Larkin R. 1987. Species management plan for Acinonyx jubatus.
Larkin R. 1987. Species management plan for Acinonyx jubatus.
Larkin R. 1987. Species management plan for Acinonyx jubatus. Keywords: 6AU/6NZ/Acinonyx jubatus/captive breeding/cheetah/husbandry/management plan/rearing Abstract: Species management plan for Acinonyx jubatus of the association of zoo directors of Australia and New Zealand. First part concerns the biology of the cheetah in the wild: general characteristics, distribution and habitat, diet, reproductive biology, behavior, growth and development. Second part concerns the husbandry of captive cheetahs: housing, diets, management of breeding groups, diseases and medicine. Another part is about the history of captive population in different zoos. Several appendix show maps of distribution, age in captivity, plans of cheetah breeding areas, feed additives, a cheetah cub rearing protocol. SPECIES MANAGEMENT PLANFOR AC/MNI4Lz,AAIZA (tlons),Dtp.wltd.f,1gt.&Hus. Comptted by: Rebecca Fon Richard Jakob-Hof f, 8.Sc.(Hons),8.V.fl.S. specles co-o.dlnator March 1987. L Secure unfelatedyoung temalB- prefenably three,at leasttwo - source southAfrlca - anlmals ln whlpsnade lnbred and related to sorne of ourstock -stocksin NorthAmerlca decllnlng 2.Decide whether tnbreedlng ts to betakenlntoaccount EITHERall cheetahs soinbred already thatfuftheflnbreedlng wlll make nodtfference _ 0R mlnlmlze furtherinbreedlng - thesecond wlll bemoredllflcultto carryoutandmaybe at tlreerpense poprllatlon of anAusra ancapllve cheetah 3.Assess breedlng matagement attlelbouane andWelltngton Zoos. 4 Cafryoutfeftllltyandbreedtnq soundness examlna onsonall male animals. ljsethlslnlomatlon to helodeclde whtchones arebestlof bfeedtng. 5.Become members of theNorth American Cheelah Studbook- soon to belnlemattonal - Whlpsnade anddeWlldtalready members programme foathelrSpecies S!rvival seeAppendlx F 6.Strongly advocate anyzooscontemplattng acqulflng cheelan to follow practlses thebreedlng rnanagement plan recommended ln thjs and bulldsuitable enclosures. populations Emphasls ot a captive should be0nbreedlng, even at theexpense of dlsplay, !n l optlmum numbers iui3oDuclaN context lLl Taxanomlc order :Camlvofa Famlly:Felldae 6enus iA:hltllx Specles:lli2atjE -onlyllvlngmemDer -tossllrecord giantcheetah shows t\jltldlnqtEEEuropean Aintermedlus lnto Smaller,ranged Chlna 1.2statusclasslllcatlons - vulnemble t.u.c.N. 1.2.\. V.P.C. - 2 -l c.t.T.E.s A,Z,D. - Category 3 - assess current breedlng management lechnlques - promote Austmlasian cheetah thedevelopment of a self-sustaining ooDulatlon - cooperatlon h0ldlng zooscurrently belween thethreeAusralaslan ol lnstltutlons lo facilltatethelmporlation cheetah andoversees anlmals theuseof breedjng newstockandmaxlmlse l.450e.lesCoordlnator Rlchard Jakobfoff,8.5c.{Hons), B.V.l15 Curator andVeterlfarlan, plalns westm 2oo, P.0Box831,Dubbo, N.S.W. 2830. I 0106Y 2 I General Chzracterlstlcs Cheetahs areadapted to shoflboots of verylast sprlnthg. Thelflegsare longandslender andthebodyllqhtTheheadls rounded wlthashofl muzzle, tuund earssetwldelyapaftanddlstlnctlvetearmarks (thooght runnlng fromthemedlal canthus of each eyeto themouth to profile prey). break !Dthelrcntal of thefacewhenwatchlng Theeyes pupils. arelarge, deep setzndbrown cololred wllh round These are zll adaptatlons fora dllmallllestyle, Theavemge bodylength 1s1.25 mafdmassbeLween 40-60kg.Thetall, Used asa counter balance whenturnlng at speed, is aboutlm longand tlpped whltelhe pattern of rlngs1ssaldto beantndtvtdual characterlstlc. Height at lheshoulder ls arolnd80cm,the hlndquarters belnglower. Thepelage ts coarse, blackspotsoveflylng abutf whltebackqrcud, Theunder-parts, chestandthaoat are whlteCubs arebornwlththedistlnctlvetearmarks" andsDols, blt growa ll!lly, greymantle s00n wnlchrnasks thespotpattern, Thls rendefs thecubalmostlnvlslble durlng thepeflod wtren themother leaves herlltter to huntAtteraboltthreernonths, whenlhecubs begin to followher,1tslowtytattsout,teavln!ashortmane,The llne spottlng 0nthelacecanbeUsed asana1dto lndlvldual ldentlficatlOn. There arellvedlgltsonthetrontlegsandfourontheback. Theclawsare reractlleat blrthbutqutckly losethlsabtllty,becoming btunt,hard anddoq-1lke, another zdaptatlon to cufsofial locomoflon. 22 Dlstribullon andHabltat lhefeareclrrentlythouqht to beabout10,000 cheetah left ln Afftca (PJackson, paftsol the 1986)Fomeflyran91n9 lromsouthem contlnent, eastlhrolqhKenya anduplntothefllddletast,laanznd populations Indla, thefeafenowonlya lewjsolated Thelargest is 1,000ln Namlbla. Recent accumte tntoma onts haad to obtahas polltlcal many of thecountrles lnvolved areexperlencing famlne, loheaval andwarcheetah arenowpfobably extlnctln thenorthern areas andlewsurvlve ln theeastandwestexceot ln oarks or reser!es.