Tribal News Tlingit & Haida Central Council I Culture Camp Supports Youth


Tribal News Tlingit & Haida Central Council I Culture Camp Supports Youth
Tlingit & Haida Central Council
Tribal News
August 2012
Culture Camp Supports Youth
in Remembering Sense of Place
Submitted By: Native Lands & Resourcess
Youth in Southeast Alaska have more than just a dramatic landscape
to help develop a sense of place, they have entire communities working
together to support their growth, health, and happiness.
This summer, local students participated in “Aan yátx’u sáani
deiyí –Early College High School Path to Excellence Academy”
for university and high school credit through the Goldbelt
Heritage Foundation on July 2-13, 2012. The academy offered
a continuation of Tlingit scientific methods and values
introduced through the Héen Latinee Outdoor Classroom to
35 high school participants. This valuable opportunity was
made possible by collaborations between Goldbelt Heritage
Foundation, University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau School
District, and Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribess
of Alaska (Central Council).
and Raven
Left: Sheryl
Shorty and
Paul Marks
Armando DeAsis
and Nakiya Lundy
Youth engaged in activities promoting healthy forests and streams,
glaciers, geology, community development, and subsistence rights.
Elders worked closely with teenagers throughout the academy to
provide intimate knowledge of local resources and the Tlingit way of
life. Students blended oral narratives with current scientific research to
present their own story of stewardship in today’s world. In celebration
of their experience, youth prepared traditional foods including seal fat,
smoked sockeye, and dried seaweed for their families. Most importantly,
youth were able to connect with one another, elders, and Tlingit culture.
NCAI Mid-Year Convention
Native Vote 2012
NAGPRA Program News
Steven Juneau Accepts Position with BIA OJS
Irene E. Duncan Joins NLR
Charlene Robertson Earns master in Business
Administration Degree
Margaret Wilson Earns Master of Science in
Nutrition & Clinical Health Psychology Degree
Sealaska’s 39th Annual Shareholder Meeting
Southeast Alaska Native Youth Leadership
Self-Governance Welcomes Rebecca Duncan
New Graduate from WyoTech
FASD is Preventable
VTRC & 477 Program Partner to Promote SelfSufficiency through Distance Delivery Education
Shakes Island Rededication & Renovation Celebration
Janet Rose Earns Medical Administrative
Assistant Certification
Central Council to Host Workshop on Grant Writing
Native Owned Business Directory
Kevin Wheaton Earns CDL Class A License
2012 Canoe Welcoming
Culture Camp Snap Shots
NLR Promotes Stewardship Programs
Introducing Child Support Specialist Janae Franklet
Special Thanks to Coeur Alaska, Inc.
Alaska VA Healthcare System Juneau Stand Down
NCAI Mid-Year Convention
Submitted By: Melissa Kookesh
The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) held their Mid-Year
Convention in Lincoln, Nebraska from June 18-20, 2012. President Edward
K. Thomas, 1st Vice President Will Micklin, 2nd Vice President Robert
Sanderson Jr., 6th Vice President Lowell Halverson and Youth Representative
Rick Tagaban were among the 300 registered participants. The delegation and
tribes submitted 32 resolutions for adoption, which can be found on the NCAII
website at
The main focus of this year’s convention remained on the Native Vote 2012
campaign. Over one million eligible American Indians and Alaska Natives
Edward K. Thomas
(34 percent of the total Native population over 18 ) were not registered to
vote in the 2008 elections. The Native Vote can have a game changing impact on elections at the local, state,
and federal levels, and that is why in 2012 we are working tirelessly to turn out the largest Native Vote ever.
President Jefferson Keel and Executive Director Jackie Pata were happy to report that progress has been made
with the Obama Administration through Congress on issues affecting Indian Country, however, they recognize
there is still a lot of work to be accomplished.
President Thomas was selected as one of the tribal leaders to respond to presentations from NCAI’s Policy
Research Center “Bringing Honor and Strength to Our Elders and Youth Through Research,” and 1st
Vice President Will Micklin served on several panels during the breakout sessions regarding the Federal
Communication Commission.
Native Vote 2012
Central Council would like to remind our tribal citizens of the upcoming elections and to register or
update your registration by visiting or requesting a form from any of our
State Election Dates:
Primary Elections
REAA/CRSA Elections
General Elections
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
7:00 am to 8:00 pm
8:00 am to 8:00 pm
7:00 am to 8:00 pm
(REAA/CRSA = Rural Educational Attendance Area and Coastal Resource Service Area)
You May Register to Vote if You Are:
A resident of the State of Alaska
18 years of age or older, or will be 18 within 90 days
Not a convicted felon (unless unconditionally discharged)
A United States Citizen
Not registered to vote in another state
Central Council encourages your participation. Make your voice count.
Please get out and vote!
