as well as encouragement in research via Internet and/or libraries. For theoretical and applied courses in Question 4 “The weekly schedule and resources was announced at the beginning of the term” and in architectural 32 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 design courses in Question 4 “the studio’s aim, context and expectations from students were explained” was asked. Even though the rate of the participation of the students in the evaluation surveys is high, the fact that this rate varies according to the courses makes it hard to compare the quality of the courses and teaching staff’s performance objectively. In spite of that, from all replies in this context, it is understood that the students evaluated the success of the teaching staff as 80% in their information and skills, attendance, the way they instruct the course and their communication with students. Besides that, among different groups conducted by different teaching staff there are not many differences in evaluations. This data informs us about the consistency of the program. The surveys mentioned above are repeated regularly at the end of every semester, before the announcement of the final grades for each course. Below is a sample from 2013-2014 Academic Year, showing the compulsory courses for all levels. According to this table, the students’ evaluation is 79 % positive overall, which shows an inclination when compared with 2008-2009 survey results. The satisfaction ratio for each compulsory course varies between 68 % and 88 %. For the Architectural Design (studio) courses, the overall ratio of satisfaction is 80 %, while for the theoretical courses it is 78 %, which indicates that they have close rates for student satisfaction. 2013-2014 Fall Semester Survey Results COURSE TITLE MIM 1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM1041 Basic Design MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM2031 Structural Analysis in Architecture MIM2051 Constructional Elements of a Building 2 MIM2061 Computer Aided Design MIM2071 History of Architecture 1 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM3031 Building Physics 1 MIM3041 Structural System Design 2 MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM3051 History of Architecture 3 MIM3052 Process and Progress in Mod. Const. Ind. MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 Participation Ratio Satisfaction Ratio 84 % 84 % 85 % 87 % 85 % 81 % 61 % 88 % 69 % 83 % 91 % 79 % 92 % 68% 89 % 75 % 94 % 85 % 91 % 68 % 84 % 84 % 93 % 71 % 90 % 82 % 90 % 80 % 88 % 78 % 91 % 78 % 91 % 71 % 91 % 84 % 92 % 82 % 81 % 69 % 33 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 In addition to student surveys, starting from 2008-2009 fall semester, a series of surveys to evaluate the programs offered by YTÜ DoA more extensively were prepared and executed. It was decided that these surveys should be conducted regularly in the following terms and significant information would be gathered for self-evaluation of the program. Six self-evaluation surveys, conducted with internal and external partners in 2008-2009 academic year in DoA, are listed as: Internal partners: "Course Evaluation Survey" of students of 1-7th semester, in order to evaluate course contents and teaching staff, "Program Evaluation Survey 1" of 8th semester students (who are to graduate), evaluating the whole program, "Program Evaluation Survey 2" of teaching staff, evaluating USIS program courses and adequateness of information and skills that are aimed to be provided to graduates, "General Evaluation Survey 1" of teaching staff, evaluating their contentment in the levels of university, faculty and department. External partners: "Program Evaluation Survey 3" of graduates, evaluating university, faculty, department and curriculum in general, "General Evaluation Survey 3" of employers, evaluating our graduates. Execution of self-evaluation surveys can be explained as below: Course Evaluation Survey: At the end of every semester, students evaluate the courses they attend, their contribution to the course, contents and the performance of the lecturer. Surveys are handed out before the final exam of each course and during the design project submission for the design courses. The survey containing 20 questions is arranged in one page and is composed of clear, comprehensible questions so that the self-evaluation is done explicitly. The answers are marked on form designed for optical reader. The result of the survey are tabulated and shared within the department. Program Evaluation Survey 1: The students of 8th semester, who are designing their diploma projects, would hand in their evaluation of the whole curriculum while they are submitting their project. The survey consists of two sections. In the first section, USIS program's information and skills in the context of AAB’s (Architectural Accrediting Board) criteria are evaluated. In the second part of the survey, compulsory course are evaluated as "adequate" or "inadequate" in hours of practice, theoretic information, visual examples, expression techniques, actuality of the context, hours of the course and the semester of the course. In addition, at the end of the survey, there are open-ended questions where students can express their own judgment and make suggestions for the program. Program Evaluation Survey 2: This survey, conducted by the teaching staff in order to evaluate adequacy of the USIS program in compulsory courses, as well as information and skills that the graduates are aimed to earn, is composed of two sections. In the first section USIS program's information and skills in the context of AAB’s criteria are evaluated. In the second part of the survey compulsory course are evaluated as "adequate" or "inadequate" in hours of practice, theoretical information, visual examples, expression techniques, 34 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 actuality of the context, hours of the course and the semester of the course. In addition, at the end of the survey, there are open-ended questions where teaching staff can make suggestions for the program. Program Evaluation Survey 3: The first graduates of the USIS program (20072008) had evaluated the program via a survey composed of three sets of questions. In the first set YTÜ DoA in general, in the second set the process of education and in the third set the program's aim to make the graduates earn information and skills set by AAB are evaluated. The surveys were evaluated by graduate students enrolled in the programs of YTU Institute of Natural and Applied Science DoA. Program Evaluation Survey 4: Employers of YTÜ DoA graduates had evaluated their employees’ qualifications according to AAB’s criteria. These surveys, targeting the employers, were sent in electronic form. General Evaluation Survey 2 (Academic Content Survey): In order to set basis for production of politics aiming development of human resources, this academic content survey was conducted to the academic staff. By this survey, the teaching staff's evaluation of the university, the faculty and the department were determined. In addition to the abovementioned surveys, there is an ongoing process related with institutional quality management, as mentioned in Section I.1.2. The Strategic Plan, renewed every five years, requires the execution of institutional self-evaluation through surveys directed to academic staff, administrative staff and students. The academic staff is asked to evaluate the institution under seven main factors, resources, relation with internal and external stakeholders, education, research, social benefit, administrative and auxiliary units, and opportunities for students, with detailed questions for the assessment of every factor. The students are asked to evaluate institutional facilities, education, research, administrative staff, counselling services, internship, career planning and university management in detail. After the evaluation of the surveys, the results are presented to the members of Strategic Commission in each Department and Faculty, then shared with all the stakeholders in the institution. This continuous self-evaluation process allows for the determination of weak areas, as well as predispositions for the future of each department in YTU. 35 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.2. Resources I.2.1.Human Resources and Human Resource Development Faculty and Staff: In accordance with our university's and our department's vision and mission, development of human resources is considered important. At the university various training courses, seminars and activities are organized in order to provide a ground for development of students, academic and administrative staff. As a part of the department's policy, participation in such activities are allowed and supported. There are various student clubs (drama, radio, mountaineering, chess etc.) at the university, which aim to provide personal and collective development for students at the university and outside the university. For students' education and experience abroad ERASMUS exchange program has an effective role and YTÜ EU Office and Department's Erasmus Commission ensure the necessary procedures. TR EN Despite those, scientific meetings and workshops organized by private and governmental institutions contribute to students' development. (Various examples on this topic can be found at previous sections.) For enhancement of domestic and abroad experiences for our teaching staff, promotion of participation in meetings and ERASMUS Academic exchange program holds an important place in our department's policies and are supported financially. Financial support is provided to the teaching staff planning to attend a scientific meeting in accordance with YTÜ Senate's decisions. Equal distribution of this financial support, in accordance with the necessities of the teaching staff, is one the policies of the department, in accordance with the vision of YTU. Criteria for Rank, Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion As our university’s policy, in teaching staff promotion and allocations, the conditions in Higher Education Law no. 2547 and related items of Teaching Staff Promotion and Allocation Regulation are applied. Along with this, decisions in teaching staff promotion and allocations are given according to “AYDEK, Directive on Guidelines for Academic Promotion and Allocation Criteria” designed by YTU Rectorate. Within this scope, taking YTU’s institutional history in consideration, with the mission and responsibilities it bears within the other higher education institutions, its strategic planning and the vision and mission it set for a dynamic development model for continuous recruitment in standards in education, Academic Promotion and Allocation Criteria is one of the essential aims of the institution. In this context, with the Academic Promotion and Allocation Criteria, the following items are aimed for academic units of YTU: To display national and international activity in science and art disciplines, To convey their knowledge and experience so that information is expanded and contributes to development, 36 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 To develop answers to our country’s problems in science, techniques, culture and art, Not only exhibiting their studies, but also helping other studies to be visible and discussed in local, national and international activities, To cooperate with national and international academic institutions, To encounter staff requirements in accordance with the unit’s objectives and priorities and to guide unit’s objectives, To evaluate objectively the academic level of the candidates, To provide convenience to boards and authorities in allocations and to scientific board who prepare the report for promotion and allocations. For teaching staff who fulfills the criteria of the legislation about promotion and allocation, a demand for a position is expressed in the following order: Department Board, Faculty Board, University Senate. The position offered to the department is distributed fairly regarding the needs, of the sub-departments. Yonergesi(02_10_2014).pdf TR belgeler20_10_14.pdf TR TR TRık Temel Alan Formları.rar TR Professional Development Opportunities For teaching staff to access to opportunities for development, financial supports are given in the context of YTU international scientific publishing encouragement program. Announcements and posters of training courses, scientific meetings and seminars, etc. that help teaching staff’s development are displayed in public space of the department. They are also announced in website and sent via e-mail to the teaching staff. Academically, teaching staff attends to national and international symposiums and meetings. Libraries in the university, the faculty and the department help teaching staff to update their knowledge. Electronic sources that the university library is a member of are e-mailed to the teaching staff. Besides that, the teaching staff develop themselves by participating in national and international workshops through ERASMUS+ and FARABI exchange programs, as well as other bilateral agreements. Apart from this, implementation projects, consultancy services, consultancy to governmental and private sector institutions, expertise services, which are part of revolving funds services* play an important role in the professional development of teaching staff. According to 2008-2009 Academic year academic staff survey evaluation conducted for the national accreditation board AAB/MIAK, teaching staff’s opinions on the institution, department and education quality were obtained. With the survey conveyed to 111 full-time faculty (tenured, and tenure track positions) working in YTU DoA with a participation ratio of 66% (73), our department’s management and organization, subjects of education, research, infrastructure, * Revolving funds is a general name used for service activities offered by the staff working in the public institutions. In this case, the university collects the revenues and distributes some portion of it to the staff. 37 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 financial opportunities and work satisfaction were questioned. Academic staff survey evaluation is planned for the forthcoming AAB continued accreditation that will take place in 2016. Evaluation of academic staff that participated in the survey proves that overall satisfaction is over 60 % with regard to the titles mentioned above. The fact that 90 % of the academic staff within this ratio “love their work” is remarkable. According to the survey evaluations, the highest satisfaction on academic staff is among the following subjects: The position of YTU Faculty of Architecture among other architecture faculties in Turkey, the mission and vision of the department, department’s level of success on higher education mission, teaching staff-student interaction, the quality of graduate and phD programs. The results indicate that teaching staff has academic competence. In addition, infrastructural services in the department, such as Internet service, adequacy of devices, like computers/printers etc, support on information technologies, are among the subjects with high level of satisfaction. The results of the survey determine that academic staff in our Department is satisfied with the accordance of the present number of students in Graduate and PhD studies with the program, while there is a general view that the number of students in our bachelor program is not in accordance with the program. According to the evaluations of the academic staff who participated in the survey, the primary subjects to be developed in our department are rewarding of scientific activities and activities of research centers. In addition, the subjects with lowest satisfaction levels among staff are related to financial subjects (salaries, working capital services, wages of extra class hours and financial support for scientific activities). In order to promote professional development, Academic Staff Encouragement System was established in YTU. According to this system, encouragement certificates are presented to staff according to their annual international publication performance. Besides, academic staff is rewarded with material support within international publication encouragement program of YTU. Scientific studies conducted in our university, as well as graduate thesis studies are also supported by project coordination unit. YTU DoA supports the faculty in participating in the international conferences, symposia, workshops and academic meetings alike. The Dean of the faculty reserves funding up to $1000 in average for each faculty member willing to participate in such events once in every fiscal year. ERASMUS+ also provides opportunities in Faculty Mobility with €800 each year for 8hrs/Week as described in the bilateral agreements. Paid and Unpaid leaves are regulated by CoHE's regulations numbered 2547. A list of such encouragement for the faculty in 2012-2014 academic years is given in the following table: 38 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Faculty Funding for International Academic Events Name/Position of the Academic Event and Venue Faculty Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. SGEM Social Conference, Albena, Bulgaria ÖKEM Res. Assist. Dr.Senem SGEM Social Conference, Albena, Bulgaria KAYMAZ KOCA Öze ULUENGİN SGEM Social Conference, Albena, Bulgaria st Res. Assist.Elifnaz UPAD 2014, 1 . International Urban Planning and DURUSOY Archıtectural Design Congress, Kocaeli, Turkey th Res. Assist. Elifnaz 18 . General Assembly and Scientific Symposium DURUSOY of ICOMOS, Florence, Italy th Res. Assist.Aylin 18 . General Assembly and Scientific Symposium AKÇABOZAN of ICOMOS, Florence, Italy Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı INTE 2014, Paris, France SUNGUR ERGENOĞLU Ali DEĞİRMENCİ INTE 2014, Paris, France Res. Assist. Dr. Selin EDULEARN 2014, Barcelona, Spain YILDIZ Prof. Dr. Deniz lnternational Symposium on Society, Economics ÖNDER and Urban Studies, Bali, Indonesia Res. Assist. Dr. Şensin Bullight 2014, Bulgaria AYDIN YAĞMUR Assist. Prof. Dr. Füsun Beyond Globalisation: Remaking Housing Policy ÇİZMECİ YÖREŞ In A Complex World, Edinburg, Scotland Assist. Prof. Dr. Ceylan EAUH 12th International Conference on Urban İrem GENCER History, Lisboa, Portugal Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz International Educational Technology (IETC 2011), GÜNEY Chicago, USA Prof. Dr. Leyla Experiencing Light 2014,Eindhoven, The ÖZTÜRK Netherlands th Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali 9 . International Conference on Structural Osman KURUŞCU Analysis of Historical Constructions 2014, Mexico City, Mexico th Assist. Prof. Dr. Uzay 9 . International Conference on Structural YERGÜN Analysis of Historical Constructions, Mexico City, Mexico th Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayten 9 . International Conference on Structural ERDEM Analysis of Historical Constructions, Mexico City, Mexico Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birgül eCAADe2014, New Castle, England ÇOLAKOĞLU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cultural Help 2014 - ICORP Conference on Zeynep Gül ÜNAL Cultural Heritage and Loss Prevention, Porto, Portugal Assist. Prof. Dr. E. INCUL 2015 Urban Cultural Landscape: Past, Ebru OMAY POLAT Present, Future, Teheran, Iran Assist. Prof. Dr. Sustainable City 2013, Malaysia Çiğdem CANBAY TÜRKYILMAZ Res. Assist. Dr. Ezgi 2013 International Van Earthquake Symposium, KORKMAZ Van, Turkey Assist. Prof. Dr. Almula ICCREM 2013, International Conference on KÖKSAL IŞIKKAYA Construction and Real Estate Management, Germany Res. Assist. Dr. Tuğçe ICCREM 2013, International Conference on ERCAN Construction and Real Estate Management, Germany Res. Assist. Ebru CIAV 2013, International Documentation Camp in HARMAN ASLAN Vernacular Architecture, Portugal Assist. Prof. Dr. Uzay CIAV 2013, International Documentation Camp in Date October, 2014 October, 2014 October, 2014 May, 2014 November, 2014 November, 2014 June, 2014 June, 2014 July, 2014 June, 2014 June, 2014 July, 2014 September, 2014 September, 2014 November, 2014 October, 2014 October, 2014 October, 2014 September, 2014 October, 2014 November, 2014 December, 2013 October, 2013 October, 2013 October, 2013 October, 2013 October, 2013 39 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 YERGÜN Assist. Prof. Dr. Ceylan İrem GENCER Assist. Prof. Dr. Banu ÇELEBİOĞLU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aynur ÇİFÇİ Res. Assist. Nur UMAR Prof. Dr. Deniz ÖNDER Prof. Dr. E. Görün ARUN Res. Assist. Seda SERBEST Res. Assist. Deniz TUZCUOĞLU Prof. Dr. Rengin ÜNVER Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zafer AKDEMİR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zehra Canan GİRGİN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayten ERDEM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Gül ÜNAL Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nuri İLGÜREL Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Osman KURUŞÇU Res. Assist. Dr. Senem KAYMAZ KOCA Prof. Dr. E. Görün ARUN Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilek EKŞİ AKBULUT Res. Assist. İpek KOSOVA Res. Assist. Dr. Senem KAYMAZ KOCA Res. Assist. Öze ULUENGİN Res. Assist. Hande DÜZGÜN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan K. GÜRER Res. Assist. Dr. Selin YILDIZ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alev ERKMEN ÖZHEKİM Instructor Ayhan BÖYÜR Vernacular Architecture, Portugal CIAV 2013, International Documentation Camp in Vernacular Architecture, Portugal CIAV 2013, International Documentation Camp in Vernacular Architecture, Portugal CIAV 2013, International Documentation Camp in Vernacular Architecture, Portugal CIAV 2013, International Documentation Camp in Vernacular Architecture, Portugal International Space Syntax Symposium, Seul, South Korea IASS 2013 Conference, Beyond The Limits of Men, Poland V. International Landscape Workshop, Jaen, Spain V. International Landscape Workshop, Jaen, Spain th October, 2013 October, 2013 October, 2013 October, 2013 October, 2013 September, 2013 September, 2013 September, 2013 Lux Europa 12 . European Congress, Krakov, Poland "KERPİÇ'13-New Generation Earthen Architecture:Learning From Heritage, Istanbul, Turkey September, 2013 "SMAR 2013 Second Conference on Smart Monitoring Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Istanbul, Turkey nd 2 . International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, Trento, Italy th The 15 . International Conference on National Trust, Cultural Diversity for Responsible Development, Republic of Uganda Internoise 2013, Vienna, Austria September, 2013 International Conference on Sustainable Construction, Materials and Technologies, Kyoto, Japan International Conference on Education, Culture and Identity, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzogovina ICSA 2013, International Conference on Structure and Architecture th Edulearn 2013, 5 . Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain International Conference on New Horizons in Education International Fine Arts and Music Congress, Istanbul, Turkey Educational Researches and Publications Association Congress, Istanbul, Turkey International Conference on Chancing Cities: Spatial, Morphological, Formal & Social Dimensions, Skiathos, Greece International Conference on Chancing Cities: Spatial, Morphological, Formal & Social Dimensions, Skiathos, Greece nd. 2 TOSEE Conference, Opetija, Crotia August, 2013 th ARCHHIST, 13 . International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey VIII. International Sinan Symposium,Edirne, Turkey September, 2013 September, 2013 September, 2013 September, 2013 July, 2013 July, 2013 June, 2013 June, 2013 June, 2013 June, 2013 June, 2013 June, 2013 May 2013 April, 2013 April, 2013 40 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 ERASMUS+ Funding for Academic Staff Mobility Name/Position of the Institution, Country Faculty Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz University of Barcelona, Spain GÜNEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nuri HTWG Konstanz Fachhochschule, Germany İLGÜREL Assist. Prof. Dr. Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Çiğdem CANBAY Republic TÜRKYILMAZ Paid and Unpaid Leaves Name/Position of the Paid/Unpaid, Purpose Faculty Assist. Prof. Dr. Z. Unpaid, Sabatical SAĞDIÇ Prof. Dr. Paid, Visiting Faculty in AGU and Gedik N.URFALIOGLU Universities Assist. Prof. Dr. Z. Paid, Sabatical, University of.. London AKDEMIR Date/Period June 2014, 1 week June, 2014, 1 week September, 2012, 2 weeks Date/Period 2013, 6 months 2012-2014 2013-2014 Other examples of professional development opportunities supported by YTU DoA between 2012-2014 are as follows: Faculty Publications 2012 Çelebioğlu, B., Çetin, B., Erkan, N., Umar, N., Gençer, İ., Ünal, G., Yergün, U. (ed.s) Heritage & Risk Symposium (15-17 November, 2012) Proceedings Book, YTU Publication, 2012, Istanbul. Polatoğlu, Ç. Mimarlıkta Görsel Etki Değerlendirme Yöntem ve Teknikleri (Methods and Techniques of Visual Impact Assessment in Architecture), YTU Publication, 2012, Istanbul. Soygeniş, M. Mimarlık / Yaşamın İçinden (Architecture / Within Life), Birsen Publication, 2012, İstanbul. Turgut, S., Ceylan, E. In the Wake of a Local Government Initiative, WIT Press, 2012, Southampton Boston. Polatoğlu, Ç., Vural, M. (ed.s) Cedoc A L’İstanbul Museum of Modern Art, P.X 11 EKBA. Yihia Erificacio Barcelona, 2012 Diker, N. (ed). CAUMME (Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in the Mediterranean and the Middle East) International Symposium Proceedings (November 2012), YTU Publication, 2012, Istanbul. Çolakoğlu, B., Durmisevic, E., Pasic, A. (ed.s) International Design Studio 2012 YTU Children Science Center, 2012, Netherlands. 2013 Özer, Y., Polat, E., Seçilmişler, T., Uluengin, Ö. YTÜ Davutpaşa Yerleşkesi Etkinlik Alanı Tasarımı Ulusal Öğrenci Mimari Fikir Yarışması (YTU Davutpaşa Campus Activity Area Design National Student Competititon), YTU Publication, 2013, Istanbul. Polatoğlu, Ç., Akipek, F., Ekinci, K., Uysal, S., Çokuğraş, I., Sakarya, A. (ed.s) 70th year of YTU Faculty of Architecture Book, YTU Publication, 2013, Istanbul. Tönük, S., Dokuzer L. (part in book), Culture / Summer School 2013, Fachhochschule Dortmund Publication. 41 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 2014 Türkün, A., Mülk, Mahal, İnsan: İstanbul’da Kentsel Dönüşüm (Property, Place, Human: Urban Regeneration in Istanbul), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications, 2014, Istanbul. Meetings (Symposia, Conferences, etc.) 2012 Fall Date: 15-17 November. Subject: International Symposium of “Cultural Heritage Protection In Times of Risk – Challenges and Opportunities”. Organized by: YTU and ICOMOS-ICORP. Date: 21-23 November. Subject: International Symposium on “Contemporary Architecture And Urbanism In The Mediterranean And The Middle East” (CAUMME). 2013 Fall Date: 6-7 November. Subject: “International Conference on Global Climate Change” “Panel on Sustainable Development and Energy Policies” Place: YTU Auditorum Date: 27-29 November. Subject: 8th 3DGeoInfo Conference ISPRS WG II/2 International Symposium and Workshop. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Date: 27-28 November. Subject: International Symposium of Turks in World Architecture and Art. Place: YTU Auditorum Exhibition Hall. Date: 16-17 December. Subject: 10th National Accoustics Congress. Place: YTU Auditorum. 2014 Spring Date: 3-4 April. Subject: 7th National Symposium of Roofs. Place: YTU Auditorum. Seminars 2012 Spring Date: 22 February. Subject: Commemorating and Understanding Architect Turgut Cansever. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Organized by: Architects and Engineers Association (MMG). Date: 05 March. Subject: Common Architectural Design Studio with Eastern Mediterranean University and YTU. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Organized by: Ass.Prof.Dr. G. Şener. Date: 22 May. Lecturer: Ass. Prof. Dr. Betül Bakır. Subject: Development of Collection Culture. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. 2012 Fall Date: 16-17 October. Subject: 6th Istanbul Meeting: Disasters and Urban Regeneration. Place: YTU Auditorium 2013 Spring Date: 03 April. Subject: Cultural and Architectural Values in Kemaliye. Place: YTU Auditorum Exhibition Hall. 2014 Spring Date: 24 March. Subject: “ESRI-GIS Campus Seminar” Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. 42 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Visiting Lecturers 2012 Spring Date: 26 April. Lecturer: Yeşim Cengiz. Subject: İstanbul Historical Peninsula Planning Process. Place: Room D403. Organized by: İstanbul Historical Peninsula Research Center. Date: 26 April. Lecturer: Architect Gökhan Avcıoğlu. Subject: Gökhan Avcıoğlu is Sharing His Experiences. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall Date: 08 May. Lecturer: Maxmilián Wittmann (Academic Staff of Brno University of Technology). Subject: Living in Blocks of Flats in Czech Republic. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall Date: 11 May. Lecturer: Architect Prof. Dr. Zeynep Ahunbay (Academic Staff of Istanbul Technical University). Subject: Zeynep Ahunbay is Sharing Her Professional Experiences. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall Date: 22 May. Lecturer: Architect Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker (Academic Staff of Fachhochschule Dortmund). Subject: Dortmund Faculty of Architecture. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. 2012 Fall Date: 15 October. Lecturer: Architect Prof. Dr. Uğur Tanyeli. Subject: Architecture and Images. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Date: 7 November. Lecturers: Dara Kırmızıtoprak, Ozan Ertuğ. Subject: Architectural Experience and Philosophy (no. 4 in series). Place: YTU Auditorum Exhibition Hall. Date: 19-23 November. Lecturer: Architect Edwin Chan. Subject: “Arts and Culture” “Execution and Collaboration” within Connect-Collaborate-Create Seminar series. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Date: 29 November. Lecturer: Archaeologist Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ufuk Kocabaş (Academic Staff of Istanbul University). Subject: Yenikapı Byzantine Artifacts: Excavation Methodology and Conservation Methods. Organized by: İstanbul Historical Peninsula Research Center. Date: 3 December. Lecturer: Alper Derinboğaz. Subject: Architectural Experience and Philosophy (no. 5 in series). Place: YTU Auditorum Exhibition Hall. Date: 17 December. Lecturer: Dr Zeynep Kaçmaz (Academic Staff of Bradford University). Subject: Architectural Experience and Philosophy (no. 5 in series). Place: YTU Auditorum Exhibition Hall. 2013 Spring Date: 05 March. Lecturer: Ass.Prof.Dr. Ümit Işıkdağ (Academic Staff of Beykent University). Subject: Construction Information Technologies (CIT). Architecture Engineering and Construction Date: 02 April. Lecturer: Ufuk Aydın. Subject: Technological Developments in Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) Sector- Autodesk CIT and AEC Solutions. Date: 07 May. Lecturer: Ass.Prof.Dr. Türkan Uzun (Academic Staff of Maltepe University) Subject: Construction Information Technologies (CIT) and Conceptual Design. 2013 Fall Date: 24 October. Lecturer: Prof. Luigi Maffei (Academic Staff of Napoli University) Subject: “International Conference on Global Climate Change” “Panel on Sustainable Development and Energy Policies” Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. 43 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Date: 19 November. Lecturer: Architect Anne Marie Galmstrup (Manager of Hening Larsen Architects) Subject: “Buildings and the City”. Date: 22 November. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Markus Hanisch (Academic Staff of Berlin Humboldt University) Subject: “The Role of Cooperative Associations for Development of Rural Areas” Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. 2014 Spring Date: 20 March. Lecturer: Ahmet Ümit, Tahir Tekin Öztan. Subject: “Strategies for Gaziantep as a Brand City” Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Date: 27 March. Lecturer: Architect Emre Arolat. Subject: “Place of Worship and Essence” Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Date: 02 April. Lecturer: Civil Engineer Prof. Dr. Fevziye Aköz. Subject: “Determination of Materials in Historical Buildings” Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Date: 02 April. Lecturer: Archaeologist Evren Türkmenoğlu. Subject: “Istanbul University and Yenikapı Excavations. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Date: 16 April. Lecturer: Architect Çelik Erengezgin. Subject: Energy and Ecology. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Date: 28 April. Lecturer: Architect Cengiz Bektaş. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall Date: 29 April. Lecturer: Maxmilián Wittmann (Academic Staff of Brno University of Technology). Subject: Brno – the Problems of the City in the Past and Today. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall Date: 05 May April. Lecturer: Engineer Mehmet Emre Özcanlı. Subject: New Technologies in Earthquake Resistant Building Design- Seisic Isolation Systems and Their Applications in Turkey. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Date: 06 May April. Lecturer: Prof.Dr. Vladimir Šlapeta (Academic Staff of Brno University of Technology). Subject: Works of Architect Hans Scharoun. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall Date: 20 May. Lecturer: Architect Prof. Dr. Jorg Becker (Academic Staff of Fachhochschule Dortmund). Subject: Project Development, the Key for Good Architecture. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Date: 21 May. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Erdal İrtem (Academic Staff of Balıkesir University). Subject: Architectural Design and Considering Earthquake Safety. Place: Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall. Workshops 2012 Spring Date: 20 March, 27 March, 03 April, 10 April. Subject: “Fast Sketching Techniques”. Organized by: Prof. Dr. Murat Soygeniş. 2012 Fall Date: 13 September. Subject: Istanbul Tourism Main Plan Spatial Strategies. Date: 13-20 September. Subject: “Uni[que]Form” within Istanbul Design Biannual Academic Program. 2013 Spring Date: 15 March. Subject: Towards the Formation of Turkey’s Architectural Preservation Charter. Organized by: Istanbul Governorate, YTU, Istanbul Technical University, ICOMOS Turkey National Commission. Date: 24-28 June. Subject: Summer Workshop “Crossroads”. Organized by: Prof. Dr. Mehrdad Hadighi (Pennsylvania State University) and YTU Faculty of Architecture. 44 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Summer Academy "House of Culture”. Organized by: YTU and Fachhochschule Dortmund. 2013 Fall Date: 9- 13 September. Subject: “Use of Low-Tech Systems and Local Material in Building Design” within the scope of Earthquake-Resistant and Sustainable Building Design. Organized by: YTU and Van Yüzüncü Yıl University. Date: 11 September. Subject: Global Climate Change Summer School Workshop. Organized by: YTU, Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture, and University of Siegen. Date: 21 November. Subject: Aquarelle Techniques in Graphic Representation of Architectural Design. Organized by: Zeynep Sarıoğlu. International Design Studio. Organized by: YTU Faculty of Architecture, Sarajevo University Faculty of Architecture, and Twente University Department of Industrial Design. 2014 Spring Date: 17 March. Subject: ʺRethinking Public Space-Beşiktaş˝. Organized by: YTU Department of Urban and Regional Planning Exhibitions 2012 Spring Date: 19 January-17 February. Exhibition of student works in Graduate Program of Computer Aided Architectural Design. Date: 27 February-09 March. Exhibition of “GeoNature: Architecture-GeometryNature”, 1st year architectural studio works of Istanbul Aydın University. Date: 5-20 June. Exhibition of “Global Climate Change and Ecological Architecture Techniques”. 2012 Fall Date: 10-27 December. “Documentation of the Traditional Urban Settlement in Yoran, Didyma” Exhibition of student works in Graduate Program of Building Survey and Restoration. 2013 Spring Date: 20-31 January. Exhibition of student works “CAAD Presentations Low Module Design and Production”. Date: 18 February-8 March. Exhibition of student works in Arhitectural Design Studio 4. Date: 01-30 April. Exhibition of “Polyphonic Architecture”, student works of YTU and Girne American University. Date: 03 April. Exhibition of “Cultural and Architectural Values in Kemaliye” Date: 04 June. Exhibition of student works in Aquarelle Technique course. 2013 Fall Date: 24 September. Subject: “Looking Towards the Future”, student works of Haliç University Faculty of Architecture. Date: 25 October-27 November. Subject: “On Kocaeli”. Organized by: Kocaeli University Faculty of Architecture and Design Faculty with YTU Faculty of Architecture Date: 03-10 December. Exhibition of “Global Climate Change”. 2014 Spring Date: 17-28 February. Exhibition of student works in Basic Design course. 45 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Date: 17 February-17 March. Exhibition of student works in Architectural Design Studio 7 (Graduation Project). Date: 28 February-14 March. “Traces, Curves and Roots” Exhibition of Aesthetic Analysis of Decorative Elements of Some of the Ottoman Monuments in Istanbul. Organized by: YTU Faculty of Arts and Design. Date: 2-15 April. “Nature and Architecture”, photography exhibition. Organized by: Prof. Dr. Semra Atabay. Date: 14 April. Mapping Cross-Border City: Edirne. Organized by: YTU Urban and Regional Planning Department. Date: 15 April-15 May. “Drawing Istanbul”. Freehand sketches of students in Freehand Drawing course. Date: 06-16 May. Exhibition of student works in Introduction to Architectural Design course. Date: 09-23 May. Exhibition of student works in Graduate Program of Building Survey and Restoration. Date: 23 May-01 June. Exhibition of student works in International Design Studio course. Organized by: YTU Faculty of Architecture, Sarajevo University Faculty of Architecture, and Twente University Department of Industrial Design. Students: The Student Selection and Allocation Center (SSAC/ÖSYM) mainly organizes the process by which applicants to the substantially equivalent degree program are evaluated for admission under the supervision of Council of Higher Educational (CoHEC/YÖK). The SSAC organizes 6 nationwide exams in total for the students who are graduated from high schools each year. TR The first round of this series of exams is called the Access to Higher Education Exam (AHEE/YGS) and is composed of intermediate level questions relating secondary and high school curricular content. AHEE determines the student's proficiency to receive higher education for both national and international higher educational institutions. AHEE is conducted nationwide synchronically in mid March. The minimum score of 180 pts. in AHEE/YGS is the international equivalent to Baccalauréat of French Lyceé Graduation Certificate; Abitur of German Gymansium Graduation Certificate; GCE A-Level of British High School Graduation Certificate; and SAT equivalent of United States to gain access to Higher Education. 180 pts. in AHEE is compulsory and regarded as sufficient for access to higher education in most of the departments of private universities and distant learning departments but not in many of the state run, high-rank university departments like YTU DoA. Therefore, students willing to gain access to those departments have to take a combination of the remaining 5 tests that are called Departmental Allocation Exam (DAE/LYS). DAE tests are conducted nationwide synchronically in mid June and are grouped in 5 basic branches of secondary and high school curricular content. DAE1 is on Mathematics; DAE2 is on Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Biology); DAE3 is on Literature and Geography; DAE4 is on Social Sciences (Sociology, History, and Psychology); and DAE5 is on Foreign Languages. Students who are willing to enroll in a Bachelor Degree in Architecture have to take tests on 46 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Mathematics and Natural Sciences. For students who wish to apply to Architecture Department, MF-4 score is valid. This score is made up of different percentages of the questions in the DAE1,2,3,4,5. MF-4 consists of 11% Turkish, 14% Basic Mathematics, 6% Social Sciences, 9% Science, 22% Advanced Mathematics, 11% Geometry, 13% Physics, 9% Chemistry and 5% Biology. The students within the given range of lowest and highest scores, are found eligible to apply to YTU DoA. The students applies for admission to Dean's Secretariat with the DAE test score and with the documents and files as stated in the admission guide which can be viewed in the following link: Sonuclarına Gore Unıversıtemız LISANS Programlarına Kayıt Olacaklar Icın Ilk Kayıt Islemlerı(1).doc TR SSAC also regulates and organizes the Vertical Transfer Exam in mid July. The foreign students exam is organized by each individual university. YTU organizes foren students exam in mid May and the guidance is provided through the web site of Foreign Students Office: EN Statistical data concerning SSAC's DAE tests can be observed in the following tables: Years 2012 2013 2014 Students Applied in AHEE 1.895.479 1.924.550 2.086.115 Students Allocated in: (Via DAE1.2.3.4. and 5) Bachelor Vocational Distant Degree Degree Learning Programs Programs Programs 357.342 284.355 223.785 385.795 286.622 205.367 397.216 336.407 188.652 Total 865.482 877.784 922.275 References (1) (2) (3) (1) TR (2)ÖSYS Yerleştirme Sonuçlarına İlişkin Sayısal Bilgiler.pdf TR (3)ınaIliskinSayisalBilgiler23072014.pdf TR Architectural Departmental Units of the Universities YTÜ ITU METU GU KTU AU DEU BU Architectural Departmental Units of the Universities (3) YTÜ ITU METU GU KTU AU DEU BU 2014 (1) Lowest Score Highest Score Score Rank Percentile 450,12750 481,59423 465,27791 432,32429 404,46106 423,40831 426,85753 442,98189 459,96066 520,37005 529,64154 451,93291 436,93684 444,84305 465,55839 459,85104 16.400 6.770 11.200 23.500 36.700 27.500 26.000 19.100 1,77 0,73 1,21 2,54 3,97 2,98 2,81 2,07 2013 (2) Lowest Score Highest Score Score Rank (4) Percentile 441,48372 474,50617 460,20650 425,41616 399,92415 417,27064 419,52952 433,24575 457,06807 523,70524 531,87475 449,40336 419,57735 439,51787 444,86008 443,58042 16.900 6.740 10.500 23.600 35.700 27.200 26.200 20.200 1,92 0,76 1,19 2,6 4,06 3,09 2,98 2,30 47 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 (1) 12014MERKEZIYERLESTIRMEILEOGRENCIALANYUKSEKOGRETIMLISANSPROGRAMLARI.pdf TR (2) TR (3) YTU: Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul; ITU: İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul; METU: Middle East Technical University, Ankara; GU: Gazi University, Ankara; KTU: Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, AU: Anadolu University, Eskişehir, DEU: Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, BU: Bilgi University, İstanbul (Private, Full Scholarship) (4) The lowest rank of the student in 922.275 participants in 2014 DAE, and in 877.784 participants in 2013 DAE Please note that documents presented in this section can be previewed by Google Chrome, other browsers may not work properly. Transfers from within and outside of the university: According to the regulations of the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) and YTU Senate, students are provided with the opportunities to make lateral and vertical transfer, and double major. The conditions and regulations for admission transfer students are given in this section. However, transfer process includes the accreditation for each individual transfer student as well. Accreditation process for all transfer students (Lateral, Vertical, Double Major) are further detailed in the Evaluation of Preparatory/Pre-professional Education in section II.3. Related Regulations and Guidelines for Transfers within and outside YTU are listed below. YTU Student Transfer Regulation (Internal and İnter-Academic Transfers_from within and outside YTU, Lateral, Vertical, Double Major) ans%20ve%20Lisans%20Duzeyindeki%20Programlar%20Arasinda%20Gecis%20ve%20Cift%20A nadal%20Yonergesi%20_07_02_2013%20tarihli%20Senato%20Karari%20ile%20degisen%20son %20hali_%20web.doc TR According to the “Regulation of Associate Degree and Bachelor Transfer between Higher Education Institutions, and the Regulations for Double Major” of the Council of Higher Education, the following rules are applied for transfer to YTU’s Associate Degree and Bachelor programs from universities listed in SSAC’s guide book and from abroad universities accredited by the CoHE. To evaluate enrollment of students who are applying to bachelor transfer: a) Transfers are conducted between equivalent education programs. Transfers from associate degree programs to bachelor programs are not allowed. b) The students have to be enrolled to an equivalent higher education institute during the time of application. c) Transfer applications (except for Foreign Language Preparatory class) are executed at the end of the first year, at the earliest. d) Application of students who have one year / semester suspension are not accepted. e) Applications of students who are enrolled in a bachelor program with Vertical Transfer Examination are not accepted. f) Students with a discipline penalty from a Higher Education Institute are not eligible to apply. g) No transfers are allowed from Central Open Higher Education and External Higher Education to Formal Higher Education. h) To be eligible to apply to Associate Degree/Bachelor programs, all courses must be taken and accomplished with a grade at least 2.0 out of 4.0, for application in 2nd and 3rd years, GPA must be at least 60 out of 100 (2.4 out of 48 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 4.0) for all years prior to application. In addition, for applications when there is a vacancy in 4. year quota, GPA of courses for 5th and 6th semesters of the prior program must be at least 70 out of 100 (2.8 out of 4.0), GPA of all courses taken must be at least 65 out of 100 (2.6 out of 4.0). i) Students, who want to transfer from secondary education programs to primary education programs, have to prove that they are among the first 10 % in GPA ranking of the latest year accomplished in prior higher education institute, according to 6th clause of Law no 3843. If these students are transferred to a primary education program, they continue to pay the secondary education tuition. According to the abovementioned rules, the determination of application quotas by the Higher Education Council is evaluated as a weak point. The quotas are increased, without regarding the physical resources and number of teaching staff. Increasing the number of students directly affects the quality of education. Lateral Transfer Lateral Transfer concerns transfer between same levels of degrees (from an associate degree to another associate degree or from a bachelor degree to another bachelor degree) within the same higher education institution or between different institutions. YTU Lateral Transfer Conditions (Internal Bachelor Degree Transfers _within YTU) %C4%B1n%20Basvuru%20ve%20%20Kay%C4%B1t%20K%C4%B1lavuzu%20(2014-2015).doc TR YTU Lateral Transfer Conditions (Inter-Academic Bachelor Degree Transfers _from outside YTU) K_Arası Yatay Gecıs Basvuru Takvımı ve Basvuru Kosulları (2014-2015).doc TR Vertical Transfer (Inter-academic Transfers _from outside YTU) The Vertical Transfer concerns transfer for graduates of vocational schools or associate degrees to continue education in a related bachelor degree. The vertical transfers within different degree levels are organized under the supervision of SSAC and CoHE, which conducts a designated exam among the students who are willing to undergo transfer process in between national higher education institutions. The Vertical Transfer Exam conducted by SSAC is executed in mid July every year. Available transfers from associate degree programs to B.Arch. degree programs including YTU DoA listed by SSAC is given in the following table: TR (Turkish names of the associate degree programs are also given for query) Available transfers from associate degree programs to B.Arch. degree programs as listed in SSAC documents. EN TR Building Preservation and Renewal Bina Koruma ve Yenileme Natural Stone Decoration Doğal Taş Dekorasyonu Natural Stone Constructional Technology Doğal Yapı Taşları Teknolojisi Masonry Decoration Arts Duvar Süsleme Sanatları Artifact Preservation Eser Koruma Preservation and Renewal of Interiors İç Mekan Koruma ve Yenileme İnterior Design İç Mekan Tasarımı 49 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Construction Construction Technicianship Construction Technology Marble Technology Marble Craftsmanship Architectural Decorative Arts Architectural Decoration Architectural Technology Restoration Restoration and Conservation Construction Draftsmanship İnşaat İnşaat Teknikerliği İnşaat Teknolojisi Mermer Teknolojisi Mermercilik Mimari Dekoratif Sanatlar Mimari Dekorasyon Mimarlık Teknolojisi Restorasyon Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Yapı Ressamlığı YTU Regulation for Continuing Bachelor Education for Graduates of Vocational Studies Schools ekokullari%20Mezunlarinin%20Lisans%20Ogrenimine%20Devamlari%20Hakkinda%20Yonerge%2 0_08_09_2011%20Tarihli%20Senato%20Karari_.doc TR Double Major Double Major is studying two bachelor degrees simultaneously in YTU and obtaining two diplomas in graduation. YTU Double Major Regulation ans%20ve%20Lisans%20Duzeyindeki%20Programlar%20Arasinda%20Gecis%20ve%20Cift%20A nadal%20Yonergesi%20_07_02_2013%20tarihli%20Senato%20Karari%20ile%20degisen%20son %20hali_%20web.doc TR Double Major program is determined according to Yıldız Technical University Double Major Education Regulation (10.03.2005 / 03-07) (includes amendments approved with University Senate’s decision numbered 27.09.2007 / 13-07). University Senate decides between which programs Double Major program can be established, the quotas and the application dates, according to the proposal of relevant departments and faculty boards for every academic year. The total number of new students that will be annually accepted in Double Major program cannot surpass 10 % of the number of first year students that will be accepted in one year. Double Major program cannot be applied between teacher education bachelor programs and bachelor programs of other faculties. The students can apply to a double major program in the beginning of third and fifth semesters of their own bachelor program. For application, the students have to accomplish at least 3.0 grade point average (GPA) for all courses until the semester of application and be among the first 20 % of the relevant class of the main bachelor program (according to Higher Education Governing Board Decision, date 11.11.2002). For these students, a success rating is formed based on the first day of application. In calculation of GPA “elective courses”, which are not taken previously or not succeeded, are not taken into consideration (University Senate decision: 09.09.2004/9–5). The students who are willing and eligible for Double Major education apply to the deanship of the faculty, in which they wish to make a double major, with an application form and transcript at the time announced in the academic calendar. If the applications are more than the quote allocated, a ranking is prepared according to GPA defined in Section 2.4. If there is an equivalency, then university acceptance scores are considered. Acceptance to a Double Major program is finalized with the decision of the faculty executive board of the program. 50 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 In Double Major program, registration to more than one secondary bachelor program is not allowed. I.2.2.Administrative Structure and Governance a) Department Headship YTÜ DoA is administrated by a Department Head elected every third year, two vice heads, 4 sub-department chairs and a representative of research assistants and a representative of the students. The administrative staff of the department includes three program administrators (Head and two vice-heads), three administrative coordinators, 4 secretaries, and assistant personnel. The organizational scheme of YTÜ DoA's academic and administrative structure is presented below. This chart not only shows the department's structure, but the whole organizational structure starting with the faculty. In this scheme, the information flow (decision making mechanism) of the department follows the order of Division-Department Board-Faculty Board. Department Headölüm Başkanı.doc TR Department Vice-Headölüm Başkanı Yardımcısı.doc TR Sub-department Chair Dalı Başkanı.doc TR YTÜ Faculty of Architecture and DoA Administrative Structure Routine works within the department are conveyed by commissions stated below. The work distribution allows all teaching staff to have the same load and temporary commission works and short-term tasks are distributed alternately. 51 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Department of Architecture Commissions List COMMISSIONS FOR INTERNSHIPS OFFICE INTERNSHIP: ASSOC. PROF. DR. İ. BAŞAK DAĞGÜLÜ (HEAD) ASSOC. PROF. DR. ALEV ERKMEN ÖZHEKİM ASSOC. PROF. DR. TOLGA AKBULUT RES. ASSIST. NESLINUR HIZLI (COMMUNICATION COORDINATOR) Evaluates the internship applications CONSTRUCTION SITE INTERNSHIP: ASSOC. PROF. DR. FERIDE ÖNAL (HEAD) ASSIST. PROF. DR. TOGAN TONG ASSIST. PROF. DR. GÖKÇE TUNA TAYGUN RES. ASSIST. DENIZ TUZCUOĞLU (COMMUNICATION COORDINATOR) PHD QUALIFICATION EXAM COMMISSION PROF.DR. NURAN KARA PİLEHVARİAN PROF.DR. DENİZ ERİNSEL ÖNDER PROF.DR. LEYLA DOKUZER ÖZTÜRK PROF.DR. CAN BİNAN PROF.DR. BERRIN ALPER Organizes the PhD Qualification Exams TRANSFER COMMISSIONS INTERACADEMIC TRANSFER COMMISSION PROF.DR. LEYLA D. ÖZTÜRK (HEAD) ASSOC. PROF. DR. FERIDE ÖNAL ASSOC. PROF. DR. DENIZ GÜNEY ASSIST. PROF. DR. GÜVEN ŞENER ASSIST. PROF. DR. BANU ÇELEBİOĞLU INTERNAL TRANSFER COMMISSION ASSOC. PROF. DR. ÖMÜR BARKUL (HEAD) ASSIST. PROF. DR. GÖKÇE TUNA TAYGUN ASSIST. PROF. DR. DILEK EKŞİ AKBULUT DOUBLE MAJOR COMMISSION ASSOC. PROF. DR. YASEMEN S. ÖZER (HEAD) ASSOC. PROF. DR. TOLGA AKBULUT ASSOC. PROF. DR. CANDAN Ç. ÇITAK VERTICAL TRANSFER COMMISSION ASSOC. PROF. DR. Z. CANAN GİRGİN (HEAD) ASSOC. PROF. DR. AYNUR ÇİFTÇİ ASSIST. PROF. DR. ZAFER SAĞDIÇ Evaluate the transfer applications ERASMUS COMMISSION ASSOC. PROF. DR. ALEV ERKMEN ÖZHEKİM (COORDINATOR) RES. ASSIST.DR. SERHAT BAŞDOĞAN (VICE COORDINATOR) RES. ASSIST.DR. ŞENSİN AYDIN YAĞMUR (VICE COORDINATOR) RES. ASSIST.DR. POLAT DARÇIN (VICE COORDINATOR) RES. ASSIST. ÖZDE ÖZDAL (VICE COORDINATOR) ERASMUS ADAPTATION COMISSION ASSOC. PROF. DR. ALEV ERKMEN ÖZHEKİM (HEAD) ASSOC. PROF. DR. F. PINAR ARABACIOĞLU (MEMBER) ASSIST. PROF. DR. İREM CEYLAN GENCER (MEMBER) INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS COORDINATOR ASSOC. PROF. DR. KUNTER MANİSA FARABI COMISSION PROF.DR. NEŞE YÜĞRÜK AKDAĞ (COORDINATOR) RES. ASSIST. DR. TUĞÇE ŞİMŞEKALP ERCAN (VICE COORDINATOR) Organize the course adaptations of the accepted students Organizes the incoming-outgoing students and teaching staff via ERASMUS exchange program Organizes the course adaptations of the outgoing students Organizes the incoming-outgoing students and teaching staff via FARABI exchange program 52 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Department of Architecture Commissions List (Continued) FARABI ADAPTATION COMMISION PROF.DR. NEŞE YÜĞRÜK AKDAĞ ASSOC. PROF. DR. F. PINAR ARABACIOĞLU ASSIST. PROF. DR. BANU ÇELEBİOĞLU ASSIST. PROF. DR. SEVGÜL LİMONCU MEVLANA COMMISION ASSOC. PROF. DR. AYŞEN CİRAVOĞLU (COORDINATOR) ASSOC. PROF. DR. ALEV ERKMEN ÖZHEKİM LECTURER MAHMOUD ZİN ALABADİN RES. ASSIST. DR. SERHAT BAŞDOĞAN Organizes the course adaptations of the outgoing students Organizes the incoming-outgoing students and teaching staff via MEVLANA exchange program GRAUDATE PROGRAM COORDINATORS CONSTRUCTION GROUP RES. ASSIST.DR. ALİ OSMAN KURUŞÇU DESIGN GROUP RES. ASSIST.DR. SENEM KAYMAZ KOCA HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE AND RESTORATION GROUP ASSIST. PROF. DR. CEYLAN İREM GENCER 6111 STUDENT AMNESTY ADAPTATION COMMISSION ASSOC. PROF. DR. MERAL ERDOĞAN PROF.DR. SEDA TÖNÜK ASSOC. PROF. DR. CANDAN Ç. ÇITAK ASSIST. PROF. DR. SEVGÜL LİMONCU ASSIST. PROF. DR. SELİM ÖKEM STUDENT AMNESTY ADAPTATION COMMISSION ASSOC. PROF. DR.. TAN KAMİL GÜRER ASSOC. PROF. DR.. CANDAN Ç. ÇITAK ASSIST. PROF. DR.. SEVGÜL LİMONCU I.2.3. Physical Resources Within the scope of this report, faculty building and spatial qualities of classrooms, studios, laboratories, etc. are stated, as well as the facilities within the premises of YTU campuses are listed. a) YTU Faculty of Architecture Building The building that is being used as the Faculty of Architecture is assumed to be constructed between 1876-1894, during the time of Abdulhamid II. Situated in the harem quarter of Yıldız Palace premises, the building was a three-storeys-high rectangular block comprised of four mansions with four independent entrances on the eastern facade. It is known that the princes were accommodating in each mansion. According to the archival documents, the historic maps and the old photographs, each of the mansions has a traditional house plan with all rooms surrounding the middle hall, which is known to be used in Ottoman palace buildings. The facade of the building complex reflects the Westernization Period of the 19th century Ottoman architecture. In 1937 when Istanbul Technical School moved to Yıldız, the building underwent a thorough renovation. According to the architectural project prepared by Prof. Emin Onat, in 1939 the exterior walls and the outer line of the building was preserved, while the four partitions in the building was removed and the interior was joined with a large hall in the middle with all the classrooms and studios on it. The exterior facade decorations, moldings, cornices, window frames and pediments were totally removed. The staircases, entrance and back facades 53 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 were covered with glass extending from the top floor to the bottom. The masonry parts of the facade were covered with combed plaster, according to the architectural trend of the period. Throughout time, various rehabilitation/renovation works were carried out in the building. The faculty is comprised of Architecture Department, Urban and Regional Planning Department, academic, administrative and educational units. The building is four storeys high with a total area of approximately 6250 m2 and 2500 users. The floor plans of the faculty building are presented below. In the faculty, 14 classrooms are allocated to Architecture Department. 54 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 In this section, different spaces in the faculty are grouped according to their functions, a) Academic, b) Educational, b) Social and d) Administrative, with regard to “Spatial Use List” presented in table, data related to working places of academic staff is presented. Basement-Garden Floor Floor Space Name D-101 Building Construction D-102 Building Theory and Design D-103 Building Theory and Design D-104 Building Theory and Design D-105 Building Theory and Design D-106 Building Theory and Design D-107 Building Construction D-108 Building Construction D-111 History and Theory of Architecture D-112 Restroom D-113 Building Physics Laboratory D-114 Building Construction D-115 Restoration D-124 Academic Staff Room D-118 Building Theory and Design – Modelage studio D-119 History and Theory of Architecture D-120 Meeting Room D-121 Erasmus Department Coordinator’s Office D-122 Building Construction, Alaettin Yener Building Products Center D- 123 Faculty Storage Ground Floor Floor Space Name D-201 Phone Operator D-202 Building Theory and Design D-203 Lecture Room D-204 DoA – Administrative Office D-205 Restoration D-206 Building Theory and Design D-207 Building Construction D-208 Lecture Room D-209 Building Theory and Design D-210 Restroom D-211 Lecture Room D-212 Building Theory and Design D-213 Building Theory and Design D-214 Building Theory and Design D-215 Building Construction D-216 Building Construction D-217 History and Theory of Architecture D-218 Head of DoA D-219 Restroom D-220 Lecture Room First Floor Floor Space Name D-301 Secretary of the Faculty of Architecture D-302 Dean’s Office D-303 Lecture Room D-307 Restroom D-313 Restroom D-314 Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall Function Academic Academic+Education Education Academic Academic Academic Academic Education Education Education Academic Education Social Academic+Education Academic Administrative Administrative Education Administrative Function Administrative Administrative Education Administrative Academic Academic Academic Education Academic+ Education Education Academic Academic Academic Academic Academic Academic Administrative Education Function Administrative Administrative Education Academic + Education 55 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Second Floor Floor Space Name D-401 Lecture Room D-402 Lecture Room D-403 Lecture Room D-404 Lecture Room D-405 Lecture Room D-406 Lecture Room D-407 Computer Aided Design and Geographic Information Systems Research Laboratory D-408 Audio-visual processing unit D-409 Lecture Room D-410 Lecture Room D-411 Lecture Room D-413 Restroom D-414 Restroom D-415 Lecture Room D-416 Study Hall Function Education Education Education Education Education Education Education Education Education Education Education Education Education Spaces used by the academics and m2 per academic staff Sub-Department Sub-Department of Building Construction and Technology Sub-Department of Building Design and Theory Sub-Department of Restoration Sub-Department of History of Architecture TOTAL Total area in sq.m. 344.71 Number of academics 33 sq.m. per academic 10.45 357.54 40 8.94 106.16 19.97 15 12 7.08 1.66 828.38 100 Educational Spaces In addition to 14 lecture rooms, laboratories, meeting-seminar halls and other auxiliary spaces for education, which are distributed on four floors of Faculty of Architecture and facilitated for YTU Architecture Program Bachelor education, are listed below in detail. Faculty corridors as a part of communication in design education are being used often for juries or exhibitions. Additionally the space D-124 located in the basement floor constitutes the function of social meeting and various activities are being held within the space. 56 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Lecture Rooms and their characteristics Room Number Chairs Tables Data Projector Space in sq.m. 203 208 211 220 303 305 308 310 311 402 403 404 405 406 409 410 411 TOTAL 62 57 73 76 80 80 79 84 76 46 80 45 80 80 84 80 80 1.242 32 42 73 76 40 40 44 42 76 23 40 8 40 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 63,25 77 81,4 85,25 85,25 91,2 85,25 85,25 85,25 54,17 100,75 84 107,25 107,25 63,25 131,75 131,75 1,519.27 40 40 696 1 1 1 1 1 11 Labs BOAT-CBS (Computer Aided Design and Geographic Information Systems Research Laboratory) Computer Aided Design and Geographic Information Systems Research Laboratory was established in 1987. The purpose of this laboratory is to guide and educate bachelor and graduate students of both departments within the Faculty of Architecture, how to benefit from information technologies regarding their profession. Beside educational studies, usage of information technologies on research and development in both architectural and urban-regional planning fields are being supported. Since its establishment, with its constantly developed and renewed hardware capacity, the BOAT_CBS laboratory plays an important role on the educational process in the faculty of architecture. Building Physics Laboratory The Building Physics Laboratory, which plays an important role especially on the graduate education about measuring, experimenting and research fields such as light-color, heat-moisture and acoustics, was renewed recently with newly introduced measuring instruments and has become a laboratory space which is able to support more in-depth researches. In addition providing services to private and public institutions has become possible with this laboratory. Measuring opportunities and new devices are as follows: • Color measurement - Minolta, CM-2600d • Luminance measurement - Minolta, LS 110 • Light metering - Minolta, T-10/T-10M – LMT Pocket-Lux • Measurements on Thermal Comfort - Testo-term Type 4510 • Noise Level Measurements - Bruel-Kjaer 2236 – CEL 393 • Sound and Vibration measurements - 01 dB • Measurements on acoustics - 01 dB 57 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Alaettin Yener Building Products Center Our Building Products Center was established in order to support students in the practice field of the basic professional and design courses (architectural design, construction elements and materials, installation) and provide knowledge on products developing, parallel to the contemporary technologies. For the students to have direct access to building products and their inventories, an information bank, a micro experimental laboratory (MDL) and a product pool were established. Catalogue services about products produced in Turkey and imported from abroad is continuing to be updated. The information bank includes a DVD reader, VCD reader, videos, videocassettes, CDs, slides, brochures and similar equipment and documents. There is also a small-scale research library. Within the micro experimental laboratory, small-scale experiments, such as humidity measurement and water absorption experiments can be carried on. Students are encouraged to take part in these experiments. Products pool is a section where products and practice models are being exhibited for bachelor and graduate students. The building products in this exhibition are within the framework of “university industry cooperation” for the use by the students. The producers who would like to promote their products to our bachelor and graduate students have the opportunities to present them within the products pool. Study hall The study hall was established in 1992, covering an area of 230 m2. With the efforts of Prof. Dr. Necati İnceoğlu and the contribution of the academic staff, this place also houses periodical collections for the students of the Faculty of Architecture. Meeting-Seminar halls Prof. Alpay Aşkun Hall: This space was organized under the leadership of Prof. Orhan Göçer and with the contributions of Turkish Lions in 1989. It hosts cultural, academic and educational activities, covering an area of 76 m2. D-120: It is a meeting space for 10 people, used especially for graduate (master) thesis meetings and juries, as well as small meetings. Modeling Workshop Between 1987-2013, modeling activities were being carried out in room D-118 with materials like metal, clay, cardboard and plastic. In 2013, construction of a separate modeling workshop within the premises of the central campus was realized. The new workshop serves students, academic staff and public, covering an area of approximately 200 m2 with a capacity of 40 people. In this place, there are five independent rooms: one classroom for theoretical lessons, one wood workshop, one metal workshop, one paint workshop, a laser cutter room and a CNC room. It is possible to work with materials like polyester resin, fiberglass, carbon-fiber in the workshop. In addition, there is a pool to test ship models in the workshop. The open area in front of the workshop is designed to work with wood 58 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 and polystyrene. Equipments like laser cutter, laser marker and 3d printer will be obtained in the near future. YTU Architecture Department is using D-218 room as Department Headship D-204 room as English Department Headship and D-121 room as Erasmus Department Coordination Office. b) Reorganization of Physical Space Size of spaces in the faculty are not large enough to meet the requirements of academic staff and most importantly, the students. This condition is verified with the results of the surveys, as presented in Annex 6. According to the survey, especially the enlargement of modeling workshop was required. As a result, the modeling workshop was constructed as a separate building in the central campus and was inaugurated in 2013. It is a known fact that exhibition has an important place in an architecture school. The present exhibition organization is obtained via using stable and movable panels in corridors. Our deanship is working on a more effective organization of exhibition through commission works with academic staff of our department. Other Resources In this section, the hardware used by YTU DoA academic staff and students in lecture rooms, offices and laboratories are presented. There are 126 desktop computers and 51 laptops in our faculty. 31 desktops are situated in Computer Laboratory, 5 are situated in Computer Aided Design and Geographic Information Systems Research Laboratory, 1 in Study Hall, 1 in Alaettin Yener Building Products Center, 1 in Building Physics Laboratory and 95 in divisions. In total, there are 54 printers and 12 scanners in the Department. In addition, there are 7 laptops and 12 barcovisions in Headship of DoA. In Computer Laboratory, there is one barcovision, one electronic smart board and one plotter, which are among the technical hardware used for education.There are 30 computers allocated for students. c) Facilities of YTU Accommodation Facilities Accommodation services are provided by the Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports of YTU. In Maslak campus, there are dormitories for girls and boys with a total capacity of 504, renovated in 2002. The rooms are shared by 4 students. Every student has his or her own chair, books and wardrobes. There are study halls, television halls, drafting halls and newspaper rooms for common use. Moreover, wireless Internet connection is also available. On each floor, there are machines providing hot and cold water for 24 hours a day, which can be used to make tea or coffee. The dormitories have also laundry room equipped with enough number of washing machines, drying machines, irons and ironing tables. There are shared bathrooms on every floor and hot water is available for students at all times. The food services are provided to dormitory students by the Student Dining Hall and other cafeterias on the Campus. In Davutpaşa Campus, there is Çağdaş Yaşam Sennur-Selçuk Öztap Dormitory, whch is a one-block dormitory for female students with a capacity of 124 beds. The dormitory is built on three floors. 