(see Appendlx A mapcurrenlrange). alsolnl"ab't e5 ("eetah Io oep alnssDec oelle,/eo Althouon oeneral'v woodlands andd0 IneyDrefer ooen arddese't'.lnces w;oo;d areas 0ntne varlesdependlng denslty notrelvonsufacewater.Populatlon estlmated tnat lt hasbeen ol food,eg.htheserengetl ablnda;ce whllstln NalroDl kllometerc, therels oneanlmal ier 100-l30square pafk1tls oneper002square kllometers' Natlonal theslzeof theirpreyIs resrlctedt0 donothuntln packs Ascheetahs gazelle, lmpala' lnclldeTiomsons !p to 60kg.These anlmzls ol large andtheyoung grolndlwjngblrds,smallmammals reedbuck, depenos taken specles of each Thenumbeas specles bovldand?ebra and'lf female, type,weather vegetailon avallabillty, ontheIocality, aremostoften or stragglers Smallgroups theraarccubs. whether whdn about durallon a sialkof varlable uslallyfollowing attacked, thechosen sprlntsupto I 10kphtowards l00mawav,thecheetah m lf theklll lor 300-400 quarry. canonlybemalntalned Thlsspeed mustglveup,exhalsted bythlstlmethecheetah made hasn;t been -pllex -elaasps bLllt debt a1dt1eo'yoen t.]iscrase Thelleerno DIev ortt arlmalIfs sby th.death .lorstnouoht tohasten upor llmpedonthe haselthertrlpped aflerthecheetah a;ohvxlation lts Jaws between theracheaventrally backof its vlctlmandgrlpped astheotner foleln grasplng anlmportant Theshamdew-claws Olay hear!andllverareeateffjrst, lhe Themeatol theventmlsufface, are outandleft.Thesklnandlargebones behgdragged intestlnes killsarestolenbyother Is mre,butmany alsodlscarded.Scavenglng t0 s€efns Thecheetah andvultures. lncludlng camlvores lackals jnthepredator hlerafcnt occoDv a lowposltlon i 0r breeder is aseasonal cheetah thefemale i snolceftainwhether and ls malnlyJune-July season breedlng Dolyoestals.The Deen cubshave although hernlshere' ln lhesouthern De;ember-January ln are ract lhalcheetahs of theyear'Thlssuggests bornin all montha 1s peflods whenqame longanoestrous wlthperhaps oolvoestrous, (upto l3 filonths) Thecycleitselftakes ;c;rceordlflnalactation l5 onlylastlnga lewdaysovulatlon oestrus aboulthreeweaks, thelossof a lltter Followlng le.requiresvaglnalstlmulallon lnduced later' twoto thfeeweeks backlntooestrus wlll come females welght lnclude perlod of pfegnancy ls 90-95days. Slgns Thegestatlon glands and ol themammary qaln,abdomlnalenlargemen!, development none or lhesemayDe flowever lnfeased foodconsumptlon, less1n lour,usually Lltlerslzels about ma|ked. oartlcularlv ol bydetectlon fnayalsobemade dlagnosls capllvltypregnancy progesterone. six pairc0l plasma There areusually lncreased alenotunknown addltlonalones mammae, although productive many life 1ncapllvlry' to haveaverylong Neither sexseem fromthewlld From shoftlyafterthelrcaplure onlybreedlng females (seeAppendlx 8) declines. lertlljtyrapldly flveyears onwards 2.5Eehaviour their thatmnge ovefa largeareafollowing aresoljtaryanimals cheetah the aretoolarge, prey. asthebofders Thlsterritoryls noidefended belween andsexoverlappin9 locallon ongeographlcal sizedependlng jndlvldual by areavolded butrneetlngs commonly occllas, mnges sucnas vlsualspols Hlehly wllhscentmarks. moverirents advertlslng loaulnatj0n lalienlogsandree trunkszaechosen temltemo0nds, by usedandlully lnvestlgated These arehaDllually anddefaecatlon. fes!ltsin onarrjvalln theviclnltyThisusually anycheelah otherThe evenlf thetwocatscanseeeach avoldance behavloor, orgroup lhatindlviduals ensuing to lastonly24hours, scent appears mngewlthina slatlc,largerone' movlng lmrnedlate a constanlly have bLlttheareaIs large drlving of lntruders, ls notwasted Thus energy s!lflclent9ame. to supporl eno!gh jndependent slblln!s, ol lecently withcubsandsmallQroups Females varleswltn of soclabllty bli thedeqree males areseen, eoeclaily a domlnance develop of malesln captlvlty locallty.ofoups llvlngandhunting repo s of adullrnales aresome hlemrchy.There though aremalnly defenslve, Intra-spec1f1c lnteractlons together, male mayflghtoveranoesruslemaleonlythealpha rlvalmales bythesmellol herlrlne,although mates wlthher.Thevafeattmcted maft.Themale,llkethedomesllc to soeclflcally shedoesnotseem ofurlneto showhis smallarnolnts tomcat,sDravs srafge re argooe-rorm5 dro\6e0. wtef se^ually oresence,especlally 0l earth 0psmallmounds andscrapes wlplng,readlngmotlons areunknown olthese Thelunctlons whllstdelaecatlng, 0rthe actlvitles andma|klng female, scentlng anoestrous when lollowlnc of heatHeusesthfee lntenslty wlthgreater maledecrease andfull fouch postures:slanding, frontcrouch Investlgatory attention to atract thelemales areloodandlhoughl Vocllsatlons "stutter l-l kHz,whlchls blfdllke call , ffequency a They lnclude andlpcctrogr.phlcrlly rc:.cnblc. o llon cub. mcow . Apart during sexlalexcitement it is alsomade at tlmesot general stlmulatlon, eq. overa klll, andbetween mother andcub. othersounds made bycheetah arethe"eeow', a hlghpitched threaten call made wlthbarred teeth,anda'ylp'0r"chlrt"a slngleloudnoteused t0contact anlndlvldual overa longdlstance, Growling ls produced wltha lowered head andefectmane, andmaybefollowed bya lunqe wlththefrcntfeetanda loudsplt.Wlren threalened byothefspecles, purrwhencontented,eg. moanlng sounds mayalsobeutteredCheetahs groomlng when orafterfeedlng Behavlour of females durlnC oestrus is repoatedly slnlllafto domestlc qleenst lncreased actlvlty,roillng,tall threshlng, vaglnal dlscharge andlnnappetance.Howevef these slgnsrnaynolbemarked andlhe mostfellablelestIs herreceptlvlty to themaleshewlll normally aepel anyapproachlng maleaggresslvely f,latlng hasonlymaelybeen wltnessed, lasllnga fewseconds andoccurlnq anumber ol tlmes perrod. dL-,nq theoestroJs Cheetahs arcfirostactlvein themomtn9 andevenlng, spendin! thehottest partof thedaylylngln theshade. Theyrarelycloselhelreyeslo. morethana lewmlnutes, constanlly looklng around, Theyareoften po1nt, seen sittlngona ralsedvantage scannlng themlddle to lar dlstance. Thelrslghlls acule, equivalent to a human wlthastrong Pairol blnocularc. 