NAGPRA Program News
mitted By: Native Lands & Resources
In June 2012, as part of the repatriation grant, six travelers visited the
Oakland Museum of Art in Oakland, CA, and now combined Southwest
Museum and Autry Museum in Pasadena, CA. This included Paul Marks
(Khínkadunéek) and Shane Brown (Daanak’ éesh) for the Raven Moiety,
Fred White (Ghunaak’w) and Tony Jacobs (Neis’deiw) for the Wolf
Moiety, Anthony Warren as the photographer, and NLR Cultural Resource
Specialist Harold Jacobs. Fred and Paul are fluent Tlingit speakers and
conversed in Tlingit during all consultations at the museums, translating
as appropriate, and commenting on the objects which were brought out
for viewing.
The museums’ three facilities were very helpful and informative in
providing documentation in their files to the Tribe, asking questions, and
very sensitive to cultural concerns, beliefs, and handling of the objects
as well as display, as far as even asking if certain objects were able to
be displayed, handled and/or handled by men only or women only
depending on the objects. All travelers were allowed to hold the objects,
handle them and talk about them, and free access was given to storage
areas for viewing including the Southwest Museum which has a very
large collection of Tlingit and Haida baskets.
One sad point was at the Autry Museum which has seven Chilkat
blankets and a tunic; notes from the donor of one states that it was used
as a floor rug for many years. Tattered and with missing fringe, it was a
disheartening find, but the collections were in good shape, good care, and
the staff in all the museums (and all museums) were thanked for being
“the present caretakers” and telling them they are part of the history of
these objects now, and that as each object had a creator and a succession
of caretakers, they are now part of the history of the object(s) and their
care and time with the objects will always be a part of their history.
Photos were taken of most of the objects (shaman objects excluded) and
will be available for viewing soon on the Central Council’s website at:
Central Council thanks Dionne Cadiente-Laita and Goldbelt Heritage
Foundation for the support and the work of Mr. Marks and Mr. White
and the valuable input they had, along with the other travelers and
Please direct any questions to Central Council’s Cultural Resource
Specialist Harold Jacobs at 907.463.7310 or
Photos from top to bottom include:
Palm sized carving from Sitka carved by the slave of Chief Mikhail Koox’aan,
Northwest Coast bentwood box tied with cedar bark rope in a unique Northwest style,
leggings made of a Chilkat blanket and puffin beaks (unusual because it has red in the weaving),
Tlingit baskets - they have one of the largest collections of Tlingit baskets in any museum,
old style Tlingit moccasins, and soapberry spoons
Steven Juneau Accepts Position
with BIA Office of Justice Services
Central Council is pleased to share that Steven Juneau, former CEO of Lamar
Associates’ Indian Country Training Division, has accepted a position as Deputy
Associate Director of Operations for the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Office of Justice
Services (OJS). In this capacity, Steven will be continuing what has been a lifetime of
dedicated service to improving the safety and quality of life in Indian Country.
At the OJS, Steven will be responsible for the management of the Bureau’s law
enforcement division. The office’s main goal is to uphold the constitutional
sovereignty of federally recognized tribes and preserve peace within Indian Country.
The OJS has primary responsibility for investigating crimes that occur in Indian
Country. It also provides oversight and technical assistance to tribal law enforcement
programs as requested, which is one of Steven’s great strengths.
Steven Juneau
Steven is a tribally enrolled citizen of the Tlingit Haida Central Council and a descendant of the Blackfeet Nation
of Montana, where he began his law enforcement career as a tribal officer. He quickly rose through the OJS
ranks as a police sergeant, special agent, and deputy chief of training at Indian Police Academy. As a Special
Agent in Charge, he directed a major re-engineering of police departments, increased responsiveness and
developed strategies to counter crime. Throughout his career, he has received numerous awards of distinction
including the Bureau’s recognition award for management and operational expertise, the U.S. Attorney’s LECC
Award for innovative drug investigations, and the Leadership Award from the Indian Country Intelligence
Network of Nevada. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center,
and Northwestern University Center for Public Safety.
Walter Lamar, CEO of Lamar Associates responds, “It will be difficult to see Steve go because we have had
such a productive partnership and he is part of our family. The BIA is lucky to get such a capable man and we
have full confidence that he is the best choice for Indian Country. Lamar Associates is grateful that Steve built a
strong training and technical assistance division that will ensure we enjoy continued capacity and capability to
serve Indian Country.”
Irene E. Duncan Joins NLR
Submitted By: Native Lands & Resources
The Native Lands & Resources Department is pleased to welcome Irene E. Duncan
as an Administrative Clerk II. Irene is originally from the village of Angoon, and
has lived in Juneau for the past seven years. She was born to Anita Duncan in Sitka,
Alaska, and was later adopted and raised by her grandparents Mary and Robert
Duncan of Angoon. Irene and her fiancé Jarethan Chase have three children, Mary
and Jeremiah Duncan, and Derrick Vonda-Chase.
Irene started working at the Tribe as a Work Experience Administrative Clerk in the
Employment & Training Division and worked her way up to an Administrative
Clerk I. During this time, she took advantage of all the training opportunities
Irene Duncan
offered to her in the clerical field, and assisted in several events such as the Back-toSchool program, the Annual Job Fair, and the 77th Annual Tribal Assembly.
