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Document 6422762
Journal of Environmental Biology
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September 2010, 31(5) 841-844 (2010)
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Alterations in serum biochemical parameters of patients with
lung cancer exposed to radiotherapy
Kultigin Cavusoglu*1, Sukran Cakir Arica2 and Cengiz Kurtman3
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Art, Giresun University, 28049, Debboy Location, Giresun, Turkey
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Art, Kirikkale University, 71100, Kirikkale,Turkey
Department of Radiation Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University, 06010, Ankara,Turkey
(Received: October 29, 2008; Revised received: February 02, 2009; Accepted: March 02, 2009)
Abstract: In this study, the alterations in serum biochemical parameters of patients with lung cancer exposed to radiotherapy was investigated.
For this aim, the levels of serum gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT),
albumin (ALB), bilurubin (BLB), copper (Cu), sodium (Na) and potassium (K) were evaluated before and after radiotherapy. Serum enzyme,
protein, Na and K levels were determined using an autoanalyzer. Serum Cu analysis was made with Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometre
(AAS). Although we found significant increases in levels of GGT, BLB, Cu and K in patients, levels of AST, ALT, ALB and Na in patients showed
significant decreases. The levels of serum AST and ALT fairly decreased after radiotherapy. The level of GGT in patients was significant higher
than that in the controls before radiotherapy. However, GGT level showed again a distinctly decrease after radiotherapy. There was an inverse
relationship among serum BLB, Cu and ALB values. Besides, serum Na levels showed significantly decrease in patients at the end of
radiotherapy treatment compared to the controls and before radiotherapy, and K levels increased significantly following radiotherapy. In
conclusion, the selected serum parameters are very sensitive and useful biomarkers for the study of the effects of radiotherapy.
Key words: Lung cancer, Enzyme parameters, Gamma radiation, Radiotherapy, Serum elements
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Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death
between men and women in Turkey (Ekinci and Ekinci, 2004).
Nevertheless, approximately one million people worldwide die from
this disease every year (Nagar et al., 2003; Boyle and Dresler,
2005; Cavusoglu et al., 2009; Cavusoglu and Yalcin, 2009).
Surgery to remove cancerous tumors, chemotherapy and
radiotherapy, either in combination or alone, are the common
treatments, depending on cancer type and stage
(, 2008). Radiotherapy is the most common
treatment for lung cancer. The purpose of radiotherapy is to kill or
damage cancer cells. Positive effects of radiotherapy are temporary
and usually limited to the area treated by radiation. Radiotherapy
may cause also long term side effects on body’s healthy tissues.
The commonest side effects of radiotherapy are tiredness and feeling
run down, sore throat and difficulty swallowing, cough, hair loss,
chest pain, temperature and shivering, feeling sick and sore skin
(Faulhaber and Bristow, 2005) (, 2008).
Radiotherapy uses high-energy gamma (denoted as γ) rays to kill
cancer cells and shrink tumours. γ–radiation is a form of
electromagnetic radiation, and its the major effect in cells is DNA
breaks (Manda and Bhatia, 2003). γ–radiation induces single-strand
and double-strand breaks in DNA which finished with mutations and
chromosome aberrations (Natarajan, 2002). Additionally, γ-radiation
can cause to enzyme inactivation which result in structural degradation,
cross-linking, breakage of chemical bonds (Shacter, 2000).
The aim of this study is to examine the levels of serum ALB,
BLB, Cu, Na and K and the activities of serum GGT, AST and ALT
* Corresponding author:
enzymes in patients with lung cancer following exposure to γ–
Materials and Methods
Patients and treatment: The present study was carried out on 14
male patients received treatment for lung cancer from November
2004 to July 2006 in Ankara University Andicen Polyclinic of Dr.
Abdurrahman Yurtarslan Research Hospital. The patients were
randomly selected. Their mean age was 53±4 years (range, 45-60
years). Small cell lung cancer was diagnosed in 11 (78.5%) patients,
adenocarcinoma – in 2 (14%), large cell lung cancer – in 1 (7%)
patient. Stage I cancer was diagnosed in 2 (14%), Stage II – in 4
(28.5%), and Stage III and IV – in 8 (57%) patients, depending on
tumour stage. Histologically, small cell lung cancer was predominant
(11 cases). All patients were heavy smokers had smoked more than
20 cigarettes per day for at least 20 years. Seven patients were
current cigarette smokers. All patients had respiratory dysfunction.