26 orowth andDevelooment Cheetah cubsdevelop rapidly, thelreyesareopen at tendays, Duteven before lhls theywlll spltat anyintruders. Blrthwelght1sDetween g 250and100 Bythreeweeks ot agetheycanwatkandarefollowing themothea at slxweeks, At onemonth theywelghbetween 700and g,reachlng 850 25 kgat lhreemonths. Thelemale moves ihemotten greyfur makes tofewdensltes,under a bush or ln thlckglassThela themverydlfllc!lt to seeThecantne teetheruptat about two- thfee weeks, bejnq unlsual astheyzaetrlcuspld, ThefUl setol milkteeth aaepaesent byslxweeks oldandacereplaced at elghtto nlnemonths Weanln! begins whentheclbsareliveto sixweeks old,thefemale brlnglng backpleces ol herklll tor themto tearat,Suckling ends at tmeemonths butthecubsremaln wlththelrmothef lo leamhowto hunt. Theybecome lully lndependent at l2 months, thebreak betng sudden. Jlveniles of oneyea.haveabody welghtof 20- 22kg.They stlll have remnants of themane at inlsage,whlch1sgradrJally lostas pubertywhen2l-24months theyanature. Young females reach old, flale3areat thelrDeak fertilltvfrom2-4vearc. HU5BANDRY Cheetahs should behoused 1nlargeenclosures wlthnatural subsrate away fmmotherbigcats.Eetng 1owln thepredatory hterarchy, the presence ol llonsandthellkecauses fearandsressreac ons Fences should behlghandlnwardly overhung asFUlygrown cheetah pressured caneasllyclear2min asin!leJ0mp. Young of antmals are themostllkelyto try.Theyadapt to all weathers, requlre a soufce of shade andshelter frcmthemln, Bfeedlng anlmals should notbehoused ln palrsfor breedtnq asthefemale becomes habltuated to themale.She maynever come lntooestros or 1f shed0e5, fertllltyls low.Thesexes should bekeptseperated - by enolgh space sothatthereis nostgh!,sound of olfaclory communlCatlon between them. A minlmum arcaof flveacres (2.5hectares) hasbeen for each auoted oalrol anlmals. it ls lmportant thatthesitlngbeconsldered ascheetah need to beabieto seelntothemlddle andfar dlstances. Thepfesence of oreyspecies withinthlsfleldofvlewslm!lates thesltuatton tnthewitdand lncreases thellkellhood of successlul breedlng. Although cheetahs canextractsufflclent motsture frornthetffood,watef places should bepfovlded astheydodflnka lot 1nhotweathef, to ma suchasmolnds or fallenlogs,whlcharealsoused asvantage p01nts, heitstlmulale nomalactivity.Nightdensandteedlng areas should beeasllyCleanable, andVermln Oroof. Cheetahs wlll noteat mea!contaminated wlthants, Theydonotusebeddlng mateflal fnuch, eveo wfenllttercarebornclbblng tac ltiesshould allowInspecuon of thecubswithoutdlst!$ingthemothef. There have been many reported cases ol littercbelng abandoned of eaten byskessed Install2tl0n 0l crushes andwetghlng tac i esgreay jmproves the posslble standard of husbanry seeAppendtx Clof ptans of cheetah encloslres, denandcrushdeslgn, Lltlleqoanlltatlve wofkhasbeen DLDItShed onthenutrttional requlrements 0t cheetah. lt is genemlly assumed to bestmllarto the domestlc cat,butthereis thelnknown effectol boltsof hlahievel activlty(see3.4.LlverDlsease), flanyroos r \orth Alre-ica'eeda balanced co--er.ial fFIr.edletsu.l'as /L-oreemnor \ebras.aBrand'(5ee AoDeno ! [ for nlrrnent analyses) ouantitlesvarydependlng onlhecondltlon ol theanlmai, per butafeafound 2kg day.Leanmeat0l manyvarletlesarealsofed, belngbalanced lor CalclumrPhosphorus lo ensure a ratiool I 2rl to 2:l flulti- vltamlnandmlneralsuDplements arealsoaddedSoft loodsshould beslpplemented wltn bones orcarcasses to promote ( ofalhealth see3,4,FocalPalaline Eroslon). Whole carcasses suchas chlcKens 0r aabblts wlll helpb2lance znydetlciences andareals0 thought t0 stlmulalethelertlllty ol fernales. l'lllk loamulae for handralslngclbshavenolbeenwidelypubllshed.The Natlonal 200of SouthAlrlca(deWildt) usespasteurised wholecows m l l k -1 0 0g - w l t h 2 0g o l e g g y o l k . A bl 0o 0u gt l s g l v e n paenf l m a l untlllhecubsarel0 daysold Thenfilinced meatanddogpelletes mixedintoa porridge areoffered3 4 timesa dayweanlng onto wholechickens or meatoncea dayoccursove.thenextninemonths. In NodhAmerica a commerclallv milk rcolacer for domestlc orodlced 'K|1R' 'Esbllac klttefs or areused. Exoerlence tromtlree zoosshows "Esbilac that lormulatjon closerto themalernal thanKfiR,ls , thouqh (See protern stjll toolow in total solldsand Appendlx E) A suggested tomulawould be onepaatstaalned chlcken babyfood- l00q - twopartsEsbilac - 2009 - 5* honey - 15g Thisdllferslrommaternal mllkDy8* sollds,116la!, 2,i proteinand (SeeAooendtx 59? carbohvdfate E). Theabove mlxturemayneedto bedtlltedto bepalatable to theclbs The Destdlluentl5 themothersseraHowever, asthls ls fttely