After hard work and determination she has successfully established a permanent full-time position as an
Administrative Clerk II. Irene looks forward to getting to know all of the staff at Central Council and is grateful
for this opportunity. She would also like to thank her family, friends, and co-workers for always supporting her
career goals. This was a big contribution towards her success. Congratulations, Irene!
Submitted By: Libby Watanabe
Charlene (Williams) Robertson graduated
from the Northwest Nazarene University in
Boise, Idaho on May 5, 2012 with a Master
of Business Administration (MBA) degree.
Charlene’s parents are Gerry Williams and
Charlie Williams of Juneau, and her late
grandparents are Lena and Judson Brown.
Charlene is married to Cory Robertson,
and they have a daughter named Lena
(see photo). Charlene was born into the
Yeil (Raven) moiety, and is a Luk’nax.shaa
(woman of the Coho clan).
Charlene and her family have recently
moved to Anchorage and she is employed
with the University of Alaska-Anchorage as
an Accounting Services Manager. Charlene’s extended family is overjoyed
with her academic accomplishment, as well as her recent move to
Anchorage. Gunal.cheesh, ho ho!
Charlene Robertson with
husband Cory and daughter Lena
Margaret C. Wilson Earns
Master of Science in Nutrition and
Clinical Health Psychology Degree
Margaret C. (Thomas) Wilson
graduated from Bastyr University in
Seattle, Washington on June 18, 2012
with a Master of Science in Nutrition
and Clinical Health Psychology
(MSNCHP) degree.
Margaret is the daughter of Ed and
Cathy Thomas of Juneau. She is an
Eagle Kaagwaantaan of the Wolf house
in Hoonah; her Tlingit name is Kax
Margaret Wilson (center) pictured here
with sister Elizabeth and mom Cathy
Margaret and her husband Travis are currently living and working in
Seattle. Her family is very proud of her accomplishment!
Congratulations Margaret!
Sealaska’s 39th
Submitted By: Melissa Kookesh
Photo by Christian Jensen - Courtesy of Sealaska
Charlene Robertson Earns
Master of Business
Administration Degree
Edward K. Thomas
President Edward K. Thomas
attended Sealaska’s 39th Annual
Shareholder Meeting that was held
June 23, 2012 in Juneau, Alaska.
This was the very first time that he
was able to address shareholders at a
Sealaska annual meeting as President
of Tlingit Haida Central Council.
According to a release from
Sealaska, approximately 57.2% of
their shareholders participated in the
election deciding on five board seats
and a resolution. Shareholders voted
to retain five incumbent directors
including Albert Kookesh, Barbara
Cadiente-Nelson, Bill Thomas,
Joe Nelson and Tate London.
Sealaska board youth advisor Ralph
Wolfe offered final comments as his
one-year term ended at the annual
meeting. Madeline Soboleff-Levy was
selected to serve as the 2012-2013
board youth advisor.
“It was my honor to congratulate
Sealaska on its 40th Birthday and for
its positive economic impact to our
region,” said President Thomas.
Southeast Alaska Native Youth Leadership
Submitted By: Robert A. Sanderson Jr.
The time has come for our Native youth to step up and take control of their destiny
aand set the course for a better life. We as parents, aunties, uncles, grandparents and
ffriends need to work with our young leaders in our communities to ensure that they
have the guidance to move forward and to help address the issues that affect them.
The dark spirit of Suicide is an issue that commands all of our attention. The suicide
rrate in Alaska has historically been more than double the rate of that experienced
eelsewhere, and is unfortunately on the rise again. I challenge all community leaders
tthroughout the state to work together and get involved in the lives of our youth. Our
cchildren are our most precious and important resource, and it’s our responsibility
tto nurture and protect them. There are a lot of dark forces working against our
yyouth, and it’s only going to get worse if we do not start aggressively addressing
Robert A. Sanderson Jr.
tthese problems. Our young people have been plagued by issues and challenges
that we didn’t have to face while growing up. Drugs and alcohol are causing devastation at a level that we
have not seen. There are dangerous new drugs that are making their way to our villages and leaving a wake
of destruction. The devastation left behind as a result of drug and alcohol abuse is substantial. This includes
splitting up families, domestic violence, child and elder neglect, sexual assault and suicide, etc. Bootlegging
alcohol into “dry” or alcohol-free communities is a real threat to our families. If we are truly going to move in
the right direction, these issues need to be aggressively addressed at the local level so that our young adults see
for themselves that we as community leaders care about them.
If you or someone you know needs help, please call the SEARHC Help Line immediately at 1.877.294.0074. This
line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to residents of Southeast Alaska.
SEARHC is launching a Youth Ambassador Program within our “1 is 2 Many” Suicide Prevention Task Force.
The goal of this program is to engage youth in Task Force activities, and to be positive role models and offer
peer support within their home communities. If you know any youth that would be a good candidate for the
program, please encourage them to apply. Information and the application can be located on the SEARHC
website: Gunal.cheesh! Haw’aa! Ndoyk’shn! (Thank-you)
Self-Governance Welcomes Rebecca Duncan
Submitted By: Self-Governance
Central Council’s Self-Governance Department is pleased to introduce
Rebecca Duncan as their new Administrative Clerk.
