
—- Association that cares
Sandesh सन्दे श
Seniors Newsletter
Established 1994
President & Editor: Santram Bajaj
Volume 14 Issue 5
June 2012
Associate Editor: Jagdish Dua Secretary: Gurdeep Sekhon
Day on 20thMay on the invitation of the Principal
Mrs. Mala Mehta who was very appreciative of
our gesture. In fact we were honoured to give
One of the main objective of our
away the trophies to the winners. A ‘musical
Executive Committee has been to
keep the communication lines open chairs’ race was organised just for us. The whole
event was a great fun equally enjoyed by the chil-both among themselves and also
with the general membership. And dren, teachers and us.
to that effect, we are pleased with
Two other kind of important events have already
the results so far. In about 6
taken place in this month.
months since we were handed over the stewardship of AHIA, the EC has met 6 times officially and The Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her Diamond
a few informal meetings have taken place.
Jubilee in the
The first step to ‘restore’ the communication with
members was to bring back ‘Sandesh’-AHIA’s
magazine. We made it monthly - on line -combining
it with the Seniors’ monthly Newsletter. This has
met with big approval from the members and we
have been complimented on this initiative as it is
accessible to those members also who are holidaying or temporarily working overseas.
first week ,as
she became
queen on
June 2 ,1952
after the
death of her
father, king
George VI.
We are working on our website to make it more
‘user friendly’ and more informative. A subcommittee is working on this project.
A great spectacle A big and hugely successful family event ‘Ek Mu- ’Transit of
Venus’ - in
laqaat Aap ke Saath’-a picnic at the Sydney
which the
Olympic Park was organised on 29th April. It was
attended by more than 260 adults and a number of planet Venus
appeared as
children, as reported in the last ‘Sandesh’.
a small, dark disk moving across the face of the
Another event is already in the final stages of exe- Sun-a phenomenon that will occur again only
after 105 years-took place on 6th of June.
cution. A Musical concert by Avijit Sarkar has
been planned as fund raiser for our Seniors Forum.
Avijit, in fact, has done these concerts a few times One of our ‘Sandesh’ readers has been Mr. Amit
Dasgupta, the outgoing Consul General of Inbefore this. For example he raised $ 4000 exclusively for AHIA seniors last year and another $3700 dia, who took a lot of interest in the Indian community affairs.
a year before that. And we hope to do a bit better
this year as this happens to be Avijit’s celebration
He handled that unfortunate saga of attacks on
of 35 years on stage and the best of Sydney singthe Indian students with much care and sensitivity.
ers will be joining him for this special event. I am
Mr. Dasgupta was quite approachable and in my
sure most of you will be waiting eagerly so we will memory the only one who wrote to different assolet you know as soon as the details are sorted out. ciations to personally thank the ‘silent’ majority of
AHIA’s legendary Diwali function is another
event on our priority list and members will be informed of the arrangements as soon as a suitable
venue is booked.
We are also liaising with ‘IABBV’ Hindi school at
Thornleigh to promote ‘intergenerational understanding’ among the young and elderly.
A number of our members attended their Sports
the Indian community of Sydney for their help
before leaving .(His letter and my reply appear on
another page).
Health &
Life Style
Important Dates 9
Message to
AHIA members
Notice Board
Seniors report
Cartoons/pictures are
courtesy various Newspapers.
*The Content and the
opinions expressed in the
writings are the responsibility of the writers concerned.
AHIA’s website:
followed by the venture. It
On behalf of all the AHIA members I wish him the is not enough to stare up
best of luck in his future assignments.
the steps - we must step
Santram Bajaj
up the stairs.”
- Vance Havner
June 2012
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
Dear Friends
You are now reading the June 2012
issue of Sandesh, the AHIA Newsletter. We hope that
you will enjoy the articles and information in this issue.
If you have any questions about the Newsletter or anything to do with AHIA please contact the President, Mr
Sant Ram Bajaj, or any member of the AHIA Executive.
AHIA Executive
Since the last issue of Sandesh, AHIA Executive has met
twice. The following provides a summary of these meetings:
1. Mr Prakash Nathani, the AHIA Treasurer, has taken
leave of absence for the remaining part of this year. The
Executive decided to appoint Mr Gurdeep Sekhon as the
Interim Treasurer and Jagdish Dua as the Interim Secretary.
2. AHIA’s next social function will be a Musical Evening
by Mr Avijit Sarkar, to be held in September. We will
send you further information about this event in the
coming weeks. Information about this event will also be
included on the AHIA website in the coming weeks.
Executive I thought we will have more than enough contributions. Needless to say, we could do with more contributions. Let your creative juices flow and send a story,
a poem, something from your past, an opinion piece,
news about recent or forthcoming events, letter to the
Editor, or anything else that may interest AHIA members.
You will be surprised at the number of people who will
enjoy reading what you have to say.
Please send your contributions to the Newsletter Editor
and AHIA President, Mr Sant Ram Bajaj. If you send us
something we will endeavour to publish in a forthcoming
issue of Sandesh.
Birthdays, Anniversaries and Special Events
We include members’ birthdays, anniversaries or special
family news in each issue of Sandesh. We are sure you
will like your family and friends to know of about the special days in your life. Please send this information to the
This might sound like a broken record. However, I can
promise you that the new AHIA website is really under
construction. However, you are welcome to visit the existing website. We hope to have the new website up and
running soon
Please note that if you are not a Life Member, your annual membership is valid from 1 April to 31 March. This
Later in the year, most likely in November, AHIA will host means that annual membership fees are due now.
a Diwali function. We will provide further information
Membership Form can be accessed on the AHIA website.
about this function in the forthcoming issues of Sandesh
Please also encourage your friends to become AHIA
and on AHIA’s website.