avallaDle, stefilewaterasa dlluent would malntain thenutflent balance Conslstency of mjlk lomolacanbejncreased asslckingandnlrsing muscles developlnltlallymllkshou)d beoftercdeverytwohours, (Forcub qradually lnc.easlng wllh lntaketo everythree- fou.hours. feafingpfotocol, seeAppendlx €) gfoond Weaninq canbeachieved byaddlng blended meatto theformula. groond Finely solldloodshould beolrered9eoarately, aslheamount gmdually ol mjlkls decreased bydllutlon ln water.Thjscanbegin oncethecubszrea montholdandshouldbecompleted bythree (see2.6 months.flost zoosalsoaddvltamlnandmlnemlsuoolements Growth andDeveloDment for arowthrates). Asmeatloned above, maleandtemale cheetah m0stbeho0sed seDaratelv lt oprrrum oreedlng Dotefal ts to oereatsed. BtrtfsdooccJrto oairs. butunrellably Durtng thebreedlng season temales should betested dallyroroestrus byallowlng access to malesandassessino receo|v ty (5ee Aooerdl. Dr.rFep.eserce o,more tfal on;male mav snmLatecyclng,oJtor'yore51outd put De r wrrr thefemaie tor mating. slb-domlnant indlvtdLlals cantnterfefe andorevent theactol c0putat10n. Astheydonotdelend a terfttory,it does no!rrratter 1fthemalels taken t0 thefemale orvice-versa However theyneed to become accustomed toeach otherandtt ls bestto restalctthemaleuntitthetnltiat of aglresston ls overAsfightszrefare,even oerlod overtood,and us02ily consists of nomorethanthfeatsor lunglng, thepajrcanbe lelt together tt 1stholghtthalmating ottentakesptace at ntght I thetema e s successf Jttymated, sfe w, rotco-ebac\tniooetJLs thfeeweeks latef.Shesholldbeleft wlththemaleun t shefo onger shows heat,or foaat tezstthfeeweeksSheshould be rcgularly checked wlthlhemaleunifl1tls apparent pfegnancy has occurfeo oncethlshasbeen establlshed, thefemale should beremoved ftuil any males glven and quartefs sectuded in whlchto cub.Asll is normal Dehzvlour tof a mother to move thetitter many trmesln thewlld,she should be!lvenanumbef of alternauve sheltersltes. cubscrnbelelt wllhthelfmother un l ayearotdandmaybehoused wjthslbllngs up t0 twoyearsFemates mlstthenbeseparated, butmales 0sually do 10l510\'aggresslon'0 (oqelTr eaclotle-50ca^oeloLsed .oltrne -ate |lanyZoos o eedrnq cf.eetat y era-,ret1ese-eroieve^y poorseminal oelore thebegjnoing ot each season. quatityis y verycomrnon appaaent (see3.4Dlseases ln thlsspecles and Hedlche). Thlsallows theseleconof themostfer le anlmals as slres.Thebreedin! ltfe is shorl,usually onlyupto flveyea.sold, qlalltyandproduction Semlnal fapidlythendrops otf.Thusit ls lmportant thatthebestlodlvtduals afechosen andqlvenmaximum lse be'oef .ont|bLtron tl.elIot1egerepoolls lost .rse-mtr SJccess'ui a'trficra onhasyet'o beache vedt1cheetan, but pregnancy oestrus mantpulatlon 1swelldocwented. dtagnosTs using raparoscopy prcgestefone 0rp asma ls notfeaslble rcutinely asyet, blt many Amerlcan etabllshments usetheformerto check onteatlltv 'e-a p'oolem< .atclanges r es P1Vs a^obelav ou.arestt| therelore themostuserulslgns. thepar cularsignsshownvary depending ontheindividuat, asdoes behavjouf dortnc oestrus. Thuslt is verylmportant to have staflthalarelamlllarwitheachanlmal and whohavethetimeandsklltsto observe themona daltybasls, Thts lmplles a flrmcommltment tosupply thenecessary staffreaources lof lhoseInstltutlon wlshlng to keepthlsspecles. PafasitesTapeworm- faenlakrabDet,Ihydatigen4 - tTesaces totdesspp., Old)/Idltnn ca1ltutnrarely - notusually pathology assoclated with Roudworm ldesctrls leonlna\ery connon - faxocara cati Anq4ostarlaspp - also: unclnaala stenocephal4 lrlchuvs spp - rcrelypathologtcal except 1fcubs parents should befeg!larlychecked - tf eatment-oral anthelmln c eg.pymntetpamoate 5 mg/kg - plperazlne toxlc,Thtabendazote may betoxtc Heaftwomsrafe(DEC dose ratelowertncats) Babesia.antslfom cks,noltnAustralla - ln theU5A,hasca0sed death ln cubs lollowlng ltverfaiture - reatfl1entDlaprim 4mg/kg Sulphonamides andfoltcacld - preventl0nprevent aemove lrori moth€r, access t0 rodents! ellmlnate feralcats, Eafflltes ? 5p0. - tfeatment thiabendazole, Neomycln, Fleaslnsectlclde wash Nutfllional Rjckels/0s!eodystropha flbrosa-oncecorJrmon Incapuvtty - cheetahs moresusceptlble thanothercats - cuDS ouflng weanlng - balance preventl0n caipra o in dtet - feedwholecarcasses - seenln cubs Copper Deflclency - slgnsaaelossof co-ordlnatlon especlally hlndlegs andanaemla - htghmoftalltymte - prevenuonsupplement wlthcu504,lmg peranlmalper dayto lacta ngfemales andcubs - commercial SoltFood tellnedtetsasusedin NothAmefica - prodlceFocal palattne Eroslon' ln adults, leadtng to mat0ccluslon LlverDisease mostcommon cause of death in capttve adults - pathologlcal changes tncludeJoxlc dystrophy,llpldosls,fatty jaLlndtce Inll1imtl0n,clrfhos1s, degeneratlon andobstructive (alsoseveral reported cases ol pancreatitis) -aetlology ? bacteria, - toxoptasma, leptosplrosls, _ toxln sedentary ltiestyle,otver adapted to bo0tsof highmetabolism duingandfollowing chas€) - alsocommon, Kidney Disease oftenwithhepatic dlsease lncludeslalluae Path0iogy - nepnrosts/ nepnrlUs - ura€mra - oxalate crystals panle!copenia inlec!louscheetah cubsverys!sceptlble,hjghmortallty - ? lackol