Rebecca is a Raven from the Kiksadi (Frog) clan. Her mother, Eunice Friday,
is originally from Kake, Alaska and her father, Charles Duncan, is from
Eugene, Oregon.
Rebecca comes from a large family and being the eighth of ten children
she values the importance of family. She was born in Petersburg, Alaska
and was brought up in a number of Southeast Alaska’s logging camps, due
Rebecca Duncan
to her father’s career. Her family settled in Klawock, Alaska in 1994 and she
remained there until she graduated high school in May of 2001, before moving to make Juneau her home.
Rebecca has two amazing children: Alexis age 9 and Devonté age 6. She is expecting twin girls in September of
this year. When Rebecca’s not in the office she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, cooking, playing
basketball, and hiking all the amazing trails that Juneau has to offer.
New Graduate from WyoTech
Submitted By: Barbara Taug
The Tribe is proud to announce that Henry
Dalton has received his Advanced Diesel
Technology degree from WyoTech, in Laramie
Wyoming. Henry graduated on June 20, 2012,
after completing 60 credit hours and 1,500
clock hours as a diesel technician with specialty
training in Advanced Diesel. He participated
in product specific training, theory, hands-on
repair and diagnosis of tractor trailer trucks
such as Peterbilt and Kenworth.
Henry said it was a good experience going to
Henry Dalton
school in Laramie, but he did have some difficulty
acclimating to the dry and sometimes hot climate after growing up in
Alaska. He enjoyed the diversity of North meets South culture and customs,
but was happy to return home. He said he actually missed the rain, imagine
Originally from Hoonah, Henry moved to Juneau his sophomore year to
attend Juneau Douglas High School (JDHS) which gave him opportunities
that were not available to him in Hoonah. He is a 2011 graduate of JDHS.
He hopes to secure a job in Juneau with a company doing something he
really enjoys, working on heavy equipment and cars.
Henry is the son of Richard Dalton Jr. and Veronica Dalton of Hoonah,
grandson of Ernie and Lillian Hillman of Juneau, and Deborah and the
late Richard Dalton Sr. of Hoonah. He is Tlingit from the Raven moiety,
T’akdeintaan clan and Seagull/Tern of the Mt. Fairweather house.
“I would like to thank Central Council and the Huna Heritage Foundation
for providing me with scholarships,” said Henry. “I would also like to thank
my training caseworker Barbara Taug for all her support.”
Congratulations Henry! The Employment and Training Division is proud we
could assist you with a scholarship to help jump-start your new career.
To learn more
about training
opportunities offered
through Central
Council, visit:
Abstaining from drinking
alcohol throughout your
pregnancy and during
breastfeeding is the best gift
a mother can give her child
- it's a giftf that lasts
a lifetime.
Join me in
for our
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorders (FASDs) are a
group of conditions that can
occur in a person whose
mother drank alcohol during
pregnancy. These effects can
include physical problems
and problems with behavior
and learning.
There is no cure for FASDs,
but research shows that
early intervention treatment
services can improve
a child’s development.
Therefore, it is important to
talk to your child’s doctor
as soon as possible if you
think your child has an
FASD or other developmental
For information about FASD,
please contact Jeri Museth at
Vocational Training & Resource Center and 477 Program
Partner to Promote Self-Sufficiency Through Distance Delivery Education
Education and Employment Opportunities
As early as this September, students will begin attending the
Vocational Training & Resource Center (VTRC)/477’s Virtual High
School through Distance Delivery Education in partnership with Penn
Foster. Penn Foster, the oldest and largest learning institution in the
world, has agreed to an exclusive training agreement with the VTRC.
Graduation is the start of a new chapter for students across Alaska including those completing Central Council’s
Distance Education programs. Congratulations to the students who recently completed the Career Ready 101 course.
Penn Foster High School is regionally accredited for grades 9 through
adult by the Commission on Secondary Schools of the Middle States
Association of Colleges and Schools, and nationally accredited by
the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training
Council (DETC). The high school diploma received from Penn Foster
is treated like any other high school diploma and not a GED. With
this diploma individuals will qualify for entry in the military, college
or Union memberships. When comparing the success of those with
diplomas and those with a GED, there seems to be little doubt that a
high school diploma can make a huge difference in life. Better money,
better jobs, and feeling better about yourself; no one has ever been
sorry they finished high school!
“We developed New Hire Skills to ensure the success of students as they enter the workplace. Employers benefit from
capable new hires while rural communities benefit from employment opportunities close to home and family,” said Eli
Derenoff, VTRC’s classroom facilitator.
Virtual High School classes include electives that are specific to over
35 career path options. While earning your high school diploma, you
will also be working towards a career choice. It also includes credit
recovery, refresher courses, and a five credit option to students who
have completed high school but have not passed the State Exit Exam.
“As opposed to a regular high school where a student studies several
subjects each week, students study one subject at a time, test and pass
and then move on to the next subject,” said Erik Hensley, Penn Foster’s
Twenty-five students were selected by TANF case managers for
assessment in July, and the first students will begin courses in
September. The same process will be followed with another group to
be placed in January, and again for a Summer Session in 2013.