3. The Executive decided to constitute the following SubContact Us
Social/Events Sub-Committee (Convenor: Ms Ira Kapila)
Website Sub-Committee (Convenor: Mr Sunil Sharma)
Organisational Sub-Committee (Convenor: Mr Braham
Prakash Sharma)
You are welcome to contact AHIA Office-bearers and Executive Committee members for any suggestions, feedback and other matters. Contact details are on the AHIA
AHIA also has a long-standing Seniors Sub-Committee.
Mr Tilak Kalra is the Convenor of this Sub-Committee.
Very best wishes to you and your family.
4. The Executive thanked all those who assisted in the
organisation and running of AHIA picnic in April. Special
thanks were extended to Mr Nikhil Anand for his role as
the Picnic Photographer. He did a wonderful job.
Jagdish Dua
On Behalf of AHIA Executive
Your Contributions to Sandesh
Recently , one of our senior members, who is on a
‘Bridging’ visa i.e. still waiting his turn for PR, had a
heart problem and had to undergo surgery.
You would have noticed that each month we urge you to
send your contributions to Sandesh. Please allow me to
emphasise the importance of your contributions for the
regular publication of Sandesh.
I am sure you will agree that the success of any publication, particularly a regular publication such as Sandesh,
depends on the quality and diversity of articles. We request you, and once again urge you, to send your contribution for inclusion in Sandesh.
When I started writing this monthly message from AHIA
AN Important Message
As he was not covered by Medicare and also had no private insurance, the family had to pay a hefty bill of
$30000 towards the Hospital costs.
Members are urged to take out appropriate insurance
for their parents if they are here on a temporary stay to
meet any unexpected emergencies. One can understand the high cost of private insurance, but it is a bitter
pill one has to swallow.
June 2012
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
Classic Walk to raise Awareness
Laughter Club and thereafter.
about Breast cancer
We went to India in the month of February and came back recently. It was a good trip. I thought I should share one of the
good things that I experienced there.
During my morning walks I found that at the appointed time all
the persons having walks in the park would gather under a
huge banana tree and after reciting the Om mantra would have
aloud and collective laughter, say, for fifteen times, all together
and wholeheartedly and without any inhibitions. Subsequently I
came to know that they had formed a Laughing Club. I must
say that this exercise of laughing had a very good effect on me
as well. It so happened that I started feeling better and joyful
even after the event.I could make more friends as well in the
park. The proverb that when you laugh the whole world laughs
with you seemed to be very true in this case.
Rakesh Sachdev along with AIMGA ( Australian Indian
Medical graduates Association) members attended the
Mothers Day Classic walk held in Parramatta Park on
13th May to raise awareness of breast cancer.
Well done Rakesh!
Here is something from the “Dry July” organization that
may interest you:
Once a very old sick man thinking over his past life remarked
that if he had to live his life again he would not like be so perfect, rather he would relax more and he would laugh more. He
said that he would take more chances, climb more mountains,
swim in oceans, go to more places, travel more continents
never visited before. He further said that if he were to relive his
life again, he would, ride more merry go rounds he would play
more cricket in his streets with tennis balls ,he would go to
more picnics and watch more sun sets, play with the children
eat more ice-creams, enjoy nature more passionately.
He would not have grudges against even his enemies.
He said that he will not let his past mistakes or quarrels haunt
his present. The old man realized that in order to be be happy
he just need to change his priorities. The world is already a
very beautiful place, we just have to live consciously.
Dry July is a non-profit organisation determined to improve the lives of adults living with cancer through an
online social community giving up booze for the month of Isn't this a beautiful message for all of us? We have to make
the most of whatever time we have with us. In order to be
Whether joining as a part of a team or as an individual,
DJ's take on the 31 days of July to raise funds and directly help adults living with cancer and their families to
improve their quality of life.
Dry July is also a chance to raise awareness of individual
drinking habits, the value of a balanced healthy lifestyle,
a personal challenge, encourage positive change and an
awareness of a healthy attitude to alcohol consumption.
To learn more go to:
Jagdish Dua
happy we are just required to change our attitude towards life.
Happiness is a decision. Each one of us can be as happy as we
wish. This is matter to be decided by the mind.
To me the objective of life should be to not to worry about the
past, to not to fear the future, and live happily in the present.
We should try to prolong the periods of happiness and joy, Bliss
and Anand. We know that God is the abode of happiness and
Anand. If we try to live constantly and continuously in joy and
happiness then that would mean that we even while living in
this world will be living in the company of God. Godliness is
next to happiness. So chose your path accordingly.
( B. P. Sharma )
Our Thanks to (i) Mr. Jagdish Mitter for some of the
Hindi Typing.
(ii) Mrs. Subhashini Channa for writing
the Seniors meeting Report.