resistance assoclated withlow genetlc val.lablllly - Feline - a number tntecttous Peritonitis ol lsolated cases Feline Le!kaemla - Rhlnorachettls Fellne lntecllo!s Anaemla - Rabies Vacclnatlondonotusemodllled livevirusonpregnant cats - glvecologtaum depflved kittens kllledvifus-2,48,12,16 wks - glveklttensfaomknown lmmune firothers kllledvif0s8,l2,l6wks canusellvevlausalterlnltlaldose, andyearlyboosterc l1 - l2 cases Neoplastlc reported In8 zoos _ mostiyol abdorninalorgans polsonlngtlvemales dledof Ethylene olycottoxlclty - othefreported deaths, agents unknown FertllltyproDlemswelldocumented ln themale - chamcterlsed bylowsperm outpLlt, fapidlydecrcaslng wlthageandprimary sperm delects - aetl0togy ? assoclated withlowgene|cdlverstty LowGenetic Diversltyrecent reports by08rtenandothersshowpoor geneucvartabfllty Inallcheetah solartested - explanallonpopulaonverylnbrcd (equjvatent to 20generaonsof tnbrcedlng ln iaboratory mlce) - posslbty caused bydfamatic cfashIn nlmoers anunknown tlmeln thepast - assoclated wlthr-malelnter Ity, - suscepb lty to dlseases, veryhlghcubrnortaliy, - congenital deformles-uncommon, - curled ta1ls, - gf05s deformltles Mortallty ln wlld-adults lnjuy durjng chase - stala ondueto droughtsi senfllty - a00tescents - Staraaon, predaon - cubs abandoned, - predatlon, _ dlsease, - oadweather - 50frupto threemonths otd - )50X Cubflortallty 1nCaptlvlty - htan ctde,espectally If maleleft wtth lemale - poormotheflng - 0lsease - onemale Curfently remaieS Zoo loanlromRoyalflelbourne maleonbreedlng Affica Sanctuary,Solth 1980,deWildtcheetah HaleHYmai - bo.nJune - slre - dam - history unknown unKnown unRnown - atrlled\lP7- 4.12.82 - hlstoryat WPZ:sutrered permanent hlndlegweakness jn'ldent polsonlng suspected lollowlng (Feb. 1985), - notshown actlvliy, anybrcedlng - decislon for notto beused made (conditlon may a5cryptorchld bmeding beheredltary), masal Female s]|e dam u.K. 27477, Whlpsnade, Jack Eve - captlve bred, - arrlved WPZ_6.4.78 "zulu" (Dled - housed wlthmaleslbllng verylflendly lnlll 10.283, Feb.85) butnoslgnsof brcedhg, gevere ln Feb05polsonlng condlllon deafness, wlthPemanenl lncident tendslo obesltY, Female flarah bomJune l979,de Wlldtcheetah sanctuary,south Africa, historYr captlve bred, -afi\edwPz- 412.82 - condltlon polsontng criticaldu ngFeb.85 lncldent,recovered pemanent wlthmlnlmal delects - mated sucessfully at leasttwlcewlth Gus(q.v.F0.0.2 oct 86,dted at l4d foltowlng hallstorm - I 0.0.Jan87suRivedI ld, dledlromlnanltlon, agalactla ? - fourmales (oneonbreedlng currently loanto wpz) - onefemale (6us)-born46.8t,deWtldtCheetah flaleAugustus Sanctuary, - AZDNo. f1OO58l - slrc f.137 - dam tlalkop - hlstoryi - handJatsed - lltter? Ll - r0ll slbllngto octavla _ earpunched No5 positlon - arrlved WPZ6.12.85, - bredsuccesstully twlcewlthfiafahqv. flale8r!tus bom - AzDNO. f100 t83 _ slre - dam - hlstorl: - earpunched N0.I Dosltlon - bom flaleCaeser AZD NO. fl00t8l - stfe - oam - lllslory: HaleClaudlus - eaapunched No,3posltlon - AZDNo. 1100281 - slre - dam - hlstoryi - earPunched No,2posltlon _AZDNo. - sire - dam 46.83 fl00483 Yt37 flalkop - captlve bred,hand ralsed,?lltter l. - full stbltng to Augustus - earpunched No,4posltlon - notyetbfed,housed separateiy young Cuffently lnvestjgafhg thelmportatlon ol a second female lrom (posslbly U5.A WlldllfeSafarl). Currentlyonemale - onefemale (Chaka) born24484, llaleAVon slte dam fllsty - handrarsed (Juba) _ bomNov,I 984 Whlpsnade, - srrc - dam suzle - nano mtseo - clrbs nave been boan atwl blt - remale ls separated when about to cub - declded rearnextlltter. to hand oranaPz* -0 cufen! populail0n plannlng 1988-1949 - 2.2probably fromEurope, advanced of 0.75 na.moaled exhlDltandI 5 ha.breedlng unlt 1 9 9 0 - 2 0 0 0 - l 0 - l2 anlmals ln twoto threegroups - w l llrecelve anysLrplus stock yedlle -0 populatlon cumeni grcup ls conslderlng establlshlng ln theluture a breedlng sometime t5 REVIEWOF CAPTVEPOPULATION ln Ausralasla therehave been many cheetah heldln zoosandwlldantmal parKs overtheyears. However, none have evefbredsuccesslully or young. feafed lhe twomalnsources ot anlmals have been surplus slockbredbyWhlpsnade, andSouth Afrlca( usually deWltdt).8oth relbolrneandwelllngton zooshave years erhlbtted cheetah for many Thelargepopolatlons thatexlsted eg,ln Wamagamba Llonpafkhave (l1ver dledoutfromdlsease andtnfecttor.ts dlseases), andhave not reolaced themselves. 0nly6.4anlmals nowexlst,andonlyln WpZ, Dubbo afeall thecrlteria considered essentlal fof successlul breedlng met.However, a5canbe seentherels anoveralllackol females. \{pZtemales areold,flz'sls young, butfelated to theonlyknown breedlng male. 0l theremalning males one(fiymah) is notto bebred,one(NZ)ts keptasa palrandlheotherthreehave notknown to have bred, BIBLIOORAPHY ( 1969)lhe Spotted ADAISoN,J Sphinxftafcour!, BraceandWould, New (]974)Int.zyrbk BENZoN,T.A. andSfltTH,R.F. l4rt74-t79. ( r975)hlz_Ydk I5 I54-157. BERTSCHRINGER,HJ,,]'lELIZER,D GA,VANDIJK,A.COUBROUGH,R.I.,sOLEY,J.T ( andCoLLETT,F.A. I 98J)Cilsilb.lllslloe 8RAND,DJ. fl980)rnrZ.Y.bk 20 107-t12 ( 1978)!I\_VIA BUSH,fl,WlLDI, DE,KENNEDY,S. andSEAGER,s.WJ. I 7l(9):I 08I I 087. CURT 5,1.,SKELDON, P.C RL.ANd JONES,II { I972) ,NERDI1AN,R,,EATON, Reoroductlon h Caoitve Cheetah semlnar. Oktahoma CttyZoo. (1970)LdJJt!