The tumors were located in the upper, lower and middle lobes of
lungs. Chemotherapy was not given at the same time with radiotherapy
at any point during radiotherapy treatment. Control group was
consisted of 10 non-smoker subjects (mean age was 52±3 years)
without any health problems and not exposed to radiotherapy.
Ethical standards: This study was carried out after obtaining
approval of the local ethical committee (Protocol date: 27.10.2005)
of Abdurrahman Yurtarslan Research Hospital and favorable to the
guidelines set by the world health organization (WHO, Geneva,
Switzerland). Each patient signed an informed–consent form before
participating in the study.
Journal of Environmental Biology
September, 2010 842
Cavusoglu et al.
Radiation treatment: Radiation procedure was carried out using
a “ATC cobalt 60 SSD=80 cm”. The dose equivalents were
calculated and compared to the recommended by International
commission on radiation protection (ICRP). Totally 14 patients were
treated with γ-radiation for 5 weeks. 2 Gy/fraction per day for 5 day
week-1 with a total dose of 50 Gy was applied to patients. Radiation
was applied on thoracic region for 30 min at room temperature.
Biochemical analyses were performed using serum samples of
cancer patients exposed to γ–radiation.
Sample collection and analysis: Blood samples were taken
from all the 14 patients immediately before and after radiotherapy
treatment. Blood was collected from arm vena of each patient. Control
group blood samples were also taken at the same day and same
method as of the cancer patients. Peripheral blood smears were
prepared for determine morphologically damages of blood cells.
Whole-blood smears were stained with “May Grunwald-Giemsa”
and were covered with cover glass. Each slide was examined
under a light microscope (LM). Blood slides were also prepared for
scanning electron-microscope examinations, and examined with a
Jeol JSM-5600 scanning electron microscope. Damaged cells in
each smear and slide were photographed at a magnification of X
2000 for SEM, X 500 for LM. For serum isolation, samples in
nonheparinized tubes were centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 min.
Then supernatant were removed and concentrations of ALB, BLB,
GGT, AST, ALT, Na and K in isolated serum were determined by an
autoanalyzer (Japan, Olympus AU600) using commercial test kits
(Saraswathy and Usharani, 2007). The serum Cu analysis was made
with atomic absorbtion spectrophotometre (AAS, Perkin- Elmer Model).
Statistical analysis: For the statistical analysis, data were
analysed using the SPSS for Windows software, Version 10.0 (SPSS
Inc., Chicago, USA). Statistically significant differences between
groups were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
Duncan test. The data are displayed as means ± standard deviation
(SD) and p-values less than 0.05 are considered significant.
Results and Discussion
Blood analysis: In the control and treatment groups, the average
levels of serum ALB, BLB, GGT, AST, ALT, Na, K and Cu with the
statistical significance of standard deviations and the differences
between the groups, are given in Table 1. There was a statistically
significant decrease (p<0.05) in serum level of ALB according to the
values of the control group at pre-radiotherapy, and this reduce
trend continued as an effect of radiation after radiotherapy treatment
(p<0.05). On the contrary, the levels of the BLB and Cu after
radiotherapy were found to be increased significantly when
compared with the controls and pre-radiotherapy (p<0.05). The
serum GGT level (48.21±30.09) in patients with lung cancer was
approximately 3-times higher than the control levels (13.30±3.89
mg dl-1) at pre-radiotherapy (p<0.05). It showed again a decrease
after radiotherapy application. But, this small decrease was statistically
insignificant (p>0.05). Although this decrease in serum GGT
concentration after radiotherapy was still significantly higher than
the control group levels (p<0.05). We also found a significant
decrease in the levels of AST and ALT during the radiotherapy
Journal of Environmental Biology
September, 2010 period. The levels of AST and ALT significantly decreased in cancer
patients at pre-radiotherapy when compared with the controls
(p<0.05), and they continued to decrease in cancer patients during
radiotherapy (p>0.05). We also observed a significant decrease in
serum Na levels and a significant increase in serum K levels in
patients after radiotherapy. At the end of radiotherapy, the average
serum concentrations of Na in all subjects were about 1.59-fold
lower and K levels were about 1.61-fold higher than in the controls.