YfU mkde;fUth mu WmfUu v\ztume lu fUnt_ II¢gt yts ht; fUu rjgu ytv
yvlt rm;th ytih ;cjt bwSu =u mfU;u nî?OO
II¢gtuk ¢gt buht dtlt mwl mwl fUh ytv fUt bl Ce dtlu fUtu fUh hnt ni ?OO
IIlnek,yts bî ythtb mu mtult atn;t nqâ>OO v\ztume lu sJtc r=gt >
June 2012
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
ct\fUe mc Fiheg; ni ..
mk; htb csts
fURo yt=be cebth v\z;u nî ;tu rfUme fUtu c;tlt Qra; lnek mbS;u <
fUwA Ce ntu Ju Wmu yvlu ;fU ne merb; hFlt vmà= fUh;u nî> IImc
Fhig; niOO bü g\fUel hF;u nî>jurfUl fUwA Yumu Ce ntu;u nî rsànü AéfU Ce
yt stgu ;tu mthe =wrlgt fUtu v;t ajlt atrngu> Rmrjgu ysec rJzkclt
ni ,YfU fUNbfUN me vi=t ntu st;e ni buhu r=btd bü,sc bwSu rfUme mdu
möçk"e,gth =tuô; fUu cebth ntulu fUt v;t aj;t ni> ytv fUnüdu rfU gn
fUtuRo c\ze ct; lnek ni > v{Hk;w ;ebh=the gt rb\sts vwhme fUhlu mu vnju
YfU mbôgt yt F\ze ntu;e ni rfU ntj atj vqAü ;tu fUimu ?l stlu fUimt
IrhYfUNlO ntu> Rkmtl fUt bqz nh J\¢; YfU mt lnek ntu;t > gn mc fUu
mt: jdt hn;t ni < v{k;w fUCe fUCe rm;thu fUwA \ßgt=t ne a¢fUh bü ntu
stlu vh nh vtmt WÖxt ne v\z;t ni > gne ntj fUwA buht ni, vh ct\fUe
mc Fiheg; ni < fUnlu fUt ;tÀvgo gn ni rfU Rht=u lufU ntu;u nî v{k;w
l;est XefU lnek rlfUj;t > btbqje me ct; fUt c;kÉ\z cl fUh dju fUe
nÈe cl st;t ni >
fUwA r=l vnju YfU rbºt fUt VUtul ytgt, cý; dwômu bü :u, ctuju II
ytv rfUm ;hn fUu =tuô; nî ? ytv fUtu nbthe fUtuRo rak;t ne lnek,nUV;u
Ch mu cebth aj hnu nî vh ytv mu YfU VUtul fUh;u lnek clt OO> nb lu
jtF mVUtRo =ulu fUe fUturNN fUe rfU Cju yt=be nb ßgtur;Me lnek nî,
nbü ytv fUe cebthe fUe fUtuRo stlfUthe lnek :e _ jurfUl Wl fUt dwômt
yCe XTkzt lné ýyt <IInb ytv fUu nî fUtil ?OO Jtje ct; ýRo v\ze
Wm r=l rVUh nb lu yvle ztghe rlfUtje ytih aifU rfUgt rfU fUtuRo ytih
Yumu rbºt nî rsl mu rbju fUtVUe mbg ntu dgt ntu , ¢gt btjqb Ju Ce
fUné cebth_Jth ntü ;tu ? fURo YfU Yumu rlfUju rsl mu rbju nVU;u lné
crÖfU bneltü ntu dgu :u > YfU fUtu VUtul jdtgt_I
I¢gtü CRo,cý; r=ltü mu rbju lné, ;ceg; ;tu XefU ni lt ytv fUe ?OO
II buhe ;ceg; fUtu ¢gt ýyt ?OO Wàntülu ÁFt mt Wúth r=gt >
II bi ;tu Jimu ne vqA hnt :t OO
II jd;t ni ytv fUtu cebth jtud yåAu jd;u nî >ytv fUtu stl fUh
=w&F ntudt rfU bî rcjfUwj mJôÚg nqâ OO
yc ytv ne c;tRogu, Rm bü buht ¢gt \fUmqh ni ? gn ;tu
shakespere fUe CtMt bü Ito be or not to be' Jtje ct; ntu
dRo lt !gn social r\söbu=the rlCtlt Ce nh fUu cm fUe ct; lnek ni
__ nbthu YfU rbºt nî rsànü mc Ëgth mu IatatI fUn;u nî, Ju Rm btbju
bü c\zu Wô;t= nî>bwnÖju bü fUtuRo Nt=e ntu, rfUmu fUu Dh cåat vi=t
ntu,fUtuRo cebth ntu gt rVUh rfUme fUu Dh bti; ntu dRo ntu, atat Jntâ mc
mu vnju výka st;u nî>(ytih Wànü gn ct; s;tlu bü c\zt b\st yt;t ni
rfU Jn mc mu vnju :u)> ntâ ¢Ce fUCe vhuNtle bü Ce VUkm st;u nî >
nbthu Yub.Yuj.Y mtrnc fUe bt;t se fUtVUe cebth :é ytih Fch rbje
rfU Ntg= aà= Dkxtü fUe bunbtl ntüde _cm rVUh ¢gt :t,atat Jntk st
výkau > st;u ne VUtxfU vh F\zu ltifUh mu nt: mu Qvh ytfUtN fUe ytuh
RNtht fUh fUu vqAlu jdu rfU II ¢gt bt;t se dRok ?OO
II se lnek, v{k;w ntj; fUtVUe döCeh niOO,ltifUh lu Wúth r=gt>IIyAt,;tu
nb gné ciX fUh RkÀ\sth fUh;u nî, cth cth ytlt bwrëfUj ntudt OO,
atat ctuju> yc gne ct; gr= Dh Jtju mwl ju;u ;tu Ntg= bt;t se
mu vñju atat fUtu ne Qvh stlt v\z st;t >
fUnlu Jtju gth jtud ;tu gn Ce fUñ;u nî rfU atat YfU cth rfUme ytih
fUu Dh mu fUwA IImuJtOO fUhJt Ce awfUu nî> ýyt gqâ,rfU bwnÖju fUu YfU
XufUu=th fUe bti; ntudRo,Jimu Jn :t fUwA c=ltb rfUôb fUt,Rm rjgu
atat lu yvle cstgu yvlu cuxu fUtu bt;b_vwhme fUu rjgu Cus r=gt
ytih cuxt \sht y\fUj mu fUwAvqht fUtb l ju;t :t, Wm lu =tu YfU
yt=rbgtü mu fUn r=gt rfU II yåAt ýyt, stl Aqxe,bwnÖju Jtju fUtVUe
=wFe :uOO> b]r;fU fUu cuxtü lu sc gn mwlt ;tu Wàntülu atat mu rNfUtg;
fUe rfU gn ¢gt c=;be\se ni, ;tu atat lu Wl mu btVUe btkd;u ýyt
fUnt rfUIIcåat ni,Wmu ct; fUhlu fUe y\fUj lnek ni, yc ydje cth
sc ytv fUt fUtuRo bhudt ;tu bi Wmu l Cus fUh Fw= ytQâdt OO
__ cm rVUh ¢gt :t, XufUu=th fUu cuxtü lu sb fUh "wjtRo fUh ztje
atat fUe > Jimu atat Rm ct; mu rcjfUwj RkfUth fUh;u nî...
