Funding Opportunities Announcement & Upcoming Deadlines    Announcement 


Funding Opportunities Announcement & Upcoming Deadlines    Announcement 
Funding Opportunities Announcement & Upcoming Deadlines Announcement November, 2, 2012 NIH no longer allows a two day window to correct errors or warnings after proposal submis‐
sions. Therefore, the Office of Sponsored Programs now requires NIH proposals to be sub‐
mitted internally one to two days before the deadline. Faculty Research Committee Fall Scholarly Artistic/Activities Grants (SAAG) Deadline: November 16, 2012 at 5pm Link to Application Request for Proposals American Sociological Association Congressional Fellowship: The Sydney S. Spivack Program in Applied Social Research and Social Policy Deadline: February 1, 2013 Link to RFP The ASA encourages applications for the Congressional Fellowship. The Fellowship brings a PhD‐
level sociologist to Washington, DC, to work as a staff member on a congressional committee or in a congressional office, or as a member of a congressional agency (e.g., the General Accounting Office). This intensive eleven month experience reveals the intricacies of the policy making process to the sociological fellow, and shows the usefulness of sociological data and concepts to policy issues. National Institutes of Health Cancer Education Grants Program (R25) Deadline: •
• R25 Deadlines: Jan. 25, May 25, Sep. 25 • AIDS Deadlines: Jan. 7, May 7, Sep. 7 Link to RFP The purpose of this FOA is to support innovative educational efforts that would help to reduce cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality, and that would improve the quality of life of cancer patients. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Education Grants Program (CEGP) was initiated in 1994 to support innovative educational efforts that would reduce cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortal‐
ity, and that would promise improvement in the quality of life of cancer patients. The CEGP continues to provide support for innovative cancer education programs that translate the knowledge gained from research into public health applications. The CEGP is intended for biomedical researchers; health care professionals; medical, dental, nursing, and other health professional students; graduate and undergraduate students; and members of the lay community. Short‐term Educational Programs include workshops or courses that provide novel cancer‐focused state‐of‐the‐art research or methodological knowledge, or evidence‐based cancer prevention and control interventions. Applicants must demonstrate how the proposed educational experience will improve the research skills or capabilities of the participants. Applicants must provide an assessment of or rationale for the need for the program. The duration of short‐term programs may not exceed 15 weeks. Office of Naval Research Long Range BAA for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology Deadline: September 30, 2013 Link to RFP The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is interested in receiving proposals for Long‐Range Science and Technology (S&T) Projects which offer potential for advancement and improvement of Navy and Ma‐
rine Corps operations. Readers should note that this is an announcement to declare ONR’s broad role in competitive funding of meritorious research across a spectrum of science (life, physical environ‐
mental) and engineering disciplines. A brief description of the ONR Program Codes and the science and technology thrusts that they are pursuing is provided below. Potential Offerors are urged to check the program areas that they are interested in throughout the year for updates to thrust areas and research priorities on the ONR website. Prior to preparing pro‐
posals, potential offerors are strongly encouraged to contact the ONR point of contact (POC). To iden‐
tify the POC, follow the link for the appropriate code or division listed below and then click on the link to the thrust or topic area that you wish to submit a proposal for. Each thrust or topic area will provide a POC or e‐mail address. Department of Energy Continuation of Solicitation for the Office of Science Financial Assistance Program Deadline: September 30, 2013 Link to RFP The Office of Science of the Department of Energy hereby announces its continuing interest in receiv‐
ing grant applications for support of work in the following program areas: Advanced Scientific Com‐
puting Research, Basic Energy Sciences, Biological and Environmental Research, Fusion Energy Sci‐
ences, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Workforce Development for Teachers and Scien‐
tists. On September 3, 1992, DOE published in the Federal Register the Office of Energy Research Fi‐
nancial Assistance Program (now called the Office of Science Financial Assistance Program), 10 CFR Part 605, Final Rule, which contained a solicitation for this program. Information about submission of applications, eligibility, limitations, evaluation and selection processes and other policies and proce‐
dures are specified in 10 CFR Part 605. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), DE‐FOA‐
0000768, is our annual, broad, open solicitation that covers all of the research areas in the Office of Science and is open throughout the Fiscal Year. International Essential Tremor Foundation Grant Program Deadline: February 28, 2013 Link to RFP The IETF grant program provides funds to members of the scientific community who submit propos‐
als that address the nosology, etiology, pathogenesis, treatment or other topics relevant to essential tremor (ET). The aim of the program is to stimulate inquiry into this poorly understood clinical disorder and to provide support to projects that are innovative and give promise of receiving more substantial sup‐
port from NIH, K Award, R01 and/or other sources if sufficient preliminary information can be ob‐
tained from projects supported by the IETF. Preference will be given to individuals who do not cur‐
rently have any R01 support from NIH. Department of Defense U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Broad Agency Announcement for Extramural Medical Research Deadline: September 30, 2013 Link to FRP The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command's (USAMRMC) mission is to provide solu‐