( 10:86-89. EAToN,R.L. ( I 973)WlldllreSatarl,oregon. (1974) TheCheetah:Etotogy, Ecotogy andEehavtou ol an qelTorc, frdarge-eo Soec er'vanNon and \iw Jorp. (1960)lqL4YI[K2:85-86 ENCKE,W FLoRl0,p.L. andsplNELLt,L.0967) ntZ.yrbk 7: 150152. 0e68)hlz.Ydk8:76-78. (1974) (ed.), FoSTER,JW ln'TheWorlds Cats.Volume Three. Eaton Chlcago pp.l0l-110. Zoological Soclety, "Zoo (ed.)(1986) FoWLER,H. andwlld Animattledicine." salnderc, Newyork ( I 965) Intz.yrDK. oRANDAS,R. andENCKE,W 6:275-276. ( HERoAx,R. I 972)ZlqNlaz 45(I 0): 4- I 2 HoWARD,J.G andWtLDT,D E.( I 984)At7-V-pfoLpp. , BUsH,fl.,5rffONS,L.G 168-t70. (1986)Chalrrnan, JACKSoN,P. Ca!Spectaltst 6roup,1.U.C.N. Specles Survlval c0mmlsslon. Perconal comm!nlcation. ( 1984) JoHNSON,I 155-158 A.VJ 61(5)r (1985) LASLEY,B.L. ZooNooT Apfltrl6- 17 proc Ftoflda, LASLEY,E.L andW|N0,A983)AA.2V pp l4-15. (1974) |ANToN,VJ.A lntZ.Yrbk l4 126-129. ( rs75)ldl_YIlK 1s rs7-]60. ( 1975) ln Breedlng Endangered Spectes ln Capttvtty. press, (ed f.1artln,R.D. pp.Jl7-t44 ), Academtc London, 'Nofih ( ARK[R,L. 1985) Amertcan Cheetah Studbook. tlfeSafaft, , Wttd 0regon, (I985) Cheeiah Stldbook ouestlonnatre Results, t{tldlife Salarl,0fegon. ( I972)1n'TheWorld (ed).Feltne HEEKER,W' s cats.Votlme Two.Eaton,R.L park Research 6roup, Woodland Zoo,Seattle,pp 172-184. ( fitLTZ€R,0.0.A. 1979) U!!o r r-3,r6. portralts ( |1oSS,C I973) ]ntheWlld.pp.262-284 Hamlsh-Hamtlton, ( 1975)LU.C.N. |1YERS,N. nonogmph No.4. I'IEFRILL'C" GOLOTIAN,D'O'' 11ARKER,L., HART,F., FOELKE,M, O'BRIEN,9..J., BRANO,D,J., DIJK,A., EBEOEs,H., IIELTZER,D HOWARD,J.G,, , VAN ( l98l) G.BU5H,f1. andWILDT,D.E. 5lf1f10Ns,L stfloNsoNJ.fl, AAZ.V.Proc Florlda. ITELTZER'D', WINKLER,C'A', 11ARKER,L,, NEViI'1AN,A', ROELKf,,I1. O.BR IEN,5.J,. (1984) sclence 8UsH,f1. andwlLDT,DE. EVER|1ANN,J.F., coLLYJ, 227V2a-t434. (I 983) |IERR LL,CandBUSH,fl WLLDT,0.E, 0OLD|1AN,D.6., OBRlEN,s.J., Scterce 221t457-42 VANDIJK,A, EBEDES,H, BRAND,DJ., WILDT,D.E, SII1ON5ON,J.I,1., O'BRIEN,S.J,, ( l98l) A-A2J-lIsspp.754-77. srrmoN5,L.6. andBU5H,M. f,rELTzER,0, ANd PLATZ,C WlLDT,D.E., PROWTEN,A. , IICDONALD,S. OTT,J., SCNAFFER,N, ( I 98I ) AAJ-Vlt$- pp.I 38-| 40. SEAGER,5. pHtLLtps,L0 ( 198l)AAZ.V$$.pp.6267. ( 1978) pLArz,c., andsEAGER,s. w LDT,D.€, !-Bglf!!,trll. 521279-282 pfess (I972)TheSercngeilLlon ol Chlcago Unlvers1ty 5CHALLER,6. { 1975)AAZv Proc 5EAoER,5.WJ. (1971) SKELDoN,P.C.hLZJ&!,I3:ls l- 152. ( I981)Theflammals AlrlcanSub-Reglon of theSouthern SmITHERS,R.HN. solthAtrlca. unlverclty ol Pretoria, ( IENNANT.f1.B. andCRAG,s.J.I 977)lolz-Ylll I 7: I 67-I 69 T H o H A S , W( 1D9. 6 5 l)n l Z Y r b k . 5l :l 5 - 1 1 6 . (1972)ln TheWofldsCatsVolume Two." andLANDRETH,H.F. THOYPSON,R.A. park (ed).FellneReseafch Woodland 2oo,Seatlle,pp Cro0p, Eaton,R.L. 162-l7 | ( 1974) blLWk 14 174-179 T0N6J.R. VALLAT,C fl97r) lolJ-YrbLlll24 125. ( 1975) vEsELovsKY,z ZrDrc4l![J F.Jera45:28-44 ( t97l) Ch!9tztrErg3dhg, voLF,J. 1980) AAiV.PT!C WJ.AidBUsH,M.( PLATZ,C., SEAGER,S WILDT,D.E., pp.44-47. ibld ( 1980)Blql'Beuo!,242l 7-222. ( 1975)"Cheetah theSun Hamlsh-Hamlllon Under WROOEmA"\ r.!rJ Itu..r ,-r"-.. l i T Distlibution of Cheetah in Aflic!. (Flon Snlthers, 1963), tf A96 of captlve breediDg cheetat!. : 19S5). lI r I t .t, t- tuEEy or r<!v. bE d.B 4 ! ! 1 l r,.. 3- as. !'q r 4 t 6 t c' ch-d.! bI"gH',*'* a 9 (tloh!ke!. I ri3.r-tffrdka'jd, fE41! I t 5 a r ! t I turl r Plan6 of cheet.h Breeding Area6- Nlildlife ( Flon L Malke!,1985 ) safdll. (dimensionsin reet) rlo t / ;.* .Jtr Darve- Th,r,., ReseR,)E RREI 3 Et I I I I I' ; lo I I --\\ - . \./ - l ,r-}e.,_ I -l--.-.- l-5 A&,{q 6-reb/,t A-llale holdtng cdpE yalds a-Exelcise C- Qharinttne Yalds D-ratk*ay for bleedtng camps fo! E- Bleeding canps F-Maternity G-tolding camps for fenales r9'7a. 6=tr.. 0 e t'\ qt %";s eo,6 ada :';,9 " a'l ," i t 9 E 6€ F, San Dlego Cheetah 6!eedi!9 A!ea, (Catheiine Johostone, pe!.oDa1 coMunic.tion,l936). Z d., "q t5 e I G F 0 |1 q g 6 d 4 FE 1 Fsg e , t .l3n of chcPr.h llt - rotPerlrctF' /lt *a 1,.l,ost8.r at | . fen.. lnte.rdl lence plpe turnel r€Dce a , fi. cheetah Btlthtng Huts, fitldltfe Satari.(floh !.Marker! !985) Z*a: Raised, haldsale 6' --- clothl removable bedover ol ---- ,---+ ay letainl.g boald flAt'i or Z'l FrtR, 'fY I{ISTERN PIAINS N t d"fa ZOO. fo', 'A OL -lo!}t-tf.{. -lo -----*ra.l,F (nft,.? ---.(*nlli..r.&d ,r r..!.,. +$*+N.rr.&si^ n4t*s d .lar.i9nd. .- a r! \..t. (ri!rda.) |r.[ ,i( .1i.' /k f---'l I ^lr!+.. Er_:i:r1 I (._+ l:::.:::,:,i --<-:1.ff.'///, rlsrh.'d {.r-- \1 ba(.r) i- -_ - -l g*r a* 6iyb1 -lltg- dffjLk k'?a f* ;r-h ' ' rg* ) 16'{'.4 tl/" +e!i& ,( o1 u.".( 'F9 APPENDIX C.9. Cheetab clush et aI. "tA li7 fii 'i:. H 1t? ,, k iY; W )i1l -i t4. used at De Wildt. 1933). (Flom Beltschlingei Deslqn of clu6hes used rt vrPz *-r.5 ;- E B g g g E w -+ ::-_-:-_ /'--.==:-- il i ] .1::s@a r-.