Once enrolled, students are assessed for proper placement in the year
of school that meets their abilities. If a student only needs a course or
two in a given year, they take only the courses they need. Resources to
help students succeed will include individual study plans, tutors and
a facilitator available at the 477 and VTRC labs every day of the week.
Penn Foster’s on-line resources will also be implemented so they
specifically meet our students’ needs!
For more information, contact Eli Derenoff, High School Facilitator by
email at
Submitted By: Eleanor Oydna
Virtual High School
Career Ready 101 (New Hire Skills) promotes skills in reading for information, applied mathematics and locating
information, as well as soft skills for success like attitude, aptitude, reliability, customer service and communication.
New Hire Skills is just one of an array of Distance Education courses offering certifications through the Vocational
Training & Resource Center. Tribal citizens are taking advantage of this course as well as Medical Administrative
Assistant, Flagging, HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response), Pre-Weatherization,
Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and Certified Nurse’s Assistant (CNA) courses. New this fall, Distance Education
will also offer training for agency based certification in Personal Care Assistance (PCA) and Virtual High School with
courses in a student’s selected career path.
Distance Education brings learning closer to home -- classroom instruction to rural locations. Without the need to
travel, education is within reach of our students and working adults in rural communities. If you live in Juneau, 477
and VTRC offer locations to complete your course work and seek help from trained facilitators, however, no matter the
distance, help is just an email or phone call away to ensure your success along your chosen career path.
Through Distance Education you can earn a career diploma and/or certification; with the many courses available, there
is something for everyone! Below are some of the courses available:
Accounting Essentials
Administrative Assistant
Adobe® InDesign®
Appliance Repair
Artist: Oils & Acrylics
Auto Repair Technician
Bed & Breakfast Management
Business Management Essentials
Child Day Care Management
Computer Support Technician
Dental Assistant
Diesel Mechanics
Drafting: AutoCAD® Essentials
E-Business Management
Electrician (Residential)
Electronic Medical Records
English: Comprehensive Skills in
Reading and Writing
Feeding the Family NEW!
Gourmet Cooking
High School
HIPAA Compliance
Holistic Nutrition
Home Remodeling and Repair
Hotel/Restaurant Management
Human Resources Essentials
HVAC Technician
Interior Decorator
Internet Marketing
Jewelry Design and Repair
Landscaping Technology
Legal Transcriptionist
Medical Administrative Assistant
Medical Transcriptionist
Microsoft Office 2010
Occupational Therapy Aide
Peachtree® - Computer
Applications in Accounting
Pet Grooming
Pharmacy Technician
Physical Therapy Aide
Property Management
QuickBooks® - Computer
Applications in Accounting
Substance Abuse Counselor
Teacher Aide
Travel & Tourism Specialist
Veterinary Assistant
Web Page Designer
Wildlife/Forestry Conservation
“Since there is no set class schedule, you study when and where it’s convenient for you. You work at your own pace.
There’s no one to rush you or hold you back,” said Laird Jones, VTRC Manager. For more information about upcoming
Distance Education offerings, contact Laird Jones at
Shakes Island
& Renovation
May 3-4, 2013
Tribal House on Chief Shakes Island
during its renovation
The Wrangell Cooperative
Association (WCA) is excited to
announce that a rededication of
Shakes Island will be take place on
May 3-4, 2013.
Interested dance groups are
welcome to attend.
Event efforts are being coordinated
by the housing and dance group
committees. Dance groups that
are interested in joining this
celebration are asked to notify
WCA as soon as possible.
For more information, please
Wrangell Cooperative Association
PO Box 2021
Wrangell, AK 99929
Fax: 907.874.4304
The Wrangell Cooperative
Association looks forward to
sharing this celebration with
everyone. Gunalchéesh!
Mark Your Calendars
August Events
7-9: 28th Annual Alaska Tribal Court Development Conference
– Fairbanks, AK
9: USDA Tribal Government Collaboration Meeting – Juneau, AK
16-17: Sealaska Board of Directors Retreat – Santa Fe, NM
18-19: Sealaska Indian Market – Santa Fe, NM
20: CCTHITA Executive Council Teleconference – Juneau, AK
26-30: National Environmental Council Annual Conference
– Traverse City, MI
27-31: National Tribal Transportation Safety Summit – TBD
28: Urban Native Education Learning Session – Anchorage, AK
28: Election Day - Primary Elections – Alaska
September Events
3: Labor Day (CCTHITA Offices are Closed)
7: CCTHITA All Staff Meeting – Juneau, AK
13-14: Inaugural Native American Housing Conference
– New Orleans, LA
15-18: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) 19th Biennial
Conference – Albuquerque, NM
24-27: 2012 Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI)
Annual Convention – Pendleton, OR
24-27: National Indian Health Board (NIHB) Annual Consumer
Conference – Denver, CO
25: National Registration Day Event – Juneau, AK
28: CCTHITA Executive Council Meeting – TBD
29: San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Culture Celebration (tentative date) – Oakland, CA
October Events
2: Election Day - Regional Educational Attendance Area (REAA)
2-6: 100th ANB/ANS Grand Camp Convention – Sitka, AK
15-17: 29th First Alaskans Institute Elders & Youth Conference
– Anchorage, AK
17: CCTHITA Executive Council Meeting – TBD
17-18: Midwest Native American Economic Development
Conference – Chicago, IL
17: AFN Statewide Tribal Leaders Forum – Anchorage, AK
18-20: 2012 AFN Convention – Anchorage, AK
19: Alaska Day (CCTHITA Offices are Closed)
21-26: NCAI’s 69th Annual Convention & Marketplace
– Sacramento, CA
29: Sealaska Committee Meetings – Juneau, AK
30: Sealaska Board of Directors Meeting – Juneau, AK
Janet Rose Earns Medical Administrative
Assistant Certification
Congratulations to Janet Rose who recently received her Medical
Administrative Assistant certification through Central Council’s
newly launched Distance Education Delivery program.