Microscopic observations: The microscopic observation of the
cells in blood samples collected after radiation period showed that
γ–radiation induced morphological anomalies such as densevacuolization, membrane defects, cytoplasmic granulation, cellular death,
deformity and hemolysis. Hemolysis (Fig. 1a) and deformity (Fig. 1b)
damages were higher than the other types of morphological damages.
Reference values for human were displayed as 3.5–5.2
g dl-1 for ALB, 0.2–1.0 mg dl-1 for BLB, 0–55 U l-1 for GGT, 10–37
U l -1 for ALT, 10–37 U l-1 for AST, 1.2–1.4 mg l-1 for Cu, 135-145
mmol l-1 for Na and 3.5–5.5 mmol l-1 for K. In this study, we observed
a decrease in level of serum ALB after radiotherapy. This decrease
may be derived from the modification of protein structure of ALB by
γ–radiation or may be resulted from disturbed protein synthesis in
the liver, which is controlled by steroid hormones. For example,
Gaber (2005) reported a decrease in the molecular weight of bovine
serum ALB after exposure to γ-radiation. He showed that γ–radiation
causes disruption of the ordered structure of ALB molecule, as well
as degradation, cross-linking and aggregation of ALB. As is known,
one of the important functions of ALB is transport Cu and BLB in
blood circulation. Therefore, radiation-induced damage may be
reduce amount or ligand binding ability of ALB (Naligan, 2008). As
a result, these situations can be result an increase in levels of
substances as BLB and Cu which transported by ALB. Pedersen et
al. (1977) reported decrease of BLB binding affinity due to
conformational alteration in structure of human serum ALB after
photooxidation. In our study, the increased BLB and Cu
concentrations correct this knowledge. The findings showed of the
study that there was a significant increase in Cu and BLB levels of
all subjects after radiotherapy. BLB is also a waste product that
results from the breakdown of hemoglobin molecules. The amount
of BLB in blood circulation may be increased with reasons which
induced destruction of red blood cells such as radiation, chemical
agents and hemolytic anemia (or hemolytic disease of the newborn).
Especially, the radiation-induced temperature rise may be cause
cell membrane damages, may be alteration their permeability or
may be cause to hemolysis (Weenberg and Hence, 1986; Philip,
1997). Therefore, another reason for the increase in BLB
concentrations may be hemolysis observed in microscopic analysis.
The Na levels significantly decreased whereas K levels
significantly increased in serum of all patients exposed to radiation
when compared with the controls and pre-radiotherapy. This result
may be explained with damage γ–radiation on Na/K pump in cell
membranes. As is known, radiation and radiation products (as free
radicals and oxidative stress) can induce increase in membrane
permeability (Mense et al., 1997). This situation causes to partially
Alteration in serum of cancer patients exposed to radiotherapy
Table - 1: Alterations in serum biochemical parameters of patients with lung cancer during radiotherapy
Cancer patients (n: 14)
Reference values
of parameters
Control group
(n: 10)
After radiotherapy
Change after
ALB (3.5-5.2 g dl-1)
BLB (0.2-1.0 mg dl-1)
GGT (0-55 Ul-1)
AST (10-37 Ul-1)
ALT (10-37 Ul-1)
Cu (1.2-1.4 mg l-1)
Na (135-145 mmol l-1)
K (3.5-5.5 mmol l-1)
Within range
Within range
Within range
Within range
Within range
All values are the mean±SD. Statistical significance between means was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan
as a post ANOVA test (p<0.05). GGT, gamma glutamyltransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ALB, albumin; BLB,
bilurubin; Cu, copper; Na, sodium and K, potassium
Fig. 1: (a) Electron microscopic image of erythrocyte. Arrow shows hemolysis, magnification, X 2000. (b) Light microscopic image of white blood cell.
Showing cell deformation, magnification X 500
inhibition of Na/K transport in cells as erythrocytes. As a result,
exposure to γ–radiation of cells induces changes in cation transport,
and these changes in the transport activities may be increase or
decrease concentrations in serum of the Na and K cations. In our
study, findings showed that there was a significant increase in serum
level of K and a decrease in serum level of Na. This information is
in agreement with similar data reported by other authors so far. For
example, Brugnara and Churchill (Brugnara and Churchill, 1992)
investigated the effects of irradiation on cation content and membrane
transport of red blood cell exposed to 20 Gy radiation. As a result,
they observed a significant increase in external K and internal Na,
and a decrease in internal K relative to the control units.