tions to medical problems of importance to the American Warfighter at home and abroad. The scope of this effort and the priorities attached to specific projects are influenced by changes in military and civilian medical science and technology, operational requirements, military threat assessments, and national defense strategies. The extramural research and development program plays a vital role in the fulfillment of the objectives established by the USAMRMC. In accordance with FAR 6.102, projects funded under this announcement must be for basic and ap‐
plied research and that part of development not related to the development of a specific system or hardware procurement. Projects should be for scientific study and experimentation directed toward advancing the state‐of‐the‐art or increasing knowledge or understanding rather than focusing on a specific system or hardware solution. Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts Grants to Organizations Deadline: February 25, 2013 Link to RFP Before applying to this foundation, contact Scott Biedermann, Foundation and Corporate De­
velopment, 209.946.2166. Note the organizational limit. The foundation makes project‐based grants to organizations and produces public programs to foster the development and exchange of diverse and challenging ideas about architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society. Architecture and related spatial practices engage a wide range of cultural, social, political, technological, environmental, and aesthetic issues. The foundation is interested in projects that investigate the contemporary condition, expand historical perspectives, or explore the future of architecture and the designed environment. The foundation supports innovative, thought‐
provoking investigations in architecture; architectural history, theory, and criticism; design; engi‐
neering; landscape architecture; urban planning; urban studies; visual arts; and related fields of in‐
quiry. The foundation's interest also extends to work being done in the fine arts, humanities, and sciences that expands the boundaries of thinking about architecture and space. In an effort to bridge commu‐
nities and different fields of knowledge, the foundation supports a wide range of organizations (such as nonprofit galleries, colleges and universities, publishers, and museums). Open discourse is essen‐
tial to advance study and understanding, therefore the foundation's grantmaking focuses on the pub‐
lic dissemination of ideas. With the foundation's support, the work of organizations reaches new au‐
diences, from specialized to general, and creates opportunities for critical dialogue between various publics. For organizations, our priorities are to: • Assist with the production and presentation of significant programs about architecture and the designed environment in order to promote dialogue, raise awareness, and develop new and wider audiences. • Support them in their effort to take risks in programming and create opportunities for experi‐
mentation. • Recognize the vital role they play in providing individuals with a public forum in which to present their work. • Help them to realize projects that would otherwise not be possible without our support. • Overall we are most interested in opportunities which enable us to provide critical support at key points in the development of a project or career. National Institutes of Health Alcohol Education Project Grants (R25) Deadlines: •
R25 Deadlines: Jan. 25, May 25, Sep. 25. AIDS Deadlines: May 7, Sep. 7, Jan. 7. Link to RFP The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) supports research programs to advance understanding of the biological and behavioral processes involved in the development, expression, and consequences of alcoholism and other alcohol‐related problems. The Institute also supports prevention, treatment, and health services research on alcohol abuse and alcoholism. A part of the NIAAA mission is the dissemination of new knowledge acquired from alcohol research to diverse audiences, including scien‐
tists, educators, clinicians, and other health and social service providers, patients and their families, pro‐
fessionals within the criminal justice system, and the general public. This FOA identifies the research activ‐
ity on alcohol education of Health Professions that NIAAA will consider for award through Education grants (R25). Award Amount: The total project period for an application submitted in response to this funding opportunity is 2 years. Although the size of award may vary with the scope of the research education program proposed, it is ex‐
pected that applications will stay within the following budgetary guidelines: total direct costs are limited to $250,000 annually. Indirect costs will be paid at 8% of the modified direct costs. Numerical value: $500,000 American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association Research Grants Deadline: rolling Link to RFP Proposals submitted for review should be relevant to AFSA's research priorities. By investigating the areas described below, AFSA believes that better diagnostic tools and treatments will be made available to pa‐
tients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and its overlapping conditions. In the past, AFSA’s focus has been on pain mechanisms and treatment. While advances have been achieved in these areas, little progress has been made toward characterizing the sleep disturbances in FMS patients. This is why AFSA is putting aside $300,000 for studies pertaining to sleep. The purpose of AFSA’s sleep research initiative is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between the neurobiology of sleep in people with FMS and the various symptoms of this condition. In addition to sleep, AFSA strongly encourages investigators to submit proposals that address the “other important priorities” listed in the second section. AFSA currently has $300,000 available to fund grants up to $50,000 for each proposal that addresses these other priorities. Depending upon AFSA’s fund‐raising success, additional funds may be available to study these other areas of priority. There are no deadlines for Letter of Intents (LOIs) or applications. Scientists are encouraged to submit an LOI prior to preceding to the application phase. LOIs and applications will be reviewed as they are re‐