ct\fUe mc Fiheg; ni >
Contact Details of Executive Committee
member listed below.
Sant Ram Bajaj
Tilak Kalra
Vice President
Gurdeep Sekho
Interim Treasurer
Mrs. Omila Bir
Jagdish Dua
Interim Secretary
Mrs. Ira Kapila
Braham Prakash Sharma
Sunil Sharma
Seniors Sub-committee
Santram Bajaj, Tilak Kalra and
Yash Bhasin
Ph: 9674 5671
Rakesh Sachdev Ph: 99807602 0407229093
Rajendra Channa Ph:96876067 0404554212
June 2012
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
कैलाश भटनागर
Are you feeling stressed?
एक ददन जो पत्ता टहनी पर लगा,
इठला रहा था-
Are You passing through a difficult
आज उसका अन्त दे ख
मन विचललत हैंहिा के थपेड़ो से
No one to talk to?
उड़ता,गगरता, सरकता
AHIA has organised with two of our dedicated and
competent volunteers to help you out.
चला जा रहा हैं
अनजानी, अनदे खी ददशा की ओर
Simply ring them and discuss your problem. It always
helps to share your worries with friends. It won’t cost
you anything; their time and advice is Free. And it is all
absolutely Confidential.
क्या िह अपने भविष्य से अनजान था?
या जानते हुए भी भूल रहा था
सोचा था- यूूँ ही इठलाते, मचलते,
Contact details
ु कुराता ही रहे गा|
Dr. Rakesh Sachdev on
शान से लसर उठाए
Tuesdays and Thursdays
आसमान को ताकता रहे गा|
Mrs. Omila Bir
पर, आज अपने हाल पर आूँसू बहाता
अपने मन को टटोल रहा हैं |
Mondays and Wednesdays
6pm - 9pm
6pm -9pm
अन्त तो पता ही था,
एक ददन इस धरती पर ही है बसेरा
फिर, कयों न पहले सी ही
इस ममता मयी माूँ की गोद को ननहारा
जो गगरे हुए को भी थपथपा कर, दे ती हैं सहारा
श्रद्ाांजली —
हमारे बहुत पुराने साथी श्री योगी राम जी गुप्ता का १२/४/१२ को
दे हान्त हो गया |मेरा उन से पररचय िेस्टमीड की अपनी मीदटांग
में हुआ था| बीमारी से पहले िह हर स्थान मीदटांग में पहुांच कर
खुश होते थे|३,४ सालों के बाद १९/३/१२ को मैं उन्हें Beehive Industries Town Hall की सीन्यर्ज़ की मीदटांग में लमलाकर बहत
खुश हुआ था ,परन्तु खेद िह फिर न लमल सके |
१४/४/१२ की िेस्टमीड की मीदटांग में १ लमन्ट का मौन रख कर सब
ने श्रद्ाांजली दी|
मेरा लसर Beehive Industries के प्रबांधकों के आगे सम्मान से
ु ता है ,जो हमें शमशान भलू म में उन के आख़िरी दश़नों के ललये
ले गये| िहाां पर हम ने उन के पररिाररक जनों से अपने दुःु ख का
प्रकाश फकया|िहाां उन के बच्चों ने तथा खास कर उन के पोते ने
अपने श्रद्ेय दादा जी के महान
व्यक्क्तत्ि तथा उपकारों का २-३ सिों का पत्र पढ़ कर
ु ाया ,क्जसे सन
ु कर सब की आूँखें नम हो गईं|फिर श्रीमती
कृष्णाजी सरडाना ने उन्हें भाि पूण़ श्रद्ाांजली
दी, उस के बाद मैं ने उन के सम्बन्ध में शोक गीत गाया ,फिर श्री
मुकांद लाल जी जेठी उन के सम्बन्ध में स्िरगचत गीत सुनाया|उन
के पररिाररक तथा पररगचत जनों के अलािा हम १३ तथा एनी दे शों
के 8 seniors ने दाह सांस्कार में योग ददया | …….बसन्त
If you are not a member, you are invited to
become one.
Please check our website and download the
form. The fees are on the form itself.
After completing the form, please send it at
the address given on the form.
If you are already an Annual member, it is time
to renew. Our financial year is April to March.
You follow the same procedure of downloading and then sending to the secretary or hand
it over in person. … Santram Bajaj
June 2012
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
Mothers Day Celebrations by
our Seniors
On Saturday, 12th May, AHIA Seniors Forum celebrated
Mothers Day with great verve and enthusiasm.
Much has been written about Mother as an embodiment of sacrifice, unconditional love, compassion and devotion. Mothers Day is
to celebrate this all.