59 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 The block has central heating and the rooms are designed to allow 4 students (bunk-bed) to stay. Each room is equipped with a shower bath, WC, bed, wardrobe and desk. In the building, there are also washing machines, drying machines, as well as microwave ovens, kettle, toaster and water dispenser available. Another dormitory in Davutpaşa Campus is İstanbul Kız Liseliler Dormitory, a one-block dormitory for female students with a capacity of 20 beds. İstanbul Kız Liseliler Dormitory is built on two floors. The rooms are shared by 2 students. Each room is equipped with a shower bath, WC, bed, wardrobe and desk. In the building, there are also washing machines, drying machines, microwave ovens, kettle, toaster and water dispenser available. For all dormitories mentioned above, security service is provided for 24 hours a day. TR Food Facilities Food services are conducted with tendering food and service from third parties. There are four student-dining halls with a capacity of 1766 people and 5 staff dining halls with a capacity of 760 people. Menus are prepared on a monthly basis by a menu commission in the Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports, as well as a nutritionist. Special attention is paid to provide meals between 12001800 calories. Meals are produced in dining halls in central and Davutpaşa campuses and transport-catering service is provided to Maslak Campus. Food Service is provided daily for 8000 students, officers and academic staff. Also, lunch is provided for the daycare units in Davutpaşa and central campuses. TR TR Medical Facilities Although there are no facilities in our Department, Medical-Social health care units for students are located in Yıldız Central Campus and Davutpaşa Campuses. These units work under the Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports. In health care unit of the central campus, there is 1 family physician, 1 general practitioner, 1 radiologist, 1 psychologist, 1 specialist for social services, 5 dentists, 5 nurses, 3 biologist, 3 radiology technicians, 2 health service staff, and 1 dental technician, while in Davutpaşa health care unit, there is 1 family physician, 2 general practitioners, 1 dentist, and 2 health service staff. There is a radiography unit in the central campus. In this unit, all kinds of conventional radiography processes are carried out by means of a single-table single-tube radiography device. Chest radiography, direct urinary system radiography, telegraphy, any kind of bond and arthrography, intravenous pyelography (IVP) and panoramic teeth radiography can be taken here. Also, there is an emergency unit in both campuses, in which small operations for medical dressing, injection, EKG, Blood pressure measurements are conducted. In the observation room, there are 2 patient beds in which short-term interventions can be applied when necessary. There is one ambulance and one driver to transport the patients in case of emergency health problems in each of the campuses. In addition, every year 60 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 emergency and first aid health care services are purchased by tender for our staff and students. TR TR Lodgment There are 28 lodgments allocated to academic and administrative staff in Acıbadem district, in addition to 100 flats in YTU Halkalı Lodgments. Total area of these lodgments is 2270 m2. Building of new lodgments (499 flats) is ongoing in Davutpaşa. TR TR Carpark The academic staff uses open car park and it is organized with automatic card system in all the campuses of YTU. TR Sports Facilities In YTU, competitions are organized between the Faculties in the fields of Basketball, Table Tennis and Volleyball; and moreover course programs are provided in various sport fields such as Aerobics, Badminton, Bowling, Dance, Folk Dance, Korfball, Taekwondo, Tennis and Volleyball. In Ayazağa Campus, there is one indoor saloon, one mini football pitch, one outdoor basketball field, one wrestling saloon, one table tennis saloon and 4 changing rooms with showers. In Davutpaşa Campus, there are 2 tennis courts, one fitness saloon, one multi-functional sport saloon, one indoor swimming pool with a semi-olympic pool (25 x 16 m) and a practice pool (6 x 16 m), one outdoor swimming pool, and 2 outdoor basketball fields while in central campus there is one outdoor basketball field. In total, there are 3 closed sports facilities with a total area of 2526 m2 and 8 open sports facilities a total area of 15.164,94 m2 TR TR TR Meeting and Conference Halls Within the central campus of our university, there is an auditorium with a capacity of 365 people, two conference halls for 130 and 180 people, an exhibition hall for 120 people, Şömineli Hall for 30 people and Hunkar Hall for 60 people. In Davutpaşa, there is a congress center which was inaugurated in 2012, consisting of a large theater and conference hall with a capacity of 1000 people, two smaller conference halls with a capacity of 150 people each and one meeting room for 40 people. TR Social Facilities Yıldız Roof Restaurant, situated in Yıldız Central Campus, serves to academic staff from YTU with a capacity of 160 people. It serves à la carte and fixed menus. TR 61 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Yıldız Garden Restaurant is positioned at the main entrance of Yıldız campus, in the fore garden of Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. The Garden Restaurant, serving à la carte and fixed menus to academic staff in the university, has a capacity of 500 people. TR Social Services Foundation / Yıldız Hisar Club in Rumelihisarı serves to the university’s academic staff with its open terrace, café, bar, snack-bar, meeting hall and a 15 x 25 m pool. TR Movie Hall There is one movie hall with a capacity of 50 people in the central campus and another one with a capacity of 100 people in Davutpaşa Campus. TR Pre-School and Primary Education Facilities As a pre-school and primary education facility, in the central campus there is one nursery for 60 people with the size of 440 m2, serving to the children of the staff in the university. There is also one nursery in Davutpaşa Campus. TR TR I.2.4.Financial Resources According to the Turkish legislation, YTU gets funds from the government as a state university. Funds that will be allocated to state institutions is defined In MidTerm Budget Plan (2014-2016) determined by the Ministry of Finance. 2014 budget allocated for YTU is 84,030,600 $.,20142016ortavadelimaliplancetvellerpdf.pdf?0 TR Other than governmental support, YTU gets funds from international and national research projects subsidized by EU organizations or TUBITAK (Scientific And Technological Research Council Of Turkey). Also, an important source of income is the revolving funds deposited to YTU in return for implementation projects, consultancy services, consultancy to governmental and private sector institutions, expertise services tendered by the teaching staff of YTU.ıldız Döner Sermaye İşletmesi Yönetmeliği.doc TR Teknik Üniversitesi In YTU, the departments do not have a budget, instead their expenditure is allocated from the Faulty budgets. From the revolving funds and university funds of the Architecture Faculty, DoA’s expenditure (including expenses for travel, stationary and hardware) is covered. The Architecture Faculty budget allocated by YTU Directorate of Strategic Development is presented below: Explanation Initial Budget Total Budget 24/10/2014 expenditure Estimated expenditure by the end of 2014 7330 $ 7330 $ 6850 0,00 7330 $ 39,650 $ 39,650 $ 36,630 $ 0,00 39,650 $ Service 1720 $ 1720 $ 887 $ 0,00 1720 $ Maintenance and care expenditure for commodities 4310 $ 4310 $ 2955 $ 0,00 4310 $ Consumer goods Itinerary allowance 62 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 HARCAMA%20TAHMINLERI%20TABLOSU.xls TR In addition, Health, Culture and Sports Unit (SKS), allocates funds for student trips, as well as provide health care units, sports facilities, counselling service, accommodation and cultural facilities for YTU students. %9CR%20VE%20SPOR%20DA%C4%B0RES%C4%B0%20BA%C5%9EKANLI%C4%9EI%20Y% C3%96NETMEL%C4%B0%C4%9E%C4%B0.doc TR I.2.5. Information Resources As information sources, students of our Department are using Şevket Sabancı Branch Library in the central campus and the Central Library in Davutpaşa Campus. There are approximately 70266 books, 8900 theses, 162 journals with continuing subscription and 518 journals with terminated subscription in total in YTU libraries. There is also a rich collection of online resources: 65 online databases, 243109 online books with full text, 1.2 million online theses and more than 46.700 online journals with full text, 350.000 visual sources, 40.000 voice recordings, etc. Through Proxy Server system, all subscribed online resources are available to students, academic and administrative staff of YTU without any time limitation. The libraries also serve for researchers from other institutions under certain conditions. The Central Library in Davutpaşa Campus was inaugurated in 2011. It is designed as a modern library building, equipped with intelligent building features, housing four reading rooms, one audio-visual laboratory, a rare books collection room, a conference hall, a computer laboratory, a reading hall for reference books and theses, as well as individual study rooms. Şevket Sabancı Branch Library houses two reading halls with a capacity of 80 people each, a reading hall for periodicals with a capacity of 80 people, as well as a separate room for theses and rare books with a capacity of 25 people. This library started facilitating library automation system fully in 2003. The building was investigated with regard to building biology within the scope of a research project and detailed inquiries on building and user necessities were conducted after this study (Balanlı et al., 2002, 2006, 2007). TR Besides the libraries, there is a collection of publications on administrative and academic structure (books, catalogues, periodicals, etc.) in our Department Office (D-218). In addition, there are private book collections and archives of academic staff and branches. However, these collections are not open to common use, rather they are used by bachelor and graduate students under the supervision of academic staff. 63 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.3. Institutional and Program Characteristics I.3.1. Statistical Reports In Turkish university admission system, the students who have Turkish nationality enter the University Entrance Exam and get admitted to a university according to their exam score. In order to increase student diversity and provide learning opportunities which will enhance social equity, YTU accepts students from different national and international universities according to various exchange programs, such as Farabi, Mevlana and Erasmus +, as well as students from Turkic countries or other developing countries according to foreign students exam and different international scholarship programs in Turkey, as mentioned in Section I.1.2. Full time male total Full time female total Full time total Part time male total Part time female total Part time total Male total Female total Grand total Total Enrollment of Students in 2013-2014 Academic Year 423 562 985 0 0 0 423 562 985 Foreign Students Exam 18 25 43 0 0 0 18 25 43 Foreign Students with Turkish National scholarship 8 6 14 0 0 0 8 6 14 Students from Turkic Republican Countries with Turkish National scholarship Farabi Exchange 16 2 18 0 0 0 16 2 18 0 0 0 3 15 18 3 15 18 Erasmus + Exchange Program incoming students TOTAL 0 0 0 15 29 44 15 29 44 465 595 1060 18 44 62 483 639 1122 Enrollment type Turkish students with national exams Qualifications of Students Admitted Below is the qualifications of students admitted via Departmental Allocation Exam (DAE) organized by Student Selection and Allocation Center (SSAC) supervised by the Council of Higher Education (CoHE). The maximum possible score of DAE is 575. According to the exam score, the students make a list of the schools they wish to apply and submit it to the SSAC. Then, SSAC appoints the students with the compliable departments. For students who wish to apply to Architecture Department, MF-4 score is valid. This score is made up of different percentages of the questions in the National Exam. MF-4 consists of 11% Turkish, 14% Basic Mathematics, 6% Social Sciences, 9% Science, 22% Advanced Mathematics, 11% Geometry, 13% Physics, 9% Chemistry and 5% Biology. 64 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Qualifications of Students Admitted 2014 Department of Architecture Score type Quota Number of students admitted Minimum score admitted Maximum score admitted Percentile* MF-4 139* 139 Department of Architecture (English) MF-4 41* 41 434.22143 456.65646 2.14 441.48372 457.06807 1.77 * For DoA 4 students are admitted from first ranking high school students, while for English DoA 1 student is admitted. For explanation, see Section I.1.2.ıllara Gore Unıversıtemız Lısans Programlarına Yerlesenlerın Basarı Sırası-Yuzdelık Dılımlerı ıle En Dusuk-En Yuksek Puanları (Guncelleme 04_12_2014).xls TR (The link provides an excel chart. The information related to Faculty of Architecture can be found at the second tab from the right, lines 121-124). For Percentiles: 12014MERKEZIYERLESTIRMEILEOGRENCIALANYUKSEKOGRETIMLISANSPROGRAMLARI.pdf Please note that minimum and maximum scores of DAE given by SSAC give slightly a different range as indicated in the previous section. The scores given here are retrieved from the Student Office of YTU and shows the data of the admitted and registered students. (A) Percentage of the students who completed the B.Arch program within normal time at each of the years 2013, 2014, are in the below table indicating with Percentage A/C (B)Percentage of the students who completed the B.Arch program within %150 of the normal time at each of the years 2013, 2014, are in the below table indicating with Percentage B/C YTU DoA" Number of Students who Completed the B. Arch Pr. within Normal Time (A) Number of Students who Completed the B. Arch Pr. within %150 of the Normal Time (B) Total Number of Graduated Students (C) Percentage of A/C Percentage of B/C 2013 2014 13 43 42 76 43 85 30 % 51 % 98 % 89 % Full-Time Instructional Faculty Full-Time Instructional Faculty Professor Male Professor Female Associate Professor Male Associate Professor Female Assistant Professor Male Assistant Professor Female Lecturer Male Lecturer Female GRAND TOTAL Total 4 10 7 16 6 10 2 0 14 23 16 2 55 Information related to faculty can be found at: TR 65 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Faculty Promotions Faculty in the Architecture Faculty Assistant to Associate Professor Associate to Full Professor Faculty in the institution Assistant to Associate Professor Associate to Full Professor Faculty Tenure Faculty in the Architecture Faculty Faculty in the institution 2013-2014 11 3 2013-2014 36 22 2013-2014 1 43 STUDENT DATA Full-time students Part-time students Arch. Design Studio Students Students working part-time Women students Foreign students Total degrees awarded* Minimum required National Entrance Exam score Quota allocated to student application Number of registered students in 2013-2014 Academic Year Enrollment Target / Goal Student Studio / Faculty Ratio B.Arch 1046 72 790 23 615 119 169 434,22143 234 222 94,8% 18,8 *The number of graduates in 2013-14 Academic Year: 1_10_2014)(1).xls TR (The link provides an excel chart. The information related to Faculty of Architecture can be found at last tab from the right, line 106), FACULTY / RESOURCE DATA Number of architecture books in Branch Library (Sabancı) Number of architecture books in Central Library (Davutpaşa) Staff in Branch Library (Yıldız) 2492 Number of computer stations in Branch Library (Yıldız) Number of computer stations in Central Library (Davutpaşa) Amount spent on information technology 16 201 9 46 Annual budget for library resources 434039 $ (for online databases), 48068$ (for devices) 1072961 $ Studio area (net sq. m) 1034,15 Total area (gross sq. m) 6250 66 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 FULL TIME FACULTY SALARIES Professor Number Minimum Maximum 20 2200 $ 2535 $ Associate Professor 23 1606 $ 1893 $ Assistant Professor 16 1550 $ 1805 $ Lecturer 2 1003 $ 1370 $ The faculty salaries vary according to the number of lecture hours (over 10 hours the academic staff receives extra wage) and the distribution of the revolving funds in return for the consultancy works conducted by the faculty. FACULTY DATA Department total Full-time faculty 61 Part-time faculty 16 Tenured faculty 1 Full-time faculty administrative positions Full-time hrs/week Part-time hrs/week 9 faculty average contract 10 (min)- 20 (max) faculty average contract 10 (max) Number of Full-Time Faculty Credentials M. Arch 1 Ph.D 40 Prof. M. Arch 1 Prof. Ph.D 19 Full-time Part-time Tenured Prof. Assoc. Assist. Men faculty 19 10 1 4 7 6 Women faculty 42 6 0 16 16 10 67 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.3.3. Faculty Credentials 68 MIM4000 MIM4012 MIM4041 MIM4031 MIM4051 MIM4011 MIM3032 MIM3052 MIM3042 MIM3062 MIM3012 MIM3051 New Building Design in Historic Environments Housing and Housing Policy Architecture Evaluation / Measurement Techniques Color in Architecture Urban Design MIM3041 B. Arch, MSU M. Arch, ITU PhD, ITU MIM3031 Çiğdem POLATOĞLU PhD Professor MIM3011 Urban Open Space Sustainable Design Architectural Education MIM2012 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, TU Vienna MIM2032 Arch. Design, Architectural Education MIM2042 B. Arch, MSU M. Arch, MSU PhD, YTU MIM2051 Bülent TARIM PhD Professor Seda TÖNÜK PhD Professor MIM2031 Environmental Psychology, Architectural Space, House Design, Educational Buildings, Color in Architecture MIM2071 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU MIM2011 İlhan ALTAN Professor MIM2061 Ergonomical Factors in Architecture, Architectural Psychology, Tourism Areas and Buildings, Housing, Mass Housing, Mathematics and Design MIM1052 B. Arch, ITU M. Arch, ITU PhD, YTU MIM1032 Ayfer AYTUĞ PhD Professor MIM1042 Space Syntax, TourismAccommodation Buildings, Housing Problems, Social Housing, New Building Design in Special Areas MIM1012 B. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM1062 Deniz ERİNSEL ONDER PhD Professor MIM1041 RESEARCH AREAS MIM1051 EDUCATION MIM1031 FACULTY NAME & TITLE B.ARCH REQUIRED COURSE WORK MIM1011 FACULTY CREDENTIALS IN B.ARCH YEARS (2012-2013) –(2013-2014) YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.3.3. Faculty Credentials (Continued) 69 MIM4000 MIM4012 MIM4041 MIM4031 MIM4051 MIM4011 MIM3032 MIM3052 MIM3042 MIM3062 MIM3012 MIM3051 Architectural Education Design Concepts and Strategy MIM3041 B. Arch, IDMMA M. Arch, IDMMA PhD, ITU MIM3031 Meral ERDOĞAN PhD Associate Prof. MIM3011 Public Space Environmental Design Public Use of Urban Patterns MIM2012 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, ITU PhD, YTU MIM2032 Urban design theory Psychology Social anthropology Health buildings MIM2042 B. Arch, MSU M. Arch, MSU PhD, YTU MIM2051 Feride ÖNAL PhD Associate Prof. Ebru ERDÖNMEZ PhD Associate Prof. MIM2031 Architectural Design Theory and Methods History of Architecture Computer Applications in Architectural Design and Presentation Turkish Naval History Turkish Naval Architecture during Sailing Ship Period MIM2071 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2011 İbrahim B. DAĞGÜLÜ PhD Associate Prof. MIM2061 Architectural DesignSocial Environment Urban Open Space Architectural Education Housing Design in the Republican Era MIM1052 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM1032 Ömür BARKUL PhD Professor MIM1042 Housing New Approaches to Housing Earthquake and Housing MIM1012 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM1062 N. Ferah AKINCI PhD Professor MIM1041 RESEARCH AREAS MIM1051 EDUCATION MIM1031 FACULTY NAME & TITLE B.ARCH REQUIRED COURSE WORK MIM1011 FACULTY CREDENTIALS IN B.ARCH YEARS (2012-2013) –(2013-2014) YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.3.3. Faculty Credentials (Continued) 70 MIM4000 MIM4012 MIM4041 MIM4031 MIM4051 MIM4011 MIM3032 MIM3052 MIM3042 Tourism Settlements and Building Design Environmental Studies Architectural Design Urban Identity MIM3062 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM3012 Kunter MANİSA PhD Associate Prof. MIM3051 Earthquake Safety in Architectural Design / Damage Vulnerability Design Theory Design Information and Education Educational Buildings Mathematics and Design MIM3041 B. Arch, ITU M. Arch, ITU PhD, YTU MIM3031 Tolga AKBULUT PhD Associate Prof. MIM3011 Tourism Settlements and Building Design Environmental Impact Assessment Coastal Zone Management Coastal Spaces Use of Solar Energy in Architecture MIM2012 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2032 Funda ÖZTÜRK KERESTECİOĞLU PhD Associate Prof. MIM2042 Environment - Design Relations Historic Environment - Design Relations Architectural Education Environmental Analysis MIM2051 B. Arch, MSU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2031 F. Pınar ARABACIOĞLU PhD Associate Prof. MIM2071 Architectural Education ArchitectureRepresentation Relations Environment Design Relations Architecture Theory Environmental Analysis MIM2011 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, ITU PhD, ITU MIM2061 Architectural Education Environmental Studies Architectural Design MIM1052 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, ITU PhD, YTU MIM1032 Ayşen CİRAVOĞLU PhD Associate Prof. Tan Kamil GÜRER PhD Associate Prof. MIM1042 Architectural Design The ancient city of Kaunos MIM1012 B. Arch, MSU M. Arch, MSU PhD, YTU MIM1062 Yasemen SAY ÖZER PhD Associate Prof. MIM1041 RESEARCH AREAS MIM1051 EDUCATION MIM1031 FACULTY NAME & TITLE B.ARCH REQUIRED COURSE WORK MIM1011 FACULTY CREDENTIALS IN B.ARCH YEARS (2012-2013) –(2013-2014) YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.3.3. Faculty Credentials (Continued) 71 MIM4000 MIM4012 MIM4041 MIM4031 MIM4051 MIM4011 MIM3032 MIM3052 MIM3042 MIM3062 MIM3012 B. Arch, MSU M. Arch, MSU MIM3051 Ayhan BÖYÜR Lecturer Architectural Design Alternative Energy in Architecture Architecture Environmental Issues Sustainable Architecture Ecological Architecture The Impact of theByzantine Ottoman Buildings on Environment Effects of Architectural Trends in Turkey MIM3041 B. Arch, METU M. Arch, ITU PhD, ITU MIM3031 Onur KENBER PhD Lecturer MIM3011 Architecture / Design Knowledge Architecture / Design Education Urban Design Design Theory Cognitive Psychology MIM2012 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, ITU PhD, YTU MIM2032 Çiğdem CANBAY TÜRKYILMAZ PhD Assistant Prof. MIM2042 Digital Design Architectural Animation Computer Aided Design MIM2051 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, ITU MIM2031 Hospital Buildings New Approaches in Hospital Construction Home Design User-Centered Design in Architecture MIM2071 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, ITU PhD, YTU MIM2011 Aslı SUNGUR ERGENOĞL U PhD Associate Prof. Togan TONG PhD Assistant Prof. MIM2061 Architectural Design Theory and Methods History of Architecture Preservation Renewal and Restoration Traditional and local Turkish Houses MIM1052 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM1032 Münevver DAĞGÜLÜ PhD Assistant Prof. MIM1042 Architectural Design Minimal Housing Industrial design Architecture Theory Architectural Discourse Critical Theory in Architecture Urban Information Theory Smart Growth MIM1012 B. Arch, ITU M. Arch, ITU PhD, YTU MIM1062 Selim ÖKEM PhD Associate Prof. MIM1041 RESEARCH AREAS MIM1051 EDUCATION MIM1031 FACULTY NAME & TITLE B.ARCH REQUIRED COURSE WORK MIM1011 FACULTY CREDENTIALS IN B.ARCH YEARS (2012-2013) –(2013-2014) YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.3.3. Faculty Credentials (Continued) B. Eng. ITU M. Sc. ITU PhD. ITU Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings Structure Design Reinforced Concrete in Architecture 72 MIM4000 MIM4012 MIM4041 MIM4031 MIM4051 MIM4011 MIM3032 MIM3052 MIM3042 MIM3062 B. Eng. ITU M. Sc. ITU PhD. ITU MIM3012 Zehra Canan GİRGİN PhD Associate Prof. Deniz GÜNEY PhD Associate Prof. Noise Control in Buildings Urban Noise Control Noise maps Acoustics in Religious Buildings Sustainable Energy Production Strength of Materials Construction Systems MIM3051 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM3041 Neşe YÜĞRÜK AKDAĞ PhD Professor MIM3031 Lighting Design Lighting Device Design Color Design Optimum Energy Use MIM3011 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2012 Leyla DOKUZER ÖZTÜRK PhD Professor MIM2032 Benefiting from Solar Energy in Education Buildings Shading Element Designs The reduction of the cooling load in building MIM2042 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2051 Gülay ZORER GEDİK PhD Professor MIM2031 Natural and Artificial Lighting Design Color Design Optimum Energy Use Building Envelope Design MIM2071 B. Arch, ITU M. Arch, ITU PhD, YTU MIM2011 F. Rengin ÜNVER PhD Professor MIM2061 Acoustic Comfort in Educational Buildings Acoustics in Religious Buildings Urban Noise Control Sound Measurement in Architecture MIM1052 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM1032 Zerhan YÜKSEL CAN PhD Professor MIM1042 Earthquake and Design Vulnerability Assessment SubStructure Design Timber Constructions MIM1012 B. Arch, MSU M. Arch, MSU PhD, YTU MIM1062 Görün ARUN PhD Professor MIM1041 RESEARCH AREAS MIM1051 EDUCATION MIM1031 FACULTY NAME & TITLE B.ARCH REQUIRED COURSE WORK MIM1011 FACULTY CREDENTIALS IN B.ARCH YEARS (2012-2013) –(2013-2014) YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.3.3. Faculty Credentials (Continued) 73 MIM4000 MIM4012 MIM4041 MIM4031 MIM4051 MIM4011 MIM3032 MIM3052 MIM3042 MIM3062 MIM3012 Materials in Architecture Conservation – Renovation Reinforce of Historical Buildings Door - Window Design Principles Product Selection Approaches Mortar in Conservation and Restoration MIM3051 B. Arch, EMU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM3041 Dilek EKŞİ AKBULUT PhD Assistant Prof. MIM3031 Life Cycle Assessment Environmental Label Building Products and Environmental Relations Health Effects of Building Products Exterior Plasters in structures MIM3011 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2012 Gökçe TUNA TAYGUN PhD Assistant Prof. MIM2032 Earthquake and Structural Planning Sustainable Planning Earthquake and Ecology System Approach Post-Disaster Housing MIM2042 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2051 Sevgül LİMONCU PhD Assistant Prof. MIM2031 Principles of Architectural Design Traditional Production Systems Roof Systems Environmental Analysis Conversion Principles of Structures MIM2071 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2011 Zafer AKDEMİR PhD Assistant Prof. MIM2061 Principles of Architectural Design Structural Planning Wood Structures Building and Waterproofing MIM1052 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM1032 Erkan AVLAR PhD Assistant Prof. MIM1042 Housing Market and Economy Education Buildings and Requirements Architectural Education and NGO Relations Housing Production and Patterns MIM1012 B. Arch, ITU M. Arch, ITU PhD, YTU MIM1062 Candan ÇINAR ÇITAK PhD Associate Prof. MIM1041 RESEARCH AREAS MIM1051 EDUCATION MIM1031 FACULTY NAME & TITLE B.ARCH REQUIRED COURSE WORK MIM1011 FACULTY CREDENTIALS IN B.ARCH YEARS (2012-2013) –(2013-2014) YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.3.3. Faculty Credentials (Continued) Almula KÖKSAL PhD Assistant Prof. B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, IIT Construction Management Construction Economy Organization Theory Strategic Management Risk Management Güven ŞENER PhD Assistant Prof. B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU Construction Management Sub Urbanization and Housing Production Standardization Füsun ÇİZMECİ PhD Assistant Prof. B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU Educational Structures and Requirements Architectural Education and NGO Relations Housing Production Processes and Consumption Patterns M. Nuri İLGÜREL PhD Associate Prof. B. Arch, BU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU Noise Control in Industry Noise Control in Buildings Acoustics in building urban Lighting Olcay ÇETİNER ÖZDEMİR PhD Associate Prof. B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU Building Information Modeling Sustainability on Cultural Heritage, Material Management Nuran KARA PİLEHVARİAN PhD Professor B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU Ottoman Educational Buildings Sabil Architecture 20th Century World Architecture Nur URFALIOĞLU PhD Professor (Visiting Scholar in Gedik University) B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU Ottoman Architecture Turkish Art 74 MIM4000 MIM4012 MIM4041 MIM4031 MIM4051 MIM4011 MIM3032 MIM3052 MIM3042 MIM3062 MIM3012 MIM3051 MIM3041 MIM3031 MIM3011 MIM2012 MIM2032 MIM2042 MIM2051 MIM2031 MIM2071 MIM2011 MIM2061 MIM1052 MIM1032 MIM1042 MIM1012 MIM1062 MIM1041 RESEARCH AREAS MIM1051 EDUCATION MIM1031 FACULTY NAME & TITLE B.ARCH REQUIRED COURSE WORK MIM1011 FACULTY CREDENTIALS IN B.ARCH YEARS (2012-2013) –(2013-2014) YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.3.3. Faculty Credentials (Continued) 75 MIM4000 MIM4012 MIM4041 MIM4031 MIM4051 MIM4011 MIM3032 MIM3052 MIM3042 MIM3062 MIM3012 Urban Conservation Terror / War / Ethnic Architectural Heritage and Conservation Definition Documentation and Use of Information Technologies of the Architectural Heritage MIM3051 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM3041 Gül Z. ÜNAL PhD Associate Prof. MIM3031 Theory and Philosophy of Conservation Conservation and Restoration Techniques 13th Century Architecture in Anatolia Practice and Theory in Architectural Conservation Areas Urban Areas Conservation and New Construction MIM3011 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, ITU MIM2012 Can BİNAN PhD Professor MIM2032 Westernization Period Architecture Traditional Residential Architecture Conservation of Historical Cities MIM2042 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2051 Ancient Architecture Proportional Relationships in Architecture MIM2031 B. Arch, MSU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2071 Nüket TUNCER PhD Assistant Prof Cengiz CAN PhD Professor MIM2011 Turkey and World Architecture in Modernization Period Architecture Memory Relations MIM2061 B. Arch, METU M. Arch, METU PhD, YTU MIM1052 Ottoman Architecture Turkish Art MIM1032 B. Arch, ITU M. Arch, ITU PhD, ITU MIM1042 Classical Ottoman Architecture Residential History MIM1012 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, ITU MIM1062 Berrin ALPER PhD Professor Gül AKDENİZ PhD Professor Alev ERKMEN ÖZHEKİM PhD Associate Prof. MIM1041 RESEARCH AREAS MIM1051 EDUCATION MIM1031 FACULTY NAME & TITLE B.ARCH REQUIRED COURSE WORK MIM1011 FACULTY CREDENTIALS IN B.ARCH YEARS (2012-2013) –(2013-2014) YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 76 MIM4000 MIM4012 MIM4041 MIM4031 MIM4051 MIM4011 MIM3032 MIM3052 MIM3042 MIM3062 MIM3012 MIM3051 MIM3041 MIM3031 MIM3011 MIM2012 MIM2032 Conservation Theory Conservation of Historical Environment Urban Conservation and New Settlements 19th and 20th Century Architecture and Conservation Issues MIM2042 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, ITU PhD, YTU MIM2051 Ebru OMAY POLAT PhD Assistant Prof MIM2031 Urban Conservation and New Settlements Westernization Period Architecture and Construction Technology Traditional Structures and Construction Technology Conservation and Restoration Techniques MIM2071 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM2011 Uzay YERGÜN PhD Assistant Prof MIM2061 Traditional Buildings Documentation of the Architectural Heritage Historical Cities Conservation Methods Conservation Evaluation MIM1052 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM1032 Ayten ERDEM PhD Associate Prof. MIM1042 New Settlements in Historical Environments Ottoman Architecture in Archive Documents 19th Century Ottoman Military Architecture Conservation and Restoration Techniques Traditional Construction Techniques MIM1012 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM1062 Aynur ÇİFTÇİ PhD Associate Prof. MIM1041 RESEARCH AREAS MIM1051 EDUCATION MIM1031 FACULTY NAME & TITLE B.ARCH REQUIRED COURSE WORK MIM1011 FACULTY CREDENTIALS IN B.ARCH YEARS (2012-2013) –(2013-2014) YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.3.3. Faculty Credentials (Continued) 77 MIM4000 MIM4012 MIM4041 MIM4031 MIM4051 MIM4011 MIM3032 MIM3052 MIM3042 MIM3062 MIM3012 MIM3051 MIM3041 MIM3031 MIM3011 MIM2012 MIM2032 MIM2042 MIM2051 MIM2031 Conservation of Historical Environment Evolution of urban morphology MIM2071 B. Arch, ITU M. Arch, ITU PhD, ITU MIM2011 İrem Ceylan GENCER PhD Assistant Prof MIM2061 Urban Conservation / New Settlements Conservation, Renovation, Application Physical Formation of the Istanbul Historical Peninsula Industrial Archaeology, Conservation Review MIM1052 B. Arch, MSU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM1032 Faruk TUNCER PhD Assistant Prof MIM1042 Historic Environment Preservation Religious Architecture Traditional Construction Techniques Restoration Technology Urban Conservation and New Settlements MIM1012 B. Arch, YTU M. Arch, YTU PhD, YTU MIM1062 Banu ÇELEBİOĞ LU PhD Assistant Prof MIM1041 RESEARCH AREAS MIM1051 EDUCATION MIM1031 FACULTY NAME & TITLE B.ARCH REQUIRED COURSE WORK MIM1011 FACULTY CREDENTIALS IN B.ARCH YEARS (2012-2013) –(2013-2014) YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 I.4. Policy Review The following general information will be available in the Team Room in hard copy: Current YTU DoA Program Report Large-Format 2013–14 Faculty Credentials Matrix with Course Assignments Large-Format SPC Matrix (Part II, Section 1 of this APR) List of All Administration, Faculty, and Staff with Photographs Samples of School Publications Sample Meeting Minutes (Retreats, Faculty Meetings, Executive Committee, etc.) (Bölüm Kararları, Kalite Toplantıları Tutanakları) Learning Culture and Social Equity Policy Self-Assessment Policies and Objectives Personnel/Faculty-Related Information: Personnel Policies YTU Faculty Organization Chart (1)Ş-001-YTÜ Akademik Örgüt Yapısı.doc TR Position descriptions for all faculty and staff Senate (2) TR Rector (3)ör.doc TR Responsible Vice Rector for Administration (4)ştırmaPlanlama Rektör Yardımcısı.doc TR Responsible Vice Rector for Research and Planning (5)ğitimÖğretim Rektör Yardımcısı.doc TR Dean (6) TR Vice Dean (7) Yardımcısı.doc TR Faculty Secretariat (8)ülte Sekreteri.doc TR Department Head (9)ölüm Başkanı.doc TR Department Vice-Head (10)ölüm Başkanı Yardımcısı.doc TR Sub-department Chair (11) Dalı Başkanı.doc TR Instructional Faculty (12)Öğretim Üyesi.doc TR Assistant to Instructional Faculty (13)Öğretim Görevlisi Üyesi.doc TR Research Assistant 78 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 (14)ştırma Görevlisi.doc TR Tutor (15) TR Department Secretariat (16)ölüm Sekreteri.doc TR Documents regarding other positions can be downloaded separately from: (17) TR Rank, Tenure, and Promotion and Reappointment YTU AYDEK Manual Regarding Rank, Tenure, and Promotion Guidelines (18) Yonergesi(02_10_2014).pdf TR Required Documents for Promotion Applications (19) belgeler20_10_14.pdf TR CV Sample for Applicants (20) TR Sample Application Form (21) TR Evaluation Forms for Applications for Professor, Assoc. Professor and Assist. Professor Tenures (in .RAR Format) (22)ık Temel Alan Formları.rar TR Social Equity or Diversity, as appropriate YTU Faculty Personnel Office Web-Portal Information/Essential Links for Laws and Regulations (23) TR Human Recourses Management Procedures (PR-017) (24)İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Prosedürü.doc TR Retired Faculty Directory Page For: YTU in General (25) TR DoA specific (26) TR Annual Review for FT Faculty/PT Faculty Diversity (including special hiring initiatives) Section of Human Resources Management Procedures (PR-017) that describe Hiring Contracted Foreign Instructional Faculty (27) TR Flowchart for Hiring Contracted Foreign Instructional Faculty (28)İA-114-Yabancı Uyruklu Öğretim Elemanı İstihdamı İş Akışı.doc TR International Relations Office (29) EN Staff Exchange (30) EN YTU Draft Bilingual Protocol on Education (31) BILINGUAL PROTOCOL_TASLAK_İKİDİLLİ PROTOKOL METNİ-24_03_2014.doc TR / EN Approved Educational Protocols List (32) BY THE COUNCIL OF HIGHER EDUCAT_22_05_2014.doc EN Educational Partnerships Africa (33) EN Americas (34) EN Asia (36) EN 79 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Europe (37) EN ERASMUS+ Bilateral Agreements for Staff Exchange (38) EN Sabbatical Policies/Forms Recent Provost Memos on Faculty Growth Faculty Research Support and Services Summary of YTU DoA Research funding (2012-2013) (39) OZETLER.pdf TR / EN , pp. 165-193 State Planning Organization (DPT) Research Projects (40) TR EU Projects (41) TR Research projects funded by The Scientific And Technological Research Council Of Turkey (TUBITAK) (42) TR Research projects by Research Projects Coordination Office (BAP) (43) Arastırma Projeleri.pdf TR Funded M.Sc. Researches (YULAP) (44) TR Funded Ph.D. Researches (DOP) (45) TR Funded Young Researchers Support Projects (GEP) (46) TR Funded Exclusive Research Projects (KAP) (47) TR Funded ODAP projects (48) TR Web Site addresses of Research Funding Offices Technology Transfer Office (TTO) (49) TR Applied Researches Center (UYGAR) (50) TR YTU Sigma Electronic Journal (51) EN YTU Revolving Funds Management Regulations (52)ıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Döner Sermaye İşletmesi Yönetmeliği.doc TR Technopark (53) TR University and DoA Mentoring Services YILDIZ - SEM: Continuous Education Center Regulations (54)ıldız Sürekli Eğitim Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Yönetmeliği.doc YILDIZ - SEM web site (55) General Information Sent to Faculty Each Term (Summer Email, Grading, Critical Info, etc.) Announcements (56) TR (67) TR (58) TR Emails and Electronic Documentation System Notifications Resource-Related Information: Student-to-Faculty Ratios for All Components of the Programs Square Feet per Student for Space Designated for Studio-Based Learning 80 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Square Feet per Faculty Member for Space Designated for Support of All Faculty Student-to-faculty ratios for all components of the curriculum (i.e., studio, classroom/lecture, seminar Square feet per student for space designated for studio-based learning Policies on Library and Information Resources Collection Development Woodshop Safety Manual Emergency Planning Student-Related Information: YTU’s YILDIZ/DAVUTPAŞA/MASLAK Campus Catalogue for Student Resources/Conduct (59) EN YTU's Student Brochure for Bachelor Degree Programs (60) TR (61) (62) YTU's Student Brochure for Asters Postgraduate Degree Programs (63) TR (64) (65) YTU's Student Flyers in English: ( 66) EN in Chinese: (67) (CH) Student Internship Information (68) EN (68a) TR Internship Regulations (69) TR Internship Application Forms (70) basvuru formu(2).doc TR Internship Health Insurance Form (71) dilekce.doc TR Internship Social Insurence Form (72) SGK (Zorunlu Staj) Formu(2).doc TR Internship Record Documents (73) dosyası(2).doc TR Internship Personal Information Document (74) Sicil Formu.doc TR B.Arch. Student Admissions Requirements Admissions Procedures (75) EN Orientation Information (76) EN Files/Examples for M.Arch and B.Arch Student Advising Policies and Student File Samples Student File Samples: Preparatory/Pre-Professional Program Evaluation Student File Samples: Templates for Advisement Samples: Certificate Worksheets Samples: Faculty-to-Student Mid-Semester and End of Semester Evaluation Samples: Student-to-Faculty Mid-Semester and End of Semester Evaluation YTU DoA Student Network Social Media 81 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 (77) TR Fellowships (78a) TR Traveling Fellowship Information (79) TR Career Week/Firm Fair Information (80) TR Mentoring Information (81) Student Organizations Information Bi'sürü (82) TR Kayıtdışı (83) TR Student Clubs (84) TR Facilities of YTU Accommodation Facilities (85) EN (85a) TR Food Facilities (86) EN (86a) TR Medical Facilities (87) EN (87a) TR (87b) EN Lodgement (88) TR Sports Facilities (89) EN (89a) TR (90) TR (91) TR Career Development (92) TR (93) TR (93a) TR (94) TR (95) TR (96) TR (97) TR (98) TR Social Facilities (99) TR (100) TR (101) TR Pre-School and Primary Education Facilities (102) TR (103) TR Curriculum-Related Information: YTU DoA 2013–14 Catalog (104) EN Policies on Use and Integration of Digital Media in Architecture Curriculum Policies on Academic Integrity for Students (e.g., cheating and plagiarism) (105) TR (106) TR 82 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 (107) TR (108) /journal_content/56_INSTANCE_rEHF8BIsfYRx/10279/17960 TR Forms for Curriculum Development and Approval Architecture Program Report University Core Documents: Role and Mission YTU (109)ıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Misyon ve Vizyon Bildirgesi.doc TR DoA (110) EN Bylaws (111)önetmelikler-ve-Yönergeler/36 TR (112) TR Code of Ethics Academic Ethics Commission Web Site (113) TR Current Higher Education Integrity Regulations (114) TR Current Strategic Plan (2011-2015) (115) YTÜ STRATEJİK PLAN 2011-2015.pdf TR Quality Action Plan of DoA (116)ık Bölümü Kalite Faaliyet Planı.xls TR Past Strategic Plans (2007-2010) (117) 2007-2010 STRATEJIK PLANI.pdf TR Educational Effectiveness Review 83 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Part Two (II). Educational Outcomes and Curriculum II.1. Student Performance - Educational Realms & Student Performance Criteria Realm A - Critical Thinking and Representation A.1. Communication Skills: Ability to read, write, speak, and listen effectively. This SPC of Communication Skills is required in: MIM4000 Graduation Thesis TDB1031 Turkish Language 1 TDB1032 Turkish Language 2 MDB1031 Advanced English 1 MDB1032 Advanced English 2 MDB2051 Reading and Speaking in English MDB3032 Business English As part of the main general education requirements, architecture students are required to take the courses listed above for development of communication skills. The written and rhetorical skills of students are improved through a sequence of courses in architectural design studios. Other mandatory courses for improving communication skills are related with the use of the national language, Turkish, and a foreign language, English. Some examples of student performance: For MIM4000 Graduation Thesis, the students are required to design an architectural project and present it in both architectural presentation techniques as well as a written architectural report, explaining the development procedure and context of the project. In TDB1031 Turkish Language 1, students learn the history and basic rules of Turkish language. During the course the students are asked to read, analyze and interpret exemplary literary and scientific texts, which aim to improve critical thinking, as well as expand the vocabulary and writing skills of students. TDB1032 Turkish Language 2 focuses on reading and analyzing exemplary literary and scientific texts. The students are asked to prepare an analysis and interpretation of these texts in written and oral format. The course focuses on professional and extraprofessional texts, providing students with the necessary skills for critical writing and rhetorical expression. MDB1031 Advanced English I is based on paragraph organization and vocabulary exercises. Students are asked to scan through a text to find specific information, differentiate facts and opinions, and identify main ideas and supporting ideas within up-to-date texts, which also aim to improve general knowledge of students. The students express their interpretation of these texts in written and oral format. 84 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 MDB1032 Advanced English II is based on writing exercises with texts on current subjects, as well as grammar exercises related to verb conjugations and adjectives. Through reading and listening exercises, the students are expected to comprehend the meaning of words from the context, answer open-ended questions and discuss specific topics in English, practicing advanced writing and speaking skills. MDB 2051 Reading and Speaking in English is based on up-to-date texts that aim to improve the vocabulary of students. In this course, the students are asked to analyze and interpret different texts, as well as make oral discussions on specific subjects. The students interpret texts on their own and try to convey their opinions in written and oral form. MDB 3032 Business English focuses on the frequently used words, phrases and communication forms in professional life. Students learn the departments of companies, and job descriptions. The course aims to improve oral and written communication skills of students for professional life. A.2. Design Thinking Skills: Ability to raise clear and precise questions, use abstract ideas to interpret information, consider diverse points of view, reach well-reasoned conclusions, and test alternative outcomes against relevant criteria and standards. SPC of Design Thinking Skills is required in units: MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 Architecture students are trained to formulate and develop critical design thinking skills with Architectural Design courses listed above, which enable them to adopt a holistic view to building design through different settings, scales and levels of architectural design projects. MIM 3011 Architectural Design 4 is based on building design within a specific context in the urban realm, while MIM 3012 Architectural Design 5 focuses on the constitution of norms and standardizations in building design within an urban context, and MIM 4012 Architectural Design 7 is based on a large-scale building complex design project within a specified urban context. Some examples of student performance: In MIM 3011 Architectural Design 4 students are asked to experiment in designing within a defined context in the city, considering the present urban texture, function, history, natural and topographic characters. This course aims to teach the students to experience and experiment with the urban scale and how to establish a relation with their own design and the present urban context. The students are asked to question, analyze and interpret the urban relations and urban scale within this course and design a specific building according to the defined program. MIM 3012 Architectural Design 5 is concerned with the formulation of norms and standards for building design and their utilization through the design process. The course aims to provide the students with the ability to analyze repetition, reproduction and variation problems within the urban realm through using 85 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 architectural grammar. The students are asked to question, analyze and interpret the urban relations and urban scale within this course and design a specific building according to the given program. MIM 4012 Architectural Design 7 is an independent, controlled architectural design dissertation project in which the students are asked to design a largescale building complex within an urban context. The students define the problem and develop different scales of architectural design without any supervision. The course aims to improve the ability of students to question, analyze and interpret the distant environment of the project theme within the city. A.3. Visual Communication Skills: Ability to use appropriate representational media, such as traditional graphic and digital technology skills, to convey essential formal elements at each stage of the programming and design process. SPC of Visual Communication Skills is required in units: MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM1041 Basic Design MIM2061 Computer-Aided Design For development of visual communication skills of architecture students, there are mandatory courses offered in the first and second years of architecture education, starting with the fundamental principles of architectural design, supported with technical drafting techniques and basic design skills. MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design focuses on basic principles of architectural design; MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques is based on 2 and 3dimensional drawing techniques in architecture; while MIM1041 Basic Design introduces the basic principles and fundamental concepts of design elements. MIM2061 Computer-Aided Design provides the students the ability to draft in architectural design compatible programs. Some examples of student performance: MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design provides the students the ability to perceive and define a problem in the process of architectural design. The students are expected to learn basic principles of design, graphic representation and communication skills, as well the relation of site, context and dimensions of human in space. In MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques, students are introduced to design geometry, basic visual communication tools and representation of 3 dimensional objects on 2 dimensional planes. Students are expected to learn architectural drafting and technical drawing of architectural elements through freehand and technical drawing exercises. In MIM1041 Basic Design, fundamental design principles, such as forming a composition, harmony, contrast, use of points, lines and planes, use of light and color are introduced. The students are expected to develop and express an idea using 2 and 3 dimensional design tools, such as sketches, posters and models. MIM2061 Computer-Aided Design introduces basic principles of CAD, 2 and 3 dimensional design compatible programs. The students are expected to learn 86 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 different presentation techniques using multimedia programs which will enhance their visual communication skills. A.4. Technical Documentation: Ability to make technically clear drawings, write outline specifications, and prepare models illustrating and identifying the assembly of materials, systems, and components appropriate for a building design. SPC of Technical Documentation is required in units: MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings Students are required to take courses that develop their skills of technical documentation. In the first two years of architectural education, students learn drafting and architectural representation, combined with knowledge of structural systems and building materials (MIM 1011 Introduction to Architectural Design, MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques, MIM1032 Building Materials, MIM1051 Constructional Elements of Building 1, MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 2). In the following sequence, students are provided with technical specifications related with building codes and urban design. They are expected to apply and experiment with this knowledge in studio courses (MIM2011 Architectural Design 2, MIM 2012 Architectural Design 3). Students also get to know historical structures and they are expected to analyze structural system and building materials of a historical building though technical documentation. Some examples of student performance: MIM 2011 Architectural Design 2 focuses on development of a small scale building design with a simple program, in which the students are expected to address physical environmental factors, fundamental technical specifications on building materials and structural elements. During the course, physical environmental factors are introduced and students get to know how to handle the problem of design within these factors. The function and the program of the building are decided based on the research, analyses and evaluations of the students. MIM 2012 Architectural Design 3 is aimed to develop a more elaborated and comprehensive architectural design for a small scale, multi-functional building. The students are expected to learn about different structural systems and generate drawings on details of building elements. In MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings through case studies and analytical surveys, students get to learn how to read and represent the design characteristics, structural and material properties, and architectural style of a historical building. Assignments given in MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings are aimed to convey to students the documentation and analysis techniques in the scale of a single building. Students are given the techniques to draw the buildings form sketched and photographed material. In MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings students are also equipped with building and historical survey methods. 87 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 A.5. Investigative Skills: Ability to gather, assess, record, apply, and comparatively evaluate relevant information within architectural course work and design processes. SPC of Investigative Skills is required in units: MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 In architectural design studios and theoretical courses which support them, students gain the ability to make research, gather data from different information sources, utilize the data in order to formulate a specific program and specify the needs of users, evaluate the data in terms of the physical environmental factors, human behavior, and the social environmental conditions. Some examples of student performance: MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 is based on basic architectural concepts and components which aims to provide the students with fundamental theories on human dimensions, anthropometry in design, user requirements, relation of human beings with physical and social environment, architectural planning processes, as well as the concept of dwelling. The students are introduced to sense the “surrounding” space, differentiate between the perceptions of the natural and manmade environment and contemplate on the “genius loci”, through reading and drawing assignments, literature surveys, as well as field trips. MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 focuses on an architectural design project based on human dwelling. The students are expected to gain the ability to question, analyze and assess the concept of dwelling and the needs of occupants. During the course, the students are asked to complete hypothetical assignments on different design problem, such as designing house with two sides closed, therefore experimenting with the natural light, organization of space, and hierarchy of functions. In the last quarter of the course, the students are asked to develop a house design in a specific urban site with an independent program, supported with analyses of the environmental and urban elements. The investigative skills of students are also improved with supplementary materials, such as reading on basic design principles, and literature surveys on different dwelling types and dwelling concepts of different architects. A.6. Fundamental Design Skills: Ability to effectively use basic architectural and environmental principles in design. SPC of Fundamental Design Skills is required in units: MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 Starting from the initial architectural studio courses and the consequent theoretical courses, such as Building Theory and Design series, the students are introduced to the basic design principles in terms of architectural and environmental conditions. In Building Theory and Design 2, the students get acquainted with the fundamental design methodologies and how to interpret the existing physical environment in terms of social and psychological needs. In Architectural Design 3, the students are expected to integrate their theoretical knowledge on environmental factors into their design and produce a more elaborated project. 88 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Some examples of student performance: In MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2, students experience the influence of physical environmental factors into the building design. They learn to explore, interpret and differentiate between different site conditions (topographies) and climatic conditions. They examine the natural light, how to use the sun radiation in favor of building design, types of wind and how to control them. In addition, they acquire knowledge on types of greenery, their use in design; the role of water in building design and noise control. The students are expected to experiment with this knowledge in both building and urban scale throughout the course. In MIM2012 Architectural Design 3, the students are expected to generate a more comprehensive project, compared with its precedents, MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 and MIM2011 Architectural Design 2. In this course, the building design is based and developed upon the physical and social environmental factors. The students prepare the program for a multi-functional building and they are expected to integrate these factors in their design program. Different construction systems, materials, physical environmental control systems are introduced through small seminars during the course. A.7. Use of Precedents: Ability to examine and comprehend the fundamental principles present in relevant precedents and to make choices regarding the incorporation of such principles into architecture and urban design projects. SPC of Use of Precedents is required in units: MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 Starting from the first courses of the architectural design studios, the students are introduced to the surrounding environment, they are taught how to analyze and interpret the existing conditions in natural and urban scale. In MIM3011 Architectural Design 4, the students are asked to design in a specific site within an urban setting. It is the first architectural design studio course that they investigate their design between the urban and the architectural scales. They conduct site analyses and experiment with integrating their design into an existing context. In MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 students practice in their designs a larger scaled and multifunctional building design that takes into account the environmental inputs in general that include the contextual relations, natural and built environmental considerations and issues of accessibility in an urban setting. In both Architectural Design projects, students go through best practices and conduct researches on design ideas brought about by recent architectural competitions, design schemes of precedents of architecture and other relevant data. Some examples of student performance: MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 focuses on making design experiments in the “special” areas of the city (usually with a historic character) and its surroundings. The students are expected to explore and interpret the present context and texture, functions, history, natural and topographic characters of the specified project site. Relation between open-closed spaces, public-private, impact of the design within the near surroundings are also other topics of focus in the studio work. 89 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 In MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 students are required to develop an architectural program for a large scaled building complexes that is supposed to integrate into an existing built environment in an urban setting. Students are expected to make a research on the best practices in today's architectural agenda that could constitute references for the building program that they have developed which could address the regeneration and rehabilitation of the urban setting their design sites are located in. A.8. Ordering Systems Skills: Understanding of the fundamentals of both natural and formal ordering systems and the capacity of each to inform 2- and 3dimensional design. SPC of Ordering Systems Skills is required in units: MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM1041 Basic Design MIM2061 Computer-Aided Design Students' skill of understanding natural and formal ordering systems is formed in a combination of courses that can be stated to start with MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques and MIM1041 Basic Design. Therefore the SPC for Ordering Systems Skills are issued under these three courses. These courses are aimed to convey the fundamentals of the intrinsic principles of both natural and cultural form emergence and the ways to represent it with various drawing techniques. MIM2061 Computer-Aided Design engages students with further knowledge on how they can engage informational input into 2D and 3D diagrams and models that can be utilized in their designs. MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques, MIM1041 Basic Design, and MIM2061 Computer-Aided Design courses give basic information on how formal thinking occur. Students are expected to engage this basic information in their projects specifically in which urban context is involved such as MIM3011 Architectural Design 4, MIM4011 Architectural Design 6, and MIM4012 Architectural Design 7. Students are expected to generate diagrams, prepare illustrations, and draw schemata to express the formal data (thresholds that define the natural and the built environment, land use, functional relations, densities, circulation of various elements, etc.) concerning the design site, the basic understanding of which are issued in MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques, MIM1041 Basic Design, and MIM2061 Computer-Aided Design courses. The expression of formal architectural relations and their representations in bubble diagrams, functional matrices and plan, section and 3D layouts are also introduced in MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 and MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2. Some examples of student performance: MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques aims to develop the thinking skills of students in architectural design through 2-3 dimensional geometrical architectural elements using methods of descriptive geometry. Students are exposed to concepts of projection such as planar geometric projection (Monge’s method), projections of points, lines, planes and various objects and their relations with each other. In MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques 90 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 through assignments and studio work learn to think formal relations of lines, planes and volumes and their axonometric perspectival projections. In MIM1041 Basic Design, students are introduced with concepts of compositional principles such as figure - ground relations, harmony, contrast, gradation, dominance, balance, unity the principles that help determine the definition in visual perception. Through exercises and studio work, students gain an understanding of formal language of design elements. In MIM2061 Computer-Aided Design students learn about 2D and 3D digital media, methods and techniques of drawing in digital environment and 3D printing methods, and numerical models of physical model transformation techniques. A.9. Historical Traditions and Global Culture: Understanding of parallel and divergent canons and traditions of architecture, landscape, and urban design, including examples of indigenous, vernacular, local, regional, and national settings from the Eastern, Western, Northern, and Southern hemispheres in terms of their climatic, ecological, technological, socioeconomic, public health, and cultural factors. SPC of Historical Traditions and Global Culture is required in units: MIM2071 History of Architecture 1 MIM2042 History of Architecture 2 MIM3051 History of Architecture 3 MIM3062 History of Architecture 4 MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration Through a sequence of courses on architectural history and historic preservation, the students are able to gain perception and understanding of different historical traditions, both from the Western and Eastern cultures. MIM2071 History of Architecture 1 focuses on the architectural production of ancient civilizations, ranging from the pre-historic times to Early Christianity. MIM2042 History of Architecture 2 analyses the European architectural tradition, starting from Early Christianity and evolving up to the Industrial Revolution. MIM3051 History of Architecture 3 presents the transformation of architectural and urban paradigms, ranging from 18th to 20th century. MIM3062 History of Architecture 4 is based on the development of Turkish and Islamic architecture, starting with the early Islamic architecture, continuing with different Islamic civilizations through the Middle Ages and focusing on the Ottoman architecture. Other than different architectural cultures, students get to know the historic buildings and sites as well. MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings focuses on the concept of what can be considered as historic, what is worthy of preserving, continuing with methods of surveying historic buildings, different historical building materials, construction types and functions. In MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration course, the conceptual evolution of historic preservation is introduced, with the supplementary information on emerging concepts in historic preservation, such as historic urban landscape, outstanding universal value, etc. 91 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Some examples of student performance: In MIM2071 History of Architecture 1, the students get acquainted with the socioeconomic life, building culture, urban layout, building types, construction types and materials of prehistoric civilizations, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Anatolian (Hittite, Phrygian, Urartian, Lydian, Lycian civilizations), Minoan, Mycenaean, Ancient Greek, Parthian, Sassanid, Etruscan and Roman architecture. The students are introduced to how the different cultures have different styles of construction and urban design, the relation of culture and building types through a wide range of examples from the world. Through field trips, the students get acquainted with ancient sites and settlements of different civilizations in Turkey. MIM2042 History of Architecture 2 aims to introduce the European architecture, taking it from the Early Christianity period and continuing up to the Industrial Revolution. The students get to know the evolution of the architectural styles and construction types, the classification of different building types and plans of European architecture. The students are expected to grasp the different architectural construction techniques and the relation of technological evolution with social, political and economic parameters in the realm of Europe. MIM3051 History of Architecture 3 focuses on the architectural and urban development between the Industrial Revolution and the 20th century. The students get acquainted with the concept of modernism evolving from the birth of capitalism and industrialization, its impact on the society and the progress of architecture. They also learn different theories and architectural styles of modernism and the paradigms opposing to modernism. Different examples are introduced within the course from Europe and America, supported with works of modernist architects from Turkey. MIM3062 History of Architecture 4 is a course focusing on the Turkish and Islamic architecture. The early Islamic architecture, different civilizations in Islamic architecture, such as Umayyads, Abbasids, Karahanlis, Ghaznavids, as well as Islamic architecture in North Africa and Andalusia are analyzed throughout the course, in addition to Anatolian Turkish civilizations in the Middle Ages and the Ottoman Empire. Thus the students are provided with a wide range of building materials, building types and construction systems from various lands. Through course assignments, the students are asked to analyze and interpret the common architectural values in different civilizations. MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings focuses on the historical structures, different types of structural systems, different traditional building materials and traditional building elements, as well as historic building functions, supported with different examples of local and vernacular architecture from a wide-ranging geography. The students are also introduced to surveying methods in buildings and sites. They are expected to survey their own houses based on historic building survey principles and analyze a historic building facade, based on the analytical methods they learn through the course as a term project. MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration course focuses on the theoretical part of historic preservation, starting from the different conceptual approaches to historic preservation in the 19th century and analyzing its evolution in relation with conservation criteria. The students get acquainted with the cultural heritage and its conservation problems in Turkey. Through course assignments, the students question, analyze and interpret the relation of historic buildings and new 92 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 constructions within historic sites in Istanbul, which is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. Thus the students get the chance to compare and evaluate the architectural productions of different periods and different cultures. A.10. Cultural Diversity: Understanding of the diverse needs, values, behavioral norms, physical abilities, and social and spatial patterns that characterize different cultures and individuals and the implication of this diversity on the societal roles and responsibilities of architects. SPC of Cultural Diversity is required in units: MIM3051 History of Architecture 3 MIM3062 History of Architecture 4 Through mandatory courses on History of Architecture in the curriculum, the students gain the critical awareness on cultural diversities and the different cultural settings that generate them, thus respecting the building culture of different civilizations. The wide range of architectural history courses provides the students to explore different examples of architectural heritage from all over the world. Some examples of student performance: MIM3051 History of Architecture 3 introduces the European architectural history, starting from the Early Christianity and concluding with the Industrial Revolution. It is important for the students studying architecture in Turkey, a transition zone between Western and Eastern architecture, to get acquainted with different architectural styles in the Western world and the perspectives of different civilizations that produced them. The students are expected to gain critical