Pictured (L-R): Instructors Cheryl Sampson and Eli
Derenoff, Janet Rose, VTRC Manager Laird Jones
and 477 Training Caseworker Barbara Taug
Janet is from Kake, Alaska. Her Tlingit name is Kaajujoo’n and
she is of the Raven moiety. Her father is the late Harold Rose Sr.
and her mother is Rebecca (Davis) Rose. Her mother is from the
Tax’ Hit (Snail House) from Hoonah; she is of the Raven moiety
and is T’akdeintaan. Her father is from the Toos’ Hit (Shark
House) from Juneau; he is of the Eagle moiety (Wolf) and is
Janet moved to Juneau in 2007. After being here for over six
months, she jumped into computer training at the Alaska Vocational Institute and took the Combined Office
Skills & Computer 20-week training program (2007). She has held various temporary jobs throughout the
years, including one with Sealaska for over two years in Records Management where she was took online
courses and received two certificates. She also took a course at the AWARE Shelter and received an Advocate
certificate. Janet has a passion for single women and children and she supports domestic violence organizations.
“On a Thursday, I went over to the VTRC to volunteer for the elder’s lunch,” said Janet. “On my way in, I noticed
a sign advertising Medical Office Assistant training. I called T&H to get more information on the program.
Friday, I met with Barbara Taug of Employment & Training to talk about the training. On Monday, again, I
met with Barbara and I was officially enrolled in the program. The course was challenging and it took a lot of
commitment. I would like to utilize my medical skills and work for SEARHC, Bartlett Regional Hospital, or any
private medical office.”
“I would like to thank the Employment and Training Division for assisting me with the Medical Administrative
Office training,” said Janet. “My thanks to Eli Derenoff who was such a big help; especially with the
transactions/co-payments. My thanks to Cheryl Sampson also, who helped me in so many ways. Most of all,
thank you to Barbara Taug and Eleanor Oydna for all of your help.”
Central Council to Host Workshop on Grant Writing
Three-Day Workshop to Explore Application Process
Submitted By: Carrie Sykes
The Business and Economic Development Department will be hosting a Grants Guide Workshop in November
2012 (date to be determined) at the Vocational Training and Resource Center. This three-day workshop will be
conducted by the grant writers at Grant Writers, LLC, a team of professionals who have been contributing to the
success of nonprofit organizations throughout Alaska for over 15 years.
Designed for both beginner and experienced grant seekers, this intensive workshop combines expert
instruction and practical exercises to take participants step-by-step through the stages of developing strategic
programming, locating appropriate funding sources, and preparing grant proposals.
To join a mailing list for workshop updates, email
For more information, contact Carrie Sykes, Manager of the Business & Economic Development Department, at
907.463.7177 or by email at
Submitted By: Carrie Sykes
Central Council’s Business
and Economic Development
Department (BEDD) is working
on compiling a Southeast Alaska
Native-Owned Business Directory.
The goal of the project is to
advertise and support Southeast
Alaska Native-owned businesses.
We will be contacting all known
Native-owned businesses very soon
to obtain information for inclusion
in the document. If you would like
your business to be in the directory,
please contact BEDD to obtain a
survey or complete it online at
When complete, the directory will
be distributed to all participants,
Southeast tribes and other Native
organizations; it will also be posted
on Central Council’s website.
In addition, we are preparing to
apply for grant funding to initiate
distance learning for small business
development and will be contacting
Native-owned businesses for
possible participation in the classes.
For more information, contact the
Business & Economic Development
Department at 907.463.7177 or by
email at
Kevin Wheaton Earns CDL
Class A License
Submitted By: Teresa Sarabia
Kevin Wheaton has been working
with the Employment & Training
Division for several years. Kevin
and his family transitioned to
Employability Assistance (EA) from
the Temporary Assistance to Needy
Families (TANF) program. Kevin has
worked in seasonal transportation
jobs each summer for the past several
During the winter months Kevin applied for
services and struggled with the amount of
EA received to support his family. This year
in particular, he had not heard back from
the seasonal transportation job and was worried if he would be employed.
During one of the office visits, it was determined that Kevin had not
received training from the Tribe. Since he was already in seasonal
transportation, had a strong driving history, and enjoyed driving, finding
training to advance in this field was the next step.