It is interesting to note that celebration of this day has it’s beginnings in ancient Greece and dates back to 250 years before the
birth of Christ, when Goddesses were propitiated
on a particular day and
special offerings were
made to them in the temples.The modern day
celebration has its roots
in modern America.
We have a vast talent
among our members.
Following presentations
were made:
A devotional song by
Mrs. Vimla Kapoor , followed by “Deenan Dukh
Haran” by Ms Lalitha, and
Nath, anchor of Chandana TV, a well known Indian television
channel. Mr. Kedar Nath has been nominated by the NSW government to the Indian Multicultural Committee and offered to help
in conveying the issues relating to the Indian community to this
Both are trained in Indian classical music and were kind enough to
have offered their valuable time to entertain us all.
One cannot forget the beautiful rendering of the song “ Aye Malik
Tere Bande Hum” by Shobha. One could feel the audience was
moved by her singing. In her melodious and lilting voice she sang
varied songs which
proved her mastery
and prowess in the
field of music and regaled us all. From
semi classical “Tora
Man Darpan Kahlaye”
to peppy song of yesteryears “Kabhi Aar
Kabhi Paar” was just
perfect and showed
her skills.
Mr. Kedar Nath is
equally versatile with
such depth and emotions in his singing.
“Tu Pyaar Ka Sagar
Hai” was just superb
and so was “Chaudhavin Ka Chand Ho”! The popular duets like
“Yaad Kiya Dil Ne Kahaan Ho Tum”, Aadha Hai Chandrama Raat
Aadhi” were a hit and one could see the audience humming with
Shobha and Kedar. By popular demand, Shobha agreed to sing a
Punjabi song, “Mera Laung Gwacha”, which sent the audience
into rapture and there was clapping and dancing all around.
Both these artists were ably supported by the accompanists – Mr.
Vishal Lakhaya on keyboard and Mr. Swamidas Dalvi on tabla.
They are good singers too and sang some popular songs.
In the second half after tea, some more memorable songs were
presented.Vipin Khera’s rendering of Kishore Kumar’s ‘O mere dil
ke chayen,..’was very well
received by the audience.
Shobha informed that Om
Get Togethers is a platform
for new talent and anyone
who is interested in music,
vocal or instrumental, has
an opportunity to perform.
salutation to Mother, “Maa
Tu Suraj Mein Roshani” by
Ms Subhadra.
Mr. Ghakkar talked about
female infanticide and read a
is a
for a change of attitude towards women.
Mr. Sant Ram Bajaj, read a beautiful poem
“Ma” written by Pt. Om Vyasa poet from Madhya Pradesh
-about virtues of Mother. The scion of Urdu poetry,
Mr. Rahat, presented “Nahi Soch Mein Meri Khushi Ki
Jageh”. Mr. Sood sang “Tujh
Mein Rab Dikhta Hai”. How we
all enjoy his rendering of
noted singer K.L. Sehgal’s
soulful songs in our meetings!
The highlight of the afternoon
was an entertaining music
program presented by talented
Ms Shobha Ingleshwar of Om
Get Togethers and Mr. Kedar
We thank Shobha and Kedar
for their time and effort in
entertaining us all.
As always, delicious snacks
( the sweets provided by
Bhasins) and tea were
served by our team of devoted volunteers. We thank
them all for their years of
unfailing service.
Subhashini Channa
June 2012
नर्जारा आर
ब्लाक का
यह आर ब्लाक क्या है । आप के मन में यह शीऱ्क पढ़ कर
कुछ तो उथल पुथल मच रही होगी फक आख़खर यह आर ब्लाक
है क्या ।
तो सुननये कहानी आर ब्लाक की । नई ददल्ली के ग्रेटर कैलाश
के आर ब्लाक में एक खूबसूरत
सुबह और शाम
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
पाक़ है जो छोटा होते हुए भी
जीिन से भरपूर हो जाता है । यह पाक़ आस
पास की अनेक कैालननयों जैसे पम्पोश ,कैलाश कोलनी ,सी .