ceived. If an application is accepted for funding, AFSA will promptly award the funds (assuming the IRB has been approved). The PI must be a board certified "M.D.", "D.O.", or "D.D.S." or a Ph.D. with applicable basic science research experience. If the applicant has not previously published in a peer‐reviewed medical journal, AFSA strongly recommends that the applicant team up with a co‐PI with research experience. The Department of Defense Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Deadlines: Core pre‐proposals—January 8, 2013 SEED proposals—March 12, 2013 Link to RFP The Core Solicitation provides funding opportunities for basic and applied research and advanced tech‐
nology development. Core projects vary in cost and duration consistent with the scope of the work pro‐
posed. The Statements of Need (SON) referenced by this solicitation request proposals related to the SERDP program areas of Environmental Restoration (ER), Munitions Response (MR), Resource Conserva‐
tion and Climate Change (RC), and Weapons Systems and Platforms (WP). The SEED Solicitation provides funding opportunities for work that will investigate innovative environ‐
mental approaches that entail high technical risk or require supporting data to provide proof of concept. Funding is limited to not more than $150,000 and projects are approximately one year in duration. This year, SERDP is requesting SEED proposals for the Munitions Response and Weapons Systems and Plat‐
forms program areas. LEARN MORE ABOUT SERDP FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES! Webinar for the SERDP Solicitations: SERDP Executive Director Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee will conduct an online seminar “SERDP Funding Opportunities” on November 13, 2012, from 2:00­3:00 PM EST. This “how to play” briefing will offer valuable information for those interested in new SERDP funding opportu‐
nities. During the online seminar, participants may ask questions about the funding process, the current SERDP solicitations, and the proposal submission process. Pre‐registration for this webinar is required. To register, visit If you have difficulty registering, please contact the SERDP Office at 571‐372‐6384 or by e‐mail at Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Public Health Services and Systems Research Deadlines: Brief Proposal– December 18, 2012 (12pm PT) Full Proposal—April 23, 2013 (12pm PT) Link to RFP The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) seeks to expand the evidence base for effective public health policy and practice through investment in Public Health Services and Systems Research (PHSSR). PHSSR, a multi‐disciplinary field of study, provides a framework for examining the organization, financing, delivery and quality of public health services within communities and the impact of those services on the health of the public. This solicitation, guided by the national research agenda for PHSSR, aims to further advance the field with the ultimate goal of improving the performance and efficiency of public health agen‐
cies and their system partners and the health of the people they serve. Water ReUse Research Foundation Standard Methods for Integrity Testing and On­line Monitoring of NF and RO Membranes Deadline: December 20, 2015 Link to RFP There is a lack of on‐line membrane integrity testing currently for high‐pressure membranes, which has resulted in penalties for the drinking water industry. Although it is recognized that these high‐pressure membranes may offer excellent pathogen removals, the lack of recognized on‐line integrity has allowed regulators to permit the membrane processes with lower pathogen removals allowed under conventional filtration processes. The main goal of this project is to create scientifically‐based method(s) for the integrity testing of high pressure membranes, including nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. Once devel‐
oped, the goal is to have the methods adopted as industry standards and approved for higher pathogen removal credits by regulatory agencies. This project is sponsored by the WateReuse Research Foundation as part of the Foundation’s Solicited Re‐
search Program. The Pentair Foundation is a funding partner on this project. The Foundation encourages respondents to include both participation and contribution of resources from water and wastewater utilities in the research effort. The maximum amount of funding available from the Foundation for this project is $300,000. This project will require matching funds of at least 25% ($99,999) of the total project costs. American Asthma Foundation Scholar Awards for Early­ to Mid­Career Scientists Deadline: February 6, 2013 Link to RFP For 2013, the AAF will provide Scholar Awards exclusively to early‐ to mid‐career scientists in the United States. AAF Scholar Awards will provide $150,000 per year for two years, with the possibility of an addi‐
tional $150,000 for a third year, based on progress and potential. It is hoped that many of the projects will continue into a third year and thus benefit from the full $450,000 Award. Scientists may apply if their initial independent faculty appointment at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent was not before February 1, 2003. Applicants should have an independent research program, with national‐level, independent funding. There is no citizenship requirement. Although each Award names only one AAF Scholar, the AAF supports collaborative research. Additional investigators who will participate in the studies may be included either as Co‐Investigators, who will play a direct role in the research, or as Collaborators, who will lend assistance and/or reagents, etc. The program supports work in all investigative fields that may reveal new pathways in the pathogenesis of asthma. Studies may involve laboratory or clinical investigation, including genetic and epidemiological studies. Studies of humans are encouraged. The Program does not sponsor therapeutic trials. Contact: Leah Vargas, Grants & Research Specialist
Phone: 209-946-3903