awareness on different architectural productions and the different geographical, historical, political, social, cultural, technological and economic conditions of Western civilizations from the end of Antiquity to the beginning of Industrial Revolution. MIM3062 History of Architecture 4 introduces the local and vernacular architecture for students who are studying architecture in Turkey, as well as presents a perspective on the Eastern architecture. The course covers a wide range of architectural styles, periods and building types from early Islamic architecture to Ottoman architecture. The students are expected to adopt the importance of cultural diversity and the variety of cultural heritage, thus becoming aware of their role in preserving them. A.11. Applied Research: Understanding the role of applied research in determining function, form, and systems and their impact on human conditions and behavior. SPC of Applied Research is required in units: MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 The architectural design studio courses require students to make research and apply the findings in their design. In MIM2012 Architectural Design 3, MIM3011 93 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Architectural Design 4, and MIM4011 Architectural Design 6, the students (individually and in groups) are expected to conduct research according to the theme of the project. Some examples of student performance: In MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 develop a small to medium scaled building design practicing the concepts, definitions and theoretical knowledge issued in in MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 and MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 that include human dimensions, human-environment relationships, and sociological, psychological needs of the human beings and their behaviors, and the natural and built environment inputs respectively. In MIM3011 Architectural Design 4, the students conduct research about the selected project site to make analyses on social, cultural, economic and physical parameters. Observation, questionnaire and literature survey from relevant institutions are the techniques that are required to be used. According to the synthesis of their analyses, the students determine the function and program of their building design. The findings of their research also help the students to incorporate their own design into the given urban site. MIM4011 Architectural Design 6, the students are encouraged to work on historical areas and try to focus on problems of how to design within a context, within a manmade, historical environment. The most important issue would be to focus on the historical and socio-economical character of the environment and propose a project that would be in harmony with all social, physical and natural environmental elements. The studio aims to prepare the students for the Graduation Project (Architectural Design 7) as well. 94 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Realm B - Integrated Building Practices, Technical Skills and Knowledge B1. Pre-Design: Ability to prepare a comprehensive program for an architectural project, such as preparing an assessment of client and user needs, an inventory of space and equipment requirements, an analysis of site conditions (including existing buildings), a review of the relevant laws and standards and assessment of their implications for the project, and a definition of site selection and design assessment criteria. SPC of Pre-Design is required in units: MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM4041 Installation Knowledge MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM1012 Architectural Design 1: Students in their first year design project learn the ways to address the user necessities and transform them into an architectural program. Design process is organized in three modules. Each module is discussed with a question and related concepts that frames and expands the module: How does the designer see? – data organization - place-building-space reading. How does the designer think? – mental organization –instead of problem solving to definition of problem. How does the designer install or design? – spatial organization – design research. MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2: The course provides students with the necessary data for the architectural design, making students acquainted with the natural, built and social environmental requirements of human beings. Through analytical exercises of built examples, students are required to apply the theoretical knowledge into spatial organization of buildings with different functional use. MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings: Taking Istanbul as a laboratory for architecture, students analyze buildings from different historical periods (Byzantine Era, Roman And Ottoman Periods) to understand traditional building techniques, structures and materials. Through individual or group case studies, students practice methods of analytical survey, documentation and analysis techniques in the scale of a single building, understanding the principles of design and style of a cultural heritage in terms of temporal changes in the building. MIM4041 Installation Knowledge: Students are provided with informational knowledge on how heating and ventilation, lighting, clean and waste water/drainage and fire extinguishing systems and their related equipment work. Students also get acquainted with solar collectors and panels as well as rain water systems. The legislations, building codes and building standards related to these installation systems are also studied. MIM4012 Architectural Design 7: The final term architectural design project is regarded as a work by which the student verifies his competence as an architect. Each term, the Final Project committee prepares the guidelines of the work to be carried out varying in theme and study field. Students work both individually and 95 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 as a group to identify different scenarios for the users of the project site. To do that they are required to analyze the site conditions, make the documentation of the existing (historical, natural, social) environment. They are required to carry out surveys for the inhabitants and reconstruct the collected data in a visualized information medium. B.2. Accessibility: Ability to design sites, facilities, and systems to provide independent and integrated use by individuals with physical (including mobility), sensory, and cognitive disabilities. SPC of Accessibility is required in units: MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 Accessibility is of each architectural design studio work's concern and students are required to demonstrate the efficiency of their designs in accessibility through schemata and technical drawings. The notion of accessibility is introduced in MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1, in that the themes like human dimensions and the principles of universal design are covered. The house as the most familiar environment to first year students with a scale that they can easily comprehend is used as a setting for them to comply with human dimensions, design for the elderly and the disabled. Accessibility issues in building scale is directly addressed in MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 for which students must meet the universal design criteria in terms of accessible circulation, parking, use of common spaces, minimum radii for circulation spaces, facilitative spaces, etc. They practice in their designs the use of different building materials as a way communication for the visually and cognitively impaired users. MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 introduces the accessibility issues in urban scale, where terminal spaces, public buildings, streets and squares (in a dynamic topographical environment like Istanbul) are involved. B.3. Sustainability: Ability to design projects that optimize, conserve, or reuse natural and built resources; provide healthful environments for occupants/users; and reduce the environmental impacts of building construction and operations on future generations through means such as carbon-neutral design, bioclimatic design, and energy efficiency. SPC of Sustainability is required in units: MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 The basic terms of social, environmental and spatial sustainability are introduced in the first year second semester MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2. Students apply this knowledge in each design project they develop in consequent units. In MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 students are required to make an emphasis on sustainability in detail. Students have to perform architectural designs in urban 96 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 context that question the social and environmental sustainability in master plan and architectural scales. Students have to carry out matrices that justify the use of local resources and discuss the rationality of their designs in terms of site selection, land use, public and private benefits, sun control, building envelope, passive acclimatization, relations with the existing urban context etc. Students are required to achieve architectural designs which take the form, function and environment relations into account to propose solutions for the urban regeneration, gentrification and reuse of existing building stocks within characteristic urban settings maintaining designs compatible with new building technologies. Student performance in sustainability is also considered in the curriculum with a variety of elective units such as MIM3222 Solar Control, MIM3242 Day lighting, MIM3262 Climatic Building Design (Elective B); MIM4161 House and Cultural Sustainability, MIM4102 Alternative Energy Use in Architecture, (Elective A4); MIM4222 Passive Heating Systems, MIM4292 Life Cycle in Architecture (Elective B4) B.4. Site Design: Ability to respond to site characteristics such as soil, topography, vegetation, and watershed in the development of a project design. SPC of Site Design is required in units: MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 Students get acquainted with the notion of site specification of architectural design in MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 which draws its content as the experimentation of design process of a dwelling building that interacts with the place and functionality of sheltering in accordance with the place-building-space relationships, flexible program and material + structure + performance criteria. In MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 students are required to develop a smallscale design with a predefined program taking the initiative to adapt to project site's inputs. The motive of MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 is to make the students experience the design process within physical conditions determined by limitations of the design site. Students are supposed to elaborate a research on those conditions such as topography, climate, vegetation, as well as the obtainability of the building materials. Students start to thinking in detail in this project and they are expected to develop adequate designs of building components from roof to the foundation. They explore ways to handle constructional problems and learn to represent their ideas in different scales varying from 1/500 to 1/1. MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 tackles the site design criterion as a required student performance from the building production perspective. Students are expected to develop building production scenarios according to the densities within the design site. Considerations on building and traffic densities, floor area and construction area ratios, functional distributions and such as well as the natural and physical thresholds are issues waiting for the students to be met in Architectural Design 5. 97 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 B.5. Life Safety: Ability to apply the basic principles of life-safety systems with an emphasis on egress. SPC of Life Safety is required in units: MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM4041 Installation Knowledge Basic principles of life safety systems is addressed in MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 as the students have to take into account the fire safety, earthquake insulation, structural and material resistance as well as the formal design considerations in different scales from general into detail. MIM4041 Installation Knowledge covers the technical data on secure installation of fluid systems (conditioned air, gas, water, etc.) and electrical lines and equipment inside the building and legislative aspects, building codes and standards concerning the installation of those systems as well as the minimum escape routes, fire and exhaust insulation. Some examples of student performance: In MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 students are required to design a large scaled multi-functional building and elaborate their designs into detail taking into account the material properties and the strength of it as well as the structural system of different building elements considering the safety issues. MIM4041 Installation Knowledge Students are given basic information about air conditioning, heating systems, ventilation systems, solar collectors, lighting systems, clean and waste water systems, rain water systems, drainage systems and their implementation for safe and secure built environments. Students have to go through best practices and legislative documents to fulfill the course performance criteria. Students also are required to develop an understanding through assignments and research in the elective units such as MIM3311 Earthquake Factor in Design which covers issues like parameters of earthquakes, soil types, soil-building relation, earthquake resistant design of masonry, timber, reinforced concrete, prefabricated concrete and steel construction, identification of EQ damages on buildings, seismic control methods, measures to be taken and an EQ resistant design of a buildings, and MIM3261 Fire Protection in Buildings in which the students are required to perform assignments in issues like fire prevention, communication, escape, containment, extinguishment. B.6. Comprehensive Design: Ability to produce a comprehensive architectural project that demonstrates each student’s capacity to make design decisions across scales while integrating the following SPC: A.2. Design Thinking Skills; A.4. Technical Documentation; A.5. Investigative Skills; A.8. Ordering Systems; A.9. Historical Traditions and Global Culture; B.2. Accessibility; B.3. Sustainability; B.4. Site Design; B.5. Life Safety; B.8. Environmental Systems; B.9. Structural Systems SPC of Comprehensive Design is required in units: MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis 98 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 and MIM4000 Graduation Thesis are two courses associated with the comprehensive design performance criteria. Those two courses are given in the final term (8th semester) and they include the design of a multifunctional large scaled architectural program and the research activities carried out by the students during the design process and writing of a systematic report of it in MIM4000 Graduation Thesis. MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 Course is performed with lectures, excursions, seminars and studio work the end product of which is evaluated by a final term project jury that consists of a selection of scholars and professionals specialized in design, construction, building physics, history of architecture and historical conservation. MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 can be considered as a final project by which students must justify their competence in architectural design and knowledge they had acquired throughout their educational experience. The sequence of Architectural Design courses requires each student to fulfill the performance criteria associated with them. Aside from the prior Architectural Design courses, MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 aim to engage the comprehensive design performance criteria all together issued thus far. Students are required to write a graduation thesis that reports the design process of MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 in MIM4000 Graduation Thesis. Some examples of student performance: In MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 students are required to fulfill an architectural program with their design proposals that tackle the design issues starting from the urban scale down to the equipment scale. In this design process students are required to address the Design Thinking Skills first by going through an analytical process and defining a design problem associated with it (A.2.). This analytical process includes technical documentation concerning the design site such as the natural built environmental inputs: orientation, natural and artificial thresholds, traffic load, building stock, land use, densities, historical and cultural architectural heritage, topography, etc. (A.4.). Given the design site, students investigate the social, economic, historical and spatial relationships and sort out analytical documentations through diagrammatic representations and reports. MIM4000 Graduation Thesis is a compilation of the above mentioned analytical research processes that involve design thinking skills and technical documentation. In the final term project MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 students perform 2D and 3D representations of their ideas that incorporate different scales of design. Students are encouraged to carry out studio work that involves solid modeling of the urban context their design site is located in. All 2D and 3D modeling techniques are conceived to be the ways in which students think architecturally and by which they are required to utilize different scaled drawings, diagrams, computational and solid models to explore design possibilities. (A.8). In MIM4012 Architectural Design 7, the design site is chosen from historical settlements that engage various cultures in urban space. Istanbul, and many settlements in Turkey provide urban contexts that accommodate the traces of Greek, Armenian and, Jewish culture as well as a diversity of various social groups (A.9.). Students that enroll in MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 must meet the universal design criteria through their designs in terms of accessible circulation, parking, use of common spaces, minimum radii for circulation spaces, facilitative spaces, 99 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 etc. They practice, in their designs, the use of different building materials as a way of communication for the visually and cognitively impaired users. Students are expected to fulfill the accessibility requirements in urban scale as well convincing the final term project jury with adequate diagrams and representations in terms of building up circulatory relations with terminal spaces, public buildings, streets and squares (B.2). Students have to perform architectural designs in MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 that raise the question of social and environmental sustainability in master plan and architectural scales. Within both MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 and MIM4000 Graduation Thesis, students are expected to question the use of local resources and their applications and the rationality of their designs in terms of site selection, land use, public and private benefits, sun control, building envelope and passive climatization systems (B.3.) as well as physical conditions determined by limitations of the design site elaborating a research on topography, climate, vegetation and water supplies (B.4.). In MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 students have to provide the final term project jury with necessary information through drawings and in writing about the statical resilience of their designs against natural forces, introduction of adequate fire and emergency escape layout, convincing the jury that their design is in line with the current safety legislations (B.5.). The multifunctionality of building programs proposed for each year's final term project in MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 enables the discussion of design issues on the building envelope and environmental systems. Since each design proposal include a functional space with a conventional use (like a meeting or a performance hall) students are expected to satisfy the acoustic and artificial illumination principals (B.8.). Various architectural design project subjects are defined each year in MIM4012 Architectural Design 7. The common aspect in each year's final term architectural design project is that they all include a space that span wide distances functions of which differ according to the content of their architectural programs such as, convention halls, sports halls, auditoriums, theatre halls, etc., so that students can practice their structural systems knowledge. Previous years' architectural programs of the final term project included the design of high rise multi-functional buildings, stadiums, high speed train terminals, airport terminal buildings, cruiser ship terminal buildings, conference centers etc., in which the design of the structural system and elements has become the crucial part of the whole design process. Students are expected to incorporate proper structural system resolution for the spaces spanning wide distances and represent its elements with adequate dimensions in section and plan drawings in MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 (B.9.) B.7. Financial Considerations: Understanding of the fundamentals of building costs, such as acquisition costs, project financing and funding, financial feasibility, operational costs, and construction estimating with an emphasis on life-cycle cost accounting. SPC of Financial Considerations is required in units: 100 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 MIM3012 MIM3052 Architectural Design 5 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry MIM4031 Construction Man. and Economics Financial considerations are covered by two lectures MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics, and MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry and a studio course MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 in the curriculum. The concepts of building costs and financial feasibility is given through a studio project in the MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 and theoretical lectures concerning the evolution of modern building production techniques in MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry in the 3rd year's spring semester. The financial considerations in architecture are completed by the 4th year fall semester course MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics. Some examples of student performance: In MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 students are required to associate concepts of repetition, multiplication, and variation in their projects. The studio work is concentrated on the knowledge of standardization, modular coordination and mass production on medium scaled and mid- to high-rise building projects with a combination of accommodational, official and commercial use. The studio work in MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 also involves student's ability to solve repetition, multiplication and diversification problems within an architectural grammar (structured, constructive, spatial). Through studio team work students tackle the building production problems with its economic and technical, and also its cultural and ontological dimensions by handling subjects such as production techniques, building materials, ways and habits of living, existence and memory. The effects of forming installation cores in building design, using standardized spatial and structural modules, selection of adequate building production techniques in the estimations of building costs are issues students have to deal with in their MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 projects. As a complementary lecture to MIM3012 Architectural Design 5, MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry introduces the concepts of modern building production technologies touching on the turning points and thresholds in the history of modern architectural constructions. Students develop further understanding on the significance of the building sector in economics learning the actors and their roles taking part in building production through out the dynamics of historical change. Lectures, assignments and case studies in MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry focus on industrialization of the building sector and the application of mass production and organization techniques to the building sector by which students are expected to get acquainted with the development of sub-sectors, the tendencies towards flexible production in construction and the legal dimensions of building production. Students are introduced with concepts of building production costs such as acquisition costs, project financing and funding, financial feasibility, operational costs, and construction estimating in detail with the lectures given in MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics. The building production process from the inception to the end of construction and the concepts associated with it are addressed in this course. MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics 101 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 also covers the typical syllabus such as company organization, quality, human resource, cost planning and scheduling in construction. Through lectures and case studies students are presented with the methods of cost management-cost estimation application, project scheduling using critical path method, quality management in construction companies, bidding types (bidding Lawa-bidding contracts) and office processing legislations. B.8. Environmental Systems: Understanding the principles of environmental systems’ design such as embodied energy, active and passive heating and cooling, indoor air quality, solar orientation, daylight and artificial illumination, and acoustics, including the use of appropriate performance assessment tools. SPC of Environmental Systems is required in units: MIM3031 Building Physics 1 MIM3042 Building Physics 2 The design principles of environmental systems of a building are addressed by two sequential courses MIM3031 Building Physics 1 and MIM3042 Building Physics 2. While MIM3031 Building Physics 1 focuses on the main principals of climatization of buildings in general, MIM3042 Building Physics 2 addresses the artificial illumination and acoustical issues. Some examples of student performance: In MIM3031 Building Physics 1 Through lectures, analysis of best practices, case studies and multiple assignments students are exposed to the physical environment concept and building physics elements. As stated in the course content of MIM3031 Building Physics 1 in the curriculum, those elements include the aim and extent of solar control, the transmission paths of heat, and precautions for the heat transfer in the building envelope. MIM3031 Building Physics 1 constructs the relation of building envelope design and comfort requirements on man portraying a comprehensive knowledge about heat and humidity, heat and humidity permeability of the building materials. Students are expected to understand the behavior of various layers of building envelope and gain information about various types of insulation materials and techniques and learn the general precautions against heat loss, humidity and condensation. MIM3031 Building Physics 1 also introduces terms of sound propagation and transmission and topics on noise control principals, yet, the detailed knowledge is given in its sequential pair MIM3042 Building Physics 2. In MIM3042 Building Physics 2 required course work and lectures tasks students with the understanding of the subjects of acoustics and artificial illumination. MIM3042 Building Physics 2 introduces concepts of room acoustics, room acoustics criteria and knowledge on how sound behaves in outdoor and enclosed spaces. Students engage in terms like sound absorption, reverberation phenomenon and reverberation time. In MIM3042 Building Physics 2, issues concerning artificial illumination are consisted of reflection and transmission properties of objects, photometric quantities, lamps and luminaires, quality of lighting, lighting design, colour appearance systems and colour in architecture. 102 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 B.9. Structural Systems: Understanding of the basic principles of structural behavior in withstanding gravity and lateral forces and the evolution, range, and appropriate application of contemporary structural systems. SPC of Structural Systems is required in units: MIM1042 Statics and Strength of Materials MIM2031 Structural Analysis in Architecture MIM2032 Structural System Design 1 MIM3041 Structural System Design 2 Besides mandatory courses in which basic principles of statics in MIM1042 Statics and Strength of Materials, and basic understanding on load analysis, dispersion and superposition of the loads on a building structure in MIM2031 Structural Analysis in Architecture, the students are acquainted with the fundamental structural systems through a sequence of courses, MIM2032 Structural System Design 1 and MIM3041 Structural System Design 2. MIM2032 Structural System Design 1 is the introductory course, presenting the different types of basic structural systems, while MIM3041 Structural System Design 2 focuses on high-technological structures, such as high-rise buildings and widespanning systems. Some examples of student performance: MIM1042 Statics and Strength of Materials addresses structural considerations on assessment of internal force flow of statically determinate systems and on cross-sectional dimensions of building elements. Through lectures, case studies and quizzes students are exposed to concepts such as normal force, shear, bending and torsion that act on a structural element. Solving problems of different cases in diagrammatized representations, students focus their efforts on understanding principles of forces on building structures and dimensional determination of elements of different stress conditions. MIM2031 Structural Analysis in Architecture is a sequential pair of MIM1042 Statics and Strength of Materials in which analysis of statically indeterminate systems comes to fore. Using cross-analyzing method, the systems under imposed loads are examined through problem solving of different cases in diagrammatized representations. MIM2031 Structural Analysis in Architecture lectures involves dispersion and superposition of the loads on the free body, which in turn are expected to be associated with the building elements by the students. In MIM2032 Structural System Design 1, general principles of a structural system, construction materials and their properties, principles regarding loadbearing elements are introduced. Construction systems of masonry, timber, steel, reinforced and prefabricated concrete structures are analyzed during the course. In MIM3041 Structural System Design 2, general principles on high-technological structures, their evolution and load systems are introduced. This course focuses on different systems of high-rise buildings, such as frame systems, suspended systems and other special systems, as well as different systems of wide spanning structures, such as folded plate systems, shell structures, cable systems, membrane systems and pneumatic systems. 103 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 B.10. Building Envelope Systems: Understanding of the basic principles involved in the appropriate application of building envelope systems and associated assemblies relative to fundamental performance, aesthetics, moisture transfer, durability, and energy and material resources. SPC of Building Envelope Systems is required in unit: MIM3031 Building Physics 1 The building envelope systems are issued mainly in MIM3031 Building Physics 1. As stated before it is a pair of lectures together with MIM3042 Building Physics 2 given sequentially in the fall and spring semesters of 3rd academic year While MIM3031 Building Physics 1 deals with the indoor air quality, sunlight control, spatial performance and comfort, moisture control directly associated with the design of the building envelope systems. Some examples of student performance: In MIM3031 Building Physics 1 students get acquainted with concepts of physical environment and comfort in architectural design, physical environmental elements, their definitions, interactions and optimizations. Through case studies of architectural examples students gain a comprehensive knowledge on heat and moisture transfer in building envelope and their effect on thermal comfort parameters. Lectures include information on climate types and building orientation criteria and methods of utilization and protection from solar radiation. Students are introduced to shadow path method to determine the building shadow effecting the built environment. MIM3031 Building Physics 1 involves in topics on wind in and around buildings and natural ventilation issues. Finally, determination of glazing types in transparent areas of building envelope and information about TS 825 Heat Insulation Regulation are covered by MIM3031 Building Physics 1 B.11. Building Service Systems: Understanding of the basic principles and appropriate application and performance of building service systems such as plumbing, electrical, vertical transportation, security, and fire protection systems. SPC of Building Service Systems is required in unit: MIM4041 Installation Knowledge The principles of plumbing, electrical, telecommunicational, security, and fire protection systems and technical information on the installation of those systems are mainly covered by the lectures given in MIM4041 Installation Knowledge course. Some examples of student performance: In MIM4041 Installation Knowledge, lectures start by giving general information on building installation systems on heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Students are required to understand the phenomenon of electricity in single and multi-storey buildings. Assignments and case studies make the students gain technical understanding of weak and strong current and their related equipment and 104 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 distributional systems. Students acquire a comprehensive understanding of heating and ventilation systems and the properties of the related fluids that make them work. The design of vertical and horizontal elements such as shafts, ducts and canals and their design principles are covered in the process of the course work. MIM4041 Installation Knowledge engages students with the basic properties of solar collectors and heating systems. Students are required to gain adequate knowledge on the clean and waste water systems, rain water systems, drainage systems, fire detection and sprinkler systems and standards and legislations associated with it. B.12. Building Materials and Assemblies: Understanding of the basic principles utilized in the appropriate selection of construction materials, products, components, and assemblies, based on their inherent characteristics and performance, including their environmental impact and reuse. SPC of Building Materials and Assemblies is required in units: MIM1032 Building Materials MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 Understanding the basic knowledge on building materials and assemblies are covered in three main courses two of which MIM1032 Building Materials and MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 start in the second semester of the first academic year and completed with a sequential course MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 given in the upcoming semester of the second academic year. Those three courses pave a foundation to the Architectural Design projects students work on in MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 and MIM2011 Architectural Design 2. Some examples of student performance: MIM1032 Building Materials gives the architectural students and introduction to building materials telling in lectures the definitions and classification of building materials. On further lectures in MIM1032 Building Materials students are presented with knowledge on the visual, physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the building materials. Students are also presented with the information on the problematic issues associated with the building materials when they are exposed to sun, wind, heat, water, humidity, fire and sound. Then, the definition, classification, production processes and properties for each building material are covered under the topics of Timber, Natural Stones, Metals, Glass, Terra Cotta and Adobe, Bounding building materials (gypsum, lime, cement), Mortar and Paints. In MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 knowledge on how components of a building such as soil, foundations, walls, floors, stairs etc. are associated into design. Students learn through theoretical lectures and studio work, drawings and modelings to design and solve problems of building components, which take place during all stages of construction. Main components of the buildings that students have to gain comprehensive 105 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 knowledge on in the scope of MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 are foundations, walls floors and stairs. Students are required to learn the various compositions of those constructional elements and building components and the layering, insulation and finishing materials and details and together with their representations in architectural drawings. MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 is a continuation of building components and construction elements, which cover the definition, design principles and general classification of roofs, doors, windows and chimneys. Students are required to obtain knowledge on the definitions and concepts of roof, sloping roof systems, coating and finishes, flat roofs. Through theoretical lectures and drawing exercises as the studio work students learn design principles on windows and doors their joinery materials, types and relations of joinery pieces, functions and classifications of doors and windows, problems and solution principles of wall openings. 106 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Realm C - Leadership and Practice C.1. Collaboration: Ability to work in collaboration with others and in multidisciplinary teams to successfully complete design projects. SPC of Collaboration is required in: MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 is an independent, controlled dissertation-project where the students skills and competence on designing a large scaled architectural program, creating functional and structural solutions. Students present their design to jury members constituted by scholars and professionals with different specializations assigned by the Head of the Department Some examples of student performance: Starting from the initial courses in architecture education, the students are encouraged to work in collaboration with each other during the course hours and in study time outside the Architectural Design Studios, in order to get acquainted with the nature of architecture as a multi-disciplinary practice. In MIM4012 Architectural Design 7, the students get to work in groups, discussing on specified themes on design thinking, and technical and investigative documentation. In MIM4012 Architectural Design 7, they get to know each other's architectural design proposal, and they are expected to inquire and analyze each other's work. Students are required to form groups in order to document the design site using survey techniques, thus getting a hand on experience on how to produce an architectural documentation work in cooperation with each other. In MIM4012 Architectural Design 7, according to the graduation project's design topic of that year, students work collaboratively on urban analysis studies such as site analysis, density analysis, landscape analysis etc. Besides, students work in teams to make research and case studies on the related design topic finding best practices and presenting their compilation through seminars to the rest of the studio participants. Thus, students find the opportunity to interact with each other gaining and sharing their experiences through open discussions. C.2. Human Behavior: Understanding of the relationship between human behavior, the natural environment, and the design of the built environment. MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design SPC of Human Behavior is required mainly in MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design. Some examples of student performance: In MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1, topics of static and dynamic dimensions of man, architectural user requirements, human-environment relationships, architectural planning process are issued through housing typologies as they are considered to be the most familiar architectural examples to freshman year students. Understanding human behavior in design is an indispensable part of architectural education. As the first design studio course of freshmen year, in MIM1011 107 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Introduction to Architectural Design studio, students are introduced with the basic principles of human behavior discussing on selected design topic. Via visual analysis techniques, students get experience on understanding the physical and psychological dimensions of man both in the natural and the built environment. During the course, students discuss the relationship between human, nature and the built environment via some small design experiments such as “ego-space”. Within the content of this course, students improve the skills of understand, interpret and represent the architectural space and the natural and the built environment. C.3. Client Role in Architecture: Understanding of the responsibility of the architect to elicit, understand, and reconcile the needs of the client, owner, and user groups, and the public and community domains. MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics SPC of Client Role is required in MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics as the office organization is an integrative part of the course syllabus. Some examples of student performance: The basic understanding on business planning as part of today's construction industry is introduced in MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics course. Students are required to have a basic understanding on constructional legislations that architects will get use of in their professional lives in MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics course. With this course, students raise awareness on construction management concept as an architect and be able to understand the responsibility of the architects that they have to have against their clients on building production process. Thus, they gain knowledge on macro-micro economy concepts, market dynamics, project management activities, cost control concept, that will regulate their relationship with the clients in their future professional practices. In MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics course, through lectures, assignments and case studies, students gain perspective on creating and balancing demand and supply relationships and distributing them among the appropriate target groups. C.4. Project Management: Understanding of the methods for competing for commissions, selecting consultants and assembling teams, and recommending project delivery methods. SPC of Project Management is required in: MIM4031 Construction Man. and Economics Some examples of student performance: A general understanding of project management is given to the students with MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics course. Beside, with this course students have basic/fundamental knowledge on activities such as the assembly of project team, selection of team members, options for project delivery and the features of those delivery methods. C.5. Practice Management: Understanding of the basic principles of architectural practice management such as financial management and business 108 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 planning, time management, risk management, mediation and arbitration, and recognizing trends that affect practice. MIM2001 Internship 1 MIM2002 Internship 2 MIM4001 Internship 3 SPC of Practice Management is required in a sequence of Internships allocated in the curriculum with MIM2001 Internship 1, MIM2002 Internship 2, and MIM4001 Internship 3. Students, outside the curricular calendar are required to complete 30 working days of office work for MIM2001 Internship 1, 30 working days of work at the construction site in MIM2002 Internship 2, and 30 working days of office work in an architectural design office or at a restoration site. The offices and construction sites subject to Internships are to be approved by the head of the DoA prior to the student's work. On completing each of the abovementioned Internships, the student submits a hardcopy presentation to the department, which includes his/her works during the internship. Some examples of student performance: In MIM2001 Internship 1 students are informed about architectural design and architectural drawing office work (project management, customer relations, employee relations between each other, a common relationship with professional groups, etc.). By means of fulfilling MIM2001 Internship 1 requirements, students are expected to gain comprehensive knowledge, skills and experience in architectural practice. In MIM2002 Internship 2, Students get knowledge about the construction and applications at the site in MIM2002 Internship 2. Students learn more about the operation of a construction site, the working principles of a construction site and the relationship among architects, engineers, craftsmen etc. MIM4001 Internship 3, students learn and practice the procedures of conservation and restoration including restitution projects, renovation projects, conservation plans, facade and street rehabilitation projects etc. C.6. Leadership: Understanding of the techniques and skills architects use to work collaboratively in the building design and construction process and on environmental, social, and aesthetic issues in their communities. SPC of Leadership is required in: MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry Various professional leadership issues are explored in MIM4012 Architectural Design 7. Without any supervisions, students learn more how architects working collaboratively with the community, other designers, and engineers. Students work as team in line with the design topic so as to learn and recognize their individual capabilities beside organize themselves to complete the assignment within the limitations and requirements of the course. 109 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 In MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics, the students are required to draw awareness in construction management concept and as an architect be able to understand and create relative analysis in the construction industry, constraction company and projects. Through research assignments and theoretical course presentations, students are acquainted with the knowledge on the actors and their roles in the building production process, company organization, quality, human resources, cost planning and scheduling in construction. Through a series of courses students are expected to gain understanding of office organization, human relations and laws of office operations. In MIM4031 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry, through theoretical course presentations and assignments students are introduced with the architect’s role in building production throughout the dynamics of historical change. Students are required to gain an understanding on the changes in role, training, legal responsibilities of the architect. C.7. Legal Responsibilities: Understanding of the architect’s responsibility to the public and the client as determined by registration law, building codes and regulations, professional service contracts, zoning and subdivision ordinances, environmental regulations, and historic preservation and accessibility laws. SPC of Legal Responsibilities is required in: SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law Some examples of student performance: A general understanding of urban planning is given to the students with SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law course. Students learn general knowledge about urban planning and design and gain the ability of understanding zoning through principles through legal infrastructure in urban scale. In SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law course, via lectures and case studies students are introduced to basic concepts on planning of the urban and the rural areas. Students gain an understanding of the sources and branches of law, immovable property law and administrative law and get acquainted with legislations and design principles of residential areas and public housing. SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law course also focuses issues on transportation; hierarchies in infrastructure and transportation topics in İstanbul metropolitan area. Students learn to associate zoning principles with constitutional provisions, legislations, regulations and influence of central and local authorities on urban planning. Through case studies SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law course covers various aspects of building construction regulations, technical concepts in legislations and control mechanisms in building qualified urban spaces. C.8. Ethics and Professional Judgment: Understanding of the ethical issues involved in the formation of professional judgment regarding social, political, and cultural issues in architectural design and practice. MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration SPC of Ethics and Professional Judgment is required in MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration. Beside the issues covered in SBP3991 Urban Planning and 110 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Urban Development Law, MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration also, brings about the ethical discussions on how to preserve the architectural heritage, which constitute a basis of our social memory. Some examples of student performance: Students review the various ethical issues surrounding the architect’s responsibility to the public regarding conservation and restoration. The formation of professional judgments regarding social, political, and cultural issues in restoration practice is discussed in the scope of MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration. Students are exposed to concepts, definitions, aim and practice of conservation and restoration. MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration course provides an understanding of the cultural heritage and its significances. The course addresses the responsibilities of the architect to preserve cultural habitats as well as their natural surrounding that is inherited from the previous generations. Through seminars, case studies and extensive assignments, students are engaged in conservation and restoration criteria, economic and functional value of cultural heritage, re-functionality of historical buildings. C.9. Community and Social Responsibility: Understanding of the architect’s responsibility to work in the public interest, to respect historic resources, and to improve the quality of life for local and global neighbors. SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration SPC of Community and Social Responsibility is required in SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law, and MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration courses. These two curricular contents located in the fall semesters of 3rd and 4th academic year, are aimed to raise the awareness of students to work for the greater good and to protect the inherited values of the architectural and urban environment. Some examples of student performance: In SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law Students make urban analyses and synthesis for protecting cultural assets, improving existing conditions, and finding new opportunities for the regeneration of urban life. Experiencing a rapid urban growth, Istanbul needs regulation against urban sprawl. SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law course addresses legislative considerations in the control of urban expansion, as well as the ways in which the balance between private and public investments can be founded. In MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration Students gain knowledge on social responsibility and learn to respect historic resources regarding social, political, and cultural issues. Students focus their efforts on understanding the layers and intricacy of Istanbul in terms of cultural and historical heritage and the importance of protection of those historical and cultural values both technically and ethically through assignments, case studies, and studio work in MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration course. 111 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 SPC CHARTS 112 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 II.2. Curricular Framework II.2.1. National Authorization Department of Architecture of Yıldız Technical University is a distinguished institute in the education of B.Arch. and Master’s Degree education in Architecture. The National Authorization of Higher Educational Institutions in Turkey is viable only by the directive of Council of Higher Education (CoHE) that works as an independent regulatory unit for universities. The rules and regulations of the Higher Education and CoHE is defined by the Law No: 2547 dated 11.4,1981 which can be reviewed from the following link: earch= TR CoHE is constituted of a General Board, a Head and an Executive Board that are consisted of 21 members in total. The President of the Republic of Turkey assigns seven members and the Head of the CoHE from amongst the accomplished rectors and scholars of the universities. The Council of Ministers assigns seven members of the CoHE form amongst the state representatives and the Interuniversitary Council assigns seven members from amongst the nonmembers of CoHE. Minister of Foreign Education can participate in the meetings of CoHE when required. More information on the the Higher Education System in Turkey and the formation and functioning of CoHE can be reviewed from CoHE's catologue in the following link:ükseköğretim+Sistemi2.pdf/902 7552a-962f-4b03-8450-3d1ff8d56ccc EN The information on Higher Education statistics, quality assurance, recognition, protocols, and FAQs can be reviewed from the website of CoHE in English: EN The list of the authorized Universities in Turkey which Yıldız Technical University is also located in can be reviewed from the following link: TR On the condition that APR review team requires information about the national accreditation of architectural departmental units in Turkey, the information is available under AAB's website: TR The most recent report of regional accreditation council, the Architectural Accreditation Council (AAB) that is organized as an affiliation of Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA) regarding the institution's term of accreditation can be found at the following link: 113 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 II.2.2. Professional Degrees and Curriculum The DoA currently offers 1st 2nd, and 3rd cycle programs in Architecture.: 1st cycle : The 4-year B.Arch program 2nd cycle : The M.Sc in Architecture program 3rd cycle : The Ph.D. in Architecture program The DoA has applied NAAB Substantial Equivalency with the 4 year B.Arch program. This APR section addresses the still current 2013-14 YTU course catalogue in the preparation of the SPC matrix, the SPC Realms A,B,and C and the course descriptions. Please see the following link: EN Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) Program Curricular Requirements: As stated in the NAAB requirements all accredited B.Arch. degree programs require a minimum of 150 semester credit hours or the quarter-hour equivalent (40 credit hours in YTU's case) in general studies, professional studies, and electives and YTU DoA program course catalogue. The B.Arch. degree curriculum must include at least 45 credit hours _or the quarter-hour equivalent outside of architectural studies, either as general studies or as electives with content not related to architecture. DoA in YTU provides students with 124 credit hours in professional studies and electives related to architecture and 44 hours outside of architectural studies either with general studies or social electives from the rest of the departmental curricula in YTU, or general studies in Urban Design and Planning Department. 8 hours of those studies are consisted of compulsory general studies on Language Skills in Turkish (TDB 1031 Turkish Language, TDB 1032 Turkish Language 2), and History of Modern Turkey (ATA1031 History of Modern Turkey 1, ATA1032 History of Modern Turkey 2), which are 2 ECTS credit hours each in the curriculum (Please refer to the Summary of Credit Hours and Sample Curriculum Track charts given below). 114 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 SUMMARY OF CREDIT HOURS (2013-2014 YTU CATALOGUE) Courses 8 Studios MIM1031 MIM1041 MIM1051 MIM1062 MIM1042 MIM1032 MIM1052 MIM2061 MIM2071 MIM2031 MIM2051 MIM2042 MIM2032 MIM3051 MIM3031 MIM3041 MIM3062 MIM3042 MIM3052 MIM3032 MIM4051 MIM4031 MIM4041 MIM4000 MAT1821 SBP3991 Lang. Skills & EN Lang. Skills TR History ENF1170 MIM1011, MIM1012, MIM2011, MIM2012, MIM3011, MIM3012, MIM4011, MIM4012 Architectural Presentation Techniques Basic Design Building Theory and Design 1 Building Theory and Design 2 Statics and Strength of Materials Building Materials Constructional Elements of Building 1 Computer-Aided Design History of Architecture 1 Structural Analysis in Architecture Constructional Elements of Building 2 History of Architecture 2 Structural System Design 1 History of Architecture 3 Building Physics 1 Structural System Design 2 History of Architecture 4 Building Physics 2 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry Analysis of Historical Buildings Conservation and Restoration Construction Management and Economics Installation Knowledge Graduation Thesis Professional Electives TOTAL PROFESSIONAL CREDIT HOURS Mathematics Urban Planning and Urban Development Law MDB1031, MDB1032, MDB2051, MDB3032 *TDB1031, TDB1032, * ATA1031, ATA1032 Social Electives Introductory Computer Sciences TOTAL NON-ARCHITECTURAL CREDIT HOURS TOTAL CREDIT HOURS FOR B.ARCH DEGREE (YTU) TOTAL CREDIT HOURS FOR B.ARCH DEGREE (NAAB) Units 46 4 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 0 22 124 3 2 10 4 ECTS 4 ECTS 18 3 36 + 8 ECTS 44 160 + 8 ECTS 150 *TDB 1031 Turkish Language 1 (2 ECTS Credits), TDB 1032 Turkish Language 2 (2 ECTS Credits), ATA1031 History of Modern Turkey 1 (2 ECTS Credits), ATA1032 History of Modern Turkey 2 (2 ECTS Credits), are compulsory non-architectural courses with 2 credit hours each, and are evaluated in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) 115 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 SAMPLE CURRICULUM TRACK (2013-2014) 1.Year - Fall Semester TDB1031 Turkish Language 1* MDB1031 Advanced English I MAT1821 Mathematics MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design ATA1031 Principles of Atatürk and History of Modern Turkey I * MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM1041 Basic Design 1.Year - Spring Semester MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 TDB1032 Turkish language 2 * ATA1032 Principles of Atatürk and History of Modern Turkey II * MDB1032 Advanced English II ELEC 1 Social Elective 1 MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM1042 Statics and Strength of Materials MIM1032 Building Materials MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 2.Year - Fall Semester MIM2061 Computer-Aided Design MDB2051 Reading and Speaking in English ELEC 2 Social Elective 2 MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM2071 History of Architecture 1 MIM2031 Structural Analysis in Architecture MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 MIM2001 Intership 1* 2.Year - Spring Semester ENF1170 Introductory Computer Sciences ELEC 3 Social Elective 3 MIM2042 History of Architecture 2 MIM2032 Structural System Design 1 ELEC 4 Social Elective 4 ELEC 5 Social Elective 5 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM2002 Intership 2* 3.Year - Fall Semester MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM3051 History of Architecture 3 MIM3031 Building Physics 1 MIM3041 Structural System Design 2 SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law AELEC 1 Elective 1 BELEC 2 Elective 2 CELEC 3 Elective 3 3.Year - Spring Semester MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM3062 History of Architecture 4 MIM3042 Building Physics 2 MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings AELEC 4 Elective 4 BELEC 5 Elective 5 CELEC 6 Elective 6 4.Year - Fall Semester MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM4001 Intership 3* MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics MIM4041 Installation Knowledge AELEC 7 Elective 7 BELEC 8 Elective 8 ELEC 6 Social Elective 6 4.Year - Spring Semester MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MDB3032 Business English CELEC 9 Elective 9 AELEC 10 Elective 10 BELEC 11 Elective 11 2 ECTS 3 3 6 2 ECTS 4 2 2 20 2 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 3 3 6 3 2 3 22 3 2 3 6 2 2 3 0 21 3 3 2 3 3 3 6 0 23 6 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 21 6 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 21 6 0 3 2 2 2 2 2 19 4 0 2 3 2 2 13 160 Program Total Local Credits *TDB 1031 Turkish Language 1 (2 ECTS Credits), TDB 1032 Turkish Language 2 (2 ECTS Credits) and ATA1031 History of Modern Turkey 1 (2 ECTS Credits), ATA1032 History of Modern Turkey 2 (2 ECTS Credits), MIM4000 Graduation Thesis (8 ECTS Credits), Internships 1-2-3 MIM2001, MIM2002, and MIM 2003 (3 ESTC Credits each), are compulsory courses and are evaluated in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) 116 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 General Studies To ensure a quality standard in education YTU offers 43 credit hours of nonarchitectural general studies and electives in different disciplines such as Mathematics, Language Skills both in English and Turkish, History and Social and Applied Sciences. Students in their freshman year are required to take MAT1821 Mathematics in fall semester and sequential courses respectively in fall and spring semesters that include MDB1031 Advanced English 1, MDB1032 Advanced English 2, TDB1031 Turkish Language 1, TDB1032 Turkish Language 2, ATA1031 History of Modern Turkey 1 and ATA1032 History of Modern Turkey 2. These freshman year courses add up to 17 credit hours that are expected to gear students with mathematical understanding and comprehensive skills in Turkish and English languages. General studies in DoA B.Arch. degree program continue the upcoming years as well, this time with more specified topics. In sophomore year, students are required to take MDB 2051 Reading and Speaking English in the fall semester and ENF1170 Introductory Computer Sciences in spring semester that are supposed to enhance students Language and Informatics practices. Then, in the fall semester of junior year, students are required to enroll in SBP3991 Urban Planning and Urban Development Law from the B.Arch. degree program of Urban Design and Planning program and finally in the spring semester of their senior year, they are required to take MDB3032 Business English that prepares them for their professional life in international business platforms. The sum of the sophomore, junior and senior year general studies sum is 9 credit hours. Electives (Non-Architectural) YTU's general education programs offer an integrated system that enable students to cross-select a list of electives from the curriculum of all the B.Arch. degree programs resident in the university's educational system. That is why the term social elective does not refer to the course content limited to Social Sciences, on the contrary it refers to a social medium where students find the opportunity to educate themselves in a multidisciplinary choice of courses from Social Sciences to Arts and Humanities, Performative Arts, Educational Sciences, Sports, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Naval and Maritime Studies. The multidisciplinary list of Bachelor Degree programs subject to Social Electives can be viewed from the link: EN The approved list of non-architectural electives, the social electives as named in the B.Arch. curriculum. The students start taking social electives in the spring semester of the freshman year and keep on taking them in the following semesters to come except for the junior year, which is spared for the professional electives. The total sum of the social electives is 17 credit hours. The summary of the dispersion chart of social electives in semesters and years can be observed below: Course Code ELEC 1 ELEC 2 ELEC 3 ELEC 4 ELEC 5 ELEC 6 Course name Social Elective 1 Social Elective 2 Social Elective 3 Social Elective 4 Social Elective 5 Social Elective 6 Year 1 2 2 2 2 4 Semester Spring Fall Spring Spring Spring Fall Total Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 2 17 117 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Electives (Professional) The lists and student performance criteria for courses subject to professional studies had been given previously. The electives on architectural studies and their configurational arrangement in the curriculum will be explained under this topic. In B.Arch. degree program DoA offers 3 groups of electives A, B, and C. Students start taking elective courses from the fall semester of the 3rd academic year and keep on taking them each semester until they are graduated. The total sum of the professional electives in Groups A, B, and C in the curriculum is 22 credit hours. There are 26 active courses in Group A electives for the students to choose from. The active courses indicate the stock of elective courses, the instructor, content, materials and resources of which is available in a given academic term. The departmental administration and the instructors of the courses decide together which active elective course will be in service of the students in the syllabus of that semester. Group A electives are consisted of courses with a varying content of Building Design and Architectural Design Methodologies that issue subjects such as free hand drawing, modeling, perspective and shadow, sketching techniques, environment and psychology, landscape design, typology, accessibility, forensic architecture, architectural animation, socio-cultural issues, sustainability, alternative energy use, coastal zone design and shape grammars. The general theme of the 33 active Group B electives is determined to be the Construction Technology and Management that issue varying subjects such as advanced concrete structures, steel structures, structural design in multi-storey buildings, earthquake factor in design, fire protection in buildings, timber usage, solar control, climatic building design, life cycle, building-health relation, facade systems, passive heating systems, room acoustics, interior color in design, standardization, modular coordination, project management, and construction site management, Group C electives are associated under the theme History and Conservation. There are 19 active Group C elective courses with subjects such as history of architectural thought, modernity problems in design and art, world architecture after 1970's, westernization period in Istanbul, space and history in cinema, interior decoration of 19th century buildings, history of construction, Turkish art, urban archeology, period of Sinan the architect, proportion in architecture, architectural photography, documentation in historical spaces, and the conservation of Turkish houses 118 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 The summary of the dispersion chart of professional electives of Group A, B, and C in semesters and years can be observed below: Course Code AELEC1 BELEC2 CELEC3 AELEC4 BELEC5 CELEC6 AELEC7 BELEC7 CELEC9 AELEC10 BELEC11 Course name Elective 1 Elective 2 Elective 3 Elective 4 Elective 5 Elective 6 Elective 7 Elective 8 Elective 9 Elective 10 Elective 11 Year 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Semester Fall Fall Fall Spring Spring Spring Fall Fall Spring Spring Spring Total Credit Hours 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 Assessment of Success In assessing a student’s performance in a course, the grade the student has scored during the semester work over a hundred and the grade the student has scored at the end of the semester over a hundred are taken into consideration. In measuring success, the weight of the grade during the semester is 60% and the weight of the final exam is 40%. Achievement Grade In determining a grade, relative evaluation system is used. Achievement Grade is designated as follows: The meanings of the achievement grades are defined as follows: Achievement Grade AA BA BB CB CC DC DD FD FF F0 Coefficient 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 Achievement Degree Excellent Very good Good Average Satisfactory Provisionally Successful Fail Fail Fail NA G: Pass K: Fail İ: Leave of Absence M: Exemption E: Incomplete The sufficiency terms for courses in general studies, professional studies and electives (architectural and non-architectural) is bound to the average grade of CC (2.0). If a student receives a grade of DC (1.5) then she/he is regarded as Provisionally Successful' in that course. All grades lower than DC (1.5) is regarded as 'Fail' for all courses. Students who receive the grade of DC (1.5) from a certain course is regarded as 'Conditionally Sufficient' and will not to be regarded as 'Sufficient' unless they receive at least a GPA of 2.0, or they will have to repeat the courses with DC (1.5) or lower grades. In bachelor degree programs of YTU, students with GPA lower than 2.0 within two consecutive semesters are not allowed to enroll in further semesters' courses (This rule is applied in 5th semester and henceforth) 119 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Onlısans ve Lısans Egıtım-Ogretım Yonetmelıgı (26_10_2014 tarıh ve 29157 sayılı R_G_ıle yayımlanan degısıklıgı ıceren son halı).doc TR For Architectural Design courses (MIM1011, MIM1012, MIM2011, MIM2012, MIM3011, MIM3012, MIM4011, MIM4012) students who receive a DC (1.5) can opt for provisional success or make a resit submission within the duration DoA announces. The terms of resit exams have been explained in the forth-coming paragraphs. Although there is no time limit to complete the B.Arch. degree program of YTU DoA; with the recent regulations issued by the Council of Higher Education of Turkey, when the formal 4 years of educational program is exceeded, the student will have to start paying tuition fees. G (Pass) indicates that the student has been successful/satisfactory in a course and not included in his GPA. K (Fail) indicates that the student has been unsuccessful/unsatisfactory in a course and not included in his GPA. I (Leave of Absence) indicates that the student has been unable to complete the requirements of a course because of sickness or some other valid reason pursuant to the relevant provision of this Regulation and is not included in GPA until it is transformed into an achievement grade. If this course is not completed the following semester in which the course is available, İ automatically turns into an FF. M (Exemption) indicates that the student have exemption for the previous program courses which are deemed equivalent to the courses offered in their new undergraduate program. Decision for the course exemption is made by the relevant faculty committee. The courses that student is exempt from are processed as a non-credit exemption and they are not included in the student’s GPA. Make-up, Resit and Graduation Exams A make-up exam is administered in place of a mid-term exam. In case of multiple make-up exams, the student can only sit in one of these exams. The provisions stipulated by the Senate apply to whether a student can sit in a make-up exam or how to administer a make-up exam. A make-up exam for the exams at the end of the semester won’t be allowed. The provisions regarding resit exams are as follows: For a student to be able to sit in a resit exam, he must have added the course at the beginning of the semester and must have fulfilled the requirements to be able to take this exam at the end of the semester. Students who have missed a resit exam cannot have a make-up exam for it. Students who have been unsuccessful or provisionally successful (not F0) can sit in resit exams. The score in a resit exam is considered a final at the end of the semester. An achievement grade is assigned at the end of a resit exam by taking the percentages of visas, assignments and the resit exam into consideration. A student who have missed a resit exam gets E (Incomplete) and remains as the achievement grade of the course. The resit achievement grades are included in semester grade average points. 