आर पाक़ आदद का केन्रीय स्थान बन गया है ।
पाक़ के मुख्य द्िार से प्रिेश करते ही पीपल का एक
बैडलमांटन खेलते हुए पहली बार दे खा ।ऐसे ही कई अर्जीबो गरीब
खेल ।मुझे तो विशेर्रूप से जो पसांद आया िह था ‘मेरा जूता
है जापानी,यह पतलून है इांगललस्तानी’ गाना । आप सोच रहे
होगे फक यह गाना बीच में कहाां से आ गया ।बात दरअसल यह
थी फक िहाां यह ररकाड़ लगा हुआ था क्जस की आिार्ज दरू दरू
तक सन
ु ाई दे रही थी ।पास पहुांचे तो दे खा फक बहुत बड़े क्षेत्र में
लोग इस गाने की धुन के साथ डाांस कर रहे हैं । इस बात से
हम भारतीय क्जतने है रान थे उतने खुश भी क्योंफक कुछ ही ऐसे
गानें हैं जो विदे शों तक पहुांच पाये हैं ।
ग्ररे टर कैलाश के आर ब्लाक का िाफकां ग, योगा ,व्यायाम आदद
का प्रोग्राम ६बजकर ३० लमन्ट तक चलता है ।उसके बाद तीन
विशालकाया िक्ष
ु दर सीदटयाां बजतीां हैं और सब लोग पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे इक्टें हो
ृ है । इस के तने िाले भाग को विलभन्न सन्
पौधों और िूलों से जांगलाबध फकया गया है । इसी कारण से
जाते हैं ।तब शुरू होता है लाफ्टर क्लब का काय़क्रम । सब से
इस पेड़ की सुन्दरता और भी बढ़ गई है । इस िक्ष
ृ के चारों
पहले द्यबोले सो ननहाल, ‘सत लसरी आकाल’ की गांज
ू से
ओर सीमैंट के िश़ का बहुत बड़ा भाग है ,जहाां शाम के समय
सारा िातािरन शुद् हो जाता है ।उसके बाद गायत्री मांत्र बोला
बच्चे स्केदटांग करतें हैं । इस पक्के एररये के साथ साथ
जाता है .हरर ओम की ध्िनन और गायत्री मांत्र का दहन्दी
गोलाकार बेंच्चों की पांक्क्तयाां हैं । यह ही िह क्षेत्र है जांहा लभन्न
अनुिाद ।अब लगते हैं जोर जोर के ठहाके ।कहते हैं फक हां सना
लभन्न प.कार के काय़क़म होतें हैं । पाक़ के फकनारे फकनारे सैर
जीिन के ललए बहुत र्जरूरी है ।इससे आयु बढ़ती है । तत्पश्चात
के ललए पक्का रास्ता बना हुआ है क्जस को दोनों तरि से है र्ज
प्रभु से प्राथ़ना की जाती है ।िहाां एक ददन एक पत्रकार ने
से सजाया गया है । है ज के पीछे अशोका के िक्ष
बताया फक यह प्राथ़ना उसने गुजरात के एक स्कूल के ललए
। पाक़ में लभन्न लभन्न प्रकार के िूलों के पेड़ हैं ।िूलों की
क्याररयाां हैं ।पत्तों
से बने घोड़ा
हाथी आदद और अनेक प्रकार
के पशु पक्षक्षयों की कृनतयाां हैं और ललखा है सत्यमेि ज्यते ।
कुल लमला कर आांखों को लुभानेिाला , मन को शाांनत और
स्कून दे नेिाला स्थान है ।
इस पाक़ की सुन्दरता इस कारण से और भी बढ जाती है
क्योंफक यहाां पर
बच्चों, युिकों ,युिनतयों , क्स्त्रयों , पुरूर्ों की
भेजी थी अब गुजरात के कई स्कूलों ने इसे अपनाना शुरू कर
ददया है ।स्कूल की बसों पर यह प्राथ़ना ललखी लमलती है ।
प्राथ़ना यह है
‘हे प्रभु , मेरा आज का ददन सब से शुभ ददन हो ।मैं ऐसा कोई
काय़ न करूां क्जससे फकसी का अदहत हो ।मेरा यह जीिन न
केिल मेरे ललए, अवपतु मेरे सख
ु ी पररिार, सुन्दर समाज दे श
और समस्त विश्ि के ललए कल्यानकारी हो ।
चहल पहल रहती है । सुबह के समय पाक़ के हर कोने में कुछ
इस प्राथ़ना के बाद ५ सौ ताललयाां बजाई जाती हैं ।फिर आज का
न कुछ काय़क्रम होते ही रहते हैं । िाक करते हुए प्राय सब
विचार या भजन होता है । यह सारा काय़क्रम १५ या २० लमन्ट
एक दस
में ही हो जाता है ।तीर्ज त्योहारों या फकसी खुशी के मौके पर
जोड़कर नमस्ते करते चलते हैं क्जस से भारतीय सांस्कृनत का
इसमे खाना पीना भी शालमल हो जाता है ।
आभास होता है ।धीरे धीरे िाक करते हुए लोग प्राया एक दस
ू रे यह है ग्रेटर कैलाश के आर ब्लाक का पाक़ जहाां ददन के उजाले
का साथ भी बदलते रहते हैं क्जस से सब से बात चीत हो सके।
में सूय़ के उदय होने के साथ साथ पक्षक्षयों की चहचहाहट और
िाक भी कोई धीरे ,कोई तेर्ज, कोई सोटी का सहारा ललए, कोई
कोयल की कू कू से जीिन आरम्भ होता है ।
व्यायाम करते,कोई भगिान का मन ही मन में नाम लेते हुए या
शारदा शमा़
जाप करते सुबह की शीतल पिन का भरपूर आनन्द लेते हैं ।
पाक़ के एक कोने में यदद योगा टीचर अपने लशष्यों को योगा
लसखातें हैं तो दस
ू रे कोने में मदहलाएां अपने सागथयों के साथ
व्यायाम करती ददखाई दे तीां हैं ।पाक़ के हर भाग में कोई न
कोई शारीररक फकृयाएां करता ददखता है । यह सब दे खकर
मुझे याद आया चीन का एक पाक़ िहाां भी कुख ऐसा ही दृश्य
ददखाई ददया था जब कुछ साल पहले हम िहाां घूमने गए थे ।
हमारे टूअर
में एक प्रातुः इस पाक़ को दे खने का प्रोग्राम
शालमल था । िहाां भी हर्जारों की सांख्या में लोग योगा ,व्यायाम
और लभन्न लभन्न प्रकार के खेल खेलते दे खे गए। पैरौं से
June 2012
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
AHIA members visited IABBV Hindi
Sports Day On
Sunday May 20,2012.