A higher GGT level was detected in serum samples taken
from patients pre-radiotherapy compared to the controls. This finding
can be cleared with the relationship balance between GGT activity
and cancer. It is known that GGT activity is induced in numerous
human carcinomas (Fiala et al., 1979; Taniguchi et al., 1985). This
situation may be explained the high GGT activity observed in patients
with lung cancer pre-radiotherapy. Moreover, a decrease in serum
GGT levels of all subjects was observed after radiotherapy. Although
this decrease in serum GGT level was still significantly higher than
the control group levels. The decreases may have resulted from
some physicochemical changes such as generation of radicals,
chemical bond weakening and hydration induced by γ–radiation.
This circumstance changes the structure of the enzyme and inhibits
the activity of the enzyme (Sedghi, 2005). This information have
been noted in the studies from animals and humans exposed to
radiation. For example, Altinas et al. (Altinas et al., 2007) reported
a decrease in serum GGT and ALP levels during the whole period
of UVC radiation exposure in mice.
The rise in serum AST and ALT activities were observed at
the end of 1th week of radiotherapy. It is difficult to explain the
changing mechanism of serum ALT and AST parameters. It is likely
that, these increases could be related to cell destruction. As is known,
AST and ALT are synthesized by hepatocyte cells and they are
sensitive and specific enzymes for liver disease (Senturk et al.,
2004). The rising in serum of AST and ALT levels may be commented
as an indicator of liver disease. Although these enzymes are
Journal of Environmental Biology
September, 2010 844
Cavusoglu et al.
expressed at a highest level in liver, they are also found in other tissues
such as kidney, muscle and heart (Bellinger and Sloman, 1991; Minuk,
1998). In humans, AST and ALT levels rise during periods of chronic
alcoholism, hepatocellular carcinoma and tissue injury (Garba and
Gregory, 2005). Hence, a simultaneous increase in serum AST and
ALT levels at the end of first week of radiotherapy may be probably
related with γ–radiation-induced liver, heart and epithel tissue injury.
But, serum AST and ALT levels significantly reduced at the end of
radiotherapy period. The important fall in serum AST and ALT values
could be related to the inhibitory effect of γ–radiation on enzyme activity.
It was reported that radiation, directly or indirectly, causes damage in
structure of hydroxyl, carboxyl and sulphydryl groups in structure of
organic compounds as protein and enzyme. It also causes inactivation
of ezymes or alteration of functions (Altinas et al., 2007).
The results obtained in our study on GGT, AST and ALT are
in agreement with those previous studies. For example, Kula et al.
(1999) investigated alterations in serum biochemical parameters of
steelworkers exposed to electromagnetic field. As a result, they
reported a significant decrease in the level of total protein and in the
activities of GGT, AST and malate dehydrogenase enzymes. In another
study, El-Missiry et al. (2007) researched alterations in the levels of
GGT, AST and ALT enzymes in serum of rats after exposure to different
doses of γ–radiation. As a result, they observed a significant increase
in the levels of these enzymes in mice exposed to γ-radiation. In a
similar study, Arun et al. (2008) examined the levels of serum AST
and ALT enzymes in 92 patients with head and neck cancer and 71
patients with cervix cancer receiving radiotherapy. As a result, they
determined that AST and ALT values were much higher in all the
malignant cases when compared with the healthy individuals. The
values decrease and approach normal levels during radiotherapy
progresses and, in 92% of head and neck cancer cases with no
disease activity, the AST and ALT were normal or near normal.
In conclusion, the most changes in serum biochemical
parameters of patients with lung cancer were found with exposure to
α-radiation. We consider that these differences between the radiationtreatment and control groups may reflect a adaptation to harmful
stimulate or a general response of the organism against to γ-radiation.
Therefore, side effects of radiotherapy applications on healthy cells
must be minimized or alternative methods should be developed.
The authors are grateful to administration of Dr.
Abdurrahman Yurtarslan Research Hospital, Turkey.
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