- \ \ ,-+---'-=--r*$:hx - - '\i ,{ <--l ^ !.BY I 1 4 L- \ i \ E-\ qo8 I t*... '-r j' \.t -*._ ra* ,.r/ ,,r/ \ ns ,/ \ *' S ul\\F f f i N ' " j ; y\x \r q I [ ( r rn cpi t nrF"I i t-,\%o'"" wt""l T c \ li - o b$ N i{ INNU $' | f, rf fi *n{tts \ + *l q $ u t ba l-r \ H .t. ! I E 4 W:+ Flod 1-!v* * thtfrh. Bv4,;4'P4,-,. . Y lo. ,nYalJtte + rbf 1',rxffia '{ 4 roc*:r<of-; ^.-w $(4 -,1w ?fum*t n';:f- jAn" 6taS *f* '3_ -t@, 7-";/,a^btJu,.+- ff-at l" I ffiJ -{s-s^",1") 1"..,r"ii!h, I FronBrand, e€rFpper-fETqyolq.t t r..r*",/az n '-r' Tbtt-/ C A F N : 9 O R E! I T A I - i I I ! N I X / /..7/' 6?4a' /zt e i+-.- MATERNAL MILK s P R OP O S A L o I t o 50 50 40 40 q 30 = o q 20 N I J TF It E N TS soLlDs z o I rron the 1935 stodboo* resultE, L.talker {1935t o 50 50 40 a 30 30 20 20 o TOTAL soLtDs NUTRIENTS = o Floh the stuatbook lesults, L.l.{atker (9165). I o Fron th€ studbook lesu1ts, I t.d tb. dt.t' cubf€r.le3ldedaft.! -85- t L.Ma!ke! (9195). zooroqrc,l c.rit.n. of s_ rari.a 12 sumaly of che€tah studbook oue.tioD.iie (r935)!. itarke!, vrtldttfe safali, olegon cHEn a cu! rl^nnc PRorocol ly Lyn'e.o.r..u sr. K..P.r, 'Jlld Altor -t. r..p***e ln rn.uba!6r should be 2, Pl.c. Lo!.I on ln.nbaLor bpttot 1. nuo-m b'hy bottrGs elth 2, sE.ll cro6s-.!t l. 30", D!€eol. IOt slucos. v:t.r glven rr!61 3! f.edinss. e u c c e a rv a s B o r d c i ' s x l R G l t . e n b i l k N o r . i R r c h H e e r t h K x Rs e r m d r€ol..,r). "1!h ctrb, eash n.nds rn b€tadh.. -. P.r.' k riy s**t 2. coveralls used only a) :veras. !e&p.rarure rs 99-100' is ro' clb ln hcrbator unrtl b) lf teip.ratr.€ rry rlrst f€ed14 if cub se.G eeak. can sLso srab iz€d. .) rverage !.1sht taken froE folr .ub8 E6 I lb .t vc! P!€.cub.3r l. clv. E dlc.rlon (mdbrorlc) ole do* a) wa h3!. s1!.! r i[ blcr]rln.'q.' A- 1r.,t navet ullh 3l todln.. *G. T.-.;fiat;1rcc. r1rs. 3! leedrn83. f.edlns6: l0l 3luco.. l0l gllcos€ lro 6d 4th fa.dtns: 6tr't3ht (xR' 5th f€.dlns: rl€ off.r.d aholnr !o b. d.t.rurn.d by w... (d€!.ndrq on!). Er.!pr.r .lrDorr.n!: '... ."ir'liii.o llt dl.t .hrnr't ed 'u!t" or Dr..crrb'd bt I v'!"lsrtc %t 'oll"i'd tro!.: Thr. blo@ttd v..1.' thr.. to r.r..d .!d th;;.cb..r.h. r..Lr.utton for conrl6!.tton 'f rt'raa'' 3-lO cc p€t fe.dlns 'b dtb' 'Dd td!cr!t'!' tr'i' fr@ @' .t..t.h thr4 lt'vr t.t..d to *st!t rl. $lR (Kltt.! vltk R.rl.c.r) l. rlt focr ot ow cub! e.r off.E.l 8-10.c !.r hou$ 'rolna .h. clo.t .l$ frr.t M dar., f...llng ev.ry tqo f€.dhg ear itropp.d. Not!: If cuh cr. holit eore you ca! drop dno.h.r t€.dina t! 6 t.r ilay3 buc c.r. N..6. !.kea $ cuh...c! ro s€. dt.!rh.. t! fe€d aDounrs .oo qrlckly. turtrr. d.p.nd on app.rrre. Exadple or feedlns/!€nrns s.b€dure: lfre! m€ e..L, ll-t5 days: 16-29dats: ll-ao days: 4l-t5 days. 65-52 d.ys. 63-70 drys: 7l-71 drys: t,;a l0 9 3 7 6 4 2 reedrngs fe€dings r.edings fe€d14E (s!op rncreasrns Drll feedlqg fe€drnes reedlnss aDounts) atour thre. days of ase srarr addrng vrrabin. ro borrr€ srD. a) ee use humn baby vrr:alns call€d Poly-vt-Sol .n{t elv. abour .15 Dl. c€ arso us.d Plex-sol c ly vet-a-rl:. -D. !e.!:!.s t. I.troduce 3o11ds.t four,eeks. a) ,. fed canned 5ra4ed 'trh r r3p ehree lrE€s 3 cub elrt e.. ltthour s1o"1n3 do6 on Ellk lnlake b) .ub s"lch€d .o ra' f€1lne (Nebraska Branit) at aboui sev€n and rav sere fed ola.d f.r one reeL then rar rarsed . su@tr.n rtaer uho dld nor rrke lhe lona !1o. co h.i o'er. r d.n't knd 1f ol sp€cl€s or tndlvlduat. could ti, bur should pu1l our or carrtlaee so youne cub srtl ..nsuoe lt nore .anned .nd r.r froh che ...!r chen lean !o !ar. 'E. !c34!,9 cub w€.n€d off nursr4 to rapptu a) EllL w.3 poured ov.. b) stop lnc.e'stng olIk aio$!r; ?. !€ared otf olrk at l0-lr ve€L5. a) see ex.tpl. of re.dlrE/r€ant.s b) at se.orne, cub !$ consublns l. froo bosl 6r abolr fiwe ve€k3. f€.d zupre€E ev€ry f€.dlng scnedrre (8.3.) l!-2 cup. or rar zupieen per dat I 1 1 . }lIscELL$EoUscAir cuhs should b€ stiiuroted cv.ry f e . d r n B r o r t r . s . f e ! d . y s . every orher t..d1nB th€reaft€r. -89- Th€n p1... cub o' tel .dd u.. a t. pad. or flna.r' 6) !o !rrdl!t., wt..r, Ig r.ctu drtp.'t ts elr a.ntlv; do bo! rub d r"r hrv. cuD wrll 6rr.10 $il usullv -il tacoc rrs vrry .;srlt. '.. 1oo....d cub. .drh.t rt@1 rlin dr A !o@l a .t6ol, (P.n.los) ro!l ar.. 'rhY '!ch rb) e. sppltad oht@!! c. srrDuI.rto!. c) dt3conttllc 3tlEol6tron vh.n cub beglN to hzv. 5too1 on hr. oh (a6out 5 eeeks) d) cub besr8 to f!€qoenily urtlate *,) rf ;"b b..o@e cobsrlp.ted ee added kro Evrtt abotrt cc sar stven everv leedrns furo:on. solurrod .35 br. solutlon: ar dtarthea u.t r' tr,t ds el]d! ft addedand s-.r{ r-' . dlk oDLv dr.r ho|lne a solld &or€ lorEr graau.11v ro rh€y chabge lncreas€d uelrhi .nd TelD.ratur. l. e.kht 1r dalry ln rx Erlor to flEt 2. Tebperaiure '3E t'ketr r1. cub ls. 2nd 3rd 2. After l. -1. feedlna. s53 Eiven rhre. doses of Panleuk v.cclne: dos.: 5 weats 3 '€eks d6€. d6e: 12 '.eks ,t*-fN a !r!9 Furo:one bui eas res.rlct.d ""ek".f lst€, cub vas alloted Lo a io be uslk€d on a 1€ash around Eyee b€st! ro open 5r sbour I u.ek-ord Tath .bou. l-2 o€eks. hesln l. ualkln3 unsteadnYbY one ueek. rT:-c'b r. tos€ halr at abour t@ eeet6. Incub'ror ?osslbl' caus€? cub qt 6vad lroa rnclbtor and glven heatha Pad cov€ted rlth ! t6v.1 for {,nrh. 2. R€@v. ll..tin! t.d g.t.tna E!h!t..lou.. 