( Photos by Tilak Kalra)
TWO LETTERS for Members’ Information
Reply to the cg on 5/6/2012
June 2012
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
Happy Birthday to
Geeta Aora
Alwyn Vimal
-Anniversary to
Alwyn Eshu
Bhargava Prem
Bhasin Rani
Dua Sushma
Datta Madan Mohan
Gupta Lakshmi Devi
Gupta Rama
Karelia Lalita
Mahajan Gurdial
Malhotra Pushpa
Relan G.L
Sharma Vimla
Sanghi Asha
Sekhon Gurdeep
Sharma Braham Prakash
Bhatia Birendra an Mitlesh
Auplish Sri krishan & Nirmal Kanta
Sharma Dharma Nand & Sharda
Prasad Madan Mohan& Sushila
Sidhu Ajaib
Sidhu Terlochan Singh Sodhi Darshan Singh
Sood Brij
Happy Wedding -
Sharma Pushpa Rani
The following photos are of the couples who
celebrated their Anniversaries last month.
Important Dates
June 16
Martyrdom of Guru
Arjan Dev Ji
Members will be pleased to know that Mrs, Vimla
Luthra is recovering well after her recent surgery.
Please note the new Address of the
Consulate General of India:
Level 10, 190 George St. Sydney NSW 2000
Seniors Next Meeting
JULY 14, 2012
1pm to 4 pm
at PARC hall, Cumberland Hospital Westmead .
June 2012
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
Strange, Weird and Wonderful Stories
Dead and Not Found
There are so many stories of people who died but whose
bodies were not found for quite some time.
As they say, tell someone if you are going somewhere. If
you are an older person and living by yourself, ask someone to call you every day to check your well-being.
Keep in touch with your friends and family.
Second place went to Stuti Mishra, another 14-year-old,
from Florida, after she misspelled "schwarmerei," a word
for excessive enthusiasm.
Arvind Mahankali, a 12-year-old from New York, finished
third for a second year in a row after failing to spell
"schwannoma," a kind of nerve cell tumour.
The three were among nine finalists gleaned from 278
contestants who started the spelling contest on Wednesday.
The following story from The Telegraph (UK) may interest As well as the glory of victory, Ms Nandipati was awarded
a $30,000 cash prize, a $2,500 US savings bond and a
$5,000 scholarship, among other prizes.
Nobody in the Spanish village of Canizal had seen Vicente
Follow your Leader
Benito for two decades, although the 520 residents
thought that he had moved to Portugal, or worked as a
Followers of social media enjoy being on Facebook, Twitshepherd in another part of the world.
ter and the like. But the following story from The TeleThe discovery was only made after one of Benito's neph- graph (UK) makes you want to follow Ms Sonia Gandhi,
Ms Gillard or Mr. Abbott.
ews broke into his house to see what happened to his
uncle, according to the local newspaper.
A young woman in Venezuela has been rewarded with a
new home by President Hugo Chavez for becoming his
Police found that the only coins and banknotes in his
three millionth follower on Twitter.
house were pesetas, suggesting he died well before the
introduction of the euro a decade ago.
Mr. Chavez congratulated Miss Valdivieso in a message on
Monday when he said she had become his three millionth
"We think he was last seen at least 15 years ago, but no
follower. His regional campaign manager, Carlos Mata
one is sure," the mayor, Miguel Angel Herrero, said, acFigueroa, announced later that she would receive the
cording to the Guardian.
"He had stopped talking to his siblings and went to work
as a shepherd. He was always off somewhere, so it didn't
occur to people that he might still be in the village."
He would have been 73 if he were still alive. He was formally reported as missing in 1992.
Spelling Bee
Young people of today are wonderful achievers. Asian and
Indian children, and I think children of all migrants, perform particularly well in their adopted countries. Here is a
story from The Telegraph of UK about the recently completed “Spelling Bee”. I think I am a good speller but I
would be struggling to spell the words that these young
people spelled (see below). Given that these days every
program comes with a “Grammar and Spelling Check”, I
wonder if there will be many good spellers in years to
You will be interested to know that even the spell check
dictionary does not know these words.
Lori Anne Madison, 6, of Woodbridge, Virginia, is the
youngest participant ever to compete in the preliminary
round of the US National Spelling Bee, getting off to a
successful start by spelling "dirigible."
Snigdha Nandipati, a 14-year-old from San Diego, won
the US National Spelling Bee by correctly spelling
"guetapens," a French word for an ambush.
The teenager, who reads encyclopedias for pleasure, said
her victory was "a miracle" after she beat over two hundred children to claim first prize in at a convention centre
in Maryland, Washington, D.C.
Mr. Chavez's government has been building new public
housing complexes ahead of the country's Oct. 7 presidential election.
Miss Valdivieso called Mr. Chavez "the best president" and
gushed: "I woke up knowing that is the happiest day of
my life!"
The giveaway also sparked criticism from some, and jokes
by others.
Government critic Gustavo Coronel wrote on his blog that
it was "intolerable" for Mr. Chavez to have rewarded
someone in such a way simply for being a supporter. He
noted the home was built with government money, not
Mr. Chavez's money, and asked how the president dared
to dole it out on the basis of political support.
"It's about shamelessly giving charity to those who follow
him," Mr. Coronel wrote.
The satirical website El Chiguire Bipolar poked fun at the
handout with a mock news article saying that Chavez's
2,999,999 other Twitters followers were disappointed.
"Millions of the president's followers complained at having
received nothing," it said.
Compiled by: Jagdish Dua
Husband and wife become two sides of a coin
after the marriage; they just can't face each
other, but still they stay together.
June 2012
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
Dear Bajaj Sahib
It was a great effort of your team to mount such a gathering There were many members who congratulated our team on the probably first time of this nature - for a while. Congratulations,
success of our Picnic on 29th April. Here are some who wrote
as the people enjoyed very much mixing and meeting old friend
and we thank them for their comments”
- a great emotional therapy for many….
I would finally thank you and your team for this great show.
Dear Santramji
Well done.