The Tribe offers Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Class A training
through the Vocational Training & Resource Center (VTRC). This
is an intensive one-on-one approach training course designed for
inexperienced drivers that are interested in learning how to drive
a tractor trailer, obtain an IC Instruction Permit, and maximize the
successful attainment of a Class A CDL.
Kevin had not heard about this and was immediately interested in
receiving this training. He stated he would try anything that would
enhance his employability. Kevin worried at first as this took him out
of his comfort zone as he had not driven commercial trucks before;
however, he was a quick learner, worked hard in class and was able to
drive the VTRC truck after only weeks in the classroom.
Kevin completed the driving course early, passed the course and received
a CDL Class A license! He went on his own to several companies in
Juneau to let them know he just received his CDL. Kevin was interviewed
by three locally owned companies and was hired within weeks of
completing this course.
Kevin was very proud to come in and states, “….this is my last time I
will be in for help; I have a job at Northland Services, Inc.” “…I have
vacation, retirement and sick leave for the first time.” We are very proud
of Kevin. He challenged himself and is now in an entirely new vocation.
Kevin is able to support himself as well as his family.
Congratulations Kevin!
2012 Canoe Welcoming:
Raising Suicide Prevention Awareness through the
Rejuvenation of a Traditional Way of Life
Submitted By: Lillian Petershoare
The Forest Service (FS) Alaska Region is looking at new ways to partner with the local villages and are pleased
to be working with the One People Canoe Society and the “One is 2 Many” suicide prevention task force (Task
Force). Task Force members, Richard Peterson and Rob Sanderson Jr. have been meeting with the Regional
Forester and the Alaska Tribal Leader’s Committee (ATLC) on a monthly conference call to discuss issues of
interest to tribes and the FS. The staggering rate of suicides within the Alaska Native population is an issue that
Richard and Rob have raised with regional leadership during the monthly ATLC calls. Regional Forester Beth
C is addressing ways to strengthen
Pendleton said that “In addition to discussing suicide prevention, the ATLC
opportunities for economic growth in rural communities, increase Alaska
Native community involvement in forest restoration projects, and improve
outreach to tribal entities relative to Forest Service job opportunities.”
In early June, ninety tribal pullers from Angoon, Hoonah, Hydaburg,
Kake, Sitka and Wrangell paddled 150 nautical miles in seven canoes, one
being a traditional cedar dugout canoe, to raise awareness about suicide
prevention. At Coglin Island, in the vicinity of Auke
Village Recreation Area in Juneau, clan elders boarded
the canoes. As the canoes approached Auke Recreation
beach, the clan leader in each canoe asked permission
for the pullers to come ashore. The “Coming Ashore”
ceremony was organized by the One People Canoe
Society and the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health
Consortium (SEARHC). As Auke Bay is the ancestral
winter village of the Aak’w Kwaan, the Aak’w Kwaan
greeted the visiting clan leaders and canoe pullers
nd Goldbelt
with welcoming words. Aak’w Kwaan and
Heritage Institute (GHI) hosted the shoree
side ceremony.
To Doug Chilton and
Chad VanOrmer taken
by Lillian Petershoare
Left: Traditional cedar
dugout canoe taken by
Clint Scott
Canoe on
sshore taken by
Steve Stoddard
The public response to this cause
was tremendous with approximately
1,500 people gathering to greet the
canoes. The adjacent FS road and
parking areas were filled to capacity.
One People Canoe Society President
Doug Chilton and SEARHC Behavior
Health Prevention Program Manager
Wilbur Brown are coordinating with
i and
d tribes
ib throughout
di i l canoeing
i iin
Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian communities
to rejuvenate
Southeast Alaska as a powerful way to raise awareness about suicide prevention. Doug has plans for launching
the construction of traditional dugout cedar canoes for tribes who are interested in joining the society.
Anticipating a potentially larger 2014 Canoe Welcoming Ceremony, the Juneau Ranger District, the regional
office, and event organizers are already engaging in pre-planning so that everyone who wants to participate in
the canoe welcoming ceremony will be able to do so safely and enjoyably. The FS is also examining authorities to
see how they can better partner with tribes for this and other culturally significant events.
Sidebar: Alaska’s suicide rate has been double the national average for decades. Alaska Native males between the ages of 15 to 24 have the
highest suicide rate in the U.S. For more information about suicide prevention, see The Statewide
Suicide Prevention Council’s “Media Resources” link has a list of warning signs. For confidential assistance in Alaska, call the SEARHC Healthline at
1.877.294.0074 or call Careline at 1.877.266.4357.
Culture Camp
Snap Shots
Native Lands & Resources Promotes
Stewardship Programs
Submitted By: Native Lands & Resources
Youth celebrate Rebound experience in Glacier Bay
The Native Lands & Resources Department has collaborated with multiple
organizations this summer to provide youth with culturally-rich, resource
immersion experiences. Brittany Arey and Justin Watanabe represented
the Environmental Youth Leadership Team (EYLT) in Glacier Bay as
cultural leaders through the “Rebound-We Are on the Rise” kayaking
journey with AWARE and partners. Our local youth promoted respect
for our land and families by uniting fifteen other youth from across
Southeast Alaska and three international students during their journey
through Huna Ancestral Lands from June 11-18, 2012. Pictures and a
video of their experience can be found at our information page:
Cheyenne Hinckley continued our youth adventures on a week-long
stewardship trip to Ldakhéex’, Gambier Bay, led by the Southeast Alaska
Conservation Council. She shared knowledge of cultural history on
Admiralty Island and how relationships with the land have changed over
time, studied how invasive plants affect subsistence resources, and raised
awareness on contaminated sites with the
help of local professionals and volunteers.