'b€n -90- cub Etar!. ro ch€s o! Lhln3l 'nd 6!'rE' o_ g5geg s'=5${$f F:$ fE ._ I g ri ; d 3 a & l'l3 d a - { t s d t s le B A A l to t? l]., IR t< lx z 9tsAeagaa ;tt $ ' ; s 5 635 -t g.;:g6rE g3- 31 I 5 z g : r i i g r {d 6 d i qi! rFgF id I r al i3 3i rgll gF c3P e ! Ebc"EBbiil'E see€.-d s = ' $ as * c B e de €c g eB ! t q! 4e$l€sgi lqqE Fg E i$sEgFF d da i g a3 3 s I EgF;#i $'E $ i a q ' .!a= n q' q t z f rofrJ.dl-;;; * l 9<>zi ioIii * g{ 6t< lIl5 E - i\, 6 :z a HEEgggga*s**t,) ? E 6l d t ol 2 l A:E e x9 z \o lI Fl +petFrrir++l+ 9 oi E 21 f,B 9.* 3lE*aileaxsnes z zI pprrp;c.- ozai 6l: so BeF FF?F 0 a<* : * e r .l E : 6d n d* ; d6 n*D 6 l e a 6 d " . q 6 6 q. o- I E E E g g E g g ; sl .7e sa |) o !.1 t ???T??FF I? :: 8e:g6gggg33g _ at z sdt 6 2 SSP IROCRATIi4E FORCHEETAHS Species Co-ordihator: Lau!ie tlarke! Ove! 200 people attended the ssP lloBraone fo! cheetahsr iDdicaring the significant iDtelesr status in the Uild C u r l e n L. " r r n " r e s p u r L h e ! i t d p o p u l d L i o nd r l e s s r h a n 2 O , O O O s r ! o r E ' r o r di s i n S o d t h ! . , " s rA f r i c a ! i r h a p o o r l r l r o n o f ) c o 6 . 0 0 0 , H J n ' : n Bp r e s " J . e a n d p o a c n ! n go v " r u c h .o f i t s r . n g e i s \ a v i n s a n g r [ e b . f r e c r o r t i l e , : ] d ' p o p u l a E i o n , , h . c l i s l e g a r d e dr 4 b e i r " ! e d d y d e c t i n c . Considerable s u p D o s e d l y" g a l E a l , i n Ao f c h " e r a n s \ i n s i n S o r r n U e a ! A r r i a 6 v r l c n 1 r ( u ! . e r ! l y i r p x c e s so l 7 0 0 p e r y " a r . P e ( e n r s . r v e y s in thjs pd-r of rhe Lorld fave -on,: ned \ar untess r? h a n A e sd - e i n s L i g a r e d q u i c k l y , r \ e . h e e r a h p o p r . a r i o n u i r n i n s o i r h l J p s rA f r i c a c o L l d b e e k r n c L .r r ) e s . r h a n t 0 v e a ! s . status iq Captivirv c u r - e n t e s ri n " L p " p u L r h c c a D r i v e p o p u l a r i o n a L a b o L . 5 o o , o r u\i.h nea-ly 100oi t\e€e ar! at rire oe i.rirr sr.ediia cF.;re a P r p t o r i a , R e .e n ' s r r v e y s " h o u e d! h s r . 0 A r e r i . a r Z o o s . u ! r e n E t y I'old chpet"h, g!ving " iord- pop-laLioni. No!rhAierjL"n of 1.:s th"n 200, L\:-\ "re dFrired fron an o!igi)al s ocl, oL )90 inportpd i n t o t h e U S Ab e t w e e n 1 8 7 1 a n d r 9 ? 4 . ln r\p lasL _:v^ yea!", on r 27 cfeerals \ave bce. bo,n in ,he U S, and1z of rh"se "Fre born ir !fe 1985, i0 of Ll i(h d!d noL survive. Currently rhere are 5,5 Dloven bleeders !n rne United S L " r e s , L l i l d l ' e S a l a r i , L J i l s r o nb r e g a n , a r e r h e n o s L s u c . e s s t J l A r e r i c a r z o o . u r r " n l l y b r e e d i n c. l e e L . h " , b u r e v e n r ' . e y h " v e c x p e r ! e n c e oa h l E h j n l a n r n o r t i - r r y r a r c , S S PP r o E r a m e a ( t h e p r " s e r ' r i n e , r h - r " ! - r o s i n A l e S S Pp r o B . a r - " , a s r I F d f o , r h F i h p e t a . s ," l o u e \ F . ( h o f t i e v o - k i s . " n t r p d a l o u d l J i l d l r f e s r f a r i , h . r , r o - : ( r r r e rL D l a n "- r p ! . o o ! . o r ! \ e i m p o r r " r i o n o r ) 0 p r u s u j t a c a u a h Li h F e l r \ . f r o r S o u r hl , t e s ra . r r c a in an -Llerpr co p.crblish e noie exren"ive .\eera\ breeoine Plo8ram€ in the ilnlted Srares rhich {i11 also include several Caplive born cheetahs are availble frob Eulope (whipsnade,U.K.) a n d S o u r hA f r i . s { r h e D e t t i ! r B r e e d l n sC e n r r e , p r e L 6 r i a ) , b u E i L is 8en€!8lly consideled that lf rhe cieerah ls to sulviv! a6 a c a p t i v e s p e . i e s . l h e n e E ! e a r e r i n p u c o l { j l d c a u a lL a n j m r l s 1 s ! h e T h e l e . r e a u i E e d r a r a L t c p r o b l e n s u i t h L h e c h e € E a ha s a s P e c i e s ,"a recent studies in souih African and Easc Afrtca seeo to steo flom a evolutlonalv boctleneck thich ii"rii'-ii"i-in.i" has caused sevetal inbreedlng. s k u ] l m e a s u r e m e n t s" n d b l o o d a n d c l s s u e s d p l e s t d k e n r l o o various sub sDecies alro"E undniTously con'irtr that rne chee'ans are .n fact. Anly ore 'in8le qPecies Lhloughout Lhei!- enti!e.rar8' and rhar evoluLiona!, "Pe!kirg' Ehevnrv uell be as a sDe.ies. even uithau! nans inEelvention The leasons behind !!€ir poo! Pelfoloence as a bteede! in h e r o q i" ;Lrributed L; nani ractors' one or "hich is ;;;,;;ii; v i a b i r ! ! i o r , p e r n . a n d ! \ e v e t , l o H ! e s l s r a n c e t o d ! s e a s e sa n o n n db ! e e d : n so t t h e c h e e L d h s i l - i r r i c ' a t r e p r o o u i t r oa h " s s o l d ! D ( o v e nL o b e u n ' u c c e s s f u l a n d 5 c i l l t-rn! cete ! a h s lire to' i,u.,i-t^"i.'i"piija""t v" oioloer. uild cauaht i;i;;;i;is. m u c hL o n e e rr h ; n c a o E i v eb o r n . n - n a l 5 a n d a E d ! n , L h i ' i 6 a t t ' i b r ! " d Eo the iableedins coelii. ient. E r e e d r n ed g e f o r n a l " I e e L a h si s b e t r e e n 2 y e a r s a n d 1 0 Y e a r s a n d l o r i e h ; 1 e - c h e e L a h s , b p L U e e nI v e a ! s a n d 9