120 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 The provisions regarding graduation exams are as follows: To be able to sit in a graduation exam, a student must have fulfilled the requirements to take the final exam at the end of the semester. The students who haven’t qualified for a graduation exam can’t sit in a make-up exam for this exam. The students who have to pass a maximum of two courses before their graduation are granted a graduation exam for the classes they have failed after the resit exam and within the period stated in the academic calendar. The students who are unable to graduate due to their GPA below 2.00 can take a graduation exam in two courses in which they have been provisionally successful. To be considered successful in a graduation exam, a student must get at least a CC. The grade taken in the exam takes the place of the achievement grade of the course. Visas and assignments aren’t included in the assessment. II.2.3.Curriculum Review and Development The design, review, development and operation of the B.Arch. degree program's curricular content have been defined by the YTU senate's regulatory text titled "YTU Regulation of Undergraduate Education" which can be viewed from the following link: Search=lisans TR The Senate of YTU is the highest authority for approval of the curricular content that addresses Dean of the Faculty as the position responsible with the review and development of the curricular content. Under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty the Departmental Board develops the curricular review and development practices. Departmental Board with eight members that contains Head of the Department, two Vice Heads, four Sub-department Chairs and the two representative members of the Research Assistants and Students who is elected from amongst every third year. The sub-department chairs represent four main disciplinary specialization domains: Building Theory, Construction Technologies, Restoration and Conservation, and Architectural History and Theory. The Departmental Board summons weekly to issue the letter of applications from students and academics and routine administrational work. Departmental Board arranges meetings each academic term with the students and the full-time instructional faculty separately as imposed by the Quality Coordinatorship of YTU and note the feedback received by the students and the academic staff. Quality Guidebook of YTU El Kitabı.docx TR in section 7.3 Design and Development defines the review and development of the courses referring to the procedural text 'PR-001The Design of the Educational Services and Development that can be viewed from the following link:ğitim-Öğretim Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi Prosedürü.doc TR Hizmetlerinin 121 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 5.2 section of 'PR-001The Design of the Educational Services and Development' procedures of the Quality Guidebook of YTU defines the practices to be applied in general. It consists of practices such as the definition of departmental qualifications, revisions of the curriculum and its contents, publication of the scientific researches of the academic faculty, and development of new Bachelor and Master’s degree courses. Curriculum review and development as described by the PR-001 procedures of the Quality Guidebook starting with the Definition of the Design Requirement in section 5.2 state that new Bachelor Degree course proposals and requirements are determined by the feedbacks received from the related unit's administrators, students, instructional faculty, and the real sector. Section 5.4 of PR-001 procedures draws an outline of the 'Definition of Inputs and Outcomes of the Curricular Developments'. This section defines the inputs concerning the curricular development as the requirements of the students, instructional faculty and the real sector, the physical conditions of the academic units such as classrooms, laboratories, etc., and the number of instructional faculty required by the course to be developed. In the same section, the outcomes of the curricular developments have been defined as the level of pleasantness, the level of preferences / enrollments of the students in the course to be developed. Section 5.7 of PR-001 procedures defines the Testability of the Curricular Review and Developments' Effectiveness. According to this procedure, measuring the satisfactions of the students, full-time instructional faculty and the related boards and commissions concerning the developed course tests the effectiveness of the course developments. Student satisfaction surveys, made at the end of each semester are used to test the effectiveness of the developed course or course content. As well as the student satisfaction surveys, meetings organized by the Departmental Board are also used to test the effectiveness of the course developments. On the condition that the student satisfaction surveys and evaluation of the Departmental Board require reviewing of the developed course, the necessary steps are taken in accordance with the PR-004 the Corrective and Pre-emptive Procedures for Incompliance Management which can be viewed in the following link: Düzeltici ve önleyici Faaliyetler Prosedürü_Rev00.pdf TR Yönetimi According to the section 5.7 of PR-001 procedures that define The Control of the Curriculum Review and Development, the curricular courses and their contents are revised and developed in line with the scientific and technological advancements and expectations of the business world. This is regarded as an obligation for the satisfaction of both our own students and of the institutions, which will employ them when they graduate. The procedures relating the review and if necessary the revisions of the courses are done in accordance with the IA-22 coded flow chart that describes 'Revisions of the Curriculum and Curricular Content' which can be downloaded from the following link:İA-122-Ders İçeriklerinin Güncellenmesi İş Akışı.doc TR Planları ve Ders The revisions and development on the curriculum are controlled by the feedbacks received from the students and Departmental Board to see whether or not the 122 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 changes in the curricular content have caused any incompliances. The following is the flowchart IA-122 that summarize the 'Revisions of the Curriculum and Curricular Content'İA-122-Ders İçeriklerinin Güncellenmesi İş Akışı.doc TR Planları ve Ders Flowchart IA-122 Revisions of the Curriculum and Curricular Content The USIS Network The curricular records of each individual student are kept by the web based Undergraduate Students Information System (USIS). The student can preview and keep a track of his/her curricular advance through this system. The faculty supervisors and the instructor of the courses can review the enrolled students; keep the record of the student's scores and their participation to the course. The contact information of each student is stored in USIS providing an email service from within its structure so that supervisors and instructors of the courses can communicate without having to leave the USIS screen. The USIS network has 3 different types of departmental authorization for: students, the faculty and the departmental administrators.. The rest of the authorization types allocated tor Dean's Secretariat, Student Office and other relevant offices and units provided by USIS will not be dealt with in this section. 123 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Expansion Schema of Departmental Authorization in USIS Network Survey Course Evaluation Survey Results (1) Graduation Exam Tasks Graduation Exam Student List (2) Student Graduation Exam Grade Preview (3) Resit Tasks Resit Student List (4) Student Resit Grade Preview (5) Visiting Students Documents Syllabus Faculty Weekly Course Program (7) Classroom Based Weekly Course Program (8) Student Weekly Course Program (9) Message Preview Message (10) Send e-mail to Class (11) Send e-mail to Student Groups (12) Compose Message (13) Graduation Tasks Student Graduation Grades List (14) Transfer Tasks Admitted Students List (15) Scholarship Tasks Granted Students List (16) Curriculum Curriculum Preview (17) Student Curriculum Preview (18) Administrator Tasks Faculty Course Demand Preview (19) Visiting Student Grade Table (6) Course Groups Activated by the Department (20) Faculty Course Load (21) Decions of Faculty Board Student Decision İnformation Preview (22) Student İnformation Documents Student Grade List (23) Student Lists GPA Success Ranks (24) Student Lists According to Admission Types (25) Students to Enroll in Graduation Thesis (26) Students to Repeat (27) Classroom Students List (28) Student GPA (29) Courses Student Enrolled (30) Student İnformation Preview (31) Supervisor Tasks Assign Supervisor to Student (32) Supervisor Student List (33) preview edit 124 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Expansion Schema of Departmental Authorization in USIS Network (continued) Course Tasks Exam Tasks Exam Grade List (34) Student's Exam Grade Preview (35) Department Final Exams Calendar Preview (36) Faculty Final Exam Calendar Preview (37) Student Final Exam Calendar Preview (38) Compose Final Exam Calendar (39) Course Grade Tasks Course Grade List (40) Course Preview for Unapproved Grades (41) Course Group Tasks Organize Group Instructor (42) Organize Active Courses to Departments (43) Organize Group İnformation (44) Update Group Capacities (45) Preview Group İnformation (46) Compose Group (47) Course Catalogue Tasks Preview Course Information (48) Student Numbers Failed (49) Course Student Lists (50) Course Success Rates (51) Service Courses Student List (52) Internship Tasks Preview Departmental Internship Types (53) Preview Student Internship Information (54) Student Internship Tasks (55) Exit preview edit The Departmental Administrators consisting of the Head of the Department, Vice Heads and the Executive Staff consisting of the Secretaries of the Department can preview the course evaluation survey results (1) filled out anonymously by the students at the end of each semester prior to their preview of the course success results. They can also preview the graduation exam student list (2), student graduation exam results (3), student graduation grades (14); resit exam student list (4) and grades of all available types of exams and the exam calendars (5, 6, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38). Using USIS program, Departmental Administrators and the Executives can screen the curricular content (17,18) weekly course program of the faculty (7); classroom based weekly course program (8) and each student's weekly course program (9). USIS program enables departmental administrators and executives to preview the emails sent in by the faculty and the students of DoA (10); list of the transfer students admitted 125 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 to DoA (15); and students granted with scholarships (16). USIS provides the Departmental Executes with the preview of the course demands of the faculty (19) and of the activated course groups (courses with the same content served by differing faculty) (20) and the preview of the faculty course loads (21). Using USIS screens Departmental executives can keep a track of the Faculty Board's decisions concerning the students (22); of the student grades (23); of the GPA success ranks of the students (24, 29); of the student list according to their admission types (DAE, VTE, FSE, Double Major etc.) (25); of the students enrolled in the Graduation Thesis (26) and other courses provided by the DoA (30), of the students who are expected to repeat (28) and of other relevant student data (31). Through the USIS screens Department can preview the supervisors assigned to the students (33), and course group information (46, 48). Depending on the number of students enrolled in a course, a number of course groups are scheduled either in the same time frame with different faculty or scheduled in different time frames with the same faculty in the syllabus. Departmental authorization in the USIS Network enables the departmental administrators and executives to preview the success rates of the students (49, 50, 51) and the service courses that are the non-architectural courses provided by the University's curricular network (52); and the Internship information concerning the students (53, 54, 55). Using USIS screens, departmental executives can edit information in the Network concerning the organization of course groups and their instructors (42, 43, 44) and arrange group capacities which involve the number of students that can enroll in a course depending on the classroom capacity and specifications (45, 47); and organize the exam calendars of the courses (39). USIS network enables the administrative and executive staff of the DoA to assign supervisors to each student and write e-mail messages to students and the faculty (11, 12, 13). USIS network provides an enhanced functional tool in gathering data relating the course, student and faculty based feedback in curricular content and development. The data gathered from the USIS database is used to determine and predict the capacities of the course groups each current and upcoming semester. The syllabus organization, exam calendars are all organized through the USIS network and all the information concerning the course groups, classroom student lists, exam lists and grading are managed through this system. The course evaluation survey the questionnaire and assessment of which were stated in Part I, Section 1.5 titled Self-Assessment Procedures, provides the required feedback in curricular review an development as mentioned above. The USIS network also provides information for the faculty and the students concerning the curriculum, course grades, exam calendar and other relevant data. The expansion schema of USIS Network screen for the faculty and student authorizations have been presented in the following pages. 126 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Expansion Schema of Faculty Authorization in USIS Network Curriculum View Curriculum (1) Resit Tasks Resit Student List (2) Administrator Tasks Courses Faculty Conducts (3) Student Information Documents Student Grade Tables (4) Student Lists (5) Student Info View (6) Supervisor Tasks Supervised Students' List (7) Syllabus Weekly Course Program of the Faculty (8) Weekly Course Program based on Classrooms (9) Course Tasks Exam Tasks Exam Grade List (10) Grade Input (11) Finals Calendar List (12) Final Calendar View for the Faculty (13) Course Grade Tasks Course Grade List (14) Course Grade Input (15) View Courses with Unapproved Grades (16) Course Group Tasks Course Group Information View (17) Course Catalogue Tasks Course Information View (18) Course Student List (19) Course Success Rates (20) Message Preview Messages (21) Send Group Messages to Students (22) Exit preview edit Faculty can preview: the current curriculum (1); the lists of the courses he/she instructs (3,17,18), and the list of the students enrolled in those courses (4,5,6,19), and of the students assigned under his/her supervision (7); weekly program of the courses he/she instructs (8,9); the exams he/she conducts, the exam calendar (12,13), exam lists (10), and the success rates of the courses he/she instructs (20), the email messages sent in to his /her account by the students and departmental administration Faculty can edit: the grades of the exams he /she conducts (1,14,15,16), group emails he/she sends to his/her current students (21, 22) 127 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Expansion Schema of Student Authorization in USIS Network Survey Course Evaluation Survey (1) Graduation Exam Tasks Student Graduation Exam Preview (2) Resit Tasks Student Resit Grade Preview (3) Syllabus Student Weekly Course Program (4) Message Message Preview (5) English Proficiency Proficiency Exam Results Preview (6) Curriculum Curriculum Preview (7) Student Curriculum Preview (8) Faculty Board Decisions Student Faculty Board Decisions Preview (9) Student İnformation Student GPA (10) Courses Taken by the Student (11) Student Information Preview (12) Course Tasks Exam Tasks Student Exam Grade Preview (13) Student Final Exam Calendar Preview (14) Course Group Tasks Course Group Information Preview (15) Courses Served to DoA (16) Course Catalogue Tasks Course Information Preview (17) İnternship Tasks Departmental Internship Types Preview (18) Student Internship Information Preview (19) Exit preview edit The USIS network student authorization enables students to fill out the course evaluation survey (1) and it is the only permit for students to edit the content in the system. The students have to complete the survey allocated for each of the course they enrolled prior to screening their exam grades (13). Using USIS network authorization students can preview the curriculum and course contents (7, 8,); their weekly course program and final exam calendar (4, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17); the graduation exam, and resit exam grades, English language proficiency exam results (2, 3, 6) and their GPA's (10). They can also preview the messages sent in to their account by the faculty or the department (5); the decisions (if any) that concern them in person taken by the Faculty Board (9). Finally through USIS, students can monitor their Internship prerequisites and the evaluation information of their Internship duties (19). 128 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 II.3. Evaluation of Preparatory/Pre-Professional Education As stated in the Section 2.1 Human Resources / Students, all applicants to the Department of Architecture must complete the University application within the given dates and submit it to the Dean's Secretariat along with the Departmental Allocation Exam (DAE) test scores. The transfer students, both lateral and vertical also apply with the required documents to the Dean's Secretariat. The allocated quota for the applicants of the DoA through DAE has been indicated in the I.3.1 Statistical Reports section. Students who apply DoA through DAE as indicated in the list of SAEC are enrolled in the relevant academic year. Transfer applications are evaluated by the transfer commissions as stated in the section I.2.2 Administrative Structure and Governance that are given below. TRANSFER COMMISSIONS INTERACADEMIC TRANSFER COMMISSION PROF.DR. LEYLA D. ÖZTÜRK (HEAD) ASSOC. PROF. DR. FERIDE ÖNAL ASSOC. PROF. DR. DENIZ GÜNEY ASSIST. PROF. DR. GÜVEN ŞENER ASSIST. PROF. DR. BANU ÇELEBİOĞLU INTERNAL TRANSFER COMMISSION ASSOC. PROF. DR. ÖMÜR BARKUL (HEAD) ASSIST. PROF. DR. GÖKÇE TUNA TAYGUN ASSIST. PROF. DR. DILEK EKŞİ AKBULUT DOUBLE MAJOR COMMISSION ASSOC. PROF. DR. YASEMEN S. ÖZER (HEAD) ASSOC. PROF. DR. TOLGA AKBULUT ASSOC. PROF. DR. CANDAN Ç. ÇITAK VERTICAL TRANSFER COMMISSION ASSOC. PROF. DR. Z. CANAN GİRGİN (HEAD) ASSOC. PROF. DR. AYNUR ÇİFTÇİ ASSIST. PROF. DR. ZAFER SAĞDIÇ Types of Student Transfers Internal Transfer (from within YTU) External Transfer (from Outside YTU) Vertical Transfer Exam (VTE) Turkic Republics Exam (TRE) Foreign Students Exam (FSE) Double Major Transfers from Department of Urban Design /YTU) Lateral Transfers Total Years 2013-2014 2012-2013 7 7 3 6 10 13 1 11 6 8 8 8 6 8 6 55 53 The number of transfer students with regard to their types of transfer, admitted to YTU DoA in academic years 2013-2014 and 2012-2013 are given in the table above. The transfer students, eligible for admission are subject to adaptation and equivalency rules and regulation, which are determined by the university senate. "Adaptation and Equivalency Rules and Regulation" can be found at the 129 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Documentation web page of the Office for Student Affairs that can be viewed in the following link: Ders Esdegerlık ve Intıbak Esasları (18_12_2014 tarıh ve 2014-06 sayılı Senato ıle degısen son halı).doc TR The transfer commissions also evaluate the adaptation and equivalencies of the preparatory and pre-professional courses of the students according to the regulation of the senate, which briefly remarks the following statements: The student presents his/her written will with a letter to the department concerning the course equivalencies until the end of the first week of the academic semester his/her admission is due. Following documents signed, stamped and sealed by the Dean's Secretariat, the Institute or the Student Office Directorate must be appended to the admitted transfer student's letter: Curriculum (showing the credit hours: Theory/Practice/Lab/Total), Course Contents (Aim, Content and Syllabus), Transcript, Portfolio may or may not be required depending on the student's request for equivalency to Architectural Design courses. Departmental Equivalency Commissions evaluate the letters from the transfer students and its appendices within one week. The equivalency forms are created based on each individual student. The Faculty Executive Board approves the evaluated forms. For a course to be evaluated as equivalent should have a minimum grade of 2.00 over 4.00. If multiple courses are found equivalent to a single course, then the average of the GPA's of those courses are taken into consideration. If the course proposed by the student for equivalency to more than one courses in YTU DoA is approved, then the grade of the equivalent course is considered as is for all the equivalent courses in YTU DoA. Credit hours of the course and course contents are taken into consideration in the evaluation of the course equivalencies. Credit hours of the proposed course should be at least 65% of that of the potentially equivalent course in YTU DoA. Content of the proposed course should at least be 75% similar to that of the potentially equivalent course in YTU DoA. The semester transfer students can enroll in is determined by the transferred credit hours. The student can enroll in a certain semester course, if the transferred credit hours of the equivalent courses of that student exceed the half of the sum of the credit hours of the actual and the previous semesters he/she wants to enroll in. The transfers can be made to the fall semesters of the academic years. The credit hours of the courses the students are exempt from cannot exceed 50% of the total credit hours of the courses in the curriculum. If the credit hours of the equivalent courses the student is regarded exempt from exceeds 50% of the total credit hours of the courses in the curriculum, then the courses with the highest scores are taken into consideration. The transfer students cannot graduate without taking half of the credit hours stated in curriculum of YTU DoA. Issues that are not covered by the principles given above are considered within and brought to decision by the Faculty Executive Board in line with the advices of the Departmental Equivalency Commission. 130 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 The following conversion table is used for the transferred grades. Transferred Grade YTU Grade Correspondence Transferred Grade YTU Grade Correspondence Alpha Numeric Alpha Numeric % Alpha Numeric A 4.00 AA 4.00 90-100 AA 4.00 A3.70 AA 4.00 80-89 BA 3.50 B+ 3.30 BA 3.50 70-79 BB 3.00 B 3.00 BB 3.00 60-69 CB 2.50 B2.70 BB 3.00 53-59 CC 2.00 C+ 2.30 CB 2.50 48-52 DC 1.50 C 2.00 CC 2.00 40-47 DD 1.00 C1.70 CC 2.00 30-39 FD 0.50 D+ 1.30 DC 1.50 0-29 FF 0.00 D 1.00 DD 1.00 Absent F0 0.00 F 0.00 FF 0.00 F0 Absent F0 0.00 Transferred Grade YTU Grade Successful * G Correspondence Sufficient * G Exempt (M)* M Alpha Numeric Incomplete* K A1 AA 4.00 Fail* K * Used when there is no grade record A2 BA 3.50 available and the credit hour and course B1 BB 3.00 content is equivalent. B2 CB 2.50 C1 CC 2.00 C2 DC 1.50 D1 DD 1.00 D2 FD 0.50 F1 FF 0.00 F2 FF 0.00 F3 FF 0.00 131 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 II.4. Public Information II.4.1. Statement on Substantially Equivalent Degrees The following statement appears on YTU DoA's website at the following location: EN Statement on NAAB Substantial Equivalency The term “substantial equivalency” identifies a program as comparable in educational outcomes in all significant aspects, and indicates that it provides an educational experience meeting acceptable standards, even though such program may differ in format or method of delivery. The designation is valid for six years beginning 1 January of the year in which the final visit (Visit 3) took place. In order to maintain the designation, the program must be visited again in the sixth year of the designation. Yıldız Technical University, Department of Architecture has received the substantial equivalency designation from the National Architectural Accrediting Board for the following professional degree program or sequence: Bachelor of Science in Architecture – II.4.2.Access to NAAB Conditions and Procedures Copies of the NAAB Conditions and Procedures can be downloaded from : NAAB Conditions for Substantial Equivalency 2012 NAAB Procedures for Substantial Equivalency 2014 II.4.3. Access to Career Development Information YTU DoA website offers links to career development information as well as documents to download at the following link: TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR 132 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 II.4.4. Public Access to APRs and VTRs A copy of this APR will be located in the YTU/Yıldız Şevket Sabancı Library on completion. Copies of APR and VTR are available by request in the Main Office of the YTU DoA. The APR can be downloaded from our website: EN 133 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1. Course Descriptions COMPULSORY COURSES Number & Title of Course: TDB1031, Turkish Language 1, 0 credits Course Description: History and basic rules of Turkish language, reading exemplary literary and scientific texts. Course Goals & Objectives : Structure of Turkish and acquisition of basic grammar rules, comprehension of reading texts, expanding learners’ vocabulary knowledge. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.1. Communication Skills Topical Outline: Homework Assignments ( 30% ) Mid-Terms ( 30% ) Final ( 40% ) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Yusuf Çotuksöken, Üniversite Öğrencileri İçin Uygulamalı Türk Dili 1. ve 2. Cilt, Papatya Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2001. Doğan Aksan, Türkiye Türkçesinin Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını, Bilgi Yayınları, İstanbul 2000. T. Nejat Gencan, Dilbilgisi, Ayraç Yayınları, Ankara. Doğan Aksan, Türkçenin Sözvarlığı, Engin Yayınları, Ankara. Doğan Aksan, Türkçenin Gücü, Bilgi Yayınevi, 4. Basım, Ankara 1997. Ömer A. Aksoy, Dil Yanlışları, Adam Yayıncılık, İstanbul 1999. Feyza Hepçilingirler, Türkçe “Off”, Remzi Yayınları. Talat Tekin-Mehmet Ölmez, Türk Dilleri/ Giriş, Simurg Yayınları, İstanbul 1999. Dil Derneği, Yazım Kılavuzu, 4. Baskı, Ankara 2000. Necmiye Alpay, Türkçe Sorunları Kılavuzu, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul 2000. Doğan Aksan, Şiir Dili ve Türk Şiir Dili, Engin Yayıncılık, Ankara Offered: st st 1 year 1 semester Faculty assigned : Hilal TUFAN, Beyazıt KAHRAMAN,Cemile İNAN, Feride Feyza HEPÇİLİNGİRLER, Fethi Murat DOĞAN, Arzuhan KOCABAŞ, Ayşe Serpil BAYTAŞ, Zeliha ÇELEN BOZTİLKİ, Musa TUFAN, Nurgül KARAYAZI, Yusuf OLGUN 134 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MDB1031, Advanced English 1, 3 credits Course Description : Reading strategies Paragraph Organization Up-to-date texts that improve students’ world knowledge Vocabulary exercises. Course Goals & Objectives : Students will be able to: use different reading strategies, skim a text and comprehend the main idea, scan a text to find some specific information, differentiate facts and opinions, identify main idea and supporting details, make inferences, guess the meaning of words from context, answer open-ended questions and discuss the topic in the target language. Students will be able to produce coherent paragraphs by writing topic sentences and supporting details. Students will be able to write their opinions about the texts. Students will be able to accurately pronounce the target vocabulary and will be able to make sentences with them. Student Performance Criterion addressed: A.1. Communication Skills Topical Outline : Mid-Terms ( 60% ) Final ( 40% ) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Material compiled by lecturers of Modern Languages Department Offered : st st 1 year 1 semester Faculty assigned : Talha Ağyar Altunay, Sanem Alpaslan, Munevver Kalaz 135 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MAT1821, Mathematics, 3 credits Course Description : Matrice and Determinant, Vectors, Functions, Trigonometric functions Limit and Contiunity in the one variable functions, Derivative and Applications of derivatives, Sketching the graph, Definite integral. Course Goals & Objectives : To be firmed of cultural of general mathematics 2.To improve the abstract thinking which is based on analysis Student Performance Criterion addressed : A-8 Ordering System Skills Topical Outline : Mid-Terms (40 %) Final (60 %) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Thomas’ Calculus, 12th Edition, G.B Thomas, M.D.Weir, J.Hass and F.R.Giordano, AddisonWesley, 2012. Thomas Kalkulus (cilt 1) ,George B. Thomas ,Maurica D. Weir Joel R. Hass , Çeviri Editörü Mustafa Bayram , 2011, Ankara. Calculus: A Complete Course, Robert A. Adams,C Essex 7th Edition,Addison Wesley Longman Toronto 2010. Offered : st st 1 year 1 semester Faculty assigned : Oya Baykal, Serpil Şengül, Yonca Turgut 136 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 1011, Introduction to Architectural Design, 6 credits Course Description : The course introduces the basic principles of architectural design, makes students gain a view on how a problem can be defined in the process of architectural design. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn principles of basic design, architectural representation and communication skill, integration of knowledge related to location and dimensions of human in space. • Students will learn composition skill, theories of aesthetic, representations of the 3D objects on 2D plane. • Students will improve and represent the comments related to the features of the design problem, environmental datas and designer’s choses. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.3. Visual Communication Skills C.2. Human Behaviour Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Alejandro Bahamon (2008), Sketch: Houses, Loft Publications Bertelsmann Fachverlag (1970), Bauentwurfslehre, Bertelsmann Fachverlag Publishing Charles G. Ramsey, Harold R. Sleeper (2000), Architectural Graphic Standarts, Wiley and Sons Elissa Aalto (1990), Alvar Aalto, Editions d'architecture Artemis Francis D.K. Ching (2004), İç Mekan Tasarımı, Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yayınları / MIMarlık Dizisi John F. Pile (2002), Interior Design, Prentice Hall College Div Joseph De Chiara (2001), Time Saver Standards for Building Types, McGraw-Hill Kenneth Frampton (2005), Campo Baeza (Light is More), Tf Editions Necati İnceoğlu (1995), Düşünme ve Anlatım Aracı Olarak Eskizler, Helikon Offered : st st 1 year 1 semester Faculty assigned : Selim Ökem 137 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : ATA1031, Principles of Atatürk and History of Modern Turkey I, 2 credits Course Description : Basic political, economic, social and cultural facts of the historical period beginning by the classical age of the Ottoman Empire and ending by the signing of Lausanne Treaty in 1923 - the fundamental academic interpretations on them. Course Goals & Objectives : To inform students about essential political, economic, social and cultural facts of the historical period from the late eighteenth century through the signing of Lausanne Treaty in 1923; in other words, to inform them about the background of these facts in the course of the transition from the Ottoman Empire to the establishment of republican Turkey. To provide students with some examples of a multi-layered point in order to make them able to approach historical events in a multi-dimensional way. Topical Outline : Homework Assignments (30 %) Mid-Terms (30 %) Final (40 %) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Derleme Ders Notu Georg Iggers, “Giriş”, Yirminci Yüzyılda Tarihyazımı içinde, s. 1-21 Donald Quateert, “Osmanlı Tarihini incelemek Neden Gereklidir ?”, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu içinde, s. 25-41 Eric Jan Zürcher, “Giriş: Dönemleme, Kuram ve Yöntem”, Modernleşen Türkiye’nin Tarihi içinde, s.11-20 Eric Jan Zürcher, “Onsekizinci Yüzyıl Sonunda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu”, Modernleşen Türkiye’nin Tarihi içinde,s 23-38 Niyazi Berkes, “İç ve Dış Engeller”, Türkiye’de Çağdaşlaşma içinde,s. 65-80 Peter Burke, Tarih ve Toplumsal Kuram, s. 129-137 Eric Jan Zürcher, “Gelenek ve Bid’at Arasında”, Modernleşen Türkiye’nin Tarihi içinde, s. 39-77 Şerif Mardin, “Tanzimat Fermanı’nın Manası”, Türkiye’de Toplum ve Siyaset içinde, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, s. 288-310. İlber Ortaylı, “Osmanlı Tarihinde Bab-ı Ali Asrı”, İmparatorluğun en Uzun Yüzyılı içinde, s. 77-107 Sultan II. Abdülhamit Saltanatı”, Modernleşen Türkiye’nin Tarihi içinde, s. 109-136 Eric Jan Zürcher, “İkinci Meşrutiyet Dönemi”, Modernleşen Türkiye’nin Tarihi içinde, s. 139-186 Zafer Toprak, “Milli İktisat”, Tanzimat’tan Cumhuriyet’e Ansiklopedisi içinde, s. 740-747. Eric Jan Zürcher, “İdeolojik Tartışmalar”, Modernleşen Türkiye’nin Tarihi içinde, s. 186-193 Gökçen-Faruk Alpkaya, “I. Dünya Savaşı”, 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve Türkiye Tarihi içinde, s. 71-79. Toktamış Ateş, “Savaş Dönemi”, Türk Devrim Tarihi içinde, s. 71-159 Taner Timur, “Milli Kurtuluş Savaşı”, Türk Devrimi ve Sonrası içinde, Ankara: İmge Yayınevi, s. 13-61. Ahmet Mumcu, ‘Kurtuluş Savaşı’nın Bitişi (Mudanya Ateşkes Antlaşması / Saltanatın Kaldırılması /Lozan Antlaşması), Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi I içinde, Eskişehir: Açıköğretim Fak. Yay., s. 212-233. Offered : st st 1 year 1 semester Faculty assigned : Ercan Karakoç, Eray Veli, Neslihan Erkan, Mehmet Beşikçi, Gülsema Lüyer, Zafer Doğan 138 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 1031, Architectural Presentation Techniques, 4 credits Course Description : The definition of architectural tools and using principles. Descriptive geometry: projection concepts, projections of points, lines, planes and various objects and their relations with each other. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn Architectural drawing and presentation techniques - 2 and 3 dimensional drawings(technical drawing). • Students will develop skills in architectural design through 2-3 dimensional geometrical architectural elements(descriptive geometry). Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.3. Visual Communication Skills A.8. Ordering Systems Skills Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Ching F.D.R., Design Drawing,John Wiley&Sons, 1997. Şahinler,O.-Kızıl, F.,MIMarlıkta Teknik Resim, İDSGA, 1975. Düzgün, Ali, “TASARI GEOMETRİ”, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2009. Offered : st st 1 year 1 semester Faculty assigned : İbrahim Başak Dağgülü 139 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 1021, Building Theory and Design 1, 2 credits Course Description : Architectural concepts and components of architecture, human dimensions, user requirements, human-environment relationships, architectural planning process, house concept. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn building theoretical background on architectural concepts and coponents of architecture and explainning planning process. • Students will improve on analyzing relations between human requirements, the built environment and realizing house concept. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.5.Investigative Skills B.2. Accessibility C.2. Human Behavior Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Kıran, A., Polatoğlu, Ç., Bina Bilgisine Giriş, YTÜ, 2011 Kuban, D., MIMarlık Kavramları, YEM Yayınevi, 1998. Fundamentals of Architecture, L.Farrelly Rasmussen, S. E., Yaşanan MIMari, Remzi kitabevi, 2010. Özer, B., Kültür-Sanat, MIMarlık, YEM Yayınevi, 1986. İzgi, U., MIMarlıkta Süreç: Kavramlar-İlişkiler, YEM Yay.,1999. Güvenç, B., İnsan ve Kültür, Remzi Kitabevi, 1974. Sanatın Öyküsü, Gombrich MIMarlığın Öyküsü, L. M. Roth Görsel MIMarlık sözlüğü, Gavin Ambrose Offered : st st 1 year 1 semester Faculty assigned: Çiğdem Polatoğlu, Ferah Akıncı, Tolga Akbulut 140 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 1041, Basic Design, 2 credits Course Description : Definition of the elements of basic design and the principles that help determine the definition in visual perception, figure - ground relations, definitions of the principles of basic design. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn the fundamental concepts of architectural design and developing design skills through exercises. • Students will improve on graphical presentation, formal composition systems and design skills. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.3. Visual Communication Skills A.8. Ordering Systems Skills Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Güngör, H., Temel Tasar (Görsel sanatlar ve MIMarlık için), Esen Ofset Matbaası, Istanbul, 2005. Maitland, The Art of Colour and Design, McGraw-Hill, NY,1951 Bilgi Denel, Temel Tasarım ve Yaratıcılık, ODTÜ, 1981 Divanlioglu, D., Temel Tasar-Tasar' in Öge ve İlkeleri, Birsen Yayinevi, Istanbul, 1997 Ching, F.,D.,K., MIMarlık, Biçim, Mekan ve Düzen, Sevgi Lökçe, Yem Yayınları, İstanbul Eylül 2002 Farrelly, L., Fundamentals of Architecture, Academia, AVA Publishing, 2007 Rasmussen, S.E., Experiencing Architecture, MIT Press, 1964. (Remzi Kitabevi,2010) Offered : st st 1 year 1 semester Faculty assigned : Çiğdem Polatoğlu, Aslı Sungur Ergenoğlu 141 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 1022, Building Theory and Design 2, 2 credits Course Description : Researching, discussing the research methodologies necessary for the formation of the environment and the design of the existing surrounding in accordance with the sociological, psychological needs. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn how to research necessary knowledge, method and techniques for design of existing and new environments according to human requirements. • Students will learn the influences of the built environment datas at architectural design; urban and building-scale. Student Performance Criterion addressed: A.6. Fundamental Design Skills B.1. Pre-Design B.3. Sustainability Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Brown G. Z., Sun, Wind and Light; Architectural Design Strategies, Willey, 2000 Offered : st nd 1 year 2 semester Faculty assigned : Ayhan Böyür, Yasemen Say Özer, Tan Kamil Gürer, Ömür Barkul, Feride Pınar Arabacıoğlu 142 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : TDB1032, Turkish language 2, 0 credits Course Description : Reading sample literary and contemporary texts. Oral and written expression. Course Goals & Objectives : Correct use of Turkish, reading the professional and extraprofessional texts, successful oral and written expression. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.1. Communication Skills Topical Outline : Homework Assignments ( 30% ) Mid-Terms ( 30% ) Final ( 40% ) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Class notes - Yusuf Çotuksöken, Üniversite Öğrencileri İçin Uygulamalı Türk Dili 1. ve 2. Cilt, Papatya Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2001. - Hikmet Altınkaynak, Sorularla Türk Dili I-II, Som Kitap, İstanbul 2010 - Macit Gökberk, Değişen Dünya-Değişen Dil, YKY, İstanbul 1997. - T. Nejat Gencan, Dilbilgisi, Ayraç Yayınları, Ankara. - Doğan Aksan, Türkçenin Gücü, Bilgi Yayınevi, 4. Basım, Ankara 1997. - Ömer A. Aksoy, Dil Yanlışları, Adam Yayıncılık, İstanbul 1999. - Feyza Hepçilingirler, Dedim “Ah”, Remzi Yayınları. - Dil Derneği Yazım Kılavuzu, 4. Baskı, Ankara 2000. - Necmiye Alpay, Türkçe Sorunları Kılavuzu, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul 2000. - Doğan Aksan, Şiir Dili ve Türk Şiir Dili, Engin Yayıncılık, Ankara. Offered: st nd 1 year 2 semester Faculty assigned : Hilal TUFAN, Beyazıt KAHRAMAN,Cemile İNAN, Feride Feyza HEPÇİLİNGİRLER, Fethi Murat DOĞAN, Arzuhan KOCABAŞ, Ayşe Serpil BAYTAŞ, Zeliha ÇELEN BOZTİLKİ, Musa TUFAN, Nurgül KARAYAZI, Yusuf OLGUN 143 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : ATA1032, Principles of Atatürk and History of Modern Turkey II, 2 credits Course Description : Basic political, economic, social and cultural facts of the historical period beginning from 1923 to the present; fundamental academic interpretations on them. Course Goals & Objectives : To inform students about political, economic, social and cultural facts of the historical period beginning from 1923 to the present. To provide students with some significant examples of a multi-layered point of view in evaluating historical events. With an interdisciplinary perspective, to introduce to students some basic theoretical concepts, discussions and methods of thought of different social sciences, with particular emphasis on history. Topical Outline : Homework Assignments ( 30% ) Mid-Terms ( 30% ) Final ( 40% ) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Derleme Ders Notu / Syllabus Eric Hobsbawm, “Kuşbakışı 20. Yüzyıl”, Kısa 20 Yüzyıl: Aşırılıklar Çağı içinde , s. 13-31 Cemil Koçak, “Siyasal Tarih: 1923-1950”, Çağdaş Türkiye 1908-1980 içinde,s. 85-154 Şerif Mardin, “Atatürkçülüğün Kökenleri”, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Ansiklopedisi içinde, s. 86-88 Tarık Zafer Tunaya, “Atatürkçülük”, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Ansiklopedisi içinde, s. 89-90 Toktamış Ateş, “Atatürkçülük Bir İdeoloji midir?”, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Ansiklopedisi içinde, s. 91-93 Seçil Deren,”Kültürel Batılılaşma”, Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce: Modernleşme ve Batıcılık içinde,s.382-402 Korkut Boratav, “Türkiye’de Devletçilik”, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Ansiklopedisi içinde, s. 412418 Ahmet Mumcu, “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Dış Siyaseti”, Atatürk İlkeleri inkılap Tarihi içinde, s. 302-319 İlkay Sunar, “Demokrat Parti ve Popülizm”, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Ansiklopedisi içinde, s. 2076-2086 Eric Jan Zürcher, “İkinci Türkiye Cumhuriyeti: 1960-1980”, Modernleşen Türkiye’nin Tarihi içinde, s. 351-404 Murat Belge, “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Sosyalizm (1960’dan Sonra)” Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Ansiklopedisi içinde, s. 1955-62. Zafer Toprak, “1968’i Yargılamak ya da ’68 Kuşağına Mersiye”, Cogito 14, s. 154–159. Tanıl Bora & Kemal Can, “12 Eylül Öncesi Ülkücü Hareket”, Devlet Ocak Dergâh içinde ,s. 43–79 Çağlar Keyder, “İktisadi Gelişmenin Evreleri”, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Ansiklopedisi içinde, s. 1065-1073 Mübeccel Kıray, “Türk Toplumunda Yapısal Değişme”, Toplumsal Yapı Toplumsal Değişme içinde, s. 332-341 Offered: st nd 1 year 2 semester Faculty assigned : Ercan Karakoç, Eray Veli, Neslihan Erkan, Mehmet Beşikçi, Gülsema Lüyer, Zafer Doğan (Instructors) 144 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MDB1032, Advanced English II, 3 credits Course Description : Grammar exercises related to conjunctions and adjectives Audio and visual texts for students with different learning types Rewriting exercises Paragraph Organization Up-to-date texts that improve students’ world knowledge Vocabulary exercises Course Goals & Objectives : Students will be able to: use different reading strategies, skim a text and comprehend the main idea, scan a text to find some specific information, differentiate facts and opinions, identify main idea and supporting details, make inferences, guess the meaning of words from context, answer open-ended questions and discuss the topic in the target language. Students will be able to produce coherent paragraphs by writing topic sentences and supporting details. Students will be able to write their opinions about the texts. Students will be able to accurately pronounce the vocabulary items and will be able to make sentences with them. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.1. Communication Skills Topical Outline : Mid-terms (60 %) Final (40 %) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Material compiled by lecturers of Modern Languages Department Offered : st nd 1 year 2 semester Faculty assigned : Talha Ağyar Altunay, Sanem Alpaslan, Munevver Kalaz (Instructor) 145 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 1012, Architectural Design 1, 6 credits Course Description : The experimentation of design process of ‘a building’ that interacts with place, functionality of sheltering according to the place-building-space relationships, material + structure + performance criteria. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will design for the development of research skills. • Students will use of this information in the development of the design. • Students will learn the design and implementation of the design space. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.5. Investigative Skills B.1. Pre-Design B.4. Site Design Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: Introduction to Architectural Design Textbooks/Learning Resources: Arrayo, Salvador Perez, Atena, Rossano, Kebel, Igor, Emerging Technologies and Housing Prototypes, Rotterdam: Berlage Institute. Offered: st nd 1 year 2 semester Faculty assigned : Birgül Çolakoğlu 146 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 1042, Statics and Strenght of Materials, 3 credits Course Description : Principles of forces, free body concept, support conditions, internal forces of structural elements, analysis of statically determinate structures, basic concepts of stress, tension, compression, flexure, shear, bending, torsion, dimensional determination of elements of different stress conditions. Course Goals & Objectives : To instruct the student on assessment of internal force flow of statically determinate systems and dimension the cross-section of structural elements. Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.9. Structural Systems Topical Outline : Homework Assignments ( 20% ) Mid-terms (40 %) Final (40 %) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Prof. Dr. Mehmet H. Omurtag, Statik ve Mukavemet, Nobel Yayınevi, 2010 - Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bakioğlu, Doç. Dr. Ünal Aldemir, Doç. Dr. Abdül Hayır, Statik Çözümlü Problemler, Birsen Yayınevi, 2007. - Doç. Dr. Necla Kadıoğlu, Prof. Dr. Hasan Engin, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bakioğlu,Mukavemet Problemleri Cilt I, Cilt II, Birsen Yayınevi, 2004. Offered : st nd 1 year 2 semester Faculty assigned : Deniz Güney, Zehra Canan Girgin, Zafer Kütüğ Ali Osman Kuruşçu, Mustafa Esat Güneş (Assistants) 147 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 1032, Building Materials, 2 credits Course Description : The quotation of need, definition, development, Standard, regulations, internal structures and properties of building materials and according to this, natural stone, timber, metals, ceramics, glass, limegypsum, plaster-cement, aggregate, mixtures, polymers, paints, isolation products. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of this course is to identify the properties of the basic materials which have been used in buildings and the increasing and developing building products according to recent technologies devoted to design and application and to provide these materials to be known and to be selected according to their area of usage in the content of architectural education program. Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.12.Building Materials and Assemblies Topical Outline : Homework Assignments ( 20% ) Presentations/Jury (10%) Mid-terms (30 %) Final (40 %) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Saraylı, M. A., Yapı Malzemeleri Bilimi, Tanımlar ve Özelikler; Çözülmüş Örneklerle, I. Kısım, İstanbul, Kutulmus, 1978. Eriç, M., Yapı Fiziği ve Malzeme, İstanbul, Literatür, 1994. Onaran, K., Malzeme Bilimi, İstanbul, Bilim Teknik Yayınevi, 1997. Toydemir, N., Gürdal, E., Tanaçan, L., Yapı Elemanları Tasarımında Malzeme, İstanbul, Literatür, 2000. Balanlı, A., Yapıda Ürün Seçimi, İstanbul, YÜMFED Yayını, No: 4, 1997. Offered : st nd 1 year 2 semester Faculty assigned : Erkan Avlar, Zafer Akdemir, Dilek Ekşi Akbulut (Instructor) Ezgi Korkmaz, Polat Darçın (Assistants) 148 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 1052, Constructional Elements of Building 1, 3 credits Course Description : Structural definitions, concepts, classifications of buildings, building loads and the principals about their transmission to soil, examination methods, foundation systems of solid block and skeleton construction, walls and arches, vaults, domes, floors, stairs. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of this course is to cover the components of a building such as soil, foundations, walls, floors, stairs etc. and to design and solve problems of building components which take place during all stages of construction. Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.12.Building Materials and Assemblies Topical Outline : Homework Assignments (20%) Mid-Terms (40%) Final (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Allen, E., Joseph, I., Fundamentals of Building Construction-Materials and Methods, John Wiley - Avlar, E., Yapılarda Su ve Nem Korunumu, İstanbul, YTU Basım Yayın Merkezi, 2000. - Balanlı, A., Duvarlar, Ders notu, 1992. - Ching, F.D.K., Adams, C,., Çizimlerle Bina Yapım Rehberi, John Wiley - Çelebi, R., Yapı Elemanları 1-2, Ebru Tanıtım Matbaa, 1990. - Pietro, S. S. and P. Gallo, Stairs Scale, Milano, Edizioni L’Archivolto, 2002. - TS 500, Betonarme Yapıların Tasarım ve Yapım Kuralları, Ankara, 2000. - Türkçü, Ç., Yapım, TMMOB İzmir Şubesi Yayınları, 1997. - Yücesoy, L., Temeller, Duvarlar, Döşemeler, YEM Yayın, İstanbul, 2001. Offered : st nd 1 year 2 semester Faculty assigned : Sevgül Limoncu, Gökçe Tuna Taygun (Instructor) Ezgi Korkmaz, Polat Darçın (Assistants) 149 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 2061, Computer-Aided Design, 3 credits Course Description : Basic principles of CAD. 2D and 3D architectural design compatible programs. Introduction to presentations options using multimedia programs. 3D modelling techniques and 3D print options. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn CAD and BIM Softwares methods. • Students will improve on Methods and techniques of drawing specialize in Digital Environment. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.3. Visual Communication Skills A.8. Ordering Systems Skills Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE, Kunwoo Lee, 1999. Expert CAD Management: The Complete Guide, Robert Green, 2007. Digital Culture in Architecture: An Introduction for the Design Professions, Antoine Picon, 2010. BIM for Building Owners and Developers, K. P. Reddy, 2012. Creativity Vs. Logic: Parametric Design In The Architectural Realm, Kathy Wong, 2011. Introducing Revit Architecture 2010: BIM for Beginners, Tatjana Dzambazova, Greg Demchak, Eddy Krygiel, 2009. BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors / Edition 2,Chuck Eastman, Paul Teicholz, Rafael Sacks, Kathleen Liston, 2011. Digital Architecture Now, Neil Spiller,2009. Offered : nd rd 2 year 3 semester Faculty assigned : Togan Tong 150 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MDB 2051,Reading and Speaking in English, 2 credits Course Description : Update texts (media, education, business life, population change and its effects, designing everyday life etc…) Exercises for improving the ability to use vocabulary and new words Discussion and interview. Course Goals & Objectives : Students will be able: To analyse texts in relation to the daily topics with different reading strategies To improve students’ oral skills in English and to enable them to express their thoughts and opinions appropriately To enable students to interpret texts on their own and to convey their opinions individually or in group activities Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.1. Communication Skills Topical Outline : Presentations/Jury ( 30 % ) Mid-terms (30 %) Final (40 %) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: “Making Connections Intermediate- A Strategic Approach to Academic Reading”, Jo McEntire, Jessica Williams. 2009, Cambridge University Press. Internet and voice dictionaries Offered : nd rd 2 year 3 semester Faculty assigned : Talha Ağyar Altunay, Sanem Alpaslan, Munevver Kalaz (Instructor) 151 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 2011, Architectural Design 2, 6 credits Course Description : In the direction of environmental factors and needs of occupants, design of a storied building which has a limited program and includes physical environment analysis. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn how to determine an architectural problem. • Students will improve on gathering the required information, combination, evaluation and development. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.4. Technical Documentation B.4. Site Design Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: Architectural Design 1 Textbooks/Learning Resources: Offered : nd rd 2 year 3 semester Faculty assigned : Ayşe Balanlı, Erkan Avlar, Zafer Akdemir, S. Müjdem Vural, Sevgül Limoncu, Gökçe Tuna Taygun, Dilek Ekşi Akbulut 152 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 2071, History of Architecture 1, 2 credits Course Description : Development of architecture (Prehistory-Early Christianity) Course Goals & Objectives : Development of architecture (Prehistory-Early Christianity) Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.9. Historical Traditions and Global Culture Topical Outline : Course Hours (45,7%) Study Hours Out of Class (45,7%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration+Examination Prep. Duration) ( 5,7%) Final (Examination Duration+Examination Prep. Duration) (2,8%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind (Basic Books, 1983, 2004) Leland, M.Roth, MIMarlığın Oykusu, Kabalci Yayinevi:160, Başvuru Dizisi:6, İstanbul, 2000. Unsal, Behcet, MIMarlik Tarihi I (İYTO Yayınları, Sayı 53, İstanbul, 1967. Offered : nd rd 2 year 3 semester Faculty assigned : Nuket Tuncer , Nuran Kara Pilehvarian, Gül Akdeniz 153 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 2031, Structural Analysis in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : Analysis of statically indeterminate systems using cross analyzing method, load analysis, dispersion and superposition of the loads on the free body. Static analysis of the systems under imposed loads. Course Goals & Objectives : Analyzing statically indeterminate systems using cross analyzing method, load analysis, dispersion and superposition of the loads on the free body. Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.9. Structural Systems Topical Outline : Homework Assignments (20%) Mid-terms (40%) Final (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Structural Analysis Lecture Books - TS498 Offered : nd rd 2 year 3 semester Faculty assigned : Deniz Güney, Zehra Canan Girgin, Görün Arun (Instructor) Ali Osman Kuruşçu (Asisstant) 154 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 2051, Constructional Elements of Building 2, 3 credits Course Description : Definitions and concepts of roof, sloping roof systems, coating and finishes, flat roofs, approaches and principles of window and door design, joinery materials, functions and classifications of doors and windows, problems and solution principles of wall openings. Course Goals & Objectives : The first part of this course, which covers roofs and chimneys, contains design and construction principles and solving the problems of roofs and chimneys. In the second part of the course, which covers the frames and woodworks, the aim is to determine the problems and solution methods within basic knowledge and principles. Beside this aim, it is also intended to develop the awareness about the fact that design of these elements affects the design of the building and they must be considered in the building as the parts of a whole. Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.12.Building Materials and Assemblies Topical Outline : Application (10%) Mid-terms (50%) Final (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Balanlı, A., Yapıda Ürün Seçimi, İstanbul, YÜMFED Yayını, No: 4, 1997. - "Door and window design", unpublished lecture notes, 2008 - İzgi, U., “Pencere”, İstanbul, İDGSA Yayını, No: 43, 1975. - Toydemir, N., Bulut, Ü., “Çatılar”, Yapı Yayın, 2006. - Mcleod, V., Çağdas Konut MIMarisinde Detaylar, İstanbul, YEM Yayınları, 2008. Offered : nd rd 2 year 3 semester Faculty assigned : Ayşe Balanlı (Course Coordinator) Ayşe Balanlı, Erkan Avlar, Zafer Akdemir, S. Müjdem Vural, Sevgül Limoncu, Gökçe Tuna Taygun, Dilek Ekşi Akbulut (Instructor) Ezgi Korkmaz, Polat Darçın (Asisstant) 155 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : ENF1170, Introductory Computer Sciences, 3 credits Course Description : Computer Organization / Algorithms / Programming Languages and Data Structures: A Numeric Programming Language ( MathLab/ MathCad ) / Sample Applications Course Goals & Objectives : Teaching programming language concepts Teaching problem analysis using algorithmic approach Teaching coding with a programming language Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.3. Visual Communication Skills Topical Outline : Homework (20 %) Mid-terms (60 %) Final (40 %) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Matlab An Introduction With Apllication, Amos Gilat,Wiley Offered : nd th 2 year 4 semester Faculty assigned : Togan Tong (Course Coordinator) 156 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 2042, History of Architecture 2, 2 credits Course Description: European architecture (Early Christianity-Industrial Revolution) Course Goals & Objectives: • European architecture (Early Christianity-Industrial Revolution) Student Performance Criterion addressed: A.9. Historical Traditions and Global Culture Topical Outline: Course Hours (56,2%) Study Hours Out of Class (13%) Homewrok Assignments (8,6%) Presentations/Seminar (8,6%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep Duration) (8,6%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep Duration) (4,3%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind (Basic Books, 1983, 2004) Rodley, L., Byzantine Art and Architecture an İntroduction, Cambridge Press,New York, 1996. Norberg-Schulz, C., Baroque Architecture, Electa, Milan, 1986. Offered: nd th 2 year 4 semester Faculty assigned: Nuran Kara Pilehvarian 157 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 2032, Structural System Design 1, 3 credits Course Description : Definition and history of structural systems, construction materials, actions on structure, structural elements constituting skeleton system, ensuring stability, System design of masonry, timber, steel, reinforced concrete and prefabricated concrete structures Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of this course is to give the student ability of forming a structural system Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.9. Structural Systems Topical Outline : Homework Assignments (20%) Mid-terms (40%) Final (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Arun,G., Yamantürk, E., “Taşıyıcı Sistem Tasarımı”, Birsen Yayınevi, 1992 - Arun,G., “Taşıyıcı Sistem Tasarımı 1 Lecture Notes”, 2005 - Specification for Structures to be Built in Earthquake Regions, 2007 Offered : nd th 2 year 4 semester Faculty assigned : Görün Arun, Zehra Canan Girgin (Instructor) Ali Osman Kuruşçu, Mustafa Esat Güneş (Asisstant) 158 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 2012, Architectural Design 3, 6 credits Course Description : The design of a small scale, multi functional building and its presentation as a whole as a preliminary project . Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn Formal Composition Systems. • Students will improve on architectural research, analysis and synthesis. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.4. Technical Documentation A.6. Fundamental Design Skills A.11. Applied Research B.2. Accessibility Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: Architectural Design 2 Textbooks/Learning Resources: Offered : nd th 2 year 4 semester Faculty assigned : Ayfer Aytuğ, İlhan Altan, Çiğdem Polatoğlu, Ferah Akıncı, İbrahim Başak Dağgülü, Münevver Dağgülü, Tolga Akbulut, Aslı Sungur Ergenoğlu 159 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3011, Architectural Design 4, 6 credits Course Description : Making design experiments in the special areas of the city and its surroundings, considering the texture, function, history, natural and topographic characters. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn urban scale/relations and ends with architectural scale, developing designs according to the subject and programs. • Students will improve on design skills by considering the building in the context of urban relations and urban scale. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.2. Design Thinking Skills A.7. Use of Precedents A.11. Applied Research Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: Architectural Design 3 Textbooks/Learning Resources: Offered : rd th 3 year 5 semester Faculty assigned : Ayşen Ciravoğlu, Bülent Tarım, Deniz Erinsel Önder, Funda Kerestecioğlu Öztürk, Selim Ökem, Onur Kenber 160 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3051, History of Architecture 3, 2 credits Course Description: The transformation of architecture and urban planing, by the end of the 18th century until the 20th century Course Goals & Objectives: • To comprehend the architectural consequences of modernism and industrialization Student Performance Criterion addressed: A.9. Historical Traditions and Global Culture A.10. Cultural Diversity Topical Outline: Course Hours (45,7%) Study Hours Out of Class (45,7%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep Duration) (5,7%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep Duration) (2,8%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Frampton, Kenneth, Modern Architecture: A Critical History, Thames Benevolo, Leonardo, A History of Modern Architecture, London, 1971. Offered: rd th 3 year 5 semester Faculty assigned: Berrin Alper, Nuket Tuncer, Zafer Sagdic 161 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3031, Building Physics 1, 3 credits Course Description : Physical environment concept, building physic elements, the aim and extent of solar control, the ransmission paths of heat, precautions for the heat transfer in the building envelope, general knowledge about heat and humidity, heat and humidity permeability of the building materials, Course Goals & Objectives : To transfer knowledge about the topics in building physics; on thermal comfort, solar control and fundamentals of acoustics. Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.8.Enviromental Systems B.10. Building Envelope Systems Topical Outline : Homework Assignments (30%) Mid-terms (30%) Final (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - • TSE 825 Isı Yalıtım Yönetmeliği Hesap Yöntemi, Çevresel Gürültünün Değerlendirilmesi ve Yönetimi Yönetmeliği - • Acoustics and Noise Control, B.J. Smith, R.J. Peters, S. Owen- Ed. Longman,1996 - • Engineering Noise Control, Theory and practise, David A. Bies and Colin H.Hansen, Ed. E&FN Spon, 1996 - • Harris, D. A., Noise Control Manual for Residental Buildings, Mc Graww Hill, 1997 - • Akdağ, N.Y., Dış Gürültü Düzeyi-Hacim İşlevi Fonksiyonunda Yapı Kabuğu Seçeneklerinin Saptanması, 4. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi, Kaş-Antalya, Ekim 1998 - • Cavanaugh, W. J., Architectural Acoustics, John Wiley & Sons, 1999 - • Karabiber, Z., Gürültü Kirliliği ve Gürültü Kontrol Yönetmeliği, 3. Isı-Ses-Su Yalıtımı Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, İstanbul, Kasım 1999 - Karabiber, Z., Yüğrük Akdağ, N., Erdem Aknesil, A., “YALITIM-Isı-Nem-Ses-Su” Makine Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları, İstanbul, 2005 - • Long, M., Architectural Acoustics, Elsevier Inc, 2006 - • Çevresel Gürültünün Değerlendirilmesi ve Yönetimi Yönetmeliği, Resmi Gazete s. 20671, 4 Haziran 2010 - • Meltzer, M.; " Passıve Actıve Solar Heating Technology ", New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc, 1985 - • G. Zorer, “Yapılarda Isısal Konfor”, YÜ Yayın No: 264, MIMarlık Fakültesi Yayın No: MF-MIM 92.045, YTÜ MIMarlık Fakültesi Baskı İşliği, 26 sayfa, 1992 - • Givoni B., “Man Climate and Architecture”, Applied Science, Publishers Ltd., London - • Watson&Labs, “Climatic Building Design”, Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, 1983 - • Egan M. David, “Concepts in Thermal Comfort”, 1975, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey Offered : rd th 3 year 5 semester Faculty assigned : Zerhan Yüksel Can, Gülay Zorer Gedik, Neşe Yüğrük Akdağ (Instructor) M. Nuri İlgürel, Şensin Yağmur, Esra Küçükkılıç Özcan (Asisstants) 162 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3041, Structural System Design 2, 3 credits Course Description : High tech buildings, high-rise building systems and design principals, wide spanning systems (space trusses, folded plates, cable systems, shells, tents, pneumatic structures) and design principals Course Goals & Objectives : The aim is to give design principals of technological structures as skyscrapers and wide spanning systems Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.9. Structural Systems Topical Outline : Homework Assignments (20%) Mid-terms (40%) Final (40%) Prerequisites: Structural System Design 1 Textbooks/Learning Resources: Arun,G., Yamantürk, E., “Taşıyıcı Sistem Tasarımı”, Birsen Yayınevi, 1992 - Arun,G., “Taşıyıcı Sistem Tasarımı 2 Lecture Notes”, 2005 Offered : rd th 3 year 5 semester Faculty assigned : Görün Arun, Zehra Canan Girgin (Instructor) Ali Osman Kuruşçu, Mustafa Esat Güneş (Asisstant) 163 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : SBP 3991, Urban Planning and Urban Development Law, 2 credits Course Description : Urban, urbanization, planning concepts, Urban planning issues, planning laws Course Goals & Objectives : To inform students of architecture about urban planning, urban problematics Student Performance Criterion addressed : C.7. Legal Responsibilities C.9. Community and Social Responsibility Topical Outline : Mid-terms (60 %) Final (40 %) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Bayhan, İ. Şehir planlama, 1966 Keleş, R., Şehirciliğin kuramsal temelleri, 1972 Keleş, R., Kentleşme Politikası,İmge Kitabevi, 1990 Tekeli, İ, Modernite Aşılırken Kent Planlaması, İmge Kitabevi, 2001 Offered : rd th 3 year 5 semester Faculty assigned : Hüseyin Cengiz ( Instructor) 164 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3012, Architectural Design 5, 6 credits Course Description : The main concern of this design studio is problematising of how to constitute norms and standards and how to process them throughout the design. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will gain an ability to analyse repetition, reproduction, and variation problems by using an architectural grammer. • Students will improve on design skills by considering the building in the context of urban relations and urban scale. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.2. Design Thinking Skills B.4. Site Design B.7. Financial Considerations Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: Architectural Design 4 Textbooks/Learning Resources: “Ideas and concepts, Housing Architecture”, George Lam Pace Publishing Limited, 2009 Friederike Schneider (editor), “Floor Plan Atlas Housing”, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel-BerlinBoston,1994 Ebner, P. vd., (2010), “Typology+, Innovative Residential Architecture, Birkhauser. Offered : rd th 3 year 6 semester Faculty assigned : Güven Şener, Almula Köksal, Candan Çınar Çıtak, Hakkı Önel 165 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3062, History of Architecture 4, 2 credits Course Description: Development of Anatolian Turkish architecture form beginning to present, Islamic architecture Course Goals & Objectives: Development of Anatolian Turkish architecture form beginning to present, Islamic architecture Student Performance Criterion addressed: A.9. Historical Traditions and Global Culture A.10. Cultural Diversity Topical Outline: Mid-Terms (66,6%) Final (33,3%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Arseven, Celal Esad, Turk Sanati Tarihi, Milli Egitim Basimevi, Istanbul Goodwin, G., A History of Ottoman Architecture, Thames and Hudson, Londra,1971 Aslanapa, O., Turk Sanatı, Remzi Kitabevi, Istanbul Kuban, D., Turk Islam Sanati Uzerine Denemeler, Istanbul Hillenbrand, R., Islamic Art and Architecture, Thames and Hudson, London,1999 Offered: rd th 3 year 6 semester Faculty assigned: Gul Akdeniz, Nuran Kara Pilehvarian, Berrin Alper, Nuket Tuncer 166 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3042, Building Physics 2, 3 credits Course Description : The subjects of room acoustics, sound in outdoor and enclosed spaces, sound absorption, room acoustics criteria, reverberation phenomenon and reverberation time, lighting, reflection and transmission properties of objects, photometric quantities, lamps and luminaires, quality of lighting, lighting design, colour appearance systems and colour in architecture. Course Goals & Objectives : To transfer knowledge about Room Acoustic, Architectural Lighting and Colour Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.8.Enviromental Systems Topical Outline : Homework Assignments (12%) Presentations/Jury (18%) Mid-terms (30%) Final (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - Fpr EN 12464-1: Light and lighting ― Lighting of work places Part 1: Indoor work places - DIALux, Relux - Education CD’s; Media Acoustics and Architectural Acoustics Offered : rd th 3 year 6 semester Faculty assigned : Rengin Ünver, Zerhan Yüksel Can, Neşe Yüğrük Akdağ, Leyla Dokuzer Öztürk (Instructor) M. Nuri İlgürel, Şensin Yağmur, Esra Küçükkılıç Özcan (Asisstants) 167 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3052, Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry, 2 credits Course Description : The significance of the building sector in economics. Actors and their roles taking part in building production throughout the dynamics of historical change. The change in the role and training of the architect. Course Goals & Objectives : This course aims to provide and awarenss of professional knowledge especially on production process. Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.7.Financial Consideration C.6. Leadership Topical Outline : Attendance/Participation (10%) Mid-terms (50%) Final (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Bilgin, İ., Yapı Üretiminde Ürün Süreç İlişkisi, YÜMFED, 1992. Offered : rd th 3 year 6 semester Faculty assigned : Almula Köksal, Candan Çınar Çıtak, Güven Şener (Instructor) Füsun Çizmeci, Tuğçe Şimşek Ercan, Serhat Başdoğan (Asisstants) 168 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3032, Analysis of Historical Buildings, 2 credits Course Description: Case studies (transportation, function, etc.), building analysis, architectural analysis of specific buildings with respect to architectural history; analytic surveys (restitution work on non-existing buildings). Course Goals & Objectives Provide information that allows perceive the historic buildings and the created physical environment Student Performance Criterion addressed: A.4. Technical Documentation A.9. Historical Traditions and Global Culture B.1. Pre-Design Topical Outline: Course Hours (44,2%) Study Hours Out of Class (44,2%) Presentations / Seminar (5,2%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration+Examination Prep. Duration) (3,1%) Final (Examination Duration+Examination Prep. Duration) (3,1%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Ahunbay, Z., Tarihi Cevre Koruma ve Restorasyon, YEM Yayınları, Istanbul,1996. Hakki Eldem, S., Turk Evi, TAC Vakfi Yayini, İstanbul, 1984. Cetintas, S.,Rolove. Gunay, R., Ahsap Yapilar, Sorunlari ve Cozum Yollari, Birsen Yayinevi, Istanbul,2002. Offered: rd th 3 year 6 semester Faculty assigned: Zeynep Gul Unal, Ayten Erdem, Uzay Yergun, Aynur Ciftci, Ebru Omay Polat, Banu Celebioglu (Instructor) 169 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4011, Architectural Design 6, 6 credits Course Description : The main concern of this design studio is producing the solutions for the urban regeneration, gentrification inside the characteristic regions by considering new building technologies. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn to convey the ideas about the proper solutions in the selected urban areas by focusing on the urban and building scale. • Students will improve the knowledge about mix-use functions by considering the characteristics of urban regions. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.7. Use of Precedents A.11. Applied Research B.2. Accessibility B.3. Sustainability Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: Architectural Design 5 Textbooks/Learning Resources: Offered : th th 4 year 7 semester Faculty assigned : Feride Önal, Seda Tönük, Ayhan Böyür, Yasemen Say Özer, Tan Kamil Gürer, Ebru Erdönmez, Ömür Barkul, Feride Pınar Arabacıoğlu 170 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 4051, Conservation and Restoration, 3 credits Course Description: It’s explained historical evaluation and theoretical basis of conservation concept, conservation criterias, classification of architectural values, deterioration causes of buildings and historical environment. It’s informed about conservation concepts in site and urban scale, single building and building groups, areal work and preparation stage of restoration projects with conservation and restoration examples in Turkey and the world. Course Goals & Objectives: • Conservation of historical monuments, architectural and cultural heritage in our country and their conservation problems. • Description of the national and international notions, decisions, charters and laws concerning cultural heritage -especially architectural heritage- conservation, understanding and at the nextgeneration transmission. • Training deterioration causes of the architectural heritage elements, conservation and restoration methods and technics, principles of the new construction in traditional tissu. Student Performance Criterion addressed: A.9. Historical Traditions and Global Culture C.8. Ethics and Professional Judgment C.9. Community and Social Responsibility Topical Outline: Course Hours (46,6%) Study Hours Out of Class (35%) Presentations / Seminar (12,6%) Mid-Terms(Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (5%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,3%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Ahunbay, Z., Tarihi Cevre Koruma ve Restorasyon, YEM Yayınlari, 1996. Feilden, B. M., Conservation of Historic Buildings, Butterworth Heinemann,1982. Mardan, E., Kulturel ve Dogal Degerlerin Korunmasi, MIMarlar Odasi Yayini, Ankara, 2005. Offered: th th 4 year 7 semester Faculty assigned: Faruk Tuncer, Zeynep Gul Unal,Banu Celebioglu,Uzay Yergun, Aynur Ciftci, Ebru Omay Polat (instructor) Ebru Harman Aslan, Yasemin Akcakaya, Irem Yaylali, Nur Umar (assistants) 171 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4031, Construction Management and Economics, 2 credits Course Description : Defining the building production process from the inception to the end of construction. Determining the actors and their roles in this production process. This course also covers the typical sllylabus such as company organization, quality, human resource, cost planing and scheduling in construction. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of this course is to draw an awareness in construction management concept as an architect and be able to understand and create relative analysis in the construction industry, construction company and projects. Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.7.Financial Consideration C.3. Client Role in Architecture C.4.Project Management C.6. Leadership Topical Outline : Attendance/Participation (10%) Mid-terms (50%) Final (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Önel, H. Yapı Üretimi: Yapım Yönetimi ve Ekonomisi, Basılmamış Ders Notu. Offered : th th 4 year 7 semester Faculty assigned : Almula Köksal, Candan Çınar Çıtak, Güven Şener (Instructor) Füsun Çizmeci, Tuğçe Şimşek Ercan, Serhat Başdoğan (Asisstants) 172 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4041, Installation Knowledge, 2 credits Course Description : Basic information and basic properties about air conditionning, Heating systems, ventilation systems, solar collectors, ligting systems, clean and waste water systems, rain water systems, dranage systems should be taught in the course. Course Goals & Objectives : To give basic information about building installation systems. Student Performance Criterion addressed : B.1. Pre-Design B.5. Life Safety B.11 Building Service Systems Topical Outline : Attendance/Participation (2%) Mid-terms (58%) Final (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Sirel Ş., Aydınlatmada Enerji Kaybı, YFU Yayınları, No:3, 1991. - Tirben, N. ve diğer, Elektrik Bölümü I, MEB, 1996. - Küçükçalı R., MIMarın Tesisat El Kitabı, Isısan Çalışmaları, No: 238, 1999. - Küçükçalı R., Isıtma Tesisatı, Isısan Çalışmaları No:265, 2000. - Küçükçalı R., Klima Tesisatı, Isısan Çalışmaları No:305, 2001. - TMMOB Elektrik Mühendisleri Odası, Elektrik Đç Tesisleri Yönetmeliği, 2001. Offered : th th 4 year 7 semester Faculty assigned : Gülay Zorer Gedik (Course Coordinator) 173 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4012, Architectural Design 7, 4 credits Course Description : An independent, controlled dissertation-project where the students design skills and power about "evaluating the close and distant environment of the project subject within the city. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will develop the architectrual design phases without supervisions. • Students will improve recognition and usage of theoretical information resources regarding the application. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.2. Design Thinking Skills B.1. Pre-Design B.6. Comprehensive Design C.1. Collaboration C.6. Leadership Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: Architectural Design 6 Textbooks/Learning Resources: Offered : th th 4 year 8 semester Faculty assigned : Nuran Kara Pilehvarian 174 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4000, Graduation Thesis, 4 credits Course Description : It’s an independent and unsupervised final task, controlled by a jury appointed by the head of department, including an architectural report. Course Goals & Objectives : Students are to design architectural projects. Also express and transform it into a report. Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.1. Communication Skills B.6. Comprehensive Design Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Offered : th th 4 year 8 semester Faculty assigned : Nuran Kara Pilehvarian 175 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MDB 3032, Business English, 2 credits Course Description : Frequently used words and patterns in business life Departments of companies and job descriptions Considerations in team work and organizations Course Goals & Objectives : To enable students gain oral and written communicative skills for business life, especially for foreign companies or establishments Student Performance Criterion addressed : A.1. Communication Skills Topical Outline : Mid-Terms ( 60% ) Final ( 40% ) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Business Result Intermediate, John Hughes & Jon Naunton, Oxford Related audio visual sources Skills for Success After Graduation 1, Meltem İzgören&Nil Zelal Şen&Yıldız Oya Sezginer, Blackswan Business Benchmark Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate, Norman Whitby, Cambridge Offered : th th 4 year 8 semester Faculty assigned : Talha Ağyar Altunay, Sanem Alpaslan, Munevver Kalaz (Instructor) 176 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 ELECTIVE COURSES Number & Title of Course : MIM 4101, Modern Architectural Heritage, 2 credits Course Description : Definition and content of Modernn Heritage. Evaluation of documentation and preservation process of the heritage. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn about about modern heritage and its content. • Students will learn about the contemporary theory and practice methods of contemporary conservation. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Aslanoğlu, İ., (1980), 1923-1938 Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi MIMarlığı, ODTÜ MIMarlık Fakültesi Basım İşliği, Ankara. Holod, R., Evin, A. (ed.), (1984), Modern Turkish Architecture, , University of Pennsylvania Press. Sözen, M., (1984), Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk MIMarlığı (1923-1983), Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Ankara. Sözen, M., Tapan, M., (1973), 50 Yılın Türk MIMarisi, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları 122, İstanbul. Tanyeli, U., (2004), İstanbul 1900-2000 Konut ve Modernleşmeyi Metropolden Okumak, Akın Nalça Yayınları, İstanbul. Prudon, T., Preservation of Modern Architecture, John Wiley&Sons,2008. Offered : Spring Faculty assigned : Ebru Omay Polat 177 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3101, Modeling, 2 credits Course Description : The definition of modeling materials and types of models, modeling a sloppy site and various masses. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will develop skills in architectural modeling. • Students will understand the effect of third dimension in the architectural design process. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Architectural Model as Machine: A new view of models from antiquity to the present day , Albert Smith, 2004. A Guide to Professional Architectural and Industrial Scale Model Building, Graham D. Pattinson ,1982. Model-Making: Materials and Methods,David Neat ,2008. Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Making and Using Architectural Design Models ,Criss B. Mills , 2005. Architectural Models: Construction Techniques, Wolfgang Knoll and Martin Hechinger ,2007. Architectural Supermodels: Physical Design Simulation, Physical design simulation, Tom Porter and John Neale BA Hons Arch Dip Arch Oxford,2000. Offered : Spring Faculty assigned : İbrahim Başak Dağgülü 178 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4171, Forensic Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : Definition of Forensic Architecture, responsibilities and role of the expert-witness. crime and scene relations, crime scene investigation and 3D animation, imaging scene, forensic photogrammetry. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn understand the importance of the role of expert-witness issue in forensic architecture. • Students will gain the abilitiy to be a foresenic architect. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Adli MIMari (Sam A.A. Kubba) Adli MIMarlığa giriş (Dale Paegelow) Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Deniz Erinsel Önder 179 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3171, Modelage, 2 credits Course Description : Analysing and realizing examples about elements and principles of design on painting, texturerelief, sculpture, interior space equipments and industrial design products. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will gain design ability and creativity by the help of problems with different scope and scale • Students will learn formal composition systems. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Aytuğ, A., Modlaj, Elektronik ortamda ders notu, PPT Maitland, The Art of Colour and Design, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1951. Ching, F.,D.,K., MIMarlık, Biçim, Mekan ve Düzen, Sevgi Lökçe, Yem Yayınları, İstanbul Eylül 2002 Gombrich, E. H., Sanatın Öyküsü, Remzi Kitabevi; İstanbul, 2007 Farrelly, L., Fundamentals of Architecture, Academia, AVA Publishing, 2007. Rasmussen, S.E., Experiencing Architecture, MIT Press, 1964. (Remzi Kitabevi, 2010) Turani, A., Dünya Sanat Tarihi, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul,2009 Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Ayfer Aytuğ 180 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3121, Aquarelle Technique, 2 credits Course Description : Watercolor components, basic watercolor techniques, colors, composition, shadows-reflection, perspective, natural environment and architecural watercolor . Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will gain the ability of using watercolor as an architectural presentation tool. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Crawshow, A; “Watercolor Painting Techniques” Francisco, F; “Watercolors for Beginners” Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Zeynep Sarıoğlu 181 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3131, Freehand Drawing, 2 credits Course Description : Teaching freehand drawing techniques, light-shadow relations, toning-hatching and architectural presentation techniques. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn about application of light and shade. • Students will learn presentation of site plans, flor plans and elevations through various techniques. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Entire range of books regarding drawing and expression techniques. Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Ali Düzgün 182 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3141, Perspective and Shadow, 2 credits Course Description : Parallel (axonometric) Perspective in Architectural Presentation, General Principles of Conical Perspectives and The Main Issues About Horizontal and Vertical Plate Working. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will develop skills in thinking and presenting in 3D. • Students will improve the ability in the perception of architectural shadow pattern. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Entire range of books regarding perspective and architectural shadow. Offered : Fall Faculty assigned : Ali Düzgün 183 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3151, Sketching Techniques, 2 credits Course Description : Topics related to sketching . Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will develop develop sketching techniques. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Murat Soygeniş 184 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4121, Computer Aided Design, 2 credits Course Description : Development of Three-Dimensional Modeling Techniques for the expression of Architectural Design / Photorealistic visualization techniques transferred to practical solutions. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn 3d architectural design techniques. • Students will learn realtime vizualization techniques. • Students will learn photomontage, image operation, effect techniques. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 Essentials, Randi L. Derakhshani, 2011. Principles of Modelling and Rendering with 3D Studio, Stuart Mealing, 1998. A-3D: 3D Architectural Visualization, Kumtorn Nateethanasarn , 2009. Mastering mental ray: Rendering Techniques for 3D and CAD Professionals, Jennifer O'Connor, 2010. Architectural Rendering with 3ds Max and V-Ray: Photorealistic Visualization, Markus Kuhlo, 2010. Advanced Global Illumination, Second Edition, Philip Dutre, Philippe Bekaert and Kavita Bala, 2006. Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Togan Tong 185 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4131, Architectural Animation, 2 credits Course Description : Photorealism expression of Architectural Design. Creating photorealistic motion picture. StoryBoard of the Architectural Concept. camera movement and control & Object Motion Controls in Architectural Animation. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn moving display techniques in modelling programs. • Students will learn how to crate architectural simulation. • Students will learn creating realtime techniques. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Bob Fear, "Architecture + Animation (Architectural Design)", ISBN-10: 0471496294, 2001. Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Togan Tong 186 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3102, Architectural Design Construction Problems, 2 credits Course Description : Students should synthese the different knowledge on designing a project. The students’ problems, projects or internships are discussed in the means of constructions’ applications. Course Goals & Objectives : A general overview of all subjects which have been studied during the application courses of the education. Topical Outline : Homework (30 %) Mid-terms (30 %) Final (40 %) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: TMMOB İnşaat Müh.Oda.İst.Şb. Afet Bölgelerinde Yapılacak Yapılar Hakkında Yönetmelik TMMOB İnşaat Müh.Oda.İst.Şb. Statik-Betonarme Proje Üretim ve Denetim Esasları TMMOB İnşaat Müh.Oda.İst.Şb. Kurs Notları Bayındırlık Bakanlığı Isı Yönetmeliği Isısan Tesisat Bilgileri Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Ayhan Böyür 187 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4141, Socio-Cultural Themes in Architectural Design, 2 credits Course Description : Course is based on the analysis of relationships between architecture and the socio-economic, political and cultural matters. Course is conducted through lectures and seminars. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn analyzing the relationships of human as a social being and his relations with the social environment / effects of these relationships on the urban environment • Students will understand the social integrations of their profession. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Kongar, E., Toplumsal Değişme Kuramları ve Türkiye Gerçeği, Remzi Kitabevi, 1995, İstanbul. Malinowski B., İnsan ve Kültür, Ve Yayınları, 1990 Ankara. Yücel A., Kentsel Konut Topluluklarının Tasarlanmasında Sosyal Sistem İçeriğinin Değerlendirilmesi, Doktora Tezi, İTÜ MIMarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, 1977, İstanbul. Laborit, H., İnsan ve Kent, Payel Yayınları, 1990, İstanbul. Braudel F., Akdeniz: Kültür ve Mekan, Metis Yayınları, 1990, İstanbul. Benevolo L., Ortaçağ Tarihinde Kentler, Afa Yayınları, 1995, İstanbul. Offered : Spring Faculty assigned : Ömür Barkul, Feride Pınar Arabacıoğlu 188 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3182, Architectural Environment and Psychology, 2 credits Course Description : Environment with human behavior and psychology, spatial relations and interaction. Concepts and theory of human-space and behavior-environment relation. Close environment-human-activity relations and their psychological origins. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will understand the interaction of space environment-behavior on the formation of space. • Students will learn architectural environment and perception. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Ackerman, D.,1990, A Natural History of the Senses. Random House, New York. ”Touch”, “Hearing” and “Vision” Argyle, M., 1992 ,The social psychology of everyday life. London: Routledge Arnheim, R., 1986, The two faces of Gestalt psychology. American Psychologist, 41 Arnheim, R., 1974,Art and Visual Perception. University of California Press. Bloom,M.,GermainC.B.,1999, Human Behavior in the Social Environment. Columbia Univ Press. Ching, F. D. K.,1996, Form, Space, and Order. Van Nostand Reinhold, New York. Ch 3. Offered : Fall Faculty assigned : Feride Önal 189 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3122, Landscape Design in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : Exterior design rules and techniques. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn about landscape design and its structures. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Landscape Design - Mehmet Tunbiş Basic Elements of Landscape Architectural Design - Norman K.. Booth Landscape Architecture - Jotin O. Simonds Site Planning - Kevin Lynch Offered : Spring Faculty assigned : Münevver Dağgülü 190 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3132, Space Concept in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : Space concept in history of architecture, definition of space, elements forming space, geometry of space, dimensions of space and proportion of space. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn about considering the concept of space. • Students will learn Analyzing spaces on a broader domain. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Course’s Notes ( not printed). Offered : Fall Faculty assigned : İlhan Altan 191 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4151, Architectural Approaches to New Building Design in Existing Environments, 2 credits Course Description : Relationship between the old and the new; how built environment was perceived by every new era within historical Process. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn about determining new approaches to new design criteria in different urban districts. • Students will learn preservation of historical environment and restoration. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: Architectural History 3, Architectural History 4 Textbooks/Learning Resources: Brolin, B., 1980, Architecture In Context, Van Nostrand Reinhold, NewYork. Groat, L., 1988, Contextual Compatibility In Architecture. An Issue of Personal Taste?, Environmental Aesthetics, ed. Jack L. Nasar, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Baytin, Ç., 1994, Tarihi Çevrelerde Yeni Yapı Olgusuna Bir Yaklaşım, İstanbul Örneğinde Bir Uygulama Modeli, İTÜ-FBE Doktora Tezi, İstanbul. Polatoğlu, Ç.,2012, Mevcut Çevrelerde Yeni Yapı Tasarımı, Ders Notu, YTÜ. Offered : Spring Faculty assigned : Çiğdem Polatoğlu 192 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3142, Architecture Without Disability, 2 credits Course Description : Discussions and lectures about the legal aspects and design knowledge about the subject, in city, building and and building parts scale. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn the design fundamentals concerning the disabled people ranging from a scale from environmental plans to interiors. • Students will develop an awareness about the concept ‘design for all’. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Mace, Roland L. The Accessible Housing Design File, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1991. Nasar, J., Evans-Cowley, J. (ed), 2007, ‘Universal Design and Visitability: From Accessibility to Zoning’, ISBN 978-1-4276-1895-5, Ohio, ABD PSA Building Design Guide,Facilities For the Architectural Services, London,1989 Statham R., et al., House Adaptations for People with Physical Disabilities, 1988 Şerefhanoğlu, M. vd., İstanbul Kentsel Tasarım Kılavuzu, YTÜ, İstanbul, 1992. Thorpe, S., Part M. Design Sheets 1,2,3, Center for Accessible Environments, London, 1990 Turgut, M., Özürlüler İçin Özel İnşaat Sosyal Politik Görev, Cem Ofset, İstanbul. USA Department of Justice, Code of Federal Regulations, ADA Standarts for Accessible Design, 1994 Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Aslı Sungur Ergenoğlu 193 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4161, House and Cultural Sustainability, 2 credits Course Description : What is culture? Importance of culture in the social structure. What is the cultural superstructure? Explaining the interaction of housing and cultural concepts. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn about determining the values and solving changing in spatial scale. • Students will gain critical thinking skills. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Holger Reiners,Dieter Hoor,Alte Bauten,Neues Wohnen,Beispiele und İdeen für die Umnutzung,Callwey,1990 Amos Rapoport,The meaning of the Built Enviroment;A Cross-Cultural Perspective ,Sage Publications,1982. Amos Rapoport,House Form and Culture, Englewood Clifts,N.J.,prentice Hall, 1969. Şengül Öymen Gür;Doğu Karadeniz Örneğinde KONUT KÜLTÜRÜ,YEM yayını,Nisan 2000. Bozkurt Güvenç,İnsan ve Kültür,Remzi Kitabevi 6. Basım Ekim 1994, İstanbul. Ferah Akıncı,Geleneksel Sivil MIMarinin Sosyo-Kültürel ve İşlevsellik Bağlamında Tarihsel Sürekliliği İçin Planlama/Finans Modeli,YTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,MIMari Tasarım Programı,Doktora Tezi,İstanbul,2000. Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Ferah Akıncı 194 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 5119, Alternative Energy Use in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : What are the alternative energy sources, supplying and using them, what are their advantages. How could we use alternative energy sources in our architectural designs. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn about the application of alternative energy sources in architecture which are renewable and with minor harms to the environment. • Students will gain knowledge on design/planning and implementation of sustainable architecture. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Griffin, C.E., Energy Conservation in Buildings: Technics for Economical Design, Wash., D.C., 1974, The Construction Specifications Inst. Steadman, P,. Energy, Environment and Buildin Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1976 Steele, J. Sustainable Architecture, Principles, Paradigms and Case Studies, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977Burberry, P., Building for Energy Conservation, London, Architectural Press, 1979 England, G., Keynote Speech, Ed. F.A. Robinson, Environmental Effects of Utilizing More Coaal, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 1979. U.N. Economic Commission for Europe, Environment and Energy, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1979 The Solar Energy Research Institutions, New and Renewable Energy in the USA, WashingtonDC, U.S., Government Printing Office, 1981. Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Onur Kenber 195 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4162, Architecture and Coastal Zone, 2 credits Course Description : To solve problems that occur in coastal areas is a multi-discipline "Integrated coastal zone management" have come together under the discipline. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn formal composition and design skills. • Students will learn legal obligations, ethics and professional judgement. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Pauptit,D. Ve diğ. (ed),1992, Kıyılar; Avrupanın Çağrısı EUCC (European Union for coastal Conservation), Leiden:Hollanda,s.15. Casals,L.,1990, Mediterranean Houses Balearic ıslands, Gustava Gili Press: Barcelona. Williams,A.T. ve diğ.,2000, Journal of Coastal Conservation,Environmantal Risk Assessment; a case study of thr Colhuw Beach revertment on the Glamorgan Heritage Coast, Wales, Vol.6:2, December 2000,Published by Opulus Press.pp.125-134. Offered : Spring Faculty assigned : Funda Kerestecioğlu Öztürk 196 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3152, Architectural Typology, 2 credits Course Description : An overview of building typologies. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn critical thinking. • Students will learn analytic thinking. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Murat Soygeniş 197 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4122, Shape Grammars, 2 credits Course Description : The logic of computational design and production systems- shape grammars . Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn formal language of digital tools. • Students will learn fundamemtals of computational design via shape grammar teory and applications. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Shape- George Stiny Brown K N, Cagan J, 1996 "Grammatical design and bounded creativity" EDRC Report 24-124-96, Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University Agarwal M, Cagan J, 1998, "A Blend of Different Tastes: The Language of Coffee Makers", Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 25:2 205-226 Brown K N, McMahon C A, Sims J H, 1994 "A formal language for the design of manufacturable objects" Formal Design Methods for CAD7 151-172 Offered : Fall Faculty assigned : Birgül Çolakoğlu 198 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4132, Continuity in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : How to understand/learn urban fabric/traces of a town memory at the beginning of the Architectural Design process. The analysis of the positive/negative values of design in an environment. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will gain combining the information, defining the different factors creating the design solutions. • Students will learn collecting the necessary data of built environment before the formation of design, interpretating and using them. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: Architectural Design 2 Textbooks/Learning Resources: Krier, R. (1984) Urban Space, Academy Editions, London. Bacon, E.N. (1976) Design of Cities, Penguin Sitte, C. City Planning According to Artistic Principles, Phaidon, London. Zucker, P. (1959) Town and Square, Columbia Uni. Press, NY Offered : Spring Faculty assigned : Coor. Yasemen Say Özer Inst. Yasemen Say Özer 199 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4142, Spatial and Morphologic Analyses in Contemporary Islamic Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : Examination of the concept of contemporary and affecting criterias. Presentations of similarities and differences among housing, mosques, administration buildings, social utility buildings in Islamic Countries. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn knowledge about today's Islamic Architecture. • Students will learn critical thinking and research skills Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Herdeg,K.,Formal Structure in Islamic Architecture of Iran and Turkistan, Newyork, Rizzoli,1990. Architecture For Changing World, ed. Steel,J.,The Aga Khan Award For Architecture,1992. Frampton, K. , Correa, C., Modernity and Community: Architecture in the Islamic World, Thames Steele,J., The Complete Architecture of Balkrishna Doshi: Rethinking Modernism for the Developing World, Thames Serageldin, I., The Architecture of Empowerment, Academy Editions, 1997. Offered : Fall Faculty assigned : Derniz Erinsel Önder 200 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4152, Design Principles of Stadium Buildings, 2 credits Course Description : Study of stadium buildings as a building type. Basic design principles of stadium buildings, external planning, structure and architectural design relations. Course Goals & Objectives : • Students will learn about the design criteria of the stadium around the world. • Students will learn sustainable design parameters of the stadium buildings. Topical Outline : Drawing and other representational techniques (60%) Presentation skills (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: John, G., Sheard, R., Vickery, B., “Stadia: a design and development guide”, Elsevier, Architectural Press, London, 2007. Sheard, R., Powell, R., Cook, P., Bingham-Hall, P., “Stadium: Architecture for the New Global Culture”, Periplus Editions, 2005. Daab, “Stadium Design”, Bilingual Editions, 2006 De-Chiara, J., Crosbie, M.J., ”Time-Saver Standards for Building Types”, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing; 4th edition, 2001 Neufert, E., Neufert, P., at all, “Neufert, Architect’s Data”, Wiley-Blackwell; 3 edition, 2002 FIFA, “Technical Recommendations and Requirements for the Construction or Modernization of Football Stadia”, 2011 UEFA, “UEFA Stadium Infrastructure Criteria”, 2006 TFF, “Stadyum ve Güvenlik Talimatı ve Ek Kriterleri”, 2007 Offered : Spring Faculty assigned : Tan Kamil Gürer 201 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3201, Reinforced Concrete in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : Materials for reinforced concrete, basic concepts, design codes and specifications, design of columns under axial compression and bending load, design of beams and slabs, footings and foundations. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim is to give principals of design of reinforced concrete buildings and teach to use design codes and specifications. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: 0712481 - Structural Analysis Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Celep, Z., Kumbasar,N., Betonarme, İstanbul, 2000. - Berktay, İ., Betonarme, İstanbul, 2003. - TS 500 Reinforced Concrete Codes Offered : Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Görün Arun, Deniz Güney 202 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3211, Noise Control in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : This course gives fundemental knowledge about; sound and sound types, sound propagation and transmission, noise and basic principles on noise control, national and international standards on noise control, and examples of the applications related with noise control of different functional building types will be disscused. Course Goals & Objectives : To instruct basic acoustic and noise control issues, to give sufficient knowledge for solving acoustic problems related to noise control. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - Regulation for Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise (ÇGDY), Education CD’s; Media Acoustics and Architectural Acoustics Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Zerhan Yüksel Can, Neşe Yüğrük Akdağ 203 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4201, Construction Technology, 2 credits Course Description : The aim of this course is to give the student ability to consider the construction industry and housing within the interdisciplinary context. Course Goals & Objectives : This course has fundamental knowledge about; the dynamics of construction industry and introduction to housing market, construction management and project management and feasibility in construction. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Önel H., Yapı Üretimi: Yapım Yönetim ve Ekonomisi, Yayınlanmamış Ders Notu. - Çınar, C., Konut Piyasasının Yapısal ve Bağlamsal Dinamikleri, Doktora Tezi, YTÜ, 1999. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Candan Çınar Çıtak 204 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4211, Standardization and Modular Coordination, 2 credits Course Description : The concepts and principals of standardization and modular coordination.The concept of mass production in the construction industry. A brief discussion on the transition of traditional production systems to –contemporary- mass production systems. The description of cost, time, quality and labor factors of standardization. Standardization and modular coordination in housing. Course Goals & Objectives : Emphasize the increasing importance of modular coordination and standardization on the transition from traditional production to industrial production in construction manufacturing.Provide the student with the knowledge and skills related to this subject. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Yücel, A., MIMarlıkta Biçim ve Mekanın Dilsel Yorumu, Doktora - Clark, R. H., Precedents in Architecture, Van Nostrand Reinhold, N.Y, 1985. - Dengiz, N., Yapımda Standartlaşma, Prefabrike Betonarme Yapı Üreten Kuruluş Mensupları Birliği, Ankara, 1986. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Güven Şener 205 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4221, Construction Project Management, 2 credits Course Description : Characteristics of construction industry .Major concepts of Project management;cost management, risk management, time management, Quality managament,communications management,human resources management,procurement management and the role of a project manager. Course Goals & Objectives : To discuss the effects of production manegement-the the theoretic bases,the techniques that the theary is based on and the organization models for achieving a succesfull production in the construction industry. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (40%) Final Examination (60%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - PMI, Project Management Body of Knowledge, Project Management Instıtute, Pennsylvania, USA, 2002 - Clough R., Sears G.A. Construction Project Management, McGrew Hill, New York, 1979. - Ashford J.L., The Management of Quality in Construction, Blackwell, London, 1989. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Almula Köksal- Güven Şener 206 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4231, Construction Site Management and Organization, 2 credits Course Description : The general structure and the organisation plans of contruction firms of various scales. Construction site establishment. Construction site management. Performing technical duties in the field. Performing managerial duties in the field. Scheduling programs, such as Gannt-CPM-PertMPM methods. Construction site budgeting and accountaing. An introduction to managerial and legal tasks accourding to the construction contracts. Course Goals & Objectives : It will be possible to realize an investment as “economically” as planned only if the capasity (powerequipment-material) of the enterprise responsible for the production and the flow of the working program is planned and organized accurately. It is being aimed to provide the students with necessary information on the methods which render planning and organization controllable and “how” to establish and manage construction size. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Çıracı, M., Şantiye Yönetimi, İTÜ, FBE, İstanbul, 1997. - Baytop, F., 2011, Şantiye Yönetimi, Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yayınları, İstanbul - March, C., 2009, Business Organisation for Construction, Routledge. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Hakkı Önel- Güven Şener 207 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3221, Production and Consumption Process of Space, 2 credits Course Description : The social life is determined by economic and cultural factors which also effect forming space. In this context, content of lecture considers the production and consumption process of space. But also the course gives a lot of attention on economic, technologic, management, law, social, cultural effects and the space is analysed by means of these effects. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of this course is to give the student the ability of analysing of city dynamics. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Soja, W., E., Postmodern Geographies, Verso, London-NY, 1989. - Duverger, M., Sosyal Bilimlere Giriş, Bilgi Yayınevi, İstanbul, 1980. - Harvey, D., Sosyal Adalet ve Şehir, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, 1996. - Çelik, Z., Değişen İstanbul, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İstanbul, 1986. - Keyder, Ç. (der)., İstanbul-Küresel ile Yerel Arasında, Metis yayınları, 1999. - Soja, W.,E., Postmetropolis, Blackwell, UK, 2000. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Candan Çınar Çıtak 208 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3281, Design of Steel Structures, 2 credits Course Description : Steel production and material properties, advantage and disadvantages of steel construction, design of steel columns, column bases, beams and trusses, connections and joints, flooring and roofing, horizontal and lateral stability, cladding. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim is to give the student design criteria of steel structures. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: 0712481 - Structural Analysis Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Arun, G., Lecture Notes of Steel Structure Design Offered : Fall; annually Faculty assigned : Görün Arun, Zehra Canan Girgin 209 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3251, Structural Systems of Multi-Storey Building, 2 credits Course Description : Concept of multi-storey structural system, actions effecting on multi-storey buildings, designing structural elements (columns, beams, floors), vertical and horizontal stability, evaluation of the implemented projects. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim is to give the student knowledge about the multi-storey building systems and their design criteria. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (40%) Final Examination (60%) Prerequisites: 0712482 Structural System Design – 1 Textbooks/Learning Resources: -Academic papers about subject Offered : Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Görün Arun, Ali Rıza Parsa 210 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3311, Earthquake Factor in Design, 2 credits Course Description : Parameters of earthquakes, soil types, soil-building relation, earthquake resistant design of masonry, timber, reinforced concrete, prefabricated concrete and steel construction, identification of EQ damages on buildings, seismic control methods, measures to be taken and an EQ resistant design of a buildings. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of the course is to give the student ability of design buildings considering earthquake factor. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: 0712481 - Structure Analysis Textbooks/Learning Resources: -Naeim, F., Seismic Design of Structures, 1989 - T. Paulay, M.J.N. Priestly; Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, 1992. - G.G. Penelis, A.J. Kappos; A.J.; Earthquake Resistant Concrete Structures, E Offered : Fall; annually Faculty assigned : Görün Arun, Deniz Güney 211 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4251, Large Spanning Structures, 2 credits Course Description : Necessity of large spanning systems, Samples and design criteria of large spanning structures with framed systems, plates, folded plate systems, space truss systems, curved surfaces, RC and steel shells, cable systems, suspended systems, tent structures, pneumatic systems and hybrid systems. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim is to define large spanning space concept and make models of large spanning structures. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: 0712481 - Structure Analysis Textbooks/Learning Resources: -Technical papers from architecture and structure engineering journals Offered : Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Görün Arun 212 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4261, Advanced Concrete Technologies in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : Detailed study of concrete and its ingredients. Strength, durability, quality control and corrosion concepts. Mix design, mechanical properties, structural and architectural applications in advanced concrete technologies (lightweight concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, self compacting concrete, very high strength concrete, ultra high performance concrete) Course Goals & Objectives : Detailed investigation of advanced concrete technologies. Structural and concrete mix design principles of structural concrete forms, which is aesthetic and sustainable as well as consistent with environment. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Neville A, “Properties of Concrete”, Longman Ltd., 1997. - Arıoğlu, E., Yüksel, A., Yılmaz A.O. Püskürtme Beton, 2008 - Proc. of 5th Int. RILEM Symp. on Self-Compacting Concrete, 2007, Belgium. - Proc. of 2nd Int. Symp. on Ultra High Performance Concrete, Germany, 2008. - Related Research Articles (ACI Materials, Cement and Concrete Research, Cement and Concrete Composites, Construction and Building Materials) Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Zehra Canan Girgin 213 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3251, Structural Problems in transformation of Residences, 2 credits Course Description : The transformation reasons of residential buildings, the evaluation of the systematical structure according to the new function and related legislations. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of this course is to achieve the students to understand the transformation parameters, legislations, structural interventions about different residential examples of different periods and systems. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: 0711502- Constructional Elements Of Buildings 1 0713481- Constructional Elements Of Buildings 2 Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Books and periodicals related to building structure - Legislations - Building catalogues about the building products and details - Publications about the existing applications - Publications about the residential settlements - Publications about the place of residents in the social history Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Zafer Akdemir 214 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3261, Fire Protection in Buildings, 2 credits Course Description : Introduction, prevention, communication, escape, containment, extinguishment Course Goals & Objectives : A design guide to building fire safety Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Paul Stollard and John Abraham S., Fire from first principles, E and FN Spon, London, 1995 Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Güner Yavuz 215 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3271, Water and Humidity Problems, 2 credits Course Description : Water and humidity effects and problems in buildings, water and humidity insulation products, precaution and details for water and humidity. Course Goals & Objectives : To introduce water and humidity insulation products used for precaution in defective construction Technologies applied in Turkey and to explain the construction methods. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: 0711502 - Constructional Elements of Building 1 Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Avlar, E., Yapılarda Su ve Nem Korunumu, İstanbul, Üniversite Yayın No: YTÜ, MF. YK – 2000.0585 / Fakülte Yayın No: MF. MIM –2000.003, YTÜ Basım – Yayın Merkezi, 2000. - Sources that given in the textbook. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Erkan Avlar 216 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3202, Building and Health Relation, 2 credits Course Description : Definitions of human, building and environment, physical and social characteristics of building, inverse effects of characteristics and possible health risks solutions and suggestions. Course Goals & Objectives : To determine the inverse health effects in design stage by assembling the relation between human and building and environment, to produce and control the decisions in design and usage stage affecting the human health. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - A. Balanlı ve A. Öztürk, Yapı Biyolojisi, Yaklaşımlar, YTÜ Basım-Yayın Merkezi, İstanbul, 2006. - S. M. Vural ve A. Balanlı, “Sick Building Syndrome from an Architectural Perspective”, Sick Building Syndrome in Public Buildings and Workplaces, Chapter 20,ed: Abdul-Wahab, S. A., Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-17918-1, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-17919-8, Berlin, 2011, pp.371-392. - A. Balanlı, Yapıda Ürün Seçimi, YÜMFED, YTÜ Yayını, 1997. - G. Tuna Taygun ve A. Balanlı, “A Model for Life Cycle Assessment of Building Products”, Healthy Buildings - Creating A Healthy Indoor Environment for People, Lisboa, 4-8 June 2006, pp. 177-182. - S. M. Vural, A. Balanlı, ve G. Tuna Taygun, “Health Effects of Earthen Building Products”, First International Conference Living in Earthen Cities-Kerpic’ 05, İstanbul, 6-7 July 2005, pp. 204-211. - G. Tuna Taygun, ve A. Balanlı, “Yapı Ürünleri ve Çevre Etkileşimi – Çevre Etiketi”, Eko Teknolojiler ve Ekolojik Yerleşimler, YTÜ MIMarlık Fakültesi ve Goethe-Institut, 14-15 Kasım 2005, YTÜ Basım-Yayın Merkezi, İstanbul, 2007, ss. 53-62. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Ayşe Balanlı 217 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4291, Rehabilitation of Buildings, 2 credits Course Description : Natural and man made failures in buildings, failures in reinforced concrete, steel, timber and masonry structures, diagnosis methods of the failures, showing the failures on architectural drawings, intervention methods in damaged building. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim is to be able to identify the failures during design, construction and use of the structure, determine the causes of the failure and suggest intervention methods Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Richardson,B.A., Defects and Deterioration in Building, 1990. - Çamlıbel,N., Hasarlı Yapıların İyileştirilmesi, 2001 Offered : Fall; annually Faculty assigned : Ali Rıza Parsa, Görün Arun 218 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3212, Timber Usage in Buildings, 2 credits Course Description : Properties of timber materials, traditional timber construction in Turkey, system analysis of contemporary timber construction, construction methods, examples of construction applications. Course Goals & Objectives : To determine the design criteria of timber building design towards system concept and detail solutions Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: 0711502- Constructional Elements Of Buildings 1 0713481- Constructional Elements Of Buildings 2 Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Unpublished lecture notes of timber structures (Given to the students) - Önel, H., (1975), Ahşap ve Yurdumuzda Yöresel Uygulamaları, Yeterlik Çalışması, İDMMA, İstanbul. - Duman, N., Ökten, S., (1981), Ahşap Yapı Dersleri 1, Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Teknik Yayınları, Birinci Baskı, İstanbul. - Burchell, J., Sunter, F.W., (1987), Design and Build in Timber Frame, Longman Scientific - Bozkurt, A.Y., Göker, Y., (1987), Fiziksel ve Mekanik Ağaç Teknolojisi, İ.Ü. Orman Fak. Orman End. Müh. İstanbul. - Goetz,K.H., Hoor, D., Moehler, K., Natteree, J., (1989), Timber Design - Adams, C., (1991), Building Construction Illustrated, Second Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, NewYork. - Kantay, R., (1993), Kereste Kurutma ve Buharlama, İ.Ü. Orman Fak. - Avlar, E., (1995), Türkiye’de Orman Bölgelerindeki Konut Açığının Giderilmesinde Önyapımlı Ahşap Konut Üretiminin Uygulanabilirliği - Allen, E., (1999), Fundamentals of Building Construction Materials and Methods, Third Edition, John Wiley. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Erkan Avlar 219 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4281, Clay Products in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : Definition of clay, caolen, burnt and unburned clay products, development, contents, classifications, production steps, general qualifications, bearing and be borne wall pieces used in buildings and their applications, bearing and be borne floor pieces and their applications, wall for using lining, floor pieces and their usage, roofing and plumbing products and their usage in buildings. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of this course is to study the production, properties and applications of clay based materials which have been used in every stage of the building construction. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: 0711402 Building Materials Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Snell, C. - Detail, Review of Architecture and Construction Details, Glass Construction, vol.2, 2004. - Everet, A., “Mitchell’s Materials”, Fifth Edition, Longman Group Ltd., England, 1994. - McLeod, V., Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture, Laurence King Publishing Ltd., London, 2007. - Schittich, C., Building Skins, Birkhauser Edition Detail, Munich, 2006. - Staib, G.; Dörrhöfer, A. and Rosenthal, M., Components and Systems, Birkhauser Edition Detail, Munich, 2008. - Toydemir, N., “Seramik Yapı Malzemeleri”, İTÜ MIMarlık Fakültesi, İstanbul, 1991. - T.S.E. Konu ile İlgi Standartlar / T.S.E. Legislations related to the subject. - Production firm publications related to the topic. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Sevgül Limoncu 220 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4202, Facade Systems of Buildings, 2 credits Course Description : Facade concepts in buildings, components and problems of cladding classification of façade systems and case studies Course Goals & Objectives : Analysis of facade systems and the buildings built by those systems. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: 0713481 Constructional Elements of Building 2 Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Balanlı, A., Kapı ve Pencere Tasarımı, Basılmamış Ders Notu, 2008. - Ballard Bell, V. and P. Rand, Materials for Architectural Design, Laurence King Publishing, London, 2006. - Detail, Review of Architecture and Construction Details, Flat Roof Construction, vol. 1997.5. - Detail, Review of Architecture and Construction Details, Glass Construction, vol. 2000.3. - Detail, Review of Architecture and Construction Details, Glass Construction, vol. 2004.2. - Detail, Review of Architecture and Construction Details, Building with Light, vol. 2004.4. - Herzog, T; Krippner, R. and Lang, W., Facade Construction Manual, Birkhauser Edition Detail, Munich, 2004. - İzgi, U., MIMarlıkta Süreç Kavramlar-İlişkiler, YEM Yayın, İstanbul, 1999. - Killory, C. And R. Davids, Detail in Process, A Princeton Architectural Press Series, China, 2008. - McLeod, V., Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture, Laurence King Publishing Ltd., London, 2007. - Rasmussen, S. E., Yaşanan MIMari, Çeviri: Ömer Erduran, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul, 1994. - Roth, L. M., MIMarlığın Öyküsü, Kabalcı Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2000. Schittich, C., Building Skins, Birkhauser Edition Detail, Munich, 2006. - Schittich, C.; Staib, G.; Balkow, D.; Schuler, M. and Sobek, W., Glass Construction Manuel,Birkhauser Edition Detail, Munich, 2007. - Staib, G.; Dörrhöfer, A. and Rosenthal, M., Components and Systems, Modular Construction, Birkhauser Edition Detail, Munich, 2008. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Gökçe Tuna Taygun 221 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4212, Contemporary Structural Systems, 2 credits Course Description : Definitions of buildings, relation between nature and structure, classifiction of sturctual systems (Bayülgen, Otto, Engel, Türkçü), folded structures, surface active structures, cable structures, pneumatic structures, vertical/high-rise structures, examination of selected buildings Course Goals & Objectives : Analysis of contemporary structural systems and examination of the Pioneer buildings of those structures. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Asensio, F., New Architecture, An International Atlas, Abrams, New York, 2005. - Bayülgen, C., Çağdaş Strüktür Sistemleri, YTÜ MIMarlık Fakültesi Yayını, MF.MIM-99.001, İstanbul, 1999. - Bizley, G., Architecture in Detail, Elsevier, Burlington, 2008. - Charleson, Andrew, W., Structure as Architecture, A Soruce Book for Architects and Structural Engineers, Elsevier, Burlington, 2005. - Damiani, G., Bernard Tschumi, Thames - Foster, N., Sudjic, D., de Grey, S., Norman Foster and the British Musseum, Prestel Verlag, London, 2001. - Jodidio, P., Building a New Millennium, Taschen, Köln, 2000. - Jodidio, P., Santiago Calatrava, Taschen, Köln, 2007. - Molinari, L., Santiago Calatrava, Skira Architecture Library, Milan, 1999. - Parkyn, N., SuperStructures, The World’s Greatest Modern Structures, Merrell, London, 2004. - Reichold, K., Graf, B., Buildings that Changed the World, Prestel, Munich, 1999. - San Martin, M., Contemporary Architecture, Loft Publications, Barcelona, 2008. - Schierle, G. G., Architectural Structures, University of South California, Los Angles, 2003. - Schleifer, S., Spectacular Buildings, Taschen, Valles, 2007. - Silver, P., McLean, W., Introduction to Architectural Technology, Laurence King Publishing, London, 2008. - Türkçü, Ç., Çağdaş Taşıyıcı Sistemler, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2003. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : S.Müjdem Vural 222 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3272, ACC Applications In Buildings, 2 credits Course Description : Production technique of AAC building materials and components, application techniques, facade processes, benefits in terms of earthquake safety, AAC’s position in “Energy Efficiency Regulations”, advantages in terms of building physics, advantages it provides in Project stage and façade analysis, Thermal insulation, condensation and sound insulation study in buildings and sample project, Façade solutions in buildings, Projects for massive construction. Course Goals & Objectives : To create designs with AAC building materials and components, in order to form comfortable buildings with earthquake safety that are compatible with building physics laws, ecologically sustainable and with optimised construction cost. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Ytong El Kitabı 1-2, Türk Ytong Sanayi A.Ş. - İstanbul İlgili Yönetmelikler (TS, Afet Bölgelerinde Yapılacak Yapılar Hakkında Yönetmelik, Yapılarda Enerji Performansı Yönetmeliği, Yangın Yönetmeliği, DIN) Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Nuri Ertokat 223 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4222, Passive Heating Systems, 2 credits Course Description : This course has fundamental knowledge about; the definition of passive heating systems, the relationship between thermal comfort and passive heating systems, types of passive solar energy systems, direct heat gain system, solar walls system (heat storage), attached sun spaces system, and the comparison of passive heating systems topics. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of this course is to enhance the skill of designing buildings that utilize from solar passive heating systems Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - G. Zorer, “Dersliklerde Edilgen Sistemle Isısal Konforun Sağlanmasında Tasar Ölçütü Olarak Bir Değerlendirme Yöntemi Oluşturulması”, 96-B-005, ISBN 975-461-022-3, Doktora Tezi, YTÜ Basım Yayın Merkezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 193 sayfa, 1995. - Şerefhanoğlu, M., Güneş Işınlarından Yararlanma ve Korunma, YÜ Basımevi 1988. - Şerefhaoğlu, M., Türkiyede Yapıların Düşey Yüzeylerinin Güneşlenme Durumları, İst. 1974. - Solar Dwellings Design Consept, The AIA Research Cop., 1976. - Jersey, N., Passive Active Solar Heating Technology, Prentive Hall Inc., 1985. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Gülay Zorer Gedik 224 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3222, Solar Control, 2 credits Course Description : This course has fundamental knowledge about; the effects of solar radiation to building envelope, the basic knowledge of solar orbits, The Shadow Path Method and its applications, determining of building shadows, the design of vertical and horizontal solar control elements, definition of mean local and standard time, the relationship between time and shadow path diagram topics Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of this course is to enhance the skill of design for solar control at buildings. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - Sirel, Ş., Yapılarda Güneş Düzenlenmesi İçin Gölge Eğrileri Yöntemi; İDMMA, İst.,1974. - Sirel, H., Yapılarda Güneş Denetimine İlişkin Problemlerin Çözülmesinde Gölge Eğrileri Yönteminin Kullanılması; YTÜ, İst. 1991 - Şerefhanoğlu, M., Türkiye’de Yapıların Düşey Yüzeylerinin Güneşlenme Durumları, YÜ., 1974. - M David Egan, Concepts in Thermal Comfort, Prentice – Hall , 1975. - Olgyay and Olgyay, Solar Control and Shading Devices, 1974. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Gülay Zorer Gedik 225 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3232, Heat-Humidity, 2 credits Course Description : This course has fundamental knowledge about; the effects of solar radiation to building envelope, the basic knowledge of solar orbits, The Shadow Path Method and its applications, determining of building shadows, the design of vertical and horizontal solar control elements, definition of mean local and standard time, the relationship between time and shadow path diagram topics Course Goals & Objectives : Explaining the impact of heat and humidity subjects to the architectural design. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - Zorer, G., Yapılarda Isısal Tasarım İlkeleri, YTÜ, 1992 - Zorer Gedik,G., Isı-Nem (Seçme) Elektronik ortamda ders sunumları, 2008 - Şerefhanoğlu, M., Yapılarda Isısal Konfor ve Cam Yüzeyler, YÜ İst.1981 - Şerefhanoğlu, M., Soğuk Hava Koşullarında Yapıların Dış Duvarlarının İç Yüzey Sıcaklıklarının Belirlenmesi ve Isısal Konfor Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi, YÜ İst.1983. Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Gülay Zorer Gedik 226 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4282, Risk in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : Definition and steps of risk, risk in architecture, risk assessment, management and communication in architecture Course Goals & Objectives : To give the knowledge of risk and risk analysis, risks in architecture, creating a healthy environment in light of risks, gain an approach for research, analysis and evaluation Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Vural, S.M., Yapı İçi Hava Niteliği Risk Süreci Modeli Belirlenmesi, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, YTÜ, FBE, İstanbul, 2004. - Thompson, K. M., Risk in Perspective, AORM, Newton Centre, 2004. - Andrews, J. D. Ve Moss, T. R., Reliability and Risk Assessment, Professional Engineering Publishing, London, 2002. - Borge, D., The Book of Risk, John Wiley - Kamen, D. M. Ve Hassenzahl, D. M., Should We Risk It, Exploring Environmental, Health, and Technological Problem Solving, Princeton University Pres, Oxford, 2001 - Williams, P. R. D. The Risk Analysis Framework: Risk Assessment, Risk Management, and Risk Communication, 70.3-70.38, Indoor Air Quality Handbook, J. D. Spengler,, J. M. Samet ve J. F. McCarthy, (Derl.), McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000. - Anderson, E. L. Ve Albert, R. E., Risk Assesment and Indoor Air Quality, Lewis Publishers, New York, 1999. - Talınlı, İ., Sunar, T. Ve Pilatin, K. M., Tehlikeli Maddelerin Çevresel Risk Değerlendirmesi DPT Projesi Model Sonuç Raporu, İTÜ Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul, 1999. - Haimes, Y. Y., Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management, Wiley- Interscience Publication, New York, 1998. - Kolluru, R. V., vd., Risk Assessment: A Unified Approach, Risk Assessment and Management Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996. - Asante-Duah, D. K., Hazardous Waste Risk Assessment, Lewis Publishers, Florida, 1993. - Crouch, E. A.C. ve Wilson, R., Risk/Benefit Analysis, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1982. Offered : Spring; annually Faculty assigned : S.Müjdem Vural 227 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4292, Life Cycle in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description : Building Products and Environment, Life Cycle in Architecture, Life Cycle Assessment, Inventory Analysis, Impact Assessment, Sample Studies of LCA of Building and Building Products Course Goals & Objectives : Topics related to relationship of buildings, building products and environment Selecting the correct products for creating a health built environment, needing the correct information about the producs as a desicion maker Life Cycle Assessment that is studying on the effects of building and building products on environment. Topical Outline : Homework (15 %) Presentation (15 %) Mid-terms (30 %) Final (40 %) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Tuna Taygun G., (2005), Yapı Ürünlerinin Yaşam Döngüsü Değerlendirmesine Yönelik Bir Model Önerisi, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, YTÜ FBE, İstanbul. Curran, M. A., Overly, J. G., Hofstetter, P., Muller, R. ve Lippiatt, B. C., (2002), BEES 2.0, Building for environmental and Economic Sustainability Peer Review Report, NISTIR 6865, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Washington, D. C.. Anderson, J., Shiers, D. E. ve Sinclair, M., (2002), The Green Guide to Specification an Environmental Profiling System for Building Materials and Components, 3rd edition, Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford. Scheuer, C.W. ve Keoleian, G.A., (2002), Evaluation of LEEDTM Using LCA Methods, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST GCR 02-836. Anderson, J. ve Edwards, S., (2000), Addendum to BRE Methodology for Environmental Profiles of Construction Materials, Components and Buildings, DETR Framework Project: Support for Government Policies on Sustainable Development, BRE Ltd., Watford. Jönsson, A., (2000), “Tools and Methods for Environmental Assessment of Building ProductsMethodological Analysis of Six Selected Approaches”, Building and Environment, 35: 223-238. Harris, D. J., (1999), “A Quantitive Approach to the Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Building Materials”, Building and Environment, 34: 751-758. Offered : Fall, Spring Faculty assigned : Gökçe Tuna Taygun 228 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4242, Room Acoustics, 2 credits Course Description : Fundamental knowledge about; basic principles of sound and hearing, sound field differences between open and enclosed spaces, sound reflection and absorption in rooms, room acoustic parameters, reverberation and reverberation time, optimal reverberation time, sound level calculations, early reflections, presence criteria and room modes, acoustic defaults and precautions in rooms, evaluations on conference halls and auditoriums. Room acoustics projects of a conference hall. Course Goals & Objectives : to have the students gained the fundamental principals related to acoustical design of the rooms. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - Media Acoustics ve Architectural Acoustics Eğitim CD’leri / - Sirel, Ş., 1980. Yapı Akustiği I, İDMMA Basımevi, İstanbul. - Sirel, Ş., 1981. Hacim Akustiğinde Yansışım Süresi, Yapı Fiziği Bilim Dalı Yayınları, İDMMA Basımevi, İstanbul. - Templetion, B., Saunders, D., “Acoustic Design”, The Alden Press., UK., 1987. - Karabiber, Z., 1991. MIMari Akustikle İlgili Başlıca Tanım, Terim, Formül ve Büyüklükler, Y.Ü.MIMarlık Fakültesi Baskı İşliği, İstanbul. - Maekawa, Z., Lord, P., “Environmental and Architectural Acoustics”, E - Maekawa, Z., Lord, P., Environmental and Architectural Acoustics, E - Irvine, L.K., Richards, R.L.: Acoustics and Noise Control Handbook for Architects and Builders, Krieger Publishing Company, USA, 1998. - Heinrich Kutruff, Room Acoustics, Taylor Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Neşe Yüğrük Akdağ, Zerhan Yüksel Can 229 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3242, Daylighting, 2 credits Course Description : Calculation principles of illuminance, light reflection and transmission features of the objects, effective parameters for daylight, the features of the sun and sky, the features of external obstructions, windows and space, the effect of vertical and horizontal window features on the quantity and distribution of natural lighting, daylight systems, practices about window and lightshelf design Course Goals & Objectives : To introduce the factors of daylight illuminance and to reveal the influence of daylight on architectural design. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - IEA: Daylight in Buildings, A Source Book on Daylighting Systems and Components, Report of IEA SHC Task 21, 2000. - DIN 5034-1: Tageslicht in Innenräumen, Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen - TS EN 15193: Binalarda enerji performansı-Aydınlatma için enerji gereksinimleri - DIALux, Relux etc. lighting simulation softwares Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Leyla Dokuzer Öztürk, Rengin Ünver 230 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3282, Lighting, 2 credits Course Description : Relationship between lighting design and architecture , reflection and transmission of light, average illuminance calculations for artificial light, light sources, lamps and luminaires, lighting quality, energy efficient lighting, lighting arrangements in interiors for different functions. Course Goals & Objectives : To give basic knowledge related to the theoretical and application aspects of lighting design. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - TS EN 15193: Binalarda enerji performansı-Aydınlatma için enerji gereksinimleri. - IESNA, The Lighting Handbook, 9. Edition, ISBN: 0-87995-150-8, New York, USA, 2000. - CIE, Lighting in indoor work places, CIE008.1/E. Vienna, 2001. - Sirel, Ş., Aydınlatmada Enerji Kaybı, YFU yayınları, No 3, 1991. - DIALux, Relux etc. lighting softwares Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Leyla Dokuzer Öztürk, Rengin Ünver 231 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4252, Interior Colour Design, 2 credits Course Description : Vision and colour perception, two and three dimansional colour systems, principles of colour mixture, relationship between the light and colour, general principles of colour composition, principles of interior and facade colour design, theoretical and practical study with Munsell Colour System, analysing colour design examples. Course Goals & Objectives : To instruct the properties of the colour as an architectural design element and to give the principles of the interior and facade colour design. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - Munsell, A. H., A Color notation, Munsell Color Comp., N Y, 1971. - Sirel, Ş., Kuramsal Renk biligisi, İstanbul, 1974. - Beazley, M., The Color Book, London, 1997. - Berns, R., S., Billmeyer and Saltzman’s Principles of Color Technology, JohnWiley&Sons, NY, 2000. - Ünver, R., Öztürk, L., “Toplu Konutlarda Yapı Dış Yüzü Renklendirmesinde Temel İlkeler ve Öneriler”; YTÜ Araştırma Fonu- Proje No. 99-03-01.02, 2002 - Complete Color Harmony Workbook, ISBN -13 978 1 59253 329 9, Rockport Publishers, Massachusetts, 2007. - RAL Color Feeling-TrendsColour Chips Combinations 07/08-10/11, Germany. - Lenclos, J. P., Couleurs du Monde; ISBN 2 281 19116 8 Le Moniteur, Paris, 1999. - Luke, J.T., The Munsell Color System: A Language for Color, Fairchild Publications, New York, 1996. - CIE, Color Notations and Color Order Systems, No 124/1,1997. - Sirel. Ş., Kuramsal Renk Bilgisi, Kutulmuş Matbaası, İstanbul, 1974. - Munsell Renk Kitabı ve RAL Renk Kataloğu. - DIALux, Relux etc. lighting softwares Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Leyla Dokuzer Öztürk, Rengin Ünver 232 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 3262, Climatic Building Design, 2 credits Course Description : This course has fundamental knowledge about; the climatic factors, the climate types, the statistics properties of climatic data, the effect of different climatic data to building design, typical examples on climate – building interaction (Diyarbakır – Antalya etc.), to build man made environment and to create new climatic conditions (micro climate) topics. Course Goals & Objectives : The aim of this course is to enhance the skill of reaching to optimal solutions at building design by using climatic data. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (60%) Final Examination (40%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: - Original course notes - Climatic Building Design, Mc Graw Hıll Book Company, 1992 - Housing Climate and Comfort , The Architectural Pres Limited, 1980. - Burberry, P.,Practical Thermal Design in Buildings; London, 1983. - Zorer, G., Yapılarda ısısal Tasarım İlkeleri; YTÜ, 1992. - Givoni, B., Man, Climate and Architecture; London, Aplied Science Publishers Ltd Offered : Fall, Spring; annually Faculty assigned : Gülay Zorer Gedik 233 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course : MIM 4262, Construct of Structural Systems In Electronic Environment, 2 credits Course Description : The main content of the course is systematically analysing and constructing the structural system of a building in electronic environment. This course covers the visualisation of structural systems and its main construction phases and collecting data to make it possible. The course consists of two sections as research and visualisation. Excel program will be used as template for both sections. Course Goals & Objectives : The objective is to support the students in studying, classifying, visualisation capability of structural systems in terms of construction components and in long term to create a structural archive. It is usual that students have difficulties in reaching technical information about structural systems of buildings. The target of the course is to collect data about analysed buildings, evaluate them step by step and reach the result through regularly gained information and support. Topical Outline : In-term Studies (80%) Final Examination (20%) Prerequisites: 0712482- Structural System Design-1 Textbooks/Learning Resources: - lecture notes - Taşıyıcı sistemler ve yapı statiği (Sungur 2005) - Structural systems (Engel 2004) - Detail Review of Architecture, Constructing Architecture (Deplazes 2008) Offered : Fall; annually Faculty assigned : Görün Arun 234 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3332, World Architecture After 1970’s, 2 credits Course Description: Architectural knowledge and praxis after 1970's till today. Course Goals & Objectives To understand the evolution of architectural knowledge and praxis after 1970's. Topical Outline: Course Hours (30,1%) Study Hours Out of Class (45,2%) Homework Assignments (11,3%) Quizzes/Studio Critics (7,5%) Presentations / Seminar (1,8%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Ghirardo, D., Architecture After Modernism, Thames Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Zafer Sagdic 235 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 4351, History of Architectural Thought, 2 credits Course Description: Evolution of written architectural knowledge from the beginning. Course Goals & Objectives: To comprehend the historical development of architectural thought. Topical Outline: Course Hours (29,6%) Study Hours Out of Class (59,2%) Mid-Terms(Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (7,4%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,7%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: H. Kruft, A History of Architectural Theory, Princeton Architectural Press. Offered: Spring only; annually Faculty assigned: Nuran Kara Pilehvarian 236 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 4361, Current Architects, 2 credits Course Description: To learn and discuss about the important architects, architectural philosophies and products from 1920's, the epoch of born of modern architectural styles, till today. Course Goals & Objectives: To know the contemporary architecture and understand its relationship among architects, architectural philosophies and architectural products. Topical Outline: Course Hours (22,4%) Study Hours Out of Class (55,1%) Homework Assignments (13,7%) Presentations/Seminar (3,4%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration+Examination Prep. Duration) (3,4%) Final (Examination Duration +Examination Prep. Duration) (1,7%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Tanyeli, U., 2007, MIMarligin Aktorleri, Turkiye 1900-2000, Garanti Galeri Yayinlari. Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Zafer Sagdic 237 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3351, History of Construction, 2 credits Course Description: To analyze the relations between construction systems and architectural styles throughout the history. Course Goals & Objectives: The effects of past construction techniques to architecture in the future. Topical Outline: Course Hours (27,5%) Study Hours Out of Class (41,3%) Homework Assignments (10%) Quizzes/Studio Critics (6,8%) Presentations / Seminar (10,3%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,7%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,7%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Kuban, D., MIMarlik Kavramlari, Yem Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1992. Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Lutfu Yazicioglu 238 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3451, Turkish Art, 2 credits Course Description: Turkish Art before and after Islam Course Goals & Objectives: To introduce the background and works of Turkish Art especially in Central Asia and Anatolia. Topical Outline: Course Hours (27,3%) Study Hours Out of Class (41%) Homework Assignments (17%) Quizzes/Studio Critics (6,8%) Presentations / Seminar (4,2%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,7%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,7%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Aslanapa, O., Turk Sanati, Remzi Kitabevi, Istanbul. Diyarbekirli, N., Hun Sanati Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Nur Urfalioglu 239 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3321, Urban Archeology, 2 credits Course Description: Definition of urban archeology, its differences from general archeology in urban practices, implementations for conserving the urban archeological sites, cooperation of archeology with other disciplines, inventory work and documentation of remains and monuments in the city. Course Goals & Objectives: • To give information on the importance of urban archeology in the field of architecture, on develeopment of cities,and on implementations on historic monuments. • To introduce urban historic monuments and general culture. • To raise awareness in conservation of historic monuements and sites in cities starting with İstanbul example. Topical Outline: Course Hours (28%) Study Hours Out of Class (42,1%) Project (26,3%) Mid-Terms (1,7%) Final (1,7%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Gokcay M., Kent Arkeolojisi Seminerleri, Istanbul, 2010 Akarca A., Sehir ve Savunmasi, Ankara, 1987 Saltuk S., Arkeoloji, İstanbul, 1997 Kuban D., Istanbul Bir Kent Tarihi. İstanbul, 1996 Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Metin Gokcay 240 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3331, The Period of Sinan The Architect, 2 credits Course Description: Sinan’s life, Hassa MIMarlar Ocagi, Ottoman planing system, Waqf, Istanbul at the begining of Sinan’s era, historical documents on Sinan, plan, space, structure, mass and elevations of Sinan’s architecture, parallel cultures: Renaissance, Safavid etc., Sinan’s position in world architecture Course Goals & Objectives: • To evaluate Sinan’s identity as an artist and his works. • To study 16th century Ottoman Architecture in comprarison with contemporary culture. Topical Outline: Course Hours (30,1%) Study Hours Out of Class (45,2%) Homework Assignments (1,8%) Quizzes/Studio Critics (7,5%) Presentations / Seminar (11,3%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Final(Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Necipoglu, G., The Age of Sinan: Architectural Culture in the Ottoman Empire, 2010 Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Berrin Alper 241 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3341, History of Architecture Profession, 2 credits Course Description: The history and evolution of an architect as an individual and the architectural praxis. Course Goals & Objectives: To understand the evolution/ development of architect and architectural praxis through the world history. Topical Outline: Course Hours (30%) Study Hours Out of Class (45,2%) Homework Assignments (11,3%) Quizzes/Studio Critics (7,5%) Presentations/Seminar (1,8%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Final(Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Kostof, Spiro, The Architect: Chapters in the History of the Profession, Oxford University Press, New York, 1977. Pfammatter, Ulrich, Die Erfindung des Modernen Architekten, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel/Boston/Berlin, 1997. Saunders, William S., ed.:, Reflectıons on Architectural Practices in the Nineties, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 1996. Saint, Andrew, The Image of the Architect, Yale University Press, New Haven Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Zafer Sagdic 242 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3352, Proportion in Architecture, 2 credits Course Description: To evaluate the concept of proportion in nature, art, philosophy and architecture starting from the Antique Age / numeric and geometric definition of proportions and orders used in architecture/ analysis of buildings designed in regard of proportion systems between antiquity and modern era. Course Goals & Objectives: Concepts like proportion, symmetry etc. are defined by Renaissance artists like Alberti and Palladio and are tranferred to the modern era by Le Corbusier's modular. The course aims to inform architecture students about these concepts so that they could evaluate the architectural works of the past better. Topical Outline: Course Hours (30,1%) Study Hours Out of Class (45,2%) Homework Assignments (11,3%) Quizzes/Studio Critics (7,5%) Presentations / Seminar (1,8%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: th Wittkower, Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism, 5 Edition, Academy Editions, London, 1988. Palladio, The Four Books of Architecture, Dover Publication, New York, 1965. Padovan, Proportion, E & FN Spon, London and New York, 1999. Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Nuket Tuncer 243 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 4321, Modernity Problematics in Design and Art, 2 credits Course Description: Interdisciplinary analysis of conceptual problems of art and design practices of 20th century. Course Goals & Objectives: Interdisciplinary analysis of conceptual problems of art and design practices of 20th century. Topical Outline: Course Hours (30,1%) Study Hours Out of Class (45,2%) Homework Assignments (11,3%) Quizzes/Studio Critics (7,5%) Presentations / Seminar (1,8%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Lash, Scott, Another Modernity: A Different Rationality, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford/Cambridge, 1999 Lefebvre, Henri, Introduction to Modernity, Verso, London/New York, 1995 (1962). Touraine, Alain, Critique of Modernity, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford/Cambridge, 1995. Sheppard, Richard, Modernısm-, Dada-, Postmodernısm, Northwestern Uni. Press, Evanston, 2000. Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Zafer Sagdic 244 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 4331, Documentation in Historical Spaces, 2 credits Course Description: Documentation and visual production of historical spaces. Course Goals & Objectives: Documentation and visual production of historical spaces. Topical Outline: Course Hours (28%) Study Hours Out of Class (56%) Homework Assignments (13%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (2,6%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Fear, B., Architecture and Animation, 2001 Mansbridge, J., Graphic History of Architecture, 1967 Sanati Taniyalim Dizisi, Inkilap Kitabevi, 1997 Eldem, S.H., Istanbul Anilari, 1979 Arslan, N., Gravur ve Seyahatnamelerde Istanbul,1992 Eken,A., Kartpostallarda İstanbul, 1992 Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Gul Akdeniz 245 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3342, Archeological Sites and Analysis, 2 credits Course Description: Archeological sites in Turkey and abroad will be analysed in the context of their income to living cities and effects on new developments. Ancient settlements come into open by excavations and the cultural and architectural elements that form them and their affects on modern-day. Course Goals & Objectives: The course aims to offer new opportunities for architects in the field of archeological excavations and to develop a better understanding of history of architecture and contemporary architecture with the help of studying archeological sites Topical Outline: Course Hours (30,1%) Study Hours Out of Class (45,2%) Homework Assignments (11,3%) Quizzes/Studio Critics (7,5%) Presentations/Seminar (1,8%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Muller-Wiener .W., Istanbul'un Tarihi Topografyası, Istanbul, 2001 Kent Arkeolojisi Seminerleri, İstanbul, 2010 Istanbul Bir Kent Tarihi, İstanbul, 1996 Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Metin Gokcay (Adjunct) 246 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 4341, Space and History in Cinema, 2 credits Course Description: The expression of space in cinema as a product and architecture, space as the film set, architecture as a metaphor in cinema, futurism and utopia in cinema, architect as a movie character, cinema as a subject of architectural criticism. Course Goals & Objectives: The expression of space in cinema as a product and architecture, space as the film set, architecture as a metaphor in cinema, futurism and utopia in cinema, architect as a movie character, cinema as a subject of architectural criticism. Topical Outline: Course Hours (30,1%) Study Hours Out of Class (45,2%) Homework Assignments (11,3%) Quizzes / Studio Critics (7,5%) Presentations / Seminar (1,8%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,8%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Penz F. (ed). 1997. “Cinema & Architecture: Melies, Mallet-Stevens, Multimedia”. British Film Institute. Neumann D, (ed). 1999. “Film Architecture from Metropolis to Blade Runner”. Prestel. Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Zafer Sagdic 247 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 4302, Conservation and Tourism, 2 credits Course Description: The expression of space in cinema as a product and architecture, space as the film set, architecture as a metaphor in cinema, futurism and utopia in cinema, architect as a movie character, cinema as a subject of architectural criticism. Course Goals & Objectives: To give the students knowledge and consciousness about relationship between tourism and concept of world cultural and natural heritage, archaeology and tourism. Topical Outline: Course Hours (41%) Field Work (6,8%) Study Hours Out of Class (42,7%) Presentations/Seminar (4,2%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration+Examination Prep. Duration) (2,5%) Final (Examination Duration +Examination Prep. Duration) (2,5%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Binan, D., “Kapadokya Bolgesi Icinde Tarihsel Cevrenin Turizm Amacli Kullanimina Ornek Guzelyurt-Gelveri”, Turizm Yilligi, 132-150, 1988-89. Kuban, D., “Otel turizmi ve Hierapolis (Pamukkale'nin) Tahribi Uzerine Kisa Gozlemler”, Yapi, sayi: 106, 44. Sagcan, M., “Turizm Cevre İliskileri ve Turizm Kaynaklarinin Korunmasi”, Turizm Yilligi 1985, Ankara, 1986. Ekinci, O., “Turizm Planlamasında Tarihsel ve Dogal Cevre”, Cumhuriyet, 23 Eylul 1987. Oner, O., “Eski Yapıların Turizm Amacli Degerlendirilmesi”, Rolove ve Restorasyon Dergisi, sayı: 4, 1982. Dujardin, V., (2010) ‘Développement Culturel et Touristique des Sites Archéologiques Antiques en France’, Tourisme Lazzarotti, O,. (2011) Patrimoine et Tourisme, Histoires, Lieux, Acteurs, Enjeux, Paris. Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Can Binan, Banu Celebioglu 248 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: th MIM 4342, 19 Century Building and Architects in Istanbul, 2 credits Course Description: Culturel enviroment at 19th century at İstanbul / Architectural applications before the reforms / Changing wishes which has taken for example from Europe / New building programs which required with reforms / Native and foreign architects, professional formations, contributions at Ottoman architecture environment / Characteristics of style, materials and technics of construction. Course Goals & Objectives: Analysis and recognizing buildings of the 19th century. Topical Outline: Homework Assignments (20%) Presentations/Jury (20%) Mid-Terms (40%) Final (20%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Encyclopedia of Turkey from Tanzimat to Republic Encyclopedia of İstanbul Cezar, M., (1991) ’19.yy Beyoglusu', Akbank Yayinlari,Istanbul. Istanbul Magazine Can, C., (1993) 'İstanbul’da 19.yy MIMarlari ve Yapilari', YTÜ Fen Bilimleri Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Can Binan, Ebru Harman Aslan, Nur Umar (Assistants) 249 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3312, Architectural Photography, 2 credits Course Description: History of Photography Architectural Photography General Principles / Inventory of Historical Monuments in the plans of removing and Methods of Use of photography / documentary of photography Qualified Applications / Architecture Implementation of Sampling Experiments. Course Goals & Objectives: The aim of the course is to give basic knowledge of photography for architecture students, teaching them to take regular architectural photographs and show them the problems by taking photos of group of buildings, buildings and detail of buildings. Topical Outline: Course Hours (27,3%) Application (13,6%) Study Hours Out of Class (30,7%) Homework Assignments (20,5%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (5,1%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (2,5%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Veltri, John. Architectural Photography. New York: American Photographic Book Publishing Co., Inc., 1974. Buchanan, Terry. Photographing Historic Buildings. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1983. Busch, Akiko. The Photography of Architecture: Twelve Views. New York: Van Nostrand Company, 1987. T.Grimm, The Basebook of Photography , Penguin, 1998. G. Kopelew, How to Photograph Buildings and İnteriors, Princeton Arch. Press, 1998. B. London, v.d., Photography , Prentice Hall, 2001. LeBlanc, Dave. “An Eye for Architecture.” Globe and Mail, November 7, 2003, National Edition, G10. M. Freeman, Fotoğrafçının Gozu, Remzi Kitapevi, 2012 Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Faruk Tuncer 250 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 3322, Turkish House and Its Conservation, 2 credits Course Description: Main sources about the Turkish houses, the concept of Turkish house, Its characteristics and origins/ Geographical distribution of Turkish houses and an overview of Ottoman residential architecture/ Course Goals & Objectives: The objective of this course is to introduce the traditional houses which don’t currently manufectured and rapidly destroyed, and to provide a documentation of them. Topical Outline: Course Hours (27,5%) Study Hours Out of Class (41,3%) Homework Assignments (20,6%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (6,8%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,4%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: A. Erdem, Goynuk Tarihsel Siti Dini ve Sivil MIMarlık Urunleri, Koruma Sorunlari ve Yeni Yapilanma Kosullari YTÜ, FBE, Yayinlanmamis Doktora Tezi, Istanbul,1997. A. Erdem, Kula Tarihsel Sit, Sivil MIMarlik Ornekleri ve Sorunlari Uzerine Bir Arastirma, İDMMA, FBE, Yayinlanmamis Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Istanbul, 1983. D. Kuban, Turk Hayat’li Evi, Ziraat Bankasi Kultur Yayınları, Istanbul, 1993. R. Gunay, Turk Ev Geleneği ve Safranbolu Evleri, YEM Yayınları, Istanbul, 1999. R. Gunay, Elmali ve Yoresel MIMarligi, Ege Yayınları, Istanbul, 2008. O. Kucukerman, Kendi Mekaninin Arayisi icinde Turk Evi, Turing Otomobil Kurumu Yayınlari, Istanbul, 1985. S. H. Eldem, Turk Evi, Osmanlı Dönemi, Cilt I,II,III TAÇ Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, 1984-1987. S.H.Eldem, Turk Evi Plan Tipleri, İTÜ MIMarlik Fakultesi Yayinlari, Istanbul,1968. Related research articles Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Ayten Erdem 251 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 4322, Westernization Period of Istanbul, 2 credits Course Description: This course gives fundamental knowledge about explanation of Modernisation concept, to take up in general; interrogating relations of Ottoman Architecture and urban space; examining Modernisation Period of Ottoman Architecture; political reforms and organizational transformations; traces of Modernisation on Istanbul’s urban space. Course Goals & Objectives: The aim of this course is to examine the effects of Westernization on Ottoman Architecture and urbananization in İstanbul in the 18 th - 19 th century. Topical Outline: Course Hours (27,3%) Study Hours Out of Class (51,2%) Homework Assignments (12,8%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (5,12%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,4%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Arel, A., 18. Yuzyil Istanbul MIMarisinde Batililasma Sureci, İstanbul, 1975. Cezar, M., Sanatta Bati’ya Acilis ve Osman Hamdi, Erol Kerim Aksoy Yayinlari, İstanbul, 1995. Cezar, M., 19. Yuzyıl Beyoglusu, Akbank Yayinlari, İstanbul, 1991. Denel, S., Batililasma Surecinde İstanbul’da Tasarim ve Dis Mekanlarda Degisim, ODTÜ, Ankara, 1982. Kuban, D., Istanbul Yazilari: Kent ve MIMarlik Uzerine, YEM Yayinlari, İstanbul, 1998. Akture, S., 19. Yuzyıl Sonunda Anadolu Kenti Mekansal Yapı Cozumlemesi, Yayınlanmis Doktora Tezi, ODTÜ, Ankara, 1978. Tanzimattan Cumhuriyete Turkiye Ansiklopedisi, İletisim Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1985. Yergun, U., "Batililasma Dönemi MIMarisinde, Yapim Teknolojisindeki Degisim ve Gelisim” YTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Doktora Tezi (yayinlanmamis), İstanbul, 2002. Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Uzay Yergun 252 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: th MIM 4332, Interior Decoration of 19 Century Buildings, 2 credits Course Description: Knowledge about interior design, decoration concept, modern and imported building materials and techniques used for walls, ceilings and floors of the 19 th century buildings. Course Goals & Objectives: To inform about building materials, decoration elements and production techniques of the 19 th century buildings’ interior spaces. To give an understanding on the conservation of their original architectural pecularities. To analyse the changing concept of the interior decoration influenced by Western styles. Topical Outline: Course Hours (42,1%) Study Hours Out of Class (14%) Homework Assignments (28%) Presentations / Seminar (8,7%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,5%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,5%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Pile, John. A History of Interior Design. Laurence King Publishing, London, 2009. Miller Judith, Beazley Mitchell. The Style Source Book, The Definitive Visual Directory of Fabrics, Wallpapers, Paints, Flooring, Tiles, Reed Books, London,1998. The Papered Wall, ed. Lesley Hoskins, Thames and Hudson, London, 1994. 4) Sabo, Rioletta; Falcato Nuno Jorge. Portuguese Decorative Tiles, Abbeville Press, NY. Tekinmirza, Ferhan. Dolmabahçe Sarayı’nın İç Süslemelerinde Kullanılan Teknikler ve Mekanlardaki Dağılımı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Sanat Tarihi Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Yuksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul, 2008. Tekinalp, Pelin Şahin. “Duvar Resimlerinde Köşk, Kasır ve Saraylar”, 150. Yılında Dolmabahçe Sarayı Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 23-26 Kasım 2006, Bildiriler, TBMM Milli Saraylar Yayını, İstanbul, 2007, C.2, s. 113-131. Yum, Şule. “Son Dönem Osmanlı Sarayları ile Bazı Batı Saraylarının Duvar ve Tavan Resim Programından Örnekler”, TBMM Milli Saraylar Dergisi, Sayı: 4, s. 73-82. Madran, Emre; Özgönul Nimet. Kültürel ve Doğal Değerlerin Korunması, MIMarlar Odası Yayını, Ankara, 2005. Offered: Spring only; annually Faculty assigned: Aynur Ciftci 253 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 1422, History of Art, 3 credits Course Description: Art history from pre-historic period to 20th century. Course Goals & Objectives: To raise awarness of various disciplines by introduction of art history. Topical Outline: Course Hours (50%) Study Hours Out of Class (41,6%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (4,1%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (4,1%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: H. Wölfflin, Sanat Tarihinin Temel Kavramları, Remzi Kitabevi Sanat Tarihi Ansiklopedisi, Görsel Yayınlar İnkılap ve Aka Yayınlarının “Sanatları Tanıyalım” serileri Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Nur Urfalioglu 254 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 2421, History of Architecture, 3 credits Course Description: History of architecture from pre-historic ages to 20th century. Course Goals & Objectives: To create awarness on history and environment via introduction of historical buildings and sites. Topical Outline: Course Hours (51%) Study Hours Out of Class (42,5%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,1%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,1%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Encyclopedia of World Art Fletcher, History of Architecture Ünsal, Behçet, MIMarlık Tarihi I, İYTO Yayınları, Sayı 53, İstanbul, 1967 Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Nuran Kara Pilehvarian 255 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 2411, Archeology, 3 credits Course Description: Archeology as a subject of general culture and a scientific field; its context, history, branches, the fields of co-work, methods, research, inventory and dating in architecture; restoration methods Course Goals & Objectives: To inform the students from vairous disiplines, on the archeology of the world and our country, which is a part of the general culture and to focus their attention on the scientific applications which would definitely include their profession. Topical Outline: Course Hours (46,1%) Study Hours Out of Class (46,1%) Presentations / Seminar (3,8%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,9%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (1,9%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Saltuk, S., Arkeoloji, İnkilap Kitabevi, İstanbul, 1997 Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Matin Gokcay 256 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: MIM 1412, History of Civilization, 3 credits Course Description: Appearance of human and the main eras and civilizations of history of civilization and their lifestyles, culture, art, science and philosophy. Course Goals & Objectives: to study how the humanity evolved, how and to what extent did the societies affected eachother, and to discuss at which level our country is and should be Topical Outline: Course Hours (47%) Study Hours Out of Class (47%) Presentations / Seminar (1,9%) Mid-Terms (1,9%) Final (1,9%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Tanilli, S., Uygarlık Tarihi, Adam Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2002. Lissner, I., Uygarlık Tarihi, İ.Ü.E.F. Yayınları, İstanbul, 1973. Anadolu Uygarlıkları Ansiklopedisi, 6 cilt, Görsel Yayınlar A.Ş., Ankara, 1982. Akurgal, E., Anadolu Uygarlıkları, Net Yayınları, İstanbul, 1989. Gökberk, M., Felsefe Tarihi, İ.Ü.E.F. Yayınları, İstanbul, 1967 Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Matin Gokcay 257 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: ITC1020, Social Structure, Historical Transformations, 3 credits Course Description: Appearance of human and the main eras and civilizations of history of civilization and their lifestyles, culture, art, science and philosophy. Course Goals & Objectives: To study how the humanity evolved, how and to what extent did the societies affected eachother, and to discuss at which level our country is and should be. Topical Outline: Course hours (47%) Study hours out of class (47%) Presentations/Seminar (3,9%) Mid-Terms(Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,9%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,9%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Tanilli, S., Uygarlık Tarihi, Adam Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2002. Lissner, I., Uygarlık Tarihi, İ.Ü.E.F. Yayınları, İstanbul, 1973. Anadolu Uygarlıkları Ansiklopedisi, 6 cilt, Görsel Yayınlar A.Ş., Ankara, 1982. Akurgal, E., Anadolu Uygarlıkları, Net Yayınları, İstanbul, 1989. Gökberk, M., Felsefe Tarihi, İ.Ü.E.F. Yayınları, İstanbul, 1967 Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Matin Gokcay 258 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: ITB 2030, Philosophy of Science, 3 credits Course Description: Understanding the importance of history of science on the progress history Course Goals & Objectives: To understand the importance of history of science in history of philosophy and learn ideas in a comprehensible manner Topical Outline: Course hours (46,6%) Study hours out of class (31,1%) Mid-Terms(Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (13,3%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (8,8%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Alan Chalmers, Bilim Dedikleri Caner Taslaman, Modern Bilim, Felsefe ve Tanrı Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Caner Taslaman 259 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: ITB 3260, Cultural Studies and Identity, 3 credits Course Description: This course includes a comprehensive review of the concept of ‘identity’ in reference to the basic theories of cultural studies. The notions of ‘culture’ and ‘identity’ are analyzed theoretically in relation to specific frameworks such as national identity, identity and difference, globalization and orientalism. Additionally, recent discussions on identity in the world, Europe and Turkey will be covered within the mentioned theoretical framework Course Goals & Objectives: Learning about basic approaches and theories in cultural studies. How can one research identity within the platform of cultural studies? Understanding better culture and identity in Turkey in the light of theoretical discussions in cultural studies. Topical Outline: Course hours (46,6%) Field Work (8,8%) Study hours out of class (31,1%) Project (5,5%) Mid-Terms(Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (3,3%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (4,4%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Bauman, Zygmunt (1998), Sosyolojik Düşünmek. Istanbul: Ayrıntı. Connolly, William E. (1995), Kimlik ve Farklılık. Istanbul: Ayrıntı. Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2002), Postmodernite ile Modernite Arasında Türkiye. Istanbul: İletişim. Morley, David ve Robins, Kevin (1997), Kimlik Mekanları. İstanbul: İletişim. Neyzi, Leyla (2004), ‘Ben KiMIM?’: Türkiye’de Sözlü Tarih, Kimlik ve Öznellik. Istanbul: İletişim. Sarup, Madan (2004), Post-Yapısalcılık ve Postmodernizm. Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat. Offered: Fall only; annually Faculty assigned: Kerem Karaosmanoğlu, Setenay Nil Doğan 260 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: ITB 3270, Istanbul: Past, Present and Future, 3 credits Course Description: This course gives a general panorama of Istanbul. It analyzes the history of Istanbul and its spatial transformation. It deals with the issues like poverty, slum, gentrification and changing consumption patterns. In addition to the major impact of economic liberalism and globalization, as it was in the case of the property market, it focuses on how formal and informal economic sectors have emerged. Finally, this course draws attention to Istanbul’s ethnic, religious, and class structure and conflicts. Course Goals & Objectives: This course aims at providing students a better understanding of the city in which they live. Students who come to Istanbul from various cities of Turkey for a four-year university education or those who know little about the city will get an ability to analyze social, economic, political and cultural changes concerning Istanbul. Topical Outline: Course hours (46,6%) Study hours out of class (31,1%) Homework Assignment (8,8%) Mid-Terms(Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (8,8%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (4,4%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: Bauman, Zygmunt (1998), Sosyolojik Düşünmek. Istanbul: Ayrıntı Murat Belge, İstanbul Gezi Rehberi. İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2004. Alan Duben, Cem Behar, İstanbul Aileleri, Evlilik, Aile ve Doğurganlık, 1880-1940. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1996 Daniel Goffman, Bruce Masters. Doğu ile Batı Arasında Osmanlı Kenti: Halep, İzmir ve İstanbul. İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2003. İstanbul’da Kentsel Ayrışma: Mekansal Dönüşümde Farklı Boyutlar, yay. haz. Hatice Kurtuluş. İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları. İstanbul’da ‘Soylulaştırma’: Eski Kentin Yeni Sahipleri. yay. haz. David Behar-Tolga İslam. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2006. Deniz Kandiyoti - Ayşe Saktanber, Kültür Fragmanları: Türkiye’de Gündelik Hayat, çev. Zeynep Yelçe. İstanbul : Metis Yayınları, 2003. Sibel Yardımcı, Kentsel Değişim ve Festivalizm: Küreselleşen İstanbul’da Bienal. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2006. Orhan Pamuk. İstanbul: Hatıralar ve Şehir. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2003. H. Deniz Yükseker, Laleli-Moskova Mekiği: Kayıtdışı Ticaret ve Cinsiyet İlişkileri. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2003. Çağlar Keyder. İstanbul Küresel ve Yerel Arasında, çev. Sungur Savran. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, 2006. Ethem Eldem, İstanbul’da Ölüm: Osmanlı-İslam Kültüründe Ölüm ve Ritüelleri. İstanbul: Garanti Bankası Osmanlı Bankası Arşiv ve Araştırma Merkezi, 2005. Bizantion’dan İstanbul’a bir başkentin 8000 Yılı : 5 Haziran 4 Eylül, 2010 Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi İstanbul. Küratör Nazan Ölçer Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, 2010. Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Nalan Turna 261 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: ITB 3310, Crime and Punishment: Criminological Perspective, 3 credits Course Description: Theories of crime; Crime prevention (criminal justice, ‘governmentality’ discussions, prison system and privatization discussions); Special topics (profit-oriented crimes and state crimes; media and crime) Course Goals & Objectives: The aim of this course is to offer basic criminological discussions regarding crime, both as a social fact and a socially constructed category, and the prevention of crime as well as exemplifying how these basic criminological discussions work in case examples.. Topical Outline: Attendance / Participation (62,5%) Mid-Terms (6,2%) Final (6,2%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: The course does not have a textbook; it has a course-pack. The course-pack is updated every year. Bruce Akers, Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, Application, Los Angeles: Roxbury, 2000: ss.1-13. David Garland ve Richard Sparks, ‘Criminology, Social Theory and the Challenge of Our Times’, David Garland ve Richard Sparks (ed.), Criminology and Social Theory, Oxford ve New York: Oxford University Press, 2000 içinde: ss.1-22. . *Zygmunt Bauman, ‘Social Uses of Law and Order’, David Garland ve Richard Sparks (ed.), Criminology and Social Theory, Oxford ve New York: Oxford University Press, 2000 içinde: ss.2346. Nicholas Rose, ‘Government and Control’, David Garland ve Richard Sparks (ed.), Criminology and Social Theory, Oxford ve New York: Oxford University Press, 2000 içinde: ss.183-208. Clifford D. Shearing ve Philip C. Stenning, ‘From Panopticon to Disney World: The Development of Discipline’, Eugene McLaughlin, John Muncie ve Gordon Hughes (ed.), Criminological Perspectives, Londra: Sage, 2. Baskı, 2003 içinde: ss. 424-433. David Garland, ‘‘Governmentality’, and the Problem of Crime: Foucault, Criminology, Sociology’, Eugene McLaughlin, John Muncie ve Gordon Hughes (ed.), Criminological Perspectives, Londra: Sage, 2. Baskı, 2003 içinde: ss.456-466. Angela J. Davis, ‘Incarceration and the Imbalance of Power’, Marc Mauer ve Meda Chesney-Lind (ed.), Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment, New York: The New Press, 2002 içinde: ss. 61-78. Judith A. Greene, ‘Enterpreneurial Corrections: Incarceration as a Business Opportunity’, Marc Mauer ve Meda Chesney-Lind (ed.), Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment, New York: The New Press, 2002 içinde: ss. 95113. Tracy Huling, ‘Building Prison Economy in Rural America’, Marc Mauer ve Meda ChesneyLind (ed.), Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment, New York: The New Press, 2002 içinde: ss. 197-213. Gregg Barak, ‘Toward a Criminology of State Criminality’, Gregg Barak (ed.), Crimes by the Capitalist State: An Introduction to State Criminality, Albany: SUNY Press, 1991 içinde: ss.3-16. Steven Chermak, ‘Crime in the News Media: A Refined Understanding of How Crimes Become News’, Gregg Barak (ed.), Media, Process and the Social Construction of Crime: Studies in Newsmaking Criminology, New York ve Londra: Garland Publishing, 1994 içinde: ss.95-129. Chris K. Messenger, The Godfather and American Culture: How the Corleones Became Our Gang, Albany: SUNY Press, 2002, ss. 253-290 (‘The Godfather Sung by The Sopranos’) Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Nalan Turna 262 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Number & Title of Course: ITB 3330, Environment and Ecology, 3 credits Course Description: Definition of environment and ecology, Damage of natural and ecological equilibrium, The factors effected ecological equilibrium (Urban ecology, population increase,..), Environmental pollution and classification, Air pollutants and air pollution Course Goals & Objectives: Environment pollution and the effect on human and other creatures, The problems that threaded our world and suggestions for solving this problem and improving of the importance of saving the environment for students Topical Outline: Course Hours (46,6%) Study Hours Out of Class (31,1%) Presentations / Seminar (7,7%) Mid-Terms (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (8,8%) Final (Examination Duration + Examination Prep. Duration) (5,5%) Prerequisites: None Textbooks/Learning Resources: The course does not have a textbook; it has a course-pack. The course-pack is updated every year. The textbook of lecturer Ecology and Environmental Problems. Yılmaz Muslu The Problems of Environment. Emrullah Güney The knowledge of Environment. Recep Bozyiğit, Tufan Karaaslan The Environmental Problems in the World and Turkey. K. Başol Ecology and Environment Science. F. Berkes, M. Kışlalıoğlu Offered: Fall and Spring; annually Faculty assigned: Sevgi Kocaoba 263 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 APPENDIX 2. Faculty Resumes Name: Deniz ERİNSEL ONDER Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): Undergraduate MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: Yildiz University, 1986 Yildiz Technical University, 1996 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 1999–2003 Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2003–2011 Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2011–present Professional Experience: Pravite Architectura Office-1986-1987 Yildiz Technical University, 1987-present Licenses/Registration: İstanbul-Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Önder, D.E., Gigi, Y., 2010, Reading Urban Spaces by the Space Syntax Method: A Proposal for the South Haliç Region, Cities, 27 (4), pg. 260-271 Önder, D.,2002, “A New Housing Group For Sub-Residential Area in Samarkand - A Morphological Comparison”, Cities, (V.19/Issues 5/ SSCI – ISSN 0264-2751), 237-239. Abalı, Z., Önder, D., 1990, “The Local Architectural Image In Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, A Social Sciences Journal, Vol.17, N:2, 280-284,USA Köseoğlu, E., Önder,D.E., Subjective and objective dimensions of spatial legibility, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 30, 2011, Pages 1191-1195 Önder, D.E., Köseoğlu, E., Bilen, Ö., Der, V., 2010, The effect of user participation in satisfaction: Beyciler after-earthquake houses in Düzce, ITU A|Z VOL: 7 NO: 1 18-37 2010-1. Ersin Acar İnam, Deniz Erinsel Önder, "A study on the destination image in Antalya-Belek Tourism Center" ITU A|Z VOL: 7 NO: 1 18-37 2010-1. İnam,E.A, Önder,D.E, Sürdürülebilir Turizm Gelişiminden Uzaklaşan Bir Bölge, Mimarlık, 354,ss 40-44. Koseoglu, Emine; Onder, Deniz Erinsel and Bilen Omer, 2012, A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Tourists’ Perceptions of Hotel Lobbies, International Journal of Architectural Research, vol.6-Issue 3 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 264 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Ayfer AYTUĞ Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MIM3171 Modelage (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: Arch. Istanbul Technical University, 1974 M.Arch. Istanbul Technical University, 1976 PhD. Yildiz Technical University, 1987. Teaching Experience: Lecturer,Yıldız Technical University, 1979-1990 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1990-2001 Professor, 2001-present Professional Experience (selected projects): YTÜ Davutpaşa Campus, Foreign Language School, Project, Yerleşimi, 2002-2004 (constructed). Ümraniye City Hall Building Design Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Center Design International Competition of Ideas for Developing The Surroundings of The Roman Aqueduct of Segovia: Proposals for The Third Millenium, Segovia-Spain, 1998 (Mention). Giy-Koop İş Merkezi-İstanbul, 1st prize , 1992. Licences/Registration: İstanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: “Evaluation (POE) of Yildiz Technical University (YTU) School of Foreign Languages (SFL)”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Volume 6, Number 9, September 2012, pp11281137, ISSN: 1934-7359 “The Geometrical Analysis of Mosques of Architect Sinan”, Journal of Mathematics & Design, Volume 1, issue 1, Argentina, March 2001. “Özel Sektör Yönetim Binalarında Sistem İyileştirme Modeli”, YTU Faculty Of Archıtecture, Ejournal MEGARON, volume 3 issue 3, s: 273-282, İstanbul, 2009 “Sağlık Kurumlarında Değişen Paradigmalar ve İyileştiren Hastane Kavramının Mimari Tasarım Açısından İrdelenmesi” (Changing Paradigms in Healthcare Facilities and Examination of Healing Hospital Concept Through Architectural Design), MEGARON Planlama-tasarım-yapım,, YTU Arc. Facul, e-magazine, volume 2, issue 1, 2007, pp. 44-63. ISSN: 1305-5798 “An Interface Design for IFC based Collaborarion Environment” 9th. International Conference on Design&Decision Support System in Architecture and Urban Planning” Leiden- The Netherlands, 710 July 2008. “A Rapidly Rising Trend: Designing For ‘Healthy’ Healthcare Buildings’, International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability’, 19-24 February 2007, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus. ISBN: 978-975-8359-41-7 “Use of Factor Analysis In Architectural Design”, The International Society of The Arts, Mathematics and Architecture, ISAMA, pp.25-31, San Sebastian, 1999. “An Approach For Evaluating Users Involvement To New Building Designs At Historical Surroundings”, Innovations In Management, Maintenance & Modernisation of Buildings, CIB, Volume 8- s.10.2.2, Rotterdam-Holland, 1992. “A Research On The Psychological Effects Of Texture In Architecture”, AIC (Uluslararası Renk Birliği) Symposium 1988 on Color In Environmental Design, Winthertur-Switzerland, 7-12 August 1988 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey Mathematic&Design Association 265 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: İlhan ALTAN Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MIM3132 Space Concept in Architecture MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University M.Sc., Yildiz Technical University Teaching Experience: Research Asistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1974-1987 Assistant Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 1987-1989 Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 1989-2002 Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2002-present Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Altan, İ., “Colour in Traditional Turkish House and Folklore”, İsveç Göteborg’daki AIC’nin düzenlediği, Colour and Pschology isimli Uluslararası kongre, 15-16 Haziran 1996 (Üniversitenin tahsisat yokluğundan slaytlarla açıklanacak bildiri sunulamadı) Altan, İ., “Colour Use in the First Ottoman Mosques, İngiltere Manchester Üniversitesi, UMIST (University of Manchester Institut of Science and Technology) in düzenlediği, Colour Communication konulu Uluslararası Konferans, 19-21 Nisan 1995 (Konferans sonrası, Minolta firmasının ve düzenleme komitesinin isteği üzerine, metinde yer almayan slaytların kitapta renkli yer alması için bildiri metni yeniden 9 sayfa olarak hazırlanmıştır) Altan, İ., “The Study of Psychological Effects of The Light-Shade Relation in Architecture, Uluslararası Renk Birliği AIC-İsviçre Winterthur Colour in Environmental Design Sempozyumu, 7-12 Ağustos 1988 Altan, İ., “Mimarlıkta Mekân Kavramı”, “Mimarlık ve Şehircilikte Mekân”, YÜ Yerleşme ve Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Araştırma Merkezi, 1992. Altan, İ., “Işık-Gölgenin Psikolojik Etkileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Tecrübi Psikoloji çalışmaları, Studies in Experimental Pschology University of İstanbul dergisi, sayı:17, 1989. Altan, İ., “Aydınlatma ve Aydınlatmada Gölge Etkeni, Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi ile Çukurova Üniversitesinin düzenlediği 2. Ulusal Ergonomi Kongresi , 23-26 Mayıs 1989. Altan, İ., Aytuğ, A., “Mimari Proje Uygulamaları”, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi, Mimarlık Bölümü bünyesindeki panelin açılış konuşması ve bildiri, İstanbul, 15 Şubat 1989. Altan, İ., “Işık-Gölgenin Psikolojik Etkileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma, 5. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, İzmir, 14-16 Eylül 1988. Altan, İ., Aytuğ, A., “Endüstrileşmenin Etkisindeki Yapay Çevrenin Değerlendirilmesinde Anlamsal Farklılaşma Ölçeği, Mühendislikte İnsan-Makina İlişkileri Uluslararası Sempozyumu, COPISEE Güneydoğu Avrupa Ülkeleri Mühendisleri Sürekli Konferansları dizisi, 16-18 Kasım 1987. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 266 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Bülent TARIM Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, M.Sc., Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Phd., Yildiz Technical University, Teaching Experience: Research Asistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1984-1994 Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 1994-2002 Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2002-present Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: “Der Ein Fluss Der Elektronischen Welt Auf Das Hans”, Oikodrom Stadt Plaene, November, No: 3/00.21–27, 2000. Mimarlığın Kültür Olgusu İçindeki Yeri ve Mimarlık Eğitiminin Önemi, Kültür Şurası, 1990. Mimarlık Eğitiminde Kademelenme, TMMOB, Mimarlık Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 1992. Akademik Formasyon, YTÜ, Haziran, 1998. Nantes (Fransa) Mimarlık Okulu’nda Türkiye’de Cumhuriyet Dönemi Mimarlığı Konulu Konferans, Nantes, 1990. Cumhuriyet Dönemi mimarlığı, Atatürk Kültür Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu Konferansları, İstanbul, 1990. Mimarlık Nedir, 1989-1990, YÜ, Açılış Programı, İstanbul, 1989. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey DOCOMOMO 267 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Seda TÖNÜK Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 0714021 Architectural Design 6 (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: Technical University Istanbul 1978-1982 Technical University Istanbul 1982-1985 Technical University Vienna 1990-1994 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Technical University Yıldız, 1996–2000 Associate Professor, Technical University Yıldız, 2000–2012 Professor, Technical University Yıldız, 2012–present Professional Experience: Project Architect, Arhitectural Office Prof. Haluk Sezgin, 1982–1984 Project Architect, Arhitectural Office Doğan Tekeli-Sami Sisa, 1984–1987 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Tönük, S., Kayıhan,S.K., “A Study Of Water Use And Water Conservation Policies At (Prımary) Eco-Schools in Istanbul”, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, WIT Press Journals, ISSN: 1743-761X, (2011- 08.11.2011) Tönük, S., Kayıhan, S.K., “A Study on Sustainable Use of Scholl Sites at (primary) Eco-Schools in Istanbul”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Published by Routledge, 2013 Tönük, S., “Architectural Arguments and Problems for New Use in Old Buildings“, II. International Congress on - Studies in Ancient Structures - Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul, 9-13 July 2001, s. 951- 959 Tönük, S., “The Design Principles of the Passive House”, International Seminar on Environmental Planning and Architecture, YTU Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul, 25-28 May 2004, Yıldız Technical Publication Center,Univ. Publication Nr: YTU.MF.GB-05.0734, Faculty Publication Nr: MF.MIM05.001, ISBN: 975-461-385-0, İstanbul, 2005, s. 31-36, Tönük, S., Kayıhan, S., K., “A Comparative Examination of ‘Intelligent Building’ Concepts at Developing and Developed Countries”, XXII. World Congress of Architecture-UIA 2005 Istanbul, Cities: Grand Bazaar of Architecture, 3-7 July 2005, Tönük, S., Kayıhan, S. K., “Architecture and Environment, Ecological Building Design Recommendations for One Family Passive House Design”, Built Environment and Information Technologies – CIB PGRC06, 1st International CIB Endorsed METU Postgraduate Conference, Ankara,17-18 March 2006, Proceedings, ISBN: 975-429-242-6, s. 499-511 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 268 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Çiğdem POLATOĞLU Courses Taught (Two Academic years prior to current visit): MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MIM1041 Basic Design MIM4151 Architectural Approaches to New Building Design in Existing Environments (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: Arch., Mimar Sinan University, 1985 M.Arch., İstanbul Technical University, 1987 PhD., İstanbul Technical University, 1994. Teaching Experience: Lecturar, Yıldız Technical University, 1996-1997 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1997-2006 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2006-2013 Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2013-present Professional Experience (selected projects): YTÜ Davutpaşa Campus, Foreign Language School, Project, Yerleşimi, 2002-2004 (constructed). Beylerbeyi-İstanbul, Kastelli Housing Project, 1986 (constructed). International Competition of Ideas for Developing The Surroundings of The Roman Aqueduct of Segovia: Proposals for The Third Millenium, Segovia-Spain, 1998 (Mention). Supervising, M. Alessia Agnuzzi, “Social Sustainability in Sulukule; New Housing and Development of City Walls in İstanbul”, 5th year Graduation Thesis and Pproject, Catania University, “Ordine Degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori Della Provincia di Torino” Category C, Master degree student Graduation Project award, 2012. Licences/Registrations: İstanbul. Selected Publications and Recent Research: “Colour Preferences in Architectural Design Studios”, Architectural Science Review, University of Sydney, Vol. 48.4, December 2005, (API index) pp 317–328. “Foundation Of Architectural Design Education: Evaluation Of The Courses In YTU Architectural Department”, Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning, Architectural Education volume 7, pp18-28, Publication of NED University of Engineering & Technology, 2008, Karachi-Pakistan. ISSN 1728-7715. “Design for the Elderly: Housing And Re-arrangements”, URBAN DYNAMICS & HOUSING CHANGE Crossing into the 2nd Decade of the 3rd Millennium ENHR 2010, 22nd International Housing Research Conference, (Abstract book & CD book) İTÜ, ISTANBUL, 4-7 July 2010. “Experinces Of Three Different Basic Design Studios”, EDULEARN11 - International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, IATED (International Association of Technology, Education and Development), ISBN: 978-84-615-0442-8, pp. 003866-003870, Barcelona (Spain), 4-6 July 2011. “A Proposed Model on Transformation of Knowledge in the Early Design Phase”, 6th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, 20-22 January 2012, University of California, USA. (result of research Project) “As An Educational Tool The Importance of Informal Studies/Studios in Architectural Design Education: Case of Walking İstanbul 1&2”, Cyrprus International Conference on Educational research CY-ICER, METU, KKTC, 8-10 February 2012. Professional Memberships Chamber of Architects of Turkey 269 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: N. Ferah AKINCI Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2011 Architectural Design 1 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM4161 House and Cultural Sustainability MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız University, 1991 M.Sc., Yıldız Technical University, 1993 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2000 Teaching Experience: Student Assistant, Yıldız Technical University 1994-1995 Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1995-2001 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2005- 2006 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2006-present Professional Experience: İstanbul Tarihi yarımadası/ Millet Caddesi Ana Ulaşım Aksı” 29 Haziran-31 Temmuz 2009, Kent Düşleri Atölyeleri IV, Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi, ISBN 9789944-89-899-7 Fatih Belediyesi Estetik Kuruldaki görevime istinaden “ordu caddesi üzerinde yer alan kültürel sürekliliğe uymayan kimliksiz binaların cephelerinin tasarımı ve uygulanması, 2009-2010. Tarihi Yarımada’da Cephe Okumaları: Cephe Sağlıklaştırma/Yenileme” Atölye Çalışması, 05- 27 Haziran 2010, YTÜ İstanbul Tarihi Yarımada Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi kurulması, 2011. Licenses/Registration: Istanbul / Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Akinci, F, Dagistanli K. “Explication of Emergency Dwellings in Turkey in the Context of Cultural Continuity - Fieldwork in Alagoz Village”, Open Journal of Earthquake Research (OJER), November 2012 (OJER Vol.1 No.2), ISSN Print: 2169-9623, ISSN Online: 2169-9631. Akinci F, Environmental Risks: Earthquakes. In: Susan J. Smith, Marja Elsinga, Lorna Fox O’Mahony, Ong Seow Eng, Susan Wachter, Heather Lovell, editors, International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Vol 2, Oxford: Elsevier; 2012. pp. 99–103, ISBN: 9780080471631. Akıncı Nazlı Ferah, Influence Of Culture On Form In Architecture / An Investigation On Gates In The City Of İstanbul, APNHR 2007 Conference, Transformations in Housing, Urban Life, and Public Policy, 30 August ~ 1 September 2007, Seoul, Korea. Akıncı, N.F. “The aftermath of disaster in urban areas: An evaluation of the 1999 earthquake in Turkey”, CITIES, ISSN: 0264 – 2751, Elsevier SCI ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, England, Oxon, OX5 1GB;21 volume/ 6 Issue, sf. 527- 535, 2004. Akıncı, N.F., “A Planning/Finance Model for the Historical Continuality of Traditional Civil Architecture in Terms of Socio-Culture and Functionalism”, 2nd International Congress on Studies In Ancient Structures, SAS, s.1055-1065, İstanbul, 2001. Akıncı N.F., Özbil A., Şenyiğit Ö.; “Probable Post Occupancy Problems in Mass Housing Projects: Assessment of Ataköy Mass Housing Development”, Quality of Urban Life policy Versus Practice, İstanbul Technical University Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center, sf.386-397, İstanbul, 2003. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 270 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: İbrahim B. DAĞGÜLÜ Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 1984 M.S. Yıldız Technical University 1986 Phd., Yıldız Technical University 1996 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University 1999-2009 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University 2009-present Selected Publications and Recent Research: “A 13 TH CENTURY SHIPYARD AT ALANYA (ALAIYYE ),ON THE MEDITERRANEAN COAST OF TURKEY” , The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology,vol:38 ,Number:1 ,Blackwell Publishing ,March 2009. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 271 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Ömür BARKUL Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MIM4141 Socio-Cultural Themes in Architectural Design (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 1984 M.S. E.D., Yildiz Technical University , 1993 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University , 1994–2000 Associate Professor Yildiz technical University, 2000 - present Professional Experience: Project Architect, Uğur Gündeş - Hüseyin Baban Architectural Design Office, 1981 – 1984 (Ataturk Airport Application Projects) Licenses/Registration: İstanbul Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Köse, Ç., Barkul, Ö., (-), İlköğretim Yapılarında Tip Proje Uygulama Sorunları Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Megaron Journal, YTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, VOL 7 sayı 2, pp 64-93. Doralp, B., Barkul, Ö., (2012),Olimpiyat Köyleri Tasarımında Bir Girdi Olarak Sürdürülebilirlik, Megaron Journal, YTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol 6, issue 2011, p 1-16. Barkul, Ö., Ayyıldız Potur, A., (2010), “A Four Years Comparative Study: Perspectives on Gender in Design Education” , ”, AZ İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol 7, no 2, p 133-145, ISSN 13028324. (ICONDA (International Construction Database), DAAI (Design and Applied Art Index), AVERY Index to Architectural Periodicals (starting from spring 2008) Ayyıldız Potur, A., Barkul, Ö., (2009), Gender and Creative Thinking in Education: A Theoretical and Experimental Overview. AZ İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol 6, no 2, p 44-57, ISSN 13028324. (ICONDA (International Construction Database), DAAI (Design and Applied Art Index), AVERY Index to Architectural Periodicals (starting from spring 2008) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 272 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Feride ÖNAL Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B. Arch., Mimar Sinan University, 1983 PhD., Yildiz Technical University, 1997 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul 2002-2009 Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul 2009- present Professional Experience: MEB Eight-Year Basic Education Boarding School Type Projects -480 student ”, TC MEB - YTÜ, 1998. MEB Eight-Year Basic Education Boarding School Type Projects -720 student ”, TC MEB - YTÜ, 1998. Selected Publications and Recent Research: “Urban Environment for Sustainable Tourism in small traditional city” Global Management Journal, Vol.4, No1-2/2011. ISSN 2080-2951 Tarlabaşı Case In Istanbul In Between Urban Rehabilitation And Spatial Exclusion, The International Ecological Architecture and Planning Symposium,22-25 October 2009, Antalya. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 273 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Ebru ERDÖNMEZ Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 1995 M.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 1999 Ph.D., Yildiz Technical University, 2005 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1996–2006 Guest Professor, University of Siegen, Germany, 2006-2007 Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2006–2010 Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2010–present Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Erdönmez M. E., Polat E. O.“The Role of Public Space in Building National Identity: A Study on Taksim Square in Istanbul” (International Journals Of Arts and Sciences, 2011, Volume 4, Number 17, ISSN: 1944-6934, 2011) Erdönmez E., Ökem S.,”Public Transformation Of The Bosphorus Facts and Opportunities”, Public Istanbul Spaces and Spheres of the Urban, (Ed. Eckardt, F., Wildner, K.), S: 187-205, (Transcript Verlag, , ISBN: 978-3-89942-865-0 Bielefeld, 2008) Görgülü T., Erdönmez M. E., “The Changing Role Of The Architect in Creating The Future”, CREATING THE FUTURE 5th FAE International Symposium ARCH’08 (Architecture and Interior Architecture TRNC, Lefke, TRNC, ISBN:978-975-98897-3-9, 2008) Ökem S., Erdönmez E., “Pseudo Utopias”, Le Cahiers de La MSHE Ledoux Autour de Ledoux: Architecture, Ville et Utopie, s: 345-360, (Presses Universitaires de France- Comte, ISBN: 978-2-84867-234-2-EAN, ISSN: 19560222, 2008) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 274 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Meral ERDOĞAN Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B. Arch., İstanbul Devlet Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Akademisi-İDMMA, 1977 M. Arch., İstanbul Devlet Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Akademisi-İDMMA, 1979 Ph.D., İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi- 1986 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 1980-1987 İnstructor, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 1987-1991 Associate Professor, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 1991-1994 Associate Professor, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 1994- present Professional Experience: Project Architect, YÜ Rektörlüğü Yapı İşleri Daire Başkanlığı, İstanbul, 1982-1987. Consulting Architect, Betrek Yapı Endüstrileri Limited, İstanbul 1987. Consulting Architect (with Akı, A., Arcan, E.), Yıldız Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Döner Sermaye İşletmeleri Müdürlüğü, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanlığı, İstanbul, 1987-1988. Project Architect (with İnceoğlu, N., M., Şahin, M.), Yıldız Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Döner Sermaye İşletmeleri ve İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, İstanbul, 1991-1994. Project Architect, Private Project, İstanbul, 1996. Project Architect (with Abalı, Z., Özsel Akipek, F.), Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, İstanbul, 2000-2006. Project Architect, Private Project, Düzce, 2001. Project Architect, Private Project, Bodrum, 2010. Selected Publications and Recent Research: Erdoğan, M., Özsel Akipek, F., Ökem, S., Kozikoğlu, N., “An Inbetween Position in Digital Mindset and Analog Operations as an Educational Strategy in the First Year Design Studio”, Proceedings of International Architectural Education Forum 4: Flexibility in Architectural Education, Eds. Bolak Hisarlıgil, B., Lökçe, S., Digital (CD) Proceedings, Kayseri, 2009. Kozikoglu, N., Erdoğan, M., Nircan, A. K., Özsel Akipek, F., “Collective Design Network: Systems Thinking (Event-Pattern-Structures) and System Dynamics Modelling as a Design Concept and Strategy”, Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, Eds. Çağdaş, G., Çolakoğlu, B., Cenkler Printing, ISBN: 978-09541183-8-9, İstanbul, 2009, pp.533-540. Erkan Yazıcı, Y., Erdoğan, M., “Mekansal Deneyimin İlk Yıl Mimarlık Öğrencilerinin Tasarımları Üzerindeki Etkileri”, Megaron, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi E-Dergisi., E-ISSN 1309-6915 Cilt 6, Sayı 3, ss. 184-192. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 275 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Birgül ÇOLAKOĞLU Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MIM4122 Shape Grammars (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 1987 M.S. E Yıldız Technical University, 1991 Ph.D Massachussets Institute of Technology, 2000 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2004–2007 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2007–present Professional Experience: Ertur Yener Architects, 1990 - 1991 Licenses/Registration: İstanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Colakoglu Birgul, “İşlemsel: Bilim-Tasarım-Düşünce ve Mimarlık” , METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture, December, 2011, sayı.28, no.2, 205-208 Çolakoglu Birgul, Yazar Tugrul, An İnnovative Design EducationApproach: Computational Design Teaching for Architecture, METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture, January 2008, 159-168. Çolakoglu Birgul, “Design by grammar: an interpretation and generation of vernacular hayat houses in contemporary,” vo. 32, pp.141-149, Environment and Planing B, 2005. Resent Research: Computational Design Approaches in Green Transformable Building Design, International joint Research, Yıldız Technical University, Twente University, Sarajevo University Computational methodologies in Design and Construction Algorithmic Design – Shape Grammar Appications Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey European Computer Aided Design ın Research and Education (eCAADe) 276 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Yasemen SAY ÖZER Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Mimar Sinan University, 1987 Ph.D., Yıldız Technical University, 1997 Teaching Experience: Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1988-2000 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2000–2012 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2012–present Professional Experience: Architect, Fatih Gorbon Architectural Office, 1987-1988 International Arch. Design Competition, “Gallipoli Peninsula Peace Park International Ideas and Design Competition”, UIA 1998, 3. Prize (Nevzat Oğuz Özer, Yasemen Say Özer, Batur Baş) International Arch. Design Competition, “International Competition of Ideas for a Private Enterprise Concerning the Area of the Former Fiume Veneto Cotton Mill”, UIA, Italy, 2004, Special Mention (N. Oğuz Özer, Yasemen Say Özer, Tan K. Gürer, Nihan Güzelerler) National Arch. Design Competition, “Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Yıldız Yerkeşkesi Kültür ve Eğitim Merkezi Mimari Proje Yarışması”, YTÜ, Istanbul, 2009, 1. Prize (Nevzat Oğuz Özer, Yasemen Say Özer) National Arch. Design Competition, “Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Davutpaşa Kampusü Giriş Kapısı Mimari Proje Yarışması” YTÜ, 2010, 1. Prize, (Nevzat Oğuz Özer, Yasemen Say Özer) National Arch. Design Competition, “Uşak Belediyesi İsmetpaşa Caddesi ve Çevresi Ulusal Mimarlık- Kentsel Tasarım Fikir Proje Yarışması” TMMOB, Uşak, 2012, 1. Prize (Nevzat Oğuz Özer, Yasemen Say Özer, Özlem Kuzgun, Rıfat Akbulut) Selected Publications and Recent Research: “Kaunos Roma Hamamı” Asia Minor Studien, Band 39, s.225-233 Bonn Nevzat Oğuz ÖzerYasemen Say Özer, (Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH, 2000) “Lab For Architecture And Urban Development – Ancient City Kaunos”, Vienna Technical University, Department of History and Theory of Architecture and Historic Buildings Survey and Österreichische Orient – Gesellschaft Hammer – Purgstall – Austrian Association For The Middle East, Wien, Austria Nevzat Oğuz Özer-Yasemen Say Özer, (11. 17. 2004) “Çöl Kentlerinde Çevre Koşullarının Doğru Değerlendirilmesiyle Oluşturulan Mimari Çözümlere Bir Örnek: Rüzgâr Bacası” MIMARİST, Sayı 32, s. 28-36, Yasemen Say Özer, Nevzat Oğuz Özer, A. Rıdvan Kutlutan, (TMMOB, Mimarlar Odası, 2009) “Kaunos Arkeolojik Parkı: İlkeler ve Uygulamalar (2004-2009)” MIMARLIK, Sayı 354, s. 18-22, Yasemen Say Özer-Nevzat Oğuz Özer, (TMMOB, Mimarlar Odası, Temmuz-Ağustos 2010) “Bir Kültür Mirasının Çok İşlevli Bir Yapı Kompleksine Dönüştürülmesinin Sürdürülebilirlilik Bağlamında İncelenmesi; Fiume Veneto Örneği”, MEGARON, Cilt 6, Sayı 1, s.60-67, İstanbul, Yasemen Say Özer, Nevzat Oğuz Özer, (YTÜ, 2011) “Securing The Sustainability Of An Ancient City And Its Surroundings By Turning It Into An Archaelogical Park”, The Second International Conference on Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development, CSAAR, Amman; Jordan, Yasemen Say Özer. Nevzat Oğuz Özer, (2011) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey Architect, Caunus Excavations of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 1989-present 277 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Ayşen CİRAVOĞLU Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4022 Architectural Design 7 (Graduation Project) MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 1998 M.S., İstanbul Technical University, 2001 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2006 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1999-2007 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2007–2012 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2012-... Professional Experience: Mass Housing for Yıldız Technical University members, Davutpaşa, İstanbul. (with D.E. Önder, S. Ökem), constructed, 2014 Intern, Ateş Mimarlık, 1996 Licenses/Registration: UCTEA Istanbul Branch of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Adıgüzel, D., Ciravoğlu, A., “Environmental Approach in Interior Design Education in Turkey”, ICONARP (International Journal of Architecture and Planning), vol.1, no.2, pp. 152-163, January 2013, ISSN:2147-9380. Ciravoğlu, A., “On Line, Across Borders”, Line Projects/Linien Projekte, Ed. E. Fiedler, Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, pp.12-17, December 2013, ISBN: 978-3-99028-272-4. Ciravoğlu, A., Tuna-Taygun, G., “Evaluation of the LCA Approaches for the Assessment of Embodied Energy of Building Products”, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Ed. Hakansson, A., Hojer, M., Howlett, R., Jain, L. C., Volume 1, pp.299-312, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36645-1, Springer Verlag, Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-642-36644-4. Ciravoğlu, A., “The Need for a Critical Approach Towards Environmental Issues in Architectural Education”, Ed. Voyatzki, M., Teaching a New Environmental Culture-The Environment as a Question of Architectural Education, EAAE Transactions in Architectural Education no 53, 2011, pp.151-159, ISBN: 978-2-930301-51-8. Ciravoğlu, A., “On the Formal and Informal Studies in Architectural Design”, EAAE Prize 2001-2002 Writings In Architectural Education, Ed. Harder, E., Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen, 2003, pp. 175-188, ISBN: 2-930301-11-2. Ciravoğlu, A., “Türkiye’de Mimarlık Eğitiminin Çevresel Bağlamı: İyimser Tabloya Kuşkucu Sorgulamalar”,, no.41, pp.52-60, Eylül 2011, ISSN:1302-8219. Ciravoğlu, A., “AVM Mimarisinde Kabuk Değişimi: M1 Meydan Merter Üzerine”, Mimarlık, no.361, pp.70-74, Eylül-Ekim 2011, ISSN:1300-4212. Ciravoğlu, A., “Yeşil Binalar, Denetçi Mimarlar: Ülkemizde Sertifikalı Yapılar Üzerine”, Ed. Erkaslan, Ö. E., Arıtan, Ö., Altun, A. D., Prof. Dr. Gürhan Tümer’e Armağan, Mimarlığın Çevresinde/Mekanın İçinde Kuram, Eylem, Söylem, Mimarlar Odası İzmir Şubesi Yayını, Ekim 2011, İzmir, ss.290-299, ISBN: 978-605-01-0164-5. Erçevik, B., Ciravoğlu, A., 2012. “Residents’ Responses to Urban Renewal Projects in the Context of Cultural Sustainability: A Case Study in Fener Balat, Istanbul”, Proceedings of IS 2012 Innovation for Sustainability International Conference, pp.1-12, 27-28 September 2012, PortoPortekiz. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 278 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Tan Kamil GÜRER Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM4152 Design Principles of Stadium Buildings MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 1991 M.S., Istanbul Technical University, 1995 PhD., Istanbul Technical University, 2004 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1993–2004 Research Assistant, PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2004–2006 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2006–2012 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2012–present Professional Experience: Özer, O., Say Özer, Y., Gürer, T.K., “Fiume Veneto” International Architectural Competition, Italy, 2004, 1. Mention. Gürer, T.K., Tuncer, E., Eskişehir Ticaret Odası Hizmet Binası, Fuar-Kongre Merkezi, Sosyal Tesisleri National Architectural Competition, 2007, 3. Prize Gürer, T.K., Çil, E., Bursa Yıldırım Belediyesi Kültür Merkezi National Architectural Competition, 1996, 3. Prize 4. Velioğlu, S., Çil, E., Gürer, T.K., Ankara Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi National Architectural Competition, 1995, 2. Prize Selected Publications and Recent Research: Gürer, T.K., “A Theory For Sustainability of Townscape: Typomorphology”, Chapter 16, pp. 293308, in (ed.) Ercoşkun, Ö.Y., (2011), Green and Ecological Technologies for Urban Planning: Creating Smart Cities, IGI-Global (IGI Publishing), Pennsylvania, USA, ISBN13: 9781613504536. Tuncer G. E., Gürer, T. K., “An Approach for Architectural Design Projects: Urban Morphology”, First International Congress: Architectural Design Between Teaching and Research , Rete Vitruvio, Politecnico di Bari, Poliba Press, Vol. 1, pp. 235-245, 2011, Italy, ISBN: 978-88-95612-75-1 Gürer, T.K., Gözek, P., “Transformatıon Of The Nıneteenth Century Urban Fabrıc In Istanbul’s Hıstorıcal Penınsula: Storarı Grıd Layouts.” Urban Transformation: Controversies, Contrasts and Challenges, 14th IPHS Conference, 12-15 July 2010, İstanbul, ITU, Turkey. ISBN 978-975-561375-8, pp. 325-335 Gürer, T.K., Halu, Z.Y, “Experimental and Creative Design Method For The First Year Architectural Design Studio”, Designing Design Education, Designtrain Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 05-07 June 2008, p. 178-186 İnceoğlu, N., Çil, E., Gürer, T.K., Düşünme ve Anlatım Aracı Olarak Eskizler, Helikon Yayınları, İstanbul, 1995 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 279 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: F. Pınar ARABACIOĞLU Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MIM4141 Socio-Cultural Themes in Architectural Design (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Mimar Sinan University, 2001 M.S., Yıldız Technical University, 2003 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2007 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2001-2007 Research Assistant, PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2007-2012 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University 2012–present Professional Experience: Intern, MARS Architectural Research Studio, 1996 Architect, Consilium Architects, 2001 Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: F. P. Arabacıoğlu, “The City and its Walls, A Research on the Istanbul Land Walls” VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2011 B. C. Arabacioglu, F. P. Arabacıoğlu, “From Four Supports to Eight Supports: An analytic approach to the Structural Evolution and Interior Space Formation Relation of Sinan’s Mosque Design”, VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2011. I. Aydemir, F. P. Arabacıoğlu, “The Origins of the İstanbul City Walls”, Der umkaempfte Ort – von der Antike zum Mittelalter, Ed. Olaf Wagener, Peter Lang Verlang, Frankfurt, 2009 Arabacıoğlu F. P., Arabacıoğlu B.C., “Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) on Design Studio Grade Estimation for Instructors’ Evaluation Performance Analyses”, Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 9, Number 2, 2011, Pages 93-110, Pushpa Publishing, 2011. Ö. Barkul, F. P. Arabacıoğlu, “Kentsel Mekanın bir Parçası Olarak Surlar: iStanbul Kara Surları ve Çevresinde Bir Proje Çalışması”,, 41, s.73-75, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası, İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, 2011. F. P. Arabacıoğlu, “Sosyal Değişimlerin Mekânsal Yapıya Etkileri Üzerine... Komünizm Dönemi sonrasında Prag”, Ege Mimarlık, 2011/4, 78, s.22-27, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası İzmir Şubesi, 2011. F. P. Arabacıoğlu, B. C. Arabacıoğlu, “Siena ve Palio”, Mimarlık, 360, 31-36, 2011. F. P. Arabacıoğlu, B. C. Arabacıoğlu, “Design Studio Evaluation Discussions in Digital Age”, International Journal Science Commerce and Humanities, 2013 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 280 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Funda ÖZTÜRK KERESTECİOĞLU Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız University, 1986 M.S. Arch Yıldız Technical University 1989 Ph.D. Yıldız Technical University 1997 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, 1989 -1999 Asistant Professor Yıldız Technical University 2000- 2013 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2013-Present Professional Experience Project Architect, YAPUR Architectural Design Office, Istanbul, 1986-1988 Design Project in University: Fish Farm in Bodrum 1995, Cafe and Bar Design in Şile-İstanbul 1995, Recreational Area Design Şile-istanbul, 1995, Kindergarden in Davutpaşa, İstanbul 2005, Educational Faculty in Davutpaşa ,İstanbul 2011 Licenses/Registration: Türkiye Selected Publications and Recent Research: Öztürk Kerestecioğlu, F.,2001, A Method for Preventing the Environmental Impact of Tourism Development, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment MEDCOAST 01, (editor: E.Özhan), 23-27 October 2001, Hammamet, Tunisia, MEDCOAST, METU:Ankara, Vol.1, p.315-324. Kerestecioğlu,F., 2006, Romani Gypsies Community in the Historic Peninsula of Istanbul: Traditional Spring Festival and Tourism, Conference Proceedings, Journeys of Expression VI: Diaspora Community Festivals and Tourism, 4-6 October 2007, York, UK, Centre for Tourism & Cultural Change, Leeds Metropolitan University, ISBN: 978-0-9555017-8-4 (CD Compiled and designed by Charlotte Terrapon and Elisabeth Schwienbacher).s:1-12. Kerestecioğlu, F. Ve Başdoğan S., 2008, “Comparative Analysis of Cruise Ports onTheMediterranean, Istanbul Historic Peninsula Case”, The Second International Conference / Workshop –of-the-Art of ICM in the Mediterranean & the Black Sea : Immediate Needs for Research, Education / Training & Implementation, MED & BLACK SEA ICM, 14-18 October 2008, Akyaka, Muğla, Turkey, Co – organiser: Mediterranean Coastal Foundation, Permanent Secretariat Black Sea Commission , UNEP, MAP, Priority Action Programme(hand out).(yayınlanmak üzere) Kerestecioğlu,F.,Basdoğan,S. Ve Hamamcıoğlu,C.,2009, “Coastal Cultural Heritage and İstanbul Historic Peninsula”, 9.İnternational Conference on The Mediterranean Coastal Environment ,Sochi -Russia ,Organizing Commity:Middle East Technical Universityi, Sochi State University for Tourism P.P Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 281 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Tolga AKBULUT Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM1041 Basic Design (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 1993 M.Sc., Istanbul Technical University, 1997 DPEA (Construction Parasismique), École d’Architecture de Marseille-Luminy/France, 2001 PhD., Yıldız Technical University, 2004 Teaching Experience: Assistant (Msc), Yıldız Technical University, 1997–2004 Assistant (PhD), Yıldız Technical University, 2004–2006 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2006– 2013 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2013-Present Professional Experience: Founder / Architect at Arta Architecture Ltd. (Istanbul) Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Akbulut, M. T., Aytar, İ., “İstanbul Ölçeğinde Kapalı (Konut) Siteler(i); Tercih Nedenleri ve Gelişimi, (Mimarist Journal, 2012) Akbulut, M., T., Polatoğlu, Ç., Aytuğ, A., “Evaluation (POE) of Yildiz Technical University (YTU) School of Foreign Languages (SFL)”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Volume 6, Number 9, September 2012, pp1128-1137, ISSN: 1934-7359 Acer, D., Çiftçi, A., Akbulut, M. T., “A Workshop with Architecture Students About Design Education for Children”, (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012) Yüksel, U., Akbulut, M. T., “Tüketim Odaklı Mimarlığın Son Yıllardaki Yeni Aktörleri: Rezidanslar”, (Megaron, YTÜ Faculty of Architecture E-Journal, 2009) Aytuğ, A., Akbulut, M. T., "The Geometrical Analysis of Mosques of Architect Sinan”, Journal of Mathematics & Design, Nueva Libreria,2001) Akbulut, M. T., “Sürdürülebilir Temel Eğitimi Okul Binaları Tasarımında Deprem Faktörü”, Bölüm 3, s:44-66, Tönük, S. (Editör), Ilıman-Nemli İklim Kuşağı İçin Sürdürülebilir Temel Eğitim Binalarının Tasarım Kriterleri, (YTÜ Publication, 2011). Akbulut, M T., “Earthquake Damages Due To Inadequate Design”, You Can Rescue, Raising Awareness of The Design and The Designer’s Role and Importance in Disaster Risk Reduction”, (YTÜ Publication, 2011) Akbulut, M. T., (Turkish Traduction of Zacek, M. “Conception Parasismique Niveau-Avant-Projet”, Les Grands Ateliers de l’Isle d’Abeau, France, 1999), “Depreme Dayanıklı Yapı Tasarımı – Ön Proje Aşaması”, (Y.T.Ü. Publication, 2011) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 282 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Kunter MANİSA Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 1999 M.S. E.D., Yıldız Technical University, 2001 PhD., Yıldız Technical University, 2007 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2000-2007 Research Assistant, PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2007-2014 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2014-Present Licenses/Registration: Türkiye Selected Publications and Recent Research: Endüstri Mirası olarak Eski Zeytinyağı İşlikleri, Mimarlar Odası, Mimarlık Dergisi, sayı: 369, sf:7378, ISSN No: 1300-4212,(Kunter Manisa,2013) An Urban Oriented and Multilayered Experience on Architectural Education in (the Global World)”, Procedia – Social Behavioral Sciences, Volume 47, Pages 29-33, ISSN No: 1877-7058, (Kunter Manisa,2012) Turizm ve Mimarlık Penceresinden Alanya Kent Kimliği”, Akdeniz Kültürleri Araştırma Derneği Yayını 4, ISBN: 975-97109-2-7, (Kunter Manisa, 2002) Türkiye'deki İkinci Konut Stokunun Turizm Sektörüne Entegrasyonu ve Turistik Mekanların Çevre ve Fizik Mekan Kalitesine Katkılarının İrdelenmesi", Uluslararası Turizm ve Mimarlık Sempozyumu '3 - Kent Kültüründe Turizm ve Mimarlık, Mimarlar Odası, Antalya Şubesi Yayınları 13/7, ISBN: 978605-01-0075-4, sf:57-64, Antalya (Kunter Manisa, 2011) Egedeki Turizm Bölgelerinde Bulunan Eski Yağhane (Zeytinyağı) Binalarının Tespiti, Sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel perspektifte Turizm ve Üretime Yönelik olarak Değerlendirilmesi", 2010-03-01GEP01 numaralı Araştırma Projesi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü, (Kunter Manisa-2013) K. Manisa, B. Yerliyurt, “Endüstri Mirası olarak Dikili –Bergama Bölgesindeki Eski Zeytinyağı İşlikleri ve Mimari Özellikleri”, Ege Mimarlık Dergisi, sayı: 84, sf: 50-53, ISSN No: 1301-9694, Kasım 2013, (indexed in DAAI) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 283 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Selim ÖKEM Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: Istanbul Technical University 1989-1994 Istanbul Technical University 1994-1998 Yildiz Technical University 1998-2005 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Technical University Yıldız, 1997–2009 Associate Professor, Technical University Yıldız, 2009–present Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: M. Erdoğan, F.Ö. Akipek, S. Ökem, N. Kozikoğlu, Architectural Education Forum 4: Flexibility in Architectural Education konferansı dahilinde "Proceedings" bildiri kitapçığındaki "An Inbetween Position in Digital Mindset and Analog Operations as an Educational Strategy in the First Year Design Studio", 77 pp., Kayseri-TURKEY, 22-26 May 2009 T. Görgülü, S.Ökem, E. Erdönmez, EAAE/ARCC Conference konferansı dahilinde "Proceedings" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Notes from the Anthesis of a Super Ville: Influence of Digital Paradigm on Istanbul’s Architectural Context", 50-61 pp., Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-28 June 2008 T. Görgülü, S. Ökem, E. Erdönmez, AAG Annual Meeting konferansı dahilinde "Proceedings" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Future Istanbul: Urbanization of Transnational Capital and Informational Flow", 1015 pp., Boston, USA, April, 2008 E. Postalcı, S. Ökem, 1st Euro-Mediterranean Regional Conference, Traditional Mediterranean Architecture Present and Future konferansı dahilinde "Proceedings of the 1st Euro-Mediterranean Regional Conference, Traditional Mediterranean Architecture Present and Future" bildiri kitapçığındaki "The Spatial Effects of Globalization on Both Shores of The Aegean", 33-35 pp., Barcelona, Spain, 12-15 July 2007 S. Ökem, 42nd ISoCaRP Congress: Cities Between Integration and Disintegration konferansı dahilinde "Proceedings CD" bildiri kitapçığındaki "The Social Aspect of Integrative Urban Practice", pp., Istanbul, Turkey, 14-18 September 2006 S. Ökem, IAPS 19 Environment, Health and Sustainable Development International Conference konferansı dahilinde "Proceedings of IAPS 19" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Information City: The Network of International Capital, Media and culture", pp., Alexandria, Egypt, 11-16 Sept 2006 E. Postalcı, S. Ökem, TRADITION, IDENTITY, SYNTHESIS: CROSSING CULTURES AND ART International Symposium konferansı dahilinde "Proceedings" bildiri kitapçığındaki "The Lives of the ‘Others’ in Late Ottoman Aegean Settlements", 10-15 pp., Ankara, Turkey, 2005 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 284 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Münevver DAĞGÜLÜ Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM3172 Historical Gardens Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 1981 M.S. , ,, Yıldız Technical University 1984 Phd. Yıldız Technical University 1996 Teaching Experience: Lecturer, Yıldız Technical University 1998-2006 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University 2006-present Selected Publications and Recent Research: Yıldız Sarayı –Selamlık Bahçesi(Yıldız Palace Garden. Royal Garden-Inner Garden) Has bahçe – İç bahçe, Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture Publication .İstanbul 1993 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 285 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Aslı SUNGUR ERGENOĞLU Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM1041 Basic Design MIM3142 The Effect of Accessibility on Design (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 1998 M.S. in Building Science, İstanbul Technical University, 2001 Ph.D., Yildiz Technical University, 2006 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, 2001-2007 Assistant Professor Yildiz Technical University, 2007–present Professional Experience: Project Architect, Kantasi Project and Consulting, Istanbul, 1998-2000 Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Sungur Ergenoglu A., Yildiz S., (2013),"for a Barrier-Free Turkey: where are we? Current situation and Recommendations, Physical Accessibility Part (Sabancı Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2013) Polatoglu Ç., Sungur Ergenoglu A., ‘Design for the Elderly: Housing and Re-arrangements, Case Studies in Istanbul’ (Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2012) Sungur Ergenoğlu, A., İnalhan G., ‘Interact and Include: Countering ABLE* Universities’, (Include 2011) Inalhan, G., Sungur Ergenoğlu, A., “Planting the SEEDS*”: Teaching Inclusive Design in Built Environment Courses (UIA2011, 2011) Sungur Ergenoğlu, A., Düzgün H., ‘Accessibility on the shorelines: accessibility in Istanbul, Ortakoy, (Journal of City Health, 2010) Sungur Ergenoğlu, A., Designing Cities ‘For All’ (Journal of City Health, 2010) Sungur Ergenoğlu, A., Aytuğ A., ‘Foreseeing Tomorrow: Sustainable Healthcare Buildings’ (SAYED, 2010) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction ) TG77 Health and the Built Environment), 2009 286 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Togan TONG Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2061 Computer Aided Design ENF1170 Introductory Computer Sciences MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis Educational Credentials: Yildiz Technical University 1984-1988 Yildiz Technical University 1988-1990 Istanbul Technical University 1990-2000 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Technical University Yıldız, 2000–2006 Associate Professor, Technical University Yıldız, 2006–present Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Tong, Togan, Dağlar Ö.,(2011);” A Method on Using Video in Architectural Design Process: Matchmoving”, 29 eCAADe 2011, 21-24 September 2011, Ljubljana –Slovenia Tong, Togan, Aydın D. E., Pusat E., (2009); "Animation versus Simulation", 27st eCAADe 2009, 16-18 September 2009,YTU-ITU, İstanbul. Tong, Togan, Köymen E., (2008); “ A 3D Animation Film Supported Education Model”, Architectural Education Forum 4: Flexibility in Architectural Education, Erciyes University Faculty of Architecture, 22-26 May 2009, Kayseri. Aydın D. E., Pusat E., (2006); " An Aristotelist View To The “Art” Of Computer-Aided Photo-Real Modeling ", 1st International CIB Endorsed METU Postgraduate Conference, 16-18 March 2006, ODTU, Ankara. Tong, Togan, Aydın D. E., Pusat E., (2006); "The Effects of Futurism on Science Fiction Cinema", 1st International CIB Endorsed METU Postgraduate Conference, 16-18 March 2006, ODTU, Ankara. Tong, Togan, Dokuzer Öztürk L., Şensin A. (2006); " Entwurf Von Symmetrischen Reflektoren Für Uniforme Beleuchtungsstärkeverteilung", Licht 2006, 10-13 September 2006, Bern, Schweiz. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 287 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Çiğdem CANBAY TÜRKYILMAZ Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 1999 MSc. Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 2003 PhD. Yildiz Technical University, 2010 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 2001–2010 Research Assistant PhD, Yildiz Technical University, 2010-2014 Assistant Proffesor, 2014-Present Professional Experience: Project architect (1999) Elips Architecture Project architect (2000), IdeYapi Licenses/Registration: Istanbul, Türkiye Selected Publications and Recent Research: Pellitero, A., Türkyılmaz, E., Canbay Türkyılmaz Ç., Silva Eliziario, J.,,”Strategic Planning for the Design of a Productive Landscape in Tres Turons, Barcelona”. Landscape Architecture China, 2010 No.1, pp. 48-57, ISBN 978-7-5388-6271-3/TU.645. Polatoğlu, Ç., Canbay Türkyılmaz, Ç., Sungur Ergenoğlu, A., “Foundation of Architectural Design Education: In Evaluation of the Contents and Approach in Architecture Department of Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul”, Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning, pp. 18-28, Volume Seven, 2008, ISSN 1728-7715. Canbay Türkyılmaz, Ç., Moya Pellitero, A., Türkyılmaz, E., Silva Eliziario, J., “Urban Rehabilitation: Reinventing a Productive Landscape: Istanbul, Golden Horn Case Study”, CAUMME 2012, International Symposium, Global Impacts and Local Changes, 21-23 November 2012, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey, pp.590-604, ISBN: 978-975-461-493-0. Canbay Türkyılmaz, Ç.,Polatoğlu, Ç., “A Proposed Model on Transformation of Knowledge in the Early Design Phase”, the 6th. International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, 20-22 January 2012, University of California, USA. Moya Pellitero, A., Türkyılmaz, E., Canbay Türkyılmaz Ç., Silva Eliziario, J. “The Design of a Productive Landscape, Barcelona Tres Turons Park, A Case Study”, Fourth International Conference: “The New Urban Question, Urbanism beyond Neo-Liberalism”, International Forum on Urbanism (IFOU), 26-28 November 2009, Amsterdam /Delft, The Netherlands, pp.909-918, ISBN 978-90-78658-13-9, Proceedings CD. Dağgülü, İ.B., Sungur Ergenoğlu, A., Canbay Türkyılmaz, Ç., “Environment Focused Design: Integrating the Knowledge into Architectural Design Education”, International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain, 16-18 November 2009, ISBN: 978-84-6132953-3, Abstracts CD, pp.4621-4627, ISBN:978-84-613-2955-7, Proceedings CD. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 288 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Onur KENBER Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM4102 Alternative Energy Use in Architecture (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Middle East Technical University M.Sc., Istanbul Technical University Phd., Istanbul Technical University Teaching Experience: Research Asistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1994 Lecturer, Yildiz Technical University, 1994-present Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Bina Enerji Gereksinmelerinin Çevreye Etkileri, Türkiye’de Çevre Kirlenmesi Sempozyumu III, 1819 Kasım, 1999, Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Mimarlıkta Ekolojik Enerji Kullanım İlkeleri, Konut Isıtması Örneği, Türkiye’de Çevre Kirlenmesi Sempozyumu III, 18-19 Kasım, 1999, Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 289 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Ayhan BÖYÜR Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 MIM3102 Architectural Design Construction Problems Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul State Academy of Fine Arts M.Sc., Istanbul State Academy of Fine Arts Teaching Experience: Research Asistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1984 Lecturer, Yildiz Technical University, 1995-present Professional Experience: Yildiz Technical University, Davutpaşa Campus, Project for Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: A. Böyür, T. K. Gürer, 8th International Symposium on Sinan, “Kentsel Artifaktlar ve Farkındalık, Dış Mekan Kurgularına KatılımlaRI: Uzunçarşı Örneği,April 25th-26th 2013, Edirne Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 290 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Senem KAYMAZ KOCA Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 2001 M.S. Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 2005 Ph.D., Yildiz Technical University, 2012 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, 2005-2007 Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, 2007-2012 Research Assistant PhD, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, 2012-present Professional Experience: Architect, M&A Architectural Design Office, Istanbul, 2002-2003 Student Assistant, Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, 2003-2004 Architect, Atölye4N Architectural Design Office, Istanbul, 2004-2005 Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Koca, S.K., Türkyılmaz, Ç.C., “An Experience in Getting Through Culture and Identity in an Architectural Design Studio: Extracted from Culture and Reflected to Space in Architectural Education”, Book of Proceedings: ICECI International Conference on Education, Culture and Identity, Eds.: Mulalić, M., Öztürk, A.S., Tuba, B., 204-214 (2013), ISBN: 978-9958-896-16-3 (Presented in International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, , 6-8 July 2013). Koca, S.K., Görgülü, T., “Understanding Transformation of Place in Istanbul within the Context of Geophilosophy”, Proceedings Book of the [Re]appropriation of the City, Eds.: Spaseska, A., 307313 (2013), ISBN: 978-9928-4053-9-5 (Presented in Tirana Architecture Week, Polis University, Tirana, Albania, 09-12 October 2012). Koca, S.K., “Blokland ve Harvey’in Metinlerinin Yöntembilim Açısından Karşılaştırılması” (ing. The Methodological Comparison of Blokland and Harvey’s Articles), İTÜDERGİSİ/a (Seria A: Architecture, Planning, Design), Vol: 10, No: 2, 3-14, September, 2011 (indexed by EBSCOhostAcademic Search Complete, EBSCOhost-Art & Architecture Complete). Koca S.K., Görgülü, T., “The Appraisal of Istanbul Through the Perspective on the Information City”, Proceedings Book of the ARCC/EAAE 2010 International Conference on Architectural Research: The Place of Research, The Research of Place, Eds.: Hayes, R. L. and Ebbert, V., Publisher: Architectural Research Centers Consortium, 152-159 (2012), ISBN: 978-1-935129-19-6 (Presented in Howard University, Washington DC, America, 23-26 June 2010). Görgülü, T., Koca S.K., “Küresel Akışlar, İstanbul ve İstanbul’da Küresel Mimarlık” (ing. Global Flow, Istanbul and Global Architecture in İstanbul), Megaron, Vol. 4, No. 2, 101-109, 2009 (indexed by ULAKBIM Social and Human Sciences Database, EBSCOhost-Art & Architecture Complete, EBSCO Art Source Index, EBSCOhost-Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, DOAJ, Gale/Cengage Learning, ASOS Index, DRJI, and IndexCopernicus). Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 291 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: M. Pınar SAĞIROĞLU Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 2003 M.S. E.D., Yıldız Technical University, 2007 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2013 Professional Experience: Alarko Holding Company, 2000 Kreatif Arch. Company, 2001 Selected Publications and Recent Research: An architectural evaluation of sustainable certification systems Created for accomodation buildings in the terms of architectre (2013) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 292 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Selin YILDIZ Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM1041 Basic Design MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 2004 M.S. Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 2008 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2014 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2005-present Licenses/Registration: Türkiye Selected Publications and Recent Research: Yıldız,S., Akbulut, M.T., 2013, “Current Trends in Developing Urban Tourism”, International Journal of Architectural Research Archnet-IJAR, Vol 7 – Issue 2, Selected Papers, pp:297-310, Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. EBSCO-Art and Architecture Database, Arts and Humanities database). Yıldız, S., Çakır,S., 2013, “., Evaluation of Classroom Design In Terms of Foreign Language Learning” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 83, pp. 277-281 WCETR 2012 (Science Direct, Scopus and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science). ISSN: 1877-0428 (4/7/2013) Yıldız,S., Polatoğlu, Ç., 2013 , “Evaluating The Built Environment In The Context Of Barrier Free Tourism, A Case Study in İstanbul”, Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe, pp. 435-446, CAB International’s leisure and tourism database, the EBSCO, EconLit, ProQuest, SSRN (Social Science Research Network). ISSN: 1848-4050 Düşünen Farklılıklar ve Mekanda Değişim; Mekan Deneyimleme Pratikleri, Mimarist, Issue 44, pp. 20-21, (Selin Yıldız, 2012) Mimarlık Eğitiminde Edebiyattan Faydalanmak; Bir Romandan İmgesel Çıkarımlar, Mimarist, Issue 43, pp. 77-82, (Selin Yıldız, Hande Düzgün, 2012) Turizm Amaçlı Değişen Tarihi Bölge Talimhane’nin Sokak Cephelerinde Mimari Kimliği Oluşturan Verilerin İncelenmesi, Megaron, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 193-209, (Selin Yıldız, Funda Kerestecioğlu, 2011) A study on pc - video games in terms of the space awareness from childhood to youth, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Issue 28, pp. 796-800, (Selin Yıldız, Ersan Yıldız, 2011) Bir Bellek Yoklaması Ev’lerim ,Dört Mahalle Bir Yaşam, Geçmişten Günümüze Denizli Dergisi, Issue 30, pp. 6-12, (Selin Yıldız, 2012) EVALUATION OF CLASSROOM DESIGN IN TERMS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING , World Conference on Educational Technology Researches (Selin Yıldız, Seçil Çakır, 2012) Experinces Of Three Different Basic Design Studios, EDULEARN11 International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, IATED, Issue 0, pp. 003866-00, (Selin Yıldız, Polatoğlu, Ç., 2011) A study on pc , video games in terms of the space awareness from childhood to youth, World Conference on Educational Technology Researches, pp. 86, (Selin Yıldız, Ersan Yıldız, 2011) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 293 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Hande DÜZGÜN Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM1041 Basic Design MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM3141 Perspective and Shadow Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 2007 MSc. Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 2010 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, İstanbul, 2007–present Professional Experience: Project architect (2007), Intern architect (2006), Tures Turizm Planlama ve Restorasyon Ltd., İstanbul Intern architect, REBA Construction Ltd. June–August 2005, KKTC / Cyprus Licenses/Registration: İstanbul, Türkiye Selected Publications and Recent Research: “How Sustainable Are Industrial Buildings? A Study In Golden Horn District”, Archnet-IJAR / International Journal of Architectural Research, Archnet-IJAR, ISSN - International (Online) 19946961, Volume 7 - Issue 2 - July 2013 - (330-340) (Hande Düzgün, Hande Aladağ) “A bird-eye view to sustainable designs in changing cities: Green roofs”, CHANGING CITIES: Spatial, Morphological, Formal & Socio-Economic Dimensions, International Conference, ISBN: 978-960-6865-65-7, pp: 1113-1123, Skiathos Island – Greece, 18-21 June 2013 (Hande Aladağ, Hande Düzgün) “Mimarlık Eğitiminde Edebiyattan Faydalanmak – Bir Romandan İmgesel Çıkarımlar”, Mimar-ist, TMMOB İstanbul, Year:12, Issue:43, Spring 2012, pp:77-82 (Selin Yıldız, Hande Düzgün) “Green Retrofitting and Certification Systems For Existing Buildings”, Uluslararası Ekolojik Mimarlık ve Planlama Sempozyumu: “Ekolojik İyileştirme”, Mimarlar Odası Antalya Şubesi, ISBN:978-60501-0369-4, sf:104-109/pp:110-115, Antalya, 24-25 November 2011 (Çiğdem Canbay Türkyılmaz, Hande Düzgün, Nilay Canbay) “Thinking of the Coastal Area of a City for ALL: The case of Istanbul”, 21st IAPS conference ‘Vulnerability, Risk and Complexity: Impacts of Global Change on Human Habitats’, pp: 296 (abstracts of presantations), Leipzig, Germany, 27 June – 2 July 2010 (Aslı Sungur Ergenoğlu, Hande Düzgün) “Reunite The Inhabitants With The Coast: The Results Of A Workshop On The Coastal Area At Golden Horn”, Joint International Symposium of IAPS-CSBE & HOUSING Networks 'Revitalising Built Environments: Requalifying Old Places For New Uses, 12-16 October 2009, İstanbul, ISBN:978-975-561-359-8, pp:156 (Hande Düzgün, Selin Yıldız, Ömür Barkul) “A Research On Archıtectural Concepts At Fırst Year Desıgn Studıo“, Designtrain 2 CongressGuidance in/for Design Training, pp: 69-79 (Book 2), Amsterdam-Netherlands, 5-7 June 2008 (Selin Emir (Yıldız), Hande Düzgün) “’CULTURAL LAYERS OF PUBLIC SPACE’, an ERASMUS Intensive Program between Yildiz Technical University (Turkey), University of Stavanger (Norway), Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), ERASMUS-IP INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP, Stavanger-NORWAY, 8-22 July 2012, Valencia-SPAIN, 10-23 July 2011 (from YTU: Müjdem Vural, Çiğdem Polatoğlu, Nilgün Çolpan Erkan, Hande Düzgün, Cafer Bozkurt) “WALKING ISTANBUL 2 – texture & material: fener balat”, between YTÜ & ZHAW, 09-12 November 2010, “WALKING ISTANBUL 1 – rhythm : fener balat”, between YTÜ & ETSAB.UPC, 21-25 April 2010 International Design Studio, (from YTU: Çiğdem Polatoğlu, Müjdem Vural, Hande Düzgün) 294 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Öze ULUENGİN Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, 2005 M.S. E.D., Yildiz Technical University, 2008 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 2008-present Professional Experience: Architect, Turhan Kâşo Architects, İstanbul, 2004 – 2005 Intern, Erginoğlu & Çalışlar Architects, İstanbul, 2003 - 2004 Intern, Konuralp Mimarlık A.Ş; Atay House Construction – Anadoluhisarı, 2003 - 2003 Selected Publications and Recent Research: Uluengin, Ö., “İstanbul’un Değişen Finans ve Ticaret Bölgesi, 19. Yüzyıldan Günümüze Bankalar Caddesi”, 22. Uluslararası Yapı ve Yaşam Kongresi, Kongre Kitabı ISBN: 978-9944-89-948-2, s. 229-232; 573-576, Bursa, Mart 2010. Uluengin, Ö., Uluengin, K., “Tarihin Silik İzlerinden Yükselen Bir Müze”, Yapı Dergisi (ISSN: 13003437), Sayı: 359, 84-89, Ekim 2011. Uluengin, Ö., Tüm ‘Öteki’lerin Kenti”, İdeal Kent (ISSN: 1307-9905), Issue: 3, 130-141, May 2011. Uluengin, Ö., Uluengin, K., “Tarihin Silik İzlerinden Yükselen Bir Müze”, Yapı Dergisi (ISSN: 13003437), Sayı: 359, 84-89, Ekim 2011. Uluengin, Ö., Kaymaz Koca, S., “An Examination on Reflections of Mainstream and Oppositional Architectural Approaches in Architectural Design Studios”, ERPA Fine Arts and Music Congress, 6th 8 June 2014, Istanbul. Kaymaz Koca, S., Uluengin, Ö., “How Does Concept Transform into Product?: An Appraisal of th Analogy-Based Practices in Architectural Education”, ERPA Fine Arts and Music Congress, 6-8 June 2014, Istanbul. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 295 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: İbrahim Serkan UYSAL Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis Educational Credentials: B.Arch., University of Bahçeşehir, 2006 M.Sc., Yıldız Technical University, 2011 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2007–present Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Analytic Visuals for Architectural Design Studios, (YTU BAPK Research Project, 2009) Educational Experiment on Generative Tool Development In: Architecture - PatGen: Islamic Star Pattern Generator (26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings, 2008) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 296 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Semin ERKENEZ Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM1051 Building Theory and Design 1 MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 2006 M.Sc., Istanbul Technical University, 2009 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, …-present Professional Experience: Arima-Ere Architects 2010 Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 297 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Neslinur HIZLI Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Karadeniz Technical University, 2010, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, 2013 Phd., Yildiz Technical University, (2013-…) Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, …-present Professional Experience: Intern, Berke Engineering, 2008 (construction-two months) Intern, Han Architecture, 2009 (office-two months) Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Çevre Sistemine Dayalı Kırsal Mimari Tasarım: Eskişehir Çifteler Köy Enstitüsü (Rural Architecture Design based on Environmental System: Eskisehir Cifteler Village Institute) (08-09 December 2011 YTU 100TH Anniversary Events) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 298 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Özde ÖZDAL Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM3011 Architectural Design 4 MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM1062 Building Theory and Design 2 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 2012 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, …-present Professional Experience: Intern, VEN Architecture, 2009, Intern, TRAFO Architects, 2010, Intern, AKTURK Construction Industry and Trade Co.Inc , 2011, Project Architect, VIA Architects, Istanbul, 2012, 8 months Project Architect, AE Design, Istanbul, 2012 - 2013, 4 months Licenses/Registration: Turkey 299 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Burçin MIZRAK Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM2212 Building Theory and Design 4 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM1031 Architectural Presentation Techniques MIM1041 Basic Design MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Middle East Technical University, 2009 Arch., Milan Technical University, 2012 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, …-present Professional Experience: Intern, Soyak Construction and Trading Co., 2007 Intern, Architectural Office of Umut Devrim Genç, 2008 Intern, Beltrame & Gelmmetti Architetti AssoCciati, 2011 Project Architect, Architectural Office of Nicola Resta, 2010-2011 Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Doctoral Dissertation: Economics of Green Certified Buildings in Turkey Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 300 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Bengi YURTSEVER Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Karabuk University, 2008, Istanbul Technical University, 2011 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Karabuk University, August 2009 – December 2012 Architect, Ankara Cankaya Municipality, August 2013 – September 2013 Research Assistant, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, December 2013 – May 2014 Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, May 2014 – present Professional Experience: Intern, Turim Architecture, Kayseri, 2006 Intern, Governorship of Karabuk, Karabuk, 2007 Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Harputlugil, G., Harputlugil, T., Yurtsever, B. 2014: Çanakkale Belediyesi Yeşil Yerel Yönetim ve Kültür Merkezi Binası ile Yakın Çevresinin Düzenlenmesi, Karabük Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 5, ISBN 978-605-87089-6-9, Safranbolu, Karabük, Türkiye. Çakır, G., Yurtsever, B. 2013: An Assesment of Critical Thinking Skills Based Architectural Project Course in Terms of Student’s Outputs, INTE 2013 Proceedings Book Volume 1, pp.129-137, International Conference on New Horizons in Education, June 25-27, Rome, Italy. Yurtsever, B., Harputlugil, G., Harputlugil, T. 2013: Sürdürülebilir Bina Tasarımının Mimarlık Eğitim Süreci İçerisinde Değerlendirilmesine Yönelik Bir Çalışma, 11. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, pp.1437-1443, April 17-20, İzmir, Türkiye. Çakır, G., Yurtsever, B. 2012: An Implementation of Distance Education Program For Teaching Common Necessary Courses in Formal Education: Karabuk University Sample, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 55 pp. 187-195, International Conference on New Horizons in Education, June 05-07, Prague, Czech Republic. Yurtsever, B. 2012: Re-thinking Bauhaus on the Context of Architectural Education, ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences 51 pp. 135-139, World Conference on Design, Arts and Education, May 01-04, Antalya, Türkiye. Yurtsever, B., Çakır, G. 2012: An Assessment for Interdisciplinary Education Modal Implementation of Basic Design Education in Architecture, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 51 pp. 157161, World Conference on Design, Arts and Education, May 01-04, Antalya, Türkiye. Altınöz, Ö. M., Akçay, K. S., Yurtsever, B. 2011: Dere Evler (poster-p.41). Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları VII. Poster Sunuşları Bildiri Özetleri, DOCOMOMO Türkiye Ulusal Çalışma Grubu Poster Sunuşları VII, December 16-18, Mersin, Türkiye. Yurtsever, B., Kaya, S. 2011: Tasarım Eğitiminin Dünü, Bugünü ve Geleceğinin Sinema Perspektifinden Değerlendirilmesi, pp.504-507, Başkent Üniversitesi 1. Sanat ve Tasarım Eğitimi Sempozyumu / Dün, Bugün, Gelecek, April 27-29, Ankara, Türkiye. Yurtsever, B. 2010: Re-thinking Bauhaus on the Context of Architectural Education (poster). 22. Uluslararası Yapı ve Yaşam Kongresi, Mimarlık ve Değişim, March 26-27, Bursa, Türkiye. Yurtsever, B. 2010: Reklamlarla Değişen Kültür: Tüketilen Kimlikler (poster). İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi IAPS-CSBE Network Kültür ve Mekan Toplantıları 2. Ulusal Sempozyumu, March 2-3, 2010, İstanbul, Türkiye. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 301 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Görün ARUN Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2032 Structural System Design 1 MIM3041 Structural System Design 2 MIM4251 Large Spanning Structures MIM3281 Design of Steel Structures (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B. + M.S. Arch., Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, 1975 PhD Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 1983 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1986–1992 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1992–1998 Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1998–present Professional Experience: Project Architect, Metin Hepgüler Project Office, 1970–1976 Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: 2006 Iran-Silakhor Depreminde Kerpiç Yığma Duvarların Sismik Performansı”, SİGMA Vol 3/2, Apr. 2011, ISSN: 1304-7191 s. 290-299, “Yapı Ustalarından Depreme Karşı Tasarım”, Issue 26, Sept. 2011, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, s: 8-16 “Earthquake and Vulnerability Assessment for Existing Settlements: Questionnaire Study to Releated Professionals”, Proceedings of Seventh National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 30 May-3 June 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, s.44 ISBN: 978-605-01-0116-4, IMO Publication No: E/11/03 Sub-structure Design of Ancient Building Masters”, WCCE-ECCE-TCCE Joint Conference 2 on Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage, Oct.30-Nov.01, 2011, Antalya, p: 209-220 Evolution of Timber Construction in Turkey”, iaSU2012- 2nd International Conference on ArchiCultural translations through the Silk Road, 14-16 Temmuz 2012, Nishinomiya, Japan Traditional Timber structures in Turkey”, SAHC2012 -8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Structures, 15-17 Ekim 2012, Wroclaw, Polonya, s. 995-1002, ISBN – 978-837125-216-7, ISSN 0860-2395 Professional Memberships: ICOMOS-ISCARSAH (International Scientific Committee on Restoration and Analysis of Structures of Architectural Heritage) Vice President ICOMOS-ICORP (International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness) Voting Expert Member IASS (International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures) Chair of the IASS WG on Historic Spatial Structures International Masonry Society Chamber of Architects of Turkey 302 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Zerhan YÜKSEL CAN Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3031 Building Physics 1 MIM3042 Building Physics 2 MIM4242 Room Acoustics (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., İstanbul Devlet Mühendislik Mimarlık Akademisi, 1979 M.Sc., İstanbul Devlet Mühendislik Mimarlık Akademisi 1982 Ph.D., Yıldız University, 1988 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız University, 1982–1986 Assisstant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1986–1991 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1991–2001 Professor, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, 2001–present Professional Experience: Several Projects realised under Yildiz Technical University Revolving Fund Selected Publications and Recent Research: Yüksel Can, Z., Özçevik, A., Erdogan S., Bilgin K., Barutcuoglu A., “Room Acoustics Parameters Optimum Values for Turkish melodic Music”, Euronoise 2012, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti, June 2012. Yüksel Can Z., Maffei, L., Semidor, C., Kang, J., “Experiences in noise control education in architecture”, internoise 2009, Ottawa, Canada, August 2009, An Examination and Evaluation of YTU Library and Documentation Building in terms of Building Biology, Building And Environment, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., ISSN: 0360-1323, Volume 41, Issue 8, pp. 1079-1098, August 2006 . Acoustic Evaluation of a 19th Century Ottoman Palace Theatre, Architectural Science Review, ISSN 0003-8628, Vol.48, Number 2, 179-186, 2005. Prediction of Building Envelope Performance in the Design Stage: An Application for Office Buildings, Building and Environment, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, ISSN: 0036-1323, February 2004, pp.143-152. Some European Policies Regarding Acoustical Comfort in Educational Buildings, Noise Control Engineering Journal 50 (2), March- April 2002, pp.58-62.ISSN: 0736/2501 Project coordination of the Yildiz Technical University of the education project ”Master in Experts in Acoustics and Noise Control in Mediterranean Countries”, realised under the scientific coordination of Seconda Universitat degli Studi di Napoli, supported by the “Italian Education, University and Research Ministry”, 2006-2007 Project Coordinator of the Yildiz Technical University of ERATO (Identification, Evaluation and Revival of the Acoustical Heritage of Ancient Theatres and Odea) Project, Project No: ICA3-CT2002-10031, European Commission 5th Framework, INCO-MED Projects, 2003-2006 Project Scientific Co-ordinator of CAHRISMA Project -Conservation of the Acoustical Heritage by the Revival and Identification of Sinans’ Mosques Acoustics- European Commission 5th Framework, Project no. ICA3-CT-1999-00007.European Commission 5th Framework, INCO-MED Projects, 2000-2003 Project Coordinator of the research project “Evaluation of the room acoustics parameters for the rooms used for Turkish Melodical Music", supported by YTÜ Research Foundation, Project No: 2903-01-01, 2009-present Professional Memberships: Turkish Acoustical Society European Acoustics Association 303 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: F. Rengin ÜNVER Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3042 Building Physics 2 MIM4252 Interior Colour Design MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 1977 M.Sc Istanbul Technical University, 1979 Ph.D. Yıldız Technical University, 1985 Teaching Experience: Lecturer, Yıldız Technical University, 1984-1986 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1986-1990 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1990-2004 Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2004–present Professional Experience: Ayyıldız Engineering &Architecture, 1974-1975 Gökdoğan Architecture, 1975-79 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Ünver, R., Yavuz, M., Özcan, K., E.,“ A Study on Perceived Colours of Facades Under Different Light Sources”, AIC Midterm Meeting 2011- Interaction of Colour & Light in the Arts and Sciences, ISBN 978-3-033-02929-3, pp. 796-799, Zurich, Switzerland, -07-10 June 2011. Aykal, D., F., Gümüş, B., Ünver, R., Murt, Ö., “An Approach in Evaluation of Re-Functioned Historical Buildings in view of Natural Lighting, A Case Study in Diyarbakir Turkey”, Light and Engineering, ISSN: 0236-2945, Znack Publishing House, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 64-76, Moskow, June, 2011. Ünver, R., Akdağ, N. Y., Gedik, Z., G.; Öztürk, L. D., Karabiber, Z. ,“Prediction of Building Envelope Performance in the Design Stage: An Application for Office Buildings”, Building And Environment, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., ISSN: 0360-1323, pp.143-152, February 2004. Ünver, R., Öztürk L., “An Example for Facade Colour Design of Mass Housing”, Color Research and Application, JohnWiley&Sons, Print ISSN: 0361-2317, Online ISSN: 1520-6378, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 291–299, August 2002. Ünver, R., “Visual Comfort and Industry Buildings”, Light and Engineering, Znack Publishing House, ISSN 0236-2945, Vol. 10, No 1, pp.52-58, Moscow, 2002. Ünver, R., ”Yapı Dışı Engellerin Hacim İçi Günışığı Aydınlığına Etkisi: İstanbul Örneği”, ISBN: 975461-327-3, YTÜ.MF.YK-02.0658-MF.MIM-02.001, YTÜ Basım-Yayın Merkezi, 2002. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey Turkish National Committee on Illumination Turkish Acoustics Foundation 304 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Gülay ZORER GEDİK Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3031 Building Physics 1 (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.S., Yıldız Technical University, 1984. M.S., Yıldız Technical University, 1987. Ph.D., Yıldız Technical University, 1995. Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1985–1996 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1996–2003 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University,2003-2009 Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2009–present. Professional Experience: Orhan Barut Architectural Office, 1983–1985 Selected Publications and Recent Research: G. Z. Gedik, “Climatic Design: An Analysis of the Old Houses of Diyarbakır in the Southeast Region of Turkey” ,Architectural Science Review Vol.47,pp 1-10,June 2004. G. Z. Gedik, “An Approach to Designing An Optimal Shading Device”, Architectural Science Review, Vol.45, No:4, pp 1-9, 2002, ISSN 0003-8628 M.Ş. Sözen, G. Z. Gedik, “Evaluation of traditional architecture in terms of building physics: Old Diyarbakır houses”, Building and Environment, Vol.42, Issue 4, April 2007, 1810-1816 Balanlı, A., Öztürk, A , Karabiber, Z., Ünver., R., Gedik G., Yavuz, G., Vural, M., “An Examination and Evaluation of YTU Library And Documentation Building in terms of Building Biology”, Building And Environment, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., ISSN: 0360-1323, 28 November 2005 online, Volume 41, Issue 8, pp. 1079–1098, August 2006. Ünver, R., Akdağ, N. Y., Gedik G. Z., Öztürk, L. D., Karabiber, Z., “Prediction of Building Envelope Performance in the Design Stage: An Application for Office Buildings”, Building And Environment, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., ISSN: 0360-1323, pp.143-152, February 2004. “Utilization of Solar Energy Systems for Retrofit Design of School Buildings and an Example Application – TUBITAK Project, İÇTAG-I241, 2002 – 2006, Project Coordinator (in Turkish). “An Examination and Evaluation of YTU Library and Documentation Department Şevket Sabancı Building in Terms of Building Biology and Building Physics”, YTU-AF, Project No. 99-03-01.03, 1999-2002, Project team member (in Turkish). “Optimum Building Envelope Design in Terms of Visual, Thermal and Acoustical Comfort in the Office Buildings”, YTU-AF, Project No. 99-03-01.01, 28.01.1999-31.05.2002, Project team member (in Turkish). “Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of İsolation Place and Thickness on Building Envelope in terms of Control of Vapour Diffusion”, Project No:2008/66, Trakya University, Project team member, 2008“Optımızatıon of mass-housıng settlements ın terms of wınd and noıse control” TUBITAK 1001 Project, No: 111M560, 2012- present, Project Coordinator (in Turkish). Professional Memberships: TAD –Turkish Acoustical Society EAA - European Acoustics Association ATMK – Turkish National Committee on Illumination CIE - Comission International on Illumination ISES- The International Solar Energy Society 305 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Leyla DOKUZER ÖZTÜRK Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3042 Building Physics 2 MIM3242 Daylighting (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.S., Yıldız Technical University,1983. M.S., Yıldız Technical University, 1985 Ph. D., Yıldız Technical University, 1995. Teaching Experience: Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1984-1996. Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1996-2003. Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2003-2009. Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2009-present. Selected Publications and Recent Research: Determination of Energy Losses in Lighting in Terms of Good Vision Efficiency, Architectural Science Review, Volume 51.1, 39-47, March 2008. Location of Munsell Colors in the RAL Design System, Color Research and Application, Volume 30, Number 2, pp. 130-134, April 2005. Effect of the Facade Alternatives on the Daylight Illuminance in Offices, Energy and Buildings, Volume 35, Number 8, 737-746, September 2003. The Effect of Luminance Distribution on Interior Perception, Architectural Science Review, Volume 46, Number 3, 233-238, September 2003. An Example for Facade Colour Design of Mass Housings, Color Research and Application, Volume 27, Number 4, 291-299, August 2002. Prediction of Building Envelope Performance in the Design Stage: An Application for Office Buildings, Building and Environment, Volume 39, Number 2, pp.143-152, February 2004. A Successive Approach for Designing Faceted Reflector, Journal of Light & Visual Environment, Volume 26, Number 1, 1-12, April 2002. An Approach for Definition and Evaluation of Shadow Characteristics as a Design Criterion Occurred Under Artificial Lighting, YTU Scientific Research Project Coordination, 01.01.201115.02.2012, Project coordinator (in Turkish). Basic Principles and Recommendations on Reflector Design to Provide Uniform Illumination, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Project No: 104I037, 01.07.200412.12.2007, Project coordinator (in Turkish). Basic Principles and Suggestions on Facade Colour Design of Mass Housing, YTU Research Foundation, Project No: 99-03-01.02, 28.01.1999-31.04.2002, Project team member (in Turkish). Optimum Building Envelope Design in Terms of Visual, Thermal and Acoustical Comfort in the Offices, Project No: 99-03-01.01, 28.01.1999-31.05.2002, Project team member (in Turkish). Preparation of Istanbul Lighting Master Plan, YTU Research Foundation, Project No: 95-A-03-0102, 23.10.1995-25.05.1998, Project team member (in Turkish). Professional Memberships: UCTEA-Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects CIE-Commission International on Illumination ATMK-Turkish National Committee on Illumination AIC-International Colour Association EAA-European Acoustic Association TAKDER-Turkish Acoustical Society 306 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Neşe YÜĞRÜK AKDAĞ Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3031 Building Physics 1 MIM3042 Building Physics 2 (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.S., Yıldız Technical University, 1984. M.S., Yıldız Technical University, 1987. Ph.D., Yıldız Technical University, 1995. Teaching Experience: Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1985–1996. Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1996–2005. Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University,2005-2011. Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2011–present. Selected Publications and Recent Research: A Simple Method to Determinate Required Rtr Values of Building Envelope Components Against Road Traffic Noise”, Building and Environment, ISSN: 0360-1323, Vol. 39(11), 1327-1332 2004. Prediction of Building Envelope Performance in the Design Stage: An Application for Office Buildings, Building and Environment, ISSN: 0360-1323, Vol. 39(2), 143-152, 2004. Acoustic Evaluation of a 19th Century Ottoman Palace Theatre, Architectural Science Review, ISSN 0003-8628, Vol. 48, 179-186, 2005. The Importance of Interior Surface Materials on Acoustic Performance: A Case Study of the Yıldız Technical University Auditorium, Turkey , Architectural Science Review, ISSN 0003-8628, Vol. 51.4, 372-380, 2008. Noise Problems in a Call Center-A Case Study, Building Acoustics, ISSN 1351-010X, Vol. 16.4, 329-342, 2009. Noise Disturbance Caused by Outdoor Activities-A Simulated Environment Study for Ali Sami Yen Stadium, İstanbul, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, ISSN: 0167-6369, (SCI-exp), Vol. 174 (1), 347-360, 2011. Noise Problems, Effects and Precautions in “Ready to Wear” and Leather Workshops in Zeytinburnu”, YTU- Research Foundation, Project No.95-A-03-01-01, 27.09.1995-20.05.1998, Project team member (in Turkish). Evaluation of the Acoustical Comfort Conditions for Multipurpose Rooms, YTU- Research Foundation, Project No. 91-B-03-01-02, 17.02.1992-06.05.1998, Project team member (in Turkish). Optimum Building Envelope Design in Terms of Visual, Thermal and Acoustical Comfort in the Offices, YTU- Research Foundation, Project No. 99-03-01.01, 28.01.1999-31.05.2002, Project team member (in Turkish). Effects of Reflections from Facades on Traffic Noise and Determination of Appropriate Conditions, YTU- Research Foundation, Project No. 21-03-01-02, 23.05.2001-10.06.2003, Project Coordinator (in Turkish). Evaluation of Urban Noise Problems: Historical Peninsula Case Study, YTU- Research Foundation, Project No: 25-03-01-09, 03.06.2005- 24.07.2006, Project team member (in Turkish). Importance of Noise Mapping in Urban Information Systems, State Planning Organization Project, Project No: 26-DPT-03-01-01, 2006-2009, Project Coordinator (in Turkish). Professional Memberships: TAD–Turkish Acoustical Society EAA-European Acoustics Association INCE-International Institute of Noise Control EngineeringIIAV-International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration 307 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Zehra Canan GİRGİN Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1042 Statics and Strength of Materials MIM2031 Structural Analysis in Architecture MIM2032 Structural System Design 1 MIM3041 Structural System Design 2 MIM4261 Advanced Concrete Technologies in Architecture INS3942 Structural System Design (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.S Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, 1988 M.Sc. Structural Enginering, Istanbul Technical University, 1990 Ph.D. Structural Enginering, Istanbul Technical University, 1996 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, İTÜ Civil Engineering Faculty, 1989–1997 Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2005–2011 Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2011–present Professional Experience: Yapi Merkezi Inc. R&D Dept., Istanbul, 1997–2005 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Girgin, Z.C. “Modified Johnston Failure Criterion from Rock Mechanics to Predict the Ultimate Strength of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Confined Columns” Polymers , Jan. 2014, Vol.6, 5975. rd Kuruscu, A.O., Girgin, Z.C. “Effective Use of Structural Materials in Sustainable Design” SCMT3 3 International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 18-21 August 2013, Kyoto, 2013. Girgin, Z.C. “Statistical Evaluation of Worldwide Sustainable Energy Production (2000-2010)” Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol.6(10), October 2012, pp. 1575-1581. Girgin, Z.C. "A Modified Failure Criterion to Predict Ultimate Strength of Circular Columns Confined by Different Materials" ACI Structural Journal, Vol.106 (6), Nov-Dec 2009, pp. 800-809. Girgin, Z.C., Arıoğlu, N., Arıoğlu, E. “Evaluation of Strength Criteria for Very-High-StrengthConcretes under Triaxial Compression” ACI Structural Journal, Vol.104 (3), May-June 2007, pp. 278-284. Arıoğlu, N., Girgin, Z.C., Arıoğlu, E. “Evaluation of the Ratio Between Splitting Tensile Strength and Compressive Strength for Concretes up to 120 MPa and its Application in Strength Criterion” ACI Materials Journal, Vol.103 (1), Jan-Feb 2006, pp. 18-24. Girgin, Z.C, Girgin, K. “A Numerical Method for Static and Free-Vibration Analysis of Non-uniform Timoshenko Beam-Columns”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineers, Vol.33, No.3, Mart 2006, pp.278-293. Girgin, Z.C, Girgin, K. “A Numerical Model for Static or Dynamic Stiffness Matrix of Non-Uniform Members Resting on Variable Elastic Foundations”, Engineering Structures, 27 (2005), pp. 13731384. Professional Memberships: Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers Turkish Structural Steel Association American Concrete Institute 308 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Deniz GÜNEY Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1042 Statics and Strength of Materials MIM3311 Earthquake Factor in Design MIM3201 Reinforced Concrete in Architecture MIM2031 Structural Analysis in Architecture (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Sc., İTÜ Civil Eng. Faculty. 1994 M.Sc., İTÜ Structural Eng. Dep. 1997 Ph.D., İTÜ Structural Eng. Dep. 2005 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant Nigde Univ. Eng. Faculty Civil Eng. Dep, 1995–1998 Research Assistant İTÜ Civil Engineering Faculty, 1998–2006 Research Assistant Nigde Univ. Eng. Faculty Civil Eng. Dep, 2006–2007 Assistant Professor Nigde Univ. Eng. Faculty Civil Eng. Dep, 2007–2007 Assistant Professor Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture, 2009–2013 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2013-present Professional Experience: Consultant, Civil Eng., Novatec SRL, Bucharest/Romania 2007-2009 Licenses/Registration: İstanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Optimal damper distribution for seismic rehabilitation of planar building structures, Engineering Structures, 2007, Vol. 29, Issue 2, 176-185. Thermal stresses in butt jointed thick plates from different materials, Welding Journal, 2007, 86(7), 201-204. Investigation of post-earthquake displacements in viaducts using Geodetic and Finite Element Methods, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., Vol:10 (12), 2579-2587, doi:10.5194/nhess-10-2579-2010, (Published: 24 Nov. 2010) 2010. The Nonlinear Effect of Infill Walls Stiffness to Prevent Soft Story Collapse of RC Structures, The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal (ISSN: 1874-8368), Bentham Open, 2012, Special Issue#1, (Suppl 1-M5) pp.74-80, (DOI: 10.2174/1874836801206010074, Published 31October 2012), 2012. Van Earthquakes (23.10.2011 and 9.11.2011) and Performance of Masonry and Adobe Structures, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., Vol. 12(11), pp. 3337-3342, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-1-2012, 14 November 2012. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 309 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Candan ÇINAR ÇITAK Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry MIM3221 Production and Consumption Process of Space (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 1988 P.h.D., Yıldız Technical University, 1999 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, 1995-2014 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, 2014-present Professional Experience: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Istanbul, 1991–1993 C Mimarlık, 1989-1991 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Cinar, C., Cizmeci, F., Koksal, A., (2006) “The New Address of Social Polarization in Istanbul: Gated Communities”, 42 nd ISoCaRP Congress 14 – 18 September 2006 – İstanbul / Turkey Çizmeci, F., Çınar, C., Ercan, T., (2009) “ Remodelling of Urban Space Through a New Residential Concept: Gated Communities”, International Symposium Jointly Organized by IAPS-CSBE ‘CULTURE & SPACE IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT NETWORK’ and the IAPS – HOUSING NETWORK (REVITALISING BUILT ENVIRONMENTS: Requalifying Old Places for New Uses) 1216 October 2009 – Istanbul / Turkey Çınar, C., Köksal, A., (2011) “Mimarlık Öğrencilerinin “Sürekli Mesleki Eğitim” e Bakışları”, Mimarlık, Sayı:362, ISSN 1300-4212 Çako, S., Çınar, C., (2012) “Türkiye’de İnşaat Sektöründe Yüklenici Firmaların Markalaşma Kriterleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma”, Megaron: Planlama-Tasarım-Yapım YTÜ MIMARLIK FAKÜLTESİ E-DERGİSİ, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 1, E-ISSN 1309-6915 Kaçel, E., Çınar, C., (1998) “Changing Dynamics of the Housing Market: The Istanbul Case”, Proceedings of the XXV IAHS World Housing Congress, 29 June – 3 July 1998, Lisboa – Portugal, ISBN 972-752-025-1 (Volume 2) Çınar, C., Çizmeci, F., Akdemir,Z.,(2007), “8 Yıllık Temel Eğitim Okullarında Müfredatın Gerektirdiği Mekan Standartlarının İstanbul Okulları Üzerinden Analizi” (An Examination of Istanbul Schools of the Spatial Requirements Required by the Educational Model Applied to Eight-year Basic Education School) , Megaron: Planlama-Tasarım-Yapım YTÜ MIMARLIK FAKÜLTESİ E-DERGİSİ, Cilt: 2, Sayı:4 Çınar, Ç.C.,(2003) “Konut Sunumunda Kamu ve Özel Sektör Sermayesinin Yapısal Dinamikleri ve İstanbul Konut Piyasasının Değerlendirilmesi”, DERGİMIM DEÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Temmuz 2003 Sayı:1, ISSN 1304-2009 Çınar, C., Çizmeci, F., (2003) “Ulaşım Örüntüleri Bağlamında Yeşilköy’ün Mekansal Dönüşümü”, TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası Kentsel Dönüşüm Sempozyumu 11-13 Haziran 2003 – İstanbul, ISBN 975-395-602-9 Çizmeci, F., Çınar, C., (2007) “İstanbul Konut Piyasasında Kitlesel Tüketimin Şekillendirdiği Yeni Konut Yerleşimleri”, TMMOB İstanbul Kent Sempozyumu 13-14-15 Eylül 2007 – İstanbul, ISBN 978-9944-89-332-9 Çınar, C., (2010) “Kitlesel Konut Projelerinde Marka Değeri Oluşturma ve “Lokasyon””, Arredamento Mimarlık Tasarım Kültürü Dergisi, 2010 / 11, ISSN 1300-3801 Kahvecioğlu, H., Çınar, C., (2010) “Kitlesel Konut Üzerine İhsan Bilgin İle Söyleşi” Arredamento Mimarlık Tasarım Kültürü Dergisi, 2010 / 11, ISSN 1300-3801 Çınar, C., (2009) “”Gated Communities” Toplumsal Statünün Yeni Göstergesi”, MOSTAR Aylık Kültür ve Aktüalite Dergisi, Eylül 2009, Sayı: 22, ISSN 1305-4686 Çınar, C., (2007) “İstanbul’un Plajları” METROPOLİST, Temmuz-Ağustos 2007, ISSN 1307-5101 Kahvecioğlu, H., Çınar, C., (2010) “Kitlesel Konut Üzerine İhsan Bilgin İle Söyleşi” Arredamento Mimarlık Tasarım Kültürü Dergisi, 2010 / 11, ISSN 1300-3801 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 310 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Erkan AVLAR Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 MIM1032 Building Materials Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University 1985 M.Sc. Yıldız Technical University 1988 PhD, Yıldız Technical University 1996 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1987-1996 Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University 1996- present Selected Publications and Recent Research: Avlar, E.; Korkmaz, E., “Evaluating of the Principles in the Regulations for Construction of Timber Structures in Türkiye“, SHATİS’ 11 International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, Lisbon, 16-17 June 2011, pp. 217. Avlar, E.; Erçoşkun, P., “A Model Proposal for the Selection Process of Sustainable Technologic Construction Products“, Steel Structures: Culture & Sustainability 2010 İnnternational Symposium, İstanbul, 21-23 September 2010, pp. 69 – 78. Korkmaz, E.; Avlar, E., “Constructed Temporary Health Buildings After Earthquakes in Türkiye and in The World: The Deficiencies and Problems“, Fourteenth European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 30 August-03 September 2010. Avlar, E.; Ercoşkun, P., “A Model Proposal for Decision Making Process in Order to Select Technologically New Products”, Educating Architects Towards Innovative Architecture International Conference European Network of Heads of Shcools of Architecture European Association for Architectural Education, YTU, İstanbul, 17 – 19 June 2010, pp. 71 – 77. Biçer Özkun, Ü.; Avlar, E., “Products Cycle System and Expansion of Ceramic Tiles Product Cycle”, SERES’09 I. International Ceramic, Glass, Porcelain, Enamel, Glaze and Pigment Congress, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, 12 – 14 October 2009, pp. 825 – 835, ISBN: 978-97594814-7-6. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 311 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Zafer AKDEMİR Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 MIM1032 Building Materials (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız University, 1986 M.Sc., Yıldız University, 1989 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 1997 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1986-1998 Lecturer, Yildiz Technical University,1998-2006 Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University 2006- present Selected Publications and Recent Research: Akdemir, Z., Önal, F., Günal, F., E., “The Cıty Of Çanakkale In Context Of Sustaınable Urban Envıronment” International Ecological Architecture and Planning Symposium, Antalya, Türkiye, 2225 October 2009 Önal, F., Akdemir, Z., Gürel, N., “Tarlabaşi Case In Istanbul In Between Urban Rehabilitation And Spatial Exclusion” ” International Ecological Architecture and Planning Symposium, Antalya, Türkiye, 22-25 October 2009 Akdemir, Z., Ekşi Akbulut, D., Limoncu, S., Vural, S. M., Tuna Taygun, G., “The Effects of Adobe Material on Architectural Forms of Anatolian Vernacular Houses, West Black Sea Region”, First International Conference Living in Earthen Cities – Kerpic ’05, İstanbul, pp. 277-283, 6-7 July 2005 Akdemir, Z., Limoncu, S., Ekşi Akbulut, D., “Application of Adobe Materials According to Regional Differences in Anatolian Settlement”, First International Conference Living in Earthen Cities – Kerpic ’05, İstanbul, pp. 324-330, 6-7 July 2005 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 312 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Sevgül LİMONCU Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4281 Clay Products in Architecture MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University , 1996 M.Sc., Yıldız Technical University, 1998 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2004 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, 1997-2006 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2006-present Professional Experience: Simge Architectural Office, Architect,1996-1997 Selected Publications and Recent Research: Limoncu, S. ve B. Çelebioğlu, “Fener and Balat Districts in İstanbul”, 6th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism, Tourbanism, Barcelona, 25-27 January, 2012, Spain. Çelebioğlu, B., Limoncu, S., “Hagios Gregorios Theologos Church in Cappadocia”, 7th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions, Shangai, China, 06-09 Oct 2010, p. 169-174. Limoncu, S., “Türkiye’de Yeniden Yapım Aşamasında Yaşanan Sorunlar ve Öneriler”, International Earthquake Symposium Kocaeli2007, Kocaeli University, 22-24 October 2007, Kocaeli, İstanbul. Limoncu, S. ve B. Çelebioğlu, “Post-Disaster Sustainable Housing System in Turkey”, Third International Bienial Conference of i-Rec, International Association for Information and Research on Post-Disaster Reconstruction, Floransa, İtalya, 17-19 May, 2006, Firenze University Press, 2007, pp: 199-208. Çelebioğlu, B. ve Limoncu, S., “Strengthening of Historic Buildings in Post-Disaster Cases”, Third International Bienial Conference of i-Rec, International Association for Information and Research on Post-Disaster Reconstruction, Floransa, İtalya, 17-19 May, 2006, Firenze University Press, 2007, pp: 383-392. Limoncu, S., “Afet Sonrası Yaşanan Barınma Sorunlarına Karşı Ekolojik Süreçleri Koruyan Sürdürülebilir Bir Barınma Sistemi”, Eko Teknolojiler ve Ekolojik Yerleşimler Uluslararası Sempozyum, Y.T.Ü Mimarlık Fakültesi ve Goethe–Institut, 14-15 Kasım 2005, Y.T.Ü Basım-Yayın Merkezi, İstanbul, 2007, s:41-52. 313 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Gökçe TUNA TAYGUN Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM2012 Architectural Design 3 MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 1995 M.Sc, Yildiz Technical University, 1998 PhD, Yildiz Technical University, 2005 Teaching Experience: Reseacrh Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1996-2005 Research Assistant holding PhD, Yildiz Technical University, 2005-2006 Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2006-present Professional Experience: Intern, EPİT Proje İnşaat Tasarım Tic.Ltd.Şti., İstanbul, July-Sept. 1992 Intern, EPİT Proje İnşaat Tasarım Tic.Ltd.Şti., İstanbul, July-Sept. 1993 Part-time Architect, CENA İ.M.R. İnş. Mim. Rest. San. ve Tic. Şti., Istanbul, Nov. 1995-May 1996 Selected Publications and Recent Research: “Geleneksel Yapıların Yaşam Döngüsü Açısından İrdelenmesi: Diyarbakır Evlerinin LEED Değerlendirmesi”, YTÜ Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü, Proje No: 2012-03-01-KAP03, Project Leader: Yard. Doç. Dr. Gökçe TUNA TAYGUN, Project Team: TUNA TAYGUN, G.; Vural, S. M.; AYKAL, D.; DARÇIN, P., 2012-present. “Türkiye’ de Yapı Ürünlerinin Üretim Enerjisinin Mimari Tasarımda Değerlendirilmesi İçin Bir Model Önerisi”, YTÜ Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü, Proje No: 2011-03-01-GEP01, Project Leader: Yard. Doç. Dr. Ayşen CİRAVOĞLU, Project Team: CİRAVOĞLU, A.; Tuna Taygun, G., 2013. Ciravoğlu, A. ve Tuna Taygun, G., “Evaluation of the LCA Approaches for the Assessment of Embodied Energy of Building Products”, Chapter 28, pp.299-312, ed. Hakansson, A., Höjer, M., Howlett, R. J., Jain, L. C., Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 22, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings vol.2, ISBN 978-3-642-36644-4, Springer, 2013. Limoncu, S. ve Tuna Taygun, G., “On the Road to Establish a Disaster Debris Management Plan for Turkey”, Heritage &Risk Culturel Heritage Protection in Times of Risk, İstanbul, Turkey, November 15-17, 2012, pp. 319-327. Tuna Taygun, G., “Yapı Ürünlerinin Yaşam Döngüsü Değerlendirmesi”, Mimarlık, Kasım Aralık 2011, Sayı 362, ss. 72-75. Balanlı, A. ve Tuna Taygun, G., “Yapı-Sağlık İlişkisi ve Yapı Ürünlerinden Kaynaklanan Yapı İçi Hava Kirliliği, Mimarlıkta Malzeme Dergisi, 17, Güz 2010, ss. 28 – 31. Taygun, G. ve Balanlı, A., “Analysis of the Models for Life Cycle Assesssment of the Building and Building Products”, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, ISSN: 1582-9596, January/February 2007 Vol. 6 No. 1, pp.59-64. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 314 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Dilek EKŞİ AKBULUT Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 MIM1032 Building Materials (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., East Mediterranean University, 1996 M.S. E.D., Yıldız Technical University, 1999 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1996-2008 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2008- present Selected Publications and Recent Research: Ekşi Akbulut,D., Fevziye Aköz “Effects Of Pozzolanas And Fibers On Mechanical Properties Of Mortars In Historical Buildings” International Seminar On Structural Analysis Of Historical Construction, SAHC2012 VIII International Conference On Structural Analysis Of Historical Constructions 15-17 October 2012 Wroclaw Poland M. Zafer Akdemir, Dilek Ekşi Akbulut “West Black Sea Traditional Timber Structure; The Example of Safranbolu Gökçüoğlu Mansion ” SHATİS’11 International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures Lisbon LNEC 16-17 June 2011 Akbulut,M.Tolga, Ekşi Akbulut,D., “Neglected Port Areas – Architectural Reassessment and Renovation Studies” Medi3olgy 2007, 8-10 November 2007. Ekşi Akbulut,D., Fevziye Aköz “Effects Of Pozzolans On Mechanical Properties Of Mortars In Historical Buildings” International Seminar On Structural Analysis Of Historical Construction, Volume 2 , pp 875- 886, New Delhi, India, India Habitat Centre November 6,7 and 8, 2006 Akbulut,M.Tolga Ekşi Akbulut,D., “A Study On Conservation And Refurbishment Of Historical Bridges” Responding to Tomorrow’ s Challenges in Structural Engineering İnternational IABSE Symposium, , pp: 132-133, Budapest, Hungary, September 13-15 2006 Gül Koçlar Oral Akbulut,M.Tolga Ekşi Akbulut,D., “The Parameters Effect On Sustainable Built Environment Design” The 1st International CIB Endorsed METU Postgraduate Conference, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 471-481, March 17-18, 2006 Alper B., Akdemir Z., Yüzer N., Ekşi Akbulut, D., Çiftçi A., Sarp T., Korkmaz E. “Kemaliye (Eğin) ve Çevre Köylerindeki Evlerin Sistem Kuruluşlarının Tespiti, Çatı (Rıhtım-Dam) ve Cephe Yüzeylerinin Koruma Sorunlarına Yönelik Öneriler” Araştırma Projesi, 2008. Arun G., Kuruşçu, A.O., Vatan Kaptan, M., Pusat S.E., Ekşi Akbulut, D., “İstanbul Tarihi Yarımada'daki Kubbeli Yığma Yapıların Formasyonu” Araştırma Projesi, 2010. Sözen, Ş., Ünver, R., Aytuğ, A. Aygün, M., Üstün, B., Barkul, Ö, Görgülü, T., Baytin, Ç., Akbulut, M. T.,Kayıhan, S., K., Tuncer, E., Kaya, H., Ekşi Akbulut, D., “Ilıman-Nemli İklim Kuşağı İçin SürdürülebilirTemel Eğitim Binalarının Tasarımında Bilgi Tabanlı Karar Verme Modeli”, Araştırma Projesi, 2008. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 315 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Almula KÖKSAL Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics MIM4221 Construction Project Management (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 1992 M.Sci., Yildiz Technical University, 1994 Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2002 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2002-present Professional Experience: Intern Yalçın İleri Architectural Office 1991-1992 Site Engineer Kutlu Koksal Construction Company 1992-1994 Project Engineer The Clark Construction Group 1998-2000 Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Ercan,T ve Köksal, A. (2013) “Uluslararası Yapım Firmalarında Rekabet Stratejileri Kavramsal Kurgusunu Oluşturan Faktörler,” Magaron, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi, 8(1) accepted to be published . (EBSCO) Çınar, C.., Köksal, A. (2011) “Mimarlık Öğrencilerinin Sürekli Mesleki Eğitime Bakışları,” Mimarlık, 48(362), 54-56. (ISSN: 1300/4212) (Avery API index) Köksal, A., Arditi, D. (2004). “Predicting Constructıon Company Decline,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 130(6), 799-807 (ISSN: 0733/9364) (SCI-Expanded) Köksal, A., Arditi, D. (2004). “An Input/Output Model for Business Failures in the Construction Industry,” Journal of Construction Research,. 5(1), 1-16. (DOI: 10.1142/S1609945104000024 Print ISSN: 1609-9451 Online ISSN: 1793-687X) (Compendex) Özçelik,S ve Köksal, A. (2013) “Women in Architecture Profession: Different Aspects of the Construction Industry,” 5T Gendered Perspectives in Design, Yaşar Üniversitesi, İzmir, May 9-10, 2013 Ercan,T. ve Köksal, A.(2013) “The Effect of Competitive and Growth Strategy Type on Financial Strategies in Construction Companies,” International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2013), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 10-11 2013. (accepted) Aydoğan,G ve Köksal, A.(2013) “An Analysis of International Construction Risk Factors on Partner Selection by Applying ANP Approach,” International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2013), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 10-11 2013. (accepted) Köksal, A., Ercan, T (2008) “Factors that Affect Intellectual Capital in Construction Companies,” CRIOCM 2008, between 31 Oct-3 Nov, Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate,. pp.377-382 (ISBN 978-962-367-611-3), Beijing, China Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 316 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Güven ŞENER Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics MIM4221 Construction Project Management MIM4231 Construction Site Management and Organization Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 1985. M.Arch., Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 1987. Ph.D., Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 1996. Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, İstanbul Devlet Müh. Mimarlık Akademisi, 1978–1988 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 1988–present Professional Experience: Project Architect, 1985-1987 ESKA Construction. Licenses/Registration: İstanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Urbanization Problems In The GAP ( Southern Anatolia Project ) Region & Suggested Solutions International Conference Livenarch 2001 Livable Environmentes and Architecture, 4-7 July Trabzon Turkey. Kahramanmaraş Municipality, International Architectural Project Competition, 2. Prize (Single Participation) Ahlat Selçuklu Kültür Merkezi, Architectural Project Competition, 3. Prize (Single Participation İstanbul Kenti İçin Özgün Tasarımlar Yarışması ‘Büfelerimiz’; 2001, 1. Step Prize (Single Participation) Çanakkale Municipality International Architectural Project Competition, 4. Honourable Mention, 2013. (with D. Büyükocak) Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli Sanayi Geliştirme ve Destekleme İdaresi Başkanlığı (KOSGEB) Executive Building Architectural Project Competition; 1993, 2. Honourable Mention (with Y.S. Sepin) Fethiye Belediyesi Sosyal ve Kültür Tesisleri Mimari Proje Yarışması; 1992 3. Honourable Mention (Single Participation) Samsun 100 Yataklı Onkoloji Hastanesi Architectural Project Competition; 1995 4. Honourable Mention (with F.Önal) 500 Yataklı Tip Devlet hastaneleri Mayilli Arazi Bodrumlu Tip Architectural Project Competition; 1995 1. Honourable Mention (with S. Atasoy ve Y.S.Sepin) Çankaya Belediyesi Hizmet Binası Architectural Project Competition; 1995 Honourable Mention, (Project: Hakan Dölgen, Advisor: Güven Şener) Bursa Santral Garaj Kent Meydanı Mimari ve Kentsel Planlama Project Competition; 2005, Pickup Prize (Single Participation) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 317 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Füsun ÇİZMECİ Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 1998 M.S. E.D., Yildiz Technical University, 2001 Ph.D., Yildiz Technical University, 2008 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 2001-2014 Assistant Proffesor, Yildiz Technical University, 2014-present Licenses/Registration: İstanbul/TURKEY Selected Publications and Recent Research: Çınar, C., Çizmeci, F., Köksal, A., “The New Adress of Social Polarization in Istanbul: Gated Communities”, 42nd ISOCARP- International Planning Congress, İstanbul, 14-18 September 2006. Çizmeci,F., Cinar,C., Ercan T., “Remodeling the Urban Space through a New Residential Concept: Gated Communities”, Revitalising Built Environments-Requalifying Old Places for New Uses, IAPSCSBE&Housing Network International Symposium, İstanbul, 12-16 October 2009. Çizmeci,F., Ercan T., “Changing Perspectives On Housing Conceptions: "Privileged Life Style" Commitment”, Urban Dynamics and Housing Change, Europan Network for Housing Research (ENHR) 22nd Conference, İstanbul, 4-7 Temmuz 2010. Çizmeci, F., Önel, H., “Gayrimenkul Geliştirici Aktörlerin Çeşitliliği Bağlamında Kapalı Yerleşmelerin Değerlendirilmesi”, MEGARON Planlama-Tasarım-Yapım, YTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayı 2, 2008, s:162-176. Çınar, C., Çizmeci, F., Akdemir, Z., “8 Yıllık Temel Eğitim Okullarında Müfredatın Gerektirdiği Mekan Standartlarının İstanbul Okulları Üzerinden Analizi”, MEGARON Planlama-Tasarım-Yapım, YTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 2, Sayı 4, 2007, s:188-203. Çizmeci, F., “Konut Piyasasında Geleneksel Değerlerin Pazarlama İmgesi Olarak Yeniden Üretimi”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Şubat, 2011, 243:64-68. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 318 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: M. Nuri İLGÜREL Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 MIM3031 Building Physics 1 MIM3042 Building Physics 2 MIM4242 Room Acoustics Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Balıkesir University, 2000 M.S. in Building Physics, Yıldız Technical University, 2004. PhD in Building Physics, Yıldız Technical University, 2010. Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 2002 Research Assistant (PhD), Yildiz Technical University, 2010 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey Turkish Acoustical Society 319 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Ezgi KORKMAZ Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 MIM1032 Building Materials Educational Credentials: Civil Engineer., Kocaeli University, 2002 M.S., İstanbul Technical University, 2005 PhD, Yildiz Technical University, 2012 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 2007-present Professional Experience: Civil Engineer, Boğaziçi İnşaat Müşavirlik A.Ş., 2004-2004 Civil Engineer, MGH Proje ve İnşaat A.Ş., 2005-2006 Civil Engineer, ADOÇİM Çimento Beton Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., 2006-2006 Civil Engineer, Özsoy İnşaat A.Ş., 2007-2007 Selected Publications and Recent Research: Biçer Özkun, Ü., Korkmaz, E., “Recognition, Prehension and Construction of Local Material”, Uplandown09, Learning From Cappadocia Book, Editor: School of Architecture, University of Minho, (Paulo Mendonça and Helena Alves), ISBN 978-989-96163-7-0, 2013. Korkmaz, E., Vatan Kaptan, M., “Retrofitting Deniz Palace Historic Building For Reusing” ISTANBUL AYDIN UNIVERSITY, IJEMME, ISSN: 2146-0604, Volume:2, Number:3, p.269-278, 2012. Avlar, E., ve Korkmaz, E. “Evaluating of the principles in the regulations for construction of timber structures in Türkiye”, SHATIS’11 International Conference On Structural Health Assessment Of Timber Structures, Lisbon, Portugal, 16 -17 June 2011. Korkmaz, E., ve Avlar, E. “Constructed Temporary Health Buildings After Earthquakes In Türkiye And In The World: The Deficiencies And Problems”, 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2010, Ohrid, Macedonia, 30 August 2010 – 03 September 2010. 320 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Ali Osman KURUŞÇU Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1042 Statics and Strength of Materials MIM2031 Structural Analysis in Architecture MIM2032 Structural System Design 1 MIM3041 Structural System Design 2 Educational Credentials: B. Sc. In Faculty Of Civil Engineering , Yıldız Technical University, 2000 M.S., Faculty Of Civil Engineering., Yıldız Technical University, 2012 Teaching Experience: Research assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2002–present Selected Publications and Recent Research: Köksal H.O., Aktan S., Kuruşcu A.O., “Elastoplastic Finite Element Analysis of FRP-Confined Masonry Columns”, ASCE's Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 16(4), pp. 407–417, 16 July 2012, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000268). Professional Memberships: Chamber of Civil Engineering 321 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Şensin AYDIN YAĞMUR Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 2002 M.S. in Building Physics, Yıldız Technical University, Architecture Department, 2005. PhD in Building Physics, Yıldız Technical University, Architecture Department, 2012. Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2005 – 2012 Research assistant (PhD), Yıldız Technical University, 2012-present Selected Publications and Recent Research: Şensin Aydın Yağmur, Müjgan şerefhanoğlu Sözen, An Investigation About Working Plane In Terms Of Visual Comfort (2012) Şensin Aydın Yağmur, Leyla Dokuzer Öztürk, An Approach for Evaluation the Harshness-Softness Attribute of a Shadow (2013) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey Turkish National Committee on Illumination 322 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Tuğçe ŞİMŞEKALP ERCAN Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics MIM4221 Construction Project Management MIM4231 Construction Site Management and Organization Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 2004 M.S. E.D., Yildiz Technical University, 2007 Ph.D., Yildiz Technical University, 2013 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 2006-present Professional Experience: Project Architect, Alp Construction Architecture, İstanbul, 2004 Research Assistant, Yeditepe University Faculty of Fine Arts, İstanbul, 2004-2006 Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul, 2006-present Licenses/Registration: İstanbul/TURKEY Selected Publications and Recent Research: Ercan, T., (2013), “Major Strategies on Building Production Innovation Influencing Competitive and Growth Strategies in Construction Companies”, GAZI UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Part A: ENGINEERING AND INNOVATION, 1(1):23-29. Ercan, T. ve Köksal, A., (2013). “Uluslararası Yapım Firmalarında Rekabet Stratejileri Kavramsal Kurgusunu Oluşturan Faktörler”, YTU Mimarlık Fakültesi e-dergisi MEGARON. Köksal, A., Ercan, T., (2008). “Factoring that Affact Intellectual Capital in Construction Companies”, The CRIocm2008 International Sypmosium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate”, 31Ekim-3 Kasım, Beijing, China. Çizmeci, F., Çınar, C., Ercan, T., (2009). “Remodelling The Urban Space Though A new Concept: Gated Communities, International Symposium Revitalising Built Environments: Requalifying Old Places for New Uses, 12-16 Ekim, İstanbul. Çizmeci, F., Ercan, T., (2010). Changing Perspectives On Housing Conceptions: “Privileged Life Style” Commitment, ENHR 2010, 4-7 July, ISTANBUL, 22nd International Housing Research Conference. Ercan, T., Koksal, A., (2009). “Yapım Firmalarında Entelektüel Sermaye Değerinin Finansal Verilerle Hesaplanması”, Yapı İşletmesi /Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi 5, 22-23 Ekim, Eskişehir, Türkiye. Ercan, T., Koksal, A., (2010). “Yapım Firmalarında Entelektüel Sermaye Tanımlayıcı Faktörleri”, 1. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 29 Eylül – 1 Ekim 2010 ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Ankara Ercan,T. Ve Köksal A., (2012). Yapım Firmalarında Rekabet Üstünlüğünü Etkileyen Stratejilerin İrdelenmesi,2. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, Bildiriler Kitabı, İzmir İleri teknoloji Enstitüsü, 1316 Eylül 2012, s.79 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 323 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Polat DARÇIN Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 MIM1032 Building Materials Educational Credentials: B. Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 2004 M.Sc. Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 2008 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2008 – present Professional Experience: Project Architect, İki Design Group, İstanbul, 2008 Project Architect, Sindorma Architecture, İstanbul, 2007 Project Architect, Budowa Architects, İstanbul, 2005 – 2007 Project Architect, EPO Architecture, İstanbul, 2003 – 2005 Selected Publications and Recent Research: Darçın, P.; Balanlı, A., “An Examination of Building Ventilation Methods in Terms of Environment and Natural Ventilation”, Ecological Agenda International Conference on New Perspectives in EcoTechnologies and Eco-Economies, YTU, İstanbul, 10 – 12 May 2010, pp. 118 - 131. Darçın, P., “Saint Antoine Kilisesi Döşeme Kaplaması Deseninin Kullanıcı Beğenisi Yönünden İncelenmesi”, Mimarlıkta Görsel Etki Değerlendirme Yöntem ve Teknikleri, Bölüm 4.12, Çiğdem Polatoğlu, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi, Üniversite Yayın No: YTÜ.MF.DK – 2012.0860, İstanbul, 2012, ss. 114 - 132. Balanlı, A.; Darçın, P.; Ceylan, A., “Yapı İçindeki Küfün Yapı Biyolojisi Açısından İrdelenmesi”, 4. Çevre Tasarım Kongresi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa, 12 – 13 Aralık 2013, ss: 413 – 420. Balanlı, A.; Darçın, P., “Yapı Ürünleri ve Kakosmi”, 6. Ulusal Yapı Malzemesi Kongresi ve Sergisi, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, İstanbul, 7 – 9 Kasım 2012, ss. 163 – 173. Darçın, P.; Vural, S. M., “Mimari Tasarım 2 Stüdyosunun Öğrenci Düşünceleri Üzerinden İrdelenmesi”, Mimari Tasarım Eğitimi: Bütünleşme 2 Ulusal Sempozyumu, YTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Mimarlık Bölümü, İstanbul, 20 – 21 Ekim 2011, ss. 278 – 290. Darçın, P.; Balanlı, A., “Yapılarda Doğal Havalandırmanın Sağlanmasına Yönelik İlkeler”, X. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi ve Teskon + Sodex Fuarı, TMMOB Makine Mühendisleri Odası İzmir Şubesi, İzmir, 13 – 16 Nisan 2011, ss. 1663 – 1674. Darçın, P., “Yapılarda Doğal Havalandırma İlkeleri ve Sürdürülebilirlik”, Yapı Fiziği ve Sürdürülebilir Tasarım Kongresi, YTÜ Yapı Fiziği Bilim Dalı, İstanbul, 4 – 5 Mart 2010, ss. 165 - 172. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 324 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Serhat BAŞDOĞAN Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3012 Architectural Design 5 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MIM3052 Process and Progress in Modern Construction Industry MIM4031 Construction Management and Economics MIM4221 Construction Project Management MIM4231 Construction Site Management and Organization Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 2004 M.Arch., TUE, Technical University of Eindhoven, 2008 M.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 2007 Ph.D., Yildiz Technical University, 2013 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 2004-present Professional Experience: Project Architect, Metex Design Architecture, Assisi, Italy, 2004 Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, 2005-present Licenses/Registration: İstanbul/TURKEY Selected Publications and Recent Research: Kerestecioglu, F., Basdogan, S., Hamamcıoğlu, C, Coastal Cultural Heritage & Istanbul Historical Peninsula, MEDCOAST 2009, (2009) Kerestecioglu, F., Basdogan, S, Comparative Analysis of Cruise Ports on The Mediterranean, Istanbul Case, MEDCOAST 2008, (2008) Basdogan, S., Gorgulu, T, Recent Charts of Housing Market Dynamics of Istanbul, ENHR 2008, (2008) Bakshi, A., Basdogan, S, Dynamics of Unwanted Heritage and New Identities, IXTH Internatıonal Docomomo Conference, (2005) Basdogan, S., Konutun Modernleşmesi ve Modern Dünya'da Mimarın Meşruiyet Sorunu , Güney Mimarlık, Issue 5, pp. 17,24, (2011) Basdogan, S., Önal, F., Akdemir, Z., Kılıç, A., Şener, G., Adana Seyhan Nehri Kıyısı Kültür Odaklı Kentsel Canlandırma Projeleri, Güney Mimarlık, Issue 5, (2011) Basdogan, S., Adana Kent Gelişimine Stratejik Bir Yaklaşım, Güney Mimarlık, Issue 2, pp. 59,63, (2010) Basdogan, S. , Önal, F., Maruf Önal, TC Ziraat Bankası, Poster Sunumu, Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları, XII, (2012) Başdoğan, S., Maruf Önal Bayramoğlu Evi Poster Sunumu, Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları, XII, (2012) Önel,H., Şener, G., Basdogan,S, Bursa Merinos Kültür Parkı Projesi, Koruma Sempozyumu 2011, (2011) Basdogan, S., İsmet Ağaryılmaz, Erdek Askeri Gazinosu, Poster Sunumu, Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları, II, (2005) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey ERES Phd Network, European Real Estate Society Phd Netwrok ENHR, European Network for Housing Research 325 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Esra KÜÇÜKKILIÇ ÖZCAN Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3031 Building Physics 1 MIM3042 Building Physics 2 MIM3282 Lighting MIM4252 Interior Colour Design Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 2005. M.S. Yıldız Technical University, 2008. Teaching Experience: Research Assistant: 2006-present Selected Publications and Recent Research: Özcan, K., E., “Yapı Yüzü Renk Tasarımına Yönelik Bir Yaklaşım” PhD Thesis, Yıldız Technical University, Architecture Department (Recent Research) Ünver, R., Yavuz, M., Özcan, K., E.,“ A Study on Perceived Colours of Facades Under Different Light Sources”, AIC Midterm Meeting 2011- Interaction of Colour & Light in the Arts and Sciences, ISBN 978-3-033-02929-3, pp. 796-799, Zurich, Switzerland, -07-10 June 2011. Özcan, K., E., Ünver, R., “Düzlem, Hacim ve Yapı Yüzü Renklendirmesindeki Benzerlik ve Ayrımlar”, 8. Ulusal Aydınlatma Kongresi-ATMK, ISBN: 978-975-561-392-5, ss. 137-144, Cenkler Matbaası, İstanbul, 14-15 Nisan 2011. Ünver, R., Özcan, K., E., “Düzlem Hacim ve Yapı Yüzü Renklerinin Algılanmasındaki Benzerlik ve Ayrımlar”, Platform Aydınlatma Dergisi, Sayı 1., ss. 62-71, Eylül-Ekim 2011. Aydın Yağmur, Ş., Küçükkılıç Özcan, E., Şerefhanoğlu Sözen, M., “Kent Aydınlatma ve Sürdürülebilirlik”, Yapı Fiziği ve Sürdürülebilir Tasarım Kongresi, ISBN: 978-975-461-458-9, YTÜ Mim. Fak. Sayı: MF.MIM-2010.001, İstanbul, 4-5 Mart 2010. Şerefhanoğlu Sözen M., Ünver R., Küçükkılıç Özcan, E., “Natural Lighting of Aphrodisias Museum's Additional Exhibition Hall”, Lux Europa 2009, 9-11.Eylül.2009, Kabataş Kültür Merkezi, ISBN: 9789755613529, sf 45-50, İstanbul/Turkiye,Eylül,2009. Gedik, Z., G., Ünver, R., Özcan, E., K., “Turkish Regulations on Energy Conservation”, GermanTurkish Workshop on Sustainable Energy, TUBITAK MRC Gebze, Kocaeli / Turkey, 12-14 November 2008. Küçükkılıç Özcan, E., Şerefhanoğlu Sözen, M., “Boğaziçi Rumeli Sahilinde Bulunan Yaya Alanlarının Aydınlatmaları Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, 7.Ulusal Aydınlatma Kongresi, İTÜ Taşkışla Binası, ISBN: 978-9755613444, sf 45-50, İstanbul/Turkiye, Kasım,2008. Professional Memberships: Turkish National Committee on Illumination 326 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Olcay ÇETİNER ÖZDEMİR Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 1988 İnstitute of Business Administration Istanbul University, 1989 M.S. E.D., Yildiz Technical University, 1995 P.h.D., Yildiz Technical University, 2004 Teaching Experience: Lecturer, Yildiz Technical University, 1991-2013 Associate Professor, 2013-present Professional Experience: Demirağ Prefabricated Construction, 1988-1989 Garanti Construction, 1989-1990 Halis Çetiner Company, 1990–1991 Licenses/Registration: “Malzeme Yönetimi Bilgi Sistemi (MYBS) Modeli”, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Telif Hakları Genel Müdürlüğü Bilgisayar Programları ve Veri Tabanlarına İlişkin Kayıt-Tescil Belgesi, KayıtTescil Numarası = İEE/BP-VT/357, Ankara. (Çetiner, O.,Temmuz, 2008) Selected Publications and Recent Research: “A Review of Building Information Modeling Tools from an Architectural Design Perspective”, Chapter II, Handbook of Research on Building Information Modeling and Construction Informatics: Concepts and Technologies, ed: Underwood, J, Isikdag, U., ISBN-10: 1605669288 | ISBN-13: 9781605669281, IGI Publishing, USA. pp: 19-29 (Çetiner, O., 2009) “Books Acquisition Index (” “Development of A Management Model With Integrated System in Architectural Software-Small Construction Firms-”, eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. ECPPM 2006, ed: Martinez, M., Scherer, R., ISBN-10: 0415416221, ISBN-13: 978-0415416221, Taylor & Francis, London, UK./ Leiden, The Netherlands, pp:287-294 (Çetiner, O., 2006) “Evaluation of the Sustainability on Cultural Heritage and Environmental Factors in Architecture from a Tourism Point of View: Ayvalik Historical City Center”, Part II, Cultural Heritage and Environmental Factors, Survival and Sustainability: Environmental Concerns in the 21st Century, ed: Gökçekus, H., Turker U., LaMoreaux, J. W., ISBN : 978-3-540-95990-8, Springer, Berlin. pp:179-186 (Çetiner, O. and A. Ç. Gökyilmaz, 2011) “Mimarlıkta Yapıma Katkıda Bulunan Bilgi Modelleme Teknolojisine Giriş ve Örnekler”, ISBN: 9789944-313-80-3, Yayın Yayıncılık, İstanbul. (Çetiner, O., 2010) “Small Construction Firms-Material Management Model in Computer Media”, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Negotia*, No:2/2005, ISSN:1224-8738, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Page: 81-90. (Çetiner, O., 2005), “A Small Size Enterprise Example in Construction Sector - Small Construction Firms in Turkey”,. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Negotia*, No:2/2010, ISSN(print):1224-8738, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Page: 23-34. (Çetiner, O., Bayulgen, C., 2010), Examining The Firm Buildings of The News Printing Sector from The Point of Architecture and Construction” Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Negotia*, No: 3/2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, page: 101-112. (Çetiner, O., 2010), Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey YUMFED, Çankırı Belediyesi Eğitim ve Kültür Müdürlüğü Dr. Rıfkı Kamil URGA Çankırı Araştırmaları Merkezi 327 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Mustafa Esat GÜNEŞ Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1042 Statics and Strength of Materials MIM2031 Structural Analysis in Architecture MIM2032 Structural System Design 1 MIM3041 Structural System Design 2 Educational Credentials: B.Civil Engineering, İstanbul Technical University, 2010 M.S. Yıldız Technical University, Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Karabük University, 2010-2011 Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2011-present Professional Memberships: Mimar Sinan Association of Consulting Engineers and Architects Architects & Engineers Group 328 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Kasım ÇELİK Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Çukurova University, 2009 M.S. E.D., Çukurova University, 2012 Teaching Experience: Res.Asst., Çukurova University, 2009–2013 Res.Asst., Yıldız Technical University, 2013–present Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 329 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Seda SERBEST Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 MIM1032 Building Materials Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 2011 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 2013- present Professional Experience: Intern, Çanakkale Seramik, Istanbul, 2008 Intern, Akan Architecture, Istanbul, 2010 Intern, Iglo Architecture, Istanbul 2010 Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2013- present Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 330 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Deniz TUZCUOĞLU Courses Assisted: MIM1042 Statics and Strength of Materials MIM2032 Structural System Design 1 MIM3311 Earthquake Factor in Design MIM3281 Design of Steel Structures Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Kultur University, 1988 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2013–present Professional Experience: Intern, Mesa-Nurol Construction, İstanbul/Turkey, 2007 Intern, Nea_Architects, Valencia/Spain, 2008 Intern, TAV, İstanbul/Turkey, 2009 Project Architect, MRC Mimarlık, İstanbul/Turkey, 2012 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul/Turkey Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey The Chamber of Civil Engineers of Turkey 331 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: İlkim MARKOÇ Educational Credentials: B.A., Uludag University, 2007. M.A., Uludag University, 2012. Professional Experience: Research Asistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2013–present 332 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Semih Serkan USTAOĞLU Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM1052 Constructional Elements of Building 1 MIM2051 Constructional Elements of Building 2 MIM1032 Building Materials MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Kocaeli University, 2011 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Amasya University, 2011-2013 Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2013-present Professional Experience: Intern, Panel Tasarım,Sinop,2008 Intern, Panel Tasarım,Sinop,2009 Intern, Imsec,Sinop,2010 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 333 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Nuran KARA PİLEHVARİAN Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2042 History of Architecture 2 MIM3051 History of Architecture 3 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz University, 1983 M.Sc., Yildiz University, 1987 Phd., Yildiz Technical University, 1993 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1986-1996 Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 1996-2010 Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2010-present Professional Experience: Architect, Genel Tasarım Mimarlık ve Görsel Sanatlar A.Ş., Istanbul, 1984-1985 Selected Publications and Recent Research: Fountains in Ottoman Istanbul T.C,:one of the authors of the book (YEM Publishing, 2000) Bezmialem Valide Sultan Buildings:author of the book (Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu,) Pilehvarian, N. K., Beşiktaş Sahilsarayı Çinili Köşkü, Milli Saraylar Kültür-Sanat-Tarih Dergisi, Vol. 0, Issue 7, pp. 9-17, (2011) Pilehvarian, N. K., Kentte Hızlı Değişim ile Gelen Yabancılaşma Sorunları, Şehirlerimizin Geleceği, Tehditler ve Fırsatlar Sempozyumu, (2011) Pilehvarian, N.K., Son Osmanlı Sarayı Yıldız, Türk Dünyası Mühendislik, Mimarlık ve Şehircilik Kurultayı 5, (2012) Pilehvarian, N. K., Bezm-i Alem Valide Sultan ve Sultan Abdülmecid, Vefatının 150. Yılında Sultan Abdülmecid ve Dönemi (1823-1861) Uluslar arası Sempozyum, (2011) Pilehvarian, N. K., Iron, Steel and Glass in Otoman Architecture, Steel Structures: Culture and Sustainability, pp. 89-98, (2010) Pilehvarian, N. K., Batırbaygil, H., Bosphoruc Crossing in the Late 19th Century; Attemps to Bridge Two Continents by Iron and Steel, Steel Structures: Culture and Sustainability, pp. 79-88, (2010) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 334 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Nur URFALIOĞLU Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): (Visiting Scholar in Gedik University) Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz University, 1987 M.S., Yildiz University, 1992 Ph.D.; Yildiz Technical University, 1995 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1989-1998 Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, İstanbul,1997-2011 Professor,Yildiz Technical University, İstanbul, 2011–present (She is on duty at Abdullah Gül University since January 2012) Professional Experience: Intern, US ICOMOS (working for US Ministry of Interior) May 1995-September 1995 Intern, Yapı Merkezi, June 1985-September 1985 Selected Publications and Recent Research: Antalya, Isparta ve Burdur Evlerinde Cephe Biçimlenişi (Suna – İnan Kıraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları,2010). With Nuran Kara Pilehvarian, Lütfi Yazıcıoğlu, Osmanlı Başkenti İstanbul'da Çeşmeler (YEM Yayın, 2000 (1.baskı), 2004(2.baskı)) Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi Hüsnü Züber Evi -Yaşayan Müze (Hüsnü Züber Müze Evi Yayınları,Mayıs 1998) Metropolitan Municipality of Bursa Husnu Zuber House The Living Museum, Husnu Zuber House, (Museum Publications:2, 1998) Municipalite Metropolitaine de Bursa Maison Husnu Zuber- Museé Vivant (Publication de la Maison du Museé d’Husnu Zuber : 2,1998) Stadtverwaltung Bursa Husnu Zuber Haus-Ein Lebendes Museum (Husnu Zuber Veröffentlichung:2, 1998) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 335 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Berrin ALPER Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2042 History of Architecture 2 MIM3051 History of Architecture 3 MIM3062 History of Architecture 4 MIM3331 The Period of Sinan the Architect (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Teknik University, 1976 M.S. E.D., Yıldız Teknik University, 1979 PhD., İstanbul Technical University, 1991 Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1996–1998 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1998–2012 Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2012–present Professional Experience: Project Architect, Ministry of Culture and Tourism 1977-1980 Licenses/Registration: İstanbul, Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: “Mercek Altında Bir Yapı: Sultan Kasım Medresesi”, Taşın Belleği Mardin, Ed. F. Özdem, İstanbul 2005, ISBN 975-08-1029-5, pp. 241- 263 “Kemaliye Evleri”, Her Yönüyle Kemaliye (Eğin), İstanbul 1996, ISBN 975-7565-60-1, pp. 153- 228. “Lut Çölünde Bir Vaha: Kaşan”, Arrademento Mimarlık, 2004/03, March 2004, pp.94-99 .” Original Dwellings on the Bosphorus- İstanbul Seaside Masions (Yalis)”, Europa Nostra Scientific Bulletin 58, Ed: G. Perbellini, Verona İtaly, 2004, pp. 65-74. Professional Memberships: Europa Nostra individual member Cultural Awareness Foundation founding member 336 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Gül AKDENİZ Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2071 History of Architecture 1 MIM2042 History of Architecture 2 MIM3062 History of Architecture 4 MIM3342 Archeological Sites and Analysis MIM4331 Documentation in Historical Spaces (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 1976 M.Sc., Istanbul Technical University, 1979 Phd., Istanbul Technical University, 1995 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1980-1999 Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 1999-2011 Professor, Yildiz Technical University,2011-present Professional Experience: Architect, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Master Plan Bureau, Istanbul, 1980 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 337 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Alev ERKMEN ÖZHEKİM Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4351 History of Architectural Thought MIM2042 History of Architecture 2 MIM1422 Introduction to the History of Art and Architecture MIM2460 History of the Architectural Profession (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Middle East Technical University, 1990 M.A., Middle East Technical University, 1998 PhD., Yildiz Technical University, 2006 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1999-2012 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2012-2014 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2014-present Professional Experience: Architect, Dalokay Architects/Ankara, 1991-94 Editor, MIMARLIK Journal, 1995-97 Architect, Karaaslan Architects/Ankara, 1997 Editor, ARREDAMENTO MIMARLIK Journal, 1998 Res Assit., Yildiz Technical University Dept. Architecture, 1999-2012 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2012-2014 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2014-present Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Erkmen, Alev (2013) “Festival, Image-Making, Architecture: The Politics of Sultan Abdulhamid II’s Silver Jubilee”, Politics in the History of Architecture as Cause & Consequence, ARCHHIST’13 Conference Proceedings, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Ed.: E. Duyan,pp.300-308. ISBN: 978605-4515-03-8. Erkmen, Alev & Evren, Burçak (2012) “Glorya and Şark Cinema Halls, Beyoğlu”, Architect of Changing Times: Edoardo de Nari, Suna ve İnan Kıraç Foundation, İstanbul, pp.132-145. ISBN: 978-605-4642-09-0. Erkmen, Alev & Ergut, A. Elvan (2011) “Architecture in the Princes’ Islands”, Princes’ Islands Buildings Architects, Der.: Hasan Kuruyazıcı, Adalı Publ., İstanbul, pp.15-29. ISBN: 978-975-911924-9 Erkmen, Alev (2010) Geç Osmanlı Dünyasında Mimarlık ve Hafıza: Arşiv, Jübile, Abide (Architecture & Memory in the Late Ottoman World), Akın Nalça Publ., İstanbul. ISBN: 978-9944731-22-5. Erkmen, Alev (2010) “Blurring the Boundaries Between Innovation and Imitation, or Tracing the Trajectories of Change in Ottoman Architecture”, Buildings Ahoy – A Festschrift in Honor of Mustafa Pultar , Ed.: Gönül Pultar, Tetragon Publ., İstanbul, pp. 168-178. ISBN: 978-975-94789-88. Erkmen, Alev (2009) “Early Constructions of Architectural Discourse: Notes on an Anonymous Ottoman Text”, LivenArch IV, (Re/De) Constructions in Architecture, 4th International Congress Trabzon, Proceedings Vol. 1, Ed.: Ş.Ö. Gür, pp. 245-252. ISBN: 978 975 01716-2-8. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey Docomomo Turkey 338 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Nüket TUNCER Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM2071 History of Architecture 1 MIM2042 History of Architecture 2 MIM3051 History of Architecture 3 MIM3062 History of Architecture 4 MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM3352 Proportion in architecture (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., D.G.S.A. Architecture College, 1978 M.Sc., Yildiz University, 1983 Phd, Yildiz Technical University, 1996 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1984-1996. Research Assistant Dr., Yildiz Technical University, 1996-2000 Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2000-present Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 339 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Hasan Basri KARTAL Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 2011 M.Sc., Yildiz Technical University, 2013 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 2013-present Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 340 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: İpek KOSOVA Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 2011 B.Arch, Sint Lucas School of Architecture (exchange student), 2008 - 2009 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, 2013-present Professional Experience: Intern, Superpool International Multidisciplinary Design Studio, Istanbul, 2008 Intern, NU Architectuur Atelier, Ghent / Belgium, 2009 Intern, Akkom Construction Company, Istanbul, 2010 Research Assistant, İstanbul Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul, 2012-2013 Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 341 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Hasan Fehmi TOPAL Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): Educational Credentials: B.Eng., Bogazici University, 2012 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, 2013-present Professional Experience: Site Engineer, GAP Construction, Istanbul, 2012-2013 342 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Cengiz CAN Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4342 19th Century Architects/Buildings in Istanbul (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., IDMMA, 1982 M.Sc., Yıldız University, 1985 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 1993 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1984-1995 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1995-1996 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1996-2010 Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2010-present Professional Experience: Preparing conservation projects of Istanbul Tophane I. Mahmut Çeşmesi, Azapkapı Saliha Sultan Çeşmesi ve Sebili, İstanbul City Walls (Between Mevlanakapı-Silivrikapı) and some residential buildings Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Saraydan Hastaneye Baltalimanı Kemik Hastalıkları Hastanesi, (İklim Matbaacılık, İstanbul, 2011) İstanbul Mimarisinde İtalyanlar ve Son Temsilcileri: Edoardo De Nari ve Giulio Mongeri (Değişen Zamanların Mimarı Edoardo De Nari 1874-1954, İstanbul Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Yayınları, İstanbul, 2012) 19.Yüzyıl Istanbul Mimarlığında İtalyan Mimarlar (Karaların ve Denizlerin Sultanı Istanbul, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2010) Evaluation of Urban Noise Problems: Historic Peninsula Case Study (Euronoise 2006, Tampere, Finland, 30 May-1 June 2006. Proceedings in CD. Abstracts printed in Acta Acustica Volume 92, May-June 2006, s. 37-38) A portrait on the way to Modern Architecture: Giulio Mongeri (mAAN 5th International Conference, İstanbul Turkey, 27-30 June 2005, s.253-259) Giovanni Battista Barborini A’ Istanbul (Observatoire Urbaine d’Istanbul, N.8, Octobre 1995, s.2-7) Professional Memberships: ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) DOCOMOMO (Documentation and Conservation of Modern Movement) Chamber of Architects of Turkey 343 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Can BİNAN Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM4302 Conservation and tourism (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., IDMMA, 1981 M.Sc., Yıldız University, 1984 PhD, Istanbul Technical University, 1991 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1983-1993 Assistant Prof., Yıldız Technical University, 1993-1996 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 1996-2010 Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2010-present Professional Experience: Preparing conservation projects of Tophane Çeşmesi, Azapkapı Saliha Sultan Çeşmesi and some residential buildings Consultancy for Azapkapı Sokullu Mosque, Kılıçalipaşa Medresesi and Şemsipaşa Medresesi Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Mimari Koruma Alaninda Venedik Tüzüğü’nden Günümüze Düşünsel Gelişmenin Uluslararasi Evrim Süreci (YTU Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayını, Istanbul, 1999) Le Pari d’un Tourisme Durable. L’expérience de la Turquie (Méthode RehabiMed Architecture Traditionnelle Méditerranéenne, II. Réhabilitation Ville et Territoire, Barcelone, Espagne, 2007, p.197-199) S’adapter aux Nouveaux Temps et aux Nouvelles Exigences (Expériences de Réhabilitation Méditerranéennes, Barcelona, Espagne, 2008, p. 119-124) L’esprit du.Lieu a Bergama (Pergame) Identification et Analyse de Menaces (Spirit of Place: Between Tangible and Intangible Heritage (L’esprit du Lieu: entre le patrimoine materiel et immateriel, edited by Laurier Turgeon, les presses de l’université Laval, 2009, p. 137-153) Professional Memberships: ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) DOCOMOMO (Documentation and Conservation of Modern Movement) Chamber of Architects of Turkey 344 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Gül Z. ÜNAL Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yildiz Technical University, 1988 M.Sc., Yildiz Technical University, 1990 Phd., Yildiz Technical University, 1998 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, 1989-2006 Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2006-2011 Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University, 2011-present Professional Experience: Architect, ERAL A.S., Istanbul, 1988 Architect, MİPAS A.S., Istanbul, 1988 Selected Publications and Recent Research: Traditional Urban Pattern and Architectural Values: Chapter of the book ‘The Legacy of Gaziantep to World Culture’ (Arkeoloji ve Sanat Publishing, 1999) Elmali Settlement’s Physical Formation – Development – Settling Principles: Chapter of the book ‘Traditional Elmali Settlement’ (Suna-Inan Kirac Trust Publishing) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 345 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Aynur ÇİFTÇİ Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM4332 Interior decoration of 19th century buildings (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 1993 MSc. Arch, Yıldız Technical University, 1996 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2004 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, ... - 2008 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2008-2012 Associate Professor, 2012–present Professional Experience: Architect, FYA Architects, 1993-1995 Architect, Diker Company, 1995-1996 Licenses/Registration: İstanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: The Imported Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Used in 19-20th Century İstanbul’s Buildings (SAHC 2012: “Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions”, Centennial Hall, Wroclaw, Poland, 15th-17th October 2012, V.2, pp.1060-1070) A Workshop With Architecture Students About Design Education For Children (with Acer, D. and Akbulut, T., World Conference on Design, Arts and Education, 01-04 May 2012, Antalya, Turkey, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 51, 2012, pp.48-52) Brick as a Construction Material in The Modernization Process of The Ottoman Architecture (with Yergün, U., 7th International Conference, Structural Analysis of Historical Construction, Strengthening and Retrofitting, October 6-8, 2010, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, Zuerich, 2010, Part 1, pp. 107-112) Imported Construction Materials and Techniques in 19th Century Otoman Architecture (with Yergün, U., 6th International Conference, Structural Analysis of Historical Construction, Preserving Safety and Significance, 2-4 July 2008, Bath, England, D’Ayala&Fodde (eds), Taylor&Francis Group, London, 2008, pp.999-1006. II. Mahmud’un İstanbul’da Yaptırdığı Askeri Yapılar (II. Mahmud Yeniden Yapılanma Sürecinde İstanbul, Istanbul In The Process of Being Rebuilt, Ed.: Coşkun Yılmaz, İstanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti, ISBN: 978-605-61007-1-0, 2010, pp.162-177) İlçenin Coğrafi, İdari ve Sosyal Yapısı (Elmalı ve Yöresel Mimarlığı, Ege Yayınları-Reha Günay, ISBN:978-975-807-207-1, İstanbul, 2008, pp. 19-27) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey ICOMOS Turkey, 2010-present 346 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Ayten ERDEM Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM3322 Turkish house and ıts conservation (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., İstanbul State Academy of Engineering and Architecture, 1980 M.Arch. Yıldız University , 1983 Ph.D., Yıldız Technical University, 1996 Teaching Experience: Resarch Assistant, Yıldız Technical University,1985-2006 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2006– 2013 Associate Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2013-present Professional Experience: IRCICA (Research Center for Islamic History Art and Culture) 1980–1983 As a Project Architect with Nevzat İlhan, İstanbul, 1983–1985 Licenses/Registration: Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: Türkiye’deki Rekonstrüksiyon Uygulamalarına Bir Örnek; Üsküdar Aşçıbaşı Camii ( Ayten Erdem, 2013). A Pioneer Example of Steel Frame Construction in Ottoman Architecture; The Great Synogogue of Edirne ( Ayten Erdem, Uzay Yergün, Nadide Seçkin, 2012). A Small Ottoman Town in Anatolia from Past to Present: Kula, (Ayten Erdem, 2012). Yokolmuş bir Kentin Yeni İmgesi; Gerze Yangın Evleri ( Ayten Erdem, Rabia Özakın, 2012). Ormana Houses and Repair Techniques (Ayten Erdem, Rabia Özakın, 2008). Ayvalık (Balıkesir) Alibey/ Cunda Adası Kentsel Mimarlık Envanteri 2005-2006 (Ayten Erdem, Rabia Özakın, Uzay Yergün, 2007). Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 347 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Uzay YERGÜN Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM4322 Westernization Period of Istanbul (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız University, 1988 MSc. Arch,, Yıldız Technical University, 1991 PhD., Yıldız Technical University, 2002 Teaching Experience: Resarch Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1991-2008 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2008–present Professional Experience: Architect, Uluslararası Birleşmiş Mimarlar San. ve Tic. Şti, 1987-1990 Architect, Murat Besim Mimarlık, 1991 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul-Turkey Selected Publications and Recent Research: A Pioneer Example of Steel Frame Construction in Ottoman Architecture: The Great Synagogue of Edirne, SAHC 2012: Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Proceedings, Jerzy Jasienko (ed), Wroclaw, Poland, 2012, pp. 800-806. (Uzay Yergün, 2012) Brick as a Construction Material in the Modernization Process of The Ottoman Architecture, 7th International Conference, Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, 6- 8 October 2010, Shanghai, China, People’s Republic of China, Zuerich, 2010, Part 1, pp. 107-112. (Uzay Yergün, 2010) Steel Frame Construction Technology ın Ottoman Architecture and “Metro Khan, 7th International Conference, Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Strenghening and Retrofitting, 6- 8 October 2010, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, People’s Republic of China, Zuerich, 2010, Part 1, pp. 131-136. (Uzay Yergün, 2010) Imported Construction Materials and Techniques in 19th Century Otoman Architecture, 6th International Conference, Structural Analysis of Historical Construction, Preserving Safety and Significance, 2- 4 July 2008, Bath, England, D’Ayala&Fodde (eds), Taylor&Francis Group, London, 2008, pp.999-1006. (Uzay Yergün, 2008) Changing and Development of the Construction Technology during the Westernisation Period in Ottoman Architecture, Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, 5th. International Conference / Proceedings, 6-8 November 2006, New Delhi, India, Volume 2, pp. 1329-1338. (Uzay Yergün, 2006) “Mut Evleri; İki Göz Bir Aralık – Mut (Mersin) Kentsel Mimarlık Envanteri 2004”, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi (TÜBA), Journal Of Cultural Inventory, Sayı: 4, İstanbul, 2005, s. 131-16. (Uzay Yergün, 2006) Nafia Nezareti Binası / Ministry of Construction Building, Dünden Bugüne İstanbul Ansiklopedisi, Volume 4, T.E.T. Tarih Vakfı, İstanbul, 1994, p.25-26. (Uzay Yergün, 1994) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 348 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Ebru OMAY POLAT Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, School of Architecture, 1996 M.S., İstanbul Technical University, School of Architecture, Restoration Programme, 2000 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, School of Architecture, Restoration Programme, 2008 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1997-2009 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, Licenses/Registration: İstanbul, Türkiye Selected Publications and Recent Research: Omay Polat, E., “Re-Using The Lavuar: Route Of Culture”, SAHC 2012 “8th International Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions”, Polonya-Wroclaw, 15-17 Ekim 2012 Akbulut, T., Cifci, A., Omay Polat, E., “Interactive Design Work with Kindergarten Children: “Bird House” Digital Presentation and Practice”, WCETR 2012, 2nd World Conference On Educational Technology Researches, Near East University, 27-30 June 2012, Nicosia – North Cyprus, . Erdönmez, E., Omay Polat, E., “Role of Public Space in Building National Identity, A Study on Taksim Square, Istanbul”, International Conference for Academic Disciplines, IJAS, AngloAmerican University, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti, 21-24 Haziran 2011, CD-ROM. ISSN: 1944-6934 :: 4(17):293–301 (2011). Omay Polat, E., “ İstanbul’da Modern Olmak”, (Being Modern in Istanbul) İstanbul’un Modern Mimarlık Mirası Dosyası, Mimarist, S.2011/1,Mart, s.55-60. Omay Polat, E., “Türkiye’de Modern Mimarlık Mirasını Koruma Sorunları: Bursa Sümerbank Merinos Fabrika Kompleksi Örneğinde Bir Değerlendirme”, (Modern Architectural Heritage: Case Study: Bursa Sümerbank Complex) Modern Dosyası, TOL Dergisi, S.9-10, Güz 2010 Bahar 2011, s.150-155. Omay Polat, E., “Cumhuriyet’in Mimari Mirasını Koruma Nedenleri: İdeoloji ve Koruma”, (Reasons for Preservation of Modern heritage: Ideology and Conservation) Cumhuriyet’in Mimarlık Mirası Sempozyumu, 26-27 Şubat 2009, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Yayını, Ankara, Haziran 2011, s.105112. Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 349 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Banu ÇELEBİOĞLU Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM4302 Conservation and tourism (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Yıldız Technical University, 1988 M.Sc., Yıldız Technical University, 2001 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 2008 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 2001-2011 Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, 2011–present Professional Experience: Ersoz Mimarlık, 1995 Açi Mimarlık, 1998 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: “Assessment of the Urban and Tourism Development in the Fener-Balat Districts”, 6th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism, Barcelona, Spain, 25-27 January 2012, p. 169-174. (Banu Çelebioğlu, 2012) “Une Histoire de Développement Avec le Patrimoine: La Région de Cappadoce Aspects Positifs et Négatifs”, XVIIeme Assemblée Générale de l’ICOMOS, Paris, France, 27 Novembre-2 Décembre 2011. (Banu Çelebioğlu, 2011) “Hagios Gregorios Theologos Church in Cappadocia”, 7th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions, Shangai, China, 06-09 Oct 2010, p. 169-174. (Banu Çelebioğlu, 2010) “Steel Frame Construction Technology in Ottoman Architecture and Metro Khan”, 7th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions, Shangai, China, 06-09 Oct 2010, p. 131-135. (Banu Çelebioğlu, 2010) “La Vision Pionnière d’une intervention Privée Dans les Années 1970”, Expériences de Réhabilitation Méditerranéennes, Barcelona, Espagne, 2008, ISBN 84-87104-93-2, p. 239-245. (Banu Çelebioğlu, 2008) Çelebioğlu, B., “Restaurer les Constructions Traditionnelles en Bois: l’Expérience de Turquie”, Méthode RehabiMed Architecture Traditionnelle Méditerranéenne, II. Réhabilitation Bâtiments, Barcelona, Espagne, 2007, ISBN 84-87104-73-8, p. 327-329. (Banu Çelebioğlu, 2007) “Réhabilitation, Conception Contemporaine et Reconstruction en Architecture: un Débat. La Maison de Çakırhan”, 1ère Conférence Régionale Euro-méditerranéenne, Présent et Futur, Barcelone, Espagne, 12-15 Juillet 2007, p. 496-498. (Banu Çelebioğlu, 2007) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey ICOMOS 350 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Faruk TUNCER Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM1011 Introduction to Architectural Design MIM2011 Architectural Design 2 MIM4011 Architectural Design 6 MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis MIM3312 Architectural Photography (The faculty member also teaches in Masters and PhD levels. See: Educational Credentials: B.Arch., DGSA, 1978 M.Sc., Yıldız Technical University, 1986 PhD, Yıldız Technical University, 1996 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, 1983-1997 Assistant Prof., Yıldız Technical University, 1997-present Professional Experience: Preparing conservation projects of Vangaz Gas Factory of Van, Selahattin Mumcuoğlu House in Van, Ekrem Özkan House, Sirkeci Fevzi Sünter Building, Reorganisation of Gülhane Park, The Bastions of İstanbul Citywalls (Edirnekapı T89 ve T90), Historical Terminal Building of İzmit Preparing survey drawings of Sümerbank Merinos Factory in Bursa Consultancy for the conservation projects of YTU, Davutpaşa Campus’ Historical Military Barrack, Bath and north Tower, Imperial Residence (Otağ-ı Hümayun) Consultancy for Toz Architecture Office Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Tarihi Yarımada’nın Silueti (Aptullah Kuran Armağanı, İstanbul, Yapı Kredi Yayınları - 1270, Aralık 1999, s. 543-556) Restorasyon Sürecinde Belgeleme (Restorasyon ve Koruma İlkeleri, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Eskişehir, 2013) Bir Stüdyo Çalışması: Yenikapı Theodosius Limanı Buluntuları, Müze Tasarımı ve Mimar Olmak (Yapı, Sayı 350, Ocak 2011, s.82-90) Bir “Kentsel Dönüşüm Projesi” Üzerine Görüşler: Bursa Merinos Yünlü Dokuma Fabrikası Yapılar Grubu (Arredamento Mimarlık, Sayı 241, Aralık 2010, s.112-114) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 351 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: İrem Ceylan GENCER Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM1012 Architectural Design 1 Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 2004 M.Sc., Istanbul Technical University, 2006 PhD, Istanbul Technical University, 2012 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, 2011–2014 Assistant Professor, 2014-present Professional Experience: Intern, Cafer Bozkurt, Istanbul, 2002 Intern, UMO Architecture, 2003 Research Architect, IRCICA, 2007-2011 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Role of Imperial and Local Authorities on the Construction of Ports of Smyrna and Thessaloniki (11th International Conference on Urban History, Prague, 2012) Islamic Monuments in Jerusalem: A General Assessment (Jerusalem 2015 Program Report, IRCICA, 2009) Urbanistic Analysis and the Value of Architectural Heritage in Cunda Island (1st EuroMediterranean Regional Conference, Barcelona, 2007) Cunda Adası’nda Tarihî Çevre Koruma ve Sıhhileştirme Çalışması ( Journal no.24, 2007) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 352 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Ebru HARMAN ASLAN Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM4012 Architectural Design 7 MIM4000 Graduation Thesis Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Mimar Sinan University, 2003 M.Sc., Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, 2010 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, Dicle University, Diyarbakır, 2011-2012 Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, 2012-present Professional Experience: Intern, Tepe Construction Industry, Antalya, 2001 Site Manager, Galata Yapı, Istanbul, 2003-2005 Excavation Architect, Gama-Nurol Joint Venture-Marmaray Project, Istanbul Archaeological Museums Yenikapı Excavations, 2005-2006 Manager of Restoration Departmant, FOM Group Architects, Istanbul, 2006-2009 Specialist Assistant, Minister of Culture and Tourism, Directorate of Cultural and Natural Properties Conservation Commission of Istanbul (Number 7), 2009-2011 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: Istanbul Yeşilköy Hava Harp Okulu Askeri Havaalanı Hangar Yapıları, (DOCOMOMO_TR Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları, 2012, Kocaeli) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 353 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Yasemin AKÇAKAYA Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Trakya University, 2008 M.Sc., Yildiz Technical University, 2010 - present Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, 2011–present Professional Experience: Architect, HB Restoration, Istanbul, 2009-2010 Architect, Ekol Architecture-Restoration, Istanbul, 2010-2011 Research Assistant, Abdullah Gül University, 2011-2012 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 354 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Nur UMAR Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): MIM3032 Analysis of Historical Buildings MIM4051 Conservation and Restoration MIM4342 19th century building and architects in İstanbul Educational Credentials: B.Arch., Istanbul Technical University, 2006 M.Sc., Istanbul Technical University, 2010 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, 2011–present Professional Experience: Intern, Kiptas, Istanbul, 2003 Intern, Tepe Construction, Ankara, 2004 Intern, Cengiz Bektas Architecture, Istanbul, 2005 Architect, Imge Architecture, Istanbul, 2006 Architect, Seckin Architecture-Restoration, Istanbul, 2006-2007 Architect, Turkey Spinal Cord Injury Association, Istanbul, 2007-2009 Architect, D&S Architecture, Istanbul, 2010-2011 Research Architect, IRCICA, 2011 Research Assistant, Cukurova University, 2011-2012 Licenses/Registration: Istanbul Selected Publications and Recent Research: An example of vernacular architecture: Traditional houses of Adana, Turkey (Proceedings of CIAV2013, 16-20 October 2013) Adana Tepebağ Kentsel Ve Arkeolojik Sit Alanı Koruma Projesi Önerisi (UPAD2014 1st International Urban Planning and Architecture Design Congress, 2014) Professional Memberships: Chamber of Architects of Turkey 355 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 Name: Elifnaz DURUSOY Courses Assisted (Two academic years prior to current visit): Educational Credentials: Environmental Studies, The University of Manchester (Erasmus), 2008-2009 B. City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University, 2010 International Summer Academy on Constructing Heritage in the Light of Sustainable Development, Brandenburgische Technische Universitat Cottbus, 2012 M.Sc. Restoration, Middle East Technical University, 2013 Teaching Experience: Research Assistant, 2013 – present Professional Experience: City and Regional Planner, KA-BA Conservation of Historic Buildings and Architecture Ltd., Ankara, 2012-2013 City and Regional Planner, Labraunda Archaeological Area, 2011 and 2012 City and Regional Planner, SAYKA Construction and Restoration Ltd., Ankara, 2011 Intern, TEPE Construction, Ankara, 2010 Licenses/Registration: Ankara Selected Publications and Recent Research: From an Ancient Road to a Cultural Route: Conservation and Management of the Road between Milas and Labraunda (IFEA, 2013) (On publication) Professional Memberships: Chamber of City Planners of Turkey 356 YTU YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY | DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture Program Report NAAB | January 2015 This page is left blank intentionally 357