Please contact us at 907.463.7186 or
email for more
information on the EYLT or the upcoming
Héen Latinee
second series.
Cheyenne Hinckley
volunteering in Gambier Bay
Right: Cullen Weaver and
Raven Young work with forest
plots on Douglas Island
Introducing Child
Support Specialist
Janae Franklet
My name is Janae Franklet. My Tlingit name is
Gaylteen. My mother is Judy Franklet (Nelson),
Tlingit name Gooxkuwadzee. My father is
George Franklet, Tlingit name Gunaaneisti.
My grandmother is Alice Nelson, Tlingit name
Koneil. My grandfather is Chris Nelson, Tlingit
name Gunaaneisti. I come from the Yanyeidi
Janae Franklet
Taku tribe and am Eagle/Wolf. Born and raised
here in Juneau, Alaska, I was taught education is the key to a strong mind
and a bright future. The women in my family have been involved in
different areas of education. My grandmother taught Native arts to our
young people. My mother was instrumental in bringing Tlingit culture into
the classrooms and making it a part of the Juneau-Douglas school district
curriculum. Due to this major influence in my upbringing, I have a strong
connection to my culture.
Special Thanks
to Coeur
Alaska Inc.
Submitted By: Native Lands & Resources
The Native Lands and
Resources (NLR) Department
would like to thank Coeur
Alaska Inc. for their generous
donations over the last three
Coeur Alaska Inc. has donated
$11,000 which supports
the Environmental Youth
Leadership Team (EYLT) to
bring youth voice in planning
and coordinating many events.
I graduated from Juneau-Douglas High School and attended the University
of California at Riverside for my freshman year of college. I then returned
home to graduate from the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) with an
Associate as well as a Bachelor degree in Business Management. After
graduating from UAS, I worked with the Alaska Court System. This is where
I developed my interest in the legal field. I have since worked at the City and
Borough of Juneau’s Attorney’s Office and the Juneau Police Department.
These events include culture
camps, “Partners Against
Plastics” campaign, youth
training retreats, leadership
kayaking opportunities, media
development, and the Héen
Latinee Outdoor Classroom.
In 2007 I moved to Bend, Oregon, to see what life was like outside of my
home State. While I enjoyed the experience of sunshine and warm weather,
I missed my home, my family, and my culture. I missed the special ways we
have about our culture; such as when introducing someone, you introduce
that person as well as their family. I missed feeling the connection to who I
am and knowing who is around me. In June of 2010, I returned home.
All of these activities bring
awareness and education on
how we can live the traditional
value of being stewards of the
land, air, and sea!
In August 2010 I started working for Central Council’s Tribal Child Support
Unit (TCSU) as a child support specialist. This position combines my love of
legal work and joy of advocating for our children’s best interest. As part of
my job, I prepare cases for court and testify for purposes of establishing a
child support obligation. I thoroughly enjoy the work I do and am fortunate
to be able to have a job which supports our cultural community.
Central Council welcomes news from tribally enrolled citizens. If you
have news to share, or would like to receive Tribal News, contact:
Jodi Garrison, Office of the President/Publications
Edward K. Thomas Building • 9097 Glacier Highway, Juneau AK 99801
Direct: 907.463.7123 • Email:
Central Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
9097 Glacier Highway
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Juneau, AK
Permit No. 139
Preserving our sovereignty, enhancing our economic and cultural resources, and promoting self-sufficiency
and self-governance for our citizens through collaboration, service, and advocacy.
Friday, September 7, 2012
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday, September 8, 2012
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
au Centennial
iall Hall
101 Egan
Egan D
au,, Al
ka 9
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs:
To enroll call 1.888.353.7574 or visit
For benefits call 1.800.827.1000
For burial benefits call 907.384.7075
For more information, please contact:
Susan Yeager, VA Rural Health Program Coordinator
Phone: 907.257.5460 | Email:
Libby Watanabe, SEARHC
Phone: 907.463.6680 | Email:
Alaska VA
Healthcare System
Juneau Stand Down
VA staff and others will be available at the
Juneau Stand Down event to work one-on-one
with Veterans and their families, assisting them
with enrolling for health services and filing
claims for compensation, benefits, pensions or
burial benefits.
Gear to be distributed to Veterans: jackets,
c cold weather bed rolls, sheets, towels,
ap mittens, blankets, sweats, and much more.
Involved: Alaska Veterans Affairs, U.S.
oa Guard, State of Alaska Job Center, State of
Veteran Service Organizations: VFW, Southeast
Native Veterans, National Guard, Tribal
Representatives, American Legion,
Veterans of America