Congratulations to all the Ahia organising committee and the
Your well-wisher
members for organising wonderful event.
Dave Passi JP
We enjoyed, apart from good food the wonderful company and Secretary: Indian Senior Group - Hornsby
made few more friends. Children had fun.
Thank you very much
Rakesh Sahgal
-----------------------------------Thank you …
for a lovely picnic. Madhu and I and our mums enjoyed the
Vijendra Lal
--------------------------------------Mr Bajaj ji
I must congratulate you and your team for wonderful day you
organised. It takes lot of effort to organise these events and I
hope all who attended enjoyed the day as we did. Thanks
again. Pl pass on our thanks to the team members
Harry Gopalani
These Photos were taken by
Tilak Kalra on the Picnic day
June 2012
AHIA Sandesh & Seniors Newsletter
Stay close to nature
A healthy and balanced diet is
imperative for optimal growth
and development of children. A
child's immune system is still
developing and they are the
most likely victims of infections.
Eating processed and junk food
over natural foods, skipping
meals and over or under-eating
and contact with an ill person
are the main causes of infection
as they compromise immunity.
A primary source of nutrition
for growing kids is milk. Intake
of proteins, minerals and vitamins must be highlighted in a
child's diet as these are essential for the body. These must be
tried to be included as far as possible with natural foods such
as fruits, vegetables, milk and fish.
garlic can reduce the incidence of many age-related disorders such
as cataracts, arthritis, and promote blood circulation.
Exercise on the move
Give your body its daily workout even while you holiday, incorporate a few minutes of fitness into your daily routine to ensure
your body is ready for the day's events.
Essential seven
Begin with some light stretches and warm up exercises like
bending and touching your toes, marching on the spot or side
A good exercise programme must include exercises to cater to
the seven basic Primal Pattern movements of the body.
Ensure that you walk every day! A jog or a sprint will
keep your heart healthy.
Perform regular push-ups or modified ones with the
knees on the floor. Wall push-ups are another option.
These normally require some basic equipment. To
make up for it, you could hang from a monkey bar in
the children's play area or a low branch of the tree.
Milk: Calcium, Vitamin A, D, E, K, Phosphorus, Magnesium,
Try dead lifts with filled water bottles or your suitcase
for a heavier weight.
Green Vegetables: Fibre, Folic Acid, Iron, Vitamin C, K, Potassium, Magnesium
A standing or lying twist or more dynamic jumping
twists will energise you.
Fruits: Vitamin A, C, Folic Acid, Potassium
Perform with the support of the bed if you are a be
Either do free squats or try sitting on a low chair if you
have never done this before.
Nutrients in foods
Pulses: Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals
Nuts: Protein, Fibre, Vitamin B, Iron, Zinc, Potassium,
Clove’ healing properties...
This tiny little spice has many curative properties. Traditionally
cloves are used as a table spice and mixed with chillies, cinnaIt makes a great health drink . What’s instantly refreshing, like mon, turmeric and other spices in the preparation of curry powice cold water, is often also a prescription for a ghastly sore
throat; packaged juice, on the other hand, is nourishing, but
They are also used to flavour paan-the beetle leaf. Clove oil is
contains such vast quantities of sugar, that it's a short cut to
used in the manufacture of perfumes, soaps, bath salts and as
disastrous weight gain.
a flavouring agent in medicine and dentistry. Cloves help stimuAffordability and easy availability make it the logical choice. And late sluggish circulation and thereby promote digestion and
it scores over milk as it is a fermented form (of milk), rendering metabolism. In Chinese medicine, it is used for vomiting, indiit easier to digest.”
gestion and other related problems. If you are feeling stressed,
It is this soothing, digestive property of buttermilk that makes it then boil some water with basil leaves, mint leaves and clove.
so popular.
Then you can use this water for black tea. Add little bit of
honey to it. This will help you ease tension.
When stomach bugs give you the runs, buttermilk is among the Toothache
first things that are recommended to safely replenish fluids in
The use of a clove in toothache decreases pain. It also helps to
the body.“Buttermilk provides probiotics which are 'friendly'
decrease infection due to its antiseptic properties. Clove oil,
bacteria that help in maintaining beneficial bacteria in the intesapplied to a cavity in a decayed tooth, also relieves toothache.
tines and warding away disease — causing microbes, therefore
Digestive disorders
improving immunity.
Cloves promote enzymatic flow and boost digestive functioning.
It is lower in fat and calories and higher on water than both
They are used in various forms of gastric irritability and dyspepmilk and yoghurt
sia. Licking the powder of fried cloves mixed with honey is efIt's also very handy to cart around, as it doesn't easily go ‘off'
fective in controlling vomiting. The anaesthetic action of clove
in the heat like milk.”
helps in dealing with stomach pain and stops vomiting.
* Buttermilk has traces of protein, calcium, phosphorus and B
Vitamins but more significantly, it provides probiotics which are Chewing a clove with a crystal of common salt eases expectora'friendly' bacteria.
tion, relieves the irritation in the throat. Chewing a burnt clove
* Buttermilk is best had as a filler and/or thirst quencher beis also an effective medicine for coughs.
tween meals and as digestive at the end of an elaborate meal. ———————————————-
‘Lassi’-Yogurt drink- Utterly Butterly Delicious-
——Did you know?
Disclaimer: The information in the article is taken from
Garlic is also called ‘Russian penicillin'. Fresh — but not stored or
various reliable Newspapers and given in good faith. No responcooked garlic — is an antimicrobial agent against a variety of micro- sibility of the contents is accepted by us. If in doubt, please
check with your doctor. ..Editor
organisms .Because of its antioxidant properties, regular intake of